M 6 in Chile from 04 Nov 2019 21:53 UTC to 21:53
EQ parameters

Event summary

This earthquake is expected to have a low humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

Earthquake Magnitude: 6.0M
Depth: 49.06 Km
Lat/Lon: -31.8222 , -71.3664
Event Date: 04 Nov 2019 21:53 UTC
04 Nov 2019 18:53 Local
Exposed Population: About 2000 people in MMI
200000 people within 100km
Source: NEIC us70006345
Inserted at: 04 Nov 2019 23:56 UTC
INFORM Coping capacity of the alert score
3.7 (Chile)
INFORM Coping capacity of the affected contries: Argentina= 3.7; Chile= 3


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
GDACS score
NEIC 0.1 0.1
us70006345 Scaled population (raster) 2.5  
  C1 shakemap -1.16  
  C2 shakemap 0.54  
  Country Vulnerability 0  
  INFORM_normalised 0.75  
Maximum expected impact using different data sources.

Episode Timeline

IDAlertScoreDateMag, DepthMMI*Population**Tsunami risk***Delay (hh:mm)Source
1277151 0.1 04 Nov 2019 21:53 6M, 49.06km 6.62 2 thousand (in MMI>=VII) 02:02 NEIC
1277211 0.2 04 Nov 2019 21:53 6.1M, 53km 6.73 10 thousand (in MMI>=VII) 1d 00:02 NEIC
The episode that generated the alert; the next major evaluations beyond 12 hours will not trigger additional alerts.
The episode that has the last updated information.
* The max MMI detected for sources having shakemaps;
** The population detected in MMI>=7 for episode with shakemap or in a 100km radius;
*** The tsunami max height.

Exposed population

The earthquake happened in Chile , Region of Coquimbo (population 520,420) . The nearest places are Las Vacas, Casuto, La Mostaza, Gauchal, Conchalí, Chigualoco, Los Vilos, Doña Juana, Choapa, Pintacura, and La Chimba.

Radius Population
100 km 210000 people
75 km 150000 people
50 km 87000 people
20 km 14000 people
10 km <1000 people
5 km <1000 people
2 km <1000 people

Affected Provinces

Region Province Country Population
Coquimbo Chile 520000 people

Affected populated places

Name Region Province Country City class Population Distance
Las Vacas Coquimbo Chile Village - 1 km
Casuto Coquimbo Chile Village - 6 km
La Mostaza Coquimbo Chile Village - 8 km
Gauchal Coquimbo Chile Village - 11 km
Conchalí Coquimbo Chile Village - 14 km
Chigualoco Coquimbo Chile Village - 15 km
Los Vilos Coquimbo Chile Village - 17 km
Doña Juana Coquimbo Chile Village - 17 km
Choapa Coquimbo Chile Village - 18 km
Pintacura Coquimbo Chile Village - 19 km
Pupío Coquimbo Chile Village - 19 km
El Socavón Coquimbo Chile Village - 19 km
Las Astas Coquimbo Chile Village - 20 km
Limahuida Coquimbo Chile Village - 23 km
Ilta Coquimbo Chile Village - 23 km
Cuzcuz Coquimbo Chile Village - 23 km
Tunga de Petorca Coquimbo Chile Village - 24 km
Caimanes Coquimbo Chile Village - 24 km
Quelón Coquimbo Chile Village - 25 km
Mincha Coquimbo Chile Village - 28 km
Totoralillo Coquimbo Chile Village - 28 km
Tahuinco Coquimbo Chile Village - 29 km
Illapel Coquimbo Chile City 23000 people 29 km
Ramadillas Coquimbo Chile Village - 29 km
Navarro Valparaíso Chile Village - 31 km
Huentelauquén Coquimbo Chile Village - 31 km
Horno Coquimbo Chile Village - 32 km
La Angostura Valparaíso Chile Village - 32 km
Mundo Nuevo Valparaíso Chile Village - 32 km
Guangualí Valparaíso Chile Village - 34 km
Moraleda Coquimbo Chile Village - 34 km
Quilimarí Valparaíso Chile Village - 35 km
Tilama Valparaíso Chile Village - 35 km
Cabrería Coquimbo Chile Village - 36 km
Salamanca Coquimbo Chile Village 13000 people 38 km
Pichidangui Valparaíso Chile Village - 38 km
Arboleda Grande Coquimbo Chile Village - 39 km
Angostura Coquimbo Chile Village - 40 km
Quelón Valparaíso Chile Village - 40 km
Cunlagua Coquimbo Chile Village - 44 km
Aucó Coquimbo Chile Village - 45 km
Ingeniero Santa María Valparaiso Chile Village - 47 km
Canela Alta Coquimbo Chile Village - 47 km
Canela Baja Coquimbo Chile Village - 47 km
Huintil Coquimbo Chile Village - 47 km
Llimpo Coquimbo Chile Village - 47 km
La Laja Valparaiso Chile Village - 48 km
Las Palmas Valparaíso Chile Village - 48 km
Quillaicillo Coquimbo Chile Village - 49 km
Matancilas Coquimbo Chile Village - 50 km
San Agustín Coquimbo Chile Village - 52 km
Las Jarillas Coquimbo Chile Village - 52 km
Guaquen Valparaíso Chile Village - 54 km
Quelón Coquimbo Chile Village - 55 km
Barranca de la Canela Coquimbo Chile Village - 55 km
La Engorda Valparaiso Chile Village - 55 km
Chellepín Coquimbo Chile Village - 57 km
Longotoma Valparaíso Chile Village - 58 km
Zapallar Coquimbo Chile Village - 59 km
El Espino Coquimbo Chile Village - 60 km
Guayacan Valparaíso Chile Village - 61 km
Hierro Viejo Valparaiso Chile Village - 61 km
Maitencillo Coquimbo Chile Village - 61 km
Montt Valparaiso Chile Village - 62 km
Petorca Valparaíso Chile Village - 63 km
La Vega Valparaiso Chile Village - 63 km
Coirón Coquimbo Chile Village - 63 km
Las Palmas Coquimbo Chile Village - 64 km
Llahuín Coquimbo Chile Village - 65 km
Cuesta del Pobre Valparaiso Chile Village - 65 km
El Romeral Valparaíso Chile Village - 66 km
Pichilemu Valparaiso Chile Village - 66 km
Pedegua Valparaíso Chile Village - 66 km
Chincolco Valparaíso Chile Village - 67 km
La Ñipa Valparaiso Chile Village - 67 km
Comunidad La Polcura Valparaiso Chile Village - 69 km
Artificio Valparaiso Chile Village - 69 km
La Chimba Valparaiso Chile Village - 70 km

see full list

Critical infrastructure

Airports, ports, nuclear plants and hydrodams at risk, if affected, are listed below.


Name IATA Code Elevation (m) Usage Runway type IFR Runway Length (ft) Distance
Auco 431 0 36 km


Name LOCODE Country Distance
Los Vilos CLLOS Chile 17 km
Papudo Chile 76 km


Reservoir Dam Name River Year Distance
Cogoti Cogoti Huatulame 1939 94 km

More information

For a full list of available products related to this event, please refer to the GDACS Resources page.