Overall Red alert Tropical Cyclone for OTIS-23
in Mexico

Event summary

Tropical Cyclone OTIS-23 can have a high humanitarian impact based on the maximum sustained wind speed, exposed population and vulnerability.

GDACS ID TC 1001028
Name OTIS-23
Glide number: TC-2023-000209-MEX
From - To 22 Oct - 25 Oct
Exposed countries Mexico
Exposed population 1.4 million in Category 1 or higher
Maximum wind speed 259 km/h Category 5
Maximum storm surge 0.7 m (25 Oct 07:00 UTC)
Vulnerability Medium (Mexico)


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
Wind Storm surge Rainfall GDACS score
GDACS NOAA 56 km/h 0.7 m n.a. 0.5
Single TC: maximum expected impact (wind, storm surge, rainfall)
HWRF 234 km/h 0.5 m 691 mm 2.5
GFS 169 km/h 0.5 m 609 mm 0.5
ECMWF 79 km/h 0.4 m 653 mm 0.5
Maximum expected impact (wind, storm surge and rainfall) using different data sources.
Virtual OSOCC
Meteo assessment
Satellite products
Analytical products
Mexico - Tropical cyclone OTIS (ECHO 25 Oct 2023)Wed, 25 Oct 2023 11:12

  • A new tropical cyclone named OTIS formed over the eastern North Pacific Ocean on 22 October and started moving north toward southern Mexico as a tropical storm, strengthening and becoming a hurricane on 24 October in the evening (UTC).
  • OTIS made landfall over the area of the coastal City of Acapulco, central Guerrero State, southern Mexico on 25 October around 6.25 UTC, with maximum sustained winds of 270 km/h (Cat. 5 Hurricane).
  • OTIS is forecast to continue northwestward inland over the central-western Guerrero State on 25-26 October, weakening and becoming a tropical storm.
  • Over the 48 hours, very heavy rainfall is forecast over Guerrero and Oaxaca States, while heavy rainfall is forecast over Veracruz, México, Morelos, Puebla, Tlaxcala and eastern Michoacán States. Over the next 24 hours, strong wind and storm surges are also forecast over the coastal area of Guerrero and western Oaxaca. NOAA has issued a hurricane warning over the whole coast of Guerrero.
OTIS-23 - EC/ECHO daily mapWed, 25 Oct 2023 18:57

A new EC/ECHO daily map is now available
Mexico - Tropical cyclone OTIS, update (ECHO 26 Oct 2023)Thu, 26 Oct 2023 10:25

  • OTIS made landfall over the area of the coastal City of Acapulco, central Guerrero State, southern Mexico on 25 October around 6.25 UTC, with maximum sustained winds of 270 km/h (Cat. 5 Hurricane). According to NOAA, there are no hurricanes on record even close to this intensity for this part of Mexico.
  • After the landfall, OTIS continued northwestward over the central-western Guerrero State on 25 October, weakening and becoming a tropical storm. After that, it became a tropical depression and dissipated over eastern Michoacan State on 25 October in the evening (UTC).
  • Very heavy rainfall, strong winds and storm surges associated with the passage of OTIS, caused floods and landslides that have resulted in evacuations and severe damage. WHO PAHO and national authorities report, as of 26 October, 34,522 evacuated families in 631 temporary shelters across the affected area.
  • Over the 24 hours, due to the remnants of OTIS, very heavy rainfall is still forecast over Guerrero, Mexico, Morelos, Puebla, eastern Michoacan and western Oaxaca States. Heavy rainfall is also forecast over the area of the capital Mexico City.
Mexico - Tropical cyclone OTIS, update (ECHO 27 Oct 2023)Fri, 27 Oct 2023 09:52

  • On 25 October around 6.25 UTC, OTIS made landfall over the area of the coastal City of Acapulco (approximately 825,000 inhabitants) in central Guerrero State, southern Mexico, with maximum sustained winds of 270 km/h (Cat. 5 Hurricane). According to UN OCHA, OTIS is the first Cat. 5 Hurricane on record that made landfall over the Mexican Pacific region.
  • Very heavy rainfall, strong winds and storm surges associated to the passage of OTIS on 25-26 October over the Guerrero State, caused floods and landslides that have resulted in casualties and severe daamge.
  • UN OCHA reports, as of 27 October, 27 fatalities, four persons still missing, an undetermined number of injured people, an uncertain number of displaced people and severe damaged to infrastructures across 29 Municipalites, where the worst affected area is the Acapulco City (first estimates report damage to 80% of the hotels of the city).
  • The Copernicus Emergency Management Service () was activated in rapid mapping mode on 26 October to provide the damage assessment.
  • Over the 48 hours, more heavy rainfall is still forecast over central and southern Mexico, including the already affected area.
Mexico - Tropical cyclone OTIS, update (ECHO 30 Oct 2023)Mon, 30 Oct 2023 11:11

  • OTIS made landfall over the area of the coastal City of Acapulco, central Guerrero State, southern Mexico on 25 October very early in the morning (UTC) as a Cat. 5 Hurricane, with maximum sustained winds up to 270 km/h.
  • Very heavy rainfall, strong winds and storm surges associated to its passage on 25-26 October over the Guerrero State caused floods and landslides that have resulted in casualties and severe damage.
  • Media report, as of 30 October, 48 fatalities, of which 43 in the area of the Acapulco City and five more in the area of the nearby Coyuca de Benitez Town. In addition, media also report 36 still missing persons across the affected area. 
  • The Copernicus Emergency Management Service () was activated in rapid mapping mode to provide the damage assessment and 11 maps were produced so far. Over the 48 hours, moderate rainfall is still forecast over the southern western coast of Mexico.
  • DG ECHO field officers and partners are involved in ongoing needs assessments.
OTIS-23 - Copernicus EMS activationSun, 29 Oct 2023 05:40

[EMSR703] Tropical cyclone OTIS-23 in Acapulco, Mexico
OTIS-23 - Copernicus EMS activationFri, 27 Oct 2023 22:50

[EMSR703] Tropical cyclone OTIS-23 in Acapulco, Mexico
OTIS-23 - Copernicus EMS activationMon, 30 Oct 2023 12:11

[EMSR703] Tropical cyclone OTIS-23 in Acapulco, Mexico
Mexico - Tropical cyclone OTIS, update (ECHO 31 Oct 2023)Tue, 31 Oct 2023 11:39

  • The amount of casualties continues to increase following the passage of Hurricane OTIS over the coastal area of Acapulco City (Central Guerrero State, southern Mexico).
  • According to media reports, 48 people have died, including 43 in Acapulco and five near Coyuca de Benítez, while 47 others are still missing.
  • The Copernicus Emergency Management Service () was activated in rapid mapping mode to provide damage assessment, and 14 maps have been produced so far.
  • On 31 October - 1 November, moderate rainfall is still forecast over the southwestern coast of Mexico, including the affected area. 
OTIS-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationWed, 01 Nov 2023 08:25

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
Mexico - Tropical cyclone OTIS update (ECHO 02 Nov 2023)Thu, 02 Nov 2023 10:17

  • On 25 October Category-5 Hurricane Otis made landfall over the Acapulco City area bringing heavy rains and winds that caused widespread floods and landslides.
  • According to UN OCHA, 46 people died and 58 are still missing as of 31 October. In addition, more than 296,000 children in the five most affected municipalities are in need of humanitarian assistance and 177,804 students have been affected by school closure. Furthermore, 273,844 houses have been damaged, and critical infrastructure, such as hospitals, schools, ports and airports, suffered significant damage.
  • The Copernicus Emergency Management Service () was activated in rapid mapping mode to provide damage assessment, and 14 maps have been produced so far.
  • On 2-3 November, light to moderate rainfall is still forecast over the southwestern coast of Mexico, including the affected area.
OTIS-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationThu, 02 Nov 2023 13:34

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
Detailed event map. European Union, 2024. Map produced by EC-JRC.
The boundaries and the names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the European Union.

Updates on volcanic activity (Smithsonian)

Latest media headlines

Articles: 2233 | About casualties: 416 | Last hour: 31

Mexico’s president attacks critics after deadly hurricane2023-10-29T20:46+0100.

ACAPULCO, Mexico, Oct 28 (Reuters) – The death toll from a devastating hurricane this week in the Mexican resort of Acapulco has risen to 39, the government said on Saturday, as President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador blamed his opponents for
Death toll in Mexico from Hurricane Otis reaches 43 MEXICO CITY (Reute ... 2023-10-29T20:39+0100.

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -The death toll from Hurricane Otis, a Category 5 storm that battered the Mexican Pacific resort city of Acapulco, has risen to 43, said Guerrero Governor Evelyn Salgado in a social media post. As of Saturday, the Mexi
Death toll in Mexico from Hurricane Otis reaches 43 Reuters |Updated 1 ... 2023-10-29T20:38+0100.

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -The death toll from Hurricane Otis, a Category 5 storm that battered the Mexican Pacific resort city of Acapulco, has risen to 43, said Guerrero Governor Evelyn Salgado in a social media post. As of Saturday, the Mexi
Le bilan de l’ouragan Otis passe à 43 morts et 36 personnes toujours d ... 2023-10-29T20:37+0100.

ACAPULCO, Mexique Le nombre de personnes qui ont perdu la vie à la suite du passage de l’ouragan Otis, de catégorie 5, qui a frappé le Mexique mercredi dernier, se chiffre désormais à 43, a indiqué dimanche la gouverneure de l’État du Guerr

Estimated casualties (PAGER)

USGS estimates the number of casualties for each earthquake for the Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) product.
The graph shows the current fatalities estimate.

Exposed population

Data, images, links, services and documents

For this events, GDACS has links to information from the following sources: EC-JRC (40), (2), DesInventar (1), WMO (1), INFORM (2),