M7.8 and M7.5 Earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria - JRC Scientific Analysis - Update #4
20/Feb/2023 08:21 UTC
This the fifth JRC emergency report on the ongoing earthquake crisis in Türkiye and Syria, which started 06 Feb 2023 at 01:17 UTC – 04:17 local time (previous reports published on 06, 07, 08 and 10 February, respectively). Please note that this report is complementary to the previous ones, i.e., it does not necessarily include information already shared, but only new information. This update provides additional information related to seismic analysis, based on the recorded events and measured displacements. In addition, it also focuses on the earthquake impact on built environment (buildings, critical infrastructure) and the status/outcomes of the satellite mapping activations for both Countries. From the ongoing social media monitoring and analyses, elements about observed signals of population displacement changes, mis/disinformation (limited distribution within the Union Civil Protection Mechanism only) and health-related news are also shared. Finally, methodologies and preliminary data for a possible scientific support to Rapid Assessment for early rehabilitation and reconstruction are also outlined.