Overall Green alert Volcanic eruption for Marapi
in Indonesia

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Articles about casualties: 129 (13.4%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Final Session of Disaster Risk Training to be Held in Tonga

2024-03-04T18:07+0100nationaltribune (en)

UNITAR Division for Prosperity will hold the final workshop of the 2023 Cycle “Women’s Leadership in Tsunami-based Disaster Risk Reduction Training Programme for World Tsunami Awareness Day” from 5 to 11 March 2024 in Nuku’alofa, Tonga. The programme empowers women leaders in the Pacific and other....

Tonga to Host Final Session of Disaster Risk Training

2024-03-04T18:06+0100miragenews (en)

4 March 2024, Hiroshima, Japan - UNITAR Division for Prosperity will hold the final session of the "2023 Cycle Women's Leadership in Tsunami-based Disaster Risk Reduction Training Programme for World Tsunami Awareness Day " from 5 to 11 March 2024 in Nuku'alofa, Tonga.

La chronique météo Activité volcanique et température terrestre? Une étude menée par des chercheurs de la NASA et de l'Université Columbia à New-York suggère qu’une éruption majeure ne pourrait faire baisser la température terrestre de plus de 1.5°C.

2024-03-04T13:51+0100rts-ch (fr)

L’activité volcanique fait baisser la température terrestre. Exemple parmi d’autres, l’éruption du Pinatubo en 1991 aux Philippines s’est accompagné d’une chute d'environ 0.5°C de la température mondiale, pendant deux ans. Mais qu’en est-il de super-éruptions comme celle du Toba en Indonésie, qui....

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 4.0 en la ciudad de Tongoy

2024-03-03T07:20+0100infobae (es)

De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico fue de 4.0 de magnitud y una profundidad de 37.0 kilómetros. La ubicación exacta del epicentrofue a 24.0 kilómetros al Oeste de la ciudad, con coordenadas -71.729 grados de longitud y -30.189 de grados de latitud.

Ver más noticias en erupción

2024-03-03T02:30+0100laverdadnoticias (es)

Por un enjambre sísmico en Grindavik, se tuvo que evacuar a miles de personas por la amenaza de erupción volcánica. El volcán Popocatépetl registró una baja en su actividad después de casi mil minutos de tremor y menos de 80 exhalaciones según el Cenapred. Los grandes bloques volcánicos se lograron ver a una distancia de entre 1.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Tongoy

2024-03-02T09:21+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.0 sorprendió a los habitantes de la ciudad chilena de Tongoy este sábado 2 de marzo, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según la información oficial preliminar, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 04:52 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 34.

Lord Byron, un genio hoy políticamente incorrecto

2024-03-02T06:04+0100larazon-es (es)

. Y sin embargo, estos en su día «fueron recibidos con gran entusiasmo», gracias en parte a «las cualidades líricas de sus canciones y romances, muchos de ellos insertos en sus novelas o poemas extensos», como dijo Esteban Pujals. Es más, «es probable que el bardo escocés jamás se hubiera decidido a....

Rinvenuta eruzione del Kikai-Akahoya avvenuta 7.300 anni fa

2024-03-01T07:41+0100fai.informazione (it)

‏Gli scienziati hanno identificato la più grande eruzione vulcanica mai registrata nella storia: un’esplosione del Kikai -Akahoya avvenuta 7.300 anni fa che ha espulso più del doppio di roccia e cenere rispetto alla precedente eruzione record del Monte Tambora in Indonesia nel 1815.

La erupción de un volcán submarino hace 7.300 años es la más grande registrada en la historia moderna

2024-02-29T12:26+0100vistaalmar (es)

La erupción Kikai-Akahoya expulsó más de 332 kilómetros cúbicos de roca volcánica y ceniza frente a la costa de Japón. Los científicos han identificado la erupción volcánica más grande registrada de la historia: una explosión hace 7.300 años que expulsó más del doble de roca y ceniza que la anterior de Indonesia en 1815.

Questa appena portata alla luce è l’eruzione sottomarina più grande mai registrata nella storia

2024-02-29T11:10+0100greenme (it)

Un team di scienziati ha portato alla luce dettagli stupefacenti su quella che ora è considerata l’eruzione vulcanica più grande della storia mai registrata. Avvenuta circa 7.300 anni fa, questa esplosione monumentale ha superato di gran lunga l’eruzione precedentemente più devastante del Monte....

La erupción de un volcán submarino hace 7.300 años es la más grande registrada en la historia

2024-02-29T05:57+0100esdelatino-com (es)

Los científicos han identificado la mayor erupción volcánica de la historia registrada: una explosión hace 7.300 años que expulsó más del doble de roca y ceniza que la anterior erupción récord de Indonesia . Monte Tambora en 1815. La devastadora explosión, conocida como erupción Kikai-Akahoya,....

La erupción de un volcán submarino de 7.300 años de antigüedad emerge como la más grande de la historia, revela un nuevo estudio

2024-02-29T05:18+0100notiulti (es)

En una gran revelación, los científicos han descubierto la escala colosal de la mayor erupción volcánica registrada en la historia al sur de la isla japonesa de Kyushu, un evento cataclísmico que sacudió la tierra hace 7.300 años. CORTE COMERCIAL. DESPLAZATE PARA SEGUIR LEYENDO.

L’éruption d’un volcan sous-marin il y a 7 300 ans est la plus importante de l’histoire enregistrée

2024-02-29T04:45+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Les scientifiques ont identifié la plus grande éruption volcanique de l’histoire – une explosion survenue il y a 7 300 ans qui a éjecté plus de deux fois plus de roches et de cendres que la précédente éruption record du mont Tambora en Indonésie en 1815.

Popocatépetl: qué lugar ocupa entre los 10 volcanes más peligrosos del mundo

2024-02-28T20:45+0100infobae (es)

El planeta Tierra tiene aproximadamente unos 1,350 volcanes en el mundo . Algunos están muy activos, otros no tanto y otros simplemente permanecen dormidos. A pesar de su majestuosidad y la belleza que emana de observar estos monumentos naturales, todos ellos representan un peligro para el ser humano.

Five kilometer exclusion zone enforced after Mount Semeru erupts

2024-02-28T12:53+0100antaranews-en (en)

A view of Mount Semeru shooting volcanic ash on Wednesday (February 28, 2024). Java’s highest mountain, Mount Semeru is located in Lumajang and Malang, East Java. (ANTARA/HO-PVMBG) Jakarta (ANTARA) - Tourists and locals have been advised to remain outside a five-kilometer radius of Mount Semeru....

Se percibe sismo de magnitud 4.7 en la ciudad de Quillagua

2024-02-28T06:04+0100infobae (es)

El movimiento telúrico se registró a 47.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 82.0 kilómetros, de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). El CNS también detalló que las coordenadas del epicentro del sismo se registraron a -21.96 grados de latitud y -69.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 4.3 de magnitud en la ciudad de Socaire

2024-02-27T19:25+0100infobae (es)

El sismo sucedió a 107.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 178.0 kilómetros, de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -24.439 grados de latitud y -67.387 grados de longitud.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 4.3 de magnitud en Socaire

2024-02-23T18:35+0100infobae (es)

Según la información oficial preliminar, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 14:12 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 221.0 kilómetros de profundidad. La CNS reportó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -23.436 grados de latitud y -66.987 grados de longitud, es decir, a 94.0 kilómetros al Este de la localidad.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 4.4 de magnitud en la ciudad de Visviri

2024-02-23T10:53+0100infobae (es)

De acuerdo con la información oficial preliminar, la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 06:39 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 158.0 kilómetros de profundidad. La CNS informó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -17.604 grados de latitud y -69.707 grados de longitud, es decir, a 24.

Ver más noticias en indonesia

2024-02-22T02:19+0100laverdadnoticias (es)

Tornado azota el distrito de Cimanggung en Indonesia dejando destrucción a su paso, ¡no te pierdas los videos. Un trágico accidente en Indonesia conmociona al mundo del fútbol . Un jugador pierde la vida tras ser fulminado por un rayo durante un partido . Revive los detalles del suceso, las reacciones y las medidas tomadas.

Así fue el impacto de poderoso tornado en Indonesia

2024-02-21T21:42+0100tiempo (es)

Redacción. Un poderoso tornado azotó el distrito de Cimanggung, situado en la provincia de Java Occidental de Indonesia , la tarde de este miércoles, dejando a su paso severos daños materiales. El tornado desencadenó una serie de incidentes que generaron alarma en la comunidad.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 4.1 de magnitud en Alto del Carmen

2024-02-19T16:35+0100infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el temblor empezó a las 12:14 horas (hora local) de este lunes 19 de febrero y tuvo una profundidad de 126.0 kilómetros. La coordenadas del temblorse registraron a -68.831 grados de longitud y -28.528 grados de latitud, según datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Temblor en Chile: sismo de 4.

La ciudad de Antofagasta siente sismo de magnitud 4.0

2024-02-16T20:36+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.0 tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes en la ciudad chilena de Antofagasta , de acuerdo con información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora obtenida señala que el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 16:10 horas (hora local) de este viernes 16 de febrero.

Volcanic activity worldwide 15 Feb 2024: Santiaguito volcano, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Semeru, Ibu, Duk...

2024-02-15T22:01+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

: Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Tokyo (VAAC) issued the following report: (15 Feb ) The explosive eruption of the volcano continues. A fresh magma-driven vulcanian-sized explosion took place from the crater late afternoon yesterday. The eruption produced incandescent lapilli and lava bombs that were....

Ibu volcano (Halmahera, Indonesia): occasional strong explosions continue

2024-02-15T07:22+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

The elevated eruptive activity continues. The volcano's behavior is characterized by a combination of near-constant moderate and sporadic strong vulcanian-type explosions from the caldera's cinder cone over the past few weeks. Such above-average eruption appeared at 16:36 local time yesterday and....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2024-02-15T05:22+0100infobae (es)

La información actualizada precisa que el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 01:00 horas (hora local) de este jueves 15 de febrero. El epicentro del sismo fue a 48.0 kilómetros al Suroeste de la localidad, en -21.598 grados de latitud y -68.491 grados de longitud y tuvo una profundidad de 83.0 kilómetros.

Ver más noticias en volcan

2024-02-14T20:58+0100laverdadnoticias (es)

Los grandes bloques volcánicos se lograron ver a una distancia de entre 1.000 y 1.300 metros del cráter. De acuerdo con vulcanólogos de la UNAM estaría naciendo un nuevo volcán en México; investigadores monitorean enjambres sísmicos en Michoacán. Una nueva erupción volcánica se registró el domingo....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 5.8 de magnitud en Huasco

2024-02-14T12:03+0100infobae (es)

La información hasta ahora recopilada señala que la actividad sísmica empezó a las 22:31 horas (hora local) de este martes 13 de febrero. El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 53.0 kilómetros al Sur de la ciudad, en -28.921 grados de latitud y -71.395 grados de longitud y tuvo una profundidad de 36.0 kilómetros.

ISU professor study on sponges shows increased rate of climate change Environment

2024-02-13T11:49+0100indystar (en)

The Earth may be warming even faster rate than expected, escalating the threat from climate change, according to a new study by a research team that included an Indiana State University professor. The study, published this month by Nature Climate Change, says global mean temperatures are higher and....

Birth of Mexican volcano inspires scientists 80 years later

2024-02-09T07:50+0100latimes (en)

That’s why about a hundred geologists, volcanologists and seismologists visited Paricutin last week to mark the anniversary, share experiences and talk about how to prevent disaster. Paricutin’s birth and nine-year eruption were a cornerstone in the study of the relatively small kind of volcano that....

Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.0 en Victoria

2024-02-07T23:39+0100infobae (es)

Información preliminar precisa que el sismo inició a las 19:04 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 7 de febrero y tuvo una profundidad de 96.0 kilómetros. La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -72.404 grados de longitud y -38.221 grados de latitud, de acuerdo con datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.

Temblor de magnitud 4.0 sacude a la ciudad de Pica

2024-02-07T14:05+0100infobae (es)

La información hasta ahora obtenida precisa que el movimiento telúrico empezó a las 09:17 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 7 de febrero. El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 48.0 kilómetros al Este de la localidad, en -20.419 grados de latitud y -68.877 grados de longitud y tuvo una profundidad de 115.

Le spugne dei Caraibi ci dicono che abbiamo già sforato 1,5 gradi di riscaldamento globale

2024-02-06T10:43+0100rinnovabili (it)

su Unsplash Secondo l’IPCC, arriveremo a +1,5 gradi di riscaldamento globale solo nel 2030-2032. (Rinnovabili.it) – La Terra ha iniziato a riscaldarsi a causa delle attività umane 80 prima di quanto pensassimo, attorno al 1860. È l’informazione racchiusa negli “scheletri” di una specie di spugne coralline nel mar dei Caraibi.

Semeru volcano (East Java, Indonesia): explosions continue from summit crater

2024-02-06T05:39+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

The explosive-extrusive eruption of the volcano continues. The active lava dome within the Jonggring Saloko crater continues to grow with viscous fresh magma rising into it, making the dome vividly glowing. Minor vulcanian-type eruptions continue to take place from the lava dome at roughly regular....

Marapi volcano (Western Sumatra): strong eruption created billowing ash plume

2024-02-05T15:28+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

An intense explosion occurred from the volcano this afternoon. At about 15:16 local time, the volcano has been generating continuous abundant grey ash emissions from the summit crater. A height of the ash plume is unknown so far, and was not reported neither the VAAC Darwin nor the PVMBG volcano observatory.

North Maluku's Mount Ibu erupts again, sending ashes westward

2024-02-05T07:30+0100antaranews-en (en)

Columns of volcanic ashes released by Mount Ibu in the northwest of Halmahera Island, North Maluku, on Friday (January 26, 2024). (ANTARA/HO-PVMBG) Jakarta (ANTARA) - Mount Ibu, a volcano situated in the northwest of Halmahera Island, North Maluku Province, erupted for 68 seconds on Monday, dispersing dense volcanic ashes to the west.

Dukono Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: CONTINUOUS VA TO FL080 OBS 04/0300Z MOV WSW

2024-02-04T12:52+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Darwin (VAAC) issued the following report: FVAU01 at 11:38 UTC, 04/02/24 from ADRM VA ADVISORY DTG: 20240204/1135Z VAAC: DARWIN VOLCANO: DUKONO 268010 PSN: N0142 E12754 AREA: INDONESIA SUMMIT ELEV: 1229M ADVISORY NR: 2024/131 INFO SOURCE: HIMAWARI-9 AVIATION COLOUR CODE:....

¿Es posible manipular los volcanes para evitar las peores consecuencias de las erupciones?

2024-02-04T01:42+0100prensalibre (es)

El procedimiento no estuvo exento de riesgos (es posible que el proceso de extracción del gas hubiera provocado otra liberación importante), pero funcionó. Desde entonces, los niveles de CO2 se han mantenido controlados con éxito. Ese es uno de varios ejemplos en los que la “geoingeniería” de un volcán podría salvar vidas y prevenir una catástrofe.

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.3 en Putre

2024-02-02T06:48+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sorprendió a los pobladores de la ciudad chilena de Putre , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 02:31 horas (hora local) de este viernes 2 de febrero. La ubicación exacta del epicentrofue a 35.0 kilómetros al Oeste de la localidad, con coordenadas -69.869 grados de longitud y -18.

Un asteroide "potenzialmente pericoloso" sta per avvicinarsi alla Terra (in realtà non c'è alcun rischio)

2024-02-01T17:48+0100247libero (it)

Abbiamo individuato 10 eventi distruttivi, più un eventuale scenario futuro. Volete sapere quali sono state le esplosioni più apocalittiche di sempre? Non perdetevi questa inquietante hit parade che inizia con l'eruzione del vulcano Krakatoa, che in questa classifica è soltanto all'ottavo posto (ma la foto vale la prima posizione).

Lewotolo volcano (Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia): sporadic explosions continue

2024-02-01T17:01+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

The effusive-explosive eruption at the volcano continues. Ocassional strombolian and larger vulcanian-type explosions continue to take place from the crater within the main caldera. Viscous, gas-poor magma continues to squeeze through the 2020 cinder cone's conduit in search for the fastest way up....

Ibu volcano (Halmahera, Indonesia): powerful explosions continue, eruption sent ash to nearly 11,000 ft last night

2024-02-01T05:35+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

The powerful eruptive activity at the volcano goes on. Stronger-than-usual explosions continue to be observed from the cinder cone within the summit caldera. At midnight last night, a tall, dense grey ash column could be seen rising to estimated 3,300 meters (10,800 ft) height towards the southeast.

Las algas marinas podrían resistir a una guerra nuclear y alimentar al mundo

2024-01-31T15:26+0100ecoportal (es)

Un equipo de científicos internacionales dice que se necesitan fuentes de alimentos sostenibles y las algas marinas podrían ser la solución, para salvar a la humanidad del hambre en caso de una guerra nuclear. Las algas son ricas en nutrientes y proporcionan medios de vida a las comunidades costeras en muchos países de bajos ingresos.

. Paleolithic site sheds light on human origins

2024-01-31T03:28+0100chinadailyhk (en)

The fossilized mandibular bone of a rhino, awls made of bones and scrapers are among the findings unearthed from the Paleolithic Mengxihe site. (PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY) The discovery of the Paleolithic Mengxihe site in Ziyang, Sichuan province, was declared as one of the six most important....

Paleolithic site sheds light on human origins

2024-01-31T02:12+0100peopledaily (en)

The fossilized mandibular bone of a rhino, awls made of bones and scrapers are among the findings unearthed from the Paleolithic Mengxihe site. CHINA DAILY. The discovery of the Paleolithic Mengxihe site in Ziyang, Sichuan province, was declared as one of the six most important archaeological finds....

La ciudad de Tongoy siente sismo de magnitud 4.0

2024-01-18T08:19+0100infobae (es)

El sismo sucedió a 11.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 37.0 kilómetros, de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -30.192 grados de latitud y -71.586 grados de longitud.

Stalagmites as Climate Archive

2024-01-18T03:04+0100research-in-germany (en)

Press Release Heidelberg, 17 January 2024 Stalagmites as Climate Archive Researchers from Heidelberg and Karlsruhe use stalagmite to reconstruct regional and global climate history When combined with data from tree-ring records, stalagmites can open up a unique archive to study natural climate....

Stalagmites as climate archive

2024-01-18T02:44+0100sciencedaily (en)

Until now, short-term climate fluctuations over hundreds of years could be analysed only by means of tree-ring records by combining independent measurements from a number of studies, explains geoscientist Dr Tobias Kluge of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Stalagmites As Climate Archive

2024-01-18T00:25+0100eurasiareview (en)

Until now, short-term climate fluctuations over hundreds of years could be analysed only by means of tree-ring records by combining independent measurements from a number of studies, explains geoscientist Dr Tobias Kluge of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Researchers use stalagmite to reconstruct regional and global climate history

2024-01-17T22:09+0100phys (en)

When combined with data from tree-ring records, stalagmites can open up a unique archive to study natural climate fluctuations across hundreds of years, a research team including geoscientists from Heidelberg University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have demonstrated.

17-Jan-2024 Stalagmites as climate archive Heidelberg University Peer-Reviewed Publication When combined with data from tree-ring records, stalagmites can open up a unique archive to study natural climate fluctuations, a research team including geoscientists from Heidelberg University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have demonstrated.

2024-01-17T16:38+0100eurekalert (en)

Credit: KIT (taken as part of the HEiKA Project Check Extrema) When combined with data from tree-ring records, stalagmites can open up a unique archive to study natural climate fluctuations across hundreds of years, a research team including geoscientists from Heidelberg University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have demonstrated.

Stalagmites as climate archive

2024-01-17T16:34+0100miragenews (en)

When combined with data from tree-ring records, stalagmites can open up a unique archive to study natural climate fluctuations across hundreds of years, a research team including geoscientists from Heidelberg University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have demonstrated.

Stalagmites as Climate Archive

2024-01-17T14:55+0100idw-online (en)

17.01.2024 14:46 Stalagmites as Climate Archive Marietta Fuhrmann-Koch Kommunikation und Marketing When combined with data from tree-ring records, stalagmites can open up a unique archive to study natural climate fluctuations, a research team including geoscientists from Heidelberg University and....

Geological Agency Recommends Expanding Risk Area as Mount Lewotobi Continues to Erupt

2024-01-17T05:45+0100tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta - The Indonesia n Geological Agency has updated the recommendations for areas requested to be vacated for Mount Lewotobi Laki on Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara. Previously, the recommended area to be vacated was the 4 kilometer radius from the eruption center and 5 kilometer in the North-West direction.

Indonesia's Mount Lewotobi Erupts 3 times In 1 hour

2024-01-17T05:45+0100tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta Mount Lewotobi Laki-laki in Indonesia 's East Nusa Tenggara Province has erupted three times in the span of one hour. The volcano first erupted at 07:32 Central Indonesian Time (WITA), followed by another one 11 minutes later. The volcano, 1,584 meters above sea level, erupted again....

Traditional Ceremony from the Edge of the Hot Lava Slide

2024-01-17T05:41+0100kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found in KOMPAS/FRANSISKUS PATI HERIN. A journalist captured the eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki-laki in East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, on Tuesday (16/1/2024).

¿Es posible manipular los volcanes para evitar las peores consecuencias de las erupciones?

2024-01-16T20:55+0100ecuadorenvivo (es)

Una noche de 1986, un lago volcánico inestable de Camerún emitió una nube de gas CO2 que se deslizó cuesta abajo -manteniéndose cerca del suelo- y se coló en granjas y edificios. Lo que siguió fue una tragedia: más de 1.700 personas y 3.000 cabezas de ganado terminaron asfixiadas.

¿Es posible manipular los volcanes para evitar las peores consecuencias de las erupciones?

2024-01-16T19:41+0100laprensa (es)

Una noche de 1986, un lago volcánico inestable de Camerún emitió una nube de gas CO2 que se deslizó cuesta abajo -manteniéndose cerca del suelo- y se coló en granjas y edificios. Lo que siguió fue una tragedia: más de 1.700 personas y 3.000 cabezas de ganado terminaron asfixiadas.

¿Es posible manipular volcanes para evitar las peores consecuencias de las erupciones?

2024-01-16T16:27+0100eltiempo-CO (es)

El número de muertos por el desastre del lago Nyos, causado por lo que se conoce como una erupción "límnica", fue tan alto que científicos e ingenieros se pusieron a la tarea de evitar que algo así volviera a ocurrir. Tres años más tarde, comenzaron a extraer el gas mortal del fondo del lago usando....

¿Se pueden controlar los volcanes para prevenir las peores consecuencias de las erupciones?

2024-01-16T14:40+0100laprensagrafica (es)

Una noche de 1986, un lago volcánico inestable de Camerún emitió una nube de gas CO2 que se deslizó cuesta abajo -manteniéndose cerca del suelo- y se coló en granjas y edificios. Lo que siguió fue una tragedia: más de 1.700 personas y 3.000 cabezas de ganado terminaron asfixiadas.

Ministry modernized 12 volcano monitoring systems throughout 2023

2024-01-16T12:00+0100antaranews-en (en)

An officer showing the situation at Mount Anak Krakatau (GAK) via CCTV at the Pasauran Monitoring Post, Serang District, Banten, on Saturday, February 5, 2022. (ANTARA PHOTO/Muhammad Bagus/hp/rst) Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) carried out modernization in 12....

Lewotobi Lakilaki volcano (Flores, Indonesia) field report: continuing lava flows on eastern flank

2024-01-16T05:35+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

The elevated effusive-explosive eruption of the volcano continues. The lava flow on the eastern flank continues to be active. Strombolian activity at the summit continues to generate glowing ejecta that is being thrown up to several dozens-to-hundred meters above the crater.

L'Indonésie évacue 6.500 personnes à cause d'une éruption volcanique

2024-01-16T05:16+0100lecourrier (fr)

Aucune victime ni dégât majeur n’ont été signalés jusqu’à présent. La montagne de 1.584 m est l'un des "volcans jumeaux" - le Lewotobi Laki-laki et le Lewotobi Perempuan – du district de Flores Timur. Le volcan est entré en éruption 40 fois depuis le 14 janvier, avec des colonnes de nuages chauds s'élevant de 500 à 1.

L'Indonésie évacue 6.500 personnes à cause d'une éruption volcanique

2024-01-16T03:27+0100vietnamplus-fr (fr)

Aucune victime ni dégât majeur n’ont été signalés jusqu’à présent. La montagne de 1.584 m est l'un des « volcans jumeaux » – le Lewotobi Laki-laki et le Lewotobi Perempuan – du district de Flores Timur. Le volcan est entré en éruption 40 fois depuis le 14 janvier, avec des colonnes de nuages chauds s'élevant de 500 à 1.

¿Es posible manipular los volcanes para evitar las peores consecuencias de las erupciones?

2024-01-16T01:41+0100elperiodicodemexico (es)

Por Richard Fisher - BBC Future. Una noche de 1986, un lago volcánico inestable de Camerún emitió una nube de gas CO2 que se deslizó cuesta abajo -manteniéndose cerca del suelo- y se coló en granjas y edificios. Lo que siguió fue una tragedia: más de 1,700 personas y 3,000 cabezas de ganado terminaron asfixiadas.

¿Es posible manipular los volcanes para evitar las peores consecuencias de las erupciones?

2024-01-15T23:39+0100acento (es)

Getty Images. Una noche de 1986, un lago volcánico inestable de Camerún emitió una nube de gas CO2 que se deslizó cuesta abajo -manteniéndose cerca del suelo- y se coló en granjas y edificios. Lo que siguió fue una tragedia: más de 1.700 personas y 3.000 cabezas de ganado terminaron asfixiadas.

Se siente temblor de magnitud 4.3 en El Salvador

2024-01-15T20:08+0100infobae (es)

La información hasta ahora recopilada precisa que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 15:44 horas (hora local) de este lunes 15 de enero. El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 40.0 kilómetros al Este de la localidad, en -26.119 grados de latitud y -69.238 grados de longitud y tuvo una profundidad de 170.

Ver más noticias en erupción

2024-01-15T19:26+0100laverdadnoticias (es)

La lava está destruyendo las casas que se encuentra a su paso en Islandia, luego de la erupción volcánica del domingo. Una nueva erupción volcánica se registró el domingo por la mañana al norte de la localidad islandesa de Grindavik; se desalojó a 4 mil pesonas. Momento exacto del inicio de la erupción fisural volcánica en Islandia.

Tres países en emergencia: Volcanes en Islandia, Indonesia y Japón entran en erupción

2024-01-15T17:57+0100diariodemorelos (es)

Una serie de erupciones volcánicas simultáneas ha desencadenado evacuaciones masivas y escenas impactantes en Islandia, Indonesia y Japón. Los eventos, que incluyen ríos de lava y actividad sísmica intensificada, han puesto en alerta a las autoridades y residentes en estas regiones geográficas. Islandia: Nueva erupción desata caos en Grindavik.

Des villageois évacués après une nouvelle éruption du Marapi

2024-01-15T15:33+0100lapresse-CA (fr)

(Padang) Le mont Marapi , un volcan situé sur l’île indonésienne de Sumatra, est de nouveau entré en éruption dimanche matin, crachant des cendres volcaniques qui ont recouvert les villages voisins alors que plus de 150 personnes ont déjà été évacuées, ont indiqué les autorités.

Indonesia - Volcanic eruption (MAGMA Indonesia, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 15 January 2024)

2024-01-15T13:52+0100reliefWeb (en)

On 14 January, Mount Marapi located in West Sumatra Province, erupted again and an ash column reached up to 1,500 m above the crater. According to media reports the ash-fall reached the nearby villages and up to 100 people have been evacuated since 12 January. In early December 2023, Marapi erupted and killed 24 people and injured several others.

Indonesian volcano Mount Merapi erupts again, causing ash rain and evacuations

2024-01-15T08:50+0100phuketgazette (en)

, an Indonesia n volcano, erupted for the second time in a month , sending a 1,300-metre high plume of ash into the sky and covering nearby homes, vehicles, and evacuation tents in volcanic ash. This latest eruption occurred on Sunday, with no reported fatalities.

Indonesia, eruzione del vulcano Lewotobi Laki-laki: migliaia di evacuati sull’isola di Florez

2024-01-15T08:24+0100meteoweb (it)

L'impatto delle eruzioni ha spinto il governo indonesiano a ordinare evacuazioni. In risposta all’eruzione del vulcano Lewotobi Laki-laki , che ha prodotto spesse nubi di cenere brunastra sull’isola di Flores, l’ Indonesia ha attuato un’operazione di evacuazione che ha coinvolto circa 6.500 persone.

Indonesia evacuates about 6,500 people on the island of Flores after a volcano spews clouds of ash

2024-01-15T07:51+0100ABCnews (en)

FLORES TIMUR, Indonesia -- Indonesia has evacuated about 6,500 people on the island of Flores after Mount Lewotobi Laki-laki volcano spewed thick clouds of brownish ash for the past days, authorities said on Monday. No casualties or major damage have been reported so far.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi Erupts Again, Leading to Evacuations but No Reported Casualties

2024-01-15T06:03+0100theepochtimes (en)

AGAM, Indonesia —Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Il vulcano Marabi in Indonesia ha eruttato per la seconda volta in poco più di un mese

2024-01-15T05:06+0100gexperience (it)

Il ministero ha avvertito residenti e visitatori di non avvicinarsi a un raggio di 4,5 chilometri (2,8 miglia) dal cratere Verbeek dove si è verificata l'eruzione e ha chiesto ai residenti delle comunità vicine di indossare maschere in caso di caduta di cenere.

Two-year anniversary of Tonga's tsunami terror

2024-01-15T00:18+0100wn (en)

Today marks the second anniversary of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcanic eruption which devastated the kingdom of Tonga. The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption is the largest since the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia , and the largest ever recorded by modern instrumentation.

Two-year anniversary of Tonga's tsunami terror

2024-01-14T20:58+0100radionz (en)

of Tonga. The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption is the largest since the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia , and the largest ever recorded by modern instrumentation. The violent force of the eruption triggered a tsunami that killed three people and left thousands homeless.

Two-year anniversary of Tonga's tsunami terror

2024-01-14T20:58+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

of Tonga. The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption is the largest since the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia , and the largest ever recorded by modern instrumentation. The violent force of the eruption triggered a tsunami that killed three people and left thousands homeless.

Alerta máxima, volcanes hacen erupción en.. Hace 2 minutos No se reportaron personas heridas

2024-01-14T19:25+0100zocalo (es)

Ciudad de México.- Un volcán en la localidad de Grindavik al suroeste de Islandia , lo lo que activó la alerta máxima para los habitantes de la región que tuvieron que ser evacuados de emergencia ante el peligro de la lava que emanó del cráter. Indonesia y Japón también registraron actividad volcánica.

Éruption de deux volcans sur les îles de Sumatra et de Florès en Indonésie

2024-01-14T17:15+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 53 min Deux volcans sont entrés en éruption dimanche sur les îles de Florès et de Sumatra, en Indonésie. Des cendres s'élevant à plus d'un kilomètre ont été projetées dans l'air. Très actif depuis plusieurs semaines, le volcan Mapari, situé sur l'île de Sumatra, est de nouveau entré....

Ver más noticias en volcan

2024-01-14T16:39+0100laverdadnoticias (es)

Una nueva erupción volcánica se registró el domingo por la mañana al norte de la localidad islandesa de Grindavik; se desalojó a 4 mil pesonas. Islandia estaba en alerta máxima por una erupción en la península de Reykjanes después de semanas de intensa actividad sísmica.

Islande, Japon, Indonésie… trois volcans entrent en éruption presque au même moment

2024-01-14T15:55+0100ladepeche (fr)

à la suite de centaines de séismes souterrains (signe précurseur d'une éruption volcanique). L'état d'urgence avait été déclaré. Les quelques dizaines d'habitants qui s'étaient réinstallés à Grindavik ont dû quitter les lieux vers 3h du matin, heure locale.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations

2024-01-14T15:53+0100abc7ny (en)

AGAM, Indonesia -- Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

El monte Marapi vuelve a hacer erupción y provoca evacuaciones, sin reportes de víctimas

2024-01-14T15:28+0100n-com-do (es)

AGAM, Indonesia :— El monte Marapi en Indonesia volvió a hacer erupción el domingo y expulsó ceniza y nubes de material volcánico, sin que se reportaran víctimas. El Puesto de Observación del Volcán Marapi, en la provincia de Sumatra Occidental, registró una columna de cenizas que alcanzó los 1.300 metros (4.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T14:08+0100arabtimes (en)

AGAM, Indonesia , Jan 14, (AP): Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonésie: des villageois évacués après une nouvelle éruption du Marapi

2024-01-14T13:33+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 10h52 Le mont Marapi , un volcan situé sur l'île indonésienne de Sumatra, est de nouveau entré en éruption dimanche matin, crachant des cendres volcaniques qui ont recouvert les villages voisins alors que plus de 150 personnes ont déjà évacué, ont indiqué les autorités.

Indonésie: des villageois évacués après une nouvelle éruption du Marapi

2024-01-14T12:31+0100sciencesetavenir (fr)

Le mont Marapi , un volcan situé sur l'île indonésienne de Sumatra, est de nouveau entré en éruption dimanche matin, crachant des cendres volcaniques qui ont recouvert les villages voisins alors que plus de 150 personnes ont déjà évacué, ont indiqué les autorités.

Chile: temblor de magnitud 4.3 en Socaire

2024-01-14T12:18+0100infobae (es)

Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inició a las 07:57 (hora local), se originó a 102.0 kilómetros al Sureste de dicha ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 190.0 kilómetros. Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Indonésie: des villageois évacués après une nouvelle éruption du Marapi

2024-01-14T12:07+0100la-croix (fr)

Des villageois indonésiens font une consultation médicale, certains souffrant de problèmes respiratoires à cause des cendres émises par l'éruption du volcan Marapi . FAIRUZ SYAUGI / AFP. Des villageois indonésiens font une consultation médicale, certains souffrant de problèmes respiratoires à cause....

Indonésie: des villageois évacués après une nouvelle éruption du Marapi

2024-01-14T11:54+0100actu-orange (fr)

Le mont Marapi , un volcan situé sur l'île indonésienne de Sumatra, est de nouveau entré en éruption dimanche matin, crachant des cendres volcaniques qui ont recouvert les villages voisins alors que plus de 150 personnes ont déjà évacué, ont indiqué les autorités.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T10:58+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 4,265ft (1,300m) high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia, erutta il Monte Marapi: la colonna di cenere a Sumatra

2024-01-14T10:48+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 14 gennaio 2024) Torna a erutta re il Monte Marapi , in Indonesia . Il vulcano complesso situato nell'isola di Sumatra ha esploso in aria fumo denso, creando una colonna di cenere alta più di 1.200 metri. Finora non si sono registrate vittime. La cenere ha ricoperto strade e veicoli nei villaggi vicini.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations of at least 100 residents

2024-01-14T09:30+0100nypost (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. AP. AGAM, Indonesia — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported.

Villages evacuated as Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T08:08+0100thenewdaily-au (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

L'eruzione del vulcano Marapi nel video timelapse

2024-01-14T07:47+0100rainews (it)

Fumo e cenere nell'aria, nessuna vittima.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:29+0100newcastleherald (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:27+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:26+0100maitlandmercury (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:24+0100bordermail (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:18+0100illawarramercury (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:12+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

El monte Marapi vuelve a hacer erupción y provoca evacuaciones, sin reportes de víctimas

2024-01-14T07:00+0100elnuevoherald (es)

AGAM, Indonesia . El monte Marapi en Indonesia volvió a hacer erupción el domingo y expulsó ceniza y nubes de material volcánico, sin que se reportaran víctimas. El Puesto de Observación del Volcán Marapi, en la provincia de Sumatra Occidental, registró una columna de cenizas que alcanzó los 1.300 metros (4.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi eruption leads to evacuations

2024-01-14T06:58+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300m (4,265ft) high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

El monte Marapi vuelve a hacer erupción y provoca evacuaciones, sin reportes de víctimas

2024-01-14T06:58+0100lanacion-AR (es)

El monte Marapi expulsa material volcánico durante una erupción en Agam, Sumatra Occidental, Indonesia , el domingo 14 de enero de 2024. Docenas de personas que viven en las laderas del monte Marapi fueron evacuadas de sus casas después de que las autoridades indonesias elevaran el nivel de alerta del volcán al segundo más alto.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi Erupts Again, Leading To Evacuations But No Reported Casualties

2024-01-14T06:57+0100outlookindia (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

2024-01-14T11:15:44+05:30 - World Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T06:53+0100Hindu (en)

Mount Marapi volcano spews volcanic ash during an eruption as seen from Nagari Bukik Batabuah in Agam, West Sumatra province, Indonesia on January 14, 2024, in this photo taken by Antara Foto. | Photo Credit: Antara Foto/Iggoy el Fitra/via Reuters. Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on January....

El monte Marapi vuelve a hacer erupción y provoca evacuaciones, sin reportes de víctimas

2024-01-14T06:53+0100sandiegouniontribune (es)

AGAM, Indonesia — El monte Marapi en Indonesia volvió a hacer erupción el domingo y expulsó ceniza y nubes de material volcánico, sin que se reportaran víctimas. El Puesto de Observación del Volcán Marapi, en la provincia de Sumatra Occidental, registró una columna de cenizas que alcanzó los 1.300 metros (4.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T06:52+0100thehindu (en)

Mount Marapi volcano spews volcanic ash during an eruption as seen from Nagari Bukik Batabuah in Agam, West Sumatra province, Indonesia on January 14, 2024, in this photo taken by Antara Foto. | Photo Credit: Antara Foto/Iggoy el Fitra/via Reuters. Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on January....

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, no reported casualties

2024-01-14T06:48+0100inquirer (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Dozens of people living on the slopes of Mount Marapi have been evacuated from their homes after Indonesian authorities raised the alert level of of the nearly 2,900-meter....

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:39+0100theargus (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:25+0100hertsad (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:23+0100thecomet (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:19+0100lbc (en)

14 January 2024, 04:54 Indonesia Volcano Eruption. Picture: PA Authorities have been evacuating nearby villages since Friday. Indonesia’s Mount Marapi has erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the....

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:14+0100dunmowbroadcast (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:09+0100eadt (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi eruption leads to evacuations but no casualties

2024-01-14T06:09+0100independent-UK (en)

on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300m (4,265ft) high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:08+0100chesterfirst (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:07+0100yourlocalguardian (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:07+0100greatyarmouthmercury (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:04+0100impartialreporter (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:04+0100eveningnews24 (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:04+0100southwalesargus (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:04+0100thenorthernecho (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:03+0100thetelegraphandargus (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:02+0100salisburyjournal (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:00+0100thecourier (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi has erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:59+0100newsandstar (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:59+0100pressandjournal (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi has erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:59+0100yorkpress (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties43 mins ago 1m read

2024-01-14T05:59+0100newsday-USA (en)

AGAM, Indonesia — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:58+0100oxfordtimes (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:56+0100dailyecho (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:56+0100irishexaminer (en)

The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths05:50

2024-01-14T05:55+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:55+0100edp24 (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:55+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi has erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi Erupts Again, Leading to Evacuations but No Reported Casualties

2024-01-14T05:24+0100voanews (en)

AGAM, Indonesia — Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T05:23+0100triblive (en)

AGAM, Indonesia Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 4,265 feet high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T05:12+0100therepublic (en)

AGAM, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T05:11+0100cp24 (en)

AGAM, Indonesia (AP) - Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Photos: At least 100 evacuated as Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again

2024-01-14T05:06+0100khaleejtimes (en)

Its eruption in early December shot thick columns of ash as high as 3 kilometres that killed 24 climbers and injured several others. Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leads to evacuations, no casualties

2024-01-14T05:05+0100business-standard (en)

At least 100 residents have been evacuated since Friday after Indonesia n authorities raised the alert level of the volcano from Level 2 to Level 3, or the second-highest level, on Wednesday. Marapi is known for sudden eruptions that are difficult to predict because they are not caused by a deep....

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T05:05+0100tribtown (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Dozens of people living on the slopes of Mount Marapi have been evacuated from their homes after Indonesian authorities raised the alert level of of the nearly 2,900-meter....

Another eruption recorded at Indonesia’s Mount Marapi

2024-01-14T05:00+0100vervetimes (en)

AGAM, Indonesia – Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:57+0100stripes (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Dozens of people living on the slopes of Mount Marapi have been evacuated from their homes after Indonesian authorities raised the alert level of of the nearly 9,480-foot....

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:55+0100dailyjournal (en)

AGAM, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to …

2024-01-14T04:50+0100wearecentralpa (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Dozens of people living on the slopes of Mount Marapi have been evacuated from their homes after Indonesian authorities raised the alert level of of the nearly 2,900-meter....

World News | Indonesia's Mount Marapi Erupts Again, Leading to Evacuations but No Reported Casualties

2024-01-14T04:50+0100latestly (en)

Agam ( Indonesia ), Jan 14 (AP) Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesian volcano Mount Marapi erupts again

2024-01-14T04:49+0100ABCnews (en)

AGAM, Indonesia -- Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:44+0100independent-UK (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to …

2024-01-14T04:43+0100wowktv (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Dozens of people living on the slopes of Mount Marapi have been evacuated from their homes after Indonesian authorities raised the alert level of of the nearly 2,900-meter....

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:35+0100devdiscourse (en)

Country: Indonesia SHARE; Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:30+0100apnews (en)

AGAM, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:28+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

AGAM, Indonesia — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

El Monte Marapi de Indonesia arroja ceniza volcánica mientras las autoridades aumentan la alerta y cientos de residentes son evacuados un mes después de que la erupción matara a 23 personas.

2024-01-14T01:36+0100notiulti (es)

Las autoridades han impuesto una zona de exclusión de 4,5 kilómetros desde su cráter. El monte Marapi de Indonesia arrojó hoy columnas de ceniza cuando las autoridades elevaron el estado de alerta del volcán al nivel más alto, un mes después de una erupción que dejó 23 muertos.

Lewotobi Lakilaki volcano (Flores, Indonesia) field report: lava flow eruption continues

2024-01-13T23:19+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

On-site observations from Andi, our expedition guide and leader for VolcanoDiscovery Indonesia , provide us first-hand information about the ongoing activity. The elevated effusive-explosive eruption of the volcano continues. The lava flow on the southern flank continues to be active.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi spews volcanic ash as authorities raise alert and hundreds of residents are evacuated a month after eruption killed 23

2024-01-13T13:27+0100dailymail (en)

's Mount Marapi today spewed columns of volcanic ash as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level, a month after an eruption from the volcano left 23 dead. Hundreds of residents in the Tanah Datar District of West Sumatra have been evacuated to temporary shelters and are....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.3 en Socaire

2024-01-13T09:52+0100infobae (es)

Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inició a las 05:26 (hora local), se originó a 115.0 kilómetros al Este de dicha ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 192.0 kilómetros. Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Semeru Volcanic Ash Has Disrupted Flights in Malang

2024-01-12T12:31+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/DEFRI WERDIONO. Several passengers have just arrived and are heading towards the departure lounge at Abdulrachman Saleh Airport in Malang, East Java, on Friday (1/12/2024). MALANG, KOMPAS - Flight activities at Abdulrachman Saleh Malang Airport, East Java, were disrupted by volcanic ash from Mount Semeru on Friday (12/1/2024).

Indonésie : plus de 5.400 personnes déplacées à cause de l'éruption du mont Lewotobi

2024-01-12T00:33+0100french-news (fr)

JAKARTA, 11 janvier (Xinhua) -- Un total de 5.464 personnes ont été déplacées en raison de l'activité volcanique accrue du mont Lewotobi Laki-Laki dans la province indonésienne du Nusa Tenggara oriental, a annoncé jeudi l'Agence nationale de gestion des catastrophes naturelles (BNPB).

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 4.0 de magnitud

2024-01-11T23:50+0100infobae (es)

De acuerdo con la información oficial hasta ahora publicada, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 19:34 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 118.0 kilómetros. La CNS informó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -32.685 grados de latitud y -69.923 grados de longitud, es decir, a 65.

Volcanic activity worldwide 11 Jan 2024: Santiaguito volcano, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Semeru, Marapi, ...

2024-01-11T22:13+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

(11 Jan ) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Tokyo warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 7000 ft (2100 m) altitude or flight level 070 and is moving at 20 kts in SE direction. The full report is as follows: : Explosive activity continues.

Indonesia's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki Erupts, Spews Ash Clouds Prompting Authorities To Raise Highest Alert Level

2024-01-11T17:47+0100natureworldnews (en)

The Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki in Indonesia has erupted, prompting authorities to raise the alert level to ensure safety of residents. said the volcano had released ash clouds that were two kilometers above its peak. Due to this condition, officials raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level.

Lewotobi Lakilaki volcano (Flores, Indonesia) field report: strombolian activity continues with lava flows

2024-01-11T16:16+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

Andi, our expedition guide and leader for VolcanoDiscovery Indonesia , has been observing the volcano's behavior on-site to provide first-hand information during the past five days. The elevated effusive-explosive eruption at the volcano continues. Strombolian activity at the summit became....

Indonésie : plus de 5.400 personnes déplacées à cause de l'éruption du mont Lewotobi

2024-01-11T15:15+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

Un total de 5.464 personnes ont été déplacées en raison de l'activité volcanique accrue du mont Lewotobi Laki-Laki dans la province indonésienne du Nusa Tenggara oriental, a annoncé jeudi l'Agence nationale de gestion des catastrophes naturelles (BNPB).

13h50 dans le stream – programme court féminin

2024-01-11T11:31+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Amine Harit fait partie des nombreux absents dans le groupe de l’Olympique de Marseille. L’international marocain va débuter la CAN avec le Maroc dans quelques. Les habitants de plusieurs villages en Indonésie ont été contraints de fuir après une alerte à l’éruption d’un volcan. La situation d’urgence a créé la.

Marapi volcano (Western Sumatra): alert status raised to Level 3

2024-01-11T06:05+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

The alert level for the volcano raised from Level II (Waspada) to Level III (Siaga), the PVMBG observatory reported. Even though the number of daily eruptions has decreased, low-frequency (long-period) earthquakes has been more frequent and picked up in numbers.

Indonesian volcano erupts, highest alert raised

2024-01-10T17:13+0100manilatimes (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia 's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted again on Wednesday, spewing ash clouds 2 kilometers (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern....

L'état d'alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l'île de Florès, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi. Indonésie | Nouvelle éruption Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki

2024-01-10T15:42+0100journaldemontreal (fr)

L'état d'alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. • À lire aussi: Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi Mercredi, après des....

L'état d'alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l'île de Florès, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi. Indonésie | Nouvelle éruption Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki

2024-01-10T15:41+0100journaldequebec (fr)

L'état d'alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. • À lire aussi: Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi Mercredi, après des....

Les habitants fuient après l’alerte à l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie

2024-01-10T15:13+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Les habitants fuient après l’alerte à l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie Les habitants de plusieurs villages en Indonésie ont été contraints de fuir après une alerte à l’éruption d’un volcan. La situation d’urgence a créé la panique parmi les résidents, qui ont dû abandonner leurs maisons et leurs biens pour échapper au danger imminent.

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T14:27+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post JAKARTA (AFP): Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the....

10 Most Destructive Tsunamis In History

2024-01-10T13:42+0100timesnownews (en)

Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2004. The tsunami, triggered by a powerful undersea earthquake off Sumatra's coast on December 26, claimed over 230,000 lives and wreaked havoc on coastal areas in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia , Thailand, and Somalia. (Rep Image) Tohoku Tsunami, 2011. The tsunami on March 11, 2011, recorded a magnitude of 9.

Indonesia - Volcanic eruption (DG ECHO, BNPB, ADINet, MAGMA, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 10 January 2024)

2024-01-10T13:34+0100reliefWeb (en)

Since December 2023, the activity of Lewotobi Laki-laki volcano, located in the southeastern part of the island of Flores, eastern Indonesia , has resulted in an increase in displacements. As of 10 January, 7,015 people have been affected, including more than 5,579 people displaced in 6 evacuation centres.

Indonésie : nouvelle éruption du volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki

2024-01-10T10:09+0100linfo (fr)

Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki , situé sur l’ île de Florès , dans l’est de l’ Indonésie , est entré en éruption. Après des semaines de surveillance, les autorités ont émis un ordre d’évacuation début janvier en raison de l’activité accrue du volcan . Comme rapporté par le Centre de volcanologie et....

Il vulcano indonesiano Lewotobi Laki-Laki in eruzione, massimo livello di allerta | FOTO

2024-01-10T09:37+0100meteoweb (it)

L' Indonesia si trova sulla Cintura di Fuoco del Pacifico, un’area di intensa attività vulcanica e sismica. Il vulcano Lewotobi Laki-Laki in Indonesia ha generato un’eruzione nelle scorse ore, emettendo nubi di cenere fino ad un’altezza di 2 km sopra la sua vetta mentre le autorità hanno aumentato lo stato di allerta al livello più alto.

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, placed on highest alert level

2024-01-10T09:22+0100straitstimesSG (en)

JAKARTA - Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew on Jan 10, spewing ash clouds 2km above its peak as the authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern Indonesia’s Flores....

07:53 | éruption Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi en Indonésie

2024-01-10T08:00+010020minutes (fr)

Une nouvelle éruption. L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie. Après des semaines d’activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre d’évacuation début janvier, des cendres volcaniques ont été projetées deux....

En IndonésieAlerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki 0 0 0

2024-01-10T07:58+0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. Mercredi, après des semaines d’activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre d’évacuation début....

Indonesia's Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T07:46+0100channelnewsasia (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia 's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew on Wednesday (Jan 10), spewing ash clouds 2km above its peak as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern Indonesia's....

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T07:19+0100malaymail (en)

JAKARTA, Jan 10 — Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew today, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on....

Indonésie: alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki sur l'île de Florès

2024-01-10T07:19+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 8 min L'état d'alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. Mercredi, après des semaines d'activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre....

Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupts in Indonesia

2024-01-10T07:11+0100gulfnews (en)

Jakarta: Indonesia 's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern....

IndonésieAlerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki 0 1

2024-01-10T07:10+0100lematin-CH (fr)

L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. Mercredi, après des semaines d’activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre d’évacuation début....

Indonesia Raises Volcano Alert Status to Highest Level as Lewotobi Laki-Laki Erupts

2024-01-10T07:05+0100news18 (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern Indonesia’s....

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T07:03+0100brecorder (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern....

Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki en Indonésie

2024-01-10T06:58+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Les habitants sont appelés à porter des masques pour se protéger «des dangers pour le système respiratoire». AFP. L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités.

Indonésie: Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki

2024-01-10T06:53+010024heures (fr)

L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. Mercredi, après des semaines d’activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre d’évacuation début....

Indonésie: Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki

2024-01-10T06:47+0100tdg (fr)

L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. Mercredi, après des semaines d’activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre d’évacuation début....

Indonesia's Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T06:36+0100terradaily (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern Indonesia's....

Indonesia's Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T06:34+0100bssnews (en)

JAKARTA, Jan 10, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - Indonesia 's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the....

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T06:31+0100inquirer (en)

Motorists ride as mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki spews hot smoke in Flores Timur, Nusa Tenggara, Timur province on January 2, 2024. AFP FILE PHOTO. JAKARTA Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometers (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level.

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert

2024-01-10T06:10+0100arynews (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern....

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T05:50+0100tribuneonline (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometers (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern Indonesia’s....

Mount Marapi's status has increased to level III or alert

2024-01-10T05:17+0100kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found in KOMPAS/YOLA SASTRA. Smoke and volcanic ash emanating from the crater of Mount Marapi were pictured from the main SAR post not far from the Office of the Village....

The Importance of Understanding Disaster Risk

2024-01-10T04:21+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/FRANSISKUS PATI HERIN. Another eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki-laki in East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara occurred on Monday (8/1/2024). Living in the second most disaster-prone country in the world makes understanding disaster risk conditions important.

L’équilibre entre le risque et la valeur scientifique dans l’exploration planétaire est primordial

2024-01-09T22:23+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Dans “The Mary Shelley Room”, Timo Fieldhouse raconte comment une éruption volcanique en Indonésie a secoué le monde De Michael Wessel. L’année 1816 était surnommée “l’année sans été”. Cette année a également beaucoup à voir avec la communauté légendaire de Percy Shelley, sa future épouse Mary, sa....

La ciudad de Ollagüe registra sismo de magnitud 5.2

2024-01-09T18:12+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sorprendió a los pobladores de la ciudad de Ollagüe , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 13:47 horas (hora local) de este martes 9 de enero. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 5.2 y una profundidad de 186.

Kompas Humanitarian Fund Foundation Provides Assistance to Male Mount Lewotobi Refugees

2024-01-09T09:21+0100kompas-id (en)

Ko &lt;mpas</i> readers who were donated through the Kompas Humanitarian Fund Foundation." height="683" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:1280px) 1280px, (max-width:720px) 720px, (max-width:1024px) 1024px, (max-width:6000px) 6000px, (max-width:676px) 676px, (max-width:160px) 160px, (max-width:300px)....


2024-01-08T23:43+0100ahacentre (en)

REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the first week of 2024, the ASEAN region experienced a total of 29 disasters including floods, landslides, wind-related disasters, and volcanic activity. Indonesia and Malaysia were reportedly affected by these events. According to the Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana BNPB....

ASEAN Weekly Disaster Update Week 1 | 1 - 7 January 2024

2024-01-08T12:05+0100reliefWeb (en)

REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the first week of 2024, the ASEAN region experienced a total of 29 disasters including floods, landslides, wind-related disasters, and volcanic activity. Indonesia and Malaysia were reportedly affected by these events. According to the Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana....

Sismo de 4.1 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de La Higuera

2024-01-07T10:19+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 4.1 de magnitud aconteció este domingo 7 de enero en la ciudad de La Higuera , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento telúrico inició a las 05:59 (hora local), se originó a 61.

Indonésie : l'aéroport de Minangkabau fermé suite à l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2024-01-06T15:51+0100lecourrier (fr)

L'aéroport international de Minangkabau, situé dans la province indonésienne de Sumatra occidental, a été fermé provisoirement vendredi 5 janvier en raison d'une augmentation de l'activité du volcan Marapi . Cette politique pourrait entraîner une gêne, mais la sécurité de chacun reste la principale....

Indonésie : 2.000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, est entré plusieurs fois en éruption au cours des dernières semaines.

2024-01-06T12:06+0100sciencesetavenir (fr)

Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré le 2 janvier 2024 un responsable local. Plusieurs éruptions. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de....

Indonésie : l'aéroport de Minangkabau fermé suite à l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2024-01-06T02:28+0100french-news (fr)

JAKARTA, 5 janvier (Xinhua) -- L'aéroport international de Minangkabau, situé dans la province indonésienne de Sumatra occidental, a été fermé provisoirement vendredi en raison d'une augmentation de l'activité du volcan Marapi . "Cette politique pourrait entraîner une gêne, mais la sécurité de chacun....

Indonésie : l'aéroport de Minangkabau fermé suite à l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2024-01-05T20:04+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

L'aéroport international de Minangkabau, situé dans la province indonésienne de Sumatra occidental, a été fermé provisoirement vendredi en raison d'une augmentation de l'activité du volcan Marapi . "Cette politique pourrait entraîner une gêne, mais la sécurité de chacun reste la principale priorité,....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.0 en Arauco

2024-01-05T06:22+0100infobae (es)

Según la información oficial preliminar, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 00:54 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 23.0 kilómetros. La CNS señaló que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -37.058 grados de latitud y -73.53 grados de longitud, es decir, a 28.0 kilómetros al Noroeste de la localidad.

Aldeanos indonesios evacuados mientras crecen temores de erupción de volcán-Xinhua

2024-01-04T21:52+0100notiulti (es)

YAKARTA, 4 ene (Xinhua) — María Leba y sus familiares han estado viviendo en una tienda de campaña en un jardín durante los últimos días luego de una creciente actividad volcánica del monte Lewotobi Laki-Laki en la parte sureste de la isla indonesia de Flores. .

Ancora tempeste in Australia

2024-01-04T12:55+0100internazionale (it)

Tempeste Una violenta tempesta ha colpito la costa orientale dell’Australia, uccidendo almeno nove persone. ◆La tempesta Gerrit ha investito il Regno Unito e l’Irlanda con venti fino a 170 chilometri orari, provocando la morte di tre persone. Umidità Negli ultimi decenni in Europa l’aria è diventata sempre più secca.

Le alghe saranno il cibo di un mondo post catastrofe nucleare o dopo una grande eruzione vulcanica?

2024-01-04T10:57+0100greenreport (it)

“Seaweed as a resilient food solution after a nuclear war” è stata selezionata come una delle proposte più entusiasmanti e interessanti tra le 17.000 presentate alla conferenza della European Geosciences Union (EGU) del 2023 a Vienna. A presentare lo studio è stato Florian Ulrich Jehn dell’Alliance....

Meteo Cronaca Diretta VIDEO: INDONESIA, eurtta il vulcano Lewotobi Laki-laki; evacuazioni in atto

2024-01-04T09:19+0100ilmeteo (it)

https://www.pubtech.ai/ilmeteo_video.html?video=//vs.ansa.it/sito/video_mp4_export/m20240102131047281.mp4&photo=/webimages/img_620x438/2024/1/2/f3cdc4b0d0a6c0b9b5533c256e05f382.jpg. Oltre 2.000 residenti sono stati evacuati e trasferiti in rifugi temporanei in seguito all’ eruzione del vulcano....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.0 en Mina Collahuasi

2024-01-04T07:24+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.0 aconteció este jueves 4 de enero en la ciudad chilena de Mina Collahuasi , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento comenzó a las 03:05 (hora local), se originó a 56.

Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland's eruptions

2024-01-03T23:19+0100japantoday (en)

As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last month in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

Novedades Quintana Roo ⯑ Últimas Noticias hoy 3 de enero de 2024

2024-01-03T14:37+0100sipse (es)

En el primer incidente del año 2024, hombres armados abrieron fuego contra una vivienda y un automóvil en la colonia 10 de Abril en Cozumel. Conoce el resumen con las últimas noticias que necesitas saber hoy 3 de enero de 2024 para iniciar el día bien informado. Trámites de nuevas licencias de conducir arrancan con el pie izquierdo en Cancún.

Indonesia - Volcanic eruption (DG ECHO, BNPB, MAGMA Indonesia, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 3 January 2024)

2024-01-03T13:10+0100reliefWeb (en)

Since December 2023, the activity of Lewotobi Laki-laki volcano located in the southeastern part of the island of Flores (eastern Indonesia ), is increasing. On 1 January 2024, a huge eruption was observed. The ash cloud reached up to 1,500m above the crater and moved from southwest to west.

Chile: sismo de magnitud 5.4 en Alto del Carmen

2024-01-03T09:26+0100infobae (es)

Según la información oficial hasta ahora publicada, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 05:04 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 156.0 kilómetros. La CNS reportó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -28.471 grados de latitud y -68.961 grados de longitud, es decir, a 152.

El monte Dukono entra en erupción arrojando cenizas a 4.000 metros de altura

2024-01-03T02:03+0100notiulti (es)

La erupción del volcán Dukono en North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku CNN Indonesia /Sahril. Yakarta, CNN Indonesia. El Centro de Vulcanología y Mitigación de Desastres Geológicos (PVMBG) informó que se produjo una erupción en en el norte de Maluku, que arrojó ceniza volcánica a una altura de aproximadamente 4.

¡2024 viene con todo!...erupción volcánica en Indonesia afecta a mil 500 personas

2024-01-03T01:10+0100mvsnoticias (es)

Unas mil 500 personas fueron evacuadas tras repetidas erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, en Indonesia , donde las autoridades elevaron este martes la alerta al nivel tres sobre un máximo de cuatro , no cabe duda que 2024 viene con todo.

Indonesia: Evacuaron a más de mil personas tras erupción del volcán

2024-01-03T00:37+0100americatv (es)

Los damnificados temen por su seguridad debido a que se intensificó la actividad del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki en Indonesia . Además, se reportó la caída de ceniza y constantes sismos. Al menos 1500 personas fueron evacuadas en Indonesia por las repetidas erupciones de un volcán al este del país.

VIDEO: Son evacuadas más de mil 500 personas por erupción volcánica

2024-01-03T00:08+0100diariodemorelos (es)

El volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, ubicado en la isla de Flores, Indonesia , ha generado preocupación y llevado a la evacuación de al menos 1,500 personas. Las autoridades locales elevaron la alerta al nivel tres, de un máximo de cuatro, ante las repetidas erupciones registradas en los últimos días.

VIDEO: Evacúan a más de mil 500 personas por erupción volcánica en Indonesia Mundo | 2 de enero

2024-01-02T18:29+0100el-mexicano (es)

Las autoridades de Indonesia han llevado a cabo la evacuación de al menos mil 500 personas debido a las recurrentes erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, ubicado en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del país. En respuesta a la intensificación de la actividad volcánica, las....

¿Cuáles fueron los peores tsunamis de la historia y cómo se forman?

2024-01-02T17:30+0100conocedores (es)

La Tierra es un planeta geológicamente activo donde ocurren terremotos de forma continua, aunque la mayoría de las veces no los notemos en nuestras vidas cotidianas. Y un terremoto o un volcán en el océano pueden causar un tsunami. ¿Cuáles fueron los peores tsunamis de la historia y cómo se forman?....

L’éruption d’un volcan en Islande attire les touristes

2024-01-02T17:21+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

LONDRES/BUDAPEST : Alors que la rivière de lave rougeoyante d’un volcan entré en éruption la semaine dernière en Islande se retirait, tout le monde n’était pas content. Hazel Lane, directrice d’un cabinet dentaire de 49 ans à Londres, avait réservé un billet pour Reykjavik dès qu’elle avait vu des....

Cerca de mil 500 evacuados por la erupción de un volcán en Indonesia

2024-01-02T16:15+0100laverdadnoticias (es)

Las autoridades en Indonesia reportaron que son cerca de mil 500 personas han sido evacuadas por las repetidas erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki , donde han elevado este martes 2 de enero la alerta al nivel tres sobre un máximo de cuatro. En la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del....

Al menos 1.500 evacuados por erupción de un volcán al este de Indonesia

2024-01-02T16:15+0100n-com-do (es)

Al menos 1.500 personas han sido evacuadas en Indonesia por las repetidas erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki , en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del país, donde las autoridades elevaron este martes la alerta al nivel tres sobre un máximo de cuatro. Las autoridades de la regencia de Flores han evacuado a 1.

Over 2,000 Evacuated After Indonesia Volcano Eruption

2024-01-02T15:21+0100channelstv (en)

More than 2,000 residents have been evacuated to temporary shelters amid heightened volcanic activities in a volcano in eastern Indonesia , a local official said Tuesday. Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki in East Nusa Tenggara province has erupted several times in recent weeks, including an eruption on Monday that spewed volcanic ash 1.

VIDEO: Evacúan a más de mil 500 personas por erupción volcánica en Indonesia Hace 1 minuto En respuesta a la intensificación de la actividad volcánica del Lewotobi Laki-Laki, las autoridades de Indonesia elevaron la alerta al nivel tres

2024-01-02T15:21+0100zocalo (es)

Indonesia .- Las autoridades de Indonesia han llevado a cabo la evacuación de al menos mil 500 personas debido a las recurrentes erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, ubicado en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del país. En respuesta a la intensificación de la actividad volcánica,....

Cina: monte Changbai, ferrovia alta velocita’ stimola economia di ghiaccio, neve

2024-01-02T15:21+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 2 gennaio 2024) Pechino, 02 gen – (Xinhua) – La ferrovia ad alta velocita’ ha portato nuova vitalita’ all’ economia del ghiaccio e della neve del monte Changbai , nel Jilin cinese. Agenzia Xinhua. Pechino, 02 gen – (Xinhua) – La ferrovia ad alta velocita’ ha portato nuova vitalita’ all’....

Desalojan a más de mil 500 personas por erupción volcánica en Indonesia En respuesta a la intensificación de la actividad volcánica del Lewotobi Laki-Laki, las autoridades de Indonesia elevaron la alerta al nivel tres, en una escala de cuatro. Global | 07:44 hrs.

2024-01-02T14:55+0100excelsior (es)

Las autoridades de Indonesia han llevado a cabo la evacuación de al menos mil 500 personas debido a las recurrentes erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, ubicado en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del país. En respuesta a la intensificación de la actividad volcánica, las....

Noticias Alerta en Indonesia: al menos 1.500 evacuados por la erupción de un volcán

2024-01-02T14:40+0100vanguardia-CO (es)

Al menos 1.500 personas han sido evacuadas en Indonesia por las repetidas erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del país, donde las autoridades elevaron este martes 2 de enero, la alerta al nivel tres sobre un máximo de cuatro. Las autoridades de la regencia de Flores han evacuado a 1.

Indonesia: eruzione del Monte Lewotobi, evacuati migliaia di residenti

2024-01-02T14:31+0100tag24 (it)

In Indonesia , il governo ha evacutato più di 2mila residenti colpiti dall’eruzione del Monte Lewotobi Laki-Laki. Il vulcano ha eruttato diverse volte da fine dicembre 2023. Continua l’attività vulcanica in Indonesia, eruzione del Monte Lewotobi: residenti evacuati.

Indonésie: 2.000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T13:34+0100sciencesetavenir (fr)

Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de Florès, est entré....

Indonésie: 2.000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T13:19+0100la-croix (fr)

Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de Florès, est entré....

Des milliers de personnes évacuées suite à l’éruption du volcan indonésien

2024-01-02T13:06+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

MAUMERE : Plus de 2 000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires dans un contexte d’activité volcanique accrue dans un volcan de l’est de l’Indonésie, a déclaré un responsable local mardi 2 janvier. Le mont Lewotobi Laki-Laki, dans la province de Nusa Tenggara Est, est entré en éruption....

Indonésie: 2.000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T12:49+0100actu-orange (fr)

Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de Florès, est entré plusieurs fois en éruption au cours des dernières semaines.

Indonésie: 2.000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T12:32+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 30 min Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de....

12:15 | danger Plus de 2.000 personnes évacuées après l’éruption d’un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T12:20+010020minutes (fr)

Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de Florès, est entré plusieurs fois en éruption au cours des dernières semaines — ARNOLD WELIANTO. Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de....

Eruzione in Indonesia: si alza l’allerta per il vulcano sull’isola di Flores, 2mila evacuati

2024-01-02T12:02+0100meteoweb (it)

Oltre 2.000 residenti sono stati evacuati e trasferiti in rifugi temporanei in seguito all’ eruzione di un vulcano sull’ isola di Flores , situata nell’ Indonesia orientale . Il vulcano Lewotobi Laki-Laki , localizzato nella provincia di Nusa Tengarra, a Est dell’isola di Flores, ha generato diverse eruzioni nelle ultime settimane.

Indonésie : au moins 2200 personnes évacuées après l’éruption d’un volcan sur l’île de Florès

2024-01-02T11:45+0100rtbf (fr)

Plus de 2200 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l’éruption d’un volcan sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l’est de l’île de Florès, est entré plusieurs fois en éruption au cours des dernières semaines.

Des milliers de personnes évacuées suite à l’éruption du volcan East Nusa Tenggara

2024-01-02T11:28+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

L’éruption du volcan East Nusa Tenggara en Indonésie a causé la évacuation de milliers de personnes dans la région. Cette catastrophe naturelle a eu des conséquences dévastatrices pour les habitants de l’île, les contraignant à fuir leur domicile pour se mettre en sécurité.

En Indonésie, 2 000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T11:18+0100laprovence (fr)

Plus de 2 000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de Florès, est entré plusieurs fois en éruption au cours des dernières semaines.

The ‘volcano tourists’ that vied to catch Iceland eruptions

2024-01-02T10:40+0100thehindu (en)

As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

Iceland’s Volcanic Activity Draws Tourists to the Country’s Unique Landscape

2024-01-02T02:28+0100vervetimes (en)

LONDON/BUDAPEST – As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

La erupción de un volcán en Islandia atrae a los turistas

2024-01-01T23:05+0100notiulti (es)

LONDRES/BUDAPEST: Mientras el brillante río de lava de un volcán que entró en erupción la semana pasada en Islandia menguaba, no todos estaban contentos. Hazel Lane, directora de un consultorio dental de Londres de 49 años, había reservado un billete para Reykjavik tan pronto como vio imágenes de la....

WATCH: Volcano tourism warms up Iceland

2024-01-01T17:21+0100arynews (en)

Lane had already visited Iceland the previous month, but it was too soon. Although authorities had by that time evacuated the nearly 4,000 inhabitants of the nearby town of Grindavik, weeks passed before the volcano – which lies about 40 km (25 miles) southwest of Reykjavik – erupted on Dec. 18.

¿Qué es un tsunami y por qué puede ser tan peligroso?

2024-01-01T14:46+0100cnnMexico (es)

(CNN) -- Los tsunamis se forman por un desplazamiento de agua causado por un deslizamiento de tierra, un terremoto, una erupción volcánica o un deslizamiento del límite entre dos de las placas tectónicas de la tierra (que son placas de roca de 15 a 200 metros de espesor que apoyan los continentes de....

. Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland's eruptions

2024-01-01T04:58+0100chinadailyhk (en)

People watch as the night sky is illuminated caused by the eruption of a volcano in Grindavik on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula, Monday, Dec 18, 2023. (PHOTO / AP) LONDON/BUDAPEST - As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy.

Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland’s eruptions

2023-12-31T23:22+0100gulf-times (en)

As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland's eruptions

2023-12-31T05:18+0100AsiaOne (en)

LONDON/BUDAPEST - As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Madam Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to....

Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland's eruptions

2023-12-30T19:19+0100reuters (en)

LONDON/BUDAPEST, Dec 30 (Reuters) - As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television,....

Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland's eruptions

2023-12-30T15:01+0100saltwire (en)

By Joanna Plucinska and Krisztina Than. LONDON/BUDAPEST (Reuters) - As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of....

'Lava chasers' are hooked on volcanoes, and some 'don't really realise how dangerous it is'

2023-12-30T14:29+0100abc-au (en)

As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavík as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland’s eruptions

2023-12-30T14:03+0100theglobeandmail (en)

As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

Hooked on Volcanoes? Tourists Vie to Catch Iceland’s Eruptions

2023-12-30T13:45+0100aawsat (en)

As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

‘Lava chasers’ keep an eye on Iceland

2023-12-30T13:36+0100BangkokPost (en)

As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland's eruptions By Joanna Plucinska and Krisztina Than LONDON/BUDAPEST (Reuters) - As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed... 1h ago

2023-12-30T13:14+0100kelo (en)

By Joanna Plucinska and Krisztina Than. LONDON/BUDAPEST (Reuters) – As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of....

Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland's eruptions

2023-12-30T13:07+0100wkzo (en)

By Joanna Plucinska and Krisztina Than. LONDON/BUDAPEST (Reuters) – As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of....

Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland's eruptions By Joanna Plucinska and Krisztina Than LONDON/BUDAPEST (Reuters) - As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed... 53m ago

2023-12-30T13:05+0100wsau (en)

By Joanna Plucinska and Krisztina Than. LONDON/BUDAPEST (Reuters) – As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of....

Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland's eruptions

2023-12-30T12:56+0100whbl (en)

By Joanna Plucinska and Krisztina Than. LONDON/BUDAPEST (Reuters) – As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of....

¿Enganchado a los volcanes? Los turistas compiten por captar las erupciones de Islandia

2023-12-30T12:36+0100notiulti (es)

Por Joanna Plucinska y Krisztina Than. LONDRES/BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Mientras el brillante río de lava de un volcán que entró en erupción la semana pasada en Islandia menguaba, no todos estaban contentos. Hazel Lane, directora de un consultorio dental de Londres de 49 años, había reservado un billete....

Indonesia ancora pericolosa, nuovo terremoto al largo di Sumatra di magnitudo 5,9

2023-12-30T11:30+0100tag24 (it)

La terra continua a tremare in Indonesia , con un nuovo terremoto che oggi, 30 dicembre 2023 ha colpito al largo della costa nord-est dell’isola di Sumatra . Per fortuna, nonostante la magnitudo piuttosto elevata (5,9 della scala), non si segnalano danni o vittime.

Eruption du volcan Indonésien Marapi : 23 morts

2023-12-24T18:08+0100catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} 22/12: Une forte éruption a commencé sur le volcan Marapi , Sumatra, en Indonésie, à 05h19 UTC (12h19 heure locale) le 22 décembre 2023. L’éruption a produit une colonne de cendres volcaniques qui a atteint au moins 4,8 km (16 000 pieds) au-dessus du niveau de la mer, dérivant vers le sud.

El glamping en Kintamani está resultando un éxito entre los turistas de Bali

2023-12-24T16:37+0100notiulti (es)

Comparte el artículo. Bali es un destino sinónimo de sol, arena y mar. Los centros turísticos costeros de la Isla de los Dioses atraen cada año a millones de turistas. Pero hay otra cara de Bali que es exuberante, verde, montañosa y cada vez más popular entre los turistas.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.0 en la ciudad de Tirúa

2023-12-24T15:53+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad chilena de Tirúa , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 11:31 horas (hora local) de este domingo 24 de diciembre. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 4.0 y una profundidad de 28.

La ciudad de Tirúa siente sismo de magnitud 4.0

2023-12-24T15:53+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro a 55.0 kilómetros de la ciudad de Tirúa. Información preliminar precisa que el sismo inició a las 11:30 horas (hora local) de este domingo 24 de diciembre y tuvo una profundidad de 5.0 kilómetros. La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -74.

Éruption du volcan Marapi provoque la fermeture de l'aéroport de Minangkabau

2023-12-24T14:57+0100lecourrier (fr)

Le volcan de près de 2.900 m d'altitude situé dans le district d'Agam, dans la province de Sumatra occidental, se trouve à environ 113 km au Nord de l'aéroport international de Minangkabau à Padang, la capitale provinciale. C'est la troisième fois que le volcan est actif ce mois-ci.

Indonésie : l'éruption du volcan Marapi provoque la fermeture de l'aéroport de Minangkabau

2023-12-24T09:35+0100vietnamplus-fr (fr)

Jakarta, 24 décembre (VNA) - Les cendres volcaniques crachées par le mont Marapi , en Indonésie, ont contraint les aéroports de l'île indonésienne de Sumatra à fermer leurs portes et les habitants à évacuer vers des endroits plus sûrs le 22 décembre. Le volcan de près de 2.

Chile: temblor de magnitud 4.8 en Tirúa

2023-12-24T06:22+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de 4.8 de magnitud se registró en la ciudad chilena de Tirúa este domingo 24 de diciembre, así lo dio a conocer el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según la información oficial preliminar, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 00:32 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 34.0 kilómetros de profundidad.

Cenizas volcánicas expulsadas por el monte Marapi causan cierre de aeropuertos en Indonesia

2023-12-23T06:28+0100elnuevoherald (es)

PADANG, Indonesia . Las cenizas volcánicas expulsadas por el monte Marapi causaron el cierre el viernes de los aeropuertos y cubrieron las poblaciones cercanas de la isla de Sumatra. El volcán, de casi 2.900 metros (9.480 pies) de altura y situado en el distrito de Agam, en la provincia de Sumatra....

Cenizas volcánicas expulsadas por el monte Marapi causan cierre de aeropuertos en Indonesia

2023-12-22T19:43+0100elperiodicodemexico (es)

RAHMA NURJANA. PADANG, Indonesia (AP) Las cenizas volcánicas expulsadas por el monte Marapi causaron el cierre el viernes de los aeropuertos y cubrieron las poblaciones cercanas de la isla de Sumatra. El volcán, de casi 2,900 metros (9.480 pies) de altura y situado en el distrito de Agam, en la....

Indonesia: erutta il vulcano Marapi, chiuso l’aeroporto di Padang

2023-12-22T17:55+0100meteoweb (it)

Il vulcano Marapi , situato nella provincia di Sumatra occidentale, Indonesia , ha dato vita ad una nuova eruzione , causando la temporanea chiusura dell’aeroporto internazionale Minangkabau di Padang , capitale della provincia. La decisione di chiudere l’aeroporto è stata presa nel pomeriggio....

Cenizas volcánicas expulsadas por el monte Marapi causan cierre de aeropuertos en Indonesia

2023-12-22T15:58+0100lanacion-AR (es)

El monte Marapi expulsa ceniza volcánica durante su erupción, visto desde Tanah Datar, Sumatra Occidental, Indonesia , el viernes 22 de diciembre de 2022. (AP Foto/Ali Nayaka) Ali Nayaka - AP PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Las cenizas volcánicas expulsadas por el monte Marapi causaron el cierre el viernes....

Cenizas volcánicas expulsadas por el monte Marapi causan cierre de aeropuertos en Indonesia

2023-12-22T15:46+0100sandiegouniontribune (es)

PADANG, Indonesia — Las cenizas volcánicas expulsadas por el monte Marapi causaron el cierre el viernes de los aeropuertos y cubrieron las poblaciones cercanas de la isla de Sumatra. El volcán, de casi 2.900 metros (9.480 pies) de altura y situado en el distrito de Agam, en la provincia de Sumatra....

Se cumplen 5 años de un tsunami letal en Indonesia

2023-12-22T09:22+0100infobae (es)

Madrid, 22 dic (EFE). El 22 de diciembre de 2018 un tsunami causado por la erupción del volcán Anak Krakatoa provocó 439 muertos en las costas del estrecho de Sonda, entre las islas de Java y Sumatra ( Indonesia ).

Kawah Ijen, el mágico volcán que escupe lava de color azul violáceo

2023-12-21T23:22+0100noticiasambientales (es)

La lava azul es un fenómeno natural asombroso cuya visión es capaz de transportarnos a escenarios que sólo imaginamos en otros planetas. Sin embargo, la Tierra alberga un lugar único de apariencia mágica donde es posible contemplar llamaradas azules bajo el cielo estrellado de la noche.

Cuántos volcanes activos hay en el mundo

2023-12-20T20:12+0100ecoportal (es)

La mayoría de los volcanes activos se encuentran en el Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico, una región que rodea el Océano Pacífico y que está sujeta a una intensa actividad sísmica y volcánica. Otros volcanes activos se encuentran en las cadenas montañosas de los Alpes, los Andes y el Cáucaso. Los volcanes vuelven a ser noticia hoy.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 4.5 en Ollagüe

2023-12-20T13:56+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.5 se registró este miércoles 20 de diciembre en la ciudad de Ollagüe , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 09:39 (hora local), se originó a 56.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 4.0 de magnitud en Puerto Aysén

2023-12-20T07:26+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sorprendió a los pobladores de la ciudad de Puerto Aysén , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 02:50 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 20 de diciembre. Según la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico fue de 4.0 de magnitud y una profundidad de 20.

Islandia: Volcán Grindavik partió la tierra en dos y así se escuchó la mortal erupción

2023-12-19T23:02+0100hsbnoticias (es)

Islandia vive momentos apocalípticos y luego de meses de sentir potentes seísmos. Hoy el mundo vio en vivo como la tierra se partió en dos en la península de Reykjanes, en Islandia, tras la erupción que empezó sobre las 10:00 p.m. El presidente de Islandia, Guðni Jóhannesson, escribió en un mensaje....

Estos son algunos de los volcanes dormidos más peligrosos (y no es el de Grindavik)

2023-12-19T12:15+0100elconfidencial (es)

El día en que los montes se muevan está próximo / sin embargo la gente, cuando lo digo, no me cree / desde tiempos antiguos borbollaban los montes / aún durmientes bullían, pero no esperéis que continúen así. Recitaba este poema la japonesa Yosano Akiko , nacida en el siglo pasado, haciendo una analogía entre las mujeres y las montañas.

11 alpinistas fallecieron y 12 están desaparecidos por la erupción de un volcán en Indonesia

2023-12-19T02:25+0100ecuavisa (es)

11 alpinistas han fallecido y tres fueron hallados a salvo este lunes 4 de diciembre tras la erupción el domingo del volcán Marapi , en la isla de Sumatra, mientras los equipos de rescate buscan entre pausas por la continuada actividad volcánica a otros doce desaparecidos.

Chile: temblor de magnitud 4.7 en San Pedro

2023-12-18T08:22+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.7 se registró en la ciudad chilena de San Pedro , de acuerdo con datos oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora obtenida señala que el movimiento telúrico inició a las 03:51 horas (hora local) de este lunes 18 de diciembre. El epicentro del temblor fue a 55.

Se sei un appassionato di vulcani, non puoi perderti questo spettacolo: ecco dove si trova

2023-12-17T15:59+0100viagginews (it)

Tutti gli appassionati di vulcanologia non possono assolutamente perdersi uno degli spettacoli naturali più belli del mondo. I vulcani sono delle strutture geologiche estremamente complesse, capaci di attirare migliaia di appassionati da ogni angolo della Terra.

Chile: se registra temblor de magnitud 4.0 en la ciudad de Huasco

2023-12-16T18:55+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Huasco fue el epicentro de un sismo de magnitud 4.0 que se registró a las 14:33 horas (hora local) de este sábado 16 de diciembre. El temblor ocurrió a 29.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 50.0 kilómetros, de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

A Napoli e Campi flegrei anche le ceneri sono un rischio: serve mettere in sicurezza gli edifici

2023-12-16T11:03+0100247libero (it)

Nelle ultime settimane sono state riportate ampiamente dai media le notizie delle eruzioni dell’Etna in Sicilia e del Merapi in Indonesia . Le eruzioni dell’Etna generano sempre grande interesse, specialmente nei turisti che si recano spesso ad ammirare spettacolari fontane o flussi di lava, che specialmente di notte sono estremamente affascinanti.

A Napoli e Campi flegrei anche le ceneri sono un rischio: serve mettere in sicurezza gli edifici

2023-12-16T10:55+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 16 dicembre 2023) Nelle ultime settimane sono state riportate ampiamente dai media le notizie delle eruzioni dell’Etna in Sicilia e del Merapi in Indonesia . Le eruzioni dell’Etna generano sempre grande interesse, specialmente nei turisti che si recano spesso ad ammirare spettacolari....

Se registra temblor de magnitud 4.0 en la ciudad de Ilo

2023-12-16T10:35+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.0 tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad de Ilo este sábado 16 de diciembre, así lo señalan datos el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según la información oficial preliminar, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 06:24 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a 33.0 kilómetros de profundidad.

A Napoli e Campi flegrei anche le ceneri sono un rischio: serve mettere in sicurezza gli edifici

2023-12-16T10:11+0100ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Nelle ultime settimane sono state riportate ampiamente dai media le notizie delle eruzioni dell’Etna in Sicilia e del Merapi in Indonesia . Le eruzioni dell’Etna generano sempre grande interesse, specialmente nei turisti che si recano spesso ad ammirare spettacolari fontane o flussi di lava, che specialmente di notte sono estremamente affascinanti.

08:31 Indonésie: fin des recherches après l'éruption meurtrière du …

2023-12-07T08:39+0100nouvelobs (fr)

Jakarta (AFP) - Les autorités indonésiennes ont annoncé jeudi avoir mis fin aux recherches sur les pentes du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, cinq jours après une éruption qui a fait 23 morts. Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts.

Indonésie: fin des recherches après l'éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi

2023-12-07T08:37+0100LePoint (fr)

Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts. Au total, 75 randonneurs s'étant enregistrés pour accéder aux pentes du volcan avaient été répertoriés par les autorités depuis samedi et 52 avaient été ramenés en vie par les secours.

Indonésie: fin des recherches après l'éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi

2023-12-07T08:33+0100laprovence (fr)

Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts. Au total, 75 randonneurs s'étant enregistrés pour accéder aux pentes du volcan avaient été répertoriés par les autorités depuis samedi et 52 avaient été ramenés en vie par les secours.

Indonésie : fin des recherches après l’éruption du volcan Marapi, le bilan s’élève à 23 morts

2023-12-07T08:33+0100leparisien (fr)

Les autorités indonésiennes annoncent ce jeudi avoir mis fin aux recherches sur les pentes du volcan Marapi , dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie. Cette décision intervient cinq jours après une éruption qui a fait 23 morts sur l’île de Sumatra. Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée.

Indonésie: fin des recherches après l'éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi

2023-12-07T08:32+0100challenges (fr)

Les autorités indonésiennes ont annoncé jeudi avoir mis fin aux recherches sur les pentes du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, cinq jours après une éruption qui a fait 23 morts. Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts.

Indonésie: fin des recherches après l'éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi

2023-12-07T08:30+0100lemauricien (fr)

Les autorités indonésiennes ont annoncé jeudi avoir mis fin aux recherches sur les pentes du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, cinq jours après une éruption qui a fait 23 morts. Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts.

El volcán Marapi entra en erupción en Indonesia, dejando al menos 11 víctimas además de desaparecidos

2023-12-07T08:22+0100tiempo-es (es)

07/12/2023 07:00 5 min. El monte Marapi , en la provincia de Sumatra Occidental, Indonesia , entró en erupción la tarde del domingo 3 de diciembre, provocando la muerte de 11 personas que se encontraban en la montaña. Otras 12 personas estaban desaparecidas, dijeron las autoridades locales al canal de noticias CNN La erupción del monte Marapi.

En IndonésieFin des recherches après l’éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi 0 0 0

2023-12-07T08:14+0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Les autorités indonésiennes ont annoncé jeudi avoir mis fin aux recherches sur les pentes du volcan Marapi , dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, cinq jours après une éruption qui a fait 23 morts. Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts.

Mount Marapi Eruption Claims 23 Lives, Search For Victims Concludes

2023-12-07T07:48+0100outlookindia (en)

The search for victims following the weekend eruption of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has concluded, with a total of 23 confirmed fatalities and several injuries. The eruption occurred while approximately 75 climbers were on the nearly 2,900-meter mountain in West Sumatra province.

Indonésie : les autorités mettent fin aux recherches après l'éruption du volcan Marapi qui a fait 23 morts Les secours avaient retrouvé le corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, mercredi 6 décembre.

2023-12-07T07:47+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Le bilan final est de 23 morts. Les autorités indonésiennes ont annoncé avoir mis fin aux recherches après l'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, jeudi 7 décembre. "Toutes les victimes ont été retrouvées, la dernière victime a été retrouvée morte" , a déclaré le responsable de....

Fin des recherches en Indonésie après l'éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi

2023-12-07T07:08+0100monacomatin (fr)

Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts. Au total, 75 randonneurs s'étant enregistrés pour accéder aux pentes du volcan avaient été répertoriés par les autorités depuis samedi et 52 avaient été ramenés en vie par les secours.

Fin des recherches en Indonésie après l'éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi

2023-12-07T07:04+0100varmatin (fr)

Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts. Au total, 75 randonneurs s'étant enregistrés pour accéder aux pentes du volcan avaient été répertoriés par les autorités depuis samedi et 52 avaient été ramenés en vie par les secours.

Fin des recherches en Indonésie après l'éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi

2023-12-07T06:58+0100nicematin (fr)

Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts. Au total, 75 randonneurs s'étant enregistrés pour accéder aux pentes du volcan avaient été répertoriés par les autorités depuis samedi et 52 avaient été ramenés en vie par les secours.

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 climbers

2023-12-07T06:54+0100devdiscourse (en)

The search has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday. About 75 climbers started up the nearly 2,900-metre (9,480-foot) mountain in Agam district of....

Indonesia, eruzione del vulcano Marapi: stop alle ricerche degli escursionisti dispersi, 23 morti

2023-12-07T06:31+0100meteoweb (it)

Le autorità indonesiane hanno annunciato la fine della missione di ricerca e salvataggio dopo l’eruzione del vulcano Marapi , sull’isola di Sumatra , che ha causato 23 morti . Le autorità ritengono che ogni persona scomparsa sia stata trovata, viva o morta.

Indonésie: fin des recherches après l'éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi

2023-12-07T06:24+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 59 min Les autorités indonésiennes ont annoncé jeudi avoir mis fin aux recherches sur les pentes du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, cinq jours après une éruption qui a fait 23 morts. Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts.

Visiting volcanoes big business in Indonesia but safety in spotlight after several eruptions including Marapi

2023-12-07T06:21+0100channelnewsasia (en)

The dangers of visiting volcanoes have been thrown sharply into focus in Indonesia after the deadly eruption at Mount Marapi and subsequent ones at other well-known volcanoes, while also drawing attention to the limitations of the country’s early warning systems.

Indonesia termina búsqueda de víctimas de erupción volcánica

2023-12-07T06:21+0100deutschewelle-es (es)

Autoridades de Indonesia anunciaron este jueves (07.12.2023) el fin de la misión de búsqueda y rescate de senderistas desaparecidos o muertos en la erupción de un volcán el fin de semana, que dejó 23 fallecidos. Indicaron que creen que cada persona desaparecida ha sido encontrada y evacuada viva o....

IndonésieFin des recherches après l’éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi 0 0

2023-12-07T06:11+0100lematin-CH (fr)

Les autorités indonésiennes ont annoncé jeudi avoir mis fin aux recherches sur les pentes du volcan Marapi , dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, cinq jours après une éruption qui a fait 23 morts. Au total, 75 randonneurs s’étant enregistrés pour accéder aux pentes du volcan avaient été répertoriés par les....

Indonésie : fin des recherches après l'éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi nouvelle calédonie

2023-12-07T05:30+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Mercredi 6 décembre, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts. Au total, 75 randonneurs s'étant enregistrés pour accéder aux pentes du volcan avaient été répertoriés par les autorités depuis samedi, et 52 avaient été ramenés en vie par les secours.

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Marapi volcano

2023-12-07T05:02+0100inquirer (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia The search has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday. About 75 climbers started up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Indonésie: Fin des recherches après l’éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi

2023-12-07T04:54+010024heures (fr)

Les autorités indonésiennes ont annoncé jeudi avoir mis fin aux recherches sur les pentes du volcan Marapi , dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, cinq jours après une éruption qui a fait 23 morts. Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts.

Indonesia concluye búsqueda de víctimas de erupción volcánica que dejó 23 muertos

2023-12-07T04:52+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Autoridades de Indonesia anunciaron el jueves el fin de la misión de búsqueda y rescate de senderistas desaparecidos o muertos en la erupción de un volcán el fin de semana, que dejó 23 fallecidos. Indicaron que creen que cada persona desaparecida ha sido encontrada y evacuada viva o muerta, pese a....

Indonésie: Fin des recherches après l’éruption meurtrière du volcan Marapi

2023-12-07T04:51+0100tdg (fr)

Les autorités indonésiennes ont annoncé jeudi avoir mis fin aux recherches sur les pentes du volcan Marapi , dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, cinq jours après une éruption qui a fait 23 morts. Mercredi, les secours avaient annoncé la découverte du corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée, portant le bilan à 23 morts.

Equipo de rescate indonesio encuentra el cuerpo del último excursionista desaparecido en un volcán

2023-12-07T04:48+0100cwv (es)

El último excursionista desaparecido tras una erupción volcánica en el monte Marapi de Indonesia fue encontrado muerto hoy, dijeron los rescatistas. De acuerdo a un Según el informe, el cuerpo del último excursionista fue recuperado el miércoles por la Agencia Nacional de Búsqueda y Rescate de Indonesia.

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 climbers

2023-12-07T04:42+0100dailyjournal (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — The search has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday. About 75 climbers started up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 climbers

2023-12-07T04:26+0100cp24 (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) - The search has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday. About 75 climbers started up the nearly 2,900-meter....

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 climbers

2023-12-07T04:03+0100therepublic (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — The search has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday. About 75 climbers started up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 climbers

2023-12-07T04:01+0100tribtown (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — The search has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday. About 75 climbers started up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Indonesia Ends Search for Victims of Eruption at Mount Marapi Volcano That Killed 23 Climbers

2023-12-07T03:58+0100usnews (en)

Rescuers carry the body of a hiker killed in the eruption of Mount Marapi in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023. The surprise weekend eruption killed nearly two dozens climbers and injured several others, officials said. (AP Photo/Ade Yuandha) Ade Yuandha BATU PALANO, Indonesia....

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 climbers

2023-12-07T03:49+0100startribune (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — The seacrh has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday. About 75 climbers started up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Una grande catastrofe vulcanica è più probabile di altri rischi di cui ci preoccupiamo, ma viene ignorata

2023-12-07T03:03+0100blueplanetheart (it)

Cassidy e la Mani, «Esiste un ampio malinteso sul fatto che i rischi di grandi eruzioni siano bassi» e «L’attuale mancanza di investimenti governativi nel monitoraggio e nella risposta a potenziali disastri vulcanici è sconsiderata». Però, i ricercatori sostengono che è possibile adottare misure per....

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano

2023-12-07T02:41+0100HonululuAdvertiser (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia >> The seacrh has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday. About 75 climbers started up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 climbers

2023-12-07T02:24+0100yakimaherald (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — The seacrh has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday. About 75 climbers started up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Indonesia ends volcano victim search after 23rd body found

2023-12-07T02:20+0100eastbaytimes (en)

By Mardi Rosa Tanjung | Associated Press. BATU PALANO, Indonesia — The seacrh has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday.

Indonesia ends volcano victim search after 23rd body found

2023-12-07T02:19+0100mercurynews (en)

By Mardi Rosa Tanjung | Associated Press. BATU PALANO, Indonesia — The seacrh has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday.

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 climbers

2023-12-07T02:07+0100sfgate (en)

Rescuers carry the body of a hiker killed in the eruption of Mount Marapi in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023. The surprise weekend eruption killed nearly two dozens climbers and injured several others, officials said. Ade Yuandha/AP Rescuers carry the body of a hiker killed in....

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 climbers

2023-12-07T02:05+0100independent-UK (en)

Indonesia n authorities have ended the seacrh for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others. The seacrh has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of....

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 climbers

2023-12-07T02:04+0100ABCnews (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia -- The seacrh has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday. About 75 climbers started up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano...

2023-12-07T02:03+0100beaumontenterprise (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said earlier that the discovery of the body of a female university student Wednesday had raised the confirmed death toll to 23. Officials said Thursday that they believed all the dead had been recovered. After an evaluation of the search and rescue results,....

Indonesia ends search for victims of eruption at Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 climbers

2023-12-07T01:58+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — The seacrh has ended for any more victims among climbers who were caught by a weekend eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano that killed 23 people and injured several others, officials said Thursday. About 75 climbers started up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Salgono a 23 le vittime dell’eruzione del vulcano indonesiano Monte Marapi

2023-12-06T20:59+0100ladiscussione (it)

È stato trovato l’ultimo corpo senza vita degli alpinisti travolti, nel fine settimana, da un’eruzione a sorpresa del vulcano indonesiano Monte Marapi . Il numero dei morti accertati sale così a 23. Nella giornata di sabato, circa 75 alpinisti avevano iniziato la scalata della montagna alta circa 9.

Indonesia: Marapi volcano erupts leaving behind victims and missing people

2023-12-06T20:31+0100yourweather (en)

Evacuations in the region are underway. The head of the search and rescue team, Abdul Malik, told CNN that a group of 40 rescuers are on the mountain carrying out rescues and searching for survivors while eruptions are still occurring. Hendra Gunawan, head of Indonesia 's Volcanology and Geological....

More Bodies Found After Eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, Raising Confirmed Toll to 22

2023-12-06T20:08+0100claimsjournal (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia`s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Rescatistas encuentran cuerpo de última desaparecida en volcán de Indonesia

2023-12-06T19:55+0100eleconomista-mx (es)

El cadáver de la última senderista desaparecida tras una erupción volcánica en Indonesia fue encontrado el miércoles, indicaron los rescatistas, lo que eleva el balance de muertos a 23, tres días después del desastre. Copyright © 1988-2015 Periódico Especializado en Economía y Finanzas, S.A. de C.V.

Asia and the Pacific: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (28 November - 4 December 2023)

2023-12-06T17:28+0100unocha (en)

PHILIPPINES. On 2 December 10:37 pm local time, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake occurred off the coast of Hinatuan in Surigao del Sur. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), reported that 399,000 people (100,700 families) were affected, with one casualty reported, as of 4 December.

Indonesian eruption death toll rises to 23

2023-12-06T17:15+0100manilatimes (en)

(UPDATE) BATU PALANO, Indonesia : Rescuers on the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi have found the body of another climber, the last among the dozens caught off-guard by the volcano's eruption over the weekend, raising the death toll to 23, officials said on Wednesday.

Nuova eruzione del vulcano Marapi, l'ultimo disperso non si trova: il video

2023-12-06T17:03+0100virgilio-notizie (it)

In occasione dell’eruzione del 3 dicembre, il vulcano aveva lanciato in cielo una torre di cenere alta 3 mila metri , più del vulcano stesso, proprio mentre 75 persone stavano facendo un’ escursione in zona. Le nuove eruzioni di lunedì e martedì hanno sollevato altra cenere calda fino a 800 metri di....

Los rescatistas buscan al último desaparecido en el volcán de Indonesia

2023-12-06T16:50+0100metrolibre (es)

Rescatistas indonesios buscaban el miércoles al último senderista desaparecido tras una erupción volcánica que dejó 22 muertos, pero las esperanzas de hallarlo con vida se disipaban a tres días del desastre. Cientos de rescatistas han trabajado por buscar a los senderistas desaparecidos, de los....

Rescatistas encuentran cuerpo de última desaparecida en volcán de Indonesia

2023-12-06T16:16+0100eldeber (es)

El cadáver de la última senderista desaparecida tras una erupción volcánica en Indonesia fue encontrado el miércoles, indicaron los rescatistas, lo que eleva el balance de muertos a 23, tres días después del desastre. "El equipo conjunto de búsqueda y rescate descubrió a una víctima de la erupción....

Rescatistas encuentran cuerpo de última desaparecida en volcán de Indonesia

2023-12-06T15:25+0100laprensa-HN (es)

El cadáver de la última senderista desaparecida tras una erupción volcánica en Indonesia fue encontrado el miércoles, indicaron los rescatistas, lo que eleva el balance de muertos a 23, tres días después del desastre.

Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie: le bilan passe à 23 morts

2023-12-06T15:04+0100maroc-diplomatique (fr)

Le bilan de l’éruption du volcan Marapi (Ouest de l’Indonésie) est monté à 23 morts, a annoncé mardi l’Agence de protection des ressources naturelles de la province du Sumatra occidental. Les corps ont été transportés vers le bas de la montagne dans des sacs mortuaires, ont affirmé les services de....

Encuentran cadáver de senderista desaparecida en erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-06T14:30+0100diariolibre (es)

El cadáver de la última senderista desaparecida tras una erupción volcánica en Indonesia fue encontrado el miércoles, indicaron los rescatistas, lo que eleva el balance de muertos a 23, tres días después del desastre. "El equipo conjunto de búsqueda y rescate descubrió a una víctima de la erupción....

Suben a 22 los muertos por la erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-06T14:14+0100deperu (es)

Los equipos de rescate indonesios encontraron el martes los cuerpos de más víctimas tras la erupción de un volcán en el oeste del país, que llevan el balance a 22 muertos, y continúan la búsqueda de otro senderista desaparecido. Los montañistas fallecidos fueron hallados cerca del cráter del monte....

Asia and the Pacific: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (28 November - 4 December 2023)

2023-12-06T14:08+0100reliefWeb (en)

PHILIPPINES. On 2 December 10:37 pm local time, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake occurred off the coast of Hinatuan in Surigao del Sur. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), reported that 399,000 people (100,700 families) were affected, with one casualty reported, as of 4 December.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, bringing the death toll to 23

2023-12-06T13:58+0100newindianexpress (en)

BATU PALANO: Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2,900-meter....

Eruption du Marapi: le corps de la dernière randonneuse retrouvé, le bilan atteint 23 morts

2023-12-06T13:39+0100ln24 (fr)

"L'équipe conjointe de recherche et de sauvetage a découvert une victime de l'éruption du mont Marapi , qui est actuellement en cours d'évacuation", a déclaré mercredi en fin de journée Abdul Malik, chef de l'agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang.

Indonesia, il vulcano Marapi erutta di nuovo

2023-12-06T13:29+0100nuovavenezia (it)

Il Monte Marapi , in Indonesia , erutta di nuovo. Nel frattempo, i soccorritori sono ancora alla ricerca dell'ultimo escursionista disperso dopo l'eruzione di domenica che ha provocato la morte di altre 22 persone, ma le speranze di trovarlo ora stanno svanendo.

Éruption en IndonésieLe corps de la dernière randonneuse a été retrouvé 0 0

2023-12-06T13:19+0100lematin-CH (fr)

Le corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée a été retrouvé mercredi quatre jours après l’éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, portant le bilan à 23 morts, ont annoncé les secours. «L’équipe conjointe de recherche et de sauvetage a découvert une victime de l’ éruption du....

Indonesia - Volcanic eruption, update (MAGMA, BNPB) (ECHO Daily Flash of 6 December 2023)

2023-12-06T13:17+0100reliefWeb (en)

The activity of Mount Marapi , located in West Sumatra Province, is still ongoing and more than 45 eruptions have been recorded by the authorities. The National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB) reports, as of 6 December, 15 fatalities and eight still missing people following the main eruption occurred on 3 December.

Éruption en IndonésieLe corps de la dernière randonneuse a été retrouvé 0 0 0

2023-12-06T13:15+0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Le corps de la dernière randonneuse encore recherchée a été retrouvé mercredi, quatre jours après l’éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, portant le bilan à 23 morts, ont annoncé les secours. «L’équipe conjointe de recherche et de sauvetage a découvert une victime de l’ éruption du....

Indonesia. Il vulcano erutta ancora mentre si cerca l’ultimo escursionista disperso

2023-12-06T13:15+0100rainews (it)

Una nuova eruzione del Monte Marapi è in corso sull'isola di Sumatra mentre i soccorritori indonesiani cercano l'ultimo escursionista disperso dopo l'eruzione che ha causato la morte di almeno 22 persone, ma le speranze di trovarlo vivo si stanno affievolendo. Domenica scorsa, il Marapi ha eruttato una torre di cenere di 3.

Rescatistas encuentran cuerpo de última desaparecida en volcán de Indonesia

2023-12-06T13:02+0100lanacion-AR (es)

El cadáver de la última senderista desaparecida tras una erupción volcánica en Indonesia fue encontrado el miércoles, indicaron los rescatistas, lo que eleva el balance de muertos a 23, tres días después del desastre. "El equipo conjunto de búsqueda y rescate descubrió a una víctima de la erupción....

Éruption du Marapi en Indonésie : le bilan atteint 23 morts après la découverte de la dernière randonneuse

2023-12-06T12:52+0100lefigaro (fr)

dans l'ouest de l' Indonésie , portant le bilan à 23 morts, ont annoncé les secours. « L'équipe conjointe de recherche et de sauvetage a découvert une victime de l'éruption du mont Marapi , qui est en cours d'évacuation », a déclaré mercredi en fin de journée Abdul Malik, chef de l'agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang.

Cos’è la lava e qual è la sua temperatura

2023-12-06T12:42+0100meteoweb (it)

La lava , flusso incandescente proveniente dal cuore della Terra, è il prodotto della fusione delle rocce nel mantello terrestre. Quando un vulcano erutta, la lava scorre a temperature estreme. La sua consistenza varia da fluida a viscosa, determinando il tipo di eruzione.

Why are many volcanoes in Indonesia erupting in a concentrated manner?

2023-12-06T12:29+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-12-06T11:27:43.818Z. Highlights: Indonesia is home to more than 12 active volcanoes, with the most active being Mount Merapi in central Java. Mount Malapi volcano erupted at 3:14 local time on the 54rd, spewing out a column of ash up to 3000,6 meters high.

Sube cifra a 23 muertos tras erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-06T12:14+0100reforma (es)

Rescatistas que revisaban las peligrosas laderas del volcán Merapi , en Indonesia , encontraron el último cuerpo de un grupo de alpinistas que fueron sorprendidos por una erupción durante el fin de semana, lo que elevó a 23 el número de muertes confirmadas, informaron funcionarios el miércoles.

All Monitoring Tools Functioned During the Marapi Eruption

2023-12-06T11:46+0100kompas-id (en)

YOLA SASTRA. Mount Marapi emitted volcanic ash captured in a photo taken from the Mount Marapi Volcano Observation Post in Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra on Wednesday (6/12/2023) at 12.11 pm. BUKITTINGGI, KOMPAS - The Marapi Volcano Observation Post confirmed that all monitoring equipment was....

Indonesia, il vulcano Marapi erutta di nuovo

2023-12-06T11:44+0100mattinopadova (it)

Il Monte Marapi , in Indonesia , erutta di nuovo. Nel frattempo, i soccorritori sono ancora alla ricerca dell'ultimo escursionista disperso dopo l'eruzione di domenica che ha provocato la morte di altre 22 persone, ma le speranze di trovarlo ora stanno svanendo.

Indonesia, il vulcano Marapi erutta di nuovo

2023-12-06T11:43+0100tribunatreviso (it)

Il Monte Marapi , in Indonesia , erutta di nuovo. Nel frattempo, i soccorritori sono ancora alla ricerca dell'ultimo escursionista disperso dopo l'eruzione di domenica che ha provocato la morte di altre 22 persone, ma le speranze di trovarlo ora stanno svanendo.

Indonesia, il vulcano Marapi erutta di nuovo

2023-12-06T11:43+0100tiscali-it (it)

Il Monte Marapi , in Indonesia , erutta di nuovo. Nel frattempo, i soccorritori sono ancora alla ricerca dell'ultimo escursionista disperso dopo l'eruzione di domenica che ha provocato la morte di altre 22 persone, ma le speranze di trovarlo ora stanno svanendo.

Indonesia, il vulcano Marapi erutta di nuovo

2023-12-06T11:40+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

Il Monte Marapi , in Indonesia , erutta di nuovo. Nel frattempo, i soccorritori sono ancora alla ricerca dell'ultimo escursionista disperso dopo l'eruzione di domenica che ha provocato la morte di altre 22 persone, ma le speranze di trovarlo ora stanno svanendo.

Rescuers find body of final missing climber after volcanic eruption

2023-12-06T11:18+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

Rescuers have recovered the body of the final missing climber after an Indonesia n volcano eruption, taking the death toll to 23. West Sumatra police chief Suharyono said the dead climber was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday.

In Indonesia erutta ancora vulcano Monte Merapi, 22 i morti

2023-12-06T10:31+0100tiscali-it (it)

Roma, 6 dic. (askanews) - Il vulcano Monte Merapi erutta nuovamente, mentre i soccorritori indonesiani cercano un ultimo escursionista disperso, mentre si riducono le speranze di trovarlo vivo. Il Monte Merapi, sull'isola di Sumatra, domenica ha sputato una colonna di cenere alta 3mila metri mentre....

In Indonesia erutta ancora vulcano Monte Merapi, 22 i morti

2023-12-06T10:10+0100askanews (it)

Roma, 6 dic. (askanews) – Il vulcano Monte Merapi erutta nuovamente, mentre i soccorritori indonesiani cercano un ultimo escursionista disperso, mentre si riducono le speranze di trovarlo vivo. Il Monte Merapi, sull’isola di Sumatra, domenica ha sputato una colonna di cenere alta 3mila metri mentre....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano eruption leaves 23 dead

2023-12-06T09:17+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie: le bilan passe à 23 morts

2023-12-06T09:08+0100mapecology (fr)

Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie: le bilan passe à 23 morts Jakarta- Le bilan de l’éruption du volcan Marapi (Ouest de l’Indonésie) est monté à 23 morts, a annoncé mardi l’Agence de protection des ressources naturelles de la province du Sumatra occidental.

Rescuers find body of final missing climber after volcanic eruption

2023-12-06T08:06+0100theargus (en)

West Sumatra police chief Suharyono said the dead climber was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency,....

Rescuers find body of final missing climber after volcanic eruption

2023-12-06T07:48+0100impartialreporter (en)

West Sumatra police chief Suharyono said the dead climber was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency,....

Rescuers find body of final missing climber after volcanic eruption03:25

2023-12-06T07:44+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

West Sumatra police chief Suharyono said the dead climber was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency,....

22 personnes sont décédées lors d’une éruption volcanique en Indonésie

2023-12-06T07:44+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Le 3, le mont Merapi ( Marapi ), dans la province indonésienne de Sumatra occidental, est entré en éruption à grande échelle, empêchant de nombreux alpinistes de s’échapper et sont malheureusement morts sur le coup. L’Agence nationale indonésienne d’atténuation des catastrophes a déclaré hier (5) que....

Indonésie : un randonneur toujours recherché après l'éruption du volcan qui a fait au moins 22 morts

2023-12-06T07:25+0100lefigaro (fr)

Un randonneur est toujours recherché mercredi 6 décembre, quatre jours après l' éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, qui a fait au moins 22 morts. La veille, neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés ont été découverts, portant le bilan à au moins Au total, 75 randonneurs ont....

Mount Marapi Volcanic Eruption: More Bodies Found, Confirmed Toll Rises to 23

2023-12-06T06:33+0100news18 (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Rescatistas buscan último desaparecido en volcán de Indonesia

2023-12-06T06:33+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Rescatistas indonesios buscaban el miércoles al último senderista desaparecido tras una erupción volcánica que dejó 22 muertos, pero las esperanzas de hallarlo con vida se disipaban a tres días del desastre. Cientos de rescatistas han trabajado por buscar a los senderistas desaparecidos, de los....

Death toll rises to 23 after surprise eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi

2023-12-06T06:10+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption , raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday.

Death toll rises to 23 after surprise eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi

2023-12-06T05:06+0100nbcnews (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption , raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi

2023-12-06T04:40+0100business-standard (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2,900-metre mountain in....

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 23

2023-12-06T04:31+0100thestandard-hk (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot)....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T04:26+0100theargus (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescatistas encuentran más cadáveres tras erupción volcánica repentina en Indonesia; hay 23 muertos

2023-12-06T04:03+0100diariolibre (es)

Rescatistas que revisaban las peligrosas laderas del volcán Merapi, en Indonesia , encontraron el último cuerpo de un grupo de alpinistas que fueron sorprendidos por una erupción durante el fin de semana, lo que elevó a 23 el número de muertes confirmadas, informaron funcionarios el miércoles.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 23

2023-12-06T03:50+0100ctvnews (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia - Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:46+0100dunmowbroadcast (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

23 confirmed dead after eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi

2023-12-06T03:45+0100HonululuAdvertiser (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia >> Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday. About 75 climbers started their way up the....

Indonésie : au moins 22 morts dans l’éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-06T03:45+0100lnc (fr)

Le volcan le plus actif de l’île de Sumatra est entré en éruption dimanche et a craché dans le ciel une tour de cendres de 3 000 mètres, plus haute que le volcan lui-même. "Neuf des dix victimes disparues ont été retrouvées mortes cet après-midi et sont actuellement en cours d’évacuation.

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:44+0100hertsad (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:44+0100yourlocalguardian (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:42+0100eveningnews24 (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:41+0100greatyarmouthmercury (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:41+0100eveningtimes (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:41+0100chesterfirst (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:40+0100eadt (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:39+0100southwalesargus (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:39+0100thenorthernecho (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:39+0100newsandstar (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:39+0100lbc (en)

Rescuers have recovered the body of the final missing climber after an Indonesia n volcano eruption, taking the death toll to 23. West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday.

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:39+0100impartialreporter (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:38+0100thecourier (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic ash from its crater in Agam, West Sumatra (Ardhy Fernando/AP) Rescuers have recovered the body of the final missing climber after an Indonesia n volcano eruption, taking the death toll to 23. West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday.

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:38+0100yorkpress (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:37+0100oxfordtimes (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:37+0100thecomet (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:36+0100edp24 (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:36+0100salisburyjournal (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:36+0100thetelegraphandargus (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:35+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic ash from its crater in Agam, West Sumatra (Ardhy Fernando/AP) Rescuers have recovered the body of the final missing climber after an Indonesia n volcano eruption, taking the death toll to 23. West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday.

Rescuers find final missing climbing after volcano eruption

2023-12-06T03:35+0100dailyecho (en)

West Sumatra Police Chief Suharyono said the body was found early on Wednesday, close to where Mount Marapi erupted on Sunday. It is believed 75 climbers were on the 2,900 metre mountain, with 52 rescued after the initial eruption. Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency, said....

Rescatistas encuentran más cadáveres tras erupción volcánica repentina en Indonesia; hay 23 muertos

2023-12-06T03:33+0100elnuevoherald (es)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia . Rescatistas que revisaban las peligrosas laderas del volcán Merapi, en Indonesia, encontraron el último cuerpo de un grupo de alpinistas que fueron sorprendidos por una erupción durante el fin de semana, lo que elevó a 23 el número de muertes confirmadas, informaron funcionarios el miércoles.

Global More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 23 About 52 minutes ago

2023-12-06T03:30+0100devdiscourse (en)

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi , raising confirmed toll to 23 New eruptions on Monday and Tuesday spewed more hot ash as high as 800 metres into the air, reducing visibility and temporarily halting search and recovery operations, said Abdul Malik, chief of the Padang Search and Rescue Agency.

More bodies found after Mt. Marapi eruption, raising death toll to 23

2023-12-06T03:26+0100inquirer (en)

Some 52 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. New eruptions on Monday and Tuesday spewed more hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, reducing visibility and temporarily halting search and recovery operations, said....

Rescatistas encuentran más cadáveres tras erupción volcánica repentina en Indonesia; hay 23 muertos

2023-12-06T03:24+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Rescatistas cargan el cuerpo de una víctima de la erupción del volcán Merapi, en Batu Palano, en la provincia de Sumatra Occidental, Indonesia , el martes 5 de diciembre de 2023. (AP Foto/Ardhy Fernando) Ardhy Fernando - AP BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescatistas que revisaban las peligrosas....

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 23

2023-12-06T03:20+0100cp24 (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) - Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday.

Rescatistas encuentran más cadáveres tras erupción volcánica repentina en Indonesia; hay 23 muertos

2023-12-06T03:18+0100sandiegouniontribune (es)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescatistas que revisaban las peligrosas laderas del volcán Merapi, en Indonesia, encontraron el último cuerpo de un grupo de alpinistas que fueron sorprendidos por una erupción durante el fin de semana, lo que elevó a 23 el número de muertes confirmadas, informaron funcionarios el miércoles.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 23

2023-12-06T03:03+0100news-gazette (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday.

Last body found after Indonesia's Mount Marapi eruption

2023-12-06T03:00+0100maitlandmercury (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2900m mountain in Agam district of West Sumatra province on Saturday and became stranded.

Last body found after Indonesia's Mount Marapi eruption

2023-12-06T02:58+0100bordermail (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2900m mountain in Agam district of West Sumatra province on Saturday and became stranded.

More bodies found after eruption of Mount Marapi

2023-12-06T02:55+0100thegardenisland (en)

A woman hangs her laundry to dry as Mount Marapi spews volcanic ash from its crater, in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023. Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for a dozen of climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as....

Last body found after Indonesia's Mount Marapi eruption

2023-12-06T02:54+0100newcastleherald (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2900m mountain in Agam district of West Sumatra province on Saturday and became stranded.

Last body found after Indonesia's Mount Marapi eruption

2023-12-06T02:54+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2900m mountain in Agam district of West Sumatra province on Saturday and became stranded.

Last body found after Indonesia's Mount Marapi eruption

2023-12-06T02:53+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2900m mountain in Agam district of West Sumatra province on Saturday and became stranded.

Last body found after Indonesia's Mount Marapi eruption

2023-12-06T02:53+0100illawarramercury (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly 2900m mountain in Agam district of West Sumatra province on Saturday and became stranded.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 23

2023-12-06T02:37+0100startribune (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found the last body of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 23, officials said Wednesday. About 75 climbers started their way up the nearly....

Suben a 22 los muertos por la erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-06T00:06+0100metrolibre (es)

Los equipos de rescate indonesios encontraron el martes los cuerpos de más víctimas tras la erupción de un volcán en el oeste del país, que llevan el balance a 22 muertos, y continúan la búsqueda de otro senderista desaparecido. Los montañistas fallecidos fueron hallados cerca del cráter del monte....


2023-12-05T23:38+0100corriereadriatico (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti hanno perso la vita e altri tre sono stati salvati dopo l' eruzione del Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, nell' Indonesia occidentale. Le autorità locali hanno dichiarato che le squadre di ricerca hanno lavorato intensamente durante tutta la notte per individuare i dispersi.

Indonesian eruption death toll rises to 22

2023-12-05T22:58+0100dailybreeze (en)

By Mardi Rosa Tanjung | Associated Press. BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Indonesian eruption death toll rises to 22

2023-12-05T22:55+0100dailynews (en)

By Mardi Rosa Tanjung | Associated Press. BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Indonesian eruption death toll rises to 22

2023-12-05T22:47+0100whittierdailynews (en)

By Mardi Rosa Tanjung | Associated Press. BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Indonesian eruption death toll rises to 22

2023-12-05T22:41+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

By Mardi Rosa Tanjung | Associated Press. BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

La tragica eruzione del vulcano Marapi (Indonesia) del 3 dicembre 2023

2023-12-05T22:13+0100zerounotv (it)

Tempo di Lettura: < 1 minuto. di Redazione INGVvulcani L’eruzione esplosiva di domenica 3 dicembre del vulcano Marapi , sull’isola di Sumatra in Indonesia , ha generato una nube eruttiva che si è sollevata di circa tre chilometri … Supplemento della testata giornalistica. Notizie Sicilia edita da Zerouno Srls.

Indonesian eruption death toll rises to 22

2023-12-05T22:06+0100eastbaytimes (en)

By Mardi Rosa Tanjung | Associated Press. BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Indonesian eruption death toll rises to 22

2023-12-05T22:04+0100mercurynews (en)

By Mardi Rosa Tanjung | Associated Press. BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Don't Have Another Marapi

2023-12-05T21:11+0100kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found in KOMPAS/ISMAIL ZAKARIA. Yandri (15), a victim of the eruption of Mount Marapi , lies in the main surgery room of the RSUD Prof.

Aumentan a más de 20 los fallecidos por erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-05T21:09+0100diariolibre (es)

Al menos once personas murieron y 12 siguen desaparecidas tras la erupción del volcán Marapi , en el oeste de Indonesia , anunciaron este lunes los servicios de emergencia al cabo de una noche de búsqueda en la que tres senderistas fueron encontrados con vida.

Encuentran más cuerpos tras la erupción del Merapi en Indonesia, la cifra de muertos sube a 22

2023-12-05T20:43+0100elperiodicodemexico (es)

MARDI ROSA TANJUNG. BATU PALANO Indonesia (AP) Rescatistas que buscaban en las peligrosas laderas del monte Merapi encontraron 11 cuerpos más de escaladores a los que una erupción tomó por sorpresa dos días antes, lo que elevó a 22 la cifra de muertos confirmados y supuestos. Una persona seguía desaparecida.

Indonesia, erutta il vulcano Marapi: almeno 22 morti

2023-12-05T20:41+0100ilgiornaledellaprotezionecivile (it)

Dodici persone risultano ancora dispersi. Sono stati trovati morti ventidue escursionisti in seguito all'eruzione del vulcano sul monte Marapi , sull’isola di Sumatra , nell’ Indonesia occidentale. Domenica 3 dicembre l’eruzione aveva sollevato nel cielo una torre di cenere alta tremila metri.

Indonesia’s Marapi Volcano Erupts for the Second Day as 12 Climbers Remain Missing

2023-12-05T20:14+0100claimsjournal (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day — while....

Tragedia en el Monte Marapi: 11 alpinistas hallados muertos tras erupción volcánica

2023-12-05T19:27+0100milenio (es)

¿Quieres leer MILENIO sin límites? Subscríbete a Milenio y descarga la edición impresa, suplementos y hemeroteca DESCUBRE NUESTROS PLANES Tragedia en el Monte Marapi : 11 alpinistas hallados muertos tras erupción....

Suben a 22 los muertos por erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-05T19:23+0100tctelevision (es)

Los equipos de rescate indonesios encontraron el martes los cuerpos de más víctimas tras la erupción de un volcán en el oeste del país, que llevan el balance a 22 muertos, y continúan la búsqueda de otro senderista desaparecido. Los montañistas fallecidos fueron hallados cerca del cráter del monte....

WEEKLY DISASTER UPDATE 27 November – 3 December 2023

2023-12-05T19:02+0100ahacentre (en)

REGIONAL SUMMARY: In the forty-eighth week of 2023, the ASEAN region experienced 26 disaster events that affected Indonesia , Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand. In Indonesia, the Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana BNPB ) reported floods, landslides, and wind-related events in Aceh, Banten,....

D’autres corps retrouvés après l’éruption surprise du mont Marapi en Indonésie

2023-12-05T18:57+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Les sauveteurs fouillant les pentes dangereuses du volcan indonésien du mont Marapi ont découvert d’autres corps parmi les alpinistes victimes d’une éruption surprise il y a deux jours, portant le nombre de morts confirmés et présumés à 23. Plus de 50 alpinistes ont été secourus après l’éruption....

Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-05T18:41+0100loophaiti (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait au moins 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, ont annoncé mardi soir les secours qui recherchent encore une personne portée disparue. Le volcan le plus actif de l'île de Sumatra est entré en....

Diario Sube a 22 cifra de muertes por erupción del Merapi

2023-12-05T18:25+0100elpaso (es)

BATU PALANO Indonesia Rescatistas que buscaban en las peligrosas laderas del monte Merapi encontraron 11 cuerpos más de escaladores a los que una erupción tomó por sorpresa dos días antes, lo que elevó a 22 la cifra de muertos confirmados y supuestos. Una persona seguía desaparecida.

En Indonésie, le bilan continue d'augmenter après l'éruption volcanique

2023-12-05T18:22+0100huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

Le Marapi est le volcan le plus actif de l’île de Sumatra . Il est entré en éruption dimanche et a craché dans le ciel une tour de cendres de 3 000 mètres, plus haute que le volcan lui-même. Opérations périlleuses. Plusieurs centaines de sauveteurs indonésiens étaient mobilisées pour les recherches....

Death toll grows to 22 after volcanic eruption in Indonesia

2023-12-05T18:02+0100HonululuAdvertiser (en)

ASSOCIATED PRESS. Mount Marapi spews volcanic ash from its crater in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Tuesday. Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday.

Indonesia: Cifra de muertos por erupción de volcán sube a 22

2023-12-05T17:46+0100primicia (es)

Rescatistas que buscaban en las peligrosas laderas del monte Merapi encontraron 11 cuerpos más de escaladores a los que una erupción tomó por sorpresa dos días antes, lo que elevó a 22 la cifra de muertos confirmados y supuestos. Una persona seguía desaparecida.

Simangulampe flood: Search for missing residents continues

2023-12-05T17:45+0100antaranews-en (en)

Search and rescue efforts were continued on Tuesday (December 5, 2023) to locate ten residents who went missing after a flash flood and landslide struck Simangulampe village, Baktiraja sub-district, Humbang Husundutan district, North Sumatra province, on December 1.

Suben a 22 los muertos por erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-05T17:35+0100nacion (es)

Agam. Los equipos de rescate indonesios encontraron el martes los cuerpos de más víctimas tras la erupción de un volcán en el oeste del país, que llevan el balance a 22 muertos, y continúan la búsqueda de otro senderista desaparecido.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 2239 mins ago 1m read

2023-12-05T17:21+0100newsday-USA (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Rescuers find more victims of Mount Marapi’s sudden eruption, toll rises to 22

2023-12-05T16:54+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Indonesia, oltre 20 morti nell'eruzione del Marapi: i soccorsi

2023-12-05T16:42+0100ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Trovati i corpi di altri 11 scalatori dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano indonesiano Marapi nel distretto di Agam, nella provincia di Sumatra. Sale a 22 il bilancio delle vittime. Oltre 50 persone sono state salvate dopo l'eruzione di domenica.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 22

2023-12-05T16:41+0100ksl (en)

Estimated read time: 2-3 minutes. BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption , raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Indonesia: hasta el momento más de 20 muertos por erupción volcánica

2023-12-05T16:35+0100radionacional (es)

El balance de la erupción del volcán Marapi en Indonesia subió a 22 muertos, tras el hallazgo de otros nueve montañistas fallecidos, indicó este martes un responsable de los equipos de rescate. "Nueve de las diez víctimas desaparecidas fueron encontradas muertas esta tarde, y están siendo evacuadas.

Death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 22

2023-12-05T16:34+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano have found 11 more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Ver más noticias en erupción

2023-12-05T16:32+0100laverdadnoticias (es)

Autoridades elevaron a 22 el número de alpinistas muertos debido a la erupción del volcán Marapi en Indonesia , tras encontrar 11 nuevos cadáveres. Mueren 11 personas tras la erupción del volcán Marapi en Indonesia ; había 75 senderistas 49 lograron bajar de la montaña y 12 están desaparecidos.

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 22 morti tra gli escursionisti: 'Ci sono molti feriti'

2023-12-05T16:32+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 5 dicembre 2023) In Indonesia l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , sull'isola di Sumatra, ha provocato 22 morti tra gli escursionisti che stavano scalando il monte. C'è ancora una persona dispersa: la protezione civile ... Altre News in Rete: Il vulcano è eruttato domenica spargendo una nube....

Monte Marapi, 22 le vittime recuperate dopo l'eruzione vulcanica

2023-12-05T16:19+0100euronews-it (it)

Si aggrava il bilancio delle vittime dopo l'eruzione del Monte Merapi , sull'isola indonesiana di Giava , di domenica 3 dicembre: recuperati oggi altri nove corpi per un totale di 22 vittime - lunedì ne erano stati recuperati tre, tutti escursionisti sul luogo per scalare il monte.

Global More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 22 About 2 minutes ago

2023-12-05T16:07+0100devdiscourse (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 22

2023-12-05T16:06+0100vindy (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic ash from its crater in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023. Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for a dozen of climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said.

È salito a 22 il numero delle persone morte a causa dell’eruzione del vulcano Marapi, in Indonesia, e una è ancora dispersa

2023-12-05T15:55+0100ilpost (it)

Le autorità indonesiane hanno detto che il numero di morti causati dall’eruzione del vulcano Marapi , nella regione indonesiana di Sumatra Occidentale, è salito a 22 . C’è ancora una persona dispersa: la protezione civile locale ha detto che è improbabile che venga trovata viva, e che la forte pioggia ha costretto a interrompere le ricerche.

L’éruption du volcan Marapi fait 22 morts

2023-12-05T15:37+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

L’éruption du volcan Marapi a récemment secoué l’Indonésie, causant la mort de 22 personnes. Ce désastre naturel a engendré la destruction de villages entiers et a laissé de nombreux blessés. Cette éruption volcanique a ravivé les craintes des habitants vivant à proximité de ce volcan actif.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano eruption claims lives of at least 22 climbers

2023-12-05T15:33+0100vervetimes (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, salgono a 13 gli escursionisti morti

2023-12-05T15:33+0100globodiroma (it)

E’ salito a 22 il bilancio degli escursionisti morti dopo l’eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia i. Lo ha detto oggi Abdul Malik, capo dell’agenzia di ricerca e salvataggio di Padang. Una persona risulta ancora dispersa. Riproduzione riservata © Copyright ANSA.

[⯑DIRECT] Cité Baraka de Liberté 6 : Macky Sall remet les clés des logements aux bénéficiaires

2023-12-05T15:25+0100koldanews (fr)

[DIRECT] Cité Baraka de Liberté 6 : Macky Sall remet les clés des logements aux bénéficiaires. Veuillez entrer votre adresse email ici. Le bilan de l'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, a été relevé à 22 morts, après la...

Indonesia Salgono a 22 gli escursionisti morti sul Monte Marapi

2023-12-05T15:18+0100ticinonews (it)

Altri 9 corpi di escursionisti sono stati ritrovati dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , facendo salire a 22 il bilancio delle vittime. Lo ha riferito Abdul Malik, direttore dei soccorsi della città di Padang. "Nove dei dieci scomparsi sono stati trovati morti questo pomeriggio e sono in corso le operazione per l'evacuazione.

At least 22 climbers dead in Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano eruption

2023-12-05T15:01+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

22 personnes confirmées mortes suite à une éruption volcanique en Indonésie

2023-12-05T14:48+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Les sauveteurs fouillant les pentes dangereuses du volcan indonésien du mont Marapi ont découvert 11 autres corps d’alpinistes qui ont été capturés par une éruption surprise du week-end, portant le nombre de morts confirmés à 22, ont annoncé mardi des responsables. Une personne restait portée disparue.

Vidéo. En Indonésie, l’éruption d’un volcan fait 22 morts, selon un bilan provisoire

2023-12-05T14:43+0100sudouest (fr)

C’est le volcan le plus actif de l’île. Dimanche 3 décembre, le volcan Marapi situé sur l’île de Sumatra en Indonésie s’est réveillé, et a fait des victimes sur son passage. 75 randonneurs se trouvaient sur le mont au moment de son éruption. Après deux nuits de recherches, vingt-deux personnes ont....

Indonésie : le bilan d’une éruption volcanique relevé à 22 morts

2023-12-05T14:38+0100koldanews (fr)

Le bilan de l’éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, a été relevé à 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, a indiqué mardi un responsable des secours. « Neuf des dix victimes disparues ont été retrouvées mortes cet après-midi et sont actuellement en cours d’évacuation.

Suben a 22 los muertos por erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-05T14:25+0100eldeber (es)

Los equipos de rescate indonesios encontraron el martes los cuerpos de más víctimas tras la erupción de un volcán en el oeste del país, que llevan el balance a 22 muertos, y continúan la búsqueda de otro senderista desaparecido. Los montañistas fallecidos fueron hallados cerca del cráter del monte....

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 22

2023-12-05T14:24+0100torontosun (en)

Marapi spewed thick columns of ash as high as 3,000 meters (9,800 feet) in Sunday’s eruption and hot ash clouds spread for several kilometers (miles). Nearby villages and towns were blanketed by tons of volcanic debris that blocked sunlight, and authorities recommended that people wear masks to protect themselves from the ash.

Sumatra, vulcano Marapi: operazioni di soccorso ostacolate dal maltempo e dalle ceneri

2023-12-05T14:19+0100asianews (it)

Jakarta (AsiaNews) - Dopo l’eruzione del monte Marapi , sull’isola di Sumatra, che ha finora ucciso 13 persone, le operazioni di ricerca e soccorso di questi giorni sono ostacolate dal maltempo e dalla continua eruzione del vulcano. I soccorritori sono riusciti a portare in salvo 49 persone, ma altre 12 risultano ancora disperse.

Mortelle randonnée : l'éruption du volcan Marapi fait au moins 22 morts en Indonésie

2023-12-05T14:17+0100geo (fr)

L'un des survivants a évoqué la panique ressentie au début de l'éruption. "Je zigzaguais, je suis descendu environ de 30 à 40 mètres jusqu'à un poste de randonnée" , a raconté à l'AFP Ridho, 22 ans, depuis un hôpital voisin. "L'éruption a fait beaucoup de bruit, j'ai regardé derrière puis je me suis immédiatement enfui, comme tout le monde.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 22

2023-12-05T14:11+0100barrie (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia - Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

At least 22 climbers dead in Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano eruption

2023-12-05T14:02+0100globalnews (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 22

2023-12-05T14:02+0100startribune (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Scripps News More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi AP via Scripps News 7:24 AM, Dec 05, 2023

2023-12-05T13:59+0100wkbw (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Eruzione in Indonesia, sale il bilancio delle vittime

2023-12-05T13:58+0100agi (it)

AGI - Sale il bilancio delle vittime dell' eruzione del vulcano Marapi , nell' Indonesia occidentale. Dopo il ritrovamento di altri nove morti e la scoperta, ore fa, di due escursionisti, ugualmente deceduti, sono 22 le vittime dell'esplosione di domenica , secondo fonti ufficiali dell'agenzia locale....

Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie : au moins 22 morts, toujours un disparu

2023-12-05T13:56+0100nordeclair (fr)

L’éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l’Ouest de l’Indonésie , a fait au moins 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, ont annoncé mardi soir les secours qui recherchent encore une personne portée disparue. Le volcan le plus actif de l’île de Sumatra est entré en....

Video Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie : au moins 22 morts, toujours un disparu

2023-12-05T13:52+0100lavoixdunord (fr)

L’éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l’Ouest de l’Indonésie , a fait au moins 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, ont annoncé mardi soir les secours qui recherchent encore une personne portée disparue. Le volcan le plus actif de l’île de Sumatra est entré en....

Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-05T13:51+0100sciencesetavenir (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait au moins 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, ont annoncé mardi soir les secours qui recherchent encore une personne portée disparue. Le volcan le plus actif de l'île de Sumatra est entré en....

En Indonésie, le bilan de l'éruption du volcan Marapi grimpe à au moins 22 morts

2023-12-05T13:50+0100france24 (fr)

Plusieurs centaines de sauveteurs indonésiens étaient mobilisées mardi pour les recherches qui se poursuivent dans des conditions difficiles en raison du mauvais temps et des cendres toujours rejetées par le volcan. Les corps ont été transportés vers le bas de la montagne dans des sacs mortuaires, ont indiqué les secours.

Scripps News More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi AP via Scripps News 5:24 AM, Dec 05, 2023

2023-12-05T13:48+0100koaa (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi

2023-12-05T13:48+0100jamaicaobserver (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi

2023-12-05T13:46+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Scripps News More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi AP via Scripps News 4:24 AM, Dec 05, 2023

2023-12-05T13:45+0100ksby (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Au moins 22 morts dans l’éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-05T13:45+0100lapresse-CA (fr)

Le volcan le plus actif de l’île de Sumatra est entré en éruption dimanche et a craché dans le ciel une tour de cendres de 3000 mètres, plus haute que le volcan lui-même. « Neuf des dix victimes disparues ont été retrouvées mortes cet après-midi et sont actuellement en cours d’évacuation.

Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-05T13:43+0100tv5 (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait au moins 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, ont annoncé mardi soir les secours qui recherchent encore une personne portée disparue. Le volcan le plus actif de l'île de Sumatra est entré en....

Indonésie : le bilan d'une éruption volcanique relevé à 22 morts

2023-12-05T13:42+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 30 min Le bilan de l'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, a été relevé à 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, a indiqué mardi un responsable des secours. "Neuf des dix victimes disparues ont été retrouvées mortes cet après-midi et sont actuellement en cours d'évacuation.

Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-05T13:42+0100rtl-BE (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait au moins 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, ont annoncé mardi soir les secours qui recherchent encore une personne portée disparue. Le volcan le plus actif de l'île de Sumatra est entré en....

Indonesia: Sube a 22 el número de muertos por erupción volcánica

2023-12-05T13:42+0100huaral (es)

El balance de la erupción del volcán Marapi en Indonesia subió a 22 muertos, tras el hallazgo de otros nueve montañistas fallecidos, indicó este martes un responsable de los equipos de rescate. «Nueve de las diez víctimas desaparecidas fueron encontradas muertas esta tarde, y están siendo evacuadas.

Scripps News More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi AP via Scripps News 7:24 AM, Dec 05, 2023

2023-12-05T13:37+0100abcactionnews (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi AP via Scripps News 6:24 AM, Dec 05, 2023

2023-12-05T13:35+0100kxxv (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Suben a 22 los muertos por erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-05T13:34+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Los equipos de rescate indonesios encontraron el martes los cuerpos de más víctimas tras la erupción de un volcán en el oeste del país, que llevan el balance a 22 muertos, y continúan la búsqueda de otro senderista desaparecido. Los montañistas fallecidos fueron hallados cerca del cráter del monte....

Death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 22

2023-12-05T13:31+0100theargus (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. The bodies of two climbers were located on Monday and nine more on Tuesday, the National Search and Rescue Agency said. One person remains missing, presumed dead.

Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-05T13:31+0100lemauricien (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait au moins 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, ont annoncé mardi soir les secours qui recherchent encore une personne portée disparue. Le volcan le plus actif de l'île de Sumatra est entré en....

Eleven dead, 22 missing in the aftermath of a volcano eruption in Indonesia

2023-12-05T13:29+0100shafaaq (en)

Shafaq News/ Rescuers racing to find hikers missing after a deadly volcano eruption in Indonesia have found more bodies, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after Sunday's eruption before search operations were temporarily halted on Monday as Mount Marapi started spewing smoke and ash again.

13:15 Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-05T13:28+0100nouvelobs (fr)

Agam (Indonésie) (AFP) - L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait au moins 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, ont annoncé mardi soir les secours qui recherchent encore une personne portée disparue.

Hallados más cadáveres tras la sorpresiva erupción del monte Marapi en Indonesia

2023-12-05T13:26+0100notiulti (es)

Los rescatistas que buscaban en las peligrosas laderas del volcán Monte Marapi de Indonesia encontraron más cadáveres entre los escaladores atrapados por una erupción sorpresa hace dos días, elevando el número de muertos confirmados y presuntos a 23. Más de 50 escaladores fueron rescatados después....

Eruption en Indonésie: le bilan grimpe à 22 morts

2023-12-05T13:24+0100arcinfo (fr)

Sur l’île de Sumatra, les secouristes ont trouvé 9 nouvelles victimes, alors que le volcan Marapi est toujours en train de cracher de la cendre.

Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-05T13:24+0100LePoint (fr)

Le volcan le plus actif de l'île de Sumatra est entré en éruption dimanche et a craché dans le ciel une tour de cendres de 3.000 mètres, plus haute que le volcan lui-même. "Neuf des dix victimes disparues ont été retrouvées mortes cet après-midi et sont actuellement en cours d'évacuation.

More Bodies Found After Sudden Eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, Raising Confirmed Toll to 22

2023-12-05T13:23+0100theepochtimes (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia —Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Death toll from Mount Marapi volcano in Indonesia increases to 11

2023-12-05T13:22+0100vervetimes (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia – Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-05T13:20+0100challenges (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait au moins 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, ont annoncé mardi soir les secours qui recherchent encore une personne portée disparue. Le volcan le plus actif de l'île de Sumatra est entré en....

Encuentran más cuerpos tras la erupción del Merapi en Indonesia, la cifra de muertos sube a 22

2023-12-05T13:15+0100lanacion-AR (es)

BATU PALANO Indonesia (AP) — Rescatistas que buscaban en las peligrosas laderas del monte Merapi encontraron 11 cuerpos más de escaladores a los que una erupción tomó por sorpresa dos días antes, lo que elevó a 22 la cifra de muertos confirmados y supuestos. Una persona seguía desaparecida.

Indonésie : le bilan de l’éruption du volcan Marapi, à Sumatra, est relevé à 22 morts

2023-12-05T13:14+0100rtbf (fr)

Le bilan de l’éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, a été relevé à 22 morts, après la découverte de neuf nouveaux corps de randonneurs décédés, a indiqué mardi un responsable des secours. Neuf des dix victimes disparues ont été retrouvées mortes cet après-midi et sont actuellement en cours d’évacuation.

Sube a 22 el número de muertos por erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-05T13:13+0100crhoy (es)

(AFP) El balance de la erupción del volcán Marapi en Indonesia subió a 22 muertos, tras el hallazgo de otros nueve montañistas fallecidos, indicó este martes un responsable de los equipos de rescate. “Nueve de las diez víctimas desaparecidas fueron encontradas muertas esta tarde, y están siendo evacuadas.

Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-05T13:12+0100laprovence (fr)

Lorsque cela est possible, les sauveteurs montent jusqu'au sommet du volcan et évacuent les victimes à l'aide de civières. Mais des éruptions en cours et la mauvaise visibilité rendent les opérations périlleuses, a expliqué Hendri. L'un des survivants a évoqué la panique ressentie au début de l'éruption.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 22

2023-12-05T13:08+0100cp24 (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mt. Marapi kills at least 22

2023-12-05T12:58+0100triblive (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 22

2023-12-05T12:54+0100impartialreporter (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. The bodies of two climbers were located on Monday and nine more on Tuesday, the National Search and Rescue Agency said. One person remains missing, presumed dead.

Sube a 22 el número de muertos por erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-05T12:53+0100lanacion-AR (es)

El balance de la erupción del volcán Marapi en Indonesia subió a 22 muertos, tras el hallazgo de otros nueve montañistas fallecidos, indicó este martes un responsable de los equipos de rescate. "Nueve de las diez víctimas desaparecidas fueron encontradas muertas esta tarde, y están siendo evacuadas.

Le bilan d’une éruption volcanique relevé à 22 morts

2023-12-05T12:47+0100lapresse-CA (fr)

PHOTO GIVO ALPUTRA, ASSOCIATED PRESS. « Neuf des dix victimes disparues ont été retrouvées mortes cet après-midi et sont actuellement en cours d’évacuation. On recherche toujours une victime », a déclaré à l’AFP Abdul Malik, directeur des secours de la ville de Padang.

More bodies found after sudden eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising confirmed toll to 22

2023-12-05T12:42+0100eagletribune (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found 11 more bodies of climbers who were caught by a surprise weekend eruption, raising the number of confirmed dead to 22, officials said Tuesday. One person remained missing.

Indonesia, erutta il vulcano Marapi: almeno 11 morti

2023-12-05T12:41+0100ilgiornaledellaprotezionecivile (it)

Dodici persone risultano ancora dispersi. Sono stati trovati morti undici escursionisti in seguito all'eruzione del vulcano sul monte Marapi , sull’isola di Sumatra , nell’ Indonesia occidentale. Domenica 3 dicembre l’eruzione aveva sollevato nel cielo una torre di cenere alta tremila metri.

At least 23 presumed dead from Indonesia volcano eruption

2023-12-05T12:18+0100CBC (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23 December 5, 2023 NEW

2023-12-05T12:00+0100ajw (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia --Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption....

Marapi eruption death toll rises to 23

2023-12-05T11:31+0100euronews-en (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

2nd volcano eruption halts search efforts

2023-12-05T11:31+0100arkansasonline (en)

PADANG, Indonesia -- Indonesian authoritieshalted Monday the search for 12 climbers after the Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 2,620 feet into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day -- while searching for....

Suben a 13 los muertos por erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-05T11:27+0100metrolibre (es)

Los equipos de rescate indonesios encontraron el martes los cuerpos de dos víctimas de la erupción de un volcán en el oeste del país, que llevan el balance a 13 muertos, y continúa la búsqueda de diez senderistas desaparecidos. Los senderistas muertos fueron encontrados desde el lunes cerca del....

More bodies found after eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, toll touches 23

2023-12-05T11:15+0100indiatoday (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

More bodies found after eruption of Indonesian volcano, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T11:12+0100latimes (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mt. Merapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago , raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption....

36 killed around the world after India cyclone, volcano eruption and Thai horror bus crash

2023-12-05T10:23+0100express (en)

From a huge storm in India which has killed nine people to the rescue operation after the eruption of a volcano in Indonesia , here are today's biggest stories from around the world. Severe cyclonic storm hits Southern India. As a severe cyclonic storm batters India's southern Andhra Pradesh state....

Indonesia: almeno 11 escursionisti morti nell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi. 12 risultano ancora dispersi | MountainBlog Hiking e Trekking · Walking · Ambiente e Territorio · Resto del Mondo L’esplosione ha sollevato una colonna di cenere e fumo alta 3000 metri Undici escusionisti sono morti e....

2023-12-05T10:16+0100informazione (it)

Hiking e Trekking · Walking · Ambiente e Territorio · Resto del Mondo L’esplosione ha sollevato una colonna di cenere e fumo alta 3000 metri Undici escusionisti sono morti e un’altra dozzina risultano dispersi sul Monte Marapi , nella provincia di Sumatra , in Indonesia , dopo l’eruzione del vulcano.

Mont Marapi : 13 morts, 10 toujours portés disparus après l’éruption du volcan

2023-12-05T09:38+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Le mont Marapi , qui signifie « Montagne de feu », est l’un des 127 volcans les plus actifs d’Indonésie et est également populaire parmi les randonneurs. Certains sentiers n’ont rouvert qu’en juin dernier en raison des éruptions de cendres de janvier à février. L’éruption la plus meurtrière du Marapi s’est produite en 1979, faisant 60 morts.

Apparent death toll from volcanic eruption in Indonesia rises to 23 after more bodies found

2023-12-05T09:28+0100thejournal (en)

RESCUERS SEARCHING THE hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano have found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

23 dead in Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcanic eruption as more climbers’ bodies found

2023-12-05T09:25+0100firstpost (en)

More bodies were uncovered by rescuers carrying out search operations on the lava-covered slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano, taking the death toll to 23. Over 50 climbers were saved after the initial eruption that occurred on Sunday, when 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

D’autres corps retrouvés après l’éruption surprise du mont Marapi en Indonésie, portant le bilan apparent à 23

2023-12-05T09:19+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

BATU PALANO, Indonésie (AP) — Les sauveteurs fouillant les pentes dangereuses du volcan indonésien du mont Marapi ont découvert d’autres corps parmi les alpinistes victimes d’une éruption surprise il y a deux jours, portant le nombre de morts confirmés et présumés à 23.

Éruption volcanique en Indonésie : le bilan monte à treize morts et dix randonneurs recherchés

2023-12-05T09:18+0100TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

L’éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, a fait treize morts, ont annoncé les secours ce mardi, après la découverte des corps de deux nouveaux randonneurs décédés. Les recherches se poursuivent pour retrouver dix personnes encore portées disparues.

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T09:15+0100sunstar (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption....

Mount Marapi: Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23 as more bodies found

2023-12-05T09:15+0100standard (en)

A video released by West Sumatra's Search and Rescue Agency showed rescuers evacuating an injured climber on a stretcher off the mountain and into a waiting ambulance to be taken to hospital. Marapi has stayed at the third-highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above-normal....

Éruption volcanique en Indonésie: 13 morts et 10 randonneurs recherchés

2023-12-05T08:27+0100monacomatin (fr)

Le volcan le plus actif de l'île de Sumatra est entré en éruption dimanche et a craché dans le ciel une tour de cendres de 3.000 mètres, plus haute que le volcan lui-même. "Le nombre total de personnes décédées s'élève actuellement à 13 personnes. Dix randonneurs disparus sont toujours recherchés ",....

Éruption volcanique en Indonésie: 13 morts et 10 randonneurs recherchés

2023-12-05T08:25+0100varmatin (fr)

Le volcan le plus actif de l'île de Sumatra est entré en éruption dimanche et a craché dans le ciel une tour de cendres de 3.000 mètres, plus haute que le volcan lui-même. "Le nombre total de personnes décédées s'élève actuellement à 13 personnes. Dix randonneurs disparus sont toujours recherchés ",....

Éruption volcanique en Indonésie: 13 morts et 10 randonneurs recherchés

2023-12-05T08:23+0100nicematin (fr)

Le volcan le plus actif de l'île de Sumatra est entré en éruption dimanche et a craché dans le ciel une tour de cendres de 3.000 mètres, plus haute que le volcan lui-même. "Le nombre total de personnes décédées s'élève actuellement à 13 personnes. Dix randonneurs disparus sont toujours recherchés ",....

Mount Marapi volcano eruption in Indonesia leaves at least 23 dead, officials say

2023-12-05T08:17+0100coastfm (en)

Rescuers racing to find hikers missing after a deadly volcano eruption in Indonesia have found more bodies, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after Sunday's eruption before search operations were temporarily halted on Monday as Mount Marapi started spewing smoke and ash again.

Mount Marapi volcano eruption in Indonesia leaves at least 23 dead, officials say

2023-12-05T08:10+0100heart (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after Sunday's eruption before search operations were temporarily halted on Monday as Mount Marapi started spewing smoke and ash again. About 75 people were heading up the 2,891m (9,485 ft) volcano at the time of the eruption. Eleven climbers were initially confirmed to have died.

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi

2023-12-05T08:08+0100mid-day (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Eruption en Indonésie: 13 morts, 10 randonneurs portés disparus

2023-12-05T08:03+0100arcinfo (fr)

Sur l’île de Sumatra, les opérations de secours se poursuivent pour retrouver 10 randonneurs, alors que le volcan Marapi est toujours en train de cracher de la cendre. Le volcan est entré en éruption dimanche. KEYSTONE/AP/Ardhy Fernando.

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T08:02+0100washtimes (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ‘s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

Number of climbers killed after volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T08:00+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Rescuers racing to find hikers missing after a deadly volcano eruption in Indonesia have found more bodies, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after Sunday's eruption before search operations were temporarily halted on Monday as Mount Marapi started spewing smoke and ash again.

Mount Marapi eruption: More hikers’ bodies found in Indonesia, death toll rises to 23

2023-12-05T07:56+0100expressindia (en)

The latest bodies were found not too far from the eruption site, estimated to be only a few meters away, said Edi Mardianto, the deputy police chief in West Sumatra province. The bodies of five climbers have been recovered, and 18 are presumed dead because they were so close to the eruption of hot gases and ash.

Number of climbers killed after volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T07:55+0100skynews (en)

Rescuers racing to find hikers missing after a deadly volcano eruption in Indonesia have found more bodies, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after Sunday's eruption before search operations were temporarily halted on Monday as Mount Marapi started spewing smoke and ash again.

IndonésieUne éruption volcanique fait au moins 13 morts 0 0 0

2023-12-05T07:41+0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

L’éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, a fait 13 morts, ont annoncé les secours mardi, alors que les recherches se poursuivent pour retrouver 10 personnes encore portées disparues. L’éruption du volcan Marapi, dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, a fait 13 morts, ont annoncé les secours....

LIVE INDONESIA 7 min Ritrovati altri due corpi dopo l'eruzione del Monte Marapi

2023-12-05T07:21+0100tio (it)

MARAPI - È salito ad almeno 13 il bilancio degli escursionisti morti dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , dopo il ritrovamento ieri sera di altri due corpi. Lo ha detto oggi Abdul Malik, capo dell'agenzia di ricerca e salvataggio di Padang. Altre dieci persone risultano ancora disperse.

Indonésie: le bilan d'une éruption volcanique porté à 13 morts

2023-12-05T07:20+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 16 min par Agence Belga Le bilan de l'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, a été relevé à 13 morts, après la découverte des corps de deux nouveaux randonneurs décédés, a indiqué mardi un responsable des secours. "Le nombre total de personnes décédées s'élève actuellement à 13 personnes.

Indonésie10 randonneurs recherchés après l’éruption meurtrière d’un volcan 1 1

2023-12-05T07:19+0100lematin-CH (fr)

Plusieurs centaines de sauveteurs indonésiens sont mobilisés mardi pour retrouver douze randonneurs portés disparus après l’éruption du volcan Marapi sur l’île de Sumatra. Le bilan a été relevé à 13 morts, après la découverte des corps de deux nouveaux randonneurs décédés, a indiqué mardi un responsable des secours.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T07:13+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

IndonesiaEruzione del vulcano Marapi, sale a 13 il numero degli escursionisti morti

2023-12-05T07:13+0100cdt (it)

È salito ad almeno 13 il bilancio degli escursionisti morti dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , dopo il ritrovamento ieri sera di altri due corpi. Lo ha detto oggi Abdul Malik, capo dell'agenzia di ricerca e salvataggio di Padang. Altre dieci persone risultano ancora disperse.

More Bodies Found After Surprise Eruption Of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, Raising Apparent Toll To 23

2023-12-05T07:11+0100outlookindia (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Indonésie: Une éruption fait 13 morts, 10 randonneurs recherchés

2023-12-05T07:11+0100laliberte (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait 13 morts, ont annoncé les secours mardi, après la découverte des corps de deux nouveaux randonneurs décédés. Les recherches se poursuivent pour retrouver 10 personnes encore portées disparus.

0 0 L'éruption fait 13 morts et des dizaines de disparus

2023-12-05T07:11+0100watson (fr)

Plusieurs centaines de sauveteurs indonésiens sont mobilisés pour les recherches qui se font dans des conditions rendues difficiles en raison du mauvais temps et des cendres toujours rejetées par le volcan. «Les cendres volcaniques ont atteint le pied de la colline, ce qui constitue un défi pour l'équipe.

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T07:05+0100stripes (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption....

Encuentran más cuerpos tras la erupción del Merapi en Indonesia, la cifra de muertos sube a 23

2023-12-05T07:03+0100lanacion-AR (es)

BATU PALANO Indonesia (AP) — Rescatistas que buscaban en las peligrosas laderas del monte Merapi encontraron más cuerpos de escaladores a los que una erupción tomó por sorpresa dos días antes, lo que elevó a 23 la cifra de muertos confirmados y supuestos.

Death toll climbs, as more volcano victims found

2023-12-05T07:00+0100thenewdaily-au (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano have found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were confirmed dead.

Gli esperti affermano di aver avvertito dei pericoli della scalata del Monte Marapi in Indonesia, dopo che 13 persone sono morte in un'eruzione.

2023-12-05T07:00+0100marketscreener (it)

Il vulcano di 2.891 metri di altezza a Sumatra Ovest ha eruttato domenica, emettendo nuvole grigie di cenere alte fino a 3 chilometri (1,9 miglia) nel cielo. Le operazioni di ricerca di 10 scalatori dispersi erano in corso martedì, hanno detto le autorità locali, con circa 200 soccorritori locali coinvolti.

More bodies found after eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi

2023-12-05T06:47+0100japantoday (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Au moins onze morts et douze disparus après l'éruption du volcan Marapi en Indonésie

2023-12-05T06:46+0100franceinter (fr)

Des randonneurs se sont fait surprendre par l'éruption de ce volcan qui est l'un des plus actifs du pays, dimanche 3 septembre. Les opérations de recherche sont toujours en cours pour retrouver les disparus. Et aussi : - En Ouganda, le gouvernement veut interdire l'import de vêtements d'occasion -....

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:44+0100theargus (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:38+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

More bodies found after second eruption in Indonesia

2023-12-05T06:38+0100bordermail (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were confirmed dead.

More bodies found after second eruption in Indonesia

2023-12-05T06:37+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were confirmed dead.

More bodies found after second eruption in Indonesia

2023-12-05T06:37+0100illawarramercury (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were confirmed dead.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:36+0100yourlocalguardian (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:35+0100hertsad (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

More bodies found after second eruption in Indonesia

2023-12-05T06:35+0100newcastleherald (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were confirmed dead.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:35+0100thecomet (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:33+0100eveningnews24 (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:33+0100eveningtimes (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:33+0100thenorthernecho (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:33+0100salisburyjournal (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Indonesia, drammatica eruzione del vulcano Marapi: il bilancio delle vittime si aggrava | FOTO

2023-12-05T06:33+0100meteoweb (it)

E’ salito a 13 il bilancio delle vittime provocate dall’eruzione del vulcano Marapi , nell’ Indonesia occidentale, dopo la scoperta dei corpi di altri 2 escursionisti deceduti. È quanto ha riferito un funzionario dei soccorsi. “ Il numero totale delle persone morte attualmente ammonta a 13.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:32+0100newsandstar (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:31+0100yorkpress (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:31+0100greatyarmouthmercury (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

More bodies found after second eruption in Indonesia

2023-12-05T06:30+0100maitlandmercury (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were confirmed dead.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:30+0100oxfordtimes (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:30+0100southwalesargus (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:30+0100eadt (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

More bodies found after second eruption in Indonesia

2023-12-05T06:30+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano have found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were confirmed dead.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:28+0100edp24 (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:27+0100lbc (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:23+0100dailyecho (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Suben a 13 los muertos por erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-05T06:23+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Los equipos de rescate indonesios encontraron el martes los cuerpos de dos víctimas de la erupción de un volcán en el oeste del país, que llevan el balance a 13 muertos, y continúa la búsqueda de diez senderistas desaparecidos. Los senderistas muertos fueron encontrados desde el lunes cerca del....

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:22+0100dunmowbroadcast (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:22+0100thetelegraphandargus (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:22+0100chesterfirst (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie : le bilan s’alourdit à 13 morts

2023-12-05T06:22+0100leparisien (fr)

Le bilan s’alourdit en Indonésie après l’éruption du volcan Marapi dans l’Ouest du pays. Au moins treize personnes sont mortes, ont annoncé lundi les secours après une nuit de recherches qui ont permis de retrouver trois randonneurs vivants. Douze autres sont toujours portés disparus.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:21+0100irishexaminer (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Indonésie : le bilan de l'éruption du volcan Marapi passe à 13 morts, dix randonneurs toujours portés disparus Plusieurs centaines de sauveteurs sont mobilisés. L'éruption, qui a débuté dimanche, est toujours en cours.

2023-12-05T06:20+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Le bilan s'alourdit. L'éruption du volcan Marapi , qui a débuté dimanche dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait 13 morts, a annoncé un responsable des secours après la découverte des corps de deux nouveaux randonneurs décédés, mardi 5 décembre. Les randonneurs morts ont été retrouvés lundi près du....

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:17+0100pressandjournal (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:17+0100thecourier (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:16+0100impartialreporter (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 2306:15

2023-12-05T06:15+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption on Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 metres (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

Apparent death toll from Indonesia volcano eruption rises to 23

2023-12-05T06:14+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption on Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day, halting search for 12 missing climbers

2023-12-05T06:13+0100thestandard-hk (en)

Indonesia n authorities halted the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again Monday, spewing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day but attempts to move them were....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T06:08+0100therepublic (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:59+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead. Another eruption Monday spewed a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air and temporarily halted search operations.

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:56+0100tribtown (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

Indonésie: au moins treize morts et douze disparus dans l'éruption d'un volcan

2023-12-05T05:55+0100lefigaro (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi dans l'Ouest de l' Indonésie a fait au treize onze morts, ont annoncé lundi les secours après une nuit de recherches qui ont permis de retrouver trois randonneurs vivants mais douze autres sont toujours portés disparus. « Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées,....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:50+0100eagletribune (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

Indonésie: 12 randonneurs recherchés après l’éruption meurtrière d’un volcan

2023-12-05T05:50+010024heures (fr)

Plusieurs centaines de sauveteurs indonésiens sont mobilisés mardi pour retrouver douze randonneurs portés disparus après l’éruption du volcan Marapi sur l’île de Sumatra qui a tué 11 personnes. Les randonneurs morts ont été retrouvés lundi près du cratère du volcan, dans l’Ouest de l’Indonésie,....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:45+0100sfgate (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic ash from its crater in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023. Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for a dozen of climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said.

More Bodies Found After Surprise Eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, Raising Apparent Toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:45+0100usnews (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic ash from its crater in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023. Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for a dozen of climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said.

Éruption du mont Marapi : 12 randonneurs toujours portés disparus alors que le volcan indonésien continue d’entrer en éruption

2023-12-05T05:43+0100oxtero (fr)

Des centaines de sauveteurs indonésiens se sont précipités pour retrouver une douzaine de randonneurs portés disparus après qu’une éruption volcanique a tué 11 personnes. Les randonneurs morts ont été retrouvés lundi près du cratère du mont Marapi , sur l’île de Sumatra, tandis que d’autres ont été....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:42+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia . Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:40+0100independent-UK (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia 's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23 0 12/4/2023 8:28:20 PM

2023-12-05T05:40+0100tricitynews (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23 BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23.

2023-12-05T05:39+0100timescolonist (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:38+0100kob (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi,...

2023-12-05T05:37+0100beaumontenterprise (en)

The latest bodies were found not too far from the eruption site, estimated to be only a few meters (yards) away, said Edi Mardianto, the deputy police chief in West Sumatra province. The bodies of five climbers have been recovered, and 18 are presumed dead because they were so close to the eruption of hot gases and ash.

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:37+0100wftv (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:37+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:36+0100ABCnews (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia -- Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:35+0100actionnewsjax (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

Indonésie: 12 randonneurs recherchés après l’éruption meurtrière d’un volcan

2023-12-05T05:35+0100tdg (fr)

Plusieurs centaines de sauveteurs indonésiens sont mobilisés mardi pour retrouver douze randonneurs portés disparus après l’éruption du volcan Marapi sur l’île de Sumatra qui a tué 11 personnes. Les randonneurs morts ont été retrouvés lundi près du cratère du volcan, dans l’Ouest de l’Indonésie,....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:34+0100devdiscourse (en)

Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23.More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption Sunday, and 11 others were initially confirmed dead.

Éruption du mont Marapi : 12 randonneurs toujours portés disparus alors que le volcan indonésien continue d’entrer en éruption | Indonésie

2023-12-05T05:34+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

L’Indonésie est de nouveau aux prises avec l’éruption du mont Marapi , un volcan actif qui a laissé 12 randonneurs portés disparus. Alors que les secours s’efforcent de retrouver les disparus, le volcan continue d’entrer en éruption, semant la panique parmi les habitants et les touristes.

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:33+0100apnews (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:33+0100wsoctv (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:32+0100fresnobee (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia . Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption....

More bodies found after surprise eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, raising apparent toll to 23

2023-12-05T05:27+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

BATU PALANO, Indonesia — Rescuers searching the hazardous slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano found more bodies among the climbers caught by a surprise eruption two days ago, raising the number of confirmed and presumed dead to 23. More than 50 climbers were rescued after the initial eruption....

Indonesia: Marapi volcano erupts again, halting search for missing climbers

2023-12-05T05:09+0100business-standard (en)

Indonesia n authorities halted the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again Monday, spewing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day but attempts to move them were....

World News | Indonesia's Marapi Volcano Erupts for the Second Day, Halting Search for 12 Missing Climbers

2023-12-05T05:04+0100latestly (en)

Padang ( Indonesia ), Dec 5 (AP) Indonesian authorities halted the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again Monday, spewing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day but....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for the second day

2023-12-05T04:59+0100thegardenisland (en)

PADANG, Indonesia Indonesian authorities halted the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again Monday, spewing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day but attempts to move....

Buscan a 12 senderistas tras erupción volcánica en Indonesia

2023-12-05T04:58+0100eluniverso (es)

Rescatistas indonesios se encuentran en la búsqueda de 12 senderistas que desaparecieron tras una erupción volcánica. Los once senderistas muertos fueron encontrados el lunes cerca del cráter del monte Marapi en la isla de Sumatra, mientras otros fueron hallados con vida y bajados de la montaña en....

Iceland: 180 Earthquakes Reported In 48 Hours; Unrest Phase Not Over, Says Met Office

2023-12-05T04:31+0100outlookindia (en)

The Icelandic Met Office recorded 180 earthquakes in the last 48 hours in areas both near and far from the town of Grindavik, said officials. As per media reports, the earthquakes were mostly low in intensity and the magnitudes ranged from 0.7 to 2.4. According to the country's Met Office, while....

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day, halting search for 12 missing climbers

2023-12-05T04:15+0100devdiscourse (en)

Indonesia n authorities halted the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again Monday, spewing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters 2,620 feet into the air, officials said.The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day but attempts to move them were hindered....

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day, halting search for 12 missing climbers

2023-12-05T04:10+0100startribune (en)

PADANG, Indonesia — Indonesian authorities halted the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again Monday, spewing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day but attempts to....

Rescatistas indonesios corren para encontrar a 12 desaparecidos tras erupción

2023-12-05T04:04+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Cientos de rescatistas indonesios corrían el martes para hallar a 12 senderistas desaparecidos tras una erupción volcánica que dejó 11 muertos. Los senderistas muertos fueron encontrados el lunes cerca del cráter del monte Marapi en la isla de Sumatra, mientras otros fueron hallados con vida y....

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day, halting search for 12 missing climbers

2023-12-05T03:57+0100news-gazette (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities halted the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again Monday, spewing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day but attempts....

Continúan operaciones de rescate tras erupción volcánica en Indonesia que mata al menos a 11 personas

2023-12-05T02:49+0100notiulti (es)

Los rescatistas trasladan a los heridos cerca del volcán Marapi en Sumatra occidental, Indonesia , el 1 de diciembre de 2019. 4 de diciembre de 2023. (Foto de Andri Mardiansyah/Xinhua) SUMATRA OCCIDENTAL, Indonesia, 5 dic (Xinhua) — Al menos 11 alpinistas murieron y algunos otros siguen desaparecidos....

4 11 Bodies Recovered after Marapi Eruption, and 12 Climbers Still Missing

2023-12-05T02:26+0100thejakartaglobe (en)

Padang. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesia n rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above-normal volcanic....

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption, 12 still missing

2023-12-05T01:57+0100macaudailytimes (en)

T he bodies of 11 climbers were recovered yesterday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesia n rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal volcanic activity....

La erupción del volcán Marapi en Indonesia se cobra 11 vidas y 12 desaparecidos

2023-12-05T01:31+0100notiulti (es)

Se encontraron los cuerpos de once escaladores, y cuando el volcán entró nuevamente en erupción el lunes, los funcionarios tuvieron que detener la búsqueda de los 12 escaladores desaparecidos restantes. El monte Marapi en Indonesia entró en erupción, matando al menos a 11 escaladores e hiriendo a....

Au moins onze alpinistes meurent après une éruption volcanique en Indonésie

2023-12-05T00:43+0100french-news (fr)

(Xinhua!Andri Mardiansyah) JAKARTA, 4 décembre (Xinhua) -- Au moins onze alpinistes sont morts et d'autres sont toujours portés disparus après l'éruption du volcan Marapi sur l'île indonésienne de Sumatra, a déclaré lundi à Xinhua Abdul Malik, chef de l'agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang.

Scripps News Marapi volcano eruption in Indonesia claims 11 lives, 12 missing Scripps News Staff 3:32 PM, Dec 04, 2023

2023-12-05T00:34+0100abc15 (en)

Mount Marapi in Indonesia erupted, killing at least 11 climbers and injuring several more, while spreading volcanic ash across nearby villages. Following the first eruption on Sunday, two climbing routes were shut down and 75 climbers were left stranded.

Scripps News Marapi volcano eruption in Indonesia claims 11 lives, 12 missing Scripps News Staff 3:32 PM, Dec 04, 2023

2023-12-04T23:51+0100koaa (en)

Mount Marapi in Indonesia erupted, killing at least 11 climbers and injuring several more, while spreading volcanic ash across nearby villages. Following the first eruption on Sunday, two climbing routes were shut down and 75 climbers were left stranded.

Scripps News Marapi volcano eruption in Indonesia claims 11 lives, 12 missing Scripps News Staff 5:32 PM, Dec 04, 2023

2023-12-04T23:48+0100wkbw (en)

Mount Marapi in Indonesia erupted, killing at least 11 climbers and injuring several more, while spreading volcanic ash across nearby villages. Following the first eruption on Sunday, two climbing routes were shut down and 75 climbers were left stranded.

la dernière vidéo Indonésie : éruption meurtrière d'un volcan L'éruption du volcan Marapi en Indonésie a coûté la vie à onze personnes. Les évacuations par les airs sont impossibles.

2023-12-04T23:47+0100francetvinfo (fr)

est bien en éruption. Un panache sombre et inquiétant se constate, avec des cendres rejetées jusqu'à 3 000 mètres de hauteur. "Au secours maman , regarde dans quelle situation je suis" , appelle Zhafarah Zahrim Febrina , une randonneuse de 19 ans brûlée au visage par les nuées ardentes. Elle a survécu, comme une autre randonneuse.

Scripps News Marapi volcano eruption in Indonesia claims 11 lives, 12 missing Scripps News Staff 5:32 PM, Dec 04, 2023

2023-12-04T23:41+0100abcactionnews (en)

Mount Marapi in Indonesia erupted, killing at least 11 climbers and injuring several more, while spreading volcanic ash across nearby villages. Following the first eruption on Sunday, two climbing routes were shut down and 75 climbers were left stranded.

Marapi volcano eruption in Indonesia claims 11 lives, 12 missing Scripps News Staff 4:32 PM, Dec 04, 2023

2023-12-04T23:39+0100kxxv (en)

Mount Marapi in Indonesia erupted, killing at least 11 climbers and injuring several more, while spreading volcanic ash across nearby villages. Following the first eruption on Sunday, two climbing routes were shut down and 75 climbers were left stranded.

Scripps News Marapi volcano eruption in Indonesia claims 11 lives, 12 missing Scripps News Staff 2:32 PM, Dec 04, 2023

2023-12-04T23:36+0100ksby (en)

Mount Marapi in Indonesia erupted, killing at least 11 climbers and injuring several more, while spreading volcanic ash across nearby villages. Following the first eruption on Sunday, two climbing routes were shut down and 75 climbers were left stranded.

Indonesia, erutta il vulcano Marapi in e coglie di sorpresa 11 scalatori uccidendoli: si cercano dispersi

2023-12-04T22:30+0100repubblica (it)

Undici scalatori sono morti e un'altra dozzina risultano dispersi sul monte Marapi , in Indonesia , dopo l'eruzione del vulcano. Tre alpinisti sono stati ritrovati vivi, ma erano "deboli e con alcune ustioni", ha dichiarato Abdul Malik, capo dell'Agenzia di ricerca e soccorso di Padang.

Mont Marapi : onze randonneurs tués lors d’une éruption volcanique en Indonésie

2023-12-04T21:18+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Il fait partie des volcans les plus actifs des 127 volcans indonésiens et est également populaire parmi les randonneurs. Certains sentiers n’ont rouvert qu’en juin dernier en raison des éruptions de cendres de janvier à février. L’éruption la plus meurtrière du Marapi s’est produite en 1979, faisant 60 morts.

Meteo Cronaca Diretta (Video): INDONESIA: improvvisa eruzione del vulcano Merapi, ci sono vittime e dispersi

2023-12-04T20:42+0100ilmeteo (it)

Monte Merapi è un vulcano conico dell'isola di Giava in Indonesia . Il suo nome significa montagna di fuoco. È uno dei vulcani più attivi in Indonesia. Dal 1548 ha eruttato 68 volte. Si trova molto vicino alla città di Yogyakarta. Un'improvvisa eruzione si è verificata il 4 Dicembre: 11....

Meteo Cronaca Diretta (Video): INDONESIA: improvvisa eruzione del vulcano Merapi, ci sono vittime e dispersi Monte Merapi è un vulcano conico dell'isola di Giava in Indonesia. Il suo nome significa montagna di fuoco. È uno dei vulcani più attivi in Indonesia. Dal 1548 ha eruttato 68 volte. Si trova molto vicino alla città di Yogyakarta.

2023-12-04T19:58+0100informazione (it)

Monte Merapi è un vulcano conico dell'isola di Giava in Indonesia . Il suo nome significa montagna di fuoco. È uno dei vulcani più attivi in Indonesia. Dal 1548 ha eruttato 68 volte. Si trova molto vicino alla città di Yogyakarta.Un'improvvisa eruzione si è verificata il 4 Dicembre: 11 escursionisti....

Eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia: 11 morti e 12 dispersi

2023-12-04T19:29+0100informazione (it)

Un'esplosione seguita da una pioggia di cenere ha segnato l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , situato nel distretto di Agam, nella provincia di Sumatra occidentale, in Indonesia . L'eruzione ha causato la morte di 11 escursionisti e ne sono ancora dispersi 12.

11 dead, 12 missing after volcano erupts in Indonesia

2023-12-04T19:12+0100khmertimes (en)

Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal volcanic activity and prohibiting climbers or villagers within 3 kilometres (1.8 miles) of the peak, said Hendra Gunawan, the head of the Centre for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation.

Au moins onze morts et douze disparus après l'éruption du volcan Marapi en Indonésie

2023-12-04T18:52+0100radiofrance (fr)

Des randonneurs se sont fait surprendre par l'éruption de ce volcan qui est l'un des plus actifs du pays, dimanche 3 septembre. Les opérations de recherche sont toujours en cours pour retrouver les disparus. Et aussi : - En Ouganda, le gouvernement veut interdire l'import de vêtements d'occasion -....

Indonesia: Erupción volcánica deja 11 personas fallecidas

2023-12-04T18:37+0100telemetro (es)

Erupción volcánica en Indonesia . Doce senderistas aún están desaparecidos, y entre los 49 que pudieron descender de la montaña a tiempo, algunos están hospitalizados, según Malik. Las imágenes muestran una ambulancia evacuando a un senderista quemado y a un socorrista ayudando a una senderista durante la noche.

Eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia: 11 escursionisti morti e 12 dispersi

2023-12-04T18:28+0100informazione (it)

In Indonesia , l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo situato nella zona occidentale di Sumatra , ha causato la morte di almeno 11 escursionisti. Altri 12 risultano ancora dispersi. L'eruzione è avvenuta domenica alle 14:54 ora locale, con il vulcano che ha emesso una nuvola di....

Indonesia, erutta il vulcano Marapi in e coglie di sorpresa 11 scalatori uccidendoli: si cercano dispersi

2023-12-04T18:25+0100laprovinciapavese (it)

Undici scalatori sono morti e un'altra dozzina risultano dispersi sul monte Marapi , in Indonesia , dopo l'eruzione del vulcano. Tre alpinisti sono stati ritrovati vivi, ma erano "deboli e con alcune ustioni", ha dichiarato Abdul Malik, capo dell'Agenzia di ricerca e soccorso di Padang.

Indonesia, erutta il vulcano Marapi in e coglie di sorpresa 11 scalatori uccidendoli: si cercano dispersi

2023-12-04T18:24+0100lasentinella (it)

Undici scalatori sono morti e un'altra dozzina risultano dispersi sul monte Marapi , in Indonesia , dopo l'eruzione del vulcano. Tre alpinisti sono stati ritrovati vivi, ma erano "deboli e con alcune ustioni", ha dichiarato Abdul Malik, capo dell'Agenzia di ricerca e soccorso di Padang.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for the 2nd day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T17:59+0100stripes (en)

PADANG, Indonesia — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 2,620 feet into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day — while searching for those....

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T17:54+0100washtimes (en)

PADANG, Indonesia — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day - while....

Search for 12 missing climbers halted after Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day

2023-12-04T17:49+0100theglobeandmail (en)

Indonesia n authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – while searching for those missing....

Southeast Asia sees increasing geological activities recently

2023-12-04T17:22+0100myanmarnews (en)

Countries and regions in southeast Asia see an increase in geological activities recently, including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.6 struck Saturday off the southern Philippine coast, prompting many villagers to flee their homes in panic....

Recuperan cadáveres de 11 escaladores tras erupción de volcán en Indonesia

2023-12-04T17:18+0100voanoticias (es)

PADANG, INDONESIA — Las autoridades de Indonesia recuperaron este lunes los cadáveres de 11 escaladores tras la erupción repentina del volcán Marapi , mientras los rescatistas buscaban al menos a otros 12 presuntamente desaparecidos. El Marapi se ha mantenido en el tercero de cuatro niveles de alerta....

World news latest: 47 dead in Tanzania floods and 11 killed in volcano eruption

2023-12-04T17:09+0100express (en)

From flooding in Tanzania which has killed 47 people to the eruption of a large volcano in Indonesia which has killed 11 hikers with 12 people still missing, here are today's biggest stories from around the world. Heavy flooding and landslides in Tanzania kill 47 people.

Indonésie : Onze morts dans l’éruption du mont Marapi

2023-12-04T16:50+0100lopinion (fr)

Onze randonneurs ont été retrouvés morts à la suite de l’éruption d’un volcan dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, a déclaré ce lundi 4 décembre à l’AFP un responsable des secours. « Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T16:32+0100virgilio (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi.

Indonesia, eruzione vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T16:21+0100ilpiccolo (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedi' e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi tre sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giu' dalla montagna. I servizi d'emergenza hanno fatto sapere di aver....

L'eruzione del vulcano Marapi causa numerosi morti

2023-12-04T16:12+0100tvsvizzera (it)

L'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , sull'isola di Sumatra, in Indonesia , ha causato la morte di almeno 11 escursioniste ed escursionisti. Il bilancio potrebbe però aggravarsi visto che ci sono ancora 12 persone disperse e le operazioni di soccorso sono molto difficili.

Indonesia, eruzione vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T16:10+0100ilSole24ore (it)

Indonesia , eruzione vulcano Marapi : morti almeno 11 escursionisti Altri 12 sono dispersi, tre sono stati salvati.

Indonesia's Marapi Eruption Updates: 12 Climbers Still Missing As Search Continues

2023-12-04T16:08+0100natureworldnews (en)

The Mount Marapi volcano erupted with ash that blanked the area. The active volcano has made it more difficult for rescuers to look for the 12 remaining missing climbers. Officials warned that the Marapi volcano is on alert levels due to high volcanic activity.

Indonesia, eruzione vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T16:07+0100tiscali-it (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedi' e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi tre sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giu' dalla montagna. I servizi d'emergenza hanno fatto sapere di aver....

Indonesia, eruzione vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T16:07+0100nuovavenezia (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedi' e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi tre sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giu' dalla montagna. I servizi d'emergenza hanno fatto sapere di aver....

Indonesia, eruzione vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T16:06+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedi' e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi tre sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giu' dalla montagna. I servizi d'emergenza hanno fatto sapere di aver....

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T16:04+0100dunyanews (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day while....

Indonesia, eruzione vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T16:04+0100tribunatreviso (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedi' e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi tre sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giu' dalla montagna. I servizi d'emergenza hanno fatto sapere di aver....

Indonesia, eruzione vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T16:03+0100mattinopadova (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedi' e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi tre sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giu' dalla montagna. I servizi d'emergenza hanno fatto sapere di aver....

Evacuation of Mount Marapi Victims Hampered by Eruption

2023-12-04T15:59+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/YOLA SASTRA. Smoke and volcanic ash coming out of the crater of Mount Marapi were photographed from the main SAR post, not far from the Batupalano City Hall, in Sungai Pua District, Agam, West Sumatra, on Monday (4/12/2023). The Marapi crater is still emitting smoke and volcanic ash since its initial eruption on Sunday (3/12/2023) at 14.

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T15:47+0100Quotidianodibari (it)

(Adnkronos) – Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi. Lo hanno riferito oggi i media locali, aggiungendo che le ricerche, andate avanti tutta la....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 morti tra gli escursionisti: 'Ci sono molti feriti'

2023-12-04T15:43+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 dicembre 2023) In Indonesia l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , sull'isola di Sumatra, ha provocato 11 morti tra gli escursionisti che stavano scalando il monte. "Delle 26 persone non evacuate ne abbiamo rintracciato 14, ... Altre News in Rete: Secondo i dati delle autorità c'erano 75....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T15:13+0100oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell’eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi. Lo hanno riferito oggi i media locali, aggiungendo che le ricerche, andate avanti tutta la....

Le volcan Marapi en Indonésie entre en éruption, tuant 11 alpinistes ; 12 disparus

2023-12-04T15:08+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Le volcan Marapi en Indonésie est entré en éruption de manière tragique, entraînant la mort de 11 alpinistes et la disparition de 12 autres. Cette soudaine éruption a jeté le chaos dans la région, rappelant la puissance destructrice de la nature et mettant en évidence les dangers auxquels sont confrontés ceux qui explorent ces régions montagneuses.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T15:07+0100ctvnews (en)

PADANG, Indonesia - Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day -- while....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T15:04+0100quotidianodifoggia (it)

(Adnkronos) – Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi. Lo hanno riferito oggi i media locali, aggiungendo che le ricerche, andate avanti tutta la....

11 corps d’alpinistes retrouvés après l’éruption du volcan Marapi, en Indonésie Les sauveteurs indonésiens recherchent au moins 22 autres personnes portées disparues.

2023-12-04T14:52+0100ledevoir (fr)

Les corps de 11 alpinistes ont été retrouvés lundi après une importante éruption du volcan Marapi , en Indonésie, alors que les sauveteurs indonésiens recherchaient au moins 22 autres personnes portées disparues. Le volcan Marapi, sur l’île de Sumatra, a projeté des panaches de cendre sur plus de 3....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T14:47+0100cinquecolonne (it)

Scritto da Adnkronos (Adnkronos) – Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi. Lo hanno riferito oggi i media locali, aggiungendo che le ricerche, andate....

Al menos 11 muertos tras erupción del volcán Marapi en Indonesia "Hemos encontrado a 14 personas, tres fueron halladas con vida y 11 fueron encontradas muertas", dijo Abdul Malik Global | 07:36 hrs.

2023-12-04T14:44+0100excelsior (es)

Al menos once personas murieron y 12 siguen tras la erupción del volcán Marapi , en el oeste de Indonesia , anunciaron este lunes los servicios de emergencia al cabo de una noche de búsqueda en la que tres senderistas fueron encontrados con vida. En el momento de la erupción, el domingo, había 75....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T14:39+0100meridiananotizie (it)

(Adnkronos) – Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi. Lo hanno riferito oggi i media locali, aggiungendo che le ricerche, andate avanti tutta la....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T14:39+0100vivereancona (it)

(Adnkronos) - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi. Lo hanno riferito oggi i media locali, aggiungendo che le ricerche, andate avanti tutta la....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T14:38+0100periodicodaily (it)

(Adnkronos) – Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi. Lo hanno riferito oggi i media locali, aggiungendo che le ricerche, andate avanti tutta la....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T14:38+0100rete55 (it)

(Adnkronos) – Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi. Lo hanno riferito oggi i media locali, aggiungendo che le ricerche, andate avanti tutta la....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T14:36+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 dicembre 2023) (Adnkronos) – Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi. Lo hanno riferito oggi i media locali, aggiungendo che le ricerche,....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T14:35+0100viverecivitanova (it)

(Adnkronos) - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi. Lo hanno riferito oggi i media locali, aggiungendo che le ricerche, andate avanti tutta la....

Au moins 11 morts dans l’éruption d’un volcan

2023-12-04T14:30+0100lapresse-CA (fr)

Douze randonneurs restent portés disparus et 49 sont redescendus de la montagne, certains ayant été transportés à l’hôpital, a indiqué M. Malik. Éruption toujours en cours. « Nous ne pouvons pas effectuer de recherches par hélicoptère, car l’éruption est toujours en cours », a-t-il ajouté en....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi, 11 escursionisti morti in Indonesia

2023-12-04T14:30+0100adnkronos (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in Indonesia a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , uno dei più attivi del mondo nella zona occidentale di Sumatra, mentre altri 12 risultano dispersi. Lo hanno riferito oggi i media locali, aggiungendo che le ricerche, andate avanti tutta la notte, sono state....

11 hikers dead after Indonesia volcano erupts, dozen still missing

2023-12-04T14:04+0100terradaily (en)

Eleven hikers were found dead Monday and another 12 were missing after a volcano erupted in Indonesia , with rescuers racing to carry injured and burned survivors down the mountain on foot. Rescuers worked through the night to find dozens of hikers stranded on Mount Marapi on the island of Sumatra....

L'esplosione poi la pioggia di cenere: 11 morti per l'eruzione di un vulcano in Indonesia

2023-12-04T13:58+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 dicembre 2023) L' eruzione del vulcano Marapi da tempo al terzo libello di attenzione, ha provocato la morte di 11 persone, ma sarebbero moltissimi i dispersi. La situazione attuale. Altre News in Rete: A distanza di settimane, dal racconto di Ilary a Verissimo , l' esplosione della....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for the second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T13:57+0100wsvn (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day — while....

Alerte rouge en Indonésie : éruption soudaine du redoutable volcan Marapi

2023-12-04T13:55+0100futura-sciences (fr)

[EN VIDÉO] Interview : quels sont les dangers du volcanisme ? La vie près des volcans n’est pas toujours paisible. En cas d’éruption la population est... À 14 h 54 heure locale, dimanche 3 décembre, une explosion s'est produite sur le Marapi , volcan très actif de l'île indonésienne de Sumatra.

Indonesia's Marapi Volcano Erupts for 2nd Day as 11 Climbers Killed and 12 Remain Missing

2023-12-04T13:49+0100theepochtimes (en)

PADANG, Indonesia —Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day—while searching....

L'esplosione poi la pioggia di cenere: 11 morti per l'eruzione di un vulcano in Indonesia

2023-12-04T13:44+0100ilgiornale (it)

" ha detto Abdul Malik , capo dell'Agenzia di ricerca e salvataggio di Padang, parlando il giorno dopo l'eruzione, non escludendo però la possibilità di trovare altri corpi non registrati nella zona. Al momento, da notizie non confermate, i soccorritori starebbero cercando altri 22 corpi anche se....

Tragedia in Indonesia, erutta il vulcano Marapi: 11 morti e 12 dispersi

2023-12-04T13:36+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 dicembre 2023) I corpi di undici escursionisti sono stati trovati senza vita dopo l’eruzione del vulcano Marapi , il più attivo dell’isola di Sumatra, nell’ Indonesia occidentale. “Delle 26 persone non evacuate ne abbiamo rintracciato 14, di cui tre vive e 11 morte”, ha dichiarato Abdul....

Indonesian volcano eruption leaves 11 confirmed dead, several suffering burns

2023-12-04T13:35+0100CBC (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesia n rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above-normal volcanic activity and....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T13:33+0100theargus (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonésie: 11 morts dans l’éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-04T13:26+0100beninwebtv (fr)

Au moins onze personnes sont mortes dans l’éruption du volcan Marapi , sur l’île de Sumatra, dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie le dimanche, à 14h54. Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes », a précisé....

Le volcan Marapi en Indonésie entre en éruption, tuant 11 alpinistes ; 12 disparus

2023-12-04T13:26+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

JAKARTA, 4 décembre (Reuters) – Onze alpinistes ont été retrouvés morts lundi en Indonésie et 12 autres étaient portés disparus après l’éruption du volcan Marapi dans l’ouest de Sumatra, a déclaré un responsable des secours, alors que les opérations de recherche, temporairement interrompues pour des raisons de sécurité, ont repris.

Eruzione improvvisa del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia: vittime e dispersi

2023-12-04T13:24+0100informazione (it)

Il vulcano Marapi , uno degli stratovulcani più pericolosi al mondo e sicuramente il più attivo dell'Isola di Sumatra , ha avuto un'eruzione improvvisa. Le sue eruzioni sono particolarmente esplosive di tipo pliniano o sub pliniano, capaci di generare intensi flussi piroclastici altamente distruttivi.

Volcano kills 11 climbers trapped during eruption with 12 more still missing

2023-12-04T13:21+0100dailystar (en)

The volcano in the West Sumatra province of Indonesia erupted on Sunday, spewing white-and-grey ash plumes about 9,800ft (3,000m) into the air, with hot ash clouds blowing several miles to the north, according to Indonesia's Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Centre.

Eruption du volcan Marapi en Indonésie : au moins onze morts et douze disparus

2023-12-04T13:04+0100Liberation (fr)

Les secours s’affairent après l’éruption, dimanche 3 décembre, de ce volcan sur l’île de Sumatra, pour venir en aide à des randonneurs surpris par l’événement. Certains ont été hospitalisés pour des brûlures.

No Comment : au moins onze morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi en Indonésie

2023-12-04T13:02+0100euronews-fr (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie a fait au moins onze morts, ont annoncé lundi les secours après une nuit de recherches qui ont permis de retrouver trois randonneurs vivants mais douze autres sont toujours portés disparus. L'éruption du mont Marapi, sur l'île de Sumatra, a commencé dimanche.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:56+0100eveningnews24 (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:54+0100southwalesargus (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:54+0100hertsad (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:54+0100thetelegraphandargus (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:53+0100irishexaminer (en)

Indonesia n authorities halted the search for 12 climbers on Monday after the Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 2,629ft (800m) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing....

It is difficult to predict, eruptions like those in Marapi can occur in other areas

2023-12-04T12:53+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/YOLA SASTRA. Residents observed a column of ash coming out of the crater of Mount Marapi at the Main SAR Post in the Office of the Village Chief of Batupalano, Sungai Pua District, Agam, West Sumatra, on Monday (4/12/2023). The Marapi crater is still emitting smoke and volcanic ash since its first eruption on Sunday (3/12/2023) at 14:54.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:53+0100salisburyjournal (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:52+0100eveningtimes (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:51+0100thecomet (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:50+0100oxfordtimes (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia, eruzione monte Merapi: 11 morti e 12 dispersi

2023-12-04T12:50+0100euronews-it (it)

L'eruzione del monte Marapi , nell'isola di Sumatra, ha ucciso almeno 11 persone. Secondo le autorità indonesiane al momento dell'esplosione 75 escursionisti si trovavano nei pressi del vulcano. Tre i feriti, che hanno riportato ustioni a causa dell'esposizione al calore.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:49+0100lbc (en)

Indonesia n authorities halted the search for 12 climbers on Monday after the Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 2,629ft (800m) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:48+0100newsandstar (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:47+0100thenorthernecho (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:47+0100edp24 (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:47+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

Indonesia n authorities halted the search for 12 climbers on Monday after the Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 2,629ft (800m) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day during the search for those missing....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing12:40

2023-12-04T12:46+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:46+0100dunmowbroadcast (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption

2023-12-04T12:45+0100sunstar (en)

PADANG, Indonesia — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mt. Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:44+0100dailyecho (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:44+0100greatyarmouthmercury (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:43+0100news-gazette (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day — while....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:43+0100thecourier (en)

Indonesia n authorities halted the search for 12 climbers on Monday after the Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 2,629ft (800m) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day during the search for those missing....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:43+0100pressandjournal (en)

Indonesia n authorities halted the search for 12 climbers on Monday after the Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 2,629ft (800m) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day during the search for those missing....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:43+0100yourlocalguardian (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:43+0100eadt (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day as 12 climbers remain missing 0 12/4/2023 3:19:36 AM

2023-12-04T12:42+0100tricitynews (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day — while....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:42+0100chesterfirst (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:41+0100impartialreporter (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts for second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:41+0100yorkpress (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day – during the search for those missing – but attempts to relocate them were hindered by the renewed activity, West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik said. The search operation will resume once conditions improve, he added.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:37+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day — while....

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day as 12 climbers remain missing PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said.

2023-12-04T12:37+0100timescolonist (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day — while....

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:35+0100eagletribune (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day — while....

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T12:32+0100globodiroma (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l’eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi tre sopravvissuti – feriti e ustionati – giù dalla montagna. I servizi d’emergenza hanno fatto sapere di aver....

Al menos once muertos dejó erupción del volcán Marapi en Indonesia

2023-12-04T12:30+0100talcualdigital (es)

Doce senderistas siguen desaparecidos tras regustrarse la erupción del volcán Marapi en Indonesia y entre los 49 que pudieron descender de la montaña a tiempo algunos están hospitalizados, dijo Abdul Malik, jefe de la Agencia de Búsqueda y Rescate de Padang.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:26+0100actionnewsjax (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day — while....

Deadly eruption of Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano traps climbers

2023-12-04T12:21+0100nbcnews (en)

Beijing families line up at a hospital after an increase in respiratory illnesses among kids 01:17; Afghanistan is hit by another earthquake, days after tremors and aftershocks killed over 2,000 00:25; Video shows treated radioactive water ready for release from wrecked Fukushima plant 01:01 ....

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts for the second day as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T12:21+0100wsoctv (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities halted Monday the search for 12 climbers after Mount Marapi volcano erupted again, unleashing a new burst of hot ash as high as 800 meters (2,620 feet) into the air, officials said. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered earlier in the day — while....

11 morts et 12 disparus dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-04T12:18+0100sciencesetavenir (fr)

"Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes" , a précisé Abdul Malik, chef de l'agence de recherches et de sauvetage de Padang, s'exprimant au lendemain de l'éruption.

Indonesia - Eruzione improvvisa del vulcano Merapi a Sumatra, vittime e dispersi. Video Il vulcano Marapi in Indonesia con i suoi 2285m di altezza è uno degli stratovulcani più pericolosi al mondo e sicuramente il più attivo dell'Isola di Sumatra in cui si trova Le sue eruzioni sono particolarmente....

2023-12-04T12:08+0100informazione (it)

Il vulcano Marapi in Indonesia con i suoi 2285m di altezza è uno degli stratovulcani più pericolosi al mondo e sicuramente il più attivo dell'Isola di Sumatra in cui si trova Le sue eruzioni sono particolarmente esplosive di tipo pliniano o sub pliniano capaci di generare intensi flussi piroclastici....

Indonesia - Eruzione improvvisa del vulcano Merapi a Sumatra, vittime e dispersi. Video

2023-12-04T12:08+0100informazione (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati uccisi e altri 12 sono dispersi a seguito dell'eruzione del Monte Marapi in Indonesia , hanno dichiarato le autorità locali come riportato dalla Bbc… Sono almeno 11 gli escursionisti trovati senza vita dopo l’eruzione del vulcano Marapi, nella regione di Sumatra Occidentale , in Indonesia .

ASEAN Weekly Disaster Update Week 48 | 27 November – 3 December 2023

2023-12-04T12:05+0100reliefWeb (en)

+ 3 more ASEAN Weekly Disaster Update Week 48 | 27 November – 3 December 2023 Attachments REGIONAL SUMMARY: In the forty-eighth week of 2023, the ASEAN region experienced 26 disaster events that affected Indonesia , Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand.

Erutta il vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T12:05+0100europa-today (it)

Almeno 11 morti e 12 dispersi. Questo il bilancio provvisorio delle vittime causate dall'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , in Indonesia . Altri tre escursionisti sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca, che hanno lavorato senza sosta tutta la notte alla ricerca di altri superstiti. Il Marapi, situato sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Erutta il vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T12:03+0100citynews (it)

Almeno 11 morti e 12 dispersi. Questo il bilancio provvisorio delle vittime causate dall'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , in Indonesia . Altri tre escursionisti sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca, che hanno lavorato senza sosta tutta la notte alla ricerca di altri superstiti. Il Marapi, situato sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

In Indonesia almeno undici escursionisti morti dopo l’eruzione del vulcano Marapi

2023-12-04T12:01+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 dicembre 2023) l’eruzione del vulcano Marapi , nell’ Indonesia occidentale, ha provocato almeno undici morti . Leggi. Altre News in Rete: Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo....

Ultime Notizie Roma del 04-12-2023 ore 10:10

2023-12-04T12:01+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 dicembre 2023) Roma dailynews radiogiornale Buona giornata dalla redazione da parte di Francesco Vitale in Indonesia almeno 11 mesi sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l’eruzione di un vulcano in Monte....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T12:00+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 dicembre 2023) almeno 11 morti e 12 dispersi. Questo il bilancio provvisorio delle vittime causate dall'eruzione del vulcano Marapi , in Indonesia . Altri tre escursionisti sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca, che hanno lavorato senza sosta tutta la notte alla ricerca di altri superstiti.

Indonesian volcano eruption kills 11 hikers and a dozen remain missing

2023-12-04T11:42+0100telegraph (en)

Eleven hikers have died and 12 remain missing after a volcano erupted in Indonesia , spewing thick plumes of ash as high as 10,000 feet into the air. Around 75 people were exploring the area around Mount Marapi in West Sumatra on Sunday when it exploded, ejecting a huge cloud of volcanic dust and....

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:42+0100virgilio (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi....

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:38+0100ansamed-it (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giù dalla montagna. I servizi d'emergenza hanno fatto sapere di aver lavorato....

4 dic 2023, 11:31 Carlo Migliore Indonesia - Eruzione improvvisa del vulcano Marapi a Sumatra, diversi escursionisti hanno perso la vita. Video

2023-12-04T11:37+01003bmeteo (it)

Indonesia - Eruzione improvvisa del vulcano Marapi a Sumatra, diversi escursionisti hanno perso la vita. Video. Indonesia - Eruzione improvvisa del vulcano Marapi a Sumatra, diversi escursionisti hanno perso la vita. Video. Almeno 75 persone erano in escursione sulle pendici del vulcano al momento dell'esplosione.

Erutta il vulcano Marapi in Indonesia, evacuazione difficile

2023-12-04T11:37+0100tiscali-it (it)

Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne da' notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non da' conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

Erutta il vulcano Marapi in Indonesia, "evacuazione difficile"

2023-12-04T11:36+0100tribunatreviso (it)

Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne da' notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non da' conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

Indonesia, erutta il vulcano Marapi: morti 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T11:33+0100ilmessaggero (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati uccisi e altri 12 sono dispersi a seguito dell'eruzione del Monte Marapi in Indonesia , hanno dichiarato le autorità locali come riportato dalla Bbc. Domenica 75 persone si trovavano nell'area quando il vulcano nell'ovest di Sumatra è eruttato: Ci sono 26 persone che....

Erutta il vulcano Marapi in Indonesia, "evacuazione difficile"

2023-12-04T11:32+0100ilpiccolo (it)

Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne da' notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non da' conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

Erutta il vulcano Marapi in Indonesia, "evacuazione difficile"

2023-12-04T11:32+0100mattinopadova (it)

Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne da' notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non da' conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:32+0100ansa (it)

Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giù dalla montagna. I servizi d'emergenza hanno fatto sapere di aver lavorato....

Indonésie : l'éruption du volcan Marapi fait au moins 11 morts, des randonneurs toujours recherchés

2023-12-04T11:30+0100francetvinfo (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait au moins 11 morts, ont annoncé les secours lundi 4 décembre, "Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes" , a détaillé Abdul Malik,....

Indonésie : au moins onze morts et douze disparus dans l'éruption d'un volcan

2023-12-04T11:30+0100TF1 (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi en Indonésie a tué au moins onze personnes le 3 décembre. Douze autres personnes manquent à l'appel, alors que les recherches se poursuivent. Le volcan Marapi, dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, est entré en éruption dimanche 3 décembre, tuant au moins onze randonneurs pris au piège.

Erutta il vulcano Marapi in Indonesia, "evacuazione difficile"

2023-12-04T11:30+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne da' notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non da' conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:21+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

PADANG, 04 DIC - Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giù dalla montagna.

Eruzione del Monte Marapi: 11 escursionisti trovati morti nel vulcano indonesiano | Indonesia

2023-12-04T11:20+0100gexperience (it)

I soccorritori indonesiani hanno trovato i corpi di 11 alpinisti dopo l’eruzione del vulcano Monte Marapi a Sumatra occidentale. Un funzionario dei soccorsi ha detto che tre persone sono state trovate vive nel vulcano e almeno 12 alpinisti risultano ancora dispersi. Un altro funzionario ha stimato a 22 il numero delle persone scomparse.

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:16+0100ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG, 04 DIC - Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giù dalla montagna.

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:16+0100larena (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG, 04 DIC - Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giù dalla montagna.

Indonesia, il Marapi erutta: morti 11 escursionisti | VIDEO

2023-12-04T11:16+0100tag24 (it)

L’ isola di Sumatra trema sotto l’eruzione del Monte Marapi , uno dei 130 vulcani attivi dell’arcipelago indonesiano. Nell’eruzione sono morti 11 escursionisti , mentre altri 3 sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca mobilitate dalle autorità locali. Indonesia , il Marapi erutta. Una torre di fumo e cenere alta 3.

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:15+0100espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – PADANG, 04 DIC – Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l’eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti – feriti e ustionati – giù dalla montagna.

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:15+0100mattinopadova (it)

PADANG, 04 DIC - Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giù dalla montagna.

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:14+0100giornaledibrescia (it)

PADANG, 04 DIC - Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giù dalla montagna.

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:14+0100ilpiccolo (it)

PADANG, 04 DIC - Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giù dalla montagna.

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:14+0100bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG, 04 DIC - Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giù dalla montagna.

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:12+0100tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG, 04 DIC - Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giù dalla montagna.

Indonesia: l’eruzione del vulcano Marapi

2023-12-04T11:11+0100ilSole24ore (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri 3 sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l’eruzione di un vulcano nell’ Indonesia occidentale. Il vulcano, situato nel distretto di Agam, nella provincia di Sumatra occidentale, ha emesso spesse colonne di cenere alte fino a 3.

Indonesia: eruzione Marapi, almeno 12 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T11:11+0100tribunatreviso (it)

PADANG, 04 DIC - Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti lunedì e altri 12 sono considerati dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia , con i soccorritori che hanno portato a piedi 3 sopravvissuti - feriti e ustionati - giù dalla montagna.

L'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia: 11 escursionisti morti

2023-12-04T11:11+0100ilSole24ore (it)

Sumatra, 4 dic. (askanews) - In Indonesia violenta eruzione del vulcano Marapi , sull'isola di Sumatra. Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri 12 risultano dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano, con i soccorritori che hanno fatto a gara per trasportare a piedi i superstiti feriti e ustionati giù dalla montagna.

Indonesia, erutta il vulcano Marapi: uccisi undici alpinisti che erano vicini alla vetta

2023-12-04T11:07+0100informazione (it)

In seguito all'eruzione del vulcano Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra , in Indonesia , almeno 11 escursionisti hanno perso la vita. Le squadre di ricerca hanno lavorato… Undici escursionisti sono stati uccisi e altri 12 sono dispersi a seguito dell'eruzione del Monte Marapi in Indonesia , hanno....

Indonesia, decine di morti e dispersi, dopo l'eruzione del vulcano Marapi

2023-12-04T10:56+0100gazzetta (it)

In seguito all' eruzione del vulcano Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, in Indonesia , almeno 11 escursionisti hanno perso la vita . Le squadre di ricerca hanno lavorato incessantemente per tutta la notte per recuperare i corpi delle vittime e, fortunatamente, sono riuscite a salvare molte persone.

dal mondo Indonesia, l'eruzione del vulcano provoca il panico: 11 alpinisti morti. Il video

2023-12-04T10:42+0100la7 (it)

Il vulcano più attivo dell'isola indonesiana occidentale di Sumatra è in eruzione. Le riprese mostrano il Monte Marapi che getta in aria un'enorme torre di cenere alta 3 km mentre le autorità hanno alzato l'allerta al secondo livello più alto. La cenere vulcanica si è diffusa ampiamente e ha....

Indonesia: 12 montañistas missing and 11 dead due to volcanic eruption. Indonesia: 12 montañistas desaparecidos y 11 muertos por erupción volcánica.

2023-12-04T10:40+0100notiulti (es)

Web Desk: 12 escaladores están desaparecidos y 11 turistas han muerto después de que el volcán Monte Merapi entrara en erupción en Sumatra occidental, Indonesia . Según la agencia de noticias , los cuerpos de 11 turistas fueron recuperados tras la erupción del volcán en el oeste de Indonesia,....

L'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia: 11 escursionisti morti

2023-12-04T10:37+0100informazione (it)

Continuano le ricerche degli alpinisti dispersi In Indonesia il Monte Marapi , alto quasi 2.900 metri, continua ad emettere cenere dopo una violenta eruzione mentre i soccorritori indonesiani cercano i 12 alpinisti ancora dispersi. Il vulcano ha emesso colonne di cenere alte fino a 3.

Onze sont morts après l’éruption volcanique

2023-12-04T10:37+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Onze randonneurs ont été retrouvés morts après une éruption volcanique dans l’ouest de Sumatra en Indonésie. C’est dimanche que le volcan le plus actif d’Indonésie, le Marapi , a envoyé des cendres à 3 kilomètres de hauteur. Douze personnes sont toujours portées disparues après l’éruption volcanique.

Indonésie: au moins onze morts et douze disparus dans l'éruption d'un volcan

2023-12-04T10:30+0100rtl-BE (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie a fait au moins onze morts, ont annoncé lundi les secours après une nuit de recherches qui ont permis de retrouver trois randonneurs vivants mais douze autres sont toujours portés disparus. "Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous....

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, 12 climbers still missing

2023-12-04T10:28+0100naharnet-en (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesia n rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal volcanic activity and....

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, 12 climbers still missing

2023-12-04T10:27+0100naharnet-ar (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesia n rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal volcanic activity and....

L'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia: 11 escursionisti morti

2023-12-04T10:27+0100tiscali-it (it)

Sumatra, 4 dic. (askanews) - In Indonesia violenta eruzione del vulcano Marapi , sull'isola di Sumatra. Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri 12 risultano dispersi dopo l'eruzione del vulcano, con i soccorritori che hanno fatto a gara per trasportare a piedi i superstiti feriti e ustionati giù dalla montagna.

Vulcano Marapi in Indonesia: 11 escursionisti morti nell’eruzione

2023-12-04T10:27+0100vocidicitta (it)

In Indonesia , almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati ritrovati senza vita , mentre altre tre persone sono state salvate dalle squadre di ricerca impegnate per tutta la notte dopo di un vulcano. Il Monte Marapi , situato sull’isola di Sumatra e con un’altitudine di 2.

L’éruption d'un volcan en Indonésie fait onze morts (officiel)

2023-12-04T10:22+0100lematin (fr)

"Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes", a précisé Abdul Malik dans une déclaration à la presse. L'éruption du mont Marapi , sur l'île de Sumatra, avait commencé dimanche à 14H54 (07H54 GMT).

Indonesia, erutta il vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti – Il video

2023-12-04T10:22+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 dicembre 2023) Sono almeno 11 gli escursionisti trovati senza vita dopo l’eruzione del vulcano Marapi , nella regione di Sumatra Occidentale, in Indonesia . Altre tre persone sono state invece salvate dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte.

Erutta un vulcano in Indonesia, 11 escursionisti morti

2023-12-04T10:22+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 dicembre 2023) Sono stati trovati morti 11 escursionisti dopo l’eruzione del vulcano Marapi , il più attivo dell’isola di Sumatra, nell’ Indonesia occidentale. “Delle 26 persone non evacuate ne abbiamo rintracciato 14, di cui tre vive e 11 morte”, ha detto Abdul Malik, capo dell’Agenzia....

Indonesia, enormi pennacchi di cenere dal vulcano Marapi

2023-12-04T10:20+0100ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Il Monte Marapi , alto quasi 2.900 metri, continua ad emettere cenere dopo una violenta eruzione mentre i soccorritori indonesiani cercano i 12 alpinisti ancora dispersi. Il vulcano ha emesso colonne di cenere alte fino a 3.000 metri durante l'ultima eruzione e nuvole di cenere si sono....

Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie: onze morts

2023-12-04T10:18+0100maroc-diplomatique (fr)

Au moins onze personnes ont trouvé la mort dans l’éruption d’un volcan dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, a indiqué lundi Abdul Malik, chef de l’agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang. Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et....

"X" spreads videos unrelated to real disasters Beware of disinformation

2023-12-04T10:17+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-12-04T09:15:16.707Z. Highlights: "X" spreads videos unrelated to real disasters Beware of disinformation. In the event of a disaster, such disinformation is likely to spread, so it is necessary to be careful. In relation to the large-scale eruption that occurred in Indonesia and the large....

Indonésie : au moins onze morts et douze disparus dans l'éruption d'un volcan

2023-12-04T10:17+0100france24 (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l' Indonésie , a fait au moins onze morts, ont annoncé les secours lundi 4 décembre, après une nuit de recherches qui ont permis de retrouver trois randonneurs vivants, alors que 12 autres sont toujours portés disparus.

Indonésie: au moins onze morts et douze disparus dans l'éruption d'un volcan

2023-12-04T10:17+0100sciencesetavenir (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie a fait au moins onze morts, ont annoncé lundi les secours après une nuit de recherches qui ont permis de retrouver trois randonneurs vivants mais douze autres sont toujours portés disparus. "Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous....

Eruzione in Indonesia, il dramma degli escursionisti: 11 morti sul Marapi, altri 12 dispersi

2023-12-04T10:11+0100ilmattino (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti hanno perso la vita e altri tre sono stati salvati dopo l' eruzione del Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, nell' Indonesia occidentale. Le autorità locali hanno dichiarato che le squadre di ricerca hanno lavorato intensamente durante tutta la notte per individuare i dispersi.

L’eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia: 11 escursionisti morti

2023-12-04T10:10+0100askanews (it)

Sumatra, 4 dic. (askanews) – In Indonesia violenta eruzione del vulcano Marapi , sull’isola di Sumatra. Undici escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri 12 risultano dispersi dopo l’eruzione del vulcano, con i soccorritori che hanno fatto a gara per trasportare a piedi i superstiti feriti e ustionati giù dalla montagna.

Indonesia, enormi pennacchi di cenere dal vulcano Marapi

2023-12-04T10:07+0100informazione (it)

Continuano le ricerche degli alpinisti dispersi In Indonesia il Monte Marapi , alto quasi 2.900 metri, continua ad emettere cenere dopo una violenta eruzione mentre i soccorritori indonesiani cercano i 12 alpinisti ancora dispersi. Il vulcano ha emesso colonne di cenere alte fino a 3.

Indonesia, enormi pennacchi di cenere dal vulcano Marapi Continuano le ricerche degli alpinisti dispersi In Indonesia il Monte Marapi, alto quasi 2.900 metri, continua ad emettere cenere dopo una violenta eruzione mentre i soccorritori indonesiani cercano i 12 alpinisti ancora dispersi. Il vulcano ha emesso colonne di cenere alte fino a 3.

2023-12-04T10:07+0100informazione (it)

Continuano le ricerche degli alpinisti dispersi In Indonesia il Monte Marapi , alto quasi 2.900 metri, continua ad emettere cenere dopo una violenta eruzione mentre i soccorritori indonesiani cercano i 12 alpinisti ancora dispersi. Il vulcano ha emesso colonne di cenere alte fino a 3.

Mount Marapi volcano eruption: 11 climbers killed in Indonesia

2023-12-04T10:00+0100ironbladeonline (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after Mount Marapi volcano erupted as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 people apparently still missing. Hendra Gunawan, head of the Center for Volcanology and Geology, said Marapi has remained at the third highest of....

Indonesia, erutta il Monte Marapi: 11 morti

2023-12-04T09:57+0100interris (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l’eruzione di un vulcano nell’ Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull’isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, and 12 climbers are still missing

2023-12-04T09:54+0100phys (en)

Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal volcanic activity and prohibiting climbers or villagers within 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) of the peak, said Hendra Gunawan, the head of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation.

L’éruption d’un volcan fait au moins 11 morts en Indonésie

2023-12-04T09:54+0100actu-orange (fr)

Le volcan Marapi , situé sur l'île de Sumatra, est entré en éruption dimanche 3 décembre, dans l'après-midi. 75 randonneurs se trouvaient sur la montagne.

Éruption du mont Marapi : 11 randonneurs retrouvés morts sur le volcan indonésien | Indonésie

2023-12-04T09:51+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Personnel et agences de tuteurs. Des sauveteurs indonésiens ont retrouvé les corps de 11 alpinistes après l’éruption du volcan du mont Marapi , à l’ouest de Sumatra. Un responsable des secours a déclaré que trois personnes avaient été retrouvées vivantes sur le volcan et qu’au moins 12 alpinistes étaient toujours portés disparus.

Mueren 11 alpinistas tras la erupción de un volcán en Indonesia

2023-12-04T09:50+0100as (es)

Al menos 11 personas han muerto, y otras 12 han desaparecido tras la erupción del volcán del Monte Merapi, ubicado en Sumatra Occidental ( Indonesia ). Se trata del volcán más activo del país asiático y que entró en erupción el pasado domingo. Cuando ocurrieron los hechos, un total de como consecuencia de la activación del cráter.

Mankind could stop volcanic eruptions by pouring concrete over them: but it's a very bad idea

2023-12-04T09:47+0100obozrevatel (en)

Volcanic eruptions cause many problems for humanity. These include air pollution with gases and ash, hot lava that floods the area around the object, and even seismic activity associated with them. That's why from time to time, life hacks from volcanology enthusiasts pop up on social media, suggesting that the vents be filled with concrete.

L’éruption d’un volcan fait au moins 11 morts en Indonésie

2023-12-04T09:35+0100bfmtv (fr)

Le volcan Marapi , situé sur l'île de Sumatra, est entré en éruption dimanche 3 décembre, dans l'après-midi. 75 randonneurs se trouvaient sur la montagne.

Bodies of 11 climbers recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia

2023-12-04T09:29+0100newstalkzb (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered today a day after a furious eruption of the Mt Marapi volcano as Indonesia n rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above-normal volcanic activity and....

11 bodies recovered after Indonesia volcanic eruption as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T09:18+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

PADANG, Indonesia — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal....

Indonésie: au moins onze morts et douze disparus dans l'éruption d'un volcan

2023-12-04T09:17+0100actu-orange (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie a fait au moins onze morts, ont annoncé lundi les secours après une nuit de recherches qui ont permis de retrouver trois randonneurs vivants mais douze autres sont toujours portés disparus. "Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous....

Indonésie: au moins onze morts et douze disparus dans l'éruption d'un volcan

2023-12-04T09:16+0100la-croix (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi dans l'Ouest de l'Indonésie a fait au moins onze morts, ont annoncé lundi les secours après une nuit de recherches qui ont permis de retrouver trois randonneurs vivants mais douze autres sont toujours portés disparus. "Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous....

Indonesia, eruzione del Monte Marapi: trovati morti 11 escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T09:09+0100quotidiano (it)

Dal cratere si è sollevata una colonna di cenere alta 3mila metri. I detriti hanno invaso i villaggi vicini. In vetta c’erano 75 alpinisti, ne mancano 12 all’appello. L’allerta resta alta. Roma, 4 dicembre 2023 – Sono stati ritrovati morti gli 11 escursionisti dispersi dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano....

Indonésie: au moins onze morts dans l'éruption du volcan le plus actif de Sumatra

2023-12-04T09:06+0100moustique (fr)

Encore douze personnes portées disparues. Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes ", a précisé Abdul Malik, chef de l'agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang, s'exprimant au lendemain l'éruption.

Erutta il vulcano Marapi in Indonesia: il video della colonna di fumo alta tre chilometri

2023-12-04T09:06+0100corriere (it)

Stanno destando stupore le immagini della colonna di fumo alta tre chilometri sprigionata dalla bocca del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia . I corpi di 11 escursionisti sono stati recuperati in seguito all’eruzione . I soccorritori cercano almeno altri 22 dispersi .

Indonésie : l’éruption du volcan Marapi fait au moins onze victimes

2023-12-04T09:04+0100linfo (fr)

Le volcan Merapi , situé à l’ouest de l’ , est entré en éruption dimanche 3 décembre. Les cendres projetées ont été constatées jusqu’à 3 000 m au-dessus de son sommet. Culminant à 2 891 m, Merapi est le volcan le plus actif de Sumatra. Il est actuellement au troisième niveau d’alerte sur une échelle....

11 Bodies Recovered After Volcanic Eruption in Indonesia, and 12 Climbers Are Still Missing

2023-12-04T09:01+0100khaosod (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above....

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T08:58+0100lavocedinewyork (it)

(ANSA) – PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC – Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l’eruzione di un vulcano nell’ Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull’isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Ultime Notizie Roma del 04-12-2023 ore 08:10

2023-12-04T08:57+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 dicembre 2023) Roma dailynews radiogiornale Buona giornata dalla redazione da parte di Francesco Vitale in Indonesia almeno 11 mesi sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l’eruzione di un vulcano il monte....

“Bodies found after Indonesia volcanic eruption with 12 climbers still missing” – NPR

2023-12-04T08:52+0100vervetimes (en)

PADANG, Indonesia — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal....

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, 12 climbers still missing

2023-12-04T08:46+0100nypost (en)

Motorists ride past by as Mount Marapi spews volcanic materials during its eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Monday, on Dec. 4, 2023. AP. The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing.

11 bodies recovered after Indonesia volcanic eruption as 12 climbers remain missing

2023-12-04T08:45+0100npr (en)

PADANG, Indonesia — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal....

Indonesia, erutta il vulcano Marapi: 11 escursionisti trovati morti

2023-12-04T08:45+0100tag24 (it)

Domenica 3 dicembre 2023, il vulcano del Monte Marapi sull’Isola di Sumatra in Indonesia ha eruttato spargendo cenere vulcanica alta 3 chilometri oltre la vetta di 2.891. Decine di escursionisti stavano scalando la montagna durante l’eruzione. 11 sono i morti, 3 i sopravvissuti ritrovati.

Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie : 11 randonneurs retrouvés morts et plusieurs personnes encore disparues

2023-12-04T08:44+0100cnews (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait au moins onze morts. Trois randonneurs ont été retrouvés vivants, tandis que douze manquent toujours à l'appel. Des images effrayantes. Ce dimanche, le volcan indonésien Marapi est entré en éruption, provoquant la mort de 11 randonneurs.

En Indonésie, au moins onze morts dans l’éruption d’un volcan

2023-12-04T08:40+0100TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

« Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé quatorze, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes », a précisé, ce lundi, Abdul Malik, chef de l’agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang, s’exprimant au lendemain de l’éruption en Indonésie.

Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie: onze morts (officiel)

2023-12-04T08:36+0100mapecology (fr)

Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie: onze morts (officiel) Jakarta- Au moins onze personnes ont trouvé la mort dans l’éruption d’un volcan dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, a indiqué lundi Abdul Malik, chef de l’agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang.

Erutta il vulcano, è strage: morti 11 escursionisti. Risultano 12 i dispersi

2023-12-04T08:26+0100zoom24 (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l’eruzione di un vulcano nell’ Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull’isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

11 escursionisti sono morti in seguito all’eruzione del vulcano Marapi, in Indonesia

2023-12-04T08:25+0100ilpost (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono morti in seguito a un’eruzione del vulcano Marapi , che si trova in Indonesia , nella regione di Sumatra Occidentale. Il vulcano è eruttato domenica spargendo una nube di cenere alta fino a 3 chilometri che ha invaso molte città che si trovano alle sue pendici.

Indonesia: Bodies Of 11 Climbers Retrieved After Volcanic Eruption Of Mount Marapi, 12 More Missing

2023-12-04T08:25+0100outlookindia (en)

The remains of 11 climbers were retrieved on Monday following a violent eruption of Mount Marapi in Indonesia . Rescue teams are actively searching for at least 12 individuals who are reported as missing. Around 75 climbers started their ascent of the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot) mountain on Saturday and became stranded.

Eleven hikers killed in Mount Marapi volcano eruption in Indonesia

2023-12-04T08:17+0100standard (en)

Eight of those rescued on Sunday were rushed to hospitals with burns and one also had a broken limb, rescuers said. Social media images show climbers with their faces and hair smeared with volcanic dust and rain. Falling ash blanketed several nearby villages and blocked sunlight - authorities....

International Au moins onze randonneurs morts dans l'éruption d'un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T08:09+0100lechorepublicain (fr)

"Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes", a précisé Abdul Malik, chef de l'agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang, s'exprimant au lendemain l'éruption.

Vidéos. Au moins onze morts dans l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T08:08+0100sudouest (fr)

L’éruption du mont Marapi , sur l’île de Sumatra, avait commencé dimanche à 14 h 54, alors que des randonneurs se trouvaient dessus. « Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes », selon Abdul Malik,....

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, and 12 climbers are still missing

2023-12-04T08:07+0100newindianexpress (en)

PADANG, Indonesia : The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal....

IndonesiaEruzione del Marapi: che cosa sappiamo

2023-12-04T08:07+0100cdt (it)

In Indonesia si contano oltre 120 vulcani attivi. E nelle scorse ore, nella parte occidentale di Sumatra, uno tra questi, il Marapi , ha eruttato. Causando la morte di almeno 11 alpinisti. Altri 12, al momento, risultano ancora dispersi. Per ora, però, tutte le ricerche sono state sospese per motivi....

Éruption volcanique en Indonésie : onze randonneurs retrouvés morts et plusieurs personnes encore disparues

2023-12-04T08:05+0100lindependant (fr)

Une éruption volcanique s'est déclarée, ce dimanche 3 décembre, dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie. Les opérations de secours se poursuivent ce lundi 4 décembre pour tenter de retrouver plusieurs personnes disparues. Ce dimanche 3 décembre, le volcan Merapi, sur l’île de Sumatra, dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, est entré en éruption.

Indonesia, erutta il vulcano Marapi: almeno 11 escursionisti morti e 12 dispersi

2023-12-04T08:04+0100fanpage (it)

I corpi di undici escursionisti sono stati trovati senza vita dopo l' eruzione del vulcano Marapi , il più attivo dell'isola di Sumatra, nell' Indonesia occidentale. "Delle 26 persone non evacuate ne abbiamo rintracciato 14, di cui tre vive e 11 morte", ha dichiarato Abdul Malik, capo dell'Agenzia di....

Indonesia Eruzione a Sumatra, morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T07:59+0100ticinonews (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2'891....

EN IMAGES. L'éruption d'un volcan en Indonésie provoque une colonne de cendres de 3 km de haut

2023-12-04T07:55+0100midilibre (fr)

Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) December 3, 2023 Parmi les 75 randonneurs qui se trouvaient dans la montagne au moment de l'éruption, onze randonneurs ont été retrouvés morts selon les informations du Parisien , douze sont toujours portés disparus et 49 sont redescendus de la montagne, certains....

11 Bodies Recovered After Volcanic Eruption in Indonesia, and 12 Climbers Are Still Missing

2023-12-04T07:53+0100time (en)

PADANG, Indonesia — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal....


2023-12-04T07:51+0100leggo (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti hanno perso la vita e altri tre sono stati salvati dopo l' eruzione del Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, nell' Indonesia occidentale. Le autorità locali hanno dichiarato che le squadre di ricerca hanno lavorato intensamente durante tutta la notte per individuare i dispersi.

Indonesia, erutta il monte Marapi: morti 11 escursionisti, 12 i dispersi

2023-12-04T07:48+0100larena (it)

Almeno 1 1 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale , hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

11 corps retrouvés après une éruption volcanique en Indonésie et 22 alpinistes sont toujours portés disparus

2023-12-04T07:44+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

PADANG, Indonésie (AP) — Les corps de 11 alpinistes ont été retrouvés lundi après une furieuse éruption du volcan du mont Marapi alors que les sauveteurs indonésiens recherchaient au moins 22 autres personnes portées disparues. Le mont Marapi, dans le district d’Agam, dans la province de Sumatra....

Erutta il Monte Marapi, morti 11 escursionisti: in 12 risultano ancora dispersi

2023-12-04T07:43+0100calabria7 (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l’eruzione di un vulcano nell’ Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull’isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

LIVE INDONESIA 9 min Almeno undici morti dopo l'eruzione del Monte Marapi

2023-12-04T07:42+0100tio (it)

MARAPI - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un....

Eruption volcanique en Indonésie : au moins onze morts, des personnes toujours portées disparues 07:25 International

2023-12-04T07:41+0100lereveilnormand (fr)

Eruption du volcan Marapi , sur l’île de Sumatra, le 3 décembre 2023 en Indonésie. (©AFP/ADI PRIMA) Des équipes de secours déployées. Zhafirah Zahrim Febrina, une étudiante de 19 ans, fait partie des randonneurs qui descendaient encore de la montagne dimanche.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti diversi escursionisti

2023-12-04T07:32+0100informazione (it)

La cenere è piovuta su alcuni villaggi vicini Sono almeno 11 gli escursionisti che sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno....

Au moins onze randonneurs morts dans l'éruption d'un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T07:31+0100lepopulaire (fr)

"Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes", a précisé Abdul Malik, chef de l'agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang, s'exprimant au lendemain l'éruption.

Au moins onze morts dans l'éruption d'un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T07:31+0100laprovence (fr)

, ont annoncé ce lundi les secours après une nuit de recherches qui ont permis de retrouver trois randonneurs vivants. Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes ", a précisé Abdul Malik, chef de....

Indonesia, eruzione vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T07:28+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 4 dicembre 2023) I funzionari delle agenzie locali e nazionali hanno rivisto il numero di escursionisti sulla montagna durante il fine settimana a 75. 'Ci sono 26 persone che non sono state evacuate, ne abbiamo ... Altre News in Rete: I funzionari delle agenzie locali e nazionali hanno....

Au moins onze randonneurs morts dans l'éruption d'un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T07:27+0100lyonne-republicaine (fr)

"Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes", a précisé Abdul Malik, chef de l'agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang, s'exprimant au lendemain l'éruption.

Au moins onze randonneurs morts dans l'éruption d'un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T07:25+0100lamontagne (fr)

"Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes", a précisé Abdul Malik, chef de l'agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang, s'exprimant au lendemain l'éruption.

Indonésie : Onze alpinistes meurent après une éruption volcanique

2023-12-04T07:25+0100azertag-fr (fr)

Bakou, 4 décembre, AZERTAC Au moins onze alpinistes sont morts et d'autres sont toujours portés disparus après l'éruption du volcan Marapi sur l'île indonésienne de Sumatra, a déclaré lundi à Xinhua Abdul Malik, chef de l'agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang. "Dans un premier temps, 49 alpinistes ont été retrouvés.

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, and 12 climbers are still missing

2023-12-04T07:20+0100news-gazette (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers have been recovered after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesia n rescuers searched for 12 others apparently still missing. Marapi spewed thick columns of ash into the sky in a sudden eruption Sunday and nea 11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption....

Des randonneurs morts dans l'éruption d'un volcan, profil de l'assaillant à Paris... L'actu marquante de ce lundi

2023-12-04T07:17+0100lamontagne (fr)

Chaque jour, on vous propose de balayer, en un coup d'œil, les temps forts de l'actualité en Auvergne et dans le Limousin, mais aussi en France et dans le monde. "L'assaillant a fait allégeance à l'EI" : le troublant profil du suspect de l'attaque au couteau à Paris.

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, and 12 climbers are still missing

2023-12-04T07:16+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal....

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T07:15+0100virgilio (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia ....

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, and 12 climbers are still missing PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing.

2023-12-04T07:12+0100timescolonist (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal....

La tragediaErutta un vulcano in Indonesia: morti 11 escursionisti, 12 ancora dispersi

2023-12-04T07:11+0100lacnews24 (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l' eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale , come hanno riferito stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonésie : l'éruption du volcan Marapi fait au moins onze morts, douze randonneurs sont toujours recherchés L'éruption, qui a débuté dimanche et est toujours en cours, empêche les évacuations par hélicoptère.

2023-12-04T07:09+0100francetvinfo (fr)

L'éruption du volcan Marapi , dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, a fait au moins onze morts, ont annoncé les secours lundi 4 décembre, après une nuit de recherches. Par ailleurs, à proximité du cratère. "Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées....

Indonesia, 11 morti e 22 dispersi per l’eruzione del vulcano

2023-12-04T07:08+0100repubblica (it)

Una torre di cenere alta quasi tremila metri e 11 corpi recuperati. La ricerca disperata di 22 dispersi. Il monte Marapi , sull'isola di Sumatra , con un picco di 2.891 metri (9.484 piedi), ha eruttato sollevando nel cielo una colonna di fumo e detriti più alta della montagna. Sabato scorso c'erano 75 escursionisti .

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, and 12 climbers are still missing 0 12/3/2023 9:50:00 PM

2023-12-04T07:07+0100tricitynews (en)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal....

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, and 12 climbers are still missing

2023-12-04T07:05+0100news4jax (en)

PADANG – The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesia n rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal volcanic....

Recuperan cadáveres de 11 escaladores tras erupción de volcán indonesio

2023-12-04T07:04+0100lanacion-AR (es)

PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Las autoridades recuperaron el lunes los cadáveres de 11 escaladores tras la erupción repentina del volcán Marapi , y rescatistas indonesios buscaban al menos a otras 12 personas presuntamente desaparecidas. El Marapi se ha mantenido en el tercero de cuatro niveles de alerta....

Indonesia, eruzione vulcano Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T06:59+0100tgcom (it)

In Indonesia almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.891 metri, è eruttato domenica scagliando in cielo una torre di cenere alta 3.

L’éruption d’un volcan fait au moins onze morts en Indonésie

2023-12-04T06:57+0100huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie , a déclaré ce lundi 4 décembre à l’AFP un responsable des secours. « Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes » , a précisé Abdul Malik, chef de l’agence de recherche et....

AsieAu moins onze morts dans l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie 3 2

2023-12-04T06:52+0100lematin-CH (fr)

«Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes», a précisé Abdul Malik, chef de l’agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang, s’exprimant au lendemain l’éruption.

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, and 12 climbers are still missing

2023-12-04T06:51+0100devdiscourse (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered on Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesia n rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal volcanic activity and....

Au moins onze morts dans l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T06:47+0100koldanews (fr)

« Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes », a précisé Abdul Malik, chef de l’agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang, s’exprimant au lendemain l’éruption. L’éruption du mont Merapi, sur l’île de Sumatra, avait commencé dimanche à 14H54.

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, and 12 climbers are still missing

2023-12-04T06:45+0100independent-UK (en)

The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered Monday a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesia n rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing. Marapi has stayed at the third highest of four alert levels since 2011, a level indicating above normal volcanic activity and....

11 bodies recovered after volcanic eruption in Indonesia, and 12...

2023-12-04T06:44+0100beaumontenterprise (en)

“This means that there should be no climbing to the peak,” Gunawan said, adding that climbers were only allowed below the danger zone, "but sometimes many of them broke the rules to fulfill their satisfaction to climb further.” About 75 climbers had started their way up the nearly 2,900-meter (9,480-foot) mountain on Saturday and became stranded.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T06:41+0100ilpiccolo (it)

PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie : au moins onze morts et douze disparus, tous randonneurs

2023-12-04T06:35+0100sudinfo (fr)

« Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées mortes », a précisé Abdul Malik, chef de l’agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang, s’exprimant au lendemain l’éruption. L’éruption du mont Merapi, sur l’île de Sumatra, avait commencé dimanche à 14H54.

Massiccia eruzione del vulcano Marapi: dramma in Indonesia, morti 11 escursionisti | VIDEO

2023-12-04T06:31+0100meteoweb (it)

Il Monte Marapi , sull'isola di Sumatra, alto 2.891 metri, ieri ha generato un'eruzione. Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri 3 sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca, a causa dell’eruzione del vulcano Marapi , in Indonesia occidentale: lo hanno riportato le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi, sull’isola di Sumatra, alto 2.

Au moins onze morts dans l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T06:29+0100rtbf (fr)

Onze randonneurs ont été retrouvés morts à la suite de l’éruption d’un volcan dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, a déclaré lundi à l’AFP un responsable des secours. " Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées....

Erupción volcánica en Indonesia mata a 11 escaladores | America Taiwan Daily

2023-12-04T06:18+0100notiulti (es)

El monte Merabi, en la provincia indonesia de Sumatra Occidental, entró en erupción el día 3. El equipo de búsqueda y rescate encontró los cuerpos de 11 escaladores el día 4. Todavía hay 12 personas desaparecidas. Once alpinistas fueron encontrados muertos después de la erupción del Monte Merapi ( Marapi ) en Sumatra Occidental, Indonesia , el día 3.

Death toll in Tanzania flash floods, landslides reaches 47

2023-12-04T06:08+0100chinadailyhk (en)

People wade through flood water after a heavy downpour in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Oct 26, 2017. (PHOTO / XINHUA) DAR ES SALAAM - The death toll from flash floods and landslides triggered by torrential rains in northern Tanzania climbed to 47 on Sunday evening, local officials said.

Cenere alta 3 chilometri sulla 'montagna di fuoco' in Indonesia. Escursionisti dispersi

2023-12-04T06:08+0100agi (it)

AGI - Un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale ha eruttato domenica, inviando una colonna di cenere a circa tre chilometri nel cielo e costringendo le autorità a salvare decine di escursionisti. La cenere espulsa dal Monte Marapi , che è ancora in eruzione, è stata osservata fino a 3.

Indonésie : l’éruption du volcan Marapi fait au moins onze morts nouvelle calédonie

2023-12-04T05:56+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Il était 14 h 54 ce dimanche 3 décembre quand le volcan Marapi est entré en éruption sur l’île de Sumatra. Un épais nuage de cendres a envahi le ciel alors que 75 randonneurs se trouvaient dans la montagne depuis samedi. Onze morts, douze disparus. Ce lundi, les secours ont confirmé la mort de onze d’entre eux.

Au moins onze morts dans l'éruption d'un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T05:56+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 50 min Onze randonneurs ont été retrouvés morts à la suite de l'éruption d'un volcan dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, a déclaré lundi à l'AFP un responsable des secours. "Il y a 26 personnes qui n'ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze....

World News | 11 Dead, 12 Missing After Indonesia's Mount Marapi Erupts

2023-12-04T05:53+0100latestly (en)

Jakarta [ Indonesia ], December 4 (ANI): Eleven climbers were killed and more than 12 are reported missing after Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted, local officials have said, Al Jazeera reported on Monday. When the volcano in West Sumatra erupted on Sunday, as many as 75 people were in the area, as per the authorities.

Au moins onze alpinistes meurent après une éruption volcanique en Indonésie

2023-12-04T05:44+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

Au moins onze alpinistes sont morts et d'autres sont toujours portés disparus après l'éruption du volcan Marapi sur l'île indonésienne de Sumatra, a déclaré lundi à Xinhua Abdul Malik, chef de l'agence de recherche et de sauvetage de Padang. "Dans un premier temps, 49 alpinistes ont été retrouvés.

Éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie, au moins onze morts

2023-12-04T05:41+0100leparisien (fr)

Le bilan est lourd. Onze randonneurs ont été retrouvés morts à la suite de l’éruption d’un volcan dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie , a déclaré lundi à l’AFP un responsable des secours. « Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze....

05:29 | SUMATRA Onze randonneurs retrouvés morts après l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T05:38+010020minutes (fr)

Le bilan est très lourd sur l’île de Sumatra et il n’est malheureusement que provisoire. Onze randonneurs ont été retrouvés morts à la suite de l’éruption d’un dans l’ouest de l’ Indonésie , a déclaré ce lundi un responsable des secours. Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons....

Vulcano Marapi in eruzione, 11 escursionisti morti e 12 dispersi

2023-12-04T05:29+0100rainews (it)

Trovati morti 11 escursionisti dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale. " Delle 26 persone non evacuate ne abbiamo rintracciate 14, di cui tre vive e 11 morte" , ha detto Abdul Malik , capo dell'Agenzia di ricerca e salvataggio di Padang. Il monte Marapi , sull'isola di Sumatra , con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T05:22+0100globodiroma (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l’eruzione di un vulcano nell’ Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull’isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T05:15+0100espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC – Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l’eruzione di un vulcano nell’ Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull’isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonésie : onze randonneurs retrouvés morts et douze disparus après l’éruption d’un volcan

2023-12-04T05:11+0100LeMonde (fr)

Le volcan du Mont Marapi crache des cendres volcaniques, dans la province de Sumatra-Ouest, en Indonésie, le 3 décembre 2023. ANTARA FOTO / VIA REUTERS. Au moins onze randonneurs sont morts à la suite de l’éruption d’un volcan dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie. « Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées.

Recommendation for Prohibition of Approaching Ignored

2023-12-04T05:09+0100kompas-id (en)

ANTARA/IGGOY EL FITRA. Mount Marapi , which is emitting volcanic ash, can be seen from Nagari Batu Palano, Agam, West Sumatra on Monday (4/12/2023). The mountain, with an altitude of 2,891 meters above sea level, has experienced several eruptions and gusts since Sunday (3/12/2023), with a status....

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T05:05+0100ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T05:01+0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T05:00+0100larena (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:57+0100ansamed-it (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:56+0100bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione Marapi: 11 vittime

2023-12-04T04:55+0100rai-televideo (it)

04/12/2023 04:28 Indonesia , eruzione Marapi : 11 vittime 4.28 Indonesia, eruzione Marapi: 11 vittime Undici escursionisti sono stati trova- ti morti a seguito dell'eruzione di un vulcano del Monte Marapi,nell'ovest dell'Indonesia, ha dichiarato un re- sponsabile dei soccorsi.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:55+0100altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:55+0100tribunatreviso (it)

PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:54+0100tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:53+0100ladige (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:53+0100mattinopadova (it)

PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:51+0100giornaledibrescia (it)

PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:51+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:50+0100nuovavenezia (it)

PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:49+0100gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:46+0100giornaletrentino (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG (INDONESIA), 04 DIC - Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Indonesia, eruzione del Marapi: morti almeno 11 escursionisti

2023-12-04T04:46+0100ansa (it)

Almeno 11 escursionisti sono stati trovati morti e altri tre sono stati salvati dalle squadre di ricerca che hanno lavorato tutta la notte dopo l'eruzione di un vulcano nell' Indonesia occidentale, hanno detto stamattina le autorità locali. Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, con un picco di 2.

Éruption du mont Merapi : 11 randonneurs retrouvés morts sur un volcan indonésien

2023-12-04T04:36+0100oxtero (fr)

Des sauveteurs indonésiens ont retrouvé les corps de 11 alpinistes après l’éruption du volcan Merapi, à l’ouest de Sumatra. Un responsable des secours a déclaré que trois personnes avaient été retrouvées vivantes sur le volcan et que 12 alpinistes étaient toujours portés disparus. Les efforts de sauvetage se poursuivaient.

Asie: Au moins onze morts dans l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T04:18+010024heures (fr)

Onze randonneurs ont été retrouvés morts à la suite de l’éruption d’un volcan dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, a déclaré lundi à l’AFP un responsable des secours. «Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées....

Asie: Au moins onze morts dans l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T04:11+0100tdg (fr)

Onze randonneurs ont été retrouvés morts à la suite de l’éruption d’un volcan dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie, a déclaré lundi à l’AFP un responsable des secours. «Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et onze ont été retrouvées....

Au moins onze morts dans l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie

2023-12-04T04:04+0100lesoleil-ca (fr)

Un volcan de l'ouest de l'Indonésie est entré en éruption dimanche, crachant une colonne de cendres à environ trois kilomètres dans le ciel et forçant l'évacuation de dizaines de randonneurs. (ADI PRIMA/AFP) Onze randonneurs ont été retrouvés morts à la suite de l’éruption d’un volcan dans l’ouest....

Indonésie. Au moins onze randonneurs retrouvés morts dans l’éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-04T03:43+0100courrierdelouest (fr)

Lire aussi EN IMAGES. Éruption volcanique en Indonésie : une colonne de cendres de 3 km de haut « Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et 11 ont été retrouvées mortes » , a déclaré Abdul Malik, chef de l’agence de recherche et....

Indonésie. Au moins onze randonneurs retrouvés morts dans l’éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-04T03:42+0100lemainelibre (fr)

Lire aussi EN IMAGES. Éruption volcanique en Indonésie : une colonne de cendres de 3 km de haut « Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et 11 ont été retrouvées mortes » , a déclaré Abdul Malik, chef de l’agence de recherche et....

Indonésie. Au moins onze randonneurs retrouvés morts dans l’éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-04T03:41+0100OuestFrance (fr)

Lire aussi EN IMAGES. Éruption volcanique en Indonésie : une colonne de cendres de 3 km de haut « Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et 11 ont été retrouvées mortes » , a déclaré Abdul Malik, chef de l’agence de recherche et....

Indonésie. Au moins onze randonneurs retrouvés morts dans l’éruption du volcan Marapi

2023-12-04T03:41+0100presseocean (fr)

Lire aussi EN IMAGES. Éruption volcanique en Indonésie : une colonne de cendres de 3 km de haut « Il y a 26 personnes qui n’ont pas été évacuées, nous en avons retrouvé 14, trois ont été retrouvées vivantes et 11 ont été retrouvées mortes » , a déclaré Abdul Malik, chef de l’agence de recherche et....

Indonésie: au moins 11 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi, à l'ouest du pays

2023-12-04T03:30+0100bfmtv (fr)

Un volcan est entré en éruption dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie dimanche 3 décembre 2023, envoyant une colonne de cendres à trois kilomètres de hauteur dans le ciel. ADI PRIMA / AFP. Situé sur l'île de Sumatra, le volcan Marapi est entré en éruption dimanche. Au moins 11 randonneurs ont été retrouvés morts.

Volcanic Eruptions

2023-12-03T23:21+0100newsweek-USA (en)

There is a "significant likelihood of a volcanic eruption in the coming days" according to the Icelandic Meteorological Office, sparking evacuations. "This is a mystery for the next generation of planetary scientists to solve," said Dale Cruikshank, a NASA Ames Research Center planetary scientist.

El vocano del Monte Marapi entra en erupción en la provincia indonesia de Sumatra Occidental, arrojando cenizas sobre las ciudades cercanas.

2023-12-03T21:03+0100notiulti (es)

Una gigantesca columna de humo se eleva desde el monte Marapi , en la provincia indonesia de Sumatra Occidental, después de su erupción el domingo, cubriendo de ceniza las ciudades cercanas. Imagen proporcionada por BNPB, la Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres de Indonesia .

Entra en erupción monte Marapi, en Indonesia

2023-12-03T20:31+0100telesurtv (es)

Gunung Marapi yang berada di wilayah administrasi Kabupaten Agam dan Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat, meletus pada hari ini Minggu (3/12) sekitar pukul 14.54 WIB. Meletusnya gunungapi ini ditandai dengan adanya muntahan kolom abu berisi material vulkanik hingga 3.000 meter. pic.twitter.

Indonésie: un volcan en éruption envoie des cendres à 3 km de haut

2023-12-03T20:24+0100maghress (fr)

Un volcan est entré en éruption dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie dimanche, envoyant une colonne de cendres à trois kilomètres de hauteur dans le ciel. Les cendres sortant du mont Marapi , dont l'éruption est toujours en cours, ont été observées jusqu'à 3.000 mètres au-dessus de son sommet, et n'ont pour....

Lewotolo volcano (Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia): intense strombolian explosions

2023-12-03T20:17+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

The effusive-explosive eruption at the volcano continues. Strombolian and occasional larger vulcanian-type explosions continue to take place from the crater within the main caldera. Viscous, gas-poor magma continues to squeeze through the 2020 cinder cone's conduit in search for the fastest way up....

VIDEO | Por erupción del volcán ‘Marapi’ en indonesia; alerta a Japón por posible tsunami

2023-12-03T20:01+0100diariodemorelos (es)

En un dramático evento, el volcán Marapi , ubicado en la provincia indonesia de Sumatra Occidental, ha vuelto a entrar en erupción, arrojando nubes de ceniza blanca y gris a más de 3 mil metros de altitud. Aunque no se han reportado víctimas, la erupción ha dejado a varios poblados cubiertos de....

Indonésie: un volcan en éruption envoie des cendres à 3 km de haut

2023-12-03T19:11+0100maroc-diplomatique (fr)

Un volcan est entré en éruption dans l’ouest de l’Indonésie dimanche, envoyant une colonne de cendres à trois kilomètres de hauteur dans le ciel. Les cendres sortant du mont Marapi , dont l’éruption est toujours en cours, ont été observées jusqu’à 3.000 mètres au-dessus de son sommet, et n’ont pour....

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 4.2 en La Higuera

2023-12-03T17:25+0100infobae (es)

El movimiento tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -71.198 grados de longitud y -29.656 grados de latitud, es decir a 16.0 kilómetros al Sur de dicha población, de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora obtenida del CNS señala que el sismo comenzó a las 13:02 horas (hora local) de este domingo 3 de diciembre.

Volcán 'Marapi' erupciona en Indonesia; alertan por posible tsunami en Japón | VIDEO

2023-12-03T17:19+0100milenio (es)

El volcán Marapi , en la , entró en erupción y expulsó nubes de ceniza blanca y gris a más de 3 mil metros de altitud. Las masas de cenizas calientes se desplazaron varios kilómetros hacia el norte , según el Centro de Mitigación de Peligro Geológico y Vulcanología de Indonesia . Te recomendamos...

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T16:22+0100cp24 (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T16:10+0100ilpiccolo (it)

PADANG, 03 DIC - Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non dà conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

L'eruzione del vulcano Marapi in Indonesia: colonna di fumo di 3km di altezza

2023-12-03T15:43+0100la7 (it)

Una c olonna di cenere alta 3 chilometri oltre la vetta di 2.891 metri così si presenta in questi giorni il vulcano del Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, in Indonesia . Si tratta di uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti nell'arcipelago , da non confondersi col Monte Merapi, nell'isola di Giava.

Indonesia: Marapi volcano erupts, covers several villages with ash

2023-12-03T15:16+0100firstpost (en)

The Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Centre in Indonesia reports that on Sunday, Mount Marapi in the West Sumatra province erupted, sending heated ash clouds several miles to the north and sending plumes of white and grey ash more than 3,000 metres (approximately 9,800 feet) into the air.

Indonesia: Volcán hace erupción y cubre varios pueblos de ceniza

2023-12-03T15:08+0100elvocero (es)

YAKARTA, Indonesia — El volcán Marapi , en la provincia indonesia de Sumatra Occidental, entró en erupción hoy y expulsó nubes de ceniza blanca y gris a unos 9,800 pies de altitud. Las masas de cenizas calientes se desplazaron varias millas hacia el norte, según el Centro de Mitigación de Peligro Geológico y Vulcanología de Indonesia.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T15:07+0100tribtown (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T14:55+0100therepublic (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

Mount Marapi Erupts, Dozens of Climbers Evacuated

2023-12-03T14:48+0100kompas-id (en)

PUSDALOPS BPBD AGAM. Post-rain conditions of volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Marapi that occurred in the Nagari Lasi area, Canduang District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra, on Sunday (3/12/2023). PADANG, KOMPAS - Mount Marapi located at the border of Agam and Tanah Datar regencies in West Sumatra erupted on Sunday (3/12/2023) afternoon.

Mount Marapi: Volcano video shows 42 climbers smothered in ash begging for rescue

2023-12-03T14:32+0100themirror (en)

A horrific video shows climbers covered in ash as 42 people await rescue after Mount Marapi erupted. The volcano in the West Sumatra province of Indonesia erupted on Sunday, spewing white-and-grey ash plumes about 9,800ft (3,000m) into the air, with hot ash clouds blowing several miles to the north,....

Des cendres à trois kilomètres de haut... les impressionnantes images de l'éruption du volcan Marapi en Indonésie

2023-12-03T14:10+0100varmatin (fr)

Les cendres sortant du mont Marapi , dont l'éruption est toujours en cours, ont été observées jusqu'à 3.000 mètres au-dessus de son sommet, a déclaré Hendra Gunawan, chef du Centre indonésien de Vulcanologie et des Dangers géologiques. L'éruption, sur l'île de Sumatra, a commencé à 14H54 (07H54 GMT),....

Des cendres à trois kilomètres de haut... les impressionnantes images de l'éruption du volcan Marapi en Indonésie

2023-12-03T14:08+0100nicematin (fr)

Les cendres sortant du mont Marapi , dont l'éruption est toujours en cours, ont été observées jusqu'à 3.000 mètres au-dessus de son sommet, a déclaré Hendra Gunawan, chef du Centre indonésien de Vulcanologie et des Dangers géologiques. L'éruption, sur l'île de Sumatra, a commencé à 14H54 (07H54 GMT),....

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T14:07+0100financialexpress (en)

Japan's Meteorological Agency said Sunday it is currently assessing whether there is a possible tsunami in the country because of Marapi 's volcanic activity. (Reuters) Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 metres....

El volcán Marapi de Indonesia entra en erupción, arrojando columnas de ceniza y cubriendo de ceniza varias aldeas

2023-12-03T14:02+0100notiulti (es)

YAKARTA, Indonesia — El Monte Marapi de Indonesia, en la provincia de Sumatra Occidental, entró en erupción el domingo, arrojando columnas de cenizas blancas y grises a más de 3.000 metros (unos 9.800 pies) de altura, y nubes de cenizas calientes volaron varios kilómetros al norte, según Centro de....

Des cendres à trois kilomètres de haut... les impressionnantes images de l'éruption du volcan Marapi en Indonésie

2023-12-03T14:00+0100monacomatin (fr)

Les cendres sortant du mont Marapi , dont l'éruption est toujours en cours, ont été observées jusqu'à 3.000 mètres au-dessus de son sommet, a déclaré Hendra Gunawan, chef du Centre indonésien de Vulcanologie et des Dangers géologiques. L'éruption, sur l'île de Sumatra, a commencé à 14H54 (07H54 GMT),....

Flash Floods at Lake Toba: Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Bureau Responds. Find Out More!

2023-12-03T13:59+0100archyde (en)

2023-12-03 08:37:38. “Lake Toba” located in the northern part of North Sumatra, Indonesia , is the world’s largest volcanic lake and a popular tourist attraction in Indonesia. The Indonesian National Disaster Management Bureau (BNPB) pointed out on the 2nd that flash floods have erupted in the area recently.

WATCH | Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts, blanketing West Sumatra with layers of ash

2023-12-03T13:54+0100wionews (en)

In response to the eruption, authorities have implemented strict safety measures, prohibiting residents and visitors from engaging in any activities within a 3-kilometre radius of the volcano's crater. The alert level for Marapi mountain has been raised to the second-highest. Also Read | Southern Philippines shaken by magnitude 6.

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:33+0100bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG, 03 DIC - Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico....

El volcán indonesio Marapi hace erupción y cubre varios pueblos de ceniza

2023-12-03T13:32+0100elnuevoherald (es)

YAKARTA, Indonesia . El volcán Marapi , en la provincia indonesia de Sumatra Occidental, entró en erupción el domingo y expulsó nubes de ceniza blanca y gris a más de 3.000 metros (unos 9.800 pies) de altitud. Las masas de cenizas calientes se desplazaron varias millas hacia el norte, según el Centro....

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:29+0100espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – PADANG, 03 DIC – Il Monte Marapi sull’isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l’Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico....

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:27+0100ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG, 03 DIC - Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico....

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:27+0100larena (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG, 03 DIC - Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico....

Indonésie : le volcan le plus actif de Sumatra entre en éruption et envoie des cendres à 3 kilomètres de haut L'éruption, qui a commencé vers 15 heures locales et est toujours en cours, n'a pour l'instant fait ni victime ni dégât.

2023-12-03T13:25+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Un panache visible à des kilomètres à la ronde. Le volcan le plus actif de l'île de Sumatra, dans l'ouest de l'Indonésie, est entré en éruption dimanche 3 décembre. Une colonne de cendres a été projetée à trois kilomètres de hauteur dans le ciel, selon le Centre indonésien de Vulcanologie et des Dangers géologiques.

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:24+0100gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG, 03 DIC - Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico....

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:23+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

PADANG, 03 DIC - Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non dà conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:23+0100nuovavenezia (it)

PADANG, 03 DIC - Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non dà conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:22+0100mattinopadova (it)

PADANG, 03 DIC - Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non dà conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:21+0100giornaledibrescia (it)

PADANG, 03 DIC - Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non dà conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:20+0100tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - PADANG, 03 DIC - Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico....

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:18+0100ansamed-it (it)

Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non dà conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:18+0100globodiroma (it)

Il Monte Marapi sull’isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l’Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non dà conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:17+0100tribunatreviso (it)

PADANG, 03 DIC - Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non dà conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Marapi, 3 km colonna di cenere

2023-12-03T13:17+0100ansa (it)

Il Monte Marapi sull'isola di Sumatra, uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , sta eruttando, proiettando una colonna grigia di cenere a 3 chilometri in alto oltre la sua vetta di 2.891 metri. Ne dà notizia l'Istuituto di Vulcanologia e di Rischio geologico indonesiano, che non dà conto di vittime o di danni particolari.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash 0 12/3/2023 3:56:28 AM

2023-12-03T13:16+0100tricitynews (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T13:15+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

El volcán indonesio Marapi hace erupción y cubre varios pueblos de ceniza

2023-12-03T13:13+0100sandiegouniontribune (es)

YAKARTA, Indonesia — El volcán Marapi , en la provincia indonesia de Sumatra Occidental, entró en erupción el domingo y expulsó nubes de ceniza blanca y gris a más de 3.000 metros (unos 9.800 pies) de altitud. Las masas de cenizas calientes se desplazaron varias millas hacia el norte, según el Centro....

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds....

2023-12-03T13:12+0100timescolonist (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T13:00+0100wsoctv (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

Indonesia's Marapi Volcano Erupts, Spewing Ash Plumes and Blanketing Several Villages With Ash

2023-12-03T12:58+0100usnews (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province has erupted, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than about 9,800 feet into the air and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T12:57+0100sfgate (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T12:54+0100ABCnews (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T12:54+0100actionnewsjax (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T12:48+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T12:46+0100devdiscourse (en)

Indonesia s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 metres about 9,800 feet into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesias Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Centre.

Indonesia’s Marapi volcano erupts, spewing ash plumes and blanketing several villages with ash

2023-12-03T12:45+0100apnews (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi in West Sumatra province erupted Sunday, spewing white-and-gray ash plumes for more than 3,000 meters (about 9,800 feet) into the air, and hot ash clouds blew several miles to the north, according to Indonesia’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center.

Indonesia Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami Risk: Stay Informed for Future Updates

2023-12-03T12:39+0100archyde (en)

2023-12-03 10:37:24. Large-scale volcanic eruption in Indonesia , risk of tsunami, pay attention to future information (Weather Forecaster, Chief Weather Officer, December 3, 2023) – Japan Weather Association tenki.jp Large-scale volcanic eruption in Indonesia, risk of tsunami, pay attention to future information.

Indonesia, imponente eruzione del vulcano Marapi: colonna di cenere alta 3 km | VIDEO

2023-12-03T11:36+0100meteoweb (it)

La cenere vulcanica mista a pioggia è caduta sulla città di Bukittinggi. Indonesia , imponente eruzione del vulcano Merapi. Il Monte Marapi , situato sull’isola di Sumatra , uno dei 130 vulcani attivi presenti in Indonesia , è entrato in eruzione . L’Istituto di Vulcanologia e Rischio Geologico....

¿Qué es un tsunami y por qué puede ser tan peligroso?

2023-12-02T17:47+0100huaral (es)

(CNN) — Los tsunamis se forman por un desplazamiento de agua causado por un deslizamiento de tierra, un terremoto, una erupción volcánica o un deslizamiento del límite entre dos de las placas tectónicas de la tierra (que son placas de roca de 15 a 200 metros de espesor que apoyan los continentes de....

¿Qué es un tsunami y por qué puede ser tan peligroso?

2023-12-02T17:43+0100cnnespanol (es)

(CNN) -- Los tsunamis se forman por un desplazamiento de agua causado por un deslizamiento de tierra, un terremoto, una erupción volcánica o un deslizamiento del límite entre dos de las placas tectónicas de la tierra (que son placas de roca de 15 a 200 metros de espesor que apoyan los continentes de....

Se siente sismo de magnitud 4.3 en Socaire

2023-12-02T12:19+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 4.3 de magnitud tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes en la ciudad chilena de Socaire , según información oficial del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). La información hasta ahora recopilada precisa que la actividad sísmica empezó a las 08:02 horas (hora local) de este sábado 2 de diciembre.

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 5.4 en la ciudad de Antofagasta

2023-12-02T10:51+0100infobae (es)

La ciudad de Antofagasta fue el epicentro de un temblor de 5.4 de magnitud que se registró a las 06:31 horas (hora local) de este sábado 2 de diciembre. El sismo sucedió a 87.0 kilómetros de la localidad y tuvo una profundidad de 60.0 kilómetros, de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 5.5 en Camiña

2023-12-02T09:26+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo tomó por sorpresa a la ciudad chilena de Camiña , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 04:55 horas (hora local) de este sábado 2 de diciembre. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica fue de 5.5 de magnitud y una profundidad de 142.

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