Forest Fire (411 ha) in United States 09 Aug 2023

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 113
Articles about casualties: 18 (15.9%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Articles after 08 Aug 2023

Tan solo han logrado identificar cinco de los 106 muertos de los incendios en Hawái

2023-08-18T22:10+0200elcaribe (es)

Los muertos por los incendios que asolaron la semana pasada la isla de Maui, en Hawái, Estados Unidos, ascienden ya a 106, según los últimos datos publicados por la Policía. Hasta el momento solo han logrado indentificar cinco de ellos, según las autoridades, que han empezado también a hacer públicas sus identidades.

Canada, incendi selvaggi nella Columbia Britannica

2023-08-18T21:34+0200informazione (it)

Gli incendi negli ultimi giorni stanno colpendo duramente il Canada e parte degli Stati Uniti . Migliaia le persone in fuga alla periferia di… Le immagini mostrano vaste zone boschive invase dai roghi Gli incendi continuano a colpire il Canada, questa volta i territori nord-occidentali.

Successful lawsuit in the US state of Montana: Climate guilt and atonement

2023-08-18T17:28+0200tellerreport (en)

The question of guilt in the climate crisis is currently the subject of over 2000 climate lawsuits worldwide. They are stories of David versus Goliath: young people against oil and gas companies, activists against conservative governments, island states against industrialized countries.

Huracán Hilary alcanza categoría 4; amenaza con lluvias suroeste de EEUU

2023-08-18T16:47+0200laprensa (es)

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO — El huracán Hilary ganó fuerza el jueves hasta alcanzar la categoría 4 fuera de las costas del Pacífico mexicano y podría arrojar intensos aguaceros sobre el suroeste de Estados Unidos durante el fin de semana. Durante la madrugada de este viernes, el meteoro tenía vientos....

Highways and airports clogged by evacuations in Canada

2023-08-18T15:04+0200kiratas (en)

Canada is experiencing the worst fire season in its history, with more than 136,000 hectares burned so far this year and 1,052 active fires. The population flees en masse from the fires in Canada. ADVERTISING. One of them could hit the city of Yellowknife this weekend, and its 20,000 residents have been ordered to evacuate.

Five questions about megafires

2023-08-18T12:59+0200tellerreport (en)

RFI EXPLAINS Five questions about megafires. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, megafires have become more frequent around the world, raising many questions. There is no very precise scientific definition of this phenomenon. These are forest fires of great magnitude and intensity,....

VÍDEO: Dimite el jefe de emergencias de Maui, que aseguró no arrepentirse de no hacer sonar las alarmas por los fuegos

2023-08-18T10:32+0200cope (es)

Andaya explicó que no las hizo sonar porque se usan en caso de tsunami y habrían hecho que la población "fuera hacia las llamas" MADRID, 17 (EUROPA PRESS TELEVISIÓN) El director del servicio de emergencias de la isla hawaiana de Maui (Estados Unidos), desvastada por unos incendios que ya han dejado....

VÍDEO: Dimite el jefe de emergencias de Maui, que aseguró no arrepentirse de no hacer sonar las alarmas por los fuegos

2023-08-18T10:31+0200notimerica (es)

August 16, 2023, Maui, Hawaii, United States : Damaged buildings and structures of Lahaina Town destroyed in the Maui wildfires in Lahaina, Maui, Aug. 15, 2023. Members of Combined Joint Task Force-50 from the Hawaii Army and Air National Guard, U.S. Army - Europa Press/Contacto/Staff Sgt. Matthew A. Foster.

Dimite el jefe de emergencias de Maui, que aseguró no arrepentirse de no hacer sonar las alarmas por los fuegos

2023-08-18T08:36+0200europapress (es)

Andaya explicó que no las hizo sonar porque se usan en caso de tsunami y habrían hecho que la población "fuera hacia las llamas" MADRID, 18 Ago. (EUROPA PRESS) - El director del servicio de emergencias de la isla hawaiana de Maui (Estados Unidos), desvastada por unos incendios que ya han dejado 110....

Dimite el jefe de emergencias de Maui, que aseguró no arrepentirse de no hacer sonar las alarmas por los fuegos

2023-08-18T06:49+0200diariodia (es)

Andaya explicó que no las hizo sonar porque se usan en caso de tsunami y habrían hecho que la población «fuera hacia las llamas» MADRID, 18 Ago. (EUROPA PRESS) – El director del servicio de emergencias de la isla hawaiana de Maui (Estados Unidos), desvastada por unos incendios que ya han dejado 110....

Dimite el jefe de emergencias de Maui, que aseguró no arrepentirse de no hacer sonar las alarmas por los fuegos

2023-08-18T06:04+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

Andaya explicó que no las hizo sonar porque se usan en caso de tsunami y habrían hecho que la población "fuera hacia las llamas" MADRID, 17 (EUROPA PRESS) El director del servicio de emergencias de la isla hawaiana de Maui (Estados Unidos), desvastada por unos incendios que ya han dejado 110....

EEUU.- Dimite el jefe de emergencias de Maui, que aseguró no arrepentirse de no hacer sonar las alarmas por los fuegos

2023-08-18T06:03+0200cope (es)

Andaya explicó que no las hizo sonar porque se usan en caso de tsunami y habrían hecho que la población "fuera hacia las llamas" El director del servicio de emergencias de la isla hawaiana de Maui (Estados Unidos), desvastada por unos incendios que ya han dejado 110 muertos, ha dimitido días después....

Dimite el jefe de emergencias de Maui, que aseguró no arrepentirse de no hacer sonar las alarmas por los fuegos

2023-08-18T06:00+0200notimerica (es)

August 16, 2023, Maui, Hawaii, United States : Damaged buildings and structures of Lahaina Town destroyed in the Maui wildfires in Lahaina, Maui, Aug. 15, 2023. Members of Combined Joint Task Force-50 from the Hawaii Army and Air National Guard, U.S. Army - Europa Press/Contacto/Staff Sgt. Matthew A. Foster.

Maui public schools prepare to reopen

2023-08-18T04:58+0200thesaxon (en)

Sergeant Matthew A. Foster via Agence France-Presse At least three schools were spared the flames in Lahaina, where entire neighborhoods were reduced to ashes. Maui public schools have begun the process of reopening and traffic has resumed on a main road, signaling some resumption of daily....

Explainer-La stagione record degli incendi in Canada: cosa c'è dietro e quando finirà?

2023-08-17T18:36+0200marketscreener (it)

Ecco alcune domande e risposte sugli incendi in Canada, che hanno carbonizzato milioni di ettari e inquinato l'aria della nazione e degli Stati Uniti. QUALI PARTI DEL CANADA SONO STATE COLPITE DAGLI INCENDI? Gli incendi sono comuni nelle province occidentali del Canada, ma quest'anno anche le....

How can we prevent wildfire disasters?

2023-08-17T15:15+0200eco-business (en)

The deadliest US wildfires in over a century have killed more than 100 people in Hawaii, destroyed or damaged more than 2,200 buildings and caused an estimated US$5.5 billion in losses, grabbing global headlines about the effects of climate change. The Maui wildfire ravaged the resort town of....

EEUU.- El número de muertos por los incendios en Hawái (EEUU) asciende a 110

2023-08-17T03:21+0200notimerica (es)

LAHAINA (U.S.), Aug. 15, 2023 -- The photo taken with a mobile phone on Aug. 14, 2023 shows a vehicle destroyed in a wildfire in Lahaina town, Maui Island, Hawaii, the United States . The death toll from the Maui wildfires reached 99, authorities said Mon - Europa Press/Contacto/Yang Pingjun.

Joe Biden will travel to Hawaii next Monday

2023-08-16T20:35+0200thesaxon (en)

Andrew Caballero-Reynolds Agence France-Presse US President Joe Biden, accompanied by his wife Jill, will “meet with rescue teams, survivors and officials” next Monday, announced his spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday in a press release. Joe Biden will travel to Hawaii next Monday, the....

¿Qué causó el incendio más mortífero de Estados Unidos en un siglo?

2023-08-16T16:21+0200euronews-es (es)

El incendio que arrasó la ciudad de Lahaina es uno de los más mortíferos ** de Estados Unidos **en más de 100 años, según la Asociación Nacional de Protección contra Incendios. Las autoridades han advertido de que las labores de búsqueda e identificación de víctimas se encuentran aún en la fase inicial.

Aumenta a 106 el recuento provisional de muertos por los incendios en Hawái

2023-08-16T13:59+0200notimerica (es)

LAHAINA (U.S.), Aug. 15, 2023 -- The photo taken with a mobile phone on Aug. 14, 2023 shows a vehicle destroyed in a wildfire in Lahaina town, Maui Island, Hawaii, the United States . The death toll from the Maui wildfires reached 99, authorities said Mon - Europa Press/Contacto/Yang Pingjun. MADRID, 16 Ago.

I devastanti incendi alle Hawaii hanno carbonizzato anche il mitico albero di Banyan, amato e venerato da oltre un secolo

2023-08-16T11:05+0200greenme (it)

I banyan, originari del subcontinente indiano, possono diventare così grandi che ogni albero sembra una piccola foresta. Questo, importato dall’India e piantato di fronte al tribunale di Lahaina nel 1873, era tra i più grandi alberi del suo genere negli Stati Uniti Gli incendi senza precedenti che....

EEUU/México.- México confirma la muerte de dos de sus ciudadanos en los incendios de Hawái

2023-08-16T10:51+0200notimerica (es)

LAHAINA (U.S.), Aug. 15, 2023 -- The photo taken with a mobile phone on Aug. 14, 2023 shows the aftermath of wildfires in Lahaina town, Maui Island, Hawaii, the United States . The death toll from the Maui wildfires reached 99, authorities said Monday. La - Europa Press/Contacto/Yang Pingjun. MADRID, 16 Ago.

Hawái: 99 muertos en incendios; Prevén que cifra se duplique en próximos días

2023-08-16T09:33+0200lanetaneta (es)

Josh Green , gobernador de Hawái , isla perteneciente a los Estados Unidos, aseguró el lunes que el número de muertos por los incendios forestales que han devastado parte del archipiélago durante los últimos días, especialmente en la isla de Maui , ha ascendido ya a 99 , cifra que anticipa....

Confirman dos mexicanos muertos por incendios en Maui, Hawái

2023-08-16T07:38+0200lopezdoriga (es)

Lahaina ( United States ), 15/08/2023.- Burned out cars and houses are all that remains after a wildfire swept through a neighborhood in Lahaina, Hawaii, USA, 15 August 2023. At least 99 people were killed in the Lahaina wildfire that burnt in Maui, which is considered the largest natural disaster in Hawaii's state history.

Biden viajará a la isla hawaiana de Maui, arrasada por unos incendios que superan el centenar de muertos

2023-08-16T07:37+0200niusdiario (es)

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, ha asegurado este martes que planea visitar la isla hawaiana de Maui, arrasada por unos incendios que han dejado por el momento más de un centenar muertos, cifra que podría duplicarse, según las autoridades del archipiélago. "Mi esposa Jill Biden y yo vamos a viajar a Hawái lo antes posible (.

EEUU.- Biden planea visitar la isla hawaiana de Maui, arrasada por unos incendios que dejan al menos 99 muertos

2023-08-16T02:06+0200notimerica (es)

LAHAINA (U.S.), Aug. 15, 2023 -- The photo taken with a mobile phone on Aug. 14, 2023 shows the aftermath of wildfires in Lahaina town, Maui Island, Hawaii, the United States . The death toll from the Maui wildfires reached 99, authorities said Monday. La - Europa Press/Contacto/Yang Pingjun. MADRID, 16 Ago.

Wildfires Are Becoming Increasingly Devastating in Hawaii

2023-08-15T22:40+0200scientificamerican (en)

Maui is reeling from wildfires that devastated the Hawaiian island last week. They have taken at least 99 lives and caused more than US$5.52 billion dollars of damage. But did the fires take scientists by surprise and how can Hawaii guard against such disasters in future? Wildfires are not new to Hawaii .

Wildfires are becoming increasingly devastating in Hawaii

2023-08-15T20:56+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Maui is reeling from wildfires that devastated the Hawaiian island last week. They have taken at least 99 lives and caused more than US$5.52 billion dollars of damage. But did the fires take scientists by surprise and how can Hawaii guard against such disasters in future? Wildfires are not new to Hawaii .

Montana Court Ruling: Young Plaintiffs Victorious in Landmark Climate Lawsuit

2023-08-15T18:39+0200archyde (en)

2023-08-15 15:08:00. A district judge in the US state of Montana has ruled that the state government is violating the basic rights of young plaintiffs by supporting the extraction and use of fossil fuels and requiring environmental impact assessments to ignore the negative effects of greenhouse gases.

Over half of Canadians worry about climate change’s impact on food: survey

2023-08-15T17:50+0200globalnews (en)

More than half of Canadians are either very or extremely concerned about the impact that could have on , a recent survey has found. In partnership with , the at Dalhousie University surveyed 5,450 Canadians about their eating habits during the summer or hot weather and measured how climate change is....

Life toll from Hawaii fires could double or triple this week

2023-08-15T06:24+0200thesaxon (en)

The death toll from the fires in Hawaii, the deadliest in more than a century in the United States , has now reached 99 dead and “could double” this week, authorities warned on Monday, criticized for their handling of the tragedy. “Over the next ten days, that number could double,” Hawaii Governor....

Hawaii fire death toll nears 100, and anger grows

2023-08-15T05:38+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Burnt homes and buildings are pictured following a wildfire, in Lahaina, West Maui, Hawaii August 12, 2023. Hawaii Attorney General Anne Lopez said on 11 August that it was opening an investigation into the handling of the devastating forest fires. which has killed at least 80 people in the state....

Deadly Fires in Lahaina: Tragedy and Unpreparedness Revealed

2023-08-15T05:32+0200archyde (en)

Deadly Fires in Lahaina: Tragedy and Unpreparedness Revealed. 2023-08-15 02:40:12. The fires that destroyed most of the historic city of Lahaina are already among the deadliest in the United States in more than a century, surpassing the Camp Fire tragedy, which in 2018 left 85 dead in California.

Aumentó a 96 el número de muertos en Hawái

2023-08-15T05:12+0200analitica (es)

Kula ( United States ), 14/08/2023.- A fire department helicopter drops water on a wildfire spreading behind homes in Kula, Hawaii, USA, 13 August 2023. At least 93 people were killed in the wildfires burning in Maui, which is considered the largest natural disaster in Hawaii's state history. (incendio forestal) EFE/EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT.

‘I’m Speaking’: Kamala Harris Laughs As Climate Protester Yells At Her About Hawaii

2023-08-15T03:59+0200dailycaller (en)

Vice President Kamala Harris laughed at a climate protester in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, who disrupted her weekend remarks to criticize the Biden administration’s climate policy in light of the Hawaiian forest fires. A lone Climate Defiance protester interrupted Harris’ talk at the Martha’s....

Hawaii wildfires: did scientists expect Maui to burn?

2023-08-14T23:16+0200nature-current (en)

Lahaina, Hawaii after a fast-moving wildfire caused devastation and deaths. Credit: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty. Maui is reeling from wildfires that devastated the Hawaiian island last week. They have taken at least 96 lives and caused more than US$5.52 billion dollars of damage.

Il bilancio delle vittime degli incendi di Maui potrebbe aumentare, mentre continuano le ricerche di Lahaina carbonizzata

2023-08-14T22:42+0200marketscreener (it)

Le squadre di ricerca lunedì hanno ripreso il compito faticoso e pericoloso di raccogliere le ceneri di Lahaina per trovare altre vittime degli incendi di Maui, mentre i funzionari hanno avvertito che il bilancio delle vittime, 96, già il più alto di tutti gli incendi negli Stati Uniti da oltre un secolo, aumenterà nei prossimi giorni.

Hawaii wildfires: did scientists expect Maui to burn?

2023-08-14T20:23+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Lahaina, Hawaii after a fast-moving wildfire caused devastation and deaths. Credit: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty. Maui is reeling from wildfires that devastated the Hawaiian island last week. They have taken at least 96 lives and caused more than US$5.52 billion dollars of damage.

Hawaii wildfires: did scientists expect Maui to burn?

2023-08-14T20:09+0200nature (en)

Lahaina, Hawaii after a fast-moving wildfire caused devastation and deaths. Credit: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty. Maui is reeling from wildfires that devastated the Hawaiian island last week. They have taken at least 96 lives and caused more than US$5.52 billion dollars of damage.

Hawaii wildfires: did scientists expect Maui to burn?

2023-08-14T19:40+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Lahaina, Hawaii after a fast-moving wildfire caused devastation and deaths. Credit: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty. Maui is reeling from wildfires that devastated the Hawaiian island last week. They have taken at least 96 lives and caused more than US$5.52 billion dollars of damage.

Incendio en Hawaii: aumentaron a 96 los muertos y continúa la búsqueda de unos mil desaparecidos en Maui

2023-08-14T18:30+0200monumental (es)

Por Infobae. Ya son 96 las personas muertas en los incendios que han devastado la isla de Maui (Hawaii, EE.UU.) durante la última semana, en el que se ha convertido en el fuego más dramático por el número de víctimas en Estados Unidos en el último siglo, y la prioridad se centra en seguir buscando a los cientos de desaparecidos.

Deadly Hawaii Forest Fire Leaves Hundreds Missing: Latest Updates and Rising Death Toll

2023-08-14T18:14+0200archyde (en)

2023-08-14 15:59:00. The number of dead in the worst forest fire in the United States in the last 100 years is approaching 100. The bodies of 96 people have been recovered till yesterday. According to the local administration, hundreds of people have yet to be found. The city of Lahaina has been completely destroyed by the Hawaii wildfires.

Los errores que convirtieron la isla de Maui, Hawái, en una ratonera por los incendios

2023-08-14T16:54+0200antena3noticias (es)

El devastador incendio en la isla de Maui, en Hawái , el peor del siglo en Estados Unidos , ha dejado dos grandes incógnitas: el número de víctimas y los fallos en el sistema de alertas , uno de los mayores del mundo. La cifra de fallecidos ha llegado a 96 con únicamente el 3% del terreno calcinado....

Un centenar de muertos y un millar de desaparecidos, último balance de los incendios de Hawái

2023-08-14T15:56+0200canalsur (es)

En Hawái (Estados Unidos) prosiguen las tareas de rescate tras los devastadores incendios que suman casi un centenar de muertos y cientos de desaparecidos en la isla de Maui. La tragedia ha llevado a las autoridades judiciales a abrir una investigación para conocer la respuesta que dieron a las....

El incendio que se presentó en Maui es el más mortífero en EE. UU. en el ultimo siglo

2023-08-14T15:06+0200larepublica-co (es)

Los desastrosos incendios forestales en Maui en Hawái son ahora los más mortíferos en Estados Unidos en más de un siglo , ya que las autoridades advirtieron que el número de muertos podría aumentar aún más en medio de las preocupaciones sobre la efectividad de un sistema de alarma de emergencia.

Suben a 96 los muertos por los incendios en Hawái: La prioridad ahora es buscar a los desaparecidos

2023-08-14T12:24+0200cope (es)

Ya son 96 las personas muertas en los incendios que han devastado la isla de Maui (Hawái, EE.UU.) durante la última semana, en el que se ha convertido en el fuego más dramático por el número de víctimas en Estados Unidos en el último siglo, y la prioridad se centra en seguir buscando a los cientos de desaparecidos.

Rabbia e polemiche sugli incendi che hanno devastato le Hawaii

2023-08-14T12:06+0200internazionale (it)

Il bilancio delle vittime dell’incendio più grave scoppiato negli Stati Uniti da più di un secolo a questa parte potrebbe superare la soglia dei cento morti, alimentando le critiche nei confronti di una risposta da parte delle autorità ritenuta inadeguata e complice della pesante perdita di vite umane.

Incendi alle Hawaii, quasi 200 vittime, ma il numero destinato a crescere. Bilancio peggiore degli ultimi 100 anni in Usa

2023-08-14T11:04+0200tiscali-it (it)

E' già stato catalogato come l'incendio più letale della storia degli Stati Uniti. Il bilancio provvisorio è di 93 vittime e questo pone il doisastro delle Hawaii nell'Olimpo dei disastri peggiori a partire dal 1918, quando 453 persone morirono in Minnesota e Wisconsin.

Los incendios forestales en EE. UU. se convierten en los más mortíferos de la historia moderna

2023-08-14T08:03+0200esdelatino-com (es)

Las muertes por incendios forestales en la isla hawaiana de Maui aumentaron a 93 el domingo, lo que los convierte en los más mortíferos en Estados Unidos en más de un siglo, según la Asociación Nacional de Protección. El incendio, que se extendió durante toda la semana pasada, causó miles de....

One person with Filipino blood is likely affected by Maui wildfires, says DFA

2023-08-14T06:30+0200inquirer (en)

The assistant secretary cited data from United States ’ 2020 census. DFA has yet to determine how many Filipinos were affected by the catastrophe in Maui. “[Kaunti] lamang [sa] mga kababayan natin in the state of Hawaii are Philippine passport holders or just plain green card holders,” Cortes noted.

Devastating Forest Fires in Hawaii: Over 100 Deaths and Criticism of Authorities

2023-08-14T04:28+0200archyde (en)

2023-08-13 19:57:21. The toll of forest fires in Hawaii, already the deadliest in more than a century, could exceed 100 deaths on Sunday, fueling criticism of the management of the drama by the authorities. P.Ramon / AFP (MLMG) • Published on August 13, 2023 at 09:57, updated on August 13, 2023 at 10:03.

Los muertos en Maui suman 93 y las autoridades alertan de que lo peor está por venir

2023-08-14T03:55+0200eldia-do (es)

Wailuku ( United States ), 13/08/2023.- A displaced Lahaina inhabitant reacts as she greets other parishioners as they arrive for a memorial service at the Maui Coffee Attic hosting their church 'Grace Baptist Church' Sunday service as it was destroyed in the fire, in Wailuku, Hawaii, USA, 13 August 2023.

Incendios en Hawái el desastre natural más grande que ha experimentado

2023-08-13T23:37+0200ultimasnoticias (es)

Con una cifra creciente de fallecidos, que ya llega a 93, el gobernador de Hawái, Josh Green, afirmó que los incendios forestales que azotan a la isla de Maui son ya “el desastre natural más grande que Hawái jamás haya experimentado”. Por su parte, el presidente de Estados Unidos, EEUU, Joe Biden,....

Ascienden a 89 los muertos por los incendios forestales en Hawái

2023-08-13T21:11+0200semana (es)

El estado más alejado de los Estados Unidos continúa siendo el epicentro de los voraces incendios forestales en medio del Pacífico Norte. Hawái ha sido el foco de voraces conflagraciones que han arrasado con cientos de hectáreas de bosque nativo en el archipiélago.

Hawaii. 93 morti è il bilancio delle vittime degli incendi boschivi di Maui

2023-08-13T19:26+0200agenpress (it)

AgenPress . Il bilancio delle vittime degli incendi boschivi di Maui alle Hawaii ha causato 93 morti, rendendolo l’incendio più mortale negli Stati Uniti in oltre un secolo, con il totale che probabilmente aumenterà man mano che cani da soccorso setacciano le rovine di Lahaina.

Hawaii. 93 morti è il bilancio delle vittime degli incendi boschivi di Maui

2023-08-13T19:00+0200aplazio (it)

AgenPress . Il bilancio delle vittime degli incendi boschivi di Maui alle Hawaii ha causato 93 morti, rendendolo l’incendio più mortale negli Stati Uniti in oltre un secolo, con il totale che probabilmente aumenterà man mano che cani da soccorso setacciano le rovine di Lahaina.

Fires in Hawaii: death toll reaches 93 and is expected to rise further

2023-08-13T17:37+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-08-13T15:36:06.328Z. Highlights: The death toll from forest fires in Hawaii, already the deadliest in more than a century in the United States , could exceed 100. The flames reduced the seaside town of Lahaina to ashes, swallowing houses, cars, hotels and businesses.

El incendio de Hawái es ya el más mortífero de Estados Unidos en más de un siglo

2023-08-13T17:37+0200elpais (es)

El número de víctimas mortales de los voraces incendios forestales de Hawái ascendió este sábado a 93, lo que los convierte en los más mortíferos de Estados Unidos en más de un siglo. El balance aumentará a medida que los equipos de rescate registran los restos calcinados de edificios, advierten las autoridades.

Deadly Forest Fire Devastates Maui, Hawaii: 89 Dead and Thousands Homeless

2023-08-13T16:21+0200archyde (en)

2023-08-13 13:07:30. He Forest fire that devastates the island of Maui, in Hawaii he left a balance of at least 89 dead and thousands of people left homeless while the firefighters continued working on the last Saturday to extinguish the flames that were intensified by the passage of Hurricane Dora,....

Incendios en Maui ya dejan 89 muertos y son los más letales del último siglo en EU Hace 5 segundos Un total de mil 418 personas están en los seis refugios temporales habilitad

2023-08-13T16:10+0200zocalo (es)

Internacional Incendios en Maui ya dejan 89 muertos y son los más letales del último siglo en EU. Washington .- La cifra de personas muertas por los incendios que han asolado la isla hawaiana de Maui desde el martes pasado ascendió este sábado a 89, señaló el gobernador de Hawái, Josh Green,....

State of Emergency decreed in Hawaii after deadly fires – EntornoInteligente

2023-08-13T12:37+0200breakinglatest (en)

President Joe Biden declared a state of emergency in Hawaii (REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst) The president of the United States , Joe Biden, declared a state of emergency due to disaster in Hawaii on Thursday due to the forest fires that are affecting the island of Maui above all, where according to official sources there is “widespread devastation”.

Incendios forestales en Hawái: al menos 89 muertos confirmados después del incendio más mortífero en EE. UU. en 100 años | incendios en hawaii

2023-08-13T06:51+0200esdelatino-com (es)

Al menos 89 personas han muerto en el incendio que consumió la ciudad histórica de Lahaina en la isla hawaiana de Maui, dijo el gobernador Josh Green, lo que lo convierte en el incendio forestal más mortífero de Estados Unidos en más de un siglo y se espera que aumente el número de víctimas.

Ascienden a 89 los muertos por los incendios forestales en Hawái

2023-08-13T06:50+0200notimerica (es)

MAUI, Aug. 11, 2023 -- Photo released by County of Maui on Aug. 10, 2023 shows houses destroyed in a devastating wildfire on Maui Island, Hawaii, the United States . Firefighters on Friday continued to battle the devastating wildfires that have killed at - Europa Press/Contacto/County of Maui photos. MADRID, 13 Ago.

Incendio forestal en Hawái: imágenes satelitales muestran el antes y después del desastre natural

2023-08-13T00:50+0200diario26 (es)

La situación en Maui, Hawái es crítica . Tras confirmarse que ya fallecieron al menos 80 personas , mientras que hay más de 1.000 desaparecidos, imágenes muestran las terribles consecuencias que están dejando los incendios forestales en el estado de Estados Unidos.

Incendios en Hawái: la cifra de muertes asciende a 80 y no descartan que siga subiendo

2023-08-12T22:42+0200ellitoral (es)

El número de muertos por los incendios forestales en la isla de Maui, estado de Hawái, en Estados Unidos, se elevó a 80, informaron en las últimas horas funcionarios del condado. El gobernador Josh Green ya había alertado de que la cifra de muertos seguramente aumentaría conforme se siguen llevando a cabo las labores de búsqueda y rescate.

Sube a 80 el número de fallecidos por incendios en Hawái (+ Video)

2023-08-12T16:29+0200cubadebate (es)

La isla combate varios incendios que se han convertido en los más fatales en Estados Unidos desde 2018. Foto: Twitter @rtenews. Al menos 80 personas murieron tras los incendios forestales que arrasaron esta semana una localidad del archipiélago estadounidense de Hawái , informaron las autoridades....

80 personas han muerto ya a causa de los incendios en Hawái

2023-08-12T16:00+0200ondacero (es)

80 personas han perdido ya la vida a causa de los incendios que están azotando la isla de Maui , en Hawái. Estos fuegos se han convertido ya en la tragedia de mayor impacto humano y material en estas islas del Pacífico , desde que el archipiélago se incorporase a los Estados Unidos en 1959.

Incendi alle Hawaii, 80 morti a Maui e migliaia di sfollati: scatta lo stato di emergenza

2023-08-12T12:14+0200gazzetta (it)

È salito in queste ore il bilancio delle vittime dei gravi incendi che da giorni stanno devastando l'isola di Maui , la seconda più grande delle Hawaii. Le autorità locali hanno riferito oggi che il numero delle vittime è salito a 80 in quello che il Presidente degli Stati Uniti ha definito il più....

Imagen: Un bombero entre los escombros de un edificio en Lahaina, Maui, Hawái (EE.UU.).

2023-08-12T10:47+0200rtve-alacarta (es)

El número de fallecidos por los incendios en Hawái ha subido este sábado a 80, convirtiéndose en el desastre más mortal en la historia de este estado de Estados Unidos , según un comunicado del condado de Maui, la zona más devastada por los fuegos. La nueva cifra de fallecidos coloca al desastre....

Saudi Arabia asks citizens to leave wildfire-stricken Hawaii, UAE urges caution

2023-08-12T10:42+0200alarabiya-en (en)

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Embassy in the United States of America called on Saudi nationals in Hawaii to quickly leave the islands and adhere to safety regulations issued by local authorities,” a statement published by the Saudi Press Agency said.

Fires in Hawaii: evacuees return to the ruins left by the flames, justice opens an investigation

2023-08-12T07:37+0200tellerreport (en)

Aviva Fried with AFP / Photo credit: PATRICK T. FALLON / AFP 07:26, August 12, 2023 Justice opened an investigation Friday into the management of the terrible fire that killed at least 67 people on the island of Maui, currently questioned on the Hawaiian archipelago, where some locals are surprised....

Maui, from island paradise to atoll of fire and death

2023-08-12T03:39+0200archyde (en)

2023-08-12 01:31:40. In just two days, raging forest fires fanned by wind gusts of up to 97 kilometers per hour, generated by Hurricane Dora – which passed about 500 kilometers south of Hawaii, the only island and extracontinental state in the they transformed the paradisiacal island of Maui – the....

They create an artificial intelligence to detect forest fires

2023-08-12T02:03+0200bullfrag (en)

The atypical heat recorded in recent weeks has favored the appearance of impressive forest fires. The flames have wreaked havoc in several Mediterranean countries, Canada and the United States . In Hawaii, there are already more than 50 dead and 1,000 missing.

Incendio forestal que azota Hawái deja 55 muertos

2023-08-11T22:04+0200acento (es)

Maui (Estados Unidos), 08/09/2023.- Una fotografía proporcionada por la Guardia Nacional del Ejército de EE. UU. el 10 de agosto de 2023 muestra un Chinook CH47 de la Guardia Nacional del Ejército de Hawái arrojando agua sobre un incendio forestal en llamas en la isla de Maui, Hawái. EE. UU., 9 de agosto de 2023 (publicado el 10 de agosto de 2023).

Firefighters battle Maui blazes as death toll hits 55

2023-08-11T19:50+0200urdupoint (en)

Firefighters on Friday battled stubborn wildfires which killed at least 55 people on the Hawaiian island of Maui and left a historic beachfront town a charred ruin. Kahului, United States , (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Aug, 2023 ) :Firefighters on Friday battled stubborn wildfires....

Francisco expresa su "profundo dolor" por los muertos y desaparecidos por los incendios de Hawái

2023-08-11T17:57+0200cope (es)

El Papa Francisco ha expresado su "profundo dolor" por los muertos y desaparecidos por los incendios forestales que asolan la isla de Maui, en Hawái, que han dejado más de cincuenta fallecidos, como ha manifestado en un telegrama firmado por el cardenal secretario de Estado Parolin, dirigido a nuncio en Estados Unidos.

El Papa expresa en un telegrama su "profundo dolor" por los muertos y desaparecidos en los incendios de Hawái

2023-08-11T17:54+0200teleprensa (es)

ROMA, 11 (EUROPA PRESS) El Papa Francisco ha expresado su "profundo dolor" por los muertos y desaparecidos por los incendios forestales que asolan la isla de Maui, en Hawái, que han dejado más de 50 fallecidos, como ha manifestado en un telegrama firmado por el cardenal secretario de Estado Parolin, dirigido a nuncio en Estados Unidos.

El Papa expresa en un telegrama su "profundo dolor" por los muertos y desaparecidos en los incendios de Hawái

2023-08-11T17:50+0200infobae (es)

El Papa Francisco ha expresado su "profundo dolor" por los muertos y desaparecidos por los incendios forestales que asolan la isla de Maui, en Hawái, que han dejado más de 50 fallecidos, como ha manifestado en un telegrama firmado por el cardenal secretario de Estado Parolin, dirigido a nuncio en Estados Unidos.

El Papa expresa en un telegrama su "profundo dolor" por los muertos y desaparecidos en los incendios de Hawái

2023-08-11T17:49+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

ROMA, 11 (EUROPA PRESS) El Papa Francisco ha expresado su "profundo dolor" por los muertos y desaparecidos por los incendios forestales que asolan la isla de Maui, en Hawái, que han dejado más de 50 fallecidos, como ha manifestado en un telegrama firmado por el cardenal secretario de Estado Parolin, dirigido a nuncio en Estados Unidos.

El Papa expresa en un telegrama su "profundo dolor" por los muertos y desaparecidos en los incendios de Hawái

2023-08-11T17:43+0200notimerica (es)

ROMA, 11 Ago. (EUROPA PRESS) - El Papa Francisco ha expresado su "profundo dolor" por los muertos y desaparecidos por los incendios forestales que asolan la isla de Maui, en Hawái, que han dejado más de 50 fallecidos, como ha manifestado en un telegrama firmado por el cardenal secretario de Estado Parolin, dirigido a nuncio en Estados Unidos.

Hawaii's Corals Are Being Destroyed by Wildfires

2023-08-11T15:41+0200newsweek-USA (en)

Wildfires raging across Hawaii that are concentrated in the Maui region are expected to have an extreme impact on the state's environment, including its famed corals, according to one expert. At least 11,000 people have been displaced so far due to the fires , and the death tollwhich currently....

Hawaii, i roghi più gravi avvenuti negli ultimi anni

2023-08-11T15:15+0200newsby (it)

In quello che sembra un incredibile caso di déjà vu, gli Stati Uniti si trovano di nuovo a combattere un incendio di proporzioni epiche. Questa volta è toccato alle Hawaii, uno stato circondato dall’acqua, che si trovano nel mirino delle fiamme implacabili.

Tajani esprime solidarietà agli Usa per gli incendi alle Hawaii (ci sono 60 italiani non tra le vittime)

2023-08-11T11:38+0200informazione (it)

Trentasei morti, oltre 10.000 persone evacuate, aeroporti presi d’assalto dai turisti, distruzione e devastazione ovunque. Il cambiamento climatico continua a colpire, questa volta alle Hawaii , dove la siccità e i forti venti portati dall’uragano Dora hanno scatenato un inferno di fuoco senza precedenti.

Hawaii fire death toll hits 55, expected to rise

2023-08-11T10:28+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

KAHULUI, United States , Aug 11 — A terrifying wildfire that left a historic Hawaiian town in charred ruins has killed at least 55 people, authorities said today, making it one of the deadliest disasters in the US state's history. The flames moved so quickly that many were caught off-guard, trapped....

Hawaii fire death toll hits 55, expected to rise

2023-08-11T10:28+0200urdupoint (en)

Kahului, United States , (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Aug, 2023 ) :A terrifying wildfire that left a historic Hawaiian town in charred ruins has killed at least 55 people, authorities said Thursday, making it one of the deadliest disasters in the US state's history.

Hawaii fire death toll hits 55, expected to rise

2023-08-11T10:13+0200malaymail (en)

KAHULUI, United States , Aug 11 — A terrifying wildfire that left a historic Hawaiian town in charred ruins has killed at least 55 people, authorities said today, making it one of the deadliest disasters in the US state's history. The flames moved so quickly that many were caught off-guard, trapped....

United States: tornadoes, forest fires, snowstorms... The cost of natural disasters is skyrocketing

2023-08-11T09:46+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-08-11T07:45:05.862Z. Highlights: U.S. insurance companies have already had to pay $34 billion in six months. Since January, storms have followed one another in the United States . Climatic episodes so severe that ten of them each caused more than a billion dollars in damage. Some insurance companies can no longer cope with the influx of claims.

Hawaii fire death toll hits 53, expected to rise

2023-08-11T09:34+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Kahului, United States : A terrifying wildfire that left a historic Hawaiian town in charred ruins has killed at least 53 people, authorities said Thursday, making it one of the deadliest disasters in the US state's history. Brushfires on the west coast of Hawaii's Maui island -- fueled by high winds....

Early Access ¿Cuál es la causa de los devastadores incendios de Hawái y cuál es el papel del cambio climático?

2023-08-11T06:52+0200LaTercera (es)

La búsqueda entre las ruinas de los incendios forestales que arrasaron con la isla hawaiana de Maui reveló el jueves un terreno baldío de viviendas y comunidades devastadas mientras los bomberos luchaban contra el tenaz incendio que ya ha cobrado 53 vidas, convirtiéndose en el más mortífero de los últimos años en Estados Unidos.

Hawaii fire death toll hits 53, expected to rise 11 August 2023 06:14 World

2023-08-11T06:32+0200eyewitness-news (en)

KAHULUI, United States - A terrifying wildfire that scorched a historic Hawaiian town and left it in charred ruins has killed at least 53 people, authorities said Thursday, making it one of the deadliest disasters in the US state's history. Brushfires on the west coast of Hawaii's Maui island,....

Hawaii a fuoco, città rase al suolo "Il paradiso è diventato un inferno"

2023-08-11T05:28+0200quotidiano (it)

di Alessandro Farruggia. Paradiso, addio. Vista dagli elicotteri di soccorso, la storica cittadina di Lahaina, 12 mila abitanti, che per 50 anni fu storica capitale delle Hawaii prima dell’annessione agli Stati Uniti, sembra sia stata bombardata con il napalm.

Incendios en Hawai: 53 muertos y miles de evacuados en la isla paradisíaca arrasada

2023-08-11T05:18+0200adnradio (es)

El Presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, decretó estado de emergencia debido al descontrol de la emergencia. Durante incendios forestales “sin precedentes” están afectando la Isla de Maui , Hawai, en que las autoridades han informado que al menos van 53 muertos y miles de personas evacuadas.

Hawaii fire death toll hits 53, expected to rise higher

2023-08-11T05:07+0200bssnews (en)

KAHULUI, United States , Aug 11, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - The death toll from a terrifying wildfire that razed a historic Hawaiian town hit 53 Thursday, making it one of the deadliest disasters to strike the islands since they became a US state. Brushfires on the west coast of Hawaii's Maui island -- fueled....

Death toll in Hawaii wildfire rises to 53, national disaster declared

2023-08-11T04:49+0200BangkokPost (en)

KAHULUI (UNITED STATES): Local authorities on Hawaii's Maui Island said on Thursday that 17 additional fatalities have been confirmed in the wildfires which began earlier in the week, bringing the death toll to 53. US President Joe Biden approved the same day a national disaster declaration for....

Hawaii fire death toll expected to rise 'very significantly': governor

2023-08-11T03:57+0200BangkokPost (en)

KAHULUI (UNITED STATES) - The death toll from a terrifying wildfire that razed a historic Hawaiian town is expected to rise "very significantly", the state's governor said Thursday, with 36 people already known to have perished. Brushfires on the west coast of Hawaii's Maui island -- fueled by high....

Incendios forestales de Maui: lo que sabemos sobre la causa, los esfuerzos de búsqueda y los daños

2023-08-11T03:42+0200notiulti (es)

Un verano de clima feroz en gran parte de los Estados Unidos llegó el miércoles al estado más remoto del país, a 2500 millas de la costa oeste, en Hawái. Lo que comenzó a principios de semana como incendios forestales dispersos en las islas más grandes del estado, Hawái y Maui, se volvió mortal a mediados de semana.

Hawaii fire death toll hits 53, expected to rise higher

2023-08-11T03:22+0200channelnewsasia (en)

KAHUKUI, United States : The death toll from a terrifying wildfire that razed a historic Hawaiian town hit 53 on Thursday (Aug 10), making it one of the deadliest disasters to strike the islands since they became a US state. Brushfires on the west coast of Hawaii's Maui island - fueled by high winds....

Hawaii wildfires kill 36, destroy town as tourists evacuated

2023-08-11T03:03+0200thenews-pk (en)

KAHULUI, United States : Fast-moving wildfires have claimed at least 36 lives in the US tourist paradise of Hawaii, where rescuers raced Thursday to evacuate more people from the worst-hit island of Maui. Brushfires on Maui’s west coast -- fueled by high winds from a hurricane passing to the south....

Hawaii fire death toll expected to rise 'very significantly': governor

2023-08-11T01:33+0200mb-com-ph (en)

KAHULUI, United States -- The death toll from a terrifying wildfire that razed a historic Hawaiian town is expected to rise "very significantly", the state's governor said Thursday, with 36 people already known to have perished. Brushfires on the west coast of Hawaii's Maui island -- fueled by high....

President Joe Biden approves disaster declaration in Hawaii due to forest fires – The NY Journal

2023-08-10T23:51+0200morningexpress (en)

This Thursday, August 10, the President of the United States , Joe Biden, approved the declaration of emergency in the state of Hawaii due to the forest fires on the island. especially those that have occurred in Maui County, which have already caused the death of more than 30 people in the last hours.

At least 36 dead in Hawaii wildfires, tourists evacuated

2023-08-10T19:51+0200eyewitness-news (en)

KAHULUI, UNITED STATES - Fast-moving wildfires have claimed at least 36 lives in the US tourist paradise of Hawaii, where rescuers raced Thursday to evacuate more people from the worst-hit island of Maui. Brushfires on Maui's west coast -- fueled by high winds from a hurricane passing to the south....

EEUU.- Biden decreta el desastre en Hawái tras unos incendios que han dejado ya 36 muertos

2023-08-10T19:09+0200notimerica (es)

August 9, 2023, Maui, HI, United States : Grassland wildfires burn across a drought stricken field as the blaze, driven by high winds sweeps across the tropical island state, August 9, 2023 on Maui, Hawaii. Wildfires fanned by high winds have killed at lea - Europa Press/Contacto/Msgt. Andrew Jackson/Us Air.

Jordan Extends Sympathies Over US Wildfires Tragedy

2023-08-10T19:00+0200petra-en (en)

Amman, Aug. 10 (Petra) -- Jordan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs on Thursday conveyed the Kingdom's profound condolences to the United States , mourning the lives lost in the forest fires that have engulfed the state of Hawaii. The Ministry reiterated Jordan's solidarity with the....

Airlines offer low-cost flights for Hawaiians to flee wildfires that have left at least 36 dead – The NY Journal

2023-08-10T15:33+0200morningexpress (en)

WASHINGTON – Thousands of people are being evacuated from the Hawaiian island of Maui before the forest fires that are devastating it while the emergency teams continue working to extinguish the fires and the search for victims, after a first count of 36 deceased.

Typhoon Khanun and Dora Hit, Lan Gradually Followed

2023-08-10T15:17+0200kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. KOMPAS/A TOMYTRINUGROHO. The location is at Oahua Island, Lanai Island, and Big Island in Hawaii Islands, United States of America. MAUI, THURSDAY — The state of Hawaii in the United States is struggling to deal with the onslaught of Dora storm.

Incendios en Hawái dejan al menos 36 muertos y un

2023-08-10T12:20+0200investing-ES (es)

Por Marco García. KAHULUI, Estados Unidos, 10 ago (Reuters) - Al menos 36 personas han muerto en Estados Unidos después de que los incendios, avivados por los vientos de un lejano huracán, devastaran gran parte de la ciudad turística de Lahaina, en la isla hawaiana de Maui, informó el condado de Maui en un comunicado a última hora del miércoles.

Al menos 36 personas muertas en los incendios de Hawái

2023-08-10T12:04+0200unionradio (es)

Lahaina ( United States ), 10/08/2023.- An arial view of buildings damaged in Lahaina, Hawaii as a result of a large wildfire which has killed 6 people and forced thousands of evacuations on the island of Maui in Hawaii, USA, 09 August 2023. Winds from Hurricane Dora, which is currently over the....

United States: Hawaii ravaged by flames, at least six dead and thousands of evacuations

2023-08-10T07:35+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-08-10T05:34:58.176Z. Highlights: Forest fires fueled by the winds of Hurricane Dora have killed at least six people in the US archipelago of Hawaii. Two islands are currently affected by fires that have destroyed a city and caused thousands of evacuations.

Six People Killed In Forest Fires, Hawaii Prepares Massive Evacuation

2023-08-10T06:16+0200kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. AFP/HO/CARTER BARTO. The photo shared by Carter Barto on Facebook shows the view of smoke rising above as a fire burns in Lahaina, Hawaii, United States on Wednesday (9/8/2023).

Un incendio en el estado de Hawái fuerza a los locales a lanzarse al mar para escapar de los incendios

2023-08-09T19:45+0200elespanol (es)

Fuertes incendios forestales han sido registrados este miércoles en el estado de , Estados Unidos. Los fuertes vientos huracanados han provocado la expansión de las llamas propagando el caos y el descontrol en la isla de Maui . El desastre natural ha obligando a evacuar a cientos de personas.

Catastrofi naturali, 106 miliardi di franchi di danni

2023-08-09T16:54+0200laregione (it)

Le tempeste negli Usa. I due dati non si discostano molto da quelli dell'anno scorso (rispettivamente -3% e +2%), ma si rivelano sensibilmente superiori alla media decennale, che è rispettivamente di 82 e 32 miliardi: gli scarti sono in questo caso del +46% e del +54%.

July hottest month on record: EU climate observatory

2023-08-09T16:15+0200terradaily (en)

July was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth, the European Union's climate observatory confirmed Tuesday, warning of dire consequences. Marked by heatwaves and fires all around the world, the previous month was 0.33 degrees Celsius higher than the record set in July 2019 when the average temperature was 16.

July was the Hottest Month on Record

2023-08-09T03:11+0200europesun (en)

July 2023 easily broke the record for the hottest month ever recorded on Earth, surpassing the previous record, which was July 2019, by 0.33°C. Marked by heatwaves and wildfires around the world, last month's average air temperature was 0.72°C higher than the most recent July average from 1991 - 2020.

Fenómenos climáticos catastróficos en todo el mundo

2023-08-08T21:12+0200aimdigital (es)

Las tormentas furibundas provocaron muertes en los Estados Unidos. Un tren descarriló en Suecia por la acción del viento. Incendios descontrolados en Portugal. Furibundas tormentas provocaron muertes en los Estados Unidos, en tanto que un tren descarriló en Suecia por la acción del viento e incendios descontrolados asolaban Portugal.

July 2023 hottest month on record as heatwaves scorch Earth

2023-08-08T19:02+0200aljazeera-en (en)

July was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth with abnormally high temperatures recorded on both land and sea, the European Union’s climate observatory confirmed, warning of dire consequences for the planet. Marked by heatwaves and fires all around the world , the previous month was 0.33 degrees Celsius (0.

I titolari d'azienda statunitensi cercano una maggiore protezione assicurativa in presenza di rischi crescenti - studio

2023-08-08T15:11+0200marketscreener (it)

Un numero schiacciante di imprenditori negli Stati Uniti sta cercando di ampliare la propria copertura assicurativa in presenza di rischi che vanno dal cambiamento climatico agli attacchi informatici, come ha dimostrato martedì uno studio del brokeraggio assicurativo globale Gallagher.

July hottest month on record, says EU climate agency

2023-08-08T09:33+0200RTERadio (en)

July was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth, the European Union's climate observatory has confirmed. Marked by heatwaves and fires all around the world, July 2023 was 0.33 degrees Celsius higher than the record set in July 2019 when the average temperature was 16.63C, it said. "The month was 0.

Natural disasters cost $110billion in half year

2023-08-07T10:18+0200thenationonlineng (en)

The economic damage caused by natural disasters over the first six months of the year amounted to $110 billion, a report by Amunich Re, has stated. According to the report, the figure is lower than that recorded for the same period in 2022 $120 billion, but still higher than the average for the last ten years of 98 billion USD.

A ‘fire-breathing dragon of clouds’: These are Canada’s wildfire-induced super storms

2023-08-05T14:23+0200theglobeandmail (en)

More than a hundred times this year, the grey, billowing smoke hovering above one of Canada’s many forest fires has suddenly been sucked into a chimney of hot air, then exploded several kilometres into the sky. At the smoky column’s peak, a white, cauliflower-like cloud forms, blocking out the sun.

The World's Temperature Is Boiling, Threatening Life and Food Production

2023-08-04T01:10+0200kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. KOMPAS/RONY ARIYANTO NUGROHO. Two farmers in Kesesi, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java, are preparing to plant rice seedlings in the local rice fields on Wednesday (10/5/2023).

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