Archive NEWS

M7.3 in Vanuatu - Copernicus EMS activation
Pubdate: 12/21/2024 12:00:00 PM
[EMSR782] Earthquake in Vanuatu
(12/21/2024 11:57:08 AM - 12/25/2024 11:57:08 AM)
CHIDO-25 - Copernicus EMS activation
Pubdate: 12/21/2024 12:34:00 AM
[EMSR781] Tropical Cyclone CHIDO in Mozambique
(12/20/2024 1:22:08 PM - 12/24/2024 1:22:08 PM)
Pubdate: 12/20/2024 12:52:23 PM
UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
(12/20/2024 12:57:07 PM - 12/24/2024 12:57:07 PM)
Australia - Floods (ECHO 22 Dec 2024)
Pubdate: 12/20/2024 12:17:10 PM
  • Heavy rainfall has been affecting eastern Australia since 17 December, causing flooding, that has resulted in casualties and damage.
  • According to media reports, as of 20 December, one person has been injured and two persons have been rescued in the Maranoa region of southern Queensland state, eastern Australia due to floods. In addition, more than 300 buildings have been affected by power cuts in the area and several roads, including one major highway, have been closed.
  • Over the next 48 hours, more heavy rainfall is expected over the eastern part of Queensland state, and several flood warning have been issued.

(12/20/2024 12:22:07 PM - 12/21/2024 9:30:07 AM)
Colombia - Landslide (ECHO 22 Dec 2024)
Pubdate: 12/20/2024 12:17:10 PM
  • A large landslide triggered by heavy rainfall occurred in the morning of 17 December between Santa Bárbara de Iscuandé and the bordering Policarpa municipality, in the north-eastern Nariño department, in western Colombia, resulting in casualties and damage.
  • As of 19 December, media reports two fatalities and three injured people, of whom one was seriously injured, due to a mudslide that hit one main road. In addition, several houses have been affected.
  • Over the next 48 hours, more heavy rainfall is expected over western Colombia.

(12/20/2024 12:22:07 PM - 12/21/2024 9:30:07 AM)