Overall Orange alert Flood
in Kazakhstan

Event summary

This flood can have a medium humanitarian impact based on the magnitude and the affected population and their vulnerability.

GDACS ID FL 1102548
Glide number: FL-2024-000039-KAZ
Death: 2
Displaced: 104694
Countries: Kazakhstan
From - To 28 Mar - 10 Apr


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Russia, Kazakhstan - Floods, update (ECHO 12 Apr 2024)Fri, 12 Apr 2024 10:21

  • Severe floods and flash floods continue to affect south-western Russia and the neighbouring north-western Kazakhstan since 3 April, resulting in more evacuated people and widespread damage. The flooding has also worsened after a local dam broke on 5 April in the area of Ors City (south-eastern Orenburg Region, Russia).
  • In Russia, the Interfax press agency reports, as of 12 April, over 1,000 still evacuated people across 13 evacuation centres and more than 12,800 flooded houses in the Orenburg Region, where the worst affected is the area of the Orsk City. Interfax also reports approximately 6,000 evacuated people (of which 820 in a number of evacuation centres) across the Kurgan Region. The Tyuman Region was also severely affected.
  • In Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports, as of the same date, nearly 100,000 evacuated people (of which over 6,500 in a number of evacuation centres). In addition, nine collapsed bridges were reported.
  • Over the next 24 hours, no more rainfall is forecast over the affected Regions.
Russia, Kazakhstan - Floods, update (ECHO 15 Apr 2024)Mon, 15 Apr 2024 10:25

  • Severe floods and flash floods continue to affect south-western Russia and the neighbouring north-western Kazakhstan since 3 April, resulting in more evacuated people and severe damage.
  • In Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports, as of 15 April, nearly 111,200 evacuated people (of which over 6,800 in a number of evacuation centres), approximately 5,500 flooded houses, around 180 flooded roads and nine collapsed bridges across Akmola, Aktobe, Kostanay, Atyrau and North Kazakhstan Regions.
  • In Russia, media report, as of the same date, over 7,100 still evacuated people and more than 14,000 flooded houses mainly across the Orenburg and the Kurgan Regions. The flooding has also worsened after a local dams broke on 5 April in the area of Orsk City (south-eastern Orenburg Region).
  • Over the next 24 hours, no more rainfall is forecast over the affected Regions, while moderate rainfall is forecast starting on 16 April.
Flood in Kazakhstan - EC/ECHO daily mapWed, 17 Apr 2024 17:39

A new EC/ECHO daily map is now available
Northern Kazakhstan, early AprilSevere flooding, mainly due to rapid snow melting caused by warm temperature, continues to affect south-western Russia and the neighbouring north-western Kazakhstan since early April. The flooding was also worsened after a dams broke on 5 April in the area of Orsk City (south-eastern Orenburg Region) and by river embankement failures, particularly of the Volga, Ural, Tobol and Ishim Rivers. IFRC reports two fatalities, approximately 75,000 displaced people and around 3,700 flooded houses. The worst affected are Atyrau, Kostanay, West Kazakhstan and North Kazakhstan Regions.Wed 10 Apr 2024DG ECHO Daily Flash (ERCC Portal)
Detailed event map. European Union, 2024. Map produced by EC-JRC.
The boundaries and the names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the European Union.

Updates on volcanic activity (Smithsonian)

Latest media headlines

Articles: 277 | About casualties: 4 | Last hour: 1

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MOSCOW — Authorities in the Russian city of Orenburg, near the border with Kazakhstan, on Friday announced a mass evacuation from there after water levels in the Ural River rose further, threatening the area with more flooding. The Orenbur
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Russian emergency services on Saturday said they had evacuated thousands of people from the southern regions bordering Kazakhstan as flood water continued to rise. HT Image Fast-rising temperatures have melted snow and ice, and along with h
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Estimated casualties (PAGER)

USGS estimates the number of casualties for each earthquake for the Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) product.
The graph shows the current fatalities estimate.

Exposed population

Data, images, links, services and documents

For this events, GDACS has links to information from the following sources: EC-JRC (36), (2), NASA (4), WMO (1), INFORM (2),