Updates on volcanic activity (Smithsonian)
The Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report provides information about global volcanism on a weekly basis. Latest Fuego report has been published on 07 Dec 2022 10:09.
INSIVUMEH reported that 4-12 explosions per hour were recorded at Fuego during 29 November-6 December, generating ash plumes that rose as high as 1.1 km above the crater rim. The ash plumes drifted as far as 30 km W, WSW, and SW causing daily ashfall in areas downwind including Morelia (9 km SW), Panimach? I and II (8 km SW), Santa Sof?a (12 km SW), El Porvenir (8 km ENE), Los Yucales (12 km SW), Sangre de Cristo (8 km WSW), El Porvenir (8 km ENE), San Pedro Yepocapa (8 km NW), Finca Palo Verde, Ojo de Agua, and Santa Emilia. Daily shock waves rattled structures in communities around the volcano. Daily block avalanches descended the Ceniza (SSW), Seca (W), Trinidad (S), Taniluy? (SW), Honda, Las Lajas (SE), El Jute (ESE), and Trinity drainages, often reaching vegetated areas. Strombolian explosions ejected incandescent material as high as 400 m above the summit on a few of the days.
Source: Instituto Nacional de Sismologia, Vulcanologia, Meteorologia, e Hidrologia (INSIVUMEH)
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