M 6.6 in Antarctica on 21 Feb 2022 23:24 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 372
Articles about casualties: 51 (13.7%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

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Hace 26 minutos Terremoto de 6.2 en isla de Indonesia: deja 7 muertos y 82…

2022-02-25T23:02+0100zocalo (es)

Yakarta .- Las autoridades indonesias elevaron a siete los muertos y a 85 los heridos por el terremoto de magnitud 6,2 que sacudió este viernes la isla indonesia de Sumatra , una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informaron fuentes oficiales. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres (BNPB)....

Elevan a siete los muertos por el terremoto de 6,2 en lndonesia

2022-02-25T21:35+0100elnuevodiario-DO (es)

EL NUEVO DIARIO, YAKARTA.- Las autoridades indonesias elevaron a siete los muertos y a 85 los heridos por el terremoto de magnitud 6,2 que sacudió este viernes la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informaron fuentes oficiales.

(VIDEO)Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T21:35+0100elnuevodiario-DO (es)

EL NUEVO DIARIO, YAKARTA.- Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió este viernes el oeste de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del país, sin que las autoridades informasen inicialmente de daños o víctimas. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica....

A pesar de la magnitud del movimiento, no se reportaron alertas de Tsunami

2022-02-25T21:07+0100elmanana-mx (es)

Luego de sufrir un pequeño movimiento telúrico, un sismo de magnitud 6.2 dejó al menos 7 personas muertas y 85 personas heridas en Indonesia. El sismo ocurrió inmediatamente después de otro de menor escala, dando oportunidad a los habitantes de salir de sus casas para ponerse a salvo.

7 dead, dozens injured after strong earthquake shakes Indonesia World

2022-02-25T20:30+0100usaToday (en)

PASAMAN, Indonesia A strong and shallow earthquake shook Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, killing seven people and injuring 85, while causing panic on the island and in neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck about 41 miles north-northwest of Bukittinggi, a hilly....

Se elevan a siete los muertos por el terremoto de magnitud…

2022-02-25T20:23+0100elcarabobeno (es)

Las autoridades indonesias elevaron a siete los muertos y a 85 los heridos por el terremoto de magnitud 6,2 que sacudió este viernes la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informaron fuentes oficiales. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres (BNPB) indicó en un....

Indonésie: séisme de 6,2 au nord de Sumatra, au moins sept morts, 85 blessés

2022-02-25T20:20+0100tv5 (fr)

Au moins sept personnes sont mortes et 85 ont été blessées vendredi dans un séisme de magnitude 6,2 qui a secoué le nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, ont annoncé les autorités. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit quelques minutes après un séisme plus léger, qui a poussé les habitants apeurés à évacuer leurs maisons.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake kills 7 on Indonesia's Sumatra

2022-02-25T20:11+0100timesofindia (en)

hit off the coast of Indonesia 's Sumatra island on Friday, killing seven people and injuring 85, while causing panic on the island and in neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck about 66 kilometers (41 miles) north-northwest of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in West Sumatra province, according to the U.

Indonésie: séisme de 6,2 au nord de Sumatra, au moins sept morts, 85 blessés

2022-02-25T19:55+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Au moins sept personnes sont mortes et 85 ont été blessées vendredi dans un séisme de magnitude 6,2 qui a secoué le nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, ont annoncé les autorités. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit quelques minutes après un séisme plus léger, qui a poussé les habitants apeurés à évacuer leurs maisons.

Indonésie: séisme de 6,2 au nord de Sumatra, au moins sept morts, 85 blessés

2022-02-25T19:54+0100sciencesetavenir (fr)

Au moins sept personnes sont mortes et 85 ont été blessées vendredi dans un séisme de magnitude 6,2 qui a secoué le nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, ont annoncé les autorités. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit quelques minutes après un séisme plus léger, qui a poussé les habitants apeurés à évacuer leurs maisons.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake kills 7 on Indonesia’s Sumatra

2022-02-25T19:33+0100theepochtimes (en)

PASAMAN, —A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing seven people and injuring 85, while causing panic on the island and in neighboring Malaysia. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck about 66 kilometers (41 miles) north-northwest of Bukittinggi,....

Indonesia se ubica en el Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico, una zona de gran actividad sísmica y volcánica en el mundo. EFE / VANGUARDIA

2022-02-25T19:24+0100vanguardia-CO (es)

Las autoridades indonesias elevaron a siete los muertos y a 85 los heridos por el terremoto de magnitud 6,2 que sacudió este viernes la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informaron fuentes oficiales. Además: Un terremoto sacudió las aguas al sur de isla indonesia....

Ing. Collado regresa en Clásico Independencia; poolpote millonario en el V Centenario

2022-02-25T19:15+0100diariolibre (es)

El clásico Independencia Nacional se correrá el sábado 26 de febrero en el Hipódromo V Centenario , donde reaparecerá el ejemplar Ing. Collado que viene de representarnos en el clásico Internacional del Caribe, celebrado en diciembre pasado en el Hipódromo Camarero de Puerto Rico.

Indonesia's Sumatra island hit by magnitude 6.2 earthquake

2022-02-25T18:40+0100thehill (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake on Friday hit Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing seven people and injuring 85. The earthquake in the western region of Sumatra sent more than 5,000 people fleeing to temporary shelters from their homes, The Associated Press reported . At least two children were among those killed in the natural disaster.

Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections 2022: Aparna Yadav Claims BJP Tsunami in UP, Says ‘Yogi Adityanath Govt To Return to Power With Thumping Majority’

2022-02-25T18:32+0100latestly (en)

Ahead of the fifth phase of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, Bharatiya Janata Party leader Aparna Yadav on Friday claimed that a "tsunami" is blowing in BJP's favour and said that the party will return to power with a "thumping majority". Ayodhya, February 25: Ahead of the fifth phase of the....

Elevan a siete los muertos por el terremoto de 6,2 en lndonesia

2022-02-25T18:29+0100noticiassin (es)

Las autoridades indonesias, por su parte, advirtieron de posibles fuertes réplicas, como las ya registradas de magnitud 5 y 5,1, pero descartaron la posibilidad de un tsunami. YAKARTA.- Las autoridades indonesias elevaron a siete los muertos y a 85 los heridos por el terremoto de magnitud 6,2 que....

6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes off Sumatra

2022-02-25T17:47+0100manilatimes (en)

FIRST RESPONDERS Police officers help to evacuate patients after a magnitude 6.2 earthquake damaged a local hospital in West Pasaman, in Indonesia’s West Sumatra province on Friday, Feb. 25, 2022. AFP PHOTO. JAKARTA, Indonesia: A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra island on....

Un terremoto sacudió a isla de Sumatra: hay siete muertos y 85 heridos

2022-02-25T17:38+0100telam (es)

. El temblor se produjo minutos después de que se produjera otro de menor magnitud, que hizo que los residentes evacuaran sus casas. Al menos siete personas murieron y 85 resultaron heridas como consecuencia de un terremoto de 6,2 grados de magnitud que sacudió el norte de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, informaron las autoridades locales.

Proyectan instalar alrededor de mil sirenas de alerta de tsunami en zona costera de todo Chile

2022-02-25T17:21+0100agendasustentable (es)

Las alarmas consisten en postes de acero de 11 metros de altura que sirven de soporte a los elementos sonoros, la electrónica, comunicaciones y sistemas de energía que permiten funcionar a estos elementos de forma autónoma y ser gestionados de forma remota y redundada. Chile es un país sísmico.

MetMalaysia: N. Sumatra earthquake had minimal impact on Malaysia

2022-02-25T17:19+0100themalaymailonline (en)

MetMalaysia director-general Muhammad Helmi Abdullah said the department also detected two aftershocks following the strong quake. These aftershocks were detected by the Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency as of 4.50pm today, totalling 27 times. — Reuters pic.

Indonésie. Le séisme au nord de Sumatra a fait au moins sept morts et 85 blessés Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 survenu vendredi 25 février en Indonésie a provoqué de lourds dégâts et tué au moins sept personnes. Des... 25/02/22 15:45 (Ouest-France)

2022-02-25T17:17+0100maville (fr)

Cette mosquée de West Pasaman, en Indonésie, a été détruite par le séisme. © INDONESIAN RED CROSS HANDOUT / EPA/MAXPPP Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 survenu vendredi 25 février en Indonésie a provoqué de lourds dégâts et tué au moins sept personnes. Des glissements de terrain sont à craindre.

7 personas mueren tras terremoto de 6.2 ocurrido en la Isla de Sumatra

2022-02-25T17:06+0100nuevaya (es)

Al menos 7 personas murieron y 85 personas resultaron heridas por un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 6.2 que destruyó varias viviendas este viernes en la costa occidental de la Isla de Sumatra , en Indonesia. El epicentro del movimiento telúrico fue localizado a unos 12 kilómetros de profundidad y a....

Aparna Yadav claims BJP tsunami in UP, says Yogi govt to return to power with thumping majority

2022-02-25T17:05+0100aninews (en)

Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh) [India], February 25 (ANI): Ahead of the fifth phase of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections , Bharatiya Janata Party leader Aparna Yadav on Friday claimed that a "tsunami" is blowing in BJP's favour and said that the party will return to power with a "thumping majority".

Terremoto de 6,2 deja al menos siete muertos y 85 personas heridas en Indonesia

2022-02-25T17:05+0100elmostrado (es)

Las autoridades indonesias cifraron en -al menos- siete los muertos y a 85 los heridos por el terremoto de magnitud 6,2 que sacudió este viernes la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informaron fuentes oficiales. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres (BNPB)....

MetMalaysia: N. Sumatra earthquake had minimal impact on Malaysia

2022-02-25T16:57+0100malaymail (en)

MetMalaysia director-general Muhammad Helmi Abdullah said the department also detected two aftershocks following the strong quake. These aftershocks were detected by the Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency as of 4.50pm today, totalling 27 times. — Reuters pic.

N. Sumatra earthquake had minimal impact on M'sia - MetMalaysia

2022-02-25T16:41+0100bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 25 -- The impact of the 6.1-magnitude earthquake that hit northern Sumatra, Indonesia today had a minimal impact on Malaysia, according to the Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia) director-general Muhammad Helmi Abdullah. He said the department also detected two aftershocks following the strong quake.

Al menos seis muertos y 50 heridos por un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T16:37+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Al menos seis personas han muerto y 50 han resultado heridas tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter que ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG).

MetMalaysia: N. Sumatra earthquake had minimal impact on M'sia

2022-02-25T16:26+0100thestar-my (en)

KUALA LUMPUR: The impact of the 6.1-magnitude earthquake that hit northern Sumatra, Indonesia on Friday (Feb 25) had a minimal impact on Malaysia, according to the Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia) director-general Muhammad Helmi Abdullah. He said the department also detected two aftershocks following the strong quake.

Les yeux ouverts

2022-02-25T16:09+0100la-croix (fr)

Les invisibles de la société, dont il est régulièrement question ces temps-ci dans les débats de la campagne présidentielle , sont bien… visibles à qui veut leur prêter attention. C’est Emmanuelle Gascons, infirmière dans un village reculé du Tarn, qui le dit. Ou plutôt qui en fait l’expérience régulièrement.

Indonésie. Le séisme au nord de Sumatra a fait au moins sept morts et 85 blessés

2022-02-25T15:56+0100courrierdelouest (fr)

Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 survenu vendredi 25 février en Indonésie a provoqué de lourds dégâts et tué au moins sept personnes. Des glissements de terrain sont à craindre. Votre e-mail, avec votre consentement, est utilisé par Ouest-France pour recevoir notre newsletter.

Al menos dos muertos tras terremoto de 6,2 en Indonesia

2022-02-25T15:54+0100globovision (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra , una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres (BNPB) indicó que,....

Aumentan a siete los muertos por terremoto en Indonesia

2022-02-25T15:54+0100prensa-latina (es)

La BNPB indicó en un comunicado que tres personas murieron en la Regencia de Pasaman Occidental y cuatro en la de Pasaman, mientras que 10 de los 85 heridos se encuentran en estado grave. Los destrozos ocasionados por el sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, dificultaron la evacuación de al menos cinco mil residentes.

Ascienden a siete los fallecidos por sismo en Indonesia

2022-02-25T15:49+0100telesurtv (es)

La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres (BNPB) de Indonesia precisó este viernes que ascienden a siete los fallecidos y a 32 los heridos tras el terremoto de magnitud 6.2 que afectó este jueves la isla de Sumatra, perteneciente a ese archipiélago. LEA TAMBIÉN: Inicialmente la Agencia de....

Reportan al menos 7 muertos por sismo de 6.2 en Indonesia Global | 08:05 hrs.

2022-02-25T15:40+0100excelsior (es)

Global Reportan al menos 7 muertos por sismo de 6.2 en Indonesia. El temblor se produjo minutos después de otro más pequeño, que hizo que los residentes evacuaran sus casas. Algunas imágenes muestran casas parcialmente derrumbadas en la ciudad de Pasaman, cerca del epicentro, con ladrillos cayendo al suelo y muros destruidos.

AMP2.- Indonesia.- Al menos seis muertos y 50 heridos por un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T15:32+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 25 Feb. (EUROPA PRESS) - Al menos seis personas han muerto y 50 han resultado heridas tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter que ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG).

TeamTNT: Cryptocriminals Target Linux Servers, Kubernetes

2022-02-25T15:31+0100cybersecurityventures (en)

London – Feb. 25, 2022. The TeamTNT cybercriminal enterprise is actively striking Linux systems and Kubernetes builds in cryptojacking campaigns. Active since at least 2019, TeamTNT is considered something of an “anomaly” by cybersecurity researchers The group is vocal on Twitter and interacts....

Au moins 7 personnes tuées et des dizaines blessées lors d’un séisme de magnitude 6,2 à Sumatra en Indonésie

2022-02-25T15:31+0100news-24 (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,0 a été suivi d’un tremblement de terre bien pire de magnitude 6,2 sur l’île indonésienne de Sumatra. Jusqu’à présent, sept personnes sont mortes et 85 ont été blessées à West Pasaman et Pasaman, et au moins 5 000 personnes ont été évacuées.

Al menos siete personas murieron y 85 resultaron heridas el viernes en un terremoto de 6,2 grados de magnitud que sacudió el norte de la...

2022-02-25T15:29+0100metrolibre (es)

Al menos siete personas murieron y 85 resultaron heridas el viernes en un terremoto de 6,2 grados de magnitud que sacudió el norte de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, indicaron las autoridades. El temblor se produjo minutos después de otro más pequeño, que hizo que los residentes evacuaran sus casas.

Al menos seis muertos y 50 heridos por un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T15:25+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos seis personas han muerto y 50 han resultado heridas tras un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter que ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG).

Indonesia: Deadly 6.2-magnitude quake hits Sumatra

2022-02-25T15:21+0100frontline (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on February 25, leaving at least two people dead. "For now we have information that two people died and 20 others were injured," Suharyanto, the chief of the National Disaster Management Agency told the media.

Asia Al menos siete muertos tras sismo en Indonesia La mayoría de las víctimas son residentes de los distritos de Pasaman y Pasaman Occidental, a unos 20 kilómetros del epicentro

2022-02-25T15:17+0100ntn24 (es)

Al menos siete personas murieron y 85 resultaron heridas el viernes en un terremoto de 6,2 grados de magnitud que sacudió el norte de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, indicaron las autoridades. El temblor se produjo minutos después de otro más pequeño, que hizo que los residentes evacuaran sus casas.

Indonesia: varios muertos tras terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla de Sumatra

2022-02-25T15:17+0100notiulti (es)

Un terremoto fuerte y superficial frente a la costa de la isla de Sumatra en Indonesia ha matado a siete personas e hirió a otras 85. El sismo de magnitud 6,2 se produjo el viernes a unos 66 kilómetros al norte de la ciudad de Bukittinggi, según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos.

Al menos siete muertos por terremoto en Indonesia

2022-02-25T15:12+0100teleamazonas (es)

Al menos siete personas murieron y 85 resultaron heridas el viernes en un terremoto de 6,2 grados de magnitud que sacudió el norte de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, indicaron las autoridades. El temblor se produjo minutos después de otro más pequeño, que hizo que los residentes evacuaran sus casas.

Sustainability, Vol. 14, Pages 2726: Tsunami Hazard Zone and Multiple Scenarios of Tsunami Evacuation Route at Jetis Beach, Cilacap Regency, Indonesia

2022-02-25T14:54+0100mdpi (en)

The 2006 tsunami, throughout the Pangandaran to Cilacap Coast, resulted in 802 deaths and 1623 houses being destroyed. At Jetis beach, Cilacap Regency, 12 people died, and hundreds of houses were damaged. This area is a tourism destination, visited by hundreds of people per week.

Los prefabricados para refugiados: del tsunami de Sri Lanka a acoger a los ucranianos que huyen de la guerra

2022-02-25T14:54+0100abc-Andalucia (es)

Módulos prefabricados instalados en Villa de Vallecas para los solicitantes de asilo - Isabel Permuy Los prefabricados para refugiados: del tsunami de Sri Lanka a acoger a los ucranianos que huyen de la guerra El centro, instalado en Villa de Vallecas (Madrid), tiene capacidad para 300 personas y....

The earthquake sent more than 5,000 people fleeing their homes.

2022-02-25T14:53+0100euronews-en (en)

People inspect a damaged mosque in Pasaman, West Sumatra. Copyright AP Photo/Marsulai A strong and shallow earthquake off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island has killed seven people and injured another 85. The 6.2 magnitude quake struck on Friday, around 66 kilometres north of the town of Bukittinggi, according to the US Geological Survey.

Seven dead after 6.2 magnitude earthquake off Indonesian coast

2022-02-25T14:51+0100theargus (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing seven people and injuring 85, and causing panic on the island and in neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck about 41 miles north-north-west of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in....

Séisme en Indonésie: le bilan grimpe à 7 morts sur l’île de Sumatra

2022-02-25T14:47+0100arcinfo (fr)

Au moins sept personnes sont mortes et 85 ont été blessées vendredi dans un séisme de magnitude 6,2 qui a secoué le nord de l’île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, ont annoncé les autorités. Le tremblement de terre s’est produit quelques minutes après un séisme plus léger, qui a poussé les habitants apeurés à évacuer leurs maisons.

Indonésie : un séisme de 6,2 au nord de Sumatra fait au moins sept morts et 85 blessés

2022-02-25T14:46+0100ladepeche (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit au nord de l'île de Sumatra en Indonésie, vendredi 25 février, quelques minutes après un séisme plus léger, qui a poussé les habitants apeurés à évacuer leurs maisons. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 1 h 35 à une profondeur de 12....

Al menos siete muertos en un sismo en Indonesia

2022-02-25T14:43+0100tvn-2 (es)

Al menos siete personas murieron y 85 resultaron heridas el viernes en un terremoto de 6,2 grados de magnitud que sacudió el norte de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, indicaron las autoridades. El temblor se produjo minutos después de otro más pequeño, que hizo que los residentes evacuaran sus casas.

Sismo de 6.2 en Sumatra, Indonesia, deja siete muertos y 85 heridos

2022-02-25T14:40+0100debate (es)

Yakarta.- Las autoridades indonesias elevaron a siete los muertos y a 85 los heridos por el sismo de magnitud 6,2 que sacudió este viernes la isla indonesia de Sumatra , una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informaron fuentes oficiales. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres (BNPB) indicó....

6.2 magnitude earthquake kills 7, injures more in west Sumatra, Indonesia

2022-02-25T14:38+0100stvincenttimes (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing 7 people and injuring 85, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Seven dead as 6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesian coast

2022-02-25T14:36+0100standard (en)

Friday’s magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck about 41 miles north-north-west of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in West Sumatra province, according to the US Geological Survey . It occurred about 7.4 miles below the Earth’s surface. At least four people, including two children, were killed in Pasaman district....

Seven dead after 6.2 magnitude earthquake off Indonesian coast

2022-02-25T14:33+0100thecourier (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing seven people and injuring 85, and causing panic on the island and in neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck about 41 miles north-north-west of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in....

Aumentan a cuatro los muertos por terremoto en Indonesia

2022-02-25T14:23+0100prensa-latina (es)

El Centro de Salud Pública local dijo en un comunicado que entre los cuatro fallecidos hay un niño. Según la Agencia de Desastres de Indonesia, las autoridades evalúan actualmente el alcance de los daños a las instalaciones educativas y viviendas en el distrito de Pasaman Barat.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,2 deja al menos siete personas fallecidas en Indonesia

2022-02-25T14:23+0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Indonesia se asienta sobre el llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico, una zona de gran actividad sísmica y volcánica en la que cada año se registran unos 7.000 sismos. AP. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 se registró este viernes en Indonesia, cuyo epicentro se desarrolló en la isla de Sumatra.

Al menos dos muertos tras terremoto de 6,2 en Indonesia

2022-02-25T14:22+0100laverdad-VE (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes 25 de febrero de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres (BNPB)....

Terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude a Indonesia

2022-02-25T14:20+0100diarioeltiempo (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió este viernes el oeste de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del país, sin que las autoridades informasen inicialmente de daños o víctimas. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica mundial, situó el hipocentro....

Seven dead after 6.2 magnitude earthquake off Indonesian coast

2022-02-25T14:16+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing seven people and injuring 85, and causing panic on the island and in neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck about 41 miles north-north-west of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in....

Seven dead after 6.2 magnitude earthquake off Indonesian coast

2022-02-25T14:14+0100irishexaminer (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing seven people and injuring 85, and causing panic on the island and in neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck about 41 miles north-north-west of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in....

Seven dead after 6.2 magnitude earthquake off Indonesian coast

2022-02-25T14:08+0100heraldscotland (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island, killing seven people and injuring 85, and causing panic on the island and in neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck about 41 miles north-north-west of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in....

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake kills 7 on Indonesia's Sumatra

2022-02-25T14:04+0100whig (en)

A man walks past a damaged house following an earthquake in Talamau, in West Pasaman district, West Sumatra, Indonesia, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022. The strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore.

Sismo de magnitud 6,2 deja dos muertos en Sumatra

2022-02-25T14:01+0100elaragueno (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres (BNPB) indicó que,....

Seven dead after 6.2 magnitude earthquake off Indonesian coast

2022-02-25T13:56+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing seven people and injuring 85, and causing panic on the island and in neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck about 41 miles north-north-west of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in....

Seven dead after 6.2 magnitude earthquake off Indonesian coast

2022-02-25T13:54+0100impartialreporter (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing seven people and injuring 85, and causing panic on the island and in neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck about 41 miles north-north-west of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in....

Damage and deaths reported after 6.2 magnitude quake off Indonesia coast

2022-02-25T13:52+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

25 February 2022, 12:14 Indonesia Earthquake. Picture: PA People in neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore also reportedly felt the tremors. A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing two people and injuring 20.

Damage and deaths reported after 6.2 magnitude quake off Indonesia coast

2022-02-25T13:46+0100pressandjournal (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing two people and injuring 20. The quake also damaged buildings and caused panic among people in Sumatra as well as neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake had a 6.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,2 golpea Indonesia a poca profundidad

2022-02-25T13:43+0100diariolibre (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 golpeó el viernes por la mañana el norte de la isla de Sumatra, en Indonesia, indicó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), aunque no hay informaciones de daños personales o materiales. El sismo impactó el norte de la isla a una profundidad de 12 kilómetros (7,5....

Damage and deaths reported after 6.2 magnitude quake off Indonesia coast

2022-02-25T13:41+0100independent-ie (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing two people and injuring 20. T he quake also damaged buildings and caused panic among people in Sumatra as well as neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake had a 6.

Indonésie Un séisme fait au moins sept morts et 85 blessés

2022-02-25T13:41+0100lapresse-CA (fr)

Le tremblement de terre s’est produit quelques minutes après un séisme plus léger, qui a poussé les habitants apeurés à évacuer leurs maisons. « Nous avons tous fui nos maisons [après le premier séisme] », a raconté à l’AFP Prama Agustino, qui a évacué son domicile dans la panique avec son bébé âgé d’un an.

Isla de Sumatra Al menos siete muertos tras terremoto de 6.2 grados de magnitud en Indonesia

2022-02-25T13:41+0100ellitoral (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió este viernes el norte de la isla de Sumatra, en Indonesia, indicó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), aunque no se difundió hasta el momento información sobre víctimas o daños materiales. El sismo impactó el norte de la isla a una profundidad de 12....

Damage and deaths reported after 6.2 magnitude quake off Indonesia coast

2022-02-25T13:33+0100thecourier (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing two people and injuring 20. The quake also damaged buildings and caused panic among people in Sumatra as well as neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake had a 6.

Damage and deaths reported after 6.2 magnitude quake off Indonesia coast

2022-02-25T13:33+0100yourlocalguardian (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing two people and injuring 20. The quake also damaged buildings and caused panic among people in Sumatra as well as neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake had a 6.

Aumentan a siete las víctimas mortales tras terremoto de 6,2 en lndonesia

2022-02-25T13:29+0100rcnradio (es)

Los destrozos ocasionados por el sismo, han dificultado la evacuación de al menos 5.000 residentes, incluidos escuelas y edificios. Las autoridades indonesias elevaron a siete los muertos y a 85 los heridos por el terremoto de magnitud 6,2 que sacudió este viernes la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una....

Damage and deaths reported after 6.2 magnitude quake off Indonesia coast

2022-02-25T13:26+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing two people and injuring 20. The quake also damaged buildings and caused panic among people in Sumatra as well as neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake had a 6.

Indonésie : l’île de Sumatra secouée par un séisme de magnitude 6,2

2022-02-25T13:23+0100linfo (fr)

Pas d’alerte au tsunami. Ce vendredi matin, le nord de l’île de Sumatra, en , a été touché par un séisme de magnitude 6,2. D’après l’Institut sismologique américain, la secousse s’est produite vers 8h35, à une profondeur de 12 km et à 70 km de la ville de Bukittingi.

Terremoto 6,2 deja al menos siete muertos en Indonesia

2022-02-25T13:13+0100biobiochile (es)

Al menos siete muertos y 85 heridos dejó como saldo un terremoto de 6,2 ocurrido la jornada de este viernes en Indonesia. Las autoridades indonesias cifraron en -al menos- siete los muertos y a 85 los heridos por el terremoto de magnitud 6,2 que sacudió este viernes la isla indonesia de Sumatra ,....

Strong Earthquake Jolts Western Indonesia; 4 Killed, Over 20 Injured less than an hour ago The tremors did not potentially trigger any tsunami, according to the agency.

2022-02-25T13:08+0100weather-en-IN (en)

At least four people were killed and more than 20 wounded due to a 6.1 magnitude quake in Indonesia's western province of West Sumatra on Friday. The earthquake has destroyed over 10,000 buildings and houses, a local official said. Earlier the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency issued a report saying the quake measured 6.

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia's Sumatra, 7 dead. Details here

2022-02-25T13:00+0100livemint (en)

The quake hit the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles), about 70 km from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Agustino's hometown in Agam district is another 40 km from Bukittinggi. "I noticed there was an earthquake because my kids' toys fell over.

13:06 Internationale - Séisme de magnitude 6,2 au nord de Sumatra

2022-02-25T12:48+0100nna-fr (fr)

ANI - Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit, vendredi 25 février, au nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 8h35 à 12 km de profondeur et à 70 km de la ville de Bukittingi, située dans la province de Sumatra occidentale, a annoncé l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS).

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Sumatra island

2022-02-25T12:39+0100manilastandard-ph (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island’s north at a depth of 12 kilometers (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometers from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Indonesia: All clear after 7.3 quake, tsunami warning

2022-02-25T12:16+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

The quake was felt as far away as the city of Makassar in South Silawesi, far north of the epicenter; staff evacuated government buildings in the coastal city as a precaution. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center cautioned of "hazardous waves" after a 7.

Al menos 2 personas muertas en el terremoto de Sumatra Occidental – Archipiélago

2022-02-25T12:15+0100notiulti (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 golpeó tierra adentro cerca de la costa occidental de Sumatra el viernes, matando al menos a dos personas y provocando temblores que se sintieron en los vecinos Singapur y Malasia, dijeron funcionarios y testigos. El sismo, que no tenía potencial para causar un tsunami,....

Indonésie : séisme de magnitude 6,2 au nord de Sumatra

2022-02-25T12:11+0100laprovence (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit vendredi au nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, a annoncé l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS). Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 01H35 GMT à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi, située dans la province de Sumatra occidentale, a précisé l'USGS.

Earthquake in Sumatera sends Malaysians into a state of panic

2022-02-25T12:07+0100bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 25 -- A strong earthquake in Sumatera today sent tremors across several states in Peninsular Malaysia causing dizziness and panic among Malaysians. The earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale was felt by most residents in Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Putrajaya, Melaka, Penang....

Earthquake in Sumatera send Malaysians into a state of panic

2022-02-25T12:05+0100thesundaily (en)

KUALA LUMPUR : A strong earthquake in Sumatera today sent tremors across several states in Peninsular Malaysia causing dizziness and panic among Malaysians. The earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale was felt by most residents in Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Putrajaya, Melaka, Penang and Johor....

Two dead after earthquake hits Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T12:03+0100thejournal (en)

AT LEAST TWO people have died after a 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia’s Sumatra island. The quake came just minutes after a less violent tremor as residents had begun evacuating their houses. The quake hit the island’s north at a depth of 12 kilometres, about 70 kilometres from the town of....

Sismo de 6,2 en Indonesia deja un saldo parcial de dos muertos y 20 heridos

2022-02-25T12:00+0100rcnradio (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 más resultaron heridas tras un sismo de 6,2 grados en la isla de Sumatra en Indonesia. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres (BNPB) explicó que se mantienen labores de verificación de afectaciones tras la emergencia.

West Pasaman experienced 15 aftershocks following 6.1-magnitude quake

2022-02-25T11:59+0100antaranews-en (en)

The worst areas that suffered damage are Nagari Kajai in Talamau and Nagari Kinali Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported until 10:06 a.m. local time at least 15 aftershocks following the 6.1-magnitude earthquake, 17 km northeast of the West Pasaman region, West Sumatra.

Magnitude 6.1 earthquake in West Sumatra caused by Sumatran Fault

2022-02-25T11:59+0100antaranews-en (en)

Map of the 6.1 magnitude earthquake that hit Pasaman District, West Sumatra Province, on February 25, 2022. (ANTARA/HO-Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency/uyu) The source mechanism analysis shows that the earthquake has a strike-slip mechanism. Jakarta (ANTARA) - The 6.

4 killed, over 20 injured as strong quake hits western Indonesia

2022-02-25T11:41+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

JAKARTA, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- Four people were killed and more than 20 others wounded as a revised 6.1 magnitude quake destroyed over 10,000 buildings and houses in Indonesia's western province of West Sumatra on Friday, a local official said. Earlier the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency issued a report saying the quake measured 6.

12:35 Indonésie Séisme de magnitude 6,2 au nord de Sumatra

2022-02-25T11:38+0100lorientlejour (fr)

Au moins deux personnes sont mortes vendredi dans un séisme de magnitude 6,2 au nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, ont annoncé les autorités. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit quelques minutes après un séisme plus léger, qui a poussé les habitants apeurés à évacuer leurs maisons.

Asia · South SumatraIndonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra 39% Right coverage: 26 sourcesJAKARTA - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage.

2022-02-25T11:33+0100ground-news (en)

6.2 earthquake kills 2, injures more in west Indonesia. The earthquake measured 6.2 magnitude and struck about 66 kilometres north-northwest of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in West Sumatra province. It struck about 12 kilometres below the Earth's surface.

Dos muertos y una veintena de heridos por sismo en Indonesia

2022-02-25T11:21+0100prensa-latina (es)

La Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia indicó que el epicentro del seísmo se localizó 17 kilómetros al noreste de la provincia de Pasaman Occidental, a 10 kilómetros de profundidad. El jefe de la Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres, Suharyanto, informó que la cifra de....

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T11:05+0100mb-com-ph (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia – A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island’s north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometres from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Powerful earthquake strikes Indonesia’s Sumatra island

2022-02-25T10:53+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

JAKARTA (AFP): A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island’s north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometres from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

At least 2 dead after 6.2-magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia’s Sumatra island

2022-02-25T10:32+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

A strong and shallow hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing 2 people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

6.2 earthquake kills 2, injures more in west Indonesia

2022-02-25T10:24+0100phys (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, killing 2 people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Deadly 6.1 magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesian coast

2022-02-25T10:14+0100metro-uk (en)

A strong earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island (AFP/Getty Images; Google/Xinhua/REX/Shutterstock) A strong earthquake has hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, killing two people and injuring 20. The 6.1 magnitude quake, which did not have the potential to cause a....

Two killed as 6.2 magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia

2022-02-25T10:07+0100radio-pk (en)

In Indonesia, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck the western coast of country's Sumatra Island today (Friday) killing two persons and injuring dozens others. The country's Disaster Management and Mitigation Agency tweeted that the earthquake's epicentre was on land and has no tsunami potential.

En Indonesia, se registra terremoto de magnitud 6.2; edificios se agrietaron

2022-02-25T09:50+0100milenio (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6.2 golpeó el viernes el norte de la isla de Sumatra, Indonesia , indicó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en ingles), aunque no hay informaciones de daños personales o materiales. El sismo impactó el norte de la isla a una profundidad de 12....

6.2 Earthquake Kills 2, Injures More in West Indonesia

2022-02-25T09:46+0100aawsat (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing two people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Terremoto in Indonesia: trema l’isola di Sumatra, ci sono vittime

2022-02-25T09:39+0100interris (it)

Trema l’isola di Sumatra, in Indonesia. L’Indonesia è uno Stato del sud-est asiatico. Composto da 17.508 isole è il più grande Stato-arcipelago del mondo e con più di 275 milioni di abitanti è il quarto Paese più popoloso. Sumatra è la terza isola più grande dell’arcipelago Indonesiano. Ha oltre 50 milioni di abitanti.

Two killed as magnitude 6.1 quake rattles Indonesia's Sumatra island32min

2022-02-25T09:36+0100presstv-ir (en)

A 6.1-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia’s western province of Sumatra early on Friday, killing at least two people and injuring several others. The quake, which was reportedly not powerful enough to trigger a tsunami alert, was reported at around 8:39 am local time (01:39 GMT), with an epicenter....

6.2 earthquake kills 2, injures more in west Indonesia

2022-02-25T09:26+0100vindy (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing 2 people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Séisme de magnitude 6,1 au large de l'Indonésie, deux morts

2022-02-25T09:25+0100boursier-fr (fr)

DJAKARTA (Reuters) - Un séisme de magnitude 6,1 est survenu vendredi au large de l'île indonésienne de Soumatra, faisant au moins deux morts et provoquant des secousses ressenties jusqu'à Singapour et en Malaisie, ont rapporté les autorités et des témoins.

Séisme de magnitude 6,2 au Nord de Sumatra (Indonésie) : 2 morts

2022-02-25T09:25+0100catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit vendredi au nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, a annoncé l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS). Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 1h35 GMT à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de....

Séisme de magnitude 6,1 au large de l'Indonésie, deux morts

2022-02-25T09:25+0100challenges (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,1 est survenu vendredi au large de l'île indonésienne de Soumatra, faisant au moins deux morts et provoquant des secousses ressenties jusqu'à Singapour et en Malaisie, ont rapporté les autorités et des témoins. /Photo prise le 25 février 2022/Antara Foto/Iggo El Fitra/via REUTERS.

6.2 earthquake kills 2, injures more in west Indonesia

2022-02-25T09:20+0100expressindia (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing 2 people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

At least 2 dead after 6.2-magnitude earthquake hits…

2022-02-25T09:06+0100vervetimes (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing 2 people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Weak quake with 4.9 magnitude hits North Sumatera: MeTMalaysia

2022-02-25T09:04+0100thesundaily (en)

KUALA LUMPUR : A weak earthquake with a magnitude of 4.9 on the Richter scale hit northern Sumatera at 12.02 pm this afternoon following a strong earthquake in the same region this morning. The Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia) in a statement said the quake with a depth of 10....

Indonésie : un séisme de magnitude 6,2 enregistré au nord de Sumatra

2022-02-25T08:41+0100sudouest (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s’est produit vendredi au nord de l’île de Sumatra , en Indonésie, a annoncé l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS). Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 2 h 35, heure française, à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi, a précisé l’USGS.

Al menos 2 muertos tras terremoto de 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T08:32+0100holanews (es)

INDONESIA TERREMOTO. Bangkok, 25 feb (EFE).- Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales.

Indonésie : deux morts au moins dans un séisme de magnitude 6,2 au nord de Sumatra

2022-02-25T08:30+0100rtbf (fr)

Au moins deux morts sont à déplorer dans le séisme de magnitude 6,2 qui s'est produit vendredi au nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 02H35 HB à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi, située dans la province de....

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake hits Indonesia, shaking buildings ...

2022-02-25T08:26+0100thetimes-za (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit Pasaman Barat regency in Indonesia’s West Sumatra province on Friday, killing at least two residents and hurt 20 others. Image: Bloomberg. A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit Pasaman Barat regency in Indonesia’s west Sumatra province on Friday, killing at least two residents and hurt 20 others.

Indonesia, almeno due morti nel terremoto di magnitudo 6,2

2022-02-25T08:22+0100laregione (it)

Il terremoto ha colpito alle 3:35 del mattino (ora svizzera) a una profondità di 12 chilometri e a 70 chilometri dalla città di Bukittingi, nella provincia di West Sumatra, ha detto l’Istituto sismologico americano (USGS). Le autorità locali dicono che almeno due persone sono morte e circa 20 ferite.

Séisme en Indonésie: au moins 2 morts sur l’île de Sumatra

2022-02-25T08:17+0100arcinfo (fr)

Au moins deux morts sont à déplorer dans le séisme de magnitude 6,2 qui s’est produit vendredi au nord de l’île de Sumatra, en Indonésie. Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 03h35 (suisse) à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi, située dans la province de....

6.2 earthquake kills 2, injures more in west Indonesia

2022-02-25T08:16+0100yahoo-sg (en)

People wait outside after evacuating a market following an earthquake in Pekanbaru, Indonesia, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022. A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore.

Al menos dos muertos y 20 heridos en un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T08:14+0100europapress (es)

MADRID, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos dos personas han muerto y 20 han resultado heridas en un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter que ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG).

Al menos dos personas fallecidas tras un terremoto de magnitud 6.2 en Indonesia

2022-02-25T08:10+0100adnradio (es)

Las autoridades de Indonesia informan que al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y otras 20 resultaron heridas luego de que se produjera un terremoto de magnitud 6.2. El epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó en la isla de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago asiático.

Strong and shallow M6.2 earthquake, numerous aftershocks hit West Sumatra, Indonesia

2022-02-25T08:07+0100watchers (en)

The epicenter was located 67 km (42 miles) NNW of Bukittinggi (population 98 746), 77 km (48 miles) NW of Payakumbuh (population 121 572), and 134 km (84 miles) NNW of Padang (population 840 352), West Sumatra, Indonesia. 6 000 people are estimated to have felt very strong shaking, 199 0000 strong, 1 560 000 moderate, and 8 969 000 light.

Deux morts au moins dans un séisme de magnitude 6,2 au nord de Sumatra, en Indonésie

2022-02-25T08:03+0100laprovince (fr)

Au moins deux morts sont à déplorer dans le séisme de magnitude 6,2 qui s’est produit vendredi au nord de l’île de Sumatra, en Indonésie. Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 02H35 HB à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi, située dans la province de....

Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:56+0100diarioCordoba (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:55+0100diarioInformacion (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:52+0100laopinioncoruna (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

Indonesia hit by an earthquake measuring 6.1 on the…

2022-02-25T07:50+0100whatsnew2day (en)

Indonesia has been hit by an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale, killing two people, damaging buildings and creating panic in the streets An earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale has struck off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra; Two people have been killed and 20....

World News | 6.2 Earthquake Kills 2, Injures More in West Indonesia

2022-02-25T07:46+0100latestly (en)

Padang (Indonesia), Feb 25 (AP) A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, killing 2 people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Indonésie : un séisme de magnitude 6,2 enregistré au nord de Sumatra

2022-02-25T07:45+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit, vendredi 25 février, au nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, a annoncé l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS). Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 8h35 à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi, située dans la province de Sumatra occidentale, a précisé l'USGS.

Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:44+0100DiarioDeMallorca (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

Buildings Shake in Singapore, Malaysia as 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Indonesia

2022-02-25T07:42+0100ibtimes-sg (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 6.2 magnitudes on Richter Scale jolted West Sumatra province in Indonesia on Friday. The quake shook the buildings in nearby Singapore and Malaysia. Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) said that the quake hit at 8:39 a.m.

07:20 Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:38+0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

6 Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:38+0100elperiodicodearagon (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

6.2 earthquake kills 2, injures more in west Indonesia

2022-02-25T07:35+0100independent-UK (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing 2 people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring and The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:35+0100levante-emv (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:35+0100laopiniondezamora (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

Al menos dos muertos y 20 heridos en un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T07:33+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Al menos dos personas han muerto y 20 han resultado heridas en un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter que ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG).

Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:33+0100laprovincia (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:33+0100lanuevaespana (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

06:20 Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:32+0100eldia (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

6.2 magnitude earthquake near Sumatra No Tsunami threat to Sri Lanka 59 minute ago - 0 - 234 The Disaster Management Centre today said there is no threat to Sri Lanka following a 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck near the western coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island today.

2022-02-25T07:31+0100dailymirror (en)

The Disaster Management Centre today said there is no threat to Sri Lanka following a 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island today. They said no tsunami threat was issued to Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, according to foreign media reports, Indonesia's BMKG....

Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:29+0100laopiniondemurcia (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

Indonesia struck by a 6.1 magnitude earthquake killing two people and damaging buildings

2022-02-25T07:25+0100dailymail (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia ´s Sumatra island on Friday, killing 2 people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighbouring The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

L’Indonésie secouée par un séisme de magnitude 6,2

2022-02-25T07:25+0100news-24 (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 a frappé vendredi près de la côte ouest de l’île indonésienne de Sumatra, endommageant des maisons, blessant plusieurs personnes et secouant des bâtiments à Singapour et en Malaisie voisins. Le tremblement de terre, qui a frappé à 8h39, heure locale, s’est....

Un terremoto de 6,2 en Sumatra deja al menos 2 fallecidos

2022-02-25T07:25+0100diariodeibiza (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. El sismo, que también se sintió en la vecina Singapur, obligó a....

Al menos dos muertos y 20 heridos en un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T07:25+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos dos personas han muerto y 20 han resultado heridas en un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter que ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG).

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 touche Sumatra

2022-02-25T07:23+0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s’est produit vendredi au nord de l’île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, a annoncé l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS). Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 1h35 GMT (2h35, heure de Luxembourg) à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de....

Manuel Carrasco: "Mi fuerza se basa en hacer buenas canciones, no en ser el más guapo o el más ocurrente"

2022-02-25T07:23+010020minutos (es)

Cumple dos décadas de carrera -justo la mitad de su vida- y sigue haciendo música que llega directamente al corazón. Pero hay algo que ha cambiado en Manuel Carrasco . No es su forma de contar historias. Tampoco su particular estilo, sencillo y en el que la palabra adquiere un significado mayúsculo.

At least 2 dead after 6.2-magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia’s Sumatra island 37 mins

2022-02-25T07:22+0100cknw (en)

A strong and shallow hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing 2 people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Indonesia.- Al menos dos muertos y 20 heridos en un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T07:19+0100noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos dos personas han muerto y 20 han resultado heridas en un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter que ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG).

Deadly 6.2-magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia's Sumatra A strong, shallow earthquake rattled the Indonesian island of Sumatra, killing at least two people. Several others are reported to be injured.

2022-02-25T07:17+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, leaving at least two people dead. "For now we have information that two people died and 20 others were injured," Suharyanto, the chief of the National Disaster Management Agency told the media.

6.2 earthquake kills 2, injures more in west Indonesia

2022-02-25T07:16+0100TorontoStar (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing 2 people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

AMP.- Indonesia.- Al menos dos muertos y 20 heridos en un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T07:16+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 25 Feb. (EUROPA PRESS) - Al menos dos personas han muerto y 20 han resultado heridas en un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter que ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG).

6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T07:13+0100urdupoint (en)

Jakarta, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Feb, 2022 ) :A 6.2-magnitude 's Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, sending residents fleeing their homes. The quake hit to the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres, 70 kms from the town of Bukittingi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Dos muertos por sismo de magnitud 6,2 en Sumatra, Indonesia

2022-02-25T07:13+0100notiulti (es)

Emitido el: 25/02/2022 – 06:30. Padang (Indonesia) (AFP) – Al menos dos personas murieron cuando un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió la isla de Sumatra en Indonesia el viernes, y los residentes trasladaron a sus seres queridos a un lugar seguro mientras los edificios se derrumbaban a su alrededor.

Indonesia shaken by 6.2 magnitude earthquake

2022-02-25T07:08+0100foxnews (en)

A magnitude 6.2 struck near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra Island on Friday, damaging homes, injuring several people, and shaking buildings in neighboring Singapore and Malaysia. The quake, which struck at 8:39 a.m. local time, was on land at a depth of 10 km (6.

Al menos dos muertos tras terremoto de 6,2 en Indonesia

2022-02-25T07:05+0100deutschewelle-es (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes (25.02.2022) de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres (BNPB)....

6.2 earthquake kills 2, injures more in west Indonesia

2022-02-25T07:04+0100startribune (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.2 magnitude and struck about 66 kilometers (41 miles) north-northwest of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in West Sumatra province. It struck about 12 kilometers (7.4 miles) below the Earth's surface. Suharyanto, head of the National Disaster....

At least 2 dead after 6.2-magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia’s Sumatra island

2022-02-25T07:03+0100globalnews (en)

A strong and shallow hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing 2 people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

6.2 quake shakes part of west Indonesia, no casualties

2022-02-25T07:01+0100taiwannews (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, panicking people in some parts of the island and in neighboring countries Malaysia and Singapore, causing damage to houses and buildings, but no casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Earthquake measuring 6.2 kills at least two, injures more in west Indonesia February 25 Updated

2022-02-25T07:01+0100theglobeandmail (en)

A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, killing two people and injuring 20, damaging buildings and panicking people in Sumatra island and neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Indonésie : un séisme de magnitude 6,2 au nord de Sumatra détruit des maisons

2022-02-25T07:01+0100rtbf (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit vendredi au nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, a annoncé l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS). Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 02H35 HB à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi, située dans la province de Sumatra occidental, a précisé l'USGS.

Paura in Indonesia, forte terremoto scuote Sumatra [DATI]

2022-02-25T06:58+0100meteoweb (it)

Forte scossa di terremoto in Indonesia La Sala Sismica INGV-Roma ha rilevato un evento magnitudo Mwp 6.0 , avvenuto sull’isola di Sumatra alle 02:39:30 ora italiana (09:39:30 ora locale), ad una profondità di 20 km. Non è stato emesso alcun allarme tsunami e non sono state fino ad ora segnalate vittime o danni.

Caritas Tonga: 'Cenere dappertutto, acqua potabile l'emergenza più immediata'

2022-02-25T06:55+0100asianews (en)

Sidney (AsiaNews) - One week on from the eruption of an undersea volcano in the Oceanian archipelagoTonga - which set off a tsunami, rain of ashes and enormous damage on January 15 - Caritas Tonga has managed to send its partners in Oceania first reports on the situation.

25/02/2022 Two dead as 6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia's Sumatra

2022-02-25T06:51+0100rfi-en (en)

The quake came just minutes after a less violent tremor as terrified residents had begun evacuating their houses. "We all fled our home (after the first quake)," Yudi Prama Agustino, 36, told AFP. "I have a one-year-old baby, so in panic I pushed the stroller out of the house." The quake hit the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.

6.2-magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia's Sumatra

2022-02-25T06:50+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, damaging buildings and panicking people. There were no immediate reports of injuries or deaths resulting from the quake, spokesman for the provincial government Jasman Rijal said. No tsunami warning was issued.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T06:50+0100noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG). El terremoto se ha producido a las 8.

Indonesia earthquake: Country ‘on alert’ after powerful 6.2-magnitude quake felt as far away as Singapore

2022-02-25T06:47+0100yahoo-sg (en)

A handout photo made available by the Pasaman regional Board for Disaster Management (BPBD) shows a damaged house affected by the 6.2 magnitude earthquake in Pasaman, West Sumatra, Indonesia, 25 February 2022. (EPA) An earthquake of 6.2 magnitude struck Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday morning,....

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T06:47+0100yahoo-sg (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometres from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

6.2-magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia's Sumatra A strong, shallow earthquake rattled the Indonesian island of Sumatra, damaging several buildings. No injuries have been reported so far.

2022-02-25T06:46+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, damaging buildings and panicking people. There were no immediate reports of injuries or deaths resulting from the quake, spokesman for the provincial government Jasman Rijal said. No tsunami warning was issued.

West Sumatra earthquake felt in Singapore, Malaysia

2022-02-25T06:44+0100JakartaPost (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km (6.

Al menos 2 muertos tras terremoto de 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T06:44+0100latribuna (es)

Al menos dos personas perdieron la vida y 20 resultaron heridas a raíz de la sacudida este viernes de un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del archipiélago, informan fuentes oficiales. La Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres (BNPB) indicó que,....

Indonesia hit by 6.2 magnitude earthquake

2022-02-25T06:39+0100adaderana (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake has struck near the western coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island. There was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage, the country’s geophysics agency BMKG said. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10km, was felt as far away as Singapore and Malaysia....

Terremoto de magnitud 6.2 golpea Indonesia Global | 21:14 hrs.

2022-02-25T06:36+0100excelsior (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6.2 golpeó el viernes por la mañana el norte de la isla de Sumatra, en Indonesia, excluyó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), aunque no hay informaciones de daños personales o materiales. El sismo impactó el norte de la isla a una profundidad de 12 kilómetros....

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T06:35+0100enca (en)

JAKARTA - A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometres from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Injuries, damage reported in 6.2 quake in west Indonesia

2022-02-25T06:34+0100startribune (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.2 magnitude and struck about 66 kilometers (41 miles) north-northwest of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in West Sumatra province. It struck about 12 kilometers (7.4 miles) below the Earth's surface. Dwikorita Karnawati, head of Indonesia's....

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T06:33+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG). El terremoto se ha producido a las 8.

6.2-magnitude quake strikes Indonesia's Sumatra island -- USGS

2022-02-25T06:30+0100manilatimes (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometers (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometers from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Indonésie: séisme de magnitude 6,2 au nord de Sumatra

2022-02-25T06:23+0100clicanoo (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit vendredi au nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, a annoncé l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS). Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 01H35 GMT à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi, située dans la province de Sumatra occidentale, a précisé l'USGS.

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T06:22+0100brecorder (en)

JAKARTA: A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometres from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Indonésie. Séisme de magnitude 6,2 au nord de Sumatra

2022-02-25T06:19+0100maville (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s'est produit vendredi au nord de l'île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, a annoncé l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS). Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 01H35 GMT à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi, située dans la province de Sumatra occidentale, a précisé l'USGS.

Injuries, damage reported in 6.2 quake in west Indonesia

2022-02-25T06:16+0100TorontoStar (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — A strong, shallow earthquake off Indonesia’s coast Friday panicked people in Sumatra island and neighboring Malaysia and Singapore, damaged buildings and injured several people. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Indonesia ‘on alert’ after powerful 6.2-magnitude earthquake

2022-02-25T06:16+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

The authorities nonetheless said that there was no risk of a tsunami, or immediate reports of major damage. Residents in Pasaman Barat, about 17 km from the epicentre, reported that evacuations had to be carried out. One witness told MetroTV that patients in a hospital were evacuated from the building, reported Reuters.

West Sumatra hit with 6.2-magnitude earthquake with jolts reportedly felt in Malaysia, Singapore

2022-02-25T06:16+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck the West Pasaman Regency of West Sumatra Province this morning, with tremors reportedly felt in neighboring countries. Indonesia’s Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that the quake’s epicenter was 17 kilometers northeast of West Pasaman,....

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Sumatra island in Indonesia

2022-02-25T06:11+0100newagebd (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Sumatra island in Indonesia on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island’s north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometres from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra

2022-02-25T06:11+0100torontosun (en)

The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km, was felt as far away as Singapore and Malaysia and strongly in the nearby cities of Padang in West Sumatra province and in Pekanbaru in Riau Province, witnesses said. “We continue to monitor and advise people to remain on alert,” Dwikorita Karnawati, the head of BMKG, told MetroTV.

Magnitude 6.2 quake hits Indonesia's Sumatra island -geophysics agency

2022-02-25T06:08+01004-traders (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), the country's geophysics agency BMKG said. The earthquake's epicentre was on land and had no tsunami potential, the agency said via a message on Twitter.

Strong quake hits western Indonesia, killing at least 2

2022-02-25T06:08+0100chinadailyhk (en)

This picture shows a damaged house after a 6.2 magnitude earthquake in Kajai village, West Pasaman on Feb 25, 2022. (IDENVI SUSANTO / AFP) JAKARTA - At least two people were killed and dozens of others wounded as a 6.2-magnitude hit Indonesia 's western province of West Sumatra on Friday, an official said.

6.2 quake shakes part of west Indonesia, no casualties

2022-02-25T06:02+0100startribune (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.2 magnitude and struck about 66 kilometers (41 miles) north-northwest of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in West Sumatra province. It struck about 12 kilometers (7.4 miles) below the Earth's surface. Dwikorita Karnawati, head of Indonesia's....

6.2 quake shakes part of west Indonesia, no casualties

2022-02-25T06:00+0100whig (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, panicking people in some parts of the island and in neighboring countries Malaysia and Singapore, causing damage to houses and buildings, but no casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia’s Sumatra island

2022-02-25T05:58+0100capitalfm (en)

Jakarta (AFP), Feb 25 – A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island’s north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometres from the town of....

Indonesia stay on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra

2022-02-25T05:54+0100thefinancialexpress (en)

. Published: February 25, 2022 09:40:38 A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage, Reuters reports. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km (6.

6.2 quake shakes part of west Indonesia, no casualties

2022-02-25T05:53+0100sfgate (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, panicking people in some parts of the island and in neighboring countries Malaysia and Singapore, causing damage to houses and buildings, but no casualties were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T05:46+0100bssnews (en)

JAKARTA, Feb 25, 2022 (BSS/AFP) - A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.

MIL-OSI Asia-Pac: Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra

2022-02-25T05:46+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), was felt as far away as Singapore and Malaysia and strongly in the nearby cities of Padang in West Sumatra province and in Pekanbaru in Riau Province, witnesses said.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T05:45+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 25 Feb. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG). El terremoto se ha producido a las 8.

Indonesia earthquake: Country ‘on alert’ after powerful 6.2-magnitude quake felt as far away as Singapore

2022-02-25T05:33+0100independent-UK (en)

The authorities nonetheless said that there was no risk of a tsunami, or immediate reports of major damage. Residents in Pasaman Barat, about 17 km from the epicentre, reported that evacuations had to be carried out. One witness told MetroTV that patients in a hospital were evacuated from the building, reported Reuters.

6.2-magnitude Earthquake Strikes Indonesia's Sumatra Island

2022-02-25T05:31+0100ibtimes (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometres from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Indonesia: terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 a Sumatra

2022-02-25T05:30+0100agenzianova (it)

Giacarta, 25 feb 05:05 - (Agenzia Nova) - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 ha colpito oggi la costa occidentale dell'Isola di Sumatra. Lo ha reso noto l'agenzia di geofisica di quel Paese (Bmkg), secondo cui il sisma non ha causato danni ingenti e non ha innescato il rischio di uno tsunami.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T05:27+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este jueves la isla indonesia de Sumatra, causando daños en viviendas y otros edificios, según la Agencia de Meteorología, Geofísica y Climatología de Indonesia (BMKG). El terremoto se ha producido a las 8.

Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra

2022-02-25T05:24+0100wam-en (en)

Fri 25-02-2022 08:08 AM Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra JAKARTA, 25th February, 2022 (WAM/Reuters) -- A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage.

News 6.2 Magnitude Earthquake Jolts Indonesia's Sumatra Island, Tremors Also Felt In Singapore

2022-02-25T05:21+0100india (en)

Jakarta: A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s northern Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, sending residents fleeing from their homes. The quake hit to the island’s north at a depth of 12 kilometers, 70 kms from the town of Bukittingi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra Reuters |Updated 7 minutes ago |1 min read JAKARTA (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage.

2022-02-25T05:18+0100thechronicleherald (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km (6.

Indonesia: terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude la isla de Sumatra sin causar víctimas

2022-02-25T05:18+0100diariocorreo (es)

El terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió la provincia de Sumatra Occidental en Indonesia. (Foto: EFE/EPA/BPBD PASAMAN/HO) Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió este viernes el oeste de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del país, sin que las autoridades informasen inicialmente de daños o víctimas.

Indonesia hit by 6.2 magnitude earthquake

2022-02-25T05:17+0100illawarramercury (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake has struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island. There was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10km, was felt as far away as Singapore and....

Magnitude 6.2 quake hits Indonesia's Sumatra island, tremors felt in S'pore

2022-02-25T05:15+0100tnp-sg (en)

JAKARTA - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday (Feb 25) at a depth of 10km, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said. The earthquake's epicentre was on land and had no tsunami potential, the agency said via a message on Twitter.

M 6.2 Terremoto sacude Pasaman West West Sumatra, se sintió en Riau

2022-02-25T05:11+0100notiulti (es)

Riau. magnitud (M) 6.2 ocurrió en West Pasaman, Sumatra Occidental (Presumir). El terremoto no tenía potencial para provocar un tsunami, se sintió hasta Riau. “No hay potencial para un tsunami”, escribió el BMKG en su cuenta oficial de Twitter, @infoBMKG, el viernes (25/2/2022). El terremoto ocurrió a las 08.

Magnitude 6.2 quake hits Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T05:08+0100channelnewsasia (en)

JAKARTA : A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday (Feb 25), at a depth of 10 km, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said. The earthquake's epicentre was on land and had no tsunami potential, the agency said via a message on Twitter.

Indonesia hit by 6.2 magnitude earthquake

2022-02-25T05:04+0100bordermail (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake has struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island. There was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10km, was felt as far away as Singapore and....

Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra – SABC News

2022-02-25T04:59+0100dailymaverick (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquakes truck the near the western coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, the country’s geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km, was felt as far away as....

Earthquake measuring 6.2 magnitude strikes off Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T04:58+0100themalaymailonline (en)

. JAKARTA, Feb 25 ― A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra island today, the United States Geological Survey said, sending residents fleeing from their homes. The quake hit to the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres, 70kms from the town of Bukittingi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Indonesia hit by 6.2 magnitude earthquake

2022-02-25T04:58+0100yahoo-au (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake has struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island. There was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10km, was felt as far away as Singapore and....

Indonesia: terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude la isla de Sumatra sin causar daños ni víctimas

2022-02-25T04:55+0100peru21 (es)

El terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió la provincia de Sumatra Occidental en Indonesia. (Foto: EFE/EPA/BPBD PASAMAN/HO) Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió este viernes el oeste de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del país, sin que las autoridades informasen inicialmente de daños o víctimas.

25/02/2022 6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T04:52+0100rfi-en (en)

The quake hit the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometres from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS. No tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of serious damage, but the quake was felt in the neighbouring....

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia’s Sumatra island

2022-02-25T04:52+0100digitaljournal (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, with residents sent fleeing from their homes. The quake hit the island’s north at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 miles), about 70 kilometres from the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra JAKARTA (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics age... 46m ago

2022-02-25T04:48+0100kelo (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) – A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, the country’s geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km (6.

L’Indonésie en état d’alerte après un séisme de magnitude 6,2 à Sumatra

2022-02-25T04:47+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

JAKARTA, 25 février (Reuters) – Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 a frappé vendredi près de la côte ouest de l’île indonésienne de Sumatra, a annoncé l’agence de géophysique du pays BMKG, bien qu’il n’y ait aucun risque de tsunami ni de signalement immédiat de dégâts majeurs.

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T04:38+0100teleamazonas (es)

. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió este viernes el oeste de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del país, sin que las autoridades informasen inicialmente de daños o víctimas. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica mundial, situó el....

Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra

2022-02-25T04:37+0100bdnews24 (en)

The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), was felt as far away as Singapore and Malaysia and strongly in the nearby cities of Padang in West Sumatra province and in Pekanbaru in Riau Province, witnesses said. "We continue to monitor and advise people to remain on alert," Dwikorita Karnawati, the head of BMKG, told MetroTV.

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesia’s Sumatra island

2022-02-25T04:34+0100khaleejtimes (en)

Indonesia sits on the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, causing it to experience frequent earthquakes A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, sending residents fleeing from their homes.

6.1-magnitude Indonesia quake tremors felt in Malaysia

2022-02-25T04:34+0100themalaysianinsight (en)

Office workers in a high-rise building in Kuala Lumpur rush out to the streets upon feeling the tremblors of a 6.1-magnitude earthquake that struck North Sumatera this morning. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Seth Akmal, February 25, 2022. TREMORS from an earthquake in North Sumatra, Indonesia were....

Earthquake measuring 6.2 magnitude strikes off Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T04:33+0100malaymail (en)

. JAKARTA, Feb 25 ― A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra island today, the United States Geological Survey said, sending residents fleeing from their homes. The quake hit to the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres, 70kms from the town of Bukittingi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Malaysians report feeling tremors after 6.2 magnitude quake in Sumatera

2022-02-25T04:33+0100malaymail (en)

. Tremors from the earthquake which struck West Sumatera were reportedly felt in parts of Klang Valley this morning. — Picture via Facebook. Follow us on and subscribe to our channel for the latest updates. KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 25 — Malaysians online reported feeling tremors here, after a 6.

6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesia’s Sumatra island

2022-02-25T04:32+0100thesundaily (en)

JAKARTA : A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, sending residents fleeing from their homes. The quake hit to the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres, 70 kms from the town of Bukittingi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

6.2 quake shakes part of west Indonesia, no damage known yet

2022-02-25T04:31+0100startribune (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.2 magnitude and struck about 66 kilometers (41 miles) north northwest of Bukittinggi, a hilly town in West Sumatra province. It struck about 12 kilometers (7.4 miles) below the Earth's surface. Dwikorita Karnawati, head of Indonesia's....

6.2-magnitude earthquake hits northern Sumatra

2022-02-25T04:30+0100BangkokPost (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's northern Sumatra island on Friday morning, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or structural damage. The quake hit to the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres, 70 kms from the town of Bukittingi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes off West Sumatra

2022-02-25T04:30+0100JakartaPost (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, sending residents fleeing from their homes. The quake hit to the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres, 70 kms from the town of Bukittingi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

Indonésie: Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 touche l’île de Sumatra

2022-02-25T04:25+010024heures (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s’est produit vendredi au nord de l’île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, a annoncé l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS). Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 01h35 GMT (02h35, heure suisse) à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi,....

Terremoto de magnitud 6,2 golpea Indonesia a poca profundidad

2022-02-25T04:25+0100ElComercio (es)

Indonesia se asienta sobre el llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico, una zona de gran actividad sísmica y volcánica en la que cada año se registran unos 7.000 terremotos, la mayoría moderados Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió este viernes el oeste de la isla de Sumatra , una de las más pobladas....

Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra

2022-02-25T04:24+0100thestar-my (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km (6.

Indonésie: Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 touche l’île de Sumatra

2022-02-25T04:24+0100tdg (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s’est produit vendredi au nord de l’île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, a annoncé l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS). Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 01h35 GMT (02h35, heure suisse) à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi,....

Terremoto de magnitud 6,2 golpea Indonesia y Malasia

2022-02-25T04:24+0100larepublica-pe (es)

El sismo se registró al oeste de la isla de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas de Indonesia. Sismo de magnitud 6.2 se registra en Indonesia. Foto. CNN Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió este viernes el oeste de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del país, sin que las autoridades informasen inicialmente de daños o víctimas.

6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T04:23+0100gmanews (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, sending residents fleeing from their homes. The quake hit to the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometers, 70 kms from the town of Bukittingi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

6.2 quake shakes part of west Indonesia, no damage known yet

2022-02-25T04:21+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia — A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, panicking people in some parts of the island, but no injuries or serious damage were reported immediately. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra JAKARTA (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics age... 17m ago

2022-02-25T04:21+0100wsau (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) – A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, the country’s geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km (6.

25 February 2022 - Strong Earthquake in Utara Sumatra, Indonesia at 09.39 am

2022-02-25T04:21+0100met-my (en)

JABATAN METEOROLOGI MALAYSIA KEMENTERIAN ALAM SEKITAR DAN AIR JALAN SULTAN Telefon : 603-7967 8000 46667 PETALING JAYA Faksimili : 603-7957 8052 SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN E-mel : seismo@met.gov.my MALAYSIA Laman Web : www.met.gov.my JMM/POCGN(O)/BK-23B Ruj. Kami: JMM.APL15/756/22/07 Jld.

6.2 quake shakes part of west Indonesia, no damage known yet

2022-02-25T04:21+0100ABCnews (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, panicking people in some parts of the island, but no injuries or serious damage were reported immediately. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Sismo de magnitud 6,2 remece el oeste de Indonesia

2022-02-25T04:21+0100sandiegouniontribune (es)

YAKARTA, Indonesia — Un fuerte terremoto sacudió el viernes la costa de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, sembrando el pánico entre la población de algunas zonas de la isla, pero sin que se reportaran heridos ni daños graves hasta el momento. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos dijo que el terremoto....

IndonésieUn séisme de magnitude 6,2 touche l’île de Sumatra Aucune alerte au tsunami n’a été lancée après et aucune victime ni dégât n’ont été signalés dans un premier temps 0 0 0

2022-02-25T04:19+0100lematin-CH (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 s’est produit vendredi au nord de l’île de Sumatra, en Indonésie, a annoncé l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS). Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 01h35 GMT (02h35, heure suisse) à une profondeur de 12 kilomètres et à 70 kilomètres de la ville de Bukittingi,....

Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra

2022-02-25T04:17+0100saltwire (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km (6.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,2 golpea Indonesia a poca profundidad

2022-02-25T04:17+0100tvn-2 (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 golpeó el viernes por la mañana el norte de la isla de Sumatra, en Indonesia, indicó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), aunque no hay informaciones de daños personales o materiales. El sismo impactó el norte de la isla a una profundidad de 12 kilómetros....

6.2 quake shakes part of west Indonesia, no damage known yet

2022-02-25T04:16+0100TorontoStar (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A strong and shallow earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Friday, panicking people in some parts of the island, but no injuries or serious damage were reported immediately. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake measured 6.

Tree plantation drive

2022-02-25T04:12+0100dawn (en)

ANOTHER spring and monsoon tree plantation drive has kicked off in a number of cities in continuation of the federal government’s flagship 10 Billion Tree Tsunami project. Since its launch in September 2018, the project has made some progress and won international recognition.

6.2-magnitude hits Indonesia's Sumatra island

2022-02-25T04:08+0100HindustanTimes (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 struck near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said. The earthquake's epicentre was on land and had no tsunami potential, the agency said on Twitter. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the seismic event occurred at 7.

6.2 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Indonesia's Sumatra Island

2022-02-25T03:59+0100barrons (en)

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said, sending residents fleeing from their homes. The quake hit to the island's north at a depth of 12 kilometres, 70 kms from the town of Bukittingi in West Sumatra province, according to USGS.

UPDATE 1-Indonesia on alert after magnitude 6.2 quake hits Sumatra

2022-02-25T03:55+0100en-finance-yahoo (en)

(Adds geophysics agency comment, witnesses) JAKARTA, Feb 25 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, though there was no risk of a tsunami or immediate reports of major damage. The quake, which was on land at a depth of 10 km (6.

Magnitude 6.2 quake hits Indonesia's Sumatra island, tremors felt in S'pore

2022-02-25T03:43+0100straitstimesSG (en)

JAKARTA (REUTERS) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday (Feb 25) at a depth of 10km, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said. The earthquake's epicentre was on land and had no tsunami potential, the agency said via a message on Twitter.

Western Sumatra hit by earthquake, tremors felt in Malaysia

2022-02-25T03:38+0100thestar-my (en)

PETALING JAYA: A 6.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in west Sumatra at 8.39am local time (9.39am in Malaysia) on Friday (Feb 25), says Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG Indonesia). The agency said the epicentre of the quake is 17km south-east of Palaman in Sumatra.

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacude la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2022-02-25T03:33+0100elnuevodiario-DO (es)

EL NUEVO DIARIO, YAKARTA.- Un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió este viernes el oeste de la isla indonesia de Sumatra, una de las más pobladas del país; sin que las autoridades informasen inicialmente de daños o víctimas. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos que registra la actividad sísmica....

Malaysians report feeling tremors after 6.2 magnitude quake in Sumatera

2022-02-25T03:27+0100themalaymailonline (en)

. People gather outside an office building as they are evacuated following an earthquake in Jakarta January 14, 2022. — Reuters pic. Follow us on and subscribe to our channel for the latest updates. KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 25 — Malaysians online reported feeling tremors here, after a 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit West Sumatera this morning around 9.

Bendito sea, el Betis surfea sobre un tsunami positivo (0-0)

2022-02-24T23:56+0100diariodesevilla (es)

El Betis se ha montado en una ola positiva, casi un tsunami, que lo conduce a los objetivos. Los verdiblancos están en un estado de gracia en el que nada, absolutamente nada, les puede salir mal y eso también tiene muchísimo mérito. Su clasificación para los octavos de final fue más que merecida,....

Caribe Wave, simulacro ante posible tsunami, se realizará próximo 10 de marzo

2022-02-24T23:12+0100acento (es)

La Oficina Nacional de Meteorología ( Onamet ) anuncia que el próximo 10 de marzo a las 10:00 a.m . de la mañana , la República Dominicana junto a otros países del Caribe, participará en el ejercicio denominado Caribe Wave. Ese ejercicio será un simulacro de tsunami que servirá para evaluar a nivel....

Se registra un temblor de 4.2 en el sur de la Isla

2022-02-24T22:53+0100elvocero (es)

PRELIMINAR: 24/febrero/2022 04:48:38 PM Mag: 4.22 Ml, Prof: 1 Km , Sentido: Int. Máx IV en Ponce, PR No hay Aviso, Advertencia o Vigilancia de tsunami para Puerto Rico e Islas Vírgenes Emitido: 2022-02-24 16:53:39 (GMT-4) https://t.co/8slpgtF0ef — Red Sísmica de PR (@redsismica) February 24, 2022 No....

Ucraina: Swascan, dopo attacco cyber tsunami di dati del Paese in vendita su dark web

2022-02-24T17:59+0100borsaitaliana (it)

Lo dichiara Iezzi, ad del polo italiano di cybersicurezza (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus) - Milano, 24 feb - 'Contemporaneamente alla diffusione della notizia dell'invasione militare russa dell'Ucraina i criminal hacker non sono rimasti inattivi e hanno messo all'asta piu' di 5 Tera Byte di dati estrapolati da vari enti governativi ucraini'.

La météorite qui a tué les dinosaures serait tombée au printemps (article Premium)

2022-02-24T17:17+0100lefigaro (fr)

Illustration d’un gros astéroïde entrant en collision avec la Terre sur la péninsule du Yucatan, au Mexique. On pense que cet impact est responsable de la disparition des dinosaures, il y a environ 65 millions d’années. MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRA/Science Photo Library via AFP.

Ucraina, 5 terabyte di dati governativi finiscono in vendita sul web, Iezzi (Swascan): "tsunami di file in vendita"

2022-02-24T16:53+0100adnkronos (it)

Un attacco hacker all'Ucraina è stato sferrato in concomitanza con le operazioni militari e migliaia di dati sensibili di enti governativi, apprende l'Adnkronos, sono finiti in offerta nel dark web: "Contemporaneamente alla diffusione della notizia dell’invasione militare russa dell’Ucraina rende....

‘No estamos a favor de ninguna guerra’, dice AMLO; mexicanos en Ucrania están bien: Ebrard

2022-02-24T16:46+0100animalpolitico (es)

México no está a favor de ninguna guerra , sino por la solución pacífica y el diálogo, afirmó el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, luego de que Rusia inició una en Ucrania. “Nos vamos a seguir conduciendo, que haya diálogo, que no se utilice la fuerza, que no haya invasión.

Johnson acusa a Putin de crear un «maremoto de violencia» y amenaza con hacer que Rusia «se tambalee»

2022-02-24T15:34+0100caretas (es)

MADRID, 24 Feb. (EUROPA PRESS) – El primer ministro de Reino Unido, Boris Johnson, ha acusado este jueves al presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, de crear un «maremoto de violencia» en Ucrania con su invasión y ha amenazado con hacer que el país «se tambalee» mediante la imposición de sanciones.

Boris Johnson acusó a Putin de crear un "maremoto de violencia" y expresó su apoyo al gobierno ucraniano

2022-02-24T14:39+0100radioagricultura (es)

El primer ministro de Reino Unido Boris Johnson , acusó este jueves al presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin , de crear un “ maremoto de violencia ” en Ucrania con su invasión y amenazó con hacer que el país “se tambalee” mediante la imposición de sanciones.

Johnson acusa a Putin de crear un "maremoto de violencia" y amenaza con hacer que Rusia "se tambalee"

2022-02-24T14:04+0100teleprensa (es)

Asegura que la comunidad internacional no puede "mirar para otro lado" y condena la invasión: "Nuestros peores miedos se han cumplido" MADRID, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) El primer ministro de Reino Unido, Boris Johnson, ha acusado este jueves al presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, de crear un "maremoto de....

Johnson acusa a Putin de crear un "maremoto de violencia" y amenaza con hacer que Rusia "se tambalee"

2022-02-24T13:56+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

Asegura que la comunidad internacional no puede "mirar para otro lado" y condena la invasión: "Nuestros peores miedos se han cumplido" MADRID, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) El primer ministro de Reino Unido, Boris Johnson, ha acusado este jueves al presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, de crear un "maremoto de....

Water, Vol. 14, Pages 715: Morphology Recovery and Convergence of Topographic Evolution in the Natori River Mouth after the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami

2022-02-24T10:43+0100mdpi (en)

The 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami caused significant damage along the coastal region in Miyagi Prefecture. In the Natori River of Miyagi Prefecture, the recovery process of the estuarine morphology has been observed since the tsunami arrived.

Undersea cables

2022-02-24T10:10+0100wn (en)

Some experienced roles, like lead software engineers, commanded average increases up to 32% during the period, NodeFlair and found.& ; TRENDING STORIESSee 10 p Russia-Ukraine crisis ... giants announced plans last year for several undersea cable projects to link and the wider region to the It will....

Piste longue : « C’est plus contraignant avec l’apparition du volcan sous-marin, mais c’est faisable »

2022-02-24T08:00+0100mayottehebdo (fr)

Dans son quatrième dossier de présentation, la direction générale de l’aviation civile revient sur la prise en compte des risques naturels. Sans surprise, l’éruption récente du volcan sous-marin complique quelque peu la construction de la piste longue.

Uncertain future for islanders who survived Tongan eruption

2022-02-24T04:45+0100whig (en)

CORRECTS ID OF A PERSON AT RIGHT - Survivors Sulaki Kafoika, left, and Sione Vailea pose for a photo in Nukuʻalofa, Tonga on Feb. 22, 2022. Kafoika and Havea were on Mango Island in Tonga, one of the closest islands to the Jan. 15 volcanic eruption that was so huge it echoed around the world.

5 weeks after a deadly volcanic eruption, Tonga successfully replaced 56 miles of undersea cable to restore the country's internet

2022-02-24T00:21+0100businessinsider-fr (en)

After five weeks without internet, the Kingdom of Tonga has successfully replaced 56 miles of undersea cable severed last month during a volcanic eruption, . At least three people died in a tsunami caused by the eruption. Tonga's submarine fiber-optic cable system connects the main island to Fiji,....

5 weeks after a deadly volcanic eruption, Tonga successfully replaced 56 miles of undersea cable to restore the country's internet

2022-02-23T20:30+0100markets-businessinsider (en)

After five weeks without internet, the Kingdom of Tonga has successfully replaced 56 miles of undersea cable severed last month during a volcanic eruption, . At least three people died in a tsunami caused by the eruption. Tonga's submarine fiber-optic cable system connects the main island to Fiji,....

5 weeks after a deadly volcanic eruption, Tonga successfully replaced 56 miles of undersea cable to restore the country's internet

2022-02-23T20:25+0100businessinsider-it (en)

After five weeks without internet, the Kingdom of Tonga has successfully replaced 56 miles of undersea cable severed last month during a volcanic eruption, . At least three people died in a tsunami caused by the eruption. Tonga's submarine fiber-optic cable system connects the main island to Fiji,....

risque inondation

2022-02-23T19:41+0100futura-sciences (fr)

Avec le réchauffement climatique, les événements météorologiques extrêmes ont tendance à se multiplier et à s’intensifier. Y compris sur la France. Et... De nouvelles projections évaluent l’élévation du niveau de la mer d’ici 2050 pour les villes côtières des États-Unis. Elles indiquent une hausse du niveau.

Miércoles 23 Febrero, 2022 | 13:47 A 12 años del 27/F: Piñera visitaría Talcahuano para conmemorar aniversario del terremoto y tsunami

2022-02-23T17:53+0100biobiochile (es)

Actividades en el borde costero de Talcahuano y en Asmar, serían parte de la agenda del Presidente Sebastián Piñera en su visita a la región del Bío Bío, en el marco de la conmemoración de los 12 años tras el terremoto y tsunami del 27/F. En ese contexto, está contemplado que el domingo se realice....

ONEMI realizó consulta ciudadana sobre identificación de amenazas y preparación ante emergencias

2022-02-23T16:51+0100onemi (es)

28/01/2022 | 12:07 | Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana, Lib. Gral Bernardo O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble, Biobío, Araucanía, Los Ríos, Los Lagos, Aysén del Gral Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, Magallanes y La Antártica Chilena. La consulta ciudadana es uno de los instrumentos establecidos en la ley 20.

Ci sono volute 5 settimane per riportare internet a Tonga

2022-02-23T16:10+0100giornalettismo (it)

23/02/2022 di Redazione Chi non utilizza internet ogni giorno, tante ore al giorno? E se non potessi accedere ad Internet per un lungo periodo, come ti sentiresti? Questo è quello che è successo agli abitanti di Tonga che, oltre a dover fare i conti con gli effetti di un’eruzione vulcanica....

Internet service restored to Tonga five weeks after volcanic eruption, tsunami NBC News

2022-02-23T15:52+0100msn-nl (en)

Tonga is back online and communications have been restored five weeks after a massive volcanic eruption and tsunami severed an underwater cable, cutting the island off from global reach.

In piazza i lavoratori della telefonia: “Tim unisce, Tim non si divide”

2022-02-23T15:42+0100Quotidianodibari (it)

Ogni giorno più affollate le piazze di tutta Italia: lavoratrici e lavoratori pugliesi di Tim con lo slogan “Tim unisce e non divide” sciopereranno quest’oggi, a partire dalle dieci in punto a Bari in piazza Prefettura, contro le ipotesi di scorporo della rete, per l’unicità dell’azienda, a difesa della tenuta occupazionale.

Internet service restored to Tonga five weeks after volcanic eruption, tsunami

2022-02-23T15:30+0100nbcnews (en)

Tonga is back online and communications have been restored five weeks after a massive volcanic eruption and tsunami severed an underwater cable, cutting the island off from global reach. Feb. 23, 2022 Internet service restored to Tonga five weeks after volcanic eruption, tsunami 00:30; ....

Internet connection

2022-02-23T12:53+0100wn (en)

The (PCSCL) has implemented e-classrooms across its 123 civic schools, but neglected to ensure internet connectivity making teachers either teach via limited internet connectivity from their cellphones, through private internet connection or through the downloaded offline teaching material.

Un tremblement de terre “invisible” a provoqué un énorme tsunami en 2021, selon un nouvel algorithme.

2022-02-23T11:41+0100mlactu (fr)

En août 2021, un séisme “invisible” a déclenché un tsunami de grande ampleur qui s’est développé dans les océans Atlantique Nord, Pacifique et Indien. Une nouvelle étude, dirigée par Zhe Jia, sismologue à l’Institut de technologie de Californie, révèle des détails importants sur cet événement qui....

Tsunami su Credit Suisse: perché il colosso elvetico trema

2022-02-23T11:07+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 23 febbraio 2022) Credit Suisse travolta da scandali e crisi è in una fase delicata. Ma è prematuro parlare di una Lehmann Brothers europea. Ultime Notizie dalla rete : Tsunami Credit ...Esposito Se non è uno tsunami manca davvero poco. Tremano gli investitori, quelli italiani non sono pochi.

The 9 at 9: Wednesday

2022-02-23T10:30+0100thejournal (en)

Updated 33 minutes ago. GOOD MORNING. Here’s all the news that you need to know as you start your day. 1. #TAOISEACH: In our lead story this morning Stephen McDermott reports that Taoiseach Micheál Martin has suggested that his own party’s councillors should not have voted against a number of local....

Pakistan to plant over 540 million trees in three months

2022-02-23T10:11+0100dailynews-lk (en)

PAKISTAN: Pakistan’s Minister for Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam said that the country has set a target of planting over 540 million trees during the current spring season of the year for dealing with environmental problems. Nationwide spring tree plantation campaign from February to April will be....

Le Diamant, l'épave de la zone interdite

2022-02-23T10:10+0100nationalgeographic-fr (fr)

L'histoire commence par une fraîche journée à Lisbonne - le vendredi 7 mars 1533, pour être exact - lorsque les grands naus de la flotte des Indes descendent majestueusement le Tage et se jettent dans l'Atlantique, drapeaux flottant au vent. C'était la fierté du Portugal, les navettes spatiales de....

Así fue el 'tsunami' que tumbó a Pablo Casado: "Presidente, tienes que irte ya"

2022-02-23T09:40+0100elMundo (es)

A lo largo del día, el líder del PP fue perdiendo todos los apoyos en el Congreso y en Génova Pablo Casado, a su salida, ayer por la noche, de la sede del PP en la calle Génova. ÁNGEL NAVARRETE. Directo Crónica de la jornada Los apoyos se le iban cayendo ayer a Pablo Casado como las hojas de un árbol en otoño.

Situation Japan

2022-02-23T09:34+0100publicnow (en)

16. Dezember 2011. Many of our customers are asking us for a statement outlining the impact of the earthquake as well as the tsunami on the VAT supply chain and more specificially whether VAT will be able to meet delivery commitments. VAT has no manufacturing facilities in Japan and any parts that....

The 8 at 8: Wednesday

2022-02-23T09:00+0100thejournal (en)

GOOD MORNING. Here’s all the news that you need to know as you start your day. 1. #TAOISEACH: In our lead story this morning Stephen McDermott reports that Taoiseach Micheál Martin has suggested that his own party’s councillors should not have voted against a number of local authority motions after....

Tonga’s internet finally restored five weeks after volcanic eruption and tsunami

2022-02-23T07:12+0100independent-ie (en)

Tonga’s main internet connection to the rest of the world has finally been restored more than five weeks after a huge volcanic eruption and tsunami severed a crucial undersea cable. T hree people in Tonga were killed by the January 15 tsunami, dozens of homes were destroyed and drinking water was tainted.

Elon Musk donates satellite gear to wireless Tonga

2022-02-23T07:03+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Tonga says space entrepreneur and Tesla founder Elon Musk has donated 50 satellite terminals to help the volcano-damaged Pacific island reconnect with the world. Tonga's telecoms system has been severely restricted since January 15 when a violent volcanic eruption and tsunami severed its underwater fibre-optic cable.

Tonga’s internet finally restored five weeks after volcanic eruption and tsunami

2022-02-23T07:02+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

Tonga’s main internet connection to the rest of the world has finally been restored more than five weeks after a huge volcanic eruption and tsunami severed a crucial undersea cable. T hree people in Tonga were killed by the January 15 tsunami, dozens of homes were destroyed and drinking water was tainted.

La connexion Internet des Tonga est rétablie plus de cinq semaines après l’éruption volcanique et le tsunami | Nouvelles du monde

2022-02-23T07:01+0100news-24 (fr)

M. Fonua a déclaré que la société SpaceX d’Elon Musk avait aidé à rétablir les connexions par câble via son réseau Starlink de satellites en orbite basse. SpaceX a établi une base aux Fidji voisines pour aider au projet. Le câblodistributeur a testé les connexions par satellite cette semaine et....

Tonga internet back 5 weeks after eruption

2022-02-23T02:16+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

More than five weeks after a deadly volcano and tsunami, Tonga's internet has been reconnected. Tonga's main internet connection to the rest of the world has finally been restored more than five weeks after a huge volcanic eruption and tsunami severed a crucial undersea cable.

Tonga internet back 5 weeks after eruption

2022-02-23T02:07+0100maitlandmercury (en)

More than five weeks after a deadly volcano and tsunami, Tonga's internet has been reconnected. Tonga's main internet connection to the rest of the world has finally been restored more than five weeks after a huge volcanic eruption and tsunami severed a crucial undersea cable.

Spectacular Head-On Collision Between Two Galaxies Creates a Tsunami of Starbirth - SciTechDaily

2022-02-23T01:21+0100google-top-stories (en)

A spectacular head-on collision between two galaxies fueled the unusual triangular-shaped star-birthing frenzy, as captured in a new image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. The interacting galaxy duo is collectively called Arp 143. The pair contains the glittery, distorted, star-forming spiral....

Spectacular Head-On Collision Between Two Galaxies Creates a Tsunami of Starbirth - SciTechDaily

2022-02-23T01:18+0100google-top-stories-innovatie (en)

A spectacular head-on collision between two galaxies fueled the unusual triangular-shaped star-birthing frenzy, as captured in a new image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. The interacting galaxy duo is collectively called Arp 143. The pair contains the glittery, distorted, star-forming spiral....

Tonga is back online after a five-week internet outage

2022-02-22T20:33+0100en-finance-yahoo (en)

Five weeks after a volcanic eruption and subsequent tsunami knocked out internet access on the archipelago, Tonga is once again connected to the web. On Tuesday, Digicel , one of the country’s two main ISPs, said it had restored data connectivity on Tongatapu and Eua islands after the submarine....

Tonga is back online after a five-week internet outage

2022-02-22T20:28+0100news-yahoo (en)

Five weeks after a volcanic eruption and subsequent tsunami knocked out internet access on the archipelago, Tonga is once again connected to the web. On Tuesday, Digicel , one of the country’s two main ISPs, said it had restored data connectivity on Tongatapu and Eua islands after the submarine....

Tonga is back online after a five-week internet outage

2022-02-22T20:16+0100engadget (en)

Five weeks after a volcanic eruption and subsequent tsunami knocked out internet access on the archipelago, Tonga is once again connected to the web. On Tuesday, Digicel , one of the country’s two main ISPs, said it had restored data connectivity on Tongatapu and Eua islands after the submarine....

Tamil youth in Mullaitivu receive training in disaster management

2022-02-22T20:08+0100tamilguardian (en)

Tamil youth in Nayaru, Mullaitivu district, began to receive training in water-related disaster management as part of a program funded by USAID, America’s agency for international development. The two-day training session kicked off on Tuesday in the Nayaru naval base with inauguration by Mullaitivu district Government Agent K.

February 22, 2022 | Spectacular Head-On Collision Between Two Galaxies Creates a Tsunami of Starbirth

2022-02-22T19:54+0100scitechdaily (en)

A spectacular head-on collision between two galaxies fueled the unusual triangular-shaped star-birthing frenzy, as captured in a new image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. The interacting galaxy duo is collectively called Arp 143. The pair contains the glittery, distorted, star-forming spiral....

Programma alimentare mondiale: 4 modi per aiutare le comunità vulnerabili ad adattarsi ai cambiamenti climatici

2022-02-22T17:24+0100esgdata (it)

La crisi climatica sta distruggendo vite e mezzi di sussistenza in tutto il mondo. La riduzione delle emissioni per mitigare l’aumento delle temperature globali è cruciale, ma non possiamo aspettare che questo accada. Le comunità in prima linea nella crisi hanno bisogno di un sostegno urgente per....

Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet

2022-02-22T15:53+0100larena (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un'eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet.

Circa cinque settimane dopo la potente eruzione e lo tsunami, a Tonga è stato ripristinato il servizio Internet

2022-02-22T15:46+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 22 febbraio 2022) È stato riparato l’unico cavo in fibra ottica che garantiva il collegamento a Internet a Tonga , l’arcipelago dell’oceano Pacifico che a metà gennaio era stato gravemente colpito dall’ eruzione del vulcano sottomarino Hunga Tonga -Hunga Ha’apai e dallo tsunami che aveva generato.

È stato riparato l’unico cavo in fibra ottica che garantiva il collegamento a internet a Tonga, l’arcipelago dell’oceano Pacifico che a metà gennaio era stato gravemente colpito dall’eruzione del vulcano sottomarino Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai e dallo tsunami che aveva generato. Subito

2022-02-22T15:35+0100ilpost (it)

È stato riparato l’unico cavo in fibra ottica che garantiva il collegamento a internet a Tonga, l’arcipelago dell’oceano Pacifico che a metà gennaio era stato gravemente colpito dall’ eruzione del vulcano sottomarino Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai e dallo tsunami che aveva generato.

Circa cinque settimane dopo la potente eruzione e lo tsunami, a Tonga è stato ripristinato il servizio Internet

2022-02-22T15:25+0100hookii (it)

22 Feb 2022 di hookii 0 commenti È stato riparato l’unico cavo in fibra ottica che garantiva il collegamento a internet a Tonga, l’arcipelago dell’oceano Pacifico che a metà gennaio era stato gravemente colpito dall’eruzione del vulcano sottomarino Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai e dallo tsunami che aveva generato.

Elon Musk donated 50 Starlink terminals to the Kingdom of Tonga, which was left without the Internet

2022-02-22T15:22+0100thetimeshub (en)

The Kingdom of Tonga will receive 50 Starlink terminals from Elon Musk/SpaceX. The head of SpaceX provided the Kingdom of Tonga, left without the Internet after the volcanic eruption, with 50 Starlink satellite Internet terminals. Channel 24 previously reported that billionaire Elon Musk offered....

Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet

2022-02-22T15:18+0100bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un'eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet.

Tonga : un câble sous-marin endommagé par le tsunami a été réparé

2022-02-22T14:17+0100french-news (fr)

SUVA, 22 février (Xinhua) -- Le câble sous-marin à fibre optique reliant au monde l'archipel des Tonga dans le Pacifique Sud, endommagé par l'éruption du volcan Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai et le tsunami qui a suivi en janvier dernier, a été réparé avec le téléphone et le service internet entièrement rétablis mardi.

Internet service restored on Tonga about a month after deadly volcanic eruption

2022-02-22T14:05+0100upi (en)

Feb. 22 (UPI) -- Tonga restored communications with the rest of the world on Tuesday, about a month after a volcanic eruption and tsunami cut cables and isolated the island in the South Pacific. Officials said that an underwater cable that supplies Internet service to the island -- which was severed during the Jan.

Eruzione alle Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet

2022-02-22T13:53+0100meteoweb (it)

Tonga è di nuovo connessa con il mondo: dopo 5 settimane dall’eruzione vulcanica che ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico, è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji. L’eruzione del vulcano sottomarino Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai e il successivo tsunami....

Tonga : un câble sous-marin endommagé par le tsunami a été réparé

2022-02-22T13:26+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le câble sous-marin à fibre optique reliant au monde l'archipel des Tonga dans le Pacifique Sud, endommagé par l'éruption du volcan Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai et le tsunami qui a suivi en janvier dernier, a été réparé avec le téléphone et le service internet entièrement rétablis mardi.

Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet

2022-02-22T13:17+0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un'eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet.

Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet Ansa

2022-02-22T13:11+0100msn-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un'eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet. © ANSA Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet.

Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet

2022-02-22T13:05+0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno-en (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un'eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet.

Riparato il cavo sottomarino 5 settimane dopo l'eruzione

2022-02-22T12:57+0100lasicilia (it)

ROMA, 22 FEB - Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un'eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet.

Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet

2022-02-22T12:40+0100espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 22 FEB – Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un’eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet.

Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet

2022-02-22T12:34+0100globodiroma (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un'eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet.

Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet

2022-02-22T12:33+0100tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un'eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet.

TONGA 30 min Tonga è di nuovo online: riparato il cavo sottomarino Finora gli abitanti si sono arrangiati con i servizi satellitari, con risultati non sempre ottimali

2022-02-22T12:24+0100tio (it)

NUKU'ALOFA - L'isola di Tonga è di nuovo collegata con il resto del mondo: il cavo sottomarino rimasto danneggiato durante l'eruzione vulcanica è stato riparato. La nave che ha effettuato la riparazione ha impiegano quasi tre settimane a sostituire la sezione del cavo di fibra ottica lunga 92 chilometri (su un totale di 827 chilometri).

Restaurado el servicio de Internet en Tonga cinco semanas después de la erupción y posterior tsunami

2022-02-22T12:20+0100lanacion-AR (es)

El servicio de Internet ha sido totalmente restaurado en Tonga, cinco semanas después de que la erupción de un volcán submarino provocara un tsunami que causó una gran devastación en el país y cortó su conexión con el resto del mundo. Según las informaciones facilitadas por el portal de noticias....

Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet

2022-02-22T12:15+0100ladige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un'eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet.

Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet

2022-02-22T12:13+0100altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un'eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet.

Tonga gets internet service back five weeks after volcanic eruption

2022-02-22T12:09+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

shredded the undersea cable that connects the Pacific nation with the rest of the world. Telecom providers Digicel and TCC said data connectivity had been restored to two main islands, after breaks in a 50-mile stretch of the cable were finally fixed.

Tonga: ripristinata la rete internet

2022-02-22T12:06+0100ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 FEB - Tonga è di nuovo connessa al mondo. Cinque settimane dopo che un'eruzione vulcanica ha colpito la piccola nazione insulare del Pacifico è stato riparato il cavo sottomarino di 840 km che collega Tonga alle Fiji e che è la sua unica possibilità di collegarsi a Internet.

Tonga gets internet service back five weeks after volcanic eruption It mangled a large swath of the undersea cable linking the Pacific nation to the rest of the world. 13M ago

2022-02-22T12:00+0100CBSnews (en)

shredded the undersea cable that connects the Pacific nation with the rest of the world. Telecom providers Digicel and TCC said data connectivity had been restored to two main islands, after breaks in a 50-mile stretch of the cable were finally fixed.

Katherine y Jorge protagonizan la cita más desastrosa de 'First Dates': “Ni aunque fueses la última Coca-Cola del desierto”

2022-02-22T11:46+0100marca (es)

I gual que hay amor a primera vista, lo mismo ocurre con el odio y el mal rollo. Eso es lo que sintió Katherine por Jorge desde su primer cruce de miradas en 'First Dates' Las cosas se torcieron ya en el momento en el que Jorge, un chico tranquilo que encuentra refugio en el surf (le da "paz y....

Les Tonga se reconnectent au monde après le tsunami

2022-02-22T11:35+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Sidney : Les Tonga ont été reconnectées au monde mardi après la réparation d’un câble sous-marin, ont indiqué des responsables, un mois après qu’une éruption volcanique et un tsunami ont coupé les communications avec la nation insulaire éloignée du Pacifique.

Tonga, el país de Oceanía del que no sabíamos nada desde hace cinco semanas

2022-02-22T10:44+0100lavozdelsur (es)

El archipiélago del Pacífico recupera internet tras más de un mes sin comunicación con el resto del mundo a causa de la mayor erupción de un volcán submarino en el siglo XXI. El servicio de internet ha sido totalmente restaurado en Tonga cinco semanas después de que la erupción de un volcán....

Internet en partie rétabli à Tonga après réparation du câble sous-marin...

2022-02-22T10:37+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Des services en ligne qui redeviennent accessibles. Des courriels rapides, après 38 jours de panne. Des appels qui affluent de l'étranger La liaison internet a été restaurée, sur l'île principale, Tongatapu, et celle d'Eua, ont annoncé les entreprises Digicel et TCC , après la réparation du câble sous-marin.

Séisme de magnitude 6.3 dans la région des îles Balleny (océan Austral)

2022-02-22T10:27+0100catnat (fr)

Un tremblement de terre fort et peu profond de magnitude 6.3 a frappé la région des îles Balleny, dans l'océan Austral à 23h24 UTC le 21 février 2022. L'agence signale une profondeur de 10 km. L'épicentre était situé à environ 2 560 km au sud de Bluff, en Nouvelle-Zélande. Il n'y a pas d'alertes, d'avis ou de veilles de tsunami en vigueur.

Tonga.- Restaurado el servicio de Internet en Tonga cinco semanas después de la erupción y posterior tsunami

2022-02-22T10:13+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 22 Feb. (EUROPA PRESS) - El servicio de Internet ha sido totalmente restaurado en Tonga, cinco semanas después de que la erupción de un volcán submarino provocara un tsunami que causó una gran devastación en el país y cortó su conexión con el resto del mundo.

Restaurado el servicio de Internet en Tonga cinco semanas después de la erupción y posterior tsunami

2022-02-22T10:12+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 22 (EUROPA PRESS) El servicio de Internet ha sido totalmente restaurado en Tonga, cinco semanas después de que la erupción de un volcán submarino provocara un tsunami que causó una gran devastación en el país y cortó su conexión con el resto del mundo.

Restaurado el servicio de Internet en Tonga cinco semanas después de la erupción y posterior tsunami

2022-02-22T09:55+0100noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 22 (EUROPA PRESS) El servicio de Internet ha sido totalmente restaurado en Tonga, cinco semanas después de que la erupción de un volcán submarino provocara un tsunami que causó una gran devastación en el país y cortó su conexión con el resto del mundo.

PM Imran wants every family to plant 5 trees

2022-02-22T09:54+0100nation (en)

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday launched Spring Tree Plantation Drive 2022 in Islamabad on the occasion of World Scout Day. Addressing the launching ceremony, Prime Minister Imran Khan said the government’s 10 billion Tree Tsunami programme is aimed to protect our posterity.

Internet en partie rétabli à Tonga après réparation du câble sous-marin

2022-02-22T09:46+0100la1ere (fr)

Des services en ligne qui redeviennent accessibles. Des courriels rapides, après 38 jours de panne. Des appels qui affluent de l'étranger La liaison internet a été restaurée, sur l'île principale, Tongatapu, et celle d'Eua, ont annoncé les entreprises Digicel et TCC , après la réparation du câble sous-marin.

Internet rétabli aux Tonga après la réparation du câble sous-marin

2022-02-22T09:36+0100rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) La connexion internet a été rétablie mardi dans les Iles Tonga, ont annoncé les opérateurs télécom, cinq semaines après une immense éruption volcanique qui avait rompu le câble sous-marin qui relie l'archipel au reste du monde. Les entreprises Digicel et TCC ont assuré que la liaison avait....

La comparsa rural

2022-02-22T09:35+0100elMundo (es)

Preocupa la falta de lluvias en el campo valenciano. A falta de recursos hídricos se proyecta la friolera de cien millones de metros cuadrados de plantas fotovoltaicas en suelo rústico no urbanizable. Esas tan beneficiosas para la desertificación que en verano provocan debajo de la superficie....

Internet rétabli aux Tonga après la réparation du câble sous-marin (opérateur)

2022-02-22T09:30+0100notretemps (fr)

La connexion internet a été rétablie mardi dans les Iles Tonga, ont annoncé les opérateurs télécom, cinq semaines après une immense éruption volcanique qui avait rompu le câble sous-marin qui relie l'archipel au reste du monde. Les entreprises Digicel et TCC ont assuré que la liaison avait été....

Terremoto oggi Antartide M 6.3/ Ingv ultime notizie, una scossa anche ad Assisi

2022-02-22T09:29+0100ilsussidiario (it)

Anche nella giornata di oggi, martedì 22 febbraio 2022, si sono registrate delle in Italia e nel resto del mondo. Stando a quanto segnalato dall’Ingv , l’istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia, l’ultimo evento tellurico significativo è quello avvenuto non in Italia bensì in una zona remota del nostro Pianeta, in Antartide.

Internet rétabli aux Tonga après la réparation du câble sous-marin (opérateur)

2022-02-22T09:08+0100marine-oceans (fr)

Nuku’alofa (Tonga), 22 fév 2022 (AFP) – La connexion internet a été rétablie mardi dans les Iles Tonga, ont annoncé les opérateurs télécom, cinq semaines après une immense éruption volcanique qui avait rompu le câble sous-marin qui relie l’archipel au reste du monde.

Tonga back online as undersea cable repaired

2022-02-22T08:57+0100RTERadio (en)

The 15 January eruption was so powerful it caused a tsunami that flooded coastlines around the Pacific (Stock image) Internet connection has been restored in Tonga today, five weeks after a massive volcanic eruption shredded the undersea cable that connects the Pacific nation with the rest of the world.

Network again! Tonga reconnects with world more than a month after tsunami

2022-02-22T08:57+0100tellerreport (en)

China News Service, February 22 (Xinhua) Comprehensive report that more than a month after the tsunami, Tongans can go online again. Tongan officials said that after repairs to the submarine cable, the country "reconnected with the world" on the 22nd local time. Shocking footage of Tonga's volcanic eruption captured from the sea.

Internet rétabli aux îles Tonga après cinq semaines

2022-02-22T08:47+0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

La connexion internet a été rétablie mardi dans les Iles Tonga, ont annoncé les opérateurs télécom, cinq semaines après une immense éruption volcanique qui avait rompu le câble sous-marin qui relie l’archipel au reste du monde. Les entreprises Digicel et TCC ont assuré que la liaison avait été....

Pakistan's policy of combating climate change effects widely acknowledged in world: PM Top Stories

2022-02-22T08:45+0100radio-pk (en)

Prime Minister Imran Khan launched Spring Tree Plantation Drive 2022 in Islamabad on Tuesday on the occasion of World Scout Day. Addressing the drive launch ceremony, he said the government's 10 billion Tree Tsunami program is aimed at protecting our future generations.

Forte scossa di terremoto al largo dell’Antartide [DATI]

2022-02-22T08:23+0100meteoweb (it)

La Sala Sismica INGV-Roma ha rilevato un evento magnitudo Mwp 6.3. Forte terremoto al largo dell’ Antartide La Sala Sismica INGV-Roma ha rilevato un evento magnitudo Mwp 6.3 alle 00:24:14 ora italiana (12:24:14 ora locale). Il sisma è stato registrato ad una profondità di 1 km.

Shallow M6.3 earthquake hits Balleny Islands region, Southern Ocean

2022-02-22T08:01+0100watchers (en)

The epicenter was located about 2 560 km (1590 miles) S of Bluff, New Zealand. There are no people living within 100 km (62 miles). The USGS issued a green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses. There is a low likelihood of casualties and damage. There are no tsunami warnings, advisories, or watches in effect.

Internet restored to Tonga after cable damaged by eruption is repaired

2022-02-22T07:54+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

"We're hoping to get it up and running later today," Tonga’s prime minister Siaosi Sovaleni told ABC Australia’s Pacific Beat program. “Nobody would have guessed the disaster that we've encountered. Since the ship arrived on February 3 we've been working 24/7 for 18 days,” he said.

Tonga FINALLY reconnects with the rest of the world after volcano, tsunami

2022-02-22T06:42+0100dailymail (en)

and Fiji has been restored, returning data connectivity to the outside world, communications company Digicel says. Tonga went offline after last month's volcanic eruption caused multiple faults and breaks in the vital communications cable that connects the pacific nation to the international network.

Orange, SFR, Free : les champions français des télécoms à la conquête de l’Europe

2022-02-22T06:31+0100latribune (fr)

Avec l’arrivée de Free sur le marché du mobile, il y a dix ans, beaucoup promettaient un funeste destin aux cadors français des télécoms. Il n’empêche qu’aujourd’hui, Orange, Altice (SFR), Bouygues Telecom et Iliad (Free) se portent bien, et n’ont jamais autant investi dans leurs réseaux.

Iwate Prefecture

2022-02-22T05:37+0100wn (en)

A species of clam discovered in Funakoshi Bay, Iwate , after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster was judged to have been 135 years old when it died, ranking it as among the oldest known to date.

Tsunami Felt at Sydney Olympic Park

2022-02-22T05:11+0100publicnow (en)

The eruption of the volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai created a tsunami that spread across the Pacific Ocean, even reaching into the quiet mangrove forests at Sydney Olympic Park. Sydney Olympic Park has been recording tides moving in and out of the Powells Creek mangroves since 2001.

Shellfish killed in 3/11 tsunami was ancient at 135 years old February 22, 2022

2022-02-22T04:56+0100ajw (en)

A species of clam discovered in Funakoshi Bay, Iwate Prefecture, after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster was judged to have been 135 years old when it died, ranking it as among the oldest known to date. Researchers from Kobe University, the University of Tokyo and elsewhere said the mollusk....

Internet restored to Tonga after cable destroyed by eruption is repaired

2022-02-22T04:14+0100Stuff (en)

"We're hoping to get it up and running later today," Tonga’s prime minister Siaosi Sovaleni told ABC Australia’s Pacific Beat program. “Nobody would have guessed the disaster that we've encountered. Since the ship arrived on February 3 we've been working 24/7 for 18 days,” he said.

Tilly la tortue de mer savait déjà pour l’éruption des Tonga avant qu’elle ne se produise

2022-02-21T23:55+0100fredzone (fr)

Il y a dix semaines, deux tortues de mer vertes ont été relâchées au large des côtes australiennes munies d’émetteurs satellites. L’une des deux s’est immédiatement dirigée vers l’est et a gardé le cap pendant 47 jours, en direction des îles Tonga. Mais soudainement, elle a fait un virage à 180° comme si elle voulait éviter l’endroit.

Wnt signaling is boosted during intestinal regeneration by a CD44-positive feedback loop

2022-02-21T22:27+0100nature-cddis (en)

A resource table can be found in the Supplementary Material (Supplementary Table Cell culture and generation of stable cell lines. HEK293T (ATCC Cat# CRL-3216, RRID: CVCL_0063); HeLa (ATCC Cat# CCL-2, RRID: CVCL_0030); L-Wnt-3A cells (ATCC Cat# CRL-2647, RRID: CVCL_0635) and L-Cells (ATCC CRL-2648,....

Un actor chileno advirtió a Gabriel Boric “tener cuidado en su viaje de retorno” al continente tras sus vacaciones en el archipiélago Juan Fernández

2022-02-21T21:05+0100infobae (es)

El viernes por la tarde arribó el presidente electo, Gabriel Boric, junto con su pareja, Irina Karamanos, al Archipiélago de Juan Fernández, donde pasará unos días de vacaciones, antes de asumir el próximo 11 de marzo. En ese contexto, el actor y exalcalde de la comuna de Paine (2012-2016, a 44....

Jeff McCloy to turn a talk with Sione into water for Tonga

2022-02-21T19:23+0100newcastleherald (en)

WATER WONDER: Not-for-profit organisation founder, Sione Finefeuiaki, says Jeff McCloy's donation will make a huge difference in Tonga. Picture: Marina Neil. What began as a conversation at a graffiti clean-up site in Hunter Street between Jeff McCloy and retired NRL player Sione Finefeuiaki on....

Cani in cerca di adozione: Sky, Egon, Tsunami e Caramella

2022-02-21T15:47+0100ilpescara (it)

. Stanno crescendo in canile Sono sempre tanti i cani in cerca di una nuova famiglia e la Lega del Cane di Pescara propone i suoi pets, cuccioli e non, a chiunque abbia voglia di un vero amico. Questo mese vi presentiamo Sky Egon Tsunami e Caramella , quattro buoni e dolci, che non dovrebbero crescere in canile, ma conoscere l’affetto reale.

Latest Guam earthquake recorded at 5.0

2022-02-21T15:25+0100marianasvariety-guam (en)

Many Guamanians heard rattling and felt shaking at 5:50 p.m. on Monday. The United States Geological Survey stated the earthquake registered at a Magnitude of 5.0 and occurred 9 miles northeast of Yigo. The source of the quake occurred at a depth of 63 miles under the sea.

Chronique — Culture et idées À quoi tenons-nous vraiment ?

2022-02-21T15:21+0100reporterre (fr)

C’est un tout petit moment dans un reportage, un matin sur les ondes de France Culture. Une voix de femme qui me fait dresser l’oreille. Olga vit à Kiev, elle a fait ses études en France et s’exprime en français. Interrogée par un journaliste sur les manœuvres russes et leurs effets ressentis en....

Pakistan to plant 540m trees in spring 2022

2022-02-21T15:18+0100gulfnews (en)

PM’s special assistant on climate change Malik Amin Aslam said that the plantation campaign would be conducted in consultation with all provincial forest departments and by involving youth, especially scouts, in the plantation drive. “We have set a whopping target of planting over 540 million....

Sérail: St Eloi Bidoung annonce un remaniement ministériel

2022-02-21T15:15+0100agencecamerounpresse (fr)

L’ancien militant du Rassemblement démocratique du peuple camerounais Saint Eloi Bidoung dans une tribune en circulation sur la toile, affirme que certains membres du gouvernement se préparent déjà par rapport au remaniement ministériel qu’il dit imminent. Retrouvez ci-dessous la tribune de St Eloi Bidoung.

Boric iniciará su recorrido por Juan Fernández visitando colegio que aún funciona con containers

2022-02-21T13:38+0100laprensaaustral (es)

El Presidente electo, Gabriel Boric, comenzará hoy su visita oficial al archipiélago de Juan Fernández, hasta donde se trasladó para pasar sus vacaciones antes de asumir el mando del país el próximo 11 de marzo. El Mandatario electo tiene contempladas varias reuniones y visitas en la zona.

Un'onda anomala da record nel Pacifico

2022-02-21T11:32+0100247libero (it)

Novembre 2020, Oceano Pacifico, al largo della costa della Columbia Britannica: un muro d'acqua si è alzato fino a 17,6 metri, quanto un edificio a sei piani. Ci è voluto un anno e mezzo per elaborare i dati del fenomeno e avere la conferma che si è trattato dell' onda anomala più estrema mai registrata .

Una escritora vasca inicia una marcha por el mundo a pie para reivindicar la libertad de la mujer

2022-02-21T10:56+0100deia-eus (es)

No debe haber barrera, ni cerradura, ni limitaciones que se puedan imponer a la libertad de las mujeres . La escritora y periodista femenina Elena Letelier se ha propuesto dar más fuerza y voz que nunca a las mujeres, demostrar las vulneraciones que todavía sufren en pleno siglo XXI, y contar....

Scienze Un’onda anomala da record nel Pacifico

2022-02-21T10:34+0100focus-it (it)

Novembre 2020, Oceano Pacifico, al largo della costa della Columbia Britannica: un muro d'acqua si è alzato fino a 17,6 metri, quanto un edificio a sei piani. Ci è voluto un anno e mezzo per elaborare i dati del fenomeno e avere la conferma che si è trattato dell' onda anomala più estrema mai registrata .

5.0 magnitude earthquake shakes island

2022-02-21T10:02+0100kuam (en)

An earthquake measuring 5.0 in magnitude was recorded at about 5:50 p.m. today, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake struck about 15 km northeast of Yigo at a depth of 101.8 km. There were no reports made to Guam 911 dispatch of damages or injuries from the earthquake and there was....

CAMEROUN :: Remaniement ministériel : Paul Biya : tanne le cuir. :: CAMEROON

2022-02-21T09:49+0100camer (fr)

Le Tsunami en préparation se précise. Pour tanner le cuir, il faut le laisser pourrir. La situation politique au Cameroun est-elle suffisamment pourrie pour que Paul Biya réorganise enfin le gouvernement ? Oui. Des affaires, il y en a : Covid gate , Can gate , Minbomann gate , Autoroute gate Noso....

UPDATE 1-Japan says freeing up 'trigger clause' on gasoline tax among options to curb prices

2022-02-21T09:31+0100en-finance-yahoo (en)

(Adds detail, background) TOKYO, Feb 21 (Reuters) - Japan will consider a variety of options, including freeing up a trigger clause on gasoline tax, if crude oil prices continue to remain high in the future, a top government spokesperson said on Monday.

Japan says freeing up 'trigger clause' on gasoline tax among options to curb prices

2022-02-21T09:30+0100channelnewsasia (en)

TOKYO : Japan will consider a variety of options, including freeing up a trigger clause on gasoline tax, if crude oil prices continue to remain high in the future, a top government spokesperson said on Monday. "We are not considering unfreezing the trigger clause at this moment, but if the situation....

Japan says freeing up 'trigger clause' on gasoline tax among options to curb prices

2022-02-21T09:22+01004-traders (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will consider a variety of options, including freeing up a trigger clause on gasoline tax, if crude oil prices continue to remain high in the future, a top government spokesperson said on Monday. "We are not considering unfreezing the trigger clause at this moment, but if....

Govt sets target to plant 540m trees in spring

2022-02-21T06:44+0100dawn (en)

ISLAMABAD: A target has been set to plant 540 million trees throughout the country during spring this year, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam said on Sunday. Talking to journalists, Mr Aslam said a strategy for launching a nation-wide spring tree plantation....

Friends work together to support Tonga

2022-02-21T02:47+0100miragenews (en)

Circling above Tonga’s Atata island in a CH-47 Chinook, 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment Regimental Sergeant Major Warrant Officer Benjamin King saw the devastation left behind after the recent tsunami that followed the eruption of an underwater volcano. “From the air, we could see flattened buildings....

Friends work together to support Tonga

2022-02-21T02:21+0100nationaltribune (en)

Circling above Tonga’s Atata island in a CH-47 Chinook, 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment Regimental Sergeant Major Warrant Officer Benjamin King saw the devastation left behind after the recent tsunami that followed the eruption of an underwater volcano. “From the air, we could see flattened buildings....

Repsol asegura que los 65 millones para paliar el derrame en Perú son ‘una estimación y no una limitación’

2022-02-21T00:18+0100negocios (es)

Repsol afirmó este viernes que está comprometida a largo plazo en la recuperación de las áreas y poblaciones afectadas por el vertido de petróleo que el pasado 15 de enero afectó a 106 kilómetros cuadrados del litoral peruano. «Tenemos disponible todo lo que sea necesario», declaró el presidente de....

One Punch-Man has almost literally turned Saitama into a God

2022-02-21T00:07+0100bullfrag (en)

Saitama, the iconic protagonist of One Punch Man, possesses strength far superior to that of a human, but his adventures in chapter 155 may have placed him practically at the level of a God. Saitama according to the same series he has let us know on countless occasions, he is the strongest man in the world .

La isla de los contenedores: la realidad de Juan Fernández a 10 años del terremoto del 27F

2022-02-20T23:37+0100biobiochile (es)

Registro Civil, el SAG, CorreosChile, la escuela de la zona en contenedores y un edificio sin terminar son parte del panorama en la isla Juan Fernández, a diez años del terremoto que destruyó varias zonas del país. Las dudas por retrasos en las obras y la falta de diligencias son parte de las preguntas que aún siguen sin respuesta.

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