Overall Red alert Tropical Cyclone for GAEMI-24
in Japan, Taiwan, China, Philippines

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 1779
Articles about casualties: 272 (15.3%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day


Social media analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Safe flight 2024-07-28 Travelers stranded in Taiwan’s outlying Penghu County after Typhoon Gaemi swept the region board an air force C-130 transport aircraft yesterday. The aircraft was deployed to fly people back to Taiwan, Penghu Airport said.

2024-07-27T18:02+0200taipeitimes (en)

Travelers stranded in Taiwan ’s outlying Penghu County after Typhoon Gaemi swept the region board an air force C-130 transport aircraft yesterday. The aircraft was deployed to fly people back to Taiwan, Penghu Airport said.

Naufrage d'un pétrolier aux Philippines : du fioul commence à s'échapper du navire, un mort à déplorer Ce serait l'une des pires marées noires de l'archipel d'Asie. Des hydrocarbures comment à couler d'un pétrolier, échoué au large de la baie de Manille. 17:19 International

2024-07-27T17:40+0200lereveilnormand (fr)

Une fuite minime Des plongeurs inspectant la coque du navire ont constaté une fuite minime au niveau des valves, a précisé le porte-parole des garde-côtes, le contre-amiral Armando Balilo, en ajoutant que la situation n’était pour l’heure pas alarmante Il ne s’agit que d’un petit volume qui s’écoule....

Carina leaves P19.3-M damage to agriculture in Bicol

2024-07-27T17:38+0200inquirer (en)

GUINOBATAN, ALBAY, Philippines Heavy rains brought by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon or “habagat” left an initial P19.3 million damage to agriculture in the Bicol Region. According to the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) Bicol, this includes the production loss or....

Naufrage d'un pétrolier aux Philippines : du fioul commence à s'échapper du navire, un mort à déplorer Ce serait l'une des pires marées noires de l'archipel d'Asie. Des hydrocarbures comment à couler d'un pétrolier, échoué au large de la baie de Manille. 17:19 International

2024-07-27T17:21+0200actu (fr)

Une fuite minime Des plongeurs inspectant la coque du navire ont constaté une fuite minime au niveau des valves, a précisé le porte-parole des garde-côtes, le contre-amiral Armando Balilo, en ajoutant que la situation n’était pour l’heure pas alarmante Il ne s’agit que d’un petit volume qui s’écoule....


2024-07-27T17:14+0200cgtn (en)

The Philippines National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) stated on July 27 that since July 11, the Philippines has been continuously affected by Typhoon Gaemi , Typhoon Prapiroon and the southwest monsoon. As of July 27, the total number of people affected had exceeded 3.36 million.

Cina, tifone Gaemi si sposta verso nord: piogge e inondazioni

2024-07-27T17:01+0200lapresse-it-italian (it)

orientale sono in stato di massima allerta e hanno intensificato gli sforzi per mitigare l’impatto dei forti temporali e delle forti raffiche di vento dovute al tifone Gaemi , che continua la sua traiettoria verso nord , come riferito dall’emittente statale CCTV.

Nation China raises flood emergency response in Hunan Province as rainstorms batter China has raised the emergency response level from Level-IV to Level-III in Hunan where heavy rainstorms are predicted in the coming days due to the impact of Typhoon Gaemi. 29m

2024-07-27T16:56+0200shine (en)

The Ministry of Emergency Management has raised the emergency response level from Level-IV to Level-III in central China 's Hunan Province where heavy rainstorms are predicted in the coming days due to the impact of Typhoon Gaemi . From Saturday evening to Monday, Hunan will experience heavy....

Philippines : du fioul s'échappe d'un pétrolier naufragé au large des côtes

2024-07-27T16:42+0200TF1 (fr)

Selon le contre-amiral Armando Balilo, la situation n'est "pas alarmante" . S'ils minimisent l'événement, les garde-côtes philippins ont annoncé ce samedi qu'une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par un pétrolier naufragé avait commencé à fuir dans la baie de Manille.

Man killed after barges collided with Pasig bridge

2024-07-27T16:05+0200rappler (en)

Three are still missing after the collision that happened at the height of the enhanced southwest monsoon on July 24. MANILA, Philippines – At least one man died after several barges collided with the F. Manalo bridge in Pasig City on Wednesday afternoon, July 24, when heavy rain from the enhanced....

China raises flood emergency response in Hunan Province as rainstorms batter

2024-07-27T15:50+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, July 27 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Emergency Management has raised the emergency response level from Level-IV to Level-III in central China 's Hunan Province where heavy rainstorms are predicted in the coming days due to the impact of Typhoon Gaemi .

China raises flood emergency response in Hunan Province as rainstorms batter

2024-07-27T15:48+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 27 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Emergency Management has raised the emergency response level from Level-IV to Level-III in central China 's Hunan Province where heavy rainstorms are predicted in the coming days due to the impact of Typhoon Gaemi .

Aux Philippines, du fioul s’échappe du pétrolier naufragé au large de Manille

2024-07-27T15:20+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres d’hydrocarbures transportée par un pétrolier qui a coulé dans la baie de Manille a commencé à fuir, ont annoncé ce samedi 27 juillet les garde-côtes philippins qui s’efforcent d’éviter une catastrophe environnementale.

Situation update No. 1 – Combined Effects of the Southwest Monsoon Tropical Cyclone PRAPIROON, and GAEMI, Philippines - 27 July 2024

2024-07-27T14:56+0200reliefWeb (en)

SUMMARY. a. Meteorological History. Since 11 July, the Southwest Monsoon has brought moderate to heavy rains over several provinces in the Philippines . On 18 July, a Low Pressure Area (INVEST 91W) developed over the Philippine Sea, which later developed into Tropical Depression (TD) PRAPIROON (Butchoy).

L’arcidiocesi di Manila si mobilita per soccorrere gli sfollati Nelle Filippine una colletta organizzata dopo il tifone Gaemi

2024-07-27T14:47+0200osservatoreromano (it)

Manila , 27. La Chiesa di Manila si mobilita per aiutare le vittime del tifone Gaemi , che nelle ultime settimane ha flagellato senza sosta il sud-est asiatico, colpendo in particolare proprio le Filippine e la capitale. L’arcivescovo di Manila, il cardinale José Fuerte Advincula, tramite una lettera....

Agri losses in 3 Central Luzon provinces due to southwest monsoon hit P576.72M

2024-07-27T14:42+0200rappler (en)

PAMPANGA, Philippines – The southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) has so far caused a total of P576.72 million in agriculture damage in Bataan, Bulacan, and Pampanga — three Central Luzon provinces that have This was according to data presented by Pampanga Governor Dennis Pineda,....

Death toll in Philippines climbs to 34 as Typhoon Gaemi batters region

2024-07-27T14:38+0200wn (en)

Tropical storm also hit Taiwan and China ...

Philippines : des plongeurs vont tenter d'atteindre le pétrolier victime d'un naufrage

2024-07-27T14:25+0200lecourrier (fr)

Le temps est encore mauvais mais leur objectif pour aujourd'hui est de conduire des opérations de plongée pour déterminer la position du navire et vérifier s'il y a une fuite ", a déclaré à l'AFP le porte-parole des garde-côtes philippins, Armando Balilo. Le navire-citerne se trouve immergé à quelque 34 mètres de profondeur.

Cina, forti piogge e inondazioni colpiscono il Paese mentre il tifone Gaemi si sposta verso nord

2024-07-27T14:09+0200ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Diverse province della Cina orientale sono in stato di massima allerta e hanno intensificato gli sforzi per mitigare l'impatto dei forti temporali e delle forti raffiche di vento dovute al tifone Gaemi , che continua la sua traiettoria verso nord, come riferito dall'emittente statale CCTV.

Typhoon Gaemi forces evacuation, factory suspension in northeast China

2024-07-27T14:06+0200wkzo (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) – More than 27,000 people in northeast China were evacuated and hundreds of factories were ordered to suspend production as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rains, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday. Gaemi lashed towns on China’s coastal Fujian province on Friday with....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaks havoc in China’s Fujian province

2024-07-27T13:57+0200wn (en)

NANGANDAM: Si Manny Pacquiao (tuo) nag-mitts kauban ang trainer nga si Boboy Fernandez sa media day alang sa iyang exhibition match. / Hulagway sa Facebook page ni Manny PacquiaoBEIJING — Tropical storm Gaemi brought rain to central China on Saturday, July 27, as it moved inland after making....

Typhoon Gaemi forces evacuation; factory suspension in Northeast China

2024-07-27T13:53+0200thehindu (en)

The Typhoon slammed into Taiwan on July 24 night, bringing Category 3 winds and heavy rain that triggered widespread flooding across the island. | Photo Credit: Getty Images. More than 27,000 people in Northeast China were evacuated and hundreds of factories were ordered to suspend production as....

Philippines : du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé au large de Manille

2024-07-27T13:53+0200Europe1 (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres d'hydrocarbures transportée par un pétrolier qui a coulé dans la baie de Manille a commencé à fuir, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins qui s'efforcent d'éviter une catastrophe environnementale.

Typhoon Gaemi wreaks havoc in China’s Fujian province

2024-07-27T13:47+0200sunstar (en)

NANGANDAM: Si Manny Pacquiao (tuo) nag-mitts kauban ang trainer nga si Boboy Fernandez sa media day alang sa iyang exhibition match. / Hulagway sa Facebook page ni Manny PacquiaoBEIJING — Tropical storm Gaemi brought rain to central China on Saturday, July 27, as it moved inland after making....

Philippines : du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé au large de Manille

2024-07-27T13:11+0200lefigaro (fr)

«Il ne s'agit que d'un petit volume qui s'écoule» , a déclaré Armando Balilo, précisant que «les réservoirs sont intacts» «Nous espérons pouvoir commencer demain à siphonner le pétrole» , a-t-il ajouté. Les garde-côtes avaient précédemment indiqué que le pétrole utilisé pour propulser le bateau avait fui mais que ses citernes étaient intactes.

Philippines: du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé au large de Manille

2024-07-27T13:03+0200lopinion-fr (fr)

Le MT Terra Nova, qui battait pavillon philippin, a coulé jeudi matin par gros temps, entraînant la mort d’un membre d'équipage et menaçant de provoquer l’une des pires marées noires dans l’archipel d’Asie du Sud-Est. Des plongeurs inspectant la coque du navire ont constaté une « fuite minime » au....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-27T12:59+0200mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Jul. 27 (MNA) – Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Chinese Taipei. Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-27T12:57+0200mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Jul. 27 (MNA) – Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Chinese Taipei. Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)....

Typhoon Gaemi forces evacuation, factory suspension in northeast China

2024-07-27T12:52+0200expressindia (en)

Waves crash on the coast of Sansha town as Typhoon Gaemi approaches, in Ningde, Fujian province, China (Reuters) More than 27,000 people in northeast China were evacuated and hundreds of factories were ordered to suspend production as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rains, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday.

Typhoon Gaemi forces evacuation, factory suspension in northeast China BEIJING (Reuters) - More than 27,000 people in northeast China were evacuated and hundreds of factories were ordered to suspend production as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rains, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday.

2024-07-27T12:43+0200wsau (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) – More than 27,000 people in northeast China were evacuated and hundreds of factories were ordered to suspend production as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rains, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday. Gaemi lashed towns on China’s coastal Fujian province on Friday with....

Philippines coastguard says oil leaking from capsized tanker

2024-07-27T12:42+0200aljazeera-en (en)

Some industrial fuel oil from a capsized Philippine tanker has started to leak into Manila Bay, the coastguard said, as it races to avoid an environmental catastrophe. The MT Terra Nova, carrying 1.4 million litres (369,840 gallons) of industrial fuel, capsized and sank off the coast of the Philippine capital, Manila.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after hitting Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-27T12:37+0200exbulletin (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) – Typhoon Gaemi battered cities in China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday, bringing heavy rain and strong winds, as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began moving into the densely populated interior. The storm has already affected nearly 630,000 people in....

Philippines: du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé au large de Manille

2024-07-27T12:30+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Jam Sta Rosa. Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres d'hydrocarbures transportée par un pétrolier qui a coulé dans la baie de Manille a commencé à fuir, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins qui s'efforcent d'éviter une catastrophe environnementale.

Typhoon Gaemi forces evacuation, factory suspension in northeast China

2024-07-27T12:22+0200thestandard-hk (en)

More than 27,000 people in northeast China were evacuated and hundreds of factories were ordered to suspend production as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rains, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday. Gaemi lashed towns on China's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and....

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rain to NE China, displacing over 27,000

2024-07-27T12:11+0200tribune (en)

SHENYANG: As of 7:00 a.m. Saturday, more than 27,000 residents in northeastern China 's Liaoning Province have been safely relocated in response to Typhoon Gaemi . The provincial flood control and drought relief department said that heavy rainfall from Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, has caused....

Philippines: du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé au large de Manille

2024-07-27T12:09+0200lemauricien (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres d'hydrocarbures transportée par un pétrolier qui a coulé dans la baie de Manille a commencé à fuir, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins qui s'efforcent d'éviter une catastrophe environnementale.

Tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulla Cina, piogge torrenziali e inondazioni: evacuate 300.000 persone. L'Asia in ginocchio

2024-07-27T12:03+0200zazoom-it (it)

Cina: risposta a tutto campo a piogge e alluvioni causate dal tifone nel Fujian - Fuzhou, 26 lug – (Xinhua) – Alle 6 di stamattina, circa 628.600 persone nella provincia cinese orientale del Fujian erano state colpite dal tifone Gaemi , il terzo tifone di quest’anno, con circa 290.000 residenti finora ricollocati.

Philippines : du fioul a commencé à s'échapper d'un pétrolier naufragé après le passage du typhon Gaemi

2024-07-27T12:00+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Une catastrophe environnementale est redoutée. Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres d'hydrocarbures transportée par un pétrolier qui a coulé dans la baie de Manille, aux Philippines , a commencé à fuir, ont annoncé samedi 27 juillet les garde-côtes philippins.

Du fioul s’échappe d’un pétrolier naufragé au large des Philippines

2024-07-27T11:57+020020minutes (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres d’hydrocarbures transportée par un pétrolier qui a coulé dans la baie de Manille a commencé à fuir, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins qui s’efforcent d’éviter une catastrophe environnementale.

Philippine Coast Guard Ready to Tackle Oil Spill – 2024-07-27 09:56:08

2024-07-27T11:56+0200archyde (en)

MT Terra Nova(Social Media X) THE Philippine Coast Guard is preparing to deploy floating barriers and suction hoses to contain the oil spill and prevent it from reaching the capital, Manila. Authorities are scrambling to stop an oil spill from the MT Terra Nova, which capsized Thursday as monsoon rains pounded much of the country.

Typhoon Gaemi forces evacuation, factory suspension in north-east China

2024-07-27T11:50+0200straitstimesSG (en)

BEIJING - More than 27,000 people in north-east China were evacuated and hundreds of factories were ordered to suspend production as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rains, the official Xinhua news agency reported on July 27. on July 26 with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit....

Philippines : du fioul s’échappe du pétrolier naufragé qui en contient 1,4 million de litres

2024-07-27T11:44+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par un pétrolier naufragé a commencé à fuir dans la baie de Manille, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins, minimisant à ce stade l’ampleur de cet écoulement. Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de....

Philippines : du fioul s’échappe du pétrolier naufragé qui en contient 1,4 million de litres

2024-07-27T11:39+0200nordeclair (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par un pétrolier naufragé a commencé à fuir dans la baie de Manille, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins, minimisant à ce stade l’ampleur de cet écoulement. Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de....

Typhoon Gaemi Forces Evacuation, Factory Suspension in Northeast China

2024-07-27T11:35+0200usnews (en)

Reuters. FILE PHOTO: Waves crash on the coast of Sansha town as Typhoon Gaemi approaches, in Ningde, Fujian province, China July 25, 2024. cnsphoto via REUTERS/File Photo BEIJING (Reuters) - More than 27,000 people in northeast China were evacuated and hundreds of factories were ordered to suspend....

Naufrage aux Philippines: Du fioul s’échappe du pétrolier naufragé

2024-07-27T11:34+020024heures (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres d’hydrocarbures transportée par un pétrolier qui a coulé dans la baie de Manille a commencé à fuir, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins qui s’efforcent d’éviter une catastrophe environnementale.

Typhoon Gaemi forces evacuation, factory suspension in northeast China

2024-07-27T11:31+02004-traders (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) - More than 27,000 people in northeast China were evacuated and hundreds of factories were ordered to suspend production as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rains, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday. Gaemi lashed towns on China's coastal Fujian province on Friday with....

Oil leaks from sunken tanker: Philippine Coast Guard

2024-07-27T11:29+0200tribune (en)

Some of the 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil inside a sunken Philippine tanker has started to leak into Manila Bay, the coast guard said Saturday, as they raced to avoid an environmental catastrophe. The MT Terra Nova sank in bad weather off Manila early Thursday, killing one crew member....

Typhoon Gaemi Forces Massive Evacuations in Northeast China

2024-07-27T11:25+0200devdiscourse (en)

Over 27,000 people were evacuated in northeast China as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rains and strong winds. Hundreds of factories suspended operations to avoid flood risks. The storm also impacted Fujian province and disrupted activities of chemical and mining companies.

Naufrage aux Philippines: Du fioul s’échappe du pétrolier naufragé

2024-07-27T11:22+0200tdg (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres d’hydrocarbures transportée par un pétrolier qui a coulé dans la baie de Manille a commencé à fuir, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins qui s’efforcent d’éviter une catastrophe environnementale.

Philippines: du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé au large de Manille

2024-07-27T11:03+0200la-croix (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres d’hydrocarbures transportée par un pétrolier qui a coulé dans la baie de Manille a commencé à fuir, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins qui s’efforcent d’éviter une catastrophe environnementale.

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rainfall to China, over 27,000 relocated

2024-07-27T11:02+0200dtnext (en)

BEIJING: More than 27,000 residents in northeastern China 's Liaoning Province have been safely relocated in response to Typhoon Gaemi . The provincial flood control and drought relief department said that heavy rainfall from Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, has caused water levels to rise in 40 reservoirs across the province.

Philippines: du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé au large de Manille

2024-07-27T11:02+0200france24 (fr)

Le MT Terra Nova, qui battait pavillon philippin, a coulé jeudi matin par gros temps, entraînant la mort d'un membre d'équipage et menaçant de provoquer l'une des pires marées noires dans l'archipel d'Asie du Sud-Est. Des plongeurs inspectant la coque du navire ont constaté une "fuite minime" au....

Philippines: du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé au large de Manille

2024-07-27T10:57+0200challenges (fr)

L'équipage d'une société privée manipule un baril de produit dispersant pour le pétrole, à Limay (Philippines), le 26 juillet 2024. Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres d'hydrocarbures transportée par un pétrolier qui a coulé dans la baie de Manille a commencé à fuir, ont annoncé....

Typhoon Gaaemi weakens into tropical storm after ripping through Taiwan, China

2024-07-27T10:55+0200indiatoday (en)

Tropical storm Gaemi brought rain to central China on Saturday as it moved inland after making landfall at typhoon strength on the country’s east coast Thursday night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no reports of casualties or major damage.

Philippines: du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé au large de Manille

2024-07-27T10:55+0200actu-orange (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres d'hydrocarbures transportée par un pétrolier qui a coulé dans la baie de Manille a commencé à fuir, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins qui s'efforcent d'éviter une catastrophe environnementale.

Typhoon Gaemi weakens to a tropical storm as it moves inland carrying rain toward central China

2024-07-27T10:37+0200arabtimes (en)

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, a car passes as waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China ’s Fujian Province on July 25. (AP) BEIJING, July 27, (AP): Tropical storm Gaemi brought rain to central China on Saturday as it....

Typhoon Gaemi Brings Heavy Rainfall To China, Over 27,000 Relocated

2024-07-27T10:36+0200wn (en)

(MENAFN - IANS) Beijing, July 27 (IANS) More than 27,000 residents in northeastern China 's Liaoning Province have been safely relocated in response to Typhoon Gaemi .The provincial flood control and ... ......

Petroliera affondata nelle Filippine, rilevata fuoriuscita di olio combustibile industriale

2024-07-27T10:34+0200rainews (it)

Piccoli grumi di petrolio vengono raccolti dalla Guardia costiera con i secchi. Sono le prime tracce del greggio che sta uscendo dalla MT Terra Nova, affondata al largo delle Filippine per il maltempo di giovedì scorso, uccidendo un membro dell'equipaggio.

Philippines : du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé

2024-07-27T10:22+0200laprovence (fr)

Des plongeurs inspectant la coque du navire ont constaté une " fuite minime " au niveau des valves, a précisé le porte-parole des garde-côtes, le contre-amiral Armando Balilo, en ajoutant que la situation n'était " pas alarmante " à ce stade. Pour rappel, un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et....

Risque de marée noire aux Philippines : du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé au large des côtes

2024-07-27T09:59+0200TF1 (fr)

Selon le contre-amiral Armando Balilo, la situation n'est "pas alarmante" . S'ils minimisent l'événement, les garde-côtes philippins ont annoncé, samedi 27 juillet, qu'une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par un pétrolier naufragé avait commencé à fuir dans la baie de Manille.

PhilippinesDu fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé, selon les garde-côtes 0 1 0

2024-07-27T09:57+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par un pétrolier naufragé a commencé à fuir dans la baie de Manille, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins, minimisant à ce stade l'ampleur de cet écoulement. Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de....

La marea nera delle Filippine, 1,4 milioni litri di petrolio rischiano di finire in mare: rilevata la prima fuoriuscita

2024-07-27T09:48+0200247libero (it)

Una parte degli 1,4 milioni di litri di olio combustibile industriale stoccati in una petroliera filippina, affondata due giorni fa, ha iniziato a fuoriuscire nella baia di Manila. È quanto riferisce la Guardia Costiera. I sommozzatori che hanno ispezionato lo scafo della nave hanno notato una....

Philippine coast guard says oil leaking from sunken tanker

2024-07-27T09:46+0200guampdn (en)

Some of the 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil inside a sunken Philippine tanker has started to leak into Manila Bay, the coast guard said Saturday, calling for a suspension of fishing in the waterway. The MT Terra Nova sank in bad weather in the busy waterway early Thursday, killing one crew....

Typhoon Gaemi Brings Heavy Rainfall To China, Over 27,000 Relocated

2024-07-27T09:46+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Beijing, July 27 (IANS) More than 27,000 residents in northeastern China 's Liaoning Province have been safely relocated in response to Typhoon Gaemi . The provincial flood control and drought relief department said that heavy rainfall from Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, has caused....

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rainfall to NE China, over 27,000 relocated

2024-07-27T09:40+0200peopledaily (en)

A man rides amid downpour in Shenyang, northeast China 's Liaoning Province, July 26, 2024. (Xinhua/Yang Qing) SHENYANG, July 27 (Xinhua) -- As of 7:00 a.m. Saturday, more than 27,000 residents in northeastern China's Liaoning Province have been safely relocated in response to Typhoon Gaemi .

Du fioul s’échappe d’un pétrolier aux Philippines, la « pire » marée noire redoutée

2024-07-27T09:40+0200huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

INTERNATIONAL - Empêcher que le liquide noir et nauséabond ne s’étende comme une traînée de poudre. Ce samedi 27 juillet, une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par le pétrolier naufragé MT Terra Nova a commencé à fuir dans la baie de Le MT Terra Nova,....

Philippines: du fioul s'échappe du pétrolier naufragé

2024-07-27T09:35+0200laliberte (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par un pétrolier naufragé a commencé à fuir dans la baie de Manille, ont annoncé samedi les garde-côtes philippins. Ceux-ci minimisent à ce stade l'ampleur de cet écoulement.

Philippines : du fioul s’échappe du pétrolier naufragé, selon les garde-côtes

2024-07-27T09:34+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par un pétrolier naufragé a commencé à fuir dans la baie de Manille, ont annoncé ce samedi 27 juillet les garde-côtes philippins , minimisant à ce stade l’ampleur de cet écoulement.

Philippines : du fioul s’échappe du pétrolier naufragé, selon les garde-côtes

2024-07-27T09:33+0200presseocean (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par un pétrolier naufragé a commencé à fuir dans la baie de Manille, ont annoncé ce samedi 27 juillet les garde-côtes philippins , minimisant à ce stade l’ampleur de cet écoulement.

Philippine coast guard says oil leaking from sunken tanker

2024-07-27T09:32+0200economictimes (en)

Oil containment booms have been deployed for what Balilo earlier described as "the worst case scenario" of the cargo leaking out. The vessel sank nearly seven kilometres from its origin in the port of Limay west of Manila. It was attempting to return to port after running into bad weather.

Philippines : du fioul s’échappe du pétrolier naufragé, selon les garde-côtes

2024-07-27T09:32+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par un pétrolier naufragé a commencé à fuir dans la baie de Manille, ont annoncé ce samedi 27 juillet les garde-côtes philippins , minimisant à ce stade l’ampleur de cet écoulement.

Philippines : du fioul s’échappe du pétrolier naufragé, selon les garde-côtes

2024-07-27T09:32+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par un pétrolier naufragé a commencé à fuir dans la baie de Manille, ont annoncé ce samedi 27 juillet les garde-côtes philippins , minimisant à ce stade l’ampleur de cet écoulement.

Northeast China on high alert for flooding amid heavy downpours

2024-07-27T09:16+0200peopledaily (en)

Electricians check electrical wires in the rain in Benxi, northeast China 's Liaoning Province, July 26, 2024. (Photo by Jiang Yunfeng/Xinhua) SHENYANG/CHANGCHUN, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Over 14,500 people in northeast China's Liaoning Province have been relocated following an orange alert, the....

Philippine coast guard says oil leaking from sunken tanker into Manila Bay, urges fishing suspension

2024-07-27T09:12+0200malaymail (en)

MANILA, July 27 — Some of the 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil inside a sunken Philippine tanker has started to leak into Manila Bay, the coast guard said Saturday, calling for a suspension of fishing in the waterway. The MT Terra Nova sank in bad weather in the busy waterway early....

Philippines: des plongeurs vont tenter d'atteindre le pétrolier

2024-07-27T09:10+0200laliberte (fr)

Des plongeurs vont tenter samedi d'inspecter la coque du pétrolier victime d'un naufrage au large de Manille alors qu'il transportait 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel. Objectif: tenter d'éviter une "catastrophe environnementale", ont indiqué les garde-côtes.

Your sanctuary calls: Churches serve as refuge for disaster victims

2024-07-27T09:08+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – How do religious groups help when disasters strike? Parts of Luzon were recently flooded after Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) enhanced the southwest monsoon, bringing back memories of Tropical Storm Ondoy (Ketsana) in 2009. In troubling times like this, according to members of....

Naufrage d’un pétrolier aux Philippines : du fioul s’échappe, «course contre la montre» pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-27T09:08+0200leparisien (fr)

Pour les autorités philippines, c’est « une course contre la montre ». Deux jours après le naufrage d’un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel au large de Manille, des plongeurs ont réussi à atteindre la coque du navire. Ils ont constaté une « fuite minime » au niveau des....

Typhoon Gaemi hits China's coast after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-27T09:03+0200citynews-ca (en)

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, huge waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China 's Fujian Province, Thursday July 25, 2024. After hitting Philippines and Taiwan , the storm's effects were expected to continue into Friday as....

Philippine Coast Guard Says Oil Leaking From Sunken Tanker

2024-07-27T09:01+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) AFP. Manila: Some of the 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil inside a sunken Philippine tanker has started to leak into Manila Bay, the coast guard said Saturday, calling for a suspension of fishing in the waterway. The MT Terra Nova sank in bad weather in the busy waterway....

Philippine coast guard says oil leaking from sunken tanker

2024-07-27T08:57+0200urdupoint (en)

Manila, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Jul, 2024) Some of the 1.4 litres of industrial fuel oil inside a sunken Philippine tanker has started to leak into Manila Bay, the coast guard said Saturday, calling for a suspension of fishing in the waterway.

Des plongeurs inspecteront samedi la coque du pétrolier naufragé au large de Manille, transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel. Naufrage aux Philippines Des plongeurs vont tenter d'atteindre le pétrolier

2024-07-27T08:53+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Des plongeurs vont tenter samedi d'inspecter la coque du pétrolier victime d'un naufrage au large de Manille alors qu'il transportait 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel, avec pour objectif d'éviter une «catastrophe environnementale», ont indiqué les garde-côtes.

Philippine coast guard says oil leaking from sunken tanker

2024-07-27T08:52+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Manila: Some of the 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil inside a sunken Philippine tanker has started to leak into Manila Bay, the coast guard said Saturday, calling for a suspension of fishing in the waterway. The MT Terra Nova sank in bad weather in the busy waterway early Thursday, killing....

PhilippinesDes plongeurs vont tenter d’atteindre le pétrolier victime d’un naufrage 0 14 2

2024-07-27T08:51+0200lematin-CH (fr)

Des plongeurs vont tenter samedi d’inspecter la coque du pétrolier victime d’un naufrage au large de Manille alors qu’il transportait 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel, avec pour objectif d’éviter une «catastrophe environnementale», ont indiqué les garde-côtes.

China’s Foreign Minister Warns Philippines over US Missile Deployment

2024-07-27T08:48+0200aawsat (en)

Tropical storm Gaemi brought rain to central China on Saturday as it moved inland after making landfall at typhoon strength on the country's east coast Thursday night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no reports of casualties or major damage.

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rainfall to NE China, over 27,000 relocated

2024-07-27T08:48+0200cgtn (en)

As of 7 a.m. Saturday, more than 27,000 residents in northeastern China 's Liaoning Province have been safely relocated in response to Typhoon Gaemi . The provincial flood control and drought relief department said that heavy rainfall from Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, has caused water levels to rise in 40 reservoirs across the province.

Pétrolier naufragé au large des Philippines: les garde-côtes annoncent que du fioul s'échappe du navire

2024-07-27T08:48+0200bfmtv (fr)

Une partie de la cargaison de 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel transportée par un pétrolier naufragé a commencé à fuir dans la baie de Manille, ont annoncé ce samedi 27 juillet les garde-côtes philippins. Des plongeurs inspectant la coque du navire ont constaté une "fuite minime" au niveau....

Philippine coast guard says oil leaking from sunken tanker

2024-07-27T08:47+0200france24-en (en)

The MT Terra Nova sank in bad weather in the busy waterway early Thursday, killing one crew member and leaving the country potentially facing its worst oil spill disaster. The oil slick has more than tripled in size from Thursday and is now estimated to stretch between 12-14 kilometres (7.5-8.

Oil leaking from sunken tanker — Philippine Coast Guard

2024-07-27T08:42+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Some of the 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel oil inside a sunken Philippine tanker has started to leak into Manila Bay, the coast guard said Saturday, calling for a suspension of fishing in the waterway. The MT Terra Nova sank in bad weather in the busy waterway early....

Philippine Coast Guard says oil leaking from sunken tanker

2024-07-27T08:39+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Some of the 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil inside a sunken Philippine tanker has started to leak into Manila Bay, the coast guard said Saturday, calling for a suspension of fishing in the waterway. The MT Terra Nova sank in bad weather in the busy waterway early....

Boy drowns in Laguna; Elderly man dies from flash flood in Rizal

2024-07-27T08:30+0200inquirer (en)

A 13-year-old boy drowns in a swamp in San Pedro City, Laguna, on July 26, 2024, while an old man dies in a flash flood in Rodriguez, Rizal, on July 25, according to the police. Maps of Laguna and Rizal/INQUIRER FILES. LUCENA CITY A 13-year-old boy drowned in a swamp in San Pedro City, Laguna while....

Over 27,000 Chinese residents evacuated as typhoon hits northwestern part of country

2024-07-27T08:18+0200itartass_en (en)

BEIJING, July 27. /TASS/. Chinese authorities have evacuated about 27,000 residents in the northeastern province of Liaoning due to typhoon Gaemi and the heavy rains it caused, Xinhua reported. According to the news agency, the heavy rains caused the water level of 40 reservoirs in the region to rise.

Typhoon Gaemi weakens to a tropical storm as it moves inland carrying rain toward central China

2024-07-27T08:16+0200sunstar (en)

BEIJING — Tropical storm Gaemi brought rain to central China on Saturday as it moved inland after making landfall at typhoon strength on the country's east coast Thursday night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no reports of casualties or major damage.

Le typhon Gaemi provoque des pluies torrentielles dans le nord-est de la Chine avec plus de 27.000 résidents délocalisés

2024-07-27T08:12+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Samedi à 7h00, plus de 27.000 résidents dans la province chinoise du Liaoning (nord-est) ont été délocalisés en toute sécurité dans le cadre de la réponse au typhon Gaemi . D'après le département provincial de contrôle des inondations et de lutte contre la sécheresse, des pluies torrentielles....

Meteo Video: Filippine, il Tifone Gaemi allaga la capitale Manila

2024-07-27T07:53+0200ilmeteo (it)

Nella giornata del 25 Luglio 2024 sono rimaste sott'acqua diverse zone di Manila nelle Filippine, dopo che il tifone Gaemi ha intensificato le piogge monsoniche. L'ondata di maltempo ha scaricato più di 300 mm di pioggia sull'area di Manila e su parti dell'isola principale di Luzon.

Tropical Storm Gaemi Causes Widespread Damage in Asia

2024-07-27T07:48+0200devdiscourse (en)

Tropical Storm Gaemi caused significant flooding and destruction in China , Taiwan , and the Philippines . The storm led to damaged crops, displacement of residents, and multiple fatalities. While China reported economic losses and crop damage, Taiwan and the Philippines suffered severe flooding and numerous casualties.

Typhoon Gaemi weakens to a tropical storm as it moves inland carrying rain toward central China

2024-07-27T07:32+0200news-gazette (en)

What was Typhoon Gaemi has weakened to a severe tropical storm and is moving inland toward central China on after making landfall Thursday night on the east coast. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immed Typhoon Gaemi weakens to a tropical storm as....

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Gusty Winds And Torrential Rains 4

2024-07-27T07:24+0200mycouriertribune (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Gusty Winds And Torrential Rains 4

2024-07-27T07:20+0200eastoregonian (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Magat Dam released water, says irrigation exec

2024-07-27T07:17+0200inquirer (en)

The 41-year-old Magat Dam in Isabela, as shown in this file photo, is vital to the agriculture industry in Cagayan Valley as it supplies irrigation water to farmlands in the region. Magat Dam released water on Saturday morning (July 27, 2024), an irrigation official announced. The move aims to maintain the normal water level of the dam.

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Gusty Winds And Torrential Rains 4

2024-07-27T07:16+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Des plongeurs vont tenter d’inspecter la coque du pétrolier victime d’un naufrage

2024-07-27T07:15+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

(Manille) Des plongeurs vont tenter samedi d’inspecter la coque du pétrolier victime d’un naufrage au large de Manille alors qu’il transportait 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel, avec pour objectif d’éviter une « catastrophe environnementale », ont indiqué les gardes-côtes.

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rainfall to ne China, over 27,000 relocated

2024-07-27T07:14+0200bernama (en)

SHENYANG, July 27 (Bernama-Xinhua) -- As of 7.00 am Saturday, more than 27,000 residents in northeastern China 's Liaoning Province have been safely relocated in response to Typhoon Gaemi , reported Xinhua. The provincial flood control and drought relief department said that heavy rainfall from Gaemi,....

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rainfall to NE China, over 27,000 relocated

2024-07-27T07:13+0200china.org.cn (en)

SHENYANG, July 27 (Xinhua) -- As of 7:00 a.m. Saturday, more than 27,000 residents in northeastern China 's Liaoning Province have been safely relocated in response to Typhoon Gaemi . The provincial flood control and drought relief department said that heavy rainfall from Gaemi, the third typhoon of....


2024-07-27T07:12+0200cgtn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi landed in eastern Taiwan 's Yilan County around midnight on July 25, causing heavy rains, flooding, fallen trees, road closures and power outages. So far, the typhoon has caused at least seven deaths and 785 injuries. On the morning of July 26, the island of Taiwan lifted the typhoon....

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Gusty Winds And Torrential Rains 4

2024-07-27T07:09+0200guampdn (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Philippines: Des plongeurs vont tenter d’atteindre le pétrolier victime d’un naufrage

2024-07-27T07:02+020024heures (fr)

Des plongeurs vont tenter samedi d’inspecter la coque du pétrolier victime d’un naufrage au large de Manille alors qu’il transportait 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel, avec pour objectif d’éviter une «catastrophe environnementale», ont indiqué les garde-côtes.

Philippines: Des plongeurs vont tenter d’atteindre le pétrolier victime d’un naufrage

2024-07-27T07:00+0200tdg (fr)

Des plongeurs vont tenter samedi d’inspecter la coque du pétrolier victime d’un naufrage au large de Manille alors qu’il transportait 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel, avec pour objectif d’éviter une «catastrophe environnementale», ont indiqué les garde-côtes.

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rainfall to NE China, over 27,000 relocated

2024-07-27T06:59+0200english-news-cn (en)

SHENYANG, July 27 (Xinhua) -- As of 7:00 a.m. Saturday, more than 27,000 residents in northeastern China 's Liaoning Province have been safely relocated in response to Typhoon Gaemi . The provincial flood control and drought relief department said that heavy rainfall from Gaemi, the third typhoon of....

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rainfall to NE China, over 27,000 relocated

2024-07-27T06:56+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

SHENYANG, July 27 (Xinhua) -- As of 7:00 a.m. Saturday, more than 27,000 residents in northeastern China 's Liaoning Province have been safely relocated in response to Typhoon Gaemi . The provincial flood control and drought relief department said that heavy rainfall from Gaemi, the third typhoon of....

Typhoon Gaemi weakens to a tropical storm as it moves inland carrying rain toward central China

2024-07-27T06:12+0200wn (en)

BEIJING (AP) — Tropical storm Gaemi brought rain to central China on Saturday as it moved inland after making landfall at typhoon strength on the country’s east coast Thursday night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no reports of casualties or major damage.

Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated in China to combat Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-27T05:58+0200peopledaily (en)

Rescuers carry out drainage operations in the flooded areas of Xiapu County in Ningde, southeast China 's Fujian Province, July 26, 2024. As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China's Fujian Province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, with some 290,000 residents relocated so far, said local authorities.

Rough seas hamper Taiwan efforts to rescue sailors stranded by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-27T05:54+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Taiwan's coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Thursday with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph) before barreling west....

China activates emergency response to floods as typhoon Gaemi hits

2024-07-27T05:32+0200cgtn (en)

The Ministry of Emergency Management on Friday activated a Level-IV emergency response to floods in the four provinces of Guangdong, Shandong, Henan and Hubei, as well as raising the emergency response from Level-IV to Level-III in the northeastern province of Liaoning in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi .

Typhoon Gaemi weakens to a tropical storm as it moves inland carrying rain toward central China

2024-07-27T05:31+0200whig (en)

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, huge waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China 's Fujian Province, Thursday July 25, 2024. After hitting Philippines and Taiwan , the storm's effects were expected to continue into Friday as....

Xinhua News | China activates emergency response to floods in four provinces as typhoon Gaemi hits

2024-07-27T05:11+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

The Ministry of Emergency Management on Friday activated a Level-IV emergency response to floods in four provinces and raised the emergency response from Level-IV to Level-III in the northeastern province of Liaoning in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi . #XinhuaNews.

Death Toll In Philippine Typhoon, Monsoon Rises To 33

2024-07-27T05:10+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Manila, July 26 (IANS) The death toll from the severe flooding and landslides triggered by the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Gaemi has risen to 33, said on Friday. Police said 11 people died in the Philippine capital region, Manila, 12 in the Calabarzon region, and 10 from Central....

Typhoon Gaemi Wreaked The Most Havoc In The Country It Didn't Hit Directly - The Philippines

2024-07-27T05:10+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) AP. BEIJING: What was Typhoon Gaemi was heading to inland China on Friday after weakening to a severe tropical storm soon after making landfall on the east coast the previous night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

Olympics Photo of the Day: A Towering Light Show

2024-07-27T05:05+0200dieselgasoil (en)

François-Xavier Marit / AFP / Getty. Following the Parade of Nations on the Seine River, athletes and spectators watch as lasers light up the sky around the Eiffel Tower, at the Trocadero venue, during the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on July 26, 2024. About the Author.

Typhoon Gaemi's Death Toll In Philippines Rises To 33

2024-07-27T04:55+0200menafn (en)

- Jordan News Agency) Amman, July 26 (Petra)-- According to authorities on Friday, the number of people killed in the Philippines as a result of Typhoon Gaemi -related floods, landslides, and other incidents has reached 33. Eleven of the fatalities perished from electrocution or drowning in the....

'Back To Zero': Manila Flood Victims Come To Terms With Their Losses, Begin Clean Up

2024-07-27T04:55+0200menafn (en)

- Khaleej Times) Published: Thu 25 Jul 2024, 3:05 PM. Manila street vendor Zenaida Cuerda said Thursday she is "back to zero" after floodwaters washed away the food she sells for a living and swept through her house. She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with their losses....

Philippines Races To Avoid 'Environmental Catastrophe' From Oil Spill

2024-07-27T04:39+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) AFP. Limay, Philippines : The Philippine Coast Guard on Friday raced to offload 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil from a sunken tanker and prevent an "environmental catastrophe" in Manila Bay. One crew member died when the MT Terra Nova sank in rough seas nearly seven kilometres (4.

MIL-OSI China: China activates emergency response to floods as typhoon Gaemi hits

2024-07-27T04:11+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

The Ministry of Emergency Management on Friday activated a Level-IV emergency response to floods in the four provinces of Guangdong, Shandong, Henan and Hubei, as well as raising the emergency response from Level-IV to Level-III in the northeastern province of Liaoning in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi .

MIL-OSI China: Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated to combat Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-27T04:11+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Staff members patrol at the seaside of Xiapu County in Ningde, southeast China ’s Fujian Province, July 26, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua] Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year. With a maximum wind speed of 118.

Typhoon Gaemi hammers Fujian

2024-07-27T04:11+0200ecns (en)

Disaster relief work is well-organized and proceeding smoothly in Fujian after it was hit by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of the year, which made its second landfall in the province on Thursday evening. On Friday morning, the National Meteorological Center adjusted the typhoon alarm level from....

Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated to combat Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-27T03:54+0200china.org.cn (en)

Staff members patrol at the seaside of Xiapu County in Ningde, southeast China 's Fujian Province, July 26, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua] Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year. With a maximum wind speed of 118.

China activates emergency response to floods in four provinces as typhoon Gaemi hits

2024-07-27T03:51+0200peopledaily (en)

BEIJING, July 26 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Emergency Management on Friday activated a Level-IV emergency response to floods in the four provinces of Guangdong, Shandong, Henan and Hubei, as well as raising the emergency response from Level-IV to Level-III in the northeastern province of Liaoning in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi .

Over 300,000 displaced as typhoon lashes China

2024-07-27T03:28+0200wn (en)

BEIJING: Typhoon Gaemi pummelled towns on China ’s coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm has affected almost 630,000 people in China’s Fujian so....

China activates emergency response to floods as typhoon Gaemi hits

2024-07-27T03:24+0200china.org.cn (en)

The Ministry of Emergency Management on Friday activated a Level-IV emergency response to floods in the four provinces of Guangdong, Shandong, Henan and Hubei, as well as raising the emergency response from Level-IV to Level-III in the northeastern province of Liaoning in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi .

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-27T02:25+0200nation (en)

Beijing - Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-27T02:15+0200nation-pk (en)

Beijing - Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on....

Le centre de Luzon subit les conséquences du super typhon Carina

2024-07-27T02:14+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Des policiers de secours aident à évacuer les membres d’une famille vivant le long d’une rivière à San Jose del Monte City à Bulacan mercredi alors que le super typhon « Carina » frappe Luzon. — PHOTO AVEC L’AIMABLE AUTORISATION DU BUREAU RÉGIONAL DE LA POLICE 3.

Typhoon Gaemi hammers Fujian

2024-07-27T01:59+0200chinadaily (en)

Rescuers carry out drainage operations in the flooded areas of Xiapu county in Ningde, Southeast China 's Fujian province, July 26, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua] Disaster relief work is well-organized and proceeding smoothly in Fujian after it was hit by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of the year, which....

Chine : les habitants sont évacués et les mesures d'urgence sont activées pour lutter contre le typhon Gaemi

2024-07-27T01:53+0200french-news (fr)

FUZHOU, 26 juillet (Xinhua) -- Les provinces chinoises ont activé les mesures d'urgence et pris des dispositions pour évacuer les habitants afin de lutter contre le typhon Gaemi , le troisième typhon de cette année. Avec une vitesse de vent maximale de 118,8 km/h en son centre, le typhon a touché....

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in China as thousands relocate

2024-07-27T00:19+0200qt (en)

China has been hit by its most powerful storm this year as Typhoon Gaemi made landfall. Almost 630,000 people have been affected by heavy rain and strong winds in China 's Fujian province forcing many to relocate. The storm killed dozens of people in Taiwan earlier this week and triggered widespread flooding in the Philippines .

Think La Niña, Marcos tells Filipinos

2024-07-26T23:45+0200inquirer (en)

LUCENA CITYDespite the troubles brought about by the supertyphoon and enhanced southwest monsoon, President Marcos urged Filipinos and government officials to intensify their preparations for the La Niña phenomenon. “We have to prepare for the next flood. This is the first typhoon within the La Niña phenomenon.

Philippines racing to clean oil spill to avoid ‘catastrophe’

2024-07-26T23:27+0200gulf-times (en)

Coast guard personnel load the skimmers to be used in the oil spill response, at a port in Limay, Bataan on July 26, 2024. A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on July 25, authorities said, as they raced against time to contain the spill.

24-hr hotline launched for OFWs in Taiwan

2024-07-26T23:18+0200inquirer (en)

This photo taken and released by Taiwan ’s Central News Agency (CNA) on July 25, 2024, shows a general view of a flooded street caused by heavy rains brought by Typhoon Gaemi in Kaohsiung. (Photo by CNA / Agence France-Presse) The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) recently launched a 24-hour....

Typhoon Gaemi batters China after devastating Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-26T23:08+0200tribune (en)

BEIJING: Typhoon Gaemi struck China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday, bringing heavy rains and strong winds, making it the most powerful storm to hit the country this year. The storm has affected nearly 630,000 people in Fujian, with almost half needing relocation, according to Xinhua news agency.

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300 000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T23:03+0200citizen (en)

A resident walks amongst debris of destroyed belongings next to her house at a village in Manila on July 25, 2024, a day after heavy rains fuelled by Typhoon Gaemi and the seasonal monsoon lashed Manila and surrounding regions in recent days. (Photo by Ted ALJIBE / AFP) Authorities evacuated nearly....

Typhoon Gaemi devastates several countries in Asia

2024-07-26T22:04+0200thred (en)

Worsening the torrential monsoon rains that are currently lashing China , Taiwan , and the Philippines , the tropical cyclone has triggered massive flooding and landslides, killing hundreds, injuring thousands, and even sinking ships. A freak weather event in parts of Asia is devastating China, Taiwan, and the Philippines.

MIL-OSI Translation: ASIA/PHILIPPINES – Typhoon Gaemi hits south-east Asia: the Church of Manila comes to the aid of the displaced

2024-07-26T21:47+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: The Holy See in Italian. Salesian nuns helping displaced people in Manila. Manila (Agenzia Fides) – Typhoon Gaemi continues to ravage Southeast Asia. The storm races towards Taiwan , leaving death and destruction in its wake in the Philippines . Here the fury of nature has hit especially the north of the country and the capital, Manila.

Typhoon Gaemi forces evacuation of 300,000 in China

2024-07-26T21:21+0200wn (en)

Beijing, July 26 (BNA): Typhoon Gaemi led to the evacuation of nearly 300,000 people and disrupted transportation in eastern and southern China . The typhoon resulted in five fatalities on the nearby island of Taiwan , marking the most severe typhoon to hit the island in eight years, with winds....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T20:41+0200dunyanews (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) - Typhoon Gaemi pummelled towns on China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm has affected almost 630,000 people in China's....

Typhoon Gaemi forces evacuation of 300,000 in China

2024-07-26T20:40+0200bna-en (en)

Beijing, July 26 (BNA): Typhoon Gaemi led to the evacuation of nearly 300,000 people and disrupted transportation in eastern and southern China . The typhoon resulted in five fatalities on the nearby island of Taiwan , marking the most severe typhoon to hit the island in eight years, with winds reaching 190 km/h.

Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated in China to combat typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T20:38+0200uniindia (en)

Beijing, July 26 (UNI) Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures, including evacuating residents, to battle Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year. With a maximum wind speed of 118.8 km per hour at its centre, the typhoon made its second landfall in the country....

Pictures of the weekFrom Typhoon Gaemi in Manila to a Cuban fisherman

2024-07-26T20:24+0200thenational (en)

1: Commit to countering all types of terrorism and extremism in all their manifestations. 2: Denounce violence and the rhetoric of hatred. 3: Adhere to the full compliance with the Riyadh accord of 2014 and the subsequent meeting and executive procedures approved in 2014 by the GCC.


2024-07-26T20:14+0200hellenicshippingnews (en)

Bunker excise update 26 Jul 2024 / Australia. Australia’s Tax Office and Border Force have agreed to simplify the process which requires vessels carrying wholly coastal cargoes between Australian ports to pay a bunker excise. Maritime security trend analysis 26 Jul 2024 / Gulf of Aden, Bab al....

Philippines rushing to contain environmental disaster after tanker sinks

2024-07-26T20:13+0200benarnews (en)

The Philippines on Friday rushed to contain an environmental disaster after a tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel sank in Manila Bay amid stormy seas whipped up by Typhoon Gaemi . The Philippine-flagged MT Terra Nova was heading to the central Philippines when it was battered by....

Meteo Video: Filippine, il super tifone Gaemi flagella la nazione con piogge torrenziali e forti venti

2024-07-26T20:02+0200ilmeteo (it)

26 Luglio 2024. Il tifone Gaemi ha provocato gravi danni nelle Filippine e ora si sta dirigendo verso Taiwan e la Cina.Una petroliera che trasportava quasi 1,5 milioni di litri di carburante industriale si è capovolta ed è affondata: sedici membri dell'equipaggio della nave battente bandiera....

Update: China activates emergency response to floods in four provinces as typhoon Gaemi hits

2024-07-26T19:52+0200wn (en)

© Provided by Xinhua BEIJING, July 26 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Emergency Management on Friday activated a Level-IV emergency response to floods in the four provinces of Guangdong, Shandong, Henan and Hubei, as well as raising the emergency response from Level-IV to Level-III in the northeastern....

Typhoon Gaemi Didn't Hit This Country, Yet Caused Most Damage

2024-07-26T19:44+0200outlookindia (en)

Typhoon Gaemi 's Unexpected Impact. Typhoon Gaemi wreaked havoc in the country it didn’t strike directly: the Philippines . The storm made landfall in Taiwan and China . Five Dead In Taiwan Five people died in Taiwan, which Gaemi crossed at typhoon strength on Thursday before heading over open waters to China.

Rough seas hamper Taiwan efforts to rescue sailors stranded by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T19:19+0200dunyanews (en)

TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan 's coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Thursday with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph) before....

Update: Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated in China to combat Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T19:18+0200cambodiantimes (en)

© Provided by Xinhua Huge waves lash the shore in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, east China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong) FUZHOU, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year.

Update: Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated in China to combat Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T19:01+0200manilametro (en)

© Provided by Xinhua Huge waves lash the shore in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, east China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong) FUZHOU, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year.

Rough Seas Hamper Taiwan Efforts to Rescue Sailors Stranded by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T18:59+0200maritime-network (en)

TAIPEI, July 26 (Reuters) – Taiwan ’s coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan…....

Update: Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated in China to combat Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T18:54+0200wn (en)

© Provided by Xinhua Huge waves lash the shore in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, east China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong) FUZHOU, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon....

China activates emergency response to floods in four provinces as typhoon Gaemi hits

2024-07-26T18:52+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, July 26 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Emergency Management on Friday activated a Level-IV emergency response to floods in the four provinces of Guangdong, Shandong, Henan and Hubei, as well as raising the emergency response from Level-IV to Level-III in the northeastern province of Liaoning in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi .

China activates emergency response to floods in four provinces as typhoon Gaemi hits

2024-07-26T18:49+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 26 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Emergency Management on Friday activated a Level-IV emergency response to floods in the four provinces of Guangdong, Shandong, Henan and Hubei, as well as raising the emergency response from Level-IV to Level-III in the northeastern province of Liaoning in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi .

Update: Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated in China to combat Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T18:41+0200singaporestar (en)

© Provided by Xinhua Huge waves lash the shore in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, east China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong) FUZHOU, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year.

Typhoon Gaemi Lashes China After Pounding Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T18:38+0200tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Beijing Typhoon Gaemi pummelled towns in China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday, July 26, with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm has affected almost 630,000 people in....

Typhon Gaemi : une partie du Sud-Est asiatique sous les eaux

2024-07-26T18:23+0200courrierinternational (fr)

Au moins 25 personnes sont mortes à Taïwan et aux Philippines dans les intempéries causées par le passage du typhon Gaemi , avant que ce dernier ne se dirige vendredi soir vers le sud-est de la Chine. Les rafales de vent ont aussi fait chavirer un cargo pétrolier transportant près de 1,5 million de....

Tesla Driving Through Flooded Street in Taiwan’s Kaohsiung Amid Typhoon Gaemi, Viral Video Shows Flood Water Leaking Inside Car Floor As Owners Put Vehicle’s Water Resistance To Test

2024-07-26T18:20+0200latestly (en)

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Gaemi displaces thousands in China

2024-07-26T18:16+0200manilatimes (en)

BEIJING – Almost 300,000 people were evacuated and public transport was suspended across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on....

4 sailors missing from sunken ship in Taiwan

2024-07-26T18:16+0200manilatimes (en)

TAIPEI — Four sailors from a cargo ship that sank off the coast of Taiwan during Typhoon Gaemi were still missing on Friday, authorities said, after finding a fourth survivor as well as the body of the freighter's captain. Stormy weather in the wake of the typhoon sank the Tanzania-flagged vessel....

Top items in PH-US 2+2 ministerial meet bared

2024-07-26T18:01+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

STRENGTHENING of Philippine-American alliance and the maintenance of peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region are among the top items to be discussed in the upcoming 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in Manila. This was disclosed during a phone call between United States Secretary of State....

Update: Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated in China to combat Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T18:00+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

Huge waves lash the shore in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, east China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong) FUZHOU, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year.

Northeast China on high alert for flooding amid heavy downpours

2024-07-26T18:00+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

A traffic officer directs traffic in the rain in Shenyang, northeast China 's Liaoning Province, July 26, 2024. (Photo by Wang Hongtao/Xinhua) SHENYANG/CHANGCHUN, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Over 14,500 people in northeast China's Liaoning Province have been relocated following an orange alert, the....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked most havoc in country it didn't hit directly the Philippines

2024-07-26T17:49+0200voanews (en)

BEIJING — What was Typhoon Gaemi was heading to inland China on Friday after weakening to a severe tropical storm soon after making landfall on the east coast the previous night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-26T17:46+0200irishtimes (en)

Typhoon Gaemi pummelled towns on China ’s coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm has affected almost 630,000 people in China’s Fujian so far, with....

LEAD Chine : les habitants sont évacués et les mesures d'urgence sont activées pour lutter contre le typhon Gaemi

2024-07-26T17:34+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Les provinces chinoises ont activé les mesures d'urgence et pris des dispositions pour évacuer les habitants afin de lutter contre le typhon Gaemi , le troisième typhon de cette année. Avec une vitesse de vent maximale de 118,8 km/h en son centre, le typhon a touché terre dans le pays pour la....

Cargo Ship With 9 Crew Members Sinks Off Taiwan Coast After Typhoon Hits, Search Underway

2024-07-26T17:20+0200maritime-network (en)

Image for representation purposes only. Rescue officials are searching for a cargo ship that sank off Taiwan ’s southern coast during Typhoon Gaemi . Fu Shun, a Tanzania-flagged vessel carrying nine Myanmar citizens, capsized near Kaohsiung. The incident occurred when Typhoon Gaemi hit the region, killing many and causing severe devastation.

Northeast China on high alert for flooding amid heavy downpours

2024-07-26T17:16+0200cambodiantimes (en)

© Provided by Xinhua A traffic officer directs traffic in the rain in Shenyang, northeast China 's Liaoning Province, July 26, 2024. (Photo by Wang Hongtao/Xinhua) SHENYANG/CHANGCHUN, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Over 14,500 people in northeast China's Liaoning Province have been relocated following an orange....

Typhon Gaemi : 300 000 évacuations en Chine

2024-07-26T17:16+0200linfo (fr)

continue de faire des ravages en Asie . Les autorités chinoises ont été contraintes d’évacuer plus de 300 000 personnes pour les mettre à l’abri. Dans la province du Zhejiang, voisine de Shanghai, les habitants ont dû faire face à des inondations importantes.

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn't hit directly - the Philippines

2024-07-26T17:12+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

BEIJING: What was Typhoon Gaemi was heading to inland China on Friday after weakening to a severe tropical storm soon after making landfall on the east coast the previous night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

Il tifone Gaemi porta forti piogge in Cina: inondazioni a Chaozhou | VIDEO

2024-07-26T17:06+0200meteoweb (it)

Il tifone “ Gaemi ” si è indebolito al livello di forte tempesta tropicale alle 9 (ora locale) di ieri; il suo centro era situato nella contea di Yongtai, città di Fuzhou, nella provincia del Fujian, in Cina . Secondo l’Osservatorio meteorologico di Chaozhou, “ interessata dalla circolazione....

Philippines oil spill could be the worst in country's history A vessel with roughly 370,000 gallons of industrial fuel on board capsized as a deadly typhoon slammed the Philippines, releasing miles of oil into the sea. 3M ago

2024-07-26T16:56+0200CBSnews (en)

A vessel carrying roughly 370,000 gallons of industrial fuel oil capsized and sunk off of the Philippines on Thursday, causing an oil spill and killing one crew member. Officials now fear a "marine environment catastrophe," saying they're "preparing for the worst." The Philippine Coast Guard said the incident occurred just after 1 a.

China intensifies efforts to address Gaemi-related challenges

2024-07-26T16:55+0200cgtn (en)

The eastern Chinese coastal provinces of Zhejiang and Fujian have intensified their efforts to address the challenges brought by Typhoon Gaemi , which made its second landfall in Fujian on July 25 after hitting China 's Taiwan region. With a maximum wind speed of 33 meters per second at its center,....

Filippine, petroliera affondata: si cerca di contenere i danni

2024-07-26T16:54+0200teleambiente (it)

Il petrolio fuoriuscito subito dopo l’incidente era quello che alimentava la nave, mentre quello trasportato si troverebbe ancora dentro i serbatoi. Per questo, si valutano il recupero e il trasferimento. Potrebbe essere meno grave del previsto l’incidente della MT Terra Nova affondata giovedì 25....

Le changement climatique est lié à des phénomènes météorologiques plus extrêmes

2024-07-26T16:52+0200businessam-fr (fr)

Selon une étude récente publiée dans la revue Science, le changement climatique entraîne des modifications des régimes pluviométriques dans le monde entier, ce qui pourrait également intensifier les typhons et autres tempêtes tropicales. Des chercheurs dirigés par Zhang Wenxia, de l’Académie....

Northeast China on high alert for flooding amid heavy downpours

2024-07-26T16:51+0200manilametro (en)

© Provided by Xinhua A traffic officer directs traffic in the rain in Shenyang, northeast China 's Liaoning Province, July 26, 2024. (Photo by Wang Hongtao/Xinhua) SHENYANG/CHANGCHUN, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Over 14,500 people in northeast China's Liaoning Province have been relocated following an orange....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn't hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T16:49+0200startribune (en)

BEIJING — What was Typhoon Gaemi was heading to inland China on Friday after weakening to a severe tropical storm soon after making landfall on the east coast the previous night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

DOH issues list of medicines currently on price freeze

2024-07-26T16:46+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday released the list of medicines that are on “price freeze” due to the state of calamity declaration in some localities in Luzon. Metro Manila, Batangas, Cainta in Rizal, Cavite, Oriental Mindoro, Bataan, and Bulacan are currently under a....

Nation Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated in China to combat Typhoon Gaemi Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year. 2m

2024-07-26T16:43+0200shine (en)

Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year. With a maximum wind speed of 118.8 km per hour at its center, the typhoon made its second landfall in the country on Thursday evening, at....

Northeast China on high alert for flooding amid heavy downpours

2024-07-26T16:42+0200singaporestar (en)

© Provided by Xinhua A traffic officer directs traffic in the rain in Shenyang, northeast China 's Liaoning Province, July 26, 2024. (Photo by Wang Hongtao/Xinhua) SHENYANG/CHANGCHUN, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Over 14,500 people in northeast China's Liaoning Province have been relocated following an orange....

Il tifone Gaemi ha raggiunto la Cina: nei giorni scorsi decine di vittime a Taiwan e nelle Filippine

2024-07-26T16:41+0200iconaclima (it)

Il tifone Gaemi ha raggiunto la Cina, dove ha colpito duramente le città della provincia costiera del Fujian con piogge torrenziali e venti forti : è la tempesta più potente che il paese abbia visto quest’anno. Secondo quanto riportato dall’agenzia di stampa Xinhua , la tempesta ha già colpito quasi 630.

Cina: risposta a tutto campo a piogge e alluvioni causate dal tifone nel Fujian

2024-07-26T16:41+0200zazoom-it (it)

Cina: Fujian, precauzioni per il tifone Gaemi (2) - 200 persone a bordo sono state evacuate a terra, secondo l’ufficio provinciale per il controllo delle inondazioni. 800 residenti a partire dalle 7 del mattino di oggi, a causa dell’avvicinarsi del tifone Gaemi, il terzo tifone di quest’anno, hanno dichiarato le autorita’ locali.

Typhoon Gaemi to bring up to 15 inches of rain in southeastern China Recent disasters have cost the country more than $10 billion in economic losses in the first half of the year, and over 32 million people have been impacted. 13M ago 00:21

2024-07-26T16:38+0200cbslocal (en)

Typhoon Gaemi to bring up to 15 inches of rain in southeastern China Recent disasters have cost the country more than $10 billion in economic losses in the first half of the year, and over 32 million people have been impacted.

Philippines in race to prevent environmental disaster from sunken oil tanker

2024-07-26T16:33+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

July 26 (UPI) -- Philippine maritime and environment agencies were engaged in a race against time Friday to contain oil leaking from a tanker sunk by typhoon Gaemi and prevent 370,000 gallons of industrial fuel oil on board from spilling into the sea. Marine Environmental Protection personnel were....

Tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulla Cina, piogge torrenziali e inondazioni: evacuate 300.000 persone. L'Asia in ginocchio

2024-07-26T16:33+0200ilmattino (it)

L' 2024 in Cina è stata caratterizzata da eventi meteorologici estremi e temperature fuori dall'ordinario, fenomeni legati al cambiamento climatico secondo gli scienziati. A Est impazza il Tifone Gaemi , la perturbazione che ha già danneggiato Taiwan e Filippine. Oggi un'evacuazione di massa ha messo in sicurezza 300000 persone.

Chine : le typhone Gaemi touche

2024-07-26T16:31+0200tv5 (fr)

300 000 personnes évacuées et des trains annulés en Chine. Conséquence du typhon Gaemi qui a frappé les côtes Est et Sud du pays. Gaemi a également touché Taïwan et aggravé les pluies saisonnières aux Philippines , provoquant des inondations et des glissements de terrain qui ont tué 20 personnes.

1st LD-Writethru: Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated in China to combat Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T16:30+0200china.org.cn (en)

FUZHOU, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year. With a maximum wind speed of 118.8 km per hour at its center, the typhoon made its second landfall in the....

Tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulla Cina, piogge torrenziali e inondazioni: evacuate 300.000 persone. L'Asia in ginocchio

2024-07-26T16:27+0200ilmessaggero (it)

L' 2024 in Cina è stata caratterizzata da eventi meteorologici estremi e temperature fuori dall'ordinario, fenomeni legati al cambiamento climatico secondo gli scienziati. A Est impazza il Tifone Gaemi , la perturbazione che ha già danneggiato Taiwan e Filippine. Oggi un'evacuazione di massa ha messo in sicurezza 300000 persone.

Typhon Gaemi. Quelque 300 000 personnes évacuées en Chine à l’approche de la tempête tropicale

2024-07-26T16:26+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Gaemi a touché la Chine. , et , cinq morts, le typhon s’abat sur l’empire du Milieu . En prévention, les autorités chinoises ont décrété l’évacuation de 300 000 personnes et suspendus les transports dans l’est et le sud du pays. Dans la province de Fujian, 290 000 personnes ont été relogées, selon l’agence de presse officielle , rapporte l’ AFP .

Typhon Gaemi. Quelque 300 000 personnes évacuées en Chine à l’approche de la tempête tropicale

2024-07-26T16:25+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Gaemi a touché la Chine. , et , cinq morts, le typhon s’abat sur l’empire du Milieu . En prévention, les autorités chinoises ont décrété l’évacuation de 300 000 personnes et suspendus les transports dans l’est et le sud du pays. Dans la province de Fujian, 290 000 personnes ont été relogées, selon l’agence de presse officielle , rapporte l’ AFP .

Typhon Gaemi. Quelque 300 000 personnes évacuées en Chine à l’approche de la tempête tropicale

2024-07-26T16:23+0200presseocean (fr)

Gaemi a touché la Chine. , et , cinq morts, le typhon s’abat sur l’empire du Milieu . En prévention, les autorités chinoises ont décrété l’évacuation de 300 000 personnes et suspendus les transports dans l’est et le sud du pays. Dans la province de Fujian, 290 000 personnes ont été relogées, selon l’agence de presse officielle , rapporte l’ AFP .

Typhon Gaemi. Quelque 300 000 personnes évacuées en Chine à l’approche de la tempête tropicale

2024-07-26T16:23+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Gaemi a touché la Chine. , et , cinq morts, le typhon s’abat sur l’empire du Milieu . En prévention, les autorités chinoises ont décrété l’évacuation de 300 000 personnes et suspendus les transports dans l’est et le sud du pays. Dans la province de Fujian, 290 000 personnes ont été relogées, selon l’agence de presse officielle , rapporte l’ AFP .

Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated in China to combat Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T16:12+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

FUZHOU, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year. With a maximum wind speed of 118.8 km per hour at its center, the typhoon made its second landfall in the....

Residents evacuated, emergency responses activated in China to combat Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T16:11+0200english-news-cn (en)

FUZHOU, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese provinces have activated emergency responses and taken measures including evacuating residents to battle Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year. With a maximum wind speed of 118.8 km per hour at its center, the typhoon made its second landfall in the....

Asia News Wrap: Typhoon Gaemi wrecks havoc in Asia, and more

2024-07-26T16:09+0200cgtn (en)

The powerful Typhoon Gaemi has torn through Southeast and East Asia, causing at least 40 deaths and injuring hundreds. In the Philippines , at least 33 people have died and more than 600,000 have been displaced due to the typhoon, which flooded Manila and nearby cities on Wednesday, forcing....

Philippines in race to prevent environmental disaster from sunken oil tanker

2024-07-26T16:05+0200upi (en)

July 26 (UPI) -- Philippine maritime and environment agencies were engaged in a race against time Friday to contain oil leaking from a tanker sunk by typhoon Gaemi and prevent 370,000 gallons of industrial fuel oil on board from spilling into the sea. Marine Environmental Protection personnel were....

Taiwan holds anti-landing drill on Penghu on Day 3 of Han Kuang

2024-07-26T15:54+0200focustaiwan (en)

Taiwan's armed forces held an anti-landing drill on the outlying Penghu Island, a critical offshore outpost, on Day 3 of the Han Kuang military exercises despite the approaching Typhoon Gaemi . The drill features various types of the country's flagship weapons systems, including the Stinger air defense and Javelin anti-tank missiles.

Un vice-PM chinois souligne la nécessité d'accorder la priorité à la sécurité des personnes pendant la saison des inondations

2024-07-26T15:54+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le vice-Premier ministre chinois, Zhang Guoqing, a appelé vendredi à une grande vigilance contre les inondations, soulignant l'importance de toujours mettre la sécurité du peuple à la première place. M. Zhang, également membre du Bureau politique du Comité central du Parti communiste chinois, a fait....

Taiwanese ports resume bunkering after Typhoon Gaemi-induced suspension

2024-07-26T15:40+0200portnews (en)

2024 July 26 16:23 Taiwan ese ports resume bunkering after Typhoon Gaemi -induced suspension Several Taiwanese ports have resumed bunkering operations as Typhoon Gaemi moved away from the Taiwan Strait yesterday, according to a source, according to ENGINE. The typhoon is currently tracking northwestward over Fujian Province in China .

Dal mondo Cina: 300.000 persone evacuate nelle regioni dell’est a causa del tifone Gaemi Sono quasi 300.000 le persone evacuate nell’est della Cina per il passaggio del tifone Gaemi che ha già provocato cinque morti a Taiwan e 20 nelle Filippine. ...

2024-07-26T15:40+0200osservatoreromano (it)

Cina: 300.000 persone evacuate nelle regioni dell’est a causa del tifone Gaemi Sono quasi 300.000 le persone evacuate nell’est della Cina per il passaggio del tifone Gaemi che ha già provocato cinque morti a Taiwan e 20 nelle Filippine. Preoccupazione per i bambini dell’arcipelago è stata espressa....

Crew rescued as Typhoon Gaemi wrecks container ships off Taiwan

2024-07-26T15:37+02004-traders (en)

STORY: :: Crew members are rescued after Typhoon Gaemi wrecked container ships off Taiwan . :: Taiwan Ocean Affairs Council. :: July 26, 2024. :: At sea. :: July 25, 2024. :: Kaohsiung, Taiwan. :: Shen Wen-Pin, Taiwan Coast Guard. :: "Members of the public brought two foreigners to the police station....

Philippines 'prepares for worst' after oil spill

2024-07-26T15:36+0200saudigazette (en)

MANILA — The Philippine Coast Guard has deployed floating barriers and started to clean up an oil spill to prevent it from reaching the capital, Manila. Authorities are racing to stop the oil spill from the 65-meter-long (213 feet) MT Terra Nova, which capsized on Thursday as monsoon rains battered large swathes of the country.

Cargo Ship With 9 Crew Members Sinks Off Taiwan Coast After Typhoon Hits, Search Underway

2024-07-26T15:35+0200marineinsight (en)

Image for representation purposes only. Rescue officials are searching for a cargo ship that sank off Taiwan ’s southern coast during Typhoon Gaemi . Fu Shun, a Tanzania-flagged vessel carrying nine Myanmar citizens, capsized near Kaohsiung. The incident occurred when Typhoon Gaemi hit the region, killing many and causing severe devastation.

Un vice-PM chinois souligne la nécessité d'accorder la priorité à la sécurité des personnes pendant la saison des inondations

2024-07-26T15:33+0200french-news (fr)

(Xinhua/Rao Aimin) BEIJING, 26 juillet (Xinhua) -- Le vice-Premier ministre chinois, Zhang Guoqing, a appelé vendredi à une grande vigilance contre les inondations, soulignant l'importance de toujours mettre la sécurité du peuple à la première place. M.

Heavy rains, floods wreak havoc across Philippines, China, Taiwan, Japan

2024-07-26T15:20+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. Typhoon Gaemi that caused heavy rainfall and floods has caused huge damages in Philippines , China , Taiwan and Japan as 21 people killed in Manila, local media said on Friday. The death toll climbed to 21 as Typhoon Gaemi, locally known as Carina, hit four regions across Philippines caused....

Almost 300,000 evacuated in eastern China as Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall after killing 5 in Taiwan

2024-07-26T14:57+0200hongkongfp (en)

Typhoon Gaemi exacerbated seasonal rains in the Philippines on its path to Taiwan , triggering flooding and landslides that killed 30 people, according to police figures on Friday. A tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil sank off Manila on Thursday, with authorities racing to offload the cargo and avoid an environmental catastrophe.

Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T14:57+0200wn (en)

BEIJING – Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as....

Marée noire aux Philippines : 1,4 million de litres de fioul, une possible "catastrophe"… ce que l’on sait du naufrage du MT Terra Nova

2024-07-26T14:52+0200ladepeche (fr)

Que s’est-il passé ? Les faits se sont produits ce jeudi 25 juillet. Le pétrolier le MT Terra Nova qui naviguait sous pavillon philippin et qui transportait à son bord 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel, a fait naufrage au large de Manille, à environ sept kilomètres de la ville de Limay.

DepEd: Over 12,000 schools affected by Typhoon Carina, habagat

2024-07-26T14:49+0200inquirer (en)

Massive flooding drenched school equipment inside classrooms in Sergia Soriano Esteban Integrated School in Barangay Kalaklan in Olongapo City. | PHOTO: Vice Mayor Jong Cortez via Joanna Aglibot, Philippine Daily Inquirer. MANILA, Philippines Over 12,000 schools nationwide were affected by....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T14:49+0200expressindia (en)

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan , Philippines Into next week, Gaemi's impact is expected as far north as the provinces of Jilin and Liaoning, both of which are still grappling with overflowing rivers and waterlogged cities following a powerful cluster of summer storms a few days ago.

Philippines to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T14:32+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post LIMAY, Philippines (AFP): The Philippine Coast Guard planned Friday to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel sank off Manila. AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T14:31+0200france24-en (en)

Typhoon Gaemi pummelled towns on China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior.

Typhoon Gaemi wreaks most havoc in country it didn't hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T14:23+0200wn (en)

What was Typhoon Gaemi was heading to inland China on Friday after weakening to a severe tropical storm soon after making landfall on the east coast the previous night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked most havoc in the country it didn’t hit directly, the Philippines

2024-07-26T14:23+0200wn (en)

At least 32 people have died mostly because of flooding and landslides triggered by days of rains that intensified when the typhoon passed by the Philippines ......

Taifunul Gaemi a ajuns în China, după ce a devastat Taiwan şi Filipine. 300.000 de persoane, relocate

2024-07-26T14:09+0200libertatea (en)

(240726) -- BEIJING, July 26, 2024 Photo by Xinhua/ABACAPRESS.COM) -- Huge waves lash the shore in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. East China's Fujian Province had relocated 156,800 residents as of 7 a.m. Thursday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, approaches, said local authorities.

Typhoon Gaemi wreaks most havoc in country it didn't hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T14:03+0200naharnet-ar (en)

What was Typhoon Gaemi was heading to inland China on Friday after weakening to a severe tropical storm soon after making landfall on the east coast the previous night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn’t hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T13:59+0200tribtown (en)

BEIJING (AP) — What was Typhoon Gaemi was heading to inland China on Friday after weakening to a severe tropical storm soon after making landfall on the east coast the previous night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

Crew Jump Off Boat As Typhoon Sunk Ship

2024-07-26T13:49+0200von (en)

As their ship started sinking rapidly into the sea, nine crew members onboard a cargo ship in Taiwan realised they did not have enough time to reach their life raft. They decided to jump off the boat into sea, holding on to each other in groups. On Thursday afternoon, Taiwan’s coast guard announced....

Scores of sailors trapped off Taiwan amid Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T13:45+0200independent-UK (en)

was struggling to rescue dozens of sailors off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the At least 79 crew members were still awaiting rescue on eight freighters that were stranded, the Taiwan ese coast guard said. But rough weather and rainfall were creating challenging conditions.

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked most havoc in the country it didn’t hit directly, the Philippines

2024-07-26T13:43+0200thehindu (en)

What was Typhoon Gaemi has weakened to a severe tropical storm and headed toward inland China on Friday after making landfall the previous evening on the east coast. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn’t hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T13:35+0200dailyjournal (en)

BEIJING (AP) — What was Typhoon Gaemi was heading to inland China on Friday after weakening to a severe tropical storm soon after making landfall on the east coast the previous night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

China, Taiwan, Philippines - Tropical Cyclone GAEMI, update (GDACS, JTWC, DROMIC DSWD, CWA, media, media, NDRRMC) (ECHO Daily Flash of 25 July 2024)

2024-07-26T13:33+0200reliefWeb (en)

Tropical cyclone GAEMI made landfall on 25 July in the mid-morning (UTC) over the eastern coast of Fujian province as a tropical storm and is expected to move north-west over the province and dissipate over the Jiangxi province on 27 July. According to the media, in China , more than 240,000 people....

Les garde-côtes tentent d’éviter la « catastrophe »

2024-07-26T13:33+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Le déversement en mer de pétrole engendré par le naufrage du MT Terra Nova la veille est « minime », a indiqué vendredi le porte-parole des garde-côtes philippins, le contre-amiral Armando Balilo, expliquant que seul le carburant utilisé pour alimenter le pétrolier semblait avoir fui. « Le pétrole de la citerne n’a pas fui.

Disastro ambientale nelle Filippine per il naufragio di una petroliera

2024-07-26T13:31+0200lifegate (it)

L’imbarcazione si è capovolta nei pressi della baia di Manila e un marinaio è morto. La macchia di petrolio si è estesa per quasi quattro chilometri. Il tifone Gaemi ha causato danni e morti nelle Filippine, a Taiwan e in Cina. Una petroliera che trasportava carburante industriale è affondata al....

Davao allocates P20-M for Typhoon Carina relief

2024-07-26T13:29+0200sunstar (en)

THE Office of the Civil Defense-Davao Region (OCD-Davao) has allocated P20 million worth of cash aid and other forms of assistance to be distributed to the thousands of families affected by the aftermath of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) in Luzon.

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T13:23+0200gmanews (en)

BEIJING - Typhoon Gaemi pummeled towns on China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm has affected almost 630,000 people in China's Fujian so....

Quatre marins toujours disparus après le naufrage d'un cargo au large de Taïwan

2024-07-26T13:19+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 32 min Quatre membres de l'équipage d'un cargo qui a sombré au large du sud de Taïwan restent portés disparus, ont indiqué vendredi les autorités de l'île autonome qui a été balayée par le typhon Gaemi . "Quatre membres de l'équipage du navire sont toujours portés disparus", a indiqué....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T13:09+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Typhoon Gaemi pummeled towns on China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm has affected almost 630,000 people in China's Fujian so far, with....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn’t hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T13:07+0200therepublic (en)

BEIJING (AP) — What was Typhoon Gaemi was heading to inland China on Friday after weakening to a severe tropical storm soon after making landfall on the east coast the previous night. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

Philippines 'racing against time' after oil tanker capsizes

2024-07-26T13:05+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Philippines' authorities on Friday were racing to contain an oil spill from a tanker that sank in Manila Bay on Thursday. The ship, transporting some 1.4 million liters (370,000 gallons) of industrial oil, faced stormy seas as Typhoon Gaemi passed by the Philippines on the day before.

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T12:58+0200thetimes-za (en)

Typhoon Gaemi pummelled towns on China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm has affected almost 630,000 people in China's Fujian so far, with....

DMW: OFWs safe from 'Carina' in Taiwan so far

2024-07-26T12:57+0200sunstar (en)

THE Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) on late Thursday, July 25, 2024, reported that no overseas Filipino worker (OFW) has been affected adversely by the Typhoon Gaemi , also known as Super Typhoon Carina in the Philippines . In a statement, the DMW said that, as of the latest information, OFWs in....

Race against time: 7 days to contain Bataan oil spill from sunken tanker

2024-07-26T12:55+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Seven days could make all the difference as the Philippine government rushes to prevent a large-scale environmental catastrophe. The MT Terra Nova, containing 1.4 million liters of oil, is a ticking time bomb. Admiral Armando Balilo, spokesperson of the Philippine Coast Guard....

Nation Northeast China on high alert for flooding amid heavy downpours Over 14,500 people in northeast China's Liaoning Province have been relocated following an orange alert, the second-highest level, for rainstorms. 19m

2024-07-26T12:44+0200shine (en)

Over 14,500 people in northeast China 's Liaoning Province have been relocated following an orange alert, the second-highest level, for rainstorms, according to local authorities. From 5pm Thursday to 6am Friday, Liaoning recorded an accumulative precipitation of up to 240.1 millimeters and hourly precipitation of 55.

Race to pump oil out and avert ‘worst spill in Philippines history’

2024-07-26T12:39+0200independent-UK (en)

It had departed from Bataan province and was headed to Iloilo in the central Philippines when it was hit by large waves and began taking on water. Despite efforts by the crew to steer back to port, the tanker sank shortly after midnight on Thursday. An oil slick about 3.7km (2.

Typhoon Gaemi heading towards China; Philippines reports 32 deaths so far

2024-07-26T12:38+0200mid-day (en)

The worst loss of life, however, was witnessed in a country where Gaemi earlier passed by but did not strike directly – the Philippines , reported news agency AP. The death toll has reached 32 and is steadily climbing, local authorities said on Friday.

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T12:38+0200deccanherald (en)

Beijing: Typhoon Gaemi pummelled towns on China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm has affected almost 6,30,000 people in China's Fujian so....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn't hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T12:37+0200independent-UK (en)

What was Typhoon Gaemi has weakened to a severe tropical storm and headed toward inland China on Friday after making landfall the previous evening on the east coast. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

Ship with nine crew sinks off Taiwan …as typhoon hits

2024-07-26T12:30+0200ghanaiantimes (en)

Recue officials in Taiwan are searching for a cargo ship with nine crew mem­bers that has sunk off its southern coast. The Tanzania-flagged freighter had been off the southern port city of Kaohsiung when Taiwan was struck by Typhoon Gaemi . The storm has also brought relentless rain to the Philippines , where a tanker carrying close to 1.

Four sailors still missing from capsized freighter off Taiwan's coast

2024-07-26T12:29+0200bssnews (en)

TAIPEI, July 26, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - Four sailors from a cargo ship that sank off the coast of Taiwan during Typhoon Gaemi were still missing on Friday, authorities said, after finding a fourth survivor as well as the body of the freighter's captain. Stormy weather in the wake of the typhoon sank the....

Philippines races to avoid 'environmental catastrophe' from oil spill

2024-07-26T12:29+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Limay, Philippines : The Philippine Coast Guard on Friday raced to offload 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil from a sunken tanker and prevent an "environmental catastrophe" in Manila Bay. One crew member died when the MT Terra Nova sank in rough seas nearly seven kilometres (4.

Quatre marins toujours disparus après le naufrage d’un cargo au large de Taïwan

2024-07-26T12:23+0200marine-oceans (fr)

Taipei, 26 juil 2024 (AFP) – Quatre membres de l’équipage d’un cargo qui a sombré au large du sud de Taïwan restent portés disparus, ont indiqué vendredi les autorités de l’île autonome qui a été balayée par le typhon Gaemi . « Quatre membres de l’équipage du navire sont toujours portés disparus », a....

Philippines rushes to contain oil spill from sunken tanker

2024-07-26T12:17+0200portnews (en)

2024 July 26 12:52 Philippines rushes to contain oil spill from sunken tanker Philippine authorities are rushing to contain an oil spill from a tanker that sank early Thursday, killing one crew member, after Typhoon Gaemi battered the nation, according to Bloomberg. A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.

Philippine Typhoon, Southwest Monsoon Death Toll Rises To 33

2024-07-26T12:15+0200bernama (en)

MANILA, July 26 (Bernama-Xinhua) -- The death toll from severe flooding and landslides triggered by the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Gaemi has risen to 33, police said on Friday, reported Xinhua. According to the police, 11 people died in the Philippine capital Manila, 12 in the Calabarzon....

One dead, four still missing from sunken ship off Taiwan

2024-07-26T12:14+0200splash247 (en)

Four crewmembers remain missing and one has been confirmed dead from the general cargo ship Fu Shun that sank in stormy weather off the coast of southern Taiwan . Tanzanian-flagged 56-m-long vessel went down around 19 nautical miles off the coast of Kaohsiung City on Thursday, after Typhoon Gaemi swept across the island.

ABC News Tanker capsizes causing massive oil spill in Philippines

2024-07-26T12:09+0200koreaherald (en)

Authorities in the Philippines are working to contain the oil spill from a ship which capsized just off the coast of the capital, manila. The tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel sank in the rough seas whipped up by typhoon Gaemi . The Philippines coast guard rescued sixteen of the seventeen crew members onboard the 'Terra Nova'.

Measures in place to help typhoon-hit areas

2024-07-26T12:08+0200ecns (en)

The central government has activated emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi , which has severely affected East China 's Fujian province after making its second landfall in the province on Thursday night. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of the year, which weakened to severe tropical storm around 9 pm on....

Typhoon Gaemi Ravages China's Coastal Towns, Spreading Destruction Inland

2024-07-26T12:07+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi struck China 's Fujian province with heavy rains and strong winds, impacting 630,000 people and displacing nearly half. The storm is moving inland, raising flood risks in central China. Scientists note global warming intensifies such storms.

Philippines. La citerne du pétrolier qui a fait naufrage ne fuit pas, Greenpeace demande des comptes

2024-07-26T12:02+0200presseocean (fr)

Les autorités philippines sont engagées dans une course contre la montre. Le pétrolier MT Terra Nova a fait naufrage au large des Philippines , jeudi 25 juillet 2024 , avec 1,4 million de litres de pétrole chargés à bord. Si une marée noire se forme dans la baie de Manille, elle est issue uniquement du réservoir du bateau.

Typhoon Gaemi Weakens To Severe Storm After Wreaking Most Havoc In The Philippines

2024-07-26T12:01+0200outlookindia (en)

At least 32 people have died in the Philippines , mostly because of flooding and landslides triggered by days of monsoon rains that intensified when Typhoon Gaemi — called Carina in the Philippines — passed by the archipelago's east coast. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in....

Philippines. La citerne du pétrolier qui a fait naufrage ne fuit pas, Greenpeace demande des comptes

2024-07-26T12:01+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Les autorités philippines sont engagées dans une course contre la montre. Le pétrolier MT Terra Nova a fait naufrage au large des Philippines , jeudi 25 juillet 2024 , avec 1,4 million de litres de pétrole chargés à bord. Si une marée noire se forme dans la baie de Manille, elle est issue uniquement du réservoir du bateau.

Philippines. La citerne du pétrolier qui a fait naufrage ne fuit pas, Greenpeace demande des comptes

2024-07-26T11:58+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Les autorités philippines sont engagées dans une course contre la montre. Le pétrolier MT Terra Nova a fait naufrage au large des Philippines , jeudi 25 juillet 2024 , avec 1,4 million de litres de pétrole chargés à bord. Si une marée noire se forme dans la baie de Manille, elle est issue uniquement du réservoir du bateau.

UPDATE 2-Rough seas hamper Taiwan efforts to rescue sailors stranded by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T11:56+0200devdiscourse (en)

Taiwan's coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Thursday with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph) before barrelling west....

Philippines. La citerne du pétrolier qui a fait naufrage ne fuit pas, Greenpeace demande des comptes

2024-07-26T11:56+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Les autorités philippines sont engagées dans une course contre la montre. Le pétrolier MT Terra Nova a fait naufrage au large des Philippines , jeudi 25 juillet 2024 , avec 1,4 million de litres de pétrole chargés à bord. Si une marée noire se forme dans la baie de Manille, elle est issue uniquement du réservoir du bateau.

Four sailors still missing from capsized freighter off Taiwan's coast

2024-07-26T11:50+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Taipei: Four sailors from a cargo ship that sank off the coast of Taiwan during Typhoon Gaemi were still missing on Friday, authorities said, after finding a fourth survivor as well as the body of the freighter's captain. Stormy weather in the wake of the typhoon sank the Tanzania-flagged vessel....

Il Tifone Gaemi arriva in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone

2024-07-26T11:48+0200interris (it)

Il tifone Gaemi ha costretto la Cina a evacuare 300.000 persone e sospendere i trasporti pubblici. Dopo aver ucciso cinque persone a Taiwan e 20 nelle Filippine, ha inondato Manila e affondato una petroliera. Gaemi si è indebolito dopo aver colpito il Fujian.

Southwest Monsoon Enhanced by TC Gaemi/Carina Humanitarian Snapshot As of 26 July 2024

2024-07-26T11:46+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments On 24 July, the combined effects of the Southwest Monsoon, enhanced by Tropical Cyclone Gaemi (local name: Carina), brought heavy to intense rains across the Philippines , particularly Luzon Island. Metro Manila with 13.5 million people experienced heavy rainfall that caused urban flooding, road closures, and significant disruptions.

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T11:45+0200punchng (en)

Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on Thursday, flooding parts of the island’s second-biggest city.

Cina, il tifone Gaemi colpisce le province costiere

2024-07-26T11:45+0200lapresse-it-italian (it)

dopo aver attraversato la vicina isola di Taiwan , dove ha causato frane e inondazioni nelle zone basse e provocato tre morti. Il tifone Gaemi ha spazzato il Pacifico occidentale, intensificando all’inizio della settimana le piogge stagionali nelle Filippine, dove il bilancio delle vittime è salito a 22.

Typhoon Gaemi lashes southeast China after pounding Taiwan, flooding Philippines BEIJING (Reuters) - Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior.

2024-07-26T11:44+0200kelo (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) – Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China ’s coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it....

Han Kuang drills cut short as troops reassigned to typhoon disaster relief

2024-07-26T11:41+0200globalsecurity (en)

ROC Central News Agency. 07/25/2024 02:20 PM. Taipei, July 25 (CNA) This year's Han Kuang military exercises have been cut short as troops were mobilized to assist in disaster relief in the aftermath of Typhoon Gaemi , the Ministry of National Defense (MND) said Thursday.

Secretary Blinken's Call with Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs Manalo

2024-07-26T11:41+0200globalsecurity (en)

US Department of State. Readout Office of the Spokesperson July 25, 2024. The below is attributable to Spokesperson Matthew Miller: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs Enrique A. Manalo to discuss the upcoming 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue with....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes southeast China after pounding Taiwan, flooding Philippines BEIJING (Reuters) - Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior.

2024-07-26T11:40+0200whbl (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) – Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China ’s coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes southeast China after pounding Taiwan, flooding Philippines

2024-07-26T11:38+0200wkzo (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) – Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China ’s coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes southeast China after pounding Taiwan, flooding Philippines

2024-07-26T11:37+0200wsau (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) – Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China ’s coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it....

Crew 'held each other and jumped' as typhoon sunk ship

2024-07-26T11:37+0200bbc (en)

As their ship started sinking rapidly into the sea, nine crew members onboard a cargo ship in Taiwan realised they did not have enough time to reach their life raft. They decided to jump off the boat into sea, holding on to each other in groups. On Thursday afternoon, Taiwan's coast guard announced....

Quatre membres de l'équipage d'un cargo qui a sombré au large du sud de Taïwan restent portés disparus. Naufrage d'un cargo au large de Taïwan Quatre marins toujours disparus

2024-07-26T11:37+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Quatre membres de l'équipage d'un cargo qui a sombré au large du sud de Taïwan restent portés disparus, ont indiqué vendredi les autorités de l'île autonome qui a été balayée par le typhon Gaemi . • À lire aussi: • À lire aussi: Taïwan et la Chine à la recherche de deux pêcheurs disparus dans un....

Typhoon Gaemi Leaves a Trail of Destruction Across Asia

2024-07-26T11:35+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi weakened to a severe tropical storm after causing devastation in China , Taiwan , and the Philippines , leaving a death toll of at least 32. The storm caused extensive flooding, landslides, and economic losses, prompting mass evacuations and ongoing relief efforts.

China Focus: Northeast China on high alert for flooding amid heavy downpours

2024-07-26T11:32+0200china.org.cn (en)

SHENYANG/CHANGCHUN, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Over 14,500 people in northeast China 's Liaoning Province have been relocated following an orange alert, the second-highest level, for rainstorms, according to local authorities. From 5 p.m. Thursday to 6 a.m. Friday, Liaoning recorded an accumulative precipitation of up to 240.

Après un naufrage, les garde-côtes philippins tentent de contenir une marée noire

2024-07-26T11:31+0200sciencesetavenir (fr)

Les garde-côtes philippins vont utiliser des dispersants dans l'eau et déployer des barrières flottantes le 26 juillet 2024 pour contenir une nappe de pétrole au lendemain du naufrage d'un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel au large de Manille. Sept jours pour achever le siphonnage.

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn't hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T11:28+0200wboc (en)

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, huge waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China 's Fujian Province, Thursday July 25, 2024. After hitting Philippines and Taiwan , the storm's effects were expected to continue into Friday as....

Heat Wave Continues Nationwide, Weekend to See Heavy Rain

2024-07-26T11:27+0200kbs-en (en)

Heat wave warning is issued for most parts of the country on Friday. In Seoul, Gangneung, Daejeon and Daegu, the daytime highs reached 34 degrees Celsius, but the feels-like temperature is expected to be even higher. The high temperatures are expected to continue into Sunday.

Tifone Gaemi, il bilancio si aggrava nelle Filippine: 33 morti per inondazioni e frane

2024-07-26T11:23+0200meteoweb (it)

Nelle Filippine il bilancio delle vittime delle gravi inondazioni e frane provocate dal monsone di Sud/Ovest, intensificato dal tifone Gaemi , è salito a 33 persone . La polizia ha riferito che 11 persone sono morte nella regione della capitale Manila , 12 nella regione di Calabarzon e 10 nel centro....

Typhoon Gaemi Wreaked the Most Havoc in the Country It Didn't Hit Directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T11:20+0200usnews (en)

Jiang Kehong. In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, huge waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China 's Fujian Province, Thursday July 25, 2024. After hitting Philippines and Taiwan , the storm's effects were expected to continue....

Weather tracker: Typhoon Gaemi wreaks havoc in Philippines and Taiwan

2024-07-26T11:20+0200wn (en)

Half a million people evacuated, 21 deaths confirmed so far and capsized tanker in Manila causes huge oil spill Typhoon Gaemi has been wreaking havoc, with the Philippines government forced to declare a state of calamity last week in its capital Manila, and flooding and at least three deaths....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn't hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T11:19+0200whig (en)

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, huge waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China 's Fujian Province, Thursday July 25, 2024. After hitting Philippines and Taiwan , the storm's effects were expected to continue into Friday as....

China Focus: Northeast China on high alert for flooding amid heavy downpours

2024-07-26T11:19+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

SHENYANG/CHANGCHUN, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Over 14,500 people in northeast China 's Liaoning Province have been relocated following an orange alert, the second-highest level, for rainstorms, according to local authorities. From 5 p.m. Thursday to 6 a.m. Friday, Liaoning recorded an accumulative precipitation of up to 240.

China Focus: Northeast China on high alert for flooding amid heavy downpours

2024-07-26T11:17+0200english-news-cn (en)

SHENYANG/CHANGCHUN, July 26 (Xinhua) -- Over 14,500 people in northeast China 's Liaoning Province have been relocated following an orange alert, the second-highest level, for rainstorms, according to local authorities. From 5 p.m. Thursday to 6 a.m. Friday, Liaoning recorded an accumulative precipitation of up to 240.

Death toll rises to 33 in Philippines as Typhoon Gaemi fuels monsoon

2024-07-26T11:16+0200chinadailyhk (en)

A resident walks amongst the debris of destroyed belongings next to her house at a village in Manila on July 25, 2024, a day after heavy rains fuelled by Typhoon Gaemi and the seasonal monsoon lashed Manila and surrounding regions in recent days. (PHOTO/ AFP) MANILA - The death toll from the severe....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn’t hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T11:14+0200wn (en)

What was Typhoon Gaemi has weakened to a severe tropical storm and headed towards inland China on Friday after making landfall the previous evening on the east coast. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and....

Four sailors still missing from capsized freighter off Taiwan’s coast

2024-07-26T11:14+0200straitstimesSG (en)

TAIPEI - Four sailors from a cargo ship that sank off the coast of Taiwan during Typhoon Gaemi were still missing on July 26, the authorities said, after finding a fourth survivor as well as the body of the freighter’s captain. Stormy weather in the wake of the typhoon sank the Tanzania-flagged....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn’t hit directly - the Philippines

2024-07-26T11:14+0200thespec (en)

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, huge waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China ’s Fujian Province, Thursday July 25, 2024. After hitting Philippines and Taiwan , the storm’s effects were expected to continue into Friday as....

Read more: Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T11:13+0200swissinfo (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) -Typhoon Gaemi pummelled towns on China ’s coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm has affected almost 630,000 people in China’s....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn't hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T11:13+0200ABCnews (en)

BEIJING -- What was Typhoon Gaemi has weakened to a severe tropical storm and headed toward inland China on Friday after making landfall the previous evening on the east coast. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

Class opening postponed for 738 typhoon-hit schools

2024-07-26T11:12+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines A total of 738 public schools from four regions will push back the start of classes from July 29 to a later date due to the impact of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon, according to the Department of Education.

Benguet dams release water

2024-07-26T11:12+0200philstar (en)

BAGUIO CITY Two large dams in Benguet opened its gates in a bid to lower water levels in the dams’ reservoirs that swelled in the past few days because of the heavy rains brought by Super Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. Based on the data of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) as of 8 a.

Philippines 'prepares for worst' after oil spill

2024-07-26T11:09+0200bbc-future (en)

The Philippine Coast Guard has deployed floating barriers and started to clean up an oil spill to prevent it from reaching the capital, Manila. Authorities are racing to stop the oil spill from the 65-metre-long (213 feet) MT Terra Nova, which capsized on Thursday as monsoon rains battered large swathes of the country.

Over 620,000 affected by Typhoon Gaemi in east China province

2024-07-26T11:07+0200peopledaily (en)

Huge waves lash the shore in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, east China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong) FUZHOU, July 26 (Xinhua) -- As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China's Fujian Province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year,....

Taiwan attempts to rescue dozens of sailors stranded by Typhoon Gaemi TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan's coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Th.

2024-07-26T11:03+0200kelo (en)

TAIPEI (Reuters) – Taiwan ’s coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Thursday with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph) before....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn't hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T11:03+0200news4jax (en)

BEIJING – What was Typhoon Gaemi has weakened to a severe tropical storm and headed toward inland China on Friday after making landfall the previous evening on the east coast. The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage.

Over 100 heat-related illness cases reported in 3 days: govt.

2024-07-26T11:02+0200koreaherald (en)

With the monsoon season coming to an end, South Korea has seen a surge in the number of days with scorching heat, leading to a rapid increase in the number of cases of heat-related illnesses. According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency on Friday, 507 medical institutions equipped....

Taiwan attempts to rescue dozens of sailors stranded by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T11:02+0200deccanherald (en)

Taipei: Taiwan 's coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Thursday with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph) before barrelling....

Meralco: 125,000 customers still without power in Carina's wake

2024-07-26T11:02+0200wn (en)

About 125,000 customers of power distributor Meralco are still waiting for power restoration due to the combined effects of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. ......

Taiwan attempts to rescue dozens of sailors stranded by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T11:01+0200wsau (en)

TAIPEI (Reuters) – Taiwan ’s coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Thursday with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph) before....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaked the most havoc in the country it didn’t hit directly — the Philippines

2024-07-26T11:00+0200apnews (en)

1 of 2 In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, huge waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China ’s Fujian Province, Thursday July 25, 2024. After hitting Philippines and Taiwan , the storm’s effects were expected to continue into....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T10:58+02004-traders (en)

BEIJING, July 26 (Reuters) - Typhoon Gaemi pummeled towns on China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm has affected almost 630,000 people in....

Cina, il tifone Gaemi colpisce le province costiere

2024-07-26T10:58+0200ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Il potente tifone Gaemi ha colpito la costa sud-orientale della Cina dopo aver attraversato la vicina isola di Taiwan , dove ha causato frane e inondazioni nelle zone basse e provocato tre morti. Il tifone Gaemi ha spazzato il Pacifico occidentale, intensificando all'inizio della settimana....

Filippine, corsa per contenere la fuoriuscita di petrolio

2024-07-26T10:58+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Roma, 26 lug. (askanews) - Nelle Filippine è corsa contro il tempo per cercare di contenere la fuoriuscita di petrolio dopo che una petroliera si è rovesciata al largo di Manila. È stata rilevata una chiazza di petrolio di diversi chilometri e la Guardia costiera filippina si sta preparando ad....

Rescue Efforts Underway After Typhoon Gaemi Strands Freighters in Taiwan Strait

2024-07-26T10:57+0200devdiscourse (en)

Taiwan's coast guard is attempting to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and stranded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The typhoon brought gusts up to 227 kph, causing flash floods, injuries, and fatalities. Rescue efforts are ongoing.

Measures in place to help typhoon-hit areas

2024-07-26T10:56+0200chinadaily (en)

Emergency staff members are on guard against Typhoon Gaemi at a port in Sansha township of Xiapu county, East China 's Fujian province, July 25, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua] The central government has activated emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi, which has severely affected East China's Fujian province....

Typhoon Gaemi Wreaks Havoc Across China and Southeast Asia

2024-07-26T10:53+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi hit China 's Fujian province with heavy rains and strong winds, affecting nearly 630,000 people. The storm, which killed dozens in Taiwan and the Philippines , has been downgraded but remains a flood risk. A special meeting on flood control was held by the Communist Party's politburo.

Singapore Red Cross pledges US$50,000 towards Typhoon Gaemi relief efforts in the Philippines

2024-07-26T10:51+0200channelnewsasia (en)

SINGAPORE: The Singapore Red Cross has pledged US$50,000 (S$67,000) to its Philippine counterpart to support relief operations in the wake of The typhoon flooded large swathes of the capital Manila and surrounding cities, forcing authorities to shut schools, offices and cancel flights on Jul 24.

Aux Philippines, les garde-côtes tentent d'éviter la "catastrophe"

2024-07-26T10:48+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Jam Sta Rosa. Les garde-côtes philippins sont à pied d'œuvre vendredi pour contenir une nappe de pétrole et éviter "une catastrophe environnementale" au lendemain du naufrage d'un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel au large de Manille.

Philippine crews to siphon oil from sunken tanker

2024-07-26T10:45+0200illawarramercury (en)

The tanker Terra Nova had left Bataan province on the way to the central province of Iloilo with about 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil stored in watertight tanks when it got lashed by huge waves and took on water. "We're racing against time to siphon off the oil to avoid an environmental....

Philippine crews to siphon oil from sunken tanker

2024-07-26T10:43+0200bordermail (en)

The tanker Terra Nova had left Bataan province on the way to the central province of Iloilo with about 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil stored in watertight tanks when it got lashed by huge waves and took on water. "We're racing against time to siphon off the oil to avoid an environmental....

Newly opened Wawa Dam now full after 3-day 'Carina', habagat rains

2024-07-26T10:43+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The newly-opened Wawa Dam was filled after just three days of rainfall from Super Typhoon Carina (internal name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. The dam, created to have a steady supply of water for Metro Manila and surrounding regions, was supposed to take six months to fill up.

Typhoon Gaemi rages on to China after Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-26T10:42+0200ruetir (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in China after Taiwan and the Philippines . Heavy rains have caused flooding, causing public transport to come to a standstill. More than 3,000 people in the affected areas have been evacuated. Preparations are being made at Chinese train stations inland for the typhoon’s arrival.

Taiwan attempts to rescue dozens of sailors stranded by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T10:42+0200straitstimesSG (en)

TAIPEI - Taiwan 's coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Thursday with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph) before barrelling....

Philippines : le typhon Gaemi a fait 20 morts

2024-07-26T10:42+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Un bus à moitié engloutit par les flots et des habitants qui peinent à garder la tête hors de l'eau. Depuis 48 heures, l e typhon Gaemi frappe de plein fouet l'Asie du Sud-est. Au moins 20 personnes ont perdu la vie aux Philippines . Les barques de secours tentent de mettre à l'abri les populations.

Philippine crews to siphon oil from sunken tanker

2024-07-26T10:39+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

The tanker Terra Nova had left Bataan province on the way to the central province of Iloilo with about 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil stored in watertight tanks when it got lashed by huge waves and took on water. "We're racing against time to siphon off the oil to avoid an environmental....

Philippine crews to siphon oil from sunken tanker

2024-07-26T10:36+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

The tanker Terra Nova had left Bataan province on the way to the central province of Iloilo with about 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil stored in watertight tanks when it got lashed by huge waves and took on water. "We're racing against time to siphon off the oil to avoid an environmental....

Filippine, corsa per contenere la fuoriuscita di petrolio

2024-07-26T10:36+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Nelle Filippine è corsa contro il tempo per cercare di contenere la fuoriuscita di petrolio dopo che una petroliera si è rovesciata al largo di Manila. È stata rilevata una chiazza di petrolio di diversi chilometri e la Guardia costiera filippina si sta preparando ad applicare disperdenti e a dispiegare barriere galleggianti per contenere il danno.

Gaemi leaves five dead in Taiwan, displaces 300,000 in China

2024-07-26T10:35+0200wn (en)

Authorities have evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China , as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall yesterday, flooding....

Philippine crews to siphon oil from sunken tanker

2024-07-26T10:35+0200maitlandmercury (en)

The tanker Terra Nova had left Bataan province on the way to the central province of Iloilo with about 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil stored in watertight tanks when it got lashed by huge waves and took on water. "We're racing against time to siphon off the oil to avoid an environmental....

Four sailors still missing from capsized freighter off Taiwan's coast

2024-07-26T10:34+0200terradaily (en)

Taipei, July 26 (AFP) Jul 26, 2024 Four sailors from a cargo ship that sank off the coast of Taiwan during Typhoon Gaemi were still missing on Friday, authorities said, after finding a fourth survivor as well as the body of the freighter's captain. Stormy weather in the wake of the typhoon sank the....

Philippine crews to siphon oil from sunken tanker

2024-07-26T10:34+0200newcastleherald (en)

The tanker Terra Nova had left Bataan province on the way to the central province of Iloilo with about 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil stored in watertight tanks when it got lashed by huge waves and took on water. "We're racing against time to siphon off the oil to avoid an environmental....

Filippine, corsa per contenere la fuoriuscita di petrolio

2024-07-26T10:33+0200tiscali-it (it)

Roma, 26 lug. (askanews) - Nelle Filippine è corsa contro il tempo per cercare di contenere la fuoriuscita di petrolio dopo che una petroliera si è rovesciata al largo di Manila. È stata rilevata una chiazza di petrolio di diversi chilometri e la Guardia costiera filippina si sta preparando ad....

Habagat, ‘Carina’ crop damage hits P251-M

2024-07-26T10:32+0200tribuneonline (en)

The onslaught of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ), which enhanced the Southwest Monsoon, or habagat, has caused damage to agriculture worth P251.21 million. Based on the Department of Agriculture's (DA) latest assessment, the total volume of crop loss due to the combined effects of habagat....

GLOBALink | East China's Fujian goes all-out to tackle typhoon-induced rains, floods

2024-07-26T10:29+0200english-news-cn (en)

As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China 's Fujian Province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, with some 290,000 residents relocated so far. #GLOBALink.

Gaemi leaves 5 dead in Taiwan, displaces 300,000 in China

2024-07-26T10:26+0200RTERadio (en)

Authorities have evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China , as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall yesterday, flooding parts of the island's second-biggest city.

Filippine, corsa per contenere la fuoriuscita di petrolio

2024-07-26T10:25+0200askanews (it)

Roma, 26 lug. (askanews) – Nelle Filippine è corsa contro il tempo per cercare di contenere la fuoriuscita di petrolio dopo che una petroliera si è rovesciata al largo di Manila. È stata rilevata una chiazza di petrolio di diversi chilometri e la Guardia costiera filippina si sta preparando ad....

GLOBALink | East China's Fujian goes all-out to tackle typhoon-induced rains, floods

2024-07-26T10:24+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China 's Fujian Province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, with some 290,000 residents relocated so far. #GLOBALink.

Four Sailors Still Missing From Capsized Freighter Off Taiwan's Coast

2024-07-26T10:21+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/four-sailors-still-missing-from-capsized-freighter-off-taiwan-s-coast-4a269971.

Philippine typhoon, southwest monsoon death toll continues to rise to 33

2024-07-26T10:17+0200english-news-cn (en)

MANILA, July 26 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from the severe flooding and landslides triggered by the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Gaemi has risen to 33, police said on Friday. Police said 11 people died in the Philippine capital region, Manila, 12 in the Calabarzon region, and 10 from....

Aux Philippines, les garde-côtes tentent d'éviter la "catastrophe"

2024-07-26T10:17+0200actu-orange (fr)

Les garde-côtes philippins sont à pied d'œuvre vendredi pour contenir une nappe de pétrole et éviter "une catastrophe environnementale" au lendemain du naufrage d'un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel au large de Manille. Le déversement en mer de pétrole engendré par le....

Philippine typhoon, southwest monsoon death toll continues to rise to 33

2024-07-26T10:16+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 26 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from the severe flooding and landslides triggered by the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Gaemi has risen to 33, police said on Friday. Police said 11 people died in the Philippine capital region, Manila, 12 in the Calabarzon region, and 10 from....

Xinhua News | Over 620,000 affected by Typhoon Gaemi in east China province

2024-07-26T10:11+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China 's Fujian Province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , with some 290,000 residents relocated so far, said local authorities. #XinhuaNews.

Meralco: 125,000 customers still without power in Carina's wake

2024-07-26T10:06+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines About 125,000 customers of power distributor Meralco are still waiting for power restoration due to the combined effects of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. Metro Manila and Bulacan are still heavily affected by power disruptions, while other....

Weather tracker: typhoon Gaemi wreaks havoc in Philippines and Taiwan

2024-07-26T10:05+0200guardian (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has been wreaking havoc, with the Philippines government forced to declare a state of calamity last week in its capital Manila, and flooding and at least three deaths in Taiwan . . Manila received more than 300mm of rainfall, with resulting floods reaching as high as one-storey buildings in places.

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T10:00+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post BEIJING (AFP) : Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight....

Philippines: le bilan du typhon Gaemi monte à 33 morts

2024-07-26T09:56+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 08h48 Les pluies torrentielles, les inondations et les glissements de terrain accompagnant le typhon Gaemi ont fait au moins 33 morts aux Philippines , selon un nouveau bilan de la police. Une dizaine de personnes ont perdu la vie dans la capitale Manille. L'eau y atteignait parfois plusieurs mètres de haut ces derniers jours.

China Braces for Typhoon Gaemi After Devastation in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-26T09:53+0200fokuskina (en)

New York Times - Publicerad för för 2 timmar sedan The storm has already left a trail of destruction in Taiwan and the Philippines , where it killed at least 15 people.

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T09:51+0200tribuneonline (en)

Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on Thursday, flooding parts of the island's second-biggest city.

Tifone Gaemi: landfall in Cina, 300mila evacuati

2024-07-26T09:48+0200meteoweb (it)

Il tifone si è indebolito quando ha toccato terra ieri sera nella provincia del Fujian. Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300mila persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell’Est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato 5 morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan .

Petroliera affondata nelle Filippine: disastro ambientale in arrivo

2024-07-26T09:47+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 26 luglio 2024) La baia di Manila nelle Filippine è stata teatro di un grave disastro ambientale . Una Petroliera , trasportando circa 1,4 milioni di litri di olio combustibile, si è capovolta e affondata , provocando un vasto sversamento di petrolio nelle acque circostanti.

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T09:43+0200themalaysianreserve (en)

BEIJING — Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on....

Aux Philippines, les garde-côtes tentent de contenir la nappe de pétrole et éviter une marée noire

2024-07-26T09:41+0200sudouest (fr)

Les garde-côtes philippins vont utiliser des dispersants dans l’eau et déployer des barrières flottantes vendredi pour contenir une nappe de pétrole au lendemain du naufrage d’un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel au large de Manille.

Taiwan attempts to rescue dozens of sailors stranded by Typhoon Gaemi TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan's coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after... 53m ago

2024-07-26T09:35+0200wkzo (en)

TAIPEI (Reuters) – Taiwan ’s coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Thursday with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph) before....

Typhoon kills dozens before heading to China

2024-07-26T09:33+0200thenewdaily-au (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has lashed towns on China ’s coastal Fujian province with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country in 2024 began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it swept through Taiwan and....

Willing to Help

2024-07-26T09:33+0200manilatimes (en)

A visibly determined Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office General Manager Melquiades ‘Mel’ Robles personally carries two “charitimbas” containing relief goods, which were distributed to the victims of Typhoon ‘Carina’ (international name: ‘ Gaemi ’) in Camanava and some areas of Quezon City on Thursday, July 25, 2024.

Le typhon Gaemi a entraîné l'évacuation de quelque 300 000 personnes et des suspensions dans les transports dans l'est et le sud de la Chine. Chine 300 000 personnes évacuées à cause du typhon Gaemi

2024-07-26T09:33+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Le typhon Gaemi a entraîné l'évacuation de quelque 300 000 personnes et des suspensions dans les transports dans l'est et le sud de la Chine, où il provoque vendredi d'importantes perturbations, selon des médias d'État. • À lire aussi: • À lire aussi: Le typhon meurtrier Gaemi se dirige vers l’est....

Le typhon Gaemi a entraîné l'évacuation de quelque 300 000 personnes et des suspensions dans les transports dans l'est et le sud de la Chine. Chine 300 000 personnes évacuées à cause du typhon Gaemi

2024-07-26T09:32+0200journaldemontreal (fr)

Le typhon Gaemi a entraîné l'évacuation de quelque 300 000 personnes et des suspensions dans les transports dans l'est et le sud de la Chine, où il provoque vendredi d'importantes perturbations, selon des médias d'État. • À lire aussi: • À lire aussi: Le typhon meurtrier Gaemi se dirige vers l’est....

Chine : le typhon Gaemi provoque l’évacuation de 300 000 personnes, pas de victime signalée

2024-07-26T09:31+0200laminute (fr)

Même si le typhon Gaemi a perdu en intensité avant d’atteindre l’est de la Chine, jeudi peu avant 20 heures (12 heures GMT), selon la télévision d’État chinoise CCTV, il a entraîné l’évacuation de quelque 300 000 personnes et perturbe encore ce vendredi des suspensions dans les transports dans l’Est et le sud de la Chine.

Over 620,000 affected by Typhoon Gaemi in East China province

2024-07-26T09:27+0200chinadailyhk (en)

Staff members patrol the sea wall in Jiangyin Town, Fuqing City, Southeast China 's Fujian province, July 25, 2024. (PHOTO / XINYHUA) FUZHOU - As of 6 am Friday, about 628,600 people in east China's Fujian province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, with some 290,000....

Philippine typhoon, southwest monsoon death toll continues to rise to 33

2024-07-26T09:25+0200uniindia (en)

Manila, July 26 (UNI) The death toll from the severe flooding and landslides triggered by the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Gaemi has risen to 33, police said on Friday. Police said 11 people died in the Philippine capital region, Manila, 12 in the Calabarzon region, and 10 from Central....

Chine : le typhon Gaemi provoque l’évacuation de 300 000 personnes, pas de victime signalée

2024-07-26T09:25+0200leparisien (fr)

Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on China 's southeast coast on Thursday afternoon after hitting Taiwan , causing landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and leaving three people dead. The storm which had affected the western Pacific intensified rains in the Philippines 22 deaths. pic.twitter.

Six missing after cargo ship capsizes in typhoon-hit waters off Taiwan

2024-07-26T09:20+0200bairdmaritime (en)

Six people have gone missing after the cargo vessel on which they were working as crewmembers sank off the southern coast of Taiwan as a typhoon entered the country in the early morning (local time) of Thursday, July 25. The incident began at around 05:45 when the Tanzanian-flagged general cargo....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes southeast China after pounding Taiwan, flooding Philippines

2024-07-26T09:19+0200AsiaOne (en)

BEIJING — Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday (July 26) with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it....

Typhoon lashes China after hitting Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T09:19+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has lashed towns on China 's coastal Fujian province with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country in 2024 began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it swept through Taiwan and....

Philippines Racing to Clean Oil Spill to Avoid ‘Catastrophe’

2024-07-26T09:15+0200bnnbloomberg (en)

July 26, 2024 at 2:39AM EDT (Bloomberg) -- The Philippines is racing against time to contain oil spill from a tanker that sank on Thursday to prevent an “environmental catastrophe” far worse than it’s seen seen in recent years. “We should prepare for the worst scenario,” Philippine Coast Guard....

Typhoon lashes China after hitting Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T09:15+0200illawarramercury (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has lashed towns on China 's coastal Fujian province with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country in 2024 began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it swept through Taiwan and....

Typhoon Gaemi hits China's coast after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and PH

2024-07-26T09:14+0200wn (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A strong typhoon made landfall on China 's southeastern coast on Thursday evening, July 25, 2024, after sweeping across the nearby island of Taiwan, where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three dead. Typhoon Gaemi had swept up the western Pacific,....

Typhoon lashes China after hitting Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T09:13+0200maitlandmercury (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has lashed towns on China 's coastal Fujian province with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country in 2024 began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it swept through Taiwan and....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T09:13+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Beijing, China —Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall....

Typhoon lashes China after hitting Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T09:13+0200newcastleherald (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has lashed towns on China 's coastal Fujian province with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country in 2024 began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it swept through Taiwan and....

Typhoon lashes China after hitting Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T09:12+0200bordermail (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has lashed towns on China 's coastal Fujian province with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country in 2024 began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it swept through Taiwan and....

Philippines: tentatives pour contenir la nappe de pétrole

2024-07-26T09:10+0200laliberte (fr)

Les garde-côtes philippins vont utiliser des dispersants dans l'eau et déployer des barrières flottantes pour contenir une nappe de pétrole. Cela au lendemain du naufrage d'un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel au large de Manille.

Typhoon lashes China after hitting Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-26T09:06+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has lashed towns on China 's coastal Fujian province with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country in 2024 began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it swept through Taiwan and....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after pounding Taiwan, floods Philippines

2024-07-26T08:59+0200khaleejtimes (en)

lashed towns on China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it swept through Taiwan and worsened....

Taiwan attempts to rescue dozens of sailors stranded by Typhoon Gaemi TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan's coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Th.

2024-07-26T08:59+0200whbl (en)

TAIPEI (Reuters) – Taiwan ’s coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Thursday with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph) before....

[Typhoon Gaemi in Philippines] Singapore Red Cross commits humanitarian aid for affected communities

2024-07-26T08:58+0200reliefWeb (en)

Singapore, 26 July 2024 In response to widespread floods caused by Typhoon Gaemi in the Philippines , the Singapore Red Cross (SRC) is pledging USD50,000 to the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) to support their emergency operations, providing essential assistance and relief to the affected communities.

Typhoon Gaemi lashes southeast China after pounding Taiwan, flooding Philippines

2024-07-26T08:57+0200rappler (en)

BEIJING, China – Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China’s coastal Fujian province on Friday, July 26, with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people....

Philippines races to avoid 'environmental catastrophe' from oil spill

2024-07-26T08:55+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

MANILA The Philippine Coast Guard on Friday raced to offload 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil from a sunken tanker and prevent an "environmental catastrophe" in Manila Bay. class='cf'> One crew member died when the MT Terra Nova sank in rough seas nearly seven kilometres (4.

Le typhon Gaemi touche la ville de Wenling, au Zhejiang

2024-07-26T08:46+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le typhon Gaemi , le troisième de cette année à affecter la Chine, a touché terre le 25 juillet au xian de Shitang, dans la province du Zhejiang (est), provocant des vagues d’une dizaine de mètres.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China's coast after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and PH

2024-07-26T08:41+0200sunstar (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A strong typhoon made landfall on China 's southeastern coast on Thursday evening, July 25, 2024, after sweeping across the nearby island of Taiwan, where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three dead. Typhoon Gaemi had swept up the western Pacific,....

Philippines races to avoid 'environmental catastrophe' from oil spill

2024-07-26T08:40+0200terradaily (en)

Limay, Philippines , July 26 (AFP) Jul 26, 2024 The Philippine Coast Guard on Friday raced to offload 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil from a sunken tanker and prevent an "environmental catastrophe" in Manila Bay. One crew member died when the MT Terra Nova sank in rough seas nearly seven kilometres (4.

En Chine, le typhon Gaemi entraîne l’évacuation de 300 000 personnes

2024-07-26T08:38+0200LeMonde (fr)

Alerte rouge. La municipalité de Wenzhou, qui compte 9 millions d’habitants, a émis une alerte cyclonique rouge, niveau le plus élevé, et ordonné l’évacuation de plus de 7 000 personnes, selon la chaîne publique CCTV. De fortes précipitations sont également attendues dans les provinces du Jiangxi et du Henan (Centre).

09:36 Chine Le typhon Gaemi provoque l'évacuation de 300.000 personnes

2024-07-26T08:37+0200lorientlejour (fr)

Le typhon Gaemi a entraîné l'évacuation de quelque 300.000 personnes et des suspensions dans les transports dans l'Est et le Sud de la Chine, où il provoque vendredi d'importantes perturbations, selon des médias d'Etat. Gaemi a déjà touché mortellement l'île voisine de Taïwan, où il a provoqué le décès de cinq personnes.

Philippines races to avoid 'environmental catastrophe' from oil spill

2024-07-26T08:33+0200guampdn (en)

The Philippine Coast Guard on Friday raced to offload 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil from a sunken tanker and prevent an "environmental catastrophe" in Manila Bay. One crew member died when the MT Terra Nova sank in rough seas nearly seven kilometres (4.

Philippines races to avoid 'environmental catastrophe' from oil spill

2024-07-26T08:30+0200bssnews (en)

LIMAY, Philippines , July 26, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - The Philippine Coast Guard on Friday raced to offload 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil from a sunken tanker and prevent an "environmental catastrophe" in Manila Bay. One crew member died when the MT Terra Nova sank in rough seas nearly seven kilometres (4.

Global Typhoon Gaemi Causes Havoc in Taiwan Strait, Stranding Freighters and Triggering Rescue Efforts About 7 minutes ago

2024-07-26T08:29+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi Causes Havoc in Taiwan Strait, Stranding Freighters and Triggering Rescue Efforts Taiwan's coast guard is engaged in rescuing sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others. The powerful storm killed at least one, left several....

Taiwan attempts to rescue dozens of sailors stranded by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T08:25+02004-traders (en)

TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan 's coast guard tried on Friday to rescue dozens of sailors stranded off the southern coast after Typhoon Gaemi sank a freighter and grounded eight others in the Taiwan Strait. The powerful typhoon swept through Taiwan on Thursday with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph) before....

Typhon Gaemi: 300.000 personnes évacuées en Chine, les transports touchés

2024-07-26T08:22+0200bfmtv (fr)

De violents intempéries. Le typhon Gaemi a entraîné l'évacuation de quelque 300.000 personnes et des suspensions dans les transports dans l'Est et le Sud de la Chine, où il provoque vendredi d'importantes perturbations, selon des médias d'État. Dans la province limitrophe du Zhejiang, à côté de....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes southeast China after pounding Taiwan, flooding Philippines

2024-07-26T08:17+0200philstar (en)

BEIJING — Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China ’s coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it swept....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T08:15+0200clubofmozambique (en)

Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on Thursday, flooding parts of the island’s second-biggest city.

Philippines races to avoid 'environmental catastrophe' from oil spill

2024-07-26T08:15+0200urdupoint (en)

Limay, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Jul, 2024) The Philippine Coast Guard on Friday raced to offload 1.4 Bay. One crew member died when the MT Terra Nova sank in rough seas nearly seven kilometres (4.3 miles) off Limay municipality early Thursday after setting out for the central....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes southeast China after pounding Taiwan, flooding Philippines

2024-07-26T08:15+0200straitstimesSG (en)

BEIJING - Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it swept....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T08:15+0200bssnews (en)

BEIJING, July 26, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years....

Typhoon Gaemi Displaces Nearly 300,000 In Eastern China

2024-07-26T08:14+0200barrons (en)

Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on Thursday, flooding parts of the island's second-biggest city.

Philippines rushes to stop oil spill with barriers

2024-07-26T08:13+0200radionz (en)

Coast guard personnel and crew of a private company load a barrel of oil spill dispersant to be used in the oil spill response, at a port in Limay, Bataan. Photo: JAM STA ROSA / AFP. The Philippine Coast Guard is preparing to deploy floating barriers and suction hoses to contain an oil spill and prevent it from reaching the capital, Manila.

10:05 Chine: le typhon Gaemi provoque l'évacuation de 300.000 personnes

2024-07-26T08:13+0200clicanoo (fr)

Le typhon Gaemi a entraîné l'évacuation de quelque 300.000 personnes et des suspensions dans les transports dans l'Est et le Sud de la Chine, où il provoque, ce vendredi 26 juillet, d'importantes perturbations, selon des médias d'Etat. Gaemi a déjà touché mortellement l'île voisine de Taïwan, où il a provoqué le décès de cinq personnes.

Disastro ambientale in vista nelle Filippine: petroliera affonda riversando carburante in mare

2024-07-26T08:13+0200informazione (it)

Un incidente marittimo potenzialmente devastante ha colpito le Filippine . La petroliera MT Terra Nova , carica di 1,4 milioni di litri di carburante industriale, è affondata al largo di Limay , causando una marea nera nel golfo di Manila. L'incidente è avvenuto all'1:10 del 25 luglio.

Cargo Ship Sinks Off Taiwan

2024-07-26T08:12+0200shipandbunker (en)

A cargo ship has sunk off the coast of Taiwan in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi . The Tanzania -flagged Fu Shun capsized off Kaohsiung on Thursday with nine Myanmar nationals on board, the BBC reported, citing comments from Taiwan's Coastguard Administration.

Read more: Typhoon Gaemi lashes southeast China after pounding Taiwan, flooding Philippines

2024-07-26T08:10+0200swissinfo (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) – Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China ’s coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of people as it....

Typhoon Gaemi wreaks havoc across eastern China, prompting massive evacuations

2024-07-26T08:10+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

BEIJING, July 26 — Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China today, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made....

Philippines rushes to stop oil spill with barriers

2024-07-26T08:08+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

Coast guard personnel and crew of a private company load a barrel of oil spill dispersant to be used in the oil spill response, at a port in Limay, Bataan. Photo: JAM STA ROSA / AFP. The Philippine Coast Guard is preparing to deploy floating barriers and suction hoses to contain an oil spill and prevent it from reaching the capital, Manila.

Phl to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T08:07+0200tribuneonline (en)

The Philippine Coast Guard planned Friday to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel sank off Manila. AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard personnel preparing equipment for a boat to be used against the slick in Manila Bay.

Philippines to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T08:07+0200thesundaily (en)

LIMAY: The Philippine Coast Guard planned Friday to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel sank off Manila. AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard personnel preparing equipment for a boat to be used against the slick in Manila Bay.

Philippine typhoon, southwest monsoon death toll continues to rise to 33

2024-07-26T08:05+0200cgtn (en)

The death toll from the severe flooding and landslides triggered by the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Gaemi has risen to 33, police said on Friday. Police said 11 people died in the Philippine capital region, Manila, 12 in the Calabarzon region, and 10 from Central Luzon, including the crew....

Typhoon Gaemi Lashes Southeast China After Pounding Taiwan, Flooding Philippines

2024-07-26T08:02+0200usnews (en)

Reuters. Waves crash on the coast of Sansha town as Typhoon Gaemi approaches, in Ningde, Fujian province, China July 25, 2024. cnsphoto via REUTERS BEIJING (Reuters) - Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T08:02+0200straitstimesSG (en)

BEIJING - Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on July 26, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T07:59+0200thesundaily (en)

BEIJING: Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on....

Typhoon Gaemi tracker: China warns of potentially devastating impact after 25 killed in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-26T07:54+0200wn (en)

More than 240,000 people in China have been forced to flee their homes...

Plus de 620.000 personnes touchées par le typhon Gaemi dans l'est de la Chine

2024-07-26T07:52+0200french-news (fr)

D'énormes vagues s'abattent sur le rivage du bourg de Sansha du district de Xiapu, dans la province chinoise du Fujian (est), le 25 juillet 2024. (Photo : Jiang Kehong) FUZHOU, 26 juillet (Xinhua) -- Vendredi à 6h00, environ 628.600 personnes dans la province chinoise du Fujian (est) avaient été....

Nearly 300,000 displaced in eastern China as Typhoon Gaemi hits

2024-07-26T07:50+0200timesofindia (en)

Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday due to Typhoon Gaemi , which brought torrential rains that have already caused five deaths in Taiwan . Gaemi, the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years, made landfall on Thursday, flooding parts of the island's second largest city.

Il tifone Gaemi colpisce il sud-est della Cina dopo aver colpito Taiwan, inondando le Filippine

2024-07-26T07:49+0200marketscreener (it)

Il tifone Gaemi ha sferzato le città della provincia costiera cinese del Fujian venerdì con forti piogge e venti, mentre la tempesta più potente che ha colpito il Paese quest'anno ha iniziato il suo percorso, molto seguito, verso il popoloso interno. La tempesta, che ha già ucciso decine di persone....

Philippines races to contain oil spill after tanker capsizes in Manila (KPL/VNA) Philippine authorities are racing against time to contain an oil spill following the capsizing of a tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil off the coast of Manila Bay on the morning of July 25.

2024-07-26T07:48+0200kpl (en)

(KPL/VNA) Philippine authorities are racing against time to contain an oil spill following the capsizing of a tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil off the coast of Manila Bay on the morning of July 25. The Philippine-flagged MT Terra Nova overturned and sank in Manila Bay,....

Typhoon Gaemi lashes southeast China after pounding Taiwan, flooding Philippines

2024-07-26T07:47+02004-traders (en)

BEIJING, July 26 (Reuters) - Typhoon Gaemi lashed towns on China 's coastal Fujian province on Friday with heavy rains and strong winds as the most powerful storm to hit the country this year began its widely watched trek into the populous interior. The storm, which has already killed dozens of....

China Braces for Typhoon Gaemi After Devastation in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-26T07:46+0200nytimes (en)

Typhoon Gaemi churned over southeastern China on Friday, with the local authorities warning that the storm, which left a trail of destruction in Taiwan and the Philippines , would bring torrential rain and flooding. Gaemi made landfall on Thursday night in China’s Fujian Province, where the local....

MIL-OSI China: Over 620,000 affected by Typhoon Gaemi in east China province

2024-07-26T07:45+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China ’s Fujian province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, with some 290,000 residents relocated so far, said local authorities. With a maximum wind speed of 118.8 km per hour at its center, the typhoon made its....

Typhoon Gaemi Hits China: A Trail of Destruction Across Asia

2024-07-26T07:41+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has caused extensive damage as it hit China 's Fujian province, forcing thousands to relocate. The storm, previously wreaking havoc in Taiwan and the Philippines , continues to pose significant flood risks in China. Efforts are underway to prevent further flood disasters as the storm progresses inland.

Philippines, U.S. to discuss ways in strengthening coordination at upcoming 2+2 dialogue

2024-07-26T07:39+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

The strengthening of the US-PH alliance and the maintenance of peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region are among the priority agenda items to be discussed in the upcoming 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in Manila. This was highlighted during a phone call between Secretary of State....

Philippines to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T07:39+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Limay, Philippines —The Philippine Coast Guard planned Friday to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel sank off Manila. Agence France Presse (AFP) journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard....

Philippines to Deploy Floating Barriers to Contain Oil Spill

2024-07-26T07:32+0200aawsat (en)

The Philippine Coast Guard planned Friday to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel sank off Manila. AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard personnel preparing equipment for a boat to be used against the slick in Manila Bay.

Philippine typhoon, southwest monsoon death toll continues to rise to 33

2024-07-26T07:32+0200wn (en)

MANILA, July 26 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from the severe flooding and landslides triggered by the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Gaemi has risen to 33, police said on Friday. Police said 11 people died in the Philippine capital region, Manila, 12 in the Calabarzon region, and 10 from....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T07:32+0200guampdn (en)

Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on Thursday, flooding parts of the island's second-biggest city.

Aux Philippines, les garde-côtes tentent de contenir la nappe de pétrole

2024-07-26T07:32+0200sciencesetavenir (fr)

Les garde-côtes philippins vont utiliser des dispersants dans l'eau et déployer des barrières flottantes vendredi pour contenir une nappe de pétrole au lendemain du naufrage d'un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel au large de Manille.

Philippine typhoon, southwest monsoon death toll rises to 33

2024-07-26T07:30+0200cgtn (en)

The death toll from the severe flooding and landslides triggered by the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Gaemi has risen to 33, police said on Friday.

Over 620,000 affected by Typhoon Gaemi in east China province

2024-07-26T07:22+0200china.org.cn (en)

As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China 's Fujian province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, with some 290,000 residents relocated so far, said local authorities. With a maximum wind speed of 118.8 km per hour at its center, the typhoon made its....

Aux Philippines, les garde-côtes tentent de contenir la nappe de pétrole

2024-07-26T07:22+0200monacomatin (fr)

Selon des journalistes de l'AFP, des garde-côtes philippins s'affairaient vendredi matin au port de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de Manille, en face de la capitale, pour préparer l'opération visant à contrer la marée noire. Les garde-côtes philippins se sont fixé un objectif de....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T07:21+0200france24-en (en)

Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on Thursday, flooding parts of the island's second-biggest city. It also exacerbated seasonal rains in the Philippines on its path to Taiwan, triggering flooding and landslides that killed 20 people. A tanker carrying 1.

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 people in Eastern China

2024-07-26T07:21+0200thehindu (en)

Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on July 26, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on July 25, flooding parts of the island's second-biggest city.

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T07:20+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 26 LUG - Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T07:18+0200channelnewsasia (en)

BEIJING: Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday (Jul 26), as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains that were already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it....

Aux Philippines, les garde-côtes tentent de contenir la nappe de pétrole

2024-07-26T07:18+0200varmatin (fr)

Selon des journalistes de l'AFP, des garde-côtes philippins s'affairaient vendredi matin au port de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de Manille, en face de la capitale, pour préparer l'opération visant à contrer la marée noire. Les garde-côtes philippins se sont fixé un objectif de....

Aux Philippines, les garde-côtes tentent de contenir la nappe de pétrole

2024-07-26T07:14+0200nicematin (fr)

Selon des journalistes de l'AFP, des garde-côtes philippins s'affairaient vendredi matin au port de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de Manille, en face de la capitale, pour préparer l'opération visant à contrer la marée noire. Les garde-côtes philippins se sont fixé un objectif de....

Aux Philippines, les garde-côtes tentent de contenir la nappe de pétrole

2024-07-26T07:12+0200france24 (fr)

Selon des journalistes de l'AFP, des garde-côtes philippins s'affairaient vendredi matin au port de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de Manille, en face de la capitale, pour préparer l'opération visant à contrer la marée noire. Les garde-côtes philippins se sont fixé un objectif de....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T07:10+0200arynews (en)

Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on Thursday, flooding parts of the island’s second-biggest city.

Over 620,000 affected by Typhoon Gaemi in east China province

2024-07-26T07:08+0200uniindia (en)

Fuzhou, July 26 (UNI) As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China 's Fujian Province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, with some 290,000 residents relocated so far, said local authorities. With a maximum wind speed of 118.

Plus de 620.000 personnes touchées par le typhon Gaemi dans l'est de la Chine

2024-07-26T07:08+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Vendredi à 6h00, environ 628.600 personnes dans la province chinoise du Fujian (est) avaient été touchées par le typhon Gaemi , le troisième de cette année, avec quelque 290.000 habitants relogés à ce jour, ont déclaré les autorités locales. Avec une vitesse de vent maximale de 118,8 km/h en son....

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T07:07+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 26 LUG - Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito....

Naufrage d'un pétrolier aux Philippines: les garde-côtes tentent de contenir la nappe de pétrole

2024-07-26T07:05+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 43 min Les garde-côtes philippins vont utiliser des dispersants dans l'eau et déployer des barrières flottantes vendredi pour contenir une nappe de pétrole au lendemain du naufrage d'un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel au large de Manille.

Aux Philippines, les garde-côtes tentent de contenir la nappe de pétrole

2024-07-26T07:05+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 44 min Les garde-côtes philippins vont utiliser des dispersants dans l'eau et déployer des barrières flottantes vendredi pour contenir une nappe de pétrole au lendemain du naufrage d'un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel au large de Manille.

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T07:05+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 26 LUG - Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito....

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T07:04+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 26 LUG - Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito....

Marée noire aux Philippines : les garde-côtes déploient des barrières flottantes afin de contenir la nappe de pétrole

2024-07-26T07:03+0200rtbf (fr)

Les garde-côtes philippins vont utiliser des dispersants dans l’eau et déployer des barrières flottantes vendredi pour contenir une nappe de pétrole Selon des journalistes de l’AFP, des garde-côtes philippins s’affairaient vendredi matin au port de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de....

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T07:01+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 26 LUG - Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito....

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T07:01+0200gazzettadimantova (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 26 LUG - Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito....

Typhon Gaemi : 21 morts aux Philippines

2024-07-26T06:57+0200temoignages (fr)

Les décès signalés dus aux fortes pluies, aux inondations massives et aux glissements de terrain déclenchés par la mousson du sud-ouest et renforcés par le typhon Gaemi sont passés à 21, a annoncé jeudi la police. Dans un rapport préliminaire, la police a indiqué que sept personnes étaient mortes à....

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T06:56+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

PECHINO, 26 LUG - Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito Taiwan....

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T06:56+0200tribunatreviso (it)

PECHINO, 26 LUG - Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito Taiwan....

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell’est

2024-07-26T06:56+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – PECHINO, 26 LUG – Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell’est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito....

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T06:54+0200mattinopadova (it)

PECHINO, 26 LUG - Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito Taiwan....

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Gusty Winds And Torrential Rains 3

2024-07-26T06:53+0200eastoregonian (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T06:53+0200ansa (it)

Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito Taiwan negli ultimi otto....

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T06:53+0200nuovavenezia (it)

PECHINO, 26 LUG - Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito Taiwan....

Typhoon Gaemi Displaces Nearly 300,000 In Eastern China

2024-07-26T06:52+0200ibtimes (en)

Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on Thursday, flooding parts of the island's second-biggest city.

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T06:52+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

PECHINO, 26 LUG - Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito Taiwan....

Philippines to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T06:51+0200energy-economictimes (en)

planned Friday to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel sank off Manila. AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard personnel preparing equipment for a boat to be used against the slick in The....

Tifone Gaemi in Cina, evacuate 300.000 persone nell'est

2024-07-26T06:51+0200ansamed-it (it)

Le autorità cinesi hanno evacuato oggi quasi 300.000 persone e sospeso i trasporti pubblici nell'est del Paese a causa del tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato cinque morti con le sue piogge torrenziali nella vicina Taiwan . Si tratta del più violento tifone che ha colpito Taiwan negli ultimi otto....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T06:50+0200wn (en)

<p>Beijing, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Jul, 2024) Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan .

Typhoon Gaemi wreaks havoc across eastern China, prompting massive evacuations

2024-07-26T06:47+0200malaymail (en)

BEIJING, July 26 — Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China today, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made....

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T06:46+0200terradaily (en)

Beijing, July 26 (AFP) Jul 26, 2024 Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years....

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Gusty Winds And Torrential Rains 3

2024-07-26T06:42+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T06:39+0200digitaljournal (en)

Authorities evacuated nearly 300,000 people and suspended public transport across eastern China on Friday, as Typhoon Gaemi brought torrential rains already responsible for five deaths in nearby Taiwan . Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on Thursday, flooding parts of the island’s second-biggest city.

Aux Philippines, les garde-côtes tentent de contenir la nappe de pétrole

2024-07-26T06:32+0200actu-orange (fr)

Les garde-côtes philippins vont utiliser des dispersants dans l'eau et déployer des barrières flottantes vendredi pour contenir une nappe de pétrole au lendemain du naufrage d'un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel au large de Manille.

Aux Philippines, les garde-côtes tentent de contenir la nappe de pétrole

2024-07-26T06:32+0200la-croix (fr)

Un membre d’équipage du pétrolier est décédé lorsque le navire a chaviré tôt jeudi, à environ sept kilomètres de la ville de Limay alors qu’il naviguait vers le port central d’Iloilo. Ce naufrage a lieu alors que de fortes pluies, amplifiées par le typhon Gaemi et la mousson saisonnière, se sont....

Philippines rushes to stop oil spill with barriers

2024-07-26T06:31+0200bbc (en)

The Philippine Coast Guard is preparing to deploy floating barriers and suction hoses to contain an oil spill and prevent it from reaching the capital, Manila. Authorities are racing to stop the oil spill from the MT Terra Nova, which capsized on Thursday as monsoon rains battered large swathes of the country.

Five killed, six missing as typhoon batters Taiwan

2024-07-26T06:31+0200wn (en)

PEDESTRIANS and vehicles wade through the water along a street in Kaohsiung, Taiwan , after it was flooded by Typhoon Gaemi .—AFP TAIPEI: The strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years killed five people and flooded parts of the island’s second-biggest city on Thursday, with rescuers searching for....

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in east China's Fujian

2024-07-26T06:29+0200cgtn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall on the evening of July 25. The typhoon is moving north-northwest at approximately 20 kilometers per hour, with its intensity gradually weakening. It is expected to enter Jiangxi Province on the evening of July 26. As of 6 a.

Nation Over 620,000 affected by Typhoon Gaemi in east China province As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China's Fujian Province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi, with some 290,000 residents relocated so far, said local authorities. 12m

2024-07-26T06:28+0200shine (en)

As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China 's Fujian Province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, with some 290,000 residents relocated so far, said local authorities. With a maximum wind speed of 118.8 km per hour at its center, the typhoon made its....

Philippines To Deploy Floating Barriers To Contain Oil Spill

2024-07-26T06:27+0200ibtimes (en)

The Philippine Coast Guard planned Friday to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel sank off Manila. AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard personnel preparing equipment for a boat to be used against the slick in Manila Bay.

Typhoon Gaemi displaces nearly 300,000 in eastern China

2024-07-26T06:24+0200rfi-en (en)

Gaemi was the strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years when it made landfall on Thursday, flooding parts of the island's second-biggest city. It also exacerbated seasonal rains in the Philippines on its path to Taiwan, triggering flooding and landslides that killed 20 people. A tanker carrying 1.

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Gusty Winds And Torrential Rains 3

2024-07-26T06:24+0200guampdn (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Philippines to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T06:22+0200france24-en (en)

AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard personnel preparing equipment for a boat to be used against the slick in Manila Bay. The MT Terra Nova sank in rough seas nearly seven kilometres (4.3 miles) off Limay municipality early Thursday after setting out for the central city of Iloilo.

Taiwan headline news The lead stories in major Taiwan dailies on Friday are as follows: 07/26/2024 10:14 AM

2024-07-26T06:18+0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, July 26 (CNA) The lead stories in major Taiwan dailies on Friday are as follows: @United Daily News: Kaohsiung hit hard as central, southern Taiwan experience heavy rain. @China Times: Typhoon Gaemi causes severe flooding in Kaohsiung. @Liberty Times: Torrential rain forecast for central, southern Taiwan in wake of Typhoon Gaemi.

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in Fujian

2024-07-26T06:08+0200ecns (en)

Huge waves lash the shore in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, east China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Dongming) Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made landfall on Thursday. Huge waves lash the shore in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, east China's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024.

Over 628,000 people in Fujian Province affected by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-26T06:06+0200cgtn (en)

As of 6 a.m. on July 26, about 628,600 people in east China 's Fujian Province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, according to data from the province's flood control and drought relief headquarters. Fujian upgraded the emergency response level for natural disaster relief to Level III at 10 p.

Le nombre de victimes augmente : Typhon « Gaemi » : Plus de 30 morts aux Philippines

2024-07-26T06:05+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Le typhon « Gaemi » a laissé des traces de destruction aux Philippines . L’ampleur des dégâts devient peu à peu évidente – et le nombre de décès augmente.

Philippines to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T05:57+0200enca (en)

MANILA - The Philippine Coast Guard planned to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel sank off Manila. AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard personnel preparing equipment for a boat to be used against the slick in Manila Bay.

'Carina' aftermath: 1.3 million affected, 211,000 displaced

2024-07-26T05:52+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The combined effects of Super Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon has impacted the lives of 1.3 million people, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said on Friday. In its latest situational report, the NDRRMC....

Philippines to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T05:52+0200channelnewsasia (en)

LIMAY, Philippines : The Philippine Coast Guard planned on Friday (Jul 26) to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard personnel preparing equipment for a boat to be used against the slick in Manila Bay.

Race to contain ‘enormous’ oil spill after ship sinks off Philippines

2024-07-26T05:42+0200theghanareport (en)

The Philippines is in a race against time to contain an oil spill after a tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres (400,000 gallons) of industrial fuel capsized and sank off the country’s coast, officials say. There are fears the “enormous” spill – which is already stretching out over several....

Over 620,000 affected by Typhoon Gaemi in Fujian

2024-07-26T05:41+0200chinadaily (en)

FUZHOU -- As of 6 am Friday, about 628,600 people in East China 's Fujian province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, with some 290,000 residents relocated so far, said local authorities. With a maximum wind speed of 118.

Oil Spill Threatens Philippines Capital After Tanker Capsizes

2024-07-26T05:39+0200gulf-insider. (en)

A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing the death of a crew member and an oil spill that could spread to waters off the capital Manila. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued, Transportation Secretary Jaime....

Philippines to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T05:39+0200philstar (en)

LIMAY, Philippines The Philippine Coast Guard planned Friday to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel sank off Manila. AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard personnel preparing equipment....

Over 620,000 affected by Typhoon Gaemi in east China province

2024-07-26T05:34+0200english-news-cn (en)

FUZHOU, July 26 (Xinhua) -- As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China 's Fujian Province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, with some 290,000 residents relocated so far, said local authorities. With a maximum wind speed of 118.

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in eastern Taiwan, to make second landfall in Fujian

2024-07-26T05:31+0200cgtn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon this year, made landfall in eastern Taiwan 's Yilan County on July 24. Power to more than 260,000 households on the island had been cut off. The typhoon left three dead, at least 380 injured and destroyed several trees, billboards and buildings.

Over 620,000 affected by Typhoon Gaemi in east China province

2024-07-26T05:30+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

FUZHOU, July 26 (Xinhua) -- As of 6 a.m. Friday, about 628,600 people in east China 's Fujian Province had been affected by Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, with some 290,000 residents relocated so far, said local authorities. With a maximum wind speed of 118.

Oil spill threatens Manila shores after tanker capsizes

2024-07-26T05:01+0200philstar (en)

MANILA — A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing the death of a crew member and an oil spill that could spread to waters off the capital Manila, officials said. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued,....

Philippines to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T04:51+0200terradaily (en)

Limay, Philippines , July 26 (AFP) Jul 26, 2024 The Philippine Coast Guard planned Friday to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel sank off Manila. AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard....

Teatime: Crossing borders for 'me time'

2024-07-26T04:43+0200tnp-sg (en)

The first time I travelled solo was in 1998 – and it was unplanned. I had lost my patience with my travelling partner and bought a bus ticket to Chiang Mai while the Swede slept in our shared room in Bangkok. Internet was at the time used mainly for sending e-mails and I did not even have a copy of....

PCG to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill off Bataan

2024-07-26T04:38+0200inquirer (en)

BATAAN, Philippines The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) planned Friday to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel sank off Limay municipality in this province. AFP journalists at the Port of Limay watched PCG personnel preparing....

Philippines to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T04:37+0200digitaljournal (en)

The Philippine Coast Guard planned Friday to deploy oil dispersant and floating barriers a day after a tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel sank off Manila. AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard personnel preparing equipment for a boat to be used against the slick in Manila Bay.

Rescuers find body of missing crewman of capsized Philippine tanker

2024-07-26T04:30+0200bairdmaritime (en)

Search and rescue (SAR) personnel of the Philippine Coast Guard have found the body of an individual who was initially reported missing following the recent capsizing and sinking of a commercial oil tanker off the Philippine province of Bataan. The deceased individual has been identified as a....

Typhoon Gaemi: Philippines In ‘Race Against Time’ To Contain Oil Spill That Could Be Its Worst

2024-07-26T04:22+0200HindustanTimes (en)

Typhoon Gaemi is wreaking havoc as it batters through the Philippines and Taiwan . Several ships ran aground amid strong winds and high waves. Among the vessels that toppled is the Philippine-flagged tanker MT Terra Nova. It carried 1.4 million litres of oil before capsizing in Manila Bay. Watch this video for all the details.

Oil spill threatens Philippines capital after tanker capsizes

2024-07-26T04:20+0200AsiaOne (en)

MANILA — A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday (July 25), causing the death of a crew member and an oil spill that could spread to waters off the capital Manila, officials said. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued,....

Philippines to deploy floating barriers to contain oil spill

2024-07-26T04:16+0200rfi-en (en)

AFP journalists at the Port of Limay in Bataan province watched coast guard personnel preparing equipment for a boat to be used against the slick in Manila Bay. The MT Terra Nova sank in rough seas nearly seven kilometres (4.3 miles) off Limay municipality early Thursday after setting out for the central city of Iloilo.

Typhoon Gaemi makes second landfall in China

2024-07-26T04:14+0200gmw (en)

This photo taken on July 25, 2024 shows a scene near Donggang grand bridge in Jiangyin Town, Fuqing City, southeast China 's Fujian Province. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on Thursday evening, according to the provincial meteorological bureau of Fujian.

Typhoon Gaemi makes second landfall in China

2024-07-26T04:12+0200chinadaily (en)

This photo taken on July 25, 2024 shows a scene near Donggang grand bridge in Jiangyin town, Fuqing city, East China 's Fujian province. [Photo/Xinhua] FUZHOU -- Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on Thursday evening, according to the provincial meteorological bureau of Fujian.

Number coding in Manila resumes July 26, says MMDA

2024-07-26T04:01+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Number coding in Metro Manila will continue today (July 26) after being suspended in the past two days due to the onslaught of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. Rain and winds battered the nation’s capital, triggering the government to put it under a state of calamity.

Typhoon Gaemi makes second landfall in China

2024-07-26T03:57+0200beijingreview-en (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on the evening of July 25, according to the provincial meteorological bureau of Fujian. With a maximum wind speed of 33 meters per second at its center, the typhoon landed at the Xiuyu District in the city of Putian, east China's Fujian Province, at around 7:50 p.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-26T03:34+0200thehimalayantimes (en)

The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan , with more than 220 reported injured. Offices and schools in Taiwan were closed for the second consecutive day on Thursday and people were urged to stay home and away from the coastline.

Typhoon Gaemi hits Taiwan sinking ship with nine crew | BBC News

2024-07-26T03:25+0200exbulletin (en)

Rescuers in Taiwan are searching for a cargo ship with nine people aboard that sank off its southern coast. The Tanzanian-flagged cargo ship was off the southern port city of Kaohsiung when it was hit by Typhoon Taiwan Gaemi . The storm has brought relentless rain to the Philippines , where a tanker carrying 1.

Top news today: PM to visit Kargil on 25th Kargil Vijay Diwas; Rahul Gandhi to appear before court in defamation case

2024-07-26T03:09+0200livemint (en)

On July 26, Prime Minister Modi will visit the Kargil War Memorial and launch the Shinkun La Tunnel Project. Rahul Gandhi will appear in court in Lucknow for a defamation case. Take a look: PM Modi to visit Kargil on 25th Kargil Vijay Diwas. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit the Kargil War....

Oil Spill Threatens Philippines Capital After Tanker Capsizes

2024-07-26T03:01+0200marinelink (en)

Source: Philippine Coast Guard (Facebook) A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing the death of a crew member and an oil spill that could spread to waters off the capital Manila, officials said.

Typhoon Gaemi makes second landfall in China

2024-07-26T03:00+0200peopledaily (en)

This photo taken on July 25, 2024 shows a scene near Donggang grand bridge in Jiangyin Town, Fuqing City, southeast China 's Fujian Province. (Xinhua/Wei Peiquan) FUZHOU, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on Thursday evening,....

PAGASA monitoring new LPA east of Mindanao

2024-07-26T02:59+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines State weather bureau PAGASA has spotted a new low pressure area east of Mindanao, a day after Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) left the Philippine area of responsibility. According to PAGASA's 24-hour public weather forecast issued at 4 a.m.

Philippine tanker capsizes off Manila carrying 1.4 mil litres of oil

2024-07-26T02:56+0200khmertimes (en)

MANILA – A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Japan: Typhoon Gaemi Brings Strong Winds, Heavy Rain To Sakishima Islands 5

2024-07-26T02:54+0200eastoregonian (en)

Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rain and strong winds to Sakishima Islands in Okinawa on Wednesday, July 24 as it headed north-northwest toward Taiwan . RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@inosukesan2020 via Spectee”. NOTE: Looped video Video Location: Fusaki Beach Resort Hotels & Villas,....

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after deaths in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-26T02:42+0200nation (en)

MANILA - Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in mainland China after wreaking havoc in Taiwan and the Philippines . More than 150,000 people living in the south-eastern Chinese province of Fujan have been relocated to safer areas in anticipation of the storm.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after deaths in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-26T02:39+0200nation-pk (en)

MANILA - Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in mainland China after wreaking havoc in Taiwan and the Philippines . More than 150,000 people living in the south-eastern Chinese province of Fujan have been relocated to safer areas in anticipation of the storm.

Japan: Typhoon Gaemi Brings Strong Winds, Heavy Rain To Sakishima Islands 5

2024-07-26T02:38+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rain and strong winds to Sakishima Islands in Okinawa on Wednesday, July 24 as it headed north-northwest toward Taiwan . RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@inosukesan2020 via Spectee”. NOTE: Looped video Video Location: Fusaki Beach Resort Hotels & Villas,....

Japan: Typhoon Gaemi Brings Strong Winds, Heavy Rain To Sakishima Islands 5

2024-07-26T02:33+0200guampdn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rain and strong winds to Sakishima Islands in Okinawa on Wednesday, July 24 as it headed north-northwest toward Taiwan . RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@inosukesan2020 via Spectee”. NOTE: Looped video Video Location: Fusaki Beach Resort Hotels & Villas,....

Typhoon Gaemi makes second landfall in China

2024-07-26T02:26+0200china.org.cn (en)

This photo taken on July 25, 2024 shows a scene near Donggang grand bridge in Jiangyin Town, Fuqing City, southeast China 's Fujian Province. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on Thursday evening, according to the provincial meteorological bureau of Fujian.

Typhoon Gaemi Devastates the Indo-Pacific

2024-07-26T02:10+0200wn (en)

The region’s worst typhoon this season leaves mass flooding, shipwrecks, and a potentially devastating oil spill in its wake. ......

Oil spill threatens Philippines capital after tanker capsizes

2024-07-26T02:09+0200fijitimes (en)

A handout photo released by the Philippine Coast Guard shows the tip of MT Terra Nova protruding in Manila Bay, Philippines , July 25, 2024. Philippine Coast Guard/Handout via REUTERS. MANILA (Reuters) – A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday,....

Oil Spill Threatens Philippines Capital After Tanker Capsizes

2024-07-26T02:03+0200tempo-co (en)

Two boats sail next to the oil spill from the cargo ship OS 35 remaining half sunken in Catalan Bay after its collision with an LNG tanker off Gibraltar, September 1, 2022. The Gibraltar Port Authority is working with a Spanish marine rescue crew to collect a small amount of fuel oil that escaped....

World in Crisis: Tragedies and Tensions Unfold Across the Globe

2024-07-26T01:54+0200devdiscourse (en)

This summary encapsulates recent global news briefs, touching on a plane crash in Nepal, Typhoon Gaemi 's impact on China , US-Vice President Kamala Harris pressing Israel on Gaza, the capture of El Chapo’s son, North Korean cyber espionage, China-India relations, Pentagon’s accounting errors, the....

Taïwan et les Philippines meurtris par le typhon Gaemi

2024-07-26T01:43+0200progres-eg (fr)

Après avoir touché terre dans la nuit du 23 au 24 juillet à Taïwan, avec des vents jusqu’à 190 kilomètres par heure, le typhon Gaemi a pris la direction du sud de la Chine. Selon un bilan provisoire, il a causé la mort d’au moins deux personnes à Taïwan. Neuf marins sont portés disparus après le naufrage de leur cargo dans la tempête, rapporte RFI.

Trio moving goods from riverside food stall electrocuted

2024-07-26T01:23+0200timesofindia (en)

Pune: Three men died of electrocution around 2am on Thursday while moving vessels and furniture from their eatery stall in the Mutha riverside in Pulachiwadi in Deccan Gymkhana area amid surging water released from the Khadakwasla dam. The deceased were Abhishekh Ghanekar (25), Akash Mane (21), and Shiva Parihar (18), all residents of Pulachiwadi.

Nine missing after deadly Typhoon Gaemi sinks cargo ship off Taiwan

2024-07-26T00:06+0200wn (en)

dpaTaipei/ManilaA cargo ship has sunk in Taiwan after....

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-26T00:04+0200viverecivitanova (it)

(Adnkronos) - E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

Le mauvais temps met fin aux patrouilles record de la Chine près des îlots contrôlés par le Japon

2024-07-25T23:51+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2024-07-25 22:56:07. Le mauvais temps provoqué par un typhon a mis fin aux patrouilles record des garde-côtes chinois dans les eaux entourant les îles contestées de la mer de Chine orientale. La Chine a déployé des navires de la garde côtière, dont certains étaient armés de canons automatiques,....

Typhoon Gaemi hits Chinese seaboard, sinks freighter | Kuwait Times Newspaper

2024-07-25T23:46+0200wn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi hits Chinese seaboard,....

Watch: Typhoon, monsoonal rains lead to disastrous flooding in Philippines

2024-07-25T23:41+0200foxweather (en)

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - JULY 25: In an aerial view, barges that crashed into a bridge during the onslaught of Typhoon Gaemi are seen on July 25, 2024 in Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines . Monsoon rains, intensified by Typhoon Gaemi, have caused flooding and landslides throughout the Philippines,....

Sara’s trip explained, draws Leni comparison

2024-07-25T23:38+0200inquirer (en)

The Office of the Vice President (OVP) on Thursday finally broke its silence about the foreign trip taken by Vice President Sara Duterte and her family shortly after midnight on July 25, the day government efforts were to focus on disaster response amid the widespread flooding caused by Supertyphoon “Carina” (international name: Gaemi ).

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in China's Fujian province

2024-07-25T23:28+02004-traders (en)

STORY: :: Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in southeastern China . :: July 25, 2024. Gaemi, the third and most powerful typhoon to hit China's eastern seaboard this year, made landfall in Fujian province at 7:50 p.m. (1150 GMT) after whipping Taiwan with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph), some of the strongest winds recorded in the Western Pacific Ocean.

Philippines races to contain oil spill after tanker capsize

2024-07-25T23:16+0200kuwaittimes (en)

LIMAY, Philippines : A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel oil sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. One crew member of the MT Terra Nova was killed when the tanker capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometers (4.

Typhoon hits Chinese seaboard, widespread flooding feared

2024-07-25T23:06+0200wn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi roared into southeastern China yesterday after churning across the Taiwan Strait, prompting warnings of swelling rivers, flash floods and waterlogging in cities and provinces that were hit by extreme rains just several weeks ago.Gaemi, the third and most powerful typhoon to hit China’s....

Cagayan de Oro boosts flood warning capacity

2024-07-25T23:05+0200inquirer (en)

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITYIn light of the flooding in Metro Manila due to the onslaught of Supertyphoon “Carina” (international name: Gaemi ), the local government here is ramping up efforts to strengthen its flood warning capability, especially that many of its villages are low-lying and prone to inundation.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after sinking ships and causing an oil spill that threatens Philippines capital

2024-07-25T22:54+0200abc-au (en)

Deadly Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in China after sinking two large ships and causing an oil spill, bringing havoc to Taiwan and the Philippines . The storm has killed at least 13 people in the Philippines and three in Taiwan. Efforts are underway to clean up an oil spill that could reach the....

Typhoon Gaemi causes flooding and landslides in the Philippines

2024-07-25T22:54+0200pri (en)

Typhoon Gaemi is one of the strongest typhoons to affect the Asia-Pacific region in nearly a decade, and it’s sparked massive evacuations in the Philippines , leaving flooding and landslides in its wake. Also, National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek talks about his walk through northern India.

Typhoon Gaemi pounds the Philippines and Taiwan with heavy rains

2024-07-25T22:54+0200pri (en)

Typhoon Gaemi is one of the strongest typhoons to affect the Asia–Pacific region in nearly a decade. The storm sparked massive evacuations in the Philippines , and left flooding and landslides in its wake. Host Carolyn Beeler speaks with Deutsche Welle East Asia Correspondent James Chater about the....

Typhoon Gaemi causes flooding and landslides in the Philippines

2024-07-25T22:48+0200theworld (en)

Typhoon Gaemi is one of the strongest typhoons to affect the Asia-Pacific region in nearly a decade, and it’s sparked massive evacuations in the Philippines , leaving flooding and landslides in its wake. Also, National Geographic Explorer Paul Salopek talks about his walk through northern India.

Typhoon Gaemi pounds the Philippines and Taiwan with heavy rains

2024-07-25T22:48+0200theworld (en)

Typhoon Gaemi is one of the strongest typhoons to affect the Asia–Pacific region in nearly a decade. The storm sparked massive evacuations in the Philippines , and left flooding and landslides in its wake. Host Carolyn Beeler speaks with Deutsche Welle East Asia Correspondent James Chater about the....

PHILIPPINES: School suspended after powerful storm wreaks havoc with warnings over disease

2024-07-25T22:36+0200savethechildren (en)

1] , following a powerful typhoon that swept across the country and has made its way to Taiwan , Save the Children said. Footage shared by news outlets [2] and on social media showed people in the capital Manila wading chest-deep in water while rescue teams used boats to carry people to safety.

Disastro ambientale nelle Filippine: petroliera affonda riversando carburante in mare

2024-07-25T22:34+0200informazione (it)

Una petroliera , la MT Terra Nova , trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di carburante industriale quando è affondata a largo di Limay , nelle Filippine . L'incidente ha causato una marea nera larga oltre 3,5 chilometri nel golfo di Manila. La petroliera è affondata all'1:10 nella notte del 25 luglio, riversando parte del carico in mare.

Philippines : le typhon Gaemi a fait 20 morts, un pétrolier a fait naufrage

2024-07-25T22:26+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Un bus à moitié engloutit par les flots, et des habitants qui peinent à garder la tête hors de l'eau. Depuis 48 heures, l e typhon Gaemi frappe de plein fouet l'Asie du Sud-est. Au moins 20 personnes ont perdu la vie aux Philippines . Les barques de secours tentent de mettre à l'abri les populations.

Applied Optoelectronics Confirms No Material Impact To Operations From Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T22:25+0200menafn (en)

- GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) SUGAR LAND, Texas and TAIPEI, Taiwan , July 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. (NASDAQ: AAOI), a leading provider of fiber-optic access Network products for the internet datacenter, cable broadband, Telecom and fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) markets, today....

Philippines races to contain spill after oil tanker capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T22:07+0200citizen (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. One crew member of the MT Terra Nova was killed when the tanker capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Typhoon hits Chinese seaboard, widespread flooding feared

2024-07-25T22:07+0200gulf-times (en)

Typhoon Gaemi roared into southeastern China yesterday after churning across the Taiwan Strait, prompting warnings of swelling rivers, flash floods and waterlogging in cities and provinces that were hit by extreme rains just several weeks ago. Gaemi, the third and most powerful typhoon to hit....

Philippines: Southwest Monsoon and Typhoon Gaemi - Flash Update No.2, As of 25 July 2024, 7 p.m. local time

2024-07-25T22:06+0200humanitarianresponse (en)

Situation Overview. Super Typhoon Gaemi (local name Carina) has been downgraded to a typhoon as it crossed Taiwan and exited the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on 25 July. The storm, combined with the effects of the southwest monsoon, brought heavy rainfall to the western section of Luzon, including Metro Manila.

Typhoon Hits Taiwan: 6 Crew Missing, 3 Rescued, Multiple Vessels Grounded

2024-07-25T21:36+0200maritime-executive (en)

The strongest typhoon to hit Taiwan in eight years has left multiple vessels in distress with six crewmembers from a small cargo ship registered in Tanzania missing while three others were found along the coast. One of Oldendorff’s bulkers briefly reported it was in distress while other vessels were driven ashore.

Two dead in Taiwan’s Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T21:21+0200libyannewswire (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has killed two persons and injured hundreds in Taiwan , which has cancelled flights and closed schools and offices ahead of the storm’s expected landfall later today. Gaemi, which has landed near the city of Hualien, is expected to be the most powerful storm to hit the island in eight years.

Race to contain 'enormous' oil spill after ship sinks off Philippines

2024-07-25T21:21+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

By Annabelle Liang and Flora Drury, BBC News. The Philippines is in a race against time to contain an oil spill after a tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel capsized and sank off the country's coast, officials say. There are fears the "enormous" spill - which is already....

Race to contain 'enormous' oil spill after ship sinks off Philippines

2024-07-25T21:18+0200radionz (en)

By Annabelle Liang and Flora Drury, BBC News. The Philippines is in a race against time to contain an oil spill after a tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel capsized and sank off the country's coast, officials say. There are fears the "enormous" spill - which is already....

Typhoon Gaemi slams China after wreaking havoc on Taiwan

2024-07-25T21:13+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

07/25/2024 July 25, 2024. Typhoon Gaemi has now roared into mainland China , where people are bracing for strong winds and heavy rainfall. The tropical storm has left a trail of destruction across Taiwan and the Philippines , including the sinking of an oil tanker.

The Star » Typhoon hits China after deaths in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T21:06+0200kenyamoja (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in mainland China after wreaking havoc in Taiwan and the Philippines . More than 150,000 people living in the south-eastern Chinese province of Fujan have been relocated to safer areas in anticipation of the storm. It comes after widespread flooding and landslides....

Typhoon Gaemi Hits China’s Coast After Leaving 25 People Dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T21:03+0200wn (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong typhoon made landfall on China ’s southeastern coast on Thursday evening after sweeping across the nearby island of Taiwan, where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three dead. Typhoon Gaemi had swept up the western Pacific, intensifying....

Typhoon Gaemi hits China’s coast after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T20:58+0200stripes (en)

Huge waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China ’s Fujian Province, Thursday July 25, 2024.

Oil Spill Threatens Philippines Capital After Tanker Capsizes

2024-07-25T20:49+0200gcaptain (en)

MANILA, July 25 (Reuters) – A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing the death of a crew member and an oil spill that could spread to waters off the capital Manila, officials said. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been....

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after swamping Taiwan

2024-07-25T20:40+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Chinese state media reports Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in China 's southeastern Fujian province after crossing Taiwan and sending heavy rains into the Philippines that sank at least one ship and left more than 20 dead. China's CCTV news channel reported that Gaemi made landfall at 7:50 p.m.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after swamping Taiwan

2024-07-25T20:29+0200thecambodianews (en)

Chinese state media reports Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in China 's southeastern Fujian province after crossing Taiwan and sending heavy rains into the Philippines that sank at least one ship and left more than 20 dead. China's CCTV news channel reported that Gaemi made landfall at 7:50 p.m.

Typhoon Gaemi Strikes Taiwan: Devastation, Disruptions, and a Path Toward China

2024-07-25T20:25+0200wn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi struck northeastern Taiwan early Thursday, bringing devastating winds and heavy rainfall that led to....

Global weather turmoil: Fires, floods, and typhoons wreak havoc

2024-07-25T20:14+0200expressindia (en)

Rescue workers set up a temporary crossing in the aftermath of floods in Xinhua Village of Hanyuan County, China . (AP photo) Extreme weather events are affecting continents worldwide, from wildfires in North America to floods and typhoons in Asia. Here is a look at the weather conditions around the world.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after swamping Taiwan

2024-07-25T20:13+0200manilametro (en)

Chinese state media reports Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in China 's southeastern Fujian province after crossing Taiwan and sending heavy rains into the Philippines that sank at least one ship and left more than 20 dead. China's CCTV news channel reported that Gaemi made landfall at 7:50 p.m.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after swamping Taiwan

2024-07-25T20:12+0200myanmarnews (en)

Chinese state media reports Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in China 's southeastern Fujian province after crossing Taiwan and sending heavy rains into the Philippines that sank at least one ship and left more than 20 dead. China's CCTV news channel reported that Gaemi made landfall at 7:50 p.m.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after swamping Taiwan

2024-07-25T20:11+0200singaporestar (en)

Chinese state media reports Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in China 's southeastern Fujian province after crossing Taiwan and sending heavy rains into the Philippines that sank at least one ship and left more than 20 dead. China's CCTV news channel reported that Gaemi made landfall at 7:50 p.m.

Carina weakens into severe tropical storm over China; fewer areas see monsoon rain

2024-07-25T20:10+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Carina ( Gaemi ) weakened from a typhoon into a severe tropical storm over the southeastern part of China on Thursday evening, July 25, while still enhancing the southwest monsoon or habagat in the Philippines. The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services....

Tifone nelle Filippine: Unicef, preoccupazione per i bambini colpiti

2024-07-25T20:03+0200agensir (it)

L’Unicef è “molto preoccupato” per i bambini delle Filippine, mentre diventano evidenti le tracce di distruzione causate dal tifone Carina (noto a livello internazionale come Gaemi ) e dal monsone di sud-ovest nelle Filippine. Gli effetti combinati hanno portato piogge da forti a intense nei giorni....

Ship with nine crew sinks off Taiwan as typhoon hits

2024-07-25T19:55+0200hellenicshippingnews (en)

Rescue officials in Taiwan are searching for a cargo ship with nine crew members that has sunk off its southern coast. The Tanzania-flagged freighter had been off the southern port city of Kaohsiung when Taiwan was struck by Typhoon Gaemi . The storm has also brought relentless rain to the Philippines , where a tanker carrying close to 1.

Typhoon hits China after deaths in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T19:45+0200thestarkenya (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in mainland China after wreaking havoc in Taiwan and the Philippines . More than 150,000 people living in the south-eastern Chinese province of Fujan have been relocated to safer areas in anticipation of the storm. It comes after widespread flooding and landslides....

Taiwan Prepares for a Strong Typhoon That Worsened Monsoon Rains in the Philippines, Killing 13

2024-07-25T19:37+0200khaosodenglish (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 13 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

Philippines : naufrage d’un pétrolier, risque d’une marée noire. Photo : Associated Press

2024-07-25T19:32+0200radio-canada (fr)

Une étude aérienne est menée par le commandement de l'aviation des garde-côtes dans le cadre de l'opération de lutte contre la marée noire dans la baie de Manille, aux Philippines , le 25 juillet 2024. Photo : Associated Press. Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de....

Video: Philippines Race to Control Oil Spill as Tanker Sinks in Manila Bay

2024-07-25T19:31+0200maritime-executive (en)

Philippine officials said they are “racing against time” to prevent an environmental disaster in Manila Bay after a fuel oil tanker sank as the country was lashed by a typhoon. Sixteen crewmembers were recovered from the tanker Terra Nova after the vessel sank after midnight on July 25, but one....

Le typhon Gaemi touche terre en Chine après avoir ravagé Taïwan et les Philippines

2024-07-25T19:19+0200france24 (fr)

Le typhon Gaemi a touché terre jeudi dans le sud-est de la Chine après avoir fait des dégâts aux Philippines (qui ne se trouvaient pas sur sa trajectoire) et à Taïwan. Six marins sont par ailleurs portés disparus après le naufrage de leur cargo dans la tempête.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after deaths in Taiwan and Philippines 1 hr ago Asia

2024-07-25T19:11+0200bbc-future (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in mainland China after wreaking havoc in Taiwan and the Philippines . More than 150,000 people living in the south-eastern Chinese province of Fujan have been relocated to safer areas in anticipation of the storm. It comes after widespread flooding and landslides....


2024-07-25T19:10+0200singaporestar (en)

(240725) -- FUQING, July 25, 2024 (Xinhua) -- Staff members patrol the sea wall in Jiangyin Town, Fuqing City, southeast China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on Thursday evening, according to the provincial meteorological bureau of Fujian.


2024-07-25T19:09+0200manilametro (en)

(240725) -- FUQING, July 25, 2024 (Xinhua) -- Staff members patrol the sea wall in Jiangyin Town, Fuqing City, southeast China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on Thursday evening, according to the provincial meteorological bureau of Fujian.

Typhoon Gaemi Leaves Three Dead, 380 Injured In Taiwan...

2024-07-25T19:06+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Taipei, July 25 (IANS) Typhoon Gaemi headed away from the island of Taiwan on Thursday morning, leaving three people dead and 380 injured, while its storm circle continues to affect multiple areas of the island, according to relevant authorities.

Typhoon Gaemi moves to mainland

2024-07-25T19:02+0200wn (en)

THE Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, to Level II, the second-highest level of the country. Typhoon Gaemi was located 55 kilometers southeast of waters off Pingtan in East China ’s Fujian Province at 10 a.m.

Ship with nine crew sinks off Taiwan as typhoon hits

2024-07-25T18:54+0200nationnews (en)

The Tanzania-flagged freighter had been off the southern port city of Kaohsiung when Taiwan was struck by Typhoon Gaemi . The storm has also brought relentless rain to the Philippines , where a tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel has capsized.

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T18:50+0200mantovauno (it)

(Adnkronos) – E’ di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

The Star » Race to contain 'enormous' oil spill off Philippines

2024-07-25T18:49+0200kenyamoja (en)

The Philippines is in a race against time to contain an oil spill after a tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres (400,000 gallons) of industrial fuel capsized and sank off the country's coast, officials say. There are fears the "enormous" spill - which is already stretching out over several....

France24 Le typhon Gaemi se dirige vers la Chine après avoir ravagé Taïwan et les Philippines

2024-07-25T18:49+0200koreaherald (fr)

Le typhon Gaemi se dirige vers la Chine après avoir ravagé Taïwan et les Philippines By FRANCE 24. Published : July 26, 2024 - 01:37.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after wreaking havoc in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T18:45+0200saudigazette (en)

BEIJING — Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in mainland China after wreaking havoc in Taiwan and the Philippines . More than 150,000 people living in the south-eastern Chinese province of Fujian have been relocated to safer areas in anticipation of the storm.

Xinhua Asia-Pacific news summary at 1600 GMT, July 25

2024-07-25T18:44+0200wn (en)

MANILA -- Reported deaths from heavy rains, massive flooding, and landslides triggered by southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon Gaemi have climbed to 21, police said on Thursday. In a preliminary report, police said seven people died in the Philippine capital region Manila, three in Cavite province,....


2024-07-25T18:44+0200wn (en)

(240725) -- FUQING, July 25, 2024 (Xinhua) -- Staff members patrol the sea wall in Jiangyin Town, Fuqing City, southeast China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China....

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T18:43+0200vivere-it (it)

(Adnkronos) - E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.


2024-07-25T18:39+0200cambodiantimes (en)

(240725) -- FUQING, July 25, 2024 (Xinhua) -- Staff members patrol the sea wall in Jiangyin Town, Fuqing City, southeast China 's Fujian Province, July 25, 2024. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on Thursday evening, according to the provincial meteorological bureau of Fujian.

News24 | Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T18:35+0200news24 (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres off Limay....

Personne retrouvée morte lundi dans le Val Maggia identifiée

2024-07-25T18:31+0200laminute (fr)

Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à Taïwan. Les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées en prévision du typhon qui devrait être « le plus puissant » à frapper l’île en huit ans.

Petroliera affonda nelle Filippine e sversa carburante in mare, si teme il disastro ambientale

2024-07-25T18:29+0200ohga (it)

Una marea nera larga oltre 3 chilometri e mezzo nel golfo di Manila , nelle Filippine . È quello che ha riferito la Guardia Costiera dopo che all’1:10 nella notte del 25 luglio la petroliera MT Terra Nova che trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di carburante industriale è affondata al largo di Limay, riversando parte del carico in mare.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after deaths in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T18:28+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in mainland China after wreaking havoc in Taiwan and the Philippines . More than 150,000 people living in the south-eastern Chinese province of Fujan have been relocated to safer areas in anticipation of the storm. It comes after widespread flooding and landslides....

Petroliera affonda nella baia di Manila: si teme disastro ambientale

2024-07-25T18:23+0200themapreport (it)

La nave Terra Nova trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di petrolio e si è capovolta in mare per ragioni ancora da accertare. In atto le difficili operazioni per valutare l’entità della fuoriuscita di petrolio e contenerla Giovedì mattina, nelle Filippine, precisamente nella baia di Manila, una....

Typhoon Gaemi rages in northwest Pacific

2024-07-25T18:20+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

More than 20 people have died in the Philippines after severe flooding and mudslides caused by Typhoon Gaemi . In Manila alone, where this man and his dog were brought to safety, six people drowned. The capital of the island state was the worst affected by the masses of rain, with some 600,000 people forced to flee their homes.

Toppled Trees and Branches Litter Taiwan University Campus as Typhoon Sweeps In

2024-07-25T18:18+0200qt (en)

Broken branches and toppled trees were scattered across the campus of Donghua University in Hualien, Taiwan , on July 25, a day after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall. Schools and offices across Taiwan were closed for the second day on Thursday, according to local reports. The typhoon was expected to be the strongest storm to hit Taiwan in eight years.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after deaths in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T18:12+0200bbc (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in mainland China after wreaking havoc in Taiwan and the Philippines . More than 150,000 people living in the south-eastern Chinese province of Fujan have been relocated to safer areas in anticipation of the storm. It comes after widespread flooding and landslides....

No Pinoy hurt as Carina hits Taiwan

2024-07-25T18:08+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines No Filipinos were injured or killed after Typhoon Gaemi (Carina in the Philippines) reached Taiwan , the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) reported yesterday. “There were no reports of any incidents from our (overseas Filipino workers or) OFWs,” MECO said while noting....

PNP: Carina death toll climbs to 21

2024-07-25T18:08+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines At least 21 people died, 15 were injured and five reported missing in the wake of the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Carina, the Philippine National Police (PNP) reported yesterday. Col. Jean Fajardo, the PNP’s chief information officer, said 11 of the fatalities were from Calabarzon and seven from Metro Manila.

Delivery riders seek cut of weather surcharge

2024-07-25T18:08+0200bworldcom (en)

By Chloe Mari A. Hufana. THE National Union of Food Delivery Riders said companies need to give them a cut of the surcharge the sellers collect during inclement weather. “Companies are charging way higher during bad weather, but these surcharges do not bene fi t the riders, they go solely to the companies.

DoH teams deployed to evacuation sites

2024-07-25T18:07+0200manilatimes (en)

PRESIDENT Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Thursday ordered the Department of Health (DoH) to deploy medical teams to evacuation centers to look after the people affected by heavy rains from Typhoon Carina and the southwest monsoon or "habagat." In a situation briefing at the Presidential Security Command in....

Oil spill threatens Philippines capital after tanker capsizes

2024-07-25T18:04+0200bna-en (en)

Manila, July 25 (BNA): A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing the death of a crew member and an oil spill that could spread to waters off the capital Manila. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued,....

Typhoon Gaemi sinks cargo ship in Taiwan

2024-07-25T18:02+0200theloadstar (en)

General cargo vessel Fu Shun has sunk as Tyhpoon Gaemi causes devastation across Taiwan , with many other vessels also affected. Typhoon Gaemi has brought flooding, high winds and treacherous waves to Taiwan as it blew through the northern part of the country today, having already killed 25 in Philippines .

Massive Typhoon Kills At Least 25 People: REPORT

2024-07-25T17:57+0200dailycaller (en)

A typhoon left at least 25 people in Taiwan and the Philippines dead, The Associated Press (AP) reported Thursday. The typhoon, named Gaemi , triggered landslides and mass flooding. The tropical cyclone injured at least 380 people, the AP reported , citing Taiwan’s Central News Agency.

Race to contain 'enormous' oil spill off Philippines

2024-07-25T17:46+0200thestarkenya (en)

The Philippines is in a race against time to contain an oil spill after a tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres (400,000 gallons) of industrial fuel capsized and sank off the country's coast, officials say. There are fears the "enormous" spill - which is already stretching out over several....

After the flood

2024-07-25T17:45+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Residents of Brgy. Sto. Niño and Brgy. Malanday in Marikina City try to salvage their belongings that were covered with mud on Thursday. The nonstop rain due to typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) overflowed the Marikina River, causing flooding to nearby areas. Aram Lascano.

Chinese, Tanzania-flagged cargo ships sink in Typhoon Gaemi, 9 Myanmar nationals missing in Taiwan | VIDEO

2024-07-25T17:42+0200wn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi roared into southeastern China on Thursday after sweeping across Taiwan , where it killed three people, triggered flooding and sank a freighter before barrelling west across the....

Typhoon Gaemi hits Chinese seaboard amid flooding concerns

2024-07-25T17:42+0200wn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi roared into southeastern China on Thursday after churning across the Taiwan Strait, prompting warnings of swelling rivers, flashfloods and waterlogging in cities and provinces that were hit by extreme rains just several weeks ago. Gaemi, the third and most powerful typhoon to hit....

Oil spill threatens Philippines capital after tanker capsizes

2024-07-25T17:41+0200cyprus-mail (en)

A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing the death of a crew member and an oil spill that could spread to waters off the capital Manila, officials said. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued, Transportation....

Bad Weather Ends China's Record Patrols Near Japan-Held Islets

2024-07-25T17:29+0200newsweek-USA (en)

Bad weather brought by a typhoon had ended China 's coast guard record-breaking patrols in waters around disputed islands in the East China Sea. has been deploying coast guard ships some of them were armed with suspected autocannonsaround the Senkaku Islands, also known as the Diaoyu Islands in China.

Heavy rains devastate Maharashtra, Gujarat: 4 lives lost, hundreds evacuated amid flood risk

2024-07-25T17:27+0200wionews (en)

Heavy rains hit portions of Maharashtra and Gujarat, forcing many to evacuate. The torrential rain has claimed at least four lives and forced rescue efforts. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a red alert for Thane, Pune, Palghar, and Mumbai.

Philippines : Manille menacée par une marée noire après le naufrage d'un pétrolier

2024-07-25T17:23+0200boursier-fr (fr)

par Mikhail Flores et Neil Jerome Morales. MANILLE, 25 juillet (Reuters) - Un pétrolier a sombré par gros temps jeudi au large des Philippines , un naufrage qui a coûté la vie à un membre d'équipage et menace d'une marée noire dans la baie de Manille, ont déclaré les autorités.

LEAD Xi Jinping préside une réunion sur le travail lié au contrôle des inondations et aux secours en cas de catastrophe

2024-07-25T17:22+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Xi Jinping, secrétaire général du Comité central du Parti communiste chinois (PCC), a présidé jeudi une réunion du Comité permanent du Bureau politique du Comité central du PCC pour étudier et organiser le travail lié au contrôle des inondations et aux secours en cas de catastrophe.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after swamping Taiwan

2024-07-25T17:21+0200voanews (en)

Chinese state media reports Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall in China ’s southeastern Fujian province after crossing Taiwan and sending heavy rains into the Philippines that sank at least one ship and left more than 20 dead. China’s CCTV news channel reported that Gaemi made landfall at 7:50 p.m.

Race to contain 'enormous' oil spill after ship sinks off Philippines

2024-07-25T17:20+0200saudigazette (en)

MANILA — The Philippines is in a race against time to contain an oil spill after a tanker carrying close to 1.5 million liters (400,000 gallons) of industrial fuel capsized and sank off the country's coast, officials say. There are fears the "enormous" spill - which is already stretching out over....

DIRE – Dramma nelle Filippine, petroliera affonda e l’olio finisce in mare

2024-07-25T17:18+0200fanoinforma (it)

Roma Una tragedia ambientale di enormi proporzioni si sta consumando nelle Filippine, dove una petroliera è affondata in mare aperto al largo di Manila. L a MT Terra Nova, prima si è capovolta per poi perdersi nelle acque , ha sversato in mare ben 1,4 milioni di litri di olio combustibile industriale .

Naufrage d’un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T17:17+0200laminute (fr)

La course contre la montre est lancée. Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille . Les autorités s’activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l’environnement marin.

Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte su Taiwan: il fiume inghiotte il ponte, il video in time-lapse

2024-07-25T17:16+0200rainews (it)

Dopo aver messo in ginocchio le Filippine con un bilancio di 13 morti e 600.000 sfollati , il tifone Gaemi si è abbattuto su Taiwan con forti raffiche di vento e piogge monsoniche che hanno causato l’ingrossamento dei fiumi. Nella città di Kaohsiung un ponte è stato sommerso dall'acqua fangosa.

Typhoon Gaemi leaves 3 dead, 380 injured in China's Taiwan region

2024-07-25T17:10+0200cgtn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi headed away from the island of Taiwan on Thursday morning, leaving three people dead and 380 injured. However, its storm circle continues to affect multiple areas of the island, according to the relevant authorities. The typhoon, which landed in eastern Taiwan's Yilan County around....

Caos nelle Filippine: tifone Gaemi fa 13 morti e naufragio petroliera con 1,4 milioni di litri di olio

2024-07-25T17:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 25 luglio 2024) Articolo pubblicato giovedì 25 Luglio 2024, 16:05 Due eventi sconvolgenti hanno colpito le Filippine : il disastro naturale causato dal tifone Gaemi , che ha provocato la morte di 13 persone e 600mila sfollati, e un possibile disastro ambientale, dopo che una petroliera ,....

Petroliera con 1,4 milioni di litri di olio combustibile affonda nella baia di Manila: disastro ecologico nelle Filippine

2024-07-25T17:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

Caos nelle Filippine: tifone Gaemi fa 13 morti e naufragio petroliera con 1,4 milioni di litri di olio - . rticolo pubblicato giovedì 25 Luglio 2024, 16:05 Due eventi sconvolgenti hanno colpito le Filippine: il disastro naturale causato dal tifone Gaemi, che ha provocato la morte di 13 persone e....

Petroliera affonda con milioni di litri di petrolio nel carico. Si teme il disastro ambientale | GUARDA

2024-07-25T17:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 25 luglio 2024) Una Petroliera battente bandiera filippina che trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di olio combustibile industriale si è capovolta ed è affonda ta al largo di Manila giovedì 25 luglio, come riportato dalle autorità locali. L'imbarcazione MT Terra Nova si stava dirigendo....

China's Fujian on high alert as Typhoon Gaemi approaching

2024-07-25T17:07+0200singaporestar (en)

FUJIAN, 25th July, 2024 (WAM) -- Fujian in east China is getting poised for the powerful Typhoon Gaemi , which is projected to hit the province's coast between Thursday afternoon and evening. According to a report by China Central Television (CCTV), China's National Meteorological Center issued a red....

China's Fujian on high alert as Typhoon Gaemi approaching

2024-07-25T17:06+0200manilametro (en)

FUJIAN, 25th July, 2024 (WAM) -- Fujian in east China is getting poised for the powerful Typhoon Gaemi , which is projected to hit the province's coast between Thursday afternoon and evening. According to a report by China Central Television (CCTV), China's National Meteorological Center issued a red....

Typhoon Gaemi causes severe flooding and landslides in Taiwan as it heads for China

2024-07-25T17:00+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

TAIWAN suffered flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops today after the devastating Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island. The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan , with more than 220 reported injured.

Marcos calls out climate change for recent Fatal flooding in Manila

2024-07-25T16:59+0200bolnews (en)

On Thursday, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. stated that climate change was responsible for the severe floods that submerged the capital, Manila. Heavy rains from Typhoon Gaemi triggered the deadly deluge and landslides. Typhoon Gaemi, known as Carina in the Philippines , did not make....

No Malaysians affected by Typhoon Gaemi in Taiwan & Philippines - Wisma Putra

2024-07-25T16:59+0200thesundaily (en)

KUALA LUMPUR : There have been no reports of Malaysians involved or affected by Typhoon Gaemi in Taiwan and the Philippines , according to the Malaysian Foreign Ministry. The ministry, through the Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre in Taipei, is closely monitoring the path of Typhoon Gaemi.

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T16:51+0200washtimes (en)

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, a car passes as waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China ’s Fujian Province, Thursday July 25, 2024. After hitting Philippines and … In this photo released by Xinhua … TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP)....

China Focus: China upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T16:50+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) -- China 's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second-highest response level. The ministry said it will closely monitor the typhoon, strengthen warnings and coordination with other departments, and guide local....

China Focus: China upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T16:48+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) -- China 's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second-highest response level. The ministry said it will closely monitor the typhoon, strengthen warnings and coordination with other departments, and guide local....

Typhoon Gaemi hits China's coast after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T16:47+0200latimes (en)

Two people were killed Wednesday before the storm made landfall around midnight, and a 78-year-old man died after his home was hit by a mudslide Thursday afternoon, Taiwan ’s Central News Agency said. Another 380 people were reported injured. A third death Wednesday — a driver pinned under an....

Filippine, petroliera affondata: rischio disastro ambientale

2024-07-25T16:45+0200teleambiente (it)

L’incidente forse causato dagli effetti del potente tifone Gaemi . Se la nave perdesse tutto il suo carico, sarebbe il peggior disastro della storia dello Stato asiatico. Grave allerta ambientale nelle , dopo che una petroliera contenente 1,4 milioni di litri di combustibile si è rovesciata ed è affondata al largo della capitale Manila.

Nation Typhoon Gaemi makes second landfall in China Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on Thursday evening, according to the provincial meteorological bureau of Fujian. 2m

2024-07-25T16:42+0200shine (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on Thursday evening, according to the provincial meteorological bureau of Fujian. With a maximum wind speed of 33 meters per second at its center, the typhoon landed at the Xiuyu District in the city of Putian, east....

China's Fujian on high alert as Typhoon Gaemi approaching

2024-07-25T16:41+0200wn (en)

FUJIAN, 25th July, 2024 (WAM) -- Fujian in east China is getting poised for the powerful Typhoon Gaemi , which is projected to hit the province's coast between Thursday afternoon and evening. According to a report by China Central Television (CCTV), China's National Meteorological Center issued a red....

VIDEO - Le typhon Gaemi se dirige vers la Chine après avoir ravagé Taïwan et les Philippines

2024-07-25T16:41+0200LesEchos (fr)

Les images parlent d'elles-mêmes : ce sont des habitants de Manille qui tentent de se frayer un chemin dans une rue transformée en rivière, et alors qu'ils ont de l'eau jusqu'au torse. Ce sont des arbres couchés à l'horizontale à Taïwan, touchée par des vents de 190 km/h.

MIL-OSI New Zealand: PHILIPPINES: School suspended after powerful storm wreaks havoc with warnings over disease

2024-07-25T16:40+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

1] , following a powerful typhoon that swept across the country and has made its way to Taiwan , Save the Children said. Footage shared by news outlets [2] and on social media showed people in the capital Manila wading chest-deep in water while rescue teams used boats to carry people to safety.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China’s coast after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T16:40+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong typhoon made landfall on China ’s southeastern coast on Thursday evening after sweeping across the nearby island of Taiwan, where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three dead. TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong typhoon made landfall on China’s....

China's Fujian on high alert as Typhoon Gaemi approaching

2024-07-25T16:38+0200cambodiantimes (en)

FUJIAN, 25th July, 2024 (WAM) -- Fujian in east China is getting poised for the powerful Typhoon Gaemi , which is projected to hit the province's coast between Thursday afternoon and evening. According to a report by China Central Television (CCTV), China's National Meteorological Center issued a red....

Oil spill threatens Philippines capital after tanker capsizes

2024-07-25T16:30+0200stabroeknews (en)

MANILA, (Reuters) – A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines today, causing the death of a crew member and an oil spill that could spread to waters off the capital Manila, officials said. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued,....

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T16:29+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

A strong typhoon has made landfall in China after sweeping across Taiwan , where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three people dead. Typhoon Gaemi swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the Philippines , where the death toll climbed to 22.

Man Clutching 15 Cent Return Receipt Drops To Knees After Hearing Tanker ...

2024-07-25T16:27+0200waterfordwhispersnews (en)

A DEDICATED ego-warrior who sought to dull the planet-obliterating effects of rampant capitalism and Co2 emissions with his return of a 330ml can of Coca Cola was in the foetal position on the floor of his local Super Valu after learning an oil tanker carrying 1.4mn litres of oil has sunk off the coast of Manila.

In Photos: Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T16:26+0200voanews (en)

Typhoon Gaemi is expected to make landfall in China on Thursday after sweeping across Taiwan , where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three dead, The Associated Press reported. The storm swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the....

Latest Videos Around 2 dozen people have died as a major typhoon rolls over Taiwan, Philippines Typhoon Gaemi caused serious flooding and landslides - that killed up to 22 people in the Philippines. Another two people are reported dead in Taiwan. Close to 280 others are injured. Those numbers are expected to rise.

2024-07-25T16:25+0200cbslocal (en)

Around 2 dozen people have died as a major typhoon rolls over Taiwan , Philippines Typhoon Gaemi caused serious flooding and landslides - that killed up to 22 people in the Philippines. Another two people are reported dead in Taiwan. Close to 280 others are injured. Those numbers are expected to rise.

Philippines: après le naufrage d’un pétrolier, une course contre-la-montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T16:18+0200lopinion-fr (fr)

Un membre d’équipage du MT Terra Nova est décédé lorsque le navire a chaviré, à environ sept kilomètres de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de Manille, en face de la capitale des Philippines , alors qu’il naviguait vers la ville centrale d’Iloilo. Dispersants appliqués.

World Typhoon Gaemi hits China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T16:16+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

A strong typhoon has made landfall in China after sweeping across Taiwan , where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three people dead. Typhoon Gaemi swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the Philippines , where the death toll climbed to 22.

Typhoon Gaemi hits China’s coast after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T16:10+0200thespec (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong typhoon made landfall on China ’s southeastern coast on Thursday evening after sweeping across the nearby island of Taiwan, where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three dead. TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong typhoon made landfall on China’s....

Le typhon Gaemi fait trois morts et 380 blessés à Taiwan

2024-07-25T16:10+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le typhon Gaemi s'est éloigné de l'île de Taiwan jeudi matin, faisant trois morts et 380 blessés, tandis que son cercle de tempête continue d'affecter de nombreuses zones de l'île, ont déclaré des autorités pertinentes. Le typhon a touché en particulier les zones centrales et méridionales de l'île,....

Typhoon Gaemi hits Taiwan, resulting in deaths and extensive damage

2024-07-25T16:05+0200euronews-en (en)

Typhoon Gaemi hit Taiwan early on Thursday, leading to the deaths of three people and causing widespread disruption and damage. The storm brought powerful winds and heavy rain, prompting the cancellation of both domestic and international flights.

Marée noire : au large de Manille, le naufrage d’un navire contenant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole menace les côtes

2024-07-25T16:03+0200Liberation (fr)

Le naufrage s’est produit au large de Manille. Le MT Terra Nova , un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin qui transportait 1,4 million de litres de brut et se dirigeait vers l’île de Panay, a coulé dans la nuit de mercredi 24 à jeudi 25 juillet (à 1 heure du matin, heure locale) à sept kilomètres de....

Typhoon Gaemi hits China's coast after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T16:03+0200eagletribune (en)

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, huge waves lash the shore ahead of landfall by Typhoon Gaemi in Sansha Township of Xiapu County, southeast China 's Fujian Province, Thursday July 25, 2024. After hitting Philippines and Taiwan , the storm's effects were expected to continue into Friday as....

Il tifone Gaemi tocca terra in Cina: evacuate 150mila persone

2024-07-25T16:02+0200meteoweb (it)

Il tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato vittime e distruzione nelle Filippine e a Taiwan , ha toccato terra sulla costa sudorientale della Cina . Il tifone, il più grande a colpire quest’anno la costa orientale della Cina, ha toccato terra alle 13:50 (ora italiana) nella provincia del Fujian, ha riferito l’emittente statale CCTV.

Typhoon batters Philippines, 14 die, 1M affected

2024-07-25T16:00+0200wn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi also claim at least 3 lives in Taiwan , while thousands evacuated in China ...

Drones deployed for typhoon defense in Zhejiang

2024-07-25T15:57+0200chinadaily (en)

Jiaxing city in Zhejiang province uses drones to monitor safety as Typhoon Gaemi approaches. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn] As Typhoon Gaemi approaches, Zhejiang province is entering its most intense period of storms and rain. In response to the typhoon's potential impact and to ensure the....

Affonda petroliera nelle Filippine: una marea nera nelle acque, rischio disastro ambientale

2024-07-25T15:51+0200UnioneSarda (it)

Le autorità: «Siamo in una corsa contro il tempo» Si rischia il disastro ambientale nelle Filippine, dove una petroliera che trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di petrolio è affondata al largo di Manila. Lo hanno annunciato le autorità, nel tentativo di evitare una fuoriuscita di petrolio e di cercare un membro dell'equipaggio disperso.

Watch: People rescued as Typhoon floods shops and streets 2 hrs ago Asia

2024-07-25T15:47+0200bbc-future (en)

Typhoon Gaemi which made landfall on Taiwan 's east coast on Wednesday, has killed three people and injured hundreds more on the island, officials said. On Thursday, schools and offices remained closed, while flights to and from Taiwan have been cancelled. A second landfall is expected in the Fujian province in south-eastern China later on Thursday.

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T15:47+0200theargus (en)

Typhoon Gaemi swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the Philippines , where the death toll climbed to 22. Offices and schools in Taiwan were closed for a second consecutive day on Thursday and people were urged to stay home and away from the coastline.

Shu Qi craved for takeaway food during typhoon in Taiwan

2024-07-25T15:42+0200tnp-sg (en)

Both Taiwan ese actress Shu Qi and Australian singer Kimberley Chen had hunger pangs as they stayed home due to Typhoon Gaemi lashing Taiwan. One of the strongest typhoons to hit the island in recent years, it caused schools and offices in Taiwan to close for a second consecutive day on July 25.

Typhoon Gaemi lashes China after wreaking havoc in Taiwan

2024-07-25T15:41+0200wn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi roared into southeastern China on Thursday after sweeping across Taiwan , where it killed three people, triggered flooding and sank a freighter before barrelling west across the Taiwan Strait. The typhoon, the biggest to hit China's eastern seaboard this year, made landfall at 7:50 pm....

Typhoon Gaemi makes second landfall in China

2024-07-25T15:40+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

FUZHOU, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on Thursday evening, according to the provincial meteorological bureau of Fujian. With a maximum wind speed of 33 meters per second at its center, the typhoon landed at the Xiuyu District in....

Typhoon Gaemi makes second landfall in China

2024-07-25T15:40+0200english-news-cn (en)

FUZHOU, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made its second landfall in China on Thursday evening, according to the provincial meteorological bureau of Fujian. With a maximum wind speed of 33 meters per second at its center, the typhoon landed at the Xiuyu District in....

Philippines: Southwest Monsoon and Typhoon Gaemi - Flash Update No.1, As of 25 July 2024, 7 p.m. local time

2024-07-25T15:36+0200reliefWeb (en)

Situation Overview. Super Typhoon Gaemi (local name Carina) has been downgraded to a typhoon as it crossed Taiwan and exited the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on 25 July. The storm, combined with the effects of the southwest monsoon, brought heavy rainfall to the western section of Luzon, including Metro Manila.

Nation Typhoon Gaemi leaves 3 dead, 380 injured in Taiwan Typhoon Gaemi headed away from the island of Taiwan on Thursday, leaving three people dead and 380 injured, while its storm circle continues to affect multiple areas of the island. 1m

2024-07-25T15:34+0200shine (en)

Typhoon Gaemi headed away from the island of Taiwan on Thursday morning, leaving three people dead and 380 injured, while its storm circle continues to affect multiple areas of the island, according to relevant authorities. The typhoon has affected the central and southern areas of the island in....


2024-07-25T15:28+0200manilametro (en)

(240725) -- MARIKINA CITY, July 25, 2024 (Xinhua) -- A resident cleans silts brought by floods in Marikina City, the Philippines , July 25, 2024. Reported deaths from heavy rains, massive flooding, and landslides triggered by southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon Gaemi have climbed to 21, police said on Thursday.

Aux Philippines, un pétrolier coule avec 1,4 million de litres de pétrole à son bord

2024-07-25T15:28+0200bfmtv (fr)

Les autorités ont annoncé lancer une enquête pour savoir si une perturbation météorologique pourrait être la cause du naufrage. Un membre d'équipage sur les 17 présents à bord est porté disparu. Les Philippines ont été touchés ce mercredi 24 juillet par le typhon Gaemi et les pluies torrentielles qui l'accompagnent.


2024-07-25T15:27+0200thecambodianews (en)

(240725) -- MARIKINA CITY, July 25, 2024 (Xinhua) -- A resident cleans silts brought by floods in Marikina City, the Philippines , July 25, 2024. Reported deaths from heavy rains, massive flooding, and landslides triggered by southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon Gaemi have climbed to 21, police said on Thursday.


2024-07-25T15:26+0200myanmarnews (en)

(240725) -- MARIKINA CITY, July 25, 2024 (Xinhua) -- A resident cleans silts brought by floods in Marikina City, the Philippines , July 25, 2024. Reported deaths from heavy rains, massive flooding, and landslides triggered by southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon Gaemi have climbed to 21, police said on Thursday.

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T15:20+0200lbc (en)

A strong typhoon is expected to make landfall in China after sweeping across Taiwan , where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three people dead. Typhoon Gaemi swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the Philippines , where the death toll climbed to 22.

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T15:19+0200impartialreporter (en)

Typhoon Gaemi swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the Philippines , where the death toll climbed to 22. Offices and schools in Taiwan were closed for a second consecutive day on Thursday and people were urged to stay home and away from the coastline.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T15:16+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island. The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan , with more than 220 reported injured.

Philippine oil tanker sinks near Manila, risking major spill

2024-07-25T15:15+0200theghanareport (en)

An oil tanker capsized off the Philippines on Thursday, raising concerns of a major oil spill in the Manila Bay. The MT Terra Nova was carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel oil when it capsized nearly 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) off the coast of Limay municipality in Bataan province.

Major oil spill detected off Philippine coast after tanker capsized

2024-07-25T15:13+0200almayadeen-en (en)

In this photo provided by the Philippine Coast Guard, an aerial survey is conducted by Coast Guard Aviation Command as part of the oil spill response operation in Manila Bay, Philippines , July 25, 2024. ( AP. Philippine-flagged tanker MT Terra Nova, which was carrying 1.

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T15:11+0200irishexaminer (en)

A strong typhoon is expected to make landfall in China after sweeping across Taiwan , where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three people dead. Typhoon Gaemi swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the Philippines , where the death toll climbed to 22.

Dozens killed as Typhoon Gaemi hits Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T15:11+0200itv (en)

At least 25 people have died with more than 380 reportedly injured after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall in Taiwan and the Philippines . The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, with at least three people missing according to police.

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and Philippines15:05

2024-07-25T15:11+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

A strong typhoon is expected to make landfall in China after sweeping across Taiwan , where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three people dead. Typhoon Gaemi swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the Philippines , where the death toll climbed to 22.

Petroliera affonda a Manila, Filippine: 1,4 milioni di litri di petrolio rischiano di finire in mare

2024-07-25T15:10+0200ambiente-tiscali-it (it)

Si teme il disastro ambientale nelle Filippine: giovedì mattina, nella baia di Manila, una petroliera si è ribaltata per poi affondare a quasi sette chilometri al largo del comune di Limay , nella provincia di Bataan. È stata individuata una chiazza di petrolio lunga più di 3,5 chilometri che la corrente sta portando in direzione est e nord-est.

China upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T15:08+0200china.org.cn (en)

China's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second highest level. The ministry said it will closely monitor the typhoon, strengthen warning and coordination with other departments, and guide local transport authorities on typhoon prevention and response.

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T15:08+0200vglobale-it (it)

Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto. (Adnkronos) – E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta....

Les images impressionnantes du meurtrier typhon Gaemi qui file droit vers la Chine Monde - Les pluies torrentielles causées par le typhon Gaemi ont entraîné la mort d'au moins 20 personnes aux Philippines et de deux autres à Taïwan, selon ...

2024-07-25T15:03+0200senenews (fr)

Super Typhoon Gaemi showing its force in Hualien, Taiwan …. — Volcaholic ⯑ (@volcaholic1) July 24, 2024 Au cours de la nuit de mercredi à jeudi, le typhon a provoqué des inondations violentes et des vents atteignant 190 km/h à Taïwan, causant des dégâts importants.

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T15:02+0200quotidianodifoggia (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T15:00+0200wn (en)

Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island. The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan , with more than 220 reported injured.

Typhoon Gaemi: Everything we know about the strongest storm to hit Taiwan in eight years

2024-07-25T15:00+0200wn (en)

Nearly 150,000 people relocated in China ’s Fujian as typhoon approaches...

LEAD La Chine relève son intervention d'urgence au typhon Gaemi

2024-07-25T15:00+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le ministère chinois des Transports a relevé jeudi l'intervention d'urgence au typhon Gaemi au niveau II, le deuxième niveau le plus élevé. Le ministère a indiqué qu'il surveillerait étroitement le typhon, renforcerait l'alerte et la coordination avec d'autres départements et guiderait les autorités....

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T15:00+0200vivereancona (it)

(Adnkronos) - E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

Videos: Multiple Protests Pop Up Across China

2024-07-25T14:59+0200theepochtimes (en)

Protesters are seen scuffling with police officers in different parts of China . Those seeking justice range from drivers to online retailers and would-be homeowners. We have more on what triggered the protests. Flooding continues to devastate regions across China. Plus, Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall on China’s eastern coast.

Course contre la montre aux Philippines pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T14:59+020020minutes (fr)

Philippines : Naufrage d’un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire CATASTROPHE Ce naufrage a lieu alors que de fortes pluies, amplifiées par le typhon Gaemi et la mousson saisonnière, se sont abattues sur Manille et les régions avoisinantes ces derniers jours.

Damage to agriculture from typhoon, monsoon estimated at P203 million

2024-07-25T14:52+0200bworldcom (en)

AGRICULTURAL damage due to the combined e ff ects of the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) was initially estimated at P203.38 million, according to the Department of Agriculture (DA). In a bulletin on Thursday, the DA said that the damage was reckoned at 2,574....

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T14:50+0200wral (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong typhoon was expected to make landfall in China on Thursday after sweeping across Taiwan, where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three dead. Typhoon Gaemi swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the....

Typhon Gaemi : au moins 20 morts aux Philippines

2024-07-25T14:50+0200linfo (fr)

Le typhon Gaemi a causé des ravages dans le nord des Philippines . Les pluies torrentielles qui ont accompagné la tempête ont provoqué des inondations, des glissements de terrain et des électrocutions, notamment dans la région de Manille. Les autorités philippines ont annoncé ce jeudi 25 juillet que....

Watch: People rescued as Typhoon floods shops and streets

2024-07-25T14:48+0200bbc (en)

Typhoon Gaemi which made landfall on Taiwan 's east coast on Wednesday, has killed three people and injured hundreds more on the island, officials said. On Thursday, schools and offices remained closed, while flights to and from Taiwan have been cancelled. A second landfall is expected in the Fujian province in south-eastern China later on Thursday.

Philippines: naufrage d'un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T14:48+0200tv5 (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s'activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l'environnement marin.

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T14:47+0200rete55 (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

Typhoon batters Philippines, 14 die, 1M affected

2024-07-25T14:45+0200aa-en (en)

ISTANBUL. The death toll from Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon has risen to at least 14, with eight officially confirmed, the Philippines 's National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said on Thursday. It revealed that over 1 million people were affected, with significant damage to agriculture, including 1.

Typhoon Gaemi leaves 3 dead, 380 injured in Taiwan

2024-07-25T14:43+0200china.org.cn (en)

TAIPEI, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Gaemi headed away from the island of Taiwan on Thursday morning, leaving three people dead and 380 injured, while its storm circle continues to affect multiple areas of the island, according to relevant authorities. The typhoon has affected the central and....

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T14:43+0200Quotidianodibari (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

Les images impressionnantes du typhon Gaemi meurtrier qui file droit vers la Chine Monde - Les pluies torrentielles causées par le typhon Gaemi ont entraîné la mort d'au moins 20 personnes aux Philippines et de deux autres à Taïwan, selon ...

2024-07-25T14:42+0200senenews (fr)

Les pluies torrentielles causées par le typhon Gaemi ont entraîné la mort d’au moins 20 personnes aux Philippines et de deux autres à Taïwan, selon le dernier bilan officiel. Ce jeudi 25 juillet, le typhon se dirige vers la Chine, où les autorités ont déjà suspendu tous les services ferroviaires dans la province de Fujian.

Typhoon Gaemi leaves 3 dead, 380 injured in Taiwan

2024-07-25T14:34+0200english-news-cn (en)

TAIPEI, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Gaemi headed away from the island of Taiwan on Thursday morning, leaving three people dead and 380 injured, while its storm circle continues to affect multiple areas of the island, according to relevant authorities. The typhoon has affected the central and....

Videos Three dead and hundreds injured after Typhoon Gaemi causes floods in southern Taiwan

2024-07-25T14:34+0200independent-ie (en)

No access Taiwan . At least three people died and more than 220 were injured in Taiwan after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on Thursday, causing floods in low-lying southern parts of the island.

Globe prepositions personnel, supplies as Typhoon 'Carina' brings heavy rains

2024-07-25T14:33+0200manilatimes (en)

GLOBE Telecom Inc. (Globe) has prepositioned its personnel and supplies in Luzon as Typhoon "Carina" (international name: " Gaemi ") continued to intensify monsoon rains. "Our facilities are equipped with generators and alternative backup power sources to ensure steady power supply and prevent....

Philippine oil tanker causes oil spill after capsizing off waters of Bataan

2024-07-25T14:33+0200bworldcom (en)

A MARINE tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing a large oil spill, authorities said. A search was under way for a missing crew member of the MT Terra Nova , which was carrying 1,494 metric tons of industrial fuel when it capsized off the coastal....

Typhoon Gaemi leaves 3 dead, 380 injured in Taiwan

2024-07-25T14:31+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

TAIPEI, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Gaemi headed away from the island of Taiwan on Thursday morning, leaving three people dead and 380 injured, while its storm circle continues to affect multiple areas of the island, according to relevant authorities. The typhoon has affected the central and....

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T14:31+0200ilfattonisseno (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T14:25+0200periodicodaily (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

Cina: Fujian, precauzioni per il tifone Gaemi (2)

2024-07-25T14:25+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 25 luglio 2024) Ningde, 25 lug – (Xinhua) – Enormi onde sferzano la costa nella cittadina di Sansha della contea di Xiapu, nella provincia del Fujian , nel sud-est della Cina , il 25 luglio 2024. La provincia del Fujian , nella Cina orientale, ha trasferito 156.

Cina: Fujian, precauzioni per il tifone Gaemi (1)

2024-07-25T14:25+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 25 luglio 2024) Ningde, 25 lug – (Xinhua) – Enormi onde sferzano la costa nella cittadina di Sansha della contea di Xiapu, nella provincia del Fujian , nel sud-est della Cina , il 25 luglio 2024. La provincia del Fujian , nella Cina orientale, ha trasferito 156.

Death Toll From Philippine Floods, Landslides Rises To 21

2024-07-25T14:23+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Manila, July 25 (IANS) The death toll in the Philippine floods and landslides triggered by southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon Gaemi has climbed to 21, said on Thursday. In a preliminary report, police said seven people died in the Philippine capital region Manila, three in Cavite....

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in Fujian Province

2024-07-25T14:20+0200cgtn (en)

A motorist drives in the rain on an empty street in Fuqing City, Fujian Province as the city is hit by heavy wind and rain, July 25, 2024. /CFP. Typhoon Gaemi , the third of the year, made landfall along the coast of Xiuyu District, Putian City in southeast China 's Fujian Province at 7:50 p.m.

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T14:20+0200okmugello (it)

E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, completamente inondata Manila - Video

2024-07-25T14:20+0200informazione (it)

Le precipitazioni hanno provocato almeno una dozzina di frane nelle regioni montuose Le piogge monsoniche ininterrotte degli ultimi cinque giorni hanno allagato il nord delle Filippine e la capitale Manila . Il potente tifone Gaemi ha aggravato le…) Una grave inondazione ha colpito la zona di....

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine - 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T14:19+0200zazoom-it (it)

Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte. Alcuni residenti si sono spostati sui tetti in attesa dei soccorsi Attualità - E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei....

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T14:18+0200wn (en)

Taipei, Taiwan — A strong typhoon was expected to make landfall in China on Thursday after sweeping across Taiwan, where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three dead. Typhoon Gaemi swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the....

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T14:17+0200torontosun (en)

The Philippine coast guard reported that an oil tanker, MT Terra Nova, loaded with about 1.4 million liters (370,000 gallons) of industrial fuel oil sank off Limay town in Bataan province early Thursday and rescuers saved 15 of 16 crew members. It’s not immediately clear if the sinking was related....

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T14:17+0200meridiananotizie (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

Philippines: naufrage d'un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T14:14+0200france24 (fr)

Un membre d'équipage du MT Terra Nova est décédé lorsque le navire a chaviré, à environ sept kilomètres de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de Manille, en face de la capitale des Philippines alors qu'il naviguait vers la ville centrale d'Iloilo.

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T14:14+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – E’ di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

Typhoon Gaemi Wreaks Havoc Across Asia

2024-07-25T14:12+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , after causing severe damage in Taiwan with landslides and flooding, is expected to make landfall in China . The storm has intensified seasonal rains in the Philippines , increasing the death toll to 22. Significant disruptions and evacuations have been reported across the affected regions.

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T14:11+0200ecoseven (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. Lo riferiscono le autorità filippine segnalando che una petroliera è stata capovolta al largo delle Filippine per la forti piogge e le onde alte.

Air-sea search in South China Sea for 10 seamen missing in wake of typhoon

2024-07-25T14:08+0200upi (en)

July 25 (UPI) -- The coastguards of Taiwan and the Philippines on Thursday were scouring the South China Sea for a least 10 seamen missing from commercial vessels sunk or damaged as Typhoon Gaemi barreled through the region packing 140 mph winds. The Taiwan Coastguard and nearby ships were trying to....

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after wreaking havoc on Taiwan

2024-07-25T14:07+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

07/25/2024 July 25, 2024. Typhoon Gaemi is tracking across the Strait of Taiwan to mainland China , which is bracing for strong winds and heavy rainfall. The tropical storm has left a trail of destruction across Taiwan and the Philippines , including the sinking of an oil tanker.

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T14:06+0200palermomania (it)

internazionale/esteri Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati (Adnkronos) - E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila.

Philippines: School suspended after powerful storm wreaks havoc with warnings over disease – Save the Children

2024-07-25T14:03+0200reliefWeb (en)

MANILA, 25 July 2024 - Classes across the Philippines were suspended on Thursday [1] , following a powerful typhoon that swept across the country and has made its way to Taiwan , Save the Children said. Footage shared by news outlets [2] and on social media showed people in the capital Manila wading....

Tifone Gaemi devasta le Filippine, 13 morti e 600mila sfollati

2024-07-25T14:03+0200adnkronos (it)

Scaricati oltre 300 millimetri di pioggia nella regione di Manila e sull'isola di Luzon E' di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio , ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila.

Nine seafarers missing after ship sinks off Taiwan

2024-07-25T14:02+0200maritime-network (en)

A Tanzanian-flagged general cargo ship Fu Shun capsized and sank in stormy weather off Taiwan with its nine crewmembers missing. The 1985-built 56-m-long vessel went down around 19 nautical miles off the coast of Kaohsiung City early morning, after Typhoon Gaemi swept across the island overnight....

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T13:58+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong typhoon was expected to make landfall in China on Thursday after sweeping across Taiwan, where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three dead. Typhoon Gaemi swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the....

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T13:57+0200yakimaherald (en)

CORRECTS MONTH - Fishermen prepare to secure their boats in Wushi harbor before typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in northeastern Taiwan 's Yilan county on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. Taiwan has shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island ahead of a powerful typhoon due to make landfall later Wednesday.

8 flights cancelled, 4 rescheduled between S'pore & Fuzhou, Manila, Taipei, due to Typhoon Gaemi Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on Taiwan’s coast on Jul. 24, 2024. July 25, 2024, 07:30 PM

2024-07-25T13:56+0200mothership-SG (en)

8 flights cancelled, 4 rescheduled between S'pore & Fuzhou, Manila, Taipei, due to Typhoon Gaemi . Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on Taiwan ’s coast on Jul. 24, 2024. Several flights between Singapore and cities affected by Typhoon Gaemi on Jul. 25 were cancelled or rescheduled.

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T13:56+0200whig (en)

CORRECTS MONTH - Fishermen prepare to secure their boats in Wushi harbor before typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in northeastern Taiwan 's Yilan county on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. Taiwan has shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island ahead of a powerful typhoon due to make landfall later Wednesday.

Nation China upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi China's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second highest level. 1m

2024-07-25T13:52+0200shine (en)

China's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second highest level. The ministry said it will closely monitor the typhoon, strengthen warning and coordination with other departments, and guide local transport authorities on typhoon prevention and response.

Philippines: naufrage d'un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T13:50+0200challenges (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s'activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l'environnement marin.

Philippines: naufrage d'un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T13:48+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Handout. Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s'activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l'environnement marin.

1st LD: China upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T13:46+0200china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) -- China 's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second highest level. The ministry said it will closely monitor the typhoon, strengthen warning and coordination with other departments, and guide local transport authorities on typhoon prevention and response.

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T13:45+0200eagletribune (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong typhoon was expected to make landfall in China on Thursday after sweeping across Taiwan, where it caused landslides and flooding in low-lying areas and left three dead. Typhoon Gaemi swept up the western Pacific, intensifying seasonal rains earlier in the week in the....

Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines

2024-07-25T13:44+0200thespec (en)

Two men struggle with their umbrellas against gusts of wind generated by Typhoon Gaemi in Taipei, Taiwan , Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying) Typhoon Gaemi heads for China after leaving 25 dead in Taiwan and the Philippines . TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong typhoon was expected to....

Taiwan, Philippines, China - Tropical Cyclone GAEMI, update (NDRRMC, GDACS, JTWC, CWA, CMA, media, DROMIC DSWD) (ECHO Daily Flash of 25 July 2024)

2024-07-25T13:40+0200reliefWeb (en)

Tropical cyclone GAEMI crossed northern Taiwan on 24 July and is moving over the Taiwan Strait approaching the coast of south-eastern China . On 25 July at 5.15 UTC, its centre was approximately 100 km east-southeast of Putian city (Fujian province, south-eastern China) with maximum sustained winds of 222 km/h (typhoon).

'Back to zero': Manila flood victims come to terms with their losses, begin clean up

2024-07-25T13:40+0200wn (en)

Manila street vendor Zenaida Cuerda said Thursday she is "back to zero" after floodwaters washed away the food she sells for a living and swept through her house. She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with their losses from the relentless rain, after Typhoon Gaemi ....

Philippines - Maritime pollution (NDRRMC, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 25 July 2024)

2024-07-25T13:40+0200reliefWeb (en)

A Philippine-flagged oil tanker capsized and sank off Manila on 25 July early morning hours at nearly seven kilometres (4.3 miles) off Limay municipality in Bataan province, near Manila. 16 of the 17 crew members had been rescued from the stricken vessel.

Oil Spill After Marine Tanker Sinks Off the Philippines

2024-07-25T13:37+0200devdiscourse (en)

A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank off the coast of the Philippines , resulting in an oil spill that threatens to reach Manila. One crew member died, and 16 were rescued. Efforts to contain the spill are underway, but strong winds and high waves pose challenges.

Philippines: naufrage d'un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T13:37+0200lemauricien (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s'activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l'environnement marin.

Philippines : le bilan des inondations et des glissements de terrain s'élève à 21 morts

2024-07-25T13:37+0200french-news (fr)

MANILLE, 25 juillet (Xinhua) -- Les décès aux Philippines signalés à la suite des fortes pluies, des inondations massives et des glissements de terrain déclenchés par la mousson du sud-ouest renforcée par le typhon Gaemi ont grimpé à 21, a déclaré jeudi la police locale.

Philippines: naufrage d'un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T13:35+0200actu-orange (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s'activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l'environnement marin.

Philippines: naufrage d'un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T13:35+0200laprovence (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de fioul industriel a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s'activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l'environnement marin.

China upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T13:34+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) -- China 's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second highest level. The ministry said it will closely monitor the typhoon, strengthen warning and coordination with other departments, and guide local transport authorities on typhoon prevention and response.

Typhoon Gaemi triggers flooding, sinks freighter off Taiwan

2024-07-25T13:34+0200france24-en (en)

Typhoon Gaemi swept through northern Taiwan on Thursday, killing three people, triggering flooding and sinking a freighter before barrelling west across the Taiwan Strait towards China where it is expected to dump more torrential rain.

China upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T13:33+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) -- China 's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second highest level. The ministry said it will closely monitor the typhoon, strengthen warning and coordination with other departments, and guide local transport authorities on typhoon prevention and response.

‘Carina’ weakens, now over southeastern China — PAGASA

2024-07-25T13:31+0200tribuneonline (en)

Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) is weakening and is now over southeastern China , according to the state weather bureau PAGASA. In its latest bulletin, the typhoon has been monitored as moving west-southwestward at a 10-kilometer per hour (km/h) pace.

Asia & Pacific Philippines races to contain spill after oil tanker capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T13:25+0200JakartaPost (en)

One crew member of the MT Terra Nova was killed when the tanker capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.3 miles) off Limay municipality in Bataan province, as it sailed to the central city of Iloilo. The vessel went down in rough seas as heavy rains fuelled by Typhoon Gaemi and the....

Taiwan, il tifone Gaemi si è abbattuto sul Paese: tre morti e danni

2024-07-25T13:25+0200euronews-it (it)

Il tifone Gaemi ha colpito Taiwan nelle prime ore di giovedì, causando la morte di tre persone e provocando disagi e danni diffusi. La tempesta, con i suoi venti potenti e piogge intense, ha allagato le strade e provocato pericolose frane. I voli nazionali e internazionali sono stati cancellati.

25 lug 2024, 12:02 Carlo Migliore Cronaca meteo - Il tifone Gaemi lascia Taiwan in ginocchio e impatta sulla Cina continentale. Situazione e video

2024-07-25T13:24+02003bmeteo (it)

Il passaggio del tifone Gaemi è stato mortale e distruttivo (foto dalla pagina twitter di @SkyAlertStorm) Il passaggio del tifone Gaemi sull'isola di Taiwan lascia dietro di se una lunga scia di morte e distruzione . Secondo le autorità locali le vittime sarebbero almeno 22 (bilancio provvisorio)....

1 dead, 2 missing in La Union after 'Carina', habagat's onslaught

2024-07-25T13:22+0200philstar (en)

BAGUIO CITY An 11-year-old male from Barangay Tammocalao, Bacnotan town in La Union died while two are missing in La Union following the onslaught of Super Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi ) that hit northern Philippines on Wednesday. The minor victim was hit by fallen tree during "Carina’s"....

Gaemi paralizza Taiwan

2024-07-25T13:20+0200zazoom-it (it)

Almeno venti morti nelle Filippine e due a Taiwan nel passaggio del tifone Gaemi - Il tifone Gaemi ha causato la morte di almeno venti persone nelle Filippine e di due a Taiwan, prima di dirigersi il 25 luglio verso la Cina. Leggi . internazionale; Morti e sfollati nelle Filippine per il tifone Gaemi che si sta dirigendo verso Taiwan - .

Cina: inondazioni, allerta IV livello nella regione Pechino-Tianjin-Hebei

2024-07-25T13:20+0200zazoom-it (it)

Cronaca meteo - Il tifone Gaemi lascia Taiwan in ginocchio e impatta sulla Cina continentale. Situazione e video - Gravissimi danni e molti morti per il passaggio della tempesta. 3bmeteo; Alluvione nelle Filippine: nella strada allagata c’è un uomo che nuota a stile farfalla - Una grave inondazione....

Il tifone Gaemi fa affondare una petroliera nella Baia di Manila: 1,4 milioni di olio combustibile in mare e un disperso

2024-07-25T13:20+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 25 luglio 2024) Una petroliera battente bandiera filippina che trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di olio combustibile industriale, si è capovolta ed è affondata nelle acque al largo di Manila . L’incidente è avvenuto per la forti piogge e le onde alte provocate dal tifone Gaemi che ha provocato vittime e danni ingenti.

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in Taiwan and brings floods to Manila – video

2024-07-25T13:18+0200wn (en)

The storm has made landfall in Taiwan , unleashing torrential rain and strong gusts that have claimed at least three lives. Typhoon Gaemi also exacerbated rains in the Philippines , flooding the capital, Manila, and nearby cities, forcing authorities to shut schools, offices and declare a state....

Strade e case allagate a Taiwan dopo il tifone Gaemi

2024-07-25T13:15+0200tiscali-it (it)

Taipei, 25 lug. (askanews) - Strade allagate e case invase dall'acqua nella città di Kaohsiung a Taiwan dopo il passaggio del tifone Gaemi , che ha provocato la morte di due persone mentre forti piogge e forti raffiche continuano a sferzare l'isola.La tempesta ha costretto Taiwan ad annullare alcune....

25 Luglio 2024 - 13:07 - VIDEO | Dramma nelle Filippine, una petroliera affonda e l’olio combustibile finisce in mare

2024-07-25T13:14+0200dire (it)

VIDEO | Dramma nelle Filippine, una petroliera affonda e l’olio combustibile finisce in mare L'imbarcazione, che prima si è capovolta per poi perdersi nelle acque. Un disperso. Foto: Twitter Philippine Coast Guard. ROMA – Una tragedia ambientale di enormi proporzioni si sta consumando nelle....

Le typhon Gaemi a fait 20 morts aux Philippines et trois à Taïwan

2024-07-25T13:11+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Le typhon, le plus puissant à frapper Taïwan depuis huit ans, s’est déplacé en direction de la mer vers 22 heures mercredi, heure de Paris, a indiqué l’Administration centrale de la météorologie de Taïwan Plusieurs navires en difficulté. Dans le même temps, un cargo battant pavillon tanzanien a....

'Back to zero': Manila flood victims come to terms with their losses, begin clean up

2024-07-25T13:09+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Manila street vendor Zenaida Cuerda said Thursday she is "back to zero" after floodwaters washed away the food she sells for a living and swept through her house. She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with their losses from the relentless rain, after Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon.

Philippines says tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes in Manila Bay

2024-07-25T13:07+0200urdupoint (en)

An oil slick stretching about 3.7 kilometres was being carried by a "strong current" in an easterly, north-easterly direction. Marine environmental protection personnel have been mobilised to help contain it. Coast guard Commandant Admiral Ronnie Gavan said he has ordered an investigation into the incident.

Typhoon Gaemi nears east China's Fujian, triggers emergency response

2024-07-25T13:07+0200urdupoint (en)

FUZHOU, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Jul, 2024) East China 's Fujian Province raised the emergency response level for typhoons from Level IV to Level III on Tuesday in the face of Typhoon Gaemi , the third of this year. As of 5 p .m. Tuesday, the center of Gaemi was located approximately 505 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County.

Taiwan issues land, sea alerts for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T13:07+0200urdupoint (en)

TAIPEI, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Jul, 2024) Taiwan 's meteorological agency has issued both sea and land alerts for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to make landfall in Yilan County between late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning. As of 1 .m.

'Back to zero': Manila flood victims clean up, start again

2024-07-25T13:07+0200urdupoint (en)

Manila, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jul, 2024) Manila street vendor Zenaida Cuerda said Thursday she is "back to zero" after floodwaters washed away the food she sells for a living and swept through her house. She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with....

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-25T13:07+0200urdupoint (en)

Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be "the strongest" to hit in eight years and has already killed two people on the island. Yilan, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Jul, 2024) Taiwan closed....

Cargo ship sinks off Taiwan, 9 sailors missing: authorities

2024-07-25T13:07+0200urdupoint (en)

Taipei, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jul, 2024) A cargo ship sank off Taiwan 's southern coast, with its nine Myanmar sailors missing after abandoning ship in life jackets, authorities said Thursday. Stormy weather in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi has prevented rescuers from reaching the....

China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-25T13:07+0200urdupoint (en)

BEIJING, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Jul, 2024) China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert , the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red for typhoon issued this year.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall

2024-07-25T13:07+0200urdupoint (en)

Yilan, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jul, 2024) Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on Taiwan 's eastern coast in the early hours of Thursday, after unleashing torrential rainfall and whipping winds across the island that left two people in nearby Philippines , triggering flooding and landslides that killed six.

Typhoon Carina damages coastal roads, slope protection in Zambales

2024-07-25T13:01+0200inquirer (en)

Local authorities inspect a road in Zambales province after the onslaught of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ). (Photo courtesy of Philippine Coast Guard) SAN ANTONIO, Zambales Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi) and the southwest monsoon caused significant damage to roads and slope....

Taiwan on high alert as powerful typhoon slams into coast

2024-07-25T13:00+0200wn (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Typhoon Gaemi lashed the northeastern region of Taiwan....

'Carina's damage on electric infra in Baguio, Benguet reaches P2.4-M

2024-07-25T12:59+0200philstar (en)

BAGUIO CITY Super Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi ) that brought extreme heavy rainfall and strong winds since Wednesday left the Benguet Electric Cooperative (Beneco) damage worth P2.4 million. A substation recloser equipment worth more than P1 million, seven collapsed/damaged poles and three transformers made up the bulk of the P2.

Residents return to Manila streets devastated by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T12:54+02004-traders (en)

STORY: :: Residents in Manila return to their devastated homes after Typhoon Gaemi caused more intense monsoon rains. :: July 25, 2024. :: Manila, Philippines . :: "I was scared yesterday because the water kept rising and a lot of people decided to evacuate to the school because most people have low-lying houses.

GSIS may P18.5B para sa Typhoon Carina emergency loan

2024-07-25T12:51+0200inquirer (en)

GSIS main office File photo mula sa Facebook page ng GSIS. METRO MANILA, Philippines Naglaan ang Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) ng P18.5 bilyon para sa 864,089 na mga miyembro at pensioner nito na naapektuhan ng nagdaang Typhoon Carina (internation name: Gaemi ).

Strade e case allagate a Taiwan dopo il tifone Gaemi

2024-07-25T12:50+0200askanews (it)

Taipei, 25 lug. (askanews) – Strade allagate e case invase dall’acqua nella città di Kaohsiung a Taiwan dopo il passaggio del tifone Gaemi , che ha provocato la morte di due persone mentre forti piogge e forti raffiche continuano a sferzare l’isola. La tempesta ha costretto Taiwan ad annullare alcune....

More rain than 'Ondoy' but less intense: Why 'Carina'-enhanced habagat submerged Luzon

2024-07-25T12:45+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines This week's devastating floods from Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) enhanced by the southwest monsoon have caused people to relive their memories of Typhoon Ondoy in 2009, which similarly poured enough rain to engulf whole cities and turn streets into rivers.

Alluvione nelle Filippine: nella strada allagata c’è un uomo che nuota a stile farfalla

2024-07-25T12:45+0200informazione (it)

Il Tifone Gaemi si è intensificato oltre ogni previsione, fino a raggiungere categoria 4 poco prima di raggiungere l'isola di Taiwan . Gaemi ha toccato terra mercoledì… Le precipitazioni hanno provocato almeno una dozzina di frane nelle regioni montuose Le piogge monsoniche ininterrotte degli....

Eight lives lost and 860 thousand victims

2024-07-25T12:44+0200archyde (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , which is on track for After passing close to the Philippines , it has caused the death of at least eight people and has impacted more than 800,000 inhabitants of the Philippine archipelago, according to official sources reported on Tuesday.

Batanes remains under Signal No. 1 even as Typhoon Carina nears China

2024-07-25T12:41+0200inquirer (en)

Residents pick up debris in a river in the aftermath of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) in Manila on July 25, 2024. (Photo by Jam Sta Rosa / Agence France-Presse) MANILA, Philippines Batanes remained under Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No. 1 even as Typhoon Carina, whose international....

Naufrage d’un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour contrer une marée noire

2024-07-25T12:41+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Un membre d’équipage du MT Terra Nova est mort lorsque le navire a chaviré, à environ sept kilomètres de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de Manille, en face de la capitale des Philippines alors qu’il naviguait vers la ville centrale d’Iloilo.

Typhoon Gaemi sinks ships off Taiwan and Philippines as it barrels towards China

2024-07-25T12:39+0200wn (en)

Oil tanker in Philippines and freight ship off coast of Taiwan capsize amid typhoon’s heavy rains ......

Typhoon Gaemi tracker: Maps show storm’s path as it heads for China

2024-07-25T12:39+0200wn (en)

Chinese weather forecasters say....

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Gusty Winds And Torrential Rains 2

2024-07-25T12:38+0200eastoregonian (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Gusty Winds And Torrential Rains 2

2024-07-25T12:35+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Huge oil tanker carrying 1,400,000 litres of fuel CAPSIZES with huge oil spill into ocean

2024-07-25T12:32+0200gbnews (en)

Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said, after the ship capsized off the coastal town of Limay. A search is underway for the missing sailor. Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista told a situation briefing: "There is already oil spill.

'Back to zero': Manila flood victims clean up, start again

2024-07-25T12:31+0200terradaily (en)

Manila, July 25 (AFP) Jul 25, 2024 Manila street vendor Zenaida Cuerda said Thursday she is "back to zero" after floodwaters washed away the food she sells for a living and swept through her house. She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with their losses from the....

Is it safe to travel to Taiwan and China? Typhoon Gaemi hits

2024-07-25T12:30+0200standard (en)

Coast Guard spokesperson rear admiral Armando Balilo said: "There's a big danger that Manila would be affected, its shorelines, if the fuel leaks because this happened within Manila Bay. The British foreign office has alerted travellers to the hazards of Typhoon Gaemi although flights are still running from the UK.

‘Back to zero’: Manila flood victims clean up, start again

2024-07-25T12:27+0200digitaljournal (en)

Manila street vendor Zenaida Cuerda said Thursday she is “back to zero” after floodwaters washed away the food she sells for a living and swept through her house. She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with their losses from the relentless rain, after Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon.

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Gusty Winds And Torrential Rains 2

2024-07-25T12:23+0200guampdn (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Typhoon Gaemi mapped: Storm heads for China after pounding Taiwan

2024-07-25T12:23+0200independent-UK (en)

The typhoon was moving over the Taiwan Strait on Thursday towards mainland China ’s Fujian province, where it is expected to make landfall later, bringing more strong winds and downpours to a country already hit hard by weeks of extreme rain and deadly flooding.

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in Taiwan and brings floods to Manila – video

2024-07-25T12:23+0200guardian (en)

The storm has made landfall in Taiwan , unleashing torrential rain and strong gusts that have claimed at least three lives. Typhoon Gaemi also exacerbated rains in the Philippines , flooding the capital, Manila, and nearby cities, forcing authorities to shut schools, offices and declare a state of....

'Back to zero': Manila flood victims clean up, start again

2024-07-25T12:22+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Manila street vendor Zenaida Cuerda said Thursday she is "back to zero" after floodwaters washed away the food she sells for a living and swept through her house. She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with their losses from the relentless rain, after Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon.

Monde Le chavirement d'un pétrolier aux Philippines fait craindre une importante marée noire

2024-07-25T12:20+0200rts-ch (fr)

"Nous avons pu sauver 16 des 17 membres de l'équipage, un est porté disparu", a déclaré le secrétaire d'Etat aux Transports philippin Jaime Bautista, lors d'un point presse. Des vents violents et de fortes vagues gênent l'intervention des secouristes lors des recherches, a-t-il indiqué. Quatre membres d'équipage reçoivent un traitement médical.

Les Philippines sous la menace d'une vaste marée noire

2024-07-25T12:15+0200geo (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui tentent d'éviter une marée noire et recherchent un membre d'équipage disparu. Le MT Terra Nova se dirigeait vers la ville d'Iloilo, dans le centre....

Tanker capsizes off Philippines, one crew missing, battle to contain oil spill

2024-07-25T12:12+0200hellenicshippingnews (en)

A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing a large oil spill as coast guard rescuers search for a missing crew member, officials said. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista....

Nine seafarers missing after ship sinks off Taiwan

2024-07-25T12:09+0200splash247 (en)

A Tanzanian-flagged general cargo ship Fu Shun capsized and sank in stormy weather off Taiwan with its nine crewmembers missing. The 1985-built 56-m-long vessel went down around 19 nautical miles off the coast of Kaohsiung City early morning, after Typhoon Gaemi swept across the island overnight.

‘Back to zero’: Manila flood victims clean up, start again

2024-07-25T12:08+0200straitstimesSG (en)

MANILA – Street vendor Zenaida Cuerda is “back to zero” after flood waters washed away the food she sells for a living and swept through her house. She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital Manila coming to terms with their losses from the relentless rain, after Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon.

'Back to zero': Manila flood victims clean up, start again

2024-07-25T12:07+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Manila: Manila street vendor Zenaida Cuerda said Thursday she is "back to zero" after floodwaters washed away the food she sells for a living and swept through her house. She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with their losses from the relentless rain, after Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon.

13:59 Xinhua: More than 150,000 people evacuated in eastern China due to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T12:07+0200news-am (en)

Xinhua news agency. Typhoon Gaemi will hit the region Thursday afternoon. Meanwhile, 73 passenger ferry routes along the province's coast were suspended and 97 flights canceled. According to meteorologists' forecasts, Typhoon Gaemi will continue to move in a northwesterly direction at a speed of 10-15 km per hour.

'Back To Zero': Manila Flood Victims Clean Up, Start Again

2024-07-25T12:05+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) AFP. Manila: Manila street vendor Zenaida Cuerda said Thursday she is "back to zero" after floodwaters washed away the food she sells for a living and swept through her house. She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with their losses from the relentless....

Deadly typhoon sinks freighter as it barrels through Taiwan

2024-07-25T12:00+02004-traders (en)

STORY: Streets were quiet in Taiwan on Thursday after a powerful and deadly typhoon swept the island, killing at least two people and sinking a freighter offshore, whose crew are still missing. Typhoon Gaemi was the strongest cyclone to hit Taiwan in eight years.

'Back to zero': Manila flood victims clean up, start again

2024-07-25T12:00+0200wn (en)

Manila: Manila street vendor Zenaida Cuerda said Thursday she is "back to zero" after floodwaters washed away the food she sells for a living and swept through her house. She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with their losses from the relentless rain, after Typhoon Gaemi ....

Tifone Gaemi su Taiwan e Cina: una nave affonda al largo dell’isola

2024-07-25T11:59+0200iconaclima (it)

Il Tifone Gaemi si è intensificato oltre ogni previsione, fino a raggiungere categoria 4 poco prima di raggiungere l’isola di Taiwan . Gaemi ha toccato terra mercoledì, impattando sulla costa nord-orientale di Taiwan nella contea di Yilan. È il tifone più forte ad aver colpito l’isola negli ultimi otto anni: le raffiche hanno raggiunto i 227 km/h.

Deadly typhoon hits Taiwan, 9 sailors missing after ship sinks

2024-07-25T11:57+0200inquirer (en)

Mudslides, falling trees. In Pingtung county, an Indonesian freighter had to be anchored at a beach during the storm, with local TV footage showing massive waves crashing into it. Taiwan ’s Coast Guard said the crew was safe, “with no loss of power and oil leakage.

DBM: P11B available for relief efforts in Typhoon Carina aftermath

2024-07-25T11:57+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines The government still has an P11-billion calamity fund that can be used for relief efforts in the aftermath of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ), according to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). The DBM on Wednesday said the government still has P11.

Massive oil spill as tanker capsizes

2024-07-25T11:56+0200news_com_au (en)

The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.3 miles) off Limay municipality in Bataan province, near the capital, in the early hours. The vessel went down as heavy rains fuelled by Typhoon Gaemi and the seasonal monsoon have....

Philippines : naufrage d'un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T11:49+0200Europe1 (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a chaviré puis coulé ce jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s'activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l'environnement marin.

Vessel with nine crew descends off Taiwan as storm strikes

2024-07-25T11:48+0200menafn (en)

) Rescue operations are underway off Taiwan 's southern coast after a cargo ship, flying the Tanzanian flag and carrying nine crew members, sank amidst the onslaught of Typhoon Gaemi . The vessel had been navigating near the port city of Kaohsiung when Taiwan was battered by the typhoon's powerful winds and torrential rains.

'Back to zero': Manila flood victims clean up, start again

2024-07-25T11:47+0200france24-en (en)

She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with their losses from the relentless rain, after Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon. "All my capital is gone. I have nothing now," Cuerda told AFP, as she wiped away tears outside the concrete house she shares with her sister.

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Torrential Rains

2024-07-25T11:42+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Sara Duterte on ‘personal trip overseas’ as PH grapples with severe flooding

2024-07-25T11:41+0200rappler (en)

On Wednesday, July 24, as the country was grappling with a heavy downpour brought by monsoon rain enhanced by Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) , a photo of Vice President Sara Duterte wearing a hoodie inside the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 went viral on social media.

Filippine. La petroliera in balia delle onde, poi l’affondamento e la marea nera. Il video

2024-07-25T11:40+0200rainews (it)

Una nave cisterna è affondata in mare aperto al largo delle Filippine causando la fuoriuscita di olio combustile mentre i soccorritori della Guardia Costiera cercano l'unico marinaio disperso. Sedici dei 17 membri dell'equipaggio della MT Terra Nova sono stati tratti in salvo, ha dichiarato il....

'Back to zero': Manila flood victims clean up, start again

2024-07-25T11:39+0200rfi-en (en)

She is one of thousands in the Philippine capital coming to terms with their losses from the relentless rain, after Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon. "All my capital is gone. I have nothing now," Cuerda told AFP, as she wiped away tears outside the concrete house she shares with her sister.

One missing, oil spill after tanker capsizes off Philippines

2024-07-25T11:38+0200chinadailyhk (en)

In this photo provided by the Philippine Coast Guard, Philippine-flagged motor tanker Terra Nova sinks in Manila Bay, Philippines July 25, 2024. (PHOTO / PHILIPPINE COAST GUARD VIA AP) MANILA - A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing a....

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille. Philippines | Naufrage d'un pétrolier Comment éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T11:38+0200journaldemontreal (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s'activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l'environnement marin.

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille. Philippines | Naufrage d'un pétrolier Comment éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T11:38+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s'activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l'environnement marin.

Monsoon rains from Typhoon Gaemi strike Philippines – in pictures

2024-07-25T11:35+0200guardian (en)

A person cleans a muddied church after it was flooded. A state of emergency was declared in the Philippine capital of Metro Manila and neighbouring provinces in order to activate resources to address effects of massive floods. Taiwan coastguard images shows the Indonesian-flagged special cement....

Philippine oil tanker sinks near Manila, risking major spill

2024-07-25T11:33+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

07/25/2024 July 25, 2024. The MT Terra Nova was carrying 1.4 million liters of fuel oil when it sank near the Philippine capital, risking the largest oil spill in the country's history. Authorities rescued 16 of the ship's 17 crew members. Authorities are racing to prevent a catastrophic oil spill....

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Torrential Rains

2024-07-25T11:32+0200eastoregonian (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Philippines races to contain spill after oil tanker capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T11:32+0200guampdn (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. One crew member of the MT Terra Nova died when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Naufrage d'un pétrolier au large des Philippines, une course contre la montre lancée pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T11:31+0200monacomatin (fr)

Le MT Terra Nova se dirigeait vers Iloilo, dans le centre de l'archipel des Philippines , lorsqu'il a sombré, tôt jeudi, avec un membre d'équipage porté disparu, à environ sept kilomètres de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de Manille, en face de la capitale.

China has evacuated 150.000 people in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T11:30+0200slobodenpecat-en (en)

The eastern Chinese province of Fujian has evacuated more than 150.000 residents due to the expected impact of Typhoon Gaemi , authorities said today. 73 passenger ferries have been suspended, and 97 flights have been cancelled, the Chinese news agency Xinhua reported.

Philippines : naufrage d’un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T11:27+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s’activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l’environnement marin.

Typhoon Gaemi sinks ships off Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T11:23+0200standard (en)

A powerful typhoon helped capsize an oil tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel off the coast of the Philippines . MT Terra Nova sank off Limay town in Bataan province early on Thursday and rescuers saved 15 of 16 crew members, just after Typhoon Gaemi passed through the region.

Le typhon Gaemi a fait 20 morts aux Philippines, deux à Taïwan et se dirige vers la Chine Dans la nuit du mercredi 24 au jeudi 25 juillet 2024, le typhon, qui devrait être "le plus puissant" à frapper l'île en huit ans, a touché terre à Taïwan. 10:29 International

2024-07-25T11:23+0200lepublicateurlibre (fr)

Selon les dernières données météorologiques, le centre (du typhon Gaemi ) a touché terre près de Nan’ao, dans le comté de Yilan, aujourd’hui vers minuit (16h GMT mercredi 24 juillet) , a indiqué l’Administration centrale de la météo de Taïwan sur Facebook.

Philippines : naufrage d’un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T11:23+0200nordeclair (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s’activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l’environnement marin.

Naufrage d'un pétrolier au large des Philippines, une course contre la montre lancée pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T11:21+0200nicematin (fr)

Le MT Terra Nova se dirigeait vers Iloilo, dans le centre de l'archipel des Philippines , lorsqu'il a sombré, tôt jeudi, avec un membre d'équipage porté disparu, à environ sept kilomètres de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de Manille, en face de la capitale.

Naufrage d'un pétrolier au large des Philippines, une course contre la montre lancée pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T11:21+0200varmatin (fr)

Le MT Terra Nova se dirigeait vers Iloilo, dans le centre de l'archipel des Philippines , lorsqu'il a sombré, tôt jeudi, avec un membre d'équipage porté disparu, à environ sept kilomètres de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de Manille, en face de la capitale.

Tanker capsizes off Philippines, 1 missing, battle to contain oil spill

2024-07-25T11:19+0200chinadailyhk (en)

In this photo provided by the Philippine Coast Guard, Philippine-flagged motor tanker Terra Nova sinks in Manila Bay, Philippines July 25, 2024. (PHOTO / PHILIPPINE COAST GUARD VIA AP) MANILA - A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing a....

Heavy rain, flood, landslides affect 1,500 families in Cordillera

2024-07-25T11:18+0200rappler (en)

BAGUIO, Philippines – Close to 1,500 families in three provinces in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) were adversely affected by continuous heavy rain, flooding, and landslides as the southwest monsoon, enhanced by ( Gaemi ), battered the region.

July 25, 2024 Thousands stranded by floods in Philippine capital as deadly typhoon prompts calls for climate action

2024-07-25T11:18+0200egyptindependent (en)

Much of the Philippine capital remained underwater Thursday after deadly Typhoon Gaemi worsened torrential monsoon rains that lashed the country, trapping thousands of people in rising flood waters and causing widespread damage. Continuous heavy rains, massive flooding and landslides across the....

GCash extends assistance to users affected by Typhoon Carina

2024-07-25T11:17+0200philstar (en)

GCash extends 2-week grace period for typhoon-hit borrowers, waives fees for buy load, GCash PO cash-ins. MANILA, Philippines In response to recent challenges brought by Super Typhoon Carina (international name Gaemi ), GCash, through its credit arm Fuse Lending, has announced a two-week payment....

Typhoon Gaemi sinks freighter off Taiwan, barrels towards Chinese seaboard

2024-07-25T11:16+0200wn (en)

By Ben Blanchard and Bernard Orr Typhoon Gaemi swept through northern Taiwan on Thursday, killing two people, triggering flooding and sinking a freighter before barrelling west across the Taiwan Strait towards China where it is expected to dump more torrential rain. Gaemi made landfall around midnight It was the strongest in years.

Philippines : marée noire historique, un disparu… ce que l’on sait du naufrage d’un pétrolier

2024-07-25T11:12+0200presseocean (fr)

Le pétrolier MT Terra Nova, battant pavillon philippin, a coulé au large de la capitale des Philippines , Manille, ce jeudi 25 juillet 2024, avec 1,4 million de litres de pétrole à son bord. Un membre d’équipage est porté disparu, tandis que les autorités font tout pour éviter la plus grande marée....

Philippines : marée noire historique, un disparu… ce que l’on sait du naufrage d’un pétrolier

2024-07-25T11:12+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Le pétrolier MT Terra Nova, battant pavillon philippin, a coulé au large de la capitale des Philippines , Manille, ce jeudi 25 juillet 2024, avec 1,4 million de litres de pétrole à son bord. Un membre d’équipage est porté disparu, tandis que les autorités font tout pour éviter la plus grande marée....

Taiwan: Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall Bringing Torrential Rains

2024-07-25T11:11+0200guampdn (en)

Widespread flooding hit Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rainfall on Thursday, July 25. Gaemi made landfall around midnight on the coast of northwestern Yilan County. According to weather officials, it was the most powerful typhoon that struck Taiwan in the last 8 years with gusts of up to 227 kph (141 mph).

Philippines : marée noire historique, un disparu… ce que l’on sait du naufrage d’un pétrolier

2024-07-25T11:11+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Le pétrolier MT Terra Nova, battant pavillon philippin, a coulé au large de la capitale des Philippines , Manille, ce jeudi 25 juillet 2024, avec 1,4 million de litres de pétrole à son bord. Un membre d’équipage est porté disparu, tandis que les autorités font tout pour éviter la plus grande marée....

Philippines : marée noire historique, un disparu… ce que l’on sait du naufrage d’un pétrolier

2024-07-25T11:09+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Le pétrolier MT Terra Nova, battant pavillon philippin, a coulé au large de la capitale des Philippines , Manille, ce jeudi 25 juillet 2024, avec 1,4 million de litres de pétrole à son bord. Un membre d’équipage est porté disparu, tandis que les autorités font tout pour éviter la plus grande marée....

Typhoon Gaemi Devastates Taiwan and Heads Towards China

2024-07-25T11:06+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi struck northern Taiwan , leading to three fatalities, extensive flooding, and significant damage. The storm severed power for half a million homes and cancelled numerous flights. It is now advancing towards China , prompting heavy rain warnings and evacuations in coastal regions of Fujian and Zhejiang.

Chine : plus de 150.000 habitants déménagent dans l'Est à l'approche du typhon Gaemi

2024-07-25T11:06+0200lecourrier (fr)

73 lignes de ferry pour passagers le long de la côte de la province ont été suspendues et 97 vols annulés. Plus de 29.000 personnes travaillant sur des radeaux de pêche le long de la côte ont été évacuées vers le rivage, 733 bateaux de pêche se sont mis à l'abris dans les ports et quelque 3.

Le bilan des inondations et des glissements de terrain s'élève à 21 morts

2024-07-25T11:06+0200lecourrier (fr)

Selon un rapport préliminaire, les forces de l'ordre ont indiqué que sept personnes sont mortes dans la région de la capitale Manille, trois dans la province de Cavite, cinq dans celle de Batangas, et trois dans celle de Rizal. Elle a également ajouté qu'une personne a été retrouvée morte dans la....

Aux Philippines, un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole coule au large de Manille Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a coulé, ce jeudi, au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui tentent d’éviter une marée noire et recherchent un membre d’équipage disparu.

2024-07-25T11:01+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Le MT Terra Nova se dirigeait vers la ville d’Iloilo, dans le centre des Philippines , lorsqu’il a chaviré et coulé, tôt jeudi, à environ sept kilomètres de la ville de Limay, située au niveau de la baie de Manille, en face de la capitale. « Nous sommes (lancés) dans une course contre la montre et....

Tanker and general cargoship capsize as Typhoon Gaemi sweeps across Taiwan

2024-07-25T11:00+0200maritimeintelligence (en)

PHILIPPINES-flagged product tanker Terra Nova IMO: 9092666 ) capsized in rough sea off the Philippines on Thursday, sparking a search and rescue operation for the one remaining missing crew member and an oil spill response to deal with the 1.4 tonnes of fuel oil it was carrying.

China upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T10:59+0200chinadailyhk (en)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 24, 2024 shows fishing boats taking shelter from the approaching Typhoon Gaemi at a harbor of Lianjiang County in Fuzhou, Southeast China 's Fujian province. (PHOTO / XINHUA) BEIJING/FUZHOU/CHANGCHUN - China's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the....

China's transport ministry upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T10:58+0200gov-cn-en (en)

BEIJING, July 25 -- China 's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second highest level. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 55 km southeast of waters off Pingtan in east China's Fujian Province at 10 a.m.

Marcos blames climate change, poor trash disposal for severe Metro Manila floods

2024-07-25T10:55+0200rappler (en)

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. sees the need to reexamine the designs of the government's flood control structures following the widespread flooding caused by the enhanced southwest monsoon. MANILA, Philippines – After President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. inspected severely flooded areas in Metro Manila....

11:44 Catastrophe Philippines : naufrage d'un pétrolier, course contre la montre pour éviter une marée noire

2024-07-25T10:46+0200lorientlejour (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a chaviré puis coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui s'activent pour éviter une marée noire catastrophique pour le littoral et l'environnement marin.

VIDEO Filippine, petroliera affonda in baia Manila con carico di 1,4 milioni di litri di petrolio L'imbarcazione è affondata nelle prime ore del mattino a quasi 7 km al largo del comune di Limay Una petroliera battente bandiera filippina che trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di olio combustibile....

2024-07-25T10:45+0200informazione (it)

L'imbarcazione è affondata nelle prime ore del mattino a quasi 7 km al largo del comune di Limay Una petroliera battente bandiera filippina che trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di olio combustibile industriale si è capovolta ed è affondata al largo di Manila giovedì 25 luglio, come riportato dalle autorità locali.

Over 150,000 relocated in Fujian as Typhoon Gaemi nears

2024-07-25T10:43+0200cgtn (en)

Southeast China 's Fujian Province had relocated 156,800 residents as of 7 a.m. Thursday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, approaches, said local authorities. Meanwhile, 73 passenger ferry routes along the province's coast were suspended and 97 flights canceled.

‘Ganito na lang ba palagi?’: Senate to probe flood control projects after 'Carina', habagat crisis

2024-07-25T10:40+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines “What happened to ‘building back better'?” asked Senate President Francis Escudero following the widespread flooding induced by the Super Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. The phrase appears to be a play on the name of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Gaemi to make second landfall in Fujian

2024-07-25T10:38+0200ecns (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, will make its second landfall in East China 's Fujian province around Thursday afternoon or night, as forecasted by the National Meteorological Center. The center issued a red warning signal — the highest — on Thursday morning for the typhoon.

Thousands stranded by floods in Philippine capital as deadly typhoon prompts calls for climate action

2024-07-25T10:37+0200wn (en)

CNN — Much of the Philippine capital remained underwater Thursday after deadly Typhoon Gaemi worsened torrential monsoon rains that lashed the country, trapping thousands of people in rising flood waters and causing widespread damage. Continuous heavy rains, massive flooding and landslides across....

Deadly typhoon slams Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-25T10:37+0200foxweather (en)

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - JULY 24: Residents trapped by flooding caused by Typhoon Gaemi and monsoon rains are rescued on July 24, 2024 in Quezon city, Metro Manila, Philippines . Monsoon rains, intensified by Typhoon Gaemi, have caused flooding and landslides throughout the Philippines, resulting in at....

Gaemi mette in ginocchio le Filippine: 13 morti e 600mila gli sfollati. L'arrivo su Taiwan

2024-07-25T10:37+0200rainews (it)

È di 13 morti e 600mila sfollati il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dei danni causati dal tifone Gaemi che si è abbattuto sulle Filippine e ha inondato la capitale Manila. La furia dei venti e delle piogge monsoniche è così forte da aver provocato anche il ribaltamento di una petroliera con il rischio....

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 mn litres of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T10:36+0200enca (en)

MANILA - A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres....

Several flights between S’pore and Fuzhou, Manila, Taipei cancelled due to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T10:36+0200straitstimesSG (en)

SINGAPORE - Multiple flights between Singapore and cities affected by Typhoon Gaemi have been cancelled or rescheduled on July 25, as the powerful typhoon heads towards southern China after sweeping past the Philippines and Taiwan on July 24. According to Changi Airport’s website, two Xiamen....

Le typhon Gaemi a fait 20 morts aux Philippines, deux à Taïwan et se dirige vers la Chine Dans la nuit du mercredi 24 au jeudi 25 juillet 2024, le typhon, qui devrait être "le plus puissant" à frapper l'île en huit ans, a touché terre à Taïwan. 10:29 International

2024-07-25T10:34+0200actu (fr)

Selon les dernières données météorologiques, le centre (du typhon Gaemi ) a touché terre près de Nan’ao, dans le comté de Yilan, aujourd’hui vers minuit (16h GMT mercredi 24 juillet) , a indiqué l’Administration centrale de la météo de Taïwan sur Facebook.

Typhoon Gaemi Dumps Heavy Rain on Manila

2024-07-25T10:33+0200tempo-co (en)

A girl walks past the debris and mud following the floods brought by Typhoon Gaemi , in Marikina City, Metro Manila, Philippines , July 25, 2024. REUTERS/Lisa Marie David. 25 Juli 2024 00:00 WIB. A man pushes mud and debris off his house following the floods brought by Typhoon Gaemi, in Marikina City, Metro Manila, Philippines, July 25, 2024.

China's transport ministry upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T10:32+0200china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) -- China 's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second highest level. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 55 km southeast of waters off Pingtan in east China's Fujian Province at 10 a.m.

Chine : le typhon Gaemi touche terre à l'Est de Taïwan (Chine)

2024-07-25T10:31+0200lecourrier (fr)

Le typhon Gaemi , le troisième de cette année, a touché terre dans le district de Yilan, dans l'Est de Taïwan (Chine), faisant 2 morts et 201 blessés, a rapporté jeudi 25 juillet l'Agence Chine nouvelle citant les autorités locales. Le typhon devrait se diriger vers l'ouest puis le nord-ouest à une....

Petroliera affonda con 1,4 milioni di litri di petrolio, marea nera nelle Filippine: disastro ambientale

2024-07-25T10:27+0200fanpage (it)

Si teme un disastro ambientale di enormi proporzioni nelle acque delle Filippine dove giovedì una petroliera che trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di carburant e si è rovesciata ed è affondata iniziando a riversare in mare il petrolio. La nave Terra Nova, una petroliera battente bandiera delle....

OVP confirms VP Sara on 'personal' trip abroad amid 'Carina' onslaught

2024-07-25T10:26+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines After heavy rains from Typhoon Carina pummeled Luzon and forced thousands to evacuate, the Office of the Vice President confirmed that Vice President Sara Duterte is on a "personal trip" abroad with her family. The OVP said in a statement on Thursday that the timing of Duterte's....

La città di Manila invasa dal fango e dall'acqua: tutto, o quasi, è da buttare

2024-07-25T10:25+0200rainews (it)

I cittadini cercano di salvare e pulire ciò che è rimasto dopo il passaggio del tifone Gaemi che ha provocato 13mila morti. La gambe immerse in una fanghiglia scura e melmosa: i cittadini di Manila cercano di salvare ciò che si può recuperare dopo il passaggio del Tifone Gaemi che ha provocato 13mila morti e 600mila sfollati in tutte le Filippine.

Typhoon leaves 3 dead in Taiwan

2024-07-25T10:23+0200arkansasonline (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A typhoon killed three people in Taiwan as it approached the island on Wednesday, while people trapped by rising floodwaters in the Philippines called for help in the Southeast Asian nation where at least 13 died. Taiwan's Central News Agency said more than 220 other people were....

Cargo Ship Sinks, Tanker Capsizes as Typhoon Gaemi Strikes Taiwan

2024-07-25T10:20+0200newsghana (en)

Taiwan is grappling with the aftermath of Typhoon Gaemi as rescue efforts intensify for a cargo ship and a tanker affected by the storm. Off Taiwan ’s southern coast, a Tanzania-flagged cargo ship, Fu Shun, sank near Kaohsiung with nine crew members aboard.

Lancement de travaux d’inspection sur la LGV Hangzhou-Wenzhou

2024-07-25T10:20+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le 24 juillet à 10h, la station météorologique centrale a émis une alerte rouge au typhon. Troisième de cette année, le typhon Gaemi apportera des vents violents et de fortes pluies sur la côte sud-est de la Chine. Afin d’assurer la sécurité ferroviaire, la section de Ningbo de China Railways a mis....

Southern Taiwan hit hard by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T10:19+0200focustaiwan (en)

Typhoon Gaemi caused widespread destruction after barreling into Taiwan , particularly in southern parts of the island. Heavy rain led to flooding in multiple regions, trapping many people who were later rescued by the authorities.

Heavy rain from Typhoon Gaemi leads to severe flooding in parts of Taiwan

2024-07-25T10:19+0200focustaiwan (en)

Water streamed into homes in Fangliao and Donggang Townships in Pingtung County on Thursday morning, overcoming flood barriers and forcing residents to wade through up to 30 centimeters of water.

Thousands stranded by floods in Philippine capital

2024-07-25T10:18+0200wn (en)

MANILA — Much of the Philippine capital remained underwater Thursday after deadly Typhoon Gaemi worsened torrential monsoon rains that lashed the country, trapping thousands of people in rising flood ......

Gaemi to make second landfall in Fujian

2024-07-25T10:18+0200chinadaily (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, will make its second landfall in East China 's Fujian province around Thursday afternoon or night, as forecasted by the National Meteorological Center. The center issued a red warning signal — the highest — on Thursday morning for the typhoon.

Typhoon Gaemi kills dozens and injures hundreds in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T10:17+0200heart (en)

At least 25 people have been killed in landslides and massive flooding after a typhoon swept through Taiwan and worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines . A Tanzania-flagged freighter has sunk off the southern coast of Taiwan in the storm, with its nine crew members now missing.

Philippines : les images du dévastateur typhon Gaemi, qui fait 20 morts

2024-07-25T10:17+0200TF1 (fr)

Les autorités annoncent que 20 personnes ont trouvé la mort depuis mercredi aux Philippines suite au passage du typhon Gaemi . Ces décès, liés aux inondations et aux glissements de terrain, sont survenus à Manille et dans les provinces entourant la capitale.

Philippine Tanker Carrying 1.4 Mn Litres Of Oil Capsizes Off Manila

2024-07-25T10:13+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) AFP. Manila: A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Typhoon Gaemi kills dozens and injures hundreds in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T10:12+0200skynews (en)

Typhoon Gaemi worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines causing heavy flooding and landslides, while a Tanzania-flagged freighter has sunk off the southern coast of Taiwan in the storm. Searches are ongoing for the crew. At least 25 people have been killed in landslides and massive flooding after....

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T10:12+0200arabtimes (en)

In this photo taken Wednesday, July 24, 2024 and released by Hualien Fire Department, show a car being hit by falling walls after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall in Hualien county, Taiwan . (AP) TAIPEI, Taiwan, July 25, (AP): Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage....

Philippine tanker capsizes, fuel spill threatens Manila Bay

2024-07-25T10:07+0200dailysabah (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly 7 kilometers (4.

Taiwan, inondazioni a Kaohsiung dopo il passaggio del tifone Gaemi

2024-07-25T10:07+0200tgcom (it)

L'allagamento della strada di Kaohsiung dopo che il tifone Gaemi ha attraversato Taiwan durante la notte, lasciando due morti in tutta l'isola mentre forti piogge e forti raffiche continuano a sferzare l'isola nella sua scia.

Taïwan et les Philippines meurtris par le typhon Gaemi qui se dirige vers le sud de la Chine

2024-07-25T10:05+0200rfi-fr (fr)

Après avoir touché terre dans la nuit du 23 au 24 juillet à Taïwan, avec des vents jusqu'à 190 kilomètres par heure, le typhon Gaemi a pris la direction du sud de la Chine. Selon un bilan provisoire, il a causé la mort d'au moins deux personnes à Taïwan. Neuf marins sont portés disparus après le naufrage de leur cargo dans la tempête.

Typhoon Gaemi kills dozens and injures hundreds in Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T10:02+0200coastfm (en)

At least 25 people have been killed in landslides and massive flooding after a typhoon swept through Taiwan and worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines . A Tanzania-flagged freighter has sunk off the southern coast of in the storm, with its nine crew members now missing.

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 mln litres of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T09:55+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

MANILA A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. class='cf'> The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Xinhua News | Death toll from Philippine floods, landslides rises to 21

2024-07-25T09:55+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

Reported deaths from heavy rains, massive flooding, and landslides triggered by southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon Gaemi have climbed to 21, police said on Thursday. #XinhuaNews.

Schools Shut, Flights Cancelled As Typhoon Gaemi Brings Rain In Philippines

2024-07-25T09:55+0200wn (en)

Heavy rain from Typhoon Gaemi has flooded the Philippine capital Manila and nearby cities, forcing authorities to shut schools, and offices and cancel flights on Wednesday and declare a state of... ......

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T09:52+0200tribtown (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island. The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan, with more than 220 reported injured.

Le typhon Gaemi a fait 20 morts aux Philippines, selon un nouveau bilan de la police

2024-07-25T09:50+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 57 min Les pluies torrentielles accompagnant le typhon Gaemi ont fait 20 morts dans le nord des Philippines , où les opérations de nettoyage sont en cours, selon un nouveau bilan annoncé jeudi par la police. Ces décès survenus à Manille et les provinces entourant la capitale ont été....

Philippines says tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes in Manila Bay

2024-07-25T09:47+0200clubofmozambique (en)

The vessel sank as heavy rains fuelled by Typhoon Gaemi and the seasonal monsoon lashed Manila and surrounding regions in recent days. The MT Terra Nova had been heading for the central city of Iloilo when it sank in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres off Limay municipality in Bataan province, near the capital, in the early hours.

Typhoon Gaemi: China's transport ministry upgrades emergency response

2024-07-25T09:45+0200chinadailyhk (en)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 24, 2024 shows fishing boats taking shelter from the approaching Typhoon Gaemi at a harbor of Lianjiang County in Fuzhou, Southeast China 's Fujian province. (PHOTO / XINHUA) BEIJING/FUZHOU/CHANGCHUN - China's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the....

Over 150,000 people evacuated as Typhoon Gaemi approaches China’s eastern coast

2024-07-25T09:45+0200itartass_en (en)

Over 70 ferry routes have been suspended and about 100 air flights have been canceled. BEIJING, July 25. /TASS/. Chinese authorities have evacuated more than 150,000 residents from the Fujian province in the east of the country in anticipation of Typhoon Gaemi ’s impending landfall, reported.

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 mn litres of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T09:44+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Manila: A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Le typhon Gaemi a fait plusieurs dizaines morts aux Philippines

2024-07-25T09:41+0200france24 (fr)

Les pluies torrentielles accompagnant le typhon Gaemi ont fait 20 morts dans le nord des Philippines , où les opérations de nettoyage sont en cours, selon un nouveau bilan annoncé jeudi 25 juillet par la police. Ces décès, survenus à Manille et les provinces entourant la capitale, ont été causés par....

Pagasa: Yellow rainfall warning may cause flooding in some Luzon areas

2024-07-25T09:38+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines A yellow rainfall warning in some parts of Central Luzon due to the enhanced southwest monsoon (habagat) may cause flooding in flood-prone areas, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) reported on Wednesday afternoon.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T09:38+0200dailyjournal (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island. The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan, with more than 220 reported injured.

Typhon Geami : plus de 20 morts aux Philippines et à Taïwan, neuf marins disparus… Ce que l’on sait des dégâts

2024-07-25T09:36+0200leparisien (fr)

Le puissant typhon Gaemi se dirige jeudi vers l’est de la Chine après avoir balayé la veille Taïwan, où il a causé la mort de deux personnes, et les Philippinnes, où une vingtaine de personnes sont décédées, selon le dernier bilan de la police. Neuf marins sont également portés disparus après qu’un cargo a coulé au large du sud de Taïwan.

Cargo ship sinks as Typhoon Gaemi passes over Taiwan

2024-07-25T09:34+0200wn (en)

Search operations for the missing crew will be carried out once the weather stabilizes. Typhoon Gaemi passed over Taiwan overnight, killing at least two and injuring more than 200 people. ......

Philippines : un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole coule au large de Manille

2024-07-25T09:34+0200la-croix (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a coulé jeudi 25 juillet au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui tentent d’éviter une marée noire et recherchent un membre d’équipage disparu. Le MT Terra Nova se dirigeait vers la ville d’Iloilo,....

Vers une marée noire historique? Un pétrolier coule au large de Manille aux Philippines

2024-07-25T09:31+0200bfmtv (fr)

Un réveil difficile en mer. Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a coulé ce jeudi 25 juillet au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui tentent d'éviter une marée noire et recherchent un membre d'équipage disparu.

China's transport ministry upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T09:29+0200chinadaily (en)

BEIJING -- China 's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second highest level. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 55 km southeast of waters off Pingtan in East China's Fujian province at 10 am Thursday, according....

PCG probes oil tanker disaster as Marcos calls for environmental assessment

2024-07-25T09:26+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) is probing if recent weather systems are to blame for the capsizing of the MT Terra Nova, which may have spilled up to 1.4 million liters of oil off the waters of Bataan. PCG spokesperson Rear Admiral Armando Balilo said that the agency is....

Tanker capsizes off Philippines, one crew missing, battle to contain oil spill

2024-07-25T09:25+0200dunyanews (en)

MANILA (Reuters) A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing a large oil spill as coast guard rescuers search for a missing crew member, officials said. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued, Transportation....

Philippine death toll from typhoon-fuelled rains hits 20: police

2024-07-25T09:24+0200bssnews (en)

MANILA, July 25, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - Relentless rain fuelled by Typhoon Gaemi left at least 20 people dead in the northern Philippines , police said Thursday, as clean-up efforts got under way. The fatalities in Manila and surrounding provinces were caused by drownings, landslides, electrocutions and a....

Manila braces for oil spill as tanker sinks

2024-07-25T09:22+0200splash247 (en)

A tanker carrying industrial fuel oil has capsized and eventually sank 3.6 nautical miles off Lamao Point in the Philippines due to rough seas on Thursday. The incident which involved the Philippine-flagged TerraNova tanker, carrying 1,494 tonnes (around 1.

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T09:19+0200khaleejtimes (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Philippine Tanker Carrying 1.4 Mln Litres Of Oil Capsizes Off Manila

2024-07-25T09:17+0200ibtimes (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Ship sinks off Taiwan, 9 sailors missing as typhoon heads towards China

2024-07-25T09:16+0200wn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi swept towards southern China on Thursday after killing at least two people in Taiwan , with nine sailors missing after their cargo ship sank in stormy weather.The typh ......

22 killed in Philippines, three in Taiwan from landslides, floods due to Typhoon Gaemi | VIDEO

2024-07-25T09:16+0200wn (en)

Taipei: At least three people were killed in Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi swept through the northern part of the country on Thursday, triggering....

Death toll from Philippine floods, landslides rises to 21

2024-07-25T09:10+0200chinadaily (en)

MANILA -- Reported deaths from heavy rains, massive flooding, and landslides triggered by southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon Gaemi have climbed to 21, police said on Thursday. In a preliminary report, police said seven people died in the Philippine capital region Manila, three in Cavite province,....

Typhoon Gaemi kills 20 people in Philippines

2024-07-25T09:10+0200albawaba-en (en)

ALBAWABA - According to sources, Syrian President Bashar Assad and the Russian President are set to meet in Moscow. A motorcyclist rides past fallen trees due to strong winds caused by Typhoon Gaemi in Keelung on July 25, 2024. (Photo by I-Hwa CHENG / AFP) ALBAWABA - Heavy rains triggered by....

China's transport ministry upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T09:09+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) -- China 's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second highest level. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 55 km southeast of waters off Pingtan in east China's Fujian Province at 10 a.m.

Philippine tanker sinks, spilling 1,500 tons of fuel

2024-07-25T09:09+0200knews-kathimerini (en)

A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing a large oil spill as coast guard rescuers searched for a missing crew member, officials said. As reported by Reuters, sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued, Transportation....

China's transport ministry upgrades emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T09:07+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) -- China 's Ministry of Transport on Thursday upgraded the emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi to Level II, the second highest level. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 55 km southeast of waters off Pingtan in east China's Fujian Province at 10 a.m.

Typhoon Gaemi hits Taiwan, moves to mainland

2024-07-25T09:05+0200chinadailyhk (en)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 24, 2024 shows fishing boats taking shelter from the approaching Typhoon Gaemi at a harbor of Lianjiang County in Fuzhou, Southeast China 's Fujian province. (PHOTO / XINHUA) FUZHOU/CHANGCHUN - Some high-speed trains bound for Zhejiang and Fujian provinces from....

Typhoon Gaemi: Landslides, Floods Kill 22 In Philippines, 3 In Taiwan; Over 200 Injured | Details

2024-07-25T09:02+0200outlookindia (en)

Taiwan and the Philippines are quite regularly hit by typhoons. Due to their topography and high population density, losses are almost inevitable when such storms hit. In light of the catastrophic situation, offices and schools in Taiwan were closed for the second consecutive day on Thursday.

Una petroliera si ribalta, 1.4 mln di litri di carburante in mare

2024-07-25T09:01+0200virgilio-notizie (it)

Nelle prime ore di giovedì mattina, una petroliera battente bandiera filippina, la MT Terra Nova, è affondata a 3,5 miglia nautiche al largo di Limay , nella provincia di Bataan. La nave trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di carburante industriale e l’incidente ha causato una massiccia fuoriuscita di petrolio in mare .

At least 2 dead after Typhoon Gaemi batters Taiwan with strong winds, heavy rains

2024-07-25T08:55+0200hongkongfp (en)

Typhoon Gaemi passed through Taiwan overnight and was headed towards eastern China on Thursday, leaving two dead as heavy rains and strong gusts continued to lash the island in its wake. A motorcyclist rides past fallen trees due to strong winds caused by Typhoon Gaemi in Keelung on July 25, 2024. Photo: I-Hwa Cheng/AFP.

Le typhon Gaemi a fait 20 morts aux Philippines, selon un nouveau bilan de la police

2024-07-25T08:55+0200presseocean (fr)

Les pluies torrentielles accompagnant le typhon Gaemi ont fait 20 morts dans le nord des Philippines , où les opérations de nettoyage sont en cours, selon un nouveau bilan annoncé jeudi par la police. Ces décès survenus à Manille et les provinces entourant la capitale ont été causés par les....

Le typhon Gaemi a fait 20 morts aux Philippines, selon un nouveau bilan de la police

2024-07-25T08:55+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Les pluies torrentielles accompagnant le typhon Gaemi ont fait 20 morts dans le nord des Philippines , où les opérations de nettoyage sont en cours, selon un nouveau bilan annoncé jeudi par la police. Ces décès survenus à Manille et les provinces entourant la capitale ont été causés par les....

Le typhon Gaemi a fait 20 morts aux Philippines, selon un nouveau bilan de la police

2024-07-25T08:53+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Les pluies torrentielles accompagnant le typhon Gaemi ont fait 20 morts dans le nord des Philippines , où les opérations de nettoyage sont en cours, selon un nouveau bilan annoncé jeudi par la police. Ces décès survenus à Manille et les provinces entourant la capitale ont été causés par les....

Le typhon Gaemi a fait 20 morts aux Philippines, selon un nouveau bilan de la police

2024-07-25T08:51+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Les pluies torrentielles accompagnant le typhon Gaemi ont fait 20 morts dans le nord des Philippines , où les opérations de nettoyage sont en cours, selon un nouveau bilan annoncé jeudi par la police. Ces décès survenus à Manille et les provinces entourant la capitale ont été causés par les....

Typhoon sinks freighter off Taiwan on way towards China

2024-07-25T08:49+0200illawarramercury (en)

A freighter sank off the Taiwan coast in powerful seas whipped up by Typhoon Gaemi . Photo: AP PHOTO. Typhoon Gaemi has swept over northern Taiwan, killing two people, triggering flooding and sinking a freighter before barrelling west across the Taiwan Strait towards China where it is expected to dump more torrential rain.

Philippines in ‘race against time’ as oil tanker capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T08:49+0200aljazeera-en (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel has capsized off the coast of the Philippines ’s capital, Manila, resulting in the disappearance of one crew member and prompting fears of the worst oil spill in the country’s history.

Un pétrolier transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole chavire au large des Philippines: "Nous sommes dans une course contre la montre"

2024-07-25T08:48+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 07h47 Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui tentent d'éviter une marée noire et recherchent un membre d'équipage disparu.

Un cargo coule au large de Taïwan, neuf marins portés disparus

2024-07-25T08:48+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 07h38 Un cargo battant pavillon tanzanien "a coulé" au sud de l'île de Taïwan et neuf de ses membres d'équipage, des ressortissants birmans, sont portés disparus, ont annoncé jeudi les pompiers de l'île autonome balayée par le typhon Gaemi .

Typhoon sinks freighter off Taiwan on way towards China

2024-07-25T08:46+0200bordermail (en)

A freighter sank off the Taiwan coast in powerful seas whipped up by Typhoon Gaemi . Photo: AP PHOTO. Typhoon Gaemi has swept over northern Taiwan, killing two people, triggering flooding and sinking a freighter before barrelling west across the Taiwan Strait towards China where it is expected to dump more torrential rain.

Typhoon sinks freighter off Taiwan on way towards China

2024-07-25T08:44+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

A freighter sank off the Taiwan coast in powerful seas whipped up by Typhoon Gaemi . Photo: AP PHOTO. Typhoon Gaemi has swept over northern Taiwan, killing two people, triggering flooding and sinking a freighter before barrelling west across the Taiwan Strait towards China where it is expected to dump more torrential rain.

Typhoon sinks freighter off Taiwan on way towards China

2024-07-25T08:44+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

A freighter sank off the Taiwan coast in powerful seas whipped up by Typhoon Gaemi . Photo: AP PHOTO. Typhoon Gaemi has swept over northern Taiwan, killing two people, triggering flooding and sinking a freighter before barrelling west across the Taiwan Strait towards China where it is expected to dump more torrential rain.

Typhoon Gaemi: Taiwan sees flooding, landslides; kills 22 in Philippines

2024-07-25T08:41+0200business-standard (en)

The Philippine coast guard reported that an oil tanker, MT Terra Nova, loaded with about 1.4 million liters (370,000 gallons) of industrial fuel oil sank off Limay town in Bataan province early Thursday and rescuers saved 15 of 16 crew members. It's not immediately clear if the sinking was related....

Philippines : le bilan des inondations et des glissements de terrain s'élève à 21 morts

2024-07-25T08:40+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Les décès aux Philippines signalés à la suite des fortes pluies, des inondations massives et des glissements de terrain déclenchés par la mousson du sud-ouest renforcée par le typhon Gaemi ont grimpé à 21, a déclaré jeudi la police locale. Selon un rapport préliminaire, les forces de l'ordre ont....

Typhoon sinks freighter off Taiwan on way towards China

2024-07-25T08:39+0200maitlandmercury (en)

A freighter sank off the Taiwan coast in powerful seas whipped up by Typhoon Gaemi . Photo: AP PHOTO. Typhoon Gaemi has swept over northern Taiwan, killing two people, triggering flooding and sinking a freighter before barrelling west across the Taiwan Strait towards China where it is expected to dump more torrential rain.

Death toll from Philippine floods, landslides rises to 21

2024-07-25T08:36+0200uniindia (en)

Manila, July 25 (UNI) Reported deaths from heavy rains, massive flooding, and landslides triggered by southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon Gaemi have climbed to 21, police said on Thursday. In a preliminary report, police said seven people died in the Philippine capital region Manila, three in....

Typhoon sinks freighter off Taiwan on way towards China

2024-07-25T08:36+0200newcastleherald (en)

A freighter sank off the Taiwan coast in powerful seas whipped up by Typhoon Gaemi . Photo: AP PHOTO. Typhoon Gaemi has swept over northern Taiwan, killing two people, triggering flooding and sinking a freighter before barrelling west across the Taiwan Strait towards China where it is expected to dump more torrential rain.

Philippine death toll from typhoon-fuelled rains hits 20: Police

2024-07-25T08:35+0200wn (en)

Relentless rain fuelled by Typhoon Gaemi left at least 20 people dead in the northern Philippines , police said Thursday, as....

Ship with nine crew sinks off Taiwan as typhoon hits

2024-07-25T08:34+0200citinewsroom (en)

Rescue officials in Taiwan are searching for a cargo ship with nine crew members that has sunk off its southern coast. The Tanzania-flagged freighter had been off the southern port city of Kaohsiung when Taiwan was struck by Typhoon Gaemi . The storm has also brought relentless rain to the Philippines , where a tanker carrying close to 1.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall

2024-07-25T08:33+0200seychellesnewsagency (en)

) - Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on Taiwan 's eastern coast in the early hours of Thursday, after unleashing torrential rainfall and whipping winds across the island that left two people dead. On its path to Taiwan, Gaemi had also exacerbated seasonal rains in nearby Philippines , triggering flooding and landslides that killed six.

Philippines: le typhon Gaemi fait au moins 20 morts

2024-07-25T08:31+0200lefigaro (fr)

Les pluies torrentielles accompagnant le typhon Gaemi ont fait 20 morts dans le nord des Philippines , où les opérations de nettoyage sont en cours, selon un nouveau bilan annoncé ce jeudi 25 juillet par la police. Ces décès survenus à Manille et les provinces entourant la capitale ont été causés....

Over 5,000 Zambales residents displaced by Carina, southwest monsoon

2024-07-25T08:25+0200inquirer (en)

Jemmy Olegario, 73, sits beside a temporary shelter they built along a coastal road in Barangay San Miguel, San Antonio town, Zambales, after their home near the river was flooded due to heavy rainfall on Wednesday. (Photo by Joanna Rose Aglibot) SAN ANTONIO, Zambales Jemmy Olegario, 73, and his....

Philippines says tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes in Manila Bay

2024-07-25T08:24+0200thestandard-hk (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they sought to contain a spill stretching several kilometres. The MT Terra Nova had been heading for the central city of Iloilo when it sank in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Typhoon Gaemi hits Taiwan, moves to mainland

2024-07-25T08:20+0200ecns (en)

Some high-speed trains bound for Zhejiang and Fujian provinces from Guangdong province were suspended on Thursday, as typhoon Gaemi approaches, according to local railway operators. It is the third typhoon this year. Trains between Shenzhen and Hangzhou, as well as those on the line between Meizhou....

21 dead as habagat, 'Carina' batter Luzon

2024-07-25T08:20+0200sunstar (en)

THE Philippine National Police (PNP) has recorded 21 deaths due to the onslaught of the combined effects of Southwest Monsoon or habagat and Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ). In a press conference, PNP chief of the Public Information Office (PIO) Colonel Jean Fajardo said of the 21 fatalities, seven were from....

Cargo ship sinks as Typhoon Gaemi passes over Taiwan

2024-07-25T08:18+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Taiwan's Central Emergency Operation Center said Thursday a cargo ship had sunk after Typhoon Gaemi passed over the island overnight. Freighter Fu-Shun with a Tanzanian flag sank off the Kaohsiung Harbor coast, with nine crew members from Myanmar missing. The search operation will be carried on after conditions improve.

Habagat, Carina damage to agri breaches P200-M

2024-07-25T08:16+0200tribuneonline (en)

As Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) exits the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on Thursday morning, which enhanced the Southwest Monsoon, or Habagat, its combined effects have presently caused damages and losses to local crop production amounting to over P200 million.

Imee Marcos on VP Sara's Germany trip: She didn't know there was storm

2024-07-25T08:09+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Sen. Imee Marcos defended Vice President Sara Duterte, who was criticized for leaving the country amid a calamity. Duterte and her family left the country early Wednesday morning while many areas were grappling with the devastation caused by the effects of Supertyphoon Carina....

Death toll from Philippine floods, landslides rises to 21

2024-07-25T08:08+0200english-news-cn (en)

MANILA, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Reported deaths from heavy rains, massive flooding, and landslides triggered by southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon Gaemi have climbed to 21, police said on Thursday. In a preliminary report, police said seven people died in the Philippine capital region Manila, three....

Standard » Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes in Manila Bay

2024-07-25T08:07+0200kenyamoja (en)

Coast guard personnel collects water sample from of an oil spill in the waters off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. [AFP photo] A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced against time to contain the spill.

Death toll from Philippine floods, landslides rises to 21

2024-07-25T08:07+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Reported deaths from heavy rains, massive flooding, and landslides triggered by southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon Gaemi have climbed to 21, police said on Thursday. In a preliminary report, police said seven people died in the Philippine capital region Manila, three....

‘Carina’ out of PAR; monsoon rains linger

2024-07-25T08:04+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ), now weakened, exited the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) late Thursday morning, according to the state weather bureau PAGASA. In its 11 a.m. bulletin, PAGASA reported that Carina was located 515 kilometers north-northwest of....

Tanker Capsizes Off Philippines

2024-07-25T08:04+0200marinelink (en)

A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing a large oil spill as coast guard rescuers search for a missing crew member, officials said. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista....

Massive oil spill after tanker containing 1,400,000 tonnes of fuel capsizes

2024-07-25T08:02+0200metro-uk (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker MT Terra Nova carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila (Picture: Getty) A tanker carrying 1,400,000 litres of fuel has capsized in the Philippines , causing a massive oil spill. Sixteen of the 17 crew members onboard the MT Terra Nova....

Typhoon Gaemi: Taiwan sees flooding and landslides, 22 die in the Philippines

2024-07-25T08:01+0200expressindia (en)

Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island. The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan , with more than 220 reported injured.

Over 150,000 relocated in east China province as Typhoon Gaemi nears

2024-07-25T07:59+0200peopledaily (en)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 24, 2024 shows fishing boats taking shelter from the approaching Typhoon Gaemi at a harbor of Lianjiang County in Fuzhou, east China 's Fujian Province. (Xinhua/Wei Peiquan) FUZHOU, July 25 (Xinhua) -- East China's Fujian Province had relocated 156,800 residents as of 7 a.

En AsieUn cargo coule au large de Taïwan, neuf marins portés disparus 0 0 0

2024-07-25T07:59+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un cargo battant pavillon tanzanien a coulé au large du sud de Taïwan et neuf de ses membres d'équipage, des ressortissants birmans, sont portés disparus, ont annoncé jeudi les pompiers de l'île autonome balayée par le typhon Gaemi . Les marins avaient enfilé des gilets de sauvetage mais il n'y avait....

Typhoon Gaemi leaves 3 dead, 227 injured as it approaches Taiwan

2024-07-25T07:58+0200manilametro (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 25 (ANI): Taiwan grappled with the devastating impact of Typhoon Gaemi as the storm intensified and drew nearer, unleashing strong winds and torrential rain across the island, Focus Taiwan reported. As of 10:40 pm on Wednesday, authorities reported that at least three people....

Lisa Marie David/Reuters

2024-07-25T07:58+0200cnn (en)

Much of the Philippine capital remained underwater Thursday after deadly Typhoon Gaemi worsened torrential monsoon rains that lashed the country, trapping thousands of people in rising flood waters and causing widespread damage. Continuous heavy rains, massive flooding and landslides across the....

Typhoon Gaemi leaves 3 dead, 227 injured as it approaches Taiwan

2024-07-25T07:57+0200singaporestar (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 25 (ANI): Taiwan grappled with the devastating impact of Typhoon Gaemi as the storm intensified and drew nearer, unleashing strong winds and torrential rain across the island, Focus Taiwan reported. As of 10:40 pm on Wednesday, authorities reported that at least three people....

Typhoon Gaemi leaves 3 dead, 227 injured as it approaches Taiwan

2024-07-25T07:56+0200timesofoman (en)

Taipei: Taiwan grappled with the devastating impact of Typhoon Gaemi as the storm intensified and drew nearer, unleashing strong winds and torrential rain across the island, Focus Taiwan reported. As of 10:40 pm on Wednesday, authorities reported that at least three people lost their lives and more....

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T07:54+0200stripes (en)

A woman struggles with her umbrella against gusts of wind generated by Typhoon Gaemi in Taipei, Taiwan , Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

UNICEF concerned for children in parts of the Philippines affected by Typhoon Carina/Gaemi

2024-07-25T07:54+0200reliefWeb (en)

MANILA, 25 July 2024 UNICEF is deeply concerned for children as the trail of destruction caused the Typhoon Carina (known internationally as Gaemi ) and the Southwest Monsoon become clear. The combined effects brought heavy to intense rains in the past days in Metro Manila, Northern Luzon, and Central Luzon.

Cargo ship sinks off Taiwan, 9 sailors missing: authorities

2024-07-25T07:54+0200terradaily (en)

Taipei, July 25 (AFP) Jul 25, 2024 A cargo ship sank off Taiwan 's southern coast, with its nine Myanmar sailors missing after abandoning ship in life jackets, authorities said Thursday. Stormy weather in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi has prevented rescuers from reaching the sailors, Hsiao Huan-chang,....

Typhon Gaemi : un cargo coule au large de Taïwan, neuf marins portés disparus

2024-07-25T07:54+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Neuf marins, des ressortissants birmans, sont portés disparus, après qu’un cargo battant pavillon tanzanien a coulé au large du sud de Taïwan , ont annoncé jeudi 25 juillet les pompiers de l’île autonome balayée par le typhon Gaemi . Les marins avaient enfilé des gilets de sauvetage mais il n’y avait....

Typhon Gaemi : un cargo coule au large de Taïwan, neuf marins portés disparus

2024-07-25T07:53+0200presseocean (fr)

Neuf marins, des ressortissants birmans, sont portés disparus, après qu’un cargo battant pavillon tanzanien a coulé au large du sud de Taïwan , ont annoncé jeudi 25 juillet les pompiers de l’île autonome balayée par le typhon Gaemi . Les marins avaient enfilé des gilets de sauvetage mais il n’y avait....

Typhon Gaemi : un cargo coule au large de Taïwan, neuf marins portés disparus

2024-07-25T07:53+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Neuf marins, des ressortissants birmans, sont portés disparus, après qu’un cargo battant pavillon tanzanien a coulé au large du sud de Taïwan , ont annoncé jeudi 25 juillet les pompiers de l’île autonome balayée par le typhon Gaemi . Les marins avaient enfilé des gilets de sauvetage mais il n’y avait....

GCash extends assistance to users affected by typhoon Carina

2024-07-25T07:52+0200inquirer (en)

In response to recent challenges brought by super typhoon Carina (international name Gaemi ) , GCash, through its credit arm Fuse Lending, has announced a two-week payment grace period to borrowers of GLoan and GGives in calamity-hit areas. “Understanding the importance of having extra money during....

Typhon Gaemi : un cargo coule au large de Taïwan, neuf marins portés disparus

2024-07-25T07:52+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Neuf marins, des ressortissants birmans, sont portés disparus, après qu’un cargo battant pavillon tanzanien a coulé au large du sud de Taïwan , ont annoncé jeudi 25 juillet les pompiers de l’île autonome balayée par le typhon Gaemi . Les marins avaient enfilé des gilets de sauvetage mais il n’y avait....

Philippines says tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of oil capsizes in Manila Bay

2024-07-25T07:49+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Manila, Philippines —A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced against time to contain the spill. The MT Terra Nova had been heading for the central city of Iloilo when it sank in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometers (4.

Tanker with 1500 tonnes of oil sinks off Philippines

2024-07-25T07:46+0200radionz (en)

A tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel has capsized and sank off the Philippine capital on Thursday, causing an oil spill, officials say. Sixteen crew members of the Philippine-flagged MT Terra Nova have been rescued while one remains missing, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said.

Tanker with 1500 tonnes of oil sinks off Philippines

2024-07-25T07:45+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

A tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel has capsized and sank off the Philippine capital on Thursday, causing an oil spill, officials say. Sixteen crew members of the Philippine-flagged MT Terra Nova have been rescued while one remains missing, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said.

Cargo Ship With Nine Crew Members Sinks Off Taiwan Amid Typhoon Gaemi, Rescue Operation Underway

2024-07-25T07:45+0200menafn (en)

- AsiaNet News) Rescue officials in Taiwan are urgently searching for a cargo ship with nine crew members that sank off the southern coast amid Typhoon Gaemi on Thursday. The Tanzania-flagged freighter, located near the port city of Kaohsiung, went down as the powerful storm struck Taiwan, leading to significant destruction.

Taïwan frappé par le typhon Gaemi, le plus puissant sur son île en huit ans

2024-07-25T07:44+0200actu-orange (fr)

Le typhon a déjà causé des pluies torrentielles et des vents violents sur l'île. Les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes ont été évacuées. Malgré cela, le typhon a entraîné la mort de huit personnes.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T07:42+0200mb-com-ph (en)

A Buddhist nun struggles with her umbrella against gusts of wind generated by Typhoon Gaemi in Taipei, Taiwan , Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying) TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island.

Philippine capital region under state of calamity due to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T07:41+0200phnompenhpost (en)

Many parts of Metro Manila have been flooded since Tuesday due to the heavy rains brought by Typhoon Gaemi , local name Carina, and the southwest monsoon. The Metro Manila Council (MMC) on Wednesday approved a resolution declaring a state of calamity in the capital region due to the onslaught of Typhoon Carina and the southwest monsoon.

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 mn litres of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T07:41+0200thehindu (en)

“Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on July 25,” authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Tanker capsizes off Philippines, one crew missing, battle to contain oil spill

2024-07-25T07:41+0200business-times (en)

A MARINE tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday (Jul 25), causing a large oil spill as coast guard rescuers search for a missing crew member, officials said. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued, Transportation Secretary Jaime....

Taïwan frappé par le typhon Gaemi, le plus puissant sur son île en huit ans

2024-07-25T07:40+0200bfmtv (fr)

Le typhon a déjà causé des pluies torrentielles et des vents violents sur l'île. Les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes ont été évacuées. Malgré cela, le typhon a entraîné la mort de huit personnes.

Catastrophe écologiqueUn pétrolier avec 1,4 million de litres de pétrole coule au large de Manille 0 0 0

2024-07-25T07:37+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million de litres de pétrole a coulé jeudi au large de Manille, ont annoncé les autorités qui tentent d'éviter une marée noire et recherchent un membre d'équipage disparu. Un pétrolier battant pavillon philippin et transportant 1,4 million....

Una petroliera si è ribaltata nella baia di Manila, nelle Filippine

2024-07-25T07:37+0200247libero (it)

Giovedì mattina una petroliera che trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di carburante si è ribaltata nella baia di Manila, la capitale delle Filippine: la nave si chiamava Terra Nova, batteva bandiera filippina e l’incidente che l’ha coinvolta ha causato il versamento nel mare di una parte del carburante.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T07:35+0200wn (en)

Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and building damage after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island ......

Cargo ship sinks off Taiwan, 9 sailors missing: authorities

2024-07-25T07:35+0200wn (en)

<p>Taipei, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jul, 2024) A cargo ship sank off Taiwan 's southern coast, with its nine Myanmar sailors missing after abandoning ship in life jackets, authorities said Thursday.</p><p> Stormy weather in the wake of Typhoon Gaemi has prevented rescuers from....

E.China’s Fujian suspends transportation, closes scenic areas as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-25T07:35+0200peopledaily (en)

East China 's Fujian Province has deployed emergency measures including suspending passenger train and ferry services, closing scenic areas, and strengthening the early warning system, as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, is forecast to make landfall on Thursday in the province's coastal regions, and then move further northward.

Super typhoon Gaemi tracker live: Three dead as super storm heads towards China after Taiwan landfall

2024-07-25T07:35+0200wn (en)

Gaemi is now heading toward Fuzhou in China ’s Fujian province...

GCash extends assistance to users affected by typhoon Carina

2024-07-25T07:34+0200bworldcom (en)

GCash extends 2-week grace period for typhoon-hit borrowers, waives fees for buy load, GCash PO cash-ins. In response to recent challenges brought by super typhoon Carina (international name Gaemi ), GCash, through its credit arm Fuse Lending, has announced a two-week payment grace period to borrowers of GLoan and GGives in calamity-hit areas.

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 mil liters of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T07:32+0200japantoday (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometers off Limay....

Live: Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rainfall to southeast Asian countries

2024-07-25T07:32+0200cgtn (en)

Gaemi , the first typhoon of the season, has caused high winds and heavy rain across Southeast Asia. Flooding brought by the typhoon caused large swathes of the Philippines ' capital on July 24 to go underwater, drowning streets, homes, schools and hospitals in up to chest-deep floodwaters and forcing....

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T07:32+0200devdiscourse (en)

Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island. The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan , with more than 220 reported injured.

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 mln litres of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T07:32+0200guampdn (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Una petroliera si è ribaltata nella baia di Manila, nelle Filippine

2024-07-25T07:29+0200ilpost (it)

Giovedì mattina una petroliera che trasportava 1,4 milioni di litri di carburante si è ribaltata nella baia di Manila, la capitale delle Filippine: la nave si chiamava Terra Nova, batteva bandiera filippina e l’incidente che l’ha coinvolta ha causato il versamento nel mare di una parte del carburante.

Tanker capsizes off Philippines, one crew missing, battle to contain oil spill

2024-07-25T07:26+0200philstar (en)

MANILA — A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing a large oil spill as coast guard rescuers search for a missing crew member, officials said. Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued, Transportation Secretary Jaime....

A typhoon kills 3 as it nears Taiwan. It killed 13 in the Philippines, where people plead for rescue

2024-07-25T07:26+0200mb-com-ph (en)

A Buddhist nun struggles with her umbrella against gusts of wind generated by Typhoon Gaemi in Taipei, Taiwan , Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying) TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A typhoon killed three people in Taiwan as it approached the island on Wednesday, while people trapped by rising....

More Luzon areas under state of calamity due to Typhoon Carina onslaught

2024-07-25T07:24+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines More areas in Luzon were placed under a state of calamity due to the onslaught of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon on Wednesday, Interior Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. said on Thursday. Speaking at a Palace briefing, Abalos said the information came from the data his office has gathered.

Oil Spill Reported in Philippines After Tanker Capsizes

2024-07-25T07:23+0200shipandbunker (en)

An oil spill has been reported in the Philippines after a tanker capsized. The tanker MT Terra Nova capsized off Limay on Thursday morning, news agency Reuters reported, citing comments from Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista. 16 of the 17-strong crew have been recovered.

Typhoon Gaemi Sinks Ship off Taiwan

2024-07-25T07:22+0200maritime-network (en)

Typhoon Gaemi swept through northern Taiwan on Thursday, killing two people, triggering flooding and sinking a freighter offshore, before heading across the sea and into China where it is expected to dump more torrential rain.

Philippines Says Tanker Carrying 1.4 Metric Tons Of Oil Capsizes In Manila Bay

2024-07-25T07:22+0200nytimes (en)

A tanker sank in Philippine waters and began spilling fuel oil on Thursday, as the remnants of a typhoon complicated efforts to contain the spill. The MT Terra Nova, a tanker flying under the flag of the Philippines , sank four miles east of Lamao Point in Limay, Bataan, a province northwest of the....

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes in Manila Bay, authorities rush to contain 7km oil spill

2024-07-25T07:22+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MANILA, July 25 — A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila today, authorities said, as they raced against time to contain the spill. The MT Terra Nova had been heading for the central city of Iloilo when it sank in Manila Bay, nearly....

Le typhon Gaemi, qui a fait deux morts à Taïwan, prend la direction de la Chine

2024-07-25T07:21+0200maville (fr)

Absolutely wild stuff is happening in the Western Pacific as Typhoon Gaemi deviated considerably south from the forecasted path due to interaction with Taiwan ’s mountainous terrain, now making a counterclockwise loop just off the main island’s eastern coast.

Philippine Tanker Carrying 1.4 Million Litres Of Oil Capsizes In Manila Bay

2024-07-25T07:15+0200ndtvnews (en)

Manila: A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced against time to contain the spill. The MT Terra Nova had been heading for the central city of Iloilo when it sank in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes in Manila Bay, authorities rush to contain 7km oil spill

2024-07-25T07:15+0200malaymail (en)

MANILA, July 25 — A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila today, authorities said, as they raced against time to contain the spill. The MT Terra Nova had been heading for the central city of Iloilo when it sank in Manila Bay, nearly....

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 mln litres of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T07:14+0200digitaljournal (en)

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill. The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 mln litres of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T07:11+0200france24-en (en)

The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.3 miles) off Limay municipality in Bataan province, near the capital, in the early hours. The vessel went down as heavy rains fuelled by Typhoon Gaemi and the seasonal monsoon have....

Tifone Gaemi, scia di danni e morti tra Filippine e Taiwan: ora punta la Cina | FOTO e VIDEO

2024-07-25T07:11+0200informazione (it)

MeteoWeb Il tifone Gaemi ha lasciato una scia di devastazione e morte tra le Filippine e Taiwan e ora si dirige verso la Cina continentale . Taiwan ha registrato inondazioni nelle aree a bassa quota, frane e danni a case e negozi dopo che Gaemi ha toccato terra sull’isola.

Typhoon Gaemi hits Taiwan, moves to mainland

2024-07-25T07:09+0200chinadaily (en)

Some high-speed trains bound for Zhejiang and Fujian provinces from Guangdong province were suspended on Thursday, as typhoon Gaemi approaches, according to local railway operators. It is the third typhoon this year. Trains between Shenzhen and Hangzhou, as well as those on the line between Meizhou....

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 mln litres of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T07:08+0200rfi-en (en)

The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.3 miles) off Limay municipality in Bataan province, near the capital, in the early hours. The vessel went down as heavy rains fuelled by Typhoon Gaemi and the seasonal monsoon have....

Typhoon Carina exits PAR but rain from enhanced southwest monsoon persists

2024-07-25T07:07+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) left the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on Thursday morning, July 25, but it continues to enhance the southwest monsoon or habagat. As of 10 am on Thursday, Carina was already 515 kilometers north northwest of Itbayat, Batanes, outside PAR.

Philippine tanker carrying 1.4 mln litres oil capsizes in Manila Bay

2024-07-25T07:07+0200arynews (en)

MANILA, Philippines : A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced against time to contain the spill. The MT Terra Nova had been heading for the central city of Iloilo when it sank in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

Tanker with 1,500 tonnes of oil sinks off Philippines

2024-07-25T07:06+0200adaderana (en)

A tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel has capsized and sank off the Philippine capital on Thursday, causing an oil spill, officials say. Sixteen crew members of the Philippine-flagged MT Terra Nova have been rescued while one remains missing, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said.

Typhoon Gaemi Heads for China’s Coast After Pummeling Taiwan

2024-07-25T07:05+0200fokuskina (en)

New York Times - Publicerad för för 7 minuter sedan The tropical cyclone was weakening as it crossed the Taiwan Strait on Thursday afternoon, and was forecast to make landfall later in the day.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T07:05+0200inquirer (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island. The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan, with more than 220 reported injured.

MIL-OSI China: Over 150,000 relocated in Fujian as Typhoon Gaemi nears

2024-07-25T07:03+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 24, 2024 shows fishing boats taking shelter from the approaching Typhoon Gaemi at a harbor of Lianjiang county in Fuzhou, east China ’s Fujian province. [Photo/Xinhua] East China’s Fujian province had relocated 156,800 residents as of 7 a.m.

Tifone Gaemi, scia di danni e morti tra Filippine e Taiwan: ora punta la Cina | FOTO e VIDEO

2024-07-25T07:01+0200meteoweb (it)

Il tifone Gaemi ha lasciato una scia di devastazione e morte tra le Filippine e Taiwan e ora si dirige verso la Cina continentale. Taiwan ha registrato inondazioni nelle aree a bassa quota, frane e danni a case e negozi dopo che Gaemi ha toccato terra sull’isola.

One missing after tanker capsizes off Bataan, Philippines

2024-07-25T07:00+0200bairdmaritime (en)

Transportation officials in the Philippines have reported that one person has gone missing after a locally-registered commercial oil tanker capsized and sank off Bataan province north of Manila in the early morning hours (local time) of Thursday, July 25.

Ship with nine crew sinks off Taiwan during typhoon

2024-07-25T06:56+0200dailynews-lk (en)

Rescue officials in Taiwan are searching for a cargo ship with nine crew members that has sunk off its southern coast. The Tanzania-flagged freighter had been off the southern port city of Kaohsiung when Taiwan was struck by Typhoon Gaemi . The storm, which made landfall on Taiwan’s east coast, has....

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T06:53+0200eagletribune (en)

Two men struggle with their umbrellas against gusts of wind generated by Typhoon Gaemi in Taipei, Taiwan , Wednesday, July 24, 2024. CORRECTS MONTH - Waves crash onto the coastline before typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in northeastern Taiwan's Yilan county on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

Typhoon Gaemi sinks freighter off Taiwan, nine crew missing

2024-07-25T06:52+0200wn (en)

Rest of World News: A Tanzania-flagged freighter with....

Typhoon Gaemi barrels through Taiwan, killing two, heads to Chinese coast

2024-07-25T06:52+0200wn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi swept through northern Taiwan on Thursday, killing two people, bringing floods and snarling....

Cargo ship sinks off Taiwan, 9 sailors abandon ship: emergency officials

2024-07-25T06:51+0200bssnews (en)

TAIPEI, July 25, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - A Tanzania-flagged cargo ship "had sank" off Taiwan 's southern coast and forced its nine Myanmar crew members to abandon ship, the head of Taiwan's National Fire Agency said Thursday. "(They) they fell into the sea and were floating there (with life jackets)," said....

Tanker with 1,500 tonnes of oil sinks off Philippines

2024-07-25T06:46+0200dailymirror (en)

July 25 (BBC) - A tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel has capsized and sank off the Philippine capital on Thursday, causing an oil spill, officials say. Sixteen crew members of the Philippine-flagged MT Terra Nova have been rescued while one remains missing, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said.

Typhoon Gaemi Wreaks Havoc in Taiwan Before Heading to China

2024-07-25T06:45+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has hit northern Taiwan , causing two fatalities, extensive flooding, and power outages before moving toward China 's Fujian province. The storm has disrupted air, sea, and rail transportation, prompting the evacuation of thousands and emergency warnings in affected regions.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T06:44+0200ABCnews (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island. The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan, with more than 220 reported injured.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T06:44+0200yakimaherald (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island. The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan, with more than 220 reported injured.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T06:41+0200whig (en)

Two men struggle with their umbrellas against gusts of wind generated by Typhoon Gaemi in Taipei, Taiwan , Wednesday, July 24, 2024. Waves crash onto the coastline before typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in northeastern Taiwan's Yilan county on Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2024.

Tanker with 1,500 tonnes of oil sinks off Philippines Just now Asia

2024-07-25T06:40+0200bbc-future (en)

A tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel has capsized and sank off the Philippine capital on Thursday, causing an oil spill, officials say. Sixteen crew members of the Philippine-flagged MT Terra Nova have been rescued while one remains missing, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T06:40+0200kob (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan has seen flooding in low-lying areas, along with landslides and damage to homes and shops after Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on the island. The storm swept up the western Pacific, leaving 22 people dead in the Philippines from flooding and landslides, and three in Taiwan, with more than 220 reported injured.

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T06:37+0200thespec (en)

Two men struggle with their umbrellas against gusts of wind generated by Typhoon Gaemi in Taipei, Taiwan , Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying) Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines .

Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi, which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines

2024-07-25T06:35+0200independent-UK (en)

Thank you for registering. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged in Please refresh your browser to be logged in. Taiwan sees flooding and landslides from Typhoon Gaemi , which caused 22 deaths in the Philippines Taiwan has seen flooding in....

Over 150,000 relocated in Fujian as Typhoon Gaemi nears

2024-07-25T06:32+0200china.org.cn (en)

East China 's Fujian province had relocated 156,800 residents as of 7 a.m. Thursday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, approaches, said local authorities. Meanwhile, 73 passenger ferry routes along the province's coast were suspended and 97 flights canceled.

Typhoon Gaemi leaves 3 dead, 227 injured as it approaches Taiwan

2024-07-25T06:30+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

], July 25 (ANI): Taiwan grappled with the devastating impact of Typhoon Gaemi as the storm intensified and drew nearer, unleashing strong winds and torrential rain across the island, Focus reported. As of 10:40 pm on Wednesday, authorities reported that at least three people lost their lives and....

Typhoon Gaemi leaves 3 dead, 227 injured as it approaches Taiwan

2024-07-25T06:27+0200aninews (en)

], July 25 (ANI): Taiwan grappled with the devastating impact of Typhoon Gaemi as the storm intensified and drew nearer, unleashing strong winds and torrential rain across the island, Focus reported. As of 10:40 pm on Wednesday, authorities reported that at least three people lost their lives and....

Chine : plus de 150.000 habitants déménagent dans l'est à l'approche du typhon Gaemi

2024-07-25T06:21+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

La province du Fujian (est) a relogé 156.800 habitants à 7h00 jeudi à l'approche du typhon Gaemi , le troisième typhon de cette année, selon les autorités locales. 73 lignes de ferry pour passagers le long de la côte de la province ont été suspendues et 97 vols annulés. Plus de 29.

Tanker with 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes off Manila

2024-07-25T06:17+0200RTERadio (en)

Strong winds and high waves were hampering response efforts (File image) A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil has capsized and sank off Manila, authorities said, as they sought to contain a spill stretching several kilometres.

Philippines says tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes in Manila Bay

2024-07-25T06:15+0200channelnewsasia (en)

MANILA: A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday (Jul 25), authorities said, as they raced against time to contain the spill. The MT Terra Nova had been heading for the central city of Iloilo when it sank in Manila Bay,....

One crew missing, oil spill after tanker capsizes off Philippines

2024-07-25T06:13+0200deccanherald (en)

Manila: One crew member was still missing after a tanker carrying industrial fuel capsized early on Thursday morning off the Philippines , the country's transportation minister said, and the incident had caused an oil spill. "There is already oil spill.

Philippine Marine Tanker Sinks, Causing Major Oil Spill

2024-07-25T06:09+0200devdiscourse (en)

A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank off the Philippines , causing a significant oil spill. Sixteen crew members were rescued, while one remains missing. Strong winds and waves hinder the cleanup efforts. The spill risks reaching Manila, and an investigation is probing potential connections to Typhoon Gaemi .

Philippines: Alert Note: Typhoon Carina (Gaemi) + Southwest Monsoon (as of 24 July 2024)

2024-07-25T06:08+0200humanitarianresponse (en)

1. Situation overview. Super Typhoon Carina (international name Gaemi ) continues to intensify bringing heavy rains over the northern part of the country causing massive flooding even in provinces with no tropical cyclone wind signal (TCWS) raised due to its effect on the Southwest Monsoon affecting the western part.

"Payback sanitario lesivo per il territorio"

2024-07-25T06:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 25 luglio 2024) "Siamo stupiti dalla recente doppia sentenza della Corte Costituzionale che dichiara legittima la norma del Payback . Precisiamo che, solo per la nostra Emilia Centro, per il triennio 2015-2018 le imprese dovranno versare decine e decine di milioni di euro".

Tanker capsizes in Philippines, freighter sinks in Taiwan amid Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T06:07+0200BangkokPost (en)

MANILA - One crew member was still missing after a tanker carrying industrial fuel capsized early on Thursday morning off the Philippines , the country's transportation minister said, and the incident had caused an oil spill. "There is already oil spill.

One crew missing, oil spill after tanker capsizes off Philippines

2024-07-25T06:03+0200bworldcom (en)

MANILA One crew member was still missing after a tanker carrying industrial fuel capsized early on Thursday morning off the Philippines , the country’s transportation minister said, and the incident had caused an oil spill. “There is already oil spill.

Philippine Tanker Carrying 1.4 Million Litres Of Oil Capsizes In Manila Bay

2024-07-25T06:00+0200barrons (en)

ADDS quotes, details, background. A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced against time to contain the spill. The MT Terra Nova had been heading for the central city of Iloilo when it sank in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometres (4.

China mobilizes swift efforts to combat floods

2024-07-25T05:59+0200cctv-en (en)

* Heavy rainfall has wreaked havoc across wide swaths of China , causing severe casualties, disrupting traffic and forcing hundreds of thousands to evacuate. * Central and local authorities are moving swiftly to allocate all resources at their disposal to the ongoing relief and restoration efforts.

6 family members rescued as landslide hit their house in Rizal

2024-07-25T05:57+0200inquirer (en)

LUCENA CITY Six family members were rescued Wednesday after a landslide trapped them inside their house that was buried in Taytay, Rizal. A report from Region 4A police on Thursday, July 25, said the victims were inside their house in Barangay San Isidro around 3:45 p.m.

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rain to Manila, forcing evacuation

2024-07-25T05:50+0200BangkokPost (en)

Heavy rain from Typhoon Gaemi has flooded the Philippine capital Manila and nearby cities, forcing authorities to shut schools, offices and cancel flights on Wednesday and declare a state of calamity in a region that is home to 13 million people. - REUTERS. Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rain to Manila, forcing evacuation.

Philippines says tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes in Manila Bay

2024-07-25T05:47+0200bssnews (en)

MANILA, July 25, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they sought to contain a spill stretching several kilometres. The MT Terra Nova had been heading for the central city of....

Typhoon Gaemi Devastates Taiwan and China: Deaths, Flooding, and Massive Disruptions

2024-07-25T05:41+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi struck northern Taiwan , causing deaths, flooding, and the sinking of a freighter. The storm, the strongest in eight years, cut power to half a million households before moving to China , where heavy rain and evacuations followed. Extensive travel disruptions occurred, and emergency responses were activated in affected regions.

Tanker with 1,500 tonnes of oil sinks off Philippines

2024-07-25T05:34+0200bbc (en)

A tanker carrying close to 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel has capsized off the Philippine capital on Thursday, causing an oil spill, officials say. Sixteen crew members of the Philippine-flagged MT Terra Nova have been rescued while one remains missing, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said.

‘Trying my best to stay positive’: Ninong Ry’s home in Malabon flooded

2024-07-25T05:31+0200philstar (en)

Chef and culinary vlogger Ninong Ry gave an update about his flooded home in Malabon City as Metro Manila suffered torrential rainfall due to southwest monsoon (habagat) enhanced by Super Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ). The content creator on Wednesday morning shared pictures of....

Taiwan headline news The lead stories in major Taiwan dailies on Thursday are as follows: 07/25/2024 10:05 AM

2024-07-25T05:30+0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, July 25 (CNA) The lead stories in major Taiwan dailies on Thursday are as follows: @United Daily News: Typhoon Gaemi causes 2 deaths, 201 injuries. @China Times: Cross-strait talks on speedboat incident delayed due to typhoon. @Liberty Times: Typhoon Gaemi brings strong winds, heavy rain to Taiwan.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-25T05:27+0200nation-pk (en)

Yilan - Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be “the strongest” to hit in eight years and has already killed two people on the island. The typhoon also exacerbated seasonal rains in nearby Philippines , triggering flooding and landslides that killed six.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-25T05:22+0200nation (en)

Yilan - Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be “the strongest” to hit in eight years and has already killed two people on the island. The typhoon also exacerbated seasonal rains in nearby Philippines , triggering flooding and landslides that killed six.

Philippines says tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of oil capsizes in Manila Bay

2024-07-25T05:21+0200economictimes (en)

Manila, Jul 25, 2024 -A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million litres of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they sought to contain a spill stretching several kilometres. The coast guard said it was investigating "if there was an existing....

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall

2024-07-25T05:19+0200thenews-pk (en)

YILAN: Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on Taiwan ’s eastern coast in the early hours of Thursday, after unleashing torrential rainfall and whipping winds across the island that left two people dead. On its path to Taiwan, Gaemi had also exacerbated seasonal rains in nearby Philippines , triggering flooding and landslides that killed six.

OCD checks 2 more deaths in Metro Manila due to enhanced monsoon rains

2024-07-25T05:04+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) is verifying two more reported fatalities in Metro Manila, which was battered by heavy downpours due to the typhoon-enhanced southwest monsoon. Speaking at a Palace briefing on Thursday, OCD Undersecretary Ariel Nepomuceno said the reported....

Oil tanker carrying 1.4 million litres capsizes in Philippines; one missing

2024-07-25T05:03+0200timesofindia (en)

An oil tanker , MT Terra Nova, carrying 1.4 million litres (1,494 metric tonnes) of industrial fuel capsized on Thursday near the Philippines ' coast. Transportation secretary Jaime Bautista confirmed that the incident had resulted in an oil spill. "There is already oil spill.

06:38 Le puissant typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-25T04:52+0200clicanoo (fr)

"Selon les dernières données météorologiques, le centre (du typhon Gaemi ) a touché terre près de Nan'ao, dans le comté de Yilan, aujourd'hui vers minuit (16H00 GMT mercredi)", a indiqué l'Administration centrale de la météo de Taïwan sur Facebook. "Les vents et la pluie continuent de s'intensifier,....

Taiwan shuts down as strong typhoon nears

2024-07-25T04:51+0200wn (en)

YILAN: Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be “the strongest” to hit in eight years and has already killed two people on the island. The typhoon also exacerbated seasonal rains in nearby Philippines ,....

Over 150,000 relocated in East China province as Typhoon Gaemi nears

2024-07-25T04:49+0200chinadaily (en)

FUZHOU -- East China 's Fujian province had relocated 156,800 residents as of 7 am Thursday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, approaches, said local authorities. Meanwhile, 73 passenger ferry routes along the province's coast were suspended and 97 flights canceled.

One crew missing, oil spill after tanker capsizes off Philippines

2024-07-25T04:48+0200straitstimesSG (en)

MANILA - One crew member was still missing after a tanker carrying industrial fuel capsized early on Thursday morning off the Philippines , the country's transportation minister said, and the incident had caused an oil spill. "There is already oil spill.

One crew missing, oil spill after tanker capsizes off Philippines

2024-07-25T04:47+0200philstar (en)

MANILA — One crew member was still missing after a tanker carrying industrial fuel capsized early on Thursday morning off the Philippines , the country’s transportation minister said, and the incident had caused an oil spill. “There is already oil spill.

Alert Note: Typhoon Carina (Gaemi) + Southwest Monsoon (as of 24 July 2024)

2024-07-25T04:34+0200reliefWeb (en)

1. Situation overview. Super Typhoon Carina (international name Gaemi ) continues to intensify bringing heavy rains over the northern part of the country causing massive flooding even in provinces with no tropical cyclone wind signal (TCWS) raised due to its effect on the Southwest Monsoon affecting the western part.

Reiza S. Dejito, CARE Country Director Statement: Devasting Floods Submerge Metro Manila, Philippines

2024-07-25T04:34+0200reliefWeb (en)

July 24, 2024 Manila: Typhoon Gaemi (Carina) continued to intensify today, drenching the country’s northern parts and prompting officials to place Manila and the rest of the National Capital Region under a state of calamity. CARE Philippines and its partners are preparing to respond immediately to those affected by the flooding.

Taiwan shuts down as strong typhoon nears

2024-07-25T04:32+0200dawn (en)

YILAN: Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be “the strongest” to hit in eight years and has already killed two people on the island. The typhoon also exacerbated seasonal rains in nearby Philippines , triggering flooding and landslides that killed six.

PCSO GM Robles orders branch offices to assist in relief drives

2024-07-25T04:26+0200manilatimes (en)

HEAVY rains and floods prevented the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) from distributing relief goods for the victims of Typhoon "Carina" (international name: " Gaemi "). Efforts by personnel from the PCSO to immediately provide relief goods and other assistance to the affected families and....

Oil Tanker Capsizes Off Philippine Coast: One Crew Member Missing Amid Oil Spill

2024-07-25T04:26+0200devdiscourse (en)

A tanker carrying industrial fuel capsized on Thursday off the Philippines , resulting in an oil spill. Sixteen crew members were rescued, but one remains missing. Authorities are investigating possible links to Typhoon Gaemi . Strong winds and high waves have hampered rescue efforts.

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in Taiwan

2024-07-25T04:24+0200bbc-future (en)

Typhoon Gaemi which made landfall on Taiwan ’s east coast, has killed three people and injured hundreds more, officials said. Gaemi, which landed near the city of Hualien with wind speeds of around 240km/h (150mph) is believed to be the most powerful storm to hit the island in eight years.

Over 150,000 relocated in east China province as Typhoon Gaemi nears

2024-07-25T04:21+0200english-news-cn (en)

FUZHOU, July 25 (Xinhua) -- East China 's Fujian Province had relocated 156,800 residents as of 7 a.m. Thursday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, approaches, said local authorities. Meanwhile, 73 passenger ferry routes along the province's coast were suspended and 97 flights canceled.

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in eastern Taiwan

2024-07-25T04:18+0200chinadaily (en)

TAIPEI -- Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made landfall in eastern Taiwan 's Yilan County at around midnight Thursday, leaving two dead and 201 injured, local authorities said. The typhoon is forecast to move west and then northwest at an estimated speed of 12 km per hour, packing....

14 dead, 1 million affected as 'Carina' exits PAR

2024-07-25T04:17+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The reported death toll from the combined effects of Super Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon has risen to at least 14 people, according to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) on Thursday.

Over 150,000 relocated in east China province as Typhoon Gaemi nears

2024-07-25T04:17+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

FUZHOU, July 25 (Xinhua) -- East China 's Fujian Province had relocated 156,800 residents as of 7 a.m. Thursday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, approaches, said local authorities. Meanwhile, 73 passenger ferry routes along the province's coast were suspended and 97 flights canceled.

Une réponse d'urgence de niveau IV aux inondations activée dans la région Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

2024-07-25T04:13+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le ministère des Ressources en eau a activé mercredi une réponse d'urgence de niveau IV aux inondations dans la région Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, dans l'attente de fortes précipitations et de potentielles inondations. De mercredi à jeudi, des pluies fortes, voire torrentielles, sont prévues dans la....

Le typhon Gaemi fait 2 morts et 201 blessés dans l'est de Taiwan

2024-07-25T04:13+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le typhon Gaemi , le troisième de cette année, a touché terre jeudi vers minuit dans le district de Yilan, dans l'est de Taiwan , faisant 2 morts et 201 blessés, ont déclaré les autorités locales. Le typhon devrait se diriger vers l'ouest puis le nord-ouest à une vitesse estimée à 12 km par heure,....

East China gets poised for approaching Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T04:11+0200gov-cn-en (en)

A drone photo shows railway workers conducting inspections against the upcoming Typhoon Gaemi on the Nanxi River bridge of the Hangzhou-Wenzhou high-speed railway in east China 's Zhejiang Province, July 24, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua] FUZHOU, July 24 -- The provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang in east China....

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-25T04:10+0200brecorder (en)

YILAN: Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be “the strongest” to hit in eight years and has already killed two people on the island. The typhoon also exacerbated seasonal rains in nearby Philippines , triggering flooding and landslides that killed six.

Typhoon Gaemi barrels through Taiwan, killing two, heads to Chinese coast

2024-07-25T04:07+0200channelnewsasia (en)

TAIPEI: Typhoon Gaemi blew through northern Taiwan on Thursday (Jul 25), killing two people, bringing floods and leading to traffic snarls, before heading across the sea and into China where it is expected to bring further torrential rain. around midnight on the northeastern coast of Taiwan in Yilan county.

14 dead after typhoon Gaemi blows past Philippines

2024-07-25T04:06+0200cgtn (en)

At least 14 people died as of 8 a.m. on Thursday in the Philippines as typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon in the country, local authorities said.

Typhoon Gaemi moves toward China after pounding Taiwan and Philippines

2024-07-25T04:02+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Typhoon Gaemi took aim at China after tearing across the Philippines and Taiwan , knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of homes, flooding streets and leaving at least seven people dead. After passing south of densely populated Taipei, the storm’s eye headed out over the Taiwan Strait early Thursday, lumbering to the northwest.

Typhoon Gaemi Weakens As It Leaves Taiwan For China

2024-07-25T03:34+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/typhoon-gaemi-weakens-as-it-leaves-taiwan-for-china-ff81ba0c.

'Carina' exits PAR; monsoon rains to persist across Luzon until Saturday

2024-07-25T03:31+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) is less likely to cause heavy rains after exiting the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) early Thursday, but the enhanced southwest monsoon may still dump moderate to intense rainfall in Luzon until Saturday, according to state weather bureau PAGASA on Thursday.

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in eastern Taiwan

2024-07-25T03:29+0200peopledaily (en)

TAIPEI, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made landfall in eastern Taiwan 's Yilan County at around midnight Thursday, leaving two dead and 201 injured, local authorities said. The typhoon is forecast to move west and then northwest at an estimated speed of 12 km per....

MIL-OSI China: China mobilizes swift efforts to combat floods

2024-07-25T03:28+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Rescuers transfer stranded residents in Pingjiang county, central China ’s Hunan province, July 2, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua] China is mobilizing nationwide efforts to combat torrential rains, heavy flooding and other natural disasters as the country has entered the critical flood season, which normally runs from late July to early August.

MIL-OSI China: Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in eastern Taiwan

2024-07-25T03:28+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Recommended Sponsor Painted-Moon.com - Buy Original Artwork Directly from the Artist Source: China State Council Information Office 2. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made landfall in eastern Taiwan ’s Yilan county at around midnight Thursday, leaving two dead and 201 injured, local authorities said.

MIL-OSI China: East China gets poised for approaching Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T03:28+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 24, 2024 shows fishing boats taking shelter from the approaching Typhoon Gaemi at a harbor of Lianjiang county in Fuzhou, southeast China ’s Fujian province. [Photo/Xinhua] The provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang in east China upgraded their alerts for typhoons on....

Heavy rains on the way for Cambodia

2024-07-25T03:24+0200khmertimes (en)

A fourth typhoon, Prapiroon, has weakened, and Gaemi , which covers the South China Sea, is still affecting the Andaman Sea, Central and East Gulf of Thailand, Central Mekong Basin and above. This situation will make: From 25 to 27 July 2024. 1-Lowland area: Minimum average temperature 23 ° C and maximum average temperature 31 ° C.

China mobilizes swift efforts to combat floods

2024-07-25T03:18+0200china.org.cn (en)

Rescuers transfer stranded residents in Pingjiang county, central China 's Hunan province, July 2, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua] China is mobilizing nationwide efforts to combat torrential rains, heavy flooding and other natural disasters as the country has entered the critical flood season, which normally runs from late July to early August.

LIST: Work suspensions in courts on July 25

2024-07-25T03:16+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The Supreme Court (SC) has announced the suspension of work in several courts across the country for Thursday due to heavy rainfall caused by the southwest monsoon, which has been intensified by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ). The announcement was made by the SC’s Public Information Office on Wednesday evening.

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in eastern Taiwan

2024-07-25T03:14+0200china.org.cn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made landfall in eastern Taiwan 's Yilan county at around midnight Thursday, leaving two dead and 201 injured, local authorities said. The typhoon is forecast to move west and then northwest at an estimated speed of 12 km per hour, packing winds of up to....

East China gets poised for approaching Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T03:14+0200china.org.cn (en)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 24, 2024 shows fishing boats taking shelter from the approaching Typhoon Gaemi at a harbor of Lianjiang county in Fuzhou, southeast China 's Fujian province. [Photo/Xinhua] The provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang in east China upgraded their alerts for typhoons on....

China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-25T03:08+0200china.org.cn (en)

China's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 70 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan county at 5 p.m.

Nation Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in eastern Taiwan Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, made landfall in eastern Taiwan's Yilan County at around midnight Thursday, leaving two dead and 201 injured. 1m

2024-07-25T03:04+0200shine (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made landfall in eastern Taiwan 's Yilan County at around midnight Thursday, leaving two dead and 201 injured, local authorities said. The typhoon is forecast to move west and then northwest at an estimated speed of 12 km per hour, packing winds of up to....

Gaemi stops flights between Macau and Taiwan

2024-07-25T02:53+0200macaudailytimes (en)

R esidents and travelers face disruptions as Typhoon Gaemi approaches, with 14 flights between Macau and Taiwan already canceled. The cancelations include seven departures and seven arrivals on flights operated by Air Macau, Starlux and Eva Air, scheduled yesterday and today.

LIST: Flights canceled on July 25 due to 'Carina'

2024-07-25T02:50+0200wn (en)

The Manila International Airport Authority on Thursday announced that several international and domestic flights have been canceled due to the unfavorable weather conditions brought by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ). ......

China mobilizes swift efforts to combat floods

2024-07-25T02:41+0200peopledaily (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China is mobilizing nationwide efforts to combat torrential rains, heavy flooding and other natural disasters as the country has entered the critical flood season, which normally runs from late July to early August. Over the past few weeks, heavy rainfall has wreaked....

Super Typhoon Carina exits PAR

2024-07-25T02:34+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Super typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) exited the Philippine area of responsibility (PAR) Thursday morning, according to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration Pagasa weather specialist Samuel Duran told INQUIRER.net that the typhoon left PAR at 6:20 a.

Typhoon Gaemi Passes Over Taiwan, Heads to Chinese Coast

2024-07-25T02:33+0200usnews (en)

TAIPEI/BEIJING (Reuters) - Typhoon Gaemi blew through northern Taiwan on Thursday, bringing floods and leading to traffic snarls, before heading across the sea and into China where it is expected to bring further torrential rain. Chinese weather forecasters said Gaemi will pass through Fujian and....

LIST: Flights canceled on July 25 due to 'Carina'

2024-07-25T02:18+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) on Thursday announced that several international and domestic flights have been canceled due to the unfavorable weather conditions brought by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ). As of Thursday 4 a.m., the MIAA announced 148 flight cancellations.

Deadly Typhoon Gaemi Lashes Taiwan After Killing 13 in Philippines

2024-07-25T02:17+0200ecowatch (en)

has brought heavy rain to much of Taiwan , as well as wind gusts of approximately 150 miles per hour, reported BBC News. Gaemi landed near Hualien, killing two people and injuring hundreds more, the country’s officials said. It is expected to be the strongest storm to hit Taiwan in eight years.

E. China gets poised for approaching Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-25T02:15+0200china.org.cn (en)

A drone photo shows railway workers conducting inspections against the upcoming Typhoon Gaemi on Nanxi River bridge of Hangzhou-Wenzhou high-speed railway in east China 's Zhejiang Province, July 24, 2024.

Taiwan Prepares for a Strong Typhoon That Worsened Monsoon Rains in the Philippines, Killing 13

2024-07-25T02:09+0200khaosod (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 13 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

Typhoon Carina hits Taiwan, continues to enhance southwest monsoon

2024-07-25T02:06+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) was already crossing Taiwan and nearing the northern boundary of the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) in the early hours of Thursday, July 25. In its 5 am bulletin on Thursday, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services....

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in eastern Taiwan

2024-07-25T02:03+0200cgtn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made landfall in eastern Taiwan 's Yilan County at around midnight Thursday, leaving two dead and 201 injured, local authorities said.

World News Briefs: From Congo Attacks to Netanyahu’s US Visit

2024-07-25T01:56+0200devdiscourse (en)

This summary captures global headlines including an attack by suspected Islamists in DR Congo, Typhoon Gaemi nearing Taiwan , Russian bombings in Kharkiv, a plane crash in Nepal, NATO's defense gaps, Netanyahu’s speech on Gaza, Trump’s attack on Harris, and ongoing protests and ceasefire talks in Gaza.

Carina super typhoon na papalapit sa Taiwan; tuloy ulan sa PH

2024-07-25T01:53+0200inquirer (en)

INQUIRER.net file photo. METRO MANILA, Philippines Naging “super typhoon” na ang Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) habang papalapit ito sa Taiwan nitong hapon ng Miyerkules, ayon sa pahayag nitong Miyerkules ng Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa).

Typhoon Gaemi hits Taiwan with two dead and hundreds injured | BBC News

2024-07-25T01:16+0200exbulletin (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has made landfall on Taiwan 's east coast, packing gusts of up to 240 kilometers per hour (150 mph). Gaemi, which made landfall near the city of Hualien, is expected to be the strongest storm to hit the island in eight years. Taiwanese authorities say two people have died and hundreds more have been injured.

Typhoon Gaemi - Jul 2024

2024-07-25T01:11+0200humanitarianresponse (en)

On 24 July, the combined effects of the Southwest Monsoon, enhanced by Tropical Cyclone Gaemi (local name: Carina), brought heavy to intense rains across the Philippines . Northern Luzon, particularly the provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, and Ilocos Norte, experienced severe impacts, while Central Luzon....

State of calamity idineklara sa Metro Manila dahil sa Carina

2024-07-25T00:52+0200inquirer (en)

Mga miyembro ng rescue team namamangka sa isang binahang kalye sa Manila dahil sa Typhoon Carina, nitong Miyerkules, ika-24 ng Hulyo 2024. Kuha ni Ted Aljibe ng Agence France-Presse. FOR EMERGENCIES: METRO MANILA, Philippines Isinailalim sa state of calamity ang Metro Manila bunga ng malawkaang....

Flash Update: No. 02 - Southwest Monsoon, Tropical Cyclones Prapiroon (Butchoy) and Gaemi (Carina), Philippines - 24 July 2024

2024-07-25T00:22+0200humanitarianresponse (en)

● OVERVIEW: According to PAGASA , at 0400H UTC+7 24 July, Typhoon GAEMI (Carina) further intensified as it headed towards Taiwan . Since 11 July 2024, the Southwest Monsoon, enhanced by TC PRAPIROON (Butchoy) and TC GAEMI has brought moderate to heavy rains over different provinces in the country.

Typhoon kills 3 in Taiwan, at least 13 in Philippines

2024-07-25T00:17+0200news-gazette (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A typhoon killed three people in Taiwan as it approached the island on Wednesday, while people trapped by rising floodwaters in the Philippines called for help in the Southeast Asian nation where at least 13 died. Taiwan's Central News Agency said more than 220 other people....

16 dead in Philippines as Typhoon Gaemi rages

2024-07-25T00:07+0200wn (en)

dpaManilaSixteen people have died in the Philippines ....

DSWD sets healthier food aid for storm evacuees

2024-07-24T23:35+0200inquirer (en)

‘LUGAW’ LINE Evacuees form lines for a hot bowl of porridge at Malanday Elementary School in Marikina City on Wednesday, one of the first places to brim with families fleeing to safety as the Marikina River swelled to alarming levels due to rains brought by Typhoon “Carina.” Grig C. Montegrande.

Taïwan frappée par "le plus puissant" des typhons que l'île ait connu en huit ans Taïwan est habitué à des tempêtes tropicales fréquentes de juillet à octobre mais les experts considèrent que le changement climatique a augmenté leur intensité.

2024-07-24T23:26+0200francetvinfo (fr)

A Taipei, Taïwan, deux personnes voient leurs parapluies emportés par le vent alors que le typhon Gaemi s'apprête à toucher terre, le 24 juillet 2024. (DANIEL CENG / ANADOLU / AFP) Des écoles fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées. Le typhon Gaemi a touché Taïwan dans la nuit du mercredi au jeudi 25 juillet.

Le puissant typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-24T23:22+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 21h10 Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à Taïwan, où les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées en prévision du typhon qui devrait être "le plus puissant" à frapper l'île en huit ans.

Taiwan hunkers down as Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall

2024-07-24T23:15+0200qt (en)

Taiwan is feeling the full force of Typhoon Gaemi as the weather system sweeps the island territory. Wind gusts of 240 kilometres an hour are being recorded making Gaemi the strongest storm to strike Taiwan in eight years. The island's largest annual military drills have been cancelled along with hundreds of flights.

Agri losses from rains in Mindanao at P378M

2024-07-24T23:09+0200inquirer (en)

READ: Bangsamoro folk told to brace for more floods The damage is heaviest in Maguindanao del Sur province where some 2,736 families are still staying in 24 evacuation centers. The floods, lasting for at least three days, submerged communities and farms in 17 of the province’s 22 towns.

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in eastern Taiwan

2024-07-24T23:05+0200english-news-cn (en)

TAIPEI, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made landfall in eastern Taiwan 's Yilan County at around midnight Thursday, leaving two dead and 201 injured, local authorities said. The typhoon is forecast to move west and then northwest at an estimated speed of 12 km per....

Typhoon Gaemi tears into Taiwan

2024-07-24T23:05+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

07/24/2024 July 24, 2024. At least two people have been killed in Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi sweeps across the island. Taiwan is used to storms - facing around 20 typhoons each year. But Gaemi is the strongest its has seen in almost a decade. The typhoon already devastated the Philippines .

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall

2024-07-24T22:58+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

Agence France-Presse, Katie Tam, with Amber Wang in....

Streets turned into rivers as Typhoon Gaemi hits Philippines

2024-07-24T22:58+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines on Wednesday, triggering flooding in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon. In the densely populated capital, rescuers were deployed across the city to help evacuate people from low-lying homes after downpours turned streets into rivers.

Flash Update: No. 02 - Southwest Monsoon, Tropical Cyclones Prapiroon (Butchoy) and Gaemi (Carina), Philippines - 24 July 2024

2024-07-24T22:50+0200reliefWeb (en)

● OVERVIEW: According to PAGASA , at 0400H UTC+7 24 July, Typhoon GAEMI (Carina) further intensified as it headed towards Taiwan . Since 11 July 2024, the Southwest Monsoon, enhanced by TC PRAPIROON (Butchoy) and TC GAEMI has brought moderate to heavy rains over different provinces in the country.

Typhoon Gaemi hits Taiwan after deadly winds and rain

2024-07-24T22:45+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Typhoon Gaemi made landfall in Taiwan late on Thursday, hitting the eastern Yilan county at around 12 a.m. local time (1600 GMT Wednesday), the Central Weather Administration said. "Wind and rain continue to intensify, posing a threat to various parts of Taiwan, [and its outlying islands of] Penghu,....

Philippines declares disaster in capital region due to monsoon rains

2024-07-24T22:41+0200bna-en (en)

Manila, July 24 (BNA): The Philippines declared a state of disaster in the capital region on Wednesday due to heavy monsoon rains intensified by Typhoon Gaemi . The severe weather has led to widespread flooding and evacuations in the main economic area.

Tifone Gaemi: devastazione nelle Filippine e allerta massima a Taiwan

2024-07-24T22:37+0200informazione (it)

Il tifone Gaemi ha seminato morte e distruzione nelle Filippine , causando frane mortali e inondazioni prima di dirigersi verso Taiwan La tempesta , che ha portato piogge monsoniche ininterrotte, ha causato la morte di una donna incinta e di tre bambini a sud della capitale Manila , nella provincia di Batangas .

Le puissant typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-24T22:10+0200arcinfo (fr)

Le typhon a, avant même son arrivée, causé des pluies torrentielles et des vents violents à Taïwan. KEYSTONE/DANIEL CENG.

Rain, deadly floods force nearly 900,000 Filipinos from their homes

2024-07-24T22:07+0200benarnews (en)

At least eight people were killed in the Philippines on Wednesday after heavy rains brought on by a powerful typhoon caused massive flooding, authorities said. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said the rains and floodwaters, triggered by Typhoon Gaemi (Super Typhoon....

Après les Philippines…Le redoutable typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan 1 0

2024-07-24T22:03+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Après les Philippines … Le redoutable typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan. Le typhon Gaemi a touché terre sur la côte orientale de Taïwan dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi, après avoir fait de gros dégâts aux Philippines.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall

2024-07-24T21:47+0200wn (en)

<p>Yilan, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jul, 2024) Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on Taiwan 's eastern coast in the early hours of Thursday, after unleashing torrential rainfall and whipping winds across the island that left two people dead.

Le puissant typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-24T21:42+0200lunion (fr)

Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à Taïwan, où les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées en prévision du typhon qui devrait être "le plus puissant" à frapper l'île en huit ans.

Le puissant typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-24T21:30+0200lest-eclair (fr)

Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à Taïwan, où les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées en prévision du typhon qui devrait être "le plus puissant" à frapper l'île en huit ans.

Le puissant typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-24T21:28+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à Taïwan, où les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées en prévision du typhon qui devrait être "le plus puissant" à frapper l'île en huit ans.

Le puissant typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-24T21:26+0200tv5 (fr)

Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à Taïwan, où les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées en prévision du typhon qui devrait être "le plus puissant" à frapper l'île en huit ans.

Gaemi throws travel plans in disarray

2024-07-24T21:25+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Yu Wing Chan. More than 10 high-speed rail trains were canceled and dozens of flights to Taiwan and Japan delayed or canceled as Super Typhoon Gaemi is expected to cross the Taiwan Strait and make landfall in the southeastern province of Fujian today. Hong Kong is set for a rainy weekend with showers and a few thunderstorms over coastal areas.

Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à Taïwan. «Le plus puissant» en huit ans Le typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-24T21:25+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à Taïwan, où les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées en prévision du typhon qui devrait être «le plus puissant» à frapper l'île en huit ans.

Catastrophe naturelle

2024-07-24T21:24+0200Liberation (fr)

Il devrait être le plus puissant typhon à frapper l’île en huit ans . Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de ce mercredi 24 juillet à jeudi à Taiwan , où les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées en prévision du typhon. Malgré toutes ces préventions, le typhon a déjà entraîné la mort de huit personnes.

Le typhon Gaemi, qui a déjà fait huit morts, frappe Taïwan

2024-07-24T21:14+0200LeMonde (fr)

Un canot de sauvetage dans les rues inondées de Manille, aux Philippines , à cause des pluies torrentielles provoquées par le typhon Gaemi , le 24 juillet 2024. TED ALJIBE / AFP. Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre, dans la nuit du mercredi 24 au jeudi 25 juillet, à Taïwan.

Le puissant typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-24T21:04+0200laliberte (fr)

Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à Taïwan. Les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées en prévision du typhon qui devrait être "le plus puissant" à frapper l'île en huit ans. "Selon les dernières données météorologiques, le....

Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall in Taiwan

2024-07-24T21:03+0200qt (en)

Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on Taiwan ’s east coast on Wednesday, July 24. Satellite imagery released by the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) shows the typhoon approaching Taiwan, bringing “torrential rain and strong winds” to the area.

Streets Turned Into Rivers As Typhoon Gaemi Hits Philippines

2024-07-24T21:01+0200channelstv (en)

Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines on Wednesday, triggering flooding in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon. In the densely populated capital, rescuers were deployed across the city to help evacuate people from low-lying homes after downpours turned streets into rivers.

A typhoon kills 3 as it nears Taiwan. It killed 13 in the Philippines, where people plead for rescue

2024-07-24T20:49+0200eagletribune (en)

People wade through a flooded street following monsoon rains worsened by offshore typhoon Gaemi on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in Manila, Philippines . People walk through a street flooded from monsoon rains worsened by offshore typhoon Gaemi on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in Manila, Philippines.

Philippine streets turn into rivers as typhoon blows past

2024-07-24T20:47+0200wn (en)

Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines yesterday, triggering floods in Manila and deadly landslides as Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon.Rescuers were deployed across the densely populated capital to help evacuate people from low-lying homes after downpours turned streets....

Le puissant typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-24T20:44+0200notretemps (fr)

Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à Taïwan, où les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées en prévision du typhon qui devrait être "le plus puissant" à frapper l'île en huit ans.

Le puissant typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-24T20:32+0200actu-orange (fr)

Après avoir déjà causé huit morts, Gaemi a touché terre dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à Taïwan, où les écoles ont été fermées et des milliers de personnes évacuées en prévision du typhon qui devrait être "le plus puissant" à frapper l'île en huit ans.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall

2024-07-24T20:30+0200guampdn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on Taiwan 's eastern coast in the early hours of Thursday, after unleashing torrential rainfall and whipping winds across the island that left two people dead. On its path to Taiwan, Gaemi had also exacerbated seasonal rains in nearby Philippines , triggering flooding and landslides that killed six.

Le puissant typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan

2024-07-24T20:29+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Gaemi devrait être le typhon le plus puissant en huit ans à toucher terre à Taïwan depuis le typhon Nepartak en 2016 », a déclaré un peu plus tôt à l’AFP Huang En-hong, un prévisionniste des services météorologiques taïwanais. Le premier typhon de la saison.

Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in eastern Taiwan

2024-07-24T20:27+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

TAIPEI, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, made landfall in eastern Taiwan 's Yilan County at around midnight Thursday, leaving two dead and 201 injured, local authorities said. The typhoon is forecast to move west and then northwest at an estimated speed of 12 km per....

Alerte au typhon à Taiwan

2024-07-24T20:27+0200tv5 (fr)

Les écoles ont été fermées et plus de 2 000 personnes ont dû être évacuées. Le typhon Gaemi devrait toucher l'île dans les prochaines heures. Il affecte aussi le Japon et les Philippines .

Taiwan’s FPCC to restart Mailiao port operations on July 26

2024-07-24T20:03+0200hellenicshippingnews (en)

Taiwan oil major Formosa Petrochemical Corp aims to restart operations at its port at the Mailiao refinery on July 26, after shutting down ahead of Typhoon Gaemi ’s arrival, a company spokesperson said on Wednesday. The port was shut on July 23 and is scheduled to be reopened at 0600 local time (2200 GMT) on July 26, company spokesperson K.

Typhoon Carina: Metro Manila under state of calamity

2024-07-24T20:01+0200inquirer (en)

Rescuers paddle their boats along a flooded street in Manila on July 24, 2024 amid heavy rains brought by Typhoon Gaemi . Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines on July 24, triggering flooding in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall

2024-07-24T20:00+0200terradaily (en)

Yilan, July 24 (AFP) Jul 24, 2024 Typhoon Gaemi made landfall on Taiwan 's eastern coast in the early hours of Thursday, after unleashing torrential rainfall and whipping winds across the island that left two people dead. On its path to Taiwan, Gaemi had also exacerbated seasonal rains in nearby....

Typhoon Gaemi kills three as it nears Taiwan

2024-07-24T19:58+0200bordermail (en)

A typhoon has killed three people in Taiwan as it approached the island while people trapped by rising floodwaters in the Philippines called for help as at least 13 died in the country. Shelters were opened in vulnerable areas, particularly in Taiwan's mountainous centre and east that are prone to landslides and flooding.

Typhoon Gaemi kills three as it nears Taiwan

2024-07-24T19:56+0200illawarramercury (en)

A typhoon has killed three people in Taiwan as it approached the island while people trapped by rising floodwaters in the Philippines called for help as at least 13 died in the country. Shelters were opened in vulnerable areas, particularly in Taiwan's mountainous centre and east that are prone to landslides and flooding.

Typhoon Gaemi kills three as it nears Taiwan

2024-07-24T19:55+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

A typhoon has killed three people in Taiwan as it approached the island while people trapped by rising floodwaters in the Philippines called for help as at least 13 died in the country. Shelters were opened in vulnerable areas, particularly in Taiwan's mountainous centre and east that are prone to landslides and flooding.

Typhoon Gaemi kills three as it nears Taiwan

2024-07-24T19:54+0200maitlandmercury (en)

A typhoon has killed three people in Taiwan as it approached the island while people trapped by rising floodwaters in the Philippines called for help as at least 13 died in the country. Shelters were opened in vulnerable areas, particularly in Taiwan's mountainous centre and east that are prone to landslides and flooding.

Typhoon Gaemi kills three as it nears Taiwan

2024-07-24T19:54+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

A typhoon has killed three people in Taiwan as it approached the island while people trapped by rising floodwaters in the Philippines called for help as at least 13 died in the country. Shelters were opened in vulnerable areas, particularly in Taiwan's mountainous centre and east that are prone to landslides and flooding.

Typhoon Gaemi kills three as it nears Taiwan

2024-07-24T19:52+0200newcastleherald (en)

A typhoon has killed three people in Taiwan as it approached the island while people trapped by rising floodwaters in the Philippines called for help as at least 13 died in the country. Shelters were opened in vulnerable areas, particularly in Taiwan's mountainous centre and east that are prone to landslides and flooding.

Video / Il violento tifone Gaemi colpisce le Filippine, Manila allagata

2024-07-24T19:52+0200quotidiano (it)

Il violento tifone Gaemi colpisce le Filippine, Manila allagata Manila, 24 lug. (askanews) - Il tifone Gaemi con le sue abbondantissime piogge monsoniche si è abbattuto sul Nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose.

Video / Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine, strade allagate a Manila

2024-07-24T19:52+0200quotidiano (it)

Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine, strade allagate a Manila. Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine, strade allagate a Manila Le piogge monsoniche hanno provocato frane mortali nelle regioni montuose. Le piogge monsoniche hanno provocato frane mortali nelle regioni montuose.

Le typhon Gaemi touche terre à Taïwan, déjà deux morts et des milliers de personnes évacuées

2024-07-24T19:51+0200sudouest (fr)

Selon les dernières données météorologiques, le centre (du typhon Gaemi ) a touché terre près de Nan’ao, dans le comté de Yilan, aujourd’hui vers minuit , a affirmé l’Administration centrale de la météo de Taïwan sur Facebook. Accompagné de bourrasques de 190 kilomètres/heure, Gaemi devait....

World Vision: Children and families evacuate as Typhoon Carina batters Luzon

2024-07-24T19:50+0200reliefWeb (en)

By Katrina Hallare | Field and Emergency Communications Specialist. The combined effects of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ), the southwest monsoon, and the former tropical depression Butchoy have brought nonstop rains and rising floods, affecting about 183,464 families, consisting of....

Radar Shows Typhoon Gaemi's 'Absolutely Ludicrous' Behavior

2024-07-24T19:39+0200newsweek-USA (en)

Typhoon Gaemi 's behavior continues to baffle meteorologists on Wednesday. The typhoon approached Taiwan after worsening monsoonal rains in the Philippines and leaving at least 12 people dead in its wake, according to the Associated Press. Gaemi has also worsened monsoon behavior in Taiwan before making landfall.

Taïwan se prépare à l'arrivée du «plus puissant» typhon en huit ans

2024-07-24T19:34+0200lefigaro (fr)

Un prévisionniste des services taïwanais de météorologie a toutefois expliqué que le typhon «avançait moins vite, de sorte que l'heure précise (de son passage) est difficile à déterminer» « Gaemi devrait être le typhon le plus puissant en huit ans à toucher terre à Taïwan depuis le typhon Nepartak en....

A typhoon kills 3 as it nears Taiwan. It killed 13 in the Philippines, where people plead for rescue

2024-07-24T19:32+0200whig (en)

People walk through a street flooded from monsoon rains worsened by offshore typhoon Gaemi on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in Manila, Philippines . Waves crash onto the coastline before typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in northeastern Taiwan 's Yilan county on Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2024.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches 24 July 2024

2024-07-24T19:25+0200enca (en)

Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be "the strongest" to hit in eight years and has already killed two people on the island. The typhoon also exacerbated seasonal rains in nearby Philippines , triggering flooding and landslides that killed six.

Carina weakens back into typhoon near Taiwan’s coast

2024-07-24T19:06+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Carina ( Gaemi ) weakened back into a typhoon as it “looped” near the coast of Taiwan on Wednesday evening, July 24, just a few hours after it intensified into a super typhoon. The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) cited....

Typhoon Gaemi Makes Landfall In Taiwan: Weather Administration

2024-07-24T19:05+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/typhoon-gaemi-makes-landfall-in-taiwan-weather-administration-917299b7.

Typhoon Buffets Philippines, Killing At Least Eight

2024-07-24T19:05+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Manila, July 24 (IANS) The Metro Manila Council has officially declared a state of calamity in National Capital Region on Wednesday, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused flooding in various parts of the Philippine capital.


2024-07-24T18:53+0200cambodiantimes (en)

(240724) -- FUZHOU, July 24, 2024 (Xinhua) -- This photo taken on July 24, 2024 shows fishing boats taking shelter from the approaching Typhoon Gaemi at a harbor of Lianjiang County in Fuzhou, southeast China 's Fujian Province. The provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang in east China upgraded their alerts....


2024-07-24T18:40+0200singaporestar (en)

(240724) -- FUZHOU, July 24, 2024 (Xinhua) -- This photo taken on July 24, 2024 shows fishing boats taking shelter from the approaching Typhoon Gaemi at a harbor of Lianjiang County in Fuzhou, southeast China 's Fujian Province. The provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang in east China upgraded their alerts....

Wanan air raid drill canceled for 2nd consecutive day due to typhoon Taiwan's military on Wednesday announced the cancellation of the fourth day of its annual Wanan air raid drills, originally scheduled to be held in southern Taiwan on Thursday, due to Typhoon Gaemi. 07/24/2024 07:39 PM

2024-07-24T18:38+0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, July 24 (CNA) Taiwan 's military on Wednesday announced the cancellation of the fourth day of its annual Wanan air raid drills, originally scheduled to be held in southern Taiwan on Thursday, due to Typhoon Gaemi . The southern region -- comprising Tainan, Kaohsiung and Pingtung County -- will not hold its drill on Thursday at 1:30 p.

Taipei MRT Wenhu Line, Kaohsiung light rail suspend services Services on the Taipei Metro system's Wenhu Line (Brown Line) and Kaohsiung Light Rail Transit system were suspended on Wednesday afternoon due to strong winds brought by Typhoon Gaemi's approach. 07/24/2024 07:11 PM

2024-07-24T18:38+0200focustaiwan (en)

A sign is placed at Taipei Metro's Zhongxiao Fuxing Station to notify passengers of the suspension of Wenhu Line services Wednesday afternoon. CNA photo July 24, 2024. Taipei, July 24 (CNA) Services on the Taipei Metro system's Wenhu Line (Brown Line) and Kaohsiung Light Rail Transit system were....

Typhoon Carina Wreaks Havoc with Philippine Floods

2024-07-24T18:35+0200miragenews (en)

Deadly Typhoon Gaemi , known as Typhoon Carina in The Philippines , has caused severe flooding in the country, claiming lives, wounding dozens more and displacing hundreds of thousands of people. Authorities have declared a state of calamity in a region that is home to 13 million people.

Streets Turn To Rivers As Typhoon Gaemi Blows Past Philippines

2024-07-24T18:33+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/streets-turn-to-rivers-as-typhoon-gaemi-blows-past-philippines-78bd8c1a.


2024-07-24T18:30+0200manilametro (en)

(240724) -- FUZHOU, July 24, 2024 (Xinhua) -- This photo taken on July 24, 2024 shows fishing boats taking shelter from the approaching Typhoon Gaemi at a harbor of Lianjiang County in Fuzhou, southeast China 's Fujian Province. The provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang in east China upgraded their alerts....

Typhoon Gaemi kills at least 12 people in Philippines

2024-07-24T18:19+0200wn (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, July 24 (KUNA) -- At least 12 were killed in Typhoon Gaemi , which hit the Philippines , causing floods in the capital Manila and other areas, said authorities on Wednesday. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said in a statement that around 600,000 were displaced due....

Two dead in Taiwan’s Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T18:18+0200Sana-en (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has killed two persons and injured hundreds in Taiwan , which has cancelled flights and closed schools and offices ahead of the storm’s expected landfall later today. Gaemi, which has landed near the city of Hualien, is expected to be the most powerful storm to hit the island in eight years.

Carina kills 5 in Batangas; 4 still missing

2024-07-24T18:06+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines At least five people died in Batangas due to heavy rains and landslides brought by Typhoon Carina. Four of the victims are members of a family who perished in a landslide in Agoncillo town. The victims were sleeping inside their house in Sitio Manalao, Barangay Subic Ilaya when a landslide struck at around 9 p.

Il tifone Gaemi tocca terra a Taiwan con vento a 240km/h: centinaia tra vittime e feriti | FOTO e VIDEO

2024-07-24T18:02+0200meteoweb (it)

Il tifone Gaemi ha toccato terra sulla costa orientale di Taiwan , portando raffiche di vento di circa 240km/h . Si prevede che Gaemi, che ha toccato terra nei pressi della città di Hualien, sarà la tempesta più potente ad aver colpito l’isola negli ultimi otto anni.

Typhoon Gaemi triggers floods, landslides in Northern Philippines

2024-07-24T17:59+0200tvcnews (en)

Continuous rains brought by Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon caused flooding in the Philippine capital of Manila and many parts of Luzon Island on Wednesday. The widespread floods, which were knee-high in some areas, forced residents near Manila Bay and rivers to evacuate, closed schools and offices, and canceled flights.

Morti e sfollati nelle Filippine per il tifone Gaemi che si sta dirigendo verso Taiwan

2024-07-24T17:43+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 24 luglio 2024) Morti e sfollati nelle Filippine . Le piogge monsoniche ininterrotte portate dal tifone Gaemi si sono abbattute sul nord del paese e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose mentre la tempesta si dirige verso Taiwan .

China activates Level-IV emergency flood response in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region

2024-07-24T17:26+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Water Resources activated a Level-IV emergency flood response in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region on Wednesday, in anticipation of severe rainfall and potential flooding. From Wednesday to Thursday, heavy to torrential rains are forecast in the region,....

China activates Level-IV emergency flood response in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region

2024-07-24T17:26+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Water Resources activated a Level-IV emergency flood response in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region on Wednesday, in anticipation of severe rainfall and potential flooding. From Wednesday to Thursday, heavy to torrential rains are forecast in the region,....

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T17:20+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Yilan: Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be "the strongest" to hit in eight years and has already killed two people on the island. The typhoon also exacerbated seasonal rains in nearby Philippines , triggering flooding and landslides that killed six.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T17:18+0200wn (en)

Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be "the strongest" to hit in eight years and has already killed one person on the island. The typhoon also triggered flooding and landslides in the nearby Philippines ,....

La Cina sudorientale si prepara al tifone Gaemi Chiuse le rotte dei traghetti, sospesi i servizi ferroviari La Cina sud-orientale si sta preparando all’arrivo del potente tifone Gaemi, che ha già provocato il caos in alcune parti delle Filippine. Nella provincia del Fujian, le rotte dei traghetti....

2024-07-24T17:05+0200informazione (it)

Chiuse le rotte dei traghetti, sospesi i servizi ferroviari La Cina sud-orientale si sta preparando all’arrivo del potente tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato il caos in alcune parti delle Filippine . Nella provincia del Fujian , le rotte dei traghetti sono state sospese e tutti i servizi ferroviari saranno interrotti nelle prossime ore.


2024-07-24T16:58+0200manilametro (en)

(240724) -- QUEZON CITY, July 24, 2024 (Xinhua) -- A resident wades through floodwater in Quezon City, the Philippines , on July 24, 2024. The Philippines has been buffeted by non-stop rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi , which caused the Metro Manila Council to declare....


2024-07-24T16:52+0200thecambodianews (en)

(240724) -- QUEZON CITY, July 24, 2024 (Xinhua) -- A resident wades through floodwater in Quezon City, the Philippines , on July 24, 2024. The Philippines has been buffeted by non-stop rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi , which caused the Metro Manila Council to declare....

Typhoon Gaemi wreak havoc as floods sweep over Philippine cities

2024-07-24T16:42+0200reliefWeb (en)

Statement by CARE Phillippines Country Director, Reiza S. Dejitoon on Typhoon Gaemi (Carina): Manila, Philippines , 24 July - Typhoon Gaemi (Carina) continued to intensify today, drenching the country’s northern parts and prompting officials to place Manila and the rest of the National Capital Region under a state of calamity.

Filippine, la forza del tifone Gaemi si abbatte su Manila: decine di morti e migliaia di sfollati

2024-07-24T16:36+0200lapresse-it-italian (it)

Le piogge monsoniche ininterrotte degli ultimi cinque giorni hanno allagato il nord delle Filippine e la capitale Manila . Il potente tifone Gaemi ha aggravato le conseguenze delle inondazioni causando almeno 13 morti e 600.000 sfollati . Le precipitazioni hanno provocato almeno una dozzina di frane nelle regioni montuose .

Cina: Fujian sospendera’ treni passeggeri per avvicinamento tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T16:29+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 24 luglio 2024) Fuzhou, 24 lug – (Xinhua) – La provincia orientale cinese del Fujian ha annunciato la sospensione di tutti i servizi ferroviari passeggeri domani e di alcuni venerdi’, a causa dell’avvi Cina rsi del tifone Gaemi , hanno dichiarato oggi le autorita’ locali.

Cina: oltre 1.400 persone trasferite per acquazzoni nel Liaoning

2024-07-24T16:29+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 24 luglio 2024) Shenyang, 24 lug – (Xinhua) – oltre 1.400 residenti nella provincia nord-orientale cinese del Liaoning sono stati trasferiti a causa dei forti acquazzoni iniziati ieri, ha dichiarato oggi la sede provinciale per il controllo delle alluvioni e il soccorso in caso di siccita’.


2024-07-24T16:25+0200myanmarnews (en)

(240724) -- QUEZON CITY, July 24, 2024 (Xinhua) -- A resident wades through floodwater in Quezon City, the Philippines , on July 24, 2024. The Philippines has been buffeted by non-stop rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi , which caused the Metro Manila Council to declare....

Philippines: Southwest Monsoon and Typhoon Gaemi - Flash Update No.1, As of 24 July 2024, 8 p.m. local time

2024-07-24T16:12+0200reliefWeb (en)

Situation Overview. On 24 July, the combined effects of the Southwest Monsoon, enhanced by Tropical Cyclone Gaemi (local name: Carina), brought heavy to intense rains across the Philippines . Northern Luzon, particularly the provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, and Ilocos Norte, experienced severe impacts,....

E.China's Fujian suspends transportation, closes scenic areas as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T16:09+0200globaltimes (en)

As Typhoon Gaemi approaches, huge waves pound the shore in Yilan, China 's Taiwan island, on July 24, 2024. Photo: VCG East China's Fujian Province has deployed emergency measures including suspending passenger train and ferry services, closing scenic areas and strengthening the early warning system,....

Typhoon Carina's fury unleashed on Manila metropolitan area: churches open for evacuees

2024-07-24T15:58+0200asianews-en (en)

Manila (AsiaNews) - The Philippines is on high alert for assistance to thousands of people affected by Typhoon Carina (called Gaemi in neighbouring countries) and the intensifying southwest monsoon, which has hit several areas of the Manila metropolitan area and other neighbouring regions on the island of Luzon and is now heading towards Taiwan .

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T15:56+0200qnewshub (en)

Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be “the strongest” to hit in eight years and has already killed one person on the island. The typhoon also triggered flooding and landslides in the nearby Philippines ,....

China Focus: China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T15:54+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 70 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 p.

China Focus: China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T15:53+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 70 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 p.

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T15:52+0200ilpiccolo (it)

PECHINO, 24 LUG - La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Typhoon Gaemi halts bunkering in Taiwanese ports

2024-07-24T15:50+0200portnews (en)

2024 July 24 15:49 Typhoon Gaemi halts bunkering in Taiwan ese ports Bunkering operations in Taiwanese ports have been suspended today due to Typhoon Gaemi-induced bad weather, according to ENGINE. The typhoon is currently in the sea southeast of Yilan, moving northwest and west.

MIL-OSI China: China issues this year’s first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T15:48+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

BEIJING, July 24 — China ’s National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of the year, is expected to make landfall along the coast of central and northern Taiwan Island on Wednesday night.

China mobilizes swift efforts to combat floods

2024-07-24T15:33+0200english-news-cn (en)

* Heavy rainfall has wreaked havoc across wide swaths of China , causing severe casualties, disrupting traffic and forcing hundreds of thousands to evacuate. * Central and local authorities are moving swiftly to allocate all resources at their disposal to the ongoing relief and restoration efforts.

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T15:32+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – PECHINO, 24 LUG – La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Xinhua Headlines: China mobilizes swift efforts to combat floods

2024-07-24T15:28+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

* Heavy rainfall has wreaked havoc across wide swaths of China , causing severe casualties, disrupting traffic and forcing hundreds of thousands to evacuate. * Central and local authorities are moving swiftly to allocate all resources at their disposal to the ongoing relief and restoration efforts.

Nationwide school and office closures in Taiwan as Typhoon Gaemi nears

2024-07-24T15:23+0200delfi-en (en)

As Typhoon Gaemi approaches Taiwan , local authorities made a last-minute decision to suspend work and classes across most of the island. Initially, several central counties had announced normal operations for Wednesday, however, late-night reversals resulted in closure for 21 out of 22 counties and....

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T15:23+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 24 LUG - La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Dubai: Emirates Flight to Taipei Delayed as Taiwan Braces for Typhoon

2024-07-24T15:19+0200gulf-insider. (en)

An Emirates flight from Dubai to Taipei has been delayed by 22 hours. The EK366 flight was scheduled to take off from Dubai International Airport (DXB) at 3.40am on July 24, and is now estimated to depart at 1.40am on July 25. The delay was due to ‘operational reasons,’ Emirates has confirmed.

Taiwan grounds flights as it braces for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T15:11+0200theghanareport (en)

Taiwan is bracing for the arrival of powerful Typhoon Gaemi which is expected to make landfall on the island’s North East coast late on Wednesday. The storm – the first typhoon of the season to affect the island – has led to the cancellation of parts of its largest annual military drills.

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T15:08+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 24 LUG - La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Il tifone Gaemi colpisce le Filippine: morti e sfollati mentre Taiwan si prepara

2024-07-24T15:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 24 luglio 2024) Le piogge monsoniche ininterrotte portate dal tifone Gaemi si sono abbattute sul nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose mentre la tempesta si dirige verso Taiwan .

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T15:07+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 24 LUG - La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

La Chine émet la première alerte rouge de l'année au typhon Gaemi

2024-07-24T15:06+0200french-news (fr)

BEIJING, 24 juillet (Xinhua) -- Le Centre météorologique national de Chine a émis mercredi à 10H00 une alerte rouge, le niveau le plus élevé, au typhon Gaemi . Il s'agit de la première alerte rouge au typhon émise cette année. Le typhon Gaemi, le troisième de l'année, devrait toucher terre le long de....

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T15:06+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 24 LUG - La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T15:05+0200ansamed-it (it)

La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 13

2024-07-24T15:04+0200mb-com-ph (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island on Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 13 people and displaced 600,000. People walk in the rain as Typhoon Gaemi approaches in Taipei, Taiwan, Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T15:03+0200nuovavenezia (it)

PECHINO, 24 LUG - La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T15:02+0200mattinopadova (it)

PECHINO, 24 LUG - La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T15:01+0200gazzettadimantova (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 24 LUG - La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T14:59+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

PECHINO, 24 LUG - La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T14:58+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

PECHINO, 24 LUG - La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T14:58+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - PECHINO, 24 LUG - La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

La Cina sudorientale si prepara al tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T14:57+0200lapresse-it-italian (it)

La Cina sud-orientale si sta preparando all’arrivo del potente tifone Gaemi , che ha già provocato il caos in alcune parti delle Filippine. Nella provincia del Fujian, le rotte dei traghetti sono state sospese e tutti i servizi ferroviari saranno interrotti nelle prossime ore. Secondo l’emittente CCTV, più di 8.

Piogge torrenziali in arrivo, sale allerta in Cina e a Pechino

2024-07-24T14:53+0200ansa (it)

La Cina settentrionale si prepara a una tornata di piogge torrenziali straordinarie che potrebbero causare inondazioni e smottamenti, costringendo le autorità ad emettere la seconda più alta risposta e,ergenziale di fronte alle catastrofi naturali, anche nella capitale Pechino.

Xinhua News | China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T14:52+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

China's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for typhoon issued this year.

China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T14:51+0200gov-cn-en (en)

BEIJING, July 24 -- China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of the year, is expected to make landfall along the coast of central and northern Taiwan Island on Wednesday night.

Typhoon Gaemi strengthens as it nears Taiwan, work halted, one dead

2024-07-24T14:49+0200business-times (en)

“The next 24 hours will present a very severe challenge,” Taiwan Premier Cho Jung-tai told a televised meeting of the emergency response centre. In rural Yilan county, where the typhoon will first hit land, wind and rain gathered strength, shutting eateries as most roads emptied out.

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 13

2024-07-24T14:31+0200washtimes (en)

TAIPEI, (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island on Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 13 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

Phillippines, Taiwan, Japan, China - Tropical cyclone GAEMI, update (GDACS, JTWC, CWA, NOAA-CPC, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 24 July 2024)

2024-07-24T14:21+0200reliefWeb (en)

Tropical cyclone GAEMI ("Carina" in the Philippines ) is approaching north-eastern Taiwan moving north-west, and on 24 July at 0.00 UTC, its centre was approximately 200 km south-east of Yilan city, northeastern Taiwan with maximum sustained winds of 222 km/h (typhoon).

Update: China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T14:16+0200manilametro (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of the year, is expected to make....

Authorities in northern China warn of floods and landslides as heavy rains threaten Beijing

2024-07-24T14:09+0200hongkongfp (en)

Authorities in northern China warned heavy rains could bring floods and landslides Wednesday, issuing the country’s second-highest flood response. People walk inside a shopping mall that was flooded amid heavy rain in Beijing on July 12, 2024. Photo: Adek Berry/AFP.

Typhoon Carina's fury unleashed on Manila metropolitan area: churches open for evacuees

2024-07-24T14:08+0200asianews (en)

Manila (AsiaNews) - The Philippines is on high alert for assistance to thousands of people affected by Typhoon Carina (called Gaemi in neighbouring countries) and the intensifying southwest monsoon, which has hit several areas of the Manila metropolitan area and other neighbouring regions on the island of Luzon and is now heading towards Taiwan .

Filippine devastate dal tifone Gaemi: 12 morti e migliaia di sfollati. Caos a Manila

2024-07-24T14:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 24 luglio 2024) Manila Filippine ), 24 luglio 2024 – Le piogge monsoniche che ogni anno colpiscono le Filippine quest’anno sono particolarmente intense a causa del tifone Gaemi , che si è abbattuto sul nord del paese colpendo anche la capitale Manila .

Typhoon Gaemi Disrupts Taiwan and Philippines, Causing Deaths and Displacement

2024-07-24T14:07+0200devdiscourse (en)

Taiwan closed offices, schools, and tourist sites in anticipation of Typhoon Gaemi , which worsened rains in the Philippines , resulting in 13 deaths and 600,000 displacements. In Taiwan , high winds and rain induced landslides and flooding, while in the Philippines, enhanced monsoon rains caused severe flooding and more fatalities.


2024-07-24T14:04+0200bernama (en)

KUALA LUMPUR, July 24 (Bernama) -- Malaysia Airlines has cancelled its flight MH366 from Kuala Lumpur to Taipei and MH367 from Taipei to Kuala Lumpur today due to the anticipated adverse weather conditions in Taiwan caused by Typhoon Gaemi . “Affected customers who wish to change their flights or....

Asia & Pacific Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T13:58+0200JakartaPost (en)

The typhoon also triggered flooding and landslides in the nearby Philippines , where authorities said four people were killed south of the capital Manila. Gaemi , with sustained wind speeds of 190 kilometres (118 miles) per hour, was initially expected to hit northeast Taiwan by 10 pm (1400 GMT).

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T13:57+0200terradaily (en)

Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be "the strongest" to hit in eight years and has already killed one person on the island. The typhoon also triggered flooding and landslides in the nearby Philippines ,....

12 dead in floods, landslides in Philippines

2024-07-24T13:53+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA, 24th July, 2024 (WAM) -- Twelve people have died from floods and landslides caused by heavy monsoon rains intensified by a typhoon in the Philippines , the national disaster agency said on Wednesday. The German Press Agency (dpa) quoted the weather bureau as saying that Typhoon Gaemi (locally....

Update: China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T13:52+0200wn (en)

© Provided by Xinhua BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of the year, is expected to make....

Malaysia Airlines cancels flight MH366 and MH367 due to Typhoon Gaemi in Taiwan

2024-07-24T13:52+0200thestar-my (en)

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airlines has cancelled its flight MH366 from Kuala Lumpur to Taipei and MH367 from Taipei to Kuala Lumpur due to the anticipated adverse weather conditions in Taiwan caused by Typhoon Gaemi . "Affected customers who wish to change their flights or cancel their travel may do so....

Taïwan se prépare à l’arrivée du « plus puissant » typhon en huit ans

2024-07-24T13:44+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Accompagné de bourrasques de 190 kilomètres/heure, Gaemi devait initialement toucher terre dans le nord-est, une zone comprenant la capitale Taipei, vers 22 heures locale (10 h heure de l’Est) avant de frapper la Chine jeudi. Il affecte déjà le Japon et les Philippines , où une personne a péri.

Update: China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T13:42+0200cambodiantimes (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of the year, is expected to make....

UAE leaders offer condolences to Philippine president over deaths in floods

2024-07-24T13:39+0200wn (en)

President Sheikh Mohamed has sent a message of condolences to Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr over the deaths that were recorded after Typhoon Gaemi pummeled the Southeast Asian country. At least 12 people died from floods and landslides across the country, the national disaster agency said on Wednesday.

Après les Philippines, Taïwan se prépare à l'arrivée du "plus puissant" typhon en huit ans

2024-07-24T13:39+0200franceantilles-martinique (fr)

Accompagné de bourrasques de 190 kilomètres/heure, Gaemi devait initialement toucher terre dans le nord-est, une zone comprenant la capitale Taipei, vers 22 heure locale (14H00 GMT) avant de frapper la Chine jeudi. Il affecte déjà le Japon et les Philippines , où une personne a péri.

Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine, strade allagate a Manila

2024-07-24T13:35+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

Le piogge monsoniche ininterrotte portate dal tifone Gaemi si sono abbattute sul nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose mentre la tempesta si dirige verso Taiwan . A sud della capitale delle Filippine, nella provincia di....

AP News Summary at 7:21 a.m. EDT

2024-07-24T13:33+0200eagletribune (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will speak before Congress in hopes of bolstering U.S. support for continuing Israel’s fight against Hamas and other adversaries. But the Israeli leader's speech Wednesday comes as the Biden administration is urging him to focus on closing....

Après les Philippines, Taïwan se prépare à l'arrivée du "plus puissant" typhon en huit ans

2024-07-24T13:33+0200france24 (fr)

Accompagné de bourrasques de 190 kilomètres/heure, Gaemi devait initialement toucher terre dans le nord-est, une zone comprenant la capitale Taipei, vers 22 heure locale (14H00 GMT) avant de frapper la Chine jeudi. Il affecte déjà le Japon et les Philippines , où une personne a péri.

Après les Philippines, Taïwan se prépare à l'arrivée de Gaemi, le "plus puissant" typhon en huit ans

2024-07-24T13:33+0200monacomatin (fr)

Accompagné de bourrasques de 190 kilomètres/heure, Gaemi devait initialement toucher terre dans le nord-est, une zone comprenant la capitale Taipei, vers 22 heure locale (14H00 GMT) avant de frapper la Chine jeudi. Il affecte déjà le Japon et les Philippines , où une personne a péri.

Update: China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T13:32+0200singaporestar (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of the year, is expected to make....

Meteo Diretta Video: Filippine, il Tifone Gaemi devasta Manila, ci sono gravi danni

2024-07-24T13:32+0200ilmeteo (it)

MANILA 24 Luglio 2024 - Nelle Filippine il passaggio del tifone Gaemi ha allagato le strade della capitale Manila costringendo gli abitanti a spostarsi attraverso l’acqua alta fino al bacino. Il tifone ha soffiato venti fino a 155 chilometri orari e ha causato la morte di almeno una persona e migliaia di sfollati.

Après les Philippines, Taïwan se prépare à l'arrivée de Gaemi, le "plus puissant" typhon en huit ans

2024-07-24T13:30+0200varmatin (fr)

Accompagné de bourrasques de 190 kilomètres/heure, Gaemi devait initialement toucher terre dans le nord-est, une zone comprenant la capitale Taipei, vers 22 heure locale (14H00 GMT) avant de frapper la Chine jeudi. Il affecte déjà le Japon et les Philippines , où une personne a péri.

Après les Philippines, Taïwan se prépare à l'arrivée de Gaemi, le "plus puissant" typhon en huit ans

2024-07-24T13:30+0200nicematin (fr)

Accompagné de bourrasques de 190 kilomètres/heure, Gaemi devait initialement toucher terre dans le nord-est, une zone comprenant la capitale Taipei, vers 22 heure locale (14H00 GMT) avant de frapper la Chine jeudi. Il affecte déjà le Japon et les Philippines , où une personne a péri.

VP Sara Duterte’s office launches relief ops amid reports of overseas trip

2024-07-24T13:28+0200philstar (en)

Members of the relief operations of the Office of the Vice President as seen in photos released on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 amid massive flooding and torrential rains in Luzon due to Super Typhoon Carina and the seasonal monsoon. (OVP/Released) Vice President Sara Duterte reportedly flew overseas....

'Carina' damages 45 schools, disrupts upcoming school opening

2024-07-24T13:28+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines At least 45 public schools across the Philippines have been damaged during the onslaught of Supertyphoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) enhanced by the southwest monsoon, impacting teachers’ and students’ preparations for the school opening five days from now. The Department of Education on Wednesday said that as of 11 a.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T13:28+0200guampdn (en)

Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be "the strongest" to hit in eight years and has already killed one person on the island. The typhoon also triggered flooding and landslides in the nearby Philippines ,....

China's Fujian to halt passenger trains due to approaching typhoon East China's Fujian Province has announced the suspension of all its passenger train...

2024-07-24T13:27+0200panorama-am-en (en)

East China 's Fujian Province has announced the suspension of all its passenger train services on Thursday and some on Friday due to the approaching Typhoon Gaemi , Xinhua reported on Wednesday, citing local authorities. On Wednesday morning, Fujian upgraded the emergency response level for typhoons....

Après les Philippines, Taïwan se prépare à l'arrivée du "plus puissant" typhon en huit ans

2024-07-24T13:26+0200laprovence (fr)

Accompagné de bourrasques de 190 kilomètres/heure, Gaemi devait initialement toucher terre dans le nord-est, une zone comprenant la capitale Taipei, vers 22 heure locale (14H00 GMT) avant de frapper la Chine jeudi. Il affecte déjà le Japon et les Philippines , où une personne a péri.

12 dead in floods, landslides in Philippines

2024-07-24T13:25+0200myanmarnews (en)

MANILA, 24th July, 2024 (WAM) -- Twelve people have died from floods and landslides caused by heavy monsoon rains intensified by a typhoon in the Philippines , the national disaster agency said on Wednesday. The German Press Agency (dpa) quoted the weather bureau as saying that Typhoon Gaemi (locally....

Nation China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon China's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10am Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. 1m

2024-07-24T13:24+0200shine (en)

China's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10am Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of the year, is expected to make landfall along the coast of central and northern Taiwan Island on Wednesday night.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T13:20+0200digitaljournal (en)

Taiwan closed schools and evacuated thousands from their homes on Wednesday ahead of Typhoon Gaemi , which authorities said could be “the strongest” to hit in eight years and has already killed one person on the island. The typhoon also triggered flooding and landslides in the nearby Philippines ,....

12 dead in floods, landslides in Philippines

2024-07-24T13:19+0200wn (en)

Twelve people have died from floods and landslides caused by heavy monsoon rains intensified by a typhoon in the Philippines , the national disaster agency said on Wednesday. The German Press Agency (dpa) quoted the weather bureau as saying that Typhoon Gaemi (local name: Carina) is packing maximum....

Canceled flights due to Super Typhoon Carina, southwest monsoon: Thursday, July 25, 2024

2024-07-24T13:17+0200rappler (en)

Bookmark this page to see the list of flights disrupted by Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) MANILA, Philippines – Various airlines have canceled flights due to unfavorable weather conditions brought about by Here is a list of the latest canceled flights on Thursday, July 25. We will update this page as we receive more reports.

Le typhon Gaemi sera le plus puissant à frapper Taïwan en huit ans

2024-07-24T13:17+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 39 min Le typhon Gaemi devrait être "le plus puissant" à frapper Taïwan depuis huit ans, ont annoncé mercredi les services météo, quelques heures avant son arrivée au nord-ouest de l'île. "Gaemi devrait être le typhon le plus puissant en huit ans à toucher terre à Taïwan depuis le....

Malaysia Airlines cancels flight MH366 and MH367 due to Typhoon Gaemi in Taiwan

2024-07-24T13:16+0200thesundaily (en)

KUALA LUMPUR : Malaysia Airlines has cancelled its flight MH366 from Kuala Lumpur to Taipei and MH367 from Taipei to Kuala Lumpur today due to the anticipated adverse weather conditions in Taiwan caused by Typhoon Gaemi . “Affected customers who wish to change their flights or cancel their travel may....

Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine, strade allagate a Manila

2024-07-24T13:16+0200ilpiccolo (it)

Le piogge monsoniche ininterrotte portate dal tifone Gaemi si sono abbattute sul nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose mentre la tempesta si dirige verso Taiwan . A sud della capitale delle Filippine, nella provincia di....

‘Carina’ strengthens into super typhoon — PAGASA

2024-07-24T13:13+0200tribuneonline (en)

Typhoon Carina (international Gaemi ), the third tropical storm to enter the country, has now intensified into a super typhoon, state weather bureau PAGASA said Wednesday afternoon. Based on its monitoring at 4:00 p.m. Carina's center was estimated at 380 km north of Itbayat, Batanes, and has....

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T13:13+0200france24-en (en)

The typhoon also triggered flooding and landslides in the nearby Philippines , where authorities said four people were killed south of the capital Manila. Gaemi , with sustained wind speeds of 190 kilometres (118 miles) per hour, was initially expected to hit northeast Taiwan by 10 pm (1400 GMT).

12 dead in floods, landslides in Philippines

2024-07-24T13:12+0200thecambodianews (en)

MANILA, 24th July, 2024 (WAM) -- Twelve people have died from floods and landslides caused by heavy monsoon rains intensified by a typhoon in the Philippines , the national disaster agency said on Wednesday. The German Press Agency (dpa) quoted the weather bureau as saying that Typhoon Gaemi (locally....

Typhoon Gaemi expected to make landfall in Taiwan Wednesday night

2024-07-24T13:08+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Typhoon Gaemi was on a path toward Taiwan Wednesday after sweeping past the Philippines . Authorities in the Philippines say 12 people were killed in massive flooding and landslides triggered by seasonal monsoon rains worsened by the typhoon. The victims include a pregnant woman and three children....

L'esercito di Taiwan ha effettuato anche un'esercitazione anti-sbarco

2024-07-24T13:08+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Taiwan, 24 lug. (askanews) - Le forze militari di Taiwan hanno effettuato un'esercitazione anti-sbarco sulle isole Penghu, il terzo giorno delle esercitazioni militari annuali di Han Kuang, che quest'anno sono state lanciate a sorpresa. Alcune delle esercitazioni previste sono state annullate a causa del passaggio del tifone Gaemi .

12 dead in floods, landslides in Philippines

2024-07-24T13:07+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Amid the rains brought by Typhoon Gaemi and monsoon, classes at all academic levels and work at most government offices in the nation halted. Twelve people have died from floods and landslides caused by heavy monsoon rains intensified by a typhoon in the Philippines , the national disaster agency said on Wednesday.

UAE leaders offer condolences to Philippine president over deaths in floods

2024-07-24T13:07+0200khaleejtimes (en)

President Sheikh Mohamed has sent a message of condolences to Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr over the deaths that were recorded after Typhoon Gaemi pummeled the Southeast Asian country. At least 12 people reportedly died from floods and landslides across the country, the national disaster agency said on Wednesday.

Filippine devastate dal tifone Gaemi: 12 morti e migliaia di sfollati. Caos a Manila

2024-07-24T13:07+0200quotidiano (it)

Paralizzata la capitale: voli cancellati, chiuse scuole e uffici. Frane e allagamenti. L’esperta: “In 24 ore caduti oltre 200 millimetri di pioggia”. Secondo le previsioni meteo Gaemi si sta spostando verso Taiwan e potrebbe trasformarsi in un super tifone.

Typhoon Gaemi Pounds Philippines, Killing At Least Eight

2024-07-24T13:04+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Manila, July 24 (IANS) The Metro Manila Council officially declared a state of calamity in the National Capital Region on Wednesday, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused flooding in various parts of the Philippine capital.

Xinhua News | China's Fujian upgrades emergency response as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T13:02+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

East China 's Fujian Province upgraded the emergency response level for typhoons from Level III to Level II on Wednesday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, is forecast to land on the province's coast on Thursday. #XinhuaNews.

LEAD La Chine émet la première alerte rouge de l'année au typhon Gaemi

2024-07-24T13:02+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le Centre météorologique national de Chine a émis mercredi à 10H00 une alerte rouge, le niveau le plus élevé, au typhon Gaemi . Il s'agit de la première alerte rouge au typhon émise cette année. Le typhon Gaemi, le troisième de l'année, devrait toucher terre le long de la côte du centre ou du nord de Taiwan dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi.

Super typhoon Carina set to make landfall over Taiwan on Wednesday night

2024-07-24T13:01+0200gmanews (en)

State weather bureau PAGASA said Super Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) is forecast to make landfall over northern Taiwan on Wednesday night before exiting the Philippine area of responsibility (PAR) the next day. According to PAGASA's 5 p.m. cyclone bulletin, Super Typhoon Carina was last seen moving northwestward at 380 kms.

North China authorities warn heavy rains could spark floods, landslides

2024-07-24T13:01+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Authorities in northern China warned heavy rains could bring floods and landslides Wednesday, issuing the country's second-highest flood response. China is enduring a summer of extreme weather, with heavy rains across the east and south coming as much of the north has sweltered under successive heatwaves.

Snake Swims Along Flooded Street in Manila

2024-07-24T13:00+0200qt (en)

A large snake was spotted by a local swimming across a flooded street in Metro Manila, as Typhoon Gaemi , also known as Carina, lashed the Philippines on Wednesday, July 24. Adelfa Gonzales, who captured the moment, wrote that water was already reaching the “second level” of the houses around her.

Taiwan shuts down as deadly Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T13:00+0200rfi-en (en)

The typhoon also triggered flooding and landslides in the nearby Philippines , where authorities said four people were killed south of the capital Manila. Gaemi , with sustained wind speeds of 190 kilometres (118 miles) per hour, was initially expected to hit northeast Taiwan by 10 pm (1400 GMT).

Typhoon Gaemi expected to make landfall in Taiwan Wednesday night

2024-07-24T12:59+0200srilankasource (en)

Typhoon Gaemi was on a path toward Taiwan Wednesday after sweeping past the Philippines . Authorities in the Philippines say 12 people were killed in massive flooding and landslides triggered by seasonal monsoon rains worsened by the typhoon. The victims include a pregnant woman and three children....

Taiwan Shuts Down As Deadly Typhoon Gaemi Approaches

2024-07-24T12:56+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/taiwan-shuts-down-as-deadly-typhoon-gaemi-approaches-81d43e92.

Carina intensifies into super typhoon; monsoon rain not yet over

2024-07-24T12:55+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Carina ( Gaemi ) intensified from a typhoon into a super typhoon on Wednesday afternoon, July 24, ahead of its expected landfall in Taiwan . The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said in its 5 pm bulletin on Wednesday that....

Update: China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T12:47+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for a typhoon issued this year. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of the year, is expected to make landfall along the coast of....

Typhoon Gaemi expected to make landfall in Taiwan Wednesday night

2024-07-24T12:45+0200longbeachstar (en)

Typhoon Gaemi was on a path toward Taiwan Wednesday after sweeping past the Philippines . Authorities in the Philippines say 12 people were killed in massive flooding and landslides triggered by seasonal monsoon rains worsened by the typhoon. The victims include a pregnant woman and three children....

Typhoon buffets Philippines, killing at least 8

2024-07-24T12:39+0200uniindia (en)

Manila, July 24 (UNI) The Metro Manila Council has officially declared a state of calamity in National Capital Region on Wednesday, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused flooding in various parts of the Philippine capital.

L'esercito di Taiwan ha effettuato un'esercitazione anti-sbarco

2024-07-24T12:37+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Le forze militari di Taiwan hanno effettuato un'esercitazione anti-sbarco sulle isole Penghu, il terzo giorno delle esercitazioni militari annuali di Han Kuang, che quest'anno sono state lanciate a sorpresa. Alcune delle esercitazioni previste sono state annullate a causa del passaggio del tifone Gaemi .

Typhoon Gaemi expected to make landfall in Taiwan Wednesday night

2024-07-24T12:34+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Typhoon Gaemi was on a path toward Taiwan Wednesday after sweeping past the Philippines . Authorities in the Philippines say 12 people were killed in massive flooding and landslides triggered by seasonal monsoon rains worsened by the typhoon. The victims include a pregnant woman and three children....

HKO to consider raising T1 as Super Typhoon Gaemi edges closer

2024-07-24T12:30+0200chinadailyhk (en)

A couple watches the sunset at the Central and Western District Promenade in Hong Kong on July 13, 2024. (PHILIP TUBEZA / CHINA DAILY) HONG KONG – The Hong Kong Observatory said it will consider raising the typhoon signal No. 1 as Super Typhoon Gaemi will be within 800 kilometers of the city on....

Preparations for Typhoon Gaemi in Taiwan

2024-07-24T12:30+0200aa-en (en)

NEW TAIPEI, TAIWAN - JULY 24: Two youngsters got their umbrellas blown up as Typhoon Gaemi is set to make landfall, in Taipei, Taiwan , 24 July 2024. After having hovered in the waters of the Philippines , Typhoon Gaemi is expected to make landfall in Taiwan on the evening of 24 July, with the Taiwanese weather agency issuing sea and land warnings.

Live: Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi, 'strongest' to hit Taiwan in 8 years

2024-07-24T12:29+0200channelnewsasia (en)

TAIPEI: Typhoon Gaemi is expected to be "the strongest" to hit Taiwan in eight years, the island's weather authorities said, hours before its forecast landfall on Wednesday night (Jul 24). Hundreds of international and domestic flights have already been cancelled.

Typhoon Gaemi expected to make landfall in Taiwan Wednesday night

2024-07-24T12:28+0200nigeriasun (en)

Typhoon Gaemi was on a path toward Taiwan Wednesday after sweeping past the Philippines . Authorities in the Philippines say 12 people were killed in massive flooding and landslides triggered by seasonal monsoon rains worsened by the typhoon. The victims include a pregnant woman and three children....

North China authorities warn heavy rains could spark floods, landslides

2024-07-24T12:26+0200bssnews (en)

BEIJING, July 24, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - Authorities in northern China warned heavy rains could bring floods and landslides Wednesday, issuing the country's second-highest flood response. China is enduring a summer of extreme weather, with heavy rains across the east and south coming as much of the north has sweltered under successive heatwaves.

#WalangPasok: List of class suspensions on Thursday, July 25

2024-07-24T12:25+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Class suspensions were imposed in some Metro Manila cities on Thursday (July 25) due to heavy rainfall brought by super typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon, locally called habagat. Below is the list of areas that have called off classes at all....

L'esercito di Taiwan ha effettuato anche un'esercitazione anti-sbarco

2024-07-24T12:25+0200tiscali-it (it)

Taiwan, 24 lug. (askanews) - Le forze militari di Taiwan hanno effettuato un'esercitazione anti-sbarco sulle isole Penghu, il terzo giorno delle esercitazioni militari annuali di Han Kuang, che quest'anno sono state lanciate a sorpresa.Alcune delle esercitazioni previste sono state annullate a causa del passaggio del tifone Gaemi .

Typhoon Gaemi expected to make landfall in Taiwan Wednesday night

2024-07-24T12:21+0200thecambodianews (en)

Typhoon Gaemi was on a path toward Taiwan Wednesday after sweeping past the Philippines . Authorities in the Philippines say 12 people were killed in massive flooding and landslides triggered by seasonal monsoon rains worsened by the typhoon. The victims include a pregnant woman and three children....

Floods, flights cancelled as Typhoon Gaemi dumps heavy rain on Manila

2024-07-24T12:20+0200wn (en)

Heavy rain from Typhoon Gaemi has flooded the Philippine capital Manila and nearby cities, forcing authorities to shut schools, offices and cancel flights and declare a state of calamity in a region that is home to 13 million people. The storm, which is strengthening as it gusts towards Taiwan , did....

Typhoon Gaemi expected to make landfall in Taiwan Wednesday night

2024-07-24T12:19+0200myanmarnews (en)

Typhoon Gaemi was on a path toward Taiwan Wednesday after sweeping past the Philippines . Authorities in the Philippines say 12 people were killed in massive flooding and landslides triggered by seasonal monsoon rains worsened by the typhoon. The victims include a pregnant woman and three children....

AP News Summary at 5:57 a.m. EDT

2024-07-24T12:17+0200eagletribune (en)

Netanyahu visit sparks wave of protests in DC, with all sides criticizing the Israeli PM. WASHINGTON (AP) — The arrival of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has touched off a flurry of protests in the nation’s capital, including a sit-in at a congressional office building that ended with multiple arrests.

LRT-1 adjusts train schedule on Wednesday, July 24, due to Carina

2024-07-24T12:16+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines The Light Rail Manila Corporation (LRMC) announced on Wednesday that it is adjusting the operating schedule of Light Rail Transit (LRT) 1 due to flooding situations brought by Typhoon Carina. In a media advisory at 4:30 p.m., it said: “In light of the unfavorable weather....

Heavy rains, floods expected in Metro Manila, other Luzon areas amid red rainfall warning

2024-07-24T12:13+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Metro Manila and other parts of Luzon remain under a red rainfall warning as Super Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) begins to exit the Philippine Area of Responsibility, according to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) on Wednesday.

L’esercito di Taiwan ha effettuato anche un’esercitazione anti-sbarco

2024-07-24T12:13+0200askanews (it)

Taiwan, 24 lug. (askanews) – Le forze militari di Taiwan hanno effettuato un’esercitazione anti-sbarco sulle isole Penghu, il terzo giorno delle esercitazioni militari annuali di Han Kuang, che quest’anno sono state lanciate a sorpresa. Alcune delle esercitazioni previste sono state annullate a causa del passaggio del tifone Gaemi .

Typhoon Gaemi expected to make landfall in Taiwan Wednesday night

2024-07-24T12:11+0200manilametro (en)

Typhoon Gaemi was on a path toward Taiwan Wednesday after sweeping past the Philippines . Authorities in the Philippines say 12 people were killed in massive flooding and landslides triggered by seasonal monsoon rains worsened by the typhoon. The victims include a pregnant woman and three children....

Typhoon Gaemi expected to make landfall in Taiwan Wednesday night

2024-07-24T12:10+0200singaporestar (en)

Typhoon Gaemi was on a path toward Taiwan Wednesday after sweeping past the Philippines . Authorities in the Philippines say 12 people were killed in massive flooding and landslides triggered by seasonal monsoon rains worsened by the typhoon. The victims include a pregnant woman and three children....

Typhoon Gaemi brings flood chaos to Philippines capital

2024-07-24T12:06+0200aljazeera-en (en)

Roads and neighbourhoods in Manila and across the Philippines have been left under water after heavy rain from Typhoon Gaemi , forcing many people out of their flooded homes.

North China authorities warn heavy rains could spark floods, landslides

2024-07-24T12:03+0200channelnewsasia (en)

BEIJING: Authorities in northern China warned heavy rains could bring floods and landslides on Wednesday (Jul 24), issuing the country's second-highest flood response. China is enduring a summer of extreme weather, with heavy rains across the east and south coming as much of the north has sweltered under successive heatwaves.

World Typhoon buffets Philippines, killing at least 8 The Philippines has been buffeted by non-stop rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi. 1m

2024-07-24T12:02+0200shine (en)

The Philippines has been buffeted by non-stop rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi , which caused the Metro Manila Council to declare a state of calamity in the National Capital Region on Wednesday. Death toll. Police said at least eight people were killed as the typhoon hits the archipelago.

Nation East China gets poised for approaching Typhoon Gaemi Fujian and Zhejiang in east China upgraded their alerts for typhoons on Wednesday, as Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, is projected to hit Fujian's coast on Thursday. 18m

2024-07-24T12:02+0200shine (en)

The provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang in east China upgraded their alerts for typhoons on Wednesday, as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, is projected to hit Fujian's coast on Thursday. Fujian raised the emergency response level for typhoons from Level III to Level II, the second-highest level, on Wednesday.

Safety tips as floodwaters invade Metro Manila homes

2024-07-24T11:59+0200philstar (en)

People wade through a flooded street amid heavy rains brought by Typhoon Gaemi , in Manila, Philippines , July 24, 2024. (Reuters/Lisa Marie David) Filipinos were reminded about safety tips concerning electricity as homes and establishments get flooded amid the continuous downpour of rain due to the....

Typhoon Gaemi kills 13 people as 170mph storm leaves devastating trail of destruction

2024-07-24T11:59+0200themirror (en)

At least 13 people have already been killed by Typhoon Gaemi before it even made landfall as the deadly storm passed over the Philippines en route to Taiwan . The typhoon was called Carina in the Philippines, where it did not make landfall, but instead enhanced the archipelago's seasonal monsoon rains.

Manila Underwater: Typhoon Gaemi Causes Chaos in the Philippines

2024-07-24T11:55+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi has caused severe flooding in Manila and nearby cities in the Philippines , leading to school and office closures and flight cancellations. At least 12 people have died and over 600,000 are displaced. Authorities have declared a state of calamity and are mobilizing emergency services.

Observatory considers T1 signal as Typhoon Gaemi strengthens

2024-07-24T11:55+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Observatory will consider issuing the Strong Monsoon Signal or the No 1 Standby Signal as Super Typhoon Gaemi will enter within 800 kilometers of Hong Kong tonight. According to the latest forecast, Gaemi will maintain a distance of over around 600 km from Hong Kong before making landfall at Fujian tomorrow (Jul 25).

Typhoon Gaemi To Be 'Strongest' To Hit Taiwan In 8 Years: Weather Authorities

2024-07-24T11:54+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/typhoon-gaemi-to-be-strongest-to-hit-taiwan-in-8-years-weather-authorities-650279c2.

430K Meralco customers experience power interruptions amid 'Carina'

2024-07-24T11:52+0200wn (en)

Around 430,000 Meralco customers have experienced power interruptions on Wednesday due to the combined effects of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. ......

Taiwan prepares for a strong Typhoon Gaemi that killed 13 in PH

2024-07-24T11:51+0200inquirer (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan Taiwan shuttered offices, schools, and tourist sites across the island on Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , The outer skirts of Typhoon Gaemi , known in the Philippines as Carina, were bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan,....

Mondo Filippine, 12 morti e 600mila sfollati per il tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T11:50+0200lanuovaferrara (it)

Le piogge monsoniche aggravate dal tifone Gaemi hanno causato almeno dodici morti e più di 600mila sfollati nelle Filippine meridionali e centrali. Mentre il tifone si avvicinava alle coste di Taiwan con venti oltre i 160 chilometri orari, la tempesta ha rinforzato le piogge monsoniche, che hanno provocato frane e inondazioni.

Mondo Filippine, 12 morti e 600mila sfollati per il tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T11:48+0200gazzettadireggio (it)

Le piogge monsoniche aggravate dal tifone Gaemi hanno causato almeno dodici morti e più di 600mila sfollati nelle Filippine meridionali e centrali. Mentre il tifone si avvicinava alle coste di Taiwan con venti oltre i 160 chilometri orari, la tempesta ha rinforzato le piogge monsoniche, che hanno provocato frane e inondazioni.

Mondo Filippine, 12 morti e 600mila sfollati per il tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T11:46+0200gazzettadimodena (it)

Le piogge monsoniche aggravate dal tifone Gaemi hanno causato almeno dodici morti e più di 600mila sfollati nelle Filippine meridionali e centrali. Mentre il tifone si avvicinava alle coste di Taiwan con venti oltre i 160 chilometri orari, la tempesta ha rinforzato le piogge monsoniche, che hanno provocato frane e inondazioni.

Typhoon Gaemi expected to make landfall in Taiwan Wednesday night

2024-07-24T11:45+0200voanews (en)

Typhoon Gaemi was on a path toward Taiwan Wednesday after sweeping past the Philippines . Authorities in the Philippines say 12 people were killed in massive flooding and landslides triggered by seasonal monsoon rains worsened by the typhoon. The victims include a pregnant woman and three children....

AP News Summary at 5:32 a.m. EDT

2024-07-24T11:45+0200eagletribune (en)

Netanyahu looks to boost US support in speech to Congress, but faces protests and lawmaker boycotts. WASHINGTON (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will speak before Congress in hopes of bolstering U.S. support for continuing Israel’s fight against Hamas and other adversaries.

Walang Pasok: Class suspensions on July 25 due to southwest monsoon, 'Carina'

2024-07-24T11:44+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Several local government units (LGUs) have suspended work and classes in all levels on Thursday (July 25) amid the heavy rains caused by Super Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. Cyclone Carina has developed into a super typhoon on Thursday....

Typhoon disrupts flights in Taiwan, Philippines

2024-07-24T11:44+0200wn (en)

<p>ISTANBUL, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Jul, 2024) Hundreds of flights have been disrupted in Taiwan and the Philippines due to Typhoon ' Gaemi ', leading to the evacuation of hundreds of people in various parts of the island nation.</p><p>In New Taipei, authorities evacuated 362....

Mondo Filippine, 12 morti e 600mila sfollati per il tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T11:43+0200iltirreno (it)

Le piogge monsoniche aggravate dal tifone Gaemi hanno causato almeno dodici morti e più di 600mila sfollati nelle Filippine meridionali e centrali. Mentre il tifone si avvicinava alle coste di Taiwan con venti oltre i 160 chilometri orari, la tempesta ha rinforzato le piogge monsoniche, che hanno provocato frane e inondazioni.

Carina intensifies into super typhoon

2024-07-24T11:41+0200sunstar (en)

TROPICAL Cyclone Carina ( Gaemi ) has intensified into a super typhoon, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) said. In a weather bulletin issued at 5 p.m. Wednesday, July 24, 2024, Pagasa said Carina is about to make landfall over northern Taiwan . The eye of the super typhoon was spotted around 4 p.

Now a super typhoon, Carina enhancing 'habagat' as it targets Taiwan

2024-07-24T11:37+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines State weather bureau PAGASA upgraded tropical cyclone Carina to a super typhoon as it further gained strength on Wednesday afternoon, July 24. As of 4 p.m., Carina (international name Gaemi ) was spotted 380 kilometers north of Itbayat, Batanes in the northernmost part of the....

#CarinaPH now a super typhoon

2024-07-24T11:34+0200inquirer (en)

CEBU CITY, Philippines Carina (international name Gaemi ) on Wednesday, July 24, has intensified into a super typhoon hours after bringing intense rains and in Metro Manila. At 4:55 p.m., the state weather bureau announced that Carina developed into a super typhoon as it made its way to northern Taiwan where it is expected to make another landfall.

Flood Rescues in Manila as Typhoon Lashes Philippines

2024-07-24T11:25+0200qt (en)

Flood rescue operations were underway as Typhoon Gaemi , also known as Carina, lashed the Philippines on Wednesday, July 24. Footage released by Manila’s disaster management agency shows rescue operations in the capital. “Nobody gets left behind,” they wrote on Facebook.

2 injured in car explosion in Moscow

2024-07-24T11:25+0200uniindia (en)

Moscow, July 24 (UNI) Two people were injured in a car explosion in Moscow, local media reported on Wednesday. The explosion was caused by the detonation of an unidentified object in a car parked in the courtyard of a residential building in northern Moscow, Russia's TASS News Agency quoted....

UAE-Philippines Flights 'Operating As Normal' As Typhoon Submerges Manila...

2024-07-24T11:22+0200menafn (en)

- Khaleej Times) Flights between UAE and Manila“are still operating as normal” and no suspension has yet been announced despite Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon bringing heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and nearby provinces.

China Focus: East China gets poised for approaching Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T11:21+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

FUZHOU, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang in east China upgraded their alerts for typhoons on Wednesday, as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, is projected to hit Fujian's coast on Thursday. Fujian raised the emergency response level for typhoons from Level III to Level II, the second-highest level, on Wednesday.

430K Meralco customers experience power interruptions amid 'Carina'

2024-07-24T11:20+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Around 430,000 Meralco customers have experienced power interruptions on Wednesday due to the combined effects of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. In the latest advisory from the electricity concessionaire, Meralco said that the power....

Il violento tifone Gaemi colpisce le Filippine, Manila allagata

2024-07-24T11:20+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Manila, 24 lug. (askanews) - Il tifone Gaemi con le sue abbondantissime piogge monsoniche si è abbattuto sul Nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose. I soccorritori sono stati dispiegati in tutta la capitale per aiutare a....

Taiwan grounds flights as it braces for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T11:19+0200wn (en)

TAIPEI — Taiwan is bracing for the arrival of powerful Typhoon Gaemi which is expected to make landfall on the island's North East coast in the next few hours.The storm, the first typhoon of the ......

PNP intensifies disaster response in Metro Manila amid Carina onslaught

2024-07-24T11:18+0200inquirer (en)

A man carrying a plastic container wades through a flooded street in Manila on July 24, 2024 amid heavy rains brought by Typhoon Gaemi . Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines on July 24, triggering flooding in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon.

China Focus: East China gets poised for approaching Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T11:18+0200english-news-cn (en)

FUZHOU, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang in east China upgraded their alerts for typhoons on Wednesday, as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, is projected to hit Fujian's coast on Thursday. Fujian raised the emergency response level for typhoons from Level III to Level II, the second-highest level, on Wednesday.

China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T11:16+0200peopledaily (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for typhoon issued this year.

La furia del tifone Carina sull'area metropolitana di Manila: chiese aperte per gli sfollati

2024-07-24T11:09+0200asianews (it)

Manila (AsiaNews) Le Filippine sono in stato di massima allerta per l’assistenza a migliaia di persone colpite dal tifone Carina (chiamato Gaemi nei Paesi limitrofi) e dall'intensificarsi del monsone di sud-ovest, che ha colpito diverse aree dell’area metropolitana di Manila e altre regioni....

North China authorities warn heavy rain could spark floods, landslides

2024-07-24T11:05+0200straitstimesSG (en)

BEIJING - The authorities in northern China warned that heavy rain could bring floods and landslides on July 24, issuing the country’s second-highest flood response. China is enduring a summer of extreme weather, with heavy rain across the east and south expected as much of the north has sweltered under successive heatwaves.

Taiwan Braces for Typhoon Gaemi Amid Devastation in the Philippines

2024-07-24T11:04+0200devdiscourse (en)

Taiwan has preemptively closed offices, schools, and tourist sites as Typhoon Gaemi approaches, after causing significant damage in the Philippines , leading to 13 deaths and displacing 600,000 people. The typhoon's effects in Taiwan include heavy rains and anticipated landfall in the northern county of Yilan.

Heavy downpour causes landslides, power outages, road closures in Cordillera

2024-07-24T11:04+0200rappler (en)

BAGUIO, Philippines – Heavy rain brought by Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) and the enhanced southwest monsoon made several key roads impassable, caused landslides and power outages, and forced families to flee their homes in Baguio and other areas in the Cordillera region.

Taiwan grounds flights as it braces for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T11:02+0200saudigazette (en)

TAIPEI — Taiwan is bracing for the arrival of powerful Typhoon Gaemi which is expected to make landfall on the island's North East coast in the next few hours. The storm, the first typhoon of the season to affect the island, has led to the cancellation of parts of its largest annual military drills.

Taiwan, l'isola si prepara per l'arrivo del tifone Gaemi: previsti venti a 200 chilometri orari

2024-07-24T11:02+0200tgcom (it)

Taiwan ha chiuso uffici, scuole e siti turistici in tutta l'isola in vista di un potente tifone che dovrebbe abbattersi nelle prossime ore nella contea settentrionale di Yilan. I viaggiatori che dovevano prendere un aereo si sono affrettati a imbarcarsi sugli ultimi voli disponibili in partenza....

Floods paralyze Philippine capital, provinces

2024-07-24T10:58+0200wn (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Metro Manila Council has officially declared a state of calamity in the National Capital Region on Wednesday, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused flooding in various parts of the Philippine capital.

Filippine, 12 morti e 600mila sfollati per il tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T10:58+0200ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Le piogge monsoniche aggravate dal tifone Gaemi hanno causato almeno dodici morti e più di 600mila sfollati nelle Filippine meridionali e centrali. Mentre il tifone si avvicinava alle coste di Taiwan con venti oltre i 160 chilometri orari, la tempesta ha rinforzato le piogge monsoniche, che hanno provocato frane e inondazioni.

Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine, strade allagate a Manila

2024-07-24T10:58+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine, strade allagate a Manila Le piogge monsoniche hanno provocato frane mortali nelle regioni montuose.

Taiwan, l'isola si prepara per arrivo tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T10:58+0200ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Taiwan ha chiuso uffici, scuole e siti turistici in tutta l'isola in vista di un potente tifone che dovrebbe abbattersi nelle prossime ore nella contea settentrionale di Yilan. I viaggiatori che dovevano prendere un aereo si sono affrettati a imbarcarsi sugli ultimi voli disponibili in....

Il violento tifone Gaemi colpisce le Filippine, Manila allagata

2024-07-24T10:54+0200tiscali-it (it)

Manila, 24 lug. (askanews) - Il tifone Gaemi con le sue abbondantissime piogge monsoniche si è abbattuto sul Nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose. I soccorritori sono stati dispiegati in tutta la capitale per aiutare a....

Typhoon Gaemi: 8 Dead In Philippines; Offices Closed In Taiwan Ahead Of Storm

2024-07-24T10:51+0200outlookindia (en)

Typhoon Gaemi 's outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected Wednesday evening in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travelers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T10:50+0200cgtn (en)

China's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for typhoon issued this year.

Typhoon buffets Philippines, killing at least 8

2024-07-24T10:50+0200english-news-cn (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Metro Manila Council has officially declared a state of calamity in National Capital Region on Wednesday, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused flooding in various parts of the Philippine capital.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T10:49+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Taiwan closed shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island ahead of a powerful typhoon that already increased seasonal rains in the Philippines , killing at least 13 people and displacing 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct....

Typhoon buffets Philippines, killing at least 8

2024-07-24T10:47+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Metro Manila Council has officially declared a state of calamity in National Capital Region on Wednesday, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused flooding in various parts of the Philippine capital.

Typhoon Gaemi floods Manila with knee-deep water, 16 flights cancelled

2024-07-24T10:44+0200timesofindia (en)

Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon rains have caused severe flooding that devastated the Philippine capital, Manila, and large parts of Luzon Island on Wednesday. The downpours have led to knee-deep flooding in several areas, prompting the government to initiate evacuations and suspend schools and offices, according to Xinhua news agency.

Il violento tifone Gaemi colpisce le Filippine, Manila allagata

2024-07-24T10:44+0200askanews (it)

Manila, 24 lug. (askanews) – Il tifone Gaemi con le sue abbondantissime piogge monsoniche si è abbattuto sul Nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose. I soccorritori sono stati dispiegati in tutta la capitale per aiutare a....

Chine : le Fujian suspend les trains de passagers à l'approche du typhon Gaemi

2024-07-24T10:41+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

La province du Fujian (est) a annoncé la suspension de tous ses services des trains de passagers jeudi et de certains autres vendredi en raison de l'approche du typhon Gaemi , ont annoncé mercredi les autorités locales. Mercredi matin, la province du Fujian a relevé le niveau de la réponse d'urgence....

China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T10:39+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for typhoon issued this year.

Taiwan: Costa Cruise Itinerary Changes Due To Typhoon Gaemi Anger Passengers 3

2024-07-24T10:39+0200guampdn (en)

A 5-day Costa Cruises trip bound for Okinawa from Keelung Port on July 21 was cut short due to Typhoon Gaemi , angering passengers. Some of the passengers refused to leave the ship demanding refunds after the cruise ship docked in Kaohsiung Port on the 24th.

North China authorities warn heavy rains could spark floods, landslides

2024-07-24T10:37+0200terradaily (en)

Beijing, July 24 (AFP) Jul 24, 2024 Authorities in northern China warned heavy rains could bring floods and landslides Wednesday, issuing the country's second-highest flood response. China is enduring a summer of extreme weather, with heavy rains across the east and south coming as much of the north has sweltered under successive heatwaves.

China issues this year's first red alert for typhoon

2024-07-24T10:36+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert, the highest level, for Typhoon Gaemi at 10 a.m. Wednesday. This is the first red alert for typhoon issued this year.

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 13

2024-07-24T10:29+0200apanews-en (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 13 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

Chine : le Fujian relève le niveau de réponse d'urgence à l'approche du typhon Gaemi

2024-07-24T10:28+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

La province chinoise du Fujian (est) a relevé mercredi le niveau de réponse d'urgence aux typhons du niveau III au niveau II, car le typhon Gaemi , le troisième de cette année, devrait toucher jeudi les côtes de la province. Mercredi vers 09H00, le centre de Gaemi se trouvait à environ 195 km au....

Filippine, 12 morti e 600mila sfollati per il tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T10:27+0200lapresse-it-italian (it)

hanno causato almeno dodici morti e più di 600mila sfollati nelle Filippine meridionali e centrali. Mentre il tifone si avvicinava alle coste di Taiwan con venti oltre i 160 chilometri orari, la tempesta ha rinforzato le piogge monsoniche, che hanno provocato frane e inondazioni.

Taiwan, l’isola si prepara per arrivo tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T10:27+0200lapresse-it-italian (it)

ha chiuso uffici, scuole e siti turistici in tutta l’isola in vista di un potente tifone che dovrebbe abbattersi nelle prossime ore nella contea settentrionale di Yilan. I viaggiatori che dovevano prendere un aereo si sono affrettati a imbarcarsi sugli ultimi voli disponibili in partenza dall’isola,....

Floods paralyze Philippine capital, provinces

2024-07-24T10:25+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Metro Manila Council has officially declared a state of calamity in the National Capital Region on Wednesday, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused flooding in various parts of the Philippine capital.

Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine, strade allagate a Manila

2024-07-24T10:25+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

Le piogge monsoniche hanno provocato frane mortali nelle regioni montuose.

LOOK: Pets, stray animals rescued amid Typhoon Carina

2024-07-24T10:24+0200inquirer (en)

The Manila Manila Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office helps rescue dogs during the onslaught of Typhoon #CarinaPH on Wednesday, July 24. | PHOTO: MDRRMO. MANILA, Philippines Authorities evacuated pets and stray dogs in flood-hit areas of Manila on Wednesday afternoon amid heavy rainfall due....

Floods paralyze Philippine capital, provinces

2024-07-24T10:24+0200english-news-cn (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Metro Manila Council has officially declared a state of calamity in the National Capital Region on Wednesday, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused flooding in various parts of the Philippine capital.

Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine, strade allagate a Manila

2024-07-24T10:24+0200mattinopadova (it)

Le piogge monsoniche ininterrotte portate dal tifone Gaemi si sono abbattute sul nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose mentre la tempesta si dirige verso Taiwan . A sud della capitale delle Filippine, nella provincia di....

Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine, strade allagate a Manila

2024-07-24T10:23+0200nuovavenezia (it)

Le piogge monsoniche ininterrotte portate dal tifone Gaemi si sono abbattute sul nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose mentre la tempesta si dirige verso Taiwan . A sud della capitale delle Filippine, nella provincia di....

Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine, strade allagate a Manila

2024-07-24T10:21+0200tiscali-it (it)

Le piogge monsoniche ininterrotte portate dal tifone Gaemi si sono abbattute sul nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose mentre la tempesta si dirige verso Taiwan . A sud della capitale delle Filippine, nella provincia di....

Chinese meteorologists issue red alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T10:17+0200ecns (en)

The China Meteorological Administration initiated a Level II emergency response for major meteorological disasters on Wednesday noon, after China's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert for Typhoon Gaemi in the morning of the day. The center of Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this....

Typhoon Gaemi hits the Philippines

2024-07-24T10:15+0200straitstimesSG (en)

Passengers exiting a half-submerged bus and waving to rescuers in a flooded street in Manila on July 24, 2024, amid heavy rain brought about by Typhoon Gaemi . . PHOTO: AFP. Residents walking in waist-high flood waters in Quezon City, Metro Manila, on July 24, 2024, following heavy rain caused by Typhoon Gaemi.

Streets turned into rivers as Typhoon Gaemi blows past Philippines

2024-07-24T10:10+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

A state of calamity was declared for Manila, unlocking funds for relief efforts, after the state weather forecaster warned of "serious flooding" in some areas. Government offices were shut and classes suspended, at least 80 domestic and international flights were cancelled, and tens of thousands of customers lost power because of the weather.

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi after rains create chaos in Philippines

2024-07-24T09:56+0200aljazeera-en (en)

Taiwan has shuttered offices and schools and grounded flights as the island braces for a powerful typhoon that is expected to make landfall in a few hours after deluging swaths of the Philippines . Typhoon Gaemi is forecast to hit northeastern Taiwan by 10pm (14:00 GMT) on Wednesday, and President....

Flooding affects bus trips; train ops continue

2024-07-24T09:52+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Several bus and train lines were affected by the floods triggered by the combined effects of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon (habagat) on Wednesday. The EDSA Carousel will only reach Ortigas from the Parañaque Integrated Terminal Exchange (PITX), said the landport on Facebook.

North China authorities warn heavy rains could spark floods, landslides

2024-07-24T09:52+0200HindustanTimes (en)

China is enduring a summer of extreme weather, with heavy rains across the east and south coming as much of the north has sweltered under successive heatwaves. And after days of scorching temperatures of over 35 degrees Celsius in Beijing, city authorities Wednesday triggered the second-highest flood prevention response.

MIL-OSI China: Fujian upgrades emergency response as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T09:48+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

East China ’s Fujian province upgraded the emergency response level for typhoons from Level III to Level II on Wednesday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, is forecast to land the province’s coast on Thursday. Around 9 a.m. Wednesday, the center of Gaemi was located approximately 195....

170 Cagayan villagers still in evacuation centers due to Typhoon Carina

2024-07-24T09:48+0200inquirer (en)

TUGUEGARAO CITY As Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) continued to intensify on Wednesday, July 24, at least 170 people, or 49 families, remained in evacuation centers in Cagayan due to flooding and landslide threats, according to the Cagayan Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO).

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:41+0200theargus (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, market trading

2024-07-24T09:40+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MANILA — Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday (July 24) to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. The presidential office suspended classes at all....

Typhoon affects Taiwan's annual war games

2024-07-24T09:38+0200globalsecurity (en)

By VOA News July 23, 2024. A powerful typhoon on a path toward Taiwan has forced the island to curtail its annual war games. Taiwan's weather administration says Typhoon Gaemi is expected to make landfall sometime Wednesday on the island's northeastern coast, producing strong winds and heavy rainfall.

UAE warns citizens in the Philippines as Typhoon Gaemi lashes Manila

2024-07-24T09:36+0200wn (en)

The UAE embassy in Manila called upon citizens residing in the Philippines to exercise caution due to heavy floods. This advisory comes as the Southeast Asian nation experiences intense rain as Typhoon Gaemi is enhancing a southwest monsoon. Stay up to date with the latest news.

Filippine, il tifone Gaemi inonda le strade della capitale Manila

2024-07-24T09:35+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Bambini nuotano e pedoni attraversano l'acqua alta fino alle ginocchia nelle strade allagate di Manila, durante le forti piogge portate dal tifone Gaemi .

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 13

2024-07-24T09:34+0200arabtimes (en)

A Buddhist nun struggles with her umbrella against gusts of wind generated by Typhoon Gaemi in Taipei, Taiwan on July 24. (AP) TAIPEI, Taiwan, July 24, (AP): Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal....

UAE-Philippines flights 'operating as normal' as typhoon submerges Manila

2024-07-24T09:30+0200wn (en)

and no suspension has yet been announced despite Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon bringing heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and nearby provinces. A spokesperson for Philippine Airlines (PAL) told Khaleej Times Philippine....

Philippines: Typhoon Gaemi Causes Severe Flooding In Metro Manila And Parts Of Luzon 2

2024-07-24T09:29+0200eastoregonian (en)

Continuous rains brought by Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon caused flooding in the Philippine capital and many parts of Luzon Island on Wednesday, July 24. PAGASA issued a red warning for 'torrential rains.' The widespread floods, which were knee-high in some areas, forced residents near....

24 Luglio 2024 - 09:07 - Il tifone Gaemi colpisce con violenza le Filippine: morti e sfollati

2024-07-24T09:28+0200dire (it)

ROMA – Il tifone Gaemi colpisce con violenza le Filippine . Le piogge monsoniche cadute ininterrottamente si sono abbattute sul Nord del Paese e soprattutto sulla capitale Manila . Le immagini che arrivano mostrano strade allagate che diventano fiumi. Molti residenti di un villaggio della città,....

Filippine, il tifone Gaemi inonda le strade dì Manila

2024-07-24T09:27+0200tgcom (it)

Le piogge monsoniche, aggravate dal tifone Gaemi , che hanno colpito le Filippine hanno causato almeno dodici morti e più di 600mila sfollati. Nella regione intorno alla capitale Manila gli uffici governativi e le scuole sono stati chiusi dopo che le piogge ininterrotte hanno inondato molte aree durante la notte.

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, market trading

2024-07-24T09:25+0200bna-en (en)

Manila, July 24 (BNA): Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended.

Taiwan, l'isola si prepara per l'arrivo del tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T09:25+0200corriere (it)

(LaPresse) Taiwan ha chiuso uffici, scuole e siti turistici in tutta l'isola in vista dell'arrivo del potente tifone Gaemi , che dovrebbe abbattersi nelle prossime ore a partire dalla contea settentrionale di Yilan. I viaggiatori che dovevano prendere un aereo si sono affrettati a imbarcarsi sugli....

Streets turned into rivers as Typhoon Gaemi blows past Philippines

2024-07-24T09:22+0200wn (en)

<p>Manila, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Jul, 2024) Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines on Wednesday, triggering floods in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon. </p><p> In the densely populated capital, rescuers....

Philippine National Capital Region under state of calamity due to flooding

2024-07-24T09:19+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Metro Manila Council has officially declared a state of calamity in the National Capital Region, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused flooding in various parts of the Philippine capital.

Nation China's Fujian to halt passenger trains as Typhoon Gaemi approaches East China's Fujian Province has announced the suspension of all its passenger train services on Thursday and some on Friday due to the approaching Typhoon Gaemi. 3m

2024-07-24T09:18+0200shine (en)

East China 's Fujian Province has announced the suspension of all its passenger train services on Thursday and some on Friday due to the approaching Typhoon Gaemi , said local authorities on Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, Fujian upgraded the emergency response level for typhoons from Level III to....

Philippine National Capital Region under state of calamity due to flooding

2024-07-24T09:18+0200english-news-cn (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Metro Manila Council has officially declared a state of calamity in the National Capital Region, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused flooding in various parts of the Philippine capital.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:18+0200hertsad (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Chinese meteorologists issue red alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T09:18+0200chinadailyhk (en)

FUZHOU - The China Meteorological Administration initiated a Level II emergency response for major meteorological disasters on Wednesday noon, after China's National Meteorological Center issued a red alert for Typhoon Gaemi in the morning of the day. The center of Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon....

Philippines: Typhoon Gaemi Causes Severe Flooding In Metro Manila And Parts Of Luzon 2

2024-07-24T09:18+0200guampdn (en)

Continuous rains brought by Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon caused flooding in the Philippine capital and many parts of Luzon Island on Wednesday, July 24. PAGASA issued a red warning for 'torrential rains.' The widespread floods, which were knee-high in some areas, forced residents near....

FACT CHECK: Post warning of tropical cyclone ‘Duterte’ is fake

2024-07-24T09:16+0200rappler (en)

Claim: A satellite image shows a new tropical cyclone about to hit the Philippines after Butchoy and Carina. It will be named “Duterte.” Rating: FALSE. Why we fact-checked this: The post came from the Facebook page “Philippine Weather Alert,” which has over 1,000 followers and 174 likes.

UAE warns citizens in the Philippines as Typhoon Gaemi lashes Manila

2024-07-24T09:16+0200khaleejtimes (en)

The UAE embassy in Manila called upon citizens residing in the Philippines to exercise caution due to heavy floods. This advisory comes as the Southeast Asian nation experiences intense rain as Typhoon Gaemi is enhancing a southwest monsoon. Stay up to date with the latest news. Follow KT on WhatsApp Channels.

Philippine Capital Region Placed Under State of Calamity, ABS Reports

2024-07-24T09:15+0200bnnbloomberg (en)

A flooded road caused by Typhoon Gaemi in Quezon city, Metro Manila, Philippines , on July 24. (Ezra Acayan/Photographer: Ezra Acayan/Getty ) (Bloomberg) -- The Philippine capital region was placed under a state of calamity on Wednesday amid heavy flooding due to monsoon rains intensified by Typhoon....

Rundown: Malls offering shelter in Metro Manila, other provinces amid flood, heavy downpour

2024-07-24T09:14+0200philstar (en)

A number of shopping centers in areas affected by the southwest monsoon (habagat) intensified by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) are offering shelter to those stranded or impacted by the heavy rain and flooding. Metro Manila and other nearby provinces are experiencing torrential rainfall....

Philippines: Typhoon Gaemi Causes Severe Flooding In Metro Manila And Parts Of Luzon 2

2024-07-24T09:12+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Continuous rains brought by Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon caused flooding in the Philippine capital and many parts of Luzon Island on Wednesday, July 24. PAGASA issued a red warning for 'torrential rains.' The widespread floods, which were knee-high in some areas, forced residents near....

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, market trading

2024-07-24T09:12+0200AsiaOne (en)

MANILA — Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday (July 24) to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. The presidential office suspended classes at all....

Streets turned into rivers as Typhoon Gaemi (Carina) hits Phl

2024-07-24T09:12+0200tribuneonline (en)

Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines on Wednesday, triggering flooding in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi (locally named "Carina") intensified the seasonal monsoon. In the densely populated capital, rescuers were deployed across the city to help evacuate....

Philippine capital under state of calamity due to flooding

2024-07-24T09:11+0200chinadaily (en)

Philippine National Capital Region under state of calamity due to flooding Xinhua | Updated: 2024-07-24 14:44. MANILA -- The Metro Manila Council has officially declared a state of calamity in the National Capital Region, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused....

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:11+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:10+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:10+0200eadt (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Typhoon Gaemi Strengthens As It Nears Taiwan, Work Halted, Flights Cancelled

2024-07-24T09:07+0200tempo-co (en)

After crossing the Taiwan Strait, it is likely to hit the southeastern Chinese province of Fujian late on Thursday afternoon. "The next 24 hours will present a very severe challenge," Taiwan Premier Cho Jung-tai told a televised meeting of the emergency response centre.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:06+0200irishexaminer (en)

Taiwan closed shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island ahead of a powerful typhoon that already increased seasonal rains in the Philippines , killing at least 13 people and displacing 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct....

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:06+0200salisburyjournal (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

China's Fujian to halt passenger trains as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T09:05+0200china.org.cn (en)

FUZHOU, July 24 (Xinhua) -- East China 's Fujian Province has announced the suspension of all its passenger train services on Thursday and some on Friday due to the approaching Typhoon Gaemi , said local authorities on Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, Fujian upgraded the emergency response level for....

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:04+0200chesterfirst (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

UAE-Philippines flights 'operating as normal' as typhoon submerges Manila

2024-07-24T09:04+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Flights between UAE and Manila “are still operating as normal” and no suspension has yet been announced despite Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon bringing heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and nearby provinces. A spokesperson for Philippine Airlines (PAL) told Khaleej....

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:04+0200dailyecho (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:03+0200eveningtimes (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:02+0200oxfordtimes (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan's Armed forces conduct 'anti-landing' exercise as Han Kuang war games enter day 3

2024-07-24T09:01+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 24 (ANI): Taiwan 's annual military exercise, Han Kuang, entered its third day on Wednesday, the country's Ministry of National Defence said. Taiwan's armed forces conducted a joint landing exercise and it is their first public exercise that also features a live broadcast, the statement said.

Urgent: Philippine National Capital Region under state of calamity due to flooding

2024-07-24T09:00+0200china.org.cn (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Metro Manila Council has officially declared a state of calamity in the National Capital Region, as rains from the enhanced southwest monsoon brought by Typhoon Gaemi caused flooding in various parts of the Philippine capital. Enditem.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T09:00+0200edp24 (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T08:58+0200eveningnews24 (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T08:58+0200thenorthernecho (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T08:58+0200newsandstar (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T08:58+0200impartialreporter (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T08:58+0200thecomet (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T08:57+0200thetelegraphandargus (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T08:57+0200southwalesargus (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

La violenza del tifone Gaemi colpisce le Filippine: morti e sfollati

2024-07-24T08:57+0200rainews (it)

Le piogge monsoniche ininterrotte portate dal tifone Gaemi si sono abbattute sul nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila, allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose mentre la tempesta si dirige verso Taiwan . Sarebbero almeno dodici le persone uccise dalle conseguenze....

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T08:56+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T08:56+0200lbc (en)

Taiwan closed shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island ahead of a powerful typhoon that already increased seasonal rains in the Philippines , killing at least 13 people and displacing 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct....

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines

2024-07-24T08:56+0200yorkpress (en)

Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected on Wednesday evening local time in the northern county of Ylan. Fishing boats were recalled to port amid turbulent seas, while air travellers were rushing to board overseas flights before the storm arrives, amid numerous cancellations.

AP News Summary at 2:51 a.m. EDT

2024-07-24T08:55+0200eagletribune (en)

Netanyahu visit sparks wave of protests in DC, with all sides criticizing the Israeli PM. WASHINGTON (AP) — The arrival of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has touched off a flurry of protests in the nation’s capital, including a sit-in at a congressional office building that ended with multiple arrests.

Taiwan prepares for strong typhoon as monsoon rains kill 13 in the Philippines08:50

2024-07-24T08:54+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Taiwan closed shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island ahead of a powerful typhoon that already increased seasonal rains in the Philippines , killing at least 13 people and displacing 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct....

Taiwan's Armed forces conduct 'anti-landing' exercise as Han Kuang war games enter day 3

2024-07-24T08:51+0200srilankasource (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 24 (ANI): Taiwan 's annual military exercise, Han Kuang, entered its third day on Wednesday, the country's Ministry of National Defence said. Taiwan's armed forces conducted a joint landing exercise and it is their first public exercise that also features a live broadcast, the statement said.

4 dead in Philippine landslide

2024-07-24T08:51+0200uniindia (en)

Manila, July 24 (UNI) Four people, including a six-month pregnant woman, were buried in a landslide triggered by days of rains in Batangas province in south of Manila early on Wednesday, police and a local official said. Police said the landslide occurred before 6 a.m. on Wednesday in Agoncillo town.

Typhoon Gaemi To Make Landfall in Taiwan on July 24, Defence Ministry Says Forces Ready To Continue Drills

2024-07-24T08:49+0200latestly (en)

This may take a few seconds. Your browser will redirect automatically. Event ID: 1397554978099179880334688402208418185.

Typhoon Gaemi Update: Taiwan Shutters Offices Ahead of Powerful Typhoon That Worsened Rains in Philippines, Killing 8 People

2024-07-24T08:49+0200latestly (en)

This may take a few seconds. Your browser will redirect automatically. Event ID: 166894326109391205317229596316495671733.

Typhoon Carina Live Tracker Map on Windy: Powerful Typhoon Gaemi Set to Make Landfall in Taiwan, Check Real-Time Status

2024-07-24T08:49+0200latestly (en)

This may take a few seconds. Your browser will redirect automatically. Event ID: 6002512597688212898932065163466185351.

China's Fujian to halt passenger trains as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T08:48+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

FUZHOU, July 24 (Xinhua) -- East China 's Fujian Province has announced the suspension of all its passenger train services on Thursday and some on Friday due to the approaching Typhoon Gaemi , said local authorities on Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, Fujian upgraded the emergency response level for....

China's Fujian to halt passenger trains as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T08:48+0200english-news-cn (en)

FUZHOU, July 24 (Xinhua) -- East China 's Fujian Province has announced the suspension of all its passenger train services on Thursday and some on Friday due to the approaching Typhoon Gaemi , said local authorities on Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, Fujian upgraded the emergency response level for....

China's Fujian upgrades emergency response as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T08:46+0200peopledaily (en)

FUZHOU, July 24 (Xinhua) -- East China 's Fujian Province upgraded the emergency response level for typhoons from Level III to Level II on Wednesday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, is forecast to land the province's coast on Thursday. Around 9 a.m.

Taiwan Prepares For A Strong Typhoon That Worsened Monsoon Rains In The Philippines, Killing 12

2024-07-24T08:45+0200menafn (en)

and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi 's outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a direct landfall was expected Wednesday evening in the northern county of Ylan.

Taiwan's Armed forces conduct 'anti-landing' exercise as Han Kuang war games enter day 3

2024-07-24T08:43+0200longbeachstar (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 24 (ANI): Taiwan 's annual military exercise, Han Kuang, entered its third day on Wednesday, the country's Ministry of National Defence said. Taiwan's armed forces conducted a joint landing exercise and it is their first public exercise that also features a live broadcast, the statement said.

Heavy rain from Typhoon Gaemi floods Manila streets, homes

2024-07-24T08:40+02004-traders (en)

STORY: :: Heavy rain from Typhoon Gaemi floods. Manila's streets, stranding commuters. :: July 24, 2024. :: Manila, Philippines . :: Residents in some areas were forced. from their homes by the flooding. :: Yonon Ferreras, Village leader. "The effect of this on residents is trauma, fear, uncertainty,....

Fujian upgrades emergency response as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T08:39+0200china.org.cn (en)

East China 's Fujian province upgraded the emergency response level for typhoons from Level III to Level II on Wednesday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, is forecast to land the province's coast on Thursday. Around 9 a.m. Wednesday, the center of Gaemi was located approximately 195....

Taiwan's Armed forces conduct 'anti-landing' exercise as Han Kuang war games enter day 3

2024-07-24T08:39+0200myanmarnews (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 24 (ANI): Taiwan 's annual military exercise, Han Kuang, entered its third day on Wednesday, the country's Ministry of National Defence said. Taiwan's armed forces conducted a joint landing exercise and it is their first public exercise that also features a live broadcast, the statement said.

Il tifone Gaemi si abbatte sulle Filippine: piogge torrenziali e frane, morti e sfollati | FOTO

2024-07-24T08:36+0200meteoweb (it)

Le piogge generate dal tifone Gaemi si sono abbattute sul Nord delle Filippine e sulla capitale Manila , allagando le strade e provocando frane mortali nelle regioni montuose mentre la tempesta si dirige verso Taiwan . A Sud di Manila, nella provincia di Batangas, alcune frane hanno causato la morte di una donna incinta e di 3 bambini.

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 13

2024-07-24T08:35+0200wn (en)

Rest of World News: Typhoon Gaemi , impacting Taiwan and....

China's Fujian upgrades emergency response as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T08:35+0200chinadaily (en)

FUZHOU -- East China 's Fujian province upgraded the emergency response level for typhoons from Level III to Level II on Wednesday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, is forecast to land the province's coast on Thursday. Around 9 am on Wednesday, the center of Gaemi was located....

What is leptospirosis and why you should be careful treading in flooded areas

2024-07-24T08:32+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – As government offices and classes were suspended Wedensday, July 24, due to Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ), the Department of Health (DOH) warned the public against treading flooded areas as this increases the risk of getting leptospirosis.

Morti e sfollati nelle Filippine: fa paura il tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T08:31+0200interris (it)

Il nord delle Filippine e la capitale Manila sono state colpite da forti piogge monsoniche portate dal tifone Gaemi , causando frane mortali e gravi inondazioni. In provincia di Batangas, una frana ha ucciso quattro persone, tra cui una donna incinta e tre bambini, mentre nella provincia montuosa di....

Taiwan's Armed forces conduct 'anti-landing' exercise as Han Kuang war games enter day 3

2024-07-24T08:30+0200singaporestar (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 24 (ANI): Taiwan 's annual military exercise, Han Kuang, entered its third day on Wednesday, the country's Ministry of National Defence said. Taiwan's armed forces conducted a joint landing exercise and it is their first public exercise that also features a live broadcast, the statement said.

AP News Summary at 2:24 a.m. EDT

2024-07-24T08:30+0200eagletribune (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican leaders are warning party members against using overtly racist and sexist attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris, as they and former President Donald Trump’s campaign scramble to adjust to the reality of a new Democratic rival less than four months before Election Day.

Taiwan's Armed forces conduct 'anti-landing' exercise as Han Kuang war games enter day 3

2024-07-24T08:27+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 24 (ANI): Taiwan 's annual military exercise, Han Kuang, entered its third day on Wednesday, the country's Ministry of National Defence said. Taiwan's armed forces conducted a joint landing exercise and it is their first public exercise that also features a live broadcast, the statement said.

Japan: Typhoon Gaemi Brings Strong Winds, Heavy Rain To Sakishima Islands 3

2024-07-24T08:26+0200mycouriertribune (en)

Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rain and strong winds to Sakishima Islands in Okinawa on Wednesday, July 24 as it headed north-northwest toward Taiwan . RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@FpvOkinawan via Spectee”. Video Location: Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan Video Recording Date/Time: July 24, 2024.

Landslide Kills Four In Philippines

2024-07-24T08:22+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Manila, July 24 (IANS) Four people, including a six-month pregnant woman, were buried in a landslide triggered by days of rains in Batangas province in south of Manila early on Wednesday, and a local official said. Police said the landslide occurred before 6 a.m. in Agoncillo town, Xinhua news agency reported.

Le forti piogge del tifone Gaemi sommergono le strade di Manila

2024-07-24T08:21+0200rainews (it)

I residenti di un villaggio di Manila sono stati costretti a lasciare le loro case allagate dopo che il tifone Gaemi e un monsone da sud-ovest hanno portato forti piogge nella regione della capitale delle Filippine e nelle province settentrionali. "In questo momento e anche da ieri chiediamo....

Manila Mayor tells kids wading through floods: 'Go home!'

2024-07-24T08:20+0200inquirer (en)

At the time, Lacuna was conducting roving operations in the city to provide flood situation updates in light of the incessant rains brought by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon, locally called habagat. FOR EMERGENCIES: List of government hotlines After seeing the....

Japan: Typhoon Gaemi Brings Strong Winds, Heavy Rain To Sakishima Islands 3

2024-07-24T08:20+0200eastoregonian (en)

Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rain and strong winds to Sakishima Islands in Okinawa on Wednesday, July 24 as it headed north-northwest toward Taiwan . RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@FpvOkinawan via Spectee”. Video Location: Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan Video Recording Date/Time: July 24, 2024.

Japan: Typhoon Gaemi Brings Strong Winds, Heavy Rain To Sakishima Islands 2

2024-07-24T08:20+0200eastoregonian (en)

Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rain and strong winds to Sakishima Islands in Okinawa on Wednesday, July 24 as it headed north-northwest toward Taiwan . RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@FpvOkinawan via Spectee”. NOTE: Looped video Video Location: Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan Video Recording Date/Time: July 24, 2024 at about 09:40h.

Taiwan: Winds And Rain Pick Up Ahead Of Typhoon Gaemi Landfall

2024-07-24T08:20+0200eastoregonian (en)

Winds and rain have started to pick up in Taiwan on Wednesday, July 24, ahead of Typhoon Gaemi 's forecast landfall later today or early Thursday. The first typhoon to affect Taiwan this season, Gaemi packs maximum sustained winds of up to 162 kph, with gusts of up to 198 kph. RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@AnmolMD via Spectee”.

Taiwan braces for strong typhoon after 13 are killed in Philippines

2024-07-24T08:19+0200latimes (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan shut offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 13 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan,....

State of calamity declaration mulled in Metro Manila

2024-07-24T08:17+0200sunstar (en)

INTERIOR and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos Jr. recommended on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, the declaration of a state of calamity in Metro Manila due the massive flooding brought about by the Southwest Monsoon or habagat that is being enhanced by Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ). "Because of what is happening, Mr.

Japan: Typhoon Gaemi Brings Strong Winds, Heavy Rain To Sakishima Islands 3

2024-07-24T08:17+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rain and strong winds to Sakishima Islands in Okinawa on Wednesday, July 24 as it headed north-northwest toward Taiwan . RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@FpvOkinawan via Spectee”. Video Location: Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan Video Recording Date/Time: July 24, 2024.

Japan: Typhoon Gaemi Brings Strong Winds, Heavy Rain To Sakishima Islands 2

2024-07-24T08:17+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rain and strong winds to Sakishima Islands in Okinawa on Wednesday, July 24 as it headed north-northwest toward Taiwan . RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@FpvOkinawan via Spectee”. NOTE: Looped video Video Location: Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan Video Recording Date/Time: July 24, 2024 at about 09:40h.

Taiwan's Armed forces conduct 'anti-landing' exercise as Han Kuang war games enter day 3

2024-07-24T08:17+0200nigeriasun (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 24 (ANI): Taiwan 's annual military exercise, Han Kuang, entered its third day on Wednesday, the country's Ministry of National Defence said. Taiwan's armed forces conducted a joint landing exercise and it is their first public exercise that also features a live broadcast, the statement said.

China issues orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T08:15+0200peopledaily (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center (NMC) on Wednesday morning issued an orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 260 km southeast off Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

Watch live: Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi as flights cancelled and markets closed

2024-07-24T08:11+0200independent-UK (en)

Watch live on Wednesday (24 July) as Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi as flights are cancelled and markets closed. Gaemi, the first typhoon of the season, will make landfall on Taiwan’s northeast coast by early evening on Wednesday and move towards ’s province by Friday.

Fishing boats take shelter from Typhoon Gaemi in Fujian

2024-07-24T08:11+0200ecns (en)

Fishing boats return to the Huangqi national fishing port or shelter as Typhoon Gaemi in Lianjiang County of Fuzhou City, east Chin's Fujian Province, July 23, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/Zhang Bin) Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year is expected to make landfall on Thursday afternoon....

AP News Summary at 2:02 a.m. EDT

2024-07-24T08:11+0200eagletribune (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican leaders are warning party members against using overtly racist and sexist attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris, as they and former President Donald Trump’s campaign scramble to adjust to the reality of a new Democratic rival less than four months before Election Day.

La Chine émet une alerte orange au typhon Gaemi

2024-07-24T08:11+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le Centre météorologique national (CMN) a émis mercredi matin une alerte orange au typhon Gaemi , qui devrait apporter des vents violents et de fortes pluies dans les régions méridionales du pays. Le typhon Gaemi, le troisième de cette année, se situait à 260 km du sud-est du district de Yilan à Taiwan mercredi à 5h00.

See the likely path for Gaemi.

2024-07-24T08:09+0200nytimes (en)

Gaemi was a typhoon in the Philippine Sea Wednesday afternoon Taiwan time, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center said in its latest The typhoon had sustained wind speeds of 138 miles per hour, which would make it a Category 4 hurricane if it were in the Atlantic Ocean.

Typhoon Gaemi: Taiwan braces for monsoon rains and high winds after four killed in Philippines

2024-07-24T08:07+0200irishtimes (en)

At least four people died in a landslide triggered by the rain and more than half a million people have been displaced in the Philippines , according to a local government and the national disaster management agency. Floodwaters in the capital of Manila inundated vehicles and brought traffic to a....

Japan: Typhoon Gaemi Brings Strong Winds, Heavy Rain To Sakishima Islands 3

2024-07-24T08:07+0200guampdn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rain and strong winds to Sakishima Islands in Okinawa on Wednesday, July 24 as it headed north-northwest toward Taiwan . RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@FpvOkinawan via Spectee”. Video Location: Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan Video Recording Date/Time: July 24, 2024.

Japan: Typhoon Gaemi Brings Strong Winds, Heavy Rain To Sakishima Islands 2

2024-07-24T08:07+0200guampdn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi brought heavy rain and strong winds to Sakishima Islands in Okinawa on Wednesday, July 24 as it headed north-northwest toward Taiwan . RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@FpvOkinawan via Spectee”. NOTE: Looped video Video Location: Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan Video Recording Date/Time: July 24, 2024 at about 09:40h.

Taiwan's Armed forces conduct 'anti-landing' exercise as Han Kuang war games enter day 3

2024-07-24T08:06+0200manilametro (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 24 (ANI): Taiwan 's annual military exercise, Han Kuang, entered its third day on Wednesday, the country's Ministry of National Defence said. Taiwan's armed forces conducted a joint landing exercise and it is their first public exercise that also features a live broadcast, the statement said.

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 13

2024-07-24T08:04+0200kitchenertoday (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 13 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

Carina leaves 5 dead in Batangas

2024-07-24T08:04+0200inquirer (en)

LUCENA CITY Four residents, including a pregnant woman, died in a landslide Tuesday in Agoncillo town, and another was killed after a tree fell on him in Nasugbu town, both in Batangas province, during the onslaught of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ).

Typhoon Gaemi Heads for Taiwan With Category 4 Strength

2024-07-24T08:00+0200fokuskina (en)

New York Times - Publicerad för för 28 minuter sedan The tropical cyclone was expected to make landfall on the island late Wednesday, a day after battering the Philippines with heavy rain.

China's Fujian upgrades emergency response as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T07:58+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

FUZHOU, July 24 (Xinhua) -- East China 's Fujian Province upgraded the emergency response level for typhoons from Level III to Level II on Wednesday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, is forecast to land the province's coast on Thursday. Around 9 a.m.

China's Fujian upgrades emergency response as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-24T07:56+0200english-news-cn (en)

FUZHOU, July 24 (Xinhua) -- East China 's Fujian Province upgraded the emergency response level for typhoons from Level III to Level II on Wednesday as Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, is forecast to land the province's coast on Thursday. Around 9 a.m.

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 13

2024-07-24T07:52+0200yakimaherald (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 13 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

China activates emergency response to floods, typhoon

2024-07-24T07:45+0200peopledaily (en)

BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhua) -- China 's State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters on Tuesday activated a Level-IV emergency response to flooding and a typhoon in the provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 kilometers southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

People swim, drive and wade through deep floodwater in Manila 52 mins ago Asia

2024-07-24T07:44+0200bbc-future (en)

People in the Philippines have been battling knee-deep floodwater after Typhoon Gaemi lashed the country's capital. Footage shows people attempting to walk through the flooding in Manila, whilst others tried to drive and even swim to their destination.

AP News Summary at 1:39 a.m. EDT

2024-07-24T07:41+0200eagletribune (en)

Netanyahu looks to boost US support in speech to Congress, but faces protests and lawmaker boycotts. WASHINGTON (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will speak before Congress in hopes of bolstering U.S. support for continuing Israel’s fight against Hamas and other adversaries.

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 13

2024-07-24T07:41+0200eagletribune (en)

Taiwan has shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island ahead of a powerful typhoon due to make landfall later Wednesday. Typhoon Gaemi already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , where at least 12 people have died. The typhoon Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that....

Dubai: Emirates flight to Taipei delayed as Taiwan braces for typhoon

2024-07-24T07:40+0200khaleejtimes (en)

An Emirates flight from Dubai to Taipei has been delayed by 18 hours. The EK366 flight was scheduled to take off from Dubai International Airport (DXB) at 3.40am, and is now estimated to depart at 9.40pm. An incoming flight EK162 to Dubai has been delayed, arriving at 5.08am, hours later than the scheduled 12.

Typhoon Gaemi Heads for Taiwan With Category 4 Strength

2024-07-24T07:40+0200nytimes (en)

Typhoon Gaemi was approaching Taiwan with heavy rains and powerful winds on Wednesday, after officials on the island said that they had closed schools and canceled planned military exercises. Gaemi had maximum sustained winds of 138 miles per hour on Wednesday morning, according to the U.S. Navy’s Joint Typhoon Warning Center .

Taiwan grounds flights as it braces for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T07:37+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Taiwan is bracing for the arrival of powerful Typhoon Gaemi which is expected to make landfall on the island's North East coast in the next few hours. The storm - the first typhoon of the season to affect the island - has led to the cancellation of parts of its largest annual military drills.

Le onde colpiscono la costa di Taiwan mentre il tifone Gaemi si avvicina

2024-07-24T07:36+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Alte onde si abbattono sulla costa nord-orientale di Taiwan , nella contea di Yilan, mentre il tifone Gaemi si avvicina all'isola, portando piogge torrenziali e venti impetuosi.

HKO warns of extreme heat as mercury set to hit 35 degrees

2024-07-24T07:35+0200thestandard-hk (en)

The Hong Kong Observatory warned on Wednesday that the weather will be extremely hot in the afternoon with temperatures reaching up to 35 degrees Celsius, as Severe Typhoon Gaemi 's outer subsiding air brings very hot weather to southern China . According to HKO, Severe Typhoon Gaemi was centered about 190 kilometers southeast of Taipei.

China issues highest alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T07:32+0200cgtn (en)

China's National Meteorological Center (NMC) on Wednesday morning issued its highest red alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong winds and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 195 kilometers southeast off Taiwan 's Yilan County at 9 a.

Streets turned into rivers as Typhoon Gaemi hits Philippines

2024-07-24T07:31+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Manila, Philippines —Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines on Wednesday, triggering flooding in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi (locally known as ‘Carina’) intensified the seasonal monsoon. In the densely populated capital, rescuers were deployed across the....

Typhoon ‘Carina’ disrupts several local, international flights

2024-07-24T07:31+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

More than 60 domestic flights of Cebu Pacific (CEB) airlines were suspended Wednesday due to inclement weather brought by Typhoon ‘Carina.’ “Due to the impact of Typhoon Carina (International Name: Gaemi ) on our operations, Cebu Pacific advises its passengers to expect cancellations and flight....

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 12

2024-07-24T07:31+0200sinchew (en)

Taiwan has closed offices, schools and tourist sites across the island ahead of a powerful typhoon due to make landfall later Wednesday. AP. TAIPEI: Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the....

PAGASA not ruling out super typhoon status for Carina before landfall in Taiwan

2024-07-24T07:26+0200rappler (en)

Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ), which is still enhancing the southwest monsoon, already has maximum sustained winds of 165 km/h as of Wednesday morning, July 24. Intense monsoon rain continues to hit parts of Luzon. MANILA, Philippines – The weather bureau is not ruling out the possibility of Typhoon....

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, market trading

2024-07-24T07:23+0200thedailystarBD (en)

Rescuers paddle their boats along a flooded street in Manila on July 24, 2024 amid heavy rains brought by Typhoon Gaemi . Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines on July 24, triggering flooding in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon.

Floods Paralyse Philippine Capital, Many Provinces

2024-07-24T07:23+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Manila, July 24 (IANS) Continuous rains triggered by Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon caused flooding that paralysed the Philippine capital Manila and many parts of the main Luzon Island on Wednesday. The widespread flooding, knee-deep in some areas, forced the government to evacuate....

Philippines Says Landslide Killed Four People as Typhoon Slams

2024-07-24T07:20+0200bnnbloomberg (en)

July 23, 2024 at 11:48PM EDT (Bloomberg) -- A 28-year-old pregnant woman and three minors were killed in a landslide in Batangas province south of the Philippine capital, as Typhoon Gaemi and monsoon rains battered the Southeast Asian nation. The bodies of the four victims were recovered early....

HK Express cancels two more flights due to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T07:19+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Budget airline HK Express announced on Wednesday morning that two of its flights traveling between Hong Kong and Kaohsiung will also be canceled due to Typhoon Gaemi . A total of ten flights have now been canceled by the airline. The affected flights are UO110, UO112, UO114, and UO116 from Hong Kong....

Taiwan's Han Kuang exercises enter third day

2024-07-24T07:16+0200aninews (en)

Taiwan's Armed forces conduct 'anti-landing' exercise as Han Kuang war games enter day 3. ANI | Updated: Jul 24, 2024 10:45 IST. Taipei [ ], July 24 (ANI): Taiwan 's annual military exercise, Han Kuang, entered its third day on Wednesday, the country's said.

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 12

2024-07-24T07:16+0200mb-com-ph (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi 's outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 12

2024-07-24T07:14+0200citynews-ca (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 12 July 24, 2024

2024-07-24T07:14+0200ajw (en)

TAIPEI--Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a....

Taiwan: Residents Prepare For Typhoon Gaemi Landfall

2024-07-24T07:13+0200eastoregonian (en)

Taiwan was preparing on Wednesday, July 24, ahead of Typhoon Gaemi 's forecast landfall late Wednesday or early Thursday. All domestic flights and 201 international flights had been cancelled. People were boarding up shop doors and windows in anticipation of strong winds and rain.

Typhoon Gaemi strengthens as it nears Taiwan, work halted, flights cancelled

2024-07-24T07:12+0200business-times (en)

“It’s charging directly towards the east coast and if it makes landfall here the damage would be enormous.” Work and school were suspended across Taiwan , with streets almost deserted in its capital, Taipei, during the normal rush hour, amid squally rain.

Philippines' health agency raises alarm on leptospirosis amid rain-induced flooding

2024-07-24T07:11+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines ' Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday warned Filipinos to be alert for leptospirosis as the country grapples with massive flooding due to Typhoon Gaemi . The DOH issued the alert as Filipinos waded through rising waters that flooded streets and houses in....

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 12

2024-07-24T07:11+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Taipei, Taiwan : Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan,....

Philippines' health agency raises alarm on leptospirosis amid rain-induced flooding

2024-07-24T07:10+0200english-news-cn (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines ' Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday warned Filipinos to be alert for leptospirosis as the country grapples with massive flooding due to Typhoon Gaemi . The DOH issued the alert as Filipinos waded through rising waters that flooded streets and houses in....

Taiwan: Residents Prepare For Typhoon Gaemi Landfall

2024-07-24T07:07+0200guampdn (en)

Taiwan was preparing on Wednesday, July 24, ahead of Typhoon Gaemi 's forecast landfall late Wednesday or early Thursday. All domestic flights and 201 international flights had been cancelled. People were boarding up shop doors and windows in anticipation of strong winds and rain.

HKO warns of extremely hot weather as mercury set to hit 35 degrees Celsius

2024-07-24T07:03+0200thestandard-hk (en)

The Hong Kong Observatory warned on Wednesday that the weather will be extremely hot in the afternoon with temperatures reaching up to 35 degrees Celsius, as Severe Typhoon Gaemi 's outer subsiding air is bringing very hot weather to southern China . According to HKO, Severe Typhoon Gaemi was centered about 190 kilometers southeast of Taibei.

Taiwan grounds flights as it braces for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T07:03+0200bbc (en)

Taiwan is bracing for the arrival of powerful Typhoon Gaemi which is expected to make landfall on the island's North East coast in the next few hours. The storm - the first typhoon of the season to affect the island - has led to the cancellation of parts of its largest annual military drills.

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, cancel flights

2024-07-24T06:54+0200wn (en)

Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. The Philippine coastguard said 354 passengers and 31 vessels were....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T06:52+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Streets turned into rivers as Typhoon Gaemi hits Philippines

2024-07-24T06:51+0200business-times (en)

RELENTLESS rain drenched the northern Philippines on Wednesday, triggering flooding in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon. In the densely populated capital, rescuers were deployed across the city to help evacuate people from low-lying homes after downpours turned streets into rivers.

LIST: Malls open for people affected by Typhoon Carina

2024-07-24T06:49+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines A number of malls on Wednesday opened their doors to people affected by heavy rains and floods caused by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. The following malls announced that overnight parking, WiFi access, and charging stations are free on July....

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi to make landfall

2024-07-24T06:49+0200inquirer (en)

The weather forced the self-ruled island to cancel some of its annual Han Kuang war games which test preparedness for a Chinese invasion but an anti-landing drill went ahead as scheduled on Wednesday morning on Penghu island, west of Taiwan . Authorities evacuated more than 2,100 people living in....

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 12

2024-07-24T06:47+0200dailyjournal (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

Taiwan shutters offices ahead of typhoon that brought havoc in Philippines

2024-07-24T06:42+0200business-standard (en)

Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least eight people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi 's outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan , where a....

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, cancel flights

2024-07-24T06:40+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. The Philippine coastguard said 354 passengers and 31 vessels were....

Taiwan headline news The lead stories in major Taiwan dailies on Wednesday are as follows: 07/24/2024 10:24 AM

2024-07-24T06:37+0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, July 24 (CNA) The lead stories in major Taiwan dailies on Wednesday are as follows: @United Daily News: Taiwan, China expected to reach consensus over speedboat incident on Wednesday. @China Times: Both sides of Taiwan Strait expected to sign accord on Feb. 14 Kinmen incident.

Streets turned into rivers as Typhoon Gaemi hits Philippines

2024-07-24T06:35+0200terradaily (en)

Manila, July 24 (AFP) Jul 24, 2024 Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines on Wednesday, triggering flooding in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon. In the densely populated capital, rescuers were deployed across the city to help....

Taiwan prepares for typhoon that left 12 dead in Philippines

2024-07-24T06:34+0200inquirer (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of Taiwan,....

Philippines' health agency raises alarm on leptospirosis amid rain-induced flooding

2024-07-24T06:33+0200wn (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines ' Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday warned Filipinos to be alert for leptospirosis as the country grapples with massive flooding due to Typhoon Gaemi . The DOH issued the alert as Filipinos waded through rising waters that flooded streets and houses in....

Streets turned into rivers as Typhoon Gaemi hits Philippines

2024-07-24T06:28+0200guampdn (en)

Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines on Wednesday, triggering flooding in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon. In the densely populated capital, rescuers were deployed across the city to help evacuate people from low-lying homes after downpours turned streets into rivers.

MIL-OSI China: China issues orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T06:27+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Recommended Sponsor Painted-Moon.com - Buy Original Artwork Directly from the Artist Source: People’s Republic of China – State Council News. BEIJING, July 24 — China’s National Meteorological Center (NMC) on Wednesday morning issued an orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring....

Metro Manila flood due to habagat brings back memories of Ondoy, Ulysses

2024-07-24T06:20+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Heavy rain due to the southwest monsoon enhanced by Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) has caused widespread flooding in parts of the Philippines’ capital region and nearby provinces on Wednesday, July 24. The developing situation has brought back memories of Tropical Storm Ondoy (Ketsana)....

Grim weather disrupts airport operations - Caap

2024-07-24T06:18+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Four airports suspended operations on Wednesday due to the effects of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon , according to the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (Caap). In its 9:30 a.m. situational report, Caap reported that the airports....

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 12

2024-07-24T06:16+0200yakimaherald (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

Streets turned into rivers as Typhoon Gaemi hits Philippines

2024-07-24T06:15+0200france24-en (en)

In the densely populated capital, rescuers were deployed across the city to help evacuate people from low-lying homes after downpours turned streets into rivers. People clutched flimsy umbrellas as they waded through thigh-deep murky water or used small boats and shopping trolleys to move around.

China issues orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T06:12+0200uniindia (en)

Beijing, July 24 (UNI) China 's National Meteorological Center (NMC) on Wednesday morning issued an orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 260 km southeast off Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

Typhoon Gaemi 2024 live: Taiwan braces for intensifying storm as flights cancelled, offices and schools ...

2024-07-24T06:12+0200wn (en)

Soldiers on standby as one of biggest typhoons for years forecast to hit Taiwan ...

4 dead in Philippine landslide

2024-07-24T06:10+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Four people, including a six-month pregnant woman, were buried in a landslide triggered by days of rains in Batangas province in south of Manila early on Wednesday, police and a local official said. Police said the landslide occurred before 6 a.m. on Wednesday in Agoncillo town.

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, schools, market trading

2024-07-24T06:06+0200straitstimesSG (en)

MANILA - Typhoon Gaemi and a south-west monsoon brought heavy rain on July 24 to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. The presidential office suspended classes at all academic....

Streets Turned Into Rivers As Typhoon Gaemi Hits Philippines

2024-07-24T06:01+0200barrons (en)

Relentless rain drenched the northern Philippines on Wednesday, triggering flooding in Manila and landslides in mountainous regions as Typhoon Gaemi intensified the seasonal monsoon. In the densely populated capital, rescuers were deployed across the city to help evacuate people from low-lying homes after downpours turned streets into rivers.

Typhoon Carina and southwest monsoon: Weather updates, effects, and relief efforts

2024-07-24T05:58+0200rappler (en)

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. Parts of Luzon, including Metro Manila, have been seriously flooded due to Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) and the enhanced southwest monsoon or habagat. What is the situation of affected communities, and how can we help? Bookmark and refresh this page to get the latest weather....

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, schools, market trading

2024-07-24T05:54+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MANILA - Typhoon Gaemi and a south-west monsoon brought heavy rain on July 24 to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. The presidential office suspended classes at all academic....

Taiwan shutters offices ahead of typhoon that worsened rains in the Philippines, killing 8

2024-07-24T05:52+0200yakimaherald (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least eight people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much....

164 stranded in Bicol ports due to Carina

2024-07-24T05:48+0200inquirer (en)

LEGAZPI CITY At least 164 have been stranded in Camarines Sur and Masbate ports at 8 a.m. Wednesday, July 24, due to Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ). The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) Bicol) said most stranded passengers were in Pasacao port, where 110 of them and four rolling cargoes were not permitted to travel.

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 12

2024-07-24T05:43+0200eagletribune (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

AP News Summary at 11:36 p.m. EDT

2024-07-24T05:43+0200eagletribune (en)

Clip resurfaces of Vance criticizing Harris for being 'childless,' testing Trump's new running mate. Comments Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance made in 2021 questioning Vice President Kamala Harris’ leadership because she did not have biological children have resurfaced.

Monsoon rains worsened by typhoon leave 8 dead, displace 600,000

2024-07-24T05:37+0200sunstar (en)

MONSOON rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides mostly in the southern and central Philippines . Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, did not blow inland in the Philippines but has enhanced its seasonal monsoon rains.

Taiwan prepares for a strong typhoon that worsened monsoon rains in the Philippines, killing 12

2024-07-24T05:37+0200kob (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much of....

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi to make landfall

2024-07-24T05:35+0200france24-en (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , packing sustained wind speeds of 162 kilometres (100 miles) per hour, also affected Japan and the Philippines -- which also announced that government offices would close for the day. It is expected to make landfall in northeast Taiwan by 10 pm (1400 GMT), and President Lai Ching-te....

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi to make landfall

2024-07-24T05:31+0200rfi-en (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , packing sustained wind speeds of 162 kilometres (100 miles) per hour, also affected Japan and the Philippines -- which also announced that government offices would close for the day. It is expected to make landfall in northeast Taiwan by 10 pm (1400 GMT), and President Lai Ching-te....

Taiwan shutters offices ahead of typhoon that worsened rains in the Philippines, killing 8

2024-07-24T05:31+0200eagletribune (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least eight people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much....

Taiwan Braces for Typhoon Gaemi: Schools Closed, Flights Canceled

2024-07-24T05:29+0200devdiscourse (en)

Taiwan shut down offices, schools, and tourist sites as Typhoon Gaemi approached, already causing severe weather in the Philippines with eight deaths and 600,000 displaced. Fishing boats were recalled, flights canceled, and government work suspended in response to the storm, expected to make landfall in Ylan county.

Typhoon Gaemi Floods Streets In Philippines Capital

2024-07-24T05:28+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/typhoon-gaemi-floods-streets-in-philippines-capital-8383a505.

High Waves Hitting Taiwan Coast As Typhoon Gaemi Nears

2024-07-24T05:28+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/high-waves-hitting-taiwan-coast-as-typhoon-gaemi-nears-e66930dd.

AP News Summary at 11:17 p.m. EDT

2024-07-24T05:26+0200eagletribune (en)

Clip resurfaces of Vance criticizing Harris for being 'childless,' testing Trump's new running mate. Comments Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance made in 2021 questioning Vice President Kamala Harris’ leadership because she did not have biological children have resurfaced.

Taiwan shutters offices ahead of typhoon that worsened rains in the Philippines, killing 8

2024-07-24T05:25+0200kob (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan shuttered offices, schools and tourist sites across the island Wednesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that already worsened seasonal rains in the Philippines , killed at least eight people and displaced 600,000. Typhoon Gaemi ’s outer skirt was bringing heavy rain to much....

Inclement weather disrupts airport operations - Caap

2024-07-24T05:21+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Four airports suspended operations on Wednesday due to the effects of Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon , according to the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (Caap). In its 9:30 a.m. situational report, Caap reported that the for....

4 dead in Philippine landslide

2024-07-24T05:19+0200english-news-cn (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Four people, including a six-month pregnant woman, were buried in a landslide triggered by days of rains in Batangas province in south of Manila early on Wednesday, police and a local official said. Police said the landslide occurred before 6 a.m. on Wednesday in Agoncillo town.

China issues orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T05:14+0200gov-cn-en (en)

BEIJING, July 24 -- China 's National Meteorological Center (NMC) on Wednesday morning issued an orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 260 km southeast off Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

Classes suspended in Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal due to bad weather

2024-07-24T05:13+0200inquirer (en)

LUCENA CITY Classes at all levels in both public and private schools in Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, and Rizal provinces were suspended on Wednesday, July 24, due to bad weather brought by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and southwest monsoon. The declarations were made by governors Jonvic....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T05:12+0200theargus (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

La Chine active une réponse d'urgence aux inondations et au typhon

2024-07-24T05:05+0200french-news (fr)

BEIJING, 24 juillet (Xinhua) -- Le Centre national de lutte contre les inondations et la sécheresse de la Chine a activé mardi une réponse d'urgence de niveau IV pour lutter contre les inondations et le typhon dans les provinces côtières du Fujian et du Zhejiang.

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T05:04+0200hertsad (en)

While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the past five days have set off at least a dozen landslides and floods that have caused eight deaths and displaced more than 600,000 people, including 35,000 who went to emergency....

Signal No. 2 up in Batanes as typhoon Carina intensifies

2024-07-24T05:03+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal (TCWS) No. 2 was raised over Batanes as Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) further intensified as it headed towards Taiwan . This is according to the state weather bureau this early Wednesday morning.

Monsoon rains worsened by offshore typhoon leave 8 dead and displace 600,000 in Philippines

2024-07-24T05:02+0200wboc (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people. The flooding and landslides were mostly in the southern and central Philippines . Classes and work were intermittently suspended Wed &lt;nesday, including in the densely populated region around the capital, Manila.

Monsoon rains worsened by offshore typhoon leave 8 dead and displace 600,000 in Philippines

2024-07-24T05:02+0200kob (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides mostly in the southern and central Philippines. Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, did not blow inland in the Philippines but has enhanced its seasonal monsoon rains.

LIST: Class suspensions for July 24

2024-07-24T04:59+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Classes in parts of Luzon were suspended on Wednesday, July 24, due to the heavy rains brought by Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. The Presidential Communications Office announced that work in government offices and classes in all levels in....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:59+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the past five days have set off at least a dozen landslides and floods that have caused eight deaths and displaced more than 600,000 people, including 35,000 who went to emergency....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines04:54

2024-07-24T04:59+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:58+0200thetelegraphandargus (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:57+0200eadt (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:57+0200newsandstar (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

2024 hurricane season breaks an unusual record Nation

2024-07-24T04:57+0200usaToday (en)

had forecast busier-than-normal activity in the Atlantic Ocean and a quieter season in the hurricane-prone regions of the Pacific — and so far that is holding true. On July 3, for the first time since the satellite era began in 1966, the entire North Pacific saw no named storm activity between June....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:57+0200eveningnews24 (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:57+0200thecomet (en)

While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the past five days have set off at least a dozen landslides and floods that have caused eight deaths and displaced more than 600,000 people, including 35,000 who went to emergency....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:57+0200lbc (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:54+0200impartialreporter (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

China issues orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T04:53+0200china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center (NMC) on Wednesday morning issued an orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 260 km southeast off Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:53+0200edp24 (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:53+0200thenorthernecho (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:53+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:52+0200chesterfirst (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:52+0200southwalesargus (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains worsened by Typhoon Gaemi leave eight dead and displace 600,000 in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:52+0200theglobeandmail (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides mostly in the southern and central Philippines . Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, did not blow inland in the Philippines but has enhanced its seasonal monsoon rains.

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:51+0200oxfordtimes (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:51+0200salisburyjournal (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:50+0200dailyecho (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:50+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the past five days have set off at least a dozen landslides and floods that have caused eight deaths and displaced more than 600,000 people, including 35,000 who went to emergency....

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:49+0200yorkpress (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon Rains Worsened by Offshore Typhoon Leave 8 Dead and Displace 600,000 in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:49+0200usnews (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides mostly in the southern and central Philippines. Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, did not blow inland in the Philippines but has enhanced its seasonal monsoon rains.

Monsoon rains kill at least eight in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:47+0200irishexaminer (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides in the Philippines . While Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, and an earlier storm did not blow inland, the intense rains they enhanced in the....

Monsoon rains worsened by offshore typhoon leave 8 dead and displace 600,000 in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:46+0200whig (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people. The flooding and landslides were mostly in the southern and central Philippines . Classes and work were intermittently suspended Wed &lt;nesday, including in the densely populated region around the capital, Manila.

Typhoon Gaemi hits Manila, halts work, classes and market trading

2024-07-24T04:42+0200malaymail (en)

Typhoon Gaemi and a south-west monsoon brought heavy rain today to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. — AFP pic. MANILA, July 24 — Typhoon Gaemi and a south-west monsoon....

Monsoon rains worsened by offshore typhoon leave 8 dead and displace 600,000 in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:37+0200ABCnews (en)

MANILA, Philippines -- Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides mostly in the southern and central Philippines. Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, did not blow inland in the Philippines but has enhanced its seasonal monsoon rains.

Monsoon rains worsened by offshore typhoon leave 8 dead and displace 600,000 in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:37+0200startribune (en)

MANILA, Philippines — Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides mostly in the southern and central Philippines. Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, did not blow inland in the Philippines but has enhanced its seasonal monsoon rains.

Monsoon rains worsened by offshore typhoon leave 8 dead and displace 600,000 in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:33+0200apnews (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides mostly in the southern and central Philippines. Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, did not blow inland in the Philippines but has enhanced its seasonal monsoon rains.

Monsoon rains worsened by offshore typhoon leave 8 dead and displace 600,000 in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:33+0200thespec (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides mostly in the southern and central Philippines. MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore....

China issues orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T04:32+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center (NMC) on Wednesday morning issued an orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 260 km southeast off Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

China issues orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-24T04:29+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China 's National Meteorological Center (NMC) on Wednesday morning issued an orange alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 260 km southeast off Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

Monsoon rains worsened by offshore typhoon leave 8 dead and displace 600,000 in Philippines

2024-07-24T04:27+0200independent-UK (en)

Monsoon rains worsened by an offshore typhoon have left at least eight people dead and displaced more than 600,000 people due to flooding and landslides mostly in the southern and central Philippines . Typhoon Gaemi , locally called Carina, did not blow inland in the Philippines but has enhanced its seasonal monsoon rains.

Severe weather causes fatal Tuk-Tuk accident in Siem Reap (VIDEO)

2024-07-24T04:13+0200khmertimes (en)

The combination of rain, strong winds, and falling debris resulted in the deaths of five individuals and injuries to four others. The accident occurred when a large tree fell on a tuk-tuk carrying several passengers. The tuk-tuk driver, identified as Sou Savath, born in 1983 and residing in Trapeang Ses village, was among the deceased.

Typhoon Carina forces Philippines to halt work, market trading

2024-07-24T04:03+0200bworldcom (en)

(JULY 24, 2024) Residents of barangays in Proj. 4, Quezon City wade through heavy flooding on Wednesday due to continuous rain brought by Typhoon Carina and Habagat. (PHOTO BY MIGUEL DE GUZMAN) MANILA Typhoon Gaemi (Carina locally) and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday to the....

Floods paralyze Philippine capital, many provinces

2024-07-24T03:54+0200chinadailyhk (en)

People use umbrellas to avoid the heavy rain brought by typhoon Gaemi in Quezon City, the Philippines , July 22, 2024. (PHOTO / XINHUA) MANILA - Continuous rains triggered by Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon caused flooding that paralyzed the Philippine capital and many parts of the main Luzon Island on Wednesday.

Floods paralyze Philippine capital, many provinces

2024-07-24T03:49+0200wn (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Continuous rains triggered by Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon caused flooding that paralyzed the Philippine capital and many parts of the main Luzon Island on Wednesday. The widespread flooding, knee-deep in some areas, forced the government to evacuate people....

Floods paralyze Philippine capital, many provinces

2024-07-24T03:45+0200english-news-cn (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Continuous rains triggered by Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon caused flooding that paralyzed the Philippine capital and many parts of the main Luzon Island on Wednesday. The widespread flooding, knee-deep in some areas, forced the government to evacuate people....

Floods paralyze Philippine capital, many provinces

2024-07-24T03:45+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Continuous rains triggered by Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon caused flooding that paralyzed the Philippine capital and many parts of the main Luzon Island on Wednesday. The widespread flooding, knee-deep in some areas, forced the government to evacuate people....

Typhoon Gaemi surging toward Taiwan

2024-07-24T03:44+0200qt (en)

Typhoon Gaemi looks set to barrel over Taiwan and into China with winds of up to 185 kilometres an hour. It could be Taiwan’s first tropical storm of 2024. Typhoon Gaemi swelled, sped up, and began to spin northwest towards Taipei. Forecasts say Gaemi will grow to the equivalent of a category-three storm.

Typhoon Prapiroon continues to affect Cambodia

2024-07-24T03:27+0200khmertimes (en)

A fourth typhoon, Prapiroon, and Gaemi , covering the South China Sea, continue to affect the central and southern Andaman Sea. Born in the Gulf of Thailand, in the middle of the Mekong River Basin and on the Kingdom of Cambodia. This situation will make: From 24 to 26 July 2024.

Floods paralyze Philippine capital, many provinces

2024-07-24T03:25+0200china.org.cn (en)

MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Continuous rains triggered by Typhoon Gaemi and the southwest monsoon caused flooding that paralyzed the Philippine capital and many parts of the main Luzon Island on Wednesday. The widespread flooding, knee-deep in some areas, forced the government to evacuate people....

Temperatures to reach 36 degrees

2024-07-24T03:19+0200macaudailytimes (en)

The Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau has issued a yellow extreme heat warning for Macau as subtropical high pressure takes hold. Typhoon Gaemi , currently situated in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, is forecasted to impact the weather in Macau, with temperatures reaching up to 35 to 36 degrees Celsius or higher until July 26.

China activates emergency response to floods, typhoon

2024-07-24T03:05+0200china.org.cn (en)

China's State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters on Tuesday activated a Level-IV emergency response to flooding and a typhoon in the provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 kilometers southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan county at 5 a.m.

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, market trading

2024-07-24T02:52+0200wkzo (en)

MANILA (Reuters) -Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. The presidential office suspended classes at all....

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, market trading MANILA (Reuters) -Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended.

2024-07-24T02:49+0200kelo (en)

MANILA (Reuters) -Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. The presidential office suspended classes at all....

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, market trading

2024-07-24T02:49+0200whbl (en)

MANILA (Reuters) -Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. The presidential office suspended classes at all....

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, market trading

2024-07-24T02:49+0200wsau (en)

MANILA (Reuters) -Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. The presidential office suspended classes at all....

Taiwan si rintana in vista dell'arrivo del tifone Gaemi

2024-07-24T02:26+0200marketscreener (it)

Taiwan si è rintanato mercoledì in vista dell'arrivo del tifone Gaemi , con i mercati finanziari chiusi, le persone che hanno ottenuto il giorno libero dal lavoro, i voli cancellati e l'esercito messo in stand-by con le previsioni di piogge torrenziali e forti venti.

Typhoon Gaemi forces Philippines to halt work, market trading

2024-07-24T02:18+0200channelnewsasia (en)

MANILA :Typhoon Gaemi and a southwest monsoon brought heavy rain on Wednesday to the Philippine capital region and northern provinces, prompting authorities to halt work and classes, while stock and foreign exchange trading were suspended. The presidential office suspended classes at all academic....

Il tifone Gaemi costringe le Filippine a sospendere il lavoro, le contrattazioni sul mercato

2024-07-24T02:17+0200marketscreener (it)

Il tifone Gaemi e il monsone di sud-ovest hanno portato forti piogge mercoledì nella regione della capitale filippina e nelle province settentrionali, inducendo le autorità a sospendere il lavoro e le lezioni, mentre sono state sospese le contrattazioni azionarie e valutarie.

Typhoon Gaemi Halts Philippine Capital as Heavy Rains Cause Widespread Disruptions

2024-07-24T02:11+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , combined with a southwest monsoon, brought heavy rains to the Philippine capital and northern provinces, leading to the suspension of work, classes, and trading activities. The storm caused significant disruptions, including stranded passengers, cancelled flights, and a high risk of flooding and landslides.

LIST: Flights canceled, diverted on July 24 due to 'Carina'

2024-07-24T02:03+0200wn (en)

The Manila International Airport Authority on Wednesday�announced that some international and domestic flights�have been�canceled or diverted due to the inclement weather brought by Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi ). ......

China Activates Emergency Response To Floods, Typhoon

2024-07-24T02:02+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Beijing, July 24 (IANS) China 's State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters have activated a Level-IV emergency response to flooding and a typhoon in the provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

Stronger Typhoon Carina heads for Taiwan, still enhancing southwest monsoon

2024-07-24T01:56+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) intensified as it headed for Taiwan before dawn on Wednesday, July 24, with its maximum sustained winds increasing from 150 kilometers per hour to 155 km/h. The typhoon’s gustiness is now up to 190 km/h from the previous 185 km/h, added the Philippine....

MIL-OSI China: China activates emergency response to floods, typhoon

2024-07-24T01:56+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

BEIJING, July 23 — China ’s State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters on Tuesday activated a Level-IV emergency response to flooding and a typhoon in the provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 kilometers southeast of Taiwan ’s Yilan County at 5 a.

China activates emergency response to floods, typhoon

2024-07-24T01:27+0200gov-cn-en (en)

BEIJING, July 23 -- China 's State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters on Tuesday activated a Level-IV emergency response to flooding and a typhoon in the provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 kilometers southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

LIST: Flights canceled, diverted on July 24 due to 'Carina'

2024-07-24T01:16+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The Manila International Airport Authority on Wednesday announced that some international and domestic flights have been canceled or diverted due to the inclement weather brought by Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi ). In an advisory, the MIAA said a number of flights of....

Typhoon Carina intensifies; Signal No. 2 in Batanes

2024-07-24T01:02+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) has intensified further intensified while heading towards Taiwan , the state weather bureau said early Wednesday morning. In its 5:00 a.m. bulletin, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa)....

Typhoon 'Carina' gains strength; out of PAR by Thursday

2024-07-24T00:46+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) continued to strengthen early Wednesday morning as it head northward over the Philippine Sea, drenching several parts of Luzon and triggering floods. According to PAGASA's 5 a.m. advisory, the center of the eye of the typhoon was....

Carina's effects halt Metro Manila classes, government offices

2024-07-24T00:31+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The Philippine government suspended work in government offices and classes at all levels in the National Capital Region on Wednesday due to heavy rainfall brought by Typhoon Carina and the southwest monsoon. Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin, acting on the authority of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

East of Suez Fuel Availability Outlook

2024-07-23T23:39+0200hellenicshippingnews (en)

Singapore and Malaysia. Despite low bunker demand in Singapore, lead times for VLSFO have increased from 5–14 days last week to 12–18 days now due to limited barge availability, according to a source. HSFO availability also remains tight for both prompt and non-prompt delivery dates in Singapore,....

Taiwan’s annual war games cut back by incoming Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T22:54+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Taiwan cancelled some drills in its annual war games as Typhoon Gaemi barrelled towards the island on Tuesday, expected to bring heavy rains and strong winds when it makes landfall later this week. The Han Kuang exercises, which started Monday, are held every year across Taiwan to train its armed....

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi, Defence Ministry says forces ready to continue drills

2024-07-23T21:58+0200nigeriasun (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 23 (ANI): Despite the looming threat of Typhoon Gaemi making landfall on Wednesday, Taiwan 's Ministry of National Defence has assured that the armed forces are fully prepared to face the storm while moving ahead with their scheduled annual war games Han Kuang exercises.

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi, Defence Ministry says forces ready to continue drills

2024-07-23T21:55+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 23 (ANI): Despite the looming threat of Typhoon Gaemi making landfall on Wednesday, Taiwan 's Ministry of National Defence has assured that the armed forces are fully prepared to face the storm while moving ahead with their scheduled annual war games Han Kuang exercises.

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi, Defence Ministry says forces ready to continue drills

2024-07-23T21:46+0200manilametro (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 23 (ANI): Despite the looming threat of Typhoon Gaemi making landfall on Wednesday, Taiwan 's Ministry of National Defence has assured that the armed forces are fully prepared to face the storm while moving ahead with their scheduled annual war games Han Kuang exercises.

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi, Defence Ministry says forces ready to continue drills

2024-07-23T21:37+0200srilankasource (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 23 (ANI): Despite the looming threat of Typhoon Gaemi making landfall on Wednesday, Taiwan 's Ministry of National Defence has assured that the armed forces are fully prepared to face the storm while moving ahead with their scheduled annual war games Han Kuang exercises.

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi, Defence Ministry says forces ready to continue drills

2024-07-23T21:26+0200longbeachstar (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 23 (ANI): Despite the looming threat of Typhoon Gaemi making landfall on Wednesday, Taiwan 's Ministry of National Defence has assured that the armed forces are fully prepared to face the storm while moving ahead with their scheduled annual war games Han Kuang exercises.

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi, Defence Ministry says forces ready to continue drills

2024-07-23T21:20+0200myanmarnews (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 23 (ANI): Despite the looming threat of Typhoon Gaemi making landfall on Wednesday, Taiwan 's Ministry of National Defence has assured that the armed forces are fully prepared to face the storm while moving ahead with their scheduled annual war games Han Kuang exercises.

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi, Defence Ministry says forces ready to continue drills

2024-07-23T21:12+0200singaporestar (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 23 (ANI): Despite the looming threat of Typhoon Gaemi making landfall on Wednesday, Taiwan 's Ministry of National Defence has assured that the armed forces are fully prepared to face the storm while moving ahead with their scheduled annual war games Han Kuang exercises.

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi, Defence Ministry says forces ready to continue drills

2024-07-23T21:06+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Taipei [Taiwan], July 23 (ANI): Despite the looming threat of Typhoon Gaemi making landfall on Wednesday, Taiwan 's Ministry of National Defence has assured that the armed forces are fully prepared to face the storm while moving ahead with their scheduled annual war games Han Kuang exercises.

Breaking Parts of Taiwan announce school, office closures as typhoon nears

2024-07-23T20:55+0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, July 23 (CNA) Most cities and counties around Taiwan have announced school and office closures for Wednesday as Typhoon Gaemi approaches Taiwan. Keelung, Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu City/County, Tainan and Kaohsiung as well as Miaoli and Yilan Counties and Taitung County's Orchid....

Taiwan Taiwan's Military Prepares for Typhoon Amid Annual War Games About a minute ago

2024-07-23T19:14+0200devdiscourse (en)

Taiwan's Military Prepares for Typhoon Amid Annual War Games Despite Typhoon Gaemi 's imminent landfall, Taiwan 's armed forces continue with their annual Han Kuang exercises. The Ministry of National Defence assures full preparedness, highlighting contingency plans.

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T19:08+0200aninews (en)

, Defence Ministry says forces ready to continue drills. ANI | Updated: Jul 23, 2024 22:36 IST. Taipei [ Taiwan ], July 23 (ANI): Despite the looming threat of Typhoon Gaemi making landfall on Wednesday, Taiwan 's Ministry of National Defence has assured that the armed forces are fully prepared to....

Des rafales jusqu'à 240 km/h : le typhon Gaemi menace Taïwan et la Chine

2024-07-23T18:50+0200TF1 (fr)

Il se rapproche de l'île. Le typhon Gaemi , qui s'accompagnera de fortes précipitations et de vents violents, est "en cours d'intensification" , précise l'agence météorologique japonaise en charge de la surveillance des typhons dans le Pacifique nord-ouest. Résultat ? Il devrait traverser le nord de Taïwan mercredi.

Typhoon Carina moving over sea east of Taiwan; more monsoon rain seen

2024-07-23T18:48+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) was already moving over the sea east of Taiwan on Tuesday evening, July 23, but wind and rainfall warnings remain in effect for parts of Northern Luzon due to the tropical cyclone’s wide circulation. Taiwan is within the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR), given its proximity to Northern Luzon.

Asia and the Pacific: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (16 - 22 July 2024)

2024-07-23T18:41+0200unocha (en)

PHILIPPINES. The combined effects of the southwest monsoon and two tropical cyclones within the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) have impacted over 1,120,000 people and displaced nearly 65,000 people in regions III, MIMAROPA VII, IX, X, XI, XII, CARAGA, and Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

Why Atlantic hurricane season could turn active again in early August

2024-07-23T18:35+0200foxweather (en)

An outbreak of Saharan dust has kept tropical activity in the Atlantic Basin at bay since Hurricane Beryl lashed Texas more than two weeks ago, but the current lull might not last much longer due to an expected change in weather patterns across the tropics beginning in early August.

Typhoon forces Taiwan to cut back drills

2024-07-23T18:16+0200manilatimes (en)

HUALIEN, Taiwan — Taiwan canceled some drills in its annual war games as Typhoon " Gaemi " barreled toward the East Asian island on Tuesday, expected to bring heavy rains and strong winds when it makes landfall later this week. The Han Kuang exercises, which started on Monday, are held every year....

China activates emergency response to floods, typhoon

2024-07-23T17:11+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhua) -- China 's State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters on Tuesday activated a Level-IV emergency response to flooding and a typhoon in the provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 kilometers southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

China activates emergency response to floods, typhoon

2024-07-23T17:06+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhua) -- China 's State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters on Tuesday activated a Level-IV emergency response to flooding and a typhoon in the provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang. Typhoon Gaemi , the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 kilometers southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

Taiwan’s annual war games cut back by fast approaching Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T16:21+0200wn (en)

Hualien – Taiwan cancelled some drills in its annual war games as Typhoon Gaemi barrelled towards the island....

Le typhon Gaemi s'approche du Fujian, dans l'est de la Chine, déclenchant une réponse d'urgence

2024-07-23T16:21+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

La province chinoise du Fujian, dans l'est de la Chine, a fait passer le niveau de réponse d'urgence au typhon du niveau IV au niveau III mardi, face au typhon Gaemi , le troisième de cette année. Mardi, à 17h00, le centre de Gaemi se trouvait à environ 505 km au sud-est du district de Yilan, à Taiwan .

Asia and the Pacific: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (16 - 22 July 2024)

2024-07-23T15:56+0200reliefWeb (en)

PHILIPPINES. The combined effects of the southwest monsoon and two tropical cyclones within the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) have impacted over 1,120,000 people and displaced nearly 65,000 people in regions III, MIMAROPA VII, IX, X, XI, XII, CARAGA, and Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

LIVE UPDATES: Typhoon Carina

2024-07-23T15:05+0200inquirer (en)

Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No. 2 is still raised in Batanes as typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) continues to intensify over the Philippine sea on Tuesday afternoon, according to the state weather bureau. In its latest cyclone update, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and....

World in Tumult: From Malaysian Evacuations to U.S. Concerns over Arctic Cooperation

2024-07-23T15:01+0200devdiscourse (en)

Today's world news briefs include a chartered flight evacuating Malaysians from Bangladesh arriving home, Russia-China Arctic cooperation drawing U.S. concern, France probing migrant communities to counter ISIS-K threats to the Olympics, and Italian prosecutors investigating officials over a tragic migrant shipwreck.

Taiwan issues land, sea alerts for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T15:00+0200wn (en)

<p>TAIPEI, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Jul, 2024) Taiwan 's meteorological agency has issued both sea and land alerts for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to make landfall in Yilan County between late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning.</p><p>As of 1 p.m.

Taiwan Issues Land, Sea Alerts For Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T14:57+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Taipei, July 23 (IANS) Taiwan 's meteorological agency has issued both sea and land alerts for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to make landfall in Yilan County between late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning. As of 1 p.m. (local time) on Tuesday, the centre of Typhoon Gaemi was....

Wildfires, fairy lights and an Olympic maze: photos of the day – Tuesday

2024-07-23T14:47+0200guardian (en)

Dubai, United Arab Emirates A girl plays at the Aya Universe, a new entertainment park. Photograph: Nabila Eltigi/Reuters. Main image: Dubai, United Arab Emirates A girl plays at the Aya Universe, a new entertainment park. Photograph: Nabila Eltigi/Reuters. Tue 23 Jul 2024 14.32 CEST Last modified on Tue 23 Jul 2024 14.

#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Wednesday, July 24, 2024

2024-07-23T14:22+0200rappler (en)

Here is a list of areas where classes are suspended for Wednesday, July 24, 2024, due to bad weather. MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Wednesday, July 24, due to heavy rain from either the enhanced southwest monsoon or Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ). This list will be updated once local or national authorities make announcements.

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue

2024-07-23T14:12+0200washtimes (en)

An Air Force F-16V fighter aircraft takes off during the annual Han Kuang military exercises in Hualien County, eastern Taiwan , Tuesday, July 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying) An Air Force F-16V fighter aircraft … By Christopher Bodeen Associated Press Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

Butchoy, Carina, habagat: 8 dead, 2 hurt in Mindanao

2024-07-23T13:46+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Eight people were reported dead and 179,744 families were affected by heavy rains in Mindanao due to inclement weather caused by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ), tropical depression Butchoy and the southwest monsoon. In its latest report, the National Disaster Risk....

Typhoon Gaemi nears east China's Fujian, triggers emergency response

2024-07-23T13:45+0200china.org.cn (en)

FUZHOU, July 23 (Xinhua) -- East China 's Fujian Province raised the emergency response level for typhoons from Level IV to Level III on Tuesday in the face of Typhoon Gaemi , the third of this year. As of 5 p.m. Tuesday, the center of Gaemi was located approximately 505 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County.

Taiwan's Air Force Cancels Drills As Typhoon Approaches; Naval And Land Exercises To Continue

2024-07-23T13:39+0200wn (en)

According to the Central Weather Bureau, Typhoon Gaemi was heading westward toward the island with sustained winds of 144 km (about 90 miles) per hour and gusts of up to 180 kph (110 mph). ......

Taiwan scales back annual Han Kuang war games as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-23T13:39+0200wn (en)

Air force drills off east coast cancelled but naval and land exercises set to continue...

Typhoon Gaemi nears east China's Fujian, triggers emergency response

2024-07-23T13:29+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

FUZHOU, July 23 (Xinhua) -- East China 's Fujian Province raised the emergency response level for typhoons from Level IV to Level III on Tuesday in the face of Typhoon Gaemi , the third of this year. As of 5 p.m. Tuesday, the center of Gaemi was located approximately 505 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County.

Taiwan scales back annual war games as Typhoon Gaemi approaches

2024-07-23T13:28+0200independent-UK (en)

has been forced to scale back its as it braced for Typhoon Gaemi , which is set to hit the island’s east coast before heading towards mainland The island is conducting the Han Kuang military drills involving its land, air and naval forces to simulate actual battle from Monday to Friday.

Typhoon Gaemi nears east China's Fujian, triggers emergency response

2024-07-23T13:28+0200english-news-cn (en)

FUZHOU, July 23 (Xinhua) -- East China 's Fujian Province raised the emergency response level for typhoons from Level IV to Level III on Tuesday in the face of Typhoon Gaemi , the third of this year. As of 5 p.m. Tuesday, the center of Gaemi was located approximately 505 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County.

Public urged to provide temporary shelter for stray animals

2024-07-23T13:23+0200philstar (en)

Animal organizations called on the public to observe compassion for stray animals amid the inclement weather affecting several parts of the country. Animal Kingdom Foundation (AKF) on Monday urged Pinoys to consider temporarily taking street animals for refuge in their properties amid the heavy downpour of rain in their areas.

Phillippines, Taiwan - Tropical cyclone GAEMI, update (GDACS, JTWC, PAGASA, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 23 July 2024)

2024-07-23T13:20+0200reliefWeb (en)

On 22 July tropical cyclone GAEMI ("Carina" in the Philippines ) continued moving north westward over the northern Philippine Sea, well off the coast of north-eastern Luzon Island, northern Philippines, further strengthening. On 23 July at 0.00 UTC, its centre was located offshore, approximately 630....

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue

2024-07-23T13:15+0200apanews-en (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan’s east coast on Tuesday, although naval and land exercises are set to continue in other parts of the self-governing island democracy, which China threatens to invade.

Philippines: Strong Winds And Flooding Hit Luzon As Typhoon Gaemi Intensifies Monsoon 5

2024-07-23T13:08+0200eastoregonian (en)

Severe impacts from Typhoon Gaemi , locally named Carina, were being felt in the Philippines on Tuesday, July 23, as it continued to enhance the southwest monsoon, bringing strong winds and flooding to parts of Luzon island. As of Tuesday morning, Gaemi slightly intensified and prompted Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No.

Philippines: Strong Winds And Flooding Hit Luzon As Typhoon Gaemi Intensifies Monsoon 6

2024-07-23T13:08+0200eastoregonian (en)

Severe impacts from Typhoon Gaemi , locally named Carina, were being felt in the Philippines on Tuesday, July 23, as it continued to enhance the southwest monsoon, bringing strong winds and flooding to parts of Luzon island. As of Tuesday morning, Gaemi slightly intensified and prompted Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No.

Taiwan's Military Maneuvers Adjust to Typhoon Gaemi Amid Increasing Tensions with China

2024-07-23T13:06+0200devdiscourse (en)

Military drills off Taiwan 's east coast were cancelled due to Typhoon Gaemi , though other exercises proceed. With China threatening invasion, Taiwan's annual Han Kuang drills persist, ensuring safety amid adverse weather. The exercises follow President Lai Cheng-te's election and Taiwan's bolstered defense industry.

Taiwan's Military Drills Disrupted by Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T13:03+0200devdiscourse (en)

A typhoon caused the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan 's east coast, although naval and land exercises continued elsewhere. The island faced adverse weather with Typhoon Gaemi bringing strong winds and the cancellation of some flights and ferry services. Military exercises are ongoing with safety adjustments.

Typhoon Carina intensifies habagat; continues to bring more rain

2024-07-23T13:02+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No. 2 is still raised in Batanes as typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) continues to intensify over the Philippine sea on Tuesday afternoon, according to the state weather bureau. In its latest cyclone update, the Philippine Atmospheric,....

Philippines: Strong Winds And Flooding Hit Luzon As Typhoon Gaemi Intensifies Monsoon 5

2024-07-23T12:35+0200mycouriertribune (en)

Severe impacts from Typhoon Gaemi , locally named Carina, were being felt in the Philippines on Tuesday, July 23, as it continued to enhance the southwest monsoon, bringing strong winds and flooding to parts of Luzon island. As of Tuesday morning, Gaemi slightly intensified and prompted Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No.

Philippines: Strong Winds And Flooding Hit Luzon As Typhoon Gaemi Intensifies Monsoon 6

2024-07-23T12:35+0200mycouriertribune (en)

Severe impacts from Typhoon Gaemi , locally named Carina, were being felt in the Philippines on Tuesday, July 23, as it continued to enhance the southwest monsoon, bringing strong winds and flooding to parts of Luzon island. As of Tuesday morning, Gaemi slightly intensified and prompted Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No.

Philippines: Strong Winds And Flooding Hit Luzon As Typhoon Gaemi Intensifies Monsoon 5

2024-07-23T12:28+0200guampdn (en)

Severe impacts from Typhoon Gaemi , locally named Carina, were being felt in the Philippines on Tuesday, July 23, as it continued to enhance the southwest monsoon, bringing strong winds and flooding to parts of Luzon island. As of Tuesday morning, Gaemi slightly intensified and prompted Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No.

Philippines: Strong Winds And Flooding Hit Luzon As Typhoon Gaemi Intensifies Monsoon 6

2024-07-23T12:28+0200guampdn (en)

Severe impacts from Typhoon Gaemi , locally named Carina, were being felt in the Philippines on Tuesday, July 23, as it continued to enhance the southwest monsoon, bringing strong winds and flooding to parts of Luzon island. As of Tuesday morning, Gaemi slightly intensified and prompted Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No.

Philippines: Strong Winds And Flooding Hit Luzon As Typhoon Gaemi Intensifies Monsoon 5

2024-07-23T12:24+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Severe impacts from Typhoon Gaemi , locally named Carina, were being felt in the Philippines on Tuesday, July 23, as it continued to enhance the southwest monsoon, bringing strong winds and flooding to parts of Luzon island. As of Tuesday morning, Gaemi slightly intensified and prompted Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No.

Philippines: Strong Winds And Flooding Hit Luzon As Typhoon Gaemi Intensifies Monsoon 6

2024-07-23T12:24+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Severe impacts from Typhoon Gaemi , locally named Carina, were being felt in the Philippines on Tuesday, July 23, as it continued to enhance the southwest monsoon, bringing strong winds and flooding to parts of Luzon island. As of Tuesday morning, Gaemi slightly intensified and prompted Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No.

Taiwan: Air Force Drills Called Off Due To Typhoon; Naval Exercises Set To Continue

2024-07-23T12:09+0200outlookindia (en)

According to the Central Weather Bureau, Typhoon Gaemi is heading westward toward China after bringing moderate flooding to Taiwan 's east coast. Major cities such as Kaosiung, Tainan, Taichung and the capital Taipei were spared any major damage. The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the....

Typhoon Carina gains strength; Batanes under Signal No. 2

2024-07-23T12:04+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Typhoon Carina (international name Gaemi ) intensified on Tuesday afternoon as it moves off the northern coast of the country, enhancing heavy rains and triggering floods across Luzon. As of 4 p.m. advisory, state weather bureau PAGASA spotted the cyclone at 325 kilometers east....

Typhoon affects Taiwan's annual war games

2024-07-23T12:00+0200singaporestar (en)

A powerful typhoon on a path toward Taiwan has forced the island to curtail its annual war games. Taiwan's weather administration says Typhoon Gaemi is expected to make landfall sometime Wednesday on the island's northeastern coast, producing strong winds and heavy rainfall.

Philippines: Strong Winds And Flooding Hit Luzon As Typhoon Gaemi Intensifies Monsoon 3

2024-07-23T11:57+0200eastoregonian (en)

Severe impacts from Typhoon Gaemi , locally named Carina, were being felt in the Philippines on Tuesday, July 23, as it continued to enhance the southwest monsoon, bringing strong winds and flooding to parts of Luzon island. As of Tuesday morning, Gaemi slightly intensified and prompted Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No.

Typhoon affects Taiwan's annual war games

2024-07-23T11:48+0200cambodiantimes (en)

A powerful typhoon on a path toward Taiwan has forced the island to curtail its annual war games. Taiwan's weather administration says Typhoon Gaemi is expected to make landfall sometime Wednesday on the island's northeastern coast, producing strong winds and heavy rainfall.

Typhoon Gaemi Forces Air Force Drill Cancellations in Taiwan

2024-07-23T11:41+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan 's east coast, although naval and land exercises will continue in other areas. The typhoon caused moderate flooding but spared major cities from significant damage. The annual Han Kuang military exercises proceed with safety....

LIVE LIST: Flooded areas in Metro Manila on July 23 due to 'Carina'

2024-07-23T11:34+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Several parts of Metro Manila have been flooded due to the heavy rains brought by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ). Here is a live list of flooded areas on Wednesday: Filipina ace Rianne Malixi made sure the US Girls’ Junior Championship wouldn’t slip through her fingers again.

Xinhua News | China issues blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T11:31+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

China's national observatory on Tuesday morning issued a blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. #XinhuaNews.

Typhoon affects Taiwan's annual war games

2024-07-23T11:30+0200wn (en)

A powerful typhoon on a path toward Taiwan has forced the island to curtail its annual war games. Taiwan's weather administration says Typhoon Gaemi is expected to make landfall sometime Wednesday on the island's northeastern coast, producing strong winds and heavy rainfall.

Philippines: Strong Winds And Flooding Hit Luzon As Typhoon Gaemi Intensifies Monsoon 3

2024-07-23T11:29+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Severe impacts from Typhoon Gaemi , locally named Carina, were being felt in the Philippines on Tuesday, July 23, as it continued to enhance the southwest monsoon, bringing strong winds and flooding to parts of Luzon island. As of Tuesday morning, Gaemi slightly intensified and prompted Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No.

TSMC's Resilience Amidst Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T11:25+0200devdiscourse (en)

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (TSMC) has announced that its wafer fabrication facilities in Taiwan are expected to maintain normal production despite Typhoon Gaemi . The company has activated routine typhoon alert preparation procedures at all its fabs to ensure continued operations.

Défense nationale: Taïwan annule des exercices militaires à cause de l’arrivée d’un typhon

2024-07-23T11:25+0200tdg (fr)

Taïwan a annulé mardi certains exercices de ses manœuvres militaires annuelles en prévision de l’arrivée du typhon Gaemi qui doit toucher terre mercredi, a annoncé le ministère de la Défense de l’île. Les manœuvres Han Kuang, qui ont débuté lundi pour une durée de cinq jours, se déroulent chaque année à balles réelles.

Typhoon affects Taiwan's annual war games

2024-07-23T11:23+0200manilametro (en)

A powerful typhoon on a path toward Taiwan has forced the island to curtail its annual war games. Taiwan's weather administration says Typhoon Gaemi is expected to make landfall sometime Wednesday on the island's northeastern coast, producing strong winds and heavy rainfall.

Nation Taiwan issues land, sea alerts for Typhoon Gaemi Taiwan's meteorological agency has issued both sea and land alerts for Typhoon Gaemi. 2m

2024-07-23T11:18+0200shine (en)

A supermarket window is seen taped up to prepare for typhoon Gaemi which is expected to make landfall on Wednesday night in Taipei, Taiwan July 23. Taiwan's meteorological agency has issued both sea and land alerts for Typhoon Gaemi, which is expected to make landfall in Yilan County between late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning.

Défense nationale: Taïwan annule des exercices militaires à cause de l’arrivée d’un typhon

2024-07-23T11:18+020024heures (fr)

Taïwan a annulé mardi certains exercices de ses manœuvres militaires annuelles en prévision de l’arrivée du typhon Gaemi qui doit toucher terre mercredi, a annoncé le ministère de la Défense de l’île. Les manœuvres Han Kuang, qui ont débuté lundi pour une durée de cinq jours, se déroulent chaque année à balles réelles.

Typhoon affects Taiwan’s annual war games

2024-07-23T11:13+0200voanews (en)

A powerful typhoon on a path toward Taiwan has forced the island to curtail its annual war games. Taiwan’s weather administration says Typhoon Gaemi is expected to make landfall sometime Wednesday on the island’s northeastern coast, producing strong winds and heavy rainfall.

Taiwan issues land, sea alerts for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T11:13+0200english-news-cn (en)

TAIPEI, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Taiwan 's meteorological agency has issued both sea and land alerts for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to make landfall in Yilan County between late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning. As of 1 p.m. Tuesday, the center of Typhoon Gaemi was located approximately....

Taiwan issues land, sea alerts for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T11:09+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

TAIPEI, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Taiwan 's meteorological agency has issued both sea and land alerts for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to make landfall in Yilan County between late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning. As of 1 p.m. Tuesday, the center of Typhoon Gaemi was located approximately....

Cronaca meteo. Taiwan si prepara all'impatto con il tifone Gaemi. Landfall previsto mercoledì

2024-07-23T10:49+02003bmeteo (it)

Il tifone Gaemi visto dal satellite. Il primo tifone della stagione è stato battezzato Gaemi e si trova alle coordinate 20.0N 124.9E, ovvero meno di 500km a sudest di Taiwan . Si sposta verso nordovest alla velocità di 30km/h e intorno al suo centro soffiano venti a oltre 150km/h che lo rendono....

Ninong Ry’s Malabon home flooded amid ‘habagat’, ‘Carina’-induced rains

2024-07-23T10:34+0200philstar (en)

Chef and culinary vlogger Ninong Ry shared pictures of his flooded home in Malabon City as Metro Manila suffers heavy rainfall due to the southwest monsoon (habagat) enhanced by Typhoon Carina on Tuesday. The content creator on July 23 posted images of their flooded residence with ankle-high waters.

LIST: Diverted flights on July 23 due to Typhoon Carina

2024-07-23T10:26+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines At least four flights bound for Manila on Tuesday were diverted to other airports due to hazardous weather conditions brought by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. In an advisory, the Manila International Airport Authority (Miaa) said the....

Signal No. 2 itinaas sa Batanes sa paglapit ni Carina

2024-07-23T10:16+0200inquirer (en)

METRO MANILA, Philippines Lumayo sa Cagayan ngunit lumapit sa Batanes ang Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) kasabay nang paglakas at pagbilis sa ibabaw ng Philippine Sea, ayon sa 11 a.m. bulletin nitong Martes ng Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa). Kaninang 10 am.

MMDA halts operations of Pasig River Ferry due to bad weather

2024-07-23T10:05+0200inquirer (en)

Screengrab of a Facebook post of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Pasig River Ferry Service. MANILA, Philippines The operations of all Pasig Ferry stations were suspended on Tuesday due to inclement weather, according to the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA).

LIST: Flooded areas in Metro Manila on July 23 due to 'Carina'

2024-07-23T10:04+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Several parts of Pasay City, Mandaluyong City, Quezon City and Manila have been flooded due to the heavy rains brought by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ). Here is a list of flooded areas based on the Metro Manila Development Authority's update at 3:15 p.m.

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue

2024-07-23T09:35+0200arabtimes (en)

An air force F-16V fighter aircraft takes off during the annual Han Kuang military exercises in Hualien County, eastern Taiwan on July 23. (AP) TAIPEI, Taiwan, July 23, (AP): The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan’s east coast on Tuesday, although naval....

Walang Pasok: Palace suspends afternoon gov't work in NCR due to 'Carina'

2024-07-23T09:19+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. suspended classes and government office work in Metro Manila on Tuesday afternoon following inclement weather brought by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) and the southwest monsoon. The announcement was made on the Presidential Communications Office’s Facebook page.

HK Express cancels eight flights due to Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T09:10+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Budget airline HK Express announced on Tuesday that eight of its flights travelling between Hong Kong and Taipei on Wednesday (Jul 24) and Thursday (Jul 25) would be cancelled due to the Typhoon Gaemi . The affected flights are UO110, UO112, UO114, and UO116 from Hong Kong to Taipei, and UO111, UO113, UO115, UO117 from Taipei to Hong Kong.

Metro Manila, other areas under 'Orange' alert, flood likely – Pagasa

2024-07-23T09:02+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Metro Manila and other areas nearby were under Orange Rainfall Warning and may experience floods on Tuesday afternoon, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) said. As of 2:00 p.m., Pagasa said the southwest monsoon, which is locally called habagat.

Taiwan curtails annual war games as Typhoon Gaemi barrels towards island

2024-07-23T08:55+0200wn (en)

HUALIEN, Taiwan (Reuters) -Taiwan curtailed its annual Han Kuang war games on Tuesday....

Taïwan a annulé mardi certains exercices de ses manœuvres militaires en prévision de l'arrivée du typhon Gaemi qui doit toucher terre mercredi. En raison de l'arrivée du typhon Gaemi Taïwan réduit ses manœuvres militaires

2024-07-23T08:53+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Taïwan a annulé mardi certains exercices de ses manœuvres militaires annuelles en prévision de l'arrivée du typhon Gaemi qui doit toucher terre mercredi, a annoncé le ministère de la Défense de l'île. • À lire aussi: • À lire aussi: Taïwan détecte 66 avions militaires chinois autour de l'île, un....

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue July 23, 2024

2024-07-23T08:46+0200ajw (en)

TAIPEI--The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan ’s east coast on Tuesday, although naval and land exercises are set to continue in other parts of the self-governing island democracy, which China threatens to invade.

Typhoon Carina slightly intensifies, Signal No. 2 up in Batanes

2024-07-23T08:35+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No. 2 was raised over parts of Batanes as Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi ) slightly intensified, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) said on Tuesday. In its 11:00 a.m.

Typhoon Gaemi Halts Air Force Drills in Taiwan Amid Rising Tensions

2024-07-23T08:34+0200devdiscourse (en)

Typhoon Gaemi 's arrival forced Taiwan 's Air Force to cancel drills, but naval and land exercises continue. Despite the moderate flooding, major cities were largely unaffected. Adjustments were made to ensure safety during the Han Kuang military exercises, which follow the election of President Lai Cheng-te, rejecting Beijing's territorial claims.

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue

2024-07-23T08:14+0200wn (en)

The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off....

Hamas and Fatah sign declaration in Beijing on ending yearslong rift, Chinese state media says

2024-07-23T08:13+0200startribune (en)

BEIJING — Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah signed a declaration in Beijing on ending yearslong rift, state media said Tuesday, without providing further details. The two rival Palestinian groups met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, concluding talks that started Sunday.

China issues blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T08:06+0200cgtn (en)

China's National Meteorological Center on Tuesday morning issued a blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. China has a four-tier color-coded weather warning system, with red representing the most severe weather, followed by orange, yellow and blue.

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue

2024-07-23T07:55+0200kitchenertoday (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan’s east coast on Tuesday, although naval and land exercises are set to continue in other parts of the self-governing island democracy, which China threatens to invade.

newsinfo LIVE UPDATES: Typhoon Carina

2024-07-23T07:43+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No. 2 was raised over parts of Batanes as Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi ) slightly intensified, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) said on Tuesday. In its 11:00 a.m.

Flood hits roads in Metro Manila – MMDA

2024-07-23T07:38+0200inquirer (en)

España M. Dela fuente eastbound and westbound. READ: Pagasa: Typhoon Carina slightly intensifies, Signal No. 2 up in Batanes According to the 11 a.m. bulletin of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration’s (Pagasa), Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi )....

China issues blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T07:37+0200peopledaily (en)

BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhua) -- China 's national observatory on Tuesday morning issued a blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

Taiwan's annual war games cut back by incoming Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T07:32+0200channelnewsasia (en)

HUALIEN: Taiwan cancelled some drills in its annual war games as Typhoon Gaemi barrelled towards the island on Tuesday (Jul 22), which is expected to bring heavy rains and strong winds when it makes landfall later this week. The Han Kuang exercises, which started on Monday, are held every year....

Taiwan's annual war games cut back by incoming Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T07:24+0200terradaily (en)

Hualien, Taiwan , July 23 (AFP) Jul 23, 2024 Taiwan cancelled some drills in its annual war games as Typhoon Gaemi barrelled towards the island on Tuesday, expected to bring heavy rains and strong winds when it makes landfall later this week. The Han Kuang exercises, which started Monday, are held....

Pagasa: Typhoon Carina slightly intensifies, Signal No. 2 up in Batanes

2024-07-23T07:13+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No. 2 was raised over parts of Batanes as Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi ) slightly intensified, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) said on Tuesday. In its 11:00 a.m.

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue

2024-07-23T07:11+0200thespec (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan’s east coast on Tuesday, although naval and land exercises are set to continue in other parts of the self-governing island democracy, which China threatens to invade.

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue

2024-07-23T07:03+0200citynews-ca (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan’s east coast on Tuesday, although naval and land exercises are set to continue in other parts of the self-governing island democracy, which China threatens to invade.

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue

2024-07-23T06:59+0200ABCnews (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan’s east coast on Tuesday, although naval and land exercises are set to continue in other parts of the self-governing island democracy, which China threatens to invade.

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue

2024-07-23T06:57+0200apnews (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan’s east coast on Tuesday, although naval and land exercises are set to continue in other parts of the self-governing island democracy, which China threatens to invade.

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue

2024-07-23T06:56+0200startribune (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan — The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan's east coast on Tuesday, although naval and land exercises are set to continue in other parts of the self-governing island democracy, which China threatens to invade.

Typhoon prompts cancellation of Taiwan air force drills but naval exercises set to continue

2024-07-23T06:56+0200independent-UK (en)

The arrival of typhoon Gaemi has prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan 's east coast. The arrival of typhoon Gaemi prompted the cancellation of air force drills off Taiwan’s east coast on Tuesday, although naval and land exercises are set to continue in other parts of the....

Signal No. 2 up as Typhoon Carina slightly intensifies

2024-07-23T06:47+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Signal No. 2 was raised due to Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) for the first time on Tuesday morning, July 23, as the tropical cyclone slightly intensified over the Philippine Sea. Carina’s maximum sustained winds increased from 130 kilometers per hour to 140 km/h, said the Philippine....

Taiwan's annual war games cut back by incoming Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T06:41+0200spacewar (en)

Hualien, Taiwan , July 23 (AFP) Jul 23, 2024 Taiwan cancelled some drills in its annual war games as Typhoon Gaemi barrelled towards the island on Tuesday, expected to bring heavy rains and strong winds when it makes landfall later this week. The Han Kuang exercises, which started Monday, are held....

Taiwan's Annual War Games Cut Back By Incoming Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T06:29+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/taiwan-s-annual-war-games-cut-back-by-incoming-typhoon-gaemi-ed86f22d.

'Carina' slightly intensifies; Signal No. 2 up in Batanes

2024-07-23T06:23+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) has slightly intensified and is forecast to gradually accelerate as it continues to move north-northwestward on Tuesday, the state weather bureau said. According to its 11 a.m. bulletin, PAGASA said the center of "Carina" was estimated....

Thailand braces for heavy rain amid monsoon and storm warnings

2024-07-23T06:17+0200phuketgazette (en)

(TMD) warned residents and holidaymakers to brace themselves for heavy rain over the next ten days, highlighting periods of reduced rainfall and times when heavy downpours are expected. A strong monsoon and a tropical storm on the horizon necessitate vigilance and monitoring.

Taiwan curtails annual war games as Typhoon Gaemi barrels towards island

2024-07-23T06:09+0200timesofindia (en)

Gaemi , the first typhoon of the season to affect Taiwan , is expected to make landfall on the northeast coast between sometime on Wednesday night and the early hours of Thursday, according to the island's Central Weather Administration.

Nation China issues blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi China's national observatory on Tuesday morning issued a blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi, which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. 31m

2024-07-23T05:51+0200shine (en)

China's national observatory on Tuesday morning issued a blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5am on Tuesday.

Operations of Basco and Palanan airports suspended amid stormy weather

2024-07-23T05:23+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Operations of Basco Airport and Palanan Airport were suspended as rough weather conditions continued on Tuesday due to Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ). The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (Caap) said all flights to and from Basco Airport and Palanan Airport have been canceled.

Twin Tropical Cyclones Bring Chaos to China's Eastern Seaboard

2024-07-23T05:11+0200devdiscourse (en)

Two tropical cyclones are set to impact China 's eastern coast, starting with Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, expected to land in Hainan province on Sunday night. Gaemi will follow later, affecting Taiwan and China's mainland. Recent extreme weather has caused deadly flash floods and significant infrastructure damage in China.

China issues blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T04:58+0200china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhua) -- China 's national observatory on Tuesday morning issued a blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

China issues blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T04:57+0200chinadailyhk (en)

A traffic enforcer observes traffic through heavy rain brought by typhoon Gaemi in Quezon City, the Philippines , on July 22, 2024. (PHOTO / XINHUA) BEIJING - China 's national observatory on Tuesday morning issued a blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi, which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions.

China issues blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T04:46+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhua) -- China 's national observatory on Tuesday morning issued a blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

China issues blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi

2024-07-23T04:45+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhua) -- China 's national observatory on Tuesday morning issued a blue alert for Typhoon Gaemi , which is expected to bring strong wind and heavy rain to the country's southern regions. Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, was located 710 km southeast of Taiwan 's Yilan County at 5 a.

Some rain, some sun, some storms forecast for Cambodia

2024-07-23T04:27+0200khmertimes (en)

A fourth typhoon, Prapiroon, and Gaemi , covering the South China Sea, is still affecting the Andaman Sea, central and eastern Gulf of Thailand, the Kingdom of Cambodia, and the central Mekong Basin. The Southwest monsoon regime influences the Kingdom of Cambodia. This situation will make: From 23 to 25 July 2024.

Cavite classes suspended; City Hall work stopped due to Carina

2024-07-23T04:13+0200inquirer (en)

LUCENA CITY Classes in Cavite province were suspended on Monday, July 22, due to bad weather caused by Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ). Gov. Jonvic Remulla declared the suspension of classes for all levels in the province on Tuesday, July 23, extending the same declaration made for....

LIST: Flights canceled on July 23 due to 'Carina'

2024-07-23T04:02+0200wn (en)

The Manila International Airport Authority on Tuesday�announced that some international and�domestic flights�have been�canceled�due to the inclement weather brought by Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi ). ......

LIST: Flights canceled on July 23 due to 'Carina'

2024-07-23T03:08+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The Manila International Airport Authority on Tuesday announced that some international and domestic flights have been canceled due to the inclement weather brought by Typhoon Carina (International name: Gaemi ). In an advisory, the MIAA said a number of flights of Shenzhen....

Signal No. 1 up in eastern Luzon as Typhoon Carina maintains strength

2024-07-23T02:39+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ) is far from land but has maintained its strength as it moves over the Philippine Sea early Tuesday, according to state weather bureau PAGASA’s 5 a.m. bulletin. As of 4 a.m., the center of Typhoon Carina was estimated to be 380 kilometers....

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rain in Quezon City, the Philippines

2024-07-23T01:49+0200wn (en)

People use umbrellas to avoid the heavy rain brought by typhoon Gaemi in Quezon City, the Philippines , July 22, 2024.

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rain in Quezon City, the Philippines

2024-07-23T01:38+0200english-news-cn (en)

People use umbrellas to avoid the heavy rain brought by typhoon Gaemi in Quezon City, the Philippines , July 22, 2024. (Xinhua/Rouelle Umali) A woman uses an umbrella to avoid the heavy rain brought by typhoon Gaemi in Quezon City, the Philippines, July 22, 2024.

Typhoon Gaemi brings heavy rain in Quezon City, the Philippines

2024-07-23T01:37+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

People use umbrellas to avoid the heavy rain brought by typhoon Gaemi in Quezon City, the Philippines , July 22, 2024. (Xinhua/Rouelle Umali) A woman uses an umbrella to avoid the heavy rain brought by typhoon Gaemi in Quezon City, the Philippines, July 22, 2024.

Typhoon Carina, enhanced southwest monsoon bring moderate to intense rain

2024-07-23T01:02+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ) maintained its strength in the early hours of Tuesday, July 23, and continued to enhance the southwest monsoon or habagat. Carina was last spotted 380 kilometers east of Aparri, Cagayan, at 4 am on Tuesday. It slowed down, moving north northwest at only 10 kilometers per hour from the previous 15 km/h.

Protests accompany Sona amid heavy rains

2024-07-22T23:39+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Protesters on Monday afternoon staged what they called the “People’s Sona,” timed with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s third State of the Nation Address (Sona), while his supporters also held a rally amid heavy rains dumped by Typhoon “Carina” (international name: Gaemi ).

Meteo Video: Cina, il tifone Gaemi manda sott'acqua la provincia del Sichuan

2024-07-22T23:23+0200ilmeteo (it)

Almeno 40 persone risultano disperse a causa del tifone Gaemi che hanno provocato inondazioni nella provincia del Sichuan in Cina. Nelle zone colpite sono in corso le operazioni di soccorso, con le squadre che lavorano instancabilmente. Sul posto stanno lavorando più di 400 soccorritori per ritrovare le persone scomparse.


2024-07-22T21:38+0200ahacentre (en)

REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the twenty-ninth week of 2024, the ASEAN region experienced 16 disasters, including floods, landslides, storms, and wind-related disasters. Indonesia, the Philippines , and Thailand were reportedly affected by these disasters. According to the Badan Nasional Penanggulangan....

Typhoon Carina to affect more areas in Luzon, keep enhancing southwest monsoon

2024-07-22T19:51+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Several other areas in Luzon are now expected to feel the effects of Typhoon Carina ( Gaemi ), which continued to strengthen over the Philippine Sea on Monday evening, July 22. Carina’s maximum sustained winds increased from 120 kilometers per hour to 130 km/h, said the....

Authorities cancel 14 flights due to Carina

2024-07-22T18:15+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) has announced the cancellation of 14 local commercial flights scheduled for Monday due to bad weather conditions caused by Tropical Storm Carina. As of 12:45 p.m., four Philippine Airlines (PAL) Express flights to and from Basco and Tuguegarao in Manila have been canceled.

Carina intensifies into typhoon, leaves Philippines Thursday

2024-07-22T18:06+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Severe tropical storm Carina has intensified into a typhoon and is expected to maintain strength until it leaves the Philippine area of responsibility (PAR) on Thursday, according to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). In its 5 p.

Walang Pasok: Class suspensions on July 23 due to 'Carina'

2024-07-22T15:43+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Several local government units (LGUs) and institutions have declared class cancellations for Tuesday due to Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi ). Carina, which went from a Severe Tropical Storm, intensified into a typhoon on Monday and is drifting over the Philippine Sea.

Metro Shanghai heatwave set to abate as typhoon approaches Temperatures, now hovering around 38 degrees Celsius, are expected to drop to 34 degrees from Wednesday, when Shanghai will come under the influence of Typhoon Gaemi. 1m

2024-07-22T15:36+0200shine (en)

The maximum temperature in Shanghai on Monday was 37.7 degrees Celsius, indicating the 15th high-temperature day of this summer. Monday was also this year's 12th solar term, dashu , or Great Heat, which in the Chinese calendar means the hottest period of the year, according to the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau.

Carina strengthens into typhoon over Philippine Sea

2024-07-22T15:23+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Tropical storm “Carina” (international name: Gaemi ) has intensified into a typhoon while meandering over the Philippine Sea. In its 5 p.m. weather bulletin, the Philippine Astmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said the typhoon’s center was estimated at 420 kilometers east of Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.

Carina intensifies into typhoon

2024-07-22T14:43+0200bworldcom (en)

TROPICAL Storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ) intensified into a typhoon while meandering over the Philippine Sea, prompting the state weather bureau to raise tropical wind signals over some areas of Luzon. In a 5 p.m. bulletin, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services....

Third-highest alert issued for typhoon in South China

2024-07-22T13:31+0200chinadaily (en)

China's top meteorological center renewed a yellow alert for typhoon on Monday, the third highest in the four-tier warning system, expecting the fourth typhoon of the year in the northwest Pacific Ocean to bring heavy rainfall and strong winds in South China .

Carina strengthens into typhoon while ‘meandering’ offshore

2024-07-22T12:40+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Carina ( Gaemi ) intensified from a severe tropical storm into a typhoon on Monday afternoon, July 22, while “meandering” or wobbling over the Philippine Sea. The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said in its 5 pm bulletin on....

‘Carina’ now a typhoon — PAGASA

2024-07-22T12:09+0200tribuneonline (en)

Severe tropical storm ‘Carina’ (international name Gaemi ) has now intensified into a typhoon while moving over the Philippine Sea, state weather bureau PAGASA said on Monday afternoon. Based on its latest monitoring, Carina's center was estimated at 420 km east of Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, and is moving north-northeastward slowly.

Weather tracker: summer storms end hot spell in Slovenia

2024-07-22T12:08+0200guardian (en)

Slovenia was hit by heavy rain and strong winds on Friday as a series of storms brought an abrupt end to a prolonged hot and dry spell. More than 230 weather-related events including flooding and landslides have been reported across the country. The worst-hit regions were in the Gorenjska....

NWS: More showers later this week

2024-07-22T10:27+0200guampdn (en)

The National Weather Service Guam on Monday issued its regional weather outlook, which said fair weather is building across Guam, but more showers are expected later this week. Showers and thunderstorms linger over the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands with a surface trough sitting just to the west.

‘Carina’ intensifies, seen to become typhoon in next 12 hours — PAGASA

2024-07-22T08:49+0200tribuneonline (en)

State weather bureau PAGASA’s latest track and intensity forecast of severe tropical storm ‘Carina' (international name Gaemi ) shows that it has steadily intensified, moving northwestward over the Philippine Sea on Monday morning. As of 10:00 AM, its center was estimated at 355 km east of Tuguegarao....

China braces for twin tropical cyclones after deadly flash floods

2024-07-22T08:29+0200stabroeknews (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) – Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China ’s eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country’s interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make....

Carina likely to become a typhoon; enhanced southwest monsoon triggers rain

2024-07-22T08:18+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Severe Tropical Storm Carina ( Gaemi ) continued to strengthen on Monday morning, July 22, while enhancing the southwest monsoon or habagat. Carina’s maximum sustained winds increased from 100 kilometers per hour to 110 km/h, said the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and....

Typhoon Gaemi approaching

2024-07-22T07:56+0200yonhap (en)

People cross a street in Seoul on July 22, 2024, amid rain due to the influence of Typhoon Gaemi moving northward toward the Korean Peninsula.

Coast Guard on 'high alert' in North Luzon due to Carina

2024-07-22T07:07+0200gmanews (en)

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has placed its personnel in north eastern Luzon on “high alert” to prepare for the impact of Severe Tropical Storm (STS) Carina (international name: Gaemi ). Coast Guard District North Eastern Luzon (CGDNELZN) Commander, CG Captain Ludovico Librilla Jr.

Philippines Braces for Severe Storm Gaemi

2024-07-22T06:32+0200bnnbloomberg (en)

July 21, 2024 at 11:54PM EDT (Bloomberg) -- The Philippines has placed northern parts of its main Luzon island on alert as severe tropical storm Gaemi continues to intensify. Storm Gaemi, locally known as Carina, is forecast to become a typhoon in the next 12 hours and intensify over the next four days on its way to Taiwan .

Signal No. 1 remains over Cagayan, Isabela as 'Carina' intensifies -- PAGASA

2024-07-22T06:19+0200gmanews (en)

Weather service PAGASA on Monday said Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal (TCWS) No. 1 remained over parts of northern Luzon as severe tropical storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ) continued to steadily intensify as it moved northwestward over the Philippine Sea. In its latest bulletin, PAGASA said areas under Signal No.

600,000 people displaced by 'habagat', 'Carina' intensifies slightly

2024-07-22T05:04+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines More than 600,000 people has so far been affected by the southwest monsoon locally called “habagat,” according to the the national disaster office in a report. This as Tropical Storm “Carina” (international name: Gaemi ) intensified slightly on Sunday.

China braces for twin tropical cyclones after deadly flash floods

2024-07-22T05:03+0200thenews-pk (en)

BEIJING: Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China ’s eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country’s interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make landfall in....

LIST: Canceled flights for July 22 due to bad weather

2024-07-22T04:18+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Some flights were canceled since Monday morning due to inclement weather, the Manila International Airport Authority (Miaa) announced. Due to “unfavorable weather conditions,” Miaa said in an advisory that the following flights were called off as of 9 a.m.

Rain showers expected on SONA day due to ‘Carina’ — PAGASA

2024-07-22T04:03+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Rain showers are expected due to Severe Tropical Storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ) on the day of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s third State of the Nation Address. State weather bureau PAGASA said that Carina has developed into a severe tropical storm on Sunday evening. As of 4 a.

Luzon areas under TCWS 1 due to ‘Carina’

2024-07-22T03:24+0200sunstar (en)

THE Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) has placed several areas in Luzon under Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal (TCWS) 1 due to Carina ( Gaemi ), which has turned into a severe tropical storm. As if 5 a.m. Monday, July 22, 2024, Pagasa said Carina was....

Prapiroon nears Hainan as Macau braces for impact

2024-07-22T03:02+0200macaudailytimes (en)

T ropical Storm Prapiroon is intensifying as it moves north-northwest over the South China Sea, with landfall expected at Hainan Island today, according to the latest forecasts. The storm, currently located more than 400 km south of Macau, is expected to bring more frequent showers and thunderstorms....

Parts of Cagayan, Isabela under Signal No. 1 due to Carina

2024-07-22T02:25+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Parts of Cagayan and Isabela are under Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal No. 1 on Monday due to Severe Tropical Storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ), state meteorologists said. Under Signal No. 1 are the eastern portion of mainland Cagayan (Santa Ana, Gattaran, Baggao, Peñablanca,....

Severe Tropical Storm Carina further intensifies as it enhances southwest monsoon

2024-07-22T02:12+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – More areas were placed under Signal No. 1 before dawn on Monday, July 22, as Severe Tropical Storm Carina ( Gaemi ) further intensified offshore. In its 5 am bulletin on Monday, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Carina....

Carina est désormais une violente tempête tropicale ; signal n°1 en place dans le nord-est de Cagayan

2024-07-22T02:10+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Carina est désormais une violente tempête tropicale ; signal n°1 en place dans le nord-est de Cagayan Photo gracieuseté de Pagasa. MANILLE, Philippines — La tempête tropicale Carina (nom international : Gaemi ) s’est transformée en une violente tempête tropicale au large de l’est de Casiguran dimanche soir, selon le bureau météorologique de l’État.

Signal No. 1 up over parts of Cagayan, Isabela due to Carina

2024-07-22T00:51+0200gmanews (en)

Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal (TCWS) No. 1 was raised over parts of Cagayan and Isabela on Monday due to the expected effects of Severe Tropical Storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ), PAGASA said. Areas under TCWS No. 1 are: the eastern portion of mainland Cagayan (Santa Ana, Gattaran, Baggao,....

‘Habagat’ displaces more than 600,000 even as ‘Carina’ stays offshore

2024-07-21T23:32+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Tropical Storm “Carina” (international name: Gaemi ) intensified slightly on Sunday as the national disaster office reported that more than 600,000 people has so far been affected by the southwest monsoon, locally called “habagat.” The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and....

LIVE updates: Severe Tropical Storm Carina

2024-07-21T23:29+0200philstar (en)

Follow this page for updates on "Carina" (international name Gaemi ), the third tropical cyclone to enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility this year. Can't view the live updates? Click here.

Carina now a severe tropical storm; Signal No. 1 up in Northeast Cagayan

2024-07-21T22:17+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Tropical storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ) developed into a severe tropical storm off of east Casiguran on Sunday evening, according to the state weather bureau. In its evening update, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration....

Thunderstorms and hot weather expected as typhoon makes landfall in Hainan

2024-07-21T21:21+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Rachael Ng and Reuters. Hong Kong will be affected by rain and thunderstorms today despite the approach of tropical storm Prapiroon, which was forecast to make landfall over Hainan Island. The observatory issued the Typhoon Standby Signal No 1 at 10.40pm on Saturday, indicating that a tropical....

The Probabilities Of Issuing Severe Weather Warning Signals (Update Time: 2024-07-21 17:00)

2024-07-21T19:15+0200menafn (en)

The tropical storm Prapiroon over the northern part of the South China Sea has been intensifying, and was moving north-northwest in past few hours. According to the latest track forecast, it will make landfall at the Hainan Island, between early times and morning on Monday(22nd), remaining over 400 km away from Macao.

Carina devient une violente tempête tropicale ; signal n°1 sur une partie de Cagayan

2024-07-21T19:11+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Carina devient une violente tempête tropicale ; signal n°1 sur une partie de Cagayan Carina (nom international : Gaemi ) est devenue une violente tempête tropicale tout en restant presque stationnaire au-dessus de la mer des Philippines , a déclaré PAGASA dimanche soir.

Carina now a severe tropical storm; Signal No. 1 up

2024-07-21T18:43+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Carina ( Gaemi ) strengthened from a tropical storm into a severe tropical storm on Sunday evening, July 21, while almost stationary over the Philippine Sea. Carina’s maximum sustained winds increased from 85 kilometers per hour to 95 km/h, said the Philippine Atmospheric,....

Carina becomes severe tropical storm; Signal No. 1 over part of Cagayan

2024-07-21T18:16+0200gmanews (en)

Carina (international name: Gaemi ) has become a severe tropical storm while remaining almost stationary over the Philippine Sea, PAGASA said Sunday evening. In its 11 p.m. tropical cyclone bulletin, the state weather bureau said that the center of Severe Tropical Storm Carina is estimated to be 385....

China braces for twin tropical cyclones

2024-07-21T18:11+0200manilatimes (en)

BEIJING — Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China 's eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country's interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make landfall in....

Storm Carina intensifies, enhances habagat

2024-07-21T18:06+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) yesterday said that Tropical Storm Carina is expected to exit the Philippine area of responsibility (PAR) by midweek, adding that it will enhance the southwest monsoon bringing rains to many areas in the country.

Two cyclones to hit China’s coast after deadly flash floods

2024-07-21T16:12+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post BEIJING (Reuters): Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China ’s eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country’s interior over the weekend.

Tropical Storm Gaemi intensifies as it approaches Taiwan: CWA

2024-07-21T15:55+0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, July 21 (CNA) Tropical Storm Gaemi has intensified slightly as it heads toward Taiwan and is expected to pose threats to the country in the coming days, the Central Weather Administration (CWA) said on Sunday. The 120-kilometer-radius storm was located 800 kilometers (km) southeast of....

Carina maintains strength, to intensify Habagat -PAGASA

2024-07-21T13:54+0200gmanews (en)

Tropical Storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ) maintained its strength Sunday afternoon as it remained almost stationary over the Philippine Sea, from where it would enhance the Southwest Monsoon or Habagat. According to PAGASA's 5 p.m. bulletin, Carina was 365 kilometers northeast of Aurora's....

China braces for twin tropical cyclones after deadly flash floods July 21, 2024 at 12:43 am EDT

2024-07-21T13:00+02004-traders (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) -Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China 's eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country's interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make....

China braces for twin tropical cyclones

2024-07-21T12:32+0200bworldcom (en)

BEIJING — Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China ’s eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country’s interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make landfall in....

Storm Carina keeps strength, enhances southwest monsoon

2024-07-21T12:26+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Tropical storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ) maintained its strength off Casiguran in Aurora as it moved over the Philippine Sea on Sunday afternoon, according to the state weather bureau. In its 5 p.m. cyclone update, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical....

China braces for twin tropical cyclones after deadly flash floods

2024-07-21T10:26+0200bna-en (en)

Beijing, July 21 (BNA): Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China 's eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country's interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to....

China braces for twin tropical cyclones after deadly flash floods

2024-07-21T09:01+0200straitstimesSG (en)

BEIJING - Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China ’s eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on July 21, after deadly flash floods struck the country’s interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make landfall....

Two cyclones to hit China's coast after deadly flash floods

2024-07-21T08:36+0200tribune (en)

Listen to article BEIJING: Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China 's eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country's interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to....

Tropical Storm Carina intensifies; heavy rains expected

2024-07-21T08:33+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Tropical Storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ) has slightly intensified as it continues to traverse the Philippine Sea on Sunday. Carina was last located 350 kilometers east of Casiguran, Aurora, carrying peak winds of 85 kilometers per hour near the center, gustiness of up to 115 kph and central pressure of 996 hPa.

China braces for twin tropical cyclones after deadly flash floods

2024-07-21T08:18+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China 's eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country's interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make landfall in China's....

Tropical Storm Carina strengthens again, seen to affect Batanes, Cagayan

2024-07-21T08:12+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Tropical Storm Carina ( Gaemi ) continued to intensify over the Philippine Sea on Sunday morning, July 21, and is already on track to reach severe tropical storm status within the day. The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said....

China braces for twin tropical cyclones after deadly flash floods

2024-07-21T07:53+0200brecorder (en)

BEIJING: Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China ’s eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country’s interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make landfall in....

China braces for twin tropical cyclones after deadly flash floods

2024-07-21T07:42+0200channelnewsasia (en)

BEIJING: Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China 's eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday (Jul 21), after deadly flash floods struck the country's interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make....

LIVE UPDATES: Tropical Storm Carina

2024-07-21T07:16+0200inquirer (en)

Tropical Storm Carina is the third storm to enter the Philippine area of responsibility this year. Carina’s international name is Gaemi . It is forecast to become a severe tropical storm by Monday and reach typhoon category on Tuesday. MANILA, Philippines — Tropical storm Carina (international name:....

Typhoon Gaemi Expected to Land Near Shanghai Friday

2024-07-21T07:11+0200kbs-en (en)

Typhoon Gaemi , which is moving north from the eastern waters of the Philippines , is expected to pass the East China Sea and land in the south of Shanghai, China, around Friday. According to the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) on Sunday morning, the third typhoon of the year, which formed....

China braces for twin tropical cyclones after deadly flash floods

2024-07-21T07:07+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China 's eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country's interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make landfall in China's....

China braces for twin tropical cyclones after deadly flash floods

2024-07-21T07:02+0200deccanherald (en)

Beijing: Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China 's eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country's interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make landfall in....

Twin Tropical Cyclones Set to Batter China's Eastern Seaboard

2024-07-21T06:47+0200devdiscourse (en)

China's eastern seaboard braces for two tropical cyclones this week, with Prapiroon making landfall on Sunday night. The storm follows deadly flash floods in the country’s interior, while Gaemi is expected to brush Taiwan and hit China later this week as a typhoon.

Carina intensifies over Philippine Sea, enhances Habagat

2024-07-21T06:42+0200gmanews (en)

Tropical Storm Carina (international name: gaemi) on Sunday slightly intensified over the Philippine Sea on Sunday morning, and will continue to enhance the Southwest Monsoon or Habagat, according to PAGASA. At 11 a.m. the center of Carina was estimated 350 kilometers east of Casiguran, Aurora, while moving westward at 20 kph.

China braces for twin tropical cyclones after deadly flash floods

2024-07-21T06:42+02004-traders (en)

BEIJING (Reuters) - Two tropical cyclones will bring gales and heavy rain to China 's eastern seaboard this week, with the first expected to make landfall on Sunday, after deadly flash floods struck the country's interior over the weekend. Prapiroon, named after a Thai rain god, is expected to make....

Twin Tropical Cyclones Threaten China's Eastern Seaboard With Torrential Downpours

2024-07-21T06:39+0200devdiscourse (en)

Two tropical cyclones, Prapiroon and Gaemi , are set to bring gales and heavy rainfall to China 's eastern coast this week. Prapiroon will hit Hainan province on Sunday night, while Gaemi will impact Taiwan and then mainland China later this week. Recent extreme weather has already caused fatalities and significant damage.

China Double Cyclone Threat Looms Over China's Eastern Seaboard 36 Seconds ago

2024-07-21T06:20+0200devdiscourse (en)

Double Cyclone Threat Looms Over China 's Eastern Seaboard Two tropical cyclones are expected to impact China's eastern seaboard this week, with Prapiroon making landfall in Hainan on Sunday night and Gaemi forecasted to reach mainland China later. The cyclones come after recent deadly flash floods....

Tropical Storm Carina slightly intensifies over Philippine Sea

2024-07-21T05:00+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Tropical Storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ) has gradually intensified over the Philippine Sea, state weather bureau PAGASA said. In its latest weather bulletin, PAGASA said Carina was located 490 kilometers east of Casiguran, Aurora, with maximum sustained winds of 75....

Storm Carina intensifies as it moves near Aurora, no typhoon signal so far

2024-07-21T03:59+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Tropical storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ) slightly intensified while moving east of Casiguran, Aurora, according to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa). Based on its latest cyclone update, Pagasa said Carina was last....

Tropical Storm Carina slightly intensifies over Philippine Sea

2024-07-21T03:11+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Tropical Storm Carina ( Gaemi ) slightly strengthened over the Philippine Sea before dawn on Sunday, July 21, with its maximum sustained winds increasing from 65 kilometers per hour to 75 km/h. The tropical storm’s gustiness is now up to 90 km/h from the previous 80 km/h.

LIVE updates: Tropical Storm Carina

2024-07-21T02:43+0200philstar (en)

Follow this page for updates on "Carina" (international name Gaemi ), the third tropical cyclone to enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility this year. Can't view the live updates? Click here. Canada-GIGG wielded the upset ax on Philippines -Cebu to score an 82-78 win and punch a ticket to the....

Carina intensifies while over Philippine Sea, will enhance Habagat

2024-07-21T01:03+0200gmanews (en)

Tropical Storm Carina (international name: Gaemi ) on Sunday slightly intensified while over the Philippine Sea, and will enhance the Southwest Monsoon (Habagat), PAGASA said. At 4 a.m., the center of Carina was estimated to be located at 490 km east of Casiguran, Aurora.

2 cyclones to boost monsoon strength, says Pagasa

2024-07-20T23:44+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Two tropical cyclones developed in and near the Philippines at the start of the weekend and are expected to enhance the southwest monsoon, locally called “habagat,” across the country. While Tropical Depression (TD) “Butchoy” (international name: 04W) left the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) around 8 a.

BREAKING: Tropical Storm Carina Intensifies, Set to Affect Western Luzon

2024-07-20T16:19+0200tribuneonline (en)

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) issued a Tropical Cyclone Bulletin today at 5:00 PM, announcing the intensification of Tropical Storm "Carina" (GAEMI). Located 630 km east of Casiguran, Aurora, Carina is currently moving west-northwest at 15 km/h with maximum sustained winds of 65 km/h and gustiness up to 80 km/h.

Carina develops into tropical storm

2024-07-20T14:21+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

“Carina” (international name: Gaemi ) has intensified from a tropical depression to a tropical storm, according to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). The tropical storm has winds of 65 kilometers per hour (kph) and gusts up to 80 kph. It is currently moving west-northwestward at 15 kph.

Pagasa: Carina now a tropical storm; may intensify into typhoon by Tuesday

2024-07-20T13:42+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines Tropical Depression Carina (international name: Gaemi ) has intensified into a tropical storm as of 5:00 p.m on Saturday, according to the state weather bureau. The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa), in its latest bulletin, said....

Carina strengthens into tropical storm east of Aurora

2024-07-20T12:01+0200rappler (en)

Tropical Storm Carina ( Gaemi ) has maximum sustained winds of 65 km/h on Saturday afternoon, July 20. MANILA, Philippines – Carina intensified from a tropical depression into a tropical storm on Saturday afternoon, July 20, while staying over the Philippine Sea. It has been given the international name Gaemi, a name contributed by South Korea.

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