Forest Fire (35339 ha) in Türkiye 28 Jul 2021

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 1452
Articles about casualties: 207 (14.3%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 27 Jul 2021

Flash floods in northern Turkey cause 62 fatalities while forest fires rage in the south

2021-08-16T00:27+0200express (en)

On Sunday Turkish authorities declared search and rescue efforts were underway to find missing people. The flooding in the northern provinces of Turkey was in contrast with the wildfires that raged through the southern coastal regions of the nation. In the Kastamonu province of northern Turkey 52 people died.

Fire near Jerusalem forces village evacuations

2021-08-16T00:25+0200english-alaraby (en)

Residents of several villages on the outskirts of Jerusalem were evacuated Sunday due to a large forest fire, Israeli police said. Residents were evacuated and several roads were blocked (Getty) Residents of several villages on the outskirts of Jerusalem were evacuated Sunday due to a large forest fire, police said.

Russian special services may be responsible for forest fires in Turkey

2021-08-15T20:40+0200mpolska24 (en)

15.08.2021, 20:58 Russian special services may be responsible for forest fires in Turkey. Large-scale forest fires in southern Turkey may be a planned special operation of Russian special services. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the arson, Anadolu reports.

15/08/2021 Fire near Jerusalem forces village evacuations

2021-08-15T20:25+0200rfi-en (en)

Jerusalem (AFP) Residents of several villages on the outskirts of Jerusalem were evacuated on Sunday because of a large forest fire nearby, Israeli police said. Firemen supported by firefighting aircraft were working to extinguish the blaze as the smoke blotted out the sky across much of the city.

Inundaciones repentinas azotan el norte de Turquía y matan a 17 en un nuevo desastre natural

2021-08-15T19:54+0200latarde (es)

ISTAMBUL (La tarde) – Dezessete pessoas morreram em enchentes na região do Mar Negro na Turquia na quinta-feira (12 de agosto), que enviaram água e detritos em cascata pelas ruas, danificaram pontes e destruíram estradas no segundo desastre natural que atingiu o país este mes.

Erdogan offers condolences over crash of Russia’s fire-fighting plane in Turkey

2021-08-15T18:00+0200itartass_en (en)

ANKARA, August 15. /TASS/. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday offered condolences over the crash of Russia’s fire-fighting plane Be-200 in the southeast of the country. "A fire-fighting plane crashed yesterday while dealing with a fire in Kahramanmaras. As a result, a crew of Russian and Turkish citizens died.

Inundaciones repentinas en Turquía matan a 59 personas y aún faltan decenas

2021-08-15T17:29+0200esdelatino-com (es)

El número de muertos en las inundaciones repentinas que asolaron el norte de Turquía ha aumentado a 59, con decenas de personas aún desaparecidas y muchas aldeas aún aisladas, casi una semana después de que ocurrió el desastre por primera vez, dijeron las autoridades.

Death toll from northern Turkey floods rises to 58

2021-08-15T13:59+0200tribune (en)

TURKEY: Flash floods that have swept through towns in the Turkish Black Sea region have killed 58 people, authorities said on Sunday, in the second natural disaster to strike Turkey this month. The floods brought chaos to northern provinces just as authorities were declaring wildfires had been....

50 degrees will soon be exceeded in Europe

2021-08-15T09:58+0200bullfrag (en)

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said it has announced that it is verifying whether this week the record for temperatures in Europe was broken (48.8 degrees measured on the Italian island of Sicily), although it stressed that With the current trend, that brand will beat again and could soon exceed 50 degrees.

What impacts can fires have on global warming?

2021-08-15T04:19+0200archyde (en)

Taken over and over again, the slightly worn sentence of former President Jacques Chirac has never been so appropriate: yes, our house is on fire. Algeria, Turkey, Greece … Several countries are currently trapped by deadly large-scale fires. It is in this dramatic context that the IPCC published its....

UN’s stark climate report: time is running out

2021-08-15T03:22+0200cyprus-mail (en)

The Mediterranean will be particularly affected with higher summer temperatures, drought and fires says IPCC report. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a landmark report on Monday on ‘Climate Change 2021’. The report brings-out some stark messages: Climate change is not a problem of the future.

Eight killed as Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey

2021-08-15T02:58+0200dawn (en)

ISTANBUL: A firefighting plane from Russia crashed on Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia’s Defence Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious Beriev....

morti turchia

2021-08-15T02:55+0200gossip-libero (it)

Sale a 57 morti il bilancio delle vittime delle inondazioni e delle frane che hanno colpito la costa turca. Lo rende noto l'Agenzia turca per l'emergenza e i disastri naturali, spiegando che le piogge ... L'aereo, un Beriev - 200, era stato inviato dalla Russia alla Direzione generale delle foreste....

Putin offers condolences over deaths in Be-200 crash in Turkey

2021-08-15T00:52+0200itartass_en (en)

MOSCOW, August 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered his condolences to the families and friends of the Russian servicemen killed in the crash of Be-200 amphibious aircraft in Turkey on Saturday, the Kremlin said adding that the president also sent a message of condolences to his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Greek PM Approves 500 Million Euro Budget For Wildfire Relief, Reforestation

2021-08-15T00:36+0200theowp (en)

Over the last few weeks, 586 wildfires have raged across Greece destroying the homes and crops of hundreds of Greeks and resulting in 63 organized evacuations. To assist in helping Greek citizens reclaim their lost property and livelihoods, the Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has pledged....

Turchia: precipita aereo antincendio russo, nessun superstite degli otto a bordo

2021-08-15T00:25+0200lasentinella (it)

Un aereo antincendio noleggiato dalla Russia che partecipava alle operazioni in corso per contenere gli incendi nel sud della Turchia è precipitato nel sud del paese, provocando la morte delle otto persone a bordo, cinque soldati russi e tre cittadini turchi.

Turchia: precipita aereo antincendio russo, nessun superstite degli otto a bordo

2021-08-15T00:22+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Un aereo antincendio noleggiato dalla Russia che partecipava alle operazioni in corso per contenere gli incendi nel sud della Turchia è precipitato nel sud del paese, provocando la morte delle otto persone a bordo, cinque soldati russi e tre cittadini turchi.

Turchia: precipita aereo antincendio russo, nessun superstite degli otto a bordo

2021-08-15T00:22+0200gazzettadimodena (it)

Un aereo antincendio noleggiato dalla Russia che partecipava alle operazioni in corso per contenere gli incendi nel sud della Turchia è precipitato nel sud del paese, provocando la morte delle otto persone a bordo, cinque soldati russi e tre cittadini turchi.

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-15T00:05+0200therepublic (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious Beriev....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T23:59+0200tribtown (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious Beriev....

Turchia: precipita aereo antincendio russo, nessun superstite degli otto a bordo

2021-08-14T23:47+0200iltirreno (it)

Un aereo antincendio noleggiato dalla Russia che partecipava alle operazioni in corso per contenere gli incendi nel sud della Turchia è precipitato nel sud del paese, provocando la morte delle otto persone a bordo, cinque soldati russi e tre cittadini turchi.

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T23:11+0200beloitdailynews (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T22:30+0200eagletribune (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Inondazioni in Turchia, bilancio salito a 44 morti

2021-08-14T21:42+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 14 agosto 2021) Continua il lavoro dei soccorritori che lottano contro il tempo per trovare i sopravvissuti alle Inondazioni nel nord della Turchia , mentre il bilancio delle vittime è salito a 44, secondo un bilancio. : Inondazioni in Turchia, bilancio salito a 44 morti - :....

UPDATED: Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T21:30+0200ahram-EN (en)

A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious Beriev BE-200, which....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; eight killed

2021-08-14T21:09+0200naveenbharat (en)

By PTI. ISLAMABAD: A Russian firefighter crashed on Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing eight crew members and emergency personnel, Russia’s defense ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russians and three Turkish nationals were on board the amphibious Beriev B-200,....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T20:03+0200timescolonist (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in southern Turkey

2021-08-14T19:54+0200irishtimes (en)

The BE-200 aircraft crashed near Turkey’s Adana province when it was trying to land. Photograph: Getty A firefighting plane from Russia crashed on Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia’s defence ministry said.

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T19:30+0200eagletribune (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed - Associated Press

2021-08-14T19:17+0200google-top-stories-innovatie (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

WWF Fiamme senza fine: danni incalcolabili a persone, animali e natura

2021-08-14T19:15+0200caserta24ore (it)

(IlMezzogiorno – WWF) Gli effetti dei devastanti incendi boschivi non si fermeranno una volta spente le fiamme Il nostro pianeta è nella morsa del fuoco. Dall’Italia alla Grecia, dalla Tunisia all’Algeria, dalla Turchia alla Siberia, dove il fumo gli incendi è arrivato fino al Polo Nord.

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed - Associated Press

2021-08-14T18:54+0200google-top-stories (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Turchia: precipita aereo antincendio russo, nessun superstite degli otto a bordo

2021-08-14T18:33+0200247libero (it)

Un aereo antincendio noleggiato dalla Russia che partecipava alle operazioni in corso per contenere gli incendi nel sud della Turchia è precipitato nel sud del paese, provocando la morte delle otto persone a bordo, cinque soldati russi e tre cittadini turchi.

Turkey: Firefighting plane crashes, killing all onboard A firefighting plane rented from Russia has crashed in southern Turkey. Five Russian soldiers and three Turkish citizens were on board.

2021-08-14T18:32+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

All eight people aboard a firefighting plane that crashed in southern Turkey on Saturday are dead, according to media reports citing the Russian defense ministry. The ministry said the amphibious Beriev BE-200 was carrying five Russian army personnel and three Turkish officers.

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T18:31+0200expressindia (en)

A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious Beriev BE-200, which....

Russian Firefighting Plane Crashes in Turkey

2021-08-14T18:31+0200almayadeen-en (en)

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the firefighting plan is a Be-200. A Russian firefighting plane crashed today, Saturday, upon executing a firefighting mission in the Turkish Kahramanmaras district. The plane was carrying five Russian servicemen and three Turkish Agriculture and Forestry....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in southern Turkey

2021-08-14T18:25+0200guardian (en)

A firefighting plane from Russia crashed on Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey , killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia’s defence ministry said. The ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious Beriev Be-200, which crashed while trying to land in Turkey’s Adana province.

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T18:04+0200news-gazette (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Putin alarmed by ‘unprecedented’ natural disasters in Russia

2021-08-14T18:00+0200heraldsun (en)

A former skeptic of man-made climate change, the Russian leader called on authorities to do everything possible to help Siberians affected by the region's gigantic wildfires, as well as Russians living in the flood-hit south of the country. "In the south (of Russia), the monthly norm of rainfall now....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:56+0200whig (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:52+0200wacotrib (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:43+0200wftv (en)

August 14, 2021 at 10:54 am EDT By ZEYNEP BILGINSOY and VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said.

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:42+0200wsoctv (en)

August 14, 2021 at 10:54 am EDT By ZEYNEP BILGINSOY and VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said.

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:35+0200TorontoStar (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:31+0200muscatinejournal (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:30+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:29+0200eagletribune (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:28+0200triblive (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious Beriev....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed 0 8/14/2021 7:55:17 AM

2021-08-14T17:27+0200tricitynews (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:25+0200news-yahoo-in (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:23+0200kitchenertoday (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:20+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:11+0200ABCnews (en)

ISTANBUL, Turkey -- A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious Beriev....

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:10+0200actionnewsjax (en)

August 14, 2021 at 10:54 am EDT By ZEYNEP BILGINSOY and VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — A firefighting plane from Russia crashed Saturday in a mountainous area in southern Turkey, killing the eight crew members and emergency workers aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said.

Russian firefighting plane crashes in Turkey; 8 killed

2021-08-14T17:05+0200startribune (en)

The Russian ministry said five Russian and three Turkish citizens were on the amphibious Beriev BE-200, which crashed while trying to land in Turkey's Adana province. A team to investigate the accident was dispatched to the Kahramanmaras area, Turkish state media said.

Turchia: precipita aereo antincendio russo, nessun superstite degli otto a bordo

2021-08-14T16:54+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Un aereo antincendio noleggiato dalla Russia che partecipava alle operazioni in corso per contenere gli incendi nel sud della Turchia è precipitato nel sud del paese, provocando la morte delle otto persone a bordo, cinque soldati russi e tre cittadini turchi.

Turchia epicentro del cambiamento climatico: prima gli incendi, ora le alluvioni

2021-08-14T14:09+0200informazione (it)

In sintesi... /div> div id=tt-text> p>Fai un click sull'icona, per creare un compendio del testo degli articoli presenti sulla pagina. /p> p>In automatico sarà generato un sunto degli articoli selezionati, con l'estrazione delle informazio t <<ni principali. A te decidere il grado di dettaglio e la quantità di testo da estrarre.

La campagna del WWF per fermare l'emergenza incendi

2021-08-14T13:01+0200247libero (it)

La campagna del WWF per fermare l’emergenza incendi, terribili impatti dei roghi sulla fauna selvatica in Italia, Grecia, Turchia e Russia. La campagna del WWF per fermare l’emergenza incendi, gli effetti dei devastanti incendi boschivi non si fermeranno una volta spente le fiamme, Il nostro pianeta è nella morsa del fuoco.

La campagna del WWF per fermare l’emergenza incendi

2021-08-14T12:45+0200ligurianotizie (it)

, terribili impatti dei roghi sulla fauna selvatica in Italia, Grecia, Turchia e Russia. La campagna del WWF per fermare l’emergenza incendi, gli effetti dei devastanti incendi boschivi non si fermeranno una volta spente le fiamme, Il nostro pianeta è nella morsa del fuoco.

From fires to the climate crisis

2021-08-14T12:44+0200smartgreenpost (en)

From California to Greece, from South America to Siberia, from Egypt to Sicily, from Turkey to Calabria and Sardinia, fires are marking this summer 2021. Ironically, these phenomena are occurring just as the most worrying of the six reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is being published.

La campagna del WWF per fermare l’emergenza incendi

2021-08-14T12:30+0200it-geosnews (it)

, terribili impatti dei roghi sulla fauna selvatica in Italia, Grecia, Turchia e Russia La campagna del WWF per fermare l’emergenza incendi, gli effetti dei devastanti incendi boschivi non si fermeranno una volta spente le fiamme, Il nostro pianeta è nella morsa del fuoco. Dall’Italia alla Grecia, dalla.

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath

2021-08-14T11:06+0200euronews-en (en)

ATHENS (Reuters – Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in a bid to defuse growing anger over the struggle to curb wildfires that have charred thousands of hectares of forest.

Fiamme senza fine: non ci placano gli incendi nel bacino del Mediterraneo, danni incalcolabili [FOTO]

2021-08-14T10:54+0200meteoweb (it)

Il nostro pianeta è nella morsa del fuoco. Dall’Italia alla Grecia, dalla Tunisia all’Algeria, dalla Turchia alla Siberia, dove il fumo gli incendi è arrivato fino al Polo Nord. Stiamo assistendo a grandi disastri in molte aree, in particolare quelle del Mediterraneo, dove i recenti incendi boschivi....

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath...

2021-08-14T10:00+0200menafn (en)

- Gulf Times) • Wildfire breaks out east of Rome, locals evacuated • Firefighters bring northeastern Spain blaze under control • Russia ramps up Siberia battle Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in an attempt to defuse....

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath...

2021-08-14T10:00+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) Reuters. ATHENS - Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in a bid to defuse growing anger over the struggle to curb wildfires that have charred thousands of hectares of forest.

Fire crews make headway as Algeria holds second day of mourning

2021-08-14T04:51+0200nation (en)

ALGIERS - Firefighters battled wildfires still raging across northern Algeria Friday assisted by volunteers, but the deadly blazes in the worst-hit province of Tizi Ouzou were largely extinguished, the emergency services said. The North African country was observing a second day of national mourning....

World is gripped by extreme weather as temperatures in Europe close to hitting 50C

2021-08-14T03:38+0200independent-ie (en)

Firefighters and aircraft battled fresh blazes across the Mediterranean while thick smoke from wildfires meant Siberians were warned to remain indoors . T his came as extreme weather continued to grip the world yesterday. The crisis comes just days after the UN panel on climate change warned that....

Youth should plant trees instead of blowing horns on I-Day: Amin

2021-08-14T02:35+0200pakobserver (en)

Our Corespondent Attock. Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) Malik Amin Aslam on Friday inaugurated plantation in Khagwani village and said youth should plant trees instead of blowing trumpets and horns on Independence Day. Addressing the plantation ceremony in Shahder, Khagwani village....

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath

2021-08-14T02:04+0200euractiv-en (en)

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in a bid to defuse growing anger over the struggle to curb wildfires that have charred thousands of hectares of forest. Mitsotakis has this week apologised for delays in the....

Man Reportedly Helping Fight Fire Taken for Arsonist, Burned Alive by Mob

2021-08-14T00:21+0200newsweek-USA (en)

An apparent social activist who was attempting to put out a wildfire in Algeria was mistaken by an angry mob to be the arsonist and was burned alive. Jamal ben Ismael, 35, was killed in the northern city of Tizi Ouzou in Kabylia on Wednesday evening, local media reported.

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath

2021-08-13T23:59+0200fijitimes (en)

ATHENS (Reuters – Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in a bid to defuse growing anger over the struggle to curb wildfires that have charred thousands of hectares of forest.

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath

2021-08-13T23:55+0200gulf-times (en)

• Wildfire breaks out east of Rome, locals evacuated • Firefighters bring northeastern Spain blaze under control • Russia ramps up Siberia battle Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in an attempt to defuse growing anger....

Temporali devastanti in Turchia: il bilancio e di 27 morti e diversi dispersi

2021-08-13T20:22+0200periodicodaily (it)

Temporali devastanti in Turchia. Il bilancio dell’alluvione nel Mar Nero continua a peggiorare il bilanci e di 27 morti e diversi dispersi. Dopo il disastro dell’alluvione in cui la perdita di vite umane ha continuato ad aumentare, il numero totale dei morti è diventato 27. Si è appreso che questo numero era 25 a Kastamonu e 2 a Sinop.

Greek Wildfires: New Blaze Breaks out on Evia Island

2021-08-13T20:07+0200theepochtimes (en)

ATHENS, Greece —A new fire broke out Friday on Greece’s island of Evia, but south from an area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes, and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control....

Turquía busca aliviar estragos de inundaciones en región del Mar Negro, reportan 27 muertos

2021-08-13T19:34+0200euronews-es (es)

Por Nevzat Devranoglu. SINOP , Turquía, 13 ago – Trabajadores de emergencia intentaban el viernes entregar asistencia a las áreas afectadas por inundaciones de la región del Mar Negro en Turquía, mientras el número de muertos aumentó a 27 tras el segundo desastre natural que asola al país en apenas un mes.

Turkey flood deaths rise as fresh fires erupt on Greek island of Evia

2021-08-13T19:31+0200irishtimes (en)

The natural disasters, which scientists agree are becoming more intense and frequent because of global heating caused by harmful emissions, pose a challenge to Turkey’s powerful president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan , two years before general elections. Erdogan, who was due to visit the flood-hit region....

Volunteer Reportedly Helping Fight Fire Mistaken for Arsonist, Burned Alive by Mob

2021-08-13T19:21+0200newsweek (en)

An apparent social activist who was attempting to put out a wildfire in Algeria was mistaken by an angry mob to be the arsonist and was burned alive. Jamal ben Ismael, 35, was killed in the northern city of Tizi Ouzou in Kabylia on Wednesday evening, local media reported.

27 muertos en Turquía por inundaciones en región del Mar Negro

2021-08-13T19:02+0200reduno (es)

Trabajadores de emergencia intentaban el viernes entregar asistencia a las áreas afectadas por inundaciones de la región del Mar Negro en Turquía, mientras el número de muertos aumentó a 27 tras el segundo desastre natural que asola al país en apenas un mes.

The world is burning.. Learn about the list of burning countries

2021-08-13T18:58+0200archyde (en)

According to the map of the NASA Fire Information System satellite map, known as “FIRMS”, fires have spread to many parts of the world due to the effects of global warming and climate change, the most severe of which were in Turkey and Greece. Many Mediterranean countries are suffering from....

Le inondazioni in Turchia uccidono 17 persone mentre il paese è alle prese con un nuovo disastro | tacchino

2021-08-13T18:50+0200informazione (it)

In sintesi... /div> div id=tt-text> p>Fai un click sull'icona, per creare un compendio del testo degli articoli presenti sulla pagina. /p> p>In automatico sarà generato un sunto degli articoli selezionati, con l'estrazione delle informazio t <<ni principali. A te decidere il grado di dettaglio e la quantità di testo da estrarre.

Firefighters turn corner on Greek blazes

2021-08-13T18:44+0200omanobserver-om (en)

ATHENS: Greece breathed a sigh of relief Friday after "mega fires" that have ravaged much of the country were brought under control, but firefighters elsewhere in southern Europe braced for fresh outbreaks. The scorching temperatures across the Mediterranean have increased the risk of blazes, which....

Greek wildfires: New blaze burning on ravaged Evia island

2021-08-13T18:43+0200ChinaPost (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A new fire broke out Friday on Greece’s second largest island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire has decimated forests and torched homes, and was still smoldering 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six....

Firefighters make headway as Algeria holds second day of mourning Firefighters battled wildfires still raging across northern Algeria Friday assisted by volunteers, but the deadly blazes in the worst-hit province of

2021-08-13T18:32+0200alarabiya-en (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires still raging across northern Algeria Friday assisted by volunteers, but the deadly blazes in the worst-hit province of Tizi Ouzou were largely extinguished, the emergency services said. The North African country was observing a second day of national mourning for the....

Greek wildfires: New blaze burning on ravaged Evia island

2021-08-13T18:31+0200whig (en)

Goats are seen at a burn area near Krioneritis village on Evia island, about 181 kilometers (113 miles) north of Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021. Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis says the devastating wildfires that burned across the country for more than a week amount to the greatest....

Turquía busca aliviar estragos de inundaciones en región del Mar Negro, reportan 27 muertos

2021-08-13T18:28+0200investing-ES (es)

Por Nevzat Devranoglu. SINOP, Turquía, 13 ago (Reuters) - Trabajadores de emergencia intentaban el viernes entregar asistencia a las áreas afectadas por inundaciones de la región del Mar Negro en Turquía, mientras el número de muertos aumentó a 27 tras el segundo desastre natural que asola al país en apenas un mes.

Greek wildfires: New blaze burning on ravaged Evia island

2021-08-13T18:18+0200eagletribune (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A new fire broke out Friday on Greece’s second largest island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire has decimated forests and torched homes, and was still smoldering 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six....

La pioggia devasta il nord della Turchia, 27 morti per le inondazioni

2021-08-13T18:18+0200gds-it (it)

Almeno 27 morti, migliaia di evacuati, centinaia di villaggi in blackout e gravi danni a ponti e infrastrutture . È un bilancio tragico, quello che emerge dalle inondazioni che hanno colpito il nord della Turchia. Venticinque persone hanno perso la vita nella provincia di Kastamonu. due in quella di Sinop.

Primero los incendios, ahora las inundaciones: Nuevo desastre natural en Turquía deja al menos 27 muertos

2021-08-13T18:07+0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

Trabajadores de emergencia intentaban este viernes entregar asistencia a las áreas afectadas por inundaciones de la región del Mar Negro en Turquía , mientras el número de muertos aumentó a 27 tras el segundo desastre natural que asola al país en apenas un mes.

Greek wildfires: New blaze breaks out on Evia, Greece's second-largest island

2021-08-13T18:04+0200ahram-EN (en)

A new fire broke out Friday on Greece's island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece's fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control the new fire in....

Fire crews advance as Algeria holds second day of mourning

2021-08-13T17:56+0200english-alaraby (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires still raging across northern Algeria Friday assisted by volunteers, but the deadly blazes in the worst-hit province of Tizi Ouzou were largely extinguished, the emergency services said. The North African country was observing the second day of national mourning for the....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T17:54+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

A new fire has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. The fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

Are extreme heat waves the new normal?

2021-08-13T17:40+0200barrie (en)

TORONTO -- Canadians alarmed by this summer’s extreme weather, including deadly record temperatures in British Columbia and forest fires that have burned towns and blanketed much of the country in smoke, should get used to conditions this bad or worse in the coming years, says a climate researcher from the University of Ottawa.

Turquía busca aliviar estragos de inundaciones en región del mar negro, reportan 27 muertos

2021-08-13T17:37+0200lanacion-AR (es)

(Agrega comentarios de Erdogan) Por Nevzat Devranoglu. SINOP, Turquía, 13 ago (Reuters) - Trabajadores de emergencia intentaban el viernes entregar asistencia a las áreas afectadas por inundaciones de la región del Mar Negro en Turquía, mientras el número de muertos aumentó a 27 tras el segundo desastre natural que asola al país en apenas un mes.

Turkey flood deaths rise as fresh fires erupt on Greek island of Evia

2021-08-13T17:18+0200guardian (en)

The death toll from flash floods in Turkey has reached 27 and fresh wildfires erupted on the ravaged Greek island of Evia, as southern Europe braces for more extreme weather events caused by human-made climate change. Record Mediterranean heatwaves fuelled blazes that have devastated parts of Italy,....

Are extreme heat waves the new normal?

2021-08-13T16:58+0200ctvnews (en)

TORONTO -- Canadians alarmed by this summer’s extreme weather, including deadly record temperatures in British Columbia and forest fires that have burned towns and blanketed much of the country in smoke, should get used to conditions this bad or worse in the coming years, says a climate researcher from the University of Ottawa.

Fire crews make headway as Algeria holds second day of mourning

2021-08-13T16:04+0200bssnews (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 13, 2021 (BSS/AFP) - Firefighters battled wildfires still raging across northern Algeria Friday assisted by volunteers, but the deadly blazes in the worst-hit province of Tizi Ouzou were largely extinguished, the emergency services said. The North African country was observing a second....

Fires in Spain and Italy, floods in Turkey, choking smoke in Siberia - extreme weather causes chaos around the world

2021-08-13T15:56+0200telegraph (en)

Firefighters and aircraft battled fresh wildfires in Italy, Greece and Spain, Siberians were told to stay at home because of thick smoke and the death toll from Turkey’s flash floods soared to 27 on Friday as extreme weather events spanned the globe. Days after the UN panel on climate change warned....

Fire crews make headway as Algeria holds second day of mourning

2021-08-13T15:33+0200digitaljournal (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires still raging across northern Algeria Friday assisted by volunteers, but the deadly blazes in the worst-hit province of Tizi Ouzou were largely extinguished, the emergency services said. The North African country was observing a second day of national mourning for the....

New blaze flares on charred Greek island

2021-08-13T15:21+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

A new fire has broken out on Greece's island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. Greece's fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control the new fire in....

From wildfires to floods, the Mediterranean bears the brunt of catastrophic climate change

2021-08-13T15:17+0200rfi-en (en)

The climatic variations appear to bear out a damning UN report that says irreversible climate change is happening much faster than predicted. In Greece, hundreds of houses and businesses have been destroyed and around 65,000 hectares of forest destroyed by the conflagrations since the start of August.

New blaze flares on charred Greek island

2021-08-13T15:13+0200bordermail (en)

A new fire has broken out on Greece's island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. Greece's fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control the new fire in....

New blaze flares on charred Greek island

2021-08-13T15:12+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

A new fire has broken out on Greece's island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. Greece's fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control the new fire in....

Firefighters turn corner as Greek fires move west

2021-08-13T15:10+0200RTERadio (en)

Fire fighters from France extinguish a fire that approaches Neochori Gortynias, in Peloponnese, Greece, pic: Getty. Greece breathed a sigh of relief after "mega fires" that have ravaged much of the country were brought under control, but firefighters elsewhere in southern Europe are braced for fresh outbreaks.

Fire Crews Make Headway As Algeria Holds Second Day Of Mourning

2021-08-13T15:10+0200barrons (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires still raging across northern Algeria Friday assisted by volunteers, but the deadly blazes in the worst-hit province of Tizi Ouzou were largely extinguished, the emergency services said. The North African country was observing a second day of national mourning for the....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island of Evia ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T15:07+0200thejournal (en)

A NEW FIRE has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. The fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

Greece brings ‘mega fires’ under control as more blazes threaten southern Europe

2021-08-13T15:01+0200france24-en (en)

The scorching temperatures across the Mediterranean have increased the risk of blazes , which have already devastated parts of Italy, Turkey, Algeria and Tunisia, with the bulk of Spain and Portugal's regions put on high alert for wildfires. Rising temperatures and increased dryness due to changing....

New blaze flares on charred Greek island

2021-08-13T15:01+0200illawarramercury (en)

A new fire has broken out on Greece's island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. Greece's fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control the new fire in....

Youth should plant trees instead of blowing trumpets, horns on Independence Day: Amin

2021-08-13T15:01+0200app-en (en)

ATTOCK, Aug 13 (APP):Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) Malik Amin Aslam on Friday inaugurated plantation in Khagwani village and said youth should plant trees instead of blowing trumpets and horns on Independence Day. Addressing the plantation ceremony in Shahder, Khagwani village the....

Fire Crews Make Headway As Algeria Holds Second Day Of Mourning

2021-08-13T14:59+0200ibtimes (en)

Firefighters battled wildfires still raging across northern Algeria Friday assisted by volunteers, but the deadly blazes in the worst-hit province of Tizi Ouzou were largely extinguished, the emergency services said. The North African country was observing a second day of national mourning for the....

13/08/2021 Fire crews make headway as Algeria holds second day of mourning

2021-08-13T14:46+0200rfi-en (en)

Algiers (AFP) Firefighters battled wildfires still raging across northern Algeria Friday assisted by volunteers, but the deadly blazes in the worst-hit province of Tizi Ouzou were largely extinguished, the emergency services said. The North African country was observing a second day of national....

Kazakh Helicopters Participate in Extinguishing Forest Fires in Turkey (Video)

2021-08-13T14:44+0200astanatimes (en)

NUR-SULTAN – Two helicopters from Kazakhstan have started extinguishing forest fires in the south-west of Turkey, the Ministry for Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan reported. Kazakh aircraft performed 45 cycles of water discharge, a total of 180 tons. All in all, the professional crew spent more than 10 hours in the sky.

Firefighters turn corner on Greek fires as risk moves west

2021-08-13T14:33+0200digitaljournal (en)

Greece breathed a sigh of relief Friday after “mega fires” that have ravaged much of the country were brought under control, but firefighters elsewhere in southern Europe braced for fresh outbreaks. The scorching temperatures across the Mediterranean have increased the risk of blazes, which have....

Death toll in Turkey’s flash floods soars to 27

2021-08-13T14:11+0200inquirer (en)

Turkey’s emergence as a frontline country in the battle against climate change also poses a challenge to Erdogan two years before the next scheduled general election. The powerful Turkish leader was roundly condemned on social media for tossing out bags of tea to locals while visiting one of the....

world Greek wildfires: New blaze breaks out on Evia island By Associated Press 14/08/2021

2021-08-13T14:06+0200samoaobserver (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A new fire broke out Friday on Greece’s island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to....

New fire breaks out on Greece's Evia island

2021-08-13T13:52+0200dailysabah (en)

A fire broke out Friday on the Greek island of Evia south of the area where Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control the new fire in central Evia, along with 23 firefighters and 10 vehicles. The larger fire that broke out on Aug.

Video. Tebboune admits not having given instructions to buy Canadairs until after the start of the fires

2021-08-13T13:49+0200archyde (en)

After playing arsonist by setting fire between brave Algerian citizens, the regime is trying to play firefighter to try to put an end to the climate of hatred and division. A climate whose unfortunate illustration came from Larbaâ Nath Irathen, on the heights of Tizi-Ouzou, where the populations....

Greek wildfires: New blaze breaks out on Evia island

2021-08-13T13:41+0200thehimalayantimes (en)

Greece's fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control the new fire in central Evia, along with 23 firefighters and 10 vehicles. The larger fire that broke out on Aug. 3 destroyed most of the island's north and is one of the country's worst known forest fires.

Firefighters Turn Corner On Greek Fires As Risk Moves West

2021-08-13T13:38+0200barrons (en)

Greece breathed a sigh of relief Friday after "mega fires" that have ravaged much of the country were brought under control, but firefighters elsewhere in southern Europe braced for fresh outbreaks. The scorching temperatures across the Mediterranean have increased the risk of blazes, which have....

Firefighters Turn Corner On Greek Fires As Risk Moves West

2021-08-13T13:25+0200ibtimes (en)

Greece breathed a sigh of relief Friday after "mega fires" that have ravaged much of the country were brought under control, but firefighters elsewhere in southern Europe braced for fresh outbreaks. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has called the fires Greece's "greatest ecological disaster in decades" Photo: AFP / ANGELOS TZORTZINIS.

Greek wildfires: New blaze breaks out on Evia island

2021-08-13T13:25+0200ChinaPost (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A new fire broke out Friday on Greece’s island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T13:24+0200irishexaminer (en)

A new fire has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. The fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

Torrid wildfires further ignite threats from climate change

2021-08-13T13:23+0200english-alaraby (en)

In recent weeks, wildfires have ravaged the countryside of North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean, resulting in human and livestock casualties, scorching the earth beyond repair. After the damning IPCC report, what can we do, or is it too late? Wildfires are raging across Europe and North....

Greek Wildfires: New Blaze Breaks Out on Evia Island

2021-08-13T13:18+0200aawsat (en)

A new fire broke out Friday on Greece’s island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control the new fire in....

Algeria wildfires: 22 arrested for arson amid 'disaster'

2021-08-13T13:14+0200heart (en)

A total of 22 people suspected of being behind deadly wildfires in Algeria have been arrested, the country's president has said. The wildfires have killed 65 people and are the most devastating in the country's history. Mountainous areas of northern Algeria have been hit by dozens of forest fires,....

13/08/2021 Firefighters turn corner on Greek fires as risk moves west

2021-08-13T13:14+0200rfi-en (en)

Athens (AFP) Greece breathed a sigh of relief Friday after "mega fires" that have ravaged much of the country were brought under control, but firefighters elsewhere in southern Europe braced for fresh outbreaks. The scorching temperatures across the Mediterranean have increased the risk of blazes,....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T13:09+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

A new fire has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. The fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T13:08+0200eveningtimes (en)

A new fire has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. The fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T13:08+0200dailyecho (en)

A new fire has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. The fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

Greek wildfires: New blaze breaks out on Evia island

2021-08-13T13:05+0200TorontoStar (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A new fire broke out Friday on Greece’s island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T13:01+0200theargus (en)

A new fire has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. The fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

New blaze breaks out on Evia island

2021-08-13T12:57+0200kathimerini-en (en)

A new fire broke out Friday on Greece’s island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control the new fire in....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T12:55+0200chesterfirst (en)

A new fire has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. The fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T12:52+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

A new fire has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. T he fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T12:48+0200impartialreporter (en)

A new fire has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. The fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

Greek wildfires: New blaze breaks out on Evia island

2021-08-13T12:47+0200eagletribune (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A new fire broke out Friday on Greece’s island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T12:46+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

A new fire has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. The fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

Greek wildfires: New blaze breaks out on Evia island

2021-08-13T12:45+0200sfgate (en)

1 of 8 Goats are seen at a burn area near Krioneritis village on Evia island, about 181 kilometers (113 miles) north of Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021. Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis says the devastating wildfires that burned across the country for more than a week amount to the....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T12:44+0200independent-ie (en)

A new fire has broken out on the Greek island of Evia, south of the area where a massive wildfire devastated forests, torched homes and still smouldered 10 days after it started. T he fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters had been sent to control the new fire in....

Greek wildfires: New blaze breaks out on Evia island

2021-08-13T12:39+0200independent-UK (en)

A new fire broke out Friday on Greece’s island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control the new fire in....

Deadly flash floods sweep through Turkey’s Black Sea region

2021-08-13T12:39+0200thestatesman (en)

At least 17 people have been killed in flash floods in Turkey’s Black Sea region that have sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges, and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month. The floodwaters brought chaos to northern provinces just....

Greek wildfires: New blaze breaks out on Evia island

2021-08-13T12:37+0200timesofindia (en)

ATHENS: A new fire broke out Friday on Greece's island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece's fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control the new....

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath

2021-08-13T12:36+0200bdnews24 (en)

Mitsotakis has this week apologised for delays in the firefighting effort while defending his government's action and authorising a 500-million-euro ($586.95 million) relief package. Hundreds of houses and businesses have been destroyed and around 65,000 hectares (160,620 acres) of forest destroyed....

Greek wildfires: New blaze breaks out on Evia island

2021-08-13T12:36+0200ABCnews (en)

ATHENS, Greece -- A new fire broke out Friday on Greece ’s island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to....

New blaze breaks out on Greek island ravaged by wildfires

2021-08-13T12:35+0200thecourier (en)

Flames burn a forest during a wildfire in Skepasti village on the island of Evia, about 150 kilometers (93 miles) north of Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece, threatening the archaeological site at the....

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath ATHENS (Reuters - Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in a bid to... 1h ago

2021-08-13T12:24+0200kelo (en)

ATHENS (Reuters – Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in a bid to defuse growing anger over the struggle to curb wildfires that have charred thousands of hectares of forest.

Maltempo: aumentano a 17 i morti per inondazioni in Turchia

2021-08-13T12:24+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 13 AGO - Sono aumentati ad almeno 17 i morti provocati dalle inondazioni nella regione del Mar Nero, nel nord della Turchia, dove finora sono state evacuate oltre 1.400 persone ed altre 740 circa si sono rifugiate in alloggi destinati agli studenti.

Greek wildfires: New blaze breaks out on Evia island

2021-08-13T12:22+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

ATHENS, Greece — A new fire broke out Friday on Greece’s island of Evia but south from the area where a massive wildfire decimated forests, torched homes and still smoldered 10 days after it started. Greece’s fire department said four water-dropping aircraft and six helicopters were sent to control....

NATO Allies stand together against wildfires

2021-08-13T12:03+0200shape-nato (en)

The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) has responded to Greece’s call for assistance and arranged for the deployment of 20 heavy and medium size helicopters with dedicated pilots, crewmembers and mechanics to assist the Hellenic Fire Brigade. NSPA contribution increased the fire extinguishing capacity up to 7 tons of water per drop.

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath

2021-08-13T12:01+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

ATHENS - Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in a bid to defuse growing anger over the struggle to curb wildfires that have charred thousands of hectares of forest. Mitsotakis has this week apologised for delays in....

Maltempo: aumentano a 17 i morti per inondazioni in Turchia Ansa

2021-08-13T11:59+0200msn-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 13 AGO - Sono aumentati ad almeno 17 i morti provocati dalle inondazioni nella regione del Mar Nero, nel nord della Turchia, dove finora sono state evacuate oltre 1.400 persone ed altre 740 circa si sono rifugiate in alloggi destinati agli studenti. © ANSA Maltempo: aumentano a 17 i morti per inondazioni in Turchia.

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath ATHENS (Reuters - Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in a bid to defuse growing anger over the struggle to curb wildfires that have charred thousands of ...

2021-08-13T11:50+0200saltwire (en)

ATHENS (Reuters - Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in a bid to defuse growing anger over the struggle to curb wildfires that have charred thousands of hectares of forest.

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath

2021-08-13T11:49+0200metro-us (en)

ATHENS (Reuters – Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in a bid to defuse growing anger over the struggle to curb wildfires that have charred thousands of hectares of forest.

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath

2021-08-13T11:43+0200oann (en)

Burnt hillsides are seen following a wildfire near the village of Pefki on the island of Evia, Greece, August 12, 2021. Picture taken with a drone. REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis. August 13, 2021. ATHENS (Reuters – Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge....

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath

2021-08-13T11:22+0200reuters (en)

ATHENS, Aug 13 (Reuters - Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday appointed a new minister in charge of recovery from natural disasters in a bid to defuse growing anger over the struggle to curb wildfires that have charred thousands of hectares of forest.

Greece appoints new minister to handle wildfire aftermath

2021-08-13T11:21+0200cyprus-mail (en)

Fire brigade officials told Reuters that forest fires on Evia and in the mainland Western Peloponnese and Northern Attica regions remained under control but that many firefighters had stayed on in the areas to fight possible flare-ups. “The internal government reshuffle is aimed at strengthening the....

Alluvione Turchia: inondazioni uccidono decine di persone nella regione del Mar Nero

2021-08-13T10:29+0200blitzquotidiano (it)

Alluvione in Turchia : decine di morti nel Nord del Paese. E il tragico bilancio sta purtroppo salendo di ora in ora. Sono gli effetti delle inondazioni che hanno flagellato la Turchia. Alluvione in Turchia: decine di morti per le inondazioni. Sono aumentati ad almeno 27 i morti provocati dalle....

17 killed as flash floods sweep through northern Turkey

2021-08-13T10:28+0200tribune (en)

ISTANBUL: Seventeen people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month. The floodwaters brought chaos to northern....

Turchia devastata dal maltempo: 27 morti, migliaia di evacuati, ponti crollati e frane [FOTO]

2021-08-13T10:18+0200meteoweb (it)

Sono aumentati ad almeno 27 i morti provocati dalle inondazioni nella regione del Mar Nero, nel nord della Turchia: lo hanno reso noto le autorità responsabili della gestione dei disastri naturali. Una persona risulta ancora dispersa, mentre è in corso una vasta operazione di ricerca e soccorso. Finora sono state evacuate oltre 1.

Maltempo: aumentano a 17 i morti per inondazioni in Turchia

2021-08-13T09:54+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

ROMA, 13 AGO - Sono aumentati ad almeno 17 i morti provocati dalle inondazioni nella regione del Mar Nero, nel nord della Turchia, dove finora sono state evacuate oltre 1.400 persone ed altre 740 circa si sono rifugiate in alloggi destinati agli studenti.

TURCHIA 28 min Dopo gli incendi, le inondazioni: almeno 27 morti Particolarmente colpito il distretto di Kastamonu, nel nord della Turchia.

2021-08-13T09:52+0200tio (it)

KASTAMONU - Dopo gli incendi , le inondazioni. Sono almeno 27 le vittime delle alluvioni che stanno interessando la regione del Mar Nero, nel nord della Turchia. Finora sono state evacuate oltre 1'400 persone e altre 740 circa si sono rifugiate in alloggi destinati agli studenti.

Maltempo: aumentano a 17 i morti per inondazioni in Turchia

2021-08-13T09:47+0200globodiroma (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 13 AGO - Sono aumentati ad almeno 17 i morti provocati dalle inondazioni nella regione del Mar Nero, nel nord della Turchia, dove finora sono state evacuate oltre 1.400 persone ed altre 740 circa si sono rifugiate in alloggi destinati agli studenti.

Maltempo: aumentano a 17 i morti per inondazioni in Turchia

2021-08-13T09:42+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 13 AGO - Sono aumentati ad almeno 17 i morti provocati dalle inondazioni nella regione del Mar Nero, nel nord della Turchia, dove finora sono state evacuate oltre 1.400 persone ed altre 740 circa si sono rifugiate in alloggi destinati agli studenti.

Maltempo: aumentano a 17 i morti per inondazioni in Turchia

2021-08-13T08:58+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 13 AGO - Sono aumentati ad almeno 17 i morti provocati dalle inondazioni nella regione del Mar Nero, nel nord della Turchia, dove finora sono state evacuate oltre 1.400 persone ed altre 740 circa si sono rifugiate in alloggi destinati agli studenti.

Seventeen killed as flash floods sweep through northern Turkey

2021-08-13T08:46+0200thenational (en)

Seventeen people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday. The floods sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month. The floodwaters brought chaos to northern provinces....

Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey, killing 11 people

2021-08-13T08:42+0200parstoday-en (en)

Eleven people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges, and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month. The floodwaters brought chaos to northern provinces just as....

Nel 2021 distrutti 3 milioni di ettari di foreste per gli incendi, in atmosfera 1,5 miliardi di tonnellate di CO2

2021-08-13T08:23+0200247libero (it)

A causa degli incendi che si sono sviluppati di recente in Italia, Canada, Grecia, Turchia e Siberia, nel solo 2021 sono state distrutti 3 milioni di ettari di foreste, pari 2,2 miliardi di alberi, con una conseguente immediata immissione in atmosfera di 1,5 miliardi di tonnellate di CO2, pari al 4,2% delle emissioni globali del 2020.

Heavy floods hit northwest Turkey killing 17 people - CNN

2021-08-13T08:21+0200google-top-stories (en)

Seventeen people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month. The floodwaters brought chaos to northern provinces just....

Heavy floods hit northwest Turkey killing 17 people - CNN

2021-08-13T08:06+0200google-top-stories-innovatie (en)

Seventeen people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month. The floodwaters brought chaos to northern provinces just....

NATO Allies stand together against wildfires

2021-08-13T07:21+0200globalsecurity (en)

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. 12 Aug. 2021. Albania, Greece, North Macedonia and Turkey have received support from their NATO Allies in dealing with devastating wildfires faced since July. The assistance provided included the delivery of ground and air assets most needed to help contain the spread of the fires.

Greece facing ‘ecological disaster’ from wildfires: Mitsotakis

2021-08-13T01:12+0200gulf-times (en)

Hundreds of firefighters battled yesterday to contain new flare-ups in wildfire-ravaged areas of Greece, where summer infernos have caused what the prime minister described as the country’s “greatest ecological disaster in decades”. Rain overnight in some areas and falling temperatures appeared to....

Floods sweep through north Turkey

2021-08-13T01:12+0200gulf-times (en)

Eleven people were killed in flash floods in Turkey’s Black Sea region yesterday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month. The floodwaters brought chaos to northern provinces just as....

Floods sweep through north Turkey...

2021-08-13T00:59+0200menafn (en)

- Gulf Times) Eleven people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region yesterday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month. The floodwaters brought chaos to northern....

All Wildfires in Turkey Extinguished - Minister of Forestry

2021-08-13T00:22+0200urdupoint (en)

ANKARA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 12th August, 2021) There are currently no active wildfires in , Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli said on Thursday. forest fires in our country have been extinguished," Pakdemirli said on He added that since the start of large wildfires on July....

UN Report: Wildfires in 2021 Have Broken New Records

2021-08-12T23:20+0200almayadeen-en (en)

"Of the 3 regions hit by devastating fires, Siberia appears to have been on a continually worsening trend for at least the past 5 years," Barrington added. CAMS data reported that since June, forest fires in Siberia have emitted more than 188 megatons of carbon, equivalent to about 505 megatons of....

Was Algeria's Forest Fires an Act of Sabotage?

2021-08-12T23:12+0200albawaba-en (en)

More than 70 people have died from forest fires in Algeria. The figure is likely higher — Khaled Beydoun (@KhaledBeydoun) August 12, 2021 President Abdelmadjid Tebboune declared three days of national mourning for the dead and froze state activities not related to the fires.

Environment Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey in new natural disaster6:30 PM UTC

2021-08-12T22:25+0200reuters-br (en)

ISTANBUL, Aug 12 (Reuters) - Seventeen people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

Environment Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey in new natural disaster6:30 PM UTC

2021-08-12T22:21+0200ara-reuters (en)

ISTANBUL, Aug 12 (Reuters) - Seventeen people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

Algeria combats wildfires, observes day of mourning

2021-08-12T22:18+0200europesun (en)

At least 69 people have been killed since Monday in devastating fires in Algeria. President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has declared three days of national mourning starting from Thursday. The Algerian authorities say they suspect widespread arson. Blazes raged across northern Algeria on Thursday as the....

Environment Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey in new natural disaster 6:30 PM UTC

2021-08-12T22:12+0200reuters-it (en)

ISTANBUL, Aug 12 (Reuters) - Seventeen people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

Environment Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey in new natural disaster 6:30 PM UTC

2021-08-12T22:09+0200reuters-uk (en)

ISTANBUL, Aug 12 (Reuters) - Seventeen people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

Environment Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey in new natural disaster6:30 PM UTC

2021-08-12T22:05+0200reuters-fr (en)

ISTANBUL, Aug 12 (Reuters) - Seventeen people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

Environment Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey in new natural disaster 6:30 PM UTC

2021-08-12T22:03+0200reuters-es (en)

ISTANBUL, Aug 12 (Reuters) - Seventeen people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

Environment Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey in new natural disaster6:30 PM UTC

2021-08-12T22:02+0200reuters-af (en)

ISTANBUL, Aug 12 (Reuters) - Seventeen people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

Kazakhstan, Kuwait offer to support Turkey's firefighting efforts

2021-08-12T21:57+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

As Turkey's struggle against forest fires continues, Kazakhstan and Kuwait have added themselves to the growing list of countries providing support to Ankara, Daily Sabah reports. Kuwait said on Saturday that it will dispatch a fire brigade crew to Turkey to support that country's fight against forest fires.

Deadly flash floods sweep through Turkey’s Black Sea region

2021-08-12T21:28+0200aljazeera-en (en)

At least 17 people have been killed in flash floods in Turkey’s Black Sea region that have sent water and debris cascading through streets, damaged bridges, and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month. The floodwaters brought chaos to northern provinces just....

Siberian wildfires now bigger than all other fires in world combined

2021-08-12T21:26+0200mycentraloregon (en)

Yelantsevv/iStock. (YAKUTSK, Russia) — Gigantic wildfires are burning across Siberia on a record scale that is larger than all the fires raging this summer around the world combined. The massive blazes in Russia are fueled in part by extreme heat waves and record droughts that scientists are blaming on warmer temperatures linked to climate change.

Siberian wildfires now bigger than all other fires in world combined

2021-08-12T20:55+0200ABCnews (en)

The worst hit region is Yakutia, a vast semi-autonomous republic around 3,000 miles east of Moscow that in winter is one of the coldest inhabited places on Earth. The fires have been burning since late spring in Yakutia and are already among the largest ever recorded. The region is enduring a historic drought that is feeding the fires.

Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey in new natural disaster...

2021-08-12T20:15+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) ISTANBUL - Eleven people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey in new natural...

2021-08-12T19:49+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

ISTANBUL - Eleven people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

Turchia: ministro Agricoltura, spenti tutti gli incendi boschivi

2021-08-12T19:25+0200agenzianova (it)

Ankara, 12 ago 18:50 - (Agenzia Nova) - Al momento non ci sono più incendi attivi in Turchia. Lo ha dichiarato il ministro dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste, Bekir Pakdemirli. "Tutti gli incendi boschivi nel nostro Paese sono stati spenti", ha scritto Pakdemirli su Twitter, aggiungendo che....

Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey, killing 11, in new natural disaster

2021-08-12T19:19+0200straitstimesSG (en)

ISTANBUL (REUTERS) - Eleven people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday (Aug 12) that sent water and debris cascading through through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month. | Algeria combats wildfires, observes day of mourning

2021-08-12T19:14+0200news24 (en)

At least 69 people have been killed since Monday in devastating fires in Algeria. President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has declared three days of national mourning starting from Thursday. The Algerian authorities say they suspect widespread arson. Blazes raged across northern Algeria on Thursday as the....

Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey in new natural disaster

2021-08-12T19:01+0200news-yahoo-in (en)

ISTANBUL (Reuters) -Eleven people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

Flash floods sweep through northern Turkey in new natural disaster

2021-08-12T18:59+0200reuters (en)

ISTANBUL, Aug 12 (Reuters) - Eleven people were killed in flash floods in Turkey's Black Sea region on Thursday that sent water and debris cascading through through streets, damaged bridges and ripped up roads in the second natural disaster to strike the country this month.

Azerbaijani firefighters continue battling forest fires in Turkey (VIDEO)

2021-08-12T17:56+0200news-az (en)

Firefighting and rescue teams of Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Emergency Situations, which are in Turkey under the instructions of President Ilham Aliyev, continue successful operations to extinguish the wildfires in the country. Over the past day, Azerbaijani firefighters carried out operations to cool....

Wildfires in Greece: After a Long Battle, Firefighters Contain Blazes

2021-08-12T17:17+0200nytimes (en)

ATHENS — After 10 days of battling blazes across the country, firefighters in Greece managed to contain some of them on Thursday, although a thunderstorm was a mixed blessing: the rain doused some of the smoldering fires but lightning sparked new ones.

Siberia's Wildfires Are Bigger Than All The Others Raging Right Now Combined

2021-08-12T16:45+0200iflscience (en)

From the Mediterranean to North America, vast portions of the Northern Hemisphere are grappling with extraordinarily fierce wildfires this summer. However, all of these fires combined are still no rival to the blazes currently raging in Siberia. A total of 13.4 million hectares (33.

The planes will be deployed in the Kabylia region Thursday, said a European Commission press release, noting that the Commission co-finances up to 75 percent of the transport costs of the deployment.

2021-08-12T16:26+0200saudigazette (en)

BRUSSELS — The European Union Thursday announced that France has mobilized two Canadair-type firefighting planes to help Algeria fight forest fires in the north and northeast of the country, following a request for assistance submitted to the EU civil protection on Wednesday.

High toll of Algeria forest fires raises questions about crisis management

2021-08-12T15:21+0200thearabweekly (en)

TIZI OUZOU, Algeria--Blazes raged across northern Algeria on Thursday as the country observed a national day of mourning for dozens of people killed in the latest wildfires to sweep the Mediterranean. The North African country has been in the grip of devastating fires since Monday that have claimed 69 lives — 41 civilians and 28 soldiers.

Fuertes inundaciones azotan el noroeste de Turquía

2021-08-12T15:01+0200esdelatino-com (es)

Solo unos días después de que los incendios arrasaron el sur de Turquía, arrasaron pueblos enteros y obligaron a miles a huir, los equipos de rescate lucharon el jueves para evacuar a decenas de personas y encontrar a los desaparecidos después de que las fuertes lluvias causaron inundaciones repentinas en la región noroeste del país.

NATO Allies stand together against wildfires

2021-08-12T14:18+0200nato (en)

Albania, Greece, North Macedonia and Turkey have received support from their NATO Allies in dealing with devastating wildfires faced since July. The assistance provided included the delivery of ground and air assets most needed to help contain the spread of the fires.

NATO Allies stand together against wildfires

2021-08-12T14:18+0200miragenews (en)

Albania, Greece, North Macedonia and Turkey have received support from their NATO Allies in dealing with devastating wildfires faced since July. The assistance provided included the delivery of ground and air assets most needed to help contain the spread of the fires.

A video of the stone crying.. the cry of an Algerian soldier amid the flames

2021-08-12T13:41+0200archyde (en)

After the Algerian soldier Ibrahim Khoja Benaissa appeared in a video clip widely circulated on social networking sites, as he issued a distress call, the Algerians cried, and all he saw, pictures of him were circulated while he was in a hospital, where he appears in good health and has not been physically harmed.

Turchia-Afghanistan: telefonata Erdogan-Ghani, focus su situazione nel Paese

2021-08-12T12:22+0200agenzianova (it)

Ankara, 12 ago 11:51 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il presidente della Turchia, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ha avuto nella serata di ieri una conversazione telefonica con l’omologo dell’Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani. Secondo quanto riferisce l’agenzia di stampa turca “Anadolu”, il presidente afgano ha espresso i suoi....

All major wildfires extinguished in Turkey: Minister

2021-08-12T11:47+0200dailysabah (en)

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli had good news for the nation mourning the losses of thousands of hectares of forests to wildfires on Thursday. Pakdemirli shared that the last large-scale blaze in the Köyceğiz district of Muğla had been brought under control.

Death toll from Algerian wildfires rises to 65

2021-08-12T11:37+0200middle-east-online_en (en)

ALGIERS - Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as the country battled some of the most destructive blazes in its history. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires, which have burnt....

Raging wildfires sweep across Algeria’s north

2021-08-12T11:25+0200trtworld (en)

Villagers use branches in an attempt to put out a wildfire, in Achallam village, in the mountainous Kabylie region of Tizi Ouzou, east of Algiers, Algeria August 11, 2021. (Abdelaziz Boumzar / Reuters) The death toll climbed to at least 69 as firefighters, soldiers and civilian volunteers battled....

Azerbaijani firefighters continue to fight forest fires in Turkey

2021-08-12T11:09+0200azernews (en)

By Trend The fire and rescue teams of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan, which are in Turkey in accordance with the instruction of President Ilham Aliyev, continue successful operations to extinguish forest fires, the ministry told “Over the past day, Azerbaijani firefighters....

Nuova calamità in Turchia dopo gli incendi: alluvioni travolgono il Nord del Paese, almeno 5 morti a Kastamonu [FOTO]

2021-08-12T10:48+0200meteoweb (it)

Nuova emergenza in Turchia dopo gli incendi che hanno devastato intere regioni: almeno 5 persone sono morte nelle alluvioni che hanno colpito la provincia di Kastamonu , nel Nord del Paese. La ricerca di una persona scomparsa è ancora in corso, ” ha precisato l’agenzia governativa per i disastri naturali.

Sicily logs apparent highest ever temperature in Europe at 48.8 degrees

2021-08-12T10:43+0200irishtimes (en)

The highest temperature in European history appears to have been recorded in Italy during a heatwave sweeping the country, with early reports suggesting a high of 48.8 degrees. If this is accepted by the World Meteorological Organisation it will break the previous European record of 48 degrees set in Athens in 1977.

Tehran sympathizes with Algeria over massive wildfire

2021-08-12T10:20+0200mehrnews-en (en)

In a statement on Thursday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman expressed his regret over the widespread fire in the Algerian forests which killed dozens of soldiers and civilians, injuring a number of citizens. Saeed Khatibzadeh offered sympathy to the Algerian nation and government and the....

TURKEY Some 285 blazes contained, 3 ongoing in southwestern Turkey: Minister

2021-08-12T09:13+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

Some 285 blazes contained, 3 ongoing in southwestern Turkey: Minister ANKARA has brought 285 forest fires under control while three continue to burn in the Aegean province of Muğla , the resort city of Antalya and southwestern Burdur province, the country's agriculture and forestry minister said on Aug.

285 blazes contained, 3 ongoing in southwestern, southern Turkey - minister

2021-08-12T08:53+0200news-az (en)

Turkey has brought 285 forest fires under control while three continue to burn in the Aegean province of Mugla, the resort city of Antalya and southwestern Burdur province, the country's agriculture and forestry minister said Wednesday, Anadolu Agency reported.

Minister says 285 blazes contained in southern Turkey

2021-08-12T08:29+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey has brought 285 forest fires under control while three continue to burn in the Aegean province of Mugla, the resort city of Antalya and southwestern Burdur province, the country's agriculture and forestry minister said Wednesday. Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter that Turkey has been combatting massive blazes for 15 days.

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires 3 minute ago - 0 - 0 Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country’s history continued to rage.

2021-08-12T06:13+0200dailymirror (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country’s history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the....

Turkish President Discusses Ties, Regional Matters With Leaders Of Georgia, Senegal

2021-08-12T06:09+0200haberler-en (en)

Erdogan thanks both leaders for solidarity their countries showed during Turkey's battle against forest fires. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday held separate phone calls with the presidents of Georgia and Senegal. In his call with his Georgian counterpart Salome Zourabichvili....

285 blazes contained, 3 ongoing in southwestern, southern Turkey: Minister

2021-08-12T04:41+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. Turkey has brought 285 forest fires under control while three continue to burn in the Aegean province of Mugla, the resort city of Antalya and southwestern Burdur province, the country's agriculture and forestry minister said Wednesday. Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter that Turkey has been combatting massive blazes for 15 days.

Firefighters, residents dealing with massive wildfire damage on Greece's Evia Island

2021-08-12T04:18+0200ctvnews (en)

TORONTO -- Improved weather conditions have allowed firefighters to control the devastating wildfires on Greece’s Evia Island, but the volatile situation can change in an instant. While it is still upwards of 40 degrees Celsius in parts of the southwestern Greek island, the wind has calmed down, which has helped firefighters on the ground.

Turkish hospital, villagers evacuated in flash floods

2021-08-12T01:13+0200mb-com-ph (en)

ANKARA, Turkey — Turkish rescuers evacuated a regional hospital on Wednesday and plucked stranded villagers off rooftops as flash floods and mudslides swept across the Black Sea coast. An aerial view shows a destroyed in a flooded area following heavy rainfalls near Kastamonu, on August 11, 2021.

Sicily, Italy, records 48.8 ° C, possible European temperature record – 11/08/2021 – World

2021-08-12T01:12+0200ksusentinel (en)

Officials from the island of Sicily, in southern Italy, recorded this Wednesday (11) what could be the temperature record in the country and throughout Europe. Thermometers recorded 48.8 ° C in the city of Syracuse, in the southeast of the region – until then, the highest number recorded had been 48.

65 killed in Algerian wildfires

2021-08-12T00:21+0200dhakatribune (en)

Smoke rises from a forest fire in the mountainous Tizi Ouzou province, east of the Algerian capital, Algiers, August 10, 2021 Reuters. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires, which have burnt most fiercely in the mountainous Kabylie region.

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires: State TV

2021-08-12T00:10+0200GulfDailyNews (en)

ALGIERS: Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, as the country battled some of the most destructive blazes in its history. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires, which have burnt most fiercely in the mountainous Kabylie region, and 28 of the dead are soldiers.

Alluvioni in Turchia, colpita la regione settentrionale sul mar Nero

2021-08-11T23:48+0200tiscali-it (it)

Una squadra di soccorritori e' intervenuta per evacuare l'ospedale di Sinope, in Turchia, portando in salvo le ultime attrezzature e alcuni pazienti rimasti bloccati dentro l'edificio. In queste ore, la regione a ridosso del Mar Nero e' stata colpita da violenti acquazzoni e nubifragi che hanno....

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T23:40+0200GulfDailyNews (en)

ALGIERS: Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across....

At Least 65 Killed In Algerian Wildfires - State TV

2021-08-11T22:01+0200news-yahoo-in (en)

ALGIERS:Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as the country battled some of the most destructive blazes in its history. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires, which have burnt most....

69 killed in Algeria as Mediterranean forest fires spread

2021-08-11T22:01+0200naveenbharat (en)

Tizzy Ouzou: The death toll reached at least 69 as firefighters, soldiers and civilian volunteers battled fires in the forests of northern Algeria on Wednesday, the latest wildfire to hit the Mediterranean. President Abdelmadjid Tebboune declared three days of national mourning starting Thursday,....

Europe roasts on 114th floor “heat dome”: Italy, Spain and Greece anticipate heat waves, droughts and wildfires

2021-08-11T21:52+0200eminetra (en)

Today, Sicily’s Agricultural Meteorological Information Service reported that temperatures reached 119F at Syracuse Station on the island, but Spain’s Meteorological Service said temperatures could exceed 111F in some areas this week. Said.It comes because the heat from Sahara swallows most of the Mediterranean region.

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 65 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T21:17+0200cbs46 (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 65 people on Tuesday, including 28 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the state-run Algeria Press Service (APS) and Algerian media said. Twelve soldiers remain in critical condition after the fires broke out in the mountainous region of the country, the....

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires - state TV

2021-08-11T21:15+0200reuters (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as the country battled some of the most destructive blazes in its history. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires,....

With the killer weathers warning issued to the British, Europe has reached a “highest ever” temperature of 48.8 ° C.

2021-08-11T20:51+0200eminetra (en)

Europe hit what seems to be the best Today’s temperature is extremely high at 48.8 ° C, and a killer weather warning has been issued to British people overseas. A heat surge in Sahara from Africa to the entire continent has caused temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius to skyrocket this week.

Algeria wildfire toll rises to 65 as 28 firefighters perish

2021-08-11T20:35+0200businessday (en)

Algiers — Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country’s history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires, which have....

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 65 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T20:28+0200foxcarolina (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 65 people on Tuesday, including 28 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the state-run Algeria Press Service (APS) and Algerian media said. Twelve soldiers remain in critical condition after the fires broke out in the mountainous region of the country, the....

Kuwaiti firefighters participates in putting out fires in Turkey

2021-08-11T20:16+0200kuwaittimes (en)

ISTANBUL: The Kuwaiti firefighting team, with all its equipment, continues to participate in controlling the current situation in the areas affected by forest fires in Turkey. Lt Col Abdullah Al-Saleem, the general coordinator of the team, said in a statement to the press that the Kuwaiti....

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires

2021-08-11T20:07+0200straitstimesSG (en)

ALGIERS (REUTERS) - Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday (Aug 11), as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history raged. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires, which....

Kuwaiti firefighting team participates in putting out fires in Turkey...

2021-08-11T19:28+0200menafn (en)

- Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) ISTANBUL, Aug 11 (KUNA) -- The Kuwaiti firefighting team, with all its equipment, continues to participate in controlling the current situation in the areas affected by forest fires in Turkey. The general coordinator of the team, Lt. Col.

Europe hits ‘highest ever’ temperature of 48.8C as killer weathers warning issued to Brits

2021-08-11T19:09+0200thesun (en)

In Syracusa, Italy, today temperatures surged up to 48.8C according to the official Sicilian Agrometeorological Information Service - a new record for Europe. The previous was held by Athens after temperatures hit 48C there in 1977. But smashing the record is not something the people of Sicily are....

Azerbaijani firefighters continue to fight forest fires in Turkey (PHOTO/VIDEO)

2021-08-11T19:01+0200news-az (en)

The fire and rescue teams of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan, which are in Turkey in accordance with the instruction of President Ilham Aliyev, continue successful operations to extinguish forest fires. “Over the past day, Azerbaijani firefighters extinguished fires in the....

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires

2021-08-11T18:37+0200gulfnews (en)

A man looks at a forest fire near the village of Larbaa Nath Irathen, neat Tizi Ouzou, in the mountainous Kabyle region, 100 kilometres (60 miles) east of Algeria's capital of Algiers on August 12, 2021. Image Credit: AP. Algiers: Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have....

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T18:30+0200europesun (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern Algeria since Monday night and Interior Minister Kamel Beldjoud accused arsonists of igniting the flames.

Alicante is hit by meteotsunami flooding streets and beaches and damaging cars

2021-08-11T18:21+0200dailymail (en)

Meteotsunamis are similar to tsunamis but are not triggered by seismic activity on the ocean floor. Instead, meteotsunamis are driven by air-pressure disturbances linked with fast-moving weather events, like severe thunderstorms. The storm front generates the wave, which moves towards the coast,....

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires

2021-08-11T18:00+0200omanobserver-om (en)

ALGIERS: Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires, which have....

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires

2021-08-11T17:25+0200oann (en)

A helicopter collects water from Taksebt dam to extinguish a wildfire in the mountainous Tizi Ouzou region, east of Algiers, Algeria August 11, 2021. REUTERS/Abdelaziz Boumzar. August 11, 2021. ALGIERS (Reuters) -Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65....

Heatwave sweeps across Italy as Greece fights to contain fire damage

2021-08-11T17:13+0200trtworld (en)

Experts have blamed climate change for the wildfires ravaging Italy, Greece and other countries. (AP) The wildfires that have left behind a trail of destruction in more than a dozen countries across the world, continue to ravage parts of Europe especially Italy and Greece.

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires as Greece, Turkey also battle blazes

2021-08-11T17:06+0200CBC (en)

Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires, which have burned most....

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T16:28+0200defenceweb-za (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern....

Algeria forest fires: At least 65 people killed as fires spread

2021-08-11T16:22+0200bbc (en)

Wildfires tearing through northern Algeria have now killed at least 65 people, including 28 soldiers deployed to help the firefighters. The blazes in the mountainous Kabylie region are some of the worst in the country's history. Officials have blamed arson for many of them.

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires

2021-08-11T16:16+0200thetimes-za (en)

A firefighter uses a water hose during a forest fire in Ain al-Hammam village in the Tizi Ouzou region, east of Algiers, Algeria, on August 10 2021. Image: REUTERS/Abdelaziz Boumzar. Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television....

British face 47C Sizzler as Alicante is hit by a “mini tsunami” caused by Sahara’s heat surge

2021-08-11T16:15+0200eminetra (en)

Heat waves are set to send temperatures to dangerously high levels. Rare tidal phenomena flooded beaches, promenades and nearby streets, damaging cars and drifting boats. This was due to a dramatic drop in atmospheric pressure as hot, dry air was pushed in from North Africa, resulting in record temperatures.

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T15:45+0200polandsun (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern Algeria since Monday night and Interior Minister Kamel Beldjoud accused arsonists of igniting the flames.

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires

2021-08-11T15:20+0200thechronicleherald (en)

ALGIERS (Reuters) -Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires,....

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T15:07+0200longbeachstar (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern Algeria since Monday night and Interior Minister Kamel Beldjoud accused arsonists of igniting the flames. | Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T15:01+0200news24 (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern Algeria since Monday night and Interior Minister Kamel Beldjoud accused arsonists of igniting the flames.

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T15:00+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern Algeria since Monday night and Interior Minister Kamel Beldjoud accused arsonists of igniting the flames.

Two fires rage in Muğla as Turkey successfully stops dozens more

2021-08-11T14:58+0200dailysabah (en)

Wildfires that tore apart large swaths of forests, mainly in Turkey’s Mediterranean region, have been extinguished after almost two weeks. Official figures show only two out of 275 fires in 53 provinces continue to burn. Muğla’s Köyceğiz is the only place still embattled with wildfires.

Death toll from Algeria’s wildfire rises to 65

2021-08-11T14:43+0200trtworld (en)

A man looks at a forest fire near the village of Larbaa Nath Irathen, near Tizi Ouzou, in the mountainous Kabyle region of Algeria on August 11, 2021. (AP) Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported, as some of the most....

Algeria sees ‘criminal hands’ behind forest fires, scores dead

2021-08-11T14:41+0200thearabweekly (en)

ALGIERS--Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country’s history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires, which have....

Death toll mounts in Algeria as dozens of wildfires continue to burn

2021-08-11T14:29+0200france24-en (en)

Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires , which have burnt....

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires

2021-08-11T14:26+0200timesofindia (en)

A forest burns near the village of Larbaa Nath Irathen, neat Tizi Ouzou, in the mountainous Kabyle region, 100 kilometers (60 miles) east of Algeria's capital of Algiers (AP) ALGIERS: Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television....

At least 65 dead as wildfires burn throughout Algeria

2021-08-11T14:23+0200RTERadio (en)

The fires as being described as the most destructive in the country's history. Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people. The fires as being described as the most destructive in the country's history. The government has deployed the army to help....

Map of wildfires in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus as devastation sweeps across Southern Europe

2021-08-11T14:03+0200inews-co-uk (en)

An enormous blaze grew overnight in the Peloponnese peninsula, forcing the evacuation of more villages as emergency services battled wildfires in Greece for the ninth successive day. is experiencing its worst heatwave since 1987, which has created conditions perfect for forest fires.

At Least 65 Killed In Algerian Wildfires

2021-08-11T14:01+0200ndtvnews (en)

Algiers: Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires, which have....

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires

2021-08-11T13:58+0200metro-us (en)

ALGIERS (Reuters) -Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country’s history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the fires,....

Africa At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires 11:22 AM UTC

2021-08-11T13:50+0200reuters-it (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the....

UPDATED: 65 dead in Algeria fires, 28 of them soldiers: New toll

2021-08-11T13:41+0200ahram-EN (en)

At least 65 people, 28 of them soldiers deployed as relief firefighters, have been killed as dozens of wildfires raged for a second day in Algeria Wednesday, state television reported. "The death toll from the forest fires has climbed to 65 dead -- 28 soldiers and 37 civilians -- most of them in Tizi Ouzou district" east of the capital, it said.

AfricaAt least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires11:22 AM UTC

2021-08-11T13:38+0200ara-reuters (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the....

AfricaAt least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires11:22 AM UTC

2021-08-11T13:37+0200reuters-br (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the....

Africa At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires 11:22 AM UTC

2021-08-11T13:31+0200reuters-es (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the....

AfricaAt least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires11:22 AM UTC

2021-08-11T13:28+0200reuters-af (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the....

AfricaAt least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires11:22 AM UTC

2021-08-11T13:27+0200reuters-fr (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the....

At least 65 killed in Algerian wildfires

2021-08-11T13:21+0200reuters (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Wildfires tearing through forested areas of northern Algeria have killed at least 65 people, state television reported on Wednesday, as some of the most destructive blazes in the country's history continued to rage. The government has deployed the army to help fight the....

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including…

2021-08-11T12:11+0200cyprus-mail (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern....

Wildfire Rips Through Algeria, Killing 42 People

2021-08-11T11:42+0200tolonews (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern....

Turkish minister thanks Azerbaijan for ‘biggest help’ in fight against fires

2021-08-11T11:41+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey’s Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli on Wednesday expressed gratitude to Azerbaijan for its support in the country’s fight against wildfires that erupted in the southern parts of the country. "The fight against wildfires in Turkey is still ongoing. We are grateful to all our friends who helped us.

Baku pays condolences to Algiers over Algerian wildfires

2021-08-11T11:00+0200azernews (en)

By Vafa Ismayilova. Baku has paid condolences to Algiers over devastating wildfires in Algeria. In a statement posted on its official Twitter account on August 11, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said: "News on forest fires in Algeria and its devastating consequences deeply saddened us.

42 people killed in Algeria wildfires

2021-08-11T10:56+0200middle-east-online_en (en)

ALGIERS - Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across....

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T10:26+0200inquirer (en)

ALGIERS — Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across....

'Global warming may push temperatures in Turkey up by some 6.5 degrees in 80 years’

2021-08-11T10:11+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Global warming will affect Turkey just like every other country worldwide, and even after the end of this century, it could lead temperatures in Turkey to soar as much as a drastic 6.5 degrees, warned a scholar from the Turkish capital Ankara on Tuesday.

Algeria Fires Death Toll Spikes to 42

2021-08-11T09:30+0200albawaba-en (en)

Several Algerian provinces have for days witnessed outbreaks of massive forest fires that were exacerbated because of a severe heatwave and hot and strong southern winds. Earlier Tuesday, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said that 25 military personnel died while rescuing more than 100 people....

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T09:22+0200oann (en)

A civil protection rescue worker walks near smoke rising from a forest fire in the mountainous Tizi Ouzou province, east of Algiers, Algeria August 10, 2021. REUTERS/Abdelaziz Boumzar. August 11, 2021. By Hamid Ould Ahmed. ALGIERS (Reuters) -Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday,....

Africa Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers 6:51 AM UTC

2021-08-11T09:05+0200reuters-it (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

Africa Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers 6:51 AM UTC

2021-08-11T09:00+0200reuters-es (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

We thank all our Azerbaijani brothers for their support in fight against fires - Turkish minister

2021-08-11T08:59+0200azernews (en)

By Trend We thank all our Azerbaijani brothers for their support in the fight against fires, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli said, reports on Aug. 11. "The fight against wildfires in Turkey continues. We are grateful to all our friends who help us. Brotherly Azerbaijan renders the greatest help to us.

TURKEY Some 274 blazes contained, 1 ongoing in southwestern Turkey: Minister As many as 274 forest fires in Turkey have been brought under control while one continues to burn in the Aegean province of Muğla, the country's agriculture and forestry minister said on Aug. 10.

2021-08-11T08:56+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

Some 274 blazes contained, 1 ongoing in southwestern Turkey: Minister ANKARA As many as 274 forest fires in have been brought under control while one continues to burn in the Aegean province of Muğla , the country's agriculture and forestry minister said on Aug. 10.

Drone footage reveals devastation after wildfires

2021-08-11T08:56+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

MUĞLA Hills near the Turkish sea resort of Marmaris were once decked in a thick green pine forest until wildfires took the region in its grip, leaving the same hills looking like a ghostly, grey-brown landscape topped with blackened tree stumps as though sketched in charcoal.

'Global warming may push temperatures in Turkey up by some 6.5 degrees' Global warming will affect Turkey just like every other country worldwide, and even after the end of this century, it could lead temperatures in Turkey to soar as much as a drastic 6.5 degrees, warned a scholar from the Turkish capital Ankara on Aug.

2021-08-11T08:56+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

class='cf'> "Global warming, as confirmed in the new U.N. climate report, will continue in the coming decades and, based on all-new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scenarios, will continue beyond 2100," said Ismail Yücel, a civil engineer who studies climate change at Ankara's....

Algeria forest fires kill dozens, arson suspected

2021-08-11T08:43+0200trtworld (en)

People attempt to put out a fire in the mountainous Tizi Ouzou province, east of Algiers, Algeria on August 10, 2021. (Reuters) Algeria’s government has said arsonists were responsible for dozens of forest fires that have killed 42 people, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the flames, and destroyed homes east of the capital.

Over 270 blazes contained, 1 ongoing in southwestern Turkey: Official

2021-08-11T08:40+0200yenisafak-en (en)

As many as 274 forest fires in Turkey have been brought under control while one continues to burn in the Aegean province of Mugla, the country's agriculture and forestry minister said Tuesday. Speaking at a news conference prior to a firefighting coordination meeting in the town of Marmaris, Bekir....

Algeria wildfires rage on as 25 soldiers killed trying to save residents from flames FOREST FIRES in Algeria have claimed the lives of at least 25 Algerian soldiers as they...

2021-08-11T08:38+0200express (en)

The Kabyle region is 100 km (60 miles) east of the country's capital, Algiers, and has no water-dumping planes. READ MORE: British crews fighting Greek wildfires On Tuesday night, the President announced at least 17 civilians have died in the fires This is the latest region to be plagued with devastating wildfires.

Erdoğan discusses ties, regional issues with Georgian, African leaders

2021-08-11T08:29+0200dailysabah (en)

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Tuesday held separate phone calls with the presidents of Georgia, Senegal, Djibouti, and Nigeria, discussing regional issues and bilateral ties with each. In his call with his Georgian counterpart Salome Zourabichvili, Erdoğan told him that the two countries could....

K24: 25 Soldiers succumb as wildfire rips through Algeria

2021-08-11T08:15+0200kenyamoja (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern....

Death toll in Algeria forest fires rises to 42, including 25 soldiers

2021-08-11T08:10+0200yenisafak-en (en)

The Death toll in Algeria's forest fires has risen to 42, including 25 soldiers, the Algerian government said late on Tuesday. Several Algerian provinces have for days witnessed an outbreak of massive fires that were exacerbated because of a severe heatwave and hot and strong southern winds.

Algeria fires kill at least 42, including soldiers

2021-08-11T07:58+0200yahoo-sg (en)

Thick plumes of smoke blanketed northern Algeria on Tuesday as forest fires ripped through the region, killing at least 42 people - including over two dozen soldiers deployed to fight the blazes. Residents said the soldiers were killed in different areas, with some trying to extinguish the flames and others cut off by the spreading fire.

274 blazes contained, 1 ongoing in southwestern Turkey: Official

2021-08-11T07:54+0200news-az (en)

As many as 274 forest fires in Turkey have been brought under control while one continues to burn in the Aegean province of Mugla, the country's agriculture and forestry minister said, Anadolu Agency reported. Speaking at a news conference prior to a firefighting coordination meeting in the town of....

We thank all our Azerbaijani brothers for their support in fight against ...

2021-08-11T07:52+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency) BAKU, Azerbaijan, Aug. 11. Trend: We thank all our Azerbaijani brothers for their support in the fight against fires, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli said, Trend reports on Aug. 11. "The fight against wildfires in Turkey continues. We are grateful to all our friends who help us.

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing...

2021-08-11T07:22+0200dhakatribune (en)

Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern Algeria since Monday night. Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

Wildfire in Algeria kills 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T07:14+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

Monitoring Desk. ALGIERS, Aug 10 (Reuters) – Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

Saudi Leadership Condoles Algeria President over Forest Fire Victims

2021-08-11T06:51+0200aawsat (en)

The Saudi leadership offered on Tuesday its condolences to Algeria over the deaths from forest fires. Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, sent separate cables of condolences to Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

Wildfire Rips through Algeria, Killing 42 People Including Soldiers

2021-08-11T06:51+0200aawsat (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern....

Tourists are not put off by forest fires that rage in Italy, Greece, and Turkey.

2021-08-11T06:48+0200tv6 (en)

Travel organizations have not noticed an increase in cancellations, despite coverage of the major wildfires of Italy, Greece, and Turkey. A tour of, including Subweb, TUI and Corendon, shows this. A spokesperson for Corendon said that they noticed that people who have booked a trip are particularly excited about it.

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T06:28+0200thedailystarBD (en)

Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across northern....

All Forest Fires Brought Under Control In Turkey Except 2

2021-08-11T05:54+0200haberler-en (en)

Turkey has brought under control all forest fires, except blazes in the Milas and Koycegiz districts of the country's southwestern Mugla province, said the minister of agriculture and forestry on Monday. "#ForestHeroes continue their work with great devotion from land and air in Milas and Koycegiz," Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter.

Dozens of rescuers are killed: fire spreads in Algeria

2021-08-11T04:43+0200archyde (en)

Several Mediterranean countries are fighting severe forest fires. Now more and more fires are breaking out in Algeria. Soldiers save people from the flames, 25 leaving their own lives with them. In Greece, firefighters continue to do Sisyphean work. At least 42 people were killed in severe forest fires in Algeria.

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T04:36+0200thesundaily (en)

ALGIERS: Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas across....

AfricaWildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiersAugust 10, 2021

2021-08-11T04:02+0200reuters-br (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

Africa Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers August 10, 2021

2021-08-11T03:59+0200reuters-es (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

AfricaWildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiersAugust 10, 2021

2021-08-11T03:57+0200reuters-af (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

AfricaWildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiersAugust 10, 2021

2021-08-11T03:55+0200reuters-fr (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

Africa Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers August 10, 2021

2021-08-11T03:49+0200reuters-it (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

AfricaWildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiersAugust 10, 2021

2021-08-11T03:49+0200ara-reuters (en)

ALGIERS, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

Disaster-struck Turkey faces toll of climate change

2021-08-11T03:43+0200thenews-pk (en)

ANKARA: From flash floods to forest fires, drought to "sea snot", Turkey is bearing the brunt of increasingly frequent disasters blamed on climate change, putting pressure on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to act. Wildfires that have killed eight people since late July across southern coastal....

274 blazes contained, 1 ongoing in southwestern Turkey: Official

2021-08-11T03:26+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. As many as 274 forest fires in Turkey have been brought under control while one continues to burn in the Aegean province of Mugla, the country's agriculture and forestry minister said Tuesday. Speaking at a news conference prior to a firefighting coordination meeting in the town of Marmaris,....

Death Toll In Algeria From Forest Fires Rises To 42, Including 25 Soldiers

2021-08-11T01:21+0200haberler-en (en)

The death toll in Algeria from wildfires that broke out east of the capital has risen to 42, including 25 soldiers, the government said late Tuesday. Several Algerian provinces have for days witnessed outbreaks of massive fires that were exacerbated because of a severe heatwave and hot and strong southern winds.

42 people killed as wildfire rips through Algeria

2021-08-11T01:15+0200independent-UK (en)

A forest fires have killed 42 people in Algeria , including 25 members of the military mobilised to help put out the blaze. Dozens of fires have raged through forest areas across the northern part of the country since Monday night. Interior minister Kamel Beldjoud accused arsonists of igniting the....

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T00:32+0200straitstimesSG (en)

ALGIERS (REUTERS) - Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday (Aug 10), including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T00:24+0200metro-us (en)

ALGIERS (Reuters) -Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital. Dozens of separate fires have raged through forest areas....

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T00:21+0200oann (en)

A civil protection rescue worker walks near smoke rising from a forest fire in the mountainous Tizi Ouzou province, east of Algiers, Algeria August 10, 2021. REUTERS/Abdelaziz Boumzar. August 10, 2021. By Hamid Ould Ahmed. ALGIERS (Reuters) -Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday,....

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T00:05+0200trust (en)

(Recasts and adds other soldiers injured) By Hamid Ould Ahmed. ALGIERS, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

Wildfire rips through Algeria, killing 42 people including soldiers

2021-08-11T00:03+0200reuters (en)

By Hamid Ould Ahmed ALGIERS (Reuters) -Forest fires in Algeria killed 42 people on Tuesday, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the blaze, the government said, as thick clouds of smoke covered much of the mountainous Kabylie region east of the capital.

'Arsonists-lit' Algeria fires kill dozens, including 25 soldiers

2021-08-10T23:39+0200trtworld (en)

People attempt to put out a fire in the mountainous Tizi Ouzou province, east of Algiers, Algeria on August 10, 2021. (Reuters) Algeria’s government has said arsonists were responsible for dozens of forest fires that have killed 42 people, including 25 soldiers deployed to help put out the flames, and destroyed homes east of the capital.

Algeria forest fires: Dozens killed in Kabylie region

2021-08-10T23:25+0200news-yahoo (en)

At least 25 Algerian soldiers and 17 civilians have been killed in wildfires to the east of the capital Algiers, the country's prime minister has said. Several more soldiers were injured fighting the fires, in the forested Kabylie region. Temperatures of up to 46C were forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Algeria forest fires: Dozens killed in Kabylie region

2021-08-10T23:03+0200yahoo-au (en)

At least 25 Algerian soldiers and 17 civilians have been killed in wildfires to the east of the capital Algiers, the country's prime minister has said. Several more soldiers were injured fighting the fires, in the forested Kabylie region. Temperatures of up to 46C were forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Turkish president discusses ties, regional matters with Georgian, African leaders

2021-08-10T22:55+0200aa-en (en)

In phone calls, Erdogan thanks leaders for solidarity with Turkey in battle against forest fires. ANKARA. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday held separate phone calls with the presidents of Georgia, Senegal, Djibouti, and Nigeria, discussing regional issues and bilateral ties with each.

Algeria forest fires: Dozens killed in Kabylie region

2021-08-10T22:55+0200bbc (en)

At least 25 Algerian soldiers and 17 civilians have been killed in wildfires to the east of the capital Algiers, the country's prime minister has said. Fires have caused devastation in several Mediterranean countries in recent days, including Turkey, Greece, Lebanon and Cyprus.

Death Toll In Algeria Forest Fires Rises To 42, Including 25 Soldiers

2021-08-10T22:52+0200haberler-en (en)

The Death toll in Algeria's forest fires has risen to 42, including 25 soldiers, the Algerian government said late on Tuesday. Several Algerian provinces have for days witnessed an outbreak of massive fires that were exacerbated because of a severe heatwave and hot and strong southern winds.

25 soldiers die fighting wildfires in northern Algeria

2021-08-10T21:37+0200ChinaPost (en)

ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — Algeria’s president announced Tuesday night that 25 soldiers were killed saving residents from the wildfires ravaging forests and villages east of the capital. The president of the sprawling North African nation tweeted that the soldiers saved 100 citizens from the blazes in....

25 soldiers die fighting wildfires in northern Algeria

2021-08-10T21:30+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — Algeria’s president announced Tuesday night that 25 soldiers were killed saving residents from the wildfires ravaging forests and villages east of the capital. The president of the sprawling North African nation tweeted that the soldiers saved 100 citizens from the blazes in....

25 soldiers die fighting wildfires in northern Algeria

2021-08-10T21:10+0200kitchenertoday (en)

ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — Algeria’s president announced Tuesday night that 25 soldiers were killed saving residents from the wildfires ravaging forests and villages east of the capital. The president of the sprawling North African nation tweeted that the soldiers saved 100 citizens from the blazes in....

25 soldiers die fighting wildfires in northern Algeria

2021-08-10T21:00+0200clickondetroit (en)

ALGIERS – Algeria’s president announced Tuesday night that 25 soldiers were killed saving residents from the wildfires ravaging forests and villages east of the capital. The president of the sprawling North African nation tweeted that the soldiers saved 100 citizens from the blazes in two areas in the mountainous Kabyle region, home of the Berbers.

25 soldiers die fighting wildfires in northern Algeria

2021-08-10T20:59+0200startribune (en)

ALGIERS, Algeria — Algeria's president announced Tuesday night that 25 soldiers were killed saving residents from the wildfires ravaging forests and villages east of the capital. The president of the sprawling North African nation tweeted that the soldiers saved 100 citizens from the blazes in two....

Deadly fires devour Algeria's northern forests, leave 7 dead

2021-08-10T20:25+0200apnews (en)

ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — Firefighters and residents armed with simple tools battled a rash of forest fires in northern Algeria on Tuesday that officials said killed at least seven people. The nation’s interior minister blamed “criminal hands” for some of the blazes.

Mediterraneo in fiamme: dall'Italia alla Grecia passando per Egitto e Turchia, le immagini shock

2021-08-10T20:25+0200247libero (it)

Dall'Italia alla Grecia, il Mediterraneo brucia nei violentissimi incendi che stanno devastando ettari su ettari di foreste e vegetazione, sconvolgendo intere regioni e spingendo alla fuga migliaia di persone. Roghi che sono tra i gravi sintomi di quella malattia della Terra che è il cambiamento....

Deadly fires devour Algeria's northern forests, leave 7 dead

2021-08-10T20:07+0200ChinaPost (en)

ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — Firefighters and residents armed with simple tools battled a rash of forest fires in northern Algeria on Tuesday that officials said killed at least seven people. The nation’s interior minister blamed “criminal hands” for some of the blazes.

Deadly fires devour Algeria's northern forests, leave 7 dead

2021-08-10T20:07+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Algeria Fires Burned trees are pictured near Tizi Ouzou some 100 km (62 miles) east of Algiers following wildfires in this mountainous region, Tuesday, Aug.10, 2021. Firefighters were battling a rash of fires in northern Algeria that have killed at least six people in the mountainous Kabyle region,....

Deadly fires devour Algeria's northern forests, leave 7 dead

2021-08-10T20:06+0200ABCnews (en)

ALGIERS, Algeria -- Firefighters and residents armed with simple tools battled a rash of forest fires in northern Algeria on Tuesday that officials said killed at least seven people. The nation's interior minister blamed “criminal hands” for some of the blazes.

Deadly fires devour Algeria's northern forests, leave 7 dead

2021-08-10T20:04+0200wsoctv (en)

Algeria Fires Burned trees are pictured near Tizi Ouzou some 100 km (62 miles) east of Algiers following wildfires in this mountainous region, Tuesday, Aug.10, 2021. Firefighters were battling a rash of fires in northern Algeria that have killed at least six people in the mountainous Kabyle region,....

273 blazes contained, 2 ongoing in southwestern Turkey

2021-08-10T19:54+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. As many as 272 forest fires in Turkey have been contained, while three continue to burn in the Aegean Mugla province, the country's agriculture and forestry minister said in a news conference on Tuesday. Speaking prior to a firefighting coordination meeting in the town of Marmaris, Bekir....

Mediterraneo in fiamme: così le fiamme assediano Italia, Grecia, Egitto e Turchia | La mappa interattiva della Nasa sulle aree più colpite

2021-08-10T19:51+0200ecomy-it (it)

Dall’Italia alla Grecia, il Mediterraneo brucia nei violentissimi incendi che stanno devastando ettari su ettari di foreste e vegetazione, sconvolgendo intere regioni e spingendo alla fuga migliaia di persone. Roghi che sono tra i gravi sintomi di quella malattia della Terra che è il cambiamento....

Mediterraneo in fiamme: così le fiamme assediano Italia, Grecia, Egitto e Turchia

2021-08-10T19:38+0200repubblica (it)

Dall'Italia alla Grecia, il Mediterraneo brucia nei violentissimi incendi che stanno devastando ettari su ettari di foreste e vegetazione, sconvolgendo intere regioni e spingendo alla fuga migliaia di persone. Roghi che sono tra i gravi sintomi di quella malattia della Terra che è il cambiamento....

Egypt expresses its sincere condolences to Algeria over victims of forest fires

2021-08-10T18:41+0200egyptindependent (en)

Egypt expressed its sincere condolences to the families of the victims of forest fires across several Algerian states, resulting in several deaths and injuries. A statement issued by the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday said that Egypt affirms its full support for Algeria during this painful incident,....

A single forest fire persists in Turkey’s Muğla almost two weeks on

2021-08-10T18:27+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkey managed to contain most of the 270 forest fires that took hold in the country’s south in recent weeks. Nevertheless, a single fire still threatens areas of the southwestern province of Muğla. Another fire that broke out in the Bozdoğan district of the western province of Aydın on Monday was put out hours later.

At least 7 dead as Algeria battles raging wildfires

2021-08-10T18:12+0200al-monitor (en)

Smoke rises from a wildfire in the forested hills of the Kabylie region, east of the capital Algiers, on Aug. 10, 2021. RYAD KRAMDI/AFP via Getty Images. Raging wildfires in Algeria have left at least seven people dead and several seriously injured, according to the Algerian interior minister, who blamed arson for the blazes that broke out Monday.

'Global Warming May Push Temperatures In Turkey Up By Some 6.5 Degrees In 80 Years'

2021-08-10T17:15+0200haberler-en (en)

Global warming will affect Turkey just like every other country worldwide, and even after the end of this century, it could lead temperatures in Turkey to soar as much as a drastic 6.5 degrees, warned a scholar from the Turkish capital Ankara on Tuesday.

Dopo la vax-diplomacy è l’ora della fire diplomacy. Gli incendi in Grecia e la geopolitica

2021-08-10T16:00+0200formiche (it)

Lontano da fake news e vene complottistiche, è utile interrogarsi su come i numerosi focolai che stanno interessando molti paesi nell’area mediterranea, come Grecia, Turchia e Italia , possano avere riverberi geopolitici quanto a destabilizzazione e strutturazione di vecchie o di nuove alleanze.

Firefighters battling wildfires to save homes on Greek island of Evia

2021-08-10T15:59+0200guardian (en)

In scenes more resonant of war, trained firefighters backed by a ragtag army of local people waged a “superhuman” battle overnight to extinguish wind-whipped blazes raging for an eighth day on the Greek island of Evia. With yet another village ordered to be evacuated on Tuesday, a multinational....

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-10T15:44+0200phnompenhpost (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately on August 8 to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Fires in Greece, Italy, Turkey: When to cancel holidays

2021-08-10T14:50+0200archyde (en)

G smelling country, Italy and Turkey – in some countries on the Mediterranean vacationers are currently affected by the catastrophic forest fires, which have still not been extinguished. Package holidaymakers have the right to cancel without charges if their trip is foreseeably significantly impaired by unavoidable, extraordinary circumstances.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T14:04+0200deutschewelle-mk (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:53+0200deutschewelle-id (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:49+0200deutschewelle-sr (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:47+0200deutschewelle-sq (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:42+0200deutschewelle-el (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:42+0200deutschewelle-ro (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:36+0200deutschewelle-sw (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:35+0200deutschewelle-fr (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:33+0200deutschewelle-hi (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:32+0200deutschewelle-bg (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:32+0200deutschewelle-bs (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

AFP - Turkey-climate-policy FOCUS

2021-08-10T13:31+0200nampa (en)

Disaster-struck Turkey faces toll of climate change By Raziye Akkoc =(Picture)= Ankara, Aug 10, 2021 (AFP) - From flash floods to forest fires, drought to "sea snot", Turkey is bearing the brunt of increasingly frequent disasters blamed on climate change, putting pressure on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to act.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:28+0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkey fires: 'It took only a few minutes'

2021-08-10T13:27+0200deutschewelle-hr (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Putin orders reinforcements to fight Siberia wildfires

2021-08-10T13:21+0200RTERadio (en)

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered officials to send in reinforcements to fight forest fires that continue to tear through Siberia. Wildfires have ripped through Siberia's forests with growing intensity in recent years, which Russian weather officials and environmentalists have linked to....

Greek villagers refuse to evacuate and work around the clock to save their homes from wildfires

2021-08-10T12:51+0200dailymail (en)

On Evia alone, almost half a million acres of tinder-dry forest has been torched while at least 1,000 homes have been burned to the ground in the village of Mantoudi, Greek news site reported. George Stamoulos, deputy mayor of the settlement, said fire crews had been abandoned by the government who....

At least seven killed, two injured in Algeria forest fires

2021-08-10T12:10+0200aljazeera-en (en)

At least seven people have been killed in Algeria as forest fires spread in the North African country, the civil defence authority said on Tuesday. Two people were seriously injured, it added. State radio reported that some houses were completely destroyed, and al-Bilad newspaper reported that....

Turkey to send two firefighting aircraft to Greece

2021-08-10T11:55+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

ANKARA will send two aircraft to Greece in a bid to support its neighbor’s efforts in tackling the devastating wildfires that have erupted across the country for the past week. class='cf'> Ankara will provide aircraft to Greece as forest fires in Turkey have mostly been brought under control, the agriculture and forestry minister said on Aug.

Five dead as wildfires rage across Algeria

2021-08-10T11:40+0200english-alaraby (en)

Fires were reported in multiple locations in 14 districts, 10 of them around Tizi Ouzou, one of the most populous cities in Kabylie, east of the capital Algiers [AFP via Getty] At least five people have died in raging wildfires in Algeria as firefighters battle more than 31 blazes amid blistering....

Two forest fires prevail in Turkey’s Muğla almost two weeks on

2021-08-10T11:24+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkey managed to contain most of the 270 forest fires that took hold in the country’s south in recent weeks. Nevertheless, two fires still threaten towns in the southwestern province of Muğla. Another fire that broke out in the Bozdoğan district of the western province of Aydın on Monday was put out hours later.

EU beefs assistance as Greece burns

2021-08-10T10:59+0200FinancialMirror (en)

Brussels is organising Europe’s biggest firefighting effort by sending extra support to help Greece combat unprecedented forest fires and the rest of the Mediterranean wilting under extreme heat. Following requests from Greece, North Macedonia, Albania, Italy and Turkey, the European Union has....

Israel to send help to fight wildfires in Greece

2021-08-10T10:13+0200europesun (en)

Tel Aviv [Israel], August 10 (ANI/Sputnik): Israel intends to send three planes to help Greece extinguish forest fires in addition to 15 Israeli firefighters who are already assisting the efforts, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told his Greek counterpart.

Turkey Battles 2 Wildfires, Others Under Control

2021-08-10T09:35+0200dtnext (en)

Ankara Turkey is currently grappling with two wildfires in the southwestern province of Mugla, and all other blazes have been taken under control, Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli announced. "All the forest fires in our country have been brought under control, except the ones in....

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek…

2021-08-10T09:23+0200samacharcentral (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Israel to send help to fight wildfires in Greece

2021-08-10T09:11+0200news-yahoo-in (en)

Tel Aviv [Israel], August 10 (ANI/Sputnik): Israel intends to send three planes to help Greece extinguish forest fires in addition to 15 Israeli firefighters who are already assisting the efforts, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told his Greek counterpart.

Forest fires in Bolivia consume vast area: official

2021-08-10T08:56+0200truemedian (en)

Forest fires this year have consumed more than 147,000 hectares (360,000 acres) in Bolivia’s eastern Santa Cruz department, the regional government reported Saturday. As in neighboring Brazil, the fires have been aggravated by widespread deforestation aimed at expanding farming or pasture land.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-10T08:56+0200truemedian (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

All but two forest fires in Turkey under control

2021-08-10T08:55+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

has gotten under control all the forest fires in the country, except for two blazes in the southwest, said the agriculture and forestry class='cf'> "In 53 provinces, we have dealt with 270 forest fires, with 268 now under control," Bekir Pakdemirli told a press conference in Marmaris, Muğla after a firefighting coordination meeting.

Turkey fires: ‘It took only a few minutes’ Raging forest fires in southern Turkey have caused huge devastation, with many people losing their homes and possessions — and some their lives. DW reporter Serkan Ocak reports from the region.

2021-08-10T08:39+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Muhtar Cansiz is the village head in Kalemler, a hamlet of 250 people in Antalya province near the town of Manavgat. The region bore the brunt of the destruction caused by fast-spreading wildfires that have ravaged the south of the country for nearly two weeks amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds.

Turkish Airlines rents 2 more firefighting helicopters

2021-08-10T08:26+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Flag carrier Turkish Airlines on Monday rented two additional helicopters to help Turkey extinguish ongoing forest fires in the country. Turkish Airlines continues to support efforts to fight the largest forest fires in Turkey's history, according to an airline statement.

Forests Turn to Ash as Wildfires Continue Globally

2021-08-10T08:25+0200albawaba-en (en)

Areas of North America and South America, the East African Plateau and the northern Arabian Peninsula, Europe's Mediterranean coast, and Northern and Eastern Europe are all seeing fires. Very apocalyptic video of people in Greece being evacuated from the forest fires by boat: — Murtaza Hussain....

The final warning for climate action

2021-08-10T07:02+0200gulfnews (en)

We humans have inflicted unprecedented and irreversible change on our planet and its climate, beginning a process of forever altering how our environment will act. In a critical report released on Monday, top climate scientists say that the world has very little room and time to change course to avert further disaster and calamity.

All but 3 forest fires in Turkey under control

2021-08-09T22:50+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. Turkey has gotten under control all the forest fires in the country, except for three blazes in the southwest, said the agriculture and forestry minister on Monday. "In 53 provinces, we have dealt with 270 forest fires, with 267 now under control," Bekir Pakdemirli told a press conference in....

All But 3 Forest Fires In Turkey Under Control

2021-08-09T22:07+0200haberler-en (en)

Turkey has gotten under control all the forest fires in the country, except for three blazes in the southwest, said the agriculture and forestry minister on Monday. "In 53 provinces, we have dealt with 270 forest fires, with 267 now under control," Bekir Pakdemirli told a press conference in....

Turkish Airlines rents 2 more firefighting helicopters

2021-08-09T21:18+0200aa-en (en)

ISTANBUL. Flag carrier Turkish Airlines on Monday rented two additional helicopters to help Turkey extinguish ongoing forest fires in the country. Turkish Airlines continues to support efforts to fight the largest forest fires in Turkey's history, according to an airline statement.

All except two forest fires brought under control in Turkey

2021-08-09T20:46+0200trtworld (en)

Photo shows damaged forest areas in Turkey's Mugla province where hundreds of hectares of land were destroyed in the forest fires. (AA) Turkey has brought under control all forest fires, except blazes in the Milas and Koycegiz districts of the country’s southwestern Mugla province.

EU sends help to Greece as wildfires rage

2021-08-09T19:46+0200eubusiness (en)

(BRUSSELS) - The European Union's Civil Protection Mechanism continued to channel support to Greece and other Mediterranean countries Monday as they battle to bring unprecedented forest fires under control. The action follows requests from Greece, as well as North Macedonia, Albania, Italy and....

Earth “is likely to rise 1.5 ° C 10 years earlier than expected”

2021-08-09T19:37+0200eminetra (en)

Wildfires are rampant all over the world (Photo: AP / Getty / Reuters) The Earth could warm up to 1.5 ° C within 20 years, 10 years earlier than expected. The Bomb Report is set to give world-leading climate scientists the strictest warnings about the state of global warming.

Siberia: il fumo degli incendi arriva al Polo Nord per la prima volta nella storia Europa nella morsa del fuoco: Italia, Grecia, Turchia, Montenegro, Macedonia del Nord, Albania e Jacuzia (Russia) a rischio incendi. Invio di uomini e mezzi da parte dell'Unione europea in tutti i paesi travolti dalle....

2021-08-09T18:36+0200msn-it (it)

Il fumo provocato dagli incendi che stanno devastando la Jacuzia, la più vasta regione siberiana, nota per le rigide temperature invernali, ha raggiunto il Polo Nord, per la prima volta nella storia. Lo riporta il "Moscow Times", citando il sistema di monitoraggio terrestre della Nasa (Modis).

Greece faces evacuees' revolt as firefighters shortage hits amid devastating blaze

2021-08-09T17:17+0200express (en)

SUBSCRIBE Invalid email. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info Speaking to Times Radio, Karolina Tagaris,....

Thousands flee from wildfires in Greece, Italy, United States and Serbia

2021-08-09T17:06+0200itv (en)

have burned for the seventh day as ferocious blazes spread through countries like Italy, Siberia and the United States. On Monday, firefighters and residents on the island of Evia fought to save what they could from flames that have decimated vast tracts of pristine forest, destroyed homes and sent thousands fleeing.

EU countries boost fire-fighting help to Greece

2021-08-09T17:06+0200dhakatribune (en)

A local resident gestures as he holds an empty water hose during an attempt to extinguish forest fires approaching the village of Pefki on Evia island on August 8, 2021 AFP. There are now nine planes, 1,000 firefighters and 200 vehicles deployed by EU states.

EU continues to mobilise assistance for Greece and other countries to battle wildfires

2021-08-09T16:49+0200newsincyprus (en)

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to channel support to help combat unprecedented forest fires in Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean, a press release of the European Commission said on Monday. Following requests from Greece, North Macedonia, Albania, Italy and Turkey, the European....

The world is burning 09.08.2021 Heat waves are taking their toll; forests are burning all over the world. Here's a global look at some of the most devastating fires.

2021-08-09T16:37+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Russia: No sigh of relief. Many regions in Russia have been burning for weeks, with the area around Yakutia in the far northeast having been hit particularly hard. The authorities have counted more than 250 fires currently burning across Russia, covering a total area of more than 3.5 million hectares (8.

Kazakhstan Provides Assistance to Turkey in Fight Against Forest Fires

2021-08-09T16:36+0200astanatimes (en)

NUR-SULTAN – Kazakhstan dispatched two Mi-8 AMT helicopters and a task force of 16 rescuers to Turkey to assist in extinguishing forest fires, according to the Kazakh Ministry of Emergency Situations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey expressed thanks to Kazakhstan for showing solidarity and support in extinguishing forest fires.

EU continues to mobilise assistance for Greece and other countries to battle wildfires

2021-08-09T16:25+0200cna-en (en)

CNA Cyprus/ΝICOSIA 09/08/2021 17:05 The EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to channel support to help combat unprecedented forest fires in Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean, a press release of the European Commission said on Monday. Following requests from Greece, North Macedonia,....

EU continues to mobilise assistance for Greece and other countries to battle wildfires

2021-08-09T16:22+0200in-cyprus (en)

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to channel support to help combat unprecedented forest fires in Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean, a press release of the European Commission said on Monday. Following requests from Greece, North Macedonia, Albania, Italy and Turkey, the European....

Fire brigades continue to fight – Southern Europe is on fire – and the next heat wave begins – News

2021-08-09T16:19+0200archyde (en)

The situation in Greece eased somewhat on Monday after fighting countless fires for over a week. In southern Italy, fires are increasingly threatening agriculture and nature reserves. In Turkey, the situation has now eased in the affected regions. International aid – including from Switzerland – has started.

Images of the devastation by fires affecting various parts of the United States, Russia and Greece

2021-08-09T16:19+0200archyde (en)

Large wildfires affect parts of the United States, Russia and Greece. A huge fire in northern California in the US, it destroyed hundreds of houses and spread plumes of smoke throughout the region. Furthermore, a series of forest fires in Siberia destroyed thousands of hectares in one of the coldest areas on the planet.

Turkey battles 2 wildfires, others under control

2021-08-09T16:15+0200europesun (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. ISTANBUL, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) -- Turkey is currently grappling with two wildfires in the southwestern province of Mugla, and all other blazes have been taken under control, Turkish Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli announced on Monday. © Provided by Xinhua.

EU countries boost fire-fighting help to Greece

2021-08-09T16:09+0200euractiv-en (en)

Firefighters battle flames during a wildfire at the village of Istiaia in the island of Evia, Greece, 09 August 2021. [EPA-EFE / KOSTAS TSIRONIS] EU countries are stepping up their help to Greece to fight forest fires devastating its mainland and some islands, the European Commission said on Monday as it coordinated the assistance.

Forest fires: EU continues to mobilise assistance for Greece and other countries in region | EU Commission Press

2021-08-09T15:20+0200pubaffairsbruxelles (en)

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to channel support to help combat unprecedented forest fires in Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean. Following requests from Greece, North Macedonia, Albania, Italy and Turkey, the European Union has now helped mobilise 14 firefighting planes, 3 helicopters, some 1,300 rescuers and 250 vehicles.

Forest Fires: EU Continues to Mobilise Assistance ... The EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to channel support to help combat unprecedented forest f...

2021-08-09T15:09+0200chronicle-lu (en)

Forest fires; Credit: 息 European Union, 2018 (photographer: Pavel Koubek) The EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to channel support to help combat unprecedented forest fires in Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean: following requests from Greece, North Macedonia, Albania, Italy and Turkey,....

All forest fires brought under control in Turkey except two: Minister

2021-08-09T14:55+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

class='cf'> “#ForestHeroes continue their work with great devotion from land and air in Milas and Köyceğiz,” Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter. Earlier in the day, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, a native of Antalya, said 59 neighborhoods and 3,231 buildings were affected by the flames in the southern Antalya province.

Turkey battles 2 wildfires, others under control

2021-08-09T14:53+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

ISTANBUL, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) -- Turkey is currently grappling with two wildfires in the southwestern province of Mugla, and all other blazes have been taken under control, Turkish Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli announced on Monday. "All the forest fires in our country have been....

Putin’s hypersonic nuke missile bases threatened by wildfires as state of emergency declared

2021-08-09T14:44+0200thesun (en)

A STATE of emergency has been declared in Russia after raging wildfires threatened Vladimir Putin's hypersonic nuke missile base. The fires, which have been devastating the Mordovski Nature Reserve over the past few days, are now dangerously close to a top-secret nuclear research centre.

EU News | Official News Release Forest fires: EU continues to mobilise assistance for Greece and other countries in region

2021-08-09T14:25+0200wired-gov (en)

Forest fires: EU continues to mobilise assistance for Greece and other countries in region. The EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to channel support to help combat unprecedented forest fires in Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean. Following requests from Greece, North Macedonia, Albania,....

Smoke blots out the sun in Greece as wildfires rage into their seventh day

2021-08-09T14:05+0200dailymail (en)

reported. George Stamoulos, deputy mayor of the settlement, said fire crews had been abandoned by the government who ignored his pleas to send aircraft to help fight the flames. '[I was] a voice roaring in the desert,' he said. It was a sentiment echoed by David Angelou, a local who had to be....

All forest fires brought under control in Turkey except 2

2021-08-09T13:46+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA Turkey has brought under control all forest fires, except blazes in Milas and Koycegiz in the country’s south, said the minister of agriculture and forestry on Monday. “#ForestHeroes continue their work with great devotion from land and air in Milas and Koycegiz,” Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter.

All forest fires brought under control in Turkey except 2

2021-08-09T13:30+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Turkey has brought under control all forest fires, except blazes in Milas and Koycegiz in the country’s south, Turkish minister of agriculture and forestry Bekir Pakdemirli said on Monday. "ForestHeroes continue their work with great devotion from land and air in Milas and Koycegiz," Pakdemirli said on Twitter.

EU, World Stand By Greece with Firefighting Aid

2021-08-09T13:24+0200gtp (en)

A dozen countries have extended firefighting support to Greece which is still struggling to put out wildfires across the country in one of the worst summers in its modern history. Besides the EU which has through its Civil Protection Mechanism sent nine planes, almost 1,000 fire fighters and 200....

Number of forest fires in Turkey reduced to 2

2021-08-09T13:20+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkey managed to put out 238 out of 240 wildfires in 47 provinces on the 13th day of a string of blazes raging across the country. The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli announced that only two fires were still underway in Muğla, a southwestern province. The first major fires began on July 28 in the country’s south.

Clima, l'Onu: gli effetti del riscaldamento climatico potrebbero essere irreversibili I risultati del primo dei 4 rapporti dell'Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Ipcc). Gli ultimissimi eventi meteorologici estremi, dagli incendi in Grecia, Turchia e altri paesi affacciati al Mediterraneo....

2021-08-09T13:17+0200msn-it (it)

L'innalzamento dei mari, lo scioglimento delle calotte glaciali e altri effetti del riscaldamento climatico potrebbero essere irreversibili per secoli e sono "inequivocabilmente" guidati dalle emissioni di gas serra dovute all'attività umana, ha detto in un rapporto un panel di esperti che lavora sotto gli auspici delle Nazioni Unite.

All forest fires brought under control in Turkey except 2

2021-08-09T13:09+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey has brought under control all forest fires, except blazes in Milas and Koycegiz in the country’s south, said the minister of agriculture and forestry on Monday. “#ForestHeroes continue their work with great devotion from land and air in Milas and Koycegiz,” Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter.

All Forest Fires in Turkey Under Control Except for 2 in Mugla Province - Minister

2021-08-09T12:47+0200urdupoint (en)

All the wildfires in Turkey were either extinguished or brought under control, except for two fires still raging the south-western province of Mugla, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli said on Monday. ANKARA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 09th August, 2021) the wildfires in Turkey....

Forest fires: EU continues to mobilise assistance for Greece and other countries in region 09 Aug UCPM

2021-08-09T12:28+0200cmine (en)

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to channel support to help combat unprecedented forest fires in Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean. Following requests from Greece, North Macedonia, Albania, Italy and Turkey, the European Union has now helped mobilise 14 firefighting planes, 3 helicopters, some 1,300 rescuers and 250 vehicles.

235 of 240 wildfires in Turkey are now under control

2021-08-09T12:15+0200aa-en (en)

Of 240 forest fires, 235 are now under control, while 5 ongoing 09.08.2021.

EU mobilizes assistance for Greece, other countries against forest fires

2021-08-09T12:08+0200saudigazette (en)

BRUSSELS — The European Union has announced that its Civil Protection Mechanism continues to channel support to help combat unprecedented forest fires in Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean. Following requests from Greece, North Macedonia, Albania, Italy and Turkey, the European Union has now....

Desperate Greeks flee from fires

2021-08-09T12:05+0200globaltimes (en)

A local resident gestures as he holds an empty water hose during an attempt to extinguish forest fires approaching the village of Pefki on Evia island, Greece's second largest island on Sunday. Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately to control wildfires on the island that have charred....

Wildfires MAPPED - every fire raging across the globe right now in major crisis

2021-08-09T11:56+0200express (en)

SUBSCRIBE Invalid email. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info Devastating wildfires are taking place across....

Forest fires: EU continues to mobilise assistance for Greece and other countries in region

2021-08-09T11:55+0200europa-nu (en)

Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenar čič said: "We are mobilising one of Europe's biggest ever common firefighting operations as multiple fires affect several countries simultaneously. This shows the need to prioritise crisis response also at European level.

Roundup: Wildfires raging extensively amid extreme weather

2021-08-09T11:46+0200europesun (en)

BEIJING, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) -- Wildfires have been scorching many parts of the world amid extreme weather over recent weeks. The rising number and increasing intensity of wildfires are results of climate change and could be the "normality," experts warned. In the U.S.

Ukrainians not to be evacuated from Greece, Turkey, Afghanistan so far

2021-08-09T11:12+0200112-international (en)

are not going to be evacuated from Greece, Turkey and Afghanistan so far. Yevhen Yenin, the deputy foreign minister said so as quoted by "It's not the matter at hand", he said. According to the official, the Foreign Ministry has been daily monitoring the situation in these countries, and it will take action when necessary.

Number of forest fires in Turkey reduced to 5

2021-08-09T10:43+0200news-az (en)

Turkey managed to put out 235 out of 240 wildfires in 47 provinces on the 12th day of a string of blazes raging across the country, Daily Sabah reports. The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli announced that only five fires were still underway in Muğla, a southwestern province.

Number of forest fires in Turkey reduced to 5 out of 240

2021-08-09T10:43+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Turkey managed to put out 235 out of 240 wildfires in 47 provinces on the 12th day of a string of blazes raging across the country. Turkey's Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli announced that only five fires were still underway in Muğla, a southwestern province. The first major fires began on July 28 in the country’s south.

No fires threatening settlements in Turkey - forestry minister

2021-08-09T10:26+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

There are currently no fires that threaten any settlements in Turkey, the country’s agriculture and forestry minister Bekir Pakdemirli said on Sunday. Speaking to reporters in the Mugla province, Pakdemirli said: “The overall situation regarding all forest fires in Mugla is getting better.

Mass evacuations as Greek fires rage, but Turkey saved by the rain

2021-08-09T10:05+0200terradaily (en)

Thousands of tourists and residents were evacuated and a thick cloud of smoke and ash hung over Athens as "nightmarish" forest fires raged in Greece Saturday, while heavy rains brought some relief to neighbouring Turkey. At least 1,450 Greek firefighters along with 15 aircraft were battling the....

In pictures: Deadly wildfires rage around the world amid worsening climate crises Massive wildfires have left dozens dead around the world as authorities struggle to put out the blazes fueled by scorching temperatures and dry

2021-08-09T09:28+0200alarabiya-en (en)

Massive wildfires have left dozens dead around the world as authorities struggle to put out the blazes fueled by scorching temperatures and dry weather. From Turkey to Russia to the US, countries have recorded some of the worst forest fires in decades. According to scientists, July saw some of the worst blazes since at least 2003.

Earth ‘likely to heat up by 1.5°C a decade earlier than expected’

2021-08-09T09:22+0200metro-uk (en)

Wildfires are raging across the world (Picture: AP/Getty/Reuters) Earth will likely warm by 1.5C within 20 years, a decade earlier than expected. In a bombshell report, the world’s leading climate scientists are set to deliver the starkest warning on the state of global warming.

Number of forest fires in Turkey reduced to 5

2021-08-09T09:17+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkey managed to put out 235 out of 240 wildfires in 47 provinces on the 12th day of a string of blazes raging across the country. The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli announced that only five fires were still underway in Muğla, a southwestern province. The first major fires began on July 28 in the country’s south.

Fires rage around the world: where are the worst blazes?

2021-08-09T09:15+0200guardian (en)

A local resident reacts as he observes a large fire during an attempt to extinguish forest fires approaching the village of Pefki on Evia island, Greece’s second largest island Photograph: AFP/Getty Images. Wildfires are raging across Europe and North America as scorching temperatures and dry....

Forest fires: EU continues to mobilise assistance for Greece and other countries in region

2021-08-09T09:07+0200europeansting (en)

(Credit: Unsplash) This article is brought to you in association with the The EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to channel support to help combat unprecedented forest fires in Greece and the rest of the Mediterranean. Following requests from Greece, North Macedonia, Albania, Italy and Turkey,....

No fires threatening settlements in Turkey: Forestry minister

2021-08-09T08:54+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

MUĞLA There are currently no fires that threaten any settlements in class='cf'> Speaking to reporters in the southwestern Muğla province, Bekir Pakdemirli said: “The overall situation regarding all forest fires in Muğla is getting better.” He said 16 forest fires broke out in the coastal city and....

Lancashire firefighters fly to Greece to help battle deadly wildfires

2021-08-09T08:44+0200lep (en)

British firefighters, including a team from Lancashire, landed in Greece on Sunday to help battle deadly wildfires ravaging parts of the country. The team will be led by officers from Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service (MFRS), the lead authority for National Resilience, and overseen by MFRS’ deputy....

Villages, forests, fields: fires in southern Europe and Russia are devastating

2021-08-09T08:38+0200archyde (en)

imago images/ANE Edition. An incident occurred on Sunday: A small Greek PZL fire-fighting aircraft had to make an emergency landing on the island of Zakynthos due to an engine failure. The pilot is doing well, reported the Greek state television (ERT), citing the civil service center in Athens.

No fires threatening settlements in Turkey, forestry minister says

2021-08-09T08:38+0200yenisafak-en (en)

There are currently no fires that threaten any settlements in Turkey, the country’s agriculture and forestry minister said on Sunday. Speaking to reporters in the southwestern Mugla province, Bekir Pakdemirli said: “The overall situation regarding all forest fires in Mugla is getting better.

Blaze ravages Evia island on sixth day of Greek wildfires

2021-08-09T06:52+0200eureporter (en)

Greece has deployed the army to help battle the fires and several countries including France, Egypt, Switzerland and Spain have also sent help including firefighting aircraft. More than 570 firefighters are battling the blaze in Evia, authorities said.

Extreme weather: Southern Europe is on fire – and the next heat wave begins

2021-08-09T05:05+0200archyde (en)

The situation is becoming more and more threatening: on the Greek island of Evia, huge areas of forest are in flames on the seventh day, the fires are spreading uncontrollably. Rescue workers and volunteers also fought fire on Monday night in Mugla in southwestern Turkey.

Italy wildfire: 400 people flee raging 'dramatic' blaze as fireball engulfs skyline

2021-08-09T02:42+0200dailystar (en)

continue to rage in Italy. More than 400 people have fled from their homes, hotels, and campsites in the seaside district on the Adriatic coast on Sunday, according to fire crews. Clips of the flames approaching a cafe on social media show thick plumes of smoke billowing through the streets.

Italian Wildfire: 400 people flee from fierce “dramatic” flames as fireballs swallow the skyline

2021-08-09T01:49+0200londonnewstime (en)

Hundreds of tourists and residents Forest fire It continues to be furious in Italy. More than 400 people fled their homes, hotels and campgrounds in the seaside area of ​​the Adriatic coast on Sunday, according to the fire brigade. A clip of flames approaching the cafe above Social media Shows a thick plume of smoke swirling the street.

No fires threatening settlements in Turkey, forestry minister says

2021-08-09T01:18+0200turkishpress (en)

MUGLA, Turkey. There are currently no fires that threaten any settlements in Turkey, the country’s agriculture and forestry minister said on Sunday. Speaking to reporters in the southwestern Mugla province, Bekir Pakdemirli said: “The overall situation regarding all forest fires in Mugla is getting better.

Wildfire Near Dalaman Airport in Turkey Extinguished - Minister

2021-08-09T00:45+0200urdupoint (en)

ANKARA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 09th August, 2021) A wildfire has been extinguished near Dalaman in Turkey 's south-west, the country's transport minister, Adil Karaismailoglu, said Earlier in the day, the Turkish forestry department reported that firefighters and special aviation were trying....

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-09T00:44+0200menafn (en)

- Gulf Times) Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

217 Forest Fires Contained, 6 Ongoing In Southwestern Turkey

2021-08-09T00:08+0200haberler-en (en)

Firefighters combatted 223 fires in 47 provinces since July 28, contained all but 6, says Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister. Of some 223 forest fires that started last week, just six remain ongoing, said Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister on Saturday.

Bleak future for beekeepers in Turkey after wildfires devastate hives and forests

2021-08-08T22:39+0200independent-UK (en)

Turkey is one of the many nations along the Mediterranean coast that has been ravaged by the fires . At least eight people and countless animals have been killed . Nearly all of the residents of Osmaniye, a neighbourhood in the popular tourist resort city Marmaris, are beekeepers and depend on the honey trade to make a living.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T21:40+0200enca (en)

ISTIAIA - Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Azerbaijani fire and rescue forces continue operations to extinguish forest fires in Turkey (PHOTO/VIDEO)

2021-08-08T20:35+0200news-az (en)

In accordance with the instruction of President Ilham Aliyev, the fire and rescue forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan, sent to fraternal Turkey, continue operations to extinguish fires. The group, sent to Turkey on August 5, 2021, and including 40 units of fire-fighting....

Prossima emergenza: incendi

2021-08-08T20:21+0200huffingtonpost-Italia (it)

In Italia è emergenza incendi legata a un’altra emergenza, quella climatica. Ora anche il nostro Paese, come la Grecia e la Turchia in Europa, la California e Bolivia nel continente americano e mezza Africa centro-meridionale, è alle prese con fiamme devastanti. In particolare il Centro-Sud.

Incendi e cambiamenti climatici, emergenza roghi dalla Grecia alla California

2021-08-08T20:12+0200247libero (it)

Roma, 8 agosto 2021 - Incendi e cambiamenti climatici sembrano ormai andare di pari passo. Le fiamme stanno portando devastazione dall'Europa (Grecia, Turchia e anche Italia) al continente americano (il Dixie Fire in California, e boschi in fiamme in Bolivia), poi roghi in mezza Africa centro-meridionale.

Prossima emergenza: incendi

2021-08-08T20:12+0200247libero (it)

In Italia è emergenza incendi legata a un’altra emergenza, quella climatica. Ora anche il nostro Paese, come la Grecia e la Turchia in Europa, la California e Bolivia nel continente americano e mezza Africa centro-meridionale, è alle prese con fiamme devastanti. In particolare il Centro-Sud.

Azerbaijani fire and rescue forces continue operations to extinguish forest fires in Turkey (PHOTO/VIDEO)

2021-08-08T19:51+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, Aug. 8. Trend: In accordance with the instruction of President Ilham Aliyev, the fire and rescue forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan, sent to fraternal Turkey, continue operations to extinguish fires, Trend reports citing the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Grecia, Turchia e il sud dell’Italia nella morsa del fuoco

2021-08-08T19:12+0200laregione (it)

Atene/Istanbul/Palermo – Nell'Italia meridionale, gli incendi minacciano sempre più l'agricoltura e le riserve naturali. In Turchia, grandi incendi continuano a essere fuori controllo. E in Grecia è in fiamme gran parte dell'isola di Eubea (o Evia), dove migliaia di persone – abitanti e turisti – sono state evacuate.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T18:43+0200urdupoint (en)

Istiaia, Greece, Aug 8 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Aug, 2021 ) :Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee.

Turchia: divampato nuovo incendio boschivo nel distretto di Dalaman

2021-08-08T16:54+0200agenzianova (it)

Ankara, 08 ago 16:30 - (Agenzia Nova) - Un nuovo incendio boschivo è divampato oggi nel distretto di Dalaman, nella provincia meridionale di Mugla, in Turchia. Lo riferisce l’agenzia di stampa turca “Demiroren”, secondo cui il rogo è scoppiato intorno alle 15:00 di oggi pomeriggio nella zona di Cafer, non lontano dall’aeroporto di Dalaman.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T15:56+0200koreatimes (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Turkey: Protests Against the Government's Mishandling of Forest Fires

2021-08-08T15:50+0200almayadeen-en (en)

To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Turkey: Protests Against the Government's Mishandling of Forest Fires. Protestors in Istanbul held the government responsible for the losses caused by forest fires.

Another forest fire breaks out in Turkey’s Dalaman

2021-08-08T15:45+0200dailysabah (en)

As Turkey continues its battle against forest fires, another broke out in blaze-hit Muğla province’s Dalaman district on Sunday. According to information from Demirören News Agency (DHA), the fire broke out at 3 p.m. local time (noon GMT) in the Cafer neighborhood of the district.

Kazakhstan sends 2 helicopters to help Turkey contain wildfires

2021-08-08T15:28+0200nation (en)

Kazakhstan on Saturday sent two helicopters to Turkey in support of efforts to extinguish ongoing forest fires. According to a statement by Kazakhstan Emergency Situations Ministry, the helicopters and a special team of 16 people took off from Nur Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, to Turkey's....

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island –

2021-08-08T14:25+0200unravelmalta (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Hundreds Flee, Homes Destroyed As Forest Fires Ravage Greek Island

2021-08-08T13:42+0200channelstv (en)

This picture taken near the village of Gouves, on Euboea island, second largest Greek island, on August 8, 2021 shows a raging fire. – Hundreds of firefighters battled a blaze on the outskirts of Athens as several fires raged in Greece. (Photo by ANGELOS TZORTZINIS / AFP) Hundreds of Greek....

Mediterranean apocalypse

2021-08-08T13:22+0200atalayar (en)

I have been spending the hottest summer peaks in southern Spain for almost half a century, which on the positive side is a joy. On the negative side, the effects of undeniable climate change, or rather the climatic catastrophe that is looming over much of Spain in particular, and the Mediterranean basin in general, are being felt quite perceptibly.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T13:20+0200gmanews (en)

ISTIAIA, Greece Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T13:03+0200gulf-times (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Forest fires in Bolivia consume vast area: official

2021-08-08T12:19+0200JakartaPost (en)

Forest fires this year have consumed more than 147,000 hectares (360,000 acres) in Bolivia's eastern Santa Cruz department, the regional government reported Saturday. As in neighboring Brazil, the fires have been aggravated by widespread deforestation aimed at expanding farming or pasture land.

Forest fires in Bolivia consume vast area: official

2021-08-08T12:17+0200techcodex (en)

Forest fires this year have consumed more than 147,000 hectares (360,000 acres) in Bolivia’s eastern Santa Cruz department, the regional government reported Saturday. As in neighboring Brazil, the fires have been aggravated by widespread deforestation aimed at expanding farming or pasture land.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T12:17+0200techcodex (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T12:00+0200wetheworldmagazine (en)

Istiaia, Greece: Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes, and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Hundreds Flee, Homes Destroyed as Forest Fires Ravage Greek Island

2021-08-08T11:59+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Rainfall gives some relief to Turkey wildfires

2021-08-08T11:53+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

ANTALYA The weather gave Turkey some relief on Aug. 7 as officials in the southern province of Antalya said the blazes were under control in the southwestern province after rainfall. class='cf'> And heavy rain was expected till afternoon in areas including Manavgat, one of the most affected by the fires.

Kazakhstan, Kuwait offer to support Turkey's firefighting efforts

2021-08-08T11:44+0200dailysabah (en)

As Turkey's struggle against forest fires continues, Kazakhstan and Kuwait have added themselves to the growing list of countries providing support to Ankara. Kuwait said on Saturday that it will dispatch a fire brigade crew to Turkey to support that country's fight against forest fires.

Kuwait to send firefighters to Turkey against forest fires

2021-08-08T11:41+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Kuwait is set to dispatch a team of firefighters to Turkey on Sunday to help in the fight against forest fires that killed at least eight people. The 45-strong team will be dispatched to Turkey upon orders from Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad to assist in putting out the fires, according to the official news agency KUNA.

Hundreds Flee, Homes Destroyed as Forest Fires Ravage Greek Island

2021-08-08T11:40+0200naharnet-en (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T11:40+0200guardian-ng (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T11:38+0200manilatimes (en)

Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided. Greece and Turkey have been battling devastating fires for nearly two weeks as the region suffers its worst heatwave in decades. Officials and experts have linked such intense weather events to climate change.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T11:33+0200JakartaPost (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T11:28+0200BangkokPost (en)

ISTIAIA, Greece: Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Bolivian forest fires consume vast areas: official

2021-08-08T11:25+0200floridanewstimes (en)

This year’s forest fires consumed more than 147,000 hectares (360,000 acres) in eastern Santa Cruz, Bolivia, local governments reported on Saturday. Like neighboring Brazil, the fire is exacerbated by extensive deforestation aimed at expanding agricultural and pasture.

Kazakhstan aids Turkey to extinguish ongoing forest with 2 helicopters

2021-08-08T11:09+0200menafn (en)

) In support of efforts to put out continuing forest fires, Kazakhstan sent two helicopters to Turkey. The helicopters and a special team of 16 people departure from Nur Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, to Turkey's southwestern Mugla province upon the instruction of Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart....

Forest fires in Bolivia consume vast area: official

2021-08-08T11:05+0200phys (en)

Forest fires this year have consumed more than 147,000 hectares (360,000 acres) in Bolivia's eastern Santa Cruz department, the regional government reported Saturday. As in neighboring Brazil, the fires have been aggravated by widespread deforestation aimed at expanding farming or pasture land.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T11:05+0200phys (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T10:48+0200yahoo-sg (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T10:29+0200yahoo-au (en)

Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Hundreds Flee, Homes Destroyed As Forest Fires Ravage Greek Island

2021-08-08T10:27+0200barrons (en)

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08/08/2021 Hundreds flee, homes destroyed as forest fires ravage Greek island

2021-08-08T10:16+0200rfi-en (en)

Istiaia (Greece) (AFP) Hundreds of Greek firefighters fought desperately Sunday to control wildfires on the island of Evia that have charred vast areas of pine forest, destroyed homes and forced tourists and locals to flee. Blazes also raged in the Peloponnese region in the southwest, but fires in a northern suburb of Athens have subsided.

Kuwait to send fire team to support Turkey’s fight against forest fires

2021-08-08T09:10+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Kuwait said on Saturday that it will dispatch a fire brigade crew to Turkey to support that country’s fight against forest fires. Kuwaiti Fire Force chief Khaled Al-Mekrad said on social media that the team that will be deployed on Sunday will consist of 45 firefighters. A similar team will also be dispatched to Greece, he added.

Incendi inarrestabili in Grecia e Turchia, problemi anche in Siberia Euronews

2021-08-08T08:46+0200msn-it (it)

In Grecia il fronte del fuoco non retrocede e si prende anche una vita umana. © ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΤΣΙΡΩΝΗΣ/ 2021 ΑΘΗΝΑΙΚΟ-ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΚΟ ΠΡΑΚΤΟΡΕΙΟ ΕΙΔΗΣΕΩΝ. Un vigile del fuoco volontario è morto nel rogo che minaccia il più importante parco nazionale di Atene , e almeno 20 persone sono rimaste ferite.

Kazakhstan sends 2 helicopters to help Turkey contain wildfires

2021-08-08T08:40+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Kazakhstan on Saturday sent two helicopters to Turkey in support of efforts to extinguish ongoing forest fires. According to a statement by Kazakhstan Emergency Situations Ministry, the helicopters and a special team of 16 people took off from Nur Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, to Turkey's....

Incendi inarrestabili in Grecia e Turchia, problemi anche in Siberia Euronews

2021-08-08T07:56+0200msn-nl (it)

In Grecia il fronte del fuoco non retrocede e si prende anche una vita umana. © ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΤΣΙΡΩΝΗΣ/ 2021 ΑΘΗΝΑΙΚΟ-ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΚΟ ΠΡΑΚΤΟΡΕΙΟ ΕΙΔΗΣΕΩΝ. Un vigile del fuoco volontario è morto nel rogo che minaccia il più importante parco nazionale di Atene , e almeno 20 persone sono rimaste ferite.

Da Atene ad Evia, la Grecia brucia ancora, si registra una vittima: anche in Turchia il fuoco non si ferma ed ora anche la Siberia è alle corde

2021-08-08T07:04+0200euronews-it (it)

Un vigile del fuoco volontario è morto nel rogo che minaccia il più importante parco nazionale di Atene , e almeno 20 persone sono rimaste ferite. Da giorni, ogni volta che i roghi sembrano domati, nuove fiamme minacciano e devastano boschi, campi e centri abitati.

EU sends help to fight fires in Greece, Italy

2021-08-08T05:28+0200menafn (en)

- Jordan Times) BRUSSELS — Fire-fighting resources from EU nations are on their way to Greece, Italy, Albania and Northern Macedonia to help fight forest blazes, the EU crisis management commissioner said on Wednesday. "We are working around the clock to send help as fires rage across Europe," commissioner Janez Lenarcic said in a statement.

Mass evacuations as Greek fires rage, but Turkey saved by the rain

2021-08-08T05:04+0200yalibnan (en)

In Turkey, eight people have been killed and dozens more hospitalised Yasin AKGUL AFP. Thousands of tourists and residents were evacuated and a thick cloud of smoke and ash hung over Athens as “nightmarish” forest fires raged in Greece Saturday, while heavy rains brought some relief to neighbouring Turkey.

Mass evacuations as Greece fires rage, Turkey saved by rains

2021-08-08T05:04+0200economictimes (en)

At least, 1,450 Greek firefighters along with 15 aircraft were battling the infernos, with reinforcements arriving from other countries, the fire service said. AFP Police officers help firefighters to extinguish a fire in Thrakomakedones, near Mount Parnitha, north of Athens, on August 7, 2021.

Mass evacuations as Greek fires rage

2021-08-08T03:07+0200thenews-pk (en)

ATHENS: Thousands of tourists and residents were evacuated and a thick cloud of smoke and ash hung over Athens as “nightmarish” forest fires raged in Greece Saturday, while heavy rains brought some relief to neighbouring Turkey. At least 1,450 Greek firefighters along with 15 aircraft were battling....

Forest fires in Bolivia consume more than 147,000 hectares

2021-08-08T02:57+0200citizen (en)

Forest fires this year have consumed more than 147,000 hectares (360,000 acres) in Bolivia’s eastern Santa Cruz department, the regional government reported Saturday. As in neighboring Brazil, the fires have been aggravated by widespread deforestation aimed at expanding farming or pasture land.

Climate change: Time running out to stop catastrophe - Alok Sharma

2021-08-08T02:46+0200bbc (en)

And he defended his decision to travel to more than 30 countries in seven months. Mr Sharma's interview with the Observer comes ahead of a major report being released on Monday from the United Nations' climate change researchers. The report is set to be the strongest statement yet from the UN group....

Europe, Middle East send firefighters, aircraft as wildfires ravage Greece - New York Post

2021-08-08T00:45+0200google-top-stories (en)

Firefighters and aircraft from across Europe and the Middle East were part of a massive effort to quell the wildfires ravaging Greece. One local official described the infernos as “a biblical catastrophe.” Crews and equipment from France, Ukraine, Cyprus, Croatia, Sweden, Israel, Romania and....

Europe, Middle East send firefighters, aircraft as wildfires ravage Greece - New York Post

2021-08-08T00:45+0200google-top-stories-innovatie (en)

Firefighters and aircraft from across Europe and the Middle East were part of a massive effort to quell the wildfires ravaging Greece. One local official described the infernos as “a biblical catastrophe.” Crews and equipment from France, Ukraine, Cyprus, Croatia, Sweden, Israel, Romania and....

Number of Uncontrolled Fires in Turkey Decline From 12 to 5 - Official

2021-08-08T00:36+0200urdupoint (en)

Five wildfires are still being extinguished in southern Turkey including four in the resort area of Mugla, the chief of the Directorate of Communications said on Saturday, which makes the total number of fires smaller than yesterday. ANKARA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 07th August, 2021) Five....

Kazakhstan sends 2 helicopters to help Turkey contain wildfires

2021-08-08T00:13+0200aa-en (en)

Nur Sultan is ready to provide humanitarian assistance to restore forests damaged by fire, says Emergency Situations Ministry. NUR SULTAN, Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan on Saturday sent two helicopters to Turkey in support of efforts to extinguish ongoing forest fires.

Forest fires in Bolivia consume vast area

2021-08-07T23:41+0200straitstimesSG (en)

LA PAZ (AFP) - Forest fires this year have consumed more than 147,000 hectares in Bolivia's eastern Santa Cruz department, the regional government reported on Saturday (Aug 7). As in neighbouring Brazil, the fires have been aggravated by widespread deforestation aimed at expanding farming or pasture land.

Number of uncontrolled fires in Turkey decline from 12 to 5

2021-08-07T22:56+0200europesun (en)

Ankara [Turkey], August 8 (ANI/Sputnik): Five wildfires are still being extinguished in southern Turkey including four in the resort area of Mugla, the chief of the Directorate of Communications said on Saturday, which makes the total number of fires smaller than yesterday.

Poland sends firefighters to Greece, Turkey and Germany to help with fires and floods

2021-08-07T22:36+0200notesfrompoland (en)

Poland has sent firefighters, police officers and equipment to Greece and Turkey to help tackle major forest fires, and to Germany to help it deal with the aftermath of recent flooding. In Greece, the worst heatwave in decades has caused dozens of wildfires, in which at least two people have died.

07/08/2021 Forest fires in Bolivia consume vast area: official

2021-08-07T22:31+0200rfi-en (en)

La Paz (AFP) Forest fires this year have consumed more than 147,000 hectares (360,000 acres) in Bolivia's eastern Santa Cruz department, the regional government reported Saturday. As in neighboring Brazil, the fires have been aggravated by widespread deforestation aimed at expanding farming or pasture land.

Europe, Middle East send firefighters, aircraft as wildfires ravage Greece

2021-08-07T22:29+0200nypost (en)

Firefighters and aircraft from across Europe and the Middle East were part of a massive effort to quell the wildfires ravaging Greece. One local official described the infernos as “a biblical catastrophe.” Crews and equipment from France, Ukraine, Cyprus, Croatia, Sweden, Israel, Romania and....

Number of uncontrolled fires in Turkey decline from 12 to 5 - Official

2021-08-07T21:34+0200news-yahoo-in (en)

Ankara [Turkey], August 8 (ANI/Sputnik): Five wildfires are still being extinguished in southern Turkey including four in the resort area of Mugla, the chief of the Directorate of Communications said on Saturday, which makes the total number of fires smaller than yesterday.

Parts Of Southeast Europe Get Respite From Fires; Siberian Villages Still Under Threat

2021-08-07T21:24+0200rferl (en)

Wildfires that have plagued southeastern Europe for days were partially extinguished on August 7, while conflagrations in Siberia endangered several villages and prompted authorities to evacuate some residents. North Macedonia and neighboring Balkan countries have been plagued by wildfires that have....

Crowds flee apocalyptic Greece wildfires on boat as UK sends in firefighters to help

2021-08-07T21:03+0200themirror (en)

Hundreds of people were evacuated by ferry from a Greek island consumed by infernal forest fires last night as the UK Government prepared to put emergency fire crews on a plane to Athens. Fires began razing Greek forests last week and have destroyed acres of pristine woodland and forced authorities to evacuate villages lying the blaze's path.

217 forest fires contained, 6 ongoing in southwestern Turkey

2021-08-07T20:45+0200worldbulletin (en)

Of some 223 fores t fire s that started last week, just six remain ongoing, said Turkey ’s agriculture and forestry minister on Saturday. Most of the fires have been contained thanks to the dedicated efforts of Turkish firefighting teams, while the blazes in Koycegiz, Kavaklidere, Milas, Yatagan,....

Last month was the worst July for wildfires since records began

2021-08-07T20:05+0200zmescience (en)

More than half of the carbon emissions came just from two regions (North America and Siberia) that have experienced extremely hot and dry weather in the mid-summer season, according to the Copernicus report. This is only the latest in a series of unwelcomed recent records, as the world is feeling the growing effects of the climate change crisis.

In Greece, ‘nightmarish summer’ fires hit northern Athens, residents evacuate island – 07/08/2021 – World

2021-08-07T19:55+0200ksusentinel (en)

The forest fires that hit Greece for five days burned down in the early hours of this Saturday (7) towns north of the capital Athens, in addition to the island of Euboea, from where 1,300 people were evacuated by boat. Across the Aegean Sea, the blaze had abated but was still burning at six points....

Thousands evacuated in Greece due to forest fires

2021-08-07T18:43+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

© STR/NurPhoto via Getty Images. Thousands of people in Greece have been evacuated since a wave of forest fires broke out last week in areas along the Mediterranean, with firefighters continuing to battle flames on Saturday. Ferries evacuated a total of 1,153 people late Friday into Saturday morning....

Four Explanations for Why Europe Is Burning

2021-08-07T18:37+0200homelandsecuritynewswire (en)

Barely halfway through summer, the area burned by wildfires raging through the Balkans, Italy, and the southeastern Mediterranean has already eclipsed yearly averages. Wildfires burning across southern Europe in the last month — whether sparked naturally by lightning, or by arsonists — have been flamed by drought and extreme heat.

Mass evacuations as Greek fires rage, but Turkey saved by the rain

2021-08-07T18:34+0200urdupoint (en)

Athens, Aug 7 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Aug, 2021 ) :Thousands of tourists and residents were evacuated and a thick cloud of smoke and ash hung over Athens as "nightmarish" forest fires raged in Saturday, while heavy rains brought some relief to neighbouring At least 1,450 Greek....

Mass evacuations as Greek fires rage, but Turkey saved by the rain

2021-08-07T18:25+0200africa-cgtn (en)

ATHENS, GREECE – AUGUST 06: A view of wildfire in Adames area, in northern Athens, Greece on August 06, 2021. (Photo by Dimitris Lampropoulos/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images) Thousands of tourists and residents were evacuated and a thick cloud of smoke and ash hung over Athens as “nightmarish”....

Climate change to blame for Europe's summer of extreme weather, say analysts

2021-08-07T18:15+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

Photo taken on July 26, 2021 shows a burned area in Oristano, Sardinia, Italy. (Xinhua) Most experts agree that while it is impossible to link any one specific weather event to climate change, there seems to be consensus that the frequency and intensity of such events have been accelerated by climate change.

Last month was worst July for global wildfires since 2003: report

2021-08-07T17:54+0200foxnews (en)

Flames burn on the mountain near Limni village on the island of Evia, about 160 kilometers (100 miles) north of Athens, Greece, Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. Greece Tuesday grappled with the worst heatwave in decades that strained the national power supply and fueled wildfires near Athens and elsewhere in southern Greece.

Climate change to blame for Europe's summer of extreme weather, say analysts

2021-08-07T17:41+0200xinhuanet (en)

Photo taken on July 26, 2021 shows a burned area in Oristano, Sardinia, Italy. (Xinhua) Most experts agree that while it is impossible to link any one specific weather event to climate change, there seems to be consensus that the frequency and intensity of such events have been accelerated by climate change.

Mass evacuations as Greek fires...

2021-08-07T17:08+0200dhakatribune (en)

People are evacuated on a ferry as a wildfire burns in the village of Limni, on the island of Evia on August 6, 2021 Reuters. At least 1,450 Greek firefighters along with 15 aircraft were battling the infernos, with reinforcements arriving from other countries.

Greek firefighter killed and 20 injured as fires spread out of control - The Guardian

2021-08-07T16:13+0200google-top-stories-innovatie (en)

A volunteer firefighter has been killed in a blaze threatening the Greek capital’s most important national park, and at least 20 people have been injured in fires during the country’s worst heatwave in 30 years, with temperatures of up to 45C (113F). Thousands of residents and holidaymakers have....

Thousands evacuated in Greece due to forest fires

2021-08-07T15:13+0200thehill (en)

Thousands of people in Greece have been evacuated since a wave of forest fires broke out last week in areas along the Mediterranean, with firefighters continuing to battle flames on Saturday. Ferries evacuated a total of 1,153 people late Friday into Saturday morning from a seaside village and....

Mass evacuations as Greek fires rage, but Turkey saved by the rain

2021-08-07T14:52+0200digitaljournal (en)

Thousands of tourists and residents were evacuated and a thick cloud of smoke and ash hung over Athens as “nightmarish” forest fires raged in Greece Saturday, while heavy rains brought some relief to neighbouring Turkey. At least 1,450 Greek firefighters along with 15 aircraft were battling the....

Mass evacuations as Greek fires rage, but Turkey saved by the rain

2021-08-07T14:44+0200heraldsun (en)

Local residents are trying to put out wildfires as they reach the first houses in Krioneri town, just north of Athens. Thousands of tourists and residents were evacuated and a thick cloud of smoke and ash hung over Athens as "nightmarish" forest fires raged in Greece Saturday, while heavy rains brought some relief to neighbouring Turkey.

Mass Evacuations As Greek Fires Rage, But Turkey Saved By The Rain

2021-08-07T14:35+0200barrons (en)

Thousands of tourists and residents were evacuated and a thick cloud of smoke and ash hung over Athens as "nightmarish" forest fires raged in Greece Saturday, while heavy rains brought some relief to neighbouring Turkey. At least 1,450 Greek firefighters along with 15 aircraft were battling the....

07/08/2021 Mass evacuations as Greek fires rage, but Turkey saved by the rain

2021-08-07T14:03+0200rfi-en (en)

Athens (AFP) Thousands of tourists and residents were evacuated and a thick cloud of smoke and ash hung over Athens as "nightmarish" forest fires raged in Greece Saturday, while heavy rains brought some relief to neighbouring Turkey. At least 1,450 Greek firefighters along with 15 aircraft were....

Greek firefighter killed and 20 injured as fires spread out of control

2021-08-07T13:33+0200guardian (en)

A volunteer firefighter has been killed in a blaze threatening the Greek capital’s most important national park, and at least 20 people have been injured in fires during the country’s worst heatwave in 30 years, with temperatures of up to 45C (113F). Thousands of residents and holidaymakers have....

217 forest fires contained, 6 ongoing in southwestern Turkey

2021-08-07T13:05+0200aa-en (en)

Firefighters combatted 223 fires in 47 provinces since July 28, contained all but 6, says Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister. By Dilan Pamuk. ANKARA (AA) - Of some 223 forest fires that started last week, just six remain ongoing, said Turkey’s agriculture and forestry minister on Saturday.

217 Forest Fires Contained, 6 Ongoing In Southwestern Turkey

2021-08-07T12:55+0200haberler-en (en)

Firefighters combatted 223 fires in 47 provinces since July 28, contained all but 6, says Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister. Of some 223 forest fires that started last week, just six remain ongoing, said Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister on Saturday.

At least 217 forest fires contained, 6 ongoing in southwestern Turkey

2021-08-07T12:45+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Of some 223 forest fires that started last week, just six remain ongoing, said Turkey’s agriculture and forestry minister on Saturday. Most of the fires have been contained thanks to the dedicated efforts of Turkish firefighting teams, while the blazes in Koycegiz, Kavaklidere, Milas, Yatagan and....

Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day

2021-08-07T11:44+0200euronews-en (en)

By Mert Ozkan and Umit Bektas. MILAS , Turkey – A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

Mass evacuations as Greece fires rage on

2021-08-07T11:25+0200RTERadio (en)

A Greek firefighter works to extinguish a wildfire. Thousands of tourists and residents were evacuated and a thick cloud of smoke and ash hung over Athens this morning, as forest fires that have already killed two people raged for an 11th day in parts of Greece.

Turkish blaze approaches power plant

2021-08-07T11:06+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

Monitoring Desk. MILAS, Turkey, Aug 6 (Reuters) – A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

Last month was worst July for wildfires since records began

2021-08-07T10:58+0200zmescience (en)

Fires on forests and grasslands in July released 343 megatons of carbon emissions, which is about a fifth higher than the previous global record for July, set in 2014, according to EU’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service . This was driven by record heatwaves and prolonged droughts in many....

Nearly 9-fold increase in area burned in Turkish wildfires in 2021

2021-08-07T10:45+0200yenisafak-en (en)

In Turkey's Mediterranean region and across the country, with a much harsher fire season than in previous years, the area burned this year has increased nearly nine-fold on average with the latest fires, according to an expert. As of Friday morning, 196 of the 208 fires had been brought under....

Blazes contained in Antalya districts after 218 hours of firefighting, says Turkish FM

2021-08-07T10:15+0200yenisafak-en (en)

It took 218 hours of firefighting at full pace to contain forest fires in Antalya's Manavgat and Gundogmus districts, Turkey’s foreign minister said Friday. Mevlut Cavusogly made the remarks before holding an evaluation meeting at the coordination center of the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) in Manavgat.

Turchia: governo, 13 gli incendi boschivi ancora attivi in cinque province

2021-08-07T10:10+0200agenzianova (it)

Ankara, 07 ago 09:50 - (Agenzia Nova) - Sono ancora almeno 13 gli incendi boschivi attivi in cinque province della Turchia, dopo che negli ultimi dieci giorni le autorità sono riuscite a spegnere non meno di 209 roghi in 47 regioni del Paese. Lo ha annunciato nella tarda serata di ieri il ministro....

Incendi: 1,5 mld tonnellate di CO2 prodotte in pochi giorni

2021-08-07T10:05+0200ilfattonisseno (it)

A causa degli incendi che si sono sviluppati di recente in Italia, Canada, Grecia, Turchia e Siberia, nel solo 2021 sono state distrutti 3 milioni di ettari di foreste, pari 2,2 miliardi di alberi, con una conseguente immediata immissione in atmosfera di 1,5 miliardi di tonnellate di CO2, pari al 4,2% delle emissioni globali del 2020.

Greece wildfires: Firefighter killed and thousands evacuated as blazes rage

2021-08-07T09:55+0200newstalk (en)

A volunteer firefighter has been killed and thousands of people have been evacuated from an island near Athens as wildfires rage in Greece. Civil protection chief Nikos Hardalias said firefighters faced "exceptionally dangerous, unprecedented conditions" as they battled 154 wildfires on Friday, with 64 still burning into the night.

Nearly 9-fold increase in area burned in Turkish wildfires in 2021

2021-08-07T09:10+0200news-az (en)

In Turkey's Mediterranean region and across the country, with a much harsher fire season than in previous years, the area burned this year has increased nearly nine-fold on average with the latest fires, according to an expert. As of Friday morning, 196 of the 208 fires had been brought under....

TURKEY Blazes contained in Antalya districts after 218 hours of firefighting

2021-08-07T08:52+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

Blazes contained in Antalya districts after 218 hours of firefighting ANTALYA It took 218 hours of firefighting at full pace to contain forest fires in Antalya 's Manavgat and Gündoğmuş districts, Turkey ’s foreign minister said on Aug. 6. class='cf'> made the remarks before holding an evaluation....

Nearly 9-fold increase in area burned in wildfires in 2021

2021-08-07T08:52+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

's Mediterranean region and across the country, with a much harsher fire season than in previous years, the area burned this year has increased nearly nine-fold on average with the latest fires, according to an expert. class='cf'> According to a study by Istanbul University's Cerrahpaşa Faculty of....

Turkish firefighters rescue turtle stranded in ashes

2021-08-07T08:44+0200yenisafak-en (en)

A turtle stranded among the ashes in a forest fire in southern Turkey was rescued by firefighters in the area to support decontamination efforts after forest fires in the area were extinguished. After forest fires in Mersin province were extinguished, a team of 15 personnel and nine vehicles were....

Forestry minister says 209 wildfires in Turkey under control

2021-08-07T08:44+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey has contained 209 wildfires in 47 provinces in the last 10 days, its agriculture and forestry minister said early Saturday. Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter that efforts are underway to extinguish the remaining blazes in Mugla, Aydin, Isparta, Karabuk, and Burdur.

Another group of Azerbaijani firefighters arrives in Turkey to extinguish forest fires

2021-08-07T07:41+0200news-az (en)

Under the instruction of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to fight the forest fires and prevent their spread to a larger area, the fourth group of firefighting forces of the country's Ministry of Emergency Situations has arrived in the brotherly Republic of Turkey. The plane carrying more than 200 personnel landed at Dalaman Airport in Mugla.

Fires in Greece and Turkey continue to rage

2021-08-07T06:38+0200archyde (en)

There is still no all-clear for the numerous major fires in Greece and Turkey. On Saturday night, firefighters in both countries continued to fight the flames. Again and again people were asked to leave the affected regions and to get to safety. Fires also broke out in several countries in the Balkans.

Fires continue in Lebanon amid regional outbreak

2021-08-07T06:06+0200al-monitor (en)

More fires broke out in Lebanon on Friday. Three wildfires took place in the southern Lebanese towns of Haddatha, Hanine and Baraachit. The blaze began in forested areas of the towns. Firefighters from nearby Bins Jbeil were able to extinguish the flames , the official National News Agency reported.

Turkey: what are the risks for the coal-fired power plant affected by the fires?

2021-08-07T02:01+0200archyde (en)

The footage has raised fears of the worst, as more than 180 fires have ravaged forests and farmlands, as well as inhabited areas on Turkey’s Mediterranean coasts since Wednesday, one area has particularly caught the attention of Turkish authorities . Forest fires have indeed approached a coal-fired....

Nearly 9-Fold Increase In Area Burned In Turkish Wildfires In 2021

2021-08-07T01:14+0200haberler-en (en)

In Turkey's Mediterranean region and across the country, with a much harsher fire season than in previous years, the area burned this year has increased nearly nine-fold on average with the latest fires, according to an expert. As of Friday morning, 196 of the 208 fires had been brought under....

209 wildfires in Turkey under control: Forestry minister

2021-08-07T01:06+0200aa-en (en)

Efforts underway to extinguish remaining 13 blazes in 5 provinces, says Bekir Pakdemirli. ANKARA Turkey has contained 209 wildfires in 47 provinces in the last 10 days, its agriculture and forestry minister said early Saturday. Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter that efforts are underway to....

Blazes contained in Antalya districts after 218 hours of firefighting, says Turkish foreign minister

2021-08-07T01:06+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA It took 218 hours of firefighting at full pace to contain forest fires in Antalya's Manavgat and Gundogmus districts, Turkey’s foreign minister said Friday. Mevlut Cavusogly made the remarks before holding an evaluation meeting at the coordination center of the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) in Manavgat.

Environment Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day 12:29 PM UTC

2021-08-07T00:05+0200reuters-uk (en)

MILAS, Turkey, Aug 6 (Reuters) - A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

Forest fires will burn the world

2021-08-06T23:19+0200dailysabah (en)

As the Western world emerged from the church-centered worldview of the medieval period, they relied on modern science as a way out of the centuries-old oppression of the Catholic church. In this period, which we call the Age of Enlightenment, they essentially replaced religion with science.

Turkey govt under pressure as Greece fires claim first deaths

2021-08-06T22:31+0200menafn (en)

- Gulf Times) Fires raging in Greece claimed their first two lives yesterday during a punishing heatwave, while devastating wildfires in neighbouring Turkey piled pressure on the Turkish government. Greece and Turkey have been fighting blaze upon blaze over the past week, hit by the region’s worst....

Raging wildfires in Greece, Turkey, force thousands to flee

2021-08-06T22:23+0200timesdaily (en)

Firefighters and volunteer workers dig trenches and cover the vegetation with dirt in a rushed endeavor to protect the Yenikoy power plant from approaching wild fires, in Milas area of the Mugla province, Turkey, Friday Aug. 6, 2021. Thousands of people fled wildfires burning out of control in....

Global wildfires: Greece a 'powder keg' as thousands flee their homes

2021-08-06T21:33+0200deutschewelle-uk (en)

Speaking from Athens, DW correspondent Barbara Wesel said Greece was "absolutely not" prepared for the "nightmare." "Overall, we have a feeling that this is a force of nature that is completely uncontrollable," Wesel said, adding that Greece did not have the manpower or tools to contain the crisis.

Turkey condoles with Greece over wildfires

2021-08-06T21:23+0200worldbulletin (en)

Turkey 's foreign minister sent a message of condolence to his Greek counterpart on Friday over recent wildfires in the country, according to the Turkish Foreign Ministry. In a phone call, Mevlut Cavusoglu conveyed Turkey's wishes for a quick recovery in Greece to Nikos Dendias, whose country has....

Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day

2021-08-06T20:18+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) MILAS, Turkey: A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

20:17 Erdogan says Turkey will plant 250,000,000 trees in areas affected by forest fires

2021-08-06T19:47+0200news-am (en)

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the Turkish government intends to plant 250,000,000 trees in the areas affected by the forest fires, RIA Novosti reports. “Trees will be planted again in the areas affected by the forest fires. The opposition says there will allegedly be construction in those areas, but this is a lie.

Third group of Azerbaijani firefighters, rescuers arrives in Turkey (PHOTO/VIDEO)

2021-08-06T19:43+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 6. Trend: The third group of firefighters and rescuers of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Emergency Situations, sent to Turkey in accordance with the instructions of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to extinguish forest fires and prevent their spread,....

I roghi sviluppatisi in Italia, Canada, Grecia, Turchia e Siberia nel solo 2021 hanno distrutto 3 milioni di ettari di foreste. E le emissioni di gas serra sono pari al 4,2% di quelle globali del 2020

2021-08-06T18:40+0200repubblica (it)

Roghi immensi ovunque, intere foreste distrutte dalle fiamme, una deforestazione che avanza inesorabile, danni ambientali diretti, legati alle emissioni di CO 2 prodotti dagli incendi, quantificabili in circa 154 miliardi di euro. Sono i dati elaborati da Ener2Crowd.

Greece fires claim first deaths as Turkey under pressure

2021-08-06T18:30+0200heraldsun (en)

Fires raging in Greece claimed their first two lives on Friday during a punishing heatwave, while devastating wildfires in neighbouring Turkey piled pressure on the Turkish government. Greece and Turkey have been fighting blaze upon blaze over the past week, hit by the region's worst heatwave in....

Greece fires claim first deaths as Turkey under pressure

2021-08-06T18:17+0200digitaljournal (en)

Fires raging in Greece claimed their first two lives on Friday during a punishing heatwave, while devastating wildfires in neighbouring Turkey piled pressure on the Turkish government. Greece and Turkey have been fighting blaze upon blaze over the past week, hit by the region’s worst heatwave in....

Greece fires claim first deaths as Turkey under pressure

2021-08-06T18:17+0200couriermail (en)

Fires raging in Greece claimed their first two lives on Friday during a punishing heatwave, while devastating wildfires in neighbouring Turkey piled pressure on the Turkish government. Greece and Turkey have been fighting blaze upon blaze over the past week, hit by the region's worst heatwave in....

Greece, Turkey battle fierce fires under crushing heat

2021-08-06T18:13+0200wetheworldmagazine (en)

Athens, Greece: Greece’s raging fires claimed their first victim on Friday after a punishing week-long heatwave, while neighboring Turkey came under rising pressure over the handling of its own devastating wildfires. Greece and Turkey have been fighting blaze upon blaze over the past week, hit by....

Fire Rages Anew Near Athens, Evacuations in Southern Greece

2021-08-06T18:05+0200claimsjournal (en)

ATHENS, Greece — Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Forest Fires in Turkey's Manavgat, Gundogmus Brought Under Control - Minister

2021-08-06T17:50+0200urdupoint (en)

ANKARA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 06th August, 2021) Wildfires in the Manavgat and Gundogmus districts of 's Antalya province were eventually brought under control, Minister of Forestry and Agriculture Bekir Pakdemirli announced on Friday.

Greece, Turkey battle fierce fires as heatwave continues

2021-08-06T17:50+0200urdupoint (en)

Hundreds of firefighters battled a blaze on the outskirts of Athens on Friday as dozens of fires raged in Greece in what the prime minister dubbed a "critical situation," while neighbouring Turkey is also battling wildfires. Athens (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Aug, 2021 ) :Hundreds....

Greece, Turkey battle fierce fires as heatwave continues

2021-08-06T17:41+0200guardian-ng (en)

Hundreds of firefighters battled a blaze on the outskirts of Athens on Friday as dozens of fires raged in Greece in what the prime minister dubbed a “critical situation,” while neighbouring Turkey came under increasing pressure over its handling of wildfires.

Azerbaijan to send 200 more firefighters to Turkey

2021-08-06T17:28+0200azernews (en)

By Vugar Khalilov. Azerbaijan will send another group of firefighters to help extinguish massive forest fires across Turkey, Minister of Emergency Situations Kamaladdin Heydarov told APA on August 6. Heydarov said that 200 employees of the Special Risk Rescue Service will be sent to Turkey,....

Turchia: Erdogan, ancora attivi 12 incendi boschivi in cinque province

2021-08-06T17:05+0200agenzianova (it)

Ankara, 06 ago 16:33 - (Agenzia Nova) - Negli ultimi giorni sono stati domati almeno 196 dei 208 incendi boschivi divampati in 44 province della Turchia, mentre i restanti 12 roghi sono ancora attivi nelle regioni di Antalya, Mugla, Isparta, Aydin e Denizli.

Turkish interior minister grateful to Azerbaijan for helping battle wildfires

2021-08-06T16:58+0200azernews (en)

By Trend Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu expressed gratitude to Azerbaijan for assistance in extinguishing forest fires in Turkey, on Aug. 6. "To date, 2,975 people and 473 units of equipment have been involved in extinguishing fires from foreign countries,” minister said.

Greece, Turkey battle fierce fires under crushing heat

2021-08-06T16:47+0200digitaljournal (en)

Greece’s raging fires claimed their first victim on Friday after a punishing week-long heatwave, while neighbouring Turkey came under rising pressure over its handling of its own devastating wildfires. Greece and Turkey have been fighting blaze upon blaze over the past week, hit by the region’s....

196 out of 208 fires contained in Turkey: President

2021-08-06T16:46+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA Turkey's president announced on Friday that 196 wildfires have been contained since they began last week, while efforts to extinguish the remaining 12 blazes in five provinces are underway. Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters in Istanbul that 208 wildfires have erupted in 44 provinces since July 28.

Fires contained in Manavgat, Gundogmus districts in Turkey's Antalya

2021-08-06T16:46+0200aa-en (en)

Efforts to cool down areas affected by fires continue, Turkish agriculture and forestry minister says. ANKARA Forest fires have been contained in two more districts in Turkey's southern province Antalya, Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister announced Friday.

196 out of 208 fires contained in Turkey: Erdogan

2021-08-06T16:34+0200news-az (en)

Turkey's president announced on Friday that 196 wildfires have been contained since they began last week, while efforts to extinguish the remaining 12 blazes in five provinces are underway, Anadolu Agency reports. Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters in Istanbul that 208 wildfires have erupted in 44 provinces since July 28.

Fires contained in Manavgat, Gundogmus districts in Turkey's Antalya

2021-08-06T16:17+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Forest fires have been contained in two more districts in Turkey's southern province Antalya, Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister announced Friday. Bekir Pakdemirli said in a tweet that efforts to cool down the area affected by the fires continue after the fires have been taken under control in Antalya's Manavgat and Gundogmus districts.

Six suspects arrested over Wildfires in Southern Turkey : Reports

2021-08-06T15:56+0200uniindia (en)

Taliban remove Sikh flag from Gurudwara, a 'condemnable act' Trilokpuri section of Delhi Metro's Pink Line opened Nanded reports 7 COVID cases, one death HP: 24 in 'line of Corona fire' in Hamirpur 1st Test, Day 3: India 191/5 at Lunch against Eng, lead by 8 runs 1st Test, Day 3: India 191/5 at....

Fires in Greece caused by strong winds north of Athens

2021-08-06T15:55+0200archyde (en)

I n Greece hit by devastating forest fires, the situation is worsening. Since the early hours of the morning, strong westerly winds continued to fuel the numerous fires on Friday. To the north of Athens, people in several localities were called to leave the region. Security guards went from house to house so that nobody is forgotten.

Azerbaijan stands with Turkey against forest fires, Aliyev says

2021-08-06T15:51+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev on Friday held a phone call. During the call, Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan stands with Turkey in its fight against forest fires that have been affecting the country's southwestern region for ten days.

More than 195 fires contained in Turkey, says Erdogan

2021-08-06T15:47+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey's president announced on Friday that 196 wildfires have been contained since they began last week, while efforts to extinguish the remaining 12 blazes in five provinces are underway. Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters in Istanbul that 208 wildfires have erupted in 44 provinces since July 28.

Greece, Turkey battle fierce fires as heatwave continues

2021-08-06T15:40+0200enca (en)

Some 30 kilometres north of Athens, a fierce blaze ate through vast areas of pine forest, forcing yet more evacuations of villages overnight and blowing thick, choking smoke all over the Greek capital. In the small town of Afidnes, firefighters were seen standing on their truck in the dead of night, dousing flames that leapt high above them.

Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day

2021-08-06T15:30+0200egyptindependent (en)

MILAS, Turkey, Aug 6 (Reuters) – A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

July wildfires released record levels of carbon, scientists say

2021-08-06T15:13+0200independent-UK (en)

Last month was the worst July for wildfires across the world in at least 18 years, scientists have said. Parts of Africa, Europe, the Middle East, North America and Siberia caught on fire as a result of extremely weather. The fires in July released 343 megatonnes of carbon, and is “the highest....

Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th...

2021-08-06T14:58+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

MILAS, Turkey: A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day

2021-08-06T14:54+0200thechronicleherald (en)

By Mert Ozkan and Umit Bektas. MILAS, Turkey (Reuters) - A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

5 Jaw-Dropping Photos From This Week And The Stories Behind Them

2021-08-06T14:54+0200dailymaverick (en)

Extreme heatwaves and raging wildfires have been overtaking cities around the world this week, bringing the effects of climate change to the doorsteps of thousands of people. These images show it all. Greece. The country faced a fourth day of wildfires on Friday with strong winds and soaring temperatures literally adding fuel to the fire.

'Informing people key to fighting disinformation amid forest fires'

2021-08-06T14:23+0200dailysabah (en)

Informing people to raise awareness and fighting against disinformation are two prior strategies for the Turkish government, the country's head of Strategic Communications and Crisis Management Department Gökhan Yücel at the Directorate of Communications said Friday, amid the recent reports on....

Aliyev and Erdogan discuss fires in Turkey and Armenian provocation

2021-08-06T14:21+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a phone call to President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan today. The Azerbaijani leader once again expressed his condolences to Erdogan over the deaths of people as a result of heavy forest fires in various parts of fraternal Turkey.

Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day

2021-08-06T14:17+0200metro-us (en)

MILAS, Turkey (Reuters) – A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

Greece, Turkey battle fierce fires as heatwave continues

2021-08-06T14:15+0200digitaljournal (en)

Hundreds of firefighters battled a blaze on the outskirts of Athens on Friday as dozens of fires raged in Greece in what the prime minister dubbed a “critical situation,” while neighbouring Turkey came under increasing pressure over its handling of wildfires.

Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day

2021-08-06T14:13+0200cyprus-mail (en)

Extensive safety measures were taken around the plant as fire approached the nearby Bayirkoy area, according to the municipality in Milas, where the plant is located. Firefighting crews arrived there from Marmaris, where other forest fires have now been extinguished, it said. TWELVE FIRES STILL BLAZING.

EnvironmentTurkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day11:39 AM UTC

2021-08-06T14:07+0200reuters-af (en)

MILAS, Turkey, Aug 6 (Reuters) - A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day

2021-08-06T14:05+0200oann (en)

FILE PHOTO: Night sky turns orange as Turkey's wildfires rage on at the shores of Cokertme village near Bodrum, Turkey, August 2, 2021. REUTERS/Umit Bektas/File Photo. August 6, 2021. By Mert Ozkan and Umit Bektas. MILAS, Turkey (Reuters) – A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in....

Environment Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day 11:39 AM UTC

2021-08-06T14:03+0200reuters-it (en)

MILAS, Turkey, Aug 6 (Reuters) - A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

EnvironmentTurkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day11:39 AM UTC

2021-08-06T14:00+0200ara-reuters (en)

MILAS, Turkey, Aug 6 (Reuters) - A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

Environment Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day 11:39 AM UTC

2021-08-06T13:55+0200reuters-es (en)

MILAS, Turkey, Aug 6 (Reuters) - A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

Turkish interior minister grateful to Azerbaijan for helping battle wildfires

2021-08-06T13:54+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 6. By Orkhan Nabiyev - Trend: Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu expressed gratitude to Azerbaijan for assistance in extinguishing forest fires in Turkey, Trend on Aug. 6. "To date, 2,975 people and 473 units of equipment have been involved in....

Azerbaijani, Turkish presidents hold phone conversation...

2021-08-06T13:54+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 6. Trend: On 6 August, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a phone call to President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. President Ilham Aliyev once again expressed his condolences to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over....

Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day

2021-08-06T13:53+0200yahoo-sg (en)

By Mert Ozkan and Umit Bektas. MILAS, Turkey (Reuters) - A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

5 Jaw-Dropping Photos Showing Climate Change Effects And The Stories Behind Them

2021-08-06T13:53+0200yahoo-sg (en)

Extreme heatwaves and raging wildfires have been overtaking cities around the world this week, bringing the effects of climate change to the doorsteps of thousands of people. These images show it all. Greece. The country faced a fourth day of wildfires on Friday with strong winds and soaring temperatures literally adding fuel to the fire.

5 Jaw-Dropping Photos Showing Climate Change Effects And The Stories Behind Them

2021-08-06T13:51+0200huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

Extreme heatwaves and raging wildfires have been overtaking cities around the world this week, bringing the effects of climate change to the doorsteps of thousands of people. These images show it all. “There’s just no words,” he mentioned in an emotional Facebook video.

EnvironmentTurkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day11:39 AM UTC

2021-08-06T13:51+0200reuters-fr (en)

MILAS, Turkey, Aug 6 (Reuters) - A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

Turkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day

2021-08-06T13:46+0200reuters (en)

MILAS, Turkey, Aug 6 (Reuters) - A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

EnvironmentTurkish blaze approaches power plant as wildfires enter 10th day11:39 AM UTC

2021-08-06T13:40+0200reuters-br (en)

MILAS, Turkey, Aug 6 (Reuters) - A forest fire was coming closer to a power station in southwest Turkey on Friday, local officials said, a day after firefighters brought a blaze under control around another nearby plant, as an outbreak of wildfires entered its 10th day.

Greece, Turkey battle fierce wildfires

2021-08-06T13:38+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

Hundreds of firefighters battled a blaze on the outskirts of Athens on Friday as dozens of fires raged in Greece in what the prime minister dubbed a "critical situation," while neighboring Turkey came under increasing pressure over its handling of wildfires.

Ilham Aliyev made a phone call to President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan

2021-08-06T13:37+0200publicnow (en)

On 6 August, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a phone call to President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. President Ilham Aliyev once again expressed his condolences to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the deaths of people as a result of heavy forest fires in various parts of fraternal Turkey.

Thousands flee fires in Greece, Turkey; some rescued by sea

2021-08-06T13:32+0200whig (en)

A house is on fire in Rovies village on the island of Evia, about 160 kilometers (100 miles) north of Athens, Greece, late Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. Greece evacuated people in boats from an island beach Wednesday amid heavy smoke from a nearby wildfire and fire crews fought elsewhere to keep flames....

Thousands flee fires in Greece, Turkey; some rescued by sea

2021-08-06T13:30+0200hjnews (en)

Flames burn a forest during a wildfire in Skepasti village on the island of Evia, about 150 kilometers (93 miles) north of Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece, threatening the archaeological site at the....

Aliyev: Azerbaijan in solidarity with Turkey to extinguish wildfires...

2021-08-06T13:21+0200menafn (en)

- AzerNews) On 6 August, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a phone call to President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. President Ilham Aliyev once again expressed his condolences to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the deaths of people as a result of heavy forest fires in various parts of fraternal Turkey.

NASA releases satellite images of wildfires in Turkey

2021-08-06T13:21+0200menafn (en)

- AzerNews) By Trend. The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has released satellite images of wildfires in Turkey, Trend reports. The corresponding images were posted on NASA’s Twitter page. As a result of the fires, more than 136,000 hectares of forest burned down. The forest fires are still being extinguished in Turkey.

Azerbaijani, Turkish leaders hold phone talks

2021-08-06T13:00+0200news-az (en)

On 6 August, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a phone call to President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. President Ilham Aliyev once again expressed his condolences to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the deaths of people as a result of heavy forest fires in various parts of fraternal Turkey.

Aliyev: Azerbaijan in solidarity with Turkey to extinguish wildfires

2021-08-06T12:58+0200azernews (en)

On 6 August, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a phone call to President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. President Ilham Aliyev once again expressed his condolences to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the deaths of people as a result of heavy forest fires in various parts of fraternal Turkey.

5 Jaw-Dropping Photos From This Week And The Stories Behind Them

2021-08-06T12:39+0200huffingtonpost-uk-en (en)

Extreme heatwaves and raging wildfires have been overtaking cities around the world this week, bringing the effects of climate change to the doorsteps of thousands of people. These images show it all. Greece. The country faced a fourth day of wildfires on Friday with strong winds and soaring temperatures literally adding fuel to the fire.

Greece, Turkey Battle Fierce Fires as Heatwave Continues

2021-08-06T12:28+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Hundreds of firefighters battled a blaze on the outskirts of Athens on Friday as dozens of fires raged in Greece in what the prime minister dubbed a "critical situation," while neighboring Turkey came under increasing pressure over its handling of wildfires.

NASA releases satellite images of wildfires in Turkey

2021-08-06T12:28+0200azernews (en)

By Trend The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has released satellite images of wildfires in Turkey, reports. The corresponding images were posted on NASA’s Twitter page. As a result of the fires, more than 136,000 hectares of forest burned down. The forest fires are still being extinguished in Turkey.

Greece and Turkey fight fierce fires as heat waves continue

2021-08-06T12:20+0200floridanewstimes (en)

Helping foreigners. Deputy Civil Protection Minister Nicos Hardarias said that of the 99 fires reported Thursday, 57 were still active in the middle of the night, especially Evia, who was forced to evacuate monks who refused to leave the monastery. He said it occurred on the island.

Greece, Turkey battle fierce fires as heatwave continues

2021-08-06T12:20+0200techcodex (en)

Hundreds of firefighters battled a blaze on the outskirts of Athens on Friday as dozens of fires raged in Greece in what the prime minister dubbed a “critical situation,” while neighbouring Turkey came under increasing pressure over its handling of wildfires.

Turkey condoles with Greece over wildfires

2021-08-06T12:16+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey's foreign minister sent a message of condolence to his Greek counterpart on Friday over recent wildfires in the country, according to the Turkish Foreign Ministry. In a phone call, Mevlut Cavusoglu conveyed Turkey's wishes for a quick recovery in Greece to Nikos Dendias, whose country has....

Turkey condoles with Greece over wildfires

2021-08-06T12:15+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA Turkey's foreign minister sent a message of condolence to his Greek counterpart on Friday over recent wildfires in the country, according to the Turkish Foreign Ministry. In a phone call, Mevlut Cavusoglu conveyed Turkey's wishes for a quick recovery in Greece to Nikos Dendias, whose country....

Turkey marks ninth day of wildfires as blazes continue to ravage country

2021-08-06T12:12+0200independent-UK (en)

Wildfires have ravaged through Turkey for the past nine days, seeing some 187 forest fires, and 13 fires erupt since July 28 as the blazes continue to bear down on the southern provinces. Scorching heat and have Firefighters were finally able to control fire a fire outside the compound of a....

Greece, Turkey battle fierce fires as heatwave continues

2021-08-06T12:07+0200phys (en)

French firefighters arrived in Greece on Thursday night to help, while Switzerland, Sweden, Romania and Israel are due to send back-up. "Our country is facing an extremely critical situation," Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said late Thursday, putting six out of 13 regions in the country under high alert.

Turkey condoles with Greece over wildfires

2021-08-06T11:57+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

's foreign minister sent a message of condolence to his Greek counterpart on Aug. 6 over recent wildfires in the country, according to the Turkish Foreign Ministry. class='cf'> In a phone call, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu conveyed Turkey's wishes for a quick recovery in Greece to Nikos Dendias, whose country....

Greece, Turkey Battle Fierce Fires As Heatwave Continues

2021-08-06T11:41+0200barrons (en)

Hundreds of firefighters battled a blaze on the outskirts of Athens on Friday as dozens of fires raged in Greece in what the prime minister dubbed a "critical situation," while neighbouring Turkey came under increasing pressure over its handling of wildfires.

06/08/2021 Greece, Turkey battle fierce fires as heatwave continues

2021-08-06T11:38+0200rfi-en (en)

Athens (AFP) Hundreds of firefighters battled a blaze on the outskirts of Athens on Friday as dozens of fires raged in Greece in what the prime minister dubbed a "critical situation," while neighbouring Turkey came under increasing pressure over its handling of wildfires.

FM Çavuşoğlu conveys well wishes to Greece over wildfires

2021-08-06T10:50+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu on Friday called his Greek counterpart Nikos Dendias to convey his get well soon wishes over the ongoing wildfires in the country. Both foreign ministers stated that they are ready to provide assistance to each other, provided they have previously set under....

Last month was worst July for wildfires since 2003, say scientists

2021-08-06T10:25+0200guardian (en)

Last month was the world’s worst July for wildfires since at least 2003, scientists have said, as swaths of North America, Siberia, Africa and southern Europe continue to burn. Driven by extreme heat and prolonged drought, the ignition of forests and grasslands released 343 megatonnes of carbon,....

Turkey spent only fraction of forest protection budget before wildfires erupted

2021-08-06T10:21+0200newsincyprus (en)

Turkish authorities battling the country’s worst ever wildfires have been accused of failing to prepare for the threat after official data showed they spent only a fraction of the modest funds budgeted to prevent forest fires this year. Eight people have been killed in the fires which have swept....

Thousands more flee fires outside Athens amid heat wave

2021-08-06T10:20+0200hjnews (en)

Flames burn a forest during a wildfire in Skepasti village on the island of Evia, about 150 kilometers (93 miles) north of Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece, threatening the archaeological site at the....

Turkey receives more condolences over forest fires

2021-08-06T10:15+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey on Thursday received more condolences over ongoing wildfires which have claimed eight lives so far. According to a statement by the Turkish Foreign Ministry, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg offered his condolences to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu during a phone talk.

Aviation of State Emergency Service of Ukraine carries out 9 water discharges per day during extinguishing large-scale forest fires in Turkey

2021-08-06T09:33+0200interfax-ua-en (en)

Aviation of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, sent to help Turkey to extinguish large-scale forest fires, carried out nine discharges of water (72 tonnes) over the past day, the State Emergency Service reported. "During August 5, the SES aviation (two AN-32P aircraft) carried out work to....

Il Mediterraneo si sta trasformando in un hotspot di incendi

2021-08-06T09:28+0200lanuovaecologia (it)

sta osservando da settimane l’intensificarsi degli incendi nella regione orientale del Mediterraneo. Dai suoi ultimi rilevamenti risulta che in Turchia e in Italia meridionale si sta registrando una crescita rapida nelle emissioni e nella intensità dei roghi.

Where Greece's wildfires have spread with Athens threatened after Rhodes was ravaged by blazes

2021-08-06T09:27+0200inews-co-uk (en)

A heatwave in Greece has fuelled forest fires across the country, forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages. There have been more than 150 wildfires in recent days, and the civil protection authority has issued an “extreme fire warning” for Friday as temperatures reach around 40C (104F).

Azerbaijani firefighters extinguish fire reaching Turkey power plants

2021-08-06T09:27+0200azernews (en)

By Vafa Ismayilova. Firefighters and rescuers of the Azerbaijani Emergencies Ministry have extinguished the forest fires in Milam district of Turkey's Mugla province and prevented the spread of the fire to the nearby Kemerkoy and Yenikoy thermal power plants,Trend reported on August 5.

Romania will send firefighters to Greece to help putting out fires

2021-08-06T09:06+0200actmedia-eu (en)

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced that Romania will grant ground support to Greece for putting out the fires this country is facing, in this respect squads of firefighters will be sent. "The Greek authorities have asked for help to put out the fires, both air and ground aid.

Resurgent wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-06T09:00+0200expressindia (en)

A resurgent wildfire burned homes north of Athens and blazes across southern Greece forced more evacuations Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle fought to save a former royal palace and the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Thousands more flee fires outside Athens amid heat wave

2021-08-06T08:37+0200wftv (en)

Greece Wildfires Flames burn a forest during a wildfire in Skepasti village on the island of Evia, about 150 kilometers (93 miles) north of Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece, threatening the....

Thousands more flee fires outside Athens amid heat wave

2021-08-06T08:30+0200whig (en)

A wildfire burns a forest in Afidnes area, northern Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021.Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Wildfires Ravaging Forestlands In Many Parts Of Globe

2021-08-06T07:33+0200haberler-en (en)

Wildfires have spread to many parts of the world, according to the Fire Information for Resource Management System of US space agency NASA. Most of North and South America, the African plateau, the northern Arabian Peninsula, and the Mediterranean coast of Europe as well as Northern and Eastern Europe have been affected by fires.

Deadly European wildfires chime with experts' warnings

2021-08-06T07:03+0200radionz (en)

Wildfires are continuing to rage across southern Europe which have left eight people dead and thousands have evacuated. In Italy, the number of fires has tripled this summer compared to the yearly average. Firefighters in Greece have spent two days battling to save the historic birthplace of the Olympic games.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-06T07:02+0200vindy (en)

MUGLA, Turkey (AP) — A wildfire that reached the compound of a coal-fueled power plant in southwest Turkey and forced nearby residents to flee in boats and cars was contained on Thursday after raging for some 11 hours, officials and media reports said.

Deadly European wildfires chime with experts' warnings

2021-08-06T06:42+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

Wildfires are continuing to rage across southern Europe which have left eight people dead and thousands have evacuated. In Italy, the number of fires has tripled this summer compared to the yearly average. Firefighters in Greece have spent two days battling to save the historic birthplace of the Olympic games.

Kim Yeon-koung's Fans Launch Campaign for Fire-Stricken Turkey

2021-08-06T05:00+0200chosun (en)

Korean volleyball fans have launched an online campaign to donate seedlings to Turkey after devastating forest fires there. The donation drive comes after Korea beat Turkey in the quarterfinals of the women's volleyball tournament at the Summer Olympics in Tokyo on Wednesday.

Site of ancient Olympic Games under threat as fires rage in Greece

2021-08-06T04:14+0200independent-ie (en)

WILDFIRES rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece yesterday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics. A s additional support arrived from Greece’s military....

191 wildfires in Turkey under control: Forestry minister

2021-08-06T03:39+0200trtworld (en)

A volunteer from a nearby village uses a shovel to help contain smouldering forest fires in the hills of a recently burnt area near Kavaklidere, a town in Mugla province, Turkey, August 5, 2021. (AFP) Turkey has contained a total of 191 wildfires in 44 provinces over the last nine days, according to the country's agriculture and forestry minister.

Resurgent wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-06T03:19+0200dtnext (en)

Athens In a dramatic scene as flames approached, fire crews went house to house to escort residents out of homes some 20 km (12 1/2 miles) north of the capital. The fire threatened the power supply to parts of the capital after damaging the transmission network, officials said.

Resurgent wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-06T02:35+0200thegardenisland (en)

ATHENS, Greece A resurgent wildfire burned homes north of Athens and blazes across southern Greece forced more evacuations Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle strove to save a former royal palace and the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-06T02:26+0200therepublic (en)

MUGLA, Turkey A wildfire that reached the compound of a coal-fueled power plant in southwest Turkey and forced nearby residents to flee in boats and cars was contained on Thursday after raging for some 11 hours, officials and media reports said. Strong winds drove the fire toward the Kemerkoy power....

Mitsotakis swears Greeks on hard days because of forest fires

2021-08-06T01:59+0200archyde (en)

G According to the government, smellingland has to prepare for hard days in view of the numerous fires and sources of fire. “We have to fight dozens of forest fires. Three of them – in Athens, the Peloponnese and Evia – are of enormous strength and enormous proportions, ”said Greek Prime Minister....

Birthplace of Olympics threatened as Greece battles forest fires

2021-08-06T01:14+0200fox5atlanta (en)

LIMNI, Greece One of the major forest fires burning in Greece amid a protracted heatwave threatened the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics as the Greek military prepared Thursday to increase its involvement in preventing new blazes from raging out of control.

Turkey Receives More Condolences Over Forest Fires

2021-08-06T00:26+0200haberler-en (en)

NATO chief, Polish, Azerbaijani top diplomats talk to Turkish foreign minister over phone to extend their messages. Turkey on Thursday received more condolences over ongoing wildfires which have claimed eight lives so far. According to a statement by the Turkish Foreign Ministry, NATO Secretary....

Wild fires in Turkey

2021-08-06T00:16+0200pakobserver (en)

WILD forest fires have been active in the southern coast of Turkey since 28 July 2021resulting in loss of some precious lives and depriving the local population of their belongings and livelihood. According to official estimates, about 174 wildfires killed eight people and burnt at least 118,789....

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-06T00:15+0200startribune (en)

Strong winds drove the fire toward the Kemerkoy power plant in Mugla province late Wednesday, prompting evacuations from the nearby seaside resort of Oren. Navy vessels were deployed to help ferry away residents, while cars formed long convoys on roads leading away from the area, Haberturk television reported.

Fire rages anew near Athens, evacuations in southern Greece

2021-08-06T00:10+0200therepublic (en)

LIMNI, Greece Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Resurgent wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-06T00:10+0200therepublic (en)

ATHENS, Greece A resurgent wildfire burned homes north of Athens and blazes across southern Greece forced more evacuations Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle fought to save a former royal palace and the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-06T00:03+0200wsoctv (en)

Turkey Wildfire A Spanish firefighting plane pours water on a fire near the Kemerkoy Power Plant, a coal-fueled power plant, in Milas, Mugla in southwest Turkey, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. A wildfire that reached the compound of a coal-fueled power plant in southwest Turkey and forced evacuations by....

And both countries ‘surrendered to flames’

2021-08-05T23:58+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

There are many common expressions used in both Turkish and Greek languages. One person who was in the best position to affirm that was Hercules Millas , a “Rum” born in Istanbul but living in Greece for many years, a literary translator, writer and academic teaching in universities of both countries.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T23:58+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Turkey Wildfire A Spanish firefighting plane pours water on a fire near the Kemerkoy Power Plant, a coal-fueled power plant, in Milas, Mugla in southwest Turkey, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. A wildfire that reached the compound of a coal-fueled power plant in southwest Turkey and forced evacuations by....

Fire rages anew near Athens, evacuations in southern Greece

2021-08-05T23:56+0200tribtown (en)

LIMNI, Greece Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Resurgent wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T23:56+0200tribtown (en)

ATHENS, Greece A resurgent wildfire burned homes north of Athens and blazes across southern Greece forced more evacuations Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle strove to save a former royal palace and the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T23:45+0200buffalonews (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government has come under intense criticism over an allegedly slow response to the blazes and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires. The government acknowledged that the country did not have a useable fleet of water-dropping planes.

Resurgent wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T23:41+0200dailyjournal (en)

ATHENS, Greece A resurgent wildfire burned homes north of Athens and blazes across southern Greece forced more evacuations Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle fought to save a former royal palace and the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T23:41+0200dailyjournal (en)

MUGLA, Turkey A wildfire that reached the compound of a coal-fueled power plant in southwest Turkey and forced nearby residents to flee in boats and cars was contained on Thursday after raging for some 11 hours, officials and media reports said. Strong winds drove the fire toward the Kemerkoy power....

Greece: Resurgent fires torch homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T23:41+0200dailyjournal (en)

ATHENS, Greece A resurgent wildfire burned homes north of Athens and blazes across southern Greece forced more evacuations Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle fought to save a former royal palace and the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T23:35+0200tvnz (en)

In a dramatic scene as flames approached, fire crews went house to house to escort residents out of homes some 20 kilometres north of the capital. The fire threatened the power supply to parts of the capital after damaging the transmission network, officials said.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T23:28+0200nwitimes (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government has come under intense criticism over an allegedly slow response to the blazes and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires. The government acknowledged that the country did not have a useable fleet of water-dropping planes.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T23:20+0200missoulian (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government has come under intense criticism over an allegedly slow response to the blazes and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires. The government acknowledged that the country did not have a useable fleet of water-dropping planes.

Dramatic footage shows a Greek resort where residents fled across the sea and were caught in a wildfire when the village was destroyed.

2021-08-05T23:14+0200eminetra (en)

The flame illuminates the sky Credit: Storyful. Wildfires continue to destroy Greece, forcing residents and vacationers to flee the devastation by boat or car. And in shocking footage, you can see the flames destroying the trees and houses on the island as the spectators are shooting from the sea in horror.

Greece: Resurgent fires torch homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T23:11+0200spokesman (en)

ATHENS, Greece — A resurgent wildfire burned homes north of Athens and blazes across southern Greece forced more evacuations Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle fought to save a former royal palace and the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T23:08+0200wacotrib (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government has come under intense criticism over an allegedly slow response to the blazes and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires. The government acknowledged that the country did not have a useable fleet of water-dropping planes.

North Macedonia Declares State Of Emergency Due To Spread Of Wildfires

2021-08-05T23:05+0200rferl (en)

The government of North Macedonia declared a state of emergency on August 5 for the next 30 days due to wildfires across the country, including around the capital, Skopje. Unusually high summer temperatures and strong winds have stoked deadly fires in parts of southeastern Europe, Russia and Turkey,....

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T22:55+0200muscatinejournal (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government has come under intense criticism over an allegedly slow response to the blazes and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires. The government acknowledged that the country did not have a useable fleet of water-dropping planes.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T22:50+0200lacrossetribune (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government has come under intense criticism over an allegedly slow response to the blazes and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires. The government acknowledged that the country did not have a useable fleet of water-dropping planes.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T22:35+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government has come under intense criticism over an allegedly slow response to the blazes and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires. The government acknowledged that the country did not have a useable fleet of water-dropping planes.

Turkey: Wild Fire - July 2021

2021-08-05T22:32+0200reliefWeb (en)

Between 28-30 July 2021, a total of 85 forest fires occurred along the Aegean and Mediteranean coastal regions, 74 of which have been controlled. Efforts to control 11 fires were ongoing in 5 cities (Antalya, Mugla, Mersin, Adana, Osmaniye). 6 aircraft, 42 helicopters, 660 water tankers, 65 vehicles....

Resurgent wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T22:25+0200ahram-EN (en)

A resurgent wildfire burned homes north of Athens and blazes across southern Greece forced more evacuations Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle strove to save a former royal palace and the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T22:10+0200whig (en)

People watch a wildfire burning the forest in Turgut village, near tourist resort of Marmaris, Mugla, Turkey, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. As Turkish fire crews pressed ahead Tuesday with their weeklong battle against blazes tearing through forests and villages on the country's southern coast, President....

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T21:58+0200deutschewelle-uk (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T21:36+0200timesofindia (en)

MUGLA, TURKEY: Turkey’s worst wildfires in decades have raged for nine days amid scorching heat, low humidity and constantly shifting strong winds. The fires have so far killed eight people and countless animals. In coastal Mugla province, where tourist hot spot Bodrum is located, fires continued to burn in six areas on Thursday, officials said.

Fire that reached Turkish power plant contained, others burn

2021-08-05T21:22+0200ABCnews (en)

MUGLA, Turkey -- A wildfire that reached the compound of a coal-fueled power plant in southwest Turkey and forced nearby residents to flee in boats and cars was contained on Thursday after raging for some 11 hours, officials and media reports said. Strong winds drove the fire toward the Kemerkoy....

Resurgent wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T21:11+0200news-gazette (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A resurgent wildfire burned homes north of Athens and blazes across southern Greece forced more evacuations Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle fought to save a former royal palace and the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Resurgent wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T20:50+0200startribune (en)

In a dramatic scene as flames approached, fire crews went house to house to escort residents out of homes some 20 kilometers (12 1/2 miles) north of the capital. The fire threatened the power supply to parts of the capital after damaging the transmission network, officials said.

Resurgent wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T20:38+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Greece Fires An helicopter drops water over a wildfire in Kryoneri area, northern Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped....

Resurgent wildfires in Greece burn homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T20:31+0200wsoctv (en)

Greece Fires An helicopter drops water over a wildfire in Kryoneri area, northern Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped....

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T20:05+0200deutschewelle-sw (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T20:03+0200deutschewelle-mk (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T20:01+0200deutschewelle-fr (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T19:59+0200deutschewelle-hr (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T19:57+0200deutschewelle-ro (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T19:56+0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T19:51+0200deutschewelle-hi (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T19:50+0200deutschewelle-el (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T19:48+0200deutschewelle-id (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Resurgent fires torch homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T19:48+0200kathimerini-en (en)

A resurgent wildfire burned homes north of Athens and blazes across southern Greece forced more evacuations Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle fought to save a former royal palace and the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T19:47+0200deutschewelle-sq (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T19:46+0200deutschewelle-sr (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T19:41+0200deutschewelle-bs (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Greece: Resurgent fires torch homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T19:37+0200news4jax (en)

Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Firefighters try to extinguish a wildfire near Olympia town, western Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and....

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T19:35+0200deutschewelle-bg (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Wildfires force evacuations in southern Greece The EU bolstered assistance to fire-stricken countries, sending 40 French firefighters and eight tons of material to help Greece. 6M ago

2021-08-05T19:34+0200CBSnews (en)

Limni, Greece Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece on Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Greece: Resurgent fires torch homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T19:28+0200eagletribune (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A resurgent wildfire burned homes north of Athens and blazes across southern Greece forced more evacuations Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle fought to save a former royal palace and the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Site of ancient Olympics saved as Greek firefighters battle flames

2021-08-05T19:21+0200thehill (en)

The site of the ancient Olympic Games in Greece was saved Thursday as firefighters battle blazes around southern Greece, which along with the devastating wildfires in Turkey and other areas along the Mediterranean have forced widespread evacuations. that Greek Culture Minister Lina Mendoni said fire....

DSU’s Arafat: Land module for firefighting assistance will leave Friday to Greece. PM Citu: Romania will grant ground support to Greece for putting out the fires

2021-08-05T19:14+0200nineoclock (en)

The land module for firefighting assistance in extinguishing forest fires will leave on Friday from Romania to Greece, announced, on Thursday, the head of the Emergency Situation Department (DSU), Raed Arafat. “Today, after discussions with our colleagues from the Greek Civil Protection and the....

Power Plant in Turkey Burns Partially Amid Hellish Wildfires

2021-08-05T19:11+0200interestingengineering (en)

A harrowing number of wildfires have engulfed the northern hemisphere, with some of the deadliest fires in decades raging in the United States, Turkey, Greece, Italy, and others. Turkey is fighting " the worst wildfires in its history ," with unstoppable fires devastating thousands of hectares of....

Greece: Resurgent fires torch homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T19:08+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Greece Fires Firefighters try to extinguish a wildfire near Olympia town, western Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the....

Greece: Resurgent fires torch homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T19:00+0200wsoctv (en)

Greece Fires Firefighters try to extinguish a wildfire near Olympia town, western Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the....

Fire rages anew near Athens as evacuations continue in southern Greece

2021-08-05T18:47+0200thecourier (en)

Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece on Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics. As additional support arrived from Greece’s military....

In pics: Greece battles wildfires for third day, dozens evacuated

2021-08-05T18:47+0200HindustanTimes (en)

More than a dozen villages have been evacuated on the island of Evia near Athens since July 3. Around 85 people were rescued by boat from a beach as the wildfire scorched pine trees and sent clouds of ash and smoke into the air. Greek authorities ordered more evacuations on an island near Athens....

Greece: Resurgent fires torch homes, threaten monuments

2021-08-05T18:47+0200startribune (en)

In a dramatic scene as flames approached, fire crews went house to house to escort residents out of homes some 20 kilometers (12 1/2 miles) north of the capital. The fire threatened the power supply to parts of the capital after damaging the transmission network, officials said.

Fire rages anew near Athens as evacuations continue in southern Greece Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece on Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

2021-08-05T18:42+0200irishexaminer (en)

Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece on Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics. As additional support arrived from Greece’s military....

Fire rages anew near Athens as evacuations continue in southern Greece

2021-08-05T18:39+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece on Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics. As additional support arrived from Greece’s military....

Turchia-Nato: colloquio Cavusoglu-Stoltenberg, focus su incendi boschivi

2021-08-05T18:35+0200agenzianova (it)

Ankara, 05 ago 18:10 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il ministro degli Esteri della Turchia, Mevlut Cavusoglu, ha avuto oggi una conversazione telefonica con il segretario generale della Nato, Jens Stoltenberg. Al centro del colloquio, riferisce il quotidiano turco “Daily Sabah”, i vasti incendi boschivi che....

Azerbaigian-Turchia: ministro Esteri Bayramov ribadisce a Cavusoglu sostegno per incendi boschivi

2021-08-05T18:35+0200agenzianova (it)

Ankara, 05 ago 18:16 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il ministro degli Esteri dell’Azerbaigian, Jeyhun Bayramov, ha ribadito il sostegno del suo Paese alla Turchia, colpita negli ultimi giorni da devastanti incendi boschivi in decine di province. Ciò è avvenuto nel corso di una telefonata tra il capo della diplomazia di Baku e l’omologo turco, Mevlut Cavusoglu.

Fire rages anew near Athens, evacuations in southern Greece

2021-08-05T18:18+0200kathimerini-en (en)

Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics. As additional support arrived from Greece’s military and....

Fire rages anew near Athens as evacuations continue in southern Greece

2021-08-05T18:07+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece on Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics. As additional support arrived from Greece’s military....

Birthplace of Olympics threatened as Greece battles forest fires

2021-08-05T18:04+0200fox35orlando (en)

LIMNI, Greece One of the major forest fires burning in Greece amid a protracted heatwave threatened the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics as the Greek military prepared Thursday to increase its involvement in preventing new blazes from raging out of control.

Fire rages anew near Athens, evacuations in southern Greece

2021-08-05T17:50+0200timesofindia (en)

ATHENS: Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient As additional support arrived from Greece's military and....

Fire rages anew near Athens, evacuations in southern Greece

2021-08-05T17:43+0200triblive (en)

ATHENS, Greece Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece on Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Fire rages anew near Athens, evacuations in southern Greece

2021-08-05T17:40+0200news-gazette (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Fire rages anew near Athens, evacuations in southern Greece

2021-08-05T17:36+0200news4jax (en)

LIMNI – Wildfires rekindled outside Athens and forced more evacuations around southern Greece Thursday as weather conditions worsened and firefighters in a round-the-clock battle stopped the flames just outside the birthplace of the ancient Olympics. As additional support arrived from Greece’s....

Fire rages anew near Athens, evacuations in southern Greece

2021-08-05T17:30+0200wsoctv (en)

Greece Wildfires An aircraft operates as flames burn a forest during a wildfire in Kourkouloi village on the island of Evia, about 150 kilometers (93 miles) north of Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece,....

EU News | Official News Release | Forest fires: EU helps Italy, Greece, Albania and North Macedonia to fight devastating fires

2021-08-05T17:25+0200wired-gov (en)

Forest fires: EU helps Italy, Greece, Albania and North Macedonia to fight devastating fires. As forest fires continue affecting various regions in the Mediterranean and the Western Balkans, the European Commission is swiftly mobilising support to assist countries in limiting the spread of the fires and protect lives and livelihoods.

Fire rages anew near Athens, evacuations in southern Greece

2021-08-05T17:14+0200startribune (en)

As additional support arrived from Greece's military and European Union countries, water-dropping planes and helicopters swooped over blazes near the capital, on the island of Evia and near Ancient Olympia to the south. "The country is facing an unprecedented environmental crisis, with multiple....

Fire rages anew near Athens, evacuations in southern Greece

2021-08-05T16:52+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Greece Wildfires An aircraft operates as flames burn a forest during a wildfire in Kourkouloi village on the island of Evia, about 150 kilometers (93 miles) north of Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece,....

Southern Europe wildfires: Which countries are affected?

2021-08-05T16:51+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heatwave continued to rage on Thursday from Italy to Turkey and through the Balkans. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said July was the second-hottest on record in Europe. The heatwave has continued through August to ignite wildfires.

Azerbaijani, Turkish FMs discuss wildfires in Turkey

2021-08-05T16:21+0200azertag (en)

Baku, August 5, AZERTAC Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov has had a phone conversation with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu. The ministers exchanged views on the latest situation with the wildfires in Turkey, operations to extinguish fires and prevent their spread to....

Land module for firefighting assistance will leave Friday to Greece

2021-08-05T16:10+0200stiripesurse (en)

The land module for firefighting assistance in extinguishing forest fires will leave on Friday from Romania to Greece, announced, on Thursday, the head of the Emergency Situation Department (DSU), Raed Arafat. "Today, after discussions with our colleagues from the Greek Civil Protection and the....

Forest fires rage in Greece; blaze north of Athens rekindles

2021-08-05T15:42+0200startribune (en)

The military announced it would increase its involvement in firefighting and prevention, with ground and air patrols in areas vulnerable to wildfires. At least three significant fires were burning, on the island of Evia, in southern Greece and on the outskirts of Athens where a major forest blaze rekindled, as well as dozens of smaller ones.

Forest fires rage in Greece; blaze north of Athens rekindles

2021-08-05T15:39+0200news-gazette (en)

LIMNI, Greece (AP) — Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave in Greece raged into Thursday, forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages as firefighters managed to prevent the flames from reaching the archaeological site at the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Forest fires rage in Greece; blaze north of Athens rekindles

2021-08-05T15:36+0200news4jax (en)

LIMNI – Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave in Greece raged into Thursday, forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages as firefighters managed to prevent the flames from reaching the archaeological site at the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Forest fires rage in Greece; blaze north of Athens rekindles

2021-08-05T15:27+0200eagletribune (en)

LIMNI, Greece (AP) — Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave in Greece raged into Thursday, forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages as firefighters managed to prevent the flames from reaching the archaeological site at the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Dog days fanning flames set to leave Turkey this week

2021-08-05T15:20+0200dailysabah (en)

Blistering heat has prevailed across Turkey over the past few weeks. But the scorching weather, which boosted electricity use and drove frustrated residents of big cities to beaches and vacation resorts, may finally come an end over this weekend, experts say.

Devastating fires rage in Greece as ancient site of Olympia saved

2021-08-05T15:20+0200dailysabah (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave in Greece raged into Thursday, forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages as firefighters managed to prevent the flames from reaching the archaeological site at the birthplace of the ancient Olympics. The military announced it would increase its....

Forest fires rage in Greece; blaze north of Athens rekindles

2021-08-05T15:13+0200wsoctv (en)

Greece Wildfires An aircraft operates as flames burn a forest during a wildfire in Kourkouloi village on the island of Evia, about 150 kilometers (93 miles) north of Athens, Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece,....

Turkey investigates social media users calling for int’l help to combat wildfires

2021-08-05T15:03+0200turkishminute (en)

Turkish prosecutors have launched an investigation into social media users who shared and supported an aid campaign on Twitter earlier this week seeking international assistance to combat wildfires that have been ravaging Turkey’s coasts, according to an official statement.

Forest fires rage in Greece; blaze north of Athens rekindles

2021-08-05T14:58+0200dailyjournal (en)

LIMNI, Greece Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave in Greece raged into Thursday, forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages as firefighters managed to prevent the flames from reaching the archaeological site at the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

Greek Villages Evacuated as Wildfires Threaten Ancient Sites

2021-08-05T14:50+0200nytimes (en)

ATHENS — As southern Europe grapples with one of its worst heat waves in decades, deadly forest fires have engulfed stretches of the region, bringing tourism to a halt and forcing mass evacuations. The raging fires saw beachside tourist destinations across the region abandoned as blazes forced....

Turchia: i vasti incendi boschivi nel Paese mettono in difficolta' Erdogan (6)

2021-08-05T14:45+0200agenzianova (it)

Ankara, 05 ago 14:01 - (Agenzia Nova) - D’altra parte, nei giorni scorsi Erdogan ha ringraziato il presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, e altri leader per il sostegno offerto nella lotta contro i vasti incendi boschivi nel sud del Paese. “Ringrazio a nome della mia nazione tutti i Paesi amici e le....

Turchia: i vasti incendi boschivi nel Paese mettono in difficolta' Erdogan

2021-08-05T14:45+0200agenzianova (it)

Ankara, 05 ago 14:01 - (Agenzia Nova) - Sono quasi 200 gli incendi boschivi divampati nel giro di appena una settimana in 33 province della Turchia, che oltre a causare diverse vittime (almeno otto, secondo le ultime statistiche) hanno messo in difficoltà il presidente, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, sotto....

Forest fires rage in Greece; blaze north of Athens rekindles

2021-08-05T14:44+0200click2houston (en)

LIMNI – Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave in Greece raged into Thursday, forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages as firefighters managed to prevent the flames from reaching the archaeological site at the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

More Villages Evacuated on Evia Island as Fire Continues to Burn

2021-08-05T14:29+0200banksnews (en)

” width=”696″> Firefighters work to contain the fire in Evia, Greece. Credit: Greek Reporter. The fire on Evia (Euboea) island continued to burn on Thursday, forcing residents in the village of Kehries in the northern part of the island evacuate their properties.

Devastating forest fires approach ancient Greek site of Olympia

2021-08-05T14:20+0200dailysabah (en)

One of the major forest fires burning in Greece amid a protracted heat wave threatened the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics as the Greek military prepared Thursday to increase its involvement in preventing new blazes from raging out of control.

Ancient Olympia fire: Latest maps as fires rage near birthplace of Olympics FIREFIGHTERS in Greece are once again battling raging wildfires as the country struggles through...

2021-08-05T14:14+0200express (en)

SUBSCRIBE Invalid email. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info Two fires are currently being tackled, one of....

Erdogan thanks countries offering help to Turkey amid wildfires

2021-08-05T14:14+0200azernews (en)

By Vugar Khalilov. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has thanked all countries offering help to Turkey to battle the wildfires across Turkey. "On behalf of my nation, I would like to thank all the friendly countries and organizations that sent aid, expressed their readiness to help, conveyed their....

Turkish, Azerbaijani firefighters extinguish fires in Denizli

2021-08-05T14:14+0200azernews (en)

By Trend The fire and rescue forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan, which are in Turkey in accordance with the instruction of President Ilham Aliyev in order to extinguish forest fires and prevent their spread, continue to carry out operations to extinguish fires, reports.

Erdogan says “we will Inshallah overcome difficult times soon”...

2021-08-05T14:05+0200menafn (en)

)The Turkish president lauded the countries and organizations who supported Turkey's fight against wildfires that damaged the country for almost a week. Recep Tayyip Erdogan posted on Twitter that “I thank on my nation’s behalf all the friendly countries and organizations that have extended their....

More Villages Evacuated on Evia Island as Fire Continues to Burn

2021-08-05T14:01+0200greekreporter (en)

. Credit: Greek Reporter. The fire on Evia (Euboea) island continued to burn on Thursday, forcing residents in the village of Kehries in the northern part of the island evacuate their properties. Residents and visitors received instructions to evacuate via the 112 European Emergency Number , as....

Firefighters battle to save Greek Olympic site as wildfires rage across Europe

2021-08-05T13:58+0200itv (en)

Firefighters in Greece have waged an "all night battle" to save the birthplace of the modern Olympics from forest fires fuelled by soaring temperatures. The site where the Olympics were held every four years from 776 BCE for more than a millennium is being threatened by major forest fires that are....

Greek Fire Map 2021: Where are the wildfires?

2021-08-05T13:57+0200eminetra (en)

The fire is spreading all over the country What’s happening in Greece? July 31-Wildfire breaks near Patras city; August 1-Rhodes begins to burn; August 2-Greece records record high temperatures-46.3 ° C in Phthiotis; August 3-At least 40 fires broke out as flames spread to other outskirts of Athens,....

Birthplace of the Olympics threatened as forest fires rage around the Mediterranean

2021-08-05T13:56+0200latimes (en)

LIMNI, Greece — One of the major forest fires burning in Greece amid a protracted heat wave threatened the archaeological site of the ancient Olympics as the Greek military prepared Thursday to increase its involvement in preventing new blazes from raging out of control.

Azerbaijani, Turkish FMs discuss deadly wildfires in Turkey

2021-08-05T13:44+0200azernews (en)

By Vugar Khalilov. Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov discussed the deadly wildfires in Turkey with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Chavushoglu during a telephone conversation, the ministry’s press service reported on August 5. The ministers exchanged views on the latest situation with....

Massive Forest Fires Burn through Turkish Resorts and Agriculture

2021-08-05T13:42+0200georgiatoday (en)

Seventy wildfires broke out in the southern and southwestern provinces of Turkey on July 28, spreading to resorts and populated areas. Thousands of people have since been evacuated from their homes. The fire caused eight people’s death, among them two firefighters.

Il mondo in fiamme, effetti rovinosi della mano dell'uomo e dei cambiamenti climatici

2021-08-05T13:27+0200247libero (it)

Gli incendi continuano e salgono le vittime. Nel sud dell'Europa, in particolare in Italia, Grecia e Turchia, si stanno verificando devastanti incendi causati sia dalle alte e secche temperature estive che dalla mano dell’uomo. Solo nell'Italia del Sud, le autorità hanno registrato 800 incendi negli ultimi sette giorni.

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T13:07+0200news-gazette (en)

LIMNI, Greece (AP) — One of the major forest fires burning in Greece amid a protracted heat wave threatened the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics as the Greek military prepared Thursday to increase its involvement in preventing new blazes from raging out of control.

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T13:05+0200stripes (en)

LIMNI, Greece — One of the major forest fires burning in Greece amid a protracted heat wave threatened the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics as the Greek military prepared Thursday to increase its involvement in preventing new blazes from raging out of control.

'Miracle tortoise' survives infernal flames by taking refuge amongst smoldering trees in Turkey

2021-08-05T12:58+0200yenisafak-en (en)

This adorable tortoise burrowed in an attempt to escape the deadly wildfires sweeping through Turkey's southern Antalya province. As it is made clear in the tale of “The Tortoise and the Hare,” some of Mother Earth’s creatures are able to move swiftly, but then there are other slow-paced species....

Turkey wildfires: Orange smoke clouds fill sky in resort town of Marmaris

2021-08-05T12:58+0200independent-UK (en)

In the above video, you can see the orange smoke clouds filling the sky in the resort town of Marmaris – as wildfires continue to rage in southern The town has seen record temperatures in recent days, with the mercury regularly above 40C. This hasn’t helped to stop the fires from spreading, which....

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T12:54+0200wsoctv (en)

Greece Wildfires An aircraft drops water during a wildfire in ancient Olympia, western Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Greece evacuated people in boats from an island beach Wednesday amid heavy smoke from a nearby wildfire and fire crews fight elsewhere to keep flames away from the birthplace of the....

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T12:43+0200dailyjournal (en)

LIMNI, Greece One of the major forest fires burning in Greece amid a protracted heat wave threatened the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics as the Greek military prepared Thursday to increase its involvement in preventing new blazes from raging out of control.

Wildfires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T12:27+0200gulfnews (en)

Limni, Greece: Forest fires fuelled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece, threatening the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics and forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages. Another major fire was ravaging forests on the island of Evia, near the Greek mainland.

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T12:25+0200eagletribune (en)

LIMNI, Greece (AP) — Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece, threatening the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics and forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages. One of the major fires was burning in the southern Greek....

FM Çavuşoğlu, NATO’s Stoltenberg discuss Afghanistan, wildfires

2021-08-05T12:20+0200dailysabah (en)

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg discussed the ongoing forest fires in Turkey and the situation in Afghanistan in a phone call on Thursday. Stoltenberg conveyed his condolences for the wildfires ravaging Turkey and stated that NATO stands in solidarity with the country.

EU sends help to fight fires in Greece, Italy

2021-08-05T12:07+0200euractiv-en (en)

Fire-fighting resources from EU nations are on their way to Greece, Italy, Albania and Northern Macedonia to help fight forest blazes, the EU crisis management commissioner said on Wednesday. “We are working around the clock to send help as fires rage across Europe,” commissioner Janez Lenarcic said in a statement.

Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes

2021-08-05T12:07+0200euractiv-en (en)

Owners of a honey processing factory are evacuated by police as a bushfire approaches the facility during a bushfire in Aspropyrgos, near Athens, Greece, 10 July 2021. Four fires, all in areas of dried grass, were burning simultaneously in different locations in the western Attica towns of Elefsina....

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T12:04+0200krqe (en)

An aircraft drops water during a wildfire in ancient Olympia, western Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Greece evacuated people in boats from an island beach Wednesday amid heavy smoke from a nearby wildfire and fire crews fight elsewhere to keep flames away from the birthplace of the ancient Olympic....

La Turchia devastata dagli incendi: 140mila ettari di foreste inceneriti in una settimana

2021-08-05T11:59+0200greenreport (it)

Gli incendi in corso i un po’ in tutto l’emisfero nord – Italia compresa – stanno devastando anche la Turchia do, centinaia di roghi stanno riducendo in cenere foreste un tempo rigogliose e ricche di biodiversità nel sud del Paese. Il Wwf Turkey spiega che «Le fiamme, alimentate probabilmente da....

Indonesia expresses condolences to Turkey over wildfires

2021-08-05T11:58+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Indonesia on Thursday said it has already conveyed condolences to Turkey over forest fires that have been burning in the country for over a week now. Teuku Faizasyah, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, said Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi spoke to her counterpart in Turkey, Mevlut Cavusoglu, on Aug. 1.

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T11:50+0200clickondetroit (en)

LIMNI – Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece, threatening the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics and forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages. One of the major fires was burning in the southern Greek region of the....

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T11:43+0200click2houston (en)

LIMNI – Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece, threatening the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics and forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages. One of the major fires was burning in the southern Greek region of the....

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T11:36+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Greece Wildfires An aircraft drops water during a wildfire in ancient Olympia, western Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Greece evacuated people in boats from an island beach Wednesday amid heavy smoke from a nearby wildfire and fire crews fight elsewhere to keep flames away from the birthplace of the....

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T11:33+0200wowktv (en)

An aircraft drops water during a wildfire in ancient Olympia, western Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Greece evacuated people in boats from an island beach Wednesday amid heavy smoke from a nearby wildfire and fire crews fight elsewhere to keep flames away from the birthplace of the ancient Olympic....

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T11:32+0200news4jax (en)

LIMNI – Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece, threatening the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics and forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages. One of the major fires was burning in the southern Greek region of the....

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T11:28+0200independent-UK (en)

Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece, threatening the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics and forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages. One of the major fires was burning in the southern Greek region of the Citizens....

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T11:23+0200cbs17 (en)

An aircraft drops water during a wildfire in ancient Olympia, western Greece, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Greece evacuated people in boats from an island beach Wednesday amid heavy smoke from a nearby wildfire and fire crews fight elsewhere to keep flames away from the birthplace of the ancient Olympic....

Forest fires rage in Greece, threaten Olympics birthplace

2021-08-05T11:23+0200apnews (en)

LIMNI, Greece (AP) — Forest fires fueled by a protracted heat wave raged overnight and into Thursday in Greece, threatening the archaeological site at the birthplace of the modern Olympics and forcing the evacuation of dozens of villages. One of the major fires was burning in the southern Greek....

Forest fires take hold across Turkey’s south

2021-08-05T11:02+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Turkey’s weeklong efforts to contain wildfires raging across the country paid off, but 13 fires that started this week and last are still bearing down on southern provinces. Since July 28, when the first large-scale blazes broke out, Turkey confronted some 187 forest fires, from Muğla to Adana.

Thousands Evacuated in Turkey as Fires Reach Power Plant

2021-08-05T10:55+0200balkaninsight (en)

People being evacuated by Turkish navy ships. Photo: Turkish National Defense Ministry. Villages in surrounding areas and an entire town were evacuated by ship after wild fires in the coastal district of Milas in Turkey’s Aegean region reached the Kemerkoy thermal power plant on Wednesday night, despite all attempts by firefighters to stop it.

Investigation opened into ‘#HelpTurkey’ hashtag on forest fires

2021-08-05T10:21+0200dailysabah (en)

The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office has opened an investigation into the content being shared with the "#HelpTurkey" hashtag on social media that was supposedly created in response to the ongoing wildfires gripping the country. As Turkey battles forest fires, many social media users took to....

Forest fires take hold across Turkey’s south as more evacuate

2021-08-05T10:21+0200dailysabah (en)

Since July 28, when the first large-scale blazes broke out, Turkey confronted some 187 forest fires , from Muğla to Adana. As of Thursday, 172 of them had been contained according to official figures. The remaining wildfires, however, show no sign of abating and more people are evacuating affected areas.

Il Mediterraneo è diventato un hotspot per gli incendi boschivi

2021-08-05T10:12+0200rinnovabili (it)

via Le ondate di calore che stanno colpendo l’Europa meridionale aumentano il rischio di incendi boschivi. ( – Gli incendi boschivi che da giorni stanno tormentando Turchia, Italia e altri Paesi dell’area mediterranea, sono visibili anche dallo spazio .

Fire near power plant in southwestern Turkey's Milas contained

2021-08-05T09:20+0200dailysabah (en)

A massive blaze near the main power plant in the Milas district in Turkey's southwestern Muğla province has been contained early Thursday, reports said. The blaze encircled the Kemerköy Thermal Power Plant, coming within just 1 kilometer (0.62 miles) of the facility.

Azerbaijan sends amphibious aircraft to help extinguish wildfires in Turkey

2021-08-05T09:13+0200azernews (en)

By Vugar Khalilov. Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Emergency Situations has sent the BE-200CS amphibious aircraft to Turkey to fight wildfires that have swept through the country, local media has reported on August 5. The ministry said that in line with the presidential instruction, the third group of fire....

Second firefighting team from Azerbaijan arrives in Turkey

2021-08-05T08:58+0200yenisafak-en (en)

A second firefighting team from Azerbaijan arrived Wednesday in Turkey to help with massive forest fires in southern provinces that have led to deaths and injuries. The team of 150 people working under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan was divided into two groups under the....

Most important support in extinguishing forest fires in Turkey comes from Azerbaijan - Erdogan

2021-08-05T08:43+0200azernews (en)

By Trend The most important support in extinguishing forest fires in Turkey was provided by Azerbaijan, Turkish President Recep Tayyib Erdogan said in an interview with Turkish TV channels, reports. Erdogan noted that support for fighting forest fires has been sent or offered from more than 50 countries and organizations.

Disasters31 mins ago Forest fires: EU helps Italy, Greece, Albania and North Macedonia to fight devastating fires

2021-08-05T08:25+0200eureporter (en)

As forest fires continue affecting various regions in the Mediterranean and the Western Balkans, the European Commission is swiftly mobilising support to assist countries in limiting the spread of the fires and protect lives and livelihoods. Two Canadair firefighting airplanes from France were being....

Korea's volleyball fans donate seedlings for Turkey's post-fire reco...

2021-08-05T08:23+0200koreatimes (en)

By Kwak Yeon-soo Following the quarterfinal win against Turkey, Korea's volleyball fans have been engaging in a social media hashtag campaign with the hashtag #PrayForTurkey, and donating seedlings to help Turkey recover from devastating forest fires. The Korean women's volleyball team advanced to....

Turkey Successfully Controls 167 Wildfires

2021-08-05T08:19+0200albawaba-en (en)

Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister announced to successfully brought down a total of 167 wildfires that have emerged a week ago. Turkey united: Aid, support pour in amid wildfires — DAILY SABAH (@DailySabah) August 4, 2021 The wildfires took place in 33 of Turkey’s 81 provinces, Bekir....

RADRFIRE: an interactive tool using satellites and AI to help firefighters fight forest fires

2021-08-05T08:11+0200actuia-en (en)

During hot periods, a plague threatens national parks and green areas: forest fires. Whether in France or, as is currently the case in Greece, Turkey, Sicily or the United States, hundreds of fires can occur in these areas and firefighters as well as nearby residents are the first to be affected by these dramas.

Most important support in extinguishing forest fires in Turkey was provided by Azerbaijan - Erdogan

2021-08-05T08:04+0200news-az (en)

The most important support in extinguishing forest fires in Turkey was provided by Azerbaijan, Turkish President Recep Tayyib Erdogan said in an interview with Turkish TV channels. Erdogan noted that support for fighting forest fires has been sent or offered from more than 50 countries and organizations.

Greenpeace warns of ‘dangerous temperatures’ for Tokyo, Beijing

2021-08-05T07:50+0200aljazeera-en (en)

Scorching temperatures are becoming much more frequent in cities across East Asia, an analysis from Greenpeace East Asia has found, with the environmental group warning that the early arrival of hot weather could have severe effects on people’s lives, as well as agriculture.

Fire near power plant in southern Turkey contained

2021-08-05T07:49+0200dailysabah (en)

A massive blaze near the main power plant in the Milas district in Turkey's southern Muğla province has been contained by early Thursday, reports said. A massive blaze encircled the Kemerköy power plant, coming within just 1 kilometer of the facility. Authorities announced that ditches had been dug....

Erdogan speaks of the worst forest fires in Turkey’s history

2021-08-05T04:32+0200archyde (en)

D he Turkey is fighting the worst forest fires in its history, according to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The head of state said this in a TV interview on Wednesday evening. In the forest fire areas near the west coast, the flames caught a coal-fired power station.

Erdogan opens up on worst forest fires in Turkey, death toll rises to 8 – 08/04/2021 – world

2021-08-05T01:59+0200ksusentinel (en)

Turkey has faced the worst forest fires in its history, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday as the blaze spreads through a power plant in the southeast of the country after burning swathes of coastal forest to ashes . Fueled by high temperatures and a strong, dry wind, the flames forced....

Most important support in extinguishing forest fires in Turkey comes from Azerbaijan - Erdogan

2021-08-05T01:39+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, Aug. 5. Trend: The most important support in extinguishing forest fires in Turkey was provided by Azerbaijan, Turkish President Recep Tayyib Erdogan said in an interview with Turkish TV channels, Trend reports. Erdogan noted that support for fighting forest....

Deadly wildfire encircles Turkish thermal power plant

2021-08-05T01:08+0200pakobserver (en)

Hisaronu. Roaring blazes encircled a Turkish thermal power plant and forced farmers to herd panicked cattle toward the sea, as wildfires that have killed eight people raged for a seventh day. The nation of 84 million has been transfixed in horror as the most destructive wildfires in generations....

Thanks to joint efforts of Turkish and Azerbaijani firefighters, it was possible to extinguish fires in Denizli (PHOTO/VIDEO)

2021-08-05T00:37+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 4. Trend: The fire and rescue forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan, which are in Turkey in accordance with the instruction of President Ilham Aliyev in order to extinguish forest fires and prevent their spread, continue to carry out operations to extinguish fires, Trend reports.

Wildfires in Southwestern Turkey Engulf Thermal Power Plant - Milas Mayor

2021-08-04T23:54+0200urdupoint (en)

ANKARA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 05th August, 2021) Wildfires in the southwestern Turkish city of Milas have reached a thermal power plant, the city mayor, Muhammet , said on Wednesday. "The blaze engulfed the thermal power plant, the personnel are being evacuated," tweeted.

EU sends help to fight fires in Greece, Italy

2021-08-04T23:25+0200jordantimes (en)

BRUSSELS — Fire-fighting resources from EU nations are on their way to Greece, Italy, Albania and Northern Macedonia to help fight forest blazes, the EU crisis management commissioner said on Wednesday. "We are working around the clock to send help as fires rage across Europe," commissioner Janez Lenarcic said in a statement.

Power plant in Turkey evacuated as wildfire closes in

2021-08-04T22:38+0200aljazeera-en (en)

A power plant in Turkey’s southwestern Mugla province has been evacuated after a wildfire reached its edge. A blaze reached the perimeter of the Kemerkoy Thermal Power Plant in Mugla’s Turkevleri district on Wednesday with efforts to douse the fire being hindered by strong winds in the region.

Turkish president shows gratitude to countries support with battling w...

2021-08-04T21:00+0200menafn (en)

)The Turkish president showed gratitude to countries and organizations that reinforced Turkey's combat with wildfires that have hit Turkey for seven days. Recep Tayyip Erdogan tweeted “I thank on my nation’s behalf all the friendly countries and organizations that have extended their support, sent....

Thousands evacuated from Athens’ suburbs as wildfires near Greek capital

2021-08-04T20:51+0200brusselsmorning (en)

Brussels (Brussels Morning) Thousands of residents of Athens’ suburbs were forced to flee their homes as uncontrolled wildfires neared the Greek capital on Wednesday, with firefighters struggling to keep the blaze away from residences. Greece is currently facing its worst heat wave in more than....

Impressive fires in Italy, Greece and Turkey: Europe sends planes, helicopters and firefighters on site

2021-08-04T20:39+0200archyde (en)

The European Commission on Wednesday announced the dispatch of planes, helicopters and firefighters to Italy, Greece, Albania and North Macedonia to help these countries fight the fires. Two Canadair-type planes, from France, were sent to the affected areas in Italy , details the European executive in a press release.

Flames Surround Island Monastery As Fires Rage In Greece

2021-08-04T19:52+0200ibtimes (en)

At least 150 houses were destroyed by a violent blaze that surrounded a monastery and a dozen villages on the Greek island of Evia on Wednesday, just one of some 40 fires raging in the heatwave-hit country. How climate change can make wildfires worse Photo: AFP / Laurence CHU.

Forest Fires Multiply In Bulgaria, Killing Two

2021-08-04T19:52+0200barrons (en)

Two forestry workers were killed and another one was injured on Wednesday in Bulgaria as they battled forest fires that have multiplied across the country this week. The two workers died after being caught in a fire that has been raging in a forest near a village in the southwestern region of....

EU activates Civil Protection Mechanism to help various regions in the Mediterranean and the Western Balkans to fight devastating fires

2021-08-04T19:43+0200republika-en (en)

The European Commission said Wednesday is swiftly mobilising support to assist countries in limiting the spread of the fires and protect lives and livelihoods as forest fires continue affecting various regions in the Mediterranean and the Western Balkans.

Total of 167 wildfires are now under control

2021-08-04T18:15+0200avaz-english (en)

Turkey has successfully contained a total of 167 wildfires that have emerged a week ago, according to the country’s agriculture and forestry minister. The wildfires took place in 33 of Turkey’s 81 provinces, Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter, adding that efforts continue to put out the remaining 16....

EU sends help to fight fires in Greece, Italy

2021-08-04T18:15+0200avaz-english (en)

Fire-fighting resources from EU nations are on their way to Greece, Italy, Albania and Northern Macedonia to help fight forest blazes, the EU crisis management commissioner said on Wednesday. -We are working around the clock to send help as fires rage across Europe- commissioner Janez Lenarcic said in a statement.

Forest fires: EU helps Italy, Greece, Albania and North Macedonia to fight devastating fires

2021-08-04T18:08+0200europeansting (en)

(Credit: Unsplash) This article is brought to you in association with the As forest fires continue affecting various regions in the Mediterranean and the Western Balkans, the European Commission is swiftly mobilising support to assist countries in limiting the spread of the fires and protect lives and livelihoods.

Total of 167 wildfires in Turkey now under control

2021-08-04T18:02+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. Turkey has successfully contained a total of 167 wildfires that have emerged a week ago, according to the country’s agriculture and forestry minister. The wildfires took place in 33 of Turkey’s 81 provinces, Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter, adding that efforts continue to put out the....

Total Of 167 Wildfires In Turkey Now Under Control

2021-08-04T17:50+0200haberler-en (en)

Turkey has successfully contained a total of 167 wildfires that have emerged a week ago, according to the country's agriculture and forestry minister. The wildfires took place in 33 of Turkey's 81 provinces, Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter, adding that efforts continue to put out the remaining 16....

Total of 167 wildfires are now under control

2021-08-04T17:46+0200avaz (en)

Turkey has successfully contained a total of 167 wildfires that have emerged a week ago, according to the country’s agriculture and forestry minister. The wildfires took place in 33 of Turkey’s 81 provinces, Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter, adding that efforts continue to put out the remaining 16....

Wildfires Cause Havoc – and Arguments – in Balkans

2021-08-04T17:14+0200balkaninsight (en)

Photo caption A firefighters try put out the wildfires at the rural of Marmaris district of Mugla, Turkey, 01 August 2021. EPA-EFE/ERDEM SAHIN. Balkan countries are battling wildfires that have claimed eight lives in Turkey and injured hundreds more, while one person died in Albania and a military officer been injured.

Deadly wildfire encircles Turkish power plant

2021-08-04T17:03+0200thesundaily (en)

HISARONU : Roaring blazes encircled a Turkish thermal power plant Tuesday and forced farmers to herd panicked cattle toward the sea, as wildfires that have killed eight people raged for a seventh day. The nation of 84 million has been transfixed in horror as the most destructive wildfires in....

Thick smoke over Athens as suburbs battle wildfires

2021-08-04T17:03+0200thesundaily (en)

ATHENS : Hundreds of firefighters, water-bombing planes and helicopters battled forest fires near Athens on Tuesday that saw villages evacuated and part of a major motorway closed, officials said. With the country reeling under a severe heatwave, a blaze spread at the foot of Mount Parnitha, 30....

Syrian artist sends support message for Turkey on fight with wildfires

2021-08-04T16:44+0200yenisafak-en (en)

A Syrian graffiti artist has painted the wall of a house in the northwestern province of Idlib that shows the fight against forest fires in Turkey. Aziz Esmer, known for drawing important global events on the walls of destroyed buildings in the province, this time turned his focus to forest fires in Turkey.

European Union Sends Help To Fight Wildfires In Greece, Italy

2021-08-04T16:37+0200ndtvnews (en)

Brussels/ Belgium: Fire-fighting resources from EU nations are on their way to Greece, Italy, Albania and Northern Macedonia to help fight forest blazes, the EU crisis management commissioner said on Wednesday. "We are working around the clock to send help as fires rage across Europe," commissioner Janez Lenarcic said in a statement.

Copernicus: regione del Mediterraneo si trasforma in un hotspot di incendi

2021-08-04T16:22+0200news-yahoo-it (it)

In Turchia e in Italia meridionale, i dati Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (Cams) segnalano "una intensificazione rapida nelle emissioni e nella intensità degli incendi"; anche Paesi come Marocco, Albania, Grecia, Nord Macedonia e Libano sono stati colpiti.

Copernicus: regione del Mediterraneo si trasforma in un hotspot di incendi

2021-08-04T16:09+0200adnkronos (it)

In Turchia e in Italia meridionale , i dati Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (Cams) segnalano " una intensificazione rapida nelle emissioni e nella intensità degli incendi "; anche Paesi come Marocco, Albania, Grecia, Nord Macedonia e Libano sono stati colpiti.

How to bring forests back to life after wildfires

2021-08-04T16:04+0200trtworld (en)

A viral photo of a red pine cone covered in grey ash from the outside but revealing its inner colour after having cracked open from the heat is perhaps the perfect visual metaphor summarising the state of Turkey’s forests in the Mediterranean and Aegean.

Copernicus: la regione del Mediterraneo si trasforma in un hotspot di incendi e l’intensità del fuoco raggiunge nuovi record in Turchia

2021-08-04T15:51+0200meteoweb (it)

In Turchia e in Italia meridionale, i dati CAMS segnalano una intensificazione rapida nelle emissioni e nella intensità degli incendi, e anche paesi come Marocco, Albania, Grecia, Nord Macedonia e Libano sono stati colpiti. Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), implementato da European....

EU Sends Help To Fight Fires in Greece, Italy

2021-08-04T15:22+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Fire-fighting resources from EU nations are on their way to Greece, Italy, Albania and Northern Macedonia to help fight forest blazes, the EU crisis management commissioner said on Wednesday. "We are working around the clock to send help as fires rage across Europe," commissioner Janez Lenarcic said in a statement.

Firefighters Get Help From Russian Military To Battle Major Blazes In Yakutia

2021-08-04T15:05+0200rferl (en)

Unusually high summer temperatures and strong winds have stoked wildfires in parts of Russia, Turkey, and Southeastern Europe, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damage and prompting the evacuation of thousands of people. Pushed to the limit, Russian emergency services received additional....

Devastating wildfires wreak ‘incalculable’ environmental damage across southern Europe

2021-08-04T15:03+0200telegraph (en)

Turkey. For almost a week, Turkey has been struggling to contain over 100 of their worst forest fires in more than a decade. While authorities claimed that a fire in the popular tourist destination of Bodrum was contained by Sunday morning, videos on social media showed people still fleeing on boats.

Momen mourns loss of lives in Turkey forest fires

2021-08-04T14:44+0200bssnews (en)

DHAKA, Aug 4 2021 (BSS) - Foreign Minister Dr. AK Abdul Momen has expressed his deep condolences at the tragic loss of lives due to the forest fires that recently took place in Antalya of Turkey. In a message sent to Turkish foreign minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu, Dr Momen conveyed heartfelt sympathies....

Turkish leader shows gratitude to countries for combating forest fires

2021-08-04T14:32+0200menafn (en)

) The Turkish leader on Tuesday, August 4, expressed gratitude to the countries that have backed Turkey's combat against fires that have been going for about a week. Recep Tayyip Erdogan wrote on Twitter “I thank on my nation’s behalf all the friendly countries and organizations that have extended....

Brutal heatwave scorches southern Europe as continent's summer of extreme weather rages on - CNN

2021-08-04T14:28+0200google-top-stories (en)

Kefalonia, Greece (CNN) Extreme heat and wildfires continued to plague parts of southern Europe on Wednesday, a day after the top temperature in Greece reached 47.1 degrees Celsius (117 degrees Fahrenheit) -- just shy of the highest ever recorded in Europe.

Brutal heatwave scorches southern Europe as continent's summer of extreme weather rages on - CNN

2021-08-04T14:27+0200google-top-stories-innovatie (en)

Kefalonia, Greece (CNN) Extreme heat and wildfires continued to plague parts of southern Europe on Wednesday, a day after the top temperature in Greece reached 47.1 degrees Celsius (117 degrees Fahrenheit) -- just shy of the highest ever recorded in Europe.

One week after first wildfires started, Turkey is still battling blazes

2021-08-04T14:03+0200trtworld (en)

Fire crews, helped by residents, work to put out a fire spreading in the Aegean coastal city of Oren, near Milas, in the holiday region of Mugla on August 3, 2021. (stringer / AFP) A week after massive wildfires erupted across the country's south and southwestern coast, Turkey is still battling the blazes amid soaring temperatures.

EU sends firefighting resources to fight forest blazes in Greece, Italy Fire-fighting resources from EU nations are on their way to Greece, Italy, Albania and Northern Macedonia to help fight forest blazes, the EU crisis

2021-08-04T14:00+0200alarabiya-en (en)

Fire-fighting resources from EU nations are on their way to Greece , Italy, Albania and Northern Macedonia to help fight forest blazes , the EU crisis management commissioner said on Wednesday. “We are working around the clock to send help as fires rage across Europe,” commissioner Janez Lenarcic said in a statement.

Erdogan lauds countries, organizations helped Turkey fighting against wildfires

2021-08-04T13:59+0200menafn (en)

)The Turkish president lauded the countries and organizations who aided Turkey's fight against the fires that have damaged the country for almost a week. Recep Tayyip Erdogan posted on Twitter that “I thank on my nation’s behalf all the friendly countries and organizations that have extended their....

EU Sends Help To Fight Fires In Greece, Italy

2021-08-04T13:47+0200barrons (en)

Fire-fighting resources from EU nations are on their way to Greece, Italy, Albania and Northern Macedonia to help fight forest blazes, the EU crisis management commissioner said on Wednesday. "We are working around the clock to send help as fires rage across Europe," commissioner Janez Lenarcic said in a statement.

Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes

2021-08-04T13:44+0200tribune (en)

GREECE: Awildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece's worst heatwave in over 30 years. As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the lower slopes of....

Turkish Govt Passes Buck as Fires Devastate Coastal Areas

2021-08-04T13:42+0200balkaninsight (en)

The southern and southwestern regions of Turkey beside the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts have been hard hit by hundreds of forest fires raging since last week. By Wednesday, more than 170 fires were deemed to be under control but another 14 or so bigger fires were still out of control, threatening....

Greek firefighters battle ‘raging’ forest fire near Athens

2021-08-04T13:38+0200aljazeera-en (en)

People in Athens are being advised to stay indoors while firefighters tackle a raging forest fire on the outskirts of the Greek capital that has forced thousands to flee their homes amid the country’s worst heatwave in decades. Greece’s fire service said on Wednesday that it hoped to bring the blaze....

Mayors in the areas of fire talk to Evrensel: None of our pleas are heard by the Government

2021-08-04T13:35+0200evrensel-en (en)

Şerif KARATAŞ İstanbul The fires in the Mediterranean and Aegean cities of Turkey, which have been going on for days, cannot be intervened. Every new day, every new hour, a fire breaks out in a different region. While the fire extinguishing materials in the government's inventory are insufficient,....

Forest fires: EU helps Italy, Greece, Albania and North Macedonia to fight devastating fires

2021-08-04T13:13+0200europa-nu (en)

All help is mobilised through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism , with co-funding by the Commission of at least 75 % of transport costs. Commissioner for Crisis Management said: "We are working around the clock to send help as fires rage across Europe.

Firefighting planes resume flights over wildfire north of Athens

2021-08-04T13:02+0200heraldscotland (en)

Firefighting planes have resumed operations to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes on Tuesday amid the country's worst heatwave in decades. The fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the Greek capital was the worst of 81....

Forest fires: EU helps Italy, Greece, Albania and North Macedonia to fight devastating fires | EU Commission Press

2021-08-04T12:46+0200pubaffairsbruxelles (en)

As forest fires continue affecting various regions in the Mediterranean and the Western Balkans, the European Commission is swiftly mobilising support to assist countries in limiting the spread of the fires and protect lives and livelihoods. Two Canadair firefighting airplanes from France are being....

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T11:54+0200ahram-EN (en)

Firefighting planes resumed operation at first light in Greece on Wednesday to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes the previous day amid the country's worst heat wave in decades. The fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the....

Turkish wildfire continues spread

2021-08-04T11:53+0200globaltimes (en)

A forest fire burns near the town of Manavgat, east of the resort city of Antalya, Turkey, July 31, 2021.(Photo: Xinhua) Roaring blazes encircled a Turkish thermal power plant Tuesday and forced farmers to herd panicked cattle toward the sea, as wildfires that have killed eight people raged for a seventh day.

New details of extinguishing forest fires in Turkey by Azerbaijani firefi...

2021-08-04T11:46+0200menafn (en)

- AzerNews) By Trend. The firefighters and rescuers of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Emergency Situations currently continue to extinguish fires in Turkey in accordance with the instruction of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the ministry told Trend on Aug. 3.

Turkey thanks Azerbaijan for help amid wildfires

2021-08-04T11:46+0200menafn (en)

- AzerNews) By Vugar Khalilov. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan thanked Azerbaijan for supporting Turkey in the fight against the wildfires that have swept across the country. "On behalf of my country, I express my gratitude to my dear friend, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev for the....

Turkey’s devastating wildfires

2021-08-04T11:42+0200wwf (en)

by Diana Del Olmo Campos. Turkey is being ravaged by one of the most devastating wildfires the country has seen. The word Mediterranean usually conjures up images of idyllic waters and lush landscapes thriving with wildlife and fauna. But the reality we are seeing across our screens and papers today tells a different story.

Incendi in Grecia e Turchia: arcivescovo Ieronymos di Atene, "cambiamento climatico è una delle più grandi sfide del 21° secolo"

2021-08-04T11:35+0200247libero (it)

“Un giorno dovremo considerare le nostre responsabilità nei confronti dell’ambiente e della natura che il Creatore ci ha dato e renderci conto che la risposta efficace al cambiamento climatico è, per l’umanità, una delle più grandi sfide del 21° secolo”.

More Azerbaijani firefighting and rescue teams participate in extinguishing fires in Turkish Denizli

2021-08-04T11:22+0200azernews (en)

By Trend As previously reported, in accordance with the instruction of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, another fire and rescue group of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan is currently in fraternal Turkey, Trend reports citing the ministry.

Incendi in Grecia e Turchia: arcivescovo Ieronymos di Atene, “cambiamento climatico è una delle più grandi sfide del 21° secolo”

2021-08-04T11:20+0200agensir (it)

“Un giorno dovremo considerare le nostre responsabilità nei confronti dell’ambiente e della natura che il Creatore ci ha dato e renderci conto che la risposta efficace al cambiamento climatico è, per l’umanità, una delle più grandi sfide del 21° secolo”.

Erdogan thanks Zelensky for support in fighting wildfires

2021-08-04T11:12+0200menafn (en)

- UkrinForm) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has expressed gratitude to a number of countries and their leaders, including President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, for their support and assistance in fighting raging forest fires. That’s according to Ukrinform.

Veterinary Ambulance Treats Animals Injured In Turkey Forest Fires

2021-08-04T11:11+0200haberler-en (en)

Turkey has been battling massive forest fires for the sixth day. Blazes that broke out on July 28 have killed at least eight people, besides vast environmental and material damage. It is unclear how many animals have died, but the Konya Metropolitan Municipality is playing its part to look after those who have survived.

Firefighting planes resume flights over wildfire north of Athens

2021-08-04T10:44+0200eveningtimes (en)

Firefighting planes have resumed operations to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes on Tuesday amid the country’s worst heatwave in decades. The fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the Greek capital was the worst of 81....

Thick smoke over Athens as suburbs battle wildfires

2021-08-04T10:38+0200aljazeera-en (en)

Water-bombing planes, helicopters and hundreds of firefighters are battling forest fires near Greece’s capital, Athens, as the country reels under a severe heatwave. The blaze on Tuesday spread at the foot of Mount Parnitha, 30 kilometres (20 miles) north of Athens, destroying dozens of homes and sending thick smoke over the city.

Sekerinska Meets Soldiers Dealing with Fire at Kokino

2021-08-04T10:30+0200skopjediem (en)

Defence Minister Radmila Sekerinska met on Tuesday the soldiers dealing with the forest fire near the Kokino archaeological locality. Sekerinska thanked the soldiers for their efforts for putting the fires under control, as well as the civil volunteers who came from Kumanovo and the surrounding areas to assist them.

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:56+0200independent-UK (en)

Firefighting planes resumed operation at first light in Greece on Wednesday to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes the previous day amid the country's worst heat wave in decades. The fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the....

Firefighting planes resume flights over wildfire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:52+0200thecourier (en)

An helicopter drops water over a fire in Varibobi area, northern Athens, Greece, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. Firefighting planes were resuming operation at first light Wednesday to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens which raced into residential areas the previous day,....

New details of extinguishing forest fires in Turkey by Azerbaijani firefighters disclosed

2021-08-04T09:51+0200azernews (en)

By Trend The firefighters and rescuers of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Emergency Situations currently continue to extinguish fires in Turkey in accordance with the instruction of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the ministry told on Aug. 3. The spread of forest fires in many directions is....

Turkey thanks Azerbaijan for help amid wildfires

2021-08-04T09:51+0200azernews (en)

By Vugar Khalilov. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan thanked Azerbaijan for supporting Turkey in the fight against the wildfires that have swept across the country. "On behalf of my country, I express my gratitude to my dear friend, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev for the support from the....

Firefighting planes resume flights over wildfire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:45+0200independent-ie (en)

Firefighting planes have resumed operations to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes on Tuesday amid the country’s worst heatwave in decades. T he fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the Greek capital was the worst of 81....

Firefighting planes resume flights over wildfire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:44+0200chesterfirst (en)

Firefighting planes have resumed operations to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes on Tuesday amid the country’s worst heatwave in decades. The fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the Greek capital was the worst of 81....

Firefighting planes resume flights over wildfire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:44+0200dailyecho (en)

Firefighting planes have resumed operations to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes on Tuesday amid the country’s worst heatwave in decades. The fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the Greek capital was the worst of 81....

Two Ukrainian planes supporting efforts to battle forest fires in Turkey

2021-08-04T09:40+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Two planes from Ukraine are contributing to the aerial response against multiple wildfires in Turkey. Air and land intervention continues against the fires, which have broken out in various locations and have spread with the wind. Efforts are being made to bring the fires under control with a large....

Two Spanish planes fighting forest fires in SW Turkey

2021-08-04T09:40+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Two Spanish firefighting planes started operating Tuesday in southwestern Turkey, assisting Turkey's efforts to extinguish fires through both aerial and ground operations. After landing at Mugla’s Dalaman Airport late Monday, 27 Spanish pilots of CL-415 planes worked to fight fires in the districts....

Turkey's Fight Against Forest Fires Continues At Full Pace

2021-08-04T09:39+0200haberler-en (en)

125 of 132 fires across country under control, says agriculture and forestry minister. Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister announced on Monday that 125 of 132 forest fires in the country are under control. Efforts to put out the remaining blazes are underway, Bekir Pakdemirli told reporters....

Firefighting planes resume flights over wildfire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:38+0200impartialreporter (en)

Firefighting planes have resumed operations to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes on Tuesday amid the country’s worst heatwave in decades. The fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the Greek capital was the worst of 81....

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:33+0200ChinaPost (en)

VARIBOBI, Greece (AP) — Firefighting planes resumed operation at first light in Greece on Wednesday to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes the previous day amid the country’s worst heat wave in decades.

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:30+0200news4jax (en)

VARIBOBI – Firefighting planes resumed operation at first light in Greece on Wednesday to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes the previous day amid the country's worst heat wave in decades.

Firefighting planes resume flights over wildfire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:28+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

Firefighting planes have resumed operations to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes on Tuesday amid the country’s worst heatwave in decades. The fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the Greek capital was the worst of 81....

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:26+0200wowktv (en)

A burned car is seen after a wildfire in Varibobi area, northern Athens, Greece, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. More than 500 firefighters struggled through the night to contain a large forest blaze on the outskirts of Athens, which raced into residential areas Tuesday, forcing thousands to flee.

Forest fires, new and old, burn across Turkey’s west and south

2021-08-04T09:21+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkey managed to bring 152 fires in 32 provinces under control but new flare-ups are adding to the country's woes. Manavgat, where the first major blaze broke out one week ago, is still grappling with the flames as new fires erupt in the western regions of Isparta, Denizli, Balıkesir and Manisa over the last two days.

Firefighting planes resume flights over wildfire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:21+0200theargus (en)

Firefighting planes have resumed operations to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes on Tuesday amid the country’s worst heatwave in decades. The fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the Greek capital was the worst of 81....

Firefighting planes resume flights over wildfire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:20+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Firefighting planes have resumed operations to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes on Tuesday amid the country’s worst heatwave in decades. The fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the Greek capital was the worst of 81....

Firefighting planes resume flights over wildfire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:17+0200yorkpress (en)

Firefighting planes have resumed operations to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes on Tuesday amid the country’s worst heatwave in decades. The fire in the Varibobi and Tatoi suburbs of the Greek capital was the worst of 81....

Turkish drones enable quick, precision response to forest fires

2021-08-04T09:10+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey’s high-tech drones are playing a key role in battling forest fires now raging in various parts of Turkey. Turkey’s Forestry Directorate affiliated with the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry uses state-of-the-art technology to shorten the detection, response, and extinguishing time to fight....

Two planes sent by Spain arrives in Turkey to help fight forest fires

2021-08-04T09:10+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Two CL 415 firefighting planes sent by Spain arrived Tuesday in Turkey to help the country with massive forest fires in its southern provinces that have led to deaths and injuries, the Spanish Embassy in Ankara said on Twitter. The Spanish group of 27 pilots, who arrived at the Dalaman district of....

TURKEY Fire reaches more residential areas of southern Turkey, forcing evacuations

2021-08-04T09:06+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

Fire reaches more residential areas of southern Turkey, forcing evacuations MUĞLA A fire in a residential area of southern Turkey forced some people to evacuate as the country continues to battle massive wildfires that broke out last week on the country’s southern and southwestern coasts.

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:06+0200timesofindia (en)

A firefighter water dropping helicopter flies over Labiri, near Patras, as Greek authorities grappling with a large forest fire. (File photo/AFP) GREECE: Firefighting planes resumed operation at first light in Greece on Wednesday to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens....

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:03+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

VARIBOBI, Greece — Firefighting planes resumed operation at first light in Greece on Wednesday to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes the previous day amid the country’s worst heat wave in decades.

Cavusoglu thanks Azerbaijan for supporting fight against forest fires

2021-08-04T09:01+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

As Turkey extends a helping hand to other states, it is similarly ready to accept help from other countries amid recent forest fires that have led to deaths and material damage, Turkey's foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said. "Just as Turkey helps other countries as part of the spirit of....

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:00+0200krqe (en)

A burned car is seen after a wildfire in Varibobi area, northern Athens, Greece, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. More than 500 firefighters struggled through the night to contain a large forest blaze on the outskirts of Athens, which raced into residential areas Tuesday, forcing thousands to flee.

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T09:00+0200apnews (en)

VARIBOBI, Greece (AP) — Firefighting planes resumed operation at first light in Greece on Wednesday to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes the previous day amid the country’s worst heat wave in decades.

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T08:57+0200cbs17 (en)

A burned car is seen after a wildfire in Varibobi area, northern Athens, Greece, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. More than 500 firefighters struggled through the night to contain a large forest blaze on the outskirts of Athens, which raced into residential areas Tuesday, forcing thousands to flee.

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T08:56+0200clickondetroit (en)

VARIBOBI – Firefighting planes resumed operation at first light in Greece on Wednesday to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes the previous day amid the country's worst heat wave in decades.

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T08:55+0200news-yahoo (en)

Greece Wildfire A burned car is seen after a wildfire in Varibobi area, northern Athens, Greece, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. More than 500 firefighters struggled through the night to contain a large forest blaze on the outskirts of Athens, which raced into residential areas Tuesday, forcing thousands to flee.

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T08:55+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Greece Wildfire A burned car is seen after a wildfire in Varibobi area, northern Athens, Greece, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. More than 500 firefighters struggled through the night to contain a large forest blaze on the outskirts of Athens, which raced into residential areas Tuesday, forcing thousands to flee.

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T08:54+0200ABCnews (en)

VARIBOBI, Greece -- Firefighting planes resumed operation at first light in Greece on Wednesday to tackle a major forest fire on the northern outskirts of Athens that forced thousands to flee their homes the previous day amid the country's worst heat wave in decades.

300 people evacuated near Athens, a threatened power plant in Turkey

2021-08-04T08:52+0200archyde (en)

Greece was plagued by new forest fires on Tuesday, especially north of Athens, where some 300 people were evacuated according to firefighters, while in Turkey, where the fires killed eight, the flames are closing in of a thermal power station in Milas, in the south of the country.

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T08:51+0200wsoctv (en)

Greece Wildfire A burned car is seen after a wildfire in Varibobi area, northern Athens, Greece, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. More than 500 firefighters struggled through the night to contain a large forest blaze on the outskirts of Athens, which raced into residential areas Tuesday, forcing thousands to flee.

Firefighting planes resume flights over fire north of Athens

2021-08-04T08:48+0200sfgate (en)

1 of 9 A burned car is seen after a wildfire in Varibobi area, northern Athens, Greece, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. More than 500 firefighters struggled through the night to contain a large forest blaze on the outskirts of Athens, which raced into residential areas Tuesday, forcing thousands to flee.

Turkish president thanks countries for supporting fight against forest fires

2021-08-04T08:40+0200yenisafak-en (en)

The Turkish president on Tuesday thanked the countries and organizations who supported Turkey's fight against wildfires that have ravaged the country for almost a week. “I thank on my nation’s behalf all the friendly countries and organizations that have extended their support, sent wishes and....

'As Turkey helps other states, it also accepts help from them'

2021-08-04T08:40+0200yenisafak-en (en)

As Turkey extends a helping hand to other states, it is similarly ready to accept help from other countries amid recent forest fires that have led to deaths and material damage, Turkey's foreign minister said Tuesday. "Just as Turkey helps other countries as part of the spirit of solidarity, we....

Turkish gendarmerie, coast guard units join fight against wildfires

2021-08-04T08:40+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Security forces on Tuesday joined Turkish firefighters, locals and volunteers working at full pace to bring wildfires that have ravaged the country’s south for almost a week under control. According to a statement by Gendarmerie General Command, the paramilitary force has dispatched as many as 2,310....

Teen remanded for suspected arson in southern Turkey

2021-08-04T08:40+0200yenisafak-en (en)

A court in southern Turkey on Tuesday ordered that a suspect arrested over destructive forest fires be remanded in custody. The 16-year-old was arrested last Friday over fires that broke out in Manavgat, Antalya last Wednesday and which damaged two buildings, a warehouse, and forestland before being contained the same day.

Athenians told to stay inside as wildfires cloud city skies (Updated)

2021-08-04T08:21+0200cyprus-mail (en)

More than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the lower slopes of Mount Parnitha, on the city outskirts, assisted by nine helicopters, five aircraft, policy and the army in a densely vegetated area in the region of Acharnes. “The fire is still raging, its perimeter is very wide and the heat load is very strong,” a fire brigade official said.

Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes

2021-08-04T08:02+0200inquirer (en)

ATHENS — A wildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece’s worst heatwave in over 30 years. As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the lower slopes of....

Cyprus sends help to Greece as wildfires rage on

2021-08-04T07:51+0200cyprus-mail (en)

Greek authorities have evacuated homes as a wildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, Reuters reported. Greece saw some 81 forest fires in 24 hours as it grappled with its worst heatwave in decades, according to Deputy Civil Protection Minister Nikos Hardalias statements to reporters.

Messages Of Support Pour In For Turkey's Fight Against Forest Fires

2021-08-04T07:38+0200haberler-en (en)

International community on Monday condoled with Turkey over wildfires that have led to deaths and material damage over the past few days. Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak sent a message to his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu, expressing his condolences to the families of those....

Turkey prez faces mounting criticism over wildfires

2021-08-04T06:50+0200timesofindia (en)

BOZALAN: As Turkish fire crews pressed ahead Tuesday with their weeklong battle against blazes tearing through forests and villages on the country's southern coast, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan 's government faced increased criticism over its apparent poor response and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires.

Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes

2021-08-04T06:36+0200dtnext (en)

Athens As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the lower slopes of Mount Parnitha, assisted by nine helicopters, seven aircraft and 305 police in a densely vegetated area in the suburbs of Varympopi and Adames. "It is a difficult day for the country, we had 81 forest fires in....

Deadly wildfire encircles Turkish power plant

2021-08-04T05:28+0200dawn (en)

HISARONU: Roaring blazes encircled a Turkish thermal power plant on Tuesday and forced farmers to herd panicked cattle toward the sea, as wildfires that have killed eight people raged for a seventh day. The nation of 84 million has been transfixed in horror as the most destructive wildfires in....

Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes

2021-08-04T05:27+0200in-cyprus (en)

A wildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens late on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece ‘s worst heatwave in over 30 years. As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the lower slopes of....

Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes

2021-08-04T05:10+0200fijitimes (en)

ATHENS (Reuters) -A wildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece’s worst heatwave in over 30 years. As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the lower....

August 04, 2021 Turkey forest fires

2021-08-04T04:17+0200nation (en)

Forest fires in Turkey have been burning for the past three days. Higher temperatures and winds have spread the fire to more than 70 locations. Besides Turkey, forest fires have been burning in Greece as well. Turkey has requested help from all countries to stop the forest fires that have killed ....

Extreme weather as climate change bites around the world

2021-08-04T03:55+0200thenews-pk (en)

Paris: Climate scientists have long warned that the 21st century would see more natural disasters made worse or more likely by global warming. But a cascade of deadly extreme weather this summer in the northern hemisphere could make 2021 the year when climate predictions become a reality that can no longer be ignored.

Athens suburbs brace for night inferno

2021-08-04T03:38+0200thedailyherald-sx (en)

ATHENS--A wildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece's worst heatwave in over 30 years. As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the lower slopes of....

Athens suburbs brace for night inferno

2021-08-04T03:24+0200thedailyherald (en)

ATHENS--A wildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece's worst heatwave in over 30 years. As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the lower slopes of....

Thick smoke over Athens as suburbs battle wildfires

2021-08-04T03:09+0200BangkokPost (en)

ATHENS: Hundreds of firefighters, water-bombing planes and helicopters battled forest fires near Athens on Tuesday that saw villages evacuated and part of a major motorway closed, officials said. With the country reeling under a severe heatwave, a blaze spread at the foot of Mount Parnitha, 30....

Turkey's Erdogan faces mounting criticism over wildfires - Associated Press

2021-08-04T02:29+0200google-top-stories (en)

A senior Turkish forestry official described the wildfires as the worst in Turkey in living memory, though he could not say how many acres of forest land the fires had devoured. Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said strong winds were reigniting flames that had previously been brought under control.

Turkey’s Erdogan faces mounting criticism over wildfires

2021-08-04T01:53+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

1 of 35. BOZALAN, Turkey (AP) — As Turkish fire crews pressed ahead Tuesday with their weeklong battle against blazes tearing through forests and villages on the country’s southern coast, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government faced increased criticism over its apparent poor response and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires.

Deadly wildfire encircles Turkish power plant

2021-08-04T00:51+0200english-alaraby (en)

Blazes across the region. Officials in neighbouring Greece have blamed two blazes on the island of Rhodes and the Peloponnese peninsula on a record heatwave they link to climate change. Hundreds of firefighters, water-bombing planes and helicopters were battling forest fires near Athens, that have....

Deadly wildfire encircles Turkish power plant

2021-08-04T00:20+0200urdupoint (en)

Hisaronu, Turkey, Aug 3 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Aug, 2021 ) :Roaring blazes encircled a Turkish thermal power plant Tuesday and forced farmers to herd panicked cattle toward the sea, as wildfires that have killed eight people raged for a seventh day.

Environment Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes 8:58 PM UTC

2021-08-04T00:14+0200reuters-uk (en)

ATHENS, Aug 3 (Reuters) - Awildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece's worst heatwave in over 30 years. As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the....

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

2021-08-04T00:13+0200wn (en)

’s government is facing increased criticism over its apparent poor response and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires, as flames tear through forests and villages on the country’s southern coast Recep Tayyip Erdogan watches the wildfires from his plane ( Presidency/AP).

2 Ukrainian Planes Supporting Efforts To Battle Forest Fires In Turkey

2021-08-04T00:02+0200haberler-en (en)

Two planes from Ukraine are contributing to the aerial response against multiple wildfires in Turkey. Air and land intervention continues against the fires, which have broken out in various locations and have spread with the wind. Efforts are being made to bring the fires under control with a large....

2 Ukrainian planes supporting efforts to battle forest fires in Turkey

2021-08-04T00:01+0200aa-en (en)

04.08.2021 2 Ukrainian planes supporting efforts to battle forest fires in Turkey.

ANKARA — These were the dramatic scenes as locals in southern Turkey scrambled to fight a wildfire that had surrounded their village. Villagers in Cokertme raced to get a water hose long enough to...

2021-08-03T23:52+0200saudigazette (en)

ANKARA — These were the dramatic scenes as locals in southern Turkey scrambled to fight a wildfire that had surrounded their village. Villagers in Cokertme raced to get a water hose long enough to reach the flames. Others tried to usher their farm animals from danger. One local resident said: "I feel very tired and helpless.

Thousands evacuated as ‘out of control’ blaze engulfs homes and ‘traps’ residents after 45C heatwave

2021-08-03T23:50+0200thesun (en)

Chaotic pictures show numerous cars and homes scorched as reports have emerged that some people have become trapped. The main towns of Varympopi, Adames and Thrakomakedones have been the worst affected as authorities have grappled with a total of 81 forest fires.

Turkey’s Erdogan faces mounting criticism over wildfires

2021-08-03T23:42+0200tribtown (en)

BOZALAN, Turkey As Turkish fire crews pressed ahead Tuesday with their weeklong battle against blazes tearing through forests and villages on the country’s southern coast, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government faced increased criticism over its apparent poor response and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires.

Turkey's Erdogan faces mounting criticism over wildfires

2021-08-03T22:33+0200eagletribune (en)

BOZALAN, Turkey (AP) — As Turkish fire crews pressed ahead Tuesday with their weeklong battle against blazes tearing through forests and villages on the country's southern coast, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government faced increased criticism over its apparent poor response and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires.

Grecia e Turchia in fiamme. Incendio boschivo a pochi km da Atene

2021-08-03T22:32+0200247libero (it)

Continua a bruciare la Grecia, con i vigili del fuoco che stanno provando a domare un importante incendio boschivo che infuria a circa 25 km dalla capitale Atene. La protezione civile ha chiesto ai residenti di lasciare immediatamente le proprie abitazioni, andando di casa in casa per verificare che fossero vuote.

Grecia e Turchia in fiamme. Incendio boschivo a una ventina di km da Atene Euronews

2021-08-03T22:31+0200msn-it (it)

Continua a bruciare la Grecia, con i vigili del fuoco che stanno provando a domare un importante incendio boschivo che infuria a circa 25 km dalla capitale Atene. La protezione civile ha chiesto ai residenti di lasciare immediatamente le proprie abitazioni, andando di casa in casa per verificare che fossero vuote.

Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes

2021-08-03T22:16+0200gmanews (en)

ATHENS, Greece - A wildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece's worst heatwave in over 30 years. As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the lower....

Turkey’s president faces mounting criticism over wildfires

2021-08-03T21:48+0200stripes (en)

BOZALAN, Turkey — As Turkish fire crews pressed ahead Tuesday with their weeklong battle against blazes tearing through forests and villages on the country’s southern coast, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government faced increased criticism over its apparent poor response and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires.

New details of extinguishing forest fires in Turkey by Azerbaijani firefighters disclosed (PHOTO/VIDEO)

2021-08-03T21:45+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, Aug. 3. Trend: The firefighters and rescuers of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Emergency Situations currently continue to extinguish fires in Turkey in accordance with the instruction of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the ministry told Trend on Aug. 3.

Grecia e Turchia in fiamme. Incendio boschivo a una ventina di km da Atene Euronews

2021-08-03T21:43+0200msn-nl (it)

Continua a bruciare la Grecia, con i vigili del fuoco che stanno provando a domare un importante incendio boschivo che infuria a circa 25 km dalla capitale Atene. La protezione civile ha chiesto ai residenti di lasciare immediatamente le proprie abitazioni, andando di casa in casa per verificare che fossero vuote.

Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes

2021-08-03T21:39+0200oann (en)

August 3, 2021. By George Georgiopoulos. ATHENS (Reuters) -A wildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece’s worst heatwave in over 30 years.

Environment Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes 7:09 PM UTC

2021-08-03T21:27+0200reuters-es (en)

ATHENS, Aug 3 (Reuters) - Awildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece's worst heatwave in over 30 years. As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the....

Environment Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes 7:09 PM UTC

2021-08-03T21:14+0200reuters-it (en)

ATHENS, Aug 3 (Reuters) - Awildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece's worst heatwave in over 30 years. As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the....

Athens suburbs brace for night inferno as blaze burns homes

2021-08-03T21:14+0200reuters (en)

ATHENS, Aug 3 (Reuters) - Awildfire raged uncontrolled north of Athens on Tuesday, burning homes and forcing authorities to order more evacuations as they grappled with 81 forest fires during Greece's worst heatwave in over 30 years. As night fell, more than 500 firefighters battled the blaze on the....

Turkish President expresses gratitude to President Aliyev for helping fight wildfires

2021-08-03T21:11+0200news-az (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan thanked all countries and organizations that supported Turkey in extinguishing forest fires. "On behalf of my people, I thank all the friendly countries and organizations that supported us in extinguishing forest fires in Turkey, expressed their condolences,....

Azerbaijani firefighters actively involved in extinguishing fires in Turkey (PHOTO/VIDEO)

2021-08-03T21:11+0200news-az (en)

The firefighters and rescuers of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Emergency Situations currently continue to extinguish fires in Turkey in accordance with the instruction of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. The spread of forest fires in many directions is prevented thanks to the efforts of....

Grecia e Turchia in fiamme. Incendio boschivo a una ventina di km da Atene

2021-08-03T20:29+0200euronews-it (it)

Continua a bruciare la Grecia, con i vigili del fuoco che stanno provando a domare un importante incendio boschivo che infuria a circa 25 km dalla capitale Atene. La protezione civile ha chiesto ai residenti di lasciare immediatamente le proprie abitazioni, andando di casa in casa per verificare che fossero vuote.

President Erdogan grateful to President Aliyev for helping fight wildfires

2021-08-03T20:14+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, Aug. 3. Trend: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan thanked all countries and organizations that supported Turkey in extinguishing forest fires, Trend reports on Aug. 3. "On behalf of my people, I thank all the friendly countries and organizations that....

Turkish Drones Enable Quick, Precision Response To Forest Fires

2021-08-03T20:05+0200haberler-en (en)

Turkey's high-tech drones are playing a key role in battling forest fires now raging in various parts of Turkey. Turkey's Forestry Directorate affiliated with the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry uses state-of-the-art technology to shorten the detection, response, and extinguishing time to fight....

Turkey’s locally made drones help fight against forest fires

2021-08-03T19:51+0200aerialfiremag (en)

Turkey is mobilizing on all fronts to contain the forest fires that have been ravaging towns across the southern parts of the country. From firefighters to airplanes and helicopters, everyone and everything is working to extinguish fires over the past week.

Turkey's Erdogan faces mounting criticism over wildfires

2021-08-03T19:24+0200ahram-EN (en)

As Turkish fire crews pressed ahead Tuesday with their weeklong battle against blazes tearing through forests and villages on the country's southern coast, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government faced increased criticism over its apparent poor response and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires.

Anger in Turkey grows over government’s handling of wildfires

2021-08-03T19:22+0200guardian (en)

People across Turkey are looking for answers as to how summer wildfires got so desperately out of control, after seven straight days of unusually ferocious fires that continue to blaze throughout the south and west of the country. Eight people, including two firefighters, have died in the wildfires....

Turkish president thanks countries for supporting fight against forest fires

2021-08-03T19:19+0200avaz-english (en)

The Turkish president on Tuesday thanked the countries and organizations who supported Turkey's fight against wildfires that have ravaged the country for almost a week. -I thank on my nation’s behalf all the friendly countries and organizations that have extended their support, sent wishes and....

Turkish president thanks countries for supporting fight against forest fires

2021-08-03T18:46+0200avaz (en)

The Turkish president on Tuesday thanked the countries and organizations who supported Turkey's fight against wildfires that have ravaged the country for almost a week. -I thank on my nation’s behalf all the friendly countries and organizations that have extended their support, sent wishes and....

Locals in Turkey scramble to fight the fire surrounding their village

2021-08-03T18:36+0200euronews-en (en)

These were the dramatic scenes as locals in southern Turkey scrambled to fight a wildfire that had surrounded their village. Villagers in Cokertme raced to get a water hose long enough to reach the flames. Others tried to usher their farm animals from danger. One local resident said: "I feel very tired and helpless.

Turkish president thanks President Ilham Aliyev for supporting fight against forest fires

2021-08-03T18:32+0200azertag (en)

Baku, August 3, AZERTAC The Turkish president on Tuesday thanked the countries and organizations who supported Turkey's fight against wildfires that have ravaged the country for almost a week, according to Anadolu Agency. “I thank on my nation’s behalf all the friendly countries and organizations....

Turchia, i boschi continuano a bruciare | Video

2021-08-03T18:30+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 3 agosto 2021) Da ormai una settimana in diverse aree della Turchia sono divampati numerosi incendi, che hanno distrutto edifici e bruciato vaste aree verdi per circa 100mila ettari, 8 sono le persone decedute. Questo Video documenta come i boschi della Turchia siano completamente inghiottiti dalle fiamme.

TURKEY Erdoğan thanks countries pledging help to Turkey

2021-08-03T18:06+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

Erdoğan thanks countries pledging help to Turkey ANKARA President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has thanked countries and organizations which pledged support and assistance to Turkey in its bid to put out continuing wildfires in its southern areas. class='cf'> “I thank , on behalf of my nation, all friendly....

TURKEY CHP leader expresses criticism for Turkey’s management of forest fires

2021-08-03T18:06+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

CHP leader expresses criticism for Turkey’s management of forest fires ANKARA Main Opposition Republican People’s Party ( ) chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu criticized the government’s handling of forest fires while urging for an urgent strategy against climate change.

Turkish president thanks countries for supporting fight against forest fires

2021-08-03T17:59+0200aa-en (en)

ISTANBUL. The Turkish president on Tuesday thanked the countries and organizations who supported Turkey's fight against wildfires that have ravaged the country for almost a week. “I thank on my nation’s behalf all the friendly countries and organizations that have extended their support, sent wishes....

2 planes sent by Spain arrive in Turkey to help fight forest fires

2021-08-03T17:59+0200aa-en (en)

03.08.2021 2 planes sent by Spain arrive in Turkey to help fight forest fires.

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T17:56+0200europesun (en)

From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, we look at some of the worst disasters so far as the IPCC, the UN's climate change body, meets in Geneva. The Mediterranean burns. Forest fires are raging around the Mediterranean from Turkey to Spain, with tourists....

Turkey's Erdogan faces mounting criticism over wildfires

2021-08-03T17:32+0200eagletribune (en)

BOZALAN, Turkey (AP) — As Turkish fire crews pressed ahead Tuesday with their weeklong battle against blazes tearing through forests and villages on the country's southern coast, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government faced increased criticism over its apparent poor response and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires.

Desolate images of the Mediterranean fires Cindy Fernández 03 Aug 2021 - 14:42 UTC Temperatures are above 40°C in the Mediterranean and fires are raging out of control. In Turkey alone, 85 fires have been reported, leaving 6 dead and over 200 injured. The situation is bleak.

2021-08-03T17:27+0200yourweather (en)

Desolate images of the Mediterranean fires. Temperatures are above 40°C in the Mediterranean and fires are raging out of control. In Turkey alone, 85 fires have been reported, leaving 6 dead and over 200 injured. The situation is bleak. Meteored Argentina 1 minutes ago 4 min.

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T17:19+0200dhakatribune (en)

From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, the world has experienced some of the worst disasters so far. Climate scientists have long warned that the 21st century would see more natural disasters made worse or more likely by global warming.

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T17:17+0200polandsun (en)

From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, we look at some of the worst disasters so far as the IPCC, the UN's climate change body, meets in Geneva. The Mediterranean burns. Forest fires are raging around the Mediterranean from Turkey to Spain, with tourists....

German couple killed in Turkey fire attack

2021-08-03T17:11+0200tv6 (en)

Parts of Turkey and south Europe continue to be affected by wildfires and extreme heat. Turkish media reported that the couple, a German-Turkish pair, tried to escape from the flames. The bodies of the woman and man were discovered at their Antalya home, Manavgat. Their deaths have not been confirmed by the German authorities.

'As Turkey Helps Other States, It Also Accepts Help From Them'

2021-08-03T17:01+0200haberler-en (en)

As Turkey extends a helping hand to other states, it is similarly ready to accept help from other countries amid recent forest fires that have led to deaths and material damage, Turkey's foreign minister said Tuesday. "Just as Turkey helps other countries as part of the spirit of solidarity, we....

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T16:14+0200phys (en)

could make 2021 the year when climate predictions became a reality that can no longer be ignored. From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, we look at some of the worst disasters so far as the IPCC, the UN's body, meets in Geneva. The Mediterranean burns.

Incendi in Turchia: il fuoco ha trasformato la costa sud e i resort in un inferno. Morte 8 persone, arsi 120mila ettari

2021-08-03T15:55+0200greenme (it)

Mentre boschi, foreste e terreni bruciano, gli agricoltori cercano di mettere in salvo gli animali delle loro fattorie, spostandoli verso le coste. Ma nel paese mancano risorse e attrezzature per estinguere gli incendi, dunque le fiamme sono ormai fuori controllo e hanno raggiunto anche le spiagge.

Erdoğan thanks countries sending help, condolences for wildfires

2021-08-03T15:48+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Tuesday thanked countries that were sending aid, expressing condolences and stating a readiness to assist in Turkey’s fight against blazes tearing through forests and villages on the country's southern coast. “I thank on my nation’s behalf all the friendly....

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T15:43+0200cambodiantimes (en)

From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, we look at some of the worst disasters so far as the IPCC, the UN's climate change body, meets in Geneva. The Mediterranean burns. Forest fires are raging around the Mediterranean from Turkey to Spain, with tourists....

Field hospital for animals opens in Turkey’s fire-hit region

2021-08-03T15:38+0200news-az (en)

Turkey’s first field hospital exclusively for animals is providing relief to all creatures great and small, from sheep to cats and dogs, affected by the devastating forest fires still continuing in Turkey’s south, Daily Sabah reported. The Federation of Animal Rights (HAYTAP), a non-profit....

Turchia-Russia: Erdogan ringrazia Putin per sostegno nella lotta agli incendi boschivi

2021-08-03T15:36+0200agenzianova (it)

Ankara, 03 ago 15:28 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ha ringraziato il presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, e altri leader per il sostegno offerto nella lotta contro i vasti incendi boschivi divampati negli ultimi giorni in Turchia. Lo scrive lo stesso Erdogan sul suo profilo Twitter ufficiale.

Deadly Summer of Extreme Weather as Climate Change Bites

2021-08-03T15:21+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Climate scientists have long warned that the 21st century would see more natural disasters made worse or more likely by global warming. But a cascade of deadly extreme weather this summer in the northern hemisphere could make 2021 the year when climate predictions became a reality that can no longer be ignored.

Friends, allies provide Turkey air support in fight against fires

2021-08-03T15:19+0200dailysabah (en)

Countries maintaining close relations with Turkey lined up to offer support for deadly forest fires . So far, 18 firefighting planes and helicopters have arrived in the country from Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia, Croatia, Spain and Ukraine. “We have sufficient air power to fight the fires, but we do not....

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T15:08+0200longbeachstar (en)

From Death Valley-like temperatures in Canada to killer floods in China and Europe, we look at some of the worst disasters so far as the IPCC, the UN's climate change body, meets in Geneva. The Mediterranean burns. Forest fires are raging around the Mediterranean from Turkey to Spain, with tourists....

Field hospital for animals opens in Turkey’s fire-hit region

2021-08-03T14:49+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkey’s first field hospital exclusively for animals is providing relief to all creatures great and small, from sheep to cats and dogs, affected by the devastating forest fires still continuing in Turkey’s south. The Federation of Animal Rights (HAYTAP), a non-profit organization for the protection....

Raging wildfires force more than 10 000 people to evacuate, claim 8 lives in southern Turkey

2021-08-03T14:20+0200watchers (en)

At least 8 people have been killed and more than 10 000 forced to evacuate as raging wildfires spread through parts of sou thern Turkey over the past 7 days . Authorities said this is the country's worst fire crisis in a decade. Over the past 7 days, 132 wildfires raging across the country's south....

Turkey will succeed against wildfires - parliament speaker

2021-08-03T14:08+0200news-az (en)

Turkey will succeed in subduing forest fires that have been burning across southern coastal regions for almost a week, the nation's parliament speaker said on Tuesday. "Turkey continues its fight against the fires. Hopefully, we will be successful," Mustafa Sentop told Iraq's deputy parliament head....

Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites –

2021-08-03T14:07+0200unravelmalta (en)

Climate scientists have long warned that the 21st century would see more natural disasters made worse or more likely by global warming. But a cascade of deadly extreme weather this summer in the northern hemisphere could make 2021 the year when climate predictions became a reality that can no longer be ignored.

Forest fires linger in Turkey as heatwave prompts concerns

2021-08-03T13:48+0200dailysabah (en)

Only 13 wildfires remain out of dozens, but on Tuesday, Turkey still struggled to contain flames worsened by strong winds. Firefighters in six provinces have been battling various blazes since last Wednesday. The worst fires in terms of size and speed are in the Manavgat and Gündoğmuş districts of....

Raging Fires Brought 'Under Control' in Turkey

2021-08-03T13:47+0200albawaba-en (en)

A massive wildfire engulfs the Mediterranean resort of Marmaris this week. (Yasin Akgul/AFP) Al BAWABA - As fires rage in Turkey, the Ankara government says they are slowly being brought under control. In the last week there had been a total of 132 blazing forest fires mostly around in the southern provinces of the country.

Fires across Greece, Turkey force residents to flee homes

2021-08-03T13:40+0200terradaily (en)

Greece forest fires gut homes, farms Ziria, Greece (AFP) Aug 1, 2021 - Nearly 300 firefighters, two water bomber planes and five helicopters were battling a forest fire in Greece on Sunday that destroyed homes and farm buildings and injured eight people, authorities said.

Turkey will succeed against wildfires: Parliament speaker

2021-08-03T13:30+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA Turkey will succeed in subduing forest fires that have been burning across southern coastal regions for almost a week, the nation's parliament speaker said on Tuesday. "Turkey continues its fight against the fires. Hopefully, we will be successful," Mustafa Sentop told Iraq's deputy....

Forest fires linger in Turkey’s resort towns days later

2021-08-03T13:21+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Only 13 wildfires remain out of dozens, but on Tuesday, Turkey still struggled to contain flames worsened by strong winds. Firefighters in six provinces have been battling various blazes since last Wednesday. The worst fires in terms of size and speed of flames are in the Manavgat and Gündoğmuş.... | Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites

2021-08-03T13:13+0200news24 (en)

Climate scientists have long warned that the 21st century would see more natural disasters made worse or more likely by global warming. But a cascade of deadly extreme weather this summer in the northern hemisphere could make 2021 the year when climate predictions became a reality that can no longer be ignored.

Aftermath and continuing forest fires in Turkey’s Antalya, Muğla

2021-08-03T12:47+0200dailysabah (en)

While the worst has been fought off, wildfires linger on in the provinces of Antalya and Muğla. A man watches as the flames soar in the Hisarönü district of Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey, Aug. 1, 2021. A woman flees with her animals from an advancing fire that rages Hisarönü area, Turkey, Aug. 2, 2021.


2021-08-03T12:28+0200cyprustodayonline (en)

THE TRNC is on “high alert” for forest fires with strong winds, dry conditions and temperatures of up to 43C forecast until Friday. Forestry Department director Cemil Karzaoğlu announced that entry to forest roads and forest areas has been banned until Wednesday. He also stated that it is forbidden to start fires in forest areas and picnic grounds.

Turkey will succeed against wildfires: Parliament chief

2021-08-03T12:11+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey will succeed in subduing forest fires that have been burning over the past few days in the south of the country, its parliament speaker said on Tuesday. "Turkey continues its fight against the fires. Hopefully, we will be successful," Mustafa Sentop told Iraq's deputy parliament head Bashir....

Turkey will succeed against wildfires, says Parliament chief

2021-08-03T12:00+0200aa-en (en)

Iraq's deputy parliament speaker expresses condolences to Turkish parliament head on forest fires in south of country. ANKARA. Turkey will succeed in subduing forest fires that have been burning over the past few days in the south of the country, its parliament speaker said on Tuesday. "Turkey continues its fight against the fires.

WWF, Mediterraneo in fiamme

2021-08-03T11:32+0200247libero (it)

, incendi record in Turchia, rischiamo di perdere specie uniche e habitat per milioni di persone. WWF, Mediterraneo in fiamme, l’ondata di caldo estremo che sta interessando l’Europa meridionale non si ferma e potrebbe essere una delle peggiori di sempre.

Firefighters in Turkey tirelessly battle forest fires amid heatwave

2021-08-03T11:29+0200trtworld (en)

Advancing fires rage the Hisaronu area, Turkey, August 2, 2021. (AP) The Turkish government says a vast majority of forest fires that that have ravaged the south of the country for almost a week have been contained. At least eight people have been killed but firefighters have been working tirelessly....

WWF, Mediterraneo in fiamme

2021-08-03T11:10+0200ligurianotizie (it)

, incendi record in Turchia, rischiamo di perdere specie uniche e habitat per milioni di persone. WWF, Mediterraneo in fiamme, l’ondata di caldo estremo che sta interessando l’Europa meridionale non si ferma e potrebbe essere una delle peggiori di sempre.

Orange alert as Cyprus heatwave peaks

2021-08-03T10:37+0200FinancialMirror (en)

A two-week-long heatwave gripping Cyprus will soar to a scorching 43 degrees Celsius on Tuesday in one of the hottest days of the summer so far. The sizzling temperatures and stifling night-time temperatures are expected to continue through the week until Friday, when a slight drop is forecast.

Forest fires linger in Turkey’s resort towns days later

2021-08-03T10:36+0200news-az (en)

Only 13 wildfires remain out of dozens, but on Tuesday, Turkey still struggled to contain flames worsened by strong winds. Firefighters in six provinces have been battling various blazes since last Wednesday, Daily Sabah reported. The worst fires in terms of size and speed of flames are in the....

Record-breaking heat waves: 7 deadly European summers

2021-08-03T10:15+0200dailysabah (en)

With temperatures across the globe reaching all-time highs, the issue of global warming is now affecting every inch of the planet. and forest fires are raging in neighboring Turkey , we look at how Europe is being struck more often by extreme heat. Since 2003 the continent has had to deal with seven....

Forest fires linger in Turkey’s resort towns days later

2021-08-03T09:44+0200dailysabah (en)

Only 13 wildfires remain out of dozens, but on Tuesday, Turkey still struggled to contain flames worsened by strong winds. Firefighters in six provinces have been battling various blazes since last Wednesday. The worst fires in terms of size and speed of flames are in the Manavgat and Gündoğmuş....

ISTANBUL BLOG: Reduced to tossing bags of tea, Erdogan’s having a bad wildfire crisis

2021-08-03T01:16+0200intellinews (en)

Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan is having a rather bad crisis. It took on a tragi-comic air over the weekend when the president came under fire for tossing bags of tea to locals while, under heavy police escort, touring one of the regions most badly affected by the infernos raging across Turkey.

Messages Of Support Pour In For Turkey's Fight Against Forest Fires

2021-08-03T01:13+0200haberler-en (en)

International community on Monday condoled with Turkey over wildfires that have led to deaths and material damage over the past few days. Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak sent a message to his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu, expressing his condolences to the families of those....

Turkish Foreign Minister Thanks EU Countries for Help with Tackling Wildfires

2021-08-03T00:11+0200urdupoint (en)

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 02nd August, 2021) Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Monday thanked his counterparts from the European countries who have expressed solidarity with Ankara or offered support in tackling the ongoing forest fires in 's south.

Greek heatwave: Seven deadly European summers

2021-08-02T23:58+0200europesun (en)

Europe has had to deal with seven years of high summer temperatures since 2003. In 2019, around 2 500 people died in extreme heat waves. Spain hit 47C in 2017. With Greece roasted by the worst heatwave in more than three decades and forest fires raging in neighbouring Turkey, we look at how Europe is being struck more often by extreme heat.

02.08.2021 19:55 A. Lukashenko receives head of Ministry of Emergency Situations with report

2021-08-02T23:47+0200tvr-eng (en)

This is the task set before the agency by the head of the state. Today, the President met with the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They discussed a wide range of issues: forest fires, Ministry's provision with the necessary resources, timely response to any emergency calls.

Environment Greeks urged to use less power as worst heatwave in decades tests grid 2:25 PM UTC

2021-08-02T23:40+0200reuters-uk (en)

ATHENS, Aug 2 (Reuters) - Greek authorities urged citizens to conserve electricity as the worst heatwave in more than 30 years pushed the power system to its limits on Monday and wildfires continued to burn in many areas. With the weather service forecasting temperatures as high as 44 Celsius (111....

Wildfires rage in Turkey: How serious is it and should tourists worry?

2021-08-02T22:39+0200112-international (en)

Wildfires in Turkey have become a national disaster, as the country's authorities have already announced. The number of victims is growing. Some countries have already announced their readiness to help Turkey overcome the disaster, including Ukraine, which, according to President Volodymyr Zelensky, will send a fire plane to help.

Greek heatwave: Seven deadly European summers

2021-08-02T21:41+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Europe has had to deal with seven years of high summer temperatures since 2003. In 2019, around 2 500 people died in extreme heat waves. Spain hit 47C in 2017. With Greece roasted by the worst heatwave in more than three decades and forest fires raging in neighbouring Turkey, we look at how Europe is being struck more often by extreme heat.

Greek heatwave: Seven deadly European summers

2021-08-02T21:04+0200longbeachstar (en)

Europe has had to deal with seven years of high summer temperatures since 2003. In 2019, around 2 500 people died in extreme heat waves. Spain hit 47C in 2017. With Greece roasted by the worst heatwave in more than three decades and forest fires raging in neighbouring Turkey, we look at how Europe is being struck more often by extreme heat. | Greek heatwave: Seven deadly European summers

2021-08-02T20:46+0200news24 (en)

Since 2003 the continent has had to deal with seven years of fierce summer temperatures, with scientists saying climate change is likely to make heatwaves more frequent and intense. 2021: Greece and Turkey burn. Greece is suffering its "worst heatwave since 1987", according to Prime Minister....

Greeks urged to use less power as worst heatwave in decades tests grid

2021-08-02T20:18+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) Reuters. ATHENS: Greek authorities urged citizens to conserve electricity as the worst heatwave in more than 30 years pushed the power system to its limits on Monday and wildfires continued to burn in many areas. With the weather service forecasting temperatures as high as 44....

Turkey | Forest fires and UCPM activation – DG ECHO Daily Map | 02/08/2021

2021-08-02T20:03+0200reliefWeb (en)

On 1 August, at 11:53 UTC, Turkey requested assistance through the Union Civil Protection Mechanism, to tackle forest fires in the country. Aerial forest fire fighting (AFFF) have arrived from Spain (two aircrafts) and Croatia (one aircraft), as part of the assets.

Greece's electricity grid on brink of collapse as heatwave fuels record wildfires

2021-08-02T19:32+0200telegraph (en)

The Greek electricity grid is facing collapse in the face of a heatwave that has sparked deadly forest fires across the Eastern Mediterranean, the country’s prime minister has warned. Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Monday appealed to locals and tourists to limit their electricity use to the early afternoon....

Turkey’s fight against forest fires continues at full pace

2021-08-02T19:28+0200news-az (en)

Turkey’s agriculture and forestry minister announced on Monday that 125 of 132 forest fires in the country are under control. Efforts to put out the remaining blazes are underway, Bekir Pakdemirli told reporters at a fire coordination center in Milas district of southwestern Mugla province.

02.08.2021 19:25 A. Lukashenko receives head of Ministry of Emergency Situations with report

2021-08-02T19:27+0200tvr-eng (en)

The situation with forest fires, assistance to other countries in extinguishing natural fires, timely response to any challenges related to emergencies. A wide range of topics was discussed today at the Palace of Independence. The President received Minister of Emergency Situations Vadim Sinyavsky with a report.

Greece struggles with historic heatwave and fires

2021-08-02T19:01+0200archyde (en)

© Sakis Mitrolidis A man tries to cool off in Thessaloniki on Thursday, as Greece is hit by a scorching episode. Greece is preparing to experience a week marked by a historic heat wave. “The worst heat wave” for more than thirty years and July 1987, declared this Monday at the beginning of the....

Turkey’s fight against forest fires continues at full pace

2021-08-02T18:47+0200avaz (en)

A total of 16 aircraft, nine drones, 51 helicopters, one unmanned helicopter, 850 water sprinklers, and 150 construction machines have been used to tackle the fires. Foto: AA Turkey’s agriculture and forestry minister announced on Monday that 125 of 132 forest fires in the country are under control.

Turkey: Images from Space Show Dramatic Scenes of Fires in Turkey

2021-08-02T18:41+0200europesun (en)

High-resolution photos were taken by the American observation satellite WorldView-2 from Maxar from an altitude of 770 km. High-resolution satellite images of large-scale forest fires in the Turkish resorts of Bodrum, Manavgat and Marmaris have been published by.

12:26 Cuban FM expresses condolences to Turkey over forest fires

2021-08-02T18:29+0200plenglish (en)

Cuban FM expresses condolences to Turkey over forest fires Cuban FM expresses condolences to Turkey over forest fires Cuban FM expresses condolences to Turkey over forest fires. 2 de agosto de 2021, 12:26 Havana, Aug 2 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez expressed his condolences....

Greek Heatwave: Seven Deadly European Summers

2021-08-02T18:27+0200barrons (en)

Greece is suffering its "worst heatwave since 1987", according to Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, with temperatures set to reach 45 degrees Celsius (113 Fahrenheit) on Monday and Tuesday. Turkey, Italy and Spain have also been pummelled by intense heat, with forest fires now burning across the Mediterranean region.

Is Turkey strong enough to cope with forest fires?

2021-08-02T18:24+0200pravdareport (en)

Turkey believes that the response from Western countries to its measures to put out forest fires demonstrated an attempt to make Turkey look like a weak and incapacitated state. The level of mistrust between NATO partners has been rising. Turkey wildfires exacerbate the split between Turkey and the West.

Battle against wildfires in Turkey's drought-hit areas continues

2021-08-02T18:23+0200trtworld (en)

Firefighters and volunteers try to extinguish a wildfire near Marmaris, Turkey (Umit Bektas / Reuters) Firefighters using planes and helicopters, joined by locals with buckets of water, continue to battle wildfires that have been raging for a sixth day near southern coastal resorts in Turkey.

Turkey’s fight against forest fires continues at full pace

2021-08-02T18:18+0200avaz-english (en)

A total of 16 aircraft, nine drones, 51 helicopters, one unmanned helicopter, 850 water sprinklers, and 150 construction machines have been used to tackle the fires. Foto: AA Turkey’s agriculture and forestry minister announced on Monday that 125 of 132 forest fires in the country are under control.

Why is Turkey on fire? Scientists say that humans are to blame

2021-08-02T18:15+0200thenational (en)

As Turkey struggled to contain forest fires over the past week, people asked how so many blazes could start at the same time. Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli said on Monday that all but seven of 132 fires over the past five days were extinguished. The flames claimed the lives of eight people.

Greeks urged to use less power as worst heatwave in decades...

2021-08-02T17:37+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

ATHENS: Greek authorities urged citizens to conserve electricity as the worst heatwave in more than 30 years pushed the power system to its limits on Monday and wildfires continued to burn in many areas. With the weather service forecasting temperatures as high as 44 Celsius (111 Fahrenheit) this....

In Turkey as in Greece, sweltering temperatures and repeated fires

2021-08-02T16:58+0200archyde (en)

Temperatures exceeding 40 ° C and high winds have fueled hundreds of forest fires around the Mediterranean basin of southern Europe for the past week, particularly in Greece and Turkey. The evacuations of tourists and residents continued on Monday, August 2, even as the European Union sent....

Veterinary ambulance treats animals injured in Turkey forest fires

2021-08-02T16:51+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey has been battling massive forest fires for the sixth day. Blazes that broke out on July 28 have killed at least eight people, besides vast environmental and material damage. It is unclear how many animals have died, but the Konya Metropolitan Municipality is playing its part to look after those who have survived.

EnvironmentGreeks urged to use less power as worst heatwave in decades tests grid2:25 PM UTC

2021-08-02T16:47+0200reuters-br (en)

ATHENS, Aug 2 (Reuters) - Greek authorities urged citizens to conserve electricity as the worst heatwave in more than 30 years pushed the power system to its limits on Monday and wildfires continued to burn in many areas. With the weather service forecasting temperatures as high as 44 Celsius (111....

Environment Greeks urged to use less power as worst heatwave in decades tests grid 2:25 PM UTC

2021-08-02T16:45+0200reuters-es (en)

ATHENS, Aug 2 (Reuters) - Greek authorities urged citizens to conserve electricity as the worst heatwave in more than 30 years pushed the power system to its limits on Monday and wildfires continued to burn in many areas. With the weather service forecasting temperatures as high as 44 Celsius (111....

EnvironmentGreeks urged to use less power as worst heatwave in decades tests grid2:25 PM UTC

2021-08-02T16:41+0200ara-reuters (en)

ATHENS, Aug 2 (Reuters) - Greek authorities urged citizens to conserve electricity as the worst heatwave in more than 30 years pushed the power system to its limits on Monday and wildfires continued to burn in many areas. With the weather service forecasting temperatures as high as 44 Celsius (111....

Eight people are dead, a girl is (5) in serious condition and there’s a ‘holiday to hell’

2021-08-02T16:41+0200tv6 (en)

Since days, the forest fires have decimated Italy, Turkey, Greece and Turkey. There were eight people killed in Turkey and many others injured. On Sunday, holidaymakers had to flee Pescara’s fire. Five-year-old girl was taken to hospital with burns. However, her injuries are not life-threatening.

EnvironmentGreeks urged to use less power as worst heatwave in decades tests grid2:25 PM UTC

2021-08-02T16:36+0200reuters-af (en)

ATHENS, Aug 2 (Reuters) - Greek authorities urged citizens to conserve electricity as the worst heatwave in more than 30 years pushed the power system to its limits on Monday and wildfires continued to burn in many areas. With the weather service forecasting temperatures as high as 44 Celsius (111....

Environment Greeks urged to use less power as worst heatwave in decades tests grid 2:25 PM UTC

2021-08-02T16:30+0200reuters-it (en)

ATHENS, Aug 2 (Reuters) - Greek authorities urged citizens to conserve electricity as the worst heatwave in more than 30 years pushed the power system to its limits on Monday and wildfires continued to burn in many areas. With the weather service forecasting temperatures as high as 44 Celsius (111....

Veterinary Ambulance Treats Animals Injured In Turkey Forest Fires

2021-08-02T16:27+0200haberler-en (en)

Turkey has been battling massive forest fires for the sixth day. Blazes that broke out on July 28 have killed at least eight people, besides vast environmental and material damage. It is unclear how many animals have died, but the Konya Metropolitan Municipality is playing its part to look after those who have survived.

EnvironmentGreeks urged to use less power as worst heatwave in decades tests grid2:25 PM UTC

2021-08-02T16:25+0200reuters-fr (en)

ATHENS, Aug 2 (Reuters) - Greek authorities urged citizens to conserve electricity as the worst heatwave in more than 30 years pushed the power system to its limits on Monday and wildfires continued to burn in many areas. With the weather service forecasting temperatures as high as 44 Celsius (111....

Almeno otto persone sono morte a causa degli incendi in corso da giorni in Turchia

2021-08-02T16:17+0200ilpost (it)

Almeno 8 persone sono morte a causa degli incendi che da circa sei giorni stanno provocando estesi danni nel sud della Turchia, in particolare lungo le coste del mar Mediterraneo e del Mar Egeo, molto frequentate dai turisti. Lunedì le autorità turche hanno detto che i vigili del fuoco sono riusciti....

Turkey's locally made drones help fight against forest fires

2021-08-02T15:57+0200news-az (en)

Turkey is mobilizing on all fronts to contain the forest fires that have been ravaging towns across the southern parts of the country. From firefighters to airplanes and helicopters, everyone and everything is working to extinguish fires over the past week.

Turkey’s fight against forest fires continues at full pace

2021-08-02T15:50+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey’s agriculture and forestry minister announced on Monday that 125 of 132 forest fires in the country are under control. Efforts to put out the remaining blazes are underway, Bekir Pakdemirli told reporters at a fire coordination center in Milas district of southwestern Mugla province.

Turkey’s efforts to fight wildfires by air continues apace

2021-08-02T15:50+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey has been battling forest fires for the past five days both by air and land. Fire crews are working in Marmaris and Koycegiz districts of Mugla on the southern Aegean coast of Turkey on Monday to extinguish the wildfires. The blazes first erupted in a forest in the Sirinyer neighborhood of....

Turkey’s forestry minister faces criminal complaint for handling of wildfires

2021-08-02T15:36+0200turkishminute (en)

A prominent lawyer has filed criminal complaints against Turkish Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli and several ministry bureaucrats due to their poor handling of ongoing wildfires in the country, the T24 news website reported. The criminal complaints were filed by lawyer Figen....

Erdoğan aide says aid campaign for firefighting planes aimed at humiliating...

2021-08-02T15:36+0200turkishminute (en)

An aide to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said an aid campaign launched on social media asking the international community to send firefighting aircraft to Turkey to battle ongoing wildfires is aimed at humiliating the country. “The so-called aid campaign, which has been organized from a....

Forest fires continue ravaging southern parts of Turkey

2021-08-02T15:22+0200BalticNewsNetwork (en)

Fore fighters in Turkey continue fighting forest fires in regions popular among tourists for the sixth consecutive day. The fires in Turkey have already claimed eight lives. The number of injured people reaches several hundreds. At least 27 people have been hospitalized.

Turks turn on Erdogan as EU helps to contain wildfires

2021-08-02T15:17+0200brusselsmorning (en)

Brussels (Brussels Morning) The EU sent help to Turkey on Monday to assist the country fight a deadly wave of wildfires, which have claimed eight lives so far. Meanwhile, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan face’s mounting criticism at home for his apparent slow response.

Efforts continue to put out forest fires as death toll rises

2021-08-02T15:05+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

class='cf'> Weather services warned locals of poor air quality, and volunteers spent sleepless nights helping fatigued firefighters save lush forests from the devastation that experts say may take generations to restore. The mercury is expected to reach 42 degrees Celsius on Aug. 3 in Antalya, according to the meteorology authority.

Turkey’s efforts to fight wildfires by air continues apace

2021-08-02T15:00+0200aa-en (en)

MUGLA, Turkey. Turkey has been battling forest fires for the past five days both by air and land. Fire crews are working in Marmaris and Koycegiz districts of Mugla on the southern Aegean coast of Turkey on Monday to extinguish the wildfires. The blazes first erupted in a forest in the Sirinyer....

EU News | Official News Release Forest fires: EU mobilises planes to support Turkey

2021-08-02T14:44+0200wired-gov (en)

Forest fires: EU mobilises planes to support Turkey. On 1 August, Turkey, ravaged by unprecedented forest fires, activated the EU Civil Protection Mechansim. In an immediate response, the European Commission has already helped mobilise 1 Canadair plane from Croatia and 2 Canadairs from Spain.

Videos show people fleeing Turkey's wildfires as the death toll rises to 8

2021-08-02T14:38+0200businessinsider-za (en)

People help with the fight against forest fires broke out in Antalya, Turkey. Turkey has been battling more than 100 wildfires that have now killed at least eight people. Videos show people fleeing the flames. People had to be evacuated from their homes and tourists were rescued from beaches by boats.

Turkey's locally made drones help fight against forest fires

2021-08-02T14:34+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkey is mobilizing on all fronts to contain the forest fires that have been ravaging towns across the southern parts of the country. From firefighters to airplanes and helicopters, everyone and everything is working to extinguish fires over the past week.

Turkey's Efforts To Fight Wildfires By Air Continues Apace

2021-08-02T14:25+0200haberler-en (en)

Fire crews working in Marmaris, Koycegiz districts of Mugla on Aegean coast to extinguish wind fanned blazes. Turkey has been battling forest fires for the past five days both by air and land. Fire crews are working in Marmaris and Koycegiz districts of Mugla on the southern Aegean coast of Turkey on Monday to extinguish the wildfires.

Controvento - Si può fermare l'Apocalisse del Pianeta?

2021-08-02T14:15+0200247libero (it)

Controvento – Si può fermare l’Apocalisse del Pianeta? Pubblicato in il ‍‍02/08/2021 - 24 מנחם אב 5781 Il 29 luglio è stato un giorno funesto per il pianeta. Incendi devastanti scoppiati ovunque -biblico quello sulle coste dell’Anatolia, in Turchia, passato praticamente inosservato in Italia, dove i....

Countries pledge solidarity with Turkey over fires, send planes

2021-08-02T14:04+0200dailysabah (en)

As forest fires continued threatening Turkey on Monday, countries lined up to offer their condolences, messages of solidarity and airplanes to help the country fight the fires. The European Commission expressed support against fires and said: "In an immediate response, the European Commission has....

EU to send 3 firefighting planes to Turkey for wildfires

2021-08-02T13:03+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

The European Commission will be sending three firefighting planes to help extinguish ongoing fires in Turkey, which have devastated the country’s southern coast, according to the commission’s emergency response coordinator. Janez Lenarcic, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, in charge of....

non si arrestano gli incendi causati dal caldo Italia, Spagna, Grecia e Turchia La crisi climatica dietro i roghi

2021-08-02T12:54+0200affaritaliani (it)

Incendi Sud Europa: non si arrestano le fiamme in Italia, Spagna, Grecia e Turchia. Gli incendi continuano e salgono le vittime. Il colpevole? La crisi climatica. Foreste incandescenti, interi paesi evacuati e centinaia di pompieri mobilitati. Come scrive il quotidiano francese Le Figaro , in una....

Turkish Govt Feels Heat as Forest Fires Wreak Havoc

2021-08-02T12:43+0200balkaninsight (en)

Turkish officials insist they are doing everything to stop the fires but the opposition and many ordinary people have criticized the government for its allegedly weak response. “We are altogether fighting the forest fires in our country,” the General Directorate of Forestry said on Sunday on Twitter.

‘So-called aid campaign on forest fires orchestrated, disrupts unity’

2021-08-02T12:33+0200dailysabah (en)

A hashtag was formed on Twitter calling for global assistance in Turkey’s fight against forest fires that have been raging on for days. Turkey’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun stated on Monday that this Twitter campaign was orchestrated from abroad from a single center, with the aim of weakening the ties between state and people.

EU to send 3 firefighting planes to Turkey for wildfires

2021-08-02T12:26+0200news-az (en)

The European Commission will be sending three firefighting planes to help extinguish ongoing fires in Turkey, which have devastated the country’s southern coast, according to the commission’s emergency response coordinator, Daily Sabah reported. Janez Lenarcic, European Commissioner for Crisis....

İYİ Party leader urges unity amid wildfires across Turkey

2021-08-02T12:06+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

MUĞLA İYİ (Good) Party leader Meral Akşener on Aug. 1 stressed the need for unity and solidarity during class='cf'> “Members of the ruling and opposition parties, we have to join their capabilities and our parties’ municipalities,” she said speaking during a visit to the burned area in Marmaris district of the Aegean province of Muğla.

TURKEY EU sends firefighting planes for Turkey wildfires

2021-08-02T12:06+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

class='cf'> "In an immediate response, the European Commission has already helped mobilize 1 Canadair plane from Croatia and 2 Canadairs from Spain. These firefighting aeroplanes are part of rescEU, the European reserve of civil protection assets," the European Commission said in a statement.

EU to send 3 firefighting planes to Turkey for wildfires | Daily Sabah - Daily Sabah

2021-08-02T11:27+0200google-top-stories-innovatie (en)

The European Commission will be sending three firefighting planes to help extinguish ongoing fires in Turkey, which have devastated the country’s southern coast, according to the commission’s emergency response coordinator. Janez Lenarcic, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, in charge of....

EU to send 3 firefighting planes to Turkey for wildfires | Daily Sabah - Daily Sabah

2021-08-02T11:19+0200google-top-stories (en)

The European Commission will be sending three firefighting planes to help extinguish ongoing fires in Turkey, which have devastated the country’s southern coast, according to the commission’s emergency response coordinator. Janez Lenarcic, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, in charge of....

Turkey: Eight killed by forest fires

2021-08-02T11:12+0200balkaneu (en)

The number of people who have lost their lives due to massive forest fires in southern Turkey has risen to eight, the country’s agriculture and forestry minister announced Sunday. After examining the affected areas of Mugla from a helicopter, Bekir Pakdemirli said they have completed 75% of the....

Massive forest fires in southern Turkey kill 8 (VIDEO)

2021-08-02T10:56+0200news-az (en)

The number of people who have lost their lives due to massive forest fires in southern Turkey has risen to eight, the country’s agriculture and forestry minister announced Sunday, Anadolu Agency reported. After examining the affected areas of Mugla from a helicopter, Bekir Pakdemirli said they have....

Another group of Azerbaijani firefighters arrive in Turkey to fight forest fires

2021-08-02T10:44+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Another group of the fire and rescue unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, sent in accordance with the instructions of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Turkey to extinguish forest fires and prevent their further spread, arrived in the brotherhood country, according to the ministry.

Massive Forest Fires in Turkey

2021-08-02T10:20+0200georgiatoday (en)

70 wildfires broke out in the southern and southwestern provinces of Turkey on July 28, spreading to resort and populated areas. Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes. The fire caused eight people’s death, among them, are two firefighters.

Wildfires in Turkey rage as evacuees are brought away by bus

2021-08-02T10:18+0200independent-UK (en)

The above video shows people being evacuated by bus from Bodrum in southern Turkey as wildfires continue to rage in the region. A heat wave across southern Europe , fed by hot air from North Africa, has led to deadly forest fires in Turkey as the hot temperatures mean that the terrain is very dry.

Most wildfires in Turkey brought under control

2021-08-02T09:52+0200trtworld (en)

Efforts to extinguish the forest fire in Bodrum district of Muğla continue. (AA) A total of 122 wildfires out of 129 in Turkey have been brought under control. "Of the 129 fires in 35 provinces, 122 have been contained," The country's communications director Fahrettin Altun said early on Monday.

Almost a week on, Turkey strives to put out wildfires

2021-08-02T09:30+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkey’s struggle against wildfires continues unabated on the sixth day since the first large-scale blaze. Authorities announced late Sunday that 122 out of 129 forest fires in 35 provinces were under control. Nevertheless, fires ravaging popular tourist resorts Manavgat and Marmaris are still raging, with the death toll rising to eight on Sunday.

Incendi boschivi: l’UE mobilita degli aerei per sostenere la Turchia

2021-08-02T09:26+0200esgdata (it)

Il 1° agosto la Turchia, devastata da incendi boschivi senza precedenti, ha attivato il meccanismo di protezione civile dell’UE. La Commissione europea ha già contribuito a mobilitare 1 aereo Canadair dalla Croazia e 2 Canadair dalla Spagna. Il Commissario per la gestione delle crisi Janez Lenarčič....

Forest fires: EU mobilises planes to support Turkey 02 Aug UCPM

2021-08-02T09:21+0200cmine (en)

On 1 August, Turkey, ravaged by unprecedented forest fires, activated the EU Civil Protection Mechansim. In an immediate response, the European Commission has already helped mobilise 1 Canadair plane from Croatia and 2 Canadairs from Spain. These firefighting aeroplanes are part of rescEU, the European reserve of civil protection assets.

Forest fires: EU mobilises planes to support Turkey

2021-08-02T09:15+0200europa-nu (en)

On 1 August, Turkey, ravaged by unprecedented forest fires, activated the EU Civil Protection Mechansim. In an immediate response, the European Commission has already helped mobilise 1 Canadair plane from Croatia and 2 Canadairs from Spain. These firefighting aeroplanes are part of rescEU, the European reserve of civil protection assets.

#HelpTurkey! Ankara Braces Itself to Control Its Worst Wildfires

2021-08-02T09:07+0200albawaba-en (en)

This photograph shows a forest burning as a massive wildfire engulfed a Mediterranean resort at the Marmaris district of Mugla, on August 1 2021. At least three people were reported dead on July 29, 2021 and more than 100 injured as firefighters battled blazes engulfing a Mediterranean resort region on Turkey's southern coast.

TURKEY Turkey brings 122 forest fires under control as death toll rises to 8

2021-08-02T09:05+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

class='cf'> After examining the affected areas of Mugla from a helicopter, Bekir Pakdemirli said they have completed 75% of the damage assessment work in the province and that four planes and 17 helicopters are still busy with dowsing efforts. Pakdemirli said on Twitter that 119 of 126 fires across....

Turkish drones help fight against forest fires

2021-08-02T08:46+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey’s domestically produced drones – Bayraktar TB2 and Aksungur – are actively taking part in efforts to put out forest fires, the head of Turkey's Defense Industries Presidency said on Sunday. “Aksungur UAV detected three tower workers during its mission flight yesterday, and thankfully, it helped them escape the flames,” Ismail Demir tweeted.

Messages of support pour in for Turkey’s fight against forest fires

2021-08-02T08:46+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Yemen, Palestine and Egypt conveyed their condolences Sunday to Turkey, where wildfires in the past few days have led to deaths and material damage. Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak sent a message to his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu, expressing his condolences to the families....

Turkey Wildfires: Raging Forest Fires Force Evacuations Across Turkish Resort Towns (PHOTOS)

2021-08-02T08:37+0200weather-en-IN (en)

An aerial photo shows destroyed houses in a village as wildfire continue to rage the forests near the Mediterranean coastal town of Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey, Thursday, July 29, 2021. Authorities evacuated homes in southern Turkey as a wildfire fanned by strong winds raged through a forest area near the Mediterranean coastal town of Manavgat.

Ayeza Khan prays for affectees of forest fires that sweep across Turkey

2021-08-02T08:26+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Famous Pakistani actress Ayeza Khan, on Sunday, prayed for affectees of forest fires that sweep across Turkey. According to the details, six people have died and more than 330 have received medical treatment. Taking it to Instagram, Ayeza turned to her story and posted, “Pray for Turkey” followed by a folded hands emoji.

Forest fires: EU mobilises planes to support Turkey

2021-08-02T08:25+0200europeansting (en)

(Credit: Unsplash) This article is brought to you in association with the On 1 August, Turkey, ravaged by unprecedented forest fires, activated the EU Civil Protection Mechansim. In an immediate response, the European Commission has already helped mobilise 1 Canadair plane from Croatia and 2 Canadairs from Spain.

Azerbaijan dispatches team to combat Turkey’s wildfires

2021-08-02T08:16+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Azerbaijan dispatched another firefighting team early Monday to support Turkey as it battles forest fires ravaging the country since Wednesday. The support team arrived at Turkey's border with Georgia and entered the country through the northeastern province of Artvin.

Wildfires storm Turkey's coastal resort towns (en)

A forest fire burns near the town of Manavgat, east of the resort city of Antalya, Turkey, July 31, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua] Forest fires continued on Sunday to storm Turkey's south and southwestern coastal resort towns, forcing evacuations of several villages and tourism facilities.

Another group of Azerbaijani firefighters arrive in Turkey to fight forest fires (VIDEO)

2021-08-02T07:52+0200news-az (en)

Another group of the fire and rescue unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, sent in accordance with the instructions of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Turkey to extinguish forest fires and prevent their further spread, arrived in the brotherhood country.

Azerbaijan dispatches team to combat Turkey’s wildfires

2021-08-02T07:32+0200aa-en (en)

ARTVIN, Turkey Azerbaijan dispatched another firefighting team early Monday to support Turkey as it battles forest fires ravaging the country since Wednesday. The support team arrived at Turkey's border with Georgia and entered the country through the northeastern province of Artvin.

Countries pledge solidarity with Turkey over deadly fires

2021-08-02T07:29+0200dailysabah (en)

Yemen, Palestine and Egypt expressed solidarity with Turkey as they conveyed their condolences to the country over forest fires that have devasted several locations, leaving seven killed and caused serious material damage. Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak sent a message to his Turkish....

Another group of Azerbaijani firefighters arrive in Turkey to fight forest fires (PHOTO/VIDEO)

2021-08-02T07:00+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, Aug. 2. Trend: Another group of the fire and rescue unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, sent in accordance with the instructions of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Turkey to extinguish forest fires and prevent their further spread,....

Turkey’s fight against forest fires continues at full pace

2021-08-02T06:33+0200turkishpress (en)

MERSIN/ANTALYA, Turkey. Turkish authorities maintain their tireless efforts to contain forest fires that erupted in various parts of the country, particularly the southern regions. Fire brigades took the fire in Mersin province under control according to Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli.

Fires continue in Turkey, and the death toll has risen to 8

2021-08-02T06:07+0200archyde (en)

As firefighters battle for the fifth day in a row the flames still burning in coastal resorts, the death toll rose Forest fires Which is raging in the coast of southern Turkey to 8 Sunday. Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said that two people died Sunday due to forest fires in the southern....

Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-02T05:44+0200nation (en)

Ankara - Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000 acres) burned so....

'Thoughts And Prayers': World Leaders Condole With Turkey Over Forest Fires

2021-08-02T04:44+0200haberler-en (en)

Many world leaders and high officials on Saturday conveyed their condolences to Turkey, where forest fires have led to deaths and material damage. "Malaysia expresses sincere condolences over the loss of lives caused by the forest fires in Turkey, including in Antalya - the hometown of my brother....

Messages of support pour in for Turkey’s fight against forest fires

2021-08-02T04:32+0200aa-en (en)

ISTANBUL/DOHA, Qatar Yemen, Palestine and Egypt conveyed their condolences Sunday to Turkey, where wildfires in the past few days have led to deaths and material damage. Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak sent a message to his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu, expressing his....

Massive forest fires in Southern Turkey kill 8

2021-08-02T04:24+0200thesundaily (en)

Turkey : The number of people who have lost their lives due to massive forest fires in southern Turkey has risen to eight, Anadolu Agency reported the country’s agriculture and forestry minister announced Sunday. After examining the affected areas of Mugla from a helicopter, Bekir Pakdemirli said....

Massive forest fires in southern Turkey kill 8

2021-08-02T04:23+0200bernama (en)

MUGLA/MERSIN/ANTALYA (Turkey), Aug 2 -- The number of people who have lost their lives due to massive forest fires in southern Turkey has risen to eight, Anadolu Agency reported the country’s agriculture and forestry minister announced Sunday. After examining the affected areas of Mugla from a....

Wildfires at resorts in Turkey force 1,000 to flee on boats

2021-08-02T04:11+0200independent-ie (en)

More than 1,000 panicked holidaymakers and residents were evacuated from the tourist hotspot of Bodrum over the weekend as Turkey struggled to contain the wildfires that have raged across the country’s Mediterranean towns over the past week. V ideos on social media showed tourists hurrying towards....

Turkey wildfires death toll rises to eight

2021-08-02T03:58+0200thenews-pk (en)

ANKARA: The death toll from wildfires in southern Turkey rose to eight following the discovery of two bodies on Sunday, officials said, as more people including tourists were evacuated to safety. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000....

Turkey wildfires force residents to flee homes

2021-08-02T03:58+0200thenews-pk (en)

Ankara: Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000 acres) burned so....

Two more die in Turkey fires, death toll at six

2021-08-02T03:37+0200khmertimes (en)

ANTALYA, Turkey (AA) – Authorities have found the bodies of two people killed during firefighting operations in Turkey’s southern Antalya province on Saturday, raising the overall death toll to six. Two others injured by the raging blazes in Antalya’s Manavgat district were evacuated and taken to a....

Lots of fires in Turkey and Italy, historic heat wave in Greece

2021-08-02T03:33+0200archyde (en)

I In Turkey, the number of forest fires that broke out last Wednesday rose to 107 over the weekend. According to the government, 98 of them could be brought under control. Six people were killed , more than three hundred were injured, and dozen communities had to be evacuated.

Messages Of Support Pour In For Turkey's Fight Against Forest Fires

2021-08-02T03:13+0200haberler-en (en)

Yemen, Palestine and Egypt conveyed their condolences Sunday to Turkey, where wildfires in the past few days have led to deaths and material damage. Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak sent a message to his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu, expressing his condolences to the families....

Forest fires: EU mobilises planes to support Turkey

2021-08-02T03:08+0200publicnow (en)

01/08/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/08/2021 00:45 Forest fires: EU mobilises planes to support Turkey.

Eight dead from fires and floods as climate emergency sweeps Turkey

2021-08-02T01:05+0200thesundaytimes (en)

A climate emergency is unfolding in Turkey as floods engulf villages in the east of the country and forest fires continue to rage in the west. Floods in Van province, next to the Iranian border, have brought down buildings and swept away cars. Meteorologists warned of new floods in Van and other eastern areas last night.

Eight dead from fires and floods as climate emergency sweeps Turkey

2021-08-02T01:05+0200thetimes (en)

A climate emergency is unfolding in Turkey as floods engulf villages in the east of the country and forest fires continue to rage in the west. Floods in Van province, next to the Iranian border, have brought down buildings and swept away cars. Meteorologists warned of new floods in Van and other eastern areas last night.

'Miracle' Goat Born From Flames During Forest Fires In Southern Turkey

2021-08-02T00:11+0200haberler-en (en)

A baby goat that was born in massive flames in Turkey's southern Antalya province has been named Miracle. Sercan Bayat returned to his farm hours after he was evacuated because of forest fires to find a baby goat among perished farm animals in the burned woodland in Manavgat district. He said fires reached his village right after they began.

Massive forest fires in southern Turkey kill 8

2021-08-02T00:02+0200aa-en (en)

MUGLA/ MERSIN / ANTALYA, Turkey. The number of people who have lost their lives due to massive forest fires in southern Turkey has risen to eight, the country’s agriculture and forestry minister announced Sunday. After examining the affected areas of Mugla from a helicopter, Bekir Pakdemirli said....

EU to send 3 firefighting planes to Turkey for wildfires

2021-08-01T23:26+0200dailysabah (en)

The European Commission will be sending three firefighting planes to help extinguish ongoing fires in Turkey, which have devastated the country’s southern coast, according to the commission’s emergency response coordinator. Janez Lenarcic, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, in charge of....

Large-scale wildfire in southwestern Turkey burns for fifth day… “The death toll rises to eight”

2021-08-01T22:57+0200archyde (en)

Wildfires in southwestern Turkey, which started at the end of last month, have continued for several days. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he had arrested a suspected arsonist of a massive wildfire. According to the Associated Press, forest fires have been burning for the fifth day....

Forest fires: EU mobilises firefighting planes to support Turkey

2021-08-01T21:55+0200aviation24 (en)

On 1 August, Turkey, ravaged by unprecedented forest fires, activated the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. In an immediate response, the European Commission has already helped mobilise 1 Canadair plane from Croatia and 2 Canadairs from Spain. These firefighting aeroplanes are part of rescEU, the European reserve of civil protection assets.

Greece battling devastating forest fires for second day

2021-08-01T21:55+0200dailysabah (en)

The effects of global climate change are becoming clearer as summer forest fires appear with increasing frequency and ferocity throughout the world. Shortly after forest fires started raging throughout Turkey , its neighbor Greece was also hit by the same tragedy On Sunday, nearly 300 firefighters,....

Turkey's death toll from wildfires rises to 8 - Health Minister

2021-08-01T21:30+0200uniindia (en)

Ankara, Aug 1 (UNI/Sputnik) The death toll from the wildfires in Turkey has increased to eight, while the number of injured now stands at 864, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said on Sunday. The previously reported casualties included six people dead and 410 injured.

Turkey's death toll from wildfires rises to 8

2021-08-01T21:29+0200news-yahoo-in (en)

Ankara [Turkey] August 2 (ANI/Sputnik): The death toll from the wildfires in Turkey has increased to eight, while the number of injured now stands at 864, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said on Sunday. The previously reported casualties included six people dead and 410 injured.

Forest fires in southern Turkey

2021-08-01T21:02+0200aa-en (en)


Antalya Fires Leave Turkish Village in Ruins

2021-08-01T20:12+0200news_com_au (en)

At least seven people have died after forest fires broke out in the southern Turkish province of Antalya, local media reported on August 1. According to authorities, the fires broke out on July 28 at several locations in Manavgat, a coastal district in Antalya.

Turkey evacuates tourists at risk from fires as villages clear out ISTANBUL: Thousands of emergency forces were battling severe forest fires in Turkey for a fifth day running on Sunday.On Saturday night, several villages in the Aegean region of Bodrum, a popular...

2021-08-01T19:08+0200omanobserver-om (en)

ISTANBUL: Thousands of emergency forces were battling severe forest fires in Turkey for a fifth day running on Sunday. On Saturday night, several villages in the Aegean region of Bodrum, a popular holiday destination, were evacuated, according to Mayor Ahmet Aras. People were brought to safety, sometimes using boats to cross, he said.

Massive forest fires in southern Turkey kill 7

2021-08-01T18:02+0200aa-en (en)

MERSIN / ANTALYA, Turkey The number of people who lost their lives due to massive forest fires in southern Turkey has increased to seven, the health minister announced on Sunday. Fahrettin Koca said on Twitter that the total number of deaths in Antalya's Manavgat district reached seven with the addition of two more fatalities.

Capital FM: Turkey wildfires death toll rises to eight

2021-08-01T17:59+0200kenyamoja (en)

Ankara (AFP), Aug 1 – The death toll from wildfires in southern Turkey rose to eight following the discovery of two bodies on Sunday, officials said, as more people including tourists were evacuated to safety. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly....

Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T17:58+0200urdupoint (en)

Ankara, Aug 1 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 1st Aug, 2021 ) :Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show,....

Massive Forest Fires In Southern Turkey Kill 7

2021-08-01T17:21+0200haberler-en (en)

The number of people who lost their lives due to massive forest fires in southern Turkey has increased to seven, the health minister announced on Sunday. Fahrettin Koca said on Twitter that the total number of deaths in Antalya's Manavgat district reached seven with the addition of two more fatalities.

Erdogan declares fire-stricken regions in Turkey “disaster areas”

2021-08-01T17:18+0200archyde (en)

© AFP/ Aerial image of houses surrounded by forest fire in a Mediterranean resort region on Turkey’s southern coast near the city of Manavgat, on July 30, 2021. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared this July 31 as “disaster areas” to the regions of the southwestern coast of the country, hit by forest fires since last week.

Turkey wildfires death toll rises to eight

2021-08-01T17:14+0200capitalfm (en)

Ankara (AFP), Aug 1 – The death toll from wildfires in southern Turkey rose to eight following the discovery of two bodies on Sunday, officials said, as more people including tourists were evacuated to safety. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly....

Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T16:29+0200gulf-times (en)

Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares burned so far this year, compared....

Capital FM: Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T15:59+0200kenyamoja (en)

Ankara (AFP), Aug 1 – Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000....

Wildfires rage in Turkey as more tourists evacuated from resorts

2021-08-01T15:52+0200saudigazette (en)

ISTANBUL — A number of wildfires are still blazing in Turkey but more than 100 have been brought under control, according to officials Sunday. The Minister of Forestry and Agriculture, Bekir Pakdemirli, tweeted that five fires were continuing in the tourist destinations of Antalya and Mugla but that 107 others had now been subdued.

Tourists evacuated by boat at holiday resort amid Turkey wildfires

2021-08-01T15:52+0200standard (en)

Guests at three five-star hotels in Bodrum were evacuated and reportedly told to wait for rescue boats on Saturday evening as new wildfires erupted nearby. According to local media, coastguard vessels were joined by private boats and yachts to hel[ bring the tourists to safety.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires 01 August, 2021 1

2021-08-01T15:52+0200europost (en)

Photo: EPA A helicopter is deployed against a fire near Marmaris in south-western Turkey Europost The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said.

Turkey brings 107 massive forest fires under control

2021-08-01T15:41+0200azernews (en)

. By Trend Turkish authorities maintain their tireless efforts to contain forest fires that erupted in various parts of the country, particularly the southern regions, reports citing Fire brigades took the fire in Mersin province under control according to Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli.

Most forest fires contained as PKK-linked group vows arson attacks

2021-08-01T15:21+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkey wrapped up a week in the fight against forest fires that devastated its southern region with relative success. The causes of the forest fires are still not clear, but suspicions center on the terrorist group PKK, whose members were behind previous forest fires in the country.

Wildfires force Turkish residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T15:20+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

A man sits in front of a burnt house in Manavgat, Turkey, July 31. At least three people are dead and more than 100 injured as firefighters battle blazes in the country’s southern coast. – AFP pic, August 1, 2021. WILDFIRES in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes today as pressure....

Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T15:16+0200enca (en)

ANKARA - Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares burned so far this year,....

Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T15:13+0200JakartaPost (en)

Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000 acres) burned so far this....

Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T15:13+0200capitalfm (en)

Ankara (AFP), Aug 1 – Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000....

Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T15:11+0200gulfnews (en)

This photograph taken on July 31, 2021 near the town of Manavgat shows burnt car in front of a burnt house as a massive forest fire which engulfed a Mediterranean resort region on Turkey's southern coast. At least three people were reported dead on July 29, 2021 and more than 100 injured as....

Turkish wildfires force 1000 tourists and locals to flee by boat

2021-08-01T15:05+0200telegraph (en)

More than 1000 panicked holidaymakers and residents were evacuated from the tourist hotspot of Bodrum over the weekend as Turkey struggles to contain the wildfires that have raged across the country’s Mediterranean towns over the past week. Videos on social media showed tourists hurrying towards the....

TURKEY Turkey unites in fight against multiple forest fires

2021-08-01T15:05+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

has mobilized and united in efforts to fight against wildfires that have wreaked havoc on swathes of the country’s south and Aegean region, as the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry said 107 of 112 fires have been brought under control as of early Aug. 1.

WATCH: More people forced to flee as Turkey wildfires rage on

2021-08-01T14:43+0200citizen (en)

An injured person sits in front of a burnt house as a massive forest fire which engulfed a Mediterranean resort region on Turkey’s southern coast near the town of Manavgat, on July 31, 2021. Photo: AFP. A neighbourhood in the tourist city of Bodrum was evacuated, CNN Turk broadcaster reported, as....

Vets mobilize for animals affected by forest fires in Turkey

2021-08-01T14:22+0200dailysabah (en)

Forest fires engulfing Turkey’s southern regions have claimed six human lives since Wednesday, but the number of animals that have perished in five days of wildfires is far higher. Hundreds are estimated to have been killed , with most casualties being sheep and cows in villages particularly devastated .

10 news sources reported on this L 20% C 30% R 50% Turkey evacuates panicked tourists by boat from wildfiresPanicked tourists in Turkey hurried to the seashore to wait for rescue boats Saturday after being told to evacuate some hotels in the Aegean resort of Bodrum due to the dangers posed by nearby wildfires, Turkish media reported.

2021-08-01T14:18+0200ground-news (en)

Turkey evacuates panicked tourists by boat from wildfires. Panicked tourists in Turkey hurried to the seashore to wait for rescue boats Saturday after being told to evacuate some hotels in the Aegean resort of Bodrum due to the dangers posed by nearby wildfires, Turkish media reported. Turkey evacuates panicked tourists by boat from wildfires.

Fight against forest fires continues at full pace in Turkey

2021-08-01T14:16+0200trtworld (en)

Smoke and flames rise as ground and air support works to extinguish the forest fire that broke out in Manavgat district continue in Antalya, Turkey on August 1, 2021. (AA) Turkish authorities have maintained their tireless efforts to contain forest fires that erupted in various parts of the country, particularly the southern regions.

Re: Turkey: 98 massive forest fires under control

2021-08-01T14:11+0200middleeastmonitor (en)

Ninety-eight of 107 forest fires in Turkey are under control, the nation's Agriculture and Forestry Minister said late Saturday, reports Anadolu Agency. Efforts to contain nine blazes are still ongoing, Bekir Pakdemirli said during a news conference at a fire management center in the Degirmenyani district of southwestern Mugla province.

Azerbaijani firefighters extinguishing fires near Turkey’s Marmaris city

2021-08-01T14:10+0200azernews (en)

By Trend The first group of firefighters of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Emergency Situations, sent to Turkey upon the instructions of the Azerbaijani president to extinguish and prevent the spread of forest fires, is extinguishing fires 11 kilometers from Turkey’s Marmaris city, Mugla province, reports.

Turkey’s wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T14:05+0200turkishminute (en)

Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires, Agence France-Presse reported. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares....

Leaders extend condolences to Turkey over massive forest fires

2021-08-01T13:57+0200nation (en)

Officials from Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Turkish Cyprus offered their condolences to Turkey on Thursday over the massive forest fires in its southern provinces which have claimed the lives of three people. "Continuation of forest fires in brotherly Turkey and the loss of three lives in Antalya shocked....

As extreme heat grips Israel, Health Ministry warns against outdoor activities

2021-08-01T13:46+0200haaretz (en)

An extreme heat wave has also hit southeastern Europe. In Greece, temperatures rose to mover 40 degrees (40 F), and the authorities have declared a state of emergency and put up cooling shelters, among other measures. Forest fires have also broken out in Greece, and have threatened homes.

Turkey brings 107 massive forest fires under control (VIDEO)

2021-08-01T13:44+0200news-az (en)

Turkish authorities maintain their tireless efforts to contain forest fires that erupted in various parts of the country, particularly the southern regions, Anadolu reports. Fire brigades took the fire in Mersin province under control according to Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli.

Grecia: terremoto con scossa di magnitudo 5.2

2021-08-01T13:31+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 1 agosto 2021) Registrata una violenta scossa di terremoto di 5.2 magnitudo in Grecia . Fortunatamente l’evento non ha causato morti o feriti gravi Questa mattina, nella zone al largo delle isole del Dodecaneso (in Grecia ), vicino al confine con la Turchia, è avvenuto un forte terremoto , la cui scossa ha raggiunto i 5.

IN PHOTOS: Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T13:22+0200ahram-EN (en)

Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000 acres) burned so far this....

Azerbaijani firefighters extinguishing fires near Turkey's Marmaris city

2021-08-01T13:17+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 1. Trend: The first group of firefighters of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Emergency Situations, sent to Turkey upon the instructions of the Azerbaijani president to extinguish and prevent the spread of forest fires, is extinguishing fires 11 kilometers....

Turkey’s fight against forest fires continues at full pace

2021-08-01T13:12+0200nation (en)

Turkish authorities maintain their tireless efforts to contain forest fires that erupted in various parts of the country, particularly the southern regions. Fire brigades took the fire in Mersin province under control according to Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli.

Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T13:11+0200digitaljournal (en)

Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000 acres) burned so far this....

Iran’s Defense Ministry helping Turkey contain wildfires

2021-08-01T13:11+0200parstoday-en (en)

Defense Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran said a firefighting plane designed by its young experts has joined operations in neighboring Turkey to battle forest fires sweeping through the country’s southern regions. According to reports, Mohammad-Mahdi Nouri al-Aqa, the head of the ministry’s....

Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T12:58+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000 acres) burned so far this....

Most forest fires under control as Turkey suspects PKK arson

2021-08-01T12:52+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkey wrapped up a week in the fight against forest fires that devastated its southern region with relative success. The causes of the forest fires are still not clear, but suspicions center on the terrorist group PKK, whose members were behind previous forest fires in the country.

Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes 4 mins ago World

2021-08-01T12:49+0200guardian-ng (en)

Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000 acres) burned so far this....

Turkey brings 107 massive forest fires under control

2021-08-01T12:46+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) Turkish authorities maintain their tireless efforts to contain forest fires that erupted in various parts of the country, particularly the southern regions, Trend reports citing Hurriyet Daily News . Fire brigades took the fire in Mersin province under control according to Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli.

Turkey shocked by wildfires amid claims of sabotage

2021-08-01T12:45+0200xinhuanet (en)

A forest fire burns near the town of Manavgat, east of the resort city of Antalya, Turkey, July 31, 2021. Turkey is under the shock of unprecedented forest fires that killed four people and injured scores of others in its coastal touristic southern provinces, while authorities are investigating claims of sabotage.

Large fire embraced warehouses in Odesa region

2021-08-01T12:42+0200112-international (en)

August 1, a fire broke out in a three-story warehouse building in Dachne, Odesa region. This was reported by the A separate warehouse is located on the 452nd km of the M-05 Kyiv - Odesa highway. According to the State Emergencies Service, as of 11:10 am, the area of the fire exceeds 10,000 square meters.

Turkey’s fight against forest fires continues at full pace

2021-08-01T12:31+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkish authorities maintain their tireless efforts to contain forest fires that erupted in various parts of the country, particularly the southern regions. Fire brigades took the fire in Mersin province under control according to Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli.

Turkey Wildfires Force More Residents To Flee Homes

2021-08-01T12:24+0200barrons (en)

Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000 acres) burned so far this....

Wildfires in southern Turkey force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T12:22+0200alarabiya-en (en)

Since the fires broke out Wednesday, six people have died and more than 330 have received medical treatment. A neighborhood in the tourist city of Bodrum was evacuated, CNN Turk broadcaster reported, as flames were fanned by strong winds from Milas district nearby.

Another group of Azerbaijani firefighters leaves for Turkey to extinguish forest fires (PHOTO)

2021-08-01T12:12+0200news-az (en)

In accordance with the instruction of the President of Azerbaijan, another group of firefighting forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the country will leave for fraternal Turkey in the coming hours to extinguish forest fires and prevent their spread.

TURKEY Turkey brings 107 massive forest fires under control

2021-08-01T12:04+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

Turkey brings 107 massive forest fires under control ANKARA Turkish authorities maintain their tireless efforts to contain forest fires that erupted in various parts of the country, particularly the southern regions. . The forest fire first emerged in the Silifke district on July 29 and spread to....

Holidaymakers evacuated from beaches in Turkey as wildfires rage

2021-08-01T12:01+0200inews-co-uk (en)

Foreign tourists have been evacuated from beaches in south-west Turkey as wildfires raging across the region threatened homes and hotels. Holidaymakers were brought to safety thanks to Coastguard vessels which were joined by private boats and yachts, according to Turkish media.

Turkey’s fight against forest fires continues at full pace

2021-08-01T12:00+0200aa-en (en)

MERSIN/ANTALYA, Turkey Turkish authorities maintain their tireless efforts to contain forest fires that erupted in various parts of the country, particularly the southern regions. Fire brigades took the fire in Mersin province under control according to Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli.

Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T11:54+0200yahoo-au (en)

Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000 acres) burned so far this....

01/08/2021 Turkey wildfires force more residents to flee homes

2021-08-01T11:50+0200rfi-en (en)

Ankara (AFP) Wildfires in southern Turkey forced more people to flee their homes on Sunday as pressure on the government grew over its response to the deadly forest fires. Turkey has suffered the worst fires in at least a decade, official data show, with nearly 95,000 hectares (235,000 acres) burned....

Another group of firefighters leaves for Turkey [PHOTO]...

2021-08-01T11:44+0200menafn (en)

- AzerNews) By Laman Ismayilova. Another group of Azerbaijani firefighters has left for Turkey to extinguish forest fires and prevent their spread. Some 220 firefighters and rescuers, 53 units of fire and special rescue equipment, 1 helicopter are sent to Turkey. Earlier, about 100 Azerbaijani firefighters have arrived in Turkey`s Mugla provintion.

Turkey's Fight Against Forest Fires Continues At Full Pace

2021-08-01T11:16+0200haberler-en (en)

Turkish authorities maintain their tireless efforts to contain forest fires that erupted in various parts of the country, particularly the southern regions. Fire brigades took the fire in Mersin province under control according to Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli.

Turkey's 100 Wildfires Kill Six People

2021-08-01T11:00+0200albawaba-en (en)

Turkey's wildfires in the southern Antalya province kills 6 people, according to local officials. A thread of tweets about what is happening in turkey and how you can help — Mars ⚢ check pinned ⯑ (@dekubunz) July 31, 2021 Unnamed sources told Turkey's Anadolu Agency that authorities found the bodies of two people Saturday.

98 massive forest fires under control: Turkish official

2021-08-01T10:56+0200azertag (en)

Baku, August 1, AZERTAC Ninety-eight of 107 forest fires in Turkey are under control, the nation’s Agriculture and Forestry Minister said late Saturday, according to Anadolu Agency. Efforts to contain nine blazes are still ongoing, Bekir Pakdemirli said during a news conference at a fire management....

Greece forest fire: Dozen houses destroyed, five people hospitalised

2021-08-01T10:41+0200112-international (en)

July 31, a wildfire near Patras, Greece's third-largest city, destroyed about a dozen homes, five people were hospitalized due to breathing difficulties. this, citing local authorities. "Some 145 firefighters, 50 trucks, eight firefighting planes and helicopters have been mobilised to extinguish....

Heat and fires are a problem in southern vacation countries

2021-08-01T10:41+0200archyde (en)

The smoldering fires and the enormous heat continue to cause problems in the southern holiday countries. In Greece, 16 people had to be hospitalized for inhaling smoke. In the Turkish holiday region of Bodrum, several villages had to be evacuated due to the threat of flames, including tourists.

In pics: Residents, tourists evacuated as forest fires sweep through Turkey

2021-08-01T10:38+0200HindustanTimes (en)

Unprecedented forest fires in southern Turkey killed at least six and left several injured. Panicked tourists in Turkey hurried to the seashore to wait for rescue boats after being told to evacuate some hotels in the Aegean Sea resort of Bodrum, Turkish media reported.

Fener Greek patriarch in Turkey conveys condolences to forest fire victims

2021-08-01T10:01+0200yenisafak-en (en)

The Fener Greek Orthodox patriarch in Turkey on Saturday conveyed his condolences to the victims of massive forest fires in southern Turkey. “Heavy rainfall, flooding, landslides and subsequent forest fires caused by extreme climate events in our country in recent weeks deeply upset all of us,” said....

Incendi in Turchia: aumenta il bilancio delle vittime

2021-08-01T09:50+0200periodicodaily (it)

Diversi incendi stanno devastando la Turchia. Secondo quanto riferito dal ministro della Sanità, il bilancio delle vittime è salito a sei. Gli incendi hanno colpito anche le zone turistiche, dalle quali i turisti sono stati evacuati via mare. Il presidente turco Erdogan, in visita nelle zone....

Iranian Armed Forces help Turkey to put out forest fires

2021-08-01T09:40+0200irna (en)

Pilot Mohammad Mehdi Nouri Al-e Agha said here on Sunday that this operation was launched with the capacity of 40 tons of water after forest fires started in Antalya’s Manavgat district and spread over a large area. He added that firefighting team and a firefighting aircraft designed by young....

Another group of firefighters leaves for Turkey

2021-08-01T09:39+0200azernews (en)

By Laman Ismayilova. Another group of Azerbaijani firefighters has left for Turkey to extinguish forest fires and prevent their spread. Some 220 firefighters and rescuers, 53 units of fire and special rescue equipment, 1 helicopter are sent to Turkey. Earlier, about 100 Azerbaijani firefighters have arrived in Turkey`s Mugla provintion.

Reportan incremento de incendios en Turquía, Grecia e Italia

2021-08-01T09:31+0200entornointeligente (es) / Los incendios forestales que asolan a Turquía, Grecia e Italia ya han dejado varias personas muertas y centenares de damnificados, así como afectaciones al sector turístico debido al desalojo de algunos hoteles en riesgo de ser consumidos por el fuego.

Hungary conveys condolences to victims of massive fires in Turkey

2021-08-01T09:30+0200yenisafak-en (en)

The vice president of Hungary conveyed his condolences late Saturday to victims of massive forest fires in southern Turkey. Zsolt Semjen sent a message to Turkey's government on behalf of his government, according to a statement from the Presidential Press Office.

In Photos: Over 70 Wildfires Sweep Turkey, Villages Evacuated as 80 Civilians Injured

2021-08-01T09:28+0200news18 (en)

. In Photos: Over 70 Wildfires Sweep Turkey, Villages Evacuated as 80 Civilians Injured Turkey is under the shock of unprecedented forest fires that killed four people and injured scores of others in its coastal touristic southern provinces, while authorities are investigating claims of sabotage.

World leaders offer condolences to Turkey over wildfires

2021-08-01T09:04+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

class='cf'> "Malaysia expresses sincere condolences over the loss of lives caused by the forest fires in Turkey, including in Antalya - the hometown of my brother Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu," Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said on his social media account.

TURKEY Turkey brings 98 massive forest fires under control

2021-08-01T09:03+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

Turkey brings 98 massive forest fires under control ANKARA Ninety-eight of 107 forest fires in Turkey are under control, the nation’s Agriculture and Forestry Minister said late on July 31. class='cf'> Efforts to contain nine blazes are still ongoing, Bekir Pakdemirli said during a news conference....

TURKEY Erdoğan visits areas affected by forest fires

2021-08-01T09:03+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

Erdoğan visits areas affected by forest fires ANKARA/ANTALYA-Anadolu Agency The Turkish president on July 31 visited areas affected by forest fires across southern Turkey , which have led to deaths and injuries besides vast material damage. class='cf'> “Fifty million (Turkish) liras [$5.

‘Miracle’ goat born from flames during forest fires in southern Turkey

2021-08-01T09:00+0200yenisafak-en (en)

A baby goat that was born in massive flames in Turkey's southern Antalya province has been named Miracle. Sercan Bayat returned to his farm hours after he was evacuated because of forest fires to find a baby goat among perished farm animals in the burned woodland in Manavgat district. He said fires reached his village right after they began.

Jordan offers assistance to Turkey to contain forest fires

2021-08-01T08:30+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Jordan’s King Abdullah II on Saturday offered assistance to Turkey to help the country confront forest fires that broke out since Wednesday. Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said he called his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu to offer Jordan’s condolences to Turkey over the victims of the fires.

Erdogan visits areas affected by massive forest fires

2021-08-01T08:30+0200yenisafak-en (en)

The Turkish president on Saturday visited areas affected by forest fires across southern Turkey, which have led to deaths and injuries besides vast material damage. “Fifty million (Turkish) liras [$5.91million] have been released to meet the urgent needs in areas affected by the fires.

Azerbaijan sends 53 fire trucks to Turkey to fight wildfires

2021-08-01T08:30+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Azerbaijan on Saturday provided 53 fire trucks to Turkey, where forest fires in the past few days have led to deaths as well as material damage. The Emergency Situations Ministry sent the vehicles meant to fight large fires, as well as 220 personnel by land. Earlier, 100 Azerbaijani firefighters arrived in the Turkish province of Mugla.

More than 95 massive forest fires under control: Turkish official

2021-08-01T08:30+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Ninety-eight of 107 forest fires in Turkey are under control, the nation’s Agriculture and Forestry Minister said late Saturday. Efforts to contain nine blazes are still ongoing, Bekir Pakdemirli said during a news conference at a fire management center in the Degirmenyani district of southwestern Mugla province.

Forest fires in Greece, Turkey and Italy

2021-08-01T08:08+0200archyde (en)

T Extinguishing firefighters continue to fight devastating forest fires in Greece, Turkey and Italy. In a massive fire in the Greek Peloponnese, five people were injured and a dozen houses were destroyed, according to a preliminary report by civil protection on Saturday.

Turkey shocked by wildfires amid claims of sabotage

2021-08-01T07:36+0200thestatesman (en)

Turkey is under the shock of unprecedented forest fires that killed four people and injured scores of others in its coastal touristic southern provinces, while authorities are investigating claims of sabotage. Over 70 wildfires have been reported since Wednesday across the country.

Hungary conveys condolences to victims of massive fires in Turkey

2021-08-01T07:29+0200aa-en (en)

BUDAPEST, Hungary The vice president of Hungary conveyed his condolences late Saturday to victims of massive forest fires in southern Turkey. Zsolt Semjen sent a message to Turkey's government on behalf of his government, according to a statement from the Presidential Press Office.

Efforts to extinguish forest fires in Turkey’s coastal Mugla province continue

2021-08-01T07:29+0200aa-en (en)

MUGLA, Turkey Turkey continues its efforts to extinguish forest fires in the Marmaris and Koycegiz districts of the coastal Mugla province. The fire, which broke out in the forest area of ​​Sirinyer neighborhood, spreads with the effect of the wind. It has since reached Icmeler, Turunc, Osmaniye,....

ANKARA, Aug 1 -- Turkey has arrested a person allegedly responsible for starting the recent forest fires in the country, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday. [ read more ]

2021-08-01T05:42+0200bernama (en)

ANKARA, Aug 1 -- Turkey has arrested a person allegedly responsible for starting the recent forest fires in the country, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday. "There is one arrestee in Milas. If this is an act of sabotage, then it is our duty to punish those responsible," Sputnik news....

Wildfires force Istanbul, other Turkish cities to bar entry into forests, parks

2021-08-01T05:20+0200HindustanTimes (en)

Major Turkish cities, including Istanbul, barred people from entering nearby forests and national parks after a spate of wildfires overwhelmed firefighters and claimed four lives. The decision by Turkey’s largest city and some others came as flames raged through forests along the country’s southern Mediterranean coast and further inland.

Turkey battles forest fires for fourth day

2021-08-01T04:13+0200thenews-pk (en)

Ankara: Fire crews tackled blazes for a fourth day as the number of people killed in forest fires sweeping through southern Turkey rose to six on Saturday, state media reported. The wildfires broke out on Wednesday and have since injured more than 300 and forced the evacuation of villages and hotels.

President says Turkey arrests suspect in starting fire

2021-08-01T03:41+0200europesun (en)

Ankara [Turkey] August 1 (ANI): President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday said that Turkey has arrested a person allegedly responsible for starting the ongoing forest fires in the country. "There is one arrestee in Milas. If this is an act of sabotage, then it is our duty to punish those....

Turkey shocked by wildfires amid claims of sabotage

2021-08-01T03:41+0200dailyfinland-fi (en)

Turkey is under the shock of unprecedented forest fires that killed four people and injured scores of others in its coastal touristic southern provinces, while authorities are investigating claims of sabotage, reported Xinhua. Over 70 wildfires have been reported since Wednesday across the country.

Turkey battles forest fires for fourth day

2021-08-01T03:06+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

A pedestrian walks through the smoke as a massive wildfire which engulfed a Mediterranean resort region on Turkey's southern coast near the town of Manavgat, on July 30, 2021. At least three people were reported dead on July 29, 2021 and more than 100 injured as firefighters battled blazes engulfing....

98 massive forest fires under control: Turkish official

2021-08-01T03:04+0200turkishpress (en)

ANKARA. Ninety-eight of 107 forest fires in Turkey are under control, the nation’s Agriculture and Forestry Minister said late Saturday. Efforts to contain nine blazes are still ongoing, Bekir Pakdemirli said during a news conference at a fire management center in the Degirmenyani district of southwestern Mugla province.

‘Miracle’ goat born from flames during forest fires in southern Turkey

2021-08-01T02:59+0200aa-en (en)

ANTALYA, Turkey A baby goat that was born in massive flames in Turkey's southern Antalya province has been named Miracle. Sercan Bayat returned to his farm hours after he was evacuated because of forest fires to find a baby goat among perished farm animals in the burned woodland in Manavgat district.

Three hotels evacuated in Turkey's Bodrum over wildfires - Mayor

2021-08-01T02:46+0200uniindia (en)

Ashram school's headmaster arrested for graft Temple cash box stolen, three arrested Mobile thief arredted Bhagyashree jadhav conferred award Kits of essential household groceries distribut -- Dadaji Bhuse Sindhu Tai complains to Wada police Kidnapper, rapist of minor arrested CIDCO plans to provide....

Europe Extends Solidarity To Turkey Over Massive Forest Fires

2021-08-01T02:08+0200haberler-en (en)

Officials from the EU, UK, Serbia, Hungary, and France on Friday extended condolences to Turkey over ongoing wildfires sweeping the country's southern coastal regions. "We are deeply saddened by the forest fires that occurred in different parts of Turkey.

Death Toll Rises as Wildfires in Southern Turkey Rage On

2021-08-01T01:56+0200couriermail (en)

The death toll from wildfires burning in Turkey’s southern Antalya province rose to six on July 31, according to local reports citing authorities. Turkey’s Agriculture and Forestry minister said on Saturday that 88 of 98 forest fires burning in the country were brought under control between July 28-31 but crews were battling with the remaining 10.

'Miracle' Goat Born From Flames During Forest Fires In Southern Turkey

2021-08-01T01:37+0200haberler-en (en)

A baby goat that was born in massive flames in Turkey's southern Antalya province has been named Miracle. Sercan Bayat returned to his farm hours after he was evacuated because of forest fires to find a baby goat among perished farm animals in the burned woodland in Manavgat district. He said fires reached his village right after they began.

Turkey continues to battle forest fires

2021-08-01T01:31+0200pakobserver (en)

Ankara. Fire crews tackled blazes for a fourth day as the number of people killed in forest fires sweeping through southern Turkey rose to six on Saturday, state media reported. The wildfires broke out on Wednesday and have since injured more than 300 and forced the evacuation of villages and hotels.

98 massive forest fires under control: Turkish official

2021-08-01T01:28+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA Ninety-eight of 107 forest fires in Turkey are under control, the nation’s Agriculture and Forestry Minister said late Saturday. Efforts to contain nine blazes are still ongoing, Bekir Pakdemirli said during a news conference at a fire management center in the Degirmenyani district of southwestern Mugla province.

Turkey’s forest fires kill 6 and leave thousands homeless – 07/31/2021 – world

2021-08-01T00:12+0200ksusentinel (en)

Turkey has recorded at least 100 forest fires in recent days in the south of the country. The fire killed six and forced thousands of people to seek refuge. Heat waves and low air humidity are factors that lead to forest fires in Mediterranean countries, such as Turkey, during the northern hemisphere summer.

Dozen homes burn, five people hospitalised in Greece wildfire

2021-08-01T00:02+0200aljazeera-en (en)

About a dozen homes burned and five people were hospitalised with breathing problems as firefighters fought a forest fire near Patras, Greece’s third-largest city, authorities said. Some 145 firefighters, 50 trucks, eight firefighting planes and helicopters have been mobilised to extinguish the fire....

Azerbaijan sends 53 fire trucks to Turkey to fight wildfires

2021-07-31T23:59+0200turkishpress (en)

BAKU, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan on Saturday provided 53 fire trucks to Turkey, where forest fires in the past few days have led to deaths as well as material damage. The Emergency Situations Ministry sent the vehicles meant to fight large fires, as well as 220 personnel by land.

Efforts to extinguish forest fires in Turkey’s coastal Mugla province continue

2021-07-31T23:59+0200turkishpress (en)

MUGLA, Turkey. Turkey continues its efforts to extinguish forest fires in the Marmaris and Koycegiz districts of the coastal Mugla province. The fire, which broke out in the forest area of ​​Sirinyer neighborhood, spreads with the effect of the wind. It has since reached Icmeler, Turunc, Osmaniye,....

Three Hotels Evacuated in Turkey's Bodrum Over Wildfires - Mayor

2021-07-31T23:51+0200urdupoint (en)

Bodrum Mayor Ahmet Aras told Sputnik that three hotels were evacuated in the Turkish resort on Saturday due to wildfires. ANKARA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 31st July, 2021) Bodrum Mayor Ahmet Aras told Sputnik that three hotels were evacuated in the Turkish resort on Saturday due to wildfires.

Turkey Arrests Suspect in Starting Forest Fires in Country - Erdogan

2021-07-31T23:50+0200urdupoint (en)

ANKARA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 01st August, 2021) Turkey has arrested a person allegedly responsible for starting the recent forest fires in the country, President Recep said on Saturday. "There is one arrestee in Milas. If this is an act of sabotage, then it is our duty to punish those....

EU Ready to Assist Turkey in Dealing With Wildfires - Borrell

2021-07-31T23:50+0200urdupoint (en)

BRUSSELS (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 01st August, 2021) The is ready to assist Turkey in dealing with the wildfires near the city of Antalya , EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Saturday, after talking with his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu. "Spoke to [Mevlut Cavusoglu] about efforts to deal with forest fires near Antalya .

Person suspected of starting forest fires in Turkey arrested

2021-07-31T23:44+0200news-yahoo-in (en)

Ankara [Turkey] August 1 (ANI): President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday said that Turkey has arrested a person allegedly responsible for starting the ongoing forest fires in the country. "There is one arrestee in Milas. If this is an act of sabotage, then it is our duty to punish those....

Turkey is under the shock of unprecedented forest fires

2021-07-31T22:57+0200thestatesman (en)

Atleast four people killed and injured scores of others in its coastal touristic southern provinces, while authorities are investigating claims of sabotage. Over 70 wildfires have been reported since Wednesday across the country. Scorching heat and strong winds have fanned the fires in different....

Birth of 'Miracle' goat defies deadly flames of Turkey forest fires

2021-07-31T22:42+0200dailysabah (en)

As forest fires hit his village, farmer Sercan Bayat shouted at his cows to run from the flames, not wanting to witness his animals perish. Seeing his animals threatened by the inferno – a moment he captured on video – was the most difficult moment in 30-year-old Bayat's life.

Efforts To Extinguish Forest Fires In Turkey's Coastal Mugla Province Continue

2021-07-31T22:25+0200haberler-en (en)

Turkey continues its efforts to extinguish forest fires in the Marmaris and Koycegiz districts of the coastal Mugla province. The fire, which broke out in the forest area of ​​Sirinyer neighborhood, spreads with the effect of the wind. It has since reached Icmeler, Turunc, Osmaniye, Bayir, Ciftlik, Turgut, Hisaronu and Orhaniye neighborhoods.

Egypt offers condolences over Turkey's deadly wildfires

2021-07-31T22:20+0200egypttoday (en)

CAIRO - 31 July 2021: Egypt follows up the reports on human losses resulting from forest fires in various parts of Turkey with sadness and sorrow, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday. Egypt offers its condolences to the families of the victims, wishing the injured speedy recovery, the ministry added.

Egypt offers condolences over Turkey's deadly wildfires

2021-07-31T22:04+0200sis (en)

Egypt follows up the reports on human losses resulting from forest fires in various parts of Turkey with sadness and sorrow, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday 31/07/2021. Egypt offers its condolences to the families of the victims, wishing the injured speedy recovery, the ministry added.

EUROPA 25 min Dove non piove, brucia: fiamme in Turchia, Grecia, Italia L'Europa mediterranea nella stretta dei roghi: le alte temperature non danno tregua ai pompieri. Il Presidente della Regione Sicilia ha chiesto la mobilitazione della Protezione Civile.

2021-07-31T21:58+0200tio (it)

GINEVRA - È un'estate europea caratterizzata dal maltempo, ma mentre il centro-nord se la vede con l'acqua, con le alluvioni che hanno colpito la Germania ed il Belgio e i forti temporali che si sono fatti sentire anche nel Regno Unito, in Svizzera e in Austria, la parte mediterranea del continente sta lottando contro il fuoco.

Iranian Armed Forces launches 1st firefighting op. in Turkey

2021-07-31T21:21+0200mehrnews-en (en)

According to the Public Relations Department of the Iranian Ministry of Defense, Pilot Nouri Al-e Agha, Head of the Air Fire Control and Logistics Center of the Ministry of Defense reported the presence of a firefighting aircraft of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the city of....

“Turkey has the strongest infrastructure in its region in terms of combatting forest fires”

2021-07-31T21:03+0200publicnow (en)

Delivering remarks after visiting the areas in the Marmaris district of Muğla that were affected by forest fires, President Erdoğan said: 'Turkey has the strongest infrastructure in its region in terms of combatting forest fires.' President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan paid a visit to areas in the Marmaris....

91 of 101 forest fires under control in Turkey: Minister

2021-07-31T20:59+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister on Saturday said his country has contained most (91 of 101) of the forest fires that started on Wednesday. In a statement, Bekir Pakdemirli said efforts are underway to take the remaining blazes under control.

Marmaris Municipality thanks Aliyev for help in extinguishing forest fire

2021-07-31T20:43+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

The municipality of the Turkish city of Marmaris expressed gratitude to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, for sending a team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to extinguish forest fires in Turkish resort cities. "The Azerbaijani military arrived in Marmaris to support us in extinguishing the fire.

The navy is in action: Greek villages evacuated after forest fires:

2021-07-31T20:09+0200tv6 (en)

Four villages were evacuated from the Peloponnese region of Greece because of a forestfire. Nearly 100 firefighters are working together to control the fire in the region around Patras (Greek’s third largest). The highway connecting the peninsula with mainland Greece has been closed. Hospitals are available to treat the injured.

Another group of Azerbaijani firefighters leaves for Turkey to extinguish forest fires (PHOTO)

2021-07-31T20:00+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 31. Trend: In accordance with the instruction of the President of Azerbaijan, another group of firefighting forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the country will leave for fraternal Turkey in the coming hours to extinguish forest fires and....

Incendi in Turchia, turisti evacuati via mare a Bodrum

2021-07-31T19:52+0200informazione (it)

In sintesi... /div> div id=tt-text> p>Fai un click sull'icona, per creare un compendio del testo degli articoli presenti sulla pagina. /p> p>In automatico sarà generato un sunto degli articoli selezionati, con l'estrazione delle informazio t <<ni principali. A te decidere il grado di dettaglio e la quantità di testo da estrarre.

'Thoughts and prayers': World leaders condole with Turkey over forest fires

2021-07-31T19:30+0200aa-en (en)

TBILISI, Georgia / NUR SULTAN, Kazakhstan / KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia / ISTANBUL. Many world leaders on Saturday conveyed their condolences to Turkey, where forest fires have led to deaths and material damage. "Malaysia expresses sincere condolences over the loss of lives caused by the forest fires in....

Turkey declares a state of disaster due to forest fires

2021-07-31T19:27+0200archyde (en)

The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, declared this Saturday the state of disaster in the regions of the country affected by forest fires, that have left at least four dead and about 200 injured, according to the latest official balance. “We have declared our regions affected by forest....

Fire crews continue to battle wildfires in Turkey

2021-07-31T19:23+0200yahoo-sg (en)

Fire crews tackle blazes for a fourth day as the number of people killed in forest fires sweeping through southern Turkey rises to at least six.

Russian Consulate General announces number of evacuated tourists in Bodrum

2021-07-31T19:20+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Amid the growing threat of fire in the resort town of Bodrum, 100 Russian tourists were evacuated, RIA Novosti reports with a reference to the Consulate General of the Russian Federation. Russian tourists in the region of Bodrum, where forest fires continue, are safe, the diplomatic service assured.

Egypt condoles with families of victims of Turkey's wildfires

2021-07-31T19:19+0200ahram-EN (en)

Egypt expressed condolences on Saturday to the families of victims of Turkey’s southern coast wildfires which have killed six people in four days. Firefighters have been battling blazes since Wednesday after the evacuation of dozens of villages and some hotels, as fire broke out through forests and some settlements.

Turkey battles forest fires for fourth day

2021-07-31T19:19+0200ahram-EN (en)

People try to help during a massive wildfire which engulfed a Mediterranean resort region on Turkey's southern coast near the town of Manavgat, on July 29, 2021. - At least three people were reported dead on July 29, 2021 and more than 100 injured as firefighters battled blazes engulfing a Mediterranean resort region on Turkey's southern coast.

Condolences to Turkey on forest fires

2021-07-31T19:10+0200omanobserver-om (en)

The Sultanate, in a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, expressed its condolences and sympathy to the government and people of the friendly Republic of Turkey, on the victims of the forest fires which raged across many areas of Turkey leaving several dead and many wounded, wishing the injured speedy recovery.

'Thoughts And Prayers': World Leaders Condole With Turkey Over Forest Fires

2021-07-31T18:52+0200haberler-en (en)

Many world leaders on Saturday conveyed their condolences to Turkey, where forest fires have led to deaths and material damage. "Malaysia expresses sincere condolences over the loss of lives caused by the forest fires in Turkey, including in Antalya - the hometown of my brother Foreign Minister....

Georgia ready to help Turkey in extinguishing forest fires

2021-07-31T18:40+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili announced his country's readiness to help Turkey cope with forest fires in resort towns. "I express my sincere condolences to our friendly Turkey in connection with the casualties and damage caused by the fire. Georgia expresses solidarity to the government and people of Turkey in this difficult period.

Four killed as wildfires sweep Turkey

2021-07-31T18:39+0200radio-pk (en)

In Turkey, four people have reportedly burnt to death while 180 others injured in horrible forest fires which erupted at resort region of Aegean and Mediterranean coasts. The firemen are still trying to douse flames after the evacuation of dozens of villages.

Turkey battles forest fires for fourth day

2021-07-31T18:36+0200english-alaraby (en)

in forest fires sweeping through southern Turkey rose to six on Saturday, state media reported. The wildfires broke out on Wednesday and have since injured more than 300 and forced the evacuation of villages and hotels. The toll rose after the bodies of two workers who had been trying to put out the....

Turkey declares a state of disaster in the areas affected by forest fires

2021-07-31T18:26+0200archyde (en)

The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has declared this Saturday the state of disaster in the regions of the country affected by forest fires, that they have left at least six dead and more than 400 injured, according to the last official balance.

Egitto-Turchia: ministero Esteri egiziano porge condoglianze ad Ankara per vittime incendi

2021-07-31T18:26+0200agenzianova (it)

Il Cairo, 31 lug 18:00 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il ministero degli Esteri dell’Egitto ha espresso le sue condoglianze alle famiglie delle vittime degli incendi boschivi che stanno colpendo da ormai quattro giorni le regioni meridionali e costiere della Turchia.

Turkish President Visits Areas Affected By Massive Forest Fires

2021-07-31T18:22+0200haberler-en (en)

The Turkish president on Saturday visited areas affected by forest fires across southern Turkey, which have led to deaths and injuries besides vast material damage. "Fifty million (Turkish) liras [$5.91million] have been released to meet the urgent needs in areas affected by the fires.

Turkish president speaks over phone with Serbian counterpart

2021-07-31T18:21+0200turkishpress (en)

ANKARA. Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a phone call with Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic, Turkey’s Communications Directorate said on Saturday. Erdogan and Vucic discussed steps to improve Turkey-Serbia relations and regional issues, according to a statement.

Turkish president visits areas affected by massive forest fires

2021-07-31T18:21+0200turkishpress (en)

ANKARA / ANTALYA, Turkey. The Turkish president on Saturday visited areas affected by forest fires across southern Turkey, which have led to deaths and injuries besides vast material damage. “Fifty million (Turkish) liras [$5.91million] have been released to meet the urgent needs in areas affected by the fires.

Jordan offers assistance to Turkey to contain forest fires

2021-07-31T18:21+0200turkishpress (en)

AMMAN, Jordan. Jordan’s King Abdullah II on Saturday offered assistance to Turkey to help the country confront forest fires that broke out since Wednesday. Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said he called his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu to offer Jordan’s condolences to Turkey over the victims of the fires.

Malaysia condoles with Turkey over forest fires, loss of lives

2021-07-31T18:21+0200turkishpress (en)

KUALA LUMPUR. Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein on Saturday issued a letter of condolences for Turkey, where forest fires caused loss of lives along with damage in the past few days. “Malaysia expresses sincere condolences over the loss of lives caused by the forest fires in Turkey,....

88 of 98 forest fires under control in Turkey: Minister

2021-07-31T18:21+0200turkishpress (en)

ANKARA. Turkey’s agriculture and forestry minister on Saturday said his country contained most of the forest fires since Wednesday. Bekir Pakdemirli said in a tweet that the efforts were underway to take the remaining 10 forest fires under control. According to the figures he shared, forest fires....

Turkish president visits areas affected by massive forest fires

2021-07-31T18:00+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA / ANTALYA, Turkey The Turkish president on Saturday visited areas affected by forest fires across southern Turkey, which have led to deaths and injuries besides vast material damage. “Fifty million (Turkish) liras [$5.91million] have been released to meet the urgent needs in areas affected by the fires.

Turkish president speaks over phone with Serbian counterpart

2021-07-31T18:00+0200aa-en (en)

Steps to improve Turkey-Serbia relations, regional issues discussed, says statement. ANKARA. Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a phone call with Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic, Turkey’s Communications Directorate said on Saturday. Erdogan and Vucic discussed steps to improve....

Turkey battles forest fires for fourth day

2021-07-31T17:47+0200urdupoint (en)

Ankara, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 31st Jul, 2021 ) : Fire crews tackled blazes for a fourth day as the number of people killed in forest fires sweeping through southern rose to six on Saturday, state reported. The wildfires broke out on Wednesday and have since injured more than 300 and forced the evacuation of villages and hotels.

Six people dead in Turkish wildfires

2021-07-31T17:46+0200RTERadio (en)

Fire crews tackled blazes for a fourth day as the number of people killed in forest fires sweeping through southern Turkey rose to six, state media reported. The wildfires broke out on Wednesday and have since injured more than 300 and forced the evacuation of villages and hotels.

AFP - Turkey-fire

2021-07-31T17:41+0200nampa (en)

Turkey battles forest fires for fourth day =(Picture+Video)= Ankara, July 31, 2021 (AFP) - Fire crews tackled blazes for a fourth day as the number of people killed in forest fires sweeping through southern Turkey rose to six on Saturday, state media reported.

Erdogan thanks Putin for supporting fight against wildfires in Turkey

2021-07-31T17:18+0200trtworld (en)

Helicopters respond to the forest fire that broke out in Manavgat district of Turkey’s Antalya on July 31, 2021. (AA) Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has thanked his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin for extending support to fight forest fires in the country's south, according to Erdogan on....

Turkey Battles Forest Fires For Fourth Day

2021-07-31T17:18+0200ibtimes (en)

Fire crews tackled blazes for a fourth day as the number of people killed in forest fires sweeping through southern Turkey rose to six on Saturday, state media reported. The wildfires broke out on Wednesday and have since injured more than 300 and forced the evacuation of villages and hotels.

Turkey battles forest fires for fourth day

2021-07-31T17:17+0200yahoo-au (en)

Fire crews tackled blazes for a fourth day as the number of people killed in forest fires sweeping through southern Turkey rose to six on Saturday, state media reported. The wildfires broke out on Wednesday and have since injured more than 300 and forced the evacuation of villages and hotels.

Turkey Battles Forest Fires For Fourth Day

2021-07-31T17:12+0200barrons (en)

Fire crews tackled blazes for a fourth day as the number of people killed in forest fires sweeping through southern Turkey rose to six on Saturday, state media reported. The wildfires broke out on Wednesday and have since injured more than 300 and forced the evacuation of villages and hotels.

Turkey battles forest fires for fourth day

2021-07-31T17:10+0200digitaljournal (en)

Fire crews tackled blazes for a fourth day as the number of people killed in forest fires sweeping through southern Turkey rose to six on Saturday, state media reported. The wildfires broke out on Wednesday and have since injured more than 300 and forced the evacuation of villages and hotels.

Death toll from Turkey wildfires rises to 6

2021-07-31T16:48+0200upi (en)

July 31 (UPI) -- The death toll in Turkey from dozens of wildfires in the southern Antalya province rose to six, local officials announced Saturday. Unnamed sources told Turkey's Anadolu Agency that authorities found the bodies of two people Saturday. Sources confirmed the deaths to Hurriyet Daily....

31/07/2021 Turkey battles forest fires for fourth day

2021-07-31T16:47+0200rfi-en (en)

Ankara (AFP) Fire crews tackled blazes for a fourth day as the number of people killed in forest fires sweeping through southern Turkey rose to six on Saturday, state media reported. The wildfires broke out on Wednesday and have since injured more than 300 and forced the evacuation of villages and hotels.

Death toll climbs to six in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T16:40+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six on Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T16:32+0200kathimerini-en (en)

The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T16:32+0200ChinaPost (en)

ISTANBUL (AP) — The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T16:20+0200wowktv (en)

A man walks toward wildfires in Kacarlar village near the Mediterranean coastal town of Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey, Saturday, July 31, 2021. The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T16:05+0200eagletribune (en)

ISTANBUL (AP) — The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

Turkey shocked by wildfires amid claims of sabotage

2021-07-31T16:00+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

ISTANBUL, July 31 (Xinhua) -- Turkey is under the shock of unprecedented forest fires that killed four people and injured scores of others in its coastal touristic southern provinces, while authorities are investigating claims of sabotage. Over 70 wildfires have been reported since Wednesday across the country.

world Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires By Associated Press 01/08/2021

2021-07-31T15:59+0200samoaobserver (en)

ISTANBUL (AP) — The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires 0 7/31/2021 6:14:10 AM

2021-07-31T15:53+0200tricitynews (en)

ISTANBUL (AP) — The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T15:53+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

ISTANBUL (AP) — The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

Roundup: Turkey shocked by wildfires amid claims of sabotage (en)

ISTANBUL, July 31 (Xinhua) -- Turkey is under the shock of unprecedented forest fires that killed four people and injured scores of others in its coastal touristic southern provinces, while authorities are investigating claims of sabotage. Over 70 wildfires have been reported since Wednesday across the country.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T15:39+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Turkey Wildfire A man walks toward wildfires in Kacarlar village near the Mediterranean coastal town of Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey, Saturday, July 31, 2021. The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey's Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country's health minister said.

Turkish president speaks over phone with Serbian counterpart

2021-07-31T15:37+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a phone call with Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic, Turkey’s Communications Directorate said on Saturday. Erdogan and Vucic discussed steps to improve Turkey-Serbia relations and regional issues, according to a statement.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T15:34+0200krqe (en)

A man walks toward wildfires in Kacarlar village near the Mediterranean coastal town of Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey, Saturday, July 31, 2021. The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said.

Six killed as wildfires sweep Turkey, villages evacuated

2021-07-31T15:34+0200english-alaraby (en)

The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

Death toll rises to 6 on 4th day of wildfires sweeping Turkey

2021-07-31T15:33+0200turkishminute (en)

The death toll in wildfires that have been devastating Turkey’s Aegean and Mediterranean coasts since Wednesday has risen to six, with hundreds more injured, according to a report by the state-run Anadolu news agency. Eighty-eight fires out of a total of 98 that erupted in 30 provinces since around....

Watch: Raging forest fires sweep through several parts of Turkey

2021-07-31T15:31+0200expressindia (en)

For the past three days, several parts of Turkey has been engulfed in raging flames, not just destroying forest covers but also destroying people’s homes and leaving animals in danger as well. As fires continue, social media is flooded with heartbreaking videos capturing the calamity.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T15:29+0200dailyjournal (en)

ISTANBUL The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T15:29+0200ABCnews (en)

ISTANBUL -- The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T15:28+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

ISTANBUL — The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T15:26+0200independent-UK (en)

The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said. Fires across Turkey since Wednesday have burned down forests, encroaching on villages and tourist destinations and forcing people to evacuate.

16:43 Putin confirms provision of assistance to Turkey to put out forest fires

2021-07-31T15:21+0200news-am (en)

During a phone talk with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin confirmed the provision of assistance to Turkey to put out the forest fires, TASS reports. The Kremlin’s press release also states that Erdogan cordially welcomed the assistance.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T15:20+0200wsoctv (en)

Turkey Wildfire A man walks toward wildfires in Kacarlar village near the Mediterranean coastal town of Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey, Saturday, July 31, 2021. The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey's Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country's health minister said.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T15:18+0200cbs17 (en)

A man walks toward wildfires in Kacarlar village near the Mediterranean coastal town of Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey, Saturday, July 31, 2021. The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey’s Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two forest workers were killed , the country’s health minister said.

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T15:16+0200news4jax (en)

Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. A man walks toward wildfires in Kacarlar village near the Mediterranean coastal town of Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey, Saturday, July 31, 2021. The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey's Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two....

Ground, aerial strife against forest fires ongoing in Antalya, Turkey

2021-07-31T15:15+0200turkishpress (en)

ANTALYA. Turkish authorities continue the efforts to contain forest fires in the Manavgat and Akseki districts of the southern Antalya province, with aerial and ground operations underway. Fires in Manavgat had first emerged on Wednesday at four different points around noon, whereas the fire in Akseki emerged late Friday.

Turkish president thanks Russian counterpart for supporting fight against wildfires

2021-07-31T15:15+0200turkishpress (en)

ANKARA Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin over the phone, Turkey’s Communications Directorate said on Saturday. Erdogan thanked Putin for Russia’s allocation of five firefighting aircraft and three more helicopters for supporting Turkey’s fight....

Death toll climbs to 6 in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-31T15:13+0200clickondetroit (en)

Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. A man walks toward wildfires in Kacarlar village near the Mediterranean coastal town of Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey, Saturday, July 31, 2021. The death toll from wildfires raging in Turkey's Mediterranean towns rose to six Saturday after two....

Erdoğan thanks Russia's Putin for supporting fight against wildfires

2021-07-31T15:07+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a phone conversation Saturday, Turkey's Communications Directorate said. Erdoğan thanked Putin for Russia's allocation of five firefighting aircraft and three more helicopters to support Turkey's fight against forest fires across the country, according to a statement.

TURKEY Erdoğan thanks Russian counterpart for supporting fight against wildfires

2021-07-31T15:02+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

Erdoğan thanks Russian counterpart for supporting fight against wildfires ANKARA Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke with his Russian counterpart Vladimir over the phone, Turkey 's Communications Directorate said on July 31. class='cf'> thanked Putin for Russia's allocation of five....

Ground, aerial strife against forest fires ongoing in Antalya, Turkey

2021-07-31T15:01+0200aa-en (en)

ANTALYA Turkish authorities continue the efforts to contain forest fires in the Manavgat and Akseki districts of the southern Antalya province, with aerial and ground operations underway. Fires in Manavgat had first emerged on Wednesday at four different points around noon, whereas the fire in Akseki emerged late Friday.

Malaysia condoles with Turkey over forest fires, loss of lives

2021-07-31T15:01+0200aa-en (en)

KUALA LUMPUR Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein on Saturday issued a letter of condolences for Turkey, where forest fires caused loss of lives along with damage in the past few days. "Malaysia expresses sincere condolences over the loss of lives caused by the forest fires in Turkey,....

Ground, aerial strife against forest fires ongoing in Antalya, Turkey

2021-07-31T14:37+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkish authorities continue the efforts to contain forest fires in the Manavgat and Akseki districts of the southern Antalya province, with aerial and ground operations underway. Fires in Manavgat had first emerged on Wednesday at four different points around noon, whereas the fire in Akseki emerged late Friday.

Russia to send more aircraft to Turkey to help fight wildfires

2021-07-31T14:16+0200itartass_en (en)

MOSCOW, July 31. /TASS/. Russia will send eleven additional aircraft to Turkey to provide assistance in extinguishing wildfires thee, the Russian Emergencies Ministry’s press service informed TASS on Saturday. "The authorities of the Republic of Turkey have addressed Russia with a request to provide....

Turkish president thanks Russian counterpart for supporting fight against wildfires

2021-07-31T14:07+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin over the phone, Turkey's Communications Directorate said on Saturday. Erdogan thanked Putin for Russia's allocation of five firefighting aircraft and three more helicopters for supporting Turkey's fight against....

Putin tells Erdogan Russia will continue to help Turkey extinguish forest fires

2021-07-31T14:01+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed in a phone call with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Moscow will continue provide assistance to Ankara in extinguishing forest fires, the Kremlin press service said on Saturdaysaid, TASS reports.

EU, European countries express condolences to Turkey over ongoing wildfire

2021-07-31T13:54+0200menafn (en)

)Officials from the EU and European countries expressed condolences to Turkey over continuing wildfires sweeping the country’s southern coastal regions. According to the EU delegation to Turkey, "We are deeply saddened by the forest fires that occurred in different parts of Turkey.

Turkey - Forest Fires (Turkey Disaster and Emergency Management - AFAD, Media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 31 July 2021)

2021-07-31T13:47+0200reliefWeb (en)

Between 28-30 July 2021, a total of 85 forest fires occurred along the Aegean and Mediteranean coastal regions, 74 of which have been controlled. Efforts to control 11 fires were ongoing in 5 cities (Antalya, Mugla, Mersin, Adana, Osmaniye). 6 aircraft, 42 helicopters, 660 water tankers, 65 vehicles....

88 of 98 forest fires under control in Turkey: Minister

2021-07-31T13:34+0200news-az (en)

Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister on Saturday said his country contained most of the forest fires since Wednesday, Anadolu Agency reports. Bekir Pakdemirli said in a tweet that the efforts were underway to take the remaining 10 forest fires under control.

Turkish president thanks Russian counterpart for supporting fight against wildfires

2021-07-31T13:30+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin over the phone, Turkey's Communications Directorate said on Saturday. Erdogan thanked Putin for Russia's allocation of five firefighting aircraft and three more helicopters for supporting Turkey's fight....

Turkey fights forest fires raging through country's south

2021-07-31T13:30+0200aa-en (en)

Fotoğraf: Eren Bozkurt. ADANA, TURKEY - JULY 29: A helicopter is seen as firefighter teams conduct extinguish works in Kozan district of Adana, Turkey on July 29, 2021. ( Eren Bozkurt - Anadolu Agency ) Fotoğraf: Eren Bozkurt. ADANA, TURKEY - JULY 29: Flares rise from a house after a forest fire....

Turkey battles wildfires for 3rd day in a row, 88 under control

2021-07-31T13:23+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Turkish emergency forces are battling massive forest fires in the country for the third consecutive day, Daily Sabah reports. Ten fires are still active, including three in the popular holiday region of Antalya, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli said on Twitter on Saturday.

Celebrities and public figures mourn the devastation caused by the wildfires in Turkey

2021-07-31T13:15+0200dawn (en)

Turkey witnessed massive devastation along its southern coast when large forest fires sprung up in several areas. Photos of ravaged forests and reports of deaths have captured people's attention around the world. Celebrities — including Pakistan's very own — have taken to social media to mourn the disaster.

Caldo e vento forte in Turchia, gli incendi infuriano per il 3° giorno: 10 roghi ancora fuori controllo, 6 morti

2021-07-31T13:11+0200meteoweb (it)

Per il terzo giorno consecutivo, in Turchia vigili del fuoco, volontari e forze dell’ordine stanno combattendo contro gli incendi che stanno devastando le foreste di varie aree del Paese. Sono ancora attivi e fuori controllo 10 roghi , di cui 3 nella regione dell’ Antalya , ha confermato il Ministro....

Russia will continue to help Turkey extinguish forest fires, Putin tells Erdogan Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed in a phone call with his Turkish counterpart...

2021-07-31T13:09+0200panorama-am-en (en)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed in a phone call with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Moscow will continue provide assistance to Ankara in extinguishing forest fires, TASS reported on Saturday, citing the Kremlin press service.

88 out of 98 forest fires localized in Turkey, - Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

2021-07-31T13:05+0200112-international (en)

Turkish firefighters have contained 88 forest fires out of 98. July 30, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic Bekir Pakdemirli said this on Twitter. “From 28 to 31 July 2021, we have localized 88 of 98 forest fires. Efforts to combat 10 fires continue with great dedication,” Pakdemirli wrote.

Turchia, incendi per il terzo giorno consecutivo e quattro vittime. Fiamme fino alle spiagge

2021-07-31T12:48+0200leggo (it)

La Turchia è ancora in fiamme : sono quattro finora le vittime dei roghi. Per il terzo giorno consecutivo, le forze di emergenze turche stanno combattendo contro gli incendi che devastano sempre di più le foreste di varie aree del Paese. Leggi anche - Come scrive su Twitter il Ministro....

Telephone conversation with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan July 31, 2021, 12:00 2021-07-31 Team of the Official Website of the President of Russia

2021-07-31T12:44+0200kremlin-en (en)

The two leaders discussed the emergency situation in Turkey due to forest fires. They noted the importance of the two countries’ cooperation in dealing with this natural disaster. Vladimir Putin pointed out that Russia would continue to provide comprehensive assistance to Turkey’s firefighting efforts.

At least 88 of 98 forest fires under control in Turkey: Minister

2021-07-31T12:36+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister on Saturday said his country contained most of the forest fires since Wednesday. Bekir Pakdemirli said in a tweet that the efforts were underway to take the remaining 10 forest fires under control. According to the figures he shared, forest fires are....

Pakistan extends condolences to Turkey over forest fire deaths

2021-07-31T12:31+0200nation (en)

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday offered his condolences to Turkey over the deaths caused by forest fires raging through the southern coastal regions over the past few days. "We stand with the govt & people of Turkey & share in their sorrow at the tragic loss of life in the wildfires tragedy," PM Imran Khan tweeted.

TURKEY US, Europe extend solidarity to Turkey over massive forest fires

2021-07-31T12:01+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

class='cf'> "The United States understands how devastating wildfires can be for communities, and we offer our heartfelt condolences to the victims and families affected in Turkey," State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Twitter. "We stand with our NATO Ally and are ready to respond to requests for assistance.

88 of 98 forest fires under control in Turkey: Minister

2021-07-31T12:00+0200aa-en (en)

6 people have lost their lives so far due to fires across country since Wednesday. ANKARA Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister on Saturday said his country contained most of the forest fires since Wednesday. Bekir Pakdemirli said in a tweet that the efforts were underway to take the remaining 10 forest fires under control.

Incendi Turchia, 4 morti: fiamme lambiscono spiagge, 98 roghi

2021-07-31T11:51+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Turchia devastata dagli incendi . Le vittime dei roghi sono finora quattro. Le cause degli incendi sono ancora incerte ma le autorità turche non escludono l'opera di piromani. Nei prossimi giorni, ad aggravare la situazione nelle zone interessate dai roghi, sono attese temperature di oltre 40 gradi. Incendi Turchia, lotta contro il tempo.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-31T11:47+0200thehimalayantimes (en)

Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 14 locations in six provinces in Turkey's Mediterranean and southern Aegean region, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters. A total of 57 other wildfires that broke out amid strong winds and scorching heat have been brought under control since Wednesday, he said.

Incendi Turchia, 4 morti: fiamme lambiscono le spiagge, turisti in fuga. Nel Paese 98 roghi

2021-07-31T11:46+0200ilmattino (it)

Turchia devastata dagli incendi . Le vittime dei roghi sono finora quattro. Le cause degli incendi sono ancora incerte ma le autorità turche non escludono l'opera di piromani. Nei prossimi giorni, ad aggravare la situazione nelle zone interessate dai roghi, sono attese temperature di oltre 40 gradi. Incendi Turchia, lotta contro il tempo.

Caldo e vento forte in Turchia, gli incendi infuriano per il 3° giorno: 10 roghi ancora fuori controllo

2021-07-31T11:40+0200meteoweb (it)

Per il terzo giorno consecutivo, in Turchia vigili del fuoco, volontari e forze dell’ordine stanno combattendo contro gli incendi che stanno devastando le foreste di varie aree del Paese. Sono ancora attivi e fuori controllo 10 roghi , di cui 3 nella regione dell’ Antalya , ha confermato il Ministro....

Putin tells Erdogan Russia will continue to help Turkey extinguish forest fires

2021-07-31T11:39+0200itartass_en (en)

MOSCOW, July 31. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed in a phone call with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Moscow will continue provide assistance to Ankara in extinguishing forest fires, the Kremlin press service said on Saturday.

Oman offers condolences to Turkey over loss of life in forest fires

2021-07-31T11:36+0200timesofoman (en)

Muscat : The Sultanate has expressed its condolences and sympathy to the Republic of Turkey over the loss of life in forest fires. Oman News Agency (ONA) said in a statement: "The Sultanate expresses its condolences and sympathy to the friendly Republic of Turkey, the government and people, and to....

Russia-Turchia: Putin conferma aiuto a Erdogan per spegnere incendi nel sud del Paese

2021-07-31T11:25+0200agenzianova (it)

Mosca, 31 lug 11:15 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha discusso telefonicamente della situazione degli incendi boschivi nel sud della Turchia con l'omologo di Ankara, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. E' quanto riferito dall'ufficio stampa del Cremlino.

Jordan expresses condolences over victims of Turkey forest fires

2021-07-31T10:32+0200ammonnews-en (en)

Ammon News - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, on Friday, extended Jordan's condolences to the Turkish government and people over the victims of the deadly wildfires that took place in various provinces there. Ministry's spokesperson, Dhaifallah Al-Fayez, voiced Jordan's solidarity....

Wildfires destroy entire villages, death toll rises to 4, Turkey

2021-07-31T10:09+0200watchers (en)

Wildfires that started in southern Turkey on Wednesday and Thursday, July 28 and 29, 2021, have devastated entire villages, claimed at least 4 lives, and forced the evacuation of hotels and dozens of villages. More than 70 wildfires broke out on Turkey's Aegean and the Mediterranean coasts and some....

Malaysia condoles with Turkey over forest fires, loss of lives

2021-07-31T10:06+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein on Saturday issued a letter of condolences for Turkey, where forest fires caused loss of lives along with damage in the past few days. "Malaysia expresses sincere condolences over the loss of lives caused by the forest fires in Turkey, including in....

Azerbaijani team arrives in Turkey to help fight forest fires

2021-07-31T10:06+0200yenisafak-en (en)

The first group of teams affiliated with Azerbaijan’s Emergency Situations arrived Saturday in Turkey to help Ankara with massive forest fires in its southern provinces that have led to deaths and injuries. The group of 100 people arrived at the Dalaman Airport in Aegean Mugla province from Baku Haydar Aliyev Airport in Azerbaijan.

PM Imran extends his sympathies to Turkish govt over loss...

2021-07-31T09:40+0200pakobserver (en)

PM Imran Khan expressed his solidarity with the Turkish government and people over the loss of innocent lives in the terrible catastrophe, saying that Pakistan stands ready to offer any help at this difficult moment. ہم ترکی کی حکومت اور عوام کے شانہ بشانہ ہیں اور اس کے جنگلات میں بھڑک اٹھنے والی....

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-31T09:30+0200expressindia (en)

The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 14 locations in six....

Jordan sympathizes with Turkey over massive forest fires

2021-07-31T09:06+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Jordan on Friday extended condolences to Turkey over the loss in lives in massive forest fires that is sweeping the country's southern regions. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates expresses its deepest condolences and sympathy to the government and people of the brotherly Republic of....

Pakistan extends condolences to Turkey over forest fire deaths

2021-07-31T09:06+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday offered his condolences to Turkey over the deaths caused by forest fires raging through the southern coastal regions over the past few days. "We stand with the govt amp; people of Turkey amp; share in their sorrow at the tragic loss of life in the wildfires tragedy," Khan tweeted.

Azerbaijani team arrives in Turkey to help fight forest fires

2021-07-31T08:58+0200aa-en (en)

Muğla. The first group of teams affiliated with Azerbaijan’s Emergency Situations arrived Saturday in Turkey to help Ankara with massive forest fires in its southern provinces that have led to deaths and injuries. The group of 100 people arrived at the Dalaman Airport in Aegean Mugla province from Baku Haydar Aliyev Airport in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijani team arrives in Turkey to help fight forest fires

2021-07-31T08:02+0200bernama (en)

MUGLA (Turkey), July 31 -- The first group of teams affiliated with Azerbaijan’s Emergency Situations arrived Saturday in Turkey to help Ankara with massive forest fires in its southern provinces that have led to deaths and injuries. The group of 100 people arrived at the Dalaman Airport in Aegean....

PM Imran extends condolences to Turkey over ...

2021-07-31T07:48+0200dailypakistan (en)

ISLAMABAD Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday extended condolences to Turkey over the deaths caused by forest fires raging through the southern coastal regions over the past few days. Taking it to Twitter, the premier wrote “We stand with the govt and people of Turkey and share in their sorrow at the tragic loss of life in the wildfires tragedy”.

Ukrainian planes extinguish large forest fires in Turkey

2021-07-31T07:36+0200112-international (en)

Ukrainian aviation is engaged in extinguishing forest fires in the Republic of Turkey. The press service of reports this. An-32P firefighting aircraft carried out the first two discharges of water (16 tons) to the fires in the mountainous regions near Antalya on the evening of July 30.

US extends condolences to Turkey amid 'devastating' forest fires

2021-07-31T07:29+0200aa-en (en)

Washington DC. The US voiced its condolences on Friday to Turkey as Ankara battles dozens of wildfires across the country that have so far claimed four lives. "The United States understands how devastating wildfires can be for communities, and we offer our heartfelt condolences to the victims and....

Re: Iran extends condolences over loss of lives in Turkey’s forest fires – Middle East Monitor

2021-07-31T04:14+0200middleeastmonitor (en)

Iran's foreign minister on Friday extended condolences for the deaths caused by forest fires raging across Turkey over the past few days, Anadolu Agency reported. "I was very affected by the forest fire that broke out in some parts of Turkey. We share the pain of the government and people of Turkey....

Jordan expresses condolences over victims of Turkey forest fires

2021-07-31T00:19+0200menafn (en)

- Jordan News Agency) Amman, July 30 (Petra)-- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, on Friday, extended Jordan's condolences to the Turkish government and people over the victims of the deadly wildfires that took place in various provinces there.

Turkey Wildfire

2021-07-30T23:39+0200BulgariaTelegraph-en (en)

Medics help an evacuated woman as smoke rises from a forest fire near a residential area in the Aegean coastal town of Bodrum, Turkey, Thursday, July 29, 2021. Turkish authorities on Thursday began investigating the cause of a string of forest fires in Turkey's Mediterranean and southern Aegean....

US Extends Condolences To Turkey Amid 'Devastating' Forest Fires

2021-07-30T23:21+0200haberler-en (en)

The US voiced its condolences on Friday to Turkey as Ankara battles dozens of wildfires across the country that have so far claimed four lives. "The United States understands how devastating wildfires can be for communities, and we offer our heartfelt condolences to the victims and families affected....

Jordan Sympathizes With Turkey Over Massive Forest Fires

2021-07-30T23:21+0200haberler-en (en)

4 people killed in forest fires in southern Turkey, 74 fires countywide brought under control so far, say authorities. Jordan on Friday extended condolences to Turkey over the loss in lives in massive forest fires that is sweeping the country's southern regions.

Azerbaijan sending firefighting teams of Ministry of Emergency Situati...

2021-07-30T23:01+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 30. By Chingiz Safarli - Trend: The firefighting teams of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Emergency Situations are being sent to Turkey to extinguish forest fires and prevent their further spread in accordance with the instruction of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Trend reports on July 30.

Death toll in wildfires that hit Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T22:45+0200newindianexpress (en)

ANKARA: The death toll in wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four as fire crews on Friday battled blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 14 locations in six provinces in Turkey’s Mediterranean and....

9- Jordan expresses condolences over victims of Turkey forest fires

2021-07-30T22:24+0200petra-en (en)

Amman, July 30 (Petra)-- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, on Friday, extended Jordan's condolences to the Turkish government and people over the victims of the deadly wildfires that took place in various provinces there. Ministry's spokesperson, Dhaifallah Al-Fayez, voiced Jordan's....

Ertugrul actresses Esra Bilgic, Gulsim Ali sad ...

2021-07-30T22:14+0200dailypakistan (en)

Beautiful Turkish actress Esra Bilgic, who plays Halime Sultan in historical drama serial Dirilis: Ertugrul, has expressed her feeling of ‘indescribable sadness’ over the recent forest fires in Turkey. On Thursday, four people were reported dead and more than 180 injured as thousands of....

Turkish ambassador grateful to Azerbaijan for support regarding wildfi...

2021-07-30T21:30+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 30. Trend: Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Cahit Bagci expressed gratitude to Azerbaijan for support in connection with forest fires, according to his tweet, Trend reports. "We express our gratitude to all countries, especially to friendly and fraternal....

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T21:22+0200eagletribune (en)

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — The death toll in wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four as fire crews on Friday battled blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 14 locations in six provinces in Turkey’s....

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T20:40+0200timesdaily (en)

A firefighter battles with fire in Kirli village near the town of Manavgat, in Antalya province, Turkey early Friday July 30, 2021. The fire that continued all night could not be brought under control and people living in the village started to evacuate.

Shmyhal extends condolences to Turkey over massive wildfires

2021-07-30T20:28+0200menafn (en)

- UkrinForm) Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has expressed his condolences to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Vice President Fuat Oktay and the people of Turkey due to massive forest fires in the country. According to Ukrinform, Shmyhal announced this on Twitter .

Heatwave forecast: Hellish 50C African desert air to bake Europe in week-long freak event

2021-07-30T20:06+0200express (en)

The freak weather event is being charged by rare sirocco winds and will carry the sweltering conditions from the Sahara desert over southern Europe. Italy is expected to experience the first blast of the brutal heat on Sunday before the area of high pressure spreads southeast towards Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey.

Turkish ambassador grateful to Azerbaijan for support regarding wildfires...

2021-07-30T19:54+0200menafn (en)

- AzerNews) By Trend. Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Cahit Bagci expressed gratitude to Azerbaijan for support in connection with forest fires, according to his tweet, Trend reports. "We express our gratitude to all countries, especially to friendly and fraternal Azerbaijan, which supported us on the forest fires," he said.

Forest fires mostly under control as Turkey strives to recover

2021-07-30T19:29+0200news-az (en)

A small number of the forest fires that started Wednesday and Thursday, mostly in Turkey's south, are still raging Friday while dozens of others are “under control,” authorities said. Fires erupting one after the other are usual during forest fire season when temperatures are at their highest, but....

Iran says ready to aid Turkey to contain forest fires

2021-07-30T19:27+0200tehrantimes (en)

While announcing Iran’s solidarity with the government and people of the friendly and brotherly country of Turkey and expressing condolences to the families of the victims, Khatibzadeh announced Iran’s readiness to assist the Turkish government to contain the forest fires.

Turkey fires map: Where wildfires have wreaked destruction as Marmaris threatened by blazes

2021-07-30T19:23+0200inews-co-uk (en)

A handful of forest fires are still continuing to rage for a third day in Turkey, while dozens have been brought under control. Four people have died and many others were forced to evacuate their villages as firefighters attempted to tackle the blazes in the south of the country.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T19:12+0200ahram-EN (en)

The death toll in wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four as fire crews on Friday battled blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 14 locations in six provinces in Turkey’s Mediterranean and....

Firefighters Continue to Battle Deadly Wildfires in Southern Turkey

2021-07-30T19:05+0200voanews (en)

Firefighters continued to battle raging wildfires in southern Turkey Friday that have killed at least four people and forced the evacuation of villages and hotels. More than 70 wildfires broke out this week in Turkey’s Mediterranean and southern Aegean region and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told....

7:15 pm Ukraine sends 2 firefighting plane to help contain forest wildfires in Turkey

2021-07-30T18:43+0200kyivpost (en)

The planes of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine departed for Turkey on July 30 to participate in containing massive forest wildfires in this country, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said. “As promised, two State Emergency Service firefighting planes with crews and a support group....

TURKEY FOREST FIRES - At least four die in Turkey wildfires

2021-07-30T18:20+0200efe (en)

Smoke rises from a forest fire in Mugla's Marmaris district in Turkey, 29 July 2021 (issued 30 July 2021). EFE/EPA/MAHMUT SERDAR ALAKUS. A helicopter pours water onto the forest fire in Mugla's Marmaris district in Turkey, 29 July 2021 (issued 30 July 2021). EFE/EPA/MAHMUT SERDAR ALAKUS.

Azerbaijan to send 500-man team, helicopters and other necessary equipment to Turkey

2021-07-30T18:15+0200azertag (en)

Baku, July 30, AZERTAC Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister Ali Asadov has held a phone conversation with Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay to discuss the large-scale forest fires in Turkey. The PM emphasized that as always, Azerbaijan stands by the brotherly country in this difficult time.

Why is the PKK suspected to have caused wildfires in Turkey?

2021-07-30T18:08+0200trtworld (en)

More than 71 forest fires that blazed across at least 17 Turkish cities in three days between 28-30 July, left many wondering if the fires were caused by acts of terrorism and sabotage. Natural causes such as weather conditions or campfires left behind by picnickers are among the common causes of forest fires.

Firefighting teams of Azerbaijan's MES leave for Turkey (PHOTO)

2021-07-30T17:59+0200news-az (en)

The firefighting teams of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Emergency Situations are being sent to Turkey to extinguish forest fires and prevent their further spread in accordance with the instruction of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. Azerbaijan is sending 500 firefighters, a helicopter, necessary equipment to the fraternal country.

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey

2021-07-30T17:55+0200oxfordtimes (en)

Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. Fire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in....

Europe extends solidarity to Turkey over massive forest fires

2021-07-30T17:51+0200worldbulletin (en)

Officials from the EU , UK, Serbia, Hungary, and France on Friday extended condolences to Turkey over ongoing wildfires sweeping the country’s southern coastal regions. "We are deeply saddened by the forest fires that occurred in different parts of Turkey.

Turkish ambassador grateful to Azerbaijan for support regarding wildfires

2021-07-30T17:50+0200azernews (en)

By Trend Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Cahit Bagci expressed gratitude to Azerbaijan for support in connection with forest fires, according to his tweet, reports. "We express our gratitude to all countries, especially to friendly and fraternal Azerbaijan, which supported us on the forest fires," he said.

Europe Extends Solidarity To Turkey Over Massive Forest Fires

2021-07-30T17:45+0200haberler-en (en)

Officials from the EU, UK, Serbia, Hungary, and France on Friday extended condolences to Turkey over ongoing wildfires sweeping the country's southern coastal regions. "We are deeply saddened by the forest fires that occurred in different parts of Turkey.

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey

2021-07-30T17:44+0200newsandstar (en)

Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. Fire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in....

Turkey mobilizes all resources to eliminate wildfires - president

2021-07-30T17:20+0200azernews (en)

By Trend The Turkish authorities have mobilized all available opportunities to eliminate forest fires that have spread to a number of regions of the country, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated, Trend reports referring to the Anadolu agency.

AKP gov’t blamed for poor response to forest fires raging across Turkey

2021-07-30T17:17+0200turkishminute (en)

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has attracted widespread criticism for its poor handling of major wildfires in western and southern provinces that have so far claimed the lives of four people and injured more than 180 while also taking a toll on wildlife and farm animals.

Turkey battles wildfires in south for third day, launches investigation

2021-07-30T17:09+0200trtworld (en)

A firefighter tries to battle a massive wildfire that has engulfed a Mediterranean resort region along Turkey's southern coast near the town of Manavgat, on July 29, 2021. (ILYAS AKENGIN / AFP) Firefighters were battling blazes for a third day on Friday on Turkey's southern coast, where dozens of villages and some hotels were evacuated.

Turchia: Erdogan, proseguono operazioni per contenere incendi boschivi

2021-07-30T16:51+0200agenzianova (it)

Ankara, 30 lug 16:35 - (Agenzia Nova) - La Turchia sta portando avanti le operazioni dei Vigili del fuoco per contenere 14 incendi boschivi divampati nelle provincie meridionali del Paese, mentre 57 sono stati domati. Lo ha dichiarato il presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, parlando a giornalisti a Istanbul.

Iran expresses sympathy for tragic fire in southern Turkish provinces

2021-07-30T16:40+0200irna (en)

Khatibzadeh on Friday, regretted for a large fire that had broken out in a part of the forest in the southern provinces of Turkey, causing extensive material damage and the death of a number of Turkish citizens. Khatibzadeh, announcing the solidarity of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the....

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey

2021-07-30T16:35+0200theargus (en)

Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. Fire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in....

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey

2021-07-30T16:28+0200independent-ie (en)

Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. F ire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in....

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey

2021-07-30T16:28+0200thecourier (en)

Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. Fire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in....

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey

2021-07-30T16:27+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. Fire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in....

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey

2021-07-30T16:26+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. Fire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in....

Three Dead As Wildfires Blaze On Southern Turkish Coast

2021-07-30T16:23+0200outlookindia (en)

The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 20 locations in six....

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey

2021-07-30T16:20+0200impartialreporter (en)

Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. Fire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in....

Efforts to contain 14 forest fires continue in Turkey, says President

2021-07-30T16:20+0200aa-en (en)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks to the members of press after a Friday prayer at Grand Camlica Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey on July 30, 2021. ( Murat Kula - Anadolu Agency ) ANKARA. Efforts in Turkey continue to contain 14 forest fires that have broken out since Wednesday, while 57 have....

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey

2021-07-30T16:13+0200dailyecho (en)

Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. Fire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in....

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey

2021-07-30T16:11+0200chesterfirst (en)

Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. Fire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in....

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey

2021-07-30T16:11+0200eveningtimes (en)

Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. Fire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts. Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in....

Four dead in wildfires across southern Turkey Four people have died in a string of wildfires raging across southern Turkey, officials have said. Fire crews continue to fight blazes that have burned down homes and forced people to evacuate villages and beach resorts.

2021-07-30T16:08+0200irishexaminer (en)

Firefighters were tackling wildfires in 14 locations across six provinces in Turkey’s Mediterranean and southern Aegean region, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. Firefighters in Kirli village in Antalya province (AP) A total of 57 others wildfires that broke out amid strong winds and scorching....

Azerbaijani president sends condolences for losses in Turkish fires

2021-07-30T16:04+0200avaz (en)

Azerbaijan’s president on Friday extended his condolences to his Turkish counterpart for the losses of life in forest fires in Turkey this week. Addressing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ilham Aliyev voiced his deep sorrow over the ongoing blazes in various provinces of Turkey as well as their consequences.

Azerbaijani president sends condolences for losses in Turkish fires

2021-07-30T15:53+0200avaz-english (en)

Azerbaijan’s president on Friday extended his condolences to his Turkish counterpart for the losses of life in forest fires in Turkey this week. Addressing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ilham Aliyev voiced his deep sorrow over the ongoing blazes in various provinces of Turkey as well as their consequences.

Esra Bilgic extremely sad over loss of lives in forest fires in Turkey Updated 44 minutes ago

2021-07-30T15:39+0200geo-tv (en)

Turkish actress Esra Bilgic aka Halime Sultan is in ‘indescribable sadness’ after four people were killed and over 180 injured in forest fires in Turkey. Taking to Twitter Esra, who essays the role of Halime Sultan in historical drama serial Dirilis: Ertugrul , tweeted in Turkish language which reads: “I am in indescribable sadness.

Four dead as forest fires rage near Turkey's tourist hotspots

2021-07-30T15:26+0200euronews-en (en)

Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in six provinces in Turkey’s Mediterranean and southern Aegean region, Turkey's agriculture and forestry minister Bekir Pakdemirli said. But authorities say the majority have been brought under control and that the situation with active fires is "improving".

Europe extends condolences to Turkey over massive forest fires

2021-07-30T15:18+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Officials from the EU, UK, Serbia, and Hungary extended condolences to Turkey on Friday amid massive forest fires in the country's southern provinces that have claimed the lives of three people. "We are deeply saddened by the forest fires that occurred in different parts of Turkey.

Azerbaijani FM extends condolences to Turkey over massive forest fires

2021-07-30T15:15+0200azertag (en)

Baku, July 30, AZERTAC Azerbaijan`s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov has offered his condolences to Turkey over the massive forest fires in its southern provinces which have claimed the lives of three people. “Continuation of forest fires in brotherly Turkey and the loss of three lives in Antalya shocked us very much.

Bruciano Grecia e Turchia, incendi devastanti con feriti ed interi quartieri evacuati

2021-07-30T14:59+0200blogsicilia (it)

e dello scirocco, con conseguenze nefaste per il puntuale pericolo incendi frutto di dolo o di disattenzioni. Sono ore terribili anche per Grecia e Turchia dove dei devastanti roghi stanno divorando ettari ed ettari di polmoni verdi. Addirittura le autorità turche hanno dovuto evacuare quattro....

Turkish ambassador thanks Azerbaijan for support in battling wildfires

2021-07-30T14:57+0200news-az (en)

Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Cahit Bagci expressed gratitude to Azerbaijan for support in battling wildfires. "We express our gratitude to all countries, especially to friendly and fraternal Azerbaijan, which supported us on the forest fires," the ambassador tweeted.

Azerbaijani president sends condolences for losses in Turkish fires

2021-07-30T14:52+0200worldbulletin (en)

Azerbaijan’s president on Friday extended his condolences to his Turkish counterpart for the losses of life in forest fires in Turkey this week. Addressing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ilham Aliyev voiced his deep sorrow over the ongoing blazes in various provinces of Turkey as well as their consequences.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T14:51+0200eagletribune (en)

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 14....

Efforts to contain 14 forest fires continue in Turkey, says Erdogan

2021-07-30T14:48+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Efforts in Turkey continue to contain 14 forest fires that have broken out since Wednesday, while 57 have been brought under control, the country's president said on Friday. Speaking to reporters in Istanbul, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said a total of 45 helicopters were being used in the effort against the remaining forest fires.

Death toll rises to four in southern Turkey wildfires

2021-07-30T14:38+0200theglobeandmail (en)

Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 14 locations in six provinces in Turkey’s Mediterranean and southern Aegean region, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters. A total of 57 others wildfires that broke out amid strong winds and scorching heat have been brought under control since Wednesday, he said.

Iran ready to help Turkey put off forest fires

2021-07-30T14:24+0200irna (en)

Mohammad Nouri Aal Agha said on Friday that following the order of Brigadier General Amir Hatami, The Minister of Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics, several helicopters and a firefighting plane were used to carry out firefighting operations in Turkey.

Turkey fights forest fires raging through country's south

2021-07-30T13:57+0200mehrnews-en (en)

The forest fires have erupted over the last few days in the southern provinces of Mersin, Osmaniye, Adana, Antalya, Kahramanmaras, according to a report by Anadolu Agency. The blazes also burst out in the southwestern province of Mugla and central provinces of Kirikkale and Kayseri.

Turkey Wildfire

2021-07-30T13:43+0200wn (en)

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts Wildfires are common in ...

Bekir Pakdemirli

2021-07-30T13:43+0200wn (en)

Twenty wildfires in six Turkish southern provinces have not been contained yet, Minister of Forestry and Agriculture Bekir Pakdemirli said on Friday. Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli said 57 of the 71 fires were brought under control.

Ilham Aliyev expresses condolences to Erdogan over deadly wildfires

2021-07-30T13:42+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev expressed condolences to his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on July 30 over deadly wildfires across Turkey's various regions, AzerTAc reported. “On my own behalf and on behalf of the people of Azerbaijan, I extend my deepest condolences to the families....

Satellite imagery captures advances of massive forest fire in Turkey

2021-07-30T13:37+0200geospatialworld (en)

Rapidly changing climate is affecting every country on Earth. It is disrupting economies and affecting lives. In 2021 alone, we saw some of the devastating effects of climate disturbances around the globe, reaching new heights of extremities. From flash floods in Germany, China, Belgium to the rise....

Forest fires mostly under control as Turkey strives to recover

2021-07-30T13:25+0200dailysabah (en)

A small number of the forest fires that started on Wednesday and Thursday, mostly in Turkey's south, are still raging on Friday while dozens of others are “under control,” authorities say. Fires erupting one after the other are usual during forest fire season when temperatures are at their highest,....

Azerbaijani president sends condolences for losses in Turkish fires

2021-07-30T13:22+0200aa-en (en)

BAKU, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan’s president on Friday extended his condolences to his Turkish counterpart for the losses of life in forest fires in Turkey this week. Addressing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ilham Aliyev voiced his deep sorrow over the ongoing blazes in various provinces of Turkey as well as their consequences.

Watch: Forest fires rage at Turkish resorts, killing 4

2021-07-30T12:26+0200gulfnews (en)

Ankara: Four people were reported dead on Thursday and more than 180 injured as thousands of firefighters battled huge blazes spreading across the Mediterranean resort regions of Turkey’s southern coast. Agriculture Minister Bekir Pakdemirli said a hotel was also being evacuated near the tourist....

Ukraine to Provide Turkey With Aircraft to Fight Fires - Zelenskyy

2021-07-30T11:57+0200urdupoint (en)

KIEV (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 30th July, 2021) The Ukrainian authorities will provide Turkey with an aircraft to fight forest fires that have engulfed the country, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Friday. On Wednesday, a severe wildfire was reported in the Mavangat area, east of Turkey 's resort city of Anatalya.

Ucraina: Kiev fornira' un aereo alla Turchia per emergenza incendi

2021-07-30T11:53+0200agenzianova (it)

Kiev, 30 lug 11:42 - (Agenzia Nova) - Le autorità dell'Ucraina forniranno alla Turchia un aereo per combattere gli incendi boschivi che hanno colpito il Paese. Lo ha annunciato oggi il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky. “L'Ucraina fornirà alla Turchia tutta l'assistenza necessaria. Il nostro aereo antincendio partirà domani per la Turchia.

Sahin Akdemir, a volunteer to bring water to firefighters battling forest fire in Turkey’s southern Marmaris district, died when his motorcycle crashed, and was caught in the flames. Turkey fights forest fires raging through country's south

2021-07-30T11:50+0200aa-en (en)

30.07.2021 Sahin Akdemir, a volunteer to bring water to firefighters battling forest fire in Turkey’s southern Marmaris district, died when his motorcycle crashed, and was caught in the flames.

Azerbaijan's Aliyev sends condolences to Erdogan over deadly Turkey fires

2021-07-30T11:47+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev expressed condolences to his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday after raging forest fires gripped the country's south. Three dead in fires. Dozens of fires that broke out in at least 21 provinces of Turkey, including several Mediterranean provinces, have been plaguing the country since Wednesday.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T11:44+0200whig (en)

A firefighter battles with fire in Kirli village near the town of Manavgat, in Antalya province, Turkey early Friday July 30, 2021. The fire that continued all night could not be brought under control and people living in the village started to evacuate.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T11:42+0200TorontoStar (en)

This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distribution to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about permissions/licensing, please go to: A firefighter battles with fire in Kirli village....

President Aliyev expresses condolences to Turkish counterpart over deadly...

2021-07-30T11:29+0200menafn (en)

- AzerNews) Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev expressed condolences to his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on July 30 over deadly wildfires across Turkey's various regions, Azertag reported. “On my own behalf and on behalf of the people of Azerbaijan, I extend my deepest condolences to the....

10:30 Ukraine sends fire-fighting planes to Turkey to extinguish forest fires

2021-07-30T11:28+0200rubryka (en)

this. On July 30, two fire planes of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine flew to Turkey to extinguish forest fires that broke out on July 28 near the town of Manavgat in Antalya province and spread to the provinces of Osmaniye, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Adana, Mersin, and Mugla. Currently, the total area of ​​fires is more than 1,500 hectares.

Forest fires continue to rage across Turkey on third day

2021-07-30T11:27+0200news-az (en)

More than a dozen forest fires that started on Wednesday and Thursday are still raging on Friday while dozens of others are “under control,” authorities say, Daily Sabah reported. Fires erupting one after the other are usual in the “fire” season when temperatures are at their highest but the damage....

EU 'deeply saddened' by forest fires in Turkey

2021-07-30T11:25+0200dailysabah (en)

The Delegation of the European Union to Turkey Friday released a statement regarding the wildfires taking hold of the country, expressing that it “commiserates with Turkey.” “We are fighting this war with all our firefighter heroes and state institutions; selflessly, elaborately and with full force for our future.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T11:18+0200clickondetroit (en)

ANKARA – The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 20 locations in....

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T11:12+0200dailyjournal (en)

ANKARA, Turkey The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 20....

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T11:09+0200cbs17 (en)

A firefighter battles with fire in Kirli village near the town of Manavgat, in Antalya province, Turkey early Friday July 30, 2021. The fire that continued all night could not be brought under control and people living in the village started to evacuate.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T11:07+0200ABCnews (en)

ANKARA, Turkey -- The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 20....

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T11:06+0200highlandstoday (en)

A firefighter battles with fire in Kirli village near the town of Manavgat, in Antalya province, Turkey early Friday July 30, 2021. The fire that continued all night could not be brought under control and people living in the village started to evacuate.

Turkey Wildfire

2021-07-30T11:06+0200highlandstoday (en)

A firefighter battles with fire in Kirli village near the town of Manavgat, in Antalya province, Turkey early Friday July 30, 2021. The fire that continued all night could not be brought under control and people living in the village started to evacuate.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T11:05+0200timesofindia (en)

ANKARA, TURKEY- The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 20....

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T11:03+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Turkey Wildfire A firefighter battles with fire in Kirli village near the town of Manavgat, in Antalya province, Turkey early Friday July 30, 2021. The fire that continued all night could not be brought under control and people living in the village started to evacuate.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T11:01+0200krqe (en)

A firefighter battles with fire in Kirli village near the town of Manavgat, in Antalya province, Turkey early Friday July 30, 2021. The fire that continued all night could not be brought under control and people living in the village started to evacuate.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T11:00+0200wsoctv (en)

Turkey Wildfire A firefighter battles with fire in Kirli village near the town of Manavgat, in Antalya province, Turkey early Friday July 30, 2021. The fire that continued all night could not be brought under control and people living in the village started to evacuate.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T10:56+0200wowktv (en)

A firefighter battles with fire in Kirli village near the town of Manavgat, in Antalya province, Turkey early Friday July 30, 2021. The fire that continued all night could not be brought under control and people living in the village started to evacuate.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T10:55+0200timesdaily (en)

Same great content of the printed newspaper; Access via computer, tablet or mobile device, anywhere you have an Internet connection; Sharing articles via Facebook and Twitter; This is a DIGITAL ONLY Subscription and does not include the Print edition of the paper.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T10:55+0200sfgate (en)

1 of 12 Firefighters and Local villagers try to get the fire under control in Kirli village near the town of Manavgat, in Antalya province, Turkey, early Friday July 30, 2021. The fire that continued all night could not be brought under control and people living in the village started to evacuate.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T10:53+0200independent-UK (en)

The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 20 locations in six....

Azerbaijan to send aid teams to Turkey to contain wildfires

2021-07-30T10:47+0200azernews (en)

By Vugar Khalilov. Azerbaijan will send aid teams to Turkey to extinguish forest fires and prevent them from escalating, Presidential Aide Hikmat Hajiyev told Azertag on July 30. “In this regard, President Ilham Aliyev gave necessary instructions and tasks to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T10:47+0200news-yahoo (en)

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 20....

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T10:44+0200news4jax (en)

ANKARA – The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 20 locations in....

Death toll in wildfires that hit southern Turkey rises to 4

2021-07-30T10:43+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

ANKARA, Turkey — The death toll in a string of wildfires raging in southern Turkey rose to four, officials said Friday, as fire crews continued to battle blazes that burned down homes and forced people to evacuate settlements and beach resorts. Firefighters were still tackling wildfires in 20....

Messages of Condolence For Great Fires In Turkey

2021-07-30T10:39+0200lgcnews (en)

Prime Minister Ersan Saner, along with leaders of other countries also offered his condolences to Ankara over loss and damage created by a series of massive forest fires in southern Turkey, Turkish daily Hurriyet reported. Saner said the TRNC is ready to fulfill any task that falls on them for the....

Erdogan: Turkey mobilizes all resources to eliminate wildfires

2021-07-30T10:27+0200news-az (en)

The Turkish authorities have mobilized all available opportunities to eliminate forest fires that have spread to a number of regions of the country, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated, according to Anadolu Agency. In connection with the current situation, Erdogan maintains regular....

Cambiamenti climatici: l&rsquo;appello di al-Azhar e il rischio di nuovi conflitti

2021-07-30T10:25+0200asianews (it)

Il grande imam Ahmed al-Tayeb invoca “azioni serie” per contrastarne gli effetti. Inondazioni e caldo record causano “centinaia di morti e sfollati”. Le emergenze in Iran, Iraq e Turchia. Ma non vi sono solo fattori ambientali: dietro la crisi corruzione, cattiva gestione e sfruttamento delle risorse.

Death Toll in Turkey's Forest Fires up to 3 With 62 Hospitalized

2021-07-30T10:22+0200albawaba-en (en)

Turkish authorities said at least 3 people were killed on Thursday amid more than 50 forest fires were recorded in the country. An 82-year-old man was found dead during an evacuation of the Kepezbeleni district and 62 people were hospitalized in Antalya after inhaling smoke and sustaining burns from the blazes.

4 killed, more than 180 injured as forest fires rage near Turkish resorts

2021-07-30T10:02+0200dawn (en)

Four people were reported dead on Thursday and more than 180 injured as thousands of firefighters battled huge blazes spreading across the Mediterranean resort regions of Turkey's southern coast. Officials also launched an investigation into suspicions that the fires that broke out on Wednesday in....

Forest fires hit Turkey's coastal resort areas

2021-07-30T09:56+0200dailysabah (en)

Smoke rises from a forest fire close to a touristic hotel in the Içmeler area of the Aegean coastal town of Marmaris, Turkey, Thursday, July 29, 2021. The remains of a burned turtle lay in an area scorched by a forest fire near Manavgat, Antalya province, Turkey, July 29, 2021.

Turkey bans entrances to forest in 2 provinces due to fire

2021-07-30T09:54+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Ankara, July 30 (IANS) Turkish authorities have banned entrances to forest areas in the western provinces of Izmir and Balikesir amid the ongoing wildfires across the country. "Municipal teams are on high alert," Izmir Mayor Tunc Soyer announced on Twitter on Thursday, urging citizens to inform authorities of any suspicious activities.

Ukraine sends firefighting aircraft of Emergency Service to Turkey to extinguish large-scale forest fires

2021-07-30T09:53+0200interfax-ua-en (en)

Two firefighting aircraft of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine An-32P depart to Turkey to assist in extinguishing the outbreaks of forest fires that broke out on July 28 in Antalya province and spread to the provinces of Osmaniye, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Adana, Mersin and Mugla, the press service of....

President Aliyev expresses condolences to Turkish counterpart over deadly wildfires

2021-07-30T09:47+0200azernews (en)

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev expressed condolences to his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on July 30 over deadly wildfires across Turkey's various regions, Azertag reported. “On my own behalf and on behalf of the people of Azerbaijan, I extend my deepest condolences to the families....

Leaders extend condolences to Turkey over massive forest fires

2021-07-30T09:45+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Officials from Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Turkish Cyprus offered their condolences to Turkey on Thursday over the massive forest fires in its southern provinces which have claimed the lives of three people. "Continuation of forest fires in brotherly Turkey and the loss of three lives in Antalya shocked....

Russia helping Turkey in fight against forest fires

2021-07-30T09:37+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Russia’s Beriev Be-200 aircraft, designed for firefighting, for the second day have been engaged in efforts to combat a major forest fire in Turkey’s Antalya province. "Three Russian Be-200 firefighting aircraft are providing assistance to Turkey in the regions where firefighting efforts are....

Arson-loving PKK prime suspect as forest fires hit Turkey

2021-07-30T09:28+0200news-az (en)

Turkish people on social media were quick to put the blame on the PKK terrorist group-linked "Children of Fire Initiative" late Thursday for a series of fires that have hit Turkey recently, as PKK sympathizers also hailed the fires on Twitter, Daily Sabah reported.

Leaders extend condolences to Turkey over massive forest fires

2021-07-30T09:08+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

ANKARA Officials from Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Turkish Cyprus offered their condolences to Turkey on July 29 over the massive forest fires in its southern provinces which have claimed the lives of three people. class='cf'> "Continuation of forest fires in brotherly Turkey and the loss of three lives....

Forest fires continue to rage across Turkey on third day

2021-07-30T08:55+0200dailysabah (en)

More than a dozen forest fires that started on Wednesday and Thursday are still raging on Friday while dozens of others are “under control,” authorities say. Fires erupting one after the other are usual in the “fire” season when temperatures are at their highest but the damage was unprecedented this time, with flames devastating entire villages.

Ukraine to send firefighter plane to help Turkey – Zelensky

2021-07-30T08:53+0200interfax-ua-en (en)

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky expressed condolences to his colleague Recep Tayyip Erdogan over large-scale fires in Turkey and noted that on Friday, Ukraine will send a firefighting plane to Turkey with help. "Expressed sincere condolences to my friend President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the large-scale fires.

Leaders extend condolences to Turkey over massive forest fires

2021-07-30T08:50+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. Officials from Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Turkish Cyprus offered their condolences to Turkey on Thursday over the massive forest fires in its southern provinces which have claimed the lives of three people. "Continuation of forest fires in brotherly Turkey and the loss of three lives in Antalya....

Greek foreign minister offers support to Turkey amid forest fires

2021-07-30T08:15+0200yenisafak-en (en)

Greece’s foreign minister spoke by phone Thursday with his Turkish counterpart as wildfires raged across southern Turkey, leaving deaths, injuries and a trail of destruction in their wake. Nikos Dendias wished a speedy recovery to the country and told Mevlut Cavusoglu they are ready to help if needed.

Azerbaijani FM extends condolences over deadly wildfires in Turkey

2021-07-30T07:57+0200news-az (en)

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov extended condolences over deadly fires in Turkey. "We were shocked by the incessant forest fires in brotherly Turkey, as well as the death of three people in Antalya", the minister tweeted. Bayramov expressed condolences to the families of the victims.

Glorifying hatred of nature, PKK continues arson of Turkey’s forests

2021-07-30T07:25+0200dailysabah (en)

Four provinces around Turkey fell victim to the PKK’s hatred of nature Saturday, with almost simultaneous fires destroying forests in various parts of the country. Turkish authorities were quick to detain suspected arsonists who burned forestland in southern Hatay province’s Belen district, and it....

Azerbaijani FM extends condolences to families of those killed in wildfires in Turkey

2021-07-30T07:15+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency ) BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 30. Trend: Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov extended condolences to the families of those killed in the wildfires in Turkey, Trend reports. "We were shocked by the incessant forest fires in brotherly Turkey, as well as the death of three people in Antalya", said the minister.

Forest fires rage near Turkish resorts, killing four

2021-07-30T06:41+0200thesundaily (en)

Dark smoke drifts over a hotel complex during a massive forest fire which engulfed a Mediterranean resort region on Turkey's southern coast near the town of Manavgat, on July 29, 2021. At least three people were reported dead on July 29, 2021 and more than 100 injured as firefighters battled blazes....

Heat wave fears set in around the world

2021-07-30T04:56+0200chinadaily (en)

A girl cools off in Skopje, North Macedonia, on Wednesday. Authorities have issued a weather warning as the Balkan country faces extreme high temperatures of over 43 C. [BORIS GRDANOSKI/AP] SKOPJE, North Macedonia-Authorities in several southeast European countries have issued weather warnings in....

Forest fires rage in Lebanon, Syria and Turkey

2021-07-30T04:19+0200al-monitor (en)

Volunteers help to extinguish a forest fire in the Qoubaiyat area of northern Lebanon's remote Akkar region on July 29, 2021. JOSEPH EID/AFP via Getty Images. Forest fires continued to wreak havoc in Lebanon, Syria and Turkey on Thursday. The wildfires in Lebanon took place in the north of the....

At least three dead as more than 50 forest fires erupt in Turkey

2021-07-30T03:12+0200upi (en)

July 29 (UPI) -- At least three people died in Turkey on Thursday as officials said more than 50 forest fires were recorded in the country. An 82-year-old man was found dead during an evacuation of the Kepezbeleni district and 62 people were hospitalized in Antalya after inhaling smoke and sustaining burns from the blazes.

Turkey fights forest fires raging through country's south

2021-07-30T02:54+0200turkishpress (en)

ANKARA. Turkey is battling wildfires that have broken out in 41 different areas recently, with 31 of them successfully brought under control so far. The forest fires have erupted over the last few days in the southern provinces of Mersin, Osmaniye, Adana, Antalya, Kahramanmaras.

Forest fires kill four in Turkey, authorities say

2021-07-30T02:30+0200itartass_en (en)

ANKARA, July 29. /TASS/. The number of people killed by forest fires in southern Turkey has reached four, the country’s Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli said. "Unfortunately, one more person has been killed by fires. It happened in the Marmaris area," he said, as cited by the TRT TV channel.

Guests evacuated due to forest fire are returning to hotel in Turkey’s Bodrum

2021-07-30T02:30+0200itartass_en (en)

ANKARA, July 29. /TASS/. Guests evacuated from Titanic Deluxe Bodrum Hotel in Turkey are returning to the facility after a forest fire prompting their evacuation has been contained, a spokesperson for the hotel chain told TASS on Thursday. "The hotel itself wasn’t affected by the fire, which burned several kilometers away.

Leaders Extend Condolences To Turkey Over Massive Forest Fires

2021-07-30T02:01+0200haberler-en (en)

Officials from Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Turkish Cyprus offered their condolences to Turkey on Thursday over the massive forest fires in its southern provinces which have claimed the lives of three people. "Continuation of forest fires in brotherly Turkey and the loss of three lives in Antalya shocked....

Turkey wildfires in Aegean resort towns leave 3 dead, 58 injured

2021-07-30T01:48+0200nzherald (en)

Turkish authorities on Thursday began investigating the cause of a string of forest fires in Turkey's Mediterranean and southern Aegean regions, including two near the coastal resort town of Manavgat that killed three people and sent over 50 others to the hospital as homes burned down.

Turkey fights forest fires raging through country's south

2021-07-30T00:55+0200news-az (en)

Turkey is battling wildfires that have broken out in 41 different areas recently, with 31 of them successfully brought under control so far, Anadolu reports. The forest fires have erupted over the last few days in the southern provinces of Mersin, Osmaniye, Adana, Antalya, Kahramanmaras.

Forest Fires Rage Near Turkish Resorts, Killing Four

2021-07-30T00:28+0200ibtimes (en)

Three people were reported dead Thursday and more than 100 injured as thousands of firefighters battled huge blazes spreading across the Mediterranean resort regions of Turkey's southern coast. Officials also launched an investigation into suspicions the fires that broke out Wednesday in four....

Ukrainian firefighting plane to depart for Turkey, Zelenskyy says

2021-07-30T00:20+0200dailysabah (en)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy late Thursday said a firefighting plane from his country will depart Friday to support Turkey, as the country tries to contain massive wildfires in several forest regions of its western and southern provinces. Zelenskyy, expressing sincere condolences to his....

Greek Foreign Minister Offers Support To Turkey Amid Forest Fires

2021-07-29T23:59+0200haberler-en (en)

Greece's foreign minister spoke by phone Thursday with his Turkish counterpart as wildfires raged across southern Turkey, leaving deaths, injuries and a trail of destruction in their wake. Nikos Dendias wished a speedy recovery to the country and told Mevlut Cavusoglu they are ready to help if needed.

Turkey: Three dead in fires as authorities investigate causes of blazes - including possible sabotage

2021-07-29T23:45+0200heart (en)

According to Turkish agriculture and forestry minister Bekir Pakdemirli, a total of 53 forest fires were recorded on Wednesday and Thursday in the Mediterranean and southern Aegean regions. He said that most of them had now been brought under control. An 82-year-old man was among the three who died....

Turkey: Three dead in fires as authorities investigate causes of blazes - including possible sabotage

2021-07-29T23:43+0200coastfm (en)

A 15-year-old also died in blazes in Lebanon , which have spread northwards into Syria. According to Turkish agriculture and forestry minister Bekir Pakdemirli, a total of 53 forest fires were recorded on Wednesday and Thursday in the Mediterranean and southern Aegean regions. He said that most of them had now been brought under control.

Wildfires raging across southern Turkey force residents to flee – video

2021-07-29T22:24+0200guardian (en)

Strong winds have fanned multiple wildfires in southern Turkey, killing at least three people and sending many others to hospital as homes burned down in the blazes. A wildfire that broke out on 28 July near the Mediterranean coastal resort town of Manavgat, in Antalya province, had largely been....

Greek FM offers condolences, help to Turkey combat wildfires

2021-07-29T21:50+0200dailysabah (en)

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias called his Turkish counterpart Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, offering condolences and his country’s readiness in assisting Turkey in its fight against the forest fires that have engulfed the southern and western coasts over the last two days, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

One Killed in Turkey's Massive Forest Fire

2021-07-29T21:47+0200albawaba-en (en)

Turkish agriculture and forestry minister said a massive forest fire in the country's Mediterranean coastal city of Antalya has killed one person. “The fire in Antalya’s Manavgat (district) is under control, but there is an ongoing fire in Akseki (district) which erupted last night, Bekir Pakdemirli told reporters in Antalya.

Turkey bans entrances to forest in 2 western provinces due to fire danger

2021-07-29T21:15+0200uniindia (en)

Istanbul, Jul 29 (UNI/Xinhua) Turkish authorities on Thursday banned entrances to forest areas in the western provinces of Izmir and Balikesir amid the ongoing wildfires across the country. "Municipal teams are on high alert," Izmir Mayor Tunc Soyer announced on Twitter, urging citizens to inform authorities of any suspicious activities.

Greek FM offers condolences, help to Turkey in combatting wildfires

2021-07-29T20:51+0200dailysabah (en)

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias on late Thursday made a call with his Turkish counterpart, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, offering condolences and his country’s readiness for assisting Turkey in its fight against the forest fires that engulfed southern and western coasts in last two days, Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Arson-loving PKK prime suspect as forest fires hit Turkey

2021-07-29T20:51+0200dailysabah (en)

Turkish people on social media were quick to put the blame on the PKK terrorist group-linked "Children of Fire Initiative" late Thursday for a series of fires that have hit Turkey recently, as PKK sympathizers also hailed the fires on Twitter. The PKK has a long history of burning Turkey's forests....

FOR THE LEFT +13 L 19% C 25% R 56%One dead, 10 people stranded in south Turkey wildfire

2021-07-29T19:42+0200ground-news (en)

One dead, 10 people stranded in south Turkey wildfire. ISTANBUL - One person has died and 10 people were trapped in a forest fire which was burning for a second day in southern Turkey on Thursday, Agriculture Minister Bekir Pakdemirli said, as rescue and extinguishing efforts continued.

Erdogan's Spokesman Calls Wildfires in Turkey National Disaster

2021-07-29T19:29+0200urdupoint (en)

Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin called the forest fires in southern Turkey a national disaster; the prosecutor's office is conducting a comprehensive investigation of their causes. ANKARA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 29th July, 2021) Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin called....

Incendi in Siberia, il dramma: “Più uomini o non ce la facciamo”. Brucia anche la Turchia

2021-07-29T18:28+0200teleambiente (it)

in Siberia , in quella che tradizionalmente è una delle aree più fredde al mondo la situazione si fa sempre più drammatica. Uomini ben equipaggiati e mezzi, al momento, non sembrano bastare a fronteggiare l’ emergenza , specialmente nella vasta repubblica della Jacuzia .

Turkey: Wildfires fueled by strong winds At least three people have been killed and more than 100 injured as fires sweep across Antalya. Authorities say firefighters have contained several fires yet high winds make the path of those still burning unpredictable.

2021-07-29T18:20+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

At least three people have been killed and more than 100 injured as a result of large forest fires in southern Turkey according to state news agency Anadolu. Turkish Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli said that 41 fires had broken out across 13 provinces on Wednesday and Thursday.

Three people are killed as 17 wildfires rage across southern Turkey

2021-07-29T18:07+0200dailymail (en)

Lebanese firefighters were also fighting forest fires for a second day on Thursday following blazes in the country's north. The fires, which have spread across the border into Syria, killed at least one person, a 15-year-old boy, who was helping firefighting efforts in Lebanon.

About 100 Russians being evacuated from Bodrum hotel amid forest fires

2021-07-29T17:57+0200itartass_en (en)

MOSCOW, July 29. /TASS/. About 100 Russian tourists are being evacuated from the Titanic Deluxe Bodrum Hotel in Turkey due to a forest fire, the Russian Association of Tour Operators (ATOR) said on Thursday. "The hotel itself is not on fire, the tourists are being evacuated as part of precautionary measures.

Forest Fires Rage Near Turkish Resorts, Killing Three

2021-07-29T17:43+0200ibtimes (en)

Three people were reported dead Thursday and more than 100 injured as thousands of firefighters battled huge blazes spreading across the Mediterranean resort regions of Turkey's southern coast. Officials also launched an investigation into suspicions the fires that broke out Wednesday in four....

Turkey battles forest fires raging in country's south

2021-07-29T17:07+0200trtworld (en)

Animals are seen amid smoke after a fire broke out in a forest in Manavgat district and reached Dolbazlar neighbourhood in southern Antalya province on July 29, 2021. (AA) Scorching heat and strong winds have fanned forest fires in southern Turkey, killing at least four people and injuring scores as firefighters battled blazes at several areas.

Turchia, gli incendi devastano il Sud del Paese: 3 morti e 58 ricoverati in ospedale [FOTO]

2021-07-29T16:09+0200meteoweb (it)

Due diversi incendi boschivi divampano nel Sud della Turchia , alimentati da forti raffiche di vento: al momento i media locali riportano 3 morti e decine di persone ricoverate in ospedale. Un rogo, scoppiato ieri vicino alla località turistica costiera di Manavgat, nella provincia di Antalya,....

Re: 3 people killed as forest fires rage in Turkey

2021-07-29T16:06+0200middleeastmonitor (en)

Three people have been killed as two forest fires rage near the southern coast of Turkey, Euronews reports. Scores more people were hospitalised after suffering burns. Strong winds fanned the fire near the Mediterranean coastal town of Manavgat, Antalya, yesterday.

3 die in forest fire near holiday resort in southern Turkey

2021-07-29T15:48+0200turkishminute (en)

Three people, including an 82-year-old who lived alone, were reported dead and more than 100 injured as firefighters battled blazes engulfing a Mediterranean resort region on Turkey’s southern coast, Agence France-Presse reported on Thursday. Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency....

Hotel evacuations ongoing in Turkey's Marmaris amid wildfire

2021-07-29T15:25+0200vestnikkavkaza (en)

Authorities in the Turkish resort city of Marmaris are evacuating local residents and tourists from hotels in connection with a wildfire, the broadcaster NTV reported on Thursday. The broadcaster's footage shows the forest burning in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings and hotels.

Wildfires in southern Turkey leave 3 dead, 58 hospitalized

2021-07-29T15:06+0200wxow (en)

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Officials say at least three people were killed and over 50 were hospitalized in southern Turkey after strong winds fanned two separate forest fires. The country’s forestry minister says a wildfire that broke out Wednesday near the Mediterranean coastal resort town of Manavgat has largely been contained.

Forest fire near Turkish resort kills 3; Lebanon fire kills teenager

2021-07-29T13:44+0200terradaily (en)

Three people were reported dead Thursday and more than 100 injured as firefighters battled blazes engulfing a Mediterranean resort region on Turkey's southern coast. Officials also launched an investigation into suspicions that the fires that broke out Wednesday in four locations to the east of the tourist hotspot Antalya were the result of arson.

Wildfires in southern Turkey leave 3 dead, 58 hospitalized

2021-07-29T13:05+0200wxow (en)

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Officials say at least three people were killed and dozens of people were hospitalized in southern Turkey after strong winds fanned two separate forest fires. The country’s forestry minister says a wildfire that broke out Wednesday near the Mediterranean coastal resort town of Manavgat has largely been contained.

Wildfires in southern Turkey leave 3 dead, 58 hospitalized

2021-07-29T12:53+0200wsiltv (en)

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Officials say at least three people were killed and dozens of people were hospitalized in southern Turkey after strong winds fanned two separate forest fires. The country’s forestry minister says a wildfire that broke out Wednesday near the Mediterranean coastal resort town of Manavgat has largely been contained.

Meteo, arriva l’ondata di caldo più forte dell’estate 2021 in Europa: temperature fino a +45°C tra Italia, Balcani e Turchia – MAPPE

2021-07-28T23:25+0200meteoweb (it)

Gli ultimi giorni di luglio e i primi di agosto porteranno l’ ondata di caldo più intensa dell’estate 2021 in Europa finora. Le temperature si spingeranno ben al di sopra dei +40°C in alcune aree, potendo arrivare fino a +45°C in Italia e Balcani. Il mese di luglio ha portato un forte caldo sui settori meridionali e sudorientali del continente.

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