M 5.7 in Nepal on 03 Nov 2023 18:02 UTC

Media coverage of this event

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Articles about casualties: 665 (23.8%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Architecture et urgence, deux sujets qui motivent les étudiants

2023-11-10T17:31+0100lemoniteur (fr)

Les étudiants en architecture étaient présents en nombre, le 9 novembre 2023, à l’Espace Oscar-Niemeyer à Paris (XIXe). Pas pour voir la coupole dessinée par le Brésilien qui a donné son nom au lieu, mais pour écouter les intervenants afghans, arméniens, libanais, turcs et français du colloque....

Este será el fin de Vigo (con fecha y causas), según el visionario de ChatGPT

2023-11-10T17:29+0100elespanol (es)

Vigo (Pontevedra) es la ciudad más grande de Galicia . Ubicada en el noroeste de España, esta ciudad costera es conocida por su industria metalúrgica, sus playas y sus monumentos. Según los últimos datos del INE, actualmente viven en ella 292.374 personas, pero su origen se remonta muchos siglos atrás.

IFRC scales up aid efforts in response to Jajarkot Earthquake

2023-11-10T17:23+0100nepalnews (en)

Jajarkot Earthquake. Kathmandu, Nov 10: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has launched an emergency appeal to raise 5 million Swiss Francs (equivalent to Rs 739 million) to scale up relief and response efforts of the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS).

Emergency alerts largely remain untriggered before Nepal tremors felt in India

2023-11-10T17:11+0100thehindu (en)

When tremors hit Delhi and surrounding areas following the 6.4 magnitude earthquake on last Friday and the 5.6 magnitude aftershock this Monday in Nepal , the government and private early alert systems did not reach many of the people who could feel palpable tremors.

Investidura, Llach, Tsunami y más: los 5 temas del momento

2023-11-10T17:07+0100elnacional-cat (es)

¿Qué está pasando este 10 de noviembre? Desde de ElNacional.cat te llevamos|traemos cinco titulares destacados de la jornada . Ponte al día con la selección de noticias esenciales de hoy con este vídeo de menos de dos minutos: Sánchez cierra definitivamente la investidura.

Otro temblor en cercanías de Huasco: sismo tuvo magnitud de 4.5

2023-11-10T17:03+0100LaTercera (es)

A fines de octubre un sismo magnitud 6,6 se registró en las cercanías de Huasco . Esa jornada se reportaron cortes de suministro eléctrico y de agua. A 10 días de ese temblor, otro movimiento alertó a los habitantes de la zona. Un sismo de una magnitud 4.5 se registró a las 12.27 horas de este viernes.

National Police tells love story of a soldier in the Liut (Rage) brigade

2023-11-10T16:59+0100pravda-ua-eng (en)

Anatolii, a soldier of the Safari assault regiment of the National Police, and his beloved Natalia got married while staying in the combat zone. The couple’s love story began on the school benches, the National Police "They studied at school together, but they did not dare to approach each other and admit to their feelings for each other.

Temblor se registra pasado el mediodía de este viernes en Atacama y Coquimbo

2023-11-10T16:58+0100adnradio (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.5 se registró pasado el mediodía de este viernes 10 de noviembre en las regiones de Atacama y Coquimbo, según informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional. De acuerdo al organismo, el sismo se registró a 41 kilómetros al suroeste de Huasco y tuvo una profundidad de 51 kilómetros.

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 5.1 en Huasco

2023-11-10T16:48+0100infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5.1 y con una profundidad de 11.0 kilómetros alertó a los habitantes de la ciudad chilena de Huasco El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -71.655 grados de longitud y -28.713 grados de latitud, es decir a 51.0 kilómetros al Suroeste de dicha ciudad, de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

United Nations Response to the Western Nepal Earthquake 2023 (as of 10 November 2023)

2023-11-10T15:40+0100reliefWeb (en)

Attachments A week since the 3 November earthquake struck Western Nepal , UN agencies have strengthened their cluster co-leadership functions, prepositioned relief items, and facilitated the transportation and storage of assistance. Several agencies are also reprogramming their current development....

Global 10 Nov 2023 Patanjali sends trucks carrying relief material to earthquake-hit Nepal

2023-11-10T15:28+0100devdiscourse (en)

Patanjali sends trucks carrying relief material to earthquake-hit Nepal Patanjalis Founder President and Yoga Guru Ramdev and General Secretary Acharya Balkrishna on Friday sent eight trucks carrying essential goods and food items to earthquake-affected regions in Nepal.

Diques y esclusas para el desarrollo, gobernar es administrar

2023-11-10T15:19+0100infobae (es)

En medio de sus diques perimetrales, las esclusas del canal de Panamá , subiendo el nivel de sus aguas, levantan gigantescas embarcaciones cargadas de productos hasta 25 mts para que puedan transitar por el punto más alto del canal y luego las hacen descender.

India News | Patanjali Sends Trucks Carrying Relief Material to Earthquake-hit Nepal

2023-11-10T15:10+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Patanjali's Founder President and Yoga Guru Ramdev and General Secretary Acharya Balkrishna on Friday sent eight trucks carrying essential goods and food items to earthquake-affected regions in Nepal .

Miguel Ángel Carballo, el discípulo del fiscal general que se querelló contra el procés y ahora salva a Puigdemont

2023-11-10T14:57+0100eldebate (es)

Miguel Ángel Carball o (1964) fue nombrado teniente fiscal de la Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional, en 2017, por el entonces responsable del Ministerio Público, José Manuel Maza, quien se encargó de confeccionar la querella con la que se iniciaba la causa contra el proćés de Cataluña.

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacude las aguas del sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-10T14:56+0100eluniversal (es)

Caracas.- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacudió este viernes las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de momento de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la actividad....

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T14:40+0100diarioSur (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

La Fiscalía rechaza que se pueda investigar a Puigdemont y Rovira por el Tsunami

2023-11-10T14:21+0100es-ara-cat (es)

Madrid Ni terrorismo ni indicios contra Carles Puigdemont y Marta Rovira. La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional ha registrado este viernes el recurso de apelación que había anunciado contra la auto del juez Manuel García-Castellón y rechaza de lleno su tesis.

Terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacude las aguas del sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-10T14:13+0100elaragueno (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacudió este viernes las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de momento de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la actividad sísmica en....

Nostradamus's chilling 2024 predictions - including King Charles drama, war and tsunami

2023-11-10T13:26+0100themirror (en)

One major prediction from Nostradamus makes reference to a "King of the Isles" being "driven out by force". Though there is no reference to any particular royal figurehead, some experts believe it could be King Charles who is set for exile. Nostradamus' claim read: "King of the Isles driven out by force.

La CEOE asegura que el acuerdo PSOE-Junts genera inseguridad jurídica para las empresas

2023-11-10T13:17+0100economiadigital (es)

El presidente de la asociación de autónomos ATA y vicepresidente de la CEOE, Lorenzo Amor , ha asegurado este viernes que el acuerdo alcanzado este jueves entre PSOE y Junts es contrario al Estado de Derecho y genera inseguridad jurídica para las empresas. Amor ha manifestado la preocupación del tejido empresarial que provoca el acuerdo.

China Quick Take: Blizzards, robot arms and a returning orchestra

2023-11-10T13:07+0100cgtn (en)

Heavy snow and blizzards have hit the north and northeast of China, disrupting transport, animal husbandry and telecommunication facilities – and prompting an immediate response from local rescue departments. Heilongjiang, Jilin and Inner Mongolia experienced major blizzards on Monday and Tuesday.

IFRC scales up aid efforts in response to Nepal’s Karnali Earthquake: Emergency appeal launched

2023-11-10T13:05+0100reliefWeb (en)

Kathmandu/ Kuala Lumpur/ Geneva, 10 November 2023 - The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has launched an emergency appeal for 5 million Swiss Francs to scale up relief and response efforts of the Nepal Red Cross Society. Last Friday, a 6.

La Fiscalía remarca que no hay terrorismo en Tsunami Democràtic ni ve indicios contra Puigdemont

2023-11-10T13:03+0100diariodesevilla (es)

La Fiscalía considera que no hay indicios de culpabilidad suficientes para investigar al expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont o a la secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, por los disturbios del otoño de 2019 atribuidos a Tsunami Democràtic, donde no ve ni un grupo criminal ni carácter terrorista.

La Fiscalía remarca que no hay terrorismo en Tsunami Democràtic ni ve indicios contra Puigdemont

2023-11-10T13:00+0100huelvainformacion (es)

La Fiscalía considera que no hay indicios de culpabilidad suficientes para investigar al expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont o a la secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, por los disturbios del otoño de 2019 atribuidos a Tsunami Democràtic, donde no ve ni un grupo criminal ni carácter terrorista.

La Fiscalía remarca que no hay terrorismo en Tsunami Democràtic ni ve indicios contra Puigdemont

2023-11-10T13:00+0100granadahoy (es)

La Fiscalía considera que no hay indicios de culpabilidad suficientes para investigar al expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont o a la secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, por los disturbios del otoño de 2019 atribuidos a Tsunami Democràtic, donde no ve ni un grupo criminal ni carácter terrorista.

La Fiscalía remarca que no hay terrorismo en Tsunami Democràtic ni ve indicios contra Puigdemont

2023-11-10T12:59+0100europasur (es)

La Fiscalía considera que no hay indicios de culpabilidad suficientes para investigar al expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont o a la secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, por los disturbios del otoño de 2019 atribuidos a Tsunami Democràtic, donde no ve ni un grupo criminal ni carácter terrorista.

La Fiscalía remarca que no hay terrorismo en Tsunami Democràtic ni ve indicios contra Puigdemont

2023-11-10T12:57+0100diariodejerez (es)

La Fiscalía considera que no hay indicios de culpabilidad suficientes para investigar al expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont o a la secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, por los disturbios del otoño de 2019 atribuidos a Tsunami Democràtic, donde no ve ni un grupo criminal ni carácter terrorista.

La Fiscalía remarca que no hay terrorismo en Tsunami Democràtic ni ve indicios contra Puigdemont

2023-11-10T12:57+0100eldiadecordoba (es)

La Fiscalía considera que no hay indicios de culpabilidad suficientes para investigar al expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont o a la secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, por los disturbios del otoño de 2019 atribuidos a Tsunami Democràtic, donde no ve ni un grupo criminal ni carácter terrorista.

Earthquake in Japan: Magnitude 6.4 Quake Jolts Tokyo, No Tsunami Warning Issued Yet

2023-11-10T12:41+0100latestly (en)

Neither casualties have been reported as a result of the quake, nor any tsunami warning has been issued yet. An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck Japan’s capital Tokyo and its nearby region on Thursday, November 10. Meanwhile, neither casualties have been reported as a result of the quake, nor any tsunami warning has been issued yet.

La Fiscalía rechaza "conjetura alguna respecto de la responsabilidad penal de Puigdemont" con Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-10T12:34+0100elperiodico (es)

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional defiende que respecto a la investigación sobre Tsunami Democràtic no se puede establecer "conjetura alguna respecto de la responsabilidad penal" del expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont . Así consta en el recurso de apelación que ha interpuesto este viernes....

La Fiscalía rechaza investigar a Puigdemont y Marta Rovira en la causa del Tsunami y descarta el terrorismo

2023-11-10T12:27+0100eltriangle (es)

La Fiscalía rechaza investigar al expresidente de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Carles Puigdemont , ya la secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira , en la causa del Tsunami Democrático. En el recurso que ha presentado contra la resolución de la Audiencia Nacional, el ministerio fiscal no ve acreditado....

REACCIONES AL ACUERDO DE INVESTIDURA: Jordi Sánchez dice que el referéndum no está sobre la mesa sino abordarlo en el futuro desde "la lealtad constitucional"

2023-11-10T12:27+0100dclm (es)

Jordi Sánchez dice que el referéndum no está sobre la mesa sino abordarlo en el futuro desde "la lealtad constitucional" El exsecretario general de Junts Jordi Sánchez ha afirmado este viernes que, en el pacto alcanzado entre el PSOE y el partido liderado por Carles Puigdemont, el referéndum catalán....

REACCIONES AL ACUERDO DE INVESTIDURA: Zapatero compara la amnistía con sus conversaciones con ETA, asegurando que el diálogo acabó con el terrorismo

2023-11-10T12:00+0100dclm (es)

Zapatero compara la amnistía con sus conversaciones con ETA, asegurando que el diálogo acabó con el terrorismo El expresidente del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero ha remarcado este viernes que la amnistía será beneficiosa para "todos" porque normalizará la relación con los nacionalistas y....

Sismo de 5,9 sacudió las aguas del sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-10T11:58+0100unionradio (es)

YAKARTA.- Un sismo de magnitud 5,9 sacudió este viernes las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia , sin que las autoridades hayan informado de momento de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la actividad....

Tremor TODAY in Peru, LIVE earthquakes on November 10: epicenter and magnitude, according to IGP

2023-11-10T11:51+0100bullfrag (en)

He Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) provides a daily report in real time and with updated information on the latest earthquakes, since telluric movements occur every day that are often imperceptible because Peru It is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area where 90% of the planet’s seismic activity is concentrated.

Terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacude las aguas del sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-10T11:51+0100el-nacional (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacudió este viernes las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de momento de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la actividad sísmica en....

La Fiscalía subraya que no hay indicios de terrorismo para imputar a Puigdemont por el caso Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-10T11:50+0100republica (es)

La Fiscalía considera que no hay indicios de culpabilidad suficientes para investigar al expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont por los disturbios del otoño de 2019 atribuidos a la plataforma Tsunami Democràtic , en la que no ve ni la existencia de un grupo criminal ni de carácter terrorista.

La Fiscalía recurre el auto sobre Tsunami y niega indicios de terrorismo contra Puigdemont

2023-11-10T11:44+0100ondacero (es)

La Fiscalía considera que no hay indicios de culpabilidad suficientes para investigar al expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont por los disturbios del otoño de 2019 atribuidos a la plataforma Tsunami Democràtic , en la que no ve ni la existencia de un grupo criminal ni carácter terrorista.

La Fiscalía remarca que no hay terrorismo en Tsunami ni indicios contra Puigdemont

2023-11-10T11:43+0100infobae (es)

Madrid, 10 nov (EFE).- La Fiscalía considera que no hay indicios de culpabilidad suficientes para investigar al expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont por los disturbios del otoño de 2019 atribuidos a la plataforma Tsunami Democràtic, en la que no ve ni la existencia de un grupo criminal ni carácter terrorista.

Fiscalía no ve terrorismo en Tsunami y dice que los indicios contra Puigdemont son "insuficientes"

2023-11-10T11:31+0100vozpopuli (es)

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional ha recurrido el auto del en el que imputa por delito de terrorismo a Carlos Puigdemont, Marta Rovira y otra decena de personas. El Ministerio Público considera que la plataforma radical no cometió ni terrorismo ni sería una organización criminal y dice que los....

La Fiscalía ve “insuficientes” los indicios para imputar por terrorismo a Puigdemont por el ‘caso Tsunami Democràtic’

2023-11-10T11:29+0100deia-eus (es)

La Fiscalía considera que no hay indicios de culpabilidad suficientes para investigar al expresidente catalán Carles Puigdemont por los disturbios del otoño de 2019 atribuidos a la plataforma Tsunami Democràtic, en la que no ve ni la existencia de un grupo criminal ni carácter terrorista.

The Public Prosecutor's Office rejects that Tsunami Democràtic is terrorism and resorts to send the case to Catalonia only for public disorder

2023-11-10T11:24+0100tellerreport (en)

Justice The chief prosecutor of the Court saw "terrorism" in Tsunami and rectified it three days after 23-J; The Prosecutor's Office defended in July that the investigation into Tsunami Democràtic was for "terrorism" and later said that it did so by "mistake" The Public Prosecutor's Office of the....

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:24+0100elcorreodigital (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:21+0100DiarioVasco (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

La Fiscalía recurre la decisión del juez de investigar a Puigdemont por terrorismo

2023-11-10T11:21+0100elimparcial (es)

que dirige la investigación por terrorismo sobre el movimiento Tsunami Democràtic contra el expresidente Carles Puigdemont , la secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, y otra decena de investigados. El Ministerio Público se apoya en la convicción de que las actuaciones de ese movimiento no encajan....

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:19+0100eldiariomontanes (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

La Fiscalía acusa al juez de Tsunami de imputar el delito de terrorismo a Puigdemont

2023-11-10T11:19+0100elnacional-cat (es)

La Fiscalía sostiene que no hay indicios del delito de terrorismo en la causa de Tsunami. Barcelona. Viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2023. 11:15 Tiempo de lectura: 1 minuto. Contundente. La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional ha presentado un recurso contra la resolución del juez Manuel García....

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:19+0100larioja (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:17+0100elcomercio-es (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

Tras la decisión del juez La Fiscalía recurre la imputación de Puigdemont por terrorismo en la causa de Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-10T11:17+0100lasexta (es)

El Ministerio Fiscal entiende que las investigaciones no han arrojado elementos que permitan sostener la existencia de una organización o grupo criminal, ni tampoco su carácter terrorista. La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional ha interpuesto un recurso de apelación contra el auto dictado el pasado....

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:14+0100elnortedecastilla (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:14+0100ideal (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:12+0100laverdad (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:11+0100lasprovincias (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

La Fiscalía recurre la acusación de terrorismo contra Tsunami Democràtic y rechaza imputar a Puigdemont y Marta Rovira

2023-11-10T11:11+0100cadenaser (es)

Madrid. La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional ha presentado un recurso de apelación directa contra el auto del juez Manuel García-Castellón, que El Ministerio Público sostiene que la causa, instruida bajo secreto desde hace 4 años, no ha arrojado elementos que permitan sostener la existencia de una....

Claudia Martínez carga contra Sheila y le pide a Mario que le pare los pies

2023-11-10T11:11+0100telecinco (es)

Claudia Martínez se ha cansado de una situación que le parece ya insostenible. La exparticipante de ' La isla de las tentaciones ha cargado contra Sheila Izquierdo y ha recriminado la actitud de Mario González al no pararle los pies . La influencer no puede soportar por más tiempo que hable a diario....

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:09+0100HoyDigital (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

La Fiscalía descarta que Puigdemont dirigiera las acciones terroristas de Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:08+0100canarias7 (es)

Recurre la decisión del juez de la Audiencia Nacional García Castellón de investigar al expresidente catalán por alterar la paz social y pide que la causa vaya a los juzgados de Barcelona por desórdenes públicos graves.

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional no ve delito de terrorismo en Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-10T11:07+0100elindependiente (es)

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional ha interpuesto en el día de hoy recurso de apelación contra el auto dictado el pasado lunes, por el juez Manuel García Castellón, quien lleva la causa de Tsunami Democràtic. El Ministerio Fiscal entiende que las actuaciones de la investigación en los últimos....

La Fiscalía cree que no hay indicios suficientes para imputar a Puigdemont por terrorismo en Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:03+0100eldebate (es)

Carles Puigdemont investigado en la Audiencia Nacional por Tsunami Democràtic Paula Andrade. La Fiscalía cree que no hay indicios suficientes para imputar a Puigdemont por terrorismo en Tsunami. El Ministerio Público ha registrado su escrito de conclusiones sobre la causa y pide retirarla de la Audiencia Nacional.

Fiscalía carga contra el juez que imputó a Puigdemont y reduce Tsunami a "un perfil de Twitter"

2023-11-10T11:01+0100elespanol (es)

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional ya ha recurrido el auto del juez que imputó a Carles Puigdemont y a Marta Rovira en el caso Tsunami Democrátic. Tal y como avanzó EL ESPAÑOL, el Ministerio Público no cree que dicha organización independentista estuviese organizada ni que cometiese actos de terrorismo.

La Fiscalía no ve «indicios suficientes contra Puigdemont en Tsunami

2023-11-10T11:01+0100sevilla-abc (es)

Recurre en apelación y carga contra la «intangibilidad de la imputación» por terrorismo Argumenta que no hay pruebas de terrorismo y pide enviar la causa a Cataluña. La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional ha formalizado el recurso de apelación directo contra el auto que imputa por ilícitos de....

El tsunami Ballenoil ahoga a la competencia

2023-11-10T10:46+0100huffingtonpost-es-es (es)

Ballenoil ha alcanzado las 230 gasolineras en funcionamiento tras la apertura en el último mes de cinco nuevas estaciones de servicio automáticas y prevé superar así sus objetivos para este año finalizando el ejercicio con un total de cinco más. El operador independiente de carburantes sigue así en....

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacude las aguas del sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-10T10:42+0100lapatilla (es)

Imagen de archivo de los datos de un sismógrafo tras un terremoto. EPA/Alanah M. Torralba. Un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacudió este viernes las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de momento de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de....

Sánchez enfila la investidura tras encajar a Puigdemont en su puzle más difícil

2023-11-10T10:28+0100elobrero (es)

Un mensaje cimentado en que no podía darse una segunda oportunidad a la derecha, en que había que afianzar las políticas progresistas de los últimos años y en que los socios imprescindibles para conseguirlo no iban a encontrar otra opción que beneficiara más a sus intereses.

At least 128 persons dead from 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Western Nepal

2023-11-10T10:16+0100tvcnews (en)

At least 128 people have died while dozens were injured after a strong earthquake struck the Western area of Jajarkot in Nepal . Nepal Officials said houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far away as New Delhi in neighboring India shook. The magnitude 6.4 quake struck early Saturday, according to Nepal’s National Seismological Centre.

Healthcare Crisis Follows Deadly Earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-10T09:54+0100globalissues (en)

At midnight of Friday, November 3, a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote district of Jajarkot in western Nepal , and rural communities are dealing with physical destruction, loss of lif e, and a lack of basic healthcare services, which pose a significant threat to public health in the aftermath of the earthquake.

Creepy 'hollow' island censored on Google Maps and surrounded by killer sea beasts

2023-11-10T09:30+0100dailystar (en)

Vostok Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean has long been shrouded in mystery. Thought to be surrounded by barracudas and up to 15 sharks , the island is so remote no one has ever set foot on it. The land mass caused a stir on social media after some users noticed it had been "blacked out" on , reports The Sun .

Banda Sea Hit by Another Earthquake, BMKG Reports

2023-11-10T09:28+0100tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that another earthquake measuring a magnitude of 5.9 on the Richter scale struck the Banda Sea, Maluku on Friday, November 10, at 10:50 Western Indonesian Time (WIB). As of 11:00 WIB, the agency recorded 115 aftershocks with the largest magnitude of 6.

Restrepo, Meta, registró un sismo de magnitud 3.9 este 10 de noviembre

2023-11-10T09:08+0100infobae (es)

La intensidad de tipo 6 implica un "daño leve" , en este rango algunas personas pueden llegar a perder el equilibrio; algunos objetos llegan a caerse y muchas edificaciones presentan daños leves. El nivel 7 se presenta cuando hay un "daño moderado" , es decir, los muebles pesados llegan a....

Xi Jinping Sends Message of Condolence to President of Nepal Ramchandra Paudel over Strong Earthquake Hitting Nepal Li Qiang Sends ..

2023-11-10T09:06+0100chinese-foreign-office (en)

On November 4, 2023, President Xi Jinping sent a message of condolence to President of Nepal Ramchandra Paudel over a strong earthquake hitting Nepal. Xi Jinping said that he was shocked to learn of the strong earthquake in Nepal's Karnali Province that has caused heavy casualties and property losses.

Islamic Relief to help Nepalese families struggling to survive winter cold after earthquake destroyed homes

2023-11-10T09:00+0100reliefWeb (en)

Islamic Relief is to provide lifesaving aid in Nepal , where 2 powerful earthquakes have killed at least 157 people and destroyed thousands of homes. On Friday night a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck remote communities in western Nepal. With its epicentre in Jajarkot district, the quake was so....

Healthcare Crisis Follows Deadly Earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-10T08:52+0100ipsnews (en)

struck the remote district of Jajarkot in western Nepal , and rural communities are dealing with physical destruction, loss of lif e, and a lack of basic healthcare services, which pose a significant threat to public health in the aftermath of the earthquake.

Almost half of reported killed and injured in Nepal’s earthquake are children

2023-11-10T08:41+0100devdiscourse (en)

The latest disaster is the largest earthquake in Nepal since two earthquakes in 2015 took the lives of nearly 9,000 people, a third of whom were children. Almost half of those reported killed and injured in Nepal’s recent earthquake are children. The 6.

Asia News Wrap: Nepal reels from giant quake and aftershocks, and more

2023-11-10T08:30+0100cgtn (en)

Fifty-seven people were killed and hundreds injured when Nepal 's worst earthquake in eight years hit a remote part of the northwest of the country on November 3. The quake shook buildings as far away as India's capital, New Delhi. Nepal's National Seismological Center said the quake occurred at 11:47 p.

Temporary earthquake monitoring station set up in Bajhang

2023-11-10T08:22+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 10. A temporary earthquake monitoring station has been set up in Chainpur, the headquarters of Bajhang district, with the frequent occurrence of earthquake in Sudurpaschim and Karnali provinces in recent times. The National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre, Lainchaur....

UK King Charles expresses grief over quake devastation in Nepal

2023-11-10T07:59+0100nepalnews (en)

King Chares of the UK has expressed sadness over the earthquake's devastation in Nepal . The British Embassy in Nepal informed that King Charles sent a message to President Ram Chandra Paudel and expressed grief over the loss of lives and property in the Jajarkot earthquake.

Temporary earthquake monitoring station set up in Bajhang

2023-11-10T07:42+0100nepalnews (en)

A temporary earthquake monitoring station has been set up in Chainpur, the headquarters of Bajhang district, with the frequent occurrence of earthquakes in Sudurpaschim and Karnali provinces in recent times. The National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre, Lainchaur said the temporary....

Nepal: Western Nepal Earthquake 2023 - Situation Report No. 02, as of 10 November 2023

2023-11-10T06:45+0100reliefWeb (en)

This report is produced by the Humanitarian Country Team Nepal in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It was issued by the UNRCO. It covers the period from 07-10 November 2023. HIGHLIGHTS As of 8 November, a total of 466 aftershocks in western Nepal were reported. On 6 November at 16:30hrs, a strong aftershock of local magnitude (ML) 5.

4. Sánchez enfila la investidura tras encajar a Puigdemont en su puzle más difícil

2023-11-10T06:17+0100diaridetarragona (es)

Un mensaje cimentado en que no podía darse una segunda oportunidad a la derecha, en que había que afianzar las políticas progresistas de los últimos años y en que los socios imprescindibles para conseguirlo no iban a encontrar otra opción que beneficiara más a sus intereses.

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacude las aguas del sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-10T06:10+0100diario26 (es)

Yakarta, 10 nov (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacudió este viernes las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de momento de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra....

Korea to provide $300,000 worth of humanitarian aid to quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-10T05:52+0100koreatimes (en)

Korea will provide $300,000 worth of humanitarian assistance to Nepal to help the country cope with the aftermath of a deadly earthquake that has killed more than 150 people, the foreign ministry said Friday. The government hopes the provision will help Nepalese people who have suffered damage from....

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacude las aguas del sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-10T05:50+0100infobae (es)

Yakarta, 10 nov (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,9 sacudió este viernes las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de momento de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra....

La amnistía solo abarcará al ‘procés’, pero el PSOE y Junts abren la puerta a ampliarla a casos de ‘lawfare’ o “judicialización política” denunciados por el independentismo

2023-11-10T05:46+0100elpais (es)

El acuerdo suscrito este jueves entre el PSOE y Junts contempla una ley de amnistía con la que, según recoge el texto, se pretende “procurar la plena normalidad política, institucional y social como requisito imprescindible para abordar los retos del futuro inmediato”.

Rec.0 rescata las marcas veteranas en su nueva edición

2023-11-10T05:17+0100modaes (es)

Rec.0 celebra su edición número 25. El evento bianual, que se está celebrando en Igualada desde el 8 al 11 de noviembre, y reúne a más de un centenar de empresas de moda, desde grandes marcas a diseñadores emergentes. Un año más, el evento vuelve a acoger el mercadillo de intercambio, que incluye....

ERC revisará el acuerdo del PSOE y Junts pero celebra la «vía negociadora»

2023-11-10T05:10+0100lavozdegalicia (es)

Pere Aragonès señala que «lo importante son los acuerdos en sí y con el conjunto de los acuerdos gana Cataluña. Yo, como presidente, en lo que me fijaré será en lo que gane el país por encima de todo» 10 nov 2023 . Actualizado a las 05:00 h. El PSOE contactó ayer con ERC para trasladarles los....

Estupor en la carrera judicial: "Construirán tribunales populares en el Parlamento"

2023-11-10T05:09+0100vozpopuli (es)

A falta de leer la ley de amnistía, el ac uerdo entre Pedro Sánchez y Carles Puigdemont para investir al primero de ellos ha provocado estupor y preocupación a partes iguales en la práctica mayoría de la carrera judicial. Además de la medida de gracia que borrará todas las causas judiciales de la....

Génova coordina a sus CCAA para "desbordar las plazas" el 12-N y veta el acceso a "reaccionarios"

2023-11-10T05:06+0100elconfidencial (es)

El Partido Popular espera una afluencia "masiva" en las calles de España este domingo. El pacto entre PSOE y Junts es ya una realidad tangible, y Génova sabe que no puede permitirse pinchar en la primera convocatoria oficial tras el acuerdo. La dirección nacional del partido lleva días trabajando en....

UK King Charles expresses grief over quake devastation in Nepal

2023-11-10T05:05+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

Britain's King Charles III makes his way to Westminster Abbey prior to his coronation ceremony in London Saturday, May 6, 2023. Photo: AP. KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 10. King Charles of the UK has expressed sadness over the earthquake devastation in Nepal . The British Embassy in Nepal informed that King....

S. Korea to provide US$300,000 worth of humanitarian aid to quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-10T03:47+0100yonhap (en)

SEOUL, Nov. 10 (Yonhap) -- South Korea will provide US$300,000 worth of humanitarian assistance to Nepal to help the country cope with the aftermath of a deadly earthquake that has killed more than 150 people, the foreign ministry said Friday. The government hopes the provision will help Nepalese....

TAR senior leaders meet with PM Dahal

2023-11-10T03:29+0100peoplesreview (en)

Kathmandu, 10 November: A delegation led by Wang Junzheng , secretary of the Chinese Communist Party of the Tibet Autonomous Region, had a courtesy meeting with Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal. PM Dahal’s secretariat informed that various matters of mutual interest were discussed in the meeting....

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.0 de magnitud en Cd Hidalgo

2023-11-10T03:18+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de 4.

Las comisiones políticas de investigación perpetúan la amnistía y abren la vía a "reparar a víctimas"

2023-11-10T02:20+0100elMundo (es)

Buscarán casos de 'lawfare' para incluirlos en sucesivas reformas de la ley de perdón ya pactada Un manifestante portando una estelada durante una protesta convocada por Tsunami Democràtic en 2019. Pau Barrena AFP. Tribunales Justicia El presentado ayer anuncia una ley de amnistía ...

Mofas en redes tras la última metedura de pata de Almeida

2023-11-10T02:05+0100elplural (es)

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida , ha presentado este martes 7 de noviembre la ampliación de la primera línea Bus Rapid de la ciudad, que pretende conectar Valdebebas con el Hospital Ramón y Cajal, pasando por el barrio de Sanchinarro. Un acto que el dirigente del Partido Popular no....

Así, no

2023-11-10T01:17+0100diariodeavisos (es)

Que la amnistía, tal y como exigen los de Junts y ERC, no gusta a casi nadie es evidente; que le inmunidad de los CDR y Tsunami Democratic, que arrasaron Barcelona, es inexplicable, también. Pero actuar como vándalos en Madrid, no. La extrema violencia, con veintinueve policías heridos, con grupos....

De 30 monedas de plata a 7 votos de hojalata

2023-11-10T00:50+0100larazon-es (es)

El trípode De 30 monedas de plata a 7 votos de hojalata España no está en venta en manos de Sánchez y sus palmeros. Y el pueblo español, por fin, ha despertado. Anteayer miércoles finalizaba el Trípode diario aludiendo al «despertar del pueblo español» ante la ignominia perpetrada contra España por....

¿Cuál era la intención del general Faiz? El llamado destacado de Aleem Khan

2023-11-10T00:28+0100notiulti (es)

Aleem Khan, presidente del Partido Estabilidad de Pakistán, ha dicho que el general (R) Faiz me envió a la cárcel porque quería convertirse en jefe del ejército. Al dirigirse a la ceremonia en Taxila, el presidente del Partido de Estabilización de Pakistán (IPP), Aleem Khan, dijo que todos nos....

10 Sánchez se ata a Puigdemont y liga la legislatura a la negociación del referéndum

2023-11-10T00:20+0100laverdad (es)

No será esta semana sino la próxima, pero Pedro Sánchez tiene ya asegurada su investidura, tras cerrar el polémico pacto con Carles Puigdemont. El PSOE y Junts escenificaron este jueves en Bruselas, el lugar elegido por el expresidente catalán para evitar la acción de la justicia española, el....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 4.0 de magnitud

2023-11-09T23:38+0100infobae (es)

Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas. Te puede interesar: Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 4.0 en San Pedro Tras un temblor, checa tu hogar en búsqueda de posibles daños, utiliza tu celular únicamente en....

Así reaccionó Luis Díaz en el camerino del Liverpool tras liberación de su padre

2023-11-09T23:15+0100lapatilla (es)

Luis Manuel Díaz, padre del futbolista colombiano Luis Díaz, fue liberado este jueves por el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), luego de completar 12 días secuestrado. El operativo se realizó con el apoyo de Naciones Unidas, las Fuerzas Armadas y la Iglesia católica.

JUI-F leader joins PTI

2023-11-09T23:08+0100brecorder (en)

ISLAMABAD: Daud Khattak, a former district nazim of Nowshera, parted ways with Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazal (JUI-F) on Thursday and joined Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Speaking at a presser along with Sher Afzal Khan Marwat, the counsel for PTI chairman Imran Khan, he said that he decided to join....

Very heavy traffic on M5 Motorway near Sydney Airport after truck breakdown

2023-11-09T22:49+0100illawarramercury (en)

We'll bring you live updates from breaking news, traffic and travel from across the Illawarra, the South Coast and beyond. Keep up-to-date with what's going on as the day progresses. What's making news today? 'Tsunami of bad skin cancer' : Race to unlock cause of Wollongong's health crisis,....

¿Qué es el lawfare?

2023-11-09T21:42+0100telemadrid (es)

El acuerdo entre el PSOE y Junts para la investidura de Pedro Sánchez prevé la creación de comisiones de investigación parlamentarias para determinar los casos en los que se ha podido instrumentalizar la justicia para hacer una persecución política, es decir, el lawfare.

MIL-OSI Europe: Bridges for progress: now it’s over to Nepal

2023-11-09T21:24+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Bern, 09.11.2023 – Today Nepal is opening its 10,000th trail bridge. Switzerland has been providing support to help Nepal construct bridges since the 1960s. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) will bring this successful long-term project to a close at the end of 2023.

8 Sánchez se ata a Puigdemont y liga la legislatura a la negociación del referéndum

2023-11-09T21:24+0100diarioSur (es)

No será esta semana sino la próxima, pero Pedro Sánchez tiene ya asegurada su investidura, tras cerrar el polémico pacto con Carles Puigdemont. El PSOE y Junts escenificaron este jueves en Bruselas, el lugar elegido por el expresidente catalán para evitar la acción de la justicia española, el....

UM professor offers tips on wading through election 'misinformation' tsunami headed our way

2023-11-09T21:12+0100missoulian (en)

Rep. George Santos' election victory last year flipped a seat in New York formerly held by a Democrat, helping Republicans secure a narrow majority in the House. But it soon became clear that many of his campaign claims were lies.He called himself "a proud American Jew," the grandson of Ukra.

Temblor en Perú hoy, jueves 9 de noviembre, en vivo: registro del último sismo en el país

2023-11-09T21:08+0100semana (es)

El temblor tuvo una magnitud de 5.4 grados en la escala de Richter y una profundidad de 129 kilómetros. Según el Servicio Sismológico de Perú, tuvo una intensidad de entre 3 y 4 puntos. Cabe recordar que no hubo riesgo de Tsunami ya que los sismos con epicentros en el mar y magnitudes mayores a 7, tienen riesgo de presencia de maremotos.

10 Sánchez se ata a Puigdemont y liga la legislatura a la negociación del referéndum

2023-11-09T21:04+0100HoyDigital (es)

No será esta semana sino la próxima, pero Pedro Sánchez tiene ya asegurada su investidura, tras cerrar el polémico pacto con Carles Puigdemont. El PSOE y Junts escenificaron este jueves en Bruselas, el lugar elegido por el expresidente catalán para evitar la acción de la justicia española, el....

Ohio protects abortion rights, a planetary eclipse and more of the week’s best photos

2023-11-09T20:53+0100WashingtonPost (en)

Attorney General Letitia James (D) attends former president Trump’s civil fraud case in New York; Ohio voters approved a constitutional amendment that guarantees the right to abortion and other forms of reproductive health care; an earthquake in the mountains of northwest Nepal killed more than 150 people and left thousands homeless.

Nada es lo que parece con el Real Valladolid

2023-11-09T20:45+0100elnortedecastilla (es)

«Que tengamos peor plantilla que el año pasado no implica que no sirva para luchar por el ascenso. Es más, estamos ahí, lo que contradice el discurso de mucha gente» Como del tsunami provocado por Baptista ya venía hablando las dos pasadas semanas, no voy a profundizar más en lo que para mí es una....

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en Piura

2023-11-09T20:33+0100infobae (es)

La región con más volcanes en el mundo. Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los temblores más fuertes del mundo.

Presunta infidelidad

2023-11-09T20:27+0100elperiodico (es)

La princesa de Dinamarca, Mary Donaldson , está al día de las escapadas de su pareja a nuestro país y de su encuentro con la actriz Genoveva Casanova en Madrid. Al menos eso es lo que se lee en los gestos de la heredera al trono danés durante una de sus últimas apariciones públicas, en la que estuvo....

UNICEF Nepal Humanitarian Situation Report No. 1 (Earthquake): 08 November 2023

2023-11-09T20:23+0100reliefWeb (en)

Highlights: A 6.4 magnitude earthquake with its epicenter in Ramidanda in Jajarkot District, around 65 kilometers northeast of Surkhet, Karnali Province in western Nepal , struck on 3 November 2023, with several aftershocks occurring thereafter. According to reports from the Ministry of Home Affairs,....

10 El PSOE defiende su pacto con Junts como una «oportunidad histórica» para resolver el «conflicto» de Cataluña

2023-11-09T19:40+0100elnortedecastilla (es)

No será esta semana sino la próxima, pero Pedro Sánchez tiene ya asegurada su investidura, tras cerrar el polémico pacto con Carles Puigdemont. El PSOE y Junts escenificaron este jueves en Bruselas, el lugar elegido por el expresidente catalán para evitar la acción de la justicia española, el....

SCC se persona como acusación popular en el caso contra Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-09T19:08+0100infobae (es)

Societat Civil Catalana (SCC) se ha personado como acusación popular en la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic que instruye el juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García-Castellón, ha informado este jueves en un comunicado. La entidad ha defendido que está legitimada para presentarse en la causa porque....

San Martin, Huallaga, registra un sismo de magnitud 5.4

2023-11-09T19:08+0100infobae (es)

El Anillo de Fuego: qué es y dónde se localiza. Perú se localiza en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los terremotos más fuertes del mundo.

Societat Civil Catalana se persona como acusación popular en el caso contra Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-09T19:04+010020minutos (es)

Societat Civil Catalana (SCC) se ha personado este jueves como acusación popular en la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic que instruye el juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García-Castellón, ha informado la entidad en un comunicado. "Nos hemos personado como acusación popular en la causa contra....

SCC se persona como acusación popular en el caso contra Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-09T19:03+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

BARCELONA, 9 (EUROPA PRESS) Societat Civil Catalana (SCC) se ha personado como acusación popular en la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic que instruye el juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García-Castellón, ha informado este jueves en un comunicado. La entidad ha defendido que está legitimada para....

Atención | Así reaccionó Luis Díaz en el camerino del Liverpool a la libertad de su papá

2023-11-09T19:01+0100semana (es)

Luis Manuel Díaz, padre del futbolista colombiano Luis Díaz, fue liberado este jueves por el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), luego de completar 12 días secuestrado. El operativo se realizó con el apoyo de las Naciones Unidas, las Fuerzas Armadas y la Iglesia católica.

India sends third tranche of relief materials for Nepal earthquake victims

2023-11-09T18:48+0100cambodiantimes (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 9 (ANI): India has sent a third tranche of relief materials to earthquake victims in Nepal as part of continued support to the Himalayan nation at the time of the crisis. "Acting on the commitment of Hon'ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the third tranche of over 12....

India sends third tranche of relief materials for Nepal earthquake victims

2023-11-09T18:40+0100myanmarnews (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 9 (ANI): India has sent a third tranche of relief materials to earthquake victims in Nepal as part of continued support to the Himalayan nation at the time of the crisis. "Acting on the commitment of Hon'ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the third tranche of over 12....

Aragonès "celebra" el pacto PSOE-Junts porque significa "coincidir en la vía de la negociación"

2023-11-09T18:33+010020minutos (es)

El presidente de la Generalitat, Pere Aragonès , ha aplaudido el pacto al que han llegado este jueves el PSOE y Junts para investir Pedro Sánchez : "Celebro que coincidimos en la vía de la negociación", ha dicho en declaraciones en el Parlament de Catalunya.

Tras el acuerdo de investidura

2023-11-09T18:33+0100epe (es)

A pesar de la dureza con la que el expresident ha desdeñado la estrategia negociadora de ERC con el PSOE durante los últimos años, ", el president Pere Aragonès han querido evitar el choque y ha recibido con guante de seda el pacto al alcanzado este jueves por Junts para dar sus siete votos a la investidura de Pedro Sánchez .

SCC se persona como acusación popular en el caso contra Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-09T18:32+0100europapress (es)

BARCELONA, 9 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - Societat Civil Catalana (SCC) se ha personado como acusación popular en la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic que instruye el juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García-Castellón, ha informado este jueves en un comunicado.

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:13+0100diarioCordoba (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:10+0100DiarioDeMallorca (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:10+0100levante-emv (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:08+0100elperiodicodearagon (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:08+0100sport-es (es)

A pesar de la dureza con la que el expresident ha desdeñado la estrategia negociadora de ERC con el PSOE durante los últimos años, asegurando que "el 'a cambio de nada' se ha ido a la papelera de la historia ", los republicanos han querido recibir con guante de seda el pacto al alcanzado este jueves....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:07+0100laopiniondemurcia (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:05+0100laopiniondemalaga (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

¿A qué causas podría afectar la amnistía?

2023-11-09T18:05+0100telemadrid (es)

La Ley de Amnistía pactada por el PSOE y los partidos independentista puede abarcar casi un centenar de causas penales con decenas de afectados, entre los que destacan los cuatro líderes independentistas catalanes fugados, con el expresident Carles Puigdemont a la cabeza, y el líder de ERC, Oriol Junqueras, todavía inhabilitado.

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:05+0100diarioInformacion (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:05+0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:05+0100laopinioncoruna (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:04+0100eldia (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:04+0100lanuevaespana (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:04+0100laopiniondezamora (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:03+0100FaroDeVigo (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:03+0100diariodeibiza (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

ERC evita el cuerpo a cuerpo con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T18:02+0100laprovincia (es)

Por contra, Sans ha querido poner en valor el acuerdo, tanto el que ha logrado Junts como el firmado la semana pasada por su partido, asegurando que permite "avanzar al país" y que lo hace "en los términos" que los republicanos han ido reivindicando, con una " amnistía general" que incluye todas las....

Sans (ERC) aplaude el pacto PSOE-Junts: "Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la vía de la negociación"

2023-11-09T17:50+0100infobae (es)

La portavoz de ERC, Raquel Sans, ha aplaudido el acuerdo de investidura de este jueves entre el PSOE y Junts sobre la amnistía: "Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la vía de la negociación. Es la manera de avanzar, hablando, negociando y llegando a acuerdos".

Sans (ERC) aplaude el pacto PSOE-Junts: "Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la vía de la negociación"

2023-11-09T17:49+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

Ve los acuerdos con el PSOE como una "oportunidad" para sincronizar los objetivos con Junts BARCELONA, 9 (EUROPA PRESS) La portavoz de ERC, Raquel Sans, ha aplaudido el acuerdo de investidura de este jueves entre el PSOE y Junts sobre la amnistía: "Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la vía de la negociación.

Sans (ERC) aplaude el pacto PSOE-Junts: "Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la vía de la negociación"

2023-11-09T17:48+0100cope (es)

Ve los acuerdos con el PSOE como una "oportunidad" para sincronizar los objetivos con Junts. La portavoz de ERC, Raquel Sans, ha aplaudido el acuerdo de investidura de este jueves entre el PSOE y Junts sobre la amnistía: "Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la vía de la negociación. Es la manera de avanzar, hablando, negociando y llegando a acuerdos".

PM Dahal says the government is working to maintain good governance

2023-11-09T17:45+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

Speaking at the 20th-anniversary program of the 'Pratiman-Nima Memorial Foundation' on Thursday, the PM highlighted that his government's foremost priorities include ensuring social justice, good governance, and prosperity. The aim is to transform the nation's existing challenges into opportunities.

Sans (ERC) aplaude el pacto PSOE-Junts: "Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la vía de la negociación"

2023-11-09T17:44+0100europapress (es)

Ve los acuerdos con el PSOE como una "oportunidad" para sincronizar los objetivos con Junts BARCELONA, 9 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - La portavoz de ERC, Raquel Sans, ha aplaudido el acuerdo de investidura de este jueves entre el PSOE y Junts sobre la amnistía: "Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la vía de la negociación.

ERC evita entrar en reproches con Junts: “Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la negociación”

2023-11-09T17:43+0100elperiodico (es)

A pesar de la dureza con la que el expresident Carles Puigdemont ha desdeñado la estrategia negociadora de ERC con el PSOE durante los últimos años, asegurando que "el 'a cambio de nada' se ha ido a la papelera de la historia" , los republicanos han querido recibir con guante de seda el pacto al....

Sans (ERC) aplaude el pacto PSOE-Junts: "Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la vía de la negociación"

2023-11-09T17:43+0100teleprensa (es)

Ve los acuerdos con el PSOE como una "oportunidad" para sincronizar los objetivos con Junts. BARCELONA, 9 (EUROPA PRESS) La portavoz de ERC, Raquel Sans, ha aplaudido el acuerdo de investidura de este jueves entre el PSOE y Junts sobre la amnistía: "Celebramos encontrarnos todos en la vía de la negociación.

Sánchez pacta la amnistía con los independentistas catalanes y desbloquea su investidura

2023-11-09T17:17+0100infobae (es)

Madrid, 9 nov (EFE).- El acuerdo alcanzado este jueves entre socialistas e independentistas catalanes desbloquea la investidura de Pedro Sánchez como presidente del Gobierno en España, en medio de una fuerte tensión en el país por la amnistía pactada para los implicados en el proceso separatista entre los años 2012 y 2023.

House of Reps to tackle incessant boat mishaps – Ojema

2023-11-09T17:01+0100dailypost (en)

The member representing Apa/Agatu Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives and Chairman, House Committee on National Inland Waterways, Hon. Pst. Ojotu Ojema has assured Nigerians that the Green Chamber would do all it could to end incessant boat mishaps along the country’s waterways.

Comment le joailler Swarovski veut retrouver son brillant avec Kim Kardashian

2023-11-09T17:01+0100LesEchos (fr)

Le fabricant de bijoux Swarovski tente de se relancer en cette fin d'année. Le spécialiste autrichien du cristal fondé en 1895 par Daniel Swarovski vient d'inaugurer le 7 novembre à New York, son plus grand magasin au monde. Situé sur Fifth Avenue il dispose d'une superficie de 1.

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T17:01+0100elcorreodigital (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

India's 3rd Consignment Of Relief Materials Reaches Quake-Hit Nepal

2023-11-09T17:00+0100ndtvnews (en)

Kathmandu: Days after back-to-back earthquakes rattled the remote mountain areas of western Nepal , a third shipment of 12 tonnes of relief material from India reached the country on Thursday. On November 3, a 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted western Nepal's Jajarkot and Rukum districts killing 153 people and injuring over 260 others.

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T16:59+0100eldiariomontanes (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T16:59+0100DiarioVasco (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T16:58+0100elnortedecastilla (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T16:57+0100canarias7 (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T16:57+0100larioja (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T16:57+0100laverdad (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T16:57+0100HoyDigital (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T16:55+0100ideal (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T16:53+0100elcomercio-es (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T16:52+0100diarioSur (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

Una amnistía expansiva que alcanzará las causas más controvertidas del procés

2023-11-09T16:51+0100lasprovincias (es)

El borrado judicial afectará a 24 acusados de terrorismo de los CDR y Tsunami, entre ellos Puigdemont, y queda por ver si afectará a casos ajenos a la intentona secesionista. El texto acordado por PSOE y Junts sobre la ley de amnistía es suficientemente inconcreto y amplio para que dentro de la....

India sends third tranche of relief materials for Nepal earthquake victims

2023-11-09T16:44+0100aninews (en)

s to earthquake victims in Nepal as part of continued support to the Himalayan nation at the time of the crisis. "Acting on the commitment of Hon'ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the third tranche of over 12 tonnes of earthquake relief support comprising blankets, sleeping bags, tents and essential medical supplies, etc.

'Lawfare': la persecución judicial a los 'indepes' que Sánchez admite en su pacto con Junts

2023-11-09T16:37+0100theobjective (es)

Se conoce como lawfare . Es un término anglosajón acuñado para describir aquellas situaciones en las que personas o colectivos han sido detenidos y encarcelados por defender unas ideas políticas concretas , sin que se respeten sus derechos fundamentales y por cuestiones meramente políticas.

Bridges for progress: now it's over to Nepal

2023-11-09T16:36+0100admin (en)

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Bern, 09.11.2023 - Today Nepal is opening its 10,000th trail bridge. Switzerland has been providing support to help Nepal construct bridges since the 1960s. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) will bring this successful long-term project to a close at the end of 2023.

Desde PAH Jaén consideran que el pacto entre PSOE y Sumar es

2023-11-09T16:33+0100andaluciainformacion (es)

La Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca de Jaén ha realizado en las últimas horas un registro en la Subdelegación del Gobierno para valorar el reciente pacto entre el PSOE y Sumar de cara a la posible y futura investidura . Afirman que este acuerdo es “decepcionante en materia de vivienda porque....

PM and Ministers to provide their one month's salary for earthquake relief

2023-11-09T16:23+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 9. The government has decided to contribute one month's salary from both the Prime Minister and the members of the Council of Ministers to support the relief and rehabilitation efforts in the earthquake-affected region. The decision was announced following a meeting of the Council of Ministers held at Singha Durbar today.

Third consignment of earthquake relief materials arrives from India

2023-11-09T16:18+0100kathmandupost (en)

India on Thursday delivered the third consignment of earthquake relief materials to Nepal . The consignment weighing over 12 tonnes comprising blankets, sleeping bags, tents and essential medical supplies among others was delivered via a special Indian Air Force flight, the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu said in a statement.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 4.7 de magnitud en la ciudad de Arica

2023-11-09T16:11+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sacudió las calles de la ciudad chilena de Arica , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 10:05 horas (hora local) de este jueves 9 de noviembre. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica fue de 4.7 de magnitud y una profundidad de 32.

Gen Faiz victimised ٰٰImran's ex-aides in bid to become army chief: Aleem

2023-11-09T15:49+0100geo-tv (en)

Flase cases registerd against Tareen at Imran's behest: Aleem. He says Farah actually making "Naya Pakistan" during PTI rule. Tareen advises workers against using foul language. TAXILA: Istihkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP) President Aleem Khan has claimed that former spy chief Lt Gen (retd) Faiz Hamid....

Harcèlement scolaire dans les établissements français à l’étranger : état des lieux

2023-11-09T15:48+0100lesfrancais-press (fr)

Le harcèlement scolaire est bien plus qu’un simple comportement enfantin ou de simples taquineries entre élèves. Il s’agit d’un acte nuisible et persistant, d’une maltraitance physique et/ou morale. Le harcèlement scolaire peut entraîner des répercussions dévastatrices sur la vie des victimes.

¿Qué es el 'lawfare', incluido en el acuerdo PSOE - Junts?

2023-11-09T15:41+0100elperiodicodearagon (es)

La clave de las tensiones han sido la forma de articular la futura ley de amnistía , pero las conversaciones han abordado también las mesas de diálogo para abordar las aspiraciones de los independentistas para realizar un referéndum de autodeterminación, donde lo único que se ha acordado es la....

14:25 | on est marron Une cuve géante rompt sur le chantier du métro, 1,400 m3 de boue déferlent

2023-11-09T15:40+010020minutes (fr)

à Toulouse . L’incident, qui n’a pas fait de blessé selon Tisséo , s’est produit mercredi vers 11h30 sur l’emprise de la future station Montaudran Gare Piste des Géants , tout près de la Halle de la Machine. C’est une des immenses cuves verticales, apparues depuis le démarrage de ce colossal....

El independentismo utiliza la violencia para empujar al PSOE a ceder ya

2023-11-09T15:36+0100elMundo (es)

Se solidariza con los socialistas y apremia a Sánchez a aceptar sus condiciones para cerrar la investidura Protesta Comunicado La política catalana no permanece ajena a la violencia ultra que está aflorando en las calles de Madrid aprovechando las protestas contra la amnistía.

El pacto PSOE-Junts prevé ampliar la amnistía con "modificaciones legislativas" si los políticos ven 'lawfare' y la "reparación" a víctimas de la "guerra sucia"

2023-11-09T15:36+0100elMundo (es)

Redacción: ESTEBAN URREIZTIETA Madrid; Redacción: RAÚL PIÑA Madrid La última exigencia de Puigdemont fue rehacer la definición de terrorismo para blindarse en el 'caso Tsunami' A falta de aclaraciones de los firmantes -"se tendrá en cuenta", "pudieran", "puedan dar lugar", todo apunta a que, por....


2023-11-09T15:20+0100cadenaser (es)

Pamplona. El humo blanco ha salido por la chimenea de un hotel de Bruselas. ¿Habemus presidentem? Parece que sí. Y esto abre ahora muchas preguntas. No sólo sobre el lío de la amnistía, que también. María Chivite dirige uno de los 3 gobiernos que preside el PSOE tras el tsunami conservador de mayo.

El PSOE reivindica el acuerdo "de legislatura" con Junts: "Abre una nueva etapa histórica"

2023-11-09T15:13+0100elnacional-cat (es)

El número tres del PSOE, Santos Cerdán , ha expuesto este mediodía desde el hotel Sofitel de Bruselas las , a cerrar el acuerdo este jueves, pacto que han terminado esta misma madrugada y que ya han rubricado el mismo Cerdán y el secretario general de Junts, Jordi Turull .

Bogus radiographer slapped with 2000 hours of weekend jail time

2023-11-09T15:09+0100citizen (en)

Asisipho Mbekela, 27, was sentenced by Magistrate Lionel Lindoor on Wednesday, and will have to report to Correctional Services every Friday at 16:00 and be released on Sunday evenings. A bogus radiographer has been sentenced to 2000 hours imprisonment in East London.

SAARC SG calls on FM Saud

2023-11-09T14:57+0100peoplesreview (en)

Kathmandu, 9 November: Md. Golam Sarwar, Secretary-General of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister N. P. Saud and Chair of the SAARC Council of Ministers today. The Council comprises foreign ministers of the member states of SAARC.

il y a 47 secondes

2023-11-09T14:54+0100legrandcontinent-fr (fr)

Après une semaine de négociations qui se sont avérées plus difficiles que prévues entre le numéro 3 du PSOE, Santos Cerdán et Carles Puigdemont à la tête de l’équipe de Junts, un accord a finalement été trouvé afin de permettre une investiture. Bien qu’il n’y ait jamais eu d’inquiétudes exprimées....

Temblor en México hoy, 9 de noviembre, en vivo: así fue la magnitud y el epicentro

2023-11-09T14:52+0100semana (es)

A las 3:46 a. m. tuvo lugar otro sismo de magnitud 4.0 grados en la escala de Richter, precisamente a 65 kilómetros al noreste de Matías Romero, Oaxaca, con una profundidad de 137 kilómetros. Hasta el momento no se han reportado daños materiales o pérdidas humanos. Llegadas las 5:00 a. m.

Puigdemont ataca al juez que le acusa de terrorismo e insinúa que le ha investigado en secreto

2023-11-09T14:44+0100DiarioVasco (es)

El abogado del expresident remite un irónico escrito al instructor en el que sugiere que prevarica y en el que le exige saber desde cuándo comenzaron las pesquisas y por qué no se ha pedido el suplicatorio. Carles Puigdemont maniobra de forma simultánea en el plano político y en el judicial.

El PSOE contacta con ERC para trasladarles los cambios en la ley de amnistía pactados con Junts

2023-11-09T14:43+0100europapress (es)

BARCELONA, 9 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - El PSOE ha contactado con ERC para trasladarles los cambios que deberán llevar a cabo en el redactado de la ley de amnistía tras el acuerdo alcanzado entre los socialistas y Junts. Así lo han explicado fuentes consultadas por Europa Press, después de que el PSOE y....

La intrahistoria del pacto: cinco días de negociación que acercaron a Junts y al PSOE

2023-11-09T14:31+0100deia-eus (es)

El pacto con ERC aleja el acuerdo con Junts. Parecía que el acuerdo era cuestión de horas. Puigdemont había reunido el jueves 2 de noviembre a su cúpula en Bruselas . Todo indicaba que iban dar el sí definitivo al pacto, e incluso se había preparado una sala de prensa en la que iba a comparecer el expresident de la Generalitat.

Ayuso: «Esta Nación no se doblegará por el pacto entre un político fuera de control y unas minorías corruptas»

2023-11-09T14:26+0100eldebate (es)

«Nos hemos encontrado con algo peor porque no es un acuerdo, es un cheque en blanco», ha advertido la presidenta. «Ha firmado lo que le han puesto delante . No hay ni una sola institución española que no se desacredite» , ha añadido asegurando que «cualquier español, empezando por los catalanes de bien, ahora mismo no da crédito» con lo ocurrido.

La intrahistoria del pacto: cinco días de negociación que acercaron a Junts y al PSOE

2023-11-09T14:21+0100noticiasdenavarra (es)

El pacto con ERC aleja el acuerdo con Junts. Parecía que el acuerdo era cuestión de horas. Puigdemont había reunido el jueves 2 de noviembre a su cúpula en Bruselas . Todo indicaba que iban dar el sí definitivo al pacto, e incluso se había preparado una sala de prensa en la que iba a comparecer el expresident de la Generalitat.

A ‘tsunami’ of eviction cases is hitting Alameda County. These elected officials are calling for ...

2023-11-09T14:20+0100wn (en)

Amid a spike in evictions as cases pile up following the end of a nearly three-year moratorium, a group of progressive elected officials from across Alameda County gathered Wednesday in front of the Hayward Hall of Justice to call on the county’s superior court to slow the flood of people being pushed from their homes.

Sánchez enfila la investidura tras encajar a Puigdemont en su puzle más difícil

2023-11-09T14:19+0100heraldo (es)

Este último argumento, con la amnistía ya firmada y a la espera de conocer sus detalles, es perfectamente aplicable en el caso del expresident Carles Puigdemont , que este jueves ha dado el sí definitivo de los siete diputados de Junts a la investidura después de que la semana pasada aportara dosis de suspense.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.0 en Salina Cruz El temblor sucedió a las 5:42 horas, a una distancia de 53 km de Salina Cruz y tuvo una profundidad de 7.7 km

2023-11-09T14:18+0100infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 53 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Oaxaca, con una profundidad de 7.7 km y fue percibido por los habitantes de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace....

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.1 de magnitud en Salina Cruz Información del Servicio Sismológico Nacional señala que al día se registran un promedio de 40 temblores en el país

2023-11-09T14:18+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de 4.

13:16 IGP registró un sismo de magnitud 4.3 en Tacna, Tacna

2023-11-09T14:18+0100infobae (es)

El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas....

Puigdemont ataca al juez que le acusa de terrorismo e insinúa que le ha investigado en secreto

2023-11-09T14:16+0100elcomercio-es (es)

El abogado del expresident remite un irónico escrito al instructor en el que sugiere que prevarica y en el que le exige saber desde cuándo comenzaron las pesquisas y por qué no se ha pedido el suplicatorio. Carles Puigdemont maniobra de forma simultánea en el plano político y en el judicial.

DIRECTO | Carles Puigdemont, tras el acuerdo con el PSOE: "Entramos en una etapa inédita"

2023-11-09T14:16+0100cope (es)

13: 57 | El presidente del PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, comparecerá ante los medios a las 14:45 horas en la sede de su partido para hacer una declaración institucional sobre el acuerdoo. 12:49 | El PSOE ha contactado con ERC para trasladarles los cambios que deberán llevar a cabo en el redactado de la ley de amnistía tras el acuerdo con Junts.

Santos Cerdán: "Es hora de conceder a la sociedad catalana un nuevo horizonte"

2023-11-09T14:14+0100elconfidencial (es)

"Es hora de conceder a la sociedad catalana y al resto de la española un nuevo horizonte donde la política sea el marco en el que se resuelvan las diferencias", ha asegurado el socialista poco después de firmar el acuerdo con Junts en el que se recogen las condiciones que se han estado negociando durante semanas .

“Mi chiamano centinaia di genitori: le loro figlie spogliate con un’app”

2023-11-09T14:02+0100statoquotidiano (it)

FOGGIA – A settembre Almendralejo , un comune di Badajoz con circa 30.000 abitanti, è diventato l’epicentro di un caso di deepfake. Quando Isabel, nome inventato, entra in classe per il suo primo giorno di scuola un compagno le dice: “ Ho visto una tua foto nuda “, quella foto non è mai stata....

Sociedad Civil Catalana será acusación popular en el caso contra Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-09T13:58+0100eltriangle (es)

Manifestación de Sociedad Civil Catalana contra la amnistía y la autodeterminación en Barcelona (SCC). Sociedad Civil Catalana (SCC) se ha personado como acusación popular en la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic que instruye el juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García Castellón y que investiga a....

El PSOE dice que el acuerdo con Junts es "de legislatura" y que la amnistía está pactada: "Es una oportunidad histórica"

2023-11-09T13:42+0100rtve-alacarta (es)

es "para una legislatura de cuatro años" entre dos partidos que tienen "profundas divergencias", pero que son capaces de "lograr puntos de encuentro" para el bienestar de los ciudadanos. Entre otros, el pacto incluye la aprobación de una ley de amnistía, que según el número tres "ya está acordada" y....

Santos Cerdán explica desde Bruselas el acuerdo entre el PSOE y Junts: "Es hora de un nuevo horizonte"

2023-11-09T13:37+0100niusdiario (es)

para la investidura de Pedro Sánchez , que pasa por registrar en el Congreso una ley de amnistía . "Es hora de conceder a la sociedad un nuevo horizonte en el que el pasado no sea un obstáculo", ha señalado antes de puntualizar que es un "acuerdo de legislatura" , no de investidura.

Santos Cerdán, PSOE: "Es una oportunidad histórica y un acuerdo para una legislatura de cuatro años"

2023-11-09T13:23+0100Expansion (es)

El secretario de Organización del PSOE y diputado por Navarra, Santos Cerdán, la cara visible del equipo negociador del PSOE con Junts, que ha dado una rueda de prensa en Bruselas, ha explicado que la amnistía abarca actos del procés desde 2012 y los jueces valorarán a quién aplicarla .

Sánchez enfila la investidura tras encajar a Puigdemont en su puzle más difícil

2023-11-09T13:21+0100huffingtonpost-es-es (es)

Desde la noche del 23 de julio, la confianza en conseguir los apoyos necesarios para que Pedro Sánchez reeditara mandato como presidente del Gobierno ha sido el mensaje más escuchado en las filas socialistas. Un mensaje cimentado en que no podía darse una segunda oportunidad a la derecha, en que....

El PSOE da por cerrada la ley de amnistía con Junts a la espera de la revisión de ERC

2023-11-09T13:17+0100eldiario-es (es)

El secretario de Organización del PSOE, Santos Cerdán, en el lobby de su hotel en Bruselas, este jueves. El PSOE y JxCat han cerrado un acuerdo sobre la amnistía, que permite desencallar la investidura de Pedro Sánchez, según han confirmado a EFE fuentes de la negociación.

El PSOE reconoce que Junts "revisó" la ley de amnistía tras la investigación a Puigdemont por terrorismo

2023-11-09T13:15+010020minutos (es)

La imputación, el pasado lunes, de Carles Puigdemont por terrorismo en la causa de Tsunami Democràtic provocó que Junts "revisara" e "hiciera una relectura" de la ley de amnistía que acaban de acordar con el PSOE. Así lo ha reconocido Santos Cerdán, secretario de Organización de los socialistas y....

Aftershocks' risk: Nepal's earthquake survivors find refuge in tents

2023-11-09T13:05+0100kualalumpurtimes (en)

Green tarpaulin tents line the road to the Jajarkot district headquarters. The APF has managed tarpaulin sheet tents to keep people warm after most of the mud-and-stone masonry traditional houses collapsed due to the 6.4 magnitude tremor, killing 157. In addition, the APF has set up tents on the....

Sánchez enfila la investidura tras encajar a Puigdemont en su puzle más difícil

2023-11-09T13:05+0100cope (es)

José Miguel Blanco. Desde la noche del 23 de julio, la confianza en conseguir los apoyos necesarios para que Pedro Sánchez reeditara mandato como presidente del Gobierno ha sido el mensaje más escuchado en las filas socialistas. Un mensaje cimentado en que no podía darse una segunda oportunidad a la....

BNPB readies mitigation steps to support Sail Teluk Cenderawasih

2023-11-09T13:02+0100antaranews-en (en)

Chief of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) at a ministerial-level meeting to discuss the preparations for the 2023 Sail Teluk Cendrawasih, in Jakarta on Wednesday (November 8, 2023). (ANTARA/HO-BNPB) "The Biak district government has issued an emergency decree.

El PSOE da por cerrada la ley de amnistía con Junts a la espera de la revisión de ERC

2023-11-09T12:47+0100ileon (es)

El secretario de Organización del PSOE, Santos Cerdán, en el lobby de su hotel en Bruselas, este jueves. El PSOE y JxCat han cerrado un acuerdo sobre la amnistía, que permite desencallar la investidura de Pedro Sánchez, según han confirmado a EFE fuentes de la negociación.

PSOE - Junts pact for the investiture, last minute: Gamarra calls the agreement "shameful and humiliating"

2023-11-09T12:45+0100tellerreport (en)

Agreement PSOE and Junts sign the pact to invest Sánchez with Puigdemont's votes; Puigdemont's last demand was to redo the definition of terrorism in order to shield himself in the 'Tsunami case' After weeks of intense negotiations, the PSOE and Junts have reached an agreement this morning for an....

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia’s Banda Sea

2023-11-09T12:45+0100dailytimesPK (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake — initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 — which hit at 11:53 am local time (0453 GMT), according to the USGS.

PSOE y Junts firman un acuerdo para investir a Sánchez a cambio de una ley de amnistía

2023-11-09T12:45+0100cope (es)

PSOE y Junts han firmado este jueves un acuerdo de índole política para investir a Sánchez a cambio de una ley de amnistía. Según un borrador del documento al que ha tenido acceso COPE se reconocerían sus " profundas discrepancias y son conscientes de la complejidad y de los obstáculos del proceso que se disponen a emprender".

Puigdemont ataca al juez que le acusa de terrorismo el mismo día del acuerdo

2023-11-09T12:43+0100larioja (es)

Puigdemont ataca al juez que le acusa de terrorismo e insinúa que le ha investigado en secreto El abogado del expresident remite un irónico escrito al instructor en el que sugiere que prevarica y en el que le exige saber desde cuándo comenzaron las pesquisas y por qué no se ha pedido el suplicatorio.

Socialists and separatists form an alliance

2023-11-09T12:37+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Après des semaines de négociations ardues, l’actuel Premier ministre espagnol Pedro Sánchez a convenu d’une loi d’amnistie avec les partis séparatistes catalans Junts per Catalunya (Junts) et Esquerra Republicana (ERC). Celui-ci stipule que les organisateurs et les partisans du référendum....

PSOE y Junts acuerdan una legislatura a través de la amnistía

2023-11-09T12:26+0100diariopalentino (es)

El secretario de Organización del PSOE, Santos Cerdán, y el secretario general de JxCat, Jordi Turull, han firmado este jueves en Bruselas el acuerdo que desbloquea la investidura de Pedro Sánchez y de cuyo contenido informarán este jueves ambos partidos.

Victoria Lafora

2023-11-09T12:26+0100diariopalentino (es)

Que la amnistía, tal y como exigen los de Junts y ERC, no gusta a casi nadie es evidente; que la inmunidad de los CDR y Tsunami Democratic, que arrasaron Barcelona, es inexplicable, también. Pero actuar como vándalos en Madrid, no. La extrema violencia, con veintinueve policías heridos, con grupos....

El PSOE contacta con ERC para trasladarles los cambios en la ley de amnistía pactados con Junts

2023-11-09T12:23+0100teleprensa (es)

BARCELONA, 9 (EUROPA PRESS) El PSOE ha contactado con ERC para trasladarles los cambios que deberán llevar a cabo en el redactado de la ley de amnistía tras el acuerdo alcanzado entre los socialistas y Junts. Así lo han explicado fuentes consultadas por Europa Press, después de que el PSOE y Junts....

Puigdemont ataca al juez que le acusa de terrorismo e insinúa que le ha investigado en secreto

2023-11-09T12:21+0100lasprovincias (es)

El abogado del expresident remite un irónico escrito al instructor en el que sugiere que prevarica y en el que le exige saber desde cuándo comenzaron las pesquisas y por qué no se ha pedido el suplicatorio. Carles Puigdemont maniobra de forma simultánea en el plano político y en el judicial.

Nepal's APF sets up tents to aid earthquake survivors

2023-11-09T12:20+0100thecambodianews (en)

JAJARKOT, Nepal - Green tarpaulin tents line the road to the Jajarkot district headquarters. Nepal's Armed Police Force (APF) set up these makeshift tents to provide shelter to locals living under the open sky after the earthquake damaged their homes on November 3.

Puigdemont ataca al juez que le acusa de terrorismo e insinúa que le ha investigado en secreto

2023-11-09T12:19+0100elnortedecastilla (es)

El abogado del expresident remite un irónico escrito al instructor en el que sugiere que prevarica y en el que le exige saber desde cuándo comenzaron las pesquisas y por qué no se ha pedido el suplicatorio. Carles Puigdemont maniobra de forma simultánea en el plano político y en el judicial.

Puigdemont ataca al juez que le acusa de terrorismo e insinúa que le ha investigado en secreto

2023-11-09T12:17+0100eldiariomontanes (es)

El abogado del expresident remite un irónico escrito al instructor en el que sugiere que prevarica y en el que le exige saber desde cuándo comenzaron las pesquisas y por qué no se ha pedido el suplicatorio. Carles Puigdemont maniobra de forma simultánea en el plano político y en el judicial.

Nepal's APF sets up tents to aid earthquake survivors

2023-11-09T12:16+0100myanmarnews (en)

JAJARKOT, Nepal - Green tarpaulin tents line the road to the Jajarkot district headquarters. Nepal's Armed Police Force (APF) set up these makeshift tents to provide shelter to locals living under the open sky after the earthquake damaged their homes on November 3.

Puigdemont ataca al juez que le acusa de terrorismo e insinúa que le ha investigado en secreto

2023-11-09T12:16+0100diarioSur (es)

El abogado del expresident remite un irónico escrito al instructor en el que sugiere que prevarica y en el que le exige saber desde cuándo comenzaron las pesquisas y por qué no se ha pedido el suplicatorio. Carles Puigdemont maniobra de forma simultánea en el plano político y en el judicial.

Leer: La Directa recibe el apoyo de decenas de medios y organizaciones: “El periodismo no es terrorismo”

2023-11-09T12:14+0100elsaltodiario (es)

“El periodismo no es terrorismo”. Con claridad y concisión, siguiendo las normas básicas de este oficio, el de La Directa resume su postura frente a la imputación judicial de uno de sus redactores, Jesús Rodríguez, en la causa del Tsunami Democràtic abierta por el juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García Castellón.

El acuerdo PSOE-Junts incluye la amnistía para casos de "judicialización de la política"

2023-11-09T12:11+0100andaluciainformacion (es)

El secretario de Organización del PSOE, Santos Cerdán, y el secretario general de JxCat, Jordi Turull, han firmado este jueves en Bruselas el acuerdo que desbloquea la investidura de Pedro Sánchez y de cuyo contenido informarán este jueves ambos partidos.

PSOE y Junts firman el acuerdo sobre la amnistía

2023-11-09T12:04+01007rioja (es)

El secretario de Organización del PSOE, Santos Cerdán, y el secretario general de JxCat, Jordi Turull, han firmado este jueves en Bruselas el acuerdo que desbloquea la investidura de Pedro Sánchez y de cuyo contenido informarán este jueves ambos partidos.

Séismes de magnitudes 7,1 et 6,7 en mer de Banda (Indonésie)

2023-11-09T11:44+0100catnat (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7.1 s'est produit mercredi 8 octobre en milieu de journée à l'est de l'Indonésie, au large des Moluques, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS), un séisme survenu loin des côtes et sans déclencher d'alerte au tsunami.

Secretary of Communist Party of China paid a courtesy call to PM Prachanda

2023-11-09T11:03+0100nepalnews (en)

Wang Junzheng, Secretary of the Communist Party of China, TAR of PR China, paid a courtesy call to Prime Minister. Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda'. Matters of mutual interests including trade, connectivity, tourism, and people-to-people relations were discussed.

Nepal to establish embassy in Portugal

2023-11-09T10:56+0100kathmandupost (en)

The government has decided to establish a Nepal i Embassy in Portugal. A meeting of the Council of Ministers held on Thursday decided to establish the embassy. It recommended the name of Sanil Nepal to head the mission, according to Minister for Communications and Information Technology Rekha Sharma, who is also the government spokesperson.

Chinese delegation calls on PM Dahal

2023-11-09T10:54+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

In the meeting held at the Prime Minister's official residence, matters relating to bilateral cooperation and mutual concerns were discussed. On the occasion, the Prime Minister said trans-Himalayan Connectivity Network is significant for both countries, stressing the need for its implementation,....

PM and the Ministers give one month's wages to the earthquake victims

2023-11-09T10:30+0100nepalnews (en)

The government has decided to provide one month's salary to all the members of the Council of Ministers including the Prime Minister to the victims of the earthquake. The decision was taken by the Council of Ministers meeting held on Thursday morning at the office of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers.

Zamboanga City Hall joins earthquake drill

2023-11-09T10:08+0100mb-com-ph (en)

ZAMBOANGA CITY – Thousands participated in the fourth quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) here on Thursday morning, November 9. EMPLOYEES of the Zamboanga City Hall participate in the fourth quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill in Zamboanga City on Thursday, November 9.

Minturno / Tsunami, “NEAMWave23”: esercitazione preventiva rischio maremoti

2023-11-09T09:36+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 9 novembre 2023) Minturno – Come comportarsi in caso di maremoti , come prevenire i rischi per la comunità connessi a tale evento. Il Comune di Minturno ha svolto nella giornata di ieri, martedì 7 novembre, un’ esercitazione preventiva grazie all’attivazione del C.O.C.

CPC Tibet Secretary Wang calls on Prime Minister Dahal

2023-11-09T09:23+0100kathmandupost (en)

Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) for Xizang Autonomous Region of China Wang Junzheng paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Thursday. Issues of bilateral relations and mutual interests were discussed in the meeting held at the prime minister’s residence in Baluwatar, the prime minister’s office said.

Forte scossa di terremoto tra Turchia e Siria

2023-11-09T08:44+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 9 novembre 2023) Tra la Turchia e la Siria si è registrata una scossa di terremoto magnitudo 4.7 alle 4:32 ora locale (le 3:32 in Italia). Secondo i dati dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) italiano e dell’Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS, il sisma ha avuto....

Les Philippines commémorent le 10e anniversaire du super typhon Haiyan

2023-11-09T08:13+0100lecourrier (fr)

S'exprimant lors de la commémoration du 10 e anniversaire du super typhon Haiyan dans la ville de Tacloban mercredi 8 novembre, Marcos a déclaré que les Philippines devaient construire des communautés plus fortes et plus résilientes, car le changement climatique a des impacts imprévisibles.

After 10 years – mid, small and largecaps all will deliver the same numbers: Raamdeo Agrawal

2023-11-09T08:02+0100economictimes (en)

In a growth situation like India, markets are very smart. So, if you understand the business and you are buying at a reasonable price, then do not bother about a 10-15% decline after you buy. I think the real worry in the market for most of the people is that the moment I buy, will it fall by 20%? I am telling you, be ready for that 20-30% decline.

Dopo l’accordo a sorpresa con l’Albania, le rassicurazioni agli alleati: la premier inaugura la «fase 2»

2023-11-09T07:02+0100corriere (it)

Assestato il colpo a sorpresa , con l’effetto di spiazzare Lega e Forza Italia e scatenare le critiche delle opposizioni , la comunicazione meloniana è passata alla fase due: placare, ricucire e spazzar via l’immagine della leader della destra che, tra la masseria pugliese e la villa albanese di....

Las fracturas van a más

2023-11-09T06:54+0100epe (es)

La incompatibilidad entre el PP y el PSOE , los dos grandes partidos entre los que sería necesaria una mínima entente, no es cosa de hoy. Pero en los últimos tiempos se está ampliando y profundizando esta fractura. El ha caído prisionero de Vox en muchas comunidades autónomas y el PSOE solo fía la....

Se registra sismo de 4.0 de magnitud en Arcelia

2023-11-09T06:37+0100infobae (es)

Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el sismo ocurrió este 8 de noviembre a las 22:48 hora local (4:48 UTC), con un epicentro de 29 km al noroeste de la ciudad del estado de Guerrero. Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de....

Temblor de 4.0 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Socaire

2023-11-09T06:23+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un sismo de 4.0 de magnitud con epicentro a 108.0 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de Socaire Información preliminar precisa que el temblor comenzó a las 01:13 horas (hora local) de este jueves 9 de noviembre y tuvo una profundidad de 194.0 kilómetros.

Se percibe temblor de magnitud 4.1 en Baquedano

2023-11-09T06:23+0100infobae (es)

Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en la ciudad de Calama Tras un terremoto, checa tu casa en búsqueda de posibles afectaciones,....

Why do Nepal quakes shake north India? Delhi NCR buildings under threat ?

2023-11-09T06:02+0100wionews (en)

Nepal has grappled with a series of devastating earthquakes over the past decade. It all began with the 7.8 magnitude quake in 2015, and since then, Nepal has experienced frequent tumblers that often reverberate across Northern India. The most recent earthquake struck the Himalayan nation on November 3, registering a magnitude of 5.

Les Philippines commémorent le 10e anniversaire du super typhon Haiyan

2023-11-09T05:40+0100vietnamplus-fr (fr)

S'exprimant lors de la commémoration du 10e anniversaire du super typhon Haiyan dans la ville de Tacloban le 8 novembre, Marcos a déclaré que les Philippines devaient construire des communautés plus fortes et plus résilientes, car le changement climatique a des impacts imprévisibles.

España: la ultraderecha incendia la calle

2023-11-09T05:36+0100pagina12 (es)

Desde Sevilla Los siete votos que necesita para completar la mayoría parlamentaria están a punto de caer de su lado. En el filo de la medianoche del miércoles y tras interminables jornadas de negociación, empezaron a llegar desde Bruselas señales de que el Partido Socialista y Junts per Catalunya,....

Una advertencia sin precedentes de Bruselas complica la investidura tras negarse Bolaños a detallar la amnistía

2023-11-09T05:14+0100vozpopuli (es)

Bruselas ha abierto un nuevo frente a Pedro Sánchez en su intento por aprobar una ley de amnistía para el separatismo catalán a cambio de su investidura. el comisario de. La Comisión Europea ha dado un aviso al Gobierno de España por la ley de amnistía sin precedentes, porque lo ha hecho antes incluso de conocer el texto.

Los tres prejuicios que definen a la adultez

2023-11-09T05:13+0100eldia-do (es)

SANTO DOMINGO .-A pesar de representar más de un tercio de la población mundial y ser responsables por la mitad del consumo global, hoy en día siguen existiendo estereotipos erróneos asociados a los adultos mayores. El prejuicio etario, conocido como edadismo, está presente en diversas situaciones....

Onanismo mediático

2023-11-09T05:11+0100lanacion-PY (es)

Conforme relata el Antiguo Testa­mento, Onán fue el segundo hijo de Judá. Cuando muere Er, el primogénito de la familia, su padre le obliga a cumplir con su “deber de cuñado” uniéndose a la viuda, Tamar, de manera a “levan­tar descendencia para tu her­mano”.

Juan Fueyo, neurooncólogo: "Los virus pueden generar una infección en los tumores y activar el sistema inmune"

2023-11-09T05:08+0100heraldo (es)

El investigador Juan Fueyo cree que ha llegado el momento de acabar con el silencio en torno al cáncer . El científico, profesor del departamento de Neurooncología de l MD Anderson Cancer Center de Houston - uno de los centros más prestigiosos del mundo- y miembro de la Academia Americana de....

Cops crack murder case with help of a piece of paper

2023-11-09T04:40+0100timesofindia (en)

Kanpur: Police have cracked the case of murder of a Banda man with the help of a small piece of paper in which it was only written that `Dilip... doctor saheb ke baghal mein...Banda..' (Dilip... next to doctor saheb...Banda), recovered from the crime scene.

Sismo en Colombia este 8 de noviembre: magnitud y epicentro del último temblor

2023-11-09T03:36+0100infobae (es)

La intensidad de tipo 6 implica un "daño leve" , en este rango algunas personas pueden llegar a perder el equilibrio; algunos objetos llegan a caerse y muchas edificaciones presentan daños leves. El nivel 7 se presenta cuando hay un "daño moderado" , es decir, los muebles pesados llegan a....

Alameda County leaders raise alarm over rising eviction cases overwhelming court syste...

2023-11-09T02:56+0100nbcbayarea (en)

A coalition of elected Alameda County leaders traveled to the Hayward Hall of Justice Wednesday to observe how it handles its eviction cases. Leah Simon-Weisberg, chairwoman of the Berkeley Rent Board, said they planned the observation after receiving several complaints from community members that the courts were overwhelmed.

"Amnistía amplia", "nación catalana" y "borrado del 155", los tres escollos para la investidura de Sánchez

2023-11-09T02:54+0100elespanol (es)

El secretario de Organización del PSOE, Santos Cerdán , vela en un hotel de Bruselas a la espera de que Puigdemont dé el sí definitivo al acuerdo. Guerra de nervios, aunque todavía queda margen para la fecha límite del 27 de noviembre. La elaboración de la ley de amnistía ha sido la fase más....

Japanese Foreign Minister sent a message of condolences to Foreign Minister Saud

2023-11-09T02:29+0100nepalnews (en)

Ms. Kamikawa yoko, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, sent a message of condolences to Narayan Prakash Saud, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nepal , on the loss of lives and severe damages caused by the earthquake in western Nepal on November 6, 2023, as follows: “I am very saddened to hear of....

Jajarkot earthquake raises concerns about poorly built houses

2023-11-09T02:28+0100kathmandupost (en)

Hardly any houses in Barekot Rural Municipality of Jajarkot are intact after Friday’s magnitude 6.4 earthquake, which also killed at least 153 people and injured 364 others in Jajarkot and Rukum West districts. Barekot has around 4,300 houses, according to the rural municipality.

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake hits Indonesia’s Banda Sea

2023-11-09T02:19+0100nation-pk (en)

JAKARTA - A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, hours after a stronger tremor hit the region, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The shallow quake, located far from the coast, hit at 8:02 pm local time (1302 GMT), the USGS said.

La concordia del presidente

2023-11-09T02:14+0100larazon-es (es)

En las manifestaciones convocadas por él no ha habido violencia de ningún tipo . Claro, se trató siempre de convocatorias legales, con equipos de seguridad eficaces que evitaron cualquier intento de manipulación por parte de grupos extremistas vinculados con no sabemos qué tipo de organizaciones ultras.

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake hits Indonesia’s Banda Sea

2023-11-09T02:11+0100nation (en)

JAKARTA - A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, hours after a stronger tremor hit the region, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The shallow quake, located far from the coast, hit at 8:02 pm local time (1302 GMT), the USGS said.

Presidential Race Like in 1999, voters will prove their maturity in 2024 elections

2023-11-09T01:52+0100JakartaPost (en)

The nation should treat the immoral decision of the Constitutional Court to allow Gibran Rakabumi Raka to contest the presidential election as the running partner of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto like a tsunami early warning system. We have been reminded of a disaster that may sweep our....

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 4.5 en San Pedro

2023-11-09T01:07+0100infobae (es)

Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en la ciudad de Calama Tras un terremoto, revisa tu casa en búsqueda de posibles afectaciones,....

BMKG Logs 45 Aftershocks After 7.2M Earthquake in Banda Sea

2023-11-09T00:55+0100tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that the powerful 7.2-magnitude in the Banda Sea, Maluku, was followed by 45 aftershocks recorded from Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, at 11:52:53 Western Indonesian Time (WIB) to Thursday at 00:50:00 WIB.

Toda violencia es condenable sin excepción

2023-11-09T00:52+0100larazon-es (es)

Editorial Toda violencia es condenable sin excepción La síntesis incontestable es que Feijóo reprueba toda violencia y Sánchez pacta con ella. El resto es la sobreactuación, la hipérbole y la desinformación tan conocidas de Moncloa. Las imágenes de los encapuchados y sus bárbaras actuaciones en los....

Y Cerdán sin bufanda

2023-11-09T00:32+0100lavanguardia (es)

Santos Cerdán, el secretario de organización del PSOE, nos está haciendo sufrir, no tanto porque no consiga que avancen las negociaciones sobre el alcance de la amnistía con Carles Puigdemont y su tropa, como porque el otoño bruselense es traidor (ayer el viento soplaba con ganas) y Cerdán aparece....

Sorpresa en España: hay manifestantes violentos

2023-11-09T00:31+0100libertaddigital (es)

La Policía carga contra los manifestantes durante una concentración en contra de la amnistía, frente a la sede del PSOE en la calle Ferraz. | Europa Press. España es un país de manifestantes. Lo es desde hace tiempo. Pocos españoles se afilian a partidos, lo que no es de extrañar, y pocos tienen la....


2023-11-09T00:19+0100DiarioDeMallorca (es)

Empeñados como estamos en hacer examen de constitucionalidad todo el tiempo a todo el mundo, hay una parte de la cúpula judicial, responsable de su tutela, que ha decidido saltarse la división de poderes en busca de un fin político. La insurrección no hay que buscarla sólo en los CDR o el Tsunami....

Martínez-Almeida, en 'El Cascabel': "No amnistiaremos a los manifestantes detenidos en Madrid"

2023-11-09T00:15+0100cope (es)

José Luís Martínez-Almeida, alcalde de Madrid, ha estado esta noche en El Cascabel para analizar las protestas contra la amnistía y la actualidad política relacionada con Madrid y la investidura de Pedro Sánchez. Sobre los disturbios acontecidos en las últimas noches ante Ferraz, Almeida ha....

Sinuoso golpismo

2023-11-09T00:14+0100DiarioDeMallorca (es)

El golpismo se ha puesto en marcha. Un golpismo de cloaca que ha sacado todos sus peones en escena para frenar el acuerdo político de la amnistía. A las manifestaciones y vandalismo en las puertas de Ferraz, previamente alimentado por los micrófonos habituales, se ha sumado la escandalosa....

Sánchez cierra acuerdo con Puigdemont y se asegura una nueva Legislatura

2023-11-09T00:06+0100lapoliticaonline (es)

Las conversaciones se habían estancado en el último momento del viernes por diferencias de Junts con los "cambios de índole jurídica" que introdujo Ferraz en el último borrador. Esas modificaciones jurídicas implicarían, a juicio de Puigdemont, la exclusión de muchos encausados en la futura amnistía.

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake hits Indonesia’s Banda Sea — USGS

2023-11-08T23:56+0100jordantimes (en)

JAKARTA — A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, hours after a stronger tremor hit the region, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The shallow quake, located far from the coast, hit at 8:02pm local time (13:02 GMT), the USGS said.

A dos semanas del impacto del huracán Otis, advierten en Acapulco por chubascos y mar de fondo

2023-11-08T23:55+0100infobae (es)

De acuerdo con lo expuesto por la Secretaría de Gestión Integral de Riesgos y Protección Civil del estado de Guerrero, el Mar de Fondo que se presentará en la entidad a partir de este día, puiede dar pie a oleaje de 1.5 a 2.1 metros de altura. Te puede interesar: Así fue la vida dentro del huracán....

Las fracturas van a más

2023-11-08T23:30+0100elperiodico (es)

La incompatibilidad entre el PP y el PSOE , los dos grandes partidos entre los que sería necesaria una mínima entente, no es cosa de hoy. Pero en los últimos tiempos se está ampliando y profundizando esta fractura. El PP ha caído prisionero de Vox en muchas comunidades autónomas y el PSOE solo fía....

Light mag. 4.0 earthquake - Nepal: 190km ESE of Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand, India, on Thursday, Nov 9, 2023 at 3:06 am (GMT +5:45)

2023-11-08T22:33+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Tibet, China (LSA/IC network) | Distance from quake: 897 km / 557 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

New Tech Will Help NZ Prepare For Quakes And Other Hazards

2023-11-08T22:24+0100scoop-co-nz (en)

Emeritus Professor Jarg Pettinga, who has spent four decades researching seismic and landslide hazards, is stepping down after 43 years in the Department of Geological Sciences at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury (UC), including 15 years as a professor.

PSOE y Junts se emplazan a anunciar el acuerdo para la investidura de Sánchez este jueves

2023-11-08T22:11+0100elnacional-cat (es)

La negociación entre PSOE y Junts para la investidura de Pedro Sánchez entra en la recta final. Las dos formaciones se han emplazado esta noche a cerrar un acuerdo este mismo jueves . Los socialistas y el partido de Carles Puigdemont podrían sellar el acuerdo político de manera pública mañana e....

'Caso Tsunami': una defensa cuestiona que el auto de García Castellón cumpla la ley antiterrorista de la UE

2023-11-08T22:07+0100infolibre (es)

Pregunta al juez si, tal como obliga la norma europea, desde 2019 ha notificado a Francia que el viajero fallecido por infarto durante el bloqueo de El Prat puede ser víctima del terrorismo; Gonzalo Boye, letrado del jefe de la oficina de Puigdemont, insta al magistrado a comunicar al país vecino....

Seismic activity | 5.1 magnitude quake recorded in Lau waters

2023-11-08T21:37+0100fijitimes (en)

The map showing the epicentre of the 5.q magnitude earthquake. Image: SUPPLIED. A 5.1 magnitude earthquake was recorded in Ono-i-Lau waters last night. The Seismology Unit of the Mineral Resources department stated the earthquake occurred at 12.28am, located 388km South-southwest from Doi Village,....

Nepal, Asia Pacific | Karnali Earthquake - Emergency Appeal № MDRNP016

2023-11-08T21:33+0100reliefWeb (en)

SITUATION OVERVIEW. On 3 November 2023 in the late evening, a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck the Jajarkot district resulting in large scale destruction of physical properties with 157 people reported dead and hundreds remaining injured in 11 districts, of which Jajarkot and Rukum West were the worst affected.

Un yacht victime d'une attaque d’orques dans le détroit de Gibraltar

2023-11-08T21:28+0100arabnews-fr (fr)

WASHINGTON: Les autorités sanitaires américaines ont annoncé avoir approuvé mercredi un médicament du groupe américain Eli Lilly très attendu contre l'obésité, dernier entrant sur un marché devenu majeur pour l'industrie pharmaceutique. Le traitement, qui sera commercialisé sous le nom de Zepbound....

Fox News Left Shell Shocked by Dems’ Election Night Romp

2023-11-08T21:18+0100thedailybeast (en)

A year after promising viewers a “ red tsunami ” in the 2022 midterms, only to be left with egg on their faces after the GOP drastically underperformed, Fox News was once again wondering what went wrong after Democrats romped to victory in statewide elections on Tuesday night.

Tsunami txuri-urdin

2023-11-08T20:52+0100DiarioVasco (es)

La Real Sociedad ha dado un paso prácticamente definitivo para estar en los octavos de final tras doblegar al Benfica por 3-1. Una primera parte sublime, emocionante e inolvidable ha decidido un encuentro que nunca ha peligrado pese al gol de los lisboetas ...

Sismo de magnitud 3.2 sacudió a Los Santos, Santander

2023-11-08T20:48+0100infobae (es)

La intensidad de tipo 6 implica un "daño leve" , en este rango algunas personas pueden llegar a perder el equilibrio; algunos objetos llegan a caerse y muchas edificaciones presentan daños leves. El nivel 7 se presenta cuando hay un "daño moderado" , es decir, los muebles pesados llegan a....

The Scientist Who Decodes the Songs of Undersea Volcanoes

2023-11-08T20:19+0100quantamagazine (en)

We often think of volcanoes as skyscraping marvels, but these portals to the geologic underworld also reside underwater. Unfortunately, submarine volcanoes are trickier to study than their terrestrial siblings. But you would be hard-pressed to find anyone more enchanted by them — and more stubbornly....

El secretario de Estado de Justicia acusa al juez García-Castellón de intentar “influir en la negociación de la amnistía”

2023-11-08T20:11+0100elpais (es)

La crítica del Gobierno en funciones a la ofensiva judicial contra la ley de amnistía ha subido este miércoles de tono con el secretario de Estado de Justicia, Tontxu Rodríguez, que ha acusado al juez Manuel García-Castellón de querer “influir” en la negociación entre PSOE y Junts al señalar en la....

Bruselas insta a Sánchez a informar sobre la amnistía que negocia con Junts y ERC

2023-11-08T20:07+0100vozpopuli (es)

La UE insta a Sánchez a informar sobre la ley de amnistía que negocia con el independentismo "Le agradecería que me facilitara información más detallada, en particular sobre el alcance personal, material y temporal de esta ley prevista", ha escrito en una carga a Félix Bolaños y Pilar Llop el....

Les Etats-Unis approuvent un médicament d'Eli Lilly très attendu contre l'obésité

2023-11-08T20:03+0100arabnews-fr (fr)

WASHINGTON: Les autorités sanitaires américaines ont annoncé avoir approuvé mercredi un médicament du groupe américain Eli Lilly très attendu contre l'obésité, dernier entrant sur un marché devenu majeur pour l'industrie pharmaceutique. Le traitement, qui sera commercialisé sous le nom de Zepbound....

Al menos tres potentes sismos, de entre 5,1 y 7, sacuden el Mar de Banda, en Indonesia

2023-11-08T20:03+0100debate (es)

Indonesia fue sacudida por al menos tres sismos registrados durante este miércoles, según informó el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). Los terremotos tuvieron magnitudes de entre 5.1 y 7 grados en escala de Richter. el primer movimiento telúrico se registró a las 11:53 hora local; se trató de un sismo de 6.

Terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacude costas de Indonesia

2023-11-08T20:01+0100laverdad-VE (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 ocurrió este miércoles al este de Indonesia, en el mar de Banda, a lo largo de las islas Molucas pero lejos de la costa, según el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El sismo se registró a las 11H53 (4H53 GMT) a 10 km de profundidad, según el USGS, que en primera instancia valoró la magnitud en 6,9 y 7.

Huila registró un sismo de magnitud 3.0 este 8 de noviembre

2023-11-08T19:36+0100infobae (es)

Considerado un país de alto riesgo sísmico, Colombia es un país que se encuentra en el Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , una zona que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los temblores más fuertes a nivel mundial.

Colombia: se registró un sismo de magnitud 3.0 en Tolima

2023-11-08T19:33+0100infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

Feijóo se limita a condenar "todas las violencias" y culpa a Sánchez de las revueltas en Ferraz

2023-11-08T19:11+0100deia-eus (es)

De forma muy generalizada y con una semántica muy intencionada, que retrotrae a otras esferas y otros tiempos, Alberto Núñez Feijóo se ha visto empujado a salir a la palestra para censurar las algaradas y episodios violentos ante la sede de Ferraz. De hecho, en lugar de cargar directamente contra....

Feijóo se limita a condenar "todas las violencias" y culpa a Sánchez de las revueltas en Ferraz

2023-11-08T19:06+0100noticiasdenavarra (es)

De forma muy generalizada y con una semántica muy intencionada, que retrotrae a otras esferas y otros tiempos, Alberto Núñez Feijóo se ha visto empujado a salir a la palestra para censurar las algaradas y episodios violentos ante la sede de Ferraz. De hecho, en lugar de cargar directamente contra....

Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 en el mar de Banda de Indonesia

2023-11-08T19:06+0100metrolibre (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 ocurrió el miércoles al este de Indonesia, en el mar de Banda, a lo largo de las islas Molucas pero lejos de la costa, según el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El sismo se registró a las 11H53 (4H53 GMT) a 10 km de profundidad, según el USGS, que en primera instancia valoró la magnitud en 6,9 y 7.

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake hits Indonesia’s Banda Sea: USGS

2023-11-08T19:04+0100tribuneonline (en)

A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, hours after a stronger tremor hit the region, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The shallow quake, located far from the coast, hit at 8:02 pm local time (1302 GMT), the USGS said.

Almeida condena "sin paliativos" los disturbios en Ferraz: "Y no voy a pedir la amnistía. Esa es la diferencia"

2023-11-08T18:58+0100libertaddigital (es)

, ha mostrado este miércoles su condena "total y absoluta" a los incidentes violentos que se produjeron ayer en la calle Ferraz y el centro de la capital, en línea con las declaraciones realizadas por la presidenta Isabel Díaz Ayuso nada más empezar la sesión de control al Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid en la Asamblea.

Reportan 3 terremotos consecutivos en Indonesia: el mayor fue de 7.1 de magnitud

2023-11-08T18:20+0100larepublica-pe (es)

Según el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), dos sismos ocurrieron simultáneamente. Hasta el momento, no hay alerta de tsunami ni reportes oficiales de muertos y heridos. Este miércoles 8 de noviembre, fue sacudida por tres terremotos , la más fuerte fue de magnitud 7.1, de acuerdo al servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Destructive earthquake strikes ocean off Indonesia

2023-11-08T18:10+0100sabanews-en (en)

[08/November/2023] JAKARTA November 08. 2023 (Saba) - An earthquake measuring 6.9 on Richter scale on Wednesday hit the Pacific Ocean off Indonesian coasts, according to the Seismologic Euro-Mediterranean Center (SEMC). The quake was registered at noon Wednesday (global time), at a distance of 341....

Abogados de la exniñera de Laura Sarabia, piden a la Cidh que le otorgue medidas cautelares: El riesgo que vive es “inminente”

2023-11-08T18:00+0100lapatilla (es)

Marelbys Meza ha vivido un calvario La acusaron de ser ladrona, la etiquetaron como miembro del temido Clan del Golfo, la han seguido y amenazaron a su familia – Foto: juan carlos sierra-semana. El caso de Marelbys Meza, la exniñera de Laura Sarabia que fue chuzada arbitrariamente y luego....

No panic, tsunami after strong Indonesia sea quake

2023-11-08T17:27+0100tribuneonline (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake — initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 — which hit at 11:53 a.m. local time, according to the USGS.

El número dos de Justicia carga contra García Castellón y el CGPJ

2023-11-08T17:09+0100lavanguardia (es)

El secretario de Estado de Justicia en funciones, Tontxu Rodríguez, ha acusado este miércoles al juez Manuel García Castellón de "influir" en las negociaciones para la investidura de Pedro Sánchez al señalar a los líderes catalanes Carles Puigdemont y Marta Rovira en la causa sobre el movimiento....

Juanma Moreno condena la violencia ante el PSOE al que le pide coherencia respecto a la amnistía

2023-11-08T17:09+0100estrelladigital (es)

El presidente de la Junta de Andalucía y líder del PP Andalucía Juanma Moreno ha manifestado su repulsa ante los actos violentos y vandálicos sucedidos en las manifestaciones que se han celebrado en estos días 6 y 7 de noviembre ante las puertas de diferentes sedes del PSOE , tanto del PSOE Andalucía como frente a la sede principal en Ferraz.

Betulia, Santander, registró un sismo de magnitud 3.7 este 8 de noviembre

2023-11-08T17:07+0100infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

Almeida asegura que el PSOE está "ante el espejo de sus contradicciones"

2023-11-08T16:58+0100madridpress (es)

En la rueda de prensa posterior a la Junta de Gobierno, el regidor ha trasladado su condena "sin paliativos" a los incidentes violentos que se produjeron en la concentración de ayer. "Se tiene que llevar siempre a cabo dentro de los cauces legales, como siempre también he mantenido, y al mismo....

Activistas de derechos humanos acusan al juez del Tsunami de querer torpedear la investidura

2023-11-08T16:42+0100elnacional-cat (es)

Íridia y Novacat, dos de las principales entidades del país en materia d e defensa de los derechos humanos, han lamentado esta mañana desde el Parlament de Catalunya que el juez de la Audiencia Nacional, , haya intentado torpedear un acuerdo para la investidura de Pedro Sánchez investigando e....

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea: USGS

2023-11-08T16:36+0100wn (en)

A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, hours after a stronger tremor hit the region, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties Jakarta, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Nov, 2023) A 6.

Feijóo responsabiliza a Sánchez de lo que ocurre en España y acusa al PSOE de querer «cambiar de conversación»

2023-11-08T16:30+0100lagacetadesalamanca (es)

El presidente del Partido Popular, Alberto Núñez Feijóo , ha condenado este miércoles los actos vandálicos en la sede nacional del PSOE en la calle Feraz, pero ha advertido al jefe del Ejecutivo en funciones, Pedro Sánchez, que no puede dar lecciones cuando va a «amnistiar la violencia» con la Ley de Amnistía que negocia con los independentistas.

Temblor en Colombia: se percibió un sismo de magnitud 3.1 en Santander

2023-11-08T16:23+0100infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

6.7 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T16:22+0100ndtvnews (en)

Jakarta: A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, hours after a stronger tremor hit the region, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The shallow quake, located far from the coast, hit at 8:02 pm local time (1302 GMT), the USGS said.

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T16:21+0100leonoticias (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T16:17+0100burgosconecta (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Indonesia's Banda Sea hit by two powerful quakes; no tsunami warning

2023-11-08T16:16+0100gmanews (en)

Indonesia's Banda Sea region was hit by two powerful earthquakes on Wednesday, though neither with tsunami potential, according to the country's geophysics agency. The first quake was of 6.9 magnitude and hit the area close to midday local time on Wednesday while the second registered 6.8 and struck late in the evening.

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T16:15+0100larioja (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T16:13+0100HoyDigital (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T16:13+0100elcomercio-es (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T16:11+0100ideal (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T16:11+0100lasprovincias (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T16:10+0100laverdad (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T16:10+0100diarioSur (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Tres terremotos sacuden indonesia, el mayor sismo fue de magnitud 7

2023-11-08T16:00+0100reduno (es)

Durante la madrugada de este miércoles 8 de noviembre, se registraron tres terremotos en el mar de Banda, sureste de Indonesia, el más fuerte fue de magnitud 7, y los otros dos movimientos telúricos fueron en la misma zona, pero con menor intensidad. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos, que....

Daños 8-11-2023 Tres terremotos sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T15:59+0100noticiassin (es)

Yakarta .- Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que....

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea: USGS

2023-11-08T15:48+0100bssnews (en)

JAKARTA, Nov 8, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, hours after a stronger tremor hit the region, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The shallow quake, located far from the coast, hit at 8:02 pm local time (1302 GMT), the USGS said.

Indonésie : nouveau séisme de magnitude 6.7 au large des Moluques

2023-11-08T15:48+0100TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,7 s’est produit ce mercredi au large des Moluques, en Indonésie. Aucune alerte au tsunami n’a été émise. Ce nouveau séisme s’est produit à 20 h 02 locales (14 h, horaire français) à une profondeur de 10 km à plus de 300 km des premières côtes.

Tres terremotos, el mayor de magnitud 7, sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T15:41+0100elnuevodiario-DO (es)

EL NUEVO DIARIO, YAKRTA.- Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami.

Indonesia-earthquake 2ndlead

2023-11-08T15:37+0100nampa (en)

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea: USGS ATTENTION - RECASTS with new quake /// Jakarta, Nov 8, 2023 (AFP) - A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, hours after a stronger tremor hit the region, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties.

Colombia: se registró un sismo de magnitud 3.0 en Cundinamarca

2023-11-08T15:34+0100infobae (es)

La intensidad de tipo 6 implica un "daño leve" , en este rango algunas personas pueden llegar a perder el equilibrio; algunos objetos llegan a caerse y muchas edificaciones presentan daños leves. El nivel 7 se presenta cuando hay un "daño moderado" , es decir, los muebles pesados llegan a....

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea: USGS

2023-11-08T15:25+0100livemint (en)

A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck in Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. Indonesia's geophysics agency has issued no tsunami warning. A 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck in Indonesia's Banda Sea on....

SHOA descarta tsunami en Chile tras fuerte sismo en Indonesia

2023-11-08T15:25+0100radioagricultura (es)

Esta mañana el SHOA descartó que el fuerte sismo registrado en Indonesia pueda generar un tsunami en la costa nacional. Según declaró el organismo, el sismo ocurrió a las 10:02 horas de este miércoles 8 de noviembre. Por otro lado, el epicentro se registró a 339 kilómetros al sur de Amahal, Indonesia, mientras que la magnitud fue de 6.

Tres terremotos sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T15:24+0100elperiodiquito (es)

Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la....

Alfonso Ussía triunfa con su contundente alegato contra Marlaska y sus esbirros: «¡Miserables!»

2023-11-08T15:17+0100periodistadigital (es)

ARTÍCULO EN 'EL DEBATE' Alfonso Ussía triunfa con su contundente alegato contra Marlaska y sus esbirros: «¡Miserables!» Algunos hablan de fascismo policial. Nada de eso. El fascismo ha desaparecido. Se trata de comunismo policial, ordenado por superiores comunistas. E stá harto de la act¡tud del Gobierno sanchista.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea, no tsunami potential

2023-11-08T15:15+0100wn (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. Indonesia Earthquake: Earlier on Wednesday, the area....

Escucha un ruido inesperado, se asoma al balcón de su piso en Murcia y esto es lo que se encuentra

2023-11-08T15:14+0100cope (es)

Un pueblo de Murcia se ha convertido en viral en TikTok gracias a la siguiente historia. El vídeo en cuestión lo compartía la usuaria Cristina Fernández. En él, se ve como un coche, aparentemente normal, atraviesa una calle. Este vehículo lleva un altavoz y esto es lo que escucha esta chica mientras salía al balcón .

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T15:13+0100DiarioVasco (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Tres terremotos sacudieron las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T15:13+0100lapagina (es)

Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registró la....

The position has been filled: Hunt for the 1st Taylor Swift reporter ends – National

2023-11-08T15:09+0100digitpatrox (en)

Arizona journalist Bryan West resides each Swiftie‘s wildest desires In recent times, it appears like Taylor Swift is all over the place. Whether or not it’s her extremely profitable Eras Tour or the regular launch of her re-recorded Taylor’s Model albums, the cultural impression of Swift is plain.

Jueces contra la amnistía

2023-11-08T15:09+0100diariopalentino (es)

La declaración del Consejo General del Poder Judicial, las últimas decisiones tomadas desde la Audiencia Nacional, las prisas de la Guardia Civil, en funciones de policía judicial al servicio del juez que ha reclamado sus informes y se los ha puesto en su mesa con una rapidez inusitada, y el....

Unicef: i bambini rappresentano la metà dei morti e dei feriti del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-08T15:08+0100aise (it)

GINEVRA\ aise\ - Quasi la metà delle vittime e dei feriti segnalati del recente terremoto in Nepal sono bambini . Secondo le autorità locali, il terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 che ha colpito parti remote del Nepal occidentale lo scorso 3 novembre ha provocato finora 153 vittime e più di 338 feriti.

Jueces contra la amnistía

2023-11-08T15:08+0100diariodeavila (es)

La declaración del Consejo General del Poder Judicial, las últimas decisiones tomadas desde la Audiencia Nacional, las prisas de la Guardia Civil, en funciones de policía judicial al servicio del juez que ha reclamado sus informes y se los ha puesto en su mesa con una rapidez inusitada, y el....

Jueces contra la amnistía

2023-11-08T15:06+0100eldiasoria (es)

La declaración del Consejo General del Poder Judicial, las últimas decisiones tomadas desde la Audiencia Nacional, las prisas de la Guardia Civil, en funciones de policía judicial al servicio del juez que ha reclamado sus informes y se los ha puesto en su mesa con una rapidez inusitada, y el....

Jueces contra la amnistía

2023-11-08T15:02+0100diariodeburgos (es)

La declaración del Consejo General del Poder Judicial, las últimas decisiones tomadas desde la Audiencia Nacional, las prisas de la Guardia Civil, en funciones de policía judicial al servicio del juez que ha reclamado sus informes y se los ha puesto en su mesa con una rapidez inusitada, y el....

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T15:00+0100elnortedecastilla (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacude a Indonesia: por ahora no se activa alerta de tsunami

2023-11-08T15:00+0100elcolombiano (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 sacudió este miércoles al este de Indonesia, en el mar de Banda, a lo largo de las islas Molucas, pero lejos de la costa, según el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El sismo se registró sobre las 11:53 de la mañana (hora local) a 10 km de profundidad, según el....

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T14:57+0100eldiariomontanes (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T14:55+0100canarias7 (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes Indonesia's Banda Sea; no tsunami alert

2023-11-08T14:54+0100deccanherald (en)

Jakarta: A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. Earlier on Wednesday, the area was also hit by 6.9 magnitude quake.

Sánchez blande la violencia contra las sedes del PSOE como «demostración» de que su investidura debe prosperar

2023-11-08T14:53+0100elcorreodigital (es)

Pedro Sánchez ha encontrado en las protestas con elementos violentos frente a las 'casas del pueblo' del PSOE, como la que anoche tuvo lugar en la madrileña calle Ferraz, un argumento para apuntalar el discurso con el que desde el pasado 23 de julio viene defendiendo su decisión de pactar con Carles....

¿Cómo intenta el independentismo desactivar al juez que acusa a Tsunami Democrático de terrorismo?

2023-11-08T14:47+0100es-ara-cat (es)

Barcelona La causa de Tsunami Democrático en la Audiencia Nacional ha impactado de lleno en las negociaciones sobre la investidura de Pedro Sánchez, hasta el punto de que los negociadores de Junts han querido volver a revisar de arriba abajo la ley de amnistía , aún sin acuerdo con el PSOE, para....

Spanish judge may have seriously violated European law to try to impute an accidental death to Tsunami Democratic protest

2023-11-08T14:38+0100VilaWeb (en)

Spanish special prosecution court judge Manuel García-Castellón has instrumentalized the death of a French tourist to try to strengthen the terrorism charges against those accused by Tsunami Democràtic, in case of a possible amnesty law. Now, lawyer Gonzalo Boye representing Josep Lluís Alay....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea, no tsunami potential

2023-11-08T14:27+0100HindustanTimes (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. Indonesia Earthquake: Earlier on Wednesday, the area was also hit by 6.9 magnitude quake.(Representational) Earlier on Wednesday, the area was also hit by 6.

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:27+0100diarioInformacion (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Magnitude 6.8 quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea, no tsunami potential - geophysics agency

2023-11-08T14:26+01004-traders (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the country's geophysics agency BMKG said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. Earlier on Wednesday, the area was also hit by 6.9 magnitude quake. (Reporting by Ananda Teresia; Editing by Martin....

Tres terremotos sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T14:26+0100globovision (es)

Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia , sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:25+0100diarioCordoba (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:24+0100sport-es (es)

Han puesto como ejemplo otros casos anteriores como las detenciones de los 9 CDR en la Operación Judas en 2019, la acusación contra Tamara Carrasco o las condenas contra raperos como Pablo Hasél o Valtònyc, así como otros casos que nada tienen que ver con el independentismo y que afectan al movimiento ecologista.

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:24+0100diariodeibiza (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:23+0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:23+0100laopiniondemurcia (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:22+0100lanuevaespana (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:22+0100DiarioDeMallorca (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:22+0100laopiniondemalaga (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:21+0100laopiniondezamora (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:20+0100elperiodicodearagon (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

13:17 Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:20+0100eldia (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:19+0100FaroDeVigo (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:19+0100laprovincia (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:18+0100laopinioncoruna (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:17+0100levante-emv (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de las acusaciones de terrorismo contra los imputados en el caso del . En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región....

Vox carga contra el Gobierno por sus intentos de «criminalizar» las manifestaciones pacíficas

2023-11-08T14:08+0100eldebate (es)

«¿Con qué legitimidad moral se atreve el PSOE a condenar ningún ataque?», ha preguntado en su comparecencia ante los medios Pepa Millán este miércoles desde el Congreso. La portavoz parlamentaria de Vox ha recriminado al partido de Pedro Sánchez que condene o pida condenar los ataques que se....

Entidades en defensa de los derechos humanos denuncian que se use el delito de terrorismo para "criminalizar" a Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T14:05+0100elperiodico (es)

"Delirantes". Así ven varias entidades de derechos humanos las acusaciones de terrorismo En una rueda de prensa en la Cámara catalana para presentar el informe 'No me digas terrorista si no lo soy' -en el marco de la edición de la cimera The Nonviolence Factory de la región EuroMediterrània-, el....

Tres terremotos sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T14:03+0100eluniversal (es)

Caracas.- Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles (08.11.2023) las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami.

Feijóo, tras los ataques a Ferraz: "La violencia no tiene cabida en democracia y su impunidad tampoco"

2023-11-08T13:57+0100rtve-alacarta (es)

El líder del PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo , ha lanzado un mensaje “claro” tras los durante las protestas contra la amnistía de las últimas noches: “La violencia no tiene cabida en democracia y debe rechazarse siempre ”. Dicho esto, ha dejado claro que, si la violencia no tiene cabida, “su impunidad....

Primeras palabras

2023-11-08T13:54+0100larazon-es (es)

paseando por Madrid. Las imágenes , en menos de 24 horas, han dado la vuelta al mundo y han generado un gran revuelo mediático. Tanto es así, que la Casa Real de Dinamarca ha tenido que emitir un comunicado oficial. De igual manera, la mexicana también se ha pronunciado a través de un escrito....

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T13:53+0100guardian-ng (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake -- initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 -- which hit at 11:53 am local time (0453 GMT), according to the USGS.

Tres terremotos, el mayor de magnitud 7, sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia Lo Más Reciente 8 de nov. de 2023

2023-11-08T13:49+0100latribuna (es)

Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la....

Puigdemont se reúne con la cúpula de Junts en Bruselas para analizar el estado de la negociación con el PSOE

2023-11-08T13:46+0100cope (es)

Fuentes de la negociación dicen que ya habría acuerdo si no fuera por la imputación por terrorismo de Tsunami. El expresidente de Catalunya Carles Puigdemont se ha reunido este miércoles con la cúpula de Junts para analizar la evolución de la negociación con el PSOE de cara a una investidura del....

Puigdemont se reúne con la cúpula de Junts en Bruselas para analizar el estado de la negociación con el PSOE

2023-11-08T13:44+0100europapress (es)

El expresidente de la Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, a su llegada al Parlamento Europeo, a 8 de noviembre de 2023, en Bélgica (Bruselas). Los negociadores de Junts y del PSOE siguen sin llegar a un acuerdo sobre la ley de amnistía a primera hora de hoy t - Europa Press.

ONG acusan al juez de Tsunami de atribuir falsamente terrorismo como en Egipto o Turquía

2023-11-08T13:43+0100cope (es)

Las ONG NovACT e Irídia han denunciado que el juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, ha intentado "interferir" en la negociación sobre la amnistía al atribuir "falsamente" terrorismo en la causa de Tsunami Democràtic, como ocurre en países como Egipto, Turquía o Marruecos con la disidencia política.

El Senado no condenará los ataques a la sede de Ferraz porque PP y PSOE no se ponen de acuerdo

2023-11-08T13:42+0100elespanol (es)

El PSOE no ha aceptado el texto alternativo planteado por el PP, que extendía la condena a la violencia ejercida contra todos los partidos. 8 noviembre, 2023 13:40 El PP y el PSOE no han logrado ponerse de acuerdo para condenar en el Senado los ataques a las sedes socialistas y la violencia en las....

Reportan un sismo de magnitud 7.1 en el este de Indonesia

2023-11-08T13:42+0100diarioeltiempo (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7.1 se registró este miércoles al este de Indonesia, en el mar de Banda, a lo largo de las islas Molucas, sin que las autoridades hayan activado la alerta de tsunami. Según el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS por sus siglas en inglés) el temblor ocurrió a las 13H53....

Aragonès se revuelve contra Vox: "Parece un discurso que anuncia un golpe de Estado"

2023-11-08T13:39+0100cope (es)

El presidente de la Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, ha protagonizado este miércoles un choque dialéctico con el líder de Vox en el Parlament, Ignacio Garriga, cuyo discurso contra la amnistía, ha dicho, "parece que anuncia un golpe de Estado". En la sesión de control al presidente de la Generalitat, en....

Feijóo responde al PSOE que rechaza lecciones "de los que quieren amnistiar hechos violentos"

2023-11-08T13:35+0100elindependiente (es)

Alberto Núñez Feijóo ha desplegado todos sus argumentos en contra de la ley de amnistía que negocia Pedro Sánchez con Carles Puigdemont para exonerar al fugado de la justicia de toda responsabilidad penal tras dirigir en 2017 un intento de subvertir el orden constitucional.

China sends emergency aid to Nepal for quake-hit areas

2023-11-08T13:30+0100chinadailyhk (en)

Survivors search for belongings through the ruins of their damaged house following an earthquake in Khalanga of Jajarkot district on Nov 6, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP) POKHARA — A batch of Chinese emergency relief materials for earthquake-hit areas in western Nepal was transported to Pokhara International Airport on Wednesday.

Tres terremotos sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T13:30+0100eldeber (es)

Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles (08.11.2023) las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS),....


2023-11-08T13:05+0100lasexta (es)

El alcalde de la ciudad de Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida, ha querido condenar este miércoles los altercados que se llevan produciendo durante varios días frente a la sede del PSOE en Ferraz, donde se han dado enfrentamientos directos con la Policía, cánticos y soflamas fascistas y todo tipo de....

Frente común de Aragonès e Illa ante las amenazas de la extrema derecha de Vox

2023-11-08T13:04+0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

El president ha emplazado a todos los grupos a "no aceptar amenazas" de ningún tipo, además de advertir que si el discurso de Garriga se hubiera hecho en la calle sería el del "anuncio de un golpe de Estado" . E Illa, que no ha escondido su enojo, ha agradecido el apoyo explícito tanto de ERC como....

Frente común de Aragonès e Illa ante las amenazas de la extrema derecha de Vox

2023-11-08T13:02+0100DiarioDeMallorca (es)

El president ha emplazado a todos los grupos a "no aceptar amenazas" de ningún tipo, además de advertir que si el discurso de Garriga se hubiera hecho en la calle sería el del "anuncio de un golpe de Estado" . E Illa, que no ha escondido su enojo, ha agradecido el apoyo explícito tanto de ERC como....

Oaxaca registra temblor de 4.5 de magnitud Debido a su ubicación geográfica, México está continuamente expuesto a sufrir este tipo de eventos sísmicos

2023-11-08T13:02+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de 4.

Colombia: se registró un temblor de magnitud 3.3 en Santander

2023-11-08T13:02+0100infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

INQToday: Imee Marcos to back Rodrigo Duterte ‘…even if I’m the only one left’

2023-11-08T13:01+0100inquirer (en)

Here’s a quick roundup of today’s top stories: Ten years after the catastrophic impact of Super Typhoon Yolanda in the Visayas, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. emphasized the significance of integrating climate change into formulating national policies and strengthening the country’s disaster preparedness.

Marche contre l'antisémitisme : Manuel Valls appelle à "un sursaut face au tsunami de ces actes antisémites" C'est un "un appel au rassemblement de tous les Français", insiste l'ancien Premier ministre. Si l'extrême-droite cherche "un blanchiment", ils sont "aidés par Jean-Luc Mélenchon", ajoute-t-il.

2023-11-08T13:01+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Manuel Valls, ancien Premier ministre, appelle mercredi 8 novembre sur franceinfo, à "une mobilisation, un sursaut, une prise de conscience sur ce que nous sommes en train de vivre" face "à l'explosion, au tsunami de ces actes antisémites, judéophobes" .

Almeida también condena los incidentes en Ferraz pero asegura que el PSOE está "ante el espejo de sus contradicciones"

2023-11-08T13:01+0100granadahoy (es)

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha mostrado este miércoles su condena "total y absoluta" a los incidentes de ayer en la calle Ferraz y el centro de la capital pero ha asegurado que el PSOE está"ante el espejo de sus contradicciones". En la rueda de prensa posterior a la Junta de....

Frente común de Aragonès e Illa ante las amenazas de la extrema derecha de Vox

2023-11-08T13:01+0100eldia (es)

El president ha emplazado a todos los grupos a "no aceptar amenazas" de ningún tipo, además de advertir que si el discurso de Garriga se hubiera hecho en la calle sería el del "anuncio de un golpe de Estado" . E Illa, que no ha escondido su enojo, ha agradecido el apoyo explícito tanto de ERC como....

Frente común de Aragonès e Illa ante las amenazas de la extrema derecha de Vox

2023-11-08T13:00+0100lanuevaespana (es)

El president ha emplazado a todos los grupos a "no aceptar amenazas" de ningún tipo, además de advertir que si el discurso de Garriga se hubiera hecho en la calle sería el del "anuncio de un golpe de Estado" . E Illa, que no ha escondido su enojo, ha agradecido el apoyo explícito tanto de ERC como....

El jefe de gabinete de Puigdemont rechaza que se atribuya una muerte a Tsunami por el bloqueo del Prat

2023-11-08T13:00+0100larazon-es (es)

La investigación por terrorismo a Carles Puigdemont en la causa de Tsunami Democràtic en la que está imputada, entre otros, la secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira , ha puesto en guardia al independentismo ante lo que consideran un dique judicial a la futura ley de amnistía .

Texas earthquake: El Paso hit by 5.3 magnitude earthquake

2023-11-08T13:00+0100themirror (en)

A strong magnitude 5.3 earthquake was felt in Texas this morning with residents reporting feeling a potent tremor and a whole hotel "shaking." People may have been "rudely awakened" by the tremor, according to the National Weather Service El Paso. The epicentre of the earthquake was recorded as being 36 kilometres southwest of Mentone, Texas.

Almeida condena los incidentes de ayer en Ferraz pero asegura que PSOE está "ante el espejo de sus contradicciones"

2023-11-08T13:00+0100europapress (es)

Cifra en 2.000 euros los daños con "tres contenedores y cinco cubos de basura" afectados en la protesta MADRID, 8 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha mostrado este miércoles su condena "total y absoluta" a los incidentes de ayer en la calle Ferraz y el centro....

"Sin paliativos"

2023-11-08T13:00+0100larazon-es (es)

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida , ha mostrado este miércoles su condena "total y absoluta" a los incidentes de ayer en la calle Ferraz y el centro de la capital pero ha asegurado que el PSOE está "ante el espejo de sus contradicciones".

Aragonès acusa a "parte de la extrema derecha judicial" de banalizar el delito de terrorismo

2023-11-08T13:00+0100europapress (es)

BARCELONA, 8 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - El presidente de la Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, ha asegurado que una "parte de la extrema derecha judicial intenta retorcer el significado de las leyes y banalizar el delito de terrorismo para mantener la represión" al independentismo.

Chueca condena los actos violentos en Ferraz y pide al PSOE que sea "consecuente por pactar con CDR y Bildu"

2023-11-08T13:00+0100europapress (es)

ZARAGOZA, 8 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - La alcaldesa de Zaragoza, Natalia Chueca, ha condenado los actos violentos que se han producido este martes por la noche en la sede nacional del PSOE de la calle Ferraz, en Madrid, y ha pedido los socialistas que sean "consecuentes por pactar la amnistía con los Comités de Defensa de la República (CDR) y EH Bildu".

Frente común de Aragonès e Illa ante las amenazas de la extrema derecha de Vox

2023-11-08T13:00+0100elperiodicodearagon (es)

El president ha emplazado a todos los grupos a "no aceptar amenazas" de ningún tipo, además de advertir que si el discurso de Garriga se hubiera hecho en la calle sería el del "anuncio de un golpe de Estado" . E Illa, que no ha escondido su enojo, ha agradecido el apoyo explícito tanto de ERC como....

Almeida también condena los incidentes en Ferraz pero asegura que el PSOE está "ante el espejo de sus contradicciones"

2023-11-08T13:00+0100huelvainformacion (es)

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha mostrado este miércoles su condena "total y absoluta" a los incidentes de ayer en la calle Ferraz y el centro de la capital pero ha asegurado que el PSOE está"ante el espejo de sus contradicciones". En la rueda de prensa posterior a la Junta de....

El alcalde de Madrid José Luis Martínez Almeida

2023-11-08T12:59+0100diariodejerez (es)

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha mostrado este miércoles su condena "total y absoluta" a los incidentes de ayer en la calle Ferraz y el centro de la capital pero ha asegurado que el PSOE está"ante el espejo de sus contradicciones". En la rueda de prensa posterior a la Junta de....

Almeida también condena los incidentes en Ferraz pero asegura que el PSOE está "ante el espejo de sus contradicciones"

2023-11-08T12:59+0100diariodesevilla (es)

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha mostrado este miércoles su condena "total y absoluta" a los incidentes de ayer en la calle Ferraz y el centro de la capital pero ha asegurado que el PSOE está"ante el espejo de sus contradicciones". En la rueda de prensa posterior a la Junta de....

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T12:58+0100mb-com-ph (en)

Map locating a 7.1-magnitude quake in Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday. / AFP. JAKARTA, Indonesia– A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake -- initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Frente común de Aragonès e Illa ante las amenazas de la extrema derecha de Vox

2023-11-08T12:58+0100diariodeibiza (es)

El president ha emplazado a todos los grupos a "no aceptar amenazas" de ningún tipo, además de advertir que si el discurso de Garriga se hubiera hecho en la calle sería el del "anuncio de un golpe de Estado" . E Illa, que no ha escondido su enojo, ha agradecido el apoyo explícito tanto de ERC como....

Boye aguijonea a la Audiencia por el trato de Tsunami como terrorismo según las directrices de la UE

2023-11-08T12:58+0100elnacional-cat (es)

El abogado pide al juez si ha comunicado a Francia que trata una fatal cardiopatía de un ciudadano suyo como terrorismo. Foto: Efe Barcelona. Miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2023. 11:39 Actualizado: Miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2023. 12:29 Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos.

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T12:54+0100terradaily (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake -- initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 -- which hit at 11:53 am local time (0453 GMT), according to the USGS.

Feijóo llama a la movilización pacífica: La violencia no tiene cabida en democracia, y su impunidad tampoco»

2023-11-08T12:53+0100sevilla-abc (es)

El presidente del PP rechaza recibir lecciones «de quienes trabajan para que los actos violentos queden impunes» Feijóo durante su intervención en el Congreso Tania Sieira. El presidente del Partido Popular, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, ha rechazado los actos violentos que se han desarrollado en los....

Aragonès acusa a «la extrema derecha» de intentar retorcer el significado de las leyes

2023-11-08T12:46+0100theobjective (es)

El presidente de la Generalitat, Pere Aragonès , ha asegurado que una «parte de la extrema derecha judicial intenta retorcer el significado de las leyes y banalizar el delito de terrorismo para mantener la represión» al Lo ha dicho en la sesión de control en el Parlament en respuesta a una pregunta....

Almeida condena la violencia pero asegura que el PSOE está «ante sus contradicciones»

2023-11-08T12:35+0100theobjective (es)

, ha mostrado este miércoles su condena «total y absoluta» a los incidentes de ayer en la calle Ferraz y el centro de la capital pero ha asegurado que el PSOE está «ante el espejo de sus contradicciones. En la rueda de prensa posterior a la Junta de Gobierno, el regidor ha trasladado su condena «sin....

Almeida también condena los incidentes en Ferraz pero asegura que el PSOE está "ante el espejo de sus contradicciones"

2023-11-08T12:34+0100europasur (es)

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha mostrado este miércoles su condena "total y absoluta" a los incidentes de ayer en la calle Ferraz y el centro de la capital pero ha asegurado que el PSOE está"ante el espejo de sus contradicciones". En la rueda de prensa posterior a la Junta de....

Life after BBC News looks good! Natasha Kaplinsky and Sian Williams look radiant at memorial to George Alagiah alongside former colleagues - after quitting high-pressure presenter roles

2023-11-08T12:33+0100dailymail (en)

The great and the good of British news broadcasting - past and present - were at St Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square, central London , yesterday to honour the life of their former colleague George Alagiah, who died in July, after a long battle with bowel cancer.

El alcalde de Madrid José Luis Martínez Almeida

2023-11-08T12:31+0100eldiadecordoba (es)

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha mostrado este miércoles su condena "total y absoluta" a los incidentes de ayer en la calle Ferraz y el centro de la capital pero ha asegurado que el PSOE está"ante el espejo de sus contradicciones". En la rueda de prensa posterior a la Junta de....

Terremoto, Unicef: "Bambini colpiti in modo sproporzionato"

2023-11-08T12:30+0100redattoresociale (it)

Roma - Quasi la metà delle vittime e dei feriti segnalati del recente terremoto in Nepal sono bambini. Secondo le autorità locali, il terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 che ha colpito parti remote del Nepal occidentale lo scorso 3 novembre ha provocato finora 153 vittime e più di 338 feriti.

El Delorean de Puigdemont y su despegue inmediato

2023-11-08T12:21+0100ondacero (es)

“O todo o nada”, insisten en el entorno de Carles Puigdemont. Y es que el retraso del viaje que lo devuelva al pasado 1 de octubre de 2017 se debe de nuevo a la redacción de la exposición de motivos de una ley de amnistía que ya arde en las calles antes de ser publicada.

“Mi chiamano centinaia di genitori, anche le loro figlie sono state spogliate con un’app”

2023-11-08T12:10+0100fanpage (it)

A settembre Almendralejo , un comune di Badajoz con circa 30.000 abitanti, è diventato l'epicentro di un caso di deepfake . Quando Isabel, nome inventato, entra in classe per il suo primo giorno di scuola un compagno le dice: " Ho visto una tua foto nuda ", quella foto non è mai stata scattata ma....

Almeida condena los incidentes de ayer en Ferraz pero asegura que PSOE está "ante el espejo de sus contradicciones"

2023-11-08T12:06+0100teleprensa (es)

Cifra en 2.000 euros los daños con "tres contenedores y cinco cubos de basura" afectados en la protesta. MADRID, 8 (EUROPA PRESS) El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha mostrado este miércoles su condena "total y absoluta" a los incidentes de ayer en la calle Ferraz y el centro de la....

Alcaldesa Zaragoza condena los actos violentos en Ferraz y pide al PSOE que sea "consecuente por pactar con CDR y Bildu"

2023-11-08T12:06+0100teleprensa (es)

ZARAGOZA, 8 (EUROPA PRESS) La alcaldesa de Zaragoza, Natalia Chueca, ha condenado los actos violentos que se han producido este martes por la noche en la sede nacional del PSOE de la calle Ferraz, en Madrid, y ha pedido los socialistas que sean "consecuentes por pactar la amnistía con los Comités de Defensa de la República (CDR) y EH Bildu".

Nepal: Unicef, “i bambini rappresentano la metà dei morti e dei feriti del terremoto”

2023-11-08T12:04+0100avveniredicalabria (it)

Quasi la metà delle vittime e dei feriti segnalati del recente terremoto in Nepal sono bambini. Secondo le autorità locali, il terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 che ha colpito parti remote del Nepal occidentale lo scorso 3 novembre ha provocato finora 153 vittime e più di 338 feriti.

Nepal: i bambini rappresentano la metà dei morti e dei feriti del terremoto

2023-11-08T12:00+0100agenpress (it)

L’UNICEF e i partner intensificano il sostegno per fornire assistenza urgente e salvavita a più di 200.000 persone – tra cui 80.000 bambini – che necessitano di aiuto AgenPress . Quasi la metà delle vittime e dei feriti segnalati del recente terremoto in Nepal sono bambini.

El asesor de Puigdemont apunta a que el juez rompe el Derecho de la UE al incluir la muerte del turista francés en el caso Tsunami

2023-11-08T11:58+0100sevilla-abc (es)

La defensa del asesor de Carles Puigdemont, Josep Lluis Alay, en el caso Tsunami ha presentado un nuevo escrito en la Audiencia Nacional donde plantea que el juez instructor Manuel García Castellón ha podido quebrantar la Directiva Europea de lucha contra el terrorismo al introducir en la....

Frente común de Aragonès e Illa ante las amenazas de la extrema derecha de Vox

2023-11-08T11:56+0100levante-emv (es)

El president ha emplazado a todos los grupos a "no aceptar amenazas" de ningún tipo, además de advertir que si el discurso de Garriga se hubiera hecho en la calle sería el del "anuncio de un golpe de Estado" . E Illa, que no ha escondido su enojo, ha agradecido el apoyo explícito tanto de ERC como....

Frente común de Aragonès e Illa ante las amenazas de la extrema derecha de Vox

2023-11-08T11:49+0100diarioInformacion (es)

El president ha emplazado a todos los grupos a "no aceptar amenazas" de ningún tipo, además de advertir que si el discurso de Garriga se hubiera hecho en la calle sería el del "anuncio de un golpe de Estado" . E Illa, que no ha escondido su enojo, ha agradecido el apoyo explícito tanto de ERC como....

Sumar anuncia que la imputación de Puigdemont y Rovira puede tener «repercusiones» en la amnistía

2023-11-08T11:48+0100eldebate (es)

El secretario primero de la Mesa del Congreso y dirigente de Sumar Gerardo Pisarello , ha afirmado que la imputación en la causa de Tsunami Democratic del prófugo Carles Puigdemont yy de la secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira, puede «tener repercusiones» en la configuración de la futura ley de amnistía.

Pleno del Parlament

2023-11-08T11:46+0100epe (es)

El president ha emplazado a todos los grupos a "no aceptar amenazas" de ningún tipo, además de advertir que si el discurso de Garriga se hubiera hecho en la calle sería el del "anuncio de un golpe de Estado" . E Illa, que no ha escondido su enojo, ha agradecido el apoyo explícito tanto de ERC como....

La alcaldesa de Zaragoza condena las protestas violentas frente a la sede del PSOE pero anima a “salir a la calle” contra la amnistía

2023-11-08T11:44+0100heraldo (es)

, ha condenado este miércoles las protestas violentas frente a la sede del PSOE en la calle de Ferraz, en Madrid. “El PP, a diferencia de otros partidos políticos que no condenan la violencia según les interesa, siempre, siempre, siempre ha condenado los actos violentos y está en contra de la violencia ”, ha asegurado.

Olena Zelenska, Première dame d’Ukraine : "Ne nous oubliez pas !"

2023-11-08T11:37+0100lexpress (fr)

Olena Zelenska : C’est une vie très difficile. On aurait pu croire qu’on allait s’habituer à ce stress, ce bouleversement constant, mais ce n’est pas possible ! Il y a un mois, nous avons connu une grande tragédie avec le bombardement de Groza, dans la région de Kharkiv, où un missile russe a tué près d’un tiers des habitants de ce ­village.

Nepal: Unicef, “i bambini rappresentano la metà dei morti e dei feriti del terremoto”

2023-11-08T11:34+0100agensir (it)

Quasi la metà delle vittime e dei feriti segnalati del recente terremoto in Nepal sono bambini. Secondo le autorità locali, il terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 che ha colpito parti remote del Nepal occidentale lo scorso 3 novembre ha provocato finora 153 vittime e più di 338 feriti.

Pisarello (Sumar) dice que investigar a Puigdemont y Rovira por 'Tsumani' puede tener "repercusiones" en la amnistía

2023-11-08T11:34+0100teleprensa (es)

Ensalza a Armengol frente a Batet como presidenta del Congreso: "Tiene convicciones republicanas, es una catalanista" BARCELONA, 8 (EUROPA PRESS) El secretario primero de la Mesa del Congreso y diputado de Sumar-En Comú Podem, Gerardo Pisarello, ha afirmado que la implicación del expresidente de la....

Olena Zelenska, Première dame d’Ukraine : "Ne nous oubliez pas !"

2023-11-08T11:15+0100lexpansion-votreargent (fr)

Olena Zelenska : C’est une vie très difficile. On aurait pu croire qu’on allait s’habituer à ce stress, ce bouleversement constant, mais ce n’est pas possible ! Il y a un mois, nous avons connu une grande tragédie avec le bombardement de Groza, dans la région de Kharkiv, où un missile russe a tué près d’un tiers des habitants de ce ­village.

Ayuso condena "los actos vandálicos de grupos ultras" mientras Feijóo acusa a Sánchez del "malestar social"

2023-11-08T11:15+0100elindependiente (es)

Isabel Díaz Ayuso ha condenado los "actos vandálicos" protagonizados por "grupos ultras" en la manifestación de anoche en Madrid que alteraron una protesta "totalmente pacífica", pesar de que parecía que no estaba comunicada a la Delegación del Gobierno como es preceptivo.

Fuencaliente firmará un convenio con Artesol para impulsar la artesanía a propuesta de UPF-PP

2023-11-08T11:13+0100ileon (es)

Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía Fuencaliente firmará un convenio con Artesol para impulsar la artesanía a propuesta de UPF-PP El portavoz de UPF-PP, Andrés Torres, destaca que este acuerdo permitirá generar riqueza....

SHOA descarta riesgo de tsunami en las costas de Chile tras seguidilla de terremotos en las aguas al sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T11:13+0100adnradio (es)

(SHOA) descartó un posible tsunami en las costas de Chile tras una seguidilla de terremotos en las aguas al sureste de Indonesia. En detalle, se registraron tres fuertes movimientos telúricos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 , en las aguas del mar de Banda. Leer también.

La Diputación de Alicante abre una nueva senda de acceso al yacimiento del neolítico de la Cova de l’Or en Beniarrés

2023-11-08T11:10+0100eldiario-es (es)

Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía La Diputación de Alicante abre una nueva senda de acceso al yacimiento del neolítico de la Cova de l’Or en Beniarrés Este espacio ha recibido la visita de más de 2.000 personas desde su apertura en junio del año 2021.

Puigdemont será muchas cosas, pero no un terrorista

2023-11-08T11:10+0100diariodeavila (es)

De ninguna manera piense usted que, pese al titular con el que ilustra este comentario, quien suscribe tiene la menor simpatía por Carles Puigdemont. Nunca se puede simpatizar con el fanatismo, la unilateralidad y el ventajismo que muestra en sus negociaciones con el Gobierno central, conociendo,....

Puigdemont será muchas cosas, pero no un terrorista

2023-11-08T11:09+0100diariopalentino (es)

De ninguna manera piense usted que, pese al titular con el que ilustra este comentario, quien suscribe tiene la menor simpatía por Carles Puigdemont. Nunca se puede simpatizar con el fanatismo, la unilateralidad y el ventajismo que muestra en sus negociaciones con el Gobierno central, conociendo,....

Puigdemont será muchas cosas, pero no un terrorista

2023-11-08T11:08+0100eldiasoria (es)

De ninguna manera piense usted que, pese al titular con el que ilustra este comentario, quien suscribe tiene la menor simpatía por Carles Puigdemont. Nunca se puede simpatizar con el fanatismo, la unilateralidad y el ventajismo que muestra en sus negociaciones con el Gobierno central, conociendo,....

Olena Zelenska, Première dame d’Ukraine : "Ne nous oubliez pas !"

2023-11-08T11:07+0100lexpansion (fr)

Olena Zelenska : C’est une vie très difficile. On aurait pu croire qu’on allait s’habituer à ce stress, ce bouleversement constant, mais ce n’est pas possible ! Il y a un mois, nous avons connu une grande tragédie avec le bombardement de Groza, dans la région de Kharkiv, où un missile russe a tué près d’un tiers des habitants de ce ­village.

7.1-magnitude quake hits Pacific Ocean near Indonesia

2023-11-08T11:06+0100thesundaily (en)

MOSCOW : A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Indonesia, the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre announced on Wednesday, reported Sputnik. The earthquake was recorded at 0453 GMT, 331 km (205 miles) southeast of the Indonesian city of Ambon. The epicentre was at a depth of 10 km (six miles).

Terremoto de magnitud 7 sacude las aguas del mar de Banda en Indonesia

2023-11-08T11:06+0100lanacion-PY (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 ocurrió el miércoles al este de Indonesia, en el mar de Banda, a lo largo de las islas Molucas , pero lejos de la costa, según el servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El sismo se registró a las 11:53 (4:53 GMT) a 10 km de profundidad, según el USGS, que en primera instancia valoró la magnitud en 6,9 y 7.

El vuelco de un vehículo deja un herido en Santa María de Guía

2023-11-08T11:05+0100eldiario-es (es)

TARJETA CADUCADA. Por favor, actualiza tus datos de pago para que podamos renovar tu suscripción el y así sigas siendo socia/o de elDiario.es. Te seguimos necesitando, Actualizar datos de pago No podemos cobrar tu cuota. Tus datos de pago son erróneos o incompletos.

CC de Fuencaliente reclama “coherencia” a la portavoz del PSOE en el Ayuntamiento

2023-11-08T11:05+0100eldiario-es (es)

Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía CC de Fuencaliente reclama “coherencia” a la portavoz del PSOE en el Ayuntamiento Los constantes ataques a la gestión municipal se hacen desde el desconocimiento y sin fundamentos. Imagen de archivo del Ayuntamiento de Fuencaliente.

Tres terremotos sacudieron las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T11:04+0100el-nacional (es)

Indonesia se asienta sobre el llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico, una zona de gran actividad sísmica y volcánica en la que cada año se registran unos 7.000 terremotos. Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de....

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes Banda Sea in Indonesia; no tsunami warning

2023-11-08T11:03+0100wn (en)

Nov 8 (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was 370 km (229.9 miles) southeast of Ambon, Indonesia and estimated at a depth of 146 km, EMSC added.

CC de Fuencaliente reclama “coherencia” a la portavoz del PSOE en el Ayuntamiento

2023-11-08T11:02+0100ileon (es)

Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía CC de Fuencaliente reclama “coherencia” a la portavoz del PSOE en el Ayuntamiento Los constantes ataques a la gestión municipal se hacen desde el desconocimiento y sin fundamentos. Imagen de archivo del Ayuntamiento de Fuencaliente.

El vuelco de un vehículo deja un herido en Santa María de Guía

2023-11-08T11:02+0100ileon (es)

TARJETA CADUCADA. Por favor, actualiza tus datos de pago para que podamos renovar tu suscripción el y así sigas siendo socia/o de elDiario.es. Te seguimos necesitando, Actualizar datos de pago No podemos cobrar tu cuota. Tus datos de pago son erróneos o incompletos.

El número de ejemplares de lince se acerca a los 600 en Castilla-La Mancha: “Hemos cumplido con los objetivos marcados”

2023-11-08T11:01+0100eldiario-es (es)

TARJETA CADUCADA. Por favor, actualiza tus datos de pago para que podamos renovar tu suscripción el y así sigas siendo socia/o de elDiario.es. Te seguimos necesitando, Actualizar datos de pago No podemos cobrar tu cuota. Tus datos de pago son erróneos o incompletos.

Puigdemont será muchas cosas, pero no un terrorista

2023-11-08T11:01+0100diariodeburgos (es)

De ninguna manera piense usted que, pese al titular con el que ilustra este comentario, quien suscribe tiene la menor simpatía por Carles Puigdemont. Nunca se puede simpatizar con el fanatismo, la unilateralidad y el ventajismo que muestra en sus negociaciones con el Gobierno central, conociendo,....

La Diputación de Alicante abre una nueva senda de acceso al yacimiento del neolítico de la Cova de l’Or en Beniarrés

2023-11-08T10:56+0100ileon (es)

Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía La Diputación de Alicante abre una nueva senda de acceso al yacimiento del neolítico de la Cova de l’Or en Beniarrés Este espacio ha recibido la visita de más de 2.000 personas desde su apertura en junio del año 2021.

Maluku Hit by 7.2M Earthquake; Minor Tsunamis, Aftershocks Detected

2023-11-08T10:52+0100tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta - The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported a tectonic earthquake in Maluku with 7.2 magnitude on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, at 11:52 a.m.WIB (Western Indonesia Time). BMKG's analysis showed that the earthquake had an updated parameter of 7.1 magnitudes. The epicenter of this quake was located at 6.

El calor de octubre hizo que Fuencaliente registrara noches tropicales todos los días

2023-11-08T10:52+0100eldiario-es (es)

No has terminado tu compra. Parece que tuviste problemas para darte de alta como socio/a en elDiario.es. Termina el proceso en solo unos minutos. Te necesitamos más que nunca. Terminar alta de socio/a Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la....

El número de ejemplares de lince se acerca a los 600 en Castilla-La Mancha: “Hemos cumplido con los objetivos marcados”

2023-11-08T10:50+0100ileon (es)

No podemos cobrar tu cuota. Tus datos de pago son erróneos o incompletos. Actualiza tus datos para renovar la cuota y no causar baja como socio/a de elDiario.es Actualizar datos Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía El número de....

El calor de octubre hizo que en Fuencaliente hubiera noches tropicales todos los días

2023-11-08T10:44+0100ileon (es)

No has terminado tu compra. Parece que tuviste problemas para darte de alta como socio/a en elDiario.es. Termina el proceso en solo unos minutos. Te necesitamos más que nunca. Terminar alta de socio/a Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la....

Un fallecido tras la colisión entre un turismo y un camión que iba en dirección contraria en Alovera

2023-11-08T10:41+0100eldiario-es (es)

Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía Un fallecido tras la colisión entre un turismo y un camión que iba en dirección contraria en Alovera El suceso se comunicó a las 6:49 de la mañana y el conductor del camión resultó herido con....

La Junta de Castilla-La Mancha aportará 10.300 euros a ocho centros privados concertados de educación especial

2023-11-08T10:41+0100eldiario-es (es)

Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía La Junta de Castilla-La Mancha aportará 10.300 euros a ocho centros privados concertados de educación especial El Gobierno regional aduce “interés público” y las ayudas vienen a complementar....

La 'mano derecha' de Puigdemont pide acreditar que al fallecido en 'Tsunami' se le trató como víctima del terrorismo

2023-11-08T10:39+0100infobae (es)

Josep Lluis Alay, el jefe de la oficina del ex presidente catalán Carles Puigdemont, ha solicitado al juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García Castellón, que investiga los altercados provocados por Tsunami Democràtic tras la sentencia del 'procés', que acredite que al ciudadano francés que....

World Cup 2023: Cricketers React To Glenn Maxwell's Sensational Double Hundred

2023-11-08T10:38+0100india (en)

Rahul Gandhi offer prayers at Kedarnath temple. Chhattisgarh Polls: Candidate Kawasi Lakhma confident about winning with a bigger margin this year. World Cup 2023 Angelo Mathews becomes first to be 'timed out' in international cricket Bangladesh vs Sri Lanka. Terrifying! Earthquake claims 128 lives in Nepal .

La 'mano derecha' de Puigdemont pide acreditar que al fallecido en 'Tsunami' se le trató como víctima del terrorismo

2023-11-08T10:34+0100teleprensa (es)

Advierte de que, si no se ha hecho, la Audiencia Nacional habría vulnerado el Derecho de la UE. MADRID, 8 (EUROPA PRESS) Josep Lluis Alay, el jefe de la oficina del ex presidente catalán Carles Puigdemont, ha solicitado al juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García Castellón, que investiga los....

Séisme de magnitude 7,1 en mer de Banda (Indonésie)

2023-11-08T10:32+0100catnat (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7.1 s'est produit mercredi 8 octobre en milieu de journée à l'est de l'Indonésie, au large des Moluques, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS), un séisme survenu loin des côtes et sans déclencher d'alerte au tsunami.

La 'mano derecha' de Puigdemont pide acreditar que al fallecido en 'Tsunami' se le trató como víctima del terrorismo

2023-11-08T10:32+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

Advierte de que, si no se ha hecho, la Audiencia Nacional habría vulnerado el Derecho de la UE MADRID, 8 (EUROPA PRESS) Josep Lluis Alay, el jefe de la oficina del ex presidente catalán Carles Puigdemont, ha solicitado al juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García Castellón, que investiga los....

Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía

2023-11-08T10:30+0100eldiario-es (es)

No has terminado tu compra. Parece que tuviste problemas para darte de alta como socio/a en elDiario.es. Termina el proceso en solo unos minutos. Te necesitamos más que nunca. Terminar alta de socio/a Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la....

La 'mano derecha' de Puigdemont pide acreditar que al fallecido en 'Tsunami' se le trató como víctima del terrorismo

2023-11-08T10:29+0100cope (es)

Advierte de que, si no se ha hecho, la Audiencia Nacional habría vulnerado el Derecho de la UE. Josep Lluis Alay, el jefe de la oficina del ex presidente catalán Carles Puigdemont, ha solicitado al juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García Castellón, que investiga los altercados provocados por....

La 'mano derecha' de Puigdemont pide acreditar que al fallecido en 'Tsunami' se le trató como víctima del terrorismo

2023-11-08T10:28+0100europapress (es)

Advierte de que, si no se ha hecho, la Audiencia Nacional habría vulnerado el Derecho de la UE MADRID, 8 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - Josep Lluis Alay, el jefe de la oficina del ex presidente catalán Carles Puigdemont, ha solicitado al juez de la Audiencia Nacional Manuel García Castellón, que investiga....

Un fallecido tras la colisión entre un turismo y un camión que iba en dirección contraria en Alovera

2023-11-08T10:27+0100ileon (es)

Última hora Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía Un fallecido tras la colisión entre un turismo y un camión que iba en dirección contraria en Alovera El suceso se comunicó a las 6:49 de la mañana y el conductor del camión resultó herido con....

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia’s Banda Sea

2023-11-08T10:24+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

JAKARTA, Nov 8 — A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Banda Sea today, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake — initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 — which hit at 11:53am local time (0453 GMT), according to the USGS.

l'intelligenza artificiale in compiti quotidiani e professionali AI integrata alla realtà: l'ultima evoluzione di ChatGPT Nasce lo Store virtuale in cui creare e vendere i GPTs Intelligenza artificiale sempre più accessibile e sempre più personalizzabile. E' questa la strada che vuole percorrere OpenAI, che punta a introdurre un GPT Store, un.

2023-11-08T10:22+0100affaritaliani (it)

Intelligenza artificiale sempre più integrata nella realtà: ecco l'ultima evoluzione di Chat-GPT. Intelligenza artificiale sempre più accessibile e sempre più personalizzabile. E' questa la strada che vuole percorrere OpenAI, che punta a introdurre un GPT Store, un luogo virtuale dove chiunque può....

Concepción Sáez, exvocal del CGPJ, contundente: "La amnistía tiene encaje en la Constitución y es imprescindible"

2023-11-08T10:20+0100elnacional-cat (es)

La jurista y exvocal progresista del Consejo General del Poder Judicial (CGPJ), Concepció Sáez, ha asegurado que la ley de amnistía, que se está negociando entre PSOE y Junts per Catalunya para cerrar la investidura de Pedro Sánchez, sí que tiene encaje en la Constitución y "está demostrado desde un punto de vista histórico".

Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía

2023-11-08T10:20+0100ileon (es)

TARJETA CADUCADA. Por favor, actualiza tus datos de pago para que podamos renovar tu suscripción el y así sigas siendo socia/o de elDiario.es. Te seguimos necesitando, Actualizar datos de pago Un imputado por Tsunami pide apartar al juez García Castellón por su opinión contra la amnistía El editor....

Tres terremotos, el mayor de magnitud 7, sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T10:19+0100eldebate (es)

Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra....

Tres terremotos sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T10:18+0100huffingtonpost-es-es (es)

Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 han sacudido este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia. No obstante, las autoridades no han informado inicialmente de daños ni se ha activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos ( USGS ), que....

Boye contraataca y acusa al juez de obviar los derechos del francés fallecido en el Prat

2023-11-08T10:15+0100elconfidencial (es)

El caso Tsunami se ha colado de lleno en las negociaciones de investidura y abierto un frente judicial que las defensas de los afectados ya combaten . En un nuevo escrito, el segundo en pocas horas, el abogado Gonzalo Boye acusa al instructor del procedimiento, el juez Manuel García-Castellón , de....

World News | Fifth India-US 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue to Take Place on November 10 in New Delhi

2023-11-08T10:14+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 8 (ANI): As the fifth India-US 2+2 Ministerial dialogue is all set to take place in New Delhi on November 10, the defence and the foreign ministers of both countries will take the opportunity to progress the futuristic roadmap for the India-US partnership as envisioned by....

World News | Blinken Reiterates US Support for Ukraine Holding Russia Accountable

2023-11-08T10:14+0100latestly (en)

Washington DC [US], November 8 (ANI): United Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday reiterated US support for Ukraine and for holding Russia accountable. He noted that Russia started the war against Ukraine and it could end the conflict at any time by withdrawing its forces.

Series of powerful earthquakes shakes eastern Indonesia, no immediate reports of casualties

2023-11-08T10:13+0100financialexpress (en)

A series of powerful and shallow earthquakes shook a sparsely populated island chain in eastern Indonesia on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The Indonesia’s Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysical Agency said there was no danger of a tsunami but warned of possible aftershocks.

Indonésie: un séisme de magnitude 7.1 enregistré en mer, pas d'alerte tsunami à ce stade

2023-11-08T10:13+0100bfmtv (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7.1 a été enregistré au large des côtes indonésiennes. Aucune victime n'a été signalée pour le moment et aucune alerte tsunami n'a été déclenchée. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7.1 s'est produit ce mercredi 8 novembre en milieu de journée à l'est de l' , au large des....

China hands over relief materials for quake victims

2023-11-08T10:11+0100kathmandupost (en)

Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Chen Song handed over relief materials provided by the Chinese government for the victims of the recent Jajarkot earthquake to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Narayan Kaji Shrestha. DPM Shrestha expressed his gratitude to the northern neighbour for the....

7.1 magnitude earthquake hits the Banda Sea off Indonesia

2023-11-08T10:04+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-08T09:02:32.346Z. Highlights: 7.1 magnitude earthquake hits the Banda Sea off Indonesia. Quake occurred at 11:53 local time (04:53 GMT) at a depth of 10 kilometers. Residents of the town of Samulaki in Indonesia's Tanimbar Islands felt an earthquake.

Tres terremotos, el mayor de magnitud 7, sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T09:53+0100lapatilla (es)

Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia , sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra....

7.2-magnitude quake jolts Indonesia

2023-11-08T09:49+0100wn (en)

Jakarta: A massive earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale jolted Indonesia’s Maluku province on Wednesday, but did not trigger a tsunami, the country’s meteorology agency BMKG said. Having centered at the shallow seabed, the earthquake occurred at 11.52 a.m., Xinhua news agency quotd BMKG as saying.

World News | Basal Melting of Ice Shelves in Greenland May Lead to a 2-meter Rise in Sea Levels

2023-11-08T09:42+0100latestly (en)

Nuuk [Greenland], November 8 (ANI): Published in 'Nature Communications' on Tuesday, a study into Greenland's huge northern glaciers found that melting of ice shelves may lift the sea levels by 2.1 meters, nearly 7 feet if the glaciers were to break down completely.

Qué sábanas de cama para invierno comprar

2023-11-08T09:41+0100burgosconecta (es)

Si hay una época del año en la que no apetece nada de nada salir de la cama es el invierno. ¿Dónde se va a estar mejor que abrazado a tu almohada favorita, bajo el edredón nórdico y encogiendo los pies sobre una sábana calentita? Esto último es fundamental, porque sin unas buenas sábanas capaces de....

Esplosione a Kabul: almeno 7 morti ma nessuna rivendicazione

2023-11-08T09:39+0100asianews (it)

Le notizie di oggi: il presidente degli Stati Uniti Joe Biden non sostiene né sosterrà l’occupazione militare israeliana della Striscia di Gaza. sono già 13 le giovani vittime di alcuni crolli nelle palestre delle scuole della provincia cinese di Heilongjiang.

Qué sábanas de cama para invierno comprar

2023-11-08T09:38+0100larioja (es)

Si hay una época del año en la que no apetece nada de nada salir de la cama es el invierno. ¿Dónde se va a estar mejor que abrazado a tu almohada favorita, bajo el edredón nórdico y encogiendo los pies sobre una sábana calentita? Esto último es fundamental, porque sin unas buenas sábanas capaces de....

Qué sábanas de cama para invierno comprar

2023-11-08T09:35+0100ideal (es)

Si hay una época del año en la que no apetece nada de nada salir de la cama es el invierno. ¿Dónde se va a estar mejor que abrazado a tu almohada favorita, bajo el edredón nórdico y encogiendo los pies sobre una sábana calentita? Esto último es fundamental, porque sin unas buenas sábanas capaces de....

Qué sábanas de cama para invierno comprar

2023-11-08T09:34+0100eldiariomontanes (es)

Si hay una época del año en la que no apetece nada de nada salir de la cama es el invierno. ¿Dónde se va a estar mejor que abrazado a tu almohada favorita, bajo el edredón nórdico y encogiendo los pies sobre una sábana calentita? Esto último es fundamental, porque sin unas buenas sábanas capaces de....

Qué sábanas de cama para invierno comprar

2023-11-08T09:33+0100laverdad (es)

Si hay una época del año en la que no apetece nada de nada salir de la cama es el invierno. ¿Dónde se va a estar mejor que abrazado a tu almohada favorita, bajo el edredón nórdico y encogiendo los pies sobre una sábana calentita? Esto último es fundamental, porque sin unas buenas sábanas capaces de....

Qué sábanas de cama para invierno comprar

2023-11-08T09:32+0100elcorreodigital (es)

Si hay una época del año en la que no apetece nada de nada salir de la cama es el invierno. ¿Dónde se va a estar mejor que abrazado a tu almohada favorita, bajo el edredón nórdico y encogiendo los pies sobre una sábana calentita? Esto último es fundamental, porque sin unas buenas sábanas capaces de....

Qué sábanas de cama para invierno comprar

2023-11-08T09:32+0100HoyDigital (es)

Si hay una época del año en la que no apetece nada de nada salir de la cama es el invierno. ¿Dónde se va a estar mejor que abrazado a tu almohada favorita, bajo el edredón nórdico y encogiendo los pies sobre una sábana calentita? Esto último es fundamental, porque sin unas buenas sábanas capaces de....

Qué sábanas de cama para invierno comprar

2023-11-08T09:32+0100elnortedecastilla (es)

Si hay una época del año en la que no apetece nada de nada salir de la cama es el invierno. ¿Dónde se va a estar mejor que abrazado a tu almohada favorita, bajo el edredón nórdico y encogiendo los pies sobre una sábana calentita? Esto último es fundamental, porque sin unas buenas sábanas capaces de....

Qué sábanas de cama para invierno comprar

2023-11-08T09:30+0100lasprovincias (es)

Si hay una época del año en la que no apetece nada de nada salir de la cama es el invierno. ¿Dónde se va a estar mejor que abrazado a tu almohada favorita, bajo el edredón nórdico y encogiendo los pies sobre una sábana calentita? Esto último es fundamental, porque sin unas buenas sábanas capaces de....

«Spanish borroka» contra la amnistía y un mártir francés por la Constitución

2023-11-08T09:24+0100rebelion (es)

“No nos van a silenciar. No nos van a callar”. A Alberto Núñez Feijóo sólo le faltaba la ropa de camuflaje para estar a la altura del lenguaje de guerra con el que lanzó el lunes su última proclama ante todos los dirigentes del Partido Popular . La patria os necesita a todos y también en la calle.

CAAN hands cheque of Rs 10 million to PM Dahal

2023-11-08T09:22+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 8. The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) today handed a cheque of Rs 10 million to Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' as per its commitments for monetary assistance to the earthquake survivors in Jajarkot and Rukum West.

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia’s Banda Sea

2023-11-08T09:20+0100punchng (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake — initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 — which hit at 11:53 a.m. local time (0453 GMT), according to the USGS.

Séisme de magnitude 7 au large de l'Indonésie

2023-11-08T09:18+0100linfo (fr)

a secoué la région au large des Moluques, à l’est de l’ Indonésie , le mercredi 8 octobre en plein jour, selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques (USGS). Il est important de noter que ce séisme s’est produit en mer, à une certaine distance des côtes, et n’a pas déclenché d’alerte au tsunami. Initialement, la magnitude avait été mesurée à 6.

Una serie de potentes sismos remece el este de Indonesia sin reportes inmediatos de víctimas

2023-11-08T09:11+0100elnuevoherald (es)

YAKARTA, Indonesia. Una serie de potentes sismos superficiales remecieron el miércoles una cadena de islas poco pobladas en el este de Indonesia. No se reportaron víctimas ni daños de inmediato. Según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGG, por sus siglas en inglés), un terremoto de magnitud....

Deux tremblements de terre successifs frappent la côte indonésienne

2023-11-08T09:07+0100aa-fr (fr)

Ankara. AA / Ankara / Aladdin Mustafaoglu. Deux séismes successifs d'une magnitude de 6,7 et 7,1 ont frappé mercredi matin la zone de la mer de Banda, au large des côtes indonésiennes. L'US Geological Survey a rapporté que l'épicentre des deux tremblements de terre était situé à environ 340....

7.1 magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea; no tsunami warning

2023-11-08T09:06+0100wn (en)

The tremor was felt moderately in the town of Saumlaki in the archipelago's Tanimbar Islands, according to the Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency, or BMKG. ......

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 en el mar de Banda, en las costas de Indonesia y Timor Oriental

2023-11-08T09:05+0100infobae (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido este miércoles el mar de Banda, en las costas de Indonesia y Timor Oriental, según ha confirmado la Agencia de Meteorología, Climatología y Geofísica de Indonesia (BMKG), sin que por el momento haya informaciones sobre víctimas o daños.

Indonésie : séisme de magnitude 7.1 au large des Moluques

2023-11-08T09:01+0100lecourrier (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7.1 s'est produit mercredi 8 novembre en milieu de journée à l'est de l'Indonésie, au large des Moluques, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS), un séisme survenu loin des côtes et sans déclencher d'alerte au tsunami. La magnitude mesurée dans un premier temps à 6.

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes Banda Sea in Indonesia; no tsunami warning

2023-11-08T08:58+0100dunyanews (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was 370 km (229.9 miles) southeast of Ambon, Indonesia and estimated at a depth of 146 km, EMSC added.

A series of powerful earthquakes shakes eastern Indonesia. No immediate reports of casualties

2023-11-08T08:56+0100whig (en)

A series of powerful and shallow earthquakes have shaken a sparsely populated island chain in eastern Indonesia. There are no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The U.S. Geological Survey said a magnitude 6.9 earthquake on Wednesday hit an area 2 <11 miles southwest of Tual, a coastal town in Maluku province, at a depth of 6.

Powerful 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Indonesia's Maluku Province; No Tsunami Alert Issued less than an hour ago The location of the epicentre was 251 km northwest of Maluku Tenggara Barat (Tanimbar Islands) district, with a depth of 10 km under the sea floor.

2023-11-08T08:54+0100weather-en-IN (en)

A massive earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale jolted Indonesia's Maluku province on Wednesday, but did not trigger a tsunami, the country's meteorology agency BMKG said. Having centreed at the shallow seabed, the earthquake occurred at 11.52 a.m., Xinhua news agency quoted BMKG as saying.

Indonesia.- Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 en el mar de Banda, en las costas de Indonesia y Timor Oriental

2023-11-08T08:53+0100cope (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido este miércoles el mar de Banda, en las costas de Indonesia y Timor Oriental, según ha confirmado la Agencia de Meteorología, Climatología y Geofísica de Indonesia (BMKG), sin que por el momento haya informaciones sobre víctimas o daños.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 en el mar de Banda, en las costas de Indonesia y Timor Oriental

2023-11-08T08:51+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 8 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido este miércoles el mar de Banda, en las costas de Indonesia y Timor Oriental, según ha confirmado la Agencia de Meteorología, Climatología y Geofísica de Indonesia (BMKG), sin que por el momento haya informaciones sobre víctimas o daños.

Una serie de potentes sismos remece el este de Indonesia sin reportes inmediatos de víctimas

2023-11-08T08:50+0100sandiegouniontribune (es)

YAKARTA, Indonesia — Una serie de potentes sismos superficiales remecieron el miércoles una cadena de islas poco pobladas en el este de Indonesia. No se reportaron víctimas ni daños de inmediato. Según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGG, por sus siglas en inglés), un terremoto de magnitud....

4 "Putodefender a España"

2023-11-08T08:50+0100deia-eus (es)

Las imágenes que hemos visto del asedio a la sede del PSOE en la calle Ferraz de Madrid dan la razón, palabra por palabra, a Idoia Mendia: “Nada bueno puede venir el odio que está sembrando Núñez Feijóo contra la persona de Pedro Sánchez. Ya hemos visto en otros países a dónde conducen actitudes así.

Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 en el mar de Banda, en las costas de Indonesia y Timor Oriental

2023-11-08T08:50+0100europapress (es)

MADRID, 8 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido este miércoles el mar de Banda, en las costas de Indonesia y Timor Oriental, según ha confirmado la Agencia de Meteorología, Climatología y Geofísica de Indonesia (BMKG), sin que por el momento haya informaciones sobre víctimas o daños.

Indonesia.- Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 en el mar de Banda, en las costas de Indonesia y Timor Oriental

2023-11-08T08:48+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 8 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido este miércoles el mar de Banda, en las costas de Indonesia y Timor Oriental, según ha confirmado la Agencia de Meteorología, Climatología y Geofísica de Indonesia (BMKG), sin que por el momento haya informaciones sobre víctimas o daños.

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia’s Banda Sea

2023-11-08T08:47+0100brecorder (en)

JAKARTA: A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake – initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 – which hit at 11:53 am local time (0453 GMT), according to the USGS.

Series of powerful earthquakes shakes eastern Indonesia, no immediate reports of casualties

2023-11-08T08:47+0100devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; A series of powerful and shallow earthquakes shook a sparsely populated island chain in eastern Indonesia on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The US Geological Survey said a magnitude 6.9 earthquake hit an area 341 kilometres (211 miles) southwest of Tual, a....

A series of powerful earthquakes shakes eastern Indonesia. No immediate reports of casualties

2023-11-08T08:44+0100ABCnews (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- A series of powerful and shallow earthquake s shook a sparsely populated island chain in eastern Indonesia on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The U.S. Geological Survey said a magnitude 6.9 earthquake hit an area 341 kilometers (211 miles)....

Indonésie: séisme de magnitude 7,1 au large des Moluques

2023-11-08T08:44+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 46 min par Agence Belga Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7.1 s'est produit mercredi en milieu de journée à l'est de l'Indonésie, au large des Moluques, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS), un séisme survenu loin des côtes et sans déclencher d'alerte au tsunami. La magnitude mesurée dans un premier temps à 6.

"Putodefender a España"

2023-11-08T08:39+0100noticiasdenavarra (es)

Las imágenes que hemos visto del asedio a la sede del PSOE en la calle Ferraz de Madrid dan la razón, palabra por palabra, a Idoia Mendia: “Nada bueno puede venir el odio que está sembrando Núñez Feijóo contra la persona de Pedro Sánchez. Ya hemos visto en otros países a dónde conducen actitudes así.

In Picture: Hurt but together!

2023-11-08T08:38+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

Earthquake survivors Anjali Pariyar, 4, gestures to her brother Bhupendra Pariyar, 7, in their emergency hospital bed after sustaining injuries during the earthquake that hit Rukum district, at Bheri Hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Photo: Skanda Gautam/ THT.

A series of powerful earthquakes shakes eastern Indonesia. No immediate reports of casualties

2023-11-08T08:38+0100apnews (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A series of powerful and shallow earthquakes shook a sparsely populated island chain in eastern Indonesia on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The U.S. Geological Survey said a magnitude 6.9 earthquake hit an area 341 kilometers (211 miles)....

A series of powerful earthquakes shakes eastern Indonesia. No immediate reports of casualties

2023-11-08T08:35+0100sfgate (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A series of powerful and shallow earthquakes shook a sparsely populated island chain in eastern Indonesia on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The U.S. Geological Survey said a magnitude 6.9 earthquake hit an area 341 kilometers (211....

A series of powerful earthquakes shakes eastern Indonesia. No immediate reports of casualties

2023-11-08T08:33+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia — A series of powerful and shallow earthquakes shook a sparsely populated island chain in eastern Indonesia on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The U.S. Geological Survey said a magnitude 6.9 earthquake hit an area 341 kilometers (211 miles)....

World News | US President Biden to Host Indonesian Counterpart Widodo at White House on November 13

2023-11-08T08:26+0100latestly (en)

Washington DC [US], November 8 (ANI): US President Joe Biden will host Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo for a bilateral meeting at the White House on November 13, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced in a statement. During the visit, Biden will reaffirm the US commitment to....

Magnitude 6.9 tremor strikes Banda Sea in Indonesia, no tsunami alert

2023-11-08T08:20+0100bolnews (en)

PWTC swiftly reassured the public that there was no imminent tsunami threat. A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9 rattled the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, as reported by the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC). The epicenter of the earthquake was located approximately 370 kilometers (229.

The Star » AI: Fears hundreds of children globally used in naked images

2023-11-08T08:16+0100kenyamoja (en)

The mother of a girl whose photo was used in AI-generated naked images says hundreds of parents have told her their children are also victims. Miriam Al Adib's daughter was one of several children from a Spanish village who had indecent images created using photos of them fully clothed.

Puigdemont será muchas cosas, pero no un terrorista

2023-11-08T08:13+0100europapress (es)

MADRID, 8 Nov. (OTR/PRESS) - De ninguna manera piense usted que, pese al titular con el que ilustra este comentario, quien suscribe tiene la menor simpatía por Carles Puigdemont. Nunca se puede simpatizar con el fanatismo, la unilateralidad y el ventajismo que muestra en sus negociaciones con el....

Au milieu du « tsunami de la santé mentale », un nouvel hôpital Butner ouvre ses portes pour soigner les jeunes

2023-11-08T08:10+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-11-08 05:31:15. Les enfants vivant avec des problèmes de santé mentale bénéficieront bientôt d’une nouvelle option de soins. Un hôpital autonome de 54 lits ouvre ses portes au 100 West H Street à Butner. Le site reconverti servait autrefois de centre de traitement de la toxicomanie et de....

Séisme de magnitude 7.1 au large de l'Indonésie

2023-11-08T08:08+0100monacomatin (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7.1 s'est produit mercredi en milieu de journée à l'est de l'Indonésie, au large des Moluques, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). La magnitude a été mesurée dans un premier temps à 6.9. Aucun dégât ni blessé n'a été signalé dans l'immédiat. Pas d'alerte au tsunami.

Tres terremotos sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T08:08+0100deutschewelle-es (es)

Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles (08.11.2023) las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS),....

Xinhua Photo Daily | Nov. 8, 2023

2023-11-08T08:06+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- A selection of the best press photos from Xinhua. Peruvian craftsman Mamani makes alpaca-fur stuffed toys at the booth of Warmpaca during the 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in east China's Shanghai, Nov. 5, 2023.

Séisme de magnitude 7.1 au large de l'Indonésie

2023-11-08T08:05+0100varmatin (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7.1 s'est produit mercredi en milieu de journée à l'est de l'Indonésie, au large des Moluques, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). La magnitude a été mesurée dans un premier temps à 6.9. Aucun dégât ni blessé n'a été signalé dans l'immédiat. Pas d'alerte au tsunami.

Earthquake Today: Indonesia hit by 6.9 measure quake

2023-11-08T08:04+0100wn (en)

Indonesia has been hit by an earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale, as per reports.According to the National Center for Seismology, an earthquake of Magnitude 6.9 occurred at 10.23 a.m. today, November 8, in the Banda Sea area of Indonesia.No tsunami warning was issued for the quake,....

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T08:04+0100wn (en)

Jakarta: A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake - initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Séisme de magnitude 7.1 au large de l'Indonésie

2023-11-08T08:04+0100nicematin (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7.1 s'est produit mercredi en milieu de journée à l'est de l'Indonésie, au large des Moluques, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). La magnitude a été mesurée dans un premier temps à 6.9. Aucun dégât ni blessé n'a été signalé dans l'immédiat. Pas d'alerte au tsunami.

7.2-magnitude quake jolts Indonesia, no tsunami alert issued

2023-11-08T08:03+0100dtnext (en)

JAKARTA: A massive earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale jolted Indonesia's Maluku province on Wednesday, but did not trigger a tsunami, the country's meteorology agency BMKG said. Having centered at the shallow seabed, the earthquake occurred at 11.52 a.m., Xinhua news agency quotd BMKG as saying.

La mer de Banda en Indonésie secouée par un séisme de magnitude 7,1

2023-11-08T08:03+0100laminute (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi la mer de Banda en Indonésie, a annoncé l’Institut géologique des États-Unis, sans rapport immédiat de dégâts ou de victimes. Aucune alerte au tsunami n’a été émise pour le séisme – initialement signalé comme une magnitude de 6,9 ​​– qui a frappé à 11h53 heure locale (4h53 GMT), selon l’USGS.

Reportan un sismo de magnitud 7.1 en el este de Indonesia

2023-11-08T08:03+0100telesurtv (es)

El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos localizó el hipocentro del sismo a 10 kilómetros de profundidad en las aguas al sur del archipiélago de las Molucas. Un sismo de magnitud 7.1 se registró este miércoles al este de Indonesia, en el mar de Banda, a lo largo de las islas Molucas, sin que las autoridades hayan activado la alerta de tsunami.

Tres terremotos sacuden Indonesia

2023-11-08T08:03+0100telemadrid (es)

Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la....

AI: Fears hundreds of children globally used in naked images

2023-11-08T08:02+0100thestarkenya (en)

The mother of a girl whose photo was used in AI-generated naked images says hundreds of parents have told her their children are also victims. Miriam Al Adib's daughter was one of several children from a Spanish village who had indecent images created using photos of them fully clothed.

Indonésie: séisme de magnitude 6,9 en mer de Banda

2023-11-08T08:01+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 31 min par Agence Belga Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,9 s'est produit mercredi à l'est de l'Indonésie, en mer de Banda, à plus de 300 km des côtes selon l'institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). Le séisme a eu lieu à 10 km de profondeur, selon l'USGS, à plus de 340 km....

Tres terremotos, el mayor de magnitud 7, sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T07:57+0100elconfidencial (es)

Tres de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda , en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la....

Dos terremotos de magnitud 6,9 y 7,0 cerca de Indonesia

2023-11-08T07:56+0100elpais-cr (es)

Moscú, 8 nov (Sputnik).- Dos sismos de magnitud 6,9 y 7,0 se produjeron este miércoles cerca de las costas de Indonesia, informó el Centro Sismológico Euromediterráneo (EMSC por sus siglas en inglés). El primer terremoto se registró a las 04.52 GMT, a 341 kilómetros al sureste de la ciudad de Ambon. El segundo seísmo tuvo lugar un minuto después.

IFRC releases Rs 100 million assistance for earthquake survivors

2023-11-08T07:53+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 8. As a response to the November 3 earthquake in the Karnali Province, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has released emergency funds to support humanitarian action on the ground. The fund was released few days ago to the Nepal Red Cross....

Tres terremotos, el mayor de magnitud 7, sacuden las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T07:53+0100infobae (es)

Yakarta, 8 nov (EFE).- Tres terremotos de magnitudes entre 5,1 y 7 sacudieron este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado inicialmente de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami.

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T07:50+0100omanobserver-om (en)

Jakarta - A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake -- initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 -- which hit at 11:53 am local time (0453 GMT), according to the USGS.

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T07:47+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Jakarta: A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake -- initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 -- which hit at 11:53 am local time (0453 GMT), according to the USGS.

IFRC releases Rs 100 million assistance for earthquake survivors

2023-11-08T07:45+0100nepalnews (en)

As a response to the November 3 earthquake in the Karnali Province, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has released emergency funds to support humanitarian action on the ground. The fund was released few days ago to the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) through the Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF).

7.1-magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia

2023-11-08T07:45+0100wn (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 — which hit at 11.53am local time (8.53am, UAE time), according to the USGS.

Earthquke of magnitude 7.1 strikes Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T07:45+0100wn (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The tremor was felt moderately in the town of Saumlaki. (Representative Image) No tsunami warning was issued for the quake --....

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 en mer de Banda secoue l’Indonésie

2023-11-08T07:43+0100lefigaro (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7.1 s'est produit mercredi 8 octobre en milieu de journée à l'est de l' Indonésie , au large des Moluques, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS), un séisme survenu loin des côtes et sans déclencher d'alerte au tsunami. La magnitude mesurée dans un premier temps à 6.

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T07:42+0100urdupoint (en)

Jakarta, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Nov, 2023) A 7.1-magnitude 's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake -- initially reported as a magnitude 6.

No tsunami threat in PH after magnitude 6.9 Indonesia quake

2023-11-08T07:37+0100inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines There is no tsunami threat in the country following the magnitude 6.9 earthquake that jolted the Banda Sea in Indonesia on Wednesday, state seismologists said. T he Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said the earthquake, with a depth of 10 kilometers, was detected at the Banda Sea at 12:53 p.

La Cia al lavoro per il rilascio degli ostaggi

2023-11-08T07:37+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 8 novembre 2023) La Cia sta lavorando con l'intelligence israeliana su piani per salvare gli ostaggi nelle mani di Hamas, secondo le Forze di difesa israeliane (Idf). Il direttore dell'agenzia di spionaggio americana Bill Burns ha discusso ieri dell'argomento con il capo di stato maggiore dell'Idf, Herzi Halevi.

China send humanitarian aid to quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-08T07:35+0100app-en (en)

BEIJING, Nov 8 (APP): A batch of emergency humanitarian assistance, including 600 cotton tents and 4,600 blankets, left Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport in southwest China’s Sichuan Province for earthquake-hit Nepal on Wednesday. According to CGTN, the Chinese government, which sent the....


2023-11-08T07:35+0100app-en (en)

BEIJING, Nov 8 (APP): A batch of emergency humanitarian assistance, including 600 cotton tents and 4,600 blankets, left Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport in southwest China’s Sichuan Province for earthquake-hit Nepal on Wednesday. According to CGTN, the Chinese government, which sent the....

El movimiento telúrico ocurrió en horas de la madrugada. Le contamos.

2023-11-08T07:30+0100eltiempo-CO (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacudió este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de momento de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra la actividad sísmica....

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T07:28+0100bssnews (en)

JAKARTA, Nov 8, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake -- initially reported as a magnitude 6.

China sends relief supplies to Nepal following quake

2023-11-08T07:27+0100ecns (en)

The Chinese government has donated 600 tents, 4,600 blankets and other emergency supplies to Nepal to help in rescue and disaster relief work following a magnitude 6.4 earthquake on Saturday, the China International Development Cooperation Agency said on Wednesday.

7.1-magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia

2023-11-08T07:26+0100khaleejtimes (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 — which hit at 11.53am local time (8.53am, UAE time), according to the USGS.

PSOE y Junts enfrían la posibilidad de que haya una investidura inminente

2023-11-08T07:21+0100lavanguardia (es)

Las opciones de que Pedro Sánchez sea investido presidente del gobierno esta semana se alejan. Tanto desde las filas del PSOE como desde Junts per Catalunya ayer se enfriaron las posibilidades de que haya un acuerdo inminente entre ambas organizaciones, tal y como se esperaba hace unos días.

Earthquke of magnitude 7.1 strikes Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T07:19+0100HindustanTimes (en)

We're now on WhatsApp. Click to join. The tremor was felt moderately in the town of Saumlaki in the archipelago's Tanimbar Islands, according to the Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency, or BMKG. "The earthquake was quite intense. But the people here were not panicking.

6.9 magnitude earthquake jolts Banda Sea in Indonesia

2023-11-08T07:19+0100albawaba-en (en)

ALBAWABA - The European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) reported that a 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday. According to EMSC, the earthquake occurred 370 km (229.9 mi) southeast of Ambon, Indonesia, and was estimated to be 146 km deep.

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea

2023-11-08T07:18+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

An officer examines a seismograph at the Anak Krakatau volcano monitoring station in Carita, Banten, Indonesia, Dec. 26, 2018. Adi Weda, EPA-EFE/File. JAKARTA A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties.

7.0-magnitude quake hits Indonesia’s Banda Sea

2023-11-08T07:14+0100humnews-pk (en)

JAKARTA: A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck in Indonesia’s Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The tremor, located far from the coast, hit at 11:53 am local time (0453 GMT), the USGS said. Indonesia’s geophysics agency has issued no tsunami warning.

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes Banda Sea in Indonesia

2023-11-08T07:13+0100dailynews-lk (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was 370 km (229.9 miles) southeast of Ambon, Indonesia and estimated at a depth of 146 km, EMSC added.

‘I was born to the sound of gunfire. I know how important it is to help people in crisis’

2023-11-08T07:13+0100inews-co-uk (en)

Big Read It is the 60th anniversary since the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) was founded and a celebration event at Buckingham Palace marks this milestone. We look at the ways the organisation has helped millions in crisis Saleh Saeed has been chief executive of the Disasters Emergency Committee for the last 11 years.

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia’s Banda Sea

2023-11-08T07:12+0100malaymail (en)

JAKARTA, Nov 8 — A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia’s Banda Sea today, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake — initially reported as a magnitude 6.9 — which hit at 11:53am local time (0453 GMT), according to the USGS.

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes Banda Sea in Indonesia; no tsunami warning

2023-11-08T07:11+0100inquirer (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) said. The quake was 370 km (229.9 miles) southeast of Ambon, Indonesia and estimated at a depth of 146 km, EMSC added.

Indonesia: terremoto di magnitudo 7 al largo delle isole Molucche

2023-11-08T07:11+0100cdt (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 13.52 ora locale (le 5.52 in Svizzera) al largo delle isole Molucche, in Indonesia. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (INGV) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense USGS, il sisma....

Magnitude 7 quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea – USGS

2023-11-08T07:10+0100manilatimes (en)

JAKARTA: A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck in Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The tremor, located far from the coast, hit at 11:53 a.m. local time (0453 GMT), the USGS said. Indonesia's geophysics agency has issued no tsunami warning.

Indonesia-earthquake lead

2023-11-08T07:10+0100nampa (en)

7.1-magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea Jakarta, Nov 8, 2023 (AFP) - A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. No tsunami warning was issued for the quake -- initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes Banda Sea in Indonesia; no tsunami warning

2023-11-08T07:10+0100adaderana (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was 370 km (229.9 miles) southeast of Ambon, Indonesia and estimated at a depth of 146 km, EMSC added.

7 magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea: USGS

2023-11-08T07:07+0100timesofindia (en)

JAKARTA: A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck in 's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The tremor, located far from the coast, hit at 11:53 am local time (0453 GMT ), the USGS said.

Earthquake in Indonesia: Quake of Magnitude 7 on Richter Scale Hits Banda Sea, No Casualties Reported

2023-11-08T07:07+0100latestly (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7 hit Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, November 8, the United States Geological Survey said. An earthquake of magnitude 7 hit Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, November 8, the United States Geological Survey said. However, no immediate reports of damage or casualties were reported.

Indonésie : un séisme de magnitude 6,9 enregistré dans la mer à l’Est du pays, pas d’alerte au tsunami pour le moment

2023-11-08T07:05+0100sudinfo (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,9 s’est produit mercredi à l’est de l’Indonésie, en mer de Banda, à plus de 300 km des côtes selon l’institut américain d’études géologiques (USGS). Le séisme a eu lieu à 10 km de profondeur, selon l’USG, à plus de 340 km des côtes les plus proches et aucune alerte au tsunami n’a été déclenchée.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacude las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T07:04+0100diario26 (es)

Yakarta, 8 nov (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacudió este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de momento de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra....

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes Banda Sea region Indonesia 16 minute ago - 0 - 55 An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said.

2023-11-08T07:03+0100dailymirror (en)

Indonesia (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was 370 km (229.9 miles) southeast of Ambon, Indonesia and estimated at a depth of 146 km, EMSC added.

6.9-magnitude quake hits Indonesia’s Banda Sea region

2023-11-08T07:03+0100arynews (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was 370 km (229.9 miles) southeast of Ambon, Indonesia and estimated at a depth of 146 km, EMSC added. Earlier, in January this year Indonesia was struck by a 7.

Indonésie. Un séisme de magnitude 6,9 en mer de Banda au large des côtes

2023-11-08T06:55+0100lemainelibre (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,9 s'est produit mercredi 8 novembre 2023 à l'est de l' Indonésie , en mer de Banda, à plus de 300 km des côtes, selon l'institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). Vendredi 3 novembre 2023, au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal.


2023-11-08T06:55+0100epe (es)

Empeñados como estamos en hacer examen de constitucionalidad todo el tiempo a todo el mundo, hay una parte de la cúpula judicial, responsable de su tutela, que ha decidido saltarse la división de poderes en busca de un fin político. La insurrección no hay que buscarla sólo en los CDR o el Tsunami....

Indonésie. Un séisme de magnitude 6,9 en mer de Banda au large des côtes

2023-11-08T06:54+0100courrierdelouest (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,9 s'est produit mercredi 8 novembre 2023 à l'est de l' Indonésie , en mer de Banda, à plus de 300 km des côtes, selon l'institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). Vendredi 3 novembre 2023, au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal.

Indonésie. Un séisme de magnitude 6,9 en mer de Banda au large des côtes

2023-11-08T06:53+0100presseocean (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,9 s'est produit mercredi 8 novembre 2023 à l'est de l' Indonésie , en mer de Banda, à plus de 300 km des côtes, selon l'institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). Vendredi 3 novembre 2023, au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacude las aguas en el sureste de Indonesia

2023-11-08T06:53+0100infobae (es)

Yakarta, 8 nov (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacudió este miércoles las aguas del mar de Banda, en la región sureste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de momento de daños ni se haya activado la alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que registra....

Indonésie. Un séisme de magnitude 6,9 en mer de Banda au large des côtes

2023-11-08T06:52+0100OuestFrance (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,9 s'est produit mercredi 8 novembre 2023 à l'est de l' Indonésie , en mer de Banda, à plus de 300 km des côtes, selon l'institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). Vendredi 3 novembre 2023, au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal.

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 sacude el mar de Banda en Indonesia; sin alerta de tsunami

2023-11-08T06:52+0100notiulti (es)

8 nov (Reuters) – Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 sacudió la región del Mar de Banda en Indonesia el miércoles, dijo el Centro Sismológico Europeo Mediterráneo (EMSC). El terremoto se produjo a 370 kilómetros (229,9 millas) al sureste de Ambon, Indonesia y se estima que tuvo una profundidad de 146 kilómetros, añadió EMSC.


2023-11-08T06:50+0100nampa (en)

URGENT 7.0-magnitude quake hits Indonesia's Banda Sea: USGS Jakarta, Nov 8, 2023 (AFP) - A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck in Indonesia's Banda Sea on Wednesday, the United States Geological Survey said, with no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The tremor, located far from the coast, hit at 11:53 am local time (0453 GMT), the USGS said.

Indonesia Earthquake: Magnitude 6.9 Quake Strikes Banda Sea; No Tsunami Warning

2023-11-08T06:48+0100news18 (en)

The tremor, located far from the coast, hit at 11:53 am local time, the USGS said. Indonesia's geophysics agency has issued no tsunami warning. (Representative image: Shutterstock) A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck Indonesia's Banda Sea region, with no tsunami threat, according to the European....

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes Banda Sea in Indonesia; no tsunami warning

2023-11-08T06:39+0100devdiscourse (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was 370 km (229.9 miles) southeast of Ambon, Indonesia and estimated at a depth of 146 km, EMSC added.

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes Banda Sea in Indonesia; no tsunami warning

2023-11-08T06:37+0100streetinsider (en)

(Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck the Banda Sea region in Indonesia on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was 370 km (229.9 miles) southeast of Ambon, Indonesia and estimated at a depth of 146 km, EMSC added.

Lucie: «Vai a letto normale e il giorno dopo ti svegli un mostro». Che cosa significa vivere con il disturbo disforico premestruale

2023-11-08T06:37+0100vanityfair (it)

Questo articolo è pubblicato sul numero 46 di Vanity Fair in edicola fino al 14 novembre 2023. Per festeggiare con noi i nostri #20dicambiamento, leggete qui «Certe volte la chiamo la stronza, altre la black sister . Perché ogni mese arriva puntualissima a devastare la mia vita, a trasformarmi in una sorta di Mister Hyde.

The accusations for the ‘Tsunami Democràtic case’ accelerate the movements to rule out terrorism

2023-11-08T06:33+0100kiratas (en)

Carles Puigdemont, leaving his office in the European Parliament, last week.Delmi Alvarez. The latest resolution by Judge Manuel García-Castellón on the Tsunami Democràtic case, which has led to the summons as a defendant of former president Carles Puigdemont, has accelerated the time of an investigation that was opened four years ago.

Hawaiian Electric - Hawaiian Electric advances Wildfire Safety Strategy, expands grid resilience work

2023-11-08T06:09+0100electricenergyonline (en)

Hawaiian Electric today (Nov 3) announced actions it is taking as part of its Wildfire Safety Strategy, particularly in drought-stricken areas at elevated risk for wildfires. "With the events of Aug. 8 fresh in our minds, safety remains our top priority, and as drought conditions continue, Hawaii is....

Filipinas: Los supervivientes del supertifón Haiyan conmemoran el décimo aniversario de la devastadora tormenta | Tifón Haiyan

2023-11-08T06:09+0100notiulti (es)

Supervivientes en Filipinas rezan y encienden velas para recordar a los más de 7.000 muertos o desaparecidos en una de las tormentas más fuertes jamás registradas. Sobrevivientes de Súper tifón Haiyan realizará oraciones y encenderá velas en Filipinas para conmemorar el décimo aniversario de la tormenta que dejó más de 7.

Se registró un temblor de magnitud 3.1 en La Esperanza, Norte de Santander

2023-11-08T06:07+0100infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

Lo que viene

2023-11-08T06:06+0100laprensa-HN (es)

L a ola se ha ido convirtiendo en tsunami en pocos años con inminente riesgo para el país que se la ve y desea para afrontar sus graves problemas con soluciones cada vez más inciertas y lejanas. Nos referimos a la masiva migración desde el sur y desde el Caribe de miles y miles de personas en un....

¿Un presidente adicto?

2023-11-08T06:05+0100larepublica-co (es)

La alerta de tsunami sonó unos pocos minutos antes de la medianoche y la población de Punta Mulato en Nariño no alcanzó a ser evacuada a tiempo. Pasadas casi 12 horas después del suceso casi nada se sabe del destino de sus cientos de habitantes. El presidente no se ha pronunciado y la Unidad....

Se registra sismo de 4.1 de magnitud con epicentro en La Mira

2023-11-08T06:04+0100infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 69 km al oeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Michoacán, con una profundidad de 5 km y fue percibido por los habitantes de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred)....

Filipinas recuerda 10 años después el tifón Haiyán, que dejó más de 6.300 muertos

2023-11-08T06:04+0100infobae (es)

Manila, 8 nov (EFE).- Filipinas conmemora este miércoles el décimo aniversario del tifón Haiyán, uno de los más poderosos registrados en la tierra y que dejó más de 6.300 fallecidos en el país, mientras se ha completado la reconstrucción de las zonas afectadas y se destaca el reto que supone la....

Filipinas recuerda 10 años después el tifón Haiyán, que dejó más de 6.300 muertos

2023-11-08T06:02+0100diario26 (es)

Manila, 8 nov (EFE).- Filipinas conmemora este miércoles el décimo aniversario del tifón Haiyán, uno de los más poderosos registrados en la tierra y que dejó más de 6.300 fallecidos en el país, mientras se ha completado la reconstrucción de las zonas afectadas y se destaca el reto que supone la....

García-Castellón, cuentista fracasado

2023-11-08T05:33+0100elnacional-cat (es)

No le gustan las críticas al juez García-Castellón . No le gustan nada. Lo sé por experiencia, porque tuvo el detalle de contactar con alguno de los medios en los que colaboro para quejarse de mí. No crean que no hay peligro, porque te recrea en una de sus obras y te convierte en...

¿Quién compara el golpe de Estado de 1936 con el pronunciamiento del CGPJ sobre la amnistía?

2023-11-08T05:33+0100eltriangle (es)

La conocida periodista y tertuliana independentista Pilar Rahola ha señalado como «un golpe de Estado» los últimos acontecimientos sucedidos a raíz del pacto entre ERC y el PSOE para la amnistía de los afectados por causas judiciales vinculadas al proceso independentista catalán.

La garantía de España

2023-11-08T05:29+0100elnacional-cat (es)

España es más que el PSOE. Lo es a pesar del reformismo de la clase política catalana y a pesar de las ganas que tiene Junts de erigirse en gran negociador. Por eso, la causa abierta contra Tsunami Democràtic dificulta el pacto para el PSOE, dispuesto a vender la imagen de otra España, a la vez que....

Portadas: Tsunami españolista en Madrid

2023-11-08T05:29+0100elnacional-cat (es)

(salvo, lo has adivinado, El Punt Avui). La protesta contra la amnistía y el pacto PSOE-independentistas, se promueve desde hace unos días desde el entorno del PP y de Vox —han participado dirigentes de ambos partidos. Este martes se vio copada por militantes de ultraderecha, muchos de ellos....

Línea Editorial: "En el ejercicio de sus funciones"

2023-11-08T05:21+0100cope (es)

La separación de poderes, pilar del Estado de Derecho, supone un sistema de límites, controles y equilibrios que permiten que tanto el Ejecutivo, el Legislativo y el Judicial puedan cumplir debidamente sus funciones constitucionales. Impartir justicia y garantizar el cumplimiento de la ley es propio de judicial.

Sumar eleva el tono contra la judicatura y la acusa de formar un "partido judicial" para intentar torpedear la investidura de Sánchez

2023-11-08T05:20+010020minutos (es)

. La coalición liderada por Yolanda Díaz , habitualmente muy comedida en sus declaraciones públicas, cargó este martes contra lo que llamó "el partido judicial" , un colectivo en el que Sumar incluye a buena parte de la cúpula de la judicatura. Y no solo eso, sino que acusó a estas altas instancias....

Puigdemont frustra el calendario inicial de la investidura de Sánchez mientras crece el acoso de la extrema derecha por la amnistía

2023-11-08T05:07+0100infobae (es)

Te puede interesar El PSOE enfría ahora las posibilidades de que la investidura sea esta semana Con tiempo para sorpresas de última hora, todo apunta a que el calendario inicial del PSOE se ha visto frustrado . Los socialistas se escudan en que la fecha de la investidura sigue sin fijarse, una....

El juez cifra en 300 los heridos en los disturbios de Tsunami por los que señala a Puigdemont

2023-11-08T05:04+0100sevilla-abc (es)

El auto del juez Manuel García Castellón que señala por terrorismo a los presuntos promotores de la plataforma Tsunami Democrátic, y entre los que sitúa al expresidente de la Generalitat Carles Puigdemont , cifra en al menos 299 los heridos y lesionados «consecuencia» de los ...

China sends relief supplies to Nepal following quake

2023-11-08T05:03+0100chinadaily (en)

A woman stands in front of her collapsed house after an earthquake in Jajarkot, Nepal November 6, 2023. [Photo/Agencies] The Chinese government has donated 600 tents, 4,600 blankets and other emergency supplies to Nepal to help in rescue and disaster relief work following a magnitude 6.

Tarantino en Waterloo

2023-11-08T05:01+0100vozpopuli (es)

España es el escenario de un descomunal saqueo, al estilo de los que culminan algunas manifestaciones violentas en las que la turba asalta las tiendas de deportes y de móviles y procede a llevarse material sin pasar siquiera por caja. La banda de Puigdemont recorre las galerías del Estado y....

Los gases del ministro

2023-11-08T05:01+0100vozpopuli (es)

Es harto curiosa la anatomía política del gobierno. Mientras una parte está preocupadísima porque cree que sus glándulas mamarias, vulgo tetas , nos asustan a los hombres hay otra que se empecina en que no comamos carne mientras que el responsable de la fiambrera, que no cartera, se pone pútrido de....

La Audiencia Nacional valora imputar también a Torra por los disturbios de Tsunami Democràtic

2023-11-08T05:01+0100vozpopuli (es)

La causa contra Tsunami Democràtic sigue su curso pese a los ecos de una ley de amnistía que prevé anular todo lo relacionado con el procés. Tras la imputación de una docena de personas por delito de terrorismo (entre ellas Carles Puigdemont y Marta Rovira) el juzgado pone el foco ahora en Quim....

Una conversación revela los contactos de Tsunami con la presidencia de Torra

2023-11-08T05:01+0100vozpopuli (es)

Los cabecillas de Tsunami Democràtic tenían contacto directo con el Gobierno de Cataluña presidido por Quim Torra y abordaban cuestiones relacionadas con despliegues policiales. Así se desprende de las conversaciones mantenidas entre sus líderes, recogidas por la Guardia Civil en su último informe....

Helpline No. for abandoned cattle

2023-11-08T04:50+0100timesofindia (en)

Lucknow: The district administration on Tuesday released a helpline number for residents to share information about the abandoned cattle A team of five officials, set up at every village, will act immediately on the complaint even at late night, district magistrate Surya Pal Gangwar said.

El cardenal Osoro, en el homenaje del CEU: «Valencia cambió mi vida»

2023-11-08T04:29+0100eldebate (es)

Durante el acto, organizado por la Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera en colaboración con el Proyecto Nacional Granada Costa, monseñor Osoro estuvo acompañado por el arzobispo de Valencia, monseñor Enrique Benavent ; el rector honorario de la CEU UCH y director de Proyección Social y Cultural de la....

IPS man given MPSC top job awaits nod to occupy chair

2023-11-08T04:05+0100timesofindia (en)

Mumbai: A month after he was appointed chairman of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC), director general of police Rajneesh Seth is yet to take up his new assignment, thanks to a directive of the state government . A 1988 batch IPS officer, Seth is due to retire on December 31.

03:01 Sismo de magnitud 4.1 se registra en Chiapas

2023-11-08T04:05+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de 4.

Se registra sismo de 4.0 de magnitud con epicentro en Mapastepec Debido a su ubicación geográfica, México está continuamente expuesto a sufrir este tipo de eventos sísmicos

2023-11-08T03:20+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de 4.

Chiapas registra temblor de 4.0 de magnitud Información del Servicio Sismológico Nacional señala que al día se registran un promedio de 40 temblores en el país

2023-11-08T03:20+0100infobae (es)

Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el temblor sucedió este 7 de noviembre a las 5:04 hora local (11:04 UTC), con un epicentro de 148 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Chiapas. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de....

“Será una catastrofe”: el terremoto que ‘acecha’ Lima y una apocalíptica predicción con más de 100 mil muertes

2023-11-08T03:16+0100infobae (es)

Colapsaron varias estructuras cerca de la avenida Abancay, a escasos metros de la sede de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima, durante en terremoto en Lima de 1974, el último gran remezón registrado en la capital. (El Comercio) Hace menos de un mes se cumplieron 49 años del último gran sismo que azotó Lima .

Puigdemont indigna al PSOE al reabrir ahora "asuntos ya cerrados" en la negociación

2023-11-08T02:43+0100elespanol (es)

La negociación del PSOE con Carles Puigdemont para la investidura de Pedro Sánchez se prolonga mucho más allá de lo que tenía previsto el Gobierno. Empieza a ser improbable que se cierre el acuerdo esta semana, y el plan inicial de Moncloa de acabar el próximo domingo con un nuevo Gobierno tras la investidura parece ahora casi imposible.

Chinese government sends aid to quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-08T02:21+0100cgtn (en)

A batch of emergency humanitarian assistance, including 600 cotton tents and 4,600 blankets, left Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport in southwest China's Sichuan Province for earthquake-hit Nepal on Wednesday. The Chinese government, which sent the supplies, said it attaches great importance to....

El PSOE decreta silencio mientras el pesimismo crece

2023-11-08T02:14+0100larazon-es (es)

La ministra de Educación y Formación Profesional en funciones, Pilar Alegría (i), y la ministra de Política Territorial y portavoz del Gobierno en funciones, Isabel Rodríguez (d), a su llegada a una rueda de prensa posterior a la reunión del Consejo de Ministros, en el Palacio de la Moncloa, a 7 de noviembre de 2023, en Madrid (España).

Disaster and disease

2023-11-08T01:41+0100kathmandupost (en)

Natural disasters, when they come, don’t come alone. Besides bringing immediate death and destruction, they often invite communicable diseases. The recent magnitude 6.4 earthquake that killed 153 people and injured many in Jajarkot and Rukum West districts has raised concerns among health experts....

El gas de los cobardes

2023-11-08T01:33+0100eldebate (es)

De todas partes llegaban familias completas con sus Banderas hasta las cercanías de la sede del partido golpista en la calle de Ferraz. Abuelos, padres y nietos. Niños. Y muchos jóvenes. Matrimonios y jubilados. Hombres y mujeres. Españoles pacíficos preocupados y decididos a manifestar con sus voces su alarma por el futuro de España.

Jajarkot-Rukum Earthquake Response 2023 - Situation Bulletin 02 (7 November 2023)

2023-11-08T01:32+0100reliefWeb (en)

Excerpt. DISASTER SCENARIO. The devastating earthquake in western part of Nepal on 3 November 2023 resulted in severe losses and damages of people and infrastructures. On 6 November, there is further extensive damage from aftershock of 5.8 magnitude. Some of the partially affected houses are fully damaged and roads are also affected.

Peace Lutheran College stabbing: Melody Neal’s incredible story of recovery after schoolgirl left fighting for life and unable to walk or talk

2023-11-08T00:56+0100whatsnew2day (en)

The family of a talented artist who is fighting for her life after she was allegedly stabbed by a schoolmate have broken their silence on the heartbreaking ordeal and fear she may not survive. Melody Neal, 18, was allegedly stabbed multiple times by fellow student Marc Rajan Taylor, 18, during....

Malta conducts tsunami response exercise

2023-11-08T00:45+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

Students line up for evacuation during a tsunami response exercise in Marsaxlokk, Malta, on Nov. 7, 2023. Malta conducted the tsunami response exercise here on Tuesday, simulating a situation of widespread tsunami threat throughout the Eastern and Central Mediterranean.

Un deporte que no será olímpico

2023-11-08T00:37+0100lavanguardia (es)

Esa iniciativa de la extrema derecha de concentrar manifestantes ante la sede del PSOE con banderas con la gallina como escudo y embozados para el combate, como si hubieran salido de un cuadro de Goya, no será nunca deporte olímpico. La calle Ferraz se convirtió anteanoche en la Normandía de....

Earthquake survivors receive medical treatment at hospital in Nepal

2023-11-08T00:32+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

An earthquake survivor receives medical treatment at a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Nov. 7, 2023. A 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts in western Nepal on Friday night. (Photo by Sulav Shrestha/Xinhua) An earthquake survivor receives medical treatment at a hospital in Nepalgunj, Nepal, Nov.

Earthquake survivors receive medical treatment at hospital in Nepal

2023-11-08T00:32+0100english-news-cn (en)

An earthquake survivor receives medical treatment at a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Nov. 7, 2023. A 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts in western Nepal on Friday night. (Photo by Sulav Shrestha/Xinhua) An earthquake survivor receives medical treatment at a hospital in Nepalgunj, Nepal, Nov.

AI: Fears hundreds of children globally used in naked images

2023-11-08T00:01+0100bbc (en)

The town of Almendralejo hit headlines in September after more than 20 girls, aged between 11-17 had AI-generated indecent images shared online without their knowledge. Mrs Al Adib was among a group of parents who created a support group for those affected, which she said led to many other parents contacting her with their own concerns.

L’actualité du jour : Territoire palestinien occupé et Népal

2023-11-07T23:59+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-11-07 20:28:13. Territoire palestinien occupé. OCHA signalé qu’hier, 50 camions transportant de la nourriture, des médicaments, des produits de santé, de l’eau en bouteille et des produits d’hygiène sont passés d’Égypte à Gaza. Cela porte à 526 le nombre de camions entrés à Gaza depuis le 21 octobre.

Ten years after Haiyan: Building back better in the Philippines

2023-11-07T23:30+0100reliefWeb (en)

On 8 November 2013 Typhoon Haiyan made landfall in the Philippines. Vicious winds reached 315 kilometres per hour, laying waste to houses and tearing up trees. Tsunami-like storm surges inundated coastal settlements. More than 6,300 people lost their lives, and four million people were displaced, many of them permanently.

Hawaiian Electric Advances Wildfire Safety Strategy, Expands Grid Resilience Work

2023-11-07T23:11+0100tdworld (en)

Hawaiian Electric this week announced actions it is taking as part of its Wildfire Safety Strategy, particularly in drought-stricken areas at elevated risk for wildfires. “With the events of Aug. 8 fresh in our minds, safety remains our top priority, and as drought conditions continue, Hawaii is....

El Gobierno ve

2023-11-07T23:11+0100andaluciainformacion (es)

El Gobierno considera "inaudito" que el Consejo General del Poder Judicial (CGPJ) se haya pronunciado sobre una ley que no existe, en referencia a la de amnistía, y hubiera esperado que abordara con "la misma celeridad" "su mandato caducado". "Igual hubiera estado bien que estas mismas personas que....

El fiscal jefe de la Audiencia vio "terrorismo" en Tsunami y lo rectificó tres días después del 23-J

2023-11-07T23:03+0100elMundo (es)

Jesús Alonso dio el visto bueno al documento, donde se afirmaba que había "multitud de indicios de solidez incuestionable" El fiscal jefe de la Audiencia Nacional, Jesús Alonso, distinguido ayer con la Gran Cruz de la Orden del Mérito de la Guardia Civil. E.M.

Marche contre l'antisémitisme : "C'est une initiative salutaire, nous avons besoin pour les juifs d'entendre un élan de solidarité", a réagi le président du Crif Que le Sénat et l'Assemblée nationale appellent ensemble à ce rassemblement "c'est une manière de témoigner que la République est mobilisée de bout en bout", estime Yonathan Arfi.

2023-11-07T22:58+0100francetvinfo (fr)

"C'est une initiative salutaire, nous avons besoin pour les juifs d'entendre un élan de solidarité, d'un cri du cœur des Français" , a réagi ce mardi sur franceinfo Yonathan Arfi, président du Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France Crif (Crif), après l'appel du président du Sénat,....

Los motivos de Fiscalía para no ver delito de terrorismo en 'Tsunami Democrátic'

2023-11-07T22:30+0100elindependiente (es)

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional presentará en los próximos días un recurso (de apelación) directo a la Sala de lo Penal, es decir, sin pasar antes por el juez Manuel García Castellón con quien no coincide en absoluto en su criterio al calificar los hechos de 'Tsunami Democràtic' como terrorismo.

ADRA Nepal Responds to Jajarkot Earthquake

2023-11-07T21:56+0100reliefWeb (en)

Tom Pignon, ADRA Nepal Country Director. 7th November 2023 “A 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the districts of Jajarkot and Rukum of Karnali province on 3rd November. Hundreds of aftershocks have since occurred, including a 5.8 magnitude aftershock on 6th November. The first earthquake claimed the lives of 157 people and injured 349 others.

Con enfermedad terminal, querido actor sufre múltiples fracturas tras accidente

2023-11-07T21:43+0100laverdadnoticias (es)

Michael J. Fox es de los actores más queridos de Hollywood, pues se ganó el corazón del público con su gran personaje en “Volver al futuro”. Sin embargo, su caminar en la vida no ha sido fácil ya que a los 29 años le detectaron Párkinson , enfermedad que ahora ya le impide actuar.

Operación ‘Derribar a Sánchez’: la derecha alinea a jueces, políticos y medios con protestas callejeras contra la investidura

2023-11-07T21:41+0100Publico-ES (es)

Pedro Sánchez , publicó un libro titulado Manual de resistencia . En él contaba principalmente cómo fue el proceso que le llevó a ganar, contra muchos elementos, las primarias de su partido. Aquella épica ha sido evocada en muchos momentos posteriores de su trayectoria política.

Magnitude 7.7 earthquake hits New Caledonia and a tsunami warning is issued

2023-11-07T21:23+0100whatsnew2day (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center warned that a tsunami was “possible” within a radius of 1,000 km around the epicenter. A powerful 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck Friday in the Pacific Ocean in southeastern New Caledonia, according to the American Institute of Geophysics. The tremor was monitored at a depth of 37 km and 333.

En Sumario de tarde: del giro insólito de la Fiscalía en el ‘caso Tsunami Democràtic’ a la dimisión del primer ministro portugués

2023-11-07T21:21+0100noticierouniversal (es)

En Sumario de tarde: del giro insólito de la Fiscalía en el... En Sumario de tarde: del giro insólito de la Fiscalía en el ‘caso Tsunami Democràtic’ a la dimisión del primer ministro portugués. Giro insólito de la Fiscalía: atribuyó a Tsunami hace solo cuatro meses, los sindicatos piden la por la....

MIL-OSI Video: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nepal, Sudan & other topics – Daily Press Briefing (7 Nov 2023)

2023-11-07T21:02+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Noon briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General. Highlights: – Secretary-General/Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territory – Occupied Palestinian Territory/Humanitarian Update – Democratic Republic of the Congo – Sudan – Nepal – Least Developed Countries Report – Senior Personnel Announcement – Event.

Light mag. 4.4 earthquake - 90km SSW of Kathmandu, Nepal, on 2023-11-08 01:12:42 IST

2023-11-07T20:50+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Tibet, China (LSA/IC network) | Distance from quake: 685 km / 426 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

A grand symphony, a cellist's return on VSO's November calendar

2023-11-07T20:42+0100vancouversun (en)

November is prime time for classical music. The often flashy season-openers are over and done with, yet there are still four weeks to go before the annual tsunami of seasonal music. This year, the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra offers a trio of events that defines interesting programming, with....

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 143

2023-11-07T20:41+0100digitpatrox (en)

At the very least 143 folks had been killed and over 150 others injured when a robust 6.4 magnitude earthquake, the worst since 2015, struck Nepal and destroyed a whole bunch of homes within the Himalayan nation`s distant mountainous area, officers mentioned Saturday.

Come si è esorcizzato il culto del 2 novembre

2023-11-07T20:37+0100ilroma (it)

Alcuni social, in modo più o meno costante, offrono video nuovi, sconcertanti, oggettivamente un po’ macabri e inattesi. La morte, per tutto lo scorso secolo, restava un tema off-limits. Vietato discuterne, vietato parlarne, si provava ad esorcizzarla facendo finta che non esistesse.

La Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca, decepcionada con el acuerdo PSOE-Sumar

2023-11-07T20:31+0100ideal (es)

Miembros de la Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH) de Jaén han registrado en la Subdelegación del Gobierno de la provincia un escrito sobre el reciente pacto entre PSOE y Sumar para una posible investidura de Pedro Sánchez como presidente del Gobierno.

Covering Colorado Doherty High School is on secure status due to nearby police activity Benjamin Lloyd 12:14 PM, Nov 07, 2023

2023-11-07T20:29+0100koaa (en)

COLORADO SPRINGS — The Colorado Springs School District 11 Doherty High School campus is on secure status due to police activity near the campus on Barnes Rd. Details on the incident that caused the change in security status have not been released. The secure status was put into effect at 11:30 a.m.

Michael J. Fox reveló que casi pierde una de sus manos por un grave accidente que sufrió en su hogar

2023-11-07T20:23+0100biobiochile (es)

En una reciente entrevista con , el reconocido actor canadiense-estadounidense, Michael J. Fox, reveló varios desafíos que ha tenido que enfrentar a lo largo de su vida ligados a su salud. El actor lleva lidiando con el Parkinson desde los años noventa: ha superado los 30 años con la enfermedad , algo poco común entre los pacientes.

Almeida no justifica «ningún tipo de actuación violenta» en Ferraz y cree que mayoría de manifestantes eran «pacíficos»

2023-11-07T20:20+0100que (es)

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha afirmado este martes que no justifica «ningún tipo de actuación violenta» en la calle Ferraz, donde se han producido en los últimos días concentraciones contra la amnistía, aunque cree que «la infinita mayoría de manifestantes también actuaron de manera pacífica» durante el día de ayer.

Oriol Soler, investigado en el caso Tsunami, pide apartar al juez por las opiniones contra la amnistía

2023-11-07T20:19+0100elnacional-cat (es)

Oriol Soler pide a la Audiencia Nacional que aparte del caso Tsunami al juez García Castellón por opinar contra la amnistía. Foto: TV3 Barcelona. Martes, 7 de noviembre de 2023. 20:15 Tiempo de lectura: 1 minuto. Reacción. El editor y director general de SOM, Oriol Soler y uno de los doce....

Estos son los dos mejores 'panettones' de toda España

2023-11-07T20:17+0100cadenaser (es)

Barcelona. El pastelero Lluís Costa ( Vallflorida Xocolaters ) ha conseguido lo que nadie había logrado hasta ahora: ganar el concurso del Mejor Panettone Artesano de España en la categoría tradicional y también en la de chocolate. Un éxito que augura un tsunami de pedidos, pero tras el que, según....

Un investigado por Tsunami Democràtic pide apartar al juez García Castellón porque ha “perdido la imparcialidad”

2023-11-07T20:12+0100elpais (es)

El juez Manuel García Castellón, a la entrada de la Audiencia Nacional en una imagen de archivo. El editor Oriol Soler, uno de los investigados en la causa contra Tsunami Democràtic —el movimiento que organizó las protestas contra la sentencia del procés — ha pedido la recusación del juez instructor, Manuel García Castellón.

Triple infanticide de Vémars : dix jours après le drame, c’est « tout un village » qui reste solidaire

2023-11-07T20:04+0100leparisien (fr)

Devant la résidence où s’est déroulé le drame, des roses blanches et des dessins d’enfants sont accrochés à la grille. Un ours en peluche a été déposé sur l’herbe. Un peu plus loin, en centre-ville, des bougies disposées en cœur brûlent sans discontinuer, sur une table remplie de fleurs.

Almeida no justifica "ningún tipo de actuación violenta" en Ferraz y cree que mayoría de manifestantes eran "pacíficos"

2023-11-07T20:01+0100europapress (es)

MADRID, 7 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha afirmado este martes que no justifica "ningún tipo de actuación violenta" en la calle Ferraz, donde se han producido en los últimos días concentraciones contra la amnistía, aunque cree que "la infinita mayoría de....

El tsunami antimóvil llega a Asturias: los padres que quieren retrasar el uso del teléfono a los 16 años "hacen piña", aunque "llega tarde"

2023-11-07T19:51+0100lanuevaespana (es)

Sin móvil hasta los 16 años. La ola de padres que lucha por retrasar la llegada del primer smartphone a manos de sus hijos crece por toda España y llega a Asturias. Los grupos de Whatsapp y de Telegram creados en Cataluña, de donde partió este tsunami antimóvil, ha sumado en solo tres días 7.000 familias.

Almeida no justifica "ningún tipo de actuación violenta" en Ferraz y cree que mayoría de manifestantes eran "pacíficos"

2023-11-07T19:48+0100infobae (es)

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha afirmado este martes que no justifica "ningún tipo de actuación violenta" en la calle Ferraz, donde se han producido en los últimos días concentraciones contra la amnistía, aunque cree que "la infinita mayoría de manifestantes también actuaron de manera pacífica" durante el día de ayer.

WWE: Il botch di Ricochet a Raw potrebbe essere dovuto ad una commozione cerebrale

2023-11-07T19:44+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 7 novembre 2023) Nell’ultima puntata di Raw abbiamo assistito ad un match, per la precisione un Fatal 4 Way fra The Miz, Bronson Reed, Ivar e Ricochet con il vincitore che si sarebbe poi aggiudicato un’opportunità titolata all’Intercontinental Championship di GUNTHER.

Almeida no justifica "ningún tipo de actuación violenta" en Ferraz y cree que mayoría de manifestantes eran "pacíficos"

2023-11-07T19:43+0100teleprensa (es)

MADRID, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha afirmado este martes que no justifica "ningún tipo de actuación violenta" en la calle Ferraz, donde se han producido en los últimos días concentraciones contra la amnistía, aunque cree que "la infinita mayoría de....

Almeida no justifica "ningún tipo de actuación violenta" en Ferraz y cree que mayoría de manifestantes eran "pacíficos"

2023-11-07T19:42+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha afirmado este martes que no justifica "ningún tipo de actuación violenta" en la calle Ferraz, donde se han producido en los últimos días concentraciones contra la amnistía, aunque cree que "la infinita mayoría de....

Por qué el fiscal no cambió de criterio en el 'caso Tsunami': una sustitución en verano propició el error

2023-11-07T19:41+0100elespanol (es)

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional calificó como "terrorismo" los actos cometidos por Tsunami Democràtic que un juez lleva cuatro años investigando. Así lo plasmó en un informe de fecha 19 de julio. Lo firmó Víctor Joaquín González-Herrero, que sustituyó al fiscal del caso, Miguel Ángel Carballo.

Éste es el informe del fiscal que señaló el terrorismo de Tsunami y que ahora su superior rectifica para salvar la amnistía

2023-11-07T19:29+0100eldebate (es)

El pasado 19 de julio, el fiscal Víctor González-Herrero remitió al Juzgado Central de Instrucción Número 6 de Madrid un informe en el que el Ministerio Público defendía que a la luz de los «atestados elaborados y a los que hace mención el anterior evidencian la gravedad de los hechos» se permitía....

Nepal earthquake: At least 16 more people injured in aftershocks

2023-11-07T19:11+0100business-standard (en)

At least 16 people were injured after three tremors of over 4 magnitude hit western Nepal 's Jajarkot on Monday, days after the country witnessed its worst quake in eight years that claimed the lives of 153 people and left a total of 266 others injured, security agencies said on Tuesday.

MIL-OSI NGOs: Children account for half of dead and injured in Nepal earthquake – UNICEF

2023-11-07T19:07+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: UNICEF – NEW DELHI/KATHMANDU, 7 November 2023 – Almost half of those reported killed and injured in Nepal ’s recent earthquake are children. The 6.4 earthquake that struck remote parts of western Nepal on 3 November has claimed 153 lives and injured more than 338 people so far, according to local authorities.

Half of Nepal Earthquake Casualties are Children: UNICEF

2023-11-07T18:56+0100miragenews (en)

Almost half of those reported killed and injured in Nepal 's recent earthquake are children. The 6.4 earthquake that struck remote parts of western Nepal on 3 November has claimed 153 lives and injured more than 338 people so far, according to local authorities.

Children account for half of dead and injured in Nepal earthquake - UNICEF

2023-11-07T18:50+0100unicef (en)

NEW DELHI/KATHMANDU, 7 November 2023 Almost half of those reported killed and injured in Nepal ’s recent earthquake are children. The 6.4 earthquake that struck remote parts of western Nepal on 3 November has claimed 153 lives and injured more than 338 people so far, according to local authorities.

Gobierno catalán acusa a García-Castellón de prevaricar y querer "condicionar" las negociaciones

2023-11-07T18:48+0100notimerica (es)

Critica el comunicado contra la amnistía del CGPJ y reclama "separación de poderes" BARCELONA, 7 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - La portavoz del Govern catalán, Patricia Plaja, ha acusado al juez de la Audiencia Nacional (AN) Manuel García-Castellón de prevaricar y querer "condicionar" las negociaciones de....

"C'est un délire juridique". Carles Puigdemont accusé de terrorisme après la mort d'un français

2023-11-07T18:29+0100lindependant (fr)

Afin de dynamiter la loi d’amnistie qui doit permettre à Carles Puigdemont de rentrer libre en Espagne, six ans après son départ vers Bruxelles, la justice espagnole a ouvert lundi une enquête pour terrorisme contre l’ancien président catalan. Une partie des juges, la droite et l’extrême droite....

CPN (Maoist Centre) hands over cheque for Rs 5 million to PM disaster relief fund

2023-11-07T18:26+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

CPN (Maoist) handover cheque of five million rupees to PM Disaster Relief Fund in Kathmandu. Photo: RSS. KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 7. The CPN (Maoist Centre) has contributed five million rupees for earthquake survivors in Jajarkot. Pampha Bhusal, Vice-Chair of the party, handed a Rs 5 million cheque to Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Tuesday.

Puigdemont dice que la causa de Tsunami Democràtic forma parte del 'lawfare' y la persecución contra el independentismo

2023-11-07T18:26+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

Pide al juez que le dé acceso a la documentación de la investigación MADRID, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) La defensa del expresidente de Cataluña y líder de Junts Carles Puigdemont ha remitido un escrito a la Audiencia Nacional en el que asegura que la investigación sobre el papel de Tsunami Democràtic en los....

Far-Western Earthquake Response Operation Report: Lesson learnt workshop

2023-11-07T18:21+0100reliefWeb (en)

Introduction. An earthquake of 6.6 magnitude struck Doti on 8 November 2022 followed by 5.4 magnitude at Bajhang on 11 November 2022 leaving impacts mostly on Doti, Achham, Bajura and Bajhang districts of Nepal . The epicenter of the earthquake was located in Khaptad Chhana Rural Municipality of Bajhang district.

Puigdemont asegura que la investigación de Tsunami Democràtic del 'lawfare' y la persecución contra el independentismo

2023-11-07T18:19+0100elindependiente (es)

La defensa del expresidente de Cataluña y líder de Junts Carles Puigdemont ha remitido un escrito a la Audiencia Nacional en el que asegura que la investigación sobre el papel de Tsunami Democràtic en los disturbios que siguieron a la sentencia del 'procés' en 2019 forma parte del 'lawfare' y la persecución contra el independentismo.

Puigdemont dice que la causa de Tsunami Democràtic forma parte del 'lawfare' y la persecución contra el independentismo

2023-11-07T18:03+0100infobae (es)

La defensa del expresidente de Cataluña y líder de Junts Carles Puigdemont ha remitido un escrito a la Audiencia Nacional en el que asegura que la investigación sobre el papel de Tsunami Democràtic en los disturbios que siguieron a la sentencia del 'procés' en 2019 forma parte del 'lawfare' y la persecución contra el independentismo.

Paura a Matera: finisce fuori strada bus pieno di studenti. Un ferito grave e diversi contusi

2023-11-07T18:01+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 7 novembre 2023) Un drammatico incidente in provincia di Matera , sulla strada provinciale 31. Un autobus delle Ferrovie Appulo Lucane, impegnato nel trasporto di studenti , è uscito di strada in circostanze ancora da chiarire. L'articolo . Il libro verrà presentato in anteprima a Matera giovedì 9 novembre, alle ore 17.

Drill prepares Marsaxlokk primary school children for tsunami

2023-11-07T18:01+0100timesofmalta (en)

St Thomas More College Primary School in Marsaxlokk is located close to where a tsunami swept the area more than a century ago. And while the building itself is in a safe location, headmaster Ralph Camilleri was keen for his pupils to be prepared. So on Tuesday morning over 90 children aged between....

Marlaska, contra el Poder Judicial: "Me parece una deslealtad constitucional como hace tiempo no veía"

2023-11-07T18:01+0100diariocritico (es)

El ministro del Interior en funciones, Fernando Grande-Marlaska , ha acusado este martes al Consejo General del Poder Judicial (CGPJ), al que ha tildado de "órgano político", de "deslealtad constitucional" por haber hecho una declaración en contra de la amnistía "sin conocer el texto legal".

Puigdemont dice que la causa de Tsunami Democràtic forma parte del 'lawfare' y la persecución contra el independentismo

2023-11-07T17:55+0100teleprensa (es)

Pide al juez que le dé acceso a la documentación de la investigación. MADRID, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) La defensa del expresidente de Cataluña y líder de Junts Carles Puigdemont ha remitido un escrito a la Audiencia Nacional en el que asegura que la investigación sobre el papel de Tsunami Democràtic en los....

PP acusa al Gobierno de abolir la ley con "la piqueta de la amnistía" y Llop responde: Es una apuesta por la "concordia"

2023-11-07T17:52+0100infobae (es)

El senador del Partido Popular (PP) José Antonio Monago ha acusado este martes al Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez de abolir la ley con "la piqueta de la amnistía" y de "dinamitar el principio de igualdad de los españoles", al tiempo que la ministra de Justicia, Pilar Llop, ha defendido la futura ley como una apuesta "por la concordia".

World Tsunami Awareness Day. Anche l'Italia partecipa all'esercitazione

2023-11-07T17:52+0100ilgiornaledellaprotezionecivile (it)

Il Centro Allerta Tsunami dell’INGV (CAT-INGV) partecipa in questi giorni all'esercitazione NEAMWave23 che coinvolge i Paesi dell'Atlantico nord-orientale, il Mediterraneo e i mari collegati. , la giornata mondiale della consapevolezza del rischio tsunami istituita nel 2015 dall’ Assemblea Generale....

Alay, el dos de Puigdemont, acusa de 'lawfare' al juez del 'caso Tsunami': "Suelen hacerlo con nosotros"

2023-11-07T17:51+0100elespanol (es)

TSUNAMI DEMOCRÀTIC Alay, el dos de Puigdemont, acusa de 'lawfare' al juez del 'caso Tsunami': "Suelen hacerlo con nosotros" El jefe de gabinete del 'expresident' niega que los hechos que el juez investiga en el 'caso Tsunami' puedan ser considerados terrorismo.

Children account for half of dead and injured in Nepal earthquake - UNICEF

2023-11-07T17:50+0100reliefWeb (en)

UNICEF and partners step up support to provide urgent life-saving assistance for over 200,000 people including 80,000 children in dire need of help. NEW DELHI/KATHMANDU, 7 November 2023 Almost half of those reported killed and injured in Nepal ’s recent earthquake are children. The 6.

Puigdemont dice que la causa de Tsunami Democràtic forma parte del 'lawfare' y la persecución contra el independentismo

2023-11-07T17:50+0100notimerica (es)

Pide al juez que le dé acceso a la documentación de la investigación MADRID, 7 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - La defensa del expresidente de Cataluña y líder de Junts Carles Puigdemont ha remitido un escrito a la Audiencia Nacional en el que asegura que la investigación sobre el papel de Tsunami Democràtic....

PP acusa al Gobierno de abolir la ley con "la piqueta de la amnistía" y Llop responde: Es una apuesta por la "concordia"

2023-11-07T17:50+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) El senador del Partido Popular (PP) José Antonio Monago ha acusado este martes al Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez de abolir la ley con "la piqueta de la amnistía" y de "dinamitar el principio de igualdad de los españoles", al tiempo que la ministra de Justicia, Pilar Llop, ha....

El gobierno central y la Generalitat cargan contra la declaración del CGPJ sobre la amnistía

2023-11-07T17:46+0100eltriangle (es)

El gobierno de España y el de la Generalitat de Catalunya han cargado este martes contra la declaración del pleno del Consejo General del Poder Judicial (CGPJ) crítica sobre la concesión de la amnistía a los encausados del procés. La ministra y portavoz del ejecutivo central, Isabel Rodríguez , ha....

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional calificó en julio los actos de Tsunami Democrátic como terrorismo

2023-11-07T17:45+0100libertaddigital (es)

El informe resaltaba también la "gravedad" de los hechos atribuidos a Tsunami Democràtic "por el fenómeno sedicioso" que tuvo lugar en Cataluña y en él se defendía la competencia de la Audiencia Nacional ya que los presuntos hechos delictivos habían sido perpetrados por "bandas armadas y grupos terroristas".

PP acusa al Gobierno de abolir la ley con "la piqueta de la amnistía" y Llop responde: Es una apuesta por la "concordia"

2023-11-07T17:43+0100teleprensa (es)

MADRID, 7 (EUROPA PRESS) El senador del Partido Popular (PP) José Antonio Monago ha acusado este martes al Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez de abolir la ley con "la piqueta de la amnistía" y de "dinamitar el principio de igualdad de los españoles", al tiempo que la ministra de Justicia, Pilar Llop, ha....

PP acusa al Gobierno de abolir la ley con "la piqueta de la amnistía" y Llop responde: Es una apuesta por la "concordia"

2023-11-07T17:41+0100cope (es)

El senador del Partido Popular (PP) José Antonio Monago ha acusado este martes al Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez de abolir la ley con "la piqueta de la amnistía" y de "dinamitar el principio de igualdad de los españoles", al tiempo que la ministra de Justicia, Pilar Llop, ha defendido la futura ley como una apuesta "por la concordia".

World News | Nepal Quake: 16 More People Injured in Quake Aftershocks

2023-11-07T17:37+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 7 (PTI) At least 16 people were injured after three tremors of over 4 magnitude hit western Nepal 's Jajarkot on Monday, days after the country witnessed its worst quake in eight years that claimed the lives of 153 people and left a total of 266 others injured, security agencies said on Tuesday.

‘Exhala’: el libro de Gaby Vargas que te ayuda a convertir el dolor en aprendizaje y gratitud

2023-11-07T17:35+0100mvsnoticias (es)

“Fue como meterme a un país diferente, un idioma diferente, con la diferencia de que le hice la promesa” , expresó. Sacas lo que traes y es una gran terapia escribir, primero empecé a escribir por necesidad”. A pesar de que el libro aborda con profundidad el proceso del duelo, Gaby Vargas aclaró que....

Así fue el simulacro de tsunami de Chipiona imitando al que sucedió en 1761

2023-11-07T17:14+0100infobae (es)

Las costas del Atlántico y el Mediterráneo no están a exentas de sufrir tsunamis y eso la ONU lo sabe. Es por ello que la Unesco ha coordinado entre el lunes y el martes un simulacro internacional de tsunami en los países alrededor de la zona noreste del Atlántico y en el mar Mediterráneo .

AEIN Launches Nepal Earthquake Relief Fundraising Campaign 07 Nov, 2023 16:42

2023-11-07T17:10+0100chronicle-lu (en)

Credit: AEIN. Luxembourg non-profit organisation Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal (AEIN) has launched an urgent fundraising campaign to support the earthquake relief efforts in Jajarkot and Western Rukum, Nepal . AEIN’s new fundraising campaign aims to provide support to the victims of the....

Cuando me nombraron arzobispo de Santiago

2023-11-07T16:59+0100biobiochile (es)

Terminé amando Concepción, sus calles, su gente y sus dramas. En Concepción si no es un terremoto, es un tsunami. Si no es un tsunami es un incendio, si no es incendio son inundaciones. Siempre pasa algo, un camino cortado, una protesta, siempre. Así es Concepción y su gente lo sabe.

¿Dónde fue el epicentro del temblor de la noche del lunes 6 de noviembre?

2023-11-07T16:57+0100diario-expreso (es)

Durante la noche de lunes 6 de noviembre de 2023, un fuerte sismo se sintió en varias localidades del Ecuador , incluyendo Quito y Guayaquil. El movimiento telúrico se registró a las 22:33 y duró por algunos segundos, mientras aumentaba su intensidad. Según el Instituto Geofísico (IG), el epicentro del temblor se dio a 8.

Almeida acusa a Marlaska de tratar mejor a los “terroristas” de Tsunami Democràtic y CDR que a los manifestantes en Ferraz

2023-11-07T16:42+0100telemadrid (es)

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, preguntó al ministro del Interior en funciones, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, por qué “trata mejor a los terroristas de Tsunami Democràtic y de los CDR que a las personas que se manifestaron ayer en la calle Ferraz”.

La Fiscalía pidió en julio investigar a Tsunami Democràtic por terrorismo y luego lo calificó de error

2023-11-07T16:09+0100elespanol (es)

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional calificó como "terrorismo" los actos cometidos por Tsunami Democràtic que investiga un juez de la Audiencia Nacional. Así lo plasmó en un informe de fecha 18 de julio. Lo firmó Víctor Joaquín Gonzalez Herrero, que sustituyó al fiscal del caso, Miguel Ángel Carballo.

Temblor en Perú hoy, martes 7 noviembre de noviembre, en vivo: registro del último sismo en el país

2023-11-07T16:03+0100semana (es)

El Instituto Geofísico del Perú reportó que el más reciente temblor en ese país se presentó este martes, 7 de noviembre, a las 06:05 (hora local) y de magnitud 4.0 con una profundidad de 154 km. De acuerdo con dicha entidad, el movimiento telúrico se presentó a 33 km al sureste de la ciudad de Pucallpa.

I complottisti dell’aurora boreale, l’HAARP e le tempeste solari: quando il delirio dilaga sul web

2023-11-07T16:03+0100meteoweb (it)

Lo scorso 5 novembre una potente tempesta geomagnetica ha generato vivide aurore boreali in tutto il Nord America e in Europa , spingendo lo spettacolo di luci a latitudini che raramente riescono a osservare il meraviglioso fenomeno. Diverse esplosioni sul Sole hanno inviato nubi di particelle....

Nepal quake: 16 more people injured in quake aftershocks

2023-11-07T15:57+0100wionews (en)

At least 16 people were injured after three tremors of over 4 magnitude hit western Nepal 's Jajarkot on Monday, days after the country witnessed its worst quake in eight years that claimed the lives of 153 people and left a total of 266 others injured, security agencies said on Tuesday.

La Fiscalía calificó Tsunami Democràtic de terrorismo y lo corrigió apuntando a un "error"

2023-11-07T15:37+0100vozpopuli (es)

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional englobó la acción de Tsunami Democràtic el pasado mes de julio dentro del delito de terrorismo, si bien apenas días después suavizó su criterio apuntando a un error. Así consta en sendos escritos que obran en el sumario de las diligencias y a los que ha tenido....

Leer: Un periodista de La Directa, imputado por García Castellón: “Es la respuesta de las cloacas a mi actividad”

2023-11-07T15:36+0100elsaltodiario (es)

La actividad del juez Manuel García Castellón de la Audiencia Nacional en el contexto de la posible investidura de Pedro Sánchez y la presentación de una Ley de Amnistía ha consistido en la emisión de un auto por el que se investiga a Carles Puigdemont y Marta Rovira en el contexto de Tsunami....

El Gobierno destaca que la imputación a Puigdemont llegue "cuatro años después"

2023-11-07T15:28+0100elnacional-cat (es)

El Gobierno ha destacado este martes la ironía de que la Audiencia Nacional haya decidido investigar ahora, "cuatro años después", a Carles Puigdemont y Marta Rovira por el delito de terrorismo, por supuestamente ser los organizadores del Tsunami Democràtic.

La imputación de terrorismo contra Puigdemont y Rovira indigna al Govern: "Poca vergüenza y maldad"

2023-11-07T15:16+0100elnacional-cat (es)

"Indignación" en el Govern ante los últimos movimientos de la Justicia española en contra de negociación de la amnistía. La portavoz, Patrícia Plaja, ha descalificado tanto la como la decisión del juez de Carles Puigdemont , y la secretaria general de ERC, Marta Rovira , juntos con 10 personas más dentro del caso Tsunami.

Moncloa ve "inaudito" que un CGPJ "caducado" se pronuncie sobre una ley que no existe

2023-11-07T15:15+0100deia-eus (es)

"Igual hubiera estado bien que estas mismas personas que conforman este órgano de gobierno de los jueces hubieran actuado con la misma celeridad sobre algo que les afecta muy directamente, que es su mandato caducado en los últimos cinco años, una situación totalmente anómala que está generando (...

Revolucionando la ciencia de los terremotos en Cascadia

2023-11-07T15:13+0100eos (es)

This is an authorized translation of an Eos article . Esta es una traducción al español autorizada de un de Eos. La Zona de Subducción de Cascadia, la cual se extiende la costa oeste de América del Norte desde el Norte de California hasta Columbia Británica, Canadá, es capaz de generar grandes terremotos.

Moncloa ve "inaudito" que el CGPJ se pronuncie sobre una ley que no existe

2023-11-07T15:04+0100noticiasdenavarra (es)

"Igual hubiera estado bien que estas mismas personas que conforman este órgano de gobierno de los jueces hubieran actuado con la misma celeridad sobre algo que les afecta muy directamente, que es su mandato caducado en los últimos cinco años, una situación totalmente anómala que está generando (...

IAEA confirms safe tritium levels in latest ALPS treated water release at Fukushima

2023-11-07T15:02+0100neimagazine (en)

Print Email The tritium concentration in the third batch of diluted water treated with the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) released from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) is far below Japan’s operational limit, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) experts present at the site have confirmed.

CS "redoblará" su oposición a la amnistía, pero censura las protestas ante sedes del PSOE

2023-11-07T14:59+0100infobae (es)

Barcelona, 7 nov (EFE).- El presidente del grupo de CS en el Parlament, Carlos Carrizosa, ha explicado este martes que su formación "redoblará" su presencia "en las calles, en los foros de debate y donde haga falta" contra la amnistía, pero ha censurado las protestas ante las sedes del PSOE y el PSC.

Los comunes avisan de la "escalada política y judicial" contra el acuerdo de Gobierno

2023-11-07T14:59+0100infobae (es)

Barcelona, 7 nov (EFE).- El portavoz de En Comú Podem en el Parlament, David Cid, ha avisado este martes de la "escalada política y judicial de la derecha" en contra del acuerdo para revalidar el Gobierno de coalición y tirar adelante la ley de amnistía.

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:49+0100canarias7 (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

El Govern acusa a un sector judicial de "prevaricar" para dinamitar pactos de investidura

2023-11-07T14:47+0100infobae (es)

Barcelona, 7 nov (EFE).- La portavoz del Govern, Patrícia Plaja, ha acusado este martes a un sector de la justicia española de "prevaricar" para intentar "castigar" las negociaciones entre el PSOE y las fuerzas independentistas y "dinamitar" los acuerdos que puedan alcanzarse para investir a Pedro Sánchez.

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:46+0100elcomercio-es (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

The Prosecutor's Office defended in July that the investigation into Tsunami Democràtic was for "terrorism" and later said that it did so by "mistake"

2023-11-07T14:45+0100tellerreport (en)

Justice The Court will appeal to the EU Justice if Sánchez amnesties Puigdemont for terrorism; The CGPJ approves an unprecedented warning against the amnesty announced by Pedro Sánchez. On July 19, the Prosecutor's Office of the National Court classified as a case for terrorism the procedure where....

La Fiscalía defendió en julio que la investigación a Tsunami Democràtic era por "terrorismo" y dijo después que lo hizo por "error"

2023-11-07T14:44+0100elMundo (es)

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional calificó el pasado 19 de julio como una causa por terrorismo el procedimiento donde se investiga a la plataforma Tsunami Democràtic , sumario en el que desde este lunes se encuentran imputados por tal delito el ex presidente de la Generalitat , entre otros.

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:42+0100DiarioVasco (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:40+0100eldiariomontanes (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:40+0100HoyDigital (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:39+0100ideal (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

El PSOE enfría ahora las posibilidades de que la investidura sea esta semana

2023-11-07T14:39+0100infobae (es)

La ministra de Política Territorial y portavoz del Gobierno en funciones, Isabel Rodríguez, y la ministra de Educación en funciones, Pilar Alegría, dan una rueda de prensa tras la reunión semanal del Consejo de Ministros. (Zipi/EFE) El PSOE no tiene claro que la investidura de Pedro Sánchez sea....

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:38+0100elcorreodigital (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:38+0100larioja (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

Guterres: ‘Gaza es un cementerio de niños’; Trump explota en Nueva York; y más | Primeras planas del mundo 07/11/2023

2023-11-07T14:37+0100lanetaneta (es)

Esto es lo que se destaca en las portadas de los medios internacionales, este martes 07 de noviembre de 2023: El ejército israelí ha dividido Gaza en dos regiones. La ciudad esta rodeada. Tel Aviv afirma que esta medida dificulta el control de Hamás. En el estrado en N.Y. del caso de fraude. Trump estalla.

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:37+0100laverdad (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:37+0100lasprovincias (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:35+0100diarioSur (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

Sumar señala que auto de García-Castellón «afecta» a las negociaciones de investidura

2023-11-07T14:35+0100diarioSur (es)

La portavoz Aina Vidal insta al PSOE a rebajar la mayoría para elegir al CGPJ y considera que el órgano «está amenazando nuestra democracia» Sumar ha cargado este martes contra el auto del juez García-Casetllónque un día antes citó como imputados al expresident Carles Puigdemont y a la secretaria....

Pellicer (CUP): los acuerdos de investidura no cambiarán el carácter "demofóbico" del Estado

2023-11-07T14:35+0100europapress (es)

Vinyets asegura que la moción sobre el referéndum pretende situarlo en el Parlament BARCELONA, 7 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) - El diputado de la CUP en el Parlament Xavier Pellicer ha advertido este martes que los acuerdos de investidura del PSOE con ERC y Junts no cambiarán el carácter "demofóbico" del Estado.

El Govern acusa a los jueces de «prevaricar» por «maldad» para «dinamitar» la investidura

2023-11-07T14:34+0100elnortedecastilla (es)

El Gobierno catalán replica a la huelga convocada por los sindicatos de Renfe contra el traspaso de Cercanías que los derechos laborales están garantizados. El Gobierno catalán ha cargado con dureza contra el auto del juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García Castellón, que ha abierto una causa....

Sumar señala que auto de García-Castellón «afecta» a las negociaciones de investidura

2023-11-07T14:34+0100elcomercio-es (es)

La portavoz Aina Vidal insta al PSOE a rebajar la mayoría para elegir al CGPJ y considera que el órgano «está amenazando nuestra democracia» Sumar ha cargado este martes contra el auto del juez García-Casetllónque un día antes citó como imputados al expresident Carles Puigdemont y a la secretaria....

Pas-de-Calais : la commune de Bourthes sinistrée par des inondations

2023-11-07T14:28+0100france3 (fr)

Les habitants de Bourthes, dans le Pas-de-Calais, constatent les dégâts, mardi 7 novembre, après les crues et les inondations qui ont touché le département. À Bourthes (Pas-de-Calais), les agriculteurs parcourent le village pour évacuer les habitants.

Sumar señala que auto de García-Castellón «afecta» a las negociaciones de investidura

2023-11-07T14:28+0100canarias7 (es)

La portavoz Aina Vidal insta al PSOE a rebajar la mayoría para elegir al CGPJ y considera que el órgano «está amenazando nuestra democracia» Sumar ha cargado este martes contra el auto del juez García-Casetllónque un día antes citó como imputados al expresident Carles Puigdemont y a la secretaria....

El Govern acusa a un sector judicial de "prevaricar" para impedir un pacto de investidura

2023-11-07T14:27+0100vozpopuli (es)

La portavoz del Govern, Patrícia Plaja , ha acusado este martes a un sector de la justicia española de "prevaricar" para impedir un acuerdo entre el y las fuerzas independentistas que permita investir a Pedro Sánchez. Así ha reaccionado Plaja en la rueda de prensa posterior a la reunión semanal del....

Sumar señala que auto de García-Castellón «afecta» a las negociaciones de investidura

2023-11-07T14:27+0100larioja (es)

La portavoz Aina Vidal insta al PSOE a rebajar la mayoría para elegir al CGPJ y considera que el órgano «está amenazando nuestra democracia» Sumar ha cargado este martes contra el auto del juez García-Casetllónque un día antes citó como imputados al expresident Carles Puigdemont y a la secretaria....

World Tsunami Awareness Day, come prepararsi ad affrontare il maremoto

2023-11-07T14:19+0100protezionecivile (it)

Il 5 novembre di ogni anno ricorre il World Tsunami Awareness Day , giornata mondiale della consapevolezza del rischio tsunami istituita nel 2015 dall’Assemblea Generale dell’ONU. Quest’anno, in Italia e nei Paesi appartenenti all’area denominata NEAMTWS North East Atlantic, Mediterranean and....

le dernier publié Pas-de-Calais : la commune de Bourthes sinistrée par des inondations Les habitants de Bourthes, dans le Pas-de-Calais, constatent les dégâts, mardi 7 novembre, après les crues et les inondations qui ont touché le département.

2023-11-07T13:59+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Les habitants de Bourthes, dans le Pas-de-Calais, constatent les dégâts, mardi 7 novembre, après les crues et les inondations qui ont touché le département. À Bourthes (Pas-de-Calais), les agriculteurs parcourent le village pour évacuer les habitants.

"Rinascere dal Fango": il quartiere si attiva e regala una nuova vita colorata al sottopasso di via Isonzo

2023-11-07T13:44+0100forlitoday (it)

E' uno di simboli dell'alluvione dello scorso maggio. Macchiato dallo tsunami di acqua e fango, il sottopasso di via Isonzo è rinato. Questo grazie all’impegno di decine di ragazzi, coordinati dai volontari dell’Operazione Mato Grasso, e con il prezioso supporto del Comitato di Quartiere Foro Boario....

UN chief saddened by Nepal quake

2023-11-07T13:30+0100myanmarnews (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was deeply saddened by the earthquake in Nepal , said his spokesman on Monday. "Having just recently returned from Nepal, and with the hospitality and the spirit of the country's people fresh in his heart, the secretary-general....

Terremoto in Nepal: bilancio sale a oltre 150 morti

2023-11-07T12:47+0100lindipendente (it)

Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto in Nepal avvenuto quattro giorni fa è salito ad almeno 157 persone uccise e 199 feriti, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. Il terremoto di magnitudo 5,6 è stato misurato a una profondità di 18 chilometri e ha colpito....

Michael J. Fox’s Startling Health Revelation: ‘I Came Very Close to Losing Everything’

2023-11-07T12:45+0100vervetimes (en)

Actor Michael J Fox has recently opened up about a near-miss incident that almost left him without a hand. The 62-year-old discussed his battle with Parkinson’s disease and other undisclosed struggles. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the age of 29 in 1991 but kept it a secret until 1998.

Amnistie générale en Espagne : la contre-offensive des juges contre Pedro Sanchez

2023-11-07T12:45+0100LePoint (fr)

Les magistrats se rebellent contre le projet négocié entre Sanchez et les indépendantistes catalans pour former un gouvernement. La Cour de justice de l'Union européenne pourrait être saisie. Par Publié le 07/11/2023 à 12h27. Réservé aux abonnés. L' Espagne est en ébullition : les manifestations se....

Da giovedì previste nuove piogge ma da domani l’argine sarà prontodi Luigi Spinosi

2023-11-07T12:27+0100iltirreno (it)

MONTALE. «La vera priorità adesso sono i lavori sull’argine dell’Agna, se non si tappa quella falla tutto il resto non serve a nulla»: il sindaco Ferdinando Betti, interpellato sul quadro attuale del dramma vissuto dal suo comune mette ordine nelle questioni da affrontare, e quella della causa del disastro è ovviamente al primo posto.

Nepal - Earthquake, update ( Reliefweb, NDRRMA) (ECHO Daily Flash of 07 November 2023)

2023-11-07T12:25+0100reliefWeb (en)

After the recent 6.4 M earthquake - registered by the Nepal ese authorities - that occurred on 3 November and affected the Karnali Province in southern Nepal, the number of casualties and damage is increasing. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) reports, as of 6....

The National Court opens the door to taking the amnesty to the CJEU due to its impact on terrorism crimes

2023-11-07T12:15+0100morningexpress (en)

MADRID, Nov. 7 (EUROPA PRESS) – The judge of the National Court (AN) Manuel García Castellón has opened the door to raise a judicial question to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) about the impact of the future amnesty law on the terrorism crimes that he is investigating in ‘ Democratic Tsunami’.

Nepal earthquake: 16 more people injured in quake aftershocks

2023-11-07T12:14+0100economictimes (en)

"Sixteen people were injured when three aftershocks with more than 4 magnitude hit Jajarkot in Western Nepal on Monday afternoon. Ten people were injured in Rukum West and six others were injured in Jajarkot," said officials from the security agencies.

Il vulcano sottomarino Kolumbo: un’esplosione devastante nel Mar Egeo

2023-11-07T11:40+0100scienzenotizie (it)

La caldera di Santorini appare calma e pittoresca oggi. (Loes Kieboom) Il Mar Egeo è spesso associato all’Antica Grecia e alle vacanze rilassanti in spiaggia, ma nasconde anche un vulcano sottomarino attivo chiamato Kolumbo. Nel 1650, questo vulcano eruttò e causò uno tsunami distruttivo.

Pourquoi vous recevrez une alerte nationale sur vos téléphones ces mardis 14 et 28 novembre

2023-11-07T11:36+0100lemessager (fr)

Déployé sur le territoire national depuis juin 2022, FR-Alert est un nouveau dispositif d’alerte national. Il prévient en temps réel toute personne détentrice d’un téléphone portable de sa présence dans une zone de danger afin de l’informer des comportements à adopter pour se protéger.

Rahul Gandhi offer prayers at Kedarnath temple

2023-11-07T11:33+0100india (en)

Chhattisgarh Polls: Candidate Kawasi Lakhma confident about winning with a bigger margin this year. World Cup 2023 Angelo Mathews becomes first to be 'timed out' in international cricket Bangladesh vs Sri Lanka. Terrifying! Earthquake claims 128 lives in Nepal .

Nepal quake: UN response continues, as aftershocks leave families traumatized

2023-11-07T11:10+0100globalsecurity (en)

6 November 2023 - UN agencies in Nepal continue their response to the deadly earthquake that struck western parts of the country over the weekend, claiming 153 lives, injuring over 330 and forcing thousands to spend nights in the open amid freezing temperatures.

Tremor TODAY in Peru LIVE earthquakes of November 7: epicenter and magnitude, according to IGP

2023-11-07T11:04+0100bullfrag (en)

Peru It is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area where 90% of the planet’s seismic activity is concentrated. It is for this reason that we must always be alert to the possible occurrence of tremors. He Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) provides a daily report in real time and with updated....

Netanyahu: 'No ceasefire' without hostage release

2023-11-07T10:59+0100irishtimes (en)

Netanyahu said he would consider some form of humanitarian pause fighting in Gaza - but said there would be no ceasefire without the hostages being released. The National Children's Hospital "is going to cost more" as the building faces additional expenses due to inflation.

Japan expresses grief over Nepal's earthquake

2023-11-07T10:54+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 7. Japanese Foreign Minister Kamikawa Yoko has sent a condolence message to Minister for Foreign Affairs, Narayan Prakash Saud, over the Friday's earthquake in Nepal that caused 157 casualties and property loss. In the message, the Japanese minister expressed her deep sorrow....

Terremoto al Catania, Lucarelli o Maran per sostituire Tabbiani

2023-11-07T10:40+0100repubblica (it)

Uno tsunami tecnico, il Catania di Tabbiani e Laneri già non esiste più, e si apre il toto nuovo allenatore-direttore sportivo. Le figure apicali dell’area tecnica disegnata in estate da Grella per programmare il ritorno in serie B, sono state congedate con una telefonata, ricevuta mentre la squadra....

Chhattisgarh Polls: Candidate Kawasi Lakhma confident about winning with a bigger margin this year

2023-11-07T10:39+0100india (en)

World Cup 2023 Angelo Mathews becomes first to be 'timed out' in international cricket Bangladesh vs Sri Lanka. Terrifying! Earthquake claims 128 lives in Nepal . Sachin Tendulkar's Statue Unveiled At Wankhede Stadium Ahead Of India vs Sri Lanka World Cup fixture. Rajkummar Rao has been appointed as ECI’s National Icon #rajkumarrao #shorts.

16 More Injured In Nepal Earthquake Aftershocks, PM Calls All Party-Meet

2023-11-07T10:26+0100wn (en)

At least 16 people were injured after three tremors of over 4 magnitude hit western Nepal 's Jajarkot on Monday. ......

Nepal quake survivors wait for kin to return

2023-11-07T10:23+0100nepalitimes (en)

It has been three days, and survivors of the 3 November earthquake in Kolchaur village have been waiting for kin to return from abroad so they can perform the cremation rites of those who died. When the earthquake hit just before midnight on Friday, six people all from the same family, lost their lives here, buried when their home collapsed.

Nepal quake: 16 more people injured in quake aftershocks

2023-11-07T10:22+0100deccanherald (en)

Kathmandu: At least 16 people were injured after three tremors of over 4 magnitude hit western Nepal 's Jajarkot on Monday, days after the country witnessed its worst quake in eight years that claimed the lives of 153 people and left a total of 266 others injured, security agencies said on Tuesday.

16 more people injured after 3 tremors of earthquake aftershocks in Nepal

2023-11-07T09:53+0100business-standard (en)

At least 16 people were injured after three tremors of over 4 magnitude hit western Nepal 's Jajarkot on Monday, days after the country witnessed its worst quake in eight years that claimed the lives of 153 people and left a total of 266 others injured, security agencies said on Tuesday.

16 More Injured In Nepal Earthquake Aftershocks, PM Calls All Party-Meet

2023-11-07T09:51+0100ndtvnews (en)

Kathmandu: At least 16 people were injured after three tremors of over 4 magnitude hit western Nepal 's Jajarkot on Monday, days after the country witnessed its worst quake in eight years that claimed the lives of 153 people and left a total of 266 others injured, security agencies said on Tuesday.

Nepal earthquake: 16 more people injured after three aftershocks of over 4 magnitude hit Jajarkot

2023-11-07T09:44+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Nepal earthquake: 16 more people injured after three aftershocks of over 4 magnitude hit western Nepal's Jajarkot. Nepal earthquake: 16 more people injured after three aftershocks of over 4 magnitude hit Jajarkot With those injured in the aftershocks on Monday, the total number of people injured in a series of earthquakes in Nepal has touched 266.

Violento terremoto e tsunami nel Mediterraneo, oggi l’esercitazione NEAMWave23

2023-11-07T09:39+0100meteoweb (it)

Come preannunciato in occasione della Giornata mondiale della consapevolezza tsunami , oggi, 7 novembre 2023, si terrà l’ esercitazione NEAMWave23 il cui scopo è duplice: da un lato far conoscere meglio il rischio tsunami nel nostro mare e accrescere così la consapevolezza e la preparazione della....

Nepal earthquake: 16 more people injured after three aftershocks of over 4 magnitude hit Jajarkot

2023-11-07T09:24+0100wn (en)

With Those Injured In The Aftershocks....

United States: The PACE Solution To Increasing Demands For Long-Term Services And Supports In The U.S. - Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton

2023-11-07T09:19+0100mondaq (en)

As individuals continue to live longer beyond retirement and the U.S. population size of those 65 years and older continues to increase, the demand for long-term services and supports ("LTSS") is also expected to increase. 1 LTSS represents the wide-ranging health and social services that....

CdA di Tim accetta la proposta di acquisto da parte del Fondo Kkr

2023-11-07T09:17+0100oltrefreepress (it)

“Assolutamente non deve essere perso alcun posto di lavoro anche nel nostro territorio, per tanto và salvaguardare l’occupazione nei prossimi anni”. E’ quanto afferma Pino Giordano, Segretario Provinciale dell’Ugl Matera in sintonia totale della posizione della federazione Nazionale dell’Ugl....

Sanità: De Palma, Nursing Up : “Giù le mani dalle pensioni degli infermieri!”

2023-11-07T09:00+0100newsbiella (it)

"La recente norma apparsa nella bozza della Legge di Bilancio che modifica il rendimento della quota retributiva (precedente al 1996) delle pensioni liquidate dal 2024, avrà senz'altro conseguenze assai deleterie per il nostro sistema sanitario, minando nel profondo la già traballante stabilità di un SSN che non ha certo bisogno di ulteriori colpi.

Thousands spend night outdoors after Nepal quake

2023-11-07T08:50+0100ghanaiantimes (en)

In a remote hilly region of western Nepal , thousands of people were forced to spend a very cold night out­doors after their houses were damaged by a strong earthquake on Friday. In all, 157 people died and more than 300 were injured in the quake. Officials say search and rescue missions are coming to a close.

Nepal earthquake: 16 more people injured in aftershocks

2023-11-07T08:40+0100HindustanTimes (en)

We're now on WhatsApp. Click to join. "Sixteen people were injured when three aftershocks with more than 4 magnitude hit Jajarkot in Western Nepal on Monday afternoon. Ten people were injured in Rukum West and six others were injured in Jajarkot," said officials from the security agencies. Nepal was jolted by a 6.

Nepal quake: 16 more people injured in quake aftershocks

2023-11-07T08:35+0100devdiscourse (en)

Ten people were injured in Rukum West and six others were injured in Jajarkot, said officials from the security agencies. Nepal was jolted by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake just before midnight last Friday. At least 16 people were injured after three tremors of over 4 magnitude hit western Nepal's....

Earthquake victims living difficult life under makeshift tarpaulin sheets

2023-11-07T08:31+0100nepalnews (en)

(Hemanta KC/RSS) The road through the Jajarkot district headquarters is dotted with green tarpaulin tents. These makeshift tents put up by the Armed Police Force (APF) Nepal have been providing shelter to the locals who are living under the open sky after their homes were damaged by the earthquake on November 3.

Free Health Camp For Earthquake Victims Under INSEC’s Initiative

2023-11-07T08:25+0100inseconline (en)

INSEC’s Karnali Provincial Office successfully executed free health camps in three rural municipalities within Barekot Rural Municipality-1, Jajarkot on November 6. Narayan Subedi, the Karnali Province Coordinator of INSEC, reported that approximately 400 individuals from Bayalgaun, Sinakot, and....

Une toute petite équipe de modérateurs en français chez X/Twitter

2023-11-07T08:21+010001net (fr)

Tenu à la transparence par le règlement européen sur les services numériques, Twitter a dévoilé ses pratiques de modération en Europe. On y apprend notamment le nombre de modérateurs par langue : le français fait partie des mieux dotés, mais dans l’absolu le chiffre semble ridicule par rapport aux besoins.

Earthquake victims living difficult life under makeshift tarpaulin sheets

2023-11-07T08:10+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

JAJARKOT, NOVEMBER 7. The road through the Jajarkot district headquarters is dotted with green tarpaulin tents. These makeshift tents put up by the Armed Police Force (APF) Nepal have been providing shelter to the locals who are living under the open sky after their homes were damaged by the earthquake on November 3.

Magisterial inquiry ordered into fire at pharma company in Puducherry

2023-11-07T07:31+0100thehindu (en)

The government has ordered a magisterial inquiry into all aspects of the fire that broke out at a pharma company, Solara Active Pharma Sciences Limited, Kalapet, on the night of November 4, 2023 that caused burn injuries to 14 workers. According to a source, the government has directed the....

Spezia in caduta libera verso la C. Una ’rivoluzione’ l’unica salvezza

2023-11-07T07:07+0100LaNazione (it)

Dopo averlo rattoppato con un po’ di pareggi e una misera vittoria, il vaso di coccio dello Spezia si è di nuovo frantumato in mille pezzi. Niente di casuale, lo ribadiamo: lo tsunami sportivo che nel giro di dieci mesi ha portato la squadra da una tranquilla posizione in A (dopo la vittoria di....

Spezia in caduta libera verso la C. Una ’rivoluzione’ l’unica salvezza

2023-11-07T07:06+0100quotidiano (it)

Dopo averlo rattoppato con un po’ di pareggi e una misera vittoria, il vaso di coccio dello Spezia si è di nuovo frantumato in mille pezzi. Niente di casuale, lo ribadiamo: lo tsunami sportivo che nel giro di dieci mesi ha portato la squadra da una tranquilla posizione in A (dopo la vittoria di....

Temblors rattle Nepal days after deadly earthquake

2023-11-07T07:01+0100bdnews24 (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 perished in the country's worst quake since 2015. Jajarkot police official Satosh Rokka said at least three....

In Picture: Waiting for relief

2023-11-07T06:48+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

Villagers wait for relief materials from various organizations after the aftermath of a powerful earthquake that hit Jajarkot and Rukum districts, leaving more than 157 dead and 200 people injured in Jajarkot, Nepal on Monday, November 6, 2023. Phhoto: Skanda Gautam/THT.

Camille Combal ("Camille & Images"), père d’un petit Pio : cette interdiction qu’il impose à son fils de 16 mois

2023-11-07T06:45+0100femmeactuelle (fr)

Lorsque l'on devient parent, tout notre quotidien en est bouleversé… Et ce n'est pas Camille Combal qui dira le contraire ! L'animateur de 42 ans a découvert la paternité il y a 16 mois maintenant. Son petit garçon, prénommé Pio, a vu le jour en mai 2022.

Le chef de l'ONU attristé par le tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-07T06:39+0100french-news (fr)

NEW YORK (Nations Unies), 6 novembre (Xinhua) -- Le secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Antonio Guterres, a été profondément attristé par le tremblement de terre au Népal, a indiqué lundi son porte-parole, Stéphane Dujarric. "Revenant tout juste du Népal, le cœur encore rempli de l'hospitalité et....

World Cup 2023 Angelo Mathews becomes first to be 'timed out' in international cricket Bangladesh vs Sri Lanka

2023-11-07T06:36+0100india (en)

Terrifying! Earthquake claims 128 lives in Nepal . Sachin Tendulkar's Statue Unveiled At Wankhede Stadium Ahead Of India vs Sri Lanka World Cup fixture. Rajkummar Rao has been appointed as ECI’s National Icon #rajkumarrao #shorts. World Cup 2023: Bangladesh Batters With Highest Scores In ODI World Cup History.

India sends over 9 tonnes of relief material to Nepal after earthquake

2023-11-07T06:28+0100business-standard (en)

The Indian Air Force's C-130 J aircraft carrying over 9 tonnes of relief material departed from India to deliver relief material to Nepal gunj as the ongoing humanitarian relief mission for Nepal continues. The IAF noted that the overall relief material that has been airlifted for Nepal is more than 21 tonnes.

Nepal quake: UN response continues, as aftershocks leave families traumatized

2023-11-07T06:28+0100manilatimes (en)

Initial findings suggest over 4,000 homes have been damaged in the worst affected districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot, leaving up to 1.3 million people without effective shelter, of whom about 250,000 may need immediate assistance. Some 213 schools have been damaged, including 91 which have collapsed, according to media reports.

Deadly quake strikes Nepal, toppling homes and killing at least 129 people

2023-11-07T06:10+0100digitpatrox (en)

Kathmandu CNN. No less than 129 individuals have been killed in an earthquake that struck a distant a part of northwestern Nepal in a single day on Friday and toppled a number of buildings as officers warned that the demise toll may rise. The quake measured magnitude 5.

Earthquakes: 7 Interesting Facts To know About This Natural Phenomenon

2023-11-07T06:09+0100timesnownews (en)

Ruchika Kumari. Nov 7, 2023 What is earthquake? Sudden release of energy along the fault lines which are tectonic in origin results in mass shaking What Causes Earthquake? Tectonic Plate Movements, eruptions and magma movement & human activities like mining Effects of Earthquake. Violent tremors damage infrastructure & trigger landslides.

Séisme au Népal : message de condoléances du Vietnam

2023-11-07T06:05+0100lecourrier (fr)

À la nouvelle du séisme au Népal, le ministre vietnamien des Affaires étrangères Bùi Thanh Son a présenté lundi 6 novembre ses condoléances à son homologue népalais, Narayan Prasad Saud. Le ministre vietnamien des Affaires étrangères Bùi Thanh Son a adressé ses condoléances à son homologue népalais....

A judicial maneuver that threatens to leave Puigdemont outside the Amnesty Law

2023-11-07T05:57+0100kiratas (en)

Image from October 2019, during the protests at El Prat airport organized by Tsunami Democràtic. Travelers affected by the collapse of the airport walked along the access road with their suitcasesToni Albir (EFE) The Professional Association of the Judiciary (APM), the majority in the judiciary,....

India sends over 9 tonnes of relief material to Nepal's Nepalgunj

2023-11-07T05:30+0100cambodiantimes (en)

New Delhi [India], November 7 (ANI): The Indian Air Force's C-130 J aircraft carrying over 9 tonnes of relief material departed from India to deliver relief material to Nepal gunj as the ongoing humanitarian relief mission for Nepal continues. The IAF noted that the overall relief material that has been airlifted for Nepal is more than 21 tonnes.

India sends over 9 tonnes of relief material to Nepal's Nepalgunj

2023-11-07T05:29+0100timesofindia (en)

NEW DELHI: The Indian Air Force's C-130 J aircraft carrying over 9 tonnes of relief material departed from India to deliver relief material to Nepal gunj as the ongoing humanitarian relief mission for Nepal continues. The IAF noted that the overall relief material that has been airlifted for Nepal is more than 21 tonnes.

Nepal quake survivors say they 'have nothing left'

2023-11-07T05:24+0100BangkokPost (en)

Rescuers continued to look for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings on Monday, following Nepal 's worst earthquake in eight years. - REUTERS. Nepal quake survivors say they 'have nothing left' Rescuers continued to look for people who could still be trapped in the....

India sends over 9 tonnes of relief material to Nepal's Nepalgunj

2023-11-07T05:18+0100myanmarnews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 7 (ANI): The Indian Air Force's C-130 J aircraft carrying over 9 tonnes of relief material departed from India to deliver relief material to Nepal gunj as the ongoing humanitarian relief mission for Nepal continues. The IAF noted that the overall relief material that has been airlifted for Nepal is more than 21 tonnes.

World News | India Sends over 9 Tonnes of Relief Material to Nepal's Nepalgunj

2023-11-07T05:06+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 7 (ANI): The Indian Air Force's C-130 J aircraft carrying over 9 tonnes of relief material departed from India to deliver relief material to Nepal gunj as the ongoing humanitarian relief mission for Nepal continues. The IAF noted that the overall relief material that has been airlifted for Nepal is more than 21 tonnes.

WWE Raw Results: Winners And Grades On November 6, 2023

2023-11-07T05:01+0100forbes (en)

Rhea Ripley on WWE Raw Credit: WWE.com. WWE Raw, with fallout from Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia , advertised a Battle Royal to determine the next No. 1 contender for Rhea Ripley’s Women’s World Championship. Raw also advertised the Judgment Day vs. the New Day, Akira Tozawa vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and a Fatal 4-Way to determine the No.

India sends over 9 tonnes of relief material to Nepal's Nepalgunj

2023-11-07T05:00+0100devdiscourse (en)

IAF aircraft carrying relief material for Nepal gunj departed from India (Image Credit: X/@IAF_MCC). Image Credit: ANI Country: India SHARE; The Indian Air Force's C-130 J aircraft carrying over 9 tonnes of relief material departed from India to deliver relief material to Nepalgunj as the ongoing humanitarian relief mission for Nepal continues.

Aid trickles in as survivors salvage belongings from rubble in Nepal villages struck by earthquake

2023-11-07T04:57+0100wn (en)

Authorities pressed forward Monday with efforts to bring food, tents, medicine and other supplies to the remote villages, many reachable only by foot. ......

India sends over 9 tonnes of relief material to Nepal's Nepalgunj

2023-11-07T04:55+0100aninews (en)

IAF aircraft carrying relief material for Nepal gunj departed from India (Image Credit: X/@IAF_MCC) India sends over 9 tonnes of relief material to Nepal's Nepalgunj. ANI | Updated: Nov 07, 2023 09:22 IST. New Delhi [ ], November 7 (ANI): The India n Air Force's C-130 J aircraft carrying over 9....

Le chef de l'ONU attristé par le tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-07T04:43+0100lecourrier (fr)

"Revenant tout juste du Népal, le cœur encore rempli de l'hospitalité et de l'esprit du peuple népalais, le secrétaire général exprime sa solidarité avec ce peuple et son gouvernement et présente ses sincères condoléances aux familles des victimes , a déclaré M. Dujarric.

Séisme au Népal: message de condoléances du Vietnam

2023-11-07T04:34+0100vietnamplus-fr (fr)

Hanoi (VNA) - Le ministre vietnamien des Affaires étrangères Bùi Thanh Son a présenté le 6 novembre ses condoléances à son homologue népalais Narayan Prasad Saud suite au tremblement de terre au Népal. Le séisme s'est produit le 3 novembre dans la province de Karnali, causant de nombreux morts et blessés.

Tremors felt at Bidar villages

2023-11-07T04:25+0100timesofindia (en)

Kalaburagi: Two instances of tremors were experienced in Humanabad in Bidar district in the early hours of Monday. However, there have been no report on damage to life and property. Bidar DC Govind Reddy has asked people not to panic as they were low-intensity tremors, with Waddanakera village of Humanabad taluk being the epicentre.

14 people killed in southern Chile fire: authorities

2023-11-07T04:11+0100uniindia (en)

07 Nov 2023 | 8:20 AM. Tokyo, Nov 7 (UNI) Foreign ministers of the Group of Seven industrialized economies will meet in the Japanese capital for two days starting Tuesday to discuss a number of international affairs. 07 Nov 2023 | 8:10 AM. Los Angeles, Nov 7 (UNI) Astronomers have discovered the....

More Tremors to Hit Nepal? Scientists Warn of Earthquakes of Magnitude 8.0 or Higher in the Region

2023-11-07T03:49+0100timesnownews (en)

As Nepal continues to recover from the devastating 5.4 magnitude earthquake, Scientists have predicted more such earthquakes for the country. As Nepal continues to feel tremors, Scientists have estimated that a much stronger earthquake is likely to strike the country. Kathmandu: As Nepal continues to recover from the devastating 5.

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-07T02:56+0100digitpatrox (en)

CHIURI, Nepal – Sobbing relations of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the our bodies of their family members on Sunday as rescuers seemed for individuals who might nonetheless be trapped within the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hits Nepal, jolts felt in Delhi

2023-11-07T02:48+0100timesofindia (en)

Monday's tremors follow the November 3 earthquake of magnitude 6.4 that struck Nepal at 11.32pm. NEW DELHI: Earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi and neighbouring areas on Monday afternoon as an earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hit Nepal. According to the National Centre for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 4:16 pm on Monday.

Cuba expressed solidarity with Nepal after suffering earthquake

2023-11-07T02:44+0100kpl (en)

KPL (KPL/Prensa Latina) The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, today expressed his country's solidarity with the people and Government of Nepal , for the loss of human life caused by an earthquake in that Asian nation, from his account on the X social network.

Nepal earthquake: Search and rescue operation over, tough reconstruction awaits

2023-11-07T02:43+0100aninews (en)

Jajarkot ( Nepal ), Nov 06 (ANI): The Nepal government completed the search and rescue operation after a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot on Nov 3. The earthquake rattled nine districts, killing over 150 people as houses in the area collapsed.

UN chief saddened by Nepal quake

2023-11-07T02:42+0100uniindia (en)

United Nations, Nov 7 (UNI) UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was deeply saddened by the earthquake in Nepal , said his spokesman on Monday. "Having just recently returned from Nepal, and with the hospitality and the spirit of the country's people fresh in his heart, the secretary-general....

Earthquake today: Magnitude of 4.2 tremor strikes Bay of Bengal

2023-11-07T02:32+0100livemint (en)

"Earthquake of Magnitude:4.2, Occurred on 07-11-2023, 05:32:24 IST, Lat: 8.55 & Long: 90.93, Depth: 10 Km, Location: Bay of Bengal," the NCS said in a post on X. Also Read: Earthquake today: Strong tremors felt in Delhi as 5.2 magnitude quake hits Nepal An earthquake of magnitude 5.

Nepal earthquake: More tremors occur 3 days after deadly quake

2023-11-07T02:25+0100AsiaOne (en)

KATHMANDU — A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday (Nov 6), the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 perished in the country's worst quake since 2015.

Le chef de l'ONU attristé par le tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-07T02:21+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Antonio Guterres, a été profondément attristé par le tremblement de terre au Népal, a indiqué lundi son porte-parole, Stéphane Dujarric. "Revenant tout juste du Népal, le cœur encore rempli de l'hospitalité et de l'esprit du peuple népalais, le secrétaire....

World Tsunami Awareness Day 2023

2023-11-07T01:26+0100un-spider (en)

In 2015 the United Nations declared that each year 5 November would be observed as World Tsunami Awareness Day – a reminder that when a tsunami strikes, everyone must be ready to get to high ground. Like all disasters, tsunamis have an unequal and unique impact on the affected population.

Nepal quake: UN response continues, as aftershocks leave families traumatized

2023-11-07T01:20+0100globalissues (en)

Some 213 schools have been damaged, including 91 which have collapsed, according to media reports. The remoteness of the area in terrain susceptible to landslides and recurring aftershocks, poses significant challenges. Friday’s seismic event was the deadliest in Nepal since the April-May 2015....

New Temblors Rattle Nepal Monday After Weekend's Deadly Quake

2023-11-07T01:12+0100wn (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake, followed by a slightly weaker 4.

New Temblors Rattle Nepal Monday After Weekend's Deadly Quake

2023-11-07T00:41+0100chosun (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake, followed by a slightly weaker 4.5 magnitude aftershock struck Nepal on Monday, sending people scrambling for safety, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center. At least three people were injured. The temblors follow Friday's deadly 6.

Nepal\u2019s Jajarkot hit by quake again, residents afraid to sleep indoors

2023-11-07T00:32+0100wn (en)

Residents of Nepal \u2019s Jajarkot, who have been sleeping on the streets or in relief camps since Friday\u2019s earthquake as fear of aftershocks kept them out of their houses, were preparing to finally move back indoors on Monday when another quake struck. This one measured 5.6 on the Richter scale.

UN chief saddened by Nepal quake

2023-11-07T00:32+0100wn (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was deeply saddened by the earthquake in Nepal , said his spokesman on Monday. "Having just recently returned from Nepal, and with the hospitality and the spirit of the country's people fresh in his heart, the secretary-general....

Nepal’s Jajarkot hit by quake again, residents afraid to sleep indoors

2023-11-07T00:13+0100expressindia (en)

Nepal Armed Police Force remove debris of a house just moments before fresh tremors were felt in Jajarkot on Monday. (Express photo by Asad Rehman) On Monday night, hours after the latest quake hit at 4.30 pm, residents of all these houses – both the completely destroyed ones and those still....

The OK and KO of Tuesday, November 7, 2023

2023-11-07T00:06+0100kiratas (en)

OK: Nicolás Redondo Terreros. Because it will be recognized in the National Tabarnia Association awards to which Ayuso will attend. OK: José María Álvarez-Pallete. Because he has been designated an honorary doctorate by the CEU San Pablo University. OK: Jake Ferguson.

UN chief saddened by Nepal quake

2023-11-07T00:03+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was deeply saddened by the earthquake in Nepal , said his spokesman on Monday. "Having just recently returned from Nepal, and with the hospitality and the spirit of the country's people fresh in his heart, the secretary-general....

UN chief saddened by Nepal quake

2023-11-07T00:00+0100english-news-cn (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was deeply saddened by the earthquake in Nepal , said his spokesman on Monday. "Having just recently returned from Nepal, and with the hospitality and the spirit of the country's people fresh in his heart, the secretary-general....

Madrid, tensioni durante le manifestazioni contro il premier ad interim Sanchez

2023-11-06T23:19+0100la7 (it)

Tensione durante la manifestazione a Madrid contro il premier Sanchez e la futura legge di amnistia che il Psoe sta concordando con gli indipendentisti catalani. Hanno gridato “Sanchez un criminale, un traditore”. La polizia ha usato lacrimogeni e proiettili di gomma per disperdere la folla. C’e’ stato un arresto .

MIL-OSI Submissions: Save the Children – Nepal earthquake kills more than 80 children with another 5,000 left homeless in freezing conditions

2023-11-06T23:11+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Save the Children More than 80 children were killed in an earthquake in remote northwestern Nepal at the weekend – over half of total fatalities – with an estimated 5,000 forced from their homes and sleeping in freezing conditions at risk of pneumonia, Save the Children said.

Nepal quake: UN response continues, as aftershocks leave families traumatized

2023-11-06T23:09+0100un-news (en)

According to agencies on the ground, more than 380 aftershocks have been reported since the 6.4 magnitude quake struck shortly before midnight of Friday into Saturday, local time. Initial findings suggest over 4,000 homes have been damaged in the worst affected districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot, leaving up to 1.

Séismes au Népal : les agences de l’ONU se mobilisent pour aider les victimes

2023-11-06T22:50+0100news-un-fr (fr)

Sur le terrain, les agences de l’ONU et les partenaires humanitaires se mobilisent pour soutenir les efforts du gouvernement, malgré l’éloignement géographique et un environnement opérationnel difficile. Le 3 novembre 2023, un séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé les districts de Jajarkot et de Rukum,....

Nepal earthquake: Watch moment woman is pulled out alive from rubble after at least 157 killed | World News

2023-11-06T22:48+0100digitpatrox (en)

Learn extra from Sky Information: ‘At the least 15 folks killed ’ in strike on ambulance convoy Hezbollah chief warns of attainable escalation. A number of the wounded had been being handled on the the regional hospital within the metropolis of Nepal gunj. “I used to be quick asleep when rapidly it began shaking violently.

Meteo Cronaca Diretta: Portofino (GE), onde giganti come uno tsunami, turisti in fuga, il Video

2023-11-06T22:35+0100ilmeteo (it)

La forte mareggiata che ha colpito la Liguria di Levante nel pomeriggio di Venerdì 3 Novembre 2023, ha colpito duramente anche nel comprensorio del Tigullio. La rinomata località di Portofino solitamente rimane protetta dalle mareggiate di libeccio (sud-ovest), grazie alla particolare forma della....

Relief materials sent to Nepal's quake-hit areas

2023-11-06T22:34+0100english-news-cn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- Relief materials were sent to quake-hit areas in western Nepal on Monday, while a 5.8-magnitude aftershock was recorded on the day. The distribution of tents, tarpaulins, blankets, utensils and food provided by the government and different organizations was going on "in....

Relief materials sent to Nepal's quake-hit areas

2023-11-06T22:33+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- Relief materials were sent to quake-hit areas in western Nepal on Monday, while a 5.8-magnitude aftershock was recorded on the day. The distribution of tents, tarpaulins, blankets, utensils and food provided by the government and different organizations was going on "in....

Nepal Earthquake Kills More Than 80 Children With Another 5,000 Left Homeless In Freezing Conditions

2023-11-06T22:14+0100scoop-co-nz (en)

Latest government figures show that 82 children were among the 153 confirmed fatalities 1. after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Jajarkot and Rukum West, about 500km (310 miles) west of Kathmandu, on Friday night when most people were sleeping. About 10,000 people have been forced to leave their....

Nepal Quake: UN Response Continues, As Aftershocks Leave Families Traumatized

2023-11-06T22:14+0100scoop-co-nz (en)

According to agencies on the ground, more than 380 aftershocks have been reported since the 6.4 magnitude quake struck shortly before midnight of Friday into Saturday, local time. Initial findings suggest over 4,000 homes have been damaged in the worst affected districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot, leaving up to 1.

MIL-OSI United Nations: Nepal quake: UN response continues, as aftershocks traumatize families

2023-11-06T22:02+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Nations 2. According to agencies on the ground, more than 380 aftershocks have been reported since the 6.4 magnitude quake struck shortly before midnight of Friday into Saturday, local time. Initial findings suggest over 4,000 homes have been damaged in the worst affected districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot, leaving up to 1.

Deeply Saddened by Earthquake in Nepal, Secretary-General Says United Nations Working Closely with Authorities in Providing Speedy Assistance

2023-11-06T22:00+0100reliefWeb (en)

SG/SM/22023 6 NOVEMBER 2023. The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General António Guterres: The Secretary-General is deeply saddened to hear of the loss of life and damage caused by the earthquake, which struck the western province of Karnali in Nepal on Friday.

Nepal quake: UN response continues, as aftershocks traumatize families

2023-11-06T21:55+0100devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; UN agencies in Nepal continue their response to the deadly earthquake that struck western parts of the country over the weekend, claiming 153 lives, injuring over 330 and forcing thousands to spend nights in the open amid freezing temperatures. According to agencies on the ground, more than 380 aftershocks have been reported since the 6.

Nepal quake: UN response continues, as aftershocks traumatize families

2023-11-06T21:52+0100un-org (en)

According to agencies on the ground, more than 380 aftershocks have been reported since the 6.4 magnitude quake struck shortly before midnight of Friday into Saturday, local time. Initial findings suggest over 4,000 homes have been damaged in the worst affected districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot, leaving up to 1.

Alluvione in Toscana: diocesi di Firenze, “Spazio Reale e le parrocchie ospitano i volontari da tutta Italia”

2023-11-06T21:44+0100avveniredicalabria (it)

Prosegue senza sosta l’impegno della Chiesa fiorentina per le popolazioni alluvionate. Spazio Reale, struttura della diocesi, dall’inizio dell’emergenza è diventata “la sede del centro di coordinamento per gli aiuti”. Oggi è arrivata la Colonna mobile della Lombardia e saranno ospitate qui le 100....

Interview Explosion des actes antisémites en France : "toutes les digues ont sauté", s'alarme le président du Crif

2023-11-06T21:40+0100lechorepublicain (fr)

Un mois après l’attaque sanglante du Hamas contre Israël, à l’origine de la guerre dévastatrice entre les deux camps, plus de 1.000 actes antisémites ont été recensés en France. Une explosion qui plonge la communauté juive dans l’angoisse. Appels au meurtre, tags d’insultes et de menaces, croix....

Aid trickles in as survivors salvage belongings from rubble in Nepal villages struck by earthquake

2023-11-06T21:29+0100eagletribune (en)

Survivors of an earthquake that flattened villages in Nepal ’s northwest mountains have been searching through the debris of their collapsed homes for any salvageable belongings as aid trickles into the remote area. The strong temblor late on Friday kill Aid trickles in as survivors salvage....

Les chercheurs du SDSU innovent avec un outil de modélisation des tsunamis pour améliorer les systèmes d’alerte | Centre d’Information

2023-11-06T21:09+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Les chercheurs du San Diego State University (SDSU) ont récemment développé un outil révolutionnaire de modélisation des tsunamis, dans le but d’améliorer les systèmes d’alerte et de prévention. Cette avancée scientifique promet de sauver des vies en permettant une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de formation et de propagation des tsunamis.

Three hurt as temblors hit Nepal days after fatal quake

2023-11-06T21:01+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck Nepal , the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre says, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 died in the country's worst quake since 2015. Jajarkot police official Satosh Rokka said at least three people....

Three hurt as temblors hit Nepal days after fatal quake

2023-11-06T20:59+0100maitlandmercury (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck Nepal , the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre says, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 died in the country's worst quake since 2015. Jajarkot police official Satosh Rokka said at least three people....

New Temblors Rattle Nepal Monday After Weekend's Deadly Quake

2023-11-06T20:58+0100myanmarnews (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake, followed by a slightly weaker 4.5 magnitude aftershock struck Nepal on Monday, sending people scrambling for safety, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center. At least three people were injured. The temblors follow Friday's deadly 6.

Puigdemont after his accusation: “It is the coup d’état with the smell of a sewer that the King opened on 3-O”

2023-11-06T20:57+0100kiratas (en)

The former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont has reacted to his accusation in the framework of the National Court’s investigation into the Tsunami Democràtic riots: “It is the permanent coup d’état that they so like to revive, whether with sabers or with togas” .

Three hurt as temblors hit Nepal days after fatal quake

2023-11-06T20:56+0100bordermail (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck Nepal , the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre says, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 died in the country's worst quake since 2015. Jajarkot police official Satosh Rokka said at least three people....

Three hurt as temblors hit Nepal days after fatal quake

2023-11-06T20:55+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck Nepal , the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre says, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 died in the country's worst quake since 2015. Jajarkot police official Satosh Rokka said at least three people....

Three hurt as temblors hit Nepal days after fatal quake

2023-11-06T20:54+0100illawarramercury (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck Nepal , the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre says, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 died in the country's worst quake since 2015. Jajarkot police official Satosh Rokka said at least three people....

Three hurt as temblors hit Nepal days after fatal quake

2023-11-06T20:53+0100newcastleherald (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck Nepal , the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre says, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 died in the country's worst quake since 2015. Jajarkot police official Satosh Rokka said at least three people....

Deeply Saddened by Earthquake in Nepal, Secretary-General Says United Nations Working Closely with Authorities in Providing Speedy Assistance

2023-11-06T20:52+0100un-org (en)

The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General António Guterres: The Secretary-General is deeply saddened to hear of the loss of life and damage caused by the earthquake, which struck the western province of Karnali in Nepal on Friday.

Earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-06T20:38+0100disasterscharter (en)

A magnitude 6.4M earthquake struck Karnali Province in western Nepal at around 11.47 p.m. local time (UTC 6.02 p.m.) on 3 November 2023, with several aftershocks occurring. The epicentre was in Ramidanda in Jajarkot District, some 65 kilometres northeast of Surkhet, the capital city of Karnali Province.

MIL-OSI United Nations: Deeply Saddened by Earthquake in Nepal, Secretary-General Says United Nations Working Closely with Authorities in Providing Speedy Assistance

2023-11-06T20:33+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Nations 4. The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General António Guterres: The Secretary-General is deeply saddened to hear of the loss of life and damage caused by the earthquake, which struck the western province of Karnali in Nepal on Friday.

Today's top news: Occupied Palestinian Territory, Nepal, Somalia, Myanmar, Ukraine

2023-11-06T20:26+0100unocha (en)

Occupied Palestinian Territory. The heads of UN agencies and NGOs have issued an urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, as the world watches the unfolding situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory with shock and horror at the spiralling numbers of lives lost and torn apart.

New Temblors Rattle Nepal Monday After Weekend's Deadly Quake

2023-11-06T20:16+0100cambodiantimes (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake, followed by a slightly weaker 4.5 magnitude aftershock struck Nepal on Monday, sending people scrambling for safety, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center. At least three people were injured. The temblors follow Friday's deadly 6.

New Temblors Rattle Nepal Monday After Weekend's Deadly Quake

2023-11-06T20:14+0100voanews (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake, followed by a slightly weaker 4.5 magnitude aftershock struck Nepal on Monday, sending people scrambling for safety, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center. At least three people were injured. The temblors follow Friday’s deadly 6.

Dalai Lama writes to Nepal PM, condoles loss of lives in earthquake

2023-11-06T20:00+0100deccanherald (en)

Dharamsala (HP): Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama has written to Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal to express his condolence over the loss of lives in the earthquake that recently struck western Nepal. He also said he would like to make a donation for the relief and rescue operations in the quake-hit country.

The Prosecutor’s Office plans to appeal the indictment of Puigdemont and Rovira as it does not appreciate terrorism

2023-11-06T19:50+0100kiratas (en)

From the left, Miriam Nogueras, Carles Puigdemont and Jordi Turull, near the European Parliament, last week. Delmi Álvarez. The Prosecutor’s Office plans to appeal the resolution issued this Monday by Judge Manuel García-Castellón, instructor of the National Court, who has cited the former Catalan....

Interview Explosion des actes antisémites en France : "toutes les digues ont sauté", s'alarme le président du Crif

2023-11-06T19:42+0100larep (fr)

Un mois après l’attaque sanglante du Hamas contre Israël, à l’origine de la guerre dévastatrice entre les deux camps, plus de 1.000 actes antisémites ont été recensés en France. Une explosion qui plonge la communauté juive dans l’angoisse. Appels au meurtre, tags d’insultes et de menaces, croix....

Catalogne: Accusé de terrorisme par un juge suite à la mort d'un Français, Puigdemont exclut de la future loi d'amnistie?

2023-11-06T19:25+0100lindependant (fr)

Au cœur des négociations pour introniser le gouvernement de Pedro Sanchez, l'indépendantiste catalan Carles Puigdemont se voit accuser de terrorisme. Si elle jouit d'une totale indépendance, la justice espagnole n'en est pas moins très souvent critiquée pour sa politisation marquée.

Second Consignment of Emergency Relief Materials from India Arrives in Nepal as Fresh Tremor Jolts Region

2023-11-06T19:24+0100digitpatrox (en)

A second consignment of 9 tonnes of emergency reduction supplies from India arrived in Nepal on Monday for the quake-affected households within the northwest mountainous area the place persons are going through a scarcity of meals, heat garments and medicines as a contemporary tremor struck the area.

Nepalis cremate quake dead

2023-11-06T19:23+0100tribuneonline (en)

The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepal i village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst-hit places when a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal late Friday.

Earthquake of Magnitude 5.6 Jolts Pithoragarh in Uttarakhand

2023-11-06T19:18+0100news18 (en)

With its epicentre in Nepal , the quake shook Dharchula, Didihat and Bangapani areas of the district at 4.17 pm, the disaster management office said Follow us: An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 jolted various parts of Uttarakhand’s Pithoragarh district on Monday but there was no damage to life or property.

Second Consignment of Emergency Relief Materials from India Arrives in Nepal as Fresh Tremor Jolts Region

2023-11-06T18:56+0100news18 (en)

A second consignment of nine tonnes of emergency relief materials from India arrived in Nepal on Monday for the quake-affected families in the northwest mountainous region where people are facing a shortage of food, warm clothes and medicines as a fresh tremor struck the region. Nepal was jolted by a 6.

Explosion des actes antisémites en France : "toutes les digues ont sauté", s'alarme le président du Crif

2023-11-06T18:54+0100lepopulaire (fr)

Un mois après l’attaque sanglante du Hamas contre Israël, à l’origine de la guerre dévastatrice entre les deux camps, plus de 1.000 actes antisémites ont été recensés en France. Une explosion qui plonge la communauté juive dans l’angoisse. Appels au meurtre, tags d’insultes et de menaces, croix....

A Nuova Delhi non si respira: smart working e scuole chiuse per ridurre lo smog

2023-11-06T18:49+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 6 novembre 2023) (Adnkronos) – Da una settimana non si respira a Nuova Delhi . La megalopoli che conta 28 milioni di abitanti è avvolta da una coltre di smog che riduce la visibilità e crea problemi respira tori. Per risolvere il problema il governo ha prolungato la chiusura delle scuole....

Temblors rattle Nepal days after deadly earthquake

2023-11-06T18:47+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

KATHMANDU—A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 perished in the country’s worst quake since 2015.

Plus de 1.000 actes antisémites en France depuis le 7 octobre : "toutes les digues ont sauté", s'alarme le président du Crif

2023-11-06T18:45+0100lamontagne (fr)

Un mois après l’attaque sanglante du Hamas contre Israël, à l’origine de la guerre dévastatrice entre les deux camps, plus de 1.000 actes antisémites ont été recensés en France. Une explosion qui plonge la communauté juive dans l’angoisse. Appels au meurtre, tags d’insultes et de menaces, croix....

Plus de 1.000 actes antisémites en France depuis le 7 octobre : "toutes les digues ont sauté", s'alarme le président du Crif

2023-11-06T18:44+0100lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Un mois après l’attaque sanglante du Hamas contre Israël, à l’origine de la guerre dévastatrice entre les deux camps, plus de 1.000 actes antisémites ont été recensés en France. Une explosion qui plonge la communauté juive dans l’angoisse. Appels au meurtre, tags d’insultes et de menaces, croix....

India sends second batch of relief materials to quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-06T18:37+0100digitpatrox (en)

New Delhi: India on Monday despatched a second batch of medicines and different aid supplies to Nepal for its earthquake-affected individuals. The primary consignment of aid supplies was despatched on Sunday. “Second flight carrying 9 tonnes value of emergency aid help lands in Nepal.

Nepal earthquake kills more than 80 children with another 5,000 left homeless in freezing conditions

2023-11-06T18:31+0100reliefWeb (en)

More than 80 children were killed in an earthquake in remote northwestern Nepal at the weekend over half of total fatalities - with an estimated 5,000 forced from their homes and sleeping in freezing conditions at risk of pneumonia, Save the Children said.

5 best practices to follow during an earthquake

2023-11-06T18:26+0100livemint (en)

EARTHQUAKE 5 BEST PRACTICES TO FOLLOW DURING AN EARTHQUAKE Published By Livemint | 06 Nov, 2023 The people living in Delhi-NCR felt earthquake tremors twice in just days as Nepal faced some serious destruction due to the seismic activity. There are some practices which residents must follow during....

South Indian Ocean hit by 5.1 earthquake

2023-11-06T18:22+0100sabanews-en (en)

[06/November/2023] BEIJING November 06. 2023 (Saba) - South Indian Ocean was struck on Monday by an earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale. The quake center was determined at depth of 10 kilometers, Xinhua quoted the US Geological Authority as saying. In December 2004, an earthquake measuring 9.

"On perd plus de 40% de nos effectifs". Des salariés d'Air Liquide en grève contre un plan social d'envergure Occitanie

2023-11-06T18:02+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Lundi 6 novembre, des dizaines de salariés de filiales d'Air Liquide sont en grève car ils ignorent les modalités du plan social décidé par leur entreprise cet été. Ces employés ne savent pas qui partira, ni dans quelles conditions travailleront ceux qui resteront. Ils attendent un signe de leur direction.

Nepal Hit By New Earthquakes Just Days After Large Temblor Kills More Than 150

2023-11-06T17:58+0100news9 (en)

Two significant earthquakes jolted Nepal on Monday, just three days after a powerful temblor killed more than 150 people in the Himalayan nation. A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, centered in the Jajarkot district about 250 miles northeast of the capital, Kathmandu, which was hit hard by the magnitude 5.

'I never sleep, I get four hours a night...' The stars who struggle with a nightly slumber!

2023-11-06T17:58+0100mycouriertribune (en)

Barry Manilow, 80, recently admitted that he “never” sleeps and only needs four hours a night to function. Opening up to Parade magazine, he said: "I never sleep. "I get four hours a night. That's all I really need. It's been that way for years.” Manilow is not the only star to struggle with a regular sleep pattern.

Tim, Giordano (Ugl):”Non bisogna perso alcun posto di lavoro”.

2023-11-06T17:58+0100politicamentecorretto (it)

“Assolutamente non deve essere perso alcun posto di lavoro anche nel nostro territorio, per tanto và salvaguardare l’occupazione nei prossimi anni”. E’ quanto afferma Pino Giordano, Segretario Provinciale dell’Ugl Matera in sintonia totale della posizione della federazione Nazionale dell’Ugl....

Intelligenza artificiale, lo tsunami. 300mila "colletti bianchi" senza lavoro

2023-11-06T17:52+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 6 novembre 2023) L' Intelligenza artificiale ha già avuto un impatto devastante sulle nostre abitudini ma questo é ancora niente. Uno studio di Goldman Sachs svela come sia in arrivo un vero e proprio tsunami , destinato a colpire in particolare il mondo del lavoro .

"On perd plus de 40% de nos effectifs". Des salariés d'Air Liquide en grève contre un plan social d'envergure

2023-11-06T17:50+0100france3 (fr)

Lundi 6 novembre, des dizaines de salariés de filiales d'Air Liquide sont en grève car ils ignorent les modalités du plan social décidé par leur entreprise cet été. Ces employés ne savent pas qui partira, ni dans quelles conditions travailleront ceux qui resteront. Ils attendent un signe de leur direction.

Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 jolts Pithoragarh in Uttarakhand

2023-11-06T17:49+0100deccanherald (en)

Pithoragrah: An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 jolted various parts of Uttarakhand's Pithoragarh district on Monday but there was no damage to life or property. With its epicentre in Nepal , the quake shook Dharchula, Didihat and Bangapani areas of the district at 4.17 pm, the disaster management office here said.

Urgent need for shelter, blankets and warm clothes as Nepal grapples with earthquake aftermath, says ActionAid

2023-11-06T17:45+0100actionaid (en)

PRESS RELEASE - SPOKESPEOPLE AVAILABLE. 5 November 2023 - For immediate release. Urgent need for shelter, blankets, and warm clothes as Nepal grapples with earthquake aftermath, says ActionAid. After an earthquake struck in western Nepal, damaging houses in two districts of Karnali Province,....

India sends second batch of relief materials to quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-06T17:35+0100financialexpress (en)

India on Monday sent a second batch of medicines and other relief materials to Nepal for its earthquake-affected people. The first consignment of relief materials was sent on Sunday. The fresh batch of relief materials was sent in a military transport aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF).

A new earthquake shakes Nepal

2023-11-06T17:30+0100kiratas (en)

At least 153 people have died and 150 have been injured since the first earthquake that hit western Nepal last Friday. ADVERTISING. A new earthquake, of magnitude 5.3, hit western Nepal this Monday, very close to the area where another earthquake of intensity 6.4 occurred on Friday, leaving at least 153 dead (more than half of them children).

Quake jolts Nepal again, tremors felt in Delhi too

2023-11-06T17:29+0100thestatesman (en)

Delhi and its nearby cities felt tremors on Monday afternoon as a quake measuring 5.6 on Richter scale struck Nepal again. According to a post shared on X by the National Centre for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 4:16 pm on Monday. “Earthquake of Magnitude:5.6, Occurred on 06-11-2023, 16:16:40 IST, Lat: 28.

NEMO Will Join The Rest Of The World To Commemorated “World Tsunami Awareness Day” (WTAD)

2023-11-06T17:28+0100security-gov (en)

November 5, 2023 is commemorated all around the world, as “World Tsunami Awareness Day” (WTAD). This is being done annually to raise public awareness of the deadly threat posed by tsunamis and to share innovative approaches to reducing risk.

Relief materials given by India dispatched to Nepal's quake-affected areas as fresh tremor jolts region

2023-11-06T17:21+0100deccanherald (en)

The villagers have been waiting for help to arrive. 'But so far, we have not received any. All our crops, grains, food, clothes and other valuables lie buried in the debris. We haven’t been able to retrieve anything as there are no security personnel to help us,” The Kathmandu Post newspaper quoted Suresh as saying.

Nepal hit by new earthquakes days after temblor kills more than 150

2023-11-06T17:17+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

New Delhi Two significant earthquakes jolted Nepal on Monday, just three days after a powerful in the Himalayan nation. A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, centered in the Jajarkot district about 250 miles northeast of the capital, Kathmandu, which was hit hard by the magnitude 5.6 earthquake on Friday.

Nepal: Western Nepal Earthquake 2023 - Situation Report No. 01, As of 06 November 2023

2023-11-06T17:17+0100reliefWeb (en)

Attachments This report is produced by Humanitarian Country Team Nepal in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It was issued by the UNRCO. It covers the period from 04 to 06 November, 2023. HIGHLIGHTS. • On 6 November the Government of Nepal stated that search and rescues operations had....

Quake-hit villages in Nepal see aid trickle in

2023-11-06T17:17+0100manilatimes (en)

KATHMANDU: Aid trickled in on Monday to villages in Nepal 's northwestern mountains flattened by a strong earthquake over the weekend as villagers searched through the rubble of their collapsed homes to salvage what was left of their belongings. The 5.6-magnitude temblor struck just minutes before....

Earthquake in Uttarakhand: Quake of Magnitude 5.6 Jolts Pithoragarh, No Casualty Reported

2023-11-06T17:12+0100latestly (en)

With its epicentre in Nepal , the quake shook Dharchula, Didihat and Bangapani areas of the district at 4.17 pm, the disaster management office here said. Pithoragrah, Nov 6: An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 jolted various parts of Uttarakhand's Pithoragarh district on Monday but there was no damage to life or property.

WFP at hand as Nepal reels from earthquake

2023-11-06T17:07+0100wfp (en)

Jajarkot district in Nepal 's Karnalia province was one of the worst-hit areas in Friday's earthquake. Photo: WFP/Skanda Gautam. The mud structures housing some of Nepal's poorest people never stood a chance – survivors of Friday’s 6.4 magnitude earthquake, which killed 157 people in the country, are sleeping rough after their homes were destroyed.

Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 jolts Pithoragarh in Uttarakhand

2023-11-06T17:04+0100devdiscourse (en)

Country: India SHARE; Pithoragarh district on Monday but there was no damage to life or property. With its epicentre in Nepal , the quake shook Dharchula, Didihat and Bangapani areas of the district at 4.17 pm, the disaster management office here said. However, no damage to life or property has been reported so far, it said.

Oltre 17 mila euro all’anno per uno studente fuorisede, presentato oggi il report sul costo degli studi all’università

2023-11-06T16:59+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 6 novembre 2023) UDU - È drammatico il dato che emerge del report “Universitari al verde”, presentato oggi alla Sala stampa della Camera dei deputati da UDU e Federconsumatori, alla presenza di numerosi parlamentari dell’opposizione che sono intervenuti nel dibattito.

Nepal President Paudel cancels Europe visit after devastating earthquake

2023-11-06T16:58+0100deccanherald (en)

Kathmandu: Nepal President Ramchandra Paudel has cancelled his planned 10-day visit to Europe in view of the devastating earthquake in the country, his office said on Monday. Paudel was scheduled to depart on November 8 to participate in the Paris Peace Forum and subsequently visit Germany and Italy.

Temblors Rattle Nepal Days After Deadly Earthquake; 3 Hurt

2023-11-06T16:50+0100theepochtimes (en)

KATHMANDU—A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 perished in the country's worst quake since 2015.

Dalai Lama writes to Nepal PM, condoling deaths in earthquake

2023-11-06T16:49+0100myanmarnews (en)

Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh) [India], November 6 (ANI): Buddhist spiritual leader Dalai Lama has written to the Prime Minister of Nepal , Pushpa Kamal Dahal, to express his sadness at the devastating earthquake that recently struck western Nepal leading to the loss of 157 human lives and many....

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:49+0100ansamed-it (it)

Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto un'indagine contro l'ex....

WFP Aids Nepal Earthquake Relief, Partners With Government

2023-11-06T16:48+0100miragenews (en)

Jajarkot district in Nepal 's Karnalia province was one of the worst-hit areas in Friday's earthquake. Photo: WFP/Skanda Gautam. The mud structures housing some of Nepal's poorest people never stood a chance - survivors of Friday's 6.4 magnitude earthquake, which killed 157 people in the country, are sleeping rough after their homes were destroyed.

Un million de vues en deux jours : Mia Guissé, Tsunami de la musique sénégalaise

2023-11-06T16:45+0100igfm (fr)

Connue grâce à son duo avec son ex époux via le groupe Maabo , elle a entamé une carrière solo en 2023. En une année, Mia Guissé n’a sorti que des hits. Idda compte près de 10 millions de vues, La vie est belle en cumule 19 millions et Guen leen paré est actuellement à plus de 14 millions de vues.

Un Million De Vues En Deux Jours : Mia Guissé, Tsunami De La Musique Sénégalaise

2023-11-06T16:34+0100buzzsenegal (fr)

Depuis la sortie de sa dernière chanson "Lonkotina", Mia Guissé est de nouveau propulsée sur le devant de la scène musicale sénégalaise. En seulement deux jours, la chanson a atteint un million de vues, ce qui témoigne de l'énorme popularité de cette jeune artiste talentueuse.

Another quake hits Nepal, days after tremor claimed 150 lives, half of them children

2023-11-06T16:33+0100efe (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 6 (EFE).- A magnitude-5.3 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, marking the second quake in just three days following a more powerful tremor that devastated the Himalayan country last week, taking over 150 lives, with nearly half of the victims being children.

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:33+0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto....

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:32+0100ansa (it)

Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto un'indagine contro l'ex....

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:32+0100espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – MADRID, 06 NOV – Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l’accordo con i socialisti sull’amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto....

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:30+0100tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto....

Relief materials sent to Nepal's quake-hit areas

2023-11-06T16:29+0100china.org.cn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- Relief materials were sent to quake-hit areas in western Nepal on Monday, while a 5.8-magnitude aftershock was recorded on the day. The distribution of tents, tarpaulins, blankets, utensils and food provided by the government and different organizations was going on "in....

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:27+0100larena (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto....

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:25+0100ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto....

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:23+0100nuovavenezia (it)

MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto un'indagine....

Terremoto in Nepal: la preoccupazione dell'Unicef

2023-11-06T16:22+0100aise (it)

GINEVRA\ aise\ - "Siamo profondamente rattristati dall'impatto devastante del terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 che ha colpito le province di Karnali e Lumbini, nel Nepal occidentale, alle 23.47 di ieri. Secondo le autorità, 143 persone sono morte e 190 sono rimaste ferite.

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:21+0100bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto....

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:20+0100ladige (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto....

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:19+0100altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto....

Temblors rattle Nepal days after deadly earthquake; death toll mounts

2023-11-06T16:18+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

By Gopal Sharma. KATHMANDU (Reuters) - A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday , the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 perished in the country's worst quake since 2015.

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:16+0100giornaledibrescia (it)

MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto un'indagine....

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:16+0100mattinopadova (it)

MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto un'indagine....

Nepal hit by new earthquakes days after temblor kills more than 150

2023-11-06T16:14+0100CBSnews (en)

New Delhi Two significant earthquakes jolted Nepal on Monday, just three days after a powerful in the Himalayan nation. A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, centered in the Jajarkot district about 250 miles northeast of the capital, Kathmandu, which was hit hard by the magnitude 5.6 earthquake on Friday.

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:14+0100ilpiccolo (it)

MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto un'indagine....

Spagna:Puidgemont indagato durante la trattativa con il Psoe

2023-11-06T16:13+0100giornaletrentino (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 06 NOV - Nuova grana giudiziaria ai danni del leader del partito indipendentista catalano Junts, Carles Puigdemont, proprio nel momento in cui l'accordo con i socialisti sull'amnistia sembra essere ormai imminente. Il giudice istruttore Manuel García-Castellón, ha appena aperto....

Prez Paudel postpones his visit to three European countries

2023-11-06T16:12+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

The President's press advisor, Kiran Pokharel, announced this decision through a press release today. The reason for the postponement is the belief that it would not be appropriate to leave the country in the wake of a natural disaster, such as the devastating earthquake that recently occurred.

India News | India Sends Second Batch of Relief Materials to Quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-06T16:12+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi, Nov 6 (PTI) India on Monday sent a second batch of medicines and other relief materials to Nepal for its earthquake-affected people. The first consignment of relief materials was sent on Sunday. Also Read | Live-Sex Show on Pihu App: Mumbai Police Busts Pornographic Live-Streaming Racket....

Tim, Giordano (Ugl):”Non deve essere perso alcun posto di lavoro”

2023-11-06T16:09+0100irpinia24 (it)

Matera - “Assolutamente non deve essere perso alcun posto di lavoro anche nel nostro territorio, per tanto va a salvaguardare l’occupazione nei prossimi anni”. E’ quanto afferma Pino Giordano, Segretario Provinciale dell’Ugl Matera in sintonia totale della posizione della federazione Nazionale....

India sends second batch of relief materials to quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-06T16:07+0100devdiscourse (en)

Representative image Image Credit: Twitter(@unicef_nepal) Country: India SHARE; India on Monday sent a second batch of medicines and other relief materials to Nepal for its earthquake-affected people. The first consignment of relief materials was sent on Sunday. ''Second flight carrying 9 tonnes worth of emergency relief assistance lands in Nepal.

Magnitude of earthquake in Nepal revised from 5.2 to 5.3 -- GFZ

2023-11-06T16:01+0100uniindia (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 6 (UNI) An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 jolted Nepal at 1046 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 13.7 km, was initially determined to be at 28.91 degrees north latitude and 82.18 degrees east longitude. UNI/XINHUA AKS.

Tremors felt in Lucknow, other parts of U.P. again as 5. 6-magnitude quake hits Nepal

2023-11-06T15:55+0100HindustanTimes (en)

For the fourth time in five weeks, mild tremors were felt in many parts of Uttar Pradesh, including state capital Lucknow, as an earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hit Nepal on Monday. Earlier on November 5, tremors were felt at 1am when an earthquake of 3.6 magnitude hit 215 km North of Ayodhya. Tremors were also felt on November 3 when 6.

China offers condolences over deaths caused by earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-06T15:41+0100app-en (en)

BEIJING, Nov 6 (APP): China on Monday expressed deep grief and condolences over the death of 150 people after an earthquake of magnitude 6.4 hit western Nepal . “We’re deeply saddened by the fatalities and serious damages caused by the earthquake in Nepal,” Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Wang....

World News | Dalai Lama Writes to Nepal PM, Condoling Deaths in Earthquake

2023-11-06T15:40+0100latestly (en)

Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh) [India], November 6 (ANI): Buddhist spiritual leader Dalai Lama has written to the Prime Minister of Nepal , Pushpa Kamal Dahal, to express his sadness at the devastating earthquake that recently struck western Nepal leading to the loss of 157 human lives and many....

Puigdemont investigated for terrorism over Tsunami Democràtic protests

2023-11-06T15:38+0100wn (en)

Spain's National Court has added former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and Esquerra general secretary Marta Rovira in its investigation into the actions of protest group Tsunami Democràtic. The pair, both living in exile since the peak of the independence crisis in 2017, are being investigated....

Dalai Lama writes to Nepal PM, condoling deaths in earthquake

2023-11-06T15:21+0100aninews (en)

ANI | Updated: Nov 06, 2023 19:47 IST. Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh) [India], November 6 (ANI): Buddhist spiritual leader Dalai Lama has written to the Prime Minister of , to express his sadness at the devastating that recently struck western Nepal leading to the loss of 157 human lives and many injuries, the office of the said in a statement.

The judge imputes the general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, in the cause of Democratic Tsunami

2023-11-06T15:18+0100kiratas (en)

In the order, furthermore, magistrate Manuel García Castellón offers Puigdemont the possibility of appearing voluntarily “as long as the corresponding request is not issued.” The judge of the Audiencia Nacional Manuel García Castellón has imputed the general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, in the....

Nepal Earthquake Survivors Struggle as Temperature Drops, Wait F

2023-11-06T15:15+0100timesnownews (en)

or Aid. Nepal Earthquake Aftermath: The 6.4-magnitude earthquake wreaked havoc in Nepal. The tremors were also felt in parts of India, including Delhi NCR. The deadliest quake in 8 years has left a trail of destruction in the western region. The strong earthquake over the weekend flattened many homes.

The legal teams comb the discrepancies between PSOE and Junts on the total amnesty in the final phase of the negotiation

2023-11-06T15:12+0100tellerreport (en)

Premium Concern in the PSOE about the outcome of the negotiations: "We are trapped between Junqueras and Puigdemont" Poll The PP would soar at the polls but would be one seat short of governing. Decisive hours. All or nothing. The wording of a paragraph on the scope and perimeter of the amnesty separates the PSOE and Junts from the agreement.

The National Court charges Puigdemont, Rovira and the general staff of the 'procés' while they negotiate with Sánchez for his amnesty

2023-11-06T15:12+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-06T14:10:29.275Z. Highlights: The National Court charges Puigdemont, Rovira and the general staff of the 'procés' while they negotiate with Sánchez for his amnesty. The judge of the National Court Manuel García Castellón has summoned former high-ranking officials of the Generalitat as....

5.3-magnitude quake hits Nepal

2023-11-06T15:10+0100wn (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 jolted Nepal at 1046 GMT on Monday, the GFZ....

Earthquake Of 5.6 Magnitude Jolts Nepal; Tremors Felt In Delhi-NCR | Nepal Earthquake | News18

2023-11-06T15:09+0100news18 (en)

Tremors were felt in Delhi-National Capital Region and other areas on Monday.“Earthquake of Magnitude:5.6, Occurred on 06-11-2023, 16:16:40 IST, Lat: 28.89 & Long: 82.36, Depth: 10 Km ,Region: Nepal ”, the National Centre for Seismology posted on X.

Intelligenza artificiale, lo tsunami dell'occupazione Oltre 300mila "colletti bianchi" resteranno senza lavoro

2023-11-06T15:08+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 6 novembre 2023) L' Intelligenza artificiale ha già avuto un impatto devastante sulle nostre abitudini ma questo é ancora niente. Uno studio di Goldman Sachs svela come sia in arrivo un vero e proprio tsunami , destinato a colpire in particolare il mondo del lavoro .

Scientists warn of bigger earthquake risks in Nepal after recent tremors

2023-11-06T14:48+0100timesofindia (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 people were killed in the country's worst quake since 2015.

5.3-magnitude quake hits Nepal

2023-11-06T14:48+0100china.org.cn (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 jolted Nepal at 1046 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 13.7 km, was initially determined to be at 28.91 degrees north latitude and 82.18 degrees east longitude.

Temblors rattle Nepal days after deadly earthquake; three hurt

2023-11-06T14:46+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 perished in the country’s worst quake since 2015. Jajarkot police official Satosh Rokka said at least three....

Nepal Survivors Recount Devastating 5.6-magnitude Earthquake

2023-11-06T14:29+0100barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/nepal-survivors-recount-devastating-5-6-magnitude-earthquake-4ac64c56.

Earthquake relief operation underway in Nepal

2023-11-06T14:26+0100cgtn (en)

Nepal i authorities have intensified their efforts to distribute relief aid and assess the impact of a magnitude-6.4 earthquake that struck the area on November 3. The powerful quake jolted Jajarkot and Rukum West districts at 11:47 p.m. local time on November 3, at a depth of 10 to 15 km, killing....

Temblors rattle Nepal days after deadly earthquake; three hurt

2023-11-06T14:24+0100theglobeandmail (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said, followed by another slightly weaker temblor, injuring three people, just days after 153 perished in the country’s worst quake since 2015. Jajarkot police official Satosh Rokka said at least three....

L'Ai colpisce duro sugli intellettuali non solo sugli operai Intelligenza artificiale, lo tsunami dell'occupazione Oltre 300mila "colletti bianchi" resteranno senza lavoro L'intelligenza artificiale ha già avuto un impatto devastante sulle nostre abitudini ma questo é ancora niente. Uno studio di Goldman Sachs svela come sia in arrivo un vero.

2023-11-06T14:21+0100affaritaliani (it)

Intelligenza artificiale, ecco cosa succederà nei prossimi 10 anni nel mondo del lavoro. L'intelligenza artificiale ha già avuto un impatto devastante sulle nostre abitudini ma questo é ancora niente. Uno studio di Goldman Sachs svela come sia in arrivo un vero e proprio tsunami, destinato a colpire in particolare il mondo del lavoro.

Earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hits Nepal, tremors felt in Delhi

2023-11-06T14:11+0100cambodiantimes (en)

New Delhi [India], November 6 (ANI): Earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi and neighbouring areas on Monday afternoon as an earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hit Nepal . According to the National Centre for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 4:16 pm on Monday. "Earthquake of Magnitude:5.6, Occurred on 06-11-2023, 16:16:40 IST, Lat: 28.

Trump's fraud trail; Israel-Hamas war; Nepal earthquake aid

2023-11-06T14:10+0100wn (en)

Today is Monday, Nov. 6, 2023. Let's get caught up. Here are today's top stories, celebrity birthdays and a look back at this date in history: *** MORNING LISTEN Listen now and subscribe:....

UN agencies launch Joint Emergency Response to earthquake in Western Nepal

2023-11-06T14:09+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

On November 3, 2023, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck in the Jajarkot and Rukum Districts of Karnali Province in Nepal causing widespread damage. With the completion of the government's search and rescue operation, the number of deaths stands at 153 (Male: 70, Female: 83) and 338(Male: 138, Female: 200) injured.

World News | President Paudel Cancels Europe Visit After Devastating Earthquake Hits Nepal

2023-11-06T14:09+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. Nepal President Ramchandra Paudel has cancelled his planned 10-day visit to Europe in view of the devastating earthquake in the country, his office said on Monday. Kathmandu, Nov 6 (PTI) Nepal President Ramchandra Paudel has cancelled his....

Nepal quake survivors say they 'have nothing left'

2023-11-06T14:05+0100yahoo-sg (en)

STORY: Rescuers continued to search for survivors in the rubble of collapsed buildings on Monday (November 6)... As the scale of the damage caused by Nepal 's worst earthquake in eight years became clear. Since Friday's (November 3) quake, thousands of buildings in Jajarkot and the neighboring Rukum....

Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 jolts Nepal, tremors felt across Delhi-NCR, UP

2023-11-06T14:03+0100thestatesman (en)

Two days after more than 150 people were killed in a 6.4 magnitude earthquake, Nepal was Monday jolted by another strong intensity quake measuring 5.6 magnitude on rector scale. The tremors of the earthquake were felt in Delhi-NCR and some parts of Uttar Pradesh.

More tremors in Nepal three days after deadly earthquake, no damage reported yet

2023-11-06T14:01+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov 6 —A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal today, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said, three days after 153 people were killed in the country’s worst quake since 2015. Today’s earthquake had its epicenter in Ramidanda in Jajarkot district, the same place as Friday’s....

UPDATE 2-Temblors rattle Nepal days after deadly earthquake; 3 hurt

2023-11-06T13:58+0100devdiscourse (en)

A second 4.5-magnitude quake with its epicentre at Paink, near Ramidanda in the west of the Himalayan nation, struck nine minutes after the first one, the centre said. Jajarkot district official Ek Raj Upadhayay said buildings with damage after Friday's quake may have been further compromised, but no details were available.

Temblors rattle Nepal days after deadly earthquake; 3 hurt

2023-11-06T13:55+0100devdiscourse (en)

A second 4.5-magnitude quake with its epicentre at Paink, near Ramidanda in the west of the Himalayan nation, struck nine minutes after the first one, the centre said. Jajarkot district official Ek Raj Upadhayay said buildings with damage after Friday's quake may have been further compromised, but no details were available.

President Paudel cancels Europe visit after devastating earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-06T13:55+0100devdiscourse (en)

Country: Nepal SHARE; Nepal President Ramchandra Paudel has cancelled his planned 10-day visit to Europe in view of the devastating earthquake in the country, his office said on Monday. Paudel was scheduled to depart on November 8 to participate in the Paris Peace Forum and subsequently visit Germany and Italy.

MIL-OSI Translation: UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-06T13:52+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Nations – in Spanish 4. Headline: UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal . United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, as latest reports indicate that more than 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured.

More tremors in Nepal three days after deadly earthquake, no damage reported yet

2023-11-06T13:50+0100malaymail (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov 6 —A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal today, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said, three days after 153 people were killed in the country’s worst quake since 2015. Today’s earthquake had its epicenter in Ramidanda in Jajarkot district, the same place as Friday’s....

News18 Evening Digest: Odd-Even in ‘Polluted’ Delhi Again, 2nd Quake in Nepal in 3 Days & Other Top Stories

2023-11-06T13:49+0100news18 (en)

The air quality in Delhi-NCR declined over the past week due to a gradual drop in temperatures, calm winds that trap pollution, and a surge in post-harvest paddy straw burning across Punjab and Haryana.(Image: PTI) Stories in Spotlight This Evening: Odd-Even Rule For Cars in Delhi Again, Another....

Nepal quake survivors say they 'have nothing left'

2023-11-06T13:42+01004-traders (en)

As the scale of the damage caused by Nepal 's worst earthquake in eight years became clear. Since Friday's (November 3) quake, thousands of buildings in Jajarkot and the neighboring Rukum West district have collapsed or developed cracks making them uninhabitable.

'In the name of God, stop the war' says Pope

2023-11-06T13:40+0100ansa-english (en)

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 5 - Pope Francis on Sunday called for an end to the Israel-Hamas war and insisted that further escalation of the conflict must be avoided. "I continue to think about the extremely serious situation in Palestine and Israel where so many people have lost their lives," said the Pope....

5.8-magnitude earthquake jolts Jajarkot and surrounding areas in western Nepal again

2023-11-06T13:39+0100island (en)

Minister of Education Dr Susil Premajayantha, at a media briefing held at the Presidential Media Center today (06) said that the first school term in 2024 will commence on 19th February. School vacations will begin on 22nd December 2023 and the 2023 General Certificate of Education Advanced Level....

President Paudel postpones his visit to three European countries

2023-11-06T13:34+0100nepalnews (en)

President Ramchandra Paudel's visit to France, Italy and Germany scheduled for this Wednesday has been postponed. President's press advisor Kiran Pokharel informed through a press note today that the Head-of-the-State postponed the scheduled visit with the conclusion that it would not be appropriate....

Days after killing hundreds in a strong earthquake, another one hits Nepal

2023-11-06T13:34+0100arabtimes (en)

NEPAL, Nov 6, (Agencies): Nepal was struck by a 5.6 magnitude earthquake, compounding the recent devastation from another powerful quake that claimed the lives of 157 people and injured numerous others. The seismic tremors also extended into neighboring India.

Chinese government provides humanitarian aid to earthquake-hit Nepal

2023-11-06T13:31+0100cgtn (en)

Chinese government is organizing and implementing the provision of emergency humanitarian aid worth 15 million yuan (around $2.06 million) to Nepal to help earthquake relief work, Xu Wei, spokesperson for the China International Development Cooperation Agency said on Monday.

UN Agencies Launch a Joint Emergency Response to Earthquake in Western Nepal

2023-11-06T13:30+0100reliefWeb (en)

Jajarkot, 6 Nov 2023: Days after 153 people were killed and several hundred injured, another strong earthquake with 5.6 magnitude struck Nepal on November 6, 2023. On November 3, 2023, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck in the Jajarkot and Rukum Districts of Karnali Province in Nepal causing widespread damage.

Aid trickles in to Nepal villages struck by earthquake as survivors salvage belongings from rubble

2023-11-06T13:28+0100buffalonews (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Aid trickled in to villages Monday in Nepal’s northwest mountains flattened by a strong earthquake over the weekend as villagers searched through the rubble of their collapsed homes to salvage what was left of their belongings. The magnitude 5.

Delhi Earthquake Vs Pollution Memes Flood Social Media After Tremors Felt Again Today

2023-11-06T13:25+0100timesnownews (en)

​Earthquake tremors were felt across Delhi-NCR for the second time in three days on Monday evening. The epicenter of the same was Nepal which recorded a 5.6 magnitude earthquake around 4:18 pm on November 6. Meanwhile, the air quality index (AQI) in Noida, Gurugram and other NCR cities has plunged....

In Photos: Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-06T13:22+0100outlookindia (en)

The earthquake in the mountains of northwestern Nepal on Friday night killed more than 150 people and damaged or destroyed most homes. 1 14 Nepal Earthquake Photo: AP/Niranjan Shrestha. A survivor stands carrying her child in front of earthquake damaged house in Rukum District, northwestern Nepal.

5.6 magnitude quake strikes Nepal again, tremors felt in north India

2023-11-06T13:19+0100deccanherald (en)

An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude struck west Nepal on Monday and strong tremors were felt in parts of north India, the National Centre for Seismology said. It said the epicentre for the quake was 233 kilometres north of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. The quake triggered panic among people, with many in....

Aid trickles in to Nepal villages struck by earthquake as survivors salvage belongings from rubble

2023-11-06T13:19+0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Aid is trickling in to villages in Nepal 's mountainous northwest hit by a strong earthquake over the weekend as survivors searched through the rubble of their collapsed homes to salvage what was left of their belongings. KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Aid trickled in to villages Monday in Nepal’s....

Aid trickles in to Nepal villages struck by earthquake as survivors salvage belongings from rubble

2023-11-06T13:17+0100missoulian (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Aid trickled in to villages Monday in Nepal’s northwest mountains flattened by a strong earthquake over the weekend as villagers searched through the rubble of their collapsed homes to salvage what was left of their belongings. The magnitude 5.

Aid trickles in to Nepal villages struck by earthquake as survivors salvage belongings from rubble

2023-11-06T13:14+0100wacotrib (en)

Aid is trickling in to villages in Nepal 's mountainous northwest hit by a strong earthquake over the weekend as survivors searched through the rubble of their collapsed homes to salvage what was left of their belongings. KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Aid trickled in to villages Monday in Nepal’s....

More tremors in Nepal three days after deadly earthquake, no damage reported yet

2023-11-06T13:08+0100devdiscourse (en)

The quake was the deadliest since 2015 when about 9,000 people were killed in two earthquakes in the Himalayan country. SHARE; A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said, three days after 153 people were killed in the country's worst quake since 2015.

Nepal - Earthquake (GDACS, NDMRRA, Reliefweb) (ECHO Daily Flash of 06 November 2023)

2023-11-06T13:07+0100reliefWeb (en)

Following the 6.4 M earthquake that occurred on 3 November and affected Jajarkot and Rukum Districts of Karnali Province in southern Nepal , the number of fatalities and damage is increasing. According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA), as of 5 November, at least 157 people have been killed and 256 injured.

1st LD Writethru: Magnitude of earthquake in Nepal revised from 5.2 to 5.3 -- GFZ

2023-11-06T13:06+0100wn (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits Nepal, tremors felt across northern India

2023-11-06T13:05+0100wionews (en)

Strong tremors were felt across India’s national capital Delhi and its neighbouring areas on Monday (Nov 6) evening, making it the second earthquake to jolt northern India in the past three days. The earthquake was recorded in New Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, and Faridabad. According to India's National Centre for Seismology, an earthquake of 5.

World News | 5.8-magnitude Earthquake Jolts Jajarkot and Surrounding Areas in Western Nepal

2023-11-06T13:04+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. A 5.8-magnitude earthquake on Monday struck Jajarkot and surrounding areas in western Nepal , where a strong tremor on Friday killed 153 people. Kathmandu, Nov 6 (PTI) A 5.8-magnitude earthquake on Monday struck Jajarkot and surrounding areas in....

India News | Earthquake of 5.6 Magnitude Hits Nepal, Tremors Felt in Delhi

2023-11-06T13:04+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 6 (ANI): Earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi and neighbouring areas on Monday afternoon as an earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hit Nepal . According to the National Centre for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 4:16 pm on Monday.

Palestinian PM in tears over Gaza at cabinet opening

2023-11-06T13:03+0100irishtimes (en)

Palestinian PM Mohammad Shtayyeh broke down during the opening session of the cabinet meeting in Ramallah as he spoke about the death of children in Gaza. Rescue workers in Nepal are digging through the rubble of collapsed houses searching for survivors after the country’s worst earthquake in eight years.

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits Nepal, tremors felt across northern India

2023-11-06T13:03+0100digitpatrox (en)

Robust tremors had been felt throughout India’s nationwide capital Delhi and its neighbouring areas on Monday (Nov 6) night, making it the second earthquake to jolt northern India up to now three days. The earthquake was recorded in New Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, and Faridabad. In line with India’s Nationwide Centre for Seismology, an earthquake of 5.

Nepal earthquake: Search and rescue operation over, tough reconstruction awaits

2023-11-06T13:02+0100iol (en)

By Binod Prasad Adhikari. The Nepal government completed the search and rescue operation on Sunday after a strong earthquake on Friday rattled nine districts, killing over 150 people and damaging infrastructure. During a visit to the earthquake-affected district, Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha....

1st LD Writethru: Magnitude of earthquake in Nepal revised from 5.2 to 5.3 -- GFZ

2023-11-06T13:01+0100china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 jolted Nepal at 1046 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 13.7 km, was initially determined to be at 28.91 degrees north latitude and 82.18 degrees east longitude. Enditem.

Strong Aftershock of 5.8 Magnitude Jolts Nepal’s Jajarkot Two Days after Killer Earthquake

2023-11-06T12:57+0100news18 (en)

The earthquake struck Lamidanda region of Jajarkot district, the same region that was jolted by an earthquake on Saturday, leading to over 150 deaths. Follow us: Another earthquake of 5.8 magnitude struck Nepal ’s Jajarkot on Monday, two days after an earthquake of 5.6 struck the same region on Saturday killing more than 156 people.

5.8-magnitude earthquake jolts Jajarkot and surrounding areas in western Nepal

2023-11-06T12:54+0100devdiscourse (en)

Country: Nepal SHARE; A 5.8-magnitude earthquake on Monday struck Jajarkot and surrounding areas in western Nepal, where a strong tremor on Friday killed 153 people. There was no immediate report of any casualties or damage. Jajarkot and surrounding areas were again hit by a major earthquake at 4:31 p.

Delhi's Pollution-Quake Dual Crisis Is Internet's Hot Topic Of Discussion

2023-11-06T12:54+0100ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: Strong tremors were felt in Delhi and across north India after a powerful earthquake hit Nepal this evening, the second in three days. The latest was of 5.6 magnitude and struck Nepal at a depth of 10 km, said the National Center for Seismology. "Earthquake of Magnitude: 5.6, Occurred on 06-11-2023, 16:16:40 IST, Lat: 28.

India News | India-Nepal Border Forces' Talks Begin in Delhi

2023-11-06T12:50+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi, Nov 6 (PTI) Border guarding forces of India and Nepal began their three-day bilateral meeting in Delhi on Monday and discussed measures to curb trans-frontier crimes and for timely sharing of intelligence inputs, an official said. Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) director general Rashmi Shukla....

India News | Nagaland Govt Holds ‘successful' Meeting with Tribals on Holding Long Overdue Municipal Polls

2023-11-06T12:50+0100latestly (en)

Kohima, Nov 6 (PTI) The apex tribal bodies of Nagaland and the state government reached a consensus on going ahead with a new municipal law and conducting the urban local bodies (ULB) elections which were not held for two decades, Deputy Chief Minister T R Zeliang said on Monday.

India News | IIT Madras Zanzibar Campus Inaugurated

2023-11-06T12:50+0100latestly (en)

Chennai, Nov 6 (PTI) President of Zanzibar and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council Hussein Ali Mwinyi on Monday inaugurated the IIT Madras Zanzibar, the first-ever international campus of an IIT, the institute said. The first batch commenced with about 40 per cent of the total students, comprising....

M5.3 quake hits Nepal: GFZ

2023-11-06T12:49+0100cgtn (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 jolted Nepal at 1046 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said.

Strong Tremors In Delhi After 5.6 Magnitude Earthquake In Nepal

2023-11-06T12:48+0100ndtvnews (en)

Strong tremors were felt in Delhi and nearby cities on Monday afternoon as a 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal again, its second quake in three days. The National Centre for Seismology said the epicentre for the quake was 233 kilometres north of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh.

Days After 157 Killed In Strong Earthquake, Another One Hits Nepal

2023-11-06T12:48+0100ndtvnews (en)

Nepal was hit by a 5.6 magnitude earthquake today, days after 157 people were killed and dozens injured when a strong quake struck the Himalayan country. The tremors were felt in neighbouring India. The first earthquake this week occurred on Friday with a magnitude 6.4, Nepal's National Seismological Centre said.

Earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hits Nepal again, strong tremors felt in India

2023-11-06T12:47+0100wn (en)

This is the second such earthquake in three days in the country....

Nepal earthquake: Strong tremors of 5.6 magnitude jolt hilly state again

2023-11-06T12:47+0100wn (en)

Nepal earthquake: Nearly two days after a powerful earthquake in Nepal killed more than 150 people, the hilly state....

Magnitude 5.2 earthquake strikes Nepal, tremors felt across Delhi

2023-11-06T12:47+0100wn (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said. The quake was at a depth of 35 kilometers (21.75 miles), EMSC said. Tremors felt in Delhi The tremors of the quake were also felt in Delhi and nearby cities.

Urgent: Magnitude of earthquake in Nepal revised from 5.2 to 5.3 -- GFZ

2023-11-06T12:47+0100wn (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.

1st LD Writethru: Magnitude of earthquake in Nepal revised from 5.2 to 5.3 -- GFZ

2023-11-06T12:47+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 jolted Nepal at 1046 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 13.7 km, was initially determined to be at 28.91 degrees north latitude and 82.18 degrees east longitude.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes Nepal region, tremors felt in Delhi-NCR

2023-11-06T12:47+0100Hindu (en)

An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude struck west Nepal on Monday and strong tremors were felt in parts of north India, the National Centre for Seismology said. It said the epicentre for the quake was 233 kilometres north of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. The quake triggered panic among people, with many in....

Earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hits Nepal, tremors felt in Delhi

2023-11-06T12:46+0100devdiscourse (en)

Earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi and neighbouring areas on Monday afternoon as an earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hit Nepal Representative Image.. Image Credit: ANI Country: India SHARE; Earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi and neighbouring areas on Monday afternoon as an earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hit Nepal.

1st LD Writethru: Magnitude of earthquake in Nepal revised from 5.2 to 5.3 -- GFZ

2023-11-06T12:46+0100english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 jolted Nepal at 1046 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 13.7 km, was initially determined to be at 28.91 degrees north latitude and 82.18 degrees east longitude.

Two earthquakes in 3 days: Are these warning bells of mega Himalayan quake?

2023-11-06T12:45+0100indiatoday (en)

A 5.6 magnitude earthquake shook several parts of northern India, including Delhi-NCR. This was the second quake in three days and the third in just under a month. While the landmass shook on Monday with 5.6 magnitude, the quake on November 4 in Nepal killed 128 with a magnitude of 5.8 on the Richter scale.

Cities such as Noida, Ghaziabad, Lucknow, and beyond experience tremors

2023-11-06T12:45+0100vervetimes (en)

Numerous cities, including Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurugram, Lucknow, and others, felt the tremors. Delhi and the NCR were struck by an earthquake again on Monday, three days after the nation’s capital had experienced tremors. Numerous cities, including Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurugram, Lucknow, Gorakhpur, and others, felt the tremors.

Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 hits Nepal, tremors felt across Delhi-NCR

2023-11-06T12:41+0100economictimes (en)

An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude struck west Nepal on Monday and strong tremors were felt in parts of north India, the National Centre for Seismology said. It said the epicentre for the quake was 233 kilometres north of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh.

Nepal earthquake death toll revised to 153

2023-11-06T12:40+0100thehindu (en)

Nepal on Monday revised the death toll from the 6.4 earthquake magnitude that hit western parts of the country to 153 from 157, citing duplication of some names. Earlier, 105 deaths were reported in Jajarkot, the epicentre of the earthquake, and 52 deaths in Rukum West district. Also Read | Magnitude 5.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes Nepal region, tremors felt in Delhi-NCR

2023-11-06T12:40+0100thehindu (en)

An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude struck west Nepal on Monday and strong tremors were felt in parts of north India, the National Centre for Seismology said. It said the epicentre for the quake was 233 kilometres north of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. The quake triggered panic among people, with many in....

Le doigt dans l’œil

2023-11-06T12:40+0100causeur (fr)

Succédant à la redoutable tempête Ciaran, l’arrivée de Domingos sur nos côtes a produit ses ravages. Emoi chez les Français : 126 000 foyers toujours privés d’électricité, calamités agricoles, transports perturbés… Emoi chez les journalistes : malgré tous leurs efforts, pas un titre de presse n’a....

Earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hits Nepal, tremors felt in Delhi

2023-11-06T12:39+0100aninews (en)

ANI | Updated: Nov 06, 2023 17:08 IST. New Delhi [India], November 6 (ANI): Earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi and neighbouring areas on Monday afternoon as an earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hit Nepal . According to the National Centre for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 4:16 pm on Monday.

Earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hits Nepal again, strong tremors felt in India

2023-11-06T12:39+0100digitpatrox (en)

That is the second such earthquake in three days within the nation. An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude struck Nepal once more on Monday. That is the second such quake in three days. “Earthquake of Magnitude:5.6, Occurred on 06-11-2023, 16:16:40 IST, Lat: 28.89 & Lengthy: 82.36, Depth: 10 Km ,Area: Nepal,” Nationwide Middle for Seismology tweeted.

2023-11-06T17:03:59+05:30 - World Nepal earthquake death toll revised to 153

2023-11-06T12:38+0100Hindu (en)

Nepal on Monday revised the death toll from the 6.4 earthquake magnitude that hit western parts of the country to 153 from 157, citing duplication of some names. Earlier, 105 deaths were reported in Jajarkot, the epicentre of the earthquake, and 52 deaths in Rukum West district. Also Read | Magnitude 5.

5.6 magnitude quake strikes Nepal, tremors felt in north India

2023-11-06T12:37+0100dtnext (en)

NEW DELHI: An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude struck west Nepal on Monday and strong tremors were felt in parts of north India, the National Centre for Seismology said. It said the epicentre for the quake was 233 kilometres north of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh.

Earthquake in Nepal: Quake of Magnitude 5.6 Strikes Himalayan Country, Tremors Felt in Other Parts of North India

2023-11-06T12:37+0100latestly (en)

The quake triggered panic among people, with many in Delhi and the National Capital Region reporting vigorous shaking of furniture. Several social media users shared visuals of people rushing out of residential buildings. New Delhi, November 6: An earthquake of 5.

Morte in culla, come elaborare un lutto devastante

2023-11-06T12:36+0100ilgiornale (it)

Studi, dati, statistiche: l'attenzione clinica alla SIDS spesso predomina sull'aspetto psicologico. Si rischia così di obliare il complesso vissuto emozionale in primis dei genitori ma anche di amici e parenti che gravitano attorno alla coppia. "Elaborare un lutto per la morte di un figlio è quanto....

The fight against terrorism warned of the dangers of the CDRs against Llarena

2023-11-06T12:34+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-06T11:32:02.155Z. Highlights: The fight against terrorism warned of the dangers of the CDRs against Llarena. The document prepared by the General Commissariat of Information listed the risks of violent actions against the judge. Such was the harassment to which he was subjected that he had to travel outside Spain to spend his holidays.

Urgent: Magnitude of earthquake in Nepal revised from 5.2 to 5.3 -- GFZ

2023-11-06T12:30+0100china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 jolted Nepal at 1046 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. Enditem.

Urgent: 5.2-magnitude quake hits Nepal -- GFZ

2023-11-06T12:30+0100china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.2 jolted Nepal at 1046 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. Enditem.

Earthquake Memes

2023-11-06T12:29+0100HindustanTimes (en)

Strong earthquake tremors were felt for the second time in three days in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) on Monday afternoon. According to the National Centre for Seismology, an earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck western Nepal . The epicentre for the quake was 233 kilometres north of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh, it said.

5.6 magnitude earthquake jolts Nepal, tremors felt in Delhi-NCR

2023-11-06T12:28+0100firstpost (en)

Earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi-NCR and most other parts of northern India around 4:18 pm on Monday. As per the National Center for Seismology, a 5.6 magnitude quake struck Nepal . Today’s earthquake was the third that struck Nepal in the past four days.

5.6 magnitude earthquake strikes Nepal

2023-11-06T12:26+0100wn (en)

An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude struck west Nepal on Monday and strong tremors were felt in parts of north India, the National Centre for Seismology said. It said the epicentre for the quake was 233 kilometres north of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. The quake triggered panic among people, with many in....

Urgent: 5.2-magnitude quake hits Nepal -- GFZ

2023-11-06T12:26+0100wn (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.

Earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hits Nepal again, strong tremors felt in India

2023-11-06T12:26+0100dnaindia (en)

An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude struck Nepal again on Monday. This is the second such quake in three days. "Earthquake of Magnitude:5.6, Occurred on 06-11-2023, 16:16:40 IST, Lat: 28.89 & Long: 82.36, Depth: 10 Km ,Region: Nepal," National Center for Seismology tweeted. Meanwhile, Nepal on Monday revised the death toll from the 6.

5.6 magnitude quake strikes Nepal, tremors felt across north India

2023-11-06T12:26+0100business-standard (en)

An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude struck west Nepal on Monday and strong tremors were felt in parts of north India, the National Centre for Seismology said. It said the epicentre for the quake was 233 kilometres north of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. The quake triggered panic among people, with many in....

Nepal earthquake death toll revised to 153

2023-11-06T12:18+0100devdiscourse (en)

Country: Nepal SHARE; Nepal on Monday revised the death toll from the 6.4 earthquake magnitude that hit western parts of the country to 153 from 157, citing duplication of some names. Earlier, 105 deaths were reported in Jajarkot, the epicentre of the earthquake, and 52 deaths in Rukum West district.

5.6 magnitude earthquake strikes Nepal

2023-11-06T12:15+0100khaleejtimes (en)

A 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal on Monday, according to the National Centre for Seismology. Tremors were felt by people in Delhi-NCR and nearby regions, reported PTI. The quake occurred at 4.40pm local time at a depth of 10km. Stay up to date with the latest news. Follow KT on WhatsApp Channels.

Magnitude 5.2 earthquake strikes Nepal region - EMSC

2023-11-06T12:13+0100zawya-palestine (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said. The quake was at a depth of 35 kilometers (21.75 miles), EMSC said. (Reporting by Chandni Shah in Bengaluru; Editing by Mrigank....

5.6-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Nepal, Tremors Felt In Parts Of North India

2023-11-06T12:13+0100outlookindia (en)

The earthquake comes days after a 6.4-magnitude earthquake killed more than 150 people in Nepal , whose tremors were also felt in Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR). FLASH: Earthquake in Nepal, tremors felt in Delhi-NCR A 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck Western Nepal on Monday and the....

The President of Turkmenistan sent condolences to the leadership of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

2023-11-06T12:13+0100turkmenistan (en)

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent deep condolences to the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Ramchandra Paudel and the Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal in connection with the earthquake that occurred in the western region of the....

Earthquake Today Live Updates: 5.6 magnitude quake hits Nepal

2023-11-06T12:12+0100HindustanTimes (en)

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said. The earthquake tremors were felt around 4:30 pm on Monday. Earthquake Today Live Updates: 5.6 magnitude quake hits Nepal, tremors felt in parts of north India. An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hit Nepal on Monday.

5.6 magnitude quake strikes Nepal, tremors felt in north India

2023-11-06T12:12+0100devdiscourse (en)

Country: India SHARE; An earthquake of 5.6 magnitude struck west Nepal on Monday and strong tremors were felt in parts of north India, the National Centre for Seismology said. It said the epicentre for the quake was 233 kilometres north of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh.

Earthquake Tremors Felt in Delhi, Other Parts of North India After Quake of Magnitude 5.6 Hits Nepal

2023-11-06T12:09+0100latestly (en)

The news was confirmed by the National Center for Seismology (NCS), which said that an earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck Nepal . The quake was so powerful that its tremors were felt in north India, including Delhi and the NCR region. Strong earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi today, November 6. As per news agency PTI , a 5.

Magnitude 5.2 earthquake strikes Nepal region - EMSC

2023-11-06T12:06+0100devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Nepal on Monday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre said. The quake was at a depth of 35 kilometers (21.75 miles), EMSC said. (This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.

Magnitude 5.2 earthquake strikes near Birendranagar, Surkhet, Karnali Pradesh, Nepal

2023-11-06T12:06+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

Nepal was shaken near Birendranagar, Surkhet, Karnali Pradesh, by an earthquake of magnitude 5.2 only 13 minutes ago, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) reported. The quake hit at a shallow depth of 10 km beneath the epicenter near Birendranagar, Surkhet, Karnali Pradesh, Nepal, early....

Strong mag. 5.2 earthquake - 83 km northeast of Birendranagar, Surkhet, Karnali Pradesh, Nepal, on Monday, Nov 6, 2023 at 4:16 pm (GMT +5:30)

2023-11-06T12:06+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

Nepal was shaken near Birendranagar, Surkhet, Karnali Pradesh, by an earthquake of magnitude 5.2 only 13 minutes ago, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) reported. The quake hit at a shallow depth of 10 km beneath the epicenter near Birendranagar, Surkhet, Karnali Pradesh, Nepal, early....

5.6 magnitude earthquake hits Nepal, tremors felt in parts of north India.

2023-11-06T12:03+0100devdiscourse (en)

Country: India SHARE; 5.6 magnitude earthquake hits Nepal , tremors felt in parts of north India. (This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.

Strong tremors felt in Delhi days after Nepal quake

2023-11-06T12:02+0100deccanherald (en)

Strong earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi on Monday, according to media reports. This comes just a few days after tremors from 6.4 magnitude quake in Nepal were felt in the national capital. More to follow...

Terremoto magnitudo 2.9 in Slovenia vicino al confine con Italia

2023-11-06T11:43+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 6 novembre 2023) Una scossa di magnitudo : 2.9 è stata registrata dalla Protezione Civile della Regione Fvg nei pressi di Bovec ( Slovenia ), a 18 chilometri a Sud di Tarvisio (Udine). Il Terremoto si è verificato ... Terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 in Nepal - almeno 157 morti; Terremoto di magnitudo 5.

Dalai Lama writes to Nepal PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal; condoles loss of lives in earthquake

2023-11-06T11:24+0100wn (en)

Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama also said he would like to make a donation for the relief-and-rescue operations in the quake-hit Nepal . ......

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-06T11:24+0100okmugello (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5. 9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

Nepal Airlines to provide free air service to earthquake victims

2023-11-06T11:07+0100peoplesreview (en)

Kathmandu, 6 November: The Nepal Airlines Corporation has decided to provide free air service to the injured and rescued people from the earthquake-affected areas. As part of its social responsibility, the Corporation has announced that in coordination with the government of Nepal, relief materials....

L’appello del Papa: “In nome di Dio cessate il fuoco”

2023-11-06T11:06+0100ladiscussione (it)

Il Papa ha rivolto un nuovo toccante appello per porre fine al conflitto israelo-palestinese, esprimendo la sua profonda preoccupazione per la drammatica situazione in corso nella Regione. Durante il tradizionale Angelus in quel di piazza San Pietro in Vaticano, davanti a 23mila fedeli, ieri il....

2023-11-06T15:22:06+05:30 - World Dalai Lama writes to Nepal PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal; condoles loss of lives in earthquake

2023-11-06T10:59+0100Hindu (en)

Dalai Lama writes to Nepal PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal; condoles loss of lives in earthquake Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama also said he would like to make a donation for the relief-and-rescue operations in the quake-hit Nepal. November 06, 2023 03:22 pm | Updated 03:22 pm IST - Dharamsala.

Ancora morti per le alluvioni in Toscana: che fine ha fatto il servizio di emergenza via cellulare IT-Alert?

2023-11-06T10:58+0100zazoom-it (it)

Maltempo - Toscana in ginocchio per tempesta Ciaran : 7 morti. Oggi ancora allerta; Ancora un violento terremoto in Nepal - oltre 130 morti. Scossa di magnitudo 6.4; Maltempo - Toscana in ginocchio : bilancio di 6 i morti - è ancora allerta; Maltempo - Toscana in ginocchio per tempesta Ciaran : 6 morti.

Une vidéo montre la dévastation dans un village du Népal suite au tremblement de terre meurtrier

2023-11-06T10:56+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Des opérations de secours sont en cours au Népal alors que les autorités préviennent que le nombre de morts pourrait s’alourdir suite au séisme de magnitude 5,6 qui a frappé le pays. Michael Holmes de CNN rapporte. Gn En News.

Dalai Lama writes to Nepal PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal; condoles loss of lives in earthquake

2023-11-06T10:55+0100thehindu (en)

Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama also said he would like to make a donation for the relief-and-rescue operations in the quake-hit Nepal . November 06, 2023 03:22 pm | Updated 03:22 pm IST - Dharamsala. Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama has written to Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal to....

Researchers: 13 tsunami formed in 90 minutes in mysterious event

2023-11-06T10:55+0100wn (en)

The mystery over the tsunami that formed in the Pacific Ocean on Oct. 9 deepened as researchers found that a series of 13 tsunami were generated over 90 minutes on that day. The latter six tsunami overlapped each other, amplifying the waves to twice their original height, the research team said.

Researchers: 13 tsunami formed in 90 minutes in mysterious event November 6, 2023

2023-11-06T10:53+0100ajw (en)

The mystery over the tsunami that formed in the Pacific Ocean on Oct. 9 deepened as researchers found that a series of 13 tsunami were generated over 90 minutes on that day. The latter six tsunami overlapped each other, amplifying the waves to twice their original height, the research team said. The tsunami on Oct.

Nepal Earthquake Victims Struggle To Stay Warm As Mercury Drops

2023-11-06T10:48+0100timesnownews (en)

"Problems are slowly rising, due to the chilling cold we have stomach aches, and we don't have proper clothes to wear as all our clothes are buried under the rubble. Also, there is no proper bed to sleep on and blankets to use," Laxmi Giri one of the displaced living in a makeshift relief camp told ANI.

Nepal earthquake victims struggle to stay warm as mercury drops

2023-11-06T10:36+0100dtnext (en)

JAJARKOT: Kaushila Khadka, who has been living in a relief camp along with her husband after her house was damaged in the earthquake on Friday night, is trying to keep her two-month-old infant warm to protect him from the cold. "The condition has worsened in comparison to the day after the earthquake.

India Dalai Lama writes to Nepal PM, condoles loss of lives in earthquake About 4 minutes ago

2023-11-06T10:24+0100devdiscourse (en)

Dalai Lama writes to Nepal PM, condoles loss of lives in earthquake Country: India SHARE; Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama has written to Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal to express his condolence over the loss of lives in the earthquake that recently struck western Nepal.

Video Rare 'Firenado' Caught On Tape In Australia!

2023-11-06T10:21+0100weather-en-IN (en)

6 November 2023. A firenado sounds terrifying, but their occurrence is rare and requires very specific circumstances. One recently spun up in a fire on an Australian property and was captured on video. Now Playing Rare 'Firenado' Caught On Tape In Australia! 00:44 Next Up Nepal Earthquake Claims....

Video Nepal Earthquake Claims 157, Injures Hundreds

2023-11-06T10:21+0100weather-en-IN (en)

6 November 2023. A powerful earthquake struck Nepal ’s Northwest region Friday night, killing at least 157 people and injuring hundreds. The death toll is expected to rise in the coming days. Now Playing Nepal Earthquake Claims 157, Injures Hundreds 00:52 NASA Announces Two New Discoveries: Hot....

Participate in the Third National Multihazard Drill 2023 for Community Preparation: Peruvian Civil Defense

2023-11-06T10:20+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-06 08:28:56. Let’s participate in the Third National Multihazard Drill 2023 to which the National Institute of Civil Defense (Indeci) summons us, as provided in Ministerial Resolution 013-2022-PCM. Under the motto “Preparation begins with you”, this drill will promote the community preparation of Peruvians.

‘We have nothing left’: Nepali residents face dire situation after quake that killed 157

2023-11-06T10:17+0100presstv-ir (en)

Local residents in the quake-stricken Jajarkot district of Nepal on Monday were reeling from the damage to their houses after the Himalayan nation was hit by an earthquake late Friday that killed 157. Thousands of buildings in Jajarkot and the neighboring Rukum West district have collapsed or developed cracks making them uninhabitable.

How Japan became the land that the energy transition forgot

2023-11-06T10:08+0100straitstimesSG (en)

After a tsunami triggered a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor in 2011, the world’s third- and fourth-largest exporters decided on radical changes to their energy policies. Both agreed that a break was needed from the grids of the past. In every other way, the approaches couldn’t have been more different.

"Stop In The Name Of God": Pope Francis Calls For Ceasefire In Gaza

2023-11-06T10:05+0100ndtvnews (en)

Vatican City: Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the "very grave" situation. "I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their lives.

Police activity in earthquake-affected areas

2023-11-06T10:04+0100nepalnews (en)

The support of the security agencies was important for the rescue of the victims of the earthquake in Jajarkot and Rukum West districts. The Nepal i Army, Nepal Police, and Armed Police Force played an active role in rescuing them immediately after the earthquake. Now they are engaged in relief distribution work.

Aid trickles in to Nepal villages struck by earthquake as survivors salvage belongings from rubble

2023-11-06T10:02+0100wn (en)

Aid is trickling in to villages in Nepal 's mountainous northwest hit by a strong earthquake over the weekend as survivors searched through the rubble of their collapsed homes to salvage what was left of their belongings ......

Aid trickles in to Nepal villages struck by earthquake as survivors salvage belongings from rubble

2023-11-06T09:40+0100sfgate (en)

A survivor looks at her earthquake damaged house in Rukum District, northwestern Nepal , Monday, Nov. 6, 2023. The Friday night earthquake in the mountains of northwest Nepal killed more than 150 people and left thousands homeless. Niranjan Shrestha/AP A survivor clears debris as she tries to recover....

Guerra in Medio Oriente, il Papa: «Vi prego di fermarvi, in nome di Dio»

2023-11-06T09:39+0100romasette (it)

«Vi prego di fermarvi, in nome di Dio: cessate il fuoco!». Al termine dell’Angelus di ieri, domenica 5 novembre, in piazza San Pietro, Papa Francesco è tornato a spendersi per la «grave situazione in Palestina e in Israele, dove tantissime persone hanno perso la vita».

Deadly quake strikes Nepal, toppling homes and killing at least 157 people

2023-11-06T09:33+0100thechronicle (en)

At least 157 people have been killed in an earthquake that struck a remote part of northwestern Nepal overnight on Friday and toppled multiple buildings, according to police, as officials warned that the death toll could rise. The quake measured magnitude 5.

Aid Trickles in to Nepal Villages Struck by Earthquake as Survivors Salvage Belongings From Rubble

2023-11-06T09:29+0100usnews (en)

A survivor looks at her earthquake damaged house in Rukum District, northwestern Nepal , Monday, Nov. 6, 2023. The Friday night earthquake in the mountains of northwest Nepal killed more than 150 people and left thousands homeless. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha) Niranjan Shrestha KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP)....

Nepal's earthquake survivors await aid

2023-11-06T09:25+0100wn (en)

Kalawati Singh, a local survivor in Chiuritol, said that after two nights out in the cold, the villagers have started to fall sick ......

Papa Francesco: all’Angelus, “vi prego di fermarvi: cessate il fuoco!” in Palestina e in Israele

2023-11-06T09:22+0100agensir (it)

“Continuo a pensare alla grave situazione in Palestina e in Israele, dove tantissime persone hanno perso la vita. Vi prego di fermarvi, in nome di Dio: cessate il fuoco!”. Lo ha detto Papa Francesco al termine dell’Angelus di ieri. Dal Pontefice l’auspicio che “si percorrano tutte le vie perché si....

Papa Francesco: all’Angelus, “vi prego di fermarvi: cessate il fuoco!” in Palestina e in Israele

2023-11-06T09:18+0100avveniredicalabria (it)

“Continuo a pensare alla grave situazione in Palestina e in Israele, dove tantissime persone hanno perso la vita. Vi prego di fermarvi, in nome di Dio: cessate il fuoco!”. Lo ha detto Papa Francesco al termine dell’Angelus di ieri. Dal Pontefice l’auspicio che “si percorrano tutte le vie perché si....

Children and families at risk after 6.4-magnitude earthquake hits western Nepal

2023-11-06T09:08+0100devdiscourse (en)

Jajarkot and Rukum West are the most affected districts where search and rescue efforts are ongoing. Aftermath of the deadly earthquake in Osmaniye. (Photo Credit - Reuters) Image Credit: ANI SHARE; “We are deeply saddened by the devastating impact of the 6.

Cremation of those killed in the earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-06T09:03+0100kiratas (en)

The earthquake, with a magnitude of 5.6 on the Richter scale, shook a remote area of ​​the country, causing the death of at least 157 people. ADVERTISING. Villagers in the mountains of northwestern Nepal cremated the bodies of some of those killed in Friday night’s earthquake. The earthquake, with a magnitude of 5.

World In Pictures | November 6, 2023

2023-11-06T08:49+0100timesnownews (en)

New Delhi: From Russia resuming nuclear test to Australian PM's visit to China after a seven-year strain, here is a look at the top news headlines across the world - in pictures. China has recorded the first snowfall of the season! Northeastern province of Heilongjiang recorded its first, but....

Nepal earthquake victims struggle to stay warm as mercury drops

2023-11-06T08:39+0100myanmarnews (en)

By Binod Prasad AdhikariJajarkot [ Nepal ], November 6 (ANI): Kaushila Khadka, who has been living in a relief camp along with her husband after her house was damaged in the earthquake on Friday night, is trying to keep her two-month-old infant warm to protect him from the cold.

Pope Francis makes urgent plea for a halt to conflict in Gaza

2023-11-06T08:31+0100abbtakk (en)

Vatican city: Pope Francis Sunday made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured to ease the “very grave” situation. “I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their lives.

A ‘time traveler’ puts everyone on alert. He says that what is going to happen very soon will be the end

2023-11-06T08:31+0100kiratas (en)

When and how will life on Earth end? This is a question that we have all asked ourselves at some point, and it seems that Eno Alaric, who claims to be a ‘time traveler’ who comes from the year 2671, seems to have the definitive answer. His profile has gained a lot of popularity on TikTok, to the point of adding more than 650,000 followers.

Handover of Earthquake Relief Materials to the Government of Nepal

2023-11-06T08:29+0100nepalnews (en)

Following up on the commitment by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to provide all possible assistance to Nepal following the earthquake in Jajarkot on 3 November 2023, the first consignment of INR 10 Crore worth of emergency relief materials arrived at Nepalgunj, Nepal, yesterday.

Delhi school closure extended amid ‘severe’ air pollution

2023-11-06T08:28+0100srilankamirror (en)

Over 120 people were killed , while at least 140 others were injured after a strong earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early on November 4. Moderate tremors were felt as far away as India’s capital New Delhi, nearly 500 kilometres from the quake’s epicentre.

‘Stop in the name of God’

2023-11-06T08:27+0100GulfDailyNews (en)

Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza yesterday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the “very grave” situation. “I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their lives.

Nepal earthquake: Thousands of people rendered homeless, survivors await aid

2023-11-06T08:21+0100wn (en)

The Survivors Of The Catastrophe Cremated Their Deceased Relatives On November 5...

Xinhua Photo Daily | Nov. 6, 2023

2023-11-06T08:21+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- A selection of the best press photos from Xinhua. The opening ceremony of the sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE) and the Hongqiao International Economic Forum is held in east China's Shanghai, Nov. 5, 2023. (Xinhua/Jin Liwang) Fireworks light up the sky during....

Metalli per batterie, cosa sta succedendo a litio, nichel e cobalto

2023-11-06T08:19+0100ilSole24ore (it)

Se nel 2022 i prezzi dei metalli per le batterie erano alle stelle e le case automobilistiche ne temevano la carenza a lungo termine, nel 2023 le dinamiche di mercato si sono invertite. Quest’anno il litio è crollato di quasi il 70% , mentre il nichel di circa il 40%. Anche il cobalto è sceso.

Pope urges ‘stop in the name of God’, calls for Gaza humanitarian aid

2023-11-06T08:02+0100fijitimes (en)

Pope Francis attends a meeting with members of Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service (CHARIS) at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 4, 2023. REUTERS/Guglielmo Mangiapane/ File Photo. Vatican City (Reuters) – Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on....

I colletti bianchi travolti dall’Intelligenza artificiale

2023-11-06T07:55+0100lastampa (it)

Goldman Sachs annuncia lo tsunami: 300 milioni di lavoratori saranno sostituiti. A rischiare non sono gli operai: le macchine svolgeranno professioni intellettuali. arcangelo rociola.

Minesto presents today at Stora Aktiedagen, Göteborg

2023-11-06T07:51+0100lelezard (en)

Minesto's CEO Dr Martin Edlund presents today at Aktiespararnas Stora Aktiedagen in Göteborg, 6 November 2023. Minesto's presentation is 08.50 am. The event is live streamed in Aktiespararnas' channels: Stora Aktiedagen i Göteborg... The world-leading solar technology company, LONGi Green Energy Technology Co.

Nepal Earthquake: Over 150 killed, survivors await aid

2023-11-06T07:42+0100HindustanTimes (en)

Over 150 people were killed after a 6.4 magnitude quake with the epicentre at Jajarkot’s Ramidanda jolted Nepal on Friday. The tremors were also felt in parts of India, including Delhi and the National Capital Region. (REUTERS) The victims of the earthquake in Bheri Municipality, where several....

World News | Nepal Earthquake Victims Struggle to Stay Warm as Mercury Drops

2023-11-06T07:30+0100latestly (en)

By Binod Prasad Adhikari. Jajarkot [ Nepal ], November 6 (ANI): Kaushila Khadka, who has been living in a relief camp along with her husband after her house was damaged in the earthquake on Friday night, is trying to keep her two-month-old infant warm to protect him from the cold.

Amici, le pagelle: Celentano contenta di nessuno (voto 5), Gabry Ponte motivatore zen (voto 8)

2023-11-06T07:30+0100corriere (it)

Oramai è un classico: ogni puntata domenicale di Amici si apre con il martirio di Nicholas, giovin danzatore del team di Raimondo Todaro. Il ragazzo ha un problema: alla rigida Professoressa Alessandra Celentano proprio non va giù. E quindi a ogni performance, oltre a sommergerlo con tsunami di....

Nepal earthquake kills more than 150

2023-11-06T07:25+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

A deadly earthquake has struck a remote area of western Nepal . Officials have said at least 150 people have been killed , and dozens more injured. Rescue workers are having difficulties reaching some areas cut off by landslides.

Pelosi in Iowa: ‘Blue wave’ will take all Democratic hands…

2023-11-06T07:21+0100thegazette (en)

Pelosi said she has a response for whenever someone asks whether Democrats are poised for a blue wave or tsunami this fall. 'Whatever it is, it's going to be a lot of small droplets of water,” Pelosi said, imploring the more than 320 attendees to do everything in their power to help elect Democrats.

Nepal earthquake victims struggle to stay warm as mercury drops

2023-11-06T07:19+0100devdiscourse (en)

By Binod Prasad Adhikari Kaushila Khadka, who has been living in a relief camp along with her husband after her house was damaged in the earthquake on Friday night, is trying to keep her two-month-old infant warm to protect him from the cold. "The condition has worsened in comparison to the day after the earthquake.

Nepal earthquake victims struggle to stay warm as mercury drops

2023-11-06T07:12+0100aninews (en)

ANI | Updated: Nov 06, 2023 11:39 IST. By Binod Prasad Adhikari [ Nepal ], November 6 (ANI): Kaushila Khadka, who has been living in a relief camp along with her husband after her house was damaged in the earthquake on Friday night, is trying to keep her two-month-old infant warm to protect him from....

CAAN announces Rs 10 million assistance to quake survivors

2023-11-06T07:08+0100nepalnews (en)

The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) has announced a monetary aid of Rs 10 million to the earthquake survivors in Jajarkot and Rukum West. A meeting of the CAAN on Sunday decided to deposit the assistance amount to the Prime Minister Disaster Rescue Fund, according to CAAN Spokesperson and Deputy Director General, Jagannath Niraula.

USK students join disaster drill to improve response capability

2023-11-06T06:58+0100antaranews-en (en)

the presence of health workers is so important during a disaster that the drill participants were introduced to the crucial aspects of management and treatment of disaster victims Banda Aceh, Aceh (ANTARA) - Several hundred students of Syiah Kuala University (USK) in Banda Aceh City joined a....

‘The rest is in God’s hands’

2023-11-06T06:58+0100jamaica-gleaner (en)

Undocumented protocol. Last week, deputy chairman of the St James Municipal Corporation, Councillor Richard Vernon, told The Gleaner that a comprehensive emergency plan was being worked on, “but nonetheless, there is an undocumented protocol that we use in case of emergencies”.

Indonesia builds green hospital in new capital city

2023-11-06T06:52+0100kpl (en)

(KPL/VNA) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo has attended the ground-breaking ceremony of Mayapada Hospital Nusantara in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan province. The facility will adopt energy efficiency and conservation, as Indonesia will always promote green agenda for the new capital city, the President said on November 1.

Samoa Environment provides 'vital services': Minister 06 November 2023, 6:00PM

2023-11-06T06:34+0100samoaobserver (en)

Samoa's Environment Minister has called for the recognition of "vital services" the environment provides to the planet amid the push to empower communities and build resilience. Toeolesulusulu Cedric Schuster, who is the Minister for Natural Resources and Environment, made the appeal in his keynote....

India sends emergency relief to earthquake-hit Nepal

2023-11-06T06:24+0100timesofoman (en)

Serving as the first responder, India shipped essential medicines and relief materials to assist the earthquake-affected communities. This rapid response aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "Neighbourhood First Policy," External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said, emphasising India's....

Karnataka's Bidar district experiences two low-intensity earthquakes, mild tremors felt

2023-11-06T06:23+0100HindustanTimes (en)

We're now on WhatsApp. Click to join. The first tremor was felt at Waddankera village in Madargaon Gram Panchayat of Bidar district where a 1.9-magnitude quake was recorded. Two hours later, another tremor with a magnitude of 2.1 was felt at the same location.

Il Papa chiede il cessate il fuoco a Gaza: si sta uccidendo il futuro dei bambini

2023-11-06T06:11+0100notizieinunclick (it)

Appello alla pace del Pontefice dopo l’Angelus, per la grave situazione in Israele e Palestina. Si faccia il possibile per evitare l’allargamento del conflitto, è stata la sua supplica, rivolgendo il pensiero ai più piccoli, vittime anche in Ucraina e in tutte le guerre del mondo.

JB Shop: On November 5, World Tsunami Awareness Day, letâs get prepared with risk reduction and management products from Kochi Prefecture, Japan

2023-11-06T06:02+0100streetinsider (en)

Bringing Japanese “Bosai†to the World! Introducing “JB SHOP†, an Online Shop for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Products, and “Kochi Bosai†, Special Site. TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- To mark November 5, World Tsunami Awareness Day, we would like to introduce JB SHOP ( https://jbshop.

Nepal Earthquake Forces Thousands into Chilly Night

2023-11-06T05:59+0100bolnews (en)

In a remote mountainous area in western Nepal , a powerful earthquake on Friday left thousands of residents with no choice but to endure a bitterly cold night outdoors, as their homes were severely damaged. The quake resulted in 157 fatalities and over 300 injuries. Authorities have reported that search and rescue operations are nearing completion.

In Pictures: In the aftermath of Jajarkot Earthquake

2023-11-06T05:57+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

A woman sits in front of her relatives destroyed home after an earthquake that hit Jajarkot and Rukum districts as the latest updates from the police say more than 157 have been confirmed dead with around 200 people injured in Rukum, Nepal on Sunday, November 5, 2023. Photo: Skanda Gautam/ THT. JAJARKOT: An earthquake, measuring 6.

Nepal to supply relief materials to quake-hit areas

2023-11-06T05:20+0100cgtn (en)

The Nepal i government decided to distribute food and other relief materials to areas hit by a strong earthquake. A cabinet meeting also decided to provide free treatment to the injured. The distribution of relief materials, including food and tents, will start from Sunday, and the government will....

Environment Subscribers only Earthquake-prone Nepal hit by another temblor

2023-11-06T05:08+0100LeMonde-en (en)

News Friday's 5.6 magnitude earthquake in western Nepal killed at least 157 people. The country's National Seismic Monitoring and Research Centre has recorded more than 70 quakes with a magnitude greater than 4 since the beginning of the year. Nepal's deadliest temblor in almost ten years:....

PM extends deepest condolences to families of victims of catastrophic earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-06T05:06+0100pattayamail (en)

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has extended his deepest condolences to the families of the victims of the catastrophic earthquake that struck the districts of Jajarkot and Rukum in Nepal on November 3. Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has extended his deepest condolences to the families of the....

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-06T04:32+0100thenews-pk (en)

JAJARKOT, Nepal : Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-06T04:31+0100dailytimesPK (en)

Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

Tears of a child as Nepalis cremate quake dead

2023-11-06T03:57+0100thaipbs (en)

The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepal i village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst-hit places when a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal late Friday.

CAAN announces Rs 10 million assistance to quake survivors

2023-11-06T03:55+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 6. The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) has announced a monetary aid of Rs 10 million to the earthquake survivors in Jajarkot and Rukum West. A meeting of the CAAN on Sunday decided to deposit the assistance amount to the Prime Minister Disaster Rescue Fund, according to....

Nepal earthquake: Search and rescue operation over, tough reconstruction awaits

2023-11-06T03:46+0100timesofoman (en)

Jajarkot: The Nepal government completed the search and rescue operation on Sunday after a strong earthquake on Friday rattled nine districts, killing over 150 people and damaging infrastructure. During a visit to the earthquake-affected district, Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha announced the....

PDCI RDA : Honorable Eugène KOUASSI Tidjane Thiam est au Bureau Politique depuis plus de 20 ans

2023-11-06T03:34+0100afrique-sur7 (fr)

Le PDCI RDA va procéder à l'élection de son nouveau président en décembre 2023. Tidjane Thiam est en pole position pour succéder à feu Henri Konan Bédié à la tête du plus vieux parti en plus d'être le meilleur candidat du parti pour l'élection présidentielle de 2025 en Côte d'Ivoire.

Acheminement de l'aide et soins médicaux gratuits aux victimes du tremblement de terre

2023-11-06T03:32+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 54 min Le ministre de la Défense népalais, Purna Bahadur Khadka, assure dimanche que la priorité est désormais d'acheminer de l'aide médicale et des secours aux victimes du tremblement de terre qui a secoué tard vendredi soir une région reculée de l'extrême-ouest du Népal.

India sends first consignment of relief materials for earthquake victims

2023-11-06T03:19+0100kathmandupost (en)

India has provided the first consignment of emergency relief materials worth INR 100 million to Nepal . The materials arrived at Nepalgunj on Sunday as per the commitment by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to provide all possible assistance to Nepal following the earthquake in Jajarkot on Friday midnight, said the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu.

India hands over earthquake relief materials to Nepal

2023-11-06T03:15+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 6. Following up on the commitment by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to provide all possible assistance to Nepal following the earthquake in Jajarkot on 3 November, the first consignment of the INR 10 Crore worth of emergency relief materials donated by India arrived in Nepalgunj, on Sunday.

Michael J. Fox reveals that he almost lost a hand due to an infection – El Diario NY

2023-11-06T03:01+0100morningexpress (en)

The actor Michael J. Fox He almost lost a hand due to an infection, as he revealed in an interview with Town & Country magazine. My hand got infected and I almost lost it . It was a tsunami of misfortune,” she said following a serious injury to her arm, which led to an infection.

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid

2023-11-06T02:48+0100AsiaOne (en)

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday (Nov 5), calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the "very grave" situation. "I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Indian Embassy hands over relief materials

2023-11-06T02:43+0100peoplesreview (en)

Kathmandu, 6 November: The Indian Embassy has handed over relief materials worth 160 million rupees for the Jajarkot earthquake victims provided by the Indian government. On Sunday, India sent emergency relief materials to Nepal . The relief materials were received by Deputy Prime Minister and....

Nepal earthquake: Tears of a child as Nepalis cremate the dead

2023-11-06T02:37+0100inquirer (en)

Family members of victims of a recent earthquake, mourn beside their bodies in Chiuri village at Jajarkot district on November 5, 2023. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit late November 3. | Photo by Prakash MATHEMA / AFP.

Thousands sleep under sky in Nepal after earthquake kills at least 157

2023-11-06T02:36+0100nation-pk (en)

KATHMANDU - Thousands of villagers in the mountains of northwestern Nepal slept outdoors Saturday night in the bitter cold after an earthquake killed at least 157 people and damaged or destroyed most homes. Most of the houses in villages in Jajarkot district either collapsed or were severely damaged....

Thousands sleep under sky in Nepal after earthquake kills at least 157

2023-11-06T02:31+0100nation (en)

KATHMANDU - Thousands of villagers in the mountains of northwestern Nepal slept outdoors Saturday night in the bitter cold after an earthquake killed at least 157 people and damaged or destroyed most homes. Most of the houses in villages in Jajarkot district either collapsed or were severely damaged....

Quake survivors await aid amid essential shortages

2023-11-06T02:29+0100kathmandupost (en)

Hasta Bahadur KC of Chiuritol of ward 1 of Nalgad Municipality in Jajarkot is mourning the loss of his son, his daughter-in-law, and his four-year-old grandson. His son, Bhimsen BK, had come home for Dashain and had planned to return to India where he worked at construction sites after Tihar.

Experts blame government neglect for higher losses in ‘moderate’ Jajarkot earthquake

2023-11-06T02:29+0100kathmandupost (en)

At least 157 people died and hundreds were injured in Friday's earthquake that hit Jajarkot and West Rukum districts in western Nepal . As per preliminary assessment 3,900 houses either have been completely destroyed or damaged. As the search and rescue operation continues, it is certain that there....

Friday’s quake damaged around 8,000 houses in Jajarkot and Rukum West

2023-11-06T02:29+0100kathmandupost (en)

The deadly earthquake on Friday night damaged around 8,000 houses—both public and private—besides killing at least 157 people in Jajarkot and Rukum West districts in western Nepal , officials said. The quake caused the worst human and infrastructure losses since the devastating jolt of April 2015.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-06T02:25+0100virginislandsdailynews (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to....

Updated: Deadly quake in Nepal renews fears of an even deadlier one

2023-11-06T02:21+0100spokesman (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal – Officials in Nepal were still assessing the extent of the damage on Sunday from the earthquake that struck the country’s west two nights earlier, leaving at least 150 people dead and thousands either homeless or afraid to sleep indoors.

Xi sends condolence message after Nepal quake

2023-11-06T02:12+0100chinadaily (en)

Earthquake survivors sit in front of a damaged house in Jajarkot district, northwestern Nepal , on Sunday.Niranjan Shrestha / AP. President Xi Jinping has sent a message of condolence to Nepali President Ram Chandra Poudel after a strong earthquake on Friday night killed at least 157 people and injured many others in Nepal.

JB Shop: On November 5, World Tsunami Awareness Day, let's get prepared with risk reduction and management products from Kochi Prefecture, Japan

2023-11-06T02:05+0100lelezard (en)

To mark November 5, World Tsunami Awareness Day, we would like to introduce JB SHOP ( https://jbshop.jp/en.html ), the online specialty store for disaster risk reduction and management products run by Trustia Corporation (based in Tokyo's Taito Ward), and KOCHI BOSAI ( https://japan-bosai.jp/kochi/en.

Xi sends condolence message after Nepal quake

2023-11-06T02:04+0100peopledaily (en)

President Xi Jinping has sent a message of condolence to Nepal i President Ram Chandra Poudel after a strong earthquake on Friday night killed at least 157 people and injured many others in Nepal. In his message sent on Saturday, Xi said he was shocked to learn about the strong earthquake in Nepal's....

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-06T02:01+0100pakobserver (en)

Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

Xi sends condolence message after Nepal quake

2023-11-06T01:44+0100ecns (en)

President Xi Jinping has sent a message of condolence to Nepal i President Ram Chandra Poudel after a strong earthquake on Friday night killed at least 157 people and injured many others in Nepal. In his message sent on Saturday, Xi said he was shocked to learn about the strong earthquake in Nepal's....

Nepal Earthquake Tragedy: Full Coverage of 128 Deaths in PTV Evening News – Latest Updates and Analysis

2023-11-06T01:31+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-04 11:58:02 20231104 Full version of PTV evening news |At least 128 people are known to have been killed in the magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Nepal . PTV News Network ended the search and rescue 36 hours after the strong earthquake in Nepal. A total of 157 people died and more than 100 were injured.

World News | Nepal Earthquake: Search and Rescue Operation Over, Tough Reconstruction Awaits

2023-11-06T01:24+0100latestly (en)

By Binod Prasad Adhikari. Jajarkot [ Nepal ], November 6 (ANI): The Nepal government completed the search and rescue operation on Sunday after a strong earthquake on Friday rattled nine districts, killing over 150 people and damaging infrastructure. Also Read | Israel Will Not Agree to Ceasefire in....

Thousands Sleep Outside in Nepal After Deadly Earthquake

2023-11-06T00:49+0100wn (en)

Thousands of villagers in the mountains of northwestern Nepal slept outdoors Saturday night in the....

\u2018I heard their cries\u2026 then, silence\u2019: Nepal quake survivors recall moment of tragedy

2023-11-06T00:08+0100wn (en)

Four cousins, aged between 17 and 28, were sleeping in one room in Jajarkot district\u2019s Khalanga village when the deadly earthquake struck the region on Friday night. Only one of them, 28-year-old Isha, survived. The roof of the room they were sleeping in collapsed, and while Isha was rescued....

India sends immediate relief to earthquake-stricken Nepal, reaffirming PM Modi’s commitment to a proactive ‘Neighbourhood First’ approach

2023-11-05T23:56+0100vervetimes (en)

This earthquake not only impacted Nepal but also sent tremors across several districts of North India, including Delhi-NCR, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar. India on Sunday sent an emergency aid package, comprising medical equipment, relief materials and more, for people affected by the magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Nepal.

Actor MICHAEL J. FOX reveals he almost lost his hand after infection

2023-11-05T23:40+0100kenyan-post (en)

Sunday, November 5, 2023 – Hollywood star, Michael J. Fox has opened up on the medical issues he had days ago. In a recent Town & Country interview, he revealed the astonishing story of a limb he almost lost. He said “My hand got infected and then I almost lost it. It was a tsunami of misfortune.

Nepal earthquake: Survivors sleeping outside & waiting for help

2023-11-05T23:28+0100wn (en)

The search for survivors after a six-point-four magnitude earthquake in Nepal on Friday has come to an end. ......

Deadly quake in Nepal renews fears of an even deadlier one

2023-11-05T23:19+0100straitstimesSG (en)

KATHMANDU - Officials in Nepal were still assessing the extent of the damage on Sunday from the earthquake that struck the country’s west two nights earlier, leaving at least 150 people dead and thousands either homeless or afraid to sleep indoors. But scientists were already renewing clear warnings....

Tears of a child as Nepalis cremate loved ones who died in quake

2023-11-05T23:19+0100straitstimesSG (en)

JAJARKOT - The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepal i village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst-hit places when a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal late Friday.

Nepal villagers cremate loved ones who died in earthquake that killed 157

2023-11-05T22:47+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Villagers in the mountains....

Nepal Earthquake Injured More than 560 people, "half of them are children" UNICEF rushes to support

2023-11-05T22:31+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-05T21:30:18.169Z. Highlights: Nepal Earthquake Injured More than 560 people, "half of them are children" UNICEF rushes to support. At least 157 people have been injured in the earthquake that occurred in the mountainous area of western Nepal that killed at least 560 people.

Nepal earthquake: Search and rescue operation over, tough reconstruction awaits

2023-11-05T22:11+0100myanmarnews (en)

By Binod Prasad AdhikariJajarkot [ Nepal ], November 6 (ANI): The Nepal government completed the search and rescue operation on Sunday after a strong earthquake on Friday rattled nine districts, killing over 150 people and damaging infrastructure. During a visit to the earthquake-affected district,....

Catania FC: ricomincio da chi?

2023-11-05T22:09+0100newsicilia (it)

CATANIA – Uno tsunami in casa Catania , ma di quelli che lasciano il segno. Tutto dopo l’ . Era stato chiaro Grella in conferenza stampa, nessuno si senta intoccabile e così è stato. Tabbiani , l’allenatore in seconda Coppola , il preparatore atletico Bertoncini sollevati dagli incarichi .

Nepal villagers cremate loved ones killed in earthquake

2023-11-05T22:07+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal >> Villagers in the mountains of northwest Nepal....

Nepal villagers cremate loved ones who perished in an earthquake that killed 157 people

2023-11-05T21:53+0100news-gazette (en)

Villagers in the mountains of northwest Nepal have cremated the bodies of some who perished in an earthquake that shook the area Friday night. The strong temblor killed 157 people and left thousands homeless. The 13 bodies were carried on Sunday to the b Nepal villagers cremate loved ones who....

Nepal villagers cremate loved ones who perished in an earthquake that killed 157 people

2023-11-05T21:49+0100yakimaherald (en)

This handout photo provided by Nepal Prime Minister's Office shows an earthquake-affected area in northwestern Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing....

Nepal to supply relief materials to quake-hit areas

2023-11-05T21:38+0100greaterkashmir (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 5: The Nepal i government decided on Sunday to distribute food and other relief materials to areas hit by a strong earthquake. A cabinet meeting also decided to provide free treatment to the injured, Xinhua news agency reported. The distribution of relief materials, including food and....

Nepal govt scrambles to rush aid to quake victims

2023-11-05T21:36+0100nagalandpost (en)

Nepal ’s authorities on Sunday scrambled to rush aid to those affected by Friday’s earthquake that killed 157 people and left a trail of destruction in the Himalayan nation’s remote mountainous region. The earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district, about 500 km west of Kathmandu, was recorded just before midnight on Friday.

Nepal villagers cremate loved ones who perished in an earthquake that killed 157 people

2023-11-05T21:32+0100eagletribune (en)

This handout photo provided by Nepal Prime Minister's Office shows an earthquake-affected area in northwestern Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing....

Nepal earthquake: Search and rescue operation over

2023-11-05T21:12+0100aninews (en)

By Binod Prasad Adhikari Jajarkot [ Nepal ], November 6 (ANI): The Nepal government completed the search and rescue operation on Sunday after a strong earthquake on Friday rattled nine districts, killing over 150 people and damaging infrastructure. During a visit to the earthquake-affected district,....

Dopo il sismaTerremoto in Nepal, terminate le operazioni di ricerca

2023-11-05T20:59+0100cdt (it)

Le autorità nepalesi hanno terminato oggi le operazioni di ricerca dei dispersi a seguito del violento terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 che ha colpito l'estremo ovest del pese himalayano nella tarda serata di venerdì, uccidendo almeno 157 persone. Le scosse del terremoto erano state avvertite fino a....

LIVE NEPAL 14 min Terremoto, concluse le operazioni di ricerca

2023-11-05T20:58+0100tio (it)

JAJARKOT - Le autorità nepalesi hanno terminato oggi le operazioni di ricerca dei dispersi a seguito del violento terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 che ha colpito l'estremo ovest del paese himalayano nella tarda serata di venerdì, uccidendo almeno 157 persone.

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T20:58+0100euronews-it (it)

ANSA ROMA , 05 NOV – “C‘è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Sri Lanka Disaster Management Center conducts risk reduction programs to mark World Tsunami Awareness Day

2023-11-05T20:47+0100colombopage (en)

Sun, Nov 5, 2023, 11:47 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. Nov 05, Colombo: Sri Lanka Disaster Management Center has organized appropriate awareness programs to educate the community for tsunami risk reduction on November 05 and 06, 2023. Sri Lanka was severely affected by the 2004 Indian....

Survivors mourn as Nepal quake rescue efforts end

2023-11-05T20:30+0100kuwaittimes (en)

JAJARKOT, Nepal : The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepali village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst-hit places when a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal late Friday.

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T20:28+0100devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot shortly....

Nepal rushes aid after strong quake shakes kills at least 157

2023-11-05T20:05+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) -- Survivors of a strong earthquake that shook Nepal 's northwest in the middle of the night described sudden shaking followed by houses collapsing and burying entire families, as the death toll rose to 157 on Saturday. Most of those killed were crushed by debris when their....

Les villageois népalais incinèrent leurs proches après le séisme meurtrier

2023-11-05T20:02+0100lemauricien (fr)

Les gémissements de Prem Kala Kami, huit ans, résonnent à Chiuri, village reculé du Népal: l'enfant s'apprête à incinérer ses parents et deux de ses frères, tués dans un violent séisme. Chiuri a été l'un des endroits les plus touchés par le tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 qui a frappé....

Meteo Cronaca Diretta VIDEO: NEPAL, terremoto violento, ci sono tante vittime, feriti e gravi danni

2023-11-05T20:01+0100ilmeteo (it)

Violenta scossa di terremoto in Nepal : diverse le vittime. Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal: almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi.

November 5, 2023

2023-11-05T19:56+0100voanews (en)

1 A laborer is silhouetted against the setting sun as he works on a swing at a fair ground in Pushkar, Pakistan. 2 A woman cries near the earthquake damaged house where her son, daughter in law and grand child died in Jajarkot district, northwestern Nepal .

Earthquake in Nepal kills over 150 people, destroys homes

2023-11-05T19:47+0100deseret (en)

A powerful earthquake struck northwestern Nepal late Friday night, killing at least 150 people, and injuring dozens more. The 5.6 earthquake hit two rural districts, Rukum and Jajarkot, where thousands of homes were destroyed, and families buried in the rubble. An estimated 5,000 homes were destroyed or damaged in the earthquake, reported.

India becomes first responder in providing relief packages to Nepal earthquake victims

2023-11-05T19:43+0100wn (en)

Nepal earthquake:�A special Indian Air Force C-130 flight arrived in Nepal on Sunday carrying....

Tsunami warning!

2023-11-05T19:36+0100jamaica-gleaner (en)

Although he is still analysing the data on the recent earthquakes, Mitchell has not ruled out the possibility of another “big one” occurring. “I can’t say there won’t be a big one. What I’ve seen this year is that we’ve had three in a row and we are still looking at that data that we are collecting....

Tears Of A Child As Nepalis Cremate Quake Dead

2023-11-05T19:20+0100ibtimes (en)

The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepal i village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst-hit places when a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal late Friday.

Les villageois népalais incinèrent leurs proches après le séisme meurtrier

2023-11-05T19:20+0100tv5 (fr)

Les gémissements de Prem Kala Kami, huit ans, résonnent à Chiuri, village reculé du Népal: l'enfant s'apprête à incinérer ses parents et deux de ses frères, tués dans un violent séisme. Chiuri a été l'un des endroits les plus touchés par le tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 qui a frappé....

Les villageois népalais incinèrent leurs proches après le séisme meurtrier

2023-11-05T19:18+0100courrier-picard (fr)

Les gémissements de Prem Kala Kami, huit ans, résonnent à Chiuri, village reculé du Népal: l'enfant s'apprête à incinérer ses parents et deux de ses frères, tués dans un violent séisme. Chiuri a été l'un des endroits les plus touchés par le tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 qui a frappé....

Pope Francis demands a ceasefire in Israel-Palestine conflict

2023-11-05T19:10+0100plenglish (en)

After concluding his Sunday Angelus prayer at noon, the Supreme Pontiff told the faithful and pilgrims present in St. Peter’s Square from the window of his study in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, “I continue to think about the serious situation in Palestine and Israel, where so many people have lost their lives.

Mo: Guterres, 'disinformazione alimenta polarizzazione e disumanizzazione'

2023-11-05T19:06+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 5 novembre 2023) Gaza, 5 nov. (Adnkronos) - “La polarizzazione e la disumanizzazione sono alimenta te da uno tsunami di disinformazione . Dobbiamo opporci alle forze dell'antisemitismo, del bigottismo anti-musulmano e di tutte le forme di odio”. Lo ha scritto su X il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Antonio Guterres.

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T19:03+0100virgilio (it)

"C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla....

Les villageois népalais incinèrent leurs proches après le séisme meurtrier

2023-11-05T19:00+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Les gémissements de Prem Kala Kami, huit ans, résonnent à Chiuri, village reculé du Népal: l'enfant s'apprête à incinérer ses parents et deux de ses frères, tués dans un violent séisme. Chiuri a été l'un des endroits les plus touchés par le tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 qui a frappé....

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:52+0100ansa (it)

"C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Seismic activity worldwide: updates and news

2023-11-05T18:51+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

Overall, global earthquake activity remains relatively low. 3 Quakes with magnitude above 5 occurred in the circum-Pacific subduction zones, two in the Bering Sea near Alaska and one near Fiji. A magnitude 4.2 event was felt in Texas, with its epicenter 26 mi northeast of Midland.

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:50+0100gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Nepal earthquake: Thousands spend night outdoors in cold

2023-11-05T18:49+0100theghanareport (en)

In a remote hilly region of western Nepal , thousands of people were forced to spend a very cold night outdoors after their houses were damaged by a strong earthquake on Friday. The focus now is on providing shelter to the homeless and arranging essential supplies. But rescue teams told the BBC they did not have enough tents.

Edith Bruck, ‘mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega’

2023-11-05T18:48+0100espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 05 NOV – "C’è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:46+0100larena (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:46+0100ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Les villageois népalais incinèrent leurs proches après le séisme meurtrier

2023-11-05T18:44+0100franceantilles-guadeloupe (fr)

Des proches de victimes d'un violent séisme pleurent, à côté de leurs corps, dans le village de Chiuri, dans l'ouest du Népal, le 5 novembre 2023 • PRAKASH MATHEMA. Les gémissements de Prem Kala Kami, huit ans, résonnent à Chiuri, village reculé du Népal: l'enfant s'apprête à incinérer ses parents et deux de ses frères, tués dans un violent séisme.

Nepal earthquake | Survivors recount horror | Death toll mounts to 157

2023-11-05T18:42+0100aninews (en)

Jajarkot ( Nepal ), Nov 5 (ANI): While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities, another earthquake, measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours of Sunday. The earthquake occurred at 04:38:20 (IST) at the depth of....

India lends helping hand to Nepal, sends 1st consignment of emergency material

2023-11-05T18:42+0100livemint (en)

The consignment of relief materials included tents, blankets, tarpaulin sheets as well as essential medicines and medical equipment, officials said. “A special Indian Air Force C-130 flight transported the consignment of over 11 tonnes of emergency relief materials that included tents and tarpaulin....

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:42+0100ladige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:42+0100ilpiccolo (it)

ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:41+0100tribunatreviso (it)

ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:41+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:39+0100tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:39+0100bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:39+0100nuovavenezia (it)

ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Nepal quake rescue work called off

2023-11-05T18:37+0100newagebd (en)

The quake flattened houses in Jajarkot district in western Nepal . — AFP photo. Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck.

Les villageois népalais incinèrent leurs proches après le séisme meurtrier

2023-11-05T18:36+0100la-croix (fr)

Les gémissements de Prem Kala Kami, huit ans, résonnent à Chiuri, village reculé du Népal: l'enfant s'apprête à incinérer ses parents et deux de ses frères, tués dans un violent séisme. Chiuri a été l'un des endroits les plus touchés par le tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 qui a frappé....

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:36+0100mattinopadova (it)

ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

18:25 Les villageois népalais incinèrent leurs proches après le …

2023-11-05T18:35+0100nouvelobs (fr)

Jajarkot (Népal) (AFP) - Les gémissements de Prem Kala Kami, huit ans, résonnent à Chiuri, village reculé du Népal: l'enfant s'apprête à incinérer ses parents et deux de ses frères, tués dans un violent séisme. Chiuri a été l'un des endroits les plus touchés par le tremblement de terre de magnitude....

Les villageois népalais incinèrent leurs proches après le séisme meurtrier

2023-11-05T18:32+0100challenges (fr)

Les gémissements de Prem Kala Kami, huit ans, résonnent à Chiuri, village reculé du Népal: l'enfant s'apprête à incinérer ses parents et deux de ses frères, tués dans un violent séisme. Chiuri a été l'un des endroits les plus touchés par le tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 qui a frappé....

Edith Bruck, 'mai detto che sui migranti ha ragione la Lega'

2023-11-05T18:31+0100giornaledibrescia (it)

ROMA, 05 NOV - "C'è uno tsunami di antisemitismo scoppiato in tutto il mondo. Sentendo Hamas che parla dello sterminio degli ebrei ovunque, non ho potuto non pensare al nazismo, che ho vissuto sulla mia pelle. Volevo solo condividere il mio dolore e la mia desolazione.

Les villageois népalais incinèrent leurs proches après le séisme meurtrier

2023-11-05T18:28+0100franceantilles-martinique (fr)

Des proches de victimes d'un violent séisme pleurent, à côté de leurs corps, dans le village de Chiuri, dans l'ouest du Népal, le 5 novembre 2023 • PRAKASH MATHEMA. Les gémissements de Prem Kala Kami, huit ans, résonnent à Chiuri, village reculé du Népal: l'enfant s'apprête à incinérer ses parents et deux de ses frères, tués dans un violent séisme.

Mo: Guterres, 'disinformazione alimenta polarizzazione e disumanizzazione'

2023-11-05T18:28+0100lanuovaferrara (it)

Gaza, 5 nov. (Adnkronos) - “La polarizzazione e la disumanizzazione sono alimentate da uno tsunami di disinformazione. Dobbiamo opporci alle forze dell’antisemitismo, del bigottismo anti-musulmano e di tutte le forme di odio”. Lo ha scritto su X il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Antonio Guterres.

Les villageois népalais incinèrent leurs proches après le séisme meurtrier

2023-11-05T18:27+0100actu-orange (fr)

Les gémissements de Prem Kala Kami, huit ans, résonnent à Chiuri, village reculé du Népal: l'enfant s'apprête à incinérer ses parents et deux de ses frères, tués dans un violent séisme. Chiuri a été l'un des endroits les plus touchés par le tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 qui a frappé....

Mo: Guterres, 'disinformazione alimenta polarizzazione e disumanizzazione'

2023-11-05T18:26+0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

Gaza, 5 nov. (Adnkronos) - “La polarizzazione e la disumanizzazione sono alimentate da uno tsunami di disinformazione. Dobbiamo opporci alle forze dell’antisemitismo, del bigottismo anti-musulmano e di tutte le forme di odio”. Lo ha scritto su X il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Antonio Guterres.

Mo: Guterres, ‘disinformazione alimenta polarizzazione e disumanizzazione’

2023-11-05T18:24+0100meteoweb (it)

Gaza, 5 nov. (Adnkronos) – ?La polarizzazione e la disumanizzazione sono alimentate da uno tsunami di disinformazione. Dobbiamo opporci alle forze dell?antisemitismo, del bigottismo anti-musulmano e di tutte le forme di odio?. Lo ha scritto su X il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Antonio Guterres.

Mo: Guterres, ‘disinformazione alimenta polarizzazione e disumanizzazione’

2023-11-05T18:24+0100strettoweb (it)

Gaza, 5 nov. (Adnkronos) – ?La polarizzazione e la disumanizzazione sono alimentate da uno tsunami di disinformazione. Dobbiamo opporci alle forze dell?antisemitismo, del bigottismo anti-musulmano e di tutte le forme di odio?. Lo ha scritto su X il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Antonio Guterres.

Mo: Guterres, 'disinformazione alimenta polarizzazione e disumanizzazione'

2023-11-05T18:23+0100gazzettadireggio (it)

Gaza, 5 nov. (Adnkronos) - “La polarizzazione e la disumanizzazione sono alimentate da uno tsunami di disinformazione. Dobbiamo opporci alle forze dell’antisemitismo, del bigottismo anti-musulmano e di tutte le forme di odio”. Lo ha scritto su X il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Antonio Guterres.

Mo: Guterres, 'disinformazione alimenta polarizzazione e disumanizzazione'

2023-11-05T18:22+0100affaritaliani (it)

Gaza, 5 nov. (Adnkronos) - “La polarizzazione e la disumanizzazione sono alimentate da uno tsunami di disinformazione. Dobbiamo opporci alle forze dell’antisemitismo, del bigottismo anti-musulmano e di tutte le forme di odio”. Lo ha scritto su X il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Antonio Guterres.

Tears of a child as Nepalis cremate quake dead

2023-11-05T18:21+0100bssnews (en)

JAJARKOT, Nepal , Nov 5, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepali village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst-hit places when a 5.

India hands over first consignment of emergency relief materials to quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-05T18:19+0100deccanherald (en)

Kathmandu: A special Indian Air Force C-130 flight arrived in Nepal on Sunday carrying the first consignment of emergency relief materials worth Rs 10 crore that included tents, blankets, tarpaulin sheets as well as essential medicines and medical equipment, officials said.

The Star » Thousands spend night outdoors after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T18:19+0100kenyamoja (en)

In a remote hilly region of western Nepal , thousands of people were forced to spend a very cold night outdoors after their houses were damaged by a strong earthquake on Friday. In all, 157 people died and more than 300 were injured in the quake. Officials say search and rescue missions are coming to a close.

Mo: Guterres, 'disinformazione alimenta polarizzazione e disumanizzazione'

2023-11-05T18:19+0100gazzettadimodena (it)

Gaza, 5 nov. (Adnkronos) - “La polarizzazione e la disumanizzazione sono alimentate da uno tsunami di disinformazione. Dobbiamo opporci alle forze dell’antisemitismo, del bigottismo anti-musulmano e di tutte le forme di odio”. Lo ha scritto su X il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Antonio Guterres.

Mo: Guterres, ‘disinformazione alimenta polarizzazione e disumanizzazione’

2023-11-05T18:18+0100laragione (it)

Gaza, 5 nov. (Adnkronos) – “La polarizzazione e la disumanizzazione sono alimentate da uno tsunami di disinformazione. Dobbiamo opporci alle forze dell’antisemitismo, del bigottismo anti-musulmano e di tutte le forme di odio”. Lo ha scritto su X il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Antonio Guterres.

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid

2023-11-05T18:17+0100gmanews (en)

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the "very grave" situation. "I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Mo: Guterres, 'disinformazione alimenta polarizzazione e disumanizzazione'

2023-11-05T18:17+0100corriereadriatico (it)

Gaza, 5 nov. (Adnkronos) - La polarizzazione e la disumanizzazione sono alimentate da uno tsunami di disinformazione. Dobbiamo opporci alle forze dell antisemitismo, del bigottismo anti-musulmano e di tutte le forme di odio . Lo ha scritto su X il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Antonio Guterres.

Thousands spend night outdoors after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T18:08+0100thestarkenya (en)

In a remote hilly region of western Nepal , thousands of people were forced to spend a very cold night outdoors after their houses were damaged by a strong earthquake on Friday. In all, 157 people died and more than 300 were injured in the quake. Officials say search and rescue missions are coming to a close.

T20 WC Qualifier Final: Oman Beat Nepal In Super Over

2023-11-05T18:05+0100outlookindia (en)

Kirtipur is certainly not a cricketing hotbed like Kolkata. But on Sunday, this ancient city in the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal , for once matched Kolkata's craze for cricket. The Tribhuvan University International Cricket Ground, still a nondescript stadium with a capacity of little more than 20,000,....

The Aftermath: Devastating Earthquake in Nepal Claims 157 Lives, Urgent Relief Efforts Underway

2023-11-05T18:05+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-05 11:05:02. (AFP, Jharjakot, Nepal ) Thirty-six hours after a strong earthquake hit western Nepal, at least 157 people were killed and more than 100 injured. Local officials said that the search and rescue work had ended today and the focus turned to waiting for food. and provide assistance to survivors in shelters.

Tarek Fatah, Bindeshwar Pathak and Bishen Singh Bedi among those RSS paid tributes on day 1 of 3-day meet in Bhuj

2023-11-05T17:58+0100deccanherald (en)

New Delhi: In its first day of a three-day meet, the Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal of the RSS paid tributes to Tarek Fatah, Bindeshwar Pathak and Bishen Singh Bedi. The meet is being held at Gujarat’s Bhuj, and was inaugurated by Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat and Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale.

Pope Urges 'Stop in The Name of God', Calls for Gaza Humanitarian Aid

2023-11-05T17:52+0100europesun (en)

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the 'very grave' situation. 'I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Tears of a child as Nepalis cremate quake dead

2023-11-05T17:52+0100BangkokPost (en)

JAJARKOT (NEPAL) - The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepal i village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst-hit places when a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal late Friday.

Tears of a child as Nepalis cremate quake dead

2023-11-05T17:51+0100channelnewsasia (en)

JAJARKOT: The wails of eight year old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepal i village on Sunday (Nov 5), as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst hit places when a late on Friday.

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid

2023-11-05T17:44+0100deccanherald (en)

Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the "very grave" situation. "I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Tears of a child as Nepalis cremate earthquake dead

2023-11-05T17:38+0100gulfnews (en)

Jajarkot: The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepal i village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. "After the quake we rushed to their house to rescue them but only found bodies," her uncle Kalpali....

India sends relief materials to quake-hit Nepal under Neighbourhood First policy

2023-11-05T17:36+0100indiatoday (en)

India sent the relief materials in a military transport aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF). The relief consignments were handed over to Nepal ese authorities by Indian Ambassador to Nepal Naveen Srivastava. Ambassador Naveen Srivastava handed over the first consignment of emergency relief....

India sends emergency relief to earthquake-hit Nepal, reaffirms PM Modi's 'Neighbourhood First' policy

2023-11-05T17:34+0100cambodiantimes (en)

New Delhi [India], November 5 (ANI): India on Sunday sent an emergency aid package, comprising medical equipment, relief materials and more, for people affected by the magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Nepal . The strong temblor, which even jolted the national capital and parts of north India, left 144 dead and scores injured.

World News | India Hands over First Consignment of Emergency Relief Materials to Quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-05T17:31+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 5 (PTI) A special Indian Air Force C-130 flight arrived in Nepal on Sunday carrying the first consignment of emergency relief materials worth Rs 10 crore that included tents, blankets, tarpaulin sheets as well as essential medicines and medical equipment, officials said.

India hands over first consignment of emergency relief materials to quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-05T17:26+0100devdiscourse (en)

As a close friend and neighbour, India remains committed to extending all possible support to those affected by the earthquake in Nepal , the Indian mission said.India has been the first responder in providing relief packages to Nepali earthquake victims.

Enclin aux séismes, le Népal subit un nouveau tremblement de terre

2023-11-05T17:23+0100LeMonde (fr)

Les faits Le séisme de magnitude 5,6, intervenu vendredi dans l’ouest du pays, a causé la mort d’au moins 157 personnes. Depuis le début de l’année, le Centre national de surveillance et de recherche sismique du Népal a enregistré plus 70 tremblements de terre d’une magnitude supérieure à 4.

Cerca notizie per 'corsa baveno'

2023-11-05T17:23+0100verbanianotizie (it)

- 3 Novembre 2014 - 20:26 rischio idrogeologico Non ho letto tutti i commenti perche' sono pigro a quest'ora;sono solo le 19,30,solitamente mi sveglio e scrivo dopo le 24.Dicevo non ho letto tutti i commenti ma mi sono arenato sul primo scoglio..quello di Kirlyenka che dice che è esage rato....

Tears of a child as Nepalis cremate earthquake dead

2023-11-05T17:19+0100wn (en)

Jajarkot: The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepal i village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst-hit places when a 5.

India Sends Emergency Relief To Earthquake-hit Nepal As Part Of ‘Neighbourhood First Policy’

2023-11-05T17:17+0100india (en)

The Indian Embassy in Nepal informed that the first consignment arrived at Nepalgunj, Nepal, on Sunday. (Image: X/@DrSJaishankar) India Nepal Friendship: While India’s neighbouring country Nepal is still recovering from the trauma and loss of lives and property caused by the magnitude 6.

At least 143 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T17:17+0100balochistan24 (en)

NEPAL At least 143 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit isolated western districts of the Himalayan Republic late on Friday and was measured....

Il Papa chiede il cessate il fuoco a Gaza: “Si sta uccidendo il futuro dei bambini”

2023-11-05T17:14+0100iltabloid (it)

“Vi prego di fermarvi, in nome di Dio: cessate il fuoco!”. La supplica di Papa Francesco, dopo la recita della preghiera dell’Angelus è per la “grave situazione in Palestina e in Israele, dove tantissime persone hanno perso la vita”. Il suo auspicio è “che si percorrano tutte le vie perché si eviti....

Rescue efforts called off after quake in Nepal 2023-11-06 ‘ON ALERT’: ‘We need to reach all the areas’ a Jajarkot district official said, as the Nepalese government focused on providing aid to survivors Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up yesterday as the focus shifted....

2023-11-05T17:05+0100taipeitimes (en)

Rescue efforts called off after quake in Nepal ‘ON ALERT’: ‘We need to reach all the areas’ a Jajarkot district official said, as the Nepalese government focused on providing aid to survivors Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up yesterday as the focus shifted to....

India sends emergency relief to earthquake-hit Nepal, reaffirms Modi's 'Neighbourhood First' policy

2023-11-05T17:05+0100dtnext (en)

NEW DELHI: India on Sunday sent an emergency aid package, comprising medical equipment, relief materials, and more, for people affected by the magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Nepal . The strong temblor, which even jolted the national capital and parts of north India, left 157 dead and scores injured.

India sends emergency relief to earthquake-hit Nepal, reaffirms PM Modi's 'Neighbourhood First' policy

2023-11-05T17:04+0100myanmarnews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 5 (ANI): India on Sunday sent an emergency aid package, comprising medical equipment, relief materials and more, for people affected by the magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Nepal . The strong temblor, which even jolted the national capital and parts of north India, left 144 dead and scores injured.

In Pics | India's C-130J Super Hercules Flies High With Relief Aid For Nepal

2023-11-05T17:00+0100timesnownews (en)

IAF's Giant C-130 J Deployed. ​An IAF C-130 J got airborne today carrying rescue and relief material for earthquake-affected Nepal . ​Ambassador Naveen Srivastava Handed Over First Consignment. India remains committed to extending all possible support to Nepal: The Embassy of India Kathmandu tweeted.

Earthquake in Nepal Renews Fears on Preparations for a Bigger One

2023-11-05T17:00+0100nytimes (en)

Officials in Nepal were still assessing the extent of the damage on Sunday from the earthquake that struck the country’s west two nights earlier, leaving at least 150 people dead and thousands either homeless or afraid to sleep indoors. But scientists were already renewing clear warnings that this....

World News | Gupta Coal Mine and Terminal to Be Retained by S.African Govt After Court Decision

2023-11-05T16:59+0100latestly (en)

Johannesburg, Nov 5 (PTI) The Optimum Coal Mine and Terminal, once owned by the Gupta brothers, are to be retained as South Africa's state property after a Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) decision in favour of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). The business rescue practitioners of the Guptas'....

World News | NMDC Arm Legacy Iron Ore Inaugurates Gold Mine Operations in Australia

2023-11-05T16:59+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. Legacy Iron Ore Limited, a subsidiary of state-owned mining firm NMDC, inaugurated Mount Celia Gold Operation in Australia. New Delhi, Nov 5 (PTI) Legacy Iron Ore Limited, a subsidiary of state-owned mining firm NMDC, inaugurated Mount Celia Gold Operation in Australia.

India sends emergency relief to earthquake-hit Nepal, reaffirms PM Modi's 'Neighbourhood First' policy

2023-11-05T16:51+0100dnaindia (en)

India on Sunday sent an emergency aid package, comprising medical equipment, relief materials and more, for people affected by the magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Nepal . The strong temblor, which even jolted the national capital and parts of north India, left 157 dead and scores injured.

India Sends Emergency Aid Package To Earthquake-Hit Nepal, Reaffirms PM Modi's 'Neighbourhood First' Policy

2023-11-05T16:46+0100timesnownews (en)

The emergency aid package to Nepal reaffirmed India's commitment to be the first responder in crisis situations in its neighbourhood and beyond. Following the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, New Delhi was the first responder as it carried out its largest disaster relief operation abroad -- 'Operation Maitri'.

5 novembre : journée de sensibilisation aux tsunamis. guadeloupe

2023-11-05T16:45+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Le tsunami est un phénomène provoqué par des ondes qui se propagent en milieu aquatique. Il est caractérisé par des vagues déferlantes, qui se déplacent à très grande vitesse et qui, lorsqu’elles atteignent des côtes, submergent les terres et se font destructrices.

Devastating Earthquake in Western Nepal: Death Toll Rises to 157, Urgent Need for Relief and Aid

2023-11-05T16:44+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-05 11:05:02. (AFP, Jharjakot, Nepal ) Thirty-six hours after a strong earthquake hit western Nepal, at least 157 people were killed and more than 100 injured. Local officials said that the search and rescue work had ended today and the focus turned to waiting for food. and provide assistance to survivors in shelters.

India sends relief materials for quake victims in Nepal

2023-11-05T16:42+0100HindustanTimes (en)

The materials were provided as a follow-up to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s commitment to provide all possible assistance to Nepal following the earthquake that hit Jajarkot on November 3. The relief materials were handed over by Indian ambassador Naveen Srivastava to Nepal’s deputy prime minister....

India Delivers Relief Material to Quake-Hit Nepal; Jaishankar Says PM's Neighbourhood First Policy in ActionUpdated 2 minutes ago

2023-11-05T16:38+0100news18 (en)

India on Sunday delivered its first emergency relief assistance to Nepal where over 150 people lost their lives in an earthquake tragedy. An Indian Air Force (IAF) C-130 J, a military transport aircraft carried rescue and relief materials and a team of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) to the earthquake-affected area near Nepalganj.

Tears of a child as Nepalis cremate quake dead

2023-11-05T16:30+0100tribuneonline (en)

The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepal i village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst-hit places when a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal late Friday.

India sends medicines, other relief materials to earthquake-hit Nepal

2023-11-05T16:28+0100business-standard (en)

India on Sunday sent an emergency aid package, comprising medical equipment, relief materials and more, for people affected by the magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Nepal . The strong temblor, which even jolted the national capital and parts of north India, left 157 dead and scores injured.

Tears of a child as Nepalis cremate quake dead

2023-11-05T16:22+0100rfi-en (en)

The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst-hit places when a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal late Friday. It has only about 40 houses, all of them now reduced to rubble or heavily damaged, and 13 of its residents died. Sitting under a tarpaulin shelter with relatives and....

Un aperçu de certains des tremblements de terre les plus meurtriers du Népal

2023-11-05T16:21+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

KATMANDOU, Népal — Un séisme de magnitude 5,6 a secoué le nord-ouest du Népal vendredi peu avant minuit, tuant plus de 150 personnes et en blessant des dizaines d’autres. Les autorités ont déclaré que le nombre de morts devrait s’alourdir à mesure que les sauveteurs fouillaient les villages himalayens où la communication était coupée.

Tears of a child as Nepalis cremate quake dead

2023-11-05T16:20+0100digitaljournal (en)

The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepal i village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation. The remote village of Chiuri was one of the worst-hit places when a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal late Friday.

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T16:20+0100pakistantoday (en)

JAJARKOT, NEPAL: Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

India sends emergency relief to earthquake-hit Nepal, reaffirms PM Modi's 'Neighbourhood First' policy

2023-11-05T16:13+0100timesofindia (en)

NEW DELHI: India on Sunday sent an emergency aid package, comprising medical equipment, relief materials and more, for people affected by the magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Nepal . The strong temblor, which even jolted the national capital and parts of north India, left 144 dead and scores injured.

Nepal-earthquake-children SCENE

2023-11-05T16:11+0100nampa (en)

Tears of a child as Nepal is cremate quake dead By Prabin Ranabhat =(Video+Picture)= Jajarkot, Nepal, Nov 5, 2023 (AFP) - The wails of eight-year-old Prem Kala Kami echoed across her Nepali village on Sunday, as the shroud-wrapped bodies of her parents and two of her brothers lay beside her awaiting cremation.

India India sends emergency relief to earthquake-hit Nepal, reaffirms PM Modi's 'Neighbourhood First' policy About a minute ago

2023-11-05T15:55+0100devdiscourse (en)

India on Sunday sent an emergency aid package, comprising medical equipment, relief materials and more, for people affected by the magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Nepal . The strong temblor, which even jolted the national capital and parts of north India, left 157 dead and scores injured.

Global UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal About 6 hours ago

2023-11-05T15:55+0100devdiscourse (en)

UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are....

Emergenza maltempo Marina di Pisa, il titolare del bagno Gorgona: «Struttura devastata da un muro d'acqua, non so se riapriremo» di Roberta Galli

2023-11-05T15:46+0100iltirreno (it)

Marina di Pisa In queste ore difficilissime sono gli amici a dare una mano e a sostenere psicologicamente Stefano Sbrana che insieme alla moglie Patrizia dal 2000 gestisce lo storico Bagno Gorgona di Marina. Lo stabilimento balneare, venerdì mattina, è stato completamente distrutto dalla furia delle....

Fin des opérations de recherche des survivants

2023-11-05T15:43+0100lapresse-CA (fr)

« Nous sommes en contact avec toutes les zones et les opérations de secours sont terminées », a déclaré le porte-parole de la police de la province de Karnali, Gopal Chandra Bhattarai. Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 qui a secoué tard vendredi soir une région reculée de l’extrême ouest du Népal.

India sends emergency relief to earthquake-hit Nepal

2023-11-05T15:42+0100aninews (en)

-affected communities. This rapid response aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "Neighbourhood First Policy," External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said, emphasising India 's commitment to supporting its neighbouring nations in times of crisis. "Providing emergency relief assistance to delivers medicines and relief material.

Maltempo, Papa: “Prego per le vittime delle alluvioni”

2023-11-05T15:42+0100lapresse-it-italian (it)

“Prego per le vittime delle tempeste e alluvioni in Italia e in tutti gli altri paesi”. È il pensiero rivolto da Papa Francesco a chi è morto a causa degli eventi estremi, al termine della preghiera domenicale dell’Angelus in piazza San Pietro. Bergoglio ha voluto dedicare un pensiero di vicinanza....

Earthquake of magnitude 3.1 jolts Manipur's Churachandpur

2023-11-05T15:33+0100dtnext (en)

CHURACHANDPUR: An earthquake of magnitude 3.1 jolted Manipur's Churachandpur on Sunday evening. According to the National Center for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 5:42 p.m. on Sunday. "Earthquake of Magnitude:3.1, Occurred on 05-11-2023, 17:42:04 IST, Lat: 24.23 & Long: 93.

Pope Urges 'Stop in The Name of God', Calls for Gaza Humanitarian Aid

2023-11-05T15:29+0100irishsun (en)

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the 'very grave' situation. 'I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

"First Responder": India Sends Medicines, Relief Materials To Quake-Hit Nepal

2023-11-05T15:26+0100ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: India on Sunday sent medicines and other relief materials to Nepal for its earthquake-affected people. Over 150 people have been killed and more than 160 injured after an earthquake struck several areas in western Nepal on Friday. India sent the relief materials in a military transport aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF).

Pope Urges 'Stop in The Name of God', Calls for Gaza Humanitarian Aid

2023-11-05T15:21+0100kenyastar (en)

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the 'very grave' situation. 'I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

India News | India Sends Relief Materials to Quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-05T15:14+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi, Nov 5 (PTI) India on Sunday sent medicines and other relief materials to Nepal for its earthquake-affected people. Over 150 people have been killed and more than 160 injured after an earthquake struck several areas in western Nepal on Friday.

Les proches en sanglots des victimes du séisme au Népal incinèrent leurs proches

2023-11-05T15:14+0100news-24 (fr)

CHIURI, Népal, 5 novembre (Reuters) – En sanglotant, les proches des victimes du pire tremblement de terre qu’a connu le Népal depuis huit ans ont incinéré leurs proches dimanche alors que les sauveteurs recherchaient des personnes qui pourraient encore être coincées dans les décombres des bâtiments effondrés.

India sends medicines, other relief materials to quake-affected Nepal

2023-11-05T15:11+0100HindustanTimes (en)

India on Sunday sent medicines and other relief materials to Nepal for its earthquake-affected people. Indian ambassador Naveen Srivastava hands over the first consignment of emergency relief material to Nepal's defence minister Purna Bahadur Khadka.(ANI) Over 150 people have been killed and more....

'Stop in the name of God': Pope calls for humanitarian aid to Gaza

2023-11-05T15:09+0100geo-tv (en)

Pope Francis gestures as he leaves after the weekly general audience on the day he is due to undergo abdominal surgery, in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, June 7, 2023.—Reuters Pope Francis Sunday made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and....

Earthquake of magnitude 3.1 jolts Manipur's Churachandpur

2023-11-05T15:08+0100HindustanTimes (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 3.1 jolted Manipur's Churachandpur on Sunday evening. According to the National Center for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 5:42 pm on Sunday. The earthquake occurred at 5:42 pm on Sunday.(Rep image) "Earthquake of Magnitude:3.1, Occurred on 05-11-2023, 17:42:04 IST, Lat: 24.

Pope urges ‘stop in the name of God,’ calls for Gaza humanitarian aid

2023-11-05T15:05+0100rappler (en)

'I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life. I pray you to stop in the name of god, cease the fire,' Pope Francis says. VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, November 5, calling for....

Bangladesh PM condoles casualties in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T15:05+0100newagebd (en)

Prime ministrer Sheikh Hasina. Bangladesh prime minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday expressed profound shock and sorrow at the casualties in Nepal earthquake on Friday, according to a press release of the press wing of the Prime Minister’s Office issued on Sunday.

India sends relief materials to quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-05T15:00+0100devdiscourse (en)

India on Sunday sent medicines and other relief materials to Nepal for its earthquake-affected people.Over 150 people have been killed and more than 160 injured after an earthquake struck several areas in western Nepal on Friday.India sent the relief materials in a military transport aircraft of the Indian Air Force IAF.

Pope Urges 'Stop in The Name of God', Calls for Gaza Humanitarian Aid

2023-11-05T15:00+0100myanmarnews (en)

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the 'very grave' situation. 'I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid

2023-11-05T14:58+0100saltwire (en)

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the "very grave" situation. "I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Pope urges ‘stop in the name of God’, calls for Gaza humanitarian aid

2023-11-05T14:54+0100malaymail (en)

Pope Francis, 86, has already called for the creation of humanitarian corridors and has said a two-state solution was needed to put an end to the Israel-Hamas war. — Vatican Media handout via Reuters. VATICAN CITY, Nov 5 — Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza today,....

Fireworks and flowering deserts: the weekend in pictures

2023-11-05T14:53+0100guardian (en)

Gaza Strip Palestinians look for survivors of the Israeli bombardment in the Maghazi refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Jajarkot, Nepal A woman stands in front of an earthquake damaged house. Friday night’s earthquake in the district killed more than a hundred people.

Maltempo, Papa: "Prego per le vittime delle alluvioni"

2023-11-05T14:52+0100ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) "Prego per le vittime delle tempeste e alluvioni in Italia e in tutti gli altri paesi". È il pensiero rivolto da Papa Francesco a chi è morto a causa degli eventi estremi, al termine della preghiera domenicale dell'Angelus in piazza San Pietro.

Nepal, vittime del terremoto preparate per la cremazione

2023-11-05T14:52+0100ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) - Gli abitanti dei villaggi nelle montagne del Nepal nord-occidentale hanno cremato i corpi delle persone morte nel terremoto che ha scosso la zona venerdì notte, facendo 157 vittime. i corpi sono stati trasportati sulle rive del fiume Bheri e posti su pire di legno accatastato, pronti per essere cremati.

Nepal earthquake: Residents of affected areas struggle to rebuild lives

2023-11-05T14:51+0100business-standard (en)

Residents of Nepal 's Jajarkot district, the worst affected by Friday's deadly earthquake, on Sunday inspected the damages as they faced an uphill task to rebuild their homes and lives. Nepal was jolted by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake just before midnight Friday that killed 157 people and injured over 250 others.

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for thos... 1h ago

2023-11-05T14:51+0100kelo (en)

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the “very grave” situation. “I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Earthquake of magnitude 3.1 jolts Manipur's Churachandpur

2023-11-05T14:49+0100timesofindia (en)

On Sunday, a magnitude 3.1 earthquake struck Churachandpur in Manipur, India, at 5:42 pm, with a depth of 30 km. Additionally, earlier in the day, a magnitude 3.6 earthquake occurred at 1 am in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, with an epicenter located 215 km north of Ayodhya at a depth of 10 km.

Michael J. Fox ha rischiato l’amputazione della mano a causa di un’infezione

2023-11-05T14:43+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 5 novembre 2023) Michael J. Fox ha compiuto 62 anni il 9 giugno 2023, ma dal 1998 si trova a convivere con il Morbo di Parkinson, malattia che raramente viene diagnosticata a un’età così giovane. La sua quotidianità è certamente cambiata, a maggior ragione negli ultimi anni, al punto....

Tsunami Day: anche l’Italia è sempre più a rischio maremoti per via della crisi climatica

2023-11-05T14:39+0100greenme (it)

Fortunatamente gli tsunami non sono così frequenti, ma in diversi casi i loro effetti sono drammatici e non lasciano scampo alle persone colpite, come ci insegna la Storia. Nel corso degli ultimi 100 anni sono stati circa 60 i maremoti che hanno provocato oltre 260mila vittime.

Terremoto in Nepal, sale a 157 il bilancio dei morti

2023-11-05T14:38+0100infooggi (it)

NEPAL, 05 NOV. - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise , hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....


2023-11-05T14:37+0100latestly (en)

India has sent humanitarian aid to the people of Nepal , which includes medical supplies and disaster relief materials. The medical supplies include essential life-saving medicines and protective and surgical items to address emergency medical needs, including wound care.

India News | Earthquake of Magnitude 3.1 Jolts Manipur's Churachandpur

2023-11-05T14:30+0100latestly (en)

Churachandpur (Manipur) [India], November 5 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 3.1 jolted Manipur's Churachandpur on Sunday evening. According to the National Center for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 5:42 pm on Sunday. Also Read | SSC Delhi Police Constable Admit Card 2023 Released At ssc.

Earthquake of magnitude 3.1 jolts Manipur's Churachandpur

2023-11-05T14:30+0100ndtvnews (en)

The National Center for Seismology said earthquake occurred at 5:42 pm (Representational) Churachandpur, Manipur: An earthquake of magnitude 3.1 jolted Manipur's Churachandpur on Sunday evening. According to the National Center for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 5:42 pm on Sunday. "Earthquake of Magnitude:3.

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T14:27+0100tribune (en)

Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

Pakistani PM expresses grief

2023-11-05T14:18+0100nepalnews (en)

Pakistani Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has expressed grief over the loss of lives in the Jajarkot earthquake and paid solidarity with the quake victims. "At this moment of grief, Pakistan stands by Nepal . Pakistan is ready to extend any sort of assistance Nepal needs to cope up with the....

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitar... 1h ago

2023-11-05T14:18+0100wkzo (en)

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the “very grave” situation. “I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for thos... 55m ago

2023-11-05T14:14+0100whbl (en)

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the “very grave” situation. “I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for thos... 53m ago

2023-11-05T14:13+0100wsau (en)

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the “very grave” situation. “I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Earthquake of magnitude 3.1 jolts Manipur's Churachandpur

2023-11-05T14:08+0100aninews (en)

Earlier in the day, an earthquake of magnitude 3.6 jolted Uttar Pradesh's Ayodhya at 1 am, according to the National Center for Seismology (NSC). The NCS further said that the epicentre of the quake was 215 km north of Ayodhya at a depth of 10 km. "Earthquake of Magnitude:3.6, Occurred on May 11, 2023, 01:07:22 IST, Lat: 28.

Nepal Earthquake Rescue Efforts Hindered By Blocked Roads, Freezing Weather.

2023-11-05T14:07+0100sunstkitts (en)

“People shouted around. The armed police came and I shouted: ‘I am alive, too’… First, they rescued my elder daughter by carrying her out and taking her downstairs. Unfortunately, they couldn’t save my younger one. She was 14 years old.” Three more tremors were felt within an hour of the quake.

Global Residents of quake-affected areas in Nepal face uphill task of rebuilding lives 31 Seconds ago

2023-11-05T14:07+0100devdiscourse (en)

Residents of Nepal 's Jajarkot district, the worst affected by Friday's deadly earthquake, on Sunday inspected the damages as they faced an uphill task to rebuild their homes and lives. Nepal was jolted by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake just before midnight Friday that killed 157 people and injured over 250 others.

Lot-et-Garonne : Dominique Lavallée décorée de la médaille de Chevalier de l’ordre national du Mérite

2023-11-05T14:06+0100sudouest (fr)

Lors de l’inauguration de l’exposition « François Tosquelles » mercredi 1ᵉʳ novembre, Dominique Lavallée, instigatrice et organisatrice de la double exposition, au Temple et à Granges, a été décorée de la médaille de Chevalier de l’ordre national du Mérite par Michel Cazassus, vice-président départemental de cet Ordre.

Pope Urges 'Stop in The Name of God', Calls for Gaza Humanitarian Aid

2023-11-05T14:05+0100voanews (en)

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the "very grave" situation. "I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T14:05+0100famagusta-gazette (en)

The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts at 23:47 local time on....

Nepal calls off search and rescue to focus on earthquake relief efforts

2023-11-05T14:03+0100aljazeera-en (en)

The search and rescue efforts have been called off in Nepal , 36 hours after a disastrous earthquake killed at least 157 people and destroyed houses in the remote northwest region. Officials have shifted their focus to providing relief, food and shelter for survivors.

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T13:55+0100mb-com-ph (en)

JAJARKOT, Nepal -- Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid

2023-11-05T13:55+0100straitstimesSG (en)

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the "very grave" situation. "I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Nepal govt scrambles to rush aid to quake victims 34 Seconds ago Nepal

2023-11-05T13:52+0100devdiscourse (en)

Nepal 's authorities on Sunday scrambled to rush aid to those affected by Friday's earthquake that killed 157 people and left a trail of destruction in the Himalayan nation's remote mountainous region. The earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district, about 500 km west of Kathmandu, was recorded just before midnight on Friday.

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T13:52+0100cambodiantimes (en)

NEW YORK, 5th November, 2023 (WAM) - United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

“Si abbia la forza di dire basta!” Papa Francesco lancia un nuovo appello contro le guerre a Gaza e in Ucraina, in nome di tutti i bambini coinvolti (S.C.)

2023-11-05T13:52+0100farodiroma (it)

“Si abbia la forza di dire basta!”, ha implorato Papa Francesco mentre proseguono anche oggi, domenica 5 novembre 2023, gli attacchi di Israele su Gaza, e continua a crescere il numero dei morti, tra cui i bambini sono molto numerosi essendo la maggior parte della popolazione della Striscia, gli....

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T13:51+0100myanmarnews (en)

NEW YORK, 5th November, 2023 (WAM) - United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T13:50+0100manilametro (en)

NEW YORK, 5th November, 2023 (WAM) - United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T13:48+0100northernirelandnews (en)

NEW YORK, 5th November, 2023 (WAM) - United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Séisme de magnitude 5,6 dans l'Ouest du Népal : 157 morts

2023-11-05T13:47+0100catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Le séisme, de magnitude 5,6 s’est produit dans une zone reculée de l’ouest du Népal. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir.

Videos Thousands sleep outside in Nepal after earthquake kills more than 150 people

2023-11-05T13:42+0100independent-ie (en)

Thousands of villagers in the mountains of north-western Nepal slept outdoors on Saturday night in the bitter cold after an earthquake killed at least 157 people and damaged or destroyed most homes. Most of the houses in villages in the Jajarkot district either collapsed or were severely damaged by....

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T13:32+0100nigeriasun (en)

NEW YORK, 5th November, 2023 (WAM) - United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Pope Urges 'Stop in the Name of God', Calls for Gaza Humanitarian Aid

2023-11-05T13:31+0100usnews (en)

Pope Francis attends a meeting with members of Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service (CHARIS) at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 4, 2023. REUTERS/Guglielmo Mangiapane/ File Photo Reuters VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in....

Terremoto oggi M 2.3 al confine tra Italia e Francia/ Ingv ultime notizie, lieve scossa anche a L'Aquila

2023-11-05T13:29+0100ilsussidiario (it)

L’Istituto nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia ( INGV ) ha segnalato una scossa di terremoto oggi al confine tra l’ Italia e la Francia . L’episodio sismico, avvenuto alle ore 11:24 di questa mattina, è stato di M 2.3 sulla scala Richter e ha avuto epicentro con coordinate geografiche (lat, lon) 44.

157 morts, fin des opérations de recherche... le bilan du séisme qui a frappé le Népal vendredi

2023-11-05T13:28+0100monacomatin (fr)

"Nous sommes en contact avec toutes les zones et les opérations de secours sont terminées" , a déclaré le porte-parole de la police de la province de Karnali, Gopal Chandra Bhattarai. Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 qui a secoué tard vendredi soir une région reculée de l'extrême-ouest du Népal.

Pope Francis calls for ceasefire in Hamas-Israel conflict

2023-11-05T13:27+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

Pope Francis leads his Angelus prayer from the window of his office overlooking Saint Peter’s Square at the Vatican, November 5, 2023. During the Angelus prayer, Pope Francis expresses his condolences for the victims of a deadly earthquake in Nepal , prayed for the victims of flooding in Europe and....

157 morts, fin des opérations de recherche... le bilan du séisme qui a frappé le Népal vendredi

2023-11-05T13:26+0100varmatin (fr)

"Nous sommes en contact avec toutes les zones et les opérations de secours sont terminées" , a déclaré le porte-parole de la police de la province de Karnali, Gopal Chandra Bhattarai. Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 qui a secoué tard vendredi soir une région reculée de l'extrême-ouest du Népal.

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid Reuters |Updated 3 minutes ago |2 min read VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the "very grave" situation.

2023-11-05T13:26+0100thechronicleherald (en)

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on Sunday, calling for humanitarian aid and help for those injured in order to ease the "very grave" situation. "I keep thinking about the grave situation in Palestine and Israel where many people have lost their life.

Séisme au Népal : au moins 157 morts

2023-11-05T13:26+0100al-wihda (fr)

Photo gracieusement autorisée de PK Shahi, juriste, municipalité de Bheri Maisons détruites par le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,4 qui a frappé l'ouest du Népal faisant, selon les rapports préliminaires, au moins 150 morts et des centaines de blessés.

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid

2023-11-05T13:24+0100streetinsider (en)

Pope Francis attends a meeting with members of Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service (CHARIS) at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 4, 2023. REUTERS/Guglielmo Mangiapane/ File Photo. VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis made an urgent plea for a halt to the conflict in Gaza on....

157 morts, fin des opérations de recherche... le bilan du séisme qui a frappé le Népal vendredi

2023-11-05T13:22+0100nicematin (fr)

"Nous sommes en contact avec toutes les zones et les opérations de secours sont terminées" , a déclaré le porte-parole de la police de la province de Karnali, Gopal Chandra Bhattarai. Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 qui a secoué tard vendredi soir une région reculée de l'extrême-ouest du Népal.

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T13:20+0100srilankasource (en)

NEW YORK, 5th November, 2023 (WAM) - United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Nepal quake: Amid destruction, municipality at epicentre miraculously escapes death

2023-11-05T13:13+0100wionews (en)

Miraculous escape. Despite the incident causing extensive damage to houses and public infrastructure, the rural municipality somehow miraculously escaped death as of Saturday evening, news agency PTI reported citing the Kathmandu Post newspaper. “When we see the badly damaged houses, it is difficult....

Death toll from Nepal earthquake rises to over 143

2023-11-05T13:13+0100mizzima (en)

AFP. At least 143 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit isolated western districts of the Himalayan republic late Friday and was measured by the....

Global Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid About 2 minutes ago

2023-11-05T13:12+0100devdiscourse (en)

Pope urges 'stop in the name of God', calls for Gaza humanitarian aid Francis, 86, has already called for the creation of humanitarian corridors and has said a two-state solution was needed to put an end to the Israel-Hamas war. A Gaza health official said on Sunday more than 9,770 Palestinians have....

Nepal earthquake: Thousands spend night outdoors in cold

2023-11-05T13:10+0100bbc (en)

In a remote hilly region of western Nepal , thousands of people were forced to spend a very cold night outdoors after their houses were damaged by a strong earthquake on Friday. The focus now is on providing shelter to the homeless and arranging essential supplies. But rescue teams told the BBC they did not have enough tents.

News24 | 'Houses have buried everything with them': Rescue efforts called off after Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T13:07+0100news24 (en)

The death toll from the Nepal ese earthquake is 157 so far. Search and rescue operations have wrapped up. Many people still require assistance in the remote area of the quake. Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to....

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T13:05+0100longbeachstar (en)

NEW YORK, 5th November, 2023 (WAM) - United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T13:02+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

Family members and villagers carry bodies of earthquake victims as they walk to cremate in Jajarkot, Nepal , November 5, 2023. The death toll from the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that hit Jajarkot and West Rukum districts has reached 157, the Ministry of Home Affairs announced on November 4. Narendra Shrestha, EPA-EFE.

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T12:58+0100singaporestar (en)

NEW YORK, 5th November, 2023 (WAM) - United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T12:38+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Jajarkot, Nepal : Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

Oggi è la Giornata mondiale della consapevolezza sugli tsunami

2023-11-05T12:38+0100meteoweb (it)

Il 5 novembre , in tutto il mondo, si celebra la Giornata Mondiale della Consapevolezza sugli Tsunami (World Tsunami Awareness Day, WTAD): a ricordarlo è l’ Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia INGV , sul blog INGVterremoti . La Giornata è stata istituita nel 2015 dall’Ufficio delle....

Twenty-five minutes of sport per day reduces the harm of a sedentary lifestyle

2023-11-05T12:34+0100archyde (en)

2023-10-31 15:00:22. A man climbs the stairs while doing exercises near Place du Tertre, in Paris, May 5, 2020. CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT/AFP. Ten thousand steps and more. Readers of this column know this refrain: physical activity is good for your health , a sedentary lifestyle is a scourge.

Nepal scrambles to rush aid to quake victims

2023-11-05T12:32+0100rediff (en)

As the earthquake destroyed hundreds of houses in the mountainous region, several people had to spend Saturday night under the open sky. Out of a total of 157 people who died in the tragedy, the bodies of 120 have so far been handed over to the family members.

Terremoto Nepal, in migliaia passano la notte all'addiaccio

2023-11-05T12:32+0100ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) - Migliaia di abitanti dei villaggi delle montagne del Nepal nordoccidentale hanno dormito all'aperto sabato notte dopo che un terremoto ha ucciso almeno 157 persone e danneggiato o distrutto la maggior parte delle case. Le persone hanno usato tutto ciò che sono riuscite a trovare per ripararsi, da teli di plastica a vecchi vestiti.

Medioriente, Papa: “Vi prego di fermarvi, cessate il fuoco”

2023-11-05T12:31+0100lapresse-it-italian (it)

“Vi prego di fermarvi, in nome di Dio cessate il fuoco”. È l’appello rivolto da Papa Francesco al termine dell’Angelus per chiedere la fine del conflitto israelo-palestinese .”Continuo a pensare alla grave situazione in Palestina e Israele, dove tantissime persone hanno perso la vita – ha detto....

Disaster Relief Efforts in Nepal: Updates on Earthquake Survivors and Aid

2023-11-05T12:27+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-05 09:54:00. Kathmandu – After the severe earthquake in Nepal that left at least 157 dead, the search for survivors was stopped on Sunday. The authorities announced that search and rescue operations were ended 36 hours after the tremors in the Himalayan state. Aid is now focused on supporting survivors who are in need of food and shelter.

Nepal Earthquake: Thousands sleep outside after quake kills at least 157 and destroys many houses

2023-11-05T12:24+0100economictimes (en)

Thousands of villagers in the mountains of northwestern Nepal slept outdoors Saturday night in the bitter cold after an earthquake killed at least 157 people and damaged or destroyed most homes. Most of the houses in villages in Jajarkot district either collapsed or were severely damaged by the....

Les proches en sanglots des victimes du séisme au Népal incinèrent leurs proches

2023-11-05T12:22+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

CHIURI, Népal, 5 novembre (Reuters) – En sanglotant, les proches des victimes du pire tremblement de terre qu’a connu le Népal depuis huit ans ont incinéré leurs proches dimanche alors que les sauveteurs recherchaient des personnes qui pourraient encore être coincées dans les décombres des bâtiments effondrés.

M6.4 earthquake kills over 150 people in Nepal

2023-11-05T12:15+0100cgtn (en)

The death toll from a magnitude-6.4 earthquake that hit northwest Nepal has risen above 150. The earthquake hit the Jajarkot district overnight on Friday, leading to landslides that harmed bridges and roads. The damage has complicated rescuers' attempts to locate survivors.

Relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T12:14+0100wn (en)

By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma for Reuters Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal 's worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T12:11+0100themalaysianinsight (en)

An aerial picture shows damaged buildings in Jajarkot on November 4, 2023. At least 157 people were killed . – AFP pic, November 5, 2023. SEARCH and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up today as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck.

157 dead in 5.6 magnitude Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T12:06+0100manilastandard-ph (en)

Jajarkot, Nepal —At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The force of the 5.6-magnitude tremor jolted households awake and flattened mud houses in communities across....

Valentina Calzavara

2023-11-05T12:01+0100tribunatreviso (it)

Nella Marca di oggi un trevigiano su cinque ha più di 64 anni e tra un decennio la popolazione “over” raggiungerà quota 300 mila: « Da qui al 2030 i bisogni di cura e assistenza degli anziani saranno più che raddoppiati , siamo già adesso in affanno. In prospettiva si preannuncia lo scoppio di una....

Nepal earthquake aftermath in photos

2023-11-05T11:55+0100wn (en)

Devastating earthquake in western Nepal claims 157 lives, leaving survivors exposed to harsh conditions and destruction. Check out the pics: ......

Nepal villagers cremate loved ones who perished in earthquake that shook its northwest, killing 157

2023-11-05T11:55+0100wn (en)

South Asia News: A powerful earthquake in northwest....

Michael J. Fox ha avuto un’infezione alla mano: “Stavo per perderla”

2023-11-05T11:48+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 5 novembre 2023) Michael J. Fox ha rivelato di aver quasi perso la mano , a causa di un’infezione : nel corso di un’intervista al magazine Town & Country, riepilogando i suoi innumerevoli problemi di salute, l’attore di Ritorno al futuro ha raccontato anche questa drammatica esperienza,....

Nepal villagers cremate loved ones who perished in earthquake that shook its northwest, killing 157

2023-11-05T11:46+0100news-gazette (en)

Villagers in the mountains of northwest Nepal have cremated the bodies of some who perished in an earthquake that shook the area Friday night. The strong tremblor killed 157 people and left thousands homeless. The 13 bodies were carried on Sunday to the Nepal villagers cremate loved ones who....

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T11:44+0100saudigazette (en)

KATHMANDU — United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot....

Quel est le risque d'un tsunami au Maroc ?

2023-11-05T11:37+0100bladi (fr)

Des épisodes tragiques, tels que le séisme de Lisbonne en 1755 suivi par un tsunami, ont marqué l’histoire des côtes atlantiques et méditerranéennes, mais leur fréquence est moindre par rapport aux séismes au Maroc. N’empêche « le risque persiste », a déclaré à SNRTnews Nacer Jabbour, chef de division à l’Institut national de géophysique.

Mahmoud Abbas now more open to giving Hamas a bigger say in PLO

2023-11-05T11:33+0100wn (en)

New Delhi, Nov 4 (IANS) Depending on which way you look at it, the October 7 attack carried out by the military wing of Hamas, dubbed the “Al Aqsa Tsunami”, has either permanently destroyed the Palestinian national movement or given it new life. Fatah, the main pillar of the Palestinian national....

Quels sont les livres à lire pour tout connaître sur le Prix Goncourt ? bloqué

2023-11-05T11:27+0100presseocean (fr)

L’histoire et les tribulations du Goncourt ont donné du grain à moudre à quantité de témoins et d’observateurs. Qu’ils soient lauréats, auteurs, jurés, critiques, avocats ou universitaires, leurs volumes – une cinquantaine dont une bonne trentaine uniquement sur le prix – ont contribué à entretenir....

Quels sont les livres à lire pour tout connaître sur le Prix Goncourt ? bloqué

2023-11-05T11:25+0100lemainelibre (fr)

L’histoire et les tribulations du Goncourt ont donné du grain à moudre à quantité de témoins et d’observateurs. Qu’ils soient lauréats, auteurs, jurés, critiques, avocats ou universitaires, leurs volumes – une cinquantaine dont une bonne trentaine uniquement sur le prix – ont contribué à entretenir....

Quels sont les livres à lire pour tout connaître sur le Prix Goncourt ? bloqué

2023-11-05T11:21+0100courrierdelouest (fr)

L’histoire et les tribulations du Goncourt ont donné du grain à moudre à quantité de témoins et d’observateurs. Qu’ils soient lauréats, auteurs, jurés, critiques, avocats ou universitaires, leurs volumes – une cinquantaine dont une bonne trentaine uniquement sur le prix – ont contribué à entretenir....

Quels sont les livres à lire pour tout connaître sur le Prix Goncourt ?

2023-11-05T11:18+0100OuestFrance (fr)

L’histoire et les tribulations du Goncourt ont donné du grain à moudre à quantité de témoins et d’observateurs. Qu’ils soient lauréats, auteurs, jurés, critiques, avocats ou universitaires, leurs volumes – une cinquantaine dont une bonne trentaine uniquement sur le prix – ont contribué à entretenir....

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T11:15+0100wn (en)

Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

Fin des opérations de recherche des survivants au Népal

2023-11-05T11:11+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 10h10 Les autorités népalaises ont mis fin dimanche aux opérations de recherche des survivants après le séisme qui a frappé le pays, la priorité étant désormais de venir en aide aux survivants déjà extraits des décombres. "Nous sommes en contact avec toutes les zones et les....

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T11:05+0100dawn (en)

Debris of houses collapsed during an earthquake are pictured in Jajarkot, Nepal November 5, 2023. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar. Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck.

Nepal earthquake kills six, rattles New Delhi

2023-11-05T11:05+0100dawn (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.6 in Nepal early on Wednesday killed four children and two adults, seriously injured five others as several houses collapsed in the western district of Doti, and shook New Delhi in neighbouring India. Local media showed mud and brick houses destroyed by the quake in the....

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T11:03+0100thetimes-za (en)

Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal ’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Surrounding about 10 bodies shrouded in white cloth in a tarpaulin tent,....

Death toll rises to 157 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T10:54+0100wn (en)

© Provided by Xinhua The Nepal ese government announced relief packages for quake-affected people in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and West Rukum, as China and India offered support in relief and rescue. KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal....

Nepal earthquake aftermath in photos

2023-11-05T10:52+0100economictimes (en)

A young boy wraps himself in a blanket, lying on the ground next to a house that crumbled during the Nepal earthquake in Jajarkot. Aerial view reveals the extent of damage in Jajarkot district, following a 5.6-magnitude earthquake. In Jajarkot, Nepal, a girl grieves the loss of a family member who perished in the devastating earthquake.

Nigeria News11 seconds ago 128 Die In Another Earthquake In Nepal According to authorities in Kathmandu, a strong earthquake in Nepal has resulted in the deaths of at least 128 individuals. Naija News learned that scores of...

2023-11-05T10:36+0100naijanews (en)

According to authorities in Kathmandu, a strong earthquake in Nepal has resulted in the deaths of at least 128 individuals. Naija News learned that scores of people also sustained degrees of injuries from the earthquake. The local administration representative in the Jajarkot district, near the....

UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T10:28+0100nigeriasun (en)

New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T10:27+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal 's worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Surrounding about 10 bodies shrouded in white cloth in a tarpaulin tent,....

Relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T10:23+0100radionz (en)

Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal 's worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Surrounding about 10 bodies shrouded in white cloth in a tarpaulin tent,....

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T10:22+0100channelnewsasia (en)

JAJARKOT, Nepal : Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday (Nov 5) as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of....

Refonte du système de santé: donnons une chance au coureur

2023-11-05T10:21+0100lesoleil-ca (fr)

(123RF) POINT DE VUE / La rénovation d’une maison est un projet à la fois excitant et anxiogène. La cuisine sera-t-elle plus fonctionnelle une fois qu’on aura fait tomber les murs? Le séjour sera-t-il plus spacieux qu’il l’était? Le sous-sol sera-t-il plus accueillant? Il en va de même pour la....

12:01 Armenia MFA sends condolences over Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T10:19+0100news-am (en)

The Armenian Foreign Ministry expressed condolences over the catastrophic earthquake in Nepal , which led to casualties and destruction, MFA wrote on X (formerly Twitter). “Deeply saddened by the news of the disastrous earthquake in Nepal resulting in loss of lives and causing human suffering.

UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T10:16+0100srilankasource (en)

New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Nepal quake kills 157

2023-11-05T10:14+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

A mother mourns as she holds the body of her son who died during the earthquake at Chiuri village in Jajarkot, the epicenter of the earthquake, Nepal , Sunday. The death toll from the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that hit Jajarkot and West Rukum districts on Friday has reached 157, the Ministry of Home Affairs announced on November 4.


2023-11-05T10:13+0100cgtn (en)

The death toll has risen to 157 after a shallow magnitude-6.4 earthquake hit a remote pocket of western Nepal overnight on Friday, local media reported. Local officials have warned that the death toll could rise further as the search continues for those buried under the rubble. CGTN stringer interviewed residents affected by the earthquake.

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T10:10+0100AsiaOne (en)

CHIURI, Nepal - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Surrounding about 10 bodies shrouded in white cloth in a....

UAE expresses solidarity with Nepal and offers condolences over earthquake victims

2023-11-05T10:10+0100wn (en)

The UAE expressed its sincere condolences and solidarity with Nepal over the victims of the earthquake that struck the west of the country, resulting in hundreds of....

Thousands sleep outside in Nepal after earthquake kills at least 157 people, destroys most houses

2023-11-05T10:10+0100wn (en)

Thousands of villagers in the mountains of northwestern Nepal ....

Le tremblement de terre au Népal fait au moins 157 morts et ensevelit des familles sous les décombres de maisons effondrées

2023-11-05T10:08+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Au moins 128 morts après un puissant séisme qui frappe l’ouest du Népal. Les survivants d’un fort tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Népal nord-ouest au milieu de la nuit a décrit des secousses soudaines suivies d’effondrements de maisons et d’enterrement de familles entières, le bilan s’élevant à 157 morts samedi.

Nepal to supply relief materials to quake-hit areas

2023-11-05T10:07+0100sinacom-en (en)

Reuters. A view of a damaged school building after an earthquake at Khalanga in Jajarkot, Nepal , on November 4, 2023. The Nepali government decided on Sunday to distribute food and other relief materials to areas hit by a strong earthquake. A Cabinet meeting also decided to provide free treatment to the injured.

UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T10:06+0100kenyastar (en)

New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Nepal earthquake: Rescue efforts called off; focus on providing food, shelter to survivors

2023-11-05T10:01+0100khaleejtimes (en)

Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

Fin des opérations de recherche des survivants après le séisme qui a touché le Népal

2023-11-05T10:01+0100letemps (fr)

Les autorités népalaises ont mis fin dimanche aux opérations de recherche des survivants, après le séisme qui a frappé le pays. La priorité est désormais de venir en aide aux survivants déjà extraits des décombres. «Nous sommes en contact avec toutes les zones et les opérations de secours sont....

Terremoto in Nepal, continua a salire la conta dei morti

2023-11-05T09:59+0100larena (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate continuano a crescere (erano quasi 200 nella serata di sabato), centinaia i feriti.

Alluvione, il racconto di Marco: "Ho salvato mamma e bimbo dalla furia dell'acqua"

2023-11-05T09:58+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 5 novembre 2023) L'argine rompe e il Bisenzio piomba sulle strade, la testimonianza: 'È stato uno tsunami, ho preso in braccio il piccolo e siamo corsi al....

UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T09:57+0100longbeachstar (en)

New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Sanità, Nursing Up De Palma: “Giù le mani dalle pensioni degli infermieri!”

2023-11-05T09:56+0100sardegnareporter (it)

De Palma afferma “Cresce giorno dopo giorno il nostro stato d’agitazione”. ROMA 4 NOV 2023 – «La recente norma apparsa nella bozza della Legge di Bilancio che modifica il rendimento della quota retributiva (precedente al 1996) delle pensioni liquidate dal 2024, avrà senz’altro conseguenze assai....

Séisme au Népal : les opérations de recherche des survivants sont terminées

2023-11-05T09:53+0100sudouest (fr)

Les autorités népalaises ont mis fin dimanche aux opérations de recherche des survivants après le séisme qui a frappé le pays , la priorité étant désormais de venir en aide aux survivants déjà extraits des décombres. « Nous sommes en contact avec toutes les zones et les opérations de secours sont....

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T09:52+0100bssnews (en)

JAJARKOT, Nepal , Nov 5, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T09:51+0100singaporestar (en)

New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

In Pictures: Survivors await relief after Nepal's devastating earthquake

2023-11-05T09:50+0100wn (en)

1 of 10 Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. Image Credit: AP 2 of 10 Damaged buildings in Jajarkot district on November 4, 2023,....

Nepal earthquake: Municipality at epicentre witnesses miraculous escape

2023-11-05T09:50+0100wn (en)

A municipality in the epicentre of Friday's deadly earthquake in Nepal 's Jajarkot district reported no death from the tremor even though at least 157 people were killed in other parts of the district and neighbouring Rukum West, according to a media report on Sunday.

UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T09:49+0100cambodiantimes (en)

New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Zeidan Ag Sidalamine l’a révélé hier : " Les amis algériens m’ont dit qu’il n’y aura pas d’Azawad entre l’Algérie et le Mali et les frontières ne changeront pas"

2023-11-05T09:49+0100abamako (fr)

" Les amis algériens m'ont dit qu'il n'y aura pas d'Azawad entre l'Algérie et le Mali et les frontières ne changeront pas". Cette révélation a été faite par Zeidan Ag Sidalamine chef de la tribu Touareg Chamanamas ce samedi lors d'une cérémonie d'adhésion aux mouvements de l'inclusivité et de....

Nepal earthquake: Municipality at epicentre witnesses miraculous escape

2023-11-05T09:48+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

“When we see the badly damaged houses, it is difficult to believe how we all cheated death in the area,” said Bir Bahadur Giri, chairperson of the rural municipality. “It is a divine land, and many people believe god saved them.” According to him, five people in the rural municipality were injured.

UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T09:45+0100manilametro (en)

New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T09:44+0100brecorder (en)

JAJARKOT: Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T09:43+0100myanmarnews (en)

New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T09:41+0100northernirelandnews (en)

New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Nigeria is not irredeemable – Bishop Kukah

2023-11-05T09:38+0100opinionnigeria (en)

The Bishop of Sokoto Diocese of Catholic Church, Bishop Matthew Kukah, has declared that the problems of Nigeria are surmountable. He stated that every Nigerian knows the problems facing the country at the moment and it will take the people’s resolve to address the problems.

PM expresses profound shock at casualties in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T09:38+0100thefinancialexpress (en)

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has expressed profound shock and sorrow at the casualties in the Nepal earthquake on Friday, according to a press release of the Press Wing of the Prime Minister's Office issued today. "I am deeply shocked and saddened to learn about a devastating earthquake that has....

Nepal Earthquake: Miraculous Escape for People in a Municipality at Epicentre of Deadly Quake

2023-11-05T09:38+0100news18 (en)

A municipality in the epicentre of Friday’s deadly earthquake in Nepal ’s Jajarkot district reported no death from the tremor even though at least 157 people were killed in other parts of the district and neighbouring Rukum West, according to a media report on Sunday. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre, a 6.

10:27 Catastrophe Séisme au Népal : fin des opérations de recherche des survivants

2023-11-05T09:34+0100lorientlejour (fr)

Les autorités népalaises ont mis fin dimanche aux opérations de recherche des survivants après le séisme qui a frappé le pays, la priorité étant désormais de venir en aide aux survivants déjà extraits des décombres. « Nous sommes en contact avec toutes les zones et les opérations de secours sont....

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T09:29+0100zawya-palestine (en)

CHIURI, Nepal - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Surrounding about 10 bodies shrouded in white cloth in a....

Valentina Calzavara

2023-11-05T09:27+0100corrierealpi (it)

Nella Marca di oggi un trevigiano su cinque ha più di 64 anni e tra un decennio la popolazione “over” raggiungerà quota 300 mila: « Da qui al 2030 i bisogni di cura e assistenza degli anziani saranno più che raddoppiati , siamo già adesso in affanno. In prospettiva si preannuncia lo scoppio di una....


2023-11-05T09:24+0100savethechildren (en)

KATHMANDU, 4 November 2023 – A 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Jajarkot and Rukum West districts in Nepal has killed at least 157 people and injured 166, Save the Children said. Heather Campbell, Save the Children Country Director for Nepal and Bhutan said: The situation in Jajarkot and Rukum West is....

Nepal govt scrambles to rush aid to quake victims

2023-11-05T09:22+0100dtnext (en)

KATHMANDU: Nepal ’s authorities on Sunday scrambled to rush aid to people affected by Friday's earthquake that has killed at least 157 people and left a trail of destruction in the Himalayan nation's remote mountainous region. The earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district, about 500km west of....

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake

2023-11-05T09:19+0100zawya-palestine (en)

Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.

World News | UN Teams Respond to Earthquake in Western Nepal

2023-11-05T09:14+0100latestly (en)

New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Valentina Calzavara

2023-11-05T09:14+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

Nella Marca di oggi un trevigiano su cinque ha più di 64 anni e tra un decennio la popolazione “over” raggiungerà quota 300 mila: « Da qui al 2030 i bisogni di cura e assistenza degli anziani saranno più che raddoppiati , siamo già adesso in affanno. In prospettiva si preannuncia lo scoppio di una....

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal's worst earthquake in eight years sat with th... 2h ago

2023-11-05T09:08+0100whbl (en)

By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma. CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) – Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Nepal Races Against Time to Expeditiously Deliver Aid to Those Affected by Devastating Earthquake

2023-11-05T09:04+0100vervetimes (en)

Nepal ’s authorities on Sunday scrambled to rush aid to people affected by Friday’s earthquake that has killed at least 157 people and left a trail of destruction in the Himalayan nation’s remote mountainous region. The earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district, about 500km west of Kathmandu, was recorded just before midnight on Friday.

PM condoles casualties in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T09:03+0100bssnews (en)

DHAKA, Nov 5, 2023 (BSS) - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today expressed profound shock and sorrow at the casualties in Nepal earthquake on Friday, according to a press release of the Press Wing of the Prime Minister's Office issued today. "I am deeply shocked and saddened to learn about a....

Rescue Efforts Called Off After Nepal Quake

2023-11-05T09:02+0100barrons (en)

Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck. At least 157 people were killed in isolated western districts of the Himalayan country when the 5.


2023-11-05T09:00+0100nampa (en)

Rescue efforts called off after Nepal quake =(Picture)= Jajarkot, Nepal, Nov 5, 2023 (AFP) - Search and rescue efforts after an earthquake in Nepal wrapped up on Sunday as the focus shifted to providing relief to survivors awaiting food and shelter, officials said 36 hours after the disaster struck.

UN teams respond to earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T08:53+0100aninews (en)

New York [US], November 5 (ANI/WAM): United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Nepal earthquakes impact Gangetic plains as region's soft soil amplifies seismic energy: Experts

2023-11-05T08:53+0100newindianexpress (en)

NEW DELHI: Earthquakes that hit Nepal have an impact on the Gangetic plains because the soft soil of the region amplifies seismic energy originating from the Himalayan belt, seismologists said. On Friday night, a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 jolted Nepal sending waves of tremors across north India, including in Delhi-NCR.

Nepal earthquake: Municipality at epicentre witnesses miraculous escape

2023-11-05T08:53+0100HindustanTimes (en)

“When we see the badly damaged houses, it is difficult to believe how we all cheated death in the area,” said Bir Bahadur Giri, chairperson of the rural municipality. “It is a divine land, and many people believe god saved them.” According to him, five people in the rural municipality were injured.

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T08:50+0100bdnews24 (en)

Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal ’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Surrounding about 10 bodies shrouded in white cloth in a tarpaulin tent,....

Relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T08:50+0100japantoday (en)

Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal ’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Surrounding about 10 bodies shrouded in white cloth in a tarpaulin tent,....

Chinese President Xi expresses grief over casualties, property loss in Friday's quake

2023-11-05T08:49+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 5. Chinese President Xi Jinping has expressed his grief over the strong earthquake occurred in Nepal on the late Friday night, causing heavy casualties and property loss. In his message of condolence to President Ramchandra Paudel on November 4, Xi said he was shocked to learn....

Children and families at risk after 6.4-magnitude earthquake hits western Nepal

2023-11-05T08:47+0100unicef (en)

KATHMANDU/NEW DELHI, 4 November 2023 – “We are deeply saddened by the devastating impact of the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck Karnali and Lumbini provinces in western Nepal at 11:47 p.m. on Friday 3 November. “According to the authorities, 143 persons have died and 190 people are reportedly injured.

Nepal Scrambles To Rush Aid To People Hit By Deadly Earthquake

2023-11-05T08:46+0100wn (en)

Nepal 's authorities on Sunday scrambled to rush aid to people affected by Friday's earthquake that has killed at least 157 people and left a trail of destruction in the Himalayan nation's remote... ......

After Devastating Nepal Earthquake, Thousands Spend Night Under Open Sky

2023-11-05T08:46+0100wn (en)

Thousands of people in western Nepal 's mountainous region were forced to spend Saturday night under the open sky in the biting cold after a strong earthquake in the area killed 157 people and left a... ......

Valentina Calzavara

2023-11-05T08:46+0100nuovavenezia (it)

Nella Marca di oggi un trevigiano su cinque ha più di 64 anni e tra un decennio la popolazione “over” raggiungerà quota 300 mila: « Da qui al 2030 i bisogni di cura e assistenza degli anziani saranno più che raddoppiati , siamo già adesso in affanno. In prospettiva si preannuncia lo scoppio di una....

Nepal to supply relief materials to quake-hit areas

2023-11-05T08:42+0100english-news-cn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- The Nepal i government decided on Sunday to distribute food and other relief materials to areas hit by a strong earthquake. A cabinet meeting also decided to provide free treatment to the injured. The distribution of relief materials, including food and tents, will start....

Valentina Calzavara

2023-11-05T08:39+0100ilpiccolo (it)

Nella Marca di oggi un trevigiano su cinque ha più di 64 anni e tra un decennio la popolazione “over” raggiungerà quota 300 mila: « Da qui al 2030 i bisogni di cura e assistenza degli anziani saranno più che raddoppiati , siamo già adesso in affanno. In prospettiva si preannuncia lo scoppio di una....

Nepal to supply relief materials to quake-hit areas

2023-11-05T08:38+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- The Nepal i government decided on Sunday to distribute food and other relief materials to areas hit by a strong earthquake. A cabinet meeting also decided to provide free treatment to the injured. The distribution of relief materials, including food and tents, will start....

Miraculous escape for people in a municipality at epicentre of Nepal's quake

2023-11-05T08:36+0100economictimes (en)

A municipality in the epicentre of Friday's deadly earthquake in Nepal 's Jajarkot district reported no death from the tremor even though at least 157 people were killed in other parts of the district and neighbouring Rukum West , according to a media report on Sunday. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre, a 6.

Chinese President Xi expresses grief over casualties, property loss in Friday's quake

2023-11-05T08:35+0100nepalnews (en)

Chinese President Xi Jinping has expressed his grief over the strong earthquake that occurred in Nepal late Friday night, causing heavy casualties and property loss. In his message of condolence to President Ramchandra Paudel on November 4, Xi said he was shocked to learn of the strong earthquake in....

Valentina Calzavara

2023-11-05T08:34+0100mattinopadova (it)

Nella Marca di oggi un trevigiano su cinque ha più di 64 anni e tra un decennio la popolazione “over” raggiungerà quota 300 mila: « Da qui al 2030 i bisogni di cura e assistenza degli anziani saranno più che raddoppiati , siamo già adesso in affanno. In prospettiva si preannuncia lo scoppio di una....

Siblings Day Out: Saqib And Huma Spotted At Anupam Khers House!

2023-11-05T08:29+0100news18 (en)

Siblings Day Out: Saqib And Huma Spotted At Anupam... Watch | Israeli Army Blows Up Tunnels In Gaza Shorts | Australia Knock Out Rivals England With 3... Ranbir Kapoor Bows Down To Arijit Singh On Stage A... Watch Londoners Calls For Ceasefire In Palestine |... Israel Hits Hezbollah Targets Near Lebanon Border .

Nepal govt scrambles to rush aid to quake victims

2023-11-05T08:28+0100deccanherald (en)

Kathmandu: Nepal ’s authorities on Sunday scrambled to rush aid to people affected by Friday's earthquake that has killed at least 157 people and left a trail of destruction in the Himalayan nation's remote mountainous region. The earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district, about 500km west....

La guerra del pesce giapponese tra Cina e Stati Uniti

2023-11-05T08:22+0100startmag (it)

Con l’inizio dello sversamento delle acque reflue della centrale nucleare di Fukushima la Cina ha messo al bando il pesce giapponese, pur continuando a pescare nello stesso mare Per gli Stati Uniti si tratta di coercizione economica ed ecco come pensa di aiutare l’economia nipponica.

World Nepal to supply relief materials to quake-hit areas The Nepali government decided on Sunday to distribute food and other relief materials to areas hit by a strong earthquake. 7m

2023-11-05T08:19+0100shine (en)

The Nepal i government decided on Sunday to distribute food and other relief materials to areas hit by a strong earthquake. A Cabinet meeting also decided to provide free treatment to the injured. The distribution of relief materials, including food and tents, will start from Sunday, and the....

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T08:18+0100deccanherald (en)

Nepal : Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Surrounding about 10 bodies shrouded in white cloth in a tarpaulin tent,....

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal's worst earthquake i... 1h ago

2023-11-05T08:18+0100wkzo (en)

By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma. CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) – Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings.

13 workers sustain injuries in a fire at pharma company in Puducherry

2023-11-05T08:14+0100thehindu (en)

As many as 13 workers of Solara Active Pharma Sciences at Kalapet sustained burn injuries in a fire that broke out inside the factory on November 4 night. Of the 13 injured, 11 have been shifted to Apollo Hospital, Chennai. One person has been admitted to Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) at Kalapet.

Nepal Govt Rushes to Provide Aid to Victims After 157 Killed in Friday's Quake

2023-11-05T08:13+0100news18 (en)

Nepal ’s authorities on Sunday scrambled to rush aid to people affected by Friday’s earthquake that has killed at least 157 people and left a trail of destruction in the Himalayan nation’s remote mountainous region. The earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district, about 500km west of Kathmandu, was recorded just before midnight on Friday.

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T08:13+0100streetinsider (en)

By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma. CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal's worst earthquake in eight years sat with th... 1h ago

2023-11-05T08:11+0100kelo (en)

By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma. CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) – Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Miraculous escape for people in a municipality at epicentre of Nepal's quake

2023-11-05T08:09+0100deccanherald (en)

Kathmandu: A municipality in the epicentre of Friday's deadly earthquake in Nepal 's Jajarkot district reported no death from the tremor even though at least 157 people were killed in other parts of the district and neighbouring Rukum West, according to a media report on Sunday.

Nepal Scrambles To Rush Aid To People Hit By Deadly Earthquake

2023-11-05T08:06+0100ndtvnews (en)

Kathmandu: Nepal 's authorities on Sunday scrambled to rush aid to people affected by Friday's earthquake that has killed at least 157 people and left a trail of destruction in the Himalayan nation's remote mountainous region. The earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district , about 500km west....

Nepal to supply relief materials to quake-hit areas

2023-11-05T08:03+0100uniindia (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 5 (UNI) The Nepal i government decided on Sunday to distribute food and other relief materials to areas hit by a strong earthquake. A cabinet meeting also decided to provide free treatment to the injured. The distribution of relief materials, including food and tents, will start from....

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal's worst earthquake in eight years sat with th... 1h ago

2023-11-05T08:02+0100wsau (en)

By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma. CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) – Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Nepal Earthquake | 157 dead and hundreds of victims

2023-11-05T07:59+0100kiratas (en)

Rescue efforts are being complicated given that some villages can only be reached on foot. ADVERTISING. Residents of the mountains of northwestern Nepal slept rough last night, despite the bitter cold, after the earthquake that killed at least 157 people and damaged or destroyed most of their homes.

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 157

2023-11-05T07:59+0100mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Nov. 05 (MNA) – At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said. The death toll included 105 people killed in Jajarkot and 52 in neighboring Rukum West district, both in Karnali province, Rama Acharya, an official in the....

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T07:56+0100wam-en (en)

NEW YORK, 5th November, 2023 (WAM) – United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of....

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 157

2023-11-05T07:49+0100mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Nov. 05 (MNA) – At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said. The death toll included 105 people killed in Jajarkot and 52 in neighboring Rukum West district, both in Karnali province, Rama Acharya, an official in the....

The government provides 2 lakh rupees relief to the families of each earthquake victim

2023-11-05T07:46+0100nepalnews (en)

The government of Nepal has decided to give relief at the rate of Rs 2 lakh per deceased to the families of those who died in the Jajarkot earthquake. Informing the decision of the cabinet meeting held today at Singh Darbar, Nepal Government Spokesperson, and Minister of Communication and....

157 killed in earthquake, Nepal government scrambles to rush aid to victims

2023-11-05T07:44+0100wn (en)

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda'....

Miraculous escape for people in a municipality at epicentre of Nepal's earthquake

2023-11-05T07:44+0100wn (en)

Despite Massive Physical Damage To The Houses....

Thousands sleep outside in Nepal after earthquake kills at least 157, destroys most houses

2023-11-05T07:44+0100wn (en)

Thousands of villagers in the mountains of northwestern Nepal slept outdoors Saturday night in the bitter cold after an earthquake killed at least 157 people and damaged or destroyed most homes. Most of the houses in villages in Jajarkot district either collapsed or were severely damaged by the....

Nepal to supply relief materials to quake-hit areas

2023-11-05T07:44+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- The Nepal i government decided on Sunday to distribute food and other relief materials to areas hit by a strong earthquake. A cabinet meeting also decided to provide free treatment to the injured. The distribution of relief materials, including food and tents, will start....

President Japarov offers condolences to President of Nepal over deadly earthquake

2023-11-05T07:41+0100akipress-en (en)

AKIPRESS.COM - President Sadyr Japarov sent a telegram of condolences to President of Nepal Ram Chandra Paudel in connection with the numerous casualties as a result of the earthquake, the press service of the President's Administration reported. "I was deepely saddened to learn about human losses....

Nepal to supply relief materials to quake-hit areas

2023-11-05T07:38+0100china.org.cn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- The Nepal i government decided on Sunday to distribute food and other relief materials to areas hit by a strong earthquake. A cabinet meeting also decided to provide free treatment to the injured. The distribution of relief materials, including food and tents, will start....

Xi extends condolences to Nepali president over strong quake

2023-11-05T07:34+0100cctv-en (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a message of condolence to Nepal i president Ram Chandra Poudel over the strong earthquake in Nepal. In his message, Xi said he was shocked to learn of the strong earthquake in Nepal's Karnali Province, which caused heavy casualties and property losses.

Morning Briefing: Nov. 5, 2023

2023-11-05T07:33+0100haberler-en (en)

Here's a rundown of all the news you need to start your Sunday, including US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's meeting with his Arab counterparts, Israeli airstrikes hitting entrance of Al-Nasr Children's Hospital in Gaza and Türkiye recalling ambassador to Tel Aviv.

Nepal earthquake: Dozens of people killed in northwestern districts

2023-11-05T07:26+0100wn (en)

Quake struck the Jajarkot district late on Friday night bringing brick houses crumbling to the ground. ......

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T07:26+0100wn (en)

CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake....

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T07:25+0100straitstimesSG (en)

CHIURI, Nepal - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings. Surrounding about 10 bodies shrouded in white cloth in a....

Morning Briefing: Nov. 5, 2023

2023-11-05T07:23+0100aa-en (en)

ANKARA. Here's a rundown of all the news you need to start your Sunday, including US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s meeting with his Arab counterparts, Israeli airstrikes hitting entrance of Al-Nasr Children's Hospital in Gaza and Türkiye recalling ambassador to Tel Aviv.

Nepal scrambles to rush aid to earthquake victims

2023-11-05T07:13+0100HindustanTimes (en)

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' is holding a Cabinet meeting to decide on a special relief package for the survivors of the earthquake. The government on Saturday said it is not in a hurry to seek foreign help for search and rescue operations and in the management of relief....

Thousands spend night under open sky in Nepal after earthquake damages their houses

2023-11-05T07:09+0100deccanherald (en)

State security agencies, in coordination with local government and humanitarian organisations, have mobilised teams for search and rescue operations following the earthquake. Close to 4,000 personnel from the Nepal Army, the Armed Police Force and the Nepal Police have been deployed in parts of Jajarkot and Rukum districts for rescue operations.

Miraculous escape for people in a municipality at epicentre of Nepal's quake

2023-11-05T07:07+0100devdiscourse (en)

A municipality in the epicentre of Friday's deadly earthquake in Nepal 's Jajarkot district reported no death from the tremor even though at least 157 people were killed in other parts of the district and neighbouring Rukum West, according to a media report on Sunday. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre, a 6.

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T07:03+0100thechronicleherald (en)

By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma. CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Government to provide free treatment to quake-injured

2023-11-05T07:02+0100kathmandupost (en)

A meeting of the Council of Ministers on Sunday decided to provide free treatment to those injured in the earthquake across all hospitals. Emerging from the Cabinet meeting, Minister for Health and Population Mohan Bahadur Basnet told journalists that the rescue operations are nearing an end and....

Sobbing Relatives of Nepal Quake Victims Prepare for Cremations

2023-11-05T07:02+0100usnews (en)

A view of a damaged school building after an earthquake at Khalanga in Jajarkot, Nepal November 4, 2023. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar Reuters CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers....

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T06:56+0100gazette (en)

By Navesh Chitrakar and Yubaraj Sharma. CHIURI, Nepal (Reuters) - Sobbing relatives of victims from Nepal’s worst earthquake in eight years sat with the bodies of their loved ones on Sunday as rescuers looked for people who could still be trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Nepal govt scrambles to rush aid to quake victims

2023-11-05T06:49+0100devdiscourse (en)

Nepal 's authorities on Sunday scrambled to rush aid to people affected by Friday's earthquake that has killed at least 157 people and left a trail of destruction in the Himalayan nation's remote mountainous region. The earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district, about 500km west of Kathmandu, was recorded just before midnight on Friday.

Sobbing relatives of Nepal quake victims prepare for cremations

2023-11-05T06:49+0100devdiscourse (en)

Baljit Mahar, 32, sat cross-legged by the body of his seven-year-old son, one of 157 people killed in the late Friday quake in the west of the Himalayan nation, according to the authorities' latest count, along with about 250 injured. "We could not save him, while all the other six members of the....

Un Séisme De Magnitude 6,4 Au Népal Fait Plus De 150 Morts

2023-11-05T06:09+0100lematinal (fr)

Un puissant tremblement de terre qui a frappé le district de Jajarkot, dans l’ouest du Népal, samedi, a fait au moins 128 morts et plusieurs blessés, selon les autorités. Le tremblement de terre a également fait trembler des bâtiments jusqu’à New Delhi, dans l’Inde voisine.

Népal : au moins 132 morts dans un séisme

2023-11-05T06:03+0100lequotidien-oran (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Chinese President Xi extends condolence over deadly earthquake

2023-11-05T05:59+0100kathmandupost (en)

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a message of condolence to President Ramchandra Paudel over the devastating earthquake in Nepal . In his message, Xi said he was shocked to learn of the strong earthquake in Karnali Province, which caused heavy casualties and property losses.

Thousands sleep outside in Nepal after earthquake kills at least 157 people and destroys most houses

2023-11-05T05:40+0100wn (en)

Kathmandu, Nepal : Thousands of villagers in the mountains of northwestern Nepal slept outdoors Saturday night in the bitter cold after an earthquake killed at least 157 people and damaged or destroyed most homes. Most of the houses in villages in Jajarkot district either collapsed or were severely....

Explained: Frequent Earthquakes Shake Up Delhi-NCR Three Times in a Month

2023-11-05T05:35+0100vervetimes (en)

Delhi and its neighbouring areas felt strong tremors on Friday night as a strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal at a depth of 10 km. People in Delhi and the national capital region rushed out of their homes while people posted videos of swinging chandeliers and fans on social media.

5th is "Tsunami Disaster Prevention Day" Evacuation drill assuming a Nankai Trough mega-earthquake Kochi

2023-11-05T05:30+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-05T04:29:55.506Z. Highlights: 5th is "Tsunami Disaster Prevention Day" Evacuation drill assuming a Nankai Trough mega-earthquake. In the event of an earthquake, the streets of Kochi City will be flooded by 3 to 6 meters. The drill was conducted on the assumption that there was a risk of a seismic intensity of 6 or higher.

While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 1 ...

2023-11-05T05:28+0100risingkashmir (en)

While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities, another earthquake, measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours of Sunday. The earthquake occurred at 04:38:20 (IST) at the depth of 10 km, 169 km NW of Kathmandu, the National Centre for Seismology informed.

Nepal earthquake devastated communities, death toll cl ...

2023-11-05T05:28+0100risingkashmir (en)

In the wake of a catastrophic earthquake in Nepal , the nation grapples with the aftermath as the death toll climbs to 157. Prime Minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, assessed the situation while the government rushed to provide relief, the Nepal PM Secretariat said.

At least 150 Killed, Hundreds Hurt In Nepal's Deadliest Quake

2023-11-05T05:16+0100natureworldnews (en)

Authorities said that the 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck Karnali and Lumbini provinces in western Nepal at 11:47 p.m. on Friday, November 3. They noted that strong tremors were even felt far away in the Nepalese capital and in cities across neighboring India, including Delhi. Jampacked Hospitals.

Pooja Hegdes Airport Look Is Casual And Chic!

2023-11-05T05:09+0100news18 (en)

Shorts | Australia Knock Out Rivals England With 3... Ranbir Kapoor Bows Down To Arijit Singh On Stage A... Watch Londoners Calls For Ceasefire In Palestine |... Israel Hits Hezbollah Targets Near Lebanon Border ... Watch AB de Villiers Shys Away From Paps, Hides Hi... Rashid Khan Is All Set And Hyped For World Cup Mat.

MIL-OSI China: Xi extends condolences to Nepali president over strong quake

2023-11-05T05:09+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a message of condolence to Nepal i president Ram Chandra Poudel over the strong earthquake in Nepal. In his message, Xi said he was shocked to learn of the strong earthquake in Nepal’s Karnali Province, which caused heavy casualties and property losses.

Delhi-NCR Trembles Thrice in a Month, Why Capital Frequently Experiences Earthquakes | Explained

2023-11-05T05:05+0100news18 (en)

Delhi and its neighbouring areas felt strong tremors on Friday night as a strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal at a depth of 10 km. People in Delhi and the national capital region rushed out of their homes while people posted videos of swinging chandeliers and fans on social media.

150 dead as 5.6-magnitude quake earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-05T05:00+0100dailytimesPK (en)

* Videos and photos posted on social media show locals digging through rubble in the dark to pull survivors from the wreckage of collapsed homes and buildings. At least 150 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts.

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T04:42+0100globalissues (en)

The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot shortly before midnight on Friday (local time) as families slept in their mostly mud-brick homes, trapping many under the rubble. Several aftershocks have since been reported.

Xi Jinping présente ses condoléances au président népalais à la suite d'un violent séisme

2023-11-05T04:38+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le président chinois Xi Jinping a envoyé samedi un message de condoléances à son homologue népalais Ram Chandra Poudel à la suite du fort tremblement de terre survenu au Népal. Dans son message, M. Xi a déclaré avoir été choqué d'apprendre que la province de Karnali, au Népal, avait été frappée par....

People spend hours outside homes in the middle of night

2023-11-05T04:23+0100timesofindia (en)

Lucknow: The earthquake tremors on Friday night made several residents spend hours on the roads and parks. This was the third round of tremors felt in the city in the last one month. Though the earthquake’s epicentre was in , the tremors felt were quite strong .

India News | Reached to Stop Farm Fires, Govt Offical Made to Burn Stubble by Farmers in Punjab

2023-11-05T04:21+0100latestly (en)

Bathinda (Punjab) [India], November 5 (ANI): A group of farmers in Punjab's Bathinda district courted controversy after they allegedly forced a government official, who was part of a team to prevent farm fires, to burn the stubble lying in a field on Friday.

India News | Bikers' Rally with Message 'Ayurveda for One Health' to Be Held in 11 Cities

2023-11-05T04:21+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 5 (ANI): Nationwide bikers' rallies will be organised in 11 cities across the country with the message 'Ayurveda for One Health', said a press release by the Ministry of Ayush. "The rallies have been scheduled from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. on November 5, 2023, in various cities," said the official statement.

Indian PM Modi expresses condolences

2023-11-05T04:19+0100peoplesreview (en)

Kathmandu, November 5: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed his deep sorrow over the loss caused by the earthquake in Jajarkot. He has expressed his solidarity with the troubled Nepal i people. Mentioning Nepali Prime Minister Pushpakamal Dahal, Modi has written on his “X” account....

Earthquake update: 157 people died, 208 injured

2023-11-05T04:19+0100peoplesreview (en)

Kathmandu, 5 November: A total of 157 people have died and 208 have been injured from the 6.4 magnitude earthquake on Friday midnight in Jajarkot and Rukum West, according to the Home Ministry. The earthquake has affected seven districts in West Nepal , however, the highest human and physical casualties occurred in Jajarkot and Rukum West.

China to provide relief materials worth 100 million rupees

2023-11-05T04:19+0100peoplesreview (en)

Kathmandu, 5 November: China has expressed a commitment to provide relief materials worth 100 million rupees to the Nepal government as immediate relief support to the earthquake victims in Jajarkot and Rukum West, Nepal. Chinese Ambassador, Chen Song, wrote on his “X” account on Saturday, “As our....

Uttar Pradesh: Earthquake of magnitude 3.6 strikes Ayodhya

2023-11-05T04:14+0100thestatesman (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 3.6 jolted Uttar Pradesh’s Ayodhya on Sunday. According to the National Center for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 1 am on Sunday. The NCS further said that the epicentre of the quake was 215 km north of Ayodhya at a depth of 10 km. “Earthquake of Magnitude:3.6, Occurred on 05-11-2023, 01:07:22 IST, Lat: 28.

Nepal earthquake: Expertswarn of aftershocks in state

2023-11-05T04:14+0100timesofindia (en)

Patna: The aftershocks of the 6.4 magnitude of earthquake that jolted Nepal late Friday night, killing over hundred people, may be felt in Bihar over the next seven days, experts said. “The first aftershock could be of 5-6 magnitude intensity which may occur for around 5-6 seconds.

Death toll rises to 157 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T04:13+0100cambodiantimes (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. The Nepal ese government announced relief packages for quake-affected people in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and West Rukum, as China and India offered support in relief and rescue. KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal....

Another earthquake of 3.6 magnitude strikes Nepal

2023-11-05T04:08+0100devdiscourse (en)

While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities, another earthquake, measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours of Sunday. isual from Jajarkot that has been ravaged by the earthquake (Image Credit: Nepal Officials).

Another earthquake of 3.6 magnitude strikes Nepal

2023-11-05T04:08+0100dtnext (en)

KATHMANDU: While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities, another earthquake, measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours of Sunday. The earthquake occurred at 04:38:20 (IST) at the depth of 10 km, 169 km NW of....

At least 157 perish in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T04:00+0100thenews-pk (en)

JAJARKOT, Nepal : At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The force of the 5.6-magnitude tremor jolted households awake and flattened mud houses in communities....

Nepal Hit by 3.6 Magnitude Quake After 157 Deaths in Friday's Tremor

2023-11-05T03:58+0100wn (en)

Nepal experiences a 3.6 magnitude earthquake, following a devastating 6.4 quake in Jajarkot district...

Villages in mourning after catastrophic midnight tremors

2023-11-05T03:54+0100kathmandupost (en)

The death toll from the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that devastated Jajarkot and West Rukum districts has reached 157, the Ministry of Home Affairs said on Saturday evening. According to Nepal Police, 105 people died in the earthquake in Jajarkot, the epicentre of the quake, while 52 deaths have been....

India News | Delhi: Poor Air Quality Affects Mental Development of Children, Say Health Experts

2023-11-05T03:50+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 5 (ANI): With the Air Quality Index (AQI) in several parts of Delhi-NCR breaching the'severe' category, doctors and health experts said that Delhi has taken the shape of a gas chamber with a thick layer of smog covering the city, adding that this poor air quality affects the mental development of children.

India News | Andhra: Dalit Youth Assaulted and Urinated Upon in NTR District, Six Held

2023-11-05T03:50+0100latestly (en)

NTR (Andhra Pradesh) [India], November 5 (ANI): In a shocking incident, six people allegedly assaulted a Dalit youth and urinated on him in Andhra Pradesh's NTR district, according to police. The victim has been identified as Shyam Kumar. Police have arrested all six accused after filing a non-bailable case.

Another earthquake of 3.6 magnitude strikes Nepal

2023-11-05T03:43+0100economictimes (en)

Health workers are also being rapidly deployed, equipped with essential medical supplies sourced from surrounding districts. "There has been a lot of damage in the earthquake-affected area. Hundreds of people are injured, thousands of houses have been destroyed, and our government is engaged in relief work.

Another 3.6 Earthquake Jolts Nepal A After Massive Quake Hits The Himalayan Nation

2023-11-05T03:40+0100india (en)

Jajarkot, Nov 04 (ANI): Houses were reduced to rubble after the 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal yesterday, in Bheri, Jajarkot on Saturday. (ANI Photo) Kathmandu: While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities, another earthquake, measuring 3.

Népal : le bilan du séisme passe à 128 morts

2023-11-05T03:40+0100french-news (fr)

(RSS via Xinhua) KATMANDOU, 4 novembre (Xinhua) -- Le bilan d'un tremblement de terre fort et peu profond touchant l'ouest du Népal s'est élevé à 128 morts, alors que les opérations de secours sont toujours en cours, ont déclaré samedi des responsables du gouvernement.

Death toll rises to 157 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T03:37+0100singaporestar (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. The Nepal ese government announced relief packages for quake-affected people in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and West Rukum, as China and India offered support in relief and rescue. KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal....

Death toll rises to 157 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T03:35+0100myanmarnews (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. The Nepal ese government announced relief packages for quake-affected people in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and West Rukum, as China and India offered support in relief and rescue. KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal....

Death toll rises to 157 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T03:34+0100manilametro (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. The Nepal ese government announced relief packages for quake-affected people in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and West Rukum, as China and India offered support in relief and rescue. KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal....

Essais nucléaires en Polynésie : Moruroa et Fangataufa, des atolls à haut risque

2023-11-05T03:33+0100lnc (fr)

Le temps s’est arrêté en 1996 à Moruroa et Fangataufa. Même si, près de 28 ans après le dernier essai nucléaire français, la nature a quelque peu repris ses droits, ces deux atolls sont toujours tristement abandonnés. Inaccessibles au public, ces îles de l’archipel des Tuamotu sont classées "terrain militaire".

Death toll rises to 157 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T03:30+0100singaporenews (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. The Nepal ese government announced relief packages for quake-affected people in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and West Rukum, as China and India offered support in relief and rescue. KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal....

Death toll rises to 157 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T03:27+0100longbeachstar (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. The Nepal ese government announced relief packages for quake-affected people in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and West Rukum, as China and India offered support in relief and rescue. KATHMANDU, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal....

Death toll rises to 157 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T03:24+0100english-news-cn (en)

Members of the Nepal ese Army carry out rescue operations in the Jajarkot district of western Nepal, on Nov. 4, 2023. (Nepalese Army/Handout via Xinhua) The Nepalese government announced relief packages for quake-affected people in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and West Rukum, as China and India offered support in relief and rescue.

World News | India, Malaysia Conclude Joint Military Exercise 'Harimau Shakti 2023'

2023-11-05T03:20+0100latestly (en)

Umroi (Meghalaya) [India], November 5 (ANI): In a demonstration of strengthened bilateral ties, the Indian Army and the Malaysian Army successfully concluded their joint guerilla warfare military exercise, 'Exercise Harimau Shakti 2023,' in Umroi, Meghalaya, on Sunday. It began on October 23, 2023 and concluded on November 5, 2023.

Death toll rises to 157 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T03:18+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

Members of the Nepal ese Army carry out rescue operations in the Jajarkot district of western Nepal, on Nov. 4, 2023. (Nepalese Army/Handout via Xinhua) The Nepalese government announced relief packages for quake-affected people in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and West Rukum, as China and India offered support in relief and rescue.

Day After Deadly 6.4 Magnitude Quake, Another One Measuring 3.6 Hits Nepal

2023-11-05T03:17+0100wn (en)

While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities, another earthquake, measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours... ......

Nepal earthquake devastated communities, death toll climbs to 157

2023-11-05T03:17+0100timesofoman (en)

Kathmandu: In the wake of a catastrophic earthquake in Nepal , the nation grapples with the aftermath as the death toll climbs to 157. Prime Minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, assessed the situation while the government rushed to provide relief, the Nepal PM Secretariat said.

Earthquake of 3.6 magnitude strikes Nepal a day after devastating quake

2023-11-05T03:11+0100business-standard (en)

While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities, another earthquake, measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours of Sunday. The earthquake occurred at 04:38:20 (IST) at the depth of 10 km, 169 km NW of Kathmandu, the National Centre for Seismology informed.

‘I Almost Lost It’: Michael J. Fox Opens Up About Overcoming Medical Challenges

2023-11-05T03:01+0100dailycaller (en)

In a recent interview with Town & Country, Michael J. Fox opened up about his journey through a series of health challenges, shedding light on issues that have largely remained hidden from the public eye. The actor talked about his many health problems and struggles, including the story of a limb he almost lost.

NEPAL: Children Exposed To Freezing Temperatures And Snow As Earthquake Kills Hundreds

2023-11-05T03:00+0100scoop-co-nz (en)

Heather Campbell, Save the Children Country Director for Nepal and Bhutan said: " The situation in Jajarkot and Rukum West is dire - the latest death toll is 157 and number of injured 166-. These are residential areas so children are likely among these tragic figures.

Rescuers struggle to find Nepal quake survivors as deaths reach 157Rescue workers in Nepal began digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands on Saturday, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed 157 people and shook buildings as far away as New Delhi.

2023-11-05T02:57+0100ground-news (en)

Strong quake in Nepal jolts several Bihar districts. An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 hit Nepal on Friday night, whose tremors were felt across Northern parts of India including Bihar. In Bihar, the tremors were felt in Bihar's Patna, Katihar, Motihari and a few other districts along the Indo-Nepal border, they said.

Thousands of security personnel mobilised in search and rescue efforts

2023-11-05T02:52+0100kathmandupost (en)

State security agencies, in coordination with local government and humanitarian organisations, have mobilised teams for search and rescue operations following the Jajarkot earthquake. Squads of Nepal Army, Armed Police Force and Nepal Police stationed in the earthquake-affected districts were....

Russia Nuclear War: Experts Say Putin’s Poseidon Nuclear Bomb COULD Kill Millions

2023-11-05T02:51+0100whatsnew2day (en)

Thornton says that if Russia launched the Poseidon from a submarine in the middle of the North Sea, it would “create a rather ‘small’ tsunami.” But the wave, if it flooded London, would kill everyone there. It would wipe out the city,” Thornton says. “And the same wave could kill everyone in all the....

World News | UAE: Young Female Athletes Shine at Abu Dhabi World Youth Jiu-Jitsu Championship

2023-11-05T02:48+0100latestly (en)

Abu Dhabi [UAE], November 5 (ANI/WAM): Al Jazira Jiu-Jitsu Club continued to assert its dominance on the second day of the Abu Dhabi World Youth Jiu-Jitsu Championship, a part of the Abu Dhabi World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Championship (ADWPJJC), taking place at the Mubadala Arena.

World News | UAE: COP28 President-Designate Welcomes Transitional Committee Agreement to Operationalise Loss and Damage Fund

2023-11-05T02:48+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, and COP28 President-Designate, has welcomed the agreement reached at this weekend's Fifth Meeting of the Transitional Committee in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi [UAE], November 5 (ANI/WAM): Dr.

Day After Deadly 6.4 Magnitude Quake, Another One Measuring 3.6 Hits Nepal

2023-11-05T02:47+0100ndtvnews (en)

This comes after a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 jolted Nepal on Saturday. (Representational) Kathmandu: While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities, another earthquake, measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours of Sunday.

Earthquake of magnitude 3.6 jolts Ayodhya

2023-11-05T02:46+0100dtnext (en)

AYODHYA: An earthquake of magnitude 3.6 jolted Uttar Pradesh's Ayodhya on Sunday. According to the National Centre for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 1 a.m. on Sunday. The NCS further said that the quake's epicentre was 215 km north of Ayodhya at a depth of 10 km. "Earthquake of Magnitude: 3.

Tremor TODAY in Peru LIVE, earthquakes of November 5 and 6: epicenter and magnitude

2023-11-05T02:46+0100bullfrag (en)

The Pacific Ring of Fire accounts for 90% of global seismic activity, and Peru is located in this area. For this reason, it is essential to remain alert in the event of earthquakes. He Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) It is responsible for detecting large-scale natural disasters and offers daily....

Death toll in Nepal earthquake reaches at least 157

2023-11-05T02:43+0100inquirer (en)

“The toll from the quake has reached 157 105 in Jajarkot and 52 in Rukum,” national police spokesman Kuber Kathayat told AFP. Another 199 were injured in the quake, he added. Home ministry spokesman Narayan Prasad Bhattarai said the toll was unlikely to significantly increase. “We are now in touch with all areas,” he told AFP.

. Xi extends condolences to Nepali president over strong quake

2023-11-05T02:39+0100chinadailyhk (en)

People walk through ruins of houses in the aftermath of an earthquake at Jajarkot district on Nov 4, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP) BEIJING - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a message of condolence to Nepal i president Ram Chandra Poudel over the strong in Nepal.

World Tsunami Awareness Day 2023: History, Significance, and All You Need to Know

2023-11-05T02:36+0100wn (en)

World Tsunami Awareness Day is observed annually on November....

Senate Chairman grieved over loss of lives in Nepal quake

2023-11-05T02:34+0100nation (en)

ISLAMABAD - Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani has expressed deep sorrow and grief over the loss of life and property in earthquake in Nepal . The Senate chairman, in a statement on Saturday, expressed his heartfelt sympathy and condolence with the bereaved families, stating that he stands with the people of Nepal in the hour of difficulty.

Another earthquake of 3.6 magnitude strikes Nepal

2023-11-05T02:34+0100myanmarnews (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 5 (ANI): While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities, another earthquake, measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours of Sunday. The earthquake occurred at 04:38:20 (IST) at the....

World News | EAM Jaishankar, Australian Opposition Leader Discuss Bilateral Ties, Global Affairs

2023-11-05T02:33+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. External Affairs Minister (EAM) S Jaishankar held a meeting with Australia's Opposition Leader and former Defence Minister, Peter Dutton on Saturday and held discussions on a range of topics including the bilateral ties and global affairs.

Senate Chairman grieved over loss of lives in Nepal quake

2023-11-05T02:31+0100nation-pk (en)

ISLAMABAD - Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani has expressed deep sorrow and grief over the loss of life and property in earthquake in Nepal . The Senate chairman, in a statement on Saturday, expressed his heartfelt sympathy and condolence with the bereaved families, stating that he stands with the people of Nepal in the hour of difficulty.

2023-11-05T06:44:51+05:30 - World Another earthquake of 3.6 magnitude strikes Nepal

2023-11-05T02:28+0100Hindu (en)

While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities , another earthquake, measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours of November 5. The earthquake occurred at 04:38:20 (IST) at the depth of 10 km, 169 km NW of Kathmandu, the National Centre for Seismology informed.

Finland condoles at quake victims in Nepal

2023-11-05T02:26+0100dailyfinland-fi (en)

Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen on Saturday expressed condolence at the deaths of people in earthquake in Nepal , said the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The Ministry in a twitter post wrote that Valtonen also emphasised the need for speedy recovery through humanitarian efforts.

Another earthquake of 3.6 magnitude strikes Nepal

2023-11-05T02:22+0100thehindu (en)

While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities , another earthquake, measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours of November 5. The earthquake occurred at 04:38:20 (IST) at the depth of 10 km, 169 km NW of Kathmandu, the National Centre for Seismology informed.

World News | Bhutan's King Explores Kaziranga National Park During Assam Visit

2023-11-05T02:17+0100latestly (en)

Kaziranga (Assam) [India], November 5 (ANI): Bhutan King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk, who is on a visit to India, embarked on a thrilling jungle safari at the Kaziranga National Park in Assam on Saturday. Notably, this was the second of the Bhutan King's three-day visit to Assam. Also Read | Nepal Earthquake: Another Quake of Magnitude 4.

World News | Joe Biden Signals Progress in Humanitarian Pause in Gaza

2023-11-05T02:17+0100latestly (en)

Washington DC [US], November 5 (ANI): Amid the concerns over the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, US President Joe Biden on Saturday suggested that progress has been made on the issue of providing a humanitarian pause in the Gaza Strip, Russian News Agency TASS reported citing the White House press pool.

World News | Another Earthquake of 3.6 Magnitude Strikes Nepal

2023-11-05T02:17+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 5 (ANI): While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities, another earthquake, measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours of Sunday. The earthquake occurred at 04:38:20 (IST) at the....

Another earthquake of 3.6 magnitude strikes Nepal

2023-11-05T02:16+0100wn (en)

Nepal was hit by another earthquake with a....

Death toll climbs to 157 as 6.4 magnitude earthquake shatters Nepal, aftershocks in Jajarkot

2023-11-05T02:16+0100wn (en)

Officials Fear The Death Toll Could Rise As First Responders Had....

World News | Pakistan's Decision to Deport Afghan Migrants Endangers Journalists: Report

2023-11-05T02:02+0100latestly (en)

Kabul [Afghanistan], November 5 (ANI): Criticising Pakistan's decision to expel undocumented Afghan migrants, the organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has stated that this move also endangers the lives of around 200 Afghan journalists, according to a report by Khaama Press.

Earthquake today: 3.6 magnitude quake strikes Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh

2023-11-05T01:57+0100livemint (en)

NCS is the nodal agency of the Government of India for monitoring of earthquake activity in the country. Earlier on Friday, tremors were felt in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) and some other parts of north India as earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit Nepal .

Devastating Earthquake in Western Nepal Leaves Over 150 Dead and Hundreds Injured

2023-11-05T01:52+0100breakinglatest (en)

Mundo Staff Writer – 2 hours ago. Kathmandu, Nepal – An earthquake struck the western region of Nepal on Friday, leaving over 150 people dead and at least 375 injured. Rescue efforts have been ongoing, but the magnitude of the disaster has made it challenging to reach affected areas.

Deadly quake strikes Nepal, toppling homes and killing at least 157 people

2023-11-05T01:51+0100vervetimes (en)

Kathmandu CNN At least 157 people have been killed in an earthquake that struck a remote part of northwestern Nepal overnight on Friday and toppled multiple buildings, as officials warned that the death toll could rise, according to a police official. The quake measured magnitude 5.

Another earthquake of 3.6 magnitude strikes Nepal

2023-11-05T01:50+0100timesofindia (en)

Nepal was hit by another earthquake with a magnitude of 3.6, following a previous earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter Scale. The government has mobilized the army and police force for rescue operations, while India has offered support. The impact of the earthquakes has been felt in several districts of North India.

World News | Germany: Hamburg Airport Halts Flights After Armed Man Opens Fire

2023-11-05T01:49+0100latestly (en)

Berlin [Germany], November 5 (ANI): All flights at Hamburg's airport in Germany were halted and entrances to all the terminals were sealed after an armed man breached a gate with his vehicle and opened fire on the premises on Saturday, Russian News Agency TASS reported, citing Germany's Bild am Sonntag.

World News | Earthquake of Magnitude 4.5 Jolts Afghanistan

2023-11-05T01:49+0100latestly (en)

Kabul [Afghanistan], November 5 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 4.5 on the Richter Scale struck Afghanistan's Fayzabad in the early hours of Saturday, the National Centre for Seismology informed. The earthquake occurred at 01:25:36 (IST) at a depth of 10 kilometres, at around 328 kilometres ENE of Fayzabad.

India News | Uttar Pradesh: Earthquake of Magnitude 3.6 Strikes Ayodhya

2023-11-05T01:49+0100latestly (en)

Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh) [India], November 5 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 3.6 jolted Uttar Pradesh's Ayodhya on Sunday. According to the National Center for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 1 am on Sunday. Also Read | Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2023: Congress Releases Sixth List....

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-05T01:48+0100manilatimes (en)

The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot shortly before midnight on Friday (local time) as families slept in their mostly mud-brick homes, trapping many under the rubble. Several aftershocks have since been reported.

Xi extends condolences to Nepali president over strong quake

2023-11-05T01:42+0100chinadaily (en)

BEIJING -- President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a message of condolence to Nepal i president Ram Chandra Poudel over the strong earthquake in Nepal. In his message, Xi said he was shocked to learn of the strong earthquake in Nepal's Karnali Province, which caused heavy casualties and property losses.

Nepal Earthquake: Another Quake Hits Kathmandu, No Tremors In India

2023-11-05T01:24+0100timesnownews (en)

Nepal was hit by another earthquake. The Sunday quake was of magnitude 3.6. Tremors were not felt in India. Nepal was hit by another earthquake. The Sunday quake was of magnitude 3.6. Tremors were not felt in India.

World News | Israeli Foreign Minister Thanks Jaishankar for India's Support Amid War on Hamas

2023-11-05T01:17+0100latestly (en)

Tel Aviv [Israel], November 5 (ANI): Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen thanked his India counterpart S Jaishankar for supporting Israel's war against Hamas, saying, the "war against a despicable terrorist organisation that is worst than ISIS". "Thank you @DrSJaishankar for your support of Israel....

World News | Turkey Recalls Envoy to Tel Aviv, Israel Accuse Erdogan of Siding with Hamas

2023-11-05T01:17+0100latestly (en)

Tel Aviv [Israel], November 5 (ANI): The Israeli Foreign Ministry has criticised Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his stance in the raging war between Israel and Hamas, following Turkey's announcement of the recall of its ambassador to Israel, The Times of Israel reported.

Another earthquake of 3.6 magnitude strikes Nepal

2023-11-05T01:17+0100aninews (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 5 (ANI): While Nepal is still grappling with the devastating earthquake that has resulted in over 157 fatalities, another earthquake , measuring 3.6 in magnitude, shook the Himalayan nation in the early hours of Sunday. The earthquake occurred at 04:38:20 (IST) at the....

Rescuers grapple to locate Nepal quake survivors with death toll at 157

2023-11-05T01:13+0100wn (en)

Country's worst earthquake in eight years killed 157 people as rescue workers struggle to find survivors. ......

Xi extends condolences to Nepali president over strong quake

2023-11-05T01:11+0100cgtn (en)

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a message of condolence to Nepal i President Ram Chandra Poudel over the strong earthquake in Nepal. In his message, Xi said he was shocked to learn of the strong earthquake in Nepal's Karnali province, which caused heavy casualties and property losses.

At least 157 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-05T01:07+0100malaymail (en)

JAJARKOT ( Nepal ), Nov 5 — At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said yesterday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The force of the 5.6-magnitude tremor jolted households awake and flattened mud houses in....

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-05T00:39+0100ilcittadinoonline (it)

in: News dal Mondo ROMA (ITALPRESS) Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L'epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma. (ITALPRESS). tvi/red 04-Nov-23 09:45.

Xi extends condolences to Nepali president over strong quake

2023-11-05T00:36+0100gov-cn-en (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 4 -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a message of condolence to Nepal i president Ram Chandra Poudel over the strong earthquake in Nepal. In his message, Xi said he was shocked to learn of the strong earthquake in Nepal's Karnali Province, which caused heavy casualties and property losses.

CARE Nepal Launches Emergency Response to Earthquake November 4, 2023 On November 3, 2023, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Jajarkot and Rukum Districts of Karnali Province in Nepal, causing widespread damage.

2023-11-05T00:34+0100care (en)

Statement by Mona Sherpa, CARE Nepal ’s Country Director. November 4, 2023 – “On November 3, 2023, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Jajarkot and Rukum Districts of Karnali Province in Nepal, causing widespread damage. Initial reports indicate 150 casualties and several hundred injured, with the numbers expected to rise.

Dott. Lalli (Ispra): “La prevenzione è l’unico mezzo per proteggere una costa da uno tsunami”

2023-11-05T00:27+0100interris (it)

Tsunami è un termine di origine giapponese, che indica un’onda marina di tipo impulsivo , che può essere caratterizzata da grande ampiezza ed estensione. Questo tipo di onde si spostano molto velocemente e, in prossimità della costa crescono in altezza fino ad assumere, nei casi di grande intensità....

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens

2023-11-05T00:01+0100elpais-en (en)

Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off with many places.

MIL-OSI Submissions: World Tsunami Awareness Day today: Five simple hacks that could save your life

2023-11-04T23:57+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Just five simple hacks could help save you and your family in the event of a tsunami, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) says. Today marks World Tsunami Awareness Day, and NEMA is urging Aotearoa New Zealand to take a few minutes to check their tsunami zone and get familiar with small....

Michael J. Fox, sempre peggio: “Ho quasi perso la mano”

2023-11-04T23:53+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 5 novembre 2023) La battaglia di Michael J. Fox contro il Parkinson si fa sempre più ardua. Il celebre attore, noto per il suo ruolo nella trilogia di “Ritorno al futuro“, sta affrontando questa sfida dal lontano 1998, anno in cui gli fu diagnosticata la malattia a soli 29 anni.

Cuba expressed solidarity with Nepal after suffering earthquake

2023-11-04T23:48+0100plenglish (en)

Havana, Nov 4 (Prensa Latina) The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, today expressed his country's solidarity with the people and Government of Nepal , for the loss of human life caused by an earthquake in that Asian nation, from his account on the X social network.

PM grieved over loss of lives, property in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T23:46+0100dunyanews (en)

PM grieved over loss of lives, property in Nepal earthquake. ISLAMABAD (APP) - Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar on Saturday expressed deep grief and sorrow over the loss of precious lives and property in earthquake in Nepal. “Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by last....

Uttar Pradesh: Earthquake of magnitude 3.6 strikes Ayodhya

2023-11-04T23:45+0100HindustanTimes (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 3.6 jolted Uttar Pradesh's Ayodhya on Sunday. According to the National Center for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 1 am on Sunday. (File) According to the National Center for Seismology (NSC), the earthquake occurred at 1 am on Sunday. We're now on WhatsApp. Click to join.

Au moins 157 morts dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6 au Népal

2023-11-04T23:33+0100dakar-echo (fr)

Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a eu lieu à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

Nepal rushes aid, rescue ops after strong earthquake, at least 157 dead

2023-11-04T23:31+0100wn (en)

Survivors of a strong earthquake that shook Nepal ’s northwest in the middle of the night described sudden shaking followed by houses collapsing and burying entire families, as the death toll rose to 157 on Saturday. A view of a damaged school building after an earthquake at Khalanga in Jajarkot, Nepal.

Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 132, destroys hundreds of homes

2023-11-04T23:31+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal - An earthquake struck a remote region of the Himalayan nation of Nepal on Friday night, killing at least 132 people and destroying hundreds of homes, Nepali officials said, as they warned that the death toll may rise. The U.S. Geological Survey said the 5.

Au Népal, au moins 157 personnes tuées dans dans un tremblement de terre

2023-11-04T23:27+0100lest-eclair (fr)

Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué....

At least 157 killed as strong earthquake rattles Nepal

2023-11-04T23:12+0100wn (en)

dpa KathmanduAt least 157 people have died in a....

UN Teams Respond To Deadly Earthquake In Western Nepal

2023-11-04T23:12+0100wn (en)

United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west....

Népal : les équipes de l'ONU s’activent suite au séisme meurtrier

2023-11-04T22:52+0100news-un-fr (fr)

Le séisme d’une magnitude 6,4 a frappé les districts ruraux et isolés de Rukum (Ouest) et de Jajarkot peu avant minuit vendredi (heure locale), alors que les familles dormaient dans leurs maisons, la plupart en briques de terre. Nombre d'entre elles se sont retrouvées piégées sous les décombres. Plusieurs répliques ont été signalées depuis.

Le Népal secoué par un puissant séisme : "Le nombre de morts pourrait augmenter", des survivants recherchés après la tragédie

2023-11-04T22:52+0100midilibre (fr)

Les équipes de sauvetages ont commencé samedi au Népal leur travail de recherches dans les décombres d'habitations, à la recherche de survivants après que le pays himalayen a connu un des séismes les plus puissants de son histoire qui a tué au moins 157 personnes.

143 killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T22:51+0100dailyfinland-fi (en)

The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday, reported Xinhua. The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts at 23:47....

At least 157 killed after strong quake shakes Nepal

2023-11-04T22:49+0100wn (en)

At least 157 people were killed after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake rattled Nepal late Friday. Nepal’s National Earthquake Monitoring & Research Center said its epicenter was at Jaja ......

An earthquake in Nepal has killed at least 150 people. Here's what we know so far

2023-11-04T22:47+0100sbs (en)

Officials fear the death toll could rise as first responders had reached the hilly area near the epicentre, 500km west of the capital Kathmandu, only early on Saturday and began searching for survivors. "The number of injured could be in the hundreds and the deaths could go up as well," Jajarkot....

Michael J. Fox, la salute peggiora: “Ho quasi perso la mano”

2023-11-04T22:45+0100repubblica (it)

I problemi di salute di Michael J. Fox si sono ulteriormente aggravati. L'attore, che , quando aveva 29 anni, con tutti i problemi connessi, ha fatto sapere di aver avuto una grave infezione. "La mia mano si è infettata e l'ho quasi persa. È stato uno tsunami di sfortuna", ha detto il protagonista....

Nepal rushes aid, rescue ops after strong earthquake, at least 157 dead

2023-11-04T22:37+0100HindustanTimes (en)

The government is trying to get as much aid to the affected areas, Deputy Prime Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha said on Saturday. Tents, food and medicine were flown in as thousands became homeless overnight. “I was fast asleep when all of a sudden it started shaking violently. I tried to run but the whole house collapsed.

World News | German Airport Closed After Armed Man Breaches Security with His Car

2023-11-04T22:31+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. The airport in the northern German city of Hamburg was closed to passengers, and flights were cancelled Saturday night after a vehicle broke through security and entered the premises, German news agency dpa reported.

UN Teams Respond To Deadly Earthquake In Western Nepal

2023-11-04T22:29+0100scoop-co-nz (en)

The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot shortly before midnight on Friday (local time) as families slept in their mostly mud-brick homes, trapping many under the rubble. Several aftershocks have since been reported.

Shocking images show scale of devastation in Nepal after 5.6 magnitude destroyed buildings and buried entire families – as death toll rises to 157

2023-11-04T22:27+0100whatsnew2day (en)

Gopal Chandra Bhattarai, police spokesperson for Karnali province, said: “The remoteness of the districts makes it difficult to pass on information. “Some roads have been blocked due to the damage, but we are trying to reach the area via other routes.” Local media reported that most of those killed ....

Massive devastation caused by earthquake in Nepal: 128 dead so far, many buildings collapsed. At least 128 killed after strong quake shakes Nepal.

2023-11-04T22:26+0100morningexpress (en)

The earthquake that occurred late night in Nepal has caused devastation. At least 128 people were killed and dozens of others injured in the powerful earthquake. Rescue teams are carrying out rescue operations in the hill villages. Nepal Earthquake Updates: The strong earthquake that occurred in Nepal on Friday night has caused huge devastation.

3.6 magnitude earthquake shakes Nepal day after 157 died in powerful quake

2023-11-04T22:24+0100indiatoday (en)

According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the earthquake on Sunday struck Nepal a little after 1 am (IST), 215 kilometres north of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. The epicentre of the earthquake was in Khalanga village, located in Jajarkot district. The district has been experiencing a series of earthquakes in just a day.

Putin offers condolences to Nepal’s prime minister over earthquake

2023-11-04T22:08+0100itartass_en (en)

The Russian president asked to convey his sincere sympathy and words of support to the loved ones of those killed , and wished a speedy recovery to all those injured in the natural disaster. MOSCOW, November 5. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered his condolences to Nepal ’s Prime....

Nepal, si aggrava il bilancio delle vittime del sisma

2023-11-04T22:00+0100euronews-it (it)

Un forte terremoto in Nepal ha provocato la morte di almeno 157 persone: si aggrava, così, il bilancio delle vittime. Dodici, incece, sarebbero rimaste ferite durante il sisma che ha colpito il distretto di Jajarkot: il bilancio, però, è purtroppo ancora destinato a salire.

PM grieved over loss of lives, property in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T21:59+0100balochistan24 (en)

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar on Saturday expressed deep grief and sorrow over the loss of precious lives and property in earthquake in Nepal . “Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by last night’s earthquake in Nepal that has resulted in loss of precious lives and property,” he wrote on X, formerly twitter.

Au moins 157 morts après un violent séisme qui secoue le Népal

2023-11-04T21:59+0100laminute (fr)

Au moins 157 personnes ont été tuées après un séisme de magnitude 6,4 qui a secoué le Népal vendredi soir. Le Centre national de recherche et de surveillance des tremblements de terre du Népal a déclaré que son épicentre se trouvait à Jajarkot, à environ 400 kilomètres (250 miles) au nord-est de la capitale, Katmandou.

Michael J. Fox, la salute peggiora: “La mia mano si è infettata e l’ho quasi persa”

2023-11-04T21:54+0100ecomy-it (it)

I problemi di salute di Michael J. Fox si sono ulteriormente aggravati. L’attore, che sta affrontando il Parkinson dal 1998, quando aveva 29 anni, con tutti i problemi connessi, ha fatto sapere di aver avuto una grave infezione. “La mia mano si è infettata e l’ho quasi persa.

Uttar Pradesh: Earthquake of magnitude 3.6 strikes Ayodhya

2023-11-04T21:52+0100timesofindia (en)

AYODHYA: An earthquake of magnitude 3.6 jolted 's Ayodhya on Sunday. According to the National Center for Seismology NSC ), the earthquake occurred at 1 am on Sunday. The NCS further said that the epicentre of the quake was 215 km north of Ayodhya at a depth of 10 km. "Earthquake of Magnitude:3.6, Occurred on 05-11-2023, 01:07:22 IST, Lat: 28.

157 killed as strong earthquake jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T21:40+0100nagalandpost (en)

At least 157 people were killed and over 160 others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake, the worst since 2015, struck Nepal and destroyed hundreds of houses in the Himalayan nation’s remote mountainous region, officials said on Saturday. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring....

Giù le mani dalle pensioni degli infermieri!

2023-11-04T21:33+0100irpinia24 (it)

«La recente norma apparsa nella bozza della Legge di Bilancio che modifica il rendimento della quota retributiva (precedente al 1996) delle pensioni liquidate dal 2024, avrà senz’altro conseguenze assai deleterie per il nostro sistema sanitario, minando nel profondo la già traballante stabilità di un SSN che non ha certo bisogno di ulteriori colpi.

World News | Protest Marches by Thousands in Europe Demand Halt to Israeli Bombing of Gaza, Under Police Watch

2023-11-04T21:31+0100latestly (en)

Paris, Nov 5 (AP) Thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators demanding a halt to Israel's bombardment of Gaza marched in Paris, Berlin and other European cities on Saturday. The marches reflected growing disquiet in Europe about the mounting civilian casualty toll and suffering from the Israel-Hamas....

Uttar Pradesh: Earthquake of magnitude 3.6 strikes Ayodhya

2023-11-04T21:20+0100aninews (en)

ANI | Updated: Nov 05, 2023 01:49 IST. Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh) [India], November 5 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 3.6 jolted Uttar Pradesh's Ayodhya on Sunday. According to the National Center for Seismology (NSC), the occurred at 1 am on Sunday. The NCS further said that the epicentre of the....

Xinhua Asia-Pacific news summary at 1600 GMT, Nov. 4

2023-11-04T21:08+0100kualalumpurtimes (en)

KATHMANDU -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement. (Nepal-Quake-Death Toll) NEW DELHI -- At least seven people were killed , and....

Nepal Earthquake Kills 157 Victims, Many Victims Wait for Assistance

2023-11-04T21:01+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-04T19:59:49.744Z. Highlights: Nepal Earthquake Kills 157 Victims, Many Victims Wait for Assistance. At least 4 deaths have been confirmed so far in the earthquake that occurred in Nepal in the early morning of the 157th Japan time. The epicenter of the earthquake was in Jajarkot and....

Esperanza Aguirre leads a new demonstration against amnesty, blocks traffic in Ferraz and asks for a referendum on the PSOE

2023-11-04T20:53+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-04T19:50:24.454Z. Highlights: Esperanza Aguirre leads a new demonstration against amnesty, blocks traffic in Ferraz and asks for a referendum on the PSOE. "If he wants to make amnesty, let him hold a referendum and ask for it, that all Spaniards have the right to vote," she reiterated.

At least 157 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T20:51+0100enca (en)

NEPAL - At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The force of the 5.6-magnitude tremor jolted households awake and flattened mud houses in communities across....

04.11.2023 15:00 President of Belarus sends letter of condolence to President of Nepal in connection with numerous earthquake victims

2023-11-04T20:46+0100tvr-eng (en)

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has sent a letter of condolence to President of Nepal Ram Chandra Poudel in connection with the numerous victims of the earthquake. This is reported by BelTA with reference to the press service of the Belarusian leader.

Aumenta il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal: centinaia tra morti e feriti

2023-11-04T20:42+0100meteoweb (it)

L'esercito nepalese ha mobilitato cinque elicotteri e un aereo per collaborare alle operazioni di soccorso dopo il terremoto avvenuto in Nepal . Sale il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le....

Nepal: At least 157 dead in 5.6-magnitude earthquake

2023-11-04T20:39+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The force of the 5.6-magnitude tremor jolted households awake and flattened mud houses in communities across isolated....

Nepal counts 132 dead from quake

2023-11-04T20:37+0100tribuneonline (en)

At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the United States Geological Survey at just 18 kilometers deep.

At least 157 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T20:37+0100kuwaittimes (en)

JAJARKOT, Nepal : At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The force of the 5.6-magnitude tremor jolted households awake and flattened mud houses in communities....

Deadly quake strikes Nepal, kills 157 people

2023-11-04T20:36+0100nation (en)

KATHMANDU-At least 157 people have been killed in an earthquake that struck a remote part of northwestern Nepal overnight on Friday and toppled multiple buildings, as officials warned that the death toll could rise, according to a police official. The quake measured magnitude 5.

Terremoto in Nepal: 128 morti (ma il numero è destinato ad aumentare)

2023-11-04T20:35+0100ladiscussione (it)

Poco prima della mezzanotte di venerdì, un forte terremoto ha scosso i distretti del Nepal nordoccidentale, causando la morte di almeno 128 persone. Si prevede che il bilancio delle vittime sia destinato ad aumentare. Le comunicazioni con molti luoghi del territorio sono state interrotte.

comunicazioni interrotte

2023-11-04T20:35+0100ladiscussione (it)

Poco prima della mezzanotte di venerdì, un forte terremoto ha scosso i distretti del Nepal nordoccidentale, causando la morte di almeno 128 persone. Si prevede che il bilancio delle vittime sia destinato ad aumentare. Le comunicazioni con molti luoghi del territorio sono state interrotte.

Au moins 157 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T20:29+0100courrier-picard (fr)

Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a eu lieu à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Deadly quake strikes Nepal, kills 157 people

2023-11-04T20:27+0100nation-pk (en)

KATHMANDU-At least 157 people have been killed in an earthquake that struck a remote part of northwestern Nepal overnight on Friday and toppled multiple buildings, as officials warned that the death toll could rise, according to a police official. The quake measured magnitude 5.

World News | US and Arab Partners Disagree on the Need for a Cease-fire as Israeli Airstrikes Kill More Civilians

2023-11-04T19:59+0100latestly (en)

Rafah (Gaza Strip), Nov 4 (AP) The United States and Arab partners disagreed Saturday on the need for an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip as Israeli military strikes killed multiple civilians at a U.N. shelter and a hospital in a growing assault on the besieged enclave's Hamas rulers.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake hits Nepal: USGS Magnitude 5.6 earthquake hits Nepal.

2023-11-04T19:50+0100newsbreak-USA (en)

A strong magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck Nepal just before midnight on Friday. The U.S. Geological Survey said the 5.6 magnitude quake had a depth of 17.9 kilometers (11.12 miles) near the mountain town of Jumla. This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

Nepal records aftershock of 4.2 magnitude after earthquake that killed 157

2023-11-04T19:47+0100indiatoday (en)

in eight years that killed 157 people in the country's remote mountainous region. The aftershock was recorded in Jajarkot district at 3:40 PM on Saturday. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring Centre, the aftershock was of 4.2-magnitude and its epicenter was Ramidanda.

Deadly overnight quake shakes Nepal’s northwest

2023-11-04T19:45+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal -- A strong earthquake shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, and officials said at least 128 people were dead and dozens more injured as rescuers searched mountain villages. Officials said early today that the toll was expected to rise, noting that....

150 dead as homes collapse during Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T19:45+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal : A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 157 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck.

World Tsunami Awareness Day evaluates preparedness

2023-11-04T19:41+0100omanobserver-om (en)

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Civil Aviation Authority, participated in the celebration of World Tsunami Awareness Day, which falls on November 5 of each year. On this occasion, the Civil Aviation Authority is implementing programmes to raise awareness of the dangers of tsunamis....

Earthquake News | Earthquake In Delhi NCR Today | Earthquake In Nepal Today | Earthquake Today News

2023-11-04T19:39+0100news18 (en)

The strong earthquake rattled Delhi-NCR on Friday night, but local officials had no immediate reports of injuries or serious damage.At least 37 people have died after a strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal on Friday night.

Xi extends condolences to Nepali president over strong quake

2023-11-04T19:36+0100english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a message of condolence to Nepal i president Ram Chandra Poudel over the strong earthquake in Nepal. In his message, Xi said he was shocked to learn of the strong earthquake in Nepal's Karnali Province, which caused heavy casualties and property losses.

Xi extends condolences to Nepali president over strong quake

2023-11-04T19:31+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a message of condolence to Nepal i president Ram Chandra Poudel over the strong earthquake in Nepal. In his message, Xi said he was shocked to learn of the strong earthquake in Nepal's Karnali Province, which caused heavy casualties and property losses.

157 killed in Nepal quake

2023-11-04T19:25+0100thedailystarBD (en)

Rescue workers in Nepal began digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands on Saturday, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed 157 people and shook buildings as far away as New Delhi. The quake struck the Jajarkot region in the....

Xi extends condolences to Nepali president over strong quake

2023-11-04T19:18+0100china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a message of condolence to Nepal i president Ram Chandra Poudel over the strong earthquake in Nepal. In his message, Xi said he was shocked to learn of the strong earthquake in Nepal's Karnali Province, which caused heavy casualties and property losses.

Lukashenko sent condolences to President of Nepal in connection with earthquake victims

2023-11-04T19:17+0100sb (en)

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, sent condolences to the President of Nepal , Ram Chandra Paudel, in connection with the numerous victims of the earthquake, BelTA reports with reference to the Belarusian leader’s press service “With a feeling of deep pain, the Republic of Belarus....

Earthquake in Nepal: Youth One World supports helping victims

2023-11-04T19:12+0100archyde (en)

Long-time Don Bosco project partners are asking for donations for quick help. Vienna (OTS) Our facilities in the province affected by the quake are so far intact, we are helping the victims of the quake in our catchment area.” . This is what Father Augusty Pulickal Antony, SDB, long-time project....

Terremoto in Nepal, sale a 157 il bilancio dei morti

2023-11-04T19:12+0100ansa (it)

Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di soprassalto le famiglie e....

South Asia / 143 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T19:00+0100newagebd (en)

Nepal i police inspect the rubble of houses in Jajarkot district on Saturday, following an overnight 5.6-magnitude earthquake. —AFP photo. At least 143 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts.

Terremoto in Nepal magnitudo 6.4, Unicef:”Bambini e famiglie a rischio”

2023-11-04T19:00+0100interris (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito venerdì sera il Nepal . Il terremoto – che secondo il Centro sismologico nazionale del Nepal aveva magnitudo 6.4 – è stato registrato alle 23.47 ora locale. Il bilancio è di centinaia tra morti e feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell’ovest del paese e vicini all’epicentro, sono stati i più danneggiati.

World News | Tens of Thousands of Ancient Coins Have Been Found off Sardinia. They May Be Spoils of a Shipwreck

2023-11-04T18:59+0100latestly (en)

Rome, Nov 4 (AP) A diver who spotted something metallic not far from Sardinia's coast has led to the discovery of tens of thousands of ancient bronze coins. Italy's culture ministry said Saturday that the diver alerted authorities, who sent divers assigned to an art protection squad along with....

At least 143 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T18:58+0100extra-cw (en)

At least 143 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit isolated western districts of the Himalayan republic late Friday and was measured by the US....

UNICEF: bambini e famiglie a rischio dopo il terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 che ha colpito il Nepal occidentale

2023-11-04T18:54+0100agenpress (it)

AgenPress . “Siamo profondamente rattristati dall’impatto devastante del terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 che ha colpito le province di Karnali e Lumbini, nel Nepal occidentale, alle 23:47 di ieri. Secondo le autorità, 143 persone sono morte e 190 sono rimaste ferite.

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T18:51+0100globodiroma (it)

Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di soprassalto le famiglie e....

Au moins 157 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T18:46+0100tv5 (fr)

Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a eu lieu à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Au moins 157 morts dans le séisme au Népal, selon un nouveau bilan

2023-11-04T18:46+0100koldanews (fr)

Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises qui font état de 170 blessés. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une....

At least 157 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T18:41+0100wn (en)

At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts Jajarkot, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Nov, 2023) At least 157 people were killed in an overnight There was a very big noise when the houses came down.

At least 128 killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T18:39+0100dailynigerian (en)

A t least 128 people have died in a strong earthquake in Nepal , according to police in the capital Kathmandu. Dozens more have been reported injured. A representative of the local administration in the Jajarkot district, near the epicentre of the quake, said the number of victims could rise.

157 killed as strong earthquake jolts Nepal's mountainous western region

2023-11-04T18:39+0100thehindu (en)

At least 157 people were killed and over 160 others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake, the worst since 2015, struck Nepal and destroyed hundreds of houses in the Himalayan nation's remote mountainous region, officials said on Saturday. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring....

2023-11-04T23:05:29+05:30 - World 157 killed as strong earthquake jolts Nepal's mountainous western region

2023-11-04T18:38+0100Hindu (en)

At least 157 people were killed and over 160 others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake, the worst since 2015, struck Nepal and destroyed hundreds of houses in the Himalayan nation's remote mountainous region, officials said on Saturday. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring....

Nepal earthquake devastated communities, death toll climbs to 157

2023-11-04T18:37+0100dtnext (en)

KATHMANDU: In the wake of a catastrophic earthquake in Nepal , the nation grapples with the aftermath as the death toll climbs to 157. Prime Minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, assessed the situation while the government rushed to provide relief, the Nepal PM Secretariat said.

MIL-OSI NGOs: Children and families at risk after 6.4-magnitude earthquake hits western Nepal

2023-11-04T18:37+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: UNICEF – KATHMANDU/NEW DELHI, 4 November 2023 – “We are deeply saddened by the devastating impact of the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck Karnali and Lumbini provinces in western Nepal at 11:47 p.m. on Friday 3 November. “According to the authorities, 143 persons have died and 190 people are reportedly injured.


2023-11-04T18:37+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Save The Children. KATHMANDU, 4 November 2023 – A 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Jajarkot and Rukum West districts in Nepal has killed at least 157 people and injured 166, Save the Children said. Heather Campbell, Save the Children Country Director for Nepal and Bhutan said: The situation in....

Deadly Earthquake Strikes Jajkot Region in Western Nepal: Latest Updates and Rescue Operations

2023-11-04T18:36+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-04 05:53:00. 2023/11/4 13:53 (updated at 11/4 14:46) A strong earthquake hit the Jajkot region in western Nepal late at night on the 3rd, causing many casualties. The picture shows Nepali soldiers transporting the injured on a stretcher. (Nepal Army/Handout via Reuters) (Central News Agency....

Nepal: At least 157 dead in 5.6-magnitude earthquake

2023-11-04T18:33+0100english-alaraby (en)

At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The force of the 5.6-magnitude tremor jolted households awake and flattened mud houses in communities across isolated....

At least 157 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T18:30+0100chinadaily (en)

A damaged building is seen after an earthquake in Jajarkot, Nepal , Nov 4, 2023. [Photo/Agencies] JAJARKOT, Nepal - At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The force of the 5.

Earthquake Kills 143 In Nepal 4th November 2023

2023-11-04T18:28+0100thebridgenewsng (en)

No fewer than 143 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit isolated western districts of the Himalayan Republic late Friday and was measured by the....

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured.

2023-11-04T18:28+0100un-news (en)

The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot shortly before midnight on Friday (local time) as families slept in their mostly mud-brick homes, trapping many under the rubble. Several aftershocks have since been reported.

39 tourists from Pune stranded in quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-04T18:17+0100HindustanTimes (en)

We're now on WhatsApp. Click to join. Mahesh Rahane, a resident of Dhayari, who deals in the industrial wall supply business, booked a 13-day Nepal tour along with his wife and sister-in-law with Archies International Tours and Travels. He started his tour on October 26 from Pune.

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T18:17+0100virgilio (it)

Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo....

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T18:15+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 4 novembre 2023) Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la ...

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T18:12+0100washtimes (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to....

6.4 magnitude earthquake claims nearly 160 lives in Nepal

2023-11-04T18:09+0100efe (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 4 (EFE).- A 6.4 magnitude earthquake has killed nearly 160 people and injured scores in western Nepal , as rescue teams worked tirelessly on Saturday to aid those affected by the overnight tremor. According to the police, the death toll has risen to 157, with the majority of the....

Nepal earthquake devastated communities, death toll climbs to 157

2023-11-04T18:08+0100myanmarnews (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): In the wake of a catastrophic earthquake in Nepal, the nation grapples with the aftermath as the death toll climbs to 157. Prime Minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, assessed the situation while the government rushed to provide relief, the Nepal PM Secretariat said.

Western Nepal Earthquake Puts Children, Families at Risk: UNICEF

2023-11-04T18:07+0100miragenews (en)

"We are deeply saddened by the devastating impact of the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck Karnali and Lumbini provinces in western Nepal at 11:47 p.m. on Friday 3 November. "According to the authorities, 143 persons have died and 190 people are reportedly injured.

Babar Azam Buys Sabyasachi’s Sherwani

2023-11-04T18:07+0100news18 (en)

Israel Hits Hezbollah Targets Near Lebanon Border ... Watch AB de Villiers Shys Away From Paps, Hides Hi... Rashid Khan Is All Set And Hyped For World Cup Mat... Katrina Kaif Waves To The Paps, Passes A Killer Sm... ‘Hero of Russia’ & ‘Gold Star’ Medals For Russian ... Manchester United | Mancity Too Was Drawn To 'Just.

Au moins 157 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T18:07+0100laliberte (fr)

Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal. Les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a eu lieu à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

They create a robot Iron Man that can save your life, although in another way

2023-11-04T18:05+0100bullfrag (en)

The use of robots for the rescue of people in natural disasters it is increasingly studied. These devices can more easily reach places that humans cannot access, they have tools to raise barriers, open doors or any other necessary task and, of course, do not put a person in danger to do so.

At least 157 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T18:03+0100urdupoint (en)

At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. Jajarkot, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Nov, 2023) At least 157 people were killed in an overnight that....

Nepal Rushes Rescue Operations After Strong Earthquake Kills at Least 157

2023-11-04T17:59+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Survivors of a strong earthquake that shook Nepal ’s northwest in the middle of the night described sudden shaking followed by houses collapsing and burying entire families, as the death toll rose to 157 on Saturday. Most of those killed were crushed by debris when their houses —....

Sri Lankans in Nepal reported safe after deadly earthquake

2023-11-04T17:57+0100adaderana (en)

The Sri Lankans living in Nepal are situated at a safe distance from the epicenter of the earthquake which struck western Nepal on Friday (Nov. 03), the Sri Lankan Embassy in Kathmandu said in a statement. The embassy, noting that there are approximately 100 Sri Lankans currently residing in Nepal,....

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:57+0100espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – JAJARKOT, 04 NOV – Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:56+0100ansamed-it (it)

Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di soprassalto le famiglie e....

Top 10 news: Zelensky says Israel-Hamas war 'taking away focus' from Kyiv, Nepal earthquake kills 157 & more

2023-11-04T17:55+0100wionews (en)

The Turkish foreign ministry on Saturday (Nov 4) said that it has decided to call its ambassador from Israel to Ankara for consultations. In a statement, the foreign ministry said the decision to recall Sakir Özkan Torunlar was taken due to Israel's refusal of a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and also....

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-04T17:53+0100un-org (en)

The powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot shortly before midnight on Friday (local time) as families slept in their mostly mud-brick homes, trapping many under the rubble. Several aftershocks have since been reported.

Nepal earthquake devastated communities, death toll climbs to 157

2023-11-04T17:53+0100cambodiantimes (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): In the wake of a catastrophic earthquake in Nepal, the nation grapples with the aftermath as the death toll climbs to 157. Prime Minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, assessed the situation while the government rushed to provide relief, the Nepal PM Secretariat said.

Les images du tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-04T17:52+0100LeMonde (fr)

Un tremblement de terre a causé la mort de 157 personnes et blessé une centaine d’autres dans l’ouest du Népal, selon un nouveau bilan des autorités, samedi 4 novembre. Un précédent bilan faisait état de 143 morts. Le séisme, de magnitude 5,6, a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 kilomètres, selon l’Institut d’études géologiques des Etats-Unis.

Nepal Earthquake, death toll rises to 143

2023-11-04T17:50+0100radionigeria (en)

Nepal experienced additional aftershocks, with a magnitude of 3.3, on Saturday afternoon. Photo: National Geography. Nepal is reeling from the disastrous aftermath of a 6.4-magnitude earthquake that has now claimed the lives of 143 people, according to the Nepal police.

À priori pas de Belge parmi les victimes du tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-04T17:50+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 13h43 Le ministère des Affaires étrangères n'a connaissance pour l'instant d'aucune victime belge à la suite du tremblement de terre au Népal, qui a coûté la vie à au moins 132 personnes. "Nous n'avons connaissance d'aucun Belge touché" a indiqué samedi le porte-parole du SPF....

Au moins 157 morts dans le séisme au Népal, selon un nouveau bilan

2023-11-04T17:50+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises qui font état de 170 blessés. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une....

Aftershock of 4.2 magnitude recorded in quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-04T17:48+0100deccanherald (en)

Kathmandu: A 4.2-magnitude tremor was recorded in Nepal on Saturday, a day after the Himalayan nation's worst earthquake in eight years that killed 157 people in the country's remote mountainous region. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring Centre, the aftershock was of 4.2-magnitude and its epicenter was Ramidanda.

World News | Global Media Congress 2023 to Feature Co-Production Majlis as New Networking Platform

2023-11-04T17:45+0100latestly (en)

Abu Dhabi [UAE], November 4 (ANI/WAM): Held under the patronage of Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Presidential Court, this year's Global Media Congress (GMC) will host an innovative and exciting Co-Production Majlis.

Earthquake shakes Nepal, kills over 130

2023-11-04T17:43+0100manilatimes (en)

KATHMANDU : At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist in rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the Himalayan country's far west on Friday night and was measured by the United....

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:42+0100ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - JAJARKOT, 04 NOV - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

Xinhua Asia-Pacific news summary at 1600 GMT, Nov. 4

2023-11-04T17:40+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement. (Nepal-Quake-Death Toll) - - - - NEW DELHI -- At least seven people were....

At least 157 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T17:38+0100timesofindia (en)

JAJARKOT: At least 157 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The force of the 5.6-magnitude tremor jolted households awake and flattened mud houses in communities across....

Aftershock of 4.2 magnitude recorded in earthquake-hit Nepal

2023-11-04T17:38+0100timesofindia (en)

A 4.2-magnitude aftershock was recorded in Nepal , a day after the country experienced its worst earthquake in eight years. The aftershock occurred in the Jajarkot district and was a result of the earthquake that occurred on Friday. The earthquake on Friday was of 6.

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:37+0100bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - JAJARKOT, 04 NOV - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

LIVE NEPAL / SVIZZERA 11 min 50mila franchi a disposizione per gli aiuti d'emergenza

2023-11-04T17:37+0100tio (it)

BERNA - L'ambasciata svizzera a Kathmandu ha messo a disposizione 50'000 franchi per aiuti d'emergenza in seguito al violento terremoto che ha colpito ieri sera il Nepal . Dato che le autorità nepalesi non hanno ancora chiesto aiuti internazionali, la Svizzera non ha (ancora) inviato esperti nella zona terremotata.

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:35+0100mattinopadova (it)

JAJARKOT, 04 NOV - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

Au moins 157 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T17:34+0100actu-orange (fr)

Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a eu lieu à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Lukashenko sends condolences to Nepal over earthquake victims

2023-11-04T17:33+0100today-az (en)

04 November 2023 [20:05] - TODAY.AZ Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko sent condolences to Nepal President Ram Chandra Paudel over the numerous victims of a powerful earthquake, Azernews reports, citing BelTA. "It was with great pain and sorrow that Belarus learned the news about a big....

04.11.23 Au moins 143 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T17:33+0100ln24 (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet. "Nous étions en train de dormir.

Lukashenko sends condolences to Nepal over earthquake victims

2023-11-04T17:32+0100azernews (en)

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko sent condolences to Nepal President Ram Chandra Paudel over the numerous victims of a powerful earthquake, Azernews reports, citing BelTA. "It was with great pain and sorrow that Belarus learned the news about a big number of victims due to the earthquake in Nepal,” the message of condolences reads.

Terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 in Nepal, oltre 157 morti

2023-11-04T17:32+0100zazoom-it (it)

Ancora un violento terremoto in Nepal - oltre 130 morti. Scossa di magnitudo 6.4; Terremoto in Nepal di magnitudo 5.6 : 140 morti ma il bilancio continua a salire; Terremoto in Nepal - scossa di magnitudo 6 - 4 : almeno 140 morti; Terremoto in Nepal - scossa di magnitudo 6 - 4 : almeno 140 morti; Terremoto di magnitudo 5 - 6 in Nepal : 140 morti.

Terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 in Nepal, almeno 157 morti

2023-11-04T17:32+0100zazoom-it (it)

Terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 in Nepal - oltre 157 morti; Ancora un violento terremoto in Nepal - oltre 130 morti. Scossa di magnitudo 6.4; Terremoto in Nepal di magnitudo 5.6 : 140 morti ma il bilancio continua a salire; Terremoto in Nepal - scossa di magnitudo 6 - 4 : almeno 140 morti; Terremoto in....

Forte terremoto in Nepal, al confine con il Tibet

2023-11-04T17:31+0100tvsvizzera (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 5,6 è stato percepito anche a New Dehli. Le immagini e il racconto della difficoltà di portare soccorso in una zona particolarmente isolata, nel servizio del Telegiornale della Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana RSI.

19:18 Nepal earthquake death toll exceeds 140

2023-11-04T17:30+0100news-am (en)

At least 143 people have died in an earthquake in Nepal , the country's police wrote on X. Over 160 more people were injured. Local media noted that much of the destruction occurred in remote mountain settlements, communications with which were disrupted as a result of the earthquake, so the number of victims might increase.

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:30+0100ilpiccolo (it)

JAJARKOT, 04 NOV - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:29+0100tribunatreviso (it)

JAJARKOT, 04 NOV - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:29+0100tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - JAJARKOT, 04 NOV - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:29+0100larena (it)

(ANSA) - JAJARKOT, 04 NOV - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:28+0100gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - JAJARKOT, 04 NOV - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

Children and families at risk after 6.4-magnitude earthquake hits western Nepal

2023-11-04T17:27+0100reliefWeb (en)

Statement attributable to Alice Akunga, UNICEF Representative to Nepal . KATHMANDU/NEW DELHI, 4 November 2023 “We are deeply saddened by the devastating impact of the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck Karnali and Lumbini provinces in western Nepal at 11:47 p.m. on Friday 3 November.

CARE Nepal Launches Emergency Response to Earthquake

2023-11-04T17:27+0100reliefWeb (en)

Statement by Mona Sherpa, CARE Nepal ’s Country Director. November 4, 2023 “On November 3, 2023, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Jajarkot and Rukum Districts of Karnali Province in Nepal, causing widespread damage. Initial reports indicate 150 casualties and several hundred injured, with the numbers expected to rise.

CARE Nepal prepares for immediate relief after strong earthquake hit last night

2023-11-04T17:27+0100reliefWeb (en)

Following a strong earthquake in Nepal last night, CARE Nepal Country Director Mona Sherpa describes the impacts and shares plans for emergency response efforts: “Yesterday, a tremor with a magnitude of 6.4 followed by several aftershocks were felt in Jajarkot and Rukum Districts of Karnali Province, which is about 300 miles west of Kathmandu.

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:27+0100nuovavenezia (it)

JAJARKOT, 04 NOV - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:26+0100ansa (it)

Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di soprassalto le famiglie e....

Xinhua Asia-Pacific news summary at 1600 GMT, Nov. 4

2023-11-04T17:24+0100china.org.cn (en)

KATHMANDU -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement. (Nepal-Quake-Death Toll) NEW DELHI -- At least seven people were killed , and....

Quake Shakes Northwest Nepal, Killing at Least 128 and Injuring Dozen

2023-11-04T17:23+0100thenationalherald (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday.

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:22+0100giornaledibrescia (it)

JAJARKOT, 04 NOV - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

Sale a 157 morti il bilancio del terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T17:22+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

JAJARKOT, 04 NOV - Sale il bilancio delle vittime nel terremoto in Nepal : almeno 157 persone sono rimaste uccise, hanno reso noto oggi i funzionari governativi, mentre le forze della sicurezza stanno assistendo la popolazione nei soccorsi. La forza del sisma di magnitudo 5,6 ha svegliato di....

SismaTerremoto in Nepal: l'ambasciata svizzera mette a disposizione 50.000 franchi

2023-11-04T17:20+0100cdt (it)

L'ambasciata svizzera a Kathmandu ha messo a disposizione 50.000 franchi per aiuti d'emergenza in seguito al violento terremoto che ha colpito ieri sera il Nepal . Dato che le autorità nepalesi non hanno ancora chiesto aiuti internazionali, la Svizzera non ha (ancora) inviato esperti nella zona terremotata.

Earthquake in Nepal: Aftershock of 4.2 Magnitude Recorded in Jajarkot

2023-11-04T17:19+0100latestly (en)

Agency News ⚡Earthquake in Nepal : Aftershock of 4.2 Magnitude Recorded in Jajarkot. By PTI Nepal on Friday was jolted after an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude struck the Jajarkot district, about 500km west of Kathmandu. It was recorded at 11:47 p.m. Friday's earthquake is the most devastating one in....

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll will rise

2023-11-04T17:17+0100latimes (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to....

This tsunami awareness day, how to stay safe

2023-11-04T17:17+0100Stuff (en)

November 5 isn’t just a day for fireworks in memory of a foiled plot to blow up the British Parliament, it’s also the United Nations’ World Tsunami Awareness Day. To mark the day, the National Emergency Management Agency (Nema) is reminding New Zealanders of the steps they can take to reduce the risk if there is a tsunami.

Devastation, Crumbling Buildings In Nepal After 6.4 Earthquake, 140 Killed: 10 Facts

2023-11-04T17:16+0100ndtvnews (en)

Several houses in Jajarkot were flattened on damaged when the earthquake hit late on Friday night. Videos from the spot showed crumbled facades of multi-storied brick houses, with large pieces of furniture scattered. Photos posted on social media showed locals digging through rubble in the dark to....

"India Stands In Solidarity:" PM After 128 Killed In Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T17:16+0100ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that he is "deeply saddened" by the loss of lives and damage due to the powerful earthquake in Nepal . After the magnitude 6.4 earthquake , that struck a remote region of Nepal late Friday and killed at least 128 people, PM Modi said that India "stands in solidarity" with the people of Nepal.

"It's Not Earthquake That Kills People But...": Seismology Body Head

2023-11-04T17:16+0100ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal , claimed 132 lives and injured several others, National Center for Seismology (NCS) Director Dr OP Mishra said that two important factors for the severity of the occurrence in the Himalayan region were the time and structure.

Nepal Earthquake Live Updates: At Least 157 Killed In Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T17:16+0100ndtvnews (en)

Aftershock Of 4.2 Magnitude Recorded In Quake-Hit Nepal A 4.2-magnitude tremor was recorded in Nepal on Saturday, a day after the Himalayan nation's worst earthquake in eight years that killed 157 people in the country's remote mountainous region. The aftershock was recorded in Jajarkot district at 3:40 PM on Saturday.

India Releases Helpline Number For Citizens After Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T17:16+0100ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal , claimed 132 lives and several injured, India has released an emergency contact number for Indians who require urgent assistance. "Alert Emergency Contact Number for Indians requiring assistance due to the recent earthquake in Nepal:....

World News | Aftershock of 4.2 Magnitude Recorded in Quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-04T17:13+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 4 (PTI) A 4.2-magnitude tremor was recorded in Nepal on Saturday, a day after the Himalayan nation's worst earthquake in eight years that killed 157 people in the country's remote mountainous region. The aftershock was recorded in Jajarkot district at 3:40 PM on Saturday.

Au moins 143 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T17:10+0100parismatch (fr)

Au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Nepal: Children exposed to freezing temperatures and snow as earthquake kills hundreds

2023-11-04T17:07+0100reliefWeb (en)

KATHMANDU, 4 November 2023 A 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Jajarkot and Rukum West districts in Nepal has killed at least 157 people and injured 166, Save the Children said. Heather Campbell, Save the Children Country Director for Nepal and Bhutan said: The situation in Jajarkot and Rukum West is dire....

Aftershock of 4.2 magnitude recorded in quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-04T17:07+0100devdiscourse (en)

This tremor was an aftershock of the earthquake that occurred on Friday night. Nepal on Friday was jolted after an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude struck the Jajarkot district, about 500km west of Kathmandu. A 4.2-magnitude tremor was recorded in Nepal on Saturday, a day after the Himalayan nation's....

A glance at some of Nepal's deadliest earthquakes

2023-11-04T17:03+0100timesofindia (en)

A magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck northwestern Nepal , resulting in over 150 deaths and numerous injuries. Rescuers are currently searching for survivors in the affected Himalayan villages. Nepal has a history of earthquakes, including a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 2015 that killed around 9,000 people.

Népal : un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 5,6 fait au moins 157 morts, selon un dernier bilan

2023-11-04T16:59+0100rtbf (fr)

Au moins 157 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 sur l'échelle ouverte de Richter a été mesuré à une....

World News | UN Chief Guterres Says 'horrified' by Blast Outside Gaza Hospital, Israel Envoy Hits Back

2023-11-04T16:58+0100latestly (en)

New York [US], November 4 (ANI): The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, on Saturday voiced his anguish over the suspected air strike on a convoy of ambulances outside Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. The attack on Friday left many dead and injured, according to reports.

Nepal earthquake devastated communities, death toll climbs to 157

2023-11-04T16:56+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

[ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): In the wake of a catastrophic earthquake in Nepal, the nation grapples with the aftermath as the death toll climbs to 157. Prime Minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal , assessed the situation while the government rushed to provide relief, the Nepal PM Secretariat said.

Rescuers Struggle To Find Nepal Quake Survivors As Deaths Reach 157

2023-11-04T16:47+0100tempo-co (en)

People injured during the Jajarkot earthquake undergo treatment at a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal November 4, 2023. Rescue workers in Nepal began digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands on Saturday, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight....

Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T16:45+0100sinacom-en (en)

The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts at 23:47 local time on....

Over 150 dead and dozens injured after powerful earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T16:45+0100telegraph (en)

More than 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal . The force of the tremor jolted households across the Jajarkot region on Friday evening and flattened mud houses in communities across the impact site.

Nepal rushes aid and rescue operations after strong quake shakes its northwest, killing at least 157

2023-11-04T16:44+0100fox10tv (en)

A doctor looks after a patient injured in an earthquake, evacuated from his village and brought to a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight....

World News | Nepal Earthquake Devastated Communities, Death Toll Climbs to 157

2023-11-04T16:43+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): In the wake of a catastrophic earthquake in Nepal, the nation grapples with the aftermath as the death toll climbs to 157. Prime Minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, assessed the situation while the government rushed to provide relief, the Nepal PM Secretariat said.

Séisme au Népal: au moins 157 morts et mobilisation pour trouver des survivants

2023-11-04T16:40+0100lactualite (fr)

KATMANDOU, Népal Le bilan des victimes d’un puissant tremblement de terre qui a secoué le nord-ouest du Népal s’est alourdi à 157 morts, a annoncé samedi le Centre national des opérations d’urgence. La plupart des personnes tuées ont été écrasées dans l’effondrement de leurs maisons, généralement....

Nepal earthquake devastated communities, death toll climbs to 157

2023-11-04T16:36+0100aninews (en)

[ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): In the wake of a catastrophic earthquake in Nepal, the nation grapples with the aftermath as the death toll climbs to 157. Prime Minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal , assessed the situation while the government rushed to provide relief, the Nepal PM Secretariat said.

NEPAL 10 min Sisma, il bilancio si aggrava: i morti sono almeno 157

2023-11-04T16:36+0100tio (it)

KATHMANDU - Si aggrava il bilancio del grave terremoto che ha colpito il Nepal nelle scorse ore. Secondo l'ultimo aggiornamento fornito dalla polizia della capitale Kathmandu almeno 157 persone sono morte e 170 sono rimaste ferite. La scossa, lo ricordiamo, è stata registrata alle 23.47 ora locale di venerdì e ha avuto una magnitudo di 6.

Indian Embassy releases helpline number in wake of Nepal quake

2023-11-04T16:35+0100thestatesman (en)

The Indian Embassy in Nepal has released an emergency contact number for Indians requiring assistance in the wake of a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake which jolted the Himalayan nation on Friday. “#Alert #Emergency Contact Number for Indians requiring assistance due to the recent earthquake in....

5.6-magnitude overnight quake kills at least 132 in remote Nepal

2023-11-04T16:32+0100manilastandard-ph (en)

QUAKE SHELTER. Survivors are seen at a corridor of the Jajarkot district hospital in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on November 4, when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and....

Nepal Quake: Injured Shifted to Hospital at the Foothills, Some May Be Sent to India

2023-11-04T16:30+0100news18 (en)

At least 157 people were killed and over 150 others injured when the Friday night earthquake, the worst since 2015, struck western Nepal 's remote areas destroying hundreds of houses in the Himalayan country Follow us: Even as search and rescue operations continued in the mountainous Jajarkot district in western Nepal hit by a powerful 6.

Could something else be wrong? How the Grand National, a courtier’s cock-up, a sinusitis outbreak and papal intervention came close to derailing Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles’ Windsor wedding…

2023-11-04T16:25+0100d1softballnews (en)

For a while, it seemed as if Charles and Camilla’s marriage was doomed; Click here for all the latest royal news, pictures and videos. If it is well known that the path to true love has never been easy, then Prince Charles must be more painfully aware of this than most.

UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-04T16:24+0100reliefWeb (en)

United Nations teams in Nepal are responding to the devastating earthquake in the west of the country, amid reports that over 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The powerful 6.4M earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot shortly before midnight....

5.6-magnitude overnight quake kills at least 132 in remote Nepal

2023-11-04T16:16+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU—At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US....

Putin expresses condolences to Nepal over earthquake deaths

2023-11-04T16:15+0100plenglish (en)

“Dear Mr. President, dear Prime Minister, please accept my deepest condolences for the tragic consequences of the devastating earthquake in the west of your country. I ask to convey the words of sincere sympathy and support to the family and friends of the victims,” the message says.

Venezuela in solidarity with Nepal for earthquake victims

2023-11-04T16:15+0100plenglish (en)

Caracas, Nov 4 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela today transmitted a message of solidarity to the people and government of Nepal , due to the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that the day before left more than a hundred dead and injured. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families, wishing a speedy....

Séisme de magnitude 5,6 dans l'Ouest du Népal : 132 morts

2023-11-04T16:14+0100catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Le séisme, de magnitude 5,6 s’est produit dans une zone reculée de l’ouest du Népal. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir.

Devastating earthquake claims 128 lives in western Nepal

2023-11-04T16:07+0100albawaba-en (en)

ALBAWABA - In the wake of a powerful earthquake that struck western Nepal , the death toll has climbed to 128 as ongoing rescue operations strive to save lives. The Nepal Police spokesperson, Kuber Kadayat, reported that 140 people have been injured in this tragic event.

PM Kakar expresses deep sorrow over earthquake casualties and devastation in Nepal

2023-11-04T16:07+0100humnews-pk (en)

WEB DESK: Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar ul Haq Kakar conveyed deep condolences regarding the tragic loss of lives and extensive damage caused by the recent earthquake in Nepal . In a statement released on Saturday, he expressed profound sorrow, stating, “Our thoughts and prayers are with those....

India Nepal earthquakes impact Gangetic plains as region's soft soil amplifies seismic energy: Experts About 4 minutes ago

2023-11-04T16:01+0100devdiscourse (en)

Nepal earthquakes impact Gangetic plains as region's soft soil amplifies seismic energy: Experts The epicentre of the seismic shocks magnitude 5.3 was 72 km northwest of Kathmandu and at a shallow depth of 10 km, it said.The seismic events in Nepal on October 3 were felt in Delhi, Uttarakhand, Uttar....

Au moins 143 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T15:58+0100WortLuxembourg-fr (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km au Népal selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

World News | Russia Opens a Vast National Exposition as Presidential Election Approaches

2023-11-04T15:57+0100latestly (en)

Moscow, Nov 4 (AP) With pointed disdain for the West, Russia on Saturday unveiled a sprawling exposition highlighting the nation's accomplishments, which will run through the months leading to the presidential election in which Vladimir Putin is widely expected to seek a new term.

World News | 157 Killed as Strong Earthquake Jolts Nepal's Mountainous Western Region

2023-11-04T15:57+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 4 (PTI) At least 157 people were killed and over 160 others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake, the worst since 2015, struck Nepal and destroyed hundreds of houses in the Himalayan nation's remote mountainous region, officials said on Saturday.

At least 157 killed, 197 injured in 6.4 magnitude Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T15:56+0100wn (en)

Nov. 4 (UPI) -- The strongest earthquake to strike Nepal in eight years has killed at least 157 people in a remote, mountainous region of the country, local officials said ......

Nepal earthquake: Injured shifted to hospital at the foothills, some may be sent to India

2023-11-04T15:56+0100wn (en)

At Least 143 People Were Killed And Over 150 Others Injured When....

Nepal quake: Injured shifted to hospital at the foothills, some may be sent to India

2023-11-04T15:56+0100devdiscourse (en)

Even as search and rescue operations continued in the mountainous Jajarkot district in western Nepal hit by a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake on Friday night, authorities shifted scores of injured persons to multiple hospitals in the foothills and some of them may be airlifted to India.

Nepal earthquakes impact Gangetic plains as region's soft soil amplifies seismic energy: Experts

2023-11-04T15:54+0100timesofindia (en)

Seismologists have highlighted that earthquakes in Nepal have an impact on the Gangetic plains due to the amplification of seismic energy by the soft soil in the region. The recent earthquake in Nepal, with a magnitude of 6.4, caused tremors in north India, including Delhi-NCR.

Nepal earthquakes impact Gangetic plains as region's soft soil amplifies seismic energy, say experts

2023-11-04T15:49+0100economictimes (en)

While seismologists warned that consecutive earthquakes are foretelling bigger seismic shocks in the western Nepal Himalayan region, an examination of the preliminary reports published by the NCS paint a geographical picture of the parts of India that experience these Nepal quakes and hence, are susceptible to them.

Nepal Earthquake: Here’s What To Know About The Deadly Shock As Death Toll Climbs To 150

2023-11-04T15:43+0100wn (en)

The earthquake in Nepal is the country’s deadliest since 2015. ......

Nepal: Earthquake - Nov 2023

2023-11-04T15:41+0100humanitarianresponse (en)

On 03 November at 18:02 UTC a 5.6 M earthquake at a depth of 17.9 km struck Nepal , with epicentre in Jajarkot of Karnali province. Several aftershocks have occurred since. Tremors were felt across North India. According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) 140 people have been killed and 140 injured.

Latest News | Nepal Earthquakes Impact Gangetic Plains as Region's Soft Soil Amplifies Seismic Energy: Experts

2023-11-04T15:41+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi, Nov 4 (PTI) Earthquakes that hit Nepal have an impact on the Gangetic plains because the soft soil of the region amplifies seismic energy originating from the Himalayan belt, seismologists said. On Friday night, a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 jolted Nepal sending waves of tremors across north India, including in Delhi-NCR.

Nepal rushes aid and rescue operations after strong quake shakes its northwest, killing at least 157

2023-11-04T15:39+0100torontosun (en)

While rescuers were scrambling to rush aid, operations were hampered by the fact that many of the mountainous villages could only be reached by foot. Roads were also blocked by landslides triggered by the earthquake. Soldiers could be seen trying to clear the blocked roads.

MIL-OSI United Nations: UN teams respond to deadly earthquake in western Nepal

2023-11-04T15:36+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Nations 3. The powerful 6.4M earthquake struck the remote and rural districts of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot shortly before midnight on Friday (local time) as families slept in their mostly mud-brick homes, trapping many under the rubble. Several aftershocks have since been reported.

Deadly quake strikes Nepal, toppling homes and killing at least 129 people

2023-11-04T15:35+0100wn (en)

Kathmandu CNN — At least 129 people have been killed in an earthquake that struck a remote part of northwestern Nepal overnight on Friday and toppled multiple buildings as officials warned that the death toll could rise. The quake measured magnitude 5.

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 157

2023-11-04T15:31+0100aa-en (en)

ANKARA. The death toll from an earthquake that hit Nepal late Friday night has risen to 157, with nearly 200 people injured, local police said Saturday. The magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit western Nepal, sending tremors to even neighboring countries. Nepal police spokesman Kuber Kadayat told Anadolu....

At least 157 killed, 197 injured in 6.4 magnitude Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T15:28+0100fresnobee (en)

Nov. 4 (UPI) -- The strongest earthquake to strike Nepal in eight years has killed at least 157 people in a remote, mountainous region of the country, local officials said Saturday. In addition to those killed, Nepal Police said nearly 197 others have been hurt in the powerful temblor, which struck....

Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T15:28+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts at 23:47 local time on....

World News | Bliken, Austin to Attend 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in New Delhi; Will Meet Jaishankar, Rajnath

2023-11-04T15:26+0100latestly (en)

Washington, DC [US], November 4 (ANI): In what will be a significant diplomatic engagement in New Delhi next week, a high-profile US delegation led by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and also featuring Secretary of Defense Lloyd J Austin III, will arrive here for the 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue, the....

Earthquake in Nepal: Injured Shifted to Hospital at Foothills, Some May Be Airlifted to India

2023-11-04T15:26+0100latestly (en)

Agency News ⚡Earthquake in Nepal : Injured Shifted to Hospital at Foothills, Some May Be Airlifted to India. By PTI The doctors are on continuous alert as more injured persons are expected. “There are many kids also who were injured and are under treatment. We have a team of specialist doctors here that is taking care of these patients.

At least 157 killed, 197 injured in 6.4 magnitude Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T15:25+0100upi (en)

Nov. 4 (UPI) -- The strongest earthquake to strike Nepal in eight years has killed at least 157 people in a remote, mountainous region of the country, local officials said Saturday. In addition to those killed, Nepal Police said nearly 197 others have been hurt in the powerful temblor, which struck....

Local Wisdom Supports the Development of Science

2023-11-04T15:25+0100kompas-id (en)

D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer /i> by the German botanist, Georgius Everhardus Rumphius (1627-1702), which is in the collection of the Agricultural Literacy and Library Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, was featured at the launch of the book i <>The Box of Wonders of the Maritime Continent: Ambon....

Lors des négociations trilatérales, le Japon affirme que l’eau traitée à Fukushima est sûre

2023-11-04T15:23+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-11-04 14:37:50. Le Japon a souligné samedi la sécurité du rejet en cours dans la mer d’eaux usées radioactives traitées provenant de la centrale nucléaire n°1 de Fukushima, lors d’une réunion des ministres de l’Environnement impliquant la Chine et la Corée du Sud.

Violento terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T15:20+0100osservatoreromano (it)

Katmandu, 4. Un violento terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 sulla scala Richter ha colpito ieri sera il Nepal . Al momento le vittime accertate sono 140, ma si teme che possano essere molte di più. I soccorritori sono infatti ancora impegnati nelle ricerche, soprattutto in alcuni villaggi remoti isolati, dove le comunicazioni sono interrotte.

World Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. 1m

2023-11-04T15:19+0100shine (en)

The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts at 23:47 local time on....

Death Toll In Nepal Earthquake Rises To 157

2023-11-04T15:18+0100haberler-en (en)

The death toll from an earthquake that hit Nepal late Friday night has risen to 157, with nearly 200 people injured, local police said Saturday. The magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit western Nepal, sending tremors to even neighboring countries. Nepal police spokesman Kuber Kadayat told Anadolu that as on....

Les finalistes du Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général pour la traduction 2023

2023-11-04T15:17+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-11-03 20:05:50. Voici les finalistes du Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général 2023 pour la traduction du français vers l’anglais. Les Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général sont l’un des prix littéraires les plus anciens et les plus prestigieux au Canada.

Senate Chairman grieved over loss of lives in Nepal quake

2023-11-04T15:15+0100app-en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Nov 04 (APP): Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani has expressed deep sorrow and grief over the loss of life and property in earthquake in Nepal . The Senate chairman, in a statement on Saturday, expressed his heartfelt sympathy and condolence with the bereaved families, stating that he....

Rescuers seek Nepal quake survivors, deaths exceed 150

2023-11-04T15:11+0100bordermail (en)

Nepal i seismologists say 175 aftershocks have been recorded in Jajarkot after an initial earthquake. (AP PHOTO) Rescue workers in Nepal have begun digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed ....

Rescuers seek Nepal quake survivors, deaths exceed 150

2023-11-04T15:11+0100maitlandmercury (en)

Nepal i seismologists say 175 aftershocks have been recorded in Jajarkot after an initial earthquake. (AP PHOTO) Rescue workers in Nepal have begun digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed ....

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 143, aftershocks felt

2023-11-04T15:10+0100timesofoman (en)

Kathmandu: Nepal is reeling from the disastrous aftermath of a 6.4-magnitude earthquake that has now claimed the lives of 143 people, according to the Nepal police. The impact of this catastrophe has left a trail of destruction, leaving countless individuals injured and communities in turmoil.

Oman marks World Tsunami Awareness Day

2023-11-04T15:10+0100timesofoman (en)

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Civil Aviation Authority, participated in the celebration of World Tsunami Awareness Day, which falls on November 5 of each year. On this occasion, the Civil Aviation Authority is implementing programmes to raise awareness of the dangers of tsunamis....

Rescuers struggle to find Nepal quake survivors as deaths reach 157

2023-11-04T15:09+0100wam-en (en)

KATHMANDU, 4th November, 2023 (WAM) -- Rescue workers in Nepal began digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands on Saturday, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed 157 people and shook buildings as far away as New Delhi.

Rescuers seek Nepal quake survivors, deaths exceed 150

2023-11-04T15:07+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

Nepal i seismologists say 175 aftershocks have been recorded in Jajarkot after an initial earthquake. (AP PHOTO) Rescue workers in Nepal have begun digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed ....

Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T15:06+0100thesundaily (en)

KATHMANDU : The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. The number of injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts at 23:47 local time....

Deadly quake strikes Nepal, toppling homes and killing at least 129 people

2023-11-04T15:05+0100egyptindependent (en)

The quake measured magnitude 5.6 according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and hit some 42 kilometers (about 26 miles) from Jumla, Nepal , in Karnali province. It struck at a comparatively shallow depth of 18 kilometers and the tremors could be felt as far away as India’s capital New Delhi.

Rescuers struggle to find Nepal quake survivors as deaths reach 157

2023-11-04T15:03+0100myanmarnews (en)

KATHMANDU, 4th November, 2023 (WAM) -- Rescue workers in Nepal began digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands on Saturday, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed 157 people and shook buildings as far away as New Delhi.

Rescuers seek Nepal quake survivors, deaths exceed 150

2023-11-04T15:03+0100illawarramercury (en)

Nepal i seismologists say 175 aftershocks have been recorded in Jajarkot after an initial earthquake. (AP PHOTO) Rescue workers in Nepal have begun digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed ....

Rescuers seek Nepal quake survivors, deaths exceed 150

2023-11-04T14:58+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

Rescue workers in Nepal have begun digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed 157 people and shook buildings as far away as New Delhi. The quake struck the Jajarkot region in the west of the Himalayan country at 11.

Rescuers seek Nepal quake survivors, deaths exceed 150

2023-11-04T14:54+0100newcastleherald (en)

Rescue workers in Nepal have begun digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed 157 people and shook buildings as far away as New Delhi. The quake struck the Jajarkot region in the west of the Himalayan country at 11.

Un séisme meurtrier frappe le Népal, détruisant des maisons et tuant au moins 157 personnes

2023-11-04T14:54+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Katmandou CNN Au moins 157 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a frappé vendredi une région reculée du nord-ouest du Népal et détruit plusieurs bâtiments, les autorités ayant averti que le bilan pourrait s’alourdir, selon un responsable de la police.

Prof ASM Maksud Kamal joins office as 29th DU VC

2023-11-04T14:51+0100bssnews (en)

DHAKA, Nov 04, 2023 (BSS) - Prof Dr ASM Maksud Kamal has taken office as the 29th Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University following the expiration of outgoing VC Prof Md Akhtaruzzaman's tenure. Prof Maksud Kamal took the charges today from the outgoing VC Dr Akhtaruzzaman at a function attended by....

09:58 Death toll in Nepal earthquake passes 150

2023-11-04T14:50+0100news-am (en)

157 people died as a result of an earthquake in Nepal , as officials expected the death toll to rise as communications with many mountainous areas have been disrupted, Mint newspaper reports. According to officials, over 100 other people were injured. The earthquake occurred on the border of India and Nepal.

At least 143 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T14:49+0100pakistantoday (en)

KATHMANDU: At least 143 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit isolated western districts of the Himalayan Republic late on Friday and was....

Terremoto in Nepal, sale a 143 il bilancio dei morti

2023-11-04T14:48+0100ansa (it)

Almeno 143 persone sono morte nel terremoto che ha scosso una remota regione del Nepal , dove si stanno organizzando soccorsi per cercare eventuali sopravvissuti. Lo rende noto un nuovo rapporto diffuso oggi dalle autorità nepalesi. Il terremoto di magnitudo 5,6 è stato misurato a una profondità di....

Latest Videos At least 128 people dead after powerful earthquake hits western Nepal Nepal's National Seismological Centre said Friday’s quake was a magnitude 6.4, while the U.S. Geological Survey called it a magnitude 5.6. 11M ago 00:27

2023-11-04T14:46+0100cbslocal (en)

At least 128 people dead after powerful earthquake hits western Nepal Nepal's National Seismological Centre said Friday’s quake was a magnitude 6.4, while the U.S. Geological Survey called it a magnitude 5.6.

au moins 143 morts et 100 blessés dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6

2023-11-04T14:44+0100laminute (fr)

Au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal ce vendredi 3 novembre, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités locales. Les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants. Un séisme de magnitude 5,6 a frappé une région reculée du....

At least 143 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T14:43+0100mb-com-ph (en)

Residents rest in an open air area next to a damaged building in Jajarkot district on November 4, 2023, following an overnight a 5.6-magnitude earthquake. At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake of 5.6-magnitude that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on November 4,....

Professor Maksud Kamal takes charge as Dhaka University VC

2023-11-04T14:42+0100newagebd (en)

-- UNB photo. Professor ASM Maksud Kamal officially joined office on Saturday as the 29th vice-chancellor of Dhaka University. He took charge from outgoing VC Professor Md Akhtaruzzaman in the morning at vice-chancellor’s office. The newly appointed VC Professor ASM Maksud Kamal expressed his....

Nepal earthquake kills at least 138, toll expected to rise

2023-11-04T14:41+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

A deadly earthquake has struck a remote area of western Nepal . Officials have said at least 138 people have been killed , and dozens more injured. Rescue workers are having difficulties reaching some areas cut off by landslides.

US govt. stands ready to assist Nepal, Embassy says

2023-11-04T14:41+0100nepalnews (en)

The Embassy of the United States in Kathmandu has said it is deeply saddened to learn of the lives lost in the earthquake happened in Jajarkot and Rukum Paschim districts last night. The Embassy said 'the US stands ready to assist as Nepal recovers from this terrible earthquake'. The earthquake measuring 6.

Inondations Libye: 11 300 morts, 10 000 portés disparus

2023-11-04T14:41+0100nigerexpress (fr)

Le Bureau de coordination des affaires humanitaires des Nations Unies (OCHA) a annoncé, samedi 16 septembre 2023, la mort de 11 300 personnes dans les inondations provoquées par la tempête Daniel à Derna. Plusieurs milliers de morts et de disparus dans les inondations à Derna.

World News | IDF Eliminates 15 Hamas Terrorists in Northern Gaza Strip

2023-11-04T14:39+0100latestly (en)

Tel Aviv [Israel], November 4 (ANI): Amid the relentless onslaught on Hamas following the October 7 terror attacks, Israeli ground forces eliminated 15 terrorists and destroyed the outfit's infrastructure in Gaza, The Jerusalem Post reported on Saturday.

Au moins 143 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T14:38+0100laliberte (fr)

Au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

At Least 128 Dead In Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T14:37+0100dailycaller (en)

An earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, Nepal , on Nov. 3, resulting in at least 128 reported deaths and numerous injuries, according to officials. The earthquake took place around 11:47 p.m. local time (1802 GMT) with a magnitude of 6.4, as confirmed by Nepal’s National Seismological Centre, per Reuters .

Nepal rushes aid and rescue operations after strong quake shakes its northwest, killing at least 157

2023-11-04T14:33+0100wn (en)

The death toll of a strong earthquake that shook Nepal 's northwest has risen to 157, the National Emergency Operation Center announced Saturday. ......

Why Nepal is so vulnerable to earthquakes?

2023-11-04T14:33+0100wn (en)

Kathmandu: Situated on the precarious Himalayan seismic zone, Nepal is a highly earthquake-prone country and its quake-battered western mountainous region is likely to face a threat of a bigger earthquake, a seismologist says.

Népal: Un séisme fait au moins 157 morts, les sauveteurs à la recherche de survivants

2023-11-04T14:32+0100boursier-fr (fr)

par Gopal Sharma. KATMANDOU (Reuters) - Les équipes de sauvetages ont commencé samedi au Népal leur travail de recherches dans les décombres d'habitations, à la recherche de survivants après que le pays himalayen a connu un des séismes les plus puissants de son histoire qui a tué au moins 157 personnes.

At Least 129 Dead, 140 Hurt As Magnitude 6.4 Quake Hits Nepal

2023-11-04T14:31+0100bloombergquint (en)

Rescuers and emergency services were working through the rubble of collapsed buildings and expected the death toll to rise, the Associated Press reported, citing officials. At least 140 people were injured. The tremor was recorded at 11:47 p.m. local time (6:02 p.m.

Earthquake Update: Death toll reaches 157; 197 others hurt

2023-11-04T14:26+0100nepalnews (en)

The death toll in the Jajarkot earthquake reached 157 and the number of injured ones is 197 as per information shared by the Armed Police Force, Nepal . Deputy Superintendent of Armed Police Force, Nepal Shailendra Thapa said that the number of death toll reached 105 in Jajarkot and 52 in Rukum Paschim.

China to provide assistance materials worth Rs 100m

2023-11-04T14:26+0100nepalnews (en)

The Government of China announced to provide materials worth Rs 100 million to the earthquake-stricken areas, Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Chen Song wrote in Twitter today. As the first emergency response, the assistance materials include tents and blankets from China South Asian Countries Emergency Supplies Reserve, the Ambassador stated.

Au moins 143 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T14:26+0100courrier-picard (fr)

Au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Rescuers struggle to find Nepal quake survivors as deaths reach 157

2023-11-04T14:25+0100newsincyprus (en)

Rescue workers in Nepal began digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands on Saturday, searching for survivors after the country’s worst earthquake in eight years killed 157 people and shook buildings as far away as New Delhi. The quake struck the...

Rescuers struggle to find Nepal quake survivors as deaths reach 157

2023-11-04T14:21+0100urdupoint (en)

KATHMANDU, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News / WAM - 04th Nov, 2023) Rescue workers in Nepal began digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their bare hands on Saturday, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed 157 people and shook buildings as far....

Népal : au moins 143 morts et 100 blessés dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6

2023-11-04T14:20+0100cnews (fr)

Au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal ce vendredi 3 novembre, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités locales. Les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants. Un séisme de magnitude 5,6 a frappé une région reculée du....

Initial death toll from Nepal earthquake set at 150, expected to rise

2023-11-04T14:19+0100irishsun (en)

A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities in India's capital said the Nepal earthquake was felt in New Delhi, more than 500 miles away.

143 killed as 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolts Nepal's mountainous western region

2023-11-04T14:14+0100wn (en)

November 3 Quake Is The Most Devastating One In....

128 people killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T14:10+0100vervetimes (en)

“The priority is to find the survivors and take them to hospital,” said regional police chief, Bhim Dhakal, “while we recover bodies of the deceased.” Troops were clearing roads and mountain trails blocked by landslides triggered by the earthquake. Helicopters flew in medical workers and medicines to the hospitals there.

World News | EAM Jaishankar Speaks to Israeli Counterpart, Reaffirms Commitment to Counter Terror, Pursue Two-state Solution

2023-11-04T14:09+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Amid the offensive against the terror group Hamas in Gaza, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Saturday had a telephone conversation with his Israeli counterpart, Eli Cohen, reaffirming India's commitment to "countering terrorism, observance of international humanitarian law and for a two-state solution".

Au moins 143 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T14:09+0100tv5 (fr)

Au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

At least 143 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T14:06+0100jamaicaobserver (en)

Medical personnel attend to a wounded victim at a hospital in Nepal gunj after an earthquake in western Nepal on November 4, 2023. At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake of 5.6-magnitude that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said on November 4, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 143, aftershocks felt

2023-11-04T14:03+0100myanmarnews (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): Nepal is reeling from the disastrous aftermath of a 6.4-magnitude earthquake that has now claimed the lives of 143 people, according to the Nepal police. The impact of this catastrophe has left a trail of destruction, leaving countless individuals injured and communities in turmoil.

Animal shelters think creatively to help families keep their pets amid "crisis" The Denver Animal Shelter even brought on a social worker for pets to connect owners with support. 11M ago

2023-11-04T14:00+0100CBSnews (en)

Animal shelters across the country say they are approaching a crisis level in terms of the number of pets being given up. A shortage of workers, foster owners and veterinarians is making the crisis worse, and with shelters full, the euthanasia rate has climbed to a three-year high.

128 killed, dozens injured in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T13:58+0100tribuneonlineng (en)

At least 128 people have died in a strong earthquake in Nepal , according to police in the capital Kathmandu. Dozens more have been reported injured. A representative of the local administration in the Jajarkot district, near the epicentre of the quake, said the number of victims could rise.

Initial death toll from Nepal earthquake set at 150, expected to rise

2023-11-04T13:54+0100kualalumpurtimes (en)

A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities in India's capital said the Nepal earthquake was felt in New Delhi, more than 500 miles away.

At least 143 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T13:53+0100wn (en)

Nepal gunj, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Nov, 2023) At least 143 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.

Quake kills 128 people

2023-11-04T13:53+0100sunstar (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, Nov. 3, 2023, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens dozens more, officials said Saturday, Nov. 4.

Video Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts, les secours sont à la recherche de survivants

2023-11-04T13:52+0100nordeclair (fr)

Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts, les secours sont à la recherche de survivants Plus de cent blessés ont été dénombrés dans les districts de Jajarkot et Rukum, qui sont à ce stade les plus touchés par le séisme. Les séismes sont fréquents au Népal, qui se trouve sur une faille géologique....

SismaTerremoto in Nepal: ambasciata svizzera in contatto con le organizzazioni partner

2023-11-04T13:50+0100cdt (it)

L'ambasciata svizzera a Kathmandu è in contatto con le organizzazioni partner nelle regioni colpite dal violento terremoto che ha colpito ieri sera il Nepal . Una richiesta formale di aiuto non è ancora giunta. Il Dipartimento federale degli affari esteri (DFAE) ha indicato oggi a Keystone-ATS di non essere a conoscenza di vittime svizzere.

150 dead as homes collapse during Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T13:50+0100singaporenews (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal : A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities report that communications were cut off in many of the most hard hit areas.

Nepal quake death toll rises to 145 (2nd Lead)

2023-11-04T13:49+0100wn (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 4 : The death toll from a strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake in Nepal has risen to 145 as the....

Initial death toll from Nepal earthquake set at 150, expected to rise

2023-11-04T13:49+0100kenyastar (en)

A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities in India's capital said the Nepal earthquake was felt in New Delhi, more than 500 miles away.

Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts, les secours sont à la recherche de survivants

2023-11-04T13:48+0100lavoixdunord (fr)

Plus de cent blessés ont été dénombrés dans les districts de Jajarkot et Rukum, qui sont à ce stade les plus touchés par le séisme. Les séismes sont fréquents au Népal, qui se trouve sur une faille géologique majeure où la plaque tectonique indienne s’enfonce dans la plaque eurasienne, formant la chaîne de l’Himalaya.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 143, aftershocks felt

2023-11-04T13:47+0100cambodiantimes (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): Nepal is reeling from the disastrous aftermath of a 6.4-magnitude earthquake that has now claimed the lives of 143 people, according to the Nepal police. The impact of this catastrophe has left a trail of destruction, leaving countless individuals injured and communities in turmoil.

Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T13:45+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

Nepal Army members conduct rescue operation in Jajarkot district of western Nepal on Nov. 4, 2023. The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday.(Nepal Army/Handout via Xinhua) KATHMANDU, Nov.

Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T13:44+0100english-news-cn (en)

Nepal Army members conduct rescue operation in Jajarkot district of western Nepal on Nov. 4, 2023. The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday.(Nepal Army/Handout via Xinhua) KATHMANDU, Nov.

Népal : un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 5,6 fait au moins 143 morts, selon un dernier bilan

2023-11-04T13:43+0100rtbf (fr)

Au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 sur l'échelle ouverte de Richter a été mesuré à une....

Initial death toll from Nepal earthquake set at 150, expected to rise

2023-11-04T13:42+0100longbeachstar (en)

A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities in India's capital said the Nepal earthquake was felt in New Delhi, more than 500 miles away.

Initial death toll from Nepal earthquake set at 150, expected to rise

2023-11-04T13:41+0100singaporestar (en)

A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities in India's capital said the Nepal earthquake was felt in New Delhi, more than 500 miles away.

Nepal: At least 132 dead after 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal

2023-11-04T13:41+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-04T12:41:06.857Z. Highlights: Nepal : At least 132 dead after 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal. Rescue efforts are being organized to search for survivors, according to a new assessment on Saturday from the Nepalese authorities. Videos and photos posted on social media show....

Kharge says Indians stands shoulder to shoulder with neighbouring country

2023-11-04T13:41+0100mid-day (en)

Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Saturday condoled the loss of lives in the devastating earthquake in Nepal and said in this hour of crisis, Indians stand shoulder to shoulder with the neighbouring country, reported news agency PTI. At least 140 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.

Initial death toll from Nepal earthquake set at 150, expected to rise

2023-11-04T13:40+0100nigeriasun (en)

A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities in India's capital said the Nepal earthquake was felt in New Delhi, more than 500 miles away.

Initial death toll from Nepal earthquake set at 150, expected to rise

2023-11-04T13:40+0100srilankasource (en)

A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities in India's capital said the Nepal earthquake was felt in New Delhi, more than 500 miles away.

Népal : au moins 143 morts après un séisme de magnitude 5,6 qui a frappé l'ouest du pays

2023-11-04T13:40+0100Europe1 (fr)

Au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué....

150 dead as homes collapse during Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T13:38+0100thecambodianews (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal : A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities report that communications were cut off in many of the most hard hit areas.

Il racconto «Tsunami su Marina di Pisa»: vento a 120 km all’ora e onde di quattro metri. Il viaggio nella distruzione di Roberta Galli

2023-11-04T13:38+0100iltirreno (it)

Marina di Pisa Raffiche di vento a 120 chilometri orari, onde alte fino a cinque metri che si sono abbattute come uno tsunami sul lungomare con il loro carico di ghiaia e colme di una forza distruttiva micidiale, tantoché lo storico Bagno Gorgona, il più antico di Marina, non esiste più.

More than 150 killed in during yesterday's Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T13:36+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

So far, the death toll from yesterday's earthquake in Jajarkot and West Rukum district of western Nepal has risen to more than 150 fatalities, according to various news. In addition, there have been hundreds of wounded people. The quake's epicenter is located in a very rural and mountainouss area approx.

A glance at some of Nepal's deadliest earthquakes

2023-11-04T13:33+0100wn (en)

A magnitude 5.6 earthquake shook northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing....

150 dead as homes collapse during Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T13:33+0100myanmarnews (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal : A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities report that communications were cut off in many of the most hard hit areas.

Au moins 143 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T13:33+0100actu-orange (fr)

Au moins 143 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Terremoto in Nepal, i feriti trasferiti in ospedale

2023-11-04T13:33+0100mattinopadova (it)

Sopravvissuti al terremoto in Nepal ricoverati in ospedale mentre sale il bilancio delle vittime. Le immagini mostrano le persone coinvolte dal terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 che ha colpito una remota zona del Nepal mentre vengono curate in un ospedale di Nepalgunj, una citta' a circa 200 chilometri dall'epicentro Jajarkot.

Rescuers searching for survivors after Nepal earthquake which left at least 132 dead

2023-11-04T13:31+0100euronews-en (en)

A man looks at damaged houses in the aftermath of an earthquake at Jajarkot district on Saturday Copyright PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP via Getty Images Hundreds of others are thought to be buried under rubble in two districts of the Himalayan region. At least 132 people died in an earthquake that shook a....

Initial death toll from Nepal earthquake set at 150, expected to rise

2023-11-04T13:29+0100cambodiantimes (en)

A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities in India's capital said the Nepal earthquake was felt in New Delhi, more than 500 miles away.

Condolences to President of Nepal Ramchandra Paudel and Prime Minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal November 4, 2023, 10:40 2023-11-04 Team of the Official Website of the President of Russia

2023-11-04T13:29+0100kremlin-en (en)

Condolences to President of Nepal Ramchandra Paudel and Prime Minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal. Vladimir Putin sent a message of condolences to President of Nepal Ramchandra Paudel and Prime Minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal over the tragic consequences of a devastating earthquake in the country’s western districts.

at least 60 dead and dozens injured by earthquake

2023-11-04T13:27+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-04 12:09:38. At least 60 people lost their lives today in two districts of western Nepal after a devastating earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter Scale, as reported by local authorities in their most recent report on the tragic phenomenon. --55-81"> The tremor shook a mountainous area in....

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of earthquake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T13:27+0100theglobeandmail (en)

Nepal ese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

News18 Evening Digest: Not Just Delhi, UP Too Gasps for Breath and Other Top Stories

2023-11-04T13:26+0100news18 (en)

We are also covering: Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya patch up?; 'Satta Main Reh Ke Satte Ka Khel': BJP attacks Chhattisgarh CM Baghel, among other stories Follow us: Not only Delhi-NCR, Uttar Pradesh too is gasping for fresh air. With the highest index value of 494, UP’s Greater Noida was....

Earthquake kills 143 in Nepal

2023-11-04T13:25+0100punchng (en)

The 5.6-magnitude quake hit isolated western districts of the Himalayan Republic late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep. The force of the tremor jolted households awake and flattened mud houses in communities across the impact site.

World News | Japan's Prime Minister Tours Philippine Patrol Ship and Boosts Alliances Amid Maritime Tensions

2023-11-04T13:24+0100latestly (en)

Manila, Nov 4 (AP) Japan's prime minister boarded a Philippine patrol ship on Saturday in a symbolic show of support as Tokyo shores up regional alliances to counter China's assertiveness in maritime disputes with its neighbours. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's visit to the Japanese-built BRP Teresa....

Initial death toll from Nepal earthquake set at 150, expected to rise

2023-11-04T13:24+0100manilametro (en)

A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities in India's capital said the Nepal earthquake was felt in New Delhi, more than 500 miles away.

Initial death toll from Nepal earthquake set at 150, expected to rise

2023-11-04T13:23+0100northernirelandnews (en)

A November 4 earthquake in Nepal has killed 150 people, though the number is expected to rise. Government officials report that army helicopters and troops have been sent to aid the people in northwestern Nepal, where the earthquake struck. Authorities in India's capital said the Nepal earthquake was felt in New Delhi, more than 500 miles away.

Terremoto in Nepal, i feriti trasferiti in ospedale

2023-11-04T13:22+0100nuovavenezia (it)

Sopravvissuti al terremoto in Nepal ricoverati in ospedale mentre sale il bilancio delle vittime. Le immagini mostrano le persone coinvolte dal terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 che ha colpito una remota zona del Nepal mentre vengono curate in un ospedale di Nepalgunj, una citta' a circa 200 chilometri dall'epicentro Jajarkot.

At least 140 dead in Nepal earthquake; strong tremors felt in Delhi

2023-11-04T13:21+0100deccanherald (en)

At least 140 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal just before midnight on Friday, destroying hundreds of houses in the country's remote pockets.

Terremoto in Nepal, i feriti trasferiti in ospedale

2023-11-04T13:20+0100tiscali-it (it)

Sopravvissuti al terremoto in Nepal ricoverati in ospedale mentre sale il bilancio delle vittime. Le immagini mostrano le persone coinvolte dal terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 che ha colpito una remota zona del Nepal mentre vengono curate in un ospedale di Nepalgunj, una citta' a circa 200 chilometri dall'epicentro Jajarkot.

Nepal earthquake kills 137 as death toll predicted to rise

2023-11-04T13:19+0100inews-co-uk (en)

Almost 150 people have been killed in Nepal after a 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck a remote region of the country on Friday night. Security forces have been deployed to help rescue efforts in Jajarkot, the epicentre of the earthquake, and West Rukum in the far west of the Himalayan country , around 310 miles from Kathmandu.

Au moins 132 morts au Népal dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6 à l'extrême ouest du pays

2023-11-04T13:18+0100dakar-echo (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

At least 143 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T13:13+0100brecorder (en)

NEPALGUNJ: At least 143 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit isolated western districts of the Himalayan republic late Friday and was measured....

Death toll rises to 157 in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T13:11+0100cgtn (en)

The death toll has risen to 157 after a shallow magnitude-6.4 earthquake hit a remote pocket of western Nepal overnight, local media reported Saturday.

India stands shoulder to shoulder with Nepal: Kharge condoles death of people in earthquake

2023-11-04T13:11+0100dtnext (en)

NEW DELHI: Condoling the death of people due to the severe earthquake in Nepal , Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge on Saturday said that India stands shoulder to shoulder with Nepal in this hour of crisis. In a post on X, Kharge said, “Anguished by the loss of precious lives due to the devastating earthquake in Nepal.

Why does western Nepal face threat of a bigger earthquake?

2023-11-04T13:11+0100wn (en)

Over 140 People Died In The Powerful Temblor With Its....

Nepal Earthquake Death Toll At 143; India Releases Helpline Numbers

2023-11-04T13:11+0100wn (en)

On the other hand, India has released an emergency helpline number for Indians who require urgent assistance. ......

Blindspot:Only 14% Left17 sources Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 132; PM Dahal arrives at Jajarkot to meet affected people

2023-11-04T13:08+0100ground-news (en)

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 143, aftershocks felt. A 6.4-magnitude earthquake in Nepal has resulted in the deaths of 143 people, leaving many injured and communities in turmoil. Additional aftershocks have only made the situation worse, testing the resilience of the affected region.

Terremoto in Nepal, scossa di magnitudo 5.9: oltre 140 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T13:08+0100gazzetta (it)

Terremoto in Nepal . Mancavano pochi minuti alla mezzanotte, in Italia era tardo pomeriggio, quando la terra ha iniziato a tremare. L'epicentro della forte scossa, di magnitudo 5.9 secondo i dati del Servizio Geologico degli Stati Uniti e dell'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, è stato....

At least 143 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T13:07+0100dawn (en)

At least 143 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit isolated western districts of the Himalayan Republic late Friday and was measured by the US....

Séisme au Népal: 119 morts et plus de 100 blessés

2023-11-04T13:07+0100lematin (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 a frappé, vendredi, l'ouest du Népal . Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à 18 kilomètres de profondeur, près du district de Jumla . "Le bilan s'élève à 119 morts et au moins 100 blessés", a fait savoir Gopal Chandra Bhattarai , porte-parole de la police....

Terremoto in Nepal, oltre 130 morti

2023-11-04T13:05+0100tusciaweb (it)

Khalanga – Terremoto in Nepal di magnitudo 5,9, oltre 130 morti. Forte scossa di terremoto in Nepal. Il sisma è stato registrato nella serata di ieri, intorno alle 23,47 ora locale, intorno alle 19 in Italia. Il terremoto è stato di magnitudo 5,9 e a una profondità di 9 km. Il bilancio, seppur provvisorio, è tragico.

Nepal: forte scossa provoca centinaia di morti. Le prime immagini

2023-11-04T13:03+0100scienzenotizie (it)

Il terremoto, di magnitudo 6,4, è stato avvertito anche in India. Un forte terremoto ha scosso venerdì notte (ora locale) il nord-ovest del Nepal , provocando almeno 69 morti e decine di feriti nei distretti di Rukum e Jajarkot, secondo quanto riferito da Reuters .

Nepal Earthquake: India releases helpline number for Indians seeking urgent assistance

2023-11-04T13:02+0100myanmarnews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal , claimed 132 lives and several injured, India has released an emergency contact number for Indians who require urgent assistance. "Alert Emergency Contact Number for Indians requiring assistance due to the....

Earthquake in western Nepal kills more than 120 people

2023-11-04T12:56+0100foxweather (en)

A magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck northwestern Nepal on Friday night, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, and reports said at least 120 people were killed .

Tremblement de terre au Népal : plus de 128 morts enrégistrés

2023-11-04T12:55+0100beninwebtv (fr)

Au moins 128 personnes ont perdu la vie et plus de 200 autres ont été blessées suite à un séisme de magnitude 6,4 qui a frappé l’ouest du Népal ce vendredi. Les principales régions touchées sont les districts de Jajarkot et de Rukum, où les équipes de secours s’efforcent de porter assistance aux victimes.

Nepal earthquake aftermath: Death toll rises to 143, aftershocks felt

2023-11-04T12:54+0100business-standard (en)

Nepal is reeling from the disastrous aftermath of a 6.4-magnitude earthquake that has now claimed the lives of 143 people, according to the Nepal police. The impact of this catastrophe has left a trail of destruction, leaving countless individuals injured and communities in turmoil. Nepal experienced additional aftershocks, with a magnitude of 3.

Terremoto in Nepal, abitazioni devastate dal sisma

2023-11-04T12:54+0100ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Sono almeno i 128 morti e decine di feriti causati dal terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 che ha colpito il nordovest del Nepal poco prima della mezzanotte di venerdì. Lo comunicano le autorità, secondo cui il numero è destinato ad aumentare. Le comunicazioni sono interrotte con molte località.

Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T12:52+0100chinadaily (en)

A damaged building is seen after an earthquake in Jajarkot, Nepal , Nov 4, 2023. [Photo/Agencies] KATHMANDU - The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement.

Nepal Earthquake: India releases helpline number for Indians seeking urgent assistance

2023-11-04T12:45+0100cambodiantimes (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal , claimed 132 lives and several injured, India has released an emergency contact number for Indians who require urgent assistance. "Alert Emergency Contact Number for Indians requiring assistance due to the....

au moins 132 morts et 100 blessés dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6

2023-11-04T12:42+0100laminute (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal ce vendredi 3 novembre, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités locales. Les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants. Un séisme de magnitude 5,6 a frappé une région reculée du....

Nepal Earthquake Update: India Releases Emergency Helpline Number As Death Toll Climbs To 140

2023-11-04T12:39+0100timesnownews (en)

The magnitude of the earthquake was 6.4 on the Richter scale. The tremors of the earthquake were felt in many parts of northern India, including the Delhi-NCR region. The emergency contact number that has been pinned on the official X handle of the Indian Embassy in Nepal is +977-9851316807.

143 dead, more than 100 injured in Nepal quake

2023-11-04T12:30+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU: At least 143 people are confirmed dead after the shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal overnight, officials said Saturday. Videos and photos posted on social media showed locals digging through rubble in the dark to pull survivors from the wreckage of....

AP News Summary at 7:14 a.m. EDT

2023-11-04T12:23+0100eagletribune (en)

Hamas leader's home is hit in airstrike as Israel presses its attacks and U.S. envoy seeks aid route. RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israel’s military has hit the family home of the exiled leader of Hamas on the outskirts of Gaza City with an airstrike as it continued to press its attacks across in the....

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 143, aftershocks felt

2023-11-04T12:21+0100timesofindia (en)

KATHMANDU: Nepal is reeling from the disastrous aftermath of a 6.4-magnitude earthquake that has now claimed the lives of 143 people, according to the Nepal police. The impact of this catastrophe has left a trail of destruction, leaving countless individuals injured and communities in turmoil.

World News | Nepal Earthquake: Death Toll Rises to 143, Aftershocks Felt

2023-11-04T12:20+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): Nepal is reeling from the disastrous aftermath of a 6.4-magnitude earthquake that has now claimed the lives of 143 people, according to the Nepal police. The impact of this catastrophe has left a trail of destruction, leaving countless individuals injured and communities in turmoil.

Lukashenko sends condolences to Nepal over earthquake victims

2023-11-04T12:19+0100Belta_en (en)

MINSK, 4 November (BelTA) - Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko sent condolences to Nepal President Ram Chandra Paudel over the numerous victims of a powerful earthquake, BelTA learned from the press service of the head of state. "It was with great pain and sorrow that Belarus learned the news....

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 143, aftershocks felt

2023-11-04T12:18+0100dtnext (en)

KATHMANDU: Nepal is reeling from the disastrous aftermath of a 6.4-magnitude earthquake that has now claimed the lives of 143 people, according to the Nepal police. The impact of this catastrophe has left a trail of destruction, leaving countless individuals injured and communities in turmoil.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T12:13+0100news-herald (en)

A doctor looks after a patient injured in an earthquake, evacuated from his village and brought to a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight....

Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T12:12+0100china.org.cn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West....

Dozens killed in magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T12:12+0100wn (en)

More than 130 people have been killed in Nepal after a magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck the Jajarkot district late on Friday night. ......

Death toll up to 143 from Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T12:12+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a strong earthquake that hit western Nepal on Friday night has risen to 143, Nepal Police said on Saturday. The number of the injured has increased to 166, Nepal Police said in a statement. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West....

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T12:10+0100wral (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Nepalese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 143, toll could rise

2023-11-04T12:10+0100gulfnews (en)

KATHMANDU: At least 143 people are confirmed dead after the shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal overnight, officials said Saturday.

'Devastation everywhere': Earthquake of 6.4 magnitude claims 140 lives in Nepal

2023-11-04T12:07+0100economictimes (en)

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake in western Nepal kills 140 people and injures many more. Strong tremors were felt in Nepal, across North India and parts of Bihar at around 11:32 PM IST on Friday, November 03.

Nepal Earthquake: India Releases Helpline Number For Indians Seeking Urgent Assistance

2023-11-04T12:06+0100india (en)

Earlier today, Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' arrived in Jajarkot to meet the affected people. Jajarkot, Nov 04 (ANI): Houses were reduced to rubble after the 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal yesterday, in Bheri, Jajarkot on Saturday.

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T12:05+0100therepublic (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Nepalese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T12:03+0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

Sanità, Nursing Up De Palma: "Giù le mani dalle pensioni degli infermieri"

2023-11-04T12:03+0100ottopagine (it)

La recente norma apparsa nella bozza della Legge di Bilancio che modifica il rendimento della quota retributiva (precedente al 1996) delle pensioni liquidate dal 2024, avrà senz'altro conseguenze assai deleterie per il nostro sistema sanitario, minando nel profondo la già traballante stabilità di un SSN che non ha certo bisogno di ulteriori colpi.

UAE expresses solidarity with Nepal and offers condolences over earthquake victims

2023-11-04T12:02+0100myanmarnews (en)

ABU DHABI, 4th November, 2023 (WAM) -- The UAE expressed its sincere condolences and solidarity with Nepal over the victims of the earthquake that struck the west of the country, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries. In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) expressed its....

Over 140 people killed by earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T12:02+0100myanmarnews (en)

The death toll is rising after a 6.4-magnitude quake struck the Himalayan country late Friday. At least 140 people were killed and over 140 others were injured after a 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday.

Népal : au moins 132 morts après un séisme dans l’ouest du pays

2023-11-04T12:02+0100lejdd (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km, selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l’extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Plus de cent personnes blessées.

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T12:02+0100tribtown (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Nepalese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

02:14 Widespread Devastation In Nepal After Massive Quake, 132 Killed

2023-11-04T12:01+0100timesnownews (en)

A powerful magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Nepal , causing over 128 casualties and more than 100 injuries, with tremors felt in northern India. Security agencies were mobilized for rescue efforts, but officials expect the death toll to rise. The epicenter was identified as Lamidanda, Jajarkot.

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 137

2023-11-04T12:00+0100nation-pk (en)

The death toll from an earthquake that hit Nepal late Friday night has increased to 137, a senior police official said on Saturday. The magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit western Nepal, sending tremors to even neighboring countries. Nepal police spokesman Kuber Kadayat told Anadolu that casualties in the....

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 143, aftershocks felt

2023-11-04T11:59+0100aninews (en)

Efforts are underway to provide medical assistance to those injured in the earthquake. (Photo Credit: X/@ Nepal PoliceHQ) Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 143, aftershocks felt. ANI | Updated: Nov 04, 2023 16:26 IST. ], November 4 (ANI): Nepal is reeling from the disastrous aftermath of a 6.

Nepal Earthquake: Death toll rises to over 130; rescue work underway, ground report

2023-11-04T11:54+0100economictimes (en)

At least 130 people were killed , after a strong earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early on November 4.Moderate tremors were felt as far away as India’s capital New Delhi, nearly 500 kilometres from the quake’s epicentre. Prime Minister Pushpakamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ headed....

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 137

2023-11-04T11:54+0100nation (en)

The death toll from an earthquake that hit Nepal late Friday night has increased to 137, a senior police official said on Saturday. The magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit western Nepal, sending tremors to even neighboring countries. Nepal police spokesman Kuber Kadayat told Anadolu that casualties in the....

Forte scossa di terremoto in Nepal, 132 morti e 110 feriti

2023-11-04T11:54+0100notizieinunclick (it)

Continua a peggiorare il bilancio dei morti causati dal forte terremoto che ha scosso, nella serata italiana, una regione montagnosa in Nepal . L’ultimo bilancio parla di almeno 132 persone morte e oltre un centinaio ferite: lo hanno reso noto le autorità, che hanno anche sottolineato come il fatto....

Terremoto in Nepal: almeno 140 morti e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T11:53+0100ilfaroonline (it)

Katmandu – Notte di paura in Nepal dove un terremoto ha colpito la zona nord ovest del Pese: è di almeno 140 morti e circa 150 feriti il bilancio provvisorio delle vittime del terremoto. Il sisma, secondo il Centro sismologico nazionale del Nepal è stato magnitudo 6,4 ed è stato registrato alle 23.

At least 132 dead after powerful earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T11:51+0100wn (en)

At least 132 have been killed , with the death toll expected to rise (Picture: AP) At least 132 people have been killed and dozens more injures after a powerful earthquake shook districts in north-western Nepal . Helicopters and ground troops have rushed to help people trapped under rubble and injured by the 5.

Deadly earthquake hits western Nepal

2023-11-04T11:50+0100yahoo-sg (en)

STORY: The quake struck the Jajarkot region in the west of the Himalayan nation at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a 6.4 magnitude, Nepal 's National Seismological Centre said. The German Research Centre for Geosciences measured it at 5.7 and the U.S. Geological Survey at 5.6.

Nepal earthquake: India releases helpline number for urgent assistance

2023-11-04T11:50+0100business-standard (en)

After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal , claimed 132 lives and several injured, India has released an emergency contact number for Indians who require urgent assistance. "Alert Emergency Contact Number for Indians requiring assistance due to the recent earthquake in Nepal:....

Why does western Nepal region face threat of a bigger earthquake?

2023-11-04T11:50+0100business-standard (en)

Situated on the precarious Himalayan seismic zone, Nepal is a highly earthquake-prone country and its quake-battered western mountainous region is likely to face a threat of a bigger earthquake, a seismologist says. According to the government's post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) report, Nepal is....

Un fort tremblement de terre frappe le nord-ouest du Népal : NPR

2023-11-04T11:50+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

KATMANDOU, Népal — Des hélicoptères et des troupes au sol se sont précipités pour porter secours aux personnes blessées lors d’un violent tremblement de terre qui a secoué des districts du nord-ouest du Népal peu avant minuit vendredi, tuant au moins 128 personnes et en blessant des dizaines d’autres, ont annoncé samedi des responsables.

Le mystère d’un tsunami déclenché par l’éruption d’un volcan sous-marin résolu 400 ans après

2023-11-04T11:49+0100dailygeekshow (fr)

En 1650, le volcan sous-marin Kolumbo est entré en éruption. Ce phénomène a été suivi par un tsunami spectaculaire. Si ces deux évènements sont bien connus des scientifiques grâce aux diverses documentations et preuves géologiques sur le sujet, la cause exacte n’a jamais pu être déterminée. Une nouvelle étude semble avoir résolu cette énigme.

Nepal earthquake: Watch the moment woman is pulled out alive from rubble

2023-11-04T11:48+0100coastfm (en)

A woman has been pulled alive from the rubble after an earthquake hit Nepal - miraculously walking away from a destroyed building. At least 137 people were killed when the late on Friday night. The number of dead is expected to rise, with helicopters and troops drafted in to help find survivors.

Watch moment woman is pulled out alive from rubble of Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T11:47+0100skynews (en)

A woman has been pulled alive from the rubble after an earthquake hit Nepal - miraculously walking away from a destroyed building. At least 137 people were killed when the late on Friday night. The number of dead is expected to rise, with helicopters and troops drafted in to help find survivors.

Un puissant séisme fait au moins 69 morts au Népal

2023-11-04T11:47+0100boursier-fr (fr)

par Gopal Sharma. KATMANDOU (Reuters) - Un puissant séisme a frappé vendredi l'ouest du Népal, faisant au moins 69 morts et des dizaines de blessés et provoquant l'effondrement d'habitations. Selon le Centre népalais de sismologie, le séisme était de magnitude 6,4.

Népal: Un séisme fait au moins 137 morts, les sauveteurs à la recherche de survivants

2023-11-04T11:47+0100boursier-fr (fr)

par Gopal Sharma. KATMANDOU (Reuters) - Les équipes de sauvetages ont commencé samedi au Népal leur travail de recherches dans les décombres d'habitations, à la recherche de survivants après que le pays himalayen a connu un des séismes les plus puissants de son histoire qui a tué au moins 137 personnes.

Nepal Earthquake Kills at Least 128, Toll Could Rise, Officials Say

2023-11-04T11:43+0100haaretz (en)

Officials fear the death toll could rise as they had not been able to establish contact in the hilly area near the epicenter. The district has a population of 190,000 with villages scattered in remote hills. At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck....

"Earthquake does not kill people it is the structure that does": NCS Director on Nepal quake

2023-11-04T11:42+0100cambodiantimes (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal , claimed 132 lives and injured several others, National Center for Seismology (NCS) Director Dr OP Mishra said that two important factors for the severity of the occurrence in the Himalayan region were the time and structure.

Nepal earthquake: Watch the moment woman is pulled alive from rubble

2023-11-04T11:41+0100heart (en)

At least 137 people were killed when the earthquake struck the west of the country late on Friday night. The number of dead is expected to rise, with helicopters and troops drafted in to help find survivors. A video captures one of the lucky ones: a woman dragged from the dusty rubble by a team of rescuers working by torchlight.

Au Népal, un fort séisme fait plus de 130 morts dans une région isolée

2023-11-04T11:41+0100huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

a frappé l’extrême ouest du Népal ce vendredi 3 novembre tard dans la nuit, faisant au moins 132 morts et plus de 100 blessés. De magnitude 5,6, le tremblement de terre a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km, selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry expresses condolences to Nepal

2023-11-04T11:39+0100trendnews-az (en)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, November 4. Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry has expressed condolences in connection with the earthquake in Nepal , Trend reports via the Foreign Ministry's publication "X" (Twitter). "We are deeply saddened by the news of a strong earthquake in Nepal, which killed and injured dozens of people.

Nepal quake: Congress chief Kharge says Indians stands shoulder to shoulder with neighbouring country

2023-11-04T11:38+0100deccanherald (en)

New Delhi: Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Saturday condoled the loss of lives in the devastating earthquake in Nepal and said in this hour of crisis, Indians stand shoulder to shoulder with the neighbouring country. At least 140 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.

Rescuers struggle to find Nepal quake survivors, deaths at 137

2023-11-04T11:36+0100bna-en (en)

Kathmandu, Nov. 4 (BNA): Rescue workers in Nepal began digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their hands on Saturday, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed 137 people and shook buildings as far away as New Delhi.

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T11:35+0100dailyjournal (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Nepalese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

UAE expresses solidarity with Nepal and offers condolences over earthquake victims

2023-11-04T11:34+0100wam-en (en)

Sat 04-11-2023 13:57 PM UAE expresses solidarity with Nepal and offers condolences over earthquake victims. ABU DHABI, 4th November, 2023 (WAM) -- The UAE expressed its sincere condolences and solidarity with Nepal over the victims of the earthquake that struck the west of the country, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries.

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, selon un nouveau bilan. Magnitude 5,6 Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T11:33+0100journaldemontreal (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. • À lire aussi: Plus de 119 morts dans un séisme au Népal Le séisme de....

Nepal: Aid workers are not yet able to reach all affected areas after earthquake

2023-11-04T11:32+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-04T10:31:28.829Z. Highlights: Nepal : Aid workers are not yet able to reach all affected areas after earthquake. At least 138 people were killed and at least 166 others were injured. The number of victims is likely to rise, especially since no confirmed information was initially available from several areas cut off from the outside world.

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T11:31+0100floridanewstimes (en)

KATHMANDU – Nepal ese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T11:31+0100ln24 (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Dozens dead as earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T11:30+0100wn (en)

A strong earthquake killed at least 128 people and injured dozens in north-western Nepal just before midnight on Friday, officials said Saturday. Rescue helicopters flew into the region to help and security forces on the ground were digging out the dead and survivors from the rubble, Nepal police....

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, selon un nouveau bilan. Magnitude 5,6 Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T11:29+0100journaldequebec (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. • À lire aussi: Plus de 119 morts dans un séisme au Népal Le séisme de....

UAE offers condolences to Nepal over earthquake deaths

2023-11-04T11:27+0100khaleejtimes (en)

The UAE expressed its sincere condolences and solidarity with Nepal over the victims of the earthquake that struck the west of the country, In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) expressed its sincere condolences to the government and people of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.

Nepal - Earthquake (DG ECHO, DG ECHO partners, NDRRMA, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 04 November 2023)

2023-11-04T11:26+0100reliefWeb (en)

On 03 November at 18:02 UTC a 5.6 M earthquake at a depth of 17.9 km struck Nepal , with epicentre in Jajarkot of Karnali province. Several aftershocks have occurred since. Tremors were felt across North India. According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) 140 people have been killed and 140 injured.

International Au moins 132 morts dans un tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-04T11:26+0100lechorepublicain (fr)

Les secours s'organisent au Népal, ce samedi, où un tremblement de terre a provoqué la mort d'au moins 132 personnes, selon les autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km par l'Institut américain d'études géologiques. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen vendredi soir dans la soirée.

Deadly quake strikes Nepal, rescuers struggle to find survivors

2023-11-04T11:25+0100chinadailyhk (en)

This handout photo provided by Nepal Prime Minister's Office shows an earthquake-affected area in northwestern Nepal, Nov 4, 2023. (NEPAL PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE VIA AP) KATHMANDU – Rescue workers in Nepal began digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their hands on Saturday, searching....

Terrifying! Earthquake claims 128 lives in Nepal

2023-11-04T11:24+0100india (en)

Sachin Tendulkar's Statue Unveiled At Wankhede Stadium Ahead Of India vs Sri Lanka World Cup fixture. Rajkummar Rao has been appointed as ECI’s National Icon #rajkumarrao #shorts. World Cup 2023: Bangladesh Batters With Highest Scores In ODI World Cup History.

Népal: au moins 130 morts dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6

2023-11-04T11:23+0100pressafrik (fr)

Des dizaines de maisons de briques et de terres se sont écroulées, des immeubles en béton ont été éventrés par les fortes secousses qui ont frappé cette région montagneuse de l’ouest du Népal vers minuit vendredi soir, rapporte notre correspondant régional, Sébastien Farcis.

Népal: Un séisme fait au moins 137 morts, les sauveteurs à la recherche de survivants

2023-11-04T11:21+0100challenges (fr)

KATMANDOU (Reuters) - Les équipes de sauvetages ont commencé samedi au Népal leur travail de recherches dans les décombres d'habitations, à la recherche de survivants après que le pays himalayen a connu un des séismes les plus puissants de son histoire qui a tué au moins 137 personnes.

Deadly Earthquake Strikes Northwestern Nepal, Leaving Dozens Dead and Injured

2023-11-04T11:20+0100breakinglatest (en)

Earthquake Strikes Northwestern Nepal , Leaving 69 Dead and Dozens Injured. KATHMANDU, Nepal – A powerful earthquake hit northwestern districts of Nepal late Friday night, resulting in the death of at least 69 individuals and leaving dozens injured. Rescue teams are currently engaged in search and....

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that killed at least 128

2023-11-04T11:20+0100timesofindia (en)

A strong earthquake in northwestern Nepal has killed at least 128 people and injured dozens more. The death toll is expected to rise as communication with affected areas remains cut off. The focus is currently on finding survivors and providing them with medical assistance.

Trema "il tetto del mondo": Nepal devastato da un terremoto, centinaia di morti

2023-11-04T11:20+0100ilgiornale (it)

Trema "il tetto del mondo Nepal devastato da un terremoto , centinaia di morti 4 Novembre 2023 - 11:09. Le zone colpite dal sisma sono difficilmente raggiungibili. Il lavoro dei soccorsi procede lentamente. Si scava ancora tra le macerie in cerca di sopravvissuti o corpi.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T11:20+0100ildenaro (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma. (ITALPRESS).

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T11:17+0100wn (en)

South Asia News: A strong earthquake in northwestern....

Rescuers struggle to find Nepal quake survivors, deaths at 137

2023-11-04T11:17+0100tribune (en)

NEPAL: Rescue workers in Nepal began digging through the rubble of collapsed houses with their hands on Saturday, searching for survivors after the country's worst earthquake in eight years killed 137 people and shook buildings as far away as New Delhi. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Devastating Earthquake in Nepal: Rising Casualties and Mounting Destruction

2023-11-04T11:13+0100archyde (en)

Devastating Earthquake in Nepal : Rising Casualties and Mounting Destruction. 1699092754 #people #died #injured #strong #earthquake #hit #NepalCasualties #continue #increase #Free #Times.

Au moins 132 morts dans un tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-04T11:12+0100lepopulaire (fr)

Les secours s'organisent au Népal, ce samedi, où un tremblement de terre a provoqué la mort d'au moins 132 personnes, selon les autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km par l'Institut américain d'études géologiques. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen vendredi soir dans la soirée.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 130 people

2023-11-04T11:11+0100wn (en)

The earthquake is the deadliest since 2015 when approximately 9,000 people were killed ......

'Earthquake does not kill people it is the structure that does': NCS Director on Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T11:11+0100wn (en)

South Asia News: The National Center for Seismology....

Guinea’s justice minister says former dictator Moussa ‘Dadis’ Camara has escaped from prison in a jailbreak

2023-11-04T11:10+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

Russian attacks in Ukraine have wounded at least 14 civilians as the president of the European Commission returned to the Ukrainian capital to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The Taliban are appealing to Afghanistan’s private sector to help those fleeing Pakistan’s mass deportation drive. U.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T11:10+0100armradio (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighboring India shook, reports. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Quake Shakes Nepal, Killing At Least 128 And Injuring Dozens. Officials Fear Toll To Rise

2023-11-04T11:09+0100khaosod (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Nepalese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

Terremoto in Nepal: scossa di magnitudo 6.4 avvertita fino a Nuova Delhi

2023-11-04T11:09+0100greenme (it)

Sono quasi 130 le persone uccise e decine quelle ferite dopo che un violento terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore il Nepal occidentale. 6.4 la magnitudo registrata. La scossa ha colpito l’estremo ovest del Paese himalayano ed è stata misurata dall’US Geological Survey a soli 18 chilometri (11 miglia) di profondità.

Au moins 132 morts dans un tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-04T11:08+0100lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Les secours s'organisent au Népal, ce samedi, où un tremblement de terre a provoqué la mort d'au moins 132 personnes, selon les autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km par l'Institut américain d'études géologiques. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen vendredi soir dans la soirée.

World News | Nepal Earthquake: India Releases Helpline Number for Indians Seeking Urgent Assistance

2023-11-04T11:06+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal , claimed 132 lives and several injured, India has released an emergency contact number for Indians who require urgent assistance. "Alert Emergency Contact Number for Indians requiring assistance due to the....

Nepal Earthquake Kills At Least 128, Toll Could Rise, Officials Say

2023-11-04T11:04+0100tolonews (en)

(Reuters) - At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Devastating Earthquake in Western Nepal: Death Toll Rises to 132

2023-11-04T11:03+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-04 05:00:18 The death toll from a 5.6 magnitude earthquake in western Nepal has risen to 132. (Europa Press/Sunil Sharma) At least 132 people were killed by a 5.6 magnitude earthquake recorded this Friday in a remote area of ​​western Nepal, according to information from local authorities....

"Earthquake does not kill people it is the structure that does": NCS Director on Nepal quake

2023-11-04T11:01+0100myanmarnews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal , claimed 132 lives and injured several others, National Center for Seismology (NCS) Director Dr OP Mishra said that two important factors for the severity of the occurrence in the Himalayan region were the time and structure.

Au moins 132 morts dans un tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-04T11:01+0100lamontagne (fr)

Les secours s'organisent au Népal, ce samedi, où un tremblement de terre a provoqué la mort d'au moins 132 personnes, selon les autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km par l'Institut américain d'études géologiques. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen vendredi soir dans la soirée.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T11:00+0100quinewspistoia (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T10:59+0100manilatimes (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal : At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the....

Sanità, Nursing Up De Palma: «Giù le mani dalle pensioni degli infermieri! Urge modificare la bozza della Legge di Bilancio».

2023-11-04T10:59+0100sardegnareporter (it)

“L’effetto annuncio” sta fomentando manifestazioni nelle piazze di tutta Italia, ma anche la fuga di professionisti all’estero, fa notare Antonio De Palma. Ed aumenta di giorno in giorno il numero di coloro i quali, nei prossimi 3 anni, lasceranno il servizio per accedere al pensionamento anticipato.

Sirens and trapped in rubble: 132 killed in Nepal quake

2023-11-04T10:56+0100wn (en)

At least 132 people were killed in an earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal on Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. ......

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:56+0100gazzettadilivorno (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

Nepal Quake: Congress Chief Kharge Says Indians Stands Shoulder To Shoulder With Neighbouring Country

2023-11-04T10:55+0100outlookindia (en)

Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Saturday condoled the loss of lives in the devastating earthquake in Nepal and said in this hour of crisis, Indians stand shoulder to shoulder with the neighbouring country. At least 140 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.

Ancora un violento terremoto in Nepal, oltre 130 morti. Scossa di magnitudo 6.4

2023-11-04T10:55+0100GazzettaDelSud (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito venerdì sera il Nepal . Il bilancio, seppur provvisorio, è pesante: oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell’ovest del paese e vicini all’epicentro, sono stati i più danneggiati. I soccorritori sono ancora impegnati nelle....

Les secouristes peinent à retrouver les survivants du séisme au Népal, 137 morts

2023-11-04T10:54+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

KATMANDOU, 4 novembre (Reuters) – Au Népal, les secouristes ont commencé samedi à fouiller avec leurs mains les décombres des maisons effondrées, à la recherche de survivants après le pire tremblement de terre que le pays ait connu en huit ans, qui a tué 137 personnes et fait trembler des bâtiments jusqu’à New Delhi.

Nepal Earthquake: India releases helpline number for Indians

2023-11-04T10:52+0100aninews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal , claimed 132 lives and several injured, India has released an emergency contact number for Indians who require urgent assistance. "Alert Emergency Contact Number for Indians requiring assistance due to the....

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:52+0100quotidianodigela (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu.Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma(ITALPRESS).

De Palma (Nursing Up): “Giù le mani dalle pensioni degli infermieri!”

2023-11-04T10:52+0100agenpress (it)

AgenPress . «La recente norma apparsa nella bozza della Legge di Bilancio che modifica il rendimento della quota retributiva (precedente al 1996) delle pensioni liquidate dal 2024, avrà senz’altro conseguenze assai deleterie per il nostro sistema sanitario, minando nel profondo la già traballante....

World News | Bhutan King Arrives at IORA Retreat in Assam's Kaziranga

2023-11-04T10:50+0100latestly (en)

Kaziranga (Assam) [India], November 4 (ANI): Bhutan King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, on Saturday arrived at IORA Retreat in Assam's Kaziranga. Assam's Minister of Environment and Forest Chandra Mohan Patowary and Assam's Minister of Agriculture Atul Bora along with other senior officials, received him.

India News | Delhi: Fire Breaks out at Factory in Bawana Industrial Area; Fire Tenders at Spot

2023-11-04T10:50+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. A massive fire broke out at a factory in North West Delhi district on Saturday, officials said. New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): A massive fire broke out at a factory in North West Delhi district on Saturday, officials said.

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T10:50+0100trtfrancais (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:49+0100quinewslucca (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

Top News Italpress Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:48+0100grandangoloagrigento (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

APTOPIX Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T10:45+0100hjnews (en)

A young earthquake victim receives treatment at Bheri hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. A strong earthquake has shaken northwestern Nepal, and officials say more than 100 people are dead and dozens more injured as rescuers search mountain villages.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:45+0100restoalsud (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu.

È salito a 132 il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 che ha colpito il Nepal occidentale

2023-11-04T10:45+0100flaminiaedintorni (it)

Video e foto pubblicati sui social media mostrano i residenti locali che scavano tra le macerie degli edifici distrutti in cerca di sopravvissuti. Le case di fango sono crollate o sono state gravemente danneggiate e i sopravvissuti sono fuggiti al sicuro all’esterno, dove si potevano sentire le sirene dei veicoli di soccorso.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:45+0100virgilio (it)

ROMA - Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L'epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord....

‘เศรษฐา’ โพสต์เสียใจเหตุการณ์แผ่นดินไหวเนปาล แสดงความเสียใจครอบครัวผู้สูญเสีย และให้กำลังใจให้ฟื้นตัวโดยเร็ว

2023-11-04T10:44+0100matichon (en)

เมื่อวันที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน นายชัย วัชรงค์ โฆษกประจำสำนักนายกรัฐมนตรีเปิดเผยต่อกรณีเหตุการณ์แผ่นดินไหวในเขต Jajarkot และ Rukum ในเนปาล เมื่อวันที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน 2566 โดยผลจากเหตุแผ่นดินไหวรุนแรงครั้งนี้ ทำให้สูญเสียชีวิต และทรัพย์สินจำนวนมาก โดยมีผู้เสียชีวิตกว่า 132 ราย และบาดเจ็บกว่า 100 คน.

Nepal quake: Cong chief Kharge says Indians stands shoulder to shoulder with neighbouring country

2023-11-04T10:44+0100economictimes (en)

According to the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre, the earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district, about 500 km west of Kathmandu, was recorded at 11.47 pm. In a post on X, Kharge said, "Anguished by the loss of precious lives due to the devastating earthquake in Nepal .

Népal : au moins 132 morts et 100 blessés dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6

2023-11-04T10:43+0100cnews (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal ce vendredi 3 novembre, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités locales. Les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants. Un séisme de magnitude 5,6 a frappé une région reculée du....

Terremoto in Nepal: bilancio pesante con oltre 130 vittime

2023-11-04T10:42+0100informazione (it)

Un violento terremoto ha scosso il Nepal la sera del 3 novembre, causando un bilancio provvisorio di oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti. I distretti più colpiti sono stati Jajarkot e West Rukum , nell'ovest del Paese, vicini all'epicentro del sisma. Le squadre di soccorso sono ancora al lavoro,....

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:40+0100quinewsfirenze (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

Tradate - I grandi terremoti nel bacino del Mediterraneo: incontro con il Gruppo Astronomico Tradatese - Tempo libero - Varese News

2023-11-04T10:40+0100varesenews (it)

Lunedì 6 novembre alle ore 21 presso il Cine GRASSI di Tradate, si terrà un evento dedicato ai grandi terremoti del bacino del Mediterraneo. La maggior parte dei geologi concorda sulle regioni della Terra in cui possono verificarsi terremoti, ovvero le zone di collisione tra due placche tettoniche, note come subduzione.

"Earthquake does not kill people it is the structure that does": NCS Director on Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T10:39+0100timesofindia (en)

NEW DELHI: After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal , claimed 132 lives and injured several others, National Center for Seismology (NCS) Director Dr OP Mishra said that two important factors for the severity of the occurrence in the Himalayan region were the time and structure.

Le Népal à nouveau touché par un séisme

2023-11-04T10:39+0100la-croix (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi 4 novembre des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km....

Earthquake in Nepal kills 128: Reports

2023-11-04T10:38+0100uniindia (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 4 (UNI) An earthquake in Nepal killed 128 people, media reported, citing police. According to local media reports at least 100 people were injured as a result of the quake. Russian nationals have not contacted the Russian Embassy in Nepal for help after the earthquake, the diplomatic mission said on Saturday.

Gaza. 15 morti nell'attacco alle ambulanze. Israele: 'Erano una copertura di Hamas'

2023-11-04T10:38+0100asianews (it)

Le notizie di oggi: In Nepal il terremoto più violento dal 2015 ha causato centinaia di morti, ma il bilancio potrebbe salire visto che intere aree sono irraggiungibili. In Cina e in Mongolia si fanno sentire gli effetti del cambiamento climatico: da 30 gradi a 0 in pochi giorni.

Nepal Struck By Strong Earthquake Killing Over 100, Jolts Parts

2023-11-04T10:37+0100timesnownews (en)

Of India As PM Modi Expresses Solidarity. Prime Minister Narendra Modi expresses grief over the loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal after a powerful quake jolted the Himalayan country claiming at least 128 lives with over 100 others injured. The tremors were felt in parts of India too.

Nepal Earthquake: Congress Chief Mallikarjun Kharge Says Indians Stands Shoulder to Shoulder With Neighbouring Country

2023-11-04T10:36+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi, November 4: Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Saturday condoled the loss of lives in the devastating earthquake in Nepal and said in this hour of crisis, Indians stand shoulder to shoulder with the neighbouring country. At least 140 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.

Watch: Scenes of widespread devastation following earthquake in Nepal’s Jajarkot 25 minutes ago

2023-11-04T10:35+0100scroll-in (en)

Watch: Scenes of widespread devastation following earthquake in Nepal ’s Jajarkot Recue operations aee continuing. | Nepal Earthquake | Houses in Bheri, Jajarkot reduced to rubble in the 6.4 magnitude earthquake last night. (Video: Reuters) ANI (@ANI) | Nepal earthquake | The death toll in the 6.4 magnitude earthquake last night, has risen to 129.

At least 129 dead, 140 hurt as magnitude 6.4 quake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T10:34+0100WortLuxembourg-en (en)

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolted northwestern Nepal Friday night, killing more than 129 people and leaving scores injured. Rescuers and emergency services were working through the rubble of collapsed buildings and expected the death toll to rise, the Associated Press reported, citing officials. At least 140 people were injured.

Nepal, earthquake magnitude 5.6: over 100 victims, dozens injured

2023-11-04T10:31+0100breakinglatest (en)

KATHMANDU. The toll from the 5.6 magnitude earthquake that hit northwestern Nepal just before midnight on Friday rises to at least 128 dead and dozens injured. The authorities communicate this, according to which the number is destined to increase. Communications are interrupted with many locations.

At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake World 12 min ago

2023-11-04T10:31+0100dailymonitor (en)

The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep; Nepal ese Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal arrived at the site of the quake on Saturday after expressing his "deep sorrow over the human and physical damage".

Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, rescue operations underway - See photos

2023-11-04T10:30+0100wn (en)

Massive 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal , leaving over 132 dead, many injured, and buildings in ruins, as rescue operations face challenges in remote areas. ......

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:30+0100ilfattonisseno (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma. (ITALPRESS).

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:28+0100quinewsmassacarrara (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

Terremoto in Nepal, oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti

2023-11-04T10:25+0100ladige (it)

To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Sisma di magnitudo 6.4, coinvolti i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum.

Over 100 Dead After 5.6 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Nepal

2023-11-04T10:23+0100lovinmalta (en)

Over 100 people are believed to be dead after a remote area of Nepal was struck by a powerful earthquake overnight, resulting in a tragic loss of at least 140 lives. Late Friday night, a 5.6-magnitude earthquake shook the far-western region of Nepal, with a depth of just 18 kilometers according to the US Geological Survey (USGS).

Deadly overnight quake shakes Nepal’s northwest

2023-11-04T10:23+0100arkansasonline (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal -- A strong earthquake shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, and officials said at least 128 people were dead and dozens more injured as rescuers searched mountain villages. Officials said early today that the toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off with many places.

Puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 au Népal, au moins 22 morts

2023-11-04T10:23+0100tunisie-tribune (fr)

Tunisie-Tribune (séisme)- Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé vendredi l’ouest du Népal, faisant au moins 22 morts et des dizaines de blessés. Un responsable local a déclaré qu’il n’avait pas été possible d’entrer en contact avec les personnes se trouvant près de l’épicentre du séisme, ajoutant que 17 morts avaient été signalés.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:23+0100quinewsgrosseto (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

World News | UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah Bin Zayed, Singaporean Foreign Minister Discuss Regional Developments

2023-11-04T10:22+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. During a phone call, the two top diplomats explored the humanitarian conditions affecting civilians and efforts to intensify and fast-track the delivery of relief and medical aid to them safely and sustainably.

World News | Pakistan: Fawad Chaudhry Arrested, Taken to 'unknown Place', Says His Wife

2023-11-04T10:22+0100latestly (en)

Islamabad [Pakistan], November 4 (ANI): Pakistan's former Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry has been arrested from his home in Islamabad and taken to an "unknown place" on Saturday, Pakistan-based Geo News reported. Fawad Chaudhry's wife Hiba Fawad Chaudhary has confirmed his arrest.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 130 people

2023-11-04T10:22+0100standard (en)

The quake struck the Jajarkot region in the west of the Himalayan nation at 11.47pm (6.02pm GMT) on Friday with Nepal 's National Seismological Centre recording the magnitude at 6.4. "The number of injured could be in the hundreds and the deaths could go up as well," Jajarkot district official Harish Chandra Sharma told Reuters by phone.

Nepal earthquake kills 128 people as buried survivors scream for army rescue in darkness

2023-11-04T10:19+0100dailystar (en)

Buildings including hospitals have been reduced to rubble (Image: AFP via Getty Images) Read More Related Articles Troops were clearing roads and mountain trails that were blocked by landslides triggered by the earthquake in the Jajarkot district, where the earthquake began. Helicopters flew in medical workers and medicines to the hospitals there.

Death Toll Climbs to 128 in Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T10:18+0100indiaeducationdiary (en)

The death toll from a strong 6.4-magnitude #earthquake in # Nepal has risen to 128 as the rescue operation is going on, government officials said. © 2023 - India Education | Latest Education News | Global Educational News | Recent Educational News. All Rights Reserved.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:18+0100libero-news (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma. (ITALPRESS).

World Tsunami Awareness Day 2023: Date, history, significance

2023-11-04T10:18+0100HindustanTimes (en)

World Tsunami Awareness Day 2023: The horror of 2004 Tsunami is fresh in our memory. Tsunami caused the death of lakhs of people. With the epicenter along the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia, Tsunami hit the coastlines of Indian Ocean and caused havoc.

Séisme au Népal : 119 morts et plus de 100 blessés

2023-11-04T10:17+0100menara (fr)

« Le bilan s’élève à 119 morts et au moins 100 blessés », a fait savoir Gopal Chandra Bhattarai, porte-parole de la police de la province de Karnali, où au moins deux districts ont été touchés par le séisme. « L’isolement des districts rend difficile la transmission des informations », a-t-il ajouté.

Terremoto in Nepal, oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti

2023-11-04T10:17+0100tiscali-it (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal ieri sera, venerdi' 3 novembre. Il bilancio, seppur provvisorio, e' pesante: oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell'ovest del Paese e vicini all'epicentro, sono stati i piu' danneggiati.

Terremoto in Nepal, forte scossa 6.4: almeno 130 morti, si scava a mani nude tra le macerie

2023-11-04T10:16+0100ilmattino (it)

in venerdì sera. La violenta scossa ha seminato morte e devastazione, provocando almeno 130 vittime e 150 feriti. Il bilancio della catastrofe che si è abbattuta principalmente distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell'ovest del paese e vicini all'epicentro, è ancora provvisorio: i soccorritori sono....

Breaking News21 mins ago 132 killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T10:13+0100opinionnigeria (en)

At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:13+0100quinewssiena (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that …

2023-11-04T10:12+0100wearecentralpa (en)

A woman airlifted from an earthquake-affected area is carried on a stretcher in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. A strong earthquake has shaken northwestern Nepal, and officials say more than 100 people are dead and dozens more injured as rescuers search mountain villages.

"Earthquake does not kill people it is the structure that does": NCS Director on Nepal quake

2023-11-04T10:12+0100devdiscourse (en)

"The most disastrous occurrence of the earthquake is midnight. The severity of this earthquake in Nepal is because of the time and also the vulnerability of the structures," he added. After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal, claimed 132 lives and injured several others, National....

Terremoto in Nepal, oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti

2023-11-04T10:12+0100mattinopadova (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal ieri sera, venerdi' 3 novembre. Il bilancio, seppur provvisorio, e' pesante: oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell'ovest del Paese e vicini all'epicentro, sono stati i piu' danneggiati.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:12+0100quinewspisa (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

Au Népal, au moins 132 morts dans un tremblement de terre

2023-11-04T10:10+0100TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km, au Népal, selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l’extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard ce vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Séismes meurtriers au Népal depuis 2015

2023-11-04T10:10+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

4 novembre (Reuters) – Le Népal, pays himalayen, a été frappé vendredi par un tremblement de terre qui a fait 128 morts et des dizaines de blessés, les autorités craignant une augmentation du bilan. Ce pays pauvre et montagneux, coincé entre les géants asiatiques que sont la Chine et l’Inde, a été....

Terremoto in Nepal, scossa di magnitudo 6,4: almeno 140 morti

2023-11-04T10:10+0100Quotidianodibari (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di almeno 140 morti il bilancio provvisorio del potente terremoto che ha colpito il nord ovest del Nepal la notte scorsa. Il sisma, di magnitudo 6,4 con l'epicentro a circa 42 chilometri da Jumla, nella provincia di Karnali, ha fatto crollare diversi edifici, e le autorità temono....

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:10+0100tiscali-it (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) - Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L'epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS). Tiscali Italia S.p.A.

132 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T10:09+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts.

Terremoto in Nepal, oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti

2023-11-04T10:09+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal ieri sera, venerdi' 3 novembre. Il bilancio, seppur provvisorio, e' pesante: oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell'ovest del Paese e vicini all'epicentro, sono stati i piu' danneggiati.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:08+0100zerounotv (it)

Tempo di Lettura: < 1 minuto ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

"Earthquake does not kill people...": NCS Director on Nepal quake

2023-11-04T10:07+0100aninews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal , claimed 132 lives and injured several others, National Center for Seismology (NCS) Director Dr OP Mishra said that two important factors for the severity of the occurrence in the Himalayan region were the time and structure.

Terremoto in Nepal, le immagini dall'ospedale di Nepalgunj

2023-11-04T10:07+0100ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) Sale ad almeno 128 morti e decine di feriti il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 che ha colpito il nordovest del Nepal poco prima della mezzanotte di venerdì 3 novembre. Lo comunicano le autorità, secondo cui il numero delle vittime è destinato ad aumentare. Le comunicazioni sono interrotte con molte località.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:06+0100affaritaliani (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) - Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L'epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu.Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma(ITALPRESS).

Terremoto in Nepal, oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti

2023-11-04T10:04+0100tribunatreviso (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal ieri sera, venerdi' 3 novembre. Il bilancio, seppur provvisorio, e' pesante: oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell'ovest del Paese e vicini all'epicentro, sono stati i piu' danneggiati.

09:56 | HIMALAYA Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T10:03+010020minutes (fr)

Les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants. Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal , selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:03+0100lanuovaferrara (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma. (ITALPRESS).

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:02+0100laprovinciacr (it)

ROMA - Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L'epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma . tvi/red 04-Nov-23 09:45. Copyright La Provincia di Cremona © 2012 Tutti i diritti riservati P.

Sri Lanka Cricket Secretary Mohan de Silva resigns

2023-11-04T10:01+0100srilankamirror (en)

Six militants attacked an air force training base in the central Pakistani area of Mianwali on Saturday morning damaging three aircraft, the country’s military said. Three militants were killed before they entered the base and the other three had been cornered, the military said in a statement,....

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T10:01+0100lavocedinewyork (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 04 NOV – Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma – calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi – si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l’ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all’epicentro.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:00+0100quinewsarezzo (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS).

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T10:00+0100gazzettadimodena (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma. (ITALPRESS).

Un séisme au Népal fait au moins 137 morts, les sauveteurs à la recherche de survivants

2023-11-04T09:59+0100midilibre (fr)

Les équipes de sauvetages ont commencé ce samedi 4 novembre au Népal leur travail de recherches dans les décombres d'habitations, à la recherche de survivants après que le pays himalayen a connu un des séismes les plus puissants de son histoire qui a tué au moins 137 personnes.

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T09:59+0100gazzettadireggio (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L’epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma. (ITALPRESS).

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T09:59+0100italpress (it)

RENDE - Inaugurazione della mostra Terremoti d Italia a Rende ( Cosenza ) presso il Museo del Presente, sismografo (RENDE - 2015-02-21, FRANCESCO MOLLO) p.s. la foto e' utilizzabile nel rispetto del contesto in cui e' stata scattata, e senza intento diffamatorio del decoro delle persone rappresentate.

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T09:58+0100whig (en)

This handout photo provided by Nepal Prime Minister's Office shows an earthquake-affected area in northwestern Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing....

Oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti per il terremoto in Nepal

2023-11-04T09:57+0100ladiscussione (it)

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Si contano oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti in Nepal , a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 5.9 che ha colpito il paese. L'epicentro è stato a Jajarkot, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu. Foto: Agenzia Fotogramma (ITALPRESS). tvi/red 04-Nov-23 09:45.

Deadly quake strikes Nepal, toppling homes and killing at least 129 people

2023-11-04T09:56+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Kathmandu (CNN) — At least 129 people have been killed in an earthquake that struck a remote part of northwestern Nepal overnight on Friday and toppled multiple buildings as officials warned that the death toll could rise. The quake measured magnitude 5.

Terremoto in Nepal, forte scossa nel nord-ovest: oltre 100 morti, si scava a mani nude tra le macerie

2023-11-04T09:52+0100fanpage (it)

Un forte terremoto ha colpito il nord ovest del Nepal la notte scorsa. Il sisma, di magnitudo 6,4 con l'epicentro a circa 42 chilometri da Jumla, nella provincia di Karnali, ha fatto crollare diversi edifici. Si tratta del terremoto più forte registrato nella regione dal 2015 quando una scossa provocò la morte di almeno 9mila persone.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens

2023-11-04T09:51+0100MaltaIndipendent (en)

Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off with many places.

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that …

2023-11-04T09:50+0100wowktv (en)

A woman airlifted from an earthquake-affected area is carried on a stretcher in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. A strong earthquake has shaken northwestern Nepal, and officials say more than 100 people are dead and dozens more injured as rescuers search mountain villages.

Terremoto in Nepal, scossa di magnitudo 6,4: almeno 140 morti

2023-11-04T09:50+0100virgilio (it)

E' di almeno 140 morti il bilancio provvisorio del potente terremoto che ha colpito il nord ovest del Nepal la notte scorsa. Il sisma, di magnitudo 6,4 con l'epicentro a circa 42 chilometri da....

At least 132 dead after powerful earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T09:49+0100metro-uk (en)

At least 132 have been killed , with the death toll expected to rise (Picture: AP) At least 132 people have been killed and dozens more injures after a powerful earthquake shook districts in north-western Nepal . Helicopters and ground troops have rushed to help people trapped under rubble and injured by the 5.

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at ...

2023-11-04T09:48+0100wn (en)

Nepal ese authorities say their focus is on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more.

Nepal Earthquake Kills At Least 128, Toll Could Rise, Officials Say 04 Nov, 2023 08:38

2023-11-04T09:46+0100chronicle-lu (en)

Army personnel carry an injured person on a stretcher after an earthquake in Jajarkot, Nepal , 4 November 2023; Credit: Nepal Army/Handout via Reuters. KATHMANDU (Reuters) - At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot,....

Jajarkot earthquake: 133 die, 185 get injury

2023-11-04T09:42+0100nepalnews (en)

The death toll in the Jajarkot earthquake has reached 133. The fatalities are from Jajarkot and Rukum Paschim districts combined. Similarly, 185 people are reported injured in the disaster. Information to this was shared by the Deputy Inspector General of the Armed Police Force, Shailendra Thapa.

November 4, 2023 At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T09:42+010092newshd (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AFP) - At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured....

Terremoto di magnitudo 5,6 in Nepal: 140 morti. La scossa avvertita fino a Nuova Dehli, a 500 km dall’epicentro

2023-11-04T09:41+0100ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 5,6 ha colpito il Nepa l nella notte di venerdì 3 novembre alle 23:47 ora locale: il bilancio che pare drammaticamente destinato a salire è di 140 morti . L’epicentro è stato individuato a circa 42 chilometri da Jumla , nella provincia di Karnali e vicino al confine con il....

Death Toll In Nepal Earthquake Rises To 137

2023-11-04T09:40+0100haberler-en (en)

The death toll from an earthquake that hit Nepal late Friday night has increased to 137, a senior police official said on Saturday. The magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit western Nepal, sending tremors to even neighboring countries. Nepal police spokesman Kuber Kadayat told Anadolu that casualties in the....

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T09:39+0100ABCnews (en)

shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday. “The priority is to find the survivors and take them to....

Terremoto in Nepal: bilancio provvisorio di 140 morti

2023-11-04T09:39+0100informazione (it)

Un potente terremoto ha colpito il nord ovest del Nepal , causando almeno 140 morti. Il sisma, di magnitudo 6,4, ha avuto l'epicentro a circa 42 chilometri da Jumla , nella provincia di Karnali . Diversi edifici sono crollati e le autorità temono che il bilancio delle vittime possa aumentare.

Nepal Scrambles to Rescue Survivors of a Quake That Shook Its Northwest and Killed at Least 128

2023-11-04T09:38+0100usnews (en)

This handout photo provided by Nepal Prime Minister's Office shows an earthquake-affected area in northwestern Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing....

At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T09:37+0100tribuneonline (en)

At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometers (11 miles) deep.

Nepal: At least 128 people killed in overnight earthquake

2023-11-04T09:36+0100newstalk (en)

At least 128 people have been killed in an earthquake in Nepal . It hit the west of the country as many people were sleeping on Friday. Witnesses say it caused houses to collapse and communications were cut to a number of villages. The earthquake happened at 11:47pm (6.

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T09:36+0100wsoctv (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Nepalese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T09:36+0100independent-UK (en)

Nepal ese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

At least 129 killed in Nepal earthquake At least 129 people have been killed in an earthquake that struck a remote part of...

2023-11-04T09:34+0100panorama-am-en (en)

At least 129 people have been killed in an earthquake that struck a remote part of northwestern Nepal overnight on Friday and toppled multiple buildings as officials warned that the death toll could rise, reported. The quake measured magnitude 5.6 according to the United States Geological Survey....

Rescuers continue search operations

2023-11-04T09:34+0100obozrevatel (en)

According to preliminary reports, at least 128 people were killed in the earthquake, and dozens more were injured. This was reported by Reuters (to see photos and videos, scroll to the bottom of the page) The National Seismological Center of Nepal said that the first tremors were recorded on Friday at 23:47 (18:02 GMT).

Séisme au Népal : plus de 120 morts dans le nord-ouest du pays

2023-11-04T09:34+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Les tremblements de terre sont fréquents au Népal, où les plaques tectoniques indienne et eurasienne se rencontrent pour créer l’imposante chaîne de montagnes himalayenne. Au moins 9 000 personnes ont été tuées en 2015 lorsqu’un séisme de magnitude 7,8 a frappé, endommageant quelque un million de....

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T09:30+0100apnews (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Nepalese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

Nepal-earthquake newseries

2023-11-04T09:30+0100nampa (en)

At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake By Paavan MATHEMA =(Video+Picture)= ATTENTION - ADDS Nepal PM statement, picture tag /// Kathmandu, Nov 4, 2023 (AFP) - At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts.

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T09:29+0100actionnewsjax (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Nepalese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

Népal : au moins 132 morts dans un séisme à l'ouest du pays Les secours sont toujours à la recherche de survivants malgré un blocage de certaines zones, rendues difficiles d'accès. 08:06 International

2023-11-04T09:29+0100lepublicateurlibre (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi 4 novembre 2023 des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18....

Nepal scrambles to rescue survivors of a quake that shook its northwest and killed at least 128

2023-11-04T09:28+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Nepalese authorities said their focus was on finding survivors after a strong earthquake shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more. The death toll was expected to rise as communications were still cut off in many places, officials said Saturday.

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 137

2023-11-04T09:28+0100aa-en (en)

The death toll from an earthquake that hit Nepal late Friday night has increased to 137, a senior police official said on Saturday. The magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit western Nepal, sending tremors to even neighboring countries. Nepal police spokesman Kuber Kadayat told Anadolu that casualties in the....

Powerful earthquake kills at least 128 and injures dozens in northwest Nepal

2023-11-04T09:28+0100wn (en)

Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to rise, noting that....

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T09:28+0100lecourrier (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l’extrême Ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir 3 novembre. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128

2023-11-04T09:27+0100radio-pk (en)

In Nepal , at least 128 people were killed and dozens injured when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot. The 6.4 magnitude quake was the deadliest since 2015 when about 9,000 people were killed in two tremors in the Himalayan country.

Il dramma Un altro tremendo terremoto in Nepal: oltre 140 morti

2023-11-04T09:26+0100avvenire (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito venerdì notte il Nepal . Il bilancio, seppur provvisorio, è pesante: oltre 140 morti e circa 1.50o feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell'ovest del Paese e vicini all'epicentro, sono stati i più danneggiati.

Nepal.. 128 killed in earthquake that shook New Delhi

2023-11-04T09:23+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-04T08:20:16.819Z. Highlights: Nepal 's National Seismological Centre said the quake had a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale. U.S. Geological Survey said earthquake had magnitude of 5.6. An official in the area feared that the number of deaths and injuries could rise, especially since they....

Powerful earthquake kills at least 128 and injures dozens in northwest Nepal

2023-11-04T09:21+0100nbcbayarea (en)

Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off with many places.

Terremoto in Nepal, scossa di magnitudo 6,4: almeno 140 morti

2023-11-04T09:21+0100rete55 (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di almeno 140 morti il bilancio provvisorio del potente terremoto che ha colpito il nord ovest del Nepal la notte scorsa. Il sisma, di magnitudo 6,4 con l'epicentro a circa 42 chilometri da Jumla, nella provincia di Karnali, ha fatto crollare diversi edifici, e le autorità temono....

World News | Bhutan King Appoints Interim Government to Conduct Functions of State During Polls

2023-11-04T09:20+0100latestly (en)

Thimphu [Bhutan], November 4 (ANI): Bhutan King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck has granted a Royal Kasho to appoint an interim government, The Bhutan Live reported. This Interim government has been asked to carry out the routine functions of the state during the election period.

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T09:20+0100levif (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing, injuring dozens

2023-11-04T09:19+0100hurriyetdailynews (en)

class='cf'> Authorities said the death toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off with many places. As day broke, rescue helicopters flew into the region to help out and security forces on the ground were digging out the injured and dead from the rubble, Nepal police spokesman Kuber Kadayat said.

Powerful earthquake kills at least 128 and injures dozens in northwest Nepal

2023-11-04T09:17+0100nbcnewyork (en)

Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook districts in northwestern Nepal just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off with many places.

Terremoto in Nepal, scossa di magnitudo 6,4: almeno 140 morti

2023-11-04T09:16+0100oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – E’ di almeno 140 morti il bilancio provvisorio del potente terremoto che ha colpito il nord ovest del Nepal la notte scorsa. Il sisma, di magnitudo 6,4 con l’epicentro a circa 42 chilometri da Jumla, nella provincia di Karnali, ha fatto crollare diversi edifici, e le autorità temono....

Destructive earthquake in Nepal claims 128 lives

2023-11-04T09:12+0100wn (en)

Nepal ese authorities have confirmed that in the aftermath of a destructive earthquake in western Nepal, 128 individuals tragically lost their lives, while dozens more sustained injuries. On Saturday, the Washington Post, citing Nepalese authorities, reported that the earthquake occurred in the....

Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, rescue operations underway – See photos

2023-11-04T09:10+0100businesstelegraph (en)

Massive 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal , leaving over 132 dead, many injured, and buildings in ruins, as rescue operations face challenges in remote areas.

Népal: 132 morts dans un tremblement de terre

2023-11-04T09:10+0100arcinfo (fr)

Des maisons ont été détruites dans la région difficle d'accès, certaines routes étant bloquées à cause des dégâts. KEYSTONE/AP/ Nepal Prime Minister's Office.

Indian PM expresses grief over loss of lives in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T09:09+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

NEW DELHI, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) --Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed deep grief and anguish over the loss of lives in a strong earthquake that hit Nepal . "Deeply saddened by loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal. India stands in solidarity with the people of Nepal and is ready to extend all possible assistance.

Indian PM expresses grief over loss of lives in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T09:06+0100english-news-cn (en)

NEW DELHI, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) --Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed deep grief and anguish over the loss of lives in a strong earthquake that hit Nepal . "Deeply saddened by loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal. India stands in solidarity with the people of Nepal and is ready to extend all possible assistance.

More than 100 killed in earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T09:06+0100itv (en)

Officials continues to search for the injured and dead trapped under the rubble of fallen buildings, as David Harper reports just before midnight on Friday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off in many areas.

Cronaca 42 min Terremoto in Nepal: 128 morti e centinaia di feriti Il bilancio è destinato ad aggravarsi ancora: i soccorritori stanno cercano di raggiungere villaggi e zone più remote

2023-11-04T09:06+0100ticinolibero (it)

Terremoto in Nepal : 128 morti e centinaia di feriti Il bilancio è destinato ad aggravarsi ancora: i soccorritori stanno cercano di raggiungere villaggi e zone più remote. NEPAL – Notte di paura in Nepal, dove nella notte è stato registrato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.4. Il sisma si è verificato alle 23:47 (ora locale) di venerdì.

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake leaves at least 132 dead and 185 injured in Nepal

2023-11-04T09:04+0100kiratas (en)

The highest number of fatalities, for now, is concentrated in Jajarkot, west of the country, with 95 dead. At least 132 people have died and 185 have been injured after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal on Friday night, an official source said Saturday.

Terremoto in Nepal, scossa di magnitudo 6,4: almeno 140 morti

2023-11-04T09:02+0100cinquecolonne (it)

Scritto da Adnkronos (Adnkronos) – E' di almeno 140 morti il bilancio provvisorio del potente terremoto che ha colpito il nord ovest del Nepal la notte scorsa. Il sisma, di magnitudo 6,4 con l'epicentro a circa 42 chilometri da Jumla, nella provincia di Karnali, ha fatto crollare diversi edifici, e le autorità temono che il bilancio delle vittime.

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6 au Népal

2023-11-04T09:01+0100varmatin (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Terremoto Nepal di M 5,6 gradi: 132 morti e centinaia di feriti/ Video, si scava a mani nude fra le macerie

2023-11-04T09:00+0100ilsussidiario (it)

Un devastante terremoto si è verificato nella serata italiana di ieri in Nepal , e il bilancio è gravissimo. Al momento si parla di 132 persone morte e di un centinai di feriti, numeri che però potrebbero peggiorare ulteriormente nel corso delle prossime ore man mano che i soccorsi raggiungono le zone devastate dal sisma.

Terremoto in Nepal, scossa di magnitudo 6,4: almeno 140 morti

2023-11-04T09:00+0100quotidianodifoggia (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di almeno 140 morti il bilancio provvisorio del potente terremoto che ha colpito il nord ovest del Nepal la notte scorsa. Il sisma, di magnitudo 6,4 con l'epicentro a circa 42 chilometri da Jumla, nella provincia di Karnali, ha fatto crollare diversi edifici, e le autorità temono....

Earthquake of 6.4 magnitude claims 128 lives in Nepal, PM Modi “deeply saddened”

2023-11-04T08:58+0100aninews (en)

New Delhi, Nov 04 (ANI): A massive earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of November 03. According to the National Centre for Seismology, the epicenter of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km. As many as 128 people lost their lives and at least 141 people were injured in the deadly incident, reported The Kathmandu Post.

0 0 Un séisme fait au moins 56 morts au Népal

2023-11-04T08:58+0100watson (fr)

Le Népal a été frappé par un énorme tremblement de terre. Des témoins ont indiqué que des maisons se sont effondrées dans la région et que des secousses ont été ressenties jusqu'à New Delhi, en Inde. Au moins 56 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Népal, vendredi, a-t-on appris auprès de responsables locaux.

Over 130 Killed, Dozens Wounded by Powerful Nepal Quake

2023-11-04T08:56+0100albaniannews (en)

At least 132 people have been killed while more than 100 sustained injuries as security forces mobilised to help with a desperate rescue attempt on Saturday after a strong overnight 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck a remote area of Nepal . The US Geological Survey estimated that the late Friday, 5.

VIDEO | Potente terremoto nel nord ovest del Nepal, almeno 140 morti: le immagini dei crolli

2023-11-04T08:56+0100qds (it)

Si tratta del terremoto più forte registrato nella regione dal 2015 quando una scossa di magnitudo 7,8 provocò almeno 9mila morti. E’ di almeno 140 morti il bilancio provvisorio del potente che ha colpito il nord ovest del Nepal la notte scorsa. Sisma di magnitudo 6.4.

Mallikarjun Kharge condoles death in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T08:55+0100myanmarnews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Congress national president Mallikarjun Kharge on Saturday offered condolences over the loss of lives due to earthquake in Nepal . "Anguished by the loss of precious lives due to the devastating earthquake in Nepal. Our deepest condolences, thoughts and sympathies....

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6 au Népal

2023-11-04T08:55+0100monacomatin (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Earthquake kills at least 69 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T08:54+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 69 people were killed and dozens injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , officials said. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake jolted the western Jajarkot district at around 11:47 p.m. local time (18:02:54 GMT) with a depth of 18 km.

At least 132 people dead after 5.6-magnitude earthquake strikes Nepal

2023-11-04T08:53+0100thejournal (en)

AT LEAST 132 people have been killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , according to officials. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country last night and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres deep.

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6 au Népal

2023-11-04T08:53+0100nicematin (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Earthquake kills at least 69 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T08:50+0100english-news-cn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 69 people were killed and dozens injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , officials said. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake jolted the western Jajarkot district at around 11:47 p.m. local time (18:02:54 GMT) with a depth of 18 km.

Terremoto in Nepal, scossa di magnitudo 6,4: almeno 140 morti

2023-11-04T08:50+0100adnkronos (it)

E' di almeno 140 morti il bilancio provvisorio del potente terremoto che ha colpito il nord ovest del Nepal la notte scorsa. Il sisma, di magnitudo 6,4 con l'epicentro a circa 42 chilometri da Jumla, nella provincia di Karnali, ha fatto crollare diversi edifici, e le autorità temono che il bilancio delle vittime sia destinato a salire.

World News | Shehbaz Sharif Condemns Terrorist Attack on Pakistan Air Force Base in Mianwali

2023-11-04T08:49+0100latestly (en)

Islamabad [Pakistan], November 4 (ANI): Former Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has condemned the terrorist attack on the Pakistan Air Force training base in Mianwali, Pakistan-based Dawn reported. He noted that these attacks showcase the desperation of enemies.

Nepal | An earthquake leaves 132 dead and 185 injured in the northwest

2023-11-04T08:49+0100kiratas (en)

The earthquake occurred shortly before midnight on Friday and was felt in the Indian capital, New Delhi, more than 800 kilometers away. ADVERTISING. A 6.4 magnitude earthquake shakes northwest Nepal , leaving 132 dead and 185 injured. It is feared that the number of fatalities will increase.

Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts et des centaines de blessés

2023-11-04T08:43+0100LePoint (fr)

A u moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal , où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Puissant séisme de magnitude 5,6 au Népal : 132 personnes sont mortes et plusieurs centaines de blessées après le tremblement de terre

2023-11-04T08:42+0100lindependant (fr)

Selon un dernier bilan près de 132 personnes sont mortes après le tremblement de terre au Népal. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 5,6 a frappé, ce vendredi 3 novembre, l'ouest du Népal, a rapporté le Centre national de sismologie. Le séisme s'est produit tard vendredi soir dans le district de....

More than 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T08:40+0100iraqinews (en)

Kathmandu – More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

Mallikarjun Kharge condoles death in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T08:39+0100cambodiantimes (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Congress national president Mallikarjun Kharge on Saturday offered condolences over the loss of lives due to earthquake in Nepal . "Anguished by the loss of precious lives due to the devastating earthquake in Nepal. Our deepest condolences, thoughts and sympathies....

Un séisme au Népal fait au moins 132 morts

2023-11-04T08:39+0100letemps (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, selon un nouveau bilan samedi. Les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

Devastante terremoto in Nepal: soccorsi difficili, oltre 130 morti

2023-11-04T08:39+0100virgilio-notizie (it)

Ancora un devastante terremoto in Nepal . La scossa – secondo il Centro sismologico nazionale del Nepal di magnitudo 5.6 – è stata registrato alle 23.47 di venerdì 3 novembre. Bilancio pesantissimo: oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti . I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum , nell’ovest del paese e....

Estero Forte terremoto in Nepal, oltre 130 morti

2023-11-04T08:37+0100ticinonews (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito venerdì sera il Nepal . Il bilancio, seppur provvisorio, è pesante: oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell'ovest del paese e vicini all'epicentro, sono stati i più danneggiati. I soccorritori sono ancora impegnati nelle....

Nepal Earthquake Kills At Least 128, Toll Could Rise – Officials

2023-11-04T08:36+0100iafrica (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, rescue operations underway - See photos

2023-11-04T08:36+0100economictimes (en)

Upon the earthquake's impact late on Friday night, a number of houses in Jajarkot were either flattened or suffered significant damage, as evidenced by videos showing collapsed multi-story brick houses and scattered furniture. Heart-wrenching photos shared on social media depicted local residents....

Earthquake Leaves Trail Of Destruction In Nepal

2023-11-04T08:34+0100outlookindia (en)

Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing more than hundred people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. 1 6 Nepal earthquake Photo: PTI. Locals outside their houses after their collapse following a 6.

Business News | PHDCCI Recommends Several Measures for Growth in Aviation and Cargo Sectors

2023-11-04T08:34+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): The PHDCCI Policy Forum has released a report shedding light on the transformative potential of India's civil aviation and air cargo sector and made a few recommendations for the betterment of the sector. As one of the prominent voices of the industry and trade,....

Terremoto in Nepal, almeno 130 morti e 150 feriti

2023-11-04T08:34+0100cdt (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito ieri sera il Nepal . Il bilancio, seppur provvisorio, è pesante: oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell'ovest del paese e vicini all'epicentro, sono stati i più danneggiati. I soccorritori sono ancora impegnati nelle ricerche,....

Strong Earthquake in Nepal: 132 Deaths and Rising Casualties – Latest News

2023-11-04T08:33+0100archyde (en)

Strong Earthquake in Nepal : 132 Deaths and Rising Casualties – Latest News. 1699083088 #Strong #earthquake #Nepal #increases #dead #hundreds #injured #mountain #road #blocked #security #forces #rescue #efforts #Yahoo #News. 2023. Hosted by Byohosting Most Recommended Web Hosting for complains, abuse, advertising contact: o f f i c e @byohosting.

The Nepal earthquake has claimed the lives of at least 128 people, and the toll may rise, officials said

2023-11-04T08:33+0100ironbladeonline (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov 4 (Reuters) – At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the Jajarkot region in the west of the country, officials said on Saturday, and houses collapsed in the area and buildings reached as far as neighboring New Delhi. India was shaken.

LIVE NEPAL 10 min Ancora un terremoto in Nepal, oltre 130 morti

2023-11-04T08:33+0100tio (it)

KATHMANDU - Un violento terremoto ha colpito ieri sera il Nepal . Il bilancio, seppur provvisorio, è pesante: oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell'ovest del paese e vicini all'epicentro, sono stati i più danneggiati.

More than 50 dead in Nepal earthquake: officials

2023-11-04T08:32+0100guardian-ng (en)

Damaged houses lie in ruins, in the aftermath of an earthquake at Pipaldanda village of Jajarkot district on November 4, 2023. – At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on November 4, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T08:32+0100globodiroma (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma – calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi – si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l’ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all’epicentro.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128

2023-11-04T08:31+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal —Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to....

News18 Afternoon Digest: 140 People Killed as Quake Ravages Nepal; Delhi Air Pollution LIVE Updates & Other Top Stories

2023-11-04T08:31+0100news18 (en)

Buildings crumble into pieces following the impact of the massive quake , while security forces engage in conducting relief and rescue works. (Images: News18) We are also covering: Assembly Elections 2023 Updates; Tehreek-e-Jihad Pakistan Attacks Air Force Base in Mianwali & other top stories....

Séisme au Népal : le bilan monte à 132 morts

2023-11-04T08:30+0100laprovence (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi 4 novembre des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km....

Factbox - Terremoti mortali in Nepal dal 2015

2023-11-04T08:30+0100marketscreener (it)

La nazione povera e montagnosa, incuneata tra i giganti asiatici Cina e India, è stata colpita spesso da terremoti, il più letale dei quali è stato registrato nel 2015, quando circa 9.000 persone sono state uccise in due terremoti. Intere città, templi secolari e altri siti storici sono stati....

UPDATE | At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake 04 November 2023

2023-11-04T08:28+0100enca (en)

KATHMANDU - At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US....

Népal : au moins 132 morts dans un séisme4 min

2023-11-04T08:28+0100leparisien (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l’extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet. Les secousses ont été ressenties jusque dans la capitale New Delhi.

China willing to provide emergency assistance to quake-hit Nepal

2023-11-04T08:27+0100cgtn (en)

China is willing to provide emergency humanitarian assistance in accordance with the needs of the Nepal ese government and quake victims, said Xu Wei, spokesperson for the China International Development Cooperation Agency on Saturday. China expresses its sympathies and concerns over the casualties....

News3 mins ago 128 killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T08:27+0100dailypost (en)

At least 128 people have died in a strong earthquake in Nepal . The police in the capital, Kathmandu confirmed the incident. Dozens more have been reported injured. A representative of the local administration in the Jajarkot district, near the epicentre of the quake, said the number of victims could rise.

Guerra ultime notizie. Israele: l’operazione di terra a Gaza continua. Fonti Usa, Hamas ha nascosto nelle ambulanze colpite ieri suoi miliziani

2023-11-04T08:27+0100ilSole24ore (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito venerdì sera il Nepal . Il bilancio, seppur provvisorio, è pesante: oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell’ovest del paese e vicini all’epicentro, sono stati i più danneggiati. I soccorritori sono ancora impegnati nelle....

Nepal, terremoto di magnitudo 5,6. Almeno 132 morti e 110 feriti. Difficili i soccorsi sul ‘tetto del mondo’

2023-11-04T08:26+0100quotidiano (it)

Kathmandu, 4 novembre 2023 – Mancano tredici minuti alla mezzanotte in Nepal , quando la terra inizia a tremare. Il terremoto di 5,6 di magnitudo si lascia alle spalle un bilancio di morte e distruzione: attualmente le vittime sono circa 132 e i feriti 110 (dati in aggiornamento).

140 people killed as strong earthquake jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T08:26+0100wn (en)

Kathmandu: At least 140 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal just before midnight on Friday, destroying hundreds of houses in the Himalayan country’s remote mountainous region in the most devastating tremor since 2015.

Indian PM expresses grief over loss of lives in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T08:26+0100wn (en)

NEW DELHI, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) --Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed deep grief and anguish over the loss of lives in a strong earthquake that hit Nepal . "Deeply saddened by loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal.

Strong Earthquake Kills At Least 132 In Nepal

2023-11-04T08:25+0100thefridaytimes (en)

A powerful earthquake that slammed Nepal 's western Jajarkot district on Saturday caused at least 132 deaths and numerous injuries, according to officials. The earthquake also caused buildings as far away as New Delhi in neighboring India to tremble. The earthquake, which had a magnitude of 6.4, struck on Friday around 11:47 p.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 November 4, 2023

2023-11-04T08:25+0100ajw (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal --Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens dozens more, officials said Saturday.

Photos | At least 140 killed as 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T08:22+0100HindustanTimes (en)

The remote mountainous region of the Himalayan country experienced the most destructive earthquake since 2015, leading to the destruction of hundreds of houses.(AP) A doctor looks after an injured of an earthquake, evacuated from his village and brought to a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal.


2023-11-04T08:21+0100foxnews (en)

Rescue helicopters flew into the northwestern region to help out and security forces on the ground were digging out the injured and dead from the rubble, Nepal police spokesman Kuber Kadayat said. Troops have also begun clearing roads and mountain trails that were blocked by landslides triggered by the earthquake.

Nepal Earthquake Death Toll: 140 People Killed As Strong Quake Jolts Himalayan Country

2023-11-04T08:21+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu, November 4: At least 140 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal just before midnight on Friday, destroying hundreds of houses in the Himalayan country's remote mountainous region in the most devastating tremor since 2015.

Earthquake Jolts Nepal As 140 People Dead

2023-11-04T08:21+0100latestly (en)

World ⚡Earthquake Jolts Nepal As 140 People Dead. By PTI At least 140 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal just before midnight on Friday, destroying hundreds of houses in the Himalayan country's remote mountainous region in the most devastating tremor since 2015.

Terremoto devasta il Nepal, oltre 130 morti e decine di feriti

2023-11-04T08:20+0100UnioneSarda (it)

Il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, è di oltre 130 morti e circa 150 feriti. I distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, nell'ovest del paese e vicini all'epicentro, sono stati i più danneggiati. I soccorritori sono ancora impegnati nelle ricerche dei dispersi. Il terremoto - che secondo il Centro sismologico nazionale del Nepal aveva magnitudo 6.

119 ppl killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T08:18+0100pakistantribune (en)

NEPAL: At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by....

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T08:18+0100thetimes-za (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47pm (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

140 People Killed As Strong Earthquake Jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T08:17+0100bloombergquint (en)

At least 140 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal just before midnight on Friday, destroying hundreds of houses in the Himalayan country's remote mountainous region in the most devastating tremor since 2015.

Indian PM expresses grief over loss of lives in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T08:15+0100china.org.cn (en)

NEW DELHI, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) --Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed deep grief and anguish over the loss of lives in a strong earthquake that hit Nepal . "Deeply saddened by loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal. India stands in solidarity with the people of Nepal and is ready to extend all possible assistance.

Terremoto di 5.6 scuote il Nepal. Le vittime sono almeno 132

2023-11-04T08:15+0100247libero (it)

AGI - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5,6 ha scosso il Nepal , il 'tetto del mondo'. L'ultimo bilancio parla di almeno 132 persone morte e oltre un centinaio ferite. Ma l'area è difficilmente raggiungibile , il che rende complessi i soccorsi ma anche la raccolta delle informazioni.

SismaTerremoto in Nepal, almeno 128 morti e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T08:14+0100cdt (it)

Sono almeno le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 5,6 avvenuto ieri sera nell'ovest del Nepal . Lo hanno comunicato le autorità nepalesi, così come riporta l'agenzia di stampa indiana Pti. I feriti, secondo i media, sono centinaia. Il sisma ha colpito i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum.

En AsieAu moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal 0 0 0

2023-11-04T08:13+0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l’extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Népal : au moins 132 morts dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6, les secours à la recherche de survivants

2023-11-04T08:12+0100sudouest (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal , où les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

Népal : au moins 132 morts dans un séisme à l'ouest du pays 08:06

2023-11-04T08:10+0100actu (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s’organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi 4 novembre 2023 des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18....

India stands in solidarity with Nepal, says Modi

2023-11-04T08:09+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 4. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed deep sadness over the loss of lives and property due to the earthquake in western Nepal . "India stands in solidarity with the people of Nepal and is ready to extend all possible assistance," the Indian Prime Minister has said....

Earthquake in western Nepal: 132 dead and one hundred injured

2023-11-04T08:09+0100breakinglatest (en)

At least 132 deaths were caused by the earthquake that struck Nepal occidentale . About a hundred were injured. The toll – as reported by the local media – is destined to get even worse: rescuers are trying to reach the villages in the most remote areas.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T08:08+0100zawya-palestine (en)

KATHMANDU - At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Nepal Earthquake: 69 killed, confirm officials; India extends support

2023-11-04T08:06+0100wn (en)

At least 69 people were killed and dozens were injured on midnight Friday when a 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , officials said. Other reports have put the death toll at 128 so far. The earthquake jolted the western Jajarkot district at around 2:02 a.m.

Earthquake hits Nepal: Over 100 reported dead, search and rescue operations underway

2023-11-04T08:06+0100wn (en)

The devastating earthquake struck a remote area of western Nepal , with rescue efforts underway to look for survivors . ......

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise

2023-11-04T08:06+0100wn (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area....

128 killed by powerful earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T08:04+0100pajhwok (en)

At least 128 people have been killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal . . . You need to subscribe to view the full article. Please or a new account.

Au moins 128 morts dans un tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-04T08:04+0100aa-fr (fr)

Nepal . AA/ Katmandou / Ahmed Gouda Au moins 128 personnes ont trouvé la mort et plus de 200 autres ont été blessées dans un séisme de magnitude 6,4 qui a frappé l'ouest du Népal vendredi soir, a déclaré un haut responsable de la police. Le porte-parole de la police népalaise, Kuber Kadiat, a déclaré....

Catastrophe. Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts

2023-11-04T08:03+0100vosgesmatin (fr)

92 personnes sont mortes à Jajarkot et 40 à Rukum , a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, Narayan Prasad Bhattarai, citant les deux districts à ce stade les plus touchés par le séisme, situés au sud de l'épicentre dans la province frontalière de Karnali.

Terremoto devastante, oltre 130 morti e 100 feriti

2023-11-04T08:03+0100zoom24 (it)

Si aggrava il bilancio delle vittime dal forte terremoto che ha scosso, nella serata italiana, una regione montagnosa in Nepal . Sono 132 persone morte e oltre un centinaio ferite: lo hanno reso noto le autorità, che hanno anche sottolineato come il fatto che l’area sia difficilmente raggiungibile....

CTV News: Deadly Nepal Earthquake Claims 54 Lives

2023-11-04T08:02+0100vervetimes (en)

The quake, which hit when many people already were asleep in their homes, was felt in India’s capital, New Delhi, more than 800 kilometres (500 miles) away. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 5.6 and occurred at a depth of 11 miles.

Death toll from earthquake in Nepal rises to 128

2023-11-04T08:01+0100wn (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 4 : The death toll from a strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake in Nepal has risen to 128 as the....

Massive earthquake in Nepal kills 128, PM Modi says 'India stands in solidarity'

2023-11-04T08:00+0100indiansingulf (en)

The death toll in Nepal due to the powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck late on Friday has reached 128, news agency Reuters reported. More than 140 people sustained injuries in the Jajarkot and Rukum districts of Western Nepal, according to state-run Nepal Television.

At least 128 killed, dozens injured in Nepal’s deadly earthquake17min

2023-11-04T07:58+0100presstv-ir (en)

At least 128 have been killed and dozens injured in northwestern Nepal , in the country’s deadliest earthquake since 2015, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighboring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude of 6.4, Nepal’s National Seismological Centre said.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise - officials say

2023-11-04T07:57+0100adaderana (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens were injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (18:02 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Catastrophe. Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts

2023-11-04T07:57+0100leprogres (fr)

92 personnes sont mortes à Jajarkot et 40 à Rukum , a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, Narayan Prasad Bhattarai, citant les deux districts à ce stade les plus touchés par le séisme, situés au sud de l'épicentre dans la province frontalière de Karnali.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T07:57+0100tribunatreviso (it)

ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

More than 128 killed as earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T07:56+0100thecable (en)

More than 128 persons have been reported killed after a 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, with officials saying the death toll could rise. Strong tremors from the earthquake were felt as far as the Nepalese capital and in cities in neighbouring India, including Delhi.

Catastrophe Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts

2023-11-04T07:56+0100republicain-lorrain (fr)

92 personnes sont mortes à Jajarkot et 40 à Rukum , a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, Narayan Prasad Bhattarai, citant les deux districts à ce stade les plus touchés par le séisme, situés au sud de l'épicentre dans la province frontalière de Karnali.

Earthquake kills over 60 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T07:55+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 60 people were killed and over 100 others injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , a police spokesman said on Saturday. Thirty-seven people have been killed in the Jajarkot district, while 27 deaths have been....

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T07:55+0100tribune (en)

NEPAL: At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 132; PM Dahal arrives at Jajarkot to meet affected people

2023-11-04T07:54+0100myanmarnews (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): The death toll in the fatal earthquake that jolted Nepal on Friday, has surged to 132, and 140 have suffered injuries, according to Nepal Police. Following the earthquake of 6.4 magnitude, Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has arrived in Jajarkot to meet the affected people.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T07:54+0100stabroeknews (en)

KATHMANDU, (Reuters) – At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said last night, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Nearly 130 dead after powerful earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T07:53+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-04T06:50:39.968Z. Highlights: Nearly 130 dead after powerful earthquake in Nepal . The death toll is rising after the earthquake that occurred in Nepal on Saturday night. At least 128 people have died and 100 have been injured. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), it had a magnitude of 5.

At least 132 killed by earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T07:53+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-04T06:50:04.054Z. Highlights: At least 132 killed by earthquake in Nepal . At least 132 people were killed by a 5.6-magnitude earthquake in a remote area of western Nepal on Friday night. The quake was centered 42 km south of Jumla, near the border with Tibet, and was only 18 kilometers deep.

Népal : au moins 132 morts après un séisme dans l'ouest du pays

2023-11-04T07:53+0100francetvinfo (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre au Népal , où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi 4 novembre des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

10 Most Earthquake Prone Countries In The World

2023-11-04T07:52+0100timesnownews (en)

Nepal . Nepal, in the Himalayas, often faces earthquakes. In 2015, a big quake killed around 9,000 people. Recently, another quake in Jajarkot killed at least 132 people. Turkey. Turkey is at risk due to its location on fault lines and many old, unfortified buildings. Experts warn of high earthquake danger.

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T07:52+0100EastAfrican (en)

"The death toll has reached 119 and at least 100 have been injured," Karnali Province police spokesman Gopal Chandra Bhattarai told AFP. "The remoteness of the districts makes it difficult for information to get through." Bhattarai said Nepal i security forces had been deployed extensively to assist with search and rescue operations.

At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T07:52+0100dawn (en)

At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

08:48 Tremblement de terre Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T07:52+0100lorientlejour (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T07:51+0100eyewitness-news (en)

KATHMANDU - At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US....

At least 128 dead as 6.4 magnitude earthquake hits Nepal: Official

2023-11-04T07:47+0100azertag (en)

Baku, November 4, AZERTAC At least 128 people were killed and more than 200 injured after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal late Friday, Anadolu Agency reports citing a local senior police official. Nepal police spokesman Kuber Kadayat told Anadolu the casualties occurred in the two main districts in western Nepal.

Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts

2023-11-04T07:47+0100lalsace (fr)

92 personnes sont mortes à Jajarkot et 40 à Rukum , a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, Narayan Prasad Bhattarai, citant les deux districts à ce stade les plus touchés par le séisme, situés au sud de l'épicentre dans la province frontalière de Karnali.

Earthquake Jolts Nepal, Death Toll Reaches 128 So Far, Rescue Teams Rushed to Jajarkot

2023-11-04T07:46+0100ibtimes-sg (en)

At least 128 people have been reported dead due to the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal 's Jajarkot district late on Friday, reports said. The earthquake jolted the western Jajarkot district at around 2:02 a.m. local time Saturday (1802 GMT Friday) with a depth of 18 km, according to the US Geological Survey.

140 people killed as strong earthquake jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T07:46+0100devdiscourse (en)

At least 140 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal just before midnight on Friday, destroying hundreds of houses in the Himalayan country's remote mountainous region in the most devastating tremor since 2015.

Nepal earthquake: India ready to extend all possible help, says PM Modi

2023-11-04T07:46+0100dtnext (en)

NEW DELHI: Condoling the death of people due to the massive earthquake on Friday night in Nepal , Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that India stands in solidarity with its people and is ready to extend all possible assistance. “Deeply saddened by loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal.

At least 119 killed as magnitude 5.6 quake hits western Nepal

2023-11-04T07:46+0100mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Nov. 04 (MNA) – At least 119 people have been killed and 100 others injured after a strong earthquake hit the west of Nepal . The shallow quake struck at 11:47 pm (18:02 GMT) on Friday around the western area of Jajarkot, a hilly district about 500 kilometers (310 miles) west of the capital, Kathmandu, that is home to about 190,000 people.

Terremoto in Nepal, magnitudo 6.4: 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T07:46+0100larena (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128; officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T07:44+0100wn (en)

Kathmandu, Nepal : Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens dozens more, officials said Saturday.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T07:44+0100investing-com (en)

By Gopal Sharma. KATHMANDU (Reuters) -At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.

More than 120 dead after earthquake in Nepal – Nepal

2023-11-04T07:44+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-04 06:42:35. Kathmandu – An earthquake struck Nepal late on Friday evening and has already claimed more than 120 lives. According to measurements by the US Earthquake Observatory (USGS), it had a magnitude of 5.6 and occurred at a depth of around 18 kilometers; Nepal’s National Earthquake Observatory (NEMRC) reported a magnitude of 6.

Népal : un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 5,6 fait au moins 119 morts et plus de 100 blessés

2023-11-04T07:44+0100rtbf (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Népal : au moins 132 morts et plus d'une centaine de blessés dans un important tremblement de terre

2023-11-04T07:43+0100TF1 (fr)

Le bilan est lourd au Népal. Le pays a été frappé dans la nuit de vendredi 4 à samedi 5 novembre par un important séisme qui a fait au moins 132 morts, dans une région reculée du pays. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Catastrophe. Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts

2023-11-04T07:42+0100dna-france (fr)

92 personnes sont mortes à Jajarkot et 40 à Rukum , a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, Narayan Prasad Bhattarai, citant les deux districts à ce stade les plus touchés par le séisme, situés au sud de l'épicentre dans la province frontalière de Karnali.

At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T07:41+0100citizen (en)

“Some roads had been blocked by damage, but we are trying to reach the area through alternate routes.” The district hospital was packed with residents bringing in injured victims. ‘Human and physical damages’ Nepal ese Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal arrived at the site of the quake on Saturday....

Monde Plus de 130 morts dans un violent séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T07:40+0100rts-ch (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud du district de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Népal : le bilan du séisme passe à 128 morts

2023-11-04T07:39+0100azertag-fr (fr)

Bakou, 4 novembre, AZERTAC Le bilan d'un tremblement de terre fort et peu profond touchant l'ouest du Népal s'est élevé à 128 morts, alors que les opérations de secours sont toujours en cours, ont déclaré samedi des responsables du gouvernement. Ce séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé les districts de....

At least 119 killed as magnitude 5.6 quake hits western Nepal

2023-11-04T07:37+0100mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Nov. 04 (MNA) – At least 119 people have been killed and 100 others injured after a strong earthquake hit the west of Nepal . The shallow quake struck at 11:47 pm (18:02 GMT) on Friday around the western area of Jajarkot, a hilly district about 500 kilometers (310 miles) west of the capital, Kathmandu, that is home to about 190,000 people.

Nepal: sisma di magnitudo 6.4, oltre 130 morti

2023-11-04T07:37+0100la7 (it)

Il Nepal colpito da un forte terremoto nella notte. Una scossa di magnitudo 6.4, secondo quanto riferisce il centro sismologico locale con epicentro a Jajarkot e Rukum, a circa 250 miglia a nord-est della capitale Kathmandu, vicino al confine con il Tibet.

Catastrophe. Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts

2023-11-04T07:36+0100ledauphine (fr)

92 personnes sont mortes à Jajarkot et 40 à Rukum , a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, Narayan Prasad Bhattarai, citant les deux districts à ce stade les plus touchés par le séisme, situés au sud de l'épicentre dans la province frontalière de Karnali.

Terremoto di 5.6 scuote il Nepal. Le vittime sono almeno 132

2023-11-04T07:36+0100agi (it)

AGI - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5,6 ha scosso il Nepal , il 'tetto del mondo'. L'ultimo bilancio parla di almeno 132 persone morte e oltre un centinaio ferite. Ma l'area è difficilmente raggiungibile , il che rende complessi i soccorsi ma anche la raccolta delle informazioni.

Catastrophe. Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts

2023-11-04T07:34+0100estrepublicain (fr)

92 personnes sont mortes à Jajarkot et 40 à Rukum , a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, Narayan Prasad Bhattarai, citant les deux districts à ce stade les plus touchés par le séisme, situés au sud de l'épicentre dans la province frontalière de Karnali.

Deadly earthquake strikes remote Western Nepal

2023-11-04T07:33+0100thestarkenya (en)

More than 100 people have been killed after an earthquake struck remote western Nepal on Friday. Security forces have been deployed to help rescue efforts in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and West Rukum, 500km (310 miles) west of Kathmandu. Strong tremors were felt far away in the Nepalese....

India News | Mallikarjun Kharge Condoles Death in Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T07:32+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Congress national president Mallikarjun Kharge on Saturday offered condolences over the loss of lives due to earthquake in Nepal . "Anguished by the loss of precious lives due to the devastating earthquake in Nepal. Our deepest condolences, thoughts and sympathies....

Au Népal, un séisme de magnitude 5,6 fait plus d'une centaine de morts

2023-11-04T07:32+0100france24 (fr)

meurtrier au Népal . Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du pays, selon un nouveau bilan provisoire communiqué samedi 4 novembre par les autorités népalaises. Sur place, les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants.

Telefonata fake a Meloni, salta la prima testa: 'Troppa superficialità'

2023-11-04T07:32+0100virgilio (it)

Lo tsunami generato della telefonata fake del duo comico russo di Vovan e Lexus fa saltare la prima 'testa' a Palazzo Chigi: il consigliere Francesco Talò 'si è dimesso questa mattina'.

Au moins 132 morts dans le séisme qui a frappé le Népal, selon un nouveau bilan

2023-11-04T07:31+0100sudinfo (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l’extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts

2023-11-04T07:31+0100lejsl (fr)

92 personnes sont mortes à Jajarkot et 40 à Rukum , a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, Narayan Prasad Bhattarai, citant les deux districts à ce stade les plus touchés par le séisme, situés au sud de l'épicentre dans la province frontalière de Karnali.

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T07:30+0100tv5 (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T07:29+0100rmc-bfmtv (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Catastrophe. Népal : un séisme fait au moins 132 morts

2023-11-04T07:28+0100LeBien (fr)

92 personnes sont mortes à Jajarkot et 40 à Rukum , a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, Narayan Prasad Bhattarai, citant les deux districts à ce stade les plus touchés par le séisme, situés au sud de l'épicentre dans la province frontalière de Karnali.

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T07:28+0100courrier-picard (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T07:27+0100wn (en)

Kathmandu, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Nov, 2023) At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.

Nepal earthquake news: A look at deadly earthquakes in Nepal since 2015

2023-11-04T07:27+0100wn (en)

At least 132 people were killed and over 100 injured as rescuers searched mountain villages after a strong earthquake of 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal . Officials added that the toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off in many places in the Himalayan country.

Nepal earthquake: India releases emergency contact number for Indians seeking urgent assistance

2023-11-04T07:27+0100wn (en)

Hours after a powerful earthquake of magnitude 5.

Morning Briefing: Nov. 4, 2023

2023-11-04T07:27+0100wn (en)

Here’s a rundown of all the news you need to start your Saturday, including Arab foreign ministers' upcoming meeting with the US Secretary of State to discuss the Gaza conflict, UN warnings that hospitals should not be part of combat and an earthquake that hit Nepal leaves at least 128 dead.

01:49 Delhi-Noida Chokes, AAP Shifts Blame | Turmoil Over Mahadev Betting App Case | Top Headlines

2023-11-04T07:25+0100timesnownews (en)

Delhi-Noida Chokes, AAP Shifts Blame | Turmoil Over Mahadev Betting App Case | Top Headlines. Here are the Top Headlines of the day : 1. Delhi-Noida chokes, AAP shifts blame2. Match between Bangladesh and Srilanka to happen in Delhi got cancelled due to excessive pollution3. Mahadev Betting App : ED links 'cash haul' with elections4.

Nepal Earthquake, November 2023: 9 Worst Affected Places

2023-11-04T07:21+0100india (en)

Jumla: At least 128 people were killed and hundreds injured when an earthquake of magnitude-6.4 shook western Nepal late Friday. Kathmandu: The epicentre was in Jajarkot which is about 310 miles west of Kathmandu. Doti: One of the districts near Jajarkot was almost destroyed entirely. Rescue mission is on the way.

Terremoto in Nepal, oltre 130 morti. Si scava a mani nude tra le macerie

2023-11-04T07:21+0100europa-today (it)

Intere aree rase al suolo, oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti. Questa la situazione in Nepal , dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 5,6 ha fatto tremare una zona montuosa. La scossa è stata registrata quanto in Italia erano da poco passate le 19 del 3 novembre.

Terremoti: sisma in Nepal, sale a 128 bilancio vittime

2023-11-04T07:19+0100triestecafe (it)

(LaPresse/AP) - Sale ad almeno 128 morti e decine di feriti il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 che ha colpito il nordovest del Nepal poco prima della mezzanotte di venerdì. Lo comunicano le autorità, secondo cui il numero è destinato ad aumentare. Le comunicazioni sono interrotte con molte località.

La donna estratta viva dalle macerie in Nepal - video

2023-11-04T07:18+0100rainews (it)

Sono oltre 130 i morti provocati dal terremoto che ha colpito il Nepal occidentale. Centinaia sono i feriti. Le vittime sono state localizzate nei distretti di Jajarkot e Rukum, vicino all'epicentro del terremoto. Secondo il Centro sismologico nazionale del Nepal, il sisma è stato di magnitudo 6.4.

Mallikarjun Kharge condoles death in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T07:17+0100aninews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Congress national president Mallikarjun Kharge on Saturday offered in Nepal . Our deepest condolences , thoughts and sympathies are with the families of the victims and the injured. In this hour of crisis, Indians stand shoulder to shoulder with Nepal," Mallikarjun Kharge said in a post on X.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T07:17+0100virgilio (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì.

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T07:15+0100laliberte (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Earthquake hits Nepal; death toll now 128

2023-11-04T07:12+0100inquirer (en)

KATHMANDU At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Nepal quake: Mild tremors felt in Jharkhand, no injuries reported

2023-11-04T07:12+0100deccanherald (en)

Ranchi: Several districts of Jharkhand felt mild tremors due to the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal , officials said on Saturday. However, there was no report of loss of life or property in any part of the state. Ranchi, Hazaribag, Garhwa, Koderma, Ramgarh and some other parts of the state experienced mild tremors on Friday night.

Terremoto in Nepal, almeno 128 morti

2023-11-04T07:11+0100leggo (it)

sono 128. Lo hanno comunicato le autorità nepalesi, così come riporta l'agenzia di stampa indiana Pti. I feriti, secondo i media, sono centinaia. Il sisma ha colpito i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum. Il primo ministro Pushpa Kamal Dahal ha espresso il suo profondo dolore per la perdita di vite....

Earthquake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 as officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T07:08+0100stripes (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to rise,....

Terremoto in Nepal, oltre 130 morti. Si scava a mani nude tra le macerie

2023-11-04T07:08+0100citynews (it)

Intere aree rase al suolo, oltre 130 morti e un centinaio di feriti. Questa la situazione in Nepal , dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 5,6 ha fatto tremare una zona montuosa. La scossa è stata registrata quanto in Italia erano da poco passate le 19 del 3 novembre.

Nepal earthquake: PM Kakar expresses grief over death, destruction

2023-11-04T07:07+0100bolnews (en)

ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has expressed deep grief and sorrow over the death and destruction caused by earthquake in Nepal , Bol News reported. In a tweet, he said our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the calamity.

Intense tremor kills over 120 lives in Nepal

2023-11-04T07:07+0100bolnews (en)

A powerful earthquake struck the western region of Jajarkot in Nepal , resulting in the tragic loss of at least 128 lives and leaving dozens injured. The earthquake, which occurred at 11:47 pm (1802 GMT) on Friday, had a magnitude of 6.4 according to Nepal’s National Seismological Centre, but there....

At least 128 killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T07:07+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU — At least 128 people have died in a strong earthquake in Nepal , according to police in the capital Kathmandu, with dozens more injured. A representative of the local ......

Business News | Neyveli Uttar Pradesh Power Successfully Synchronises Unit-1 of Its Ghatampur Plant with Grid

2023-11-04T07:03+0100latestly (en)

Ghatampur (Uttar Pradesh) [India], November 4 (ANI): Neyveli Uttar Pradesh Power (NUPPL), a joint venture between NLC India and Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam, has reached a significant milestone in the construction of the coal-based supercritical thermal power plant in Ghatampur Tehsil.

At least 128 dead as 6.4 magnitude earthquake hits Nepal: Official

2023-11-04T07:02+0100aa-en (en)

ANKARA. At least 128 people were killed and more than 200 injured after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal late Friday, a senior police official said Saturday. Nepal police spokesman Kuber Kadayat told Anadolu the casualties occurred in the two main districts in western Nepal.

Nepal earthquake news: A look at deadly earthquakes in Nepal since 2015

2023-11-04T07:01+0100livemint (en)

At least 132 people were killed and over 100 injured as rescuers searched mountain villages after a strong earthquake of 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal . Officials added that the toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off in many places in the Himalayan country.

Powerful Earthquake in Nepal Leaves Over 100 Dead

2023-11-04T07:00+0100kbs-en (en)

A powerful earthquake in northwestern Nepal left over 100 people dead, with the number of fatalities expected to grow. According to AP and Reuters on Saturday, Nepal’s police agency said at least 128 people were killed in a quake that struck Karnali province the previous day.

Nepal: Earthquake Kills 128, Rescue Operations Underway

2023-11-04T06:57+0100von (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the Western area of Jajarkot, Officials have said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 132; PM Dahal meets affected people

2023-11-04T06:55+0100business-standard (en)

The death toll in the fatal earthquake that jolted Nepal on Friday, has surged to 132, and 140 have suffered injuries, according to Nepal Police. Following the earthquake of 6.4 magnitude, Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has arrived in Jajarkot to meet the affected people.

India stands with Nepal, ready to extend all possible help: PM Modi

2023-11-04T06:55+0100business-standard (en)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed anguish over the loss of lives and damage caused by an earthquake in Nepal and asserted that India stands in solidarity with its neighbouring country and is ready to extend all possible assistance. "Deeply saddened by loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal.

At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:54+0100timesofmalta (en)

At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey (USGS) at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128 peopleAn earthquake in Nepal has killed at least 128 people - with troops and helicopters trying to rescue the injured.

2023-11-04T06:52+0100ground-news (en)

Scores killed by powerful earthquake in Nepal . Shock in Jajarkot in Karnali province about 300 miles west of Kathmandu caused at least 54 deaths and destroyed housesAt least 54 people have been killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday.

Over 120 killed, dozens wounded after powerful earthquake jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T06:48+0100wn (en)

Survivors are seen at a corridor of the Jajarkot district hospital in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on November 4, 2023. — AFP Over 120 people have been killed while more than 100 sustained injuries as security forces mobilised to help with a desperate rescue attempt on Saturday after a....

‘Stay alert’: Expert flags 'actively energy releasing sector' in Nepal as massive earthquake hits Delhi-NCR, says report

2023-11-04T06:48+0100wn (en)

Nepal earthquake news: The strong magnitude earthquake of 6.4 hit Nepal on Friday night leaving 132 people dead and several injured, with officials saying that the death toll is expected to rise. The impact of the quake was felt in Delhi-NCR and several other neighbouring states including Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar.

Nepal Earthquake Kills At Least 128, Toll Could Rise, Officials Say

2023-11-04T06:48+0100wn (en)

(Reuters) - At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m.

At least 128 killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:47+0100eagletribune (en)

KATHMANDU — At least 128 people have died in a strong earthquake in Nepal , according to police in the capital Kathmandu, with dozens more injured. A representative of the local administration in the Jajarkot district, near the epicenter of the quake, said the number of victims is likely to rise.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T06:47+0100rappler (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal – At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, November 4, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighboring India shook.

Nepal quake: Strong tremors felt in several Bihar districts

2023-11-04T06:46+0100deccanherald (en)

In Bihar, the tremors triggered panic among people, who rushed out of their houses in various localities of Patna, Katihar, Nawada, Muzaffarpur and Dabhanga as a precautionary measure. Patna: Strong tremors were felt in several districts of Bihar as an earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck neighbouring Nepal , officials said on Saturday.

World News | Nepal Earthquake: Death Toll Rises to 132; PM Dahal Arrives at Jajarkot to Meet Affected People

2023-11-04T06:46+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): The death toll in the fatal earthquake that jolted Nepal on Friday, has surged to 132, and 140 have suffered injuries, according to Nepal Police. Following the earthquake of 6.4 magnitude, Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has arrived in Jajarkot to meet the affected people.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, officials say

2023-11-04T06:43+0100nypost (en)

Whole towns, centuries-old temples and other historic sites were reduced to rubble then, with more than a million houses destroyed, at a cost to the economy of $6 billion. ZUMAPRESS.com. Damaged portions of houses stand behind the rubble of the destruction in Jajarkot Saturday morning following the earthquake.

PM grieved over loss of lives, property in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:42+0100app-en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Nov 4 (APP): Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar on Saturday expressed deep grief and sorrow over the loss of precious lives and property in earthquake in Nepal . “Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by last night’s earthquake in Nepal that has resulted in loss of....

nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:42+0100app-en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Nov 4 (APP): Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar on Saturday expressed deep grief and sorrow over the loss of precious lives and property in earthquake in Nepal . “Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by last night’s earthquake in Nepal that has resulted in loss of....

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128; tremors felt as far away as New Delhi

2023-11-04T06:42+0100channelnewsasia (en)

KATHMANDU: At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday (Nov 3) when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and shaking buildings as far as New Delhi, India. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Nepal Earthquake Death Toll: 132 People Killed After Massive Quake Jolts Jajarkot, Kathmandu and Other Districts (See Pic and Video)

2023-11-04T06:40+0100latestly (en)

Nepal PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ arrived in Jajarkot on Saturday and met with the injured at a local hospital. At least 132 people were killed and hundreds of residents injured after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake shook western Nepal on Friday, November 3, according to an official statement by the Nepal Police.

At least 128 killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:40+0100fresnobee (en)

KATHMANDU — At least 128 people have died in a strong earthquake in Nepal , according to police in the capital Kathmandu, with dozens more injured. A representative of the local administration in the Jajarkot district, near the epicenter of the quake, said the number of victims is likely to rise.

Terremoto nel Nepal occidentale: 132 morti un centinaio i feriti

2023-11-04T06:39+0100ecomy-it (it)

Sono almeno 132 i morti provocati dal terremoto che ha colpito il Nepal occidentale . Un centinaio i feriti. Il bilancio – secondo quanto riportato dai media locali – è destinato ad aggravarsi ancora: i soccorritori stanno cercando di raggiungere i villaggi nelle zone più remote.

"India stands in solidarity": PM Modi assures all help after earthquake kills 128 people in Nepal

2023-11-04T06:37+0100cambodiantimes (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that he is "deeply saddened" by the loss of lives and damage caused by the earthquake in Nepal . PM Modi offered support to Nepal and expressed India's willingness to extend all possible assistance.

PM Kakar expresses grief over death, destruction caused by earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T06:36+0100radio-pk (en)

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has expressed deep grief and sorrow over the death and destruction caused by earthquake in Nepal . In a tweet, he said our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the calamity. The Prime Minister said Pakistan stands with Nepal during this....

Séisme au Népal: le bilan monte à 119 morts

2023-11-04T06:34+0100bfmtv (fr)

Des survivants du tremblement de terre au Népal à l'hôpital du district de Jajarkot, le 4 novembre 2023 Balkumar Sharma / AFP. Au moins 119 personnes ont péri dans le tremblement de terre qui a frappé le Népal. Au moins 119 personnes sont mortes dans l e tremblement de terre qui a secoué une....

Nation » At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:33+0100kenyamoja (en)

Mud houses were flattened or damaged as survivors crouched outside for safety, as the sirens of emergency vehicles wailed. The quake was felt as far away as India's capital New Delhi, nearly 500 km from the epicentre, 42 km south of Jumla. At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake....

Au moins 132 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T06:32+0100actu-orange (fr)

Au moins 132 personnes sont mortes dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée du Népal, où les secours s'organisent à la recherche des survivants, selon un nouveau bilan samedi des autorités népalaises. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T06:31+0100brecorder (en)

KATHMANDU: At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

More than 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:31+0100mizzima (en)

AFP. More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128; officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T06:31+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Kathmandu, Nepal : Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens dozens more, officials said Saturday.

India stands in solidarity with people of Nepal, ready to extend all possible help: PM Modi

2023-11-04T06:29+0100deccanherald (en)

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed anguish over the loss of lives and damage caused by an earthquake in Nepal and asserted that India stands in solidarity with its neighbouring country and is ready to extend all possible assistance. "Deeply saddened by loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T06:27+0100wsvn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens dozens more, officials said Saturday.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T06:26+0100inquirer (en)

KATHMANDU At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

At least 128 dead as 6.4 magnitude earthquake hits Nepal: Official

2023-11-04T06:26+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

ANKARA. At least 128 people were killed and more than 200 injured after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal late Friday, a senior police official said Saturday. Nepal police spokesman Kuber Kadayat told Anadolu the casualties occurred in the two main districts in western Nepal.

6.4 magnitude earthquake kills 70 in Nepal

2023-11-04T06:26+0100dailypakistan (en)

NEW DELHI Around 70 people were killed after a strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal late Friday. The quake was powerful enough that the tremors were also felt in various cities of India, including Delhi, Noida and Gurugram, and Bihar. However, no damages have been reported so far.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 132; PM Dahal arrives at Jajarkot to meet affected people

2023-11-04T06:26+0100devdiscourse (en)

The death toll in the fatal earthquake that jolted Nepal on Friday, has surged to 132, and 140 have suffered injuries, according to Nepal Police. Visual from Jajarkot that has been ravaged by the earthquake (Photo/ANI) . Image Credit: ANI Country: Nepal SHARE; The death toll in the fatal earthquake....

Terremoto, catastrofe in Nepal: crolli e case rase al suolo, 132 morti e 110 feriti | FOTO

2023-11-04T06:25+0100meteoweb (it)

Il bilancio delle vittime del forte terremoto che ha colpito una regione montuosa del Nepal continua a peggiorare. Le autorità hanno reso noto che almeno 132 persone sono morte e almeno 110 sono rimaste ferite. La situazione è resa particolarmente difficile dal fatto che l’area colpita è di....

Nepalese PM arrives in quake-hit area of western Nepal

2023-11-04T06:22+0100cgtn (en)

Nepal ese Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda arrived in Jajarkot in western Nepal on Saturday after a shallow magnitude-6.4 earthquake struck the region on Friday night, killing more than 130 people.

Népal, Ciaran, Anwar El Ghazi : les informations de la nuit

2023-11-04T06:22+0100courrierinternational (fr)

Un séisme fait au moins 119 morts au Népal. Le tremblement de terre, d’une magnitude de 5,6 sur l’échelle de Richter, a frappé l’ouest du pays tard vendredi soir. Le premier ministre Pushpa Kamal Dahal a “exprimé sa profonde tristesse” dans un communiqué. Le bilan pourrait encore s’aggraver.

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:21+0100arynews (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal : At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was....

An earthquake in western Nepal has killed 128 people

2023-11-04T06:21+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-04T05:20:03.264Z. Highlights: A 4.3-magnitude earthquake occurred in western Nepal at 23:47 local time on the 6th. In addition to the 128 people killed , the earthquake also injured 141 people. The tremors were felt in many parts of Nepal, including the capital Kathmandu, and in New Delhi, Bihar and other places in India.

IL RISTONAUTA/ Dai ravioli di borragine al branzino, i piatti "made in Liguria" alla Scogliera di Alassio

2023-11-04T06:21+0100ilsussidiario (it)

Siamo ad Alassio, ma non sembra. Lontana dal Budello, dal Muretto e dai numerosi parvenu milan-brianzolo-torinesi, con cagnolini al seguito, la Scogliera gode di una posizione invidiabile. È sul lungomare, a metà strada fra la splendida Laigueglia (una bomboniera) e Alassio. Davanti il mare e sulla sinistra l’isola Gallinara.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 132

2023-11-04T06:19+0100aninews (en)

Visual from Jajarkot that has been ravaged by the earthquake (Photo/ANI) Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 132; PM Dahal arrives at Jajarkot to meet affected people. ANI | Updated: Nov 04, 2023 10:49 IST. Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): The death toll in the fatal that jolted Nepal on....

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T06:19+0100cde-news (en)

By Gopal Sharma. KATHMANDU, Nov 4 (Reuters) – At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T06:18+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

A doctor looks after a patient injured in an earthquake, evacuated from his village and brought to a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight....

World News | Pakistan: 14 Soldiers Killed as Terrorists Target Security Forces Vehicles in Gwadar

2023-11-04T06:17+0100latestly (en)

Islamabad [Pakistan], November 4 (ANI): At least 14 Pakistani soldiers were killed when terrorists attacked two vehicles carrying security forces in Pakistan's Gwadar, Pakistan-based Geo News reported citing military's media wing. On Friday, Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said that....

World News | Militants Attack Pak Air Force Training Base in Punjab Province, 3 Aircraft Damaged

2023-11-04T06:17+0100latestly (en)

Islamabad, Nov 4 (PTI) Heavily-armed militants attacked a Pakistan Air Force training base in Punjab province early Saturday, damaging three grounded aircraft, the army said. In a statement, the Pakistan Army said that the Mianwali Training Air Base of Pakistan Air Force was attacked by terrorists....

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:17+0100manilastandard-ph (en)

Survivors are seen at a corridor of the Jajarkot district hospital in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on November 4, 2023. More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early on November 4.

Nepal Earthquake Kills at Least 69

2023-11-04T06:16+0100tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Kathmandu - At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday, Nov. 3, when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

An earthquake in Nepal has killed at least 130 people. Here's what we know so far

2023-11-04T06:16+0100sbs (en)

Officials feared the death toll in Friday's quake could rise as they had not been able to establish contact in the hilly area near the epicentre, some 500km west of the capital Kathmandu, where tremors were also felt. The district has a population of 190,000 with villages scattered in remote hills.

Nepal earthquake death toll rises to 132

2023-11-04T06:16+0100newagebd (en)

Survivors are seen at a corridor of the Jajarkot district hospital in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on November 4, 2023. – AFP photo. At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts.

Un séisme fait au moins 69 morts dans l'ouest du Népal

2023-11-04T06:15+0100french-news (fr)

KATMANDOU, 4 novembre (Xinhua) -- Au moins 69 personnes ont été tuées et des dizaines d'autres blessées vendredi soir lorsqu'un tremblement de terre peu profond de magnitude 5,6 a frappé la partie occidentale du Népal, ont indiqué des responsables. Selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques....

Expert flags 'actively energy releasing sector' in Nepal as quake hits Delhi-NCR

2023-11-04T06:13+0100livemint (en)

Nepal earthquake news : The strong magnitude earthquake of 6.4 hit Nepal on Friday night leaving 132 people dead and several injured, with officials saying that the death toll is expected to rise. The impact of the quake was felt in Delhi-NCR and several other neighbouring states including Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar.

128 People Killed As Strong Earthquake Jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T06:12+0100bloombergquint (en)

At least 128 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolted western Nepal 's remote mountainous region just before midnight on Friday. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre, the earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district was recorded at 11:47 pm.

Death toll from earthquake rises to 128 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T06:12+0100english-news-cn (en)

This photo taken on Nov. 3, 2023 shows a damaged building after an earthquake in Rukum West district, Nepal . The death toll from a strong, shallow earthquake in western Nepal has risen to 128 as the rescue operation is going on, government officials said on Nov. 4. The 6.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise 0 11/3/2023 9:41:27 PM

2023-11-04T06:12+0100tricitynews (en)

A doctor looks after a patient injured in an earthquake, evacuated from his village and brought to a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight....

Scores dead after worst earthquake in Nepal since 2015

2023-11-04T06:11+0100japantimes (en)

Kathmandu – At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighboring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Death toll from earthquake rises to 128 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T06:10+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

This photo taken on Nov. 3, 2023 shows a damaged building after an earthquake in Rukum West district, Nepal . The death toll from a strong, shallow earthquake in western Nepal has risen to 128 as the rescue operation is going on, government officials said on Nov. 4. The 6.

Dozens killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:09+0100thenational (en)

“I was fast asleep when all of a sudden it started shaking violently. I tried to run but the whole house collapsed. I tried escaping but half my body got buried in the debris,” said Bimal Kumar Karki, one of the first two people to be brought to the regional hospital.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people....

2023-11-04T06:08+0100timescolonist (en)

A doctor looks after a patient injured in an earthquake, evacuated from his village and brought to a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight....

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake News 17 min ago

2023-11-04T06:08+0100nation-ke (en)

Mud houses were flattened or damaged as survivors crouched outside for safety, as the sirens of emergency vehicles wailed. The quake was felt as far away as India's capital New Delhi, nearly 500 km from the epicentre, 42 km south of Jumla. At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake....

More than 100 dead as massive earthquake jolts western Nepal

2023-11-04T06:07+0100wn (en)

Rescue operations continue as authorities fear death toll is expected to rise...

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T06:06+0100yakimaherald (en)

A doctor looks after a patient injured in an earthquake, evacuated from his village and brought to a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight....

Au moins 119 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T06:06+0100LePoint (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:05+0100urdupoint (en)

Kathmandu, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Nov, 2023) At least 132 people were killed in an overnight that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan....

Nepal quake: Strong tremors felt in several Bihar districts, none hurt

2023-11-04T06:04+0100mid-day (en)

According to the Bihar Disaster Management Department, the tremors were felt in Patna, Katihar, East Champaran, Darbhanga, Muzaffarpur, West Champaran, Sasaram, Nawada and several other districts along the India- Nepal border. "There were no reports of any loss of life or damage to property due to....

Scores killed after Nepal hit by earthquake, tremors felt in New Delhi

2023-11-04T06:04+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m ( 18:00 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

PM Modi assures all help to Nepal after earthquake, says 'India stands in solidarity'

2023-11-04T06:04+0100firstpost (en)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that he is “deeply saddened” by the loss of lives after a strong earthquake in Nepal . The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.4 and caused significant damage. PM Modi said, “Deeply saddened by loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal.

Death toll from Nepal earthquake rises to 128

2023-11-04T06:04+0100itartass_en (en)

NEW DELHI, November 4. /TASS/. At least 128 people were killed in a recent earthquake in Nepal , the newspaper reported. Officials expect the number of casualties to rise because the tremors disrupted communication with many mountainous areas. A police spokesman told AFP that at least 100 people were injured.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128

2023-11-04T06:03+0100dailynews-lk (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Video shows aftermath of Nepal earthquake that killed dozens

2023-11-04T06:03+0100nbcnews (en)

At least 128 people are dead and dozens more are injured after a strong earthquake shook Nepal ’s Jajarkot district. Officials say the death toll is expected to rise as rescue efforts are underway. Nov.

News24 | Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, and the toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T06:02+0100news24 (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot in Nepal , killing at least 128 people. The quake is the deadliest since 2015 when 9 000 people were killed in two earthquakes in the country. Officials fear the death toll could rise as they have not been able to establish contact in the hilly area near the epicentre.

Népal : le bilan du séisme passe à 128 morts

2023-11-04T06:02+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le bilan d'un tremblement de terre fort et peu profond touchant l'ouest du Népal s'est élevé à 128 morts, alors que les opérations de secours sont toujours en cours, ont déclaré samedi des responsables du gouvernement. Ce séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé les districts de Jajarkot et de Rukum West....

Earthquake in western Nepal kills more than 120

2023-11-04T06:01+0100BangkokPost (en)

KATHMANDU — At least 128 people were killed and hundreds injured when a magnitude-6.4 earthquake shook northwestern Nepal late Friday, government officials said. Rescuers were trying to push through roads blocked by landslides and debris to reach mountainous villages where the earthquake struck.

At least 132 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T06:00+0100thedailystarBD (en)

At least 132 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces rushed to assist with rescue efforts. The quake was felt as far away as India's capital New Delhi, nearly 500 km from the epicentre, 42 km south of Jumla.

Urgences : Au moins 128 morts dans le tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-04T05:56+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 frappe le Népal. Au moins 128 personnes sont mortes et de nombreuses personnes sont encore ensevelies sous les décombres. Le nombre de victimes pourrait continuer à augmenter.

Nepal earthquake: More than 100 killed in remote western Nepal 3 hours ago - 0 - 283 More than 100 people have been killed after an earthquake struck remote western Nepal on Friday.

2023-11-04T05:53+0100dailymirror (en)

REUTERS - More than 100 people have been killed after an earthquake struck remote western Nepal on Friday. Security forces have been deployed to help rescue efforts in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and West Rukum, 500km (310 miles) west of Kathmandu.

Death toll from earthquake rises to 128 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T05:52+0100sinacom-en (en)

The death toll from a strong, shallow earthquake in western Nepal has risen to 128 as the rescue operation is going on, government officials said on Saturday. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts in western Nepal at 23:47 local time on Friday night (1802 GMT), killing 128....

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T05:51+0100wftv (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens dozens more, officials said Saturday.

Quake Shakes Northwest Nepal, Killing at Least 128 and Injuring Dozens; Officials Fear Toll to Rise

2023-11-04T05:49+0100theepochtimes (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal —Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll was expected to....

“India stands in solidarity”: PM Modi assures all help after earthquake kills 128 people in Nepal

2023-11-04T05:49+0100thestatesman (en)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that he is “deeply saddened” by the loss of lives and damage caused by the earthquake in Nepal . PM Modi offered support to Nepal and expressed India’s willingness to extend all possible assistance. Taking to X, PM Modi stated, “Deeply saddened by the....

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 128, over 100 injured

2023-11-04T05:46+0100myanmarnews (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): The death toll rose to 128 and at least 141 people were injured after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, The Kathmandu Post reported. Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has left for earthquake-affected areas.

"India stands in solidarity": PM Modi assures all help after earthquake kills 128 people in Nepal

2023-11-04T05:46+0100myanmarnews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that he is "deeply saddened" by the loss of lives and damage caused by the earthquake in Nepal . PM Modi offered support to Nepal and expressed India's willingness to extend all possible assistance.

November 4, 2023

2023-11-04T05:46+0100highlandstoday (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov 4 (Reuters) – At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal after a powerful earthquake struck the western region of Jajarkot, collapsing houses and buildings in the area. India was shocked. Nepal’s National Seismological Center said the quake had a magnitude of 6.4 at 11:47 pm (1802 GMT) on Friday.

World News | Pakistan Air Force Foils Terror Attack at Mianwali Air Base

2023-11-04T05:45+0100latestly (en)

Islamabad [Pakistan], November 4 (ANI): Pakistan's Army had said that it has foiled a terror attack at the Mianwali Training Air Base in the Punjab province. The ISPR says that 3 terrorists were neutralised while entering the base while the remaining 3 terrorists have been cornered due to timely and effective response by the troops.

Nepal Earthquake: Strong tremors felt in Bihar, Jharkhand, NCR, no casualties

2023-11-04T05:43+0100financialexpress (en)

In Bihar, the tremors were felt in Patna, Katihar, Motihari and few other districts along the India - Nepal border. However, no loss of life or damage to property was reported, reported PTI, citing officials. People were seen rushing out of their homes in various localities of Patna and Katihar as a precautionary measure.

Nepal quake: Strong tremors felt in several Bihar districts, none hurt

2023-11-04T05:38+0100devdiscourse (en)

Strong tremors were felt in several districts of Bihar as an earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck neighbouring Nepal , officials said on Saturday.However, no loss of life or damage to property was reported in the state.According to the Bihar Disaster Management Department, the tremors were felt in....

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T05:37+0100Stuff (en)

Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday (local time), killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens dozens more, officials said. Authorities said the death toll was expected to rise, noting communications were cut off with many places.

128 killed as strong earthquake jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T05:31+0100rediff (en)

According to the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre, the earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district was recorded at 11.47 pm. The impact of the quake was felt in Kathmandu and surrounding districts, and even in New Delhi in neighbouring India.

119 killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T05:31+0100newagebd (en)

Survivors are seen at a corridor of the Jajarkot district hospital in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on November 4, 2023. – AFP photo. At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort.

India News | Delhi Records 'severe' Air Quality; Minimum Temperature Settles at 16.6 Deg C

2023-11-04T05:31+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The air quality in several areas of Delhi was recorded in the "severe" category on Saturday morning while the minimum temperature in the national capital settled at 16.6 degrees Celsius, a notch above the season's average, officials said.

More than 120 killed in Nepal earthquake, police say

2023-11-04T05:30+0100cnn (en)

At least 129 people have been killed in an earthquake that struck northwestern Nepal shortly before midnight local time on Friday evening, police say. The quake was a magnitude 5.6, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). It hit 42km (about 26 miles) from Jumla, Nepal, in Karnali province.

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T05:28+0100zawya-palestine (en)

At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US....

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise

2023-11-04T05:27+0100bdnews24 (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 pm (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

India Stands in Solidarity with People of Nepal, Ready to Extend All Possible Help: PM Modi

2023-11-04T05:26+0100latestly (en)

Agency News ⚡India Stands in Solidarity with People of Nepal , Ready to Extend All Possible Help: PM Modi. By PTI Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed anguish over the loss of lives and damage caused by an earthquake in Nepal and asserted that India stands in solidarity with its....

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T05:25+0100whig (en)

A doctor looks after a patient injured in an earthquake, evacuated from his village and brought to a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight....

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T05:24+0100startribune (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens dozens more, officials said Saturday.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 128, over 140 injured; rescue work underway

2023-11-04T05:24+0100economictimes (en)

At least 128 people were killed in a strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake that originated in Nepal 's Jajarkot district Friday midnight. The earthquake had its epicentre at the Jajarkot district's Lamidanda. Eighty people were killed and more than 140 people sustained injuries in the Jajarkot and Rukum....

128 dead, more than 100 injured in Nepal quake

2023-11-04T05:24+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU: At least 128 people are confirmed dead after the shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal overnight, officials said Saturday. Videos and photos posted on social media showed locals digging through rubble in the dark to pull survivors from the wreckage of....

Midnight earthquake kills 128 in Nepal, over 100 injured; strong tremors in North India

2023-11-04T05:24+0100wn (en)

The 6.4 magnitude earthquake that jolted Nepal on Friday midnight killed at least 128 people and over 100 were left injured in the strong impact which could be felt as far as Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar apart from the Delhi-NCR region. The earthquake took place at 11.

Au moins 119 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T05:24+0100courrier-picard (fr)

Au moins 119 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l'ouest du Népal, ont rapporté samedi matin des responsables locaux joints par l'AFP. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Earthquake in Nepal: At least 128 dead and 100 injured

2023-11-04T05:22+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-04T04:19:50.461Z. Highlights: Earthquake in Nepal : At least 128 dead and 100 injured. Tremors were felt as far away as the Indian capital New Delhi, almost 500 kilometers from the epicenter of the quake. The Himalayan region, in which Nepal is located, is geologically extremely active.

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake 04 November 2023

2023-11-04T05:21+0100enca (en)

KATHMANDU - At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by....

Massive earthquake claims over 120 lives in Nepal, dozens injured

2023-11-04T05:21+0100geo-tv (en)

Officials fear death toll in Friday's quake could rise. Nepal 's PM reaches affected area to oversee operations. Expresses deep sorrow at loss of life and property. At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials....

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise

2023-11-04T05:21+0100gulfnews (en)

KATHMANDU: At least 128 people are confirmed dead after the shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal overnight, officials said Saturday. Videos and photos posted on social media showed locals digging through rubble in the dark to pull survivors from the wreckage of collapsed homes and buildings.

Quake shakes northwest Nepal, killing at least 128 and injuring dozens. Officials fear toll to rise

2023-11-04T05:21+0100eagletribune (en)

A doctor looks after a patient injured in an earthquake, evacuated from his village and brought to a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight....

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T05:19+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post KATHMANDU (AFP): At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late....

World News | MoS Meenakashi Lekhi, Paraguay's Vice Foreign Minister Agree to Further Strengthen Multifaceted Cooperation

2023-11-04T05:17+0100latestly (en)

Asuncion [Paraguay], November 4 (ANI): Union Minister of State for External Affairs Meenakashi Lekhi on Saturday met Paraguay's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Victor Verdun and held discussions on issues of interest spanning bilateral, regional and multilateral arena. The two leaders agreed to strengthen multifaceted cooperation.

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 128, over 100 injured

2023-11-04T05:16+0100thestatesman (en)

The death toll rose to 128 and at least 141 people were injured after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, The Kathmandu Post reported. Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has left for earthquake-affected areas.

Au moins 128 personnes sont mortes lors d’un tremblement de terre au Népal

2023-11-04T05:15+0100lactualite (fr)

KATMANDOU, Népal Des hélicoptères et des troupes au sol se sont précipités pour porter secours aux personnes blessées lors d’un fort tremblement de terre qui a secoué les districts du nord-ouest du Népal peu avant minuit vendredi, tuant au moins 128 personnes et en blessant des dizaines d’autres, ont annoncé samedi des responsables.

Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T05:13+0100hjnews (en)

A doctor looks after a patient injured in an earthquake, evacuated from his village and brought to a hospital in Nepal gunj, Nepal, Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023. Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight....

Explainer: Why do earthquakes occur? Know science behind the tremors

2023-11-04T05:12+0100dnaindia (en)

India has experienced many earthquakes, particularly in the northern states like Delhi, Punjab, and other places NCR. The most recent earthquake to strike Delhi-NCR was on Friday, with a magnitude of 6.4. The hit's epicenter was located in the Jajarkot district of Lamidanda, Nepal . At approximately 11:32 p.

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 128, over 100 injured

2023-11-04T05:09+0100dtnext (en)

KATHMANDU: The death toll rose to 128 and at least 141 people were injured after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, The Kathmandu Post reported. Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has left for earthquake-affected areas.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T05:08+0100thestandard-hk (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

Nepal quake: Strong tremors felt in several Bihar districts

2023-11-04T05:05+0100devdiscourse (en)

Country: India SHARE; Strong tremors were felt in several districts of Bihar as an earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck neighbouring Nepal , officials said on Saturday. However, no loss of life or damage to property was reported in the state. The tremors were felt in Patna, Katihar, Motihari and few....

128 Dead, Buildings in Rubble as Quake Ravages Nepal; PM Rushes, Spl Hosps Set Up ...

2023-11-04T05:03+0100wn (en)

According to the National Earthquake....

5.6 Magnitude Earthquake in Nepal Kills over 125, Injures Scores, Casualties Expected to Rise | Updates

2023-11-04T05:03+0100wn (en)

A shallow earthquake struck the Jumla region of....

"India stands in solidarity": PM Modi assures all help after earthquake kills 128 people in Nepal

2023-11-04T05:03+0100businessinsider-in (en)

Taking to X, PM Modi stated, "Deeply saddened by the loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal . India stands in solidarity with the people of Nepal and is ready to extend all possible assistance. Our thoughts are with the bereaved families and we wish the injured a quick recovery.

Almost 130 dead as magnitude 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T05:02+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

At least 128 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11.47pm on Friday with a magnitude 6.4, Nepal's National Seismological Centre said.

Au moins 119 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T05:01+0100la-croix (fr)

Au moins 119 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l'ouest du Népal, ont rapporté samedi matin des responsables locaux joints par l'AFP. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Au moins 119 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T04:59+0100tv5 (fr)

Au moins 119 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l'ouest du Népal, ont rapporté samedi matin des responsables locaux joints par l'AFP. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Officials: Nepal quake kills at least 128, toll could rise

2023-11-04T04:58+0100chinadailyhk (en)

A motorcycle and broken windows are seen in the midst of the rubble in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on Nov 4, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP) KATHMANDU – At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on....

Deeply saddened by loss of lives in Nepal earthquake: PM Modi

2023-11-04T04:57+0100aninews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that he is "deeply saddened" by the loss of lives and damage caused by the earthquake in Nepal . PM Modi offered support to Nepal and expressed India's willingness to extend all possible assistance.

Nepal quake: Mild tremors felt in Jharkhand, no injuries reported

2023-11-04T04:55+0100devdiscourse (en)

Several districts of Jharkhand felt mild tremors due to the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal , officials said on Saturday. Country: India SHARE; Several districts of Jharkhand felt mild tremors due to the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that hit Nepal, officials said on Saturday.

Almost 130 dead as magnitude 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T04:55+0100illawarramercury (en)

At least 128 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11.47pm on Friday with a magnitude 6.4, Nepal's National Seismological Centre said.

India Stands In Solidarity With People Of Nepal, Ready To Extend All Possible Help: PM Modi

2023-11-04T04:55+0100outlookindia (en)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed anguish over the loss of lives and damage caused by an earthquake in Nepal and asserted that India stands in solidarity with its neighbouring country and is ready to extend all possible assistance. "Deeply saddened by loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal.

Almost 130 dead as magnitude 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T04:52+0100newcastleherald (en)

At least 128 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11.47pm on Friday with a magnitude 6.4, Nepal's National Seismological Centre said.

Death toll from earthquake rises to 128 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T04:49+0100uniindia (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 4 (UNI) The death toll from a strong, shallow earthquake in western Nepal has risen to 128 as the rescue operation is going on, government officials said on Saturday. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts in western Nepal at 23:47 local time on Friday night....

More than 100 dead after strong quake hit Nepal while people slept

2023-11-04T04:49+0100watoday (en)

Kathmandu: Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook north-western Nepal districts, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll of the quake that hit just before midnight on Friday,....

Un séisme de magnitude 5,6 fait plus d’une centaine de morts au Népal

2023-11-04T04:49+0100linfo (fr)

a été touchée par un séisme de magnitude 5,6 vendredi 3 novembre, tard dans la soirée. Relevé à une profondeur de 18 km, selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS, ce tremblement de terre a secoué l’extrême ouest du pays. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud du district de Jumla, près de la frontière tibétaine.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T04:48+0100gmanews (en)

KATHMANDU - At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighboring India shook. The quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) on Friday with a magnitude 6.

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T04:47+0100japantoday (en)

At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometers deep.

World Death toll from earthquake rises to 128 in western Nepal The death toll from a strong, shallow earthquake in western Nepal has risen to 128 as the rescue operation is going on, government officials said on Saturday. 34m

2023-11-04T04:47+0100shine (en)

The death toll from a strong, shallow earthquake in western Nepal has risen to 128 as the rescue operation is going on, government officials said on Saturday. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts in western Nepal at 23:47 local time on Friday night (1802 GMT), killing 128....

Almost 130 dead as magnitude 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T04:46+0100bordermail (en)

At least 128 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11.47pm on Friday with a magnitude 6.4, Nepal's National Seismological Centre said.

More than 100 dead after strong quake hit Nepal while people slept

2023-11-04T04:46+0100smh (en)

Kathmandu: Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook north-western Nepal districts, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll of the quake that hit just before midnight on Friday,....

128 people killed as strong earthquake jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T04:45+0100mid-day (en)

The impact of the quake was felt in Kathmandu and surrounding districts, and even in New Delhi in neighbouring India. The Jajarkot and Rukum districts of western Nepal were worst hit by the quake, according to state-run Nepal Television. According to the Home Ministry, 128 people were killed and 140 others were injured in the two districts.

India News | Schools in Several Districts of Tamil Nadu Shut Due to Heavy Rainfall, IMD Issues 'orange Alert'

2023-11-04T04:45+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. With the onset of northeast monsoon, a heavy downpour is witnessed across several districts in Tamil Nadu. The Indian Meteorological Department issued an 'orange alert' in several districts due to the heavy rains battering the state.

India News | India Stands in Solidarity with People of Nepal, Ready to Extend All Possible Help: PM Modi

2023-11-04T04:45+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed anguish over the loss of lives and damage caused by an earthquake in Nepal and asserted that India stands in solidarity with its neighbouring country and is ready to extend all possible assistance.

India News | MoS Rajeev Chandrasekhar Targets Congress, INDIA Bloc After ED's Claim Against Chhattisgarh CM Baghel

2023-11-04T04:45+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar on Saturday attacked the Congress party and the Opposition coalition, INDIA after the Enforcement Directorate claimed that Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel received Rs 508 crore from Mahadev betting App.

World News | Death Toll in Nepal Earthquake Rises to 128, over 100 Injured

2023-11-04T04:45+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): The death toll rose to 128 and at least 141 people were injured after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, The Kathmandu Post reported. Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has left for earthquake-affected areas.

Almost 130 dead as magnitude 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T04:45+0100maitlandmercury (en)

At least 128 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11.47pm on Friday with a magnitude 6.4, Nepal's National Seismological Centre said.

Almost 130 dead as magnitude 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T04:44+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

At least 128 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. The quake occurred at 11.47pm on Friday with a magnitude 6.4, Nepal's National Seismological Centre said.

Earthquake Update: 27 killed in Athbiskot, Sani Bheri of Rukum West

2023-11-04T04:44+0100thehimalayantimes (en)

KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 4. At least 27 people have lost their lives in the Aathbiskot and Sani Bheri rural municipalities in a 6.4 Richter scale earthquake, that struck Ramidanda of Jajarkot at 11:47 PM on Friday. Meanwhile, 37 people have lost their lives in Jajarkot district.

More than 100 dead after strong quake hit Nepal while people slept

2023-11-04T04:44+0100brisbanetimes (en)

Kathmandu: Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook north-western Nepal districts, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll of the quake that hit just before midnight on Friday,....

Nepal Earthquake Tragedy: Widespread devastation in Jajarkot and Rukum, PM Prachanda pushes for rapid rescue and relief

2023-11-04T04:43+0100wn (en)

A powerful earthquake struck at midnight on Friday in Nepal ’s Jajarkot district killing at least a total of 128 persons. In response to the disaster, Prime Minister Pushpakamal Dahal, also known as ‘Prachanda,’ visited the affected area on Saturday morning, accompanied by a medical team.

Death toll from earthquake rises to 128 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T04:43+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a strong, shallow earthquake in western Nepal has risen to 128 as the rescue operation is going on, government officials said on Saturday. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts in western Nepal at 23:47 local time on Friday....

More than 100 dead after strong quake hit Nepal while people slept

2023-11-04T04:43+0100theage (en)

Kathmandu: Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook north-western Nepal districts, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens more, officials said Saturday. Authorities said the death toll of the quake that hit just before midnight on Friday,....

Earthquake update: 80 confirmed dead, 140 injured

2023-11-04T04:42+0100peoplesreview (en)

Kathmandu, November 4: The earthquake epicentre in Jajarkot, Karnali Province, West Nepal , has claimed 80 lives, and 140 people have been injured in Jajarkot and Rukum. The strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake on Friday at midnight caused high casualties as people were in deep sleep. Most of the buildings in Jajarkot have collapsed.

Earthquake in Nepal: India Stands in Solidarity, Says PM Narendra Modi After Quake Kills 128; Offers All Possible Assistance

2023-11-04T04:41+0100latestly (en)

At least 128 people died in Nepal as a result of the strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake that occurred late on Friday, November 3. According to state-run Nepal Television, around 140 persons were hurt in the Western Nepalese districts of Jajarkot and Rukum.

India stands in solidarity with people of Nepal, ready to extend all possible help: PM Modi

2023-11-04T04:40+0100devdiscourse (en)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed anguish over the loss of lives and damage caused by an earthquake in Nepal and asserted that India stands in solidarity with its neighbouring country and is ready to extend all possible assistance.Deeply saddened by loss of lives and damage due to the earthquake in Nepal.

Earthquake kills over 60 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T04:36+0100english-news-cn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 60 people were killed and over 100 others injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , a police spokesman said on Saturday. Thirty-seven people have been killed in the Jajarkot district, while 27 deaths have been....

'Deeply Saddened...': PM Modi Expresses Grief After 128 Killed In Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T04:32+0100timesnownews (en)

New Delhi: Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi expressed grief and extended his support to Nepal PM Pushpakamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ after 128 people were killed in a strong earthquake that originated in Nepal's Jajarkot district Friday midnight. Taking to X, formerly called Twitter, Modi wrote.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake shakes western Nepal

2023-11-04T04:30+0100thenews-pk (en)

KATHMANDU: A shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of western Nepal on Friday, the US Geological survey said, with tremors felt across several cities in northern India. There were no immediate damage reports from the quake, which struck shortly before midnight at a depth of 18-kms below ground, near sparsely populated Jumla district.

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 128, over 100 injured

2023-11-04T04:28+0100devdiscourse (en)

The death toll rose to 128 and at least 141 people were injured after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, The Kathmandu Post reported. Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has left for earthquake-affected areas.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 128, toll could rise, officials say

2023-11-04T04:28+0100devdiscourse (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, officials said on Saturday, as houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi in neighbouring India shook. At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured in....

At least 69 killed as earthquake hits Nepal, tremors felt in northern India Officials said that the toll is likely to rise as the remote areas near the epicentre in Jajarkot have not been contacted. Scroll Staff · 9 minutes ago

2023-11-04T04:25+0100scroll-in (en)

At least 69 killed as earthquake hits Nepal , tremors felt in northern India Officials said that the toll is likely to rise as the remote areas near the epicentre in Jajarkot have not been contacted. A motorcycle and broken windows are seen in the midst of the rubble in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on Friday.

Delhi Earthquake, Pollution 'Shake' Internet With Memes As Residents Juggle Nature's Double Trouble

2023-11-04T04:25+0100news18 (en)

On Friday night, a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Nepal , causing strong tremors in northern India, including the Delhi-NCR region, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh. According to the National Centre for Seismology (NCS), the earthquake occurred at 11:32 p.m.

Au moins 119 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T04:25+0100lesoleil-ca (fr)

Au moins 119 personnes ont été tuées lorsqu'un tremblement de terre peu profond de magnitude 5,6 a frappé une poche reculée du Népal, ont déclaré tôt les responsables. (BALKUMAR SHARMA/AFP) Au moins 119 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l’ouest....

4th LD Writethru: Death toll from earthquake rises to 128 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T04:24+0100china.org.cn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a strong, shallow earthquake in western Nepal has risen to 128 as the rescue operation is going on, government officials said on Saturday. The 6.4-magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum West districts in western Nepal at 23:47 local time on Friday....

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 128, over 100 injured

2023-11-04T04:23+0100aninews (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): The death toll rose to 128 and at least 141 people were injured after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, The Kathmandu Post reported. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has left for earthquake-affected areas.

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T04:22+0100wn (en)

At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US....

Nepal Earthquake Tragedy: Widespread devastation in Jajarkot and Rukum, PM Prachanda pushes for rapid rescue and relief

2023-11-04T04:22+0100financialexpress (en)

A powerful earthquake struck at midnight on Friday in Nepal ’s Jajarkot district killing at least a total of 128 persons. In response to the disaster, Prime Minister Pushpakamal Dahal, also known as ‘Prachanda,’ visited the affected area on Saturday morning, accompanied by a medical team.

World3 minutes ago Magnitude 5.7 quake in Nepal, 128 people killed

2023-11-04T04:21+0100gnnhd (en)

Kathmandu: Earthquake of magnitude 5.7 has jolted the Jajarkot region of western Nepal as a result of which 128 people were killed , hundreds sustained the injuries and and many buildings were piled up. According to foreign media, officials stated that relief activities have been started in the....

More than 100 dead as massive earthquake jolts western Nepal

2023-11-04T04:20+0100independent-UK (en)

At least 128 people have reportedly been killed after an , measuring 6.4 on the , struck western on Friday. At least 140 were also injured in the earthquake that struck at around 11.47pm. National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre noted that the epicentre was in Jajarkot district in remote western Nepal .

Earthquake shakes Nepal, leaves 119 dead

2023-11-04T04:20+0100manilatimes (en)

(UPDATE) KATHMANDU: At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country on Friday night and....

Midnight earthquake kills 128 in Nepal, over 100 injured; tremors in North India

2023-11-04T04:19+0100HindustanTimes (en)

The 6.4 magnitude earthquake that jolted Nepal on Friday midnight killed at least 128 people and over 100 were left injured in the strong impact which could be felt as far as Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar apart from the Delhi-NCR region. The earthquake took place at 11.

An earthquake in northwestern Nepal has killed at least 128 people, officials say

2023-11-04T04:19+0100npr (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Helicopters and ground troops rushed to help people hurt in a strong earthquake that shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, killing at least 128 people and injuring dozens dozens more, officials said Saturday.

128 Dead, Buildings in Rubble as Quake Ravages Nepal; PM Rushes, Spl Hosps Set Up | Top Points

2023-11-04T04:19+0100news18 (en)

An earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal late on Friday, killing at least 128 people. The earthquake — originated in the country’s Jajarkot district — was recorded at 11:47 pm, said the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre. Nepalese prime minister Pushpakamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’....

04:00 Plus de 60 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T04:19+0100nouvelobs (fr)

Katmandou (AFP) - Plus de soixante personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l'ouest du Népal, ont rapporté samedi matin des responsables locaux joints par l'AFP. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T04:17+0100urdupoint (en)

Kathmandu, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Nov, 2023) At least 119 people were killed in an overnight that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort. The 5.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 69

2023-11-04T04:17+0100dunyanews (en)

KATHMANDU (Reuters) - At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake jolts Nepal; Tremors felt in parts of north India

2023-11-04T04:16+0100HindustanTimes (en)

Survivors are seen at Jajarkot District Hospital in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on Saturday. A strong quake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck the northwestern region of Nepal at 11.47 pm on Friday.(AFP) A motorcycle and broken windows are visible amidst the rubble in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on Saturday.

World News | US Announces Security Assistance for Ukraine Worth over USD 400 Million

2023-11-04T04:15+0100latestly (en)

Washington, DC [US], November 4 (ANI): The US Department of Defence (DoD) announced an additional USD 425 million worth of security assistance to meet Ukraine's critical security and defence needs. This includes the drawdown of security assistance from DoD inventories valued at up to USD 125 million to meet Ukraine's immediate battlefield needs.

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T04:14+0100dawn (en)

At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort. The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US....

Disastrous earthquake in Nepal kills more than 1200, infrastructure collapses

2023-11-04T04:14+0100dawn (en)

KATHMANDU: A powerful earthquake struck Nepal on Saturday, killing at least 1,180 people across a swath of four countries as the violently shaking earth collapsed houses, leveled centuries-old temples and triggered avalanches on Mount Everest. It was the worst tremor to hit the poor South Asian nation in over 80 years.

Death toll in Nepal earthquake rises to 128

2023-11-04T04:12+0100thesundaily (en)

ATHMANDU : At least 128 people have died in a strong earthquake in Nepal , according to police in the capital Kathmandu, with dozens more injured. A representative of the local administration in the Jajarkot district, near the epicentre of the quake, said the number of victims is likely to rise.

Breaking News | Death Toll Mounts To 128 As Strong Earthquake Ro

2023-11-04T04:12+0100timesnownews (en)

cks Northwestern Nepal . Breaking News: The earthquake that took place in Nepal. The death toll has now risen to 128 after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday. The Nepal Prime Minister expresses grief over the damage that has been caused as well as the lives that has been lost in the earthquake.

Nepal: Death toll jumps to 70 after strong earthquake

2023-11-04T04:11+0100thestatesman (en)

The death toll rose to 70 after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials. As of now, 36 fatalities were reported in Rukum West and 34 in Jajarkot. Local officials expect the death toll to increase further as the situation unfolds.

At least 128 killed, dozens injured after Nepal hit by strong earthquake

2023-11-04T04:10+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. Earlier, Jajarkot local official Harish Chandra Sharma said at least 34 people had been....

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T04:09+0100espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 04 NOV – Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma – calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi – si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l’ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all’epicentro.

Au moins 119 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T04:07+0100centre-presse (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Au moins 119 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T04:07+0100lemauricien (fr)

Au moins 119 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l'ouest du Népal, ont rapporté samedi matin des responsables locaux joints par l'AFP. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Au moins 119 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T04:06+0100actu-orange (fr)

Au moins 119 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l'ouest du Népal, ont rapporté samedi matin des responsables locaux joints par l'AFP. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

AFP - Nepal-earthquake

2023-11-04T04:04+0100nampa (en)

At least 119 dead in Nepal earthquake ATTENTION - UPDATES with new toll /// Kathmandu, Nov 4, 2023 (AFP) - At least 119 people were killed in an overnight earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said Saturday, as security forces deployed to assist with a frantic rescue effort. The 5.

Nepal earthquake kills over 100

2023-11-04T04:03+0100timesofoman (en)

Kathmandu: More than 100 people were killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday. The actual number of casualties is likely to rise. Confirmed numbers of deaths and injuries from the isolated areas have not yet been available.

Nepal earthquake death toll climbs to 69

2023-11-04T04:03+0100gmanews (en)

KATHMANDU - At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Seismological Center said the quake was a magnitude 6.

119 dead, more than 100 injured in Nepal quake:

2023-11-04T04:02+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU: At least 119 people are confirmed dead after the shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal overnight, officials The death toll has reached 119 and at least 100 have been....

Midnight earthquake kills 128 in Nepal

2023-11-04T04:02+0100wn (en)

Kathmandu: At least 128 people were killed in a strong earthquake that originated in the country’s Jajarkot district Friday midnight. Eighty people were killed and more than 140 people sustained injuries in Jajarkot and Rukum districts of Western Nepal , according to state-run Nepal Television.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 128; communication cut off with many areas, say officials

2023-11-04T04:02+0100wn (en)

At least 128 people are dead as of Saturday morning after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude shook western Nepal just before midnight Friday. Dozens more have been found injured as rescue operations are underway across the mountain villages. Officials told Associated Press that communication was cut off with many places.

Midnight earthquake kills 128 in Nepal

2023-11-04T04:02+0100timesofindia (en)

KATHMANDU: At least 128 people were killed in a strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake that originated in Nepal 's Jajarkot district Friday midnight. The earthquake had its epicentre at the Jajarkot district's Lamidanda. Eighty people were killed and more than 140 people sustained injuries in the Jajarkot....

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T04:01+0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

World News | 128 People Killed as Strong Earthquake Jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T04:00+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 4 (PTI) At least 128 people were killed and several others injured when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolted western Nepal 's remote mountainous region just before midnight on Friday. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre, the earthquake with an....

Au moins 69 morts alors qu’un séisme de magnitude 5,6 frappe l’ouest du Népal | Nouvelles sur les tremblements de terre

2023-11-04T03:59+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Un séisme a frappé le district de Jajarkot vendredi soir, entraînant l’effondrement de maisons en briques. Au moins 69 personnes ont été tuées et des dizaines d’autres blessées après un violent tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’ouest du Népal. Le séisme peu profond a eu lieu vendredi à 23h47....

Deadly Earthquake Strikes Remote Region of Nepal: Latest Updates and Information

2023-11-04T03:58+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-03 23:23:19. By Le Figaro with AFP. Published 3 hours ago, Updated now. The earthquake struck at a depth of 18 kilometers, near the sparsely populated Jumla district. Mikhail / stock.adobe.com. The earthquake, measuring 5.6, occurred in a remote area in the west of the country.

Earthquake kills at least 69 in Nepal

2023-11-04T03:58+0100wn (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 4 : At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.

Monde Plus de 100 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T03:57+0100rts-ch (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud du district de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Au moins 69 morts alors qu’un séisme de magnitude 5,6 frappe l’ouest du Népal | Nouvelles sur les tremblements de terre

2023-11-04T03:56+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Un séisme a frappé le district de Jajarkot vendredi soir, entraînant l’effondrement de maisons en briques. Au moins 69 personnes ont été tuées et des dizaines d’autres blessées après un violent tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’ouest du Népal. Le séisme peu profond a eu lieu vendredi à 23h47....

Nepal Earthquake LIVE updates | Over 120 killed, 140 injured in midnight quake

2023-11-04T03:55+0100Hindu (en)

Survivors are seen at the Jajarkot district hospital in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on November 4, 2023. More than 120 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early on November 4. | Photo Credit: AFP.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:55+0100bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

5.6 Magnitude Earthquake in Nepal Kills over 125, Injures Scores, Casualties Expected to Rise | Updates

2023-11-04T03:54+0100news18 (en)

A shallow earthquake struck the Jumla region of Nepal killing over a 125 people and tremors of the temblor were felt as far as New Delhi, Noida, Patna and Lucknow. Follow us: More than 125 people died early Saturday morning in the Himalayan nation of Nepal after a shallow earthquake of 5.6-magnitude struck a remote pocket of the nation.

Deadly earthquake strikes remote western Nepal

2023-11-04T03:52+0100bbc (en)

More than 100 people have been killed after an earthquake struck remote western Nepal on Friday. Security forces have been deployed to help rescue efforts in the rugged districts of Jajarkot and Rukum, 500km (310 miles) west of Kathmandu. Strong tremors were felt far away in the Nepalese capital....

128 people killed as strong earthquake jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T03:51+0100devdiscourse (en)

The Prime Minister has instructed security agencies to immediately carry out rescue and relief works.As the roads were blocked and bridges damaged, rescue and relief works on the incident site have been obstructed, according to officials.All three security agencies, the Nepal Army, Nepal Police and....

Earthquake kills over 60 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T03:51+0100longbeachstar (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 60 people were killed and over 100 others injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , a police spokesman said on Saturday. Thirty-seven people have been killed in the Jajarkot district, while 27....

119 dead, more than 100 injured in Nepal quake: police

2023-11-04T03:51+0100bssnews (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov 4, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - At least 119 people are confirmed dead after the shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake that struck a remote pocket of Nepal overnight, officials said Saturday. "The death toll has reached 119 and at least 100 have been injured," Karnali Province police spokesman Gopal Chandra Bhattarai told AFP.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:51+0100altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:50+0100gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Plus de 60 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T03:49+0100laminute (fr)

Plus de soixante personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l’ouest du Népal, ont rapporté samedi matin des responsables locaux joints par l’AFP. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

At Least 128 Dead, 140 Injured In Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T03:47+0100timesnownews (en)

Kathmandu: At least 128 people were killed in a strong earthquake that originated in the country's Jajarkot district Friday midnight, Reuters reported citing police officials. Nepal was struck by a strong earthquake just before Friday midnight. The National Center for Seismology (NCS) said that the quake was of a magnitude of 6.

Midnight Earthquake Kills 128 in Nepal

2023-11-04T03:47+0100latestly (en)

Agency News ⚡Midnight Earthquake Kills 128 in Nepal . By PTI At least 128 people were killed in a strong earthquake that originated in the country's Jajarkot district Friday midnight.

Earthquake Leaves at Least 69 Dead in Western Nepal

2023-11-04T03:46+0100telesurenglish (en)

At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in a 6.4 earthquake that struck northwestern Nepal at midnight Friday, according to local authorities. RELATED: Nepal's National Earthquake Research and Monitoring Center reported that the quake had a magnitude of 6.

Earthquake kills over 60 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T03:46+0100myanmarnews (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 60 people were killed and over 100 others injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , a police spokesman said on Saturday. Thirty-seven people have been killed in the Jajarkot district, while 27....

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:46+0100giornaletrentino (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:46+0100mattinopadova (it)

ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:46+0100larena (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:46+0100tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Shanmugam and Singapore delegation in Lombok safe after magnitude 7.0 quake

2023-11-04T03:46+0100localnewssingapore (en)

The quake occurred at a depth of 15 km, the Indonesian Meteorological Agency said. The quake also prompted a tsunami warning, but this was later lifted. Residents in Lombok’s main city Mataram described a strong jolt that sent people scrambling out of buildings.

Nepal Earthquake LIVE updates | Over 120 killed, 140 injured; rescue work under way

2023-11-04T03:45+0100thehindu (en)

Survivors are seen at the Jajarkot district hospital in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on November 4, 2023. More than 120 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early on November 4. | Photo Credit: AFP.

More than 60 dead in Nepal due to a 5.6 magnitude earthquake

2023-11-04T03:44+0100kiratas (en)

The epicenter of the earthquake that struck northwest Nepal early on November 4. USGS. At least 62 people were killed in two districts in western Nepal by a 5.6-magnitude earthquake on Friday night, local authorities said early Saturday. The earthquake shook a remote area in the west of the country....

India News | Jharkhand: Medical Student Body Found on RIMS Ranchi Campus, Probe Underway

2023-11-04T03:44+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. According to police, the body was identified to be that of Dr Madhan Kumar M, a second-year postgraduate student from Namakkal district in Tamil Nadu. Ranchi (Jharkhand) [India], November 4 (ANI): A charred body of a medical student was found on....

At least 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T03:43+0100thesaxon (en)

Prakash Mathema Agence France-Presse The capital of Nepal , Kathmandu, on August 22. More than 60 people were killed in an earthquake earth that shook a remote region of western Nepal, local officials contacted by AFP reported on Saturday morning. The 5.6 magnitude earthquake was measured at a depth of 18 km according to the USGS.

Nepal earthquake: At least 69 killed, dozens injured; rescue ops continue

2023-11-04T03:43+0100economictimes (en)

At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:43+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Strong quake hits Nepal, at least 69 dead

2023-11-04T03:42+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Kathmandu: At least 128 people were killed in a strong earthquake that originated in the country's Jajarkot district Friday midnight. Eighty people were killed and more than 140 people sustained injuries in Jajarkot and Rukum districts of Western Nepal , according to state-run Nepal Television.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:42+0100giornaledibrescia (it)

ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Earthquake Strikes Nepal: More Than 60 Lives Lost – USGS Reports Magnitude 5.6

2023-11-04T03:40+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-03 23:26:51. An earthquake struck Nepal late in the evening and, according to initial reports, claimed more than 60 lives. According to measurements by the US Earthquake Observatory USGS, it had a magnitude of 5.6 and occurred at a depth of around 18 kilometers.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:40+0100nuovavenezia (it)

ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:39+0100ilpiccolo (it)

ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:39+0100ladige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Tsunami warning siren in Kota Belud a false alarm, says MetMalaysia

2023-11-04T03:39+0100thestar-my (en)

PETALING JAYA: A tsunami alert siren heard in Kota Belud, Sabah early Saturday (Nov 4) morning was a false alarm, says the Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia). It said the siren triggered at the National Tsunami Early Warning System installation on the grounds of the Imam Hj Mustapah....

Midnight earthquake kills 128 in Nepal: Authorities.

2023-11-04T03:38+0100devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; Midnight earthquake kills 128 in Nepal : Authorities. (This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:38+0100ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 04 NOV - Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:35+0100ansa (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

Terremoto in Nepal, 128 vittime e centinaia di feriti

2023-11-04T03:35+0100ansamed-it (it)

Un violento terremoto ha colpito il Nepal . Il sisma - calcolato di magnitudo 6.4 dalle autorità nepalesi - si è verificato alle 23.47 (ora locale) di venerdì. Le vittime accertate sono 128, centinaia i feriti. Il sisma ha colpito l'ovest del paese, in particolare i distretti di Jajarkot e West Rukum, vicino all'epicentro.

5.6 è la magnitudo registrata

2023-11-04T03:34+0100repubblica (it)

Sono almeno 69 i morti provocati dal terremoto che ha colpito il Nepal occidentale. Decine sono i feriti. Il bilancio - secondo quanto riportato dai media locali - è destinato ad aggravarsi ancora: i soccorritori stanno cercando di raggiungere i villaggi nelle zone più remote.

Earthquake kills over 128 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T03:30+0100cgtn (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured on midnight Friday when a shallow earthquake hit the western part of Nepal , Reuters reported Saturday citing police.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 69 36 minute ago - 0 - 81 At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook.

2023-11-04T03:28+0100dailymirror (en)

At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Earthquake kills over 60 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T03:27+0100china.org.cn (en)

More than 60 people were killed and over 100 others injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , a police spokesman said on Saturday. Thirty-seven people have been killed in the Jajarkot district, while 27 deaths have been reported in neighboring Rukum West....

Nepal: Death toll jumps to 70 after strong earthquake

2023-11-04T03:26+0100timesofoman (en)

Kathmandu: The death toll rose to 70 after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials. At least 36 people have been confirmed dead in Rukum West while 34 have been confirmed dead in Jajarkot. According to the officials, the toll is expected to rise further.

Au moins 128 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T03:24+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-11-04 03:37:02 D Le bilan des victimes du puissant tremblement de terre au Népal s’élève à au moins 128. En outre, des dizaines d’autres personnes ont été blessées, a déclaré samedi matin à l’agence de presse allemande un porte-parole de la police de Katmandou, la capitale.

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises to 128; communications cut off with many areas

2023-11-04T03:23+0100expressindia (en)

The earthquake, which was centred near the western temple town of Jumla in Nepal , struck around 11:32 pm, the NCS said. Nepal’s National Earthquake Monitoring & Research Center said its epicentre was at Jajarkot, which is about 250 miles northeast of the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu.

Scores killed after Nepal hit by earthquake, tremors felt in New Delhi

2023-11-04T03:23+0100radionz (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. Earlier, Jajarkot local official Harish Chandra Sharma said at least 34 people had been....

More Than 60 Dead In Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T03:23+0100ibtimes (en)

More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

Earthquake in Nepal kills 69; rescue operations underway

2023-11-04T03:22+0100firstpost (en)

At least 69 people were killed and dozens were left injured after a strong earthquake struck Nepal late on Friday. Nepal’s National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.4 but the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) later downgraded the magnitude to 5.7 and the U.S. Geological Survey pegged it as a magnitude 5.

Nepal earthquake kills over 100

2023-11-04T03:21+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

struck western Nepal on Friday. The actual number of casualties is likely to rise. Confirmed numbers of deaths and injuries from the isolated areas have not yet been available. The quake struck just before midnight when many people already were asleep in their homes. Local media footage showed crumbled facades of multi-storied brick houses.

Nepal earthquake: Death count rises to 129, expected to rise as rescue ops continue

2023-11-04T03:21+0100wn (en)

Nepal earthquake: At least 129 people lost their lives and dozens more sustained injuries as a strong earthquake jolted the northwestern Nepal districts on Friday (November 3) midnight, according to officials.

Earthquake kills over 60 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T03:21+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 60 people were killed and over 100 others injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , a police spokesman said on Saturday. Thirty-seven people have been killed in the Jajarkot district, while 27 deaths have been....

Forte scossa di terremoto in Nepal, almeno 128 morti. Si scava a mani nude tra le macerie

2023-11-04T03:21+0100rainews (it)

È di almeno 128 morti il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 6.4 che ha colpito il nordovest del Nepal poco dopo la mezzanotte di venerdì. Lo comunicano le autorità, secondo cui il numero è destinato ad aumentare. Decine le persone ferite. Le comunicazioni sono interrotte con molte località, i....

Hawaiian Electric discussing new policy to mitigate wildfire risks

2023-11-04T03:21+0100saltwire (en)

The shells of burned houses and buildings are left after wildfires driven by high winds burned across most of the town in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, U.S. August 11, 2023. Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources/Handout via REUTERS. (Reuters) - Utility firm Hawaiian Electric Industries said on....

Scores killed after Nepal hit by earthquake, tremors felt in New Delhi

2023-11-04T03:19+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

At least 128 people were killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. Earlier, Jajarkot local official Harish Chandra Sharma said at least 34 people had been....

Plus de 60 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T03:19+0100tv5 (fr)

Plus de soixante personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l'ouest du Népal, ont rapporté samedi matin des responsables locaux joints par l'AFP. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Hunt for survivors after massive Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T03:18+0100thenewdaily-au (en)

Nepal ’s National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.4 but the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) later downgraded the magnitude to 5.7 and the US Geological Survey pegged it as a magnitude 5.6. The quake occurred at 11.47pm on Friday in Jajarkot district of Karnali province.

An earthquake in Nepal has killed at least 69 people. Here's what we know so far

2023-11-04T03:17+0100sbs (en)

Nepal 's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.4 but the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) later downgraded the magnitude to 5.7 and the US Geological Survey pegged it as a magnitude 5.6. Local officials said it had not been possible to establish contact in the....

3rd LD Writethru: Earthquake kills over 60 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T03:13+0100china.org.cn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 60 people were killed and over 100 others injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , a police spokesman said on Saturday. Thirty-seven people have been killed in the Jajarkot district, while 27 deaths have been....

Earthquake strikes western Nepal, killing at least 69

2023-11-04T03:13+0100chinadailyhk (en)

A motorcycle and broken windows are seen in the midst of the rubble in the aftermath of an earthquake in Jajarkot on Nov 4, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP) KATHMANDU – At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with....

India News | "I Request UP Govt to Stop Sending Vehicles to Delhi That Emit Smoke:" AAP Minister

2023-11-04T03:13+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): As Delhi reels under severe air pollution, Environment Minister Gopal Rai appealed to the Chief Minister of the bordering state, Uttar Pradesh to stop services of the BS3 petrol and BS4 diesel vehicles to the national capital.

World News | Midnight Earthquake Kills 128 in Nepal

2023-11-04T03:13+0100latestly (en)

Kathmandu, Nov 4 (PTI) At least 128 people were killed in a strong earthquake that originated in the country's Jajarkot district Friday midnight. Eighty people were killed and more than 140 people sustained injuries in Jajarkot and Rukum districts of Western Nepal , according to state-run Nepal Television.

Au Népal, un tremblement de terre fait au moins soixante morts

2023-11-04T03:12+0100LeMonde (fr)

Au Népal, les districts de Jajarkot et de Rukum West, au sud de l’épicentre, ont à ce stade été les plus touchés dans la province frontalière de Karnali. A Jajarkot, « 26 personnes sont mortes et beaucoup ont été blessées » , a déclaré à l’AFP Suresh Sunar, chef du district, qui redoute que le bilan soit plus lourd.

Plus de 60 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T03:11+0100franceantilles-martinique (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud du district de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

Plus de 60 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T03:10+0100centre-presse (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé l'extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir. Son épicentre a été localisé à 42 km au sud du district de Jumla, non loin de la frontière avec le Tibet.

False tsunami alert due to technical glitches, says MetMalaysia

2023-11-04T03:08+0100themalaysianinsight (en)

The Malaysian Meteorological Department says technical glitches caused a false tsunami alert in Kota Belud, Sabah this morning. – AFP pic, November 4, 2023. THE Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia) denied issuing any tsunami warning after the Malaysian National Tsunami Early Warning....

Earthquake Jolts Nepal As 69 People Dead, Toll Likely To Increase

2023-11-04T03:05+0100outlookindia (en)

At least 69 people were killed while dozens were injured after a strong earthquake jolted Nepal on Friday midnight. The earthquake shook the Himalayan country’s districts at around midnight. AP reported 69 people have been left dead while dozens have been injured as rescuers searched mountain villages.

Death toll rises to nearly 70 after strong earthquake hits Nepal; tremors felt in New Delhi

2023-11-04T03:05+0100wionews (en)

The death toll after a strong earthquake struck Nepal , on Friday night (Nov 3) climbed to at least 69, according to media reports, from the previously reported 37. The tremors of the earthquake were felt in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) and some other parts of north India, the National Centre for Seismology said.

AsieAu moins 56 morts dans un séisme au Népal 4 0

2023-11-04T03:05+0100lematin-CH (fr)

Au moins 56 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l’ouest du Népal, a-t-on appris samedi matin auprès de responsables locaux. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

Népal: au moins 60 morts dans un séisme de magnitude 5,6

2023-11-04T03:05+0100rfi-fr (fr)

Des vidéos et des photos publiées sur les réseaux sociaux montrent des habitants fouillant les décombres dans l'obscurité pour extraire des survivants des constructions effondrées. On y voit des maisons en terre détruites ou endommagées et des survivants à l'extérieur pour se protéger de possibles....

Un séisme fait au moins 69 morts dans l'ouest du Népal

2023-11-04T03:00+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

Au moins 69 personnes ont été tuées et des dizaines d'autres blessées vendredi soir lorsqu'un tremblement de terre peu profond de magnitude 5,6 a frappé la partie occidentale du Népal, ont indiqué des responsables. Selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS), le séisme a secoué le....

Nepal earthquake kills at least 69

2023-11-04T02:59+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov 4 (Reuters) - At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook.

At least 69 killed after strong earthquake jolts Nepal

2023-11-04T02:55+0100adaderana (en)

At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal’s National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Plus de 60 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T02:51+0100laprovence (fr)

Des rescapés attendent dans un couloir de l'hôpital du district de Jajarkot au Népal à la suite d'un tremblement de terre, le 4 novembre 2023. PHOTO AFP / Balkumar Sharma. Plus de soixante personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l'ouest du Népal, ont....

Plus de 60 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T02:49+0100lesoleil-ca (fr)

Plus de 60 personnes ont été tuées lorsqu'un tremblement de terre peu profond de magnitude 5,6 a frappé une poche reculée du Népal, ont déclaré tôt les responsables. (BALKUMAR SHARMA/AFP) Plus de soixante personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l’ouest....

Several dozen dead in an earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T02:48+0100thetimeshub (en)

Open in full screen mode. Nepal is frequently hit by earthquakes, like here, in 2022. (Photo by archives) Reuters. A powerful earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, killing at least 69 people, injuring dozens and triggering the x27;collapse of homes. According to the Nepal Seismology Center, the earthquake was of magnitude 6.

Plus de 60 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T02:48+0100franceantilles-guadeloupe (fr)

Des rescapés attendent dans un couloir de l'hôpital du district de Jajarkot au Népal à la suite d'un tremblement de terre, le 4 novembre 2023 • BALKUMAR SHARMA. Plus de soixante personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l'ouest du Népal, ont rapporté....

Asia and Pacific More than 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T02:47+0100JakartaPost (en)

More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometers deep.

Nepal: Death toll jumps to 70 after strong earthquake

2023-11-04T02:45+0100myanmarnews (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): The death toll rose to 70 after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials. At least 36 people have been confirmed dead in Rukum West while 34 have been confirmed dead in Jajarkot. According to the officials, the toll is expected to rise further.

Deadliest Earthquakes In Nepal

2023-11-04T02:45+0100timesnownews (en)

Earthquake Strikes Nepal On Friday. At least 70 people died, and dozens were injured in Nepal. Tremors were felt in North India. PM's Response. PM Dahal expressed deep sorrow and ordered security agencies to launch immediate rescue and relief operations Deadliest Earthquakes In Nepal Gorkha.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Nepal leaves over 60 dead

2023-11-04T02:44+0100archyde (en)

2023-11-03 23:25:27. An earthquake struck Nepal late on Friday evening and, according to initial reports, claimed more than 60 lives. According to measurements by the US Earthquake Observatory USGS, it had a magnitude of 5.6 and occurred at a depth of around 18 kilometers.

Death Toll Rises to 70 After Strong Tremors of 6.4 Magnitude Jolted Nepal

2023-11-04T02:44+0100latestly (en)

Agency News ⚡Death Toll Rises to 70 After Strong Tremors of 6.4 Magnitude Jolted Nepal . By ANI According to the National Centre for Seismology, the magnitude of the earthquake on Richter Scale was recorded at 6.4 and the epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km.

Plus de 60 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T02:40+0100actu-orange (fr)

Plus de soixante personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l'ouest du Népal, ont rapporté samedi matin des responsables locaux joints par l'AFP. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Plus de 60 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T02:39+0100challenges (fr)

Plus de soixante personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l'ouest du Népal, ont rapporté samedi matin des responsables locaux joints par l'AFP. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques USGS.

Shallow 5.6-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Nepal, Over 60 Dead

2023-11-04T02:38+0100wn (en)

The earthquake that struck Nepal was....

At least 60 dead and dozens injured by powerful earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T02:38+0100wn (en)

In our district, 26 people have died and many are....

Earthquake kills over 50 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T02:36+0100english-news-cn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 50 people were killed and dozens injured on midnight Friday when a shallow earthquake hit the western part of Nepal , officials said.

Earthquake kills over 50 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T02:35+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 50 people were killed and dozens injured on midnight Friday when a shallow earthquake hit the western part of Nepal , officials said.

Earthquake in Nepal killed at least 69 and officials say toll is expected to rise

2023-11-04T02:35+0100nbcnews (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — A strong earthquake shook northwestern Nepal districts just before midnight Friday, and officials said at least 69 people were dead and dozens more injured as rescuers searched mountain villages. Officials said early Saturday that the toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off with many places.

False tsunami alert likely due to technical glitches - MetMalaysia

2023-11-04T02:35+0100thesundaily (en)

KOTA KINABALU : The Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia) clarifies that it has not issued any tsunami warning or advisory at this time after the Malaysian National Tsunami Early Warning System (SAATNM) siren went off in Kota Belud, Sabah early this morning.

Des dizaines de morts et de blessés lors du tremblement de terre au Népal | À l’étranger

2023-11-04T02:29+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Le séisme nocturne a frappé la partie ouest de Jajarkot, une région vallonnée de 190 000 habitants, à environ 500 kilomètres à l’ouest de la capitale Katmandou. Il n’est actuellement pas possible de contacter Ramidanda, l’épicentre du séisme. Des décès ont été signalés dans plusieurs parties de la région, mais leur nombre devrait encore augmenter.

India News | Over 1,200 Polling Booths Prepared for Mizoram Assembly Polls: Chief Electoral Officer

2023-11-04T02:27+0100latestly (en)

Aizawl (Mizoram) [India], November 4 (ANI): As many as 1,276 polling stations have been prepared for the Mizoram Assembly elections, the Chief Electoral Officer for the state, Madhup Vyas said on Friday. Vyas, while speaking to ANI, talked about the preparations done by the poll body for the elections scheduled for November 7.

India News | "To Be Prepared for War is a Passage to Peace:" Vice President Dhankhar

2023-11-04T02:27+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Friday said that peace is not merely an option but the sole path, as the disruption of peace leads to human suffering and global challenges. The Vice President, while addressing the Chanakya Defence Dialogue-2023 at the....

Nepal: Earthquake kills at least 60 people

2023-11-04T02:25+0100LeMonde-en (en)

More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday, November 4. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometers (11 miles) deep.

At least 69 dead in Nepal after 6.4 magnitude earthquake

2023-11-04T02:24+0100heraldsun (en)

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake has struck Nepal , killing at least 69 people. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake occurred just before midnight on Friday(local time) in Jajarkot district of Karnali province. The death toll is expected to rise as rescuers search for survivors.

Nepal: Death toll jumps to 70 after strong earthquake

2023-11-04T02:22+0100devdiscourse (en)

The death toll rose to 70 after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials. The death toll rose to 70 after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials.

Nepal: 48 killed in earthquake, PM Dahal expresses grief

2023-11-04T02:22+0100devdiscourse (en)

At least 48 people have been killed after a massive 6.4 -magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials. Representative image (Photo/ANI). Image Credit: ANI Country: Nepal SHARE; At least 48 people have been killed after a massive 6.

Scores reported dead as 6.4M earthquake jolts Jajarkot

2023-11-04T02:18+0100kathmandupost (en)

Almost 80 people have been reported dead, and 140 injured, after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolted west Nepal late on Friday. According to the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre , the earthquake with an epicentre in Jajarkot district was recorded at 11:47 pm.

At least 69 killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T02:18+0100wn (en)

At least 69 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal after a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

More than 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T02:18+0100wn (en)

More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

Earthquake news LIVE updates: At least 69 killed after strong quake shakes Nepal, toll expected ...

2023-11-04T02:18+0100wn (en)

Earthquake news LIVE: At least 69 people died and dozens were injured after a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck northwestern districts of Nepal , late on Friday night. The earthquake's impact was felt as far as India's capital, New Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR), over....

Earthquake kills at least 69 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T02:18+0100chinadaily (en)

KATHMANDU -- More than 69 people were killed and dozens injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , officials said. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake jolted the western Jajarkot district at around 11:47 pm local time (18:02:54 GMT) with a depth of 18 km.

Nepal: Death toll jumps to 70 after strong earthquake

2023-11-04T02:17+0100dtnext (en)

According to the National Centre for Seismology, the magnitude of the earthquake on Richter Scale was recorded at 6.4 and the epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km. KATHMANDU: The death toll rose to 70 after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials.

Panic grips Delhi-NCR, UP and Bihar after earthquake strikes north India

2023-11-04T02:17+0100devdiscourse (en)

Residents of high-rise societies came out to the roads as the strong tremors lasted for over a minute. People from Northern India, including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar rushed out of their homes in panic late Friday as strong tremors were felt across the region after an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit Nepal .

Au moins 56 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T02:17+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Au moins 56 personnes ont perdu la vie dans un séisme survenu dans une région reculée de l’ouest du Népal. Le tremblement de terre, d’une magnitude de 5,6, s’est produit à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS. Il a frappé la partie extrême ouest du pays himalayen tard vendredi soir.

At least 69 killed, dozens injured after Nepal hit by strong earthquake

2023-11-04T02:16+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. Jajarkot local official Harish Chandra Sharma said at least 26 people had been killed in....

At least 69 killed, dozens injured after Nepal hit by strong earthquake

2023-11-04T02:15+0100radionz (en)

At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. Jajarkot local official Harish Chandra Sharma said at least 26 people had been killed in....

At least 69 dead in Nepal after 6.4 magnitude earthquake

2023-11-04T02:15+0100qt (en)

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake has struck Nepal , killing at least 69 people. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake occurred just before midnight on Friday(local time) in Jajarkot district of Karnali province. The death toll is expected to rise as rescuers search for survivors.

Numerous Fatalities Reported in Nepal, Intense Shaking Felt in Delhi, Noida, and Patna

2023-11-04T02:14+0100vervetimes (en)

Notably, Jajarkot and Rukum West are the most quake-affected areas in Nepal . The death toll is expected to rise further. Earthquake in Nepal: At least 70 people have been killed , as per the latest update, after a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials.

Earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hits Nepal; tremors felt in Delhi-NCR

2023-11-04T02:14+0100devdiscourse (en)

According to the National Centre for Seismology, the epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km. Representative Image. Image Credit: ANI Country: India SHARE; Tremors were felt in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) and some other parts of north India on Friday late at night as earthquake of 6.

At least 69 dead in Nepal after 6.4 magnitude earthquake

2023-11-04T02:11+0100couriermail (en)

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake has struck Nepal , killing at least 69 people. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake occurred just before midnight on Friday(local time) in Jajarkot district of Karnali province. The death toll is expected to rise as rescuers search for survivors.

A sudden earthquake in Nepal has killed dozens of people! Rescue efforts are still ongoing

2023-11-04T02:11+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-04T01:09:37.197Z. Highlights: A sudden earthquake in Nepal has killed dozens of people! Rescue efforts are still ongoing. The earthquake was felt in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, and many other places. Witnesses said the earthquake also caused buildings as far away as New Delhi, India, to shake.

India News | Mizoram: Assam Rifles Recover Heroin Worth Rs 2.06 Crore in Champhai District

2023-11-04T02:10+0100latestly (en)

Champhai (Mizoram) [India], November 4 (ANI): In yet another success in its crusade against smuggling activities, Assam Rifles recovered 295.28 grams of narcotics worth Rs 2.06 crore in Mizoram's Champhai and arrested two people including one Myanmar national, said an official statement on Friday. "Assam Rifles recovered 295.

India News | Overall Coal Production in October Touches 78.65 MT; Dispatches Faster Too

2023-11-04T02:10+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): The overall coal production during the month of October this year in the country, rose by 18.6 per cent to 78.65 million tonnes from 66.32 MT in the corresponding month last year. According to data released by the Ministry of Coal, during the period April to October, the production shot up by 13 per cent to 507.

India News | Urfi Javed Booked for Defaming Mumbai Police with Fake Arrest Video

2023-11-04T02:10+0100latestly (en)

Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], November 4 (ANI): Mumbai Police on Friday booked 'Bigg Boss OTT' fame contestant Urfi Javed for maligning their image by sharing a fake video of her arrest, an official said. The incident unfolded when a video of her supposed arrest gained widespread attention on social media.

Earthquake: At least 70 killed in Nepal, strong tremors felt in Delhi, Noida, Patna

2023-11-04T02:08+0100dnaindia (en)

Earthquake in Nepal : At least 70 people have been killed , as per the latest update, after a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials. DSP of Rukum West- Namraj Bhattarai, confirmed in a telephone conversation with ANI, that 28 people have been....

Nepal earthquake kills at least 69

2023-11-04T02:07+0100humnews-pk (en)

KATHMANDU, (Reuters): At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal’s National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Scores killed by powerful earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T02:05+0100observer (en)

At least 69 people have been killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday. Witnesses said houses in the area had collapsed and buildings were shaking hundreds of miles away. Nepal’s National Seismological Centre said the quake was of magnitude 6.

Des dizaines de personnes tuées par un puissant tremblement de terre au Népal | Népal

2023-11-04T02:03+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Au moins 69 personnes ont été tuées et des dizaines d’autres blessées après un violent séisme qui a frappé l’ouest du Népal vendredi. Des témoins ont déclaré que des maisons du quartier s’étaient effondrées et que des bâtiments tremblaient à des centaines de kilomètres.

More than 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T02:02+0100manilastandard-ph (en)

More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

At least 69 killed as magnitude 5.6 quake hits western Nepal

2023-11-04T02:02+0100aljazeera-en (en)

At least 69 people have been killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake hit the west of Nepal . The shallow quake struck at 11:47pm (18:02 GMT) on Friday around the western area of Jajarkot, a hilly district about 500 kilometres (310 miles) west of the capital, Kathmandu, that is home to about 190,000 people.

At least 69 killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T02:01+0100RTERadio (en)

At least 69 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal after a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

More than 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T01:58+0100mb-com-ph (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal - More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

Earthquake kills at least 69 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T01:56+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 69 people were killed and dozens injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , officials said. According to the U.S.

Earthquake kills over 50 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T01:56+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 50 people were killed and dozens injured....

Nepal earthquake news: 69 killed as strong quake hit Nepal, death toll expected to rise

2023-11-04T01:56+0100wn (en)

At least 69 people were killed after a strong earthquake of 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal , officials said as reported by Associated Press. Officials further added that dozens more injured as rescuers searched mountain villages.Officials said early Saturday that the toll was expected to rise,....

India News | Gujarat: Fire Breaks out at Godown in Gondal

2023-11-04T01:56+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. A fire broke out at a godown in Gondal of Gujarat's Rajkot district. Rajkot (Gujarat) [India], November 4 (ANI): A fire broke out at a godown in Gondal of Gujarat's Rajkot district. Fire tenders arrived at the spot and doused the fire.

India News | Jharkhand CM Soren Inaugurates Child Artist Exhibition

2023-11-04T01:56+0100latestly (en)

Ranchi (Jharkhand) [India], November 4 (ANI): Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Friday inaugurated the child artist exhibition, being organized from November 3-5. The programme aims to help schoolchildren earn money from their artwork. Also Read | Earthquake in Delhi Today: Strong Quake of Magnitude 6.

At least 69 killed, dozens injured after Nepal hit by strong earthquake

2023-11-04T01:55+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. Jajarkot local official Harish Chandra Sharma said at least 26 people had been killed in....

Asie: Au moins 56 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T01:55+010024heures (fr)

Au moins 56 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l’ouest du Népal, a-t-on appris samedi matin auprès de responsables locaux. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

Asie: Au moins 56 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T01:55+0100tdg (fr)

Au moins 56 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l’ouest du Népal, a-t-on appris samedi matin auprès de responsables locaux. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

More than 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T01:54+0100digitaljournal (en)

More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

Shallow 5.6-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Nepal, Over 60 Dead

2023-11-04T01:54+0100news18 (en)

More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

Terremoto in Nepal magnitudo 5,6. Almeno 69 le vittime, decine di feriti

2023-11-04T01:54+0100corriere (it)

È di almeno 69 vittime il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 che ha colpito il nordovest del Nepal poco dopo la mezzanotte di venerdì. Le comunicazioni con molte località sono interrotte . Il terremoto, che ha colpito quando molte persone già dormivano nelle loro case, è stato avvertito anche....

Nepal: Death toll jumps to 70 after strong earthquake

2023-11-04T01:53+0100aninews (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): The rose to 70 after a strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials. At least 36 people have been confirmed dead in Rukum West while 34 have been confirmed dead in Jajarkot. According to the officials, the toll is expected to rise further.

Au moins 56 morts dans un séisme au Népal Des secousses modérées ont été ressenties jusqu’à New Delhi, la capitale indienne. 20 h 39

2023-11-04T01:53+0100ledevoir (fr)

Au moins 56 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l’ouest du Népal, a-t-on appris samedi matin auprès de responsables locaux. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

1st LD: Earthquake kills at least 69 in western Nepal

2023-11-04T01:50+0100china.org.cn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- More than 69 people were killed and dozens injured on midnight Friday when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit western Nepal , officials said. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake jolted the western Jajarkot district at around 11:47 p.m. local time (18:02:54 GMT) with a depth of 18 km.

More than 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T01:46+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

KATHMANDU More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometers deep.

Nepal Earthquake: Strong quake kills at least 69 people; officials say toll expected to rise

2023-11-04T01:45+0100livemint (en)

The US Geological Survey said the earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 5.6 and occurred at a depth of 11 miles. Nepal 's National Earthquake Monitoring & Research Center said its epicentre was at Jajarkot, which is about 250 miles northeast of the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu.

Nepal Earthquake Update: Over 60 Confirmed Dead As Search Efforts Continue, Rukum West Worst Hit

2023-11-04T01:43+0100timesnownews (en)

More than 60 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

Deadly Nepal earthquake kills at least 69, tremors felt across parts of north India

2023-11-04T01:42+0100deccanherald (en)

At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Hawaiian Electric discussing new policy to mitigate wildfire risks Reuters |Updated 10 minutes ago |1 min read (Reuters) - Utility firm Hawaiian Electric Industries said on Friday it was in discussions with the government and other parties to implement a new policy to de-energize power lines as a preventive measure to mitigate wildfire risks.

2023-11-04T01:41+0100thechronicleherald (en)

The shells of burned houses and buildings are left after wildfires driven by high winds burned across most of the town in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, U.S. August 11, 2023. Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources/Handout via REUTERS. (Reuters) - Utility firm Hawaiian Electric Industries said on....

More than 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T01:40+0100heraldsun (en)

The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep. Videos and photos posted on social media showed locals digging through rubble in the dark to pull survivors from the wreckage of collapsed homes and buildings.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 69; tremors felt as far away as New Delhi

2023-11-04T01:40+0100channelnewsasia (en)

KATHMANDU: At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday (Nov 3) when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and shaking buildings as far as New Delhi, India. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

India News | Centre Approves Construction of Bridge over Dhangadhi Drain in Uttarakhand's Nanital District: CMO

2023-11-04T01:40+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. CM Pushkar Singh Dhami has expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister Nitin Gadkari for the approval of the construction of the bridge. Dehradun (Uttarakhand) [India], November 4 (ANI): The Centre has approved the....

India News | Panic Grips Delhi-NCR, UP and Bihar After Earthquake Strikes North India

2023-11-04T01:40+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): People from Northern India, including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar rushed out of their homes in panic late Friday as strong tremors were felt across the region after an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit Nepal . Residents of high-rise societies came out to the roads as the strong tremors lasted for over a minute.

Nepal: 48 killed in earthquake, PM Dahal expresses grief

2023-11-04T01:39+0100myanmarnews (en)

Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): At least 48 people have been killed after a massive 6.4 -magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials. DSP of Rukum West- Namraj Bhattarai, confirmed in a telephone conversation with ANI, that 28 people have been recorded dead....

Strong tremors jolt Lucknow at night, locals rush out of homes

2023-11-04T01:39+0100timesofindia (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 hit Nepal , causing tremors in parts of northern India, including Lucknow. The epicenter was in Nepal, about 251km from Lucknow. This was the sixth time tremors were felt in the city this year, with three of them occurring in the last month.

Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people in the mountainous northwest, officials say. Toll ...

2023-11-04T01:37+0100wn (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Earthquake in Nepal kills....

Séisme au Népal: le bilan est passé à au moins 56 morts

2023-11-04T01:37+0100ledroit-CA (fr)

(123RF/123RF) Au moins 56 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué une région reculée de l’ouest du Népal, a-t-on appris samedi matin auprès de responsables locaux. Le séisme de magnitude 5,6 a été mesuré à une profondeur de 18 km selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques USGS.

Earthquake shakes Nepal; 69 dead

2023-11-04T01:36+0100inquirer (en)

KATHMANDU A strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot in Nepal on Friday, killing at least 69 people and injuring dozens. Witnesses said that the houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India shook. Nepal’s National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 69

2023-11-04T01:36+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

KATHMANDU - At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Earthquake tremors felt in Delhi-NCR

2023-11-04T01:35+0100uniindia (en)

New Delhi, Nov 3 (UNI) An earthquake measuring 4.5 on the Richter scale hit Delhi-NCR on Friday late night. According to the National Centre for Seismology, the earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale occurred at 23.32 PM and 54 seconds. The epicentre of the quake was located at 28.84 latitude and 82.

Dozens killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T01:32+0100thetimes (en)

At least 56 people have been killed after a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal . The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late on Friday evening and was measured by the US Geological Survey at 11 miles deep. Moderate tremors were felt as far away as India’s....

Dozens killed in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T01:28+0100thesundaytimes (en)

At least 56 people have been killed after a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal . The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late on Friday evening and was measured by the US Geological Survey at 11 miles deep. Moderate tremors were felt as far away as India’s....

Hawaiian Electric discussing new policy to mitigate wildfire risks

2023-11-04T01:28+0100streetinsider (en)

FILE PHOTO: The shells of burned houses and buildings are left after wildfires driven by high winds burned across most of the town in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, U.S. August 11, 2023. Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources/Handout via REUTERS. (Reuters) - Utility firm Hawaiian Electric....

India News | Centre Nominates Justice S Muralidhar, 8 Others as Members to NALSA

2023-11-04T01:26+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): The Central Government, in consultation with the Chief Justice of India, has nominated former Orissa High Court Chief Justice Dr Justice S Muralidhar, as a Member of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA). The Centre has also nominated the senior advocate....

India News | Rajasthan Assembly Polls: LoP Rajendra Rathjore Files Nomination from Taranagar, Says 'lotus' Will Bloom

2023-11-04T01:26+0100latestly (en)

Churu (Rajasthan) [India], November 4 (ANI): Rajasthan's Leader of Opposition (LoP) Rajendra Rathore on Friday filed his nomination from the Taranagar constituency in the Churu district of Rajasthan. Speaking to reporters about the upcoming state assembly elections, Rathore said, "The lotus will bloom here in Rajasthan.

More than 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T01:25+0100couriermail (en)

The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep. Videos and photos posted on social media showed locals digging through rubble in the dark to pull survivors from the wreckage of collapsed homes and buildings.

Earthquake shakes Nepal, leaves over 50 dead

2023-11-04T01:20+0100manilatimes (en)

KATHMANDU: At least 56 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal , officials said on Saturday morning. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country on Friday night and was measured by the United States Geological Survey at just 18 kilometers (11 miles) deep.

More Than 60 Dead In Nepal Earthquake

2023-11-04T01:20+0100barrons (en)

Videos and photos posted on social media showed locals digging through rubble in the dark to pull survivors from the wreckage of collapsed homes and buildings. Mud houses were flattened or damaged as survivors crouched outside for safety, as the sirens of emergency vehicles wailed.

More than 60 dead in Nepal earthquake

2023-11-04T01:17+0100rfi-en (en)

The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep. Videos and photos posted on social media showed locals digging through rubble in the dark to pull survivors from the wreckage of collapsed homes and buildings.

Earthquake news LIVE: At least 69 killed after strong quake shakes Nepal

2023-11-04T01:17+0100HindustanTimes (en)

Earthquake today LIVE: At least 69 people died and dozens were injured after a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 struck northwestern districts of Nepal , late on Friday night. The earthquake's impact was felt as far as India's capital, New Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR), over 800 kilometers (500 miles) away.

More than 30 people killed after 6.4 magnitude earthquake hits Nepal; tremors felt in Delhi

2023-11-04T01:16+0100wionews (en)

More than 30 people were killed and dozens were injured after a powerful earthquake of 6.4 magnitude struck Nepal on Friday night (Nov 3), reported the Associated Press. The tremors of the earthquake were felt in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) and some other parts of north India, the National Centre for Seismology said.

Plusieurs dizaines de morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T01:14+0100radio-canada (fr)

Un puissant séisme a frappé vendredi l'ouest du Népal, faisant au moins 69 morts et des dizaines de blessés et provoquant l'effondrement d'habitations. Selon le Centre népalais de sismologie, le séisme était de magnitude 6,4. Le Centre allemand de recherche en géosciences (GFZ), a de son côté fait....

India News | Earthquake of 6.4 Magnitude Hits Nepal; Tremors Felt in Delhi-NCR

2023-11-04T01:13+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. According to the National Centre for Seismology, the epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km. New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Tremors were felt in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) and some other parts of north India on Friday late at night as earthquake of 6.

India News | Congress Has Freaked Out: BJP Leader Prahlad Patel on Kamal Nath's Ram Mandir Statement

2023-11-04T01:13+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Reacting to Congress leader Kamal Nath's statement on Ram Mandir, BJP leader Prahlad Patel said on Friday that Congress has freaked out and that is the reason for making such statements. Kamal Nath had earlier questioned the credit for the Ram Mandir construction....

Nepal Earthquake, Tremors In India: 7 Points

2023-11-04T01:11+0100timesnownews (en)

Nepal was struck by a strong earthquake just before Friday midnight. Officials said that at least 69 people died and dozens were injured. The toll is expected to rise. The National Center for Seismology (NCS) said that the quake was of a magnitude of 6.4.

Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 69 people, reports say

2023-11-04T01:03+0100foxweather (en)

JAJARKOT, Nepal – A magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck northwestern Nepal on Friday night, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, and reports said dozens of people were killed . Citing local officials, Reuters reported that at least 69 people are dead, and dozens more are injured. The death toll is expected to rise.

Séisme au Népal: le bilan est passé à au moins 56 morts

2023-11-04T00:57+0100lesoleil-ca (fr)

(123RF/123RF) Au moins 56 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Népal, dont 26 dans le secteur reculé de Jajarkot et 30 dans celui voisin de Rukum West, a-t-on appris auprès de responsables locaux. «Au moins 30 personnes sont mortes et plus de 40 ont été blessées à....

Nepal earthquake kills dozens

2023-11-04T00:55+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

struck western Nepal on Friday. Nepal's National Earthquake Monitoring & Research Center measured the earthquake at a magnitude of 6.4 and said the epicenter was in Jajarkot, about 400 kilometers (250 miles) northeast of the capital, Kathmandu. According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 5.

Asia-Pacific Nepal earthquake kills at least 69 people as shockwaves felt as far away as New Delhi

2023-11-04T00:55+0100independent-ie (en)

File image of rural villagers in Nepal . Photo: Prabin Ranabhat via Getty Images. At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook.

Au moins 56 morts dans un séisme au Népal

2023-11-04T00:54+0100lest-eclair (fr)

Au moins 56 personnes ont été tuées dans un tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Népal, dont 26 dans le secteur reculé de Jajarkot et 30 dans celui voisin de Rukum West, a-t-on appris, cette nuit du vendredi au samedi 4 novembre auprès de responsables locaux.

Magnitude 5.6 quake brings injuries, damage in western Nepal

2023-11-04T00:52+0100themalaysianinsight (en)

At least 56 people are dead after a 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote area in western Nepal , late Friday. – USGS pic, November 4, 2023. A SHALLOW 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of western Nepal yesterday, injuring people and damaging homes, officials said.

asia Nepal earthquake kills at least 69

2023-11-04T00:49+0100AsiaOne (en)

KATHMANDU - At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Terremoti: sisma in Nepal, almeno 69 vittime

2023-11-04T00:48+0100lapresse-it-italian (it)

Katmandu ( Nepal ), 3 nov. (LaPresse/AP) – E’ di almeno 69 vittime il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 che ha colpito il nordovest del Nepal poco dopo la mezzanotte di venerdì. Lo comunicano le autorità, secondo cui il numero è destinato ad aumentare. Decine le persone ferite. Le comunicazioni sono interrotte con molte località.

Magnitude 5.6 quake brings injuries, damages in western Nepal, say officials

2023-11-04T00:43+0100malaymail (en)

KATHMANDU, Nov 4 — A shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of western Nepal yesterday, injuring people and damaging homes, officials said. Nepal’s Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal expressed “his deep sorrow over the human and physical damage caused by the earthquake”.

Moderate mag. 4.0 earthquake - 59 km northeast of Dailekh, Karnali Pradesh, Nepal, on Saturday, Nov 4, 2023 at 4:16 am (GMT +5:45)

2023-11-04T00:42+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Tibet, China (LSA/IC network) | Distance from quake: 861 km / 535 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Nepal, sisma magnitudo 5,6: almeno 56 i morti

2023-11-04T00:42+0100lastampa (it)

KATHMANDU. Sono almeno 56 le persone rimaste uccise nel terremoto che ha scosso il Nepal . Lo hanno riferito le autorità locali. Il sisma ha fatto registrare una magnitudo pari a 5,6. i Consigli.it sceglie e raccomanda in maniera indipendente prodotti e servizi che si possono acquistare online o tramite la consulenza di esperti.

Nepal-earthquake 3rdlead

2023-11-04T00:41+0100nampa (en)

More than 50 dead in Nepal earthquake: officials ATTENTION - Updates with toll /// Kathmandu, Nov 3, 2023 (AFP) - At least 56 people were killed when a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of Nepal, officials said early Saturday. The tremor hit the far west of the Himalayan country....

Nepal, sisma magnitudo 5,6: almeno 56 i morti

2023-11-04T00:41+0100lasentinella (it)

KATHMANDU. Sono almeno 56 le persone rimaste uccise nel terremoto che ha scosso il Nepal . Lo hanno riferito le autorità locali. Il sisma ha fatto registrare una magnitudo pari a 5,6.

Nepal earthquake kills 50 people, shakes North India

2023-11-04T00:40+0100thesundaily (en)

NEW DELHI : About 50 people were killed and dozens injured after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal on Friday night, with tremors being felt as far away as Delhi. Buildings collapsed in many places in Nepal and the death toll was expected to rise, local media reported.

At least 54 killed, dozens injured after Nepal hit by strong earthquake

2023-11-04T00:38+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

At least 54 people were killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. Jajarkot local official Harish Chandra Sharma said at least 26 people had been killed in....

There was a strong earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-04T00:38+0100ruetir (en)

Shortly before midnight local time, when it was 7pm in Italy, there was a strong earthquake in the north-west of Nepal : the local authorities speak of at least 54 people dead and dozens injured, but it is expected that the number go up. According to preliminary data from the US Geological Survey, the earthquake was of magnitude 5.

At least 54 killed, dozens injured after Nepal hit by strong earthquake

2023-11-04T00:37+0100radionz (en)

At least 54 people were killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. Jajarkot local official Harish Chandra Sharma said at least 26 people had been killed in....

Nepal earthquake kills several

2023-11-04T00:36+0100wn (en)

Many people were asleep in their homes when the quake struck Nepal just before midnight. Tremors were felt as far away as New Delhi, India. ......

54 dead after earthquake strikes Nepal

2023-11-04T00:33+0100cgtn (en)

At least 54 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot. Nepal's National Seismological Center said the quake was a magnitude 6.4.

Le tremblement de terre au Népal fait au moins 69 morts

2023-11-04T00:33+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

KATMANDOU, 4 novembre (Reuters) – Au moins 69 personnes ont été tuées et des dizaines d’autres blessées vendredi au Népal lorsqu’un violent tremblement de terre a frappé la zone occidentale de Jajarkot. Des témoins ont déclaré que des maisons se sont effondrées et des bâtiments s’étendent jusqu’à New Delhi, en Inde.

Hawaiian Electric discussing new policy to mitigate wildfire risks (Reuters) - Utility firm Hawaiian Electric Industries said on Friday it was in discussions with the government and other parties to implement a new po... 1h ago

2023-11-04T00:33+0100kelo (en)

(Reuters) – Utility firm Hawaiian Electric Industries said on Friday it was in discussions with the government and other parties to implement a new policy to de-energize power lines as a preventive measure to mitigate wildfire risks. The company also announced other steps including deploying....

Nepal Earthquake Toll Rises To At Least 56: Officials

2023-11-04T00:32+0100barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/nepal-earthquake-toll-rises-to-at-least-56-officials-92ac2758.

AFP - Nepal-earthquake-toll

2023-11-04T00:32+0100nampa (en)

URGENT Nepal earthquake toll rises to at least 56: officials Kathmandu, Nov 3, 2023 (AFP) - At least 30 people were killed in a second district by an earthquake that struck Nepal, police said early Saturday, bringing the toll to 56. "At least 30 people are dead and over 40 are injured in Rukum West.

Almost 70 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:31+0100bordermail (en)

At least 69 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal expressed deep sorrow at the loss of life and....

Almost 70 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:31+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

At least 69 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal expressed deep sorrow at the loss of life and....

Plus de 30 personnes tuées après un séisme de magnitude 6,4 qui frappe le Népal ; tremblements ressentis à Delhi

2023-11-04T00:30+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Un séisme dévastateur d’une magnitude de 6,4 a frappé le Népal, causant la mort de plus de 30 personnes. Les secousses ont également été ressenties jusqu’à Delhi, la capitale de l’Inde, provoquant une grande panique parmi les habitants. Cet événement tragique met en lumière la vulnérabilité des....

Almost 70 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:28+0100illawarramercury (en)

At least 69 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal expressed deep sorrow at the loss of life and....

Almost 70 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:27+0100newcastleherald (en)

At least 69 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal expressed deep sorrow at the loss of life and....

Nepal: 48 killed in earthquake, PM Dahal expresses grief

2023-11-04T00:24+0100aninews (en)

ANI | Updated: Nov 04, 2023 04:53 IST. Kathmandu [ Nepal ], November 4 (ANI): At least 48 people have been killed after a massive 6.4 -magnitude earthquake jolted Nepal in the late hours of Friday, informed officials. DSP of Rukum West- Namraj Bhattarai, confirmed in a telephone conversation with....

Almost 70 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:24+0100maitlandmercury (en)

At least 69 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal expressed deep sorrow at the loss of life and....

More than 40 killed as major earthquake strikes Nepal, tremors felt across parts of north India

2023-11-04T00:22+0100deccanherald (en)

More than 40 people have been killed in a major earthquake in Nepal 's Jajarkot and Rukum west districts. News agency ANI quoted DSP of Rukum West Namraj Bhattarai and DSP of Jajarkot Santosh who said that 28 people were dead in Rukum West and 20 dead in Jajarkot.

Almost 70 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:21+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

At least 69 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal expressed deep sorrow at the loss of life and....

Magnitude 5.6 quake leaves 26 dead, brings injuries, damages in western Nepal: officials

2023-11-04T00:21+0100tribuneonline (en)

At least 26 people were killed in an earthquake that hit a remote part of Nepal , a district official said early Saturday. “In our district, 26 people have died and many are injured,” Suresh Sunar, the chief of Jajarkot in the far west of the Himalayan country, told AFP after the 5.6 magnitude quake struck late Friday.

Hawaiian Electric discussing new policy to mitigate wildfire risks

2023-11-04T00:20+0100wsau (en)

(Reuters) – Utility firm Hawaiian Electric Industries said on Friday it was in discussions with the government and other parties to implement a new policy to de-energize power lines as a preventive measure to mitigate wildfire risks. The company also announced other steps including deploying....

At least 54 killed, dozens injured as earthquake strikes Nepal, tremors felt in Delhi

2023-11-04T00:17+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Nepal 's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.4 but the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) later downgraded the magnitude to 5.7 and the U.S. Geological Survey pegged it as a magnitude 5.6. At least 54 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when....

More than 50 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:17+0100bordermail (en)

At least 54 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Fifty-four dead after earthquake strikes Nepal

2023-11-04T00:16+0100inquirer (en)

KATHMANDU At least 54 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal’s National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

At least 22 killed after Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, tremors felt in New Delhi

2023-11-04T00:15+0100wn (en)

At least 22 people were killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot, local official Harish I am out in the open myself.

More than 50 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:14+0100maitlandmercury (en)

At least 54 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.


2023-11-04T00:13+0100nampa (en)

URGENT At least 26 dead in Nepal earthquake: district official Kathmandu, Nov 3, 2023 (AFP) - At least 26 people were killed in an earthquake that hit a remote part of Nepal, a district official said early Saturday. "In our district, 26 people have died and many are injured," Suresh Sunar, the chief....

Earthquake at mid-night in West Nepal, dozens of people lost lives

2023-11-04T00:13+0100peoplesreview (en)

Kathmandu, November 4: A strong earthquake epicenter in Jajarkot at 11.47 p.m. midnight on Friday has killed dozens of people in Jajarkot and nearby districts. The jolt was also experienced in Kathmandu and other parts of Nepal and north-west Indian cities. According to the initial reports, a 6.5-magnitude earthquake claimed 35 people in Jajarkot.

More than 50 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:11+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

At least 54 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

More than 50 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:09+0100newcastleherald (en)

At least 54 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

More than 50 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:09+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

At least 54 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

More than 50 dead as mag 5.7 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:09+0100illawarramercury (en)

At least 54 people have been killed and dozens injured in Nepal when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as India shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Hawaiian Electric discussing new policy to mitigate wildfire risks (Reuters) - Utility firm Hawaiian Electric Industries said on Friday it was in discussions with the government and other part... 1h ago

2023-11-04T00:09+0100wkzo (en)

(Reuters) – Utility firm Hawaiian Electric Industries said on Friday it was in discussions with the government and other parties to implement a new policy to de-energize power lines as a preventive measure to mitigate wildfire risks. The company also announced other steps including deploying....

At Least 26 Dead In Nepal Earthquake: District Official

2023-11-04T00:08+0100barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/at-least-26-dead-in-nepal-earthquake-district-official-6624d4ba.

Nepal earthquake kills at least 69

2023-11-04T00:07+0100devdiscourse (en)

At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. At least 69 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday....

At least 37 killed as magnitude-6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-04T00:05+0100abc-au (en)

At least 37 people have been killed and dozens injured after an earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Center measured a magnitude-6.

Forte terremoto in Nepal: decine di morti e feriti | FOTO

2023-11-03T23:59+0100meteoweb (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 ha colpito il Nepal occidentale ed è stato avvertito anche in India. Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.6 ha colpito il Nepal occidentale. Lo riferisce l’USGS, l’Istituto Geologico statunitense. La scossa è avvenuta 42km a sud di Jumla e ad una profondità di 17,9 chilometri.

Hawaiian Electric discussing new policy to mitigate wildfire risks

2023-11-03T23:56+0100whbl (en)

(Reuters) – Utility firm Hawaiian Electric Industries said on Friday it was in discussions with the government and other parties to implement a new policy to de-energize power lines as a preventive measure to mitigate wildfire risks. The company also announced other steps including deploying....

Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people in the mountainous northwest, officials say

2023-11-03T23:55+0100latimes (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — An earthquake shook northwestern Nepal districts, and officials said at least 37 people were dead and dozens more injured as rescuers searched the mountainous villages. Officials said early Saturday that the toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off with many villages.

At least 22 killed, dozens injured after Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake

2023-11-03T23:55+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

At least 22 people were killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot, local....

BREAKING Nepal earthquake kills 54 people with deaths expected to mount as devastation spreads

2023-11-03T23:53+0100dailystar (en)

An earthquake which shook Nepal and took down homes has killed 54 people – and the death toll is expected to rise. Officials say at least 54 are dead after an earthquake, with dozens more injured as rescuers begin searching the mountainous villages where the seismic shift was first recorded.

At least 22 killed, dozens injured after Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake

2023-11-03T23:51+0100radionz (en)

At least 22 people were killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot, local....

Nepal Earthquake: At Least 54 Dead, Dozens Injured

2023-11-03T23:51+0100timesnownews (en)

At least 22 people were killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in New Delhi, India, shook. We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot, local official....

Fifty-four dead after earthquake strikes Nepal

2023-11-03T23:50+0100gazette (en)

By Gopal Sharma. KATHMANDU (Reuters) -At least 54 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. Nepal's National Seismological Centre said the quake was a magnitude 6.

Nepal-earthquake 2ndlead

2023-11-03T23:50+0100nampa (en)

Magnitude 5.6 quake brings injuries, damages in western Nepal : officials ATTENTION - ADDS statement from Nepal PM on X /// Kathmandu, Nov 3, 2023 (AFP) - A shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of western Nepal on Friday, injuring people and damaging homes, officials said.

Fifty-four dead after earthquake strikes Nepal

2023-11-03T23:47+0100devdiscourse (en)

At least 54 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday when a strong earthquake struck the western area of Jajarkot, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings as far as New Delhi, India, shook. At least 54 people were killed and dozens injured in Nepal on Friday....

Nepal Quake Kills at Least 37

2023-11-03T23:45+0100nytimes (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal — A magnitude 6.4 earthquake shook northwestern Nepal on Friday night, killing at least 37 people and injuring dozens more, according to officials. As rescuers searched the mountainous villages where the earthquake struck, officials cautioned that the death toll was expected to....

Des dizaines de morts et de blessés lors d’un séisme de magnitude 6,4 au Népal

2023-11-03T23:39+0100oxtero (fr)

Au moins 22 personnes ont été tuées et des dizaines d’autres blessées après un séisme de magnitude 6,4 qui a frappé vendredi l’ouest du Népal, des témoins affirmant que des maisons de la région se sont effondrées et que des bâtiments ont tremblé à des centaines de kilomètres.

Dozens killed and injured by magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Nepal

2023-11-03T23:31+0100guardian (en)

At least 22 people were killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings were shaking hundreds of miles away. At least 20 people were taken to hospital with injuries, Suresh Sunar, a district....

Nepal is hit by 6.4 magnitude earthquake, killing at least 37 people and injuring dozens more as rescuers search mountain villages for survivors

2023-11-03T23:27+0100dailymail (en)

An earthquake shook northwestern Nepal districts, and officials said at least 37 people were dead and dozens more injured as rescuers searchd the mountainous villages. Officials said early Saturday that the toll was expected to rise, noting that communications were cut off with many villages.

20 injured after Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, tremors felt in New DelhiA magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake.

2023-11-03T23:26+0100ground-news (en)

Strong quake in Nepal jolts several Bihar districts. An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 hit Nepal on Friday night, whose tremors were felt across Northern parts of India including Bihar. In Bihar, the tremors were felt in Bihar's Patna, Katihar, Motihari and a few other districts along the Indo-Nepal border, they said.

Nepal earthquake: At least 37 dead as 6.4 magnitude quake leaves houses crumbled & locals fleeing for their lives

2023-11-03T23:26+0100thesun (en)

The search goes on to find survivors Credit: Twitter. "We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot," local official Harish Chandra Sharma said, adding that there are reports of 17 deaths just in the district. At least 20 people were rushed to hospital with injuries,....

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake hits Nepal: USGS

2023-11-03T23:25+0100ABCnews (en)

A strong magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck Nepal just before midnight on Friday. The U.S. Geological Survey said the 5.6 magnitude quake had a depth of 17.9 kilometers (11.12 miles) near the mountain town of Jumla. This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

Nepal earthquake kills several

2023-11-03T23:24+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

At least 22 people were killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 struck western Nepal on Friday. Nepal's National Earthquake Monitoring & Research Center measured the earthquake at a magnitude of 6.4 and said the epicenter was in Jajarkot, about 400 kilometers (250 miles) northeast of the capital, Kathmandu.

Séisme de magnitude 5,6 au Népal, une vingtaine de morts au moins

2023-11-03T23:23+0100sudinfo (fr)

En ce moment Séisme de magnitude 5,6 au Népal, une vingtaine de morts au moins Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 s’est produit ce vendredi dans une zone reculée de l’ouest du Népal, selon l’US Geological Survey. Le séisme a fait au moins 22 morts, et des dizaines d’autres personnes ont été blessées.

We should be prepared: Expert warns of active seismic belt in Nepal after 6.4 quake

2023-11-03T23:20+0100indiatoday (en)

For the third time within a month, a strong on Friday, with strong tremors felt across northern India including Delhi-NCR, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. A seismologist warned that people should remain alert and be prepared as the central belt in Nepal has been identified as an "actively energy releasing sector".

Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people

2023-11-03T23:20+0100lbc (en)

The earthquake, which reached 6.4 on the Richter scale hit the west of the country on Friday. A police official said: "Houses have collapsed. People rushed out of their homes. "I am out in the crowd of terrified residents. We are trying to find details of damages.

Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people - with more deaths expected to be confirmed

2023-11-03T23:20+0100coastfm (en)

An earthquake in Nepal has killed at 37 people - with more deaths expected to be confirmed, officials say. The magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck the west of the country on Friday. Witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse. The quake occurred at 11:47pm (6.

Puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 au Népal, au moins 22 morts

2023-11-03T23:18+0100boursier-fr (fr)

par Gopal Sharma. (Reuters) - Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé vendredi l'ouest du Népal, faisant au moins 22 morts et des dizaines de blessés. Un responsable local a déclaré qu'il n'avait pas été possible d'entrer en contact avec les personnes se trouvant près de l'épicentre du séisme, ajoutant que 17 morts avaient été signalés.

At least 37 dead as earthquake strikes in Nepal

2023-11-03T23:15+0100express (en)

An earthquake has killed at least 37 people in Nepal (Image: Aakash Koirala / 500px) An earthquake in Nepal has killed at least 37 people. The 6.4 magnitude quake struck the west of the country on Friday at around 11.47pm (6.02pm GMT) in the Jajarkot district of the Karnali province.

Strong earthquake jolts Nepal, tremors felt in New Delhi, other parts of India

2023-11-03T23:14+0100wn (en)

The National Centre For Seismology Said The....

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 au Népal fait des dizaines de blessés

2023-11-03T23:11+0100maville (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé ce vendredi 3 novembre 2023 l’ouest du Népal , a rapporté le Centre national de sismologie. Au moins 20 blessés ont été transportés à l’hôpital, a déclaré à Reuters Suresh Sunar, un responsable du district de Jajarkot, rattaché à la province de Karnali.

Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people - with more deaths expected to be confirmed

2023-11-03T23:10+0100skynews (en)

An earthquake in Nepal has killed at 37 people - with more deaths expected to be confirmed, officials say. The magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck the west of the country on Friday. Witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse. The quake occurred at 11:47pm (6.

Twenty-two dead, dozens injured after Nepal struck by 6.4 quake

2023-11-03T23:07+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least 22 people were killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in New Delhi, India, shook. We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot, local official....

Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people in the mountainous northwest, officials say. Toll expected to rise

2023-11-03T23:04+0100ABCnews (en)

Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people in the mountainous northwest, officials say. Toll expected to rise. KATHMANDU, Nepal -- Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people in the mountainous northwest, officials say. Toll expected to rise.

Twenty-two dead after Nepal struck by 6.4 quake

2023-11-03T23:04+0100gazette (en)

By Gopal Sharma. Kathmandu (Reuters) -At least 22 people were killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in New Delhi, India, shook. We have not been able to establish any contact at the....

Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people in the mountainous northwest, officials say; toll expected to rise, reports AP.

2023-11-03T23:02+0100devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people in the mountainous northwest, officials say; toll expected to rise, reports AP. (This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.

Alert: Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people in the mountainous northwest, officials say. Toll expected to rise

2023-11-03T23:02+0100sfgate (en)

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people in the mountainous northwest, officials say. Toll expected to rise.

Earthquake in Nepal kills at least 37 people in the mountainous northwest, officials say. Toll expected to rise

2023-11-03T22:59+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

Officials in a suburban Chicago community have issued municipal citations to a local news reporter for what they say were persistent contacts with city officials seeking comment on treacherous fall flooding. The ex-Louisville officer who fatally shot Breonna Taylor during the botched 2020 police....

Twenty-two dead after Nepal struck by 6.4 quake

2023-11-03T22:49+0100straitstimesSG (en)

Kathmandu -At least 22 people were killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in New Delhi, India, shook. We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot,....

At least 22 dead as mag 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T22:48+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

At least 22 people have been killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal , with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in India shook. "We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot," local official Harish Chandra....

At least 22 dead as mag 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T22:44+0100bordermail (en)

At least 22 people have been killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal , with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in India shook. "We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot," local official Harish Chandra....

At least 22 dead as mag 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T22:44+0100newcastleherald (en)

At least 22 people have been killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal , with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in India shook. "We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot," local official Harish Chandra....

At least 22 dead as mag 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T22:41+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

At least 22 people have been killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal , with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in India shook. "We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot," local official Harish Chandra....

At least 22 dead as mag 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T22:41+0100maitlandmercury (en)

At least 22 people have been killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal , with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in India shook. "We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot," local official Harish Chandra....

At least 22 dead as mag 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T22:37+0100canberratimes (en)

At least 22 people have been killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal , with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in India shook. "We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot," local official Harish Chandra....

At least 22 dead as mag 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T22:36+0100illawarramercury (en)

At least 22 people have been killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal , with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in India shook. "We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot," local official Harish Chandra....

Hawaiian Electric discussing new policy to mitigate wildfire risks

2023-11-03T22:33+01004-traders (en)

Nov 3 (Reuters) - Utility firm Hawaiian Electric Industries said on Friday it was in discussions with the government and other parties to implement a new policy to de-energize power lines as a preventive measure to mitigate wildfire risks. The company also announced other steps including deploying....

Panic grips Delhi-NCR, UP and Bihar after earthquake strikes north India

2023-11-03T22:31+0100myanmarnews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): People from Northern India, including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar rushed out of their homes in panic late Friday as strong tremors were felt across the region after an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit Nepal . Residents of high-rise societies came out to the roads as the strong tremors lasted for over a minute.

Twenty-two dead, dozens injured after Nepal struck by 6.4 quake

2023-11-03T22:31+0100theglobeandmail (en)

At least 22 people were killed and dozens injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, with witnesses saying houses in the area collapsed and buildings in New Delhi, India, shook. We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot, local official....

24 dead in Nepal after 6.4 magnitude earthquake: Sources

2023-11-03T22:31+0100wn (en)

At least 24 people have died in Nepal after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal late on Friday night, according to the country's home ministry. The epicentre of the quake was at the Lamidanda area in Jajarkot district...

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes Nepal - GFZ

2023-11-03T22:27+0100cgtn (en)

An earthquake measuring 6.2 magnitude struck Nepal on Friday, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. The earthquake shook buildings in New Delhi, India according to Reuters' witnesses.

Twenty-two dead after Nepal struck by 6.4 quake

2023-11-03T22:24+0100devdiscourse (en)

We have not been able to establish any contact at the epicentre in Jajarkot, local official Harish Chandra Sharma said, adding that there are reports of 17 deaths just in the district. At least 20 people were rushed to hospital with injuries, Jajarkot district official Suresh Sunar told Reuters by phone.

Panic grips Delhi-NCR, UP and Bihar after earthquake strikes north India

2023-11-03T22:22+0100cambodiantimes (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): People from Northern India, including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar rushed out of their homes in panic late Friday as strong tremors were felt across the region after an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit Nepal . Residents of high-rise societies came out to the roads as the strong tremors lasted for over a minute.

Puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 au Népal, des dizaines de blessés

2023-11-03T22:22+0100challenges (fr)

Vue générale sur le parc national du Langtang, au Népal. /Photo d'archives/REUTERS/Jitendra Raj Bajracharya/ICIMOD. (Reuters) - Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé vendredi l'ouest du Népal, a rapporté le Centre national de sismologie. Au moins 20 blessés ont été transportés à l'hôpital,....

20 injured after Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, tremors felt in New Delhi

2023-11-03T22:21+0100straitstimesSG (en)

JAJARKOT - A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal’s National Seismological Centre reported, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. At least 20 people have been rushed to hospital with injuries, Jajarkot district official Suresh Sunar told Reuters by phone.

Letizia visits Biocultura in Madrid by surprise and leaves no one without a selfie

2023-11-03T22:21+0100kiratas (en)

Queen Letizia went this Friday afternoon by surprise to the Biocultura 2023 Fair in Madrid on a private visit where she received the affection of countless attendees at the event, as OKDIARIO has seen. The Queen did not want to miss her annual appointment with biological culture and has traveled to Pavilion 9 of Ifema to tour the fair.

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 au Népal fait des dizaines de blessés

2023-11-03T22:12+0100OuestFrance (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé ce vendredi 3 novembre 2023 l’ouest du Népal , a rapporté le Centre national de sismologie. Au moins 20 blessés ont été transportés à l’hôpital, a déclaré à Reuters Suresh Sunar, un responsable du district de Jajarkot, rattaché à la province de Karnali.

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 au Népal fait des dizaines de blessés

2023-11-03T22:11+0100lemainelibre (fr)

Malheureusement, nous n’avons pas pu envoyer cet article. Merci de réessayer ultérieurement. L'adresse email xxxx@xxxx.com ne semble pas être correcte. Merci de vérifier votre saisie. Merci, l’article a bien été envoyé. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé ce vendredi 3 novembre 2023....

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 au Népal fait des dizaines de blessés

2023-11-03T22:10+0100presseocean (fr)

Malheureusement, nous n’avons pas pu envoyer cet article. Merci de réessayer ultérieurement. L'adresse email xxxx@xxxx.com ne semble pas être correcte. Merci de vérifier votre saisie. Merci, l’article a bien été envoyé. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé ce vendredi 3 novembre 2023....

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 au Népal fait des dizaines de blessés

2023-11-03T22:10+0100courrierdelouest (fr)

Malheureusement, nous n’avons pas pu envoyer cet article. Merci de réessayer ultérieurement. L'adresse email xxxx@xxxx.com ne semble pas être correcte. Merci de vérifier votre saisie. Merci, l’article a bien été envoyé. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé ce vendredi 3 novembre 2023....

Nepal: au moins 20 blessés dans un puissant séisme

2023-11-03T22:08+0100bfmtv (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé ce vendredi 3 novembre l'ouest du Nepal . Pour l'heure, au moins 20 blessés sont à déplorer selon un premier bilan provisoire. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé ce vendredi 3 novembre l'ouest du Népal , a rapporté le Centre national de sismologie.

Puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 au Népal, des dizaines de blessés

2023-11-03T22:05+0100boursier-fr (fr)

(Reuters) - Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,4 a frappé vendredi l'ouest du Népal, a rapporté le Centre national de sismologie. Au moins 20 blessés ont été transportés à l'hôpital, a déclaré à Reuters Suresh Sunar, un responsable du district de Jajarkot, rattaché à la province de Karnali. "Je me trouve à l'extérieur.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes Nepal (Reuters) - An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 occurred on Friday around Ramidanda in Jajarkot district at 23:47 (1802 GMT), Nepal's National Seismo... 2h ago

2023-11-03T22:02+0100whbl (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 occurred on Friday around Ramidanda in Jajarkot district at 23:47 (1802 GMT), Nepal ’s National Seismological Centre said. Jajarkot is about 500 km (310 miles) west of the capital Kathmandu. There were no immediate details of any damage. “This was a big earthquake.

Maltempo, a Portofino il mare invade la celebre piazzetta Allagati bar, ristoranti e negozi Il maltempo che nelle ultime ore si è abbattuto sul Nord Italia non ha risparmiato la Liguria colpita soprattutto da diverse mareggiate. Anche Portofino è stata vittima della forza del mare con la celebre piazzetta invasa letteralmente dall’acqua.

2023-11-03T21:59+0100informazione (it)

Allagati bar, ristoranti e negozi Il maltempo che nelle ultime ore si è abbattuto sul Nord Italia non ha risparmiato la Liguria colpita soprattutto da diverse mareggiate. Anche Portofino è stata vittima della forza del mare con la celebre piazzetta invasa letteralmente dall’acqua.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes Nepal (Reuters) - An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 occurred on Friday around Ramidanda in Jajarkot district at 23:47 (1802 GMT), Nepal's National Seismo... 2h ago

2023-11-03T21:56+0100wsau (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 occurred on Friday around Ramidanda in Jajarkot district at 23:47 (1802 GMT), Nepal ’s National Seismological Centre said. Jajarkot is about 500 km (310 miles) west of the capital Kathmandu. There were no immediate details of any damage. “This was a big earthquake.

Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, felt in New Delhi

2023-11-03T21:55+0100newsincyprus (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal’s National Seismological Centre reported as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. The Nepalese agency said the quake occurred at 11:47pm local time...

Strong tremors felt in Delhi after 6.4-magnitude earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T21:55+0100azertag (en)

Baku, November 4, AZERTAC Strong tremors were felt in Delhi and nearby cities after a powerful earthquake hit Nepal late Friday night, according to NDTV. The earthquake was of 6.4 magnitude and struck Nepal at a depth of 10 km, the National Center for Seismology said. "Earthquake of Magnitude: 6.4, Occurred on 03-11-2023, 23:32:54 IST, Lat: 28.

Israel tightens grip around Gaza City as Blinkin arrives

2023-11-03T21:52+0100mid-day (en)

President Joe Biden said he thought there should be a humanitarian 'pause' in the Israel-Hamas war, after his campaign speech Wednesday evening was interrupted by a protester calling for a cease-fire. 'I think we need a pause,' Biden said. The call was a subtle departure for Biden and top White....

20 injured after Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, tremors felt in New Delhi

2023-11-03T21:49+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. At least 20 people have been rushed to hospital with injuries, Jajarkot district official Suresh Sunar told Reuters by phone.

20 injured after Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, tremors felt in New Delhi

2023-11-03T21:49+0100radionz (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. At least 20 people have been rushed to hospital with injuries, Jajarkot district official Suresh Sunar told Reuters by phone.

Panic grips Delhi-NCR, UP and Bihar after earthquake strikes north India

2023-11-03T21:49+0100aninews (en)

ANI | Updated: Nov 04, 2023 02:18 IST. New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): People from Northern India, including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar rushed out of their homes in panic late Friday as strong tremors were felt across the region after an of 6.4 magnitude hit Nepal .

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes Nepal (Reuters) - An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 occurred on Friday around Ramidanda in Jajarkot district at 23:47 (1802 GMT), Nepal's National Seismo... 2h ago

2023-11-03T21:46+0100kelo (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 occurred on Friday around Ramidanda in Jajarkot district at 23:47 (1802 GMT), Nepal ’s National Seismological Centre said. Jajarkot is about 500 km (310 miles) west of the capital Kathmandu. There were no immediate details of any damage. “This was a big earthquake.

Séisme de magnitude 5,6 au Népal

2023-11-03T21:44+0100lefigaro (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 s'est produit vendredi dans une zone reculée de l'ouest du Népal , selon l'US Geological Survey, les autorités locales évoquant des blessés. « Des maisons ont été endommagées et des personnes ont été blessées », a déclaré à l'AFP Suresh Sunar, responsable de....

24 dead in Nepal after 6.4 magnitude earthquake: Sources

2023-11-03T21:43+0100indiatoday (en)

At least 24 people have died in Nepal after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal late on Friday night, sources told India Today. The epicentre of the quake was at the Lamidanda area in Jajarkot district, according to officials at the National Earthquake Measurement Centre.

At least 20 injured in 6.4 earthquake in Nepal, felt in New Delhi

2023-11-03T21:40+0100channelnewsasia (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday (Nov 3), Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings as far away as New Delhi, India to shake. At least 20 people have been rushed to hospital with injuries,....

Magnitude 5.6 quake brings injuries, damages in western Nepal

2023-11-03T21:39+0100newagebd (en)

A shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of western Nepal on Friday, injuring people and damaging homes, the United States and local officials said. Tremors were felt across several cities in northern India. The quake struck shortly before midnight local time at a depth of 18....

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes Nepal

2023-11-03T21:32+0100wkzo (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 occurred on Friday around Ramidanda in Jajarkot district at 23:47 (1802 GMT), Nepal ’s National Seismological Centre said. Jajarkot is about 500 km (310 miles) west of the capital Kathmandu. There were no immediate details of any damage. “This was a big earthquake.

Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, felt in New Delhi

2023-11-03T21:31+0100wn (en)

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. Read full story ......

Several injured as magnitude 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T21:31+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake has struck western Nepal , the National Seismological Centre reports, causing houses to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. At least 20 people were rushed to hospital with injuries, Jajarkot district official Suresh Sunar told Reuters. "I am out in the open myself.

Several injured as magnitude 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T21:31+0100maitlandmercury (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake has struck western Nepal , the National Seismological Centre reports, causing houses to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. At least 20 people were rushed to hospital with injuries, Jajarkot district official Suresh Sunar told Reuters. "I am out in the open myself.

Several injured as magnitude 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T21:31+0100newcastleherald (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake has struck western Nepal , the National Seismological Centre reports, causing houses to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. At least 20 people were rushed to hospital with injuries, Jajarkot district official Suresh Sunar told Reuters. "I am out in the open myself.

Several injured as magnitude 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T21:30+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake has struck western Nepal , the National Seismological Centre reports, causing houses to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. At least 20 people were rushed to hospital with injuries, Jajarkot district official Suresh Sunar told Reuters. "I am out in the open myself.

Earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hits Nepal; tremors felt in Delhi-NCR

2023-11-03T21:30+0100myanmarnews (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Tremors were felt in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) and some other parts of north India on Friday late at night as earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit Nepal . According to the National Centre for Seismology, the epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km.

Several injured as magnitude 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T21:25+0100bordermail (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake has struck western Nepal , the National Seismological Centre reports, causing houses to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. At least 20 people were rushed to hospital with injuries, Jajarkot district official Suresh Sunar told Reuters. "I am out in the open myself.

Several injured as magnitude 6.4 earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T21:24+0100illawarramercury (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake has struck western Nepal , the National Seismological Centre reports, causing houses to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. At least 20 people were rushed to hospital with injuries, Jajarkot district official Suresh Sunar told Reuters. "I am out in the open myself.

Earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hits Nepal; tremors felt in Delhi-NCR

2023-11-03T21:23+0100cambodiantimes (en)

New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Tremors were felt in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) and some other parts of north India on Friday late at night as earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit Nepal . According to the National Centre for Seismology, the epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km.

20 injured after Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, tremors felt in New Delhi

2023-11-03T21:14+0100devdiscourse (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported, as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. At least 20 people have been rushed to hospital with injuries, Jajarkot district official Suresh Sunar told Reuters by phone.

Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, felt in New Delhi (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. The Nepalese agency said ...

2023-11-03T21:04+0100saltwire (en)

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. The Nepalese agency said the quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) in Jajarkot district of Karnali province.

Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, felt in New Delhi Reuters |Updated 7 minutes ago |1 min read (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake.

2023-11-03T21:00+0100thechronicleherald (en)

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. The Nepalese agency said the quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) in Jajarkot district of Karnali province.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake rattles Nepal, felt in India

2023-11-03T20:59+0100bordermail (en)

An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 has occurred around Ramidanda in Nepal , the National Seismological Centre says. "This was a big earthquake. We have heard some damage to houses. We are collecting details. So far no reports of human injuries. Police and army have been mobilised," Suresh Sunar, a top official in Jajarkot, told Reuters.

Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, felt in New Delhi

2023-11-03T20:58+0100thedailystarBD (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. The Nepalese agency said the quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) in Jajarkot district of Karnali province.

Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Patna, Lucknow, and other North Indian cities experience intense shaking from a powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake, epicentre located in

2023-11-03T20:58+0100vervetimes (en)

Strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake felt in Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Patna, Lucknow, other North Indian cities, epicentre in Nepal . A strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake was felt in Nepal on Friday night, the National Center for Seismology said. The tremors were also felt in North India, including Delhi, Noida and Gurugram, and Bihar.

Videos: Fans, lights shake, people on streets as tremors jolt Delhi-NCR

2023-11-03T20:53+0100indiatoday (en)

Delhi and its surrounding areas experienced strong tremors on Friday night after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal . Residents in the Delhi-NCR area said the tremors lasted several seconds and videos captured showed fans and lights shaking inside people's homes. People also rushed out of their homes and buildings and gathered in open spaces.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake rattles Nepal, felt in India

2023-11-03T20:50+0100maitlandmercury (en)

An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 has occurred around Ramidanda in Nepal , the National Seismological Centre says. "This was a big earthquake. We have heard some damage to houses. We are collecting details. So far no reports of human injuries. Police and army have been mobilised," Suresh Sunar, a top official in Jajarkot, told Reuters.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake rattles Nepal, felt in India

2023-11-03T20:49+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 has occurred around Ramidanda in Nepal , the National Seismological Centre says. "This was a big earthquake. We have heard some damage to houses. We are collecting details. So far no reports of human injuries. Police and army have been mobilised," Suresh Sunar, a top official in Jajarkot, told Reuters.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake rattles Nepal, felt in India

2023-11-03T20:48+0100illawarramercury (en)

An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 has occurred around Ramidanda in Nepal , the National Seismological Centre says. "This was a big earthquake. We have heard some damage to houses. We are collecting details. So far no reports of human injuries. Police and army have been mobilised," Suresh Sunar, a top official in Jajarkot, told Reuters.

Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, felt in New Delhi

2023-11-03T20:47+0100streetinsider (en)

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. The Nepalese agency said the quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. (1802 GMT) in Jajarkot district of Karnali province.

Parts of India jolted as 6.4 magnitude earthquake hits Nepal

2023-11-03T20:46+0100wn (en)

Strong tremors were felt in parts of north India after an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit neighboring Nepal late Friday night. According to India’s National Center for Seismology, an earthquake of magnitude 6.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes Nepal

2023-11-03T20:46+0100wn (en)

Nov 3 (Reuters) - An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 occurred on Friday around Ramidanda in Jajarkot district at 23:47 (1802 GMT), Nepal 's National Seismological Centre said. Jajarkot is about 500 km (310 miles) west of the capital Kathmandu. There were no immediate details of any damage.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes Nepal -GFZ

2023-11-03T20:46+0100wn (en)

Nov 3 (Reuters) - An earthquake measuring 6.2 magnitude struck Nepal on Friday, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. The earthquake shook buildings in New Delhi, India according to Reuters' witnesses.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake rattles Nepal, felt in India

2023-11-03T20:45+0100newcastleherald (en)

An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 has occurred around Ramidanda in Nepal , the National Seismological Centre says. "This was a big earthquake. We have heard some damage to houses. We are collecting details. So far no reports of human injuries. Police and army have been mobilised," Suresh Sunar, a top official in Jajarkot, told Reuters.

6.4 Magnitude Earthquake in Nepal Causes Tremors in Delhi-NCR and Other States

2023-11-03T20:44+0100vervetimes (en)

What Makes Delhi-NCR Tremor-prone in First Place? The Himalayan ranges are located in the northern and northeastern regions. It was the Indian plate’s movement towards the Nepal ese plate that led to their formation. Due to this reason, this entire region frequently experiences earthquakes due to its....

Nepal hit by 6.4 earthquake, felt in New Delhi

2023-11-03T20:42+0100devdiscourse (en)

A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday, Nepal's National Seismological Centre reported as witnesses said it caused houses in the area to collapse and buildings in New Delhi, India to shake. The Nepalese agency said the quake occurred at 11:47 p.m. SHARE; A magnitude 6.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake rattles Nepal, felt in India

2023-11-03T20:42+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 has occurred around Ramidanda in Nepal , the National Seismological Centre says. "This was a big earthquake. We have heard some damage to houses. We are collecting details. So far no reports of human injuries. Police and army have been mobilised," Suresh Sunar, a top official in Jajarkot, told Reuters.

Tremors hit N India as 6.4-magnitude quake jolts Nepal

2023-11-03T20:42+0100rediff (en)

A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 jolted Nepal on Friday night sending waves of tremors across parts of north India, including the national capital region. IMAGE: People come out of their homes after earthquake tremors were felt in Patna. Photograph: ANI on X. The temblor struck at 11.

Nepal-earthquake lead

2023-11-03T20:41+0100nampa (en)

Magnitude 5.6 quake brings injuries, damages in western Nepal : officials ATTENTION - ADDS details /// Kathmandu, Nov 3, 2023 (AFP) - A shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of western Nepal on Friday, injuring people and damaging homes, US and local officials said. Tremors were felt across several cities in northern India.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes Nepal

2023-11-03T20:36+0100gulfnews (en)

"This was a big earthquake. We have heard some damage to houses. We are collecting details. So far no reports of human injuries. Police and army have been mobilised," Suresh Sunar, a top official in Jajarkot, told Reuters.

Strong quake in Nepal jolts several Bihar districts

2023-11-03T20:33+0100timesofindia (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 hit Nepal on Friday night, whose tremors were felt across Northern parts of India including Bihar. In Bihar, the tremors were felt in Bihar's Patna, Katihar, Motihari and a few other districts along the Indo-Nepal border, they said.

Earthquake Tremors Hit Bihar

2023-11-03T20:32+0100india (en)

Earthquake News: Strong tremors jolted Bihar and other north Indian states including UP and Delhi NCR on Friday. No casualty has been reported as of now. Delhi Earthquake: Timeline of Tremors that Struck National Capital in Recent History. Earthquake News: Strong tremors jolted Bihar and other....

India News | Strong Quake in Nepal Jolts Several Bihar Districts

2023-11-03T20:27+0100latestly (en)

Patna, Nov 3 (PTI) Several places in Bihar were jolted by an earthquake of magnitude 6.4 that struck Nepal on Friday night, officials said. As per initial reports, the tremors were felt in Bihar's Patna, Katihar, Motihari and a few other districts along the Indo-Nepal border, they said.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 s'est produit vendredi dans une zone reculée de l'ouest du Népal Ouest du Népal Séisme de magnitude 5,6 au Népal

2023-11-03T20:19+0100journaldequebec (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 s'est produit vendredi dans une zone reculée de l'ouest du Népal, selon l'US Geological Survey, et des secousses ont été ressenties dans plusieurs villes du nord de l'Inde. Le séisme, qui s'est produit à 18 kilomètres de profondeur, près du district peu....

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 s'est produit vendredi dans une zone reculée de l'ouest du Népal Ouest du Népal Séisme de magnitude 5,6 au Népal

2023-11-03T20:13+0100journaldemontreal (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,6 s'est produit vendredi dans une zone reculée de l'ouest du Népal, selon l'US Geological Survey, et des secousses ont été ressenties dans plusieurs villes du nord de l'Inde. Le séisme, qui s'est produit à 18 kilomètres de profondeur, près du district peu....

India News | Arunachal Pradesh: 226 Kg Cannabis Seized During Search Operation in Papum Pare, Two Held

2023-11-03T20:10+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Arunachal Pradesh police seized a total of 226.723 kg of Cannabis during a search operation and arrested two persons in Papum Pare district, officials on Friday. Papum Pare (Arunachal Pradesh) [India], November 3 (ANI): Arunachal Pradesh police seized a total of 226.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes Nepal, tremors felt in New Delhi

2023-11-03T20:09+0100wn (en)

New Delhi: An earthquake measuring 6.2 magnitude struck Nepal on Friday, the German Research Centre....

6.2-magnitude quake hits Nepal: GFZ

2023-11-03T20:09+0100wn (en)

NEW YORK, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted Nepal at 18:02:53 GMT on Friday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 29.01 degrees north latitude and 82.

5.6-magnitude quake hits 42 km S of Jumla, Nepal: USGS

2023-11-03T20:09+0100wn (en)

NEW YORK, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 jolted 42 km S of Jumla, Nepal at 18:02:54 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 17.9 km, was initially determined to be at 28.89 degrees north latitude and 82.

Strong quake in Nepal jolts several Bihar districts 0 Seconds ago India

2023-11-03T20:08+0100devdiscourse (en)

Strong quake in Nepal jolts several Bihar districts Country: India SHARE; Several places in Bihar were jolted by an earthquake of magnitude 6.4 that struck Nepal on Friday night, officials said. As per initial reports, the tremors were felt in Bihar's Patna, Katihar, Motihari and a few other districts along the Indo-Nepal border, they said.

Lasted For Very Long, Felt Scared: Delhi-NCR Residents REACT To Massive Earthquake

2023-11-03T20:04+0100timesnownews (en)

Massive earthquake tremors reverberated through the Delhi-NCR region following a 6.4 magnitude quake that struck Nepal 's Birendranagar just after 11.30 pm on Thursday. Speaking exclusively to Times Now, several residents shared their concerns and experiences of the prolonged tremors.

Strong quake jolts Nepal, tremors felt across north India

2023-11-03T20:03+0100devdiscourse (en)

A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 jolted Nepal on Friday night sending waves of tremors across north India, including the national capital region. The temblor struck at 11.32 pm forcing people to rush out of their homes just as they were preparing for the weekend.

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes Nepal

2023-11-03T20:03+0100devdiscourse (en)

An earthquake of local magnitude 6.4 occurred on Friday around Ramidanda in Jajarkot district at 23:47 (1802 GMT), Nepal 's National Seismological Centre said. There were no immediate details of any damage. "This was a big earthquake. SHARE; An earthquake of local magnitude 6.

Earthquake with magnitude 6.4 magnitude hits western Nepal

2023-11-03T20:03+0100devdiscourse (en)

Country: Nepal SHARE; An earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit western Nepal on Friday night. The tremor with epicentre at Lamidanda area in Jajarkot district hit at 11.47 p.m., according to officials at National Earthquake Measurement Centre. A strong tremor was felt in Kathmandu and surrounding areas.

Earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hits Nepal; tremors felt in Delhi-NCR

2023-11-03T20:00+0100timesofoman (en)

New Delhi : Tremors were felt in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) and some other parts of north India on Friday late at night as earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit Nepal . According to the National Centre for Seismology, the epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km. "Earthquake of Magnitude:6.

6.2-magnitude quake hits Nepal: GFZ

2023-11-03T19:55+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

NEW YORK, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted Nepal at 18:02:53 GMT on Friday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 29.01 degrees north latitude and 82.23 degrees east longitude.

5.6-magnitude quake hits 42 km S of Jumla, Nepal: USGS

2023-11-03T19:55+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

NEW YORK, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 jolted 42 km S of Jumla, Nepal at 18:02:54 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 17.9 km, was initially determined to be at 28.89 degrees north latitude and 82.19 degrees east longitude.

India News | Pakistani Pilgrims Visit Urs Mubarak of Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia in Delhi

2023-11-03T19:54+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 3 (ANI): A group of 94 Pakistani Zaireen (pilgrims) participated in the 720th annual Urs Mubarak of Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia at New Delhi on Friday. "Aizaz Khan, Charge d' Affaires, Pakistan High Commission, New Delhi, also paid homage at the Dargah of the 14th century....

India News | J-K: Health Check-up Camp Held for Inmates at Anantnag District Jail

2023-11-03T19:54+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. District administration authorities in J-K's Anantnag, in collaboration with the Ayush department and district legal services, organized a medical health check-up camp and yoga training session for various prisoners lodged at the district jail in Anantnag, said officials on Friday.

6.2-magnitude quake hits Nepal: GFZ

2023-11-03T19:54+0100english-news-cn (en)

NEW YORK, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted Nepal at 18:02:53 GMT on Friday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 29.01 degrees north latitude and 82.23 degrees east longitude.

5.6-magnitude quake hits 42 km S of Jumla, Nepal: USGS

2023-11-03T19:54+0100english-news-cn (en)

NEW YORK, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 jolted 42 km S of Jumla, Nepal at 18:02:54 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 17.9 km, was initially determined to be at 28.89 degrees north latitude and 82.19 degrees east longitude.

Significant earthquake of magnitude 5.0 just reported 89 km southeast of Severo-Kuril'sk, Russia

2023-11-03T19:53+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake near Severo-Kuril'sk, Sakhalin Oblast, Russia, was reported only 16 minutes ago by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), considered one of the key international agencies that monitor seismic activity worldwide. The earthquake occurred at a shallow depth of 10....

Why is Delhi NCR so prone to Earthquakes? Seismology, Plate Tectonics EXPLAINED

2023-11-03T19:53+0100timesnownews (en)

New Delhi Earthquakes have been a frequent phenomenon in Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR). Recently, Delhi experienced an earthquake on 3rd October and another on 15th October. The latest one was a few minutes before midnight on Friday 3/4 November.

Tremors felt in Delhi after 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolts Nepal

2023-11-03T19:51+0100firstpost (en)

Strong tremors were felt in Delhi and nearby cities after an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hit Nepal late on Friday night. “Earthquake of Magnitude: 6.4, Occurred on 03-11-2023, 23:32:54 IST, Lat: 28.84 & Long: 82.19, Depth: 10 Km, Location: Nepal,” National Center for Seismology posted on X, formerly Twitter.

Explained: Why Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad witness earthquake so frequently?

2023-11-03T19:47+0100dnaindia (en)

Delhi NCR has been hit by earthquake tremors, now more frequently than ever, but have you ever wondered why this region witnesses frequent earthquakes? An earthquake is caused by tremors due to the movement of the tectonic plates inside the earth. These plates are located inside the uppermost layer of the earth called the crust.

Earthquake in Nepal: Strong Quake of Magnitude 6.4 on Richter Scale Hits South Asian Country; Tremors Felt Uptil Delhi-NCR

2023-11-03T19:46+0100latestly (en)

As per the National Center for Seismology, the quake was of intensity 6.4 on the Richter scale and its epicentre was at point latitude 28.84 degrees and longitude 82.19 degrees in Nepal with a depth of 10 km. A strong earthquake shook Nepal on Friday night with its tremors being felt across north India uptil Delhi-NCR.

Strong quake jolts Nepal, tremors felt across parts of north India

2023-11-03T19:46+0100devdiscourse (en)

I could also hear the window panes rattling.This is the third time in a month that strong quakes have struck Nepal .The latest earthquake was also felt in parts of Noida and Greater Noida, adjoining Delhi, prompting several people living in high-rises to rush out of their buildings.The tremors felt really strong.

Mareggiata in Liguria: crolla ristorante, allagamenti e spiagge erose

2023-11-03T19:45+0100informazione (it)

Una violenta mareggiata ha colpito la Liguria, causando danni significativi lungo la costa. A Camogli , il noto ristorante "Golfo Paradiso" è crollato a causa dell'alta marea. La sala del ristorante, costruita sulla spiaggia, è crollata in pochi secondi, lasciando solo detriti.

Major Earthquake Of 6.4 Richter Scale Hits Delhi NCR; Check LIVE Updates Here

2023-11-03T19:44+0100india (en)

Bihar: People come out of their homes as tremors felt in Patna Watch: | Bihar: People come out of their homes as tremors felt in Patna ANI (@ANI) According to the National Centre for Seismology, the epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km. Delhi NCR Earthquake.

Strong quake of 6.4 magnitude jolts Nepal, tremors felt in north India

2023-11-03T19:44+0100financialexpress (en)

A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 jolted Nepal on Friday night with tremors reverberating through parts of north India, including Delhi NCR, the National Centre for Seismology said. The epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km, the NCS said.

5.6-magnitude quake hits 42 km S of Jumla, Nepal: USGS

2023-11-03T19:44+0100china.org.cn (en)

NEW YORK, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 jolted 42 km S of Jumla, Nepal at 18:02:54 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 17.9 km, was initially determined to be at 28.89 degrees north latitude and 82.19 degrees east longitude. Enditem.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes Nepal -- GFZ

2023-11-03T19:43+0100gmanews (en)

An earthquake measuring 6.2 magnitude struck Nepal on Friday, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. The earthquake shook buildings in New Delhi, India according to Reuters' witnesses. Reuters.


2023-11-03T19:41+0100nampa (en)

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake shakes western Nepal Kathmandu, Nov 3, 2023 (AFP) - A shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit a remote pocket of western Nepal on Friday, the US Geological survey said, with tremors felt across several cities in northern India. There were no immediate damage reports from the....

Magnitude 5.6 Earthquake Shakes Western Nepal

2023-11-03T19:41+0100barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/magnitude-5-6-earthquake-shakes-western-nepal-d69c6803.

VIDEO L'impressionante mareggiata a Camogli fa crollare lo storico ristorante "Golfo Paradiso" La mareggiata sta colpendo in queste ore il Levante della Liguria. A Camogli l’episodio più drammatico con il crollo in passeggiata, poco dopo le 13, di una parte del ristorante "Golfo Paradiso” (qui sotto nel video).

2023-11-03T19:41+0100informazione (it)

La mareggiata sta colpendo in queste ore il Levante della Liguria. A Camogli l’episodio più drammatico con il crollo in passeggiata, poco dopo le 13, di una parte del ristorante "Golfo Paradiso” (qui sotto nel video). La sala costruita sulla spiaggia del ristorante è crollata in pochi secondi, lasciando solo detriti.

Minutes After Earthquake Hits Delhi-NCR, Netizens Say 'Android Alert' Works

2023-11-03T19:39+0100timesnownews (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 hit Nepal on Friday and tremors were also felt across Delhi-NCR and other parts of Uttar Pradesh. Several social media users posted images of the android alert they received following the quake. An earthquake of magnitude 6.

6.2-magnitude quake hits Nepal: GFZ

2023-11-03T19:39+0100china.org.cn (en)

NEW YORK, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted Nepal at 18:02:53 GMT on Friday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 29.01 degrees north latitude and 82.23 degrees east longitude. Enditem.

Earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hits Nepal; tremors felt in Delhi-NCR

2023-11-03T19:38+0100aninews (en)

ANI | Updated: Nov 04, 2023 00:06 IST. New Delhi [India], November 4 (ANI): Tremors were felt in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) and some other parts of north India on Friday late at night as of 6.4 magnitude hit Nepal . According to the National Centre for Seismology, the epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km.

India News | Child Rights Body Summons Uttarakhand Principal Secretary over Non-Muslim Children Attending Madrasas

2023-11-03T19:38+0100latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], November 3 (ANI): The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has summoned Uttarakhand Principal Secretary of Department of Minority Welfare L Fanai on the issue of non-Muslim children who are not enrolled in schools and are attending Madrasas.

India News | 321 Farmers Indulged in Stubble Burning in Punjab's Moga: Agriculture Department Official

2023-11-03T19:38+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Agriculture Department officials in the Moga district of Punjab have said that 321 farmers in the district have indulged in stubble burning, and they have gone to the fields of 205 farmers and imposed a fine against them.

Meteo Diretta VIDEO: GENOVA, Mareggiata come 'uno TSUNAMI' a Portofino, l'acqua invade tutto

2023-11-03T19:38+0100ilmeteo (it)

A Portofino commercianti, residenti, turisti hanno usato tutti la stessa parola tsunami per descrivere quanto accaduto nella tarda mattinata di Venerdì. Un termine non corretto, ciò che si sta verificando sulla costa della Liguria da Genova al Tigullio è una violentissima mareggiata ma l’impressione....

Strong quake jolts Nepal, tremors felt in north India

2023-11-03T19:36+0100dtnext (en)

NEW DELHI: A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 jolted Nepal on Friday night with tremors reverberating through parts of north India, including Delhi NCR, the National Centre for Seismology said. The epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km, the NCS said.

Strong earthquake tremors felt Delhi-NCR

2023-11-03T19:34+0100thestatesman (en)

Late on Friday night, a strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal , as reported by the National Center for Seismology. The tremors reverberated as far as Delhi-NCR, although initial assessments by local authorities have not indicated any immediate injuries or substantial damage. (This is a developing story.

Strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake felt in Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Patna, Lucknow, other North Indian cities, epicentre in

2023-11-03T19:34+0100dnaindia (en)

Strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake felt in Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Patna, Lucknow, other North Indian cities, epicentre in Nepal . A strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake was felt in Nepal on Friday night, the National Center for Seismology said. The tremors were also felt in North India, including Delhi,....

Delhi-NCR earthquake starts meme fest on Twitter, check out the funniest ones

2023-11-03T19:34+0100dnaindia (en)

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake shook Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, and Faridabad. Simultaneously, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), a 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal 's Birendranagar at a depth of 35 km. Shortly after experiencing the tremors, people on Twitter began....

Delhi Earthquake: Strong Quake of Magnitude 6.4 Jolts Nepal, Tremors Felt in Delhi-NCR

2023-11-03T19:34+0100latestly (en)

Agency News ⚡Delhi Earthquake: Strong Quake of Magnitude 6.4 Jolts Nepal , Tremors Felt in Delhi-NCR. By PTI People in Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) felt strong tremors and rushed out of their homes. This is the third time in a month that strong quakes have struck Nepal.

Strong earthquake was felt across Delhi-NCR on Friday night. As per European-Medi ...

2023-11-03T19:31+0100risingkashmir (en)

Strong earthquake was felt across Delhi-NCR on Friday night. As per European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), a 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal 's Birendranagar.


2023-11-03T19:30+0100latestly (en)

Earthquake Today in Delhi: Strong Tremors Felt in NCR As Earthquake of Magnitude 6.4 Strikes Nepal Many netizens took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to tweet about the earthquake in Delhi. They claimed to be experiencing strong tremors in the Delhi NCR. Earthquake of magnitude 6.4 strikes Nepal, reports the National Center for Seismology.

Strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 jolts Nepal, tremors felt in north India

2023-11-03T19:29+0100business-standard (en)

A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 jolted Nepal on Friday night with tremors reverberating through parts of north India, including Delhi NCR, the National Centre for Seismology said. The epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km, the NCS said.

Strong earthquake tremors hit Delhi-NCR

2023-11-03T19:29+0100timesofindia (en)

NEW DELHI: Strong earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi-NCR and nearby regions on late Friday evening. The epicentre of the earthquake was in Nepal with a magnitude of 6.4 on Richter scale, according to the National Center for Seismology. More details are awaited.

6.4 earthquake strikes Nepal, tremors felt in Delhi-NCR region

2023-11-03T19:26+0100deccanherald (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck Nepal late on Friday, news agency PTI reported. Strong tremors were felt in Delhi-NCR and nearby regions. Earthquake of Magnitude:6.4, Occurred on 03-11-2023, 23:32:54 IST, Lat: 28.84 & Long: 82.19, Depth: 10 Km ,Location: Nepal, for more information Download....

6.4-magnitude earthquake hits Nepal, tremors felt in Delhi

2023-11-03T19:25+0100khaleejtimes (en)

There were no immediate reports of injuries or serious damage in India. Strong earthquake tremors were felt in Delhi and India's National Capital Region after a 6.4-magnitude quake shook Nepal . According to the National Centre for Seismology, the quake took place at a depth of 10km.

India News | Strong Quake Jolts Nepal, Tremors Felt in North India

2023-11-03T19:24+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 jolted Nepal on Friday night with tremors reverberating through parts of north India, including Delhi NCR, the National Centre for Seismology said. New Delhi, Nov 3 (PTI) A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes Nepal -GFZ

2023-11-03T19:23+0100devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; An earthquake measuring 6.2 magnitude struck Nepal on Friday, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. The earthquake shook buildings in New Delhi, India according to Reuters' witnesses.

6.4 magnitude earthquake jolts Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad

2023-11-03T19:22+0100dnaindia (en)

6.4 magnitude earthquake jolts Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad. 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolts Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad. As per European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), a 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal 's Birendranagar. The earthquake hit at a depth of 35 km.

Strong quake jolts Nepal, tremors felt in north India

2023-11-03T19:20+0100devdiscourse (en)

A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 jolted Nepal on Friday night with tremors reverberating through parts of north India, including Delhi NCR, the National Centre for Seismology said.The epicentre of the quake was in Nepal at a depth of 10 km, the NCS said.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes near Birendranagar, Surkhet, Karnali Pradesh, Nepal

2023-11-03T19:17+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake near Birendranagar, Surkhet, Karnali Pradesh, Nepal , was reported only 9 minutes ago by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), considered one of the key international agencies that monitor seismic activity worldwide.

Pacific joust, not aboutany country —US Navy

2023-11-03T17:29+0100tribuneonline (en)

The public should not mistake this year’s conduct of the United States-led Pacific Partnership mission as a response to any tension or unprecedented event concerning other countries, US Navy Captain Claudine Caluori said on Friday. Caluori, the mission commander of Pacific Partnership 2023,....

Marine Institute and TCarta Student Internship Program Makes Major Data Contribution to Seabed 2030 Project 2023-11-03T15:06:00Z

2023-11-03T17:00+0100directionsmag (en)

DENVER, Colorado, 2 November 2023 – TCarta Marine, a global provider of hydrospatial products and services, has delivered three major satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) data sets to The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 project. Students in Canada participating in a 2023 summer internship program....

BMKG urges Indonesians to learn about disaster preparedness

2023-11-03T15:34+0100antaranews-en (en)

Head of the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Dwikorita Karnawati. (ANTARA/Sean Muhamad) Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has urged all Indonesians to gather knowledge about disaster preparedness and obtain practical skills that can help them respond to natural disasters.

INCOIS ‘Open Day’ on November 5

2023-11-03T15:31+0100thehindu (en)

The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) has invited students and the public to its ‘Open Day’ event, being organised as a part of World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD), at Pragathinagar in Nizampet between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on November 5.

Espagne-Catalogne : Carles Puigdemont joue avec les nerfs de Pedro Sanchez

2023-11-03T15:31+0100lindependant (fr)

Il ne manque plus que lui pour que le chef du gouvernement espagnol file vers un nouveau mandat à la tête de l'Espagne. Mais le leader de Junts montre qu'il n'est pas pressé de collaborer avec Madrid. Depuis Bruxelles, où il est installé depuis six ans, l'ancien président catalan souffle le chaud et le froid sur la politique intérieure espagnole.

Indonésie: Près de 400 morts après le tsunami, les recherches se poursuivent

2023-11-03T15:25+0100senegal7 (fr)

Le bilan du tsunami qui a frappé les côtes des îles indonésiennes de Java et de Sumatra après une éruption du volcan Anak Krakatoa s’est alourdi lundi. Alors que les équipes de secours continuaient de fouiller les décombres à la recherche de survivants. Trois cent soixante treize (373), c’est le bilan macabre du tsunami.

ITV The Chase star Jenny Ryan's dramatic transformation as she looks worlds away from show

2023-11-03T15:18+0100themirror (en)

star Jenny Ryan shared with fans her dramatic transformation for her new stage show as she plays the Wicked Queen in Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs. The 41 year old quiz master showcased her new look, which couldn't be further away from her usual appearance as The Vixen on the ITV show, with a....

Michael J. Fox Almost Lost His Hand In 'tsunami Of Misfortune'

2023-11-03T15:14+0100contactmusic (en)

almost lost his hand during a terrible year in which he suffered a "tsunami of misfortune". The 'Back To The Future' star - who was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in the 1990s - has revealed he endured a nightmare year in 2018 after discovering he had a tumour on his spine which needed to be....

Sanchez paves the way to a second presidency in Spain after striking a deal with separatists

2023-11-03T14:38+0100murciatoday (en)

Acting Spanish president Pedro Sanchez has agreed to grant amnesty to all those involved in the 2017 secession attempt in Catalonia. The investiture of Pedro Sanchez as president of the government of Spain looks all but certain, despite the fact that his party, the socialist PSOE, didn’t win the overall majority in the July elections .

Zai leaves Liquid to “take a break”

2023-11-03T14:20+0100inquirer (en)

Veteran Dota 2 player Ludwig “ Zai ” Wȧhlberg officially announces his departure from Team Liquid. In separate X posts, the ex-Liquid offlaner announced his indefinite break from the Dota 2 scene, as well as sent his regards and love to the team’s manager and coach. Close, but not enough.

Journée mondiale de sensibilisation aux tsunamis

2023-11-03T13:28+0100un-org-newscentre (fr)

Lutter contre les inégalités pour un avenir plus résilient. Les tsunamis représentent une menace importante pour chacun d'entre nous, mais ils sont particulièrement dangereux pour certains groupes de personnes, comme les femmes, les enfants, les personnes handicapées et les personnes âgées.

Face aux risques de séisme, le Portugal et l’Espagne entre crainte et prévention

2023-11-03T13:22+0100lnt (fr)

Le récent tremblement de terre au Maroc a ravivé les craintes d’un grand séisme dans la péninsule ibérique, une région à risque qui cherche à se prémunir contre une catastrophe de l’ampleur de celle qui a frappé Lisbonne en 1755. Depuis plusieurs mois, des dizaines d’ouvriers travaillent jour et....

“Calculating Compensation for Climate Damage in Developing Nations: An Opinion Piece”

2023-11-03T12:43+0100whatsnew2day (en)

As the planet warms, the main concern in international climate negotiations is to compensate developing nations for the damage they suffer. But which countries should receive the money? What are the extreme weather events affected by climate change? Most countries last year signed an agreement to create a so-called “loss and damage” fund.

UNESCO and partners celebrate World Tsunami Awareness Day 2023 with #GetToHighGround campaign

2023-11-03T12:30+0100unesco (en)

It has been nearly 20 years since the onset of the Indian Ocean Tsunami, which tragically impacted countless lives and communities in South and South-East Asia in late December of 2004. The figures remain sobering and instructive: wave heights across the region exceeded 30 meters, inflicting....

Pakistan military role in national development

2023-11-03T12:27+0100azertag (en)

Baku, November 3, AZERTAC Since independence of Pakistan, the military has been playing a vital role in fostering economic development in the country. This article explores the historical contributions of the military in safeguarding the nation's security and driving economic progress.

Hunga Tonga eruption happened in 2022. Earth is still feeling its impact in 2023

2023-11-03T11:19+0100indiatoday (en)

In Short The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano is part of the Tofua Arc; It blasted an enormous plume of water vapour into the stratosphere; The first recorded eruption at this site occurred in 1912. The violent eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano in January 2022 was so powerful that the planet is still reeling under its impact.

2023 World Tsunami Awareness Day: Reminding people of rare, deadly phenomenon

2023-11-03T10:56+0100inquirer (en)

The earthquake must occur beneath the ocean or cause material to slide into the ocean. The earthquake must be strong, at least magnitude6.5 on the Richter Scale; The earthquake must rupture the Earth’s surface, and it must occur at shallow depth less than 70km below the surface of the Earth.

US Navy: Pacific Partnership ‘not a response’ to any tension involving other countries

2023-11-03T10:46+0100tribuneonline (en)

The public should not mistake this year’s conduct of the United States-led Pacific Partnership mission as a response to any tension or unprecedented events concerning other countries, US Navy Captain Claudine Caluori said on Friday. Caluori, the mission commander of Pacific Partnership 2023,....

Madagascar: Les civilisations meurent deux fois

2023-11-03T10:45+0100allafrica-fr (fr)

Le 9 novembre 2018, il y a cinq ans presque jour pour jour, je titrais Les civilisations sont mortelles. Par je ne sais quelle réminiscence, le mot de Valéry m'est encore tout de suite venu à l'esprit dès connaissance de l'incendie au Rova d'Antsahadinta.

Traditional Shinto prayer opens modern power plant at US air base in Japan

2023-11-03T08:20+0100stripes (en)

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — A ceremony that began with a Shinto blessing signaled the completion Friday of a combined heat and power plant designed to give this airlift hub in western Tokyo energy independence in the event of a crisis. The plant, which took three years to plan and two years to build....

Earthquake disaster waiting to happen in downtown Kingston

2023-11-03T07:12+0100jamaica-gleaner (en)

Yet, there might be enough make-shift morgues for the dead, as the area is full of final-care facilities, many of which are not registered. For, the city parish of Kingston is replete with very old, dilapidated, burnt-out, crumbling buildings in all four segments east, west, north and south.

L’exercice d’alerte tsunami n’aura pas lieu

2023-11-03T05:21+0100ladepeche (fr)

La préfecture de l’Aude a annoncé que l’exercice alerte tsunami initialement prévu ce vendredi 3 novembre était finalement annulé. "En raison de l’évolution annoncée de la situation météorologique dont les effets prévisibles pourraient impacter plusieurs départements situés sur le littoral....

Les civilisations meurent deux fois

2023-11-03T03:58+0100lexpressmada (fr)

Le 9 novembre 2018, il y a cinq ans presque jour pour jour, je titrais «Les civilisations sont mortelles». Par je ne sais quelle réminiscence, le mot de Valéry m’est encore tout de suite venu à l’esprit dès connaissance de l’incendie au Rova d’Antsahadinta.

Fukushima: début de la troisième phase de rejet de l'eau de la centrale accidentée

2023-11-03T01:22+0100bfmtv (fr)

Le Japon a démarré ce jeudi la troisième phase du rejet en mer des eaux traitées de la centrale accidentée de Fukushima , alors que Pékin et Moscou ont restreint leurs importations japonaises en protestation contre ce processus devant durer plusieurs décennies.

« Un jour noir » au Groupe TVA

2023-11-02T23:17+0100radio-canada (fr)

Le Groupe TVA a annoncé la mise à pied de 547 personnes, soit près du tiers de son effectif, dans le contexte d'une réorganisation majeure de l'entreprise. « Un tsunami, c'est le mot », illustre Steve Bargoné, conseiller syndical au Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP), qui représente le personnel de TVA.

Agriculture. Vaccination des canards : « Il fallait trouver une solution après le tsunami de 2022 » bloqué

2023-11-02T20:46+0100courrierdelouest (fr)

Agriculture. Vaccination des canards : « Il fallait trouver une solution après le tsunami de 2022 » La campagne de vaccination contre la grippe aviaire est lancée depuis le début du mois d’octobre chez les producteurs de canards du Maine-et-Loire. Ce jeudi 2 novembre, une opération était supervisée par le préfet à La Séguinière.

Le Japon Entame la Troisième Phase du Rejet des Eaux Traitées de Fukushima

2023-11-02T19:33+0100energynews-fr (fr)

Le Japon a entamé la troisième phase du rejet en mer des eaux traitées de la centrale de Fukushima. Cette phase prévoit le rejet de quelque 7 800 tonnes d’eau sur une période d’environ 17 jours, selon Tepco, l’opérateur de la centrale. Cette eau provient principalement du refroidissement des....

Face aux risques de séisme, le Portugal et l'Espagne entre crainte et prévention

2023-11-02T18:12+0100lemauricien (fr)

Le récent tremblement de terre au Maroc a ravivé les craintes d'un grand séisme dans la péninsule ibérique, une région à risque qui cherche à se prémunir contre une catastrophe de l'ampleur de celle qui a frappé Lisbonne en 1755. Depuis plusieurs mois, des dizaines d'ouvriers travaillent jour et....

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