Overall Orange alert Tropical Cyclone for FILIPO-24
in Mozambique, South Africa, Eswatini, Zimbabwe, Malawi

Event summary

Tropical Cyclone FILIPO-24 can have a medium humanitarian impact based on the maximum sustained wind speed, exposed population and vulnerability.

GDACS ID TC 1001053
Name FILIPO-24
Glide number: TC-2024-000032-MOZ
From - To 03 Mar - 14 Mar
Exposed countries Mozambique, South Africa, Eswatini, Zimbabwe, Malawi
Exposed population No people in Category 1 or higher
Maximum wind speed 158 km/h Category 2
Maximum storm surge n.a.
Vulnerability High (Mozambique)


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
Wind Storm surge Rainfall GDACS score
WMO-RSMC La Réunion 158 km/h n.a. n.a. 0.5
GDACS JTWC 93 km/h 0.6 m n.a. 0.5
Single TC: maximum expected impact (wind, storm surge, rainfall)
HWRF 130 km/h 5 m 452 mm 0.5
GFS 155 km/h 5 m 472 mm 0.5
ECMWF 108 km/h 5 m 496 mm 0.5
Maximum expected impact (wind, storm surge and rainfall) using different data sources.
Virtual OSOCC
Meteo assessment
Satellite products
Analytical products
Madagascar, Reunion - Tropical storm (ECHO 05 Mar 2024)Tue, 05 Mar 2024 11:57

  • A new tropical storm formed over the northern Mozambique Channel, near the coast of north-weastern Madagascar, on 4 March and started moving southwestward along the coast of western Madagascar. On 5 March at 6.00 UTC its centre was located offshore in the central Mozambique Channel approximately 300 km west of the coast of central Madagascar, with maximum sustained winds of 63 km/h (tropical storm).
  • On 6-8 March, it is forecast to continue southward along the coast of western and south-western Madagascar, strenghtening but remaining a tropical storm.
  • Over the next 72 hours, heavy rainfall, strong winds and storm surge are forecast over most of Madagascar, in particular over central, western and southern regions. Rainfall is also forecast over Reunion starting from 7 March.
Mozambique, Eswatini, Madagascar - Tropical storm FILIPO, update (ECHO 11 Mar 2024)Mon, 11 Mar 2024 10:06

  • Over 4-10 March, tropical storm FILIPO continued over the central and southern Mozambique Channel and moved west toward the southern Mozambique coast. On 11 March at 6.00 UTC its centre was located offshore in the southern Mozambique Channel approximately 250 km north-east of the Inhassoro City, southern Mozambique, with maximum sustained winds of 85 km/h (tropical storm).
  • FILIPO is expected to make landfall over the Inhassoro City area very early in the morning (UTC) on 12 March with maximum sustained winds up to 93 km/h (tropical storm).
  • Over the next 48 hours, heavy rainfall, strong winds and storm surge are forecast over central and southern Mozambique, western Madagascar and northern Eswatini.
Mozambique, Eswatini, South Africa - Tropical storm FILIPO, update (ECHO 12 Mar 2024)Tue, 12 Mar 2024 09:52

  • Tropical storm FILIPO made landfall over the north-eastern coast of Inhambane Province, central-southern Mozambique very close to the city of Inhassoro. On 12 March at 6.00 (UTC), its centre was located inland approximately 4 km south of Maimelane village, Inhambane Province with maximum sustained winds of 85 km/h (tropical storm).
  • FILIPO is forecast to move south and cross Inhambane Province, after that, it will move south-eastwards over the southern Indian Ocean strengthening. 
  • According to the UN OCHA, more than 525,000 people, 856 schools and 145 health centres are located in the areas considered to be at risk due to the passage of the cyclone. In addition, since the beginning of the rainy season that is affecting the country, 55,494 people have been impacted, more than 3,500 houses have been partially or completely destroyed, and 191 schools have been affected.
  • For the next 72 hours, heavy rainfall and strong winds are expected across southern Mozambique, north-eastern South-Africa and most of Eswatini.
FILIPO-24 - EC/ECHO daily mapTue, 12 Mar 2024 18:41

A new EC/ECHO daily map is now available
Mozambique, Eswatini, South Africa - Tropical cyclone FILIPO, update (ECHO 13 Mar 2024)Wed, 13 Mar 2024 10:40

  • Tropical Storm FILIPO made landfall in Mozambique over the Inhassoro City area, northern Ihambane Province in very early morning (UTC) on 12 March, with maximum sustained winds up to 116 km/h. 
  • Mozambique’s National Institute for Disaster Management and Reduction (INGD) reports 2,780 people affected and seven inhjured in Vilankulo and Morrumbene Districts, Inhambane Province, 12 houses destroyed, over 510 houses, 14 health centres, 6 schools affected. Preliminary reports indicate minor damages in Gaza province with ongoing assessment. Three accommodation centres are open and hosting 43 people.
  • FILIPO is expected to continue over the southern Indian Ocean, well off the coast of southern Mozambique and northern South Africa, on 13-15 March, strengthening, with maximum sustained winds of 135 km/h (tropical cyclone).
  • Over the next 48 hours, heavy rainfall, strong winds and storm surge are forecast over Gaza and Maputo provinces in Mozambique, the whole Eswatini and north-eastern South Africa.
FILIPO-24 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationThu, 14 Mar 2024 11:29

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FILIPO-24 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationMon, 18 Mar 2024 10:01

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FILIPO-24 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationThu, 21 Mar 2024 15:28

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FILIPO-24 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationTue, 26 Mar 2024 10:00

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FILIPO-24 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationWed, 27 Mar 2024 10:38

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FILIPO-24 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationFri, 29 Mar 2024 06:41

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
Detailed event map. European Union, 2024. Map produced by EC-JRC.
The boundaries and the names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the European Union.

Updates on volcanic activity (Smithsonian)

Latest media headlines

- Storm Knocks Out Electricity for 100,000 People 3/15/2024 11:17:00 AM.

Maputo Almost 100,000 people have been deprived of electricity since Tuesday morning as a result of the severe tropical storm "Filipo', which has swept across southern Mozambique. According to a statement from the publicly owned electricity
Meteo Cronaca Diretta VIDEO: MOZAMBICO, il ciclone Filipo travolge il .. 3/15/2024 9:11:00 AM.

Il ciclone Filipo, all’alba del 13 marzo 2024 ha toccato terra in Mozambico, ha provocato almeno quattro morti. Lo riportano le agenzie internazionali. Dopo il ciclone Freddy transitato nel 2023, il sud-est del Mozambico è colpito in questi
Mozambique hit by tropical storm (again) 3/14/2024 5:46:00 PM.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Mozambique are in urgent need of assistance after Tropical Storm Filipo barrelled into a coastal region of Inhambane province, causing massive destruction to properties and infrastructure with a direct hit
Mozambique: Filipo moves away but winds and rain are staying in Maputo.. 3/14/2024 1:25:00 PM.

Tropical Storm Filipo moved out to sea in Maputo Bay yesterday morning and is progressing southeast-wards, gradually distancing itself from land. According to the National Institute of Meteorology (INAM), ‘Filipo’ is now a moderate tropical

Estimated casualties (PAGER)

USGS estimates the number of casualties for each earthquake for the Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) product.
The graph shows the current fatalities estimate.

Exposed population

Data, images, links, services and documents

For this events, GDACS has links to information from the following sources: EC-JRC (40), (2), DesInventar (1), WMO (1), INFORM (2),