M 7.7 in New Caledonia from 19 May 2023 02:57 UTC to 02:57

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 1033
Articles about casualties: 10 (1%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

New Research Reveals How Earthquakes Can Shift Rivers Out Of Place

2023-05-23T00:06+0200scoop-co-nz (en)

Credit: Environment Canterbury. Another example of Erin’s research is above, along the Papatea Fault, where it crosses the parent channel of the Waiau Toa / Clarence River. The fault produced around 6.5 m of uplift downstream of the south-flowing river in 2016, damming it and causing part of the....

New research reveals how earthquakes can shift rivers out of place - EQC

2023-05-23T00:00+0200voxy (en)

Research funded by Toka TÅ« Ake EQC is filling a ‘gap’ in existing knowledge about the immediate impact of earthquakes on rivers, including changing what we can predict about how they might change course or flood as a result. PhD student Erin McEwan, from the University of Canterbury, hopes it will....

M5.3 quake hits Izu Islands south of Tokyo

2023-05-22T23:51+0200japantoday (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.3 jolted the Izu island region, located in the south of Tokyo, on Monday, and no tsunami warning was issued, the weather agency said. There were no reports of injuries. The quake, which hit around 4:42 p.m.

Newly minted PhD hopes to return home to further disaster management

2023-05-22T23:20+0200samoanews (en)

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Hotavia Gingerlei Porter, who is the first American Samoan to receive a PhD in Urban Planning from the University of Hawaii at Manoa was joined by her family at her graduation on May 13. Her dissertation is entitled “Enhancing Disaster Resilience of Pacific Islands....

SHOA exhibirá maquetas y una plataforma virtual para aprender sobre el riesgo de tsunami

2023-05-22T22:30+0200elmostrado (es)

En el marco del Día Nacional de la Memoria y Educación sobre Desastres SocioNaturales, el Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada del Riesgo de Desastres (CIGIDEN) instalará este 22 de mayo parte de la muestra ¡Chile: Territorio en Movimiento! en el Palacio Espejo.

The Front Page: The regions most at risk of tsunamis

2023-05-22T19:08+0200nzherald (en)

On Friday afternoon, after a prolonged period of weather shocks, New Zealanders were warned the country could be in the firing line of a tsunami threat. Triggered by an earthquake near the Loyalty Islands, the disturbance, fortunately, didn’t culminate in any widespread damage.

«C'était comme un tsunami !» : le passage d'un paquebot dévaste une maison près de Bordeaux

2023-05-22T18:19+0200lefigaro (fr)

Ce n'était pas une vague, c'était comme un tsunami. L'eau est venue et est repartie. » Depuis dix-neuf ans qu'elle habite dans sa maison au bord de la Garonne, à Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand, Louise Vileo n'avait « jamais vu ça ». Samedi soir, alors qu'elle regardait tranquillement la télévision avec....

17h38 NOUVEAU Près de Bordeaux, un paquebot de croisière provoque "un tsunami" chez Louise et Michel

2023-05-22T17:41+0200francebleu (fr)

"Sans baie vitrée, on nous aurait retrouvés au fond de l'armoire" Tandis que le paquebot remontait vers l'estuaire de la Gironde en longeant la presqu'île d'Ambès, Louise et Michel ont vu " un raz-de-marée" arriver. " Le mur d'eau a fendu la terrasse, arraché les dalles de bois, inondé la cave et détruit un mur de parpaing dans le garage (.

VIDEO: ‘Tsunami Himself’ – Ooni Of Ife Hails Peter Obi At Dangote Refinery Inauguration

2023-05-22T17:32+0200naijanews (en)

The Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, on Monday, eulogized the Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate in the 2023 election, Peter Obi. reports that Peter Obi and the reverend traditional Yoruba monarch joined President Muhammadu Buhari and other dignitaries at the Dangote Refinery inauguration at the Ibeju-Lekki area of the state.

Attività dello Stromboli? Suonano le sirene anti - maremoto

2023-05-22T17:15+0200247libero (it)

1' DI LETTURA. LIPARI (ME) – Saranno effettuati domani, tra le 12 e le 15 dei test operativi del sistema di allarme delle sirene, per la segnalazione di maremoto e per l’attività esplosiva parossistica dello Stromboli. I test si svolgeranno in 2 fasi, ciascuna delle quali sarà preceduta dalla....

Terremoto Centro Italia: Castelli (commissario), 'nuovo ospedale a Cascia ben rappresenta il senso di quella riparazione sociale ed ...

2023-05-22T17:10+0200247libero (it)

(Foto: ufficio stampa Commissario Straordinario Ricostruzione Sisma 2016) Oggi per i cittadini di Cascia e i fedeli di Santa Rita è stata una mattinata speciale, iniziata con la celebrazione della messa presieduta dal card. Marcello Semeraro, prefetto del Dicastero delle cause dei santi e conclusa....

Terremoto Centro Italia: Castelli (commissario), “nuovo ospedale a Cascia ben rappresenta il senso di quella riparazione sociale ed economica che stiamo compiendo”

2023-05-22T16:45+0200agensir (it)

(Foto: ufficio stampa Commissario Straordinario Ricostruzione Sisma 2016) Oggi per i cittadini di Cascia e i fedeli di Santa Rita è stata una mattinata speciale, iniziata con la celebrazione della messa presieduta dal card. Marcello Semeraro, prefetto del Dicastero delle cause dei santi e conclusa....

Philippines Un gigantesque incendie ravage un bureau de poste historique de Manille

2023-05-22T16:24+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

La cause de l’incendie fait l’objet d’une enquête, a-t-il ajouté. Construit en 1926, ce bureau de poste était autrefois considéré comme le « bâtiment le plus grandiose » de Manille, selon son site web. Il a été détruit pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, lorsque les forces américaines ont repris la....

VIDÉO - "Un tsunami" : le passage d’un paquebot fait de gros dégâts en bord de Garonne

2023-05-22T15:52+0200TF1 (fr)

Louise, habitante de Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand, en Gironde, n'hésite pas à parler de " tsunami " pour décrire la puissance de la vague qui a déferlé samedi soir sur sa maison. Un mur adjacent et tout ce qui se trouvait autour de l'habitation, située en bord de Garonne, ont été détruits. " Même le conteneur à bouteilles, ça l'a transporté.

Aid worker who helped Britons fleeing Sudan saw evacuee forced to leave dying husband behind

2023-05-22T15:39+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

An aid worker who supported Britons evacuated from Sudan said she witnessed people in “absolute distress” being separated from their loved ones, including one woman who was forced to leave her dying husband behind. volunteer Liz Tait was part of a team that provided psychosocial assistance after....

Varoufakis blames Syriza for ‘unbelievable tsunami of conservatism’

2023-05-22T15:33+0200pagenews (en)

Referring to Prime Minister and New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Varoufakis said, "Mitsotakis SA served a crushing defeat," and said that "this is mostly a result of SYRIZA's leadership," which rejected a campaign collaboration proposed two years ago, now resulting "in this unbelievable tsunami of conservatism.

Un séisme de magnitude 5,3 secoue les îles Izu au sud de Tokyo, aucune alerte au tsunami n'est émise (JMA)

2023-05-22T15:28+0200french-news (fr)

TOKYO, 22 mai (Xinhua) -- Un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude préliminaire de 5,3 a secoué les îles Izu au sud de Tokyo, a annoncé lundi l'Agence météorologique japonaise (JMA). Selon l'agence, le tremblement de terre, qui s'est produit vers 16h42 heure locale à une profondeur d'environ dix....

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.5 en la ciudad de Mina Los Pelambres

2023-05-22T15:22+0200infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Mina Los Pelambres fue el epicentro de un temblor de magnitud 2.5 que se registró a las 08:23 horas (hora local) de este lunes 22 de mayo. La actividad sísmica ocurrió a 48.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 122.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Se registró un sismo de 3.8 en Padre Abad, Ucayali

2023-05-22T14:48+0200infobae (es)

El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está integrado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas y bajar....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en La Serena

2023-05-22T14:38+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro a 12.0 kilómetros de la ciudad de La Serena. Información preliminar señala que el sismo empezó a las 08:01 horas (hora local) de este lunes 22 de mayo y tuvo una profundidad de 84.0 kilómetros. La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -71.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.3 con epicentro en la ciudad de Arica

2023-05-22T14:38+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.3 de magnitud se sintió en la ciudad chilena de Arica , de acuerdo con datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada señala que el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 07:58 horas (hora local) de este lunes 22 de mayo. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 89.

Aid worker who helped Britons fleeing Sudan saw evacuee forced to leave dying husband behind

2023-05-22T14:28+0200inews-co-uk (en)

An aid worker who supported Britons evacuated from Sudan said she witnessed people in “absolute distress” being separated from their loved ones, including one woman who was forced to leave her dying husband behind. volunteer Liz Tait was part of a team that provided psychosocial assistance after....

India News | National Centre for Dam Safety to Be Set Up at MNIT Jaipur

2023-05-22T14:13+0200latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Ministry of Jal Shakti on Monday signed an MoU with an institute here to set up a national centre to ensure the protection of dams from earthquakes and other natural disasters. Jaipur, May 22 (PTI) The Ministry of Jal Shakti on Monday signed....

Indonésie : profil de la plus grande nation musulmane du monde

2023-05-22T14:06+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Répartie sur une chaîne de milliers d’îles entre l’Asie et l’Australie, l’Indonésie compte la plus grande population musulmane du monde et la plus grande économie d’Asie du Sud-Est. C’est aussi un pays de grand attrait touristique, en raison des beaux paysages d’endroits comme l’île de Bali.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 2.7 en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-05-22T13:53+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad de Socaire , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 06:07 horas (hora local) de este lunes 22 de mayo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico fue de 2.7 de magnitud y una profundidad de 228.

La ciudad de Alto del Carmen siente temblor de magnitud 3.5

2023-05-22T13:23+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.5 de magnitud tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes en la ciudad chilena de Alto del Carmen , según información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada señala que el movimiento telúrico empezó a las 06:56 horas (hora local) de este lunes 22 de mayo. El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 54.

Are You A Pokemon Fan? This Pikachu-Themed Train In Japan Is Just For You

2023-05-22T13:08+0200news18 (en)

For all the Pokemon enthusiasts out there, a dream-come-true experience awaits in Japan for you. It will transport you straight into the vibrant world of Ash Ketchum and friends. Adding to your bucket list of must-do activities, a special Pikachu-themed train has captured the hearts of fans worldwide.

La ciudad de Los Andes. siente sismo de magnitud 3.2

2023-05-22T12:50+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.2 de magnitud tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad de Los Andes. este lunes 22 de mayo, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según la información preliminar, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 06:23 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 126.

World's most powerful earthquake ever recorded left 'whole Earth ringing like a bell' More than 60 years ago, the world's most powerful earthquake ever recorded struck Chile - its...

2023-05-22T12:41+0200express (en)

By way of comparison, the earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria earlier this year had a magnitude of far less at 7.8. So strong was the Great Chilean earthquake, which shook the nation for more than ten minutes, it was felt around the world for several days afterwards.

5.3-magnitude quake jolts Izu islands south of Tokyo, no tsunami warning issued: JMA

2023-05-22T12:24+0200thesundaily (en)

TOKYO : An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.3 jolted the Izu island area south of Tokyo, the weather agency said on Monday, reported Xinhua. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the temblor, which hit around 4:42 pm local time at a depth of around 10 kilometres, registered....

Magnitude-5.6 quake reported off the coast of Humboldt County

2023-05-22T12:11+0200eastbaytimes (en)

There was a magnitude-5.6 earthquake off the coast of Humboldt County just before noon on Sunday. The quake was around 87 miles west of Ferndale on the Mendocino fault. Reports of feeling the quake ranged from Trinidad to Southern Humboldt. Many people on social media reported receiving an earthquake warning after feeling the quake.

Magnitude-5.6 quake reported off the coast of Humboldt County

2023-05-22T12:08+0200mercurynews (en)

There was a magnitude-5.6 earthquake off the coast of Humboldt County just before noon on Sunday. The quake was around 87 miles west of Ferndale on the Mendocino fault. Reports of feeling the quake ranged from Trinidad to Southern Humboldt. Many people on social media reported receiving an earthquake warning after feeling the quake.

5.3-magnitude quake jolts Izu Islands south of Tokyo, no tsunami warning issued: JMA

2023-05-22T12:06+0200english-news-cn (en)

TOKYO, May 22 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.3 jolted the Izu island area south of Tokyo, the weather agency said on Monday. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the temblor, which hit around 4:42 p.m. local time at a depth of around 10 kilometers,....

5.3-magnitude quake jolts Izu Islands south of Tokyo, no tsunami warning issued: JMA

2023-05-22T12:05+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

TOKYO, May 22 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.3 jolted the Izu island area south of Tokyo, the weather agency said on Monday. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the temblor, which hit around 4:42 p.m. local time at a depth of around 10 kilometers,....

5.3-magnitude quake jolts Izu Islands south of Tokyo, no tsunami warning issued: JMA

2023-05-22T11:45+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. TOKYO, May 22 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.3 jolted the Izu island area south of Tokyo, the weather agency said on Monday. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the temblor, which hit around 4:42 p.m.

Puissants séismes de magnitudes 7,7 et 7,1 au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et alerte au Tsunami

2023-05-22T11:38+0200catnat (fr)

20/05: Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 4.0 de magnitud

2023-05-22T10:51+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro a 21.0 kilómetros de la ciudad de Calama. Información preliminar señala que el temblor comenzó a las 04:39 horas (hora local) de este lunes 22 de mayo y tuvo una profundidad de 138.0 kilómetros. La coordenadas del temblorse registraron a -68.

M5.3 quake hits Izu Islands south of Tokyo 3 minutes ago | KYODO NEWS

2023-05-22T10:22+0200kyodonews (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.3 jolted the Izu island region, located in the south of Tokyo, on Monday, the weather agency said. No tsunami warning was issued. The quake, which hit around 4:42 p.m. at a depth of around 10 kilometers, registered a lower 5 on the Japanese seismic....

Breaking News | National Magnitude 5.3 earthquake jolts waters near Niijima and Kozushima A magnitude 5.3 earthquake, which measured a weak 5 on the shindo (intensity) scale, was detected at a depth of 10 kilometers in the waters around Niijima and Kozushima on ... 8 mins ago

2023-05-22T10:08+0200japantimes (en)

The epicenter of the earthquake that occurred on May 22 at 4:42 p.m. is located in the waters around Niijima and Kozushima | GOOGLE MAPS. A magnitude 5.3 earthquake, which measured a weak 5 on the shindo (intensity) scale, was detected at a depth of 10 kilometers The waters around Niijima and Kozushima, on Monday at 4:42 p.

Campi Flegrei, nuova scossa di terremoto nella serata di...

2023-05-22T09:32+0200virgilio (it)

Campi Flegrei, nuova scossa di terremoto nella serata di domenica Nuova scossa di terremoto nella zona dei Campi Flegrei nella serata di domenica. Un evento sismico di magnitudo 2.0, ad una profondità di circa 2 km, è stato rilevato dai....

Erdogan: de nouvelles maisons pour les victimes des séismes dès le mois d'octobre

2023-05-22T09:30+0200trtfrancais (fr)

Le président turc a promis de travailler avec diligence jour et nuit jusqu'à ce que tous les sinistrés aient été installés dans leurs nouvelles habitations et leurs nouveaux lieux de travail. Erdogan: de nouvelles maisons pour les victimes des séismes dès le mois d'octobre / Photo: AA (AA) Le....

La straordinaria scoperta dei detriti di un meteorite esploso 430.000 anni fa sull’Antartide I residui di roccia spaziale potrebbero aiutare a capire con che frequenza si verificano queste esplosioni cosmiche e che tipo di minaccia rappresentano per la Terra.

2023-05-22T09:23+0200nationalgeographic-it (it)

Accadde 430.000 anni fa, a metà dell’epoca del Pleistocene. In quel periodo alcuni dei primi uomini di Neanderthal si stavano diffondendo in Europa, i mammut avevano raggiunto l’emisfero settentrionale e le calotte glaciali terrestri si stavano ispessendo. La roccia spaziale urtò contro la spessa atmosfera del pianeta.

Campi Flegrei, nuova scossa di terremoto nella serata di domenica

2023-05-22T08:18+0200napolitoday (it)

Nuova scossa di terremoto nella zona dei Campi Flegrei nella serata di domenica. Un evento sismico di magnitudo 2.0, ad una profondità di circa 2 km, è stato rilevato dai sismografi dell'Osservatorio Vesuviano/Ingv di Napoli. L'epicentro è stato registrato nella zona di via Vecchia San Gennaro a....

Se registra temblor de magnitud 3.7 en la ciudad de Mina Collahuasi

2023-05-22T07:24+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sorprendió a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Mina Collahuasi , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 00:47 horas (hora local) de este lunes 22 de mayo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica tuvo una magnitud de 3.7 y una profundidad de 118.

Earthquake: Today’s earthquake: A 5.5-magnitude earthquake hits Northern California in the United States

2023-05-22T07:04+0200exbulletin (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck earlier Saturday southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia, authorities said, with no danger of a tsunami. The magnitude 7.1 quake said the quake occurred at a depth of about 36 kilometers (22.37 miles).

Conservatives in Greece ahead: new elections in June possible

2023-05-22T06:45+0200breakinglatest (en)

With 40.8 percent, the conservative Nea Dimokratia (ND) party led by former Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is the clear winner of the Greek parliamentary elections. The Ministry of the Interior announced this early Monday morning after almost all the votes had been counted. Nevertheless, there will be no government for the time being.

Ponza, gli alunni del Pisacane ospiti di RaiUno

2023-05-22T05:56+0200ilfaroonline (it)

Ponza – L’istituto C. Pisacane di Ponza è stato invitato dalla Redazione di RaiUno, a partecipare ad una puntata del format “Generazione Tsunami”, dedicato a ragazze e ragazzi della seconda classe della Scuola secondaria di primo Grado, che va in onda su Rai Uno, all’interno del programma “Uno Mattina in famiglia”.

Emergencia climática: departamentos de la Costa que resultarán más afectados

2023-05-22T05:30+0200elheraldo (es)

El tiempo para salvar el entorno se reduce cada vez más y la crisis climática es un termómetro de alerta que continúa causando estragos. La ONU advirtió que el período entre 2023-2027 podría ser el más caluroso, registrando niveles sin precedentes. Hace un par de meses, expertos sobre el Cambio....

El Cervantes de Tokio reabre sus puertas. Notas de prensa 2011. Sala de prensa. Instituto Cervantes

2023-05-22T04:53+0200noticiaspress (es)

23 de marzo de 2011. El Instituto Cervantes de Tokio reabre hoy sus puertas y reanudará las clases de español el próximo martes día 29. El centro ha permanecido cerrado al público desde el pasado día 11 a causa del terremoto, si bien parte del personal ha seguido trabajando para atender las necesidades más inmediatas.

5.5 magnitude quake jolts off northern California, no damage or injuries reported

2023-05-22T04:27+0200indiatoday (en)

: An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck off the northern California shore on Sunday (local time), according to the US Geological Survey (USGS), causing no reported damage or injuries. The USGS said the quake occurred at a depth of 10 kilometres (6 miles) and took place 108 kilometres (67....

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.1 de magnitud en Guerrero

2023-05-22T03:51+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 4.

Las autoridades enseñan cómo actuar ante una emergencia.

2023-05-22T03:12+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

El visitante se sienta en una silla, se pone un casco y comienza a sentir un temblor de magnitud 9 con una profundidad mínima en el que se vive cómo los muebles de la sala de una vivienda comienzan a moverse de lado a lado, se caen las lámparas, los libros caen encima de las personas, se quiebran....

Le changement climatique passé à blâmer pour les glissements de terrain sous-marins géants de l'Antarctique

2023-05-22T03:09+0200citizenside (fr)

in Actualités Le changement climatique passé à blâmer pour les glissements de terrain sous-marins géants de l'Antarctique. Les scientifiques ont découvert la cause des glissements de terrain sous-marins géants en Antarctique qui, selon eux, auraient pu générer des vagues de tsunami qui se sont étendues à travers l’océan Austral.

El IC de Tokio reinicia su actividad docente. Notas de prensa 2011. Sala de prensa. Instituto Cervantes

2023-05-22T02:52+0200noticiaspress (es)

29 de marzo de 2011. El Instituto Cervantes de Tokio ha reanudado este martes las clases de español, seis días después de la reapertura del centro al público. Con ello, el Cervantes en la capital japonesa vuelve a la total normalidad tras el terremoto y el posterior tsunami del pasado 11 de marzo.

Perú: se registró un sismo de magnitud 4.2 en Arequipa

2023-05-22T02:19+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un sismo de magnitud 4.2 este domingo 21 de mayo con epicentro en la ciudad de Caraveli, en la provincia de Caraveli del departamento de Arequipa. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el....

Climate Change Puts Insurance In The Spotlight; Which Insurer Is Best?

2023-05-22T01:56+0200scoop-co-nz (en)

As the link between your home insurance and the impacts of climate change becomes increasingly intertwined, Canstar is today proud to announce AA Insurance as the winner of its inaugural, expert-rated Home and Contents Insurer of the Year award. AA Insurance won the award due to the combination of....

Sismo de 3.3 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-05-22T01:35+0200infobae (es)

La ciudad de Ollagüe fue el epicentro de un temblor de magnitud 3.3 que se registró a las 19:12 horas (hora local) de este domingo 21 de mayo. El movimiento telúrico ocurrió a 26.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 158.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Vers l’intégration des nouvelles techniques

2023-05-22T01:30+0200lemidi-dz (fr)

Le ministre de l’Habitat,Mohamed Tarek Belaribi, a annoncé, samedi, le lancement de l’actualisation de la Réglementation parasismique algérien (RPA), courant 2023. «Àtravers l’actualisation de ce dispositif, nous allons pouvoir intégrer toutes les nouvelles techniques de protection sismique et les....

Free verse and the return key

2023-05-22T00:10+0200dailynews-lk (en)

The return key is made for poetic architecture, I sometimes tell poets and sometimes tell myself. Take a paragraph, move the cursor and at appropriate places press the return key. There! You have a ‘poem’! In fact if the prose is lyrical, it might even read as a decent poem. It’s a trick. We know what a poem is supposed to look like.

Se registró un sismo de magnitud 4.6 en Ica

2023-05-21T23:17+0200infobae (es)

Los sismos y su relación con el Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico. Perú se localiza en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los terremotos más fuertes del mundo.

Erdogan : De nouvelles maisons pour les victimes du tremblement de terre dès le mois d'octobre

2023-05-21T22:55+0200aa-fr (fr)

Ankara. AA / Gaziantep / Mehmet Tosun. Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a déclaré, dimanche, que son gouvernement comptait livrer, dès le mois d'octobre prochain, des logements permanents aux victimes du tremblement de terre. C'est ce qui ressort de l'allocution prononcée par Erdogan dans la....

Consumi di suolo, dissesto idrogeologico e l'autostrada CR-MN | Marco Degli Angeli

2023-05-21T22:28+0200welfarenetwork (it)

Gentile direttore, Le dichiarazioni dei vari esponenti politici all'indomani di ogni catastrofe, assomigliano a quelle promesse e quei buoni propositi che si fanno il 31 dicembre in vista del nuovo anno. "Da gennaio cambia tutto: detox da smartphone e cibi grassi. Palestra 3 giorni la settimana, gite all'aria aperta, due libri al mese.

Oaxaca registra sismo de magnitud 4.0

2023-05-21T22:18+0200infobae (es)

Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el movimiento telúrico sucedió hoy a las 13:31 hora local (19:31 UTC), con un epicentro de 25 km al oeste de la ciudad del estado de Oaxaca. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres....

Se registra sismo de 4.1 de magnitud con epicentro en Pijijiapan

2023-05-21T22:04+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Cintalapa registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Earthquake today: Quake measuring 5.5 magnitude hits offshore Northern California in US

2023-05-21T21:56+0200economictimes (en)

An earthquake measuring 5.5 magnitude struck the offshore Northern California on Sunday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake, which stuck offshore Northern California, was at a depth of 2km (1.24 miles), EMSC said. The earthquake occurred 75 miles southwest of....

La ciudad de Ollagüe registra sismo de magnitud 3.3

2023-05-21T21:37+0200infobae (es)

La ciudad de Ollagüe fue el epicentro de un temblor de 3.3 de magnitud que se registró a las 15:07 horas (hora local) de este domingo 21 de mayo. El sismo sucedió a 27.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 118.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

La ciudad de Tocopilla percibe temblor de magnitud 3.0

2023-05-21T20:53+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sacudió las calles de la ciudad chilena de Tocopilla , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 14:11 horas (hora local) de este domingo 21 de mayo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica fue de 3.0 de magnitud y una profundidad de 14.

Sismo de 3.6 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-05-21T20:35+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.6 y con una profundidad de 103.0 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Ollagüe. El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -68.697 grados de longitud y -21.38 grados de latitud, es decir a 49.0 kilómetros al Oeste de dicha localidad , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 2.7 en Canela Baja

2023-05-21T19:37+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sacudió a la ciudad de Canela Baja , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 12:51 horas (hora local) de este domingo 21 de mayo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica tuvo una magnitud de 2.7 y una profundidad de 46.0 kilómetros.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 3.0 en la ciudad de Valparaíso

2023-05-21T18:09+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un temblor de 3.0 de magnitud con epicentro a 64.0 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de Valparaíso. Información preliminar señala que el temblor inició a las 11:33 horas (hora local) de este domingo 21 de mayo y tuvo una profundidad de 37.0 kilómetros.

Se registra temblor de magnitud 2.7 en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-05-21T17:19+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un temblor de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro a 77.0 kilómetros de la ciudad de Ollagüe. Información preliminar precisa que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 10:17 horas (hora local) de este domingo 21 de mayo y tuvo una profundidad de 110.0 kilómetros.

ANC CINCAN reinforces operational readiness and reiterates jointness

2023-05-21T17:02+0200uniindia (en)

Port Blair, May 21 (UNI) Air Marshal Saju Balakrishnan, AVSM, VM, Commander-in-Chief Andaman & Nicobar Command, visited military units and formations, located in the Nicobar Group of Islands from 17 May 23 to 19 May 23. The CINCAN received extensive briefings at INS Baaz, CG District HQs 10 and 154....

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.6 en Vichuquén

2023-05-21T16:33+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.6 de magnitud ocurrió este domingo 21 de mayo en la ciudad chilena de Vichuquén , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento telúrico inicio a las 09:52 (hora local) , se originó a 27.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.2 con epicentro en la ciudad de La Serena

2023-05-21T15:58+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.2 de magnitud se registró en la ciudad chilena de La Serena este domingo 21 de mayo, así lo dio a conocer el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información preliminar, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 09:06 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 42.

La ciudad de Curicó registra sismo de magnitud 3.6

2023-05-21T15:58+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un temblor de magnitud 3.6 con epicentro a 18.0 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de Curicó. Información preliminar precisa que el temblor inició a las 08:24 horas (hora local) de este domingo 21 de mayo y tuvo una profundidad de 99.0 kilómetros. La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -71.

Minister of Health Husband: Defne State Hospital will open its doors 57...

2023-05-21T15:25+0200morningexpress (en)

Koca said that they were in Hatay with the peace of having completed another task at the program held in Konya Container City in Hatay with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and MHP Chairman Devlet Bahçeli. Reminding that they were in Hatay to heal the wounds immediately after the....

12:01 Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.2 en Sayula de Alemán

2023-05-21T14:06+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 4.

Une île de vacances australienne en alerte au tsunami après un séisme de magnitude 7,7

2023-05-21T13:06+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

L’Australie est sous surveillance tsunami après un séisme de magnitude 7,7 en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Le Bureau de la météorologie a émis l’avertissement vendredi 13h10. L’île de Lord Howe, lieu de villégiature australien bien-aimé, a donc été identifiée comme menacée.

Evacuees from Ukraine call for more support in front of Shibuya Station

2023-05-21T12:21+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-05-21T10:19:23.933Z. Highlights: More than 50 people gathered in front of Shibuya Station in Tokyo to call for support from other countries. The event was held in conjunction with the G7 Summit in Japan. The participants included students from Ukraine, Japan and the U.S.

Sustainability, Vol. 15, Pages 8350: Evaluated Post-Disaster and Emergency Assembly Areas Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques: A Case Study of Turkey

2023-05-21T11:53+0200mdpi (en)

Dalal et al. (2007) intended to address the cyclone shelter problem in India by dividing the number of villages into a minimum number of clusters and locating and assessing shelter capacity. The Elzinga–Hearn method and heuristic methods were used. A distance matrix was used to create an algorithm,....

11:19 Climat: "le gouvernement ne fait rien pour nous prémunir" du scénario du pire, pour Julien Bayou Invité de la Matinale Week-End de RMC, le député EELV de Paris Julien Bayou a dénoncé l'inaction du gouvernement contre le changement climatique, critiquant un "plan Canicule" qui n'est qu'une "fiche technique et des annonces d'annonces".

2023-05-21T11:26+0200rmc-bfmtv (fr)

"Mon quinquennat sera écologiste ou ne sera pas." Telle était la promesse d'Emmanuel Macron, dans l'entre-deux-tours de l'élection présidentielle, en 2022. Une phrase qui est restée dans la tête du député écologiste Julien Bayou. Invité de la Matinale Week-End, il a dénoncé l'inaction du....

08:46 Sismo en México: temblor con epicentro en Crucecita

2023-05-21T10:59+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 4.

07:31 Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Huixtla

2023-05-21T10:59+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 4.

07:01 San Luis Potosí registra temblor de 4.3 de magnitud

2023-05-21T10:59+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 4.

5.8 magnitude earthquake hits Tonga Islands

2023-05-21T10:07+0200ammonnews-en (en)

Ammon New s - An earthquake measuring 5.8 magnitude on the Richter scale hit Sunday the Tonga Islands located in the South Pacific Ocean. The US Geological Survey (USGS) said that the quake occurred 109.4 km northwest of Neiafu, Vava'u, the largest town on the island of Tonga, and at a depth of 10 km.

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacude las aguas del Pacífico al este de Tonga

2023-05-21T08:38+0200infobae (es)

Sídney (Australia), 21 may. Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió este domingo las aguas del Pacífico Sur al este de Tonga, un país insular habitado por unas 106.000 personas, sin que se haya informado de víctimas o se haya declarado alerta de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS,....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.5 de magnitud en Ollagüe

2023-05-21T08:21+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sacudió las calles de la ciudad de Ollagüe , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 01:49 horas (hora local) de este domingo 21 de mayo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica fue de 2.5 de magnitud y una profundidad de 106.0 kilómetros.

Temblor en Chile del domingo 21 de mayo: magnitud y epicentro del último sismo reportado hoy

2023-05-21T07:40+0200ElComercio (es)

00:37. ¿POR QUÉ CHILE ES UNA ZONA ALTAMENTE SÍSMICA? Chile es un país altamente sísmico debido a que está ubicado dentro del Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico. 00:36. ¿QUÉ HACER EN CASO DE UN TSUNAMI EN CHILE? Si recibes información oficial de alerta o alarma de tsunami o ves que se recoge el mar, evacúa hacia zonas en altura.

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.0 de magnitud en Oaxaca Debido a su ubicación geográfica, México está continuamente expuesto a sufrir este tipo de eventos sísmicos

2023-05-21T07:34+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 4.

7.1 earthquake hits east of New Caledonia just a day after 7.7 jolt

2023-05-21T07:23+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Just a day after a powerful earthquake of 7.7 magnitude, southeast of the Loyalty Islands of New Caledonia suffered another jolt Saturday which was measured at 7.1 on a Richter scale, said US Geological Survey. It also noted that the epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300....

In tutte le lacrime indugia una speranza

2023-05-21T07:20+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 21 maggio 2023) Non c’è epoca, storia o cultura in cui l’essere umano non abbia pianto o non pianga. Le lacrime iniziano a sgorgare quando nasciamo e in quel preciso istante indicano la nostra corsa verso la luce e quindi verso la vita. Da quel momento, non conoscendo la parola,....

Violento terremoto frente a una isla de vacaciones en el Pacífico Sur: advertencia inicial de un tsunami de un metro de altura

2023-05-21T07:19+0200notiulti (es)

Creado: 21 de mayo de 2023 a las 5:19 am. Von: cristina piensa Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacudió el Pacífico Sur. Una primera alerta de tsunami se levantó unas horas más tarde. Nueva Zelanda todavía teme las repercusiones. Numea: un terremoto golpeó cerca del archipiélago de Nueva Caledonia en el Pacífico Sur el viernes 19 de mayo.

À Pompéi, deux nouvelles victimes du Vésuve découvertes dans la Maison des chastes amants

2023-05-21T07:12+0200lefigaro (fr)

ARCHÉOLOGIE - Les deux individus auraient été tués par l'effondrement d'une partie de la demeure, au cours du tremblement de terre qui a accompagné l'éruption de 79. Ce ne sont pas les cendres tombées du ciel, mais des secousses des tréfonds de la terre qui ont eu raison des deux infortunés.

Terremoto de Valdivia, un partido de fútbol y el rol de la radio

2023-05-21T07:10+0200elmostrado (es)

Más de dos mil personas perdieron la vida, aunque otras versiones apuntan que fueron el doble. En Valdivia el panorama era desolador. La gente gritaba por las calles. Muchas personas, ante la destrucción de las viviendas, tuvieron que dormir en las mismas aceras.

The octogenarian architect working to flood-proof Pakistan

2023-05-21T03:42+0200arabpolitical (en)

TANDO ALLAHYAR, Pakistan: At 82 years old, architect Yasmeen Lari is forging the way in fortifying Pakistan’s rural communities living on the frontline of climate change. Lari, Pakistan’s first woman architect, has ditched a lifetime of multimillion-dollar projects in the megacity of Karachi to develop pioneering flood-proof bamboo houses.

Loyalty Islands: 7.7 magnitude quake hits off Loyalty Islands, tsunami warning issued

2023-05-21T02:32+0200marianasvariety (en)

PACIFIC (RNZ Pacific/Pacnews) — A tsunami threat has been issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Southeast of Loyalty Islands on May 19, 2023. The warnings were issued just after 3pm by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The earthquake was 38km deep.

7.1 earthquake hits east of New Caledonia just a day after...

2023-05-21T02:21+0200pakobserver (en)

Just a day after a powerful earthquake of 7.7 magnitude, southeast of the Loyalty Islands of New Caledonia suffered another jolt Saturday which was measured at 7.1 on a Richter scale, said US Geological Survey. It also noted that the epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300....

The octogenarian architect working to flood-proof Pakistan

2023-05-21T02:12+0200arabnews (en)

TANDO ALLAHYAR, Pakistan: At 82 years old, architect Yasmeen Lari is forging the way in fortifying Pakistan’s rural communities living on the frontline of climate change. Lari, Pakistan’s first woman architect, has ditched a lifetime of multimillion-dollar projects in the megacity of Karachi to develop pioneering flood-proof bamboo houses.

Se registra temblor de magnitud 3.3 en La Serena

2023-05-21T02:09+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad de La Serena , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 19:09 horas (hora local) de este sábado 20 de mayo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 3.3 y una profundidad de 49.

Erdogan: Start handing over homes to earthquake victims by October

2023-05-21T01:49+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-05-20T23:48:42.717Z. Highlights: Erdogan says he will hand over permanent housing to those affected by the earthquake. More than 9,000 people have been displaced by the quake and its aftermath. The quake was one of the worst in the history of the region, killing more than 1,200 people.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.9 de magnitud

2023-05-21T01:36+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sacudió las calles de la ciudad chilena de Calama , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 18:18 horas (hora local) de este sábado 20 de mayo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico fue de 2.9 de magnitud y una profundidad de 114.

Séisme de magnitude 7,7 dans le sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, levée de l’alerte au tsunami

2023-05-21T01:17+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

L’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS) a annoncé qu’un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Une alerte au tsunami, qui avait été émise un temps, a été levée. La Nouvelle-Calédonie n’est plus en état d’alerte.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.9 con epicentro en la ciudad de Tocopilla

2023-05-21T00:23+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de 2.9 de magnitud con epicentro a 73.0 kilómetros de la ciudad de Tocopilla. Información preliminar señala que el temblor inició a las 17:46 horas (hora local) de este sábado 20 de mayo y tuvo una profundidad de 64.0 kilómetros. La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -70.

Sismo de 4.1 de magnitud se registra en Baja California

2023-05-21T00:20+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 4.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 3.0 en Mina Collahuasi

2023-05-21T00:04+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 3.0 de magnitud tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes en la ciudad chilena de Mina Collahuasi , según información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada precisa que la actividad sísmica empezó a las 17:42 horas (hora local) de este sábado 20 de mayo. El epicentro del temblor fue a 64.

Polynésie : Moetai Brotherson, un président indépendantiste à la tête d’un exécutif rajeuni

2023-05-20T23:43+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Le séparatiste Moetai Brotherson est le nouveau président de la Polynésie française. Ce député a été élu par les représentants de l’Assemblée locale de cette communauté du Pacifique Sud. Il a formé cette semaine un gouvernement rajeuni, majoritairement issu de la société civile.

La ciudad de Melipilla registra temblor de magnitud 2.7

2023-05-20T23:36+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 2.7 se registró en la ciudad chilena de Melipilla este sábado 20 de mayo, así lo dio a conocer el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información preliminar, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 16:24 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 61.0 kilómetros de profundidad.

Oggi 21 maggio: Oroscopo Paolo Fox & Almanacco

2023-05-20T22:48+0200vicenzatoday (it)

Oroscopo del giorno. Oroscopo Paolo Fox 21 maggio. Cosa ci riservano le stelle scopriamolo attraverso le previsioni dell'astrologo più famoso d'Italia. Ariete - Cari ariete, questo giorno è molto bello per l'amore e bisognerebbe approfittarne subito. Sul lavoro cercate di non sparlare dei colleghi....

La Nouvelle-Calédonie lève l’alerte au tsunami déclenchée par le séisme de l’océan Pacifique

2023-05-20T22:41+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami dans le Pacifique a été levée après qu’un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 a frappé vendredi, forçant de nombreux insulaires à fuir la côte. Le tremblement de terre a frappé à 02h57 GMT, incitant les habitants de plusieurs îles du Pacifique Sud à se précipiter vers des....

The octogenarian architect working to flood-proof Pakistan

2023-05-20T22:18+0200tribune (en)

TANDO ALLAHYAR: At 82 years old, architect Yasmeen Lari is forging the way in fortifying rural communities living on the frontline of climate change. Lari, the country’s first woman architect, has ditched a lifetime of multi-million dollar projects in Karachi to develop pioneering flood-proof bamboo houses.

Oggi 21 maggio: Oroscopo Paolo Fox & Almanacco

2023-05-20T22:09+0200trevisotoday (it)

Oroscopo del giorno. Oroscopo Paolo Fox 21 maggio. Cosa ci riservano le stelle scopriamolo attraverso le previsioni dell'astrologo più famoso d'Italia. Ariete - Cari ariete, questo giorno è molto bello per l'amore e bisognerebbe approfittarne subito. Sul lavoro cercate di non sparlare dei colleghi....

Floods displace more than 36,000 residents in northeast Italy

2023-05-20T21:51+0200aljazeera-en (en)

More than 36,000 people have been forced from their homes by deadly floods in northeast Italy , regional officials have said, as rising waters swallowed more houses and new landslides isolated hamlets. Fourteen people were killed this week after streets in the cities and towns of the Emilia-Romagna region were transformed into rivers.

Floods displace more than 36,000 residents in northeast Italy

2023-05-20T21:45+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

More than 36,000 people have been forced from their homes by deadly floods in northeast Italy , regional officials have said, as rising waters swallowed more houses and new landslides isolated hamlets. Fourteen people were killed this week after streets in the cities and towns of the Emilia-Romagna region were transformed into rivers.

After earthquakes and drought, floods devastate Northern Italy

2023-05-20T21:09+0200spokesman (en)

ROME – Eleven years ago this month, back-to-back earthquakes struck the northern Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, which this week was devastated by another disaster: Widespread flooding that has caused at least 14 deaths and left thousands more homeless.

Terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacude las aguas de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T20:04+0200critica (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió este sábado el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago de l territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, y activó una alerta de tsunami, aunque de bajo nivel. LEE TAMBIÉN: El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que vigila la....

20e anniversaire du séisme de Boumerdes: nouvelles mesures d'urbanisme et de construction et beaucoup d’espoir en l’avenir

2023-05-20T20:00+0200aps-dz (fr)

Ce violent séisme d’une magnitude de 6,8 sur l'échelle de Richter, ayant frappé la région, un certain 21 mai 2003, a imposé, en effet, l’application de nouvelles règles de construction et d’urbanisme en Algérie, en tirant des leçons des événements passés, désormais pris en compte dans tout les programmes de prévention des risques majeurs.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacude las aguas de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T19:46+0200elnuevodiario-DO (es)

El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), dijo que se registró el temblor a las 12.51 horas (1.51 GMT) a una profundidad de 35 kilómetros bajo el lecho marino y a unos 300 kilómetros al este de la localidad de Vao, en la Isla de Pinos -la más meridional de Nueva Caledonia. Fuente externa. EL NUEVO DIARIO, SÍDNEY, AUSTRALIA.

Se registró un sismo de 4.1 en Jorge Basadre, Tacna

2023-05-20T18:50+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.1 ocurrió este sábado 20 de mayo en la ciudad de Ilabaya , en la provincia de Jorge Basadre del departamento de Tacna, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 11:25 (hora local) y se originó....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.1 con epicentro en Pica

2023-05-20T18:37+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.1 y con una profundidad de 104.0 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Pica. El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -68.924 grados de longitud y -20.476 grados de latitud, es decir a 42.0 kilómetros al Este de dicha ciudad , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Sismo de 2.8 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Mina La Escondida.

2023-05-20T17:55+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 2.8 aconteció este sábado 20 de mayo en la ciudad chilena de Mina La Escondida. , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 11:20 (hora local) , se originó a 27.

Junqueras sostiene que un voto independentista a Junts es «un voto tirado»

2023-05-20T17:36+0200abc-Andalucia (es)

es un «voto tirado». «Cualquier voto independentista que no vaya a ERC en el área metropolitana de Barcelona es un voto tirado y avala el régimen que es contrario a la esperanza», ha dicho en el acto central de campaña de ERC en Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona) ante unas 300 personas.

Junqueras sostiene que un voto independentista a Junts es «un voto tirado»

2023-05-20T17:36+0200sevilla-abc (es)

es un «voto tirado». «Cualquier voto independentista que no vaya a ERC en el área metropolitana de Barcelona es un voto tirado y avala el régimen que es contrario a la esperanza», ha dicho en el acto central de campaña de ERC en Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona) ante unas 300 personas.

15:31 Se registra sismo de 4.0 de magnitud en Guerrero

2023-05-20T17:35+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Sismo de 2.8 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Cobquecura

2023-05-20T17:35+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.8 ocurrió este sábado 20 de mayo en la ciudad chilena de Cobquecura , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 11:11 (hora local) , se originó a 70.

Junqueras sostiene que un voto independentista a Junts es «un voto tirado»

2023-05-20T17:34+0200lavozdigital (es)

es un «voto tirado». «Cualquier voto independentista que no vaya a ERC en el área metropolitana de Barcelona es un voto tirado y avala el régimen que es contrario a la esperanza», ha dicho en el acto central de campaña de ERC en Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona) ante unas 300 personas.

Sismo de magnitud 7,1 sacude el océano Pacífico al este de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T16:25+0200tvn-2 (es)

Sídney, Australia/ Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 se produjo este sábado en el océano Pacífico, al este de Nueva Caledonia, anunció el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) al día siguiente de que otro fuerte terremoto sacudiera la zona. El epicentro se situó a 35 kilómetros de profundidad y a unos....

Air strikes hit Khartoum’s outskirts as Sudan’s war enters sixth week

2023-05-20T16:15+0200financialexpress (en)

Air strikes hit outer areas of the Sudanese capital Khartoum overnight and on Saturday morning, as fighting that has trapped civilians in a humanitarian crisis and displaced more than a million entered its sixth week. The fighting between Sudan ‘s army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF)....

Magnitude 7.1 quake strikes east of New Caledonia

2023-05-20T16:04+0200mb-com-ph (en)

SYDNEY, Australia- A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia, the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area. The epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300 kilometres (190 miles) east of the New Caledonia n archipelago, it said.

El líder de ERC, Oriol Junqueras, ha afirmado que el voto independentista en el área metropolitana que no sea para su partido es un voto sin valor

2023-05-20T15:57+0200noticiasde (es)

En el mismo acto han intervenido el presidente de la Generalitat, Pere Aragonès; la secretaria general del partido, Marta Rovira –que ha intervenido telemáticamente–; el alcaldable de Barcelona, Ernest Maragall, y el de Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona), Gabriel Rufián.

Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 sacudió el océano Pacífico al este de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T15:04+0200losandes (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 se produjo este sábado en el océano Pacífico, al este de Nueva Caledonia, según anunció el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) al día siguiente de que otro fuerte terremoto sacudiera la zona. El epicentro se situó a 35 kilómetros de profundidad y a unos 300....

Ambiente Il disastro in Emilia Romagna ci invita a riflettere sulla genesi e i pericoli delle alluvioni

2023-05-20T14:54+0200nationalgeographic-it (it)

Come si forma un'alluvione? La tipica alluvione si manifesta con l'incursione dell'acqua sulla terraferma, normalmente asciutta, e le cause di questo fenomeno possono essere varie. La pioggia eccessiva, la rottura di una diga o di un argine, il rapido scioglimento di nevi o ghiacci, o persino una....

Nouvelle-Calédonie : un nouveau séisme de magnitude 7,1, la menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T14:42+0200lecourrier (fr)

L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et à environ 300 km à l'est des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source. (Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes, (elles n'étaient) pas trop grosses", a déclaré Nancy Jack, gérante de l'hôtel Friendly Beach Bungalows, situé en bord de mer sur l'île de Kana, au Vanuatu.

Explained | How earthquakes are recorded and measuredThe process of recording earthquakes involves a network ...

2023-05-20T14:39+0200wn (en)

Early morning on May 19, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the French territory of New Caledonia in the Southern Pacific Ocean. A tsunami warning, which was initially issued for several Pacific island nations, was later called off and no casualties were reported.

Un nuevo terremoto pone en alerta de tsunami a islas del Pacífico

2023-05-20T14:20+0200mdzol (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 se produjo este sábado en el océano Pacífico, al este de Nueva Caledonia , según anunció el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) al día siguiente de que otro fuerte terremoto sacudiera la zona. El epicentro se situó a 35 kilómetros de profundidad y a unos 300....

Terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacude las aguas de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-20T14:18+0200HoyDigital-DO (es)

Sídney.- Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió este sábado el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, y activó una alerta de tsunami, aunque de bajo nivel. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que vigila la actividad sísmica mundial, registró el temblor a las 12.

Sismo de magnitud 7,1 sacude el océano Pacífico al este de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T14:10+0200primeraedicionweb (es)

El epicentro se situó a 35 kilómetros de profundidad y a unos 300 kilómetros al oriente de este territorio francés, se indicó. Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 se produjo este sábado en el océano Pacífico, al este de Nueva Caledoni a, según anunció el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) al día....

Nouvelle-Calédonie : Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, pas de risque de tsunami

2023-05-20T13:40+0200la1ere (fr)

Il était un peu moins de 13 heures lorsqu'un nouveau séisme a fait trembler le Caillou ce samedi. Il s'agit d'un phénomène " de magnitude 7.4 ", qui " s'est produit à 45 kilomètres de profondeur, au sud des îles Loyauté ", indique la Sécurité civile dans un communiqué. De son côté, l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis estime à 7.

Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 sacudió el océano Pacífico al este de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T13:37+0200telam (es)

Fuente: Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 se produjo este sábado en el océano Pacífico, al este de Nueva Caledonia , según anunció el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) al día siguiente de que otro fuerte terremoto sacudiera la zona.

Terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacude las aguas de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T13:00+0200diarioeltiempo (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió este sábado el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, y activó una alerta de tsunami, aunque de bajo nivel. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que vigila la actividad sísmica mundial, registró el temblor a las 12.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.8 en la ciudad de Los Vilos

2023-05-20T12:51+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sacudió las calles de la ciudad de Los Vilos , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 05:55 horas (hora local) de este sábado 20 de mayo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica fue de 2.8 de magnitud y una profundidad de 42.0 kilómetros.

Octogenarian architect working to flood-proof Pakistan

2023-05-20T12:46+0200nation (en)

At 82 years old, architect Yasmeen Lari is forging the way in fortifying Pakistan’s rural communities living on the frontline of climate change. Lari, Pakistan’s first woman architect, has ditched a lifetime of multi-million dollar projects in the megacity of Karachi to develop pioneering flood-proof bamboo houses.

Temblor de magnitud 3.4 sorprende a la ciudad de Socaire

2023-05-20T12:37+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.4 de magnitud tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad chilena de Socaire este sábado 20 de mayo, así lo dio a conocer el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según la información hasta ahora publicada, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 06:05 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 238.0 kilómetros de profundidad.

7.1 earthquake hits east of New Caledonia just a day after 7.7 jolt

2023-05-20T12:30+0200geo-tv (en)

Just a day after a powerful earthquake of 7.7 magnitude, southeast of the Loyalty Islands of New Caledonia suffered another jolt Saturday which was measured at 7.1 on a Richter scale, said US Geological Survey. It also noted that the epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, possible tsunami il y a 2 heures

2023-05-20T12:01+0200lexpress-MU (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit ce samedi 20 mai, dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région.

Undici anni dal sisma dell'Emilia, per le opere pubbliche ancora 613 cantieri in corso

2023-05-20T11:54+0200modenatoday (it)

In un momento di nuova emergenza per la nostra regione, il ricordo dei modenesi in particolare va alle terribili scosse sismiche del 20 e 29 maggio 2012 - di cui oggi ricorre l'undicesimo anniversario. La ricorrenza è stata anche l'occasione per la Regione di fare il punto sulla ricostruzione.

Un nouveau séisme important ressenti en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-20T11:47+0200linfo (fr)

Une première secousse suivie d’une réplique de magnitude 6,5. Dans la nuit du vendredi 19 au samedi 20 mai, un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,1 a secoué l’océan Pacifique, près des côtes de la Nouvelle-Calédonie . Les secousses ont été ressenties sur l’archipel, suscitant une inquiétude quant à un éventuel tsunami, mais ce dernier a été écarté.

La ciudad de Puerto Williams siente temblor de magnitud 4.5

2023-05-20T11:38+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad chilena de Puerto Williams , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 05:17 horas (hora local) de este sábado 20 de mayo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 4.5 y una profundidad de 30.

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T11:36+0200marine-oceans (fr)

Sydney, 20 mai 2023 (AFP) – Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit samedi dans l’océan Pacifique à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l’Institut d’études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu’un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région.

Nuova scossa di terremoto 7,1 in nuova Caledonia

2023-05-20T11:34+0200247libero (it)

1' DI LETTURA. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 è stata registrata all’1:50 (le 3:50 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell’Oceano Pacifico vicino all’Australia. L’epicentro è ad una profondità di 35 chilometri e a circa 300 chilometri ad est dall’arcipelago.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes near New Caledonia

2023-05-20T11:29+0200wn (en)

May 19 (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authorities said, with no danger of a tsunami. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) which reported several aftershocks around the region after the 7.

Massimiliano Ossini racconta il suo viaggio sulle “montagne magiche”

2023-05-20T11:15+0200cronachemaceratesi (it)

Si chiama “Le montagne magiche” nuovo libro di Massimiliano Ossini presentato ieri al Salone del Libro di Torino. Il commissario alla Ricostruzione Guido Castelli, autore della prefazione, è intervenuto per l’occasione, insieme ai rappresentanti del territorio, nello stand della Regione Marche.

Terremoto, forte scossa di magnitudo 7.1: allerta massima

2023-05-20T11:03+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 20 maggio 2023) Una violenta scossa di Terremoto è stata evidenziata nelle ultime ore nella zona della New Caledonia: l’ allerta è massima . Nella notte del 20 maggio 2023 la terra è tornata a tremare e lo ha fatto in maniera molto forte . Una violenta scossa di Terremoto si è verificata nella zona sud dell’Oceano Pacifico.

The world in brief: Cyclone death toll in Burma rises to 145

2023-05-20T10:57+0200arkansasonline (en)

Cyclone death toll in Burma rises to 145. BANGKOK -- The official death toll from the powerful cyclone that struck Burma has burgeoned to at least 145, including 117 members of the Muslim Rohingya minority, state television reported Friday. It said the figure applied to the western state of Rakhine,....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacude las aguas de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-20T10:57+0200vivajerez (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió este sábado el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, y activó una alerta de tsunami, aunque de bajo nivel. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que vigila la actividad sísmica mundial, registró el temblor a las 12.

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T10:54+0200clicanoo (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région.

Magnitude 7.1 quake strikes east of New Caledonia

2023-05-20T10:43+0200guardian-ng (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia, the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area. The epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300 kilometres (190 miles) east of the New Caledonia n archipelago, it said.

10:26 CATASTROPHE NATURELLE En Nouvelle-Calédonie, la menace d’un tsunami écartée après un fort séisme La veille, un important tremblement de terre avait frappé la même région

2023-05-20T10:43+020020minutes (fr)

Dans l’océan Pacifique, un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit samedi à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie . La veille, un important tremblement de terre avait frappé la même région. D’après l’Institut d’études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), l’épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et à....

Magnitude 7.1 quake strikes southeast of New Caledonia after 7.7 tremor hits Loyalty Islands

2023-05-20T10:41+0200vervetimes (en)

Geoscience Australia said that quake struck at a depth of 31km. An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 has struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands near New Caledonia. Credit: Geoscience Australia. Australia’s Lord Howe Island was put on tsunami watch on Friday following the massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific.

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T10:41+0200centre-presse (fr)

L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et à environ 300 km à l'est des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source. « (Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes, (elles n'étaient) pas trop grosses », a déclaré Nancy Jack, gérante de l'hôtel Friendly Beach Bungalows, situé en bord de mer sur l'île de Kana, au Vanuatu.

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T10:33+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km....

Terremoto oggi Rimini M 2.1/ Ingv ultime notizie, altra scossa in Nuova Caledonia

2023-05-20T10:26+0200ilsussidiario (it)

E’ giunto il momento anche oggi, sabato 20 maggio 2023, di andare a scoprire quali sono state le principali verificatesi in Italia e nel resto del mondo. Come riferito dal bollettino dell’istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia, più comunemente noto come Ingv , l’ultimo evento tellurico....

1st LD: 7.1-magnitude quake jolts southeast of Loyalty Islands

2023-05-20T10:25+0200longbeachstar (en)

SYDNEY, May 20 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 01:51 GMT on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 36 km, was determined to be at 23.062 degrees south latitude and 170.

La Nuova Caledonia trema ancora: terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 nella notte

2023-05-20T10:23+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 20 maggio 2023) trema ancora la Nuova Caledonia . Alle 3.50 italiane (le 12.50 ora locale) nel territorio francese a est dell’Australia è stata registrata una Nuova scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.1, dopo quella di magnitudo 7.5 avvertita ieri.

El riesgo de tsunami en la Antártida se eleva con el cambio climático

2023-05-20T10:23+0200niusdiario (es)

Con el planeta actualmente atravesando un período de cambio climático extenso, que nuevamente incluye aguas más cálidas, niveles del mar en aumento y capas de hielo que se reducen, los autores del hallazgo, liderados por la Universidad de Plymouth , creen que existe la posibilidad de que tales incidentes se reproduzcan.

7.1-magnitude quake jolts southeast of Loyalty Islands

2023-05-20T10:21+0200chinadailyhk (en)

In this file photo, people stand near damaged houses on the island of Lifou (part of the Loyalty Islands) on Jan 13, 2011, after Cyclone Vania, packing winds of 100 km/h and with gusts of 150 km/h, passed the island overnight. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-20T10:18+0200watson (fr)

L'épicentre de la secousse de samedi a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et à environ 300 km à l'est des côtes calédoniennes. Une réplique de magnitude 6,5 a frappé la même région quelques minutes après la première secousse, qui s'est produite à 12h51 locale.

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T10:13+0200ipreunion (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et....

SismaTerremoto di magnitudo 7.1 in Nuova Caledonia

2023-05-20T10:10+0200cdt (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 è stata registrata all'1.50 (le 3.50 in Svizzera) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico vicino all'Australia. L'epicentro è ad una profondità di 35 chilometri e a circa 300 chilometri ad est dall'arcipelago. Si tratta della seconda scossa dopo quella registrata ieri di magnitudo 7.

Segundo terremoto sacude a Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T10:04+0200telesurtv (es)

Sismo Mag. 7.1, en zona sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad. [2023-05-19, 19:51:01]. NO existe amenaza de tsunami para El Salvador. pic.twitter.com/qNLGl2N5Wt — Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (@MedioAmbienteSV) May 20, 2023 El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, situó el primer terremoto a 37....

Le changement climatique a un impact sur les risques de tremblement de terre, selon un rapport fédéral

2023-05-20T10:01+0200newsbeezer (fr)

Le changement climatique ne provoque pas seulement plus d’inondations et d’incendies, mais modifie également le risque et les effets des tremblements de terre, selon un nouveau rapport. Le projet d’évaluation nationale des risques de catastrophe du gouvernement fédéral publié le 11 mai établit une....

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.5 en la ciudad de Puerto Williams

2023-05-20T09:51+0200infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Puerto Williams fue el epicentro de un temblor de 4.5 de magnitud que se registró a las 03:34 horas (hora local) de este sábado 20 de mayo. El movimiento telúrico ocurrió a 259.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 35.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Nearly-Eight-Magnitude Quake Caused Tsunami on South Pacific

2023-05-20T09:48+0200albaniannews (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en aguas de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-20T09:41+0200andaluciainformacion (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió este sábado el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, y activó una alerta de tsunami, aunque de bajo nivel. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que vigila la actividad sísmica mundial, registró el temblor a las 12.

7.1-magnitude quake jolts southeast of Loyalty Islands

2023-05-20T09:38+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

SYDNEY, May 20 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 01:51 GMT on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 36 km, was determined to be at 23.062 degrees south latitude and 170.

La ciudad de Ollagüe siente temblor de magnitud 3.9

2023-05-20T09:37+0200infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Ollagüe fue el epicentro de un temblor de magnitud 3.9 que se registró a las 03:10 horas (hora local) de este sábado 20 de mayo. El sismo ocurrió a 43.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 106.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

La ciudad de Concepción registra sismo de magnitud 4.1

2023-05-20T09:37+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.1 aconteció este sábado 20 de mayo en la ciudad de Concepción , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 03:16 (hora local) , se originó a 46.0 kilómetros al Noreste de dicha ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 66.

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T09:36+0200notretemps (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T09:36+0200tv5 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, possible tsunami

2023-05-20T09:36+0200tv5 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologique des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 35 km et....

7.1-magnitude quake jolts southeast of Loyalty Islands

2023-05-20T09:34+0200english-news-cn (en)

SYDNEY, May 20 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 01:51 GMT on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 36 km, was determined to be at 23.062 degrees south latitude and 170.

Puerto Vallarta registra sismo de magnitud 4.1

2023-05-20T09:33+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 4.

BREAKING NEWS: Magnitude 7.1 quake strikes New Caledonia

2023-05-20T09:26+0200opinionnigeria (en)

The waves may reach the Pacific islands of Fiji, Kiribati, Vanuatu, and Wallis and Futuna, it said, after earlier issuing a warning for coasts within 300 kilometres of the epicentre. A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia, the US Geological....

Earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes near New Caledonia

2023-05-20T09:22+0200nna-en (en)

NNA - A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck on Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia, the United States Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area. The epicentre was 35km deep and located about 300km east of the New Caledonia n archipelago, it said.

FRANCIA: Terremoto magnitud 7,1 se registra en las Islas Lealtad

2023-05-20T09:15+0200almomento (es)

PARIS, 20 May.- Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sido registrado durante la madrugada del sábado al sudeste del archipiélago francés Islas de la Lealtad, en el Océano Pacífico, a 36 kilómetros de profundidad. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Emergencias de Nueva....

Haïti : "Fidèle à ses habitudes, la communauté internationale regarde ailleurs malgré les appels au secours"

2023-05-20T09:09+0200marianne (fr)

Jadis appelée la « perle des Antilles », Haïti est aujourd’hui devenue un cauchemar à ciel ouvert, oubliée de tous, y compris de ceux qui sont censés l’aider à refaire surface. Face à cette situation, la communauté internationale comme les experts autoproclamés de la défense des droits de l’Homme se font discrets, déplore Jack Dion.

Magnitude 7.7 earthquake strikes South Pacific, triggering tsunami warning

2023-05-20T09:07+0200azertag (en)

Baku, May 20, AZERTAC A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia on Friday, triggering a tsunami warning, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, according to Anadolu Agency. Tsunami waves are possible within 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) of the quake, which struck at a depth of 37.

No hay amenaza de tsunami para Nueva Zelanda después del nuevo terremoto de 7.1 en el Pacífico

2023-05-20T09:04+0200notiulti (es)

La Defensa Civil dice que no hay amenaza de tsunami para Nueva Zelanda después de que otro poderoso terremoto cerca de Nueva Caledonia se produjera esta tarde. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos dijo que el terremoto fue de una magnitud de 7,1 a una profundidad de 36 km. Ocurrió a las 13.51 horas.

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, la menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T09:03+0200france3 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, samedi 20 mai, un jour après qu' un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région . L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et à environ 300 km à l'est des côtes calédoniennes, a....

Tsunami Warnings Issued Across South Pacific Following 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake

2023-05-20T09:02+0200natureworldnews (en)

Tsunami warnings have been issued for multiple island countries across the South Pacific Ocean following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake near the Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia on Friday, May 19. Seismic authorities gave tsunami alerts across the said Pacific region, prompting visitors and residents to....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T09:01+0200lepetitjournal (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T09:00+0200LePoint (fr)

Source AFP Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée © AFP/Mathurin DEREL. U n séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T08:52+0200laprovence (fr)

Des habitants, réfugiés sur les hauteurs de la ville, observent la baie de Nouméa après un séisme de magnitude 7,7, le 19 mai 2023 en Nouvelle-Calédonie PHOTO AFP / Mathurin DEREL Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, possible tsunami

2023-05-20T08:52+0200laprovence (fr)

Des habitants, réfugiés sur les hauteurs de la ville, observent la baie de Nouméa après un séisme de magnitude 7,7, le 19 mai 2023 en Nouvelle-Calédonie PHOTO AFP / Mathurin DEREL Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé....

À 300 km de la Nouvelle-CalédonieL'Océanie encore secouée par un puissant séisme 0 0 0

2023-05-20T08:51+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit samedi dans l’océan Pacifique à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l’Institut d’études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu’un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. L’épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T08:50+0200la-croix (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, possible tsunami

2023-05-20T08:50+0200la-croix (fr)

Des habitants, réfugiés sur les hauteurs de la ville, observent la baie de Nouméa après un séisme de magnitude 7,7, le 19 mai 2023 en Nouvelle-Calédonie AFP. Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études....

La rassegna stampa del mattino del 19 maggio 2023 La rassegna stampa del mattino del 19 maggio 2023 Sisma magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell’Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all’Australia.

2023-05-20T08:50+0200informazione (it)

La rassegna stampa del mattino del 19 maggio 2023 Sisma magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell’Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all’Australia. Ed è scattata l’allerta tsunami.

7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes near New Caledonia

2023-05-20T08:49+0200wam-en (en)

Sat 20-05-2023 10:09 AM 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes near New Caledonia. NOUMÉA, 20th May, 2023 (WAM) -- An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authorities said, with no danger of a tsunami, Reuters reported.

Nouvelle-Calédonie : un nouveau séisme de magnitude 7,1, «plus de risque de tsunami»

2023-05-20T08:48+0200cnews (fr)

Dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, un nouveau séisme de magnitude 7,1 a secoué l'océan Pacifique, à 300 kilomètres de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Si les secousses ont été ressenties sur l'archipel, la menace d'un tsunami est écartée. Nouvelles secousses sur l'archipel français.

La menace de tsunami écartée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un séisme de magnitude 7,1

2023-05-20T08:47+0200sudouest (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. « (Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes,....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, possible tsunami

2023-05-20T08:43+0200sciencesetavenir (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologique des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 35 km....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T08:43+0200sciencesetavenir (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, possible tsunami

2023-05-20T08:43+0200LePoint (fr)

Source AFP Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, possible tsunami © AFP/Mathurin DEREL. U n séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologique des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacude las aguas de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-20T08:42+0200heraldo (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió este sábado el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, y activó una alerta de tsunami , aunque de bajo nivel. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que vigila la actividad sísmica mundial, registró el temblor a las 12.

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 3.3 con epicentro en Puno

2023-05-20T08:33+0200infobae (es)

Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los movimientos telúricos más fuertes del mundo. El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico....

Nouveau séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T08:28+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit ce samedi dans l’océan Pacifique à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l’Institut d’études géologiques des États-Unis (USGS). La veille, un important tremblement de terre (de magnitude 7,7) avait déjà frappé la région.

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 s'est produit dans l’océan Pacifique

2023-05-20T08:24+0200azertag-fr (fr)

Bakou, 20 mai, AZERTAC Un fort tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,4 s'est produit au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l’Institut d’études géologiques des États-Unis (USGS). L'épicentre du séisme est situé à 146 kilomètres au sud-est de la ville de Nouméa, à une profondeur de 45 kilomètres, selon la même source.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes near New Caledonia

2023-05-20T08:21+0200ammonnews-en (en)

Ammon New s - An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authorities said, with no danger of a tsunami. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) which reported several aftershocks around the region after the 7.

7.1-magnitude quake jolts southeast of Loyalty Islands

2023-05-20T08:17+0200famagusta-gazette (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 01:51 GMT on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 36 km, was determined to be at 23.062 degrees south latitude and 170.456 degrees east longitude.

8:00 Nouvelle-Calédonie: une nouveau séisme de magnitude 7,1 samedi matin Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, au lendemain d'un autre important tremblement de terre frappant la même région.

2023-05-20T08:07+0200rmc-bfmtv (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T07:59+0200bfmtv (fr)

Ce vendredi, un séisme de magnitude 7,7 dans la région avait déjà poussé les habitants à se précipiter vers des lieux plus en altitude sur plusieurs îles du Pacifique, par peur de vagues géantes. Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit ce samedi dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la....

At a dangerous depth.. A strong earthquake hits the “Ring of Fire” area

2023-05-20T07:57+0200wn (en)

The same source specifies that the earthquake was followed at a depth of 35 km, about 300 km east of the Caledonian coast. Nancy Jack, site manager for a bungalow on Cana Island in Vanuatu, said the quake did not last long and no significant tsunami was observed.

La Nuova Caledonia trema ancora: terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 nella notte

2023-05-20T07:54+0200247libero (it)

Trema ancora la Nuova Caledonia. Alle 3.50 italiane (le 12.50 ora locale) nel territorio francese a est dell’Australia è stata registrata una nuova scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.1, dopo quella di magnitudo 7.5 avvertita ieri. L’ipocentro è stato individuato a una profondità di circa 35....

Océanie. Nouveau séisme à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, de magnitude 7,1

2023-05-20T07:54+0200vosgesmatin (fr)

(Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes, (elles n'étaient) pas trop grosses , a déclaré Nancy Jack, gérante de l'hôtel Friendly Beach Bungalows, situé en bord de mer sur l'île de Kana, au Vanuatu. Une réplique de 6,5 quelques minutes après. Aucune vague importante n'a été observée, a-t-elle ajouté.

Il terremoto 11 anni fa "In questo anniversario viviamo un’altra tragedia" Il ricordo delle vittime

2023-05-20T07:52+0200ilrestodelcarlino (it)

di Cristina Rufini. "L’undicesimo anno dal sisma in Emilia- Romagna cade nel momento in cui siamo alle prese con un nuovo terremoto: l’alluvione che in questi giorni ha colpito il nostro territorio può davvero essere definita tale per la devastazione che ha prodotto".

Magnitude 7.1 quake strikes New Caledonia

2023-05-20T07:51+0200punchng (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia, the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area. The epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300 kilometres (190 miles) east of the New Caledonia n archipelago, it said.

Océanie. Nouveau séisme à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, de magnitude 7,1

2023-05-20T07:46+0200estrepublicain (fr)

(Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes, (elles n'étaient) pas trop grosses , a déclaré Nancy Jack, gérante de l'hôtel Friendly Beach Bungalows, situé en bord de mer sur l'île de Kana, au Vanuatu. Une réplique de 6,5 quelques minutes après. Aucune vague importante n'a été observée, a-t-elle ajouté.

Nouveau séisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie, le risque d’un tsunami écarté

2023-05-20T07:43+0200leparisien (fr)

Un deuxième tremblement de terre secoue la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit samedi dans l’océan Pacifique à l’est de l’archipel, a annoncé l’Institut d’études géologiques des États-Unis (USGS). Ce séisme intervient au lendemain d’un important tremblement de terre qui avait frappé la même région.

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, la menace de tsunami écartée Vendredi, un séisme de magnitude 7,7 avait frappé la même région. L'alerte au tsunami avait été levée quelques heures plus tard.

2023-05-20T07:42+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, samedi 20 mai, un jour après qu' un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région . L'épicentre a été détecté à une profondeur de 35 km et à environ 300 km à l'est des côtes calédoniennes, a....

05:31 Sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epidentro en Chiapas

2023-05-20T07:37+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Cintalapa registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Océanie Nouveau séisme à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, de magnitude 7,1

2023-05-20T07:34+0200lejsl (fr)

(Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes, (elles n'étaient) pas trop grosses , a déclaré Nancy Jack, gérante de l'hôtel Friendly Beach Bungalows, situé en bord de mer sur l'île de Kana, au Vanuatu. Une réplique de 6,5 quelques minutes après. Aucune vague importante n'a été observée, a-t-elle ajouté.

Océanie Nouveau séisme à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, de magnitude 7,1 Après un premier séisme de magnitude 7,7 ce vendredi, un nouveau de 7,1 s'est produit ce samedi, suivi d'une réplique de 6,5. 07:10

2023-05-20T07:32+0200dna-france (fr)

(Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes, (elles n'étaient) pas trop grosses , a déclaré Nancy Jack, gérante de l'hôtel Friendly Beach Bungalows, situé en bord de mer sur l'île de Kana, au Vanuatu. Une réplique de 6,5 quelques minutes après. Aucune vague importante n'a été observée, a-t-elle ajouté.

Nouveau séisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie, la menace de tsunami écartée

2023-05-20T07:30+0200TF1 (fr)

Nouvelle frayeur pour les habitants de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit samedi 20 mai dans l'océan Pacifique à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu'un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région .

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, possible tsunami

2023-05-20T07:27+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Au lendemain d’un premier séisme dans l’océan Pacifique, à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, un nouveau séisme a eu lieu, cette fois de magnitude 7,1. Une nouvelle alerte au tsunami a été émise. Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit samedi dans l’océan Pacifique à l’est de la , a annoncé....

Océanie. Nouveau séisme à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, de magnitude 7,1

2023-05-20T07:27+0200lalsace (fr)

(Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes, (elles n'étaient) pas trop grosses , a déclaré Nancy Jack, gérante de l'hôtel Friendly Beach Bungalows, situé en bord de mer sur l'île de Kana, au Vanuatu. Une réplique de 6,5 quelques minutes après. Aucune vague importante n'a été observée, a-t-elle ajouté.

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, possible tsunami

2023-05-20T07:25+0200nordeclair (fr)

Au lendemain d’un premier séisme dans l’océan Pacifique, à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, un nouveau séisme a eu lieu, cette fois de magnitude 7,1. Une nouvelle alerte au tsunami a été émise. Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit samedi dans l’océan Pacifique à l’est de la , a annoncé....

Océanie. Nouveau séisme à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, de magnitude 7,1

2023-05-20T07:24+0200leprogres (fr)

(Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes, (elles n'étaient) pas trop grosses , a déclaré Nancy Jack, gérante de l'hôtel Friendly Beach Bungalows, situé en bord de mer sur l'île de Kana, au Vanuatu. Une réplique de 6,5 quelques minutes après. Aucune vague importante n'a été observée, a-t-elle ajouté.

Océanie. Nouveau séisme à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, de magnitude 7,1

2023-05-20T07:23+0200LeBien (fr)

(Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes, (elles n'étaient) pas trop grosses , a déclaré Nancy Jack, gérante de l'hôtel Friendly Beach Bungalows, situé en bord de mer sur l'île de Kana, au Vanuatu. Une réplique de 6,5 quelques minutes après. Aucune vague importante n'a été observée, a-t-elle ajouté.

7.1 earthquake shakes Pacific Ocean east of Caledonia

2023-05-20T07:22+0200breakinglatest (en)

A 7.1 magnitude earthquake was recorded this Saturday in the Pacific Ocean, east of New Caledonia, by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a day after another strong earthquake shook the area. The epicenter was located 35 kilometers deep and about 300 kilometers east of the New Caledonia archipelago, he said.

7.1-magnitude quake jolts southeast of Loyalty Islands

2023-05-20T07:21+0200uniindia (en)

Sydney, May 20 (UNI) An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 01:51 GMT on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 36 km, was determined to be at 23.062 degrees south latitude and 170.

Océanie. Nouveau séisme à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, de magnitude 7,1

2023-05-20T07:16+0200republicain-lorrain (fr)

(Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes, (elles n'étaient) pas trop grosses , a déclaré Nancy Jack, gérante de l'hôtel Friendly Beach Bungalows, situé en bord de mer sur l'île de Kana, au Vanuatu. Une réplique de 6,5 quelques minutes après. Aucune vague importante n'a été observée, a-t-elle ajouté.

La Nouvelle-Calédonie frappée par un nouveau séisme important

2023-05-20T07:15+0200LePoint (fr)

L' Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis (USGS) a annoncé qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'était produit dans la matinée du samedi 20 mai, à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, dans l'océan Pacifique. Il intervient moins de 24 heures après qu' un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région .

Océanie Nouveau séisme à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, de magnitude 7,1 Après un premier séisme de magnitude 7,7 ce vendredi, un nouveau de 7,1 s'est produit ce samedi, suivi d'une réplique de 6,5. 07:10

2023-05-20T07:15+0200ledauphine (fr)

(Les secousses) ont duré peut-être deux secondes, (elles n'étaient) pas trop grosses , a déclaré Nancy Jack, gérante de l'hôtel Friendly Beach Bungalows, situé en bord de mer sur l'île de Kana, au Vanuatu. Une réplique de 6,5 quelques minutes après. Aucune vague importante n'a été observée, a-t-elle ajouté.

Alluvione Emilia Romagna: 14 morti, nuova allerta rossa

2023-05-20T07:09+0200247libero (it)

Sono salite a 14 le vittime dell’alluvione che ha colpito l’Emilia Romagna. L’ultima vittima è un uomo che è stato ritrovato senza vita a Faenza, nella provincia di Ravenna. Provincia che “sta subendo nuovi allagamenti in queste ore”, ha detto il presidente della Regione Emilia Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, nel corso del punto stampa sul maltempo.

Magnitude 7.1 quake strikes east of New Caledonia

2023-05-20T06:59+0200inquirer (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake hits the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia on Saturday, May 20, 2023. Screenshot from USGS/Website. SYDNEY, Australia — A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia , the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area.

Tsunami Warning Issued After 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Pacific Ocean

2023-05-20T06:56+0200wn (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia, the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area. ......

Otro sismo de magnitud 7,1 sacude el océano Pacífico al este de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T06:53+0200eldebate (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 fue registrado este sábado en el océano Pacífico, al este de Nueva Caledonia , por el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), un día después de que otro fuerte terremoto sacudiera el área. El epicentro se situó a 35 kilómetros de profundidad y a unos 300 kilómetros al este del archipiélago de Nueva Caledonia, indicó.

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, possible tsunami

2023-05-20T06:48+0200marine-oceans (fr)

Sydney, 20 mai 2023 (AFP) – Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit samedi dans l’océan Pacifique à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l’Institut d’études géologique des Etats-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu’un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région.

Shoa descarta posibilidad de tsunami en las costas chilenas tras nuevo sismo en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T06:41+0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA) descartó este viernes la posibilidad de tsunami en las costas chilenas tras un nuevo sismo que afectó a Oceanía. El movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 7,4, localizado a 417 kilómetros al este de Numea, en Nueva Caledonia, Polinesia Frances a.

Sismo de 7,1 sacude el océano Pacífico al este de Caledonia

2023-05-20T06:38+0200elnuevosiglo (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 fue registrado este sábado en el océano Pacífico, al este de Nueva Caledonia, por el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), un día después de que otro fuerte terremoto sacudiera el área. El epicentro se situó a 35 kilómetros de profundidad y a unos 300 kilómetros al este del archipiélago de Nueva Caledonia, indicó.

Two strong earthquakes hit Loyalty islands (Updated)

2023-05-20T06:36+0200thesundaily (en)

HONG KONG : Two strong earthquakes measuring 6.0 and 7.3 on the Richter were detected southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the South Pacific this morning. The Malaysian Meteorology Department (MetMalaysia) in a statement said the the first temblor occurred at 9.

7.1-magnitude quake strikes east of New Caledonia

2023-05-20T06:17+0200deccanherald (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia, the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area. The epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300 kilometres (190 miles) east of the New Caledonia n archipelago, it said.

Dos tours turísticos para visitar Sevilla de una forma diferente

2023-05-20T06:09+0200diariodesevilla (es)

Sevilla enamora por su gente, su cultura, su gastronomía y por todo lo que compone la ciudad. Aunque en Sevilla hay imprescindibles que visitantes y locales deben ver al menos una vez en la vida (o muchas) también existen rutas diferentes para ver y apreciar la ciudad de formas poco convencionales. Sevilla Past View.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 registrado las Islas de la Lealtad, en el Pacífico

2023-05-20T06:07+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 20 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sido registrado durante la madrugada del sábado al sudeste del archipiélago francés Islas de la Lealtad, en el Océano Pacífico, a 36 kilómetros de profundidad. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Emergencias de....

Francia.- Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 registrado las Islas de la Lealtad, en el Pacífico

2023-05-20T06:07+0200notimerica (es)

MADRID, 20 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sido registrado durante la madrugada del sábado al sudeste del archipiélago francés Islas de la Lealtad, en el Océano Pacífico, a 36 kilómetros de profundidad.

En las Islas de la Lealtad, ubicadas en el Pacífico, se ha registrado un terremoto de magnitud 7,1

2023-05-20T06:03+0200noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 20 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sido registrado durante la madrugada del sábado al sudeste del archipiélago francés Islas de la Lealtad, en el Océano Pacífico, a 36 kilómetros de profundidad. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Emergencias de....

Tsunami Warning Issued After 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Pacific Ocean

2023-05-20T06:02+0200ndtvnews (en)

Sydney: A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia, the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area. The epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300 kilometres (190 miles) east of the New Caledonia n archipelago, it said.

Fuerte terremoto sacudió a Nueva Caledonia en el Pacífico Sur: SHOA descartó tsunami en Chile

2023-05-20T06:02+0200biobiochile (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió este sábado el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, y activó una alerta de tsunami, aunque de bajo nivel. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que vigila la actividad sísmica....

Un nouveau séisme de 7,1 secoue la Nouvelle Calédonie

2023-05-20T06:00+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Au lendemain d'un violent séisme qui a provoqué une alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle Calédonie, un nouveau tremblement de terre a secoué la région ce samedi 20 mai 2023. L'épicentre se situe à environ 300 km à l’est des côtes calédoniennes. Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit ce samedi 20 mai....

Magnitude 7.1 quake strikes east of New Caledonia

2023-05-20T05:59+0200bssnews (en)

SYDNEY, May 20, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia, the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area. The epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300 kilometres (190 miles) east of the New Caledonia n archipelago, it said.

Tsunami alert lifted after 7.7-magnitude Pacific quake

2023-05-20T05:51+0200dailytimesPK (en)

A tsunami warning in the Pacific has been lifted after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck on Friday, sending many islanders fleeing coastal areas. The quake hit at 0257 GMT, prompting people on multiple South Pacific islands to race to higher ground as sirens warned of possible hazardous waves.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes near New Caledonia

2023-05-20T05:50+0200straitstimesSG (en)

NEW CALEDONIA - An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday (May 20), the authorities said, with no danger of a tsunami. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) which reported several aftershocks around the region after the 7.

No tsunami threat to NZ after 7.4 quake in the Pacific

2023-05-20T05:50+0200newstalkzb (en)

New Zealand’s emergency management agency says there is no risk of a tsunami hitting the country after a large quake southeast of Loyalty Islands. Civil Defence had earlier said if a tsunami had been generated from the magnitude 7.4 quake it would not have been set to arrive in New Zealand for at least 1 hour.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes near New Caledonia

2023-05-20T05:50+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

NEW CALEDONIA - An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday (May 20), the authorities said, with no danger of a tsunami. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) which reported several aftershocks around the region after the 7.

1st LD: 7.1-magnitude quake jolts southeast of Loyalty Islands

2023-05-20T05:50+0200china.org.cn (en)

SYDNEY, May 20 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 01:51 GMT on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 36 km, was determined to be at 23.062 degrees south latitude and 170.

Terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacude las aguas de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T05:50+0200elheraldo (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, después de que el jueves un seísmo de 7,7 activara una alerta de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que vigila la actividad sísmica mundial, registró el temblor a las 12.

Magnitude 7.1 quake strikes east of New Caledonia

2023-05-20T05:46+0200urdupoint (en)

Sydney, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point New s - 20th May, 2023 ) :A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia , the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the area. The epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300....

1st LD: 7.1-magnitude quake jolts southeast of Loyalty Islands

2023-05-20T05:45+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. SYDNEY, May 20 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 01:51 GMT on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 36 km, was determined to be at 23.

Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 sacude las aguas de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-20T05:43+0200eluniverso (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió este sábado (noche del viernes en Ecuador) el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad , un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, después de que la víspera un seísmo de 7,7 activara una alerta de tsunami.

20 mag 2023, 5:25 Redazione 3bmeteo Terremoto Nuova Caledonia, scossa di magnitudo 7.4 a Vao, tutti i dettagli

2023-05-20T05:37+02003bmeteo (it)

Scossa di terremoto a Vao, Nuova Caledonia. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.4, si è verificata alle ore 13:02 (ore 04:02 in Italia) con epicentro nei pressi di Vao, Nuova Caledonia. La profondità stimata è stata di circa 44.7 Km . Potete monitorare tutte le scosse in Italia e le principali....

Terremoto Nuova Caledonia, scossa di magnitudo 6.5 a Vao, tutti i dettagli

2023-05-20T05:37+02003bmeteo (it)

Scossa di terremoto a Vao, Nuova Caledonia. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.5, si è verificata alle ore 13:28 (ore 04:28 in Italia) con epicentro nei pressi di Vao, Nuova Caledonia. La profondità stimata è stata di circa 28.117 Km . Potete monitorare tutte le scosse in Italia e le principali....

Another major earthquake strikes near New Caledonia

2023-05-20T05:36+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authorities said, with no danger of a tsunami. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) which reported several aftershocks around the region after the 7.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes southeast of Loyalty Islands 1h ago

2023-05-20T05:34+0200wkzo (en)

(Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authorities said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake hit at a depth of about 36 km (22.37 miles).

7.7 Magnitude Earthquake Causes Small Tsunami on South Pacific Islands

2023-05-20T05:33+0200theepochtimes (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand—A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

After earthquakes and drought, floods devastate Northern Italy

2023-05-20T05:32+0200wn (en)

ROME — Eleven years ago this month, back-to-back earthquakes struck the northern Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, which this week was devastated by another disaster: Widespread flooding that has caused at least 14 deaths and left thousands more homeless.

Second massive earthquake in two days strikes New Caledonia, triggers fresh tsunami warning

2023-05-20T05:32+0200wn (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authorities said.

Fresh 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes East of New Caledonia in The Pacific

2023-05-20T05:31+0200latestly (en)

, Read Update on Tsunami Waves An earthquake of 7.1 magnitude hit the Pacific today. BREAKING: 7.1 magnitude earthquake in the Pacific. — The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) A magnitude 7.1 earthquake has struck in the Pacific about 300 kilometres to the east of New Caledonia, the US Geological....

Another major earthquake strikes near New Caledonia World News

2023-05-20T05:27+0200alarabiya-en (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authorities said, with no danger of a tsunami. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) which reported several aftershocks around the region after the 7.

7.1-magnitude quake strikes east of New Caledonia: USGS

2023-05-20T05:26+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

SYDNEY - A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia, the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area. The epicenter was 35 kilometers (22 miles) deep and located about 300 kilometers (190 miles) east of the New Caledonia n archipelago, it said.

7.1-magnitude quake strikes east of New Caledonia: USGS

2023-05-20T05:26+0200urdupoint (en)

Sydney, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point New s - 20th May, 2023 ) :A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia , the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the area. The epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300....

Sismo de magnitud 7.1 sacude las aguas de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-20T05:26+0200elcomentario (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7.1 sacudió este sábado el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad , un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur , después de que la víspera un seísmo de 7.7 activara una alerta de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos ( USGS ), que....

Tsunami possible as 7.1-magnitude quake strikes Pacific Ocean

2023-05-20T05:23+0200tribuneonline (en)

People look out toward the seafront from the Vierge du Pacifique in Noumea on 19 May 2023, after an earthquake hit the island. A tsunami warning in the Pacific has been lifted after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck on 19 May sent many islanders in the region fleeing the coast. (Photo by Mathurin DEREL / AFP) A 7.

Hot Spots – 7.1 magnitude earthquakes in the Pacific east of New Caledonia

2023-05-20T05:23+0200breakinglatest (en)

People in Numea fled to safety on Friday Image: AFP. There was an earthquake in the Pacific east of New Caledonia on Saturday. According to the USGS, the magnitude of the earthquake was 7.1. A 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the same area on Friday. There was an earthquake in the Pacific east of New Caledonia on Saturday.

Sismo de magnitud 7.1 sacude Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T05:20+0200xeu (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió este sábado el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, después de que la víspera un seísmo de 7,7 activara una alerta de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que vigila....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacude las aguas de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-20T05:19+0200infobae (es)

Sídney (Australia), 20 may. Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió este sábado el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, después de que la víspera un seísmo de 7,7 activara una alerta de tsunami.

USGS: 7.1-magnitude quake strikes East of New Caledonia

2023-05-20T05:16+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

According to the US Geological Survey, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck today in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia. — Reuters pic. SYDNEY, May 20 ― A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck today in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia , the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area.

M7.4 earthquake strikes southeast of the Loyalty Islands: USGS

2023-05-20T05:16+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake was at a depth of 45 kilometers, the USGS observed. Later, a magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck the island at a depth of 28.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes southeast of Loyalty Islands (Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authoritie... 1h ago

2023-05-20T05:15+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authorities said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake hit at a depth of about 36 km (22.37 miles).

OcéanieSéisme de magnitude 7,1 à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit samedi dans l’océan Pacifique à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l’Institut d’études géologique des États-Unis (USGS). Mis à jour

2023-05-20T05:13+020024heures (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit samedi dans l’océan Pacifique à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l’Institut d’études géologique des États-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu’un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 35 km et....

PM Modi unveils Mahatma Gandhi's bust in Hiroshima, site of world's first nuclea

2023-05-20T05:12+0200mid-day (en)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed a summit of Arab leaders in Saudi Arabia on Friday before what a senior official said would be a trip to Japan for a meeting with the leaders of the world's most powerful democracies. Zelenskyy has in recent months made foreign trips to shore up....

Nouveau séisme puissant au sud des îles Loyauté, pas de risque de tsunami nouvelle calédonie

2023-05-20T05:07+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Il était un peu moins de 13 heures lorsqu'un nouveau séisme a fait trembler le Caillou ce samedi. Il s'agit d'un phénomène " de magnitude 7.4 ", qui " s'est produit à 45 kilomètres de profondeur, au sud des îles Loyauté ", indique la Sécurité civile dans un communiqué. De son côté, l'Institut d'études géologiques des Etats-Unis estime à 7.

National Advisory: Tsunami Advisory For New Zealand CANCELLED

2023-05-20T05:06+0200scoop-co-nz (en)

Saturday, 20 May 2023, 2:21 pm Press Release: National Emergency Management Agency The National Advisory issued following the magnitude 7.7 earthquake near SOUTHEAST OF LOYALTY ISLANDS at 2023-05-19 2:57 PM New Zealand Standard Time is cancelled. NEMA has been advised by GNS Science that tsunami....

USGS: 7.1-magnitude quake strikes east of New Caledonia

2023-05-20T05:04+0200themalaymailonline (en)

According to the US Geological Survey, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck today in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia. — Reuters pic. SYDNEY, May 20 ― A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck today in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia , the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area.

USGS: 7.1-magnitude quake strikes east of New Caledonia

2023-05-20T05:03+0200malaymail (en)

According to the US Geological Survey, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck today in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia. — Reuters pic. SYDNEY, May 20 ― A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck today in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia , the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area.

No tsunami threat after second large quake in two days

2023-05-20T05:03+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) says there is no tsunami threat from the second large earthquake in two days in an area just off the Loyalty Islands. The 7.1 magnitude earthquake was felt shortly before 2pm and was at a depth of 45 kilometres. A second 6.5 earthquake was recorded 18 minutes later.

OcéanieSéisme de magnitude 7,1 à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie 0 1 0

2023-05-20T05:02+0200lematin-CH (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 s’est produit samedi dans l’océan Pacifique à l’est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé l’Institut d’études géologique des États-Unis (USGS), un jour après qu’un important tremblement de terre a frappé la même région. La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 35 km....

Sismo de 7.4 grados en el Pacífico Sur no genera riesgo de tsunami ni para México ni Chile

2023-05-20T05:01+0200somosfan (es)

El Océano Pacífico fue escenario de dos fuertes sismos en menos de 24 horas. El primero, de magnitud 7.7, ocurrió ayer 18 de mayo de 2023 cerca de Nueva Caledonia y generó una alerta de tsunami que fue cancelada poco después. El segundo, de magnitud 7.

Bracing for another storm

2023-05-20T05:00+0200thedailystarBD (en)

The boon of knowing the cyclone was going to miss the southern tip of the country and barrel towards our neighbour has the bane of a premonition: next time we may not be lucky. Alongside the coastal town of Cox's Bazar, at least two of our major islands in the Teknaf range faced the full blast of....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 in Nuova Caledonia

2023-05-20T04:58+0200rainews (it)

Un nuovo potente terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 si è verificato sabato nell'Oceano Pacifico a est della Nuova Caledonia, ha annunciato lo United States Geological Survey (USGS). Il sisma è stato rilevato a una profondità di 35 chilometri e circa 300 chilometri a est della costa caledonia na, sempre secondo l'USGS.

No tsunami threat after second large quake in two days

2023-05-20T04:57+0200radionz (en)

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) says there is no tsunami threat from the second large earthquake in two days in an area just off the Loyalty Islands. The 7.1 magnitude earthquake was felt shortly before 2pm and was at a depth of 45 kilometres. A second 6.5 earthquake was recorded 18 minutes later.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes southeast of Loyalty Islands (Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authoritie... 47m ago

2023-05-20T04:56+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authorities said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake hit at a depth of about 36 km (22.37 miles).

Earthquake of magnitude 7.1 strikes southeast of Loyalty Islands (Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authoritie... 43m ago

2023-05-20T04:53+0200whbl (en)

(Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the authorities said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake hit at a depth of about 36 km (22.37 miles).

7.1-magnitude quake strikes east of New Caledonia: USGS

2023-05-20T04:51+0200economictimes (en)

The epicentre was 35 kilometres (22 miles) deep and located about 300 kilometres (190 miles) east of the New Caledonian archipelago, it said. Any tsunami waves are expected to be less than 0.3 metres (one foot), the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in its latest update.

Assad to Arab leaders: 'Historic chance to remake region'

2023-05-20T04:48+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has spoken of an "historic opportunity" for Arab states to remake their region "with the least amount of foreign interference", in his first trip to an Arab League summit in over a decade. He said Arab leaders should build on the reconciliation ahead of the summit.

Sismo hoy 19 de mayo de 2023 magnitud 7.4 sacude el Océano Pacífico; Mexico descarta un tsunami Nacional | 19 de mayo

2023-05-20T04:47+0200el-mexicano (es)

Un sismo hoy 19 de mayo de 2023 de magnitud 7.4 se registró en el Océano Pacífico, al sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, Nueva Caledonia, a una profundidad de 45 kilómetros, sin que hasta el momento se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El temblor de hoy 19 de mayo de 2023 se registra unas horas después del terremoto de 7.

Terremoto de magnitud 7.1 ocurre frente a la costa de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-20T04:46+0200nuevoperiodico (es)

https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/106201/08/1062010880_0:140:3000:1828_1920x0_80_0_0_e5ac01813c4ac686cbb190a48b997d02.jpg. El sismo ocurrió a una profundidad de unas 22 millas (36 kilómetros) a las 01:51 GMT del sábado, a unas 261 millas al noroeste de Noumea, la capital de Nueva Caledonia, dijo el USGS.

earthquake-Pacific-NCaledonia lead

2023-05-20T04:43+0200nampa (en)

7.1-magnitude quake strikes east of New Caledonia: USGS ATTENTION - UPDATES with downgraded tsunami warning; CORRECTS USGS name /// Sydney, May 20, 2023 (AFP) - A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday in the Pacific Ocean to the east of New Caledonia , the US Geological Survey said, a day after a major quake hit the same area.

US warning center lifts tsunami alert after 7.7 magnitude quake in South Pacific

2023-05-20T04:40+0200cnnphilippines (en)

(CNN) — The United States Tsunami Warning Center lifted an alert over the South Pacific on Friday, around three hours after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the region. “Based on all available data, the tsunami threat from this earthquake has now passed,” the center said in a report.

Explained | How earthquakes are recorded and measured

2023-05-20T04:34+0200deccanherald (en)

Early morning on May 19, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the French territory of New Caledonia in the Southern Pacific Ocean. A tsunami warning, which was initially issued for several Pacific island nations, was later called off and no casualties were reported.

Civil Defence assessing tsunami risk after magnitude 7.4 quake southeast of Loyalty Island

2023-05-20T04:34+0200nzherald (en)

The morning after May 19's tsunami alert in Ahipara in the Far North. Photo / Ahiparadise Photography. Lennox Goodhue-Wikitera New Zealand’s emergency management agency is assessing whether a large quake southeast of Loyalty Island poses any tsunami threat to Aotearoa. Civil Defence said if a tsunami has been generated from the magnitude 7.

Civil Defence assessing tsunami threat after another Pacific quake The 7.1 earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands near New Caledonia, the same area as yesterday.

2023-05-20T04:31+0200tvnz (en)

Civil Defence are assessing the tsunami threat to New Zealand after another powerful earthquake near New Caledonia struck this afternoon. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake was a 7.1 magnitude at a depth of 36km. It struck at 1.51pm. "If a tsunami has been generated it is not likely to....

Magnitude 7.4 Earthquake Occurs off New Caledonia Coast - USGS

2023-05-20T04:25+0200urdupoint (en)

MOSCOW (UrduPoint New s / Sputnik - 20th May, 2023) A 7.4-magnitude earthquake has hit off the coast of New Caledonia , the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reports. The quake occurred at a depth of about 22 miles (36 kilometers) at 01:51 GMT on Saturday, about 261 miles northwest of New....

M7.4 earthquake strikes southeast of the Loyalty Islands: USGS

2023-05-20T04:23+0200cgtn (en)

A magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Saturday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake was at a depth of 45 kilometers, the USGS observed.

7.7 earthquake strikes near New Caledonia; tsunami alert lifted hours later

2023-05-20T04:08+0200pakobserver (en)

Officials said Friday that a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning for the states in the region; however, the alert was lifted three hours after the seism. US National Tsunami Warning Center said that the earthquake’s epicentre....

Syria's Assad tells Arab leaders to take 'historic opportunity' to remake Middle East

2023-05-20T02:51+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has spoken of an "historic opportunity" for Arab states to remake their region "with the least amount of foreign interference", in his first trip to an Arab League summit in over a decade. He said Arab leaders should build on the reconciliation ahead of the summit.

00:46 Sismo de magnitud 4.3 se registra en Chiapas

2023-05-20T02:49+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 4.

Syria's Assad tells Arab leaders to take 'historic opportunity' to remake Middle East

2023-05-20T02:47+0200radionz (en)

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has spoken of an "historic opportunity" for Arab states to remake their region "with the least amount of foreign interference", in his first trip to an Arab League summit in over a decade. He said Arab leaders should build on the reconciliation ahead of the summit.

Major earthquake hits far Pacific, triggers tsunami warning

2023-05-20T02:45+0200dhakatribune (en)

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake hit southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Friday. According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres. It hit southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia.

Australie : alerte au tsunami sur l'île Lord Howe après un séisme de magnitude 7,7 près des Iles Loyauté

2023-05-20T02:36+0200french-news (fr)

SYDNEY, 19 mai (Xinhua) -- Le Bureau météorologique australien (BOM) a annoncé vendredi qu'une alerte au tsunami était en cours concernant l'île Lord Howe, après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,7 a été ressenti vendredi à 2h57 GMT au sud-est des Iles Loyauté.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.6 con epicentro en Pica

2023-05-20T02:36+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.6 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 109.0 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Pica. El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -69.188 grados de longitud y -20.781 grados de latitud, es decir a 36.0 kilómetros al Sureste de dicha ciudad , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Watch: 'Massive wave' - tsunami surge sweeps into coastal town; 'scary' night for residents 11 minutes ago

2023-05-20T02:14+0200newstalkzb (en)

Lennox Goodhue-Wikitera has woken bleary-eyed this morning after a “scary” night on tsunami watch in the Far North. Goodhue-Wikitera’s hometown Ahipara, west of Kaitāia, was among coastal areas put under alert by the National Emergency Management Agency (Nema) after an earthquake north of New Zealand.

Sismo de magnitud 4.3 se siente en Oxapampa, Pasco

2023-05-20T01:20+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.3 aconteció este viernes 19 de mayo en la ciudad de Puerto Bermudez, en la provincia de Oxapampa, del departamento de Pasco, de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) El rango de color verde se usa para los sismos de magnitudes menores a 4.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.1 en Mapastepec

2023-05-20T01:20+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

23:01 Cintalapa registra sismo de magnitud 4.0

2023-05-20T01:03+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour says network needs to regain trust after ‘Earthquake’ of Trump town hall

2023-05-20T00:59+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

NEW YORK, NY - JANUARY 09: Christiane Amanpour attends the 2018 The National Board Of Review Annual Awards Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street on January 9, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Steven Ferdman/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images) Patrick McMullan via Getty Images.

Se registra temblor de magnitud 3.6 en la ciudad de Mina La Escondida.

2023-05-20T00:51+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.6 de magnitud ocurrió este viernes 19 de mayo en la ciudad de Mina La Escondida. , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento comenzó a las 18:31 (hora local) , se originó a 81.0 kilómetros al Este de dicha ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 262.

Earthquake damages educational centers in Puerto Plata Dominican Republic, prompting infrastructure concerns

2023-05-20T00:27+0200dominicantoday (en)

Infrastructure damage has been reported in several educational centers in Puerto Plata following a 5.2-magnitude earthquake that occurred early Thursday morning. The Ministry of Education stated that minor cracks appeared in some schools, exacerbating existing ones in others.

Sismo en México: temblor con epicentro en Tonalá

2023-05-20T00:18+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de 4.

Sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-05-20T00:07+0200infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Socaire fue el epicentro de un sismo de 4.4 de magnitud que se registró a las 17:54 horas (hora local) de este viernes 19 de mayo. El movimiento telúrico sucedió a 105.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 194.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

News7 hours ago A 7.7 Earthquake Hits Near New Caledonia; Tsunami Alert Lifted

2023-05-20T00:03+0200chiangraitimes (en)

(CTN New s) – An earthquake measuring 7.7 magnitude struck the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia on Friday, triggering a tsunami warning for states in the region. However, the alert was lifted three hours after issue, according to officials. As far as the US Geological Survey is concerned, the earthquake had a depth of 37 kilometers.

New Zealand tsunami alert: Ahipara coastal residents wake after ‘scary’ night

2023-05-19T23:33+0200nzherald (en)

The region that had yesterday been at risk of a possible tsunami after a magnitude 7.7 quake hit near the Loyalty Islands. Image / Google Lennox Goodhue-Wikitera has woken bleary-eyed this morning after a “scary” night on tsunami watch in the Far North.

Stratford landmarks declared earthquake-prone

2023-05-19T23:19+0200radionz (en)

Mayor Neil Volzke said it was a worry for the central Taranaki town. "Naturally it is a concern for us. The Memorial Hall, the multi-sports centre at TET and the Glockenspiel tower are all quite iconic features of our landscape and all of those structures will need some work to bring them up to earthquake standard.

Stratford landmarks declared earthquake-prone

2023-05-19T23:13+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

Mayor Neil Volzke said it was a worry for the central Taranaki town. "Naturally it is a concern for us. The Memorial Hall, the multi-sports centre at TET and the Glockenspiel tower are all quite iconic features of our landscape and all of those structures will need some work to bring them up to earthquake standard.

Earthquake in the South Pacific causes small tsunamis

2023-05-19T22:43+0200washtimes (en)

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake in the South Pacific caused small tsunamis Friday. The closest landmass to the epicenter is the Loyalty Islands in the French overseas collectivity of New Caledonia. The underwater quake occurred in the afternoon local time. Tsunamis were reported off the coasts of Vanuatu....

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée polynésie

2023-05-19T22:33+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Le tremblement de terre a été détecté vers 14 heures locales (03H00 GMT) à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Par sa puissance, la secousse a immédiatement fait craindre un risque de raz-de-marée sur les côtes de....

Marta Rovira anuncia que todavía no volverá de Suiza, por la causa de Tsunami Democràtic

2023-05-19T22:08+0200elnacional-cat (es)

La secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, ha anunciado este viernes que todavía no volverá del exilio en Suiza, por la causa judicial sobre las manifestaciones de Tsunami Democràtic en el 2019 contra la sentencia del 1-O. "Todavía tardaré un poco más en volver.

La ciudad de Ovalle percibe temblor de magnitud 4.6

2023-05-19T21:53+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.6 se registró en la ciudad de Ovalle este viernes 19 de mayo, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según la información hasta ahora publicada, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 15:38 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 47.0 kilómetros de profundidad.

Sismo de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico crea pequeño tsunami ante Vanuatu

2023-05-19T21:50+0200elperiodicodemexico (es)

WELLINGTON, Nueva Zelanda (AP) Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 registrado el viernes en el Pacífico sur provocó pequeñas olas de tsunami en Vanuatu. El Centro de Alertas de Tsunami del Pacífico (CATP) dijo que detectó olas de 60 centímetros (2 pies) por encima del nivel de la marea frente a Lenakel, una ciudad portuaria de la nación insular.

Il volume, un omaggio ai Monti Sibillini, è stato realizzato grazie a un progetto del Pnc al quale hanno aderito 9 comuni del cratere sismico

2023-05-19T21:40+0200picusonline (it)

Il Commissario alla Riparazione e Ricostruzione Sisma 2016 Guido Castelli è intervenuto oggi al Salone del Libro di Torino , presso lo stand della Regione Marche, in occasione della presentazione del nuovo libro di Massimiliano Ossini “ Le montagne magiche” Il volume, di cui Castelli ha scritto la....

These Two Ancient Pompeii Victims Died in an Earthquake—Not a Volcanic Eruption

2023-05-19T21:19+0200smithsonianmag (en)

Bone fractures suggest that structural damage killed the two Pompeii residents. Pompeii Archaeological Park / Italian Minister of Culture. The name Pompeii conjures up images of pyroclastic flows and volcanic ash: When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 C.E., the disaster left buildings, bodies and artifacts .

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific…

2023-05-19T21:13+0200samacharcentral (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Alluvione Emilia Romagna: 14 morti, frane e strade distrutte. Nuova allerta rossa

2023-05-19T21:12+0200ilroma (it)

Sono salite a 14 le vittime dell'alluvione che ha colpito l'Emilia Romagna. L'ultima vittima è un uomo che è stato ritrovato senza vita a Faenza, nella provincia di Ravenna. Provincia che "sta subendo nuovi allagamenti in queste ore'', ha detto il presidente della Regione Emilia Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, nel corso del punto stampa sul maltempo.

After a magnitude 7.7 earthquake off New Caledonia, the tsunami threat is spreading in the South Pacific

2023-05-19T20:58+0200newsbeezer (en)

May 19 (Reuters) – The threat of tsunami waves in the South Pacific has passed and national warnings have been downgraded after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck south-east of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Friday. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said the....

Climate change is impacting earthquake risks, federal report finds

2023-05-19T20:43+0200crestonvalleyadvance (en)

Climate change is not just causing more floods and fires, but also changing the risk and effects of earthquakes, according to a new report. The federal government’s draft national disaster risk assessment released May 11 finds a relationship between climate change and earthquakes.

Rovira de ERC pospone su retorno desde Suiza debido a Tsunami Democràtic: «Tomaré más tiempo»

2023-05-19T20:41+0200noticiasde (es)

Interviene telemáticamente en un acto de ERC en Vic (Barcelona), su ciudad natal. VIC (BARCELONA), 19 (EUROPA PRESS) La secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, ha alejado su regreso a Catalunya desde Ginebra (Suiza) debido a la causa judicial por los altercados durante las manifestaciones de....

Rovira (ERC) aleja su regreso desde Suiza por Tsunami Democràtic: "Aún tardaré un poco más"

2023-05-19T20:35+0200elconfidencialdigital (es)

VIC (BARCELONA), 19 (EUROPA PRESS) La secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, ha alejado su regreso a Cataluña desde Ginebra (Suiza) debido a la causa judicial por los altercados durante las manifestaciones de Tsunami Democràtic en 2019 contra la sentencia del 1-O: "Aún tardaré un poco más en volver.

«Aún tardaré un poco más»

2023-05-19T20:33+0200diariodia (es)

Interviene telemáticamente en un acto de ERC en Vic (Barcelona), su ciudad natal. VIC (BARCELONA), 19 May. (EUROPA PRESS) – La secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, ha alejado su regreso a Catalunya desde Ginebra (Suiza) debido a la causa judicial por los altercados durante las manifestaciones de....

Rovira (ERC) aleja su regreso desde Suiza por Tsunami Democràtic: "Aún tardaré un poco más"

2023-05-19T20:32+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

Interviene telemáticamente en un acto de ERC en Vic (Barcelona), su ciudad natal VIC (BARCELONA), 19 (EUROPA PRESS) La secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, ha alejado su regreso a Cataluña desde Ginebra (Suiza) debido a la causa judicial por los altercados durante las manifestaciones de Tsunami....

Rovira (ERC) aleja su regreso desde Suiza por Tsunami Democràtic: "Aún tardaré un poco más"

2023-05-19T20:20+0200cope (es)

Interviene telemáticamente en un acto de ERC en Vic (Barcelona), su ciudad natal. La secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, ha alejado su regreso a Catalunya desde Ginebra (Suiza) debido a la causa judicial por los altercados durante las manifestaciones de Tsunami Democràtic en 2019 contra la sentencia del 1-O: "Aún tardaré un poco más en volver.

Rovira (ERC) aleja su regreso desde Suiza por Tsunami Democràtic: "Aún tardaré un poco más"

2023-05-19T20:14+0200europapress (es)

Interviene telemáticamente en un acto de ERC en Vic (Barcelona), su ciudad natal. VIC (BARCELONA), 19 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - La secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, ha alejado su regreso a Catalunya desde Ginebra (Suiza) debido a la causa judicial por los altercados durante las manifestaciones de....

Small earthquake hits just north of New York City

2023-05-19T20:04+0200bostonglobe (en)

A minor earthquake rumbled through parts of Westchester County in New York early Friday, with tremors reportedly felt in New York City and towns in northern New Jersey. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The earthquake, which had a preliminary magnitude of 2.2, occurred around 1:50 a.

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T19:46+0200phys (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Election 'mixed bag' for Alliance with SF 'tsunami,' says Long

2023-05-19T19:40+0200itv (en)

Alliance Leader Naomi Long said the local council elections has been something of a "mixed bag" for her party. Ms Long said a "tsunami" of support for Sinn Féin has posed challenges to Alliance's hopes of growth west of the Bann, but she said the party is "in it for the long haul".

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.8 en Calama

2023-05-19T19:22+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sacudió las calles de la ciudad chilena de Calama , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 12:53 horas (hora local) de este viernes 19 de mayo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico fue de 2.8 de magnitud y una profundidad de 117.

Pacific island tsunami warnings: Latest after earthquake hits New Caledonia

2023-05-19T19:20+0200whatsnew2day (en)

People in the South Pacific have been told to avoid coastal areas after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake southeast of New Caledonia’s Loyalty Islands. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said tsunami waves ranging from 0.3 to 1 meter above tide level were possible for some coastal areas of Vanuatu.

Alluvione Emilia Romagna: 14 morti, frane e strade distrutte. Nuova allerta rossa

2023-05-19T19:15+0200Quotidianodibari (it)

(Adnkronos) – Sono salite a 14 le vittime dell'alluvione che ha colpito l'Emilia Romagna. L'ultima vittima è un uomo che è stato ritrovato senza vita a Faenza, nella provincia di Ravenna. Provincia che "sta subendo nuovi allagamenti in queste ore'', ha detto il presidente della Regione Emilia....

Alluvione Emilia Romagna: 14 morti, frane e strade distrutte. Nuova allerta rossa

2023-05-19T19:15+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Sono salite a 14 le vittime dell’alluvione che ha colpito l’Emilia Romagna. L’ultima vittima è un uomo che è stato ritrovato senza vita a Faenza, nella provincia di Ravenna. Provincia che “sta subendo nuovi allagamenti in queste ore”, ha detto il presidente della Regione Emilia....

NEMA cancels tsunami warning following magnitude 7.7 Pacific quake

2023-05-19T18:53+0200wn (en)

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) says the risk of tsunami activity on the East and West Coasts has passed. An earthquake in the Pacific earlier this evening caused unusual currents and unpredictable surges in New Zealand waters. NEMA warned coastal areas of New Zealand could expect to....

16:46 Se registra sismo de 4.1 de magnitud en San Marcos

2023-05-19T18:48+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Small earthquake rattles NYC Metro area

2023-05-19T18:45+0200foxweather (en)

A small earthquake rattled the New York City area in the middle of the night Friday morning, startling some residents in an area where earthquakes are rare.

Pacific island tsunami warnings: when did an earthquake hit New Caledonia? Was there a tsunami?

2023-05-19T18:43+0200dailymail (en)

People across the South Pacific have been told to avoid coastal areas after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake south-east of the Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said that tsunami waves ranging from 0.3 to 1 metre above the tide level were possible for some coastal zones of Vanuatu.

Quake survivor women say their needs forgotten during elections

2023-05-19T18:42+0200duvarenglish (en)

Evrim Deniz / Gazete Duvar. The two major earthquakes that struck Kahramanmaraş on February 6, 2023 affected a vast region of approximately 13.5 million people in 11 provinces in Turkey’s southeastern region. According to official figures, 50,783 people lost their lives, and nearly 5,650,000 houses were damaged.

Levantan la alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico Sur 19 de may. de 2023

2023-05-19T18:39+0200latribuna (es)

Sídney (Australia).- El Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico levantó este viernes la alerta de tsunami activada por un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en aguas de Nueva Caledonia, que incluía a varios países del Pacífico Sur. “La amenaza de tsunami ha pasado en gran medida”, indica la última....

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake near French New Caledonia issued a tsunami warning- RFI – Radio France Internationale

2023-05-19T18:37+0200breakinglatest (en)

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake near French New Caledonia issued a tsunami warning RFI – Radio France Internationale; New Caledonia is threatened by a 22 cm tsunami in the South Pacific | International Oriental Daily News Malaysia Oriental Daily News; A magnitude 7.

Salone del Libro, il commissario Castelli a Torino per le "Montagne Magiche" raccontate da Massimiliano Ossini

2023-05-19T18:37+0200corriereadriatico (it)

è intervenuto oggi al Salone del Libro di Torino, nello stand della Regione Marche, in occasione della presentazione del nuovo libro di Massimiliano Ossini “Le montagne magiche”. La prefazione. Il volume, di cui Castelli ha scritto la prefazione, è dedicato al viaggio che il noto conduttore e....

Evidence of bird sacrifices to the goddess Isis in ancient…

2023-05-19T18:26+0200samacharcentral (en)

An archaeologist and a biologist have found evidence of birds being sacrificed to the goddess Isis in the excavated ruins of the Temple of Isis in Pompeii. In their study, reported in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, Chiara Assunta Corbino and Beatrice Demarchi studied frescos found at....

6h 'Patience stratégique': Guibai Gatama dévoile le tsunami politique que prépare l'élite du nord

2023-05-19T18:21+0200camerounweb (fr)

Tout porte à croire que les membres du sérail d'Etoudi originaires du grand nord, malgré les places de choix qu'ont occupé plusieurs des leurs durant le règne de Biya, n'ont pas oublié la "belle époque" d'Ahmadou Ahidjo, le frère et premier président élu du pays.

Sismo de magnitud 7.7 sacude costas de Nueva Caledonia; provoca ligero tsunami

2023-05-19T18:17+0200diarioelmercurio (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7.7 sacudió el viernes el océano Pacífico, al sureste de Nueva Caledonia (Francia), desatando una alerta de tsunami que fue levantada una hora después, informaron agencias estadunidenses de monitoreo y autoridades civiles locales.

2.2 magnitude earthquake rattles parts of N.J., N.Y.

2023-05-19T18:14+0200wn (en)

A minor earthquake early Friday rattled parts of New York and northern New Jersey, where some residents reported they were awakened by the rumbling. The 2.2 magnitude quake, which occurred about 1:50 a.m., was centered about 10 miles from New York City in Hastings-on-Hudson in Westchester County,....

Nouvelle-Calédonie : Un tremblement de terre déclenche une alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T18:10+0200ouaga24 (fr)

Le Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) a révisé à la baisse les alertes de tsunami dans le Pacifique Sud après un séisme de magnitude 7,7 au sud-est des îles Loyauté en Nouvelle-Calédonie. La menace de tsunami a été largement levée vendredi après-midi, et le PTWC a déclaré qu’il n’y avait plus de risque majeur de vagues de tsunami.

Magnitude 2.2 earthquake rattles parts of New York and New Jersey early Friday morning, USGS says

2023-05-19T18:07+0200erienewsnow (en)

The earthquake occurred at 2 a.m. around northwest Yonkers and along the Hudson River in New York, and was felt in New Jersey, according to Randy Baldwin, a geophysicist at the USGS’s National Information Center in Golden, Colorado. USGS received 200 alerts on its website from people who felt the....

Bird Sacrifices to the Goddess Isis in the Ancient Roman Empire Supported by Evidence

2023-05-19T17:59+0200whatsnew2day (en)

An archaeologist and biologist have found evidence of bird sacrifice to the goddess Isis in the ruins of the Temple of Isis in Pompeii. In their study, it was reported in International Journal of Archeology, Chiara Assunta Corbino and Beatrice Demarchi studied frescoes at the ancient site to reveal the role birds played in ritual banquets.

Progrès « faibles et insuffisants » en matière de réduction des risques de catastrophe AzerTAg.az

2023-05-19T17:59+0200azertag-fr (fr)

Bakou, 19 mai, AZERTAC Les progrès mondiaux en matière de gestion des risques de catastrophe ont été faibles et insuffisants, mettant en péril les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) à l’horizon 2030, a déclaré jeudi la Vice-Secrétaire générale de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, Amina....

2.2 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Parts Of Bergen County

2023-05-19T17:58+0200dailyvoice-northernvalley (en)

Did you feel it? Some Bergen County residents reported being woken up by a 2.2 magnitude earthquake overnight. According to the United States Geological Survey, the minor quake originated near the border of Hastings-on-Hudson and Yonkers, NY, but could be felt in a several-mile radius just after 1:50 a.

Magnitude 2.2 earthquake rattles parts of New York and New Jersey early Friday morning, USGS says

2023-05-19T17:55+0200cnn (en)

A magnitude 2.2 earthquake was felt in parts of New York and New Jersey early Friday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey told CNN. The earthquake occurred at 2 a.m. around northwest Yonkers and along the Hudson River in New York, and was felt in New Jersey, according to Randy Baldwin, a geophysicist....

2.2 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Parts Of Bergen County

2023-05-19T17:54+0200dailyvoice-southpassaic (en)

Did you feel it? Some Bergen County residents reported being woken up by a 2.2 magnitude earthquake overnight. According to the United States Geological Survey, the minor quake originated near the border of Hastings-on-Hudson and Yonkers, NY, but could be felt in a several-mile radius just after 1:50 a.

Evidence of bird sacrifices to the goddess Isis in ancient Roman Empire

2023-05-19T17:52+0200phys (en)

An archaeologist and a biologist have found evidence of birds being sacrificed to the goddess Isis in the excavated ruins of the Temple of Isis in Pompeii. In their study, reported in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, Chiara Assunta Corbino and Beatrice Demarchi studied frescos found at....

Se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.9 en la ciudad de San José

2023-05-19T17:48+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.9 de magnitud ocurrió este viernes 19 de mayo en la ciudad de San José , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 11:02 (hora local) , se originó a 53.0 kilómetros al Sureste de dicha localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 4.

Fiji area sees tsunami after 7.7-magnitude earthquake

2023-05-19T17:44+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

Hmmm could that “just a book of tails” as some people call it which believers call the Bible be correct?Many people will say we’re living in End Times and Jesus will be returning very soon.I disagree because according to the Bible when Jesus returns the Earth and humanity will be truly suffering.

Sismo de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico crea pequeño tsunami ante Vanuatu

2023-05-19T17:42+0200lahora-GT (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 registrado el viernes en el Pacífico sur provocó pequeñas olas de tsunami en Vanuatu. Foto La Hora: AP. Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 registrado el viernes en el Pacífico sur provocó pequeñas olas de tsunami en Vanuatu. El Centro de Alertas de Tsunami del Pacífico (CATP)....

2.2 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Parts Of Bergen County

2023-05-19T17:27+0200dailyvoice-northpassaic (en)

Did you feel it? Some Bergen County residents reported being woken up by a 2.2 magnitude earthquake overnight. According to the United States Geological Survey, the minor quake originated near the border of Hastings-on-Hudson and Yonkers, NY, but could be felt in a several-mile radius just after 1:50 a.

2.2 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Parts Of Bergen County

2023-05-19T17:25+0200dailyvoice-bergenfield (en)

Did you feel it? Some Bergen County residents reported being woken up by a 2.2 magnitude earthquake overnight. According to the United States Geological Survey, the minor quake originated near the border of Hastings-on-Hudson and Yonkers, NY, but could be felt in a several-mile radius just after 1:50 a.

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T17:16+0200cnc3 (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimetres (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

2.2 Earthquake Shakes Northern Part of New York Metro Area

2023-05-19T16:59+0200lavocedinewyork (en)

Many people in New York City were jolted awake early on Friday as a 2.2-magnitude earthquake hit the NY metropolitan region. The quake struck south of Hastings-on-Hudson in Westchester County about 2 a.m., as the rumbling appeared to be focused in White Plains, Yonkers, and sections of northern New Jersey.

Earthquake-induced soil landslides: volume estimates and uncertainties with the existing scaling exponents

2023-05-19T16:55+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Quantifying landslide volumes in earthquake affected areas is critical to understand the orogenic processes and their surface effects at different spatio-temporal scales. Here, we build an accurate scaling relationship to estimate the volume of shallow soil landslides based on 1 m pre- and post-event LiDAR elevation models.

Australia en alerta de Tsunami tras sismo de 7.7

2023-05-19T16:54+0200tiempo-mx (es)

Luego de que se diera un sismo de una magnitud de 7.7 en el Océano Pacífico, Australia entró en alerta de Tsunami por las fuertes olas que comenzaron a crearse, incluso se están dando varias réplicas. El servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico indicó que las olas son peligrosas y que es muy....

Powerful 7.7 Earthquake Hits South Pacific, No Reported Damage

2023-05-19T16:52+0200wn (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the south Pacific, prompting tsunami warnings that were later lifted for the Loyalty Islands of New Caledonia and Vanuatu. The USGS says the quake happened at 02:57 Universal Time 334 kilometers east of the city of Vao on....

Minor earthquake shakes residents near New York City A 2.2 magnitude impacted the New York metro area around 1:50 a.m., according to the United States Geological Service.

2023-05-19T16:49+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

A small earthquake shook buildings across the New York metropolitan area Friday morning. A 2.2 magnitude impacted the New York metropolitan area around 1:50 a.m., according to the United States Geological Service. The tremor struck south of Hastings-on-Hudson, a village in Westchester County about 10 miles north of New York City.

New York and New Jersey hit with 2.2 magnitude earthquake . A 2.2 magnitude hit just south of Hastings-on-Hudson, a town just north of New York City on the Hudson River. 9M ago

2023-05-19T16:47+0200CBSnews (en)

Woke up to an earthquake in NJ at 1:50 this morning! Crazy. Tracy Wolfson (@tracywolfson) May 19, 2023 While earthquakes in this area are uncommon, they are not unheard of. Between 1737 and 2016, New York has experienced 550 earthquakes, including a 5.

Fuerte sismo en la Polinesia francesa: SHOA descarta posibilidad de tsunami en Chile

2023-05-19T16:46+020013-CL (es)

Tras generarse en la noche de este jueves un movimiento sísmico de magnitud 7,7 a 450 kilómetros al este de Numea , en la Polinesia Francesa, la cuenta oficial del Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres (SENAPRED) informó a través de sus canales oficiales que se encontraba....

“Generazione Tsunami”: gli studenti dell'isola di Ponza si raccontano su Rai1

2023-05-19T16:43+0200latinatoday (it)

Gli studenti di Ponza si raccontano su Rai1. Saranno, infatti, gli alunni dell’istituto Carlo Pisacane dell’isola pontina i protagonisti di una puntata del format “Generazione Tsunami” dedicato a ragazze e ragazzi della seconda classe della scuola media all’interno del programma “Uno Mattina in famiglia”.

2.2 earthquake reported overnight in Westchester County The 2.2 magnitude quake was confirmed around the Hastings-on-Hudson and Yonkers area. 1M ago

2023-05-19T16:39+0200cbslocal (en)

YONKERS, N.Y. -- You may not have noticed while you were sleeping, but an earthquake rattled Westchester County overnight. The 2.2 magnitude quake was confirmed around the Hastings-on-Hudson and Yonkers area. The U.S. Geological Survey says it's a rare occurrence in such a populated metro area. There were no reports of damage.

Overseas - Polynesia: Moetai Brotherson, a separatist president at the head of a rejuvenated executive

2023-05-19T16:38+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-05-19T14:38:20.972Z. Highlights: French nuclear tests in Polynesia are responsible for thyroid cancer – in 2.3% of cases. Unvaccinated health workers suspended can officially return to work since May 15. An organic garden has taken up residence at the agricultural fair of Bras-Panon.

SHOA descartó tsunami en costas de Chile tras terremoto en la Polinesia Francesa

2023-05-19T16:25+0200lanacion-CL (es)

El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA) descartó este viernes la posibilidad de un tsunami en las costas de Chile, tras el temblor de magnitud 7,7 ocurrido en Nueva Caledonia , Polinesia Francesa. “Las características del sismo no reúnen las condiciones necesarias para generar....

Sismo de magnitud 7.7 en el Pacífico crea pequeño tsunami ante Vanuatu

2023-05-19T16:20+0200n-com-do (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 registrado el viernes en el Pacífico sur provocó pequeñas olas de tsunami en Vanuatu. El Centro de Alertas de Tsunami del Pacífico (CATP) dijo que detectó olas de 60 centímetros (2 pies) por encima del nivel de la marea frente a Lenakel, una ciudad portuaria de la nación insular.

Powerful 7.7 Earthquake hits south pacific, no reported damage

2023-05-19T16:15+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the south Pacific, prompting tsunami warnings that were later lifted for the Loyalty Islands of New Caledonia and Vanuatu. The USGS says the quake happened at 02:57 Universal Time 334 kilometers east of the city of Vao on....

7.7-magnitude earthquake in South Pacific briefly sparks tsunami warning

2023-05-19T16:15+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

May 19 (UPI) -- Earthquake officials called off tsunami warnings in the South Pacific Friday afternoon after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake sparked concerns huge waves could affect islands there. The powerful, but remote, earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands, belonging to the French territory of New Caledonia about 2 p.

Powerful 7.7 Earthquake Hits South Pacific, No Reported Damage

2023-05-19T16:14+0200singaporenews (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the south Pacific, prompting tsunami warnings that were later lifted for the Loyalty Islands of New Caledonia and Vanuatu. The USGS says the quake happened at 02:57 Universal Time 334 kilometers east of the city of Vao on....

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 secoue les îles Loyauté

2023-05-19T16:12+0200lecourrier (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 a été ressenti vendredi 19 mai à 02h57 GMT au sud-est des Iles Loyauté dans le Pacifique Sud, a annoncé l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). Selon l'USGS, l'épicentre du séisme, survenu à 37,7 km de profondeur, a été localisé par 23,229 degrés de latitude Sud et 170,694 degrés de longitude Est.

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T16:08+0200ctvnews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimetres (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T16:08+0200startribune (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Drone video captures devastating scale of damage across northern Italy from deadly flooding

2023-05-19T16:06+0200foxweather (en)

The Vigili del Fuoco , Italy's agency for fire and rescue service, said Thursday that they have carried out more than 1,500 rescues and evacuations so far: 690 in Bologna, 320 in Ravenna, 310 in Forlì Cesena and 220 in Rimini. The floods are the latest in a series of extreme weather events that....

Sismo de magnitud 7.7 sacude costas de Nueva Caledonia; provoca ligero tsunami Global | 07:24 hrs.

2023-05-19T16:06+0200excelsior (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7.7 sacudió el viernes el océano Pacífico, al sureste de Nueva Caledonia (Francia), desatando una alerta de tsunami que fue levantada una hora después, informaron agencias estadunidenses de monitoreo y autoridades civiles locales.

Emiten alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico sur tras terremoto de 7.7 en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T16:05+0200panamericana (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7.7 en el archipiélago de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, activó este viernes 19 de mayo una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1.000 kilómetros alrededor del epicentro. El Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico emitió una alerta de tsunami para la islas de Vanuatu,....

Powerful 7.7 Earthquake Hits South Pacific, No Reported Damage

2023-05-19T16:04+0200singaporestar (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the south Pacific, prompting tsunami warnings that were later lifted for the Loyalty Islands of New Caledonia and Vanuatu. The USGS says the quake happened at 02:57 Universal Time 334 kilometers east of the city of Vao on....

2.2-Magnitude Earthquake Jolts Bergen County Overnight

2023-05-19T16:04+0200caldwells (en)

Bergen County residents reported feeling tremors at about 2 a.m. from a 2.2-magnitude earthquake confirmed overnight just across the Hudson River. "Not sure what that was," NBC 4 New York anchor Natalie Pasquarella tweeted early Friday. "Never felt an earthquake before... whew that was odd.

Qué es el 'anillo de fuego' y dónde se encuentra el foco del 90% de los terremotos del mundo

2023-05-19T16:01+020020minutos (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 ha sacudido este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur. Las alarmas han hecho saltar la alerta de tsunami y las autoridades han evacuado la zona.

Powerful 7.7 Earthquake Hits South Pacific, No Reported Damage

2023-05-19T15:57+0200longbeachstar (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the south Pacific, prompting tsunami warnings that were later lifted for the Loyalty Islands of New Caledonia and Vanuatu. The USGS says the quake happened at 02:57 Universal Time 334 kilometers east of the city of Vao on....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 provocó una alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico Sur este viernes

2023-05-19T15:57+0200ElPaisUY (es)

Un terremoto de 7,7 grados sacudió el océano Pacífico , al sureste de Nueva Caledonia , este viernes. Este provocó una alerta de tsunami que fue levantada una hora después, según fue informado por agencias estadounidenses de monitoreo y autoridades civiles locales.

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours.

2023-05-19T15:55+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Poderoso terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacudió las aguas del Océano Pacífico: hubo alerta de tsunami por horas El sismo se produjo cerca de las costas de Nueva Caledonia, por lo que la alerta afectaba a Fiyi, Nueva Zelanda y Vanuatu, entre otros.

2023-05-19T15:44+0200diario26 (es)

Terremoto de magnitud 7,7. Foto: Google Earth. Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 golpeó las aguas de Nueva Caledonia en el Oceano Pacífico . Durante varias horas, se mantuvo el alerta por tsunami que incluyó a varios países del Pacífico Sur, aunque el riesgo disminuyó notablemente en las últimas horas , según lo que comunicaron las autoridades.

Overnight earthquake rattles parts of New York metro area

2023-05-19T15:41+0200nypost (en)

Shake and wake! A 2.2-magnitude earthquake struck the New York metropolitan area early Friday, Fox Weather confirmed to The Post, leaving many around the city jostled awake by the temblor. The quake hit south of Hastings-on-Hudson in Westchester County around 2 a.m.

Terremoto 7.7 provoca tsunami en el Pacífico Sur, piden evacuar zona costera

2023-05-19T15:41+0200debate (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7,7 provocó que un pequeño tsunami llegara a las costas de las islas del Pacífico Sur el viernes. No se han reportado daños y la amenaza pasó en unas pocas horas. Se midieron olas de 60 centímetros (2 pies) por encima del nivel de la marea frente a Lenakel, una ciudad portuaria....

13 Dead, thousands forced to evacuate as flash flooding hits northern Italy

2023-05-19T15:28+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least 13 people have died and thousands have been forced to evacuate their homes amid devastating flooding across Italy’s northern Emilia-Romagna region that has destroyed homes and agricultural lands. Torrential rains this week across the region triggered up to 300 landslides, and caused 23 overflowing rivers while flooding municipalities.

Levantan la alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de magnitud 7,7

2023-05-19T15:28+0200critica (es)

"La amenaza de tsunami ha pasado en gran medida", indica la última actualización del servicio tras mantener activada la alerta durante más de tres horas y que afectaba también a Fiyi, Vanuatu y Nueva Zelanda, entre otras naciones. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que vigila la....

Gli studenti di Ponza sabato protagonisti su “Uno Mattina in famiglia”

2023-05-19T15:24+0200latinaquotidiano (it)

Sabato mattina gli alunni dell’Istituto comprensivo Pisacane saranno protagonisti del programma “Uno Mattina in famiglia” su Rai Uno per una puntata di “Generazione Tsunami”. L’istituto Pisacane di Ponza è stato invitato dalla Redazione di RaiUno, a partecipare ad una puntata del format dedicato a....

Tsunami Warning Triggered by 7.7 Quake in New Caledonia

2023-05-19T15:09+0200cubasi (en)

On Friday, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) of Australia issued a tsunami warning for Lord Howe Island in response to a seismic event with a magnitude of 7.7 that occurred at 02:57 GMT in the southeastern region of the Loyalty Islands. According to the BOM, a hazardous phenomenon of rip currents,....

Terremoto de magnitud 7.7, alerta de tsunami en región del Pacífico

2023-05-19T15:08+0200nuevoperiodico (es)

Informe de escritorio:: Un poderoso terremoto ha golpeado Nueva Caledonia, una región en la región del Pacífico de Francia. Su magnitud fue de 7,7 en la escala de Richter. El terremoto golpeó el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad de Nueva Caledonia el viernes (19 de mayo).

Minor earthquake shakes residents near New York City

2023-05-19T15:03+0200mycentraloregon (en)

Gary S Chapman/Getty Images. (NEW YORK) — A small earthquake shook buildings across the New York metropolitan area Friday morning. A 2.2 magnitude impacted the New York metropolitan area around 1:50 a.m., according to the United States Geological Service.

Nouvelle-Calédonie : une alerte au tsunami inquiète

2023-05-19T15:03+0200france3 (fr)

Dès l’alerte au tsunami, les pompiers se précipitent sur le littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie pour évacuer les côtes et les plages de tout promeneur avant l’arrivée d'une possible vague. Les secouristes et les forces de l'ordre font même monter les promeneurs dans leur véhicule pour les évacuer au plus vite.

Nouvelle-Calédonie : un séisme au large de l’île

2023-05-19T15:03+0200france3 (fr)

Dès l’alerte au tsunami, les pompiers se précipitent sur le littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie pour évacuer les côtes et les plages de tout promeneur avant l’arrivée d'une possible vague. Les secouristes et les forces de l'ordre font même monter les promeneurs dans leur véhicule pour les évacuer au plus vite.

Earthquake Rumbles Through Major US State

2023-05-19T15:00+0200dailycaller (en)

A magnitude 2.2 earthquake reportedly struck New York around 1:53 a.m. Friday morning at a depth of 10.3 kilometers. The epicenter of the quake was just northeast of New Jersey in the lower Hudson Valley near Yonkers and White Plains, roughly 16 miles away from midtown Manhattan, according to the United States Geological Survey.

7.8-magnitude earthquake strikes South Pacific, triggers tsunami warning for Vanuatu, Fiji and Kiribati

2023-05-19T14:54+0200cnnphilippines (en)

Hong Kong (CNN) — A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the South Pacific on Friday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, triggering a tsunami warning for nearby nations including Vanuatu, Fiji and Kiribati. The US National Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami alert for coasts located within 1,000....

Small Earthquake Hits Just North of New York City

2023-05-19T14:53+0200nytimes (en)

A minor earthquake rumbled through parts of Westchester County in New York early on Friday, with tremors reportedly felt in New York City and towns in northern New Jersey. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The earthquake, which had a preliminary magnitude of 2.2, occurred around 1:50 a.

Powerful 7.7 Earthquake Hits South Pacific, No Reported Damage

2023-05-19T14:52+0200voanews (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey says a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the south Pacific, prompting tsunami warnings that were later lifted for the Loyalty Islands of New Caledonia and Vanuatu. The USGS says the quake happened at 02:57 Universal Time 334 kilometers east of the city of Vao on....

Nuova scossa di terremoto a Genova, epicentro a Davagna

2023-05-19T14:51+0200virgilio (it)

Una nuova scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 2.3 è stata avvertita questa mattina alle 9.30 a Davagna, nello stesso epicentro della serie di scosse che si erano verificate tra settembre e....

Tsunami warnings lifted after powerful quake near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T14:45+0200china.org.cn (en)

The U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has lifted the tsunami warning hours after the 7.7-magnitude earthquake jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands on Friday, with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) confirming that no threat exists to Lord Howe Island. The U.S.

New Caledonia, Vanuatu, New Zealand - Earthquakes (GDACS, GDACS, USGS, media , media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 19 May 2023)

2023-05-19T14:38+0200reliefWeb (en)

Seismic activity is occurring in the South Pacific Ocean 400 km east-southeast of New Caledonia. The main earthquake of 7.7 M at a depth of 38 km occurred on 19 May at 2.57 UTC (13.57 local time). A total of 14 aftershocks of magnitude between 4.8 M and 5.9 M have been recorded in the area.

Small 60 cm tsunami hits Vanuatu after 7.7 earthquake in New Caledonia – RFI – Radio France Internationale

2023-05-19T14:37+0200breakinglatest (en)

After the 7.7 strong earthquake in New Caledonia, a small 60 cm tsunami occurred in Vanuatu RFI – Radio France Internationale; New Caledonia is threatened by a 22 cm tsunami in the South Pacific | International Oriental Daily News Malaysia Oriental Daily News; A magnitude 7.

Mild earthquake rattles just outside of New York City Nation

2023-05-19T14:36+0200usaToday (en)

was confirmed just outside of New York City around 2 a.m. Friday, according to the United States Geological Survey. The quake was recorded in Westchester County, New York, around the Hastings-On-Hudson and Yonkers area, according to the USGS, an uncommon occurrence in nation's Hastings-On-Hudson is....

Floods in Italy kill 14, country's 'orchard' devastated

2023-05-19T14:30+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-05-19T12:28:41.764Z. Highlights: The death toll from the floods rises to 14 in Emilia-Romagna, a rich region considered "the orchard of Italy" The material and agricultural damage is also of a rare intensity, signs, according to signs. The government will put on the agenda of the council of....

La Nouvelle-Calédonie secouée par un violent séisme de magnitude 7,7

2023-05-19T14:29+0200futura-sciences (fr)

Ce vendredi, les habitants de Nouvelle-Calédonie ont été forcés d’évacuer rapidement le littoral de l’archipel. Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 a en effet secoué la région, faisant craindre un risque de tsunami. [EN VIDÉO] Kézako : les secrets de la création des tsunamis Les tsunamis font partie des catastrophes naturelles les plus destructrices.

La división aval es de derrota

2023-05-19T14:28+0200periodistadigital (es)

LA DIVISIÓN AVAL ES DE DERROTA. Soy de tu democracia el fiel escudo; Sé la égida leal tú de la mía; Hemos de defender su autonomía; Pues no es segura; y, como dudas, dudo. Cuando al colegio electoral acudo, Recorre un gozo impar mi anatomía; Pues, junto al corazón, mi bonhomía, Cómo deshacer va el gordiano nudo.

3rd LD Writethru: Tsunami warnings lifted after powerful quake near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T14:27+0200wn (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has lifted the tsunami warning hours after the 7.7-magnitude earthquake jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands on Friday, with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) confirming that no threat exists to Lord Howe Island. The U.S.

Levantan alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de 7,7 grados que sacudió a Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T14:26+0200semana (es)

Un terremoto de 7,7 grados sacudió este viernes 19 de mayo el océano Pacífico, al sureste de Nueva Caledonia, desatando una alerta de tsunami que fue levantada una hora después , informaron agencias estadounidenses de monitoreo y autoridades civiles locales.

Potente terremoto de 7,7 enciende alarmas en isla del Pacífico

2023-05-19T14:14+0200crhoy (es)

(AFP) Un terremoto de 7,7 grados sacudió el viernes el océano Pacífico, al sureste de Nueva Caledonia , desatando una alerta de tsunami que fue levantada una hora después, informaron agencias estadounidenses de monitoreo y autoridades civiles locales. El sismo se produjo a las 14H00 locales (03H00....

World News 7.7-magnitude earthquake in South Pacific briefly sparks tsunami warning

2023-05-19T14:10+0200upi-es (en)

May 19 (UPI) -- Earthquake officials called off tsunami warnings in the South Pacific Friday afternoon after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake sparked concerns huge waves could affect islands there. The powerful, but remote, earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands, belonging to the French territory of New Caledonia about 2 p.

13 Dead, Thousands Forced to Evacuate as Flash Flooding Hits Northern Italy

2023-05-19T14:08+0200theepochtimes (en)

At least 13 people have died and thousands have been forced to evacuate their homes amid devastating flooding across Italy’s northern Emilia-Romagna region that has destroyed homes and agricultural lands. Torrential rains this week across the region triggered up to 300 landslides, and caused 23 overflowing rivers while flooding municipalities.

Decine di migliaia di libri destinati al macero: uno tsunami di acqua e fango travolge una casa editrice

2023-05-19T14:08+0200forlitoday (it)

Alluvione e danni / Bertinoro Decine di migliaia di libri destinati al macero: uno tsunami di acqua e fango travolge una casa editrice. Il fondatore Giorgio Gustavo Rosso: "E' stato devastante, stiamo tutt'ora buttando al macero decine di migliaia di libri" Decine di migliaia di libri sono accatastati tra il fango.

3rd LD Writethru: Tsunami warnings lifted after powerful quake near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T14:03+0200china.org.cn (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has lifted the tsunami warning hours after the 7.7-magnitude earthquake jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands on Friday, with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) confirming that no threat exists to Lord Howe Island. The U.S.

3rd LD Writethru: Tsunami warnings lifted after powerful quake near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T14:01+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has lifted the tsunami warning hours after the 7.7-magnitude earthquake jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands on Friday, with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) confirming that no threat exists to Lord Howe Island.

Sismo de magnitud 7.7 en el Pacífico crea pequeño tsunami en Nueva Zelanda

2023-05-19T14:01+0200elvocero (es)

WELLINGTON, Nueva Zelanda — Un terremoto de magnitud 7.7 registrado el viernes en el Pacífico sur provocó pequeñas olas de tsunami en Vanuatu. El Centro de Alertas de Tsunami del Pacífico (CATP) dijo que detectó olas de 2 pies por encima del nivel de la marea frente a Lenakel, una ciudad portuaria de la nación insular.

7.7-magnitude earthquake in South Pacific briefly sparks tsunami warning

2023-05-19T14:00+0200upi (en)

May 19 (UPI) -- Earthquake officials called off tsunami warnings in the South Pacific Friday afternoon after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake sparked concerns huge waves could affect islands there. The powerful, but remote, earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands, belonging to the French territory of New Caledonia about 2 p.

Tsunami warnings lifted after powerful quake near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T14:00+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has lifted the tsunami warning hours after the 7.7-magnitude earthquake jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands on Friday, with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) confirming that no threat exists to Lord Howe Island. The U.S.

Tsunami warnings lifted after powerful quake near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T13:56+0200english-news-cn (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has lifted the tsunami warning hours after the 7.7-magnitude earthquake jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands on Friday, with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) confirming that no threat exists to Lord Howe Island. The U.S.

Se registra temblor de magnitud 2.9 en Chañaral.

2023-05-19T13:54+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.9 de magnitud ocurrió este viernes 19 de mayo en la ciudad chilena de Chañaral. , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 07:23 (hora local) , se originó a 46.

Nouvelle-Calédonie : une alerte au tsunami inquiète Vendredi 19 mai, un tsunami sur le littoral de la Nouvelle-Calédonie aurait pu être provoqué par un séisme de magnitude 7,7 à 334 kilomètres des côtes de l’île. Heureusement, les vagues sont restées limitées et aucun blessé n’est à déplorer.

2023-05-19T13:43+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Dès l’alerte au tsunami, les pompiers se précipitent sur le littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie pour évacuer les côtes et les plages de tout promeneur avant l’arrivée d'une possible vague. Les secouristes et les forces de l'ordre font même monter les promeneurs dans leur véhicule pour les évacuer au plus vite.

Nouvelle-Calédonie : un séisme au large de l’île Vendredi 19 mai, un séisme de magnitude 7,7 à 334 kilomètres des côtes de l’île aurait pu provoquer un tsunami sur le littoral de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Heureusement, les vagues sont restées limitées.

2023-05-19T13:43+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Dès l’alerte au tsunami, les pompiers se précipitent sur le littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie pour évacuer les côtes et les plages de tout promeneur avant l’arrivée d'une possible vague. Les secouristes et les forces de l'ordre font même monter les promeneurs dans leur véhicule pour les évacuer au plus vite.

Inondations en ItalieLe bilan humain s’aggrave à 14 morts en Émilie-Romagne C’est une nouvelle catastrophe pour la région, dévastée par un séisme en 2012 et par de premières inondations il y a deux semaines.

2023-05-19T13:42+020024heures (fr)

Le bilan humain des inondations qui frappent l’Émilie-Romagne, riche région agricole et touristique du nord de l’Italie, s’est encore aggravé vendredi, passant à 14 morts, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités locales. Les secours s’employaient toujours à évacuer des personnes isolées dans leurs....

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T13:38+0200sun-sentinel (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : "Ce n'est pas quelque chose qu'on voit tous les ans”, décrypte un océanographe

2023-05-19T13:34+0200la1ere (fr)

Après le séisme, après l’alerte au tsunami, l’explication du phénomène qui s’est produit ce vendredi 19 mai, en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Un épisode qui s’est bien terminé mais qui n’est pas passé inaperçu ! Explications avec Jérôme Aucan, qui dirige le centre pour les sciences océaniques à la Communauté du Pacifique.

REPLAY. Des promesses pour désenclaver les communes isolées de la Guyane, dans l'info Outre-mer

2023-05-19T13:34+0200la1ere (fr)

Lors de sa visite en Guyane, Jean-François Carenco, ministre délégué aux Outre-mer s'est engagé pour un nouveau projet routier reliant Maripasoula et Papaïchton. La desserte aérienne vers Maripasoula sera également améliorée. Explications dans l'info Outre-mer du vendredi 19 mai 2023. Retrouvez ici l'intégralité de votre journal.

SHOA descartó posibilidad de tsunami en costas de Chile tras sismo en Polinesia Francesa

2023-05-19T13:26+0200chvnoticias (es)

El movimiento de magnitud 7.8 puso en alerta a los servicios nacionales ante la posibilidad de un eventual tsunami. Sin embargo, cerca de las 1:00 de la madrugada, Senapred informó que estaba descartado porque "no reunía las condiciones". La noche de este jueves, el Servicio Hidrográfico y....

Fortissimo terremoto in Nuova Caledonia, atteso l’effetto tsunami

2023-05-19T13:25+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) con inondazioni che posso provocare danni a cose e persone Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è avvenuto nella zona: New Caledonia . A confermare in dato è stata la Sala Sismica dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia di Roma, la quale ha localizzato l’epicentro in mare, nell’Oceano Pacifico, a 6 km di profondità.

El aviso ha estado activo durante al menos tres horas, pero "la amenaza ha pasado en gran medida", según las autoridades pertinentes.

2023-05-19T13:20+0200Publico-ES (es)

y ha creado una alerta de tsunami en el océano Pacífico, que ya ha sido levantada. El temblor ha tenido lugar junto a las islas de la Lealtad , situadas en el sureste de la propia formación de Nueva Caledonia. La advertencia se ha activado debido a la probabilidad de que se extendieran olas....

Un tsunami derivado del terremoto de Turquía podría llegar a España

2023-05-19T13:20+0200Publico-ES (es)

El terremoto registrado la pasada madrugada en Turquía y los que se han seguido produciendo en las siguientes horas podría generar un tsunami con potencial para alcanzar las costas de Baleares , según ha advertido el Ilustre Colegio de Geólogos a Europa Press.

Puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T13:18+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Le tremblement de terre a été détecté vers 14 heures locales (23 h heure de l’Est) à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Par sa puissance, la secousse a immédiatement fait craindre un risque de raz-de-marée sur les côtes de....

Un petit tsunami après un séisme de magnitude 7,7 frappe les îles du Pacifique Sud

2023-05-19T13:18+0200laminute (fr)

Les îles du Pacifique Sud ont été frappées par un tsunami à petite échelle après que la région a été secouée par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 vendredi. Aucun dommage n’a été signalé car la menace est passée en quelques heures et l’avertissement a finalement été levé.

Alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 cerca de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T13:09+0200diariodia (es)

MADRID, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido este viernes la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, lo que ha desencadenado una alerta por tsunami ante la posibilidad de llegada de olas de hasta un metro de altura a varios países situados en la región.

Transat Paprec, alerte au tsunami, sanctions contre la Russie : le point à la mi-journée

2023-05-19T13:03+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Après 18 jours, 19 heures et 1 minute passés en mer, Loïs Berrehar et Charlotte Yven ont remporté la Transat Paprec. (Alexis Courcoux) Charlotte Yven et Loïs Berrehar qui ont remporté la Transat Paprec ; l’alerte au tsunami qui a été levée en Nouvelle-Calédonie ; le G7 qui a annoncé de nouvelles....

3m 2.2 magnitude earthquake rattles N.J., N.Y. residents

2023-05-19T12:46+0200nj (en)

A minor earthquake early Friday rattled parts of New York and northern New Jersey, where some residents reported they were awakened by the rumbling. which occurred about 1:50 a.m., was centered about 10 miles from New York City in Hastings-on-Hudson in Westchester County, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Séisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami levée après une heure

2023-05-19T12:46+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Un très fort tremblement de terre, mesurant 7,7, a frappé l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle Calédonie , déclenchant l’alerte au tsunami à moins d’un millier de kilomètres. Une alerte levée au bout d’une heure. Le séisme a été détecté à une profondeur de 37 kilomètres près des îles Loyauté....

4Alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico sur tras un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,7

2023-05-19T12:43+0200lavozdigital (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 ha hecho temblar este viernes el océano Pacífico, al sureste de Nueva Caledonia , desatando una alerta de tsunami, informaron agencias estadounidenses. El seísmo fue detectado a una profundidad de 37 kilómetros, según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

World News | Pro-democracy Activist from Hong Kong Urges G7 Leaders to Stop China from Committing Human Rights Violations

2023-05-19T12:35+0200latestly (en)

Hiroshima [Japan], May 19 (ANI): William Lee, a Pro-democracy activist from Hong Kong, based in Japan, said that he has come to Japan to ask for help from G7 leaders to stop China from committing human rights violations by imposing sanctions. He said that they also want Japan to take action against....

Puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et alerte au Tsunami

2023-05-19T12:35+0200catnat (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi 19 mai dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Le littoral a été évacué par précaution en raison d'une alerte au tsunami, qui a ensuite été levée, selon la sécurité civile.

Terremoto a Genova, epicentro a Davagna: scossa avvertita in...

2023-05-19T12:34+0200virgilio (it)

Terremoto a Genova, epicentro a Davagna: scossa avvertita in Val Bisagno Genova . Una nuova scossa di terremoto è stata avvertita questa mattina in Val Bisagno: l'epicentro è stato registrato nei pressi di Davagna, già protagonista di episodi....

Terremoto Terremoto Terremoto 7.7 nella Nuova Caledonia: rientrato l’allarme tsunami Ipocentro a 6 km di profondità, epicentro non lontano dall’isola Grandi Terre. Le forze dell’ordine hanno ordinato l’evacuazione della zona.

2023-05-19T12:32+0200metronews (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 ha colpito l’Oceano Pacifico a circa 300 chilometri a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia, dove la costa è stata evacuata a titolo precauzionale a causa di un allarme tsunami, poi revocato, secondo quanto riferito dalla sicurezza civile.

Nuova scossa di terremoto a Genova

2023-05-19T12:32+0200genovatoday (it)

A distanza di qualche mese torna a tremare la terra anche a Genova. Venerdì 19 maggio 2023 alle ore 11:32 è stata registrata una scossa di terremoto con epicentro a circa un chilometro da Davagna dall'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv). Magnitudo 2.3 e profondità 9 chilometri. La scossa è stata avvertita in Val Bisagno.

Devastating Earthquakes in Southern Türkiye and Northern Syria, 18 May 2023, Situation Report 22 [EN/TR]

2023-05-19T12:29+0200reliefWeb (en)

1. Developments. Three months have passed since the devastating earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş. The Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Turkey announced in its latest statement that the death toll from the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş was 50,783, with 107,000 reported injuries.

"Un séisme de cette amplitude n'est pas quelque chose qu'on voit tous les ans”, décrypte Jérôme Aucan, océanographe nouvelle calédonie

2023-05-19T12:27+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Après le séisme, après l’alerte au tsunami, l’explication du phénomène qui s’est produit ce vendredi 19 mai, en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Un épisode qui s’est bien terminé mais qui n’est pas passé inaperçu ! Explications avec Jérôme Aucan, qui dirige le centre pour les sciences océaniques à la Communauté du Pacifique.

Tsunami warning lifted after major earthquake hits Pacific

2023-05-19T12:25+0200wn (en)

A 7.7 Magnitude Quake Hit Near The Loyalty Islands, Creating Small Tsunami Waves In Vanuatu...

Earthquake sends New Caledonia residents scrambling to higher ground

2023-05-19T12:21+0200euronews-en (en)

A powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the Pacific Ocean some 300km southeast of New Caledonia on Friday, where coastal communities have been temporarily evacuated due to the risk of a tsunami, according to civil security. The earthquake was detected at around 2pm local time (0300 GMT) at a....

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami il y a 2 heures

2023-05-19T12:19+0200lexpress-MU (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source.

In a forest in Norway, researchers are listening for earth quakes with internet cables

2023-05-19T12:18+0200sciencenorway (en)

Hidden among tall trees, and well into a pine forest in the little town of Løten, is one of the NORSAR research foundation's stations for monitoring earthquakes and explosions. A small, white building sits at the centre of hyper-accurate seismometers. The instruments are placed in the forest in circles around the station.

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit the Loyalty Islands with a focal depth of 10 kilometers——Shanghai Hotline News Channel- Shanghai Hotline

2023-05-19T12:18+0200breakinglatest (en)

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit the Loyalty Islands with a focal depth of 10 kilometers——Shanghai Hotline New s Channel Shanghai hotline; A magnitude 7.7 earthquake hits the Loyalty Islands! These areas of New Zealand are under threat, including Auckland! Chinese New Zealand Herald; A 7.

Earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific …

2023-05-19T12:16+0200woodtv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Nuova scossa di terremoto a Genova, epicentro a Davagna

2023-05-19T12:09+0200lavocedigenova (it)

Una nuova scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 2.3 è stata avvertita questa mattina alle 9.30 a Davagna, nello stesso epicentro della serie di scosse che si erano verificate tra settembre e ottobre scorso, avvertite anche a Genova. In questo caso, la scossa, come segnala il sito INGV è avvenuta a una profondità di nove chilometri.

NEMA cancels tsunami warning following magnitude 7.7 Pacific quake

2023-05-19T12:06+0200radionz (en)

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) says the risk of tsunami activity on the East and West Coasts has passed. An earthquake in the Pacific earlier this evening caused unusual currents and unpredictable surges in New Zealand waters. NEMA warned coastal areas of New Zealand could expect to....

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T12:06+0200lavocedinewyork (it)

(ANSA) Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell’Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all’Australia. Ed è scattata l’allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv)....

NEMA cancels tsunami warning following magnitude 7.7 Pacific quake

2023-05-19T12:02+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) says the risk of tsunami activity on the East and West Coasts has passed. An earthquake in the Pacific earlier this evening caused unusual currents and unpredictable surges in New Zealand waters. NEMA warned coastal areas of New Zealand could expect to....

Disaster management ontology- an ontological approach to disaster management automation

2023-05-19T11:58+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

The North Indian Ocean is part of the ocean, and it is physically impossible to separate it from the rest of the ocean. Oceans are larger than the sea, but no one can separate one from the other. Similarly, a shallow water area cannot be separated from the remaining water area. The entities discussed above have been classified as fiat object parts.

World News | Bhutan's Tourism Department Certifies over 200 Non-star Hotels

2023-05-19T11:56+0200latestly (en)

Thimphu [Bhutan], May 19 (ANI): Bhutan's Department of Tourism has certified more than 200 non-star hotels out of nearly 300 hotels assessed, The Bhutan Live reported. The development comes after the Cabinet's recent approval, which allowed non-star hotels to offer services to tourists as long as....

Tsunami activity warning cancelled after 7.7 quake

2023-05-19T11:55+0200Stuff (en)

A tsunami activity warning for coastlines around New Zealand has been cancelled by the National Emergency Management Agency (Nema). People were earlier warned to stay out of the sea around much of the country’s coastline after a magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck near the Loyalty Islands on Friday afternoon.

What is a tsunami and what causes them?

2023-05-19T11:52+0200thesun (en)

The monster waves are triggered usually by underwater earthquakes as the Earth's tectonic plates move Credit: Getty What is a tsunami? A tsunami, also called a seismic wave, is a series of waves caused by the movement of a large body of water. They are mostly caused by earthquakes at the boundaries of tectonic plates, deep under water.

Tsunami warning issued for Vanuatu, Fiji, and New Caledonia after 7.7 magnitude earthquake hits

2023-05-19T11:50+0200livemint (en)

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the earthquake occurred at a depth of approximately 38 km (24 miles). The seismic activity has raised concerns about the potential for devastating tsunami waves in the region. Authorities in New Caledonia wasted no time in implementing a tsunami alert throughout the country.

Small earthquake rattles New York City area

2023-05-19T11:46+0200foxweather (en)

The magnitude 2.2 quake hit at 1:53 a.m. ET, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was centered just north of Yonkers, New York at a depth of just over 6 miles deep. NEW YORK -- A small earthquake rattled the New York City area in the middle of the night Friday morning, startling some residents in an area where earthquakes are rare.

Quake of Magnitude 7.7 on Richter Scale Jolts Loyalty Islands, Triggers Vanuatu Tsunami Warning

2023-05-19T11:42+0200latestly (en)

World ⚡Quake of Magnitude 7.7 on Richter Scale Jolts Loyalty Islands, Triggers Vanuatu Tsunami Warning. By IANS In its latest update, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake struck at 2.57 a.m., reports Xinhua news agency. The epicentre, with a depth of 37.7 km, was determined to be at 23.229 degrees south latitude and 170.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico

2023-05-19T11:39+0200vivajerez (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

World News | Buddhist Monk Holds Protest Outside G7 International Media Centre in Hiroshima, Calls for Shunning Use of Nuclear Weapons

2023-05-19T11:32+0200latestly (en)

Hiroshima [Japan], May 19 (ANI): A Buddhist monk from Japan named Toyoshige Sekiguchi on Friday staged a protest outside the G7 International Media Centre in Hiroshima. Holding a placard, Toyoshige Sekiguchi urged world leaders for shunning the use of nuclear weapons.


2023-05-19T11:32+0200latestly (en)

Vanuatu Tsunami Video: Small Waves Seen in Pacific Ocean After 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake Struck Southeast of Loyalty Islands; Tsunami Warning Issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia A 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. Video on social media shows small waves in Pacific Ocean after 7.

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T11:30+0200centre-presse (fr)

Le tremblement de terre a été détecté vers 14 heures locales (03H00 GMT) à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Par sa puissance, la secousse a immédiatement fait craindre un risque de raz-de-marée sur les côtes de....

Progrès « faibles et insuffisants » en matière de réduction des risques de catastrophe

2023-05-19T11:29+0200reliefWeb (fr)

Les progrès mondiaux en matière de gestion des risques de catastrophe ont été faibles et insuffisants, mettant en péril les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) à l’horizon 2030, a déclaré jeudi la Vice-Secrétaire générale de l'ONU, Amina Mohammed, devant l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies.

US warning center lifts tsunami alert after 7.7 magnitude quake in South Pacific

2023-05-19T11:27+0200wn (en)

Photo: Steam billows from Lake Vui in the volcano crater of Mount Manaro on the island of Ambae, part of the Vanuatu islands chain, Dec. 8, 2005. A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday, May 19, 2023, in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu.

Un puissant séisme dans l’océan Pacifique : une alerte au tsunami AzerTAg.az

2023-05-19T11:24+0200azertag-fr (fr)

Bakou, 19 mai, AZERTAC Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 a été enregistré le 19 mai au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie dans l’océan Pacifique. Le tremblement de terre a été détecté à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS).

Tsunami Warning Issued for Lord Howe Island After 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake

2023-05-19T11:22+0200latestly (en)

World ⚡Tsunami Warning Issued for Lord Howe Island After 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake. By IANS While evacuations are not necessary for marine threat areas, the BOM urged people in these areas to get out of the water and move away from the immediate water's edge.

Un séisme majeur dans le Pacifique déclenche une alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T11:21+0200sciencesetavenir (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été temporairement évacué en raison de risques de tsunami, selon la sécurité civile. Le tremblement de terre a été détecté vers 14 heures locales....

2.2 magnitude earthquake shakes residents awake in Westchester County, parts of New Jersey

2023-05-19T11:20+0200abc7ny (en)

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, New York (WABC) -- A 2.2 magnitude earthquake rattled some Westchester County residents awake. The earthquake happened around 1:53 a.m. Friday just south of Hastings-on-Hudson. People are reporting that they felt it as far north as Danbury, Connecticut and also in the Bronx and northeast New Jersey.

La ciudad de Calama registra temblor de magnitud 2.9

2023-05-19T11:17+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sacudió las calles de la ciudad de Calama , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 04:37 horas (hora local) de este viernes 19 de mayo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 2.9 y una profundidad de 120.

Earthquake quake in South Pacific: Tsunami warnings issued

2023-05-19T11:13+0200dailynews-lk (en)

Foreign media reports that a 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the Pacific ocean. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. The earthquake has occurred between Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia in the South Pacific Ocean.

L'alerte au tsunami levée en Nouvelle-Calédonie, après un séisme de magnitude 7,7

2023-05-19T11:12+0200femmeactuelle (fr)

Après un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 ressenti au large de l’archipel, une alerte au tsunami avait été déclenchée en Nouvelle-Calédonie, vendredi 19 mai 2023, avant de finalement être levée, comme l’a annoncé France Info. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 a été ressenti dans l’Océan....

Small tsunami hits Vanuatu after 7.7 quake in Pacific

2023-05-19T11:04+0200deccanherald (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a meter (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia.

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.0 de magnitud en Coalcomán Información del Servicio Sismológico Nacional señala que al día se registran un promedio de 40 temblores en el país

2023-05-19T11:04+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Terremoti, in quali nazioni si verificano più di frequente?

2023-05-19T10:59+0200newsby (it)

In seguito a terremoti intensi, come quello di magnitudo 7.5 avvenuto in Nuova Caledonia il 19 maggio, può sorgere spontaneo chiedersi quali siano le nazioni più interessate dai sismi. Dare una risposta a questa domanda è meno semplice di quel che potrebbe sembrare, soprattutto perché la questione....

7.7 earthquake strikes near New Caledonia; tsunami alert lifted hours later

2023-05-19T10:54+0200geo-tv (en)

Officials said Friday that a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning for the states in the region; however, the alert was lifted three hours after the seism. According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake was 37km deep.

Tsunami risk in South Pacific after 7.7-magnitude earthquake

2023-05-19T10:53+0200thenational (en)

waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) said it measured waves less than half a metre high off Lenakel, a port town in the island country. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. It also said tsunami waves ranging from 0.3m to a metre above the tide level are possible for some coasts of Vanuatu.

Philippines: Mindanao Displacement Snapshot as of 15 May 2023

2023-05-19T10:52+0200reliefWeb (en)

STS NALGAE/PAENG FLOODING. As of 15 March 2023, Bangsamoro READi reported 271 people (63 families) remain displaced in 2 evacuation centers in Datu Blah Sinsuat and Upi municipalities in Maguindanao Del Norte. A number of IDPs are also staying in makeshift tents or with their relatives while waiting for relocation from the authorities.

New Caledonia: After earthquake: Tsunami warning lifted again

2023-05-19T10:52+0200breakinglatest (en)

After the violent 7.7 magnitude earthquake near New Caledonia archipelago the danger of dangerous tidal waves is averted: a few hours after the earthquake in the South Seas, the early warning system in the USA raised its Tsunami -Warning again. First there was a warning for New Caledonia , Vanuatu and Fiji, among others.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T10:52+0200andaluciainformacion (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

Mauvais temps Emilia Romagna, 9 morts. Une femme traînée par une inondation sur 20 km

2023-05-19T10:49+0200legrandplateau (fr)

Forlì – La situation en Émilie-Romagne est de plus en plus dramatique en raison de l’urgence climatique qui a également touché les régions voisines. Pendant la nuit, il y eut de nouvelles inondations, l’eau envahit les rues et les maisons de nombreuses villes : de Cesena à Faenza, de Riccione à Lugo.

New Caledonia earthquake: Tsunami warning issued after 7.7 magnitude quake in the South Pacific

2023-05-19T10:46+0200standard (en)

Earlier on Friday, people across the region were told to avoid all coastal areas due to the risk of waves reaching up to one metre across 26 locations following the earthquake south-east of the Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre said.

Se retira la alerta de tsunami por un terremoto frente a Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T10:46+0200Publico-ES (es)

La advertencia se ha activado debido a la probabilidad de que se extendieran olas peligrosas en un radio de mil kilómetros alrededor del epicentro del "La amenaza de tsunami ha pasado en gran medida", ha señalado el Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico .

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T10:45+0200naharnet-en (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Earthquake quake in South Pacific: Tsunami warnings issued

2023-05-19T10:43+0200sundayobserver (en)

Foreign media reports that a 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the Pacific ocean. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. The earthquake has occurred between Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia in the South Pacific Ocean.

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T10:42+0200wn (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the....

Tsunami threat passes in South Pacific after magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia

2023-05-19T10:42+0200bna-en (en)

New Caledonia, May 19 (BNA): The risk of tsunami waves across the South Pacific has passed and national warnings downgraded following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia . The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said the....

Tsunami warning across South Pacific triggered by earthquake

2023-05-19T10:34+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A warning of tsunami waves of up to 1m (3ft) was issued for Vanuatu. This was revised down much lower than an initial forecast, from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, which had said 3m waves could hit the island nation. It said “hazardous tsunami waves” were possible on all coasts within 1,000km of the epicentre.

7.7-magnitude quake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T10:33+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 02:57 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 37.7 km, was determined to be at 23.229 degrees south latitude and 170.

Terremoto in Nuova Caledonia: scossa di magnitudo 7.7

2023-05-19T10:33+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) Nella mattinata di oggi, venerdì 19 maggio 2023, una fortissima scossa di Terremoto magnitudo 7.7 ha colpito oggi la Nuova Caledonia , territorio francese che comprende una dozzina di isole, facendo scattare anche l’allarme tsunami, poi rientrato.

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T10:32+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été temporairement évacué en raison de risques de tsunami, selon la sécurité civile. Par sa puissance, la secousse a immédiatement fait craindre....

Tsunami Warning Triggered by 7.7 Quake in New Caledonia

2023-05-19T10:31+0200telesurenglish (en)

On Friday, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) of Australia issued a tsunami warning for Lord Howe Island in response to a seismic event with a magnitude of 7.7 that occurred at 02:57 GMT in the southeastern region of the Loyalty Islands. Related: According to the BOM, a hazardous phenomenon of rip....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta...

2023-05-19T10:31+0200virgilio (it)

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia.

Earthquake triggers tsunami warnings across South Pacific

2023-05-19T10:30+0200independent-UK (en)

A warning of tsunami waves of up to 1m (3ft) was issued for Vanuatu. This was revised down much lower than an initial forecast, from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, which had said 3m waves could hit the island nation. It said “hazardous tsunami waves” were possible on all coasts within 1,000km of the epicentre.

A tsunami triggered by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake off the coast of the Loyalty Islands is not expected to cause widespread damage

2023-05-19T10:30+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-05-19T08:28:05.610Z. Highlights: A 10.57-magnitude earthquake occurred in the southeast waters of the Loyalty Islands (23.22°S, 170.73°E), with a focal depth of 7 kilometers. Water level stations around the epicenter detected tsunami waves up to nearly 50 centimeters.

EN IMAGES. Comment les Calédoniens ont vécu le fort séisme au large du territoire et l’alerte au tsunami du vendredi 19 mai

2023-05-19T10:29+0200la1ere (fr)

“C’est moi, ou la terre vient de trembler ?” Ce vendredi 19 mai, vers 14 heures, beaucoup de Calédoniens ont eu des réactions comme celle-ci, exprimée par un internaute sur Facebook. A 13h57, un séisme d’une force estimée autour de 7.7 ou 7.8 sur l’échelle de Richter s’est produit au Sud-Est du pays.

Italy floods destroy homes, farms; 13 killed so far, 10,000 displaced

2023-05-19T10:25+0200indiatoday (en)

: At least 13 people have died and thousands of others were displaced after a devastating flood wreaked havoc in Italy’s northern Emilia-Romagna region. The devastating flood caused damage worth billions of euros' and hit agriculture particularly hard, the regional governor was quoted by Reuters as saying.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T10:25+0200Quotidianodibari (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i sistemi di allarme....

Nouvelle-Calédonie : Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 secoue le sud-est de l’île

2023-05-19T10:24+0200anti-k (fr)

Un puissant tremblement de terre enregistré dans l’océan Pacifique. Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami , a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique sur Twitter.

Tsunami warning issued for Lord Howe Island

2023-05-19T10:21+0200smh (en)

A tsunami warning has been issued for Australia's Lord Howe Island after a 7.7 magnitude undersea earthquake struck New Caledonia.

(TAP) - A tsunami warning was triggered on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia,...

2023-05-19T10:21+0200ATAP-en (en)

Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning (TAP) - A tsunami warning was triggered on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia , authorities said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake hit at a depth of 10 km (6.

Click to view "Atmospheric Pressure Sensors Help Earthquake Magnitude Determination"

2023-05-19T10:21+0200technologynetworks (en)

Sensors that detect changes in atmospheric pressure due to ground shaking can also obtain data about large earthquakes and explosions that exceed the upper limit of many seismometers, according to new research. The sensors, which detect inaudible infrasounds carried through the air, could improve....

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T10:20+0200sciencesetavenir (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été temporairement évacué en raison de risques de tsunami, selon la sécurité civile. Le tremblement de terre a été détecté vers 14 heures locales....

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T10:19+0200corsematin (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été temporairement évacué en raison de... Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.3 de magnitud en la ciudad de Los Andes.

2023-05-19T10:19+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sacudió las calles de la ciudad chilena de Los Andes. , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 03:34 horas (hora local) de este viernes 19 de mayo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico fue de 3.3 de magnitud y una profundidad de 74.

Tsunami warning issued for Lord Howe Island

2023-05-19T10:17+0200theage (en)

A tsunami warning has been issued for Australia's Lord Howe Island after a 7.7 magnitude undersea earthquake struck New Caledonia.

Tsunami warning issued for Lord Howe Island

2023-05-19T10:17+0200brisbanetimes (en)

A tsunami warning has been issued for Australia's Lord Howe Island after a 7.7 magnitude undersea earthquake struck New Caledonia.

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T10:15+0200taiwannews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Zhejiang University: Complex faulting mechanism triggered…

2023-05-19T10:14+0200indiaeducationdiary (en)

On July 22, 2020, an earthquake with moment magnitude Mw 7.8 occurred off the Shumagin Islands at depths from 25 to 40 km, but no evident tsunami signals were observed from deep-water DART stations offshore Alaska. About three months later, a magnitude Mw 7.

Puissant tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 dans le Pacifique Sud – Alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T10:14+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

je Un puissant tremblement de terre a frappé près de l’archipel de la Nouvelle-Calédonie dans le Pacifique Sud. Le moniteur de tremblement de terre américain USGS a mis la magnitude vendredi à 7,7. Le système d’alerte précoce aux États-Unis a émis une alerte au tsunami pour la Nouvelle-Calédonie, le Vanuatu et les Fidji, entre autres.

Minor earthquake shakes residents near New York City

2023-05-19T10:13+0200ABCnews (en)

A small earthquake shook buildings across the New York metropolitan area Friday morning. A 2.2 magnitude impacted the New York metropolitan area around 1:50 a.m., according to the United States Geological Service. The tremor struck south of Hastings-on-Hudson, a village in Westchester County about 10 miles north of New York City.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 in Nuova Caledonia. Allarme tsunami rientrato

2023-05-19T10:13+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 è stata registrata nell’Oceano Pacifico, a sudest della Nuova Caledonia. Il terremoto ha fatto scattare l’allarme tsunami per Vanuatu, mentre onde di minori dimensioni sono possibili per le isole Fiji e la Nuova Zelanda.

Maltempo in Emilia-Romagna, c’è una nuova vittima: i morti sono 14. Bonaccini: “Ricostruiremo tutto”

2023-05-19T10:13+0200tag24 (it)

Torna ad aggiornarsi il triste bilancio dei decessi in Emilia-Romagna : il maltempo ha portato con sé una nuova vittima. Si tratta di un anziano di 84 anni, ritrovato senza vita oggi, venerdì 19 maggio, nella sua casa di Faenza . L’uomo si trovava immerso nel fango che ha sepolto il suo cortile.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in New Caledonia. Tsunami warning cleared

2023-05-19T10:12+0200breakinglatest (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.7 was registered in the Pacific Ocean, southeast of New Caledonia. The earthquake triggered the tsunami warning for Vanuatu, while smaller waves are possible for Fiji and New Zealand. According to data from the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Ingv)....

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T10:11+0200notretemps (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été temporairement évacué en raison de risques de tsunami, selon la sécurité civile. Le tremblement de terre a été détecté vers 14 heures locales....

Ultime Notizie – Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T10:11+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) Un forte Terremoto ha scosso l’arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia . Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i sistemi....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T10:11+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) Nouméa, 19 mag. - Un forte Terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia . Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo ...

Tsunami warning for 7.7 magnitude earthquake cancelled

2023-05-19T10:10+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A tsunami warning following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the Pacific has been lifted. Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre cancelled the warning four hours after it issued an alert for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Caledonia and New Zealand. "Based on all available data...the tsunami threat from this earthquake has now passed, the center said.

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T10:10+0200tv5 (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été temporairement évacué en raison de risques de tsunami, selon la sécurité civile. Le tremblement de terre a été détecté vers 14 heures locales....

Nazionali Oggi alle 09:37 Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T10:10+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un forte terremoto ha scosso l’arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i sistemi di allarme....

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T10:09+0200naharnet-ar (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T10:07+0200lepetitjournal (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été temporairement évacué en raison de risques de tsunami, selon la sécurité civile. Le tremblement de terre a été détecté vers 14 heures locales....

The Disposal of Radioactive Waste Raises Concerns about Food Safety

2023-05-19T10:06+0200antaranews-en (en)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The issue of radioactive contamination in Japan's food supply chain is still a major concern, raising concerns about the safety of Japanese food exports and domestic consumption. The radioactive waste comes from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, which occurred in 2011 after a....

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia

2023-05-19T10:05+0200online-news (it)

Una potente scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 ha colpito alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell’Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale, vicino all’Australia. La scossa ha generato immediatamente un’allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Alerte au tsunami levée après un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T10:03+0200geo (fr)

Le séisme a été détecté vers 14 heures locales (03H00 GMT) à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Par sa puissance, la secousse a immédiatement fait craindre un risque de raz-de-marée sur les côtes de Nouvelle-Calédonie mais aussi de certaines zones côtières du Vanuatu.

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on …

2023-05-19T10:02+0200wowktv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T10:01+0200LePoint (fr)

U n puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été temporairement évacué en raison de risques de tsunami, selon la sécurité civile. Le tremblement de terre a été détecté vers 14 heures locales....

7.8-magnitude earthquake strikes South Pacific, triggers tsunami warning for Vanuatu, Fiji and Kiribati

2023-05-19T10:00+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Hong Kong (CNN) — A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the South Pacific on Friday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, triggering a tsunami warning for nearby nations including Vanuatu, Fiji and Kiribati. The US National Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami alert for coasts located within 1,000....

Tsunami alert lifted after 7.7-magnitude Pacific quake

2023-05-19T10:00+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Sydney: A tsunami warning in the Pacific has been lifted after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck on Friday, sending many islanders fleeing the coast. The quake hit at 0257 GMT, prompting people on multiple South Pacific islands to race to higher ground as sirens warned of possible hazardous waves.

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T10:00+0200laprovence (fr)

Des habitants, réfugiés sur les hauteurs de la ville, observent la baie de Nouméa après un séisme de magnitude 7,7, le 19 mai 2023 en Nouvelle-Calédonie PHOTO AFP / Mathurin DEREL Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la....

La Nouvelle-Zélande peut s’attendre à une “activité tsunami” après le séisme dans le Pacifique

2023-05-19T10:00+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

La Défense civile a déclaré qu’il y avait une menace “d’activité de tsunami” qui affecterait la Nouvelle-Zélande après un important tremblement de terre au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie cet après-midi. Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 a frappé le sud-est des îles Loyauté juste avant 15 heures selon l’USGS.

Tsunami warning for 7.7 magnitude earthquake cancelled

2023-05-19T09:59+0200radionz (en)

A tsunami warning following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the Pacific has been lifted. Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre cancelled the warning four hours after it issued an alert for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Caledonia and New Zealand. "Based on all available data...the tsunami threat from this earthquake has now passed, the center said.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 provoca una alerta por tsunami en el Pacífico sur

2023-05-19T09:58+0200marca (es)

E l Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico ha emitido una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1.000 kilómetros alrededor del epicentro del terremoto de 7,7 ocurrido este mismo viernes en el Pacífico sur. Las costas cercanas al seísmo están en serio peligro de sufrir olas de un tamaño importante....

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T09:56+0200news-gazette (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves 2 feet above tide level were measured off L <enakel, a port town in Vanuatu.

Un terremoto en el Pacífico levanta la alerta de tsunami

2023-05-19T09:56+0200latribunadealbacete (es)

El Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico levantó este viernes la alerta de tsunami activada por un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en aguas de Nueva Caledonia, que incluía a varios países del Pacífico Sur. "La amenaza de tsunami ha pasado en gran medida", indica la última actualización del servicio....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T09:56+0200vivereancona (it)

1' di lettura Vivere Italia 19/05/2023 - (Adnkronos) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo....

Alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 cerca de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:55+0200teleprensa (es)

MADRID, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido este viernes la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, lo que ha desencadenado una alerta por tsunami ante la posibilidad de llegada de olas de hasta un metro de altura a varios países situados en la región.

Tsunami warning for 7.7 magnitude earthquake cancelled

2023-05-19T09:54+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

A tsunami warning following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the Pacific has been lifted. Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre cancelled the warning four hours after it issued an alert for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Caledonia and New Zealand. "Based on all available data...the tsunami threat from this earthquake has now passed, the center said.

Magnitude 7.8 earthquake hits South Pacific, tsunami warnings issued

2023-05-19T09:53+0200slovenia-postsen (en)

An island in the South Pacific was hit by an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8, the US Geological Survey (USGS) announced. A tsunami warning has been issued for nearby countries including Fiji, Kiribati and Vanuatu. The US National Tsunami Warning Center issued a warning for coasts located within 1,000 kilometers of the epicenter.

Un terremoto en el Pacífico levanta la alerta de tsunami

2023-05-19T09:52+0200diariopalentino (es)

El Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico levantó este viernes la alerta de tsunami activada por un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en aguas de Nueva Caledonia, que incluía a varios países del Pacífico Sur. "La amenaza de tsunami ha pasado en gran medida", indica la última actualización del servicio....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T09:51+020024ovest (it)

(Adnkronos) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i sistemi di allarme....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T09:50+0200quotidianodifoggia (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i sistemi di allarme....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T09:50+0200tiscali-it (it)

Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i....

Tsunami alert lifted after 7.7-magnitude Pacific quake

2023-05-19T09:49+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Sydney: A tsunami warning in the Pacific has been lifted after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck on Friday, sending many islanders fleeing the coast. The quake hit at 0257 GMT, prompting people on multiple South Pacific islands to race to higher ground as sirens warned of possible hazardous waves.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T09:49+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. There was no tsunami threat to Hawaii on Thursday afternoon.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T09:49+0200informazioneonline (it)

(Adnkronos) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i sistemi di allarme....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T09:48+0200lavocedigenova (it)

(Adnkronos) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i sistemi di allarme....

Un terremoto en el Pacífico levanta la alerta de tsunami

2023-05-19T09:48+0200diariodeburgos (es)

El Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico levantó este viernes la alerta de tsunami activada por un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en aguas de Nueva Caledonia, que incluía a varios países del Pacífico Sur. "La amenaza de tsunami ha pasado en gran medida", indica la última actualización del servicio....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T09:47+0200newsnovara (it)

(Adnkronos) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i sistemi di allarme....

Un terremoto en el Pacífico levanta la alerta de tsunami

2023-05-19T09:46+0200diariodeavila (es)

El Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico levantó este viernes la alerta de tsunami activada por un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en aguas de Nueva Caledonia, que incluía a varios países del Pacífico Sur. "La amenaza de tsunami ha pasado en gran medida", indica la última actualización del servicio....

Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia, triggering tsunami warning

2023-05-19T09:45+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

A Pacific Tsunami Warning Center screenshot showing tsunami waves of 1-3m above tide are possible along some coastal areas of Vanuatu, after a 7.7-magnitude quake struck in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia. – Pacific Tsunami Warning Center screenshot, May 19, 2023. A 7.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T09:43+0200adnkronos (it)

Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i sistemi di allarme rapido per lo....

3:40a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T09:42+0200marketwatch (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia .

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T09:40+0200eagletribune (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves 2 feet above tide level were measured off L <enakel, a port town in Vanuatu.

7.7-magnitude earthquake struck French island

2023-05-19T09:40+0200breakinglatest (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 on the Richter scale has shaken the French island of New Caledonia, in the Pacific Ocean, on Friday morning, at a depth of 37.7 kilometers, next to the Loyalty Islands, in southeast of the main formation. The New Zealand National Emergency Management Agency has....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico

2023-05-19T09:40+0200eldebate (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia , en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

Alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 cerca de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:37+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido este viernes la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, lo que ha desencadenado una alerta por tsunami ante la posibilidad de llegada de olas de hasta un metro de altura a varios países situados en la región.

Francia.- Alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 cerca de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:37+0200notimerica (es)

MADRID, 19 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido este viernes la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, lo que ha desencadenado una alerta por tsunami ante la posibilidad de llegada de olas de hasta un metro de altura a varios países situados en la región.

AMP.- Francia.- Alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 cerca de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:36+0200cope (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido este viernes la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, lo que ha desencadenado una alerta por tsunami ante la posibilidad de llegada de olas de hasta un metro de altura a varios países situados en la región.

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on South Pacific islands

2023-05-19T09:34+0200whig (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves 2 feet above tide level were measured off L <enakel, a port town in Vanuatu.

Small Earthquake Rattles Parts of Westchester County, New Jersey in Middle of Night

2023-05-19T09:33+0200nbcnewyork (en)

Did you feel it? A small, 2.2 magnitude earthquake rattled the lower Hudson Valley and parts of northeast New Jersey early Friday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earthquake hit about a mile south of Hastings-on-Hudson in Westchester County at 1:53 a.m., at a depth of 9.8 kilometers, the USGS said.

7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami on …

2023-05-19T09:33+0200wearecentralpa (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake caused a small tsunami to wash ashore on South Pacific islands Friday. No damage has been reported, and the threat passed in a few hours. Waves 60 centimeters (2 feet) above tide level were measured off Lenakel, a port town in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Emiten alerta de tsunami tras potente sismo en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:33+0200telesurtv (es)

| Se emite una alerta preventiva de tsunami en Fiji, Nueva Caledonia y Vanuatu por el terremoto de 7.7 e en el Océano Pacífico. de Tsunami en Chile — INFORED (@PeruInfored) May 19, 2023 Según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS por sus siglas en inglés), el temblor se situó a 37 kilómetros....

Recap: 'Strong and unusual currents', and 'unpredictable surges' expected for several hours

2023-05-19T09:31+0200Stuff (en)

A warning of “tsunami activity” has been issued by Nema after a magnitude 7.7 earthquake that struck near the Loyalty Islands on Friday afternoon. Tune in here to Stuff’s live updates. Breaking news? Send your photos, videos and tip-offs to , or call us on 0800 697....

Tsunami threat passes in South Pacific after magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:30+0200in-cyprus (en)

The risk of tsunami waves across the South Pacific has passed and national warnings downgraded following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said the tsunami threat had largely passed on Friday afternoon.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 frente a Nueva Caledonia provoca una alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-19T09:30+0200infobae (es)

(Reuters) - Tras el terremoto de magnitud 7,7 registrado el viernes al sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, en el territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, se recomendó a la población del Pacífico Sur que evitara las zonas costeras por el riesgo de olas de tsunami.


2023-05-19T09:29+0200ilroma (it)

Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i....

Un terremoto de 7,7 grados y un tsunami ponen en guardia a varios países del Pacífico Sur

2023-05-19T09:27+0200larazon-es (es)

El Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico levantó este viernes la alerta de tsunami activada por un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en aguas de Nueva Caledonia, que incluía a varios países del Pacífico Sur. "La amenaza de tsunami ha pasado en gran medida", indica la última actualización del servicio....

Bedlam in Benidorm as Costa Blanca town braces for a stag and hen do tsunami worth €40 million

2023-05-19T09:26+0200theolivepress (en)

BENIDORM’S street cleaners and doormen are bracing themselves for an avalanche of Brits running amok on stag and hen do’s next year. Recent data suggests that the resort could host a massive one in eight trips in mainland Europe, making it the top choice for pre-wedding celebrations.

Un séisme enregistré au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T09:26+0200ipreunion (fr)

Les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers ont fait évacuer l'ensemble du littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie, en raison d'une alerte au tsunami déclenchée après un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 au large de l'archipel, a annoncé un responsable de la sécurité civile. L'alerte a finalement été levée.

Tsunami threat passes in South Pacific after magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:25+0200tribune (en)

The risk of tsunami waves across the South Pacific has passed and national warnings downgraded following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said the tsunami threat had largely passed on Friday afternoon.

Desactivada la alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:22+0200antena3noticias (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 ha sacudido este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur . Como consecuencia, en un primer momento se activó una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1.000 kilómetros alrededor del epicentro.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T09:21+0200theargus (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di 7.7, allarme tsunami

2023-05-19T09:20+0200periodicodaily (it)

Forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia. È scattato l’allarme tsunami. Anche le autorità di Australia e Nuova Zelanda hanno allarmato i propri cittadini. Terremoto in Nuova Caledonia. Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 ha colpito l’Oceano Pacifico a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia, facendo scattare l’allarme tsunami.

Levantan la alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-19T09:20+0200infobae (es)

Sídney (Australia), 19 may. El Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico levantó este viernes la alerta de tsunami activada por un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en aguas de Nueva Caledonia, que incluía a varios países del Pacífico Sur. "La amenaza de tsunami ha pasado en gran medida", indica la....

Tsunami threat passes after 7.7 South Pacific quake

2023-05-19T09:19+0200bordermail (en)

A tsunami watch on Australia's Lord Howe Island was downgraded to a marine warning as authorities say the threat has largely passed following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a metre were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation of Vanuatu.

Small tsunami in Vanuatu after 7.7 South Pacific quake, New Zealand on alert

2023-05-19T09:18+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said as waves less than 1.5 feet were measured off Lenakel- a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere, it added. The earthquake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres (23 miles).

Fortissimo terremoto, 7.7 Richter. Scatta l’allerta tsunami: “Allontanatevi subito dalle coste”

2023-05-19T09:17+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) terremoto di 7.7 della scala Richter , si temono danni ed è Scatta to immediatamente l’allerta tsunami . Siamo in Nuova Caledonia, nell’Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all’Australia. Qui, alle 13.57 ora locale, ovvero alle 4:57 del mattino in Italia, un forte sisma ha sconvolto la tranquillità del luogo.

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 scuote isole Pacifico meridionale

2023-05-19T09:17+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia . Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo....

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di 7.7, allarme tsunami

2023-05-19T09:17+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) Forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia . È scattato l’ allarme tsunami . Anche le autorità di Australia e Nuova Zelanda hanno allarmato i propri cittadini. terremoto in Nuova Caledonia Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.

Tsunami threat passes after 7.7 South Pacific quake

2023-05-19T09:15+0200maitlandmercury (en)

A tsunami watch on Australia's Lord Howe Island was downgraded to a marine warning as authorities say the threat has largely passed following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a metre were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation of Vanuatu.

Tsunami threat passes after 7.7 South Pacific quake

2023-05-19T09:13+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

A tsunami watch on Australia's Lord Howe Island was downgraded to a marine warning as authorities say the threat has largely passed following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a metre were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation of Vanuatu.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:13+0200latribunadealbacete (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

La advertencia de Puigdemont a España por la investigación de Tsunami Democràtic: "Tendrá un castigo severo"

2023-05-19T09:13+0200elnacional-cat (es)

El expresidente aprovecha la negativa de Suiza de investigar Tsunami para denunciar que el Estado "persigue disidentes políticos" El expresidente de la Generalitat y actual presidente del Consell per la República, ha cargado contra España por la investigación de la Audiencia Nacional sobre , ante....

Sismo de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico crea pequeño tsunami ante Vanuatu

2023-05-19T09:13+0200infobae (es)

En esta imagen de archivo, una nube de vapor sale del lago Vui, en el cráter del volcán Monte Manaro, en la isla de Ambae, en el archipiélago de Vanuatu, el 8 de diciembre de 2005. (AP Foto/Rick Rycroft) WELLINGTON, Nueva Zelanda (AP) — Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 registrado el viernes en el....

Tsunami threat passes after 7.7 South Pacific quake

2023-05-19T09:12+0200illawarramercury (en)

A tsunami watch on Australia's Lord Howe Island was downgraded to a marine warning as authorities say the threat has largely passed following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a metre were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation of Vanuatu.

New Caledonia, 19th May, 2023 (WAM) -- People across the South Pacific were told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of New Caledonia, Reuters reported. Tsunami waves ranging from 0.

2023-05-19T09:12+0200wam-en (en)

Fri 19-05-2023 10:58 AM Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific New Caledonia , 19th May, 2023 (WAM) -- People across the South Pacific were told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of New Caledonia, Reuters reported.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:12+0200diariopalentino (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

Tsunami threat passes after 7.7 South Pacific quake

2023-05-19T09:11+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

A tsunami watch on Australia's Lord Howe Island was downgraded to a marine warning as authorities say the threat has largely passed following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a metre were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation of Vanuatu.

AFP - earthquake lead

2023-05-19T09:11+0200nampa (en)

Tsunami alert lifted after 7.7-magnitude Pacific quake Sydney, May 19, 2023 (AFP) - A tsunami warning in the Pacific has been lifted after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck on Friday, sending many islanders fleeing the coast. The quake hit at 0257 GMT, prompting people on multiple South Pacific....

Alerte tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie : les habitants "n'ont pas perdu les bons réflexes", se félicite le directeur de la sécurité civile sur place

2023-05-19T09:10+0200francetvinfo (fr)

"Les gens en Nouvelle-Calédonie sont acculturés au risque tsunami" , raconte vendredi 19 mai à l'agence Radio France, Frédéric Marchi-Leccia, directeur de la sécurité civile et de la gestion du risque en Nouvelle-Calédonie après l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée plus tôt dans l'archipel (14h heures locales).

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:08+0200diariodeburgos (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

Tsunami warning issued in New Caledonia after 7.7 magnitude earthquake

2023-05-19T09:07+0200business-standard (en)

A 7.7 magnitude quake jolted South Pacific, people were told to avoid coastal areas as a Tsunami warning was issued on Friday following the earthquake in the French territory of New Caledonia. According to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC), Tsunami waves are possible on the coasts of Vanuatu ranging from 0.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates tsunami threat for Vanuatu

2023-05-19T09:07+0200business-standard (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a meter (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T09:07+0200diariodeavila (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

Powerful 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Island in South Pacific, Sparks Tsunami Warning 2 hours ago The US Tsunami Warning System reported that hazardous tsunami waves from this earthquake are likely to occur within 1,000 km of the epicentre along the coasts of Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Fiji.

2023-05-19T09:04+0200weather-en-IN (en)

In its latest update, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake struck at 2.57 a.m., reports Xinhua news agency. The epicentre, with a depth of 37.7 km, was determined to be at 23.229 degrees south latitude and 170.694 degrees east longitude, the USGS added.

Tsunami warning issued for Lord Howe Island after 7.7-magnitude quake strikes near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T09:01+0200chinadaily (en)

SYDNEY -- Australia's Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) announced on Friday that a tsunami warning is currently in place for Lord Howe Island, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 02:57 GMT on Friday. The BOM warned that for the marine environment of Lord Howe....

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T09:01+0200phys (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a meter (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu's National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher grounds.

Earthquake in New Caledonia: 7.8 magnitude tremor triggers tsunami warning

2023-05-19T09:00+0200newsbeezer (en)

Hong Kong CNN A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck the South Pacific on Friday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, triggering a tsunami warning for surrounding countries including Vanuatu, Fiji, Kiribati and the northern tip of New Zealand. The US National Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami....

Alerte au tsunami alors qu’un séisme de magnitude 7,7 frappe près de la Nouvelle-Calédonie | Nouvelles sur les tsunamis

2023-05-19T09:00+0200newsbeezer (fr)

Le Pacific Tsunami Warning Center indique que des vagues allant jusqu’à 3 mètres (10 pieds) sont possibles pour Vanuatu. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 a frappé l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, selon les agences de surveillance américaines.

Tsunami alert lifted after major earthquake hits Pacific

2023-05-19T08:59+0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

for several Pacific states has been lifted after a magnitude 7.7 earthquake hit southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory on Friday. It hit southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia. "Based on all available data the tsunami threat from this earthquake has now....

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off…

2023-05-19T08:58+0200samacharcentral (en)

Steam billows from Lake Vui in the volcano crater of Mount Manaro on the island of Ambae, part of the Vanuatu islands chain, Dec. 8, 2005. A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday, May 19, 2023, in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. Credit: AP Photo/Rick Rycroft A 7.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 ressenti au sud-est des Iles Loyauté (USGS)

2023-05-19T08:57+0200french-news (fr)

SYDNEY, 19 mai (Xinhua) -- Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 a été ressenti vendredi à 2h57 GMT au sud-est des Iles Loyauté dans le Pacifique Sud, a annoncé l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). Selon la dernière mise à jour de l'USGS, l'épicentre du séisme, survenu à 37,7km de profondeur, a....

At least 13 killed, towns cut off in Italian floods

2023-05-19T08:55+0200aljazeera-en (en)

The death toll from floods that have devastated Italy’s northern region of Emilia-Romagna has risen to 13, with thousands of people forced from their homes, and farms in an area known for its agriculture destroyed. Torrential rains devastated the eastern side of the region, known as Romagna, with as....

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l’alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T08:53+0200quotidien-lu (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été évacué par précaution en raison d’une alerte au tsunami, qui a ensuite été levée, selon la sécurité civile.

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 scuote isole Pacifico meridionale

2023-05-19T08:53+0200money-it (it)

Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l’arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i....

AFP - earthquake

2023-05-19T08:50+0200nampa (en)

URGENT Tsunami alert lifted after 7.7-magnitude Pacific quake Sydney, May 19, 2023 (AFP) - A tsunami warning in the Pacific has been lifted after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the ocean southeast of New Caledonia. "Based on all available data the tsunami threat from this earthquake has....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico

2023-05-19T08:47+0200cope (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

New Caledonia orders evacuation after 7.7 quake

2023-05-19T08:45+0200deccanherald (en)

New Caledonia ordered the evacuation of coastal areas on Friday, a government official said, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake in the Pacific Ocean triggered a tsunami warning. Warning sirens had been activated and people were asked to leave areas near the island's coastline, Colonel Marchi Leccia, a security official, told a local radio station.

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 scuote isole Pacifico meridionale

2023-05-19T08:45+0200meteoweb (it)

Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un forte terremoto ha scosso l’arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i....

Sisma potente vicino l’Australia: evacuazioni e allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T08:45+0200qds (it)

Le sirene d'allarme hanno iniziato a suonare e le persone sono state invitate a lasciare le aree vicino alla costa. Un 7.7, magnitudo che caratterizza un terremoto fortissimo, scuote la Nuova Caledonia facendo scattare l’evacuazione nella zona colpita dal sisma oltre all’allerta tsunami.

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 scuote isole Pacifico meridionale

2023-05-19T08:45+0200strettoweb (it)

Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un forte terremoto ha scosso l’arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i....

Tsunami panic as 7.7 magnitude earthquake hits Pacific sparking evacuations and warning of ‘unpredictable surges’

2023-05-19T08:42+0200thesun (en)

THE Pacific has been hit by a 7.7 magnitude earthquake this morning sparking fears the tremors could trigger a catastrophic tsunami. Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand, New Caledonia and Kiribati are on high alert after the quake struck near the Loyalty Islands. Residents were urged to evacuate coastal areas amid fears of a horror tsunami Credit: AFP.

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning

2023-05-19T08:41+0200JakartaPost (en)

People across the South Pacific were told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Tsunami waves ranging from 0.3 meter to 1 meter above the tide level are....

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:40+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 scuote isole Pacifico meridionale

2023-05-19T08:40+0200ecoseven (it)

Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un forte terremoto ha scosso l’arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i....

Tsunami warning for Vanuatu, other islands after 7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific

2023-05-19T08:39+0200wn (en)

Tsunami warning: An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia triggered a tsunami warning to countries in the South Pacific on Friday. The tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia .

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:39+0200thecourier (en)

Floral wreath icon before the text A decorative icon denoting a floral wreath before the text Scottish New s Website of the Year Floral wreath icon after the text A decorative icon denoting a floral wreath after the text A 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft) A 7.

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 scuote isole Pacifico meridionale

2023-05-19T08:39+0200affaritaliani (it)

Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i....

L'alerte tsunami levée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme

2023-05-19T08:39+0200watson (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée, puis levée, après un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 qui s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie vers 14h00 (5 heures du matin, heure suisse). Selon l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS), la secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km.

Alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de magnitud 7.7 en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T08:39+0200proceso-HN (es)

Sídney (Australia) Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 que sacudió este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, activó una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1.000 kilómetros alrededor del epicentro.

Las autoridades de Nueva Caledonia piden evacuar la zona por una alerta de tsunami

2023-05-19T08:39+0200efe-agencia (es)

Sidney (Australia) (EFE).- Las autoridades de Nueva Caledonia, un territorio francés de ultramar ubicado en el Pacífico Sur, pidieron este viernes evacuar las zonas costeras a raíz de la alerta de tsunami activada por un terremoto de magnitud 7,7. El organismo local Dirección para la Seguridad Civil....

Sisma di magnitudo 7.7 al largo della Nuova Caledonia

2023-05-19T08:38+0200informazione (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e....

Estero Terremoto in Nuova Caledonia

2023-05-19T08:38+0200ticinonews (it)

Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma (di magnitudo 7,5) ha avuto ipocentro a soli 6 km di profondità ed epicentro in mare non lontano dall'isola Grande Terre.

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 scuote isole Pacifico meridionale

2023-05-19T08:38+0200olbianotizie (it)

Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i....

World News | G7 Leaders Lay Wreaths at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Japan

2023-05-19T08:36+0200latestly (en)

Hiroshima [Japan], May 19 (ANI): Group of Seven (G7) leaders on Friday laid wreaths at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Japan's Hiroshima. They also planted saplings at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Also Read | 2,000 Jobs Go for Toss! Amid Layoffs, Disney Cancels Plans To Build Corporate....

World News | PM Modi Leaves for Japan in First Leg of Three-nation Visit

2023-05-19T08:36+0200latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], May 19 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday left for Japan to attend the G7 Summit in Hiroshima in the first leg of his three-nation visit during which he will also visit Papua New Guinea and Australia. India has been invited as a guest country for the G7 summit.

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l’alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T08:36+0200la-croix (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi 19 mai dans l’océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été évacué par précaution en raison d’une alerte au tsunami, qui a ensuite été levée, selon la sécurité civile.

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 secoue la Nouvelle-Calédonie: l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T08:36+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 06h19 par AFP Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, très vite levée par la suite, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS).

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:35+0200irishexaminer (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia.

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 scuote isole Pacifico meridionale

2023-05-19T08:35+0200laragione (it)

Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un forte terremoto ha scosso l’arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i....

Know the works of the ministry that Kiren Rijiju has got

2023-05-19T08:34+0200morningexpress (en)

New Delhi: There was a sudden change in PM Narendra Modi’s cabinet on Thursday. In place of Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju, Arjun Ram Meghwal was given the responsibility of Law Ministry. At the same time, Rijiju has been given the responsibility of Ministry of Earth Sciences.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:34+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:33+0200southwalesargus (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:32+0200newsandstar (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:32+0200eadt (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 scuote isole Pacifico meridionale

2023-05-19T08:32+0200corriereadriatico (it)

Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un forte terremoto ha scosso l'arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i....

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:31+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

Floral wreath icon before the text A decorative icon denoting a floral wreath before the text Scottish New s Website of the Year Floral wreath icon after the text A decorative icon denoting a floral wreath after the text A 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft) A 7.

Nuova Caledonia: terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 scuote isole Pacifico meridionale

2023-05-19T08:31+0200sardiniapost (it)

Nouméa, 19 mag. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un forte terremoto ha scosso l’arcipelago delle Isole della Lealtà, parte del territorio francese del Pacifico meridionale della Nuova Caledonia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,7, secondo lo United States Geological Survey (USGS), ha messo immediatamente in funzione i....

Warning of South Pacific tsunami after earthquake in New Caledonia

2023-05-19T08:30+0200businesslive (en)

People across the South Pacific were told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Tsunami waves ranging from 0.3m to 1m above the tide level are possible for some....

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:30+0200pressandjournal (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft) A 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation.

NCaledonia-quake-Pacific-tsunami newseries

2023-05-19T08:30+0200nampa (en)

New Caledonia lifts tsunami warning after 7.7-magnitude quake =(Video)= ATTENTION - ADDS waves detected off Vanuatu; quotes from tour operator /// Noumea, May 19, 2023 (AFP) - New Caledonia lifted its tsunami warning to residents after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck on Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of the territory.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:29+0200eveningtimes (en)

We have issued a NATIONAL ADVISORY: TSUNAMI ACTIVITY following the magnitude 7.7 earthquake SOUTHEAST OF LOYALTY ISLANDS. We expect New Zealand coastal areas to experience strong and unusual currents and unpredictable surges at the shore. — National Emergency Management Agency (@NZcivildefence) May....

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:29+0200dailyecho (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

7.7 Magnitude Earthquake in Far Pacific Creates Small Tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:29+0200news18 (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a meter (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia.

Australie : alerte au tsunami sur l'île Lord Howe après un séisme de magnitude 7,7 près des Iles Loyauté

2023-05-19T08:29+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le Bureau météorologique australien (BOM) a annoncé vendredi qu'une alerte au tsunami était en cours concernant l'île Lord Howe, après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,7 a été ressenti vendredi à 2h57 GMT au sud-est des Iles Loyauté. Il a averti que pour l'environnement marin de l'île Lord Howe, il y a....

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:28+0200oxfordtimes (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:28+0200hertsad (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning

2023-05-19T08:28+0200urdupoint (en)

Sydney, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point New s - 19th May, 2023 ) :A 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia , triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres (23 miles), the US Geological Service said.

Australia on tsunami watch after South Pacific quake

2023-05-19T08:28+0200bordermail (en)

The Australian island of Lord Howe Island is on tsunami watch following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. People across the South Pacific - including in New Caledonia, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Zealand - were all told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following the 7.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:27+0200chesterfirst (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:27+0200edp24 (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu08:25

2023-05-19T08:27+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

Alerta de tsunami en Nueva Caledonia tras un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,7: piden evacuar la costa

2023-05-19T08:27+0200elconfidencial (es)

Las autoridades de Nueva Caledonia , un territorio francés de ultramar ubicado en el Pacífico Sur , pidieron este viernes evacuar las zonas costeras a raíz de la alerta de tsunami activada por un terremoto de magnitud 7,7. El organismo local Dirección para la Seguridad Civil y la Gestión de Riesgo....

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:26+0200metro-us (en)

By Posted on May 19, 2023 FILE – Steam billows from Lake Vui in the volcano crater of Mount Manaro on the island of Ambae, part of the Vanuatu islands chain, Dec. 8, 2005. A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday, May 19, 2023, in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft) WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:26+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:26+0200eveningnews24 (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:26+0200yorkpress (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T08:26+0200WortLuxembourg-fr (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été évacué par précaution en raison d'une alerte au tsunami, qui a ensuite été levée, selon la sécurité civile.

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami a été levée

2023-05-19T08:26+0200lecho (fr)

L'ensemble du littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie a été évacué, ce vendredi, en raison d'une alerte au tsunami déclenchée après un puissant séisme au large de l'archipel. L'alerte a finalement été levée.

7.7 magnitude earthquake creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:25+0200impartialreporter (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has said waves less than half a metre (1.5ft) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia. Vanuatu’s National Disaster Management Office advised people to evacuate from coastal areas to higher ground.

Warning of South Pacific tsunami after earthquake in New Caledonia

2023-05-19T08:25+0200businessday (en)

People across the South Pacific were told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Tsunami waves ranging from 0.3m to 1m above the tide level are possible for some....

Se registra sismo de magnitud 7.7 en el Pacífico Sur; se emite alerta de tsunami

2023-05-19T08:24+0200xevt (es)

El movimiento telúrico fue detectado a una profundidad de 37 kilómetros y tuvo epicentro cerca de las Islas de la Lealtad Un sismo de magnitud 7.7 se registró en el océano Pacífico, muy cerca de Nueva Caledonia , al este de Australia , lo que provocó que autoridades activaran la alerta de tsunami.

Australia on tsunami watch after South Pacific quake

2023-05-19T08:22+0200illawarramercury (en)

The Australian island of Lord Howe Island is on tsunami watch following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. People across the South Pacific - including in New Caledonia, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Zealand - were all told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following the 7.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:22+0200clickondetroit (en)

FILE - Steam billows from Lake Vui in the volcano crater of Mount Manaro on the island of Ambae, part of the Vanuatu islands chain, Dec. 8, 2005. A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday, May 19, 2023, in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft) (Rick Rycroft, AP2005) WELLINGTON – A 7.

Terremoto oggi in Nuova Caledonia di magnitudo 7,5, rischio tsunami in Australia. Allerta fino al Cile

2023-05-19T08:22+0200corriereadriatico (it)

CNN Chile (@CNNChile) May 19, 2023 Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 6 km di profondità ed epicentro in mare non lontano dall'isola Grande Terre.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia: scatta l’allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T08:22+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia , nell’Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all’Australia. Ed è scatta ta l’allerta tsunami . Secondo il Centro di allerta del Pacifico sono possibili onde di tsunami entro i 1.

Il terremoto di 7.7 scuote la Nuova Caledonia: fuga e allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T08:22+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) Un terremoto fortissimo di magnitudo 7.7 che in Nuova Caledonia fa scattare l'evacuazione nella zona colpita dal sisma e l' allerta tsunami . La scossa è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo dell'arcipelago, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale, vicino all'Australia.

Terremoto 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, la scossa fortissima: è allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T08:22+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) Terremoto oggi in Nuova Caledonia . Una scossa di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia , nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all' ...

Terremoto in Nuova Caledonia, scatta l'allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T08:22+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) Terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia . Si è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo dell'arcipelago, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale, vicino all'Australia. Ed è scatta ta l'...

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:21+0200independent-UK (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a meter (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia.

New Zealand: 7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates tsunami threat for Vanuatu, other islands

2023-05-19T08:20+0200wn (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves up to 1 meter (3 feet) above tides were possible for Vanuatu, much lower than the initial forecast. Follow Us A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific posed a tsunami threat for Vanuatu.

Australia on tsunami watch after South Pacific quake

2023-05-19T08:19+0200maitlandmercury (en)

The Australian island of Lord Howe Island is on tsunami watch following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. People across the South Pacific - including in New Caledonia, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Zealand - were all told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following the 7.

Tsunami warning after 7.8 magnitude earthquake near New Caledonia in Pacific An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 that struck south-east of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia has triggered a tsunami warning, authorities have said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake near New Caledonia hit at a depth of 38km (24 miles).

2023-05-19T08:19+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck south-east of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia has triggered a tsunami warning. An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 that struck south-east of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia has triggered a tsunami warning, authorities have said.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:19+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

This is some serious stuff. The world could see a major changing event soon. Another one? Dang - scripture keeps showing up -....

Terremoto oggi Torino M 2.1/ Ingv ultime notizie, forte scossa in Nuova Caledonia

2023-05-19T08:18+0200ilsussidiario (it)

Andiamo a scoprire insieme anche oggi, venerdì 18 maggio 2023, quali sono state le principali che si sono verificate in Italia, e non solo, nelle scorse ore. Come sempre facciamo il punto della situazione consultando il bollettino aggiornato in tempo reale dall’Ingv, l’istituto nazionale di....

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:16+0200news4jax (en)

FILE - Steam billows from Lake Vui in the volcano crater of Mount Manaro on the island of Ambae, part of the Vanuatu islands chain, Dec. 8, 2005. A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday, May 19, 2023, in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft) (Rick Rycroft, AP2005) WELLINGTON – A 7.

World News | Zelenskyy to Join G7 at Hiroshima Summit as Leaders Prepare to Unveil New Russia Sanctions

2023-05-19T08:15+0200latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will join leaders of the world's most powerful democracies in Hiroshima, Japan, making his furthest trip from of his war-torn country as leaders are set to unveil new sanctions on Russia for its invasion.

Australia on tsunami watch after South Pacific quake

2023-05-19T08:15+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

The Australian island of Lord Howe Island is on tsunami watch following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. People across the South Pacific - including in New Caledonia, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Zealand - were all told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following the 7.

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 secoue la Nouvelle-Calédonie: une alerte...

2023-05-19T08:15+0200koldanews (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source.

Forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Nuova Caledonia, scatta l'allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T08:15+0200virgilio-notizie (it)

Una forte scossa di terremoto è stata registrata nella notte in Nuova Caledonia, nel Pacifico, facendo scattare l'allerta tsunami. Pubblicato il: 19-05-2023 07:46. Una forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito nella notte italiana la Nuova Caledonia , arcipelago nell’ Oceano Pacifico vicino all’Australia.

Small tsunami in Vanuatu after 7.7 South Pacific quake, New Zealand on alert

2023-05-19T08:14+0200HindustanTimes (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said as waves less than 1.5 feet were measured off Lenakel- a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere, it added. The earthquake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres (23 miles).

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in S Pacific

2023-05-19T08:13+0200bdnews24 (en)

People across the South Pacific were told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Tsunami waves ranging from 0.3m to 1 metre above the tide level are possible for....

9 minutes ago 7.7 magnitude earthquake far Pacific, Vanuatu

2023-05-19T08:13+0200nepalnews (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a meter (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia.

Il y a un risque de tsunami après un puissant tremblement de terre à… VIDEO

2023-05-19T08:13+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Il y a un risque de tsunami après un puissant tremblement de terre à… VIDEO Le séisme de magnitude 7,7 a frappé l’océan Pacifique, au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Dans l’océan Pacifique, au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, un fort séisme de magnitude 7,7 a frappé, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami.

Australia on tsunami watch after South Pacific quake

2023-05-19T08:12+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

The Australian island of Lord Howe Island is on tsunami watch following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. People across the South Pacific - including in New Caledonia, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Zealand - were all told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following the 7.

World News | Iran Executes 3 Men over Violence During Last Year''s Anti-government Protests

2023-05-19T08:12+0200latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. Iran has executed three men accused of deadly violence during last year's anti-government protests despite objections from human rights groups. Dubai, May 19 (AP) Iran has executed three men accused of deadly violence during last year's....

M7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T08:11+0200japantoday (en)

People across the South Pacific were told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Tsunami waves ranging from 0.3m to 1 metre above the tide level are possible for....

Nuova Caledonia, terremoto M 7.5

2023-05-19T08:11+0200ilmetropolitano-it (it)

07:35 – E’ stata registrata a largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell’Oceano Pacifico, una fortissima scossa di terremoto. I sismografi dell’INGV hanno registrato una magnitudo di 7.5 con un epicentro del sisma nella zona dell’Isola Grande Terre ed un ipocentro a 6 chilometri di profondità.

08:02 Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, une alerte …

2023-05-19T08:09+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami déclenchée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme au large de l’archipel a été levée ce vendredi 19 mai au bout d’une heure, a annoncé la sécurité civile. Températures, précipitations quelles seraient les conséquences du retour d’El Niño en France ? Les forces de....

C’è stato un terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 al largo della Nuova Caledonia

2023-05-19T08:09+0200ilpost (it)

Venerdì mattina c’è stato un terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 al largo della Nuova Caledonia, territorio francese d’oltremare che si trova a est dell’Australia, nell’Oceano Pacifico. Il terremoto è avvenuto alle 13:57 locali (le 4:57 in Italia): in seguito alla scossa è stata diramata un’allerta per....

Magnitude 7.7 quake triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific 5 minute ago - 0 - 29 People across the South Pacific were told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia.

2023-05-19T08:07+0200dailymirror (en)

People across the South Pacific were told to avoid coastal areas due to the risk of tsunami waves following a 7.7 magnitude earthquake on Friday southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Tsunami waves ranging from 0.3m to 1 metre above the tide level are possible for....

World News | Salman Rushdie Honoured at His First In-person Public Appearance in New York

2023-05-19T08:06+0200latestly (en)

New York, May 19 (PTI) Salman Rushdie has been honoured with the PEN Centenary Courage Award as the Mumbai-born writer made his first in-person public appearance since being stabbed and severely wounded in a knife attack at a literary event here last year.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 enregistré au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, une alerte au tsunami déclenchée

2023-05-19T08:06+0200france3 (fr)

L'alerte au tsunami déclenchée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme au large du territoire a été levée vendredi 19 mai à 16 heures (7 heures à Paris), a annoncé la sécurité civile. La secousse de magnitude 7,7 a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 kilomètres et à 333,8 kilomètres des côtes....

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. L'alerte au tsunami levée Puissant séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T08:03+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique à quelque 300 km au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, où le littoral a été évacué par précaution en raison d'une alerte au tsunami, qui a ensuite été levée, selon la sécurité civile.

Séisme de 7,7 en Nouvelle-Calédonie: l'alerte au tsunami a été levée

2023-05-19T08:02+0200arcinfo (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée vendredi suite à un puissant séisme qui s’est produit dans l’océan non loin de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Elle a été levée au bout d'une heure.

Las autoridades de Nueva Caledonia piden evacuar la zona costera por una alerta de tsunami

2023-05-19T08:02+0200infobae (es)

Sidney (Australia), 19 may. Las autoridades de Nueva Caledonia, un territorio francés de ultramar ubicado en el Pacífico Sur, pidieron este viernes evacuar las zonas costeras a raíz de la alerta de tsunami activada por un terremoto de magnitud 7,7. El organismo local Dirección para la Seguridad....

Tsunami warning follows 7.7 magnitude earthquake off Caledonia

2023-05-19T08:01+0200wn (en)

The US Geological Survey said the quake was 10 km deep. According to the US tsunami warning system, the earthquake was followed by a warning of a possible tsunami in New Caledonia, Fiji and Vanuatu in the Pacific Ocean. According to AFP, the quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometers and 333.

Océan Pacifique : séisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami a été levée

2023-05-19T08:01+0200rtbf (fr)

L'alerte tsunami déclenchée vendredi sur la Nouvelle-Calédonie après un séisme de magnitude 7,7 au large du sud-est des îles Loyauté a été levée, a annoncé la Direction de la Sécurité Civile et de la Gestion des Risques. Le séisme a été enregistré à une profondeur de 37,7 km et à 333,8 km des côtes....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico

2023-05-19T08:01+0200europapress (es)

MADRID, 19 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

Alerta de tsunami después de un terremoto de 7,7 grados en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T08:01+0200elnacional-cat (es)

Un terremoto de 7,7 grados de magnitud ha afectado este viernes al sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad , un archipiélago del territorio francés de , en el Pacífico sur , y las autoridades locales han activado la alerta de tsunami a una ratio de 1.000 kilómetros de costa en torno al epicentro.

TerremotoSisma di magnitudo 7.7 al largo della Nuova Caledonia

2023-05-19T08:00+0200cdt (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 è stata registrata alle 13.57 (le 4.57 in Svizzera) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami.

L'alerte tsunami sur la Nouvelle-Calédonie est levée

2023-05-19T07:57+0200boursier-fr (fr)

(Actualisé avec levée de l'alerte) 19 mai (Reuters) - L'alerte tsunami déclenchée vendredi sur la Nouvelle-Calédonie après un séisme de magnitude 7,7 au large du sud-est des îles Loyauté a été levée, a annoncé la Direction de la Sécurité Civile et de la Gestion des Risques.

Terremoto Nuova Calendonia, scossa sismica di 7.7: è allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T07:56+0200tag24 (it)

Terremoto Nuova Calendonia . Una scossa di terremoto, di magnitudo 7,7 , è stata rilevata a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia , territorio francese nel sud del Pacifico. Le forze dell’ordine hanno ordinato l’evacuazione della zona. Il terremoto ha fatto scattare l’allarme tsunami per Vanuatu , mentre....

7.7 magnitude quake hits off Loyalty Islands, tsunami warning issued

2023-05-19T07:54+0200fijitimes (en)

A tsunami threat has been issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Southeast of Loyalty Islands. The warnings were issued just after 3pm by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The earthquake was 38km deep, the US Geological Service said. In New Caledonia , a tsunami alert has been issued by authorities.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 frappe la Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T07:54+0200letemps (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami déclenchée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme au large de l'archipel a été levée vendredi au bout d'une heure, a annoncé la sécurité civile. Les forces de l'ordre avaient fait évacuer le littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie et les sirènes anti-tsunami avaient résonné sur les côtes pour appeler la population à évacuer.

New Zealand: 7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates tsunami threat for Vanuatu, other islands

2023-05-19T07:53+0200financialexpress (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific posed a tsunami threat for Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves up to 1 meter (3 feet) above tides were possible for Vanuatu, much lower than the initial forecast. New Zealand’s National Emergency Management Agency said it was still assessing the potential for a tsunami.

World News | 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake in Far Pacific Creates Small Tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T07:53+0200latestly (en)

Wellington, May 19 (AP) A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than half a meter (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia.

Tsunami warnings issued for Pacific island nations after quake strikes

2023-05-19T07:52+0200straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY – A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck the South Pacific on Friday, triggering tsunami warnings for a number of Pacific island nations. Waves as high as one metre could hit Vanuatu, the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s tsunami warning system reported.

07:44 | ACTUALITES Macron au G7, alerte tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie et les lacs asséchés

2023-05-19T07:52+020020minutes (fr)

Emmanuel Macron aux côtés du Premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau et de la Première ministre italienne Giorgia Meloni lors du G7 à Hiroshima le 19 mai 2023. — AFP. Vous avez manqué les infos de ce début de matinée ? On vous a concocté un récap pour vous aider à y voir plus clair.

New Caledonia orders evacuation of coastal areas after tsunami warning

2023-05-19T07:51+0200bssnews (en)

NOUMEA, May 19, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - New Caledonia ordered the evacuation of coastal areas on Friday, a government official said, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake in the Pacific Ocean triggered a tsunami warning. Warning sirens had been activated and people were asked to leave areas near the island's....

Terremoto de 7,7 grados de magnitud sacudió isla francesa

2023-05-19T07:50+0200elnuevosiglo (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

Tsunami Warning Issued for New Zealand After Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake Hits South Pacific

2023-05-19T07:49+0200ibtimes-sg (en)

The US Geological Survey (USGS) said the earthquake occurred at a depth of 38 kilometers. The epicenter of the earthquake lay between Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia, the US National Tsunami Warning Center said. It alerted that a tsunami is possible in coasts located within 1,000 kilometers of the epicenter.

Terremoto in Nuova Caledonia, scatta l'allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T07:48+0200la7 (it)

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia. Si è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo dell'arcipelago, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale, vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami: le sirene d'allarme sono state attivate e le persone sono state invitate a lasciare le aree vicino alla costa.

Tsunami warnings after 7.7 magnitude earthquake strikes near Pacific islands

2023-05-19T07:47+0200irishtimes (en)

‘An earthquake of this size has the potential to cause destructive tsunami waves between 1 to 3 meters’, the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department warned. Tsunami waves were possible within 1,000 kilometers of the epicenter along the coasts of Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Kiribati, Fiji and New Zealand, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

Eno Alaric, ¿quién es el viajero del tiempo que predice cataclismos y catástrofes?

2023-05-19T07:46+0200elperiodico (es)

Alaric, que asegura que viene del año 2671 , se ha convertido en un fenómeno viral de las redes sociales por sus predicciones catastróficas . Mediante su cuenta de TikTok, Eno lleva hechas múltiples predicciones apocalípticas que, de momento, no se han cumplido.

Tsunami warnings issued for Pacific island nations after quake strikes

2023-05-19T07:45+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

SYDNEY – A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck the South Pacific on Friday, triggering tsunami warnings for a number of Pacific island nations. Waves as high as one metre could hit Vanuatu, the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s tsunami warning system reported.

TerremotoSisma di magnitudo 7.5 al largo della Nuova Caledonia

2023-05-19T07:45+0200cdt (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13.57 (le 4.57 in Svizzera) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma....

Magnitude 7.7 quake triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T07:45+0200adaderana (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.7 magnitude struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia , the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said,....

EN IMAGES. Comment les Calédoniens ont vécu le fort séisme et l’alerte au tsunami nouvelle calédonie

2023-05-19T07:45+0200francetvinfo (fr)

“C’est moi, ou la terre vient de trembler ?” Ce vendredi 19 mai, vers 14 heures, beaucoup de Calédoniens ont eu des réactions comme celle-ci, exprimée par un internaute sur Facebook. A 13h57, un séisme d’une force estimée autour de 7.7 ou 7.8 sur l’échelle de Richter s’est produit au Sud-Est du pays.

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T07:44+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi 19 mai 2023 dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Par la rédaction Publié: 19 Mai 2023 à 06h01 Temps de lecture: 1 min Partage : ....

2nd LD: Tsunami warning issued for Lord Howe Island after 7.7-magnitude quake strikes near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T07:43+0200china.org.cn (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- Australia's Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) announced on Friday that a tsunami warning is currently in place for Lord Howe Island, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 02:57 GMT on Friday. The BOM warned that for the marine environment of....

Pacifico, rischio tsunami dopo un terremoto di magnitudo 7.7

2023-05-19T07:43+0200editorialedomani (it)

Un sisma molto forte ha colpito la zona dell’oceano a sudovest delle Figi, a nord della Nuova Zelanda e a est dell'Australia. In Nuova Caledonia le persone sono state fatte allontanare dalle aree costiere, mentre si stima per Vanuatu siano possibili onde fino a tre metri. Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.


2023-05-19T07:41+0200nampa (en)

New Caledonia lifts tsunami warning after 7.7-magnitude quake ATTENTION - AMENDS slug, CHANGES dateline, UPDATES with New Caledonia 's tsunami warning lifted, ADDS quotes /// Noumea, May 19, 2023 (AFP) - New Caledonia lifted its tsunami warning to citizens after a 7.

Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake Strikes Off New Caledonia,Tsunami Threat Declared - Seismologists

2023-05-19T07:41+0200wn (en)

MOSCOW (UrduPoint New s / Sputnik - 19th May, 2023) A powerful 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit off the coast of New Caledonia Friday morning, the data of the US Geological Survey showed. The earthquake occurred at 02:57 GMT some 448 kilometers (278 miles) away from New Caledonia's Tsunami waves....

7.7 earthquake in south-east of New Caledonia, tsunami warning lifted

2023-05-19T07:41+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-05-19T05:38:03.395Z. Highlights: A powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.7 occurred Friday, May 19 in the Pacific Ocean southeast of the archipelago, triggering a tsunami warning. The police had evacuated the coast of New Caledonia and anti-tsunami sirens had sounded on the coasts to call on the population to evacuate.

Tsunami warning issued for Lord Howe Island after 7.7-magnitude quake strikes near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T07:41+0200wn (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- Australia's Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) announced on Friday that a tsunami warning is currently in place for Lord Howe Island, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 02:57 GMT on Friday. The BOM warned that for the marine environment of....

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T07:41+0200wn (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than .5 meters (1.5 feet) were measured ......

Tsunami warning as magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia

2023-05-19T07:40+0200island (en)

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies say. The quake was detected at a depth of 37km (23 miles), the US Geological Service said on Friday. “Based on the preliminary earthquake parameters, hazardous tsunami....

SHOA descarta peligro de tsunami para las costas chilenas tras sismo en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T07:40+0200adnradio (es)

Cerca de las 23.14 horas nacional, un temblor magnitud 7,8 sacudió el lecho marino a 449 KM al E de Numea, Nueva Caledonia, Polinesia Francesa, encendiendo las alarmas. Cerca de las 23.15 de este jueves, el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA) informó de la posibilidad....

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific Reuters |Updated 6 minutes ago |1 min read (Reuters) -Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.7 magnitude struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia.

2023-05-19T07:38+0200thechronicleherald (en)

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific. (Reuters) -Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.7 magnitude struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia .

Alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie: les forces de l'ordre font évacuer le littoral

2023-05-19T07:38+0200corsematin (fr)

Les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers ont fait évacuer l'ensemble du littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie, ce vendredi 19 mai en raison d'une alerte au tsunami déclenchée après un puissant séisme au large de l'archipel, a annoncé un responsable de la sécurité civile.

Infos à suivre Pacifique sudGros séisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée 0 24 6

2023-05-19T07:38+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Pacifique sud Gros séisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte au tsunami levée. Le littoral de la Nouvelle-Calédonie est en cours d'évacuation par les forces de l'ordre après un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 ayant déclenché une alerte au tsunami, finalement levée.

09:10 Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T07:37+0200clicanoo (fr)

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Une alerte au tsunami déclenchée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme au large de l'archipel a été levée vendredi au bout d'une heure, a annoncé la sécurité civile. Les forces de l'ordre avaient fait évacuer le littoral de....

L'alerte au tsunami levée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme de magnitude 7.7 dans le Pacifique

2023-05-19T07:37+0200varmatin (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami déclenchée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme au large de l'archipel a été levée vendredi au bout d'une heure, a annoncé la sécurité civile. Les forces de l'ordre avaient fait évacuer le littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie et les sirènes anti-tsunami avaient résonné sur les côtes pour appeler la population à évacuer.

7.7 earthquake in New Caledonia, tsunami risk

2023-05-19T07:36+0200breakinglatest (en)

A very strong earthquake, measuring 7.7 hit the Pacific Ocean south-east of New Caledonia, triggering the tsunami warning. According to the US Geological Survey. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometers near the Loyalty Islands: southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia, where the Coral Sea meets the Pacific.

Nouvelle-Calédonie: Séisme de 7,7, risque de tsunami, littoral évacué... Alerte finalement levée en matinée après un violent tremblement de terre au large de l'île

2023-05-19T07:36+0200lindependant (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi au large du sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, provoquant une alerte au tsunami. Les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers avaient d'ailleurs fait évacuer l'ensemble du littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Les sirènes anti-tsunami avaient été déclenchées et la population invitée à s'éloigner des côtes.

L'alerte au tsunami levée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme de magnitude 7.7 dans le Pacifique

2023-05-19T07:36+0200nicematin (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami déclenchée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme au large de l'archipel a été levée vendredi au bout d'une heure, a annoncé la sécurité civile. Les forces de l'ordre avaient fait évacuer le littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie et les sirènes anti-tsunami avaient résonné sur les côtes pour appeler la population à évacuer.

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T07:35+0200saltwire (en)

(Reuters) -Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.7 magnitude struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia , the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center....

Nouvelle-Calédonie : levée de l'alerte au tsunami après un séisme de magnitude 7,7

2023-05-19T07:35+0200LePoint (fr)

Un puissant séisme a été détecté au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Face à la menace d'un tsunami, les autorités avaient entamé l'évacuation du littoral. Par Q.M. avec AFP Le littoral est évacué en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un séisme de magnitude 7,7 qui fait craindre un tsunami. © THEO ROUBY / AFP.

07:24 | secousses Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 enregistré en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T07:34+020020minutes (fr)

La secousse a été ressentie à plus de 300 kilomètres des côtes de Nouvelle-Calédonie. — Marc Le Chelard. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l’Institut américain de....

Terremoto oggi in Nuova Caledonia di magnitudo 7,5, rischio tsunami in Australia. Allerta fino al Cile

2023-05-19T07:33+0200ilmessaggero (it)

CNN Chile (@CNNChile) May 19, 2023 Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 6 km di profondità ed epicentro in mare non lontano dall'isola Grande Terre.

L'alerte au tsunami levée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme de magnitude 7.7 dans le Pacifique

2023-05-19T07:33+0200monacomatin (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami déclenchée en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme au large de l'archipel a été levée vendredi au bout d'une heure, a annoncé la sécurité civile. Les forces de l'ordre avaient fait évacuer le littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie et les sirènes anti-tsunami avaient résonné sur les côtes pour appeler la population à évacuer.

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T07:32+0200brecorder (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.7 magnitude struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia , the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said,....

La terra tremaTerremoto al largo della Nuova Caledonia, scossa di magnitudo 7.5: scatta l’allerta tzunami

2023-05-19T07:31+0200lacnews24 (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia , nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e....

2nd LD: Tsunami warning issued for Lord Howe Island after 7.7-magnitude quake strikes near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T07:31+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- Australia's Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) announced on Friday that a tsunami warning is currently in place for Lord Howe Island, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 02:57 GMT on Friday.

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T07:30+0200zawya-palestine (en)

Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said, while Australia's meteorology bureau said there was a threat for Lord Howe Island off its east coast. Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T07:30+0200news-gazette (en)

Champaign, IL (61820) Today. Partly cloudy in the morning. Increasing clouds with periods of showers later in the day. High around 80F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 60%.. Tonight. Mostly cloudy early, then clearing later on. Low 48F. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph. Updated: May 18, 2023 @ 11:57 pm; A 7.

Alerta de tsunami en Nueva Caledonia tras sismo de magnitud 7,7

2023-05-19T07:30+0200deutschewelle-es (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 que sacudió este viernes (19.05.2023) el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia , en el Pacífico Sur, activó una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1.000 kilómetros alrededor del epicentro.

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, une alerte au tsunami levée

2023-05-19T07:28+0200france24 (fr)

La Nouvelle-Calédonie n'est plus en état d’alerte. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi 19 mai dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de l’archipel, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La sécurité civile a par la suite annoncé la levée de l'alerte.

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T07:25+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 19 maggio 2023) Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia , nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'...

SHOA descarta la posibilidad de un tsunami en las costas chilenas tras sismo en la Polinesia Francesa

2023-05-19T07:25+0200cooperativa (es)

Tras un extenso análisis, el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA) descartó la posibilidad de un tsunami para las costas chilenas tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 que sacudió este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur.

Sisma di magnitudo 7,7 in Nuova Caledonia, rischio tsunami

2023-05-19T07:24+0200corrierealpi (it)

Un fortissimo terremoto, di magnitudo 7,7 ha colpito l'Oceano Pacifico a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia, facendo scattare l’allarme tsunami. A dichiararlo il Servizio geologico statunitense. Il sisma è stato rilevato a una profondità di 37 chilometri, vicino alle Isole della Lealtà: a sud-ovest delle....

Annecy : un défilé non autorisé de militants nationalistes indigne Un défilé non autorisé de militants nationalistes révoltent les élus de la région, ainsi qu'Éric Zemmour.

2023-05-19T07:23+0200RTLFrance (fr)

Depuis mardi soir, une vidéo tournée dans le centre-ville d'Annecy fait vivement réagir de nombreux élus et les réseaux sociaux. Un défilé non autorisé de militants nationalistes révoltent le maire et ses adjoints, mais également Éric Zemmour. Vêtus de noir, visages masqués, torches à la main , ils....

Séisme aux Loyauté : fin de l

2023-05-19T07:22+0200la1ere (fr)

Mise à jour 16h00. La sécurité civile vient d'annoncer la fin de l'alerte tsunami sur toute la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Des alertes tsunami qui avaient été lancées, ce vendredi après-midi, notamment aux îles Loyauté, à Bourail et à Nouméa, après qu'un évènement sismique se soit produit vers 14 heures. Ce tremblement de terre, de magnitude 7.

Les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers ont fait évacuer l'ensemble du littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie, vendredi en raison d'une alerte au tsunami déclenchée après un puissant séisme au large de l'archipel, a annoncé un responsable de la sécurité civile.

2023-05-19T07:22+0200lechorepublicain (fr)

Les sirènes anti-tsunami ont été déclenchées et la population a été invitée à s'éloigner des côtes, a déclaré à la radio le colonel Marchi Leccia, directeur de la sécurité civile de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Une journaliste de l'AFP a constaté l'évacuation d'une plage calédonienne. Magnitude 7,7.

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T07:20+0200globodiroma (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 19 MAG – Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell’Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all’Australia. Ed è scattata l’allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 4.0 de magnitud

2023-05-19T07:20+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 4.0 de magnitud se registró este viernes 19 de mayo en la ciudad chilena de San Pedro , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 00:51 (hora local) , se originó a 104.

No tsunami risk to West Coast after massive earthquake west of Fiji The earthquake occurred in an area southwest of Fiji. 1H ago

2023-05-19T07:20+0200cbslocal (en)

No tsunami risk to West Coast, Hawaii after massive 7.7-magnitude earthquake west of Fiji. A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 23 miles deep. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia.

7.7-magnitude quake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T07:19+0200uniindia (en)

Sydney, May 19 (UNI) An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 02:57 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 37.7 km, was determined to be at 23.229 degrees south latitude and 170.

Tsunami warning issued for Lord Howe Island after 7.7-magnitude quake strikes near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T07:19+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- Australia's Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) announced on Friday that a tsunami warning is currently in place for Lord Howe Island, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 02:57 GMT on Friday. The BOM warned that for the marine environment of....

Earthquake near New Caledonia puts Lord Howe Island on tsunami alert

2023-05-19T07:19+0200wn (en)

Lord Howe Island is on a tsunami watch after an earthquake struck southeast of New Caledonia. No tsunami waves have been reported. Warnings have also been issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia . ......

Sisma di magnitudo 7,7 in Nuova Caledonia, rischio tsunami

2023-05-19T07:19+0200nuovavenezia (it)

Un fortissimo terremoto, di magnitudo 7,7 ha colpito l'Oceano Pacifico a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia, facendo scattare l’allarme tsunami. A dichiararlo il Servizio geologico statunitense. Il sisma è stato rilevato a una profondità di 37 chilometri, vicino alle Isole della Lealtà: a sud-ovest delle....

No tsunami risk to West Coast after massive earthquake west of Fiji

2023-05-19T07:19+0200wn (en)

The earthquake occurred in an area southwest of Fiji. ......

Tsunami warning issued for Lord Howe Island after 7.7-magnitude quake strikes near Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T07:18+0200english-news-cn (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- Australia's Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) announced on Friday that a tsunami warning is currently in place for Lord Howe Island, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 02:57 GMT on Friday. The BOM warned that for the marine environment of....

Il y a 1min Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'alerte tsunami levée Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit ce vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami. Une alerte levée 1h30 plus tard.

2023-05-19T07:18+0200francebleu (fr)

La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon l'Institut américain de géophysique. "Sur la base des paramètres préliminaires du tremblement de terre, des vagues de tsunami dangereuses sont possibles sur les côtes situées à moins de 1.

Terremoto e allerta tsunami in Nuova Caledonia, scossa di magnitudo 7.7 fa scattare l’allarme

2023-05-19T07:18+0200fanpage (it)

Una fortissima scossa di terremoto magnitudo 7.7 ha colpito oggi la Nuova Caledonia facendo scattare una allerta tsunami nell’Oceano pacifico . La scossa infatti ha avuto epicentro nell’Oceano a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia. Secondo i dati del Servizio geologico statunitense, il sisma è stato....

Tras terremoto en la Polinesia Francesa: SHOA descarta la ocurrencia de un tsunami en las costas de Chile

2023-05-19T07:18+0200radioagricultura (es)

Publicado en Nacional Tras terremoto en la Polinesia Francesa: SHOA descarta la ocurrencia de un tsunami en las costas de Chile. El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA) descartó la ocurrencia de un tsunami en las costas de Chile. Esto, tras el terremoto registrado en la Polinesia Francesa durante esta jornada.

Océanie. Nouvelle-Calédonie : séisme de 7,7, l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée

2023-05-19T07:17+0200lalsace (fr)

Les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers font évacuer l'ensemble du littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé un responsable de la sécurité civile. Les sirènes anti-tsunami ont été déclenchées et la population a été invitée à s'éloigner des côtes, a déclaré à la radio le colonel Marchi Leccia, directeur de la sécurité civile de Nouvelle-Calédonie.

Séisme de magnitude 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T07:17+0200lest-eclair (fr)

La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes. Les forces de l’ordre et les pompiers ont fait évacuer l’ensemble du littoral du pays Le séisme s’est produit ce vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est du pays.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T07:16+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than .5 meters (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia .

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T07:16+0200eagletribune (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than 1.5 feet above tides were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation.

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T07:16+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée ce vendredi en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 au large de l’archipel. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit ce vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS).

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T07:15+0200virgilio (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia.

Terremoto 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, la scossa fortissima: è allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T07:15+0200leggo (it)

Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 6 km di profondità ed epicentro in mare non lontano dall'isola Grande Terre.

Sisma di magnitudo 7,7 in Nuova Caledonia, rischio tsunami

2023-05-19T07:14+0200ilpiccolo (it)

Un fortissimo terremoto, di magnitudo 7,7 ha colpito l'Oceano Pacifico a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia, facendo scattare l’allarme tsunami. A dichiararlo il Servizio geologico statunitense. Il sisma è stato rilevato a una profondità di 37 chilometri, vicino alle Isole della Lealtà: a sud-ovest delle....

Environnement Alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie : les forces de l'ordre font évacuer le littoral

2023-05-19T07:13+0200larep (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers ont fait évacuer l'ensemble du littoral de....

Nearby magnitude-7.7 quake triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T07:12+0200chinadailyhk (en)

In this file photo, residents of New Caledonia's capital, Noumea, wait in line at a polling station dedicated to the natives of the Loyalty islands, before casting their vote as part of an independence referendum on Nov 4, 2018. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.

Sisma di magnitudo 7,7 in Nuova Caledonia, rischio tsunami

2023-05-19T07:12+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Un fortissimo terremoto, di magnitudo 7,7 ha colpito l'Oceano Pacifico a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia, facendo scattare l’allarme tsunami. A dichiararlo il Servizio geologico statunitense. Il sisma è stato rilevato a una profondità di 37 chilometri, vicino alle Isole della Lealtà: a sud-ovest delle....

Nuova Caledonia, sisma magnitudo 7.5

2023-05-19T07:12+0200rai-televideo (it)

19/05/2023 07:00 Nuova Caledonia, sisma magnitudo 7.5 7.00 Nuova Caledonia, sisma magnitudo 7.5 Forte scossa di terremoto al largo del- la Nuova Caledonia, nel Pacifico sud- occidentale vicino l'Australia. Secondo l'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) e l'Usgs americano il sisma ha....

7:08 Alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T07:12+0200rmc-bfmtv (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée en Nouvelle-Calédonie et le littoral est évacué par les forces de l'ordre, après un séisme de magnitude 7.7. La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km, dans l'océan Pacifique, au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie.

Alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7.7 en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T07:12+0200laestrella (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7.7 que sacudió este viernes 19 de mayo el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, activó una alerta de tsunami en un radio de mil kilómetros alrededor del epicentro.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu 0 5/18/2023 9:54:54 PM

2023-05-19T07:11+0200tricitynews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than .5 meters (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia .

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than .5 meters (1. May 18, 2023 9:54 PM Read more >

2023-05-19T07:10+0200timescolonist (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than .5 meters (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia .

Alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie : les forces de l'ordre font évacuer le littoral

2023-05-19T07:10+0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers ont fait évacuer l'ensemble du littoral de....

Sisma di magnitudo 7,7 in Nuova Caledonia, rischio tsunami

2023-05-19T07:09+0200lasentinella (it)

Un fortissimo terremoto, di magnitudo 7,7 ha colpito l'Oceano Pacifico a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia, facendo scattare l’allarme tsunami. A dichiararlo il Servizio geologico statunitense. Il sisma è stato rilevato a una profondità di 37 chilometri, vicino alle Isole della Lealtà: a sud-ovest delle....

Sisma di magnitudo 7,7 in Nuova Caledonia, rischio tsunami

2023-05-19T07:09+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

Un fortissimo terremoto, di magnitudo 7,7 ha colpito l'Oceano Pacifico a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia, facendo scattare l’allarme tsunami. A dichiararlo il Servizio geologico statunitense. Il sisma è stato rilevato a una profondità di 37 chilometri, vicino alle Isole della Lealtà: a sud-ovest delle....

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 ressenti au sud-est des Iles Loyauté (USGS)

2023-05-19T07:08+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 a été ressenti vendredi à 2h57 GMT au sud-est des Iles Loyauté dans le Pacifique Sud, a annoncé l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). Selon la dernière mise à jour de l'USGS, l'épicentre du séisme, survenu à 37,7km de profondeur, a été localisé par 23,229....

Magnitude 7.7 earthquake strikes South Pacific, triggering tsunami warning

2023-05-19T07:07+0200urdupoint (en)

TORONTO, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point New s - 19th May, 2023 ) :A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia on Friday, triggering a tsunami warning, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. Tsunami waves are possible within 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) of the quake, which struck at a depth of 37.

Alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie : les forces de l'ordre font évacuer le littoral

2023-05-19T07:07+0200lepopulaire (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers ont fait évacuer l'ensemble du littoral de....

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T07:06+0200fresnobee (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand. A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than .5 meters (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia .

En Direct Nouvelle-Calédonie : une alerte au tsunami déclenchée après un violent séisme

2023-05-19T07:06+0200cnews (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami a été lancée ce vendredi en Nouvelle-Calédonie après un violent séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 sur l'échelle de Richter. Les forces de l'ordre ont fait évacuer le littoral. Prudence. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit ce vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est....

La Matinale. Un adolescent de 14 ans caché par sa mère depuis la naissance ; l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée en Nouvelle-Calédonie... L'essentiel de l'actualité de ce vendredi 19 mai

2023-05-19T07:06+0200ledauphine (fr)

Un adolescent de 14 ans caché par sa mère depuis sa naissance. Excepté sa mère tout le monde ignorait son existence. Les autorités ont découvert tout à fait par hasard qu' un jeune adolescent de 14 ans vivait caché par sa mère depuis sa naissance . Le jeune homme n'avait ni papiers, ni médecin, ni école, ni existence administrative.

Sisma di magnitudo 7,7 in Nuova Caledonia, rischio tsunami

2023-05-19T07:06+0200lastampa (it)

Un fortissimo terremoto, di magnitudo 7,7 ha colpito l'Oceano Pacifico a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia, facendo scattare l'allarme tsunami. Lo ha dichiarato il Servizio geologico statunitense. Il sisma è stato rilevato a una profondità di 37 chilometri, vicino alle Isole della Lealtà: a sud-ovest....

Océan Pacifique : alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie, les forces de l'ordre font évacuer le littoral

2023-05-19T07:06+0200rtbf (fr)

Les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers ont fait évacuer l'ensemble du littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie, en raison d'une alerte au tsunami déclenchée après un puissant séisme au large de l'archipel, a annoncé un responsable de la sécurité civile. Les sirènes anti-tsunami ont été déclenchées et la....

Magnitude 7.7 quake in France's New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T07:04+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.7 magnitude struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia , the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said,....

Los tsunamis y la madre del cordero

2023-05-19T07:04+0200elmostrado (es)

En la política chilena actual no hay una fidelidad sostenida y previsible a ciertos líderes políticos nacionales, porque claramente no existen ese tipo de líderes en la fauna política chilena. No existe tampoco fidelidad a un partido en el cual se milite o al cual se adhiera, ni por sus símbolos, ni....

Alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie : les forces de l’ordre font évacuer le littoral

2023-05-19T07:03+0200LeMonde (fr)

L’archipel de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. GOOGLE MAP. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS).

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T07:03+0200arcinfo (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée vendredi suite à un puissant séisme qui s’est produit dans l’océan non loin de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km.

Alerta de tsunami en Nueva Caledonia tras un fuerte terremoto, evacuaciones en curso

2023-05-19T07:03+0200nuevoperiodico (es)

Instituto Americano de Geofísica (USGS) Instituto Americano de Geofísica (USGS) Un poderoso sismo de magnitud 7,7 ocurrió este viernes 19 de mayo en el Océano Pacífico al sureste de Nueva Caledonia, lo que provocó una alerta de tsunami, anunció el Instituto Estadounidense de Geofísica (USGS). TERREMOTO – Una posible ola en Oceanía.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico

2023-05-19T07:02+0200noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami off Vanuatu

2023-05-19T07:01+0200wftv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific created small tsunami waves in Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves less than .5 meters (1.5 feet) were measured off Lenakel, a port town in the island nation. Smaller waves were measured elsewhere off Vanuatu and off New Caledonia .

Océanie. Nouvelle-Calédonie : séisme de 7,7, l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée

2023-05-19T07:01+0200estrepublicain (fr)

Les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers font évacuer l'ensemble du littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé un responsable de la sécurité civile. Les sirènes anti-tsunami ont été déclenchées et la population a été invitée à s'éloigner des côtes, a déclaré à la radio le colonel Marchi Leccia, directeur de la sécurité civile de Nouvelle-Calédonie.

Alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie : les forces de l'ordre font évacuer le littoral

2023-05-19T07:01+0200lamontagne (fr)

Les forces de l'ordre et les pompiers ont fait évacuer l'ensemble du littoral de Nouvelle-Calédonie, en raison d'une alerte au tsunami déclenchée après un puissant séisme au large de l'archipel, a annoncé un responsable de la sécurité civile. Les sirènes anti-tsunami ont été déclenchées et la....

Tsunami warning after 7.8 magnitude earthquake near New Caledonia in Pacific

2023-05-19T07:00+0200observer (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 that struck south-east of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia has triggered a tsunami warning, authorities have said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake near New Caledonia hit at a depth of 38km (24 miles).

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico

2023-05-19T06:59+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.

Magnitude 7.7 earthquake hits New Caledonia and a tsunami warning is issued

2023-05-19T06:58+0200whatsnew2day (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center warned that a tsunami was “possible” within a radius of 1,000 km around the epicenter. A powerful 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean in southeastern New Caledonia, according to the American Institute of Geophysics. The tremor was monitored at a depth of 37 km and 333.

7.7 magnitude quake hits off Loyalty Islands, tsunami warning issued

2023-05-19T06:58+0200wn (en)

A tsunami threat has been issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia after a 7.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates tsunami threat for Vanuatu, other islands

2023-05-19T06:58+0200wn (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake Friday in the far Pacific may threaten a tsunami for several islands. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep.

Alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico sur tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,7

2023-05-19T06:58+0200abc-Andalucia (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 ha hecho temblar este viernes el océano Pacífico, al sureste de Nueva Caledonia, desatando una alerta de tsunami, informaron agencias estadounidenses. El seísmo fue detectado a una profundidad de 37 kilómetros, según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T06:57+0200latribune (fr)

la suite d'un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 intervenu dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de l'île. La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS), rendant possible un raz-de-marée est dans un rayon de 1.

Alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie, le littoral évacué

2023-05-19T06:57+0200TF1 (fr)

Alerte au tsunami. Après un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique, au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, une alerte a été déclenchée, annonce l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Par précaution, les autorités ont procédé ce matin à l'évacuation du littoral.

Live: 'Strong and unusual currents', and 'unpredictable surges' expected for several hours

2023-05-19T06:56+0200Stuff (en)

A warning of “tsunami activity” has been issued by Nema after a magnitude 7.7 earthquake that struck near the Loyalty Islands on Friday afternoon. Tune in here to Stuff’s live updates.

Alerte au tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie : un puissant séisme de 7,7 secoue l'océan Pacifique

2023-05-19T06:56+0200ladepeche (fr)

l'essentiel Un important séisme de magnitude 7,7 a été ressenti au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie ce vendredi 19 mai 2023. Une alerte au tsunami a été lancée. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit ce vendredi 19 mai 2023 dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie,....

Infos à suivre Alerte au tsunamiGros séisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie, le littoral évacué 0 6 2

2023-05-19T06:54+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source.

Nouvelle-Calédonie : séisme de magnitude 7,7 au sud-est de l'île, le littoral évacué Les forces de l'ordre font évacuer le littoral après qu'un séisme s'est produit, ce vendredi 19 mai.

2023-05-19T06:54+0200RTLFrance (fr)

En Nouvelle-Calédonie, une alerte tsunami a été déclenchée après qu'un séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit au sud-est de l'île, ce vendredi 19 mai, entrainant dans le même temps l'évacuation du littoral par les forces de l'ordre. La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km....

Francia.- Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude la isla de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico

2023-05-19T06:53+0200notimerica (es)

MADRID, 19 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido la isla francesa de Nueva Caledonia, en el océano Pacífico, en la mañana del viernes, a 37,7 kilómetros de profundidad, junto a las Islas de la Lealtad, en el sureste de la formación principal.


2023-05-19T06:52+0200nampa (en)

URGENT New Caledonia orders evacuation of coastal areas after tsunami warning Noumea, May 19, 2023 (AFP) - New Caledonia ordered the evacuation of coastal areas on Friday, a government official said, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake in the Pacific Ocean triggered a tsunami warning.

New Caledonia Orders Evacuation Of Coastal Areas After Tsunami Warning

2023-05-19T06:52+0200barrons (en)

New Caledonia ordered the evacuation of coastal areas on Friday, a government official said, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake in the Pacific Ocean triggered a tsunami warning. Warning sirens had been activated and people were asked to leave areas near the island's coastline, Colonel Marchi Leccia, a security official, told a local radio station.

LIVE NUOVA CALEDONIA 2 min Violento terremoto in Nuova Caledonia: scatta l'allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:52+0200tio (it)

NOUMÊA - Un violento terremoto ha colpito l'arcipelago della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico. Secondo il Servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense la scossa si è verificata alle 13.57 ora locale (le 4.57 in Svizzera) e la magnitudo è stata di 7,7.

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T06:51+0200in-cyprus (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.7 magnitude struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia , the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said,....

Alerta de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T06:51+0200lasexta (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 ha sacudido este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, activando una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1.000 kilómetros. El Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico ha indicado que....

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T06:50+0200marine-oceans (fr)

Sydney, 19 mai 2023 (AFP) – Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source.

Earthquake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning for Lord Howe Island

2023-05-19T06:49+0200abc-au (en)

Tsunami warnings have been issued for Australia's Lord Howe Island and countries in the South Pacific following a magnitude-7.7 earthquake south-east of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia , the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) said.

¡Atención! Alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T06:49+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

El Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico indicó que de acuerdo a los datos disponibles "las olas peligrosas son posibles en las costas dentro de un radio de 1000 kilómetros" al epicentro. Las olas podrían tener entre 1 y 3 metros de altura en su impacto contra las costas de Vanuatu; y entre....

Alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,7

2023-05-19T06:49+0200lavanguardia (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 que sacudió este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, activó una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1.000 kilómetros alrededor del epicentro.

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 secoue la Nouvelle-Calédonie: une alerte au tsunami enclenchée

2023-05-19T06:47+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 6 min par AFP Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source.

Tsunami Warning After Earthquake in South Pacific

2023-05-19T06:46+0200nytimes (en)

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck the South Pacific on Friday, triggering tsunami warnings for a number of Pacific island nations. Waves as high as three feet could hit Vanuatu , the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s tsunami warning system reported.

7.7-magnitude quake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T06:46+0200english-news-cn (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 02:57 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 37.7 km, was determined to be at 23.229 degrees south latitude and 170.

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:46+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 19 MAG – Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell’Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all’Australia. Ed è scattata l’allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates tsunami threat for Vanuatu, other islands WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake Friday in the far Pacific may threaten a tsunami for several islands. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep.

2023-05-19T06:45+0200timescolonist (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake Friday in the far Pacific may threaten a tsunami for several islands. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.

Alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico sur tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,7

2023-05-19T06:45+0200sevilla-abc (es)

El fuerte seísmo ha tenido como epicentro las aguas cerca de Nueva Caledonia Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 ha hecho temblar este viernes el océano Pacífico, al sureste de Nueva Caledonia, desatando una alerta de tsunami, informaron agencias estadounidenses.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates tsunami threat for Vanuatu, other islands

2023-05-19T06:44+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake Friday in the far Pacific may threaten a tsunami for several islands. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.

06h20 Des évacuations en cours en Nouvelle-Calédonie après l’alerte au tsunami causée par un puissant séisme

2023-05-19T06:42+0200huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

SÉISME - Une possible vague en Océanie. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit ce vendredi 19 mai dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la , déclenchant une alerte au tsunami , a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à....

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T06:42+0200Europe1 (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 a été enregistré vendredi au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Une alerte au tsunami a été émise par le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis du Pacifique. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la....

Tis tragic news for Stratford's glockenspiel

2023-05-19T06:41+0200Stuff (en)

Stratford’s iconic glockenspiel clock tower, the only one in the Southern hemisphere, has been identified as earthquake prone. The Elizabethan-style tower on the town’s main street plays the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet several times a day, to the delight of tourists. That popularity hasn’t saved it being assessed as earthquake prone.

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T06:41+0200newsincyprus (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.7 magnitude struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia , the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said,....

Alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico sur tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,7

2023-05-19T06:40+0200lavozdigital (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 ha hecho temblar este viernes el océano Pacífico, al sureste de Nueva Caledonia, desatando una alerta de tsunami, informaron agencias estadounidenses. El seísmo fue detectado a una profundidad de 37 kilómetros, según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning: USGS

2023-05-19T06:39+0200wn (en)

A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres (23 miles), the US Geological Service said. Based on the preliminary earthquake parameters,....

Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning

2023-05-19T06:39+0200wn (en)

A tsunami warning was triggered on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.

Major earthquake hits far Pacific, triggers tsunami warning

2023-05-19T06:38+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake hit southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Friday. According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometers (23 miles). It hit southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates tsunami threat for Vanuatu, other islands 0 5/18/2023 9:10:53 PM

2023-05-19T06:38+0200tricitynews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake Friday in the far Pacific may threaten a tsunami for several islands. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.

Asia Pacific Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning

2023-05-19T06:37+0200japantimes (en)

Sydney – A powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, U.S. monitoring agencies said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometers, the U.S. Geological Service said.

Estero Terremoto in Nuova Caledonia, è allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:37+0200ticinonews (it)

Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma (di magnitudo 7,5) ha avuto ipocentro a soli 6 km di profondità ed epicentro in mare non lontano dall'isola Grande Terre.

Terremoto en la Polinesia Francesa: SHOA mantiene evaluación para verificar posible amenaza de tsunami en Chile

2023-05-19T06:37+0200radioagricultura (es)

Publicado en Nacional Terremoto en la Polinesia Francesa: SHOA mantiene evaluación para verificar posible amenaza de tsunami en Chile. El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA) se encuentra evaluando la posible ocurrencia de un tsunami en las costas de Chile, tras el terremoto registrado en la Polinesia Francesa.

World News | 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake in Far Pacific Creates Small Tsunami Threat for Vanuatu, Other Islands

2023-05-19T06:36+0200latestly (en)

Wellington, May 19 (AP) A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific posed a tsunami threat for Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves up to 1 meter (3 feet) above tides were possible for Vanuatu, much lower than the initial forecast.

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:36+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

7.7 Magnitude earthquake hits New Caledonia, triggers tsunami warning

2023-05-19T06:35+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, said the United States Geological Survey (USGS) on Friday. No immediate reports of damage have surfaced so far. US monitoring agency said the quake hit at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles).

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta ...

2023-05-19T06:35+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Tsunami warning issued for Aussie island

2023-05-19T06:34+0200heraldsun (en)

In an update shortly after 2pm, the BoM said an eight centimetre tsunami wave had been observed in New Caledonia. A potential tsunami could begin affecting Lord Howe Island after 4.15pm, BoM said. An alert from the agency at 1.10pm stated the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre was closely....

Live: 'Strong and unusual' currents, 'unpredictable surges at shore' after 7.7 quake hits north of NZ 39 minutes ago

2023-05-19T06:33+0200newstalkzb (en)

The National Emergency Management Agency says that “strong and unusual currents” could occur after an earthquake struck north of New Zealand, as well as “unpredictable surges at the shore”. The 7.7 magnitude quake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands just before 3pm. “Strong currents and surges can injure and drown people.

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:33+0200ladige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:33+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Puissant séisme au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T06:32+0200sudouest (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit ce vendredi 19 mai dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small tsunami threat for Vanuatu, other islands

2023-05-19T06:31+0200flipboard (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific posed a tsunami threat for Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves up to 1 meter (3 feet) above tides were possible for Vanuatu, much lower than the initial forecast.

7.8-magnitude earthquake strikes South Pacific, triggers tsunami warning for Vanuatu, Fiji, Kiribati and New Zealand

2023-05-19T06:31+0200cnn (en)

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the South Pacific on Friday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, triggering a tsunami warning for nearby nations including Vanuatu, Fiji, Kiribati and the northern tip of New Zealand. The US National Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami alert for coasts located....

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates tsunami threat for Vanuatu, other islands

2023-05-19T06:31+0200wsvn (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake Friday in the far Pacific may threaten a tsunami for several islands. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia where the Coral Sea meets the Pacific.

Magnitude 7.7 quake recorded in Pacific, tsunami alert issued for islands east of Australia

2023-05-19T06:31+0200abc7ny (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 23 miles deep. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T06:30+0200thehindu (en)

A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake on May 19 was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves up....

Major earthquake hits far Pacific, triggers tsunami warning

2023-05-19T06:30+0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake hit southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia on Friday. According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometers (23 miles). It hit southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia.

Tsunami warning issued for Australia

2023-05-19T06:30+0200wn (en)

A tsunami watch has been issued for Australia after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck in New Caledonia. ......

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates small …

2023-05-19T06:30+0200wowktv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude earthquake Friday in the far Pacific posed a tsunami threat for Vanuatu. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves up to 1 meter (3 feet) above tides were possible for Vanuatu, much lower than the initial forecast.

Un tsunami pourrait s'abattre sur la Nouvelle-Calédonie après un tremblement de terre ce vendredi

2023-05-19T06:29+0200midilibre (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi 19 mai dans le Pacifique à un peu plus de 300 km de l’archipel. Et pourrait générer un raz-de-marée capable de toucher la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Alerte tsunami en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Selon l’AFP, , un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est....

Nouvelle-Calédonie : après un séisme de 7,7, une alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T06:29+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit dans l’océan Pacifique, au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée. Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit dans l’océan Pacifique, au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée.

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:29+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning: USGS

2023-05-19T06:28+0200bssnews (en)

SYDNEY, May 19, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres (23 miles), the US Geological Service said.

Earthquake of 7.7 in the south-east of New Caledonia, tsunami warning

2023-05-19T06:28+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-05-19T04:28:24.653Z. Highlights: A powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.7 was recorded Friday in southeastern New Caledonia. A tsunami warning was issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre. A tidal wave is "possible" within a radius of 1,000 km around the epicenter, the PTWC says. The tremor was detected at a depth of 37 km and 333.

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:28+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

2023-05-19T09:51:57+05:30 - World 7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T06:27+0200Hindu (en)

A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake on May 19 was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves up....

Nouvelle-Calédonie : après un séisme de 7,7, une alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T06:27+0200nordeclair (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit dans l’océan Pacifique, au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée. Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit dans l’océan Pacifique, au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée.

SHOA evalúa posibilidades de tsunami en costas de Chile tras fuerte sismo 7,8 en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T06:27+0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA) se encuentra evaluando la posibilidad de tsunami para las costas de Chile, tras el fuerte sismo de 7,8 grados que esta jornada se registró en Nueva Caledonia, en la Polinesia Francesa. Según información preliminar, el epicentro del....

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:26+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Magnitude 7.7 quake in France's New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T06:26+0200indiatoday (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.7 magnitude struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia , the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said,....

Tsunami activity warning issued for NZ after 7.7 quake near New Caledonia

2023-05-19T06:25+0200Stuff (en)

A warning of “tsunami activity” has been issued by Nema after a magnitude 7.7 earthquake that struck near the Loyalty Islands on Friday afternoon. The National Emergency Management Agency (Nema) said: “We expect New Zealand coastal areas to experience strong and unusual currents and unpredictable surges at the shore following a magnitude 7.

Live: Tsunami warning issued for New Zealand following 7.7 earthquake

2023-05-19T06:25+0200Stuff (en)

Civil Defence is assessing whether there is a tsunami threat for New Zealand after a large earthquake southeast of the Loyalty Islands. Tune in here to Stuff’s live updates. Breaking news? Send your photos, videos and tip-offs to , or call us on 0800 697....

Océanie. Nouvelle-Calédonie : séisme de 7,7, l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée

2023-05-19T06:25+0200vosgesmatin (fr)

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Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, une alerte au tsunami déclanchée

2023-05-19T06:25+0200rmc-bfmtv (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude de 7,7 s'est produit dans l'océan Pacifique au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis du Pacifique estime qu'un tsunami est possible dans un rayon de 1000 kilomètres autour de l'épicentre du séisme. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit....

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:25+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia....

No tsunami risk to West Coast after massive earthquake west of Fiji The earthquake occurred in an area southwest of Fiji. 4M ago

2023-05-19T06:24+0200CBSnews (en)

No tsunami risk to West Coast, Hawaii after massive 7.7-magnitude earthquake west of Fiji. A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 23 miles deep. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, NZ

2023-05-19T06:24+0200mid-day (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep Representative image/iStock A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep.

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:24+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Alerte au tsunami, après un séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T06:23+0200leparisien (fr)

La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit ce vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS).

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:23+0200giornaletrentino (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:23+0200ansamed-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-19T06:22+0200huaral (es)

(CNN) — Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacudió el sur del océano Pacífico, al sur de las islas Fiyi y Nueva Caledonia, informó este viernes el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El terremoto tuvo una profundidad de 38 kilómetros (23 millas), dijo el USGS.

USGS: Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning

2023-05-19T06:21+0200malaymail (en)

A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck today in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said. — AFP pic. SYDNEY, May 19 — A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck today in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia , triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said.

AFP - NCaledonia-quake 2ndlead

2023-05-19T06:20+0200nampa (en)

Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning ATTENTION - UPDATES tsunami warning /// Sydney, May 19, 2023 (AFP) - A 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia , triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in far Pacific creates tsunami …

2023-05-19T06:19+0200wowktv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake Friday in the far Pacific may threaten a tsunami for several islands. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia where the Coral Sea meets the Pacific.

06:12 Alerte au tsunami après un séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, la population doit rejoindre les hauteurs

2023-05-19T06:19+0200varmatin (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 détecté au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T06:19+0200LePoint (fr)

Un puissant séisme a été détecté à une profondeur de 37 km, au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée. Par Q.M. avec AFP U n puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi 19 mai dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une....

Océanie Nouvelle-Calédonie : séisme de 7,7, l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée Un séisme a eu lieu ce vendredi matin près de l'île. Une alerte a été lancée par le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis du Pacifique. 06:02

2023-05-19T06:19+0200dna-france (fr)

La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source. Le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis du Pacifique (PTWC) estime pour sa part qu'un raz-de-marée est possible dans un rayon de 1 000 km autour de l'épicentre.

Terremoto magnitudo 7.5 in Nuova Caledonia, allerta tsunami

2023-05-19T06:19+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 MAG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è stata registrata alle 13:57 (le 4:57 in Italia) al largo della Nuova Caledonia, nell'Oceano Pacifico sudoccidentale vicino all'Australia. Ed è scattata l'allerta tsunami. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning: USGS

2023-05-19T06:17+0200khaleejtimes (en)

The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres (23 miles), the US Geological Service said A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres (23 miles), the US Geological Service said.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T06:17+0200wn (en)

A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands.

Alert: 7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami threat for Vanuatu, smaller waves for Fiji ...

2023-05-19T06:17+0200wn (en)

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami threat for Vanuatu, smaller waves for Fiji and New Zealand. ......

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T06:17+0200wn (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands.

Tsunami warning after 7.7 magnitude quake hits near New Caledonia: USGS

2023-05-19T06:17+0200wn (en)

A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said.The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres....

Sismo de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico provoca alerta de tsunami para Vanuatu, Fiji y Nueva Zelanda

2023-05-19T06:17+0200elnuevoherald (es)

WELLINGTON, Nueva Zelanda. Un sismo de magnitud 7,7 se registra en el Pacífico sur cerca de Oceanía. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos señaló que el terremoto del viernes tuvo epicentro cerca de las Islas de la Lealtad. Las islas se ubican al suroeste de Fiji, al norte de Nueva Zelanda y al este de Australia.

Alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T06:17+0200infobae (es)

Sídney (Australia), 19 mar. Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 que sacudió este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, activó una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1.000 kilómetros alrededor del epicentro.

Civil Defence assessing tsunami threat from magnitude 7.7 Loyalty Island quake

2023-05-19T06:16+0200Stuff (en)

Civil Defence is assessing whether there is a tsunami threat for New Zealand after a magnitude 7.7 earthquake southeast of the Loyalty Islands. In a tweet at 3.40pm on Friday, Civil Defence said if a tsunami was generated it wasn’t likely to arrive in New Zealand for at least an hour.

06:12 Alerte au tsunami après un séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, la population doit rejoindre les hauteurs

2023-05-19T06:16+0200monacomatin (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source.

Océanie Nouvelle-Calédonie : séisme de 7,7, l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée Un séisme a eu lieu ce vendredi matin près de l'île. Une alerte a été lancée par le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis du Pacifique. 06:02

2023-05-19T06:16+0200lejsl (fr)

La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source. Le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis du Pacifique (PTWC) estime pour sa part qu'un raz-de-marée est possible dans un rayon de 1 000 km autour de l'épicentre.

06:12 Alerte au tsunami après un séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, la population doit rejoindre les hauteurs

2023-05-19T06:16+0200nicematin (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source.

Océanie. Nouvelle-Calédonie : séisme de 7,7, l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée

2023-05-19T06:16+0200leprogres (fr)

La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source. Le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis du Pacifique (PTWC) estime pour sa part qu'un raz-de-marée est possible dans un rayon de 1 000 km autour de l'épicentre.

Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake Strikes Off New Caledonia,Tsunami Threat Declared - Seismologists

2023-05-19T06:15+0200urdupoint (en)

MOSCOW (UrduPoint New s / Sputnik - 19th May, 2023) A powerful 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit off the coast of New Caledonia Friday morning, the data of the US Geological Survey showed. The earthquake occurred at 02:57 GMT some 448 kilometers (278 miles) away New Caledonia's capital . The epicenter of the earthquake was at a depth of 37.

South Pacific earthquake with 7.7 magnitude triggers tsunami warnings across region

2023-05-19T06:14+0200independent-UK (en)

Thank you for registering. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged in Please refresh your browser to be logged in. A magnitude-7.7 earthquake has hit the South Pacific east of Australia , leading to tsunami warnings for Vanuatu, , New Caledonia and Kiribati.

Tsunami warning as magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia

2023-05-19T06:14+0200aljazeera-en (en)

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37km (23 miles), the US Geological Service said. “Based on the preliminary earthquake parameters, hazardous tsunami waves....

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T06:14+0200gmanews (en)

Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.7 magnitude struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia , the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) said,....

World News | 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Far Pacific, Tsunami Forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T06:13+0200latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. Wellington, May 19 (AP) A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T06:13+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.

Sismo de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico provoca alerta de tsunami para Vanuatu, Fiji y Nueva Zelanda

2023-05-19T06:13+0200infobae (es)

WELLINGTON, Nueva Zelanda (AP) — Un sismo de magnitud 7,7 se registra en el Pacífico sur cerca de Oceanía. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos señaló que el terremoto del viernes tuvo epicentro cerca de las Islas de la Lealtad. Las islas se ubican al suroeste de Fiji, al norte de Nueva Zelanda y al este de Australia.

Temblor en Chile HOY, viernes 19 de mayo: magnitud y epicentro del último sismo registrado

2023-05-19T06:13+0200ElComercio (es)

22:56. ¿POR QUÉ CHILE ES UNA ZONA ALTAMENTE SÍSMICA? Chile es un país altamente sísmico debido a que está ubicado dentro del Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico. 22:55. ¿QUÉ HACER EN CASO DE UN TSUNAMI EN CHILE? Si recibes información oficial de alerta o alarma de tsunami o ves que se recoge el mar, evacúa hacia zonas en altura.

Australia on tsunami watch after New Caledonia quake

2023-05-19T06:12+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

The Australian island of Lord Howe Island is on tsunami watch following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. The warning was triggered by a magnitude 7.7 tremor that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia on Friday. Geoscience Australia said the quake hit at a depth of 31km.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 enregistré au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, une alerte au tsunami déclenchée "Des vagues de tsunami dangereuses sont possibles sur les côtes situées à moins de 1 000 km de l'épicentre du tremblement de terre", selon le Centre d'alerte au tsunami du Pacifique.

2023-05-19T06:12+0200francetvinfo (fr)

"Des vagues de tsunami dangereuses sont possibles sur les côtes situées à moins de 1 000 km de l'épicentre du tremblement de terre", selon le Centre d'alerte au tsunami du Pacifique. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit, vendredi 19 mai, dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, a annoncé .

Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning: USGS

2023-05-19T06:10+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres (23 miles), the US Geological Service said. “Based on the preliminary earthquake parameters,....

Earthquake triggers tsunami warning for Lord Howe Island

2023-05-19T06:10+0200watoday (en)

A tsunami warning was triggered for Lord Howe Island on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck south-east of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia at 12.57pm, authorities said. The United States Geological Survey said the quake hit at a depth of 37 kilometres. The depth was previously reported as being 10 kilometres.

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T06:10+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km, selon la même source. Le Centre d’alerte au tsunami du Pacifique a pour sa part estimé qu’un raz-de-marée est « possible » dans un rayon de 1,000 km autour de l’épicentre. « Sur la base des paramètres préliminaires du tremblement de terre, des....

Un fuerte terremoto cerca de Nueva Caledonia genera alerta de tsunami

2023-05-19T06:10+0200eldebate (es)

Un terremoto de 7,7 grados estremeció el viernes el océano Pacífico, al sureste de Nueva Caledonia , desatando una alerta de tsunami, informaron agencias estadounidenses de monitoreo. El sismo fue detectado a una profundidad de 37 kilómetros , según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de magnitud 7,7

2023-05-19T06:10+0200acento (es)

Pacífico Sur Alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de magnitud 7,7 Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 que sacudió este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, activó una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1.000 kilómetros alrededor del epicentro.

Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning: USGS

2023-05-19T06:09+0200urdupoint (en)

Sydney, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point New s - 19th May, 2023 ) :A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia , triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres (23 miles), the US Geological Service said.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep.

2023-05-19T06:09+0200timescolonist (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 strikes southeast of Loyalty Islands - USGS (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 struck southeast of Loyalty Islands on Friday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake w... 53m ago

2023-05-19T06:09+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 struck southeast of Loyalty Islands on Friday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S. Tsunami Warning System said there was a tsunami warning after the quake.

Alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T06:09+0200ElComercio (es)

El Servicio de Alertas por Tsunami del Pacífico indicó que de acuerdo a los datos disponibles “las olas peligrosas son posibles en las costas dentro de un radio de 1000 kilómetros” al epicentro. Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 que sacudió este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un....

Australia on tsunami watch after New Caledonia quake

2023-05-19T06:08+0200maitlandmercury (en)

The Australian island of Lord Howe Island is on tsunami watch following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. The warning was triggered by a magnitude 7.7 tremor that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia on Friday. Geoscience Australia said the quake hit at a depth of 31km.

Earthquake triggers tsunami warning for Lord Howe Island

2023-05-19T06:08+0200theherald-au (en)

A tsunami warning was triggered for Lord Howe Island on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck south-east of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia at 12.57pm, authorities said. The United States Geological Survey said the quake hit at a depth of 37 kilometres. The depth was previously reported as being 10 kilometres.

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T06:08+0200normandie (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi 19 mai 2023 dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Par la rédaction Publié: 19 Mai 2023 à 06h01 Temps de lecture: 1 min Partage : ....

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand 0 5/18/2023 8:55:50 PM

2023-05-19T06:07+0200tricitynews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.

7.7-magnitude quake hits SE of Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T06:07+0200chinadailyhk (en)

In this file photo, residents of New Caledonia's capital, Noumea, wait in line at a polling station dedicated to the natives of the Loyalty islands, before casting their vote as part of an independence referendum on Nov 4, 2018. An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.

Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning

2023-05-19T06:07+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

SYDNEY, Australia A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometers (23 miles), the US Geological Service said.

Major 7.7 magnitude earthquake strikes near New Caledonia, triggering tsunami warning

2023-05-19T06:07+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, the US Geological Service said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometers (23 miles), it said. “Based on the preliminary earthquake parameters, hazardous tsunami....

Océanie: Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T06:07+0200tdg (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source.

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T06:07+0200presseocean (fr)

La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km, selon la même source. Le Centre d’alerte au tsunami du Pacifique a pour sa part estimé qu’un raz-de-marée est « possible » dans un rayon de 1,000 km autour de l’épicentre. « Sur la base des paramètres préliminaires du tremblement de terre, des....

Océanie. Nouvelle-Calédonie : séisme de 7,7, l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée

2023-05-19T06:07+0200ledauphine (fr)

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Sismo de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico provoca alerta de tsunami para Vanuatu, Fiji y Nueva Zelanda

2023-05-19T06:07+0200sandiegouniontribune (es)

WELLINGTON, Nueva Zelanda — Un sismo de magnitud 7,7 se registra en el Pacífico sur cerca de Oceanía. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos señaló que el terremoto del viernes tuvo epicentro cerca de las Islas de la Lealtad. Las islas se ubican al suroeste de Fiji, al norte de Nueva Zelanda y al este de Australia.

SHOA evalúa posibilidad de tsunami en costas chilenas por fuerte sismo en la Polinesia Francesa

2023-05-19T06:07+0200LaTercera (es)

El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA) informó la noche de este jueves que se encuentra evaluando la posibilidad de tsunami en las costas chilenas , luego de que se registrara un sismo de magnitud 7,7 a 449 kilómetros al este de Numea, Nueva Caledonia, en la Polinesia Francesa.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T06:06+0200theglobeandmail (en)

A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia. A tsunami was forecast for Vanuatu. Smaller waves were forecast for Fiji and New Zealand.

Océanie. Nouvelle-Calédonie : séisme de 7,7, l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée

2023-05-19T06:06+0200LeBien (fr)

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Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T06:06+0200lemainelibre (fr)

La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km, selon la même source. Le Centre d’alerte au tsunami du Pacifique a pour sa part estimé qu’un raz-de-marée est « possible » dans un rayon de 1,000 km autour de l’épicentre. « Sur la base des paramètres préliminaires du tremblement de terre, des....

Consecutive earthquakes continue to hit Kon Tum

2023-05-19T06:06+0200vietnamnet-vn-en (en)

Two consecutive mild earthquakes hit the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum on Wednesday evening. One earthquake with a magnitude of 3.3 was felt at about 9.06pm while the second one at a magnitude of 4.0 was reported at 9.30pm in Kon Plông District.

Océanie. Nouvelle-Calédonie : séisme de 7,7, l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée

2023-05-19T06:05+0200republicain-lorrain (fr)

La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source. Le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis du Pacifique (PTWC) estime pour sa part qu'un raz-de-marée est possible dans un rayon de 1 000 km autour de l'épicentre.

SHOA evalúa posibilidad de amenaza de tsunami en costas de Chile tras sismo en Polinesia Francesa

2023-05-19T06:05+0200chvnoticias (es)

Se registró un sismo de magnitud 7.7 y está en evaluación por parte del Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. Durante horas de la noche de este jueves, Senapred informó a través de sus redes sociales que el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA) está evaluado la posibilidad de....

1st LD: 7.7-magnitude quake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T06:04+0200china.org.cn (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 02:57 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 37.7 km, was determined to be at 23.229 degrees south latitude and 170.

Australia on tsunami watch after New Caledonia quake

2023-05-19T06:04+0200illawarramercury (en)

The Australian island of Lord Howe Island is on tsunami watch following a massive undersea earthquake in the Pacific. The warning was triggered by a magnitude 7.7 tremor that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia on Friday. Geoscience Australia said the quake hit at a depth of 31km.

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T06:04+0200OuestFrance (fr)

La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km, selon la même source. Le Centre d’alerte au tsunami du Pacifique a pour sa part estimé qu’un raz-de-marée est « possible » dans un rayon de 1,000 km autour de l’épicentre. « Sur la base des paramètres préliminaires du tremblement de terre, des....

Earthquake triggers tsunami warning for Lord Howe Island

2023-05-19T06:03+0200theage (en)

A tsunami warning was triggered for Lord Howe Island on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck south-east of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia at 12.57pm, authorities said. The United States Geological Survey said the quake hit at a depth of 10 kilometres.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T06:02+0200ABCnews (en)

A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami threat for Vanuatu, smaller waves for Fiji and New Zealand

2023-05-19T06:02+0200ABCnews (en)

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami threat for Vanuatu, smaller waves for Fiji and New Zealand. WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- 7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami threat for Vanuatu, smaller waves for Fiji and New Zealand.

OcéanieSéisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami Un séisme de 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, selon l’Institut américain de géophysique. Mis à jour

2023-05-19T06:02+020024heures (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km et à 333,8 km des côtes calédoniennes, selon la même source.

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake shakes the South Pacific

2023-05-19T06:01+0200morningexpress (en)

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck the southern Pacific Ocean, south of the Fiji islands and New Caledonia, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported Friday. The quake had a depth of 38 kilometers (23 miles), the USGS said. The US National Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami warning for....

18-May-2023 Alaska scientists find novel way to aid earthquake magnitude determination University of Alaska Fairbanks Peer-Reviewed Publication Sensors that detect changes in atmospheric pressure due to ground shaking can also obtain data about large earthquakes and explosions that exceed the upper....

2023-05-19T06:01+0200eurekalert (en)

Sensors that detect changes in atmospheric pressure due to ground shaking can also obtain data about large earthquakes and explosions that exceed the upper limit of many seismometers, according to new research. The sensors, which detect inaudible infrasounds carried through the air, could improve....

Earthquake triggers tsunami warning for Lord Howe Island

2023-05-19T06:00+0200brisbanetimes (en)

A tsunami warning was triggered for Lord Howe Island on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck south-east of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia at 12.57pm, authorities said. The United States Geological Survey said the quake hit at a depth of 10 kilometres.

Earthquake triggers tsunami warning for Lord Howe Island

2023-05-19T06:00+0200smh (en)

A tsunami warning was triggered for Lord Howe Island on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck south-east of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia at 12.57pm, authorities said. The United States Geological Survey said the quake hit at a depth of 10 kilometres.

Tsunami warning after 7.8 magnitude earthquake near New Caledonia in Pacific

2023-05-19T06:00+0200guardian (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck south-east of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia has triggered a tsunami warning. Composite: The Guardian Design Team An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 that struck south-east of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia has triggered a tsunami warning, authorities have said.

Tsunami threat being assessed after 7.7 magnitude earthquake near New Caledonia... read more

2023-05-19T05:59+0200Stuff (en)

Civil Defence is assessing whether there is a tsunami threat for New Zealand after a large earthquake southeast of the Loyalty Islands. In a tweet at 3.40pm on Friday, Civil Defence said if a tsunami was generated it wasn’t likely to arrive in New Zealand for at least an hour.

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T05:59+0200rappler (en)

Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says, while Australia's meteorology bureau says there's a threat for Lord Howe Island off its east coast. Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.

OcéanieSéisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami 0 0 0

2023-05-19T05:59+0200lematin-CH (fr)

Un séisme de 7,7 s’est produit vendredi dans l’océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, selon l’Institut américain de géophysique. La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km, selon la même source.

Alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de magnitud 7.7 en Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T05:59+0200diariolibre (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7.7 que sacudió este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, activó una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1,000 kilómetros alrededor del epicentro.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T05:58+0200wsoctv (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. It was 37 kilometers (23 miles) deep. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia.

Tsunami warning after 7.7 magnitude quake hits near New Caledonia: USGS

2023-05-19T05:58+0200livemint (en)

A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres (23 miles), the US Geological Service said. "Based on the preliminary earthquake parameters,....

Loyalty Islands earthquake: Tsunami threat issued after gigantic 7.7 magnitude tremor

2023-05-19T05:58+0200themirror (en)

A powerful earthquake has occurred southeast of the Loyalty Islands, according to monitoring services. The quake was recorded at 3:57am on Friday morning (May 19) at a magnitude of 7.7 on the Richter scale. It was pinpointed southeast of the islands at a depth of six miles, according to the U.S. Geological Survey's Earthquake Hazards Program.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T05:58+0200sfgate (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia. A tsunami was forecast for Vanuatu. Smaller waves were forecast for Fiji and New Zealand.

19 mag 2023, 5:35 Redazione 3bmeteo Terremoto Nuova Caledonia, scossa di magnitudo 7.7 a Vao, tutti i dettagli

2023-05-19T05:57+02003bmeteo (it)

Terremoto Nuova Caledonia, scossa di magnitudo 7.7 a Vao, tutti i dettagli. Scossa di terremoto a Vao, Nuova Caledonia. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.7, si è verificata alle ore 14:11 (ore 05:11 in Italia) con epicentro nei pressi di Vao, Nuova Caledonia. La profondità stimata è stata di circa 10 Km .

Sismo de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico provoca alerta de tsunami para Vanuatu y oleaje menor en Fiji y Nueva Zelanda.

2023-05-19T05:57+0200infobae (es)

WELLINGTON, Nueva Zelanda (AP) — Sismo de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico provoca alerta de tsunami para Vanuatu y oleaje menor en Fiji y Nueva Zelanda.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-19T05:56+0200cnnespanol (es)

(CNN) -- Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacudió el sur del océano Pacífico, al sur de las islas Fiyi y Nueva Caledonia, informó este viernes el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El terremoto tuvo una profundidad de 38 kilómetros (23 millas), dijo el USGS.

Sismo de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico provoca alerta de tsunami para Vanuatu y oleaje menor en Fiji y Nueva Zelanda.

2023-05-19T05:55+0200sandiegouniontribune (es)

WELLINGTON, Nueva Zelanda — Sismo de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico provoca alerta de tsunami para Vanuatu y oleaje menor en Fiji y Nueva Zelanda. Para garantizar que el San Diego Union-Tribune en Español continúe sano y robusto, su donación, en cualquier medida, es ahora más importante que nunca. Ayúdenos a seguir informando a la comunidad.

7.7-magnitude earthquake strikes South Pacific, triggers regional tsunami warning

2023-05-19T05:54+0200cnn (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck the South Pacific on Friday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, triggering a regional tsunami warning. The US National Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami alert for coasts located within 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) of the epicenter which lay between Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia.

Alert: 7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami threat for Vanuatu, smaller waves for Fiji and New Zealand

2023-05-19T05:53+0200sfgate (en)

Alert: 7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami threat for Vanuatu, smaller waves for Fiji and New Zealand. WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — 7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami threat for Vanuatu, smaller waves for Fiji and New Zealand.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T05:53+0200apnews (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia. A tsunami was forecast for Vanuatu. Smaller waves were forecast for Fiji and New Zealand.

7.7 magnitude earthquake in New Caledonia, tsunami risk

2023-05-19T05:53+0200breakinglatest (en)

A very strong earthquake, measuring 7.7, hit the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering the tsunami warning. This was stated by the US Geological Survey. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometers (23 miles).

Terremoto 7,7 en el Pacífico Sur: SHOA evalúa posibilida de tsunami en Chile

2023-05-19T05:53+0200biobiochile (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 que sacudió este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, activó una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1.000 kilómetros alrededor del epicentro.

7.7 quake hits New Caledonia; tsunami warning issued

2023-05-19T05:52+0200deccanherald (en)

A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometres (23 miles), the US Geological Service said. Also Read | Earthquake shakes Guatemala and....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude el Pacífico Sur

2023-05-19T05:52+0200cnnMexico (es)

(CNN) -- Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacudió el sur del océano Pacífico, al sur de las islas Fiyi y Nueva Caledonia, informó este viernes el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El terremoto tuvo una profundidad de 38 kilómetros (23 millas), dijo el USGS.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami forecast for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand

2023-05-19T05:51+0200actionnewsjax (en)

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A 7.7 magnitude quake has been recorded in the far Pacific. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake Friday was near the Loyalty Islands. That is southwest of Fiji, north of New Zealand and east of Australia. A tsunami was forecast for Vanuatu. Smaller waves were forecast for Fiji and New Zealand.

7.7 magnitude earthquake shakes far Pacific, tsunami threat for Vanuatu, smaller waves for Fiji and New Zealand

2023-05-19T05:51+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

Jamal Murray scored 23 of his 37 points in the fourth quarter, propelling the Denver Nuggets to a 108-103 come-from-behind win over the Los Angeles Lakers for a 2-0 lead in the Western Conference finals. May 12-18, 2023 This photo gallery highlights some of the most compelling images made or....

Civil Defence assessing tsunami threat from Loyalty Island earthquake

2023-05-19T05:50+0200Stuff (en)

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands. Civil Defence is assessing whether there is a tsunami threat for New Zealand after a large earthquake southeast of the Loyalty Islands. In a tweet, Civil Defence said if a tsunami was generated it wasn’t likely to arrive in New Zealand for at least an hour.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 in Nuova Caledonia, rischio tsunami

2023-05-19T05:50+0200repubblica (it)

Un fortissimo terremoto, di magnitudo 7,7, ha colpito l'Oceano Pacifico a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia, facendo scattare l'allarme tsunami. Lo ha dichiarato il Servizio geologico statunitense. Il sisma è stato rilevato a una profondità di 37 chilometri (23 miglia).

Atención: Emiten alerta preventiva de tsunami en tres países de Oceanía, tras terremoto de 7,7 en el Océano Pacífico

2023-05-19T05:50+0200semana (es)

mundo Atención: Emiten alerta preventiva de tsunami en tres países de Oceanía, tras terremoto de 7,7 en el Océano Pacífico La profundidad del evento telúrico fue de 6 millas y ocurrió al sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad. Todas las marcas registradas son propiedad de la compañía respectiva o de PUBLICACIONES SEMANA S.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 strikes southeast of Loyalty Islands - USGS (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 struck southeast of Loyalty Islands on Friday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake w... 35m ago

2023-05-19T05:49+0200whbl (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 struck southeast of Loyalty Islands on Friday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S. Tsunami Warning System said there was a tsunami warning after the quake.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 frappe la Nouvelle-Calédonie, un tsunami «possible»

2023-05-19T05:49+0200letemps (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit, vendredi, dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, déclenchant une alerte au tsunami, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). La secousse a été détectée à une profondeur de 37 km, selon la même source.

Civil Defence assessing tsunami threat after quake off New Caledonia A 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands just before 3pm.

2023-05-19T05:48+0200tvnz (en)

We are assessing whether the M7.7 SOUTHEAST OF LOYALTY ISLANDS earthquake poses any tsunami threat to New Zealand. If a tsunami has been generated it is not likely to arrive in New Zealand for at least 1 hour hours. National Emergency Management Agency (@NZcivildefence) May 19, 2023 The US Tsunami....

Major 7.7 magnitude earthquake strikes near New Caledonia, triggering tsunami warning

2023-05-19T05:47+0200alarabiya-en (en)

A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia, triggering a tsunami warning, the US Geological Service said. The quake was detected at a depth of 37 kilometers (23 miles), it said. “Based on the preliminary earthquake parameters, hazardous tsunami....

Earthquake strikes near New Caledonia sparking tsunami watch

2023-05-19T05:47+02009news (en)

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake has struck southeast of New Caledonia sparking a watch for an Aussie island. Geoscience Australia reported the 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck at 1pm south east of the Loyalty Islands which includes New Caledonia and Vanuatu.

ÚLTIMA HORA Alerta de tsunami tras terremoto de magnitud 7,7 en el Pacífico

2023-05-19T05:47+020020minutos (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 que sacudió este viernes el sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, activó una alerta de tsunami en un radio de 1.000 kilómetros alrededor del epicentro.

1st LD: 7.7-magnitude quake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands

2023-05-19T05:45+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. SYDNEY, May 19 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 jolted southeast of the Loyalty Islands at 02:57 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. According to the latest update from the USGS, the epicenter, with a depth of 37.7 km, was determined to be at 23.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 provoque une alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T05:45+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

(Hiroshima) Les États-Unis et leurs alliés du G7 ont annoncé vendredi de nouvelles sanctions pour enrayer la capacité de la Russie à poursuivre sa guerre en Ukraine, visant le très lucratif commerce des diamants russes, juste avant le début de leur sommet à Hiroshima.

Forte scossa di terremoto in Nuova Caledonia: magnitudo 7.7. Diramato l'allarme tsunami

2023-05-19T05:43+0200rainews (it)

Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 ha colpito l'Oceano Pacifico a sud-est della Nuova Caledonia, facendo scattare l'allarme tsunami. Lo ha dichiarato il Servizio geologico statunitense. Il sisma è stato rilevato a una profondita' di 37 chilometri (23 miglia).

Australia on tsunami watch after massive earthquake in the Pacific

2023-05-19T05:43+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Australia on tsunami watch after severe Pacific earthquake with urgent warning for residents of Lord Howe Island. By Kylie Stevens for Daily Mail Australia. published: 11:18 PM EDT, May 18, 2023 Updated: 11:36 PM EDT, May 18, 2023. Australia is on tsunami watch after a magnitude 7.

Magnitude 7.7 quake off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning in South Pacific

2023-05-19T05:43+0200reuters (en)

May 19 (Reuters) - Tsunami warnings were issued to countries in the South Pacific on Friday after a 7.7 magnitude struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the French territory of New Caledonia. Potential tsunami threats were issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia , the Pacific Tsunami Warning....

Séisme de 7,7 au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, alerte au tsunami

2023-05-19T05:43+0200lefigaro (fr)

Le Centre d'alerte au tsunami du Pacifique a pour sa part estimé qu'un raz-de-marée est «possible» dans un rayon de 1.000 km autour de l'épicentre. DOHEN J-P / stock.adobe.com. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 s'est produit vendredi dans l'océan Pacifique au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie,....

NCaledonia-quake lead

2023-05-19T05:42+0200nampa (en)

Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning: USGS Sydney, May 19, 2023 (AFP) - A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia , triggering a tsunami warning, US monitoring agencies said.

AFP - NCaledonia-quake

2023-05-19T05:42+0200nampa (en)

NCaledonia-quake. Contributed by NAMPA / AFP. URGENT Magnitude 7.7 quake hits near New Caledonia triggering tsunami warning: USGS Sydney, May 19, 2023 (AFP) - A major 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean southeast of New Caledonia , triggering a tsunami warning, the US Geological Service said.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 strikes southeast of Loyalty Islands - USGS 26m ago

2023-05-19T05:41+0200wkzo (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 struck southeast of Loyalty Islands on Friday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S. Tsunami Warning System said there was a tsunami warning after the quake.

Potente terremoto de magnitud 7.7 golpea el Océano Pacífico, al este de Nueva Caledonia

2023-05-19T05:40+0200aztecanoticias (es)

Un Potente terremoto de magnitud 7.7 ha golpeado el Océano Pacífico, al este de Nueva Caledonia. Se ha emitido una alerta de tsunami para Vanuatu y Fiji. El Centro de Alerta de Tsunami del Pacífico ha emitido una alerta de tsunami para Vanuatu en Nueva Caledonia y para Fiji , después del terremoto de magnitud 7.

Earthquake of Magnitude 7.7 off New Caledonia Triggers Tsunami Warning

2023-05-19T05:38+0200usnews (en)

(Reuters) -A tsunami warning was triggered on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia, authorities said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake hit at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles).

Magnitude 7.7 earthquake near Loyalty Islands triggers tsunami threat for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Caledonia

2023-05-19T05:38+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

A tsunami threat has been issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands. The warnings were issued just after 3pm by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre. The National Emergency Management Agency is currently assessing whether a....

7.7 magnitude quake hits off Loyalty Islands, tsunami warning issued

2023-05-19T05:38+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

A tsunami threat has been issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Southeast of Loyalty Islands. The warnings were issued just after 3pm by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The earthquake was 6 miles deep. In New Caledonia , a tsunami alert has been issued by authorities.

Tsunami Alert After 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake Near Pacific Nation Of Vanuatu

2023-05-19T05:38+0200ndtvnews (en)

A tsunami warning was triggered on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia, authorities said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake hit at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles). It triggered a warning of a possible tsunami for....

Tsunami threat being assessed after magnitude 7.7 quake hits north of New Zealand

2023-05-19T05:37+0200nzherald (en)

/ File Officials are assessing the risk of a tsunami hitting New Zealand in the coming hour after a massive magnitude 7.7 quake north of New Zealand this afternoon. The quake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands just before 3pm. Australia on Watch after magnitude 7.6 #earthquake near Southeast of Loyalty Islands.

Sismo de 7.7 se siente en Fiji, Vanuatu y Nueva Caledonia; activan alerta de tsunami

2023-05-19T05:36+0200milenio (es)

El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés) reportó un sismo de magnitud preliminar 7.7 en el mar que comparten Fiji, Vanuatu y Nueva Caledonia al este de Australia; autoridades advierten riesgo de tsunami. Al momento ninguna de las autoridades de los tres países han reportado muertos o daños mayores.

Un terremoto de 7.7 de magnitud se registró al sureste de Nueva Macedonia

2023-05-19T05:36+0200larepublica-pe (es)

Un fuerte movimiento telúrico de 7.7 en la escala de Ritcher se registró al sureste de las Islas de la Lealtad, Nueva Macedonia. De acuerdo con el Sistema de Alerta de Estados Unidos, existe amenaza de tsunami. Un terremoto de 7.7 acaba de afectar Nueva Macedonia en Oceanía. El epicentro se registró a 37.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning (Reuters) -A tsunami warning was triggered on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia, authorities said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake hit at a depth of 10 km .

2023-05-19T05:34+0200saltwire (en)

(Reuters) -A tsunami warning was triggered on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia, authorities said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake hit at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles).

Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning Reuters |Updated 3 minutes ago |1 min read (Reuters) -A tsunami warning was triggered on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia, authorities said.

2023-05-19T05:34+0200thechronicleherald (en)

(Reuters) -A tsunami warning was triggered on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia, authorities said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake hit at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles).

Violento terremoto nel Pacifico: allarme tsunami in Nuova Caledonia, Fiji e Vanuatu | LIVE

2023-05-19T05:34+0200meteoweb (it)

Un allarme tsunami è stato diramato a causa di un violento terremoto magnitudo 7.7 che ha colpito alle 04:57 ora italiana a Sud/Est delle Isole della Lealtà in Nuova Caledonia, nel Pacifico: lo hanno riferito le autorità. Lo United States Geological Survey (USGS) ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito a una profondità di 37,7 km.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 strikes southeast of Loyalty Islands - USGS (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 struck southeast of Loyalty Islands on Friday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake w... 20m ago

2023-05-19T05:34+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 struck southeast of Loyalty Islands on Friday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S. Tsunami Warning System said there was a tsunami warning after the quake.

Evalúan posible amenaza de tsunami en Chile por fuerte terremoto en el océano

2023-05-19T05:33+0200lacuarta (es)

El SHOA se encuentra monitoreando los efectos de un fuerte terremoto registrado en el Océano Pacífico , en la zona de la Polinesia Francesa, ante una eventual amenaza de tsunami para las costas chilenas. De acuerdo a lo informado por Senapred, el sismo tuvo una magnitud de 7.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 enregistré au Sud-Est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

2023-05-19T05:31+0200bfmtv (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 a été enregistré au Sud-Est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Une alerte au tsnuami a été émise par le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis du Pacifique. Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,7 a été enregistré au sud-est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie dans le Pacifique, a annoncé l'Institut de géophysique américain (USGS).

Earthquake in New Caledonia: Quake of Magnitude 7.7 Strikes East of New Caledonia in Pacific Ocean

2023-05-19T05:30+0200latestly (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale struck off the east of New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean. There were no immediate reports of casualties or material losses due to the quake. A strong earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale struck off the east of New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean.

Magnitude 7.7 earthquake near Loyalty Islands triggers tsunami threat for Vanuatu, Fiji, New Caledonia

2023-05-19T05:29+0200radionz (en)

A tsunami threat has been issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck southeast of the Loyalty Islands. The warnings were issued just after 3pm by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre. The earthquake was nearly 38 kilometres deep. More to come...

7.7 magnitude quake hits off Loyalty Islands, tsunami warning issued

2023-05-19T05:29+0200radionz (en)

A tsunami threat has been issued for Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Southeast of Loyalty Islands. The warnings were issued just after 3pm by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The earthquake was 6 miles deep. More on this to come.

SHOA informa posibilidad de tsunami en las costas chilenas tras sismo en la Polinesia Francesa

2023-05-19T05:28+0200adnradio (es)

La noche de este jueves, el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA) informa de la posibilidad de tsunami en las cosas chilenas tras un sismo magnitud 7.7, localizado a 449 KM al E de Numea, Nueva Caledonia, Polinesia Francesa. SHOA indica que las características del sismo magnitud 7.

Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 off New Caledonia triggers tsunami warning

2023-05-19T05:25+0200streetinsider (en)

Get instant alerts when news breaks on your stocks. Claim your 1-week free trial to StreetInsider Premium (Reuters) -A tsunami warning was triggered on Friday by an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 that struck southeast of Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia, authorities said.

Consecutive earthquakes continue to hit Kon Tum

2023-05-19T04:38+0200vietnamnews (en)

KON TUM — Two consecutive mild earthquakes hit the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum on Wednesday evening. One earthquake with a magnitude of 3.3 was felt at about 9.06pm while the second one at a magnitude of 4.0 was reported at 9.30pm in Kon Plông District.

Sismo en México: temblor con epicentro en Oaxaca

2023-05-19T04:35+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Past Climate Change to Blame for Antarctica’s Giant Underwater Landslides

2023-05-19T00:21+0200enn (en)

Scientists have discovered the cause of giant underwater landslides in Antarctica which they believe could have generated tsunami waves that stretched across the Southern Ocean. Scientists have discovered the cause of giant underwater landslides in Antarctica which they believe could have generated....

Gli agricoltori contano i danni, in attesa delle nuove piogge

2023-05-19T00:16+0200ilmanifesto (it)

I contadini, la categoria più flagellata dall’alluvione in Emilia-Romagna, guardano al proprio terreno, cercando di quantificare i danni subiti mentre scrutano il cielo – e le previsioni meteo – pronti alla nuova ondata di pioggia prevista per il fine settimana. Sperando si riveli meno disastrosa di quella appena trascorsa.

"El alzhéimer es un tsunami que se acerca y que vemos venir" /

2023-05-18T23:58+0200rtve-alacarta (es)

"El alzhéimer es un tsunami que se acerca y que vemos venir" 18/05/2023 21:57. Arcadi Navarro, catedrático en Genética y director de la Fundación Pasqual Maragall. En España, hay aproximadamente un millón de personas con alzhéimer y cada año se diagnostican unos 40.000 nuevos casos .

Alaskan Researchers Discover Innovative Method to Enhance Earthquake Magnitude Assessment

2023-05-18T23:46+0200whatsnew2day (en)

A new study reveals that sensors that detect changes in atmospheric pressure due to the shaking of the ground can also obtain data on large earthquakes and explosions that exceed the upper limit of many seismometers. The sensors, which detect inaudible ultrasound transmitted through the air, could....

La ciudad de Constitución registra temblor de magnitud 3.4

2023-05-18T23:34+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 3.4 de magnitud aconteció este jueves 18 de mayo en la ciudad chilena de Constitución , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 17:00 (hora local) , se originó a 143.

Local emergency management part of statewide earthquake preparation

2023-05-18T23:29+0200mycouriertribune (en)

Liberty, MO (64068) Today. Partly cloudy skies this evening will give way to occasional showers overnight. Low 63F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight. Partly cloudy skies this evening will give way to occasional showers overnight. Low 63F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.

Alaska scientists find novel way to aid earthquake magnitude determination

2023-05-18T23:15+0200phys (en)

Sensors that detect changes in atmospheric pressure due to ground shaking can also obtain data about large earthquakes and explosions that exceed the upper limit of many seismometers, according to new research. The sensors, which detect inaudible infrasounds carried through the air, could improve....

Alaska scientists find novel way to aid earthquake magnitude…

2023-05-18T23:10+0200samacharcentral (en)

Sensors that detect changes in atmospheric pressure due to ground shaking can also obtain data about large earthquakes and explosions that exceed the upper limit of many seismometers, according to new research. The sensors, which detect inaudible infrasounds carried through the air, could improve....

Etna, eruzione e allerta rossa. Scosse di terremoto fino a 3.2

2023-05-18T22:18+0200corriere (it)

L’Etna si risveglia, nuova eruzione e allerta rossa . Attività esplosiva dalla Bocca Nuova. L’ampiezza media del tremore vulcanico è a livelli alti. Per comprendere la delicatezza della situazione bisogna porre attenzione al fatto che la Protezione civile della Regione Siciliana ha fatto scattare l’....

Death toll mounts in Italy’s worst flooding for 100 years

2023-05-18T22:17+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

, including the A1, after a landslide in Sasso Marconi on Thursday afternoon, and trains were cancelled or disrupted. Among the dead were an elderly couple trapped inside their home in Cava, a hamlet in the province of Forlì-Cesena. “We heard their cries for help,” a neighbour told Il Messaggero newspaper.

Death toll mounts in Italy’s worst flooding for 100 years

2023-05-18T22:06+0200irishexaminer (en)

, including the A1, after a landslide in Sasso Marconi on Thursday afternoon, and trains were cancelled or disrupted. Among the dead were an elderly couple trapped inside their home in Cava, a hamlet in the province of Forlì-Cesena. “We heard their cries for help,” a neighbour told Il Messaggero newspaper.

Devastating Italian floods kill at least 13, wreck homes and farms

2023-05-18T21:54+0200trendnews-az (en)

Floods that killed at least 13 people in Italy's northern Emilia-Romagna region caused billions of euros' worth of damage and hit agriculture particularly hard, the regional governor said on Thursday, reports citing Torrential rains this week devastated the eastern side of the region, known as....

Histórico de sismos que más daños han causado en RD

2023-05-18T21:47+0200diariolibre (es)

A propósito del sismo de magnitud 5.2 registrado la madrugada de este jueves en Puerto Plata , se recuerda que otros sismos de igual y de mayor magnitud han sacudido el territorio nacional en otras épocas. A continuación, un histórico de los sismos que son recordados por los dominicanos por sus efectos y magnitud.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en Calama

2023-05-18T20:54+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.5 de magnitud se registró en la ciudad de Calama , según datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada señala que el movimiento telúrico empezó a las 14:02 horas (hora local) de este jueves 18 de mayo. El epicentro del temblor fue a 74.0 kilómetros al Norte de la localidad , en -21.

Supuesto viajero en el tiempo "predice" una invasión extraterrestre para el 30 de mayo

2023-05-18T20:37+0200laprensagrafica (es)

Eno Alaric, el autoproclamado viajero en el tiempo de TikTok , ha vuelto a encender las alarmas entre sus seguidores con una nueva tanda de predicciones catastróficas, en su mayoría. Después de anticipar un devastador tsunami en la costa oeste de los Estados Unidos, que afectaría principalmente a....

La Guardia Civil señala al exjefe de oficina de Puigdemont como el "nexo" entre 'Tsunami Demorátic' y el expresident

2023-05-18T20:37+0200vozpopuli (es)

La Guardia Civil señala al historiador Josep Lluís Alay, el exdirector de la oficina de Carles Puigdemont , como el "nexo de conexión" entre la plataforma independentista 'Tsunami Democratic' y el propio expresidente catalán, al que mantenía informado sobre los "actos preparativos y respaldos" de la misma.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.6 de magnitud en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-05-18T20:25+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.6 de magnitud aconteció este jueves 18 de mayo en la ciudad de Socaire , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento telúrico inicio a las 13:43 (hora local) , se originó a 112.

20 Rare Photos of the Deadliest Earthquake in History, 1907 Kingston Jamaica

2023-05-18T20:03+0200jamaicans (en)

The United States Geological Survey deemed it one of the deadliest earthquakes in recorded history. The primary shock wave lasted for 35 seconds, with following shocks ebbing and waning as the tectonic displacement continued. Eighty aftershocks were felt, with the largest occurring on Feb. 23, 1907. More than 1,000 people died.

La Guardia Civil señala al exjefe de oficina de Puigdemont como el "nexo" entre 'Tsunami Demorátic' y el expresident

2023-05-18T19:50+0200elconfidencialdigital (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) La Guardia Civil señala al historiador Josep Lluís Alay, el exdirector de la oficina de Carles Puigdemont, como el "nexo de conexión" entre la plataforma independentista 'Tsunami Democratic' y el propio expresidente catalán, al que mantenía informado sobre los "actos preparativos y respaldos" de la misma.

La Guardia Civil señala al exjefe de oficina de Puigdemont como el «nexo» entre ‘Tsunami Demorátic’ y el expresident

2023-05-18T19:48+0200diariodia (es)

Los agentes sostienen que David Madí era «conocedor de las acciones» que la plataforma «pretendía llevar a cabo» MADRID, 18 May. (EUROPA PRESS) – La Guardia Civil señala al historiador Josep Lluís Alay, el exdirector de la oficina de Carles Puigdemont, como el «nexo de conexión» entre la plataforma....

La Guardia Civil señala al exjefe de oficina de Puigdemont como el "nexo" entre 'Tsunami Demorátic' y el expresident

2023-05-18T19:48+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

Los agentes sostienen que David Madí era "conocedor de las acciones" que la plataforma "pretendía llevar a cabo" MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) La Guardia Civil señala al historiador Josep Lluís Alay, el exdirector de la oficina de Carles Puigdemont, como el "nexo de conexión" entre la plataforma....

La Guardia Civil señala al exjefe de oficina de Puigdemont como el "nexo" entre 'Tsunami Demorátic' y el expresident

2023-05-18T19:45+0200cope (es)

Los agentes sostienen que David Madí era "conocedor de las acciones" que la plataforma "pretendía llevar a cabo" La Guardia Civil señala al historiador Josep Lluís Alay, el exdirector de la oficina de Carles Puigdemont, como el "nexo de conexión" entre la plataforma independentista 'Tsunami....

El exjefe de oficina de Puigdemont ha sido señalado por la Guardia Civil como el «nexo» entre el expresidente y ‘Tsunami Democràtic’

2023-05-18T19:44+0200noticiasde (es)

La Guardia Civil señala al historiador Josep Lluís Alay, el exdirector de la oficina de Carles Puigdemont, como el «nexo de conexión» entre la plataforma independentista ‘Tsunami Democratic’ y el propio expresidente catalán, al que mantenía informado sobre los «actos preparativos y respaldos» de la misma.

La Guardia Civil señala al exjefe de oficina de Puigdemont como el "nexo" entre 'Tsunami Demorátic' y el expresident

2023-05-18T19:40+0200europapress (es)

Los agentes sostienen que David Madí era "conocedor de las acciones" que la plataforma "pretendía llevar a cabo" MADRID, 18 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - La Guardia Civil señala al historiador Josep Lluís Alay, el exdirector de la oficina de Carles Puigdemont, como el "nexo de conexión" entre la plataforma....

iciHaïti - SIMEX 2023 : Simulation d'un séisme majeur d'une magnitude 8.7 suivi d'un tsunami

2023-05-18T19:12+0200haitilibre (fr)

Vendredi 19 mai 2023, l’unité des Exercices de Simulation (SIMEX) de la Direction Générale de la Protection Civile (DGPC) avec l’appui du Programme des Nations unies pour développement (PNUD - Haïti), à travers le projet de Renforcement de capacités pour la prévention des risques (CREWS-Haïti),....

At least 13 dead as Italy experiences worst flooding in a century

2023-05-18T19:09+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

May 18 (UPI) -- At least 13 people have died in Italy as of Thursday as the country faces its worst flooding in a century. The floods have overtaken 41 cities and towns and have left approximately 20,000 without homes killing more than a dozen people, with the death toll largely including elderly people from the northern Emilia-Romagna region.

World News At least 13 dead as Italy experiences worst flooding in a century

2023-05-18T19:06+0200upi-es (en)

May 18 (UPI) -- At least 13 people have died in Italy as of Thursday as the country faces its worst flooding in a century. The floods have overtaken 41 cities and towns and have left approximately 20,000 without homes killing more than a dozen people, with the death toll largely including elderly people from the northern Emilia-Romagna region.

At least 13 dead as Italy experiences worst flooding in a century

2023-05-18T19:04+0200upi (en)

May 18 (UPI) -- At least 13 people have died in Italy as of Thursday as the country faces its worst flooding in a century. The floods have overtaken 41 cities and towns and have left approximately 20,000 without homes killing more than a dozen people, with the death toll largely including elderly people from the northern Emilia-Romagna region.

Suiza se niega a ayudar a España con la investigación sobre ‘Tsunami Democratic’ porque tiene «carácter político»

2023-05-18T18:40+0200diariodia (es)

Respondía así en marzo de 2020 a una comisión rogatoria emitida por la Audiencia Nacional. MADRID, 18 May. (EUROPA PRESS) – Las autoridades judiciales de Suiza se han negado a prestar asistencia jurídica a España en la causa que se instruye en la Audiencia Nacional sobre ‘Tsunami Democratic’ al....

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Says Network Needs To Regain Trust After ‘Earthquake’ Of Trump Town Hall

2023-05-18T18:30+0200forbes (en)

NEW YORK, NY - JANUARY 09: Christiane Amanpour attends the 2018 The National Board Of Review Annual Awards Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street on January 9, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Steven Ferdman/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images) Patrick McMullan via Getty Images.

3:21 pm, Gio, 18 Maggio 23 Sale a 13 il bilancio delle vittime. Allagate anche Cervia e Lugo AGI – L’Emilia Romagna è devastata delle alluvioni che hanno sfigurato città e piccoli comuni, ora si tem...

2023-05-18T18:23+0200metronews (it)

AGI – L’ Emilia Romagna è devastata delle alluvioni che hanno sfigurato città e piccoli comuni, ora si temono nuovi smottamenti e frane. È di 5 morti e un disperso il bilancio di deceduti nel Ravennate, rinvenuti tra ieri e oggi nella zone alluvionate.

La Guardia Civil identifica a dos mossos por dar información confidencial a Tsunami

2023-05-18T17:41+0200telemadrid (es)

Un informe de la Guardia Civil identifica a dos mossos d'esquadra y a un policía local por colaborar con Tsunami Democràtic , la plataforma anónima que organizó las protestas contra la sentencia del procés, facilitando "información confidencial" para eludir la "acción policial o judicial".

‘It’s a Spiritual Earthquake’: When Rabbis Become Sexual Abusers

2023-05-18T17:14+0200haaretz (en)

What was causing Sztokman so much angst wasn’t just what the rabbi did. It was also the responses she was hearing. “A lot of people were brushing the whole thing off and saying it was nothing because he hadn’t touched the victims and there hadn’t been any physical contact,” she says. “That was really mind-bending for me.

Trema la terra a Pozzuoli, nuova scossa nel primo pomeriggio

2023-05-18T16:52+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 18 maggio 2023) Ancora una scossa di terremoto a Pozzuoli , in provincia di Napoli. Alle ore, 13:38 i sensori dell’Osservatorio Vesuviano, hanno registrato un evento sismico di magnitudo 1.8 della scala Ritcher, con epicentro localizzato a mare, nel golfo di Pozzuoli Trema la terra a....

Asegura que es un viajero del tiempo y lanzó una aterradora predicción para el 30 de mayo

2023-05-18T16:47+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Después de anticipar un devastador tsunami en la costa oeste de los Estados Unidos, que afectaría principalmente a San Francisco, el usuario @radianttimetraveler pronosticó el avistamiento de 150 objetos voladores no identificados (ovnis) el próximo 30 de mayo de 2023.

TOKI to produce 569,000 houses in a year

2023-05-18T16:30+0200today-az (en)

By Burak Karaca. Focusing on the urgent need for housing, especially in the earthquake zone, TOK? (State run Mass Housing Development Administration), which has made 1.2 million people homeowners since 2001, will produce more than half a million houses in a year.

6 La supresión del delito de sedición deja en el aire la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic

2023-05-18T16:29+0200larioja (es)

La supresión del delito de sedición deja en el aire la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic La Audiencia Nacional, ya en la fase final de la instrucción, sopesa inhibirse a favor de Cataluña porque tampoco ve clara la acusación de terrorismo. La causa contra Tsunami Democràtic, la plataforma....

Scavi di Pompei: trovate due nuove vittime, schiacciate dalla caduta di un muro [VIDEO]

2023-05-18T16:25+0200scienzenotizie (it)

Fonte: Twitter/@TurismoItaliaNw. Qualche giorno fa sono state trovate due nuove vittime dell’ eruzione del Vesuvio all’interno degli scavi di Pompei . Si tratterebbe di scheletri di due uomini , molto probabilmente morti schiacciati dalla caduta di un antico muro romano a causa dei forti terremoti....

2 hidden male skeletons discovered under pile of rubble in Pompeii’s ‘House of the Chaste Lovers

2023-05-18T16:24+0200todayheadline (en)

Archaeologists have discovered two skeletons buried beneath a collapsed wall in Pompeii and think that their deaths were the result of an earthquake that coincided with Mount Vesuvius’ deadly eruption in A.D. 79. The skeletons were found during excavations at the House of the Chaste Lovers, a block....

Viaggio nelle zone alluvionate: la furia della piena ha spazzato via anche un trattore

2023-05-18T16:23+0200forlitoday (it)

L'onda della piena sta lentamente regredendo, ma quando le acque si ritireranno completamente quel che lascerà l'alluvione sarà tantissimo fango da spalare Villafranca, San Tomè e Roncadello sono irriconoscibili. Travolte dalla furia del Montone. Il viaggio per documentare alluvione dell'area....

Suiza se niega a ayudar a España con la investigación sobre 'Tsunami Democratic' porque tiene "carácter político"

2023-05-18T16:17+0200elconfidencialdigital (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Las autoridades judiciales de Suiza se han negado a prestar asistencia jurídica a España en la causa que se instruye en la Audiencia Nacional sobre 'Tsunami Democratic' al entender que el procedimiento tiene "un carácter político preponderante".

Suiza se niega a ayudar a España con la investigación sobre 'Tsunami Democratic' porque tiene "carácter político"

2023-05-18T16:14+0200europapress (es)

Respondía así en marzo de 2020 a una comisión rogatoria emitida por la Audiencia Nacional MADRID, 18 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - Las autoridades judiciales de Suiza se han negado a prestar asistencia jurídica a España en la causa que se instruye en la Audiencia Nacional sobre 'Tsunami Democratic' al....

Suiza se niega a ayudar a España con la investigación sobre 'Tsunami Democratic' porque tiene "carácter político"

2023-05-18T16:11+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

Respondía así en marzo de 2020 a una comisión rogatoria emitida por la Audiencia Nacional MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Las autoridades judiciales de Suiza se han negado a prestar asistencia jurídica a España en la causa que se instruye en la Audiencia Nacional sobre 'Tsunami Democratic' al entender que....

Suiza se niega a ayudar a España con la investigación sobre 'Tsunami Democratic' porque tiene "carácter político"

2023-05-18T16:11+0200cope (es)

Respondía así en marzo de 2020 a una comisión rogatoria emitida por la Audiencia Nacional. Las autoridades judiciales de Suiza se han negado a prestar asistencia jurídica a España en la causa que se instruye en la Audiencia Nacional sobre 'Tsunami Democratic' al entender que el procedimiento tiene "un carácter político preponderante".

7 La supresión del delito de sedición deja en el aire la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic

2023-05-18T16:01+0200elnortedecastilla (es)

La supresión del delito de sedición deja en el aire la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic La Audiencia Nacional, ya en la fase final de la instrucción, sopesa inhibirse a favor de Cataluña porque tampoco ve clara la acusación de terrorismo. La causa contra Tsunami Democràtic, la plataforma....

"Un nouveau tremblement de terre" : choc et désolation en Italie, après les inondations meurtrières près de Bologne

2023-05-18T15:54+0200midilibre (fr)

Terrible. Les inondations qui ont tué neuf personnes en Émilie-Romagne , dans le nord de l'Italie, coûteront des milliards d'euros, le secteur agricole ayant été durement touché, a déclaré le président de la région jeudi. "L'ampleur des dégâts causés par les intempéries est comparable à un nouveau....

Fango e distruzione, l'Emilia Romagna vive 'un nuovo terremoto'

2023-05-18T15:36+0200247libero (it)

Sfollati. Settemila le richieste d'aiuto al 112, 1.500 gli uomini impegnati nelle attività' di soccorso, 3000 gli interventi eseguiti. L'alluvione ha devastato intere città. Sono stati 23 i fiumi esondati e 280 le frane . Zolle di terra e alberi che cadono come birilli sulla strada, persone....

Sismo de magnitud 4.1 se registra en Oaxaca Información del Servicio Sismológico Nacional señala que al día se registran un promedio de 40 temblores en el país

2023-05-18T15:35+0200infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el temblor tuvo un epicentro 54 km al noroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Oaxaca, con una profundidad de 109.4 km y fue percibido por los habitantes de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres....

I cambiamenti climatici del passato sono responsabili delle gigantesche frane sottomarine dell’Antartide

2023-05-18T15:17+0200laragione (it)

(Adnkronos) – L’Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS partecipa allo studio appena pubblicato su Nature Communications. La ricerca evidenzia come i periodi climatici caldi del passato abbiano svolto un ruolo critico nella formazione di strati sedimentari favorendo frane sottomarine.

Ponza / Istituto comprensivo “Pisacane” protagonisti del programma “Uno Mattina in famiglia”

2023-05-18T14:57+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 18 maggio 2023) Ponza – Sabato 20 maggio gli alunni dell’ Istituto comprensivo Pisacane protagonisti del programma “Uno Mattina in famiglia ” su RaiUno per una puntata di “Generazione Tsunami”. L’ Istituto C. Pisacane di Ponza è stato invitato dalla Redazione di RaiUno, a partecipare ad....

Antartide: i cambiamenti climatici, la causa delle frane sottomarine

2023-05-18T14:18+0200meteoweb (it)

Un gruppo di ricerca internazionale ha scoperto la causa di gigantesche frane sottomarine in Antartide che potrebbero aver generato tsunami che si sono estesi attraverso l’ Oceano Meridionale . Il team, che comprende scienziate e scienziati dell’Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica....

Malik Amin Aslam announces to quit PTI, condemns May 9 vandalism

2023-05-18T14:12+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

F.P. Report. LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader and former head of the billion tree project also announced leaving the party reasoning May 9 attacks on army installations. Former Minister and head of Billion Tree Tsunami Project, Malik Amin Aslam, made a stunning announcement during a press conference held in Lahore on Thursday.

Campi Flegrei, nuova scossa avvertita a Pozzuoli

2023-05-18T14:07+0200meteoweb (it)

Nuova scossa di terremoto avvertita dalla popolazione di Pozzuoli . L’ INGV segnala un sisma magnitudo Md 1.8, avvenuto nella zona dei Campi Flegrei alle 13:38:04 ad una profondità di 3 km. Non si segnalano al momento danni a persone o cose.

Inondations en Italie : Des dégâts comparables "à un nouveau tremblement de terre"

2023-05-18T14:06+0200lindependant (fr)

Plus de 20 cours d'eau sont sortis de leur lit, provoquant des inondations et des centaines de glissements de terrain. MAXPPP - Alessandro Mazza. Les inondations qui ont tué neuf personnes en Émilie-Romagne, dans le nord de l'Italie, coûteront des milliards d'euros, le secteur agricole ayant été....

Ancora una scossa di terremoto, aumenta il tremore vulcanico: Etna verso una nuova eruzione?

2023-05-18T13:50+0200cataniatoday (it)

Una nuova scossa di terremoto , di modesta entità, ha interessato il fianco orientale dell'Etna, in territorio di Milo. Il sisma, che segue altri quattro eventi analoghi verificatisi in un arco temporale di sei ore, è stato localizzato dall'Istituto di Geofisica e Vulcanologia di Catania a 6....

I cambiamenti climatici del passato sono responsabili delle gigantesche frane sottomarine dell’Antartide

2023-05-18T13:38+0200ilnautilus (it)

L’Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale OGS partecipa allo studio appena pubblicato su Nature Communications. La ricerca evidenzia come i periodi climatici caldi del passato abbiano svolto un ruolo critico nella formazione di strati sedimentari favorendo frane sottomarine.

Arequipa, Arequipa, registra un sismo de magnitud 4

2023-05-18T13:35+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4 ocurrió este jueves 18 de mayo en la ciudad de Yura, en la provincia de Arequipa, del departamento de Arequipa, de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) El rango de color verde se usa para los sismos de magnitudes menores a 4.

Ser consciente implica cuidar de uno mismo.

2023-05-18T13:27+0200notiulti (es)

La maestra de escuela primaria, maestra de trauma, entrenadora de mindfulness y entrenadora de niños y adultos habló desde su propia consternación cuando habló de impotencia, ira y desconcierto. Recordó el tsunami de sentimientos y un pasaje de la Biblia que intensificó su caos emocional tras la....

J-K: Historic Poonch Fort, a masterpiece tourist attraction of ancient architecture

2023-05-18T13:05+0200europesun (en)

New Delhi [India], May 17 (ANI): Adding to the grandeur of Poonch, a city rich in history, the historic 'Poonch Fort' in the middle of the town, is a beautiful tourist attraction, which despite its dilapidated condition, reminds of the greatness of the ancient architects and the rulers here.

I cambiamenti climatici del passato sono responsabili delle gigantesche frane sottomarine dell’Antartide

2023-05-18T13:01+0200adnkronos (it)

La ricerca evidenzia come i periodi climatici caldi del passato abbiano svolto un ruolo critico nella formazione di strati sedimentari favorendo frane sottomarine. Trieste, 18 maggio 2023 Un gruppo di ricerca internazionale ha scoperto la causa di gigantesche frane sottomarine in Antartide che....

Cambiamenti climatici del passato sono responsabili delle [...]

2023-05-18T12:59+0200triestecafe (it)

Un gruppo di ricerca internazionale ha scoperto la causa di gigantesche frane sottomarine in Antartide che potrebbero aver generato tsunami che si sono estesi attraverso l’Oceano Meridionale. Il team, che comprende scienziate e scienziati dell’Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica....

I cambiamenti climatici del passato sono responsabili delle gigantesche frane sottomarine dell’Antartide

2023-05-18T12:40+0200lescienze (it)

Un gruppo di ricerca internazionale ha scoperto la causa di gigantesche frane sottomarine in Antartide che potrebbero aver generato tsunami che si sono estesi attraverso l’Oceano Meridionale. Il team, che comprende scienziate e scienziati dell’Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica....

TOKİ to produce 569,000 houses in a year

2023-05-18T12:33+0200azernews (en)

By Burak Karaca. Focusing on the urgent need for housing, especially in the earthquake zone, TOKİ (State run Mass Housing Development Administration), which has made 1.2 million people homeowners since 2001, will produce more than half a million houses in a year.

Warning system for strong earthquakes to be introduced in Uzbekistan

2023-05-18T12:22+0200akipress-en (en)

AKIPRESS.COM - A national early warning system for strong earthquakes is scheduled to begin in Uzbekistan from December 1, according to the Ministry of Justice. This is provided for by a presidential decree on improving the system for ensuring seismic safety.

2 hidden male skeletons discovered under pile of rubble in Pompeii’s ‘House of the Chaste Lovers

2023-05-18T11:49+0200vervetimes (en)

Archaeologists have discovered two skeletons buried beneath a collapsed wall in Pompeii and think that their deaths were the result of an earthquake that coincided with Mount Vesuvius’ deadly eruption in A.D. 79. The skeletons were found during excavations at the House of the Chaste Lovers, a block....

Ancora una scossa di terremoto nei pressi di Milo

2023-05-18T11:44+0200cataniatoday (it)

Ingv Ancora una scossa di terremoto nei pressi di Milo. "La sismicità di questa mattina - spiega il primo ricercatore Ingv Marco Neri- è stata molto superficiale, praticamente al livello del mare, ed ha interessato le faglie del basso versante orientale ad est di Santa Venerina" Una nuova scossa di....

Gli alunni del Pisacane di Ponza protagonisti di “Generazione Tsunami” su Rai Uno

2023-05-18T11:41+0200radioluna (it)

PONZA L’istituto C. Pisacane di Ponza è stato invitato dalla Redazione di RaiUno, a partecipare ad una puntata del format “Generazione Tsunami”, dedicato a ragazze e ragazzi della seconda classe della Scuola secondaria di primo Grado, che andrà in onda su Rai Uno, all’interno del programma “Uno Mattina in famiglia”, sabato 20 maggio tra le ore 9.

Emergenza bambini: dal Myanmar al Bangladesh, dalla Turchia alla Siria

2023-05-18T11:25+0200rainews (it)

Passata l’emergenza e l’emozione mondiale, la distruzione del ciclone Mocha in Bangladesh e Birmania e il terremoto in Turchia e in Siria finiscono in trafiletti o nel dimenticatoio. Non è una novità per le organizzazioni umanitarie che restano sul campo. Se i riflettori si spengono l’emergenza resta e le prime vittime sono i bambini.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.1 de magnitud

2023-05-18T11:07+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.1 ocurrió este jueves 18 de mayo en la ciudad chilena de Navidad , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 04:34 (hora local) , se originó a 25.0 kilómetros al Este de dicha localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 53.

La pista dove si allena anche Valentino Rossi finisce sott'acqua: "E' stato come uno tsunami. Sarà durissima, ma proveremo a rialzarci"

2023-05-18T10:21+0200citynews (it)

Valentino Rossi, insieme a "Pecco" Bagnaia, Marco Bezzecchi, Luca Marini, Andrea Migno e Celestino Vietti affrontavano le curve del "cavatappi" della Romagna in sella alle loro Minigp da allenamento. Per trovare la pista del " Galliano Park " bisogna nuotare sott'acqua di alcuni metri.

7 La supresión del delito de sedición deja en el aire la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic

2023-05-18T10:15+0200eldiariomontanes (es)

La supresión del delito de sedición deja en el aire la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic La Audiencia Nacional, ya en la fase final de la instrucción, sopesa inhibirse a favor de Cataluña porque tampoco ve clara la acusación de terrorismo. La causa contra Tsunami Democràtic, la plataforma....

Stefania Pezzopane e Simone Coccia: “Ecco perché è finita”

2023-05-18T10:04+0200tag24 (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social Ancora terrore in Ucraina, sferzata dalla guerra e svegliatasi con la notizia di un nuovo tremendo attacco sulla città di Odessa. La località costiera è stata investita dai missili russi, le cui esplosioni hanno provocato un morto.

Worldwide: CONVINUS Global Mobility Alert - Week 18.2023 - CONVINUS

2023-05-18T09:43+0200mondaq (en)

Short New s May 4,2023 Switzerland. Prioritized visa processing for earthquake victims from Turkey and Syria ends. In February 2023, devastating earthquakes hit certain areas in Turkey and Syria. To enable the victims of these natural disasters to quickly find accommodation with close relatives in....

Sismo de 3.1 de magnitud se siente en la ciudad de Tongoy

2023-05-18T08:54+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sacudió a la ciudad de Tongoy , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 02:22 horas (hora local) de este jueves 18 de mayo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica tuvo una magnitud de 3.1 y una profundidad de 48.0 kilómetros.

Prevenzione sismica, il sindaco Biondi in visita ufficiale all'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

2023-05-18T08:51+0200247libero (it)

L’Aquila – Nella giornata di ieri Pierluigi Biondi, Sindaco dell’Aquila, è stato ospite della sede romana dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). Il primo cittadino è stato r icevuto dal Presidente dell’INGV Carlo Doglioni, dal Direttore generale Jair Lorenco, e dai Direttori di....

La pista dove si allena anche Valentino Rossi finisce sott'acqua: "E' stato come uno tsunami. Sarà durissima, ma proveremo a rialzarci"

2023-05-18T07:56+0200forlitoday (it)

Valentino Rossi, insieme a "Pecco" Bagnaia, Marco Bezzecchi, Luca Marini, Andrea Migno e Celestino Vietti affrontavano le curve del "cavatappi" della Romagna in sella alle loro Minigp da allenamento. Per trovare la pista del " Galliano Park " bisogna nuotare sott'acqua di alcuni metri.

4 La supresión del delito de sedición deja en el aire la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic

2023-05-18T07:39+0200HoyDigital (es)

La supresión del delito de sedición deja en el aire la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic La Audiencia Nacional, ya en la fase final de la instrucción, sopesa inhibirse a favor de Cataluña porque tampoco ve clara la acusación de terrorismo. La causa contra Tsunami Democràtic, la plataforma....

Alluvione Emilia Romagna, news di oggi: allerta meteo rossa, 9 morti, migliaia di evacuati. Bonaccini: “Come un terremoto”

2023-05-18T07:26+0200fanpage (it)

Nove morti , migliaia di evacuati e un numero imprecisato di dispersi . La strage del maltempo in Emilia Romagna è stata nona caso definita dal Presidente della Regione Stefano Bonaccini un "nuovo terremoto", proprio a pochi giorni dall'anniversario del sisma del 2012.

6.4-magnitude quake hits 4 km S of Canillá, Guatemala: USGS

2023-05-18T06:41+0200uniindia (en)

New York, May 18 (UNI) An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 jolted 4 km S of Canillá, Guatemala, at 23:02:00 GMT on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 255.562 km, was initially determined to be at 15.1212 degrees north latitude and 90.8546 degrees west longitude.

Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, Pages 2618: Source Model of the 2023 Turkey Earthquake Sequence Imaged by Sentinel-1 and GPS Measurements: Implications for Heterogeneous Fault Behavior along the East Anatolian Fault Zone

2023-05-18T06:28+0200mdpi (en)

On 6 February 2023, a devastating doublet of earthquakes with magnitudes of Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6 successively struck southeastern Turkey near the border of Syria. The earthquake sequence represents the strongest earthquakes in Turkey during the past 80 years and caused an extensive loss of life and property.

Yasuo Takamatsu, el hombre que busca a su esposa desaparecida por más de 10 años tras tsunami en Japón

2023-05-18T06:26+0200larepublica-pe (es)

Tras aprender a bucear, este sujeto sigue arriesgando su vida cada semana para hallar a la mujer que le juró amor eterno y que se perdió tras el terremoto más fuerte de la historia de Casi medio millón de damnificados, más de 20.000 muertos y 2.500 desaparecidos fue el fatídico resultado del....

Tsunami por pederastia sacude a Iglesia Católica en Bolivia

2023-05-18T06:24+0200prensa-latina (es)

“Se hizo el secuestro de documentación necesaria. Se va hacer una investigación correspondiente, se van a tomar las declaraciones”, aseguró la directora de la Fiscalía Especializada en Delitos en Razón de Género y Juvenil, Daniela Cáceres. La fiscal precisó en conferencia de prensa que fueron dos....

3.8 magnitude earthquake rumbles in New Mexico

2023-05-18T04:58+0200krqe (en)

(KRQE) – An earthquake was reported in New Mexico. It was recorded as a 3.8 magnitude. According to the , an earthquake took place near Mount Taylor. A map coordinator showed the location is just over 20 miles northeast of Grants. On the Richter Scale , a 3.

Earthquake shakes Guatemala and southern Mexico, no damage reported

2023-05-18T04:31+0200inquirer (en)

MEXICO CITY — A strong earthquake struck Guatemala on Wednesday, shaking the Central American nation and parts of Southern Mexico, though the quake’s deep hypocenter of more than 150 miles underneath the earth’s surface seems to have averted damage. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said the magnitude 6.

Callao: construcción del nuevo Hospital de Ventanilla se iniciaría en el 2024

2023-05-18T04:18+0200ElComercio (es)

La obra demandará una inversión de más de S/285 millones, y brindará atención a vecinos de Ventanilla, Mi Perú, Pachacútec, Ancón, Puente Piedra y Huaral. El próximo año se iniciará la construcción del nuevo Hospital de Ventanilla en Ciudad Pachacútec, en Callao .

Guatemala : un séisme de magnitude de 6,4 survenu à 4 kilomètres au sud de Canilla (USGS)

2023-05-18T03:37+0200french-news (fr)

NEW YORK, 17 mai (Xinhua) -- Un tremblement de terre de magnitude de 6,4 s'est produit à 23h02 GMT mercredi à 4km au sud de Canilla, au Guatemala, a annoncé l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). L'épicentre, situé à une profondeur de 255,562km, a été initialement localisé à 15,1212....

Fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.2 remece la frontera entre México y Guatemala

2023-05-18T03:30+0200elsoldemexico (es)

Este miércoles se registró un sismo de magnitud 6.2 en Guatemala, el Sismológico Nacional detalló que el movimiento alcanzó a percibirse en el estado de Chiapas. movimiento telúrico se originó en el departamento de Totonicapán. Te podría interesar: Simulacro pondrá a prueba a población contra....

8 La supresión del delito de sedición deja en el aire la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic

2023-05-18T03:27+0200elcorreodigital (es)

La supresión del delito de sedición deja en el aire la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic La Audiencia Nacional, ya en la fase final de la instrucción, sopesa inhibirse a favor de Cataluña porque tampoco ve clara la acusación de terrorismo. La causa contra Tsunami Democràtic, la plataforma....

The second life of Hiroshima’s origami cranes

2023-05-18T03:20+0200citizen (en)

At a hillside temple, a monk in saffron robes blows a refrain on a conch and begins chanting prayers as thousands of origami cranes donated to Hiroshima burn. For a decade, the Daisho-in Buddhist temple on Miyajima island, facing Hiroshima, has held ritual burnings of the millions of origami cranes sent to the city each year.

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