M 6.9 in Ecuador from 18 Mar 2023 17:12 UTC to 17:12

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 2015
Articles about casualties: 516 (25.6%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Japón ante los terremotos: construcciones resistentes y población prevenida

2023-03-25T17:02+0100Publico-ES (es)

Construcciones a prueba de fuertes terremotos y una ciudadanía prevenida son las claves para protegerse en Japón, un país asolado por frecuentes desastres, el más reciente un sismo de 7,4 en Fukushima esta semana que ha dejado cuatro muertos, más de 200 heridos e infraestructuras dañadas.

15:46 Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.0 en Las Choapas, Veracruz

2023-03-25T16:47+0100infobae (es)

De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el movimiento telúrico ocurrió hoy a las 9:20 hora local (15:20 UTC), con un epicentro de 68 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Veracruz. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de....

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.6 en Ollagüe

2023-03-25T16:19+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.6 de magnitud se registró este sábado 25 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Ollagüe , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 12:03 (hora local) , se originó a 35.

Naufragio Cutro, vittime salgono a 90

2023-03-25T16:13+0100informazione (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social La strage di migranti avvenuta lo scorso 26 febbraio al largo delle coste di Cutro non è un capitolo chiuso. Parola di Franca Ferraro, il nuovo prefetto di Crotone insediatosi nel suo nuovo ruolo presso il capoluogo pitagorico lo scorso 13 marzo.

Usa, un tornado si abbatte sul Mississippi: almeno 23 morti e diversi dispersi

2023-03-25T14:56+0100fanpage (it)

Sono almeno 23 le vittime del tornado che si è abbattuto nella notte sullo Stato USA del Mississippi strappando i tetti dalle case, devastando intere cittadine e provocando blackout per migliaia di persone. Si contano anche quattro diversi, oltre a numerosi feriti. Trenta milioni di americani sono in allerta per possibili allagamenti e vento.

13:46 Crucecita, Oaxaca, registra temblor de magnitud 4.1

2023-03-25T14:55+0100infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el temblor tuvo un epicentro 30 km al noreste de la ciudad, en el estado de Oaxaca, con una profundidad de 65.1 km y fue percibido por los vecinos de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred)....

North Korea claims it tested "radioactive tsunami", an underwater nuclear drone

2023-03-25T14:22+0100longbeachstar (en)

Seoul [South Korea], March 25 (ANI): North Korea on Friday claimed that it had tested an underwater nuclear attack drone able to unleash a "radioactive tsunami," amid deteriorating relations with the US, reported CNN. A report from the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said the drone,....

North Korea claims it tested "radioactive tsunami", an underwater nuclear drone

2023-03-25T14:15+0100singaporestar (en)

Seoul [South Korea], March 25 (ANI): North Korea on Friday claimed that it had tested an underwater nuclear attack drone able to unleash a "radioactive tsunami," amid deteriorating relations with the US, reported CNN. A report from the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said the drone,....

North Korea claims it tested "radioactive tsunami", an underwater nuclear drone

2023-03-25T14:15+0100nigeriasun (en)

Seoul [South Korea], March 25 (ANI): North Korea on Friday claimed that it had tested an underwater nuclear attack drone able to unleash a "radioactive tsunami," amid deteriorating relations with the US, reported CNN. A report from the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said the drone,....

North Korea claims it tested "radioactive tsunami", an underwater nuclear drone

2023-03-25T14:04+0100northernirelandnews (en)

Seoul [South Korea], March 25 (ANI): North Korea on Friday claimed that it had tested an underwater nuclear attack drone able to unleash a "radioactive tsunami," amid deteriorating relations with the US, reported CNN. A report from the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said the drone,....

North Korea claims it tested "radioactive tsunami", an underwater nuclear drone

2023-03-25T14:02+0100cambodiantimes (en)

Seoul [South Korea], March 25 (ANI): North Korea on Friday claimed that it had tested an underwater nuclear attack drone able to unleash a "radioactive tsunami," amid deteriorating relations with the US, reported CNN. A report from the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said the drone,....

Japan 'robo' dogs eyed for quake rescue missions

2023-03-25T13:19+0100localnewssingapore (en)

Rescue dog Gonta, outfitted with a GPS-enabled backpack but driven by his own innate sense of smell, jumps onto a pile of collapsed rubble to find buried survivors. Though just a drill, the intensity of the Brittany spaniel in scouring the mound of broken concrete highlights the key role of sniffer....

North Korea claims it tested "radioactive tsunami"

2023-03-25T13:17+0100aninews (en)

North Korea test underwater nuclear attack drone. (Photo Credit - KCNA) North Korea claims it tested "radioactive tsunami", an underwater nuclear drone. ANI | Updated: Mar 25, 2023 17:43 IST. Seoul [ ], March 25 (ANI): North Korea on Friday claimed that it had tested an underwater nuclear attack....

Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.1 en la ciudad de La Serena

2023-03-25T13:09+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 3.1 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 46.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de La Serena. El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -71.896 grados de longitud y -29.765 grados de latitud, es decir a 64.0 kilómetros al Oeste de dicha ciudad , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Ecuador colpito dalle inondazioni pochi giorni dopo il violento terremoto

2023-03-25T12:22+0100corriere (it)

I sopravvissuti al terremoto che ha colpito l' Ecuador stanno ora affrontando un altro disastro naturale, poiché le forti piogge hanno causato inondazioni nella zona del disastro. Le violentissime scosse hanno fatto crollare case ed edifici dalle zone costiere agli altipiani e provocando almeno 14 morti.

Ecuador colpito dalle inondazioni pochi giorni dopo il violento terremoto

2023-03-25T12:12+0100ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) I sopravvissuti al terremoto che ha colpito l' Ecuador stanno ora affrontando un altro disastro naturale, poiché le forti piogge hanno causato inondazioni nella zona del disastro. Le violentissime scosse hanno fatto crollare case ed edifici dalle zone costiere agli altipiani e provocando almeno 14 morti.

N Korea tests ‘radioactive tsunami’ weapon

2023-03-25T12:07+0100news_com_au (en)

The weapons, which North Korea called a drone and Russia called a torpedo, have previously been referred to as “doomsday” devices due to their potential to trigger radioactive ocean swells that would render coastal areas uninhabitable. Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) claimed....

María Becerra bailó en jeans ajustadísimos y provocó un tsunami

2023-03-25T12:01+0100diariouno (es)

Ahora, durante su show en el Lollapalooza, María Becerra se la jugó con uno de estilos que serán furor este 2023 el total denim y el patch work. La diosa apostó por esta tendencia luciendo unos jeans creados con diferentes retazos de denim que marcaban su lomazo a la perfección.

Ecuador colpito da inondazioni pochi giorni dopo il violento terremoto

2023-03-25T11:46+0100informazione (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social La strage di migranti avvenuta lo scorso 26 febbraio al largo delle coste di Cutro non è un capitolo chiuso. Parola di Franca Ferraro, il nuovo prefetto di Crotone insediatosi nel suo nuovo ruolo presso il capoluogo pitagorico lo scorso 13 marzo.

26 Mars 1991 : Quel avenir pour la démocratie malienne ?

2023-03-25T11:28+0100maliweb (fr)

Alors que les Maliens s’apprêtent à célébrer les 32 ans de la démocratie malienne, une question revient en boucle : quel avenir pour la jeune démocratie malienne qui traverse des moments sombres ? Dr. Mohamed Amara, sociologue et analyste politique, tente de répondre à la question.

La Corée du Nord prétend tester une arme « tsunami radioactif » en mer

2023-03-25T11:18+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

SÉOUL, Corée du Sud (AP) – La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone sous-marin à capacité nucléaire conçu pour générer un gigantesque «tsunami radioactif» qui détruirait les groupes de frappe navale et les ports. Les analystes étaient sceptiques quant au fait que l’appareil présente....

Lia, 17 anni: «Ho il diabete fin da bambina: sono una funambola della vita»

2023-03-25T10:54+0100larena (it)

Una funambola. Una che vive in perenne equilibrio, sospesa tra «normalità» e malattia. Lia ha 17 anni e da sette ha il diabete di tipo 1, quello autoimmune che colpisce soprattutto bambini e giovani. «Vivere con questa malattia è vivere in bilico , appesi ad un filo che basta niente per cadere e farsi male», sospira.

Dozens of Worley workers go for strikes on Harbour Energy platforms

2023-03-25T10:46+0100energyvoice (en)

Dozens of workers for energy services giant Worley ( ASX: WOR ) have voted for strikes on Harbour Energy ( ) North Sea platforms. More than 50 workers for the Australia-headquartered contractor have voted to down tools. Unite the union says they are seeking improved pay and conditions, including a....

La ciudad de Calama percibe temblor de magnitud 3.1

2023-03-25T10:36+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.1 se registró en la ciudad chilena de Calama este sábado 25 de marzo, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información preliminar, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 06:07 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 117.0 kilómetros.


2023-03-25T10:14+0100247libero (it)

Minaccia tsunami radioattivo, con il nuovo drone subacqueo la Corea del Nord allerta il mondo. La Corea del Nord testa un nuovo sottomarino nucleare che potrebbe scatenare uno «tsunami radioattivo». È questo l’ultima prova di forza di Pyongyang e sale la tensione negli Usa e Corea del Sud.

La selva del Darién: Una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los...

2023-03-25T10:06+0100elaragueno (es)

Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. «Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor». Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años, se desploma en el suelo.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 3.1 en Tocopilla

2023-03-25T09:55+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.1 de magnitud ocurrió este sábado 25 de marzo en la ciudad de Tocopilla , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 05:28 (hora local) , se originó a 19.0 kilómetros al Sureste de dicha ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 55.

Corea del Norte lanza dron submarino capaz de crear ‘tsunami radioactivo’

2023-03-25T09:25+0100lanetaneta (es)

Corea del Norte confirmó el lanzamiento de un “arma nuclear estratégica submarina” en pruebas frente a las costas de Riwon, en la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur, que alcanzó las aguas de la bahía de Hongwon, a 116 kilómetros de distancia, y diseñada para “infiltrarse sigilosamente en las aguas....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.6 con epicentro en Sierra Gorda.

2023-03-25T08:52+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sacudió las calles de la ciudad de Sierra Gorda. , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 04:30 horas (hora local) de este sábado 25 de marzo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 4.6 y una profundidad de 147.

Temblor de 3.1 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Mina La Escondida.

2023-03-25T08:06+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Mina La Escondida. fue el epicentro de un temblor de magnitud 3.1 que se registró a las 03:38 horas (hora local) de este sábado 25 de marzo. El sismo sucedió a 37.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 97.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en Cuya

2023-03-25T07:56+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Cuya fue el epicentro de un sismo de magnitud 2.5 que se registró a las 03:36 horas (hora local) de este sábado 25 de marzo. El temblor sucedió a 17.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 32.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Corea del Nord: testato per la prima volta un Drone subacqueo che genera tsunami radioattivi (VIDEO)

2023-03-25T07:39+0100informazione (it)

Kim Jong-un sfodera l'ennesima novità dell'arsenale nordcoreano. Il suo nome è "Haeil" (tsunami) ed è un "drone d'attacco nucleare sottomarino".

Ten cuidado María Corina, por Alexander Cambero

2023-03-25T07:31+0100talcualdigital (es)

Twitter: @alecambero Todas las encuestas de opinión indican que María Corina Machado recibe el respaldo de las grandes mayorías. Su discurso inmodificable, logra captar a gruesos segmentos de la población asqueados de lo que ocurre. En este momento comienza a presentarse un persistente deslizamiento en respaldo a su candidatura.

1953: A fateful year for Fiji

2023-03-25T07:26+0100fijitimes (en)

Greetings readers! Today I wanted to take you back in time to Monday, September 14, 1953, at precisely 00.26:34 the deadliest and most destructive earthquake seen in Fiji’s history struck our island nation, particularly Suva. The force was magnitude 6.8 with a depth of 10kms.

North Korean nuclear drone capable of radioactive ‘tsunami’: Malcolm Davis

2023-03-25T07:21+0100wn (en)

Australian Strategic Policy Institute Malcolm Davis says North Korea has built an underwater nuclear-powered drone that is capable of creating a radioactive column of water" similar to "a tsunami effect.

Poseidón, el arma capaz de provocar tsunamis nucleares similar al de Pionyang

2023-03-25T07:12+0100efe-agencia (es)

Redacción internacional (EFE).- Corea del Norte afirma que ha unido a su arsenal militar un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, penetrar en aguas costeras, eliminar flotas enteras y destruir puertos e infraesctructuras. El sistema, bautizado como “Vehículo Submarino No....

North Korean nuclear drone capable of radioactive ‘tsunami’: Malcolm Davis

2023-03-25T06:41+0100qt (en)

Australian Strategic Policy Institute Malcolm Davis says North Korea has built an underwater nuclear-powered drone that is capable of creating a “radioactive column of water” similar to “a tsunami effect.” “It’s designed to stop countries from recovering from an attack for a very long time to....

North Korean nuclear drone capable of radioactive ‘tsunami’: Malcolm Davis

2023-03-25T06:40+0100couriermail (en)

Australian Strategic Policy Institute Malcolm Davis says North Korea has built an underwater nuclear-powered drone that is capable of creating a “radioactive column of water” similar to “a tsunami effect.” “It’s designed to stop countries from recovering from an attack for a very long time to....

Corea del Nord: testato per la prima volta un Drone subacqueo che genera tsunami radioattivi (VIDEO)

2023-03-25T06:38+0100ilmeteo (it)

Continua il botta e risposta sulla penisola coreana . E si fa sempre più pericoloso. Tra navi di assalto anfibio, droni subacquei e sistemi missilistici. Giovedì mattina i media del regime di Kim Jong- un hanno comunicato che la Corea del Nor d ha testato per la prima volta un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo.

North Korean nuclear drone capable of radioactive ‘tsunami’: Malcolm Davis

2023-03-25T06:37+0100heraldsun (en)

Australian Strategic Policy Institute Malcolm Davis says North Korea has built an underwater nuclear-powered drone that is capable of creating a “radioactive column of water” similar to “a tsunami effect.” “It’s designed to stop countries from recovering from an attack for a very long time to....

North Korean nuclear drone capable of radioactive ‘tsunami’: Malcolm Davis

2023-03-25T06:33+0100news_com_au (en)

Australian Strategic Policy Institute Malcolm Davis says North Korea has built an underwater nuclear-powered drone that is capable of creating a “radioactive column of water” similar to “a tsunami effect.” “It’s designed to stop countries from recovering from an attack for a very long time to....

New Zealand Earthquake: Strong tremors of earthquake...

2023-03-25T06:16+0100weeklyblitz (en)

A strong 7.0 magnitude earthquake has occurred in the Pacific Ocean near the Kermadec Islands, located in the northern part of New Zealand. Small tsunami waves have also been observed on a nearby island after the earthquake. Seismologists have given this information on Thursday.

Otra arma letal: un drone submarino atómico

2023-03-25T05:33+0100eldia-AR (es)

Seúl. Un drone submarino nuclear es la última adición de Corea del Norte a un arsenal que se ha sofisticado en los últimos años en cuanto a capacidad potencial para ejecutar ataques atómicos, haciendo que la situación regional sea más peligrosa aún que la escalada verbal entre Kim Jong-un y Donald Trump de 2017.

Sismo de 4.0 de magnitud con epicentro en Cd Altamirano, Guerrero

2023-03-25T05:06+0100infobae (es)

De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 54 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Guerrero. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no....

13 killed in Ecuador, one in Peru due to earthquake

2023-03-25T05:03+0100weeklyblitz (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a powerful earthquake that struck southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday. Many people have been buried under the debris due to the earthquake, to save whom relief and rescue work has been started. The ‘US Geological Survey’ reported that the magnitude of the earthquake was measured at 6.

Corea del Norte afirma haber probado un dron submarino capaz de crear “un tsunami radioactivo”

2023-03-25T04:46+0100eluniverso (es)

El hermético país comunista realizó varios ensayos armamentísticos esta semana en respuesta a estas maniobras a gran escala de Corea del Sur y Estados Unidos, dijo la agencia oficial norcoreana KCNA. Dentro de estas pruebas, el ejército norcoreano desplegó y probó este nuevo sistema de armamento,....

El temporal pone a prueba a los seguros para hogares

2023-03-25T04:06+0100diario-expreso (es)

Aguaje, fuerte lluvia y temblor son parte de los siniestros que Guayaquil ha tenido que resistir en los últimos días. Las personas que tienen un seguro para el hogar suspiran con tranquilidad, porque los daños para la estructura de la casa o de los muebles o de los electrodomésticos están cubiertos.

La Conférence de l’ONU sur l’eau s’engage à donner vie à un programme d’action pour l’eau au service de notre avenir commun

2023-03-25T03:17+0100reliefWeb (fr)

ENV/DEV/2057. CONFÉRENCE DES NATIONS UNIES SUR L’EAU 5E & 6E SÉANCES PLÉNIÈRES, MATIN & APRÈS-MIDI. La Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’eau la première du genre depuis une génération- qui s’est tenue au Siège de l’ONU à New York du 22 au 24 mars 2023, a été saluée comme une occasion unique....

Op-Ed: North Korea’s ‘nuclear tsunami’ torpedo – Dubious reviews, but issues as well.

2023-03-25T02:46+0100digitaljournal (en)

US and South Korean warships conduct combined naval exercises amid rising tensions on the peninsula between Seoul and North Korea late last month - Copyright South Korean Defence Ministry/AFP/File Handout. North Korea has unveiled a “nuclear tsunami” weapon designed to take out naval task groups and other targets.

De tsunamis radioactivos a misiles a 2.000 km: las nuevas armas nucleares de Corea del Norte

2023-03-25T02:45+0100elespanol (es)

, ambos con capacidad nuclear. "Los ejercicios de guerra intencionales, persistentes y provocadores y el enfrentamiento de los imperialistas estadounidenses y los títeres traidores de Corea del Sur contra la República Popular de Corea han llevado la situación militar y política de la península de Corea a un nivel de peligro irreversible" .

El Alimerka Oviedo cae arrollado ante el 'tsunami' del Leyma Coruña

2023-03-25T02:21+0100elcomercio-es (es)

Los ovetenses no pueden contener el empuje del enrachado conjunto local que pasó por encima de los jugadores que dirige Guillermo Arenas. 'Tsunami naranja', reza una pancarta que ondea en el Palacio de los Deportes de La Coruña. En este momento de la temporada no podría ser más exacta con la....

North Korea claims 'radioactive tsunami' weapon test at sea

2023-03-25T01:47+0100flipboard (en)

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea claimed Friday to have tested a nuclear-capable underwater drone designed to generate a gigantic “radioactive tsunami” that would destroy naval strike groups and ports. Analysts were skeptical that the device presents a major new threat, but the test underlines....

N Korea says it tested new underwater nuclear attack 'drone'

2023-03-25T01:36+0100thenews-pk (en)

SEOUL: North Korea claimed on Friday it had tested an underwater nuclear attack drone able to unleash a “radioactive tsunami”, as it blamed recent US-South Korea exercises for a deteriorating regional security situation. Pyongyang carried out military drills of its own in response this week, the....

N Korea tests new nuke-capable drone

2023-03-25T00:46+0100thedailystarBD (en)

North Korea yesterday claimed it had tested an underwater nuclear attack drone able to unleash a "radioactive tsunami", as it blamed recent US-South Korea exercises for a deteriorating regional security situation. Pyongyang carried out military drills of its own in response this week, the official....

North Korea claims to test a ‘radioactive tsunami’ weapon at sea

2023-03-25T00:33+0100flipboard (en)

Kim Jong Un's daughter, Kim Ju Ae, will never rule North Korea because her father is losing his power as even his inner circle no longer trusts him, … South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol promised on Friday to punish North Korea for the communist nation's recent series of "provocations.

Tonalá, Chiapas, registra temblor de 4.2 de magnitud

2023-03-25T00:07+0100infobae (es)

De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 128 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas. Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no....

Sismo de magnitud 2.6 sacude a la ciudad de Curicó

2023-03-24T23:21+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.6 de magnitud sacudió en la ciudad chilena de Curicó , de acuerdo con información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora obtenida señala que el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 18:58 horas (hora local) de este viernes 24 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 17.

They carried out an anti-seismic exercise in Barlovento, Altos Mirandinos and Valles del Tuy

2023-03-24T23:12+0100archyde (en)

An exercise to show the communities the action protocols before, during and after an earthquake or tsunami, was carried out this Thursday in the Barlovento, Valles del Tuy and Altos Mirandinos axes. The Caribe Wave 2023 drill included the participation of Miranda State Firefighters and Civil....

Kim Jong Un tests undersea drone, warns of ‘radioactive tsunami’

2023-03-24T23:05+0100eagletribune (en)

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un oversaw tests of weapons designed to deliver nuclear strikes against the U.S. and its allies, including one his regime billed as a new underwater drone that can create a “radioactive tsunami.” The tests from Tuesday through Thursday also included....

Nokor underwater drone can destroy S. Korean ports

2023-03-24T22:56+0100tribuneonline (en)

North Korea has revealed a new weapon that can unleash a “radioactive tsunami” on its enemies. The underwater nuclear attack drone was revealed Friday after its testing by Pyongyang in response to the United States-South Korea military exercise. “This nuclear underwater attack drone can be deployed....

UNICEF Peru Flash Update No. 2 (Floods): 22 March 2023

2023-03-24T22:55+0100reliefWeb (en)

• Since the beginning of March, the impact of heavy rains has caused overflowings, floods, landslides, and hailstorms, particularly on the north coast of the country (Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, and La Libertad departments) and in some districts of the Lima department (Santa Rosa de Quives, Yauyos,....

Kim Jong Un tests undersea drone, warns of ‘radioactive tsunami’

2023-03-24T22:47+0100fresnobee (en)

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un oversaw tests of weapons designed to deliver nuclear strikes against the U.S. and its allies, including one his regime billed as a new underwater drone that can create a “radioactive tsunami.” The tests from Tuesday through Thursday also included....

Corea del Norte afirma haber desarrollado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T22:42+0100lasexta (es)

Corea del Norte afirma que ha unido a su arsenal militar un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, penetrar en aguas costeras, eliminar flotas enteras y destruir puertos e infraesctructuras. El sistema, bautizado como "Vehículo Submarino No tripulado Nuclear Haeil (Tsunami en....

North Korea tests new underwater drone capable of unleashing a 'radioactive tsunami'

2023-03-24T22:03+0100euroweeklynews (en)

A new underwater drone capable of unleashing a ‘radioactive tsunami’ has reportedly been tested by North Korea. Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea , seems determined to continue his arms race. This time, the country’s military claims to have tested a new underwater nuclear weapon that is capable....

New Study About The ‘Tsunami’ In Venus’ Clouds

2023-03-24T22:03+0100spaceref (en)

A group of scientists from the University of Seville, in collaboration with experts from the University of the Basque Country, has led the first detailed study of the evolution of the discontinuity of Venus’s clouds, a gigantic atmosphere wave with the appearance of a “tsunami” that is propagated in....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.9 de magnitud en Tocopilla

2023-03-24T21:24+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.9 de magnitud se registró en la ciudad de Tocopilla este viernes 24 de marzo, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información preliminar, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 16:49 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 32.0 kilómetros de profundidad.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en Canela Baja

2023-03-24T21:24+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.7 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 30.0 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Canela Baja. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -71.711 grados de longitud y -31.497 grados de latitud, es decir a 26.0 kilómetros al Oeste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Nuevas tensiones: Pionyang aprobó dron submarino para generar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T21:20+0100listin (es)

Corea del Norte anunció hoy que ha probado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pionyang.

North Korea says it has tested 'secret weapon' that unleashes 'radioactive tsunami'

2023-03-24T20:54+0100dailystar (en)

claims it has tested an underwater drone that can unleash a “radioactive tsunami”. The “secret weapon” was put in the waters off South Hamgyong province, cruised for over 59 hours at a depth of 80-150 metres and was detonated off its east coast, according to reports.

Cien días de observación del 'tsunami' en las nubes de Venus

2023-03-24T20:42+0100europapress (es)

MADRID, 24 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Por primera vez se ha realizado un estudio en el tiempo de una gigantesca onda atmosférica con aspecto de 'tsunami' que se propaga en las nubes más profundas del planeta Venus. Se cree que esta discontinuidad puede estar jugando un papel muy importante en la....

Poseidón, el arma capaz de provocar tsunamis nucleares simil... hace 29 minutos | Corea

2023-03-24T20:33+0100tvpacifico (es)

Corea del Norte afirma que ha unido a su arsenal militar un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, penetrar en aguas costeras, eliminar flotas enteras y destruir puertos e infraesctructuras. El sistema, bautizado como "Vehículo Submarino No tripulado Nuclear Haeil (Tsunami en....

Temblor de 3.3 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Tirúa

2023-03-24T20:25+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.3 se sintió en la ciudad de Tirúa , según información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora obtenida señala que la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 15:46 horas (hora local) de este viernes 24 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 199.

Événements naturels qui peuvent détruire la Terre, Chute de la Lune

2023-03-24T20:05+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Les événements naturels qui peuvent détruire la Terre sont bien sûr notre préoccupation. Un phénomène naturel qui peut détruire la Terre est un événement important et terrible. Si la Terre est détruite, la civilisation humaine disparaîtra également. A lire aussi : Le mystère des incendies de forêt....

Corea del Nord, testato il drone che genera tsunami

2023-03-24T19:57+0100affaritaliani (it)

Corea del Nord, il primo test nucleare: l'arma che genera uno tsunami I media nordcoreani hanno riferito che il regime ha testato questa settimana, alla presenza del leader Kim Jong-un , un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo in grado di generare tsunami radioattivi , simile al sistema russo noto come Poseidon .

Tsunami exercise sees mixed success

2023-03-24T19:46+0100caycompass (en)

Hazard Management Cayman Islands is asking the public to get in touch if they had problems with the tsunami alert app during the national exercise on Thursday morning, 23 March. Those signed up to the National Emergency Notification System (NENS) should have heard a loud siren from their phone for....

Corea del Norte lanza un dron submarino diseñado para “crear un tsunami radioactivo”

2023-03-24T19:46+0100diariodeavisos (es)

Corea del Norte ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un “arma nuclear estratégica submarina” en pruebas frente a las costas de Riwon, en la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur, que ha alcanzado las aguas de la bahía de Hongwon, a 116 kilómetros de distancia, y diseñada para “infiltrarse....

Dicen haber probado un dron submarino para generar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T19:40+010014ymedio (es)

(EFE).- Corea del Norte anunció este viernes que ha probado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pyongyang.

Minaccia tsunami radioattivo, con il nuovo drone subacqueo la Corea del Nord allerta il mondo

2023-03-24T19:36+0100informazione (it)

Si chiama Haeil (in coreano 해일), e la sua missione numero uno consiste nell' infiltrarsi furtivamente nelle acque operative e creare uno tsunami radioattivo su vasta scala attraverso un'esplosione sottomarina per distruggere i gruppi di attaccanti navali e i principali porti operativi del nemico.

Cien días de observación del ‘tsunami’ en las nubes de Venus

2023-03-24T19:32+0100diariodia (es)

MADRID, 24 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) – Por primera vez se ha realizado un estudio en el tiempo de una gigantesca onda atmosférica con aspecto de ‘tsunami’ que se propaga en las nubes más profundas del planeta Venus. Se cree que esta discontinuidad puede estar jugando un papel muy importante en la....

N Korea says it tested ‘radioactive tsunami’ weapon

2023-03-24T19:22+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

North Korea yesterday said it had tested an underwater nuclear attack drone able to unleash a “radioactive tsunami,” as it blamed US-South Korea exercises for a deteriorating regional security situation. Pyongyang carried out military drills of its own in response this week, including test-firing a....

La ciudad de Calama siente sismo de magnitud 2.7

2023-03-24T19:22+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.7 de magnitud se sintió en la ciudad chilena de Calama , según datos preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada señala que la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 14:48 horas (hora local) de este viernes 24 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 40.0 kilómetros al Noreste de la ciudad , en -22.

Pionyang dice haber probado dron submarino para generar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T18:58+0100diariodelosandes (es)

Seúl, 24 mar (EFE).- Corea del Norte anunció hoy que ha probado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pionyang.

Minaccia tsunami radioattivo, con il nuovo drone subacqueo la Corea del Nord allerta il mondo

2023-03-24T18:53+0100money-it (it)

La Corea del Nord testa un nuovo sottomarino nucleare che potrebbe scatenare uno tsunami radioattivo. È questo l’ultima prova di forza di Pyongyang e sale la tensione negli Usa e Corea del Sud. Un drone sottomarino munito di armi nucleari capace di scatenare uno tsunami radioattivo .

Un terremoto de magnitud 5.6 sacude las aguas entre las islas de Fiyi y Tonga

2023-03-24T18:29+0100proceso-HN (es)

Sídney (Australia). – Un terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacudió este viernes las aguas entre las islas de Fiyi y Tonga, en el Pacífico sur, sin que se haya activado alerta de tsunami. El temblor se registró a las 02:01 hora local (13:01 GMT) a 281 kilómetros de profundidad y su epicentro se situó a 170....

Se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.3 en la ciudad de La Serena

2023-03-24T18:20+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un temblor de magnitud 3.3 con epicentro a 13.0 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de La Serena. Información preliminar señala que el sismo empezó a las 13:38 horas (hora local) de este viernes 24 de marzo y tuvo una profundidad de 96.0 kilómetros. La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -71.

El buque 'Juan Carlos I' y la fragata 'Victoria' regresan a Rota tras su adiestramiento

2023-03-24T18:19+0100gentedigital (es)

ROTA (CÁDIZ), 24 (EUROPA PRESS) El buque 'Juan Carlos I' y la fragata 'Victoria' son las últimas unidades que regresan a la Base Naval de Rota (Cádiz), el martes 28 de marzo, una vez finalizado su adiestramiento en el despliegue 'Dédalo 23', que comenzó el 16 de enero y los ha llevado a participar....

El buque 'Juan Carlos I' y la fragata 'Victoria' regresan a Rota (Cádiz) tras su adiestramiento

2023-03-24T18:18+0100elconfidencialdigital (es)

El buque 'Juan Carlos I' y la fragata 'Victoria' son las últimas unidades que regresan a la Base Naval de Rota (Cádiz), el martes 28 de marzo, una vez finalizado su adiestramiento en el despliegue 'Dédalo 23', que comenzó el 16 de enero y los ha llevado a participar en la operación de asistencia....

El buque 'Juan Carlos I' y la fragata 'Victoria' regresan a Rota (Cádiz) tras su adiestramiento

2023-03-24T18:10+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

ROTA (CÁDIZ), 24 (EUROPA PRESS) El buque 'Juan Carlos I' y la fragata 'Victoria' son las últimas unidades que regresan a la Base Naval de Rota (Cádiz), el martes 28 de marzo, una vez finalizado su adiestramiento en el despliegue 'Dédalo 23', que comenzó el 16 de enero y los ha llevado a participar....

Rediscovering the best of Fukushima's local produce through innovation

2023-03-24T18:07+0100euronews-en (en)

Fukushima was one of the biggest agricultural producers in Japan before the nuclear disaster in 2011. Today its resilient farming community is allowing consumers to once again enjoy produce from the region. Enthusiastic producers along with decontamination efforts - that according to Japanese....

Rare Tornado Rips Through Chile Causing Death, Injuries, Damage

2023-03-24T17:59+0100telesurenglish (es)

Inusual Tornado en av Sor Vicenta causó muchos daños hace pocos minutos. Calles cortadas para llegar al terminal. pic.twitter.com/C2E68Rzh7u — Munilosangeles (@munilosangeles) May 30, 2019 Unusual Tornado in av Sister Vicenta caused a lot of damage a few minutes ago. Streets cut to reach the terminal.

N Korea says it tested ‘radioactive tsunami’ weapon

2023-03-24T17:58+0100taipeitimes (en)

North Korea yesterday said it had tested an underwater nuclear attack drone able to unleash a “radioactive tsunami,” as it blamed US-South Korea exercises for a deteriorating regional security situation. Pyongyang carried out military drills of its own in response this week, including test-firing a....

Corea del Norte dice haber probado dron submarino para generar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T17:37+0100elperiodico-GT (es)

Corea del Norte anunció hoy que ha probado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos , afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pionyang.

North Korea seeks to add 'radioactive tsunami' to nuclear arsenal

2023-03-24T17:31+0100nikkei-en (en)

SEOUL -- North Korea's latest weapons tests show how the country is trying to expand its options for tactical nuclear attacks in the face of superior U.S. and South Korean naval power, defense analysts said. State media on Friday reported that North Korea had carried out successful tests of cruise....

Venezuela culmina con éxito su papel en simulacro internacional de tsunami

2023-03-24T17:22+0100noticierovenevision (es)

Miles de personas participaron este jueves en Venezuela en el simulacro internacional "Caribe Wave 2023", el cual supuso un tsunami provocado por una erupción volcánica en la isla de Martinica, un escenario para el que se aplicó "con éxito" un plan de acción, aseguraron las autoridades. Culminado con éxito el simulacro anual.

Poseidón, el submarino ruso capaz de provocar tsunamis nucleares similar al de Pionyang

2023-03-24T17:11+0100listin (es)

Corea del Norte afirma que ha unido a su arsenal militar un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, penetrar en aguas costeras, eliminar flotas enteras y destruir puertos e infraesctructuras. El sistema, bautizado como "Vehículo Submarino No tripulado Nuclear Haeil (Tsunami en....

North Korea Reportedly Tests Nuclear-Capable Underwater Drone

2023-03-24T17:09+0100dailycaller (en)

North Korea has reportedly tested a new underwater drone with nuclear capabilities, The drone was placed into the water on Tuesday just off South Hamgyong, the BBC reported , citing North Korean state news agency The weapon travelled for 59 hours before it detonated somewhere off the east coast of the province.

Terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacude las aguas entre las islas de Fiyi y Tonga

2023-03-24T16:42+0100xeu (es)

Sídney.- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacudió este viernes las aguas entre las islas de Fiyi y Tonga, en el Pacífico sur, sin que se haya activado alerta de tsunami. El temblor se registró a las 02:01 hora local (13:01 GMT) a 281 kilómetros de profundidad y su epicentro se situó a 170 kilómetros al....

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 2.7 en la ciudad de Calama

2023-03-24T16:39+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 2.7 se registró en la ciudad chilena de Calama este viernes 24 de marzo, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información hasta ahora publicada, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 12:14 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 115.

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacude las aguas entre las islas de Fiyi y Tonga

2023-03-24T16:22+0100elcaribe (es)

Sídney (Australia), 24 mar (EFE). – Un terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacudió este viernes las aguas entre las islas de Fiyi y Tonga, en el Pacífico sur, sin que se haya activado alerta de tsunami. El temblor se registró a las 02:01 hora local (13:01 GMT) a 281 kilómetros de profundidad y su epicentro se....

Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.5 en S Pedro Pochutla, Oaxaca

2023-03-24T16:21+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

24-Mar-2023 New study about the ‘tsunami’ in Venus’s clouds University of Seville Peer-Reviewed Publication A group of scientists from the University of Seville, in collaboration with experts from the University of the Basque Country, has led the first detailed study of the evolution of the....

2023-03-24T16:20+0100eurekalert (en)

A group of scientists from the University of Seville , in collaboration with experts from the University of the Basque Country, has led the first detailed study of the evolution of the discontinuity of Venus’s clouds, a gigantic atmosphere wave with the appearance of a “tsunami” that is propagated....

Les analystes ont mis en doute les affirmations de la Corée du Nord. Corée du Nord Un «drone» d’attaque nucléaire sous-marin testé

2023-03-24T16:13+0100journaldequebec (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d’attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un « tsunami radioactif », tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d’être à l’origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale.

New study explores the ‘tsunami’ in Venus’s clouds

2023-03-24T16:11+0100techcodex (en)

A group of scientists from the University of Seville, in collaboration with experts from the University of the Basque Country, has led the first detailed study of the evolution of the discontinuity of Venus’s clouds, a gigantic atmosphere wave with the appearance of a “tsunami” that is propagated in....

Corea del Norte eleva su amenaza militar: prueba un drone submarino con capacidad nuclear

2023-03-24T16:11+0100periodistadigital (es)

C orea del Norte avanza en sus provocaciones militares. El régimen probó esta semana un nuevo drone submarino de ataque nuclear en respuesta a los ejercicios militares conjuntos realizados por Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur, informó la agencia estatal de este país.

Pionyang afirmó haber probado dron submarino para generar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T16:04+0100globovision (es)

Corea del Norte anunció este viernes que probó un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pionyang.

Imágenes del dron submarino norcoreano que sería capaz de provocar un “tsunami radioactivo”

2023-03-24T15:57+0100infobae (es)

Corea del Norte probó esta semana un nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear que puede desencadenar "un tsunami radioactivo". (AFP) Corea del Norte probó este viernes un nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear capaz de provocar un “tsunami radioactivo” , continúan sus ensayos armamentísticos en....

La Corea del Nord sperimenta il drone subacqueo che crea tzunami radioattivi. Yoon: "Pyongyang pagherà per le sue provocazioni"

2023-03-24T15:57+0100247libero (it)

Continua il botta e risposta sulla penisola coreana. E si fa sempre più pericoloso. Tra navi di assalto anfibio, droni subacquei e sistemi missilistici. Questa mattina, i media del regime di Kim Jong-un hanno comunicato che la Corea del Nord ha testato per la prima volta un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo.

Corea del Norte probó una “nave de ataque nuclear submarina no tripulada”

2023-03-24T15:50+0100losandes (es)

La Agencia Central de Noticias de Corea (KCNA, por sus siglas en inglés), la agencia de noticias estatal de Corea del Norte, anunció este viernes que el Ejército norcoreano “llevó a cabo una nueva prueba del sistema de armas de ataque submarino”. La prueba se habría realizado durante un ejercicio....

Venezuela participó exitosamente en Ejercicio Internacional Caribe Wave 2023

2023-03-24T15:50+0100noticias-ahora (es)

Miles de personas participaron este jueves en Venezuela en el simulacro internacional “Caribe Wave 2023” , el cual supuso un tsunami provocado por una erupción volcánica en la isla de Martinica, un escenario para el que se aplicó “con éxito” un plan de acción, aseguraron las autoridades, encabezadas....

Eventos naturales que pueden destruir la Tierra, Caída de la Luna

2023-03-24T15:47+0100notiulti (es)

Los eventos naturales que pueden destruir la Tierra son, por supuesto, nuestra preocupación. Un fenómeno natural que puede destruir la Tierra es un evento grande y terrible. Si la Tierra es destruida, la civilización humana también desaparecerá. Lea también: ¡Se revela el misterio de los incendios....

BP North Sea strike resolution leaves wider outage threat hanging

2023-03-24T15:45+0100hellenicshippingnews (en)

The UK’s Unite trade union reiterated a threat of North Sea strike disruption March 21 as it announced a resolution of a dispute involving a relatively small number of contract workers at BP facilities. In a statement, the union said the scheduled strike by some 50 members employed by service....

Colombia realizó evaluaciones de protocolos de respuetsa a Tsunami

2023-03-24T15:40+0100elnuevosiglo (es)

La Autoridad Marítima Colombiana es miembro del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras Amenazas Costeras del Caribe y Regiones Adyacentes, de la Comisión Oceanográfica Intergubernamental (COI), organizadora del ejercicio internacional Caribe Wave 23, desarrollado esta mañana como una....

Se percibe temblor de magnitud 3.4 en la ciudad de Los Andes.

2023-03-24T15:40+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.4 aconteció este viernes 24 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Los Andes. , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 10:58 (hora local) , se originó a 48.

L’ultima arma di Kim: un drone crea-tsunami

2023-03-24T15:13+0100opinione (it)

Un drone subacqueo capace di provocare degli tsunami radioattivi è stato testato questa settimana dalla Corea del Nord , in presenza del leader Kim Jong-un . La messa a punto di quest’arma da super cattivo di James Bond – simile, a dire il vero, al sistema russo Poseidon – è stata riferita dagli stessi media di Pyongyang .

Kim Jong-Un tests undersea drone, warns of ‘radioactive tsunami’

2023-03-24T15:10+0100timesofindia (en)

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un oversaw tests of weapons designed to deliver nuclear strikes against the US and its allies, including one his regime billed as a new underwater drone that can create a “radioactive tsunami.” The tests from Tuesday through Thursday also included cruise missiles that....

Corea del Norte asegura que puede producir un "tsunami radiactivo" con un dron submarino nuclear

2023-03-24T14:48+0100eldiarionuevodia (es)

Corea del Norte aseguró este viernes que había probado un nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear capaz de desencadenar "un tsunami radioactivo" y culpó a los recientes ejercicios militares entre Seúl y Washington de deteriorar la seguridad en la región.

Corea del Norte dice haber probado un dron submarino nuclear

2023-03-24T14:43+0100epe (es)

Un dron para provocar mareas radioactivas en cualquier rincón del mundo . La última novedad del escaparate bélico norcoreano inquietaría aún más sin el comprensible escepticismo que recomienda su propaganda. Consiste en un dron de ataque submarino que puede desplegarse en cualquier costa o puerto y....

Temblor de 2.7 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-03-24T14:39+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.7 se sintió en la ciudad chilena de Ollagüe , según datos preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada señala que el movimiento telúrico empezó a las 10:10 horas (hora local) de este viernes 24 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 45.0 kilómetros al Oeste de la localidad , en -21.

Se registró un sismo de 3.7 en Caraveli, Arequipa

2023-03-24T14:39+0100infobae (es)

El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador , Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas y....

La Corée du Nord affirme avoir testé un drone sous-marin à capacité nucléaire

2023-03-24T14:38+0100news-24 (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone sous-marin à capacité nucléaire conçu pour générer un gigantesque « tsunami radioactif » qui détruirait les groupes de frappe navale et les ports. Les analystes étaient sceptiques quant au fait que l’appareil présente une nouvelle menace....

Eruption d’un volcan indonésien, émission d’une épaisse colonne de fumée et de cendres

2023-03-24T14:35+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Le mont Merapi, un volcan indonésien qui culmine à plus de 2 900 mètres d’altitude, est entré en éruption, créant une impressionnante colonne de fumée et de cendres s’élevant dans le ciel. Cette éruption est survenue tôt hier matin, provoquant l’évacuation de milliers d’habitants vivant dans les zones à risques.

Corea del Norte lanza un dron nuclear submarino diseñado para "crear un tsunami radioactivo"

2023-03-24T14:34+0100diariodigital-RD (es)

Es otra respuesta a los ejercicios militares de Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur. Corea del Norte ha anunciado que ha llevado a cabo este viernes las pruebas de un dron nuclear submarino, diseñado para crear un "tsunami radioactivo a gran escala" en las aguas operacionales.

North Korea unveils 'Radioactive Tsunami' weapon; ‘Can annihilate enemy ships…’

2023-03-24T14:33+0100wn (en)

Amid rising tensions in the Korean peninsula, North Korea says it has tested a 'secret weapon' that is capable of unleashing a 'radioactive tsunami'.

North Korea claims sea drone capable of unleashing "radioactive tsunami" Military analysts are dubious of the latest wild claims from Kim Jong Un's regime, which is furious over the latest U.S.-South Korean joint military exercises. 1H ago

2023-03-24T14:21+0100cbslocal (en)

North Korea claimed Friday to have tested an underwater attack drone capable of unleashing a "super-scale radioactive tsunami" if armed with a nuclear warhead. The brazen claim which many experts doubt was part of the Kim Jong Un regime's angry response to the latest joint war games by the U.S. and South Korean militaries.

Armada: Los militares gaditanos que ayudaron en el terremoto de Turquía regresan a casa

2023-03-24T14:20+0100europasur (es)

tras el terremoto. El Grupo, al mando del contralmirante Gonzalo Villar y que preparaba su calificación y certificación para la incorporación en 2024 a la “NATO Readinees Initiative” (NRI), se formó articulado en torno al ‘Juan Carlos I’, con una unidad aérea embarcada compuesta por aviones Harrier....

Los militares del Grupo Dédalo 2023 sobre la cubierta del 'Juan Carlos I' durante la visita de la ministra de Defensa.

2023-03-24T14:16+0100diariodejerez (es)

tras el terremoto. El Grupo, al mando del contralmirante Gonzalo Villar y que preparaba su calificación y certificación para la incorporación en 2024 a la “NATO Readinees Initiative” (NRI), se formó articulado en torno al ‘Juan Carlos I’, con una unidad aérea embarcada compuesta por aviones Harrier....

Corea del Norte probó dron submarino capaz de generar un “tsunami radiactivo”

2023-03-24T14:15+0100vanguardia-CO (es)

De acuerdo con la nación comunista, la misión de esta arma es “infiltrarse sigilosamente en aguas operacionales (...) para destruir flotas ofensivas e importantes puertos operativos del enemigo”. Corea del Norte aseguró este viernes que probó un nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear capaz de....

Corea del Norte afirma haber probado un dron submarino de ataque nuclear

2023-03-24T14:15+0100eluniversal (es)

Seúl.- Corea del Norte aseguró este viernes que había probado un nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear capaz de desencadenar "un tsunami radioactivo" y culpó a los recientes ejercicios militares entre Seúl y Washington de deteriorar la seguridad en la región.

Kim Jong Un prueba un peligroso dron submarino capaz de causar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T14:08+0100lanetaneta (es)

Corea del Norte anunció que probó un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pionyang.

Corea del Norte probó dron submarino capaz de generar un “tsunami radiactivo”

2023-03-24T14:07+0100elcolombiano (es)

Corea del Norte aseguró este viernes que probó un nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear capaz de desencadenar “un tsunami radioactivo” y culpó a los recientes ejercicios militares entre Seúl (Corea del Sur) y Washington (Estados Unidos) de deteriorar la seguridad en la región.

Corea del Norte afirma haber probado en el mar un dron submarino nuclear capaz de producir un «tsunami radiactivo»

2023-03-24T14:03+0100esdelatino-com (es)

Según el informe, viajó bajo el agua durante más de 59 horas, alcanzando su objetivo el jueves por la tarde y su « ojiva de prueba «-no un dispositivo nuclear real-detonado bajo el agua. No se especificó el propósito. El dron, llamado Haeil, o tsunami, fue diseñado para infiltrarse en aguas enemigas....

Poseidón, el arma capaz de provocar tsunamis nucleares similar al de Pionyang

2023-03-24T13:55+0100heraldo (es)

Está considerado un dron por ser capaz de navegar de forma autónoma o dirigido a distancia, lo que hace posible que sea redirigido o incluso parado antes de alcanzar su objetivo. Técnicamente se trata de uno los torpedos más grandes nunca construidos con una longitud de 24 metros , alrededor del....

Natural Hazards Monitoring - 23 March 2023

2023-03-24T13:54+0100reliefWeb (en)

Official. Earthquake. Ecuador (Update) On 22 March 2023, the Ecuador Risk Management Department published an update on the effects of the 18 March earthquake in the country. The update reports 1,469 people were affected (362 increase since the 20 March report), 494 people were injured (5 increase), and 14 deaths were reported.

Kuzey Kore’den gizli silah: Radyoaktif tsunami yaratıyor

2023-03-24T13:53+0100karar (en)

ABD ve Güney Kore ordusunun bölgenin tansiyonunu yükselten ortak tatbikatları sürerken, Kuzey Koreli yetkililer gizli silahını duyurdu. Açıklamaya göre, ülke ordusu denizaşırı kullanılabilecek ve aynı zamanda nükleer kapasiteye sahip "radyoaktif tsunami" oluşturabilecek su altı dronunu test ediyor.

Tohoku Youth Host Disaster Management Seminar Japan

2023-03-24T13:45+0100sgi (en)

On March 18, Soka Gakkai youth from Tohoku organized a seminar at the Tohoku Culture Center in Sendai, marking 12 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami. The seminar was part of the “Soka Global Action 2030” peace initiative. Soka Gakkai Peace Committee Executive Director Nobuyuki....

SGI Co-Organizes Event at Disaster Risk Reduction Forum Global

2023-03-24T13:45+0100sgi (en)

From March 10 to 12, the World BOSAI Forum 2023 (International Disaster and Risk Conference) was held in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Scholars and civil society representatives discussed how to promote the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

North Korea unveils 'Radioactive Tsunami' weapon; ‘Can annihilate enemy ships…’

2023-03-24T13:40+0100HindustanTimes (en)

Amid rising tensions in the Korean peninsula, North Korea says it has tested a 'secret weapon' that is capable of unleashing a 'radioactive tsunami'. Pyongyang tested an underwater drone in waters off South Hamgyong province. The test was overseen by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Pyongyang....

Corea del Norte probó nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear

2023-03-24T13:40+0100diariolibre (es)

Corea del Norte aseguró este viernes que había probado un nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear capaz de desencadenar "un tsunami radioactivo" y culpó a los recientes ejercicios militares entre Seúl y Washington de deteriorar la seguridad en la región.

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau «drone» sous-marin d’attaque nucléaire

2023-03-24T13:39+0100guinee360 (fr)

Selon les médias d’État nord-coréens, ce nouveau drone aurait pour ambition de créer un « tsunami radioactif » en mesure de détruire les ports et les navires ennemis. Une annonce qui laisse certains experts sceptiques et qui intervient un jour après que les États-Unis et la Corée du Sud ont mis fin....

Chile: se registra temblor de magnitud 3.0 en la ciudad de Alto del Carmen

2023-03-24T13:37+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.0 de magnitud sorprendió a los habitantes de la ciudad chilena de Alto del Carmen este viernes 24 de marzo, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según la información preliminar, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 09:00 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 120.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en Ollagüe

2023-03-24T13:37+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sorprendió a los pobladores de la ciudad de Ollagüe , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 09:03 horas (hora local) de este viernes 24 de marzo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica tuvo una magnitud de 2.7 y una profundidad de 106.

Corea del Norte afirma haber probado un dron submarino de ataque nuclear

2023-03-24T13:36+0100metrolibre (es)

Corea del Norte aseguró este viernes que había probado un nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear capaz de desencadenar "un tsunami radioactivo" y culpó a los recientes ejercicios militares entre Seúl y Washington de deteriorar la seguridad en la región.

Corea del Norte afirma haber probado un dron de ataque submarino con capacidad nuclear

2023-03-24T13:35+0100clarin (es)

Según el informe, viajó bajo el agua durante más de 59 horas, alcanzó su objetivo el jueves por la tarde y su " ojiva de prueba " -no un dispositivo nuclear real- detonó bajo el agua. No se especificó el objetivo. El dron, llamado Haeil, o tsunami, fue diseñado para infiltrarse en aguas enemigas y....

Poseidón, el arma capaz de provocar tsunamis nucleares como el dron de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T13:34+0100elconfidencial (es)

Está considerado un dron por ser capaz de navegar de forma autónoma o dirigido a distancia, lo que hace posible que sea redirigido o incluso parado antes de alcanzar su objetivo. Técnicamente se trata de uno los torpedos más grandes nunca construidos con una longitud de 24 metros, alrededor del....

Corea del Nord, Kim schiera il drone nucleare "Haeil" e fa tremare il mondo

2023-03-24T13:28+0100247libero (it)

La Corea del Nord schiera il drone radioattivo e il mondo trema. "Haeil" (tsunami) si infiltra "furtivamente nelle acque operative” ed è in grado di creare uno "tsunami radioattivo su vasta scala" attraverso un’esplosione sottomarina per "distruggere i gruppi di attaccanti navali e i principali porti operativi del nemico".

Así es Poseidón, el arma de Rusia capaz de provocar tsunamis nucleares

2023-03-24T13:25+0100huffingtonpost-es-es (es)

Corea del Norte afirma que ha unido a su arsenal militar un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, penetrar en aguas costeras, eliminar flotas enteras y destruir puertos e infraesctructuras. El sistema, bautizado como "Vehículo Submarino No tripulado Nuclear Haeil (Tsunami en....

El nuevo tipo de dron submarino es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes.

2023-03-24T13:21+0100eltiempo-CO (es)

El dispositivo, que estalló "tras navegar a una profundidad de 80 a 150 metros trazando un curso ovalado y en ocho en el mar del Este (nombre que recibe el mar de Japón en las dos Coreas) durante 59 horas y 12 minutos", se ha testado coincidiendo con las grandes maniobras que estos días realizan....

North Korea claims sea drone capable of unleashing "radioactive tsunami"

2023-03-24T13:19+0100CBSnews (en)

North Korea claimed Friday to have tested an underwater attack drone capable of unleashing a "super-scale radioactive tsunami" if armed with a nuclear warhead. The brazen claim which many experts doubt was part of the Kim Jong Un regime's angry response to the latest joint war games by the U.S. and South Korean militaries.

Report IPCC: è ancora possibile salvare il Pianeta

2023-03-24T13:18+0100247libero (it)

Ti spieghiamo con parole semplici il volume conclusivo del Sesto Rapporto di Valutazione dell'IPCC, la più aggiornata e completa rassegna scientifica sui cambiamenti climatici. A scuola, in tv, sui social network e in famiglia avrai sentito parlare ormai tante volte dell’emergenza climatica.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.9 en Socaire

2023-03-24T13:09+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.9 aconteció este viernes 24 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Socaire , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 08:29 (hora local) , se originó a 74.

North Korea claims test of nuclear device North Korea releases images supposedly showing an underwater drone that could cause a "radioactive tsunami." Elizabeth Palmer reports. 1H ago 01:44

2023-03-24T13:08+0100CBSnews (en)

North Korea releases images supposedly showing underwater nuclear device North Korea releases images supposedly showing an underwater drone that could cause a "radioactive tsunami." Elizabeth Palmer reports.

ALERTA: Corea del Norte probó dron submarino capaz de generar tsunami radiactivo superpoderoso

2023-03-24T13:08+0100noticiasaldiayalahora (es)

Un nuevo dron submarino capaz de transportar armamento nuclear fue puesto a prueba esta semana, informó este jueves una radio estatal de Corea del Norte. Según precisa el medio en un comunicado, los ensayos se desarrollaron entre el 21 y 23 de marzo frente a las costas de una localidad de la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur.

North Korea Unveils New ‘Haeil’ Suicide Underwater Drone

2023-03-24T13:06+0100navalnews (en)

North Korea’s state media KCNA (Korean Central News Agency) released photos of a new suicide AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) named 해일 (Haeil: meaning Tsunami in English) taken during an exercise that took place between March 21st through 23rd, suggesting that their new suicide drones are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

Corée du Nord : ce que l'on sait du drone sous-marin nucléaire testé par Pyongyang La Corée du Nord affirme ce vendredi avoir testé avec succès un drone sous-marin capable de provoquer un « tsunami nucléaire ». Une arme inédite dans l'arsenal militaire de Pyongyang.

2023-03-24T12:57+0100LesEchos (fr)

Si mercredi, plusieurs nouveaux tirs de missiles nord-coréens avaient été détectés par Séoul, visiblement le test, réalisé le lendemain, d'un nouvel engin équipant l'armée nord-coréenne, était passé sous le radar. Ce vendredi, en effet, Pyongyang, affirme avoir testé un drone sous-marin capable d'embarquer une charge nucléaire.

La Corée du Nord annonce avoir créé un drone d’attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un «tsunami radioactif»

2023-03-24T12:51+0100cnews (fr)

La Corée du Nord a annoncé, ce vendredi 24 mars, avoir testé un drone d’attaque nucléaire sous-marin qui serait capable de déclencher un tsunami radioactif. Le pays a par ailleurs accusé les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d'être à l'origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale. Une nouvelle inquiétante.

Este es el arma nuclear que creó Corea del Norte, puede generar tsunamis

2023-03-24T12:51+0100eluniversal-CO (es)

QUÉ ES EL POSEIDÓN. El arma submarina autónoma conocida como Poseidón, llamada en Estados Unidos Canyon, es en esencia un torpedo propulsado por energía nuclear y capacidad para portar una ojiva nuclear de hasta 100 megatones, aunque según otras informaciones sería de 2 megatones, todavía alrededor....

North Korean underwater drone can trigger radioactive tsunami, state media say

2023-03-24T12:48+0100nbcnews (en)

01:11. North Korean state TV aired a report about the test of a new nuclear-capable underwater drone and showed recent cruise missile drills. March 24, 2023 North Korean underwater drone can trigger radioactive tsunami, state media say....

N. Korea Claims Its New Nuclear Weapon Can Create “Radioactive Tsunami”

2023-03-24T12:44+0100lavocedinewyork (en)

There is no hint that military tensions on the Korean peninsula will abate anytime soon. On the contrary, they seem to be intensifying. On Friday North Korea claimed to have tested a nuclear-capable underwater drone designed to generate a gigantic “radioactive tsunami” that would destroy naval strike groups and ports.

Sismo de magnitud 7.2 sacudió a Haití

2023-03-24T12:42+0100elperiodiquito (es)

Un gran sismo de magnitud preliminar 7. 2 sacudió esta sábado al oeste de Haití y se sintió por todo el Caribe, según reportes del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés), quien minutos después envió una alerta por tsunami. El sismo de magnitud 7, registrado a las 8.

Corea del Norte afirma que puede desencadenar un "tsunami radiactivo a gran escala" con un dron submarino que detona cerca de barcos o puertos

2023-03-24T12:38+0100businessinsider-es (es)

Corea del Norte afirma haber probado un dron submarino capaz de crear un tsunami radiactivo. Asegura haber detonado el dron cerca de un puerto simulado este jueves y que ha "confirmado su capacidad de ataque letal". El anuncio, este viernes, es la primera vez que Pyongyang menciona públicamente un arma de este tipo.

Kim Jong Un tests new underwater attack drone that can generate ‘radioactive tsunami’

2023-03-24T12:37+0100nbcnews (en)

said Friday it had tested a nuclear-capable underwater attack drone capable of launching a "radioactive tsunami," as its leader Kim Jong Un vowed to make his rivals "plunge into despair." The test of the purported new weapon was the latest in a series of simulated attacks as Pyongyang escalated its....

North Korea Unveils ‘Radioactive Tsunami’ Weapon TEHRAN (FNA)- North Korea tested a new “underwater nuclear strategic weapon”, claiming the platform can produce a “radioactive tsunami". Pyongyang announced it has been forced to s ... more 3/24/2023 3:00:20 PM World

2023-03-24T12:36+0100farsnews (en)

TEHRAN (FNA)- North Korea tested a new “underwater nuclear strategic weapon”, claiming the platform can produce a “radioactive tsunami". Pyongyang announced it has been forced to strengthen its “war deterrence” amid a flurry of military drills by Washington and Seoul.

North Korea claims to have tested 'radioactive tsunami' underwater drone weapon

2023-03-24T12:32+0100wn (en)

North Korea claims to have tested a nuclear-capable underwater drone designed to generate a gigantic "radioactive tsunami" that, it says, could destroy naval strike groups and ports. ......

North Korea says it tested new underwater nuclear attack ‘drone’

2023-03-24T12:30+0100digitpatrox (en)

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA — North Korea claimed Friday it had examined an underwater nuclear assault drone capable of unleash a “radioactive tsunami”, because it blamed current US-South Korea workout routines for a deteriorating regional safety scenario. Pyongyang carried out drills in response this week,....

Similar To Russia’s Poseidon? North Korea Tests Nuclear-Capable Underwater Drone That Can Create A Radioactive Tsunami

2023-03-24T12:21+0100eurasiantimes (en)

On March 24, North Korea claimed it had tested an underwater drone capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and unleashing a “radioactive tsunami.” Analysts noted that, in some ways, Pyongyang’s new weapon appears similar to Russia’s nuclear-capable Poseidon torpedo.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.4 de magnitud en Putre

2023-03-24T12:19+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.4 tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes en la ciudad de Putre , según información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora obtenida señala que el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 07:59 horas (hora local) de este viernes 24 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor fue a 10.

La Corée du Nord a testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami radioactif"

2023-03-24T12:12+0100capital-FR (fr)

Coup de bluff ? La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi 24 mars avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami radioactif", tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d'être à l'origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale.

Corea del Nord, ecco l'ultima arma segreta di Kim

2023-03-24T12:10+0100informazione (it)

Si chiama Haeil (in coreano 해일), e la sua missione numero uno consiste nell' infiltrarsi furtivamente nelle acque operative e creare uno tsunami radioattivo su vasta scala attraverso un'esplosione sottomarina per distruggere i gruppi di attaccanti navali e i principali porti operativi del nemico.

Nordcorea testa un drone sottomarino nucleare in grado di creare uno "tsunami radioattivo"

2023-03-24T12:10+0100citynews (it)

Volto sorridente e sguardo soddisfatto. I media nordcoreani catturano l'espressione di gaudio di Kim Jong-un che osserva l'esplosione di "un'arma nucleare strategica sottomarina" di fronte alle coste di Riwon, nella provincia meridionale di Hamgyong. Si tratta di un drone sottomarino in grado di....

This morning's top headlines: Friday, March 24

2023-03-24T12:09+0100missoulian (en)

A strike Thursday by a suspected Iranian-made drone killed a U.S. contractor and wounded five American troops and another contractor in northeast Syria, the Pentagon said. American forces said they retaliated soon after with “precision airstrikes” in Syria targeting facilities used by groups....

Corea del Norte dice haber probado un dron submarino nuclear

2023-03-24T12:06+0100elperiodico (es)

Un dron para provocar mareas radioactivas en cualquier rincón del mundo. La última novedad del escaparate bélico norcoreano inquietaría aún más sin el comprensible escepticismo que recomienda su propaganda. Consiste en un dron de ataque submarino que puede desplegarse en cualquier costa o puerto y....

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T12:06+0100elperiodico (es)

Corea del Norte anunció este viernes que ha probado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos , afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pionyang.

Nordcorea testa un drone sottomarino nucleare in grado di creare uno "tsunami radioattivo"

2023-03-24T12:06+0100europa-today (it)

Volto sorridente e sguardo soddisfatto. I media nordcoreani catturano l'espressione di gaudio di Kim Jong-un che osserva l'esplosione di "un'arma nucleare strategica sottomarina" di fronte alle coste di Riwon, nella provincia meridionale di Hamgyong. Si tratta di un drone sottomarino in grado di....

This morning's top headlines: Friday, March 24

2023-03-24T12:05+0100buffalonews (en)

A strike Thursday by a suspected Iranian-made drone killed a U.S. contractor and wounded five American troops and another contractor in northeast Syria, the Pentagon said. American forces said they retaliated soon after with “precision airstrikes” in Syria targeting facilities used by groups....

Il leader nordcoreano Kim Jong-un durante l'esercitazione

2023-03-24T12:02+0100UnioneSarda (it)

L'ultima arma segreta di Kim: un drone nucleare sottomarino capace di provocare uno «tsunami radioattivo» È stato progettato per attaccare le navi e i porti nemici innescando un'onda radioattiva «su vasta scala» Un drone nucleare sottomarino che sarebbe in grado di scatenare uno "tsunami....

Aragua se sumó al Simulacro Internacional Caribe Wave 2023 Los municipios Girardot, Costa de Oro, Mario Briceño Iarqgorry y Santiago Mariño...

2023-03-24T11:58+0100elaragueno (es)

Los municipios Girardot, Costa de Oro, Mario Briceño Iarqgorry y Santiago Mariño en el estado Aragua se sumaron este jueves 23 de marzo al Simulacro Internacional Caribe Wave 2023, en aras de fortalecer los sistemas de alerta y prevención ante la posibilidad de presentante un tsunami en la región costera venezolana.

Kim Jong Un supervisa el lanzamiento de una nueva arma táctica en Corea del Norte. - Foto: AFP / STR / KCNA VIA KNS

2023-03-24T11:56+0100semana (es)

Durante este viernes 24 de marzo, en Corea del Norte fue autorizado el lanzamiento definitivo del “arma nuclear estratégica submarina” cerca a las costas de Riwon, en la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur, a 116 kilómetros de distancia. Esta herramienta explosiva fue ideada para “infiltrarse....

Altro che transizione ecologica, la Corea del Nord testa il drone che genera tsunami radioattive

2023-03-24T11:55+0100mowmag (it)

Ricordate come iniziò la guerra in Ucraina un anno fa? La Corea del Nord potrebbe essere la prossima? Dopo le esercitazioni congiunte di USA e Corea del Sud, la Corea del Nord mostra tutta la sua forza con il lancio di un drone in grado di creare tsunami radioattivi sottomarini. Altro che transizione ecologica.

North Korea claims it can trigger ‘radioactive tsunamis’ with new nuclear-capable underwater drone

2023-03-24T11:52+0100news-yahoo (en)

says it has tested a nuclear-capable underwater drone that can set off a “super-scale radioactive tsunami " to decimate naval fleets and ports of the enemy. The objective of the "secret weapon" is to infiltrate enemy waters and create an underwater explosion that will trigger tsunami waves,....

Corea del Norte anunció que probó un "dron submarino nuclear" capaz de generar "tsunamis radiactivos"

2023-03-24T11:48+0100teledoce (es)

Corea del Norte anunció este viernes que ha probado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pionyang.

Pionyang dice haber probado dron submarino para generar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T11:46+0100vivajerez (es)

Corea del Norte anunció hoy que ha probado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pionyang.

Underwater drone could release a 'radioactive tsunami' claims North Korea

2023-03-24T11:44+0100flipboard (en)

North Korea is continuing to ramp up its weapons testing. State media reports that its military has tested an underwater nuclear attack drone designed … A self-detonating drone struck a U.S. military position in Syria on Thursday, killing an American contractor, wounding U.S. troops and a second U.S.

La Corea del Nord testa drone sottomarino: può provocare tsunami radioattivo

2023-03-24T11:43+0100strettoweb (it)

La Corea del Nord ha da conferma di alcuni test su “ un’arma nucleare strategica sottomarina ” di fronte alle coste di Riwon, nella provincia meridionale di Hamgyong, un’arma progettata “ per infiltrarsi nelle acque operative e creare uno tsunami radioattivo di grandi dimensioni “.

Un drone sous-marin capable de créer des tsunamis radioactifs : la dernière menace nord-coréenne

2023-03-24T11:39+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Corée du Nord a annoncé ce vendredi avoir testé un drone sous-marin nucléaire capable de générer des tsunamis radioactifs énoncé qui soulève doutes chez les experts mais cela suppose un nouveau coup sur la table dans un panorama tendu marqué par les manœuvres de Séoul et de Washington et les essais d’armes de Pyongyang.

North Korea says it has tested a new nuclear attack submarine 'drone'

2023-03-24T11:37+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-03-24T10:37:30.528Z. According to North Korean state media, the new drone aims to create a "radioactive tsunami" capable of destroying enemy ports and ships. An announcement that leaves some...North Korea says it has tested a new nuclear attack submarine 'drone' A South Korean army soldier....

10:26 Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:37+0100eldia (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

Pionyang dice haber probado un dron submarino para generar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T11:35+0100andaluciainformacion (es)

Corea del Norte anunció hoy que ha probado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pionyang.

Viajero del Tiempo: éstas son las predicciones que siguen

2023-03-24T11:35+0100elmanana-mx (es)

¿Qué había pronosticado para hoy, Eno Alaric? El 23 de marzo había pronosticado que una raza alienígena con tecnología muy avanzada llegaría a la Tierra para comenzar una invasión agresiva en plan de exterminio de humanos. Afortunadamente para los habitantes de esta tercera roca del sol, vendría....

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:34+0100laopiniondezamora (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

11:25 Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:34+0100elperiodicodearagon (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:33+0100diarioCordoba (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:33+0100levante-emv (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:33+0100diariodeibiza (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

North Korea tests nuclear-capable underwater drone

2023-03-24T11:32+0100defencetoday (en)

North Korea has claimed that it successfully tested a new type of underwater nuclear strategic weapon that can create a “radioactive tsunami” and destroy enemy naval forces and ports. The test was personally guided by leader Kim Jong-un and took place earlier this week off the east coast of North Korea.

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:32+0100FaroDeVigo (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:31+0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

North Korea claims it tested underwater nuclear attack drone capable of 'radioactive tsunami'

2023-03-24T11:30+0100wn (en)

Kim Jong Un inspects what North Korea claims is unmanned underwater nuclear attack craft "Haeil" which was tested during exercises - KCNA via KNS North Korea on Friday claimed it had tested a clandestine underwater nuclear attack drone intended to unleash a “radioactive tsunami” on enemy naval ships and ports.

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:30+0100diarioInformacion (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:30+0100DiarioDeMallorca (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:29+0100lanuevaespana (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:29+0100laopiniondemurcia (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

Corea del Nord: minaccia tsunami radioattivo con nuovo drone sottomarino

2023-03-24T11:29+0100mediaset (it)

MILANO (MF-DJ)--La Corea del Nord ha affermato che il leader Kim Jong Un ha supervisionato una simulazione di attacco di un drone sottomarino in grado di trasportare testate nucleari, minacciando di usare una nuova arma che potrebbe colpire le navi e i porti degli Stati Uniti e dei suoi alleati.

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:28+0100laopinioncoruna (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

Un dron submarino capaz de crear tsunamis radioactivos: la última amenaza de Corea del Norte

2023-03-24T11:28+0100laprovincia (es)

Los medios norcoreanos informaron que el régimen testó esta semana en presencia del líder Kim Jong-un un nuevo tipo de dron submarino o torpedo guiado que al estallar es capaz de provocar gigantescas olas contaminantes al igual que el sistema ruso conocido como Poseidón.

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau «drone» sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire

2023-03-24T11:28+0100rfi-fr (fr)

Avec notre correspondant à Séoul, Nicolas Rocca. Haeil, (« tsunami », en coréen). C’est le nom de la nouvelle arme de Pyongyang. Un drone sous-marin d’attaque nucléaire en préparation dans le plus grand secret depuis 2012, qui aurait effectué 29 tests supervisés en personne par Kim Jong-un.

La Corea del Nord schiera l’Haeil: il drone che può generare uno tsunami radioattivo

2023-03-24T11:22+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 24 marzo 2023) Si chiama “Haeil” (in Corea no ??), e la sua missione numero uno consiste nell’ “infiltrarsi furtivamente nelle acque operative” e creare uno “ tsunami radioattivo su vasta scala” attraverso un’esplosione sottomarina per “distruggere i gruppi di attaccanti navali e i principali porti operativi del nemico”.

Nordcorea testa drone sottomarino: “Può creare tsunami radioattivo”

2023-03-24T11:22+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 24 marzo 2023) (Adnkronos) – La Corea del Nord ha confermato oggi di aver testa to “un’arma nucleare strategica sottomarina” di fronte alle coste di Riwon, nella provincia meridionale di Hamgyong, un’arma progettata “per infiltrarsi nelle acque operative e creare uno tsunami radioattivo di grandi dimensioni”.

Pijijiapan, Chiapas, registra sismo de magnitud 4.1 El temblor sucedió a las 3:44 horas, a una distancia de 26 km de Pijijiapan y tuvo una profundidad de 88 km

2023-03-24T11:17+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

North Korean president oversees launch of nuclear-capable underwater drone

2023-03-24T11:14+0100saudigazette (en)

SINGAPORE — North Korea says it has tested an underwater drone that can unleash a "radioactive tsunami". The "secret weapon" was put in the waters off South Hamgyong province on Tuesday, state news agency KCNA says. It cruised for over 59 hours at a depth of 80 to 150 meters and was detonated off its east coast, the report says.

Corea del Nord: minaccia tsunami radioattivo co...

2023-03-24T11:11+0100advfn (it)

La Corea del Nord ha affermato che il leader Kim Jong Un ha supervisionato una simulazione di attacco di un drone sottomarino in grado di trasportare testate nucleari, minacciando di usare una nuova arma che potrebbe colpire le navi e i porti degli Stati Uniti e dei suoi alleati.

New study about the ‘tsunami’ in Venus’s clouds

2023-03-24T11:09+0100alphagalileo (en)

A group of scientists from the University of Seville , in collaboration with experts from the University of the Basque Country, has led the first detailed study of the evolution of the discontinuity of Venus’s clouds, a gigantic atmosphere wave with the appearance of a “tsunami” that is propagated....

Nuevo estudio sobre el ‘tsunami’ de las nubes de Venus

2023-03-24T11:09+0100alphagalileo (es)

Un grupo de científicos de la Universidad de Sevilla, en colaboración con expertos de la Universidad del País Vasco, ha liderado el primer estudio en detalle de la evolución de la discontinuidad de las nubes del Venus, una gigantesca onda atmosférica con aspecto de “tsunami” que se propaga en las....

La Corea del Nord ha testato un drone sottomarino nucleare

2023-03-24T11:08+0100periodicodaily (it)

La Corea del Nord ha testato un nuovo drone di attacco nucleare sottomarino. I media statali nordcoreani hanno riferito che l’esercitazione è stata guidata dal leader Kim Jong Un. Hanno anche riferito che il drone subacqueo è in grado di generare tsunami radioattivi, simile al sistema russo noto come Poseidon.

La Corea del Nord testa drone nucleare sottomarino per creare tsunami radioattivi

2023-03-24T11:03+0100newsonline (it)

La sua missione è muoversi segretamente sott'acqua e produrre uno tsunami radioattivo con un'esplosione, al fine distruggere navi e porti nemici". Il drone nucleare sottomarino sarebbe rimasto in movimento per 59 ore e 12 minuti a una ... ...

Corea del Norte probó un dron submarino para generar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T11:00+0100mdzol (es)

anunció hoy que ha probado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos , afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de y Estados Unidos y los test de armas de Pionyang.

Corea del Nord : minaccia tsunami radioattivo con nuovo drone sottomarino

2023-03-24T10:58+0100marketscreener (it)

MILANO (MF-DJ)--La Corea del Nord ha affermato che il leader Kim Jong Un ha supervisionato una simulazione di attacco di un drone sottomarino in grado di trasportare testate nucleari, minacciando di usare una nuova arma che potrebbe colpire le navi e i porti degli Stati Uniti e dei suoi alleati.

Registran terremoto en prefecturas japonesas

2023-03-24T10:55+0100prensa-latina (es)

Tokio, 24 mar (Prensa Latina) La Agencia Meteorológica de Japón registró hoy un terremoto de magnitud preliminar 4.7 en las prefecturas de Ibaraki, Tochigi y Fukushima, sin riesgo de tsunami. De acuerdo con el organismo, la sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 16:25, hora local, con el epicentro....

1Corea del Norte confirma el lanzamiento de un dron submarino diseñado para «crear un tsunami radioactivo»

2023-03-24T10:43+0100sevilla-abc (es)

ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un «arma nuclear estratégica submarina» en pruebas frente a las costas de Riwon, en la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur, que ha alcanzado las aguas de la bahía de Hongwon, a 116 kilómetros de distancia, y diseñada para «infiltrarse sigilosamente en las aguas....

Nordcorea testa drone sottomarino: "Può creare tsunami radioattivo"

2023-03-24T10:41+0100informazione (it)

Kim Jong-un sfodera l'ennesima novità dell'arsenale nordcoreano. Il suo nome è "Haeil" (tsunami) ed è un "drone d'attacco nucleare sottomarino". Stando alla propaganda… La Corea del Nord testa un drone sottomarino per attacchi nucleari Una reazione alle esercitazioni degli Usa e della Corea del Sud....

Corea del Nord, l'ultima arma segreta di Kim Jong Un: testato drone nucleare sottomarino. «Può provocare tsunami radioattivo»

2023-03-24T10:41+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 24 marzo 2023) Un drone nucleare sottomarino in grado di scatenare uno " tsunami radioattivo ". La Corea del Nord ha testato la sua nuova arma segreta , messa nelle acque al largo della provincia di... ...di Corea e Repubblica di Zambia, spiega il dipartimento di Stato americano....

North Korea has tested an undersea nuclear attack device capable of triggering a “massive radioactive tsunami”.

2023-03-24T10:40+0100oe-mag (en)

According to the North Korean news agency, Kim Jong-un oversaw the tests. North Korea said on Friday it had tested an unmanned underwater nuclear attack device capable of triggering a “radioactive tsunami” and blamed US-South Korea military exercises for destabilizing regional security.

Pyongyang teste un drone sous-marin nucléaire

2023-03-24T10:40+0100lanouvelletribune (fr)

La Corée du Nord continue de multiplier ses essais sur le plan militaire. Selon une annonce qui a été faite par l'agence d’État nord-coréenne KCNA, un drone sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire a été testé. Cette arme aurait ainsi la capacité de déclencher un « tsunami radioactif » .

3 Corea del Norte asegura haber probado un dron submarino para generar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T10:39+0100deia-eus (es)

Corea del Norte anunció hoy que ha probado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pionyang.

Tsunami nucleare, l'ultima minaccia di Kim. Cosa dobbiamo aspettarci

2023-03-24T10:39+0100quotidiano (it)

L'esperto: difficile distinguere tra propaganda e realtà nell'annuncio della Corea del Nord. Kim Jong un e l'ultima minaccia di uno tsunami nucleare. Kim Jong un e l'ultima minaccia di uno tsunami....

North Korea says it can trigger ‘radioactive tsunamis’ with new drone

2023-03-24T10:37+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

says it has tested a nuclear-capable underwater drone that can set off a “super-scale radioactive tsunami " to decimate naval fleets and ports of the enemy. The objective of the "secret weapon" is to infiltrate enemy waters and create an underwater explosion that will trigger tsunami waves,....

Nordcorea testa drone sottomarino che provoca tsunami radioattivi

2023-03-24T10:32+0100ilSole24ore (it)

Roma, 24 mar. (askanews) - La Corea del Nord ha testato un drone d'attacco nucleare sottomarino progettato per scatenare uno "tsunami radioattivo" che distruggerebbe le navi e i porti nemici, hanno dichiarato i media di Stato. Durante le esercitazioni, che si sono svolte per tre giorni e di cui sono....

Nordcorea testa drone sottomarino: "Può creare tsunami radioattivo"

2023-03-24T10:30+0100adnkronos (it)

La Corea del Nord ha confermato oggi di aver testato "un'arma nucleare strategica sottomarina" di fronte alle coste di Riwon, nella provincia meridionale di Hamgyong, un'arma progettata "per infiltrarsi nelle acque operative e creare uno tsunami radioattivo di grandi dimensioni" .

North Korea tests underwater nuclear drone

2023-03-24T10:29+0100sb (en)

North Korea has tested a new underwater combat drone capable of carrying a nuclear warhead that could create a ‘radioactive tsunami’, reports. photo: www.reuters.com The tests took place from March 21st to 23rd, and were led by the leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong Un. “This secret weapon is an unmanned nuclear attack submarine.

Corea del Norte asegura haber probado un dron submarino para generar tsunamis radiactivos

2023-03-24T10:28+0100noticiasdenavarra (es)

Corea del Norte anunció hoy que ha probado un dron submarino nuclear capaz de generar tsunamis radiactivos, afirmación que plantea dudas en los expertos pero que supone un nuevo golpe sobre la mesa en un tenso panorama marcado por las maniobras de Seúl y Washington y los test de armas de Pionyang.

Tamil Nadu State Disaster Management Plan 2023

2023-03-24T10:26+0100thehindu (en)

Chief Minister M.K. Stalin released the Tamil Nadu State Disaster Management Plan, 2023, which lists out actions plans in case of various natural and human-made disasters — earthquake, cyclone, Tsunami, flood, urban flood, industrial and chemical disasters, biological and public health emergency, nuclear and radiological disasters and fire.

North Korea claims it can trigger ‘radioactive tsunamis’ with new nuclear-capable underwater drone

2023-03-24T10:25+0100independent-UK (en)

says it has tested a nuclear-capable underwater drone that can set off a “super-scale radioactive tsunami " to decimate naval fleets and ports of the enemy. The objective of the "secret weapon" is to infiltrate enemy waters and create an underwater explosion that will trigger tsunami waves,....

North Korea unveils new ‘Haeil’ suicide underwater drone

2023-03-24T10:22+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

North Korea Unveils New ‘Haeil’ Suicide Underwater Drone North Korea’s state media KCNA (Korean Central News Agency) released photos of a new suicide AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) named 해일 (Haeil: meaning Tsunami in English) taken during an exercise that took place between March 21st through....

“Il drone sottomarino che può generare uno tsunami radioattivo”: la Corea del Nord annuncia nuovi test nel mar del Giappone

2023-03-24T10:22+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 24 marzo 2023) La Corea del Nord ha dichiarato che, nei giorni scorsi, ha test ato un drone sottomarino a livello nucleare, ideato e creato per produrre un gigantesco “ tsunami radioattivo “. Secondo quanto riportato dall’agenzia di stampa Corea na Kcna, l’obiettivo sarebbe quello di....

Kim Jong-un tests terrifying underwater drone capable of triggering ‘radioactive tsunami’

2023-03-24T10:16+0100express (en)

A report published by state news agency Korean Central News Agency (KNCA) claimed the weapon cruised for 59 hours at a depth of 80 to 150 metres before being detonated off the country’s east coast. KCNA said the North’s latest tests were aimed at alerting the United States and South Korea of a....

North Korea tests submarine drone capable of unleashing a “radioactive tsunami”

2023-03-24T10:16+0100breakinglatest (en)

North Korea has claimed to have tested a underwater drone with nuclear capability, designed to generate a gigantic “ radioactive tsunami ” fleets of warships and ports. Analysts were skeptical that the device actually poses a major new threat, but the test underscores the North’s commitment to increasing nuclear threats.

Corea del Norte prueba un arma secreta capaz de generar un tsunami superpoderoso

2023-03-24T10:08+0100Sana-es (es)

“Durante los ensayos que se desarrollaron entre el 21 y 23 de marzo, el dron se sumergió en el mar de Japón y realizó un recorrido “elíptico” por un lapso de 59 horas y a una profundidad de entre 80 y 150 metros”, detalló la radio norcoreana citada por RT.

Permalink to: Nordcorea testa drone sottomarino che provoca tsunami radioattivi

2023-03-24T10:08+0100askanews (it)

Roma, 24 mar. (askanews) – La Corea del Nord ha testato un drone d’attacco nucleare sottomarino progettato per scatenare uno “tsunami radioattivo” che distruggerebbe le navi e i porti nemici, hanno dichiarato i media di Stato. Durante le esercitazioni, che si sono svolte per tre giorni e di cui sono....

Corea del Nord, l'ultima arma segreta di Kim Jong Un: testato drone nucleare sottomarino. «Può provocare tsunami radioattivo»

2023-03-24T10:07+0100ilmattino (it)

Soprannominata "Haeil" , termine coreano che indica uno tsunami, l'arma è progettata per attaccare le navi e i porti nemici innescando un'onda radioattiva su vasta scala , spiegano i media statali. Questo drone d'attacco sottomarino nucleare può essere schierato su qualsiasi costa e porto o trainato da una nave di superficie per il funzionamento.

Crucecita, Oaxaca, registra sismo de 4.1 de magnitud

2023-03-24T10:06+0100infobae (es)

El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 32 km al noreste de dicha localidad del estado de Oaxaca, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores,....

The Star » N Korea tests underwater nuclear drone - state media

2023-03-24T10:05+0100kenyamoja (en)

North Korea says it has tested an underwater drone that can unleash a "radioactive tsunami". The "secret weapon" was put in the waters off South Hamgyong province on Tuesday, state news agency KCNA says. It cruised for over 59 hours at a depth of 80 to 150 metres and was detonated off its east coast, the report says.

La Corea del Nord sperimenta il drone subacqueo che crea tzunami radioattivi. Yoon: “Pyongyang pagherà per le sue provocazioni”

2023-03-24T09:59+0100corrierealpi (it)

Continua il botta e risposta sulla penisola coreana. E si fa sempre più pericoloso. Tra navi di assalto anfibio, droni subacquei e sistemi missilistici. Questa mattina, i media del regime di Kim Jong-un hanno comunicato che la Corea del Nord ha testato per la prima volta un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo.

North Korea tests underwater nuclear drone

2023-03-24T09:56+0100deutschewelle-ha (en)

North Korean state media reported on Friday that the country's military had tested a new underwater nuclear drone. The announcement came with tensions around the Korean peninsula running high as the US and South Korea recently concluded their largest joint military exercise in five years.

La Corea del Nord sperimenta il drone subacqueo che crea tzunami radioattivi. Yoon: “Pyongyang pagherà per le sue provocazioni”

2023-03-24T09:54+0100nuovavenezia (it)

Continua il botta e risposta sulla penisola coreana. E si fa sempre più pericoloso. Tra navi di assalto anfibio, droni subacquei e sistemi missilistici. Questa mattina, i media del regime di Kim Jong-un hanno comunicato che la Corea del Nord ha testato per la prima volta un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo.

'Haeil', el dron submarino con que Corea del Norte asegura puede generar un "tsunami radiactivo"

2023-03-24T09:53+0100univision (es)

El dron llamado 'Haeil' (maremoto o tsunami en coreano) puede causar, según Pyongyang, "un tsunami radiactivo a gran escala" capaz de destruir unidades navales y puertos. Analistas se mostraron escépticos ante la posibilidad de que el artefacto represente una nueva amenaza importante.

La Corea del Nord sperimenta il drone subacqueo che crea tzunami radioattivi. Yoon: “Pyongyang pagherà per le sue provocazioni”

2023-03-24T09:53+0100lasentinella (it)

Continua il botta e risposta sulla penisola coreana. E si fa sempre più pericoloso. Tra navi di assalto anfibio, droni subacquei e sistemi missilistici. Questa mattina, i media del regime di Kim Jong-un hanno comunicato che la Corea del Nord ha testato per la prima volta un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo.

La Corea del Nord sperimenta il drone subacqueo che crea tzunami radioattivi. Yoon: “Pyongyang pagherà per le sue provocazioni”

2023-03-24T09:51+0100ilpiccolo (it)

Continua il botta e risposta sulla penisola coreana. E si fa sempre più pericoloso. Tra navi di assalto anfibio, droni subacquei e sistemi missilistici. Questa mattina, i media del regime di Kim Jong-un hanno comunicato che la Corea del Nord ha testato per la prima volta un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo.

La Corea del Nord sperimenta il drone subacqueo che crea tzunami radioattivi. Yoon: “Pyongyang pagherà per le sue provocazioni”

2023-03-24T09:48+0100lastampa (it)

Continua il botta e risposta sulla penisola coreana. E si fa sempre più pericoloso. Tra navi di assalto anfibio, droni subacquei e sistemi missilistici. Questa mattina, i media del regime di Kim Jong-un hanno comunicato che la Corea del Nord ha testato per la prima volta un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo.

La Corea del Nord sperimenta il drone subacqueo che crea tzunami radioattivi. Yoon: “Pyongyang pagherà per le sue provocazioni”

2023-03-24T09:48+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

Continua il botta e risposta sulla penisola coreana. E si fa sempre più pericoloso. Tra navi di assalto anfibio, droni subacquei e sistemi missilistici. Questa mattina, i media del regime di Kim Jong-un hanno comunicato che la Corea del Nord ha testato per la prima volta un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo.

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau « drone » d’attaque nucléaire sous-marin

2023-03-24T09:47+0100news-24 (fr)

Cette photo non datée prise de la période du 21 au 23 mars 2023 et publiée par l’agence de presse centrale coréenne (KCNA) officielle de la Corée du Nord le 24 mars 2023 montre le système d’arme d’attaque stratégique nucléaire sous-marin « Haeil » plongeant dans la mer de l’Est, également connue sous le nom de mer du Japon.

La Corea del Nord sperimenta il drone subacqueo che crea tzunami radioattivi. Yoon: “Pyongyang pagherà per le sue provocazioni”

2023-03-24T09:46+0100laprovinciapavese (it)

Continua il botta e risposta sulla penisola coreana. E si fa sempre più pericoloso. Tra navi di assalto anfibio, droni subacquei e sistemi missilistici. Questa mattina, i media del regime di Kim Jong-un hanno comunicato che la Corea del Nord ha testato per la prima volta un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo.

“Il drone sottomarino che può generare uno tsunami radioattivo”: la Corea del Nord annuncia nuovi test nel mar del Giappone

2023-03-24T09:46+0100ilfattoquotidiano (it)

La Corea del Nord ha dichiarato che, nei giorni scorsi, ha testato un drone sottomarino a livello nucleare , ideato e creato per produrre un gigantesco “ tsunami radioattivo “. Secondo quanto riportato dall’agenzia di stampa coreana Kcna , l’obiettivo sarebbe quello di “infiltrarsi furtivamente in....

Corea del Nord, l'ultima arma segreta di Kim Jong Un: testato drone nucleare sottomarino. «Può provocare tsunami radioattivo»

2023-03-24T09:43+0100corriereadriatico (it)

Un drone nucleare sottomarino in grado di scatenare uno "tsunami radioattivo". La Corea del Nord ha testato la sua nuova arma segreta, messa nelle acque al largo della provincia di South Hamgyong martedì, secondo l'agenzia di stampa statale KCNA. Ha navigato per oltre 59 ore a una profondità....

La Corea del Nord testa un’arma nucleare sottomarina: «Può creare uno tsunami radioattivo»

2023-03-24T09:39+0100secoloditalia (it)

La Corea del Nord ha confermato di aver testato «un’arma nucleare strategica sottomarina» di fronte alle coste di Riwon, nella provincia meridionale di Hamgyong. È un’arma progettata «per infiltrarsi nelle acque operative e creare uno tsunami radioattivo di grandi dimensioni».

La Corea del Nord testa un’arma nucleare sottomarina: «Può creare uno tsunami radioattivo»

2023-03-24T09:34+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 24 marzo 2023) La Corea del Nord ha confermato di aver testa to « un’arma nucleare strategica sottomarina » di fronte alle coste di Riwon, nella provincia meridionale di Hamgyong. È un’arma progettata «per infiltrarsi nelle acque operative e creare uno tsunami radioattivo di grandi dimensioni».

North Korea tests underwater nuclear drone

2023-03-24T09:27+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

North Korean state media reported on Friday that the country's military had tested a new underwater nuclear drone. The announcement came with tensions around the Korean peninsula running high as the US and South Korea recently concluded their largest joint military exercise in five years.

North Korea tests new underwater nuke weapon capable of ‘radioactive tsunami’

2023-03-24T09:26+0100wn (en)

Seoul: North Korea tested a new underwater nuclear weapon earlier this week capable of spawning a “radioactive tsunami”, Pyongyang’s state media said on Friday. Separately, the North also conducted a cruise missile drill using missiles “tipped with a test warhead simulating a nuclear warhead” as it....

N Korea tests underwater nuclear drone - state media

2023-03-24T09:14+0100thestarkenya (en)

North Korea says it has tested an underwater drone that can unleash a "radioactive tsunami". The "secret weapon" was put in the waters off South Hamgyong province on Tuesday, state news agency KCNA says. It cruised for over 59 hours at a depth of 80 to 150 metres and was detonated off its east coast, the report says.

North Korea claims to have conducted nuclear-capable underwater drone testing

2023-03-24T09:11+0100aa-en (en)

ANKARA North Korea claimed on Friday that its military tested a new underwater nuclear weapon capable of creating a super-scale radioactive tsunami during three-day military exercises that concluded on Thursday. The new secret weapon "Unmanned Underwater Nuclear Attack Craft 'Haeil'" was tested....

Nord Corea, Pyongyang annuncia il test di un drone d’attacco nucleare

2023-03-24T09:07+0100informazione (it)

È stato testato in Corea del Nord, alla presenza del leader Kim Jong-un , un nuovo drone d’attacco nucleare subacqueo, rivelano i media di Stato. Il dispositivo sarebbe… In risposta alle esercitazioni militari di Stati Uniti e Corea del Sud La Corea del Nord ha testato un nuovo drone sottomarino....

Corea del Nord, l'ultima arma segreta di Kim Jong Un: testato drone nucleare sottomarino. «Può provocare tsunami radioattivo» Un drone nucleare sottomarino in grado di scatenare uno "tsunami radioattivo". La Corea del Nord ha testato la sua nuova arma segreta, messa nelle acque al largo della....

2023-03-24T09:07+0100informazione (it)

Un drone nucleare sottomarino in grado di scatenare uno "tsunami radioattivo". La Corea del Nord ha testato la sua nuova arma segreta, messa nelle acque al largo della provincia di South Hamgyong martedì, secondo l'agenzia di stampa statale KCNA. Ha navigato per oltre 59 ore a una profondità....

Una scuola da rifare

2023-03-24T08:58+0100vita (it)

Ops, il video è diventato virale. Accade spesso sulla scuola, argomento su cui tutti ci sentiamo legittimati a dare i giudizi più netti e incontrovertibili. In questi giorni così è diventato virale il video della mamma che, su TikTok, se la prende con i docenti che danno troppi compiti ai bambini, mandando in crisi d’ansia alunni e genitori.

Corea del Nord, l'ultima arma segreta di Kim Jong Un: testato drone nucleare sottomarino. «Può provocare tsunami radioattivo»

2023-03-24T08:57+0100ilmessaggero (it)

Soprannominata "Haeil" , termine coreano che indica uno tsunami, l'arma è progettata per attaccare le navi e i porti nemici innescando un'onda radioattiva su vasta scala , spiegano i media statali. Questo drone d'attacco sottomarino nucleare può essere schierato su qualsiasi costa e porto o trainato da una nave di superficie per il funzionamento.

Da Regione 23,5 milioni di euro per il dissesto idrogeologico in Bergamasca: ecco a quali Comuni

2023-03-24T08:55+0100primabergamo (it)

Regione Lombardia, con una delibera di giunta, ha stanziato oggi (giovedì 23 marzo) 83 milioni di euro per interventi contro il dissesto idrogeologico. L’obiettivo è quello di finanziare progetti a livello locale e, sul totale delle risorse destinate a questo scopo, un ammontare di 23,5 milioni....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en Calama

2023-03-24T08:53+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.7 tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad de Calama este viernes 24 de marzo, así lo dio a conocer el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información hasta ahora publicada, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 04:28 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 112.

North Korea Claims To Have Conducted Nuclear-Capable Underwater Drone Testing

2023-03-24T08:50+0100haberler-en (en)

North Korea claimed on Friday that its military tested a new underwater nuclear weapon capable of creating a super-scale radioactive tsunami during three-day military exercises that concluded on Thursday. The new secret weapon "Unmanned Underwater Nuclear Attack Craft 'Haeil'" was tested during the....

La Corea del Nord testa drone nucleare sottomarino, “può creare tsunami radioattivo”

2023-03-24T08:48+0100meteoweb (it)

La Corea del Nord ha reso noto oggi di aver testato “ un’arma nucleare strategica sottomarina ” di fronte alle coste di Riwon, nella provincia meridionale di Hamgyong, un’arma progettata “ per infiltrarsi nelle acque operative e creare uno tsunami radioattivo di grandi dimensioni “.

Perú: se registró un sismo de magnitud 4 en Ucayali

2023-03-24T08:37+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4 se registró este viernes 24 de marzo en la ciudad de Atalaya , en la provincia de Atalaya del departamento de Ucayali, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 02:13 (hora local) y se originó a....

Corea del Norte lanza un dron submarino diseñado para "crear un tsunami radioactivo"

2023-03-24T08:29+0100elespanol (es)

Corea del Norte ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un "arma nuclear estratégica submarina" diseñada para "infiltrarse sigilosamente en las aguas operacionales y crear un tsunami radioactivo a gran escala". El dron nuclear, que fue colocado el pasado martes, ha desprendido una ojiva que ha....

Corea del Norte confirma el lanzamiento de un dron submarino diseñado para «crear un tsunami radioactivo»

2023-03-24T08:28+0100lavozdigital (es)

ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un «arma nuclear estratégica submarina» en pruebas frente a las costas de Riwon, en la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur, que ha alcanzado las aguas de la bahía de Hongwon, a 116 kilómetros de distancia, y diseñada para «infiltrarse sigilosamente en las aguas....

La Corea del Nord ha testato un drone capace di generare tsunami radioattivi

2023-03-24T08:27+0100agi (it)

AGI - Un drone subacqueo in grado di generare tsunami radioattivi è stato testato dalla Corea del Nord alla presenza del leader Kim Jong-un. Il sistema di attacco, simile al russo 'Poseidon', è stato dispiegato al largo della costa nord-orientale della Corea del Nord martedì e "ha raggiunto il punto....

Corea del Norte confirma el lanzamiento de un dron submarino diseñado para «crear un tsunami radioactivo»

2023-03-24T08:27+0100abc-Andalucia (es)

ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un «arma nuclear estratégica submarina» en pruebas frente a las costas de Riwon, en la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur, que ha alcanzado las aguas de la bahía de Hongwon, a 116 kilómetros de distancia, y diseñada para «infiltrarse sigilosamente en las aguas....

Corea del Norte confirma el lanzamiento de un dron submarino diseñado para «crear un tsunami radioactivo»

2023-03-24T08:25+0100sevilla-abc (es)

ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un «arma nuclear estratégica submarina» en pruebas frente a las costas de Riwon, en la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur, que ha alcanzado las aguas de la bahía de Hongwon, a 116 kilómetros de distancia, y diseñada para «infiltrarse sigilosamente en las aguas....

N Korea claims 'radioactive tsunami' weapon test

2023-03-24T08:24+0100wn (en)

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea claimed Friday to have tested a nuclear-capable underwater drone designed to generate a gigantic “radioactive tsunami” that would destroy naval strike groups and ports. Analysts were skeptical that the device presents a major new threat, but the test underlines....

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau "drone" sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire Selon Pyongyang, cette nouvelle arme peut "détruire les groupes d'attaquants navals et les principaux ports opérationnels de l'ennemi". Mais les analystes doutent sérieusement de la véracité de cette ...

2023-03-24T08:24+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Une photo non datée, prise entre le 21 et le 23 mars 2023 et publiée par l'agence de presse coréenne KCNA, montre le dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong Un inspectant l'exercice du système d'arme d'attaque stratégique nucléaire sous-marine. (STR / KCNA VIA KNS) De nouvelles menaces.

North Korea Says It Tested Underwater Drone Capable of Generating ‘Radioactive Tsunami’

2023-03-24T08:18+0100theepochtimes (en)

North Korea tested an underwater attack drone capable of generating a “super-scale radioactive tsunami” that would destroy enemy naval striker groups and ports, the regime’s official mouthpiece said on Friday. The regime’s Central Military Commission commanded the drills from March 21 to 23, state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.

North Korea unveils radioactive tsunami weapon

2023-03-24T08:16+0100singaporestar (en)

Pyongyang claimed the system is able to ?annihilate enemy ship groups? without detection. North Korea has tested a new "underwater nuclear strategic weapon," saying the platform can produce a "radioactive tsunami." The DPRK claimed it has been forced to strengthen its "war deterrence" amid a flurry of military drills by Washington and Seoul.

Corée du Nord : un drone sous-marin capable de déclencher un “tsunami radioactif” testé

2023-03-24T08:11+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

La Corée du Nord a déclaré avoir testé un drone sous-marin à capacité nucléaire conçu pour générer un “tsunami radioactif” géant sur des flottes de navires de guerre et des ports. Les analystes étaient sceptiques quant au fait que l’appareil constitue réellement une nouvelle menace majeure, mais le....

Corea del Nord testa drone sottomarino nucleare. 'Genera tsunami radioattivo'

2023-03-24T08:09+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 24 marzo 2023) Risposta di di Pyongyang alle esercitazioni congiunte di Seul con gli Usa. Secondo i media statali la nuova arma è capace di distruccere navi e porti ... : La Corea del Nord questa settimana ha testato un nuovo drone sottomarino di attacco nucleare in risposta alle eserc…....

Corea del Norte presenta un dron nuclear submarino ‘Tsunami’… Intentando neutralizar la cadena de muerte al mostrar la energía nuclear (completo) :: Medios simpatizantes Agencia de noticias Newsis ::

2023-03-24T08:05+0100nuevoperiodico (es)

[서울=뉴시스] Reportero Kim Ji-eun = Corea del Norte dio a conocer el barco de ataque submarino nuclear no tripulado ‘Tsunami’ por primera vez, y dijo que había realizado una prueba de un nuevo sistema de armas de ataque submarino durante tres días, del 21 al 23.

‘North Korea tests underwater drone capable of nuclear tsunami’

2023-03-24T08:01+0100efe (en)

Seoul, Mar 24 (EFE).- North Korea this week tested a new type of underwater drone capable of generating nuclear tsunamis to destroy ports and enemy naval fleets, state media reported Friday. Overseen by leader Kim Jong-un, the drone was deployed off North Korea’s northeast coast on Tuesday and....

Corea del Nord: testato drone sottomarino in grado di scatenare uno «tsunami radioattivo»

2023-03-24T08:00+0100ilSole24ore (it)

La Corea del Nord ha affermato di aver testato un drone sottomarino con capacità nucleare, progettato per generare un gigantesco “tsunami radioattivo” flotte di navi da guerra e porti. Gli analisti erano scettici sul fatto che il dispositivo rappresenti effettivamente una nuova grave minaccia, ma il....

Corea del Nord, testato drone sottomarino nucleare

2023-03-24T07:50+0100nanopress (it)

La Corea del Nord ha testato un drone sottomarino nucleare, l’intenzione è quella di riuscire a creare uno tsunami radioattivo. Kim Jong un, leader Corea del Nord – Nanopress.it. L’arma è stata creata e sviluppata per la prima volta nel 2012. Nel corso del tempo è stata sottoposta a più di 50 test di vario genere per verificarne l’efficacia.

La Corée du Nord revendique un test d’arme « tsumani radioactif »

2023-03-24T07:47+0100news-24 (fr)

SÉOUL, Corée du Sud (AP) – La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone sous-marin à capacité nucléaire conçu pour générer un gigantesque «tsunami radioactif» qui détruirait les groupes de frappe navale et les ports. Les analystes étaient sceptiques quant au fait que l’appareil présente....

La Corea del Nord ha testato un drone sottomarino che genera tsunami radioattivi

2023-03-24T07:44+0100fanpage (it)

Un drone sottomarino di attacco nucleare. È questa la nuova arma testata dalla Corea del Nord in risposta alle esercitazioni militari congiunte Usa-Corea del Sud. Il drone, capace di innescare uno "tsunami radioativo", è stato al centro del collaudo tenutosi in settimana alla presenza del leader Kim Jong Un.

El arma temible que Corea del Norte presume de haber probado. “Produce un tsunami radiactivo a gran escala”

2023-03-24T07:41+0100nuevoperiodico (es)

En respuesta a los ejercicios militares conjuntos de Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur, el régimen de Pyongyang anunció que había probado un nuevo avión no tripulado de ataque nuclear submarino esta semana. El ejército de Corea del Norte probó este nuevo sistema de armas de martes a jueves frente a la costa de la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur.

La Corée du Nord teste un nouveau drone sous-marin nucléaire. “Nous pouvons provoquer un tsunami radioactif”

2023-03-24T07:38+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

PÉKIN – Il s’appelle “Haeil” (tsunami) et sa mission est de “s’infiltrer silencieusement dans les eaux où des opérations sont en cours et de provoquer un tsunami radioactif à grande échelle par une explosion sous-marine pour détruire les principaux ports opérationnels de l’ennemi”.

La Corée du Nord a-t-elle vraiment créé un "drone" sous-marin nucléaire capable de créer des "tsunamis radiocatifs"?

2023-03-24T07:34+0100bfmtv (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami radioactif". Ces essais sont mis en doute par les experts. Une nouvelle menace nucléaire se prépare en Corée du Nord. L'agence d'Etat nord-coréenne KCNA affirme avoir testé un....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Andacollo

2023-03-24T07:33+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 4.0 de magnitud se sintió en la ciudad chilena de Andacollo , según información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora recopilada precisa que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 03:13 horas (hora local) de este viernes 24 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 18.

Corée du NordPyongyang a testé un nouveau drone sous-marin d’attaque nucléaire L’armée nord-coréenne a testé cette semaine un drone d’attaque dont la mission est de «produire un tsunami radioactif de grande ampleur» par une explosion sous-marine. 0 0 0

2023-03-24T07:28+0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

«Ce drone d’attaque nucléaire sous-marin peut être déployé sur toute côte et port ou remorqué par un navire de surface», a rapporté KCNA . Le but de cette arme est de «s’infiltrer furtivement dans les eaux opérationnelles et de produire un tsunami radioactif à grande échelle […] pour détruire les....

North Korea vows to make rivals despair in ‘radioactive tsunami’ nuke drone test

2023-03-24T07:20+0100themirror (en)

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un vowed to see his rivals 'plunge into despair' as he ramped up nuclear attack simulations that involved the detonation of an underwater drone capable of unleashing a "radioactive tsunami". The state news agency, KCNA, said that the weapon was a "nuclear underwater....

LIVE COREA DEL NORD 6 min La Corea del Nord testa un drone per «uno tsunami radioattivo su vasta scala»

2023-03-24T07:19+0100tio (it)

PYONGYANG - La Corea del Nord questa settimana ha testato un nuovo drone sottomarino di attacco nucleare in risposta alle esercitazioni militari Usa-Corea del Sud. Lo hanno annunciato oggi i media statali. Durante le esercitazioni da martedì a giovedì l'esercito nordcoreano ha schierato e testato....

Putting tsunami drill in place

2023-03-24T07:18+0100nationnews (en)

Climate change is increasing the possibility of more natural distaers happening, and so Barbadias should be aware of the correct protocols. Department of Emergency Management (DEM) programme officer Damien Griffith made the point yesterday during the annual Caribe Wave Exercise which tested the entity’s response to a tsunami.

La RPDC probó un dron submarino de ataque, puede causar un “tsunami radiactivo” – Mundo – Noticias

2023-03-24T07:13+0100nuevoperiodico (es)

En el caso de la prueba, se trató de un dron nuclear de ataque submarino y se realizó en respuesta a ejercicios militares conjuntos de Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur, precisó el medio. El ejercicio de Pyongyang tuvo lugar de martes a jueves, según la agencia estatal de noticias de Corea del Norte, KCNA.

Pionyang publica imágenes del ensayo de su nuevo dron submarino nuclear

2023-03-24T07:10+01005septiembre (es)

Las pruebas fueron supervisadas por el líder de la nación, Kim Jong-un, e incluyeron también el lanzamiento de cuatro misiles de crucero estratégicos. Medios norcoreanos difunden este viernes fotografías de las pruebas armamentísticas que realizó Pionyang entre el 21 y 23 de marzo, en las que se....

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau « drone » sous-marin d’attaque nucléaire, les analystes sceptiques

2023-03-24T07:02+0100sudouest (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d’attaque nucléaire sous-marin tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d’être à l’origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale. Pyongyang a procédé cette semaine à ses propres manœuvres, notamment au test d’un....

North Korea tests new nuclear submarine drone. “We can cause a radioactive tsunami”

2023-03-24T06:52+0100breakinglatest (en)

BEIJING – It is called “Haeil” (tsunami) and its mission is to “silently infiltrate the waters where operations are underway and cause a large-scale radioactive tsunami through an underwater explosion to destroy the main operational ports of the enemy”.

North Korea unveils 'radioactive tsunami' weapon

2023-03-24T06:41+0100northkoreatimes (en)

Pyongyang claimed the system is able to "annihilate enemy ship groups" without detection. North Korea has tested a new "underwater nuclear strategic weapon," saying the platform can produce a "radioactive tsunami." The DPRK claimed it has been forced to strengthen its "war deterrence" amid a flurry of military drills by Washington and Seoul.

Corée du Nord, drone sous-marin testé qui génère un tsunami: transporte l’énergie nucléaire

2023-03-24T06:30+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Corée du Nord, premier essai nucléaire : l’arme qui génère un tsunami. je média Nord-Coréens ils ont rapporté que le régime testé cette semaine, en présence du dirigeant Kim Jong Un un nouveau type de drone sous-marin capable de générer tsunami radioactif semblable au système russe connu sous le nom de Poséidon .

North Korea says it tested new underwater nuclear attack drone

2023-03-24T06:26+0100kyodonews (en)

North Korea said Friday it tested earlier this week a new underwater nuclear attack drone it claims can generate radioactive tsunami to destroy enemy ships and ports, according to state-run media. Pyongyang also said it test-fired Wednesday four cruise missiles of two different types, with leader....

Il presidente sudcoreano: "Sconsiderate provocazioni, ora basta" Nordcorea, testato drone subacqueo Genera tsunami e trasporta il nucleare

2023-03-24T06:25+0100affaritaliani (it)

Nordcorea, il primo test nucleare: l'arma che genera uno tsunami I media nordcoreani hanno riferito che il regime ha testato questa settimana, alla presenza del leader Kim Jong-un , un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo in grado di generare tsunami radioattivi , simile al sistema russo noto come Poseidon .

N.Korea Tests New Underwater Nuclear Weapon Capable of 'Radioactive Tsunami'

2023-03-24T06:06+0100ibtimes-sg (en)

North Korea tested a new underwater nuclear weapon earlier this week capable of spawning a "radioactive tsunami", Pyongyang's state media said on Friday. Separately, the North also conducted a cruise missile drill using missiles "tipped with a test warhead simulating a nuclear warhead" as it slammed....

La Corée du Nord dévoile l’arme « tsunami radioactif »

2023-03-24T06:02+0100news-24 (fr)

Pyongyang a affirmé que le système était capable « d’anéantir les groupes de navires ennemis » sans détection. La Corée du Nord a testé un nouveau « arme stratégique nucléaire sous-marine », disant que la plate-forme peut produire un « tsunami radioactif ».

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau «drone» sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire

2023-03-24T05:56+0100la-croix (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami radioactif", tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d'être à l'origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale.

Corea del Nord, testato drone subacqueo che genera tsunami radioattivi

2023-03-24T05:51+0100corriere (it)

La Corea del Nord questa settimana ha testato un nuovo drone sottomarino di attacco nucleare in risposta alle esercitazioni militari Usa-Corea del Sud. Lo hanno annunciato ieri notte i media statali. Durante le esercitazioni da martedì a giovedì l’esercito nordcoreano ha schierato e testato questo....

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau "drone" sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire

2023-03-24T05:49+0100lemauricien (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami radioactif", tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d'être à l'origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale.

North Korea claims it can unleash a 'super-scale radioactive tsunami' with an underwater drone that detonates near ships or ports

2023-03-24T05:48+0100businessinsider-za (en)

North Korea claimed on Friday that it tested an underwater nuclear drone that can trigger a "super-scale radioactive tsunami" by exploding in the ocean. The drone is named the "Haeil" — which translates to "tsunami" or "tidal wave." It was designed to strike both naval assets and coastal targets, North Korean state media outlet KCNA reported.

North Korea claims it can unleash a 'super-scale radioactive tsunami' with an underwater drone that detonates near ships or ports

2023-03-24T05:44+0100businessinsider-it (en)

North Korea claimed on Friday that it tested an underwater nuclear drone that can trigger a "super-scale radioactive tsunami" by exploding in the ocean. The drone is named the "Haeil" — which translates to "tsunami" or "tidal wave." It was designed to strike both naval assets and coastal targets, North Korean state media outlet KCNA reported.

North Korea claims it can unleash a 'super-scale radioactive tsunami' with an underwater drone that detonates near ships or ports

2023-03-24T05:41+0100businessinsider-fr (en)

North Korea claimed on Friday that it tested an underwater nuclear drone that can trigger a "super-scale radioactive tsunami" by exploding in the ocean. The drone is named the "Haeil" — which translates to "tsunami" or "tidal wave." It was designed to strike both naval assets and coastal targets, North Korean state media outlet KCNA reported.

Leggi La Corea del Nord testa un nuovo drone sottomarino nucleare. “Possiamo provocare uno tsunami radioattivo”

2023-03-24T05:39+0100ecomy-it (it)

PECHINO – Si chiama “Haeil” (tsunami) e la sua missione è quella di “infiltrarsi silenziosamente nelle acque dove sono in corso le operazioni e provocare uno tsunami radioattivo su larga scala attraverso un’esplosione sottomarina per distruggere i principali porti operativi del nemico”.

Sustainability, Vol. 15, Pages 5679: Personality Traits and Types of Housing Recovery after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

2023-03-24T05:35+0100mdpi (en)

The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami struck the northeastern coastal area of Japan on 11 March 2011, resulting in the relocation of 329,000 households and the repair of 572,000 houses. Previous studies predominantly addressed the impact of demographic factors on housing recovery.

North Korea Says It Tested an Underwater Nuclear-Capable Attack Drone

2023-03-24T05:28+0100nytimes (en)

North Korea said on Friday that it had used an underwater drone to practice launching a nuclear attack on an enemy seaport, saying that threats from the United States and its allies were forcing it to develop diverse means of carrying out nuclear strikes.

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau "drone" sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire

2023-03-24T05:23+0100tv5 (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami radioactif", tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d'être à l'origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale.

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau "drone" sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire

2023-03-24T05:22+0100courrier-picard (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami radioactif", tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d'être à l'origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale.

Corea del Norte prueba un dron submarino capaz de causar un ‘tsunami radiactivo’

2023-03-24T05:22+0100notiulti (es)

El 21 de marzo, Corea del Norte probó un nuevo dron submarino capaz de transportar un arma nuclear que, tras una explosión, podría provocar un “tsunami radiactivo súper potente”. Así lo informó el viernes la radio estatal “Voice of Korea”. “Esta arma secreta es un dron de ataque de un submarino nuclear.

La Corea del Nord testa un nuovo drone sottomarino nucleare per provocare uno tsunami radioattivo

2023-03-24T05:21+0100repubblica (it)

PECHINO - Si chiama “Haeil” (tsunami) e la sua missione è quella di "infiltrarsi silenziosamente nelle acque dove sono in corso le operazioni e provocare uno tsunami radioattivo su larga scala attraverso un'esplosione sottomarina per distruggere i principali porti operativi del nemico”.

Corea del Norte lanza dron para «crear un tsunami radioactivo»

2023-03-24T05:18+0100almomento (es)

PYONGYANG, 24 Mar.- Corea del Norte ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un «arma nuclear estratégica submarina» en pruebas frente a las costas de Riwon, en la provincia de Hamgyong del Sur, que ha alcanzado las aguas de la bahía de Hongwon, a 116 kilómetros de distancia, y diseñada para....

Corea del Norte afirma haber probado un dron submarino de ataque nuclear

2023-03-24T05:15+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Corea del Norte aseguró este viernes que había probado un nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear capaz de desencadenar "un tsunami radioactivo" y culpó a los recientes ejercicios militares entre Seúl y Washington de deteriorar la seguridad en la región.

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau "drone" sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire

2023-03-24T05:14+0100notretemps (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami radioactif", tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d'être à l'origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale.

La Corea del Nord testa drone sottomarino nucleare. La missione è creare tsunami radioattivi

2023-03-24T05:09+0100rainews (it)

I media nordcoreani hanno riferito che il regime ha testato questa settimana, alla presenza del leader Kim Jong-un, un nuovo tipo di drone subacqueo in grado di generare tsunami radioattivi , simile al sistema russo noto come Poseidon. Il drone è stato dispiegato al largo della costa nord-orientale....

Cette photo de KCNA publiée le 24 mars 2023 montre ce qui ressemble à une explosion sous-marine. — © keystone-sda.ch Asie Par Le Temps avec l’AFP

2023-03-24T05:05+0100letemps (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d’attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un «tsunami radioactif», tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d’être à l’origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale.

La Corée du Nord teste un drone d’attaque nucléaire sous-marin

2023-03-24T05:00+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Pyongyang affirme que la nouvelle arme pourrait déclencher un “tsunami radioactif” et détruire des navires et des ports. Les tensions militaires sur la péninsule coréenne ont récemment augmenté de manière drastique. La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un drone nucléaire sous-marin.

La Corée du Nord teste un drone d’attaque sous-marin capable de générer un « tsunami radioactif » | Nouvelles du monde

2023-03-24T04:58+0100news-24 (fr)

La Corée du Nord a testé un nouveau drone d’attaque sous-marin capable de générer un tsunami radioactif, ont affirmé les médias officiels du pays. Le drone à capacité nucléaire a été lancé cette semaine au large des côtes du comté de Riwon dans la province du Hamgyong du Sud.

North Korea tests underwater attack drone that can generate 'radioactive tsunami'

2023-03-24T04:53+0100heart (en)

North Korea has tested a new underwater attack drone that can generate a radioactive tsunami, the country's state media has claimed. The nuclear-capable drone was launched this week off the coast of Riwon County in South Hamgyong Province. It reached its target off Hongwon Bay, where it detonated....

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau "drone" sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire

2023-03-24T04:50+0100lepetitjournal (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami radioactif", tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d'être à l'origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale.

North Korea tests underwater attack drone that can generate 'radioactive tsunami'

2023-03-24T04:43+0100skynews (en)

It reached its target off Hongwon Bay, where it detonated its test warhead, according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), having cruised underwater for more than 59 hours at a depth of 80 to 150m. The drone is called Unmanned Underwater Nuclear Attack Craft 'Haeil'. Haeil means tsunami.

No tsunami threat following 4.1 magnitude earthquake on Big Island

2023-03-24T04:42+0100HonululuAdvertiser (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there is no tsunami threat following this afternoon’s 4.1 magnitude earthquake on the Big Island. The earthquake occurred at 5:04 p.m. in the Kaoiki region. Be the first to know Get from Star-Advertiser when the next breaking story happens it's FREE! You just need a supported web browser.

North Korea tests underwater attack drone that can generate 'radioactive tsunami'

2023-03-24T04:39+0100coastfm (en)

North Korea has tested a new underwater attack drone that can generate a radioactive tsunami, the country's state media has claimed. The nuclear-capable drone was launched this week off the coast of Riwon County in South Hamgyong Province. It reached its target off Hongwon Bay, where it detonated....

Kim Jong Un Tests Undersea Drone, Warns of 'Radioactive Tsunami'

2023-03-24T04:36+0100ndtvnews (en)

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un oversaw tests of weapons designed to deliver nuclear strikes against the US and its allies, including one his regime billed as a new underwater drone that can create a "radioactive tsunami." The tests from Tuesday through Thursday also included cruise missiles that....

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau "drone" sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire

2023-03-24T04:35+0100corsematin (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami radioactif", tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d'être à l'origine... La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire....

Corea del Norte probó nuevo dron submarino nuclear: Sería capaz de provocar un "tsunami radioactivo"

2023-03-24T04:35+0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Corea del Norte probó esta semana un nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear que puede desencadenar "un tsunami radioactivo" para destruir puertos y buques de guerra de sus enemigos, aseguraron el viernes los medios estatales del país asiático. Durante las maniobras, que tuvieron lugar de martes a....

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau "drone" sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire

2023-03-24T04:29+0100challenges (fr)

La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami radioactif", tout en accusant les exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens d'être à l'origine de la détérioration de la sécurité régionale.

Read 'How Far Do We Go to Save a Species?'

2023-03-24T04:26+0100dissidentvoice (en)

This idea epitomizes the way that science progresses by incremental steps, punctuated occasionally by major breakthroughs. But often it is the case that neither these ‘giants’ nor their research are well-known or even routinely recognized. I discuss four such studies conducted in Oregon that have....

La Corée du Nord dit avoir testé un nouveau "drone" sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire

2023-03-24T04:26+0100laprovence (fr)

Une photo diffusée par l'agence nord-coréenne KCNA montre ce qui est présenté comme l'explosion d'un drone d'attaque sous-marin, le 23 mars 2023 en mer du Japon PHOTO AFP / STR La Corée du Nord a affirmé vendredi avoir testé un drone d'attaque nucléaire sous-marin capable de déclencher un "tsunami....

Culminó Simulacro Internacional de Tsunami en Aragua

2023-03-24T04:16+0100elsiglo (es)

Desde los espacios de Protección Civil y Administración de Desastres del estado Aragua, se llevó a cabo el Simulacro Internacional Tsunami Caribe Wave 2023 comandados por el presidente de PC, Hugo Gutiérrez y el comandante de la ZODI Aragua, G/D Edward Betancourt Gudiño.

North Korea Said It Has Tested a New Nuclear-capable Underwater Attack Drone That Can ... - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2023-03-24T03:59+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'North Korea said it has tested a new nuclear-capable underwater attack drone that can generate a radioactive tsunami, as it blamed joint military drills by South Korea and the US for raising tensions in the region ...

North Korea claims to have tested a nuclear-capable underwater drone

2023-03-24T03:26+0100cnn (en)

on Friday claimed it had tested an underwater drone capable of carrying a nuclear warhead that could create a “radioactive tsunami” – however analysts urged skepticism. A report from the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said the drone, called the “Unmanned Underwater Nuclear Attack Craft....

Asia Pacific North Korea says it tested new nuclear-capable underwater attack drone During the drill, the new North Korean drone cruised underwater at a depth of 80 to 150 meters for over 59 hours and detonated in waters off its east coast ... 27 mins ago

2023-03-24T03:07+0100japantimes (en)

SEOUL – North Korea has tested a new nuclear-capable underwater attack drone that can generate a radioactive tsunami, state media reported on Friday, as it blamed joint military drills by South Korea and the U.S. for raising tensions in the region. During the drill, the new North Korean drone....

Corea del Norte confirma el lanzamiento de un dron submarino diseñado para «crear un tsunami radioactivo»

2023-03-24T02:54+0100diariodia (es)

Corea del Norte confirma que el dron nuclear submarino probado este viernes se da en respuesta a los ejercicios militares de Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur MADRID, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) Corea del Norte ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un «arma nuclear estratégica submarina» en pruebas frente....

North Korea tests nuclear underwater attack drone that can create ‘radioactive tsunami’

2023-03-24T02:39+0100scmp (en)

A South Korean army tank fires during a joint exercise with the US in Pocheon, South Korea, on March 22. Photo: Bloomberg. North Korea tests nuclear underwater attack drone that can create ‘radioactive tsunami’ State media said the drone cruised underwater for over 59 hours and detonated in waters....

Corea.- Corea del Norte confirma el lanzamiento de un dron submarino diseñado para «crear un tsunami radioactivo»

2023-03-24T02:34+0100noticiasde (es)

Corea del Norte confirma que el dron nuclear submarino probado este viernes se da en respuesta a los ejercicios militares de Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur. MADRID, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) Corea del Norte ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un «arma nuclear estratégica submarina» en pruebas....

Kim Jong Un tests undersea drone, warns of ‘Ra...

2023-03-24T02:30+0100livemint (en)

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un oversaw tests of weapons designed to deliver nuclear strikes against the US and its allies, including one his regime billed as a new underwater drone that can create a “radioactive tsunami." The tests from Tuesday through Thursday also included cruise missiles that....

Corea del Norte confirma el lanzamiento de un dron submarino diseñado para "crear un tsunami radioactivo"

2023-03-24T02:26+0100europapress (es)

Corea del Norte confirma que el dron nuclear submarino probado este viernes se da en respuesta a los ejercicios militares de Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur MADRID, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) Corea del Norte ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un "arma nuclear estratégica submarina" en pruebas frente....

Corea del Norte confirma el lanzamiento de un dron submarino diseñado para "crear un tsunami radioactivo"

2023-03-24T02:26+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

Corea del Norte confirma que el dron nuclear submarino probado este viernes se da en respuesta a los ejercicios militares de Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur MADRID, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) Corea del Norte ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un "arma nuclear estratégica submarina" en pruebas frente....

AMP.- Corea.- Corea del Norte confirma el lanzamiento de un dron submarino diseñado para "crear un tsunami radioactivo"

2023-03-24T02:25+0100notimerica (es)

Corea del Norte confirma que el dron nuclear submarino probado este viernes se da en respuesta a los ejercicios militares de Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur MADRID, 24 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Corea del Norte ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un "arma nuclear estratégica submarina" en pruebas....

Corea del Norte confirma el lanzamiento de un dron submarino diseñado para "crear un tsunami radioactivo"

2023-03-24T02:25+0100teleprensa (es)

Corea del Norte confirma que el dron nuclear submarino probado este viernes se da en respuesta a los ejercicios militares de Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur. MADRID, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) Corea del Norte ha confirmado el lanzamiento este viernes de un "arma nuclear estratégica submarina" en pruebas....

La Corée du Nord « teste un drone nucléaire » conçu pour déclencher un « tsunami radioactif », alors que Kim promet de « plonger ses rivaux dans le désespoir »

2023-03-24T02:20+0100news-24 (fr)

Au cours de l’exercice, le drone nord-coréen a navigué sous l’eau pendant plus de 59 heures et a explosé jeudi dans les eaux au large de sa côte est, selon KCNA. « L’arme secrète » a été jetée dans l’eau au large de la province du Hamgyon du Sud mardi, et jeudi, elle a fait exploser une ogive d’essai, a indiqué l’agence.

N. Korea tests new underwater nuclear attack ‘drone’

2023-03-24T02:09+0100themalaysianinsight (en)

North Korea tests an underwater nuclear attack drone designed to unleash a ‘radioactive tsunami’ that would destroy enemy naval vessels and ports. – EPA pic, March 24, 2023. NORTH Korea has tested an underwater nuclear attack drone designed to unleash a “radioactive tsunami” that would destroy enemy naval vessels and ports, state media said today.

Spencer Brand Speaks on Tsunami Awareness Exercise

2023-03-24T02:04+0100sunstkitts (en)

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS — The following is an address by Hon. Spencer Brand, Minister of Disaster Management as Nevis joins the region in the annual tsunami awareness, Caribe Wave Tsunami Exercise on Thursday, March 23. It gives me immense pleasure as Minister with responsibility for Disaster....

Kim Jong Un Tests Undersea Drone, Warns of ‘Radioactive Tsunami’

2023-03-24T01:58+0100bnnbloomberg (en)

(Bloomberg) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un oversaw tests of weapons designed to deliver nuclear strikes against the US and its allies, including one his regime billed as a new underwater drone that can create a “radioactive tsunami.” The tests from Tuesday through Thursday also included cruise....

Un nouveau drone d’attaque sous-marin avec capacité nucléaire aurait été testé par la Corée du Nord.

2023-03-24T01:48+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

SEOUL, 24 mars (Reuters) – La Corée du Nord a testé un nouveau drone d’attaque sous-marin à capacité nucléaire capable de générer un tsunami radioactif, ont rapporté vendredi les médias d’Etat, accusant les exercices militaires conjoints de la Corée du Sud et des Etats-Unis d’avoir exacerbé les tensions dans le pays.

Culminó simulacro internacional de tsunami Caribe Wave

2023-03-24T01:48+0100elperiodiquito (es)

En el simulacro participaron comunidades, centros educativos de Ocumare, Cata, Cepe, Chuao y Choroní. Desde los espacios de Protección Civil y Administración de Desastres del estado Aragua, se llevó a cabo el Simulacro Internacional Tsunami Caribe Wave 2023, comandados por el presidente de PC, Hugo....

Corea del Norte dice que ha probado un nuevo dron de ataque submarino con capacidad nuclear

2023-03-24T01:30+0100notiulti (es)

SEÚL, 24 mar (Reuters) – Corea del Norte ha probado un nuevo dron de ataque submarino con capacidad nuclear que puede generar un tsunami radiactivo, informaron el viernes medios estatales, que culparon a los ejercicios militares conjuntos de Corea del Sur y Estados Unidos de aumentar las tensiones en el región.

Simulacro de tsunami Caribe Wave 2023 se cumplió en los 15 municipios del estado Sucre

2023-03-24T01:23+0100eltiempo-VE (es)

Si de eventos naturales adversos se trata, algo saben los sucrenses. En 1997, un 9 de Julio, se activó la llamada Falla de El Pilar, y del estremecimiento de la tierra al luto por el fallecimiento de 73 sucrenses, muchos de ellos adolescentes y niños de dos instituciones educativas de Ribero, quedó....

Death Toll From Earthquake In Ecuador Climbs To 15, 1,469 Affected

2023-03-24T01:15+0100haberler-en (en)

The death toll from a magnitude 6.7 earthquake that struck parts of Ecuador and Peru last Saturday rose to 15, officials said. Ecuador's Secretariat of Risk Management confirmed that another 489 were injured and 1,469 affected. Authorities reported material damage to homes, health centers and educational facilities.

North Korea says it tested new nuclear underwater attack system -KCNAUnderwater nuclear attack drone designed to unleash a "radioactive tsunami" that would destroy enemy naval vessels and ports. North Korean military deployed and test-fired this new weapon system, the mission of which is to set off such a "super-scale" destructive wave.

2023-03-24T00:56+0100ground-news (en)

Underwater nuclear attack drone designed to unleash a "radioactive tsunami" that would destroy enemy naval vessels and ports. North Korean military deployed and test-fired this new weapon system, the mission of which is to set off such a "super-scale" destructive wave. North's Central Military Commission of the Worker's Party commanded the drills.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.9 con epicentro en la ciudad de Valparaíso

2023-03-24T00:51+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 2.9 se percibió en la ciudad chilena de Valparaíso , según datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada señala que el movimiento telúrico empezó a las 19:52 horas (hora local) de este jueves 23 de marzo. El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 35.0 kilómetros al Oeste de la localidad , en -33.

Venezuela culmina “con éxito” simulacro internacional de tsunami

2023-03-24T00:29+0100elperiodiquito (es)

Miles de personas participaron este jueves en Venezuela en el simulacro internacional “Caribe Wave 2023”, el cual supuso un tsunami provocado por una erupción volcánica en la isla de Martinica, un escenario para el que se aplicó “con éxito” un plan de acción, aseguraron las autoridades, encabezadas....

North Korea tested robotic sub capable of causing ‘radioactive tsunami’ - state radio

2023-03-24T00:28+0100itartass_en (en)

TOKYO, March 24. /TASS/. On March 21, North Korea tested a nuclear-capable robotic sub, which can cause a ‘super-powerful radioactive tsunami’ when exploding, North Korea’s state-run radio said on Friday. "This secret weapon is a nuclear-capable unmanned underwater assault craft.

North Korea says it has tested a new nuclear attack underwater drone

2023-03-24T00:17+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-03-23T23:16:18.522Z. The North Korean official press reported Friday the test of a new nuclear attack underwater drone, whose mission is to "produce a large-scale radioactive tsunami" by an explosion...North Korea this week tested a new underwater nuclear attack drone in response to US-South....

Corée du NordPyongyang a testé un nouveau drone sous-marin d’attaque nucléaire L’armée nord-coréenne a testé cette semaine un drone d’attaque dont la mission est de «produire un tsunami radioactif de grande ampleur» par une explosion sous-marine. 0 0 0

2023-03-24T00:13+0100lematin-CH (fr)

La Corée du Nord a testé cette semaine un nouveau drone d’attaque nucléaire sous-marin en réponse aux exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens, a annoncé vendredi l’agence d’État nord-coréenne KCNA. De mardi à jeudi, l’armée nord-coréenne a déployé au large de la Province du Hamgyong du Sud et....

Corea del Norte probó nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear que provoca "un tsunami radioactivo a gran escala"

2023-03-24T00:13+0100laprensagrafica (es)

Corea del Norte probó esta semana un nuevo dron submarino de ataque nuclear en respuesta a los ejercicios militares conjuntos realizados por Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur, informó la agencia estatal de este país el viernes. Durante las maniobras, que tuvieron lugar de martes a jueves, el ejército....

Venezuela participó en el simulacro internacional Caribe Wave

2023-03-23T23:59+0100ultimasnoticias (es)

En Sucre fueron activados un total de 260 puntos de comando operacional para llevar a cabo el ejercicio internacional Caribe Wave 2023 orientado a evaluar la capacidad de respuesta de los órganos de seguridad y protección ciudadana ante un evento adverso de tsunami.

La Corée du Nord a testé un nouveau drone sous-marin d'attaque nucléaire

2023-03-23T23:35+0100bfmtv (fr)

En réponse à des exercices militaires américains et sud-coréens, la Corée du Nord a annoncé avoir testé des engins capables "produire un tsunami radioactif de grande ampleur". La Corée du Nord a testé cette semaine un nouveau drone d' attaque nucléaire sous-marin en réponse aux exercices militaires....

Corée du NordPyongyang a testé un nouveau drone sous-marin d’attaque nucléaire L’armée nord-coréenne a testé cette semaine un drone d’attaque dont la mission est de «produire un tsunami radioactif de grande ampleur» par une explosion sous-marine.

2023-03-23T23:32+010024heures (fr)

La Corée du Nord a testé cette semaine un nouveau drone d’attaque nucléaire sous-marin en réponse aux exercices militaires américano-sud-coréens, a annoncé vendredi l’agence d’État nord-coréenne KCNA. De mardi à jeudi, l’armée nord-coréenne a déployé au large de la Province du Hamgyong du Sud et....

Corea del Norte dice que probó un 'dron' de ataque nuclear submarino La agencia norcoreana KCNA informó que realizó las pruebas en los últimos dos días; también confirmó que disparó misiles de crucero durante la prueba de armas y el simulacro de disparo. Global | 15:49 hrs.

2023-03-23T23:10+0100excelsior (es)

La agencia de noticias estatal norcoreana KCNA informó el viernes (tiempo local) que probó un nuevo sistema de ataque nuclear bajo el agua bajo la guía del líder Kim Jong-un. También confirmó que disparó misiles de crucero durante la prueba de armas y el simulacro de disparo que tuvo lugar del 21 al 23 de marzo.

Corea del Norte dice que probó un 'dron' de ataque nuclear submarino La agencia norcoreana KCNA informó que realizó las pruebas en los últimos dos días; también confirmó que disparó misiles de crucero durante la prueba de armas y el simulacro de disparo. Mundo | jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

2023-03-23T23:07+0100el-mexicano (es)

La agencia de noticias estatal norcoreana KCNA informó el viernes (tiempo local) que probó un nuevo sistema de ataque nuclear bajo el agua bajo la guía del líder Kim Jong-un. También confirmó que disparó misiles de crucero durante la prueba de armas y el simulacro de disparo que tuvo lugar del 21 al 23 de marzo.

Venezuela culmina “con éxito” su papel en simulacro internacional de tsunami

2023-03-23T22:57+0100elsiglo (es)

Miles de personas participaron este jueves en Venezuela en el simulacro internacional “Caribe Wave 2023”, el cual supuso un tsunami provocado por una erupción volcánica en la isla de Martinica, un escenario para el que se aplicó “con éxito” un plan de acción, aseguraron las autoridades. “Culminado con éxito el simulacro anual.

Venezuela culmina "con éxito" simulacro internacional de tsunami

2023-03-23T22:56+0100globovision (es)

Miles de personas participaron este jueves en Venezuela en el simulacro internacional "Caribe Wave 2023", el cual supuso un tsunami provocado por una erupción volcánica en la isla de Martinica, un escenario para el que se aplicó "con éxito" un plan de acción, aseguraron las autoridades, encabezadas....

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 4.6 en la ciudad de Chos Malal

2023-03-23T22:53+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 4.6 de magnitud tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad chilena de Chos Malal este jueves 23 de marzo, así lo dio a conocer el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según la información hasta ahora publicada, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 18:24 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 172.

Culminó con éxito el simulacro internacional de tsunami "Caribe Wave 2023"

2023-03-23T22:49+0100eluniversal (es)

Este jueves se llevó a cabo con éxito en Venezuela el Simulacro Internacional Caribe Wave 2023, que tuvo como propósito fortalecer el sistema de alerta frente a la presencia de un tsunami y garantizar la seguridad de la población. La información fue detallada por el Viceministerio para la Gestión de....

Local Focus: ‘Hero’ Neela dishes up thousands of free meals

2023-03-23T22:42+0100nzherald (en)

Up to a thousand free meals each day are coming out of Neela's makeshift kitchen in Taradale, Napier. Neela Neela started cooking free meals for locals in her makeshift kitchen in Taradale, just a week after Cyclone Gabrielle. On Tuesdays and Fridays, Neelas’s kitchen puts out a thousand meals. The rest of the week, she is making 200 to 350 meals.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.5 con epicentro en Termas del Flaco

2023-03-23T22:21+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.5 se registró en la ciudad chilena de Termas del Flaco , de acuerdo con información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora recopilada precisa que la actividad sísmica inició a las 17:55 horas (hora local) de este jueves 23 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 14.

Venezuela culmina con éxito el simulacro internacional de tsunami

2023-03-23T21:20+0100unionradio (es)

CARACAS.- Miles de personas participaron este jueves en Venezuela en el simulacro internacional «Caribe Wave 2023» , el cual supuso un tsunami provocado por una erupción volcánica en la isla de Martinica, un escenario para el que se aplicó «con éxito» un plan de acción, aseguraron las autoridades. «Culminado con éxito el simulacro anual.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en La Ligua

2023-03-23T21:09+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad de La Ligua , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 16:35 horas (hora local) de este jueves 23 de marzo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 2.7 y una profundidad de 54.0 kilómetros.

Las autoridades enseñan cómo actuar ante una emergencia.

2023-03-23T19:59+0100eltiempo-CO (es)

El visitante se sienta en una silla, se pone un casco y comienza a sentir un temblor de magnitud 9 con una profundidad mínima en el que se vive cómo los muebles de la sala de una vivienda comienzan a moverse de lado a lado, se caen las lámparas, los libros caen encima de las personas, se quiebran....

The 10 Places Where Major Earthquakes Have Been Reported In Last 30 Days

2023-03-23T19:38+0100ndtvnews (en)

The earthquake tremors on Tuesday evening caused panic among people across several cities in North India. People in Delhi and adjoining areas, felt strong earthquake tremors, with many people coming to open spaces as a precautionary measure. The National Center for Seismology said that an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.9 en Pica

2023-03-23T19:20+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.9 y con una profundidad de 50.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Pica. El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -69.128 grados de longitud y -20.711 grados de latitud, es decir a 32.0 kilómetros al Sureste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Se registró un sismo de 4.1 en Atalaya, Ucayali

2023-03-23T19:20+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.1 se registró este jueves 23 de marzo en la ciudad de Atalaya , en la provincia de Atalaya del departamento de Ucayali, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 12:50 (hora local) y se originó....

Top 5 Largest Earthquakes in US History

2023-03-23T18:40+0100economictimes (en)

​Anchorage, Alaska (magnitude 9.2) - March 1964​ ​The most powerful earthquake in US history happened in Alaska in 1964, killing 125 people and causing $311 million in property loss. The epicentre of the earthquake was approximately 75 miles east of Anchorage, and it lasted for around 4.5 minutes. ​Pacific Coast (magnitude 9.

Seguro apícola de Indap reparte $225 millones en indemnizaciones a apicultores afectados por sequía

2023-03-23T17:48+0100biobiochile (es)

, que cuenta con subvención del Ministerio de Agricultura, a través de Indap y Agroseguros. La cobertura alcanza a las 19.721 colmenas aseguradas por estos 110 apicultores que, de acuerdo al número en cada caso y otras variables, reciben montos que van desde los $100.000 hasta los $10.000.000, con un promedio de $2.

TikTok 'Time Traveler' Says Aliens Are Coming Same Day as Senate Hearing

2023-03-23T17:37+0100newsweek-USA (en)

A TikTok user claiming to be from 2671 has claimed that 8,000 people will be chosen by an alien to "save humanity" on Thursday, the same day TikTok CEO Shou Chew is making his first appearance before Congress. Bipartisan lawmakers have called for the app to be banned over national security concerns,....

Realizarán este jueves simulacro de tsunami en estados costeros

2023-03-23T15:59+0100laverdad-VE (es)

EFE / Caracas / [email protected] A través de una nota de prensa informaron que la actividad iniciara a las 10.00 de la mañana a 12.00 del medio día, y los estados involucrados son: Sucre, Nueva Esparta, Falcón y La Guaira. El viceministro para la Gestión de Riesgo y Protección Civil de Venezuela,....

Simulacro de tsunami se realizará en estados costeros del país

2023-03-23T15:45+0100elperiodiquito (es)

Este jueves 23 de marzo el Sistema Nacional de Gestión de Riesgo dirige y supervisa las actividades relacionadas con el Ejercicio Internacional Caribe Wave 2023 que se llevará a cabo a las 10:00 de la mañana. El viceministro para la Gestión de Riesgo y Protección Civil, Carlos Pérez Ampueda, informó....

Países del Caribe participan en simulacro anual de tsunami

2023-03-23T15:19+0100prensa-latina (es)

Las entidades nacionales de gestión de emergencias coordinan el evento con organismos locales privados y oficiales para garantizar que la población conozca los protocolos pertinentes así como opine sobre el proceso en general. El Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC), que actúa como....

Venezuela prepara a sus estados costeros para un simulacro de tsunami

2023-03-23T14:43+0100eluniversal (es)

Caracas.- El simulacro internacional de tsunami "Caribe Wave", que se realizará este jueves, se realizará en todos los estados costeros del país con el objetivo de actualizar los planes de acción ante desastres causados ​​por fenómenos naturales, según informó Carlos Pérez Ampueda, vicepresidente de....

Se siente sismo de magnitud 2.7 en Pica

2023-03-23T14:42+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.7 de magnitud se registró este jueves 23 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Pica , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento comenzó a las 10:08 (hora local) , se originó a 15.0 kilómetros al Norte de dicha ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 86.

Terremoto de magnitud 7,6 sacude norte de Papúa Nueva Guinea

2023-03-23T14:40+0100laverdad-VE (es)

Un terremoto de 7,6 grados de magnitud sacudió este domingo el este de Papúa Nueva Guinea y activó un aviso de riesgo de tsunami que fue posteriormente levantado sin que de momento se haya informado sobre víctimas. El seísmo se registró a las 9.46 hora local (23.

Estados costeros participarán en el simulacro Caribe Wave 2023

2023-03-23T14:29+0100globovision (es)

Los estados Sucre, Nueva Esparta, Falcón y La Guaira participarán este jueves en el simulacro Caribe Wave 2023 que se realiza cada año, se espera que participen 11 estados costeros y el Territorio lnsular bajo un solo plan de acción. Por Venezuela asistirán los Bomberos Marinos, Policía Marítima y....

La ciudad de Socaire registra temblor de magnitud 3.8

2023-03-23T13:37+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 3.8 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 249.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes de la ciudad de Socaire. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -67.369 grados de longitud y -23.993 grados de latitud, es decir a 69.0 kilómetros al Sureste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 3.2 en la ciudad de Pica

2023-03-23T13:24+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.2 sacudió a la ciudad chilena de Pica este jueves 23 de marzo, así lo dio a conocer el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información preliminar, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 09:00 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 113.0 kilómetros de profundidad.

Inea evaluará sistema de emergencia en el simulacro de tsunami

2023-03-23T13:03+0100primicia (es)

El personal administrativo del Instituto Nacional de los Espacios Acuáticos (Inea), los Bomberos Marinos y la Policía Marítima de Venezuela, participarán en el ejercicio de seguridad del “Simulacro de Tsunami Caribe Wave 2023”, que se realizará el próximo jueves 23 de marzo, para evaluar el sistema....

Enlace a mas informacion:Nuevo estudio sobre el tsunami de las nubes de Venus

2023-03-23T12:51+0100investigacion-us-es (es)

Un grupo de científicos de la Universidad de Sevilla, en colaboración con expertos de la Universidad del País Vasco, ha liderado el primer estudio en detalle de la evolución de la discontinuidad de las nubes de Venus, una gigantesca onda atmosférica con aspecto de “tsunami” que se propaga en las....

Indian Ocean tsunami survivor finds purpose in protecting his young students Feb. 23, 2021

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Nukul Kraisut was 10 years old in December 2004. On the morning the tsunami struck, he was cooking with his mother at home, in a village in Phang Nga, southern Thailand. Suddenly, a friend cried out: “Huge waves are coming! Escape right now!” Puzzled, the fourth-grader ignored the warning. But soon enough, villagers were running for their lives.

Tsunami awareness: surviving the surge March 13, 2023 2m 14s

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Tsunami awareness: surviving the surge. A professor gives life-saving tips on how to react when a tsunami hits.

Japan's hidden danger: the 500-year super tsunami March 13, 2023 1m 36s

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Japan's hidden danger: the 500-year super tsunami. Geologists find evidence in Wakayama of waves on a scale beyond anything on record.

Photographer reevaluates priorities after 2011 quake Feb. 19, 2021 2m 18s

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Photographer reevaluates priorities after 2011 quake. How one couple lost almost everything in the tsunami and earthquake, but bounced back stronger and happier.

Capturing beauty in a disaster zone May 29, 2021

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Kido Takako wasn’t sure at first that she should even be taking photographs of the disaster’s aftermath. All she could see in the first few days was devastation in a region she had only recently made her home. It took her four days to feel ready to pick up her camera, and she prayed each time she pressed the shutter.

A decade on, northeastern Japan still recovering March 11, 2021 0m 58s

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

A decade on, northeastern Japan still recovering. It's ten years since the earthquake and tsunami that claimed more than 15,000 lives. Warning: this video contains some footage that viewers may find disturbing.

Tsunami survivor finds strength from lost relatives March 11, 2021 2m 10s

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Tsunami survivor finds strength from lost relatives. Sugawara Setsuro lost his family to the tsunami ten years ago, but he says their memory spurs him on to make the best of his life.

Zelenskyy's address to Japan's lawmakers crafted for maximum effect March 30, 2022

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

"For the first time, as president of Ukraine, I'm very honored to address you in your Diet," said Zelenskyy before expressing gratitude for Japan's quick response to the Russian invasion. "Our capitals are separated by 8,193 kilometers, and they are a 15-hour flight apart, but there's no gap between our feelings.

Preparing for a tsunami on the Japan Sea coast March 25, 2022 3m 54s

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Preparing for a tsunami on the Japan Sea coast. Residents on Japan’s Noto Peninsula encouraged to take part in emergency drills.

Residents in disaster-hit areas question the pace of progress March 12, 2021

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

During December 2020 and January 2021, NHK sent more than 4,000 questionnaires to residents from disaster-stricken areas in Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefectures. It received 1,805 responses. On the reconstruction status of where the respondents lived at the time of the disaster, 50.

Grieving father: flawed thinking behind 2011 tragedy June 20, 2022

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Okawa Elementary School in Miyagi Prefecture was swallowed by a tsunami after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Seventy-four students and 10 teachers died or remain missing. The teachers kept the children in the schoolyard until it was too late. Hiratsuka Shinichiro lost his daughter.

Chiba struggles after typhoon, TEPCO faces flak Sept. 13, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

66-year-old Yoshimitsu Ohama told his wife he was feeling hot the day after the typhoon hit. Their power was out, so they couldn't use the air conditioning. Even at night, the temperature inside their home in the city of Ichihara was above 30 degrees Celsius.

Miyagi farmers struggle to revive regional agriculture March 12, 2020

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Producing good quality vegetables. Tokuro Sato has been farming in Miyagi Prefecture for nearly half a century. He comes from a long line of farmers from Minamisanriku Town, in the prefecture's northern coastal region. His house was swept away during the 2011 disaster and his fields were severely damaged.

Dentist working to change how disaster victims are identified March 10, 2020

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

In the days after the 2011 earthquake, Akiko Kumagai visited morgues across Iwate Prefecture. She was one of the few dentists in the prefecture trained in forensic dentistry, and her skills were in high demand. Kumagai examined the remains and noted dentition, or the arrangement of teeth.

Typhoon risks should speed up plan to move cables underground Oct. 9, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Disaster prone transmission lines. At one point in September, more than 930,000 homes in Chiba Prefecture were without electricity. Typhoon winds uprooted trees and knocked over utility pylons, severing their cables. Faxai was estimated to have damaged or destroyed about 2,000 utility poles, mainly in the prefecture.

How to survive a Tokyo 'mega-quake' July 30, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

About 100 people took part in the event in a park in Tokyo's Koganei City, including families and students. It was organized by local government officials and a group of specialists in disaster-preparedness. Official estimates show that about 23,000 people could be killed , and nearly 2 million homes destroyed, if a magnitude 7.

American guide wants to tell the world about the 2011 disaster Aug. 22, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Preparing to open. The museum on the earthquake and tsunami is still being constructed. Exhibits will include objects such as the structural remains of a fire truck that the tsunami destroyed. A fire truck destroyed by the tsunami. The prefecture is training eight guides for the museum. An American man, Zachary Paul Casselman, is among them.

Warning of more quakes from M 6.7 temblor in northern Japan June 19, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Seismologists say the tremor off the coast of Yamagata Prefecture struck around 10:22 p.m. local time about 14 kilometers under the seabed. Niigata prefecture was the hardest-hit. Murakami City in the north registered an intensity of 6-plus on the Japanese scale of zero to 7.

TEPCO executives cleared on Fukushima nuclear accident Sept. 20, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

The executives are Tsunehisa Katsumata, the chairman of TEPCO at the time of the accident; and two former vice presidents, Ichiro Takekuro and Sakae Muto. The judge acquitted them on charges of professional negligence resulting in deaths and injuries. Triple meltdown. On March 11, 2011, a powerful earthquake off northeast Japan triggered a tsunami.

Japan's struggle with an aging and shrinking population March 13, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

The decline in population is especially severe in rural areas. The clip below shows the country’s population trends in the last 25 years. The blue areas, where the population has declined, have increased mostly in rural areas. The red areas, where the population has risen, is concentrated in urban areas.

Expert Warns Bigger-than-expected Tsunami Could Hit Japanese Coastal Regions March 7, 2018

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Tokoha University Professor Ikuo Abe, an expert on tsunami and disaster prevention, visited a temple in Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture known to possess some puzzling historical records on tsunami. The documents indicate that in the 15th century, the area was hit by tsunami that reached 11 meters above sea level.

March 2011 air rescuers open up for the first time March 28, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Breaking their silence after 8 years Masayuki Baba was a rescue helicopter captain during the disaster. "I didn't want to say a word on that day," says Masayuki Baba. The 53 year old was working as a rescue helicopter captain at the Kasuminome Base back then.

Emperor gives final speech before abdication April 30, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

The abdication ceremony -- the "Taiirei-Seiden-no-gi" --was held in the State Room in the Imperial Palace. Earlier in the morning, the Emperor went to the Imperial Palace Sanctuaries to pay respects to the Sun Goddess, the souls of his ancestors, and various deities.

Rain Disaster: Think Before Sending Relief July 19, 2018

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Around 700 volunteers visit the city office of Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, every day to help with recovery efforts. Kurashiki was one of the cities hardest hit by the disaster. The volunteer center sends people where help is needed, like houses where dirt has to be cleaned up, or local offices where paperwork has to be done.

Searching for the truth in the wake of disaster March 8, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

A caring daughter. Hitoshi Ogasawara's 26-year-old daughter, Yuka, worked at the town's welfare division. She was diligent at work and always cared about her parents. As they used to run an after-school care facility, Yuka had always dreamed of working with children. After studying child welfare at university, she had hoped to become a specialist.

How the senior citizens survived 2011 tsunami March 8, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

How the senior citizens survived 2011 tsunami. Takano kaikan building was hosting an event when the tsunami struck the town of Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture in 2011. The around 300 senior citizens evacuated to a room on the top floor and a machinery room on the roof. This is a story about how 327 people had survived.

Donald Keene: a life dedicated to Japanese literature March 1, 2019

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Deep connection with Japanese literature. Keene was born in New York in 1922. He first became interested in Japanese culture when he found an English translation of "Genji Monogatari," or "The Tale of Genji," at a bookstore in the city. He later studied Japanese while in the US Navy and was assigned....

Russians from Northern Territories Visit Hokkaido Quake Area Sept. 26, 2018

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

A quickly-arranged visit. The location of visa-free visits is normally pre-determined and difficult to change, but the five Russians were eager to help people affected by the earthquake. Andrey Daneliya, a teacher, had approached a Russian organizer of the program to arrange the visit to Mukawa.

Northern Japan 'at Risk of Huge Quake' Dec. 21, 2017

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

On December 19th, a government panel released its projections of the probability and scale of quakes that might happen along the Chishima Trench. Massive earthquakes have struck the area at intervals of about 350 years. The last one was 400 years ago. The panel's members say the probability of such a quake in the next 30 years is 7 to 40 percent.

Imperial Couple's "Final Visit" to Disaster-hit Northeast June 19, 2018

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

The Heisei era has been marked by a series of deadly natural disasters. The 1991 eruption of Mount Unzen-Fugen in southwestern Japan. The Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995. The quake and tsunami that struck Japan's northeast in 2011. The Imperial couple has visited all the affected areas.

Other Fukushima Nuclear Plant to Be Scrapped June 15, 2018

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

The plant is located about 12 kilometers south of Fukushima Daiichi. The plan marks a major turning point for the utility. TEPCO President Tomoaki Kobayakawa visited Fukushima Governor Masao Uchibori on June 14th. The governor says it's the residents' strong wish to have all nuclear reactors in the prefecture scrapped.

Mega-Quake Could Cripple Japanese Economy June 8, 2018

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

The Japan Society of Civil Engineers says it would be devastating. Its report says that if an earthquake hits the Nankai Trough off the Pacific coast, economic damage would be about 13 trillion US dollars in the worst-case scenario. That's roughly 14 times this year's national budget.

Preparing Tokyo for Super Typhoons April 2, 2018

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Scientists say super typhoons are likely to occur with greater frequency as the planet warms. And they can cause devastating damage. In 2013, a 9-meter high storm surge hit the coastal areas of the Philippines, leaving over 7,300 people dead or missing.

Abdication Date Selection Marks End of an Era Dec. 1, 2017

2023-03-23T12:37+0100nhkor-en (en)

Shinzo Abe says council members selected April 30, 2019 for the historic occasion. It will be Japan's first abdication in 2 centuries. The following day will be Crown Prince Naruhito's accession. Abe said, "We'll do our utmost so the process of the Emperor's abdication and the Crown Prince's....

Simulacro de tsunami se realiza este jueves en estados costeros del país

2023-03-23T12:29+0100unionradio (es)

CARACAS.- Este jueves 23 de marzo el Sistema Nacional de Gestión de Riesgo dirige y supervisa las actividades relacionadas con el Ejercicio Internacional Caribe Wave 2023 que se llevará a cabo a las 10:00 de la mañana. El viceministro para la Gestión de Riesgo y Protección Civil, Carlos Pérez....

MIL-OSI Asia-Pac: Director of Hong Kong Observatory highlights HKO’s latest developments (with photos)

2023-03-23T11:11+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Hong Kong Government special administrative region. Director of Hong Kong Observatory highlights HKO’s latest developments (with photos) The Director of the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), Mr Chan Pak-wai, hosted a press briefing today (March 23) to recap the weather in 2022 and elaborate on....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.3 de magnitud en Antofagasta

2023-03-23T11:07+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de magnitud 3.3 con epicentro a 60.0 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de Antofagasta. Información preliminar precisa que el movimiento telúrico empezó a las 06:37 horas (hora local) de este jueves 23 de marzo y tuvo una profundidad de 33.0 kilómetros.

Stromboli, accelerata per autorizzare le escursioni a quota 400 metri

2023-03-23T10:57+0100247libero (it)

Potrebbero tornare sullo Stromboli, già a fine mese, le escursioni sino a quota 400 metri. Al momento non è possibile superare i 290 metri, limite fissato il 4 dicembre dello scorso anno dopo l’intensificazione dell’attività vulcanica che generò anche una piccola onda di tsunami.

Stromboli: cambia la quota di accesso per le escursioni

2023-03-23T10:51+0100meteoweb (it)

L'innalzamento della quota potrebbe avvenire con ordinanza sindacale. Le escursioni sul vulcano Stromboli potrebbero tornare già a fine mese fino a quota 400 metri. Al momento è vietato superare i 290 metri, limite fissato il 4 dicembre 2022 dopo l’intensificazione dell’attività vulcanica che ha generato anche una piccola onda di tsunami.

Stromboli, accelerata per autorizzare le escursioni a quota 400 metri

2023-03-23T10:29+0100gds-it (it)

Potrebbero tornare sullo Stromboli, già a fine mese, le escursioni sino a quota 400 metri. Al momento non è possibile superare i 290 metri, limite fissato il 4 dicembre dello scorso anno dopo l’intensificazione dell’attività vulcanica che generò anche una piccola onda di tsunami.

Caraïbes : comment les Antilles se préparent au risque tsunami

2023-03-23T08:42+0100la-croix (fr)

► Quelle est la réalité du risque tsunami aux Antilles ? Depuis le XVIII e siècle, la zone a été frappée par une dizaine de tsunamis, plus ou moins dévastateurs. Un phénomène relativement rare, mais le risque existe d’après de nombreux scientifiques, notamment en cas de séisme majeur.

Arequipa: se registra sismo de magnitud 4.3 en Caraveli

2023-03-23T07:22+0100infobae (es)

El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está integrado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador , Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas y bajar....

Temblor de 3.8 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Rancagua

2023-03-23T07:09+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.8 de magnitud ocurrió este jueves 23 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Rancagua , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 02:43 (hora local) , se originó a 50.0 kilómetros al Este de dicha localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 129.

Around 1,400 offshore oil and gas workers in UK threaten strike over better job conditions and pay

2023-03-23T06:55+0100ibtimes-uk (en)

The unprecedented profit comes after the Russian invasion of Ukraine drove up global oil prices. Oil rigs in a storage facility wait to be transported to the oil field in Midland. Reuters/NICK OXFORD. Oil and gas workers in the UK are planning to hit fossil fuel firms with a 'tsunami' of strikes, unions have announced.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.0 en Ollagüe

2023-03-23T06:10+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 3.0 de magnitud tomo por sorpresa a la ciudad de Ollagüe este jueves 23 de marzo, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según la información preliminar, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 00:05 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 136.0 kilómetros.

Chile: se registra temblor de magnitud 3.0 en Pica

2023-03-23T06:10+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.0 de magnitud aconteció este jueves 23 de marzo en la ciudad de Pica , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 00:09 (hora local) , se originó a 35.0 kilómetros al Norte de dicha ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 101.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.1 con epicentro en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-03-23T06:10+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 3.1 de magnitud aconteció este jueves 23 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Ollagüe , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento comenzó a las 00:59 (hora local) , se originó a 42.

Se registró un sismo de intensidad moderada frente a las costas de Chiloé

2023-03-23T05:43+0100todonoticia (es)

Un sismo de intensidad moderada se sintió este miércoles a las 23:56 en la zona costera de la isla de Chiloé según informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La mesa técnica explicó que el movimiento telúrico alcanzó una magnitud de 5,2 10 kilómetros de profundidad y 859 kilómetros al oeste de Ancud.

Meteo Cronaca Diretta: (Video) Ecuador, il potente Terremoto 6.8 Richter fa collassare il porto di Bolivar, leggi articolo completo

2023-03-23T05:38+0100ilmeteo (it)

Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 Richter si è verificato nella parte occidentale dell' Ecuador il 18 Marzo 2023. Il suo epicentro è stato registrato a soli 17 km dalla città di Naranjal, situata vicino alla seconda città più grande del paese, Guayaquil. Almeno 200 case sono state danneggiate, 84 sono state completamente distrutte.

Sismo de mediana intensidad se registró en las costas de Chiloé

2023-03-23T05:12+0100cooperativa (es)

Un sismo de mediana intensidad se percibió a las 23:56 horas de este miércoles en la zona costera de la Isla de Chiloé , según reportó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). El organismo técnico detalló que el movimiento telúrico alcanzó una magnitud de 5,2 a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y a 859 kilómetros al oeste de Ancud.

Papua New Guinea

2023-03-23T05:11+0100archyde (en)

And earthquake A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook eastern Papua New Guinea on Sunday, with local residents reporting damage to buildings near the town of Madang. The United States Geological Survey (USGS), which reported the earthquake, initially issued a tsunami alertbut later said the threat “has passed.

Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, registra sismo de magnitud 4.1

2023-03-23T04:21+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

What I Didn't Teach My Students At School Where 14 Died | NHK

2023-03-23T04:08+0100tellerreport (en)

What I Didn't Teach My Students March 14 at 3:23 in a school where 12 people died. "I should have taught you this," I never thought until that day that there would be a class that I would regret for the rest of my life. After that class, I lost 14 students. I have been running for 12 years with regrets on my shoulders.


2023-03-23T03:04+0100abstvradio (en)

Antigua and Barbuda will be participate in another regional tsunami exercise on Thursday, March 23 to test the country’s readiness if this natural hazard were to strike. The National Office of Disaster Services is spearheading the annual Carib Wave exercise, with over two dozen schools and organisations to be involved.

Ser la única contraparte de una gestión tan desacreditada la hace capitalizadora del descontento.

2023-03-23T02:47+0100eltiempo-CO (es)

Su planteamiento de ser quien mejor interpreta el deseo de cambio la hace la llave que puede abrir la puerta de las oportunidades. Es tan grande el nivel de rechazo gubernamental, que aquellos que planteen acuerdos entre factores dizques democráticos y la élite en el poder terminaran desplumados.

INEA participará activamente en el “Simulacro de Tsunami Caribe Wave 2023”

2023-03-23T00:19+0100radiomundial (es)

Los Bomberos Marinos, Protección Civil , Policía Marítima y el personal administrativo del Instituto Nacional de los Espacios Acuáticos (INEA), participarán activamente en el ejercicio de seguridad, “Simulacro de Tsunami Caribe Wave 2018”, que se realizará este jueves 23 de marzo.

Venezuela realizarán simulacro de tsunami en 10 estados

2023-03-23T00:09+0100noticias-ahora (es)

Las autoridades de Venezuela anunciaron este lunes que el simulacro internacional de tsunami “Caribe Wave”, el cual se llevará a cabo este jueves, se realizará en 10 de los 23 estados del país, con especial énfasis en las regiones de Nueva Esparta y Sucre, ambas ubicadas en el noreste y frente al Atlántico.

Temblor en Chile hoy, jueves 23 de marzo: de qué magnitud y en dónde fue el último sismo

2023-03-22T23:25+0100ElComercio (es)

17:22. ¿POR QUÉ CHILE ES UNA ZONA ALTAMENTE SÍSMICA? Chile es un país altamente sísmico debido a que está ubicado dentro del Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico. 17:20. ¿QUÉ HACER EN CASO DE UN TSUNAMI EN CHILE? Si recibes información oficial de alerta o alarma de tsunami o ves que se recoge el mar, evacúa hacia zonas en altura.

Cyclone Gabrielle: Half a billion dollars in insurance claims in Hawke’s Bay

2023-03-22T22:40+0100nzherald (en)

ICNZ chief executive Tim Grafton said insurers had paid out over $180m in claims across the Auckland Anniversary weekend and Cyclone Gabrielle climate events so far. “Once again, the community response to this second climate-related disaster to hit Aoteraoa this year has been incredible.

Tsunami evacuation exercise to take place in Port Elizabeth, Bequia

2023-03-22T22:03+0100stvincenttimes (en)

The National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) will conduct a Tsunami Evacuation Exercise in Port Elizabeth Bequia on Thursday 23 rd March, 2023 as part of the. “Exercise Caribe Wave 23 – A Caribbean Tsunami Warning Exercise.” An imaginary scenario will be used which simulates that the sides....

Estados costeros participarán en el Caribe Wave 2023

2023-03-22T21:54+0100ultimasnoticias (es)

Sucre participará en el ejercicio internacional Caribe Wave 2023. El estado Sucre se prepara para participar en el ejercicio anual Caribe Wave 2023 con el objetivo fundamental de validar y promover la capacidad de preparación, protocolo y logística de los órganos de protección ciudadana ante....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.2 de magnitud en Calama

2023-03-22T21:36+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un temblor de 3.2 de magnitud con epicentro a 68.0 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de Calama. Información preliminar precisa que el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 17:10 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 22 de marzo y tuvo una profundidad de 139.

St. Lucia prepares for Caribe Wave Tsunami Simulation Exercise with NEMO

2023-03-22T20:58+0100antiguaobserver (en)

On March 23, 2023, Saint Lucia will participate in the annual CARIBE WAVE tsunami simulation exercise. The National Emergency Management Organisation [NEMO] is the coordinating agency for this year’s CARIBE WAVE exercise. The exercise seeks to test Saint Lucia’s alert system and communication....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en la ciudad de Pisagua

2023-03-22T20:54+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.5 de magnitud aconteció este miércoles 22 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Pisagua , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 16:21 (hora local) , se originó a 42.

La ciudad de Camiña registra temblor de magnitud 3.3

2023-03-22T20:35+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.3 de magnitud tomo por sorpresa a la ciudad de Camiña este miércoles 22 de marzo, así lo dio a conocer el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información preliminar, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 16:02 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 99.0 kilómetros de profundidad.

Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 sacudió el norte de Chile: no se registran daños ni víctimas

2023-03-22T20:31+0100infobae (es)

El norte de Chile registró un sismo de magnitud 6,5 este miércoles, en el que no se registraron daños ni víctimas mortales . Este fue el cuarto episodio del tipo en el día. Según informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional de la Universidad de Chile, el temblor de mediana intensidad tuvo su epicentro a....

Terremoto in Argentina di scossa di magnitudo 6.5: avvertito anche in Bolivia, Cile e Paraguay

2023-03-22T20:31+0100tag24 (it)

Terremoto Argentina. Proseguono le scosse di terremoto in Argentina : nella serata di mercoledì 22 marzo 2023 è stato registrato un sisma alle ore 16 Gmt (le ore 17 in Italia) con ipocentro profondo 212 chilometri. Il Centro sismologico Euro Mediterraneo conferma una scossa di magnitudo 6.5 nella provincia settentrionale di Jujuy.

Tsunami Evacuation Exercise Port Elizabeth Bequia

2023-03-22T19:16+0100security-gov (en)

The National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) will conduct a Tsunami Evacuation Exercise in Port Elizabeth Bequia on Thursday, 23rd March, 2023 as part of the “Exercise Caribe Wave 23 - A Caribbean Tsunami Warning Exercise.

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 sacude el norte de Chile sin que se reporten daños

2023-03-22T19:03+0100ElComercio (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,5, una intensidad mediana, sacudió este miércoles el norte de Chile , sin que hasta el momento se reporten víctimas o daños materiales. LEE TAMBIÉN: Cristina Kirchner: “No me importa si me condenan, inhabilitan o meten presa” Según el Centro Sismológico Nacional de la....

Sismo de magnitud 6,5 sacude al norte de Chile

2023-03-22T18:25+0100prensa-latina (es)

Santiago de Chile, 22 mar (Prensa Latina) Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 grados en la escala de Richter estremeció hoy el norte de Chile, el cuarto registrado durante la presente jornada en esa región. El movimiento telúrico tuvo su epicentro al este de Socaire, poblado de Antofagasta, y a 240 kilómetros....

Ecuador declares state of emergency in provinces hit by earthquake, rains

2023-03-22T18:12+0100fijitimes (en)

FILE PHOTO: A family talks with neighbors near the damaged wall of their house following an earthquake in Isla Puna, Ecuador March 19, 2023. REUTERS/Maria Fernanda Landin. QUITO (Reuters) – Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe....

El movimiento telúrico fue en la Región de Antofagasta.

2023-03-22T18:00+0100publimetro (es)

SHOA descarta tsunami en las costas chilenas tras sismo de 6,5 en el norte del país El movimiento telúrico fue en la Región de Antofagasta. (SEBASTIAN CISTERNAS/ATON CHILE./SEBASTIAN CISTERNAS/ATON CHILE.) El reloj marcaba las 13:00 horas de este miércoles, cuando se sintió un sismo de magnitud de 6,5 en la zona norte de nuestro país.

Earthquake death toll rises to 10 in K-P

2023-03-22T17:51+0100tribune (en)

PESHAWAR: The death toll from Tuesday’s earthquake in several parts of the country rose to 10, including two women and two children, after reports of more fatalities emerged overnight and on Wednesday, officials said. All the death occurred in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P).

Temblor hoy en México: Registran sismo de 4.6 en Guerrero

2023-03-22T17:49+0100lasillarota (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) confirmó que la magnitud del sismo registrado la mañana de este miércoles fue de magnitud 4.6, en tanto que su epicentro se ubicó 21 kilómetros al sureste de San Marcos en el estado de Guerrero a una profundidad de 18 kilómetros.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 6.1 con epicentro en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-03-22T17:21+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Socaire fue el epicentro de un temblor de 6.1 de magnitud que se registró a las 13:00 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 22 de marzo. La actividad sísmica ocurrió a 111.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 229.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Sismológico registra temblor en San Marcos, Guerrero

2023-03-22T17:04+0100infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el temblor tuvo un epicentro 21 km al sureste de la ciudad, en el estado de Guerrero, con una profundidad de 18.8 km y fue percibido por los vecinos de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred)....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en la ciudad de Sierra Gorda.

2023-03-22T16:51+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sorprendió a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Sierra Gorda. , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 12:38 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 22 de marzo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica tuvo una magnitud de 4.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 5.1 de magnitud

2023-03-22T16:38+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 5.1 de magnitud ocurrió este miércoles 22 de marzo en la ciudad de Socaire , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, la actividad sísmica inicio a las 12:18 (hora local) , se originó a 114.

La Línea incrementa su sistema de alerta para "tsunamis" y otras situaciones de emergencia

2023-03-22T16:33+0100vivajerez (es)

La delegación municipal de Playas ha confirmado la incorporación de dos nuevas pantallas de alertas para situaciones de emergencia por tsunami, uno de ellos que estaría situado en la plaza Ruíz Jiménez y en la zona del Conchal, con el objetivo de reforzar los núcleos de viviendas más desprotegidas....

‘Shattered earth’: 4.6-magnitude quake shakes Humboldt County … again

2023-03-22T16:31+0100eastbaytimes (en)

The shaking Tuesday afternoon amounted to a 4.6 magnitude quake, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake struck around 4:20 p.m. and was located on land around 7 miles west southwest of Ferndale. Local earthquake expert Lori Dengler, a professor emeritus for Cal Poly Humboldt, said the quake was on land.

‘Shattered earth’: 4.6-magnitude quake shakes Humboldt County … again

2023-03-22T16:26+0100mercurynews (en)

The shaking Tuesday afternoon amounted to a 4.6 magnitude quake, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake struck around 4:20 p.m. and was located on land around 7 miles west southwest of Ferndale. Local earthquake expert Lori Dengler, a professor emeritus for Cal Poly Humboldt, said the quake was on land.

Temblor en México: sismo con epicentro en Cintalapa, Chiapas

2023-03-22T15:20+0100infobae (es)

De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el movimiento telúrico sucedió hoy a las 7:33 hora local (13:33 UTC), con un epicentro de 48 km al noroeste de la ciudad del estado de Chiapas. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención....

Se registra sismo de magnitud 3.4 en San Pedro

2023-03-22T15:20+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.4 sacudió en la ciudad de San Pedro , según información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada precisa que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 10:40 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 22 de marzo. El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 66.0 kilómetros al Noreste de la ciudad , en -22.

Se registró un sismo de magnitud 4.6 en Ucayali

2023-03-22T15:04+0100infobae (es)

El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está integrado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador , Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas y bajar....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en la ciudad de Tongoy

2023-03-22T14:52+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.1 y con una profundidad de 37.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Tongoy. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -72.286 grados de longitud y -29.695 grados de latitud, es decir a 98.0 kilómetros al Noroeste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

3.2 earthquake is felt in Cuenca this morning

2023-03-22T14:45+0100breakinglatest (en)

And 3.2 magnitude earthquake on the open Richter scale was registered this Wednesday in the Andean province of Azuay, a circumscription that last Saturday it suffered the effects of a magnitude 6.5 earthquake that occurred in the coastal area of ​​the country.

6.8 magnitude quake rattles Ecuador

2023-03-22T14:41+0100pna (en)

QUAKE. A strong quake rattles Ecuador Saturday (Mar 18, 2023), leaving at least four people dead. (Anadolu) ANKARA – A strong earthquake struck Ecuador Saturday, killing at least four people, according to the country's Risk Management Secretariat. The 6.

Diez estados del país participarán en simulacro internacional de tsunami

2023-03-22T14:38+0100talcualdigital (es)

Protección Civil (PC) informó a través de una nota de prensa que Nueva Esparta y Sucre participarán en el Caribe Wave 2023, el ejercicio anual de tsunami del Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinación del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y otras Amenazas Costeras en el Caribe y Regiones....

Los efectos del terremoto de Ecuador han llegado a Perú, Colombia y Chile

2023-03-22T14:38+0100eldemocrata (es)

El sismo ha dejado hasta ahora 15 muertos y 400 heridos en la provincia ecuatoriana de Guayas, no lejos de la frontera sur del país con Perú. Informes de los medios locales. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 ​​sacudió Palau, a 100 kilómetros de la segunda ciudad más grande de Ecuador , Guayaquil.

La ciudad de Los Andes. percibe temblor de magnitud 2.9

2023-03-22T14:27+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.9 sacudió a la ciudad chilena de Los Andes. este miércoles 22 de marzo, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información hasta ahora publicada, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 09:42 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 100.

Ecuador banana industry not affected by earthquake, heavy rain slows production

2023-03-22T14:17+0100freshplaza-nl (en)

The 6.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Ecuador and parts of the North of Peru, this past weekend (Saturday, 18 March 2023) did not affect banana production, producers and exports say. Instead, heavy rains destroyed infrastructure and reduced production somewhat as efforts to repair the damage are under way.

¿Se habrá equivocado? Neme revela dato sismológico que le entregó Marcelo Lagos

2023-03-22T13:50+0100lacuarta (es)

“¿Se habrá liberado toda la energía?”. Con esta pregunta, Karen Doggenweiler le consultó al periodista Daniel Silva acerca del durante la tarde del martes. Fue en este contexto que el rostro de Meganoticias aprovechó de entregar una serie de datos históricos.

Lo tsunami Superbonus: dal fisco alle banche e alle assicurazioni

2023-03-22T13:34+0100affaritecnici (it)

Intervista a Giorgio Moroni di Aon, azienda broker del Consiglio Nazionale Ingegneri. L’inizio del 2023 ha visto ancora una volta il Superbonus, e il decreto-legge 34/2020 che lo ha introdotto, alle prese con interventi legislativi e cambiamenti delle regole del “gioco” per l’accesso alla maxi-detrazione.

¿Por qué está temblando tanto en el mundo? Explicación de este fenómeno

2023-03-22T13:28+0100caracol (es)

Diversos movimientos telúricos se han presentado en el exterior y en nuestro país ¿aumentaron los sismos? Esto dicen los expertos. Terremoto en Turquía. (Photo by Cemal Yurttas / dia images via Getty Images) cemal yurttas Este 21 de marzo en Afganistán y Pakistán se vivió un fuerte sismo.

An Initial Methodology for Evaluating Social Equity Performance in Disaster Mitigation Grants: The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program

2023-03-22T13:20+0100rand (en)

Some U.S. communities, such as low-income or minority communities, are disproportionately affected by the impact of disasters. Distribution of both mitigation funding and recovery funding has not been equitably applied to all communities, with disadvantaged communities receiving less of both funds.

6.5 earthquake in Pakistan and Afghanistan: 13 dead

2023-03-22T13:07+0100archyde (en)

At least 13 people died and more of 200 were injured this Tuesday March 21 after a magnitude 6.5 earthquake shake the countries Pakistan and Afghanistan. According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the phenomenon had its epicenter in northeastern Afghanistan, near the city of Jurm, on the border with Pakistan and Tajikistan.

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes

2023-03-22T13:07+0100efe-agencia (es)

Moncho Torres | Bajo Chiquito (Panamá), (EFE).- Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. “Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor”. Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones.

Temblor de magnitud 3.4 se siente en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-03-22T12:08+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sacudió las calles de la ciudad de Socaire , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 07:39 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 22 de marzo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico fue de 3.4 de magnitud y una profundidad de 225.0 kilómetros.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 2.9 en Tirúa

2023-03-22T11:34+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.9 de magnitud sacudió en la ciudad chilena de Tirúa , según información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora obtenida señala que el movimiento telúrico empezó a las 07:07 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 22 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor fue a 9.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.1 de magnitud en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-03-22T10:35+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.1 se registró en la ciudad de Socaire este miércoles 22 de marzo, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información preliminar, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 06:06 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 214.0 kilómetros de profundidad.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.7 de magnitud en Camiña

2023-03-22T10:25+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.7 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 76.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Camiña. El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -69.739 grados de longitud y -19.339 grados de latitud, es decir a 33.0 kilómetros al Oeste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.1 con epicentro en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-03-22T09:50+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sacudió a la ciudad chilena de Socaire , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 05:23 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 22 de marzo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 3.1 y una profundidad de 234.0 kilómetros.

Sismo de magnitud 2.9 sorprende a la ciudad de San Pedro

2023-03-22T09:38+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de 2.9 de magnitud con epicentro a 63.0 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de San Pedro. Información preliminar señala que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 04:35 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 22 de marzo y tuvo una profundidad de 214.

Why is the world shaking so much? Explanation of this phenomenon

2023-03-22T09:14+0100archyde (en)

This March 21 in Afghanistan and Pakistan there was a strong earthquake. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the magnitude of this was 6.5 degrees. Two days earlier, on March 19, a strong movement occurred in the southern Ecuador , leaving 14 dead , 318 injured and damage to buildings.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.9 de magnitud en la ciudad de Los Vilos

2023-03-22T09:09+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.9 se registró en la ciudad de Los Vilos este miércoles 22 de marzo, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información hasta ahora publicada, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 04:38 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 34.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.9 con epicentro en Mina Collahuasi

2023-03-22T08:51+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de magnitud 3.9 con epicentro a 50.0 kilómetros de la ciudad de Mina Collahuasi. Información preliminar señala que el temblor inició a las 04:37 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 22 de marzo y tuvo una profundidad de 64.0 kilómetros. La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -68.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.1 en la ciudad de Pica

2023-03-22T08:21+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Pica fue el epicentro de un temblor de 3.1 de magnitud que se registró a las 03:58 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 22 de marzo. El temblor ocurrió a 25.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 99.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Afghanistan e Pakistan, terremoto di magnitudo 6.5: 12 morti. “Gente in strada recitava il Corano”

2023-03-22T07:42+0100fanpage (it)

Una forte scossa di terremoto della durata di almeno 30 secondi ha fatto tremare ieri pomeriggio la terra in gran parte del Pakistan e dell’ Afghanistan . Nel momento in cui scriviamo si contano almeno 12 vittime, tra cui una ragazzina di 12 anni. L’US Geological Survey ha affermato che l'epicentro del sisma, di magnitudo 6.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.2 con epicentro en la ciudad de Combarbalá

2023-03-22T07:36+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sorprendió a los pobladores de la ciudad de Combarbalá , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 02:59 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 22 de marzo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica tuvo una magnitud de 3.2 y una profundidad de 15.

Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.0 en Sayula de Alemán, Veracruz

2023-03-22T07:36+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Death toll rises to nine after earthquake in northern Pakistan

2023-03-22T07:25+0100tribune (en)

ISLAMABAD/KABUL: At least nine people were killed and 44 injured in northwest Pakistan as a strong earthquake jolted many parts of the country on Tuesday evening. The United States Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.5 quake was centred in the Hindu Kush mountains, near the Jurm village in....

7 seconds ago 4.4-magnitude earthquake jolts Tajikistan

2023-03-22T06:59+0100digitpatrox (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 4.4 on the Richter scale struck Tajikistan on Sunday, the Nationwide Centre for Seismology (NCS) stated. In response to the NCS, the earthquake originated at a depth of 170 km and occurred at 11:31:25 IST. Additionally Learn: Sturdy earthquake kills at the very least 13 in Ecuador , 1 in Peru.

Crucecita, Oaxaca, registra temblor de magnitud 4.0

2023-03-22T06:50+0100infobae (es)

El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 58 km al sureste de dicha localidad del estado de Oaxaca, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en....

Message of condolences from Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio following the damages caused by the earthquake disaster in the southern part of Guayas province, the Republic of Ecuador

2023-03-22T06:40+0100mofa-go-jp (en)

On March 20, regarding the damage caused by the earthquake disaster in the southern part of Guayas province, the Republic of Ecuador , Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, delivered the following message of condolences to H.E. Mr. Guillermo Alberto Santiago Lasso Mendoza, President of the Republic of Ecuador.

A seismologist's thoughts on earthquake prediction | NHK

2023-03-22T06:29+0100tellerreport (en)

Challenging earthquake prediction A seismologist's thoughtsMarch 3 22:14. "If Ms. Ito observes somewhere, an earthquake will occur," says seismologist Yoshihiro Ito, who is often told by scientists around him. He is an associate professor at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto....

La ciudad de Ollagüe siente temblor de magnitud 2.9

2023-03-22T06:20+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.9 aconteció este miércoles 22 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Ollagüe , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento comenzó a las 01:46 (hora local) , se originó a 52.

Se siente temblor de magnitud 2.8 en Socaire

2023-03-22T06:10+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.8 y con una profundidad de 234.0 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad de Socaire. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -67.746 grados de longitud y -24.21 grados de latitud, es decir a 71.0 kilómetros al Sur de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Message of condolences from Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio following the damages caused by the earthquake disaster in the southern part of Guayas province, the Republic of Ecuador

2023-03-22T05:54+0100japan-foreign-office (en)

On March 20, regarding the damage caused by the earthquake disaster in the southern part of Guayas province, the Republic of Ecuador , Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, delivered the following message of condolences to H.E. Mr. Guillermo Alberto Santiago Lasso Mendoza, President of the Republic of Ecuador.

Earthquake: Android and Google alert worked in Ecuador

2023-03-22T05:22+0100ecuadortimes (en)

The Geophysical Institute explains that this alert is a development that should be taken advantage of in the country. This message reached the phones of Ecuador ians on March 18, after the alert from Android and Google. The earthquake of March 18 , 2023 will go down in history as the first of great....

Nine dead, 44 injured in Pakistan after earthquake...

2023-03-22T05:00+0100deccanherald (en)

At least nine people were dead and 44 injured in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, a government official said, after a magnitude 6.5 earthquake with its epicentre in Afghanistan struck late on Tuesday. At least 19 houses were partially damaged by the earthquake, Abdul Basit, a senior official....

6 earthquakes, measuring above 4 on Richter scale, jolted India in March this year. Details

2023-03-22T04:58+0100indiatoday (en)

: At least nine people were killed , while several others were reported injured after a major 6.8 magnitude earthquake jolted parts of Pakistan on Tuesday . The epicentre of the earthquake was Afghanistan's Hindu Kush region, while its depth was 180 kilometres, according to the Pakistan Meteorological Department.

Crucecita, Oaxaca, registra temblor de 4.2 de magnitud

2023-03-22T04:24+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Premium Arklow councillors receive ‘tsunami’ of calls as fears over eviction ban intensify

2023-03-22T03:09+0100independent-ie (en)

DESCRIBED as a “catastrophe waiting to happen”, the looming expiration of the eviction ban on March 31 has plunged many Arklow residents into fears of homelessness, with renters desperately contacting Wicklow County Council and local councillors in such numbers “it’s like a tsunami”.

Sismológico registra temblor de magnitud 4.1 en Tonalá

2023-03-22T02:21+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

5.5 Earthquake Hits Costa Rica

2023-03-22T01:34+0100costaricantimes (en)

The National Emergency Commission (CNE) reported an earthquake that was strong and extensive but without material damage. There was a first tremor of 5.5 degrees followed by one of 4 degrees. The epicenters were in Puntarenas and Tarrazú, respectively.

Brazil prepares to evict more miners as crackdown continues

2023-03-22T01:09+0100financialpost (en)

Article content. Police are setting up new Amazon bases and seeking international cooperation on law enforcement in the region, including the development of radio-isotope technology to prove the illegal origin of seized gold, said Humberto Freire, head of the police’s newly created environment and Amazon department.

Temblor en México: sismo con epicentro en S Pedro Pochutla, Oaxaca

2023-03-22T01:08+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Intelligenza artificiale, se il futuro può fare a meno di noi

2023-03-22T01:03+0100repubblica (it)

Qualcuno dovrebbe lanciare l'allarme tsunami. L 'intelligenza artificiale sta per cambiare tutto. La chiamano "innovazione distruttiva", è uno dei motori della storia economica; dopo il suo passaggio di solito si sta meglio, ma nel mentre per molti è dura. Improvvisamente diventano vecchi, inutili, sorpassati.

Venezuela participó en el simulacro internacional tsunami Caribe Wave

2023-03-21T23:41+0100elperiodiquito (es)

2022. Los ejercicios se basaron en un hipotético terremoto de ocho grados de magnitud en el oeste de República Dominicana. El simulacro se basó en un terremoto de ocho grados a las 10 de la mañana de este jueves. Por lo tanto, la Fundación Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismológicas (Funvisis)....

Se siente sismo de magnitud 3.3 en Taltal

2023-03-21T23:35+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.3 de magnitud aconteció este martes 21 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Taltal , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento comenzó a las 19:16 (hora local) , se originó a 82.

Se registró un sismo de magnitud 5,6 en Chile: no hay muertos ni heridos

2023-03-21T23:25+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional de la Universidad de Chile confirmó este martes que un sismo de magnitud 5.6 sacudió el área metropolitana del país. El Centro informó que el movimiento telúrico de mediana intensidad se dio a las 14:38 horas (horca local) en la ciudad de Melipilla . Tuvo una profundidad de 57 kilómetros.

Sismológico registra temblor con epicentro en Las Guacamayas, Michoacán

2023-03-21T22:24+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Annual Tsunami Exercise Caribe Wave

2023-03-21T22:06+0100antiguanews (en)

The National Office of Disaster Services (NODS) will join with the rest of the disaster offices throughout the region on Thursday to facilitate the annual tsunami exercise, Caribe Wave 2023 that tests tsunami preparedness in the various countries. NODS is urging schools and workplaces to be part of....

Chile: se registra temblor de magnitud 2.8 en la ciudad de San Fernando

2023-03-21T21:49+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.8 se registró este martes 21 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de San Fernando , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento comenzó a las 17:20 (hora local) , se originó a 37.

La ciudad de Chañaral. percibe sismo de magnitud 2.9

2023-03-21T21:49+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Chañaral. fue el epicentro de un sismo de magnitud 2.9 que se registró a las 17:33 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo. El sismo se registró a 37.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 78.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Sismo de magnitud 2.7 sacude a la ciudad de Los Andes.

2023-03-21T21:23+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 2.7 aconteció este martes 21 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Los Andes. , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, la actividad sísmica inicio a las 17:01 (hora local) , se originó a 32.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.6 de magnitud

2023-03-21T21:06+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de 2.6 de magnitud con epicentro a 28.0 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de Mina Collahuasi. Información preliminar señala que el sismo empezó a las 16:30 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo y tuvo una profundidad de 133.0 kilómetros.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.6 con epicentro en Melipilla

2023-03-21T20:50+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sacudió las calles de la ciudad de Melipilla , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 14:40 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 2.6 y una profundidad de 58.0 kilómetros.

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 2.5 en la ciudad de Calama

2023-03-21T20:50+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.5 sacudió en la ciudad chilena de Calama , según información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada precisa que la actividad sísmica inició a las 16:29 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 29.0 kilómetros al Este de la localidad , en -22.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.6 con epicentro en El Salvador

2023-03-21T20:23+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.6 de magnitud aconteció este martes 21 de marzo en la ciudad de El Salvador , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 15:47 (hora local) , se originó a 47.0 kilómetros al Noreste de dicha localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 116.

President Boric Emerges in La Moneda Office Following Intense Tremor in RM During Operation Deyse | National News

2023-03-21T20:02+0100archyde (en)

On Tuesday March 21, 2023 at 15:12, President Gabriel Boric was captured leaving his office in Palacio de La Moneda during a medium-intensity earthquake that affected the central zone of the country. The earthquake occurred while a press campaign was being held at the Palacio de La Moneda, causing a brief pause.

La ciudad de Ollagüe percibe temblor de magnitud 3.2

2023-03-21T19:50+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.2 sacudió en la ciudad chilena de Ollagüe , de acuerdo con datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada señala que la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 15:29 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 69.

Diferencias entre terremotos terrestres y marinos, ¿cuál es más peligroso?

2023-03-21T19:22+0100notiulti (es)

La diferencia entre los terremotos terrestres y marinos está en su ubicación. Los terremotos terrestres y marítimos tienen diferencias, es decir, dónde ocurren. Por supuesto, los efectos que surgen de los dos terremotos son diferentes. El propio terremoto es uno de los desastres naturales que hasta ahora se ha cobrado muchas vidas.

Reportan fuerte sismo en zona centro del país y SHOA descarta que movimiento telúrico genere condiciones para un tsunami

2023-03-21T19:22+0100elmostrado (es)

Según explicó de forma preliminar Sismología, la magnitud del movimiento telúrico fue de 5,6, mientras que el epicentro se ubicó 12,55 kilómetros al noroeste de Melipilla. A eso de las 14:38 de este martes, se registró un fuerte sismo en la zona centro del país, específicamente en la región Metropolitana y Valparaíso.

Chile: se registra temblor de magnitud 3.0 en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-03-21T19:21+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.0 tomo por sorpresa a la ciudad chilena de Socaire este martes 21 de marzo, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información hasta ahora publicada, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 14:29 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 212.

Sismo de magnitud 5,6 se percibe en la zona central del país

2023-03-21T19:17+0100radioagricultura (es)

Un fuerte sismo se registró en la zona central del país durante la tarde de este martes, específicamente se sintió entre las regiones de Coquimbo y el Ñuble. De acuerdo al Centro de Sismología Nacional de la Universidad de Chile (CSN), tuvo una magnitud de 5,6 y el epicentro fue a 12,55 kilómetros al noroeste de Melipilla.

Forte terremoto in Cile: epicentro nella regione di Santiago | DATI e MAPPE

2023-03-21T19:15+0100meteoweb (it)

Scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 con epicentro nei pressi di Melipilla, nella regione metropolitana di Santiago, in Cile. Un forte terremoto ha colpito la zona centrale del Cile , nella regione metropolitana di Santiago. Alle 18:38 italiane (le 14:38 locali) di oggi, martedì 21 marzo, è avvenuto un terremoto di magnitudo 5.

Fuerte sismo se percibe en la zona centro del país

2023-03-21T19:05+0100lanacion-CL (es)

Preliminarmente Sismología detalló que el movimiento tuvo una magnitud de 5,5 Richter y el epicentro estuvo cerca de Melipilla.. El Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres (Senapred) informó que las características del sismo no reúnen las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami.

BP North Sea strike resolution leaves wider outage threat hanging

2023-03-21T19:04+0100cleanenergynews-ihsmarkit (en)

The UK's Unite trade union reiterated a threat of North Sea strike disruption March 21 as it announced a resolution of a dispute involving a relatively small number of contract workers at BP facilities. Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience.

Se reporta sismo hoy 21 de marzo en Chile; preliminar de 5.5

2023-03-21T19:02+0100aztecanoticias (es)

Se reportó un sismo hoy 21 de marzo en Chile de magnitud preliminar 5.5; el movimiento no requirió la activación de alerta de tsunami, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional de Chile. El epicentro ocurrió a 17 km al noroeste de Melipilla, a una profundidad de 57 kilómetros. Por el momento no se reportan daños ni actividad de tsunami.

BP North Sea strike resolution leaves wider outage threat hanging

2023-03-21T18:51+0100spglobal (en)

The UK's Unite trade union reiterated a threat of North Sea strike disruption March 21 as it announced a resolution of a dispute involving a relatively small number of contract workers at BP facilities. Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience.

Sismo de 5.5 de magnitud se siente en la ciudad de Melipilla

2023-03-21T18:51+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Melipilla fue el epicentro de un temblor de magnitud 5.5 que se registró a las 14:38 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo. El movimiento telúrico sucedió a 17.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 57.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Sparrows avoid strikes as workers secure 10% pay rise

2023-03-21T18:24+0100energyvoice (en)

Sparrows workers on BP installations have shelved plans to strike after agreeing on the equivalent of a 10% pay rise. Almost 50 offshore workers employed by the contractor were set to down tools before agreeing on a deal that guarantees them an extra three weeks of paid leave.

Massive earthquake jolts northern India, epicenter in Afghanistan

2023-03-21T18:12+0100firstpost (en)

A massive earthquake jolted large parts of northern India including the Delhi NCR region late on Tuesday evening Image Courtesy PTI New Delhi: A massive earthquake jolted large parts of northern India including the Delhi NCR region late on Tuesday evening.

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 2.9 en la ciudad de Huasco

2023-03-21T17:51+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.9 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 30.0 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Huasco. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -71.453 grados de longitud y -28.742 grados de latitud, es decir a 38.0 kilómetros al Suroeste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Natural Hazards Monitoring - 20 March 2023

2023-03-21T17:10+0100reliefWeb (en)

Official. Severe weather. United States of America (update) On 20 March 2023, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), published updated information on the heavy rain and flooding affecting the state of California. Mandatory evacuations are in effect for 10,000 people and....

Ecuador declares state of emergency in provinces hit by earthquake, rains QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador's President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe weather and a strong eart... 1h ago

2023-03-21T17:08+0100kelo (en)

QUITO (Reuters) – Ecuador ’s President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe weather and a strong earthquake that shook the country over the weekend, the government said on Tuesday. The measure adopted on Monday night will be in force for 60 days and....

Ecuador declares state of emergency in provinces hit by earthquake, rains QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador's President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe ... 1h ago

2023-03-21T17:02+0100wkzo (en)

QUITO (Reuters) – Ecuador ’s President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe weather and a strong earthquake that shook the country over the weekend, the government said on Tuesday. The measure adopted on Monday night will be in force for 60 days and....

“El triunfo de la Argentina nos excedió a nosotros como argentinos y argentinas, fue una alegría compartida por otros pueblos también”

2023-03-21T17:00+0100cronica (es)

El dúo logró fusionar los detalles del Mundial de Qatar con las exclusivas dentro del plantel argentino en un libro pionero y en tiempo récord. Así fue que Alejandro Wall y Gastón Edul, aun sin conocerse antes del mundial, decidieron narrar al mundo el recorrido que realizó la Selección Argentina....

Ignacio Araluce insiste en defender los reactores nucleares españoles y en el error que sería cerrarlos... y más cuando se vive “un maremoto nuclear” mundial

2023-03-21T16:39+0100hispanidad (es)

El presidente de Foro Nuclear invita a meditar sobre una energía que con una potencia instalada bajísima produce desde hace años el 20% de la electricidad y lo hace evitando más de 20 millones de toneladas de CO2. Ignacio Araluce subraya la necesidad de que se mantenga la energía nuclear en España,....

Ecuador declares state of emergency in provinces hit by earthquake, rains QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador's President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe weather and a strong eart... 45m ago

2023-03-21T16:14+0100whbl (en)

QUITO (Reuters) – Ecuador ’s President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe weather and a strong earthquake that shook the country over the weekend, the government said on Tuesday. The measure adopted on Monday night will be in force for 60 days and....

Ecuador declares state of emergency in provinces hit by earthquake, rains QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador's President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe weather and a strong eart... 40m ago

2023-03-21T16:11+0100wsau (en)

QUITO (Reuters) – Ecuador ’s President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe weather and a strong earthquake that shook the country over the weekend, the government said on Tuesday. The measure adopted on Monday night will be in force for 60 days and....

Venezuela realizará un simulacro de tsunami en 10 estados

2023-03-21T16:11+0100eluniversal (es)

Caracas.- El simulacro internacional de tsunami "Caribe Wave", el cual se llevará a cabo este jueves, se realizará en 10 de los 23 estados del país, con especial énfasis en las regiones de Nueva Esparta y Sucre, ambas ubicadas en el noreste y frente al Atlántico.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 3.1 en la ciudad de Cuya

2023-03-21T16:09+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 3.1 de magnitud sacudió en la ciudad de Cuya , según información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada señala que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 11:36 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo. El epicentro del sismo fue a 19.0 kilómetros al Sur de la localidad , en -19.

Did the earth move for you on Thursday, March 17?

2023-03-21T15:56+0100euroweeklynews (en)

The tremor occurred off the coast of the capital of the province. The seismic movement was recorded at 10:27.PM, about 100 kilometres from the coast of the city of Alicante and about 55 kilometres from the Island of Formentera, the epicentre being located 6 kilometres deep.

UK oil and gas sector faces ‘tsunami’ of strikes

2023-03-21T15:48+0100energylivenews (en)

UK’s offshore oil and gas sector is likely to be hit by a “tsunami” of industrial action. Around 1,400 offshore workers at five companies in the UK Continental Shelf are demanding better job conditions and pay, according to Unite the union, which warned of a potential “tsunami” of industrial unrest.

Ecuador declares state of emergency in provinces hit by earthquake, rains

2023-03-21T15:45+0100saltwire (en)

QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador 's President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe weather and a strong earthquake that shook the country over the weekend, the government said on Tuesday. The measure adopted on Monday night will be in force for 60 days and....

Ecuador declares state of emergency in provinces hit by earthquake, rains Reuters |Updated 6 minutes ago |1 min read QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador's President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe weather and a strong earthquake that shook the country over the weekend, the government said on Tuesday.

2023-03-21T15:41+0100thechronicleherald (en)

QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador 's President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe weather and a strong earthquake that shook the country over the weekend, the government said on Tuesday. The measure adopted on Monday night will be in force for 60 days and....

Ecuador Declares State of Emergency in Provinces Hit by Earthquake, Rains

2023-03-21T15:35+0100usnews (en)

FILE PHOTO: A family talks with neighbors near the damaged wall of their house following an earthquake in Isla Puna, Ecuador March 19, 2023. REUTERS/Maria Fernanda Landin Reuters QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador's President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by....

Ecuador declares state of emergency in provinces hit by earthquake, rains

2023-03-21T15:32+0100reuters (en)

QUITO, March 21 (Reuters) - Ecuador 's President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in 14 provinces worst affected by severe weather and a strong earthquake that shook the country over the weekend, the government said on Tuesday. The measure adopted on Monday night will be in force for 60....

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes

2023-03-21T15:26+0100analitica (es)

Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién , avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. «Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor» . Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años , se desploma en el suelo.

Chile: se registra temblor de magnitud 2.7 en Antofagasta

2023-03-21T15:06+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sorprendió a los pobladores de la ciudad de Antofagasta , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 10:39 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 2.7 y una profundidad de 54.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.0 con epicentro en la ciudad de Bahía Mansa

2023-03-21T14:24+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.0 se percibió en la ciudad de Bahía Mansa , de acuerdo con información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada señala que el movimiento telúrico empezó a las 09:43 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 27.

Autoridades realizarán simulacro de tsunami en 10 estados venezolanos este 23M

2023-03-21T14:19+0100noticiaaldia (es)

-Autoridades venezolanas anunciaron este lunes que el simulacro internacional de tsunami “Caribe Wave”, pautado para este jueves, se realizará en 10 de los 23 estados del país, con especial énfasis en las regiones de Nueva Esparta y Sucre, ambas ubicadas en el noreste y frente al Atlántico.

Pasco registró un sismo de magnitud 3.6

2023-03-21T14:04+0100infobae (es)

El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador , Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas y....

Realizarán simulacro de tsunami en 10 estados

2023-03-21T13:45+0100laverdad-VE (es)

Las autoridades del país anunciaron este lunes que el simulacro internacional de tsunami "Caribe Wave", el cual se llevará a cabo este jueves, se realizará en 10 de los 23 estados del país, con especial énfasis en las regiones de Nueva Esparta y Sucre, ambas ubicadas en el noreste y frente al Atlántico.

Plus de 220 morts après un tsunami « volcanique » en Indonésie

2023-03-21T13:37+0100oeildafrique (fr)

Des centaines de bâtiments ont été emportés par les vagues, qui ont déferlé sur les côtes méridionales de Sumatra et l'extrémité occidentale de Java aux alentours de 21h30 samedi (14h30TU). La vague a surgi après l'éruption du volcan connu comme "l'enfant" du légendaire Krakatoa, l'Anak Krakatoa,....

Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.0 en Peribán, Michoacán

2023-03-21T12:51+0100infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 6 km al oeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Michoacán, con una profundidad de 10.3 km y fue percibido por los habitantes de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred)....

Several dead and injured after a magnitude 6.5 earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-21T12:49+0100breakinglatest (en)

SITUATION The 6.5-magnitude earthquake was recorded at 12:15 p.m. on March 18, 2023. The epicenter was in Balao, in Guayas. President Guillermo Lasso assured that 12 people have died. According to the Geophysical Institute of the National Polytechnic School, the earthquake occurred at 12:11 a.m. at 2.

Canarias vista por la inteligencia artificial

2023-03-21T12:36+0100laprovincia (es)

Un majorero. Si fuera de carne y hueso, Fuerteventura sería un joven con bigote y perilla, carácter serio y con un gran futuro por delante. Su juventud contrasta con la edad de la isla geológicamente más vieja del Archipiélago. Una gomera. Una mujer mayor de pelo canoso reflexiona con el ceño....

Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-21T12:36+0100laprovincia (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.5 en Vallenar

2023-03-21T12:05+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Vallenar fue el epicentro de un sismo de magnitud 2.5 que se registró a las 07:41 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo. El movimiento telúrico sucedió a 64.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 51.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Se siente temblor de magnitud 2.6 en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-03-21T11:26+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.6 tomo por sorpresa a la ciudad de Ollagüe este martes 21 de marzo, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según la información hasta ahora publicada, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 06:50 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 127.0 kilómetros de profundidad.


2023-03-21T09:53+0100proycontra (es)

Alcalde de Belén. La comuna de Belén, cuyo alcalde es Richard Vásquez Salazar, seguirá apoyando la realización de estas acciones en los momentos en que se nos convoque porque Defensa Civil es tarea de todos. Recientemente la oficina de Defensa Civil de la Municipalidad Distrital de Belén participó....

Temblor de 3.7 de magnitud se siente en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-03-21T09:05+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 3.7 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 218.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Socaire. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -67.478 grados de longitud y -24.183 grados de latitud, es decir a 78.0 kilómetros al Sureste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

'We don't know what the impact will be': Council official concerned about ending of eviction ban

2023-03-21T09:04+0100eecho (en)

A SENIOR official with Cork County Council said the local authority shares the same concerns as Cllr Mary Lenihan Foley who expressed her fears about the ending of the eviction ban on Saturday, April 1. Independent councillor Lenihan Foley said at yesterday’s Southern Committee meeting she has been....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.2 de magnitud en Ollagüe

2023-03-21T08:54+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.2 se registró en la ciudad chilena de Ollagüe , de acuerdo con datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora recopilada precisa que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 04:24 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo. El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 40.

Sensors, Vol. 23, Pages 3301: Present-Day Crustal Velocity Field in Ecuador from cGPS Position Time Series

2023-03-21T08:22+0100mdpi (en)

The present study analyzes the GNSS time series obtained between the years 2017 and 2022 for the calculation of absolute and residual rates of Ecuador in 10 stations (ABEC, CUEC, ECEC, EPEC, FOEC, GZEC, MUEC, PLEC, RIOP, SEEC, TPC) of the continuous monitoring REGME network.

Earthquake kills 14 in Ecuador and 1 in Peru – MercoPress

2023-03-21T07:22+0100exbulletin (en)

On the other hand, the US Geological Survey (USGS), which monitors seismic activity worldwide, reported a 6.7-magnitude earthquake 6 kilometers from the Ecuador ian city of Palau, Guayas province. State oil company Petroecuador stated that an offshore platform near the epicenter sustained damage that....

La angustia de un maestro sin casa

2023-03-21T06:42+0100diariodeibiza (es)

Que la vivienda en Ibiza y Formentera tenga precios estratosféricos y la oferta de alquiler para residentes y trabajadores de temporada sea tan escasa no es una maldición divina ni una catástrofe inevitable de la naturaleza, como un tsunami o un huracán.

Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.4 en la ciudad de Tirúa

2023-03-21T06:24+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un temblor de 3.4 de magnitud con epicentro a 140.0 kilómetros de la ciudad de Tirúa. Información preliminar precisa que el temblor inició a las 01:53 horas (hora local) de este martes 21 de marzo y tuvo una profundidad de 31.0 kilómetros. La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -74.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.1 con epicentro en la ciudad de Calama

2023-03-21T06:07+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.1 aconteció este martes 21 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Calama , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, la actividad sísmica inicio a las 00:35 (hora local) , se originó a 22.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 2.9 en la ciudad de Melinka

2023-03-21T06:07+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.9 y con una profundidad de 58.0 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Melinka. El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -73.598 grados de longitud y -43.597 grados de latitud, es decir a 35.0 kilómetros al Noreste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Temblor de 2.5 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-03-21T06:07+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.5 de magnitud ocurrió este martes 21 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Socaire , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, la actividad sísmica inicio a las 00:18 (hora local) , se originó a 53.

Montbeton. Exposition "L’Aigat de mars 1930 ou la furie des eaux"

2023-03-21T05:26+0100ladepeche (fr)

L’exposition itinérante "L’Aigat de mars 1930 ou la furie des eaux", conçue par le conseil départemental avec le concours des archives départementales, peut se visiter à la médiathèque de Montbeton, 102, route de Montauban, du 20 mars au 2 avril. Elle retrace l’histoire des inondations dramatiques....

Sismo de magnitud 3.6 sacude a Callao, Lima

2023-03-21T05:08+0100infobae (es)

El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador , Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas....

Sismo de 4.0 de magnitud con epicentro en Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla

2023-03-21T03:49+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Venezuela realizará simulacro de tsunami Caribe Wave 2023 en 10 estados

2023-03-21T03:01+0100elpitazo (es)

Las autoridades de Venezuela anunciaron este lunes 20 de marzo que el simulacro internacional de tsunami Caribe Wave, el cual se llevará a cabo este jueves, se realizará en 10 de los 23 estados del país, con especial énfasis en las regiones de Nueva Esparta y Sucre, ambas ubicadas en el noreste y frente al Atlántico.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-21T03:00+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

L’Equateur a enregistré ce samedi un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,5. Selon le dernier bilan officiel, au moins 14 personnes sont mortes du tremblement de terre, qui a également fait de nombreux blessés et endommagé des bâtiments. La secousse s’est produite à midi et a eu son épicentre dans la....

Moquegua: se registró sismo de magnitud 4.1 en Ilo

2023-03-21T02:49+0100infobae (es)

Perú se localiza en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los sismos más fuertes del mundo. El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está integrado por la zona....

Temblor en México: sismo de 4.3 de magnitud

2023-03-21T02:36+0100infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 102 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas, con una profundidad de 11.4 km y fue percibido por los habitantes de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred)....

Selva del Darién; pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para migrantes

2023-03-21T00:57+0100critica (es)

Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor. Me tuve que lanzar en un río (...) No sentía fondo, por eso fue que me desesperé , casi me lleva la corriente, fue horrible, fue horrible", explica a EFE esta joven, que viaja con dos primos. Tres jornadas caminando doce horas diarias en las que vieron "cosas feas, muy feas".

News1 day ago Ecuador Earthquake Kills 12 And Damages a Wide Area (CTN News) – An earthquake has killed at least 12 people in southern Ecuador and northern Peru. In the region south of Guayaquil, the U.S. Geological...

2023-03-21T00:50+0100chiangraitimes (en)

(CTN News) – An earthquake has killed at least 12 people in southern Ecuador and northern Peru. In the region south of Guayaquil, the U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 on Saturday. The city is Ecuador’s second-largest in terms of population.

Latin America & The Caribbean Weekly Situation Update (As of 20 March 2023)

2023-03-21T00:33+0100reliefWeb (en)

KEY FIGURES. +56,600 PEOPLE IMPACTED BY FLOODING IN PERU. PERU: FLOODING. During March, rains have intensified considerably on the north-central Peruvian coast. Adding to the already complicated situation were the effects caused by cyclone Yaku, the first low pressure system off the South American....

Earthquake in Ecuador caused 14 deaths and affected 1,107 people and 235 homes

2023-03-21T00:29+0100ecuadortimes (en)

The Ministry of Housing will declare an emergency to attend to those affected by the earthquake. It also offers to purchase homes already built from the private sector. The Government announced the creation of an emergency lease bond, after the 6.5 magnitude earthquake that occurred on March 18, 2023, with its epicenter in Balao (Guayas).

Se registra sismo de magnitud 2.9 en la ciudad de Mina Collahuasi

2023-03-21T00:05+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.9 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 133.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Mina Collahuasi. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -68.765 grados de longitud y -21.173 grados de latitud, es decir a 40.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 3.1 en Lebu

2023-03-20T23:47+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.1 y con una profundidad de 44.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes de la ciudad chilena de Lebu. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -73.564 grados de longitud y -37.79 grados de latitud, es decir a 22.0 kilómetros al Sureste de dicha ciudad , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Jordan offers condolences to Ecuador over victims of earthquake

2023-03-20T23:36+0100jordantimes (en)

AMMAN — The Foreign Ministry on Monday expressed Jordan’s condolences to Ecuador over the devastating earthquake that hit the southern part of the country that resulted in several deaths and injuries. The ministry voiced the Kingdom's sympathy with Ecuador, expressing condolences to the victims'....

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes

2023-03-20T22:40+0100newsinamerica (es)

Panamá. Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. «Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor». Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años, se desploma en el suelo.

Ecuador Earthquake Kills at Least 15 People

2023-03-20T22:23+0100sunstkitts (en)

At least 15 people have died and more than 400 are injured after a 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador ’s southern coast. Buildings were damaged in several cities when the earthquake hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected and 12 people died there, authorities said.

Au moins 14 morts dans un séisme qui secoue l’Equateur et le Pérou

2023-03-20T22:21+0100legrandplateau (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes ont été tuées, plusieurs ont été blessées et des bâtiments ont été endommagés lors d’un puissant tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Pérou et l’Equateur samedi, ont annoncé les autorités. Des bâtiments détruits, des véhicules écrasés et des débris ont pu être vus dans des....

Pánico en Arequipa: Fuerte sismo de 4,9 sacudió Perú

2023-03-20T22:21+0100hsbnoticias (es)

Ecuador no es el único país que se ha sido sacudido por un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 6.5 y que tuvo como epicentro a Guayas , dejando un saldo de 14 heridos y más de 400 damnificados. Ahora en Arequipa se sintió otra movimiento telúrico y sin que hasta ahora se registren daños personales o materiales.

La selva del Darién: Una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones

2023-03-20T21:22+0100listin (es)

Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. "Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor". Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años, se desploma en el suelo.

Cuban president regrets consequences of a strong earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-20T20:43+0100cubasi (en)

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel on Sunday expressed his solidarity and condolences to the government and people of Ecuador for the victims of the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that shook that country and left 13 dead so far. In his profile on the social network Twitter, the Cuban president lamented the....

Meteo Cronaca diretta Video: Ecuador, violento terremoto 6.8

2023-03-20T20:43+0100informazione (it)

Nel suo intervento il capo dello stato ha sottolineato che dopo aver visitato durante il fine settimana le zone più colpite dalla scossa di magnitudo 6,5 gradi Richter e dal maltempo… Il sisma di sabato, che ha colpito anche il Perù settentrionale, ha ucciso almeno 15 persone.

20/03/2023 - Meteo Cronaca diretta Video: Ecuador, violento terremoto 6.8 Richter nel Sud del Paese, crolli e vittime

2023-03-20T20:37+0100ilmeteo (it)

Si aggrava il bilancio delle vittime causate dal terremoto 6.8 scala richter registrato nella giornata di Sabato 18 Marzo nel sud dell' Ecuador , al confine con il Perù. Il sisma ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù, una bambina di 4 anni, e almeno 381 feriti.

Sismo de 3.1 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Pica

2023-03-20T20:19+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.1 sacudió en la ciudad de Pica , de acuerdo con información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora recopilada precisa que el movimiento telúrico empezó a las 15:50 horas (hora local) de este lunes 20 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor fue a 45.

Arequipa registró un sismo de magnitud 4.9

2023-03-20T20:19+0100infobae (es)

Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los movimientos telúricos más fuertes del mundo. El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está....

Oil losses in Ecuador due to earthquake, rains, protests

2023-03-20T20:13+0100plenglish (en)

Quito, Mar 20 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador ian oil production is currently below normal levels due to Saturday's earthquake, pelting rains, and social protests opposing activity in the Amazon. Ecuador’s state-owned oil and gas company, Petroecuador, stated in a press release that the 6.

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes

2023-03-20T20:10+0100elcomentario (es)

Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién , avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. “Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor”. Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años, se desploma en el suelo.

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes

2023-03-20T20:04+0100diariodelosandes (es)

Bajo Chiquito (Panamá), 20 mar (EFE).- Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. «Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor» . Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones.

15 Killed, Hundreds Injured as Disastrous 6.8 Earthquake Strikes Peru and Ecuador

2023-03-20T19:57+0100natureworldnews (en)

Authorities said a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday killed at least 14 people, injured several others, and damaged buildings. Buildings were destroyed, vehicles were crushed, and debris could be seen in Ecuadorian cities such as Machala and Cuenca, as rescuers rushed to help and panicked residents ran into the streets.

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones ...

2023-03-20T19:44+0100eldia-do (es)

Panamá.- Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién , avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. “Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor». Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años, se desploma en el suelo.

La selva del Darién: una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes

2023-03-20T19:26+0100eltiempo-VE (es)

Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. "Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor". Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años, se desploma en el suelo.

Pope’s concern for Ecuador earthquake victims – Vatican News Vatican

2023-03-20T19:19+0100archyde (en)

A strong earthquake hit Ecuador on March 18. On the following Sunday, after the Angelus prayer, Pope Francis expressed his concern for the dead and suffering. (Vatican News Network) After reciting the Angelus on Sunday, March 19, Pope Francis turned his thoughts to the powerful earthquake that struck Ecuador the day before.

The US offers aid to Peru and Ecuador for the earthquake

2023-03-20T19:14+0100dominicantoday (en)

The United States Government sent condolences to Peru and Ecuador for the earthquake on Saturday, which has left at least 15 dead and hundreds injured and stated that it is ready to help in whatever is necessary. On Twitter, the spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council, Adrienne....

Ecuador Earthquake Kills at Least 12, Causes Wide Damage

2023-03-20T18:48+0100claimsjournal (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes

2023-03-20T18:36+0100elsiglo-PA (es)

Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. "Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor". Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años, se desploma en el suelo.

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes

2023-03-20T18:33+0100laestrella (es)

Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. "Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor". Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años, se desploma en el suelo.

Syria expresses solidarity with Peru and Ecuador after earthquake

2023-03-20T18:11+0100plenglish (en)

Damascus, Mar 20 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Government has expressed solidarity and condolences to the relatives of the victims of an earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, March 18. Our solidarity and support to the governments and peoples of these two....

North Sea workers are taking industrial action in disputes over pay and conditions in what a union has described as a “tsunami” of unrest. Unite said stoppages by its members could bring platforms on the UK continental shelf to a standstill in the weeks ahead. Those involved include deck crew, scaffolders, crane operators, pipefitters.

2023-03-20T18:10+0100thesundaytimes (en)

North Sea workers are taking industrial action in disputes over pay and conditions in what a union has described as a “tsunami” of unrest. Unite said stoppages by its members could bring platforms on the UK continental shelf to a standstill in the weeks ahead.

North Sea workers are taking industrial action in disputes over pay and conditions in what a union has described as a “tsunami” of unrest. Unite said stoppages by its members could bring platforms on the UK continental shelf to a standstill in the weeks ahead. Those involved include deck crew, scaffolders, crane operators, pipefitters.

2023-03-20T18:07+0100thetimes (en)

North Sea workers are taking industrial action in disputes over pay and conditions in what a union has described as a “tsunami” of unrest. Unite said stoppages by its members could bring platforms on the UK continental shelf to a standstill in the weeks ahead.

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes

2023-03-20T17:57+0100latribuna (es)

Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. “Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor”. Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años, se desploma en el suelo.

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes (Fotos)

2023-03-20T17:49+0100lapatilla (es)

Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor. Me tuve que lanzar en un río (…) No sentía fondo, por eso fue que me desesperé, casi me lleva la corriente, fue horrible, fue horrible “, explica a EFE esta joven, que viaja con dos primos. Tres jornadas caminando doce horas diarias en las que vieron “cosas feas, muy feas”.

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violacione...

2023-03-20T17:07+0100100noticias (es)

Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. "Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor". Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años, se desploma en el suelo.

(VIDEO) México y Japón se enfrentan por último cupo finalista en Clásico de Béisbol

2023-03-20T17:06+0100aporrea (es)

Japón, dos veces monarca del evento, enfrentará hoy a México para definir la última plaza en el epílogo del V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol y Roki Sasaki será su primera apuesta en el box. Sasaki tiene una hoja de vida casi increíble, pues pasó de sobrevivir a un tsunami a establecerse como uno de los....

North Sea oil, gas operators warned of "tsunami" of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T17:02+01004-traders (en)

(Alliance News) - Oil and gas operators in the North Sea are being warned of a "tsunami " of industrial unrest after workers voted to strike over jobs, pay and conditions. Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf are involved in the dispute.

Géothermie au Japon : un potentiel élevé mais délicat à exploiter

2023-03-20T16:49+0100rtbf (fr)

Avec sa centaine de volcans actifs, le Japon dispose des troisièmes plus importantes ressources géothermiques au monde. Mais leur exploitation énergétique est très faible, du fait d’opposants de taille : les propriétaires des " onsen ", les bains d’eau chaude omniprésents dans l’archipel.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.6 en Canela Baja

2023-03-20T16:49+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad de Canela Baja , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 12:19 horas (hora local) de este lunes 20 de marzo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 3.6 y una profundidad de 38.

La ciudad de Canela Baja siente sismo de magnitud 3.7

2023-03-20T16:34+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.7 y con una profundidad de 30.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes de la ciudad chilena de Canela Baja. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -71.693 grados de longitud y -31.51 grados de latitud, es decir a 26.

Energy firms face ‘tsunami’ of industrial action, union warns

2023-03-20T16:22+0100eandt-theiet (en)

According to Unite, around 1,400 offshore workers across five companies are planning to strike, which could bring platforms and offshore installations to a “standstill”. The latest round of industrial action will hit BP, CNRI, EnQuest, Harbour, Ithaca, Shell and Total.

Pope’s concern for Ecuador earthquake victims – Vatican News Vatican

2023-03-20T16:21+0100breakinglatest (en)

A strong earthquake hit Ecuador on March 18. On the following Sunday, after the Angelus prayer, Pope Francis expressed his concern for the dead and suffering. (Vatican Network) After reciting the Angelus on Sunday, March 19, Pope Francis turned his thoughts to the powerful earthquake that struck Ecuador the day before.

Terremoto in Ecuador meridionale

2023-03-20T16:19+0100informazione (it)

Nel suo intervento il capo dello stato ha sottolineato che dopo aver visitato durante il fine settimana le zone più colpite dalla scossa di magnitudo 6,5 gradi Richter e dal maltempo… A causa della forte scossa di terremoto in Ecuador si registrano ingenti danni ad edifici pubblici e privati, centinaia di feriti e diversi morti.

TDP supremo condemns ‘attack’ on party MLA inside Andhra Pradesh Assembly

2023-03-20T16:12+0100thehindu (en)

Strongly condemning the alleged attack on Telugu Desam Party MLA D. Bala Veeranjenaya Swamy in the Legislative Assembly on Monday, TDP president and former Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu said such incidents amounted to stifling the voice of the people. “Never before in the country’s history has such an order been issued,” Mr.

Operación Clásico: Roki Sasaki carga los sueños de Japón

2023-03-20T15:57+0100prensa-latina (es)

Miami, EEUU, 20 mar (Prensa Latina) Japón, dos veces monarca del evento, enfrentará hoy a México para definir la última plaza en el epílogo del V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol y Roki Sasaki será su primera apuesta en el box. Sasaki tiene una hoja de vida casi increíble, pues pasó de sobrevivir a un....

UK Strikes To Cause A 'Tsunami' Of Unrest For North Sea Oil And Gas

2023-03-20T15:56+0100oilprice (en)

Dozens of oil and gas platforms in the UK North Sea could come to a standstill in the coming weeks after 1,400 offshore workers at five contractor companies have voted to initiate strikes to demand better pay and working conditions, Unite the union said on Monday.

Video Strong Earthquake Jolts South America; Claims At Least 15 Lives In Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-20T15:41+0100weather-en-IN (en)

Strong Earthquake Jolts South America; Claims At Least 15 Lives In Ecuador and Peru. 20 March 2023. An earthquake that hit southern Ecuador has caused deaths across two countries. Over 100 people are reportedly injured. Now Playing Strong Earthquake Jolts South America; Claims At Least 15 Lives In....

La selva del Darién, una pesadilla de muerte y violaciones para los migrantes

2023-03-20T15:40+0100proceso-HN (es)

Panamá – Acaban de salir de la selva del Darién, avanzan exhaustos, arrastrando los pies, sudorosos, sin agua. «Horrible, horrible, ha sido lo peor». Son migrantes que no se creen que tras varios días de caminata han logrado superar una pesadilla de muerte, robos y violaciones. La venezolana Diana Medina, de 20 años, se desploma en el suelo.

Temblor de magnitud 4.0 remeció Tacna esta mañana

2023-03-20T15:26+0100huaral (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.0, con una profundidad de 80 kilómetros, se registró esta mañana en la región Huánuco, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico se produjo a las 08:39 horas y su epicentro se localizó a 43 kilómetros al suroeste de la provincia de Tacna.

Después del temblor en Tucumán: cinco sorprendentes datos sobre los sismos que debes conocer

2023-03-20T15:24+0100lagaceta (es)

Según especialistas, cerca de un millón de sismos se producen por año en el planeta. El último temblor en Tucumán , la semana pasada obligó a repasar algunas de sus características. La Tierra tiembla en todo momento y particularmente más en algunas zonas del mundo.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en Arica

2023-03-20T15:08+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 4.1 de magnitud tomo por sorpresa a la ciudad chilena de Arica este lunes 20 de marzo, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información preliminar, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 10:39 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 43.0 kilómetros.

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 4 con epicentro en Tacna

2023-03-20T15:08+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4 ocurrió este lunes 20 de marzo en la ciudad de Tacna , en la provincia de Tacna del departamento de Tacna, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 08:39 (hora local) y se originó a 43....

Impactantes imágenes de la destrucción causada por el terremoto

2023-03-20T15:03+0100ecuadorenvivo (es)

El terremoto de magnitud 6,5 que sacudió el sábado a Ecuador dejó un saldo de al menos 13 fallecidos y 461 heridos. El sismo, que se registró a las 12:12 hora local y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, en la provincia de Guayas, fronteriza con Perú, a una profundidad de 44 km, hay generado 23 réplicas, según el último reporte.

Guillermo Lasso declaró el estado de excepción en Ecuador

2023-03-20T15:01+0100carasycaretas (es)

Por otro lado, la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de Ecuador (Conaie) anunció que en coordinación con sus estructuras organizativas activarán una campaña de ayuda para las poblaciones más afectadas. El terremoto que afectó la zona fronteriza entre Ecuador y Perú dejó, según las cifras....

Cuba conveys its sympathy to Ecuador after earthquake

2023-03-20T15:00+0100wn (en)

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, today expressed his country's solidarity with the people and government of Ecuador , after the strong earthquake that left so far 13 dead and material and human damages.


2023-03-20T14:50+0100portaldelcampo (es)

Herramienta que cuenta con subvención del Estado, a través de INDAP y Agroseguros, respondió con montos de hasta $10 millones para los productores que aseguraron un total de 19.721 colmenas. Un grupo de 110 apicultores y apicultoras que sufrieron bajas en la producción de sus colmenas entre....

Reportan sismo de 3,46 grados al norte de Puerto Rico

2023-03-20T14:49+0100elexpresso (es)

SAN JUAN (EFE) – Un sismo de 3,46 grados se reportó en la mañana de este lunes al norte de Puerto Rico sin que se haya producido ningún tsunami ni caída de objetos en alguna estructura. El temblor se registró a las 6:34 de la mañana a una profundidad de 85 pies y a una intensidad de IV a 19,43....

Rafael Rodríguez: Hay que prepararse para que el impacto del fenómeno de El Niño sea lo menor posible

2023-03-20T14:44+0100eltiempo-VE (es)

Existe una probabilidad del 60% de que seamos afectados por el fenómeno de El Niño, a partir de octubre, motivo por el cual debemos prepararnos para que su impacto sea lo menor posible. La advertencia es hecha por el doctor Rafael Rodríguez, profesor jubilado de la Universidad Centroccidental....

Ecuador in a State of Exception Due to Earthquake

2023-03-20T14:38+0100telesurenglish (en)

On Sunday, Ecuador ian President Guillermo Lasso declared a "State of Exception" throughout the country to be able to attend to the areas affected by the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that had its epicenter in the province of Guayas on Saturday morning. The death toll from the earthquake has risen to 14.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en la ciudad de Tocopilla

2023-03-20T14:38+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sacudió a la ciudad de Tocopilla , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 10:12 horas (hora local) de este lunes 20 de marzo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico fue de 2.7 de magnitud y una profundidad de 64.0 kilómetros. La ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a 29.

Reportan un sismo de magnitud 3,46 en el norte de Puerto Rico

2023-03-20T14:25+0100holanews (es)

San Juan, 20 mar (EFE).- Un sismo de magnitud 3,46 se reportó en la mañana de este lunes en el norte de Puerto Rico sin que se haya producido ningún tsunami ni caída de objetos en alguna estructura. El temblor se registró a las 06.34 hora local (10.34 GMT) a una profundidad de 85 pies (26....

Strong Ecuador earthquake leaves trail of destruction

2023-03-20T14:22+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake shook the coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least a dozen people. The search for missing people continues. Residents salvage belongings from the rubble of collapsed houses in the coastal town of Machala. On March 18, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake shook southern Ecuador and Peru.

Terremoto in Ecuador e Perù: 15 i morti

2023-03-20T14:13+0100romasette (it)

Salito a 15 morti il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che sabato 18 marzo ha colpito il sud dell’Ecaudor, causando la morte di 14 persone, e il nord del Perù, dove si conta 1 vittima, con epicentro a 6 chilometri a nord-est della città ecuadoriana di Balao (nella provincia di Guayas), a una....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.5 de magnitud en Los Vilos

2023-03-20T14:10+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.5 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 24.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes de la ciudad chilena de Los Vilos. El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -71.8 grados de longitud y -32.274 grados de latitud, es decir a 49.

Chile: se registra temblor de magnitud 3.7 en Pisagua

2023-03-20T14:10+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.7 de magnitud sacudió a la ciudad chilena de Pisagua este lunes 20 de marzo, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información hasta ahora publicada, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 09:42 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 73.

Jordan condoles Ecuador over earthquake victims

2023-03-20T13:53+0100ammonnews-en (en)

Ammon News - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates on Monday expressed its deep condolences to Ecuador over victims of a magnitude 6.8 earthquake that struck the country's south, leaving more than a dozen people dead and hundreds injured. The Ministry voiced Jordan's sympathy with Ecuador,....

Se registra sismo de 3,46 grados al norte de Puerto Rico

2023-03-20T13:38+0100n-com-do (es)

San Juan.- Un sismo de magnitud 3,46 grados se ha registrado en la mañana de este lunes al norte de Puerto Rico, sin que se haya producido ningún tsunami ni caída de objetos en alguna estructura. El temblor se registró a las 06.34 (10.34 GMT) -hora local- a una profundidad de 85 pies (26 kilómetros)....

Message of condolences from Foreign Minister HAYASHI Yoshimasa following the damages caused by the earthquake disaster in the southern part of Guayas province, the Republic of Ecuador

2023-03-20T13:37+0100japan-foreign-office (en)

On March 20, Mr. HAYASHI Yoshimasa, Minister for Foreign Affairs, delivered the following message of condolences to H.E. Mr. Juan Carlos Holguín Maldonado, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of the Republic of Ecuador , following the damage caused by the earthquake disaster in the....

Message of condolences from Foreign Minister HAYASHI Yoshimasa following the damages caused by the earthquake disaster in the southern part of Guayas province, the Republic of Ecuador

2023-03-20T13:27+0100mofa-go-jp (en)

On March 20, Mr. HAYASHI Yoshimasa, Minister for Foreign Affairs, delivered the following message of condolences to H.E. Mr. Juan Carlos Holguín Maldonado, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of the Republic of Ecuador , following the damage caused by the earthquake disaster in the....

12- Jordan condoles Ecuador over earthquake victims

2023-03-20T13:25+0100petra-en (en)

Amman, March 20 (Petra) -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates on Monday expressed its deep condolences to Ecuador over victims of a magnitude 6.8 earthquake that struck the country's south, leaving more than a dozen people dead and hundreds injured.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-20T13:24+0100Stuff (en)

shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake on Sunday (NZT) with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador, Peru - Earthquake, update (GDACS, SGR, INDECI, NOAA-CPC) (ECHO Daily Flash of 20 March 2023)

2023-03-20T13:16+0100reliefWeb (en)

Following the 6.8 M earthquake (6.5 for Ecuador ean Authorities) that occurred on 18 March at 17:12 UTC that affected mostly the Provinces of Guayas, Azuay, Cañar y El Oro (central-southwestern Ecuacuor), the amount of injured people and damage has increased.

Ecuador, decretato lo stato di emergenza dopo il terremoto

2023-03-20T13:08+0100informazione (it)

Nel suo intervento il capo dello stato ha sottolineato che dopo aver visitato durante il fine settimana le zone più colpite dalla scossa di magnitudo 6,5 gradi Richter e dal maltempo… A causa della forte scossa di terremoto in Ecuador si registrano ingenti danni ad edifici pubblici e privati, centinaia di feriti e diversi morti.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.1 de magnitud

2023-03-20T13:04+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Socaire fue el epicentro de un sismo de magnitud 3.1 que se registró a las 08:35 horas (hora local) de este lunes 20 de marzo. La actividad sísmica se registró a 73.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 218.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Inocar descartó alerta de tsunami tras nuevo sismo en la costa ecuatoriana

2023-03-20T13:01+0100telegrafo (es)

Este lunes, 20 de marzo de 2023, se registró un nuevo sismo de 4.2 en la escala de Richter en Salinas (Santa Elena). Ante esto, el Instituto Oceanográfico y Antártico de la Armada del Ecuador (Inocar) descartó un tsunami en la costa ecuatoriana. En su informe, con corte a las 05:27, se señala que....

Las impactantes imágenes de la destrucción causada por el terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-20T13:01+0100mdzol (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 sacudió el sábado a Ecuador con un saldo de al menos 14 personas muertas y 461 heridos, informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 12:12 hora local y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, en la provincia de Guayas, fronteriza con Perú, y a una....

Chile: se registra temblor de magnitud 2.8 en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-03-20T12:52+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad chilena de Socaire , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 08:25 horas (hora local) de este lunes 20 de marzo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica fue de 2.8 de magnitud y una profundidad de 242.0 kilómetros.

At Least 15 Dead and Hundreds Injured as Earthquake Hits Ecuador

2023-03-20T12:44+0100hstoday (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador on Saturday, with effects felt in much of the country as well as in the northernmost parts of neighboring Peru. At least 15 people are thought to have died in the quake, with hundreds injured. Infrastructure has also been hit with Santa Rosa Airport one of the buildings to suffer damage.

Las impactantes imágenes de la destrucción causada por el terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-20T12:43+0100eldeber (es)

Getty Images Machala, en la provincia de El Oro, fue una de las ciudades más afectadas. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 sacudió el sábado a Ecuador con un saldo de al menos 14 personas muertas y 461 heridos, informaron las autoridades. El sismo se registró a las 12:12 hora local y tuvo su epicentro en....

Disastri naturaliEcuador, decretato lo stato di emergenza dopo il terremoto

2023-03-20T12:39+0100cdt (it)

Il presidente dell' Ecuador , Guillermo Lasso, ha annunciato che a causa del terremoto di sabato , che ha provocato almeno 14 morti e circa 500 feriti, e dell'ondata di maltempo che ha investito il Paese, ha deciso di decretare, fra varie misure, uno stato di emergenza nazionale, senza restrizione di diritti costituzionali.

Terremoto in Ecuador: centinaia di feriti, morti e ingenti danni

2023-03-20T12:38+0100informazione (it)

A causa della forte scossa di terremoto in Ecuador si registrano ingenti danni ad edifici pubblici e privati, centinaia di feriti e diversi morti. Ecco le ultime notizie che… L'Ecuador dice addio al celebre Museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar: subito dopo la spaventosa scossa di terremoto dello scorso....

Ecuador: 15 morti e circa 450 feriti per il terremoto di sabato. Danneggiate chiese a Cuenca, inizia a organizzarsi la macchina degli aiuti

2023-03-20T12:28+0100agensir (it)

È salito a 15 il numero delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che sabato ha colpito il sud dell’ Ecuador (14 morti) e il nord del Perù (una vittima), con epicentro a 6 chilometri a nord-est della città ecuadoriana di Balao (nella provincia di Guayas), a una profondità di 66 chilometri, secondo il Servizio geologico statunitense.

Las imágenes de la destrucción causada por el terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-20T12:28+0100acento (es)

Getty Images. Machala, en la provincia de El Oro, fue una de las ciudades más afectadas. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 sacudió el sábado a Ecuador con un saldo de al menos 14 personas muertas y 461 heridos, informaron las autoridades.El sismo se registró a las 12:12 hora local y tuvo su epicentro en....

Un séisme de magnitude 6,5 fait 15 morts à la frontière Péruviano-Equatorienne

2023-03-20T12:26+0100catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a aussi secoué le Pérou, a causé ce samedi la mort d'au moins 15 personnes. Le séisme a aussi fait 446 blessés et 180 habitations sont également touchées.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 3.1 en la ciudad de Calama

2023-03-20T12:20+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.1 y con una profundidad de 126.0 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Calama. El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -68.544 grados de longitud y -21.987 grados de latitud, es decir a 67.0 kilómetros al Noreste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Sismológico registra temblor de magnitud 4.1 en Matías Romero

2023-03-20T11:54+0100infobae (es)

Tras un terremoto, revisa tu casa en búsqueda de posibles daños, utiliza tu celular solo en emergencia, no prendas cerillos o velas hasta asegurarte que no hay alguna fuga de gas y recuerda que se pueden presentar réplicas del sismo , por lo que es importante mantenerte alerta.

Le plus grand tsunami jamais enregistré faisait plus de 500 mètres de haut

2023-03-20T11:41+0100dailygeekshow (fr)

Un tsunami est une série de vagues extrêmement importantes causées par une perturbation sous-marine, telle qu’un glissement de terrain côtier, une éruption volcanique, un glissement de terrain sous-marin ou l’impact d’une météorite dans l’eau. Elles sont souvent causées par un tremblement de terre au fond de l’océan.

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 ha colpito il sud dell'Ecuador

2023-03-20T11:37+0100informazione (it)

Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 ha colpito l’ Ecuador alle 17:12 UTC del 18 marzo 2023, registrato dall’USGS e dall’IGEPN. L’IGEPN riferisce una profondità di 37 km; l’USGS 66.4 km. L’EMSC riporta M6.7 a una profondità di… Meteo Cronaca Diretta: (Video) Terremoto in Ecuador , il sisma 6.

Il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala: sprofondano 5mila reperti

2023-03-20T11:28+0100repubblica (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù, causando almeno 381 feriti, ha portat anche all'affondamento del museo marino di Machala, diventato negli anni una meta per liceali e studenti universitari.

Matías Romero, Oaxaca, registra temblor de magnitud 4.3

2023-03-20T11:21+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T11:14+0100cityam (en)

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Oil and gas companies have been given free rein to enjoy massive windfall profits in the North Sea ; drilling concessions are effectively licences to print money. “1,400 offshore workers are now set to take strike action against these employers who are....

La maggioranza delle vittime è stata segnalata al confine con il Perú. Nell'estremo Nord del Paese confinante molte case sono crollate e chi le abitava nel frattempo fuggito in strada

2023-03-20T11:13+0100repubblica (it)

Si contano i danni e si piangono le vittime due giorni dopo la violenta scossa di terremoto che ha colpito il Sud dell' Ecuador e parte del Nord del Perú. Ci sono almeno 14 morti e 620 feriti, tutti travolti dal crollo delle case e sepolti sotto le macerie.

Terremoto in Ecuador: a Machala il mondo si è fermato

2023-03-20T10:59+0100euronews-it (it)

"La città è tranquilla, ma si sentono paura e lutto", ha detto Luis Becerra. che abita a Machala da sempre. “Senti il ​​dolore, il dramma, ovunque tu vada. Tutti sono all'erta, con grande preoccupazione nel caso di un'altra forte scossa di assestamento. Il sisma, che l' U.S. Geological Survey ha registrato di magnitudo 6.

Terremoto in Ecuador: a Machala il mondo si è fermato

2023-03-20T10:58+0100247libero (it)

"La città è tranquilla, ma si sentono paura e lutto", ha detto Luis Becerra. che abita a Machala da sempre. “Senti il ​​dolore, il dramma, ovunque tu vada. Tutti sono all'erta, con grande preoccupazione nel caso di un'altra forte scossa di assestamento. Il sisma, che l' U.S. Geological Survey ha registrato di magnitudo 6.

La Syrie exprime sa solidarité avec le Pérou et l’Équateur face à la catastrophe du tremblement de terre

2023-03-20T10:41+0100Sana-fr (fr)

Damas – SANA / La Syrie a exprimé sa solidarité avec le Pérou et l’Équateur face à la catastrophe du tremblement de terre qui les a frappés et ses condoléances aux familles des victimes. Le ministère des Affaires étrangères et des Expatriés a dit, dans un tweet aujourd’hui sur son compte Twitter : «....

Terremoto Ecuador magnitudo 6.7

2023-03-20T10:41+0100informazione (it)

Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 ha colpito l’ Ecuador alle 17:12 UTC del 18 marzo 2023, registrato dall’USGS e dall’IGEPN. L’IGEPN riferisce una profondità di 37 km; l’USGS 66.4 km. L’EMSC riporta M6.7 a una profondità di… Il terremoto in Ecuador ha provocato anche l'affondamento del Museo....

Earthquake kills 14 in Ecuador and 1 in Peru

2023-03-20T10:32+0100mercopress (en)

“We are going to declare a state of exception,” Ecuador ian President Guillermo Lasso said. At least 15 have died after an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 shook northern Peru and southern Ecuador at 12.11 pm on Saturday, it was reported. The epicenter was said to be in Ecuadorian territory, 85 kilometers....

Inflation: Michel-Edouard Leclerc évoque un "tsunami, du jamais-vu" et tacle Bruno Le Maire

2023-03-20T10:27+0100rmc-bfmtv (fr)

En attendant que la France sorte de la période de forte inflation cet été selon les prévisions du ministre de l'Economie Bruno Le Maire, la situation est tendue dans le panier des Français. Malgré les prévisions du même Bruno Le Maire qui appelait en février sur RMC et BFMTV à "garder son....

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T10:20+0100theargus (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T10:04+0100dunmowbroadcast (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

UK oil and gas operators face a “tsunami’ of industrial unrest as 1,400 offshore workers ready to down tools

2023-03-20T10:00+0100splash247 (en)

Dozens of UK North Sea oil and gas platforms could be brought to a standstill as hundreds of offshore workers prepare to take strike action. Unite the union announced that major oil and gas operators in the UK Continental Shelf face a ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest within weeks as around 1,400....

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:59+0100hertsad (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:57+0100greatyarmouthmercury (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:56+0100southwalesargus (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:56+0100eadt (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:56+0100eveningtimes (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

‘Tsunami’ of industrial action to hit North Sea with 1400 offshore workers poised to strike

2023-03-20T09:56+0100energyvoice (en)

Numerous North Sea oil and gas platforms could be brought to a standstill as hundreds of offshore workers prepare to down tools. announced on Monday that major UK operators face a “tsunami” of industrial unrest within weeks, as around 1,400 members across five companies demand a better deal on jobs, pay and conditions.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:55+0100eveningnews24 (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:53+0100chesterfirst (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:53+0100edp24 (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:53+0100standard (en)

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Oil and gas companies have been given free rein to enjoy massive windfall profits in the North Sea; drilling concessions are effectively licences to print money. “1,400 offshore workers are now set to take strike action against these employers who are....

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:51+0100dailyecho (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:51+0100yourlocalguardian (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:51+0100yorkpress (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest Unite said 1,400 offshore workers are set to take strike action.

2023-03-20T09:51+0100kentonline (en)

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest. Offshore oil and gas workers are set to stage industrial action (Andrew Milligan/PA) Oil and gas operators in the North Sea are being warned of a “tsunami “ of industrial unrest after workers voted to strike over jobs, pay and conditions.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:50+0100impartialreporter (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:48+0100newsandstar (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:48+0100oxfordtimes (en)

Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute. The union warned that platforms and offshore installations will be brought to a “standstill” due to the specialised roles its members undertake.

Syria expresses solidarity with Peru and Ecuador in facing earthquake disaster

2023-03-20T09:46+0100Sana-en (en)

Damascus, SANA- Syria has expressed solidarity with Peru and Ecuador in confronting the catastrophe of the earthquake that struck the two countries, and expressed its condolences to the families of the victims. “Syria expresses its condolences to the families of the earthquake victims in Peru and....

A powerful earthquake has hit southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing more than a dozen people.

2023-03-20T09:46+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

A powerful earthquake has hit southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing more than a dozen people and leaving more than 350 injured. The magnitude 6.8 quake destroyed buildings and crushed vehicles. One child and a baby are reportedly among the dead.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest

2023-03-20T09:45+0100independent-UK (en)

and gas operators in the North Sea are being warned of a “tsunami “ of industrial unrest after workers voted to strike over jobs, pay and conditions. said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute.

North Sea oil and gas operators warned of ‘tsunami’ of industrial unrest09:40

2023-03-20T09:45+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

Oil and gas operators in the North Sea are being warned of a “tsunami “ of industrial unrest after workers voted to strike over jobs, pay and conditions. Unite said around 1,400 of its members in a number of companies operating in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) are involved in the dispute.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.8 con epicentro en la ciudad de Termas del Flaco

2023-03-20T09:36+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 2.8 y con una profundidad de 19.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes de la ciudad chilena de Termas del Flaco. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -70.4 grados de longitud y -34.654 grados de latitud, es decir a 34.

Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur et au Pérou, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel publié dimanche.

2023-03-20T09:34+0100euronews-fr (fr)

Vue de débris dans la ville de Machala après le tremblement de terre, en Équateur, le 18 mars 2023. Tous droits réservés GLEEN SUAREZ/AFP Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur et au Pérou, qui a provoqué....

Terremoto fra Ecuador e Perù, il bilancio sale ad almeno 14 morti

2023-03-20T09:32+0100larena (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l’affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolivar, diventato una meta per liceali e studenti universitari appassionati dell’ambiente marino.

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 2.6 en Ollagüe

2023-03-20T09:22+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Ollagüe fue el epicentro de un sismo de 2.6 de magnitud que se registró a las 03:58 horas (hora local) de este lunes 20 de marzo. El sismo se registró a 49.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 117.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Un séisme fait au moins 15 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-20T09:19+0100lavieeco (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,8 degrés a secoué l’Équateur et le Pérou, faisant au moins 15 morts et plus de 460 blessés, selon un bilan officiel publié dimanche par les autorités. Le séisme, dont l’épicentre a été localisé dans le sud-ouest de l’Équateur, a également provoqué d’importants dégâts matériels.

Ecuador, il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala: sprofondano 5mila reperti

2023-03-20T09:19+0100corrierealpi (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù, causando almeno 381 feriti, ha portat anche all'affondamento del museo marino di Machala, diventato negli anni una meta per liceali e studenti universitari.

Ecuador, il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala: sprofondano 5mila reperti

2023-03-20T09:15+0100lasentinella (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù, causando almeno 381 feriti, ha portat anche all'affondamento del museo marino di Machala, diventato negli anni una meta per liceali e studenti universitari.

Ecuador, il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala: sprofondano 5mila reperti

2023-03-20T09:12+0100ilpiccolo (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù, causando almeno 381 feriti, ha portat anche all'affondamento del museo marino di Machala, diventato negli anni una meta per liceali e studenti universitari.

Ecuador, il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala: sprofondano 5mila reperti

2023-03-20T09:09+0100nuovavenezia (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù, causando almeno 381 feriti, ha portat anche all'affondamento del museo marino di Machala, diventato negli anni una meta per liceali e studenti universitari.

Ecuador, il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala: sprofondano 5mila reperti

2023-03-20T09:09+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù, causando almeno 381 feriti, ha portat anche all'affondamento del museo marino di Machala, diventato negli anni una meta per liceali e studenti universitari.

Ecuador, il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala: sprofondano 5mila reperti

2023-03-20T09:09+0100laprovinciapavese (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù, causando almeno 381 feriti, ha portat anche all'affondamento del museo marino di Machala, diventato negli anni una meta per liceali e studenti universitari.

Terremoto fra Ecuador e Perù, il bilancio sale ad almeno 14 morti

2023-03-20T09:07+0100bresciaoggi (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l’affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolivar, diventato una meta per liceali e studenti universitari appassionati dell’ambiente marino.

El seísmo se sintió en trece de las 24 provincias ecuatorianas, contabilizando ya 446 heridos a causa del temblor. Ecuador registró otros cuatro terremotos de menor escala y las autoridades descartan la posibilidad de tsunami.

2023-03-20T08:49+0100Publico-ES (es)

Un total de catorce personas han muerto en Ecuador y una en Perú por un seísmo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter que se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador, además de ascender a un total de 446 la cifra de heridos.

Las claves de la Conferencia del Agua de la ONU

2023-03-20T08:33+0100elobrero (es)

¿Cabe concebir algo con más poder de evocación prístina que recrear el paisaje prehistórico? ¿Se imaginan baobabs y manglares con hipopótamos y cocodrilos en la costa de Almería?, ¿o inmensas estepas ... El Tratado de los Océanos, Tratado de Alta Mar o Tratado BBNJ (Biodiversity Beyond National....

Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-20T08:11+0100superdeporte (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-20T08:09+0100laopiniondezamora (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-20T08:09+0100laopiniondemurcia (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-20T08:08+0100laopinioncoruna (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-20T08:08+0100diarioCordoba (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

07:02 Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-20T08:08+0100eldia (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-20T08:06+0100elperiodicodearagon (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-20T08:05+0100DiarioDeMallorca (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

08:02 Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-20T08:05+0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-20T08:05+0100diariodeibiza (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

Así fue la erupción más grande de la humanidad, que causó un “año sin verano”

2023-03-20T08:03+0100FaroDeVigo (es)

El 10 de abril de 1815 a las siete de la tarde, el volcán Tambora, situado en Indonesia, estalló de forma colosal elevando al cielo un tronco de fuego líquido que sepultó bajo 1.000 grados de temperatura el pueblo de Tambora y mató a miles de personas. Era la erupción volcánica más grande de la civilización humana (de 20.

La peur et le chagrin font suite au séisme meurtrier sur la côte sud-ouest de l’Équateur

2023-03-20T07:59+0100news-24 (fr)

QUITO, Équateur (AP) – Certains appellent affectueusement Machala la «capitale mondiale de la banane». Cette communauté portuaire sur la côte pacifique de l’Équateur abrite environ un quart de million de personnes et grouille normalement d’activités commerciales. Mais pas ce week-end, pas après le séisme meurtrier.

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 2.6 en Mina La Escondida.

2023-03-20T07:50+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Mina La Escondida. fue el epicentro de un sismo de magnitud 2.6 que se registró a las 03:02 horas (hora local) de este lunes 20 de marzo. La actividad sísmica se registró a 36.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 113.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Fuerte sismo deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y 1 en Perú

2023-03-20T07:02+0100elperiodicodemexico (es)

Por GONZALO SOLANO. QUITO (AP) Un fuerte sismo sacudió el sábado la zona costera de Ecuador , donde dejó al menos 14 fallecidos, 381 heridos y daños a decenas de viviendas, escuelas y centros de salud, además de causar la muerte a una niña en un poblado fronterizo peruano, informaron las autoridades.

La ciudad de Calama siente sismo de magnitud 3.3

2023-03-20T06:10+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 3.3 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 110.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Calama. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -68.582 grados de longitud y -22.426 grados de latitud, es decir a 36.0 kilómetros al Este de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.9 de magnitud en la ciudad de Alto Hospicio

2023-03-20T06:10+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 2.9 sacudió en la ciudad de Alto Hospicio , de acuerdo con datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada señala que la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 00:12 horas (hora local) de este lunes 20 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor fue a 76.0 kilómetros al Suroeste de la ciudad , en -20.

Meteo Cronaca Diretta: (Video) Terremoto in Ecuador, il sisma 6.8

2023-03-20T05:37+0100informazione (it)

Il terremoto in Ecuador ha provocato anche l'affondamento del Museo marino di Puerto Bolívar, meta per gli appassionati dell'ambiente marino. Nelle teche erano custoditi 5mila… Terremoto in Ecuador , edifici danneggiati e macerie nella città di Machala 19 marzo 2023 Il Presidente dell'Ecuador....

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-20T05:19+0100dailytimesPK (en)

At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador earlier Saturday, Ecuador’s presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala in Ecuador, as rescue officials rushed....

Meteo Cronaca Diretta: (Video) Terremoto in Ecuador, il sisma 6.8 fa inabissare il Museo marino a Machala, leggi articolo completo

2023-03-20T05:13+0100ilmeteo (it)

Un fortissimo terremoto in Ecuador di magnitudo 6.8 avvenuto nella giornata di Sabato 18 Marzo 2023, ha provocato crolli e vittime. Almeno 15 persone hanno perso la vita a causa del sisma. Il crollo del pontile di Puerto Bolivar inoltre ha fatto inabissare in mare il museo marino di Machala.

Séisme en Équateur et au Pérou : au moins 15 morts

2023-03-20T05:12+0100RTLFrance (fr)

En Équateur, 14 personnes ont été tuées dans le sud-ouest du pays, et plusieurs autres ont été blessées, après un séisme survenu samedi 18 mars. Dans la ville péruvienne de Tumbes, à la frontière avec l'Équateur, une fillette de quatre ans a été tuée par une brique qui lui est tombée sur la tête, selon les autorités.

Un séisme fait au moins 15 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-20T04:25+0100laminute (fr)

Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d’un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l’Equateur et au Pérou, qui a provoqué d’importants dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel publié dimanche. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Skier dies in Colorado avalanche

2023-03-20T04:15+0100upi (en)

March 19 (UPI) -- An avalanche that occurred just outside of a Colorado ski resort killed one skier Sunday, authorities said, marking the second person to die from an avalanche in the state in a matter of days and the 19th nationwide this winter season. The avalanche was reported to authorities shortly before 1:30 p.

U.S. News Skier dies in Colorado avalanche

2023-03-20T04:07+0100upi-es (en)

March 19 (UPI) -- An avalanche that occurred just outside of a Colorado ski resort killed one skier Sunday, authorities said, marking the second person to die from an avalanche in the state in a matter of days and the 19th nationwide this winter season. The avalanche was reported to authorities shortly before 1:30 p.

14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-20T02:21+0100thenews-pk (en)

CUENCA, Ecuador : At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador on Sunday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue....

President Guillermo Lasso will pronounce at 8:00 p.m. today, on a national channel – Diario La Hora

2023-03-20T01:33+0100breakinglatest (en)

After the earthquake, the president toured various areas of the country. He was in Guayaquil, Machala, Cuenca, La Concordia and Santo Domingo. In record time, the President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso, toured several areas of the country devastated by the earthquake; others due to the effects....

Sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en la ciudad de Canela Baja

2023-03-20T00:50+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro a 22.0 kilómetros de la ciudad de Canela Baja. Información preliminar señala que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 15:08 horas (hora local) de este domingo 19 de marzo y tuvo una profundidad de 30.0 kilómetros.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-20T00:42+0100ilcittadinoonline (it)

in: News dal Mondo Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato....

Ecuador earthquake: Residents question buildings after quake killed 15

2023-03-20T00:23+0100whatsnew2day (en)

People in southern Ecuador and northern Peru were digging through rubble and picking up the pieces of shattered lives on Sunday after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake killed 15 people on Saturday. Juan Vera, from the Ecuadorian coastal town of Machala, lost three members of his family when his house collapsed.

Quake jolts Ecuador, Peru; 14 killed

2023-03-19T23:50+0100tribuneonline (en)

Fourteen people were killed and buildings were destroyed in Ecuador and Peru after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook the two South American countries on Saturday. Thirteen of the fatalities were in Ecuador, including 11 in the province of El Oro and two in the province of Azuay, the president’s office said.

Terremoto in Ecuador, macerie nella città di Machala

2023-03-19T23:45+0100informazione (it)

Il terremoto in Ecuador ha provocato anche l'affondamento del Museo marino di Puerto Bolívar, meta per gli appassionati dell'ambiente marino. Nelle teche erano custoditi 5mila… Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una....

Terremoto in Ecuador, macerie nella città di Machala Il sisma di sabato, che ha colpito anche il Perù settentrionale, ha ucciso almeno 15 persone. Il Presidente dell’Ecuador Guillermo Lasso ha espresso solidarietà alla sua nazione che sta affrontando le conseguenze del forte terremoto che ha colpito anche il Perù settentrionale.

2023-03-19T23:45+0100informazione (it)

Il sisma di sabato, che ha colpito anche il Perù settentrionale, ha ucciso almeno 15 persone. Il Presidente dell’ Ecuador Guillermo Lasso ha espresso solidarietà alla sua nazione che sta affrontando le conseguenze del forte terremoto che ha colpito anche il Perù settentrionale.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.7 de magnitud en Lebu

2023-03-19T23:35+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.7 de magnitud sorprendió a los habitantes de la ciudad de Lebu este domingo 19 de marzo, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según la información preliminar, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 19:05 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 10.

Papa Francisco expresa su cercanía a Ecuador luego del terremoto

2023-03-19T23:16+0100elcomercio-EC (es)

El Papa Francisco expresó su "cercanía" al pueblo de Ecuador tras el terremoto de 6,5 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió el sábado 18 de marzo de 2023 la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano y que dejó al menos 14 muertos y cuantiosos daños materiales también en el vecino Perú.

Fear, grief follow deadly quake on Ecuador's southwest coast

2023-03-19T23:09+0100whig (en)

Police talks to people next to the site where a car was crushed by debris after an earthquake shook Cuenca, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. Police stand by debris fallen from a building....

Amérique du Sud: Le bilan du séisme en Équateur et au Pérou monte à 15 morts

2023-03-19T23:08+0100tdg (fr)

Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d’un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l’Équateur et au Pérou, qui a provoqué d’importants dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel publié dimanche. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Amérique du SudLe bilan du séisme en Équateur et au Pérou monte à 15 morts Un puissant tremblement de terre a touché le sud de l’Équateur et au Pérou samedi, faisant au moins 15 victimes dans les deux pays.

2023-03-19T23:05+010024heures (fr)

Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d’un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l’Équateur et au Pérou, qui a provoqué d’importants dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel publié dimanche. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T22:49+0100whatsnew2day (en)

Destroyed structures are seen after an earthquake in the city of Machala, Ecuador on March 18, 2023. A minimum of 14 individuals were eliminated, numerous were injured and structures were harmed in an effective earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, authorities stated.

Temblor de 4.0 de magnitud con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2023-03-19T22:21+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

At least 15 dead after earthquake hits Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T21:52+0100itv (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people and trapping others under rubble. Rescue teams were navigating streets littered with debris and fallen power lines after the magnitude 6.8 earthquake hit just off the Pacific coast, 50 miles south of Ecuador’s second city, Guayaquil.

Un séisme meurtrier tue 14 personnes à l’Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T21:43+0100acpcongo (fr)

Kinshasa 19 mars 2023(ACP)-. Un violent tremblement de terre d’une magnitude de 6,5 sur l’échelle de Richter a provoqué la mort de 14 personnes au sud de l’Equateur et une au Nord du Pérou dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, ont rapporté les médias internationaux. Il a été ressenti dans 13 des 24 provinces équatoriennes.

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T21:41+0100nation (en)

LIMA-At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador earlier Saturday, Ecuador’s presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala in Ecuador, as rescue officials....

At least 15 die in Ecuador earthquake

2023-03-19T21:27+0100nationnews (en)

At least 15 people have died and more than 400 are injured after a 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador ’s southern coast. Buildings were damaged in several cities when the earthquake hit at around midday local time on Saturday. The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected and 12 people died there, authorities said.

5.4-magnitude quake in ocean off Alaska felt hundreds of miles away, seismologists say

2023-03-19T21:20+0100kansascity (en)

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean south of Homer, Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 40-mile deep quake hit Cook Inlet 12 miles south of Anchor Point at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, March 19, according to the USGS. There was no tsunami warning.

5.4-magnitude quake in ocean off Alaska felt hundreds of miles away, seismologists say

2023-03-19T21:19+0100bnd (en)

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean south of Homer, Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 40-mile deep quake hit Cook Inlet 12 miles south of Anchor Point at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, March 19, according to the USGS. There was no tsunami warning.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least four, causes widespread damage

2023-03-19T21:18+0100cubasi (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake on Saturday with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

5.4-magnitude quake in ocean off Alaska felt hundreds of miles away, seismologists say

2023-03-19T21:17+0100tri-cityherald (en)

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean south of Homer, Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 40-mile deep quake hit Cook Inlet 12 miles south of Anchor Point at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, March 19, according to the USGS. There was no tsunami warning.

Ecuador, il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala

2023-03-19T21:14+0100ilSole24ore (it)

Ecuador , il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala Nell'edificio custoditi 5mila reperti. Almeno 15 le vittime del sisma, di cui una in....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T21:09+0100cp24 (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) - Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece's home. The government has offered to pay for the woman's funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

Terremoto Ecuador, affonda il Museo marino di Puerto Bolívar: nell’edificio custoditi 5mila reperti

2023-03-19T20:58+0100fanpage (it)

Il forte terremoto in Ecuador registrato sabato 18 marzo fa inabissare anche il Museo marino di Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per appassionati dell'ambiente marino. Lo riporta l'online ecuadoriano Expreso. Il sisma di magnitudo 6.8 della scala Richter ha causato il crollo del pontile a Machala....

Terremoto Ecuador, affonda il Museo marino di Puerto Bolívar

2023-03-19T20:56+0100informazione (it)

Il terremoto in Ecuador ha provocato anche l'affondamento del Museo marino di Puerto Bolívar, meta per gli appassionati dell'ambiente marino. Nelle teche erano custoditi 5mila… Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una....

The number of injured by the 6.5 earthquake in Ecuador rises to 446

2023-03-19T20:47+0100breakinglatest (en)

The number of injured by the earthquake of magnitude 6.5 on the open Richter scale rose to 446 which was registered on Saturday in the province of Guayas, in the coastal area of ​​ Ecuador , and which left 14 dead. According to the Government, twelve people died in the province of El Oro, on the....

At least 15 die in Ecuador earthquake

2023-03-19T20:46+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least 15 people have died and more than 400 are injured after a 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador ’s southern coast. Buildings were damaged in several cities when the earthquake hit at around midday local time on Saturday. The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected and 12 people died there, authorities said.

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT At Least 14 People Were Killed and More Than 380 Injured in an ... - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2023-03-19T20:46+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT At least 14 people were killed and more than 380 injured in an earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru ...' WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT At least 14 people were killed and more than 380 injured in an earthquake....

Terremoto in Ecuador, il museo marino inghiottito dal mare

2023-03-19T20:32+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Il Terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), ... : Ieri in #Ecuador un terremoto ha causato morti, feriti e ingenti danni. Sono vicino al popolo ecuadoriano e assicur… - : #Ecuador.

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,5: almeno 14 morti

2023-03-19T20:32+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 ha scosso l' Ecuador provocando la morte di 14 persone nel Paese ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), ... : Ieri in #Ecuador un terremoto ha causato morti, feriti e ingenti danni. Sono vicino al popolo ecuadoriano e assicur… - : #Ecuador.

Ecuador, Peru authorities assess damage after earthquake

2023-03-19T20:31+0100cgtn (en)

Ecuador ian and Peruvian authorities worked on Sunday to assess the damage caused by the previous day's strong earthquake that shook the region, leaving at least 15 dead and hundreds injured. The 6.8 magnitude quake struck the Ecuadorian coastal province of Guayas at midday on Saturday, with....

Se elevó a 15 la cifra de muertos tras el sismo en Ecuador y Perú #19Mar

2023-03-19T20:30+0100elimpulso (es)

Lea también: #VIDEO Fuerte sismo sacude la costa de Ecuador y deja al menos 4 fallecidos El presidente ecuatoriano Guillermo Lasso, en rueda de prensa dijo que el saldo de víctimas “es algo que nos duele muchísimo, son resultado de los estragos de la naturaleza”, luego de visitar las ciudades de....

6.8 quake shakes Ecuador; 14 killed

2023-03-19T20:27+0100thedailystarBD (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.4 km (41.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.6 de magnitud en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-03-19T20:19+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Ollagüe fue el epicentro de un sismo de magnitud 2.6 que se registró a las 16:00 horas (hora local) de este domingo 19 de marzo. El sismo sucedió a 47.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 119.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Ecuador: terremoto di magnitudo 6.5

2023-03-19T20:14+0100ilmetropolitano-it (it)

In Ecuador la terra ha tremato ieri nel tardo pomeriggio; alle ore 18:12 è stata registrata una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.5. L’epicentro è stato localizzato sulla costa nella provincia di Guayas, a 80 km dal capoluogo di provincia Guayaquil, con una profondità di 44 Km. In seguito vi è stata una seconda scossa di magnitudo 4.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador

2023-03-19T20:08+01004-traders (en)

STORY: A strong earthquake shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday (March 18). It damaged homes, schools and medical centers. At least 14 people were killed and more than 380 injured in the quake, according to the Ecuadorian presidency's communication agency, largely in the El Oro province.

Ecuador, il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala

2023-03-19T19:58+0100gazzettadiparma (it)

VIDEO Ecuador , il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala. Nell'edificio custoditi 5mila reperti. Almeno 15 le vittime del sisma, di cui una in....

Ecuador, il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala

2023-03-19T19:54+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Peru', causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del museo marino di ... : Ieri in #Ecuador un terremoto ha causato morti, feriti e ingenti danni.

World News Death toll rises after earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T19:45+0100upi-es (en)

March 19 (UPI) -- The death toll from Saturday's 6.8-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador continues to rise with at least 16 people reported dead. The Government of Ecuador announced the latest details on the deadly earthquake that occurred six miles from the Ecuadorian city of Baláo in the provinces of El Oro, Guayas and Azuay on Saturday afternoon.

Death toll rises after earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T19:45+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

March 19 (UPI) -- The death toll from Saturday's 6.8-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador continues to rise with at least 16 people reported dead. The Government of Ecuador announced the latest details on the deadly earthquake that occurred six miles from the Ecuadorian city of Baláo in the provinces of El Oro, Guayas and Azuay on Saturday afternoon.

Ecuador, il terremoto fa inabissare il museo marino a Machala

2023-03-19T19:39+0100tiscali-it (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Peru', causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del museo marino di Machala, diventato negli anni una meta per liceali e studenti universitari.

Al menos 12 muertos tras sismo de magnitud 6,8 en Ecuador – The Irish Times

2023-03-19T19:33+0100notiulti (es)

Un fuerte terremoto sacudió la región alrededor de la segunda ciudad más grande de Ecuador el sábado, matando al menos a 12 personas, dañando casas y edificios y enviando a los residentes a las calles en pánico. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó un sismo de magnitud 6,8 ​​en la región costera del Guayas del país.

Deadly earthquake in Ecuador and Peru, extensive damage

2023-03-19T19:31+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-03-19T18:30:00.972Z. An earthquake killed at least 15 people and injured several others Saturday in southern Ecuador and Peru, also causing significant damage, according to a new assessment published Sunday.At least 15 people died and several were injured on Saturday (March 18th) in an....

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T19:27+0100macon (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Death toll rises after earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T19:24+0100upi (en)

March 19 (UPI) -- The death toll from Saturday's 6.8-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador continues to rise with at least 16 people reported dead. The Government of Ecuador announced the latest details on the deadly earthquake that occurred six miles from the Ecuadorian city of Baláo in the provinces of El Oro, Guayas and Azuay on Saturday afternoon.

Séisme meurtrier en Équateur et au Pérou, d'importants dégâts

2023-03-19T19:23+0100france24 (fr)

Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées, samedi 18 mars, lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Équateur et au Pérou , qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel publié dimanche. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Terremoto in Ecuador, edifici danneggiati e macerie nella città di Machala

2023-03-19T19:14+0100ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Il Presidente dell' Ecuador Guillermo Lasso ha espresso solidarietà alla sua nazione che sta affrontando le conseguenze del forte terremoto che ha colpito anche il Perù settentrionale. Il sisma di sabato ha ucciso almeno 15 persone, ne ha intrappolate altre sotto le macerie e ha disseminato le strade di detriti e linee elettriche cadute.

5.4-magnitude quake in ocean off Alaska felt hundreds of miles away, seismologists say

2023-03-19T19:14+0100charlotteobserver (en)

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean south of Homer, Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 40-mile deep quake hit Cook Inlet 12 miles south of Anchor Point at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, March 19, according to the USGS. There was no tsunami warning.

Un séisme fait au moins 15 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T19:12+0100courrier-picard (fr)

Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur et au Pérou, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel publié dimanche. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Terremoto in Ecuador, edifici danneggiati e macerie nella città di Machala

2023-03-19T19:10+0100informazione (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato… Agenzia Almeno 15 i morti di cuoi una in Perù SAN PAOLO , 19 MAR – Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T19:04+0100news-herald (en)

By GONZALO SOLANO and REGINA GARCIA CANO (Associated Press) QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby....

A causa del terremoto affonda il museo marino in Ecuador

2023-03-19T18:51+0100virgilio (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato....

A causa del terremoto affonda il museo marino in Ecuador

2023-03-19T18:43+0100globodiroma (it)

SAN PAOLO – Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l’affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e studenti universitari appassionati dell’ambiente marino.

News From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru Associated Press 10:30 AM, Mar 19, 2023

2023-03-19T18:42+0100ksby (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en la ciudad de Concepción

2023-03-19T18:40+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.7 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 37.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes de la ciudad de Concepción. La actividad sísmica tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -72.797 grados de longitud y -36.98 grados de latitud, es decir a 28.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 15 people

2023-03-19T18:39+0100thestarkenya (en)

At least 15 people have died and more than 400 are injured after a 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador 's southern coast. Buildings were damaged in several cities when the earthquake hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected and 12 people died there, authorities said.

Un séisme fait au moins 15 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T18:38+0100tv5 (fr)

Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur et au Pérou, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel publié dimanche. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Séisme en Equateur : au moins 14 morts et des centaines de blessés par un fort séisme de magnitude 6,8

2023-03-19T18:37+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,8 s’est produit ce samedi en Équateur, faisant au moins 14 morts et 446 blessés, ont rapporté dimanche les autorités du pays sud-américain. Le tremblement de terre a été enregistré à 12h12 heure locale (17h12 GMT) et a eu son épicentre dans la municipalité de....

Terremoto Ecuador, affonda il museo marino di Puerto Bolívar: conteneva 5mila reperti | VIDEO

2023-03-19T18:37+0100meteoweb (it)

Il Museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar, meta per liceali e studenti universitari appassionati dell'ambiente marino, è affondato a seguito del terremoto in Ecuador . Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù, causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato tanti danni.

A causa del terremoto affonda il museo marino in Ecuador

2023-03-19T18:28+0100gazzettadiparma (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e studenti universitari appassionati dell'ambiente marino.

5.4-magnitude quake in ocean off Alaska felt hundreds of miles away, seismologists say

2023-03-19T18:24+0100fresnobee (en)

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean south of Homer, Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 40-mile deep quake hit Cook Inlet 12 miles south of Anchor Point at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, March 19, according to the USGS. There was no tsunami warning.

A causa del terremoto affonda il museo marino in Ecuador

2023-03-19T18:23+0100espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – SAN PAOLO, 19 MAR – Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l’affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e....

5.4-magnitude quake in ocean off Alaska felt hundreds of miles away, seismologists say

2023-03-19T18:23+0100newsobserver (en)

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean south of Homer, Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 40-mile deep quake hit Cook Inlet 12 miles south of Anchor Point at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, March 19, according to the USGS. There was no tsunami warning.

5.4-magnitude quake in ocean off Alaska felt hundreds of miles away, seismologists say

2023-03-19T18:23+0100islandpacket (en)

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean south of Homer, Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 40-mile deep quake hit Cook Inlet 12 miles south of Anchor Point at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, March 19, according to the USGS. There was no tsunami warning.

Earthquake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T18:21+0100wn (en)

The earthquake with about 6.8 magnitude on Saturday, as reported by the U.S. Geological Survey, killed at least 15 people and brought down homes and buildings in vastly different communities, from coastal areas to the highlands. ......

5.4-magnitude quake in ocean off Alaska felt hundreds of miles away, seismologists say

2023-03-19T18:21+0100star-telegram (en)

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean south of Homer, Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 40-mile deep quake hit Cook Inlet 12 miles south of Anchor Point at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, March 19, according to the USGS. There was no tsunami warning.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.9 en la ciudad de Ovalle

2023-03-19T18:21+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.9 de magnitud se percibió en la ciudad chilena de Ovalle , según datos preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora recopilada precisa que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 14:02 horas (hora local) de este domingo 19 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor fue a 9.

5.4-magnitude quake in ocean off Alaska felt hundreds of miles away, seismologists say

2023-03-19T18:20+0100idahostatesman (en)

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean south of Homer, Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 40-mile deep quake hit Cook Inlet 12 miles south of Anchor Point at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, March 19, according to the USGS. There was no tsunami warning.

A causa del terremoto affonda il museo marino in Ecuador

2023-03-19T18:19+0100larena (it)

(ANSA) - SAN PAOLO, 19 MAR - Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e....

5.4-magnitude quake in ocean off Alaska felt hundreds of miles away, seismologists say

2023-03-19T18:19+0100heraldonline (en)

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean south of Homer, Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 40-mile deep quake hit Cook Inlet 12 miles south of Anchor Point at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, March 19, according to the USGS. There was no tsunami warning.

5.4-magnitude quake in ocean off Alaska felt hundreds of miles away, seismologists say

2023-03-19T18:19+0100theolympian (en)

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean south of Homer, Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 40-mile deep quake hit Cook Inlet 12 miles south of Anchor Point at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, March 19, according to the USGS. There was no tsunami warning.

Il museo marino di Puerto Bolivar inghiottito dal mare durante il terremoto - Video

2023-03-19T18:13+0100rainews (it)

Un museo eretto su un molo nella zona costiera della provincia di El Oro, in Ecuador , è stato quasi completamente sommerso dopo essere crollato durante il forte terremoto che ha scosso il paese sabato (18 marzo). Conosciuto come "Museo Marino di Puerto Bolivar", il sito è stato in funzione per più di 60 anni e conteneva almeno 5.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T18:12+0100fijitimes (en)

QUITO (Reuters) -At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.

A causa del terremoto affonda il museo marino in Ecuador

2023-03-19T18:12+0100ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - SAN PAOLO, 19 MAR - Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e....

14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T18:11+0100today-az (en)

By Azernews. The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuador ian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday, Azernews reports citing Xinhua. Another 381 were injured following the earthquake, according to the Ecuadorian Secretariat of Risk Management.

A causa del terremoto affonda il museo marino in Ecuador

2023-03-19T18:10+0100bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - SAN PAOLO, 19 MAR - Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e....

A causa del terremoto affonda il museo marino in Ecuador

2023-03-19T18:08+0100informazione (it)

Condividi Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in… La gente spaventata scappa nelle strade. Il violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.

Séisme en Équateur et au Pérou : le bilan monte à 15 morts, une fillette de 4 ans parmi les victimes

2023-03-19T18:04+0100lavoixdunord (fr)

Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d’un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l’Equateur et au Pérou, qui a provoqué d’importants dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel publié dimanche. Une magnitude supérieure à 6. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Séisme en Équateur et au Pérou : le bilan monte à 15 morts, une fillette de 4 ans parmi les victimes

2023-03-19T18:03+0100nordeclair (fr)

Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d’un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l’Equateur et au Pérou, qui a provoqué d’importants dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel publié dimanche. Une magnitude supérieure à 6. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

A causa del terremoto affonda il museo marino in Ecuador

2023-03-19T18:03+0100tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - SAN PAOLO, 19 MAR - Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e....

Il museo marino affondato dopo il terremoto

2023-03-19T18:02+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del museo marino di... : Il terremoto in Ecuador fa affondare il museo marino di Machala: ospitava 5.

Il museo marino affondato dopo il terremoto

2023-03-19T18:02+0100europa-today (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del Museo marino di Machala, vicino Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e studenti universitari appassionati dell'ambiente marino.

A causa del terremoto affonda il museo marino in Ecuador

2023-03-19T18:00+0100giornaledibrescia (it)

SAN PAOLO, 19 MAR - Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e studenti universitari appassionati dell'ambiente marino.

The number of deaths from the earthquake registered in the province of Guayas, Ecuador rises to 13

2023-03-19T17:58+0100breakinglatest (en)

The President of Ecuador , Guillermo Lasso, has reported that the number of deaths caused by the 6.5 magnitude earthquake registered on March 18 near the town of Balao, in the Ecuadorian province of Guayas, has already risen to 13. There are also injured who are being treated in hospitals and several houses destroyed.

LIVE ECUADOR 11 min Centinaia di feriti sotto le macerie e un museo affondato

2023-03-19T17:58+0100tio (it)

QUITO - Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador e una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e studenti universitari appassionati dell'ambiente marino.

Il museo marino affondato dopo il terremoto

2023-03-19T17:57+0100citynews (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del Museo marino di Machala, vicino Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e studenti universitari appassionati dell'ambiente marino.

The Star » Ecuador earthquake kills at least 15 people

2023-03-19T17:56+0100kenyamoja (en)

At least 15 people have died and more than 400 are injured after a 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador 's southern coast. Buildings were damaged in several cities when the earthquake hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected and 12 people died there, authorities said.

A causa del terremoto affonda il museo marino in Ecuador

2023-03-19T17:56+0100ansa (it)

(ANSA) - SAN PAOLO, 19 MAR - Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato anche l'affondamento del museo Marino di Puerto Bolívar, diventato una meta per liceali e....

Au moins quinze morts en Équateur et au Pérou après un séisme de magnitude 6,5

2023-03-19T17:52+0100TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Au moins quinze personnes sont mortes, ce samedi, lors d’un séisme de magnitude 6,5 dans le sud de l’Équateur, qui a aussi touché le Pérou, selon un bilan officiel. Au moins quinze personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d’un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l’Équateur,....

Un séisme fait au moins 15 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T17:50+0100loophaiti (fr)

Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur et au Pérou, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel publié dimanche. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Earthquake in Ecuador, the marine museum entirely submerged in water: it contained 5 thousand fossils – Video

2023-03-19T17:45+0100breakinglatest (en)

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake hit the Ecuador , on Saturday 18 March, resulting in 15 deaths. Numerous damages, especially a Machala where the quake collapsed the Puerto Bolivar wharf and sank – as seen in the video – the Marine museum , now almost completely submerged in water. The museum housed about 5 thousand fossils of whales and dolphins.

14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T17:44+0100azernews (en)

The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuador ian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday, Azernews reports citing Xinhua. Another 381 were injured following the earthquake, according to the Ecuadorian Secretariat of Risk Management.

Tremblement de terre : Un séisme de magnitude 6,5 frappe l’Equateur et le Pérou

2023-03-19T17:37+0100lopinion (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Équateur et Pérou Au moins 15 morts dans un séisme

2023-03-19T17:35+0100lapresse-CA (fr)

Selon l’Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8. Les autorités équatoriennes l’ont évaluée à 6,5 et celles du Pérou à 6,7. En Équateur, 14 personnes ont été tuées dans les provinces d’El Oro et d’Azuay, dans le sud-ouest du pays, et plusieurs autres ont été blessées, a annoncé la présidence.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T17:32+0100vervetimes (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

An earthquake of magnitude 5.4 occurred off the coast of Alaska at a depth of 65.4 km

2023-03-19T17:28+0100weeklyblitz (en)

This information was released by the US Geological Survey. “According to her, the epicenter was 19 km southwest of the village of Anchor Point, where about 1.9 thousand people live, and 209.7 km southwest of the city of Anchorage with a population of more than 298 thousand people “, – notes TASS.

Terremoto in Ecuador, il momento della scossa all'interno di un supermercato di Guayaquil

2023-03-19T17:25+0100247libero (it)

Almeno tredici persone sono morte e altre centoventisei sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha colpito ieri (18 marzo) la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , secondo un rapporto della Segreteria per la gestione del rischio.

National From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru Associated Press 11:23 AM, Mar 19, 2023

2023-03-19T17:24+0100abcactionnews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece's home. The government has offered to pay for the woman's funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T17:24+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuador ian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday, Azernews reports citing Xinhua. Another 381 were injured following the earthquake, according to the Ecuadorian Secretariat of Risk Management.

9:31 pm | Van 14 muertos y 380 heridos en Ecuador, tras sismo de alrededor de 6.8: Guillermo Lasso

2023-03-19T17:21+0100diariodecolima (es)

Un fuerte sismo sacudió el sábado el sur de Ecuador y el norte de Perú, matando al menos a una docena de personas, atrapando a otras bajo los escombros y enviando equipos de rescate a las calles llenas de escombros y cables eléctricos caídos. El Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. informó de un terremoto con una magnitud de alrededor de 6.

KBC » Southern Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12

2023-03-19T17:17+0100kenyamoja (en)

At least 12 people have died after a powerful earthquake struck the southern coast of Ecuador . Buildings have been damaged in several cities following the 6.7 magnitude quake, which hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected, where emergency....

6.8 quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T17:12+0100manilatimes (en)

DISTRAUGHT Residents cry after an earthquake destroyed buildings in the city of Machala, Ecuador on Saturday, March 18, 2023. Four died in southern Ecuador and buildings were damaged after the earthquake with an epicenter in that country, which reached its neighbor Peru, according to a preliminary balance of authorities.

Terremoto in Ecuador, i terribili video postati sui social

2023-03-19T17:11+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Un sisma di magnitudo 6.9 ha colpito l' Ecuador , in Sudamerica. Ecco le immagini postate sui social . / TwitterFonte: Agenzia Vista / Alexander Jakhnagiev. : Ieri in #Ecuador un terremoto ha causato morti, feriti e ingenti danni.

Ecuador, Peru authorities assess damage after earthquake that killed at least 15

2023-03-19T17:09+0100wn (en)

March 19 (Reuters) - Ecuador ian and Peruvian authorities worked on Sunday to assess the damage caused by the previous day's strong earthquake that shook the region, leaving at least 15 dead and hundreds injured. The 6.8 magnitude quake struck the Ecuadorian coastal province of Guayas at midday on....

6.8 quake jolts Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T17:08+0100deccanherald (en)

At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials rushed....

Sismo de 2.9 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Pica

2023-03-19T17:07+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.9 de magnitud se registró este domingo 19 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Pica , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 12:21 (hora local) , se originó a 56.

Ecuador, Peru quake kills at least 14 2023-03-20 SHAKEN: The epicenter of the magnitude 6.8 earthquake was in Ecuador’s Balao municipality, and although it occurred near the border, Peru only reported one death At least 14 people were killed and several wounded in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador on Saturday, authorities said.

2023-03-19T17:06+0100taipeitimes (en)

At least 14 people were killed and several wounded in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador on Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials rushed to lend aid and panicked residents ran into the streets.

El Papa muestra su cercanía a los ecuatorianos tras el terremoto

2023-03-19T17:06+0100diariodia (es)

ROMA, 19 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) – El Papa ha expresado su «cercanía» al pueblo de Ecuador tras el terremoto que ha sacudido este país de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió el sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano y que ha dejado al menos 14 muertos y cuantiosos daños materiales también en el vecino Perú.

Al menos 13 personas murieron y otras 126 resultaron heridas por terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-19T17:06+0100teledoce (es)

Al menos trece personas fallecieron y otras 126 resultaron heridas por el sismo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter, que se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador , según un reporte de la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos.

Ecuador, il momento della scossa all'interno di un supermercato di Guayaquil

2023-03-19T16:55+0100repubblica (it)

Almeno tredici persone sono morte e altre centoventisei sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha colpito ieri (18 marzo) la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , secondo un rapporto della Segreteria per la gestione del rischio.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T16:49+0100twincities (en)

By GONZALO SOLANO and REGINA GARCIA CANO (Associated Press) QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby....

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T16:40+0100irishtimes (en)

At least 15 people are now known to have died after a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru , trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Sismo de magnitud 6,8 en Ecuador deja 14 muertos y 446 heridos

2023-03-19T16:39+0100talcualdigital (es)

Este sábado 18 de marzo se produjeron dos sismos en Ecuador , el primero de magnitud 6,5; el segundo, 4,8. Ambos se sintieron también en Perú. El más reciente reporte de la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del país sudamericano, arroja que el saldo que dejó el sismo es de 14 muertos, 446 heridos, 84....

Temblor de 2.9 de magnitud se siente en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-03-19T16:35+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad de Socaire , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 12:14 horas (hora local) de este domingo 19 de marzo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica tuvo una magnitud de 2.9 y una profundidad de 268.

Se registró un sismo de 4.3 en Alto Amazonas, Loreto

2023-03-19T16:35+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.3 se registró este domingo 19 de marzo en la ciudad de Yurimaguas , en la provincia de Alto Amazonas del departamento de Loreto, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 10:15 (hora local) y....

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T16:34+0100barrie (en)

QUITO, Ecuador - A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Terremoto in Ecuador e Perù, almeno 15 persone morte e danni ingenti

2023-03-19T16:32+0100ladiscussione (it)

Un forte terremoto ha scosso la regione intorno alla seconda città più grande dell’ Ecuador , uccidendo almeno quindici persone, danneggiando case ed edifici e mandando i residenti in preda al panico nelle strade. L’US Geological Survey ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6,7 nella regione costiera....

Sismo en Ecuador y Perú deja muertos y destrucción

2023-03-19T16:23+0100lahora-GT (es)

Juan Vera perdió a tres miembros de su familia cuando un fuerte sismo ocurrido la víspera sacudió partes de Ecuador y Perú derrumbando al casa de su sobrina. El gobierno ha ofrecido pagar el funeral de la mujer así como los de su bebé y su pareja, pero Vera se pregunta por qué para empezar las....

Terremoto in Ecuador, il momento della scossa all'interno di...

2023-03-19T16:10+0100repubblica-green-and-blue (it)

Almeno tredici persone sono morte e altre centoventisei sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha colpito ieri (18 marzo) la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , secondo un rapporto della Segreteria per la gestione del rischio.

Cuba conveys its sympathy to Ecuador after earthquake

2023-03-19T16:08+0100plenglish (en)

Havana, Mar 19 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, today expressed his country's solidarity with the people and government of Ecuador , after the strong earthquake that left so far 13 dead and material and human damages. Cuba’s chief diplomat conveys on Twitter his condolences to those affected.

World News | From Highlands to the Coast, Quake Damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T16:05+0100latestly (en)

Quito ( Ecuador ), Mar 19 (AP) Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece's home. The government has offered to pay for the woman's funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T15:59+0100metro-us (en)

“Because of its age, that building should have been demolished already,” Vera said outside the morgue in Ecuador ’s community of Machala, where he was waiting for the three bodies to be released. “… I’m sorry, the mayor’s office is the entity that has to regulate these things through its planning....

Earthquake in Ecuador leaves at least 4 dead

2023-03-19T15:42+0100breakinglatest (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 on the Richter scale was registered this Saturday in the province of Guayas, Ecuador , at 12:11 local time. As reported by the Geophysical Institute of the National Polytechnic School. The telluric movement was also felt in northern Peru.

Ecuador earthquake toll rises to 14, one killed in Peru

2023-03-19T15:41+0100newindianexpress (en)

QUITO, Ecuador : A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

At least 15 dead after strong earthquake hits Ecuador and northern Peru A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines.

2023-03-19T15:28+0100newsbreak-USA (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

Un séisme de magnitude 6,5 fait 14 morts à la frontière Péruviano-Equatorienne

2023-03-19T15:21+0100catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a aussi secoué le Pérou, a causé ce samedi la mort d'au moins 14 personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12 locales (17H12....

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.8 en la ciudad de San Pedro

2023-03-19T15:18+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.8 de magnitud se registró en la ciudad de San Pedro , según datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora obtenida precisa que el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 10:55 horas (hora local) de este domingo 19 de marzo. El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 55.

(TAP) - At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing...

2023-03-19T15:15+0100ATAP-en (en)

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador , at least 14 deaths reported (TAP) - At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the U.S.

Terremoto in Ecuador, il museo marino interamente sommerso dall'acqua

2023-03-19T15:10+0100informazione (it)

Il sisma Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la… Città del Vaticano Appena terminata la preghiera dell'Angelus, il pensiero di Papa Francesco è rivolto al....

Fourteen dead in Ecuador and one in Peru after earthquake

2023-03-19T15:05+0100breakinglatest (en)

A total of Fourteen people died in Ecuador and one in Peru from a magnitude 6.5 earthquake on the Richter open scale, which was recorded this Saturday in the province of Guayas, in the coastal area of ​​Ecuador. The president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, reported that twelve people died in the....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T15:01+0100bworldcom (en)

QUITO — At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.

Doppia devastante scossa di terremoto, si contano numerosi morti

2023-03-19T15:01+0100zoom24 (it)

Sono almeno 14 i morti del terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 che ha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale sabato pomeriggio causando crolli di palazzi e l’inondazione di edifici lungo le coste. Il sisma ha colpito in particolare la città meridionale di Baláo poco dopo mezzogiorno di sabato ora locale, circa le 18....

Terremoto in Ecuador, il museo marino interamente sommerso dall’acqua: conteneva 5mila fossili – Video

2023-03-19T15:01+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Un Terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 ha colpito l’ Ecuador , sabato 18 marzo, provocando 15 morti. Numerosi i danni, soprattutto a Machala, dove la scossa ha fatto crollare il pontile Puerto Bolivar e ha fatto affondare – come si vede nel Video – il museo marino , ora quasi completamente sommerso dall’acqua .

Al menos trece fallecidos y más de 300 heridos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T15:01+0100caretas (es)

MADRID, 19 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) – Al menos trece personas han muerto y más de 300 han resultado heridas como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 15 people

2023-03-19T15:00+0100saudigazette (en)

QUITO — At least 15 people have died and more than 400 are injured after a 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador ’s southern coast. Buildings were damaged in several cities when the earthquake hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected and 12 people died there, authorities said.

World News | India, Maldives Holds 4th Defence Cooperation Dialogue in Male

2023-03-19T14:52+0100latestly (en)

Male [Maldives], March 19 (ANI): India and the Maldives conducted the 4th Defence Cooperation Dialogue (DCD) in Male on Sunday and reviewed the entire gamut of bilateral defence engagements, while agreeing to increase the complexity of existing exercises.

NEMO is getting Saint Lucia ready for the “Caribe Wave” tsunami exercise

2023-03-19T14:49+0100stvincenttimes (en)

On March 23, 2023, Saint Lucia will participate in the annual CARIBE WAVE tsunami simulation exercise. The National Emergency Management Organisation [NEMO] is the coordinating agency for this year’s CARIBE WAVE exercise. The exercise seeks to test Saint Lucia’s alert system and communication....

Aumenta a 14 el número de muertos por el terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T14:48+0100elpais-CO (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 que sacudió el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú dejó al menos 14 muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones, según un balance oficial. El temblor se registró a las 12:12 (hora local) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos 140 km del....

Doppia devastante scossa di terremoto, si contano numerosi morti

2023-03-19T14:38+0100informazione (it)

Sono almeno 14 i morti del terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 che ha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale sabato pomeriggio causando crolli di palazzi e l’inondazione di edifici lungo le… E’ salito a 14 il bilancio provvisorio dei morti dopo il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 che ha colpito le aree nel sud del paese sudamericano.

Ascienden a 13 las víctimas del sismo que sacudió a Ecuador y parte de Perú

2023-03-19T14:38+0100lavoz901 (es)

Domingo 19 de Marzo de 2023 09:43 La costa ecuatoriana del Pacífico fue sacudida por un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter. El presidente, Guillermo Lasso se ecuentra en Guayaguil trabajando junto a sus funcionarios para asistir a los damnificados.

14 die as magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador

2023-03-19T14:34+0100bdnews24 (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.4 km (41.

El Papa muestra su cercanía a los ecuatorianos tras el terremoto

2023-03-19T14:33+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

ROMA, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) El Papa ha expresado su "cercanía" al pueblo de Ecuador tras el terremoto que ha sacudido este país de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió el sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano y que ha dejado al menos 14 muertos y cuantiosos daños materiales también en el vecino Perú.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T14:32+0100zerounotv (it)

Tempo di Lettura: < 1 minuti Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato....

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T14:24+0100rtbf (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

El Papa muestra su cercanía a los ecuatorianos tras el terremoto

2023-03-19T14:23+0100lanacion-AR (es)

El Papa ha expresado su "cercanía" al pueblo de Ecuador tras el terremoto que ha sacudido este país de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió el sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano y que ha dejado al menos 14 muertos y cuantiosos daños materiales también en el vecino Perú.

El Papa muestra su cercanía a los ecuatorianos tras el terremoto

2023-03-19T14:23+0100europapress (es)

ROMA, 19 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - El Papa ha expresado su "cercanía" al pueblo de Ecuador tras el terremoto que ha sacudido este país de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió el sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano y que ha dejado al menos 14 muertos y cuantiosos daños materiales también en el vecino Perú.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T14:22+0100taiwannews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

Sismo de magnitud 6,5 dejó 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T14:21+0100noticiaaldia (es)

-Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 que sacudió el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú dejó al menos 14 muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones, según un balance oficial. El temblor se registró a las 12.12 locales (17.12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos 140....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T14:17+0100virgilio (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .

At least 14 dead as 6.8 earthquake jolts Ecuador and PeruIts epicenter was in the ...

2023-03-19T14:15+0100wn (en)

At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials rushed....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e fer...

2023-03-19T14:10+0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

El Papa muestra su cercanía a los ecuatorianos tras el terremoto

2023-03-19T14:07+0100notimerica (es)

ROMA, 19 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - El Papa ha expresado su "cercanía" al pueblo de Ecuador tras el terremoto que ha sacudido este país de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió el sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano y que ha dejado al menos 14 muertos y cuantiosos daños materiales también en el vecino Perú.

El Papa muestra su cercanía a los ecuatorianos tras el terremoto

2023-03-19T14:06+0100teleprensa (es)

ROMA, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) El Papa ha expresado su "cercanía" al pueblo de Ecuador tras el terremoto que ha sacudido este país de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió el sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano y que ha dejado al menos 14 muertos y cuantiosos daños materiales también en el vecino Perú.

Al menos 14 muertos por fuerte sismo sacude Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T14:01+0100nuevoperiodico (es)

Al menos 14 personas murieron, varias resultaron heridas y edificios resultaron dañados en un poderoso terremoto que sacudió Perú y Ecuador el sábado, dijeron las autoridades. Se podían ver edificios destruidos, vehículos aplastados y escombros en ciudades como Machala y Cuenca en Ecuador, mientras....

Pope offers prayer for earthquake victims in Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T13:54+0100wn (en)

Pope Francis has offered prayers for the victims of the earthquake that shook vast swaths of territory in Ecuador and parts of Peru ......

He was trapped with his baby in a collapsed house and they were saved

2023-03-19T13:45+0100archyde (en)

Local media from Puná Island, Guayaquil canton in Ecuador , shared images of destroyed houses and buildings with masonry detachments. They were moments of despair, of fright, in some neighborhoods because there were people who were trapped. --summary --55-81"> Pasaje was one of the cantons of El Oro....

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador…

2023-03-19T13:45+0100techcodex (en)

At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials rushed....

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T13:44+0100wn (en)

At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials rushed....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:44+0100ildenaro (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

terremoto Ecuador: sismo de 6,5 causó al menos 13 muertos

2023-03-19T13:43+0100aimdigital (es)

El terremoto, que dejó 126 heridos y medio centenar de viviendas dañadas, ocurrió en la zona costera del Pacífico, en la provincia de Guayas. El presidente Guillermo Lasso convocó al Comité de Emergencias Nacional. Un sismo de 6,5 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter sacudió este sábado la....

Terremoto 6.6 in Ecuador: ci sono vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:37+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un Terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior ... : L' Ambasciata d'Italia sta seguendo gli sviluppi della situazione dopo il forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.

World News | Strong Earthquake Kills at Least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T13:36+0100latestly (en)

Quito ( Ecuador ), Mar 19 (AP) A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Terremoto in Ecuador e Perù, scossa di magnitudo 6.8

2023-03-19T13:36+0100informazione (it)

Il sisma Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la… MeteoWeb “Cari fratelli e sorelle, ieri in Ecuador un terremoto ha causato morti, feriti e ingenti danni.

Pope offers prayer for earthquake victims in Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T13:35+0100apnews (en)

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis offered prayers Sunday for the victims of an earthquake that shook vast swaths of territory in Ecuador and parts of Peru. During his weekly Sunday noon blessing, Francis recalled that the 6.8-magnitude temblor caused “death, injuries and heavy damage.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:35+0100okmugello (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:34+0100quinewspistoia (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Pope offers prayer for earthquake victims in Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T13:32+0100whig (en)

Pope Francis has offered prayers for the victims of the earthquake that shook vast swaths of territory in Ecuador and parts of Peru. During his weekly Sunday noon blessing, Francis recalled that the 6.8-magnitude temblor caused “death, injuries and heavy < damage.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:32+0100giornalepartiteiva (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:31+0100quinewsfirenze (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto en Ecuador: al menos 14 muertos y 380 heridos por un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,8

2023-03-19T13:31+0100eldeber (es)

El sismo se registró a las 12:12 hora local (17:12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, cerca de la frontera con Perú , a una profundidad de 66 kilómetros, según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos. Las ciudades de Machala y Cuenca fueron de las más afectadas, con viviendas destruidas y vehículos aplastados en las calles.

Impactantes videos del terremoto en Ecuador: causó 15 muertos y cientos de heridos

2023-03-19T13:30+0100losandes (es)

El , según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, dejó en Ecuador y Perú al menos 15 muertos cientos de heridos y numerosas casas y edificios caídos en comunidades vastamente distintas, desde la zona costera hasta el altiplano. Los principales daños y muertos ocurrieron en territorio ecuatoriano.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:27+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un Terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato....

Ucraina: Papa, popolo martoriato, soffre crimini di guerra

2023-03-19T13:27+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) "Non dimentichiamo di pregare per il martoriato popolo ucraino che continua a soffrire per i crimini della guerra ". Lo ha detto il Papa all'Angelus. . 19 marzo 2023. : Il problema della guerra in Ucraina è legato al ruolo degli 'imperi' che ci sono nel mondo e non solo quello russo.

Terremoto 6.6 in Ecuador: ci sono vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:26+0100GazzettaDelSud (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto in Ecuador, devastati edifici nel nord del Perù

2023-03-19T13:26+0100ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Il violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale, causando la morte di almeno 14 persone, è stato avvertito anche nel Perù settentrionale. Migliaia di persone si sono riversate nelle strade per lo spavento subito dopo il sisma.

Il sismaTerremoto in Ecuador e Perù, scossa di magnitudo 6.8: almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T13:26+0100lacnews24 (it)

Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell'Ecuador.

MIL-OSI Global: How images of the 2011 tsunami in Japan led me to examine...

2023-03-19T13:25+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Chris Myhr, Associate Professor, Communication Studies & Media Arts, McMaster University. An earthquake-triggered tsunami sweeps shores along Iwanuma, Miyagi prefecture, northern Japan, March 11, 2011. (Kyodo News via AP, File) In everyday language when we describe something as “salient” we mean what’s most central.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:20+0100gazzettadireggio (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di....

Papa: “vicini all’Ecuador, terremoto ha causato morti e feriti”. Magnitudo 6,8: affondato il Museo Marino. Terrore anche in Perù

2023-03-19T13:18+0100farodiroma (it)

Papa Francesco ha ricordato che ieri un terremoto ha colpito alcune regioni dell’ Ecuador . Ha chiesto vicinanza e solidarietà con le popolazioni di questo Paese sudamericano. E’ di magnitudo 6,8 la scossa più forte che ha colpito l’Ecuador meridionale. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:18+0100it-geosnews (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Marco Costantini: età, lavoro e figlie dell’ex fidanzato di Matilde Brandi

2023-03-19T13:18+0100tag24 (it)

Quando sono uscita dalla Casa del Grande Fratello Vip ho trovato un uomo freddo. Ci sono rimasta male, non comprendevo cosa fosse accaduto, anche se avevamo già passato un agosto non bellissimo a causa di una crisi. Poi, ho capito che c’era qualcosa che non andava.

Teléfonos inteligentes recibieron alerta de sismo en Ecuador

2023-03-19T13:16+0100prensa-latina (es)

El Instituto Geofísico (IG) ecuatoriano aseguró que el temblor de 6.5 grados en la escala de Richter con epicentro en la ciudad de Balao, en la provincia de Guayas, pasará a la historia por la magnitud con que fue recogido por ese novedoso Sistema de Alerta Temprana (SAT).

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:15+0100blogsicilia (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:15+0100toscanamedianews (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto en Ecuador causa 13 fallecidos

2023-03-19T13:15+0100diariocorreo (es)

La tensión colosal de la placa oceánica del Pacífico contra la placa continental, al sur de Ecuador y norte de Perú, estalló al mediodía. MIRA: La Marina descarta alerta de tsunami en la costa de Tumbes tras sismos ocurridos este sábado El resultado no podía ser sino fatal: trece personas....

Pope offers prayer for earthquake victims in Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T13:13+0100taiwannews (en)

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis offered prayers Sunday for the victims of an earthquake that shook vast swaths of territory in Ecuador and parts of Peru. During his weekly Sunday noon blessing, Francis recalled that the 6.8-magnitude temblor caused “death, injuries and heavy damage.

Forte scossa di terremoto nel sudest dell’Equador

2023-03-19T13:13+0100ladigetto (it)

La magnitudo è stata di 6.6 Mwp e ha provocato danni e almeno quattro morti. Una forte scossa di terremoto si è verificata ieri pomeriggio (18.12, ora italiana) In Equador. La magnitudo è stata di 6.6 Mwp, l’epicentro è stato localizzato tra a costa sul Pacifico e la cittadina di Naranjal, nel sudest del Paese.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:12+0100quinewspisa (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Strong quake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T13:11+0100wn (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, March 18, 2023, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:11+0100corrieredellumbria (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:11+0100gazzettadiparma (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Actualización - Fuerte terremoto causa muertes en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T13:11+0100elvocero (es)

QUITO — Un fuerte sismo sacudió el sábado la zona costera de Ecuador , donde dejó al menos 14 fallecidos, 381 heridos y daños a decenas de viviendas, escuelas y centros de salud, además de causar la muerte a una niña en un poblado fronterizo peruano, informaron las autoridades.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:08+0100corrierepl (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:04+0100quinewslucca (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:04+0100lanuovaferrara (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:04+0100quinewsmassacarrara (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:04+0100vivereancona (it)

1' di lettura Vivere Italia 19/03/2023 - Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti....

Pope offers prayer for earthquake victims in Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T13:03+0100sfgate (en)

1 of 3 Pope Francis delivers the Angelus noon prayer in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, March 19, 2023. Gregorio Borgia/AP VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis offered prayers Sunday for the victims of an earthquake that shook vast swaths of territory in Ecuador and parts of Peru.

Pope offers prayer for earthquake victims in Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T13:03+0100independent-UK (en)

Pope Francis has offered prayers for the victims of the earthquake that shook vast swaths of territory in Ecuador and parts of Peru. offered prayers Sunday for the victims of an earthquake that shook vast swaths of territory in and parts of During his weekly Sunday noon blessing, Francis recalled that the 6.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:03+0100laprovinciacr (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:02+0100tuttoggi (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:02+0100sardiniapost (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:00+0100ladiscussione (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:00+0100quinewsgrosseto (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T13:00+0100tiscali-it (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T12:59+0100quinewsarezzo (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T12:59+0100gazzettadimodena (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di....

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T12:57+0100LePoint (fr)

A u moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l' Equateur , qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T12:56+0100quinewssiena (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T12:56+0100gazzettadilivorno (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador .Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Pope offers prayer for earthquake victims in Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T12:56+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis offered prayers Sunday for the victims of an earthquake that shook vast swaths of territory in Ecuador and parts of Peru. During his weekly Sunday noon blessing, Francis recalled that the 6.8-magnitude temblor caused “death, injuries and heavy damage.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T12:55+0100ilroma (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T12:53+0100informazione (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador … Terremoto in Ecuador , devastati edifici nel nord del Perù 19 marzo 2023 Il violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T12:52+0100italpress (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, vittime e feriti

2023-03-19T12:51+0100libero-news (it)

Almeno sedici persone sono morte e altre 126 sono rimaste ferite in seguito ad un terremoto di magnitudo 6,6 della scala Richter che ha colpito la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador . Il maggior numero di morti, secondo quanto reso noto da fonti governative, è stato registrato nella provincia di di El Oro, al confine con il Perù.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T12:48+0100naharnet-en (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Terremoto in Ecuador, devastati edifici nel nord del Perù La gente spaventata scappa nelle strade. Il violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 che ha colpito l’Ecuador meridionale, causando la morte di almeno 14 persone, è stato avvertito anche nel Perù settentrionale.

2023-03-19T12:47+0100informazione (it)

La gente spaventata scappa nelle strade. Il violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 che ha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale, causando la morte di almeno 14 persone, è stato avvertito anche nel Perù settentrionale. La regione più colpita in Perù è stata Tumbes, dove le persone si stavano godendo una giornata di shopping nel fine settimana.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T12:35+0100clicanoo (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8. Les autorités équatoriennes ont pour leur part évalué la magnitude à 6,5, et celles du Pérou à 6,7. La présidence de l'Equateur a fait état de 13 morts, dont 11 dans la province d'El Oro et deux dans celle d'Azuay,....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T12:34+0100GulfDailyNews (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centres. The quake, which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.4 km (41.

At least 12 dead after 6.7 magnitude earthquake rattles Ecuador

2023-03-19T12:33+0100wn (en)

WORLD At least 12 dead after 6.7 magnitude earthquake rattles Ecuador " data-media=""> 19/03/2023 12:05 PM ISTANBUL, March 19 (Bernama-Anadolu) -- A strong earthquake struck Ecuador on Saturday, killing at least 12 people, according to the country's Risk....

A La UneUn puissant séisme fait plusieurs morts en Équateur et au Pérou Monde - Un violent séisme s'est soldé par la mort d'au moins 14 personnes, dont 11 dans la province d'El Oro et un dans la province d'Azuay, ...

2023-03-19T12:33+0100senenews (fr)

Un violent séisme s’est soldé par la mort d’au moins 14 personnes, dont 11 dans la province d’El Oro et un dans la province d’Azuay, selon la présidence équatorienne. La secousse, qui s’est produite vers les coups de 12 heures (17 heures GMT) avec un épicentre dans la commune de Balao à une profondeur de 44 kilomètres, a aussi causé des blessés.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T12:26+0100elpais-en (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ultime Notizie – Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T12:23+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Sono salite a 15 le vittime del Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l’ Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , con l’epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di....


2023-03-19T12:09+0100ilroma (it)

(Adnkronos) - Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell'Ecuador.

Terremoto deja 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T12:08+0100lanacion-PY (es)

El temblor se registró a las 12:12 locales (17:12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos 140 km del puerto de Guayaquil, y a una profundidad de 44 km, informaron autoridades. La presidencia de Ecuador dio un reporte de 13 fallecidos, 11 en la provincia de El Oro y dos en la provincia de Azuay.

La ciudad de Cobquecura percibe sismo de magnitud 2.5

2023-03-19T12:07+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 2.5 y con una profundidad de 33.0 kilómetros alertó a los habitantes de la ciudad de Cobquecura. El movimiento telúrico tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -73.569 grados de longitud y -36.1 grados de latitud, es decir a 70.0 kilómetros al Oeste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T12:06+0100samacharcentral (en)

At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials rushed....

Un séisme frappe l’Equateur et le Pérou, le bilan provisoire fait état de 15 morts

2023-03-19T12:03+0100cnews (fr)

Un séisme d’une magnitude évaluée entre 6,5 et 6,8 a frappé l’Equateur et le Pérou ce samedi 18 mars, faisant 15 morts, selon un bilan officiel provisoire. Un bilan humain lourd et des dégâts matériels considérables. Un séisme a frappé le sud de l’Equateur et une partie du Pérou ce samedi 18 mars,....

Equateur: Au moins 14 morts après un séisme de magnitude 6,8

2023-03-19T11:58+0100challenges (fr)

Conséquences d'un tremblement de terre à Machala, en Équateur. /Photo prise le 18 mars 2023/REUTERS/Vicente Gaibor Del Pino. QUITO (Reuters) - Au moins 14 personnes ont été tuées et des centaines d'autres blessées après qu'un puissant séisme a frappé samedi l'ouest de l'Equateur et le nord du Pérou.

Equateur: Au moins 14 morts après un séisme de magnitude 6,8

2023-03-19T11:57+0100boursier-fr (fr)

par Alexandra Valencia. QUITO (Reuters) - Au moins 14 personnes ont été tuées et des centaines d'autres blessées après qu'un puissant séisme a frappé samedi l'ouest de l'Equateur et le nord du Pérou. L'épicentre du séisme, de magnitude 6,8 sur l'échelle de Richter, selon l'institut de veille....

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T11:52+0100naharnet-ar (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Al menos 15 muertos en un terremoto de 6,5 que ha sacudido Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T11:52+0100diariodia (es)

Además de la quincena de fallecidos que se han reportado hasta el momento más de 380 personas han resultado heridas según han reportado las autoridades en Ecuador . El presidente ecuatoriano, Guillermo Lasso, ha sido el que ha dado la cifra de fallecidos.

Consommation. Géothermie au Japon: un potentiel élevé mais délicat à exploiter

2023-03-19T11:51+0100lindependant (fr)

(AFP) - Avec sa centaine de volcans actifs, le Japon dispose des troisièmes plus importantes ressources géothermiques au monde. Mais leur exploitation énergétique est très faible, du fait d'opposants de taille: les propriétaires des "onsen", les bains d'eau chaude omniprésents dans l'archipel.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T11:47+0100wral (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 that was centered just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador 's second-largest city. One of the victims died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

Géothermie au Japon: un potentiel élevé mais délicat à exploiter

2023-03-19T11:44+0100ladepeche (fr)

(AFP) - Avec sa centaine de volcans actifs, le Japon dispose des troisièmes plus importantes ressources géothermiques au monde. Mais leur exploitation énergétique est très faible, du fait d'opposants de taille: les propriétaires des "onsen", les bains d'eau chaude omniprésents dans l'archipel.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths...

2023-03-19T11:40+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post QUITO (Reuters): At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.

UAE expresses solidarity with Ecuador and Peru, offers condolences over earthquake victims

2023-03-19T11:33+0100khaleejtimes (en)

The UAE expressed its sincere condolences and solidarity with Ecuador and Peru over the victims of the earthquake that struck both countries, resulting in a number of casualties. In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC) expressed its sincere condolences....

More than a dozen killed after magnitude 6.8 earthquake rattles Ecuador

2023-03-19T11:33+0100foxweather (en)

CUENCA, ECUADOR - MARCH 18: Police take security measures after 6,8 magnitude earthquake hit the town of Balao in Ecuador âs Azuay province on March 18, 2023 in Cuenca, Ecuador. A house collapsed onto a moving car due to the earthquake in Cuenca's historic centre.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake in Ecuador kills 14

2023-03-19T11:32+0100todayheadline (en)

The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.4 km (41.3 miles) about 10 km (6.2 miles) from the city of Balao in the province of Guayas. The earthquake did not appear likely to generate a tsunami, authorities said.

Au moins 14 morts après un séisme en Équateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T11:31+0100bfmtv (fr)

Un séisme, dont l'épicentre se situe au sud de l'Equateur, a provoqué la mort d'au moins 14 personnes dans le pays ainsi qu'au Pérou voisin. Les différentes autorités ont estimé la magnitude du tremblement de terre entre 6,5 et 6,8.

15 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T11:27+0100pajhwok (en)

KABUL (Pajhwok): At least 15 people have been killed and dozens of others wounded as a result of magnitude a 6.8 earthquake in southern . . . You need to subscribe to view the full article. Please or a new account.

2. Al menos 13 muertos en un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T11:26+0100diaridetarragona (es)

Al menos trece personas fallecieron y otras 126 resultaron heridas por el sismo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter, que se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador , según un reporte de la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos.

UAE offers condolences over Ecuador-Peru quake victims

2023-03-19T11:18+0100gulfnews (en)

Abu Dhabi: The UAE expressed its sincere condolences and solidarity with Ecuador and Peru over the victims of the earthquake that struck the two countries, resulting in a number of casualties. In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC) expressed its....

At least 1 dead after 6.8-magnitude earthquake recorded in Ecuador At least one person has died after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake was recorded about 6 miles from the Ecuadorian city of Baláo, according to the United States Geological Survey.

2023-03-19T11:17+0100newsbreak-USA (en)

March 18 (UPI) -- At least one person has died after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake was recorded about six miles from the Ecuador ian city of Baláo, according to the United States Geological Survey. At least one person has died after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake was recorded about six miles from the Ecuadorian city of Baláo.

Strong Earthquake Kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T11:17+0100tolonews (en)

(AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T11:14+0100trtfrancais (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8. Les autorités équatoriennes ont pour leur part évalué la magnitude à 6,5, et celles du Pérou à 6,7. La présidence de l'Equateur a fait état de 13 morts, dont 11 dans la province d'El Oro et deux dans celle d'Azuay,....

6.8 magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador killing at least 14

2023-03-19T11:08+0100HindustanTimes (en)

An earthquake, with a magnitude of about 6.8, was centred just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador 's second-largest city. A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people. One of the victims died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador.

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6.8: morti e feriti

2023-03-19T11:08+0100ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha scosso ieri il sud dell' Ecuador . Diversi i morti, almeno 14, e i feriti: edifici crollati e danneggiati. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha registrato l'epicentro del sisma nella regione costiera di Guayas, a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.6 con epicentro en la ciudad de Mina Collahuasi

2023-03-19T11:04+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad chilena de Mina Collahuasi , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 06:47 horas (hora local) de este domingo 19 de marzo. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 2.6 y una profundidad de 93.

Earthquake in Ecuador: the first images of the destruction left by the powerful earthquake | Earthquake in Ecuador | Guillermo Lasso | PHOTOS | Guayas | Guayaquil | WORLD

2023-03-19T11:02+0100archyde (en)

Earthquake in Ecuador : the first images of the destruction left by the powerful earthquake | Earthquake in Ecuador | Guillermo Lasso | PHOTOS | Guayas | Guayaquil | WORLD. At least thirteen dead and buildings damaged by a magnitude 6.5 earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and reached its neighbor....

Earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T11:02+0100archyde (en)

At least thirteen dead and buildings damaged by a magnitude 6.5 earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and reached its neighbor Peru, according to a preliminary balance of authorities. The tremor was registered at 12:12 local time (17:12 GMT) and had its epicenter in the Ecuadorian municipality of....

Les images du séisme de magnitude 6,8 qui a semé la panique en Équateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T11:01+0100huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

CATASTROPHE NATURELLE - Les images laissent deviner la puissance du séisme dévastateur. Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi 18 mars lors d’un voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Terremoto in Ecuador, scossa di 6.8 nel sud del Paese

2023-03-19T10:57+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Un Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito il sud dell' Ecuador e il Peru'. Il Terremoto si e' verificato vicino alla citta' meridionale di Balao e ha avuto una profondita' di oltre 65 km. 19 marzo 2023.

South America: Strong earthquake shakes Ecuador

2023-03-19T10:56+0100economictimes (en)

A strong earthquake shook the coastal area of Ecuador on Saturday, causing at least four deaths and people declared trapped, who are being sought by relief agencies, in addition to minor damage, according to preliminary reports from the authorities.

UAE expresses solidarity with Ecuador and Peru, offers condolences over earthquake victims

2023-03-19T10:55+0100wam-en (en)

Sun 19-03-2023 13:41 PM UAE expresses solidarity with Ecuador and Peru, offers condolences over earthquake victims ABU DHABI, 19th March, 2023 (WAM) -- The UAE expressed its sincere condolences and solidarity with Ecuador and Peru over the victims of the earthquake that struck the two countries, resulting in a number of casualties.

Terremoto in Ecuador, scossa di 6.8 nel sud del Paese

2023-03-19T10:50+0100tiscali-it (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito il sud dell' Ecuador e il Peru'. Il terremoto si e' verificato vicino alla citta' meridionale di Balao e ha avuto una profondita' di oltre 65 km.

Terremoto in Ecuador di magnitudo 7: primo bilancio di 14 vittime e oltre 100 feriti

2023-03-19T10:50+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Terremoto Ecuador . Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7 ha colpito l’ Ecuador nelle scorse ore. Ancora non c’è un bilancio definitivo delle vittime , tuttavia almeno 14 persone hanno perso la vita e ci sarebbero oltre 100 feriti .

Equateur: séisme meurtrier dans le sud du pays et au Pérou

2023-03-19T10:44+0100pressafrik (fr)

L’épicentre du séisme a été localisé dans la petite ville de Balao, de 28.000 habitants, à deux heures du port de Guayaquil. Il s’agit d’une zone entourée de mangroves qui a probablement limité la force des ondes superficielles, la seule bonne nouvelle de la soirée. Les dégâts ont pourtant été importants, notamment dans le sud du pays.

Earthquake Kills at Least 15 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T10:43+0100albaniannews (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Un fuerte terremoto causa al menos 13 muertos en Ecuador

2023-03-19T10:43+0100madridpress (es)

El seísmo, de magnitud 6,5 según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), se produjo a una profundidad de 66,4 km, a unos 10 km de la ciudad de Balao, en la provincia de Guayas, una zona colindante a la costa pacífica. Según las autoridades, no parece probable que el seísmo genere un tsunami.

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 3.2 en Quillota

2023-03-19T10:37+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.2 y con una profundidad de 25.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Quillota. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -71.586 grados de longitud y -32.704 grados de latitud, es decir a 37.0 kilómetros al Noroeste de dicha ciudad , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Un sismo de magnitud 6,8 sacude el sur de Ecuador

2023-03-19T10:36+0100eldiario (es)

Un fuerte sismo sacudió la zona costera del sur de Ecuador y el norte de Perú ayer, causando al menos catorce muertes y daños estructurales en varias ciudades, de acuerdo con informes preliminares de las autoridades. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos de Ecuador confirmó un fallecido en la ciudad....

11:23 Catastrophe Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T10:33+0100lorientlejour (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,8

2023-03-19T10:33+0100oggitreviso (it)

ECUADOR - Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell'Ecuador.

Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 deja 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T10:33+0100espanol-rfi-fr (es)

El temblor se registró a las 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos 140 km del puerto de Guayaquil, y a una profundidad de 44 km, informaron autoridades. La presidencia de Ecuador dio un reporte de 13 fallecidos, 11 en la provincia de El Oro y dos en la provincia de Azuay.

Terremoto in Ecuador, il momento della scossa all'interno di un supermercato di Guayaquil

2023-03-19T10:32+0100corrierealpi (it)

Almeno tredici persone sono morte e altre centoventisei sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha colpito ieri (18 marzo) la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , secondo un rapporto della Segreteria per la gestione del rischio.

Terremoto oggi Ecuador M 6.6: morti e feriti/ Trema la terra anche a Cosenza

2023-03-19T10:30+0100ilsussidiario (it)

Il bollettino terremoto oggi , domenica 19 marzo 2023, si apre con una notizia drammatica che giunge dall’America Latina: una scossa di magnitudo pari a 6.6 – come segnalato dai sismografi della sala sismica INGV di Roma -, è stata registrata nella porzione meridionale dell’ Ecuador , al confine con il Perù.

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T10:30+0100virgilio (it)

Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake in Ecuador kills 14

2023-03-19T10:28+0100wn (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. ......

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T10:19+0100leonoticias (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

Sismo de magnitud 6,5 deja 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T10:19+0100paginasiete (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 -que sacudió ayer el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú- dejó al menos 14 muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones, según un balance oficial. El temblor se registró a las 12:12 de ayer y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos 140 km del....

Ecuador earthquake: Death toll rises to 16, at least 381 injured

2023-03-19T10:18+0100mid-day (en)

The quake hit on Saturday and measured 6.8 on the Richter scale near the southern town of Balao and was more than 65 km (nearly 41 miles) deep, according to the United States Geological Survey Representative image. Pic/Istock. The death toll in the Ecuador earthquake has risen to 16, taking the....

Ecuador earthquake: Death toll rises to 16, at least 381 injured

2023-03-19T10:17+0100longbeachstar (en)

Quito [ Ecuador ], March 19 (ANI): The death toll in the Ecuador earthquake has risen to 16, taking the toll of injured to 381, CNN reported citing authorities on Sunday. The quake hit on Saturday and measured 6.8 on the Richter scale near the southern town of Balao and was more than 65 km (nearly 41....

Earthquake in Ecuador, Peru Kills at Least 15

2023-03-19T10:17+0100longbeachstar (en)

At least 15 people were killed Saturday afternoon when a powerful earthquake shook parts of Ecuador and Peru. Hundreds more were injured, officials said, and some people were trapped under the rubble. Most of the deaths occurred in Ecuador. The U.S. National Weather Service did not issue a tsunami warning after the earthquake.

Southern Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12 2 mins

2023-03-19T10:14+0100myjoyonline (en)

Emergency services survey the damage in Cuenca, following the powerful 6.7 magnitude earthquake in southern Ecuador . At least 12 people have died after a powerful earthquake struck the southern coast of Ecuador. Buildings have been damaged in several cities following the 6.7 magnitude quake, which hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT).

At least 16 dead after magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador

2023-03-19T10:14+0100egyptindependent (en)

At least 16 people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, according to government officials. The earthquake struck near the southern town of Baláo and was more than 65 km (nearly 41 miles) deep, according to the United States Geological Survey.

At least 16 dead after magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador

2023-03-19T10:11+0100wn (en)

At least 16 people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, according to government officials. The earthquake struck near the southern town of Baláo and was more than 65 km (nearly 41 miles) deep, according to the United States Geological Survey.

Terremoto in Ecuador, il momento della scossa all'interno di un supermercato di Guayaquil

2023-03-19T10:11+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

Almeno tredici persone sono morte e altre centoventisei sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha colpito ieri (18 marzo) la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , secondo un rapporto della Segreteria per la gestione del rischio.

Ecuador, le conseguenze del drammatico terremoto Almeno 14 vittime. Edifici crollati e danneggiati Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha scosso ieri il sud dell’Ecuador. Diversi i morti, almeno 14, e i feriti: edifici crollati e danneggiati. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha registrato....

2023-03-19T10:06+0100informazione (it)

Almeno 14 vittime. Edifici crollati e danneggiati Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha scosso ieri il sud dell’ Ecuador . Diversi i morti, almeno 14, e i feriti: edifici crollati e danneggiati. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha registrato l’epicentro del sisma nella regione costiera di Guayas , a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil .

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T10:06+0100informazione (it)

Almeno una persona è rimasta uccisa mentre case ed edifici sono stati danneggiati. Una persona è morta nella comunità andina di Cuenca, dopo essere rimasta intrappolata all’interno di un veicolo sotto le macerie di una casa. Le terribili immagini dal Paese. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6.8: morti e feriti

2023-03-19T10:06+0100informazione (it)

Tutti gli articoli su Ecuador , terremoto di....

AMP.-Ecuador.- Al menos trece fallecidos y más de 300 heridos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T10:06+0100notimerica (es)

Una niña de cuatro años, la primera víctima registrada en Perú por los terremotos en la costa del Pacífico MADRID, 19 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Al menos trece personas han muerto y más de 300 han resultado heridas como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido....

Quake kills 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru, causes widespread damage

2023-03-19T10:03+0100azertag (en)

Baku, March 19, AZERTAC A strong earthquake has shaken Ecuador and Peru, killing at least 14 people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets, according to Al Jazeera. The US Geological Survey reported a magnitude 6.7 earthquake on Saturday in Ecuador’s coastal Guayas region.

Terremoto in Ecuador: almeno 14 morti

2023-03-19T10:03+0100periodicodaily (it)

Un forte terremoto ha scosso Ecuador , uccidendo almeno 14 persone, danneggiando case ed edifici e mandando nelle strade i residenti in preda al panico. Il terremoto è stato sentito anche in molte zone del nord del Perù. L’Ecuador è particolarmente soggetto a terremoti. Nel 2016, un terremoto ha ucciso più di 600 persone.

Ecuador, almeno 14 morti e oltre 380 feriti in un terremoto al largo della costa meridionale

2023-03-19T10:01+0100newsonline (it)

Il sisma, di magnitudo 6,9, è avvenuto a una profondità di 10 chilometri al largo della città di Balao ed è stato avvertito anche nel nord del .... Il terremoto, di magnitudo 6,9, è avvenuto a una profondità di 10 chilometri al largo della città ... ...

Terremoto in Ecuador, il momento della scossa all'interno di un supermercato di Guayaquil

2023-03-19T10:01+0100lasentinella (it)

Almeno tredici persone sono morte e altre centoventisei sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha colpito ieri (18 marzo) la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , secondo un rapporto della Segreteria per la gestione del rischio.

Terremoto in Ecuador, il momento della scossa all'interno di un supermercato di Guayaquil

2023-03-19T10:01+0100ilpiccolo (it)

Almeno tredici persone sono morte e altre centoventisei sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha colpito ieri (18 marzo) la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , secondo un rapporto della Segreteria per la gestione del rischio.

In Ecuador c’è stato un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8: ci sono 14 morti (per ora)

2023-03-19T10:00+0100nanopress (it)

Forte scossa di terremoto si è verificata in Ecuador sabato pomeriggio; il sisma di magnitudo 6.8 si è registrato nella parte meridionale del paese. Al momento si contano 400 feriti e il decesso di 14 persone. La scossa è stata avvertita anche in molte località del Perù. Terremoto in Ecuador-Nanopress.

Al menos 15 muertos en un terremoto que ha sacudido Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T09:58+0100euronews-es (es)

Además de la quincena de fallecidos que se han reportado hasta el momento más de 380 personas han resultado heridas según han reportado las autoridades en Ecuador . El presidente ecuatoriano, Guillermo Lasso, ha sido el que ha dado la cifra de fallecidos.

Terremoto in Ecuador, il momento della scossa all'interno di un supermercato di Guayaquil

2023-03-19T09:57+0100nuovavenezia (it)

Almeno tredici persone sono morte e altre centoventisei sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha colpito ieri (18 marzo) la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , secondo un rapporto della Segreteria per la gestione del rischio.

Terremoto in Ecuador, il momento della scossa all'interno di un supermercato di Guayaquil

2023-03-19T09:57+0100laprovinciapavese (it)

Almeno tredici persone sono morte e altre centoventisei sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha colpito ieri (18 marzo) la provincia costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , secondo un rapporto della Segreteria per la gestione del rischio.

World News | Ecuador Earthquake: Death Toll Rises to 16, at Least 381 Injured

2023-03-19T09:56+0100latestly (en)

Quito [ Ecuador ], March 19 (ANI): The death toll in the Ecuador earthquake has risen to 16, taking the toll of injured to 381, CNN reported citing authorities on Sunday. The quake hit on Saturday and measured 6.8 on the Richter scale near the southern town of Balao and was more than 65 km (nearly 41....

Terremoto in Ecuador: almeno 14 morti

2023-03-19T09:55+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Un forte Terremoto ha scosso Ecuador , uccidendo almeno 14 persone, danneggiando case ed edifici e mandando nelle strade i residenti in preda al panico. Il Terremoto è stato sentito anche in molte zone del nord del Perù. L’ Ecuador è particolarmente soggetto a terremoti.

Au moins 15 morts dans un tremblement de terre en Equateur

2023-03-19T09:53+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

B Un violent tremblement de terre a tué au moins 15 personnes dans le sud de l’Équateur. Au moins onze des morts des effondrements d’appartements ou d’immeubles provenaient de la province d’El Oro sur la côte Pacifique, deux d’Azuay dans les hauts plateaux andins, comme l’a rapporté samedi le journal équatorien “El Comercio”.

Ecuador and Peru were hit by a strong earthquake, killing at least 14 people

2023-03-19T09:52+0100archyde (en)

In Ecuador ian cities such as Machala and Cuenca, buildings were destroyed, vehicles crushed and debris seen as rescue workers rushed to help and panic-stricken residents ran into the streets. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), at 12 p.m. 12 minutes local time (7:12 p.m. Lithuania), the magnitude of the earthquake was 6.

Earthquake kills 14 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T09:51+0100standard (en)

The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.4 km (41.3 miles) about 10 km (6.2 miles) from the city of Balao in the province of Guayas. The earthquake did not appear likely to generate a tsunami, authorities said.

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:51+0100money-it (it)

(Adnkronos) - Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l’ Ecuador e il vicino Perù . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l’epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell’Ecuador.

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:51+0100newsnovara (it)

(Adnkronos) - Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell'Ecuador.

6.8-magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador, no Chinese casualties reported: Chinese Embassy

2023-03-19T09:45+0100globaltimes (en)

A table and chairs are seen in a hole in the floor of a school following an earthquake in Isla Puna, Ecuador March 18, 2023.Photo: IC There have been no reports of Chinese casualties in a 6.8-magnitude earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least 15 people and trapping....

Ecuador earthquake: Death toll rises to 16, at least 381 injured

2023-03-19T09:43+0100aninews (en)

Quito [ Ecuador ], March 19 (ANI): The death toll in the Ecuador earthquake has risen to 16, taking the toll of injured to 381, CNN reported citing authorities on Sunday. The quake hit on Saturday and measured 6.8 on the Richter scale near the southern town of Balao and was more than 65 km (nearly 41....

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T09:41+0100watson (fr)

Au moins quatorze personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, selon un bilan officiel. Le séisme, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts, a aussi touché le Pérou voisin. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:38+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) (Adnkronos) – Sono salite a 15 le vittime del Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l’ Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , con l’epicentro a circa 80....

Perú: se registró un sismo de magnitud 4 en Moquegua

2023-03-19T09:38+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4 aconteció este domingo 19 de marzo en la ciudad de Moquegua, en la provincia de Mariscal Nieto, del departamento de Moquegua, de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) El rango de color verde se usa para los sismos de magnitudes menores a 4.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.9 in Ecuador: vittime e feriti, museo marino di Machala affonda tra le onde

2023-03-19T09:37+0100informazione (it)

Almeno una persona è rimasta uccisa mentre case ed edifici sono stati danneggiati. Una persona è morta nella comunità andina di Cuenca, dopo essere rimasta intrappolata all’interno di un veicolo sotto le macerie di una casa. Le terribili immagini dal Paese. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:32+010024ovest (it)

(Adnkronos) - Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell'Ecuador.

Strong earthquake hits Ecuador and Peru, killing at least 14 people

2023-03-19T09:28+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:27+0100theargus (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

Ecuador e Perù, terremoto magnitudo 6.5: decine di vittime

2023-03-19T09:22+0100euronews-it (it)

Un forte terremoto ha scosso l' Ecuador meridionale e il Perù settentrionale, tra l'isola di Puná e il Golfo di Guayaquil, causando la morte di almeno 15 persone e 126 feriti. Lo ha confermato il presidente ecuadoriano Guillermo Lasso. Dal Perù, il primo ministro peruviano Alberto Otárola ha....

Earthquake in Ecuador caused landslides in many places, and the government launched emergency operations after the disaster – Teller Report Teller Report

2023-03-19T09:21+0100breakinglatest (en)

On the afternoon of March 18, local time, Ecuador ian President Guillermo Lasso held a press conference to introduce in detail the impact of the earthquake that day on the country. Raso said that after the earthquake, the government instructed the Emergency Operations Committee to coordinate the....

Urgent. Séisme au Pérou et dans le nord de l'Equateur

2023-03-19T09:20+0100lespharaons (fr)

Un séisme d’une magnitude de 6,5 sur l’échelle de Richter a frappé le sud de l’Equateur et le nord du Pérou dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, causant la mort d’au moins 17 personnes. Le tremblement de terre a été ressenti dans 13 des 24 provinces équatoriennes, provoquant des dégâts importants dans le sud du pays.

Deadly earthquake in Ecuador sends broadcasters on live TV

2023-03-19T09:19+0100exbulletin (en)

Chilling footage emerged from a live TV broadcast of the moment a 6.8-magnitude earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday. The set of Los Humildes—a sports program—was violently shaken when one of the announcers repeatedly asked his colleagues to be quiet. The tremor appeared to last at least 30 seconds,....

Ecuador Almeno 14 morti a causa del terremoto

2023-03-19T09:19+0100ticinonews (it)

E' salito ad almeno 14 morti e decine di feriti il bilancio del violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 avvenuto ieri nel sud dell' Ecuador , non lontano dal confine col Perù. Lo rendono noto le autorità locali.

House collapses killing four-year-old girl as death toll after 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Ecuador and Peru increases

2023-03-19T09:18+0100euroweeklynews (en)

Officials said a girl has died as her house collapsed after the earthquake in Ecuador and Peru as at least 15 people have been killed The number of casualties after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Ecuador and Peru has increased to 15, as a four-year-old has also died after her house collapsed.

Un puissant séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Équateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T09:18+0100tv5 (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes en Équateur et au Pérou, après un séisme d'une magnitude de plus de 6,5. L'intensité du tremblement de terre, rare dans cette région d'Amérique latine, a provoqué la panique dans le sud de l'Équateur. Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées....

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:18+0100informazioneonline (it)

(Adnkronos) - Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell'Ecuador.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:17+0100dunmowbroadcast (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

At least 14 kills of earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T09:15+0100albawaba-en (en)

ALBAWABA At least 14 people killed in a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, and left others trapped under rubble. One of the victims died in Peru, while 13 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured. Felt #earthquake M 6.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:15+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

At least 15 people are now known to have died after a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:15+0100tiscali-it (it)

(Adnkronos) - Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell'Ecuador.

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:14+0100ecoseven (it)

(Adnkronos) – Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l’ Ecuador e il vicino Perù . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l’epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell’Ecuador.

Nazionali Oggi alle 08:56 Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:14+0100oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l’ Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l’epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell’Ecuador.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:12+0100independent-ie (en)

At least 15 people are now known to have died after a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. T he US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:12+0100eveningnews24 (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

Strong earthquake hits Ecuador and Peru, killing at least 14 people

2023-03-19T09:10+0100euronews-en (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:10+0100impartialreporter (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

Violento sisma in Ecuador: morti e feriti, crollati alcuni edifici

2023-03-19T09:10+0100virgilio-notizie (it)

Una violenta scossa di terremoto, di magnitudo 6.9 , ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’ Ecuador . Il sisma, verificatosi nel sud del Paese sabato 18 marzo poco dopo le 12 (quando in Italia erano le 18), ha provocato ingenti danni e numerose vittime Sisma in Ecuador, vittime e feriti.

08:56 | Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:10+0100olbianotizie (it)

(Adnkronos) - Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell'Ecuador.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:09+0100greatyarmouthmercury (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T09:09+0100canarias7 (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:08+0100hertsad (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:08+0100lavocedigenova (it)

(Adnkronos) - Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell'Ecuador.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:07+0100southwalesargus (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:07+0100pressandjournal (en)

At least 15 people are now known to have died after a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:07+0100sardiniapost (it)

(Adnkronos) – Sono salite a 15 le vittime del . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador , con l’epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell’Ecuador. Il sisma ha avuto una profondità di circa 66 chilometri, ha dichiarato l’USGS.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:06+0100yorkpress (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

At least four people killed by 6.5 magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T09:05+0100urdupoint (en)

A two-story building with people inside collapsed in El Oro, with a number of shops and a university also damaged, according to the emergency service. An earthquake was reported at 17:12 GMT on Saturday at a depth of 80 kilometres (50 miles), with the epicentre located 59 kilometres north of the....

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:05+0100yourlocalguardian (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:05+0100vivereancona (it)

1' di lettura Vivere Italia 19/03/2023 - (Adnkronos) - Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa....

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:05+0100corriereadriatico (it)

(Adnkronos) - Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell'Ecuador.

Temblor de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Atoyac de Alvarez, Guerrero

2023-03-19T09:05+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T09:04+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

QUITO, Ecuador : Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:04+0100laragione (it)

(Adnkronos) – Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l’ Ecuador e il vicino Perù . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l’epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell’Ecuador.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:03+0100thecourier (en)

At least 15 people are now known to have died after a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts et plus de 400 blessés en Equateur et au Pérou La présidence équatorienne a fait état samedi de 14 morts. Dans la ville péruvienne de Tumbes (Pérou), frontalière de l'Equateur, une fillette de quatre ans est morte, selon un bilan officiel.

2023-03-19T09:01+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Un puissant tremblement de terre a fait au moins 14 morts, samedi 18 mars, plusieurs blessés et des dégâts importants dans le sud de l'Equateur et au Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. L'Institut sismologique américain USGS a précisé que sa magnitude avait atteint 6,8.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:00+0100newsandstar (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:00+0100eadt (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:00+0100edp24 (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T09:00+0100oxfordtimes (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

08:56 | Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T09:00+0100tarantobuonasera (it)

(Adnkronos) – Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l’ Ecuador e il vicino Perù . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l’epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell’Ecuador.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T08:59+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake on Sunday (NZT) with a magnitude of about 6.

Terremoto in Ecuador, almeno 15 morti

2023-03-19T08:58+0100adnkronos (it)

Sono salite a 15 le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 che ha colpito l' Ecuador e il vicino Perù . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha dichiarato che il sisma ha colpito la regione costiera di Guayas in Ecuador, con l'epicentro a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell'Ecuador.

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:58+0100DiarioVasco (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T08:56+0100chesterfirst (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T08:56+0100eveningtimes (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:56+0100burgosconecta (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T08:55+0100dailyecho (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 struck on Saturday just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. A four-year-old girl died in Peru, while 14 others died in Ecuador, where authorities also reported that at least 126 people were injured.

Link all'articolo C’è stato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 in Ecuador: sono morte almeno 14 persone

2023-03-19T08:55+0100ilpost (it)

Sabato sera c’è stata una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 nel sud dell’ Ecuador : l’epicentro è stato rilevato a 10 chilometri dalla città di Balao, nella provincia di Guayas. Il terremoto, che è stato sentito anche in molte zone del nord del Perù, ha fatto crollare più di 40 case e ne ha....

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:54+0100elcomercio-es (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:54+0100elnortedecastilla (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

WORLD From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T08:53+0100hurriyetdailynews (en)

and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his relatives to live in such an old home to begin with.

Séisme de 6,8 en Équateur et au Pérou, au moins 14 morts sont à déplorer

2023-03-19T08:53+0100lejdd (fr)

Samedi dernier, un important séisme a endeuillé le sud de l’Équateur et le nord du Pérou . Les premiers bilans officiels ont établi un bilan d’au moins 14 morts et plusieurs blessés. La province d’El Oro dans l’Équateur est, selon les premiers bilans, la plus meurtrie, puisque 11 personnes y sont décédées.

World At least 15 people dead as earthquake shakes Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-19T08:51+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

At least 15 people are now known to have died after a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:51+0100diarioSur (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:50+0100eldiariomontanes (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:50+0100larioja (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:49+0100lasprovincias (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

Séisme entre Pérou et Equateur, au moins 4 morts

2023-03-19T08:48+0100laminute (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l’épicentre se situe dans le sud de l’Equateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé samedi la mort d’au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan des autorités des deux pays. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12....

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:48+0100ideal (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:48+0100laverdad (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:47+0100elcorreodigital (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

Un terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T08:46+0100HoyDigital (es)

Ecuador ha registrado este sábado un terremoto de magnitud 6,5. Según el balance oficial más reciente, al menos 14 personas han fallecido por el seísmo que ha dejado además numerosos heridos y daños en edificaciones. El temblor se produjo a mediodía y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, a....

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T08:45+0100laminute (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d’un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l’Equateur, qui a provoqué d’importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

La FARN, ce super-pompier du nucléaire français, unique au monde

2023-03-19T08:43+0100latribune (fr)

L'alimentation en eau et en électricité, les deux risques majeurs. Deux risques majeurs d'agression sont en effet pris en compte en priorité par l'opérateur EDF. Il s'agit, d'une part, de la perte d'alimentation en eau assurant le refroidissement du cur nucléaire de la centrale.

Terremoto in Ecuador, palazzi crollati ed edifici sommersi: almeno 14 morti e oltre 400 feriti

2023-03-19T08:39+0100fanpage (it)

Sono almeno 14 i morti del t erremoto di magnitudo 6,6 che ha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale sabato pomeriggio causando crolli di palazzi e l’inondazione di edifici lungo le coste. Il sisma ha colpito in particolare la città meridionale di Baláo poco dopo mezzogiorno di sabato ora locale, circa le 18....

Temblor de 2.9 de magnitud se siente en la ciudad de Mina La Escondida.

2023-03-19T08:38+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de 2.9 de magnitud con epicentro a 34.0 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de Mina La Escondida. Información preliminar señala que el temblor inició a las 04:14 horas (hora local) de este domingo 19 de marzo y tuvo una profundidad de 86.0 kilómetros.

Terremoto fra Ecuador e Perù, decine di vittime

2023-03-19T08:37+0100247libero (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo fra i 6.6 e i 6.9 della scala Richter ha causato decine di vittime l' Ecuador meridionale e il Perù settentrionale. La stima alle 8 italiane del 19 marzo è di 15 decessi, ma è destinata purtroppo a crescere ulteriormente. Danneggiate centinaia di edifici.

4.4-magnitude earthquake jolts Tajikistan

2023-03-19T08:36+0100mid-day (en)

Updated on: 19 March,2023 12:59 PM IST &nbsp|&nbsp Dushanbe According to the NCS, the earthquake originated at a depth of 170 km and occurred at 11:31:25 IST Representative image. Pic/Istock. An earthquake of magnitude 4.4 on the Richter scale struck Tajikistan on Sunday, the National Centre for Seismology (NCS) said.

Équateur et Pérou : un séisme fait au moins 14 morts

2023-03-19T08:36+0100sudouest (fr)

« Je suis sortie dans la rue parce que j’ai vu des gens se mettre à courir, terrifiés, d’autres sortir de voitures », raconte Magaly Escandón, vendeuse d’articles de couture dans cette cité andine. « Ils couraient, ils criaient, ils pleuraient ». Dans le centre historique de Cuenca, des bâtiments....

4.4 magnitude earthquake hits Tajikistan

2023-03-19T08:32+0100indiatoday (en)

: An earthquake measuring 4.4 on the Richter scale struck Central Asia's Tajikistan on Sunday around 11:30 am. According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the quake hit the nation at a depth of 170 Km. However, no casualties or damage to property have been reported so far. ALSO READ | Magnitude 4.

At least 14 people have died in Ecuador and one in Peru after the powerful earthquake

2023-03-19T08:27+0100wn (en)

kito – A strong earthquake struck coastal Ecuador on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, injuring 381 and damaging dozens of homes, schools and health centers, and killing a girl in a Peruvian border town. informed the authorities. The US Geological Survey said the quake had a magnitude of 6.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T08:19+0100tribune (en)

ECUADOR: At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T08:14+0100emirates247 (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines, AP reported. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

At least 16 dead after magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes EcuadorThe U.S. Geological Survey reports an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8. It was centered just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil. Twelve of the victims died in Ecuador, while one died in Peru.

2023-03-19T08:08+0100ground-news (en)

Earthquake News Live Updates: 6.8 magnitude earthquake kills at least 15 in Ecuador , Peru. Earthquake News Live Updates: A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines.

Levantan el alerta de Tsunami tras el sismo de 7.8 grados en Honduras

2023-03-19T08:08+0100noticiasambientales (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,6 poderoso y poco profundo golpeó las aguas de la costa de Honduras. De acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, el terremoto tuvo epicentro en el mar frente a una zona poco poblada a 202 kilómetros al norte-noroeste de Barra Pataca y a 10 kilómetros de profundidad.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Équateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T08:06+0100lecourrier (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8. Les autorités équatoriennes ont pour leur part évalué la magnitude à 6,5, et celles du Pérou à 6,7. La présidence de l'Équateur a fait état de 13 morts, dont 11 dans la province d'El Oro et deux dans celle d'Azuay,....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.6 con epicentro en la ciudad de La Ligua

2023-03-19T08:04+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.6 de magnitud tomo por sorpresa a la ciudad chilena de La Ligua este domingo 19 de marzo, así lo dio a conocer el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información hasta ahora publicada, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 03:35 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 33.

Terremoto fra Ecuador e Perù, decine di vittime

2023-03-19T08:02+0100larena (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo fra i 6.6 e i 6.9 della scala Richter ha causato decine di vittime l' Ecuador meridionale e il Perù settentrionale. La stima alle 8 italiane del 19 marzo è di 15 decessi, ma è destinata purtroppo a crescere ulteriormente. Danneggiate centinaia di edifici.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake hits Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T07:50+0100almayadeen-en (en)

A car was crushed by debris after an earthquake shook Cuenca, Ecuador , on Saturday. ( AP. A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescuers into streets littered with debris and downed power lines.

No tsunami threat after strong quake that jolted Peru, Ecuador

2023-03-19T07:49+0100philstar (en)

View of a destroyed car after the cornice and terrace of a building located in Cuenca's historic center fell, leaving one dead and one person injured, after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador on March 18, 2023. Four dead in southern Ecuador and damage to buildings after an earthquake with an epicenter....

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T07:43+0100brecorder (en)

CUENCA: At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials....

Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 deja 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T07:42+0100acento (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 que sacudió el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú dejó al menos 14 muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones, según un balance oficial. El temblor se registró a las 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos 140....

Terremoto in Ecuador: centinaia di feriti, morti e distruzione dall’altopiano alla costa

2023-03-19T07:37+0100informazione (it)

Terremoto in Ecuador , morti e feriti ed edifici crollati 18 marzo 2023 Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha scosso l'Ecuador sabato. Almeno una persona è rimasta uccisa mentre case ed… Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l'Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T07:27+0100bna-en (en)

Quito, Mar. 19 (BNA): At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,8 en Équateur fait au moins 12 morts et cause des dégâts considérables

2023-03-19T07:24+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

QUITO, Équateur (AP) – Un fort tremblement de terre a secoué le sud de l’Équateur et le nord du Pérou samedi, tuant au moins une douzaine de personnes, piégeant d’autres sous les décombres et envoyant des équipes de secours dans des rues jonchées de débris et de lignes électriques tombées.

Earthquake measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale occurs near Ecuador coast

2023-03-19T07:23+0100newsincyprus (en)

An earthquake of measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale occurred on Saturday at 12.12 (local time, 19.12 Cyprus time) off the coast of Ecuador , according to the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center. The earthquake featured a hypocenter of 80 km. Videos posted on social media showed...

La ciudad de Socaire registra sismo de magnitud 3.3

2023-03-19T07:23+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.3 se registró este domingo 19 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Socaire , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento telúrico inicio a las 02:58 (hora local) , se originó a 75.

At least 15 people have died in an earthquake in Ecuador and northern Peru Fox News

2023-03-19T07:22+0100wn (en)

The US Geological Survey reported a magnitude 6.

Earthquake in Ecuador | Info

2023-03-19T07:21+0100breakinglatest (en)

The strong earthquake that hit the coast of Ecuador yesterday shortly after noon local time was recorded by local television cameras . As you can see, the earthquake happened in the middle of the live broadcast. After the initial shock, the presenter and guests stopped the show and waited for the....

Terremoto in Ecuador: centinaia di feriti, morti e distruzione dall’altopiano alla costa | FOTO e VIDEO

2023-03-19T07:19+0100meteoweb (it)

E’ salito ad almeno 15 morti e centinaia di feriti il bilancio del terremoto magnitudo 6.6 avvenuto ieri nel Sud dell’ Ecuador , a poca distanza dal confine col Perù : lo hanno confermato le autorità locali. Il sisma ha abbattuto case ed edifici in comunità molto diverse, dalle zone costiere agli altopiani.

12 die in Southern Ecuador earthquake

2023-03-19T07:18+0100tribuneonlineng (en)

At least 12 people have died after a powerful earthquake struck the southern coast of Ecuador . Buildings have been damaged in several cities following the 6.7 magnitude quake, which hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected, where emergency....

Death toll from earthquake in Ecuador rises to at least 14

2023-03-19T07:18+0100mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Mar. 19 (MNA) – At least 14 people died and over 300 others were injured as a result of the 6.5-magnitude earthquake in western Ecuador , the press service of Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso informs. "Fourteen dead, 381 wounded," the president's press service said on Twitter on Saturday.

Earthquake measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale occurs near Ecuador coast

2023-03-19T07:18+0100in-cyprus (en)

An earthquake of measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale occurred on Saturday at 12.12 (local time, 19.12 Cyprus time) off the coast of Ecuador , according to the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center. The earthquake featured a hypocenter of 80 km. Videos posted on social media showed people running out of shops and gathering in the street.

Death toll from earthquake in Ecuador rises to at least 14

2023-03-19T07:15+0100mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Mar. 19 (MNA) – At least 14 people died and over 300 others were injured as a result of the 6.5-magnitude earthquake in western Ecuador , the press service of Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso informs. "Fourteen dead, 381 wounded," the president's press service said on Twitter on Saturday.

Strong earthquake shakes Ecuador

2023-03-19T07:14+0100breakinglatest (en)

At least one person has died in Ecuador after the magnitude 6.5 earthquake on the open Richter scale that was recorded this Saturday in the province of Guayas and that was also felt in northern Peru, which has caused several material damages. According to the Geophysical Institute of the National....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, 14 morti e decine di feriti

2023-03-19T07:10+0100247libero (it)

Sale ad almeno 14 morti e decine di feriti il bilancio del violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 avvenuto ieri nel sud dell’ Ecuador , non lontano dal confine col Perù. Lo rendono noto le autorità locali. © Riproduzione riservata.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, 14 morti e decine di feriti

2023-03-19T07:08+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) Sale ad almeno 14 morti e decine di feriti il bilancio del violento Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 avvenuto ieri nel sud dell’ Ecuador , non lontano dal confine col Perù. Lo rendono noto le autorità locali. : Terremoto in provincia di Catania.

At least 4 dead after 6.8 magnitude earthquake rattles Ecuador

2023-03-19T07:07+0100aa-en (en)

A strong earthquake struck Ecuador on Saturday, killing at least four people, according to the country's Risk Management Secretariat. The 6.8 magnitude quake, which was also felt in Peru, hit near the town of Balao in the Azuay province at around 12:12 p.m. local time (1712GMT), according to the US Geological Survey (USGS).

Pendant que vous dormiez. Séisme en Équateur, Poutine en Crimée et accord céréalier : les informations de la nuit Courrier international 19/03/2023

2023-03-19T07:07+0100courrierinternational (fr)

Pendant que vous dormiez. Séisme en Équateur, Poutine en Crimée et accord céréalier : les informations de la nuit. Les ruines d’un bâtiment de Machala (Équateur), détruit par le séisme qui a frappé l’Équateur et le Pérou le 18 mars 2023 (Photo by Gleen Suarez / AFP). GLEEN SUAREZ / AFP Séisme mortel en Équateur et au Pérou.

Al menos 14 muertos y 381 heridos tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-19T07:06+0100elperiodico (es)

Un total de catorce personas murieron en Ecuador y una en Perú por un seísmo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter, que se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador. El presidente de Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso informó de que doce personas murieron en la....

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T07:03+0100MaltaIndipendent (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 in Ecuador, 14 morti e decine di feriti

2023-03-19T07:03+0100GazzettaDelSud (it)

Sale ad almeno 14 morti e decine di feriti il bilancio del violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.6 avvenuto ieri nel sud dell’ Ecuador , non lontano dal confine col Perù. Lo rendono noto le autorità locali. © Riproduzione riservata.

Its strength reached 6.8 degrees and was felt by Peruvians. At least 14 killed in Ecuador earthquake

2023-03-19T07:02+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-03-19T06:00:10.388Z. At least 14 people were killed and others injured, according to an official toll, in an earthquake that struck southern Ecuador on Saturday and was felt by Peruvians.At least 14 people were killed and others injured, according to an official toll, in an earthquake that....

Earthquake in Ecuador: at least 14 dead and 126 injured after a magnitude 6.5 earthquake

2023-03-19T07:00+0100breakinglatest (en)

According to the Government, most of the deaths were registered in the province of El Oro, on the border with Peru. Several telluric movements, including one 6.5 registered this Saturday, have left at least 14 personas deaths and 126 people injured; This was stated by President Guillermo Lasso, who....

Over 120 people injured in magnitude 6.9 earthquake in Ecuador, 13 dead — authorities

2023-03-19T07:00+0100itartass_en (en)

HAVANA, March 19. /TASS/. At least 126 were injured as a result of an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9 in southern Ecuador on Saturday, according to figures published by the National Service for Disaster Risk and Emergency Management on its Twitter page. At least 13 deaths were reported.

Southern Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12

2023-03-19T06:54+0100thestarkenya (en)

At least 12 people have died after a powerful earthquake struck the southern coast of Ecuador . Buildings have been damaged in several cities following the 6.7 magnitude quake, which hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected, where emergency....

14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T06:46+0100chinadaily (en)

A damaged car and rubble from a house affected by the earthquake are pictured in Cuenca, Ecuador on March 18, 2023. [Photo/Reuters] QUITO -- The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuadorian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday.

Equateur: séisme meurtrier dans le sud du pays et au Pérou

2023-03-19T06:45+0100rfi-fr (fr)

avec notre correspondant à Quito, Eric Samson. L’épicentre du séisme a été localisé dans la petite ville de Balao, de 28.000 habitants, à deux heures du port de Guayaquil. Il s’agit d’une zone entourée de mangroves qui a probablement limité la force des ondes superficielles, la seule bonne nouvelle de la soirée.

Ecuador: deadly earthquake in the south of the country and in Peru

2023-03-19T06:42+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-03-19T05:40:10.213Z. A violent earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 on the Richter scale caused the death of at least 16 people south of Ecuador and one north of Peru on the night of Saturday to Sunday.Ecuador: deadly earthquake in the south of the country and in Peru An earthquake shook several....

Earthquake kills 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru, causes widespread dama

2023-03-19T06:41+0100wn (en)

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake shakes coastal Guayas region, damaging homes and buildings. ......

M6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador; at least 14 dead

2023-03-19T06:36+0100japantoday (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.4 km (41.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T06:36+0100wam-en (en)

Sun 19-03-2023 09:08 AM Magnitude 6.8 earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador , 1 in Peru QUITO, 19th March, 2023 (WAM) -- A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets....

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T06:30+0100iraqinews (en)

Lima – At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador earlier Saturday, Ecuador’s presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala in Ecuador, as rescue officials....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T06:23+0100newsincyprus (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the...

Un tremblement de terre fait plus d’une douzaine de morts et d’autres piégés en Amérique du Sud

2023-03-19T06:23+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Au moins 15 personnes sont mortes samedi dans les pays sud-américains de l’Équateur et du Pérou après le tremblement de terre, laissant d’autres piégées sous les décombres. L’US Geological Survey a mesuré le tremblement de terre à une magnitude de 6,8, signalant qu’il a frappé à une profondeur d’un....

From highlands to coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T06:20+0100gulfnews (en)

At least 15 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador on Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T06:16+0100tri-cityherald (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

Equateur : un séisme de magnitude 6,5 fait 14 morts

2023-03-19T06:15+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le bilan d'un séisme de magnitude 6,5 qui a secoué la province équatorienne du Guayas (sud-ouest) s'est alourdi à 14 morts, ont annoncé samedi les autorités équatoriennes. Selon le secrétariat équatorien à la gestion des risques, 381 autres personnes ont été blessées dans le tremblement de terre.

Los fondos tartésicos del Museo protagonizan una importante muestra internacional en Madrid

2023-03-19T06:13+0100huelvainformacion (es)

Viéndolas trabajar cualquiera podría afirmar que las manos de Raquel Zapata están hechas de algodón. Nada más lejos. La delicadeza con la que envuelve y trata cada pieza encaja a la perfección, como en un mecanismo sincrónico, con la firmeza de la protección que les brinda una a una.

Chile: Un terremoto de magnitud 5,5 golpeó la costa de la región de O’Higgins a las 07:23 el 23 de febrero.

2023-03-19T06:13+0100eldemocrata (es)

evento. Un sismo de magnitud 5.5 ocurrió frente a la costa noroeste de la Región de O’Higgins aproximadamente a las 07:23 el 23 de febrero. El terremoto se localizó a 152 km (94 millas) al oeste-suroeste de San Antonio. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de aproximadamente 26 km (16 millas), y se....

Terremoto in Ecuador, morti e feriti

2023-03-19T06:11+0100informazione (it)

Tutti gli articoli su Terremoto in Ecuador , morti e…" Almeno una persona è rimasta uccisa mentre case ed edifici sono stati danneggiati. Il terremoto è stato avvertito anche nel nord del Perù. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha scosso l’Ecuador sabato.

At least 4 people dead after magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes cities in EcuadorAt least four people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, the country’s government said in a statement.

2023-03-19T06:09+0100ground-news (en)

Earthquake in Ecuador : at least 14 dead and 380 injured by a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.8. The strong earthquake had its epicenter in the municipality of Balao, near the border of Ecuador and Peru. Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake Strikes off Coast of Ecuador. The quake was at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T06:06+0100chron (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

Temblor de magnitud 3.5 con epicentro en la ciudad de La Higuera

2023-03-19T06:04+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.5 y con una profundidad de 48.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de La Higuera. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -71.333 grados de longitud y -29.094 grados de latitud, es decir a 48.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.2 de magnitud

2023-03-19T06:04+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.2 aconteció este domingo 19 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Huasco , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento telúrico inicio a las 00:16 (hora local) , se originó a 42.

Sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en la ciudad de Tongoy

2023-03-19T06:04+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.7 de magnitud tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes en la ciudad chilena de Tongoy , según datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información actualizada precisa que la actividad sísmica empezó a las 01:39 horas (hora local) de este domingo 19 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor fue a 57.

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T06:03+0100thestandard-hk (en)

At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials rushed....

Earthquake Of 6.8 Magnitude Jolts Ecuador, At Least 14 Dead

2023-03-19T06:02+0100wn (en)

At least 44 homes were destroyed, while 90 more were damaged after an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 hit the coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru. ......

Difícil un mejor adagio para el Congreso en momentos en que, además de ...

2023-03-19T06:02+0100elpais-CO (es)

Se atribuye el dicho “vístame despacio que estoy de prisa” a distintos personajes de la humanidad, desde Augusto, el primer emperador de Roma, hasta Napoleón Bonaparte. Pareciera que el origen del legendario refrán es “apresúrate lentamente” y que con el tiempo tuvo variaciones.

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T06:01+0100BangkokPost (en)

CUENCA, Ecuador : At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue....

05:49 | SEISME Au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou lors d’un tremblement de terre

2023-03-19T05:59+010020minutes (fr)

Deux pays d’Amérique du Sud sont endeuillés par un tremblement de terre . Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d’un séisme dans le sud de l’ Equateur , qui a provoqué d’importants dégâts et a aussi touché le voisin. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T05:58+0100stripes (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece's home. The government has offered to pay for the woman's funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

The Star » Southern Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12

2023-03-19T05:52+0100kenyamoja (en)

At least 12 people have died after a powerful earthquake struck the southern coast of Ecuador . Buildings have been damaged in several cities following the 6.7 magnitude quake, which hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected, where emergency....

14 dead and more than 300 injured by an earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T05:50+0100breakinglatest (en)

At least 14 people have died and more than 300 have been injured as a result of the 6.7-magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale that shook the Ecuador ian Pacific coast this Saturday, near the border with Peru. The Risk Management Secretariat of the Ecuadorian Government has so far confirmed eleven....

Ecuador earthquake, very violent shock of magnitude 6.9 in Machala. Here are the details

2023-03-19T05:47+0100breakinglatest (en)

Earthquake recorded in Machala ( Ecuador ) On March 18, 2023 at 18:12 an earthquake of magnitude 6.9 and depth 75 km was recorded in Machala (Ecuador). Read here to learn more. According to the Richter scale, a seismic event of magnitude 6.9 is classified as a “strong” earthquake and described as....

14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T05:39+0100trendnews-az (en)

The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuador ian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday, Another 381 were injured following the earthquake, according to the Ecuadorian Secretariat of Risk Management. Among those killed , 11 were in the province of El Oro and one in the province of Azuay.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T05:29+0100bnd (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T05:28+0100charlotteobserver (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T05:28+0100newsobserver (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T05:21+0100ecns (en)

The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuador ian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday. Another 381 were injured following the earthquake, according to the Ecuadorian Secretariat of Risk Management. Among those killed , 11 were in the province of El Oro and one in the province of Azuay.

Strong 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, Peru, killing several

2023-03-19T05:20+0100wn (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Ecuador and northern Peru at 12:12 p.m. local time (1712 UTC/GMT) Saturday, killing at least 14 people. The epicenter of the quake was roughly 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Ecuador's second biggest city, Guayaquil, and nearly 10 kilometers from the city....

Sismo sacude Ecuador, al menos 13 mueren y descartan tsunami

2023-03-19T05:20+0100opinion (es)

El sur de Ecuador y parte de Perú temblaron ayer. El sismo de 6.5 de magnitud cobró la vida de al menos 13 personas. El presidente de Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, quien lidera el Comité de Operaciones de Emergencia (COE) nacional, desde Guayaquil, reportó que además hay 126 heridos.

One dead in Peru following Ecuador earthquake - Reports

2023-03-19T05:18+0100uniindia (en)

Lima, Mar 19 (UNI) The 6.5-magnitude earthquake in western Ecuador has caused damage in northern Peru and resulted in the death of one child, the RPP (Radio Programas del Peru) broadcaster reports. The four-year-old girl died in the Department of Tumbes bordering Ecuador on Saturday, as a result of....

Ecuador Earthquake News | Earthquake Shakes Ecuador | Earthquake | #shorts | #earthquake | News18

2023-03-19T05:13+0100news18 (en)

Ecuador Earthquake News | Earthquake Shakes Ecuador | Earthquake | #shorts | #earthquake | News18.

Contenu commandité Monde Monde Un tremblement de terre en Équateur et au Pérou fait au moins 14 morts 18 mars 2023

2023-03-19T05:11+0100ledroit-CA (fr)

Un fort tremblement de terre a secoué le sud de l’Équateur et le nord du Pérou samedi, tuant au moins 14 personnes, alors que d’autres sont piégés sous les décombres. Des équipes de secours ont été dépêchées dans des rues jonchées de débris et de lignes électriques tombées.

Terremoto deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T05:10+0100nuevoperiodico (es)

Al menos 14 personas murieron y varias resultaron heridas el sábado en un terremoto en el sur de Ecuador , que causó grandes daños y afectó también al vecino Perú, según un informe oficial. Según el Instituto Sismológico Estadounidense USGS, la magnitud del terremoto alcanzó 6,8.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T05:09+0100ABCnews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador -- Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed....

Government of Ecuador confirms at least 12 deaths after earthquake|News|teleSUR

2023-03-19T05:09+0100archyde (en)

The president of Ecuador , Guillermo Lasso, reported the death of at least 12 people in that country as a result of the 6.5 magnitude earthquake that affected areas in the south of that country this Saturday. The president confirmed the death during a press conference to publicize his government’s....

14 dead in magnitude 6.8 earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T05:07+0100bdnews24 (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.4 km (41.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T05:06+0100whig (en)

A strong earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 15 people and left others trapped under rubble. Saturday's earthquake with about 6.8 magnitude has also brought down homes and buildings in vastly different communities <, from coastal areas to the highlands.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T05:06+0100news-gazette (en)

A strong earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 15 people and left others trapped under rubble. Saturday's earthquake with about 6.8 magnitude has also brought down homes and buildings in vastly different communities <, from coastal areas to the highlands.

Deadly earthquake claims 14 lives in Ecuador, 1 in Peru | Visuals show a trail ...

2023-03-19T04:59+0100wn (en)

Deadly earthquake claims 14 lives in Ecuador , 1 in Peru | Visuals show a trail of destruction ......

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:59+0100wn (en)

Cuenca, Ecuador : At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday (Sunday in Manila), authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:57+0100kitchenertoday (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, …

2023-03-19T04:56+0100wearecentralpa (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

Strong quake of 6.8 magnitude shakes Ecuador, northern Peru – See Photos

2023-03-19T04:56+0100financialexpress (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. (AP Photo) Residents and rescue workers stand in front of buildings brought down by an earthquake.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:56+0100clickondetroit (en)

QUITO – Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his relatives to live in such an old home to begin with.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:55+0100TorontoStar (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T04:54+0100thehindubusinessline (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:53+0100news4jax (en)

QUITO – Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his relatives to live in such an old home to begin with.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:48+0100eagletribune (en)

A strong earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 15 people and left others trapped under rubble. Saturday's earthquake with about 6.8 magnitude has also brought down homes and buildings in vastly different communities <, from coastal areas to the highlands.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:48+0100apnews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:46+0100kob (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:46+0100sfgate (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

Fuerte terremoto en Ecuador deja al menos 13 fallecidos y 126 heridos (+ vídeos)

2023-03-19T04:46+0100acn (es)

Fuerte sismo en Ecuador deja al menos 13 personas fallecieron y otras 126 resultaron heridas por movimiento telúrico de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter, que se registró este sábado 18 de marzo en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador; según un reporte de la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru 0 3/18/2023 8:33:30 PM

2023-03-19T04:44+0100tricitynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T04:43+0100foxnews (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T04:42+0100nouvelobs (fr)

Cuenca (Equateur) (AFP) - Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. Mar 18, 2023 8:33 PM Read more >

2023-03-19T04:39+0100timescolonist (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:38+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:38+0100islandpacket (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:38+0100fresnobee (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:37+0100wftv (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:37+0100independent-UK (en)

Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his relatives to live in such an old home to begin with.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:37+0100theolympian (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:36+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:35+0100heraldonline (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:35+0100kansascity (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

Strong Earthquake Kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T04:34+0100india (en)

In El Oro, the agency also reported that several people were trapped under rubble. In the community of Machala, a two-story home collapsed before people could evacuate, a pier gave way and a building’s walls cracked, trapping an unknown number of people.

From highlands to the coast, quake damages Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T04:34+0100idahostatesman (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . Juan Vera lost three relatives when a strong earthquake that shook parts of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday brought down his niece’s home. The government has offered to pay for the woman’s funeral and those of her baby and her partner, but Vera wonders why local authorities allowed his....

Over dozen dead following Ecuador earthquake - Authorities

2023-03-19T04:33+0100uniindia (en)

Quito, Mar 19 (UNI) At least 14 people died and over 300 others were injured as a result of the 6.5-magnitude earthquake in western Ecuador , the press service of Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso informs. "Fourteen dead, 381 wounded," the president's press service said on Twitter on Saturday.

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T04:33+0100mid-day (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Earthquake in Ecuador and Peru kills at least 14, causes widespread damage The 6.8-magnitude earthquake was centered just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador's second-largest city. 2H ago

2023-03-19T04:30+0100cbslocal (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

6.5 magnitude earthquake leaves 12 dead in Ecuador – 102nine

2023-03-19T04:27+0100breakinglatest (en)

At least twelve dead, one injured and damage to buildings caused by a magnitude 6.5 earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and reached its neighbor Peru, according to an official balance. “So far, 12 deaths have been reported, 11 in the province of El Oro and one in the province of Azuay,” the Ecuadorian presidency said in a tweet.

Strong quake kills at least 15 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:24+0100bordermail (en)

At least 15 people have died after a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported Saturday's earthquake had a magnitude of about 6.

Earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:23+0100thesaxon (en)

A damaged car and the rubble of an earthquake-affected house in Cuenca, Ecuador , on March 18, 2023. At least 14 people died and several were injured in an earthquake in southern Ecuador on Saturday that caused extensive damage and also affected neighboring Peru, according to a official report.

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:23+0100bssnews (en)

CUENCA, Ecuador , March 19, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and....

At least 13 dead after strong earthquake shakes Ecuador

2023-03-19T04:21+0100adaderana (en)

At least 13 people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, according to government officials. The earthquake struck near the southern town of Baláo and was more than 65 km (nearly 41 miles) deep, according to the United States Geological Survey.

At least four dead in an earthquake off the coast of Ecuador

2023-03-19T04:21+0100thetimeshub (en)

A earthquake of more than six degrees of magnitude in southern Ecuador has caused the death of at least four people , one person injured, two houses destroyed, according to the preliminary assessment of the Ecuadorian authorities . The tremor was registered at 12:12 noon (7:12 p.m.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T04:21+0100gmanews (en)

QUITO - At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.

A 6.8-magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador, and at least 14 deaths are reported

2023-03-19T04:20+0100exbulletin (en)

The epicenter was off the Pacific coast in Ecuador (AP: Erick Feijoo) According to the Risk Management Secretariat, Ecuador’s emergency response agency, one of the victims in Azuay was a passenger in a car that was smashed by rubble from a home in the Andean region of Cuenca.

At least 14 killed as strong quake hits Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:18+0100wn (en)

At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador , authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials rushed to lend....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes widespread damage

2023-03-19T04:18+0100wn (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T04:18+0100wn (en)

QUITO, March 18 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuador ian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday. Another 381 were injured following the earthquake, according to the Ecuadorian Secretariat of Risk Management.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru | DETAILS

2023-03-19T04:18+0100wn (en)

Earthquake today: A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru....

At least 14 killed as quake hits Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:17+0100RTERadio (en)

At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador , authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials rushed to lend aid and panicked residents ran into the streets.

Earthquake in Ecuador causes landslides in many places, government launches post-disaster emergency operation – Xinhua English.news.cn

2023-03-19T04:17+0100archyde (en)

On the afternoon of March 18 local time, Ecuador ian President Guillermo Lasso held a press conference to introduce in detail the impact of the earthquake that day on the country. Raso said that after the earthquake, the government instructed the Emergency Operations Committee to coordinate the....

Strong quake kills at least 15 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:14+0100illawarramercury (en)

At least 15 people have died after a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported Saturday's earthquake had a magnitude of about 6.

Strong quake kills at least 15 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:11+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

At least 15 people have died after a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported Saturday's earthquake had a magnitude of about 6.

14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T04:10+0100english-news-cn (en)

QUITO, March 18 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuador ian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday. Another 381 were injured following the earthquake, according to the Ecuadorian Secretariat of Risk Management.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 15, causes widespread damage

2023-03-19T04:09+0100fox35orlando (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes widespread damage

2023-03-19T04:09+0100newstalkzb (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

At least 15 dead in earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T04:08+0100archyde (en)

At least 15 people died in a severe earthquake in southern Ecuador . At least eleven of the dead from collapsing apartments or buildings came from the province of El Oro on the Pacific coast, two from Azuay in the Andean highlands, as the Ecuadorian newspaper “El Comercio” reported on Saturday.

Terremoto en Ecuador; hay 13 muertos y más de 100 heridos

2023-03-19T04:08+0100expreso-press (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 ocurrido este sábado en Ecuador dejó al menos 13 personas muertas y más de 120 heridos, informaron autoridades del país sudamericano. El sismo se registró a las 12:12 hora local (17:12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, cerca de la frontera con Perú, a....

Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake Shakes Ecuador, at Least 14 Deaths Reported - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2023-03-19T04:08+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador , at least 14 deaths reported ...' Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported Reuters (@Reuters) March 19, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from....

Powerful 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake Claims 14 Lives in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:07+0100ticotimes (en)

A 6.5 magnitude earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and reached neighboring Peru left at least 14 dead, several injured and damaged buildings, according to an official balance. The tremor was registered at 12H12 local time (17H12 GMT) and had its epicenter in the Ecuadorian municipality of Balao,....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-19T04:07+0100vindy (en)

Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023.. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. (AP Photo/Xavier Caivinagua) By GONZALO SOLANO Associated Press.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T04:06+0100sciencesetavenir (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Deadly earthquake claims 14 lives in Ecuador, 1 in Peru | Pics show a trail of destruction

2023-03-19T04:04+0100indiatoday (en)

: A strong earthquake struck southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso told reporters the earthquake had “without a doubt .

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:03+0100themalaymailonline (en)

The quake, which the United States Geological Survey (USGS) put at a magnitude of 6.8 and a depth of nearly 66 kilometres, struck at 1712 GMT (1.12am Malaysian time today). Its epicentre was in the Ecuador an municipality of Balao, near the border with Peru, authorities said.

Strong quake kills at least 15 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:03+0100maitlandmercury (en)

At least 15 people have died after a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported Saturday's earthquake had a magnitude of about 6.

14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T04:02+0100nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. QUITO, March 18 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuador ian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday. Another 381 were injured following the earthquake, according to the Ecuadorian Secretariat of Risk Management.

14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T04:02+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

QUITO, March 18 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuador ian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday. Another 381 were injured following the earthquake, according to the Ecuadorian Secretariat of Risk Management.

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:01+0100malaymail (en)

The quake, which the United States Geological Survey (USGS) put at a magnitude of 6.8 and a depth of nearly 66 kilometres, struck at 1712 GMT (1.12am Malaysian time today). Its epicentre was in the Ecuador an municipality of Balao, near the border with Peru, authorities said.

Strong quake kills at least 15 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T04:00+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

At least 15 people have died after a strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported Saturday's earthquake had a magnitude of about 6.

6.8 magnitude quake kills at least 15 in Ecuador, Peru; causes widespread damage

2023-03-19T03:58+0100wn (en)

Quito: At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. "All the ministries are activated and have sufficient economic resources to immediately....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T03:57+0100kathmandupost (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centres. The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.4 km (41.

6.8 magnitude quake kills at least 15 in Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T03:52+0100gulfnews (en)

Quito: At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. In Peru, the earthquake was felt from its northern border with Ecuador to the central Pacific coast.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 dead

2023-03-19T03:51+0100chinadailyhk (en)

Destroyed buildings are seen after an earthquake in the city of Machala, Ecuador on March 18, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP) QUITO - At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers.

Over Dozen Dead Following Ecuador Earthquake

2023-03-19T03:42+0100newsghana (en)

At least 14 people died and over 300 others were injured as a result of the 6.5-magnitude earthquake in western Ecuador , the press service of Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso informs. “Fourteen dead, 381 wounded,” the president’s press service said on Twitter on Saturday.

Ecuador Earthquake Kills at Least 12, Causes Wide Damage

2023-03-19T03:41+0100latestly (en)

Agency News ⚡ Ecuador Earthquake Kills at Least 12, Causes Wide Damage. By PTI The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 that was centred just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador's second-largest city.

Strong earthquake kills at least 15 in Ecuador

2023-03-19T03:40+0100gulfnews (en)

Destroyed buildings are seen after an earthquake in the city of Machala, Ecuador on March 18, 2023. - Four dead in southern Ecuador and damage to buildings after an earthquake with an epicenter in that country, which reached its neighbor Peru, according to a preliminary balance of authorities. The earthquake of magnitude 6.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T03:39+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Quito: At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.

One Dead in Peru Following Ecuador Earthquake - Reports

2023-03-19T03:35+0100wn (en)

MEXICO CITY (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 19th March, 2023) The 6.5-magnitude earthquake in western Ecuador has caused damage in northern Peru and resulted in the death of one child, the RPP (Radio Programas del Peru) broadcaster reports. The four-year-old girl died in the Department of....

14 people died after 6.8 magnitude quake hits Ecuador

2023-03-19T03:35+0100wn (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, which caused structural damage to multiple homes, schools, and medical centres, according to news agency Reuters.The quake, which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.

Earthquake kills at least 15 in Ecuador and Peru and causes widespread damage to homes and buildings | World News

2023-03-19T03:34+0100digitpatrox (en)

At the least 14 individuals have died in Ecuador – whereas a four-year-old lady has died in Peru – after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the area. The quake was centred simply off Ecuador ‘s Pacific Coast, round 50 miles (80km) south of town of Guayaquil, in response to the US Geological Survey.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T03:34+0100courrier-picard (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Sismo de magnitud 6.5 deja 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T03:30+0100eldeber (es)

E l temblor se registró a las 12:12 locales (17:12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos 140 km del puerto de Guayaquil, y a una profundidad de 44 km, informaron autoridades. La presidencia de Ecuador publicó en Twitter un reporte de 12 fallecidos, 11 en la provincia de El Oro y uno en la provincia de Azuay.

World Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 13 deaths reported

2023-03-19T03:29+0100japantimes (en)

QUITO, Ecuador – At least 13 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. “All the ministries are activated and have sufficient economic resources to....

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T03:26+0100thaipbs (en)

At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador on Saturday, authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials....

At least 14 killed as strong earthquake hits Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T03:21+0100channelnewsasia (en)

CUENCA: At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador on Saturday (Mar 18), authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as....

Terremoto en Ecuador y Perú deja al menos 14 muertos y causa daños generalizados

2023-03-19T03:20+0100notiulti (es)

Un fuerte terremoto sacudió el sur de Ecuador y el norte de Perú el sábado, matando al menos a 14 personas, atrapando a otras bajo los escombros y enviando equipos de rescate a las calles llenas de escombros y cables eléctricos caídos. El Servicio Geológico de EE. UU.

The death toll from the earthquake in Ecuador rises to 14

2023-03-19T03:19+0100breakinglatest (en)

President Guillermo Lasso, in the latest update on the victims of the earthquake that occurred this afternoon, reported that the number of deaths rose to 14, of which 12 are from El Oro and two from Azuay. In a press conference given from the ECU 911 Austro Crisis Room at 8:30 p.m.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T03:19+0100tv5 (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T03:16+0100lemauricien (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Earthquake in Ecuador causes landslides in many places, government launches post-disaster emergency operations – Xinhua English.news.cn

2023-03-19T03:13+0100breakinglatest (en)

On the afternoon of March 18, local time, Ecuador ian President Guillermo Lasso held a press conference to introduce in detail the impact of the earthquake that day on the country. Raso said that after the earthquake, the government instructed the Emergency Operations Committee to coordinate the....

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Équateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T03:12+0100radio-canada (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Équateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T03:10+0100notretemps (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Earthquake / 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T03:09+0100newagebd (en)

View of a destroyed car after the cornice and terrace of a building located in Cuenca’s historic center fell, leaving one dead and one person injured, after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador on March 18, 2023. – AFP photo. At least 14 people were killed , several were injured and buildings were....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T03:09+0100rappler (en)

QUITO, Ecuador – At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, March 18, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.

14 people died after 6.8 magnitude quake hits ...

2023-03-19T03:08+0100livemint (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, which caused structural damage to multiple homes, schools, and medical centres, according to news agency Reuters. The quake , which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.

A strong earthquake has killed at least 13 in Ecuador and 1 in Peru : NPR

2023-03-19T03:08+0100vervetimes (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T03:06+0100news-gazette (en)

An earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 15 people and left others trapped under rubble. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. < That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T03:04+0100manilatimes (en)

Cuenca, Ecuador : At least 14 people were killed , several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday (Sunday in Manila), authorities said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in....

Sismo de magnitud 6.5 en Ecuador y Perú deja 14 muertos

2023-03-19T03:04+0100eleconomista-mx (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 que sacudió el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú dejó al menos 14 muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones, según un balance oficial. El temblor se registró a las 12:12 locales (17:12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos 140....

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T03:01+0100cp24 (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) - A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T02:59+0100wn (en)

QUITO, March 18 (Reuters) - At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T02:59+0100lepetitjournal (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T02:57+0100abc-au (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble and littering streets with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T02:57+0100heraldsun (en)

Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador , as rescue officials rushed to lend aid and panicked residents ran into the streets. The quake, which the United States Geological Survey (USGS) put at a magnitude of 6.

Strong earthquake of 6.8 magnitude kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:55+0100business-standard (en)

and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

6.8 Strong Earthquake Hit Ecuador 12 Dead | American Taiwan Daily

2023-03-19T02:53+0100archyde (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter scale hit the coast of Ecuador and northern Peru at noon on the 18th. At least 12 people died in Ecuador and many buildings were damaged. Rescuers are providing assistance in various places. According to comprehensive foreign media reports,....

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:53+0100wn (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. ......

The Ecuador earthquake killed at least 15 people, and caused widespread damage

2023-03-19T02:52+0100exbulletin (en)

In El Oro, the agency also reported that several people were trapped under the rubble. In the town of Machala, a two-storey house collapsed before people could evacuate, a sidewalk collapsed and the walls of the building cracked, trapping an unknown number of people.

At Least 14 Deaths Reported After Earthquake of 6.8 Magnitude Shakes Ecuador

2023-03-19T02:50+0100news18 (en)

At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.4 km (41.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 14 deaths reported

2023-03-19T02:50+0100gazette (en)

By Alexandra Valencia. QUITO (Reuters) -At least 14 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T02:50+0100la-croix (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8. Les autorités équatoriennes ont pour leur part évalué la magnitude à 6,5, et celles du Pérou à 6,7. La présidence de l'Equateur a fait état de 13 morts, dont 11 dans la province d'El Oro et deux dans celle d'Azuay,....

Séisme entre Pérou et Equateur, au moins 4 morts

2023-03-19T02:50+0100la-croix (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan. AFP/Archives. Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et....

Strong 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, Peru, killing several

2023-03-19T02:45+0100deutschewelle-ha (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Ecuador and northern Peru at 12:12 p.m. local time (1712 UTC/GMT) Saturday, killing at least 14 people. The epicenter of the quake was roughly 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Ecuador's second biggest city, Guayaquil, and nearly 10 kilometers from the city of Balao in the province of Guayas.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:45+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru 0

2023-03-19T02:45+0100kitchenertoday (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Au moins 14 morts dans un tremblement de terre en Equateur

2023-03-19T02:45+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

B Un violent tremblement de terre dans la région frontalière entre l’Équateur et le Pérou a tué au moins 14 personnes samedi. Onze personnes sont mortes dans la province d’El Oro, selon la présidence équatorienne. Deux autres décès ont été signalés dans la province d’Azuay.

A strong earthquake has killed at least 13 in Ecuador and 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:43+0100npr (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:42+0100whig (en)

An earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 15 people and left others trapped under rubble. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. < That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.

2023-03-19T02:41+0100timescolonist (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru 0 3/18/2023 6:24:37 PM

2023-03-19T02:41+0100tricitynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Destroyed Buildings, Crushed Vehicles As Massive Quake Hits Peru, Ecuador

2023-03-19T02:39+0100ndtvnews (en)

At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, Ecuador's presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials....

12 Killed After 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T02:39+0100ndtvnews (en)

Guayaquil, Ecuador : At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, Ecuador's presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as....

Death Toll from Ecuador Earthquake Rises to 15; Nearly 400 Injured - Latest Tweet by BNO News Live

2023-03-19T02:38+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News Live states, 'Death toll from Ecuador earthquake rises to 15; nearly 400 injured ...' Death toll from Ecuador earthquake rises to 15; nearly 400 injured BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 19, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and....

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T02:38+0100corsematin (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché... Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud....

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru A strong earthquake shook the coastal area of Ecuador on Saturday, causing at least four deaths and people declared trapped, who are being sought by relief agencies, in addition to minor damage, according to preliminary reports from the authorities.

2023-03-19T02:37+0100newsbreak-USA (en)

A strong earthquake shook the coastal area of Ecuador on Saturday, causing at least four deaths and people declared trapped, who are being sought by relief agencies, in addition to minor damage, according to preliminary reports from the authorities. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook....

Earthquake in Ecuador and Peru kills at least 14, causes widespread damage

2023-03-19T02:34+0100wn (en)

The 6.8-magnitude earthquake was centered just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador 's second-largest city. ......

Death Toll From Earthquake in Ecuador Rises to 12 - Authorities

2023-03-19T02:34+0100wn (en)

BUENOS AIRES (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 19th March, 2023) The number of people who died as a result of the 6.5-magnitude earthquake in western Ecuador has gone up to 12, the president's press service informs. "So far, 12 deaths have been reported (11 in the province of El Oro and one in the....

At least 14 killed as quake jolts Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T02:33+0100thedailystarBD (en)

"I went out into the street because I saw people starting to run in panic, getting out of their cars," Magaly Escandon, a sewing supplies saleswoman in Cuenca, told AFP. Ecuador 's presidency reported 13 dead -- 11 in the province of El Oro and two in the province of Azuay.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:33+0100financialexpress (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

World News | S Korea Begins Process to Normalise Military Intelligence-sharing Deal with Japan

2023-03-19T02:32+0100latestly (en)

Seoul [South Korea], March 19 (ANI): South Korea's Defence Ministry initiated the process to normalise the General Security of Military Information Agreement, which is a military intelligence-sharing deal, after the mutual agreement between Seoul President Yoon Suk-Yeol and Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Yonhap News Agency reported.


2023-03-19T02:30+0100nampa (en)

At least 14 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru =(Picture+Video)= ATTENTION - UPDATES death count, CHANGES dateline, ADDS details, quote from girl's uncle /// Cuenca, Ecuador, March 19, 2023 (AFP) - At least 14 people were killed, several were wounded and buildings were damaged in a....

Strong earthquake kills at least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:29+0100startribune (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

IN PICTURES | A beer warehouse suffers huge damage following the earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T02:29+0100archyde (en)

The quake that killed at least 13 people in Ecuador also caused a lot of damage, including to a beer warehouse. • Read also: Powerful earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador and Peru. In a video relayed on social networks, we can see dozens of crates smashing on the ground and beer spilling on the ground.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-19T02:28+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador . Photo / AP A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines.

VIDEO: Terremoto de 6.8 en Ecuador causa 13 muertos y 120 heridos; rescatan cuerpos de autos aplastados

2023-03-19T02:26+0100diariodemorelos (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 ocurrido este sábado en Ecuador dejó al menos 13 personas muertas y más de 120 heridos, informaron autoridades del país sudamericano. El sismo se registró a las 12:12 hora local (17:12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, cerca de la frontera con Perú, a....

At least 12 killed as quake jolts Ecuador, Peru

2023-03-19T02:25+0100thedailystarBD (en)

At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, Ecuador's presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials....

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T02:25+0100challenges (fr)

Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8.

Fuerte sismo deja al menos 14 muertos en Ecuador y 1 en Perú

2023-03-19T02:23+0100lanacion-AR (es)

QUITO (AP) — Un fuerte sismo sacudió el sábado la zona costera de Ecuador , donde dejó al menos 14 fallecidos, 126 heridos y daños a decenas de viviendas, escuelas y centros de salud, además de causar la muerte a una niña en un poblado fronterizo peruano, informaron las autoridades.

World News | About 800,000 People Willing to Join Military to Fight US: North Korea Claims

2023-03-19T02:22+0100latestly (en)

Pyongyang [North Korea], March 19 (ANI): North Korea claimed that about 800,000 civilians have volunteered to join the nation's military to fight against the US, CNN reported. North Korea's state newspaper Rodong Sinmun newspaper reported that around 800,000 students and workers alone have expressed....

A strong earthquake has killed at least 13 in Ecuador and 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:22+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes widespread damage

2023-03-19T02:21+0100nzherald (en)

Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador . Photo / AP A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines.

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T02:21+0100centre-presse (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain USGS, la magnitude du séisme a atteint 6,8. Les autorités équatoriennes ont pour leur part évalué la magnitude à 6,5, et celles du Pérou à 6,7. La présidence de l'Equateur a fait état de 13 morts, dont 11 dans la province d'El Oro et deux dans celle d'Azuay,....

Un séisme fait au moins 14 morts en Equateur et au Pérou

2023-03-19T02:20+0100laprovence (fr)

Des habitants de Machala, en Equateur, sous le choc après le séisme du 18 mars 2023 PHOTO AFP / Gleen SUAREZ Au moins 14 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs ont été blessées samedi lors d'un tremblement de terre dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a provoqué d'importants dégâts et a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel.

Terremoto Ecuador, violentissima scossa di magnitudo 6.7 a Puerto Bolivar. Ecco qui i dettagli

2023-03-19T02:20+0100ilmeteo (it)

Scossa di terremoto registrata a Puerto Bolivar ( Ecuador ) Il 18 Marzo 2023 ore 18:12 è stata registrata una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 e profondità 65.652 km a Puerto Bolivar (Ecuador). Leggi qui per approfondire. Secondo la scala Richter, un evento sismico di magnitudo 6.

6.8 magnitude earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:18+0100economictimes (en)

A strong shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:15+0100wn (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

World News | Pakistan-Afghanistan Allow Bus Service Between Peshawar-Jalalabad

2023-03-19T02:15+0100latestly (en)

Islamabad [Pakistan], March 19 (ANI): Pakistani and Afghanistani authorities agreed to initiate the bus service between Peshawar in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province and Jalalabad in Nangarhar province, The Express Tribune reported. According to the Pakistan daily citing the sources and documents, the....

Massive 6.8 magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador, death toll touches 13

2023-03-19T02:15+0100wn (en)

After the 6.8 magnitude quack hit southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, leaving at least 12 people dead, CNN reported citing government officials. "Notable quake, preliminary info: M 6.7 - 6 km NNE of Balao, Ecuador," United States Geological Survey Earthquake tweeted.

Equateur, séisme de magnitude 6,8 : au moins 4 morts

2023-03-19T02:15+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Au moins quatre personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,8 qui a frappé le sud de l’Équateur. Le gouvernement du pays l’a déclaré dans une note. Le tremblement de terre s’est concentré sur la ville méridionale de Baláo et était situé à une profondeur de plus de 65 kilomètres, selon le United States Geological Survey.

At least 13 dead after magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador

2023-03-19T02:13+0100eastidahonews (en)

(CNN) — At least 13 people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, according to government officials. The earthquake struck near the southern town of Baláo and was more than 65 km (nearly 41 miles) deep, according to the United States Geological Survey.

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:12+0100cp24 (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) - A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

World News | Strong Earthquake Kills at Least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:08+0100latestly (en)

Quito, Mar 19 (AP) A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Un tremblement de terre en Équateur et au Pérou fait au moins 14 morts

2023-03-19T02:08+0100lesoleil-ca (fr)

Un fort tremblement de terre a secoué le sud de l’Équateur et le nord du Pérou samedi, tuant au moins 14 personnes, alors que d’autres sont piégés sous les décombres. Des équipes de secours ont été dépêchées dans des rues jonchées de débris et de lignes électriques tombées.

Fuerte sismo deja al menos 13 muertos en Ecuador y 1 en Perú

2023-03-19T02:07+0100infobae (es)

Los equipos de rescate se paran junto a un automóvil aplastado por los escombros a causa de un terremoto, en Cuenca, Ecuador , el sábado 18 de marzo de 2023. El Servicio Geológico de EEUU reportó el sismo de magnitud 6,7 a unas 50 millas al sur de Guayaquil.

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T02:03+0100mb-com-ph (en)

GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador -- At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, Ecuador's presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador,....

World News | Afghanistan: Parents, Children Urge Taliban to Reopen Schools for Girls

2023-03-19T02:02+0100latestly (en)

Kabul [Afghanistan], March 19 (ANI): Several parents and students in Afghanistan urged the Taliban to reopen the secondary schools for girls, which have been closed for the last 544 days, Khaama Press reported. On Saturday, the parents of students expressed concern for their children's future and....

4 minutes ago Earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T02:01+0100nepalnews (en)

A southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday , killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.

2023-03-19T02:01+0100timescolonist (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Sismo de magnitud 6,5 deja 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T01:59+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 que sacudió el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú dejó al menos 14 muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones, según un balance oficial. El temblor se registró a las 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos 140....

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T01:58+0100wsvn (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

13 fallecidos y 126 heridos por el sismo de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:57+0100elnacional (es)

Quito.- Al menos 13 personas fallecieron y otras 126 resultaron heridas por el sismo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter, que se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador , según un reporte de la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos.

This is what the cast of “Chavo del 8” would look like if they were Hollywood actors

2023-03-19T01:56+0100d1softballnews (en)

EFE Latam Videos Thirteen dead and 126 injured by the magnitude 6.5 earthquake in Ecuador . Quito, Mar 18 (EFE).- At least thirteen people died and another 126 were injured by the 6.5 magnitude earthquake on the Richter open scale, which occurred this Saturday in the province of Guayas, in the....

World News | 12 People Killed After Magnitude 6.8 Hits Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:53+0100latestly (en)

Quito [ Ecuador ], March 19 (ANI): After the 6.8 magnitude quack hit southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, leaving at least 12 people dead, CNN reported citing government officials. "Notable quake, preliminary info: M 6.7 - 6 km NNE of Balao, Ecuador," United States Geological Survey Earthquake tweeted.

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T01:52+0100thesundaily (en)

GUAYAQUIL : At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador yesterday, Ecuador’s presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue....

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T01:52+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, Peru, killing several

2023-03-19T01:51+0100deutschewelle-el (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Ecuador and northern Peru at 12:12 p.m. local time (1712 UTC/GMT) Saturday, killing at least 13 people. The epicenter of the quake was roughly 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Ecuador's second biggest city, Guayaquil, and nearly 10 kilometers from the city of Balao in the province of Guayas.

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru 0 3/18/2023 5:16:29 PM

2023-03-19T01:51+0100tricitynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Massive 6.8 magnitude earthquake to hit Ecuador, death toll touches 13

2023-03-19T01:50+0100dnaindia (en)

After the 6.8 magnitude quack hit southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, leaving at least 12 people dead, CNN reported citing government officials. "Notable quake, preliminary info: M 6.7 - 6 km NNE of Balao, Ecuador," United States Geological Survey Earthquake tweeted.

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T01:49+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, Ecuador's presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as....

Au moins 14 morts dans un séisme à la frontière entre le Pérou et l’Équateur

2023-03-19T01:48+0100lapresse-CA (fr)

Le U. S. Geological Survey a signalé un tremblement de terre d’une magnitude d’environ 6,8 qui était centré juste au large de la côte du Pacifique, à environ 80 kilomètres au sud de Guayaquil, la deuxième plus grande ville de l’Équateur. L’une des victimes est décédée au Pérou, tandis que 13 autres....

World News | 'Coward' Imran Khan Creating Chaos to Avoid Arrest: Pakistan Interior Minister

2023-03-19T01:47+0100latestly (en)

Lahore [Pakistan], March 19 (ANI): Calling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan a 'coward,' Pakistan's Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah slammed him for creating chaos in the country and said that he might die of a heart attack if sent to jail, ARY news reported on Saturday.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 13 deaths reported

2023-03-19T01:47+0100gazette (en)

By Alexandra Valencia. QUITO (Reuters) -At least 13 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. "All the ministries are activated and have sufficient....

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,8: almeno 4 morti

2023-03-19T01:47+0100ildenaro (it)

(Adnkronos) – Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di oltre di 65 chilometri, secondo lo United States Geological Survey.

Un terremoto de 6,7 sacude la costa de Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:47+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 18 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. Por el momento se ha informado de algunas viviendas derrumbadas y de cortes del suministro eléctrico. En la ciudad de Cuenca se habrían hundido algunos....

Fuerte sismo en costa de Ecuador deja al menos 14 muertos

2023-03-19T01:46+0100lanacion-AR (es)

El Museo Marino de Puerto Bolívar, separado del muelle, está parcialmente inundado después de un terremoto que sacudió Machala, Ecuador , el sábado 18 de marzo de 2023. El Servicio Geológico de EEUU dijo que el sismo de 6,7 se profujo frente a la costa del Pacífico, a unas 50 millas (80 kilómetros) al sur de Guayaquil.

Al menos doce muertos a consecuencia de terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:46+0100diariodigital-RD (es)

El seísmo, que fue sentido en trece provincias del país, ha causado daños en varias ciudades. Al menos doce personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano.

Twelve dead in Ecuador after a magnitude 6.5 earthquake

2023-03-19T01:45+0100archyde (en)

Twelve people died on Saturday in Ecuador after a magnitude 6.5 earthquake. At least 12 people died on Saturday in a 6.5 magnitude earthquake in southern Ecuador, which also hit Peru, according to an official report. “At the moment we have 12 dead”, including 11 in the province of El Oro and one in....

Strong 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, Peru, killing several

2023-03-19T01:44+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Ecuador and northern Peru at 12:12 p.m. local time (1712 UTC/GMT) Saturday, killing at least 13 people. The epicenter of the quake was roughly 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Ecuador's second biggest city, Guayaquil, and nearly 10 kilometers from the city of Balao in the province of Guayas.

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T01:44+0100news-gazette (en)

An earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 14 people and left others trapped under rubble. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. < That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Southern Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12

2023-03-19T01:43+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

At least 12 people have died after a powerful earthquake struck the southern coast of Ecuador . Buildings have been damaged in several cities following the 6.7 magnitude quake, which hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected, where emergency....

World News | British Muslim Man Found Guilty of Terrorism Offences

2023-03-19T01:41+0100latestly (en)

London [UK], March 19 (ANI): A British Muslim from Surrey, a county in England, has been found guilty of terrorism offences, including possessing explosive substances, according to the statement released by Surrey police. According to the statement, the culprit was identified as Asad Bhatti of....

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T01:40+0100kitchenertoday (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Al menos trece muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones dejó un sismo de magnitud 6.5 que sacudió el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú, según un balance oficial. El temblor se registró a las 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en...

2023-03-19T01:40+0100elmundo-sv (es)

Al menos trece muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones dejó un sismo de magnitud 6.5 que sacudió el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú, según un balance oficial. El temblor se registró a las 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos....

Earthquake in Ecuador, the screams and the flight of tourists and residents from the central square of Guayaquil – Corriere TV

2023-03-19T01:38+0100breakinglatest (en)

Fear into Ecuador for a earthquake of magnitude 6.8 that hit the country. The Geological Survey recorded the epicenter of the earthquake in the coastal region of Guayas a Dozens of videos on social media showing the moment of shock : in this, registered in San Francisco square, own in downtown....

Strong 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, Peru, killing several

2023-03-19T01:35+0100deutschewelle-ro (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Ecuador and northern Peru at 12:12 p.m. local time (1712 UTC/GMT) Saturday, killing at least 13 people. The epicenter of the quake was roughly 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Ecuador's second biggest city, Guayaquil, and nearly 10 kilometers from the city of Balao in the province of Guayas.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 12, causes widespread damage

2023-03-19T01:35+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T01:35+0100startribune (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

World News | Putin Visits Crimea on Anniversary of Its Annexation from Ukraine

2023-03-19T01:35+0100latestly (en)

Moscow [Russia], March 19 (ANI): Russian President Vladimir Putin made a surprise visit to occupied Crimea on the ninth anniversary of Russia's illegal annexation of the peninsula, just a day after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant, TASS reported.

Southern Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12

2023-03-19T01:35+0100radionz (en)

At least 12 people have died after a powerful earthquake struck the southern coast of Ecuador . Buildings have been damaged in several cities following the 6.7 magnitude quake, which hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected, where emergency....

Una niña muerta y decenas de damnificados en Perú por sismo en Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:34+0100elnacional (es)

QUI01. CUENCA (ECUADOR) 18/03/2023.- Personas observan los daños ocasionados por el sismo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter hoy, en la ciudad de Cuenca ( Ecuador ). El movimiento telúrico alcanzó una magnitud 7 en territorio peruano según el reporte de Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP),....

Strong 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, Peru, killing 12

2023-03-19T01:33+0100deutschewelle-ha (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Ecuador and northern Peru at 12:12 p.m. local time (1712 UTC/GMT) Saturday, killing at least 13 people. The epicenter of the quake was roughly 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Ecuador's second biggest city, Guayaquil, and nearly 10 kilometers from the city of Balao in the province of Guayas.

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru A strong earthquake shook the coastal area of Ecuador on Saturday, causing at least four deaths and people declared trapped, who are being sought by relief agencies, in addition to minor damage, according to preliminary reports from the authorities.

2023-03-19T01:32+0100newsbreak-USA (en)

A strong earthquake shook the coastal area of Ecuador on Saturday, causing at least four deaths and people declared trapped, who are being sought by relief agencies, in addition to minor damage, according to preliminary reports from the authorities. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook....

Earthquake Leaves More Than a Dozen Dead, Others Trapped in South America

2023-03-19T01:31+0100newsweek-USA (en)

At least 13 people died in the South American nations of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday after an earthquake struckleaving others trapped under rubble. The U.S. Geological Survey measured the earthquake at magnitude 6.8, reporting that it struck at a depth of just over 41 miles and about 6 miles from....

World News | Protests in London Against Illegal Migration Bill

2023-03-19T01:31+0100latestly (en)

London [UK], March 19 (ANI): Thousands of protesters in London took to the streets to march against the government's illegal migration on Saturday, according to Anadolu Agency. The protesters gathered at Portland Place, outside the BBC headquarters in central London, chanting slogans such as "refugees are welcome here.

Al menos trece fallecidos y más de 300 heridos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:31+0100noticierouniversal (es)

MADRID, 19 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) – Al menos trece personas han muerto y más de 300 han resultado heridas como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno....

Earthquake in Ecuador and Peru kills at least 14, causes widespread damage The 6.8-magnitude earthquake was centered just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador's second-largest city. updated 3M ago

2023-03-19T01:29+0100cbslocal (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Earthquake in Ecuador and Peru kills at least 14, causes widespread damage Ecuadorian authorities reported that at least 126 people were injured. updated 0M ago

2023-03-19T01:27+0100CBSnews (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 14 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 12 deaths reported

2023-03-19T01:25+0100gazette (en)

By Alexandra Valencia. QUITO (Reuters) -At least 12 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. "Emergency teams are mobilizing to offer all their support....

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 12, causes widespread damage Some reported objects falling inside their homes. 2H ago

2023-03-19T01:22+0100cbslocal (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least twelve people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T01:22+0100jamaicaobserver (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T01:21+0100whig (en)

An earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 14 people and left others trapped under rubble. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. < That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Strong earthquake kills at least 13 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T01:21+0100newsobserver (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

At least 12 killed as strong earthquake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T01:19+0100inquirer (en)

Destroyed buildings are seen after an earthquake in the city of Machala, Ecuador on March 18, 2023. Four dead in southern Ecuador and damage to buildings after an earthquake with an epicenter in that country, which reached its neighbor Peru, according to a preliminary balance of authorities. The earthquake of magnitude 6.

Ecuador: almento 4 persone morte per sisma di magnitudo 6,8

2023-03-19T01:17+0100metronews (it)

Quito, 18 mar. (Adnkronos) – Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di....

Al menos trece fallecidos y más de 300 heridos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:17+0100europapress (es)

MADRID, 19 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Al menos trece personas han muerto y más de 300 han resultado heridas como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno....

World News | Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Announces Extension of Black Sea Grain Deal

2023-03-19T01:15+0100latestly (en)

Ankara [Turkey], March 19 (ANI): Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday announced an extension of the Black Sea grain deal, CNN reported. However, he did not reveal details regarding the expiration date of the deal. The deal was brokered by the United Nations and Turkey last July to....

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T01:15+0100cp24 (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) - A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Al menos trece fallecidos y más de 300 heridos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:15+0100lanacion-AR (es)

18/03/2023 Mapa que representa la localización del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. SOCIEDAD Europa Press Al menos trece personas han muerto y más de 300 han resultado heridas como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7....

Strong 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, Peru, killing 12

2023-03-19T01:14+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Ecuador and northern Peru at 12:12 p.m. local time (1712 UTC/GMT) Saturday, killing at least 12 people. The epicenter of the quake was roughly 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Ecuador's second biggest city, Guayaquil, and nearly 10 kilometers from the city of Balao in the province of Guayas.

Sismo de magnitud 6,5 deja 13 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T01:14+0100metrolibre (es)

Al menos trece muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones dejó un sismo de magnitud 6,5 que sacudió el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú, según un balance oficial. El temblor se registró a las 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos....

Equateur, séisme de magnitude 6,5, au moins 13 morts – Corriere.it

2023-03-19T01:13+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,5 a secoué l’Equateur samedi. Au moins 13 personnes, selon le président Guillermo Lasso, ils ont été tués et 126 ont été blessés, tandis que les maisons et les bâtiments ont été endommagés . L’US Geological Survey a enregistré l’épicentre du séisme dans la région côtière de....

Strong quake kills at least 13 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T01:12+0100bordermail (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least 13 people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

World News | Pakistan: Maryam Nawaz Rejects Imran Khan's Claim About His Wife Being Alone at Home During Search Operation

2023-03-19T01:10+0100latestly (en)

Islamabad [Pakistan], March 19 (ANI): Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief organizer Maryam Nawaz has rejected Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Imran Khan's claim that his wife Bushra Bibi was alone at his Zaman Park residence in Lahore when Punjab police carried out a search operation earlier today.

Strong quake kills at least 13 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T01:10+0100illawarramercury (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least 13 people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Terremoto deja al menos 13 muertos en Ecuador y Perú y causa daños generalizados en viviendas y edificios | Noticias del mundo

2023-03-19T01:09+0100notiulti (es)

Al menos 12 personas murieron después de que un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 ​​sacudiera la región alrededor de la segunda ciudad más grande de Ecuador , Guayaquil, mientras que un niño también murió en Perú. El sismo se centró a unos 80 kilómetros (50 millas) al sur de Guayaquil, según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

Dead in severe earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:07+0100archyde (en)

President Guillermo Lasso called on the population to calm down after the 6.8 magnitude tremor. The epicenter of the earthquake was ten kilometers from the town of Balao, which is located on the Ecuador ian coast. According to the authorities, there was no risk of a tsunami. One person was killed when a wall fell on a car in the city of Cuenca.

Un séisme tue au moins 13 personnes en Équateur et au Pérou, causant de graves dommages aux habitations et bâtiments – Actualités internationales

2023-03-19T01:07+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Au moins 12 personnes sont mortes après qu’un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,8 a frappé la région autour de la deuxième plus grande ville de l’Équateur, Guayaquil, tandis qu’un enfant est également mort au Pérou. Le tremblement de terre était centré à environ 80 km au sud de Guayaquil, selon l’US Geological Survey.

Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake Shakes Ecuador, at Least 12 Deaths Reported - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2023-03-19T01:04+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador , at least 12 deaths reported ...' Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 12 deaths reported Reuters (@Reuters) March 19, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from....

Al menos trece fallecidos y más de 300 heridos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:04+0100diariodia (es)

MADRID, 19 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) – Al menos trece personas han muerto y más de 300 han resultado heridas como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno....

Strong quake kills at least 13 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T01:02+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least 13 people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador Earthquake Kills 12, Causes Widespread Damage

2023-03-19T01:02+0100longbeachstar (en)

QUITO, Ecuador - A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Al menos trece fallecidos y más de 300 heridos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:02+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos trece personas han muerto y más de 300 han resultado heridas como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha....

Al menos trece fallecidos y más de 300 heridos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T01:01+0100noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos trece personas han muerto y más de 300 han resultado heridas como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha....

Strong quake kills at least 13 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T01:00+0100maitlandmercury (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least 13 people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines.

2023-03-19T01:00+0100timescolonist (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong quake kills at least 13 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T00:58+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least 13 people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador.- Al menos trece fallecidos y más de 300 heridos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:56+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 19 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Al menos trece personas han muerto y más de 300 han resultado heridas como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno....

Al menos trece fallecidos y más de 300 heridos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:55+0100teleprensa (es)

MADRID, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos trece personas han muerto y más de 300 han resultado heridas como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha....

18:45 Terremoto en Ecuador dejó una niña fallecida y damnificados en Perú

2023-03-19T00:54+0100elcomercio-EC (es)

Una niña de 4 años murió y decenas de personas más resultaron damnificadas tras el fuerte terremoto que se sintió al mediodía de este sábado 18 de marzo de 2023 en la región norteña peruana de Tumbes con epicentro en Ecuador . Así lo informaron fuentes oficiales.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T00:49+0100wn (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T00:48+0100news-gazette (en)

An earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 13 people and left others trapped under rubble. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. < That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T00:48+0100themalaymailonline (en)

GUAYAQUIL ( Ecuador ), March 19 — At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador yesterday, Ecuador’s presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca....

Alert: Peruvian authorities say at least 1 dead after earthquake shook northern coast and Ecuador; death toll rises to 13

2023-03-19T00:48+0100chron (en)

Alert: Peruvian authorities say at least 1 dead after earthquake shook northern coast and Ecuador ; death toll rises to 13. LIMA, Peru (AP) — Peruvian authorities say at least 1 dead after earthquake shook northern coast and Ecuador; death toll rises to 13.

Peruvian authorities say at least 1 dead after earthquake shook northern coast and Ecuador; death toll rises to 13

2023-03-19T00:47+0100ABCnews (en)

Peruvian authorities say at least 1 dead after earthquake shook northern coast and Ecuador ; death toll rises to 13. LIMA, Peru -- Peruvian authorities say at least 1 dead after earthquake shook northern coast and Ecuador; death toll rises to 13.

6.5-magnitude earthquake strikes off coast of Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:47+0100ABCnews (en)

The earthquake occurred Saturday afternoon off the coast of Ecuador , leaving at least 12 people dead, authorities said.

World News | Strong Earthquake Kills at Least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T00:46+0100latestly (en)

Quito, Mar 19 (AP) A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong quake kills at least 13 in Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T00:45+0100canberratimes (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least 13 people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador Earthquake Kills 12, Causes Widespread Damage

2023-03-19T00:45+0100singaporestar (en)

QUITO, Ecuador - A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru 0 3/18/2023 4:33:05 PM

2023-03-19T00:45+0100tricitynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Sismo de magnitud 6,5 deja 13 fallecidos y más de 120 heridos en Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:45+0100cooperativa (es)

Al menos trece personas fallecieron y otras 126 resultaron heridas por el sismo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala de Richter, que se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador , según un reporte de la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos.

Sismo de magnitud 6.5 deja 13 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T00:45+0100eldeber (es)

Al menos trece muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones dejó un sismo de magnitud 6.5 que sacudió el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú, según un balance oficial. E l temblor se registró a las 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos....

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T00:44+0100malaymail (en)

GUAYAQUIL ( Ecuador ), March 19 — At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador yesterday, Ecuador’s presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca....

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:43+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least 12 people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T00:42+0100whig (en)

An earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 13 people and left others trapped under rubble. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. < That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T00:42+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Douze morts en Equateur après un séisme de magnitude 6,5

2023-03-19T00:41+0100laminute (fr)

Douze personnes sont mortes ce samedi en Equateur après un séisme de magnitude 6,5. Au moins 12 personnes sont mortes samedi lors d’un séisme de magnitude 6,5 dans le sud de l’Equateur, qui a aussi touché le Pérou, selon un bilan officiel. « Pour le moment, nous avons 12 morts », dont 11 dans la....

Al menos cuatro muertos a consecuencia de terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:40+0100diariodigital-RD (es)

El seísmo, que fue sentido en trece provincias del país, ha causado daños en varias ciudades. Al menos cuatro personas han perdido la vida a consecuencia de un terremoto de magnitud 6,7 en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T00:38+0100kitchenertoday (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Sismo de magnitud 6,5 deja 13 muertos en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-19T00:37+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Al menos trece muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones dejó un sismo de magnitud 6,5 que sacudió el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú, según un balance oficial. El temblor se registró a las 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos....

According to President Lasso: Several dead in earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:35+0100archyde (en)

A powerful earthquake has killed at least 12 people in Ecuador . Several people are still trapped in the rubble of collapsed houses, President Lasso said. The earthquake was also felt in Peru. At least 12 people have died in an earthquake, according to Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso. Others are still trapped under rubble.

At least dozen killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador, Peru50sec

2023-03-19T00:35+0100presstv-ir (en)

At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, Ecuador's presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala and Cuenca in Ecuador, as rescue officials....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12 and causes widespread damage to homes and buildings

2023-03-19T00:33+0100heart (en)

18 March 2023, 21:14 | Updated: 18 March 2023, 22:54 At least 12 people are dead after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city, Guayaquil. The quake was centred around 50 miles (80km) south of Guayaquil, according to the US Geological Survey, and it was felt as far away as northern Peru.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T00:32+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T00:30+0100startribune (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

At least 13 dead and 126 injured by a magnitude 6.5 earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:29+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-03-18T23:29:47.525Z. At least thirteen people died and another 126 were injured by the earthquake of magnitude 6.5 on the open Richter scale, which was recorded this Saturday in the province of...New Zealand Tsunami warning for a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in northern waters At least thirteen....

At least 13 dead and homes damaged after Ecuador earthquake

2023-03-19T00:27+0100skynews (en)

At least 12 people are dead after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city, Guayaquil, while a child has also died in Peru. The quake was centred around 50 miles (80km) south of Guayaquil, according to the US Geological Survey.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T00:26+0100wftv (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least thirteen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T00:26+0100bostonglobe (en)

In Peru, the earthquake was felt from its northern border with Ecuador to the central Pacific coast. Peruvian Prime Minister Alberto Otárola said a 4-year-old girl died from head trauma she suffered in the collapse of her home in the Tumbes region, on the border with Ecuador.

Alert: Peruvian authorities say at least 1 dead after earthquake shook northern coast and Ecuador; death toll rises to 13

2023-03-19T00:22+0100sfgate (en)

Alert: Peruvian authorities say at least 1 dead after earthquake shook northern coast and Ecuador ; death toll rises to 13. LIMA, Peru (AP) — Peruvian authorities say at least 1 dead after earthquake shook northern coast and Ecuador; death toll rises to 13.

Earthquake hits Ecuador and Peru killing at least 12

2023-03-19T00:22+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least 12 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centres. The quake , which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.4km (41.3 miles) and about 10 kms (6.

Ecuador earthquake kills 12, causes widespread damage

2023-03-19T00:22+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Aumentan a 13 los fallecidos por el sismo magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:22+0100biobiochile (es)

Al menos trece personas fallecieron y otras 126 resultaron heridas por el sismo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter, que se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador , según un reporte de la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos.

Se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.7 en Iquique

2023-03-19T00:22+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Iquique fue el epicentro de un sismo de 2.7 de magnitud que se registró a las 19:42 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. La actividad sísmica sucedió a 18.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 46.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.6 de magnitud en Ollagüe

2023-03-19T00:22+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 2.6 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 225.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes de la ciudad de Ollagüe. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -67.848 grados de longitud y -21.238 grados de latitud, es decir a 42.0 kilómetros al Este de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-19T00:21+0100themalaysianinsight (en)

Debris after an earthquake in the city of Machala, Ecuador on March 18, 2023. At least 12 people were killed , one wounded and buildings damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador yesterday. – AFP pic, March 19, 2023. AT least 12 people were killed, one wounded and buildings....

Peruvian authorities say at least 1 dead after earthquake shook northern coast and Ecuador; death toll rises to 13

2023-03-19T00:18+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

Tourists hoping to see world famous waterfalls on the Havasupai Tribe Reservation in northern Arizona instead went through harrowing flood evacuations. Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso says strong earthquake killed 12. Prosecutors plan next week to release the video that led authorities in....

Sismo de 6.5 deja al menos 13 personas muertas en Ecuador y una niña en Perú

2023-03-19T00:18+0100rcnradio (es)

Así mismo, a través de un comunicado, los Comités de Operaciones de Emergencia activados por el sismo, informaron que no se presenta riesgo o alerta de Tsunami en las zonas costeras e insulares. Le puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 6,5 se siente en Ecuador y Perú: todos los detalles "Después de la....

Strong earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru

2023-03-19T00:17+0100tri-cityherald (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,8: almeno 4 morti

2023-03-19T00:16+0100newsnovara (it)

(Adnkronos) - Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di oltre di 65 chilometri, secondo lo United States Geological Survey.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 12 deaths reported

2023-03-19T00:15+0100fijitimes (en)

QUITO (Reuters) -At least 12 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. “Emergency teams are mobilizing to offer all their support to those who have been....

Équateur : au moins 12 morts après un séisme de magnitude 6,8

2023-03-19T00:15+0100leparisien (fr)

La terre a tremblé en Équateur. « Pour le moment, nous avons 12 morts », dont 11 dans la province d’El Oro et un dans celle d’Azuay, a indiqué la présidence de l’Équateur sur Twitter samedi soir. Le séisme a aussi fait au moins un blessé et provoqué des dégâts matériels.

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,8: almeno 4 morti

2023-03-19T00:14+010024ovest (it)

(Adnkronos) - Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di oltre di 65 chilometri, secondo lo United States Geological Survey.

Terremoto en Ecuador: al menos 13 muertos y más de 100 heridos por un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,8

2023-03-19T00:13+0100acento (es)

Getty Images. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 ocurrido este sábado en Ecuador dejó al menos 13 personas muertas y más de 120 heridos, informaron autoridades del país sudamericano.El sismo se registró a las 12:12 hora local (17:12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio de Balao, cerca de la frontera....

La Tarde “Se ha descartado la amenaza de tsunami en Ecuador”: director de Gestión de Riesgos de la Alcaldía de Guayaquil El funcionario ecuatoriano se refirió al sismo de magnitud 6,5 registrado este sábado.

2023-03-19T00:13+0100ntn24 (es)

Este sábado 18 de marzo, el Instituto Geofísico (IG) de Ecuador detalló que, sobre las 12:15 del mediodía, un sismo de magnitud 6.5 se registró en varias provincias del país sudamericano. VEA TAMBIÉN → Asimismo, la instancia acotó que “el epicentro del movimiento telúrico fue a 29,12 kilómetros de....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12 people, causes widespread damage

2023-03-19T00:12+0100theherald-au (en)

Quito: A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Al menos 13 fallecidos y 126 heridos por terremoto de magnitud 6,5

2023-03-19T00:11+0100ecuavisa (es)

El Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada (Inocar) informó de que el sismo no reunía las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en la Costa continental e insular del país. Según la empresa pública Petroecuador , las instalaciones de los terminales Marítimo-Balao Chorrillos Monteverde La....

El Oro: Museo marino de Puerto Bolivar colapsa por terremoto de 6,5

2023-03-19T00:11+0100ecuavisa (es)

Un terremoto la mañana de este sábado 18 de marzo. El epicentro fue Balao en la provincia del Guayas a una profundidad de 44 km, a 29,12 km de Balao, Guayas. Las afectaciones llegaron al Museo marino de Puerto Bolivar, en el Oro, que colapsó. El ECU 911 reportó que lagunas paredes del cuartel militar se cayeron.

Estos son los detalles técnicos del sismo y las réplicas en el Golfo de Guayaquil

2023-03-19T00:11+0100ecuavisa (es)

ocurrido el medio día de este sábado 18 de marzo, el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional emitió un informe sísmico especial. A las 12:12 ocurrió un “sismo de profundidad intermedia” cuyo epicentro fue en el extremo nororiental de la isla Puna , provincia del Guayas.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 12 deaths reported

2023-03-19T00:10+0100wn (en)

QUITO - At least 12 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. Emergency teams are mobilizing to offer all their support to those who have been....

Southern Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12

2023-03-19T00:10+0100wn (en)

A strong earthquake off Ecuador 's southern coast left people trapped in collapsed houses....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12 and causes widespread damage to homes and buildings

2023-03-19T00:09+0100coastfm (en)

At least 12 people are dead after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city, Guayaquil. The quake was centred around 50 miles (80km) south of Guayaquil, according to the US Geological Survey, and it was felt as far away as northern Peru.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 12 deaths reported

2023-03-19T00:07+0100cgtn (en)

At least 12 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. The quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.

Scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 colpisce l'Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:07+0100informazione (it)

: il bilancio delle vi... Scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 colpisce l' Ecuador : il bilancio delle vi... Scossa di terremoto di… «Calma, il palazzo è antisismico»: ma i suoi «Calma, il palazzo è antisismico»: l’invito del conduttore di uno studio tv nel momento in cui la terra trema in Ecuador (una scossa di magnitudo 6.

Fuerte sismo sacude costa de Ecuador, al menos 4 fallecidos

2023-03-19T00:07+0100elmanana (es)

y dejando a otras personas atrapadas bajo escombros, además de daños en algunas edificaciones y en el tendido eléctrico, según las autoridades. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó el movimiento de magnitud 6,7 en la región costera del Guayas.

'Significant casualties likely': Strong quake hits Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:02+01009news (en)

Police stand by debris fallen from a building at a commercial area after an earthquake shook Machala, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023. (AP Photo/Stalin Diaz) The Marine Museum of Puerto Bolivar, detached from the dock, is partially inundated in water after an earthquake that shook Machala, Ecuador, Saturday, March 18, 2023.

Southern Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12

2023-03-19T00:01+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least 12 people have died after a powerful earthquake struck the southern coast of Ecuador . Buildings have been damaged in several cities following the 6.7 magnitude quake, which hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected, where emergency....

Terremoto de magnitud 6,5 deja cuatro muertos en Ecuador

2023-03-19T00:01+0100todonoticia (es)

El número de muertos por el terremoto de magnitud 6,5 subió a cuatro en la escala de Richter registrada este sábado en el Provincia de Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador según un informe preliminar de la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos. Poco después del sismo de magnitud 6,5, que se sintió en 13....

Southern Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12

2023-03-19T00:00+0100bbc (en)

At least 12 people have died after a powerful earthquake struck the southern coast of Ecuador . Buildings have been damaged in several cities following the 6.7 magnitude quake, which hit at around midday local time (17:00 GMT). The southern province of El Oro was the worst affected, where emergency....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12 people, causes widespread damage

2023-03-18T23:59+0100watoday (en)

Quito: A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 12, causes widespread damage QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines.

2023-03-18T23:59+0100calgaryherald (en)

Article content. Risk Management Secretary Cristian Torres in a radio interview said 11 of the victims died in the coastal state of El Oro and one in the highlands state of Azuay. The victim in Azuay’s Andean community of Cuenca was a passenger in a vehicle crushed by rubble from a house, according....

Llegan primeros videos tras terremoto que sacudió Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-18T23:59+0100teletica (es)

Las imágenes muestran edificios caídos y personas corriendo atemorizadas tras el fuerte impacto que, de manera preliminar, registró una magnitud de 7.0. Llegan los primeros videos de los medios locales tras el terremoto con epicentro en Ecuador que sacudió la región de Tumbes y parte de la costa de Perú, así como la zona fronteriza de Perú.

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,8: almeno 4 morti

2023-03-18T23:54+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) (Adnkronos) – almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una....

Earthquake hits Ecuador and Peru killing at least 12

2023-03-18T23:52+0100thenational (en)

At least 12 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and Peru on Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centres. The quake , which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8, struck at a depth of 66.4km (41.3 miles) and about 10 kms (6.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T23:51+0100wsvn (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Al menos doce muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:51+0100diariodia (es)

MADRID, 18 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) – Al menos doce personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento once....

Ecuador: almento 4 persone morte per sisma di magnitudo 6,8

2023-03-18T23:49+0100money-it (it)

Quito, 18 mar. (Adnkronos) - Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di....

Equateur : un tremblement de terre fait au moins douze morts

2023-03-18T23:48+0100LeMonde (fr)

Le musée maritime de Puerto Bolivar, détaché de son et sous l’eau, à Machala, Equateur, samedi 18 mars 2023. JORGE SANCHEZ / AP. Au moins douze personnes sont mortes samedi 18 mars lors d’un séisme important dans le sud de l’Equateur, selon un bilan officiel. L’Institut sismologique américain USGS a précisé que sa magnitude avait atteint 6,8.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 12, causes widespread damage

2023-03-18T23:47+0100flipboard (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others … ARSENAL are preparing a fresh summer swoop for Moises Caicedo, according to reports. The Gunners saw a £70million bid rejected by Brighton for the … ....

Update | Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T23:47+0100wn (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power......

Catastrophe naturelle. Un séisme secoue le Pérou et l’Equateur : au moins 12 morts

2023-03-18T23:47+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l’épicentre se situe dans le sud de l’Equateur, et qui a également secoué le Pérou, a causé la mort d’au moins 12 personnes samedi et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12h12 heure locale (17h12 GMT) dans la municipalité....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 12 deaths reported

2023-03-18T23:46+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

QUITO (Reuters) — At least 12 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. "Emergency teams are mobilizing to offer all their support to those who have....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T23:46+0100thehindu (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

6.8 magnitude earthquake in Ecuador leaves at least 12 dead and widespread damage

2023-03-18T23:45+0100whatsnew2day (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake off the coast of Ecuador caused widespread damage and killed at least 12 people. The earthquake that struck on Saturday afternoon affected southern Ecuador and northern Peru. People were trapped under rubble as rescue teams were dispatched to flooded streets from downed power lines.

Ecuador earthquake leaves at least 12 dead as 6.8 magnitude…

2023-03-18T23:43+0100vervetimes (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Au moins 12 morts en Equateur après un violent séisme

2023-03-18T23:43+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Au moins 12 personnes sont mortes samedi dans un important tremblement de terre dans le sud de l’Équateur, qui a également touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. L’institut sismologique américain USGS a précisé que sa magnitude avait atteint 6,8.

Équateur : au moins 12 morts après un séisme important

2023-03-18T23:41+0100LePoint (fr)

A u moins 12 personnes sont mortes samedi lors d'un séisme important dans le sud de l' , qui a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. L'Institut sismologique américain USGS a précisé que sa magnitude avait atteint 6,8. « Pour le moment, nous avons 12 morts », dont 11 dans la province....

Un séisme de 6,8 entre l’Équateur et le Pérou fait au moins 12 morts

2023-03-18T23:41+0100maville (fr)

Plusieurs répliques. Selon le Secrétariat équatorien à la gestion des risques, une personne est morte à Cuenca (sud) et trois autres dans les environs lorsqu’un immeuble s’est effondré. Au Pérou, le directeur du Centre sismologique national, Hernando Tavera, a déclaré à la radio RPP qu’aucune....

World News | French Protesters March Past Garbage Piles, Resisting Macron

2023-03-18T23:40+0100latestly (en)

Paris, Mar 19 (AP) A smattering of protests against President Emmanuel Macron's plan to raise France's retirement age from 62 to 64 took place Saturday in Paris and beyond, as uncollected garbage reeked in the streets of the French capital amid a strike by sanitation workers.

Au moins 12 morts après un séisme d’une magnitude de 6,8

2023-03-18T23:40+0100lapresse-CA (fr)

L’Institut sismologique américain USGS a précisé que sa magnitude avait atteint 6,8. « Pour le moment, nous avons 12 morts », dont 11 dans la province d’El Oro et un dans celle d’Azuay, a indiqué la présidence de l’Équateur sur Twitter. Le séisme a aussi fait au moins un blessé et provoqué des dégâts matériels.

Terremoto in Ecuador, morti e feriti ed edifici crollati

2023-03-18T23:36+0100informazione (it)

Terremoto in Ecuador , morti e feriti ed edifici crollati 18 marzo 2023 Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha scosso l'Ecuador sabato. Almeno una persona è rimasta uccisa mentre case ed… Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l'Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota.

Un séisme à la frontière entre le Pérou et l’Équateur fait au moins douze morts Le U.S. Geological Survey a signalé un tremblement de terre d’une magnitude d’environ 6,8. 18 h 28

2023-03-18T23:35+0100ledevoir (fr)

Au moins 12 personnes sont mortes samedi lors d’un séisme important dans le sud de l’Équateur, qui a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. L’Institut sismologique américain USGS a précisé que sa magnitude avait atteint 6,8. « Pour le moment, nous avons 12 morts », dont 11 dans la....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 12, causes widespread damage

2023-03-18T23:34+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Séisme entre Pérou et Equateur, au moins 4 morts

2023-03-18T23:33+0100lemauricien (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan des autorités des deux pays. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12....

Fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.7 con epicentro en Ecuador se sintió en el norte del Perú

2023-03-18T23:31+0100huaral (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.7, con epicentro en Ecuador , se sintió este sábado en varias regiones del norte del Perú. De acuerdo con información del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) , el movimiento sísmico se produjo a las 12:12 p.m. (hora peruana) La entidad precisó, además, que el epicentro....

Deadly earthquake strikes Ecuador, claiming at least 12 lives

2023-03-18T23:29+0100wn (en)

Deadly earthquake kills at least 12 in Ecuador . Representational image GUAYAQUIL: At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and So far, 12 deaths are reported (11 in the province of El Oro and one in the province of....

12 people died in the earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:29+0100wn (en)

The number of victims of the earthquake in Ecuador rose....

Al menos doce muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:29+0100lanacion-AR (es)

18/03/2023 Terremoto en Ecuador SOCIEDAD SUDAMÉRICA ECUADOR USGS Al menos doce personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano....

Catastrophe naturelle. Un séisme fait trembler le Pérou et l'Equateur : au moins 12 morts

2023-03-18T23:28+0100lalsace (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a aussi secoué le Pérou, a causé ce samedi la mort d'au moins 12 personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) dans la municipalité....

Un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud sacude la costa de Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:28+0100vozpopuli (es)

Se ha informado de la muerte de una niña de cuatro años y decenas de personas más resultaron damnificadas en la región norteña peruana de Tumbes, cerca del epicentro Terremoto en Ecuador Europa Press. . Por el momento en el país sólo se ha informado de algunas viviendas derrumbadas y de cortes del suministro eléctrico.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T23:26+0100trendnews-az (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines, The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador Earthquake

2023-03-18T23:26+0100eagletribune (en)

An earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 12 people and left others trapped under rubble. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T23:26+0100eagletribune (en)

An earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 12 people and left others trapped under rubble. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. < That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Séisme entre Pérou et Equateur, au moins 4 morts

2023-03-18T23:26+0100tv5 (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan des autorités des deux pays. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12....

Se elevan a 12 las víctimas fatales tras terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:26+0100radioagricultura (es)

Al menos 12 personas murieron como consecuencia del terremoto de magnitud 6,7 que sacudió este sábado la costa del Pacífico de La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano confirmó por el momento 11 fallecidos en la provincia de El Oro y una más en la provincia de Azuay . Además, hay varios heridos.

At Least 12 Killed As Strong Quake Jolts Ecuador And Peru

2023-03-18T23:25+0100ibtimes (en)

Destroyed buildings are seen after an earthquake in the city of Machala, Ecuador on March 18, 2023 AFP. At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador Saturday, Ecuador's presidency said.

The dead rise to 12 after a strong earthquake in Ecuador: one was in a car and a wall fell on him

2023-03-18T23:24+0100archyde (en)

The dead rise to 12 after a strong earthquake in Ecuador : one was in a car and a wall fell on him. QUITO (AP).- A strong earthquake shook the coastal area of ​​Ecuador this Saturday caused at least 12 deaths and minor damage, according to preliminary reports from the authorities.

Au moins 12 personnes sont mortes samedi lors d’un séisme important dans le sud de l’Équateur, qui a aussi touché le Pérou voisin. Amérique du sud Au moins 12 morts en Équateur après un séisme

2023-03-18T23:23+0100journaldequebec (fr)

Au moins 12 personnes sont mortes samedi lors d’un séisme important dans le sud de l’Équateur, qui a aussi touché le Pérou voisin, selon un bilan officiel. L’Institut sismologique américain USGS a précisé que sa magnitude avait atteint 6,8. « Pour le moment, nous avons 12 morts », dont 11 dans la....

Officials say 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 12, causes damage

2023-03-18T23:22+0100kiro7 (en)

By Jessica Goodman, Cox Media Group National Content Desk March 18, 2023 at 2:44 pm PDT. QUITO, Ecuador Multiple houses and buildings have been damaged following a 6.8 magnitude earthquake Saturday. Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a televised address, according to The Associated Press ,....

Peru-Ecuador-earthquake 2ndlead

2023-03-18T23:21+0100nampa (en)

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru =(Picture+Video)= ATTENTION - ADDS eyewitness quotes, VIDEO tag, detail; CHANGES dateline /// Guayaquil, Ecuador, March 18, 2023 (AFP) - At least 12 people were killed, one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that....

A 6.7 magnitude earthquake has hit Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:19+0100brisbanetimes (en)

Causalities have been confirmed after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon.

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,8: almeno 4 morti

2023-03-18T23:19+0100informazioneonline (it)

(Adnkronos) - Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di oltre di 65 chilometri, secondo lo United States Geological Survey.

Temblor de magnitud 2.8 sacude a la ciudad de Tirúa

2023-03-18T23:19+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sacudió las calles de la ciudad de Tirúa , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 18:54 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica fue de 2.8 de magnitud y una profundidad de 19.0 kilómetros.

Earthquake strikes Ecuador killing at least 12 people

2023-03-18T23:16+0100independent-UK (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

A 6.7 magnitude earthquake has hit Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:16+0100smh (en)

Causalities have been confirmed after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon.

Terremoto in Ecuador, morti e feriti ed edifici crollati Almeno una persona è rimasta uccisa mentre case ed edifici sono stati danneggiati. Una persona è morta nella comunità andina di Cuenca, dopo essere rimasta intrappolata all’interno di un veicolo sotto le macerie di una casa. Le terribili immagini dal Paese.

2023-03-18T23:16+0100informazione (it)

Almeno una persona è rimasta uccisa mentre case ed edifici sono stati danneggiati. Una persona è morta nella comunità andina di Cuenca, dopo essere rimasta intrappolata all’interno di un veicolo sotto le macerie di una casa. Le terribili immagini dal Paese. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha scosso l’ Ecuador sabato.

Jhonny Crespo / AP Ecuador quake kills at least 12 people

2023-03-18T23:15+0100LeMonde-en (en)

A man takes a photo of a building that collapsed after an earthquake shook Machala, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 that was centered just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil. JHONNY CRESPO / AP.

Séisme entre Pérou et Equateur, au moins 4 morts

2023-03-18T23:15+0100nouvelobs (fr)

Guayaquil (Equateur) (AFP) - Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan des autorités des deux pays.

Al menos doce muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:13+0100teleprensa (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos doce personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento once....

Ecuador.- Al menos doce muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:13+0100noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos doce personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento once....

Ecuador: terremoto de 6.5 grados deja al menos 12 muertos y varios atrapados

2023-03-18T23:12+0100opinion (es)

Un terremoto de 6.5 grados en Ecuador dejó al menos 12 muertos, además de varias personas atrapadas. El temblor se registró este sábado con epicentro en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador, según un reporte preliminar de la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos. Poco después del sismo de 6.

22:17 | Ecuador: almento 4 persone morte per sisma di magnitudo 6,8

2023-03-18T23:11+0100tarantobuonasera (it)

Quito, 18 mar. (Adnkronos) – Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di....

Ecuador: almento 4 persone morte per sisma di magnitudo 6,8

2023-03-18T23:11+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 18 marzo 2023) Quito, 18 mar. (Adnkronos) - Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato....

Ultime Notizie – Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,8: almeno 4 morti

2023-03-18T23:11+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 19 marzo 2023) almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di....

Terremoto in Ecuador di magnitudo 7: diverse le vittime

2023-03-18T23:11+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 18 marzo 2023) Terremoto Ecuador . Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7 ha colpito l’ Ecuador nelle scorse ore. Ancora non c’è un bilancio definitivo delle vittime , tuttavia almeno quattro persone hanno perso la vita. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha registrato l’epicentro....

Mundo Terremoto de magnitud 6,7 deja al menos doce fallecidos en región costera de Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:11+0100LaTercera (es)

El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reportó el movimiento de magnitud 6,7 en la región costera del Guayas , con epicentro a unos 80 kilómetros al sur de Guayaquil, la segunda ciudad más grande de aquel país. Al respecto, el presidente Guillermo Lasso tuiteó un mensaje pidiendo a la población a que mantengan la calma.

Almenos cuatro muertos en un terremoto en la costa de Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:08+0100elperiodico (es)

Un terremoto de más de seis grados de magnitud en el sur de Ecuador ha provocado la muerte de almenos cuatro personas , una persona herida, dos casas destruídas, según el balance preliminar de las autoridades ecuatorianas . El temblor se registró a las 12:12 horas del mediodía (las 19:12 hora....

Amérique du SudSéisme entre le Pérou et l’Équateur, au moins 12 morts La secousse, de magnitude 6,5 selon Quito, a été enregistrée dans la municipalité équatorienne de Balao, à une profondeur de 44 kilomètres.

2023-03-18T23:08+010024heures (fr)

Au moins 12 personnes sont mortes samedi lors d’un séisme de magnitude 6,5 dans le sud de l’Équateur, qui a aussi touché le Pérou, selon un bilan officiel. «Pour le moment, nous avons 12 morts», dont 11 dans la province d’El Oro et un dans celle d’Azuay, a indiqué la présidence de l’Équateur sur Twitter.

Al menos doce muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:08+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 18 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Al menos doce personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento once....

Ecuador descarta alerta de tsunami tras sismo de 6,5 grados en zona costera

2023-03-18T23:07+0100cronica (es)

El Instituto Oceanográfico y Antártico de la Armada (Inocar) de Ecuador descartó hoy sábado emitir la alerta de tsunami en las costas del país, tras el sismo de magnitud 6,5 grados en escala de Richter que sacudió a la provincia de Guayas (suroeste). "Basado en los datos disponibles por el Centro de....

Ecuador quake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T23:06+0100maitlandmercury (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Ecuador quake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T23:06+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 12 deaths reported

2023-03-18T23:06+01004-traders (en)

QUITO (Reuters) -At least 12 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. "Emergency teams are mobilizing to offer all their support to those who have....

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,8: almeno 4 morti

2023-03-18T23:06+0100oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di oltre di 65 chilometri, secondo lo United States Geological Survey.

Al menos doce muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:06+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos doce personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento once....

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,8: almeno 4 morti

2023-03-18T23:05+0100vivereancona (it)

1' di lettura Vivere Italia 18/03/2023 - (Adnkronos) - Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato....

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 2.9 en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-03-18T23:05+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.9 se percibió en la ciudad de Socaire , según información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora recopilada señala que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 18:37 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. El epicentro del sismo fue a 41.0 kilómetros al Oeste de la localidad , en -23.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least 12 deaths reported Reuters |Updated 1 minutes ago |2 min read By Alexandra Valencia QUITO (Reuters) -At least 12 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural....

2023-03-18T23:04+0100thechronicleherald (en)

By Alexandra Valencia. QUITO (Reuters) -At least 12 people were killed in a strong earthquake that shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, causing structural damage to multiple homes, schools and medical centers. "Emergency teams are mobilizing to offer all their support....

AFP - Peru-Ecuador-earthquake lead

2023-03-18T23:03+0100nampa (en)

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru =(Picture)= ATTENTION - RECASTS with deaths, ADDS picture tag /// Lima, March 18, 2023 (AFP) - At least 12 people were killed, one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador earlier Saturday, Ecuador's presidency said.

At least 12 killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T23:03+0100theargus (en)

In the coastal state of El Oro, three people died and several were trapped under rubble. In the community of Machala, a two-story home collapsed before people could evacuate and a building’s walls cracked, trapping an unknown number of people. The agency said firefighters worked to rescue people....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T23:03+0100kitchenertoday (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Séisme de 6,8 entre le sud de l'Equateur et le Pérou : au moins 12 morts, selon un premier bilan provisoire

2023-03-18T23:03+0100ladepeche (fr)

l'essentiel "Pour le moment, nous avons 12 morts", dont 11 dans la province d'El Oro et un dans celle d'Azuay, a indiqué la présidence de l'Equateur sur Twitter, ce samedi 18 mars. Au moins 12 personnes sont mortes, ce samedi 18 mars, lors d'un séisme de magnitude 6,8 dans le sud de l'Equateur, qui a aussi touché le Pérou, selon un bilan officiel.

18/03/2023 At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-18T23:02+0100rfi-en (en)

Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala in Ecuador , as rescue officials rushed to lend aid and tearful residents gathered in the streets. The quake, which the United States Geological Survey (USGS) put at a magnitude 6.

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,8: almeno 4 morti

2023-03-18T23:02+0100lavocedigenova (it)

(Adnkronos) - Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di oltre di 65 chilometri, secondo lo United States Geological Survey.

Ecuador quake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T23:01+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines.

2023-03-18T23:00+0100timescolonist (en)

Police stand by debris fallen from a building at a commercial area after an earthquake shook Machala, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 that was centered just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil.

Ecuador quake kills 12 people, says presidency

2023-03-18T23:00+0100punchng (en)

View of debris after an earthquake in the city of Machala, Ecuador on March 18, 2023. Four dead in southern Ecuador and damage to buildings after an earthquake with an epicenter in that country, which reached its neighbor Peru, according to a preliminary balance of authorities. The earthquake of magnitude 6.

Ecuador quake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:58+0100bordermail (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes widespread damage

2023-03-18T22:58+0100fox5atlanta (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

BREAKING: 12 Dead in Ecuador Earthquake - Latest Tweet by The Spectator Index

2023-03-18T22:57+0100latestly (en)

BREAKING: 12 dead in Ecuador earthquake The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) March 18, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social media world, including Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. The above post is embeded directly from the user's social....

Séisme entre Pérou et Equateur, au moins 4 morts

2023-03-18T22:57+0100challenges (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan. Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a secoué....

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 6,8: almeno 4 morti

2023-03-18T22:57+0100adnkronos (it)

Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del Paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di oltre di 65 chilometri, secondo lo United States Geological Survey.

Se registró un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en la escala de Richter en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-18T22:57+0100montevideo (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador , y se sintió tanto en el sur de ese país —en 13 de las 24 provincias— como en el norte de Perú, sin que hasta el momento se haya informado de víctimas o daños materiales.

Tragedy strikes as earthquake kills at least 12 people in Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:56+0100geo-tv (en)

At least 12 citizens were killed in a deadly earthquake in Ecuador . Representational image. GUAYAQUIL: At least 12 people were killed, one was wounded and buildings were damaged in the earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador earlier Saturday, Ecuador's presidency said.

Sisma in Ecuador, numerosi i palazzi crollati a Machala

2023-03-18T22:56+0100corriere (it)

Il forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 che ha avuto epicentro sabato 18 marzo nella provincia di Guayas, in Ecuador , ha fatto registrare alcune A Machala, i crolli più significativi : numerosi i palazzi che hanno ceduto, in alcuni casi intrappolando gli abitanti.

At least 12 killed as strong quake jolts Ecuador and Peru

2023-03-18T22:55+0100digitaljournal (en)

At least 12 people were killed , one was wounded and buildings were damaged in a powerful earthquake that shook Peru and Ecuador earlier Saturday, Ecuador’s presidency said. Destroyed buildings, crushed vehicles and debris could be seen in cities such as Machala in Ecuador, as rescue officials rushed....

At least 12 killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:55+0100independent-ie (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least 12 people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. T he US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

Officials say 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 12, causes damage

2023-03-18T22:55+0100actionnewsjax (en)

By Jessica Goodman, Cox Media Group National Content Desk March 18, 2023 at 5:44 pm EDT. QUITO, Ecuador Multiple houses and buildings have been damaged following a 6.8 magnitude earthquake Saturday. Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a televised address, according to The Associated Press ,....

Officials say 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 12, causes damage

2023-03-18T22:54+0100wftv (en)

By Jessica Goodman, Cox Media Group National Content Desk March 18, 2023 at 5:44 pm EDT. QUITO, Ecuador Multiple houses and buildings have been damaged following a 6.8 magnitude earthquake Saturday. Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a televised address, according to The Associated Press ,....

Amérique du Sud: Séisme entre le Pérou et l’Équateur, au moins 12 morts

2023-03-18T22:54+0100tdg (fr)

Au moins 12 personnes sont mortes samedi lors d’un séisme de magnitude 6,5 dans le sud de l’Équateur, qui a aussi touché le Pérou, selon un bilan officiel. «Pour le moment, nous avons 12 morts», dont 11 dans la province d’El Oro et un dans celle d’Azuay, a indiqué la présidence de l’Équateur sur Twitter.

Ecuador quake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:53+0100illawarramercury (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

4 dead after 6.8 magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:53+0100indiatoday (en)

A damaged car and rubble from a house affected by the earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador . (Reuters photo) : A magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T22:53+0100exeterexpressandecho (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Au moins 12 morts dans un séisme entre l'Équateur et le Pérou

2023-03-18T22:53+0100TF1 (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Équateur a causé, samedi 18 mars, la mort d'au moins 12 personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan des autorités La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12h12 locales (17h12 GMT) dans la municipalité....

Terremoto de 6,7 sacude la costa de Ecuador (+VIDEOS)

2023-03-18T22:53+0100cubanosporelmundo (es)

Este sábado, 18 de marzo, un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 6,7 sacudió la costa de Ecuador . A través de las redes sociales, se reportó el fuerte sismo, que según el Instituto Geofísico peruano, uno de los primeros en informar, tuvo una profundidad de 44 km y se sintió tanto en el sur de Ecuador, como en el norte de Perú.

Terremoto di 6.7 in Ecuador: crolli in molte città. Le immagini

2023-03-18T22:52+0100scienzenotizie (it)

L’epicentro della scossa è stato localizzato nella provincia di Guayas, a 65,7 chilometri di profondità. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 è stato registrato nei pressi della città ecuadoriana di Balao , provincia di Guayas, secondo i dati dell’US Geological Survey.

Un sismo de magnitud 6,8 sacudió el sur de Ecuador: al menos 12 muertos

2023-03-18T22:52+0100misionesonline (es)

Un fuerte sismo sacudió la zona costera del sur de Ecuador y el norte de Perú este sábado, causando al menos 12 muertos y daños estructurales en varias ciudades, de acuerdo con informes preliminares de las autoridades. “Hasta el momento, se reporta 12 fallecidos (11 en la provincia de El Oro y uno....

At least 12 killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:51+0100impartialreporter (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

At least 12 dead after earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:51+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-03-18T21:49:46.295Z. A powerful earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday afternoon. At least 12 people are reported to have died, but several have been trapped under the rubble of collapsed houses, the AP reports. The earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12 people, causes widespread damage

2023-03-18T22:50+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Quito: A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:47+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

Police stand by debris fallen from a building at a commercial area after an earthquake shook Machala, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 that was centered just off the Pacific Coast, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil.

Powerful 6.8 earthquake hits coastal Ecuador, killing 4 people

2023-03-18T22:46+0100wn (en)

A powerful earthquake struck coastal Ecuador on Saturday, killing at least four people, according to a government statement. Local news reports say there was damage to a number of buildings and homes in the Guayas region. The quake hit at a depth of about 66 kilometers and had a magnitude of 6.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:46+0100wn (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 12 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong earthquake shakes Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:46+0100wn (en)

A strong earthquake shook the coastal area of Ecuador on Saturday, causing at least four deaths and people declared trapped, who are being sought by relief agencies, in addition to minor damage, according to preliminary reports from the authorities. ......

Amérique du Sud Séisme entre le Pérou et l’Equateur, au moins 12 morts La secousse, de magnitude 6,5 selon Quito, a été enregistrée dans la municipalité équatorienne de Balao, à une profondeur de 44 kilomètres. 0 0 0

2023-03-18T22:46+0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l’épicentre se situe dans le sud de l’Equateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé samedi la mort d’au moins douze personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan des autorités des deux pays. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12h12....

Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso says strong earthquake killed 12

2023-03-18T22:45+0100ABCnews (en)

Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso says strong earthquake killed 12. Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso says strong earthquake killed 12.

Séisme entre Pérou et Equateur, au moins 4 morts

2023-03-18T22:45+0100laprovence (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan PHOTO AFP / Ted Aljibe Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de....

Al menos un fallecido tras sismo de magnitud 6,5 en zona costera de Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:44+0100elnacional (es)

Los equipos de rescate se paran junto a un automóvil aplastado por los escombros después de un terremoto en Cuenca, Ecuador , el sábado 18 de marzo de 2023. El Servicio Geológico de EE. UU. Reportó un terremoto con una magnitud de 6.7 a unas 50 millas al sur de Guayaquil. (Foto AP/Xavier Caivinagua) Quito.

Video: así vivieron en vivo los periodistas de un programa el terremoto que sacudió a Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:44+0100losandes (es)

Ocurrió en Baláo. El sacudón se dio mientras los panelistas del programa “Los Humildes” estaban analizando el próximo partido del Barcelona y fueron sorprendidos por el movimiento. Este sábado por la tarde , se registró un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 y ocurrió cerca de la Ciudad sureña de Baláo,....

Al menos cuatro muertos por terremoto de magnitud 6,7 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:44+0100radioagricultura (es)

Al menos cuatro personas murieron como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano confirmó por el momento tres fallecidos en la provincia de El Oro y una más en la provincia de Azuay .

Tragedy in Ecuador: at least four people died after a magnitude 6.5 earthquake

2023-03-18T22:43+0100archyde (en)

Tragedy in Ecuador : at least four people died after a magnitude 6.5 earthquake. A 6.5-magnitude earthquake shook Ecuador this Saturday and left at least four people dead as indicated by the Secretary of Risks of the Government of this country. According to the information released by the state....

Ecuador: sismo de 6,5 causó al menos cuatro muertos

2023-03-18T22:42+0100pagina12 (es)

Sin riesgos de tsunami Ecuador : sismo de 6,5 causó al menos cuatro muertos El terremoto ocurrió en la zona costera del Pacífico, en la provincia de Guayas. El presidente Guillermo Lasso convocó al Comité de Emergencias Nacional. Un sismo de 6,5 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter sacudió....

World At least 12 killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:41+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Séisme entre Pérou et Equateur, au moins 4 morts

2023-03-18T22:41+0100LePoint (fr)

U n tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan des autorités des deux pays. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12....

Ecuador: almento 4 persone morte per sisma di magnitudo 6,8

2023-03-18T22:40+0100laragione (it)

Quito, 18 mar. (Adnkronos) – Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di....

Al menos cuatro muertos tras registrarse un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:40+0100acento (es)

El seísmo tuvo su epicentro en la provincia de Guayas, en la costa pacífica del país sudamericano, y afectó a varias regiones. Las imágenes muestran daños graves en algunas ciudades, aunque las autoridades han negado el riesgo de tsunami tras el temblor. Tras la sacudida inicial se han registrado hasta dos réplicas de menor intensidad.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12 people, causes widespread damage

2023-03-18T22:37+0100smh (en)

Quito: A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage 0 3/18/2023 2:21:39 PM

2023-03-18T22:37+0100tricitynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Left 35% Center 46% R 19% At least 4 people dead after magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes cities in EcuadorAt least four people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, the country’s government said in a statement.

2023-03-18T22:37+0100ground-news (en)

Strong earthquake in coastal Ecuador : At least 4 dead, widespread damage. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region. Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage. An earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and....

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:36+0100CBSnews (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least twelve people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12 people, causes widespread damage

2023-03-18T22:36+0100theage (en)

Quito: A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 12, causes wide damage Some reported objects falling inside their homes. updated 2M ago

2023-03-18T22:36+0100cbslocal (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least twelve people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

IGP registró un sismo de magnitud 4.2 en Datem del Marañón, Loreto

2023-03-18T22:36+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.2 ocurrió este sábado 18 de marzo en la ciudad de Barranca, en la provincia de Datem del Marañón, del departamento de Loreto, de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) El rango de color verde se usa para los sismos de magnitudes menores a 4.

At least 4 people dead after magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes cities in Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:35+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least four people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, the country’s government said in a statement. The earthquake struck near the southern town of Baláo and was more than 65 km (nearly 41 miles) deep, according to the United States Geological Survey.

At least 1 dead after 6.8-magnitude earthquake recorded in Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:35+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

March 18 (UPI) -- At least one person has died after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake was recorded about six miles from the Ecuador ian city of Baláo, according to the United States Geological Survey. Ecuador's Risk Management Secretariat said in a statement that the façade of a building collapsed on a car with a person inside, killing them.

Ecuador: almento 4 persone morte per sisma di magnitudo 6,8

2023-03-18T22:35+0100ecoseven (it)

Quito, 18 mar. (Adnkronos) – Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di....

Rafa Idrovo Espinoza/Reuters At least 4 people dead after magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes cities in Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:34+0100cnn (en)

At least four people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, the country’s government said in a statement. The earthquake struck near the southern town of Baláo and was more than 65 km (nearly 41 miles) deep, according to the United States Geological Survey.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12 people, causes widespread damage

2023-03-18T22:34+0100brisbanetimes (en)

Quito: A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:34+0100news-gazette (en)

An earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 12 people and left others trapped under rubble. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. < That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:33+0100cp24 (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) - A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

La scossa di terremoto in Ecuador fa affondare il museo marino di Machala: ...

2023-03-18T22:33+0100corriere (it)

Il forte terremoto che ha colpito l’ Ecuador sabato 18 marzo di magnitudo 6.8 della scala Richter ha causato il crollo del pontile di Puerto Bolivar a Machala e ha fatto affondare la struttura della Casa della Cultura che ospitava il Museo Marino. Meta soprattutto di universitari e appassionati, ospitava quasi 5.

Terremoto en Ecuador: las primeras imágenes de la destrucción que deja el poderoso sismo | FOTOS

2023-03-18T22:32+0100ElComercio (es)

7 / 12. Vista de un edificio ubicado en el centro histórico de Cuenca luego de que su cornisa y terraza cayera y destruyera un automóvil, dejando un muerto y una persona lesionada, tras sismo en Cuenca, Ecuador . 8 / 12. Un hombre limpia los escombros de un edificio ubicado en el centro histórico de....

Ecuador, earthquake of magnitude 6.8, at least 12 dead – Corriere della Sera

2023-03-18T22:31+0100breakinglatest (en)

Ecuador , earthquake of magnitude 6.8, at least 12 dead Corriere della Sera; Ecuador, magnitude 6.9 earthquake: several dead TGCOM; Ecuador, magnitude 7 earthquake: numerous collapses, there are victims Fanpage.it; Ecuador earthquake, very violent shock of magnitude 6.9 in Machala. Here are the details iLMeteo.

Ecuador: almento 4 persone morte per sisma di magnitudo 6,8

2023-03-18T22:31+0100olbianotizie (it)

Quito, 18 mar. (Adnkronos) - Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:30+0100startribune (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Douze morts en Equateur après un séisme de magnitude 6,5

2023-03-18T22:29+0100bfmtv (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé samedi la mort d'au moins 12 personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan des autorités des deux pays. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12 locales....

Terremoto de magnitud 7, sacude a Perú y Ecuador; hubo réplica de 4.1

2023-03-18T22:28+0100expreso-press (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 7 sacudió Perú y zonas de Ecuador la tarde de este sábado, informó el Instituto Geofísico peruano en redes sociales. Una persona falleció en la ciudad de Cuenca tras el colapso de una fachada sobre un vehículo y otras tres en la localidad de Machala, informó la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos de Ecuador.

Alert: Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso says strong earthquake killed 12

2023-03-18T22:27+0100sfgate (en)

Alert: Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso says strong earthquake killed 12. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso says strong earthquake killed 12.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T22:27+0100hertsandessexobserver (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

World News | Ecuador Earthquake Kills at Least 12, Causes Wide Damage

2023-03-18T22:27+0100latestly (en)

Quito, Mar 19 (AP) A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least a dozen people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

LIVE ECUADOR 19 min Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 nel sud del Paese, almeno 4 morti

2023-03-18T22:26+0100tio (it)

QUITO - Almeno 4 persone sono morte dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito il sud dell' Ecuador e il Perù settentrionale nel pomeriggio. Lo afferma il governo in un comunicato, citato da Cnn online. Il terremoto si è verificato vicino alla città meridionale di Balao e ha avuto una....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:26+0100whig (en)

An earthquake that shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru has killed at least 12 people and left others trapped under rubble. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.8 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. < That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Ecuador: almento 4 persone morte per sisma di magnitudo 6,8

2023-03-18T22:25+0100corriereadriatico (it)

Quito, 18 mar. (Adnkronos) - Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l' Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di....

Ecuador: almento 4 persone morte per sisma di magnitudo 6,8

2023-03-18T22:25+0100sardiniapost (it)

Quito, 18 mar. (Adnkronos) – Almeno quattro persone sono morte a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 cheha colpito l’ Ecuador meridionale. Lo ha dichiarato il governo del paese in una nota. Il sisma ha avuto come epicentro la città meridionale di Baláo ed è stato localizzato a una profondità di....

Ecuador: almeno 4 morti nel terremoto

2023-03-18T22:25+0100rai-televideo (it)

18/03/2023 22:15 Ecuador : almeno 4 morti nel terremoto 22.15 Ecuador: almeno 4 morti nel terremoto Un terremoto nel sud dell'Ecuador che ha colpito anche il Perù ha ucciso al- meno quattro persone e danneggiato di versi edifici, secondo un primo rappo- rto delle autorità di entrambi i Paesi. La scossa di magnitudo 6,5 è stata re- gistrata alle 12.

Ecuador Earthquake kill At Least Four People

2023-03-18T22:24+0100von (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage. “I call for calm and for people to get informed through official channels,” said Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a tweet. The quake, which the U.

Alert: Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso says strong earthquake killed 12

2023-03-18T22:23+0100chron (en)

Alert: Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso says strong earthquake killed 12. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso says strong earthquake killed 12.

Alert: Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, damages homes and buildings, officials say

2023-03-18T22:23+0100chron (en)

Alert: Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, damages homes and buildings, officials say. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, damages homes and buildings, officials say.

Terremoto in Ecuador, le urla e la fuga di turisti e residenti dalla piazza centrale di Guayaquil

2023-03-18T22:22+0100corriere (it)

Paura in Ecuador per un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 che ha colpito il Paese.Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha registrato l’epicentro del sisma nella regione costiera di Guayas, a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil. Decine i video sui social che mostrano il momento della scossa: in....

Al menos cuatro muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:22+0100noticierouniversal (es)

MADRID, 18 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) – Al menos cuatro personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento....

At least 4 dead after 6.8-magnitude earthquake strikes off coast of Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:21+0100ABCnews (en)

At least four people are dead after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake occurred off the coast of Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. The earthquake occurred around 12:12 p.m. local time about 18 miles from Guayas, officials said. A 4.8-magnitude earthquake was also reported around 12:22 p.m., officials said.

BREAKING: Strong quake jolts northern Peru, Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:21+0100opinionnigeria (en)

A strong earthquake with its epicenter off Ecuador shook northern Peru and much of Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. The 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck at 12:12 local time (17:12 GMT), with its epicenter 52 miles (85 kilometers) northeast of the Peruvian city of Zarumilla, near the border with....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 12, causes wide damage A strong earthquake shook the coastal area of Ecuador on Saturday, causing at least four deaths and people declared trapped, who are being sought by relief agencies, in addition to minor damage, according to preliminary reports from the authorities.

2023-03-18T22:21+0100newsbreak-USA (en)

In Guayaquil, about 170 miles (270 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Quito, authorities reported cracks in buildings and homes, as well as some collapsed walls. Authorities ordered the closure of three vehicular tunnels in Guayaquil, which anchors a metro area of over 3 million people.

Amérique du Sud: un séisme à la frontière du Pérou et de l’Equateur fait 4 morts

2023-03-18T22:21+0100arcinfo (fr)

Une secousse de magnitude 7, dont l’épicentre se situe dans le sud de l’Equateur, a causé le décès de quatre personnes. Le Pérou a également été touché par ce séisme. Des secouristes se tiennent à côté d'une voiture écrasée par des débris après un tremblement de terre à Cuenca, en Équateur. Copyright 2023 The Associated Press.

Sisma Scossa di 6,8 in Ecuador, almeno 4 morti

2023-03-18T22:21+0100ticinonews (it)

Almeno 4 persone sono morte dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito il sud dell' Ecuador e il Perù settentrionale nel pomeriggio. Il terremoto si è verificato vicino alla città meridionale di Balao e ha avuto una profondità di oltre 65 km, secondo il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs).

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:20+0100dailybreeze (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Un séisme de 6,8 entre le Pérou et l'Équateur fait au moins 4 morts

2023-03-18T22:20+0100presseocean (fr)

Un séisme s’est produit à mi-journée dans le sud de l’Équateur et a été ressenti jusqu’au Pérou. Les autorités estiment qu’aucun dégât significatif n’a été causé par la secousse, au moins quatre personnes ont perdu la vie. Mercredi 8 mars, aux alentours de 3 h 30 du matin, un séisme de magnitude 3,2 a touché le sud de la Vendée.

At least 4 dead after 6.8 magnitude earthquake rattles Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:20+0100wn (en)

A strong earthquake struck Ecuador on Saturday, killing at least four people, according to the country's Risk Management Secretariat. The 6.8 magnitude quake, which was also felt in Peru, hit near the....

Catastrophe naturelle. Un séisme fait trembler le Pérou et l'Equateur : au moins quatre morts

2023-03-18T22:20+0100republicain-lorrain (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a aussi secoué le Pérou, a causé ce samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) dans la municipalité....

Un séisme de 6,8 entre le Pérou et l'Équateur fait au moins 4 morts

2023-03-18T22:20+0100OuestFrance (fr)

Un séisme s’est produit à mi-journée dans le sud de l’Équateur et a été ressenti jusqu’au Pérou. Les autorités estiment qu’aucun dégât significatif n’a été causé par la secousse, au moins quatre personnes ont perdu la vie. Mercredi 8 mars, aux alentours de 3 h 30 du matin, un séisme de magnitude 3,2 a touché le sud de la Vendée.

Un séisme de 6,8 entre le Pérou et l'Équateur fait au moins 4 morts

2023-03-18T22:19+0100courrierdelouest (fr)

Un séisme s’est produit à mi-journée dans le sud de l’Équateur et a été ressenti jusqu’au Pérou. Les autorités estiment qu’aucun dégât significatif n’a été causé par la secousse, au moins quatre personnes ont perdu la vie. Mercredi 8 mars, aux alentours de 3 h 30 du matin, un séisme de magnitude 3,2 a touché le sud de la Vendée.

Permalink to Décès signalés après un fort tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’Équateur et le nord du Pérou

2023-03-18T22:18+0100oxtero (fr)

Un fort tremblement de terre a secoué le sud de l’Équateur et le nord du Pérou samedi, tuant au moins quatre personnes, piégeant d’autres sous les décombres et envoyant des équipes de secours dans les rues jonchées de débris et de lignes électriques tombées.

Un séisme de 6,8 entre le Pérou et l'Équateur fait au moins 4 morts

2023-03-18T22:17+0100lemainelibre (fr)

Un séisme s’est produit à mi-journée dans le sud de l’Équateur et a été ressenti jusqu’au Pérou. Les autorités estiment qu’aucun dégât significatif n’a été causé par la secousse, au moins quatre personnes ont perdu la vie. Mercredi 8 mars, aux alentours de 3 h 30 du matin, un séisme de magnitude 3,2 a touché le sud de la Vendée.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:16+0100CBSnews (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least four deaths reported

2023-03-18T22:12+0100straitstimesSG (en)

QUITO - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru around midday on Saturday, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage. “I call for calm and for people to get informed through official channels,” said Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a tweet.

Catastrophe naturelle. Un séisme fait trembler le Pérou et l'Equateur : au moins quatre morts

2023-03-18T22:11+0100leprogres (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a aussi secoué le Pérou, a causé ce samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) dans la municipalité....

Left 41% Center 34% Right 25% At least 4 people dead after magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes cities in EcuadorAt least four people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, the country’s government said in a statement.

2023-03-18T22:09+0100ground-news (en)

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage. A strong earthquake in Ecuador has killed at least one person and damaged homes and buildings. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 on Saturday.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:09+0100eagletribune (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Al menos 4 personas murieron en el terremoto de Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:09+0100eldemocrata (es)

Al menos cuatro personas fallecieron tras la enormidad El gobierno del país dijo en un comunicado que un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 ​​sacudió el sur de Ecuador el sábado por la tarde. El terremoto ocurrió cerca de la ciudad sureña de Palau y tuvo una profundidad de más de 65 km (casi 41 millas), De....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:08+0100taiwannews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Deaths, damage in Ecuador after 6.8 magnitude earthquake

2023-03-18T22:06+0100wn (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. ......

At Least 4 People Killed by 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake in Ecuador - Authorities

2023-03-18T22:06+0100wn (en)

BUENOS AIRES (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 19th March, 2023) At least four people have been killed by a 6.5 magnitude earthquake in western Ecuador , the Ecuadorian Secretariat for Risk Management said on Saturday. Earlier in the day, the secretariat stated that one person had died in the province of Azuay.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:06+0100wn (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a....

Strong Earthquake Shakes Coastal Ecuador No Word On Damage

2023-03-18T22:06+0100wn (en)

(MENAFN - Trend News Agency) A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries, trend reports citing al arabiya . The US Geological Survey ... ......

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:05+0100startribune (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador 6.8-magnitude earthquake kills at least four

2023-03-18T22:05+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Deadly Ecuador earthquake causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:05+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

The earthquake was also felt in Peru, from its northern border with Ecuador to the central Pacific coast. (File Photo / AP) A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines.

Ecuador Earthquake Kills at Least 4, Causes Wide Damage

2023-03-18T22:05+0100theepochtimes (en)

QUITO, Ecuador —A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Deadly Ecuador earthquake causes wide damage

2023-03-18T22:02+0100trtworld (en)

The earthquake was also felt in Peru, from its northern border with Ecuador to the central Pacific coast. (File Photo / AP) A strong earthquake has shaken southern Ecuador and northern Peru, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines.

Strong earthquake shakes Ecuador

2023-03-18T22:02+0100azcentral (en)

A strong earthquake shook the coastal area of Ecuador on Saturday, causing at least four deaths and people declared trapped, who are being sought by relief agencies, in addition to minor damage, according to preliminary reports from the authorities.

Left 42% Center 33% Right 25% At least 4 people dead after magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes cities in EcuadorAt least four people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, the country’s government said in a statement.

2023-03-18T22:01+0100ground-news (en)

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines.

Au moins 4 morts dans un séisme à la frontière entre le Pérou et l’Équateur

2023-03-18T22:01+0100lapresse-CA (fr)

(Guayaquil) Un tremblement de terre dont l’épicentre se situe dans le sud de l’Équateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé samedi la mort d’au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan des autorités des deux pays. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée....

Amérique du Sud Séisme entre le Pérou et l’Equateur, au moins 4 morts La secousse, de magnitude 6,5 selon Quito, a été enregistrée dans la municipalité équatorienne de Balao, à une profondeur de 44 kilomètres. 0 0

2023-03-18T22:01+0100lematin-CH (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l’épicentre se situe dans le sud de l’Equateur, et qui a secoué le Pérou, a causé samedi la mort d’au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments, selon un premier bilan des autorités des deux pays. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage 0

2023-03-18T22:00+0100kitchenertoday (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.

2023-03-18T22:00+0100timescolonist (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador 6.8-magnitude earthquake kills at least four

2023-03-18T22:00+0100theglobeandmail (en)

A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:59+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage Some reported objects falling inside their homes. 2H ago

2023-03-18T21:58+0100cbslocal (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Catastrophe naturelle. Un séisme fait trembler le Pérou et l'Equateur : au moins quatre morts

2023-03-18T21:58+0100estrepublicain (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a aussi secoué le Pérou, a causé ce samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) dans la municipalité....

Catastrophe naturelle Un séisme fait trembler le Pérou et l'Equateur : au moins quatre morts

2023-03-18T21:58+0100lejsl (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a aussi secoué le Pérou, a causé ce samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) dans la municipalité....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:57+0100dailynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong quake jolts northern Peru, Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:57+0100punchng (en)

Destroyed buildings are seen after an earthquake in the city of Machala, Ecuador on March 18, 2023. Four dead in southern Ecuador and damage to buildings after an earthquake with an epicenter in that country, which reached its neighbor Peru, according to a preliminary balance of authorities. The earthquake of magnitude 6.

Ecuador.- Al menos cuatro muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:57+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 18 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Al menos cuatro personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento....

Sismo de 4.8 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Sierra Gorda.

2023-03-18T21:56+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sacudió las calles de la ciudad de Sierra Gorda. , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 17:30 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 4.8 y una profundidad de 72.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage 0 3/18/2023 1:27:58 PM

2023-03-18T21:55+0100tricitynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Fuerte sismo sacude costa de Ecuador, al menos 4 fallecidos

2023-03-18T21:55+0100lanacion-AR (es)

La policía habla con las personas junto al sitio donde un automóvil fue aplastado por los escombros después de un fuerte sismo que sacudió Cuenca, Ecuador , el sábado 18 de marzo de 2023. El Servicio Geológico de EEUU informó que el terremoto con una magnitud de 6,7 se registró a unas 50 millas al sur de Guayaquil.

Left 43% Center 31% Right 26% At least 4 people dead after magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes cities in EcuadorAt least four people died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southern Ecuador on Saturday afternoon, the country’s government said in a statement.

2023-03-18T21:54+0100ground-news (en)

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake shakes Ecuador ; no immediate reports of damage. Rest of World News: QUITO: A magnitude 6. Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake Strikes off Coast of Ecuador. The quake was at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.21 miles), EMSC said. Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:54+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

20:28: Terremoti: scossa di magnitudo 6.8 in Ecuador, almeno 4 morti

2023-03-18T21:54+0100lapresse-it (it)

Quito ( Ecuador ), 18 mar. (LaPresse/AP) – Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha scosso l’Ecuador sabato. Almeno una persona è rimasta uccisa mentre case ed edifici sono stati danneggiati. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha registrato l’epicentro del sisma nella regione costiera di Guayas, a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil.

Powerful 6.8 earthquake hits coastal Ecuador, killing 4 people

2023-03-18T21:52+0100HindustanTimes (en)

A powerful earthquake struck coastal Ecuador on Saturday, killing at least four people, according to a government statement. Local news reports say there was damage to a number of buildings and homes in the Guayas region. The quake hit at a depth of about 66 kilometers and had a magnitude of 6.8, the US Geological Survey said on its website.

Catastrophe naturelle. Un séisme fait trembler le Pérou et l'Equateur : au moins quatre morts

2023-03-18T21:52+0100vosgesmatin (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a aussi secoué le Pérou, a causé ce samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) dans la municipalité....

Catastrophe naturelle Un séisme fait trembler le Pérou et l'Equateur : au moins quatre morts Le tremblement de terre, survenu ce samedi, a causé la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé ... 21:39

2023-03-18T21:52+0100dna-france (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a aussi secoué le Pérou, a causé ce samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) dans la municipalité....

Un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud sacudió la costa de Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:52+0100telam (es)

La costa ecuatoriana del Pacífico fue sacudida por un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter. El presidente, Guillermo Lasso se ecuentra en Guayaguil trabajando junto a sus funcionarios para evaluar los daños producidos. El presidente Lasso organizó el COE / Foto: @Presidencia_Ec Un....

1 Al menos cuatro muertos por un terremoto de 6,7 grados en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:51+0100deia-eus (es)

La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento tres fallecidos en la provincia de El Oro y una más en la provincia de Azuay . Además hay varios heridos. El terremoto fue sentido en trece provincias de todo el país, aunque los daños se centran en Guayas,....

Terremoto en Ecuador deja al menos 4 muertos

2023-03-18T21:48+0100101noticias (es)

Al menos cuatro personas fallecieron tras una magnitud Un terremoto de 6,8 sacudió el sur de Ecuador el sábado por la tarde, dijo el gobierno del país en un comunicado. El terremoto se produjo cerca de la ciudad sureña de Baláo y tuvo más de 65 km (casi 41 millas) de profundidad. según el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos.

Catastrophe naturelle. Un séisme fait trembler le Pérou et l'Equateur : au moins quatre morts

2023-03-18T21:47+0100ledauphine (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a aussi secoué le Pérou, a causé ce samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) dans la municipalité....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least four deaths reported

2023-03-18T21:46+0100wn (en)

QUITO (Reuters) -A magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage. Read full story ......

The Emirati team is the first responder to the “Turkey earthquake” and the last to leave

2023-03-18T21:46+0100archyde (en)

“Emirates Today” monitored the scenes of the humanitarian mission of part of the Emirati rescue team, specifically from the Dubai police, in Operation “The Gallant Knight 2” in the Republic of Turkey, following the earthquake that struck its territory with the Syrian state early last month, leaving....

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T21:45+0100kentlive (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:45+0100wsvn (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Catastrophe naturelle. Un séisme fait trembler le Pérou et l'Equateur : au moins quatre morts

2023-03-18T21:45+0100LeBien (fr)

Un tremblement de terre dont l'épicentre se situe dans le sud de l'Equateur, et qui a aussi secoué le Pérou, a causé ce samedi la mort d'au moins quatre personnes et endommagé plusieurs bâtiments. La secousse de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistrée à 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) dans la municipalité....

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:44+0100whittierdailynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Magnitude 6.8 quake shakes Ecuador, at least four dead

2023-03-18T21:44+0100illawarramercury (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake has shaken a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage. "I call for calm and for people to get informed through official channels," said Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a tweet. The quake, which the U.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T21:43+0100bathchronicle (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

World News | Ecuador Earthquake Kills at Least 4, Causes Wide Damage

2023-03-18T21:43+0100latestly (en)

Quito, Mar 19 (AP) A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

6.7-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:42+0100abc7ny (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:42+0100mercurynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Un tremblement de terre mortel frappe l’Équateur — RT World News

2023-03-18T21:42+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,7 a frappé l’Équateur samedi, endommageant des routes, rasant des bâtiments et tuant au moins quatre personnes. Le séisme a frappé la région côtière des Guyanes vers midi, a rapporté l’US Geological Survey. Son épicentre était situé à environ 80 km (50 miles)....

Magnitude 6.8 quake shakes Ecuador, at least four dead

2023-03-18T21:41+0100maitlandmercury (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake has shaken a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage. "I call for calm and for people to get informed through official channels," said Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a tweet. The quake, which the U.

VIDEO | Al menos un muerto tras terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:41+0100diario1 (es)

Al menos una persona ha fallecido en Ecuador tras el sismo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter que se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas y que se sintió también en el norte de Perú, que ha provocado varios daños materiales. Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:40+0100eastbaytimes (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

1 Al menos cuatro muertos por un terremoto de 6,7 grados en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:40+0100noticiasdenavarra (es)

La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento tres fallecidos en la provincia de El Oro y una más en la provincia de Azuay . Además hay varios heridos. El terremoto fue sentido en trece provincias de todo el país, aunque los daños se centran en Guayas,....

Al menos cuatro muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:40+0100diariodia (es)

MADRID, 18 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) – Al menos cuatro personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento....

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:39+0100hertsad (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:39+0100eadt (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:39+0100wsfa (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Imagen: Una calle de Cuenca, Ecuador, tras el terremoto

2023-03-18T21:39+0100rtve-alacarta (es)

Al menos cuatro personas han muerto como consecuencia de un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 que se ha registrado este sábado en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador , según un reporte preliminar de la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos. Poco después del temblor, que se ha sentido en 13 de....

sismo En imágenes y videos: Sismo deja varios daños en edificios y casas en Ecuador 18 marzo, 2023

2023-03-18T21:39+0100tctelevision (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.5 se registró el medio día de este sábado 18 de marzo de 2023. Según el Instituto Geofísico, el epicentro se registró en Balao , provincia del Guayas. TC Televisión interrumpió la programación habitual para informar en un flash informativo sobre el acontecimiento.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:37+0100news-gazette (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:37+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Au moins quatre morts dans un tremblement de terre en Equateur

2023-03-18T21:37+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

MADRID, 18 mars (EUROPA PRESS) – Au moins quatre personnes sont mortes à la suite du séisme de magnitude 6,7 sur l’échelle de Richter qui a secoué samedi la côte pacifique équatorienne. Le Secrétariat de gestion des risques du gouvernement équatorien a jusqu’à présent confirmé trois décès dans la....

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:35+0100dailyecho (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Video: Magnitude 6.9 earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:35+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:35+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador . 18 March 2023, 20:14 Ecuador Earthquake. Picture: PA The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s Guayas region. A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador’s second-largest city on....

Pourquoi de grands tremblements de terre se produisent-ils dans la région de la Turquie et de la Syrie ? | Les scientifiques réagissent | Science

2023-03-18T21:35+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Que se passe-t-il dans ce coin de la Méditerranée orientale ? Qu’il y a la confluence de quatre plaques tectoniques, les plaques anatolienne, arabe, eurasienne et africaine ; ces pièces mobiles du puzzle qui composent la lithosphère terrestre. La plaque anatolienne en forme d’enclume est poussée....

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 deja al menos nueve muertos en Ecuador | Internacional

2023-03-18T21:35+0100columnadigital (es)

Al menos nueve personas murieron este sábado como consecuencia de un seísmo de magnitud 6,5 registrado en la provincia de Guayas, en la costa de Ecuador . El epicentro estuvo en Balao, una pequeña población de 28.000 habitantes a dos horas de la ciudad portuaria de Guayaquil, según ha informado el Instituto Geofísico.

#VIDEO Fuerte sismo sacude la costa de Ecuador y deja al menos 4 fallecidos #18Mar

2023-03-18T21:34+0100elimpulso (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,7 sacudió la zona costera de Ecuador este sábado, causado al menos cuatro fallecidos y personas atrapadas a las que buscan organismos de socorro, además de daños de menor magnitud, de acuerdo con informes preliminares de las autoridades.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:33+0100yourlocalguardian (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Strong quake jolts northern Peru, Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:33+0100ahram-EN (en)

The 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck at 12:12 local time (17:12 GMT), with its epicenter 52 miles (85 kilometers) northeast of the Peruvian city of Zarumilla, near the border with Ecuador , the National Seismological Center of Peru reported. Hernando Tavera, head of Peru's seismic institute, told RPP....

Oggi alle 18:12 scossa di terremoto di magnitudine 6.9 in Equador, i video della rete

2023-03-18T21:33+0100rainews (it)

Si è registrata oggi alle 18:12 una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.9 che ha avuto epicentro sulla costa nella provincia di Guayas, a 80km dal capoluogo di provincia Guayaquil, la seconda città più grande dell’ Ecuador . L’epicentro della scossa è stato individuato ad una profondità di 44 chilometri, seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 4.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.

2023-03-18T21:31+0100newsbreak-USA (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:31+0100oxfordtimes (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Se registra terremoto de magnitud 6,9 en Ecuador y Perú

2023-03-18T21:31+0100adnradio (es)

Durante la jornada de este sábado 18 de marzo se registró un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 en Perú y Ecuador . De acuerdo al Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, el epicentro del sismo fue a 14 kilómetros al sureste de la ciudad de Naranjal , perteneciente a la provincia de Guayas en Ecuador.

ECUADOR: Al menos 4 muertos por un terremoto de 6.7 grados

2023-03-18T21:31+0100almomento (es)

QUITO (Europa Press).- Al menos cuatro personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento tres....

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 deja al menos nueve muertos en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:31+0100elpais (es)

Al menos nueve personas murieron este sábado como consecuencia de un seísmo de magnitud 6,5 registrado en la provincia de Guayas, en la costa de Ecuador . El epicentro estuvo en Balao, una pequeña población de 28.000 habitantes a dos horas de la ciudad portuaria de Guayaquil, según ha informado el Instituto Geofísico.

At least 1 dead after 6.8-magnitude earthquake recorded in Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:30+0100upi (en)

March 18 (UPI) -- At least one person has died after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake was recorded about six miles from the Ecuador ian city of Baláo, according to the United States Geological Survey. Ecuador's Risk Management Secretariat said in a statement that the façade of a building collapsed on a car with a person inside, killing them.

Magnitude 6.8 quake shakes Ecuador, at least four dead

2023-03-18T21:30+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake has shaken a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage. "I call for calm and for people to get informed through official channels," said Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a tweet. The quake, which the U.

In Ecuador an earthquake of magnitude 6.7 kills four people

2023-03-18T21:30+0100stvincenttimes (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:29+0100greatyarmouthmercury (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:28+0100dunmowbroadcast (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:28+0100southwalesargus (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:27+0100newsandstar (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:27+0100theargus (en)

Police near where a car was crushed by debris after an earthquake shook Cuenca, Ecuador (Xavier Caivinagua/AP/PA) The South American country’s emergency response agency, the Risk Management Secretariat, reported one person died in the Andean community of Cuenca. The victim was a passenger in a vehicle trapped under the rubble of a house.

Deaths, damage in Ecuador after 6.8 magnitude earthquake

2023-03-18T21:27+0100CBC (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:27+0100eveningtimes (en)

In the coastal state of El Oro, three people died and several were trapped under rubble. In the community of Machala, a two-story home collapsed before people could evacuate and a building’s walls cracked, trapping an unknown number of people. The agency said firefighters worked to rescue people....

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador, killing at least four

2023-03-18T21:26+0100wn (en)

Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador , Saturday. UPDATE: 1 p.m. A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked....

At least four people killed after magnitude 6.8 earthquake hits Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:26+0100wn (en)

The initial quake was accompanied by two weaker aftershocks in the following hour Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador . Photograph: Xavier Caivinagua/AP/PA Sat Mar 18 2023 - 20:15 I call for calm and for people to get informed through official....

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least one, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:26+0100wn (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological......

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least four deaths reported

2023-03-18T21:26+0100gazette (en)

QUITO (Reuters) -A magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage. "I call for calm and for people to get informed through official channels," said Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a tweet.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:26+0100yorkpress (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least four, causes widespread damage

2023-03-18T21:25+0100aljazeera-en (en)

A strong earthquake has shaken the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake on Saturday with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:25+0100eveningnews24 (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least four deaths reported

2023-03-18T21:25+0100saltwire (en)

QUITO (Reuters) -A magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage. "I call for calm and for people to get informed through official channels," said Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a tweet.

One person was killed and buildings were severely damaged in the Ecuador earthquake

2023-03-18T21:25+0100breakinglatest (en)

A powerful earthquake struck the coastal region of Guayas, Ecuador ’s second-largest city, on Saturday, killing one person, destroying homes and buildings and sending terrified residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported a 6.7-magnitude earthquake in the country’s coastal region of Guayas.

6.5 magnitude earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru

2023-03-18T21:25+0100breakinglatest (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 on the Richter scale was recorded this Saturday in the province of Guayas, in the coastal area of ​​ Ecuador , the seismic event occurred at 12:12 local time in the country located in the northwestern region of South America.

Ecuador, scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.8, almeno 4 morti

2023-03-18T21:25+0100corriere (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha scosso l’ Ecuador sabato. Almeno una persona è rimasta uccisa mentre case ed edifici sono stati danneggiati. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha registrato l’epicentro del sisma nella regione costiera di Guayas, a circa 80 chilometri a sud di Guayaquil.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:24+0100chesterfirst (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:24+0100edp24 (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

World News At least 1 dead after 6.8-magnitude earthquake recorded in Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:23+0100upi-es (en)

March 18 (UPI) -- At least one person has died after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake was recorded about six miles from the Ecuador ian city of Baláo, according to the United States Geological Survey. Ecuador's Risk Management Secretariat said in a statement that the façade of a building collapsed on a car with a person inside, killing them.

Al menos cuatro muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:23+0100heraldo (es)

Al menos cuatro personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento tres fallecidos en la provincia de El Oro y una más en la provincia de Azuay.

Al menos cuatro muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:23+0100lanacion-AR (es)

18/03/2023 Terremoto en Ecuador SOCIEDAD SUDAMÉRICA ECUADOR USGS Al menos cuatro personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least four deaths reported

2023-03-18T21:22+0100khaleejtimes (en)

The quake struck at a depth of 66.4km about 10 kilometers from the city of Balao in the province of Guayas A magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T21:21+0100bristolpost (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Magnitude 6.8 quake shakes Ecuador, at least four dead

2023-03-18T21:20+0100bordermail (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake has shaken a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage. "I call for calm and for people to get informed through official channels," said Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a tweet. The quake, which the U.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:20+0100wsoctv (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Forte terremoto a Puerto Bolivar

2023-03-18T21:20+0100cdt (it)

Alle 18.12 ora svizzera è stata registrata una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 e profondità 65.652 km a Puerto Bolivar ( Ecuador ). Secondo la scala Richter, un evento sismico di magnitudo 6.7 è classificato come terremoto «forte» e descritto nel modo seguente: può avere un raggio di azione di....

At Least 4 People Killed by 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake in Ecuador - Authorities

2023-03-18T21:19+0100urdupoint (en)

A two-story building with people inside collapsed in El Oro, with a number of shops and a university also damaged, according to the emergency service. An earthquake was reported at 17:12 GMT on Saturday at a depth of 80 kilometers (50 miles), with the epicenter located 59 kilometers north of the....

At least for people killed after magnitude 6.8 earthquake hits Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:17+0100irishtimes (en)

At least four people killed after magnitude 6.8 earthquake hits Ecuador The initial quake was accompanied by two weaker aftershocks in the following hour. Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador. Photograph: Xavier Caivinagua/AP/PA. A magnitude 6.

Sismo en Ecuador: cinco réplicas se reportaron tras el temblor y se descarta tsunami

2023-03-18T21:16+0100diario-expreso (es)

Stephen Hernández, sismólogo del IG confirmó que estos movimientos no superan los parámetros normales de un evento de este tipo y que tampoco se espera se repita un sismo de mayor magnitud. "Las réplicas después de unos días ya cesarán. Desaparecerán. Los sensores de movimiento que disponemos en....

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least four

2023-03-18T21:15+0100coventrytelegraph (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Magnitude 6.8 quake shakes Ecuador, at least four dead

2023-03-18T21:14+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake has shaken a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage. "I call for calm and for people to get informed through official channels," said Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a tweet. The quake, which the U.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:13+0100actionnewsjax (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:12+0100theargus (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Doomsday prepping in Japan: Inside one woman’s living-room bunker

2023-03-18T21:11+0100sbs (en)

It may be the home of Zen, but Japan is one of the most natural disaster-prone places on the planet. Situated on the boundaries of four tectonic plates and on the Western ridge of the ‘ring of fire’, Japan is one of the most tectonically active places on earth.

Ecuador earthquake kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:10+0100wftv (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least four people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.

Strong Earthquake In Ecuador Kills At Least 4

2023-03-18T21:09+0100huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

Terremoto in Ecuador, ci sono vittime

2023-03-18T21:08+0100rsi-ch (it)

Una forte scossa di terremoto si è registrata sabato, attorno alle 12.20 (le 18.20 ora svizzera) nella regione costiere di Guayas dove sorge la seconda citta dell' Ecuador . Le autorità riferiscono che il sisma di magnitudo 6.9 ha provocato la morte di almeno quattro persone, danneggiando case e....

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T21:06+0100leicestermercury (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T21:05+0100brentwoodgazette (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T21:05+0100stokesentinel (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

National News One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. 1 hour ago RSS, Syndicated Content

2023-03-18T21:05+0100offalyindependent (en)

By Gonzalo Solano, Associated Press. A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Al menos un fallecido tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:05+0100lavanguardia (es)

Al menos una persona ha fallecido en Ecuador tras el seísmo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter, que se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas, en la zona costera de Ecuador, y que ha provocado varios daños materiales. Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el seísmo ocurrió a las 12.

Trema l’Ecuador: violentissimo terremoto magnitudo 6.9

2023-03-18T21:03+0100itacanotizie (it)

E’ stato registrato, infatti, un terremoto di magnitudo 6.9 a largo della costa ecuadoregna. Il sisma, secondo quanto riferito dal Centro sismologico europeo-mediterraneo, avrebbe purtroppo provocato quattro morti , causando il crollo di diversi edifici e abitazioni. Il terremoto è stato segnalato a una profondit&ag.

Al menos cuatro muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:03+0100teleprensa (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos cuatro personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento tres....

Terremoto en Ecuador: los videos del impresionante momento

2023-03-18T21:03+0100rionegro (es)

Un fuerte sismo sacudió la zona costera de Ecuador el sábado, causado al menos un fallecido y daños de menor magnitud, de acuerdo con informes preliminares de las autoridades. La secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos confirmó un fallecido en la ciudad de Cuenca, 310 kilómetros al sur de la capital, al....

Ecuador.- Al menos cuatro muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:02+0100noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos cuatro personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento tres....

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T21:01+0100newindianexpress (en)

Three other people died in the coastal state of El Oro, the agency reported. In Guayaquil, about 170 miles (270 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Quito, authorities reported cracks on buildings and homes, as well as some collapsed walls. Authorities ordered the closure of three vehicular tunnels.

Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes widespread damage

2023-03-18T21:01+0100scmp (en)

A police officer looks up next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake shook Cuenca, Ecuador on Saturday. Photo: AP. Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes widespread damage. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Al menos cuatro muertos por un terremoto en Ecuador

2023-03-18T21:01+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos cuatro personas han muerto como consecuencia del terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter que ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. La Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos del Gobierno ecuatoriano ha confirmado por el momento tres....

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake shakes Ecuador; no immediate reports of damage QUITO (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there wer... 1h ago

2023-03-18T21:00+0100wsau (en)

QUITO (Reuters) – A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there were no immediate official reports of damage to people or infrastructure. Social media users reported some damage to buildings in the area after the earthquake, which had an epicenter 29 kilometers (18.

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes off coast of Ecuador - EMSC (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck off the coast of Ecuador on Saturday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The q... 2h ago

2023-03-18T21:00+0100wsau (en)

(Reuters) – A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck off the coast of Ecuador on Saturday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.21 miles), EMSC said.

World News | Israelis Protest Legal Overhaul Plans for 11th Week

2023-03-18T21:00+0100latestly (en)

Tel Aviv, Mar 19 (AP) Israelis on Saturday took to the streets in protests, now in their 11th week, against plans by Benjamin Netanyahu's hard-line government to overhaul the country's legal system. The protesters say the proposed changes undermine the country's democracy by restricting the power of the Supreme Court.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:59+0100independent-ie (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. T he US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S.

2023-03-18T20:59+0100timescolonist (en)

Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023.. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. (AP Photo/Xavier Caivinagua) QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Ecuador, at least four deaths reported

2023-03-18T20:57+01004-traders (en)

QUITO (Reuters) -A magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook a coastal region of Ecuador and northern Peru midday Saturday, leaving at least four people dead and resulting in some structural damage. "I call for calm and for people to get informed through official channels," said Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso in a tweet.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T20:57+0100surreymirror (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T20:56+0100plymouthherald (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage 0

2023-03-18T20:56+0100kitchenertoday (en)

Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023.. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. (AP Photo/Xavier Caivinagua) QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake....

Fuerte sismo sacude costa de Ecuador, 4 fallecidos

2023-03-18T20:56+0100lahora-GT (es)

Los equipos de rescate se paran junto a un automóvil aplastado por los escombros a causa de un terremoto, en Cuenca, Ecuador . Foto La Hora: Ap Un fuerte sismo sacudió la zona costera de Ecuador el sábado, causado al menos cuatro fallecidos y personas atrapadas a las que buscan organismos de....

National News One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. 53 minutes ago RSS, Syndicated Content

2023-03-18T20:55+0100con-telegraph (en)

By Gonzalo Solano, Associated Press. A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Ecuador, terremoto di magnitudo 7: numerosi crolli, ci sono vittime

2023-03-18T20:55+0100fanpage (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 ha scosso l’ Ecuador oggi. Sono state segnalate diverse vittime, ma non è stato ancora stilato un bilancio definitivo perché numerosi edifici sono stati danneggiati. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti ha registrato l’epicentro del sisma nella regione....

At least 4 killed after 6.7 magnitude earthquake in Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:54+0100globalnews (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

Fuerte sismo sacude costa de Ecuador, 4 fallecidos

2023-03-18T20:54+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Los equipos de rescate se paran junto a un automóvil aplastado por los escombros a causa de un terremoto, en Cuenca, Ecuador , el sábado 18 de marzo de 2023. El Servicio Geológico de EEUU reportó el sismo de magnitud 6,7 a unas 50 millas al sur de Guayaquil.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T20:53+0100icWales (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Senapred descarta riesgo de tsunami en Chile tras sismo en Ecuador: "No reúnen las condiciones necesarias"

2023-03-18T20:53+0100chvnoticias (es)

Senapred descarta riesgo de tsunami en Chile tras sismo en Ecuador : “No reúnen las condiciones necesarias” A través de sus redes sociales, el organismo descartó la posibilidad de un tsunami en nuestras costas ante los movimientos telúricos que han sacudido a Ecuador la jornada de este sábado.

Se siente temblor de magnitud 2.6 en la ciudad de Curicó

2023-03-18T20:53+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.6 de magnitud ocurrió este sábado 18 de marzo en la ciudad de Curicó , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento comenzó a las 16:20 (hora local) , se originó a 11.0 kilómetros al Noreste de dicha ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 91.

La ciudad de Socaire siente temblor de magnitud 2.7

2023-03-18T20:53+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 2.7 ocurrió este sábado 18 de marzo en la ciudad de Socaire , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inicio a las 16:33 (hora local) , se originó a 64.0 kilómetros al Sureste de dicha ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 245.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:52+0100nbcnews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

AFP - Peru-Ecuador-earthquake

2023-03-18T20:51+0100nampa (en)

Strong quake jolts northern Peru, Ecuador Lima, March 18, 2023 (AFP) - A strong earthquake with its epicenter off Ecuador shook northern Peru and much of Ecuador Saturday, authorities said. The 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck at 12:12 local time (17:12 GMT), with its epicenter 52 miles (85....

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:51+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023.. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. (AP Photo/Xavier Caivinagua) QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake....

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage 0 3/18/2023 12:21:24 PM

2023-03-18T20:51+0100tricitynews (en)

Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023.. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. (AP Photo/Xavier Caivinagua) QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake....

Un terremoto de 6,7 puntos de magnitud sacude la costa sur de Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:51+0100naiz-eus (es)

Un terremoto de 6,7 puntos de magnitud ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. Por el momento se ha informado de un persona fallecida y de diversos daños materiales. En la ciudad de Cuenca se habrían hundido algunos inmuebles, según vídeos publicados en redes sociales, y en la....

National News One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. 49 minutes ago

2023-03-18T20:50+0100meathchronicle (en)

By Gonzalo Solano, Associated Press. A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T20:49+0100derbytelegraph (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T20:49+0100gloucestercitizen (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Terremoto en Ecuador: así se vivió el sismo de magnitud 6.7 | VIDEO

2023-03-18T20:49+0100mvsnoticias (es)

Esta tarde, un terremoto en Ecuador de magnitud 6.7, según el Instituto Geofísico de ese país, se sintió con fuerza en la región, así como en el norte de Perú. Al momento, las autoridades reportan al menos un deceso. El sismo que se registró en la provincia del Guayas ha provocado varios daños materiales.

One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:47+0100thecourier (en)

Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023.. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 about 50 miles south of Guayaquil (Xavier Caivinagua/AP/PA) A strong earthquake shook the region around....

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:47+0100impartialreporter (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T20:45+0100essexchronicle (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Four dead as 6.8 magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador with tremors felt in Peru Tremors from the earthquake were felt as far away as Peru and caused panic and mayhem among...

2023-03-18T20:45+0100express (en)

A powerful earthquake in Ecuador is reported to have killed at least four people. The 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck shortly after midday local time in the south of the country and caused a number of buildings to collapses. Tremors from the earthquake were felt as far away as Peru and caused panic and mayhem among local residents.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T20:44+0100southwales-eveningpost (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake shakes Ecuador; no immediate reports of damage

2023-03-18T20:44+0100wn (en)

QUITO, March 18 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there were no immediate official reports of damage to people or infrastructure. Social media users reported some damage to buildings in the area....

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:44+0100wn (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. ......

World News | Pak Security Forces Kill Three Terrorists in Country's Balochistan: ISPR

2023-03-18T20:44+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. Three terrorists were killed by the Pakistani security forces in the country's restive Balochistan province on Saturday while thwarting a planned terror attack in urban areas, including Quetta and Chaman, according to the nation's military's media wing Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake shakes Ecuador; no immediate reports of damage QUITO (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there wer... 1h ago

2023-03-18T20:44+0100kelo (en)

QUITO (Reuters) – A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there were no immediate official reports of damage to people or infrastructure. Social media users reported some damage to buildings in the area after the earthquake, which had an epicenter 29 kilometers (18.

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes off coast of Ecuador - EMSC (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck off the coast of Ecuador on Saturday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The q... 2h ago

2023-03-18T20:44+0100kelo (en)

(Reuters) – A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck off the coast of Ecuador on Saturday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.21 miles), EMSC said.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T20:43+0100hulldailymail (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador20:20

2023-03-18T20:43+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

Four killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador . Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador, Saturday, March 18, 2023.. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 about 50 miles south of Guayaquil (Xavier Caivinagua/AP/PA) © Xavier Caivinagua.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4 people, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:43+0100arkansasonline (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T20:43+0100nottinghampost (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Sismo de magnitud 7 sacude Ecuador y parte de las costas de Perú

2023-03-18T20:42+0100elsoldemexico (es)

Un fuerte sismo con epicentro en Ecuador sacudió el sábado la región de Tumbes y parte de la costa de Perú, sin causar víctimas ni daños materiales, según los primeros reportes de las autoridades peruanas. El sismo de magnitud 7,0 ocurrió a las 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT), con epicentro a 85 km al....

Hernando Tavera

2023-03-18T20:42+0100rpp (es)

El presidente ejecutivo del IGP Hernando Tavera , estuvo en RPP Noticias para absolver esta duda. Asimismo, dijo que, si bien el epicentro del sismo fue en Guayaquil ( Ecuador ) , el movimiento telúrico se percibió en Tumbes por su cercanía al país norteño.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T20:41+0100cambridge-news (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:41+0100pressandjournal (en)

Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023.. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 about 50 miles south of Guayaquil (Xavier Caivinagua/AP/PA) A strong earthquake shook the region around....

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:39+0100news-gazette (en)

A strong earthquake in Ecuador has killed at least four people and damaged homes and buildings. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador killing at least one

2023-03-18T20:39+0100dailypost-co-uk (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show panicked people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:38+0100cp24 (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) - A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Deadly earthquake in Ecuador causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:37+0100trtworld (en)

The earthquake was also felt in northern Peru. (File Photo / AP) A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:35+0100independent-ie (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. T he US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:33+0100impartialreporter (en)

The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centred about 50 miles (80 kilometres) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador ’s second-largest city. Videos shared on social media show people gathering on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

World News | Earthquake in Ecuador Kills at Least 4, Causes Wide Damage

2023-03-18T20:33+0100latestly (en)

Quito, Mar 18 (AP) A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

terremoto Sismo de magnitud 7,0 en frontera de Perú y Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:31+0100telenocheonline (es)

Un fuerte sismo con epicentro en Ecuador sacudió el sábado la región de Tumbes y parte de la costa de Perú, sin causar víctimas ni daños materiales según los primeros reportes de las autoridades peruanas. Lee además. El sismo de magnitud 7,0 ocurrió a las 12:12 horas locales, con epicentro a 85 km....

Fuerte sismo sacude costa de Ecuador, 4 fallecidos

2023-03-18T20:30+0100infobae (es)

QUITO (AP) — Un fuerte sismo sacudió la zona costera de Ecuador el sábado, causado al menos cuatro fallecidos y personas atrapadas a las que buscan organismos de socorro, además de daños de menor magnitud, de acuerdo con informes preliminares de las autoridades.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S.

2023-03-18T20:29+0100timescolonist (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:29+0100whig (en)

A strong earthquake in Ecuador has killed at least four people and damaged homes and buildings. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil. That's Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:27+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:27+0100irishexaminer (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:27+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

Rescue workers stand next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake in Cuenca, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023.. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 about 50 miles south of Guayaquil (Xavier Caivinagua/AP/PA) A strong earthquake shook the region around....

World One person killed as strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:26+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador ’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake shakes Ecuador; no immediate reports of damage QUITO (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there wer... 1h ago

2023-03-18T20:26+0100whbl (en)

QUITO (Reuters) – A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there were no immediate official reports of damage to people or infrastructure. Social media users reported some damage to buildings in the area after the earthquake, which had an epicenter 29 kilometers (18.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 4, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:25+0100news4jax (en)

QUITO – A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least four people, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage 0

2023-03-18T20:24+0100kitchenertoday (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:24+0100wn (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. ......

Cabe recordar que sobre el mediodía de este sábado 18 de marzo, un sismo de magnitud 6,5 se sintió en varias regiones de Ecuador.

2023-03-18T20:24+0100elpais-CO (es)

Guapi, ubicado a orillas del río del mismo nombre en la costa Pacífica caucana, con más de 30.000 habitantes y una superficie de 2668 km2, es el municipio en la costa caucana con mayor proyección y desarrollo. A raíz del fuerte sismo que se registró en tierras ecuatorianas y que tuvo una magnitud de 6.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:23+0100metro-us (en)

By GONZALO SOLANO Posted on March 18, 2023 A police officer looks up next to a car crushed by debris after an earthquake shook Cuenca, Ecuador , Saturday, March 18, 2023. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 on Saturday about 50 miles south of Guayaquil .

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings and sending panicked residents into the streets.The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

2023-03-18T20:23+0100newsbreak-USA (en)

1,700 missing after Ecuador earthquake 02:28. A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:23+0100diarioInformacion (es)

Al menos una persona ha fallecido en Ecuador tras el sismo de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter que se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas y que se sintió también en el norte de Perú, que ha provocado varios daños materiales. Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:21+0100epe (es)

Al menos una persona ha fallecido en Ecuador tras el de magnitud 6,5 en la escala abierta de Richter que se registró este sábado en la provincia del Guayas y que se sintió también en el norte de Perú, que ha provocado varios daños materiales. Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:21+0100levante-emv (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes damage

2023-03-18T20:20+0100torontosun (en)

Article content. In Guayaquil, about 170 miles (270 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Quito, authorities reported cracks on buildings and homes, as well as some collapsed walls. Authorities ordered the closure of three vehicular tunnels. Videos shared on social media show people gathered on the streets of Guayaquil and nearby communities.

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:20+0100laprovincia (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:19+0100news-gazette (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:19+0100tri-cityherald (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

World News | French Pension Protests Mostly Calm, Uncollected Trash Grows

2023-03-18T20:19+0100latestly (en)

Paris, Mar 18 (AP) A smattering of protests against President Emmanuel Macron's plan to raise France's retirement age from 62 to 64 took place on Saturday, as uncollected garbage continued to reek in the streets of Paris and beyond amid a strike by sanitation workers.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:18+0100heraldonline (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:16+0100independent-UK (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:16+0100clickondetroit (en)

QUITO – A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:15+0100laopinioncoruna (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

Sismo de magnitud 7.0 no genera tsunami en el litoral peruano, reporta Marina

2023-03-18T20:15+0100radionacional (es)

La Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de la Marina de Guerra del Perú informó que el sismo de magnitud 7.0, registrado en la región Tumbes, no genera tsunami en el territorio nacional. Lo informó la entidad mediante su cuenta oficial de Twitter. Más temprano, el Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP)....

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:14+0100eldia (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

World News | Earthquake in Ecuador Kills at Least 1, Causes Wide Damage

2023-03-18T20:13+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. Quito (Ecuador), Mar 18 (AP) A strong earthquake....

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:13+0100FaroDeVigo (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:13+0100laopiniondezamora (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:13+0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:12+0100diariodeibiza (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:12+0100diarioCordoba (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage 0 3/18/2023 11:41:02 AM

2023-03-18T20:10+0100tricitynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, damages homes and buildings, officials say

2023-03-18T20:10+0100ABCnews (en)

Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, damages homes and buildings, officials say. QUITO, Ecuador -- Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, damages homes and buildings, officials say.

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:10+0100elperiodicodearagon (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:10+0100DiarioDeMallorca (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:10+0100laopiniondemurcia (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

18 mar 2023, 19:50 Redazione 3bmeteo Terremoto Ecuador, scossa di magnitudo 6.7 a Naranjal, tutti i dettagli

2023-03-18T20:09+01003bmeteo (it)

Terremoto Ecuador , scossa di magnitudo 6.7 a Naranjal, tutti i dettagli. Scossa di terremoto a Naranjal, Ecuador. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.7, si è verificata alle ore 12:21 (ore 18:21 in Italia) con epicentro nei pressi di Naranjal, Ecuador. La profondità stimata è stata di circa 65.652 Km .

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:08+0100CBSnews (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Al menos un muerto tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:08+0100lanuevaespana (es)

Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, el sismo ocurrió a las 12.11 hora local (17.12 GMT ) a 2,78 grados de latitud sur y a 79,93 grados de longitud oeste. El temblor ocurrió a una profundidad de 44 kilómetros, y a 29,12 kilómetros de Balao (Guayas), en el suroeste de Ecuador .

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T20:07+0100latimes (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador’s second-largest city Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

World News | Eight Killed in Floods Triggered Accident in Pak: Police

2023-03-18T20:06+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. Eight members of a family were killed when the vehicle they were travelling in was swept away by floods in Pakistan's Balochistan province on Saturday, police said. Karachi, Mar 18 (PTI) Eight members of a family were killed when the vehicle....

Un terremoto de 6,7 sacude la costa de Ecuador

2023-03-18T20:06+0100elnuevosiglo (es)

Un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano sin que por el momento haya noticia de daños o de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) ha situado el epicentro del seísmo a 6 kilómetros al norte-noreste de la localidad de Baláo y a 66,4 kilómetros de profundidad.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage Some reported objects falling inside their homes. 10M ago

2023-03-18T20:04+0100cbslocal (en)

A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador 's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake shakes Ecuador; no immediate reports of damage 50m ago

2023-03-18T20:03+0100wkzo (en)

QUITO (Reuters) – A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there were no immediate official reports of damage to people or infrastructure. Social media users reported some damage to buildings in the area after the earthquake, which had an epicenter 29 kilometers (18.

Terremoto en Ecuador: un seísmo de 6,7 sacude la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano

2023-03-18T20:02+0100antena3noticias (es)

Susto en Ecuador . Un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano. Por el momento, no hay informaciones de que se hayan producido daños o un tsunami. El epicentro del seísmo se sitúa a 6 kilómetros al norte-noreste de la localidad de....

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; damage unclear

2023-03-18T19:59+0100chron (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; damage unclear QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on major damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

2023-03-18T19:59+0100timescolonist (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on major damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador....

WATCH: Earthquake Causes Major Damage at Beer Warehouse in Ecuador - Latest Tweet by BNO News Live

2023-03-18T19:58+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News Live states, 'WATCH: Earthquake causes major damage at beer warehouse in Ecuador ' WATCH: Earthquake causes major damage at beer warehouse in Ecuador BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 18, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information....

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:57+0100theolympian (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

7.0 magnitude earthquake in Tumbes leaves a girl injured when the roof fell on her

2023-03-18T19:57+0100archyde (en)

A four-year-old girl was seriously injured when the roof of her home located on Bolívar street collapsed, after the 7.0 magnitude earthquake. The minor is undergoing emergency surgery. No other victims are known at this time. The fall of some walls and part of the infrastructure of the old houses in the city is also being reported.

6.7 magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador: US Geological Survey

2023-03-18T19:56+0100aa-en (en)

ANKARA. A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador on Saturday, the US Geological Survey said. The quake, which was also felt in Peru, hit the town of Balao in Ecuador’s Azuay province at around 12:12 p.m. local time (1712GMT). According to the USGS, the earthquake occurred about 65 kilometers (40 miles) below the surface.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:56+0100wsoctv (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:53+0100kob (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:52+0100cp24 (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) - A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:52+0100wftv (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Alert: Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, damages homes and buildings, officials say

2023-03-18T19:51+0100sfgate (en)

Alert: Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, damages homes and buildings, officials say. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, damages homes and buildings, officials say.

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; damage unclear 0

2023-03-18T19:51+0100kitchenertoday (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on major damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador's second-largest city.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:50+0100fresnobee (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:50+0100charlotteobserver (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; damage unclear 0 3/18/2023 11:10:50 AM

2023-03-18T19:49+0100tricitynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on major damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador's second-largest city.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:49+0100idahostatesman (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:48+0100islandpacket (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Sismo de magnitud 6.7 sacude a Ecuador y d...

2023-03-18T19:48+0100zocalo (es)

Internacional Sismo de magnitud 6.7 sacude a Ecuador y derrumba varios edificios. Por Grupo Zócalo Publicado el sábado, 18 de marzo del 2023 a las 12:48 Ciudad de México.- Un terremoto de magnitud 6,7 golpeó cerca de la ciudad sureña de Baláo, Ecuador, informó el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (USGS) el sábado.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:47+0100kansascity (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:47+0100newsobserver (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Strong Earthquake of Magnitude 6.7 Shakes Guayas Region; No Word on Damage or Injuries

2023-03-18T19:47+0100latestly (en)

Agency News ⚡Strong Earthquake of Magnitude 6.7 Shakes Guayas Region; No Word on Damage or Injuries. By PTI The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador 's second-largest city.

No tsunami threat to Hawaii after strong quake hits Ecuador

2023-03-18T19:45+0100HonululuAdvertiser (en)

Unlimited access to premium stories for as low as $12.95 /mo. Get It Now There is no tsunami threat to Hawaii after a 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck near Ecuador this morning. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said the quake occurred at approximately 7:13 a.m. near the coast of Ecuador at a depth of 47 miles.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:45+0100bnd (en)

QUITO, Ecuador . A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:45+0100actionnewsjax (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador's second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, damages homes and buildings, officials say

2023-03-18T19:45+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — Strong earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, damages homes and buildings, officials say. The U.S. State Department has issued a travel warning about dangerous counterfeit pills being sold at pharmacies in Mexico that often contain fentanyl.

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at least 1, causes wide damage

2023-03-18T19:44+0100apnews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the region around Ecuador’s second-largest city on Saturday, killing at least one person, damaging homes and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region.

WATCH: Earthquake Hits During Live TV Show in Ecuador - Latest Tweet by BNO News Live

2023-03-18T19:44+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News Live states, 'WATCH: Earthquake hits during live TV show in Ecuador ' WATCH: Earthquake hits during live TV show in Ecuador BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 18, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social media world, including Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Terremoto de magnitud 7 sacude Perú y Ecuador; reportan réplica de magnitud 4.1

2023-03-18T19:42+0100milenio (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 7 sacudió Perú y zonas de Ecuador la tarde de este sábado, informó el Instituto Geofísico peruano en redes sociales. El terremoto se registró a las 12:12 horas tiempo de Perú (es decir, a las 11:12 horas tiempo de México) a 85 kilómetros al noreste de Zarumilla, en la región de Zarumilla - Tumbes.

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; damage unclear

2023-03-18T19:41+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on major damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country's coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador's second-largest city.

Sismo de magnitud 7.0 no genera tsunami en el litoral peruano, reporta Marina de Guerra

2023-03-18T19:41+0100radionacional (es)

La Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de la Marina de Guerra del Perú informó que el sismo de magnitud 7.0, registrado en la región Tumbes, no genera tsunami en el territorio nacional. Lo informó la entidad mediante su cuenta oficial de Twitter. El Instituto Geofísico del Perú señaló que el evento se registró se produjo a las 12:12 horas.

Descartan posibilidad de tsunami tras sismos en la provincia del Guayas

2023-03-18T19:38+0100eluniverso (es)

El Instituto Oceanográfico y Antártico de la Armada del Ecuador (Inocar) informó en sus redes sociales que descarta que un sismo principal y al menos dos fuertes réplicas sentidas en la zona de la provincia del Guayas puedan representar un peligro de tsunami en las costas ecuatorianas.

Un terremoto de 6,7 sacude la costa de Ecuador

2023-03-18T19:38+0100noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano sin que por el momento haya noticia de daños o de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) ha situado el epicentro del seísmo a 6 kilómetros al....

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake shakes Ecuador; no immediate reports of damage

2023-03-18T19:35+0100brecorder (en)

QUITO: A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there were no immediate official reports of damage to people or infrastructure. Social media users reported some damage to buildings in the area after the earthquake, which had an epicenter 29 kilometers (18.

13:19Sismo en Ecuador: magnitud fue de 6.5 remece sin reporte de daños mayores

2023-03-18T19:33+0100gestion (es)

Sismo en Ecuador : magnitud fue de 6.5 remece sin reporte de daños mayores Las autoridades dijeron que el movimiento no tuvo las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en la costa continental e insular. Un sismo de magnitud 6.5 sacudió el sábado una región insular de Ecuador provocando....

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador

2023-03-18T19:31+0100nypost (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on major damage or injuries. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles south of Guayaquil, Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Fuerte sismo de magnitud 7.0 con epicentro en Ecuador se sintió en el norte del Perú

2023-03-18T19:31+0100huaral (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 7.0, con epicentro en Ecuador , se sintió este sábado en varias regiones del norte del Perú. De acuerdo con información del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) , el movimiento sísmico se produjo a las 12:12 p.m. (hora peruana) La entidad precisó, además, que el epicentro....

La Marina descarta alerta de tsunami en la costa de Tumbes tras sismos ocurridos este sábado

2023-03-18T19:30+0100diariocorreo (es)

El primer sismo, registrado a las 12:12 p.m., tuvo su epicentro a 85 kilómetros al noreste de Zarumilla y el segundo, que se registró a las 12:22 p.m., tuvo una magnitud de 4.1. La Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de la Marina de Guerra del Perú informó este sábado que los sismos de magnitud 7.

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; no word on damage QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region.

2023-03-18T19:29+0100timescolonist (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on....

Daños y alarma por sismo de 6.5 grados en Ecuador

2023-03-18T19:29+0100teleamazonas (es)

Hasta las 13:15 de este sábado 18 de marzo de 2023, el ECU-911 no contaba con un balance oficial de las emergencias generadas por el temblor de 6.5 que sacudió varias provincias del Ecuador . Sin embargo, en redes sociales circularon videos de casas colapsadas en Cuenca y Guayaquil.

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; no word on damage 0 3/18/2023 10:57:20 AM

2023-03-18T19:27+0100tricitynews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on....

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; no word on damage

2023-03-18T19:27+0100trendnews-az (en)

A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries, reports citing The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador’s second-largest city.

UPDATE: Death Toll from Ecuador Earthquake Rises to at Least 4 - Latest Tweet by BNO News Live

2023-03-18T19:27+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News Live states, 'UPDATE: Death toll from Ecuador earthquake rises to at least 4 ...' UPDATE: Death toll from Ecuador earthquake rises to at least 4 BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 18, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from....

Temblor de magnitud 6.5 en Guayas, Ecuador: en redes sociales reportan derrumbes

2023-03-18T19:27+0100semana (es)

Este sábado, 18 de marzo, el Servicio Geológico Colombiano informó sobre un fuerte temblor de magnitud preliminar 6.5 grados, con una profundidad de 44 kilómetros y, con epicentro en la provincia de Guayas, Ecuador . Desde ese primer sismo, desde el Instituto Geofísico ecuatoriano ya se han reportado dos temblores más que sobrepasan los 4 grados.

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake shakes Ecuador; no immediate reports of damage QUITO (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there were no immediate official reports of damage to people or infrastructure. Social media users .

2023-03-18T19:24+0100saltwire (en)

QUITO (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there were no immediate official reports of damage to people or infrastructure. Social media users reported some damage to buildings in the area after the earthquake, which had an epicenter 29 kilometers (18.

6.5-magnitude earthquake shakes Ecuador; no reports of damage so far

2023-03-18T19:22+0100timesofindia (en)

QUITO: A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there were no immediate official reports of damage to people or infrastructure. Social media users reported some damage to buildings in the area after the earthquake, which had an epicenter 29 kilometers (18.

Se registra sismo de magnitud preliminar 6.5 en Ecuador

2023-03-18T19:22+0100aztecanoticias (es)

El sismo de hoy tuvo epicentro en Balao, Guayas; el temblor no tuvo las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en la costa continental e insular. Un sismo hoy 18 de marzo se registró con una magnitud 6.5 en una región insular de Ecuador provocando alteración entre los habitantes pero sin....

Strong earthquake shakes coast of Ecuador; no word on damage

2023-03-18T19:19+0100wn (en)

There is no immediate word on damage or injuries after a strong earthquake shook Ecuador ......

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; no word on damage 0

2023-03-18T19:19+0100kitchenertoday (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on....

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; no word on damage

2023-03-18T19:18+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on....

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; damage …

2023-03-18T19:17+0100wearecentralpa (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on major damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Terremoto Ecuador, violentissima scossa di magnitudo 6.9 a Machala. Ecco qui i dettagli

2023-03-18T19:16+0100ilmeteo (it)

Scossa di terremoto registrata a Machala ( Ecuador ) Il 18 Marzo 2023 ore 18:12 è stata registrata una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.9 e profondità 75 km a Machala (Ecuador). Leggi qui per approfondire. Secondo la scala Richter, un evento sismico di magnitudo 6.

Sismo de magnitud 6,5 remeció a Ecuador: SHOA descarta tsunami en las costas de Chile

2023-03-18T19:16+0100radioagricultura (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,5 se registró a eso del mediodía (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo en parte de la costa de De acuerdo a lo informado por el Instituto de Geofísica de aquel país, el movimiento telúrico tuvo una profundidad de 44 kilómetros y ubicado a 29,12 kilómettros de Balao, Guayas.

Un terremoto de 6,7 sacude la costa de Ecuador

2023-03-18T19:16+0100lanacion-AR (es)

18/03/2023 Terremoto en Ecuador SOCIEDAD SUDAMÉRICA ECUADOR USGS Un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano sin que por el momento haya noticia de daños o de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) ha situado el....

World News | Strong Earthquake Shakes Coastal Ecuador; No Word on Damage

2023-03-18T19:14+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. Quito, Mar 18 (AP) A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The US Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

SHOA descarta riesgo de tsunami en costas chilenas tras fuerte temblor de magnitud 6,9 registrado en Ecuador

2023-03-18T19:13+0100adnradio (es)

El sismo derribó algunas edificaciones en el país sudamericano. Un temblor de magnitud 6,9 se en Ecuador , el cual tuvo su epicentro a 50 kilómetros al noroeste de Cuenca. Este movimiento telúrico derribó algunas edificaciones en el país sudamericano , y de momento, no se reportan personas fallecidas Leer también.

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; no word …

2023-03-18T19:11+0100wowktv (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador’s second-largest city.

UPDATE: At Least 1 Dead in Ecuador Earthquake - Latest Tweet by BNO News Live

2023-03-18T19:11+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News Live states, 'UPDATE: At least 1 dead in Ecuador earthquake ...' UPDATE: At least 1 dead in Ecuador earthquake BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 18, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social media world, including Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake shakes Ecuador; no immediate reports of damage

2023-03-18T19:11+0100reuters (en)

QUITO, March 18 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook an island region of Ecuador on Saturday, causing inhabitants to rush out of buildings but there were no immediate official reports of damage to people or infrastructure. Social media users reported some damage to buildings in the area....

Strong earthquake shakes coastal Ecuador; no word on damage

2023-03-18T19:08+0100ABCnews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador -- A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador's second-largest city.

Fuerte sismo en zona costera de Ecuador: SHOA descarta posibilidad de tsunami en territorio nacional

2023-03-18T19:06+0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Un fuerte sismo tuvo lugar durante la tarde de este sábado en la costa de Ecuador . Según información entregada por Senapred, el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 6,9 y su epicentro se ubico 50 km al noroeste de Cuenca. En tanto, el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA)....

Ecuador.- Un terremoto de 6,7 sacude la costa de Ecuador

2023-03-18T19:06+0100cope (es)

Un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano sin que por el momento haya noticia de daños o de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) ha situado el epicentro del seísmo a 6 kilómetros al norte-noreste de la localidad de Baláo y a 66,4 kilómetros de profundidad.

WATCH: Building Drops into Water During Earthquake in Ecuador - Latest Tweet by BNO News Live

2023-03-18T19:05+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News Live states, 'WATCH: Building drops into water during earthquake in Ecuador ' WATCH: Building drops into water during earthquake in Ecuador BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 18, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social....

Ecuador.- Un terremoto de 6,7 sacude la costa de Ecuador

2023-03-18T19:05+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 18 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano sin que por el momento haya noticia de daños o de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) ha situado el epicentro del seísmo a 6....

Un terremoto de 6,7 sacude la costa de Ecuador

2023-03-18T19:04+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano sin que por el momento haya noticia de daños o de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) ha situado el epicentro del seísmo a 6 kilómetros al....

Temblor de magnitud 7 y réplica de 4.1 en Tumbes no generan alerta de tsunami

2023-03-18T19:02+0100gestion (es)

Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de la Marina de Guerra del Perú descarta alerta de tsunami. COER de Tumbes confirmó que algunas viviendas de adobe presentan daños. Según la Marina de Guerra del Perú, no se registrará un tsunami en la costa peruana tras temblor de magnitud 7 y réplica de 4.1 en Zarumilla en Tumbes.

Un terremoto de 6,7 sacude la costa de Ecuador

2023-03-18T19:00+0100europapress (es)

MADRID, 18 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de 6,7 de magnitud en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este sábado la costa del Pacífico ecuatoriano sin que por el momento haya noticia de daños o de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) ha situado el epicentro del seísmo a 6....

Sismo de magnitud 6,5 remeció a Ecuador: Senapred descarta tsunami en las costas de Chile

2023-03-18T18:56+0100radioagricultura (es)

Publicado en Internacional Sismo de magnitud 6,5 remeció a Ecuador : Senapred descarta tsunami en las costas de Chile. Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6,5 se registró a eso del mediodía de este sábado 18 de marzo en parte de la costa de De acuerdo a lo informado por el Instituto de Geofísica de aquel....

Strong earthquake shakes coast of Ecuador; no word on damage

2023-03-18T18:55+0100sfgate (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador's second-largest city.

Strong earthquake shakes coast of Ecuador; no word …

2023-03-18T18:55+0100wowktv (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Strong earthquake shakes coast of Ecuador; no word on damage

2023-03-18T18:52+0100actionnewsjax (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador's second-largest city.

Tumbes registró un sismo de magnitud 4.1

2023-03-18T18:51+0100infobae (es)

El Anillo de Fuego: qué es y dónde se localiza. Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los temblores más fuertes del mundo.

Strong earthquake of magnitude 7.0 shook Tumbes this Saturday

2023-03-18T18:50+0100archyde (en)

Always keep your emergency backpack ready. An earthquake of magnitude 7.0 had as its epicenter tumbes this Saturday March 18 at 12:12 pm The telluric movement was located 85 kilometers northeast of Zarumilla . Thus reported the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) a Twitter.

Strong earthquake shakes coast of Ecuador; no word on damage

2023-03-18T18:48+0100wsoctv (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador's second-largest city.

Strong earthquake shakes coast of Ecuador, no word on damage

2023-03-18T18:47+0100nbc12 (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Strong Earthquake Shakes Coast of Ecuador; No Word on Damage

2023-03-18T18:45+0100usnews (en)

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country's coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador's second-largest city.

Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake Strikes off Coast of Ecuador - EMSC

2023-03-18T18:45+0100usnews (en)

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck off the coast of Ecuador on Saturday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. Sign up to receive the latest updates from U.S News & World Report and our trusted partners and sponsors.

Strong earthquake shakes coast of Ecuador; no word on damage

2023-03-18T18:43+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

QUITO, Ecuador — A strong earthquake shook Ecuador on Saturday, but there was no immediate word on damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in the country’s coastal Guayas region. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, Ecuador’s second-largest city.

Strong 6.7-magnitude Earthquake Hits Ecuador - Latest Tweet by BNO News Live

2023-03-18T18:42+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News Live states, 'Strong 6.7-magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador ...' Strong 6.7-magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 18, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social media world, including Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes off coast of Ecuador: EMSC

2023-03-18T18:40+0100alarabiya-en (en)

A file photo shows a technician of the National Seismological Center (CSN) of the University of Chile, organization in charge of monitoring the seismic activity in the Chilean territory, works in Santiago, August 4, 2017. (AFP) Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes off coast of Ecuador : EMSC A magnitude 6.

Forte terremoto in Ecuador: epicentro nella provincia di Guayas | DATI e MAPPE

2023-03-18T18:38+0100meteoweb (it)

Una forte scossa di terremoto si è verificata nel sud dell' Ecuador nella serata italiana di sabato 18 marzo. Un forte terremoto è avvenuto nel sud dell’ Ecuador alle 18:12 (ora italiana) di oggi, sabato 18 marzo. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 ha avuto epicentro nella provincia di Guayas, a poca distanza dal capoluogo di provincia Guayaquil.

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 7 con epicentro en Tumbes

2023-03-18T18:34+0100infobae (es)

El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador , Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas y....

BREAKING: Strong 6.9-magnitude Earthquake Hits Ecuador - USGS - Latest Tweet by BNO News Live

2023-03-18T18:32+0100latestly (en)

BREAKING: Strong 6.9-magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador - USGS BNO News Live (@BNODesk) March 18, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social media world, including Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. The above post is embeded directly from the user's....

La ciudad de Taltal percibe temblor de magnitud 2.6

2023-03-18T18:24+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 2.6 se registró en la ciudad chilena de Taltal este sábado 18 de marzo, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). De acuerdo con la información preliminar, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 14:00 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 43.0 kilómetros de profundidad.

La ciudad de Tirúa registra temblor de magnitud 3.4

2023-03-18T16:52+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Tirúa fue el epicentro de un temblor de 3.4 de magnitud que se registró a las 12:13 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. La actividad sísmica sucedió a 161.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 10.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Sismológico registra sismo de magnitud 4.4 en San José del Cabo

2023-03-18T15:05+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.7 en la ciudad de Cobquecura

2023-03-18T14:26+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.7 de magnitud aconteció este sábado 18 de marzo en la ciudad chilena de Cobquecura , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento comenzó a las 09:59 (hora local) , se originó a 66.

Chile ha firmado un acuerdo de seguro contra terremotos de $ 630 millones con el Banco Mundial

2023-03-18T14:09+0100eldemocrata (es)

SANTIAGO, 17 mar (Reuters) – Chile acordó un programa de seguro contra terremotos con el Banco Mundial que protegería contra $630 millones en daños por fuertes terremotos, en un esfuerzo por reducir los riesgos de la deuda pública por posibles desastres naturales.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.6 de magnitud en Pica

2023-03-18T13:51+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 2.6 de magnitud se sintió en la ciudad chilena de Pica , según datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora obtenida señala que la actividad sísmica empezó a las 09:25 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 51.

San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur, registra sismo de magnitud 4.2

2023-03-18T11:33+0100infobae (es)

Tras un terremoto, checa tu casa en búsqueda de posibles daños, utiliza tu celular solo en emergencia, no prendas cerillos o velas hasta asegurarte que no hay alguna fuga de gas y recuerda que se pueden presentar réplicas del sismo , por lo que es importante mantenerte alerta.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.6 de magnitud en Cobquecura

2023-03-18T11:22+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Cobquecura fue el epicentro de un temblor de magnitud 2.6 que se registró a las 06:55 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. El temblor sucedió a 70.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 32.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Temblor de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en Cihuatlán, Jalisco

2023-03-18T11:22+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 2.6 en la ciudad de Mina Collahuasi

2023-03-18T11:04+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Mina Collahuasi fue el epicentro de un temblor de 2.6 de magnitud que se registró a las 06:48 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. El sismo sucedió a 8.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 100.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Sèt'Expo Sciences : l’événement "a gagné son pari"

2023-03-18T10:04+0100midilibre (fr)

Dans le cadre du week-end Sèt'Expo Sciences, une trentaine d'enfants héraultais âgés de 8 à 12 ans exposent 16 projets scientifiques ou technologiques à la salle Georges Brassens. Entre système solaire, électricité, intelligence artificielle ou encore catastrophes naturelles, tous les thèmes sont abordés par des élèves très investis.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.4 de magnitud en la ciudad de Cobquecura

2023-03-18T09:55+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.4 se registró en la ciudad chilena de Cobquecura , de acuerdo con datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora obtenida precisa que la actividad sísmica inició a las 05:24 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor fue a 75.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 2.8 en la ciudad de La Higuera

2023-03-18T08:51+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sacudió a la ciudad chilena de La Higuera , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 04:11 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica tuvo una magnitud de 2.8 y una profundidad de 15.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 3.0 en la ciudad de Taltal

2023-03-18T08:51+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.0 y con una profundidad de 83.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Taltal. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -70.139 grados de longitud y -24.667 grados de latitud, es decir a 90.0 kilómetros al Noreste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Temblor en México: sismo de 4.2 de magnitud Debido a su ubicación geográfica, México está continuamente expuesto a sufrir este tipo de eventos sísmicos

2023-03-18T08:33+0100infobae (es)

Tras un terremoto, revisa tu casa en búsqueda de posibles daños, utiliza tu celular solo en caso de emergencia, no enciendas cerillos o velas hasta asegurarte que no hay alguna fuga de gas y recuerda que se pueden presentar réplicas del sismo , por lo que es importante mantenerte alerta.

Petatlán, Guerrero, registra sismo de magnitud 4.2

2023-03-18T08:20+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Se percibe temblor de magnitud 3.0 en Cobquecura

2023-03-18T08:08+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sorprendió a los pobladores de la ciudad de Cobquecura , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 03:36 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica tuvo una magnitud de 3.0 y una profundidad de 35.

Temblor de magnitud 3.0 sacude a la ciudad de Calama

2023-03-18T08:08+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 3.0 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 124.0 kilómetros alertó a los habitantes de la ciudad chilena de Calama. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -68.591 grados de longitud y -21.884 grados de latitud, es decir a 74.0 kilómetros al Noreste de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Temblor de magnitud 4.2 con epicentro en Cihuatlán, Jalisco

2023-03-18T08:02+0100infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el temblor tuvo un epicentro 196 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Jalisco, con una profundidad de 10 km y fue percibido por los vecinos de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred)....

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits New Zealand's Kermadec Islands region An earthquake of magnitude 5.0 on the Richter scale hit the Kermadec Islands region of New Zealand on Saturday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said.

2023-03-18T07:26+0100firstpost (en)

Kermadec Islands: An earthquake of magnitude 5.0 on the Richter scale hit the Kermadec Islands region of New Zealand on Saturday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported. The earthquake occurred at 03:44:10 (UTC+05:30) and hit New Zealand’s Kermadec Islands on Saturday, at a depth of 10 km, the USGS informed.

Karachi’s existential crisis

2023-03-18T06:49+0100tribune (en)

KARACHI: Pakistan’s commercial capital, is facing an existential crisis due to the degradation of its marine ecosystem. The city’s Gizri creek has been turned into a housing settlement, leaving only one creek, Korangi. The city’s largest lagoon, “Obhayo,” has been shrunk to a polluted blackwater pond known as “Boat Basin.

Magnitude 4.3 earthquake jolts Fayzabad in Afghanistan

2023-03-18T06:17+0100indiatoday (en)

: An earthquake of magnitude 4.3 jolted Afghanistan early on Saturday. According to the National Center for Seismology, the earthquake tremors were felt 213 km east of Fayzabad at 6:51 am today. There were no reports of any damage to property or loss of lives due to the earthquake.

La ciudad de Cobquecura siente temblor de magnitud 3.8

2023-03-18T06:06+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 3.8 de magnitud se registró en la ciudad de Cobquecura , según datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora obtenida precisa que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 01:14 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. El epicentro del temblor fue a 73.0 kilómetros al Oeste de la ciudad , en -36.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en Huasco

2023-03-18T06:06+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de 2.7 de magnitud con epicentro a 49.0 kilómetros de la ciudad de Huasco. Información preliminar precisa que el temblor comenzó a las 01:19 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo y tuvo una profundidad de 31.0 kilómetros. La coordenadas del temblorse registraron a -71.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.7 de magnitud

2023-03-18T06:06+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Mina Collahuasi fue el epicentro de un temblor de 2.7 de magnitud que se registró a las 01:42 horas (hora local) de este sábado 18 de marzo. El temblor sucedió a 57.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 116.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur, registra temblor de magnitud 4.3

2023-03-18T06:06+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

3.6 magitude earthquake hits Assam’s Jorhat

2023-03-18T05:45+0100indiatoday (en)

: An earthquake measuring 3.6 on the Richter scale jolted Assam's Jorhat district on Saturday morning. Tremors were felt in the neighbouring regions, too. According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the 3.6 magnitude earthquake hit Jorhat at 9:03 am at a depth of 50 Km. ALSO READ | Magnitude 7.

Se registró un sismo de 4.6 en Atalaya, Ucayali

2023-03-18T05:10+0100infobae (es)

El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador , Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas y....

Sismológico registra sismo en San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur El sismo ocurrió a las 21:07 horas, a una distancia de 157 km de San José del Cabo y tuvo una profundidad de 16.2 km

2023-03-18T05:07+0100infobae (es)

Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el temblor ocurrió hoy a las 21:07 hora local (3:07 UTC), con un epicentro de 157 km al sureste de la ciudad del estado de Baja California Sur. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de....

Havana D´ Primera lanza “Team Asere”, un tema para el equipo Cuba del Clásico Mundial

2023-03-18T03:43+0100cubanet (es)

MIAMI, Estados Unidos. — La agrupación cubana Havana D’ Primera en colaboración con músicos de la isla lanzaron este viernes Team Asere , un tema dedicado al equipo Cuba que interviene en el quinto Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. La canción, que ya había sido anunciada en redes sociales por el....

Massive volcano eruption recorded from space, triggers West Coast tsunami warning – Fox News

2023-03-18T03:31+0100todayheadline (en)

In this satellite image taken by Himawari-8, a Japanese weather satellite, and released by the agency, shows an undersea volcano eruption at the Pacific nation of Tonga Saturday, Jan. 15, 2022. An undersea volcano erupted in spectacular fashion near the Pacific nation of Tonga on Saturday, sending....

San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur, registra temblor de magnitud 4.4 Información del Servicio Sismológico Nacional señala que al día se registran un promedio de 40 sismos en el país

2023-03-18T03:18+0100infobae (es)

El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 139 km al sureste de dicha localidad del estado de Baja California Sur, según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer....

Temblor de magnitud 4.3 con epicentro en La Cruz, Sinaloa

2023-03-18T03:06+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Temblor de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur Información del Servicio Sismológico Nacional señala que al día se registran un promedio de 40 temblores en el país

2023-03-18T02:48+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Temblor de 4.5 de magnitud con epicentro en San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur

2023-03-18T02:34+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Sismológico registra temblor en Tapachula, Chiapas

2023-03-18T02:21+0100infobae (es)

La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el sismo ocurrió hoy a las 18:36 hora local (0:36 UTC), con un epicentro de 32 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Chiapas. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres....

60% of city halls in quake-hit areas at risk of flooding not relocating

2023-03-17T22:45+0100japantoday (en)

More than 60 percent of municipalities in the northeastern prefectures of Iwate and Miyagi do not plan to relocate their city or town halls despite being designated as areas at risk of flooding in the event of a large-scale tsunami, a Kyodo News survey showed.

¿Cuál es la definición de un terremoto? Esta es la explicación completa y las causas.

2023-03-17T21:14+0100notiulti (es)

YAKARTA, DISWAY.ID – La definición de un terremoto es una vibración o choque que ocurre en la superficie de la tierra causado por la liberación repentina de energía desde debajo de la superficie del suelo, creando así ondas sísmicas. La causa de los terremotos que ocurren en el mundo se debe al....

Venezuela participará en simulacro internacional “Caribe Wave 2023”

2023-03-17T20:51+0100correodelorinoco (es)

La República Bolivariana de Venezuela participará junto a otros 44 países, en el simulacro internacional de tsunami “Caribe Wave 2023”, el cual se llevará a cabo el 23 de marzo, donde se tiene previsto contemplar acciones de prevención frente a un tsunami provocado por la erupción y el colapso del flanco volcánico del Monte Pelée en Martinica.

Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Pica

2023-03-17T20:35+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Pica fue el epicentro de un sismo de 2.8 de magnitud que se registró a las 16:11 horas (hora local) de este viernes 17 de marzo. El movimiento telúrico sucedió a 48.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 97.0 kilómetros , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Temblor en México: sismo con epicentro en Salina Cruz, Oaxaca Debido a su ubicación geográfica, México está continuamente expuesto a sufrir este tipo de eventos sísmicos

2023-03-17T19:50+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Venezuela participará en simulacro internacional de tsunami “Caribe Wave 2023”

2023-03-17T19:47+0100aporrea (es)

17 de marzo de 2023.- Venezuela participará junto a otros 44 países, en el simulacro internacional de tsunami “Caribe Wave 2023”, el cual se llevará a cabo el 23 de marzo, donde se tiene previsto contemplar acciones de prevención frente a un tsunami provocado por la erupción y el colapso del flanco volcánico del Monte Pelée en Martinica.

La toma de Lima la hizo Yaku

2023-03-17T18:43+0100ElComercio (es)

El último mapa de posible activación de quebradas es del 2016. Ya se sabe qué es lo que hay que hacer, no hay misterio ni magia. La incógnita mortal es entender por qué no se hace. Tratar de descifrar por qué en el Perú la prevención es una disciplina post mortem.

IGP registró un sismo de magnitud 3.5 en Caylloma, Arequipa

2023-03-17T18:21+0100infobae (es)

Perú se localiza en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los movimientos telúricos más fuertes del mundo. El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está....

Se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.0 en Pica

2023-03-17T18:07+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 3.0 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 87.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes de la ciudad chilena de Pica. El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -69.273 grados de longitud y -20.653 grados de latitud, es decir a 19.0 kilómetros al Sur de dicha población , de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

IGP registró un sismo de magnitud 4 en Casma, Áncash

2023-03-17T17:36+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un sismo de magnitud 4 este viernes 17 de marzo con epicentro en la ciudad de Casma, en la provincia de Casma del departamento de Áncash. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el movimiento....

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