Overall Green alert Tropical Cyclone for KENNETH-23

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 10
Articles about casualties: 0 (0%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Le bilan du cyclone Kenneth au Mozambique passe à 38 morts

2023-09-25T15:20+0200senegal7 (fr)

Le bilan du passage la semaine dernière du cyclone Kenneth sur l’extrême-nord du Mozambique s’est alourdi à 38 morts, 39 blessés et près de 35 000 habitations détruites ou endommagées, ont annoncé lundi les autorités mozambicaines. Le cyclone Kenneth a touché jeudi 25 avril la côte de cette province....

Weather Central Coast is dealing with those hazy, smoky skies but clearing is coming Claudia Buccio

2023-09-23T04:47+0200ksby (en)

Happy Friday, Central Coast! Things are warming especially in those interiors. Paso Robles, Shandon and California Valley saw a high of about 80 degrees. Other highs across the region include San Luis Obispo at 80 degrees, Cambria at 71, Santa Maria at 73 and Santa Barbara at 74 degrees.

Potential Tropical Cyclone Spins Toward US Coast: Weather Watch

2023-09-22T20:26+0200claimsjournal (en)

Potential tropical cyclone 16 is getting organized off the coast of Florida and South Carolina and will likely be named Ophelia later Friday, the US National Hurricane Center said. The storm’s winds are forecast to reach 60 miles per hour, and it’s likely to come ashore in North Carolina Saturday afternoon and bring heavy rain to Washington, DC.

Hurricane Season Updates: Tracking potential Tropical Storm Ophelia off Florida coast

2023-09-21T20:50+0200actionnewsjax (en)

A tropical storm warning was issued Thursday for parts of the eastern seaboard , as a potential tropical cyclone has formed off of Florida's Atlantic coast with current maximum sustained winds of 35 mph. A potential tropical cyclone (PTC) is a disturbance that isn’t yet a tropical cyclone — which....

Hurricane Season Updates: Tracking potential Tropical Storm Ophelia off Florida coast

2023-09-21T20:47+0200wsoctv (en)

A tropical storm warning was issued Thursday for parts of the eastern seaboard , as a potential tropical cyclone has formed off of Florida's Atlantic coast with current maximum sustained winds of 35 mph. A potential tropical cyclone (PTC) is a disturbance that isn’t yet a tropical cyclone — which....

Hurricane Season Updates: Tracking potential Tropical Storm Ophelia off Florida coast

2023-09-21T20:45+0200kiro7 (en)

A tropical storm warning was issued Thursday for parts of the eastern seaboard , as a potential tropical cyclone has formed off of Florida's Atlantic coast with current maximum sustained winds of 35 mph. A potential tropical cyclone (PTC) is a disturbance that isn’t yet a tropical cyclone — which....

Hurricane Season Updates: Tracking potential Tropical Storm Ophelia off Florida coast

2023-09-21T20:45+0200wftv (en)

A tropical storm warning was issued Thursday for parts of the eastern seaboard , as a potential tropical cyclone has formed off of Florida's Atlantic coast with current maximum sustained winds of 35 mph. A potential tropical cyclone (PTC) is a disturbance that isn’t yet a tropical cyclone — which....

Tropical Storm Kenneth weakens in East Pacific

2023-09-21T20:45+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

Unlimited access to premium stories for as low as $12.95 /mo. Get It Now Tropical Storm Kenneth weakened slightly this morning in the East Pacific as expected. As of 5 a.m. Kenneth was located 1,090 miles west-southwest of the southern tip of Baja California, 1,945 miles east of Hilo and was....

Tropical Storm Kenneth strengthens in East Pacific

2023-09-20T21:00+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

Unlimited access to premium stories for as low as $12.95 /mo. Get It Now Tropical Storm Kenneth strengthened slightly today in the East Pacific although it is expected to start weakening Thursday. As of 5 a.m. today Kenneth was located 1,030 miles west-southwest of the southern tip of Baja....

“Uragano Daniel? Il nome l’hanno scelto i sionisti”: la teoria antisemita del presidente tunisino Saied

2023-09-19T18:09+0200fanpage (it)

Ieri, durante un incontro con i suoi ministri che è stato ripreso e diffuso oggi dai media locali, Kais Saied ha parlato a lungo – come spesso accade – passando da un argomento all'altro. A un certo punto ha toccato anche il tema dell' alluvione che ha devastato la Libia il 12 settembre, causato....

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