Overall Green alert Volcanic eruption for Bulusan
in Philippines

Event summary

GREEN alert: The Bulusan Volcanic eruption is unlikely to require external humanitarian assistance based on the exposed population and coping capacity.

GDACS ID VO 1000048
Name: Bulusan (273010)
Lat/Lon: 12.77 , 124.06
Event Date: 13 Jun 2022 UTC
Exposed Population 30km: About 570000 people within 30km
Exposed Population 100km: About 3550000 people within 100km
Max Volc. Explosivity Index VEI: 3
Population Exposure Index PEI: 5
Inserted at: 13 Jun 2022 05:52 UTC


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Philippines - Bulusan Volcanic Eruption (ECHO 06 Jun 2022)Mon, 06 Jun 2022 11:50

  • On 5 June at 2.37 UTC (10.37 local time), a phreatic eruption occurred at Mount Bulusan located in the Province of Sorsogon (Bicol Region, southern Luzon Island, central Philippines). 
  • A steam-rich grey plume at least 1 km high drifting westwards was observed and several villages in the municipalities of Juban and Irosin (Sorsogon Province) have been covered by heavy ashfall. 
    The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) places the Volcano under ALERT Level 1 (Low Level of Volcanic Unrest) with 29 volcanic earthquakes in the last 24 hours. 
  • The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reports evacuation of fifty families or around 180 individuals from the 4–6-kilometer radius of the volcano. Most of the affected families prefer to stay home due to inconvenience at the evacuation centres. The Local Government of Sorsogon Province starts to assess the damage impacted by the heavy ashfall and provides initial, partial distribution of food relief packs. 
  • DG ECHO and partners continue to monitor especially for possible unmet humanitarian needs of most vulnerable families.
Philippines - Mount Bulusan volcanic eruption, update (ECHO 07 Jun 2022)Tue, 07 Jun 2022 13:50

  • Following the phreatic eruption that occurred at Mount Bulusan (Sorsogon Province, Bicol Region, central Philippines), the number of affected people by the ashfall has been increasing.
  • According to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD-DROMIC), 278 people have been evacuated in the Juban Evacuation Center (Juban Municipality, Sorsogon Province) and more than 9,500 people have been affected across the barangays of Puting Sapa, Añog, Guruyan, Catanusan, Buraburan, Bacolod, Sangkayon and Bolos, all located in Sorsogon Province.
  • According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), the alert level stands at 1 (Low-level unrest).
Philippines - Mount Bulusan volcanic eruption, update (ECHO 08 Jun 2022)Wed, 08 Jun 2022 12:41

  • Following the phreatic eruption that occurred at Mount Bulusan (Sorsogon Province, Bicol Region, central Philippines) on 5 June, the number of affected people by the ashfall across the area continues to increase.
  • The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD-DROMIC) reports, as of 7 June, 409 evacuated people in two evacuation centres located in the Juban Municipality (Sorsogon Province) and a total of 16,400 affected people across Juban, and Irosin Municipalities in the same Province. In addition, the Philippine Red Cross were mobilized and assisted so far more than 300 individuals. Moreover, three schools were closed across the affected area.
  • According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), the alert level stands at 1 (low-level unrest). PHIVOLCS has prohibited entry into the 4 km radius Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ). In addition, the flying of any aircraft close to the volcano is not allowed.
Philippines - Mount Bulusan volcanic eruption, update (ECHO 09 Jun 2022)Thu, 09 Jun 2022 12:19

  • According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, the activity of Mount Bulusan continues. Over the past 24 hours, five volcanic earthquakes have been recorded, and the ash plume reached 250 m above the crater drifting north-northwest.
  • Following the huge phreatic eruption of 5 June, 418 people have been evacuated in two teporary shelters located in Juban Town, while the number of affected people stands at 16,400 across 11 barangays located  in Sorsogon Province (Bicol Region, southern Luzon, central Philippines).
  • The alert level is placed at 1 (Low Level of Volcanic Unrest), and an entry ban in a radius of 4 km is still in effect.
Philippines - Mount Bulusan volcanic eruption, update (ECHO 13 Jun 2022)Mon, 13 Jun 2022 11:51

  • A new phreatic eruption of  Mount Bulusan (Sorsogon Province, central Philippines) occurred at 19.37 UTC (3.37 local time) on 11 June. The ash plume reached up to 500 m high above the crater and the eruption lasted approximately 18 minutes.
  • The plumes dispersed into a long veil of ash extending to the northwest, and the ash fall covered 18 barangays located in the Municipalities of Casiguaran, Juban and Magallanes.
  • Following the latest report of national authorities, as of 9 June, 418 people have been evacuated and 16,400 were affected due to the first phreatic eruption that occurred on 5 June.
  • According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), the alert level stands at 1 (Low Level of Volcanic Unrest).
Philippines - Mount Bulusan volcanic eruption, update (ECHO 14 Jun 2022)Tue, 14 Jun 2022 12:06

  • Voluminous gas and ash emissions drifting northwest from the Mount Bulusan volcano (central Philippines) are still occurring over the past 24 hours. The ash plume reached up to 750 metres above the crater, and almost 70 volcanic earthquakes have been recorded.
  • According to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD-DROMIC), almost 470 people have been evacuated while at least 44,670 people have been affected across 30 Barangays in the municipalities of Irosin and Juban.
  • National authorities are providing relief assistance to the worst-hit population.
  • Following the latest report of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS),  the alert level stands at 1 (Low Level of Volcanic Unrest).
Detailed event map. European Union, 2024. Map produced by EC-JRC.
The boundaries and the names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the European Union.

Updates on volcanic activity (Smithsonian)

The Smithsonian/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report provides information about global volcanism on a weekly basis. Latest Bulusan report has been published on 08 Jun 2022 08:17.
At 1037 on 5 June a phreatic eruption at Bulusan produced a gray steam-rich plume, somewhat visible through weather cloud cover, that rose at least 1 km above the summit and drifted W. The event lasted about 17 minutes and was visible from Juban (Sorsogon Province). Ashfall was reported in Puting Sapa, A?og, Guruyan, Catanusan, Buraburan, Bacolod, and Sangkayon in Juban, and Bolos in Irosin, Sorsogon Province. Residents of A?og, Guruyan, and Catanusan also reported rumbling sounds and a sulfur odor. PHIVOLCS raised the Alert Level to 1 (on a scale of 0-5) and reminded the public not to enter the 4-km-radius Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ) nor the 2 km Extended Danger Zone (EDZ) on the SE flank. After the eruption gas emissions rose from the main crater and, for the first time this year, from the NW summit vent. Source: Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
See the detail here

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Exposed population

Data, images, links, services and documents

For this events, GDACS has links to information from the following sources: EC-JRC (32), (2), INGV (1), WMO (1), INFORM (2),