Overall Red alert Tropical Cyclone for DOKSURI-17
in Viet Nam, Laos, Thailand

Event summary

Tropical Cyclone DOKSURI-17 can have a high humanitarian impact based on the maximum sustained wind speed, exposed population and vulnerability.

GDACS ID TC 1000400
Glide number: TC-2017-000131-VNM
From - To 11 Sep - 15 Sep
Exposed countries Viet Nam, Laos, Thailand
Exposed population 1.8 million in Category 1 or higher
Maximum wind speed 176 km/h Category 2
Maximum storm surge 1.6 m (15 Sep 06:00 UTC)
Vulnerability High (Vietnam)


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For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
Wind Storm surge Rainfall GDACS score
GDACS JTWC 148 km/h 1.6 m n.a. 2.5
Maximum expected impact (wind, storm surge and rainfall) using different data sources.
Virtual OSOCC
Meteo assessment
Satellite products
  • OpenStreetMap
    The boundaries and the names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the European Union.
2000 km
Detailed event map. European Union, 2025. Map produced by EC-JRC.
The boundaries and the names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the European Union.

Latest media headlines

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Daily Maps:

13/Sep/2017 06:20 UTC

Data, images, links, services and documents

For this events, GDACS has links to information from the following sources: EC-JRC (38), (2), DesInventar (1), WMO (1), INFORM (2),