Overall Green alert Tropical Cyclone for TEJ-23
in Yemen

Media coverage of this event

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Articles about casualties: 12 (8.5%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Heavy thunder expected to continue throughout Oman in aftermath of Cyclone Tej

2023-10-27T20:34+0200thenational (en)

Heavy thunderstorms along with rain and strong winds were expected in parts of Oman until midnight, according to the country's Civil Aviation Authority, as the country grapples with the aftermath of The heaviest impact was expected over the Hajar mountains and adjacent areas extending to the coast,....

Hurricane Otis: the eastern Pacific’s first inland category 5 storm

2023-10-27T13:03+0200guardian (en)

On Wednesday, Hurricane Otis rapidly developed across the eastern Pacific before making landfall near Acapulco in southern Mexico as a category 5 hurricane with winds speeds estimated at about 165mph. This marked the first time in recorded history that the eastern Pacific has had such a strong....

Renewing a Driving License in the Sultanate of Oman: Conditions, Procedures, and Fees

2023-10-27T07:13+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-27 04:17:00. Many citizens and residents in the Sultanate of Oman are searching for the conditions for renewing a driving license and the fees that must be paid in order to complete the renewal procedures, so we were keen to provide you with all the details related to renewing the driving license through this article.

IOM Yemen - DTM: Flash Alert - Cyclone Tej Update 26 October 2023 - Al Maharah and Hadramawt

2023-10-27T06:06+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments Between 23 and 25 October 2023, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 3,689 households (22,134 individuals) displaced due to Cyclone Tej which made landfall in Al Maharah governorate on 22 October. Most people moved into/within the following governorates and districts: ▪ Al Maharah (3,384 HHs) Haswin....

Les Émirats et le Qatar frappés par d'importantes précipitations

2023-10-26T21:50+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 20h35 D'importantes précipitations se sont abattues jeudi sur certaines régions des Émirats arabes unis et du Qatar, provoquant des perturbations du trafic routier. Ces pluies, rares dans les pays du Golfe, ont donné lieu à des mises en garde des autorités aux automobilistes et aux habitants ainsi que des appels à la prudence.

Les Emirats et le Qatar touchés par de fortes pluies, les habitants appelés à la prudence

2023-10-26T21:19+0200nordeclair (fr)

Des photos et des vidéos de voitures prises dans des rues inondées ont largement circulé sur les réseaux sociaux. Des photos et des vidéos de voitures prises dans des rues inondées ont largement circulé sur les réseaux sociaux. Photo AFP - AFP Par AFP Publié: 26 Octobre 2023 à 21h09 Temps de....

Video Les Emirats et le Qatar touchés par de fortes pluies, les habitants appelés à la prudence

2023-10-26T21:13+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Les Emirats et le Qatar touchés par de fortes pluies, les habitants appelés à la prudence Des photos et des vidéos de voitures prises dans des rues inondées ont largement circulé sur les réseaux sociaux. Des photos et des vidéos de voitures prises dans des rues inondées ont largement circulé sur les réseaux sociaux.

20:55 Météo Les Emirats et le Qatar frappés par d'importantes précipitations

2023-10-26T20:00+0200lorientlejour (fr)

D'importantes précipitations se sont abattues jeudi sur certaines régions des Emirats arabes unis et du Qatar, provoquant des perturbations du trafic routier. Ces pluies, rares dans les pays du Golfe, ont donné lieu à des mises en garde des autorités aux automobilistes et aux habitants ainsi que des appels à la prudence.

Two kills and thousands displaced in Yemen cyclone, charity says

2023-10-26T19:47+0200thenational (en)

At least two people have been killed in Yemen as a result of a tropical cyclone that has affected more than 35,000 households in the country, the Yemen Red Crescent Society (YRCS) said on Thursday. Tropical Cyclone Tej made landfall over the coast of Al Mahra governorate, in the country’s....

Video Shows ‘Unusually Active’ Fall With Six Major Weather Systems Churning Globally

2023-10-26T17:49+0200dailycaller (en)

The CIRA Research department at Colorado State University shared a series of satellite videos Wednesday, showing six major cyclones developing over three different oceans at the same time. Six tropical cyclones started on or around October 23, and are expected to continue for the coming days, according to The Independent.

Green flood alert in Oman, Yemen

2023-10-26T00:01+0200gdacs (en)

Yemen , Oman - Tropical cyclone TEJ, update (ECHO 25 Oct 2023) Wed, 25 Oct 2023 11:12 The passage of tropical cyclone TEJ which made landfall over the southern coast of Al Mahrah Governorate, eastern Yemen on 24 October, resulted in casualties and displacement.

Tropical cyclone kills two, displaces 10,000 in Yemen

2023-10-25T16:06+0200mb-com-ph (en)

ADEN, Yemen - A tropical cyclone has killed at least two people in war-torn Yemen and displaced around 10,000 others, authorities said, after floods destroyed buildings and cut off major roads. Tropical cyclone TEJ made a landfall over the coast of Al Mahra governorate, in the country's southeast, late on Monday and continued to churn northwest.

UAE weather: Heavy rain and thunderstorms in Abu Dhabi and Dubai

2023-10-25T15:03+0200thenational (en)

Parts of the UAE could be hit by heavy rain later this week as stormy weather continues across the country. The National Centre of Meteorology has issued a yellow alert for much of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, forecasting rain and low visibility until 8.30pm on Thursday.

Au Yémen, un cyclone fait deux morts et déplace 10.000 personnes

2023-10-25T13:40+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 12h06 Au moins deux personnes ont été tuées et environ 10.000 autres déplacées par un cyclone tropical qui a fait d'importants dégâts dans le sud-est du Yémen, ont indiqué mercredi les autorités locales. Le cyclone Tej a touché le gouvernorat d'Al Mahra, limitrophe d'Oman, lundi en fin de journée.

Ciclone tropicale Tej: 2 morti e 150 feriti in Yemen

2023-10-25T13:31+0200meteoweb (it)

Il ciclone tropicale Tej si è abbattuto sul Sud/Est dello Yemen , allagando strade, sommergendo veicoli e causando ingenti danni: almeno 2 persone sono morte , mentre sono circa 10mila gli sfollati. Il ciclone ha colpito il governatorato di Al Mahra, al confine con l’Oman, nella tarda serata di lunedì.

Tropical cyclone kills two, displaces 10,000 in Yemen

2023-10-25T13:15+0200bssnews (en)

ADEN, Oct 25, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - A tropical cyclone has killed at least two people in war-torn Yemen and displaced around 10,000 others, authorities said, after floods destroyed buildings and cut off major roads. Tropical cyclone TEJ made a landfall over the coast of Al Mahra governorate, in the....

Tropical cyclone kills two, displaces 10,000 in Yemen

2023-10-25T12:48+0200brecorder (en)

ADEN: A tropical cyclone has killed at least two people in war-torn Yemen and displaced around 10,000 others, authorities said, after floods destroyed buildings and cut off major roads. Tropical cyclone TEJ made a landfall over the coast of Al Mahra governorate, in the country’s southeast, late on Monday and continued to churn northwest.

Tropical cyclone kills two, displaces 10,000 in Yemen

2023-10-25T12:45+0200omanobserver-om (en)

Aden - A tropical cyclone has killed at least two people in war-torn Yemen and displaced around 10,000 others, authorities said, after floods destroyed buildings and cut off major roads. Tropical cyclone Tej made landfall over the coast of Al Mahra governorate, in the country's southeast, late on Monday and continued to churn northwest.

Press Release 25.10.2023: No significant weather over the country during next 5 days except over extreme south peninsular and Northeast India.

2023-10-25T12:44+0200mausam (en)

1 0–––– Government of India Ministry of Earth Sciences India Meteorological Department Press Release Date: 25th October, 2023 Time of Issue: 1245 hours IST Subject: (i) Cyclone “Hamoon” (pronounced as Hamoon) crossed Bangladesh coast to the south of Chittagong near latitude 21.9°N and longitude 91.

Tropical cyclone kills two, displaces 10,000 in Yemen

2023-10-25T12:19+0200wn (en)

ADEN: A tropical cyclone has killed at least two people in war-torn Yemen and displaced around 10,000 others, authorities said, after floods destroyed buildings and cut off major roads. Tropical cyclone TEJ made a landfall over the coast of Al Mahra governorate, in the country’s southeast, late on....

Yemen – Thousands Displaced by Floods After Cyclone Tej Dumps 400mm of Rain

2023-10-25T12:02+0200floodlist (en)

Thousands of people have been displaced after Tropical Cyclone Tej triggered severe flooding in south-eastern Yemen on 23 October 2023. Heavy rain and some damage from flooding was also reported in neighbouring Tropical Cyclone Tej approaches Yemen and Oman, October 2023. Photo: NASA.

Tropical cyclone Tej kills two, displaces 10,000 in Yemen

2023-10-25T11:46+0200arynews (en)

ADEN, Yemen : A tropical cyclone has killed at least two people in war-torn Yemen and displaced around 10,000 others, authorities said, after floods destroyed buildings and cut off major roads. Tropical cyclone TEJ made a landfall over the coast of Al Mahra governorate, in the country’s southeast, late on Monday and continued to churn northwest.

Au moins deux personnes ont été tuées et environ 10 000 autres déplacées par un cyclone tropical dans le sud-est du Yémen. 10 000 personnes déplacées Au Yémen, un cyclone fait deux morts

2023-10-25T11:46+0200journaldemontreal (fr)

Au moins deux personnes ont été tuées et environ 10 000 autres déplacées par un cyclone tropical qui a fait d'importants dégâts dans le sud-est du Yémen, ont indiqué mercredi les autorités locales. Le cyclone Tej a touché le gouvernorat d'Al Mahra, limitrophe d'Oman, lundi en fin de journée.

12:40 Intempéries Au Yémen, un cyclone fait deux morts et déplace 10.000 personnes

2023-10-25T11:45+0200lorientlejour (fr)

Au moins deux personnes ont été tuées et environ 10.000 autres déplacées par un cyclone tropical qui a fait d'importants dégâts dans le sud-est du Yémen, ont indiqué mercredi les autorités locales. Le cyclone Tej a touché le gouvernorat d'Al Mahra, limitrophe d'Oman, lundi en fin de journée.

Au moins deux personnes ont été tuées et environ 10 000 autres déplacées par un cyclone tropical dans le sud-est du Yémen. 10 000 personnes déplacées Au Yémen, un cyclone fait deux morts

2023-10-25T11:42+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Au moins deux personnes ont été tuées et environ 10 000 autres déplacées par un cyclone tropical qui a fait d'importants dégâts dans le sud-est du Yémen, ont indiqué mercredi les autorités locales. Le cyclone Tej a touché le gouvernorat d'Al Mahra, limitrophe d'Oman, lundi en fin de journée.

Tropical cyclone kills two, displaces 10,000 in Yemen

2023-10-25T11:23+0200zawya-palestine (en)

A tropical cyclone has killed at least two people in war-torn Yemen and displaced around 10,000 others, authorities said, after floods destroyed buildings and cut off major roads. Tropical cyclone TEJ made a landfall over the coast of Al Mahra governorate, in the country's southeast, late on Monday and continued to churn northwest.

25 ott 2023, 10:19 Lorenzo Badellino Cronaca meteo. Il ciclone Tej impatta nello Yemen con piogge torrenziali, almeno otto volte superiori alla media annua - Video e foto

2023-10-25T11:16+02003bmeteo (it)

Tej visto dal satellite. Il ciclone tropicale Tey ha appena fatto landfall sulle coste dello Yemen con la forza di un uragano di categoria 1, dopo aver raggiunto l'equivalente della categoria 3 nelle 24 ore precedenti all'impatto sulla terraferma. Sono caduti oltre 200mm di pioggia in poche ore,....

AFP - Yemen-weather

2023-10-25T11:11+0200nampa (en)

Tropical cyclone kills two, displaces 10,000 in Yemen ATTENTION - REFILE to change dateline /// Aden, Oct 25, 2023 (AFP) - A tropical cyclone has killed at least two people in war-torn Yemen and displaced around 10,000 others, authorities said, after floods destroyed buildings and cut off major roads.


2023-10-25T11:00+0200nampa (en)

Tropical cyclone kills two, displaces 10,000 in Yemen Al Mahra, Yemen, Oct 25, 2023 (AFP) - A tropical cyclone has killed at least two people in war-torn Yemen and displaced around 10,000 others, authorities said, after floods destroyed buildings and cut off major roads.

Yemen: Flash Update #1 - Cyclone Tej, 24 October 2023

2023-10-25T10:29+0200reliefWeb (en)

SITUATION OVERVIEW. On 20 October, a depression formed over the Southwest Arabian Sea east-southeast of Socotra in Yemen . According to the international meteorological sources, the storm intensified into an “Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm” by the evening of Sunday, 22 October, before reducing to a....

Video First-Ever Detection of Bird Flu in Antarctica Raises Concerns for Local Wildlife, Especially Penguins

2023-10-25T08:16+0200weather-en-IN (en)

First-Ever Detection of Bird Flu in Antarctica Raises Concerns for Local Wildlife, Especially Penguins. 25 October 2023. The virus likely arrived with birds returning from their migration to South America, where a significant number of bird flu cases have been reported.

Weather: Schools, tourist sites closed in Dhofar

2023-10-25T07:39+0200omanobserver-om (en)

Muscat: All educational institutions in the Dhofar Governorate will remain closed today and tomorrow as part of safety measures in the wake of weather forecasts predicting heavy rains and floods for the next few days. In its statement, the Ministry of Education said that it has decided to suspend....

Six tropical cyclones spin across globe at same time

2023-10-25T00:14+0200independent-UK (en)

Starting 23 October and lasting into the next day, six tropical cyclones spun simultaneously around the globe. CIRA compiled satellite imagery of the six storms, all captured at the same time. The strongest storm of the six is Tropical Cyclone Lola, which grew to a Category 5 late Monday.

Les tempêtes de noms tournent dans pratiquement tous les océans du monde

2023-10-24T23:21+0200news-24 (fr)

Le plus puissant du groupe est le cyclone tropical Lola, qui est passé lundi soir au statut de catégorie 5 sur l’échelle des cyclones australiens alors qu’il apportait du mauvais temps à Vanuatu, à environ 2 000 milles à l’est de l’Australie. Il s’agit de la première tempête aussi forte jamais....

Cyclone Hamoon: IMD issues weather alert

2023-10-24T22:26+0200nagalandpost (en)

Cyclone Hamoon intensified into a ‘very severe’ cyclonic storm on Tuesday morning and moved east-northeastwards with a speed of 23 kmph over the Bay of Bengal, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). “The Very Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘Hamoon’ (pronounced as Hamoon) over the Northwest....

Tej Cyclone losing power, say forecasters in Oman

2023-10-24T19:45+0200thenational (en)

has been downgraded to a tropical depression, Oman authorities said on Tuesday evening, with heavy rain continuing to fall in parts of Dhofar governorate. The Civil Aviation Authority, in an update at 4pm on Tuesday, said while wind would still reach speeds of up to 50kph, the severe weather would gradually dissipate over the next 12 hours.

Tej brings heavy rains, disrupts traffic in Dhofar

2023-10-24T18:08+0200timesofoman (en)

Muscat: The tropical condition Tej that struck Yemen , not only brought heavy rains but also damaged roads, and disrupted power and communications networks . However, there were no reports of human losses or drowning incidents as the government took preventive steps before the cyclone made landfall in the region.

Red Crescent Calls for Assistance as Cyclone Tej Causes Dramatic Flooding in Yemen

2023-10-24T17:19+0200qt (en)

The Red Crescent in Yemen asked national authorities to provide air support to help rescue people stranded by flooding following the arrival of Cyclone Tej on Monday, October 23, local media reported. Homes, roads, and fields in the Al-Mahra Governorate were severely impacted by the flooding, according to the United Nations.

Cyclone Tej shows signs of weakening

2023-10-24T16:56+0200timesofoman (en)

Muscat : The tropical condition Tej has been downgraded to a tropical depression with estimated wind speeds around the centre ranging between 17 and 27 knots, and will gradually dissipate within the next 12 hours, Oman Meteorology said. "The coastal, mountainous and parts of desert areas of Dhofar....

Watch: Gushing waters in Sharjah as UAE rains continue for 8th day

2023-10-24T16:53+0200khaleejtimes (en)

National Centre of Meteorology has predicted that the country will face rainfall until Friday, October 27 Heavy rains continue to batter parts of the UAE on Tuesday. For the last week, social media has been inundated with pictures and videos of wadis and roads.

Tropical cyclone kills 5 in E. Yemen

2023-10-24T16:17+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. ADEN, Yemen , Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- At least five people were killed as Tropical Cyclone Tej struck Yemen's eastern province of Al Mahrah, displacing over a thousand families, a government official told Xinhua on Tuesday. The local official, who asked to remain anonymous,....

Cyclone Hamoon Inches Closer To West Bengal | All You Need To Know

2023-10-24T16:04+0200timesnownews (en)

Double Trouble: India's Dual Cyclone Threat. India faces an unprecedented weather challenge as two cyclones, Cyclone Hamoon in the Bay of Bengal and Cyclone Tej in the Arabian Sea, threaten its coastal regions. ​Cyclone Tej's Unexpected Intensity and Course Change.

Rare Storm to Drop 10 Times Yearly Rain Overnight

2023-10-24T16:03+0200newsweek-USA (en)

Cyclone Tej is ravaging Yemen and could drop 20 inches of rain on the desert nation overnight10 times the area's annual average rainfall. The cyclone made landfall Tuesday morning and has already reportedly dropped 15 inches of rain at the Al-Ghaydah airport in Yemen's Al-Mahra province.

Tropical cyclone kills 5 in E. Yemen

2023-10-24T15:46+0200china.org.cn (en)

ADEN, Yemen , Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- At least five people were killed as Tropical Cyclone Tej struck Yemen's eastern province of Al Mahrah, displacing over a thousand families, a government official told Xinhua on Tuesday. The local official, who asked to remain anonymous, said that large areas of Al....

Tropical cyclone kills 5 in E. Yemen

2023-10-24T15:26+0200english-news-cn (en)

ADEN, Yemen , Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- At least five people were killed as Tropical Cyclone Tej struck Yemen's eastern province of Al Mahrah, displacing over a thousand families, a government official told Xinhua on Tuesday. The local official, who asked to remain anonymous, said that large areas of Al....

Tropical cyclone kills 5 in E. Yemen

2023-10-24T15:26+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

ADEN, Yemen , Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- At least five people were killed as Tropical Cyclone Tej struck Yemen's eastern province of Al Mahrah, displacing over a thousand families, a government official told Xinhua on Tuesday. The local official, who asked to remain anonymous, said that large areas of Al....

Il ciclone Tej provoca pioggia torrenziale e allagamenti in Oman, ora si dirige sullo Yemen

2023-10-24T12:12+0200ohga (it)

Un ciclone potrebbe scaraventare a terra l' acqua che cadrebbe in 10 anni . Il rischio che questo accada nello Yemen è molto alto, al punto tale da far scattare l' allerta meteo . Si tratta del ciclone tropicale Tej , che si è formato sul mare arabico centro meridionale.

Il ciclone Tej travolge Oman e Yemen: pioggia torrenziale e allagamenti. Il

2023-10-24T11:44+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 24 ottobre 2023) Per restare aggiornato sulle ultime notizie segui gratis il canale whatsapp del Tgla7 Puoi anche iscriverti al canale whatsapp della rete la7 su Tg. La7.it - Il ciclone tropicale ...

Meteorology expects Storm Tej to decline

2023-10-24T10:07+0200sabanews-en (en)

[24/October/2023] SANA'A October 24.2023 (Saba)-The National Center for Meteorology and Early Warning reported that the coasts of Al-Mahra and Hadramaut governorates and their inland areas are still under the influence of the cyclonic storm ( Tej ), and it is expected that it will decline into a depression in coming hours.

Il ciclone Tej travolge Oman e Yemen: pioggia torrenziale e allagamenti. Il video

2023-10-24T09:23+0200la7 (it)

Il ciclone tropicale Tej , formatosi sul mare arabico centro meridionale ha travolto le coste dello Yemen e dell'Oman . L’ultimo episodio di tempesta che aveva colpito in modo significativo lo Yemen risale al maggio 2020 L'allerta meteo in Yemen. La tempesta era monitorata già da qualche giorno e le....

Meteorology warns of heavy rainfall in parts of Oman

2023-10-24T08:36+0200timesofoman (en)

Muscat: The tropical storm is located in the coastal areas of Al Mahra governorate in Yemen . Heavy rainfall and strong wind will prevail during the next hours over the Governorate of Dhofar and southern parts of Al Wusta, Oman Meteorology said in warning No. 9 on the tropical cyclone Tej .

Al-Mahra Governor calls on citizens to be cautious to avoid dangers of Storm “Tej”

2023-10-24T08:12+0200sabanews-en (en)

[24/October/2023] SANA'A October 24.2023 (Saba)-Governor of Al-Mahra, Al-Qatabi Ali Al-Farji, called on the people of Al-Mahra to take precautions to avoid the dangers of Tropical Storm “ Tej .” The governor warned citizens living in the depths of the valleys, farmers and fishermen of the dangers of....

Effects of cyclone Tej expected to continue in Oman

2023-10-24T07:25+0200timesofoman (en)

Muscat: The impact of the tropical storm ' Tej ' is expected to continue in Dhofar and Southern parts of Al Wusta governorates until Tuesday afternoon, October 24, 2023, Oman Meteorology said. The tropical storm made landfall through Al Mahra governorate in Yemen . Wind speed around the center is estimated to be between 50 to 60 knots.

UAE weather: Rain forecast on Tuesday afternoon as cyclone weakens

2023-10-24T07:12+0200zawya-palestine (en)

Several parts of the UAE have been experiencing moderate to heavy downpours accompanied by hailstorms as an indirect impact of Cyclone Tej . The cycle in the Arabian Sea is expected to weaken into a tropical storm gradually and then a depression. The National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) expects....

Tej likely to make landfall near Yemen coast, becomes 4th strongest post-monsoon season cyclone in Arabian Sea

2023-10-24T07:02+0200downtoearth (en)

The Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘ Tej ’ over the Arabian Sea is likely to cross the Yemen coast close to Al-Ghaidah in the early hours of October 24, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). Tej, which was an extremely severe cyclonic storm at 5.

UAE weather: Rain forecast on Tuesday afternoon as cyclone weakens

2023-10-24T05:49+0200khaleejtimes (en)

It will be humid by night and Wednesday morning Several parts of the UAE have been experiencing moderate to heavy downpours accompanied by hailstorms as an indirect impact of Cyclone Tej . The cycle in the Arabian Sea is expected to weaken into a tropical storm gradually and then a depression.

Tropical Cyclone Tej makes landfall in Yemen

2023-10-24T04:12+0200thenews-pk (en)

KARACHI: Tropical Cyclone Tej is finally making landfall in Yemen , bringing significant rainfall and a flooding threat across the eastern half of the country and western parts of Oman. Oman announced a two-day holiday for government and private sector employees as part its precautionary measures.

Cyclone Tej to weaken while making landfall in Yemen

2023-10-23T21:14+0200muscatdaily (en)

Muscat – Tropical cyclone Tej was downgraded to Cat 1 on Monday with the possibility of it further weakening to a tropical storm by early Tuesday. With wind speed of around 64 to 82 knots, the cyclone resulted in moderate to heavy rainfall in various parts of Dhofar governorate on Monday.

Meteo. Ciclone Tej, imminente landfall sullo Yemen, potenziali catastrofici effetti

2023-10-23T21:14+02003bmeteo (it)

ciclone Tej sullo Yemen . Il ciclone Tej è pronto a fare landfall sullo Yemen . Si tratta di un ciclone piuttosto severo e capace di produrre precipitazioni alluvionali su una zona molto arida. Si stimano possano cadere fino a giovedì tra i 500 e gli 800mm di pioggia. La città di Al Ghaydah ha una media di soli 50 mm all'anno.

Cyclone Tej Fears Ease in Oman: Wind Moves Towards Yemen’s Coast

2023-10-23T21:11+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-23 18:41:00. Salalah: The threat of Cyclone Tej is over in Oman. The Oman Meteorological Center said the wind was moving towards the coast of Yemen . But the CAA notice says that wind and rain will continue and caution is required. The hurricane, which is currently a Category 1 storm, will soon weaken.

'Tej' to be downgraded to tropical storm

2023-10-23T20:23+0200omanobserver-om (en)

The classification of the tropical system maintained its status as tropical cyclone Category 1 until Monday evening. “We expect Tej to be downgraded to tropical storm by Monday night or Tuesday,” said the weather forecaster at National Multi-Hazard Early Warning Centre and Civil Aviation Authority.

Oman on high alert over Cyclone Tej

2023-10-23T18:15+0200thenational (en)

People have been evacuated from their homes, schools have closed and just under 70 shelters have been set up as Oman braces itself for the arrival of Heavy rainfall has already occurred in parts of the country, with heavy winds reaching 64 to 82 knots expected to arrive later.

Tropical Cyclone Cat 2 centres in southwest of Arabian Sea: NCM

2023-10-23T17:59+0200wam-en (en)

ABU DHABI, 23rd October, 2023 (WAM) – The National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) has said tropical Cyclone Cat 2 is centred in the southwest of the Arabian Sea at latitude 14.6 north and longitude 53.2 east. The NCM issued the following weather update on tropical storm TEJ in the Arabian Sea from October 20 to 25, 2023.

Watch: Heavy rains, thunder in UAE; lightning, hail expected this week

2023-10-23T14:30+0200khaleejtimes (en)

A cyclone in the Arabian Sea is expected to gradually weaken into a tropical storm and then a depression, the UAE’s weather department has said. In its latest update about Cyclone Tej , the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) said the category 2 cyclone currently has wind speeds of up to 165kmph.

India Braces For Cyclone Tej, Cyclone Hamoon | 10 Points

2023-10-23T11:46+0200timesnownews (en)

New Delhi: India is gearing up for two cyclonic storms -- Cyclone Tej and Cyclone Hamoon -- with a likely possibility of a rare phenomenon occuring after five years. Two storms rarely form at the same time and now both the Indian seas – the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea – are experiencing stormy activities.

Weather tracker: Tropical Cyclone Tej approaches Yemen

2023-10-23T11:03+0200wn (en)

Al Ghaydah area could get 500-750mm of rainfall, compared with annual average of 50mm Tropical Cyclone Tej is forecast to make landfall in Yemen this week, bringing significant rainfall and a flooding threat across the eastern half of the country and western parts of Oman.

Weather tracker: Tropical Cyclone Tej approaches Yemen

2023-10-23T10:29+0200guardian (en)

Tropical Cyclone Tej is forecast to make landfall in Yemen this week, bringing significant rainfall and a flooding threat across the eastern half of the country and western parts of Oman. At the time of writing, Tej is centred about 250 miles south of Salalah, Oman.

Cyclone 'Hamoon' Threat Looms over Bay of Bengal as IMD Warns of Intensifying Depression

2023-10-23T10:26+0200latestly (en)

Bhubaneswar/Kolkata, October 23: The deep depression formed over the Bay of Bengal may intensify into a cyclone by Monday evening, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said in a bulletin. The cyclonic storm, after its formation, will be called 'Hamoon', a name given by Iran.

Weather report: Low rainfall in Tamil Nadu this week, Kerala set for monsoon showers; dry condition in rest of India

2023-10-23T07:53+0200firstpost (en)

Minimum temperature across Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh on 19 October, 2023: Hanle -7.2°c Nyoma -4.6°c Drass -3.5°c Leh -2.0°c Gulmarg -1.3°c Pahalgam -0.6°c Sonamarg -0.4°c Shopian -0.3°c Bandipora 2.5°c Kupwara 2.7°c Srinagar 4.7°c Bhaderwah 4.9°c Banihal 6.5°c Qazi Gund 7.4°c Katra 11.8°c Jammu 13.

Heavy rain, hail batter UAE; residents warned of 'hazardous weather' as Cyclone Tej deepens

2023-10-23T06:14+0200zawya-palestine (en)

Heavy rains hit parts of the UAE on Sunday afternoon, as predicted by the National Centre of Meteorology. The authority has issued orange and yellow alerts in parts of Ras Al Khaimah and Fujairah as the downpour increases. The alert is in place until 8pm tonight.

India Weather Update: IMD predicts heavy rainfall in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and THESE states till October 25 – check complete forecast

2023-10-23T04:44+0200financialexpress (en)

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued forecasts for heavy rainfall accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning in Tamil Nadu. Moreover, Kerala is expected to experience heavy rainfall, along with thunderstorms, lightning, and gusty winds from October 22 to October 25.

Yemen’s presidential council prepares for tropical cyclone threatening eastern provinces

2023-10-23T04:18+0200famagusta-gazette (en)

The Yemen i Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) on Saturday asked local government administrations to bolster their preparedness and coordinate precautionary measures to mitigate the potential impact of tropical cyclone Tej that is expected to make landfall in the eastern provinces.

Cat 4 cyclone Tej looms over Dhofar

2023-10-22T22:02+0200muscatdaily (en)

Muscat – Tropical cyclone Tej intensified into a Category 3 cyclone on Sunday with the likelihood of further strengthening into Category 4 by Monday. The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) issued a warning of extremely heavy rainfall on Monday and Tuesday accompanied with flash floods mainly in Dhofar and some parts of Al Wusta.

‘Tej’ impact brings rains

2023-10-22T20:39+0200omanobserver-om (en)

Classified as Category 3 (till the time of filing this report), tropical cyclone ‘ Tej ’ began its impact on various parts of the Dhofar Governorate with the influx of clouds and rainfall of varying intensity by Sunday evening. Analysis by the National Multi-Hazard Early Warning Centre also indicated....

NMC: No direct impact of Cyclone Tej on Saudi Arabia

2023-10-22T19:23+0200saudigazette (en)

Okaz/Saudi Gazette JEDDAH — The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) revealed that the tropical condition of the extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm Tej in the Arabian Sea would not have a direct impact on the atmosphere of Saudi Arabia. However, its indirect effects will be represented by experiencing....

Category 4 Cyclone Tej Approaches Oman Coast: Public Holiday Announced, Shelters Urged

2023-10-22T19:21+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-22 14:25:00. 22 October 2023, 07:55 PM IST – Salalah: Cyclone Tej approaches Oman coast. The Meteorological Department has warned that it is likely to intensify into a Category 4 tropical cyclone in the next 24 hours. Rain started in Dhofar region. With this, a public holiday has been declared for Dhofar region tomorrow and the day after.

UAE Braces for Rain as Cyclone Tej Approaches

2023-10-22T18:02+0200bolnews (en)

Arabian Sea cyclone to indirectly affect UAE with moisture influx; Expect cumulus clouds and rain, mainly in UAE’s east and south; Cyclone ‘ Tej ’ now category 2 with 165-175 kmph winds. A tropical cyclone forming in the Arabian Sea is poised to exert an “indirect influence” on the United Arab....

Southern Oman braces for impact of Cyclone Tej

2023-10-22T16:45+0200thenational (en)

Oman's National Committee for Emergency Management has ordered the evacuation of parts of the Dhofar governate in preparation for Tropical Cyclone Tej , which is expected to make landfall on Sunday night. Authorities have also announced two days of holiday for public and private sectors in the Dhofar....

Le cyclone ‘Tej’ dévaste la côte du Sultanat d’Oman – Al-Baath Media

2023-10-22T15:30+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-10-22 14:42:33. L’Autorité météorologique d’Oman a déclaré : La dernière observation montre que les conditions tropicales se sont transformées en un ouragan de troisième degré avec des vents rapides, tandis que le centre de l’ouragan, qui s’est formé en mer depuis la côte d’Oman, est à moins de 500 kilomètres.

Watch: Heavy rains hit UAE as Cyclone Tej deepens

2023-10-22T15:24+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Heavy rains hit parts of the UAE on Sunday afternoon, as predicted by the National Centre of Meteorology. The NCM had earlier said that the UAE would see the effects of Cyclone Tej , a tropical storm that is brewing in the Arabian Sea. Although it is currently a category 2 cyclone, experts expect it....

Press release dated 22.10.2023: Heavy rainfall likely over Kerala and Tamil Nadu during next 2 days.

2023-10-22T15:20+0200mausam (en)

1 0–––– Government of India Ministry of Earth Sciences India Meteorological Department Press Release Date: 22nd October, 2023 Time of Issue: 1400 hours IST Subject: (i) Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm “ Tej ” (pronounced as Tej) over westcentral & adjoining southwest Arabian Sea likely to move....

Cyclone Tej: Direct impact to be felt from tonight

2023-10-22T14:16+0200omanobserver-om (en)

Salalah: Hasik in the Wilayat of Sadah in Dhofar on Sunday began to see the flow of stratiform clouds heralding rain. Latest Updates about the Tropical System in Arabian Sea Tropical cyclone classified as category 3 named Tej is located south west of Arabian Sea, now situated at approximately 12.6 degrees North latitude and 54.

22 ott 2023, 13:03 Lorenzo Badellino Cronaca meteo. Due uragani e un ciclone tropicale in azione su Messico, Caraibi e Yemen. La situazione

2023-10-22T14:03+02003bmeteo (it)

L'uragano Norma in azione sul Messico. Norma, Tammy e Tej sono tre sistemi tropicali che stanno interessando America e Arabia Saudita, tutti piuttosto violenti. Poi troviamo in azione anche Lola, una tempesta tropicale sul Pacifico meridionale che punta la Nuova Caledonia. Ma andiamo con ordine.

UAE: Cyclone Tej to have 'indirect impact' on country; rains forecast

2023-10-22T13:35+0200zawya-palestine (en)

A tropical cyclone brewing in the Arabia sea will have an “indirect effect” on the UAE, the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) has said. Moisture from the sea will flow into the country’s east and south, resulting in cumulus clouds accompanied by rain. This came as the authority issued an update about Cyclone ‘ Tej ’.

UAE: Cyclone Tej to have 'indirect impact' on country; rains forecast

2023-10-22T12:10+0200khaleejtimes (en)

It is expected to deepen into a category 3 cyclone in the next 24 hours A tropical cyclone brewing in the Arabia sea will have an “indirect effect” on the UAE, the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) has said. Moisture from the sea will flow into the country’s east and south, resulting in cumulus clouds accompanied by rain.

Holidays, school closures in Oman amid cyclone threat

2023-10-22T11:26+0200gulfnews (en)

Meteorological data indicates that Cyclone Tej is intensifying and is likely to escalate to a category 4 cyclone within the next 24 hours. Currently categorised as a category 3 cyclone, Tej is situated around 500km from the Omani coast, with wind speeds estimated to be between 100 to 112 knots.Illustrative image Image Credit: Pixabay.

NCM classifies tropical situation in Arabian Sea as a 'tropical cyclone Cat.1'

2023-10-22T07:46+0200wam-en (en)

Sun 22-10-2023 09:13 AM NCM classifies tropical situation in Arabian Sea as a 'tropical cyclone Cat.1' ABU DHABI, 22nd October, 2023 (WAM) --The National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) has classified the tropical situation TEJ in the Arabian Sea as a ‘’tropical cyclone Cat.1''.

Tej intensifies into category 3, Cyclone; 500km away from coasts

2023-10-22T07:17+0200omanobserver-om (en)

Muscat: The latest satellite images and analyses from the National Center for Early Warning of Multiple Hazards indicate the system is now a Category 3 Cyclone, located southwest of the Arabian Sea. The cyclone Tej is now located at 12.03 degrees North latitude and 55.33 degrees East longitude.

India braces for twin storms: Cyclone Tej in Arabian Sea, Hamoon in Bay of Bengal

2023-10-22T06:46+0200indiatoday (en)

Weather experts have predicted the formation of twin cyclones in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, in a rare phenomenon previously observed in 2018. While cyclone ‘ Tej ’ is set to turn into a severe storm brewing in the Arabian sea, cyclone ‘Hamoon’ in the Bay of Bengal is in a premature stage.

Breaking News LIVE: Delhi’s air quality continues to remain in ‘poor’ category with AQI of 266

2023-10-22T06:46+0200financialexpress (en)

Latest news today (October 22): Presenting FE’s Breaking News today. We will keep you updated on all major news, views and much more throughout the day. Cyclone Tej to intensify into ‘severe cyclonic storm’ before noon today: IMD. Cyclone ‘Tej’ brewing over the south-west of the Arabian Sea is very....

World News | Earthquake of Magnitude 5.3 Jolts Nepal

2023-10-22T04:59+0200latestly (en)

Kathmandu [Nepal], October 22 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 5.3 on the Richter Scale jolted Nepal on Sunday, according to the National Center for Seismology (NCS). The NCS stated that the earthquake occurred at 07:24 am (IST) on Sunday at a depth of 10 kilometers.

World News | 6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Kathmandu Valley

2023-10-22T04:59+0200latestly (en)

Kathmandu, Oct 22 (PTI) An earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale on Sunday hit Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre, the earthquake with epicentre in Dhading district was recorded at 7:39 am.

Cyclone Tej won’t hit Mumbai

2023-10-22T04:12+0200mid-day (en)

With two cyclonic systems brewing in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, experts say no imminent danger for those living on the coasts According to meteorologists, the two storms, when formed, will be separated by a large distance, in excess of 2,500 km Even as two cyclonic systems are....

Severe Cyclone Tej: Impending Impact on Yemen and Oman Coasts with High-speed Winds and Heavy Rains

2023-10-22T02:54+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-21 21:52:22. Only 600 kilometers separate Cyclone Tej from the southern parts of the Arabian Peninsula, specifically the coasts of Yemen and Oman. It is expected that its impact will begin indirectly tomorrow, Monday, while the impact will be direct next Tuesday.

Cyclone 1 Tej is now 714 km away from Oman's coasts

2023-10-21T23:09+0200omanobserver-om (en)

Muscat: The latest satellite images and analyses from the National Center for Early Warning of Multiple Hazards indicate the system is now Category 1 Cyclone, located southwest of the Arabian Sea. The cyclone Tej is now located at 11.02 degrees North latitude and 57.29 degrees East longitude. It is about 690 kilometers away from the coasts of Oman.

Les écoles ferment, les pêcheurs se mettent à l'abri, le Yémen se prépare au cyclone

2023-10-21T22:26+0200arabnews-fr (fr)

AL-MUKALLA : Les autorités du sud du Yémen ont déclaré l'état d'urgence, fermé les écoles et demandé aux pêcheurs de rester chez eux, alors que le pays se prépare à affronter le cyclone Tej , en même temps que des pluies torrentielles, une mer agitée et des vents soufflant jusqu'à 110 km à l'heure.

UAE Embassy in Muscat issues warning to citizens over tropical cyclone in Oman

2023-10-21T21:59+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Emiratis are urged to follow safety instructions issued by relevant authorities as tropical cyclone Tej is expected to hit Oman today The UAE Embassy in Muscat has called on its citizens in Oman to be cautious over unstable weather conditions caused by tropical cyclone Tej that is brewing in the Arabian Sea.

Tej intensifies into Category 1 tropical cyclone

2023-10-21T20:53+0200muscatdaily (en)

Muscat – Tropical storm Tej , located southwest of Arabian Sea, intensified into a Category 1 tropical cyclone on Saturday evening, likely resulting in heavy downpour in the range of 50mm-200mm in Dhofar and Yemen on Sunday. Precipitation is likely to increase to 200mm-600mm on Monday and 200mm-800mm....

Tropical Storm (Tej) 714 km away from coasts of Oman

2023-10-21T19:21+0200omanobserver-om (en)

Muscat: The latest satellite images and analyses from the National Center for Early Warning of Multiple Hazards indicate the system will continue as a tropical storm, located southwest of the Arabian Sea. Tropical Storm Tej is now located at approximately 11.02 degrees North latitude and 57.29 degrees East longitude.

Tropical storm Tej reclassified as first-degree cyclone

2023-10-21T19:13+0200timesofoman (en)

Muscat: The tropical storm in the Arabian Sea has been reclassified from a tropical storm to a first degree 'tropical cyclone'. The center of the cyclone is 714 kilometers away from the Dhofar coast. ⁧On Saturday, the National Centre for Emergency Management held a meeting headed by Major General....

Tropical Storm (Tej) 755 km away from coasts of Oman

2023-10-21T16:49+0200omanobserver-om (en)

Muscat: The latest satellite images and analyses from the National Center for Early Warning of Multiple Hazards indicate the system will continue as a tropical storm, located southwest of the Arabian Sea. Tropical Storm Tej is now located at approximately 10 degrees North latitude and 57.31 degrees East longitude.

Yemen's presidential council prepares for tropical cyclone threatening eastern provinces

2023-10-21T16:27+0200china.org.cn (en)

ADEN, Yemen , Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- The Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) on Saturday asked local government administrations to bolster their preparedness and coordinate precautionary measures to mitigate the potential impact of tropical cyclone Tej that is expected to make landfall in the eastern provinces.

Yemen's presidential council prepares for tropical cyclone threatening eastern provinces

2023-10-21T16:21+0200english-news-cn (en)

ADEN, Yemen , Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- The Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) on Saturday asked local government administrations to bolster their preparedness and coordinate precautionary measures to mitigate the potential impact of tropical cyclone Tej that is expected to make landfall in the eastern provinces.

Yemen's presidential council prepares for tropical cyclone threatening eastern provinces

2023-10-21T16:18+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

ADEN, Yemen , Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- The Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) on Saturday asked local government administrations to bolster their preparedness and coordinate precautionary measures to mitigate the potential impact of tropical cyclone Tej that is expected to make landfall in the eastern provinces.


2023-10-21T14:15+0200mausam (en)

1 0–––– Government of India Ministry of Earth Sciences India Meteorological Department Press Release Date: 21st October, 2023 Time of Issue: 1300 hours IST Subject: (i) The Well Marked Low Pressure Area over Southeast and adjoining Central Bay of Bengal very likely to intensify into a Depression....

My group of 4 sailed on the Disney Fantasy for $5,000. See inside our 299-square-foot deluxe oceanview room with a verandah.

2023-10-21T12:29+0200insider-com (en)

My family and I are on a quest to sail on every Disney cruise ship. After canceling our trip on the Disney Wish because of Hurricane Ian, we received 20% off two voyagers' fares on our next cruise. We decided to book a trip on the Disney Fantasy , paying roughly $5,000 for four adults.

Tropical Storm Tej can develop to first-degree tropical cyclone

2023-10-21T11:14+0200timesofoman (en)

Muscat: Civil Aviation Authority issued weather alert No. (3) on Tropical situation in the Arabian Sea Tropical Storm ( Tej ) The CAA said: "The latest satellite images and analyzes of the National Centre of Early Warning of Multiple Hazards indicate that the tropical condition continues as a tropical....

Tropical Storm (Tej) 870 km away from coasts of Oman

2023-10-21T11:05+0200omanobserver-om (en)

Muscat: The latest satellite images and analyses from the National Center for Early Warning of Multiple Hazards indicate the system will continue as a tropical storm, located southwest of the Arabian Sea. Tropical Storm Tej is now located at approximately 10 degrees North latitude and 58.53 degrees East longitude.

Yemen: Agrometeorological update - October Issue (Ref: #38) | 01 - 30 September 2023 [EN/AR]

2023-10-21T10:43+0200reliefWeb (en)

HIGHLIGHTS A cyclonic storm referred to as 05A or Tropical Cyclone Tej is impacting Socotra with strong winds and rain; 72 percent decrease in rainfall activities reported across the country; Further rainfall decreases are expected as the winter season is slowly ushered in; Large-scale flood-related....

Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 3 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-21T10:09+0200zawya-palestine (en)

Hurricane Norma on Friday once again strengthened to a Category 3 storm as it approaches a tourist hotspot on Mexico's Pacific coast. The hurricane -- which at one point was a Category 4 out of five on the Saffir-Simpson scale -- is now packing maximum sustained winds of 195 kilometers per hour (120....

08h12 La Guadeloupe passe en alerte rouge cyclone face à la menace de l’ouragan Tammy

2023-10-21T08:20+0200huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

HELENE VALENZUELA / AFP A picture taken on September 5, 2017 shows a general view of buildings in Point-a-Pitre in the French overseas island of Guadeloupe, as islanders brace themselves for the arrival of Hurricane Irma. Irma picked up strength and has become an "extremely dangerous" Category Five....

Weekend Weather (October 21-22): Cyclone Tej Forms In Arabian Sea; To Intensify Into a Severe Cyclonic Storm

2023-10-21T08:12+0200weather-en-IN (en)

With the setting in of easterlies/northeasterlies over Southern Peninsular India, the northeast monsoon rainfall activity is likely to commence over the region in the next 48 hours. However, the initial phase of the northeast monsoon in general is likely to be weak.

Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 3 ahead of Mexico landfall 21 October 2023

2023-10-21T07:38+0200enca (en)

Hurricane Norma on Friday once again strengthened to a Category 3 storm as it approaches a tourist hotspot on Mexico's Pacific coast. The hurricane -- which at one point was a Category 4 out of five on the Saffir-Simpson scale -- is now packing maximum sustained winds of 195 kilometers per hour, the....

Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 3 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-21T05:37+0200wn (en)

Mexico City, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Oct, 2023) Hurricane Norma on Friday once again strengthened to a Category 3 storm as it approaches a tourist hotspot on Mexico's Pacific coast. The hurricane -- which at one point was a Category 4 out of five on the Saffir-Simpson scale --....

The Battle for Relegation: Intense League Cup Showdowns and Cup Qualification Drama

2023-10-21T05:25+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-21 02:32:07 The fight for relegation in the League Cup has several teams involved. There are only five dates left. 15 points at stake that will define everything. The relegation zone is red hot, but the classification for the Cups also keeps all the teams in suspense.

Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 3 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-21T05:17+0200urdupoint (en)

Mexico City, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Oct, 2023) Hurricane Norma on Friday once again strengthened to a Category 3 storm as it approaches a tourist hotspot on 's Pacific coast. The hurricane -- which at one point was a Category 4 out of five on the Saffir-Simpson scale -- is....

Cyclone Tej likely to turn into ‘severe cyclonic storm’ tomorrow. Details

2023-10-21T04:38+0200HindustanTimes (en)

The brewing Cyclone ‘ Tej ’ in the Arabian Sea is turning into a ‘cyclonic storm’ today and is expected to turn into a ‘severe cyclonic storm’ by Sunday evening, said the India Meteorological Department (IMD). On Friday, the IMD informed that a low-pressure area over the southeast and southwest Arabian Sea had developed into a depression.

Up-to-Date Coverage: Cyclone ‘Tej’ Approaching Oman’s Coast – Get the Latest Updates and Safety Measures

2023-10-21T04:16+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-21 01:48:31. Muscat: The Oman Meteorological Center has said that the tropical depression formed in the Arabian Sea will turn into a cyclone. The cyclone will be known by the name ‘ Tej ’ suggested by India. The tropical depression continues to move west-northwestward towards the coast of Oman’s Dhofar Governorate and Yemen .

Mumbai Remains on High Alert – Essential Information

2023-10-21T03:52+0200vervetimes (en)

Mumbai is currently under a cyclone alert, as the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a warning about potential weather changes in the Maharashtra city due to a possible cyclonic storm developing in the Arabian Sea. According to the IMD’s latest weather update on Monday, a low-pressure....

Hurricane Norma strengthens to Category 3 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-21T03:23+0200mb-com-ph (en)

Mexico City, Mexico - Hurricane Norma on Friday once again strengthened to a Category 3 storm as it approaches a tourist hotspot on Mexico's Pacific coast. (Photo from AFP) The hurricane -- which at one point was a Category 4 out of five on the Saffir-Simpson scale -- is now packing maximum....

Hurricane Norma downgraded to Category 2 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-21T02:11+0200malaymail (en)

The hurricane — which on Thursday had registered as a powerful Category 4 out of maximum five on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale — featured sustained winds of 109 miles an hour (175 kmh), the US National Hurricane Centre said. Landfall was expected today, with the tourist resort of Cabo San....

Hurricane Tammy to hit Caribbean this weekend | Hurricane Hunt

2023-10-21T00:59+0200buffalonews (en)

Cindy made history. When it tuned into a tropical storm on June 22, 2023 became the first year on record where two named storms (tropical storm or hurricane) developed in the main development region of the Atlantic Ocean in the month of June. The main development region is an area from the Lesser....

At stake: Instituto plays as a visitor against Huracán on date 9 League Cup – News from Argentina

2023-10-21T00:12+0200esdelatino-com (en)

In other hand in hand with direct rivals for remaining in the Professional League, Institute visits Huracán, for the ninth date of Zone A of the League Cup. With television TNT Sports. They will face each other again just two months after what was the Argentine Cup crossing in Santa Fe that put “Globo” in the round of 16.

Hurricane Norma downgraded to Category 2 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-20T21:56+0200wn (en)

Hurricane Norma weakened Friday to a Category 2 storm ahead of landfall near a tourist hotspot on Mexico's Pacific coast. The hurricane—which on Thursday had registered as a powerful Category 4 out of maximum five on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale—featured sustained winds of 109 miles an....

Severe Tropical Depression Threatens Salalah and Yemen: Latest Updates, Predictions, and Impact

2023-10-20T21:30+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-20 15:05:25. Direct impact on Salalah may start from tomorrow due to depression formed in Oman. The low pressure formed in the Arabian Sea has turned into a tropical low pressure, officials said. The central part is currently about 1100 km from the Salalah coast. The wind is blowing at a speed of 37 to 50 km per hour.

Hurricane Norma downgraded to Category 2 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-20T21:23+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

This image obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows Hurricane Norma off Mexico's Pacific coast on October 19, 2023 at 15:00 Zulu. Norma strengthened on October 19, 2023, to a major Category 3 as it headed toward Mexico's Pacific coast, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said.

Hurricane Idalia blew flamingos off course, and 2 landed in Chincoteague

2023-10-20T21:07+0200torontosun (en)

If they had hoped to go unnoticed, it hasn’t worked. With their long, twiggy legs, question-mark necks and Barbie-pink plumage, the magnificent birds stand out like awkward guests at a cocktail party to which they weren’t invited. At about five feet tall and weighing four to eight pounds, the....

Hurricane Norma downgraded to Category 2 ahead of Mexico landfall

2023-10-20T20:25+0200phys (en)

The hurricane—which on Thursday had registered as a powerful Category 4 out of maximum five on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale—featured sustained winds of 109 miles an hour (175 kmh), the US National Hurricane Center said. Landfall was expected Saturday, with the tourist resort of Cabo San....

Meriden Prepares for El Niño

2023-10-20T20:25+0200myrecordjournal (en)

MERIDEN — As we started to see average fall temperatures in Meriden this week, we can also expect an El Niño this winter, which may change preparation plans for everyone. According to Space.com, El Niño is an anomalous warming of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean, typically covering much of the....

Hurricane Norma to Slam Mexico This Weekend

2023-10-20T19:29+0200claimsjournal (en)

Heavy rain and high winds will sweep the southern part of Mexico’s Baja California Sur, including Cabo San Lucas, for the next few days as Hurricane Norma approaches possible making a brief landfall sometime Saturday or early Sunday. Norma has top winds of 115 miles per hour, making it a Category 3....

Cyclone Tej: IMD predicts rainfall in several states amid storm brewing in Arabian Sea; check latest forecast

2023-10-20T18:22+0200dnaindia (en)

The IMD has predicted that it will become a cyclonic storm during the following 24 hours and an extensive cyclonic event on October 22 (Sunday). The depression is predicted to proceed near the shores of Yemen and southern Oman. A cyclonic storm named " Tej " has built in the Arabian Sea, according to....

Tammy officially becomes a hurricane: See forecast and storm path Weather

2023-10-20T17:58+0200usaToday (en)

gained enough strength to officially become a hurricane Friday morning, according to the Friday morning's advisory from the NHC said tropical storm conditions are expected to start Friday afternoon or evening in the Lesser Antilles islands. Hurricane conditions are expected in portions of the Leeward Islands by late Friday or Saturday morning.

Cyclone Tej: Mumbai on alert, here's all you need to know

2023-10-20T14:45+0200dnaindia (en)

Mumbai is currently under a cyclone alert, as the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a warning about potential weather changes in the Maharashtra city due to a potential cyclonic storm developing in the Arabian Sea. According to the IMD's latest weather update on Monday, a....

Cyclone 'Tej': Mumbai Braces for Rains, But Storm in Arabian Sea Likely to Move Towards Yemen, Oman | Details

2023-10-20T14:36+0200news18 (en)

A depression over southwest Arabian Sea is expected to form into a cyclone in the next 24 hours even as a low pressure area lies over southwest and adjoining southeast Bay of Bengal, said the India Meteorological Department on Friday. The post-monsoon season’s first storm in the Arabian Sea will be....

Hurricane Idalia blew flamingos off course. Two landed in Chincoteague.

2023-10-20T12:07+0200WashingtonPost (en)

The cause of the kerfuffle is the arrival of two American flamingos, tropical birds who have no business being anywhere around here, which have taken up residence in marshland on opposite ends of the island and don’t seem to be in a hurry to leave. If they had hoped to go unnoticed, it hasn’t worked.

Hurricane Norma weakens to category 3 as it heads toward Mexico

2023-10-20T08:50+0200efe (en)

Mexico City, Oct. 19 (EFE) – Hurricane Norma reduced its intensity to category 3 on Thursday afternoon during its advance toward northwestern Mexico, where it will make up to two landfalls during the weekend, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) reported.

Norma Rapidly Explodes Into Major Hurricane; Rains Expected In Central US

2023-10-20T08:12+0200natureworldnews (en)

Norma's Track. The National Hurricane Center said that at 300 PM MDT (2100 UTC), the center of Hurricane Norma was spotted near latitude 17.5 North, longitude 108.0 West. Norma is moving towards the north near 6 mph (9 km/h). Further a turn to the north-northwest at a similar forward speed is expected during the next couple of days.

More than half of Britons back Braverman claim that migrant crossings are an ‘invasion’

2023-10-20T08:09+0200telegraph (en)

More than half of Britons back Suella Braverman’s claim that the surge in small boat Channel migrants is an “invasion” , according to a poll of nearly 2,000 people. The poll, for the Migration Watch think tank, found that 51 per cent supported the Home Secretary’s wording when asked whether it was....

Atlantic hurricanes strengthening faster

2023-10-20T04:48+0200thenews-pk (en)

PARIS: Atlantic hurricanes are now more likely to quickly strengthen from weak storms than during the 1970s and 80s, according to new research published on Thursday, which warned of an increasing risk to coastal communities. Scientists say human-caused climate change is creating the conditions for....

Treasure Cay residents hit at Water Corp Dorian billing

2023-10-20T04:19+0200tribune242 (en)

By YOURI KEMP. Tribune Business Reporter. ykemp@tribunemedia.net. Treasure Cay residents have accused the Water & Sewerage Corporation of billing them for services never supplied due to Hurricane Dorian’s destruction of the utility’s systems. Homeowners told Tribune Business they have recently been....

Disaster Relief in Hawaii

2023-10-20T03:25+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments On August 8, 2023, wildfires ravaged Maui, Hawaii, and the situation worsened when Hurricane Dora brought in strong winds, exacerbating the already raging fires. The initial team of volunteers from the United States representing the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation (BTCF) arrived on-site on August 16, followed by two more groups.

Climate change making Atlantic hurricanes twice as likely to strengthen from weak to major intensity in 24 hours

2023-10-19T23:52+0200mycentraloregon (en)

NOAA via Getty Images. (NEW YORK) — Tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin may now be more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak hurricane or tropical storm into a major hurricane in just 24 hours due to climate change and warming waters, a new study suggests.

Ypao Point nearly cleaned up of Typhoon Mawar debris but still a contentious hospital site

2023-10-19T23:52+0200guampdn (en)

Ypao Point in Tamuning has been nearly cleaned up five months after it was turned into a Typhoon Mawar debris site, but whether or not it’s the future location of a new Guam Memorial Hospital remains a contentious topic, based on Thursday’s legislative oversight hearing.

Atlantic hurricanes strengthening faster due to climate change, study finds

2023-10-19T23:01+0200france24-en (en)

Scientists say human-caused climate change is creating the conditions for more powerful storms that intensify more quickly, carry more water and generate bigger storm surges, although more research is needed to ascertain if it is also making hurricanes more frequent.

You could dress like Beckhams for fraction of price – here’s locations of charity shops where celebs drop off old stuff

2023-10-19T22:07+0200thesun (en)

The Beckham family have been spotted donating to Red Cross charity shop in Chelsea Credit: Google. If you've got designer taste but not the hefty price tag to match, then you may just want to get yourself down to Red Cross charity shop in the 'posh' area of Chelsea in West London.

Hurricane Norma Packs Powerful Winds as It Churns Toward Mexico

2023-10-19T21:44+0200nytimes (en)

Hurricane Norma was on track to brush past Cabo San Lucas on Thursday as it churned toward Baja California Sur in Mexico, where forecasters say it will unleash torrential rain and flooding in the southern portions of the state this weekend. The Category 4 hurricane ’s winds had reached 130 miles per hour as it churned north at 7 m.

Surprise Response to Weather Phenomenon Is Bad Omen for the Future

2023-10-19T20:29+0200newsweek-USA (en)

Meteorologists are worried about what future hurricane seasons may look like given the As of Thursday, 19 named storms have formed this year, with the addition of one unnamed subtropical storm that formed in January. The storm count has already surpassed the average of 14 storms per season, and....

Comprendre les niveaux d'alerte et le moment de leur passage guadeloupe

2023-10-19T20:09+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Cinq niveaux d’alerte cyclonique sont définis dans les dispositions spécifiques ORSEC de la Guadeloupe dans le cadre des phénomènes météorologiques. Ils peuvent être précisés par les définitions suivantes : Cyclone; Fortes pluies et orages; Vagues-submersion; Vent violent. Jaune Menace potentielle dans un délai de 48h/72h.

US coastal areas brace for two strong storms from Pacific, Atlantic oceans this weekend, know details here

2023-10-19T19:10+0200livemint (en)

ALSO READ: Category 4 Hurricane Lidia slams near Mexico's Puerto Vallarta; schools, airport to remain closed. 10 points Also, by Thursday, additional strengthening is possible which is followed by gradual weakening beginning Friday and continuing into the weekend.

Hurricanes are growing stronger much faster than they did in the 1970s

2023-10-19T19:00+0200newscientist-nsmm (en)

Global warming is making hurricanes grow stronger much faster than they used to. As the world continues to warm, they will intensify even faster. “If we don’t take urgent action to limit future warming, then that’s a trend that we would expect to continue to see worsen in the future,” says Andra Garner at Rowan University in New Jersey.

Atlantic hurricanes rapidly gaining strength along US East Coast, study says

2023-10-19T18:43+0200wkzo (en)

By Gloria Dickie. Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 storm to a major Category 3 hurricane in just 24 hours, new research finds, with U.S. East Coast cities poised to take a critical hit.

Atlantic hurricanes rapidly gaining strength along US East Coast, study says

2023-10-19T18:01+0200channelnewsasia (en)

Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 storm to a major Category 3 hurricane in just 24 hours, new research finds, with US East Coast cities poised to take a critical hit. Over the past 20 years, the likelihood of such a scenario unfolding in the Atlantic Basin was 8.

Atlantic hurricanes rapidly gaining strength along US East Coast, study says

2023-10-19T17:58+0200whbl (en)

By Gloria Dickie. Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 storm to a major Category 3 hurricane in just 24 hours, new research finds, with U.S. East Coast cities poised to take a critical hit.

Atlantic hurricanes rapidly gaining strength along US East Coast, study says

2023-10-19T17:54+0200wsau (en)

By Gloria Dickie. Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 storm to a major Category 3 hurricane in just 24 hours, new research finds, with U.S. East Coast cities poised to take a critical hit.

Atlantic hurricanes rapidly gaining strength along US East Coast, study says By Gloria Dickie Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 storm to a major... 45m ago

2023-10-19T17:53+0200kelo (en)

By Gloria Dickie. Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 storm to a major Category 3 hurricane in just 24 hours, new research finds, with U.S. East Coast cities poised to take a critical hit.

Atlantic hurricanes strengthening faster: study

2023-10-19T17:49+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

PARIS, France, (AFP) – Atlantic hurricanes are now more likely to quickly strengthen from weak storms than during the 1970s and 80s, according to new research published Thursday, which warned of an increasing risk to coastal communities. Scientists say human-caused climate change is creating the....

Environment Hurricanes are growing stronger much faster than they did in the 1970s News Free

2023-10-19T17:45+0200newscientist (en)

Global warming is making hurricanes grow stronger much faster than they used to. As the world continues to warm, they will intensify even faster. “If we don’t take urgent action to limit future warming, then that’s a trend that we would expect to continue to see worsen in the future,” says Andra Garner at Rowan University in New Jersey.

Atlantic hurricanes rapidly gaining strength along US East Coast, study says October 19, 2023 at 11:07 am EDT

2023-10-19T17:38+02004-traders (en)

Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 storm to a major Category 3 hurricane in just 24 hours, new research finds, with U.S. East Coast cities poised to take a critical hit. Over the past 20 years, the likelihood of such a scenario unfolding in the Atlantic Basin was 8.

Atlantic hurricanes rapidly gaining strength along US East Coast, study says Gloria Dickie |Updated 12 minutes ago |2 min read Premium content By Gloria Dickie Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 storm to a major....

2023-10-19T17:29+0200thechronicleherald (en)

By Gloria Dickie. Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 storm to a major Category 3 hurricane in just 24 hours, new research finds, with U.S. East Coast cities poised to take a critical hit.

Atlantic hurricanes rapidly gaining strength along US East Coast, study says

2023-10-19T17:25+0200saltwire (en)

By Gloria Dickie. Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 storm to a major Category 3 hurricane in just 24 hours, new research finds, with U.S. East Coast cities poised to take a critical hit.

Atlantic hurricanes are getting stronger faster than they did 40 years ago

2023-10-19T17:19+0200popsci (en)

On the morning of September 11, 2023, Hurricane Lee (left) churned in the Atlantic Ocean northeast of Puerto Rico, with Tropical Storm Margot (right) further to the east. NOAA SHARE There is about a month and a half left in the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane season , and it’s a season that has seen some rapidly intensifying storms.

Atlantic Hurricanes Rapidly Gaining Strength Along US East Coast, Study Says

2023-10-19T17:14+0200usnews (en)

Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 storm to a major Category 3 hurricane in just 24 hours, new research finds, with U.S. East Coast cities poised to take a critical hit. Over the past 20 years, the likelihood of such a scenario unfolding in the Atlantic Basin was 8.

Atlantic hurricanes rapidly gaining strength along US East Coast, study says

2023-10-19T17:08+0200streetinsider (en)

FILE PHOTO: FILE PHOTO: A satellite image shows Hurricane Elsa over the Lesser Antilles and approaching the Caribbean Sea July 2, 2021. NOAA/Handout via REUTERS /File Photo. By Gloria Dickie. Hurricanes spinning across the Atlantic Ocean are now more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak....

Climate Change Doubles Atlantic Hurricanes' 24-Hour Intensity Surge

2023-10-19T17:08+0200miragenews (en)

Atlantic hurricanes may now be more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak Category 1 hurricane to a major Category 3 or stronger hurricane in a 24-hour period than they were between 1970 and 1990, suggests a paper published in Scientific Reports.

Hurricane Scientist Issues 'Urgent Warning' Over Her Findings

2023-10-19T17:07+0200newsweek-USA (en)

Hurricanes in the Atlantic are intensifying faster than ever before, a scientist has found, saying her findings should serve as an "urgent warning" to people to change their behavior. Atlantic hurricanes are twice as likely to go from a weak Category 1 to a major Category 3or perhaps even strongerin....

Climate change making it twice as likely for hurricanes to strengthen in 24 hours

2023-10-19T17:02+0200ABCnews (en)

Tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin may now be more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak hurricane or tropical storm into a major hurricane in just 24 hours due to climate change and warming waters, a new study suggests. Hurricanes are also now more likely to strengthen more rapidly along the East Coast of the U.

‘It’s like a hurricane came into the shop’: Midleton retailers count the cost of floods

2023-10-19T14:28+0200irishtimes (en)

Lisa O’Connell was cutting and dyeing hair for customers at the HS2 Salon on Midleton’s Main Street when Wednesday’s downpour began. She said it was “crazy” watching water levels rise outside at a rapid speed. A short time later the deluge from Storm Babet caused the salon’s front window to shatter. “I have never seen anything like it,” she said.

New Zealand's horticulture sector needs its own Minister

2023-10-19T14:13+0200freshplaza-nl (en)

The incoming Prime Minister is being urged to appoint a Minister of Horticulture to Cabinet to help pave the way for ensuring the essential supply of nutritious fruit and vegetables for New Zealand and the world while creating jobs and export success. Horticulture New Zealand Chief Executive Nadine....

Courage to Experiment To the highlight topic

2023-10-19T12:59+0200kit (en)

Climate change is associated with increasingly frequent droughts. This increases the risk of forest fires. On a walk through the forest, forest scientist Dr. Somidh Saha from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) advocates more research and courage to experiment. Dr.

Tropical Storm Tammy expected to become 7th hurricane of season hurricane

2023-10-19T12:44+0200tcpalm (en)

is expected to strengthen and could become a hurricane by Monday, according to the latest advisory from the National Hurricane Center. Tropical storm watches have been issued for several islands in the northeastern Caribbean, where tropical storm conditions and heavy rain are possible beginning Friday.

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