Overall Green alert Flood
in New Zealand

Resources available in GDACS for this event

The GDACS database contains links to sources of scientific data, model results or services related to this specific event.


Observed flood Overall

Source: EC-JRC
Acknowledgements: Copyright European Union. Syndication allowed, provided the source is acknowledged.
Description: This service is used to show observed flood in the dyanamic map


The event polygons in geojson format by api

Source: EC-JRC
Description: The polygon event data information structured in a geojson format

Observed flood Overall

Source: EC-JRC
Acknowledgements: Copyright European Union. Syndication allowed, provided the source is acknowledged.
Description: The observed flood polygons identified

The event data in geojson fromat by api

Source: EC-JRC
Acknowledgements: Copyright European Union. Syndication allowed, provided the source is acknowledged.
Description: The eventdata in json format by api. In the structure there are reference to obtain data in sublevel


UNOSAT maps by country



Overview thumbnail map

Source: EC-JRC
Acknowledgements: Copyright European Union. Syndication allowed, provided the source is acknowledged.
Description: Joint Research Center of the European Commission

Overview map

Source: EC-JRC
Acknowledgements: Copyright European Union. Syndication allowed, provided the source is acknowledged.
Description: Joint Research Center of the European Commission


KML Event

Source: EC-JRC
Acknowledgements: Copyright European Union. Syndication allowed, provided the source is acknowledged.
Description: Joint Research Center of the European Commission


CAP file

Source: EC-JRC
Acknowledgements: Copyright European Union. Syndication allowed, provided the source is acknowledged.
Description: Joint Research Center of the European Commission