Overall Red alert Tropical Cyclone for NORMA-23
in Mexico

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 838
Articles about casualties: 9 (1.1%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day


Social media analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

27.10.2023 Mexico - Produce industry watchful of rains post Hurricane Otis Early reports indicate that the impact of Hurricane Otis, a Category 5 hurricane that landed near Acapulco early Wednesday morning, is minimal on produce.“Yesterday, I would have told you we were expecting to lose 1 to 1 ½....

2023-10-27T13:06+0200agroinsurance (en)

Early reports indicate that the impact of Hurricane Otis, a Category 5 hurricane that landed near Acapulco early Wednesday morning, is minimal on produce. “Yesterday, I would have told you we were expecting to lose 1 to 1 ½ days of harvest due to the hurricane's path looking like it was going....

27.10.23 Mexique: Acapulco dévastée par l'ouragan meurtrier Otis

2023-10-27T11:17+0200ln24 (fr)

"Malheureusement, nous avons reçu un rapport du gouvernement de l'Etat et de la municipalité faisant état de 27 morts et de quatre disparus", a déclaré la secrétaire à la Sécurité Rosa Icela Rodriguez lors de la conférence de presse quotidienne du président de la République.

Tempête Philippe : les réflexes à adopter si vous êtes de passage (ou vous rendez) en Guadeloupe

2023-10-27T10:05+0200lefigaro (fr)

Acapulco partiellement dévastée après le passage de l’ouragan de catégorie 5, Otis. La célèbre station balnéaire au Mexique a subi des pertes humaines et dégâts matériels importants, alors que le territoire a subi des rafales de vent allant jusqu'à 315 km/h. Selon un premier bilan, il y a 27 morts et 4 personnes disparues.

La station balnéaire défigurée

2023-10-27T08:05+0200ipreunion (fr)

Au moins 27 personnes ont été tuées par le puissant ouragan Otis qui a dévasté et isolé la célèbre station balnéaire d'Acapulco, dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, où les secours s'organisent jeudi. "Malheureusement, nous avons reçu un rapport du gouvernement de l'Etat et de la municipalité faisant état....

Mexico races to help battered Acapulco after major hurricane

2023-10-27T05:06+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Mexican authorities rushed to send emergency aid, restore communications and assess damage in the Pacific beach resort of Acapulco on Wednesday after a powerful hurricane left a trail of destruction. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador personally joined an official convoy heading for the seaside....

Hurricane in Mexico: at least 27 dead, relief efforts organized in Acapulco

2023-10-27T04:43+0200thetimeshub (en)

Open in full screen mode. The damage done by Otis on the beach in Acapulco. Agence France-Presse. At least 27 people were killed by powerful Hurricane Otis which devastated and isolated the famous seaside resort of Acapulco, in southwest Mexico , where relief efforts are being organized on Thursday.

Hurricane Leaves At Least 27 Dead In Mexico’s Acapulco

2023-10-27T04:35+0200channelstv (en)

Hurricane Otis killed at least 27 people as it lashed Mexico ’s beach resort city of Acapulco as a scale-topping category 5 storm, officials said Thursday, in what residents called a “total disaster.” The storm crashed into Acapulco with furious winds of 165 miles (270 kilometers) per hour, largely....

Ouragan au Mexique : au moins 27 morts, les secours s’organisent à Acapulco

2023-10-27T03:11+0200radio-canada (fr)

Historique. Patricia avait frappé la côte pacifique du Mexique il y a huit ans en octobre 2015 avec des vents soufflants à 265 km/h. Également classé catégorie 5, Patricia est le plus puissant ouragan jamais enregistré dans le nord du Pacifique. Le 9 octobre 1997, Acapulco a été frappée par....

Hurricane leaves at least 27 dead in Mexico’s Acapulco

2023-10-27T01:03+0200jordantimes (en)

ACAPULCO, MEXICO — Hurricane Otis killed at least 27 people as it lashed Mexico 's beach resort city of Acapulco as a scale-topping category 5 storm, officials said on Thursday, in what residents called a "total disaster." The storm crashed into Acapulco with furious winds of 270 kilometres per hour,....

Ouragan au Mexique : au moins 27 morts, Acapulco dévastée

2023-10-26T23:00+0200lest-eclair (fr)

« Malheureusement, nous avons reçu un rapport du gouvernement de l'État et de la municipalité faisant état de 27 morts et de quatre disparus », a déclaré la secrétaire à la Sécurité Rosa Icela Rodriguez lors de la conférence de presse quotidienne du président de la République.

Updated: At least 27 dead after Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco

2023-10-26T22:55+0200spokesman (en)

MONTERREY, Mexico - At least 27 people were killed as Hurricane Otis crashed near Acapulco, officials said Thursday as they began to assess the toll after the storm rapidly intensified into the most powerful cyclone on record to have hit Mexico’s Pacific Coast.

Hurricane Otis leaves at least 27 dead in Mexico's Acapulco

2023-10-26T18:34+0200timesofindia (en)

ACAPULCO: Oct 26, 2023 -Hurricane Otis killed at least 27 people as it lashed Mexico 's beach resort city of Acapulco as a scale-topping category 5 storm, officials said Thursday, in what residents called a "total disaster." The storm crashed into Acapulco with furious winds of 165 miles (270....

Ouragan au Mexique: au moins 27 morts, les secours s'organisent à Acapulco

2023-10-26T18:17+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Au moins 27 personnes ont été tuées par le puissant ouragan Otis qui a dévasté et isolé la célèbre station balnéaire d'Acapulco et sa région, dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, où les secours s'organisent jeudi. "Malheureusement, nous avons reçu un rapport du gouvernement de l'Etat et de la municipalité....

Hurricane Otis leaves at least 27 dead in Acapulco

2023-10-26T18:01+0200freemalaysiatoday (en)

Hurricane Otis left a trail of destruction in Acapulco after coming ashore as a Category 5 storm. (AP pic) ACAPULCO: Hurricane Otis killed at least 27 people as it lashed Mexico ’s beach resort city of Acapulco as a scale-topping Category 5 storm, officials said today, in what residents called a “total disaster”.

Hurricane left at least 27 dead in Mexico's Acapulco: government

2023-10-26T18:00+0200guardian-ng (en)

Hurricane Otis killed at least 27 people as it lashed Mexico 's beach resort city of Acapulco as a scale-topping category 5 storm, officials said Thursday, in what residents called a "total disaster." The storm crashed into Acapulco with furious winds of 165 miles (270 kilometers) per hour, largely cutting off communications and road links with.

Hurricane leaves at least 27 dead in Mexico’s Acapulco

2023-10-26T17:49+0200digitaljournal (en)

Hurricane Otis killed at least 27 people as it lashed Mexico ’s beach resort city of Acapulco as a scale-topping category 5 storm, officials said Thursday, in what residents called a “total disaster.” The storm crashed into Acapulco with furious winds of 165 miles (270 kilometers) per hour, largely....

Messico: vescovi su uragano Otis, “facciamo appello a unità e fratellanza di tutti i messicani”

2023-10-26T17:37+0200avveniredicalabria (it)

Alla luce delle devastazioni causate dalle recenti tempeste e uragani, in particolare l’uragano Otis, che hanno colpito duramente alcune regioni del Paese, la Conferenza episcopale messicana esprime la propria “vicinanza e solidarietà a tutte le persone e comunità colpite, in particolare ai nostri....

Messico: vescovi su uragano Otis, “facciamo appello a unità e fratellanza di tutti i messicani”

2023-10-26T17:22+0200agensir (it)

Alla luce delle devastazioni causate dalle recenti tempeste e uragani, in particolare l’uragano Otis, che hanno colpito duramente alcune regioni del Paese, la Conferenza episcopale messicana esprime la propria “vicinanza e solidarietà a tutte le persone e comunità colpite, in particolare ai nostri....

Hurricane Leaves At Least 27 Dead in Mexico's Acapulco

2023-10-26T17:20+0200news18 (en)

Hurricane Otis killed at least 27 people as it lashed Mexico ’s beach resort city of Acapulco as a scale-topping category 5 storm, officials said Thursday, in what residents called a “total disaster.” The storm crashed into Acapulco with furious winds of 165 miles (270 kilometers) per hour, largely....

Hurricane leaves at least 27 dead in Mexico's Acapulco

2023-10-26T17:03+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (3-L) and members of his cabinet walk on the mud as they visit the El Kilometro 42 community, near Acapulco, Guerrero State, Mexico , after the passage of Hurricane Otis, on October 25, 2023. Mexican authorities rushed to send emergency aid, restore....

Hurricane leaves at least 27 dead in Mexico's Acapulco

2023-10-26T16:58+0200RTERadio (en)

Mexican Army soldiers stranded as they wait for the engineer corps to fix a fallen bridge in the aftermath of Hurricane Otis. Hurricane Otis has killed at least 27 people as it lashed Mexico 's beach resort city of Acapulco as a scale-topping category 5 storm, officials have said, in what residents called a "total disaster".

Ouragan au Mexique: au moins 27 morts, les secours s'organisent à Acapulco Au moins 27 personnes ont été tuées par le puissant ouragan Otis qui a dévasté et isolé la célèbre station balnéaire d'Acapulco et sa région, dans le sud-ouest du Mexiqu...

2023-10-26T16:43+0200lepetitjournal (fr)

Au moins 27 personnes ont été tuées par le puissant ouragan Otis qui a dévasté et isolé la célèbre station balnéaire d'Acapulco et sa région, dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, où les secours s'organisent jeudi. "Malheureusement, nous avons reçu un rapport du gouvernement de l'Etat et de la municipalité....

Au moins 27 morts à Acapulco dévastée par l’ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T16:42+0200lesoleil-ca (fr)

Des gens marchent à proximité d'un endroit dévasté par l'ouragan Otis, qui a durement frappé Acapulco au Mexique. (RODRIGO OROPEZA/AFP) Au moins 27 personnes ont été tuées par le puissant ouragan Otis qui a dévasté et isolé la célèbre station balnéaire d’Acapulco et sa région, dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, où les secours s’organisent jeudi.

16:29 | Catastrophe Au Mexique, au moins 27 morts à Acapulco après le passage de l’ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T16:36+020020minutes (fr)

Au moins 27 personnes sont mortes et quatre autres sont portées disparues après le à Acapulco et dans sa région, dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, a annoncé jeudi le gouvernement mexicain. Malheureusement, nous avons reçu un rapport du gouvernement de l’Etat et de la municipalité faisant état de 27....

Hurricane Otis Leaves At Least 27 Dead In Mexico's Acapulco

2023-10-26T16:33+0200ibtimes (en)

Hurricane Otis killed at least 27 people as it lashed Mexico 's beach resort city of Acapulco as a scale-topping category 5 storm, officials said Thursday, in what residents called a "total disaster." The storm crashed into Acapulco with furious winds of 165 miles (270 kilometers) per hour, largely....

Au moins 27 morts, les secours s’organisent à Acapulco

2023-10-26T16:32+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

« Malheureusement, nous avons reçu un rapport du gouvernement de l’État et de la municipalité faisant état de 27 morts et de quatre disparus », a déclaré la secrétaire à la Sécurité Rosa Icela Rodriguez lors de la conférence de presse quotidienne du président de la République.

Monde Le Mexique mobilisé pour secourir Acapulco, dévastée par l'ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T14:37+0200rts-ch (fr)

Aucun bilan des dégâts ou d'éventuelles victimes n'est encore disponible après les rafales dépassant les 300 km/h qui ont touché la ville. "Nous allons tenter d'ouvrir (les chemins) le plus vite possible", a déclaré le président mexicain Andrés Manuel López Obrador, en se rendant mercredi avec....

Hurricane Otis Wrecks Homes, Hospitals; Leaves Trail Of Destruction In Mexico

2023-10-26T14:30+0200natureworldnews (en)

Effects Of Otis. The damage buildings and vehicles were observed to partially submerged in floodwaters. Authorities in the southern state of Guerrero had attempted to take a measure of the damage. Furthermore, the loss of communications was also reported due to the damaged infrastructure and electricity cuts.

Mexico races to help battered Acapulco after hurricane leaves trail of destruction

2023-10-26T14:23+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

TOPSHOT. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador looks out of the window as the vehicle transporting him is stuck in mud during a visit to the Kilometro 42 community, near Acapulco, Guerrero State, Mexico , after the passage of Hurricane Otis, on Thursday.

Le Mexique mobilisé pour secourir Acapulco dévastée par l’ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T12:56+0200lesoleil-ca (fr)

Des gens marchent à proximité d'un endroit dévasté par l'ouragan Otis, qui a durement frappé Acapulco au Mexique. (RODRIGO OROPEZA/AFP) Le Mexique se mobilise jeudi pour venir au secours d’Acapulco, dévastée et coupée du monde après le passage de l’ouragan Otis, avec des habitants désespérés et des....

Les images d’Acapulco dévastée après le passage de l’ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T12:47+0200LeMonde (fr)

Un ouragan de force 5 s’est abattu sur Acapulco peu après minuit heure locale, mercredi 25 octobre, avec des rafales de vent de 315 kilomètres à l’heure, selon le gouvernement mexicain. Aucun bilan humain n’a encore pu être établi, les communications sont toujours coupées.

Le Mexique mobilisé pour secourir Acapulco dévastée par l'ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T12:21+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Le Mexique se mobilise jeudi pour venir au secours d'Acapulco, dévastée et coupée du monde après le passage de l'ouragan Otis, avec des habitants désespérés et des touristes bloqués dans la légendaire station balnéaire du Sud-Ouest du pays. "Nous allons tenter d'ouvrir (les chemins) le plus vite....

Mexique: les images des dégâts à Acapulco, coupée du monde après l'ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T11:05+0200bfmtv (fr)

La désolation à Acapulco. La célèbre station balnéaire, située dans le sud-ouest du Mexique , a été partiellement dévastée et quasiment coupée du reste du pays, après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis, mercredi 25 octobre. Ce jeudi matin, le président mexicain Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador a indiqué....

Acapulco dévastée et isolée après le passage de l'ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T10:38+0200laliberte (fr)

La légendaire station balnéaire d'Acapulco, dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, était partiellement dévastée jeudi après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis qui l'a coupée du reste du pays. "Il n'y a pas de vols d'avion. Il n'y a pas d'autobus entre Mexico et Acapulco", a constaté un photographe de l'AFP....

Mexico races to help battered Acapulco after major hurricane

2023-10-26T10:24+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Acapulco, Mexico : Mexican authorities rushed to send emergency aid, restore communications and assess damage in the Pacific coast resort town of Acapulco on Wednesday after a powerful hurricane left what residents described as a "total disaster". President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador arrived in the....

Mexique: Acapulco dévastée et isolée après le passage de l'ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T10:21+0200courrier-picard (fr)

La légendaire station balnéaire d'Acapulco, dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, était partiellement dévastée jeudi après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis qui l'a coupée du reste du pays. "Il n'y a pas de vols d'avion. Il n'y a pas d'autobus entre Mexico et Acapulco", a constaté un photographe de l'AFP....

Ouragan Otis : au Mexique, Acapulco dévastée et isolée

2023-10-26T10:20+0200leparisien (fr)

C’est l’heure du bilan pour Acapulco après le passage de l’ouragan Otis . La station balnéaire du sud-ouest du Mexique est partiellement dévastée après que le monstre météorologique l’a coupée du reste du pays. Dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi, il a touché terre avec des rafales jusqu’à 315 km/h.

Mexique : Acapulco dévastée et coupée du monde après l'ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T09:35+0200lecourrier (fr)

Il n'y a pas de vols d'avion. Il n'y a pas d'autobus entre Mexico et Acapulco ", a constaté un photographe de l'AFP après le passage de l'ouragan Otis qui a touché terre avec des rafales de vent allant jusqu'à 315 km/h, d'après le gouvernement mexicain.

Ouragan au Mexique : Acapulco en partie dévastée par le passage d’Otis

2023-10-26T08:58+0200humanite (fr)

Même s’il a été rétrogradé au niveau 4 (sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson qui en compte 5), l’ouragan Otis qui frappe le Mexique de plein fouet ce mercredi, a partiellement dévasté la ville d’Acapulco, dans le sud-ouest du pays, laissant derrière lui des paysages de désolation. « Les dégâts matériels sont dévastateurs.

Au Mexique, Acapulco dévastée et coupée du monde après le passage de l’ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T08:19+0200Liberation (fr)

La légendaire station balnéaire d’Acapulco, dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, est partiellement dévastée ce jeudi 26 octobre après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis , qui l’a coupée du reste du pays depuis la veille avec ses rafales allant jusqu’à 315 km/h.

Acapulco devastated and cut off after Hurricane Otis

2023-10-26T07:11+0200kiratas (en)

Hurricane Otis | Acapulco devastated and cut off from the world after the hurricane. 24 hours later, the mythical spa town was still without electricity or internet. Tourists cannot go out or call their families. ADVERTISING. The tourist town of Acapulco, in southwestern Mexico , was partially....

L’ouragan Otis frappe la station balnéaire mexicaine d’Acapulco avec des vents de 165 mph | Nouvelles du monde

2023-10-26T06:58+0200news-24 (fr)

L’ouragan Otis a touché terre sur la côte sud du Mexique (Photo : Getty/ @TheHandiCat/X) L’ouragan Otis a frappé la côte sud du Mexique, apportant des vents soufflant à 260 km/h et de fortes pluies à Acapulco. L’ouragan devrait s’affaiblir rapidement dans les montagnes escarpées de l’État de....

Mexique: Acapulco dévastée et coupée du monde après l'ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T06:22+0200courrier-picard (fr)

La légendaire station balnéaire d'Acapulco, dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, était partiellement dévastée et coupée du reste du pays mercredi soir près de 24 heures après le passage d'un puissant ouragan. "Il n'y a pas de vols d'avion. Il n'y a pas d'autobus entre Mexico et Acapulco", a constaté un....

Mexique: Acapulco dévastée et coupée du monde après l’ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T05:32+0200letemps (fr)

Les dégâts à Acapulco le 25 octobre 2023. — © Marco Ugarte / keystone-sda.ch. Les autorités n’ont fait pour l’instant mention d’aucune victime. L’ouragan a particulièrement touché les touristes et les visiteurs, qui ne peuvent ni sortir, ni appeler leurs proches.

Mexico races to help Acapulco after major hurricane

2023-10-26T04:43+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico Mexican authorities rushed to send emergency aid, restore communications and assess damage in the Pacific beach resort of Acapulco on Wednesday after a powerful hurricane left a trail of destruction and tourists stranded. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador personally joined an....

Potentially ‘catastrophic’ Hurricane Otis heads for Mexico

2023-10-26T04:30+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Hurricane Otis intensified to a potentially “catastrophic” Category 5 storm Tuesday as it barreled towards Mexico ’s Pacific beach resort of Acapulco, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. Maximum sustained winds increased to near 160 miles (260 kilometers) per hour, according to the NHC,....

L'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco

2023-10-26T04:21+0200ipreunion (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", s'est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d'Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l'ouest du Mexique, où le cyclone a entraîné une coupure des communications. "Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur....

Tropical rains lead to Texas flash flooding

2023-10-26T03:21+0200foxweather (en)

Tropical moisture from Hurricane Norma moved into the Southern Plains where some cities are seeing three inches of rain in less than a day.

‘Historic' Hurricane Otis triggers landslides, massive floods along Mexico's Pacific coast

2023-10-26T02:54+0200nbcbayarea (en)

By late Wednesday afternoon, Otis had weakened to below tropical depression strength and was dissipating over the mountains, yet many on the coast were left reeling. Just outside Acapulco, Flor Campos trudged for more than an hour through mud along a highway Wednesday morning before she peeled off her shoes, worried she'd lose them in the muck.

‘Historic' Hurricane Otis triggers landslides, massive floods along Mexico's Pacific coast

2023-10-26T02:40+0200nbcnewyork (en)

By late Wednesday afternoon, Otis had weakened to below tropical depression strength and was dissipating over the mountains, yet many on the coast were left reeling. Just outside Acapulco, Flor Campos trudged for more than an hour through mud along a highway Wednesday morning before she peeled off her shoes, worried she'd lose them in the muck.

Mexico races to help battered Acapulco after major hurricane

2023-10-26T02:34+0200thesundaily (en)

ACAPULCO : Mexican authorities rushed to send emergency aid, restore communications and assess damage in the Pacific beach resort of Acapulco on Wednesday after a powerful hurricane left a trail of destruction. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador personally joined an official convoy heading for....

Mexique: le président en route vers Acapulco toujours isolée après l'ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T02:21+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Le président du Mexique Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador s'est rendu en voiture mercredi vers Acapulco, la célèbre station balnéaire toujours isolée du reste du Mexique et visiblement en partie dévastée après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis. Le convoi présidentiel, tout comme la voiture de l'AFP,....

MexiqueLe président en route vers Acapulco isolée après l’ouragan Otis 0 0 0

2023-10-26T02:12+0200lematin-CH (fr)

Le président du Mexique Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador s’est rendu en voiture mercredi vers Acapulco, la célèbre station balnéaire toujours isolée du reste du Mexique et visiblement en partie dévastée après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis. «Nous allons faire en sorte que (l’autoroute) soit rouverte....

Mexique: Le président en route vers Acapulco isolée après l’ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T02:08+020024heures (fr)

Le président du Mexique Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador s’est rendu en voiture mercredi vers Acapulco, la célèbre station balnéaire toujours isolée du reste du Mexique et visiblement en partie dévastée après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis. «Nous allons faire en sorte que (l’autoroute) soit rouverte....

Mexique: Le président en route vers Acapulco isolée après l’ouragan Otis

2023-10-26T02:08+0200tdg (fr)

Le président du Mexique Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador s’est rendu en voiture mercredi vers Acapulco, la célèbre station balnéaire toujours isolée du reste du Mexique et visiblement en partie dévastée après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis. «Nous allons faire en sorte que (l’autoroute) soit rouverte....

Hurricane Otis unleashes massive flooding in Acapulco, triggers landslides

2023-10-26T02:00+0200torontosun (en)

By late Wednesday afternoon, Otis had weakened to below tropical depression strength and was dissipating over the mountains, yet many on the coast were left reeling. Just outside Acapulco, Flor Campos trudged for more than an hour through mud along a highway Wednesday morning before she peeled off her shoes, worried she’d lose them in the muck.

Mexico races to help battered Acapulco after major hurricane

2023-10-26T01:53+0200malaymail (en)

“The urgent thing is to attend to the affected population. We still don’t have the damage assessment because there’s no communication,” Civil Protection national coordinator Laura Velazquez said. Even the navy and military were “seriously affected”, she added.


2023-10-26T01:30+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Otis a touché terre vers 2 h (heure de l’Est) mercredi avec des vents soufflant à 250 km/h. Hôtels et centres commerciaux sérieusement endommagés, mobiliers urbains arrachés, communications suspendues : l’ouragan d’une force maximale 5 sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson a provoqué d’importants dégâts à....

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco, rips across southern Pacific coast before weakening

2023-10-26T01:18+0200ksl (en)

Estimated read time: 5-6 minutes. ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis ripped across Mexico's southern Pacific coast as a powerful Category 5 storm early Wednesday, tearing through buildings in the resort city of Acapulco, sending sheets of earth down steep mountainsides and leaving large swaths of the....

Hurricane Otis, strongest storm in eastern Pacific's history, tears through Acapulco

2023-10-26T00:43+0200foxnews (en)

Hurricane Otis, a Category 5 storm, tore through Mexico 's southern Pacific coast early Wednesday. Acapulco, a resort city, was among the hardest hit. "It’s one thing to have a Category 5 hurricane make landfall somewhere when you’re expecting it or expecting a strong hurricane, but to have it happen....

News3 hours ago Acapulco Is On Alert As Hurricane Otis Slams Mexico’s Pacific Coast

2023-10-26T00:40+0200chiangraitimes (en)

(CTN News) – On Wednesday morning, Hurricane Otis hit Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane, bringing high winds of 165 mph (270 km/h) and heavy rains to Acapulco and nearby towns that sparked memories of a storm that killed dozens of people in 1997.

Hurricane Otis, strongest storm in eastern Pacific's history, tears through Acapulco

2023-10-26T00:20+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Hurricane Otis, a Category 5 storm, tore through Mexico 's southern Pacific coast early Wednesday. Acapulco, a resort city, was among the hardest hit. "It’s one thing to have a Category 5 hurricane make landfall somewhere when you’re expecting it or expecting a strong hurricane, but to have it happen....

L’ouragan Otis, la tempête la plus violente de l’histoire du Pacifique oriental, ravage Acapulco

2023-10-26T00:07+0200news-24 (fr)

L’ouragan Otis, une tempête de catégorie 5, a ravagé mercredi la côte sud du Pacifique du Mexique. Acapulco, une ville balnéaire, a été parmi les plus durement touchées. « C’est une chose qu’un ouragan de catégorie 5 touche terre quelque part alors que vous vous y attendez ou que vous vous attendez....

Hurricane Otis weakens after making landfall in Mexico

2023-10-25T22:56+0200enca (en)

NEW MEXICO - Hurricane Otis weakened to a Category 2 storm after making landfall near Mexico 's Pacific beach resort of Acapulco on Wednesday, though it was still generating flash flooding and "extremely destructive winds," US forecasters said. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said that there....

Hurricane Otis batters Mexico, rips across southern Pacific coast before becoming tropical storm

2023-10-25T22:49+0200nzherald (en)

People get help crossing a highway blocked by a landslide triggered by Hurricane Otis near Acapulco, Mexico . Photo / AP Hurricane Otis ripped across Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a powerful Category 5 storm, tearing through buildings in the resort city of Acapulco, sending sheets of earth down....

Hurricane Otis weakens after making landfall in Mexico

2023-10-25T22:01+0200extra-cw (en)

Hurricane Otis was downgraded to a Category 4 storm after making landfall near Mexico ’s Pacific beach resort of Acapulco on Wednesday, though it was still generating “damaging” winds and “life-threatening” storm surge, according to US forecasters. The hurricane was packing maximum sustained winds of....

Hurricane Otis weakens after making landfall in Mexico

2023-10-25T21:53+0200thetimeshub (en)

Open in full screen mode. Hurricane Otis lost speed and decreased in intensity after making landfall in the vicinity of 'Acapulco, Mexico . Agence France-Presse. Hurricane Otis, deemed “potentially catastrophic”, weakened after making landfall on Wednesday near Acapulco, a famous seaside resort on....

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco, rips across southern Pacific coast before becoming tropical storm

2023-10-25T21:09+0200news-gazette (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis ripped across Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a powerful Category 5 storm early Wednesday, tearing through buildings in the resort city of Acapulco, sending sheets of earth down steep mountainsides and leaving large swaths of the southwestern state of Guerrero without power or cellphone service.

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco, rips across southern Pacific coast before becoming tropical storm

2023-10-25T21:04+0200eagletribune (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis ripped across Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a powerful Category 5 storm early Wednesday, tearing through buildings in the resort city of Acapulco, sending sheets of earth down steep mountainsides and leaving large swaths of the southwestern state of Guerrero without power or cellphone service.

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco, rips across southern Pacific coast before becoming tropical storm

2023-10-25T21:00+0200yakimaherald (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis ripped across Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a powerful Category 5 storm early Wednesday, tearing through buildings in the resort city of Acapulco, sending sheets of earth down steep mountainsides and leaving large swaths of the southwestern state of Guerrero without power or cellphone service.

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco, rips across southern Pacific coast before becoming tropical storm

2023-10-25T20:59+0200startribune (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis ripped across Mexico's southern Pacific coast as a powerful Category 5 storm early Wednesday, tearing through buildings in the resort city of Acapulco, sending sheets of earth down steep mountainsides and leaving large swaths of the southwestern state of Guerrero without power or cellphone service.

Jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", le puissant ouragan Otis a touché terre près d'Acapulco au Mexique

2023-10-25T20:53+0200geo (fr)

"Restez dans des endroits sûrs" "Mettez-vous à l'abri, restez dans des endroits sûrs : loin des rivières, des ruisseaux, des ravins et soyez vigilants" , a averti sur X (ex-Twitter) le président mexicain Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. L'électricité a été coupée à titre préventif à Acapulco, où le port....

Hurricane Otis Weakens Over Southern Mexico After Battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T20:38+0200longbeachstar (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico - After ripping through Mexico's southern Pacific coast early Wednesday, Hurricane Otis weakened from a Category 5 hurricane to a strong Category 2 storm, dousing the steep mountains of the state of Guerrero and leaving a trail of damage in its main city, Acapulco.

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco before weakening

2023-10-25T20:28+0200dailynews (en)

By Jose Antonio Rivera and Maria Verza | Associated Press. ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis ripped through Mexico’s southern Pacific coast early Wednesday as a powerful Category 5 storm, dousing steep mountains and leaving a trail of damage in Acapulco before weakening.

La ville d'Acapulco isolée après le passage ravageur de l'ouragan Otis au Mexique

2023-10-25T20:27+0200monacomatin (fr)

"Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur des pertes en vies humaines, mais il n'y a pas de communication" , a déclaré le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador lors de sa conférence de presse quotidienne. Le président a mentionné des "dégâts matériels" , évoquant des "effondrements" le long....

La ville d'Acapulco isolée après le passage ravageur de l'ouragan Otis au Mexique

2023-10-25T20:25+0200nicematin (fr)

"Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur des pertes en vies humaines, mais il n'y a pas de communication" , a déclaré le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador lors de sa conférence de presse quotidienne. Le président a mentionné des "dégâts matériels" , évoquant des "effondrements" le long....

Acapulco était toujours coupé du reste du Mexique mercredi matin après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis. Mexique Acapulco isolé après le passage de l'ouragan Otis

2023-10-25T20:23+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Acapulco était toujours coupé du reste du Mexique mercredi matin après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis qui a provoqué de sérieux dégâts dans la célèbre station balnéaire du Pacifique et sa région. • À lire aussi: L'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco au Mexique «Jusqu'à....

Mexique: Acapulco isolé après le passage de l'ouragan Otis

2023-10-25T20:21+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Acapulco était toujours coupé du reste du Mexique mercredi matin après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis qui a provoqué de sérieux dégâts dans la célèbre station balnéaire du Pacifique et sa région. "Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur des pertes en vies humaines, mais il n'y a pas de....

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco before weakening

2023-10-25T20:19+0200whittierdailynews (en)

By Jose Antonio Rivera and Maria Verza | Associated Press. ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis ripped through Mexico’s southern Pacific coast early Wednesday as a powerful Category 5 storm, dousing steep mountains and leaving a trail of damage in Acapulco before weakening.

Hurricane Otis Weakens Over Southern Mexico After Battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T20:19+0200singaporestar (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico - After ripping through Mexico's southern Pacific coast early Wednesday, Hurricane Otis weakened from a Category 5 hurricane to a strong Category 2 storm, dousing the steep mountains of the state of Guerrero and leaving a trail of damage in its main city, Acapulco.

Acapulco était toujours coupé du reste du Mexique mercredi matin après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis. Mexique Acapulco isolé après le passage de l'ouragan Otis

2023-10-25T20:19+0200journaldemontreal (fr)

Acapulco était toujours coupé du reste du Mexique mercredi matin après le passage du puissant ouragan Otis qui a provoqué de sérieux dégâts dans la célèbre station balnéaire du Pacifique et sa région. • À lire aussi: L'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco au Mexique «Jusqu'à....

La ville d'Acapulco isolée après le passage ravageur de l'ouragan Otis au Mexique

2023-10-25T20:17+0200varmatin (fr)

"Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur des pertes en vies humaines, mais il n'y a pas de communication" , a déclaré le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador lors de sa conférence de presse quotidienne. Le président a mentionné des "dégâts matériels" , évoquant des "effondrements" le long....

Hurricane Otis Weakens Over Southern Mexico After Battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T20:14+0200manilametro (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico - After ripping through Mexico's southern Pacific coast early Wednesday, Hurricane Otis weakened from a Category 5 hurricane to a strong Category 2 storm, dousing the steep mountains of the state of Guerrero and leaving a trail of damage in its main city, Acapulco.

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco before weakening

2023-10-25T20:14+0200dailybreeze (en)

By Jose Antonio Rivera and Maria Verza | Associated Press. ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis ripped through Mexico’s southern Pacific coast early Wednesday as a powerful Category 5 storm, dousing steep mountains and leaving a trail of damage in Acapulco before weakening.

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco before weakening over southern Mexico

2023-10-25T19:58+0200philly (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis ripped through Mexico’s southern Pacific coast early Wednesday as a powerful Category 5 storm, dousing steep mountains and leaving a trail of damage in Acapulco before weakening. Photos and video shared by local media after dawn broke in Acapulco showed the walls of....

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco before weakening

2023-10-25T19:49+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

By Jose Antonio Rivera and Maria Verza | Associated Press. ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis ripped through Mexico’s southern Pacific coast early Wednesday as a powerful Category 5 storm, dousing steep mountains and leaving a trail of damage in Acapulco before weakening.

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco before weakening

2023-10-25T19:42+0200eastbaytimes (en)

By Jose Antonio Rivera and Maria Verza | Associated Press. ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis ripped through Mexico’s southern Pacific coast early Wednesday as a powerful Category 5 storm, dousing steep mountains and leaving a trail of damage in Acapulco before weakening.

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco before weakening

2023-10-25T19:40+0200mercurynews (en)

By Jose Antonio Rivera and Maria Verza | Associated Press. ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis ripped through Mexico’s southern Pacific coast early Wednesday as a powerful Category 5 storm, dousing steep mountains and leaving a trail of damage in Acapulco before weakening.

Hurricane slams Mexican coastal city, flooding hotel rooms 24m agoThe Associated Press

2023-10-25T19:15+0200oregonlive (en)

Tourists swim in Acapulco, Mexico , Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Hurricane Otis has strengthened from tropical storm to a major hurricane in a matter of hours as it approaches Mexico's southern Pacific coast where it was forecast to make landfall near the resort of Acapulco early Wednesday. (AP Photo/Bernardino Hernandez) AP.

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco before weakening over southern Mexico

2023-10-25T19:00+0200nbc12 (en)

This satellite image provided by NOAA on Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023, shows Hurricane Otis approaching Mexico 's Pacific coast near Acapulco. Otis is forecast to make landfall early Wednesday and there is a hurricane warning in effect from Punta Maldonado to Zihuatanejo.

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco before weakening over southern Mexico

2023-10-25T18:54+0200kptv (en)

This satellite image provided by NOAA on Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023, shows Hurricane Otis approaching Mexico 's Pacific coast near Acapulco. Otis is forecast to make landfall early Wednesday and there is a hurricane warning in effect from Punta Maldonado to Zihuatanejo.

Video Mexique: l’ouragan Otis faiblit mais a causé d’importants dégâts à Acapulco

2023-10-25T18:49+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Mexique: l’ouragan Otis faiblit mais a causé d’importants dégâts à Acapulco L’ouragan Otis, jugé « potentiellement catastrophique », s’est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d’Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l’ouest du Mexique.

Mexico: Hurricane Otis weakens after making landfall near Acapulco

2023-10-25T18:48+0200thesaxon (en)

Hurricane Otis, judged "potentially catastrophic", weakened after hitting We set foot on land Wednesday near Acapulco, a famous resort town on the Pacific coast in western Mexico , where the cyclone caused a breakdown of communications. “So far we have no information on loss of life, but there is no....

Mexique: l’ouragan Otis faiblit mais a causé d’importants dégâts à Acapulco

2023-10-25T18:48+0200nordeclair (fr)

L’ouragan Otis, jugé « potentiellement catastrophique », s’est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d’Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l’ouest du Mexique. Jusqu’à présent nous n’avons pas d’éléments sur des pertes en vies humaines, mais il n’y a pas de....

L’ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d’Acapulco au Mexique

2023-10-25T18:42+0200radio-canada (fr)

, a insisté mercredi matin auprès des habitants de l'État du Guerrero, la gouverneure Evelyn Salgado. Otis a toutefois été rétrogradé en catégorie 2, comparativement à 5 auparavant, sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson, d'après le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain.

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco before weakening over southern Mexico

2023-10-25T18:21+0200startribune (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis ripped through Mexico's southern Pacific coast early Wednesday as a powerful Category 5 storm, dousing steep mountains and leaving a trail of damage in Acapulco before weakening. Photos and video shared by local media after dawn broke in Acapulco showed the walls of....

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco before weakening over southern Mexico

2023-10-25T18:19+0200yakimaherald (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis ripped through Mexico’s southern Pacific coast early Wednesday as a powerful Category 5 storm, dousing steep mountains and leaving a trail of damage in Acapulco before weakening. Photos and video shared by local media after dawn broke in Acapulco showed the....

Mexique: l'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco

2023-10-25T18:16+0200rtl-BE (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", s'est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d'Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l'ouest du Mexique, où le cyclone a entraîné une coupure des communications. "Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur....

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T18:09+0200arkansasonline (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico — After ripping through Mexico's southern Pacific coast early Wednesday, Hurricane Otis weakened from a Category 5 hurricane to a strong Category 2 storm, dousing the steep mountains of the state of Guerrero and leaving a trail of damage in its main city, Acapulco.

Mexique: l'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco

2023-10-25T18:00+0200tv5 (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", s'est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d'Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l'ouest du Mexique, où le cyclone a entraîné une coupure des communications. "Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur....

Hurricane Otis intensifies from tropical storm to Cat. 5 in 12 hours before landfall in Mexico

2023-10-25T17:58+0200wftv (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico After ripping through Mexico’s southern Pacific coast early Wednesday, Hurricane Otis weakened from a Category 5 hurricane to a strong Category 2 storm, dousing the steep mountains of the state of Guerrero and leaving a trail of damage in its main city, Acapulco.

Hurricane Otis Makes Landfall Near Mexico’s Acapulco As Category 5 Storm

2023-10-25T17:53+0200timesnownews (en)

Mexico City: Hurricane Otis made landfall on Wednesday near the beach resort of Mexico’s Acapulco. After the hurricane made landfall, it intensified into a dangerous Category 5 storm. Hours later it weakened into Category 4 storm. Authorities are still on high alert as five to 10 inches of rain is forecast in the area.

Mexique: l'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco

2023-10-25T17:42+0200lemauricien (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", s'est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d'Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l'ouest du Mexique, où le cyclone a entraîné une coupure des communications. "Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur....

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco as a Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T17:27+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Mexique: l'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco

2023-10-25T17:27+0200courrier-picard (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", s'est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d'Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l'ouest du Mexique, où le cyclone a entraîné une coupure des communications. "Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur....

17:05 Mexique: l'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco

2023-10-25T17:20+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Acapulco (Mexique) (AFP) - L'ouragan Otis, jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", s'est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d'Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l'ouest du Mexique, où le cyclone a entraîné une coupure des communications.

Hurricane Otis slams into southern Mexico as Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T17:19+0200latimes (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico — After ripping through Mexico’s southern Pacific coast early Wednesday, Hurricane Otis weakened from a Category 5 hurricane to a strong Category 2 storm, dousing the steep mountains of the state of Guerrero and leaving a trail of damage in its main city, Acapulco.

L’ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d’Acapulco

2023-10-25T17:19+0200lesoleil-ca (fr)

Un couple sur la plage d'Acapulco où l'ouragan Otis a causé moins de dommages que prévus. (FRANCISCO ROBLES/Agence France-Presse) L’ouragan Otis, jugé « potentiellement catastrophique », s’est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d’Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique....

Mexique: l'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco

2023-10-25T17:15+0200sciencesetavenir (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", s'est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d'Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l'ouest du Mexique, où le cyclone a entraîné une coupure des communications. "Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur....

Mexique: l'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco

2023-10-25T17:15+0200laprovence (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", s'est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d'Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l'ouest du Mexique, où le cyclone a entraîné une coupure des communications. A la levée du jour mercredi, une grande partie d'Acapulco -qui compte près de 780.

Mexique: l'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco

2023-10-25T17:14+0200challenges (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", s'est affaibli après avoir touché terre mercredi près d'Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l'ouest du Mexique, où le cyclone a entraîné une coupure des communications. "Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur....

Mexique: l'ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d'Acapulco

2023-10-25T17:13+0200LePoint (fr)

"Jusqu'à présent nous n'avons pas d'éléments sur des pertes en vies humaines, mais il n'y a pas de communication", a déclaré le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador lors de sa conférence de presse quotidienne. Le président a mentionné des "dégâts matériels", évoquant des "effondrements" le long de....

'On maximum alert': Catastrophic Category 5 Hurricane Otis slams Mexico

2023-10-25T16:53+0200barrie (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico - Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico's southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Maximum alert in Acapulco: Hurricane ‘Otis’ impacts the coasts of Acapulco

2023-10-25T16:39+0200kiratas (en)

Hurricane Otis impacted the coasts of Acapulco early this Wednesday. According to the National Meteorological Service, at 3:00 a.m. Central Mexico time, Otis reached land as a category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale. At 07:00, the storm has been degraded to category 2 50 kilometers....

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T16:29+0200ksl (en)

Estimated read time: 3-4 minutes. ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico's southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco Oct 25, 2023 7:30 AM Read more >

2023-10-25T16:26+0200crestonvalleyadvance (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T16:13+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico 's southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heavy rains and flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T16:08+0200washtimes (en)

This satellite image provided by NOAA on Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023, shows Hurricane Otis approaching Mexico ’s Pacific coast near Acapulco. Otis is forecast to make landfall early Wednesday and there is a hurricane warning in effect from Punta Maldonado to … This satellite image provided by NOAA … ....

Hurricane Otis batters Acapulco as catastrophic Category 5 hurricane

2023-10-25T15:46+0200ctvnews (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico - Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico's southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after storm hits Acapulco news

2023-10-25T15:43+0200elpasotimes (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Messico, l'uragano Otis colpisce Acapulco: forte vento e piogge torrenziali

2023-10-25T15:42+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 25 ottobre 2023) Forti venti e piogge torrenziali hanno colpito la citta' di Acapulco , in Messico . Agenti della protezione civile per le strade della citta' allerta i residenti sull'arrivo dell' uragano Otis . 25 ... Uragano categoria 5 in Messico : effetto devastante; L'uragano....

Ouragan au Mexique : Otis perd de sa puissance mais Acapulco reste en état d’alerte

2023-10-25T15:39+0200humanite (fr)

Même s’il a été rétrogradé au niveau 4 (sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson qui en compte 5), l’ouragan Otis qui frappe le Mexique de plein fouet ce mercredi pourrait faire de gros dégâts. Il a touché terre dans la matinée près de la célèbre station balnéaire d’Acapulco qui est calfeutrée pour la journée.

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T15:16+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Hurricane Otis has slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a Category 5 hurricane, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people. It had weakened to a strong Category 2 storm by Wednesday morning, and....

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T15:15+0200theargus (en)

It had weakened to a strong Category 2 storm by Wednesday morning, and is expected to continue to lose power quickly in Guerrero state’s steep mountains, but the 5in to 10in (13cm to 25cm) of rain forecast, with as much as 15in (38cm) possible in some areas, raised the threat of landslides and floods.

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T15:09+0200startribune (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico's southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

World News | Hurricane Otis Weakens over Southern Mexico After Battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T15:07+0200latestly (en)

Acapulco ( Mexico ), Oct 25 (AP) Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico's southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T15:02+0200devdiscourse (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T15:02+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

After battering Acapulco as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane, Otis weakens over southern Mexico

2023-10-25T14:55+0200ctvnews (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico - Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico's southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Vittorio Sgarbi indagato per evasione fiscale: «Deve 715mila euro al Fisco». Lui replica: «È una calunnia»

2023-10-25T14:50+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 25 ottobre 2023) Il Ministro della Cultura, Gennaro Sangiuliano, prende le distanze dal sottosegretario Vittorio Sgarbi . Il noto critico d’arte, infatti, almeno stando a un’inchiesta del Fatto Quotidiano, sarebbe indagato a Roma per sottrazione fraudolenta al pagamento delle imposte.

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T14:48+0200impartialreporter (en)

It had weakened to a strong Category 2 storm by Wednesday morning, and is expected to continue to lose power quickly in Guerrero state’s steep mountains, but the 5in to 10in (13cm to 25cm) of rain forecast, with as much as 15in (38cm) possible in some areas, raised the threat of landslides and floods.

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T14:45+0200thecourier (en)

Hurricane Otis has slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a Category 5 hurricane, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people. It had weakened to a strong Category 2 storm by Wednesday morning, and....

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T14:44+0200news-gazette (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T14:44+0200pressandjournal (en)

Hurricane Otis has slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a Category 5 hurricane, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people. It had weakened to a strong Category 2 storm by Wednesday morning, and....

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T14:43+0200irishexaminer (en)

Hurricane Otis has slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a Category 5 hurricane, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people. It had weakened to a strong Category 2 storm by Wednesday morning, and....

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco14:35

2023-10-25T14:39+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Hurricane Otis has slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a Category 5 hurricane, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people. It had weakened to a strong Category 2 storm by Wednesday morning,....

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T14:39+0200yakimaherald (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T14:39+0200lbc (en)

Hurricane Otis has slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a Category 5 hurricane, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people. It had weakened to a strong Category 2 storm by Wednesday morning, and....

Hurricane Otis weakens over southern Mexico after battering Acapulco

2023-10-25T14:37+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

Hurricane Otis has slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a Category 5 hurricane, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people. It had weakened to a strong Category 2 storm by Wednesday morning, and....

Hurricane Hurricane Otis a Category 4 as heavy rains, flash floods slam Mexico AP via Scripps News 7:23 AM, Oct 25, 2023

2023-10-25T14:33+0200wptv (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis makes landfall in Mexico resort with 165mph winds

2023-10-25T14:20+0200telegraph (en)

Hurricane Otis made landfall near Mexico ’s Pacific beach resort of Acapulco as a category five storm early on Wednesday, threatening to wreak “catastrophic” damage. The hurricane was packing maximum sustained winds of 165 miles per hour when it came ashore, the US National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4, bringing dangerous winds and rains to Mexico Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico's southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns.

2023-10-25T13:59+0200minnesota-publicradio (en)

Updated October 25, 2023 at 5:49 AM ET. Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico 's southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Flash flood threat ramps for southern Plains Wednesday

2023-10-25T13:55+0200foxweather (en)

A large swath of central Texas into southern Oklahoma faces a threat of flash flooding this week as the remnants of Hurricane Norma combine with moisture streaming in from the Gulf of Mexico and a cold front to bring 3-5 inches of rain.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm as heavy rain batters southern Mexico

2023-10-25T13:52+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early on Wednesday, bringing 165mph (270kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, and stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Scripps News Hurricane Otis a Category 4 as heavy rains, flash floods slam Mexico AP via Scripps News 7:23 AM, Oct 25, 2023

2023-10-25T13:46+0200wkbw (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Scripps News Hurricane Otis a Category 4 as heavy rains, flash floods slam Mexico AP via Scripps News 7:23 AM, Oct 25, 2023

2023-10-25T13:42+0200abcactionnews (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Scripps News Hurricane Otis a Category 4 as heavy rains, flash floods slam Mexico AP via Scripps News 4:23 AM, Oct 25, 2023

2023-10-25T13:40+0200abc15 (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Scripps News Hurricane Otis a Category 4 as heavy rains, flash floods slam Mexico AP via Scripps News 6:23 AM, Oct 25, 2023

2023-10-25T13:35+0200kxxv (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Scripps News Hurricane Otis a Category 4 as heavy rains, flash floods slam Mexico AP via Scripps News 4:23 AM, Oct 25, 2023

2023-10-25T13:30+0200ksby (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Scripps News Hurricane Otis a Category 4 as heavy rains, flash floods slam Mexico AP via Scripps News 5:23 AM, Oct 25, 2023

2023-10-25T13:29+0200koaa (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heavy rains and flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T13:23+0200financialexpress (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm as heavy rain batters southern Mexico

2023-10-25T13:15+0200theargus (en)

Now a Category 4 storm, the hurricane is expected to continue to weaken quickly in Guerrero state’s steep mountains, but the 5in (127mm) to 10in (254mm) of rain forecast, with as much as 15in (381mm) possible in some areas, raised the threat of landslides and floods.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heavy rains and flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T13:05+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

L'uragano Otis tocca Acapulco: massima allerta. Rischio frane

2023-10-25T13:04+0200euronews-it (it)

Uno spaventoso uragano di categoria 5 si è abbattuto sulle coste di Acapulco in Messico. Otis, però, è stato declassato a categoria 4 subito dopo aver raggiunto il villaggio. Si teme il rischio di frane e inondazioni. L’uragano Otis si è abbattuto ad Acapulco sulla costa meridionale del Pacifico....

L'ouragan Otis atteint le sud du Mexique, repasse en catégorie 4 1

2023-10-25T13:03+0200boursier-fr (fr)

par Javier Verdin. ACAPULCO, Mexique (Reuters) - L'ouragan Otis a touché terre mercredi vers la station balnéaire d'Acapulco, au Mexique, a déclaré le centre américain de surveillance des ouragans (NHC), mettant en garde contre le risque de dommages potentiellement catastrophiques.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heavy rains and flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T12:58+0200missoulian (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm as flash floods batter Mexico

2023-10-25T12:51+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

Unlimited access to premium stories for as low as $12.95 /mo. Get It Now ACAPULCO, Mexico >> Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early today, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heavy rains and flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T12:51+0200wacotrib (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm as heavy rain batters southern Mexico

2023-10-25T12:49+0200impartialreporter (en)

Now a Category 4 storm, the hurricane is expected to continue to weaken quickly in Guerrero state’s steep mountains, but the 5in (127mm) to 10in (254mm) of rain forecast, with as much as 15in (381mm) possible in some areas, raised the threat of landslides and floods.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heaving rains, flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T12:48+0200kitchenertoday (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Acapulco, Mexico, as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T12:43+0200wishtv (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (270 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

L’ouragan Otis faiblit après avoir touché terre près d’Acapulco au Mexique

2023-10-25T12:43+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Otis a été rétrogradé au niveau 4, contre 5 auparavant, sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson et drainait des vents violents pouvant aller jusqu’à 210 km/h, a annoncé mercredi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L’organisme avait un peu plus tôt jugé l’ouragan « potentiellement catastrophique....

Hurricane Otis weakens after making landfall in Mexico

2023-10-25T12:27+0200couriermail (en)

Hurricane Otis was packing maximum sustained winds of 165 miles (265 kilometers) per hour when it came ashore, the NHC said. The storm had rapidly strengthened to the most powerful category of the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale as it neared land. "Catastrophic damage likely where the core of the hurricane moves onshore," the NHC warned.

Mexique : le puissant ouragan Otis touche terre près d'Acapulco

2023-10-25T12:23+0200tv5 (fr)

Des images satellites indiquent qu'Otis a touché terre près d'Acapulco vers 06h25 GMT ", indique le Centre national des ouragans (NHC), évoquant des vents pouvant souffler jusqu'à 270 km/heure. Le cyclone d'une force maximale 5 sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson est " potentiellement catastrophique "....

Otis a touché terre près d’Acapulco au Mexique

2023-10-25T12:11+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

« Des images satellites indiquent qu’ Otis a touché terre près d’Acapulco vers 2 h 25 (heure de l’Est) », a indiqué le NHC, évoquant des vents pouvant souffler jusqu’à 270 km/heure. Le cyclone d’une force maximale 5 sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson est « potentiellement catastrophique » quand il....

Mexico: Category 5 Hurricane Otis touches down near Acapulco

2023-10-25T11:49+0200timesofoman (en)

Acapulco: Hurricane Otis made landfall on Wednesday near Acapulco, Mexico on the Pacific Coast, as a Category 5 Hurricane, according to the US National Hurricane Centre (NHC). The NHC said that Otis had maximum sustained wind speeds of 165 miles per hour (265 kilometres per hour) when it slammed ashore.

Ouragan Otis : le phénomène touche terre dans le port d’Acapulco, au Mexique, de catégorie 5 – Mexique – International

2023-10-25T11:48+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Otis a touché terre ce mercredi près d’Acapulco en tant qu’ouragan de catégorie 5. comme le rapporte à travers ses réseaux sociaux le Service météorologique national du Mexique. Au cours des dernières heures, Otis a avancé rapidement à travers le Pacifique mexicain pour heurter l’État de Guerrero,....

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heaving rains, flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T11:46+0200yakimaherald (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heaving rains, flash floods batter southern Mexico ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and....

2023-10-25T11:46+0200timescolonist (en)

A tourist rides a horse at a beach in Acapulco, Mexico , Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Hurricane Otis has strengthened from tropical storm to a major hurricane in a matter of hours as it approaches Mexico's southern Pacific coast where it was forecast to make landfall near the resort of Acapulco early Wednesday.

Huge 165mph Category 5 Hurricane Otis SUDDENLY appears & smashes into Mexico in ‘nightmare scenario’ with no time to run

2023-10-25T11:44+0200thesun (en)

Otis has already caused heavy flooding and serious damage to the city of Acapulco Credit: Twitter/SolChilpancingo. The hurricane made landfall at around 12.25am local time - unleashing the full force of its 165mph winds, heavy rains and powerful waves on the beach resort city of and surrounding towns.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heaving rains, flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T11:44+0200cp24 (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heaving rains, flash floods batter southern Mexico 0 10/25/2023 2:33:27 AM

2023-10-25T11:43+0200tricitynews (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Potentially "Catastrophic" Hurricane Otis Hits Mexico

2023-10-25T11:43+0200ndtvnews (en)

Acapulco, Mexico : A major Category 5 hurricane made landfall near Mexico's Pacific beach resort of Acapulco early Wednesday, threatening to wreak "catastrophic" damage, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. Hurricane Otis was packing maximum sustained winds of 165 miles (265 kilometers) per hour when it came ashore, the NHC said.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heaving rains, flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T11:41+0200actionnewsjax (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heaving rains, flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T11:38+0200wsoctv (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heaving rains, flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T11:38+0200wftv (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing dangerous winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis weakens to Category 4 storm while heaving rains, flash floods batter southern Mexico

2023-10-25T11:37+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

A tourist rides a horse at a beach in Acapulco, Mexico , Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Hurricane Otis has strengthened from tropical storm to a major hurricane in a matter of hours as it approaches Mexico's southern Pacific coast where it was forecast to make landfall near the resort of Acapulco early Wednesday.

Jusqu'à 270 km/h de vent: l'ouragan Otis surprend le Mexique, la ville d'Acapulco touchée

2023-10-25T11:31+0200rmc-bfmtv (fr)

La station balnéaire d'Acapulco sur la côté Pacifique sud du Mexique, est en état d'alerte maximale alors que l'ouragan Otis vient de toucher terre avec des vents pouvant atteindre 270 km/h. Le puissant ouragan Otis, jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", a touché terre mercredi près d'Acapulco,....

Hurricane Otis: 'Catastrophic' storm makes landfall bringing 165mph winds to Acapulco

2023-10-25T11:09+0200standard (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane on Wednesday, bringing 165mph (270kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, and stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis makes landfall in Mexico as Cat. 5 …

2023-10-25T11:07+0200woodtv (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (270 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis slams Mexico's Pacific coast, Acapulco on 'maximum alert'

2023-10-25T11:03+0200dunyanews (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (270 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's...

2023-10-25T11:01+0200dailymail (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ´s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people. The hurricane was expected to weaken quickly in Guerrero state´s steep mountains.

'Potentially catastrophic' category five hurricane Otis makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-25T10:59+0200inews-co-uk (en)

Hurricane Otis, a “potentially catastrophic” category five storm has barrelled into southern The storm made landfall near the tourist destination of Acapulco after midnight on Wednesday, the US National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said. The storm’s winds are forecast to reach 165mph, and the NHC has....

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T10:48+0200wral (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (270 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Le puissant ouragan Otis a touché terre près d'Acapulco au Mexique

2023-10-25T10:37+0200laliberte (fr)

Le puissant ouragan Otis, jugé "potentiellement catastrophique", a touché terre mercredi près d'Acapulco, dans l'ouest du Mexique. C'est ce qu'a indiqué le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain, qui espère toutefois le voir s'affaiblir dans les heures à venir.

Le puissant ouragan Otis a touché terre près d’Acapulco au Mexique

2023-10-25T10:35+0200quotidien-lu (fr)

Le puissant ouragan Otis, jugé « potentiellement catastrophique », a touché terre mercredi près d’Acapulco, célèbre station balnéaire de la côte Pacifique dans l’ouest du Mexique, a indiqué mercredi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain, qui espère toutefois le voir s’affaiblir dans les heures à venir.

Hurricane Otis creates ‘nightmare’ as 165mph winds hit Mexican beach resort

2023-10-25T10:32+0200metro-uk (en)

Hurricane Otis has made landfall on Mexico ’s southern coast (Picture:Getty/ @TheHandiCat/X) Hurricane Otis has slammed into Mexico’s southern coast bringing 165mph winds and heavy rain to Acapulco. The Category 5 hurricane was expected to weaken quickly in Guerrero state’s steep mountains, but heavy....

Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Acapulco as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T10:26+0200theargus (en)

The hurricane was expected to weaken quickly in Guerrero state’s steep mountains, but the 5in (127mm) to 10in (254mm) of rain forecast, with as much as 15in (381mm) possible in some areas, raised the threat of landslides and floods. Otis had strengthened rapidly, going from a tropical storm to a Category 5 hurricane in 12 hours on Tuesday.

Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Acapulco as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T10:26+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early on Wednesday, bringing 165mph (270kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, and stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis Hits Mexico, Forecasters Warn of ‘Potentially Catastrophic’ Damages

2023-10-25T10:25+0200news18 (en)

A major Category 5 hurricane made landfall near Mexico ’s Pacific beach resort of Acapulco early Wednesday, threatening to wreak “catastrophic” damage, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. Hurricane Otis was packing maximum sustained winds of 165 miles (265 kilometers) per hour when it came ashore, the NHC said.

Hurricane Otis slams Mexico’s Pacific coast, Acapulco on 'maximum alert'

2023-10-25T10:13+0200france24-en (en)

The hurricane was expected to weaken quickly in Guerrero state’s steep mountains. But the five to 10 inches of rain forecast, with as much as 15 inches possible in some areas, raised the threat of landslides and Otis had strengthened rapidly, going from a tropical storm to a Category 5 hurricane in 12 hours Tuesday.

Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Acapulco as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T10:11+0200impartialreporter (en)

The hurricane was expected to weaken quickly in Guerrero state’s steep mountains, but the 5in (127mm) to 10in (254mm) of rain forecast, with as much as 15in (381mm) possible in some areas, raised the threat of landslides and floods. Otis had strengthened rapidly, going from a tropical storm to a Category 5 hurricane in 12 hours on Tuesday.

Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Acapulco as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T10:05+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early on Wednesday, bringing 165mph (270kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, and stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Acapulco as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T10:04+0200thecourier (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early on Wednesday, bringing 165mph (270kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, and stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Acapulco as catastrophic Category 5 storm09:55

2023-10-25T10:02+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early on Wednesday, bringing 165mph (270kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, and stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Acapulco as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T10:01+0200irishexaminer (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early on Wednesday, bringing 165mph (270kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, and stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Acapulco as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:58+0200pressandjournal (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early on Wednesday, bringing 165mph (270kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, and stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Acapulco as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:57+0200lbc (en)

25 October 2023, 08:54 Mexico Tropical Weather. Picture: PA The hurricane was expected to weaken quickly in the mountains, but the large amount of rain forecast raised the threat of landslides and floods. Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5....

Second hurricane strikes Mexico

2023-10-25T09:56+0200travelweekly (en)

A second hurricane in a matter of days has struck the Pacific coast of Mexico . The category five Hurricane Otis struck near Acapulco overnight with winds forecast to reach up to 160 mph, according to the US National Hurricane Centre. The latest extreme weather front follows in the path of Hurricane....

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico’s …

2023-10-25T09:44+0200wearecentralpa (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (270 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

‘Potentially catastrophic’ Hurricane Otis hits Mexico

2023-10-25T09:43+0200dawn (en)

A major Category 5 hurricane made landfall near Mexico ’s Pacific beach resort of Acapulco early on Wednesday, threatening to wreak “catastrophic” damage, the US National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said. Hurricane Otis was packing maximum sustained winds of 265 kilometres per hour when it came ashore, the NHC said.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico’s Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:41+0200therepublic (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (270 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

L'ouragan Otis, extrêmement dangereux, touche terre à Acapulco

2023-10-25T09:41+0200laliberte (fr)

Le puissant ouragan Otis, "potentiellement catastrophique", a touché terre dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi près d'Acapulco, la célèbre station balnéaire dans l'ouest du Mexique. C'est ce qu'a indiqué mercredi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:39+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A tourist rides a horse at a beach in Acapulco, Mexico , Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Hurricane Otis has strengthened from tropical storm to a major hurricane in a matter of hours as it approaches Mexico's southern Pacific coast where it was forecast to make landfall near the resort of Acapulco early Wednesday.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico’s Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:39+0200dailyjournal (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (270 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

L'ouragan Otis, de catégorie 5, atteint la côte sud du Mexique

2023-10-25T09:39+0200boursier-fr (fr)

par Javier Verdin. ACAPULCO, Mexique (Reuters) - L'ouragan Otis a touché terre mercredi vers la station balnéaire d'Acapulco, au Mexique, a déclaré le centre américain de surveillance des ouragans (NHC), mettant en garde contre le risque de dommages potentiellement catastrophiques.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:31+0200news-gazette (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (270 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

'Potentially catastrophic' Hurricane Otis hits Mexico

2023-10-25T09:26+0200economictimes (en)

Hurricane Otis, a Category 5 storm, made landfall near Acapulco, Mexico , with maximum sustained winds of 165 mph. The US National Hurricane Center (NHC) warned of "catastrophic" damage and urged people to move to emergency shelters. The storm is expected to bring heavy rainfall, flash flooding, and storm surge along the coast.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:24+0200eagletribune (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (270 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Mexico: Category 5 Hurricane Otis touches down near Acapulco

2023-10-25T09:22+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

The US National Hurricane Center said that Hurricane Otis made landfall near the resort city of Acapulco on Mexico 's Pacific Coast. The agency warned a "potentially catastrophic storm surge" was expected. Otis touched down as a Category 5 hurricane with wind speeds of 165 mph (265 kph) Image:....

Mexico Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm 38 Seconds ago

2023-10-25T09:21+0200devdiscourse (en)

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico 's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexicos southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph 170 kmh winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns,....

Eye of Hurricane Otis Makes Landfall Near Mexico's Acapulco Resort as Catastrophic Category 5 Storm

2023-10-25T09:19+0200usnews (en)

Tourists swim in Acapulco, Mexico , Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Hurricane Otis has strengthened from tropical storm to a major hurricane in a matter of hours as it approaches Mexico's southern Pacific coast where it was forecast to make landfall near the resort of Acapulco early Wednesday.

3:15a Hurricane Otis slams into Acapulco as ‘catastrophic’ Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:16+0200marketwatch (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (170 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (170 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco....

2023-10-25T09:15+0200timescolonist (en)

Tourists sit on the beach in Acapulco, Mexico , Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Hurricane Otis has strengthened from tropical storm to a major hurricane in a matter of hours as it approaches Mexico's southern Pacific coast where it was forecast to make landfall near the resort of Acapulco early Wednesday.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm 0 10/24/2023 11:56:34 PM

2023-10-25T09:15+0200tricitynews (en)

Tourists sit on the beach in Acapulco, Mexico , Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Hurricane Otis has strengthened from tropical storm to a major hurricane in a matter of hours as it approaches Mexico's southern Pacific coast where it was forecast to make landfall near the resort of Acapulco early Wednesday.

Mexique : l’ouragan Otis touche terre, faisant craindre des dégâts «potentiellement catastrophiques»

2023-10-25T09:12+0200Liberation (fr)

Il charrie des rafales allant jusqu’à 270 km/h. L’ouragan Otis a touché terre dans le sud-ouest du Mexique ce mercredi 25 octobre, vers 00 h 25, heure locale (8 h 25 heure française). Considéré comme « potentiellement catastrophique» par le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain, le phénomène a été classé , soit le niveau le plus élevé.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:11+0200independent-UK (en)

Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (170 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people. The hurricane was expected to weaken quickly in Guerrero state’s steep mountains.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:11+0200ABCnews (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico -- Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (170 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico’s …

2023-10-25T09:10+0200wowktv (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (170 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:10+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

Tourists sit on the beach in Acapulco, Mexico , Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Hurricane Otis has strengthened from tropical storm to a major hurricane in a matter of hours as it approaches Mexico's southern Pacific coast where it was forecast to make landfall near the resort of Acapulco early Wednesday.

"Potentiellement catastrophique": l'ouragan Otis touche terre au Mexique

2023-10-25T09:10+0200bfmtv (fr)

Le cyclone d'une force maximale 5 sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson s'affaiblira "rapidement" en touchant terre, d'après le Centre national des ouragans américain. Le puissant ouragan Otis, "potentiellement catastrophique", a touché terre dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi près d' Acapulco , la célèbre....

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico’s Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:07+0200kob (en)

Tourists swim in Acapulco, Mexico , Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. Hurricane Otis has strengthened from tropical storm to a major hurricane in a matter of hours as it approaches Mexico's southern Pacific coast where it was forecast to make landfall near the resort of Acapulco early Wednesday.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico’s Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:06+0200fresnobee (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico . Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (170 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:06+0200wftv (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (170 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:05+0200wsoctv (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (170 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico's Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T09:02+0200actionnewsjax (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (170 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Eye of Hurricane Otis makes landfall near Mexico’s Acapulco resort as catastrophic Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T08:58+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico — Hurricane Otis slammed into Mexico’s southern Pacific coast as a catastrophic Category 5 hurricane early Wednesday, bringing 165 mph (170 kmh) winds and heavy rain to Acapulco and surrounding towns, stirring memories of a 1997 storm that killed dozens of people.

Mexique : le puissant ouragan Otis a touché terre près d'Acapulco Il a été classé en catégorie 5 par le Centre national des ouragans américain, soit le niveau le plus élevé.

2023-10-25T08:57+0200francetvinfo (fr)

L'ouragan Otis a touché terre près d'Acapulco (Mexique), mercredi 25 octobre, après avoir été relevé en catégorie 5 – le niveau le plus élevé – par le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. Ce dernier a averti que le phénomène pourrait causer des "dégâts catastrophiques" et évoque des vents pouvant souffler jusqu'à 270km/heure.

Un ouragan "potentiellement catastrophique" menace de s'abattre sur Acapulco au Mexique

2023-10-25T08:37+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 17 min L'ouragan qui menace Acapulco dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, où il devrait toucher terre tôt mercredi, a été relevé en catégorie 5 et est "potentiellement catastrophique" , a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain.

« Potentiellement catastrophique », l’ouragan qui menace Acapulco relevé au niveau maximum

2023-10-25T08:32+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

L’ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé. Il conservera cette force jusqu’à ce qu’il touche terre tôt, ce mercredi, dans la région d’Acapulco, causant probablement des « dégâts catastrophiques », a indiqué le NHC dans son dernier bulletin.

Hurricane Otis intensifies to potentially 'catastrophic' Category 5 storm as it nears Mexico

2023-10-25T08:23+0200thejournal (en)

HURRICANE OTIS has intensified to a potentially “catastrophic” Category 5 storm as it barreled towards Mexico ’s Pacific beach resort of Acapulco, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) has said. Maximum sustained winds increased to near 260km/h, according to the NHC, which put Otis in the most....

« Potentiellement catastrophique », l’ouragan qui menace Acapulco relevé en catégorie 5, niveau maximum

2023-10-25T08:22+0200courrier-picard (fr)

L’ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé. Il conservera cette force jusqu’à ce qu’il touche terre tôt mercredi dans la région d’Acapulco, causant probablement des « dégâts catastrophiques », a indiqué le NHC dans son dernier bulletin.

« Potentiellement catastrophique », l’ouragan qui menace Acapulco relevé en catégorie 5, niveau maximum

2023-10-25T08:21+0200normandie (fr)

L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, où il devrait toucher terre tôt mercredi, a été relevé en catégorie 5 et est « potentiellement catastrophique », a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L’ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé.

Messico, l'uragano Otis si rafforza e si dirige verso Acapulco: "Potenzialmente catastrofico"

2023-10-25T08:10+0200rainews (it)

L'uragano Otis si è rafforzato fino a diventare una tempesta di categoria 5 potenzialmente "catastrofica" mentre si avvicina alla costa meridionale del Pacifico del Messico, e in particolare verso la località balneare di Acapulco. Secondo il Centro nazionale per gli uragani (Nhc) degli Stati Uniti,....

08:07 - Messico, uragano Otis raggiunge massima potenza e punta verso Acapulco-2-

2023-10-25T08:08+0200geagency (it)

Acapulco è stata colpita il 9 ottobre 1997 dall’uragano Paulina, che ha toccato terra in categoria 4, uccidendo più di 200 persone. Si tratta di uno dei peggiori disastri naturali del Messico al di fuori di un terremoto. La settimana scorsa, l’uragano Norma ha provocato tre vittime poco più a nord, nello Stato di Sinaloa.

Meteo Cronaca Diretta VIDEO: MESSICO, l'uragano Norma fa paura, la città di Mazatlan è finita sott'acqua

2023-10-25T08:07+0200ilmeteo (it)

23 Ottobre 2023 - Messico: Il National Hurricane Center degli Stati Uniti ha reso noto che Norma uragano di 1 categoria, è approdato in Messico con venti a130 km/h, vicino a El Pozo de Cota, a Ovest-Nord/Ovest di Cabo San Lucas. Ci sarebbero diversi danni come mostrano le immagini nel video qua sopra, riprese nei pressi della città di Mazatlan.

'Potentially catastrophic' Hurricane Otis nears Mexico

2023-10-25T07:38+0200RTERadio (en)

People watch waves on a beach in Acapulco ahead of the expected arrival of Hurricane Otis. Hurricane Otis strengthened to a powerful Category 4 storm as it barrelled toward Mexico 's Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center said, warning it could be "potentially catastrophic" upon landfall.

L'ouragan Otis, de catégorie 5, se dirige vers le Mexique

2023-10-25T07:35+0200challenges (fr)

Des gens marchent le long d’une plage alors que l’ouragan Otis se dirige vers Acapulco, au Mexique. /Photo prise le 24 octobre 2023/REUTERS/Javier Verdin. ACAPULCO, Mexique (Reuters) - L'ouragan Otis se dirigeait mardi vers la station balnéaire d'Acapulco, au Mexique, et devrait toucher terre tôt mercredi.

Au MexiqueOtis, un ouragan «extrêmement dangereux», menace Acapulco 0 0 0

2023-10-25T07:24+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, où il devrait toucher terre tôt mercredi, a été relevé en catégorie 5 et est «potentiellement catastrophique», a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L’ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé.

L'ouragan Otis "potentiellement catastrophique" en route vers Acapulco au Mexique

2023-10-25T07:23+0200ladepeche (fr)

L'ouragan qui menace Acapulco dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, où il devrait toucher terre tôt ce mercredi, a été relevé en catégorie 5 et est "potentiellement catastrophique", a prévenu le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L'ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé.

"Potentiellement catastrophique", l'ouragan qui menace le Mexique relevé au niveau maximum

2023-10-25T07:11+0200levif (fr)

L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, a été relevé en catégorie 5 et est « potentiellement catastrophique », a prévenu le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L’ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé.

Un cyclone «potentiellement catastrophique» menace le Mexique

2023-10-25T07:09+0200watson (fr)

L'ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé. Il conservera cette force jusqu'à ce qu'il touche terre tôt mercredi dans la région d'Acapulco, causant probablement des «dégâts catastrophiques», a indiqué le NHC dans son dernier bulletin.

L'ouragan Otis, de catégorie 5, se dirige vers le Mexique

2023-10-25T07:08+0200boursier-fr (fr)

par Javier Verdin. ACAPULCO, Mexique, 25 octobre (Reuters) - L'ouragan Otis se dirigeait mardi vers la station balnéaire d'Acapulco, au Mexique, et devrait toucher terre tôt mercredi. L'ouragan classé en catégorie 5, la plus haute sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson, se trouvait mardi soir à 21h00....

"Des dégâts catastrophiques" attendus, les soldats déployés: l'ouragan Otis qui menace le Mexique relevé au niveau maximum

2023-10-25T07:06+0200varmatin (fr)

L'ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé. Il conservera cette force jusqu'à ce qu'il touche terre tôt mercredi dans la région d'Acapulco, causant probablement des "dégâts catastrophiques", a indiqué le NHC dans son dernier bulletin.

L'ouragan qui menace Acapulco relevé au niveau maximum

2023-10-25T07:05+0200laliberte (fr)

L'ouragan qui menace Acapulco dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, où il devrait toucher terre tôt mercredi, a été relevé en catégorie 5. Ce cyclone est "potentiellement catastrophique", a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L'ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé.

"Des dégâts catastrophiques" attendus, les soldats déployés: l'ouragan Otis qui menace le Mexique relevé au niveau maximum

2023-10-25T07:04+0200monacomatin (fr)

L'ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé. Il conservera cette force jusqu'à ce qu'il touche terre tôt mercredi dans la région d'Acapulco, causant probablement des "dégâts catastrophiques", a indiqué le NHC dans son dernier bulletin.

"Des dégâts catastrophiques" attendues, les soldats déployés: l'ouragan Otis qui menace le Mexique relevé au niveau maximum

2023-10-25T06:56+0200nicematin (fr)

L'ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé. Il conservera cette force jusqu'à ce qu'il touche terre tôt mercredi dans la région d'Acapulco, causant probablement des "dégâts catastrophiques", a indiqué le NHC dans son dernier bulletin.

Category 5 Hurricane Otis heads for Mexico

2023-10-25T06:51+0200newagebd (en)

This handout picture courtesy of NOAA/RAAMB (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch) taken on October 24, 2023 shows hurricane Otis approaching Mexico ’s southern Pacific coast. – AFP photo. Hurricane Otis intensified to a potentially....

Mexique: l’ouragan Otis, « potentiellement catastrophique », s’approche d’Acapulco

2023-10-25T06:47+0200nordeclair (fr)

L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco dans le sud-ouest du Mexique , où il devrait toucher terre tôt mercredi, a été relevé en catégorie 5 et est « potentiellement catastrophique », a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. Ecoles fermées.

Vents de 230 km/h, 51 cm de pluie... l'ouragan Otis devrait faire des "dégâts catastrophiques" au Mexique ce mercredi

2023-10-25T06:46+0200midilibre (fr)

L'ouragan Otis se dirigeait ce mardi 24 octobre vers la station balnéaire d'Acapulco, au Mexique, et devrait toucher terre tôt mercredi. Classé 5 sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson, il devrait fort probablement causer des "dégâts catastrophiques". Des glissements de terrain attendus.

"Potentiellement catastrophique", l'ouragan qui menace Acapulco relevé au niveau maximum

2023-10-25T06:44+0200ln24 (fr)

L'ouragan qui menace Acapulco dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, où il devrait toucher terre tôt mercredi, a été relevé en catégorie 5 et est "potentiellement catastrophique", a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L'ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson, soit le niveau le plus élevé.

Mexique: l’ouragan Otis, « potentiellement catastrophique », s’approche d’Acapulco

2023-10-25T06:41+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco dans le sud-ouest du Mexique , où il devrait toucher terre tôt mercredi, a été relevé en catégorie 5 et est « potentiellement catastrophique », a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. Ecoles fermées.

Mexique : Acapulco se prépare à un ouragan « extrêmement dangereux »

2023-10-25T06:34+0200la-croix (fr)

L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco dans le sud-ouest du Mexique, où il devrait toucher terre tôt mercredi 25 octobre, a été relevé en catégorie 5 et est « potentiellement catastrophique » , a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L’ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 5 sur....

Hurricane Otis barrels toward Mexico’s Acapulco as Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T06:26+0200rappler (en)

Hurricane Otis is blowing maximum sustained winds of 257 km/h and is expected to bring heavy rain capable of 'catastrophic damage,' the US National Hurricane Center says. ACAPULCO, Mexico – Hurricane Otis barreled toward Mexico’s beach resort of Acapulco as a Category 5 storm on Tuesday, October....

Meteo. Messico, uragano Otis verso Acapulco come categoria 5, lotta contro il tempo

2023-10-25T06:17+02003bmeteo (it)

Uragano Otis verso Acapulco. L'uragano Otis sul Pacifico orientale è estremamente pericoloso e sta per abbattersi su Acapulco in Messico come un categoria 5.Questa zona non ha esperienza per uragani di tal portata. Il ciclone si trova attualmente a 135 km ia sud di Acapulco con venti massimi di 230 km/h.

05h45 Un ouragan de catégorie 4 « extrêmement dangereux » et « possiblement catastrophique » menace Acapulco

2023-10-25T06:06+0200huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

- / AFP This handout picture courtesy of NOAA/RAAMB (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch) taken on October 24, 2023 shows hurricane Otis approaching Mexico 's southern Pacific coast. Hurricane Otis on october 24, 2023 strengthened to a major....

Potentially ‘catastrophic’ Hurricane Otis heads for Mexico

2023-10-25T05:56+0200heraldsun (en)

Hurricane Otis intensified to a potentially "catastrophic" Category 5 storm Tuesday as it barreled towards Mexico 's Pacific beach resort of Acapulco, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. Maximum sustained winds increased to near 160 miles (260 kilometers) per hour, according to the NHC,....

'Catastrophic' hurricane Otis barrels toward Mexico

2023-10-25T05:55+0200bordermail (en)

Hurricane Otis is barrelling toward Mexico 's beach resort of Acapulco as a Category 5 storm and was poised to make landfall on its Pacific coast on Wednesday. Otis was blowing maximum sustained winds of 257km/h and was expected to bring heavy rain capable of "catastrophic damage," the US National Hurricane Centre said.

Potentially 'Catastrophic' Hurricane Otis Heads For Mexico

2023-10-25T05:54+0200ibtimes (en)

Hurricane Otis intensified to a potentially "catastrophic" Category 5 storm Tuesday as it barreled towards Mexico 's Pacific beach resort of Acapulco, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. Maximum sustained winds increased to near 160 miles (260 kilometers) per hour, according to the NHC,....

Category 5 Hurricane Otis Threatens Acapulco: A Potentially Catastrophic Storm Approaching Mexico’s West Coast

2023-10-25T05:52+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-25 03:21:43 A satellite image from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showing Hurricane Otis approaching the west coast of Mexico , October 24, 2023. NOAA VIA AP. A hurricane “extremely dangerous” et “possibly catastrophic” threatens Acapulco, a tourist hotspot on the Pacific....

Hurricane threatening Acapulco 'extremely dangerous' and 'possibly catastrophic'

2023-10-25T05:50+0200thetimeshub (en)

Open in full screen mode. A couple in a plaza in Acapulco before Otis arrives. Agence France-Presse. The hurricane which threatens Acapulco, a tourist hotspot on the Pacific coast in western Mexico , is “extremely dangerous” and “possibly catastrophic,” the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) warned on Tuesday.

'Catastrophic' hurricane Otis barrels toward Mexico

2023-10-25T05:47+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

Hurricane Otis is barrelling toward Mexico 's beach resort of Acapulco as a Category 5 storm and was poised to make landfall on its Pacific coast on Wednesday. Otis was blowing maximum sustained winds of 257km/h and was expected to bring heavy rain capable of "catastrophic damage," the US National Hurricane Centre said.

'Catastrophic' hurricane Otis barrels toward Mexico

2023-10-25T05:46+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

Hurricane Otis is barrelling toward Mexico 's beach resort of Acapulco as a Category 5 storm and was poised to make landfall on its Pacific coast on Wednesday. Otis was blowing maximum sustained winds of 257km/h and was expected to bring heavy rain capable of "catastrophic damage," the US National Hurricane Centre said.

'Catastrophic' hurricane Otis barrels toward Mexico

2023-10-25T05:44+0200newcastleherald (en)

Hurricane Otis is barrelling toward Mexico 's beach resort of Acapulco as a Category 5 storm and was poised to make landfall on its Pacific coast on Wednesday. Otis was blowing maximum sustained winds of 257km/h and was expected to bring heavy rain capable of "catastrophic damage," the US National Hurricane Centre said.

'Catastrophic' hurricane Otis barrels toward Mexico

2023-10-25T05:40+0200illawarramercury (en)

Hurricane Otis is barrelling toward Mexico 's beach resort of Acapulco as a Category 5 storm and was poised to make landfall on its Pacific coast on Wednesday. Otis was blowing maximum sustained winds of 257km/h and was expected to bring heavy rain capable of "catastrophic damage," the US National Hurricane Centre said.

L'ouragan qui menace Acapulco "possiblement catastrophique"

2023-10-25T05:40+0200laliberte (fr)

L'ouragan qui menace Acapulco, haut lieu du tourisme sur la côte Pacifique dans l'ouest du Mexique, est "extrêmement dangereux" et "possiblement catastrophique", a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L'ouragan Otis a été relevé en catégorie 4 sur les 5 que compte l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson.

'Catastrophic' hurricane Otis barrels toward Mexico

2023-10-25T05:39+0200maitlandmercury (en)

Hurricane Otis is barrelling toward Mexico 's beach resort of Acapulco as a Category 5 storm and was poised to make landfall on its Pacific coast on Wednesday. Otis was blowing maximum sustained winds of 257km/h and was expected to bring heavy rain capable of "catastrophic damage," the US National Hurricane Centre said.

Hurricane Otis: Mexico braces for extremely dangerous Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T05:37+0200livemint (en)

Otis was expected to come ashore on Wednesday morning, bringing high winds and heavy rain. It was already a Category 4 hurricane late on Tuesday afternoon, blowing maximum sustained winds of 145 mph (233 kph), the US National Hurricane Center said. By 6:00 p.m.

Hurricane Otis barrels toward Mexico's Acapulco as Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T05:29+0200devdiscourse (en)

Otis was blowing maximum sustained winds of 160 mph (257 kph) and was expected to bring heavy rain capable of "catastrophic damage," the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. By 9 p.m. time (0300 GMT on Wednesday) Otis was about 55 miles south-southeast of Acapulco, the Miami-based NHC added.

L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco «extrêmement dangereux» et «possiblement catastrophique»

2023-10-25T05:15+0200letemps (fr)

A Acapulco, des soldats étaient déjà déployés en prévision de l’arrivée d’Otis sur le front de mer. Les écoles ont été fermées sur ordre du gouvernement local de l’État du Guerrero, où se trouve Acapulco. «Il n’y a pas de visites aujourd’hui, le port est fermé aux touristes», a déclaré Carolina....

Hurricane Otis heads to Mexico as 'dangerous' storm

2023-10-25T04:56+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Experts warn Otis could turn into a "potentially catastrophic" Category 5 hurricane on reaching Acapulco. It could bring flashfloods, mudslides and a "life-threatening" storm surge. Otis could become a Category 5 hurricane with top winds above 157 mph (253 kph) before making landfall Image:....

Hurricane Otis set to hit Mexico's Acapulco as Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T04:40+0200straitstimesSG (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico -Hurricane Otis barreled toward the popular beach resort of Acapulco on Tuesday and was poised to make landfall on Mexico's Pacific coast as an "extremely dangerous" Category 5 storm. Otis was expected to come ashore on Wednesday morning, bringing high winds and heavy rain.

Major Category 3 hurricane heads for southern Mexico

2023-10-25T04:17+0200bssnews (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico , Oct 25, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - Hurricane Otis on Tuesday rapidly strengthened to a major Category 3 storm as it headed toward Mexico's southern Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. "Additional strengthening is forecast, and Otis is expected to be an extremely....

Mexique : Ouragan Otis menace Acapulco, alerte «extrêmement dangereux»

2023-10-25T04:14+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Le cyclone qui menace Acapulco, un haut lieu du tourisme sur la côte Pacifique de l’ouest du Mexique, est considéré comme « extrêmement dangereux » et « possiblement catastrophique », a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L’ouragan Otis a été classé en catégorie 4 sur l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson, qui en compte 5.

MexiqueOtis, un ouragan «extrêmement dangereux», menace Acapulco 0 1 0

2023-10-25T04:08+0200lematin-CH (fr)

L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco, haut lieu du tourisme sur la côte Pacifique dans l’ouest du Mexique, est «extrêmement dangereux» et «possiblement catastrophique», a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L’ouragan Otis a été relevé en catégorie 4 sur les 5 que compte l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson.

Mexique: Otis, un ouragan «extrêmement dangereux», menace Acapulco

2023-10-25T04:03+020024heures (fr)

L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco, haut lieu du tourisme sur la côte Pacifique dans l’ouest du Mexique, est «extrêmement dangereux» et «possiblement catastrophique», a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L’ouragan Otis a été relevé en catégorie 4 sur les 5 que compte l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson.

Mexique: Otis, un ouragan «extrêmement dangereux», menace Acapulco

2023-10-25T04:02+0200tdg (fr)

L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco, haut lieu du tourisme sur la côte Pacifique dans l’ouest du Mexique, est «extrêmement dangereux» et «possiblement catastrophique», a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. L’ouragan Otis a été relevé en catégorie 4 sur les 5 que compte l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson.

‘Potentially catastrophic’ Hurricane Otis heads for Mexico

2023-10-25T03:56+0200inquirer (en)

Acapulco, Mexico Hurricane Otis on Tuesday strengthened to a powerful Category 4 storm as it barreled toward Mexico’s Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center said, warning it could be “potentially catastrophic” upon landfall early Wednesday. With the hurricane expected to continue to....

03:35 | planète Un ouragan « extrêmement dangereux » menace Acapulco

2023-10-25T03:45+020020minutes (fr)

En quelques heures, il est passé d’une tempête tropicale classique à un monstre potentiellement catastrophique . L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco, haut lieu du tourisme sur la côte Pacifique dans l’ouest du Mexique, est extrêmement dangereux a prévenu mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC)....

Hurricane Otis strengthens to Category 4 storm as it approaches Mexico

2023-10-25T03:43+0200LeMonde-en (en)

This handout picture courtesy of NOAA/RAAMB (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch) taken on October 24, 2023 shows hurricane Otis approaching Mexico 's southern Pacific coast. - / AFP. Hurricane Otis on Tuesday, October 24, strengthened to a....

'Potentially catastrophic' Hurricane Otis heads for Mexico

2023-10-25T03:42+0200timesofindia (en)

ACAPULCO: Hurricane Otis on Tuesday strengthened to a powerful Category 4 storm as it barreled toward Mexico 's Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center said, warning it could be "potentially catastrophic" upon landfall early Wednesday. With the hurricane expected to continue to strengthen,....

'Potentially catastrophic' Hurricane Otis heads for Mexico

2023-10-25T03:31+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

This handout picture courtesy of NOAA/RAAMB (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch) taken on October 24, 2023 shows hurricane Otis approaching Mexico 's southern Pacific coast. Hurricane Otis on october 24, 2023 strengthened to a major Category 3....

L’ouragan qui menace Acapulco « possiblement catastrophique »

2023-10-25T03:11+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

L’ouragan Otis a été relevé en catégorie 4 sur les 5 que compte l’échelle de Saffir-Simpson. « On prévoit qu’ Otis soit un ouragan potentiellement catastrophique de catégorie 5 » quand il touchera terre dans la région d’Acapulco, indique le NHC dans son rapport.

Hurricane Otis set to hit Mexico's Acapulco as Category 5 storm

2023-10-25T03:08+0200devdiscourse (en)

Hurricane Otis barreled toward the popular beach resort of Acapulco on Tuesday and was poised to make landfall on Mexico 's Pacific coast as an "extremely dangerous" Category 5 storm. SHARE; Hurricane Otis barreled toward the popular beach resort of Acapulco on Tuesday and was poised to make....

Major Category 3 hurricane heads for southern Mexico

2023-10-25T03:04+0200mb-com-ph (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico -- Hurricane Otis on Tuesday rapidly strengthened to a major Category 3 storm as it headed toward Mexico's southern Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. "Additional strengthening is forecast, and Otis is expected to be an extremely dangerous category 4....

‘Potentially catastrophic’ Hurricane Otis heads for Mexico

2023-10-25T02:59+0200thesundaily (en)

ACAPULCO : Hurricane Otis on Tuesday strengthened to a powerful Category 4 storm as it barreled toward Mexico ’s Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center said, warning it could be “potentially catastrophic” upon landfall early Wednesday. With the hurricane expected to continue to strengthen,....

Tracking Hurricane Otis: Threat to Acapulco and Mexico’s West Coast

2023-10-25T02:29+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-24 23:31:45. A new Category 3 hurricane, driven by winds exceeding 200 km/h, threatens Acapulco, the tourist capital of the Pacific on the west coast of Mexico , the American National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Tuesday. The NHC fears “an extremely dangerous Category 4 hurricane” when it makes landfall.

Major Category 3 Hurricane Heads For Southern Mexico

2023-10-25T02:24+0200barrons (en)

Hurricane Otis on Tuesday rapidly strengthened to a major Category 3 storm as it headed toward Mexico 's southern Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. "Additional strengthening is forecast, and Otis is expected to be an extremely dangerous category 4 hurricane when the center reaches the coast" by early Wednesday, it said.

'Extremely dangerous' Hurricane Otis bears down on Mexico's Acapulco

2023-10-25T01:57+02004-traders (en)

ACAPULCO, Mexico , Oct 24 (Reuters) - Storm Otis rapidly strengthened into a major hurricane on Tuesday and was poised to pummel Mexico's Pacific coast with high winds and heavy rain as it barreled toward the popular beach resort of Acapulco. Otis is expected to plow onto land as an "extremely....

'Extremely dangerous' Hurricane Otis bears down on Mexico's Acapulco

2023-10-25T01:56+0200devdiscourse (en)

Storm Otis rapidly strengthened into a major hurricane on Tuesday and was poised to pummel Mexico 's Pacific coast with high winds and heavy rain as it barreled toward the popular beach resort of Acapulco. SHARE; Storm Otis rapidly strengthened into a major hurricane on Tuesday and was poised to....

High Risk Flooding Likely Wednesday into Wednesday Overnight From Northwest Texas into Oklahoma National Weather Force NewsBreak Contributor

2023-10-25T01:44+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

National Weather Force has issued a Flood Warning in high-risk form from Northwest Texas into the Western half of Oklahoma, effective Wednesday and going through Wednesday night into early Thursday morning. An upper-level system that will be responsible for storms in Arizona today and tomorrow (Tuesday) will eject eastward through New Mexico .

Un nouvel ouragan de force 3 menace Acapulco sur la côte ouest du Mexique

2023-10-25T01:36+0200koldanews (fr)

Un nouvel ouragan de catégorie 3, poussé par des vents supérieurs à 200 km/h, menace Acapulco, capitale touristique du Pacifique sur la côte ouest du Mexique, a indiqué mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. Le NHC redoute « un ouragan de catégorie 4, extrêmement dangereux » quand il touchera terre.

Un nouvel ouragan de force 3 menace Acapulco sur la côte ouest du Mexique

2023-10-25T01:19+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 34 min par Agence Belga Un nouvel ouragan de catégorie 3, poussé par des vents supérieurs à 200 km/h, menace Acapulco, capitale touristique du Pacifique sur la côte ouest du Mexique, a indiqué mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain.

Un nouvel ouragan de catégorie 3, baptisé Otis, menace la côte ouest du Mexique

2023-10-25T01:04+0200france24 (fr)

Otis, un ouragan de catégorie 3, se dirigeait mardi vers Acapulco, la capitale touristique du Pacifique au Mexique. Le Centre national des ouragans américain craint qu'il se renforce en touchant terre. En prévision, les écoles locales ont été fermées. Poussé par des vents supérieurs à 200 km/h, un....

L'ouragan Otis menace la côte ouest du Mexique et pourrait gagner en puissance

2023-10-25T00:58+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, situé au large de la ville d'Acapulco, au Mexique, est poussé par des vents atteignant une vitesse de 200 km/h. Il pourrait gagner en puissance dans les prochaines heures et atteindre la catégorie 4 sur les 5 existantes, avant de toucher la côte dans la matinée du mercredi 24 octobre.

L'ouragan Otis menace la côte ouest du Mexique et pourrait gagner en puissance

2023-10-25T00:53+0200presseocean (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, situé au large de la ville d'Acapulco, au Mexique, est poussé par des vents atteignant une vitesse de 200 km/h. Il pourrait gagner en puissance dans les prochaines heures et atteindre la catégorie 4 sur les 5 existantes, avant de toucher la côte dans la matinée du mercredi 24 octobre.

L'ouragan Otis menace la côte ouest du Mexique et pourrait gagner en puissance

2023-10-25T00:51+0200lemainelibre (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, situé au large de la ville d'Acapulco, au Mexique, est poussé par des vents atteignant une vitesse de 200 km/h. Il pourrait gagner en puissance dans les prochaines heures et atteindre la catégorie 4 sur les 5 existantes, avant de toucher la côte dans la matinée du mercredi 24 octobre.

L'ouragan Otis menace la côte ouest du Mexique et pourrait gagner en puissance

2023-10-25T00:51+0200OuestFrance (fr)

L'ouragan Otis, situé au large de la ville d'Acapulco, au Mexique, est poussé par des vents atteignant une vitesse de 200 km/h. Il pourrait gagner en puissance dans les prochaines heures et atteindre la catégorie 4 sur les 5 existantes, avant de toucher la côte dans la matinée du mercredi 24 octobre.

Un nouvel ouragan de catégorie 3, poussé par des vents supérieurs à 200 km/h, menace Acapulco. Côte ouest du Mexique Un nouvel ouragan de force 3 menace Acapulco

2023-10-25T00:46+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Un nouvel ouragan de catégorie 3, poussé par des vents supérieurs à 200 km/h, menace Acapulco, capitale touristique du Pacifique sur la côte ouest du Mexique, a indiqué mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. Le NHC redoute «un ouragan de catégorie 4, extrêmement dangereux» quand il touchera terre.

Un nouvel ouragan de catégorie 3, poussé par des vents supérieurs à 200 km/h, menace Acapulco. Côte ouest du Mexique Un nouvel ouragan de force 3 menace Acapulco

2023-10-25T00:41+0200journaldemontreal (fr)

Un nouvel ouragan de catégorie 3, poussé par des vents supérieurs à 200 km/h, menace Acapulco, capitale touristique du Pacifique sur la côte ouest du Mexique, a indiqué mardi le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) américain. Le NHC redoute «un ouragan de catégorie 4, extrêmement dangereux» quand il touchera terre.

Un nouvel ouragan de catégorie 3, Otis, menace Acapulco sur la côte ouest du Mexique

2023-10-25T00:06+0200leparisien (fr)

Avec ses longues côtes tant du côté Pacifique qu’Atlantique, le Mexique est régulièrement exposé aux ouragans qui se forment au large. Le Centre national des ouragans américains redoute un phénomène de catégorie 4, « extrêmement dangereux » quand il touchera terre. Le Mexique exposé une fois de plus aux .

Otis sera transformé en ouragan avant de toucher terre près d’Acapulco

2023-10-24T21:05+0200news-24 (fr)

La tempête tropicale Otis s’est renforcée tôt mardi à l’approche de la côte sud du Pacifique du Mexique et devrait se transformer en ouragan avant de toucher terre près de la station balnéaire d’Acapulco mardi soir ou tôt mercredi. L’OURAGAN NORMA SE FERME SUR LES RESORTS DE LOS CABOS AU MEXIQUE.

Rain, gusty winds expected in Dallas-Fort Worth as remains of Hurricane Norma moves east

2023-10-24T17:52+0200star-telegram (en)

Remnants of Hurricane Norma in the Pacific and a cold front from the West Coast will increase chances of rain in North Texas all week. David Montesino dmontesino@star-telegram.com Brief heavy rains and gusty winds are possible west of I-35/35W in Dallas-Fort Worth as moisture from a Pacific storm....

Tropical Storm Otis intensifies before reaching Mexico's south coast

2023-10-24T16:49+0200wn (en)

Oct 24 (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico , the National Hurricane Center said early on Tuesday, following the landfall of Hurricane Norma last week. Otis, generating maximum winds of 65 mph (100....

Tropical Storm Otis intensifies before reaching Mexico's south coast

2023-10-24T13:08+0200whbl (en)

(Reuters) – Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico , the National Hurricane Center said early on Tuesday, following the landfall of Hurricane Norma last week. Otis, generating maximum winds of 65 mph (100 kph), is....

Tropical Storm Otis intensifies before reaching Mexico's south coast Reuters |Updated 25 minutes ago |1 min read (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico, the National Hurricane Center said early on....

2023-10-24T12:50+0200thechronicleherald (en)

(Reuters) - Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico , the National Hurricane Center said early on Tuesday, following the landfall of Hurricane Norma last week. Otis, generating maximum winds of 65 mph (100 kph), is....

Tropical Storm Otis intensifies before reaching Mexico's south coast

2023-10-24T12:42+0200wkzo (en)

(Reuters) – Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico , the National Hurricane Center said early on Tuesday, following the landfall of Hurricane Norma last week. Otis, generating maximum winds of 65 mph (100 kph), is....

Cronaca meteo. Norma e Otis, due tempesta tropicali in azione verso il Messico - Video

2023-10-24T12:42+02003bmeteo (it)

La tempesta Otis vista dal satellite (Fonte: NOAA) Norma ha già effettuato un primo landfall in Messico nello scorso fine settimana, sulla Bassa California con la forza di uragano con venti fino a 130km/h, piogge torrenziali, decine di migliaia di black out e danni ad edifici, pur senza aver provocato vittime.

Tropical Storm Otis intensifies before reaching Mexico's south coast (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico, the Nationa... 19m ago

2023-10-24T12:35+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico , the National Hurricane Center said early on Tuesday, following the landfall of Hurricane Norma last week. Otis, generating maximum winds of 65 mph (100 kph), is....

Tropical Storm Otis intensifies before reaching Mexico's south coast

2023-10-24T12:29+0200reuters (en)

Oct 24 (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico , the National Hurricane Center said early on Tuesday, following the last week. Otis, generating maximum winds of 65 mph (100 kph), is predicted to grow stronger, NHC said in its latest bulletin.

Tropical Storm Otis Intensifies Before Reaching Mexico's South Coast

2023-10-24T12:26+0200usnews (en)

(Reuters) - Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico , the National Hurricane Center said early on Tuesday, following the landfall of Hurricane Norma last week. Otis, generating maximum winds of 65 mph (100 kph), is....

Tropical Storm Otis intensifies before reaching Mexico's south coast (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico, the Nationa... 9m ago

2023-10-24T12:24+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico , the National Hurricane Center said early on Tuesday, following the landfall of Hurricane Norma last week. Otis, generating maximum winds of 65 mph (100 kph), is....

Tropical Storm Otis intensifies before reaching Mexico's south coast (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico, the National Hurricane Center said early on Tuesday, following the landfall of Hurricane Norma last week.

2023-10-24T12:24+0200saltwire (en)

(Reuters) - Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico , the National Hurricane Center said early on Tuesday, following the landfall of Hurricane Norma last week. Otis, generating maximum winds of 65 mph (100 kph), is....

Tropical Storm Otis intensifies before reaching Mexico's south coast

2023-10-24T12:17+0200devdiscourse (en)

The storm is moving north-northwest towards the peninsula at a speed of 8 mph (13 kph) and may bring hurricane conditions to southern regions of Mexico . The NHC has warned that heavy rainfall from Tropical Storm Otis will start impacting southwestern Mexico from late Tuesday and continue through Wednesday.

Tropical Storm Otis intensifies before reaching Mexico's south coast

2023-10-24T12:17+0200streetinsider (en)

(Reuters) - Tropical Storm Otis is intensifying and is expected to evolve into a hurricane before it reaches the southern coast of Mexico , the National Hurricane Center said early on Tuesday, following the landfall of Hurricane Norma last week. Otis, generating maximum winds of 65 mph (100 kph), is....

Norma weakens to tropical storm after Mexico landfall, while Tammy bears down on Leeward Islands

2023-10-24T10:56+0200wn (en)

CNN — Norma weakened to tropical storm strength Saturday after bringing hurricane-force winds, flash flooding and storm surge to Mexico ’s Pacific coast. Meanwhile, another late-season storm continued to threaten island nations in the Atlantic. Norma made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds....

Il Ciclone Lola minaccia Vanuatu, è un “mostro” di 5ª categoria | FOTO

2023-10-24T10:29+0200meteoweb (it)

Il ciclone Lola ha raggiunto la 5ª categoria, allerta rossa nell'arcipelago di Vanuatu per piogge torrenziali e forti venti. A 7 mesi da quando Vanuatu è stata colpita da 2 cicloni gemelli, la nazione del Pacifico si sta preparando per un inizio anticipato della stagione delle tempeste con il....

October 24, 2023 Norma weakens to tropical storm after Mexico landfall, while Tammy bears down on Leeward Islands

2023-10-24T10:05+0200egyptindependent (en)

Norma made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80 mph over the far southern portion of Mexico ’s Baja California Sur – which includes Cabo San Lucas – Saturday afternoon, the Meanwhile in the Atlantic, made landfall in Barbuda as a Category 1 storm Saturday night, churning maximum sustained winds of 85 mph.

Emergency Crews in Mexico Assess Flood Damage After Storm Norma

2023-10-24T03:50+0200qt (en)

Emergency crews in Mexico assessed the extent of damage after Storm Norma made a second landfall on Monday, October 23. Footage posted to Facebook by Mexico’s Coordinacion Nacional de Proteccion Civil (CNPC) shows crews touring Navolato in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.

Emergency Crews in Mexico Assess Flood Damage After Storm Norma

2023-10-24T03:45+0200couriermail (en)

Emergency crews in Mexico assessed the extent of damage after Storm Norma made a second landfall on Monday, October 23. Footage posted to Facebook by Mexico’s Coordinacion Nacional de Proteccion Civil (CNPC) shows crews touring Navolato in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.

L’ouragan Tammy rentre dans les eaux libres après avoir touché terre à Barbuda

2023-10-24T02:35+0200news-24 (fr)

L’ouragan Tammy a déclenché lundi de fortes pluies dans le nord-est des Caraïbes alors qu’il traversait les eaux libres après avoir touché terre à Barbuda. La tempête était située à environ 260 milles au nord d’Anguilla. Il soufflait de vents maximums soutenus de 80 mph et se déplaçait vers le nord à 7 mph.

Latin America & The Caribbean Weekly Situation Update (As of 23 October 2023)

2023-10-24T02:24+0200reliefWeb (en)

BOLIVIA: DROUGHT. KEY FIGURES. 200K FAMILIES AFFECTED BY DROUGHT IN BOLIVIA. Severe drought continues to hit Bolivia, affecting some 200,871 families across the country. According to the latest report from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the amount of annual rainfall in Bolivia decreased....

Hurricane Tammy Pummels North Caribbean with Large Waves, Heads Toward US by End of Week

2023-10-24T02:24+0200natureworldnews (en)

Hurricane Tammy has been hovering over the Caribbean region in recent days and already made landfall in Barbuda, which is one of the two major islands that make up the Caribbean country of Antigua and Barbuda. According to weather forecast updates on Monday, October 23, Tammy has been unleashing....

A tropical airmass overhead will lead to multiple days of rain showers | 10/23PM

2023-10-24T00:15+0200kswo (en)

LAWTON, Okla. (KSWO) - The remnants of Hurricane Norma are leaving us with a tropical airmass overhead. This will lift northeast tonight into tomorrow which will result in widespread rain! This moist airmass could bring record-breaking rainfall. The exact track of this system looks to stay near the....

Hurricane Norma Makes Second Landfall in Western Mexico

2023-10-23T22:15+0200qt (en)

Storm Norma made a second landfall in western Mexico on Monday, October 23, two days after its initial landfall as a hurricane on Saturday night. Satellite imagery shows Norma’s progression from Saturday to Monday. The storm weakened to a tropical depression by Monday morning, but the threat for....

Heavy Rain From Storm Norma Causes Flooding in Mexico

2023-10-23T22:15+0200qt (en)

Emergency officials helped people stranded by flooding from storm Norma in central Mexico on Monday, October 23. Footage posted to Facebook by Mexico’s Coordinacion Nacional de Proteccion Civil (CNDP) shows responders helping a family get to a shelter in the Villa Juarez village of San Luis Potosi.

Hurricane Norma Makes Second Landfall in Western Mexico

2023-10-23T21:46+0200couriermail (en)

Storm Norma made a second landfall in western Mexico on Monday, October 23, two days after its initial landfall as a hurricane on Saturday night. Satellite imagery shows Norma’s progression from Saturday to Monday. The storm weakened to a tropical depression by Monday morning, but the threat for....

Heavy Rain From Storm Norma Causes Flooding in Mexico

2023-10-23T21:46+0200couriermail (en)

Emergency officials helped people stranded by flooding from storm Norma in central Mexico on Monday, October 23. Footage posted to Facebook by Mexico’s Coordinacion Nacional de Proteccion Civil (CNDP) shows responders helping a family get to a shelter in the Villa Juarez village of San Luis Potosi.

Heavy rain to bring some much needed drought relief to southern Plains

2023-10-23T19:18+0200foxweather (en)

The remnants of what was once Hurricane Norma along with moisture from the Gulf of Mexico and an advancing front will lead to a surge of precipitation that will bring much-needed rain and a flash flood threat to the southern Plains this week.

Mexico: Norma Approaches Mainland With Strong Winds And Heavy Rain 5

2023-10-23T18:13+0200mycouriertribune (en)

After battering the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula on Saturday, Hurricane Norma weakened into a tropical storm but still packed heavy rain and winds as it approached mainland Mexico on Sunday, October 22. Schools in Sinaloa state were ordered closed for Monday due to forecast heavy rain and flooding.

L’Atlantique et le Pacifique continuent de provoquer des ouragans

2023-10-23T18:11+0200news-24 (fr)

L’activité tropicale abonde à la fois dans l’Atlantique et dans le Pacifique, où les océans produisent des tempêtes nommées comme si nous étions encore en septembre. Norma a frappé le Mexique ce week-end et une autre tempête semble vouloir faire de même, tandis que l’ouragan Tammy pourrait bientôt avoir de la compagnie dans l’Atlantique.

Hurricane Norma Damages Businesses On Mexico's Pacific Coast

2023-10-23T16:33+0200barrons (en)

Residents of the resort city of Cabo San Lucas inspect the damage a day after Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico 's northwestern coast bringing heavy rain and the threat of flash floods. It was later downgraded to a tropical storm. Two people died a week earlier when another hurricane, named....

Remnants of Norma to bring much-needed rain, flash flood threat to Plains

2023-10-23T15:32+0200foxweather (en)

The remnants of what was once Hurricane Norma in the Pacific along with a surge of moisture off the Gulf of Mexico and a front will set the stage for much-needed rain in the Plains, but will also bring the risk of flash flooding.

Mexico - Tropical cyclone NORMA, update (GDACS, NOAA, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 23 October 2023)

2023-10-23T13:33+0200reliefWeb (en)

On 21-22 October, tropical cyclone NORMA made landfall over the area of Cabo San Lucas City, on the southernmost tip of the California Peninsula, Baja California Sur State as a Cat. 1 Hurricane and continued toward northern Sinaloa State, as a tropical storm. On 23 October at 6.

The Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather: Tropics remain active for last full week of October

2023-10-23T13:17+0200foxweather (en)

Start your day with the latest weather news – A new Atlantic storm could develop as Bermuda faces a potential threat from Hurricane Tammy, while the remnants of Norma fuel a heavy rain threat in parts of the U.S. Welcome to the Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather. It’s Monday, Oct. 23, 2023.

Norma Makes Landfall In Baja California; Mainland Mexico Braces For Life-Threatening Impacts

2023-10-23T12:12+0200natureworldnews (en)

said that Norma made landfall on Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula at 4:15 p.m. EDT on Saturday as a Category 1 hurricane. Authorities said that the mainland Mexico was bracing for life-threatening impacts because Norma was continuing to bear down on the region as a tropical storm late this weekend.

L'ouragan Norma touche le Nord-Ouest du Mexique

2023-10-23T11:50+0200catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} L'ouragan Norma a touché ce week-end le Sud de la péninsule de Baja et le Nord-ouest du Mexique causant des dommages matériels. Autrefois un ouragan de catégorie 4, Norma a touché terre samedi en tant qu’ouragan de catégorie 1 près de la station balnéaire de Los....

Norma downgraded to a tropical storm in Mexico as Hurricane Tammy leaves Barbuda

2023-10-23T10:42+0200bna-en (en)

Cabo San Lucas, Oct. 23 (BNA): Norma strengthened slightly and dumped heavy rain after being downgraded to a tropical storm Sunday as it moved into mainland Mexico , while Hurricane Tammy left the Caribbean Island of Barbuda with minor damage. Once a Category 4 hurricane, Norma came ashore Saturday....

Mexico: Norma Approaches Mainland With Strong Winds And Heavy Rain 3

2023-10-23T09:55+0200eastoregonian (en)

After battering the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula on Saturday, Hurricane Norma weakened into a tropical storm but still packed heavy rain and winds as it approached mainland Mexico on Sunday, October 22. Schools in Sinaloa state were ordered closed for Monday due to forecast heavy rain and flooding.

Mexico: Norma Approaches Mainland With Strong Winds And Heavy Rain 3

2023-10-23T09:50+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

After battering the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula on Saturday, Hurricane Norma weakened into a tropical storm but still packed heavy rain and winds as it approached mainland Mexico on Sunday, October 22. Schools in Sinaloa state were ordered closed for Monday due to forecast heavy rain and flooding.

Mexico: Norma Approaches Mainland With Strong Winds And Heavy Rain 3

2023-10-23T09:23+0200mycouriertribune (en)

After battering the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula on Saturday, Hurricane Norma weakened into a tropical storm but still packed heavy rain and winds as it approached mainland Mexico on Sunday, October 22. Schools in Sinaloa state were ordered closed for Monday due to forecast heavy rain and flooding.

Mexico: Norma Approaches Mainland With Strong Winds And Heavy Rain 3

2023-10-23T09:10+0200guampdn (en)

After battering the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula on Saturday, Hurricane Norma weakened into a tropical storm but still packed heavy rain and winds as it approached mainland Mexico on Sunday, October 22. Schools in Sinaloa state were ordered closed for Monday due to forecast heavy rain and flooding.

Potenti raffiche di vento, danni e blackout: l’ex uragano Norma avanza sul Messico, Tammy lascia Barbuda

2023-10-23T06:39+0200meteoweb (it)

L’ex uragano Norma si è leggermente rafforzato e ha scaricato forti piogge dopo essere stato declassato a tempesta tropicale domenica mentre si spostava nel Messico continentale, mentre l’ uragano Tammy ha lasciato l’isola caraibica di Barbuda provocando lievi danni.

Hurricane Norma hits Mexico coast, then weakens to tropical storm

2023-10-23T05:42+0200thenews-pk (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico : Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico´s northwestern coast on Saturday afternoon, bringing heavy rain and the threat of flash floods, but was downgraded to a tropical storm by evening, authorities said. The storm came ashore about 25-km northwest of the resort city of Cabo San....

Mexico: Hurricane Norma Brings Heavy Rains And Strong Winds To Baja California 2

2023-10-23T05:20+0200eastoregonian (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall near Los Cabos, along Mexico 's Baja California coast, as a Category 1 storm on Saturday, October 21. Norma brought heavy rains and strong winds, causing flooding and knocking down trees and power lines in the region. RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@jonahorttega via Spectee”.

Hurricane Norma hits Mexico coast, then weakens to tropical storm

2023-10-23T05:10+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico ’s northwestern coast Saturday afternoon, bringing heavy rain and the threat of flash floods, but was downgraded to a tropical storm by evening, authorities said. The storm came ashore about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the resort city of Cabo San Lucas on....

Mexico: Hurricane Norma Brings Heavy Rains And Strong Winds To Baja California 2

2023-10-23T05:04+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall near Los Cabos, along Mexico 's Baja California coast, as a Category 1 storm on Saturday, October 21. Norma brought heavy rains and strong winds, causing flooding and knocking down trees and power lines in the region. RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@jonahorttega via Spectee”.

Mexico: Hurricane Norma Brings Heavy Rains And Strong Winds To Baja California 2

2023-10-23T04:39+0200mycouriertribune (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall near Los Cabos, along Mexico 's Baja California coast, as a Category 1 storm on Saturday, October 21. Norma brought heavy rains and strong winds, causing flooding and knocking down trees and power lines in the region. RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@jonahorttega via Spectee”.

Mexico: Hurricane Norma Brings Heavy Rains And Strong Winds To Baja California 2

2023-10-23T04:34+0200guampdn (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall near Los Cabos, along Mexico 's Baja California coast, as a Category 1 storm on Saturday, October 21. Norma brought heavy rains and strong winds, causing flooding and knocking down trees and power lines in the region. RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@jonahorttega via Spectee”.

Hurricane Norma made landfall in Baja California Sur: here is the current trajectory of the phenomenon

2023-10-23T04:30+0200bullfrag (en)

He Hurricane Norma It is currently in category 1, despite having been category 2 in the last few hours. The National Weather Service reported that Norma has degraded, with maximum sustained winds of 100 kilometers per hour, over the Pacific of and passing Baja California Sur , where it made landfall on October 22.

Emergency Crews in Sinaloa on High Alert as Tropical Storm Norma Approaches

2023-10-23T03:13+0200qt (en)

Emergency crews in Sinaloa were on high alert and urged residents to avoid driving through floodwaters, as tropical storm Norma approached the western Mexico state on October 22. Norma was nearing the coast of Sinaloa as a tropical storm and was expected to make landfall between Sunday night and....

Hurricane Norma hits Mexico coast

2023-10-23T02:51+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

Members of the Mexican Navy patrol a beach before the arrival of hurricane Norma in Los Cabos, Baja Californa state, Mexico on October 21, 2023. – AFP pic, October 23, 2023. HURRICANE Norma slammed into Mexico’s northwestern coast Saturday afternoon, bringing heavy rain and the threat of flash....

Tropical Weather Forecast – October 22, 2023

2023-10-23T01:07+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Tammy continues to soak the Leeward Islands but has begun to move off to the north. Norma is a strong tropical storm, now starting to hammer mainland Mexico . Norma is also expected to impacted Texas and other parts of the United States. ......

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Baja California

2023-10-23T00:58+0200spokesman (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall on Saturday in Baja California Sur, Mexico , bringing torrential rain and strong winds in the in the southern portions of state, the country’s meteorological service said. The Category 1 hurricane had winds reaching 85 mph shortly before making landfall in the town of....

Norma's remnants to bring needed rain to Texas, Oklahoma

2023-10-22T22:33+0200foxweather (en)

The leftovers from Hurricane Norma will bring potentially 3 to 5 inches of rain to drought-stricken areas in Texas and Oklahoma. Heavy rainfall at times could lead to possible flash flooding.

Les ouragans du Pacifique et de l'Atlantique Norma et Tammy touchent terre samedi au Mexique et à Barbuda

2023-10-22T22:22+0200citizenside (fr)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexique — L’ouragan Norma a touché terre près de la station balnéaire de Los Cabos, dans le Pacifique, à la pointe sud de la péninsule mexicaine de Basse-Californie, samedi après-midi. Quelques heures plus tard, l’ouragan Tammy a touché terre sur l’île caribéenne de Barbuda.

Norma downgraded to a tropical storm in Mexico as Hurricane Tammy leaves Barbuda

2023-10-22T22:12+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Norma was downgraded to a tropical storm Sunday as it moved into mainland Mexico, while Hurricane Tammy left the Caribbean island of Barbuda with minor damage. Once a Category 4 hurricane, Norma came ashore Saturday as a Category 1 hurricane near the Pacific resort of....

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T21:37+0200nation (en)

CABO-Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico ’s northwestern coast Saturday afternoon as a Category 1 storm, bringing dangerous rain and flooding, authorities said. The storm came ashore about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the resort city of Cabo San Lucas on the Baja California coast, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T21:29+0200nation-pk (en)

CABO-Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico ’s northwestern coast Saturday afternoon as a Category 1 storm, bringing dangerous rain and flooding, authorities said. The storm came ashore about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the resort city of Cabo San Lucas on the Baja California coast, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Watch: Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T21:24+0200muscatinejournal (en)

The storm came ashore about 25 kilometres northwest of Cabo San Lucas, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Norma downgraded to tropical storm in Mexico as Hurricane Tammy leaves Barbuda

2023-10-22T21:23+0200wn (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, MexicoNorma was downgraded to a....

Hurricane Norma weakens but still ‘dangerous’ as it approaches Baja California peninsula

2023-10-22T21:20+0200fijitimes (en)

People observe waves breaking on the beach as Hurricane Norma barrels towards the Baja California peninsula, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico , October 20, 2023. REUTERS/Fernando Castillo. MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of....

Watch: Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T21:17+0200lacrossetribune (en)

The storm came ashore about 25 kilometres northwest of Cabo San Lucas, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Watch: Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T21:13+0200wcfcourier (en)

The storm came ashore about 25 kilometres northwest of Cabo San Lucas, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Norma downgraded to a tropical storm in Mexico as Hurricane Tammy leaves Barbuda

2023-10-22T21:04+0200wn (en)

Norma was downgraded to a tropical storm Sunday as it moved into mainland Mexico , while Hurricane Tammy left the Caribbean island of Barbuda with minor damage. ......

Watch: Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T20:58+0200nwitimes (en)

The storm came ashore about 25 kilometres northwest of Cabo San Lucas, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Watch: Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T20:50+0200omaha (en)

The storm came ashore about 25 kilometres northwest of Cabo San Lucas, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Watch: Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T20:49+0200fremonttribune (en)

The storm came ashore about 25 kilometres northwest of Cabo San Lucas, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Watch: Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T20:41+0200missoulian (en)

The storm came ashore about 25 kilometres northwest of Cabo San Lucas, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Watch: Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T20:39+0200buffalonews (en)

The storm came ashore about 25 kilometres northwest of Cabo San Lucas, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Watch: Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T20:38+0200wacotrib (en)

The storm came ashore about 25 kilometres northwest of Cabo San Lucas, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Watch: Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T20:38+0200journalstar (en)

The storm came ashore about 25 kilometres northwest of Cabo San Lucas, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Hurricane Norma Makes Landfall Near Mexico's Los Cabos, Tammy Hits Barbuda In The Caribbean

2023-10-22T19:02+0200wn (en)

Both storms were Category 1 hurricanes when they hit. ......

Weakened 'Norma' hits Mexico coast

2023-10-22T18:16+0200manilatimes (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico : Hurricane " Norma " slammed into Mexico's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon, bringing heavy rain and the threat of flash floods, but was downgraded to a tropical storm by evening, authorities said. The storm came ashore about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the....

L’ouragan Norma touche terre près de Los Cabos au Mexique, Tammy frappe Barbuda dans les Caraïbes

2023-10-22T18:15+0200news-24 (fr)

Tammy a frappé deux semaines après que la tempête tropicale Phillippe ait balayé Antigua-et-Barbuda, déversant six à huit pouces de pluie et plongeant les deux îles dans l’obscurité. Le système à déplacement lent devait atteindre 12 pouces au-dessus d’une nation insulaire jumelle, où la dévastation....

Norma To Unleash Heavy Rains In Mexico; Seen To Make Two Landfalls

2023-10-22T16:48+0200natureworldnews (en)

Weather Track. The National Hurricane Center and Central Pacific Hurricane Center said that at 600 PM MDT (0000 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Norma was located near latitude 23.3 North, longitude 109.8 West. Norma is moving toward the north-northeast near 6 mph (9 km/h).

Meteo Cronaca Diretta (Video): MESSICO, l'uragano Norma si avvicina minaccioso alla città di Cabo San Luca

2023-10-22T16:32+0200ilmeteo (it)

Messico , 22 ottobre 2023. Poche ore fa l'uragano Norma , partito dall'oceano Pacifico con una categoria 4 (su una scala che arriva a 5), ha toccato la parte meridionale del Messico , lo Stato della Bassa California. Nel suo arrivare in Messico si è indebolito, ma i venti che hanno raggiunto (come....

Dual Hurricanes: Norma strikes Los Cabos, Tammy targets Barbuda

2023-10-22T14:32+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma has hit the coastal region of Los Cabos in Mexico with winds of up to 80 mph, causing businesses to secure their premises....

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, according to the National Hurricane Center.

2023-10-22T14:13+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

22 ott 2023, 13:03 Lorenzo Badellino Cronaca meteo. Due uragani e un ciclone tropicale in azione su Messico, Caraibi e Yemen. La situazione

2023-10-22T14:03+02003bmeteo (it)

L'uragano Norma in azione sul Messico. Norma, Tammy e Tej sono tre sistemi tropicali che stanno interessando America e Arabia Saudita, tutti piuttosto violenti. Poi troviamo in azione anche Lola, una tempesta tropicale sul Pacifico meridionale che punta la Nuova Caledonia. Ma andiamo con ordine.

VIDEO: NoComment| Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Baja California, Mexico

2023-10-22T13:53+0200kiratas (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall this Saturday in the south of the Mexican Baja California Peninsula, weakened, but causing torrential rains and high waves near resorts where 60,000 tourists stay, most of them foreigners who are beginning to arrive to spend the season. autumn and winter (boreal) in this warm destination.

Pacific and Atlantic hurricanes Norma and Tammy make landfall on Saturday in Mexico and Barbuda

2023-10-22T13:47+0200wn (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma came ashore near the Pacific resort of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula on Saturday afternoon. Hours later, Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean island of Barbuda. The storms were each Category 1 hurricanes when they hit.

ALERT: First Alert Weather: Clear skies, dry conditions continue; warm, sunny weather in store for the upcoming week

2023-10-22T13:40+0200wbrc (en)

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) -The building ridge of high pressure over the region following the passage of a front overnight will lead to decreasing clouds through the day from north to south as the front moves across the area. High temperatures will continue above average in areas to the south, but....

Pacific and Atlantic hurricanes Norma and Tammy make landfall on Saturday in Mexico and Barbuda

2023-10-22T13:39+0200yakimaherald (en)

A man walks on the mud caused by hurricane Norma in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico , Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023. Norma had weakened and was downgraded to Category 1 on the hurricane wind scale. It was located 25 miles west of Cabo San Lucas storm with winds of 85 mph (140 kmh) and expected to make landfall on Saturday, according to the U.

Watch: Heavy rain, strong winds lash Cabo San Lucas during Hurricane Norma

2023-10-22T13:33+0200foxweather (en)

Video from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico , shows heavy rain and strong winds lashing the region as then Hurricane Norma was making landfall on Saturday.

Watch: Surf pounds Cabo San Lucas as Hurricane Norma nears landfall

2023-10-22T13:33+0200foxweather (en)

Video from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico , shows large wave and strong winds lashing the coast as then Hurricane Norma was nearing landfall on Saturday.

Heavy rain, flash flood threat spreads into mainland Mexico after Norma makes landfall Saturday

2023-10-22T13:33+0200foxweather (en)

Heavy rain and the threat of flash flooding is spreading into mainland Mexico after Norma made landfall as Category 1 hurricane south of Cabo San Lucas on Saturday.

Pacific and Atlantic hurricanes Norma and Tammy make landfall on Saturday in Mexico and Barbuda

2023-10-22T13:14+0200news-gazette (en)

Hurricane Norma came ashore near the Pacific resort of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California Peninsula. Hours later, Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean island of Barbuda. After making landfall Saturday afternoon, the U.S.

Pacific and Atlantic hurricanes Norma and Tammy make landfall on Saturday in Mexico and Barbuda

2023-10-22T13:03+0200whig (en)

A man walks on the mud caused by hurricane Norma in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico , Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023. Norma had weakened and was downgraded to Category 1 on the hurricane wind scale. It was located 25 miles west of Cabo San Lucas storm with winds of 85 mph (140 kmh) and expected to make landfall on Saturday, according to the U.

Les ouragans du Pacifique et de l’Atlantique Norma et Tammy touchent terre samedi au Mexique et à Barbuda

2023-10-22T12:58+0200news-24 (fr)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexique (AP) — L’ouragan Norma a touché terre près de la station balnéaire de Los Cabos, dans le Pacifique, à la pointe sud de la péninsule mexicaine de Basse-Californie, samedi après-midi. Quelques heures plus tard, l’ouragan Tammy a touché terre sur l’île caribéenne de Barbuda.

Watch: Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T12:55+0200euronews-en (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall this Saturday in the south of the Mexican Baja California Peninsula, bringing with it torrential rain and high waves near resorts where 60,000 tourists were staying. The National Meteorological Service (SMN) said that the cyclone impacted the La Pez neighbourhood south of the town of Todos Santos at 17:00 GMT.

Messico, l'uragano Norma si abbatte sulla Bassa California

2023-10-22T12:39+0200ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Nelle scorse ore l'uragano Norma si è abbattuto sulla Bassa California, in Messico, con venti superiori ai 130 chilometri orari, causando molti danni agli edifici, ma senza provocare vittime. Le aziende di Cabo San Lucas avevano inchiodato compensato sulle finestre e il personale....

Hurricanes Norma and Tammy

2023-10-22T12:34+0200apnews (en)

1 of 14 A man walks on the mud caused by hurricane Norma in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico , Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023. Norma had weakened and was downgraded to Category 1 on the hurricane wind scale. It was located 25 miles west of Cabo San Lucas storm with winds of 85 mph (140 kmh) and expected to make landfall on Saturday, according to the U.

Pacific and Atlantic hurricanes Norma and Tammy make landfall on Saturday in Mexico and Barbuda

2023-10-22T12:31+0200eagletribune (en)

A man walks on the mud caused by hurricane Norma in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico , Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023. Norma had weakened and was downgraded to Category 1 on the hurricane wind scale. It was located 25 miles west of Cabo San Lucas storm with winds of 85 mph (140 kmh) and expected to make landfall on Saturday, according to the U.

Pumas vs Monterrey: Matchday 13 Preview, Schedule, and Broadcast Details for MX League 2023

2023-10-22T10:41+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-22 07:06:28. Pumas and Monterrey face each other on Matchday 13 of the 2023 Apertura of the MX League from the field of the Universitario Olympic Stadium. The team led by Antonio “Turco” Mohamed comes from beating the Cruz Azul team just last day and dreams of being in direct league....

Hurricane Norma hits Mexico coast, then weakens to tropical storm

2023-10-22T10:27+0200guardian-ng (en)

Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico 's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon, bringing heavy rain and the threat of flash floods, but was downgraded to a tropical storm by evening, authorities said. Members of the Mexican Navy patrol a beach before the arrival of hurricane Norma in Los Cabos, Baja Californa state, Mexico on October 21, 2023.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T10:25+0200presstv-ir (en)

Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico 's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon as a Category 1 storm, bringing dangerous rain and flooding, authorities said. The storm came ashore about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the resort city of Cabo San Lucas on the Baja California coast, gradually weakening from a Category 3 as it approached land.

Hurricanes hit Mexico, near Lesser Antilles

2023-10-22T10:05+0200arkansasonline (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico -- Hurricane Norma made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula on Saturday afternoon, then later weakened to a tropical storm over land. In the Atlantic, Hurricane Tammy was very near Barbuda and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Hurricane Norma hits Mexico coast, then weakens to tropical storm

2023-10-22T09:57+0200brecorder (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS: Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico ’s northwestern coast Saturday afternoon, bringing heavy rain and the threat of flash floods, but was downgraded to a tropical storm by evening, authorities said. The storm came ashore about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the resort city of....

La Basse-Californie au Mexique se prépare à l'arrivée de l'ouragan Norma

2023-10-22T09:25+0200citizenside (fr)

L’ouragan Norma a failli toucher terre le long de la péninsule mexicaine de Basse-Californie samedi matin avec des vents maximums soutenus de 110 mph. Image fournie par le National Hurricane Center. 21 octobre (UPI) — L’ouragan Norma était sur le point de toucher terre le long de la péninsule....

Mexico: Hurricane Norma Brings Heavy Rains And Strong Winds To Baja California

2023-10-22T08:18+0200mycouriertribune (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall near Los Cabos, along Mexico 's Baja California coast, as a Category 1 storm on Saturday, October 21. Norma brought heavy rains and strong winds, causing flooding and knocking down trees and power lines in the region. RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@iebelanieve via Spectee”.

Alert: Hurricane Norma makes landfall near resorts of Los Cabos on Mexico’s Baja California peninsula

2023-10-22T08:06+0200chron (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma makes landfall near resorts of Los Cabos on Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula.

Mexico: Hurricane Norma Brings Heavy Rains And Strong Winds To Baja California

2023-10-22T07:51+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall near Los Cabos, along Mexico 's Baja California coast, as a Category 1 storm on Saturday, October 21. Norma brought heavy rains and strong winds, causing flooding and knocking down trees and power lines in the region. RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@iebelanieve via Spectee”.

Doppio landfall in poche ore: l’uragano Norma investe il Messico, Tammy approda sull’isola caraibica di Barbuda

2023-10-22T07:31+0200meteoweb (it)

L’ uragano Norma ha toccato terra vicino alla località di Los Cabos , all’estremità meridionale della penisola messicana della Bassa California , sabato pomeriggio ora locale, e poche ore dopo l’ uragano Tammy ha effettuato il landfall sull’isola caraibica di Barbuda . Entrambe le tempeste erano in quel momento uragani di 1ª categoria.

Mexico: Hurricane Norma Brings Heavy Rains And Strong Winds To Baja California

2023-10-22T07:19+0200guampdn (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall near Los Cabos, along Mexico 's Baja California coast, as a Category 1 storm on Saturday, October 21. Norma brought heavy rains and strong winds, causing flooding and knocking down trees and power lines in the region. RESTRICTIONS AND USAGE TERMS: Please credit “@iebelanieve via Spectee”.

Inondazioni in Messico per l'arrivo dell'uragano Norma

2023-10-22T07:17+0200rainews (it)

Le autorità messicane hanno invitato i residenti dello Stato della Bassa California del Sud a prendere precauzioni e a rimanere in casa, mentre venivano allestiti dei rifugi. Norma aveva raggiunto il livello di categoria 4 all'inizio della settimana mentre attraversava il Pacifico.

Hurricane Norma weakens to storm after crossing Mexico

2023-10-22T06:44+0200illawarramercury (en)

Hurricane Norma has come ashore near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula, and hours later Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean island of Barbuda. The US National Hurricane Center said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, moved ashore on....

A weakened Norma crosses Mexico, while Hurricane Tammy threatens Caribbean islands

2023-10-22T06:37+0200flipboard (en)

In the Caribbean, Hurricane Tammy was nearing landfall on Barbuda late on Saturday, with forecasters warning of further strengthening in the coming days. On the Pacific side, Hurricane Norma weakened to a tropical storm after arriving at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula on … ....

Hurricane Norma weakens to storm after crossing Mexico

2023-10-22T06:36+0200bordermail (en)

Hurricane Norma has come ashore near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula, and hours later Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean island of Barbuda. The US National Hurricane Center said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, moved ashore on....

Hurricane Norma weakens to storm after crossing Mexico

2023-10-22T06:35+0200maitlandmercury (en)

Hurricane Norma has come ashore near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula, and hours later Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean island of Barbuda. The US National Hurricane Center said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, moved ashore on....

Hurricane Norma weakens to storm after crossing Mexico

2023-10-22T06:34+0200newcastleherald (en)

Hurricane Norma has come ashore near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula, and hours later Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean island of Barbuda. The US National Hurricane Center said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, moved ashore on....

Hurricane Norma weakens to storm after crossing Mexico

2023-10-22T06:29+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

Hurricane Norma has come ashore near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula, and hours later Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean island of Barbuda. The US National Hurricane Center said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, moved ashore on....

Hurricane Norma weakens to storm after crossing Mexico

2023-10-22T06:26+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

Hurricane Norma has come ashore near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula, and hours later Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean island of Barbuda. The US National Hurricane Center said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, moved ashore on....

One Warm Warm Day Before Rain Highs around 90 tomorrow

2023-10-22T06:25+0200newschannel6now (en)

WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) - Temperatures today are topping out in the low 90s. Luckily, it looks like we will be able to avoid breaking the record high of 95°. Overnight tonight will be mild with an overnight low in the low 60s. Tomorrow will be comparable to today with temperatures in the low 90s once again.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T06:21+0200wn (en)

Cabo San Lucas, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Oct, 2023) Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico 's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon as a Category 1 storm, bringing dangerous rain and flooding, authorities said. The storm came ashore about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the....

Hurricanes Norma and Tammy are hitting Mexico and the Leeward Islands this weekend

2023-10-22T06:18+0200newsbeezer (en)

CNN Hurricane Norma is expected to hit Mexico ’s popular resort area of ​​Los Cabos from the Pacific Ocean on Saturday with damaging winds, flash floods and a dangerous storm surge, as another hurricane pummels island nations in the Atlantic. Norma, a Category 2 storm as of 11 a.m.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T06:01+0200bssnews (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico , Oct 22, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon as a Category 1 storm, bringing dangerous rain and flooding, authorities said. The storm came ashore about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the resort city of Cabo San....

AP News Summary at 11:28 p.m. EDT

2023-10-22T05:45+0200eagletribune (en)

A Detroit synagogue president was fatally stabbed outside her home. Police don't have a motive. DETROIT (AP) — Police say a Detroit synagogue president has been found stabbed to death outside her home. Cpl. Dan Donakowski says a statement from Mayor Mike Duggan identified the victim as Samantha Woll.

Hurricane Norma hits Mexico coast

2023-10-22T05:42+0200gulfnews (en)

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico : Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon, bringing heavy rain and the threat of flash floods, but was downgraded to a tropical storm by evening, authorities said. Get Breaking News Alerts From Gulf News. We’ll send you latest news updates through the day.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico as Category 1 storm

2023-10-22T05:39+0200urdupoint (en)

Cabo San Lucas, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Oct, 2023) Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico 's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon as a Category 1 storm , bringing dangerous rain and flooding, authorities said. The storm came ashore about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the....

Latest Videos Hurricane Norma hits Mexico's coast bringing rain chances to North Texas We have rain chances every day of the upcoming work week. 14M ago 03:52

2023-10-22T05:36+0200cbslocal (en)

Hurricane Norma hits Mexico 's coast bringing rain chances to North Texas We have rain chances every day of the upcoming work week.

Hurricane Norma hits Mexico coast, then weakens to tropical storm

2023-10-22T05:20+0200wn (en)

Cabo San Lucas, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Oct, 2023) Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico 's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon, bringing heavy rain and the threat of flash floods, but was downgraded to a tropical storm by evening, authorities said.

Hurricane Norma hits Mexico coast, then weakens to tropical storm

2023-10-22T05:05+0200urdupoint (en)

Cabo San Lucas, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Oct, 2023) Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico 's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon, bringing heavy rain and the threat of flash floods, but was downgraded to a tropical by evening, authorities said.

Category 1 Hurricane Tammy makes landfall on the Caribbean's Barbuda

2023-10-22T05:00+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma came ashore near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California Peninsula on Saturday afternoon, and hours later Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean island of Barbuda. Both storms were Category 1 hurricanes when they hit. The U.S.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's Los Cabos and Tammy hits tiny Barbuda in the Caribbean

2023-10-22T05:00+0200wn (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma came ashore near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula on Saturday afternoon, and hours later Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean island of Barbuda. Both storms were Category 1 hurricanes when they hit.

Hurricane Tammy makes landfall on Barbuda as Category 1 hurricane

2023-10-22T04:54+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

Strong waves caused by hurricane Norma hits a beach in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico , Saturday, October 21, 2023. Norma had weakened and was downgraded to Category 1 on the hurricane wind scale. It was located 25 miles west of Cabo San Lucas storm with winds of 85 mph (140 kmh) and expected to make....

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's Los Cabos and Tammy hits tiny Barbuda in the Caribbean

2023-10-22T04:45+0200news-gazette (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California Peninsula on Saturday and has weakened to a tropical storm while moving over land. Hours later Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean isl Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's....

Hurricane Tammy makes landfall on the Caribbean’s Barbuda as Category 1 hurricane

2023-10-22T04:06+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

Get top headlines from the Union-Tribune in your inbox weekday mornings, including top news, local, sports, business, entertainment and opinion. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will visit China in early November, his office says. A shooter who ambushed police in New York City twice in....

Mexico-weather-Norma 2ndlead

2023-10-22T04:02+0200nampa (en)

Hurricane Norma hits Mexico coast, then weakens to tropical storm =(Picture)= ATTENTION - UPDATES with downgrade to tropical storm, further details /// Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Oct 22, 2023 (AFP) - Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon, bringing heavy rain and....

Deux avertissements d’ouragan sont émis dans les Caraïbes et au Mexique

2023-10-22T03:51+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Les autorités ont émis de rares avertissements d’ouragan double dans l’Atlantique et le Pacifique, les îles des Caraïbes étant dans la ligne de mire de l’ouragan Tammy et de l’ouragan Norma qui s’abattent sur la côte nord du Mexique. Aucune des deux tempêtes ne menace actuellement les côtes....

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

2023-10-22T03:48+0200foxweather (en)

The FOX Forecast Center warns even though the hurricane will weaken impacts from mainland Mexico through the U.S. will remain.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's Los Cabos while Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-22T03:33+0200wn (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula on Saturday afternoon, then later weakened to a tropical storm over land. In the Atlantic, Hurricane Tammy was very near Barbuda and threatened to....

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's Los Cabos while Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-22T03:13+0200news-gazette (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California Peninsula and has weakened to a tropical storm while moving over land. The U.S. National Hurricane Center says the once Category 4 hurricane made Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's....

A week of rain chances is ahead after a cloudy weekend Clouds will be overhead Sunday, with highs in the upper 80s. 2M ago

2023-10-22T02:35+0200cbslocal (en)

NORTH TEXAS (CBSNewsTexas.com) - What a day. Despite the high clouds all day, DFW got close to a record high Saturday afternoon. Friday we got within two degrees of the record! All those clouds arrived from a Pacific hurricane, Category One Norma slammed into Cabo San Lucas Saturday.

Surf Pounds Cabo San Lucas as Hurricane Norma Nears Landfall

2023-10-22T02:12+0200qt (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall near La Paz in Baja California Sur, northwest Mexico , on Saturday, October 21, bringing strong swells, driving winds, rain and flooding, Mexican officials said. Norma made landfall as a Category 2 hurricane but was downgraded to a Category 1 soon after, according to Mexico’s national meteorological service.

Hurricane Norma Makes Landfall in Northwest Mexico

2023-10-22T02:12+0200qt (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall near La Paz in Baja California Sur, northwest Mexico , on Saturday, October 21, bringing strong swells, driving winds, rain and flooding, Mexican officials said. Norma made landfall as a Category 2 hurricane but was downgraded to a Category 1 soon after, according to Mexico’s national meteorological service.

Hurricane Norma's Landfall Near Mexico’s Cabo; Tammy Threatens Lesser Antilles

2023-10-22T01:43+0200voanews (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico — Hurricane Norma made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula on Saturday afternoon. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 130....

Hurricane Norma, now Category 2, nears west Mexico coast

2023-10-22T01:21+0200BangkokPost (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS (MEXICO) - Hurricane Norma is expected to slam into Mexico 's northwestern coast within hours, bringing "life-threatening" winds, flooding and a dangerous sea surge, authorities warned Saturday. The storm, still powerful though downgraded overnight from Category 3 to Category 2 on the....

Hurricane Norma Makes Landfall In Mexico, Brings Heavy Rain, Floods

2023-10-22T01:07+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico 's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon as a Category 1 storm, bringing dangerous rain and flooding, authorities said. ......

Weather Clouds hang on tomorrow Caleb Chevalier

2023-10-22T00:52+0200kxxv (en)

25 WEATHER — Today has been a cloudy one thanks to cloud cover spilling over from Mexico . These have been streaming in from Hurricane Norma in the Pacific. The clouds will remain through tomorrow, and the limited sunshine will cool us off into the mid-80s.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Baja California

2023-10-22T00:45+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma made landfall on Saturday in Baja California Sur, Mexico , bringing torrential rain and strong winds in the in the southern portions of state, the country’s meteorological service said. The Category 1 hurricane had winds reaching 85 mph shortly before making landfall in the town of....

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's resorts

2023-10-22T00:44+0200illawarramercury (en)

Hurricane Norma has made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula. The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 128km/h just south of Todos Santos.

Hurricane Norma Makes Landfall In Mexico, Brings Heavy Rain, Floods

2023-10-22T00:32+0200ndtvnews (en)

Mexico : Hurricane Norma slammed into Mexico's northwestern coast Saturday afternoon as a Category 1 storm, bringing dangerous rain and flooding, authorities said. The storm came ashore about 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the resort city of Cabo San Lucas on the Baja California coast,....

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's resorts

2023-10-22T00:26+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

Hurricane Norma has made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula. The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 128km/h just south of Todos Santos.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's resorts

2023-10-22T00:24+0200newcastleherald (en)

Hurricane Norma has made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula. The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 128km/h just south of Todos Santos.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's resorts

2023-10-22T00:21+0200bordermail (en)

Hurricane Norma has made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula. The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 128km/h just south of Todos Santos.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's resorts

2023-10-22T00:17+0200maitlandmercury (en)

Hurricane Norma has made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula. The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 128km/h just south of Todos Santos.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's resorts

2023-10-22T00:16+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

Hurricane Norma has made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula. The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 128km/h just south of Todos Santos.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's Los Cabos as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-22T00:04+0200wn (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula on Saturday afternoon. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of....

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:54+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:48+0200charlotteobserver (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:43+0200islandpacket (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:43+0200theolympian (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:42+0200myrtlebeachonline (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:42+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near resorts of Los Cabos on Mexico’s Baja California peninsula

2023-10-21T23:42+0200wn (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma has made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center says Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80 mph (130 kph)....

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:42+0200tri-cityherald (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:41+0200bnd (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:41+0200star-telegram (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:41+0200idahostatesman (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:39+0200fresnobee (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:39+0200heraldonline (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall in Mexico

2023-10-21T23:38+0200newsobserver (en)

Hurricane Norma passed over the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico on Saturday, bringing with it dangerous flood risks as it moves towards the Mexican mainland. Norma is a Category 1 storm with wind speeds near 85 miles per hour, The storm has significantly weakened in recent days.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:36+0200theargus (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:35+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:34+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico's Los Cabos as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T23:28+0200whig (en)

Employees cover the windows of a souvenirs store with wood in preparation for the arrival of the hurricane Norma , in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico , Friday, Oct. 20, 2023. Hurricane Norma is heading for the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula, while Tammy grew into a hurricane in the Atlantic.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:27+0200chesterfirst (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:26+0200thecomet (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:24+0200southwalesargus (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near resorts of Los Cabos on Mexico’s Baja California peninsula

2023-10-21T23:24+0200ABCnews (en)

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near resorts of Los Cabos on Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:22+0200dailyecho (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:20+0200thetelegraphandargus (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:18+0200hertsad (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:17+0200yorkpress (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:17+0200oxfordtimes (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:16+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:16+0200salisburyjournal (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:16+0200edp24 (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:15+0200eadt (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:14+0200impartialreporter (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:14+0200eveningtimes (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:13+0200eveningnews24 (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:12+0200newsandstar (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T23:11+0200thenorthernecho (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts18:15

2023-10-21T23:05+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

The US National Hurricane Centre said Norma , once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80mph just south of Todos Santos. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California.

Hurricane Norma makes landfall near resorts of Los Cabos on Mexico’s Baja California peninsula

2023-10-21T23:05+0200eagletribune (en)

Hurricane Norma has made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center says Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 8 <0 mph (130 kph) just south of Todos Santos.

Hurricane Norma Makes Landfall In Mexico’s Cabo San Lucas As Category 1 Storm

2023-10-21T23:04+0200wn (en)

Norma is expected to bring life-threatening surf and flash flooding to Baja California. ......

Hurricane Norma weakens but still 'dangerous' as it approaches Baja California peninsula October 21, 2023 at 11:36 am EDT

2023-10-21T22:14+02004-traders (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula where it was expected to make landfall later in the day, bringing with it a "dangerous storm surge." The center of Norma was located about 45....

Hurricane Norma Makes Landfall In Mexico’s Cabo San Lucas As Category 1 Storm

2023-10-21T22:08+0200forbes (en)

Tangent. The 2023 hurricane season has been an above-average one in both the Atlantic and Pacific, which has experienced seven major hurricanes, including Dora, which traversed from the coast of Mexico to a remote area south of Hawaii in August as a Category 4 major hurricane, prompting surf....

Hurricane Norma weakening before landfall along the Mexican coast

2023-10-21T21:46+0200foxweather (en)

Hurricane Norma is nearing the Mexican coastline with winds estimated to be around 85 mph.

Hurricane Norma produced large waves along the coastline of the southern California Baja peninsula

2023-10-21T21:46+0200foxweather (en)

Mexican authorities encouraged visitors and residents to stay away from coastal communities where the worst of the weather was anticipated to impact over the weekend.

Hurricane Norma's moisture expected to impact southern Plains

2023-10-21T21:46+0200foxweather (en)

Forecast models show a swath of 2 to 5 inches of rainfall could fall over West Texas and Oklahoma over the next five days.

Hurricane Norma approaches landfall around Mexico's Cabo San Lucas Saturday afternoon

2023-10-21T21:46+0200foxweather (en)

Hurricane Norma was still at a Category 2 strength as it approached Cabo San Lucas Saturday morning with peak winds estimated at 100 mph. Heavy rains and flash flooding were likely as the storm moves ashore.

Hurricane Norma weakens but still 'dangerous' as it approaches Baja California peninsula

2023-10-21T20:55+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula where it was expected to make landfall later in the day, bringing with it a "dangerous storm surge.

Hurricane Norma and Hurricane Tammy Threaten Mexico and the Leeward Islands

2023-10-21T20:41+0200breakinglatest (en)

Hurricane Norma is set to hit the popular resort area of Los Cabos in Mexico this Saturday, bringing destructive winds, flash flooding, and a dangerous storm surge. The Category 2 storm is expected to move over or near parts of Baja California Sur, including Cabo San Lucas.

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico's Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T20:33+0200eagletribune (en)

Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula. Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners < warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds.

Resorts in Mexico prepare for Hurricane Norma as it approaches Baja California

2023-10-21T20:28+0200flipboard (en)

Residents of Mexico 's Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula for … CNN — Hurricane Norma is expected to strike Mexico’s popular Los Cabos resort area from the Pacific Ocean on Saturday with destructive winds, flash....

Severe Storms Threaten Mexico’s Los Cabos and Leeward Islands

2023-10-21T20:14+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-21 15:00:00. (CNN) — Hurricane Norma is expected to hit Mexico ’s popular resort area of ​​Los Cabos from the Pacific Ocean this Saturday with destructive winds, flash flooding and a dangerous storm surge, even as another hurricane ravages island nations in the Atlantic. Norma, a Category 2 storm at 11 a.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T20:05+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Norma was expected to continue on that path through the evening before turning to the north-east and slowing down through Monday. The hurricane’s languid pace raised the possibility of severe flooding. Norma was expected to dump six to 12 inches of rain with a maximum of 18 inches in places across....

Approaching West Mexico Coast: Hurricane Norma Strengthens to Category 2

2023-10-21T20:04+0200vervetimes (en)

Hurricane Norma is expected to slam into Mexico ’s northwestern coast within hours, bringing “life-threatening” winds, flooding and a dangerous sea surge, authorities warned Saturday. The storm, still powerful though downgraded overnight from Category 3 to Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, was....

Hurricane Norma, Now Category 2, Nears West Mexico Coast

2023-10-21T19:42+0200ndtvnews (en)

Cabo San Lucas, Mexic: Hurricane Norma is expected to slam into Mexico 's northwestern coast within hours, bringing "life-threatening" winds, flooding and a dangerous sea surge, authorities warned Saturday. The storm, still powerful though downgraded overnight from Category 3 to Category 2 on the....

Hurricane Norma, now Category 2, nears west Mexico coast

2023-10-21T19:38+0200timesofindia (en)

Hurricane Norma is set to hit Mexico 's northwestern coast with strong winds, flooding, and dangerous sea surges. The storm, downgraded to a Category 2, is heading towards the popular tourist destination of Cabo San Lucas. As of now, it is 65 kilometers away from the town and moving at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour.

Hurricane Norma, now Category 2, nears west Mexico coast

2023-10-21T19:36+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Local authorities say about 60,000 tourists are staying in the area, most of them international ones Hurricane Norma is expected to slam into Mexico 's northwestern coast within hours, bringing "life-threatening" winds, flooding and a dangerous sea surge, authorities warned Saturday.

Hurricane Norma, now Category 2, nears west Mexico coast

2023-10-21T19:36+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma is expected to slam into Mexico 's northwestern coast within hours, bringing "life-threatening" winds, flooding and a dangerous sea surge, authorities warned Saturday. The storm, still powerful though downgraded overnight from Category 3 to Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, was....

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T19:36+0200wn (en)

Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the ......

Hurricane Norma, now Category 2, nears west Mexico coast

2023-10-21T19:18+0200digitaljournal (en)

Hurricane Norma is expected to slam into Mexico ’s northwestern coast within hours, bringing “life-threatening” winds, flooding and a dangerous sea surge, authorities warned Saturday. The storm, still powerful though downgraded overnight from Category 3 to Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, was....

Hurricane Norma, now Category 2, nears west Mexico coast

2023-10-21T19:17+0200couriermail (en)

Hurricane Norma is expected to slam into Mexico 's northwestern coast within hours, bringing "life-threatening" winds, flooding and a dangerous sea surge, authorities warned Saturday. The storm, still powerful though downgraded overnight from Category 3 to Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, was....

Hurricane Norma, now Category 2, nears west Mexico coast

2023-10-21T19:17+0200HindustanTimes (en)

The storm, still powerful though downgraded overnight from Category 3 to Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, was headed toward a part of Mexico 's Baja California coast popular with tourists. We're now on WhatsApp. Click to join. As of late morning, it was 65 kilometers (40 miles) west-southwest....

Hurricane Norma, now Category 2, nears west Mexico coast

2023-10-21T19:16+0200heraldsun (en)

Hurricane Norma is expected to slam into Mexico 's northwestern coast within hours, bringing "life-threatening" winds, flooding and a dangerous sea surge, authorities warned Saturday. The storm, still powerful though downgraded overnight from Category 3 to Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, was....

Hurricane Norma weakens but still 'dangerous' as it approaches Baja California peninsula

2023-10-21T19:16+0200wsau (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula where it was expected to make landfall later in the day, bringing with it a “dangerous storm surge.” The center of Norma was located about 45 kilometers....

Hurricane Norma, Now Category 2, Nears West Mexico Coast

2023-10-21T19:02+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/hurricane-norma-now-category-2-nears-west-mexico-coast-10bc3514.

L’ouragan Norma approche de Los Cabos, au Mexique, alors que Tammy menace les îles de l’Atlantique

2023-10-21T18:52+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-10-21 19:41:05 CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexique (AP) — Les habitants de l’enclave touristique mexicaine de Los Cabos se préparaient à l’arrivée de l’ouragan Norma , qui continuait de s’approcher de la pointe sud de la péninsule de Basse-Californie, et devrait toucher terre samedi, alors que dans le....

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:51+0200theargus (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:47+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts have rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed towards the southern tip of the country’s Baja California Peninsula. Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to....

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:40+0200lbc (en)

Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts have rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed towards the southern tip of the country’s Baja California Peninsula. Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to....

Hurricane Norma weakens but still 'dangerous' as it approaches Baja California peninsula MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of Mexico's Baja California peninsula wh... 59m ago

2023-10-21T18:37+0200kelo (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula where it was expected to make landfall later in the day, bringing with it a “dangerous storm surge.” The center of Norma was located about 45 kilometers....

Hurricane Norma weakens but still 'dangerous' as it approaches Baja California peninsula

2023-10-21T18:34+0200whbl (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula where it was expected to make landfall later in the day, bringing with it a “dangerous storm surge.” The center of Norma was located about 45 kilometers....

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:27+0200eveningnews24 (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:27+0200yorkpress (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:27+0200thecomet (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:26+0200thecourier (en)

Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts have rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed towards the southern tip of the country’s Baja California Peninsula. Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to....

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:25+0200oxfordtimes (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:24+0200chesterfirst (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts18:15

2023-10-21T18:23+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts have rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed towards the southern tip of the country’s Baja California Peninsula. Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to....

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:23+0200impartialreporter (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:22+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:21+0200salisburyjournal (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:21+0200southwalesargus (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:20+0200dailyecho (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:19+0200irishexaminer (en)

Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts have rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed towards the southern tip of the country’s Baja California Peninsula. Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to....

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:19+0200thenorthernecho (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:19+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:18+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts have rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed towards the southern tip of the country’s Baja California Peninsula. Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to....

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:18+0200eveningtimes (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:18+0200thetelegraphandargus (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:17+0200eadt (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:17+0200hertsad (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:17+0200pressandjournal (en)

Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts have rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed towards the southern tip of the country’s Baja California Peninsula. Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to....

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:16+0200newsandstar (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Hurricane Norma weakens but still 'dangerous' as it approaches Baja California peninsula

2023-10-21T18:16+0200reuters (en)

[1/5] People observe waves breaking on the beach as Hurricane Norma barrels towards the Baja California peninsula, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico , October 20, 2023. REUTERS/Fernando Castillo MEXICO CITY, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the....

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:16+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Residents prepare as Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T18:15+0200edp24 (en)

Businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm on Friday.

Hurricane Norma weakens but still 'dangerous' as it approaches Baja California peninsula MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of Mexico's Baj... 38m ago

2023-10-21T18:14+0200wkzo (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula where it was expected to make landfall later in the day, bringing with it a “dangerous storm surge.” The center of Norma was located about 45 kilometers....

L'ouragan Norma vise les stations balnéaires de Los Cabos au Mexique, alors que Tammy menace les îles de l'Atlantique

2023-10-21T18:09+0200citizenside (fr)

L’ouragan Norma s’abat sur les stations balnéaires de Los Cabos, à la pointe sud de la péninsule de Basse-Californie au Mexique, tandis que l’ouragan Tammy se dirige vers les îles des Petites Antilles dans l’Atlantique. Par IGNACIO MARTÍNEZ Associated Press.

Hurricane Norma weakens but still 'dangerous' as it approaches Baja California peninsula

2023-10-21T18:00+0200thechronicleherald (en)

Sand bags are piled up in front of a bar to prevent flooding as Hurricane Norma barrels towards the Baja California peninsula, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico , October 20, 2023. MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of Mexico's Baja....

Hurricane Norma weakens but still 'dangerous' as it approaches Baja California peninsula

2023-10-21T17:56+0200gazette (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula where it was expected to make landfall later in the day, bringing with it a "dangerous storm surge." The center of Norma was located about 45 kilometers....

Mexico’s Baja California braces for Hurricane Norma’s landfall

2023-10-21T17:53+0200wn (en)

Oct. 21 (UPI) -- Hurricane Norma was nearing landfall along Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula on Saturday morning as the region braced for life-threatening impacts. Despite its decline in wind intensity, ......

Hurricane Norma Weakens but Still 'Dangerous' as It Approaches Baja California Peninsula

2023-10-21T17:48+0200usnews (en)

People observe waves breaking on the beach as Hurricane Norma barrels towards the Baja California peninsula, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico , October 20, 2023. REUTERS/Fernando Castillo Reuters MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south....

Hurricane Norma weakens but still 'dangerous' as it approaches Baja California peninsula

2023-10-21T17:45+0200streetinsider (en)

People observe waves breaking on the beach as Hurricane Norma barrels towards the Baja California peninsula, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico , October 20, 2023. REUTERS/Fernando Castillo. MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma weakened to a Category 2 storm on Saturday as it approached the south of....

Heavy Rain Lashes Baja California During Hurricane Norma

2023-10-21T17:15+0200couriermail (en)

The arrival of Hurricane Norma saw heavy rain lash Cabo San Lucas, in Baja California Sur, a video shared on Saturday, October 21, shows. In a tweet posted in the early hours of Saturday morning, Mexico ’s National Coordination of Civil Protection (CNPC) urged residents to “try to stay in a safe....

‘Erratic’ Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico’s Baja California

2023-10-21T17:02+0200in-cyprus (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula on Friday afternoon, threatening heavy rainfall beginning on Saturday at the area’s popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the U.S.

Twin hurricane warnings are issued in the Caribbean and Mexico

2023-10-21T17:02+0200flipboard (en)

Authorities have issued rare twin hurricane warnings in both the Atlantic and Pacific, with Caribbean islands in the crosshairs of Hurricane Tammy and Hurricane Norma bearing down on the northern coastline of Mexico . Neither storm currently threatens U.S.

Heavy Rain Lashes Baja California During Hurricane Norma

2023-10-21T16:49+0200qt (en)

The arrival of Hurricane Norma saw heavy rain lash Cabo San Lucas, in Baja California Sur, a video shared on Saturday, October 21, shows. In a tweet posted in the early hours of Saturday morning, Mexico ’s National Coordination of Civil Protection (CNPC) urged residents to “try to stay in a safe....

‘Erratic’ Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico’s Baja California

2023-10-21T16:30+0200newsincyprus (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula on Friday afternoon, threatening heavy rainfall beginning on Saturday at the area’s popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said Norma was again.

Light Rain to Unload in Central California, Pacific Northwest This Weekend As Cooler Air Comes Next Week

2023-10-21T15:44+0200natureworldnews (en)

Light rain conditions are expected in the Pacific Northwest and Central California due to upper-level troughing, according to the latest forecasts. Warmer conditions and above-normal temperatures were recorded in the Western US and California. However, the weather pattern will change with the chances of rain early next week.

Twin hurricane warnings are issued in the Caribbean and Mexico

2023-10-21T15:23+0200npr (en)

Authorities have issued rare twin hurricane warnings in both the Atlantic and Pacific, with Caribbean islands in the crosshairs of Hurricane Tammy and Hurricane Norma bearing down on the northern coastline of Mexico . Neither storm currently threatens U.S.

Armed National Guard Members Patrol Beaches in Cabo San Lucas Ahead of Hurricane Norma

2023-10-21T15:14+0200couriermail (en)

Heavily armed members of Mexico ’s National Guard were seen patrolling the beach in Cabo San Lucas, in Baja California Sur, in a video shared on Friday, October 20 ahead of Hurricane Norma ’s arrival. In a tweet, Mexico’s National Coordination of Civil Protection said the guard were carrying out tours....

Hurricane Norma heads to Mexico’s south

2023-10-21T15:10+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma has once again gained strength on its way to southern Mexico . The now category 3 storm has prompted authorities to issue several weather warnings for....

Hurricane Norma Latest Path, Tracker as Storm Nears Landfall

2023-10-21T15:10+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened to a Category 3 hurricane on....

Armed National Guard Members Patrol Beaches in Cabo San Lucas Ahead of Hurricane Norma

2023-10-21T15:04+0200qt (en)

Heavily armed members of Mexico ’s National Guard were seen patrolling the beach in Cabo San Lucas, in Baja California Sur, in a video shared on Friday, October 20 ahead of Hurricane Norma ’s arrival. In a tweet, Mexico’s National Coordination of Civil Protection said the guard were carrying out tours....

Hurricane Norma Latest Path, Tracker as Storm Nears Landfall

2023-10-21T14:43+0200fresnobee (en)

Hurricane Norma map. National Hurricane Center map of probability of tropical-storm-force winds for Hurricane Norma. The storm is currently approaching Baja California Sur in Mexico . NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION strengthened to a Category 3 hurricane on Friday afternoon and is due to make landfall in the on Saturday.

Hurricane Norma Latest Path, Tracker as Storm Nears Landfall

2023-10-21T14:12+0200newsweek-USA (en)

on Saturday. Norma is the third major storm to approach Mexico in the last two weeks as the Pacific hurricane season continues. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) said in its most-recent update at 12 a.m. MDT: "Hurricane conditions are expected within the hurricane warning area in Baja California....

Hurricane Norma heads to Mexico’s south

2023-10-21T13:44+0200qt (en)

Hurricane Norma has once again gained strength on its way to southern Mexico . The now category 3 storm has prompted authorities to issue several weather warnings for dangerous winds and possible flooding this weekend. Some flights in the area have been cancelled and residents are being urged to stay at home.

Hurricane Norma heads to Mexico’s south

2023-10-21T13:33+0200heraldsun (en)

Hurricane Norma has once again gained strength on its way to southern Mexico . The now category 3 storm has prompted authorities to issue several weather warnings for dangerous winds and possible flooding this weekend. Some flights in the area have been cancelled and residents are being urged to stay at home.

Hurricane Norma set to hit Cabo San Lucas area, while Tammy bears down on Leeward Islands

2023-10-21T13:24+0200cnn (en)

Hurricane Norma is expected to strike Mexico ’s popular Los Cabos resort area from the Pacific Ocean on Saturday with destructive winds and a dangerous storm surge, even while a different hurricane swipes island nations in the Atlantic. Norma, a storm in the Pacific Ocean as of early Saturday, is....

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T13:12+0200wn (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico >> Residents of Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane....

Norma lashes Mexico as storm surge likely to produce coastal flooding

2023-10-21T12:56+0200foxweather (en)

On the forecast track, the center of Hurricane Norma is expected to move over the southern portion of Baja California Sur within the Hurricane Warning area later Saturday. Norma is forecast to move toward the west coast of Mexico on Sunday night and move inland within the Tropical Storm Watch area on Monday.

The Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather: 2 hurricanes causing trouble this weekend

2023-10-21T12:56+0200foxweather (en)

Start your day with the latest weather news – Hurricanes Norma and Tammy are affecting land Saturday, with one of the storms targeting a popular tourist destination. On the forecast track, the center of Hurricane Tammy will move near or over portions of the Leeward Islands through early Sunday, and....

Hurricane Norma On Way To Hit Mexico's Baja California

2023-10-21T12:26+0200thefridaytimes (en)

As it made its way towards the southernmost point of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula on Friday afternoon, Hurricane Norma became stronger and threatened to bring torrential rains starting on Saturday at the region's well-known tourist destinations. The U.S.

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T12:21+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico >> Residents of Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall today, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

The world in brief: Brazil agents accused of spyware misuse

2023-10-21T11:48+0200arkansasonline (en)

Brazil agents accused of spyware misuse. RIO DE JANEIRO -- Police in Brazil conducted searches and made two arrests Friday in an investigation targeting members of the country's intelligence agency who were suspected of using spy technology to track cellphones without judicial authorization, the Federal Police said in a statement.

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T11:25+0200bna-en (en)

Cabo San Lucas, Oct. 21 (BNA): Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico's Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-21T11:11+0200thenational (en)

Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts prepared as Hurricane Norma headed towards the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula for landfall on Saturday, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

L’ouragan Norma vise les stations balnéaires de Los Cabos au Mexique, alors que Tammy menace les îles de l’Atlantique

2023-10-21T10:44+0200news-24 (fr)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexique (AP) — Les résidents des stations balnéaires mexicaines de Los Cabos se sont précipités pour se préparer alors que l’ouragan Norma se dirigeait vers la pointe sud de la péninsule mexicaine de Basse-Californie pour toucher terre samedi, tandis que dans l’Atlantique, Tammy se....

'Erratic' Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico's Baja California

2023-10-21T10:42+0200dunyanews (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula on Friday afternoon, threatening heavy rainfall beginning on Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the U.S.

Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 3 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-21T10:09+0200zawya-palestine (en)

Hurricane Norma on Friday once again strengthened to a Category 3 storm as it approaches a tourist hotspot on Mexico 's Pacific coast. The hurricane -- which at one point was a Category 4 out of five on the Saffir-Simpson scale -- is now packing maximum sustained winds of 195 kilometers per hour (120....

Uragano Norma si avvicina al Messico

2023-10-21T10:04+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 21 ottobre 2023) L’ Uragano Norma si sta avvicina ndo al Messico Norma è una tempesta di categoria 3 con venti massimi sostenuti a 193 km/h. Paura per possibili inondazioni e smottamenti. L’ Uragano Norma verso il Messico L’ Uragano Norma si sta dirigendo verso il Messico e sta aumentando....

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T10:00+0200therepublic (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Residents of Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T09:51+0200tribtown (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Residents of Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T09:40+0200dailyjournal (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Residents of Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Messico, in arrivo l’uragano Norma: a rischio le zone costiere della Baja California

2023-10-21T08:39+0200tag24 (it)

Timori in Messico e in California per il passaggio dell’ uragano Norma . Chiuse attività commerciali nelle città vicine alle spiagge, il governatore della Bassa California Castro ha invitato i cittadini a restare in casa. L’uragano Norma minaccia il Messico. Paura in Messico per il passaggio dell’uragano Norma .

Due uragani toccheranno terra questo fine settimana, allerta in Messico e nei Caraibi

2023-10-21T08:11+0200meteoweb (it)

Due uragani toccheranno terra questo fine settimana in 2 diversi bacini oceanici: Tammy nell’Atlantico e Norma nel Pacifico orientale. Il primo ha fatto scattare allerte per parti delle Isole Sottovento, una catena di diverse nazioni insulari tra il Mar dei Caraibi e l’Atlantico, mentre Norma ha....

Hurricane Norma nears Mexico as Category 3 storm

2023-10-21T07:41+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Hurricane Norma grew stronger and became a Category 3 storm on Friday as it moved toward one of Mexico 's tourism hubs located in Baja California. The storm comes just a week after and killed at least two people. The hurricane had slightly weakened during the day but gained strength overnight to become a Category 3 storm once again.

Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 3 ahead of Mexico landfall 21 October 2023

2023-10-21T07:38+0200enca (en)

Hurricane Norma on Friday once again strengthened to a Category 3 storm as it approaches a tourist hotspot on Mexico 's Pacific coast. The hurricane -- which at one point was a Category 4 out of five on the Saffir-Simpson scale -- is now packing maximum sustained winds of 195 kilometers per hour, the....

Hurricane Norma Heads for Mexico’s Los Cabos Resorts, as Tammy Becomes Hurricane in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T07:20+0200wn (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico —Residents of Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare Friday as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane....

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico's Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T06:52+0200whig (en)

Hurricane Norma is bearing down on the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California Peninsula, while Hurricane Tammy is headed for the islands of the Lesser Antilles in the Atlantic. The U.S. National Hurricane Center says Tammy’s < maximum sustained winds grew to 80 mph that....

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts, …

2023-10-21T06:40+0200wowktv (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Residents of Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Hurricane Norma Takes Aim at Mexico's Los Cabos Resorts, as Tammy Threatens Islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T06:32+0200usnews (en)

Employees cover the windows of a souvenirs store with wood in preparation for the arrival of the hurricane Norma , in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico , Friday, Oct. 20, 2023. Hurricane Norma is heading for the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula, while Tammy grew into a hurricane in the Atlantic.

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico resorts

2023-10-21T06:25+0200ABCnews (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico -- Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico's Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T06:24+0200wsoctv (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Residents of Mexico's Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Hurricane Norma heads for Mexico's Pacific coast resort hub as Tammy becomes hurricane in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T06:21+0200nbcbayarea (en)

gained strength and once again became a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula in the Pacific. In the Atlantic, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said Tropical Storm Tammy had grown into a hurricane, with winds of 80 mph (130 kph).

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T06:21+0200apnews (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Residents of Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the Atlantic, grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico's Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T06:15+0200independent-UK (en)

Residents of Mexico ’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the Atlantic , Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico's Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T06:12+0200actionnewsjax (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Residents of Mexico's Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy threatens islands in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T06:11+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico — Residents of Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula for an expected landfall Saturday, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles.

Hurricane Norma heads for Mexico's Pacific coast resort hub as Tammy becomes hurricane in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T06:08+0200nbcnewyork (en)

gained strength and once again became a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula in the Pacific. In the Atlantic, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said Tropical Storm Tammy had grown into a hurricane, with winds of 80 mph (130 kph).

Hurricane Norma downgraded to still-dangerous Category 3

2023-10-21T06:04+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Hurricane Norma weakened Thursday to a Category 3 storm as it headed for Mexico ’s Pacific coast — still strong enough to cause flash floods and damage, forecasters said. By 2100 GMT on Thursday, the tropical storm was downgraded by one category on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale of the US....

Hurricane Norma regains some strength as it moves toward Mexico

2023-10-21T05:59+0200foxweather (en)

FOX Weather meteorologist Michael Estime has the latest on Hurricane Norma in the Eastern Pacific as it moves closer to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico .

Hurricane Norma takes aim at Cabo San Lucas in Mexico

2023-10-21T05:59+0200foxweather (en)

Hurricane Norma has weakened a bit as it moves closer to the popular tourist destination of Cabo San Lucas on the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico .

Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 3 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-21T05:37+0200wn (en)

Mexico City, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Oct, 2023) Hurricane Norma on Friday once again strengthened to a Category 3 storm as it approaches a tourist hotspot on Mexico's Pacific coast. The hurricane -- which at one point was a Category 4 out of five on the Saffir-Simpson scale --....

Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 3 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-21T05:17+0200urdupoint (en)

Mexico City, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Oct, 2023) Hurricane Norma on Friday once again strengthened to a Category 3 storm as it approaches a tourist hotspot on 's Pacific coast. The hurricane -- which at one point was a Category 4 out of five on the Saffir-Simpson scale -- is....

‘Erratic’ Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico’s Baja California

2023-10-21T04:44+0200inquirer (en)

MEXICO CITY Hurricane Norma strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula on Friday afternoon, threatening heavy rainfall beginning on Saturday at the area’s popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the U.S.

Hurricane Norma heads for Mexico's Los Cabos resorts, and Tammy becomes hurricane in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T03:55+0200cp24 (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) - Hurricane Norma gained strength and once again became a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula in the Pacific. In the Atlantic, the U.S.

'Erratic' Hurricane Norma on Track to Hit Mexico's Baja California

2023-10-21T03:29+0200singaporenews (en)

MEXICO CITY - Hurricane Norma strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula Friday afternoon, threatening heavy rainfall beginning Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the U.S.

Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 3 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-21T03:23+0200mb-com-ph (en)

Mexico City, Mexico - Hurricane Norma on Friday once again strengthened to a Category 3 storm as it approaches a tourist hotspot on Mexico's Pacific coast. (Photo from AFP) The hurricane -- which at one point was a Category 4 out of five on the Saffir-Simpson scale -- is now packing maximum....

'Erratic' Hurricane Norma on Track to Hit Mexico's Baja California

2023-10-21T03:13+0200voanews (en)

MEXICO CITY — Hurricane Norma strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula Friday afternoon, threatening heavy rainfall beginning Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the U.S.

'Erratic' Hurricane Norma on Track to Hit Mexico's Baja California

2023-10-21T03:07+0200longbeachstar (en)

MEXICO CITY - Hurricane Norma strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula Friday afternoon, threatening heavy rainfall beginning Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the U.S.

Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico's Baja

2023-10-21T03:04+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

Hurricane Norma has strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, threatening heavy rainfall beginning on Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the US National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said Norma was....

'Erratic' Hurricane Norma on Track to Hit Mexico's Baja California

2023-10-21T03:00+0200manilametro (en)

MEXICO CITY - Hurricane Norma strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula Friday afternoon, threatening heavy rainfall beginning Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the U.S.

Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico's Baja

2023-10-21T02:52+0200newcastleherald (en)

Hurricane Norma has strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, threatening heavy rainfall beginning on Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the US National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said Norma was....

Hurricane Norma heads for Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts, and Tammy becomes hurricane in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T02:50+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

This satellite image provided by NOAA on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023, shows Hurricane Storm Norma approaching the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula on Mexico 's Pacific coast. (NOAA via AP) CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma gained strength and once again became a major storm....

Norma strengthens back to major hurricane off Mexico coast

2023-10-21T02:49+0200wn (en)

October 21, 2023 7:16 AM Hurricane Norma strengthened back into a Category 3 hurricane....

'Erratic' Hurricane Norma on Track to Hit Mexico's Baja California

2023-10-21T02:48+0200singaporestar (en)

MEXICO CITY - Hurricane Norma strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula Friday afternoon, threatening heavy rainfall beginning Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the U.S.

Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico's Baja

2023-10-21T02:41+0200illawarramercury (en)

Hurricane Norma has strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, threatening heavy rainfall beginning on Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the US National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said Norma was....

'Erratic' Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico's Baja California

2023-10-21T02:41+0200timesofindia (en)

Hurricane Norma is strengthening as it moves towards the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula. The storm is expected to bring heavy rainfall and strong winds to popular tourist resorts in the area. The governor has urged people to stay indoors and businesses to close. Shelters have been set up to accommodate up to 10,000 people.

Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico's Baja

2023-10-21T02:39+0200maitlandmercury (en)

Hurricane Norma has strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, threatening heavy rainfall beginning on Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the US National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said Norma was....

Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico's Baja

2023-10-21T02:36+0200bordermail (en)

Hurricane Norma has strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, threatening heavy rainfall beginning on Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the US National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said Norma was....

Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico's Baja

2023-10-21T02:35+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

Hurricane Norma has strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, threatening heavy rainfall beginning on Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the US National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said Norma was....

Hurricane Norma heads for Mexico's Los Cabos resorts, and Tammy becomes hurricane in the Atlantic

2023-10-21T02:14+0200startribune (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico — Hurricane Norma gained strength and once again became a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula in the Pacific. In the Atlantic, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said Tropical Storm Tammy....

Hurricane Norma downgraded to Category 2 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-21T02:11+0200malaymail (en)

The hurricane — which on Thursday had registered as a powerful Category 4 out of maximum five on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale — featured sustained winds of 109 miles an hour (175 kmh), the US National Hurricane Centre said. Landfall was expected today, with the tourist resort of Cabo San....

Tropical Weather Forecast – October 20, 2023

2023-10-21T01:48+0200wn (en)

Tropics remain active with two hurricanes that we are currently tracking! There's Hurricane Tammy in the Atlantic and Hurricane Norma ....

'Erratic' Hurricane Norma on track to hit Mexico's Baja California

2023-10-21T01:35+0200devdiscourse (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened as it churned toward the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula on Friday afternoon, threatening heavy rainfall beginning on Saturday at the area's popular tourist resorts. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the U.S.

Norma strengthens back to major hurricane off Mexico coast

2023-10-21T01:28+0200straitstimesSG (en)

MEXICO CITY -Hurricane Norma strengthened back into a Category 3 hurricane off the coast of Mexico 's Baja California on Friday afternoon, threatening heavy rainfall and flooding at popular tourist resorts that line the country's Pacific coast. After weakening slightly earlier in the day, the U.S.

Tropical Weather Forecast – October 20, 2023

2023-10-21T01:27+0200qt (en)

Tropics remain active with two hurricanes that we are currently tracking! There's Hurricane Tammy in the Atlantic and Hurricane Norma in the eastern Pacific. Tammy is expected to hit parts of the Lesser Antilles today and tomorrow before turning north.

Tropical Weather Forecast – October 20, 2023

2023-10-21T01:19+0200heraldsun (en)

Tropics remain active with two hurricanes that we are currently tracking! There's Hurricane Tammy in the Atlantic and Hurricane Norma in the eastern Pacific. Tammy is expected to hit parts of the Lesser Antilles today and tomorrow before turning north.

L’ouragan Norma s’approche des stations balnéaires de Los Cabos au Mexique

2023-10-21T00:15+0200news-24 (fr)

, avec des vents soutenus pouvant atteindre 110 milles par heure alors que la tempête remonte la côte du Pacifique. La tempête tropicale Tammy, quant à elle, a été transformée en ouragan car elle menace les îles sous le vent. Les deux ouragans devraient toucher terre samedi prochain, même si des pluies devraient tomber plus tôt.

Norma strengthens back to major hurricane off Mexico coast

2023-10-20T23:43+0200devdiscourse (en)

"Some gradual weakening is expected during the next day or so, but Norma is expected to be a hurricane when it moves near or over the southern portion of Baja California Sur," the NHC said. Norma could hurl up to 15 inches (30 cm) of rain over the southern part of Baja California Sur through Sunday....

Hurricane Norma Heads for Mexico’s Los Cabos Resorts, as Tammy Becomes Hurricane in the Atlantic

2023-10-20T23:28+0200theepochtimes (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico —Residents of Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare Friday as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the Leeward Islands. The U.S.

Hurricane Norma closes in on Mexico's Los Cabos resorts

2023-10-20T23:22+0200foxnews (en)

Hurricane Norma is approaching Mexico 's Los Cabos resorts, with sustained winds of up to 110 miles per hour being reported as the storm creeps up the Pacific coast. Tropical Storm Tammy, meanwhile, has been upgraded to hurricane status as it threatens the Leeward Islands.

Hurricane Norma’s Ominous Forecast Shows Dangerous Path for Texas

2023-10-20T23:04+0200wn (en)

As Hurricane Norma slows to a stall in the Pacific Ocean, its impacts in Texas are highly dependent on another system approaching from the Pacific Northwest. As of Friday afternoon, ......

Hurricane Norma heads for Mexico's Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy becomes hurricane in the Atlantic

2023-10-20T22:58+0200startribune (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico — Residents of Mexico's Los Cabos resorts rushed to prepare Friday as Hurricane Norma headed toward the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula, while in the Atlantic, Tammy grew into a hurricane and threatened to batter the Leeward Islands. The U.S.

Mexico Hurricane Norma heads for Mexico's Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy becomes hurricane in the Atlantic About 4 hours ago

2023-10-20T22:40+0200devdiscourse (en)

Hurricane Norma heads for Mexico 's Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy becomes hurricane in the Atlantic National Hurricane Center specialist John Cangialosi said the storm was expected to continue moving north into Saturday but then slow to a crawl and should be just kind of hanging out near the southern portion of the Baja California Peninsula.

Hurricane Norma downgraded to Category 2 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-20T21:56+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma weakened Friday to a Category 2 storm ahead of landfall near a tourist hotspot on Mexico 's Pacific coast. The hurricane—which on Thursday had registered as a powerful Category 4 out of maximum five on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale—featured sustained winds of 109 miles an....

Hurricane Norma downgraded to Category 2 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-20T21:23+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

This image obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows Hurricane Norma off Mexico 's Pacific coast on October 19, 2023 at 15:00 Zulu. Norma strengthened on October 19, 2023, to a major Category 3 as it headed toward Mexico's Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said.

Hurricanes will strike land this weekend by two different oceans

2023-10-20T21:03+0200wtva (en)

(CNN) — Two hurricanes will strike land this weekend by two different ocean basins – Tammy in the Atlantic and Norma in the eastern Pacific. Neither are a threat to the US, but Norma has triggered hurricane warnings for Mexico , including the popular resort town of Cabo San Lucas, and Tammy for....

Hurricanes will strike land this weekend by two different oceans

2023-10-20T20:52+0200cnn (en)

Two hurricanes will strike land this weekend by two different ocean basins – Tammy in the Atlantic and Norma in the eastern Pacific. Neither are a threat to the US, but Norma has triggered hurricane warnings for Mexico , including the popular resort town of Cabo San Lucas, and Tammy for portions of....

Hurricane Norma downgraded to Category 2 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-20T20:25+0200phys (en)

The hurricane—which on Thursday had registered as a powerful Category 4 out of maximum five on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale—featured sustained winds of 109 miles an hour (175 kmh), the US National Hurricane Center said. Landfall was expected Saturday, with the tourist resort of Cabo San....

3m Hurricane Norma expected to make landfall in Mexican resort area this weekend

2023-10-20T20:13+0200mlive (en)

Currently, the storm is moving northwestward at 7 knots, but is expected to take a more northerly turn as we head into Saturday, according to a forecast by the Heavy rains are going to begin for Baja California Sur tonight and continue through Saturday.

Hurricane Norma Downgraded To Category 2 Ahead Of Mexico Landfall

2023-10-20T20:03+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/hurricane-norma-downgraded-to-category-2-ahead-of-mexico-landfall-d4c86a64.

Hurricane Norma to Slam Mexico This Weekend

2023-10-20T19:29+0200claimsjournal (en)

Heavy rain and high winds will sweep the southern part of Mexico ’s Baja California Sur, including Cabo San Lucas, for the next few days as Hurricane Norma approaches possible making a brief landfall sometime Saturday or early Sunday. Norma has top winds of 115 miles per hour, making it a Category 3....

North Texas is flirting with record-high temperatures. Again.

2023-10-20T19:17+0200star-telegram (en)

After near record highs this weekend, rain chances in Dallas-Fort Worth increases next week with Hurricane Norma and a cold front from the West Coast rolling in. Pexels We are looking at typical Texas weather in October: Near record highs Saturday and chances of rain and thunderstorms by Monday. “We’re gonna have a little weather pattern change.

La tempesta Babet flagella il Nord Europa: gravi inondazioni in Germania, blackout ed evacuazioni in Danimarca | FOTO

2023-10-20T19:06+0200meteoweb (it)

Come da previsioni, la tempesta Babet sta devastando il Nord Europa con piogge torrenziali e venti da uragano. Purtroppo si registrano anche due vittime in Scozia: una donna di 57 anni è stata trovata in un fiume nella regione costiera di Angus, tra Edimburgo e Aberdeen, e un uomo di 56 anni è....

Hurricane Norma nears Cabo while Hurricane Tammy approaches Caribbean Weather

2023-10-20T19:03+0200usaToday (en)

The 2023 hurricane season continues to rack up storms, as Hurricane Norma tracks toward Los Cabos in Mexico and newly formed Hurricane Tammy approaches the islands of the Caribbean. Hurricane warnings were in effect in both due to the oncoming storms. Neither hurricane is a direct threat to the U.S.

World News | Hurricane Norma Heads for Mexico's Los Cabos Resorts, as Tammy Becomes Hurricane in the Atlantic

2023-10-20T18:04+0200latestly (en)

Cabo San Lucas, Oct 20 (AP) Hurricane Norma weakened slightly but remained a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California Peninsula in the Pacific. In the Atlantic, the US National Hurricane Center said another tropical storm,....

Hurricane Norma heads for Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy becomes hurricane in the Atlantic

2023-10-20T17:28+0200wsoctv (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma weakened slightly but remained a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula in the Pacific. In the Atlantic, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said another tropical storm,....

Hurricane Norma heads for Mexico’s Los Cabos resorts, as Tammy becomes hurricane in the Atlantic

2023-10-20T17:27+0200actionnewsjax (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma weakened slightly but remained a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula in the Pacific. In the Atlantic, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said another tropical storm,....

Weakening Hurricane Norma still poses threat to Mexico's Pacific Coast

2023-10-20T17:11+0200wn (en)

Companies Estado de Baja CaliforniaFollow Oct 20 (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula over the next few days, the....

Hurricane Norma has weakened slightly but remains a major storm off Mexico’s Pacific coast

2023-10-20T17:05+0200chron (en)

The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 115 mph (185 kph) maximum sustained winds and was located about 265 miles (425 kilometers) south-southeast of Cabo San Lucas. The Category 3 storm was moving north-northwest at 7 mph (11 kph). Hotels in Los Cabos, which are largely frequented....

The Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather: Hurricane alerts issued as 2 storms loom

2023-10-20T17:04+0200foxweather (en)

Hurricane Norma was still a Category 3 hurricane as it approached the southern Baja coast Friday morning. Though the storm is slowly weakening it is still expected to be at or near hurricane status when it reaches near Cabo San Lucas this weekend. Welcome to the Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather.

Hurricane Norma puts Mexico's Baja California in the crosshairs

2023-10-20T17:04+0200foxweather (en)

Hurricane Norma is weakening as it approaches Cabo San Lucas Friday but is still expected to bring flooding rains and hurricane-force winds to the region over the weekend.

Hurricane Norma eyes Cabo San Lucas this week with strong winds, torrential rains

2023-10-20T17:04+0200foxweather (en)

Hurricane Norma was still a Category 3 hurricane as it approached the southern Baja coast Friday morning. Though the storm is slowly weakening it is still expected to be at or near hurricane status when it reaches near Cabo San Lucas this weekend.

Hurricane Norma has weakened slightly but remains …

2023-10-20T16:43+0200wearecentralpa (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma weakened slightly but remained a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 115 mph (185 kph) maximum sustained winds and....

Hurricane Norma has weakened slightly but remains a major storm off Mexico’s Pacific coast

2023-10-20T16:23+0200news4jax (en)

This satellite image provided by NOAA on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023, shows Hurricane Storm Norma approaching the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula on Mexico 's Pacific coast. (NOAA via AP) (Uncredited) CABO SAN LUCAS – Hurricane Norma weakened slightly but remained a major storm Friday as....

L'ouragan Norma s'affaiblit à l'approche du Mexique

2023-10-20T16:17+0200lecourrier (fr)

À 21h00 GMT, le phénomène se trouvait à 425 km à l'ouest de Manzanillo, avec des vents de 205 km/h et une allure de 9 km/h, selon le NHC. L'institut spécialisé prévoit que " Norma continue à s'affaiblir dans les prochains jours ", mais que cela reste un ouragan près du sud de la Basse-Californie.

Hurricane Norma has weakened slightly but remains …

2023-10-20T16:01+0200wowktv (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma weakened slightly but remained a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 115 mph (185 kph) maximum sustained winds and....

Hurricane Norma has weakened slightly but remains a major storm off Mexico’s Pacific coast

2023-10-20T15:59+0200sfgate (en)

The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 115 mph (185 kph) maximum sustained winds and was located about 265 miles (425 kilometers) south-southeast of Cabo San Lucas. The Category 3 storm was moving north-northwest at 7 mph (11 kph). Hotels in Los Cabos, which are largely frequented....

Hurricane Norma Has Weakened Slightly but Remains a Major Storm off Mexico’s Pacific Coast

2023-10-20T15:56+0200usnews (en)

The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 115 mph (185 kph) maximum sustained winds and was located about 265 miles (425 kilometers) south-southeast of Cabo San Lucas. The Category 3 storm was moving north-northwest at 7 mph (11 kph). Hotels in Los Cabos, which are largely frequented....

Hurricane Norma has weakened slightly but remains a major storm off Mexico’s Pacific coast

2023-10-20T15:56+0200independent-UK (en)

Hurricane Norma weakened slightly but remained a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 115 mph (185 kph) maximum sustained winds and was located about 265 miles (425 kilometers) south-southeast of Cabo San Lucas.

Hurricane Norma has weakened slightly but remains a major storm off Mexico’s Pacific coast

2023-10-20T15:55+0200wsoctv (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma weakened slightly but remained a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 115 mph (185 kph) maximum sustained winds and....

Hurricane Norma has weakened slightly but remains a major storm off Mexico’s Pacific coast

2023-10-20T15:55+0200ABCnews (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico -- Hurricane Norma weakened slightly but remained a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 115 mph (185 kph) maximum sustained winds and was....

Hurricane Norma has weakened slightly but remains a major storm off Mexico’s Pacific coast

2023-10-20T15:51+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico — Hurricane Norma weakened slightly but remained a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 115 mph (185 kph) maximum sustained winds and was....

Hurricane Norma has weakened slightly but remains a major storm off Mexico’s Pacific coast

2023-10-20T15:51+0200actionnewsjax (en)

CABO SAN LUCAS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Norma weakened slightly but remained a major storm Friday as it took aim at the twin resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 115 mph (185 kph) maximum sustained winds and....

Weakening Hurricane Norma still poses threat to Mexico's Pacific Coast

2023-10-20T14:53+0200whbl (en)

(Reuters) – Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula over the next few days, the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said on Friday.

Weakening Hurricane Norma still poses threat to Mexico's Pacific Coast

2023-10-20T14:47+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula over the next few days, the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said on Friday.

Weakening Hurricane Norma still poses threat to Mexico's Pacific Coast Reuters |Updated 18 minutes ago |1 min read Premium content (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico's Baja....

2023-10-20T14:43+0200thechronicleherald (en)

(Reuters) - Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula over the next few days, the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said on Friday.

Weakening Hurricane Norma still poses threat to Mexico's Pacific Coast

2023-10-20T14:38+0200wkzo (en)

(Reuters) – Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula over the next few days, the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said on Friday.

Weakening Hurricane Norma still poses threat to Mexico's Pacific Coast (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico's Baja California peninsula over the next few days, the National Hurricane Centre .

2023-10-20T14:37+0200saltwire (en)

(Reuters) - Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula over the next few days, the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said on Friday.

Weakening Hurricane Norma still poses threat to Mexico's Pacific Coast (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast... 19m ago

2023-10-20T14:33+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula over the next few days, the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said on Friday.

Weakening Hurricane Norma Still Poses Threat to Mexico's Pacific Coast

2023-10-20T14:31+0200usnews (en)

(Reuters) - Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula over the next few days, the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said on Friday.

Weakening Hurricane Norma still poses threat to Mexico's Pacific Coast

2023-10-20T14:17+0200streetinsider (en)

(Reuters) - Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula over the next few days, the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said on Friday.

Weakening Hurricane Norma still poses threat to Mexico's Pacific Coast

2023-10-20T14:10+0200devdiscourse (en)

Hurricane Norma has slightly weakened but remains a major storm poised to deliver heavy rainfall and flooding to the popular tourist coast of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula over the next few days, the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said on Friday.

Headed for Mexico, Hurricane Norma remains dangerous

2023-10-20T12:24+0200wn (en)

Mexico City—Hurricane Norma weakened Thursday (Friday in Manila) to a Category 3 storm as it headed for Mexico’s Pacific coast — still strong enough to cause flash floods and damage, forecasters said. By 2100 GMT on Thursday, the tropical storm was downgraded by one category on the Saffir-Simpson....

Headed for Mexico, Hurricane Norma remains dangerous

2023-10-20T12:10+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Mexico City—Hurricane Norma weakened Thursday (Friday in Manila) to a Category 3 storm as it headed for Mexico’s Pacific coast — still strong enough to cause flash floods and damage, forecasters said. By 2100 GMT on Thursday, the tropical storm was downgraded by one category on the Saffir-Simpson....

Hurricane Norma spins off Mexico’s coastline

2023-10-20T11:34+0200arkansasonline (en)

MEXICO CITY -- Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico 's Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph maximum sustained winds and....

Downgraded Hurricane Norma still dangerous

2023-10-20T11:01+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

HURRICANE Norma weakened yesterday to a Category 3 storm as it headed for Mexico ’s Pacific coast - still strong enough to cause flash floods and damage, forecasters said. The tropical storm was downgraded by one category on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale of the US National Hurricane Center....

Weather tracker: Storm Babet leaves trail of destruction across Portugal

2023-10-20T10:51+0200guardian (en)

Although Storm Babet has been battering the coasts of the UK during the second half of this week, it had already left behind a trail of destruction across Portugal as it developed out in the Atlantic. Strong winds and torrential rain on Monday night into Tuesday resulted in flooding, with streets....

Headed For Mexico, Hurricane Norma Strengthens To Category 4

2023-10-20T10:48+0200ibtimes (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to a powerful Category 4 storm as it headed toward Mexico 's Pacific coast with winds exceeding 130 miles per hour, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. "Norma is a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale," said the center, which grades such storms up to a maximum Category 5.

Hurricane Norma weakens to category 3 as it heads toward Mexico

2023-10-20T08:50+0200efe (en)

Mexico City, Oct. 19 (EFE) – Hurricane Norma reduced its intensity to category 3 on Thursday afternoon during its advance toward northwestern Mexico, where it will make up to two landfalls during the weekend, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) reported.

Norma Rapidly Explodes Into Major Hurricane; Rains Expected In Central US

2023-10-20T08:12+0200natureworldnews (en)

Norma 's Track. The National Hurricane Center said that at 300 PM MDT (2100 UTC), the center of Hurricane Norma was spotted near latitude 17.5 North, longitude 108.0 West. Norma is moving towards the north near 6 mph (9 km/h). Further a turn to the north-northwest at a similar forward speed is expected during the next couple of days.

Headed for Mexico, Hurricane Norma downgraded to still-dangerous Category 3

2023-10-20T06:21+0200bssnews (en)

MEXICO CITY, Oct 20, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - Hurricane Norma weakened Thursday to a Category 3 storm as it headed for Mexico 's Pacific coast -- still strong enough to cause flash floods and damage, forecasters said. By 2100 GMT on Thursday, the tropical storm was downgraded by one category on the....

Category 4 Hurricane Norma threatens Mexico as Tammy approaches the Caribbean

2023-10-20T05:55+0200newsbeezer (en)

Moisture from current Tropical Storm Norma in the eastern Pacific could enter a low-pressure system next week and spread rain to the Southern Plains, although with uncertain levels. Here is our latest rainfall forecast for days 6-7 (Mon evening to Wednesday evening). pic.twitter.

Headed for Mexico, Hurricane Norma downgraded to still-dangerous Category 3

2023-10-20T05:32+0200wn (en)

Mexico City, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th Oct, 2023) Hurricane Norma weakened Thursday to a Category 3 storm as it headed for Mexico's Pacific coast -- still strong enough to cause flash floods and damage, forecasters said. By 2100 GMT on Thursday, the tropical storm was downgraded....

L'ouragan Norma s'affaiblit à l'approche du Mexique

2023-10-20T03:02+0200laliberte (fr)

L'ouragan Norma , qui était passé en catégorie 4, a été rétrogradé en catégorie 3 jeudi en s'approchant des côtes de la Basse-Californie, dans le nord-ouest du Mexique, selon le NHC. A 23h00, il se trouvait à 425 km à l'ouest de Manzanillo, avec des vents de 205 km/h.

Hurricane Norma weakens slightly on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-20T02:06+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico 's Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The US National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 125 mph (205 kph) maximum sustained....

Hurricane Norma strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-20T00:31+0200bna-en (en)

Mexico City, Oct. 19 (BNA): Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph)....

Hurricane Norma to Bring Heavy Rain and Flooding to Baja California

2023-10-20T00:17+0200qt (en)

Hurricane Norma was expected to bring heavy rains and possible flooding to Baja California, as the powerful storm headed toward Mexico ’s west coast, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Thursday, October 19. A hurricane warning was in effect for Baja California Sur, as the storm was expected....

L’ouragan Norma s’affaiblit en approchant du Mexique

2023-10-20T00:17+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

A 17 h (heure de l’Est), le phénomène se trouvait à 425 km à l’ouest de Manzanillo, avec des vents de 205 km/h et une allure de 9 km/h, selon le NHC. L’institut spécialisé prévoit que « Norma continue à s’affaiblir dans les prochains jours », mais que cela reste un ouragan près du sud de la Basse-Californie.

World News | Hurricane Norma Weakens Slightly on a Path Toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T23:57+0200latestly (en)

Mexico City, Oct 20 (AP) Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico's Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The US National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 125 mph (205 kmph) maximum....

Hurricane Norma weakens slightly on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T23:56+0200startribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico 's Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 125 mph (205 kph) maximum sustained....

Map: Monitoring Hurricane Norma – The New York Occasions

2023-10-19T23:37+0200worldakkam (en)

Whether or not a storm types within the Atlantic or the Pacific, it usually strikes west, that means Atlantic storms pose a better menace to North America. If a storm types within the Pacific near land, it could deliver damaging winds and rain earlier than pushing out to sea.

Hurricane Norma Packs Powerful Winds as It Churns Toward Mexico

2023-10-19T22:58+0200wn (en)

The Category 4 storm was expected to unleash heavy rain and likely cause flooding and mudslides in southern Baja California Sur this weekend, forecasters said. ......

Headed for Mexico, Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 4

2023-10-19T22:12+0200iraqinews (en)

Mexico City – Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to a powerful Category 4 storm as it headed toward Mexico’s Pacific coast with maximum sustained winds exceeding 130 miles per hour, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. “Norma is a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind....

Hurricane Norma Packs Powerful Winds as It Churns Toward Mexico

2023-10-19T21:44+0200nytimes (en)

Hurricane Norma was on track to brush past Cabo San Lucas on Thursday as it churned toward Baja California Sur in Mexico , where forecasters say it will unleash torrential rain and flooding in the southern portions of the state this weekend. The Category 4 hurricane ’s winds had reached 130 miles per hour as it churned north at 7 m.

Hurricane Norma Spaghetti Models Show Path for Texas

2023-10-19T21:40+0200newsweek-USA (en)

Hurricane Norma 's forecast track could send the storm's impact rippling into Texas. As of Thursday afternoon, the Category 4 hurricane had windspeeds of 130 miles per hour and was churning off the western coast of Mexico . It was headed toward Mexico at 7 mph and is expected to be near the southern....

L’ouragan Norma de catégorie 4 menace le Mexique tandis que Tammy s’approche des Caraïbes

2023-10-19T21:30+0200news-24 (fr)

L’humidité provenant de ce qui est actuellement la tempête tropicale Norma dans le Pacifique oriental pourrait alimenter un système dépressionnaire et propager de la pluie dans les plaines du sud la semaine prochaine, mais avec des quantités incertaines.

Hurricane Norma, Headed For Mexico, Strengthens To Category 4

2023-10-19T21:22+0200ndtvnews (en)

Mexico City, Mexico: Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to a powerful Category 4 storm as it headed toward Mexico's Pacific coast with winds exceeding 130 miles per hour, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. "Norma is a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale,"....

Norma now a major hurricane headed toward Mexico

2023-10-19T21:10+0200foxweather (en)

Norma rapidly intensified overnight and is now a major hurricane. Despite gradual weakening being forecast over the next few days, a Hurricane Watch is in effect for the southern tip of Baja California as it will likely be a borderline hurricane-strong tropical storm strength as it moves near Baja and Cabo San Lucas.

Extreme Precautions Urged as Hurricane “Norma” Strengthens: Latest Updates from National Meteorological Service

2023-10-19T21:09+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-19 16:19:00 The National Meteorological Service reported that after 9:00 in the morning the meteor gained strength and they called for extreme precautions. By: Ofelia Fierros. After 9:00 a.m. this Thursday, Hurricane “ Norma ” increased its intensity and is now classified as Category 4, on the....

Headed for Mexico, Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 4

2023-10-19T21:00+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to a powerful Category 4 storm as it headed toward Mexico 's Pacific coast with winds exceeding 130 miles per hour, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said Mexico City, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Oct, 2023) Hurricane Norma strengthened ....

Hurricane Norma strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T20:49+0200whig (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm off Mexico ’s Pacific coast and is continuing on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula by the weekend. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Thursday < that Norma had 130 mph or 215 kph maximum....

Hurricane Norma strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T20:45+0200startribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico 's Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum sustained....

Headed for Mexico, Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 4

2023-10-19T20:27+0200phys (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to a powerful Category 4 storm as it headed toward Mexico 's Pacific coast with winds exceeding 130 miles per hour, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. "Norma is a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale," said the center, which grades such storms up to a maximum Category 5.

Hurricane Norma has been upgraded to a Category 4 and is expected to make landfall ...

2023-10-19T20:20+0200wn (en)

(CNN Spanish) — Tropical Cyclone Norma Strengthened This Thursday morning, a category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale, Mexico ’s National Meteorological Service (SMN) reported on its X account, earlier on Twitter. According to Upgrade At 11:00 a.m.

Headed for Mexico, Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 4

2023-10-19T20:12+0200urdupoint (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to a powerful Category 4 storm as it headed toward Mexico 's Pacific coast with winds exceeding 130 miles per hour, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. Mexico City, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Oct, 2023) Hurricane Norma strengthened....

Hurricane “Norma” raised to category 4 as it approaches Mexico

2023-10-19T19:38+0200thesaxon (en)

NOAA/Agence France-Presse “ Norma “is moving north at 11 km/h and is expected touch the southern tip of the Mexican peninsula on Saturday. Hurricane Norma strengthened with winds of more than 200 km/h and was upgraded to category 4 as it approached the coast of Baja California, in northwestern....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on path toward Los Cabos

2023-10-19T19:23+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

MEXICO CITY >> Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm today as it spun off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph maximum sustained winds and was....

US coastal areas brace for two strong storms from Pacific, Atlantic oceans this weekend, know details here

2023-10-19T19:17+0200wn (en)

Amid the hurricane season is supposed to be wrapping up, strong storms are swirling in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans near the United States' coastal areas, reported themessenger.com.According to the report, Hurricane Norma has rapidly strengthened into a major hurricane and is barreling toward the west coast of Mexico .

Headed for Mexico, Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 4 19 October 2023

2023-10-19T19:11+0200enca (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to a powerful Category 4 storm as it headed toward Mexico 's Pacific coast with maximum sustained winds exceeding 209 kilometres per hour, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. "Norma is a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale,"....

US coastal areas brace for two strong storms from Pacific, Atlantic oceans this weekend, know details here

2023-10-19T19:10+0200livemint (en)

ALSO READ: Category 4 Hurricane Lidia slams near Mexico 's Puerto Vallarta; schools, airport to remain closed. 10 points Also, by Thursday, additional strengthening is possible which is followed by gradual weakening beginning Friday and continuing into the weekend.

L’ouragan Norma s’est renforcé et atteint la catégorie 4 à l’approche du Mexique

2023-10-19T19:03+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

L’ouragan Norma s’est intensifié avec des vents dépassant les 200 km/h et a été classé en catégorie 4 lors de son arrivée près des côtes de Basse-Californie, dans le nord-ouest du Mexique, a annoncé le Centre national des ouragans américain (NHC) jeudi.

18:55 | vents violents Le Mexique se prépare à l’arrivée de l’ouragan Norma relevé en catégorie 4

2023-10-19T19:02+020020minutes (fr)

Plus de 6.600 soldats mexicains sont en alerte à l’approche de l’ouragan Norma . Il s’est renforcé avec des vents à plus de 200 km/h et a été relevé en catégorie 4 à son approche des côtes de la Basse-Californie, dans le nord-ouest du Mexique , a annoncé jeudi le Centre national des ouragans américain (NHC).

Category 4 Hurricane Norma threatens Mexico while Tammy nears Caribbean

2023-10-19T19:00+0200WashingtonPost (en)

Hurricane # Norma is strengthening southwest of Mexico . Norma’s exact track remains quite uncertain, but it is becoming increasingly likely that there will be impacts to the southern tip of Baja California Sur and Cabo San Lucas by Saturday. Tracker → Zoom Earth (@zoom_earth) October 18, 2023 “Heavy....

Caribbean Islands Brace for Tropical Storm Tammy; Norma Threatens Baja California

2023-10-19T18:56+0200claimsjournal (en)

Tropical Storm Tammy has formed with winds of 40 miles (64 kilometers) per hour in the central Atlantic where it is forecast to take a sweeping turn to the north, the US National Hurricane Center said. As it traces that arc across the basin, it will hit several of the small islands in the region....

Mexico-weather-Norma newseries

2023-10-19T18:51+0200nampa (en)

Headed for Mexico , Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 4 =(Picture)= ATTENTION - UPDATES, ADDS president's statement /// Mexico City, Oct 19, 2023 (AFP) - Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to a powerful Category 4 storm as it headed toward Mexico's Pacific coast with winds exceeding 130....

Breaking News: Hurricane Norma Approaches Baja California Coast as a Category 4 Storm

2023-10-19T18:45+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-19 16:09:48. Hurricane Norma strengthened with winds of more than 200 km/h and was upgraded to category 4 as it approached the coast of Baja California, in northwestern Mexico , the National Center announced Thursday. of American hurricanes (NHC).

L’ouragan «Norma» relevé en catégorie 4 à l’approche du Mexique

2023-10-19T18:39+0200ledevoir (fr)

L’ouragan Norma s’est renforcé avec des vents à plus de 200 km/h et a été relevé en catégorie 4 à son approche des côtes de la Basse-Californie, dans le nord-ouest du Mexique, a annoncé jeudi le Centre national des ouragans américain (NHC). Norma est un ouragan de catégorie 4 sur (les 5 que compte)....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T18:36+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico 's Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. ......

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T18:19+0200chron (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward …

2023-10-19T18:17+0200wearecentralpa (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T18:14+0200startribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico 's Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum sustained....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T18:10+0200ABCnews (en)

MEXICO CITY -- Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum sustained....

Headed for Mexico, Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 4

2023-10-19T18:09+0200digitaljournal (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to a powerful Category 4 storm as it headed toward Mexico ’s Pacific coast with maximum sustained winds exceeding 130 miles per hour, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. “Norma is a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale,” said....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward …

2023-10-19T18:04+0200wowktv (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T18:04+0200whig (en)

Hurricane Norma has strengthened to a major storm as it spins off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Thursday that Norma had 1 <30 mph or 215 kph maximum sustained winds....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T18:03+0200apnews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum....

Israel’s defense minister promises ground invasion of Gaza, tells troops to be ready to see territory “from the inside”

2023-10-19T18:02+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

Hurricane Norma has strengthened to a major storm as it spins off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. Asylum seekers have started returning to the barge moored off the south coast of England, more than two months....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T18:02+0200wsoctv (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T18:02+0200independent-UK (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum sustained winds and was....

Headed for Mexico, Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 4

2023-10-19T18:02+0200rfi-en (en)

" Norma is a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale," said the center, which grades such storms up to a maximum Category 5. Maximum sustained winds were near 130 miles (215 kilometers) per hour, with higher gusts. "Small intensity fluctuations are possible today, followed by....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T18:02+0200sfgate (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T18:01+0200actionnewsjax (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum....

October 19, 2023 Hurricane Norma strengthens to major Category 3 off Mexico

2023-10-19T18:00+020092newshd (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthens to major Category 3 off Mexico . MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AFP) - Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to a major Category 3 as it headed toward Mexico's Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. "Norma is a category 3 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson wind scale.

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T17:58+0200news4jax (en)

This satellite image provided by NOAA on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023, shows Hurricane Storm Norma approaching the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula on Mexico 's Pacific coast. (NOAA via AP) (Uncredited) MEXICO CITY – Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off....

Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthens on a path toward Los Cabos in Mexico

2023-10-19T17:53+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — Hurricane Norma strengthened to a major storm Thursday as it spun off Mexico ’s Pacific coast on a path expected to bring it near Los Cabos at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said that Norma had 130 mph (215 kph) maximum sustained....

L’ouragan Norma, relevé en catégorie 3, s’approche du Mexique

2023-10-19T17:38+0200sudouest (fr)

L’ouragan Norma s’est renforcé avec des vents à plus de 200 km/h et a été relevé en catégorie 3 à son approche des côtes de la Basse-Californie, dans le nord-ouest du Mexique, a annoncé jeudi le Centre national des ouragans américain (NHC). « Norma est un ouragan de catégorie 3 sur les 5 que compte....

Category 3 Hurricane Norma churns toward Mexican Pacific

2023-10-19T17:32+0200wsau (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma strengthened into a Category 3 hurricane early on Thursday as it neared peak strength in the Pacific, off the coast of popular tourist resorts on Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula. “Norma has rapidly intensified into a major hurricane,” the U.S.

Important Information about the Caribbean Storm System: NPR

2023-10-19T17:22+0200vervetimes (en)

Tropical Storm Tammy is currently moving west towards the Leeward Islands, with sustained wind speeds of 60 mph, according to the National Hurricane Center. The storm is expected to strengthen as it makes landfall across various Caribbean islands in the next few days. Tammy could potentially reach hurricane intensity by early Saturday.

Mexico-weather-Norma lead

2023-10-19T17:21+0200nampa (en)

Hurricane Norma strengthens to major Category 3 off Mexico Mexico City, Oct 19, 2023 (AFP) - Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to a major Category 3 as it headed toward Mexico's Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. "Norma is a category 3 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson wind scale.

Category 3 Hurricane Norma churns toward Mexican Pacific MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma strengthened into a Category 3 hurricane early on Thursday as it neared peak strength in the Pacific, off the ... 57m ago

2023-10-19T17:17+0200kelo (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma strengthened into a Category 3 hurricane early on Thursday as it neared peak strength in the Pacific, off the coast of popular tourist resorts on Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula. “Norma has rapidly intensified into a major hurricane,” the U.S.

Tropical Storm Tammy is forecast to bring heavy rain to the Caribbean this weekend

2023-10-19T17:13+0200npr (en)

A tropical storm that's churning in the North Atlantic ocean is expected to begin moving West, strengthening as it makes landfall across a string of Caribbean islands in the coming days. Forecasters say the storm system, which is being called Tammy, could gradually strengthen in the next 48 hours, nearing hurricane intensity by early Saturday.

L’ouragan Norma relevé en catégorie 3 à l’approche du Mexique

2023-10-19T17:13+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Avec des vents de plus de 200 km/h, Norma vient de passer en catégorie 3, à l’approche des côtes de la Basse Californie. En août, la Basse Californie, au Mexique, avait déjà été victime de la tempête Hillary, de catégorie 1 cette fois. (Photo archives EPA-EFE/Alejandro Zepeda) L’ouragan Norma s’est....

Category 3 Hurricane Norma churns toward Mexican Pacific

2023-10-19T17:12+0200wkzo (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma strengthened into a Category 3 hurricane early on Thursday as it neared peak strength in the Pacific, off the coast of popular tourist resorts on Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula. “Norma has rapidly intensified into a major hurricane,” the U.S.

Au MexiqueL'ouragan Norma relevé en catégorie 3 0 0 1

2023-10-19T17:12+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

L'ouragan Norma s'est renforcé avec des vents à plus de 200 km/h et a été relevé en catégorie 3 à son approche des côtes de la Basse Californie, dans le nord-ouest du Mexique, a annoncé jeudi le Centre national des ouragans américain (NHC). «Norma est un ouragan de catégorie 3 sur (les 5 que compte) l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson.

L'ouragan Norma relevé en catégorie 3 à l'approche du Mexique

2023-10-19T17:10+0200loophaiti (fr)

L'ouragan Norma s'est renforcé avec des vents à plus de 200 km/h et a été relevé en catégorie 3 à son approche des côtes de la Basse-Californie, dans le nord-ouest du Mexique, a annoncé jeudi le Centre national des ouragans américain (NHC). «Norma est un ouragan de catégorie 3 sur (les 5 que compte) l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson.

Category 3 Hurricane Norma churns toward Mexican Pacific

2023-10-19T17:01+0200wn (en)

Companies Estado de Baja CaliforniaFollow MEXICO CITY, Oct 19 (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma strengthened into a Category 3 hurricane early on Thursday as it neared peak strength in the Pacific, off the coast of popular tourist resorts on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula.

Mexique : le Centre national des ouragans américain relève l'ouragan Norma en «catégorie 3»

2023-10-19T16:59+0200lefigaro (fr)

Accepter les cookies ou Refuser et s'abonner Mexique : le Centre national des ouragans américain relève l'ouragan Norma en «catégorie....

Category 3 Hurricane Norma churns toward Mexican Pacific Reuters |Updated 30 minutes ago |1 min read Premium content MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma strengthened into a Category 3 hurricane early on Thursday as it neared peak strength in the Pacific, off the coast of popular tourist resorts on Mexico's Baja California peninsula.

2023-10-19T16:55+0200thechronicleherald (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma strengthened into a Category 3 hurricane early on Thursday as it neared peak strength in the Pacific, off the coast of popular tourist resorts on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula. "Norma has rapidly intensified into a major hurricane," the U.S.

L'ouragan Norma s'est renforcé avec des vents à plus de 200 km/h et a été relevé en catégorie 3. Côtes de la Basse-Californie Mexique: l'ouragan Norma relevé en catégorie 3

2023-10-19T16:54+0200journaldemontreal (fr)

L'ouragan Norma s'est renforcé avec des vents à plus de 200 km/h et a été relevé en catégorie 3 à son approche des côtes de la Basse-Californie, dans le nord-ouest du Mexique, a annoncé jeudi le Centre national des ouragans américain (NHC). «Norma est un ouragan de catégorie 3 sur (les 5 que compte) l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson.

Hurricane Norma Strengthens To Major Category 3 Off Mexico: NHC

2023-10-19T16:53+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/hurricane-norma-strengthens-to-major-category-3-off-mexico-nhc-4f770ea4.

L'ouragan Norma s'est renforcé avec des vents à plus de 200 km/h et a été relevé en catégorie 3. Côtes de la Basse-Californie Mexique: l'ouragan Norma relevé en catégorie 3

2023-10-19T16:53+0200journaldequebec (fr)

L'ouragan Norma s'est renforcé avec des vents à plus de 200 km/h et a été relevé en catégorie 3 à son approche des côtes de la Basse-Californie, dans le nord-ouest du Mexique, a annoncé jeudi le Centre national des ouragans américain (NHC). «Norma est un ouragan de catégorie 3 sur (les 5 que compte) l'échelle de Saffir-Simpson.


2023-10-19T16:51+0200nampa (en)

URGENT Hurricane Norma strengthens to major Category 3 off Mexico : NHC Mexico City, Oct 19, 2023 (AFP) - Hurricane Norma strengthened Thursday to major Category 3 as it headed toward Mexico's Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. "Norma is a category 3 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson wind scale.

Le Mexique se prépare à l’arrivée de l’ouragan Normal : des vents atteignant plus de 200km/h attendus ce jeudi

2023-10-19T16:48+0200sudinfo (fr)

En ce moment Le Mexique se prépare à l’arrivée de l’ouragan Norma l : des vents atteignant plus de 200km/h attendus ce jeudi L’ouragan Norma s’est renforcé avec des vents à plus de 200 km/h et a été relevé en catégorie 3 à son approche des côtes de la Basse Californie, dans le nord-ouest du Mexique,....

Le Mexique se prépare à l’arrivée de l’ouragan Normal : le Centre national des ouragans américain le relève en catégorie 3

2023-10-19T16:41+0200sudinfo (fr)

En ce moment Le Mexique se prépare à l’arrivée de l’ouragan Norma l : le Centre national des ouragans américain le relève en catégorie 3 L’ouragan Norma relevé en catégorie 3 à l’approche du Mexique, selon le Centre national des ouragans américain Illustration -....

Hurricane Norma Heads For Los Cabos—Mexico's 3rd Major Storm In 2 Weeks

2023-10-19T16:39+0200wn (en)

Norma strengthened into a category 3 storm on its way to the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula. ......

Category 3 Hurricane Norma Churns Toward Mexican Pacific

2023-10-19T16:28+0200usnews (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma strengthened into a Category 3 hurricane early on Thursday as it neared peak strength in the Pacific, off the coast of popular tourist resorts on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula. "Norma has rapidly intensified into a major hurricane," the U.S.

Category 3 Hurricane Norma churns toward Mexican Pacific MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma strengthened into a Category 3 hurricane early on Thursday as it neared peak strength in the Pacific, off the coast of popular tourist resorts on Mexico's Baja California peninsula. "Norma has rapidly ...

2023-10-19T16:24+0200saltwire (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma strengthened into a Category 3 hurricane early on Thursday as it neared peak strength in the Pacific, off the coast of popular tourist resorts on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula. "Norma has rapidly intensified into a major hurricane," the U.S.

Weather Weak cold front arrives today Josh Johns

2023-10-19T15:56+0200kxxv (en)

CENTRAL TEXAS — A cold front is passing through today, but you won't be able to feel it as the colder air passes to the northeast. Highs will climb into the mid 80s later on this afternoon with north winds blowing drier air in . The only cooler air you will notice from this front will be once the sun goes down tonight.

Norma rapidly strengthens to Category 3 hurricane

2023-10-19T12:56+0200foxweather (en)

Norma is a category 3 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. Additional strengthening is possible Thursday followed by gradual weakening beginning Friday and continuing into the weekend.

Mexico - Tropical cyclone NORMA (GDACS, NOAA, CONAGUA) (ECHO Daily Flash of 19 October 2023)

2023-10-19T12:21+0200reliefWeb (en)

A new tropical cyclone named NORMA formed over the eastern North Pacific Ocean on 17 October and started moving toward central-western Mexico as a tropical storm, streghtening. On 19 October at 3.00 UTC, its centre was located over the Ocean approximately 740 km south of Cabo San Lucas City, the....

Il Meteo in Sicilia, temperature in aumento e rischio incendi – LE PREVISIONI

2023-10-19T07:37+0200blogsicilia (it)

L’alta pressione prosegue offrendo tempo stabile ed assolato ovunque. Nello specifico su litorale tirrenico, litorale meridionale e sull’Appennino cieli in prevalenza sereni o poco nuvolosi per l’intera giornata; sul litorale ionico cieli inizialmente molto nuvolosi o coperti ma con ampi e veloci....

Allerta dal Messico ai Caraibi: l’uragano Norma minaccia Los Cabos, la tempesta Tammy avanza nell’Atlantico

2023-10-19T06:40+0200meteoweb (it)

L’ uragano Norma ha guadagnato forza al largo della costa del Messico che si affaccia sul Pacifico, prendendo di mira Los Cabos , località all’estremità meridionale della penisola della Bassa California. Nel frattempo, nell’Atlantico , la tempesta tropicale Tammy si sta spostando verso le isole di Barbados, Dominica e Martinica e Guadalupa.

FOX Forecast Center tracking two tropical cyclones

2023-10-19T06:33+0200foxweather (en)

Tropical Storm Tammy has developed in the Atlantic while Hurricane Norma continues to strengthen in the eastern Pacific.

Pacifique: l’ouragan Norma pourrait toucher des stations balnéaires mexicaines

2023-10-19T06:30+0200lactualite (fr)

MÉXICO L’ouragan Norma s’est renforcé mercredi au large de la côte pacifique du Mexique et a pris pour cible Los Cabos, la station balnéaire située à l’extrémité sud de la péninsule de Basse-Californie. Pendant ce temps, dans l’Atlantique, la tempête tropicale Tammy se dirigeait vers les îles de la....

Hurricane Norma forms off Mexico’s Pacific coast, …

2023-10-19T06:24+0200wearecentralpa (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma gained strength Wednesday off Mexico ’s Pacific coast and took aim at Los Cabos, the resorts at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. Meanwhile, in the Atlantic, Tropical Storm Tammy was moving toward the islands of Barbados, Dominica, and Martinique and Guadeloupe.

Hurricane Norma forms off Mexico’s Pacific coast, …

2023-10-19T05:58+0200wowktv (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma gained strength Wednesday off Mexico ’s Pacific coast and took aim at Los Cabos, the resorts at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. Meanwhile, in the Atlantic, Tropical Storm Tammy was moving toward the islands of Barbados, Dominica, and Martinique and Guadeloupe.

Hurricane Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast, could hit Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-19T05:58+0200actionnewsjax (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma gained strength Wednesday off Mexico ’s Pacific coast and took aim at Los Cabos, the resorts at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. Meanwhile, in the Atlantic, Tropical Storm Tammy was moving toward the islands of Barbados, Dominica, and Martinique and Guadeloupe.

Hurricane Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast, could hit Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-19T05:58+0200wsoctv (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma gained strength Wednesday off Mexico ’s Pacific coast and took aim at Los Cabos, the resorts at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. Meanwhile, in the Atlantic, Tropical Storm Tammy was moving toward the islands of Barbados, Dominica, and Martinique and Guadeloupe.

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California

2023-10-19T03:13+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC).

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico's Baja Californi... 1h ago

2023-10-19T02:19+0200whbl (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The Miami-based center upgraded Norma to a Category 1 hurricane earlier on Wednesday.

Scripps News Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthening on path to Mexico's Los Cabos Alex Arger 7:36 PM, Oct 18, 2023

2023-10-19T02:00+0200abcactionnews (en)

Hurricane Norma continued to rapidly intensify off Mexico 's Pacific coast Wednesday afternoon, transforming from a tropical storm to a Category 1 hurricane with top winds of 80 mph. Norma is heading toward Los Cabos, which is made up of the twin resorts of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas.

Scripps News Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthening on path to Mexico's Los Cabos Alex Arger 6:36 PM, Oct 18, 2023

2023-10-19T01:55+0200kxxv (en)

Hurricane Norma continued to rapidly intensify off Mexico 's Pacific coast Wednesday afternoon, transforming from a tropical storm to a Category 1 hurricane with top winds of 80 mph. Norma is heading toward Los Cabos, which is made up of the twin resorts of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas.

Scripps News Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthening on path to Mexico's Los Cabos Alex Arger 5:36 PM, Oct 18, 2023

2023-10-19T01:50+0200koaa (en)

Hurricane Norma continued to rapidly intensify off Mexico 's Pacific coast Wednesday afternoon, transforming from a tropical storm to a Category 1 hurricane with top winds of 80 mph. Norma is heading toward Los Cabos, which is made up of the twin resorts of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas.

Scripps News Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthening on path to Mexico's Los Cabos Alex Arger 7:36 PM, Oct 18, 2023

2023-10-19T01:46+0200wkbw (en)

Hurricane Norma continued to rapidly intensify off Mexico 's Pacific coast Wednesday afternoon, transforming from a tropical storm to a Category 1 hurricane with top winds of 80 mph. Norma is heading toward Los Cabos, which is made up of the twin resorts of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas.

Scripps News Hurricane Norma rapidly strengthening on path to Mexico's Los Cabos Alex Arger 4:36 PM, Oct 18, 2023

2023-10-19T01:43+0200ksby (en)

Hurricane Norma continued to rapidly intensify off Mexico 's Pacific coast Wednesday afternoon, transforming from a tropical storm to a Category 1 hurricane with top winds of 80 mph. Norma is heading toward Los Cabos, which is made up of the twin resorts of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas.

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico's Baja Californi... 1h ago

2023-10-19T01:33+0200kelo (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The Miami-based center upgraded Norma to a Category 1 hurricane earlier on Wednesday.

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California

2023-10-19T01:22+0200wkzo (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The Miami-based center upgraded Norma to a Category 1 hurricane earlier on Wednesday.

Hurricane Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast, heads towards Los Cabos

2023-10-19T01:06+0200HindustanTimes (en)

Hurricane Norma formed off Mexico 's Pacific coast Wednesday and is heading toward Los Cabos, at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. This satellite image shows Tropical Storm Norma forming near the Mexican Western Pacific coast.(AP) The US National Hurricane Center said Norma became a....

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California

2023-10-19T01:02+0200wsau (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The Miami-based center upgraded Norma to a Category 1 hurricane earlier on Wednesday.

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California Reuters |Updated 22 minutes ago |1 min read Premium content MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California peninsula, home....

2023-10-19T00:59+0200thechronicleherald (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The Miami-based center upgraded Norma to a Category 1 hurricane earlier on Wednesday.

Hurricane Norma churns in the Pacific

2023-10-19T00:46+0200foxweather (en)

Norma has strengthened into a hurricane, and forecasters say it's only going to get strong. FOX Weather Hurricane Specialist Bryan Norcross has the latest forecast.

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California

2023-10-19T00:43+0200gazette (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The Miami-based center upgraded Norma to a Category 1 hurricane earlier on Wednesday.

Hurricane Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast, could hit Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-19T00:40+0200devdiscourse (en)

The US National Hurricane Center said Norma became a hurricane Wednesday with top sustained winds of 80 mph 130 kmph.Norma is forecast to reach Los Cabos, made up of the twin resorts of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas, by Sunday with hurricane force winds.

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane .

2023-10-19T00:39+0200saltwire (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The Miami-based center upgraded Norma to a Category 1 hurricane earlier on Wednesday.

Hurricane Norma Seen Strengthening as It Churns Toward Baja California

2023-10-19T00:39+0200usnews (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The Miami-based center upgraded Norma to a Category 1 hurricane earlier on Wednesday.

‘Rapidly intensifying' Hurricane Norma to make landfall near Mexican resort hub Los Cabos

2023-10-19T00:39+0200nbcnewyork (en)

Norma is forecast to reach Los Cabos, made up of the twin resorts of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas, by Sunday with hurricane-force winds. By Associated Press Published 2 mins ago. formed off Mexico ’s Pacific coast Wednesday and is heading toward Los Cabos, at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

‘Rapidly intensifying' Hurricane Norma to make landfall near Mexican resort hub Los Cabos

2023-10-19T00:38+0200nbcbayarea (en)

Norma is forecast to reach Los Cabos, made up of the twin resorts of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas, by Sunday with hurricane-force winds. formed off Mexico ’s Pacific coast Wednesday and is heading toward Los Cabos, at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California

2023-10-19T00:33+0200reuters (en)

MEXICO CITY, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The Miami-based center upgraded Norma to a Category 1 hurricane earlier on Wednesday.

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California

2023-10-19T00:32+0200streetinsider (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The Miami-based center upgraded Norma to a Category 1 hurricane earlier on Wednesday.

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California

2023-10-19T00:32+02004-traders (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The Miami-based center upgraded Norma to a Category 1 hurricane earlier on Wednesday.

Hurricane Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast, could hit Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-19T00:30+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma formed off Mexico ’s Pacific coast Wednesday and is heading toward Los Cabos, at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Norma became a hurricane Wednesday with top....

Hurricane Norma seen strengthening as it churns toward Baja California

2023-10-19T00:30+0200devdiscourse (en)

Hurricane Norma is expected to further strengthen on Wednesday as it bears down on the southern tip of Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, home to popular tourist beach resorts, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). Ocean swells prompted by Norma are affecting portions of the coast....

Hurricane Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast, could hit Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-19T00:15+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma formed off Mexico ’s Pacific coast Wednesday and is heading toward Los Cabos, at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Norma became a hurricane Wednesday with top sustained winds of 80 mph (130 kph).

Hurricane Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast, could hit Mexican resorts at Los Cabos MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma formed off Mexico’s Pacific coast Wednesday and is heading toward Los Cabos, at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. The U.S. Oct 18, 2023 2:44 PM Read more >

2023-10-19T00:13+0200timescolonist (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma formed off Mexico ’s Pacific coast Wednesday and is heading toward Los Cabos, at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Norma became a hurricane Wednesday with top sustained winds of 80 mph (130 kph).

Hurricane Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast, could hit Mexican resorts at Los Cabos 0 10/18/2023 2:44:22 PM

2023-10-19T00:12+0200tricitynews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Norma formed off Mexico ’s Pacific coast Wednesday and is heading toward Los Cabos, at the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Norma became a hurricane Wednesday with top sustained winds of 80 mph (130 kph).

Map: Tracking Tropical Storm Norma

2023-10-18T22:46+0200nytimes (en)

The tropical storm had sustained wind speeds of 70 miles per hour. When will damaging winds arrive? Tropical-storm-force winds, with sustained speeds of at least 39 miles per hour, typically arrive as weather conditions begin to deteriorate, and experts say their estimated arrival time is a good....

Tropical Storm Norma to rapidly strengthen into hurricane Wednesday, NHC says

2023-10-18T22:42+0200foxweather (en)

The National Hurricane Center is now tracking Tropical Storm Norma and another disturbance in the Eastern Pacific Ocean that could become a one-two punch for the coastline of Mexico .

Tropical Storm Norma tracker: Map and projected storm path

2023-10-18T21:40+0200WashingtonPost (en)

Tropical Storm Norma was named in the Pacific on Tuesday evening. It’s expected to strengthen into a hurricane and threaten cities on the Baja California Peninsula.

Tropical Storm Norma could become Category 3 hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-18T18:42+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma could briefly grow into a major hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said Wednesday. Norma continued to strengthen Wednesday off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast, and is forecast to reach Los Cabos, made....

The rains will continue: Tropical storm ‘Norma’ will affect these entities of the country

2023-10-18T18:13+0200bullfrag (en)

Tropical Storm Norma , which may become a hurricane, will cause “intense” rains this Wednesday in the states of the Mexican Pacific reported the National Meteorological Service (SMN). In the last report, Norma was located 655 kilometers southwest of the port of Manzanillo, Colima state, and 660 kilometers southwest of Punta San Telmo, Michoacán.

Tropical Storm Norma could become Category 3 hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-18T17:31+0200chron (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma could briefly grow into a major hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said Wednesday. Norma continued to strengthen Wednesday off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast, and is forecast to reach Los Cabos, made up....

Tropical Storm Norma could become Category 3 hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-18T17:22+0200whig (en)

Tropical Storm Norma could briefly grow into a major hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said the storm continued to strengthen Wednesday off Mexico 's western Pacific coast. Norma is forecast to reach < Los Cabos, made up of the twin resorts of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas, by Monday.

Tropical Storm Norma could become Category 3 hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-18T17:22+0200ABCnews (en)

MEXICO CITY -- Tropical Storm Norma could briefly grow into a major hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said Wednesday. Norma continued to strengthen Wednesday off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast, and is forecast to reach Los Cabos, made up of....

Tropical Storm Norma could become Category 3 hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-18T17:15+0200sfgate (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma could briefly grow into a major hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said Wednesday. Norma continued to strengthen Wednesday off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast, and is forecast to reach Los Cabos, made up....

Tropical Storm Norma could become Category 3 hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-18T17:08+0200apnews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma could briefly grow into a major hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said Wednesday. Norma continued to strengthen Wednesday off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast, and is forecast to reach Los Cabos, made up of....

Tropical Storm Norma could become Category 3 hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos

2023-10-18T17:07+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — Tropical Storm Norma could briefly grow into a major hurricane before hitting Mexican resorts at Los Cabos, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said Wednesday. Norma continued to strengthen Wednesday off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast, and is forecast to reach Los Cabos, made up of the....

Meteo, Italia spaccata in due: rischio nubifragi al Centro-Nord, caldo record al Sud (ma per poco)

2023-10-18T16:42+0200firstonline (it)

Sul fronte meteorologico, l’ Italia sarà spaccata in due nelle prossime 48 ore: al Nord tornano le piogge con rischio nubifragi, mentre al Sud ci sarà di nuovo un caldo anomalo , con punte oltre i 30 gradi. Questo perché un vortice ciclonico è in discesa dal Nord Europa e si avvicina al nostro Paese....

Mexico - Severe weather and floods (Civil Protection Veracruz, GDACS, CONAGUA) (ECHO Daily Flash of 18 October 2023)

2023-10-18T15:28+0200reliefWeb (en)

Over the past few days, heavy rainfall and strong winds have affected parts of Veracruz State in eastern Mexico , causing floods and severe weather-related incidents, triggering landslides and resulting in casualties and damage. According to local authorities, one person died in Coatzacoalcos City in....

Arriva il ciclone Medusa ed è allerta meteo: temporali, vento, mareggiate e frane /

2023-10-18T14:50+0200ilrestodelcarlino (it)

l’arrivo del ciclone Medusa è previsto per la giornata di domani, giovedì 19 ottobre . Gli esperti Arpae hanno infatti previsto maltempo su tutta la regione con rischi di frane, temporali, vento e mareggiate . Nello specifico, è stata diramata un’allerta arancione per criticità idrogeologica e....

Storm Norma will strengthen to hurricane as it aims at Baja California

2023-10-18T10:57+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted.

Storm Norma will strengthen to hurricane as it aims at Baja California MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos touris... 1h ago

2023-10-18T03:54+0200kelo (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted. The center of the storm was located on Tuesday about....

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico’s Pacific coast and may threaten resort of Los Cabos

2023-10-18T03:46+0200dailyjournal (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Storm Norma will strengthen to hurricane as it aims at Baja California

2023-10-18T03:43+0200wsau (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted. The center of the storm was located on Tuesday about....

Storm Norma will strengthen to hurricane as it aims at Baja California MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the... 58m ago

2023-10-18T03:36+0200wkzo (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted. The center of the storm was located on Tuesday about....

Storm Norma will strengthen to hurricane as it aims at Baja California

2023-10-18T03:30+0200whbl (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico ’s Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted. The center of the storm was located on Tuesday about....

Storm Norma will strengthen to hurricane as it aims at Baja California Reuters |Updated 29 minutes ago |1 min read Premium content MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico's Baja California peninsula, the U.

2023-10-18T03:14+0200thechronicleherald (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted. The center of the storm was located on Tuesday about....

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico’s Pacific coast and may threaten resort of Los Cabos

2023-10-18T03:04+0200therepublic (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico’s Pacific coast and may threaten resort of Los Cabos

2023-10-18T03:03+0200tribtown (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Storm Norma will strengthen to hurricane as it aims at Baja California

2023-10-18T02:58+0200reuters (en)

MEXICO CITY, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted.

Storm Norma Will Strengthen to Hurricane as It Aims at Baja California

2023-10-18T02:50+0200usnews (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted. The center of the storm was located on Tuesday....

Storm Norma will strengthen to hurricane as it aims at Baja California MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico's Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) .

2023-10-18T02:46+0200saltwire (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted. The center of the storm was located on Tuesday about....

Storm Norma will strengthen to hurricane as it aims at Baja California

2023-10-18T02:40+02004-traders (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted. The center of the storm was located on Tuesday....

Storm Norma will strengthen to hurricane as it aims at Baja California

2023-10-18T02:39+0200streetinsider (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted. The center of the storm was located on Tuesday about....

Storm Norma will strengthen to hurricane as it aims at Baja California

2023-10-18T02:35+0200devdiscourse (en)

Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on Wednesday as it churns towards the popular Los Cabos tourist area on Mexico 's Baja California peninsula, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicted. SHARE; Tropical Storm Norma will likely strengthen to hurricane status on....

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast and may threaten resort of Los Cabos

2023-10-18T02:02+0200startribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico 's western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico’s Pacific coast

2023-10-18T01:26+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

Unlimited access to premium stories for as low as $12.95 /mo. Get It Now MEXICO CITY >> Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast and may threaten resort of Los Cabos

2023-10-18T00:42+0200chron (en)

This satellite image provided by NOAA on Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023, shows Tropical Storm Norma forming near the Mexican Western Pacific coast. (NOAA via AP) AP. MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S.

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast and may threaten resort of Los Cabos

2023-10-18T00:18+0200sfgate (en)

This satellite image provided by NOAA on Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023, shows Tropical Storm Norma forming near the Mexican Western Pacific coast. (NOAA via AP) AP. MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S.

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast and may threaten resort of Los Cabos

2023-10-18T00:12+0200independent-UK (en)

Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula. Norma could reach Los Cabos, made up of the twin resorts....

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico’s Pacific coast …

2023-10-18T00:11+0200wearecentralpa (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast

2023-10-18T00:10+0200ABCnews (en)

MEXICO CITY -- Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane , threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Tropical Storm Norma Forms off Mexico's Pacific Coast and May Threaten Resort of Los Cabos

2023-10-18T00:07+0200usnews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast and may threaten resort of Los Cabos

2023-10-18T00:06+0200wsoctv (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico’s Pacific coast …

2023-10-18T00:05+0200wowktv (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico’s Pacific coast and may threaten resort of Los Cabos

2023-10-18T00:03+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Tropical Storm Norma forms off Mexico's Pacific coast and may threaten resort of Los Cabos

2023-10-18T00:01+0200actionnewsjax (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Norma formed off Mexico ’s western Pacific coast Tuesday and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it is likely to become a hurricane, threatening the resort of Los Cabos, on the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula.

Tropical Storm Norma in Eastern Pacific expected to threaten Mexico as significant hurricane

2023-10-17T23:24+0200foxweather (en)

The National Hurricane Center is now tracking Tropical Storm Norma and another disturbance in the eastern Pacific that could become a one-two punch for Mexican coastline. The tropical development comes on the heals of Hurricane Lidia and Tropical Storm Max that impacted the country just a week ago.

Tropical Storm Norma develops in the eastern Pacific

2023-10-17T23:24+0200foxweather (en)

Norma is expected to quickly strengthen into a hurricane over the next 24 hours in the eastern Pacific.

More information

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