M 6.3 in Afghanistan on 07 Oct 2023 06:41 UTC

Media coverage of this event

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Articles about casualties: 863 (25.8%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Un podcast pour aider les jeunes à comprendre ce qui se passe en Israël

2023-10-14T06:15+0200radiofrance (fr)

Deux épisodes pour revenir sur l'histoire de la création de l'état d'Israël et 70 ans de conflits israélo-palestiniens pour aider les jeunes à remettre du contexte et historiques et géopolitiques dans les événements récents. « C’est quoi la bande de Gaza ? » « Ca été créé comment Israël ? » Depuis....

Minister: Be prepared; Two to three cyclones predicted to pass through Fiji

2023-10-14T05:46+0200fijitimes (en)

The Fiji Meteorological Services has issued the Tropical Cyclone Seasonal Outlook for November 2023 to April 2024 and predicted at least two or three cyclones is likely to pass through Fiji’s exclusive economic zone. Of these, one to two cyclones could be Category three or stronger.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en Guerrero

2023-10-14T05:18+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Guerrero registra temblor de magnitud 4.1

2023-10-14T05:07+0200infobae (es)

La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el movimiento telúrico sucedió este 13 de octubre a las 20:21 hora local (2:21 UTC), con un epicentro de 108 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Guerrero. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional....

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.8 de magnitud en Oaxaca

2023-10-14T04:39+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.


2023-10-14T04:05+0200htsstlucia (en)

Laborie, Saint Lucia, held a staged tsunami warning drill to ensure that children and adults are prepared in case of a real event The drill was a success, with participants practicing their evacuation routes and learning about the importance of staying calm and following instructions during a tsunami.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.3 en Chiapas

2023-10-14T03:19+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Deuil périnatal : l'association Nos tout-Petits accompagne les familles réunionnaises

2023-10-14T03:05+0200clicanoo (fr)

Pouvez-vous nous présenter l'association Nos tout-Petits de La Réunion ? Audrey Rivière : "L’association a été créée en 2009, à l'initiative d’un groupe de soignants de périnatalité de la Maternité du CHU de Saint-Pierre pour accompagner et soutenir les familles touchées par un deuil périnatal.

Dr. Howard R. Wolf, 86, professor and prolific author with wide-ranging interests

2023-10-14T02:54+0200buffalonews (en)

In addition to modern American literature, he lectured on short fiction, autobiography and literary journalism. In turn, he produced a novel ("Broadway Serenade"), a memoir ("Forgive the Father") and numerous short stories. Poet and UB professor emeritus Carl Dennis noted that, at the time of his death, Mr.

Campagna “Io non rischio” della Protezione civile, stand e dimostrazioni a Imperia e Cervo

2023-10-14T02:24+0200lastampa (it)

Le buone pratiche di Protezione civile alla portata di tutti. Ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre i rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi: a insegnarlo - questo weekend - è la campagna di sensibilizzazione a livello nazionale "Io non rischio", che....

Chile: se registra temblor de magnitud 2.9 en Talca

2023-10-14T01:49+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también detalló que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -35.494 grados de latitud y -71.396 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

UAE Sends Urgent Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan After Earthquake: Find out how the UAE is helping those affected and how you can contribute

2023-10-14T01:40+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-13 22:05:22. In implementation of the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, the United Arab Emirates sent urgent humanitarian aid to Afghanistan ; To help those affected by the earthquake that struck the western state of Herat, which led to....

“Io non rischio”: buone pratiche di Protezione Civile

2023-10-14T01:22+0200pressmoliselazio (it)

(PressMoliLaz) 14 ott 23 Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Regione Molise partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio....

La ciudad de Pica siente sismo de magnitud 2.5

2023-10-13T23:54+0200infobae (es)

La información oficial del CNS señala que el temblor empezó a las 18:22 horas (hora local) de este viernes 13 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Mendoza Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de Tras un temblor, revisa tu casa en....

Israele, i miklat che salvano la vita: 22 secondi per arrivare nei rifugi

2023-10-13T23:46+0200ilmattino (it)

Ventidue secondi. Se vivi ad Ashkelon, ad Ashdod o in qualsiasi città nei pressi della striscia di Gaza, è questo il tempo, dal suono delle sirene che hai per raggiungere il più vicino miklat, i rifugi antirazzo . Ventidue secondi che possono decidere della tua vita.

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 3.3 en Pica

2023-10-13T23:37+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrofue a 30.0 kilómetros al Sureste de la localidad, con coordenadas -69.149 grados de longitud y -20.701 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Mendoza Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de ....

La ciudad de Taltal siente temblor de magnitud 3.4

2023-10-13T23:24+0200infobae (es)

La información actualizada del CNS señala que el temblor comenzó a las 17:43 horas (hora local) de este viernes 13 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Mendoza Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un temblor, checa tu casa en....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.4 de magnitud en Socaire

2023-10-13T23:24+0200infobae (es)

La información actualizada del CNS señala que el temblor inició a las 17:50 horas (hora local) de este viernes 13 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Mendoza Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de Tras un temblor, revisa tu hogar....

UNHCR launches urgent funding appeal to support earthquake survivors in Afghanistan [EN/AR]

2023-10-13T23:16+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Eujin Byun to whom quoted text may be attributed at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. GENEVA UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is today launching an urgent appeal for $14.

Le HCR lance un appel de fonds pour venir en aide aux survivants du tremblement de terre en Afghanistan

2023-10-13T23:16+0200reliefWeb (fr)

Ceci est un résumé des propos tenus par Eujin Byun, porte-parole du HCR à qui toute citation peut être attribuée lors de la conférence de presse du 13 octobre 2023 au Palais des Nations à Genève. GENÈVE Le HCR, l'Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, lance aujourd'hui un appel de fonds de 14,4....

La ciudad de Pica percibe temblor de magnitud 3.8

2023-10-13T22:25+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también informó que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -20.059 grados de latitud y -69.178 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un....

Attaque terroriste : entre incrédulité et sidération, la ville d’Arras sous le choc

2023-10-13T22:14+0200nordeclair (fr)

L’attaque qui a fait un mort et trois blessés ce vendredi matin dans le centre d’Arras a sidéré une ville d’ordinaire calme. Les familles d’élèves ont retenu leur souffle durant des heures, des commerces ont baissé le rideau. Puis un tsunami médiatique a déferlé.

Relief Dispatched to Herat Following Earthquakes

2023-10-13T22:09+0200modernghana (en)

Geneva/Herat – Teams from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are assisting thousands of people affected by the devastating magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck 40 kilometers west of the city of Herat in western Afghanistan on Saturday claiming an estimated 1,300 lives.

Attaque terroriste : entre incrédulité et sidération, la ville d’Arras sous le choc

2023-10-13T22:08+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

L’attaque qui a fait un mort et trois blessés ce vendredi matin dans le centre d’Arras a sidéré une ville d’ordinaire calme. Les familles d’élèves ont retenu leur souffle durant des heures, des commerces ont baissé le rideau. Puis un tsunami médiatique a déferlé.

Japón volcará al mar agua de Fukushima en primavera o verano

2023-10-13T22:08+0200noticiasambientales (es)

El Gobierno de Japón anunció que el vertido al mar del agua contaminada y tratada que se acumula en la central nuclear de Fukushima tendrá lugar entre la próxima primavera y el verano, El Ejecutivo aprobó un plan revisado para el vertido, que también incluye compensaciones para la industria....

La ciudad de Sierra Gorda. siente sismo de magnitud 2.5

2023-10-13T22:05+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también detalló que las coordenadas del epicentro del sismo se registraron a -22.735 grados de latitud y -69.162 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de Tras un....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en la ciudad de Camiña

2023-10-13T22:05+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -19.199 grados de latitud y -69.275 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de Tras un sismo, checa tu casa en....

La ciudad de Ollagüe siente temblor de magnitud 3.1

2023-10-13T21:52+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrofue a 26.0 kilómetros al Oeste de la localidad, con coordenadas -68.494 grados de longitud y -21.288 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de....

Light mag. 4.5 earthquake - 33 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan, on Friday, Oct 13, 2023 at 10:15 pm (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-13T21:32+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 648 km / 402 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Especialista de INDECI en Arequipa observa la falta de instrucción en los colegios sobre desastres naturales

2023-10-13T21:05+0200diariocorreo (es)

Sostuvo que estas indicaciones deben partir desde el nivel educativo, donde los profesores enseñen como hacer un plan o actuar ante un sismo, tsunami, explosión de cenizas volcánicas, entre otros El especialista en Riesgos del INDECI, Amilcar Candia, indicó que aún continúa el desconocimiento de....

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 3.2 en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-10-13T20:52+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -68.452 grados de longitud y -21.645 grados de latitud, según datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Mendoza Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

USNS Mercy heads to Indo-Pacific for annual humanitarian mission

2023-10-13T20:50+0200militarytimes (en)

Medical and dental personnel aboard the hospital ship USNS Mercy got underway Tuesday from San Diego for an annual humanitarian mission in the Indo-Pacific. Pacific Partnership 2024, the mission’s 19th iteration, is the largest annual multilateral disaster response preparedness mission conducted in....

5.5-magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia

2023-10-13T20:40+0200turkishpress (en)

JAKARTA A magnitude 5.5 earthquake jolted Indonesia’s North Sulawesi province Monday, the country’s meteorological agency said. The epicenter of the quake was around 29 kilometers (18 miles) southeast of Bolaang Mongondow Regency at a depth of 105 kilometers (65.2 miles), according to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysical Agency.

Needs assessment report - Herat, Afghanistan

2023-10-13T20:29+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments On October 7, 2023, at around 11 a.m. local time, a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck 25 miles west of Herat City in Herat Province, western Afghanistan . Following the initial quake, several aftershocks rippled through the region, affecting neighboring provinces of Badghis and Farah as well.

Three major earthquakes strike Afghanistan in one week; IRC scales up emergency response in affected areas

2023-10-13T20:22+0200reliefWeb (en)

Kabul, Afghanistan , October 13, 2023 Just four days after an earthquake measuring 6.3. struck Herat, Afghanistan, claiming the lives of over 1,200 people, significant aftershocks and a major storm have caused a humanitarian catastrophe in the west of the country.

Terremoto en Japón: autoridades toman decisión sobre alerta de tsunami en archipiélago del Pacífico Sur

2023-10-13T20:14+0200expreso-PE (es)

Ante la posible ocurrencia de tsunami en el mar de las islas del archipiélago d el Pacífico Sur de Japón , luego de un terremoto de 6.6 de magnitud con epicentro a 10 kilómetros, las autoridades decidieron desactivar la en Izu. El sismo se produjo a las 11:00 hora local del jueves, bajo el lecho....

Watch: Powerful Afghanistan quake makes trucks shake like cardboard boxes

2023-10-13T20:09+0200wionews (en)

Powerful earthquake in Afghanistan have resulted in deaths of more than 2000 people, as per the Taliban regime. Another 9000 have been wounded. For those of us sitting hundreds of miles away from the region, the huge number would certainly be a cause of alarm.

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.2 de magnitud en Cihuatlán

2023-10-13T20:05+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 2.7 en Linares

2023-10-13T19:56+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrofue a 14.0 kilómetros al Este de la localidad, con coordenadas -71.45 grados de longitud y -35.869 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Mendoza Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de ....

Afghanistan: Taliban refuses to accept Pakistan's aid for earthquake victims

2023-10-13T19:55+0200myanmarnews (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 13 (ANI): Taliban in Afghanistan has refused to accept aid from Pakistan for earthquake victims, Pakistan-based The Express Tribune newspaper reported. Afghanistan was struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake last Saturday, leaving at least 1,000 people dead and affecting many villages.

Afghanistan: Taliban refuses to accept Pakistan's aid for earthquake victims

2023-10-13T19:48+0200kenyastar (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 13 (ANI): Taliban in Afghanistan has refused to accept aid from Pakistan for earthquake victims, Pakistan-based The Express Tribune newspaper reported. Afghanistan was struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake last Saturday, leaving at least 1,000 people dead and affecting many villages.

Le Maroc participe à un exercice international de réponse aux tsunamis

2023-10-13T19:42+0200ledesk (fr)

L’exercice NEAMWave 23 auquel participe le Maroc inclura pour la première fois des communautés travaillant activement pour devenir « Tsunami Ready », une certification internationale fournie par la Commission océanographique intergouvernementale de l’UNESCO pour renforcer leurss capacités à se préparer aux tsunamis.

19h32 NOUVEAU Un exercice grandeur nature à Frontignan pour se protéger en cas de tsunami

2023-10-13T19:37+0200francebleu (fr)

Comment réagir face à un tsunami ? Des habitants de Frontignan ont pu faire un exercice grandeur nature ce vendredi 13 octobre 2023 sur la plage pour avoir les bons réflexes en cas de submersion. Organisé par la préfecture, c'est une première dans l'Hérault.

Io Non Rischio, in 97 piazze Campania campagna Protezione civile

2023-10-13T19:12+0200askanews (it)

Napoli, 13 ott. (askanews) – Domani e dopodomani tornano anche in Campania le giornate nazionali di “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può autoproteggersi rispetto ai rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

Sputnik journalist's infant child killed by Ukrainian drone

2023-10-13T19:09+0200europesun (en)

While producer Khaibar Akifi suffered severe injuries, his four-year-old daughter died in the attack. The four-year-old child, and parents-in-law, of a Sputnik Afghanistan producer were killed in a Ukrainian attack on Russia's Belgorod Region on Wednesday.

Intl Disaster Reduction Day Comes in Wake of Herat Earthquakes

2023-10-13T18:57+0200tolonews (en)

The International Day for Disaster Reduction comes following many deadly natural events in Afghanistan , including the Herat earthquake in recent days. The earthquakes in Herat and Paktika are among the deadliest earthquakes that happened in Afghanistan in the past two years.

Deuil périnatal : "on sort sans poussette, les mains et le coeur vides", des parents témoignent Grand Est

2023-10-13T18:57+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Ce dimanche 15 octobre a lieu la journée mondiale de sensibilisation au deuil périnatal, ce deuil vécu par de jeunes parents lorsque l'enfant ne survit pas à la grossesse ou décède dans les jours qui suivent la naissance. Un sujet de société méconnu, alors certains parents touchés décident de....

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 3.0 en Socaire

2023-10-13T18:50+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -23.983 grados de latitud y -67.498 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

First Assessment of Herat Afghanistan Earthquake: Preliminary Shelter and Housing Response in Zinda Jan District, West of Herat (October 12, 2023)

2023-10-13T18:48+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments On Oct 8 th, 2023, Miyamoto’s first assessment team was deployed to conduct a rapid assessment of the affected area. The earthquake affected 11 villages in the Zinda Jan district of Herat province. It is estimated that more than 100,000 people were exposed to high ground intensity.

Deuil périnatal : "on sort sans poussette, les mains et le coeur vides", des parents témoignent

2023-10-13T18:45+0200france3 (fr)

Ce dimanche 15 octobre a lieu la journée mondiale de sensibilisation au deuil périnatal, ce deuil vécu par de jeunes parents lorsque l'enfant ne survit pas à la grossesse ou décède dans les jours qui suivent la naissance. Un sujet de société méconnu, alors certains parents touchés décident de....

Afghanistan, terremoto a nord di Herat: migliaia senza casa

2023-10-13T18:01+0200laragione (it)

Your browser does not support the video tag. Migliaia di famiglie senza casa in Afghanistan dove una nuova scossa si terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito la zona a nord di Herat. Secondo le Nazioni Unite il bilancio è di quasi 1300 morti e 500 dispersi, per lo più donne.

Taliban refuses to accept Pakistan's aid for earthquake victims

2023-10-13T17:54+0200timesofindia (en)

KABUL: Taliban in has refused to accept aid from for earthquake victims , Pakistan-based The Express Tribune newspaper reported. Afghanistan was struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake last Saturday, leaving at least 1,000 people dead and affecting many villages. There was further damage when another quake hit the region on Wednesday.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.1 de magnitud en la ciudad de Calama

2023-10-13T17:51+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -68.958 grados de longitud y -21.932 grados de latitud, según datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Mendoza Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un temblor, revisa tu hogar en....

Protezione civile, Novara si unisce alla campagna nazionale 'Io non rischio'

2023-10-13T17:46+0200newsnovara (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche Novara partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna "Io non rischio - Buone pratiche di protezione civile". Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi, l'appuntamento è in Piazza della Repubblica a Novara.

Afghanistan, terremoto a nord di Herat: migliaia senza casa

2023-10-13T17:41+0200adnkronos (it)

Migliaia di famiglie senza casa in Afghanistan dove una nuova scossa si terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito la zona a nord di Herat. Secondo le Nazioni Unite il bilancio è di quasi 1300 morti e 500 dispersi, per lo più donne.

À Frontignan, un exercice tsunami sans vagues

2023-10-13T17:41+0200midilibre (fr)

Heureusement que quelques collégiens des Deux-Pins ont servi de cobayes, vendredi 13 octobre, pour l 'exercice d'évacuation à cause d'un tsunami à Frontignan. Le premier de ce type dans l'Hérault. La zone proche du port de plaisance qui servait de test grandeur nature n'est pas la plus habitée en....

Afghanistan: Taliban refuses to accept Pakistan’s aid for quake

2023-10-13T17:36+0200aninews (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 13 (ANI): Taliban in Afghanistan has refused to accept aid from for earthquake victims, Pakistan -based The Express Tribune newspaper reported. Afghanistan was struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake last Saturday, leaving at least 1,000 people dead and affecting many villages.

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 2.5 en La Ligua

2023-10-13T17:27+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -32.487 grados de latitud y -71.684 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Mendoza Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de Tras un sismo, checa tu hogar en....

Se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.9 en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-10-13T17:27+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrose ubicó a 50.0 kilómetros al Sureste de la ciudad, con coordenadas -67.644 grados de longitud y -23.982 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Mendoza Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de ....

Buone praticheL’iniziativa Io non rischio della Protezione Civile nel weekend in 100 piazze calabresi

2023-10-13T17:07+0200lacnews24 (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Calabria parteciperà alle giornate nazionali della campagna "Io non rischio - Buone pratiche di protezione civile". Per scoprire - è scritto in una nota - come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio....

Calabria, “Io non rischio” domani e domenica: le buone pratiche di protezione civile

2023-10-13T17:05+0200ilreggino (it)

Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi, i volontari di protezione civile invitano la popolazione a partecipare agli appuntamenti nelle piazze presenti nelle diverse città.

16:39Energia, Giappone alle prese con le ambizioni di riduzione CO2 (2)

2023-10-13T17:01+0200energiaoltre (it)

In Giappone, queste difficoltà sono aggravate dallo stato già teso del sistema energetico nazionale a causa del forte calo della produzione di energia nucleare dopo il disastro di Fukushima del 2011. Storicamente l’energia nucleare generava circa il 25% dell’elettricità del Giappone, fino a quando....

Three major earthquakes strike Afghanistan in one week; IRC scales up emergency response in affected areas October 13, 2023

2023-10-13T16:59+0200rescue-uk (en)

Kabul, Afghanistan , October 13, 2023 — Just four days after an earthquake measuring 6.3. struck Herat, Afghanistan, claiming the lives of over 1,200 people, significant aftershocks and a major storm have caused a humanitarian catastrophe in the west of the country.

US Announces Urgent Relief Aid for Afghan Quake Victims

2023-10-13T16:53+0200srilankasource (en)

ISLAMABAD - The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, has announced $12 million in immediate humanitarian aid to assist victims of a week of repeated deadly earthquakes in western Afghanistan . In a statement released on Thursday, the USAID said the funding would support its....

"Conexión perversa". Juan Carlos de Pablo: las similitudes con la híper del 89 y la posibilidad de una devaluación post 22 de octubre

2023-10-13T16:53+0200lanacion-AR (es)

El economista Juan Carlos de Pablo se refirió a la actual situación económica y, entre otras definiciones, dijo que hay una “ conexión perversa ” con lo que se vivió en 1989 en cuanto a la suba del dólar y el posicionamiento del candidato con mejores chances de llegar a la presidencia, Javier Milei.

United Arab Emirates UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan About 4 hours ago

2023-10-13T16:49+0200devdiscourse (en)

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan The aid comes in implementation of the directives of UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Representative Image. Image Credit: ANI Country: United Arab Emirates SHARE; Abu Dhabi [UAE], October 13....

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-13T16:42+0200nbcbayarea (en)

“At that time of the day, men were out in the field,” Nadal told The Associated Press. “Many men migrate to Iran for work. The women were at home doing the chores and looking after the children. They found themselves trapped under the rubble. There was clearly a gender dimension.” The initial quake, numerous aftershocks and a second 6.

US Announces Urgent Relief Aid for Afghan Quake Victims

2023-10-13T16:40+0200northernirelandnews (en)

ISLAMABAD - The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, has announced $12 million in immediate humanitarian aid to assist victims of a week of repeated deadly earthquakes in western Afghanistan . In a statement released on Thursday, the USAID said the funding would support its....

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-13T16:37+0200nbcnewyork (en)

“At that time of the day, men were out in the field,” Nadal told The Associated Press. “Many men migrate to Iran for work. The women were at home doing the chores and looking after the children. They found themselves trapped under the rubble. There was clearly a gender dimension.” The initial quake, numerous aftershocks and a second 6.

Chile: temblor de magnitud 2.9 en San Pedro

2023-10-13T16:28+0200infobae (es)

La información hasta ahora obtenida del CNS señala que el sismo empezó a las 11:04 horas (hora local) de este viernes 13 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

US Announces Urgent Relief Aid for Afghan Quake Victims

2023-10-13T16:13+0200longbeachstar (en)

ISLAMABAD - The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, has announced $12 million in immediate humanitarian aid to assist victims of a week of repeated deadly earthquakes in western Afghanistan . In a statement released on Thursday, the USAID said the funding would support its....

US Announces Urgent Relief Aid for Afghan Quake Victims

2023-10-13T16:11+0200cambodiantimes (en)

ISLAMABAD - The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, has announced $12 million in immediate humanitarian aid to assist victims of a week of repeated deadly earthquakes in western Afghanistan . In a statement released on Thursday, the USAID said the funding would support its....

US Announces Urgent Relief Aid for Afghan Quake Victims

2023-10-13T16:05+0200manilametro (en)

ISLAMABAD - The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, has announced $12 million in immediate humanitarian aid to assist victims of a week of repeated deadly earthquakes in western Afghanistan . In a statement released on Thursday, the USAID said the funding would support its....

Hérault : Frontignan se prépare au risque de tsunami

2023-10-13T16:03+0200france3 (fr)

À Frontignan (Hérault), tout est prêt pour l’exercice d’alerte au tsunami . Les personnes situées dans cette zone recevront une alerte sur leur portable et seront invitées à évacuer les lieux. Un exercice qui peut surprendre sur un littoral peu habitué à cette catastrophe naturelle. Mais les habitants sont convaincus et même rassurés.

US Announces Urgent Relief Aid for Afghan Quake Victims

2023-10-13T15:53+0200kenyastar (en)

ISLAMABAD - The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, has announced $12 million in immediate humanitarian aid to assist victims of a week of repeated deadly earthquakes in western Afghanistan . In a statement released on Thursday, the USAID said the funding would support its....

US Announces Urgent Relief Aid for Afghan Quake Victims

2023-10-13T15:53+0200nigeriasun (en)

ISLAMABAD - The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, has announced $12 million in immediate humanitarian aid to assist victims of a week of repeated deadly earthquakes in western Afghanistan . In a statement released on Thursday, the USAID said the funding would support its....

Italia, si allarga lo scandalo delle scommesse illegali

2023-10-13T15:48+0200laregione (it)

di Red.Sport L'affaire delle scommesse illegali che ha colpito negli ultimi giorni il calcio italiano si sta allargando a macchia d'olio. Giovedì due giocatori della nazionale azzurra – Tonali e Zaniolo – sono stati pregati dalla Federazione di lasciare il ritiro alla vigilia di importanti match di....

le dernier publié Hérault : Frontignan se prépare au risque de tsunami Un exercice grandeur nature totalement inédit va être lancé dans l'Hérault, à Frontignan : il s'agit d'une alerte tsunami. Les spécialistes redoutent dans les années qui viennent un important raz-de-marée en Méditerranée.

2023-10-13T15:45+0200francetvinfo (fr)

À Frontignan (Hérault), tout est prêt pour l’exercice d’alerte au tsunami . Les personnes situées dans cette zone recevront une alerte sur leur portable et seront invitées à évacuer les lieux. Un exercice qui peut surprendre sur un littoral peu habitué à cette catastrophe naturelle. Mais les habitants sont convaincus et même rassurés.

US Announces Urgent Relief Aid for Afghan Quake Victims

2023-10-13T15:44+0200singaporestar (en)

ISLAMABAD - The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, has announced $12 million in immediate humanitarian aid to assist victims of a week of repeated deadly earthquakes in western Afghanistan . In a statement released on Thursday, the USAID said the funding would support its....

US Announces Urgent Relief Aid for Afghan Quake Victims

2023-10-13T15:41+0200myanmarnews (en)

ISLAMABAD - The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, has announced $12 million in immediate humanitarian aid to assist victims of a week of repeated deadly earthquakes in western Afghanistan . In a statement released on Thursday, the USAID said the funding would support its....

Il 14 e 15 ottobre torna la campagna sui rischi naturali

2023-10-13T15:40+0200247libero (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre 2023 oltre 700 piazze in tutta Italia saranno impegnate con le Giornate nazionali di “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”, la campagna sulle azioni con cui ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi.

US Announces Urgent Relief Aid for Afghan Quake Victims

2023-10-13T15:39+0200voanews (en)

ISLAMABAD — The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, has announced $12 million in immediate humanitarian aid to assist victims of a week of repeated deadly earthquakes in western Afghanistan . In a statement released on Thursday, the USAID said the funding would support its....

Light mag. 4.5 earthquake - 45 Km SW of Ashkāsham, Afghanistan, on Friday, October 13, 2023 at 13:19 GMT

2023-10-13T15:39+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 282 km / 175 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Afghanistan: Mosque explosion kills and injures 'large number of people'

2023-10-13T15:37+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-13T13:35:51.302Z. Highlights: Afghanistan : Mosque explosion kills and injures 'large number of people' An explosion hit a Shiite mosque in northern Afghanistan in the middle of Friday prayers. Several attacks have hit mosques, particularly during Friday prayers, since the Taliban returned to power in August 2021.

US provides $12 million aid to Herat earthquake victims

2023-10-13T15:31+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post KABUL (Khaama Press): The United States of America has allocated $12 million in humanitarian aid for the earthquake victims in Herat. On Thursday, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced that it has allocated $12 million in immediate humanitarian....

Turkiye delivers support to earthquake affected families in Herat

2023-10-13T15:31+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post HERAT (Agencies): The Turkish consulate office in Herat said in a statement that Turkiye remains committed to helping families affected by the recent earthquakes in western Afghanistan . The statement said that in response to the earthquake, Turkiye mobilized its resources,....

In Quake-Hit Afghanistan, Powerful Sandstorm Sweeps Through Homes

2023-10-13T15:25+0200outlookindia (en)

Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province. Hundreds of people, mostly women, remain missing in Zenda Jan. 1 10 Sandstorm in Afghanistan Photo: AP/Ebrahim Noroozi. An Afghan girl and woman receive aid, while they are scared and crying from the....

Il 14 e 15 ottobre torna la campagna sui rischi naturali

2023-10-13T15:21+0200nove-firenze (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre 2023 oltre 700 piazze in tutta Italia saranno impegnate con le Giornate nazionali di “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”, la campagna sulle azioni con cui ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi.

Temblor de 2.5 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Sierra Gorda.

2023-10-13T15:05+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del temblor, según el CNS, fueron a -23.371 grados de latitud y -69.315 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de Tras un sismo, revisa tu casa....

La Calabria parteciperà alle giornate nazionali di “Io non rischio”

2023-10-13T14:58+0200cosenzapost (it)

S abato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Calabria parteciperà alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile” Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi, i....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 2.5 en Sierra Gorda.

2023-10-13T14:57+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -22.763 grados de latitud y -69.67 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

"Io non rischio", buone pratiche di protezione civile: il 14 e 15 ottobre in oltre 100 piazze della Calabria

2023-10-13T14:48+0200lanuovacalabria (it)

13 ottobre 2023 14:46. S abato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Calabria parteciperà alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio....

Moderate mag. 4.2 earthquake - 58 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan, on Friday, Oct 13, 2023 at 3:43 pm (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-13T14:36+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 657 km / 408 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Moderate mag. 4.2 earthquake - 35 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan, on Friday, Oct 13, 2023 at 3:24 pm (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-13T14:36+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 645 km / 401 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Brindisi, «Qualcuno collabora fra gli arrestati dell’Operazion...

2023-10-13T14:19+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

BRINDISI - Uno degli indagati nell’indagine The Wolf, quella con cui la Dda di Lecce (pm Carmen Ruggiero) e i carabinieri (Compagnia di San Vito dei Normanni) hanno azzerato il clan mafioso Lamendola-Cantanna, potrebbe aver maturato il convincimento di pentirsi.

Afghanistan, tra terremoto e tempesta di sabbia

2023-10-13T14:18+0200cittanuova (it)

I soccorsi alle popolazioni colpite sono stati ostacolati dalle condizioni meteo. Sono oltre 2000 le vittime del terremoto che mercoledì 11 ottobre ha colpito la regione afghana di Herat; e per quanto la solidarietà internazionale si sia mossa, gli aiuti sono stati ostacolati da forti tempeste di sabbia, come queste foto testimoniano.

Todos por el barro

2023-10-13T14:06+0200cadenaser (es)

Jerez de la Frontera. El exceso de información que recibimos a diario, oír, ver, leer solo los medios que son de nuestra misma opinión, la sobrecarga en las RRSS, el bombardeo continuo de likes y hates… en fin esta obesidad informativa en la que estamos enredados ¿Qué nos aporta? ¿Podemos decir que....

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T14:04+0200manilametro (en)

ABU DHABI, 13th October, 2023 (WAM) -- The United Arab Emirates sent urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan, and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children.

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 2.9 en Constitución

2023-10-13T13:55+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 146.0 kilómetros al Oeste de la ciudad, en -34.998 grados de latitud y -73.967 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 27.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue....

U.S Navy Hospital Ship USNS Mercy Departs For Pacific Partnership 2024-1

2023-10-13T13:49+0200marineinsight (en)

San Diego – The Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) departed San Diego, marking the beginning of Pacific Partnership 2024-1, Oct. 10. The U.S. Navy will join allied and partner nation forces for the 19th iteration of Pacific Partnership, the largest annual multilateral....

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2023: All details inside

2023-10-13T13:42+0200business-standard (en)

The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDR) is celebrated on 13 October every year. The day is devoted to raising awareness about disasters, their effect on living beings, and preventive measures. One of the principal points behind observing this day is to teach communities about the....

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T13:40+0200singaporestar (en)

ABU DHABI, 13th October, 2023 (WAM) -- The United Arab Emirates sent urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan, and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children.

Terremoto nel piacentino Magnitudo 3,7 con epicentro a Vigolzone

2023-10-13T13:32+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 13 ottobre 2023) Uno sciame sismico stamattina interessa la provincia di Piacenza. Alle 7,11 la scossa di Magnitudo 3,5 quindi altre di Magnitudo superiore a 2. Alle 9,25 il Terremoto di Magnitudo 3,7 con epicentro a Vigolzone . (immagine: tratta da ingv.

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), 'è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale'

2023-10-13T13:32+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 13 ottobre 2023) Roma, 13 ott. (Adnkronos) - "Quello che sta investendo il Calcio italiano è un vero e proprio tsunami . Lo spettro delle scommesse, dopo gli scandali del 1980 e del 2011, torna ad aleggiare su questo mondo. Con modalità preoccupanti, come la visita degli agenti a....

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T13:30+0200northernirelandnews (en)

ABU DHABI, 13th October, 2023 (WAM) -- The United Arab Emirates sent urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan, and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children.

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), ’è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale’

2023-10-13T13:30+0200money-it (it)

Roma, 13 ott. (Adnkronos) - "Quello che sta investendo il calcio italiano è un vero e proprio tsunami. Lo spettro delle scommesse, dopo gli scandali del 1980 e del 2011, torna ad aleggiare su questo mondo. Con modalità preoccupanti, come la visita degli agenti a Coverciano e lo stillicidio di nomi....

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T13:26+0200myanmarnews (en)

ABU DHABI, 13th October, 2023 (WAM) -- The United Arab Emirates sent urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan, and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children.

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T13:25+0200nepalnews (en)

The United Arab Emirates has dispatched urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan, and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children. The aid comes in the implementation of the directives of UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T13:22+0200nigeriasun (en)

ABU DHABI, 13th October, 2023 (WAM) -- The United Arab Emirates sent urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan, and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children.

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), 'è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale'

2023-10-13T13:21+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

Roma, 13 ott. (Adnkronos) - "Quello che sta investendo il calcio italiano è un vero e proprio tsunami. Lo spettro delle scommesse, dopo gli scandali del 1980 e del 2011, torna ad aleggiare su questo mondo. Con modalità preoccupanti, come la visita degli agenti a Coverciano e lo stillicidio di nomi....

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T13:19+0200longbeachstar (en)

ABU DHABI, 13th October, 2023 (WAM) -- The United Arab Emirates sent urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan, and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children.

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T13:16+0200srilankasource (en)

ABU DHABI, 13th October, 2023 (WAM) -- The United Arab Emirates sent urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan, and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children.

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T13:09+0200timesofindia (en)

The United Arab Emirates, sent immediate relief aid to earthquake-affected Herat Province in Afghanistan , including food, medical supplies, and in-kind assistance, as part of their ongoing commitment to aid countries in times of crisis. The aid comes in implementation of the directives of UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T13:07+0200cambodiantimes (en)

ABU DHABI, 13th October, 2023 (WAM) -- The United Arab Emirates sent urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan, and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children.

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), ‘è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale’

2023-10-13T13:04+0200laragione (it)

Roma, 13 ott. (Adnkronos) – “Quello che sta investendo il calcio italiano è un vero e proprio tsunami. Lo spettro delle scommesse, dopo gli scandali del 1980 e del 2011, torna ad aleggiare su questo mondo. Con modalità preoccupanti, come la visita degli agenti a Coverciano e lo stillicidio di nomi....

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), 'è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale'

2023-10-13T13:04+0200affaritaliani (it)

Roma, 13 ott. (Adnkronos) - "Quello che sta investendo il calcio italiano è un vero e proprio tsunami. Lo spettro delle scommesse, dopo gli scandali del 1980 e del 2011, torna ad aleggiare su questo mondo. Con modalità preoccupanti, come la visita degli agenti a Coverciano e lo stillicidio di nomi....

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), ‘è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale’

2023-10-13T13:02+0200meteoweb (it)

Roma, 13 ott. (Adnkronos) – “Quello che sta investendo il calcio italiano è un vero e proprio tsunami. Lo spettro delle scommesse, dopo gli scandali del 1980 e del 2011, torna ad aleggiare su questo mondo. Con modalità preoccupanti, come la visita degli agenti a Coverciano e lo stillicidio di nomi....

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), ‘è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale’

2023-10-13T13:01+0200strettoweb (it)

Roma, 13 ott. (Adnkronos) – “Quello che sta investendo il calcio italiano è un vero e proprio tsunami. Lo spettro delle scommesse, dopo gli scandali del 1980 e del 2011, torna ad aleggiare su questo mondo. Con modalità preoccupanti, come la visita degli agenti a Coverciano e lo stillicidio di nomi....

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), 'è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale'

2023-10-13T13:00+0200gazzettadireggio (it)

Roma, 13 ott. (Adnkronos) - "Quello che sta investendo il calcio italiano è un vero e proprio tsunami. Lo spettro delle scommesse, dopo gli scandali del 1980 e del 2011, torna ad aleggiare su questo mondo. Con modalità preoccupanti, come la visita degli agenti a Coverciano e lo stillicidio di nomi....

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), 'è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale'

2023-10-13T12:59+0200gazzettadimodena (it)

Roma, 13 ott. (Adnkronos) - "Quello che sta investendo il calcio italiano è un vero e proprio tsunami. Lo spettro delle scommesse, dopo gli scandali del 1980 e del 2011, torna ad aleggiare su questo mondo. Con modalità preoccupanti, come la visita degli agenti a Coverciano e lo stillicidio di nomi....

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), 'è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale'

2023-10-13T12:59+0200civonline (it)

R o m a 1 3 o t t A d n k r o n o s Q u e l l o c h e s t a i n v e s t e n d o i l c a l c i o i t a l i a n o è u n v e r o e p r o p r i o t s u n a m i L o s p e t t r o d e l l e s c o m m e s s e d o p o g l i s c a n d a l i d e l 1 9 8 0 e d e l 2 0 1 1 t o r n a a d a l e g g i a r e s u q....

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), 'è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale'

2023-10-13T12:58+0200lanuovaferrara (it)

Roma, 13 ott. (Adnkronos) - "Quello che sta investendo il calcio italiano è un vero e proprio tsunami. Lo spettro delle scommesse, dopo gli scandali del 1980 e del 2011, torna ad aleggiare su questo mondo. Con modalità preoccupanti, come la visita degli agenti a Coverciano e lo stillicidio di nomi....

Calcio: Sbrollini (Iv), 'è uno tsunami, ludopatia emergenza sociale'

2023-10-13T12:57+0200corriereadriatico (it)

Roma, 13 ott. (Adnkronos) - "Quello che sta investendo il calcio italiano è un vero e proprio tsunami. Lo spettro delle scommesse, dopo gli scandali del 1980 e del 2011, torna ad aleggiare su questo mondo. Con modalità preoccupanti, come la visita degli agenti a Coverciano e lo stillicidio di nomi....

Korean Government to Provide US$1 Million in Humanitarian Assistance for People Affected by Earthquake in Afghanistan VIEW DETAILS

2023-10-13T12:52+0200kr-foreign-office (en)

Korean Government to Provide US$1 Million in Humanitarian Assistance for People Affected by Earthquake in....

UAE sends urgent aid for victims of Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-13T12:50+0200thenational (en)

The UAE sent further aid to Afghanistan on Friday to help victims of the earthquakes that have killed thousands of people. Several planes took off from the Emirates in the morning, carrying food and medical supplies for those affected by the quakes, state news agency Wam reported.

Sismo de 3.4 de magnitud se siente en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-10-13T12:49+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del temblorse registraron a -67.638 grados de longitud y -24.302 grados de latitud, de acuerdo con datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Afghanistan Earthquake: Third Quake Hits Country Again | Aid Age

2023-10-13T12:34+0200timesnownews (en)

ncies Urge For Urgent Funds. A new quake of 4.6 magnitude shook Afghanistan again. This comes a day after a strong earthquake of 6.3 magnitude struck the western province. No casualty or damage has been reported so far. The authorities were forced to redeploy relief and rescue workers.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Guerrero

2023-10-13T12:34+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

ENTRETIEN. Exercice d’alerte au tsunami dans l’Hérault : que risque-t-on vraiment en Méditerranée ?

2023-10-13T12:26+0200maville (fr)

« Avec plus de 122 km de côtes et 14 communes littorales à fort potentiel touristique, le département de l’Hérault est concerné par le risque tsunami. Les plages, les ports et les zones urbanisées proches de la mer pourraient être affectés », souligne la préfecture de l’Hérault.

US provides $12 million aid to Herat earthquake victims

2023-10-13T12:25+0200khaama (en)

Afghan residents walk past their makeshift shelters set-up after earthquake in Wardakha village, Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on October 10, 2023. – Rescue workers scrabbled through rubble on October 10, for villagers buried in their homes by a series of earthquakes that killed more than....

Over 90% of deaths in Afghanistan quake were women and children

2023-10-13T12:24+0200nbcnews (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T12:23+0200aninews (en)

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan . ANI | Updated: Oct 13, 2023 15:52 IST. Abu Dhabi [ ], October 13 (ANI/WAM): The United Arab Emirates has dispatched urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat....

Allarme UNICEF: oltre il 90% delle vittime del terremoto in Afghanistan sono bambini e donne

2023-10-13T12:02+0200aise (it)

NEW YORK\ aise\ - Oltre 1.000 persone sono state uccise e più di 1.600 ferite solo in 11 villaggi di Zinda Jan , dopo che il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito il 7 ottobre l’ Afghanistan occidentale , insieme alle diverse forti scosse di assestamento, devastando ancora una volta le vite dei....

L'UNICEF ha lanciato un appello per per aiutare circa 100mila bambini colpiti dai recenti terremoti in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T12:01+0200fai.informazione (it)

Oltre il 90% delle vittime dei recenti terremoti in Afghanistan sono donne e bambini. Nel solo distretto di Zinda Jan , oltre 11.500 persone hanno visto le loro case completamente rase al suolo. Con due terremoti di magnitudo 6,3 che hanno scosso la regione in soli cinque giorni e oltre 1.

14 Lectures0 Commentaires

2023-10-13T12:00+0200seneweb (fr)

[Série casting présidentiel 4/8] Les dissidents de BBY : Comme Iznogoud, ils veulent tous ‘’être calife à la place du calife. Plusieurs candidats (pas des moindres) issus des flancs de Benno Bokk Yakaar (Bby) menacent de compromettre les chances de Amadou Ba.

Risque de tsunami : un exercice d'évacuation organisé dans l'Hérault

2023-10-13T11:54+0200catnat (fr)

A Frontignan (Hérault) les habitants vont participer à un grand exercice d’évacuation ce vendredi 13 octobre 2023 : une fausse alerte au tsunami sera déclenchée et la population devra se mettre à l’abri le plus vite possible. Les habitants, qui se trouvent dans la zone à risque, recevront une notification grâce à l’outil FR-Alert et des consignes.

Sputnik journalist's infant child killed by Ukrainian drone

2023-10-13T11:45+0200kenyastar (en)

While producer Khaibar Akifi suffered severe injuries, his four-year-old daughter died in the attack. The four-year-old child, and parents-in-law, of a Sputnik Afghanistan producer were killed in a Ukrainian attack on Russia's Belgorod Region on Wednesday.

Quake deaths mostly women, kids

2023-10-13T11:37+0200arkansasonline (en)

ISLAMABAD -- More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

ENTRETIEN. Exercice d’alerte au tsunami dans l’Hérault : que risque-t-on vraiment en Méditerranée ?

2023-10-13T11:27+0200OuestFrance (fr)

En Méditerranée, la convergence de deux plaques tectoniques, la plaque eurasiatique et la plaque africaine, fait planer « Avec plus de 122 km de côtes et 14 communes littorales à fort potentiel touristique, le département de l’Hérault est concerné par le risque tsunami.

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 2.8 en La Higuera

2023-10-13T11:22+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrofue a 7.0 kilómetros al Noroeste de la localidad, con coordenadas -71.26 grados de longitud y -29.47 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente....

Three major earthquakes strike Afghanistan in one week; IRC scales up emergency response in affected areas October 13, 2023

2023-10-13T11:21+0200rescue (en)

Kabul, Afghanistan , October 13, 2023 — Just four days after an earthquake measuring 6.3. struck Herat, Afghanistan, claiming the lives of over 1,200 people, significant aftershocks and a major storm have caused a humanitarian catastrophe in the west of the country.

Esternalizzazioni. Olivo (Fp Cgil Fvg): “In sanità impoveriscono i servizi e non incentivano il personale”

2023-10-13T11:07+0200quotidianosanita (it)

Ancora le polemiche sulle esternalizzazioni in Friuli Venezia Giulia, anche a causa delle dichiarazioni dell’assessore Riccardi, secondo il quale “soluzioni di questo tipo saranno sempre più da ricercare, vista la carenza di personale medico”. Per la segretaria regionale della Fp Cgil, se le aziende....

World News in Brief: Reducing disaster risk for persons with disabilities, Afghan quake latest, global aid funding off track

2023-10-13T11:03+0200globalsecurity (en)

12 October 2023 - The world must act on "unacceptable failures" to protect persons with disabilities from the damaging impact of living through a natural disaster, the UN office dealing with disaster risk said on Thursday. Persons with disabilities face a "shocking lack of support" with no progress....

Taliban Decline Pakistan's Quake-Related Aid Over Controversial Tweet

2023-10-13T11:03+0200globalsecurity (en)

By Ayaz Gul October 12, 2023. Afghanistan 's Taliban have blocked earthquake-related relief assistance from Pakistan over a controversial social media post by the country's prime minister amid an already strained bilateral relationship, VOA learned Thursday from highly placed official sources.

Afghan Officials Lower Earthquakes' Death Toll

2023-10-13T11:03+0200globalsecurity (en)

By Ayaz Gul October 12, 2023. Afghanistan 's Taliban government Thursday lowered the death toll from a series of recent earthquakes that struck western districts to about 1,000, revising the previous figure of more than 2,000 fatalities. The Afghan Public Health Ministry posted the latest toll on X,....

Upcoming Tsunami Exercise for the North-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean

2023-10-13T10:55+0200unesco (en)

Tsunamis are rapid-onset natural disasters, and it's vital for regional and national tsunami warning systems to be ready to respond effectively. These exercises help ensure that communication links function seamlessly and that agencies and response personnel understand their roles during a real event.

Terremoto nel piacentino, avvertito un boato

2023-10-13T10:47+0200zazoom-it (it)

Terremoto - scossa di magnitudo 3.5 nel Piacentino; Scommesse illegali - terremoto nel mondo del calcio I giocatori coinvolti sono dieci : trema l'intera Serie A; Caos scommesse - terremoto nel calcio : Fabrizio Corona svela altri due nomi! | FOTO; Altra leggera scossa di terremoto nella Bassa :....

Terremoto in Emilia-Romagna, due scosse una dopo l’altra

2023-10-13T10:47+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 13 ottobre 2023) Un’altra forte scossa di Terremoto registrata in Italia. Stavolta la terra ha tremato in provincia di Piacenza, in Emilia Romagna , con epicentro nel territorio del Comune di Vigolzone, nella Val Nure. Nella mattinata di venerdì 13 ottobre, intorno alle 7, l’Istituto....

Terremoto.due scosse di magnitudo 3.5 e 3.7 sull'Appennino piacentino

2023-10-13T10:47+0200zazoom-it (it)

Terremoto in Emilia-Romagna - due scosse una dopo l’altra; Caos scommesse - terremoto nel calcio : Fabrizio Corona svela altri due nomi! | FOTO; Terremoto oggi Teramo - due scosse nella notte in provincia; Terremoto oggi Teramo - due scosse nella notte in provincia; Cinque scosse di terremoto in....

L'axe américano-sioniste

2023-10-13T10:44+0200mediapart (fr)

Le monde d'après, qu'on nous a vendu comme plus altruiste, semble se rétracter autour de ce que l'homme c'est faire de mieux, la guerre. La récente intervention militaire d'Israël, en Palestine, incarne le prisme d'un deux poids deux mesures occidental.

Protezione Civile, “Io non rischio”: volontari in piazza anche a Caulonia

2023-10-13T10:44+0200cn24tv (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la CIPC di Caulonia (nel reggino) partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “ Io non rischio - Buone pratiche di protezione civile ”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico....

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T10:41+0200kenyastar (en)

ABU DHABI, 13th October, 2023 (WAM) -- The United Arab Emirates sent urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan, and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children.

Chiapas registra temblor de 4.0 de magnitud

2023-10-13T10:35+0200infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 183 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas, con una profundidad de 15.9 km y fue percibido por los vecinos de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred)....

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T10:31+0200zawya-palestine (en)

ABU DHABI - The United Arab Emirates sent urgent relief aid to Afghanistan to help those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan, and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children. The move is in implementation of the directives of....

Afghanistan: Unicef, lanciato un appello di 20 milioni di dollari per aiutare 96.000 bambini colpiti dai recenti terremoti

2023-10-13T10:17+0200avveniredicalabria (it)

Oltre il 90% delle vittime dei recenti terremoti in Afghanistan sono donne e bambini. Nel solo distretto di Zinda Jan, oltre 11.500 persone hanno visto le loro case completamente rase al suolo. Con due terremoti di magnitudo 6,3 che hanno scosso la regione in soli cinque giorni e oltre 1.

Terremoti in Afghanistan, Unicef: “Aiutare i 96mila bambini senza casa”

2023-10-13T10:15+0200interris (it)

I due terremoti di magnitudo 6.3 che hanno scosso l’ Afghanistan hanno ucciso oltre 1.000 persone; ma altre migliaia hanno bisogno di assistenza urgente e salvavita. Oltre il 90% delle vittime dei recenti terremoti in Afghanistan sono donne e bambini. Nel solo distretto di Zinda Jan, oltre 11.

US to announce $12 million in aid for Afghanistan following earthquakes

2023-10-13T10:12+0200clubofmozambique (en)

FILE - Afghan men stand on the debris of damaged houses after the recent earthquake, in the district of Zinda Jan, in Herat, Afghanistan October 10, 2023. [File photo: Reuters/Ali Khara] The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in....

"La question n'est pas de savoir s'il va y avoir un tsunami, mais quand" : comment la Méditerranée se prépare à un futur séisme

2023-10-13T10:02+0200midilibre (fr)

L’exercice de sécurité civile d’une alerte au tsunami déferlant en Méditerranée, qui se déroule ce vendredi 13 octobre à Frontignan (Hérault), pourrait prêter à sourire. Et pourtant, le risque est bien réel. C’est l’Unesco qui le rappelle dans son programme mondial Tsunami ready (prêts face au....

Over 90% of People Killed in Herat Earthquake Were Women and Children: UN

2023-10-13T09:57+0200tolonews (en)

(AP) — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

Herat hospital at breaking point as earthquake victims keep coming

2023-10-13T09:56+0200wn (en)

Casualties from levelled villages in Afghanistan ’s quake-stricken province look for help from a health system already stretched too thin Even before the earthquake in Afghanistan on Saturday that reduced villages and hamlets across the northern province of Herat to dust, doctors and....

“Io non rischio”, fine settimana per la prevenzione a Chiaravalle

2023-10-13T09:49+0200cronacheancona (it)

Il Comune di Chiaravalle parteciperà alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di Protezione Civile”, per sensibilizzare la cittadinanza sui comportamenti da tenere per ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi.

UAE dispatches urgent humanitarian aid to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T09:38+0200urdupoint (en)

ABU DHABI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News / WAM - 13th Oct, 2023) The United Arab Emirates sent urgent relief aid to Province, western Afghanistan , and resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including and children. The move is in implementation of the directives of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 2.5 en Los Andes.

2023-10-13T09:19+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrofue a 33.0 kilómetros al Sureste de la localidad, con coordenadas -70.298 grados de longitud y -32.991 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información....

Afghanistan: Unicef, lanciato un appello di 20 milioni di dollari per aiutare 96.000 bambini colpiti dai recenti terremoti

2023-10-13T09:14+0200agensir (it)

Oltre il 90% delle vittime dei recenti terremoti in Afghanistan sono donne e bambini. Nel solo distretto di Zinda Jan, oltre 11.500 persone hanno visto le loro case completamente rase al suolo. Con due terremoti di magnitudo 6,3 che hanno scosso la regione in soli cinque giorni e oltre 1.

Près de Montpellier. Frontignan-Plage : mobilisation générale pour une alerte fictive au tsunami 08:44Frontignan

2023-10-13T09:14+0200actu (fr)

Vue aérienne du lido de Frontignan (©Sète Agglopôle) Premier exercice du genre sur le littoral héraultais pour tester le dispositif FR-Alert : ce vendredi 13 octobre 2023, dans l’après-midi, une alerte fictive au tsunami sera déclenchée à Frontignan-Plage .

Devastating Earthquakes in Afghanistan: Latest Reports, News, and Relief Efforts

2023-10-13T09:08+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-12 20:15:01 Afghanistan : a new earthquake of magnitude 6.3 north of Herat • RFI RFIAfghanistan: at least a thousand dead in Saturday’s earthquake EuronewsVIDEO. Gozara, village in Afghanistan completely destroyed by West-France earthquakesA new earthquake, of magnitude 6.3, hits western Afghanistan Le360.

Terremoto in provincia di Piacenza, registrata scossa di magnitudo 3.5

2023-10-13T09:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 13 ottobre 2023) (Adnkronos) – Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 3.5 è stata registrata dall’Ingv alle ore 7.11 in provincia di Piacenza . Il comune più vicino all’epicentro è stato quello di Vigolzone. Un’altra scossa di magnitudo 2.5, nella stessa zona, è poi stata registrata alle ore 7.

Terremoto di magnitudo 3.5 sull'Appennino piacentino

2023-10-13T09:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

Terremoto in provincia di Piacenza - registrata scossa di magnitudo 3.5; Terremoto in provincia di Piacenza - registrata scossa di magnitudo 3.5; Terremoto di magnitudo 3.5 sull'Appennino piacentino; Terremoto - scossa di magnitudo 3.5 nel Piacentino; Terremoto oggi venerdì 13 ottobre 2023 in....

Gestire eventi calamitosi a scuola come si fa in Giappone. Scarica un vademecum da usare nella tua scuola

2023-10-13T09:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 13 ottobre 2023) L'arcipelago Giappone se è circondato dal mare ed è situato ai confini delle placche nel mare e sulla terra. Pertanto, sin dai tempi antichi, il Giappone ha dovuto affrontare numerosi disastri naturali, tra cui terremoti, tsunami e tifoni.

Filippine: terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 vicino Manila

2023-10-13T08:49+0200interris (it)

Foto di su Unsplash Forte scossa di terremoto nel nord delle Filippine, un arcipelago di 7 640 isole aventi una superficie totale di circa 300 000 km2, incluse le acque interne. Le Filippine sono una zona altamente sismica. Le isole che compongono l’arcipelago si trovano infatti in una zona....

Asia-Pacific More than 90pc of people killed by Afghanistan earthquake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-13T08:48+0200independent-ie (en)

More than 90pc of people killed by Afghanistan earthquake were women and children, UN says. The quake destroyed villages in the province of Herat (Ebrahim Noroozi/AP) More than 90pc of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, UN officials reported Thursday.

FilippineUn terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T08:04+0200cdt (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a sud di Manila, nella città....

Terremoto oggi venerdì 13 ottobre 2023 in provincia di Piacenza

2023-10-13T08:02+0200zazoom-it (it)

Terremoto oggi in Italia 13 ottobre 2023 : tutte le ultime scosse | Tempo reale; Terremoto oggi in Italia 12 ottobre 2023 : tutte le ultime scosse | Tempo reale; Terremoto in Afghanistan - oggi nuova scossa 6.3 nell’ovest; Terremoto in Afghanistan - oggi nuova scossa 6.

An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 on the Richter Scale jolted Afghanistan on Friday, the Nati ...

2023-10-13T07:37+0200risingkashmir (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 on the Richter Scale jolted Afghanistan on Friday, the National Center for Seismology informed. It is the second earthquake to have struck the impoverished nation this week. According to NCS, the tremors shook the country at 6:39 am (IST) on Friday at a depth of 50 kilometres.

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T07:33+0200globodiroma (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a sud di Manila, nella c ittà....

Life, Vol. 13, Pages 2047: Rehabilitation of Older Asian Traumatic Brain Injury Inpatients: A Retrospective Study Comparing Functional Independence between Age Groups

2023-10-13T07:26+0200mdpi (en)

Across traumatic brain injury (TBI) severities, a geriatric TBI tsunami has emerged. Mixed outcomes are reported for elderly TBI with positive functional improvements with acute inpatient rehabilitation. We studied the effect of age at TBI on discharge functional outcomes, levels of independence and length of stay.

UNICEF launches US$ 20M funding appeal to support children affected by Afghanistan’s earthquakes

2023-10-13T07:18+0200devdiscourse (en)

Over 90 per cent of those reported killed in Afghanistan ’s recent earthquakes are women and children. In Zinda Jan district alone, over 11,500 people saw their homes completely flattened. With two 6.3-magnitude quakes shaking the region over just five days, and over 1,000 people killed[1], there are....

Akira Mizubayashi: «Je suis né en français à l’âge de 18 ans»

2023-10-13T07:13+0200lefigaro (fr)

Pour Le Figaro , il a accepté de raconter sa propre histoire d’amour avec la langue française, devenue sa langue d’adoption, qui l’a amené à devenir un écrivain japonais d’expression française. À lire aussi Comment la culture d’un pays influence-t-elle l’écriture d’un auteur? LE FIGARO.

FO urges UN proactive role for Gaza ceasefire

2023-10-13T07:10+0200tribune (en)

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan, while strongly condemning the indiscriminate use of force by Israeli authorities in Gaza, on Thursday called for an end to the “inhumane” blockade causing the humanitarian situation, besides urging the United Nations’s proactive role in facilitating a ceasefire.

Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Camiña

2023-10-13T07:10+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -19.649 grados de latitud y -69.226 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de fuentes....

Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-13T07:08+0200timesofoman (en)

Kabul: An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 on the Richter Scale jolted Afghanistan on Friday, the National Centre for Seismology informed. It is the second earthquake to have struck the impoverished nation this week. According to NCS, the tremors shook the country at 6:39 am (IST) on Friday at a depth of 50 kilometres.

Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-13T06:39+0200greaterkashmir (en)

Kabul, Oct 13 : An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 on the Richter Scale jolted Afghanistan on Friday, the National Center for Seismology informed. It is the second earthquake to have struck the impoverished nation this week. According to NCS, the tremors shook the country at 6:39 am (IST) on Friday at a depth of 50 kilometres.

Taliban refuse Pakistan aid for quake victims

2023-10-13T06:31+0200tribune (en)

ISLAMABAD: The interim Afghan government has refused to accept aid from Pakistan for the earthquake victims as tensions between the two neighbours continue to strain relations between them. Afghanistan was struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake last Saturday, leaving at least 1,000 people dead and affecting many villages.

Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-13T06:15+0200nepalnews (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 on the Richter Scale jolted Afghanistan on Friday, the National Center for Seismology informed. It is the second earthquake to have struck the impoverished nation this week. According to NCS, the tremors shook the country at 6:39 am (IST) on Friday at a depth of 50 kilometres.

Temblor en Colombia: se percibió un sismo de magnitud 3.3 en Santander El país latinoamericano tiene un largo historial de sismos devastadores que anteriormente han dejado una gran cantidad muertos, heridos e incontables daños materiales

2023-10-13T06:06+0200infobae (es)

La intensidad de tipo 6 implica un "daño leve" , en este rango algunas personas pueden llegar a perder el equilibrio; algunos objetos llegan a caerse y muchas edificaciones presentan daños leves. El nivel 7 se presenta cuando hay un "daño moderado" , es decir, los muebles pesados llegan a....

Riesgo de los Desastres

2023-10-13T06:03+0200elcaribe (es)

En 1989, la Asamblea General de la ONU proclamó el Día Internacional para la Reducción de los Desastres Naturales, que se celebraría el segundo miércoles de octubre, pero a partir de 2009, cambió al 13 de octubre y pasó a llamarse Día Internacional para la Reducción del Riesgo de los Desastres.

Over 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children: UN

2023-10-13T06:02+0200business-standard (en)

More than 90 per cent of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

La oportunidad verde de Euskadi en Japón

2023-10-13T05:56+0200deia-eus (es)

Se ha identificado con claridad la oportunidad de ampliar las exportaciones (en la actualidad, el balance es negativo para Euskadi, que compra más a Japón de lo que vende), penetrando por el ámbito de la energía eólica offshore, la descarbonización de los vehículos y el hidrógeno.

Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-13T05:48+0200wn (en)

Kabul: An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 on the Richter Scale jolted Afghanistan on Friday, the National Center for Seismology informed. It is the second earthquake to have struck the impoverished nation this week. According to NCS, the tremors shook the country at 6:39 am (IST) on Friday at....

Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-13T05:41+0200economictimes (en)

Afghanistan has been hit by a magnitude 4.6 earthquake, the second to occur this week. The tremors occurred at a depth of 50 kilometers on Friday morning. No casualties have been reported so far. This follows a magnitude 6.1 earthquake that struck on October 11, resulting in over 4,000 deaths and widespread destruction.

Afghanistan Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 jolts Afghanistan About an hour ago

2023-10-13T05:39+0200devdiscourse (en)

Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 jolts Afghanistan 39 am (IST) on Friday at a depth of 50 kilometres. Representative Image. Image Credit: ANI Country: Afghanistan SHARE; An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 on the Richter Scale jolted Afghanistan on Friday, the National Center for Seismology informed.

Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-13T05:34+0200kenyastar (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 13 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 on the Richter Scale jolted Afghanistan on Friday, the National Center for Seismology informed. It is the second earthquake to have struck the impoverished nation this week. According to NCS, the tremors shook the country at 6:39 am (IST) on Friday at a depth of 50 kilometres.

Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-13T05:30+0200dtnext (en)

KABUL: An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 on the Richter Scale jolted Afghanistan on Friday, the National Center for Seismology informed. It is the second earthquake to have struck the impoverished nation this week. According to NCS, the tremors shook the country at 6:39 am (IST) on Friday at a depth of 50 kilometres.

La Chine fournit de l'aide humanitaire d'urgence à l'Afghanistan

2023-10-13T05:29+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Le gouvernement chinois fournit 30 millions de yuans (4,18 millions de dollars) d'aide humanitaire d'urgence à l' Afghanistan pour aider le pays dans ses efforts de secours après le tremblement de terre, a déclaré jeudi un porte-parole de l'Agence chinoise de coopération internationale sur le développement.

La Chine fournit de l'aide humanitaire d'urgence à l'Afghanistan

2023-10-13T05:28+0200french-news (fr)

BEIJING, 13 octobre (Xinhua) -- Le gouvernement chinois fournit 30 millions de yuans (4,18 millions de dollars) d'aide humanitaire d'urgence à l' Afghanistan pour aider le pays dans ses efforts de secours après le tremblement de terre, a déclaré jeudi un porte-parole de l'Agence chinoise de coopération internationale sur le développement.

Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-13T05:27+0200timesofindia (en)

Afghanistan experienced a magnitude 4.6 earthquake on Friday, the second one to hit the country in a week. The tremors occurred at a depth of 50 kilometers and there have been no reports of casualties. Earlier in the week, a magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck, causing significant damage and claiming over 4,000 lives in the Herat province.

Baisse de l'aide aux pauvres. Des ONG redoutent un "tsunami alimentaire"

2023-10-13T05:23+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Aujourd'hui, quatre organisations caritatives ont averti, à la veille d'un Conseil européen des ministres de l'Agriculture, que la baisse drastique des fonds européens consacrés aux plus démunis risquait de provoquer un "tsunami alimentaire" dans plusieurs pays de l'Union européenne.

Aide aux démunis. Un budget menacé

2023-10-13T05:23+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Une réunion est prévue aujourd'hui à Bruxelles pour empêcher une réduction draconienne d'un programme européen d'aide alimentaire aux plus pauvres, tiré des fonds agricoles. Si l'argent européen s'envole, les organisations caritatives craignent le pire.

China provides emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan

2023-10-13T05:14+0200peopledaily (en)

BEIJING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese government is providing 30 million yuan (4.18 million U.S. dollars) of emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan to help the country with earthquake relief work, a spokesperson with the China International Development Cooperation Agency said Thursday.

Pakistan concerned over dire humanitarian condition in Gaza

2023-10-13T05:05+0200nation-pk (en)

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan yesterday said it was deeply concerned by the deteriorating and dire humanitarian conditions in Gaza due to Israeli aggression. Speaking at a weekly news briefing here, Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch urged the international community to work together to respond....

World intervention needed to end Gaza hostilities: Foreign Office

2023-10-13T05:01+0200dawn (en)

ISLAMABAD: Pakis­tan has strongly condemned the “indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force” by Israeli forces against the civilian population in Gaza and called for an urgent intervention by global powers to cease hostilities. “We are deeply concerned over the fast-deteriorating and dire....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T05:00+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 13 OTT - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T05:00+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 13 OTT - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a....

Pakistan concerned over dire humanitarian condition in Gaza

2023-10-13T04:59+0200nation (en)

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan yesterday said it was deeply concerned by the deteriorating and dire humanitarian conditions in Gaza due to Israeli aggression. Speaking at a weekly news briefing here, Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch urged the international community to work together to respond....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T04:59+0200ansamed-it (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a sud di Manila, nella c ittà....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T04:57+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 13 OTT - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T04:57+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 13 OTT - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T04:57+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 13 OTT - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T04:55+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – MANILA, 13 OTT – Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T04:53+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 13 OTT - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a....

Un séisme de magnitude 5,2 frappe les Philippines

2023-10-13T04:52+0200presseocean (fr)

Moins de dix secondes. « Jusqu’à présent, tout va bien. Il n’y a pas de victimes » , a déclaré Rafael Cuevas, un responsable de l’agence des catastrophes de la ville de Calaca, située à près de 100 km au sud de Manille, dans la province de Batangas. « Nous avons ressenti une forte secousse pendant....

Un séisme de magnitude 5,2 frappe les Philippines

2023-10-13T04:52+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Moins de dix secondes. « Jusqu’à présent, tout va bien. Il n’y a pas de victimes » , a déclaré Rafael Cuevas, un responsable de l’agence des catastrophes de la ville de Calaca, située à près de 100 km au sud de Manille, dans la province de Batangas. « Nous avons ressenti une forte secousse pendant....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T04:51+0200ladige (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 13 OTT - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T04:51+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 13 OTT - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a....

Un séisme de magnitude 5,2 frappe les Philippines

2023-10-13T04:49+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Moins de dix secondes. « Jusqu’à présent, tout va bien. Il n’y a pas de victimes » , a déclaré Rafael Cuevas, un responsable de l’agence des catastrophes de la ville de Calaca, située à près de 100 km au sud de Manille, dans la province de Batangas. « Nous avons ressenti une forte secousse pendant....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T04:49+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

MANILA, 13 OTT - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a sud di....

Un séisme de magnitude 5,2 frappe les Philippines

2023-10-13T04:47+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Moins de dix secondes. « Jusqu’à présent, tout va bien. Il n’y a pas de victimes » , a déclaré Rafael Cuevas, un responsable de l’agence des catastrophes de la ville de Calaca, située à près de 100 km au sud de Manille, dans la province de Batangas. « Nous avons ressenti une forte secousse pendant....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T04:47+0200giornaletrentino (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 13 OTT - Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a....

Filippine: terremoto del 5.2 scuote gli edifici di Manila

2023-10-13T04:47+0200ansa (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.2 ha scosso gli edifici nella capitale filippina, secondo il Servizio Sismologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS), e le autorità locali hanno avvertito di possibili danni e scosse di assestamento. Il terremoto ha avuto epicentro circa 100 chilometri a sud di Manila, nella c ittà....

4h38 NOUVEAU Exercice Tsunami à Frontignan, l'occasion de tester un nouveau système d'alerte pour les habitants

2023-10-13T04:42+0200francebleu (fr)

Le scenario commence par un séisme en Méditerranée . C'est alors une course contre la montre : la préfecture de l'Hérault est prévenue qu'un tsunami va s'abattre sur les côtes une heure et demi plus tard. La zone de danger est identifiée, il s'agit de Frontignan-plage.

Earthquake Afghanistan: भूकंप से तबाही झेल रहे अफगानिस्तान में फिर कांपी धरती, फिर महसूस हुए 4.6 तीव्रता के झटके

2023-10-13T04:34+0200india (en)

अफगानिस्तान में लगातार भूंकप के झटके आ रहे हैं. आज सुबह एक बार फिर अफगानिस्तान भूकंप के झटकों से दहल गया. Earthquake In Afghanistan : अफगानिस्तान में लगातार भूंकप के झटके आ रहे हैं. आज सुबह एक बार फिर अफगानिस्तान भूकंप के झटकों से दहल गया. इस बार आए भूकंप की तीव्रता रिक्टर स्केल पर 4.6 मापी गई है. ये भूकंप सुबह 06 बजकर 39 मिनट पर आया.

Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-13T04:31+0200aninews (en)

ANI | Updated: Oct 13, 2023 08:01 IST. Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 13 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 on the Richter Scale jolted on Friday, the informed. It is the second earthquake to have struck the impoverished nation this week. According to NCS , the tremors shook the country at 6:39 am (IST) on Friday at a depth of 50 kilometres.

02:16 Puerto Vallarta registra sismo de 4.0 de magnitud

2023-10-13T04:19+0200infobae (es)

De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el sismo sucedió este 12 de octubre a las 11:36 hora local (17:36 UTC), con un epicentro de 299 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Jalisco. Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención....

90% of those killed by Afghanistan earthquake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-13T03:45+0200wn (en)

More than 90 per cent of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Afghan women mourn relatives killed in an earthquake at a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province,....

Moderate mag. 4.8 earthquake - Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan, on Friday, Oct 13, 2023 at 5:39 am (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-13T03:21+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 171 km / 106 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Séisme en Afghanistan : Séoul va envoyer une aide humanitaire d’un million de dollars

2023-10-13T03:20+0200kbs-fr (fr)

La Corée du Sud a décidé d’envoyer une aide humanitaire d’un million de dollars à l’ Afghanistan , dévasté par un tremblement de terre d’une magnitude de 6,3 qui a frappé le 7 octobre dernier la province d’Herat. C’est ce qu’a annoncé, hier, son ministère des Affaires étrangères.

World News in Brief: Reducing disaster risk for persons with disabilities, Afghan quake latest, global aid funding off track

2023-10-13T03:14+0200manilatimes (en)

Persons with disabilities face a "shocking lack of support" with no progress in the last decade, despite a huge increase in climate disasters worldwide, the new UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction ( UNDRR ) report states, and that lack of progress could be a violation of international law.

Sputnik journalist injured, family members killed in Ukrainian strike

2023-10-13T03:13+0200europesun (en)

Producer Khaibar Akifi has suffered severe injuries, with his four-year-old daughter being killed . One of the people injured in a Ukrainian strike on Russia's Belgorod Region on Wednesday has been identified as a Sputnik Afghanistan producer, Khaibar Akifi, the Russian journalistic community confirmed on Thursday.

Sputnik journalist's infant child killed in Ukrainian strike

2023-10-13T03:13+0200europesun (en)

While producer Khaibar Akifi suffered severe injuries, his four-year-old daughter died in the bombing. The four-year-old child, and parents-in-law, of a Sputnik Afghanistan producer were killed in n a Ukrainian strike on Russia's Belgorod Region on Wednesday.

The United States Provides $12 Million in Additional Funding to Respond to the Devastating Earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-13T02:44+0200reliefWeb (en)

In response to the magnitude 6.3 earthquakes that struck northwestern Afghanistan on October 7 and October 11, the United States, through the USAID, is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to meet the urgent needs of the affected people.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-13T02:32+0200devdiscourse (en)

More than 90 per cent of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday.Taliban officials said Saturdays earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province. More than 90 per cent of the people killed by a 6.

Moderate mag. 4.7 earthquake - Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan, on Friday, October 13, 2023 at 00:03 GMT

2023-10-13T02:18+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 170 km / 106 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

US to announce US$12m in aid for Afghanistan following earthquakes

2023-10-13T02:14+0200thesundaily (en)

WASHINGTON : The US is providing US$12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanistan this month that have killed and injured thousands, according to a US Agency for International Development (Usaid) statement seen by Reuters on Thursday.

Afghanistan: Helping Herat Earthquake Victims

2023-10-13T02:07+0200reliefWeb (en)

AFGHANISTAN Population: 41.7 million; People in Need: 24 million. OUR IMPACT People Helped Last Year: 265,246; Our Team: 549 employees; Program Start: 1980. On October 7, at around 11:00 am local time, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan .

'Everything Was Destroyed,' Says Afghan Villager in Quake-Hit Herat

2023-10-13T01:59+0200chosun (en)

Ghulam Ali's wife and daughter are in critical condition after they were pulled from the rubble of their house destroyed in Saturday's earthquake in the western Afghan province of Herat. "My wife broke her hand, leg and hip; and my daughter is with fractured spine," Ali, a resident of the Zindajan district, told VOA.

Emergency Relief Dispatched to Herat Following Devastating Earthquakes

2023-10-13T01:51+0200iom (en)

Geneva/Herat – Teams from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are assisting thousands of people affected by the devastating magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck 40 kilometers west of the city of Herat in western Afghanistan on Saturday claiming an estimated 1,300 lives.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-13T01:43+0200sun-sentinel (en)

An Afghan girl cries in front of her house that was destroyed by the earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western Afghanistan , Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people and....

90% of those killed by Afghanistan earthquake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-13T01:37+0200HindustanTimes (en)

Hundreds of people, mostly women, remain missing in Zenda Jan. The Afghanistan representative for the United Nations Population Fund, Jaime Nadal, said there would have been no “gender dimension” to the death toll if the quake had happened at night. “At that time of the day, men were out in the field,” Nadal told The Associated Press.

Taliban Decline Pakistan's Quake-Related Aid Over Controversial Tweet

2023-10-13T01:37+0200kenyastar (en)

ISLAMABAD - Afghanistan 's Taliban have blocked earthquake-related relief assistance from Pakistan over a controversial social media post by the country's prime minister amid an already strained bilateral relationship, VOA learned Thursday from highly placed official sources.

Rural Afghanistan faces earthquake after earthquake, and more of today's top videos

2023-10-13T01:24+0200wn (en)

Afghans are mourning unimaginable loss as the country....

China provides emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan

2023-10-13T01:21+0200gov-cn-en (en)

BEIJING, Oct. 12 -- The Chinese government is providing 30 million yuan (4.18 million U.S. dollars) of emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan to help the country with earthquake relief work, a spokesperson with the China International Development Cooperation Agency said Thursday.

Taliban Decline Pakistan's Quake-Related Aid Over Controversial Tweet

2023-10-13T01:19+0200myanmarnews (en)

ISLAMABAD - Afghanistan 's Taliban have blocked earthquake-related relief assistance from Pakistan over a controversial social media post by the country's prime minister amid an already strained bilateral relationship, VOA learned Thursday from highly placed official sources.

El nuevo síntoma que se vincula con el alzhéimer temprano: predice quién lo sufrirá en unos años

2023-10-13T01:18+0200elespanol (es)

Actualmente, más de 55 millones de personas sufren algún tipo de demencia en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, en algo menos de 30 años las cifras podrían llegar a triplicarse . Así lo ha advertido la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en distintas ocasiones, que apunta que el número de pacientes llegará a los 152 millones en 2050 .

World News in Brief: Reducing disaster risk for persons with disabilities, Afghan quake latest, global aid funding off track

2023-10-13T01:12+0200globalissues (en)

Persons with disabilities face a “shocking lack of support” with no progress in the last decade, despite a huge increase in climate disasters worldwide, the new UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction ( UNDRR ) report states, and that lack of progress could be a violation of international law.

17,000 people affected by Earthquake in Herat: Dujarric

2023-10-13T00:45+0200pakobserver (en)

The UN Secretary General’s Spokesperson, Stephane Dujarric, said that over 17,000 people and more than 110 villages were affected by the earthquake in Herat. He said that international staff is in the area to assess their needs. “They are trying to assess quickly what is needed, to see what they can bring, what they may already have in country.

Pedro Sánchez y Adolfo Suárez

2023-10-13T00:37+0200diariodelaltoaragon (es)

LO PENÚLTIMO que me quedaba por leer -hay que dejar espacio siempre para otras boutades- es lo que ha escrito Manuel Vicent: por talante, por audacia, por gobernar al borde del abismo y por imaginación, Pedro Sánchez es el político que más se parece a Adolfo Suárez. Si hay que reescribir la historia, se hace.

Rural Afghanistan faces earthquake after earthquake, and more of today's top videos

2023-10-13T00:35+0200wacotrib (en)

Afghans are mourning unimaginable loss as the country continues to be hit with earthquake after earthquake, Ford's largest truck factory is now going on strike, and more of today's top videos. 7 ) updates to this series since 5 min ago. It has finally happened.

Rural Afghanistan faces earthquake after earthquake, and more of today's top videos

2023-10-13T00:33+0200missoulian (en)

Afghans are mourning unimaginable loss as the country continues to be hit with earthquake after earthquake, Ford's largest truck factory is now going on strike, and more of today's top videos. 7 ) updates to this series since 3 min ago. It has finally happened.

'Everything Was Destroyed,' Says Afghan Villager in Quake-Hit Herat

2023-10-13T00:33+0200manilametro (en)

WASHINGTON - Ghulam Ali's wife and daughter are in critical condition after they were pulled from the rubble of their house destroyed in Saturday's earthquake in the western Afghan province of Herat. 'My wife broke her hand, leg and hip; and my daughter is with fractured spine,' Ali, a resident of the Zindajan district, told VOA.

MIL-OSI NGOs: UNICEF launches US$ 20 million appeal to support 96,000 children affected by recent earthquakes in western Afghanistan

2023-10-13T00:28+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

KABUL, 12 October 2023 – Over 90 per cent of those reported killed in Afghanistan ’s recent earthquakes are women and children. In Zinda Jan district alone, over 11,500 people saw their homes completely flattened. With two 6.3-magnitude quakes shaking the region over just five days, and over 1,000....

'Everything Was Destroyed,' Says Afghan Villager in Quake-Hit Herat

2023-10-13T00:27+0200srilankasource (en)

WASHINGTON - Ghulam Ali's wife and daughter are in critical condition after they were pulled from the rubble of their house destroyed in Saturday's earthquake in the western Afghan province of Herat. 'My wife broke her hand, leg and hip; and my daughter is with fractured spine,' Ali, a resident of the Zindajan district, told VOA.

Taliban Decline Pakistan's Quake-Related Aid Over Controversial Tweet

2023-10-13T00:23+0200voanews (en)

ISLAMABAD — Afghanistan 's Taliban have blocked earthquake-related relief assistance from Pakistan over a controversial social media post by the country's prime minister amid an already strained bilateral relationship, VOA learned Thursday from highly placed official sources.

Protect mangroves

2023-10-13T00:21+0200pakobserver (en)

MANGROVE forests, often referred to as Earth’s natural protectors, are under siege in the city of Karachi. While the overall cover of mangroves in the Indus Delta has increased in recent years, the relentless encroachment of these invaluable ecosystems for commercial purposes is causing irreparable damage.

'Everything Was Destroyed,' Says Afghan Villager in Quake-Hit Herat

2023-10-13T00:20+0200singaporestar (en)

WASHINGTON - Ghulam Ali's wife and daughter are in critical condition after they were pulled from the rubble of their house destroyed in Saturday's earthquake in the western Afghan province of Herat. 'My wife broke her hand, leg and hip; and my daughter is with fractured spine,' Ali, a resident of the Zindajan district, told VOA.

Un tsunami en Oriente Próximo

2023-10-13T00:20+0200elindependiente (es)

La incipiente guerra entre Israel y Hamás tiene repercusiones potencialmente devastadoras para la región. El golpe humano, operativo y estratégico infligido por Hamás a Israel y lo que presagia en términos de represalias israelíes puede eclipsar todas las escaladas anteriores desde la invasión israelí del Líbano en 1982.

US to announce $12 million in aid for Afghanistan following earthquakes By Daphne Psaledakis (Reuters) - The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanis... 1h ago

2023-10-13T00:12+0200kelo (en)

By Daphne Psaledakis. (Reuters) – The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanistan this month that have killed and injured thousands, according to a U.S. Agency for International Development statement seen by Reuters on Thursday.

'Everything Was Destroyed,' Says Afghan Villager in Quake-Hit Herat

2023-10-13T00:11+0200northernirelandnews (en)

WASHINGTON - Ghulam Ali's wife and daughter are in critical condition after they were pulled from the rubble of their house destroyed in Saturday's earthquake in the western Afghan province of Herat. 'My wife broke her hand, leg and hip; and my daughter is with fractured spine,' Ali, a resident of the Zindajan district, told VOA.

US to announce $12 million in aid for Afghanistan following earthquakes

2023-10-13T00:06+0200saltwire (en)

By Daphne Psaledakis. (Reuters) - The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanistan this month that have killed and injured thousands, according to a U.S. Agency for International Development statement seen by Reuters on Thursday.

'Everything Was Destroyed,' Says Afghan Villager in Quake-Hit Herat

2023-10-13T00:01+0200nigeriasun (en)

WASHINGTON - Ghulam Ali's wife and daughter are in critical condition after they were pulled from the rubble of their house destroyed in Saturday's earthquake in the western Afghan province of Herat. 'My wife broke her hand, leg and hip; and my daughter is with fractured spine,' Ali, a resident of the Zindajan district, told VOA.

'Everything Was Destroyed,' Says Afghan Villager in Quake-Hit Herat

2023-10-13T00:01+0200myanmarnews (en)

WASHINGTON - Ghulam Ali's wife and daughter are in critical condition after they were pulled from the rubble of their house destroyed in Saturday's earthquake in the western Afghan province of Herat. 'My wife broke her hand, leg and hip; and my daughter is with fractured spine,' Ali, a resident of the Zindajan district, told VOA.

'Everything Was Destroyed,' Says Afghan Villager in Quake-Hit Herat

2023-10-12T23:58+0200cambodiantimes (en)

WASHINGTON - Ghulam Ali's wife and daughter are in critical condition after they were pulled from the rubble of their house destroyed in Saturday's earthquake in the western Afghan province of Herat. 'My wife broke her hand, leg and hip; and my daughter is with fractured spine,' Ali, a resident of the Zindajan district, told VOA.

La Marina Militare in collaborazione con l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

2023-10-12T23:55+0200difesaonline (it)

Il vulcano Stromboli ha prodotto lo scorso autunno un flusso piroclastico e una successiva colata lavica che hanno percorso il ripido versante della Sciara del Fuoco (SdF) fino alla costa. La colata lavica ha scavato un profondo canalone lungo 930 m, largo mediamente oltre 100 m e profondo fino a 70....

'Everything Was Destroyed,' Says Afghan Villager in Quake-Hit Herat

2023-10-12T23:54+0200longbeachstar (en)

WASHINGTON - Ghulam Ali's wife and daughter are in critical condition after they were pulled from the rubble of their house destroyed in Saturday's earthquake in the western Afghan province of Herat. 'My wife broke her hand, leg and hip; and my daughter is with fractured spine,' Ali, a resident of the Zindajan district, told VOA.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, U.N. says

2023-10-12T23:51+0200japantoday (en)

More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

US to announce $12 million in aid for Afghanistan following earthquakes By Daphne Psaledakis (Reuters) - The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanis... 41m ago

2023-10-12T23:46+0200whbl (en)

By Daphne Psaledakis. (Reuters) – The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanistan this month that have killed and injured thousands, according to a U.S. Agency for International Development statement seen by Reuters on Thursday.

US to announce $12 million in aid for Afghanistan following earthquakes By Daphne Psaledakis (Reuters) - The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanis... 31m ago

2023-10-12T23:37+0200wsau (en)

By Daphne Psaledakis. (Reuters) – The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanistan this month that have killed and injured thousands, according to a U.S. Agency for International Development statement seen by Reuters on Thursday.

US Pledges Extra $12M for Afghanistan Earthquake Relief

2023-10-12T23:34+0200miragenews (en)

In response to the magnitude 6.3 earthquakes that struck northwestern Afghanistan on October 7 and October 11, the United States, through the USAID, is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to meet the urgent needs of the affected people.

Press release 3D9EA723-DA22-4F94-B00E-91AA14D9685C@1x Created with sketchtool. 12 October 2023 UNICEF launches US$ 20 million appeal to support 96,000 children affected by recent earthquakes in western Afghanistan Visit the page

2023-10-12T23:32+0200unicef (en)

KABUL, 12 October 2023 – Over 90 per cent of those reported killed in Afghanistan ’s recent earthquakes are women and children. In Zinda Jan district alone, over 11,500 people saw their homes completely flattened. With two 6.3-magnitude quakes shaking the region over just five days, and over 1,000....

US to announce $12 million in aid for Afghanistan following earthquakes By Daphne Psaledakis (Reuters) - The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond t... 23m ago

2023-10-12T23:28+0200wkzo (en)

By Daphne Psaledakis. (Reuters) – The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanistan this month that have killed and injured thousands, according to a U.S. Agency for International Development statement seen by Reuters on Thursday.

US to announce $12 million in aid for Afghanistan following earthquakes

2023-10-12T23:25+0200straitstimesSG (en)

The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanistan this month that have killed and injured thousands, according to a U.S. Agency for International Development statement seen by Reuters on Thursday.

Over 90% of Afgahns killed by quake were women and children, says UN

2023-10-12T23:22+0200nagalandpost (en)

More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

US to Announce $12 Million in Aid for Afghanistan Following Earthquakes

2023-10-12T23:20+0200usnews (en)

(Reuters) - The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanistan this month that have killed and injured thousands, according to a U.S. Agency for International Development statement seen by Reuters on Thursday.

US to announce $12 million in aid for Afghanistan following earthquakes

2023-10-12T23:19+0200thechronicleherald (en)

By Daphne Psaledakis. (Reuters) - The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in Afghanistan this month that have killed and injured thousands, according to a U.S. Agency for International Development statement seen by Reuters on Thursday.

US to announce $12 million in aid for Afghanistan following earthquakes

2023-10-12T23:18+0200reuters (en)

Afghan men stand on the debris of damaged houses after the recent earthquake, in the district of Zinda Jan, in Herat, Afghanistan October 10, 2023. REUTERS/Ali Khara Oct 12 (Reuters) - The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to earthquakes in....

¿Sabías que un chileno 'compró' la Luna a 1 dólar? Conoce 18 curiosidades de Chile

2023-10-12T23:14+0200larepublica-pe (es)

Jenaro Gajardo Vera, abogado, es dueño desde antes del año 1857, uniendo su posesión a la de sus antecesores, del astro, satélite único de la Tierra, de un diámetro de 3.475.00 kilómetros, denominada Luna; y cuyos deslindes por ser esferoidal son: norte, sur, oriente y poniente, espacio sideral.

'Everything Was Destroyed,' Says Afghan Villager in Quake-Hit Herat

2023-10-12T23:11+0200voanews (en)

WASHINGTON — Ghulam Ali's wife and daughter are in critical condition after they were pulled from the rubble of their house destroyed in Saturday's earthquake in the western Afghan province of Herat. "My wife broke her hand, leg and hip; and my daughter is with fractured spine," Ali, a resident of the Zindajan district, told VOA.

US to announce $12 million in aid for Afghanistan following earthquakes

2023-10-12T23:08+0200streetinsider (en)

Afghan men stand on the debris of damaged houses after the recent earthquake, in the district of Zinda Jan, in Herat, Afghanistan October 10, 2023. REUTERS/Ali Khara. By Daphne Psaledakis. (Reuters) - The United States is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to respond to....

China’s global leap

2023-10-12T23:07+0200WashingtonPost (en)

China funded much of the new infrastructure that transformed Laos. But the land-locked country of 7.5 million is in economic distress because of its debt. By and Ore Huiying October 12, 2023. Amid the horrific stories of death in southern Israel, migrant workers from Thailand and the Philippines....

UNICEF Seeks $20M to Aid 96K Earthquake-Affected Afghan Kids

2023-10-12T22:58+0200miragenews (en)

Over 90 per cent of those reported killed in Afghanistan 's recent earthquakes are women and children. In Zinda Jan district alone, over 11,500 people saw their homes completely flattened. With two 6.3-magnitude quakes shaking the region over just five days, and over 1,000 people killed [1] , there....

Cerca notizie per 'atlas'

2023-10-12T22:48+0200verbanianotizie (it)

- 30 Maggio 2022 - 08:01 Il fumo di tabacco rappresenta secondo l’OMS (Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità) la seconda causa di morte nel mondo e la principale causa di morte evitabile. - 8 Maggio 2020 - 08:01 Quasi senza accorgerci, siamo giunti al mese in cui la natura si ridesta dopo la....

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T22:35+0200startribune (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

Sputnik journalist's infant child killed in Ukrainian strike

2023-10-12T22:32+0200kenyastar (en)

While producer Khaibar Akifi suffered severe injuries, his four-year-old daughter died in the bombing. The four-year-old child, and parents-in-law, of a Sputnik Afghanistan producer were killed in n a Ukrainian strike on Russia's Belgorod Region on Wednesday.

Sputnik journalist's infant child killed in Ukrainian strike

2023-10-12T22:29+0200wn (en)

While producer Khaibar Akifi suffered severe injuries, his four-year-old daughter died in the bombing. The four-year-old child, and parents-in-law, of a Sputnik Afghanistan producer were killed in n a Ukrainian strike on Russia’s Belgorod Region on Wednesday.

UNICEF launches US$ 20 million appeal to support 96,000 children affected by recent earthquakes in western Afghanistan

2023-10-12T22:20+0200reliefWeb (en)

Over the next three months, life-saving humanitarian assistance will reach over 200,000 people including 96,000 children living in the most devastated and vulnerable areas of Herat province. KABUL, 12 October 2023 Over 90 per cent of those reported killed in Afghanistan ’s recent earthquakes are women and children.

6.3 magnitude earthquake rattles western Afghanistan

2023-10-12T22:19+0200azertag (en)

Baku, October 11, AZERTAC A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan ’s western province of Herat early Wednesday, Anadolu Agency reports citing the US Geological Survey. The earthquake, which occurred at 5.41 a.m. local time (0111GMT), came days after a similar earthquake hit the region.

CrisisInSight Weekly Picks, 12 October 2023

2023-10-12T22:13+0200reliefWeb (en)

Afghanistan . Since the earthquake that struck Herat province on 7 October 2023, several powerful tremors and aftershocks have continued to affect parts of the country. As at 10 October, the impact had affected over 12,000 people, killed over 2,000, and injured up to 4,000.

Pakistani Authorities hinder aid collection for Herat earthquake victims: Manzoor Pashteen

2023-10-12T22:06+0200wn (en)

Manzoor Pashteen, leader of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement, revealed Thursday that Pakistani authorities have prevented his group from gathering aid for earthquake victims in Herat, Afghanistan . He criticized the Pakistani government for hindering “the expression of Pashtun humanity.” Mr.

Unprecedented Lightning Storm Ignited by Hunga Volcano Eruption

2023-10-12T21:57+0200miragenews (en)

Just beneath the surface of the south Pacific Ocean lies the Hunga volcano. Part of the Tonga archipelago and north of Tonga's main island Tongatapu, Hunga lies in a very active seismic zone and has erupted four times since 1988, most recently in 2022.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T21:45+0200nzherald (en)

An Afghan girl cries in front of her house that was destroyed in the earthquake. Photo / AP More than 90 per cent of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, UN officials reported Thursday.

La ciudad de Mina Collahuasi percibe temblor de magnitud 2.6

2023-10-12T21:27+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del sismo fue a 32.0 kilómetros al Noreste de la localidad, en -20.616 grados de latitud y -68.445 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 153.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue....

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T21:16+0200news-herald (en)

By RIAZAT BUTT (Associated Press) ISLAMABAD — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

Le ministère azerbaïdjanais des Affaires étrangères présente ses condoléances aux familles des victimes du séisme en Afghanistan

2023-10-12T21:05+0200azertag-fr (fr)

Bakou, 9 octobre, AZERTAC Le Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République d’Azerbaïdjan a exprimé ses condoléances aux familles de ceux qui avaient perdu la vie lors du récent tremblement de terre en Afghanistan . Nous sommes profondément attristés par la nouvelle du séisme dévastateur à Herat,....

Un puissant tremblement de terre frappe l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-12T21:05+0200azertag-fr (fr)

Bakou, 11 octobre, AZERTAC Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 a secoué l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan le mercredi 11 octobre, selon le Centre sismologique euro-méditerranéen. Le séisme de mercredi s’est produit à une faible profondeur aux alentours de 5h10 du matin, avec son épicentre situé à environ 31 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat.

India Odisha govt asks officials to go for palm tree, mangrove plantation drive About 5 hours ago

2023-10-12T20:46+0200devdiscourse (en)

Odisha govt asks officials to go for palm tree, mangrove plantation drive The Odisha government has asked its agriculture and forest departments to go for a massive mangrove and palm tree plantation drive in areas, which are vulnerable to natural calamities like cyclones, officials said on Thursday.

Zaniolo e Tonali, notifica degli atti della Procura di Torino a Coverciano: "Ora lasciano il ritiro dell'Italia"

2023-10-12T20:46+0200cronacaqui (it)

Lo tsunami Fabrizio Corona sul calcio italiano sta sortendo i suoi primi effetti. La Procura di Torino, infatti, per vederci chiaro, ha inviato alcuni agenti di Polizia a consegnare nelle mani di Zaniolo e Tonali a Coverciano la notifica dell'indagine in corso a loro carico.

Afghanistan Earthquake in Herat Province, Health Situation Report No. 6, 12 October 2023

2023-10-12T20:40+0200reliefWeb (en)

Highlights 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the western region in Afghanistan on 7 October 2023. Another 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Herat at5:11amon11 October, followed by at least three aftershocks. At least, 17,000 people have been affected across five districts: Zindajan, Gulran,....

New Powerful Earthquake Strikes Herat Province, Urgent Aid Needed for Thousands October 12, 2023 Another powerful earthquake struck Herat province in western Afghanistan on October 11, 2023, leaving thousands more residents in dire need of aid. The magnitude 6.

2023-10-12T20:22+0200care (en)

Another powerful earthquake struck Herat province in western Afghanistan on October 11, 2023, leaving thousands more residents in dire need of aid. The magnitude 6.3 quake struck near the city of Herat, the provincial capital, with impacts felt across the region.

Sisma Afghanistan, l'Ue invia 3,5 milioni di aiuti umanitari

2023-10-12T20:19+0200ilgiornaledellaprotezionecivile (it)

Attualmente, i bisogni più grandi sono quelli di tende, strumentazione medica di soccorso, l'accesso all'acqua potabile e la pulizia dell'area colpita dalle recenti siccità. , l' Unione Europea ha deciso di stanziare aiuti umanitari per un valore di 3,5 milioni di euro per rispondere in modo urgente ai bisogni della popolazione colpita.

World News in Brief: Reducing disaster risk for persons with disabilities, Afghan quake latest, global aid funding off track

2023-10-12T19:57+0200un-news (en)

Persons with disabilities face a “shocking lack of support” with no progress in the last decade, despite a huge increase in climate disasters worldwide, the new UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction ( UNDRR ) report states, and that lack of progress could be a violation of international law.

Et maintenant, quid de la joue gauche?

2023-10-12T19:57+0200causeur (fr)

La guerre entre Israël et le Hamas fait craindre l’avènement d’un choc des civilisations plus général et plus sinistre encore. Nous autres, enfants de l’Occident chrétien, nous avons été nourris de ce précepte d’humilité et de parfaite résilience suivant lequel lorsqu’on reçoit une gifle sur la joue....

Times when India successfully evacuated its citizens during crisis

2023-10-12T19:54+0200indiatoday (en)

India announced its 'Operation Ajay' to evacuate Indians from conflict-hit Israel on Wednesday. The multi-pronged attacks against Israel by Hamas militants from Gaza since October 7 and the subsequent Israeli retaliation have left over 2,000 dead. As per the Ministry of External Affairs, around 18,000 Indians are currently residing in Israel.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.6 en Calama

2023-10-12T19:50+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del temblor, según el CNS, fueron a -21.821 grados de latitud y -68.681 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Liguria, torna nelle piazze “Io non rischio”: un weekend per con la protezione civile per imparare ad affrontare le emergenze

2023-10-12T19:35+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Genova - Formare cittadini consapevoli sui rischi naturali, e su quelli causati dalla mano dell’uomo, per sapere come agire in caso di terremoto, maremoto, alluvione e incendio. E trasformare la conoscenza in azione. Torna con l’obiettivo di informare la cittadinanza sulle misure da adottare in caso....

Tsunami Fabrizio Corona sul calcio: "Non solo Fagioli, ecco chi scommette"

2023-10-12T19:34+0200cronacaqui (it)

Tsunami Fabrizio Corona sul mondo del calcio italiano. Qualche mese fa l’ex re dei paparazzi aveva già tirato in ballo nelle proprie dirette sui social il nome di Fagioli «È ludopatico, ha un milione di euro di debiti» , aveva detto. Proprio per questo giovedì pomeriggio 12 ottobre l’ex marito di....

Simulacro de sismo y tsunami de borde costero regional

2023-10-12T19:27+0200onemi (es)

– En una construcción no sismo resistente, identifica una Zona de Seguridad al exterior del inmueble, alejada de edificios, postes y cables. Es necesario considerar que en construcciones no sismo resistentes, el riesgo mayor es el colapso de la estructura y por lo tanto no hay lugares seguros en su interior.

“Io non rischio”: buone pratiche di protezione civile

2023-10-12T19:22+0200settimanalelancora (it)

Acqui Terme. Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche il Piemonte partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

World News in Brief: Reducing disaster risk for persons with disabilities, Afghan quake latest, global aid funding off track

2023-10-12T19:17+0200un-org (en)

Persons with disabilities face a “shocking lack of support” with no progress in the last decade, despite a huge increase in climate disasters worldwide, the new UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction ( UNDRR ) report states, and that lack of progress could be a violation of international law.

Desenmascaran al presidente Petro; se “lava las manos” y “enloda” a Israel para tapar su “apoyo” a Hamás: “Es un terrorista”

2023-10-12T19:08+0200semana (es)

Vicky en Semana Desenmascaran al presidente Petro; se “lava las manos” y “enloda” a Israel para tapar su “apoyo” a Hamás: “Es un terrorista” El jefe de Estado colombiano ha dado mucho de qué hablar por su postura sobre la guerra en Gaza. El presidente Gustavo Petro ha sido tendencia durante los....

Crisis upon crisis: Devastating earthquakes strike Afghanistan as IFRC calls for urgent support

2023-10-12T19:06+0200reliefWeb (en)

Kabul/Kuala Lumpur/Geneva, 12 October Afghanistan faces an escalating humanitarian crisis following a devastating series of earthquakes. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) urgently reiterates its call for immediate action and international support,....

17,000 People Affected by Earthquake in Herat: Dujarric

2023-10-12T19:00+0200tolonews (en)

The UN Secretary General’s Spokesperson, Stephane Dujarric, said that over 17,000 people and more than 110 villages were affected by the earthquake in Herat. He said that international staff is in the area to assess their needs. “They are trying to assess quickly what is needed, to see what they can bring, what they may already have in country.

Global World News in Brief: Reducing disaster risk for persons with disabilities, Afghan quake latest, global aid funding off track About 2 minutes ago

2023-10-12T18:58+0200devdiscourse (en)

World News in Brief: Reducing disaster risk for persons with disabilities, Afghan quake latest, global aid funding off track SHARE; The world must act on "unacceptable failures" to protect persons with disabilities from the damaging impact of living through a natural disaster, the UN office dealing with disaster risk said on Thursday.

UN Targets Disaster Risk Reduction for Disabled, Afghan Quake Update

2023-10-12T18:54+0200miragenews (en)

Persons with disabilities face a "shocking lack of support" with no progress in the last decade, despite a huge increase in climate disasters worldwide, the new UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction ( UNDRR ) report states, and that lack of progress could be a violation of international law.

Most of the dead in the earthquake in Afghanistan were women and children

2023-10-12T18:53+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-12 16:43:20 According to the United Nations, mainly children and women died in the devastating earthquakes in Afghanistan . They accounted for 90 percent of the deaths registered so far, said Siddig Ibrahim from UNICEF in Afghanistan on Thursday. “Women and children are often at home, taking care of the household and looking after children.

18:42 | RÉCAP' Drone mortel et Poutine visite un ami au 596e jour de la guerre en Ukraine

2023-10-12T18:51+020020minutes (fr)

La Russie a lancé son « opération militaire » en Ukraine le jeudi 24 février 2022. Tous les soirs, 20 Minutes vous propose son récap du conflit russo-ukrainien qui fait des morts, des blessés et des milliers de réfugiés. Qui a fait quoi ? Qui a dit quoi ? Et qui soutient qui et pourquoi ? Vous....

Vehicles pollution poses threats to living creatures

2023-10-12T18:44+0200urdupoint (en)

The black smoke emitted by brickilns and tsunami of vehicles including rickshaws and wagons have exposed Peshawarities to different health hazards including chest, cough and other seasonal infection. of vehicles including rickshaws and wagons have exposed Peshawarities to different health hazards....

Cambiamento climatico. I dati di Sima sui danni dei disastri ambientali nei primi 6 mesi del 2023

2023-10-12T18:44+0200ecodallecitta (it)

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo il comunicato stampa di SIMA – Società Italiana di Medicina Ambientale in cui vengono illustrati i dati riguardanti i disastri ambientali nei primi 6 mesi del 2023. “Solo nei primi 6 mesi del 2023 i disastri ambientali registrati nel mondo hanno provocato perdite economiche....

Journalist in Severe Condition, Young Daughter Killed in Russia

2023-10-12T18:42+0200themoscowtimes (en)

Journalist Khaybar Akifi was severely wounded in a drone attack that also killed his four-year-old daughter and his wife's parents in Russia's border region of Belgorod, several media officials said. "Right now (Akifi) is in a coma after a Ukrainian drone strike that killed his daughter and his....

Relief Sent to Herat Following Earthquakes

2023-10-12T18:39+0200newsghana (en)

Teams from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are assisting thousands of people affected by the devastating magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck 40 kilometers west of the city of Herat in western Afghanistan on Saturday claiming an estimated 1,300 live s.

Over 90% of people killed in Afghanistan quake were women, children: UN

2023-10-12T18:26+0200business-standard (en)

More than 90 per cent of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, UN officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

18:17 | en première ligne Zaka, une ONG ultra-orthodoxe qui « dort avec les morts »

2023-10-12T18:22+020020minutes (fr)

Munis de leurs gilets jaunes, les bénévoles de Zaka arpentent, aux côtés des autorités les scènes de massacre depuis l’attaque du Hamas. Cette ONG israélienne religieuse, officiellement fondée en 1995, s’est spécialisée dans l’identification des corps de victimes lors de tragédies, en Israël ou ailleurs dans le monde.

'Over 90% of Afghan quake dead were women, kids'

2023-10-12T18:17+0200manilatimes (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan : More than 90 percent of those killed in a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan were women and children, the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) said on Wednesday, as fresh tremors terrorized residents of villages flattened by the disaster. A 6.

90% of people killed in Afghanistan earthquake last week were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T18:09+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MORE than 90 per cent of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan at the weekend were women and children, UN officials reported today. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people in Herat province.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T18:05+0200therepublic (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T18:04+0200tribtown (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T18:02+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

“At that time of the day, men were out in the field,” Mr Nadal said. “Many men migrate to Iran for work. The women were at home doing the chores and looking after the children. They found themselves trapped under the rubble. There was clearly a gender dimension.” The initial quake, numerous aftershocks and a second 6.

Séisme en Afghanistan : la plupart des victimes sont des femmes et des enfants, selon l’ONU

2023-10-12T17:56+0200news-24 (fr)

ISLAMABAD- Plus de 90 pour cent des personnes tuées par un séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan le week-end dernier étaient des femmes et des enfants, ont rapporté jeudi des responsables de l’ONU. Les responsables talibans ont déclaré que le séisme de samedi avait tué plus de 2 000....

New Powerful Earthquake Strikes Herat Province, Urgent Aid Needed for Thousands

2023-10-12T17:54+0200reliefWeb (en)

Another powerful earthquake struck Herat province in western Afghanistan on October 11, 2023, leaving thousands more residents in dire need of aid. The magnitude 6.3 quake struck near the city of Herat, the provincial capital, with impacts felt across the region.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T17:49+0200wral (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

«Ecco la nostra casa devastata dai ladri: Cercavano la cassaforte. Che non c’è»

2023-10-12T17:46+0200laprovinciadicomo (it)

La centralina dell’impianto d’allarme strappata, un faretto in giardino staccato, una persiana distrutta e due camere da letto a soqquadro. È stata più dirompente di uno tsunami l’incursione dei ladri a casa di Morena Sassi e Bruno Turbiglio, entrambi cinquantanovenni, residenti in una villa in via....

Afghanistan earthquake: Over 90% of people killed were women and children, says UN

2023-10-12T17:40+0200standard (en)

officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province. The epicenter was in Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died, 1,688 were injured and every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

Reduced conflict, ongoing challenges: What does NGO safety look like in Afghanistan right now? (12 October 2023)

2023-10-12T17:39+0200reliefWeb (en)

The change of government and Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) takeover in August 2021 has led to a significant decrease in conflict, allowing NGOs considerable space to operate. But for NGOs seeking to help people in need, challenges remain. On 15 August 2021, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan....

Terremoto in Afghanistan: un popolo in ginocchio

2023-10-12T17:39+0200paeseitaliapress (it)

Due forti scosse di terremoto hanno colpito migliaia di persone in Afghanistan tra il 7 e l’11 ottobre. Le scosse hanno raso al suolo interi villaggi nella parte occidentale del paese, uccidendo oltre mille persone.UNHCR è in Afghanistan da oltre 35 anni e fin dai primi istanti ci siamo attivati per....

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T17:34+0200dailyjournal (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

Settimana della protezione civile: a Fossacesia i volontari distribuiscono il vademecum sulle emergenze

2023-10-12T17:24+0200chietitoday (it)

I volontari del gruppo comunale saranno presenti venerdì 13 ottobre nel piazzale L'Aquila per distribuire opuscoli con i consigli da seguire in caso di emergenze Domani, 13 ottobre, in occasione della 5^ edizione della Settimana nazionale della protezione civile, istituita nel 2019 in....

China provides emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan

2023-10-12T17:19+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese government is providing 30 million yuan (4.18 million U.S. dollars) of emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan to help the country with earthquake relief work, a spokesperson with the China International Development Cooperation Agency said Thursday.

China provides emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan

2023-10-12T17:19+0200china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese government is providing 30 million yuan (4.18 million U.S. dollars) of emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan to help the country with earthquake relief work, a spokesperson with the China International Development Cooperation Agency said Thursday.

Elan Béarnais : « Même si on a un budget, on n’a peut-être pas une équipe », prévient Eric Bartecheky

2023-10-12T17:18+0200sudouest (fr)

« On fait face à la réalité d’une situation. On part d’une feuille blanche. Il faudra reconstruire, se découvrir. » Seul rescapé de l’époque américaine puis de l’ère Ménard, Ada Sané en appelle à la patience. Car il en faudra pour cet élan « next gen », renouvelé dans sa quasi-intégralité et relégué....

China provides emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan

2023-10-12T17:16+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese government is providing 30 million yuan (4.18 million U.S. dollars) of emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan to help the country with earthquake relief work, a spokesperson with the China International Development Cooperation Agency said Thursday.

Russie: trois personnes, dont une enfant, tuées par les débris d'un drone ukrainien

2023-10-12T17:16+0200rmc-bfmtv (fr)

Trois personnes, dont une enfant en bas âge, ont été tuées dans la région russe de Belgorod, frontalière de l'Ukraine, après la chute de débris d'un drone abattu sur des bâtiments d'habitation, a annoncé jeudi son gouverneur. "La défense antiaérienne dans la région de Belgorod a abattu un drone qui....

Western University operating engineers on strike

2023-10-12T17:11+0200barrie (en)

A 12-member union at Western University is on strike. Members of Local 772 run the power plant that provides steam to buildings on campus, including University Hospital. The previous agreement between Western University and the International Union of Operating Engineers expired in June.

China provides emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan

2023-10-12T17:01+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. BEIJING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese government is providing 30 million yuan (4.18 million U.S. dollars) of emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan to help the country with earthquake relief work, a spokesperson with the China International Development Cooperation Agency said Thursday.

More than 90 per cent of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T16:52+0200ctvnews (en)

ISLAMABAD - More than 90 per cent of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, UN officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

Se registra sismo de 4.0 de magnitud en Michoacán

2023-10-12T16:52+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Un terremoto de 7,3 en Japón activa alerta de tsunami

2023-10-12T16:51+0200proycontra (es)

Un nuevo sismo castigó territorio japonés. El sismo se originó a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros y podría provocar un tsunami con olas de hasta tres metros de altura, según la Agencia Meteorológica de Japón. Un fuerte terremoto de 7,3 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió este....

"Io non rischio", sabato 14 ottobre appuntamento sul Pubblico Passeggio con la campagna di sensibilizzazione

2023-10-12T16:48+0200ilpiacenza (it)

“Io non rischio” è un progetto che si svolgerà a livello nazionale il 14 e 15 ottobre per “istruire” la popolazione, tutta, puntando molto sui bambini, alle buone pratiche di protezione civile in caso di terremoto, maremoto, alluvione, frane e anti incendio boschivo. Appuntamento dalle 8 alle 15.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and kids

2023-10-12T16:47+0200wn (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Advertisement 2 Story continues below This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.

Aid agencies call for urgent funds in aftermath of deadly Afghan earthquakes

2023-10-12T16:46+0200streetinsider (en)

A view of damaged citadel of Herat following the recent earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan , October 11, 2023. REUTERS/Ali Khara. KABUL (Reuters) - Aid agencies launched fresh appeals for funds to deal with the fallout of deadly earthquakes in Afghanistan as local authorities called on Thursday for....

Medical teams travel to Herat to aid victims

2023-10-12T16:40+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post HERAT (TOLOnews): The acting minister of public health, Qalandar Ibad, said that in order to reach the victims of the earthquake in Herat, the ministry has deployed nearly 60 health teams including women, in the affected areas. Ibad asked the humanitarian organizations to....

Artistas y modelos: hasta que la muerte (o el arte) los separe

2023-10-12T16:31+0200sevilla-abc (es)

La Fundación Canal narra en una exposición las apasionantes historias de trece parejas de creadores y sus musas-esposas-amantes, que fueron catalizadoras del genio creativo, aunque en ocasiones supuso un tsunami de destrucción A la izquierda, Man Ray. 'El cuello (Lee Miller)', 1929. Man Ray Trust. A la derecha, Lee Miller.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T16:30+0200news-gazette (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

Alan Stivell, ambassadeur de la culture bretonne, publie sa première autobiographie

2023-10-12T16:30+0200maville (fr)

Le 28 novembre 1953 est une date mémorable pour moi. Ce jour-là eut lieu, à la Maison de la Bretagne (à Paris), une conférence sur la harpe celtique […], en collaboration avec mon père. Je joue pour la première fois en public « Pedenn evit Breizh » (Prière pour la Bretagne) . » Alan Cochevelou a 9 ans.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T16:27+0200yakimaherald (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

¿Fin del mundo? Predicciones de Baba Vanga y Nostradamus aciertan y atemorizan

2023-10-12T16:27+0200reduno (es)

A días que se registrara el conflicto entre Israel y la organización política y militar de Hamás, los sismos que han sacudido a regiones como Afganistán y la ola de violencia que ha azotado a varios países del mundo, todos se preguntan qué pasará el 2024.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T16:24+0200wn (en)

More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed ......

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and kids

2023-10-12T16:22+0200torontosun (en)

The maternity hospital in Herat province has cracks that make the structure unsafe. The U.N. Population Fund has provided tents so pregnant women have somewhere to stay and receive care, Nadal said. Many people inside and outside the provincial capital are still sleeping outside, even as temperatures drop.

17:09 Russie Trois personnes, dont une enfant, tuées par les débris d'un drone ukrainien

2023-10-12T16:21+0200lorientlejour (fr)

Trois personnes, dont une enfant en bas âge, ont été tuées dans la région russe de Belgorod, frontalière de l'Ukraine, après la chute de débris d'un drone abattu sur des bâtiments d'habitation, a annoncé jeudi son gouverneur. "La défense antiaérienne dans la région de Belgorod a abattu un drone qui....

Terra Santa, inchiodati alla violenza

2023-10-12T16:20+0200cittanuova (it)

(AP Photo/Hatem Moussa, File) Ora è il tempo delle armi . Il tempo in cui la violenza prende il predominio, ruba la scena. La tragedia raggiunge il climax . E come in ogni tragedia, quando all’ultimo atto tutte le porte si chiudono, quando il destino sembra segnato in modo irreversibile, si diventa ciechi a ogni soluzione .

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T16:14+0200fresnobee (en)

ISLAMABAD. More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T16:11+0200kob (en)

An Afghan girl cries in front of her house that was destroyed by the earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western Afghanistan , Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people and....

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T16:10+0200wftv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

Atmosphere, Vol. 14, Pages 1556: Tracking the Transport of SO2 and Sulphate Aerosols from the Tonga Volcanic Eruption to South Africa

2023-10-12T16:02+0200mdpi (en)

During a volcanic eruption, copious amounts of volcanic gas, aerosol droplets, and ash are released into the stratosphere, potentially impacting radiative feedback. One of the most significant volcanic gases emitted is sulphur dioxide, which can travel long distances and impact regions far from the source.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan …

2023-10-12T16:01+0200wearecentralpa (en)

Afghan women sit in front of their houses that were destroyed by the earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people and....

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T16:01+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

An Afghan girl cries in front of her house that was destroyed by the earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western Afghanistan , Wednesday, October 11, 2023. Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people and....

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:57+0200theargus (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

UN: Majority of Afghanistan earthquake victims are women and children

2023-10-12T15:57+0200vervetimes (en)

ISLAMABAD – More than 90 per cent of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

Sistema de Alerta Temprana: Instalan equipos ante tsunamis en Chimbote

2023-10-12T15:57+0200radionacional (es)

En atención de la posibilidad de emergencias que se pueden presentar por un tsunami en el litoral peruano, la Dirección Desconcentrada de Defensa Civil de la región Áncash, instala en la ciudad de Chimbote (provincia del Santa) el sistema de alarmas para la alerta correspondiente y la evacuación de....

Turkiye provides food, medicines, blankets to Herat quake victims

2023-10-12T15:53+0200pajhwok (en)

KABUL (Pajhwok): Moving swiftly after the devastating earthquake on October 7, Turkiye had dispatched food, medicines, blanket and other necessary items for the assistance of earthquake victims in western Herat province, according to a statement on Thursday.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:45+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:43+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:42+0200lbc (en)

More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, UN officials reported. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:41+0200eveningnews24 (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:41+0200thecomet (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:41+0200eadt (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:40+0200oxfordtimes (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:39+0200impartialreporter (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:39+0200salisburyjournal (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:39+0200thetelegraphandargus (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:38+0200dailyecho (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:38+0200hertsad (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:36+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:36+0200thenorthernecho (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:35+0200irishexaminer (en)

The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures. Women and children were more likely to have been at home when the quake struck in the morning, said Siddig Ibrahim, the chief of the Unicef field office in Herat.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:34+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, UN officials reported. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:34+0200southwalesargus (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:33+0200chesterfirst (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:33+0200edp24 (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN15:30

2023-10-12T15:33+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:32+0200pressandjournal (en)

More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, UN officials reported. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:32+0200yorkpress (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:32+0200newsandstar (en)

Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat. The epicentre was in the Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died and 1,688 were injured, while every home was destroyed, according to UN figures.

More than 90% of people killed by Afghanistan quake were women and children – UN

2023-10-12T15:31+0200thecourier (en)

More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, UN officials reported. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across the province of Herat.

Light mag. 4.0 earthquake - Afghanistan on 2023-10-12 17:50:11 IST

2023-10-12T15:23+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 655 km / 407 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T15:21+0200whig (en)

An Afghan girl cries in front of her house that was destroyed by the earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western Afghanistan , Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people and....

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T15:12+0200independent-UK (en)

More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T15:11+0200actionnewsjax (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

More Than 90% of People Killed by Western Afghanistan Quake Were Women and Children, UN Says

2023-10-12T15:10+0200usnews (en)

An Afghan girl cries in front of her house that was destroyed by the earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western Afghanistan , Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people and....

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan …

2023-10-12T15:09+0200wowktv (en)

Afghan volunteers clean up rubble after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western Afghanistan , Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people and flattened whole villages in....

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T15:09+0200wsoctv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday's earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T15:06+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province.

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says

2023-10-12T15:06+0200apnews (en)

1 of 6 An Afghan girl cries in front of her house that was destroyed by the earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western Afghanistan , Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people....

Moderate mag. 4.5 earthquake - Iran: 396km SSE of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, on 2023-10-12 17:49:54 IST

2023-10-12T14:50+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 783 km / 486 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Afghan Officials Lower Earthquakes' Death Toll

2023-10-12T14:48+0200singaporestar (en)

Islamabad - Afghanistan 's Taliban government Thursday lowered the death toll from a series of recent earthquakes that struck western districts to about 1,000, revising the previous figure of more than 2,000 fatalities. The Afghan Public Health Ministry posted the latest toll on X, formerly Twitter,....

Afghan Officials Lower Earthquakes' Death Toll

2023-10-12T14:41+0200myanmarnews (en)

Islamabad - Afghanistan 's Taliban government Thursday lowered the death toll from a series of recent earthquakes that struck western districts to about 1,000, revising the previous figure of more than 2,000 fatalities. The Afghan Public Health Ministry posted the latest toll on X, formerly Twitter,....

BACOLI/ Campagna informativa “Io non Rischio”: gazebo in villa comunale e presso il Parco Borbonico

2023-10-12T14:41+0200cronacaflegrea (it)

BACOLI – Anche a Bacoli si celebrano le Giornate nazionali di “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di Protezione civile”, la campagna sulle azioni con cui ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi.

Afghan Officials Lower Earthquakes' Death Toll

2023-10-12T14:33+0200longbeachstar (en)

Islamabad - Afghanistan 's Taliban government Thursday lowered the death toll from a series of recent earthquakes that struck western districts to about 1,000, revising the previous figure of more than 2,000 fatalities. The Afghan Public Health Ministry posted the latest toll on X, formerly Twitter,....

Afghan Officials Lower Earthquakes' Death Toll

2023-10-12T14:28+0200kenyastar (en)

Islamabad - Afghanistan 's Taliban government Thursday lowered the death toll from a series of recent earthquakes that struck western districts to about 1,000, revising the previous figure of more than 2,000 fatalities. The Afghan Public Health Ministry posted the latest toll on X, formerly Twitter,....

MIL-OSI USA: Snap Shot: How Will Organisms Adapt to Climate Change?

2023-10-12T14:22+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

The world’s oceans have experienced record heat in 2023. With rising temperatures and increasing acidification, we don’t yet know the full extent these changes will have on marine ecosystems. UConn Department of Marine Sciences Associate Professor Hannes Baumann studies fish, including important....

‘The wrath of God’: Afghans mourn unimaginable loss from quake

2023-10-12T14:21+0200japantimes (en)

ZINDA JAN DISTRICT, Afghanistan – Wails echoed across what was left of the village when the ambulance arrived. Inside was the body of a 12-year-old girl, Roqia. She had died in a nearby hospital Tuesday morning, days after a devastating earthquake hit this stretch of northwestern Afghanistan and sent her mud-brick home crashing down on top of her.

As the brutality of war unfolds, let us pray for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem | Opinion

2023-10-12T14:19+0200miamiherald (en)

We recently wished our Jewish friends a happy new year. But just days into the Jewish New Year, and while we were still celebrating, Israel was thrust into yet another war. So far, the new year hasn’t been very happy. In fact, the news of this war, seemingly more brutal than ever, has made me more aware of what we have here in the United States.

Afghan Officials Lower Earthquakes' Death Toll

2023-10-12T14:13+0200srilankasource (en)

Islamabad - Afghanistan 's Taliban government Thursday lowered the death toll from a series of recent earthquakes that struck western districts to about 1,000, revising the previous figure of more than 2,000 fatalities. The Afghan Public Health Ministry posted the latest toll on X, formerly Twitter,....

Afghan Officials Lower Earthquakes' Death Toll

2023-10-12T14:12+0200nigeriasun (en)

Islamabad - Afghanistan 's Taliban government Thursday lowered the death toll from a series of recent earthquakes that struck western districts to about 1,000, revising the previous figure of more than 2,000 fatalities. The Afghan Public Health Ministry posted the latest toll on X, formerly Twitter,....

Guerre entre le Hamas et Israël : qu'est-ce que Zaka, cette ONG israélienne qui a donné les premiers décomptes de victimes ?

2023-10-12T14:04+0200francetvinfo (fr)

C'est un nom qui apparaît après la plupart des attentats en Israël, depuis les années 90 : Zaka. Et c'est cet organisme qui, le premier, a donné le nombre de victimes de l'attaque contre une rave party par le Hamas , samedi 7 octobre, près de la bande de Gaza.

En graphisme | La science des tremblements de terre, expliquée

2023-10-12T14:01+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Des volontaires afghans nettoient mercredi les décombres après un tremblement de terre dans le district de Zenda Jan, dans la province d’Herat, à l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan . PA. « Nous avons tellement peur que nous ne sommes pas rentrés depuis des jours.

Scuola Pyhtagoras, nessuna verifica tecnica in alcune delle aule provvisorie

2023-10-12T13:48+0200reggiotoday (it)

Non in tutte le aule dell'Ic Alvaro-Scopelliti dove, per ordinanza del sindaco, dovranno essere temporaneamente ospitati alunni e docenti della scuola media Pythagoras chiusa, sono state condotte le verifiche di vulnerabilità sismica - le stesse che hanno rilevato parametri non a norma nel plesso di Ravagnese.

Afghan Officials Lower Earthquakes' Death Toll

2023-10-12T13:38+0200voanews (en)

Islamabad — Afghanistan 's Taliban government Thursday lowered the death toll from a series of recent earthquakes that struck western districts to about 1,000, revising the previous figure of more than 2,000 fatalities. The Afghan Public Health Ministry posted the latest toll on X, formerly Twitter,....

Se siente temblor de magnitud 2.5 en la ciudad de Mina Collahuasi

2023-10-12T13:33+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del sismo se registraron a -21.053 grados de latitud y -69.017 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de Tras un....

Afghanistan - Earthquakes, update (DG ECHO, UN OCHA, GDACS, NRC, UNITAR-UNOSAT, Copernicus EMSR) (ECHO Daily Flash of 12 October 2023)

2023-10-12T13:31+0200reliefWeb (en)

After the recent 6.3 M earthquake that occurred on 11 October in Herat Province, one person died and 140 people have been injured, all in Herat City and Injil District, as reported by UN OCHA. Several villages across the Districts of Gulran, Injil and Kush sustained damage following the earthquake.

Thousands of Afghans out in cold after deadly quakes

2023-10-12T13:25+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post HEART (AFP): Thousands of Afghans who survived a powerful earthquake that killed more than 2,00 people were bracing for a winter of homelessness, as rescuers made last-ditch efforts to find survivors. Volunteers have worked with spades and pickaxes in Herat province since Saturday’s deadly magnitude 6.

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 3.7 en la ciudad de Quillagua

2023-10-12T13:25+0200infobae (es)

La información oficial del CNS señala que el sismo comenzó a las 07:58 horas (hora local) de este jueves 12 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

13:12Disastri ambientali, Sima: nel 2023 costati 184 mld di euro

2023-10-12T13:19+0200energiaoltre (it)

Solo nei primi 6 mesi del 2023 i disastri ambientali registrati nel mondo hanno provocato perdite economiche per complessivi 184 miliardi di euro e ben 62mila vittime: in media oltre 1 miliardo di euro di danni e 342 vittime ogni giorno, il dato più alto dal 2010.

Disastri ambientali, SIMA: nel 2023 costati 184 miliardi di euro

2023-10-12T13:19+0200meteoweb (it)

Solo nei primi 6 mesi del 2023 i disastri ambientali registrati nel mondo hanno provocato perdite economiche per complessivi 184 miliardi di euro e ben 62mila vittime: in media oltre 1 miliardo di euro di danni e 342 vittime ogni giorno, il dato più alto dal 2010.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Cd Hidalgo

2023-10-12T13:06+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Ucraina, Zelensky ringrazia Stati Uniti per nuovi aiuti militari

2023-10-12T13:01+0200zazoom-it (it)

Zelensky in Israele. Unità occidentale sull’Ucraina e contro Hamas; DIRETTA Ucraina - Zelensky prepara visita solidarietà in Israele? Ucraina - Zelensky : "Pronto a ricandidarmi se la guerra proseguirà" | Usa : nuovi aiuti militari da 200 milioni di dollari all'Ucraina; Ucraina - Zelensky a....

Kazakh Rescuers Clear Debris at 76 Sites in Aftermath of Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-12T12:59+0200astanatimes (en)

ASTANA – Kazakh rescuers have combed debris at 76 sites over the first 24 hours of work in quake-hit Afghanistan , the Kazakh Ministry of Emergency Situations reported on Oct. 11. According to the ministry, rescuers continue to clear the rubble in the village of Naibrofi, Herat province.

IO NON RISCHIO – BUONE PRATICHE DI PROTEZIONE CIVILE”Il 15 ottobre 2023 i volontari in piazza Garibaldi a Santeramo in Colle

2023-10-12T12:55+0200radiolaser (it)

Domenica 15 ottobre, anche Santeramo in Colle, partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io Non Rischio – Buone pratiche di Protezione Civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi, l’appuntamento è in piazza Garibaldi.

Afghanistan earthquake: Actor Sonu Sood joins cricketer Rashid Khan to appeal for funds for victims 14 minutes ago

2023-10-12T12:51+0200scroll-in (en)

Afghanistan earthquake: Actor Sonu Sood joins cricketer Rashid Khan to appeal for funds for victims A horrifying earthquake and series of strong aftershocks in Afghanistan’s Herat province destroyed several villages, killing over 2000 people. “The best of people are those who bring most benefit to others.

Sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Jalisco

2023-10-12T12:51+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

MIL-OSI Economics: ASEAN Statement on The Earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-12T12:46+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Recommended Sponsor Painted-Moon.com - Buy Original Artwork Directly from the Artist Source: ASEAN – Association of SouthEast Asian Nations. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) expresses its profound sorrow over the tragic earthquake in the province of Herat in western Afghanistan on....

Sima, in 6 mesi danni ambientali nel mondo per 184 miliardi

2023-10-12T12:38+0200ansa (it)

Solo nei primi 6 mesi del 2023 i disastri ambientali registrati nel mondo hanno provocato perdite economiche per complessivi 184 miliardi di euro e ben 62mila vittime: in media oltre 1 miliardo di euro di danni e 342 vittime ogni giorno, il dato più alto dal 2010.

10:31 Puerto Vallarta registra sismo de 4.3 de magnitud

2023-10-12T12:35+0200infobae (es)

La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el sismo sucedió este 12 de octubre a las 4:08 hora local (10:08 UTC), con un epicentro de 314 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Jalisco. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención....

Tremor TODAY in Peru LIVE, Thursday, October 12: epicenter of the earthquake, according to the IGP

2023-10-12T12:31+0200bullfrag (en)

Peru like Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico , the United States, Canada, among other countries, is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area that concentrates 90% of the planet’s seismic activity They frequently occur....

WFP calls for humanitarian aid amid Afghanistan’s dual disaster

2023-10-12T12:29+0200wn (en)

The World Food Program has described the recent earthquake in Afghanistan as a “disaster on top of a disaster” and called for humanitarian assistance from the global community for the country. An organization official stated on Wednesday in Herat that the earthquake destroyed homes, damaged....

CUORGNE' - In città "Io non rischio": buone pratiche di protezione civile

2023-10-12T12:27+0200247libero (it)

CUORGNE’ – Domenica 15 ottobre anche la città di Cuorgnè partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”, per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre le conseguenze di eventi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.2 con epicentro en Calama

2023-10-12T12:21+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del sismo fue a 18.0 kilómetros al Este de la localidad, en -22.438 grados de latitud y -68.756 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 110.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue....

Nuovo terremoto in Afghanistan di magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-12T12:18+0200ilgiornaledellaprotezionecivile (it)

Dopo la scossa di sabato scorso, 7 ottobre, la terra è tornata a tremare nella provincia di Herat. Non è al momento possibile avere informazioni chiare sul numero di feriti e di danni riportati. Una nuova scossa di magnitudo 6.4 ha colpito nuovamente l' Afghanistan .

Afghanistan Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l’ouest du pays

2023-10-12T12:16+0200lesoirdalgerie (fr)

Un nouveau tremblement de terre, de magnitude 6,3, a frappé hier mercredi à l'aube la province d'Hérat, où des milliers de personnes dormaient dehors pour la quatrième nuit consécutive après que leurs habitations ont été réduites en poussière par le séisme de samedi — de magnitude équivalente — et ses répliques.

Nuovo terremoto in Afghanistan: la situazione è critica

2023-10-12T12:13+0200informazione (it)

Un nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l' Afghanistan nordoccidentale, con epicentro a circa 29 km a Nord di Herat . Questo evento sismico segue il violento terremoto dello stesso grado che ha devastato la stessa regione il 7 ottobre. Non è ancora chiaro l'impatto di questo nuovo sisma, ma....

INCOIS conducts mock tsunami exercise on west coast

2023-10-12T12:03+0200thehindu (en)

Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) conducted a second tsunami mock exercise, this time on the west coast of India including the Lakshwadeep Islands, by simulating an earthquake of an magnitude of 9 off the Makran Trench off the Iran coast on the Arabian Sea at 11.30 a.m. on Wednesday.

S. Korea to send US$1 mln in aid to quake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-12T11:56+0200yonhap (en)

SEOUL, Oct. 12 (Yonhap) -- South Korea will send US$1 million in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan after a devastating earthquake in a northwestern province last week killed more than 2,000 people, Seoul's foreign ministry said Thursday. The emergency aid will be delivered via the United Nations....

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 3.4 en Tierra Amarilla

2023-10-12T11:52+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -27.973 grados de latitud y -69.19 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Afghanistan Earthquake: Food, Drinking Water and Other Assistance Becomes an Issue

2023-10-12T11:34+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-12T09:34:21.634Z. Highlights: In Afghanistan , two magnitude 7.6 earthquakes with an epicenter in the western part of Afghanistan occurred on May 3. The Taliban's interim government says that more than 2,2000 people have died and about 2000,11 homes have collapsed so far.

UN teams ramp up aid after another earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-12T11:34+0200globalsecurity (en)

11 October 2023 - UN teams have stepped up their response after another strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan early on Wednesday, just days after powerful earthquakes killed over 2,000 people in the same region. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Herat at 5:10 AM (00:40 AM....

Humanitarian Assistance in response to Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-12T11:34+0200globalsecurity (en)

Minister for Foreign Affairs. Joint media release with: The Hon Pat Conroy MP, Minister for International Development and the Pacific; The Hon Tim Watts MP, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs. 11 October 2023. The Australian Government will provide $1 million to support the people of Afghanistan ....

Navy Hospital Ship Departs for Pacific Partnership 2024-1

2023-10-12T11:34+0200globalsecurity (en)

US Navy. 11 October 2023 From USNS Mercy Public Affairs. San Diego -- The Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) departed San Diego, marking the beginning of Pacific Partnership 2024-1, Oct. 10. The U.S. Navy will join allied and partner nation forces for the 19th iteration of....

Inchiodati alla violenza

2023-10-12T11:31+0200cittanuova (it)

Fonte: Città Nuova Si può uscire dalla tragedia della guerra in Terra Santa? Sono le stesse le domande ai due lati del confine. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa, File) Ora è il tempo delle armi . Il tempo in cui la violenza prende il predominio, ruba la scena. La tragedia raggiunge il climax .

En rémission d’un cancer du sein, cette Bretonne a brodé plus de 300 cartes pour Octobre rose

2023-10-12T11:29+0200lemainelibre (fr)

« Le cancer, c’est un tsunami » Elle-même en rémission d’un du sein découvert lors d’une « mammographie de contrôle alors qu’il n’y avait aucun signe », Annick n’avait « pas la tête à broder pendant le traitement ». Non plus quand elle a enchaîné l’opération pour enlever la tumeur « assez importante....

En rémission d’un cancer du sein, cette Bretonne a brodé plus de 300 cartes pour Octobre rose

2023-10-12T11:29+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

« Le cancer, c’est un tsunami » Elle-même en rémission d’un du sein découvert lors d’une « mammographie de contrôle alors qu’il n’y avait aucun signe », Annick n’avait « pas la tête à broder pendant le traitement ». Non plus quand elle a enchaîné l’opération pour enlever la tumeur « assez importante....

En rémission d’un cancer du sein, cette Bretonne a brodé plus de 300 cartes pour Octobre rose

2023-10-12T11:27+0200presseocean (fr)

« Le cancer, c’est un tsunami » Elle-même en rémission d’un du sein découvert lors d’une « mammographie de contrôle alors qu’il n’y avait aucun signe », Annick n’avait « pas la tête à broder pendant le traitement ». Non plus quand elle a enchaîné l’opération pour enlever la tumeur « assez importante....

Navy hospital ship begins annual Pacific Partnership tour of island nations

2023-10-12T11:04+0200stripes (en)

A U.S. Navy hospital ship steamed out of San Diego Bay this week and began making its way across the Pacific, where it plans to stop at island nations as part of an annual disaster preparedness mission. The USNS Mercy leads Pacific Partnership 2024. Equipped with 1,000 hospital beds and a crew of....

Luisa Valenzuela ratifica a sus 85 años su ‘tesón y fidelidad al lenguaje’ Expresiones | 05:29 hrs.

2023-10-12T11:00+0200excelsior (es)

Expresiones Luisa Valenzuela ratifica a sus 85 años su ‘tesón y fidelidad al lenguaje’ La escritora argentina estará en la 31 Feria Internacional del Libro Monterrey y será premiada en Monterrey. Pienso que la relación pasional con la literatura, o con esa escritura que nace de la nada, permanece constante, aunque con diversas variables.

Descubren un ecosistema completamente desconocido bajo el hielo en la Antártida

2023-10-12T10:58+0200noticiasambientales (es)

Un grupo neozelandés de científicos ha encontrado un misterioso ecosistema a 500 metros de profundidad a cientos de kilómetros del borde de la plataforma de hielo del mar de Ross, en la Antártida. Se trata de un ecosistema completamente desconocido, en el que habitan animales de apariencia similar a los camarones.

Lotta ai tumori: Virtus Goti e Art Academy a fianco di ‘Oltre il Rosa la Forza della Vita’

2023-10-12T10:20+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 12 ottobre 2023) Tempo di lettura: < 1 minutoIl 6 ottobre scorso, in occasione del terzo Memorial Pino Carfora che si è tenuto nello stadio Ugo Ievoli di Sant’Agata de’ Goti , la scuola di danza Art Academy ha chiuso la giornata iniziale con una suggestiva rappresentazione coreutica.

Terremoto Afghanistan: seconda scossa di 6.3 a Herat

2023-10-12T10:05+0200unita-news (it)

Intorno alle 5:10 locali dell’11 ottobre, un terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito Herat, in Afghanistan . È il secondo terremoto dopo quello di sabato 7 ottobre che ha interessato la stessa zona. L’Ospedale Regionale di Herat ha ricevuto 117 feriti al pronto soccorso e si prevede che nelle prossime....

La ciudad de Huasco registra temblor de magnitud 2.7

2023-10-12T09:55+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del temblor, según el CNS, fueron a -28.096 grados de latitud y -71.44 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un temblor, checa tu casa en....

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.3 de magnitud en Sonora

2023-10-12T09:48+0200infobae (es)

La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el temblor ocurrió este 12 de octubre a las 1:10 hora local (7:10 UTC), con un epicentro de 72 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Sonora. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención....

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.0 de magnitud en H Guaymas

2023-10-12T09:48+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Sálvame no murió: la nueva era en streaming y al otro lado del charco

2023-10-12T09:46+0200businessinsider-es (es)

Sálvame sigue muy vivo, aunque en forma de spin-off , ya que Netflix estrena un reality llamado ¡Sálvese quien pueda! , donde los colaboradores "hacen las américas". Podrás ver las aventuras de Belén Esteban, Terelu Campos, Kiko Matamoros, Lydia Lozano, Chelo García Cortés, Víctor Sandoval, Kiko Hernández y María Patiño.

Pedro Sánchez y Adolfo Suarez

2023-10-12T09:33+0200madridpress (es)

Si hay que reescribir la historia, se hace. Adolfo Suárez quería llevar España, y lo consiguió, a una democracia a la europea, moderna, con una Constitución de máximo consenso, con separación de poderes, con contrapesos, borrando lo que desunía a los españoles.

La ciudad de El Salvador registra temblor de magnitud 3.8

2023-10-12T09:20+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del temblor, según el CNS, fueron a -25.385 grados de latitud y -69.363 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Campaign launched to 'alleviate pressure on the NHS' ahead of winter

2023-10-12T09:13+0200eveningtimes (en)

The Scottish Government’s Right Care Right Place campaign is designed to help people understand which setting is best for their medical concerns, ahead of the expected increase in demand for the NHS over winter. The campaign will stress that A&E is only for genuine emergencies and point to resources....

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.1 de magnitud en Huixtla

2023-10-12T09:04+0200infobae (es)

La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el temblor ocurrió este 12 de octubre a las 0:31 hora local (6:31 UTC), con un epicentro de 33 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Chiapas. Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de....

Sismo de menor intensidad en las regiones de La Araucanía y Los Ríos 12-10-2023 03:08 Región de la Araucanía, Comuna de Freire, Comuna de Gorbea, Comuna de Loncoche, Comuna de Padre Las Casas, Comuna de Pitrufquén, Comuna de Pucón, Comuna de Temuco, Comuna de Vilcún, Comuna de Villarrica, Región de....

2023-10-12T08:34+0200onemi (es)

Un sismo de menor intensidad se percibió a las 03:05 horas en las regiones de La Araucanía y Los Ríos. Las intensidades en escala de Mercalli son: El Sistema Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres continúa evaluando daños a personas, infraestructura y servicios básicos, cuyo resultado se....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.2 en Panguipulli

2023-10-12T08:23+0200infobae (es)

La CNS señaló que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -39.474 grados de latitud y -72.339 grados de longitud, es decir, a 19.0 kilómetros al Norte de la localidad. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue....

5El terremoto de Indonesia provoca el pánico, aunque la alerta de tsunami ha quedado cancelada

2023-10-12T08:22+0200lavozdigital (es)

Las autoridades de Indonesia han cancelado la alerta de tsunami sobre la isla de Flores activada este mismo martes en la isla de Flores tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,3 grados que ha provocado el pánico entre los residentes de la isla. El hipocentro del seísmo se registró a 18 kilómetros de....

Pedro Sánchez y Adolfo Suarez

2023-10-12T08:21+0200europapress (es)

MADRID, 12 Oct. (OTR/PRESS) - Lo penúltimo que me quedaba por leer -hay que dejar espacio siempre para otras boutades- es lo que ha escrito Manuel Vicent: por talante, por audacia, por gobernar al borde del abismo y por imaginación, Pedro Sánchez es el político que más se parece a Adolfo Suárez. Si hay que reescribir la historia, se hace.

Shopkeepers plead with Scottish Government to act over 'tsunami' of retail crime

2023-10-12T08:18+0200eveningtimes (en)

The Scottish Grocers' Federation (SGF) is calling on the Scottish Government to come up with an “emergency plan” to tackle the surge in retail crime. According to the latest recorded crime statistics, there were 30,202 shoplifting crimes in Scotland in the year ending June 2023, up from 24,877 in the previous year, an increase of 21%.

Comment va se dérouler l'alerte tsunami vendredi à Frontignan

2023-10-12T08:11+0200midilibre (fr)

100 minutes à vivre. C'est le délai qui sera fixé vendredi 13 octobre pour le premier exercice tsunami dans l'Hérault, et précisément à Frontignan. Ce jour-là, le Centre d’Alerte aux Tsunamis, à une heure non précisée, va avertir la Préfecture du département qu'un tsunami (un raz de marée) a été....

“Io non rischio”, il 14 volontari in piazza anche a Caulonia

2023-10-12T08:10+0200ilreggino (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la CIPC di Caulonia partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

Francisco Muro de Iscar Pedro Sánchez y Adolfo Suarez

2023-10-12T08:07+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 11 (OTR/PRESS) Lo penúltimo que me quedaba por leer -hay que dejar espacio siempre para otras boutades- es lo que ha escrito Manuel Vicent: por talante, por audacia, por gobernar al borde del abismo y por imaginación, Pedro Sánchez es el político que más se parece a Adolfo Suárez. Si hay que reescribir la historia, se hace.

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 2.8 en Punitaqui

2023-10-12T08:06+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrose ubicó a 31.0 kilómetros al Suroeste de la ciudad, con coordenadas -71.538 grados de longitud y -30.972 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información....

Ministry: Nearly 60 Medical Teams Travel to Herat to Aid Earthquake Victims

2023-10-12T07:49+0200tolonews (en)

The acting minister of public health, Qalandar Ibad, said that in order to reach the victims of the earthquake in Herat, the ministry has deployed nearly 60 health teams including women, in the affected areas. Ibad asked the humanitarian organizations to cooperate in creating shelters for the....

Karachi losing mangrove cover due to land allotment, Senate panel told

2023-10-12T07:37+0200dawn (en)

KARACHI: While the overall cover of mangroves in the Indus delta has increased over the years, Karachi continues to lose these precious “protected” forests on account of land allotment by the Board of Revenue and the Karachi Port Trust. This was shared during a briefing organised on Wednesday on the....

Tre persone sono indagate per il grave incidente di Mestre

2023-10-12T07:33+0200zazoom-it (it)

Camorra a Boscoreale e Boscotrecase : i Carabinieri arrestano 21 persone (VIDEO) È il risultato di un nuovo studio che collega le emissioni di gas serra legate all’uomo e i cambiamenti negli eventi meteorologici estremi. La crisi del clima - secondo i ricercatori - ha colpito direttamente almeno 1 - 2 miliardi di persone e sono state 60.

Cerca notizie per '“gente di lago e di fiume”'

2023-10-12T07:30+0200verbanianotizie (it)

- 3 Novembre 2014 - 20:26 rischio idrog e ologico Non ho l e tto tutti i comm e nti p e rch e ' sono pigro a qu e st'ora;sono solo l e 19,30,solitam e nt e mi sv e glio e scrivo dopo l e 24. di c e vo non ho l e tto tutti i comm e nti ma mi sono ar e nato sul primo scoglio..

Japan has a multifaceted and impactful role in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) within the IORA - State Minister of Defense

2023-10-12T07:08+0200colombopage (en)

Thu, Oct 12, 2023, 10:13 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) serves as a platform for implementing Disaster Risk Management Oct 12, Colombo: Sri Lanka is highly vulnerable to maritime disasters due to oil spills as Sri Lanka is situated in the busiest....

La French Tech suffoque face au «tsunami» de régulations européennes

2023-10-12T07:08+0200lefigaro (fr)

Une attente interminable. S’ils ne font pas le siège du Palais Bourbon depuis le début de la semaine, plusieurs start-up de la French Tech suivent, inquiets, le débat parlementaire autour du projet de loi visant à sécuriser et réguler l’espace numérique (SREN).

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 3.4 en Socaire

2023-10-12T07:06+0200infobae (es)

La CNS reportó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -23.313 grados de latitud y -66.856 grados de longitud, es decir, a 110.0 kilómetros al Este de la localidad. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información....

05:01 Chiapas registra temblor de magnitud 4.2

2023-10-12T07:06+0200infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 140 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas, con una profundidad de 16.6 km y fue percibido por los vecinos de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace....

Artistas y modelos: hasta que la muerte (o el arte) los separe

2023-10-12T06:55+0200abc-Andalucia (es)

La Fundación Canal narra en una exposición las apasionantes historias de trece parejas de creadores y sus musas-esposas-amantes, que fueron catalizadoras del genio creativo, aunque en ocasiones supuso un tsunami de destrucción A la izquierda, Man Ray. 'El cuello (Lee Miller)', 1929. Man Ray Trust. A la derecha, Lee Miller.

UN teams ramp up aid after another earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-12T06:38+0200manilatimes (en)

UN teams have stepped up their response after another strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan early on Wednesday, just days after powerful earthquakes killed over 2,000 people in the same region. People living in Herat Province, Afghanistan, are coming to terms with the devastation caused to property by the earthquake.

Navy Hospital Ship Departs for Pacific Partnership 2024-1

2023-10-12T06:25+0200pacom (en)

SAN DIEGO The Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) departed San Diego, marking the beginning of Pacific Partnership 2024-1, Oct. 10. The U.S. Navy will join allied and partner nation forces for the 19th iteration of Pacific Partnership, the largest annual multilateral disaster....

Conférence histoire Jeu. 12 Oct. De notre enfance à aujourd’hui : revivons cette multitude de révolutions Cesson-Sévigné

2023-10-12T06:18+0200actu (fr)

Jeudi 12 octobre 2023 de 16h30 à 18h30 De notre enfance à aujourd’hui : revivons cette multitude de révolutions Proposé par Armorhistel Nous avons vécu un véritable tsunami scientifique et technologique qui nous a bouleversés dans toutes les directions depuis la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale :....

Another quake hits Afghanistan, more homes destroyed

2023-10-12T06:14+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Afghan authorities on Wednesday significantly lowered the death toll from a series of quakes that struck western Herat at the weekend to around 1,000. The Taliban government had originally said over 2,000 people had been killed in Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake, centred on rural communities northwest of Herat city.

El Ejército prepara un nuevo simulacro en La Serena

2023-10-12T06:06+0200elobservatodo (es)

La Región de Coquimbo vivirá un nuevo ejercicio de emergencia. Se trata de Volcano XII , una experiencia que organiza el Ejército medir la capacidad de respuesta de los servicios públicos e instituciones que conforman el Comité Regional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (COGRID).

Shopkeeper slashed in horror machete attack backs call for action on 'tsunami' of retail crime

2023-10-12T05:30+0200dailyrecord (en)

An attack left Ilhan Ahmedov soaked in blood (Image: Alexander Lawrie) “We have never experienced such a tirade of retail crime as we have now. “The underlying problem is that the police aren’t doing enough and prosecutions are taking so long that organised crime is coming into convenience at a heavy pace.

MIL-OSI Global News: ASEAN Statement on The Earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-12T05:12+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: ASEAN News The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) expresses its profound sorrow over the tragic earthquake in the province of Herat in western Afghanistan on 7 October 2023, that resulted in the loss of lives, injuries, and extensive damage to properties.

Chinese in Afghanistan donate cash to quake-affected Afghans

2023-10-12T05:08+0200peopledaily (en)

KABUL, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- Afghanistan -based Chinese citizens have collected cash and donated to the quake-affected families in west Afghanistan's Herat province on Wednesday. Donated by 73 Chinese citizens, the cash was handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Afghan caretaker....

02:46 Pijijiapan registra sismo de 4.0 de magnitud

2023-10-12T04:50+0200infobae (es)

El episodio tuvo como epicentro 121 km al suroeste de dicha localidad del estado de Chiapas, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en....

Another strong earthquake flattens homes and worsens misery in western Afghanistan

2023-10-12T04:30+0200wn (en)

Another strong earthquake shook western on Wednesday morning after....

Another strong earthquake flattens homes and worsens misery in western Afghanistan

2023-10-12T04:28+0200whig (en)

A man cleans up rubble after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western Afghanistan , Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people and flattened whole villages in Herat....

Another strong earthquake flattens homes and worsens misery in western Afghanistan

2023-10-12T04:09+0200eagletribune (en)

A man cleans up rubble after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western Afghanistan , Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people and flattened whole villages in Herat....

Women, children in majority among 1,000 killed in Afghan quakes: Unicef

2023-10-12T04:08+0200thenews-pk (en)

HERAT: More than 90 per cent of those killed in a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan were women and children, UNICEF said Wednesday, as fresh tremors terrorised residents of villages flattened by the disaster. The magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit at dawn around 30 kilometres (19 miles) north....

Earthquake Afghanistan: Malteser International provides 100.000 Euro emergency relief

2023-10-12T04:03+0200reliefWeb (en)

Cologne. After the severe earthquakes last night and on Saturday, Malteser International provides 100,000 Euro for emergency relief for the people in Afghanistan . Within a few days there were several severe earthquakes in the province of Herat, three of them with a magnitude of 6.3.

Les hôpitaux de Gaza font face à un « tsunami de blessés » alors que les fournitures et l’électricité s’épuisent

2023-10-12T03:57+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-10-12 04:22:43. GAZA CITY, Gaza —– Om Hamza Mesleh, 45 ans, cherchait désespérément son fils lorsqu’elle a vu un jeune homme portant un corps drapé dans du plastique blanc ensanglanté. «C’est Hamza!» elle a crié. Haletante, Om Hamza, un titre honorifique commun en arabe pour les matriarches qui....

Japan has a multifaceted and impactful role in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) within the IORA - State Minister of Defence

2023-10-12T03:47+0200lankaweb (en)

Ministry of Defence – Media Centre. Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) serves as a platform for implementing Disaster Risk Management. Sri Lanka is highly vulnerable to maritime disasters due to oil spills as Sri Lanka is situated in the busiest Shipping Lane in the IOR and cooperation between....

Estas dos predicciones han causado la alarma internacional

2023-10-12T03:27+0200expreso-press (es)

Entre las predicciones de Baba Vanga y Nostradamus se encuentran terremotos, guerras y consecuencias más graves del cambio climático. MÉXICO.- Entre el conflicto entre Israel y la organización política y militar de Hamás, los sismos que han sacudido a regiones como Afganistán y la ola de violencia....

Iowa U.S. Rep. Miller-Meeks talks Israel, House speaker vote

2023-10-12T03:22+0200wcfcourier (en)

Palestinians in the sealed-off Gaza Strip are scrambling to find safety, as Israeli strikes demolish entire neighborhoods, hospitals run low on supplies and a power blackout is expected within hours. That further deepened the misery of a war sparked by a deadly mass incursion of Hamas militants.

Iowa U.S. Rep. Miller-Meeks talks Israel, House speaker vote

2023-10-12T03:16+0200muscatinejournal (en)

Palestinians in the sealed-off Gaza Strip are scrambling to find safety, as Israeli strikes demolish entire neighborhoods, hospitals run low on supplies and a power blackout is expected within hours. That further deepened the misery of a war sparked by a deadly mass incursion of Hamas militants.

Vast majority of dead in Afghan quakes women and children

2023-10-12T03:15+0200citizen (en)

More than 90 per cent of those killed in a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan were women and children, UNICEF said Wednesday, as fresh tremors terrorised residents of villages flattened by the disaster. The magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit at dawn around 30 kilometres (19 miles) north of Herat....

España tiene Historia

2023-10-12T02:53+0200larazon-es (es)

Si pensamos en catástrofes naturales de la antigüedad , resulta inevitable recordar dos momentos eternos. Por una parte, la erupción del Vesubio, que nos legó Pompeya y Herculano, el mejor conjunto arqueológico de la antigua Roma, y, de otra, el cataclismo de la isla egea de Thera, una de las....

Rep. Steve Scalise nominated for House speaker, Jada Pinkett Smith says she and Will Smith separated in 2016, and more trending news

2023-10-12T02:25+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

Palestinians in the sealed-off Gaza Strip are scrambling to find safety, as Israeli strikes demolish entire neighborhoods, hospitals run low on supplies and a power blackout is expected within hours. That further deepened the misery of a war sparked by a deadly mass incursion of Hamas militants.

Rep. Steve Scalise nominated for House speaker, Jada Pinkett Smith says she and Will Smith separated in 2016, and more trending news

2023-10-12T02:21+0200wacotrib (en)

Palestinians in the sealed-off Gaza Strip are scrambling to find safety, as Israeli strikes demolish entire neighborhoods, hospitals run low on supplies and a power blackout is expected within hours. That further deepened the misery of a war sparked by a deadly mass incursion of Hamas militants.

Cerca notizie per 'terremoto oggi verbania'

2023-10-12T02:17+0200verbanianotizie (it)

- 3 Novembre 2014 - 20:26 rischio idrogeologico Non ho letto tutti i commenti perche' sono pigro a quest'ora;sono solo le 19,30,solitamente mi sveglio e scrivo dopo le 24.Dicevo non ho letto tutti i commenti ma mi sono arenato sul primo scoglio..quello di Kirlyenka che dice che è esage rato....

La ciudad de Talca registra sismo de magnitud 3.2

2023-10-12T01:50+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -71.149 grados de longitud y -35.581 grados de latitud, de acuerdo con datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

6.5 magnitude earthquake hits central Japan

2023-10-12T01:49+0200bullfrag (en)

Meteorological authorities warned residents of possible aftershocks and landslides in the coming days, but said there was no risk of a tsunami. Government spokesman Hirokazu Matsuno told reporters in Tokyo that he had been informed of the death of one person and “multiple buildings collapsed.

UN teams ramp up aid after another earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-12T01:18+0200globalissues (en)

The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Herat at 5:10 AM (00:40 AM GMT) local time, injuring over 100 people, many of whom were taken to hospitals, according to media reports. UN response. UN agencies have stepped up support, deploying teams to assess the damage and assist ongoing humanitarian efforts.

Cienciaes.com : Applications scientifiques des systèmes de navigation par satellite. Nous avons parlé avec Víctor Puente García

2023-10-12T00:53+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Cienciaes.com : Applications scientifiques des systèmes de navigation par satellite. Nous avons parlé avec Víctor Puente García 2022-11-05 20:30:40. Lorsque nous entendons parler de systèmes de navigation par satellite, nous pensons invariablement au GPS et l’usage qu’on en fait quand on veut arriver à un certain endroit sans se perdre en chemin.

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.0 en Monte Patria

2023-10-12T00:26+0200infobae (es)

La información actualizada del CNS señala que el sismo inició a las 18:58 horas (hora local) de este miércoles 11 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un terremoto, checa tu....

22:16 Sismo en México: temblor de 4.0 de magnitud en S Pedro Pochutla

2023-10-12T00:18+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Io non rischio, il 14 e il 15 ottobre, in 74 piazze della Toscana

2023-10-12T00:12+0200nove-firenze (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Regione Toscana partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile” . Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

Se siente sismo de magnitud 2.9 en La Higuera

2023-10-12T00:05+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también detalló que las coordenadas del epicentro del sismo se registraron a -29.416 grados de latitud y -71.074 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Navy Hospital Ship Departs for Pacific Partnership 2024-1

2023-10-11T23:49+0200seapowermagazine (en)

By USNS Mercy Public Affairs San Diego (Oct. 11, 2023) – The Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) departed San Diego, marking the beginning of Pacific Partnership 2024-1, Oct. 10. The U.S. Navy will join allied and partner nation forces for the 19th iteration of Pacific....

Burying their loved ones: earthquake survivors in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T23:27+0200muscatinejournal (en)

More than 2000 people have been reported dead since a 6.3 magnitude quake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. As mourning relatives bury their loved ones, rescuers are still hoping they can find more survivors.

Afghanistan, la trema ancora. Oltre 2mila morti. I terremoti più violenti degli ultimi anni

2023-10-11T23:26+0200newsby (it)

Questa mattina la terra è tornata a tremate in Afghanistan , dopo il sisma di magnitudo 6.3 che sabato scorso ha colpito la provincia occidentale di Herat. Il bilancio è ancora incerto. Secondo il ministero della Salute del regime talebano, i morti sarebbero almeno 2.500 morti e i feriti oltre 9mila .

Cerca notizie per 'bere acqua'

2023-10-11T23:26+0200verbanianotizie (it)

- 3 Novembre 2014 - 20:26 rischio idrogeologico Non ho letto tutti i commenti perche' sono pigro a quest'ora;sono solo le 19,30,solitamente mi sveglio e scrivo dopo le 24.Dicevo non ho letto tutti i commenti ma mi sono arenato sul primo scoglio..quello di Kirlyenka che dice che è esage rato....

Burying their loved ones: earthquake survivors in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T23:24+0200wcfcourier (en)

More than 2000 people have been reported dead since a 6.3 magnitude quake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. As mourning relatives bury their loved ones, rescuers are still hoping they can find more survivors.

Afghan quakes toll revised to 1,000 as new tremors cause panic

2023-10-11T23:23+0200extra-cw (en)

Afghanistan ’s Taliban government downgraded the death toll from a series of earthquakes to “over 1,000” on Wednesday, as fresh tremors panicked residents of villages flattened by the disaster. The latest quake hit at dawn around 30 kilometres (19 miles) north of the provincial capital of Herat,....

Burying their loved ones: earthquake survivors in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T23:23+0200journalstar (en)

More than 2000 people have been reported dead since a 6.3 magnitude quake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. As mourning relatives bury their loved ones, rescuers are still hoping they can find more survivors.

Burying their loved ones: earthquake survivors in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T23:20+0200nwitimes (en)

More than 2000 people have been reported dead since a 6.3 magnitude quake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. As mourning relatives bury their loved ones, rescuers are still hoping they can find more survivors.

Burying their loved ones: earthquake survivors in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T23:19+0200fremonttribune (en)

More than 2000 people have been reported dead since a 6.3 magnitude quake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. As mourning relatives bury their loved ones, rescuers are still hoping they can find more survivors.

New earthquake hits same Afghanistan region

2023-10-11T23:16+0200pri (en)

Wednesday morning, another strong earthquake shook the same region of Herat, Afghanistan , that suffered a massive quake on Saturday. Today's earthquake also was 6.3 magnitude. Host Marco Werman explains more.

Burying their loved ones: earthquake survivors in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T23:15+0200missoulian (en)

More than 2000 people have been reported dead since a 6.3 magnitude quake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. As mourning relatives bury their loved ones, rescuers are still hoping they can find more survivors.

Burying their loved ones: earthquake survivors in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T23:13+0200omaha (en)

More than 2000 people have been reported dead since a 6.3 magnitude quake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. As mourning relatives bury their loved ones, rescuers are still hoping they can find more survivors.

Chinese scientists join Fukushima water review

2023-10-11T23:04+0200citizen (en)

Japan’s prime minister ate what he called “safe and delicious” fish from Fukushima on August 30, days after wastewater was released from the area’s crippled nuclear plant into the Pacific. (Photo by Handout / various sources / AFP) Chinese scientists will this month take part in extensive sampling....

Burying their loved ones: earthquake survivors in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T23:02+0200wacotrib (en)

More than 2000 people have been reported dead since a 6.3 magnitude quake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. As mourning relatives bury their loved ones, rescuers are still hoping they can find more survivors.

Aid trickles into Afghanistan following a disastrous earthquake, which has been overshadowed by the conflict in Gaza

2023-10-11T22:50+0200elpais-en (en)

Afghan emergency teams are still using shovels to dig through the rubble and search for survivors of last Saturday’s earthquakes, which struck the northwest of the country. According to the latest data from Afghanistan ’s Ministry of Public Health, the disaster left at least 2,445 people dead and 2,440 injured.

Another powerful quake hits Afghanistan, days after deadly temblors

2023-10-11T22:40+0200bostonglobe (en)

A powerful earthquake struck Herat province in Afghanistan near the border with Iran early Wednesday, several days after two major quakes in the same area killed more than 1,000 people. The magnitude 6.3 temblor struck northwestern Afghanistan at 5:22 a.m. at a depth of about 6 miles, according to the US Geological Survey.

New earthquake hits same Afghanistan region

2023-10-11T22:32+0200theworld (en)

Wednesday morning, another strong earthquake shook the same region of Herat, Afghanistan , that suffered a massive quake on Saturday. Today's earthquake also was 6.3 magnitude. Host Marco Werman explains more.

MIL-OSI Security: Defense News: Navy Hospital Ship Departs for Pacific Partnership 2024-1

2023-10-11T22:14+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United States Navy. The U.S. Navy will join allied and partner nation forces for the 19th iteration of Pacific Partnership, the largest annual multilateral disaster response preparedness mission conducted in the Indo-Pacific region. This annual maritime humanitarian and civic assistance....

Red earthquake alert (Magnitude 6.3M, Depth:10km) in Afghanistan 11/10/2023 00:41 UTC, 290 thousand (in MMI>=VII).

2023-10-11T22:10+0200gdacs (en)

Afghanistan - Earthquakes (ECHO 11 Oct 2023) Wed, 11 Oct 2023 10:17 A new 6.3 M earthquake at a depth of 9 km, followed by two aftershocks of 5 M and 4.1 M, hit Herat Province on 11 October at 00:41 UTC (05:11 local time). The 6.3 M earthquake was located in Zinda Jan District, 27 km northwest of Herat City and at 14 km south-east of the 6.

China approach offers hope to Afghanistan

2023-10-11T21:48+0200scmp (en)

As one of China’s most troubled neighbours, Afghanistan is clearly on the minds of Beijing officials for good reason. Central government policymakers and diplomats are wise to aim for a balanced approach to the nation and its Taliban leadership that could be the best chance of improving regional security and bilateral relations.

WFP supports earthquake survivors in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T21:46+0200wfp (en)

WFP staff were on the ground in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake. Photo: WFP. In the wake of the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck Herat province, western Afghanistan , on Saturday 7 October, the World Food Programme (WFP) is on the ground providing assistance to survivors.

Herat Earthquake: Flash Update #4 Earthquake in Herat Province, Western Region, Afghanistan 11 October 2023

2023-10-11T21:36+0200unocha (en)

Highlights Another 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan on the morning of 11 October. One person was reportedly killed , and an estimated 140 people injured in the earthquake, which struck 28 kilometres northwest of Herat City.

New earthquake strikes western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T21:26+0200omaha (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Afghanistan 's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday.

New earthquake strikes western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T21:23+0200journalstar (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Afghanistan 's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday.

Afghanistan Earthquake in Herat Province, Health Situation Report No. 5 11 October 2023

2023-10-11T21:22+0200reliefWeb (en)

Highlights. 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the western region in Afghanistan on 7 October 2023 Another 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Herat at 5:11 am on 11 October, followed by at least three aftershocks At least, 11,066 people (1,835 families) have been affected across Zindajan, Gulran, Kohsan and Kushk d/Rabat-e-Sangai Districts.

New earthquake strikes western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T21:21+0200nwitimes (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Afghanistan 's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday.

Afghanistan struck by another earthquake in days

2023-10-11T21:20+0200bolnews (en)

A 6.3 magnitude quake struck 28km north of Herat, causing one death and over 100 injuries. Unicef reports more than 90% of victims were women and children. Western Afghanistan experienced another earthquake , following two recent major quakes that claimed over 1,000 lives in the same area. The most recent quake, measuring 6.

New earthquake strikes western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T21:19+0200wcfcourier (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Afghanistan 's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday.

New earthquake strikes western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T21:17+0200fremonttribune (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Afghanistan 's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday.

New earthquake strikes western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T21:17+0200muscatinejournal (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Afghanistan 's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday.

New earthquake strikes western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T21:14+0200missoulian (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Afghanistan 's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday.

New earthquake strikes western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T21:09+0200wacotrib (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Afghanistan 's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday.

6.3 earthquake strikes Afghanistan region already devastated by massive quake

2023-10-11T21:05+0200insider-com (en)

After a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, aftershocks hit the Afghanistan region. Volunteer gravediggers are helping to set up funerals for the victims. After a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, aftershocks hit the Afghanistan region. Volunteer gravediggers are helping to set up funerals for the victims.

Recyclage: pourquoi les volumes collectés baissent depuis le début de l'année

2023-10-11T20:56+0200latribune (fr)

Le recyclage en 2022 a permis d'éviter d'émettre 24 millions de tonnes d'équivalent CO2 (équivalent des émissions annuelles du transport aérien en France), selon le bilan de la fédération Federec. (Crédits : Reuters) 39,8 millions : c'est le nombre de tonnes de matières premières issues du....

Latest Earthquake in Herat Severely Damaged More Than 20 Villages

2023-10-11T20:27+0200tolonews (en)

Over twenty villages in several districts of Herat province have been seriously damaged in three recent strong earthquakes on in the province on Wednesday. In these earthquakes, one person was killed and over 150 people were injured. The earthquakes completely devastated the village of Chawak in Herat's Injil district.

Caulonia (RC), il 14 e 15 ottobre le giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”.

2023-10-11T20:22+0200ildispaccio (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la CIPC di Caulonia (RC) partecipa all e giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile” Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

Strong New Quake Rattles Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T20:15+0200rferl (en)

Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on October 11, just four days after a major temblor that claimed nearly 3,000 lives, according to Taliban officials. Many died as entire families were buried in collapsing homes in the series of quakes in Herat Province.

Earthquake in Afghanistan: "Tell me how to survive"

2023-10-11T20:06+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-11T18:03:36.862Z. Highlights: Earthquake in Afghanistan : "Tell me how to survive". More than 2000 people have died in severe earthquakes in Afghanistan. Entire villages lie in ruins. Survivors are left with nothing and describe their despair.. SectionRead the video transcriptexpand here.

Most of those killed in Afghanistan earthquakes were women confined at home

2023-10-11T20:04+0200efe (en)

Herat, Afghanistan , Oct 11 (EFE).- Women account for most of the victims of the series of earthquakes that have struck western Afghanistan. Many of them were at home due to the trauma of war or because they were prevented by the Taliban regime from going out of the house.

LOOK: Vast majority of dead in Afghanistan quakes women and children - Unicef

2023-10-11T19:51+0200iol (en)

Herat, Afghanistan - More than 90 percent of those killed in a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan were women and children, Unicef said Wednesday, as fresh tremors terrorised residents of villages flattened by the disaster. The magnitude-6.3 earthquake hit at dawn around 30 kilometres (19....

Papa Francesco: “Il Medio Oriente non ha bisogno di guerra, ma di pace”

2023-10-11T19:49+0200difesapopolo (it)

Papa Francesco ha concluso l’udienza di oggi in piazza San Pietro, dedicata a Santa Giuseppina Bakhita, con un appello per la pace in Medio Oriente. “Continuo a seguire con dolore e apprensione quanto sta succedendo in Israele e Palestina”, ha rivelato durante i saluti ai fedeli di lingua italiana: “Tante persone uccise e altre anche ferite.

Tajani: "Italpress nostra ambasciatrice nel mondo"

2023-10-11T19:47+0200affaritaliani (it)

Italpress festeggia a New York i suoi 35 anni. Tsunami di messaggi da parte di Mattarella e ministri. Dalla Sicilia a New York. L'Italpress ha festeggiato nella Grande Mela un'altra tappa della sua crescita, in occasione del trentacinquesimo compleanno.

Afghans Still Hope to Find Survivors from Quake that Killed Over 2,000 in Western Herat Province

2023-10-11T19:44+0200claimsjournal (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Sora - Io non rischio, sabato e domenica Protezione Civile in piazza

2023-10-11T19:44+0200247libero (it)

Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, l’appuntamento è in Piazza Santa Restituta sia sabato che domenica dalle 10 alle 18. Oltre al punto informativo, anche quest’anno c’è un appuntamento speciale: la piazza digitale #iononrischio2023....

Due giorni dedicati alla protezione civile con “Io non rischio” a Santo Stefano Magra

2023-10-11T19:37+0200cittadellaspezia (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche Santo Stefano di Magra partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

Cerca notizie per 'terremoto vco'

2023-10-11T19:31+0200verbanianotizie (it)

- 3 Novembre 2014 - 20:26 rischio idrogeologico Non ho letto tutti i commenti perche' sono pigro a quest'ora;sono solo le 19,30,solitamente mi sveglio e scrivo dopo le 24.Dicevo non ho letto tutti i commenti ma mi sono arenato sul primo scoglio..quello di Kirlyenka che dice che è esage rato....

UN teams ramp up aid after another earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T19:28+0200urdupoint (en)

UN teams have stepped up their response after another strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan early on Wednesday, just days after powerful earthquakes killed over 2,000 people in the same region.

UN Teams Ramp Up Aid After Another Earthquake Strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T19:25+0200scoop-co-nz (en)

The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Herat at 5:10 AM (00:40 AM GMT) local time, injuring over 100 people, many of whom were taken to hospitals, according to media reports. UN response. UN agencies have stepped up support, deploying teams to assess the damage and assist ongoing humanitarian efforts.

Herat Earthquake: Flash Update #4 Earthquake in Herat Province, Western Region, Afghanistan 11 October 2023

2023-10-11T19:18+0200reliefWeb (en)

Highlights Another 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Herat Province, western Afghanistan on the morning of 11 October. One person was reportedly killed , and an estimated 140 people injured in the earthquake, which struck 28 kilometres northwest of Herat City.

UN teams ramp up aid after another earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T19:11+0200app-en (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 11 (APP): UN teams have stepped up their response after another strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan early on Wednesday, just days after powerful earthquakes killed over 2,000 people in the same region. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Herat at 5:10 AM....

UN teams ramp up aid after another earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T18:55+0200un-org (en)

The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Herat at 5:10 AM (00:40 AM GMT) local time, injuring over 100 people, many of whom were taken to hospitals, according to media reports. UN response. UN agencies have stepped up support, deploying teams to assess the damage and assist ongoing humanitarian efforts.

Oman participates in tsunami exercise

2023-10-11T18:54+0200omanobserver-om (en)

MUSCAT: The Sultanate of Oman on Wednesday took part in the regional exercise “IOWave23” which aims to evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of the early warning system against the danger of tsunamis in the Indian Ocean. The drill was held at regional and national centres in countries adjoining the Indian Ocean rim.

Afghanistan lowers quake death toll to 1,000

2023-10-11T18:41+0200tribune (en)

Afghan authorities on Wednesday significantly lowered the death toll from a series of quakes that struck western Herat at the weekend to around 1,000. The Taliban government had originally said over 2,000 people had been killed in Saturday's magnitude 6.3 quake, centred on rural communities northwest of Herat city.

UN teams ramp up aid after another earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T18:38+0200un-news (en)

The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Herat at 5:10 AM (00:40 AM GMT) local time, injuring over 100 people, many of whom were taken to hospitals, according to media reports. UN response. UN agencies have stepped up support, deploying teams to assess the damage and assist ongoing humanitarian efforts.

MIL-OSI United Nations: UN teams ramp up aid after another earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T18:36+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Nations. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Herat at 5:10 AM (00:40 AM GMT) local time, injuring over 100 people, many of whom were taken to hospitals, according to media reports. UN response. UN agencies have stepped up support, deploying teams to assess the damage and assist ongoing humanitarian efforts.

18:16 Arezzo| 'Io non rischio', il 14 e il 15 ottobre in 74 piazze della Toscana. Oltre 900 volontari

2023-10-11T18:26+0200gonews (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Regione Toscana partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

New deadly earthquake shakes west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T18:24+0200manilatimes (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan : A 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, killing at least one person and causing panic among residents already traumatized by a series of temblors that killed more than 2,000 people last weekend. The dawn quake hit at about 30 kilometers (19 miles)....

Vast majority of dead in Afghan quakes women, children

2023-10-11T18:21+0200newagebd (en)

Medical personnel attend a wounded victim after earthquake in Herat on Wednesday. — AFP photo. More than 90 per cent of those killed in a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan were women and children, UNICEF said on Wednesday, as fresh tremors terrorised residents of villages flattened by the disaster.

Another 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Part of Western Afghanistan TIME 32 minutes ago

2023-10-11T18:20+0200justdial (en)

The magnitude 6.3 earthquake on Wednesday was about 17 miles outside Herat, the provincial capital, and 6 miles deep.

UN teams ramp up aid after another earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T18:18+0200devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; UN teams have stepped up their response after another strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan early on Wednesday, just days after powerful earthquakes killed over 2,000 people in the same region. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of Herat at 5:10 AM (00:40 AM GMT) local....

EURONEWS TODAY | The news for Wednesday, October 11, 2023

2023-10-11T18:15+0200kiratas (en)

The #EuronewsHoy news, presented by Lucía Blasco. ADVERTISING. This Wednesday, October 11, we continue to focus on Gaza. The Israeli army bombed almost a hundred Hamas targets in Gaza this morning. The dead in Israel amount to more than 1,200 after the attack by the Islamist group Hamas, according....

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T18:08+0200polandsun (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 11 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Terremoto in Afghanistan. Kalilah (Medici senza frontiere): “C’è bisogno urgente di alloggi”. Oltre 2.445 morti e 2.440 feriti

2023-10-11T18:06+0200difesapopolo (it)

Secondo i dati ufficiali sono almeno 2.445 i morti accertati e 2.440 i feriti a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 del 7 ottobre nella provincia di Herat, in Afghanistan . Presente sul campo è Yahya Kalilah, capo del programma in Afghanistan di Medici senza frontiere.

Another Quake Hits Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T17:57+0200von (en)

A strong earthquake rattled Afghanistan ’s Western Province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing Authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no details on casualties so far, Disaster Management Spokesman Janan Sayeeq said,....

Sismo de 4.2 de magnitud con epicentro en Coyuca de Benítez

2023-10-11T17:50+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Moderate mag. 4.0 earthquake - 38 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan, on Wednesday, Oct 11, 2023 at 6:37 pm (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-11T17:47+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 656 km / 408 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Nuovo forte terremoto in Afghanistan. Papa Francesco: “aiutare questo popolo già tanto provato”

2023-10-11T17:42+0200farodiroma (it)

Purtroppo un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito oggi l’ Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l’Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’area nei pressi della città di Herat, vicino all’epicentro....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where an earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T17:41+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Afghans bury hundreds of people killed in an earthquake to a burial site, outside a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Saturday's deadly earthquake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Afghanistan: un nuovo terremoto lì dove non c’è più nulla Un’altra scossa ha colpito la zona di Herat dopo il violento sisma di sabato

2023-10-11T17:41+0200osservatoreromano (it)

Kabul , 11. Continua a tremare la terra in Afghanistan , lì dove solo quattro giorni fa la gente aveva visto drammaticamente cancellati affetti, abitazioni, bestiame, spesso unica fonte di guadagno per intere famiglie. Un altro forte terremoto ha infatti scosso oggi, mercoledì 11 ottobre, la parte....

“Cose terrificanti”. Baba Vanga, la nuova agghiacciante profezia sulla guerra in Israele dopo l’attacco di Hamas

2023-10-11T17:39+0200dcnews-it (it)

Baba Vanga è una famosa profeta, nota come la “Nostradamus dei Balcani”. Baba è vissuta in Bulgaria ed è morta nel 1996. In tanti pensano che abbia predetto tantissimi eventi che poi si sarebbero verificati e le sue profezie arrivano fino all’anno 5000.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where an earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T17:38+0200yakimaherald (en)

Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000 people. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake on Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers, or 17 miles, outside Herat, the capital of Herat province <.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Mendoza

2023-10-11T17:38+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del sismo fue a 111.0 kilómetros al Este de la ciudad, en -32.607 grados de latitud y -67.688 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 46.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información....

Another Earthquake Hits Western Afghanistan, Kills One

2023-10-11T17:36+0200tvcnews (en)

Another earthquake has hit western Afghanistan , just days after two large quakes in the same region killed more than 1,000 people. The new 6.3 magnitude quake struck at around 05:10 local time (00:40 GMT) on Wednesday, 28km (17 miles) north of Herat, killing at least one person.

Potere d'acquisto delle famiglie nel 2022 cala dell'1,6%, Codacons: Istat certifica lo tsunami caro-prezzi

2023-10-11T17:36+0200informazione (it)

Nel 2022, a fronte di un aumento del 5,5% del reddito disponibile, il potere di acquisto delle famiglie è diminuito dell’1,6%. Nello… La propensione al risparmio scende all'8,0% del 13,8% del 2021 Nel 2022, il reddito disponibile aumenta del 5,5% ma si riduce il potere d’acquisto delle famiglie, -1,6%.

Vast majority of Afghan quake victims are women and children, U.N. says A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit at dawn Wednesday, the latest in a series of quakes that have left thousands homeless since the weekend. 9M ago

2023-10-11T17:33+0200CBSnews (en)

were women and children, UNICEF said Wednesday, as fresh tremors terrorized residents of villages flattened by the disaster. A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit at dawn around 19 miles north of Herat city the latest in a series of quakes that have left thousands homeless since the weekend.

Looking for belongings after the Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-11T17:32+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

People affected by the earthquake salvage their belongings in the Enjil district of Herat, Afghanistan on Wednesday, as the United States Geological Survey reported another earthquake on the same day, near Herat with a strength estimated at 6.3 on the Richter scale.

90% Of Dead In Afghanistan Earthquakes Women And Children: UNICEF

2023-10-11T17:29+0200ndtvnews (en)

Herat, Afghanistan : More than 90 per cent of those killed in a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan were women and children, UNICEF said Wednesday, as fresh tremors terrorised residents of villages flattened by the disaster. The magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit at dawn around 30 kilometres (19....

Afghanistan quake leaves most vulnerable – women and girls – in dire situation

2023-10-11T17:27+0200reliefWeb (en)

Women and children shelter outside the Herat Provincial Hospital, awaiting care, in the aftermath of the quake. © UNFPA Afghanistan /Arlene Alano. HERAT, Afghanistan More than 12,000 people have been impacted by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake which struck on the morning of 7 October, with most of the....

15:19 Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 3.9 en Pica

2023-10-11T17:24+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del temblor, según el CNS, fueron a -20.004 grados de latitud y -69.145 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Turkmenistan sends humanitarian aid to quake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-11T17:21+0200aa-en (en)

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan has sent humanitarian aid to neighboring Afghanistan hit by a series of earthquakes since Saturday. The humanitarian cargo carrying medical supplies, clothes, and food was sent to the Afghan people with the support of the Charity for Needy Children Foundation, the local media reported.

La situation dans les hôpitaux dans la bande de Gaza, d’empirer alors que l’électricité a été coupée, et qu’un blocus a été imposé par Israël. Victimes civiles Il raconte les blessures horribles des enfants

2023-10-11T17:12+0200journaldemontreal (fr)

• À lire aussi: Deux Canadiens morts en Israël; trois sont toujours disparus «C’est comme un tsunami de blessés», a déclaré le Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah, un chirurgien britannique qui a quitté Londres au cours des derniers jours pour rejoindre les efforts humanitaires dans la bande de Gaza.

La situation dans les hôpitaux dans la bande de Gaza, d’empirer alors que l’électricité a été coupée, et qu’un blocus a été imposé par Israël. Victimes civiles Il raconte les blessures horribles des enfants

2023-10-11T17:11+0200journaldequebec (fr)

• À lire aussi: Deux Canadiens morts en Israël; trois sont toujours disparus «C’est comme un tsunami de blessés», a déclaré le Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah, un chirurgien britannique qui a quitté Londres au cours des derniers jours pour rejoindre les efforts humanitaires dans la bande de Gaza.

Haití registra 62 terremotos en septiembre

2023-10-11T17:04+0200vtv (es)

La Oficina de Minas y Energía y la Unidad Técnica de Sismología (UTS) registró 62 terremotos en Haití durante septiembre, un incremento del 47 por ciento, movimientos telúricos tuvieron una magnitud entre 0,8 y 3,8 grados. La información fue revelada a través de un informe que evalúa datos de las....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000

2023-10-11T16:51+0200ABCnews (en)

Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? 6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. 6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. HERAT, Afghanistan -- 6.

Vast majority of dead in Afghan quakes women and children

2023-10-11T16:51+0200urdupoint (en)

More than 90 per cent of those killed in a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan were women and children, UNICEF said on Wednesday, as fresh tremors terrorised residents of villages flattened by the disaster. Herat, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Oct, 2023) More than 90 per....

Terremoto in Afghanistan: Unicef, “oltre il 90% delle vittime segnalate sono bambini e donne”

2023-10-11T16:46+0200avveniredicalabria (it)

Oltre 1.000 persone sono state uccise e più di 1.600 ferite solo in 11 villaggi di Zinda Jan, dopo che il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito il 7 ottobre l’ Afghanistan occidentale, insieme alle diverse forti scosse di assestamento, devastando ancora una volta le vite dei bambini e delle famiglie che stanno già affrontando molteplici crisi.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: oltre il 90% delle vittime segnalate sono bambini e donne

2023-10-11T16:41+0200agenpress (it)

AgenPress . Oltre 1.000 persone sono state uccise e più di 1.600 ferite solo in 11 villaggi di Zinda Jan, dopo che il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito il 7 ottobre l’ Afghanistan occidentale , insieme alle diverse forti scosse di assestamento, devastando ancora una volta le vite dei bambini e....

Second 6.3-magntude earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-11T16:40+0200wn (en)

Oct. 11 (UPI) -- A new 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Tuesday just days after another deadly tremor struck the area over the weekend. The U.S. Geological Survey said ......

Pope Francis: “The Middle East does not need war, but peace”

2023-10-11T16:35+0200agensir (en)

“It is the right of those who are attacked to defend themselves, but I am very concerned about the total siege under which the Palestinians are living in Gaza, where there have also been many innocent victims.” “Terrorism and extremism do not help reach a solution to the conflict between Israelis....

Terremoto in Afghanistan: Unicef, “oltre il 90% delle vittime segnalate sono bambini e donne”

2023-10-11T16:35+0200agensir (it)

Oltre 1.000 persone sono state uccise e più di 1.600 ferite solo in 11 villaggi di Zinda Jan, dopo che il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito il 7 ottobre l’ Afghanistan occidentale, insieme alle diverse forti scosse di assestamento, devastando ancora una volta le vite dei bambini e delle famiglie che stanno già affrontando molteplici crisi.

Aiutare il popolo afghano provato dalla sofferenza

2023-10-11T16:34+0200osservatoreromano (it)

Un pensiero speciale alla popolazione dell’ Afghanistan , che sta soffrendo a seguito del devastante terremoto che l’ha colpita, è stato rivolto oggi al termine dell’udienza generale dal Papa, insieme con l’invito alle persone di buona volontà ad aiutare questa gente già così tanto provata,....

Un nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 in Afghanistan a Nord di Herat

2023-10-11T16:31+0200zazoom-it (it)

Afghanistan - nuovo forte terremoto : feriti e case distrutte; Afghanistan : nell'ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3; L’Afghanistan colpito di nuovo da un terremoto di magnitudo 6 - 3 - giorni dopo la doppia scossa che ha ucciso oltre 2000 persone; Nuovo terremoto in Italia poco fa : scuole ed....

« Un tsunami de blessés » : après l’attaque du Hamas, comment les hôpitaux israéliens ont fait face

2023-10-11T16:31+0200leparisien (fr)

L’État hébreu déplore plus de 1 200 morts et des milliers de blessés depuis l’offensive lancée samedi contre son territoire. Plusieurs hôpitaux du pays se sont retrouvés submergés, comme en témoigne le professeur Gilbert Sebbag, chef des services de chirurgie et d’urgence d’un établissement situé à proximité de Gaza.

Lack of food, water aggravates situation after earthquakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T16:29+0200efe (en)

Herat, Afghanistan , Oct 11 (EFE).- The situation in Afghanistan following a recent series of earthquakes has been aggravated by a shortage of food and water, while survivors continue to sleep outdoors for fear of fresh aftershocks. The latest aftershocks on Wednesday, one of them of a 6.

Another powerful earthquake strikes Afghanistan after earlier quake causes 2,000 deaths

2023-10-11T16:27+0200wn (en)

Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people and flattened whole villages in Herat province in what was one of the most destructive quakes in the country's recent history. The magnitude 6.

Deadly Earthquakes Shake Afghanistan

2023-10-11T16:24+0200thetrumpet (en)

P owerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed nearly 3,000 people , Taliban officials reported on October 9. A 6.3-magnitude earthquake with eight powerful aftershocks struck the mountainous region northwest of Herat two days earlier. People in Afghanistan’s Herat province are struggling to come....

Thousands of Afghans out in cold as magnitude 6.3 quake hits west

2023-10-11T16:20+0200wn (en)

NAYEB RAFI, Afghanistan —Thousands of Afghans who survived a powerful earthquake that killed more than 2,000 people were bracing for a winter of homelessness on Tuesday, as rescuers made last-ditch efforts to find survivors. Volunteers have worked with spades and pickaxes in Herat province since....

World Cup: Afghanistan cricketers wear black armbands to mourn lives lost following heart-wrenching earthquake

2023-10-11T16:20+0200wn (en)

Sport is considered a very powerful medium for expression and the same was on display when....

Papa Francesco: «Il Medio Oriente non ha bisogno di guerra, ma di pace»

2023-10-11T16:17+0200ilnuovogiornale (it)

Papa Francesco ha concluso l’udienza di oggi mercoledì 11 ottobre in piazza San Pietro, dedicata a Santa Giuseppina Bakhita, con un appello per la pace in Medio Oriente. “Continuo a seguire con dolore e apprensione quanto sta succedendo in Israele e Palestina”, ha rivelato durante i saluti ai fedeli....

Afghanistan: plus de 1.000 morts dans le premier séisme, essentiellement des femmes et enfants

2023-10-11T16:15+0200tv5 (fr)

Le gouvernement afghan a considérablement revu à la baisse le bilan du séisme qui avait frappé samedi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , pour l'établir à "plus de 1.000 morts", dans l'immense majorité des femmes et des enfants selon l'ONU. Un nouveau tremblement de terre, de magnitude 6,3, a frappé mercredi....

Another strong earthquake shaked western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T16:08+0200plenglish (en)

The earthquake was about 28 kilometers northwest of Herat, Afghanistan , with an epicenter of 10 kilometers deep, the US Geological Survey informed. Details about the quake’s effects are still unknown. Another 5.0-magnitude earthquake hit the same region a few minutes later. A 4.

Un nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 in Afghanistan a Nord di Herat

2023-10-11T16:03+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Roma, 11 ott. (askanews) - Una nuova scossa di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l' Afghanistan nordoccidentale dopo il violento terremoto del 7 ottobre nella stessa regione. Il sisma si è verificato a bassa profondità con epicentro a circa 29 km a Nord di Herat, secondo il servizio sismologico statunitense.

Un nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 in Afghanistan a Nord di Herat

2023-10-11T16:00+0200tiscali-it (it)

Roma, 11 ott. (askanews) - Una nuova scossa di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l' Afghanistan nordoccidentale dopo il violento terremoto del 7 ottobre nella stessa regione. Il sisma si è verificato a bassa profondità con epicentro a circa 29 km a Nord di Herat, secondo il servizio sismologico statunitense.

Un autre séisme puissant frappe l’Afghanistan après un précédent séisme qui a fait 2 000 morts

2023-10-11T15:59+0200news-24 (fr)

Samedi, un tremblement de terre d’une magnitude de 6,3 a frappé la province afghane d’Herat et fait au moins 2 000 morts. Mercredi, un autre séisme de puissance, également d’une magnitude de 6,3, a frappé la même région. Le récent séisme a provoqué un glissement de terrain qui a bloqué une autoroute....

Second 6.3-magntude earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-11T15:56+0200fresnobee (en)

Oct. 11 (UPI) -- A new 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Tuesday just days after another deadly tremor struck the area over the weekend. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake struck just before dawn with the epicenter located more than 17 miles north of Herat, not far from the site of the previous quake.

Afghanistan: un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 au nord d'Hérat

2023-10-11T15:51+0200ivoirematin (fr)

Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur, son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, a indiqué l'USGS. L'impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n'est pas encore clair, au moment où des milliers de personnes sont sans abri après la destruction de leur....

Afghanistan: Kalilah (Msf), “gli sfollati dormono nelle nostre tende mediche, c’è urgente bisogno di alloggi”. Ad oggi 2.445 morti e 2.440 feriti

2023-10-11T15:49+0200avveniredicalabria (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 a 42 km dalla città di Herat avvenuto la mattina di sabato scorso, 7 ottobre, ha causato finora almeno 2.445 morti accertati e 2.440 feriti, secondo i dati del Ministero della salute pubblica e dell’ospedale regionale di Herat.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, Msf: «C’è bisogno urgente di alloggi»

2023-10-11T15:46+0200romasette (it)

I villaggi della provincia di Herat, nella parte occidentale dell’ Afghanistan , sono ridotti a un ammasso di macerie di mattoni di fango e pali di legno. I soccorritori continuano a scavare con picconi e pale alla ricerca di eventuali sopravvissuti. Un video terrificante mostra una bambina tirata....

14:30 Séisme en Afghanistan : Plus de 12.000 personnes touchées (OCHA)

2023-10-11T15:45+0200lesoirdalgerie (fr)

Plus de 12.000 personnes dans cinq districts ont été touchées par le séisme qui a frappé la province d’Herat, dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , samedi, tandis que les opérations de recherches d’éventuels survivants se poursuivaient, a fait savoir, mercredi, le Bureau de coordination des affaires humanitaires de l’ONU (OCHA.

Nuovo terremoto in Afghanistan, non ci sono vittime

2023-10-11T15:45+0200euronews-it (it)

Un nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l' Afghanistan a distanza di quattro giorni dal sisma che ha causato più di mille morti nella provincia di Herat.

Nuovo terremoto in Afghanistan, non ci sono vittime

2023-10-11T15:45+0200euronews-it (it)

Un altro forte terremoto ha colpito la provincia di Herat , nell' Afghanistan occidentale, alle 5:40 di mercoledì mattina. La scossa è arrivata appena quattro giorni dopo il sisma letale che ha lasciato migliaia di persone senza tetto. In molti dormivano ancora in tenda all'aperto e anche per questo....

Thousands of Afghans out in cold as magnitude 6.3 quake hits west

2023-10-11T15:44+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

NAYEB RAFI, Afghanistan —Thousands of Afghans who survived a powerful earthquake that killed more than 2,000 people were bracing for a winter of homelessness on Tuesday, as rescuers made last-ditch efforts to find survivors. Volunteers have worked with spades and pickaxes in Herat province since Saturday’s deadly magnitude 6.

Second 6.3-magntude earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-11T15:41+0200upi (en)

Oct. 11 (UPI) -- A new 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Tuesday just days after another deadly tremor struck the area over the weekend. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake struck just before dawn with the epicenter located more than 17 miles north of Herat, not far from the site of the previous quake.

Second 6.3-magnitude earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-11T15:41+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Oct. 11 (UPI) -- A new 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Tuesday just days after another deadly tremor struck the area over the weekend. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake struck just before dawn with the epicenter located more than 17 miles north of Herat, not far from the site of the previous quake.

Un nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 in Afghanistan a Nord di Herat

2023-10-11T15:40+0200askanews (it)

Roma, 11 ott. (askanews) – Una nuova scossa di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l’ Afghanistan nordoccidentale dopo il violento terremoto del 7 ottobre nella stessa regione. Il sisma si è verificato a bassa profondità con epicentro a circa 29 km a Nord di Herat, secondo il servizio sismologico statunitense.

Plus de 1000 morts dans le premier séisme, surtout des femmes et enfants

2023-10-11T15:37+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Un nouveau tremblement de terre, de magnitude 6,3, a frappé mercredi à l’aube la même région, dans la province d’Hérat, créant la panique dans la population encore traumatisée par celui de samedi – de magnitude équivalente – et ses répliques. « C’est horrible, tout Hérat est terrorisé », a déclaré à l’AFP un de ses habitants, Abdul Qudos, 32 ans.

Vast majority of dead in Afghan quakes women and children

2023-10-11T15:31+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Herat, Afghanistan : More than 90 per cent of those killed in a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan were women and children, UNICEF said Wednesday, as fresh tremors terrorised residents of villages flattened by the disaster. The magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit at dawn around 30 kilometres (19....

Afghanistan: plus de 1.000 morts dans le premier séisme, essentiellement des femmes et enfants

2023-10-11T15:31+0200actu-orange (fr)

Le gouvernement afghan a considérablement revu à la baisse le bilan du séisme qui avait frappé samedi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , pour l'établir à "plus de 1.000 morts", dans l'immense majorité des femmes et des enfants selon l'ONU. Un nouveau tremblement de terre, de magnitude 6,3, a frappé mercredi....

Chinese testers join Fukushima water review

2023-10-11T15:31+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

TOKYO—Chinese scientists will this month take part in extensive sampling of Fukushima’s coastal waters for the first time since the release of treated wastewater from its stricken nuclear plant began, Japanese officials said Wednesday. Experts from China will join those from Canada, South Korea and....

Devastating earthquake is another shock for Afghanistan

2023-10-11T15:29+0200reliefWeb (en)

On 7 October, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake shook Herat province in western Afghanistan . After multiple aftershocks and a second earthquake of the same magnitude early on 11 October, the UN and the authorities are reporting between 1,000 and 3,000 deaths. These numbers are expected to rise in the next hours and days.

Il chirurgo britannico a Gaza: 'Tsunami di feriti, il sistema crollerà presto'

2023-10-11T15:29+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023) Un medico britannico dell'ospedale di Gaza ha affermato che il sistema crollerà molto presto " "È come uno Tsunami di feriti ", dice il dottor Ghassan Abu - Sittah, un chirurgo britannico che ieri è ...

Devastating earthquake is another shock for Afghanistan 11. Oct 2023 - Afghanistan

2023-10-11T15:27+0200nrc-no (en)

On 7 October, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake shook Herat province in western Afghanistan . After multiple aftershocks and a second earthquake of the same magnitude early on 11 October, the UN and the authorities are reporting between 1,000 and 3,000 deaths. These numbers are expected to rise in the next hours and days.

Afghan Quake: Ill-Equipped Hospitals Now Struggling To Accommodate Wounded; Death Toll Expected To Rise

2023-10-11T15:25+0200natureworldnews (en)

Some ill-equipped hospitals in Afghanistan are already having a difficult time in accommodating victims of the powerful earthquake that struck the country. Many of those who were wounded, which the number is at more than 1,600, were sent to the Herat Regional Hospital.

En Afghanistan, 500 personnes sont toujours portées disparues après le séisme

2023-10-11T15:23+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-10-10 15:00:00. Près de 500 personnes sont toujours portées disparues dans la zone la plus touchée par le séisme de magnitude 6,3 qui a secoué samedi la province d’Herat, dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , ont rapporté mardi les agences humanitaires de l’ONU.

Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days

2023-10-11T15:16+0200wn (en)

Another earthquake has hit western Afghanistan just days after two large quakes in the same region killed more than 1,000 people. The new 6.3 magnitude quake struck at around 05:10 local time (00:40 GMT) on Wednesday, 28km (17 miles) north of the city of Herat.

Alerte sur le recyclage en France, les volumes collectés sont en baisse

2023-10-11T15:15+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Le secteur du recyclage en France s’est développé l’an dernier malgré la crise de l’énergie, mais il s’inquiète pour 2023 devant la baisse des cours des matières premières issues du recyclage et un repli de la collecte. s’est développé l’an dernier malgré la crise de l’énergie, mais il s’inquiète....

Alerte sur le recyclage en France, les volumes collectés sont en baisse

2023-10-11T15:14+0200nordeclair (fr)

Le secteur du recyclage en France s’est développé l’an dernier malgré la crise de l’énergie, mais il s’inquiète pour 2023 devant la baisse des cours des matières premières issues du recyclage et un repli de la collecte. s’est développé l’an dernier malgré la crise de l’énergie, mais il s’inquiète....

World News Roundup: Volunteers reinforce gravediggers at main Israeli military cemetery; Kremlin says damage to Baltic pipeline is 'disturbing', mentions Nord Stream attack and more

2023-10-11T15:13+0200devdiscourse (en)

Israel's death toll reached 1,200 with more than 2,700 wounded, its military said, from Hamas gunmen's hours-long rampage after breaching the fence around Gaza on Saturday. Ukraine accuses two men of helping guide missile that killed dozens in Hroza village Ukraine's domestic intelligence service on....

Afghanistan: Kalilah (Msf), “gli sfollati dormono nelle nostre tende mediche, c’è urgente bisogno di alloggi”. Ad oggi 2.445 morti e 2.440 feriti

2023-10-11T15:04+0200agensir (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 a 42 km dalla città di Herat avvenuto la mattina di sabato scorso, 7 ottobre, ha causato finora almeno 2.445 morti accertati e 2.440 feriti, secondo i dati del Ministero della salute pubblica e dell’ospedale regionale di Herat.

Crisis Communication

2023-10-11T15:04+0200hbr (en)

When Hurricane Sandy struck the mid-Atlantic coast, in October 2012, thousands of Guardian employees in New York and New Jersey were affected, and company... In a crisis, you need a communication plan. Keeping your employees informed, providing direction, and adhering to confidentiality policies will serve.

Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in less than a week

2023-10-11T15:01+0200nbcnews (en)

Another powerful earthquake shook western Afghanistan just days after one in the same region killed more than 2,000 people. Hundreds of homes that survived the earlier disaster, collapsed from the second quake. Oct.

The Challenges and Concerns Faced by the Recycling Industry in 2023: Declining Prices and Collection

2023-10-11T14:56+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-11 11:46:46. By Le Figaro with AFP. Published 47 minutes ago, Updated 39 minutes ago. A total of 39.8 million tonnes of raw materials from recycling were produced and sold in 2022. romaset / stock.adobe.com. The sector representative deplores “the legislative tsunami” imposed on recycling companies.

Kazakhstan Delivers Humanitarian Aid to Earthquake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-11T14:53+0200astanatimes (en)

ASTANA – Kazakhstan has delivered 1,659 tons of humanitarian relief to the Afghan city of Herat on Oct. 11 to help earthquake survivors, reported Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry. The humanitarian cargo includes 13 items, including food, tents, clothing, and bedding. A Kazakh team of rescuers, physicians and search dogs arrived in Herat on Oct.

Papa Francesco Il Medio Oriente non ha bisogno di guerra

2023-10-11T14:52+0200lavocedelpopolo (it)

Papa Francesco ha concluso l’udienza di oggi in piazza San Pietro, dedicata a Santa Giuseppina Bakhita, con un appello per la pace in Medio Oriente. “Continuo a seguire con dolore e apprensione quanto sta succedendo in Israele e Palestina”, ha rivelato durante i saluti ai fedeli di lingua italiana: “Tante persone uccise e altre anche ferite.

An Underwhelming Federal Response To The Maui Fires

2023-10-11T14:50+0200theowp (en)

On August 8th, 2023, a deadly fire swept through Maui killing over a 100 people and destroying over 2,200 structures, which were mostly residential buildings. CNN reported that over 1000 people are unaccounted for which means the death toll will likely rise over the coming weeks.

House Republicans hold internal speaker election ahead of vote

2023-10-11T14:48+0200nbcnews (en)

The attack on Israel is adding even more pressure on House Republicans to elect a new speaker with the leading contenders addressing colleagues at a closed-door meeting ahead of a potential vote on Wednesday. NBC’s Ryan Nobles reports for TODAY. Oct. 11, 2023 Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in....

Chinese scientists join Fukushima water review

2023-10-11T14:42+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Tokyo: Chinese scientists will this month take part in extensive sampling of Fukushima's coastal waters for the first time since the release of treated wastewater from its stricken nuclear plant began, Japanese officials said Wednesday. Experts from China will join those from Canada, South Korea and....

Afghanistan : au moins mille morts dans le séisme de samedi

2023-10-11T14:41+0200euronews-fr (fr)

Au moins mille morts dans le séisme en Afghanistan : les autorités talibanes ont revu à la baisse le tremblement de terre de samedi dernier alors que le pays et secoué par de nouvelles secousses. Le séisme de samedi dernier en Afghanistan a tué au moins mille personnes. Les autorités afghanes ont revu à la baisse le bilan de la tragédie.

Terremoto Afghanistan: il governo rivede al ribasso il bilancio delle vittime

2023-10-11T14:40+0200meteoweb (it)

Il governo afghano ha rivisto al ribasso il bilancio del terremoto che sabato scorso ha colpito l’area occidentale, fissandolo a “ più di 1.000 morti “, mentre nuove forti scosse oggi hanno creato panico tra la popolazione. Un terremoto magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito all’alba di oggi la provincia di Herat....

SismaL'Afghanistan rivede al ribasso il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto

2023-10-11T14:38+0200cdt (it)

Il governo afghano ha notevolmente rivisto al ribasso il bilancio del terremoto che sabato ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, fissandolo a «più di 1.000 morti», mentre nuove forti scosse nella stessa regione colpita nel fine settimana hanno creato panico tra la popolazione. Un nuovo terremoto, di magnitudo 6.

AFGHANISTAN 3 min «Più di mille» le vittime dei terremoti

2023-10-11T14:34+0200tio (it)

HERAT - Il governo afghano ha notevolmente rivisto al ribasso il bilancio del terremoto che sabato ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, fissandolo a «più di 1.000 morti», mentre nuove forti scosse nella stessa regione colpita nel fine settimana hanno creato panico tra la popolazione. Un nuovo terremoto, di magnitudo 6.

Oman participates in regional exercise 'IOWave23'

2023-10-11T14:34+0200timesofoman (en)

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman took part today in the regional exercise “IOWave23” which aims to evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of the early warning system against the danger of tsunamis in the Indian Ocean. The drill was held at regional and national centres in countries adjoining the Indian Ocean rim.

En Afghanistan, le bilan d’un premier séisme, intervenu de samedi, revu à la baisse à « plus de 1 000 morts »

2023-10-11T14:33+0200LeMonde (fr)

Le village de Chahak, dans la province d’Hérat, en Afghanistan , détruit par un tremblement de terre, le 11 octobre 2023. ALI KHARA / REUTERS. Le gouvernement afghan a considérablement revu à la baisse le bilan du séisme qui avait frappé samedi 7 octobre l’ouest de l’Afghanistan, pour l’établir à «....

6.3 magnitude earthquake struck western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T14:31+0200pakistantribune (en)

KABUL: A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 5:10am local time (12:40am GMT), with its epicentre about 29....

October 11, 2023 Afghan quakes toll revised to 1,000 as new tremors cause panic

2023-10-11T14:28+020092newshd (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan (AFP) - Afghanistan's Taliban government downgraded the death toll from a series of earthquakes to "over 1,000" on Wednesday, as fresh tremors panicked residents of villages flattened by the disaster. The latest quake hit at dawn around 30 kilometres (19 miles) north of the....

La terra trema ancora in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T14:27+0200romasette (it)

Di magnitudo 6.4 la forte scossa di terremoto che ha colpito l’ Afghanistan nella notte tra 10 e 11 ottobre. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15 chilometri....

Another earthquake in Afghanistan, caring people at home and abroad have come to the rescue

2023-10-11T14:25+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-11T12:24:20.292Z. Highlights: Another earthquake in Afghanistan , caring people at home and abroad have come to the rescue. More than 6,2 people have been killed or injured in the earthquake. Many Chinese Afghan businessmen are not wealthy, but when they see the donation initiative, they have donated money and materials as much as they can.

Pope calls for immediate release of Israeli hostages, concern over total siege of Gaza

2023-10-11T14:23+0200asianews-en (en)

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - An appeal for the immediate release of the dozens of Israeli hostages held by Hamas. But also deep concern for the total siege in which the Palestinians of Gaza live. And the horizon of a peace "built on justice, dialogue and the courage of brotherhood" as the only solution.

Asia and the Pacific: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (3 - 9 October 2023)

2023-10-11T14:22+0200unocha (en)

AFGHANISTAN. On 7 October, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck 40km west of Herat City in Herat Province, western Afghanistan . Several aftershocks have occurred since of varying magnitude, with the initial quake felt in neighbouring Badghis and Farah provinces.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake shakes western Afghanistan where earlier temblor killed 2,000

2023-10-11T14:22+0200latimes (en)

“Our teams are assisting in triaging emergency cases and managing stabilized patients admitted in the medical tents,” MSF said on X, formerly known as Twitter. Wednesday’s quake also flattened all 700 homes in Chahak village, which was untouched by the tremors of previous days. Now there are mounds of soil where dwellings used to be.

More Misery As Afghanistan's Devastated Region Hit With New Earthquake

2023-10-11T14:17+0200rferl (en)

Another powerful earthquake struck Herat Province in western Afghanistan on October 11, further compounding the suffering of survivors already grappling with the aftermath of an earlier quake that claimed the lives of over 2,000 people and left entire villages in ruins.

Israel levels Gaza neighborhoods as Palestinians scramble for safety; ACT scores hit 30-year low; Mary Lou Retton in ICU; and more morning headlines

2023-10-11T14:11+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

Palestinians in the sealed-off Gaza Strip are scrambling to find safety, as Israeli strikes demolish entire neighborhoods, hospitals run low on supplies and a power blackout is expected within hours. That further deepened the misery of a war sparked by a deadly mass incursion of Hamas militants.

World News Gaza surgeon: ‘I never saw anything like tsunami of wounded’

2023-10-11T14:10+0200independent-ie (en)

Palestinians, including a wounded boy, mourn at a hospital after their relatives were killed in Israeli strikes, in Gaza City, “It’s like a tsunami of wounded people,” says Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a British surgeon who flew out from London yesterday to join humanitarian efforts in the Gaza strip.

'Tremo ma non ho paura', la campagna del 118 Napoli

2023-10-11T14:06+0200univadis (it)

Roma, 11 ott. (Adnkronos Salute) - "Tremo ma non ho paura". E' la campagna di sensibilizzazione di 'Nessuno Tocchi Ippocrate', associazione di medici del 118 di Napoli, che pubblica su Facebook alcune direttive da seguire in caso di terremoto, con l'invito a condividerle.

Death Toll in Afghanistan Earthquake exceeded 4,500

2023-10-11T14:05+0200sarajevotimes (en)

Another earthquake hit western Afghanistan early Wednesday morning. At least one person was killed and more than 50 were injured. The injured were transferred to hospitals in Herat, local media reported. A 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck the western Afghan province of Herat early Wednesday morning, according to the US Geological Survey.

Afghanistan lowers quake death toll to 1,000

2023-10-11T14:02+0200bssnews (en)

KABUL, Oct 11, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - Afghan authorities on Wednesday significantly lowered the death toll from a series of quakes that struck western Herat at the weekend to around 1,000. The Taliban government had originally said over 2,000 people had been killed in Saturday's magnitude 6.3 quake, centred on rural communities northwest of Herat city.

Second 6.3 magnitude earthquake hits Herat, Afghanistan

2023-10-11T13:49+0200khaama (en)

In the early hours of Wednesday morning, October 11, Herat, Afghanistan , experienced a massive 6.3 magnitude earthquake, compounding the already dire situation following a devastating earthquake just days prior. Herat residents, still grappling with the aftermath of a catastrophic earthquake just....

Alerte sur le recyclage en France, à cause du repli de la collecte

2023-10-11T13:49+0200lefigaro (fr)

La filière du recyclage se trouve à la croisée des chemins. Malgré la crise de l'énergie , les acteurs se sont développés l'an dernier. Mais leur fédération ne cache pas ce mercredi son inquiétude pour l’année 2023, constatant la baisse des cours des matières premières issues du recyclage ainsi que le repli de la collecte.

Plus de 12.000 personnes touchées par le séisme dans l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T13:48+0200tunisie-tribune (fr)

L’épicentre du tremblement de terre – le district de Zindajan – est la zone la plus touchée, avec près de 1.300 morts et 1.700 blessés. Près de 500 personnes sont toujours portées disparues. « Nos équipes sur le terrain confirment que 100% des maisons ont été détruites », a déclaré lors d’un point....

Recyclage : les volumes collectés sont en baisse a déclaré la fédération du secteur mercredi

2023-10-11T13:48+0200laprovence (fr)

Le secteur du recyclage s'inquiète de la baisse des cours des matières premières issues du recyclage, et d'un repli de la collecte. C'est ce qu'a indiqué mercredi sa fédération. Elle a aussi souligné que la filière s'était tout de même développée, l'an dernier, malgré la crise de l'énergie.

Israel levels Gaza neighborhoods as Palestinians scramble for safety; ACT scores hit 30-year low; Mary Lou Retton in ICU; and more morning headlines

2023-10-11T13:44+0200wacotrib (en)

Palestinians in the sealed-off Gaza Strip are scrambling to find safety, as Israeli strikes demolish entire neighborhoods, hospitals run low on supplies and a power blackout is expected within hours. That further deepened the misery of a war sparked by a deadly mass incursion of Hamas militants.

Un nouveau séisme en Afghanistan après celui de samedi qui a causé plus de 1 000 morts

2023-10-11T13:41+0200humanite (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3, suivi par huit fortes répliques. La violence du tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , samedi 7 octobre, provoquant la mort de 1 000 personnes, le premier bilan annonçant 2 000 décès ayant été réévalué, et ravageant une dizaine de villages à 30....

Recyclage en France : les volumes collectés en baisse en 2023, la filière s’alerte

2023-10-11T13:38+0200sudouest (fr)

Le secteur du recyclage en France s’est développé en 2022 malgré la crise de l’énergie, mais il s’inquiète pour 2023 devant la baisse des cours des matières premières issues du recyclage et un repli de la collecte, indique ce mercredi sa fédération. En 2022, le chiffre d’affaires de la filière a....

Torna la campagna “Io non rischio, buone pratiche di protezione civile”

2023-10-11T13:36+0200termolionline (it)

TERMOLI. Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Regione Molise partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e....

Afghanistan - Earthquakes (DG ECHO partners, GDACS, USGS, Reliefweb, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 11 October 2023)

2023-10-11T13:27+0200reliefWeb (en)

A new 6.3 M earthquake at a depth of 9 km, followed by two aftershocks of 5 M and 4.1 M, hit Herat Province on 11 October at 00:41 UTC (05:11 local time). The 6.3 M earthquake was located in Zinda Jan District, 27 km northwest of Herat City and at 14 km south-east of the 6.

Taliban Halves Afghan Quake Toll to 1,000 as New Tremors Cause Panic

2023-10-11T13:26+0200news18 (en)

Afghanistan ’s Taliban government downgraded the death toll from a series of earthquakes to “over 1,000” on Wednesday, as fresh tremors panicked residents of villages flattened by the disaster. The latest quake hit at dawn around 30 kilometres north of the provincial capital of Herat, where thousands....

Another Earthquake Hits Western Afghanistan, Claiming 1 Life, Injuring Over 50 Others

2023-10-11T13:26+0200haberler-en (en)

Another earthquake struck western Afghanistan early on Wednesday morning, claiming at least one life and injuring over 50 others. The injured have been shifted to hospitals in Herat city, local media reported. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan's western province of Herat early Wednesday, according to the US Geological Survey.

Afghanistan : le bilan du premier séisme révisé à "plus de 1.000 morts", nouvelles fortes secousses

2023-10-11T13:26+0200tv5 (fr)

Le gouvernement afghan a considérablement revu à la baisse le bilan du séisme qui avait frappé samedi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , pour l'établir à "plus de 1.000 morts", tandis que de nouvelles fortes secousses dans la même région mercredi ont créé la panique dans la population.

Chinese in Afghanistan donate cash to quake-affected Afghans

2023-10-11T13:21+0200english-news-cn (en)

KABUL, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- Afghanistan -based Chinese citizens have collected cash and donated to the quake-affected families in west Afghanistan's Herat province on Wednesday. Donated by 73 Chinese citizens, the cash was handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Afghan caretaker....

ICC World Cup 2023, IND vs AFG: Why Afghanistan Cricketers Are Wearing Black Armbands?

2023-10-11T13:21+0200news18 (en)

The Afghanistan players are playing with black armbands in their second ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 clash against India today to mourn the victims of a massive earthquakes back home that causing caused extensive damage to life and property, reportedly leaving 1000 people dead in their wake.

Quake in Afghanistan leaves rubble, funerals and survivors struggling with loss

2023-10-11T13:19+0200wral (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Nurullah crossed the border into Iran to earn money for his family, like so many men from his village in western Afghanistan. On Sunday, he stood on the side of the road crying. The 55-year-old was heading home to bury his wife, three children and a grandchild killed a....

Chinese in Afghanistan donate cash to quake-affected Afghans

2023-10-11T13:18+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

KABUL, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- Afghanistan -based Chinese citizens have collected cash and donated to the quake-affected families in west Afghanistan's Herat province on Wednesday. Donated by 73 Chinese citizens, the cash was handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Afghan caretaker....

Afghanistan Revises Earthquake Death Count, Says Around 1,000 Killed

2023-10-11T13:14+0200wn (en)

Afghan authorities on Wednesday significantly lowered the death toll from a series of quakes that struck western Herat at the weekend to around 1,000. ......

3 Indonesian University Students Join Taiwan`s Student Exchange Program

2023-10-11T13:13+0200tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Bogor Three students of Syiah Kuala University (USK) have successfully been selected to join the New Southbound Policy Youth Elite Exchange Program (Yeep) at Taiwan's National Quemoy University for five months. The students are Ahmad Zaki Marjan, Ziad Muhammad, and Aura Lativa, USK Deputy....

Alerte sur le recyclage en France, les volumes collectés en baisse

2023-10-11T13:10+0200linfodurable (fr)

Le secteur du recyclage en France s'est développé l'an dernier malgré la crise de l'énergie, mais il s'inquiète pour 2023 devant la baisse des cours des matières premières issues du recyclage et un repli de la collecte, indique mercredi sa fédération. En 2022, le chiffre d'affaires de la filière a....

«Il Medio Oriente non ha bisogno di guerra ma di pace»

2023-10-11T13:07+0200romasette (it)

«Continuo a seguire con lacrime e apprensione quanto sta succedendo in Israele e Palestina: tante persone uccise, altre ferite. Prego per quelle famiglie che hanno visto trasformare un giorno di festa in un giorno di lutto e chiedo che gli ostaggi vengano subito rilasciati».

Sismo en México: temblor con epicentro en Jalisco

2023-10-11T13:04+0200infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 200 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Jalisco, con una profundidad de 10.7 km y fue percibido por los vecinos de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred)....

6.3-magnitude earthquake hits Afghanistan days after devastating weekend quakes

2023-10-11T13:01+0200mycentraloregon (en)

omersukrugoksu/Getty Images. (NEW YORK) — A 6.3-magnitude earthquake has shaken Western Afghanistan , just days after two quakes of the same magnitude left more than 1,200 dead. The quake struck 28 kilometers (17.39 miles) Northwest of Herāt, Afghanistan, according to the United States Geological Survey, which monitors worldwide earthquakes.

Fears of more casualties as further earthquakes hit Afghanistan

2023-10-11T12:59+0200guardian (en)

Another powerful earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning, days after a series of quakes in the same region killed thousands of people. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit an area 28km (17 miles) south of Herat’s regional capital at 5.11am local time, injuring at least 80 people.

Afghanistan: un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 au nord d'Hérat

2023-10-11T12:59+0200rfi-fr (fr)

Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur, son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, a indiqué l'USGS. L'impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n'est pas encore clair, au moment où des milliers de personnes sont sans abri après la destruction de leur....

13:47 Afghanistan Le bilan du premier séisme révisé à "plus de 1.000 morts", nouvelles fortes secousses

2023-10-11T12:55+0200lorientlejour (fr)

Le gouvernement afghan a considérablement revu à la baisse le bilan du séisme qui avait frappé samedi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , pour l'établir à "plus de 1.000 morts", tandis que de nouvelles fortes secousses dans la même région mercredi ont créé la panique dans la population.

“Io non rischio”: buone pratiche di Protezione civile in 20 piazze

2023-10-11T12:55+0200legnanonews (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre 2023 anche la Città metropolitana di Milano partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio....

Afghanistan, nuova scossa di magnitudo 6.3: feriti e danni

2023-10-11T12:54+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023) Una nuova scossa di terremoto ha colpito l' Afghanistan nella zona di Herat, dopo il sisma di sabato nella stessa area che ha provocato oltre mille morti. La scossa di magnitudo 6.3 ha provocato il ferimento di 80 persone e ha distrutto 700 abitazioni in un villaggio. Una frana poi ha bloccato l'autostrada.

Second 6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T12:53+0200wn (en)

This recent seismic event registered a magnitude of 6.3 and occurred approximately 28 kilometers outside Herat, the provincial capital of Herat province. KABUL: (UrduPoint/UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News-Oct 11th, 2023) Chahak, Afghanistan , another powerful earthquake struck, following a....

Second 6.3 magnitude earthquake hits Herat, Afghanistan

2023-10-11T12:53+0200wn (en)

In the early hours of Wednesday morning, October 11, Herat, Afghanistan , experienced a massive 6.3 magnitude earthquake, compounding the already dire situation following a devastating earthquake just days prior. Herat residents, still grappling with the aftermath of a catastrophic earthquake just....

Le bilan du séisme de samedi révisé à plus de 1000 morts, nouvelles secousses

2023-10-11T12:50+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Un nouveau tremblement de terre, de magnitude 6,3, a frappé mercredi à l’aube la province d’Hérat, où des milliers de personnes dormaient dehors pour la quatrième nuit consécutive après que leurs habitations ont été réduites en poussière par le séisme de samedi – de magnitude équivalente – et ses répliques.

Chinese in Afghanistan donate cash to quake-affected Afghans

2023-10-11T12:47+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. KABUL, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- Afghanistan -based Chinese citizens have collected cash and donated to the quake-affected families in west Afghanistan's Herat province on Wednesday. Donated by 73 Chinese citizens, the cash was handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs....

Salon du multicoque. Ouverture des portes ce matin à Lorient

2023-10-11T12:41+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Le premier salon atlantique du multicoque ouvre ses portes ce matin, à 10h, à l'ancienne base de sous-marin de Kéroman, à Lorient. Organisé par Frédéric Morvant et Philippe Michel, avec la participation d'Eurolarge Innovation et de la Cité de la Voile Éric-Tabarly, cet événement permettra au public....

MIL-OSI Europe: General Audience

2023-10-11T12:40+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: The Holy See. This morning’s General Audience took place at 9.00 in Saint Peter’s Square. In his address in Italian, the Pope resumed his cycle of catechesis on The passion for evangelization: the apostolic zeal of the believer, focusing on the theme: “Saint Josephine Bakhita: witness of the....

Afghan quakes toll revised to 1,000 as new tremors cause panic

2023-10-11T12:40+0200eyewitness-news (en)

HERAT - Afghanistan 's Taliban government downgraded the death toll from a series of earthquakes to "over 1,000" on Wednesday, as fresh tremors panicked residents of villages flattened by the disaster. The latest quake hit at dawn around 30 kilometres (19 miles) north of the provincial capital of....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where an earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T12:36+0200wn (en)

CHAHAK, Afghanistan (AP) — Another strong earthquake shook western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier one killed more than 2,000 people and flattened whole villages in Herat province in what was one of the most destructive quakes in the country’s recent history. The magnitude 6.

Afghanistan : le bilan du premier séisme révisé à "plus de 1.000 morts", nouvelles fortes secousses

2023-10-11T12:35+0200actu-orange (fr)

Le gouvernement afghan a considérablement revu à la baisse le bilan du séisme qui avait frappé samedi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , pour l'établir à "plus de 1.000 morts", tandis que de nouvelles fortes secousses dans la même région mercredi ont créé la panique dans la population.

“Io non rischio”: la campagna di protezione civile protagonista a Savona, Finale, Ceriale, Albisola e Varazze

2023-10-11T12:33+0200ivg (it)

Liguria. Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Liguria partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

Afghan quakes toll revised to 1,000 as new tremors cause panic

2023-10-11T12:32+0200channelnewsasia (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan : Afghanistan's Taliban government downgraded the death toll from a series of earthquakes to "over 1,000" on Wednesday (Oct 11), as The latest quake hit at dawn about 30km north of the provincial capital of Herat, where thousands were spending a fourth night in the open after Saturday's quakes.

IoNonRischio, iniziativa ad Arezzo

2023-10-11T12:30+0200arezzonotizie-it (it)

Sapere cosa fare e cosa evitare, sia prima, sia durante sia dopo eventuali calamità naturali come possono essere da noi soprattutto alluvioni/inondazioni e terremoti è l’oggetto principale e l’obiettivo a breve e medio termine della campagna nazionale di Protezione Civile denominata “InNonRischio”.

Afghan quakes toll revised to 1,000 as new tremors cause panic

2023-10-11T12:21+0200zawya-palestine (en)

Afghanistan 's Taliban government downgraded the death toll from a series of earthquakes to "over 1,000" on Wednesday, as fresh tremors panicked residents of villages flattened by the disaster. The latest quake hit at dawn around 30 kilometres (19 miles) north of the provincial capital of Herat,....

Nuovo terremoto in Afghanistan: scossa di magnitudo 6.3 a Herat

2023-10-11T12:15+0200informazione (it)

Un nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs), il terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della città di Herat , vicino all'epicentro del sisma di sabato scorso quando una serie di scosse - di magnitudo tra 4.

Afghanistan. La nuova scossa di terremoto rade al suolo un intero villaggio vicino a Herat

2023-10-11T12:15+0200rainews (it)

Una nuova, forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito parte dell' Afghanistan occidentale mercoledì mattina, dopo il sisma che, sabato scorso, L'ultima scossa, di magnitudo 6,3, si è verificata a circa 28 chilometri da Herat e a 10 chilometri di profondità, secondo le informazioni diffuse dal Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti.

Terremoto oggi Teramo M 3.1/ Ingv ultime notizie, forte scossa M 6.4 in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T12:14+0200ilsussidiario (it)

Come ogni giorno prosegue anche oggi, mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023, il nostro resoconto sulle principali che si sono verificate nelle ultime ore in Italia e all’estero. Come si legge sul bollettino dell’Ingv, l’istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia, l’ultimo evento tellurico importante è stato....

Protezione civile: il 14 e 15 ottobre volontari in piazza per la campagna “Io non rischio”

2023-10-11T12:14+0200bizjournal (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Liguria partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile” Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi, i....

Altro terremoto fortissimo in Afghanistan: scossa di magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T12:12+0200virgilio-notizie (it)

La terra continua a tremare in modo drammatico in Afghanistan : dopo la poderosa scossa che sabato ha colpito la zona di Herat , provocando oltre 2mila morti e causando enormi danni, un nuovo forte terremoto si è abbattuto nella medesima area occidentale del Paese nelle scorse ore. Altri crolli di case in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan : le gouvernement révise à «plus de 1 000 morts» le bilan du séisme de ce week-end

2023-10-11T12:07+0200Liberation (fr)

Le gouvernement afghan révise ce mercredi 11 octobre considérablement à la baisse le bilan du séisme qui avait frappé ce week-end l’ouest du pays, désormais établi à «plus de 1 000 morts». Le ministère de la Gestion des catastrophes avait initialement indiqué que le tremblement de terre de magnitude....

As another 6.3 magnitude quake hits, Afghanistan lowers toll from earlier tremor to 1,000

2023-10-11T12:01+0200dawn (en)

Afghan authorities on Wednesday significantly lowered the death toll from a series of quakes that struck western Herat at the weekend to around 1,000. The Taliban government had originally said over 2,000 people had been killed in Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake, centred on rural communities northwest of Herat city.

Second 6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T12:00+0200urdupoint (en)

This recent seismic event registered a magnitude of 6.3 and occurred approximately 28 kilometers outside Herat, the provincial capital of Herat province. , another powerful earthquake struck, following a prior quake that claimed the lives of over 2,000 individuals and razed entire villages. This recent seismic event registered a magnitude of 6.

Nuova scossa di terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T11:51+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023) Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito l’ Afghanistan causando almeno una vittima e provocando il panico tra i residenti già traumatizzati da una serie di scosse. Leggi.

Stoltenberg: se attacco a gasdotto è deliberato, la risposta sarà forte

2023-10-11T11:51+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023) Afghanistan : nell’ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6,3. Nato, se attacco deliberato a gasdotto risposta sarà forte. Stoltenberg sulla controffensiva ucraina : «Kiev guadagna 100 metri al giorno. Il drone russo in Romania? Non è stato un attacco....

Afghanistan Revises Earthquake Death Count, Says Around 1,000 Killed

2023-10-11T11:50+0200ndtvnews (en)

Kabul: Afghan authorities on Wednesday significantly lowered the death toll from a series of quakes that struck western Herat at the weekend to around 1,000. The Taliban government had originally said over 2,000 people had been killed in Saturday's magnitude 6.3 quake, centred on rural communities northwest of Herat city.

Protezione civile: il 14 e 15 ottobre volontari in piazza per la campagna "Io non rischio"

2023-10-11T11:47+0200247libero (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Liguria partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile” Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi, i....

Asia and the Pacific: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (3 - 9 October 2023)

2023-10-11T11:46+0200reliefWeb (en)

AFGHANISTAN. On 7 October, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck 40km west of Herat City in Herat Province, western Afghanistan . Several aftershocks have occurred since of varying magnitude, with the initial quake felt in neighbouring Badghis and Farah provinces.

Afghanistan hit by second powerful earthquake in five days

2023-10-11T11:44+0200thetimes (en)

Residents in Afghanistan ’s western province of Herat were jolted awake by another large earthquake early on Wednesday. Rescue and relief teams were mobilised in the region for a second time in five days after the 6.3-magnitude quake, which was the same size as the one on Saturday.

Un nuovo catastrofico terremoto ha colpito l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T11:44+0200scienzenotizie (it)

Il terremoto è avvenuto a 28 chilometri da Herat, dove risiedono più di 400mila persone. Una nuova scossa di terremoto si è verificata mercoledì mattina nell’ Afghanistan occidentale, secondo quanto riferito dall’United States Geological Survey. Secondo le stime la magnitudo del movimento tellurico è stata 6,3 gradi della Scala Richter.

11:40 | SÉCURITÉ Un exercice de sécurité simulant un tsunami prévu vendredi dans l’Hérault

2023-10-11T11:44+020020minutes (fr)

Un exercice de sécurité d’une grande ampleur est prévu vendredi après-midi, à Frontignan ( Hérault ), annonce la préfecture de l’Hérault : ce test grandeur nature permettra de tester l’évacuation et la mise à l’abri des habitants de la côte, si un tsunami déferlait en Méditerranée.

Afghanistan hit by second powerful earthquake in five days

2023-10-11T11:43+0200thesundaytimes (en)

Residents in Afghanistan ’s western province of Herat were jolted awake by another large earthquake early on Wednesday. Rescue and relief teams were mobilised in the region for a second time in five days after the 6.3-magnitude quake, which was the same size as the one on Saturday.

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 secoue l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T11:41+0200lemessager (fr)

Une deuxième secousse de même magnitude. Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 et huit répliques ont secoué et ravagé, samedi 7 octobre 2023, toute la province d’Hérat à l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan et causé la mort de plus de 2000 personnes, blessé des milliers d’autres, la disparition de plus de 500 personnes,....

Reina la desinformación en redes

2023-10-11T11:40+0200metrolibre (es)

En redes sociales hay un tsunami de información errónea sobre el tema de la guerra entre Israel y Hamás, también de problemas como la migración, el fentanilo, entre otros. Al punto que, en los últimos días, se han propagado cuentas de falsos periodistas, gente que empieza a publicar datos y a emitir....

Afghanistan lowers earthquakes death toll to 1,000

2023-10-11T11:37+0200HindustanTimes (en)

The Taliban government had originally said over 2,000 people had been killed in Saturday's magnitude 6.3 quake, centred on rural communities northwest of Herat city. Public Health Minister Qalandar Ebad on Wednesday lowered the toll to around 1,000, attributing the confusion to the remoteness of....

Afghanistan shaken by another earthquake

2023-10-11T11:37+0200bolnews (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck northwestern Afghanistan , as reported by the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) on Wednesday. This seismic event was part of a series of tremors that had already rattled similar areas in Afghanistan over the preceding weekend. The quake occurred at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Afghanistan: Government revises death toll from first earthquake to "more than 1,000"

2023-10-11T11:37+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-11T09:35:40.198Z. Highlights: Afghanistan : Government revises death toll from first earthquake to "more than 1,000". After the 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's government revised the death toll downwards to " More than 1:000 dead. and no longer 2,000.

“IoNonRischio”, la campagna della protezione civile in piazza Guido Monaco

2023-10-11T11:36+0200LaNazione (it)

Arezzo, 11 ottobre 2023 - Sapere cosa fare e cosa evitare, sia prima, sia durante sia dopo eventuali calamità naturali – come possono essere da noi soprattutto alluvioni/inondazioni e terremoti – è l’oggetto principale e l’obiettivo a breve e medio termine della campagna nazionale di Protezione Civile denominata “InNonRischio”.

Death toll revised to 1000 in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-11T11:34+0200cgtn (en)

Afghan authorities on Wednesday lowered the death toll from a series of earthquakes that struck western Herat at the weekend to around 1,000, Reuters reported, citing Public Health Minister Qalandar Ebad. Afghanistan had originally said over 2,000 people had been killed in Saturday's magnitude-6.

Afghanistan : un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l’ouest du pays

2023-10-11T11:34+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé ce mercredi 11 octobre l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui du samedi 7 octobre qui a fait plus de 2 000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 5 heures du matin....

De nouveaux séismes dans l'ouest de l'Afghanistan font un mort et 55 blessés

2023-10-11T11:33+0200french-news (fr)

HERAT ( Afghanistan ), 11 octobre (Xinhua) -- Au moins un mort et 55 blessés ont été recensés à la suite de nouveaux tremblements de terre qui ont frappé mercredi matin la province de Hérat, dans l'ouest de l'Afghanistan, selon des sources hospitalières.

Afghanistan after the earthquake: Mounds of rubble and a future of grief in store for citizens

2023-10-11T11:32+0200euronews-en (en)

In the northwestern city of Herat, Afghans are trying to make sense of Saturday’s 6.3 magnitude quake which killed and injured thousands when it levelled an untold number of homes in the province. Earlier this week, the Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs, Abdul Ghani....

The President of Turkmenistan ordered to send humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

2023-10-11T11:29+0200turkmenistan (en)

Based on the age-old humanistic traditions and principles of the Turkmen people, based on friendly, fraternal and good neighbourly relations, as well as in order to continue the noble humanitarian activities of providing, with the assistance of the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in....

Afghanistan : le gouvernement révise à «plus de 1.000 morts» le bilan du premier séisme

2023-10-11T11:29+0200Europe1 (fr)

Après le séisme de magnitude 6,3 qui a frappé l'ouest de l' Afghanistan samedi, le gouvernement du pays a révisé à la baisse le bilan, désormais établi à "plus de 1.000 morts" et non plus 2.000. Un autre tremblement de terre a également frappé la même région ce mercredi.

Afghanistan lowers quake death toll to 1,000 from earlier claim of over 2,000

2023-10-11T11:26+0200economictimes (en)

Afghan authorities on Wednesday significantly lowered the death toll from a series of quakes that struck western Herat at the weekend to around 1,000. Public Health Minister Qalandar Ebad on Wednesday lowered the toll to around 1,000, attributing the confusion to the remoteness of the area and....

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-11T11:24+0200globalsecurity (en)

By Akmal Dawi October 10, 2023. The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials.

Jenni Hermoso pide “protección” en la Audiencia Nacional tras la filtración de su declaración

2023-10-11T11:20+0200elpais (es)

Jenni Hermoso ha dado un doble golpe en la mesa. Con apenas unas horas de diferencia, la futbolista española ha decidido hablar en público por primera vez desde el beso que le dio Luis Rubiales; y su agencia de representación, TJM, ha emitido un comunicado para pedir “protección” para ella en la....

Un nouveau séisme fait 80 blessés dans l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T11:13+0200french-news (fr)

HERAT ( Afghanistan ), 11 octobre (Xinhua) -- Au moins 80 personnes ont été blessées par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 qui a frappé mercredi la province de Hérat, dans l'ouest de l'Afghanistan, a déclaré un médecin qui s'est présenté sous le nom de Murad.

Chinese scientists join Fukushima water review

2023-10-11T11:12+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Chinese scientists will this month take part in extensive sampling of Fukushima's coastal waters for the first time since the release of treated wastewater from its stricken nuclear plant began, Japanese officials said Wednesday. Experts from China will join those from Canada, South Korea and the....

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T11:11+0200setal (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2.000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre se....

Terremoto Campi Flegrei, sui social la campagna

2023-10-11T11:05+0200corrieredelmezzogiorno (it)

Dopo la raccomandazione della Marina americana, che ai suoi militari di stanza nell'area dei Campi Flegrei suggerisce di «tenere pronto un kit d'emergenza» , arriva il vademecum del 118. Si tratta di indicazioni che, nell'uno e nell'altro caso, nascono con l'intento di tranquillizzare chi negli....

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l'Afghanistan alors que des milliers de personnes sont déjà sans abri

2023-10-11T11:04+0200varmatin (fr)

Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, où vivent a indiqué l'USGS. L'impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n'est pas encore clair, alors que des milliers de personnes sont....

One dead as new quake shakes west Afghanistan 11 October 2023

2023-10-11T11:01+0200enca (en)

HERAT - A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, claiming at least one life and causing panic among residents already traumatised by a series of tremors that killed around 2,000 people at the weekend. The dawn quake hit around 30 kilometres (19 miles) north of the....

Hamas, Papa Francesco: “Prego per le famiglie colpite. Gli ostaggi vengano subito liberati”

2023-10-11T11:00+0200secoloditalia (it)

“Continuo a seguire con dolore e apprensione quanto sta succedendo in Israele e Palesti na. Tante persone uccise, altre ferite. Prego per le famiglie che hanno visto trasformare un giorno di festa in giorno di lutto e chiedo che gli ostaggi vengano subito rilasciati”.

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l'Afghanistan alors que des milliers de personnes sont déjà sans abri

2023-10-11T10:58+0200nicematin (fr)

Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, où vivent a indiqué l'USGS. L'impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n'est pas encore clair, alors que des milliers de personnes sont....

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l'Afghanistan alors que des milliers de personnes sont déjà sans abri

2023-10-11T10:55+0200monacomatin (fr)

Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, où vivent a indiqué l'USGS. L'impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n'est pas encore clair, alors que des milliers de personnes sont....

Relief supplies pour in as Afghanistan grapples with earthquake aftermaths

2023-10-11T10:54+0200aa-en (en)

ISLAMABAD. Consignments of relief goods from several countries, including Türkiye, Pakistan, China, and Japan, arrived in Afghanistan to help Kabul cope with the devastation caused by last week’s massive earthquake. According to the Afghan Taliban administration, so far emergency aid supplies from....

Diocesi: Cefalù, domani s’inaugura la comunità alloggio Carlo Acutis

2023-10-11T10:54+0200avveniredicalabria (it)

Domani, giovedì 12 ottobre, alle 17, in via Mandralisca a Cefalù verrà inaugurata la comunità alloggio Carlo Acutis, la nuova struttura della Fondazione Regina Elena che affiancherà la comunità alloggio Regina Elena, riaperta nella sua storica sede il 22 dicembre dello scorso anno.

Papa Francesco: udienza, appello per Afghanistan, “alleviare le sofferenze della gente e sostenere la necessaria ricostruzione”

2023-10-11T10:54+0200avveniredicalabria (it)

“Rivolgo un pensiero speciale alla popolazione dell’ Afghanistan , che sta soffrendo a seguito di un devastante terremoto che l’ha colpita provocando migliaia di vittime, tra cui molte donne, bambini e sfollati”. È il secondo appello del Papa a conclusione dell’udienza di oggi, dopo quello per la pace tra israeliani e palestinesi.

Relief Supplies Pour In As Afghanistan Grapples With Earthquake Aftermaths

2023-10-11T10:53+0200haberler-en (en)

Consignments of relief goods from several countries, including Türkiye, Pakistan, China, and Japan, arrived in Afghanistan to help Kabul cope with the devastation caused by last week's massive earthquake. According to the Afghan Taliban administration, so far emergency aid supplies from several....

Papa: ostaggi israeliani siano subito rilasciati, preoccupazione per l'assedio totale di Gaza

2023-10-11T10:49+0200asianews (it)

Città del Vaticano (AsiaNews) - Un appello per l’immediata liberazione delle decine di ostaggi israeliani trattenuti da Hamas. Ma anche profonda preoccupazione per l’assedio totale in cui vivono i palestinesi di Gaza. E l’orizzonte di una pace “costruita sulla giustizia, sul dialogo e sul coraggio della fraternità” come unica soluzione.

10:43Bollette, Ravazzolo (Confindustria): “Nuovi crediti d’imposta energetici, chimica e metalli in sofferenza”

2023-10-11T10:49+0200energiaoltre (it)

“Entro fine anno stimiamo che l’energia elettrica arriverà a pesare fino a 130 euro in bolletta. Dal punto di vista del gas abbiamo già registrato un aumento del +12%, intorno 50 euro MW/h del gas. Sebbene i prezzi siano in discesa rispetto allo tsunami del 2022 sono alti. Le aziende energy intensive, in particolare, sono in maggiore difficoltà.

“Io non rischio – buone pratiche di protezione civile”, ecco le piazze dell’Imperiese coinvolte dalla campagna

2023-10-11T10:46+0200riviera24 (it)

Genova . Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Liguria partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “I o non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile ”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

One Dead As New Quake Shakes West Afghanistan

2023-10-11T10:45+0200ibtimes (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, claiming at least one life and causing panic among residents already traumatised by a series of tremors that killed around 2,000 people at the weekend. The dawn quake hit around 30 kilometres (19 miles) north of the provincial....

Afghanistan is hit by another earthquake, days after tremors and aftershocks killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T10:45+0200nbcnews (en)

00:25 The magnitude-6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan 's Herat province flattened all 700 homes in one village that had been untouched by the tremors of previous days. Oct. 11, 2023 Afghanistan is hit by another earthquake, days after tremors and aftershocks killed over 2,000....

Over 100 injured in Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-11T10:41+0200radio-pk (en)

More than hundred people were injured as another strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan today. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Herat city early this morning. More than 2,500 people were killed in the city by a tremor of same intensity on Saturday.

Again, 6.3 magnitude earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-11T10:40+0200punchng (en)

Afghanistan has once again been hit by another 6.3 magnitude earthquake. The earthquake which occurred in Herat on Wednesday morning was confirmed and made known by the World Health Organisation country office in Afghanistan via its X handle. However, the apex health organisation added that medical....

Un violent sأ©isme frappe ce pays

2023-10-11T10:33+0200tuniscope (fr)

L'ouest de l' Afghanistan a de nouveau été frappé, ce mercredi, par un violent séisme, quatre jours après un tremblement de terre qui a fait au moins 2.400 morts et plus de 2.000 blessés. La nouvelle secousse, de magnitude 6,3 selon le Centre allemand de recherche en géosciences (GFZ), a été....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where an earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T10:29+0200whig (en)

Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000 people. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake on Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers, or 17 miles, outside Herat, the capital of Herat province <.

6.3 Magnitude Earthquake shakes part of Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T10:29+0200wn (en)

HERAT, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Oct, 2023) Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more....

One dead as new quake shakes west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T10:29+0200wn (en)

Herat, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Oct, 2023) A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, claiming at least one life and causing panic among residents already traumatised by a series of tremors that killed around 2,000 people at the weekend.

Afghans mourn unimaginable loss from quake

2023-10-11T10:29+0200omanobserver-om (en)

ZINDA JAN DISTRICT, Afghanistan — Wails echoed across what was left of the village when the ambulance arrived. Inside was the body of a 12-year-old girl, Roqia. She had died in a nearby hospital Tuesday morning, four days after a devastating earthquake hit this stretch of northwestern Afghanistan....

“Tremo ma non ho paura”: la campagna d'emergenza contro il terremoto

2023-10-11T10:27+0200napolitoday (it)

La campagna “Tremo ma non ho paura”: la campagna d'emergenza contro il terremoto. A proporla è il gruppo “Nessuno tocchi Ippocrate” "Tremo ma non ho paura". È la campagna di sensibilizzazione di 'Nessuno Tocchi Ippocrate', associazione di medici del 118 di Napoli, che pubblica su Facebook alcune....

Factbox-EU, UN, several countries pledge aid to earthquake-striken Afghanistan

2023-10-11T10:25+0200wkzo (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Another major earthquake rattled western Afghanistan on Wednesday, just days after one of the world’s deadliest earthquakes killed more than 2,400 people and levelled thousands of homes in the area. Below are some facts about the pledges of humanitarian aid made to Afghanistan so far, as U.

Factbox-EU, UN, several countries pledge aid to earthquake-striken Afghanistan ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Another major earthquake rattled western Afghanistan on Wednesday, just days after one of the world's deadliest earthquakes kill... 51m ago

2023-10-11T10:23+0200kelo (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Another major earthquake rattled western Afghanistan on Wednesday, just days after one of the world’s deadliest earthquakes killed more than 2,400 people and levelled thousands of homes in the area. Below are some facts about the pledges of humanitarian aid made to Afghanistan so far, as U.

Second earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan causes fresh damage

2023-10-11T10:22+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post KABUL (Reuters): A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan ’s western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties....

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T10:21+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Un nouveau séisme a frappé l’ Afghanistan ce mercredi matin, quatre jours après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2 000 morts dans la même région . Il s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 5 h 10 heure locale (0 h 40 GMT), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de....

Nuova scossa di terremoto in Afghanistan: danni gravi e feriti

2023-10-11T10:20+0200informazione (it)

Dopo il devastante terremoto di sabato scorso, che ha causato 2053 vittime, l' Afghanistan è stato colpito da una nuova violenta scossa di magnitudo 6.3. Questo evento sismico si è verificato alle ore 05:25 (ore 02:55 in Italia) a una profondità di circa 10 km, con epicentro ancora una volta nei pressi di Herat.

Afghanistan Earthquake News | 6.3 Magnitude Quake Hits Western P

2023-10-11T10:19+0200timesnownews (en)

rovince | Fresh Damages Reported. Afghanistan Earthquake News: Another powerful earthquake struck Herat Province in Afghanistan. This comes after several days after 2 major quakes in the same area. The death toll has crossed 4000 in Afghanistan. The powerful quake of magnitude 6.3 struck northwestern Afghanistan.

Papa Francesco: udienza, appello per Afghanistan, “alleviare le sofferenze della gente e sostenere la necessaria ricostruzione”

2023-10-11T10:19+0200agensir (it)

Piazza San Pietro Papa Francesco: udienza, appello per Afghanistan , “alleviare le sofferenze della gente e sostenere la necessaria ricostruzione” “Rivolgo un pensiero speciale alla popolazione dell’Afghanistan, che sta soffrendo a seguito di un devastante terremoto che l’ha colpita provocando....

Strong Earthquake Hits Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T10:17+0200longbeachstar (en)

A strong earthquake hit western Afghanistan Wednesday, affecting the same area where an earthquake four days ago killed more than 2,000 people. The U.S. Geological Survey said the center of the magnitude 6.3 earthquake Wednesday was about 28 kilometers northwest of the city of Herat.

Factbox-EU, UN, several countries pledge aid to earthquake-striken Afghanistan ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Another major earthquake rattled western Afghanistan on Wednesday, just days after one of the world's deadliest earthquakes kill... 42m ago

2023-10-11T10:16+0200whbl (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Another major earthquake rattled western Afghanistan on Wednesday, just days after one of the world’s deadliest earthquakes killed more than 2,400 people and levelled thousands of homes in the area. Below are some facts about the pledges of humanitarian aid made to Afghanistan so far, as U.

El desafío del tsunami migratorio

2023-10-11T10:13+0200milenio (es)

Los flujos migratorios crecen y crecen desde 2021. ¿Estaremos, México y Estados Unidos, a la altura del desafío que representa la gestión de este hito, la seguridad de las personas migrantes frente al crimen organizado y la protección de sus derechos humanos, así como también la seguridad de ambas....

After Afghanistan's earthquake, families hold a mass funeral

2023-10-11T10:11+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

More than 2,000 people are reportedly dead after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. As mourning relatives bury their loved ones, rescuers are still hoping they can find more survivors.

Second earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan causes fresh damage

2023-10-11T10:11+0200wn (en)

KABUL: A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan ’s western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest quake, disaster....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where an earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T10:11+0200eagletribune (en)

Afghans bury hundreds of people killed in an earthquake to a burial site, in a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Saturday's deadly earthquake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Un séisme de deuxième magnitude, de magnitude 6,3, secoue l’ouest de l’Afghanistan déjà ébranlé

2023-10-11T10:10+0200laminute (fr)

Un deuxième séisme violent a secoué mercredi certaines parties de l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , déjà sous le choc d’une précédente secousse qui avait tué plus de 2 000 personnes la semaine dernière. Le dernier séisme de magnitude 6,3 s’est produit à environ 28 kilomètres (17 miles) à l’extérieur....

ICC World Cup: Afghanistan win toss, opt to bat against India

2023-10-11T10:07+0200deccanherald (en)

Afghanistan on Wednesday won the toss and opted to bat against India. India take on Afghanistan at the Arun Jaitley stadium, Virat Kohli's backyard in Delhi in this ODI fixture. Ahead of the match, much cheering could be heard from the stands, as the commentators pointed out.

Kazakhstan sends over 1,600 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

2023-10-11T10:07+0200thesundaily (en)

MOSCOW: Kazakhstan has sent 1,659 tonnes of humanitarian assistance, including food, medicines, tents and clothing, to Afghanistan to help its population after the deadly earthquakes that hit the country this past weekend, the Kazakh Ministry for Emergency Situations said on Wednesday, reported Sputnik.

Terremoto in Afghanistan. Kalilah (Medici senza frontiere): “C’è bisogno urgente di alloggi”. Oltre 2.445 morti e 2.440 feriti

2023-10-11T10:06+0200agensir (it)

Secondo i dati ufficiali sono almeno 2.445 i morti accertati e 2.440 i feriti a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 del 7 ottobre nella provincia di Herat, in Afghanistan . Presente sul campo è Yahya Kalilah, capo del programma in Afghanistan di Medici senza frontiere.

Strong Earthquake Hits Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T10:01+0200kenyastar (en)

A strong earthquake hit western Afghanistan Wednesday, affecting the same area where an earthquake four days ago killed more than 2,000 people. The U.S. Geological Survey said the center of the magnitude 6.3 earthquake Wednesday was about 28 kilometers northwest of the city of Herat.

11:55 Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T10:01+0200clicanoo (fr)

Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, a indiqué l'USGS. L'impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n'est pas encore clair, au moment où des milliers de personnes sont sans....

Guerre Israël-Hamas : les réseaux sociaux, l’un des fronts du conflit ?

2023-10-11T10:01+0200sudouest (fr)

Les informations sur les réseaux sociaux. « Dans les crises comme les atrocités terroristes, les guerres et les catastrophes naturelles, les gens ont tendance à se rendre sur les réseaux sociaux pour obtenir de l’information rapidement », explique Imran Ahmed, du Centre de lutte contre la haine numérique.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oggi nuova scossa 6.3 nell’ovest

2023-10-11T09:58+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023) (Adnkronos) – Un nuovo forte Terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo Terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della....

De nouveaux séismes dans l'ouest de l'Afghanistan font un mort et 55 blessés

2023-10-11T09:56+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Au moins un mort et 55 blessés ont été recensés à la suite de nouveaux tremblements de terre qui ont frappé mercredi matin la province de Hérat, dans l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon des sources hospitalières. Citant des sources non identifiées à l'hôpital régional de la ville de Hérat, la chaîne....

One dead as new quake shakes west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:55+0200channelnewsasia (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan : A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday (Oct 11), claiming at least one life and causing panic among residents already traumatised by a series of tremors at the weekend. The dawn quake hit around 30km north of the provincial capital of Herat, where....

Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days

2023-10-11T09:55+0200armradio (en)

Another earthquake has hit western Afghanistan just days after two large quakes in the same region killed more than 1,000 people the reports. The new 6.3 magnitude quake struck at around 05:10 local time (00:40 GMT) on Wednesday, 28km north of the city of Herat. More than 100 were injured and sent to hospital, health officials said.

One dead as new quake shakes west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:55+0200iraqinews (en)

Map showing the epicentre of a new earthquake in Herat province on October 11, a few days after a series of quakes and large aftershocks that left hundreds of people dead. Herat – A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, claiming at least one life and causing panic among....

6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Part of Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:55+0200tolonews (en)

(AP) — Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2,000 and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28 kilometers (17 miles) outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, and 10 kilometers (6 miles) deep, according to the U.

Massive Earthquake Hits Afghanistan: Latest Updates, Casualties, and International Aid | Top News

2023-10-11T09:54+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-11 04:25:57. Kabul: An earthquake was felt in western Afghanistan . There was an earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale. The US Geological Survey said the 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck Wednesday morning 28 kilometers from the provincial capital of Herat. COMMERCIAL BREAK. SCROLL TO CONTINUE READING.

Un nouveau séisme en Afghanistan après celui de samedi qui a causé plus de 2 000 morts

2023-10-11T09:53+0200humanite (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3, suivi par huit fortes répliques. La violence du tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , samedi 7 octobre, provoquant la mort de 2000 personnes et ravageant une dizaine de villages à 30 kilomètres au nord-ouest de la ville de Hérat, avec plus de 1 000 maisons détruites, est sans précédent.

Factbox-EU, UN, several countries pledge aid to earthquake-striken Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:51+0200wsau (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Another major earthquake rattled western Afghanistan on Wednesday, just days after one of the world’s deadliest earthquakes killed more than 2,400 people and levelled thousands of homes in the area. Below are some facts about the pledges of humanitarian aid made to Afghanistan so far, as U.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oggi nuova scossa 6.3 nell'ovest

2023-10-11T09:51+0200virgilio (it)

Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oggi nuova scossa 6.3 nell’ovest

2023-10-11T09:51+0200quotidianodifoggia (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della città di Herat, vicino....

Des éruptions volcaniques répétées déclenchent un changement climatique mortel

2023-10-11T09:51+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

AP PHOTO/FORCE DE DÉFENSE AUSTRALIENNE/POIS CHRISTOPHER SZUMLANSKI. Sur cette photo publiée par les forces de défense australiennes, des débris de bâtiments endommagés et d’arbres éparpillés peuvent être vus sur l’île d’Atata à Tonga, le 28 janvier 2022, à la suite de l’éruption du volcan sous-marin....

EU, UN, several countries pledge aid to earthquake-striken Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:50+0200straitstimesSG (en)

ISLAMABAD - Another major earthquake rattled western Afghanistan on Wednesday, just days after one of the world's deadliest earthquakes killed more than 2,400 people and levelled thousands of homes in the area. Below are some facts about the pledges of humanitarian aid made to Afghanistan so far, as U.

Factbox-EU, UN, several countries pledge aid to earthquake-striken Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:50+0200gazette (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Another major earthquake rattled western Afghanistan on Wednesday, just days after one of the world's deadliest earthquakes killed more than 2,400 people and levelled thousands of homes in the area. Below are some facts about the pledges of humanitarian aid made to Afghanistan so far, as U.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oggi nuova scossa 6.3 nell’ovest

2023-10-11T09:48+0200Quotidianodibari (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della città di Herat, vicino....

Factbox-EU, UN, Several Countries Pledge Aid to Earthquake-Striken Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:47+0200usnews (en)

Afghan men stand on the debris of damaged houses after the recent earthquake, in the district of Zinda Jan, in Herat, Afghanistan October 10, 2023. REUTERS/Ali Khara Reuters ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Another major earthquake rattled western Afghanistan on Wednesday, just days after one of the world's....

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:47+0200le360 (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2.000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son....

One dead as new quake shakes west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:45+0200digitaljournal (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, claiming at least one life and causing panic among residents already traumatised by a series of tremors that killed around 2,000 people at the weekend. The dawn quake hit around 30 kilometres (19 miles) north of the provincial....

Factbox-EU, UN, several countries pledge aid to earthquake-striken Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:44+02004-traders (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Another major earthquake rattled western Afghanistan on Wednesday, just days after one of the world's deadliest earthquakes killed more than 2,400 people and levelled thousands of homes in the area. Below are some facts about the pledges of humanitarian aid made to Afghanistan so far, as U.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oggi nuova scossa 6.3 nell'ovest

2023-10-11T09:41+0200vivereancona (it)

1' di lettura Vivere Italia 11/10/2023 - (Adnkronos) - Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi....

6.3 Magnitude Earthquake shakes part of Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:39+0200urdupoint (en)

HERAT, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Oct, 2023) Another strong has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers outside the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, AP reported.

EU, UN, several countries pledge aid to earthquake-striken Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:39+0200reuters (en)

Afghan men stand on the debris of damaged houses after the recent earthquake, in the district of Zinda Jan, in Herat, Afghanistan October 10, 2023. REUTERS/Ali Khara ISLAMABAD, Oct 11 (Reuters) - Another major earthquake rattled western Afghanistan on Wednesday, just days after one of the world's....

One dead as new quake shakes west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:34+0200rfi-en (en)

The dawn quake hit around 30 kilometres (19 miles) north of the provincial capital of Herat, where thousands were spending a fourth night in the open after Saturday's quakes flattened their villages. "It's horrible, the whole of Herat is terrified," said 32-year-old Abdul Qudos.

2nd quake rattles Afghanistan as rescuers continue search

2023-10-11T09:32+0200arkansasonline (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan -- Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan this morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2,000 and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 17 miles outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, and 6 miles deep, according to the U.

Afghanistan hit by another large earthquake days after quake killed more than 2,400 people

2023-10-11T09:32+0200standard (en)

The magnitude 6.3 earthquake on Wednesday was about 17 miles outside Herat, the capital of Herat province in western Afghanistan , and was six miles deep. It has injured at least 80 people and a landslide has blocked the major Herat-Torghondi highway, Information Ministry spokesman Abdul Wahid Rayan said.

Quatre jours après: Un violent séisme frappe de nouveau l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:31+0200lindependant (fr)

L'ouest de l' Afghanistan a de nouveau été frappé ce mercredi par un violent séisme, quatre jours après un tremblement de terre qui a fait au moins 2.400 morts et plus de 2.000 blessés. La nouvelle secousse, de magnitude 6,3 selon le Centre allemand de recherche en géosciences (GFZ), a été....

FACTBOX-EU, UN, several countries pledge aid to earthquake-striken Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:30+0200devdiscourse (en)

Currently, the main needs are for emergency shelter, medical relief items, and access to safe drinking water and sanitation in an area that has been recently affected by droughts, it said. The statement said the new assistance came in addition to the 89 million euros in humanitarian aid already....

6.4-magnitude earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:30+0200bssnews (en)

MOSCOW, Oct, 11, 2023 (BSS/TASS) - A 6.4-magnitude earthquake was registered in Afghanistan in the early hours of Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Center said. The epicenter was located at the depth of 10 km, 34 km northwest from the city of Heart, the country's third largest city with a population of over 272,000 people.

Morning news brief: Earthquake shakes Afghanistan again, Hamas kills Israeli babies and more

2023-10-11T09:29+0200wionews (en)

Afghanistan was again struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake on Wednesday morning, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said, adding that no fresh casualties have been reported so far. Volunteers and rescuers have been working since last weekend to locate survivors of the earlier series of earthquakes.

Nuovo terremoto 6.3 nella provincia di Herat: 700 case distrutte

2023-10-11T09:29+0200euronews-it (it)

Stesse epicentro e stessa magnitudo: ancora colpita da una forte scossa la provincia occidentale di Herat. Per il terremoto di mercoledì si segnalano 80 feriti, case distrutte e strade interrotte. Il bilancio della scossa di sabato è salito a oltre 2.000 vittime.

Strong Earthquake Hits Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:27+0200voanews (en)

A strong earthquake hit western Afghanistan Wednesday, affecting the same area where an earthquake four days ago killed more than 2,000 people. The U.S. Geological Survey said the center of the magnitude 6.3 earthquake Wednesday was about 28 kilometers northwest of the city of Herat.

Second earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan causes fresh damage

2023-10-11T09:26+0200arabpolitical (en)

NEW YORK CITY: The UN on Tuesday expressed deep concern about the escalating humanitarian crisis in the South Caucasus, where more than 100,600 ethnic-Armenian refugees, including 30,000 children, have poured into Armenia from the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan in the past few weeks.

At least 50 injured in new 6.3 earthquake in western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:26+0200tellerreport (en)

At least 50 people were injured in the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, where rescue teams are after Saturday's devastating earthquakes , which left more than 2,400 dead. "About 50 people were injured in today's earthquake in different parts of the city" of....

Afghanistan: nell’ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3

2023-10-11T09:20+0200money-it (it)

Islamabad, 11 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l’Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’area nei pressi della città di Herat,....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, nuove scosse devastano Herat: 2400 morti

2023-10-11T09:20+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023) Tre scosse sismiche hanno colpito in poche ore il territorio intorno alla città di Herat , in Afghanistan , che conta oltre tre milioni di abitanti. L’evento inizialmente non sembrava aver generato danni troppo seri e il numero di feriti era quasi nullo.

Afghanistan, nuovo forte terremoto: feriti e case distrutte

2023-10-11T09:20+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023) L’ Afghanistan continua a scontare la furia della natura. Dopo il devastante terremoto di sabato scorso che ha colpito la zona di Herat, causando la morte di oltre 2.000 persone e ingenti danni materiali, un altro sisma ha scosso la stessa regione occidentale del Paese.

Western parts of Afghanistan experience another earthquake

2023-10-11T09:18+0200vervetimes (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan – Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers (17 miles) outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Afghanistan, terremoto di magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T09:17+0200ilmetropolitano-it (it)

In Afghanistan la terra ha tremato ancora una volta. Dopo il terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 di Sabato scorso, che ha causato oltre 2050 morti, nella notte appena trascorsa i sismografi hanno registrato un altro poderoso terremoto, di magnitudo 6.4, a circa 28 chilometri a Nord-Ovest dalla città di Herat.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oggi nuova scossa 6.3 nell’ovest

2023-10-11T09:16+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito oggi l’ Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l’Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’area nei pressi della città di Herat, vicino....

Dentro la famiglia di Carlos. Ovvero la ricerca della normalità all’interno di uno tsunami

2023-10-11T09:15+0200baraondanews (it)

Intervista ai genitori di Carlos, un bambino di Ladispoli affetto da un disturbo dello spettro autistico. Dentro la famiglia di Carlos di Giovanni Zucconi. Una pubblicità famosa dice che le malattie genetiche rare sono uno tsunami per le famiglie. Ed è vero. Ma questo è vero per una qualsiasi famiglia che abbia un figlio o una figlia disabile.

Nuova forte scossa terremoto di magnitudo 6.4 in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:14+0200interris (it)

L’ Afghanistan trema ancora. Dopo le scosse dello scorso 7 ottobre, a causa delle quali sono morte oltre 2mila persone, un nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.4 ha colpito la stessa zona ubicata non lontano da Herat. Nuova forte scossa terremoto di magnitudo 6.4 in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan : Maisons détruites dans la province d’Herat après un autre tremblement de terre | Nouvelles du monde

2023-10-11T09:13+0200news-24 (fr)

Des centaines de maisons ont été rasées alors qu’un autre tremblement de terre a secoué une partie de l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan mercredi matin – quelques jours seulement après que plus de 2 445 personnes soient mortes lors d’un précédent séisme. Au moins 80 personnes ont été blessées lors du séisme....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oggi nuova scossa 6.3 nell’ovest

2023-10-11T09:11+0200rete55 (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della città di Herat, vicino....

Another powerful quake hits western Afghanistan days after 2,000 died27min

2023-10-11T09:10+0200presstv-ir (en)

Another strong 6.3 magnitude earthquake has hit an area in western Afghanistan where a series of similar tremors there left 2,000 people killed on the weekend. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10 am local time (00:40 GMT) on....

Strong earthquake hits Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T09:08+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A strong earthquake hit western Afghanistan Wednesday, affecting the same area where an earthquake four days ago killed more than 2,000 people. The U.S. Geological Survey said the center of the magnitude 6.3 earthquake Wednesday was about 28 kilometers northwest of the city of Herat.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oggi nuova scossa 6.3 nell'ovest

2023-10-11T09:01+0200adnkronos (it)

Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso . Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della città di Herat , vicino all'epicentro del sisma....

Nuova violenta scossa di terremoto in Afghanistan: gravi danni e feriti

2023-10-11T09:00+02003bmeteo (it)

Nuova violenta scossa di terremoto in Afghanistan . TERREMOTO, PESANTE REPLICA IN AFGHANISTAN - Dopo il terremoto mortale dello scorso sabato ( (2053 vittime), una nuova violenta scossa di magnitudo 6.3 si è verificata alle ore 05:25 (ore 02:55 in Italia) a una profondità di circa 10 km, con epicentro ancora una volta nei pressi di Herat.

Afghanistan: nell’ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3

2023-10-11T08:54+0200meteoweb (it)

Islamabad, 11 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l’Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’area nei pressi della città di Herat,....

Afghanistan: nell’ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3

2023-10-11T08:53+0200strettoweb (it)

Islamabad, 11 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l’Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’area nei pressi della città di Herat,....

Afghanistan: nell'ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3

2023-10-11T08:52+0200lanuovaferrara (it)

Islamabad, 11 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della città di Herat,....

Afghanistan: nell'ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3

2023-10-11T08:51+0200gazzettadimodena (it)

Islamabad, 11 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della città di Herat,....

Afghanistan: nell'ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3

2023-10-11T08:51+0200affaritaliani (it)

Islamabad, 11 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della città di Herat,....

Afghanistan: nell'ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3

2023-10-11T08:51+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

Islamabad, 11 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della città di Herat,....

Afghanistan: nell'ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3

2023-10-11T08:49+0200corriereadriatico (it)

Islamabad, 11 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della città di Herat,....

Afghanistan: nell’ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3

2023-10-11T08:49+0200laragione (it)

Islamabad, 11 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l’Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’area nei pressi della città di Herat,....

Panic as another strong earthquake shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T08:48+0200dailypakistan (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Afghanistan on Wednesday, days after devastating tremors that killed nearly 2,500 people. Local media reported that the latest earthquake hit the same region of Afghanistan around 5:10 local time (00:40 GMT). The area is Herat, the capital of Herat province, where....

Afghanistan: nell'ovest nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3

2023-10-11T08:48+0200gazzettadireggio (it)

Islamabad, 11 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Un nuovo forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, già devastato dal sisma di sabato scorso. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) il nuovo terremoto ha colpito nelle scorse ore l'area nei pressi della città di Herat,....

En Afghanistan, un nouveau séisme ravage l'ouest du pays

2023-10-11T08:45+0200moustique (fr)

Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, où vivent a indiqué l'USGS. L'impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n'est pas encore clair, alors que des milliers de personnes sont....

6.3-magnitude earthquake shakes western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T08:44+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Kabul: Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake in the same region on Saturday killed more than 2,000 people. According to the US Geological Survey, the 6.3-magnitude earthquake on Wednesday morning occurred at a shallow depth with its epicenter about 29 kilometers north of the city of Herat.

Another earthquake hits western Afghanistan, losses ‘huge,’ says official

2023-10-11T08:42+0200inquirer (en)

KABUL, Afghanistan A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan’s western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest....

Nuovo terremoto in Afghanistan: magnitudo 6.3, feriti e case distrutte

2023-10-11T08:38+0200informazione (it)

Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, causando almeno 50 feriti. Questo sisma, di magnitudo 6.4, ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15 chilometri di profondità ed epicentro 28 km a nord-nordovest di Herat. Le squadre di soccorso sono già sul posto, dopo il devastante terremoto di sabato scorso, che ha provocato oltre 2.

Repeated Volcanic Eruptions Trigger Deadly Climate Change

2023-10-11T08:35+0200kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found in Letusan Gunung Api Secara Berulang Memicu Perubahan Iklim yang Mematikan AP PHOTO/AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE/POIS CHRISTOPHER SZUMLANSKI.

Nuova forte scossa di terremoto in Afghanistan: almeno 50 feriti

2023-10-11T08:32+0200zazoom-it (it)

Afghanistan : nuova forte scossa di terremoto - magnitudo 6.4 - Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di ...

Scores injured as another quake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T08:31+0200pajhwok (en)

More than 80 injured people were shifted to the zonal hospital after another strong earthquake rattled western Herat and neighboring provinces on Wednesday morning . . . You need to subscribe to view the full article. Please or a new account.

Afghanistan : un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l’ouest du pays

2023-10-11T08:29+0200nordeclair (fr)

Alors que samedi dernier, un séisme a fait plus de 2 000 morts en Afghanistan , le pays vient d’être touché par un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3. Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain ( ), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2 000 morts dans la même région .

Video Afghanistan : un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l’ouest du pays

2023-10-11T08:28+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Afghanistan : un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l’ouest du pays Alors que samedi dernier, un séisme a fait plus de 2 000 morts en Afghanistan, le pays vient d’être touché par un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3. Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’Afghanistan....

Another 6.3 magnitude quake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T08:27+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 5:10am local time (12:40am GMT), with its epicentre about 29 kilometres north....

Afghanistan : un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l’ouest du pays

2023-10-11T08:26+0200leparisien (fr)

L’ Afghanistan à nouveau frappée par un tremblement de terre. Trois jours après avoir recensé plus de 2 000 morts, l’ouest du pays a connu un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 ce mercredi, selon le service sismologique américain (USGS). Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 5h10 heure....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan causes fresh damage -Afghan officials

2023-10-11T08:24+0200saltwire (en)

An Afghan man stands on the debris of damaged houses after the recent earthquake, in the district of Zinda Jan, in Herat, Afghanistan October 9, 2023. REUTERS/Ali Khara TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY. By Mohammad Yunus Yawar. KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) -A 6.

Nuova forte scossa di terremoto in Afghanistan: almeno 50 feriti

2023-10-11T08:24+0200la7 (it)

Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , di magnitudo 6.4. Il sisma ha avuto l'i pocentro a soli 15 chilometri di profondità ed epicentro 28 km a nord-nordovest di Herat . Al momento si registrano solo 50 persone ferite, ma le informazioni sono ancora frammentarie. La zona ha già registrato almeno 2.

Disaster follows a series of deadly quakes over the weekend

2023-10-11T08:22+0200irishtimes (en)

Residents digging through rubble in the Herat province on Tuesday, before the latest earthquake. Photograph: Victor J Blue/The New York Times. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan ’s western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in....

Another quake hits western Afghanistan; official says losses "huge"

2023-10-11T08:19+0200thestandard-hk (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan 's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest quake, disaster management spokesman Janan Sayeeq told Reuters.

Second Earthquake of 6.3-Magnitude Strikes Afghanistan Just Days After First; Injures At Least 80 Individuals less than an hour ago The epicentre of the quake which struck at around 5.10 a.m. on Wednesday morning, is 28 km north of the city of Herat.

2023-10-11T08:18+0200weather-en-IN (en)

Just five days after a massive earthquake struck Afghanistan 's Herat province killing more than 2,000 people, another temblor measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale hit the same region on Wednesday, injuring 80 persons. According to local residents, most of the injured have been taken to hospital from Rubat Sangi district, reports Xinhua news agency.

6.3 and 5 magnitude earthquakes occur in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T08:17+0200akipress-en (en)

AKIPRESS.COM - 6.3 and 5 magnitude earthquakes occurred in western Afghanistan within 11 minutes of each other, the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre reported. The first earthquake occurred at about 5:11 am local time. It was 31 km southwest of Herat city, where 272,000 people live. The epicenter was at a depth of 10 km.

Un nouveau séisme frappe l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T08:17+0200quotidien-lu (fr)

Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05h10 heure locale, son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, a indiqué l’USGS. L’impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n’est pas encore clair, au moment où des milliers de personnes sont sans abri après la....

AP News Summary at 2:07 a.m. EDT

2023-10-11T08:17+0200eagletribune (en)

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden is confirming that U.S. citizens are among the hostages captured by Hamas in this weekend’s attack on Israel. He condemned the militant group for “sheer evil.” Hundreds of civilians have been killed , including at least 14 American citizens.

Afghanistan : un nouveau séisme frappe le pays, quatre jours après le précédent

2023-10-11T08:13+0200la-croix (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi 11 octobre l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2 000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 5 heures10 locale, son épicentre....

Another quake hits Afghanistan; official says losses 'huge'

2023-10-11T08:10+0200AsiaOne (en)

KABUL, Afghanistan — A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan's western province of Herat on Wednesday (Oct 11), forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the....

Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days

2023-10-11T08:09+0200radionz (en)

Afghan residents clear debris of damaged houses after earthquake in Nayeb Rafi village, Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on October 10, 2023. Rescue workers scrabbled through rubble on October 10, for villagers buried in their homes by a series of earthquakes that killed more than 2,000 people....

Afghanistan, nuovo forte terremoto: magnitudo 6.3, feriti e case distrutte

2023-10-11T08:09+0200fanpage (it)

Leggi anche La scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.0 ripresa dalle telecamere del campetto sportivo "Ero nel sonno più profondo perché non avevo dormito nei giorni precedenti", ha detto una testimone alla BBC. "Non mi sono mai sentita così vicina alla morte", ha ammesso, aggiungendo di essere corsa a....

Another 6.3 magnitude quake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T08:08+0200dawn (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 5:10am local time (12:40am GMT), with its epicentre about 29 kilometres north....

Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days

2023-10-11T08:08+0200thestarkenya (en)

A second large earthquake has hit Afghanistan just days after a 6.3 magnitude quake in the same region killed more than 1,000 people. The latest quake, of the same magnitude, struck at around 05:10 local time (00:40 GMT) on Wednesday. The epicentre is 28km (17 miles) north of the city of Herat.

Magnitude 6.3: Afghanistan shaken again by severe earthquake

2023-10-11T08:07+0200archyde (en)

According to the US Earthquake Observatory USGS, the quake had a magnitude of 6.3 and occurred around 28 kilometers northwest of the city of Herat at a depth of ten kilometers. There were initially no reports of injuries or new damage. This caused the earth to shake again in the region where,....

Another quake hits western Afghanistan; official says losses "huge"

2023-10-11T08:07+0200thestar-my (en)

KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) -A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the....

Afghanistan hit by another earthquake

2023-10-11T08:06+0200pakobserver (en)

KABUL – A strong earthquake jolted northwestern Afghanistan on Wednesday days after deadly seismic activity claimed over 2,000 lives in five districts of Herat. The German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said the magnitude of the quake has been recorded as 6.3 and it occurred at a depth of 10 kilometres.

The Star » Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days

2023-10-11T08:06+0200kenyamoja (en)

A second large earthquake has hit Afghanistan just days after a 6.3 magnitude quake in the same region killed more than 1,000 people. The latest quake, of the same magnitude, struck at around 05:10 local time (00:40 GMT) on Wednesday. The epicentre is 28km (17 miles) north of the city of Herat.

Afghanistan hit by second strong earthquake in days

2023-10-11T08:05+0200aljazeera-en (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has struck western Afghanistan , just days after a series of deadly quakes left more than 2,400 people dead. The latest earthquake struck an area near Herat, the capital of Herat province, early on Wednesday morning, local time.

Magnitude 6.3 quake in Afghanistan causes fresh damage

2023-10-11T08:05+0200bordermail (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has struck Afghanistan 's western province of Herat, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest quake, disaster management spokesman Janan Sayeeq told Reuters.

Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days

2023-10-11T08:05+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

Afghan residents clear debris of damaged houses after earthquake in Nayeb Rafi village, Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on October 10, 2023. Rescue workers scrabbled through rubble on October 10, for villagers buried in their homes by a series of earthquakes that killed more than 2,000 people....

Another strong earthquake of 6.3 magnitude jolts western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T08:05+0200radio-pk (en)

Another strong earthquake of 6.3 magnitude struck western Afghanistan today where more than 2,500 people were killed by a similar tremor on Saturday. The earthquake occurred early this morning at a shallow depth of 10 km with its epicenter about north of Herat city with no reports of damage or casualties so far.

Another strong earthquake of 6.3 magnitude jolts western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T08:03+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Another strong earthquake of 6.3 magnitude struck western Afghanistan today where more than 2,500 people were killed by a similar tremor on Saturday. The earthquake occurred early this morning at a shallow depth of 10 km with its epicenter about north of Herat city with no reports of damage or casualties so far.

Cinq jours après un séisme dévastateur, nouveau tremblement de terre dans l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T08:01+0200Liberation (fr)

Cinq jours après une secousse qui a tué plus de 2000 personnes, un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi 11 octobre l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan . Le service sismologique américain (USGS) a localisé le tremblement de terre à une faible profondeur vers 5 heures 10, heure locale (00H40 GMT),....

Magnitude 6.3 quake in Afghanistan causes fresh damage

2023-10-11T08:00+0200maitlandmercury (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has struck Afghanistan 's western province of Herat, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest quake, disaster management spokesman Janan Sayeeq told Reuters.

A new earthquake leaves at least 50 injured in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T08:00+0200kiratas (en)

At least 50 people were injured due to a new 6.3 magnitude earthquake that shook western Afghanistan this Wednesday. ADVERTISING. A new earthquake leaves 50 injured in the city of Herat, in western Afghanistan. The earthquake, of magnitude 6.3, follows another tremor of the same intensity that....

Another quake hits Afghanistan days after deadly tremors

2023-10-11T07:59+0200bdnews24 (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan 's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest quake, disaster management spokesman Janan Sayeeq told Reuters.

Magnitude 6.3 quake in Afghanistan causes fresh damage

2023-10-11T07:59+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has struck Afghanistan 's western province of Herat, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest quake, disaster management spokesman Janan Sayeeq told Reuters.

Magnitude 6.3 quake in Afghanistan causes fresh damage

2023-10-11T07:58+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has struck Afghanistan 's western province of Herat, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest quake, disaster management spokesman Janan Sayeeq told Reuters.

Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days

2023-10-11T07:55+0200saudigazette (en)

KABUL — Another earthquake has hit western Afghanistan just days after two large quakes in the same region killed more than 1,000 people. The new 6.3 magnitude quake struck at around 05:10 local time (00:40 GMT) on Wednesday, 28km (17 miles) north of the city of Herat. More than 100 were injured and sent to hospital, health officials said.

80 injured as fresh quake jolts west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:55+0200sinacom-en (en)

At least 80 people were injured as a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck west Afghanistan 's Herat province Wednesday, a doctor who introduced himself as Murad said. Most of the injured have been taken to hospital from Rubat Sangi district, according to locals.

New earthquake hits Herat in western Afghanistan, no casualties reported

2023-10-11T07:54+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-11T05:53:52.185Z. Highlights: New earthquake hits Herat in western Afghanistan , no casualties reported. New quake occurred as many Herat residents were still sleeping in tents after last Saturday's quake destroyed their mostly brick homes. Last Saturday, an earthquake measuring 6.

Afghanistan, nuovo forte terremoto: feriti e case distrutte

2023-10-11T07:54+0200tgcom (it)

In Afghanistan un nuovo forte terremoto ha colpito l'area occidentale del Paese, già teatro di una fortissima scossa che sabato ha ucciso più di 2mila persone. Il nuovo sisma, di magnitudo 6.3, è stato registrato mercoledì mattina a circa 28 chilometri da Herat a una profondità di 10 chilometri.

New 6.3 magnitude earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:53+0200thetimeshub (en)

New 6.3 magnitude earthquake hits western Afghanistan . By on 11.10.2023 in Open in full screen mode. Afghan men carry the body of a woman victim of the earthquake Saturday land, in the Zinda Jan district of Herat. Agence France-Presse. A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on....

La amnistía de Yolanda Díaz y sube el agua

2023-10-11T07:53+0200cronicaglobal (es)

Continúan las atrocidades en Israel. Los partes son aterradores. Las autoridades israelíes reportan incontables asesinatos a cargo de los terroristas de Hamas. Masacres en granjas, bebés degollados, matanzas en las redes sociales y guerra de propaganda. El conflicto exige la adopción de posturas sin matices ni fisuras.

Magnitude 6.3 quake in Afghanistan causes fresh damage

2023-10-11T07:52+0200newcastleherald (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has struck Afghanistan 's western province of Herat, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest quake, disaster management spokesman Janan Sayeeq told Reuters.

Another quake hits western Afghanistan; official says losses ‘huge’

2023-10-11T07:51+0200straitstimesSG (en)

KABUL - A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan 's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest quake, disaster management spokesman Janan Sayeeq told Reuters.

La ciudad de Camiña percibe sismo de magnitud 4.6

2023-10-11T07:50+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -19.253 grados de latitud y -69.571 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Magnitude 6.3 quake in Afghanistan causes fresh damage

2023-10-11T07:47+0200illawarramercury (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has struck Afghanistan 's western province of Herat, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest quake, disaster management spokesman Janan Sayeeq told Reuters.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan causes fresh damage -Afghan officials

2023-10-11T07:44+0200wn (en)

KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) -A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan's....

Un nouveau séisme fait 80 blessés dans l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:42+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Au moins 80 personnes ont été blessées par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 qui a frappé mercredi la province de Hérat, dans l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , a déclaré un médecin qui s'est présenté sous le nom de Murad. La plupart des blessés ont été transportés à l'hôpital depuis le district de Rubat Sangi, selon des habitants.

L’Afghanistan colpito di nuovo da un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3, giorni dopo la doppia scossa che ha ucciso oltre 2000 persone

2023-10-11T07:41+0200periodicodaily (it)

Un altro forte terremoto ha scosso parte dell’ Afghanistan occidentale mercoledì mattina, dopo che una precedente scossa aveva ucciso più di 2.000 persone e raso al suolo interi villaggi. L’ultimo terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 si è verificato a circa 28 chilometri da Herat, la capitale della provincia....

Another heavy earthquake shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:40+0200dailytimesPK (en)

According to the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Northwestern Afghanistan on Wednesday. the quake occurred at a depth of 10 kilometres and was one of several jolts that shook similar regions of Afghanistan over the weekend.

'The wrath of God': Afghans mourn unimaginable loss from earthquake

2023-10-11T07:40+0200deccanherald (en)

Wails echoed across what was left of the village when the ambulance arrived. Inside was the body of a 12-year-old girl, Roqia. She had died in a nearby hospital Tuesday morning, four days after a devastating earthquake hit this stretch of northwestern Afghanistan and sent her mud-brick home crashing down on top of her.

Kazakhstan sends humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:39+0200trendnews-az (en)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 11. Kazakhstan has sent humanitarian aid to earthquake-hit Afghanistan , press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan said, reports. According to the information, the humanitarian aid in the volume of 1,659 tons is directed to support Afghanistan to....

Another quake hits western Afghanistan; official says losses "huge"

2023-10-11T07:39+0200gazette (en)

By Mohammad Yunus Yawar. KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) -A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday.

World6 minutes ago Afghanistan once again shakes by 6.3 magnitude quake

2023-10-11T07:39+0200gnnhd (en)

Kabul: Afghanistan was once again shaken by a magnitude 6.3 earthquake. However, no casualties were reported. According to the foreign news agency, the magnitude of the earthquake that occurred early in the morning in northwestern Afghanistan was recorded 6.3 on the Richter scale.

Another quake hits western Afghanistan; official says losses "huge"

2023-10-11T07:38+0200reuters (en)

KABUL, Afghanistan , Oct 11 (Reuters) - A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday.

Afghanistan, nuovo terremoto di grado 6,3 all’ovest

2023-10-11T07:37+0200editorialedomani (it)

Un nuovo sisma a pochi giorni dal terremoto devastante di sabato scorso, che ha provocato oltre 2.400 morti. L’epicentro della scossa, avvenuta nella notte, sarebbe a neanche 30 chilometri da Herat. Almeno 50 persone sono rimaste ferite a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 che ha scosso oggi....

Heure de Grande marée au Théâtre de Lorient

2023-10-11T07:37+0200lemainelibre (fr)

L’expédition n’est jamais partie, engloutie par le tsunami provoqué par la chute du mur de Berlin, en novembre 1989. « Mais cette histoire nous a suffisamment interpellés pour que nous nous lancions nous-mêmes dans cette quête. » Le voyage… et celui dont on rêve.

Another earthquake shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:36+0200nation-pk (en)

Northwestern Afghanistan Wednesday was struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, according to the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ), The centre stated that the quake, which came in a series of jolts that shook similar parts of Afghanistan over the weekend, occurred at a depth of 10 kilometres, Reuters reported.

Heure de Grande marée au Théâtre de Lorient

2023-10-11T07:36+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

L’expédition n’est jamais partie, engloutie par le tsunami provoqué par la chute du mur de Berlin, en novembre 1989. « Mais cette histoire nous a suffisamment interpellés pour que nous nous lancions nous-mêmes dans cette quête. » Le voyage… et celui dont on rêve.

Heure de Grande marée au Théâtre de Lorient

2023-10-11T07:34+0200presseocean (fr)

L’expédition n’est jamais partie, engloutie par le tsunami provoqué par la chute du mur de Berlin, en novembre 1989. « Mais cette histoire nous a suffisamment interpellés pour que nous nous lancions nous-mêmes dans cette quête. » Le voyage… et celui dont on rêve.

Another earthquake shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:31+0200nation (en)

Northwestern Afghanistan Wednesday was struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, according to the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ), The centre stated that the quake, which came in a series of jolts that shook similar parts of Afghanistan over the weekend, occurred at a depth of 10 kilometres, Reuters reported.

"Il ne reste plus une seule maison" : un nouveau séisme destructeur frappe l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:31+0200midilibre (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé l’ Afghanistan mercredi 11 octobre 2023 selon le service sismologique américain. Une catastrophe qui intervient juste après le tremblement de terre de samedi 7 octobre qui a causé plus de 2 000 morts. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi 11....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan causes fresh damage -Afghan officials Mohammad Yunus Yawar |Updated 14 minutes ago |1 min read By Mohammad Yunus Yawar KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) -A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing....

2023-10-11T07:29+0200thechronicleherald (en)

An Afghan man stands on the debris of damaged houses after the recent earthquake, in the district of Zinda Jan, in Herat, Afghanistan October 9, 2023. REUTERS/Ali Khara TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY. By Mohammad Yunus Yawar. KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) -A 6.

AsieUn nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l’Afghanistan 0 0 0

2023-10-11T07:29+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05 h 10 heure locale (02 h 40 au Luxembourg), son....

80 injured as fresh quake jolts west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:28+0200uniindia (en)

Herat, Afghanistan , Oct 11 (UNI) At least 80 people were injured as a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck west Afghanistan's Herat province Wednesday, a doctor who introduced himself as Murad said. Most of the injured have been taken to hospital from Rubat Sangi district, according to locals.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan causes fresh damage -Afghan officials

2023-10-11T07:28+0200gazette (en)

By Mohammad Yunus Yawar. KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) -A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday.

After Afghanistan, quake of magnitude 4.3 jolts Tajikistan

2023-10-11T07:27+0200livemint (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 4.3 on the Richer Scale jolted Tajikistan on Wednesday, the National Centre of Seismology (NCS) informed. An earthquake of magnitude 4.3 on the Richer Scale jolted Tajikistan on Wednesday, the National Centre of Seismology (NCS) informed.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan causes fresh damage -Afghan officials

2023-10-11T07:26+0200straitstimesSG (en)

KABUL, Afghanistan -A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the latest....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan causes fresh damage – Afghan officials

2023-10-11T07:25+0200rappler (en)

There are no early details on casualties caused by the latest earthquake, disaster management spokesman Janan Sayeeq says. KABUL, Afghanistan – A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Afghanistan’s western province of Herat on Wednesday, October 11, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams....

11.10.23 Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:24+0200ln24 (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2.000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre....

Another quake hits western Afghanistan; official says losses "huge"

2023-10-11T07:23+0200devdiscourse (en)

More than 2,000 were injured when the multiple earthquakes levelled thousands of homes northwest of the city of Herat days earlier. "Mobile medical teams and officials have been working together and have transferred several injured people to hospital," the governor's office said. SHARE; A 6.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan days after powerful tremors killed Thousands

2023-10-11T07:23+0200thestatesman (en)

Another earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers. Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, NCS stated, “Earthquake of Magnitude:6.

Pánico en RTV Eslovenia: el formulario para cancelar la suscripción de la contribución de RTV ha sido eliminado de la página web

2023-10-11T07:23+0200notiulti (es)

Dice: MI (Nova24TV.si. Se sabe que un número importante de ciudadanos han cancelado su contribución a RTV, alegando que no tienen ningún dispositivo para seguir el programa de televisión de RTV Eslovenia. Evidentemente el pánico es alto. Primero amenazaron y ahora aparentemente incluso eliminaron de....

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé l’Afghanistan: «Les chiffres pour les morts et les blessés sont en évolution»

2023-10-11T07:22+0200sudinfo (fr)

Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, où vivent a indiqué l’USGS. L’impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n’est pas encore clair, alors que des milliers de personnes sont....

Un nouveau séisme frappe l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:20+0200levif (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui qui a fait plus de 2.000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale, son épicentre se situant à environ 29....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:19+0200zawya-palestine (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10 am local time (00:40 GMT), with its epicentre about 29 kilometres north....

L’Afghanistan colpito di nuovo da un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3, giorni dopo la doppia scossa che ha ucciso oltre 2000 persone

2023-10-11T07:19+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023) Un altro forte terremoto ha scosso parte del L’ Afghanistan occidentale mercoledì mattina, dopo che una precedente scossa aveva ucciso più di 2.000 persone e raso al suolo interi villaggi. L’ultimo terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 si è verificato a circa 28 chilometri da....

80 injured as fresh quake jolts west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:18+0200english-news-cn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- At least 80 people were injured as a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck west Afghanistan's Herat province Wednesday, a doctor who introduced himself as Murad said. Most of the injured have been taken to hospital from Rubat Sangi district, according to locals.

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T07:18+0200virgilio (it)

Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio....

80 injured as fresh quake jolts west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:17+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- At least 80 people were injured as a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck west Afghanistan's Herat province Wednesday, a doctor who introduced himself as Murad said. Most of the injured have been taken to hospital from Rubat Sangi district, according to locals.

Massive 6.3-magnitude quake hits Afghanistan, 80 injured

2023-10-11T07:15+0200wn (en)

Kabul, Oct 11 : Just five days after a massive earthquake struck Afghanistan ’s Herat province killing more than....

Afghanistan : un séisme de magnitude 6,3, fait à nouveau trembler la région d'Hérat, à l'ouest du pays

2023-10-11T07:15+0200rtbf (fr)

Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05h10 heure locale (00h40 GMT), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, a indiqué l’USGS. L’impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n’est pas encore clair, au moment où des milliers de personnes sont sans....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan causes fresh damage -Afghan officials

2023-10-11T07:13+02004-traders (en)

KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) -A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan's western province of Herat on Wednesday, forcing authorities to redeploy relief and rescue teams already in the field following a series of deadly quakes on Saturday. There were no early details on casualties caused by the....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan causes fresh damage -Afghan officials

2023-10-11T07:11+0200devdiscourse (en)

"Mobile medical teams and officials have been working together and have transferred several injured people to hospital," the governor's office said. The German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said the latest quake was magnitude 6.3, and occurred at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles). SHARE; A 6.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:10+0200mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 11 (MNA) – A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck northwest of Herat, according to the Europe-Mediterranean Seismological Center. According to Sputnik, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck the Herat province in western Afghanistan early on Wednesday, data recorded by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) has revealed.

World 80 injured as fresh quake jolts west Afghanistan At least 80 people were injured as a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck west Afghanistan's Herat province Wednesday, a doctor who introduced himself as Murad said. 1m

2023-10-11T07:10+0200shine (en)

At least 80 people were injured as a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck west Afghanistan 's Herat province Wednesday, a doctor who introduced himself as Murad said. Most of the injured have been taken to hospital from Rubat Sangi district, according to locals.

Déjà endeuillé, l'Afghanistan touché par un nouveau séisme

2023-10-11T07:09+0200watson (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS). Plus de 2000 personnes ont été tuées dans un précédent tremblement de terre survenu samedi dans cette région. Ce nouveau séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05h10....

Severe earthquake shook Afghanistan again – World Chronicle

2023-10-11T07:08+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-11 05:05:02. Herat – Western Afghanistan was shaken again by a severe earthquake on Wednesday morning. According to the US Earthquake Observatory USGS, the quake had a magnitude of 6.3 and occurred around 28 kilometers northwest of the city of Herat at a depth of ten kilometers. There were initially no reports of injuries or new damage.

6.3-magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:07+0200khaleejtimes (en)

On October 7, another quake hit the area, killing more than 2,000 people and flattening the entire village A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend.

1st LD: 80 injured as fresh quake jolts west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:06+0200wn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- At least 80 people were injured as a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck west Afghanistan's Herat province Wednesday, a doctor....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:05+0200mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 11 (MNA) – A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck northwest of Herat, according to the Europe-Mediterranean Seismological Center. According to Sputnik, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck the Herat province in western Afghanistan early on Wednesday, data recorded by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) has revealed.

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:05+0200tv5 (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2.000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:04+0200zawya-palestine (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan : Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2,000 and flattened whole villages, Associated Press (AP) reported. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28 kilometres (17 miles) outside Herat, the....

SismaNuova forte scossa di terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:03+0200cdt (it)

Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15 chilometri di profondità ed epicentro 28 km a nord-nordovest di Herat.

Massive 6.3-magnitude quake hits Afghanistan, 80 injured, Kabul

2023-10-11T07:01+0200greaterkashmir (en)

Oct 11 (IANS) : Just five days after a massive earthquake struck Afghanistan 's Herat province killing more than 2,000 people, another temblor measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale hit the same region on Wednesday, injuring 80 persons. According to local residents, most of the injured have been taken....

Afghanistan : un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest du pays Une précédente secousse, suivie de huit répliques, avait fait plus de 2 000 morts dans la même région, samedi.

2023-10-11T07:01+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , mercredi 11 octobre, selon le service sismologique américain (USGS). Une précédente secousse , suivie de huit répliques, avait fait plus de 2 000 morts dans la même région, samedi. Ce tremblement de terre est le plus meurtrier à....

Remembering inspiring physician Dr Tom Mulholland

2023-10-11T07:01+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

Two years ago, Dr Tom Mulholland spoke to RNZ about the "massive hole" he'd seen left in the lives of family and friends when a person dies suddenly. This week, his own loved ones are mourning the sudden loss of the emergency doctor and mental health advocate at 61.

6.3 magnitude earthquake rattles western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T07:00+0200aa-en (en)

ISTANBUL A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan ’s western province of Herat early Wednesday, according to the US Geological Survey. The earthquake, which occurred at 5.41 a.m. local time (0111GMT), came days after a similar earthquake hit the region. No casualties have been reported so far by Afghan authorities.

Niger, Finlande, Afghanistan : les informations de la nuit

2023-10-11T07:00+0200courrierinternational (fr)

Un convoi de troupes françaises au Niger se prépare à quitter le pays, à Niamey, le 10 octobre 2023. STRINGER / REUTERS Au Niger, les soldats français ont commencé à quitter le pays. Les militaires sont partis mardi dans un convoi terrestre sous escorte locale, en direction du Tchad, au moment où....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:59+0200arynews (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10 am local time (00:40 GMT), with its epicentre about 29 kilometres north....

C’è stato un altro forte terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:58+0200ilpost (it)

Mercoledì intorno alle 5:10 del mattino (le 2:40 ora italiana) c’è stato un nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 a nord della città di Herat, in Afghanistan . Un terremoto della stessa intensità aveva colpito la regione sabato, uccidendo più di 2mila persone e causando enormi danni.

Remembering inspiring physician Dr Tom Mulholland

2023-10-11T06:58+0200radionz (en)

Two years ago, Dr Tom Mulholland spoke to RNZ about the "massive hole" he'd seen left in the lives of family and friends when a person dies suddenly. This week, his own loved ones are mourning the sudden loss of the emergency doctor and mental health advocate at 61.

L’Afghanistan à nouveau frappé par un séisme de magnitude 6,3

2023-10-11T06:57+0200sudouest (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2 000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur, son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, a indiqué l’USGS.

There has been another strong earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:55+0200ruetir (en)

On Wednesday around 5:10 am (2:40 am Italian time) there was a new earthquake of magnitude 6.3 north of the city of Herat, Afghanistan . An earthquake of the same intensity had hit the region on Saturday, killing more than 2,000 people and causing enormous damage.

New 6.3 magnitude earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:55+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-11T04:53:52.044Z. Highlights: New 6.3 magnitude earthquake hits western Afghanistan . At a time when thousands of people are homeless after their homes were destroyed on Saturday. The quake struck at a shallow depth at around 05:10 a.m. local time (00:40 GMT), with its epicenter about 29 kilometers north of the city of Herat, the USGS said.

80 injured as fresh quake jolts west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:55+0200chinadailyhk (en)

Afghans bury hundreds of people killed in an earthquake at a burial site, in a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct 9, 2023. (PHOTO / AP) HERAT — At least 80 people were injured as a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck west Afghanistan's Herat province....

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:54+0200Europe1 (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), au moment où des milliers de personnes sont sans abri après la destruction de leur maison samedi par le premier séisme de magnitude 6,3, suivi de huit répliques.

Afghanistan : nouveau séisme dans la région déjà dévastée quelques jours plus tôt, pas de nouvelle mort signalée

2023-10-11T06:53+0200LeMonde (fr)

District de Zenda Jan, à Herat, en Afghanistan , le 10 octobre 2023, quelques jours après un tremblement de terre. ALI KHARA / REUTERS. Il n’y a décidément pas de répit. Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé, mercredi 11 octobre, l’ouest de l’Afghanistan, selon le service sismologique américain....

Another earthquake shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:52+0200geo-tv (en)

Quake hits similar locations impacted by jolts last weekend. Previous quakes damaged entire villages, affected thousands. Rescue teams, volunteers already on ground due to ongoing tremors. Northwestern Afghanistan Wednesday was struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, according to the German Research....

80 injured as fresh quake jolts west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:45+0200wn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- At least 80 people were injured as a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck west Afghanistan's Herat province Wednesday, a doctor who introduced himself as Murad said.

Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Strikes Near Herat in Afghanistan: USGS

2023-10-11T06:44+0200bloombergquint (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck near Herat in Afghanistan , according to the US Geological Survey report. Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Strikes Near Herat in Afghanistan: USGS. (Bloomberg) -- A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck near Herat in Afghanistan, according to the US Geological Survey report.

Deadly Earthquake Strikes Afghanistan for the Third Time: 12,000 Affected and 20 Villages Destroyed

2023-10-11T06:44+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-11 01:23:52. This Tuesday, October 10, another earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 shook western Afghanistan , a country that just three days ago was shaken by another earthquake of the same magnitude. (We recommend you read: Afghanistan, devastated after the earthquake: 12,000 people are affected and 20 towns destroyed).

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T06:42+0200therepublic (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2,000 and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28 kilometers (17 miles) outside Herat, the capital of Herat province,....

Afghanistan hit by second strong earthquake days after first killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T06:42+0200france24-en (en)

The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28 kilometres (17 miles) outside Herat , the capital of Herat province, and 10 kilometers (6 miles) deep, according to the US Geological Survey. The epicenter of Saturday's quake was about 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the provincial capital, and....

Quake in Afghanistan leaves rubble, funerals and survivors struggling with loss

2023-10-11T06:41+0200yakimaherald (en)

An Afghan man searches for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

1st LD: 80 injured as fresh quake jolts west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:40+0200china.org.cn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- At least 80 people were injured as a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck west Afghanistan's Herat province Wednesday, a doctor who introduced himself as Murad said. Most of the injured have been taken to hospital from Rubat Sangi district, according to locals.

Quake in Afghanistan leaves rubble, funerals and survivors struggling with loss

2023-10-11T06:37+0200eagletribune (en)

An Afghan man searches for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:36+0200wam-en (en)

Wed 11-10-2023 08:25 AM 6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan HERAT, Afghanistan, 11th October, 2023 (WAM) -- Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2,000 and flattened whole villages, Associated Press (AP) reported.

1st LD: 80 injured as fresh quake jolts west Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:33+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- At least 80 people were injured as a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck west Afghanistan's Herat province Wednesday, a doctor who introduced himself as Murad said. Most of the injured have been taken to hospital from Rubat Sangi district, according to locals.

04h06 - Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:33+0200lexpansion-votreargent (fr)

Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, a indiqué l'USGS. L'impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n'est pas encore clair, au moment où des milliers de personnes sont sans....

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:32+0200lemauricien (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2.000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre....

Un bateau « Lycée maritime » offert aux pêcheurs indiens

2023-10-11T06:32+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

« Le bateau est d'ores et déjà commandé et nous espérons le baptiser « Lycée maritime de Paimpol » dans quelques jours, quand nous retournerons voir les pêcheurs sinistrés par le tsunami dans le district de Cuddalore (au sud-est de l'Inde). » Hier matin, Tatiana et Carl ont remis un chèque de 2.681 € à Marie Eon, présidente de Terre d'espoir Armor.

New humanitarian funding urgently needed after devastating earthquake in western Afghanistan causes ‘a crisis on top of a crisis’

2023-10-11T06:31+0200nationaltribune (en)

Save the Children is deploying emergency humanitarian assistance to support them. The agency is coordinating its response with partners, which will include cash distributions for families, baby hygiene and children’s wellbeing kits, and mental health support for children.

Another strong earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:31+0200pajhwok (en)

ATLANTA (Pajhwok): Another 6.3 magnitude earthquake rattled western Herat and neighboring provinces on Wednesday morning. Pajhwok Afghan News reporter in Herat Benyamin Bariz said . . . You need to subscribe to view the full article. Please or a new account.

500 still missing following Afghanistan earthquake, say UN aid teams

2023-10-11T06:31+0200manilatimes (en)

A series of aftershocks, including one measuring 5.1 magnitude on Tuesday, has made the situation worse. UN refugee agency, UNHCR , spokesperson William Spindler said that amid extensive damage and traumatized survivors, search-and-rescue teams are on the way with water and shelter for the most vulnerable.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:30+0200brecorder (en)

KABUL: A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10 am local time (00:40 GMT), with its epicentre about 29....

Urgent Humanitarian Aid Needed Following Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-11T06:30+0200miragenews (en)

Save the Children is deploying emergency humanitarian assistance to support them. The agency is coordinating its response with partners, which will include cash distributions for families, baby hygiene and children's wellbeing kits, and mental health support for children.

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:30+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 05h27 Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2.000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40....

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:30+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2.000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre....

Afghanistan: nuovo forte terremoto nell’Ovest

2023-10-11T06:30+0200meteoweb (it)

Un nuovo terremoto magnitudo 6.3 ha colpito l’Ovest dell’ Afghanistan , zona già colpita dal sisma di sabato scorso che ha provocato oltre 2mila morti. Secondo l’Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS, la scossa, avvenuta alle 02:41 ora italiana, ha avuto origine a circa 28 km da Herat, capoluogo della provincia omonima, a una profondità di 10 km.

Quake in Afghanistan leaves rubble, funerals and survivors struggling with loss

2023-10-11T06:22+0200whig (en)

An Afghan man searches for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:22+0200challenges (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2.000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre....

Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur, son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat. Magnitude 6,3 Un nouveau séisme frappe l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:21+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Kaboul | Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2000 morts dans la même région. • À lire aussi: Plus de 2000 morts dans un puissant séisme en Afghanistan Le séisme s’est....

Quake in Afghanistan leaves rubble, funerals and survivors struggling with loss

2023-10-11T06:20+0200ABCnews (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan -- Nurullah crossed the border into Iran to earn money for his family, like so many men from his village in western Afghanistan. On Sunday, he stood on the side of the road crying. The 55-year-old was heading home to bury his wife, three children and a grandchild killed a day....

2023-10-11T09:32:18+05:30 - World Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days

2023-10-11T06:20+0200thehindubusinessline (en)

and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28 kilometres (17 miles) outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, and 10 kilometres (6 miles) deep, according to the US Geological Survey. The epicentre of Saturday's quake was about 40 kilometers (25 miles) northwest....

06:10 Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:20+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Kaboul (AFP) - Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2.000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT),....

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:19+0200LePoint (fr)

L'impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n'est pas encore clair, au moment où des milliers de personnes sont sans abri après la destruction de leur maison samedi par le premier séisme de magnitude 6,3, suivi de huit répliques. Aucun nouveau décès n'a été signalé dans l'immédiat.

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:18+0200la-croix (fr)

Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, a indiqué l'USGS. L'impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n'est pas encore clair, au moment où des milliers de personnes sont sans....

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:17+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 11 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Thousands of Afghans out in cold after deadly quakes 11 October 2023 06:08 World

2023-10-11T06:14+0200eyewitness-news (en)

NAYEB RAFI, Afghanistan - Thousands of Afghans who survived a powerful earthquake that killed more than 2,000 people were bracing for a winter of homelessness on Tuesday, as rescuers made last-ditch efforts to find survivors. Volunteers have worked with spades and pickaxes in Herat province since Saturday's deadly magnitude 6.

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:14+0200actu-orange (fr)

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2.000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre....

Quake in Afghanistan leaves rubble, funerals and survivors struggling with loss

2023-10-11T06:13+0200fresnobee (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan . Nurullah crossed the border into Iran to earn money for his family, like so many men from his village in western Afghanistan. On Sunday, he stood on the side of the road crying. The 55-year-old was heading home to bury his wife, three children and a grandchild killed a day....

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:13+0200nepalnews (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers. Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, NCS stated, "Earthquake of Magnitude:6.

Haití registró 62 terremotos en septiembre

2023-10-11T06:13+0200prensa-latina (es)

El informe que evalúa datos de las redes locales como Ayiti seisme y UTS, así como las regionales de Cuba, Jamaica y República Dominicana indicó que los movimientos telúricos tuvieron una magnitud en la escala de Richter de entre 0,8 y 3,8 grados. Entre los temblores observados, 50 de ellos, es....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake shakes western Afghanistan again

2023-10-11T06:12+0200thedailystarBD (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10 am local time (00:40 GMT), with its epicentre about 29 kilometres....

Quake in Afghanistan leaves rubble, funerals and survivors struggling with loss

2023-10-11T06:12+0200independent-UK (en)

On Wednesday, another quake of the same magnitude struck nearby. It is not yet clear what further damage it caused to the already devastated region. The hearses arrived, following Nurullah's directions to find the remote village, and mourners took the dead to the cemetery. Nurullah's sister Maahzaad, 53, kept repeating her daughter's name.

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:12+0200laprovence (fr)

L'impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n'est pas encore clair, au moment où des milliers de personnes sont sans abri après la destruction de leur maison samedi par le premier séisme de magnitude 6,3, suivi de huit répliques. Aucun nouveau décès n'a été signalé dans l'immédiat.

05h55 Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l’Afghanistan, deux jours après celui qui a fait plus de 2000 morts

2023-10-11T06:12+0200huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

INTERNATIONAL - Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), dans la même région. Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05H10 heure locale (00H40 GMT), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord....

Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur, son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat. Magnitude 6,3 Un nouveau séisme frappe l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:12+0200journaldemontreal (fr)

Kaboul | Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2000 morts dans la même région. • À lire aussi: Plus de 2000 morts dans un puissant séisme en Afghanistan Le séisme s’est....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T06:11+0200yakimaherald (en)

Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 17 miles outside Herat, the capital of Herat province. The epicenter of Saturday’s < quake was about 25 miles northwest of the....

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:09+0200myanmarnews (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 11 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Quake in Afghanistan leaves rubble, funerals and survivors struggling with loss

2023-10-11T06:08+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

On Wednesday, another quake of the same magnitude struck nearby. It is not yet clear what further damage it caused to the already devastated region. The hearses arrived, following Nurullah’s directions to find the remote village, and mourners took the dead to the cemetery. Nurullah’s sister Maahzaad, 53, kept repeating her daughter’s name.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:08+0200urdupoint (en)

Kabul, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Oct, 2023) A magnitude 6.3 struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10 am local time....

KBC » Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days

2023-10-11T06:07+0200kenyamoja (en)

A second large earthquake has hit Afghanistan just days after a 6.3 magnitude quake in the same region killed more than 1,000 people. The new quake, of the same magnitude, struck at around 05:10 local time (00:40 GMT) on Tuesday. The epicentre is 28km (17 miles) north of the city of Herat.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T06:07+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 11 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers.

"Io non rischio a Fucecchio: tutte le pratiche di protezione civile in piazza Pertini"

2023-10-11T06:07+0200LaNazione (it)

Sabato a Fucecchio si terrà una due-giorni per diffondere la cultura della prevenzione e delle buone pratiche di protezione civile. Ci sarà un punto informativo e dirette social sui canali ufficiali Facebook. Un'occasione per scoprire come ridurre i rischi di terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi.

Quake in Afghanistan leaves rubble, funerals and survivors struggling with loss

2023-10-11T06:06+0200apnews (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Nurullah crossed the border into Iran to earn money for his family, like so many men from his village in western Afghanistan. On Sunday, he stood on the side of the road crying. The 55-year-old was heading home to bury his wife, three children and a grandchild killed a....

Another major earthquake shakes Afghanistan days after thousands killed

2023-10-11T06:01+0200wn (en)

Quake strikes same area where Saturday’s tremors left over 2,400 dead...

2023-10-11T09:24:26+05:30 - Telangana Top news developments from Telangana today

2023-10-11T06:01+0200Hindu (en)

The TS Public Service Commission has cancelled the Group II exams yet again. It will now hold the examinations on January 6 and 7. The postponement has been necessitated due to the announcement of the poll schedule. INCOIS to do a tsunami kick drill on the west coast by simulating an earthquake off the Makaram zone tomorrow.

Thousands of Afghans out in cold after deadly quakes

2023-10-11T05:57+0200bssnews (en)

NAYEB RAFI, Afghanistan , Oct 11, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - Thousands of Afghans who survived a powerful earthquake that killed more than 2,000 people were bracing for a winter of homelessness on Tuesday, as rescuers made last-ditch efforts to find survivors. Volunteers have worked with spades and pickaxes in....

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:54+0200kenyastar (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 11 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T05:54+0200wftv (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2,000 and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28 kilometers (17 miles) outside Herat, the capital of Herat province,....

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:53+0200singaporestar (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 11 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days

2023-10-11T05:51+0200dailynews-lk (en)

A second large earthquake has hit Afghanistan just days after a 6.3 magnitude quake in the same region killed more than 1,000 people. The new quake, of the same magnitude, struck at around 05:10 local time (00:40 GMT) on Tuesday. The impact of the new quake is not yet clear, but many are already....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:51+0200timesofindia (en)

Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2,000 and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28 kilometres (17 miles) outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, and 10 kilometres (6 miles) deep, according to the US Geological Survey.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T05:45+0200cp24 (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2,000 and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28 kilometers (17 miles) outside Herat, the capital of Herat province,....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Wednesday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)said. The qua... 46m ago

2023-10-11T05:44+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Wednesday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. (Reporting by Mrinmay Dey in Bengaluru; Editing by Jacqueline....

Cerca notizie per 'conchiglie'

2023-10-11T05:43+0200verbanianotizie (it)

- 3 Novembre 2014 - 20:26 rischio idrogeologico Non ho letto tutti i commenti perche' sono pigro a quest'ora;sono solo le 19,30,solitamente mi sveglio e scrivo dopo le 24.Dicevo non ho letto tutti i commenti ma mi sono arenato sul primo scoglio..quello di Kirlyenka che dice che è esage rato....

Another major earthquake shakes Afghanistan days after thousands killed

2023-10-11T05:42+0200independent-UK (en)

Another strong shook parts of western Afghanistan where a temblor on Saturday killed more than 2,000 people. A 6.3-magnitude earthquake was recorded early morning on Wednesday near province, according to the The epicentre of the quake was about 28km outside Herat city – the capital of Herat province – at a depth of 10km.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:41+0200manilametro (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 11 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Another Powerful Quake Hits Afghan Area Where 2,000 Died This Weekend

2023-10-11T05:41+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. ......

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:36+0200dtnext (en)

KABUL : An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers. Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, NCS stated, "Earthquake of Magnitude:6.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:36+0200srilankasource (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 11 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan, no immediate reports of casualties

2023-10-11T05:33+0200firstpost (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10 am local time (00:40 GMT), with its epicentre about 29 kilometres north....

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T05:32+0200globodiroma (it)

Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l’ Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15 chilometri di profondità ed epicentro 28 km a nord-nordovest di Herat.

Rescue efforts wind down in quake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:31+0200chinadailyhk (en)

Afghans bury relatives killed in an earthquake at a burial site in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, Afghanistan , Oct 9, 2023. (PHOTO / AP) HERAT, Afghanistan - Rescuers on Tuesday scaled back operations in Afghanistan's devastated northwest as chances of finding survivors diminished 72 hours....

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:30+0200nigeriasun (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 11 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Powerful earthquake jolts Afghanistan days after deadly tremors

2023-10-11T05:30+0200adaderana (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has shaken Western Afghanistan , just days after two quakes of the same magnitude left more than 1,200 dead. The quake struck 28 kilometers (17.39 miles) Northwest of Herāt, Afghanistan, according to the United States Geological Survey, which monitors worldwide earthquakes.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ

2023-10-11T05:27+0200wkzo (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Wednesday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. (Reporting by Mrinmay Dey in Bengaluru; Editing by Jacqueline....

Another 6.3 magnitude quake shakes part of Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:24+0200newindianexpress (en)

and flattened whole villages, another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28 kilometres (17 miles) outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, and 10 kilometres (6 miles) deep, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Thousands of Afghans out in cold after deadly quakes

2023-10-11T05:24+0200thenews-pk (en)

NAYEB RAFI, Afghanistan : Thousands of Afghans who survived a powerful earthquake that killed more than 2,00 people were bracing for a winter of homelessness on Tuesday, as rescuers made last-ditch efforts to find survivors. Volunteers have worked with spades and pickaxes in Herat province since Saturday´s deadly magnitude 6.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:23+0200longbeachstar (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 11 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted Afghanistan on Wednesday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the earthquake in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Follow-up quake to 6.3 Magnitude earthquake that struck Afghanistan, killed 2000

2023-10-11T05:21+0200wn (en)

Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2000 and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28km outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, and 10km deep, according to the US Geological Survey.

Scripps News Afghans still hope to find survivors after earthquake kills over 2,000 AP via Scripps News 9:58 PM, Oct 10, 2023

2023-10-11T05:21+0200kxxv (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 people dead. Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for loved ones killed in Saturday’s 6.

Afghanistan. Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe le nord-ouest

2023-10-11T05:21+0200maville (fr)

L’impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n’est pas encore clair, alors que des milliers de personnes sont sans abri après la destruction de leurs maisons samedi par le premier séisme de magnitude 6,3, suivi de huit répliques. Aucun nouveau décès n’a été signalé dans l’immédiat, selon les autorités.

Scripps News Afghans still hope to find survivors after earthquake kills over 2,000 AP via Scripps News 8:58 PM, Oct 10, 2023

2023-10-11T05:20+0200koaa (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 people dead. Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for loved ones killed in Saturday’s 6.

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:20+0200letemps (fr)

video «Tout était devenu du sable»: lourd bilan après un puissant séisme en Afghanistan L’impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n’est pas encore clair, alors que des milliers de personnes sont sans abri après la destruction de leur maison samedi par le premier séisme de magnitude 6,3, suivi de huit répliques.

Scripps News Afghans still hope to find survivors after earthquake kills over 2,000 AP via Scripps News 7:58 PM, Oct 10, 2023

2023-10-11T05:19+0200ksby (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 people dead. Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for loved ones killed in Saturday’s 6.

Scripps News Afghans still hope to find survivors after earthquake kills over 2,000 AP via Scripps News 10:58 PM, Oct 10, 2023

2023-10-11T05:19+0200wkbw (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 people dead. Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for loved ones killed in Saturday’s 6.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:18+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

A magnitude 6.3 quake strikes close to the city of Herat in western Afghanistan this morning, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people have been killed after a series of tremors since Saturday. – EPA pic, October 11, 2023. A MAGNITUDE 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan today, hitting an....

Title: “Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l’ouest de l’Afghanistan”

2023-10-11T05:18+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan L’Afghanistan, déjà meurtri par un terrible tremblement de terre samedi, a connu un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,3 mercredi, au nord de la ville de Hérat.

Devastating Afghanistan Earthquake Claims Over 4,000 Lives and Leaves Thousands Homeless

2023-10-11T05:14+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-10 07:11:18 Afghanistan Earthquake: The death toll in the Afghanistan earthquake has crossed 4000..! Around 2,000 houses damaged Zee Hindustan MalayalamAfghanistan Earthquake: The death toll has exceeded 4,000, and around 2,000 houses have been destroyed – The earthquakes killed more than....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ

2023-10-11T05:11+0200whbl (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Wednesday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. (Reporting by Mrinmay Dey in Bengaluru; Editing by Jacqueline....

5.0-magnitude quake hits 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan- USGS

2023-10-11T05:11+0200uniindia (en)

Beijing, Oct 11 (UNI) An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 jolted 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan at 0052 GMT on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.60 degrees north latitude and 62.12 degrees east longitude. UNI/XINHUA ARN.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ

2023-10-11T05:11+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Wednesday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. (Reporting by Mrinmay Dey in Bengaluru; Editing by Jacqueline....

Afghanistan senza pace, un'altra scossa da 6,3

2023-10-11T05:11+0200rainews (it)

Un altra forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan occidentale, non lontano dalla zona di Herat Il terremoto è avvenuto a una profondità ridotta, intorno alle 05:10 ora locale (00:40 GMT), con epicentro a circa 29 chilometri a nord di Herat, ha comunicato l'USGS, il servizio di monitoraggio geosismico statunitense.

5.0-magnitude quake hits 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan -- USGS

2023-10-11T05:10+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 jolted 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan at 0052 GMT on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.60 degrees north latitude and 62.12 degrees east longitude.

5.0-magnitude quake hits 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan -- USGS

2023-10-11T05:10+0200english-news-cn (en)

BEIJING, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 jolted 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan at 0052 GMT on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.60 degrees north latitude and 62.12 degrees east longitude.

Follow-up quake to 6.3 Magnitude earthquake that struck Afghanistan, killed 2000

2023-10-11T05:08+0200newstalkzb (en)

Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2000 and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28km outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, and 10km deep, according to the US Geological Survey.

Afghanistan : un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe au nord de la ville d'Hérat

2023-10-11T05:07+0200france24 (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi 11 octobre l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2 000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05 h 10 heure locale (0 h 40 GMT), son....

Senior Taliban officials visit Afghan villages following earthquake that caused 2,000 deaths

2023-10-11T05:06+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

On Saturday, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, along with strong aftershocks, struck the Herat province of Afghanistan . The disaster, which caused a death toll of at least 2,000 people, has become one of the most fatal quakes to strike Afghanistan in 20 years.

Scripps News Afghans still hope to find survivors after earthquake kills over 2,000 AP via Scripps News 10:58 PM, Oct 10, 2023

2023-10-11T05:06+0200abcactionnews (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 people dead. Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for loved ones killed in Saturday’s 6.

Afghanistan: Earthquake Of 6.3 Magnitude Jolts Northwestern Region Days After Tremors Killing Over 4,000

2023-10-11T05:01+0200outlookindia (en)

Days within multiple tremors that killed over 4,000 people, Afghanistan witnessed another strong 6.3 magnitude earthquake on Wednesday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. It has been reported that the tremors were felt at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles).

Follow-up quake after 6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes Afghanistan, killing more than 2000 and flattening villages

2023-10-11T05:01+0200nzherald (en)

Photo / NZME Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2000 and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28km outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, and 10km deep, according to the US Geological Survey.

Another powerful quake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-11T05:00+0200wn (en)

A powerful earthquake struck Herat province in Afghanistan near the border with Iran early Wednesday, several days after two major quakes in the same area killed more than 800 people. The magnitude 6.3 temblor struck northwestern Afghanistan at 5:22 a.m.

Terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:57+0200girodivite (it)

APPELLO DI AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. In risposta al devastante terremoto che ha colpito lo scorso 8 ottobre la provincia occidentale di Herat, in Afghanistan , Amnesty International ha espresso profonda vicinanza e condoglianze alle famiglie rimaste coinvolte.

UAE sends urgent food supplies to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:56+0200zawya-palestine (en)

ABU DHABI: The UAE today sent an aircraft carrying 33 tonnes of food supplies to support the people of Afghanistan affected by the earthquake that struck northwest of Herat, which resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children, and serious damage to infrastructure.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T04:56+0200expressindia (en)

Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2,000 and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28 kilometres (17 miles) outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, and 10 kilometres (6 miles) deep, according to the U.

Moderate mag. 4.4 earthquake - Badghis, Afghanistan, 63 km northeast of Serhetabat, Turkmenistan, on Wednesday, Oct 11, 2023 at 6:41 am (GMT +5)

2023-10-11T04:56+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 562 km / 349 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Tech firms struggle as Israel-Gaza falsehoods explode

2023-10-11T04:56+0200wn (en)

From fake accounts impersonating journalists to war-themed video games fueling false narratives, tech platforms are struggling to contain a tsunami of misinformation around Palestinian-Israeli hostilities after rolling back content moderation policies.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:51+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

There were no immediate reports of new casualties after Wednesday's quake, which hit near Herat city, home to more than half a million people. The earlier earthquakes completely destroyed at least 11 villages in Herat province's Zenda Jan district, according to the UN.

Another magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:51+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-11 02:30:58 Western Afghanistan was shaken again by a severe earthquake on Wednesday morning. According to the US Earthquake Observatory USGS, the quake had a magnitude of 6.3 and occurred around 28 kilometers northwest of the city of Herat at a depth of ten kilometers. There were initially no reports of injuries or new damage.

AsieUn séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l’ouest de l’Afghanistan 0 0 0

2023-10-11T04:48+0200lematin-CH (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05 h 10 heure locale (02 h 40 en Suisse), son épicentre....

Another Powerful Quake Hits Afghan Area Where 2,000 Died This Weekend

2023-10-11T04:45+0200ndtvnews (en)

Kabul: A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10 am local time (00:40 GMT), with its epicentre about 29....

Asie: Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:45+020024heures (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05 h 10 heure locale (02 h 40 en Suisse), son épicentre....

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:44+0200lesoleil-ca (fr)

Des Afghans ramassent des débris de leur maison dans le village Nayeb Rafi. (MOHSEN KARIMI/AFP) Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2000 morts dans la même région.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:41+0200wn (en)

Kabul: A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10 am local time (00:40 GMT), with its epicentre about 29....

Another Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Jolts Western Afghanistan, Four Days after Temblor Took over 2,000 Lives

2023-10-11T04:41+0200wn (en)

Four days earlier a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Afghanistan ’s killing more than 2,000 people....

Asie: Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:40+0200tdg (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), après celui de samedi qui a fait plus de 2000 morts dans la même région. Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 05 h 10 heure locale (02 h 40 en Suisse), son épicentre....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T04:37+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

A destroyed house by an earthquake is seen in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Un nouveau séisme, de magnitude 6,3, frappe l’Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:37+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Le séisme s’est produit à une faible profondeur vers 5 h 10 heure locale (20 h 40 heure de l’Est), son épicentre se situant à environ 29 kilomètres au nord de la ville de Hérat, où vivent a indiqué l’USGS. L’impact de ce nouveau tremblement de terre n’est pas encore clair, alors que des milliers de....

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:32+0200aninews (en)

ANI | Updated: Oct 11, 2023 08:01 IST. Kabul [ ], October 11 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 on the Richter scale jolted on Wednesday, the ) said. According to , the in Afghanistan occurred at 6:11 am (IST) today at a depth of 10 kilometers. Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, NCS stated, "Earthquake of Magnitude:6.

‘The Wrath of God’: Afghans Mourn Unimaginable Loss From Quake

2023-10-11T04:30+0200nytimes (en)

Wails echoed across what was left of the village when the ambulance arrived. Inside was the body of a 12-year-old girl, Roqia. She had died in a nearby hospital Tuesday morning, four days after a devastating earthquake hit this stretch of northwestern Afghanistan and sent her mud-brick home crashing down on top of her.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T04:29+0200nbc12 (en)

A destroyed house by an earthquake is seen in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:29+0200gulfnews (en)

Volunteers and rescuers have been working since Saturday in what are now last-ditch attempts to find survivors from the earlier series of earthquakes, which levelled entire villages and affected more than 12,000 people, according to UN estimates. Providing shelter on a large scale will be a....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T04:26+0200kptv (en)

A destroyed house by an earthquake is seen in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:24+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

KABUL, Oct 11 — A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10am local time (00:40 GMT), with its epicentre about 29....

Afghanistan. Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe le nord-ouest

2023-10-11T04:23+0200presseocean (fr)

Présent dans plus de 30 pays, le Comité de défense des femmes afghanes étend ses ramifications jusque dans la Manche. Créée à Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, l’antenne départementale veut rappeler à quel point le combat reste d’actualité. Après le violent tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’ouest de....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan: USGS

2023-10-11T04:22+0200economictimes (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10 am local time (00:40 GMT), with its epicentre about 29 kilometres north....

Earthquake today: Another 6.3 magnitude quake shakes part of Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:20+0200wn (en)

Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more....

Afghanistan. Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe le nord-ouest

2023-10-11T04:18+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Présent dans plus de 30 pays, le Comité de défense des femmes afghanes étend ses ramifications jusque dans la Manche. Créée à Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, l’antenne départementale veut rappeler à quel point le combat reste d’actualité. Après le violent tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’ouest de....

Afghanistan. Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe le nord-ouest

2023-10-11T04:18+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Présent dans plus de 30 pays, le Comité de défense des femmes afghanes étend ses ramifications jusque dans la Manche. Créée à Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, l’antenne départementale veut rappeler à quel point le combat reste d’actualité. Après le violent tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’ouest de....

Alert: 6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where quake on Saturday killed more ...

2023-10-11T04:17+0200wn (en)

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. ......

Afghanistan. Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe le nord-ouest

2023-10-11T04:14+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Présent dans plus de 30 pays, le Comité de défense des femmes afghanes étend ses ramifications jusque dans la Manche. Créée à Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, l’antenne départementale veut rappeler à quel point le combat reste d’actualité. Après le violent tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’ouest de....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan …

2023-10-11T04:11+0200wearecentralpa (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — Another strong earthquake shook part of western Afghanistan on Wednesday morning after an earlier quake killed more than 2,000 and flattened whole villages. The latest 6.3-magnitude earthquake was about 28 kilometers (17 miles) outside Herat, the capital of Herat province,....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T04:11+0200theglobeandmail (en)

Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers (17 miles) outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

6.3 earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where previous earthquake left hundreds dead

2023-10-11T04:09+0200archyde (en)

6.3 earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where previous earthquake left hundreds dead. 2023-10-11 01:52:02 HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — Another earthquake has hit a part of western Afghanistan where a quake was recorded Saturday that left more than 2,000 dead. The magnitude 6.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan again

2023-10-11T04:09+0200business-standard (en)

Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers outside the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earlier quake that struck Herat was also 6.

Terremoto Afghanistan, nuova forte scossa di magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T04:09+0200repubblica (it)

Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15 chilometri di profondità ed epicentro 28 km a nord-nordovest di Herat.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:08+0200malaymail (en)

KABUL, Oct 11 — A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Wednesday, hitting an area where more than 2,000 people were killed after a series of similar tremors on the weekend. The quake occurred at a shallow depth at around 05:10am local time (00:40 GMT), with its epicentre about 29....

Breaking News: Earthquake of 6.1 magnitude Hits Afghanistan, Tremors Felt Across Places

2023-10-11T04:08+0200india (en)

Breaking News: Earthquake of 6.1 magnitude Hits Afghanistan , Tremors Felt Across Places Breaking News: Earthquake of 6.1 magnitude Hits Afghanistan, Tremors Felt Across Places. Breaking News: Earthquake of 6.1 magnitude Hits Afghanistan, Tremors Felt Across Places.

Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days

2023-10-11T04:06+0200bbc (en)

A second large earthquake has hit Afghanistan just days after a 6.3 magnitude quake in the same region killed more than 1,000 people. The new quake, of the same magnitude, struck at around 05:10 local time (00:40 GMT) on Tuesday. The impact of the new quake is not yet clear, but many are already....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T04:04+0200buffalonews (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan — Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 17 miles outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

भूकंप के तेज झटकों से फिर दहला Afghanistan, रिक्टर स्केल पर 6.3 रही तीव्रता

2023-10-11T04:03+0200india (en)

Earthquake Of Magnitude 6 Strikes Northwestern Afghanistan Today भूकंप के तेज झटकों से फिर दहला Afghanistan, रिक्टर स्केल पर 6.3 रही तीव्रता अफगानिस्तान में महसूस किए गए भूकंप के तेज झटके. Earthquake Hits Afghanistan: एक बार फिर भूकंप के तेज झटकों से अफगानिस्तान की धरती डोली है.

Another Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Jolts Western Afghanistan, Four Days after Temblor Took over 2,000 Lives

2023-10-11T04:03+0200news18 (en)

Another earthquake, this time of 6.3 magnitude, struck western Afghanistan ’s Herat province in the early hours of Wednesday morning, four days after the province was hit by a magnitude 6.3 quake and eight powerful aftershocks. Over 2,000 people died over the weekend.

Afghanistan, sisma magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T04:03+0200rai-televideo (it)

11/10/2023 03:43 Afghanistan , sisma magnitudo 6.4 3.43 Afghanistan, sisma magnitudo 6.4 Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l'Afghanistan, con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) ita- liano e del servizio di monitoraggio....

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T04:03+0200ansamed-it (it)

Puoi leggere tutti i titoli di ANSA.it e 10 contenuti ogni 30 giorni a €16,99/anno Servizio equivalente a quello accessibile prestando il consenso ai cookie di profilazione pubblicitaria e tracciamento; Durata annuale (senza rinnovo automatico) Un pop-up ti avvertirà che hai raggiunto i contenuti....

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T04:03+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 OTT - Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15....

West Afghanistan Shaken Again: 6.3 Magnitude Quake Strikes Post-2,000 Death Earthquake

2023-10-11T04:02+0200timesnownews (en)

Afghanistan Earthquake: Another Earquake Strikes Afghanistan After Thousands Were Killed In Earlier Herat Earthquake. Kabul: In western Afghanistan, where massive tremors on Saturday killed more than 2,000 people, there has been yet another powerful earthquake. The magnitude of the earthquake was reportedly 6.

Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Hits Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T04:02+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/magnitude-6-3-earthquake-hits-western-afghanistan-28bc5b95.

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T04:01+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 OTT - Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15....

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T04:01+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 11 OTT – Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l’ Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:59+0200missoulian (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan — Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 17 miles outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T03:59+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 OTT - Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15....

6.3 magnitude earthquake hits Afghanistan days after devastating weekend quakes

2023-10-11T03:58+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has shaken Western Afghanistan , just days after a quakes of the same magnitude left more than 1,200 dead. The quake struck 28 kilometers (17.39 miles) Northwest of Herāt, Afghanistan, according to the United States Geological Survey , which monitors worldwide earthquakes. This is a developing story.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:58+0200wn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:58+0200wn (en)

Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said.(Agencies) The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:56+0200financialexpress (en)

Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers outside the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Earthquake today: Another 6.3 magnitude quake shakes part of Western Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:56+0200livemint (en)

Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000 people. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers outside the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Events and Latest News Updates on Live Mint.

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T03:55+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 OTT - Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15....

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T03:55+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 OTT - Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15....

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T03:55+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 OTT - Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15....

1st LD Writethru: 5.0-magnitude quake hits 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan -- USGS

2023-10-11T03:54+0200china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 jolted 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan at 0052 GMT on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.60 degrees north latitude and 62.12 degrees east longitude.

Urgent: 5.0-magnitude quake hits 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan -- USGS

2023-10-11T03:54+0200china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 jolted 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan at 0052 GMT on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. Enditem.

04:50 Tremblement de terre Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:53+0200lorientlejour (fr)

Une femme afghane qui dit avoir perdu son fils après le tremblement de terre survenu samedi, au camp du Croissant-Rouge dans le district de Zinda Jan, à Herat, le 10 octobre 2023. REUTERS/Ali Khara Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), une région où plus de 2.

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T03:53+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

ROMA, 11 OTT - Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15 chilometri di....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:52+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan — Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 17 miles outside Herat, the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:51+0200whig (en)

Quincy, IL (62301) Today. Partly cloudy skies this evening will give way to cloudy skies and rain overnight. Thunder possible. Low 48F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 60%.. Tonight. Partly cloudy skies this evening will give way to cloudy skies and rain overnight. Thunder possible. Low 48F.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:50+0200news-gazette (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers outside the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earlier quake that struck Herat was also 6.

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T03:50+0200ladige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 OTT - Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15....

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T03:48+0200giornaletrentino (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 OTT - Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:47+0200eagletribune (en)

North Andover, MA (01845) Today. Cloudy early with some clearing expected late. Areas of patchy fog. Low 44F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight. Cloudy early with some clearing expected late. Areas of patchy fog. Low 44F. Winds light and variable. Updated: October 10, 2023 @ 9:35 pm; Afghans bury....

6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Part of Western Afghanistan Where Earlier Quake Killed Over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:46+0200usnews (en)

Afghans bury hundreds of people killed in an earthquake to a burial site, in a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Saturday's deadly earthquake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:45+0200devdiscourse (en)

Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers outside the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earlier quake that struck Herat was also 6.

Afghanistan: nuova forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 6.4

2023-10-11T03:45+0200ansa (it)

Una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito stanotte l' Afghanistan , con magnitudo 6.4. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a soli 15 chilometri di profondità ed epicentro 28 km a nord-nordovest di Herat.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes Afghanistan days after tremors killed over 4,000

2023-10-11T03:44+0200indiatoday (en)

Another powerful, magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck northwestern Afghanistan on Wednesday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. The tremors were felt at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), the research center reported. There were no immediate reports of any loss of life or damage to property due to the fresh tremors.

6.3 magnitude earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:43+0200ABCnews (en)

days after devastating weekend quakes. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake has shaken Afghanistan again. An Afghan boy mourns next to the grave of his little brother who died due to an earthquake, in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan, Oct. 9, 2023. A 6.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:43+0200ABCnews (en)

Afghans bury hundreds of people killed in an earthquake to a burial site, outside a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Saturday's deadly earthquake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes Afghanistan region where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:42+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

ASSOCIATED PRESS. Afghans bury hundreds of people killed in an earthquake to a burial site, in a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct. 9. Saturday’s deadly earthquake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000, reports AP.

2023-10-11T03:42+0200devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; 6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000, reports AP. (This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000 HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6. Oct 10, 2023 6:25 PM Read more >

2023-10-11T03:40+0200timescolonist (en)

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000. Afghans bury hundreds of people killed in an earthquake to a burial site, outside a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan, Monday, Oct. 9, 2023.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000 0 10/10/2023 6:25:42 PM

2023-10-11T03:40+0200tricitynews (en)

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000. Afghans bury hundreds of people killed in an earthquake to a burial site, outside a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan, Monday, Oct. 9, 2023.

Terremoto Afghanistan, scossa di magnitudo 6.3 a Rab??-e Sang?-ye P?’?n, tutti i dettagli

2023-10-11T03:40+02003bmeteo (it)

Scossa di terremoto. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.3, si è verificata alle ore 05:25 (ore 02:55 in Italia) con epicentro nei pressi di Rab??-e Sang?-ye P?’?n, Afghanistan . La profondità stimata è stata di circa 10 Km . Potete monitorare tutte le scosse in Italia e le principali nel mondo....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:38+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

Afghans bury hundreds of people killed in an earthquake to a burial site, outside a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Saturday's deadly earthquake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan: GFZ

2023-10-11T03:36+0200wn (en)

South Asia News: An earthquake of magnitude 6....

Urgent: 6.3-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-11T03:36+0200wn (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:35+0200bostonglobe (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers outside the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Moderate mag. 4.1 earthquake - 11 Km ESE of Chahār Burj, Afghanistan, on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 01:13 GMT

2023-10-11T03:34+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 619 km / 385 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan …

2023-10-11T03:33+0200wowktv (en)

Afghans bury hundreds of people killed in an earthquake to a burial site, in a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Saturday’s deadly earthquake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi) 6.

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:33+0200lefigaro (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé mercredi 11 octobre l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon le service sismologique américain (USGS), une région où plus de 2.000 personnes ont été tuées dans un précédent tremblement de terre survenu samedi. Le séisme s'est produit à une faible profondeur, vers 05H10....

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:32+0200independent-UK (en)

Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28....

Urgent: 5.0-magnitude quake hits 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan -- USGS

2023-10-11T03:32+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. BEIJING, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 jolted 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan at 0052 GMT on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

1st LD Writethru: 5.0-magnitude quake hits 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan -- USGS

2023-10-11T03:32+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. BEIJING, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 jolted 28 km NNW of Herat, Afghanistan at 0052 GMT on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.60 degrees north latitude and 62.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:30+0200fresnobee (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan . Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers outside the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earlier quake that struck Herat was also 6.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:27+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

Afghans bury hundreds of people killed in an earthquake to a burial site, in a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Saturday’s deadly earthquake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:27+0200actionnewsjax (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers outside the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earlier quake that struck Herat was also 6.

6.3 magnitude earthquake shakes part of western Afghanistan where earlier quake killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T03:27+0200wsoctv (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan (AP) — Another strong earthquake has shaken part of western Afghanistan where a quake on Saturday killed more than 2,000. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning was about 28 kilometers outside the capital of Herat province, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earlier quake that struck Herat was also 6.

2023-10-11T06:44:26+05:30 - World Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:23+0200Hindu (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck northwestern Afghanistan on October 11, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. the country’s national disaster authority said. Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rose to 2,000, a Taliban spokesman said.

Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Hits Western Afghanistan: USGS

2023-10-11T03:23+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/magnitude-6-3-earthquake-hits-western-afghanistan-usgs-6a72405d.

Strong mag. 5.0 earthquake - 28 Km NNW of Herāt, Afghanistan, on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 00:52 GMT

2023-10-11T03:18+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 634 km / 394 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:16+0200thehindu (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck northwestern Afghanistan on October 11, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. the country’s national disaster authority said. Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rose to 2,000, a Taliban spokesman said.

Urgent: 6.3-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-11T03:11+0200china.org.cn (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0041 GMT on Wednesday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.67 degrees north latitude and 62.14 degrees east longitude.

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,3 frappe l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:10+0200bfmtv (fr)

Un puissant tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 a été enregistré tôt ce mercredi dans l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , rapporte l'Institut d'études géologiques des États-Unis(USGS). , une nouvelle violente secousse a été enregistrée dans l'ouest du pays, annonce l'Institut d'études géologiques des États-Unis sur X, ex-Twitter.

Thousands of Afghans out in cold after deadly quakes

2023-10-11T03:08+0200timesofindia (en)

Thousands of Afghans who survived a powerful earthquake that killed more than 2,000 people were bracing for a winter of homelessness on Tuesday, as rescuers made last-ditch efforts to find survivors. More than 1,000 people were killed and tens of thousands left homeless in June last year after a 5.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:07+0200HindustanTimes (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Wednesday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said.(Agencies) The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. We're now on WhatsApp. Click to join.

6.4-magnitude earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:04+0200itartass_en (en)

The epicenter was located at the depth of 10 km, 34 km northwest from the city of Heart. MOSCOW, October 11. /TASS/. A 6.4-magnitude earthquake was registered in Afghanistan in the early hours of Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Center said.

Urgent: 6.3-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-11T03:02+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. HONG KONG, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0041 GMT on Wednesday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.67 degrees north latitude and 62.

M6.3 quake strikes Herat province, Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:01+0200cgtn (en)

A magnitude-6.3 earthquake hit Herat province, Afghanistan on Wednesday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences reported.

Significant 6.5 quake hits near Herat, Herat District, Afghanistan

2023-10-11T03:01+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

A shallow magnitude 6.5 earthquake was reported early morning near Herat, Herat District, Afghanistan . According to the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), the quake hit on Wednesday, October 11th, 2023, at 4:41 am local time at a shallow depth of 10 km.

Major magnitude 6.5 earthquake - 34 km north of Herat, Afghanistan, on Wednesday, Oct 11, 2023 at 5:11 am (GMT +4:30) - information

2023-10-11T03:01+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

A shallow magnitude 6.5 earthquake was reported early morning near Herat, Herat District, Afghanistan . According to the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), the quake hit on Wednesday, October 11th, 2023, at 4:41 am local time at a shallow depth of 10 km.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ

2023-10-11T02:56+0200devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Wednesday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)said. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), GFZ said. Also Read: No current talks with Taliban, Afghanistan's Massoud says, promising guerrilla warfare (This....

Humanitarian Assistance in response to Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-11T02:56+0200reliefWeb (en)

Joint media release with The Hon Pat Conroy MP, Minister for International Development and the Pacific; The Hon Tim Watts MP, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs. 11 October 2023. The Australian Government will provide $1 million to support the people of Afghanistan following the deadly earthquake which struck Herat Province.

Medical aid to Afghan earthquake victims: No clearance given by Afghanistan: official

2023-10-11T02:53+0200thenews-pk (en)

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s medical team could not leave for Afghanistan on Tuesday to provide medical aid to the earthquake victims as it did not get clearance from the Afghan authorities, said health authorities in Islamabad. The team members have now returned home.

Migranti. A Lampedusa, dove anche i morti devono aspettare

2023-10-11T02:47+0200247libero (it)

Il Mediterraneo visto dall'iconico monumento della porta d'Europa è sempre calmo, come 20 giorni fa quando arrivò un’ondata di sbarchi con pochi precedenti. Eppure a Lampedusa i numeri sono improvvisamente calati. I tunisini negli ultimi giorni si sono prevalentemente diretti a Pantelleria e a....

MIL-OSI Australia: Humanitarian Assistance in response to Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-11T02:38+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

The Australian Government will provide $1 million to support the people of Afghanistan following the deadly earthquake which struck Herat Province. The earthquake has exacerbated the dire humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, where 29.2 million people are already in desperate need.

Yolanda Díaz paves the amnesty for Pedro Sánchez

2023-10-11T02:38+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-11T00:34:20.986Z. Highlights: Yolanda Díaz paves the amnesty for Pedro Sánchez. The acting second vice president had no qualms about traveling a month ago to Belgium to meet with Carles Puigdemont. The socialist part of the Government took advantage of the press conference after the Council....

Four flight routes planned to evacuate Thais out of war-inflicted Israel

2023-10-11T02:27+0200pattayamail (en)

Sutin Klungsang, the Minister of Defence, inspected the readiness of the Air Force before the deployment of aircraft to evacuate Thais affected by hostilities in the Middle East while the Air Force has readied planes and three emergency medical operation teams for the mission.

Why metadata is critical to unlocking new AI-driven applications in Australian organisations

2023-10-11T02:20+0200itwire (en)

Despite this, many organisations are still struggling to convert the wealth of potential value from their data to benefit strategic decision-making – and ultimately, their bottom line. Data fragmentation and the lack of data governance remain a challenge for many companies.

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-11T02:09+0200chosun (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. "Martyrs are still under the rubble," said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

Emergency Assistance to Western Afghanistan in Response to the Earthquake (10 October 2023)

2023-10-11T02:07+0200reliefWeb (en)

Today, October 10, 2023, upon the request of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the Government of Japan has decided to provide emergency relief goods such as tents, blankets, etc. through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to Western....

UN warns of famine in Afghanistan: "The situation is quite hopeless"

2023-10-11T02:05+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-11T00:03:11.588Z. Highlights: UN warns of famine in Afghanistan : "The situation is quite hopeless". Only 340 million instead of 1.6 billion US dollars: According to the UN, the nutrition programme for Afghanistan is massively underfunded. Ten million people in need have already had aid cut – and winter is approaching.

Sismo de magnitud 5,9 sacude provincia de Antofagasta en Chile

2023-10-11T02:05+0200telesurtv (es)

Hora Local: 2023/10/10 07:01:31, mag: 5.9, Lat: -22.86, Lon: -66.39, Prof: 245.0, Loc : 174.0 km al NE de Socaire — Sismología UdeChile (@Sismos_CSN) October 10, 2023 El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile comunicó que el movimiento telúrico no tuvo condiciones para generar un tsunami en las costas de la nación.

Se registra sismo de 4.1 de magnitud con epicentro en Oaxaca Debido a su ubicación geográfica, México está continuamente expuesto a sufrir este tipo de eventos sísmicos

2023-10-11T02:02+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-11T01:55+0200wn (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-11T01:39+0200elpais-en (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for loved ones killed in Saturday’s 6.3 magnitude quake.

L'inflazione gonfia i ricavi del vino, ma i costi alti erodono i margini. Mediobanca dà i numeri alla Milano wine week

2023-10-11T01:34+0200italiaoggi (it)

L'inflazione ha generato i tre quarti della crescita del 9,1% del fatturato 2022 delle imprese vinicole, concentrandosi sul canale Horeca (+19,9%) e sulla fascia premium (+13,7%). Lo tsunami dei costi ha eroso il 20% del margine operativo, ma senza compromettere la stabilità delle nostre imprese....


2023-10-11T01:15+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-10 08:59:05 Kabul: The death toll from the powerful earthquake in Herat, western Afghanistan has crossed 4000. Afghanistan’s National Disaster Management Authority said that nearly two thousand houses were completely destroyed in two earthquakes measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale.

UAE Sends 33 Tons of Urgent Food Supplies to Earthquake-Affected Afghanistan

2023-10-11T00:56+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-10 22:05:18. Yesterday, the UAE sent a plane carrying 33 tons of urgent food supplies to those affected by the earthquake that struck Herat Province in western Afghanistan , killing and injuring thousands of people, most of them women and children, and causing severe damage.

Terremoto in Afghanistan. L’Ue approva 3,5 milioni di euro di aiuti umanitari.

2023-10-11T00:54+0200sardegnagol (it)

A seguito del mortale terremoto che ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale questo fine settimana, l’UE fornirà aiuti umanitari di emergenza iniziali per un valore iniziale di 3,5 milioni di euro per rispondere ai bisogni più urgenti della popolazione colpita.

Sisma in Afghanistan, migliaia di morti e aiuti col contagocce

2023-10-11T00:53+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 11 ottobre 2023) È ancora incerto il bilancio del terremoto che sabato scorso ha colpito alcuni distretti della provincia occidentale afghana di Herat. Secondo alcune fonti dell’Emirato islamico, il governo dei Talebani, a first appeared on il manifesto.

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-11T00:31+0200manilametro (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. 'Martyrs are still under the rubble,' said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-11T00:14+0200cambodiantimes (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. 'Martyrs are still under the rubble,' said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000

2023-10-11T00:08+0200naharnet-en (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead. Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for loved ones killed in Saturday's 6.

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-11T00:06+0200srilankasource (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. 'Martyrs are still under the rubble,' said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-11T00:01+0200irishsun (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. 'Martyrs are still under the rubble,' said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-10T23:58+0200nigeriasun (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. 'Martyrs are still under the rubble,' said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-10T23:58+0200longbeachstar (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. 'Martyrs are still under the rubble,' said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-10T23:52+0200northernirelandnews (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. 'Martyrs are still under the rubble,' said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-10T23:50+0200kenyastar (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. 'Martyrs are still under the rubble,' said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-10T23:48+0200myanmarnews (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. 'Martyrs are still under the rubble,' said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-10T23:43+0200singaporestar (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. 'Martyrs are still under the rubble,' said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

MIL-OSI Video: Gaza, Afghanistan, Myanmar & other topics – Daily Press Briefing (10 Oct 2023) | United Nations

2023-10-10T23:37+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Noon briefing by Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesperson for the Secretary-General. Highlights: – Gaza – UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees – Fifth Committee – Deputy Secretary-General/Travels – Afghanistan – Myanmar – Iraq – Russia – Democratic Republic of The Congo – Mental Health Day.

Foreign Aid Trickles as Death Toll Rises in Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-10T23:35+0200voanews (en)

The number of people killed by Saturday's 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan has surpassed 2,400 as search and rescue teams extracted more bodies from the ruins of hundreds of destroyed houses, according to local officials. "Martyrs are still under the rubble," said Matiul Haq Khalis, president....

MIL-OSI Translation: Gaza and Israel, earthquake in Afghanistan, Human Rights Council… Tuesday’s news

2023-10-10T23:32+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Nations – in Spanish 4. Headline: Gaza and Israel, earthquake in Afghanistan , Human Rights Council… Tuesday’s news. More than 1,500 people have already died in Israel and Gaza and more than 200,000 have had to leave their homes in Gaza due to the bombings.

Afghanistan earthquake: Severe cold in disaster-stricken areas, securing temporary housing is also an issue

2023-10-10T23:25+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-10T21:23:34.699Z. Highlights: Afghanistan earthquake: Severe cold in disaster-stricken areas, securing temporary housing is also an issue. In the areas affected by the earthquake that occurred on the 7th in western Afghanistan, the nighttime temperature is close to <> degrees Celsius in some parts.

Thousands of Afghans out in cold after deadly quakes

2023-10-10T23:23+0200jordantimes (en)

NAYEB RAFI, Afghanistan — Thousands of Afghans who survived a powerful earthquake that killed more than 2,000 people were bracing for a winter of homelessness on Tuesday, as rescuers made last-ditch efforts to find survivors. Volunteers have worked with spades and pickaxes in Herat province since Saturday's deadly magnitude 6.

Internet-Wide Zero-Day Bug Fuels Largest-Ever DDoS Event

2023-10-10T23:16+0200darkreading (en)

An Internet-wide security vulnerability is at the root of a zero-day attack dubbed "HTTP/2 Rapid Reset," which resulted in a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) flood that was orders of magnitude larger than any previous attack ever recorded. It marks a new chapter in the evolution of DDoS threats, researchers noted.

Sharif was working in the fields when a deadly earthquake struck. He came back to ...

2023-10-10T23:10+0200wn (en)

As the search for survivors ends, relief efforts are underway and in an area of Afghanistan that was badly hit in an earthquake earlier this year, even beggars are donating what they can to help. ......

Herat fault zone most likely caused Afghanistan earthquakes: expert

2023-10-10T23:10+0200tehrantimes (en)

TEHRAN - An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 occurred on October 7 in Herat Province, Afghanistan , at 11:11 a.m. local time (10:11 a.m. Tehran time). Eight minutes later, an aftershock with a magnitude of 5.6 occurred. At 11:40; local time, an earthquake, which seems to be the main earthquake in....

Israel-Hamas war continues for a fourth day

2023-10-10T23:09+0200pri (en)

People in southern Israel are in crisis mode, still taking stock after an invasion by Hamas, and steeling themselves for violent days ahead. And, a Gaza resident and journalist describes a city of flattened neighborhoods, where doctors are treating patients on the floor following Israeli airstrikes.

Afghanistan earthquake: 'People were digging with their bare hands'

2023-10-10T23:09+0200pri (en)

Residents of the western city of Herat in Afghanistan are grappling with the aftermath of a 6.3-magnitude earthquake. The quake, along with several aftershocks, have left at least 2,000 people dead, according to Taliban officials. This makes it one of the country's worst natural disasters in decades.

La Russia chiede agli USA di rispettare gli accordi sul nucleare e s'impegna a fare lo stesso (C. Meier)

2023-10-10T23:03+0200247libero (it)

“La Russia ha registrato segnali che indicano come gli Stati Uniti si stiano preparando ad effettuare test nucleari in Nevada”, dichiara il vice ministro degli Esteri russo, Sergei Ryabkov. “Constatiamo dei segnali che i test sono in corso nel Nevada, se gli USA vogliono un’escalation, allora è....

Israel-Hamas war continues for a fourth day

2023-10-10T23:01+0200theworld (en)

People in southern Israel are in crisis mode, still taking stock after an invasion by Hamas, and steeling themselves for violent days ahead. And, a Gaza resident and journalist describes a city of flattened neighborhoods, where doctors are treating patients on the floor following Israeli airstrikes.

Afghanistan earthquake: 'People were digging with their bare hands'

2023-10-10T23:01+0200theworld (en)

Residents of the western city of Herat in Afghanistan are grappling with the aftermath of a 6.3-magnitude earthquake. The quake, along with several aftershocks, have left at least 2,000 people dead, according to Taliban officials. This makes it one of the country's worst natural disasters in decades.

'Nobody was prepared' for earthquake that ravaged western Afghanistan

2023-10-10T22:57+0200spokesman (en)

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - In western Afghanistan ’s Zinda Jan district, Saturday’s 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck without warning. By all accounts, the windy day began as usual, with villagers heading out to their sheds and fields in the chilly morning temperatures, women doing their daily chores and....

AFGHANISTAN: EU releases €3.5 million in initial emergency aid for victims of deadly earthquake

2023-10-10T22:15+0200agenceurope-en (en)

10/10/2023 (Agence Europe) In response to the deadly earthquake that devastated western Afghanistan last weekend, the EU is mobilising €3.5 million in initial humanitarian aid to cover the most urgent needs of the affected populations, the European Commission announced on Tuesday 10 October. The bulk of this emergency aid - €2.

Corpo, sesso, relazioni nell’era di internet

2023-10-10T22:06+0200siciliaogginotizie (it)

Lo psicoterapeuta Alberto Pellai giovedì al “Teatro Nuovo Sipario Blu” di Catania. Il medico, esperto di età evolutiva e autore di numerosi volumi tradotti in più di quindici nazioni, giovedì 12 ottobre a Catania alle ore 18.00 incontrerà genitori e insegnanti durante l’evento promosso dall’Istituto....

Yolanda Díaz mete presión con una amnistía a medida de Puigdemont

2023-10-10T22:05+0200esdiario (es)

Sumar , el partido de Yolanda Díaz , presenta su propuesta de amnistía que abarcaría a los dirigentes del procés , a los 12 miembros de los Comités de Defensa de la República (CDR) procesados por un delito de pertenencia a organización terrorista o a los encausados por los disturbios presuntamente....

What causes earthquakes? A geologist explains where they’re most common and why

2023-10-10T22:01+0200theconversation-us (en)

Earthquakes, large and small, happen every single day along zones that wrap around the world like seams on a baseball. Most don’t bother anybody, so they don’t make the news. But every now and then a catastrophic earthquake hits people somewhere in the world with horrific destruction and immense suffering.

AFGHANISTAN : séisme meurtrier, l'UE débloque 3,5 millions d'euros d'aide d'urgence initiale pour les populations sinistrées

2023-10-10T21:50+0200agenceurope (fr)

Séisme meurtrier, l'UE débloque 3,5 millions d'euros d'aide d'urgence initiale pour les populations sinistrées. 10/10/23 (Agence Europe) En réponse au tremblement de terre meurtrier qui a ravagé l'ouest de l' Afghanistan le week-end dernier, l'UE mobilise 3,5 millions d'euros d'aide humanitaire....

Migranti A Lampedusa, dove anche i morti devono aspettare

2023-10-10T21:45+0200avvenire (it)

Il Mediterraneo visto dall'iconico monumento della porta d'Europa è sempre calmo, come 20 giorni fa quando arrivò un’ondata di sbarchi con pochi precedenti. Eppure a Lampedusa i numeri sono improvvisamente calati. I tunisini negli ultimi giorni si sono prevalentemente diretti a Pantelleria e a....

Afghanistan: Death toll in Herat earthquakes surpasses 4,000

2023-10-10T21:44+0200iol (en)

Kabul, Afghanistan - The earthquake in the Herat province of Afghanistan has claimed over 4,000 lives and destroyed thousands of residential houses, Khaama Press reported, citing the Taliban ministry. The Ministry of Disaster Management of Afghanistan announced on Saturday that 1,983 residential....

Afghanistan: Three things to know about the situation in Herat in the aftermath of the earthquake

2023-10-10T21:39+0200msf-org (en)

What is the situation in Herat now? Today, Herat is still experiencing aftershocks, which is unsettling for everyone. According to data from the Ministry of Public Health and Herat Regional Hospital, there have been 2,445 reported deaths and 2,440 injuries in Herat Province so far.

Frits Bolkestein.

2023-10-10T21:33+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Plombé par les plombiers... Après avoir expliqué que sa directive ne provoquerait pas de « tsunami de plombiers polonais » en France, Frits Bolkestein (ci-dessous) avait jugé que c'était d'ailleurs dommage « parce que c'est très difficile de trouver un plombier » pour venir travailler dans sa résidence secondaire, près de Maubeuge (Nord).

Earthquake and tsunami national simulation exercise

2023-10-10T21:29+0200fijitimes (en)

An earthquake and tsunami national simulation exercise approved by the National Disaster Management Office will be the highlight of the upcoming National Disaster Awareness Week. NDMO director Vasiti Soko said the exercise aimed to mitigate the potential impact of disasters through strengthening....

Volcanoes: Expedition sets sail to explore under-studied hazards of Bay of Plenty volcanoes

2023-10-10T21:19+0200nzherald (en)

Tūhua/Mayor Island. Researchers will study the multiple natural hazards posed by two Bay of Plenty volcanoes this month including their potential to generate tsunami, ashfall and pyroclastic flows of hot ash and gas. Scientists from multiple agencies will set sail on RV Tangaroa tomorrow to build....

Las redes sociales enfrentan una explosión de mentiras debido a la guerra entre Israel y Gaza

2023-10-10T21:19+0200elpais-CO (es)

Desde cuentas de falsos periodistas hasta videojuegos con temas de guerra que alimentan narrativas equivocadas, las plataformas de redes sociales están luchando por contener un tsunami de información errónea en torno a las hostilidades palestino-israelíes después de flexibilizar las políticas de moderación de contenido.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000

2023-10-10T21:17+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead. Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for loved ones killed in Saturday's 6.

UN Representative visits earthquake-affected areas in Herat Province

2023-10-10T21:01+0200khaama (en)

On Monday, UN Special Representative and Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Afghanistan , Ms. Roza Otunbayeva, referred to the earthquake-affected areas in the Zinda Jan district of Herat province as a “major disaster” during her visit. She called for immediate action to help the affected people.

EU approves €3.5 in aid for Afghan earthquake victims

2023-10-10T21:01+0200khaama (en)

After the recent deadly earthquake in western Afghanistan , the EU is allocating €3.5 million (approximately 280,000,000 Afghanis) in emergency humanitarian aid to address the immediate needs of the affected population, a statement said. In response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in drought-affected areas, a fresh allocation of €2.

UAE sends urgent food supplies to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T20:57+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Relief aid was accumulated through the collective efforts of several of the UAE's humanitarian organisations The UAE today sent an aircraft carrying 33 tonnes of food supplies to support the people of Afghanistan affected by the earthquake that struck northwest of Herat, which resulted in thousands....

Afghanistan Earthquake in Herat Province, Health Situation Report No. 4 10 October 2023

2023-10-10T20:56+0200reliefWeb (en)

Highlights 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the western region in Afghanistan on 7 October 2023; At least 12,110 people (1,730 families) have been affected across Zindajan, Injil, Gulran, Kohsan and Kushk districts. Health Cluster partners reached 2,893 affected people through 20 Health Cluster Partners....

Contribution : Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr, le choix idéal pour présider aux destinées de la mairie de Dakar

2023-10-10T20:55+0200senegal7 (fr)

C’est dans l’action que les plus grandes figures politiques se sont illustrées dans la gestion des affaires internes. Mais c’est la qualité et la profondeur de la réflexion qui les différencient des démagogues et des flagorneurs. La logique de Diouf sarr et sa contribution à la réalisation de la....

World News | Mohammed Bin Rashid, Georgian PM Witness Signing of UAE-Georgia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement

2023-10-10T20:46+0200latestly (en)

Dubai [UAE], October 10 (ANI/WAM): Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia, today witnessed the signing of a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between the UAE and Georgia.

World News | UAE: Mubadala Capital Closes Its Second Successful Fund in Brazil with over USD 710 Million of Commitments

2023-10-10T20:46+0200latestly (en)

New York [US], October 10 (ANI/WAM): Mubadala Capital, the wholly-owned asset management subsidiary of Mubadala Investment Company ("Mubadala"), held a final close on its second flagship investment fund in Brazil, Brazil Special Opportunities Fund II ("BSOF II"), with total commitments in excess of USD 710 million.

“Io Non Rischio”: buone pratiche di Protezione Civile, il 14 e 15 ottobre volontari in piazza ad Avezzano

2023-10-10T20:43+0200terremarsicane (it)

Avezzano – Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre Avezzano partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”.Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi,....

World News | Dubai Municipality Adds 'Wosool' Seal on Building Completion Certificates to Certify Buildings Friendly for People of Determination

2023-10-10T20:31+0200latestly (en)

Dubai [UAE], October 10 (ANI/WAM): Dubai Municipality has announced a special 'Wosool' seal for building permits and building completion certificates in the Emirates of Dubai, confirming the buildings comply with the standards for people of determination as a key requirement for approving permits.

World News | UAE: Fujairah CP Receives Ambassadors of Maldives, Tunisia, Germany

2023-10-10T20:31+0200latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Crown Prince of Fujairah, held separate meetings with Aminath Shabeena, Ambassador of the Maldives to the UAE, Mu'izz bin Abdul Sattar Binameem, Ambassador of Tunisia to the UAE, and Alexander....

Lea aquí la propuesta completa sobre la amnistía de Sumar

2023-10-10T20:30+0200theobjective (es)

Sumar ha desvelado este martes el dictamen encargado a un grupo de juristas sobre la , que persigue el objetivo de allanar la negociación conjunta con PSOE, ERC y Junts para pactar una proposición de ley sobre la medida de gracia. Así, la amnistía de Sumar abarcaría a los dirigentes del procés , a....

Intensifying Hurricane Lidia racing toward landfall on Mexico’s west coast

2023-10-10T20:29+0200flipboard (en)

Several boats overturned after small tsunami waves hit multiple locations in Japan's Pacific coast including islands near Tokyo on Monday morning, October 9. The 5:25 a.m. quake occurred in an area near the uninhabited Torishima Island at the southern end of the Izu chain.

UAE sends urgent food supplies to people affected by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T20:28+0200wam-en (en)

ABU DHABI, 10th October, 2023 (WAM) -- The UAE today sent an aircraft carrying 33 tonnes of food supplies to support the people of Afghanistan affected by the earthquake that struck northwest of Herat, which resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries, including women and children, and serious damage to infrastructure.

500 Still Missing Following Afghanistan Earthquake, Say UN Aid Teams

2023-10-10T20:28+0200wn (en)

Nearly 500 people are still missing from the worst-affected area of a 6.

How to Help Afghanistan Earthquake Victims

2023-10-10T20:28+0200wn (en)

At least 2,400 people were killed and 9,000 more were injured after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Western Afghanistan on Saturday. The quake hit Zindajan, a rural district some 40km ......

Today's top news: Occupied Palestinian Territory, Afghanistan, Myanmar

2023-10-10T20:23+0200unocha (en)

Occupied Palestinian Territory. The Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Lynn Hastings, said today that the United Nations and its humanitarian partners in the Occupied Palestinian Territory are working to meet acute needs, in particular shelter, in dangerous circumstances.

Sumar propone una amnistía que incluiría a los CDR del caso Judas o Tsunami

2023-10-10T20:19+0200elconfidencial (es)

El dictamen se refiere en concreto a esos dos delitos recordando que “A día de hoy, se mantienen en pie varios procedimientos penales por distintos delitos contra el orden público (CDR), por apoyo económico al Procés (Operación Volhov) o la imputación a Tsunami Democràtic por la organización de las....

Sumar plantea amnistiar a todos los ciudadanos encausados en el «procés»

2023-10-10T20:19+0200lavozdegalicia (es)

presentó este martes su propuesta de amnistía para los encausado por el procés . El texto acota un marco temporal para esa amnistía que iría desde el 1 de enero de 2013 hasta el 17 de agosto de 2023 , día de la constitución de las actuales Cortes Generales.

4 Britanniques détenus en Afghanistan libérés par les talibans à la suite de négociations

2023-10-10T20:18+0200news-24 (fr)

Les talibans ont libéré quatre Britanniques détenus en Afghanistan , accusés d’avoir enfreint les lois du pays, a annoncé mardi le gouvernement britannique. Le ministère des Affaires étrangères a déclaré dans un bref communiqué qu’il se félicitait de la libération des quatre Britanniques et a....

Aiuti col contagocce nell’Afghanistan terremotato Secondo l’Onu in 11 distretti del Paese è andato distrutto il 100% delle case

2023-10-10T20:17+0200osservatoreromano (it)

Kabul , 10. Tre giorni dopo il fortissimo terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito la parte occidentale dell’ Afghanistan e in particolare la provincia di Herat, i soccorritori continuano a scavare fra le macerie dei villaggi più isolati, in una disperata ricerca dei sopravvissuti.

World News | Hamdan Bin Mohammed Receives Commander of the National Guard

2023-10-10T20:16+0200latestly (en)

Dubai [UAE], October 10 (ANI/WAM): Crown Prince of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum today received a delegation from the National Guard Command led by Staff Major General Salem Saeed Ghafan Al Jaberi, Commander of the National Guard.

Díaz plantea una amnistía masiva: de Puigdemont a los CDR

2023-10-10T20:15+0200larazon-es (es)

Sumar, la formación encabezada por la vicepresidenta del Gobierno, Yolanda Díaz, ha puesto sobre la mesa su propuesta de amnistía, un perdón masivo que abarca a Carles Puigdemont y los principales dirigentes de su Govern en 2017, los Comités de Defensa de la República (CDR) por desórdenes públicos,....

Viajarán expertos del OIEA a Japón para tomar pruebas marinas en Fuskushima

2023-10-10T20:11+0200elcomentario (es)

Un grupo de científicos del OIEA , la agencia nuclear de la ONU, y otros observadores internacionales viajarán a Japón la próxima semana para tomar muestras marinas cerca de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi , que está vertiendo al océano Pacífico agua contaminada y tratada de sus instalaciones.

La amnistía de Díaz cubre los actos terroristas de los CDR y deja fuera a Pujol y Borrás

2023-10-10T20:07+0200theobjective (es)

Sumar ha desvelado este martes el dictamen encargado a un grupo de juristas sobre la amnistía, que persigue el objetivo de allanar la negociación conjunta con PSOE, ERC y Junts para pactar una proposición de ley sobre la medida de gracia. Así, la amnistía de Sumar abarcaría a los dirigentes del....

World News | RTA Resumes Global Village Bus Routes and Electric Abra Service

2023-10-10T20:02+0200latestly (en)

Dubai [UAE], October 10 (ANI/WAM): Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) is set to restart the operation of four bus routes to serve the guests of Global Village for its upcoming 28th season 2023-2024. The services will resume on October 18, coinciding with the commencement of the village's activities.

World News | India, Tanzania to Work for Collective Good of Africa and India: Union Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal

2023-10-10T20:02+0200latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], October 10 (ANI): In an address to the India-Tanzania Investment Forum in New Delhi today, Union Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal noted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a big advocate of bringing the Global South on one platform. The India-Africa partnership has flourished under his leadership.

Burying their loved ones: earthquake survivors in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T19:55+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

More than 2000 people have been reported dead since a 6.3 magnitude quake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. As mourning relatives bury their loved ones, rescuers are still hoping they can find more survivors.

Terremoto de magnitud 5 ocurrió en Malang

2023-10-10T19:49+0200notiulti (es)

Jacarta. Un terremoto de magnitud (M) 5 ocurrió en Malang , Java Oriental (Java Oriental). Centro terremoto está a 73 km al suroeste de Malang. “A 18 km de profundidad”, escribió BMKG en la cuenta de la red social X el martes (10/10/2023). El terremoto ocurrió a las 23.42 WIB. El epicentro del terremoto estuvo en las coordenadas 8.

Thousands of Afghans Out in Cold After Deadly Quakes

2023-10-10T19:46+0200news18 (en)

Thousands of Afghans who survived a powerful earthquake that killed more than 2,00 people were bracing for a winter of homelessness on Tuesday, as rescuers made last-ditch efforts to find survivors. Volunteers have worked with spades and pickaxes in Herat province since Saturday’s deadly magnitude 6.

Los juristas reclutados por Sumar apuestan por una amnistía que incluya a los policías, los CDR o los líderes del 'procés' desde 2013

2023-10-10T19:40+020020minutos (es)

Sumar intenta sentar las bases para poner en marcha una ley de amnistía que ponga los cimientos a "la solución del conflicto político existente entre Cataluña y el Estado español, que resultó agravado por una contundente represión penal y por la falta de proporcionalidad con la que se adoptaron ciertas decisiones judiciales" .

Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.2 en Tongoy

2023-10-10T19:37+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrose ubicó a 47.0 kilómetros al Noroeste de la localidad, con coordenadas -71.896 grados de longitud y -30.007 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en Pica Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información....

Se registra temblor de magnitud 3.6 en la ciudad de Calama

2023-10-10T19:37+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrofue a 43.0 kilómetros al Noreste de la localidad, con coordenadas -68.745 grados de longitud y -22.123 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en Pica Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información....

Afghanistan earthquake: Rescue efforts scaled back as villagers bury their dead

2023-10-10T19:34+0200irishtimes (en)

An Afghan resident sits near his damaged house after an earthquake in Nayeb Rafi village, in the Zinda Jan district of Herat province on Monday. Photograph: Mohsen Karimi/AFP via Getty Images. Rescuers on Tuesday scaled back operations in Afghanistan ’s devastated northwest as chances of finding....

Afghanistan: Death toll in Herat earthquakes surpasses 4,000

2023-10-10T19:33+0200timesofindia (en)

An earthquake in Herat province, Afghanistan , has resulted in over 4,000 deaths and the destruction of thousands of homes, according to the Taliban ministry. The Ministry of Disaster Management reported that 1,983 residential houses in 20 villages have been destroyed.

500 Still Missing Following Afghanistan Earthquake, Say UN Aid Teams

2023-10-10T19:32+0200scoop-co-nz (en)

Those worst-hit have lost all their belongings and as winter approaches they need warm clothing, Mr. Spindler explained, before adding that many “have not had a warm meal since the earthquake”. Health services. World Health Organization ( WHO ) spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic said that the immediate....

The EU provided €350.<> million in emergency assistance to respond to the earthquake in northwest Afghanistan

2023-10-10T19:23+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-10T17:23:32.166Z. Highlights: The EU will provide 250.100 million euros in aid to humanitarian partners in Afghanistan . Two 10.7-magnitude earthquakes occurred in northwest Afghanistan on October 6. As of 10 October, at least 10,8 people had died and 2445 villages in Zindajan district alone had been completely destroyed.

Afghanistan Earthquake: Situation Update #1 (October 10, 2023)

2023-10-10T19:08+0200reliefWeb (en)

FAST FACTS. • 1,294 people have died, 1,688 were injured, 485 are reported missing and 300 families displaced. • The worst-affected area is the Zindajan district of Herat province. • Humanitarian needs include shelter, food, health, protection, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and livelihoods. OUR FOOTPRINT.

Pompeya: la huella de una cancelación

2023-10-10T19:07+0200cronicaglobal (es)

De la disputa entre Atenea y Poseidón nace el dolor en la entraña de la Tierra . Se expresa concretamente en el dios de la fragua, Vulcano, cuyo bombardero de lava, desde la boca de Vesubio, en el 79 después de Cristo, destruye Pompeya , l a bella ciudad ajardinada de los césares y senadores romanos .

Japan releases second batch of treated Fukushima water

2023-10-10T18:51+0200neimagazine (en)

TEPCO said it completed inspections after the initial release, which tended in September, and found no reason to alter procedures. This comprised 7,788 tonnes of treated water, stored in 10 tanks within the plant's premises, which were diluted and discharged without any issues.

Expertos del OIEA viajarán a Japón para tomar pruebas marinas en Fukushima

2023-10-10T18:48+0200elperiodicodelaenergia (es)

Un grupo de científicos del OIEA , la agencia nuclear de la ONU, y otros observadores internacionales viajarán a Japón la próxima semana para tomar muestras marinas cerca de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi , que está vertiendo al océano Pacífico agua contaminada y tratada de sus....

Thousands of Afghans out in cold after deadly quakes

2023-10-10T18:47+0200tribune (en)

Thousands of Afghans who survived a powerful earthquake that killed more than 2,00 people were bracing for a winter of homelessness on Tuesday, as rescuers made last-ditch efforts to find survivors. Volunteers have worked with spades and pickaxes in Herat province since Saturday's deadly magnitude 6.

Temblor de magnitud 2.8 sorprende a la ciudad de Punitaqui

2023-10-10T18:41+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -30.955 grados de latitud y -71.608 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

EU approves \u20ac3.5 in aid for Afghan earthquake victims

2023-10-10T18:40+0200wn (en)

After the recent deadly earthquake in western Afghanistan , the EU is allocating €3.5 million (approximately 280,000,000 Afghanis) in emergency humanitarian aid to address the immediate needs of the affected population, a statement said. In response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in....

Afghan rescuers still digging as hope fades for quake villagers

2023-10-10T18:14+0200newagebd (en)

Afghan children sit near their damaged houses after earthquake in Wardakha village, Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on Tuesday. — AFP photo. Rescue workers scrabbled through rubble on Tuesday for villagers buried in their homes by a series of earthquakes that killed more than 2,000 people in....

Conflit Israël/Hamas: le mensonge explose et les plateformes souffrent

2023-10-10T17:55+0200notretemps (fr)

Face aux faux comptes prêtés à des journalistes et aux images extraites de jeux vidéos violents, les géants de la tech peinent à contenir le déluge d'informations erronées sur le conflit entre Israël et le Hamas, phénomène aggravé par les manquements des procédures de modération sur certaines plateformes.

La TIKA envoie de l’aide aux personnes touchées par le tremblement de terre en Afghanistan

2023-10-10T17:47+0200aa-fr (fr)

Ankara. AA / Herat / Mehmet Sah Yilmaz L'Agence turque de coopération et de développement (TIKA) a fourni une aide humanitaire aux victimes du tremblement de terre qui a secoué la province d'Herat, dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , samedi. La TIKA a rapporté mardi dans un communiqué que des colis....

Especialistas de la OIEA irán a Japón para tomar pruebas marinas en Fuskushima

2023-10-10T17:43+0200elsiglodetorreon (es)

Un grupo de científicos del OIEA, la agencia nuclear de la ONU, y otros observadores internacionales viajarán a Japón la próxima semana para tomar muestras marinas cerca de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi, que está vertiendo al océano Pacífico agua contaminada y tratada de sus instalaciones.

Expertos del OIEA viajarán a Japón para tomar pruebas marinas en Fuskushima

2023-10-10T17:38+0200infobae (es)

Viena, 10 oct (EFE).- Un grupo de científicos del OIEA, la agencia nuclear de la ONU, y otros observadores internacionales viajarán a Japón la próxima semana para tomar muestras marinas cerca de la accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi, que está vertiendo al océano Pacífico agua contaminada y tratada de sus instalaciones.

Les géants de la tech peinent à contenir le déluge d'informations erronées sur le conflit entre Israël et le Hamas. Guerre Israël-Hamas Les mensonges explosent sur les réseaux sociaux

2023-10-10T17:36+0200journaldemontreal (fr)

Face aux faux comptes prêtés à des journalistes et aux images extraites de jeux vidéos violents, les géants de la tech peinent à contenir le déluge d'informations erronées sur le conflit entre Israël et le Hamas, phénomène aggravé par les manquements des procédures de modération sur certaines plateformes.

500 still missing following Afghanistan earthquake, say UN aid teams

2023-10-10T17:35+0200globalissues (en)

Health services. World Health Organization ( WHO ) spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic said that the immediate focus now is to save the lives of the injured and to ensure survivors have access to humanitarian relief, including essential health services. “Women, children and vulnerable populations are....

Thousands of Afghans out in cold after deadly quakes

2023-10-10T17:34+0200dawn (en)

Thousands of Afghans who survived a powerful earthquake that killed more than 2,000 people were bracing for a winter of homelessness on Tuesday, as rescuers made last-ditch efforts to find survivors. Volunteers have worked with spades and pickaxes in Herat province since Saturday’s deadly magnitude 6.

Les géants de la tech peinent à contenir le déluge d'informations erronées sur le conflit entre Israël et le Hamas. Guerre Israël-Hamas Les mensonges explosent sur les réseaux sociaux

2023-10-10T17:33+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Face aux faux comptes prêtés à des journalistes et aux images extraites de jeux vidéos violents, les géants de la tech peinent à contenir le déluge d'informations erronées sur le conflit entre Israël et le Hamas, phénomène aggravé par les manquements des procédures de modération sur certaines plateformes.

Emergency Assistance to Western Afghanistan in Response to the Earthquake

2023-10-10T17:30+0200japan-foreign-office (en)

Today, October 10, 2023, upon the request of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the Government of Japan has decided to provide emergency relief goods such as tents, blankets, etc. through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to Western....

Colombia: se registró un temblor de magnitud 4.0 en Cundinamarca

2023-10-10T17:24+0200infobae (es)

La intensidad de tipo 6 implica un "daño leve" , en este rango algunas personas pueden llegar a perder el equilibrio; algunos objetos llegan a caerse y muchas edificaciones presentan daños leves. El nivel 7 se presenta cuando hay un "daño moderado" , es decir, los muebles pesados llegan a....

La ciudad de San Pedro siente temblor de magnitud 3.6

2023-10-10T17:24+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del temblor, según el CNS, fueron a -22.89 grados de latitud y -67.196 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

The EU and the UN expand humanitarian aid in the Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-10T17:19+0200kiratas (en)

The European Commission approved this Tuesday the sending of a first aid of 3.5 million euros to Afghanistan . The UN will send five million immediate aid in addition to the supplies. ADVERTISING. Brussels had already allocated 89 million in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan during 2023, an amount....

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T16:46+0200tiscali-it (it)

- SIAH AB, 10 OTT - Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari....

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T16:40+0200virgilio (it)

Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di....

Devastating Earthquake in Western Afghanistan: Over 4,000 Dead and Entire Villages Destroyed

2023-10-10T16:39+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-10 06:40:00. KABUL: The death toll from a powerful earthquake in western Afghanistan has exceeded 4,000. About 2,000 houses were completely destroyed. The figures released by the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority show the horror of the earthquake.

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T16:36+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 10 ottobre 2023) Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti , si continua a scava re tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare ...

Chinese premier extends condolences over deadly quake in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T16:31+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. BEIJING, Oct. 10 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Tuesday sent a message of condolence to the Afghan caretaker government's acting prime minister, Mohammad Hassan Akhund, over the devastating earthquake in the country.

Afghanistan: children need urgent aid after devastating earthquakes

2023-10-10T16:23+0200reliefWeb (en)

Plan International’s thoughts are with the children of Afghanistan and their families, after a series of devastating earthquakes struck the west of the country at the weekend. With more than 2,000 deaths currently reported, and many more injured, it is critical that survivors are reached urgently....

Tuesday briefing: Hostages in Gaza; Biden probe; House speaker race; unlivable heat; new Olympic sports; and more

2023-10-10T16:16+0200WashingtonPost (en)

Tuesday briefing: Hostages in Gaza; Biden probe; House speaker race; unlivable heat; new Olympic sports; and more. Monday briefing: Israel declares war on Hamas; Afghanistan earthquake; UAW strike; 23andMe hack; Crocs cowboy boots; and more.

500 still missing following Afghanistan earthquake, say UN aid teams

2023-10-10T16:09+0200un-org (en)

nearly 1,300 deaths and 1,700 injuries. In some places, entire villages have been destroyed, according to teams on the ground. Over 12,000 affected. An estimated 12,110 people, or 1,730 families, have been affected in five districts of Herat. That number is expected to rise as assessments continue,....

Sisma in Afghanistan, quasi 3.000 le vittime

2023-10-10T16:04+0200rainews (it)

Terremoto in Afghanistan occidentale Sisma in Afghanistan, quasi 3.000 le vittime Il terremoto più forte dell'anno si è abbattuto su una popolazione già ridotta in miseria. Le vittime, soprattutto donne e bambini. Gli aiuti arrivano col contagocce. La comunità internazionale, presa dalla crisi in Medio Oriente, non ha occhi per questa tragedia.

500 still missing following Afghanistan earthquake, say UN aid teams

2023-10-10T16:03+0200un-news (en)

nearly 1,300 deaths and 1,700 injuries. In some places, entire villages have been destroyed, according to teams on the ground. Over 12,000 affected. An estimated 12,110 people, or 1,730 families, have been affected in five districts of Herat. That number is expected to rise as assessments continue,....

Earthquake casualties in Herat’s Zindajan reach over 1,200: UN

2023-10-10T16:03+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post KABUL (Khaama Press): The United Nations Coordination Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has stated that in the earthquake on Saturday, 1,294 people were killed and 688 others were injured in the Zenda Jan district of Herat province.

Indonesian volunteers stay in Gaza to provide emergency medical support

2023-10-10T15:56+0200arabnews (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan : Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble on Tuesday in western Herat province, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T15:53+0200espansionetv (it)

– SIAH AB, 10 OTT – Nell’ Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari....

Plus de 12.000 personnes touchées par le séisme dans l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-10T15:46+0200news-un-fr (fr)

Selon le Bureau de coordination des affaires humanitaires de l’ONU ( OCHA ), les opérations de recherche et de sauvetage se poursuivent avec le soutien des partenaires internationaux. Les acteurs humanitaires coordonnent l’acheminement de l’aide avec les ministères de facto compétents.

‘Women bear the brunt of extreme weather events’

2023-10-10T15:46+0200thehindu (en)

Women are disproportionately affected by extreme weather events and calamities because of the gender roles assigned to them, said panelists at a conference on “Women and Climate Change” organised by M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women and Poovulagin Nanbargal on Tuesday.

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T15:35+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari hanno lavorato....

EU: 3.5 million euros in humanitarian aid in response to the earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T15:34+0200avveniredicalabria (en)

In the aftermath of the earthquake that devastated western Afghanistan this weekend, the EU will provide initial emergency humanitarian aid for an initial value of 3.5 million euros, “in order to address the most urgent needs of the affected population”. As stated in a release from Brussels, 2.

Ue: 3,5 milioni di euro per aiuti umanitari in risposta al terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T15:34+0200avveniredicalabria (it)

A seguito del terremoto che ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale questo fine settimana, l’Ue fornirà aiuti umanitari di emergenza iniziali per un valore iniziale di 3,5 milioni di euro “per rispondere ai bisogni più urgenti della popolazione colpita”. Di questa somma, precisa un comunicato emesso a....

UN, partners ramp up quake response in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T15:32+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The world body and its humanitarian partners are ramping up response to the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that struck the western Afghan province of Herat on Saturday. The United Nations has deployed assessment teams and is providing emergency shelter supplies,....

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T15:31+0200ansamed-it (it)

- SIAH AB, 10 OTT - Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari....

Le Touquet : le cours magistral sur le travail de l’ancienne ministre Muriel Pénicaud

2023-10-10T15:31+0200nordeclair (fr)

Venue en voisine du Crotoy où elle a une résidence secondaire, l’ancienne ministre du Travail Muriel Pénicaud a donné une conférence devant les membres de l’Alliance française ce lundi soir. , la transformation écologique, la démographie et le rapport des gens au travail .

UN: 500 Still Missing After Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-10T15:30+0200miragenews (en)

nearly 1,300 deaths and 1,700 injuries. In some places, entire villages have been destroyed, according to teams on the ground. Over 12,000 affected. An estimated 12,110 people, or 1,730 families, have been affected in five districts of Herat. That number is expected to rise as assessments continue,....

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T15:29+0200bresciaoggi (it)

- SIAH AB, 10 OTT - Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari....

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T15:29+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

- SIAH AB, 10 OTT - Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari....

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T15:28+0200denverpost (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T15:28+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

- SIAH AB, 10 OTT - Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari....

Emergency Assistance to Western Afghanistan in Response to the Earthquake

2023-10-10T15:27+0200mofa-go-jp (en)

Today, October 10, 2023, upon the request of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the Government of Japan has decided to provide emergency relief goods such as tents, blankets, etc. through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to Western....

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T15:27+0200larena (it)

- SIAH AB, 10 OTT - Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari....

Afghan rescuers still digging as hope fades for quake villagers

2023-10-10T15:26+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post SIAH AB (AFP): Rescue workers scrabbled through rubble Tuesday for villagers buried in their homes by a series of earthquakes that killed more than 2,000 people in rural western Afghanistan , but hope of finding survivors was fading fast.

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T15:23+0200ansa (it)

- SIAH AB, 10 OTT - Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari....

Le Touquet : le cours magistral sur le travail de l’ancienne ministre Muriel Pénicaud

2023-10-10T15:23+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Venue en voisine du Crotoy où elle a une résidence secondaire, l’ancienne ministre du Travail Muriel Pénicaud a donné une conférence devant les membres de l’Alliance française ce lundi soir. , la transformation écologique, la démographie et le rapport des gens au travail .

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T15:21+0200ladige (it)

- SIAH AB, 10 OTT - Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari....

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T15:19+0200giornaletrentino (it)

- SIAH AB, 10 OTT - Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari....

13:16 Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.0 en Coalcomán

2023-10-10T15:19+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

UN, several nations pledge aid to Afghanistan after major earthquake

2023-10-10T15:17+0200tribune (en)

ISLAMABAD: The United Nations and several countries are lining up aid for Afghanistan after a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the northwest killed more than 2,000 people. Below are some facts about the pledges so far, as UN agencies try to assess the damage and casualties in Herat province in northwestern Afghanistan.

In Afghanistan oltre 2mila morti per il sisma, si scava ancora

2023-10-10T15:17+0200altoadige (it)

- SIAH AB, 10 OTT - Nell' Afghanistan occidentale, sconvolto da un violento terremoto con un bilancio ufficiale di 2.053 morti, si continua a scavare tra le macerie delle case devastate, ma la speranza di trovare sopravvissuti diminuisce di ora in ora. Equipaggiati con pale e picconi, i volontari....

L'UE approuve une aide initiale de 3,5 millions d'euros

2023-10-10T15:16+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 31 min par Agence Belga L'Union européenne fournira une aide humanitaire d'urgence d'un montant initial de 3,5 millions d'euros pour répondre aux besoins les plus pressants de la population touchée par le tremblement de terre meurtrier qui a frappé l'ouest de l' Afghanistan ce week-end, a annoncé mardi la Commission européenne.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: rasi al suolo i villaggi di un intero distretto

2023-10-10T15:14+0200greenreport (it)

Mentre le agenzie umanitarie continuano a mobilitarsi per aiutare le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 che il 7 ottobre ha colpito la provincia di Herat, nell’ Afghanistan occidentale, i soccorritori sono ancora al lavoro per trovare i dispersi l’United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan....

EU: 3.5 million euros in humanitarian aid in response to the earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T15:13+0200agensir (en)

In the aftermath of the earthquake that devastated western Afghanistan this weekend, the EU will provide initial emergency humanitarian aid for an initial value of 3.5 million euros, “in order to address the most urgent needs of the affected population”. As stated in a release from Brussels, 2.

Ue: 3,5 milioni di euro per aiuti umanitari in risposta al terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T15:13+0200agensir (it)

A seguito del terremoto che ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale questo fine settimana, l’Ue fornirà aiuti umanitari di emergenza iniziali per un valore iniziale di 3,5 milioni di euro “per rispondere ai bisogni più urgenti della popolazione colpita”. Di questa somma, precisa un comunicato emesso a....

Afghanistan earthquake: Aid agencies appeal for help

2023-10-10T15:10+0200timesofoman (en)

Kabul: There have been appeals for the the global community to help Afghanistan following Saturday's deadly 6.3 magnitude earthquake which the Taliban government said killed more than 2,000 people in the west of the country. Aid group CARE USA — a member of CARE International umbrella — said in a....

Earthquake in Afghanistan claims thousands of lives

2023-10-10T15:09+0200wn (en)

(MENAFN) A powerful earthquake that struck Afghanistan on Saturday has left a trail of destruction, with the death toll now nearing 2,500, according to reports from the news agency. Over 9,200 ... ......

“Europa vive un auténtico tsunami legislativo en el ámbito medioambiental y de los RAEE”

2023-10-10T15:09+0200interempresas (es)

Laura Alonso remarcó que Europa “es un referente pionero en la elaboración e implementación de legislación medioambiental” y destacó que la Ley Europea de Materias Primas Fundamentales (europa.eu) supondrá “un antes y un después en la gestión de los RAEE”.

Cerca notizie per 'feriolo verbania'

2023-10-10T15:08+0200verbanianotizie (it)

- 3 Novembre 2014 - 20:26 rischio idrogeologico Non ho letto tutti i commenti perche' sono pigro a quest'ora;sono solo le 19,30,solitamente mi sveglio e scrivo dopo le 24.Dicevo non ho letto tutti i commenti ma mi sono arenato sul primo scoglio..quello di Kirlyenka che dice che è esage rato....

Three things to know about the situation in Herat following the earthquake

2023-10-10T15:03+0200reliefWeb (en)

that hit Herat in western Afghanistan on Saturday 7 October, Yahya Khalilah, our head of programmes in Afghanistan, provides us with an update on the current situation on the ground. What is the situation in Herat now? Today, Herat is still experiencing aftershocks, which is unsettling for everyone.

Afrique: Afghanistan - Il faut agir de toute urgence après le tremblement de terre dévastateur

2023-10-10T15:01+0200allafrica-fr (fr)

En réaction au tremblement de terre dévastateur qui a frappé la province de Hérat, dans l'ouest de l' Afghanistan ce week-end, Zaman Sultani, chercheur sur l'Asie du Sud à Amnesty International, a déclaré : Amnesty International exprime ses plus sincères condoléances aux familles ayant perdu des proches lors de ce séisme ravageur.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T14:52+0200stripes (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

UN calls Herat quake 'devastating,' seeks support for Afghanistan

2023-10-10T14:50+0200aa-en (en)

ISLAMABAD The UN refugee agency on Tuesday said the extent of the damage caused by the earthquake in Afghanistan is devastating and sought support for the war-torn country. “As the needs of those affected continue to rise, UNHCR and partners are on the ground providing critical assistance and distributing relief items,” UNHCR said on X.

Russia’s Putin says Israel-Gaza conflict shows US ‘failure’ in Middle East

2023-10-10T14:48+0200arabpolitical (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan : Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble on Tuesday in western Herat province, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Japan: Several Boats Overturn As Tsunami Hits Pacific Coast 3

2023-10-10T14:44+0200eastoregonian (en)

Several boats overturned after small tsunami waves hit multiple locations in Japan's Pacific coast including islands near Tokyo on Monday morning, October 9. The 5:25 a.m. quake occurred in an area near the uninhabited Torishima Island at the southern end of the Izu chain.

Japan: Several Boats Overturn As Tsunami Hits Pacific Coast 2

2023-10-10T14:44+0200eastoregonian (en)

Several boats overturned after small tsunami waves hit multiple locations in Japan's Pacific coast including islands near Tokyo on Monday morning, October 9. The 5:25 a.m. quake occurred in an area near the uninhabited Torishima Island at the southern end of the Izu chain.

Tremblement de terre en Afghanistan Afghanistan

2023-10-10T14:43+0200MSF-be (fr)

Nos équipes sont sur place pour porter assistance aux victimes. Le samedi 7 octobre, un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 frappait la région d'Hérat dans l'ouest de l' Afghanistan causant plus de 2.400 décès et faisant plus de 2.400 blessés. MSF soutenant déjà l'hôpital d'Hérat, les équipes ont....

Presidente una volta, presidente per sempre: addio ad Andrea Brugnolo, portò l'Ufm in D

2023-10-10T14:43+0200triesteprima (it)

TRIESTE Non ce l’ha fatta Andrea Brugnolo, il monfalconse di 55 anni che nella mattinata di venerdì 6 ottobre nei pressi del mercato ittico del capoluogo giuliano aveva accusato un grave malore . È morto all’ospedale di Cattinara oggi 10 ottobre, dove era stato trasportato d’urgenza, già in gravi condizioni, dai sanitari del 118 accorsi sul posto.

World News | Afghans Still Hope to Find Survivors from Quake That Killed over 2,000 in Western Herat Province

2023-10-10T14:38+0200latestly (en)

Zinda Jan ( Afghanistan ), Oct 10 (AP) Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

UNHRC pays silent tribute to Herat earthquake victims

2023-10-10T14:36+0200pajhwok (en)

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on Monday observed a moment of silence to honor the victims of devastating earthquake in Afghanistan . . . You need to subscribe to view the full article. Please or a new account.

Death Toll From Afghanistan Earthquake Surpasses 1000

2023-10-10T14:23+0200tvcnews (en)

Rescuers are digging for survivors of a powerful earthquake that flattened whole villages in Afghanistan , killing more than 1,000 people. The 6.3-magnitude quake struck Saturday morning in Herat province, a barren landscape dotted with mud brick homes.

Los empresarios del Polígono de Toledo anuncian acciones contra la CHT si continúa haciendo «oídos sordos»

2023-10-10T14:17+0200abc-Andalucia (es)

, y ve con impotencia cómo tras toda una vida pagando impuestos y trabajando para crear empleo su negocio está destrozado: «Yo no he hecho nada para que ocurra esto». Carmena, junto a varios de los afectados, ha participado en una rueda de prensa en Fedeto, para denunciar su situación semanas....

Lo escrito escrito está y así perdura

2023-10-10T14:15+0200periodistadigital (es)

LO ESCRITO ESCRITO ESTÁ Y ASÍ PERDURA. Desde que el mundo es mundo, o sea, inmundo, si ha habido un pensamiento musculoso, robusto, que, a lo largo de los siglos, ha conseguido surfear el tope, el tsunami peor de los habidos, es este, que no puede borrar nadie cuanto se conformó de un indeleble....

Japan: Several Boats Overturn As Tsunami Hits Pacific Coast 3

2023-10-10T14:04+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Several boats overturned after small tsunami waves hit multiple locations in Japan's Pacific coast including islands near Tokyo on Monday morning, October 9. The 5:25 a.m. quake occurred in an area near the uninhabited Torishima Island at the southern end of the Izu chain.

Japan: Several Boats Overturn As Tsunami Hits Pacific Coast 2

2023-10-10T14:04+0200messenger-inquirer (en)

Several boats overturned after small tsunami waves hit multiple locations in Japan's Pacific coast including islands near Tokyo on Monday morning, October 9. The 5:25 a.m. quake occurred in an area near the uninhabited Torishima Island at the southern end of the Izu chain.

Afghanistan Earthquake News | More Than 2000 Dead In Quake Hit Afghanistan | N18V | News18

2023-10-10T13:54+0200news18 (en)

Volunteers in Afghanistan 's Siah Aab village in the western city of Herat dug mass graves on Monday (October 9) following deadly earthquakes in the country that according to the Taliban, killed more than 2,400 people and injured over 2,000.

Japan: Several Boats Overturn As Tsunami Hits Pacific Coast 3

2023-10-10T13:54+0200mycouriertribune (en)

Several boats overturned after small tsunami waves hit multiple locations in Japan's Pacific coast including islands near Tokyo on Monday morning, October 9. The 5:25 a.m. quake occurred in an area near the uninhabited Torishima Island at the southern end of the Izu chain.

Japan: Several Boats Overturn As Tsunami Hits Pacific Coast 2

2023-10-10T13:54+0200mycouriertribune (en)

Several boats overturned after small tsunami waves hit multiple locations in Japan's Pacific coast including islands near Tokyo on Monday morning, October 9. The 5:25 a.m. quake occurred in an area near the uninhabited Torishima Island at the southern end of the Izu chain.

Afghanistan earthquake: More than 1,000 dead as villagers dig for survivors 2 mins

2023-10-10T13:47+0200myjoyonline (en)

Rescuers are digging for survivors of a powerful earthquake that flattened whole villages in Afghanistan , killing more than 1,000 people. The 6.3-magnitude quake struck Saturday morning in Herat province, a barren landscape dotted with mud brick homes.

Kazakh Rescue Team Departs to Earthquake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-10T13:42+0200astanatimes (en)

ASTANA – Kazakh Ministry of Emergency Situations has mobilized rescuers to assist those affected by the earthquake in Afghanistan , following President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s relevant instructions, reported the ministry’s press service on Oct. 10. Kazakh rescue team includes 45 people, search dogs, physicians and paramedics.

Japan: Several Boats Overturn As Tsunami Hits Pacific Coast 3

2023-10-10T13:41+0200guampdn (en)

Several boats overturned after small tsunami waves hit multiple locations in Japan's Pacific coast including islands near Tokyo on Monday morning, October 9. The 5:25 a.m. quake occurred in an area near the uninhabited Torishima Island at the southern end of the Izu chain.

Japan: Several Boats Overturn As Tsunami Hits Pacific Coast 2

2023-10-10T13:41+0200guampdn (en)

Several boats overturned after small tsunami waves hit multiple locations in Japan's Pacific coast including islands near Tokyo on Monday morning, October 9. The 5:25 a.m. quake occurred in an area near the uninhabited Torishima Island at the southern end of the Izu chain.

Statement on the earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T13:39+0200undrr (en)

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, and head of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Ms. Mami Mizutori, expresses her condolences to the families of the victims of the earthquake that struck western Afghanistan on 7....

EU approves €3.5 million humanitarian aid package in response to the earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T13:38+0200eeas (en)

Following the deadly earthquake that hit western Afghanistan this weekend, the EU will provide emergency humanitarian aid for an amount of €3.5 million (approximately 280 000 000 Afghani) to address the most urgent needs of the affected population. A new allocation of €2.

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-10T13:36+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 09 OTT - Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Rescue efforts scaled back in quake-hit Afghanistan as villages bury dead

2023-10-10T13:32+0200theglobeandmail (en)

Rescuers on Tuesday scaled back operations in Afghanistan ’s devastated northwest as chances of finding survivors diminished 72 hours after one of the world’s deadliest earthquakes, while villagers in the area held mass funerals for their dead. At least 2,400 people were killed and more than 2,000....

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T13:30+0200startribune (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Taliban promises to build new homes for Afghan earthquake victims

2023-10-10T13:27+0200tribuneonlineng (en)

The Taliban has promised new homes for the victims of the devastating earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan over the weekend. According to a statement released by a provincial government on Tuesday, the Deputy Prime Minister of Economic Affairs, Abdul Ghani Baradar, made the pledge during his visit to the disaster zone.

Séisme en Afghanistan : "Le sort de la population n’intéresse plus personne"

2023-10-10T13:27+0200marianne (fr)

La province d’Herat, au sud de l’ Afghanistan , a été frappée d’un séisme d’une magnitude 6,3, ce samedi 7 octobre. Mais la population afghane, gouvernée par le régime islamiste des talibans, ne peut espérer l’aide d’aucun pays ni d’aucune ONG, selon Jean-Charles Jauffret, spécialiste de l’Afghanistan.

'Io non rischio' fa tappa a Castelfranco: tre appuntamenti in piazza con i volontari

2023-10-10T13:26+0200pisatoday (it)

Sabato 14, domenica 15 e domenica 29 ottobre anche Castelfranco di Sotto partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna 'Io non rischio - Buone pratiche di protezione civile'. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico....

Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.3 en Iquique

2023-10-10T13:24+0200infobae (es)

La CNS reportó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -20.06 grados de latitud y -71.011 grados de longitud, es decir, a 91.0 kilómetros al Oeste de la localidad. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue....

EU approves €3.5 million humanitarian aid package in response to the earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T13:23+0200reliefWeb (en)

Following the deadly earthquake that hit western Afghanistan this weekend, the EU will provide emergency humanitarian aid for an amount of €3.5 million, in order to address the most urgent needs of the affected population. A new allocation of €2.5 million will be available for humanitarian partners....

Afghanistan. Il faut agir de toute urgence après le tremblement de terre dévastateur

2023-10-10T13:20+0200amnesty-fr (fr)

En réaction au tremblement de terre dévastateur qui a frappé la province de Hérat, dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan ce week-end, Zaman Sultani, chercheur sur l’Asie du Sud à Amnesty International, a déclaré : « Amnesty International exprime ses plus sincères condoléances aux familles ayant perdu des proches lors de ce séisme ravageur.

What is citizen science and why is it useful?

2023-10-10T13:16+0200timesofmalta (en)

Citizen science is a collaborative approach to scientific research that engages individuals, known as "citizen scientists", in scientific projects. It promotes inclusivity, involving people from diverse backgrounds and skill levels in the scientific process.

Afghan caretaker gov't to build houses for quake-affected families: deputy PM

2023-10-10T13:15+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. KABUL, Oct. 10 (Xinhua) -- The Afghan caretaker government will build houses for families who lost their homes in the powerful quakes that struck west Afghanistan 's Herat and neighboring Farah and Badghis provinces on Saturday, acting Deputy Prime Minister Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar has said.

10 Ottobre 2023 13:00

2023-10-10T13:04+0200gonews (it)

Sabato 14, domenica 15 e domenica 29 ottobre anche Castelfranco di Sotto partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico....

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T12:56+0200wral (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Afghanistan: release of four Britons who were detained, including a YouTuber

2023-10-10T12:56+0200tellerreport (en)

Europe 1 with AFP 12:46 p.m., October 10, 2023 Four British nationals detained in Afghanistan were released on Tuesday, according to the British government. One of them is a doctor and the other is a YouTuber known for his taste for risky travel. Two of the men are likely to need medical....

In earthquake-hit Afghanistan, volunteers search for victims

2023-10-10T12:40+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

A densely populated area in Afghanistan 's Herat province experienced a 6.3-magnitude earthquake on Saturday, followed by strong aftershocks. It was one of the deadliest tremors the nation has seen in two decades. On the morning of October 7, a number of strong earthquakes startled residents in....

EU approves €3.5 million humanitarian aid package in response to the earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T12:31+0200EC (en)

Following the deadly earthquake that hit western Afghanistan this weekend, the EU will provide emergency humanitarian aid for an amount of €3.5 million, in order to address the most urgent needs of the affected population. A new allocation of €2.5 million will be available for humanitarian partners....

Anche a Senigallia "Io non rischio", campagna nazionale con i volontari della Protezione Civile

2023-10-10T12:30+0200anconatoday (it)

L'iniziativa, in programma nel week-end del 14 e 15 ottobre a piazza Roma, è stata organizzata per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto SENIGALLIA - Anche Senigallia partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio Buone....

French troops begin withdrawal from Niger: French military

2023-10-10T12:28+0200arabnews (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan : Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble on Tuesday in western Herat province, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

La ciudad de Socaire siente sismo de magnitud 6.0

2023-10-10T12:25+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del sismo fue a 172.0 kilómetros al Noreste de la ciudad, en -22.921 grados de latitud y -66.375 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 240.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue....

Terremoto in Afghanistan: bilancio delle vittime supera i 2.400

2023-10-10T12:24+0200informazione (it)

Due giorni fa, un terremoto ha colpito l' Afghanistan , causando più di 2.400 morti secondo le autorità talebane. Tuttavia, è difficile confermare il dato. Il portavoce del ministero per la gestione delle emergenze, Janan Sayeeq, ha riferito che i feriti sono "più di 2mila". Inizialmente, era stato comunicato che erano rimaste ferite 9.

Al FRaC le “Presenze” fotografiche di Cammarota

2023-10-10T12:20+0200avanti (it)

“La fotografia per me è una realtà altra. Le cose non sono sempre come ci appaiono”. Sarà inaugurata il prossimo 13 ottobre al Museo-FRaC Baronissi (Salerno), la mostra fotografica di Vivian Cammarota dal titolo “Presenze”, curata dal professore Massimo Bignardi.

UAE residents alert: Tsunami drills to be conducted tomorrow

2023-10-10T12:17+0200zawya-palestine (en)

UAE authorities on Tuesday advised residents of a tsunami simulation exercise, which will be conducted on a popular beach in Fujairah. In a notice, the Ministry of Interior (MoI) said the 'IOWave 23 Tsunami Exercise' will be carried out from 10am tomorrow, October 11, on Al Rughailat Beach.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T12:14+0200cp24 (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

À Fukushima, un saké devenu symbole de résilience des pêcheurs

2023-10-10T12:04+0200rtbf (fr)

Daisuke Suzuki aide à réchauffer le cœur meurtri des pêcheurs de Fukushima avec ce qu’il sait faire de mieux : produire un saké dont le goût épouse parfaitement celui des poissons et fruits de mer locaux. Comme pour les pêcheurs, la vie et la carrière de ce brasseur de 50 ans ont été bouleversées....

Earthquake casualties in Herat’s Zindajan reach over 1,200: UN

2023-10-10T12:01+0200khaama (en)

The United Nations Coordination Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has stated that in the earthquake on Saturday, 1,294 people were killed and 688 others were injured in the Zenda Jan district of Herat province. OCHA reports that there are currently 485 individuals missing, comprising 191 men and 294 women.

Afghans Still Hope to Find Survivors from Quake that Killed over 2,000 in Western Herat Province

2023-10-10T11:59+0200thenationalherald (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: il bilancio delle vittime si avvicina a 3.000

2023-10-10T11:58+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 10 ottobre 2023) Il bilancio delle vittime del devastante Terremoto che ha colpito l’ Afghanistan continua a salire, avvicina ndosi al tragico numero di 3.000 morti. La notizia è stata confermata da alti funzionari talebani, come riportato dal quotidiano britannico ‘Guardian‘.

La predicción de Baba Vanga se cumple con “la gran guerra” en Israel

2023-10-10T11:51+0200lapatilla (es)

Aunque la violencia entre Israel y Hamás perdura desde hace décadas, el ataque a gran escala que ha tenido lugar desde el pasado sábado es considerado por muchos como “sin precedentes”. Una importante ofensiva que estaría dentro de una de las predicciones de Baba Vanga, conocida como la “Nostradamus....

Una bimba estratta dalle macerie in Afghanistan: i soccorritori scavano a mano nella terra

2023-10-10T11:48+0200corriere (it)

(LaPresse) Arrivano dall' Afghanistan le drammatiche immagini che mostrano una bimba piccolissima, salvata ed estratta viva da sotto le macerie, dopo il terremoto che ha ucciso più di duemila persone nel Paese. I soccorritori a Herat, domenica 8 ottobre, hanno raschiato i detriti e la terra con le....

Global Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province About an hour ago

2023-10-10T11:40+0200devdiscourse (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble on Tuesday in western Herat province, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead. Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for their loved ones killed in Saturday's 6.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T11:37+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead. Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for loved ones killed in Saturday’s 6.

Wisma Putra: No Malaysians affected by quake in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T11:32+0200thesundaily (en)

PUTRAJAYA : No Malaysians were reported to be injured or directly affected by the earthquake that hit Herat Province, Afghanistan , on Oct 7. This matter was confirmed by the Foreign Affairs Ministry through the Malaysian High Commission in New Delhi, in a statement, today.

Avant BALI UNITED vs PERSIJA JAKARTA, Thomas Doll commente l’AGE des joueurs de Bali United, voici ce qu’il a dit

2023-10-10T11:31+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-10-09 12:45:34 Bien que la reconnaissance faciale informatique soit utilisée dans des domaines liés à la sécurité, il est également vrai que deux de ses « Brise d’âme » @ Dan Aucante – agence révélateur La Galerie Rachel Hardouin, (Paris, Xe) présente …et s’éblouir… une exposition collective....

Serie di terremoti che ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha raggiunto i 2.500 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti

2023-10-10T11:25+0200corrierepl (it)

Attilio Runello. Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha raggiunto i 2.500 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l’autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall’agenzia Anadolu. Oltre 1.

Afghanistan ignorato, tre mila vittime del terremoto

2023-10-10T11:15+0200cittanuova (it)

Come riporta l’AGI «Il numero dei morti per il terremoto in Afghanistan si sta avvicinando a 3.000. Lo si apprende da alti funzionari talebani, citati dal ‘Guardian’. I soccorritori continuano a scavare fra le macerie dei villaggi colpiti alla ricerca di sopravvissuti, anche se le speranze di trovarne si affievoliscono di ora in ora».

Afghans hope to find survivors of the earthquake that left 2,000 dead in Herat

2023-10-10T11:12+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-10 08:08:02 ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Clinging to hope that survivors can still be found, rescuers and residents continued digging through the rubble in western Afghanistan’s Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of The deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Afghanistan earthquake: Switzerland pays more into UN fund

2023-10-10T11:07+0200wn (en)

Following the devastating earthquake in Afghanistan , Switzerland is paying additional money into a United Nations relief fund. The Swiss contribution now amounts to CHF3.8 million ($4.2 million). The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has already paid CHF1.

UAE residents alert: Tsunami drills to be conducted tomorrow

2023-10-10T11:06+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Beach-goers can expect mock evacuation procedures and mobilisation of emergency response vehicles during this period UAE authorities on Tuesday advised residents of a tsunami simulation exercise, which will be conducted on a popular beach in Fujairah.

UN Food Agency Says It Has Started Distributing Aid To Quake-Stricken Areas Of Afghanistan

2023-10-10T11:03+0200globalsecurity (en)

By RFE/RL's Radio Azadi October 09, 2023. Aid workers have reached some earthquake-stricken areas of western Afghanistan and started distributing emergency food supplies to those affected as rescue efforts continued after a series of powerful earthquakes caused widespread destruction and reportedly....

World News in Brief: Displacement in Gaza and Israel, Afghan earthquake response

2023-10-10T11:03+0200globalsecurity (en)

9 October 2023 - The escalating conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups has displaced hundreds of thousands of people, the UN reported on Monday. Over 120,000 people have been internally displaced in Gaza due to concerns over their protection and the destruction of homes, said....

Rescue Efforts Wind Down in Quake-Hit Afghanistan as Villages Bury Dead

2023-10-10T10:55+0200usnews (en)

People search for survivors amid the debris of a house that was destroyed by an earthquake in the district of Zinda Jan, in Herat, Afghanistan October 9, 2023. REUTERS/Ali Khara Reuters HERAT, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Rescuers on Tuesday scaled back operations in Afghanistan's devastated northwest....

Rescue efforts wind down in quake-hit Afghanistan as villages bury dead

2023-10-10T10:54+0200reuters (en)

[1/2] People search for survivors amid the debris of a house that was destroyed by an earthquake in the district of Zinda Jan, in Herat, Afghanistan October 9, 2023. REUTERS/Ali Khara HERAT, Afghanistan, Oct 10 (Reuters) - Rescuers on Tuesday scaled back operations in Afghanistan's devastated....

UN Partners Assessing Needs of Earthquake Victims, Guterres Says

2023-10-10T10:47+0200tolonews (en)

The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres expressed sadness over the loss of life caused due to the earthquake that occurred in Herat province, according to his spokesman. Over 2,400 people were killed , and more than 2,000 others were injured in the earthquake that also targeted many provinces in the neighborhood.

Il y a près de trois mille victimes du tremblement de terre en Afghanistan

2023-10-10T10:46+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-10-10 10:03:38 AGI – Le nombre de décès pour tremblement de terre en Afghanistan il approche les 3 000. C’est ce qu’ont appris de hauts responsables talibans, cités par le ‘Guardian’. Les sauveteurs continuent de fouiller les décombres des villages sinistrés à la recherche de survivants, même....

Light mag. 4.2 earthquake - 55 km east of Taloqan, Tāluqān, Takhar, Afghanistan, on Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 at 12:16 pm (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-10T10:44+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 243 km / 151 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Afrique: Afghanistan - Les équipes MSF mobilisées après le tremblement de terre à Hérat

2023-10-10T10:37+0200allafrica-fr (fr)

Un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 6,3, suivi de puissantes répliques, a touché l'ouest de l' Afghanistan le samedi 7 octobre au matin. Les équipes MSF, qui soutiennent l'hôpital régional d'Hérat, sont intervenues en soutien aux hôpitaux et aux populations touchées par la catastrophe.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T10:36+0200eagletribune (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T10:36+0200economictimes (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble on Tuesday in western Herat province, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead. Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for their loved ones killed in Saturday's 6.

Les Afghans espèrent retrouver des survivants du tremblement de terre qui a fait 2 000 morts à Herat

2023-10-10T10:36+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-10-10 11:08:02 ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — S’accrochant à l’espoir que des survivants puissent encore être retrouvés, les sauveteurs et les habitants ont continué mardi à creuser les décombres dans la province d’Herat, dans l’ouest de l’Afghanistan, trois jours après l’un des tremblements de....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en Pica

2023-10-10T10:24+0200infobae (es)

La información oficial del CNS señala que el sismo inició a las 04:48 horas (hora local) de este martes 10 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T10:23+0200yakimaherald (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that …

2023-10-10T10:22+0200wearecentralpa (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble in western Herat province on Tuesday, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Afghans face piles of rubble and intense grief after deadly quake

2023-10-10T10:20+0200thenational (en)

People dug through the rubble of the earthquake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions on Monday but the material losses seemed unimportant. Saturday's 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands when it levelled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Earthquake Of Magnitude 4.3 Hits Afghanistan

2023-10-10T10:19+0200timesnownews (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 4.3 struck Afghanistan on Tuesday, the National Center for Seismology said.

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.1 de magnitud en Petatlán El sismo sucedió a las 1:49 horas, a una distancia de 11 km de Petatlán y tuvo una profundidad de 47.9 km

2023-10-10T10:19+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T10:15+0200wftv (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble on Tuesday in western Herat province, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Cause of tsunami waves unknown Oct. 10, 2023

2023-10-10T10:12+0200nhkor-en (en)

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, which has jurisdiction over the Islands, conducted coastal patrols and said there were no casualties. Tsunami waves ranging in height from 10 to 40 centimeters were also observed Monday morning in Chiba, Kochi, Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T10:08+0200kob (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble on Tuesday in western Herat province, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T10:06+0200fresnobee (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan . Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble on Tuesday in western Herat province, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T09:57+0200ABCnews (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan -- Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble on Tuesday in western Herat province, three days after one of the deadliest earthquake s in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T09:56+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Afghans bury relatives killed in an earthquake at a burial site in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Saturday's deadly earthquake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Galerie : visite dans un hôpital au sein des zones touchées par le séisme en Afghanistan

2023-10-10T09:56+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Un tremblement de terre est survenu le 7 octobre dans le nord de l' Afghanistan , faisant environ 2445 morts. Selon le département de gestion des catastrophes de la province d'Herat, le nombre de victimes devrait encore augmenter dans les jours à venir. Voici une série de photos montrant des habitants....

Las infraestructuras verdes como barrera al tsunami urbano

2023-10-10T09:54+0200elobrero (es)

La infraestructura verde se refiere a sistemas vegetales que mejoran el (rural + urbano). Incluye la red de espacios verdes y sistemas de agua con beneficios ambientales y socioeconómicos de las ciudades y su entorno. Su organización se hace a través de ecosistemas verde-azules (acuáticos), tanto en....

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T09:42+0200independent-UK (en)

Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble on Tuesday in western Herat province, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead. Elsewhere in Herat, people were digging graves for their loved ones killed in Saturday’s 6.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T09:41+0200whig (en)

An Afghan man mourns next to the grave of his wife who died due to an earthquake, in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Saturday's deadly earthquake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Afghans still hope to find survivors from quake that killed over 2,000 in western Herat province

2023-10-10T09:39+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan — Clinging to hope that finding survivors was still possible, Afghan rescuers and villagers kept digging through rubble on Tuesday in western Herat province, three days after one of the deadliest earthquakes in the region left more than 2,000 dead.

Over 1,000 dead as Afghans dig for quake survivors

2023-10-10T09:31+0200ghanaiantimes (en)

Rescuers are digging for survivors of a powerful earthquake that flattened whole villages in Afghani­stan, killing more than 1,000 people. The 6.3-magnitude quake struck on Sat­urday morning in Herat province, a barren landscape dotted with mud brick homes.

Afghanistan earthquake leaves rubble and grief, thousands dead

2023-10-10T09:24+0200inquirer (en)

The Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs, Abdul Ghani Baradar, and his team visited the quake-affected region Monday to deliver “immediate relief assistance” and ensure “equitable and accurate distribution of aid,” authorities said. Top U.N officials also went to Zinda Jan to assess the extent of the damage.

Terremoto Afghanistan: si continua a scavare a 3 giorni dal sisma

2023-10-10T09:24+0200meteoweb (it)

A 3 giorni da violento terremoto magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito la parte occidentale dell’ Afghanistan , la provincia di Herat , i soccorritori continuano a scavare tra le macerie dei villaggi colpiti alla ricerca di sopravvissuti, anche se le speranze si affievoliscono col passare del tempo.

Temblor de 2.8 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco

2023-10-10T09:22+0200infobae (es)

Tras un terremoto, checa tu casa en búsqueda de posibles afectaciones, usa tu celular solo en caso de emergencia, evita saturar las líneas telefónicas, no enciendas cerillos o velas hasta asegurarte que no hay alguna fuga de gas. Es importante mencionar que tras un movimiento telúrico importante, se....

Terremoto in Afghanistan: MSF supporta l’ospedale di Herat

2023-10-10T09:19+0200unita-news (it)

In seguito al terremoto di questa mattina nell’ Afghanistan occidentale , abbiamo allestito 5 tende mediche presso l’ospedale regionale di Herat per ospitare fino a 80 pazienti. Secondo le autorità sanitarie, finora, sono oltre 300 i feriti curati presso l’ospedale.

Afghan officials say deadly earthquakes 'killed or injured' over 4,000 people

2023-10-10T09:13+0200geo-tv (en)

An Afghan girl cries over her mother's grave in a cemetery for victims of the recent earthquake in the district of Zinda Jan, in Herat, Afghanistan October 9, 2023. — Reuters The casualties from the deadly earthquakes that hit western Afghanistan on Saturday have killed or injured more than 4,000 people, according to officials.

Russia sends dozens of drones into Ukraine in latest air strike

2023-10-10T09:03+0200arabpolitical (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan : People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. Saturday’s 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

RAW Results, 9 Oct 2023: Cody Rhodes, Jey Uso Register Tag Team Win, Becky Lynch Retains Women's Title

2023-10-10T09:02+0200news18 (en)

In the main event of the Monday night RAW, Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso defended their WWE Undisputed Tag Team titles against the partnership of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Follow us: This week’s episode of WWE RAW, which took place at the CHI Health Center in Omaha, Nebraska, saw Becky Lynch defend her NXT Women’s Title against Tegan Nox.

UN Calls Herat Quake 'Devastating,' Seeks Support For Afghanistan

2023-10-10T08:58+0200haberler-en (en)

The UN refugee agency on Tuesday said the extent of the damage caused by the earthquake in Afghanistan is devastating and sought support for the war-torn country. "As the needs of those affected continue to rise, UNHCR and partners are on the ground providing critical assistance and distributing relief items," UNHCR said on X.

Terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T08:56+0200agoravox (it)

La regione di Herat in Afghanistan è stata colpita da un violento terremoto. Il ministero della loro protezione civile ha affermato che ci sono venti villaggi colpiti con circa 2500 morti e oltre diecimila feriti. La città di Herat invece non è stata colpita in modo grave, anche se la gente vive per strada e tutte le attività sono chiuse.

Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.0 en Socaire

2023-10-10T08:55+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del sismo se registraron a -23.36 grados de latitud y -66.859 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de magnitud 2.6 se siente en la ciudad de Los Vilos Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de Tras un....

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 3.8 en Socaire

2023-10-10T08:55+0200infobae (es)

La información hasta ahora obtenida del CNS señala que el temblor inició a las 03:20 horas (hora local) de este martes 10 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Temblor de magnitud 2.6 se siente en la ciudad de Los Vilos Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de Tras un....

Quake? Magma? Volcano? JMA not sure what caused tsunami October 10, 2023

2023-10-10T08:50+0200ajw (en)

Scientists remain puzzled over what caused the tsunami that was observed over a wide part of Japan on Oct. 9. Normally, the Japan Meteorological Agency will issue a tsunami advisory within three minutes of an earthquake if a wave of at least 20 centimeters is expected. But the advisory issued on Oct.

Country reels from earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-10T08:22+0200wn (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP): People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions, but the material losses seemed unimportant. Saturday’s 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands when it levelled an......

Quake? Magma? Volcano? JMA not sure what caused tsunami

2023-10-10T08:22+0200wn (en)

Scientists remain puzzled over what caused the tsunami that was observed over a wide part of Japan on Oct. 9. Normally, the Japan Meteorological Agency will issue a tsunami advisory within three minutes of an earthquake if a wave of at least 20 centimeters is expected. But the advisory issued on Oct.

Russia sends dozens of drones into Ukraine in latest air strike

2023-10-10T08:13+0200arabnews (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan : People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. Saturday’s 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Cerca notizie per 'scuola citta di verbania'

2023-10-10T08:06+0200verbanianotizie (it)

- 3 Novembre 2014 - 20:26 rischio idrogeologico Non ho letto tutti i commenti perche' sono pigro a quest'ora;sono solo le 19,30,solitamente mi sveglio e scrivo dopo le 24. di cevo non ho letto tutti i commenti ma mi sono arenato sul primo scoglio..quello di Kirlyenka che di ce che è esage rato....

Death toll climbs after Afghan earthquake

2023-10-10T08:03+0200zawya-palestine (en)

A general view of a hospital following an earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan October 8, 2023. REUTERS/Ali Khara. A man digs a grave in the aftermath of an earthquake at Herat province in Afghanistan, October 8, 2023. REUTERS/Stringer NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES.

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on October 10

2023-10-10T08:02+0200mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 10 (MNA) – Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Tuesday, October 10. Abrar: Iranian FM says continuation of Zionists' attacks would extend war. Iran supports Al-Aqsa Storm operation. Saudi Arabia rejects US call against Hamas.

Afghanistan: Men use bare hands, shovel to pull victims from rubble after earthquake

2023-10-10T07:59+0200wn (en)

Living And Dead, Victims Were Trapped Under Rubble, Their Faces....

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on October 10

2023-10-10T07:51+0200mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 10 (MNA) – Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Tuesday, October 10. Abrar: Iranian FM says continuation of Zionists' attacks would extend war. Iran supports Al-Aqsa Storm operation. Saudi Arabia rejects US call against Hamas.

Israel-Palestinians-conflict-US-technology-misinformation FOCUS

2023-10-10T07:41+0200nampa (en)

Tech firms struggle as Israel-Gaza falsehoods explode By Anuj CHOPRA Washington, Oct 10, 2023 (AFP) - From fake accounts impersonating journalists to war-themed video games fueling false narratives, tech platforms are struggling to contain a tsunami of misinformation around Palestinian-Israeli....

Mass funeral held for Afghan quake victims, families still missing

2023-10-10T07:20+0200seychellesnewsagency (en)

) - A mass funeral ceremony for around 300 earthquake victims was held Monday in rural western Afghanistan , as families remained trapped in the rubble of their ruined homes two days after high-magnitude tremors killed more than 2,000 people. In Siah Ab village, near the epicentre of Saturday's magnitude 6.

I lost 11 members of my family: Earthquake victim

2023-10-10T07:09+0200bbc (en)

Entire villages were levelled after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck the province of Herat in Afghanistan on Saturday. Over 1,000 people were killed . The UN says villagers continue to use shovels and bare hands to search for the over 500 people who are still missing.

Xi tende la mano a Biden: "Il nostro rapporto è importante"

2023-10-10T07:06+0200agi (it)

AGI - Il leader della maggioranza al Senato Usa, Chuck Schumer , ha incontrato il presidente cinese, Xi Jinping , e ha chiesto sostegno per Israele, dopo gli attacchi di Hamas che hanno provocato centinaia di morti, dicendosi "molto deluso" del messaggio diffuso ieri da Pechino.

Sismo de 3.4 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Lebu

2023-10-10T07:06+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrofue a 34.0 kilómetros al Suroeste de la ciudad, con coordenadas -73.973 grados de longitud y -37.789 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de magnitud 2.6 se siente en la ciudad de Los Vilos Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.9 de magnitud

2023-10-10T07:06+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -24.327 grados de latitud y -67.227 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de magnitud 2.6 se siente en la ciudad de Los Vilos Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de Tras un terremoto, revisa tu....

Chile: temblor de magnitud 3.0 en Vichuquén

2023-10-10T07:06+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del temblor fue a 30.0 kilómetros al Noreste de la ciudad, en -34.734 grados de latitud y -71.728 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 52.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Temblor de magnitud 2.6 se siente en la ciudad de Los Vilos Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue....

La ciudad de Antofagasta percibe temblor de magnitud 3.6

2023-10-10T07:06+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del sismo fue a 39.0 kilómetros al Este de la localidad, en -23.671 grados de latitud y -70.03 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 37.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.2 en Ollagüe Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente....

Afghanistan earthquake: Toll crosses 4,000, nearly 2,000 houses destroyed

2023-10-10T07:03+0200indiatoday (en)

The earthquakes that hit western Afghanistan on Saturday have killed or injured more than 4,000 people, officials said on Monday. About 2,000 houses have been completely destroyed in the two 6.2-magnitude earthquakes, said the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA).

Le Moulin à sons : deux concerts ce week-end

2023-10-10T06:41+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Ce week-end, deux concerts sont proposés par le Moulin à sons : demain soir, à Loudéac, avec le trio Ornitorink et dimanche après-midi, à Saint-Thélo, avec les ensembles vocaux de l'école de musique du pays, au profit des enfants du sud de la Thaïlande dévastée par le tsunami de 2004.

Les loisirs du week-end : concert et marchés de Noël

2023-10-10T06:41+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Marchés de Noël LA MOTTE. Marché couvert, dans le cadre des animations du comité des fêtes, de 18 h à 22 h, à la salle des sports. LOUDÉAC. Demain, marché de Noël organisé par la municipalité, de 10 h à 18 h, à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur du foyer municipal.

Exercice tsunami dans l'Hérault : on vous explique la marche à suivre en cas de raz-de-marée en Méditerranée Occitanie

2023-10-10T06:30+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Un exercice d'alerte tsunami est mené vendredi 13 octobre à Frontignan dans l'Hérault, via le dispositif FR-Alerte. Matthieu Péroche, géographe à l'université Paul-Valéry de Montpellier, dissèque le risque de voir déferler un raz-de-marée sur les côtes de l'Occitanie. Une alerte et probablement moins d'une heure pour évacuer les lieux.

Magnitude 5.3 earthquake hits New Zealand’s east coast

2023-10-10T06:22+0200turkishpress (en)

By Erdogan Cagatay Zontur. ANKARA (AA) – A 5.3 magnitude earthquake struck New Zealand’s eastern coast Tuesday at 12.58 p.m. local time. The earthquake struck 25 kilometers south of Gisborne city at a depth of 29 kilometers, according to the national geological hazard monitoring site GeoNet.

Exercice tsunami dans l'Hérault : on vous explique la marche à suivre en cas de raz-de-marée en Méditerranée

2023-10-10T06:21+0200france3 (fr)

Un exercice d'alerte tsunami est mené vendredi 13 octobre à Frontignan dans l'Hérault, via le dispositif FR-Alerte. Matthieu Péroche, géographe à l'université Paul-Valéry de Montpellier, dissèque le risque de voir déferler un raz-de-marée sur les côtes de l'Occitanie. Une alerte et probablement moins d'une heure pour évacuer les lieux.

Pacifique. Alerte au tsunami levée au large du Salvador

2023-10-10T06:18+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Le séisme de magnitude 7,4 au large du Salvador a provoqué ce lundi un tsunami en frappant une zone située dans l'océan Pacifique, au large du Salvador. "Les relevés du niveau de la mer confirment qu'un tsunami a eu lieu", ajoute cet organisme dans un communiqué.

Indonésie. Fort séisme au large des îles Moluques

2023-10-10T06:18+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Un fort tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,4 s'est produit, hier, au large des îles Moluques, en Indonésie. Aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été lancée après ce séisme qui a eu lieu en mer. Le chef local de l'agence pour les catastrophes naturelles à Ternate, une des îles des Moluques, a déclaré qu'on....

Pakistan dispatches relief goods to earthquake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-10T06:12+0200nation (en)

KARACHI - Pakistan on Monday said it is dispatching the first consignment of relief goods for the victims of Saturday’s massive earthquakes in northwestern Afghanistan . Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar said that Islamabad is immediately sending a medical team, field hospital, 50 tents,....

Pakistan dispatches relief goods to earthquake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-10T06:08+0200nation-pk (en)

KARACHI - Pakistan on Monday said it is dispatching the first consignment of relief goods for the victims of Saturday’s massive earthquakes in northwestern Afghanistan . Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar said that Islamabad is immediately sending a medical team, field hospital, 50 tents,....

Cd Hidalgo registra temblor de 4.1 de magnitud

2023-10-10T06:06+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 4.

Vietnam ensures earthquake-related citizen protection in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T05:56+0200vov-vn (en)

Rescue workers search for victims after an earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan , October 7, 2023. (Photo: AFP/VNA) On October 7, a 6.3 magnitude quake coupled with numerous strong aftershocks struck the western region of Afghanistan, claiming the lives of over 2,400 people.

UN, partners ramp up quake response in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T05:50+0200famagusta-gazette (en)

The world body and its humanitarian partners are ramping up response to the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that struck the western Afghan province of Herat on Saturday. The United Nations has deployed assessment teams and is providing emergency shelter supplies, blankets, warm clothes, food, hygiene....

Mass funeral held for Afghan quake victims, families still missing

2023-10-10T05:46+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

Afghan mourners prepare to offer mass funeral prayers for the people killed in a series of earthquakes in Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on October 9, 2023. Afghan villagers and volunteers on October 9 helped dig for survivors of a series of earthquakes that killed more than 2,000 people, as aid began trickling into the devastated region.

Sismo de magnitud 3.0 con epicentro en San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá

2023-10-10T05:19+0200infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

WWE Raw Results: Winners And Grades On October 9, 2023

2023-10-10T05:04+0200forbes (en)

WWE Raw Winners And Grades Seth Rollins Opens WWE Raw. Seth Rollins did a great job selling his back as he struggled to get into the ring. The man was wearing a heavy fur coat, which couldn’t have been easy to walk around in, even with a good back. Seth Rollins made sure to thank adrenaline during his acceptance speech.

Japan lifts tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-10T05:02+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow quakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but it was later lifted after no damage was reported from the minor waves generated. Tsunami waves of 60 centimetres (24 inches) hit Hachijojima island,....

UN Human Rights Council Offers Moment Of Silence For ‘Innocent Lives’ Lost In ‘Occupied Palestinian Territory’

2023-10-10T04:57+0200dailycaller (en)

A United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) video shows the chamber holding a moment of silence Monday over what one diplomat described as the deaths of innocent people “in the occupied Palestinian territory and elsewhere.” Pakistan’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva....

Devastating earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-10T04:53+0200wn (en)

More than 2,000 people were killed and thousands more were injured when an earthquake struck western Afghanistan near the city of Herat. ......

Afghanistan: Urgent action critical after devastating earthquake

2023-10-10T04:43+0200reliefWeb (en)

Responding to the catastrophic earthquake that struck western province of Herat in Afghanistan over the weekend, Zaman Sultani, Amnesty International’s regional researcher for South Asia, said: “Amnesty International expresses our deepest condolences to the families who have lost loved ones in the devastating earthquake.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:35+0200wn (en)

People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. ......

MIL-OSI China: UN, partners ramp up quake response in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T04:35+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Photo taken on Oct. 9, 2023 shows excavated belongings from ruins following deadly earthquakes in the Zindajan district, Herat province, western Afghanistan . [Photo/Xinhua] The world body and its humanitarian partners are ramping up response to the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that struck the western Afghan province of Herat on Saturday.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:32+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:32+0200eagletribune (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:29+0200wacotrib (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:29+0200buffalonews (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:24+0200missoulian (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:21+0200yakimaherald (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:18+0200news-gazette (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

The real cost of fast food will not be found on the menu boards

2023-10-10T04:17+0200searchlight (en)

In the Caribbean, we have seen a significant increase in the availability and consumption of fast food over the last 50 years. Concurrently, and not coincidentally, we are seeing a tsunami in chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) that are asphyxiating our region. NCDs are ravaging our health, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:15+0200whig (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Casualties of Afghanistan Earthquake Soar to 4,500

2023-10-10T04:11+0200kbs-en (en)

The number of casualties from the devastating earthquakes that struck Afghanistan on Saturday has reportedly surged to over 45-hundred. According to Spanish news agency EFE on Monday, Taliban officials produced the casualty estimate, with Afghanistan's Ministry for Disaster Management reportedly....

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:11+0200startribune (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. Saturday's 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:02+0200wsoctv (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T04:00+0200actionnewsjax (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Mounds of rubble and a future of grief are what's left after Afghanistan earthquake killed thousands

2023-10-10T03:59+0200wftv (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

'I lost my whole life': Afghanistan quake leaves families, houses destroyed

2023-10-10T03:55+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

Watch more on iWantTFC A 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Afghanistan on Saturday (October 7), leaving families torn apart and houses destroyed. The earthquake, which struck at around 11:00 local time, was followed by eight strong aftershocks, and shook the hard-to-reach areas 30 kilometers northwest....

Las restricciones en ciudades de Airbnb que debes conocer

2023-10-10T03:35+0200niusdiario (es)

El Ministerio de Turismo italiano , por su parte, ha elaborado una ley para frenar el alquiler vacacional de corta duración en todo el país. La popular plataforma, que permite a los usuarios alquilar sus casas o habitaciones libres a turistas, ha sido acusada de inflar los precios de la vivienda,....

Terremoto in Afghanistan: quasi 3000 vittime

2023-10-10T03:34+0200informazione (it)

Il terremoto che ha colpito l' Afghanistan ha causato quasi 3000 vittime, secondo alti funzionari talebani citati dal 'Guardian'. La gente nella capitale regionale di Herat ha dormito nei parchi pubblici e nelle strade, temendo ulteriori scosse. Lo United States Geological Survey (USGS) ha segnalato....

Countries rush to Afghanistan's aid

2023-10-10T03:33+0200wn (en)

Various sides including China are extending support to Afghanistan 's earthquake victims apart from condolences, as the death toll in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces rose to 2,445 by Sunday night, local authorities said. The Red Cross Society of China said on Sunday it had....

Rescuers search for survivors in wake of deadly Afghan quakes

2023-10-10T03:32+0200independent-ie (en)

Death toll rises to at least 2,400 with thousands more injured as Taliban pleads for help. Child victims of a recent Afghan earthquake being carried to a hospital in Herat, Afghanistan . Rescue workers yesterday scrambled to pull out survivors, and the dead, from beneath the rubble two days after....

Mass funeral held for Afghan quake victims, families still missing

2023-10-10T03:16+0200thenews-pk (en)

SIAH AB, Afghanistan : A mass funeral ceremony for around 300 earthquake victims was held on Monday in rural western Afghanistan, as families remained trapped in the rubble of their ruined homes two days after high-magnitude tremors killed more than 2,000 people. In Siah Ab village, near the epicentre of Saturday´s magnitude 6.

Pakistan to send medical team to Afghanistan

2023-10-10T03:16+0200thenews-pk (en)

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has decided to send a 10-member medical team comprising neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, general surgeons as well as male nurses to Afghanistan to treat people who have been injured in a recent earthquake, officials said on Monday. Over 2,400 people were killed and hundreds were injured when 6.

Evidencia científica avala el vertido al mar de aguas de Fukushima

2023-10-10T03:15+0200elpais-cr (es)

Tokio, 9 Oct. (EUROPA PRESS) – Una investigación publicada en Science por científicos de las universidades de Portsmouth, Curtin y ANU defiende que es seguro verter al mar agua contaminada del accidente nuclear de Fukushima. Los expertos evaluaron cualquier efecto potencial basándose en la evidencia....

La predicción de Baba Vanga se cumple con "la gran guerra" en Israel: estas serán las terribles consecuencias para Europa

2023-10-10T02:55+0200larazon-es (es)

Aunque la violencia entre Israel y Hamás perdura desde hace décadas , el ataque a gran escala que ha tenido lugar desde el pasado sábado es considerado por muchos como "sin precedentes". Una importante ofensiva que estaría dentro de una de las predicciones de Baba Vanga, conocida como la....

Temblor de magnitud 2.6 se siente en la ciudad de Los Vilos

2023-10-10T02:55+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -71.835 grados de longitud y -32.3 grados de latitud, según datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en la ciudad de Tirúa Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

World News in Brief: Displacement in Gaza and Israel, Afghan earthquake response

2023-10-10T02:32+0200globalissues (en)

Over 120,000 people have been internally displaced in Gaza due to concerns over their protection and the destruction of homes, said UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric, speaking in New York. The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA, is sheltering roughly 137,000 people in 83 of its schools across the Gaza Strip.

Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-10T02:27+0200hjnews (en)

EDS NOTE: GRAPHIC CONTENT - An Afghan man looks at the face of his child who was killed by an earthquake, before the burial, in a village in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Saturday's deadly earthquake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Víctimas de ETA y Vox intentan retener el 'caso Tsunami' en la Audiencia mientras el PP se aparta

2023-10-10T02:23+0200elMundo (es)

como la asociación de Daniel Portero han solicitado personarse en la causa como acusaciones populares. La investigación sobre Tsunami Democràtic puso sobre la mesa dos episodios fundamentales: el colapso del aeropuerto de El Prat tras la sentencia del procés en octubre de 2019 y el corte la autopista A-7 en la frontera con Francia.

World News in Brief: Displacement in Gaza and Israel, Afghan earthquake response

2023-10-10T02:22+0200manilatimes (en)

The escalating conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups has displaced hundreds of thousands of people, the UN reported on Monday. Over 120,000 people have been internally displaced in Gaza due to concerns over their protection and the destruction of homes, said UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric, speaking in New York.

[Earthquake in Western Afghanistan] Singapore Red Cross Supports Immediate Relief and Recovery Operations

2023-10-10T02:21+0200reliefWeb (en)

Singapore, 9 October 2023 In response to the recent earthquake in Afghanistan , the Singapore Red Cross (SRC) is pledging USD 50,000 in humanitarian aid to directly support ongoing relief efforts led by Red Cross Red Crescent partners on the ground, including the Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS)....

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-10T02:20+0200macaudailytimes (en)

A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province yesterday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Cerca notizie per 'bella pallanza'

2023-10-10T02:20+0200verbanianotizie (it)

- 7 Novembre 2016 - 12:30 Re: realtà storiche Caro Marco Zacchera continui a fare esempi assolutamente corretti, ma che non partono dal presupposto giusto! Chiaramente, la storia non si fa con “se” e con i “ma”, così come la guerra non è mai ne bella e ne nobile.

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-10T01:56+0200kptv (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. (Source: UNICEF Afghanistan via CNN) ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the....

'Most of the people are under the rubble': Rescuers rush to save survivors of Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-10T01:50+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Key points: The Taliban administration says at least 2,400 people have been killed in the earthquakes; Nearly 2,000 houses in 20 villages in Afghanistan 's northwest have been destroyed; The country has appealed for foreign aid as there's a huge need for shelter and medical help.

Massive Earthquake Kills over 2,400 in Northwest Afghanistan

2023-10-10T01:41+0200breitbart-com (en)

Afghanistan was struck by its deadliest earthquake in years on Sunday, with more than 2,400 casualties reported at last count from the northwestern city of Herat and its surrounding province. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) rated the quake at magnitude 6.

'Most of the people are under the rubble': Rescuers rush to save survivors of Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-10T01:14+0200abc-au (en)

Key points: The Taliban administration says at least 2,400 people have been killed in the earthquakes; Nearly 2,000 houses in 20 villages in Aghanistan's northwest have been destroyed; The country has appealed for foreign aid as there's a huge need for shelter and medical help.

World News in Brief: Displacement in Gaza and Israel, Afghan earthquake response

2023-10-10T01:00+0200un-org (en)

Over 120,000 people have been internally displaced in Gaza due to concerns over their protection and the destruction of homes, said UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric, speaking in New York. The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA, is sheltering roughly 137,000 people in 83 of its schools across the Gaza Strip.

Afghanistan reels from an earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-10T00:56+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. Saturday’s 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

'Very very raw': Celebrity physician Dr Tom Mulholland dies suddenly, funeral plans underway

2023-10-10T00:52+0200newstalkzb (en)

Dr Tom Mulholland helped hundred of thousands of people around the world over three decades. 'Very very raw': Celebrity physician Dr Tom Mulholland dies suddenly, funeral plans underway. Dr Tom Mulholland, a celebrity physician and beloved Kiwi campaigner for physical and mental health, has died suddenly at the weekend.

Ethics Of Using Care Robots For Older People

2023-10-10T00:39+0200asianscientist (en)

Study from Japan shows that involving older people while developing care robots for them will help alleviate their concerns about using robots. Asian Scientist Magazine (Oct. 09, 2023) — In a new study, researchers have unveiled a universal model that sheds light on the intricate relationship....

Celebrity Kiwi physician and ‘hero’ Dr Tom Mulholland dies suddenly, funeral preparations underway

2023-10-10T00:32+0200nzherald (en)

Dr Tom Mulholland helped hundred of thousands of people around the world over three decades. Dr Tom Mulholland, a celebrity physician and beloved Kiwi campaigner for physical and mental health, has died suddenly at the weekend. Known affectionately as Dr Tom, the medical practitioner he’d helped....

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-10T00:29+0200nbc12 (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. (Source: UNICEF Afghanistan via CNN) ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the....

Afghanistan earthquake: More than 1000 dead as villagers dig for survivors

2023-10-10T00:28+0200wn (en)

By Derek Cai, Joel Guinto and Yogita Limaye for the BBC Rescuers are digging for survivors of a powerful earthquake that flattened whole villages in Afghanistan , killing more than 1,000 people. The magnitude 6.3 quake struck on Saturday morning in Herat province, a barren landscape dotted with mud....

Sisma in Afghanistan, quasi 3.000 vittime

2023-10-10T00:28+0200ilmanifesto (it)

Le vittime del terremoto di sabato in Afghanistan si avvicinano a 3.000, hanno detto funzionari del governo talebano. Mentre a Herat le persone stanno dormendo per strada e nei parchi pubblici, alcuni villaggi sono stati raggiunti per la prima volta solo ieri.

ONU : ''toutes les maisons ont été détruites lors des tremblements de terre d'Herat en Afghanistan''

2023-10-10T00:26+0200aa-fr (fr)

Istanbul. AA / Istanbul / Yakut Dandashi. Les Nations Unies ont déclaré, lundi, que 100% des maisons ont été détruites après la série de tremblements de terre qui ont frappé, samedi, la province d'Herat, dans l'ouest de l' Afghanistan . Le Bureau des Nations Unies pour la coordination des affaires....

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-10T00:25+0200eagletribune (en)

People are digging through the rubble from the quake in western Afghanistan . They're hunting for their few possessions. But the material losses seem unimportant. Saturday’s 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number < of homes in Herat province.

Sono quasi tremila le vittime del terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T00:13+0200agi (it)

AGI - Il numero dei morti per il terremoto in Afghanistan si sta avvicinando a 3.000. Lo si apprende da alti funzionari talebani, citati dal 'Guardian'. Nella capitale regionale di Herat la gente ha dormito nei parchi pubblici e nelle strade, temendo ulteriori scosse.

UN, partners ramp up quake response in Afghanistan

2023-10-10T00:10+0200english-news-cn (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The world body and its humanitarian partners are ramping up response to the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that struck the western Afghan province of Herat on Saturday. The United Nations has deployed assessment teams and is providing emergency shelter supplies,....

Activan alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en costas de Japón por un sismo

2023-10-10T00:07+0200diario-expreso (es)

Un tsunami inferior a un metro de altura se produjo este lunes en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio , después de un sismo en el Pacífico que llevó a las autoridades niponas a emitir la alerta en varios puntos de la costa del país, sin que se hayan registrado daños.

LOOK: Mass funeral held for Afghanistan quake victims, families still missing

2023-10-10T00:06+0200iol (en)

Siah Ab, Afghanistan - A mass funeral ceremony for around 300 earthquake victims was held Monday in rural western Afghanistan, as families remained trapped in the rubble of their ruined homes two days after In Siah Ab village, near the epicentre of Saturday's magnitude 6.

Mass funeral held for Afghan quake victims, families still missing

2023-10-10T00:06+0200khaleejtimes (en)

The World Health Organisation estimates more than 11,000 people from 1,655 families had been affected A mass funeral ceremony for around 300 earthquake victims was held on Monday in rural western Afghanistan , as families remained trapped in the rubble of their ruined homes two days after high-magnitude tremors killed more than 2,000 people.

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-10T00:05+0200news-gazette (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

4.5-magnitude earthquake felt in Greater Victoria area

2023-10-10T00:05+0200CBC (en)

The epicentre of the 4.5-magnitude earthquake was to the east of the Olympic Peninsula, around 65 kilometres southeast of Victoria (Earthquakes Canada) An earthquake in northwestern Washington state was felt around the Greater Victoria area Sunday evening. The 4.

More than 1000 dead as Afghans dig for quake survivors

2023-10-10T00:03+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

Rescuers are digging for survivors of a powerful earthquake that flattened whole villages in Afghanistan , killing more than 1,000 people. The magnitude 6.3 quake struck on Saturday morning in Herat province, a barren landscape dotted with mud brick homes.

More than 1000 dead as Afghans dig for quake survivors

2023-10-10T00:01+0200radionz (en)

Rescuers are digging for survivors of a powerful earthquake that flattened whole villages in Afghanistan , killing more than 1,000 people. The magnitude 6.3 quake struck on Saturday morning in Herat province, a barren landscape dotted with mud brick homes.

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-10T00:01+0200ABCnews (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan -- People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. Saturday’s 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Un fuerte sismo sacude el estado de Washington mientras sonaba una alerta cerca de la ciudad de Seattle

2023-10-10T00:01+0200lapatilla (es)

Los informes dicen que un terremoto de 3,5 sacudió el estado de Washington hoy y dicen que no hay advertencias de tsunami actuales a pesar del temblor (Imagen: Getty Images) Un terremoto de magnitud 4,3 sacudió a los residentes y emitió una alerta. A unas 50 millas al norte de Seattle se encuentra....

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-09T23:59+0200wftv (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Il dramma afghano senza fine. Almeno tremila morti per il terremoto

2023-10-09T23:59+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) Sabato scorso l’ Afghanistan è stato colpito da una lunga sequenza di terremoti, la cui scossa principale ha avuto una magnitudo di 6,3. L’epicentro risulta essere a quaranta chilometri a nord-ovest... Contenuto a pagamento - Accedi al sito per abbonarti.

AFGHANISTAN: in wake of deadly earthquake, new flight in EU humanitarian airlift has landed in Kabul

2023-10-09T23:57+0200agenceurope-en (en)

In wake of deadly earthquake, new flight in EU humanitarian airlift has landed in Kabul. 09/10/2023 (Agence Europe) In response to the powerful earthquake that struck western Afghanistan on Saturday 7 October, killing more than 2,400 people, the European Commission has announced an increase in....

Grief-stricken Afghans reeling after quake that killed or injured an estimated 4,000

2023-10-09T23:57+0200latimes (en)

“We have lost 23 people in this village,” Khan said. Mounds of rubble flank the road winding through Zinda Jan district. Some door frames remain standing. There were few people in sight on Monday. The Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs, Abdul Ghani Baradar, and his team....

Mass funeral held for Afghan quake victims, families still missing

2023-10-09T23:56+0200urdupoint (en)

Siah Ab, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th Oct, 2023) A mass funeral ceremony for around 300 earthquake victims was held Monday in rural western Afghanistan , as families remained trapped in the rubble of their ruined homes two days after high-magnitude tremors killed more than 2,000 people.

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T23:38+0200dailyfinland-fi (en)

This photo taken on Oct. 9, 2023 shows people staying at a local hospital in Herat City, west Afghanistan 's Herat Province. Photo: Xinhua by Saifurahman Safi. The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night, reported Xinhua.

Afghan quake death toll over 2K

2023-10-09T23:28+0200tribuneonline (en)

Authorities here reported that the death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply on Sunday to more than 2,000 as bodies continued to be pulled from demolished villages and buried in mass graves. The Taliban government also disclosed that more than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Today's top news: Occupied Palestinian Territory, Afghanistan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of the Congo

2023-10-09T23:26+0200unocha (en)

Occupied Palestinian Territory. More than 123,000 people have been internally displaced in Gaza, due to concerns over their protection and the destruction of homes. Israeli airstrikes and shelling have hit houses and apartment buildings, with four large residential towers in Gaza city destroyed.

UN, partners ramp up quake response in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T23:05+0200wn (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The world body and its humanitarian partners are ramping up response to the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that struck the western Afghan province of Herat on Saturday. The United Nations has deployed assessment teams and is providing emergency shelter supplies,....

New tool provides easy access to local hazards information - Environment Southland

2023-10-09T23:01+0200voxy (en)

A new online tool providing easy access to Southland’s natural hazards information has been launched. Environment Southland’s policy and planning team leader, Gavin Gilder said the Natural Hazards Portal was developed in response to the increasing number of enquiries for risk information on local natural hazards.

UN, partners ramp up quake response in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T22:42+0200china.org.cn (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The world body and its humanitarian partners are ramping up response to the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that struck the western Afghan province of Herat on Saturday. The United Nations has deployed assessment teams and is providing emergency shelter supplies,....

Afghanistan Earthquake | Afghan Earthquake Survivors Sleep Amid Rubble As Death Toll Rises | N18V

2023-10-09T22:36+0200news18 (en)

The death toll is approaching 3,000, according to senior Taliban officials. In the regional capital of Herat city people slept in public parks and streets, fearing further tremors. The United States Geological Survey reported quakes on Monday of magnitude 5.9, 4.9 and 4.7 in rural areas.

IRGC offers earthquake relief aid to Afghanistan

2023-10-09T22:31+0200tehran_times (en)

TEHRAN- After a devastating earthquake that claimed more than 2,000 lives in Afghanistan , the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has signaled readiness to offer help. On Monday, IRGC spokesman Ramezan Sharif expressed sorrow for the people of Afghanistan and the families of those killed in the recent devastating earthquake.

Search continues for survivors after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-09T22:31+0200deseret (en)

This region of Afghanistan is not earthquake-prone, at least not compared to other areas of the country. Reshma Azmi, an aid worker with CARE Afghanistan, said “nobody was prepared.” Another volunteer, Abdulhay, was among the first to arrive at the epicenter, reports The Washington Post .

World News in Brief: Displacement in Gaza and Israel, Afghan earthquake response The escalating conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups has displaced hundreds of thousands of people, the UN reported on Monday.

2023-10-09T22:27+0200un-news (en)

Over 120,000 people have been internally displaced in Gaza due to concerns over their protection and the destruction of homes, said UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric, speaking in New York. The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA, is sheltering roughly 137,000 people in 83 of its schools across the Gaza Strip.

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-09T22:24+0200wn (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan for their few possessions but the material losses seemed unimportant. Saturday’s 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Mass funeral held for Afghan quake victims, families still missing

2023-10-09T22:24+0200wn (en)

Siah Ab, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th Oct, 2023) A mass funeral ceremony for around 300 earthquake victims was held Monday in rural western Afghanistan , as families remained trapped in the rubble of their ruined homes two days after high-magnitude tremors killed more than 2,000 people.

National Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands The Associated Press 2:14 PM, Oct 09, 2023

2023-10-09T22:21+0200denver7 (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Attaques du Hamas contre Israël : plus de 120.000 personnes déplacées à Gaza, l'ONU se mobilise

2023-10-09T22:14+0200un-org-newscentre (fr)

Des écoles de l’UNRWA transformées en abris d’urgence. Selon le Bureau de coordination des affaires humanitaires de l’ONU ( OCHA ), des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont été déplacées à l’intérieur de la bande de Gaza, « principalement en raison de la peur, des problèmes de protection et de la destruction de leurs maisons ».

Profecía de Baba Vanga vuelve a tomar fuer...

2023-10-09T22:13+0200zocalo (es)

Baba Vanga dijo que un califato se establecería en el mundo. Foto: X @dimitri_von. Vida Profecía de Baba Vanga vuelve a tomar fuerza tras la guerra entre Israel y Palestina. Por Grupo Zócalo Publicado el lunes, 9 de octubre del 2023 a las 14:09 La clarividente búlgara dijo que su predicción se llevará a cabo en 2043.

Michael Sfaradi racconta il suo nuovo romanzo “Una notte a Teheran”

2023-10-09T22:10+0200ticinolive (it)

è ai vertici nella classifica dei libri thriller spionistico più venduti della settimana, dopo Ken Follett e Robert Harris. Cosa si prova? Si tratta di una classifica parziale dei più venduti nel settore dei romanzi di spionaggio, comunque essere terzo dopo i miei due autori preferiti, lasciamelo dire, è una soddisfazione enorme.

IRGC offers earthquake relief aid to Afghanistan

2023-10-09T22:08+0200tehrantimes (en)

TEHRAN- After a devastating earthquake that claimed more than 2,000 lives in Afghanistan , the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has signaled readiness to offer help. On Monday, IRGC spokesman Ramezan Sharif expressed sorrow for the people of Afghanistan and the families of those killed in the recent devastating earthquake.

From heart attacks to dementia, the middle-aged cocaine abusers creating a timebomb for the NHS

2023-10-09T22:03+0200whatsnew2day (es)

Su estudio, publicado el año pasado en la revista Molecular Psychiatry, comparó los cerebros de 60 consumidores de cocaína con los de 60 no consumidores y encontró que la contracción cerebral en los consumidores de drogas era casi el doble que en el otro grupo.

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-09T21:52+0200yakimaherald (en)

People are digging through the rubble from the quake in western Afghanistan . They're hunting for their few possessions. But the material losses seem unimportant. Saturday’s 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number < of homes in Herat province.

4,000 killed and injured in Herat earthquake: Ministry

2023-10-09T21:52+0200wn (en)

The Ministry of Disaster Management of Afghanistan has announced that on Saturday, four thousand people were killed and injured due to the earthquake in Herat. Officials from this Ministry stated in a press conference in Kabul that 1,983 residential houses have also been destroyed in 20 villages in Herat.

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-09T21:51+0200whig (en)

People are digging through the rubble from the quake in western Afghanistan . They're hunting for their few possessions. But the material losses seem unimportant. Saturday’s 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number < of homes in Herat province.

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan, Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

2023-10-09T21:44+0200Triniad-guardian (en)

Peo­ple dug through the rub­ble of the quake in west­ern Afghanistan , over­turn­ing crum­bled mud bricks with shov­els and bare hands as they hunt­ed for their few pos­ses­sions. But the ma­te­r­i­al loss­es seemed unim­por­tant. Sat­ur­day’s 6.3 mag­ni­tude quake killed and in­jured thou­sands when....

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-09T21:38+0200wsoctv (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan , overturning crumbled mud bricks with shovels and bare hands as they hunted for their few possessions. But the material losses seemed unimportant. killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-09T21:38+0200startribune (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan, overturning crumbled mud bricks with shovels and bare hands as they hunted for their few possessions. But the material losses seemed unimportant. Saturday's 6.3 magnitude quake killed and injured thousands....

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-09T21:34+0200qz (en)

Afghan people mourn for relatives killed in an earthquake at a burial site in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Afghans reel from the earthquake that killed thousands

2023-10-09T21:32+0200actionnewsjax (en)

ZINDA JAN, Afghanistan (AP) — People dug through the rubble of the quake in western Afghanistan , overturning crumbled mud bricks with shovels and bare hands as they hunted for their few possessions. But the material losses seemed unimportant. killed and injured thousands when it leveled an untold number of homes in Herat province.

4,000 killed and injured in Herat earthquake: Ministry

2023-10-09T21:26+0200khaama (en)

The Ministry of Disaster Management of Afghanistan has announced that on Saturday, four thousand people were killed and injured due to the earthquake in Herat. Officials from this Ministry stated in a press conference in Kabul that 1,983 residential houses have also been destroyed in 20 villages in Herat.

Another 5.1 magnitude earthquake strikes Afghanistan’s Herat

2023-10-09T21:26+0200khaama (en)

On Monday evening, October 9, 2023, a 5.1 magnitude earthquake struck Herat, marking the province’s third earthquake of the day, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Additionally, another earthquake with a magnitude of 4.7 shook Herat province around noon on Tuesday. The U.S.

Environment Subscribers only After the earthquake in Afghanistan, humanitarian aid faces issues

2023-10-09T21:25+0200LeMonde-en (en)

Afghans dig graves to bury the bodies of earthquake victims, in the village of Sarbuland, Zendeh Jan district, Herat province, October 8, 2023. MOHSEN KARIMI / AFP. Afghanistan is not only a country that is both ravaged by war and one of the poorest in the world, but it is also a land subject to the harsh forces of nature.

World News in Brief: Displacement in Gaza and Israel, Afghan earthquake response

2023-10-09T21:00+0200devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; The escalating conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups has displaced hundreds of thousands of people, the UN reported on Monday. Over 120,000 people have been internally displaced in Gaza due to concerns over their protection and the destruction of homes, said UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric, speaking in New York.

Senior Taliban officials visit Afghan villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T20:39+0200elpais-en (en)

A senior Taliban delegation visited western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and....

Afghanistan: WHO and partners responding to immense needs

2023-10-09T20:26+0200un-news (en)

Aftershocks continue to be felt from the deadly earthquake that pummeled parts of western Afghanistan on Saturday, a senior official with the World Health Organization ( ) reported on Monday. More than 2,000 people were killed in the disaster, which struck just west of the city of Herat, affecting eight villages.

LIVE SVIZZERA 11 min Terremoto in Afghanistan: Berna aumenta contributi

2023-10-09T20:19+0200tio (it)

BERNA - A seguito del devastante terremoto in Afghanistan , la Svizzera versa un ulteriore contributo a un fondo di soccorso delle Nazioni Unite. La nuova partecipazione elvetica ammonta a 3,8 milioni di franchi. La Direzione dello sviluppo e della cooperazione (DSC) ha finora stanziato 1,5 milioni....

Another quake hits Afghanistan amid rescue efforts after deadly weekend tremor

2023-10-09T20:17+0200efe (en)

Kabul, Oct 9 (EFE).- A new 4.9 magnitude earthquake rattled Afghanistan on Monday, further complicating ongoing rescue operations in the aftermath of a devastating tremor over the weekend, which claimed the lives of thousands of people and left thousands more homeless.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T20:06+0200cp24 (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A senior Taliban delegation visited western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Mass funeral held for Afghan quake victims, families still missing 09 October 2023

2023-10-09T20:04+0200enca (en)

A mass funeral ceremony for around 300 earthquake victims was held Monday in rural western Afghanistan , as families remained trapped in the rubble of their ruined homes two days after high-magnitude tremors killed more than 2,000 people. In Siah Ab village, near the epicentre of Saturday's magnitude 6.

Ver más noticias en alerta

2023-10-09T20:01+0200laverdadnoticias (es)

Un artista de Peto alertó en redes sociales la presencia de peligrosas trampas con más de 10 clavos colocadas en una carretera de Yucatán. En CDMX se activó l a Alerta Sísmica luego del fuerte sismo de magnitud preliminar 6.0 con epicentro en Oaxaca. Habitantes de varias zonas de la CDMX....

Terremoto in Afghanistan: MSF supporta l’ospedale di Herat

2023-10-09T19:55+0200MSF-it (it)

In seguito al terremoto di questa mattina nell’ Afghanistan occidentale , abbiamo allestito 5 tende mediche presso l’ospedale regionale di Herat per ospitare fino a 80 pazienti. Secondo le autorità sanitarie, finora, sono oltre 300 i feriti curati presso l’ospedale.

Number of casualties in Afghanistan earthquake tops 4,000

2023-10-09T19:54+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. The number of people dead and injured in last week's earthquake that jolted northwest Afghanistan has exceeded 4,000, a disaster management official said on Sunday. In a press conference in Kabul, Mullah Janan Saiq, a spokesman for the Disaster Management Ministry, said that some 2,000....

Tremor TODAY in Peru LIVE, Monday, October 9: magnitude of the last earthquake, according to IGP

2023-10-09T19:46+0200bullfrag (en)

In Peru , tremors are very frequent because the country is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire like Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico , United States, Canada, among other countries.

Sant Cugat nombrará hijo predilecto al historiador Joan B. Culla

2023-10-09T19:45+0200elperiodico (es)

Sant Cugat (Vallès Occidental) ha homenajeado al historiador Joan B. Culla esta tarde del lunes 9 de octubre en la sala de plenos del Ayuntamiento fruto de su "trayectoria de dedicación científica, cívica y académica", según el consistorio que anunciado el nombramiento como hijo predilecto.

Most casualties in Afghanistan earthquakes are women, children: WHO

2023-10-09T19:41+0200wn (en)

Women and children make up two-thirds of the victims of the recent earthquakes in Afghanistan who were hospitalized with severe injuries, the head of the World Health Organization's emergency response in the country said on Monday. Afghanistan Earthquake: Afghan women mourn for relatives killed in....

Afghans Scramble To Find Survivors Of Devastating Earthquake

2023-10-09T19:40+0200rferl (en)

Volunteers are frantically searching for survivors in Afghanistan 's Herat Province after hundreds of homes were reduced to rubble in a massive October 7 earthquake. Some 13 villages in the province's Zindah Jan district have reportedly been destroyed, while about 100 homes were flattened in the village of Sarbaland.

Pakistan dispatches relief goods to earthquake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-09T19:37+0200pakistantoday (en)

KARACHI: Pakistan on Monday said it is dispatching the first consignment of relief goods for the victims of Saturday’s massive earthquakes in northwestern Afghanistan . Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar said that Islamabad is immediately sending a medical team, field hospital, 50 tents, and....

Terremoto in Afghanistan: bilancio provvisorio di oltre 2 mila morti e 10 mila feriti

2023-10-09T19:37+0200informazione (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 della scala Richter ha colpito la regione occidentale dell' Afghanistan , causando oltre 2 mila morti e 10 mila feriti. L'epicentro del sisma è stato localizzato a circa 42 chilometri di distanza dalla città di Herat , dove vivono 272 mila persone, ad una profondità di dieci chilometri.

Le immagini aeree delle devastazioni del terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T19:29+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) Queste immagini aeree , condivise sui social media dal Ministero della Difesa dell' Afghanistan mostrano la devastazione nelle aree colpite dal forte terremoto che ha interessato l'ovest del Paese ...

WWE: Un indizio fa intuire il prossimo avversario di GUNTHER?

2023-10-09T19:29+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) In quel di Raw abbiamo un campione che definire dominante sembra anche riduttivo. Stiamo parlando di GUNTHER che ha stabilito il record come campione intercontinentale più longevo di tutti i tempi e durante questo regno ha affrontato e sconfitto diverse superstar.

Une nouvelle réplique d'une magnitude de 5,1 en Afghanistan

2023-10-09T19:18+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Après une série de tremblements de terre conséquents et des répliques en Afghanistan le week-end dernier, un nouveau séisme d'une magnitude de 5,1 s'est fait ressentir lundi, a rapporté lundi l'Institut de géophysique américain (USGS). Plus tôt dans la journée, deux secousses ont également été ressenties près de la capitale provinciale Hérat.

Nouveau séisme d'une magnitude de 5,1 en Afghanistan après une série de tremblements de terre

2023-10-09T19:18+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 52 min Après une série de tremblements de terre conséquents et des répliques en Afghanistan le week-end dernier, un nouveau séisme d'une magnitude de 5,1 s'est fait ressentir lundi, a rapporté lundi l'Institut de géophysique américain (USGS).

‘Nobody was prepared’ for earthquake that ravaged western Afghanistan

2023-10-09T19:14+0200WashingtonPost (en)

Abdulhay, a 35-year-old volunteer rescuer who was among the first to arrive at the epicenter, said the victims he pulled out of the rubble had died only inches away from their doors. Houses collapsed within seconds of the first quake, killing mostly women and children who were at home at the time, charities said after first assessments on Monday.

Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.2 en Ollagüe

2023-10-09T19:14+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -21.199 grados de latitud y -68.565 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.8 de magnitud Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake

2023-10-09T19:13+0200inquirer (en)

Residents of the city rushed out of their homes again on Monday to stay on the streets after another aftershock hit. The USGS said the aftershock was magnitude 4.9. “I have lost five members of my family; three daughters, my mother, my sister-in-law, and three from my uncle’s family,” said Asadullah Khan.

Afghanistan Les équipes MSF mobilisées après le tremblement de terre à Hérat

2023-10-09T19:08+0200MSF-fr (fr)

Quelle est la situation à Hérat en ce moment ? Aujourd’hui, la région d’Hérat subit encore des répliques, ce qui est très inquiétant pour la population. Selon les données du ministère de la Santé et de l'hôpital régional d'Hérat, 2 445 décès et 2 440 blessés ont été signalés jusqu'à présent dans cette province.

PM expresses deep grief over devastating earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T19:07+0200pakistantoday (en)

By Staff Report ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has expressed deep grief over the devastating earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan . In a tweet, he expressed heartfelt sympathy for the communities affected by the disaster. The Prime Minister said Pakistan stands in solidarity with the Afghans during this difficult time.

il presidente cinese dopo 8 anni riceve il leader del senato usa Israele, Xi apre all'incontro con Biden "Il nostro rapporto è il più importante"

2023-10-09T19:07+0200affaritaliani (it)

Rapporti Usa-Cina, Xi tende la mano a Biden: "La nostra relazione è la più importante del mondo" Il leader della maggioranza al Senato Usa, Chuck Schumer, ha incontrato il presidente cinese, Xi Jinping, e ha chiesto sostegno per Israele, dopo gli attacchi di Hamas che hanno provocato centinaia di....

4.5 earthquake shakes Greater Victoria, Washington state coast

2023-10-09T19:03+0200vancouversun (en)

It said the earthquake was “lightly felt in Victoria.” No tsunami warning or advisory was issued. People posting on social media variously said they felt a jolt or a light shaking for a few seconds. A person who said they were near the epicentre reported feeling four sharp jolts.

Türkiye sends relief goods to earthquake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-09T18:53+0200today-az (en)

09 October 2023 [20:35] - TODAY.AZ Türkiye dispatched relief goods for the victims of massive earthquakes in northwestern Afghanistan , Azernews reports, citing Anadolu Agency. "We are extending our country's helping hand to Afghanistan," the Turkish National Defense Ministry Monday said on X.

Saudi health minister assures support for new health initiatives in Pakistan

2023-10-09T18:51+0200bolnews (en)

ISLAMABAD: Minister of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Fahad bin Abdurrahman Al-Jalajel assured full support towards new health initiatives in Pakistan. The Saudi minister made this assurance during a meeting with the Caretaker Federal Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and....

Le immagini aeree delle devastazioni del terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T18:46+0200tiscali-it (it)

Kashkak, 9 ott. (askanews) - Queste immagini aeree, condivise sui social media dal Ministero della Difesa dell' Afghanistan mostrano la devastazione nelle aree colpite dal forte terremoto che ha interessato l'ovest del Paese sabato, che ha causato la morte di almeno 2.000 persone.

Navy commences mega disaster relief exercise in the Indian Ocean

2023-10-09T18:43+0200business-standard (en)

In December 2004, the Indian Navy’s humanitarian aid and disaster relief (HADR) response to the mayhem caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami convinced Washington that here was an ally worth having. In the two decades since, the Navy has consolidated the roles of “net security provider” and “maritime....

Türkiye sends relief goods to earthquake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-09T18:42+0200azernews (en)

Türkiye dispatched relief goods for the victims of massive earthquakes in northwestern Afghanistan , Azernews reports, citing Anadolu Agency. "We are extending our country's helping hand to Afghanistan," the Turkish National Defense Ministry Monday said on X.

Earthquake in Afghanistan (9 Oct. 23)

2023-10-09T18:41+0200french-foreign-office-en (en)

France offers its condolences to the families and close friends of the very many victims of the earthquake which struck Herat Province in western Afghanistan . It reaffirms its wholehearted solidarity to the Afghan people in this new ordeal. France is supporting many humanitarian voluntary....

U.N. pledges $5M as Afghanistan earthquake death toll approaches 2,500

2023-10-09T18:40+0200wn (en)

Oct. 9 (UPI) -- The United Nations pledged $5 million in emergency reserves....

“Il Vajont è stato il più grande tsunami in area interna”

2023-10-09T18:34+0200rainews (it)

E' la tragedia più nota al mondo, spiega il presidente della federazione geologi europei David Govoni ricordando un episodio durante il congresso nazionale dei geologi americani. Oggi, i geologi italiani si interrogano su quello che abbiamo imparato. “Non basta far bene le opere” dicono i geologi....

Cuban Foreign Minister regrets earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T18:22+0200plenglish (en)

On his account in X, the head of Cuban diplomacy sent his heartfelt condolences to the Afghan people, especially to the families and relatives of the victims. According to press reports, the death toll already exceeds 2,500, more than 9,200 people were injured and nearly 1,300 homes were damaged or destroyed.

Afghanistan: Urgent action critical after devastating earthquake

2023-10-09T18:09+0200amnesty-en (en)

Responding to the catastrophic earthquake that struck western province of Herat in Afghanistan over the weekend, Zaman Sultani, Amnesty International’s regional researcher for South Asia, said: “Amnesty International expresses our deepest condolences to the families who have lost loved ones in the devastating earthquake.

Pakistan dispatches relief goods to earthquake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-09T18:05+0200tribune (en)

KARACHI: Pakistan on Monday said it is dispatching the first consignment of relief goods for the victims of Saturday's massive earthquakes in northwestern Afghanistan . Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar said that Islamabad is immediately sending a medical team, field hospital, 50 tents, and....

Afghanistan Earthquake In Photos: More Than 1,000 Dead And Homes ‘Completely Destroyed’

2023-10-09T17:59+0200wn (en)

More than 500 people are still believed to be missing, according to the UN. ......

Israel declares war after Hamas attacks, Afghanistan earthquake: 5 Things podcast

2023-10-09T17:56+0200wn (en)

On today's episode of the 5 Things podcast: Israel has formally declared war after weekend Hamas attacks. At least 2,000 people are dead after a powerful....

Le zone colpite sono difficili da raggiungere, il sistema sanitario è inadeguato e manca l'attrezzatura: i morti sono più di 2mila

2023-10-09T17:54+0200ilpost (it)

, con 465 case completamente distrutte e altre 135 danneggiate. Circa 1.400 persone sono state evacuate dalle loro abitazioni verso altre zone del paese, e complessivamente oltre 4mila persone sono state coinvolte nel terremoto e nelle successive operazioni di soccorso.

Après les inondations de Derna, les survivants trouvent du réconfort au sein de leurs communautés Nouvelles & Médias 9 Oct 2023

2023-10-09T17:49+0200unhcr (fr)

Plus de 40 000 personnes ont été déplacées dans le nord-est du pays, dont 30 000 dans la seule ville de Derna. Le HCR intensifie ses opérations pour répondre aux besoins croissants de dizaines de milliers de déplacés internes, de réfugiés et d’autres personnes affectées par ces terribles inondations.

Afghanistan : deux jours après le séisme, les fouilles se poursuivent pour retrouver des survivants

2023-10-09T17:47+0200presseocean (fr)

Deux jours après les , faisant plus de 2000 morts selon un dernier bilan communiqué par le gouvernement taliban, les recherches se poursuivent lundi 9 octobre 2023 pour retrouver des survivants sous les décombres des habitations détruites, rapporte l’ Agence France-Presse.

Afghanistan : deux jours après le séisme, les fouilles se poursuivent pour retrouver des survivants

2023-10-09T17:45+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Deux jours après les , faisant plus de 2000 morts selon un dernier bilan communiqué par le gouvernement taliban, les recherches se poursuivent lundi 9 octobre 2023 pour retrouver des survivants sous les décombres des habitations détruites, rapporte l’ Agence France-Presse.

dal mondo Terremoto Afghanistan, scossa di magnitudo 6.2: il video

2023-10-09T17:44+0200la7 (it)

, con un epicentro di magnitudo 6.2, a 42 km a nord-ovest della città di Herat. Questo terremoto ha causato la morte di oltre 2000 persone e ha ferito più di 9000 individui, secondo quanto riportato dalle La città di Herat, abitata da 272.000 persone, è stata colpita da almeno cinque forti scosse....

Afghanistan : deux jours après le séisme, les fouilles se poursuivent pour retrouver des survivants

2023-10-09T17:43+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Deux jours après les , faisant plus de 2000 morts selon un dernier bilan communiqué par le gouvernement taliban, les recherches se poursuivent lundi 9 octobre 2023 pour retrouver des survivants sous les décombres des habitations détruites, rapporte l’ Agence France-Presse.

Afghanistan : deux jours après le séisme, les fouilles se poursuivent pour retrouver des survivants

2023-10-09T17:43+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Deux jours après les , faisant plus de 2000 morts selon un dernier bilan communiqué par le gouvernement taliban, les recherches se poursuivent lundi 9 octobre 2023 pour retrouver des survivants sous les décombres des habitations détruites, rapporte l’ Agence France-Presse.

U.N. pledges $5M as Afghanistan earthquake death toll approaches 2,500

2023-10-09T17:42+0200fresnobee (en)

People affected by an earthquake salvage their belongings as they wait for relief in Zinda Jan district of Herat, Afghanistan , on Sunday. Photo by Samiullah Popal/EPA-EFE upi Oct. 9 (UPI) -- The United Nations pledged $5 million in emergency reserves in response to Afghanistan 's recovery from Saturday's devastating 6.

Terremoto Afghanistan, altro drammatico balzo nel bilancio delle vittime mentre si scava tra le macerie

2023-10-09T17:39+0200meteoweb (it)

Continua a salire drammaticamente il numero delle vittime del terremoto in Afghanistan . Secondo quanto si apprende da alti funzionari talebani, citati dal ‘Guardian’, il bilancio si sta avvicinando a 3.000 . Nella capitale regionale di Herat, nell’ovest del Paese, la gente ha dormito nei parchi pubblici e nelle strade, temendo ulteriori scosse.

Afghanistan Earthquake In Photos: More Than 1,000 Dead And Homes ‘Completely Destroyed’

2023-10-09T17:38+0200forbes (en)

At least 1,023 people were reported killed in the earthquake and 1,663 injured across 11 villages in the Zindajan district of Afghanistan ’s Herat province, while 516 remain missing, the U.N. The death toll comes after the Taliban initially reported more than 2,000 people had been killed, but the....

Senior Taliban officials visit earthquake struck villages in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T17:33+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

TALIBAN leaders visited western Afghanistan ’s Herat province today in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by....

U.N. pledges $5M as Afghanistan earthquake death toll approaches 2,500

2023-10-09T17:32+0200upi (en)

People affected by an earthquake salvage their belongings as they wait for relief in Zinda Jan district of Herat, Afghanistan , on Sunday. Photo by Samiullah Popal/EPA-EFE. Oct. 9 (UPI) -- The United Nations pledged $5 million in emergency reserves in response to Afghanistan 's recovery from Saturday's devastating 6.

Afghanistan earthquake: More than 1,000 dead as villagers dig for survivors

2023-10-09T17:32+0200myjoyonline (en)

Rescuers are digging for survivors of a powerful earthquake that flattened whole villages in Afghanistan , killing more than 1,000 people. The 6.3-magnitude quake struck Saturday morning in Herat province, a barren landscape dotted with mud-brick homes.

Afghanistan: Urgent action critical after devastating earthquake

2023-10-09T17:31+0200wn (en)

Responding to the catastrophic earthquake that struck western province of Herat in Afghanistan over the weekend, Zaman Sultani, Amnesty International’s regional researcher for South Asia, said: “Amnesty International expresses our deepest condolences to the families who have lost loved ones in the devastating earthquake.

Afghanistan: MSF répond au tremblement de terre à Herat

2023-10-09T17:29+0200MSF (fr)

Samedi 7 octobre, vers 11h10 heure locale, un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 a frappé l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , suivi de plusieurs répliques. Dans la journée, 300 blessés ont été accueillis à l'hôpital régional d'Herat soutenu par Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

Afghanistan. OMS: la maggior parte delle vittime del terremoto sono donne e bambini

2023-10-09T17:29+0200rainews (it)

Sono gli uomini a scavare anche a mani nude nel disperato tentativo di estrarre persone ancora vive dalle macerie provocate dalle potenti scosse di terremoto che sabato hanno colpito la provincia afghana occidentale di Herat in Afghanistan uccidendo più di 2.000 persone.

Afghanistan earthquake has caused destruction 'worse than imagined', says report

2023-10-09T17:13+0200wn (en)

South Asia News: International aid organizations....

MIL-OSI NGOs: Afghanistan: Urgent action critical after devastating earthquake

2023-10-09T17:07+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Amnesty International – Responding to the catastrophic earthquake that struck western province of Herat in Afghanistan over the weekend, Zaman Sultani, Amnesty International’s regional researcher for South Asia, said: “Amnesty International expresses our deepest condolences to the families....

Promouvoir le tourisme à Aceh, dans le nord de Sumatra avant PON : Widodo

2023-10-09T17:06+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Promouvoir le tourisme à Aceh, dans le nord de Sumatra, avant les Jeux nationaux (PON) : déclaration de Widodo. Le président indonésien Joko Widodo a récemment mis en avant la nécessité de promouvoir le tourisme dans la province d’Aceh, située dans le nord de l’île de Sumatra, en prévision des Jeux nationaux (PON).

Afghanistan reels after powerful earthquake

2023-10-09T17:02+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

A 6.3-magnitude earthquake followed by strong aftershocks have killed more than 2,000 people and destroyed at least 13 villages in the western Herat province. Locals and emergency teams are racing to rescue survivors from the rubble.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T17:01+0200tribtown (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A senior Taliban delegation visited western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Vajont, Salvini: "Un disastro da ricordare, poteva essere evitato"

2023-10-09T16:55+0200247libero (it)

“Un disastro da ricordare e commemorare, con una preghiera per le vittime, per non dimenticare mai”. Lo scrive sui social il vicepremier e ministro delle Infrastrutture e dei trasporti, Matteo Salvini, ricordando quando sessant’anni fa, al confine tra Friuli Venezia Giulia e Veneto, “un’enorme frana....

Combats entre Israël et le Hamas : plus de 120.000 personnes déplacées à Gaza, l'ONU se mobilise Alors que les combats se poursuivaient lundi entre des militants du Hamas et les forces israéliennes, après l'attaque du Hamas contre Israël samedi, plus de 120.

2023-10-09T16:53+0200news-un-fr (fr)

Des écoles de l’UNRWA transformées en abris d’urgence. Selon le Bureau de coordination des affaires humanitaires de l’ONU ( OCHA ), des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont été déplacées à l’intérieur de la bande de Gaza, « principalement en raison de la peur, des problèmes de protection et de la destruction de leurs maisons ».

Séisme en Afghanistan : les recherches de survivants continuent et l’ONU se mobilise pour aider les victimes

2023-10-09T16:53+0200news-un-fr (fr)

Suite au séisme de magnitude 6,3 qui a frappé la province de Herat, dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , le 7 octobre, la Mission d’assistance des Nations Unies en Afghanistan ( UNAMA ), les partenaires humanitaires intensifient leurs efforts de réponse. « Suite au tremblement de terre dévastateur de....

5.1-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-09T16:51+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 13:30:48 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.75 degrees north latitude and 62.18 degrees east longitude.

Teams In Race To Rescue Earthquake Victims In Afghanistan

2023-10-09T16:50+0200tvcnews (en)

Emergency teams in Afghanistan are racing to rescue people from the rubble left by a powerful earthquake that struck the west of the country. More than 1,000 people are feared dead after the 6.3-magnitude quake hit villages in Herat Province on Saturday. Hundreds have also been injured.

Senior Taliban Officials Visit Villages Struck by Earthquake That Killed at Least 2,000 People

2023-10-09T16:48+0200military (en)

ISLAMABAD — A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

5.1-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-09T16:48+0200english-news-cn (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 13:30:48 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.75 degrees north latitude and 62.18 degrees east longitude.

Afghanistan Earthquake: HealthNet TPO Emergency Response

2023-10-09T16:47+0200reliefWeb (en)

Afghanistan 's worst earthquake in two decades hit the western province of Herat on Saturday 7th October. HealthNet TPO's health teams are responding to support people in the worst affected areas. 2,500 people killed in deadly earthquake. It is estimated that 2,500 people have been killed in a series....

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T16:47+0200dailyjournal (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A senior Taliban delegation visited western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Indice di sportività: Il Sole 24 Ore ha pubblicato i dati 2023

2023-10-09T16:45+0200tag24 (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social Disastro di Linate, cos’è successo? Ricostruiamo insieme la tragedia legata all’incidente aereo con il più alto numero di vittime mai accaduto in Italia. Erano le 8.10 (ore locali) dell’8 ottobre 2001 quando il nostro Paese fu sconvolto da tale tremenda notizia.

Second quake of the day in western Afghanistan amid rescue operations

2023-10-09T16:40+0200atalayar (en)

A 4.7-magnitude earthquake shook western Afghanistan for the second time on Monday amid rescue operations for victims of Saturday's earthquake and aftershocks, which left more than 2,400 people dead and some 2,000 injured. The 4.7-magnitude quake was reported 30 kilometres southeast of the village....

Il ricordoSessant’anni fa la strage del Vajont che spazzò via quasi 2mila vite, Mattarella sui luoghi della tragedia

2023-10-09T16:37+0200lacnews24 (it)

A sessanta anni dalla tragedia del Vajont che ha letteralmente distrutto Casso, Erto, Castelavazzo rendendoli paesi fantasma e Longarone (ora in parte ricostruita), oltre che la vita di intere popolazioni che abitavano quei luoghi, il presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella è tornato nei....

Promote tourism in Aceh, N Sumatra ahead of PON: Widodo

2023-10-09T16:34+0200antaranews-en (en)

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno issuing a press statement at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, on Monday (October 9, 2023). (ANTARA/Rangga Pandu A J/rst) Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry to promote....

Afghanistan grapples with earthquake, humanitarian crisis amid faltering economy

2023-10-09T16:31+0200aa-en (en)

ISLAMABAD. Consignments of relief goods from neighboring Pakistan, Iran, and Türkiye have begun to pour in as the cash-strapped Afghan government is struggling to cope with the devastation caused by Saturday's massive earthquake amid a faltering economy and deepening humanitarian crisis.

Earthquake kills more than 2,400 in Herat

2023-10-09T16:30+0200asianews-en (en)

The United Nations has begun to bring in food supplies, but after two days the remoter areas have not been yet reached. Survivors report that some villages have been razed to the ground. Taliban authorities first said more than 9,000 were injured, but then lowered the figure to “more than 2,000”. A Herat hospital has had to set up beds outside.

Earthquake in Western Afghanistan

2023-10-09T16:26+0200MSF-ie (en)

Following the earthquake in western Afghanistan on Saturday 9 October, MSF has set up five medical tents at the Herat Regional Hospital to accommodate up to 80 patients. According to health authorities, more than 300 wounded patients have been treated at the hospital so far.

Afghanistan Grapples With Earthquake, Humanitarian Crisis Amid Faltering Economy

2023-10-09T16:24+0200haberler-en (en)

Consignments of relief goods from neighboring Pakistan, Iran, and Türkiye have begun to pour in as the cash-strapped Afghan government is struggling to cope with the devastation caused by Saturday's massive earthquake amid a faltering economy and deepening humanitarian crisis.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T16:23+0200barrie (en)

The Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs, Abdul Ghani Baradar, and his team will visit the quake-affected region on Monday to deliver "immediate relief assistance" and ensure "equitable and accurate distribution of aid," according to a statement from the capital, Kabul.

Après le séisme en Afghanistan, plus de 2 000 morts et des villages anéantis

2023-10-09T16:13+0200nouvelobs (fr)

de magnitude 6,3 a frappé samedi 7 octobre la région d’Herat, dans le nord-ouest de l’ Afghanistan . Au total, plus de 2 000 personnes ont péri et d’énormes dégâts sont à noter, selon un nouveau bilan officiel communiqué dimanche. 2 053 martyrs sont morts dans 13 villages. 1 240 personnes ont été blessées.

5.1-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-09T16:12+0200wn (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 13:30:48 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German....

Monday briefing: Israel declares war on Hamas; Afghanistan earthquake; UAW strike; 23andMe hack; Crocs cowboy boots; and more

2023-10-09T16:08+0200WashingtonPost (en)

Monday briefing: Israel declares war on Hamas; Afghanistan earthquake; UAW strike; 23andMe hack; Crocs cowboy boots; and more. Friday briefing: Southern border barrier extension; deadly strike in Ukraine; Nobel Peace Prize winner Narges Mohammadi; and more.

Breaking news: 5.1-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-09T16:07+0200famagusta-gazette (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 13:30:48 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.75 degrees north latitude and 62.18 degrees east longitude.

Vajont, Salvini: “Un disastro da ricordare, poteva essere evitato”

2023-10-09T16:05+0200politicanews (it)

“Un disastro da ricordare e commemorare, con una preghiera per le vittime, per non dimenticare mai”. Lo scrive sui social il vicepremier e ministro delle Infrastrutture e dei trasporti, Matteo Salvini, ricordando quando sessant’anni fa, al confine tra Friuli Venezia Giulia e Veneto, “un’enorme frana....

5.1-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-09T16:03+0200china.org.cn (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 13:30:48 GMT on Monday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.75 degrees north latitude and 62.18 degrees east longitude.

Afghan earthquake survivors sleep amid rubble as death toll nears 3,000

2023-10-09T16:00+0200guardian (en)

Survivors of a series of powerful earthquakes that struck western Afghanistan on Saturday have spent a second night sleeping amid the rubble of demolished villages as they search for loved ones using shovels, amid a death toll senior Taliban officials have said is approaching 3,000.

Strage in Afghanistan, oltre duemila morti nel sisma

2023-10-09T15:59+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) "Siamo tornati a casa e abbiamo visto che non era rimasto piu' nulla. Tutto si era trasformato in sabbia". Sono drammatici i racconti dei sopravvissuti del violento terremoto che ha colpito la ...

Unprecedented scale of health emergencies engulfs the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

2023-10-09T15:57+0200reliefWeb (en)

9 October 2023, Cairo, Egypt As ministers of health from countries and territories across the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region gather in Cairo, Egypt, for the 70th session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean, the Region is facing an unprecedented onslaught of emergencies that....

Strong mag. 5.1 earthquake - 45 km north of Herat, Afghanistan, on Monday, Oct 9, 2023 at 6:00 pm (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-09T15:55+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 628 km / 390 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

General documents - Statement of 9 October 2023 - Earthquake in Afghanistan: The European Parliament’s Afghanistan Delegation express solidarity to Afghan people - Delegation for relations with Afghanistan

2023-10-09T15:51+0200europarl (en)

The Chair of the EP Delegation for relations with Afghanistan (D-AF), Petras Auštrevičius (Renew, LT) issued the following statement today: "As Chair of the EP Delegation for relations with Afghanistan, I would like to convey my deep sadness by the loss of life and devastation caused by the deadly calamity that touched Herat area on Saturday.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.1 con epicentro en Ancud

2023-10-09T15:49+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del sismo se registraron a -42.045 grados de latitud y -74.335 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un temblor,....

The Star » Over 1,000 dead as Afghans dig for quake survivors

2023-10-09T15:45+0200kenyamoja (en)

Rescuers are digging for survivors of a powerful earthquake that flattened whole villages in Afghanistan , killing more than 1,000 people. The 6.3-magnitude quake struck Saturday morning in Herat province, a barren landscape dotted with mud brick homes.

More than Two Thousand dead in Earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T15:40+0200sarajevotimes (en)

In the powerful earthquakes in the west of Afghanistan , 2,053 were killed , while more than 9,000 were injured, the Afghan Ministry of Disaster Management announced. The same source states that at least 2,053 people died, and another 9,240 people were injured.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-10-09T15:39+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 64.0 kilómetros al Este de la ciudad, en -23.616 grados de latitud y -67.258 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 254.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue....

Afghan earthquake: Christian Aid “working flat out” on urgent response

2023-10-09T15:33+0200reliefWeb (en)

With thousands feared dead in western Afghanistan , the international development agency Christian Aid is coordinating with the UN to provide a life-saving response in villages flattened by Saturday’s devastating earthquake. A team from Chrisitan Aid’s local partner Organisation for Co-ordination of....

Sismo en Colombia este 9 de octubre: magnitud y epicentro del último temblor

2023-10-09T15:22+0200infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

Race to find survivors after devastating earthquakes hit Afghanistan More than 2,000 people were killed by powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan's western Herat region, but the toll is likely to rise. 1H ago

2023-10-09T15:21+0200cbslocal (en)

had seen in decades. Harrowing images of the frantic rescue efforts still ongoing Monday included video of a small child being pulled from beneath the rubble, clinging to a woman's hand. It wasn't clear whether the woman survived. As Taliban officials put the death toll well over 2,000 warning that....

Senior Taliban officials visit Afghan villages following earthquake that caused 2,000 deaths

2023-10-09T15:20+0200foxnews (en)

On Saturday, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake, along with strong aftershocks, struck the Herat province of Afghanistan . The disaster, which caused a death toll of at least 2,000 people, has become one of the most fatal quakes to strike Afghanistan in 20 years.

Strage in Afghanistan, oltre duemila morti nel sisma

2023-10-09T15:19+0200tiscali-it (it)

"Siamo tornati a casa e abbiamo visto che non era rimasto piu' nulla. Tutto si era trasformato in sabbia". Sono drammatici i racconti dei sopravvissuti del violento terremoto che ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat con un bilancio ancora provvisorio di oltre duemila morti e quasi 10.000 feriti.

Afghanistan earthquake: Aid agencies appeal for help

2023-10-09T15:03+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

There have been appeals for the the global community to help Afghanistan following Saturday's deadly 6.3 magnitude earthquake which the government said killed more than 2,000 people in the west of the country. Aid group CARE USA — a member of CARE International umbrella — said in a statement that....

Afghanistan: Volunteers search for quake victims

2023-10-09T15:03+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Saturday's magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest temors to strike Afghanistan in two decades. On the morning of October 7, a number of earthquakes startled residents of Herat, a province in western Afghanistan on the border with Iran.

Nationwide collection of aid donations for Earthquake victims begins

2023-10-09T15:03+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post KABUL (TOLO News): The process of collecting aid for the victims of the deadly Herat earthquake has started in various provinces of the country. These donations include medicine, cash, and blood for the injured. Residents of Kandahar, Zabul, Uruzgan, Helmand, Farah, Khost,....

Le séisme en Afghanistan fait 2 000 morts et des milliers de blessés

2023-10-09T15:03+0200forbes-fr (fr)

Plus de 2 000 personnes ont été tuées et des milliers d’autres blessées après deux séismes qui ont frappé l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan samedi, selon les talibans, frappant un pays déjà aux prises avec des troubles économiques et des crises humanitaires à la suite de la prise du pouvoir par les talibans.

Se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.6 en Socaire

2023-10-09T15:00+0200infobae (es)

La información hasta ahora obtenida del CNS señala que el sismo empezó a las 09:05 horas (hora local) de este lunes 9 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Earthquake kills more than 2,400 in Herat

2023-10-09T14:55+0200asianews (en)

The United Nations has begun to bring in food supplies, but after two days the remoter areas have not been yet reached. Survivors report that some villages have been razed to the ground. Taliban authorities first said more than 9,000 were injured, but then lowered the figure to “more than 2,000”. A Herat hospital has had to set up beds outside.

Mon. 8:41 a.m.: Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T14:48+0200vindy (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake Sunday in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan . Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Over 1,000 dead as Afghans dig for quake ...

2023-10-09T14:42+0200thestarkenya (en)

Rescuers are digging for survivors of a powerful earthquake that flattened whole villages in Afghanistan , killing more than 1,000 people. The 6.3-magnitude quake struck Saturday morning in Herat province, a barren landscape dotted with mud brick homes.

Terremoto, la terra continua a tremare a Herat, oltre 2mila vittime

2023-10-09T14:42+0200vita (it)

Afghanistan Terremoto, la terra continua a tremare a Herat, oltre 2mila vittime. Dopo il forte sisma di sabato 7 ottobre di magnitudo 6,3, lunedì una seconda scossa di 4,9 ha colpito ancora una volta l’area afghana. Sono oltre 11mila le persone colpite, con migliaia di feriti. Numeri che secondo le autorità sono destinati a salire.

2023-10-09T17:59:54+05:30 - World Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-09T14:41+0200thehindubusinessline (en)

NEW DELHI Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in by mountains, has a long history of strong earthquakes, many in the rugged Hindu Kush region bordering Pakistan.

Meteo Cronaca Diretta VIDEO: Afghanistan, violenta scossa di Terremoto provoca oltre 2000 vittime E' una catastrofe il terremoto che ha colpito l'Afghanistan con una serie di scosse, due di magnitudo 6.3. Come riporta il sito ansa.it il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri....

2023-10-09T14:38+0200informazione (it)

E' una catastrofe il terremoto che ha colpito l' Afghanistan con una serie di scosse, due di magnitudo 6.3. Come riporta il sito ansa.it il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: migliaia di bambini senza casa

2023-10-09T14:38+0200informazione (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha devastato gran parte della provincia di Herat , nell' Afghanistan occidentale, lasciando migliaia di bambini senza casa. Più di 2.000 persone sono state uccise o ferite e oltre 9.000 famiglie sono state gravemente colpite. Le aree più colpite si trovano a soli 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat.

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T14:32+0200thejournal (en)

A SENIOR TALIBAN delegation visited western Afghanistan ’s Herat province today in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages. Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong....

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T14:30+0200philly (en)

A senior Taliban delegation is visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people and flattened entire villages. ISLAMABAD (AP) — A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan’s Herat province on Monday in the....

Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T14:27+0200torontosun (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake’s epicenter was about 40 kilometers (25 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, the provincial capital. It was followed by three very strong aftershocks, measuring magnitude 6.3, 5.9 and 5.5, as well as lesser shocks.

Vajont, Mattarella sui luoghi del disastro: "Un tormento che ci interroga"

2023-10-09T14:25+0200ilgiornale (it)

"sopravvissute, quelle che hanno dovuto lasciare le loro case e quelle che hanno lottato strenuamente per ricostruirle, per rimanervi" Ad accogliere il capo dello Stato c'erano il presidente del Veneto Luca Zaia , il sindaco di Longarone Roberto Padrin e il presidente della Camera Lorenzo Fontana .

Evidencia científica avala el vertido al mar de aguas de Fukushima

2023-10-09T14:23+0200iagua (es)

Una investigación publicada en Science por científicos de las universidades de Portsmouth, Curtin y ANU d efiende que es seguro verter al mar agua contaminada del accidente nuclear de Fukushima. Los expertos evaluaron cualquier efecto potencial basándose en la evidencia científica de emisiones....

Terremoto oggi Afghanistan, nuova scossa: magnitudo 4.9

2023-10-09T14:16+0200virgilio (it)

Un altro terremoto di magnitudo 4.9 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale dopo la forte scossa di sabato con un bilancio che, secondo Kabul, parla di 2.053 morti e oltre 1.200 feriti.

Afghanistan dimenticato: terremoto causa oltre 2mila morti e 10mila feriti

2023-10-09T14:09+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) Un violento terremoto di 6.2 si è verificato nel Nord-Ovest dell' Afghanistan , seguito da almeno altre 4 potenti scosse. L'articolo proviene da LE VOCI DI DENTRO.

Another 4.9 magnitude earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-09T14:07+0200metrodailyng (en)

Another 4.9 magnitude earthquake jolted western Afghanistan on Monday as the government’s death toll from Saturday’s quake reached more than 2,000. The new tremors were confirmed by the U.S. Geological Survey and residents in the area. “It was quite intense,” a doctor in the area described Monday’s quake to dpa.

VIDÉO. Séisme en Afghanistan : plus de 2 000 morts et plus de 1 000 blessés

2023-10-09T14:06+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Votre e-mail, avec votre consentement, est utilisé par Ouest-France pour recevoir notre newsletter. Des villageois et volontaires sont mobilisés lundi pour aider à retrouver des survivants du puissant séisme qui dans l'Ouest de l' Afghanistan où l'aide commence lentement à arriver sur place.

VIDÉO. Séisme en Afghanistan : plus de 2 000 morts et plus de 1 000 blessés

2023-10-09T14:05+0200presseocean (fr)

Votre e-mail, avec votre consentement, est utilisé par Ouest-France pour recevoir notre newsletter. Des villageois et volontaires sont mobilisés lundi pour aider à retrouver des survivants du puissant séisme qui dans l'Ouest de l' Afghanistan où l'aide commence lentement à arriver sur place.

El Lleides Freestyle Show llega a Gran Canaria

2023-10-09T14:05+0200canarias7 (es)

El Paso (La Palma) y Arona (Tenerife) fueron en agosto los dos primeros y exitosos escenarios del Tour Canarias 2023 del Lleides Freestyle Show . Ahora, tal como estaba previsto en el calendario inicial, llega el turno de las islas de La Gomera y Gran Canaria, que ya se preparan para revivir una....

VIDÉO. Séisme en Afghanistan : plus de 2 000 morts et plus de 1 000 blessés

2023-10-09T14:01+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Votre e-mail, avec votre consentement, est utilisé par Ouest-France pour recevoir notre newsletter. Des villageois et volontaires sont mobilisés lundi pour aider à retrouver des survivants du puissant séisme qui dans l'Ouest de l' Afghanistan où l'aide commence lentement à arriver sur place.

Exclusive: Afghanistan in dire need of food, shelter

2023-10-09T13:57+0200cgtn (en)

The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan has climbed to over 2,400. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when a magnitude-6.3 earthquake and strong aftershocks hit Herat Province on Saturday.

Afghanistan earthquake: More than 1,000 dead as villagers dig for survivors

2023-10-09T13:57+0200bbc (en)

The quake hit Zinda Jan, a rural district some 40km from Herat city, where "100% of homes are estimated to have been completely destroyed," according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Images from the villages show entire houses, which were too fragile to withstand such a quake, reduced to rubble.

Another earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-09T13:53+0200punchng (en)

Another 4.9 magnitude earthquake jolted western Afghanistan on Monday as the government’s death toll from Saturday’s quake reached more than 2,000. The new tremors were confirmed by the U.S. Geological Survey and residents in the area. “It was quite intense,” a doctor in the area described Monday’s quake to dpa.

Another magnitude earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-09T13:53+0200tribuneonlineng (en)

Another 4.9 magnitude earthquake jolted western Afghanistan on Monday as the government’s death toll from Saturday’s quake reached more than 2,000. The new tremors were confirmed by the U.S. Geological Survey and residents in the area. “It was quite intense,” a doctor in the area described Monday’s....

México: es la hora de la diplomacia

2023-10-09T13:50+0200milenio (es)

Una buena prueba de fuego vive en este momento el servicio exterior mexicano ante la guerra que se vive en Israel. Y no se trata únicamente de una condena verbal y por escrito al ataque de Hamás. No. Lo importante será cómo trabajen la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, las fuerzas armadas....

Vietnam ensures earthquake-related citizen protection in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T13:44+0200vietnamplus-en (en)

Hanoi (VNA) - The in charge of Pakistan and Afghanistan announced on September 9 that there have been no reported Vietnamese casualties in a recent earthquake in Afghanistan. On October 7, a 6.3 magnitude quake coupled with numerous strong aftershocks struck the western region of Afghanistan, claiming the lives of over 2,400 people.

Another 4.9 magnitude earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-09T13:42+0200dailypost (en)

Another 4.9 magnitude earthquake jolted western Afghanistan on Monday as the government’s death toll from Saturday’s quake reached more than 2,000. The new tremors were confirmed by the U.S. Geological Survey and residents in the area. “It was quite intense,” a doctor in the area described Monday’s quake to dpa.

Terremoto Afghanistan/ Unicef: bambini e famiglie a rischio

2023-10-09T13:41+0200aise (it)

GINEVRA\ aise\ - "Le nostre più sentite condoglianze alle famiglie in lutto per la perdita dei loro cari. Insieme ai nostri partner, faremo ogni sforzo per portare rapidamente soccorso alle persone colpite". Così Fran Equiza , Rappresentante dell' Unicef in Afghanistan , in seguito al terremoto di....

Senior Taliban officials visit province struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T13:40+0200washtimes (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T13:38+0200startribune (en)

ISLAMABAD — A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday's magnitude 6.

Afghanistan - Earthquakes ( GDACS, USGS, CARE, UN OCHA, media ) (ECHO Daily Flash of 09 October 2023)

2023-10-09T13:36+0200reliefWeb (en)

A 6.3 M earthquake at a depth of 14 km, followed by a 6.3 M and two others of 5.9 M, hit Herat Province on 7 October at 6.41 UTC. The first 6.3 M earthquake was located in Zinda Jan District, 38 km northwest of Herat City. Several other aftershocks of magnitude up to 4.9 M have been recorded in the area.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T13:34+0200timesofindia (en)

delegation was visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday's magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was....

Afghanistan FACTBOX-UN, several nations pledge aid to Afghanistan after major earthquake About 2 hours ago

2023-10-09T13:32+0200devdiscourse (en)

FACTBOX-UN, several nations pledge aid to Afghanistan after major earthquake Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdullahian promised humanitarian aid and expressed his readiness to cooperate with Afghanistan, according to a statement. The Chinese Red Cross Society has pledged $200,000 in aid which will....

Terremoto in Afghanistan: le vittime sono oltre 2.000

2023-10-09T13:30+0200themapreport (it)

Oltre 2.000 vittime e 10.000 feriti. È il bilancio provvisorio del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che nella mattina di sabato ha colpito la regione occidentale di Herat, in Afghanistan . L’ufficio delle Nazioni Unite per gli affari umanitari ha fatto sapere che il numero delle vittime e dei danni è....

Race to find survivors after devastating earthquakes hit Afghanistan More than 2,000 people were killed by powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan's western Herat region, but the toll is likely to rise. 5M ago

2023-10-09T13:28+0200CBSnews (en)

had seen in decades. Harrowing images of the frantic rescue efforts still ongoing Monday included video of a small child being pulled from beneath the rubble, clinging to a woman's hand. It wasn't clear whether the woman survived. As Taliban officials put the death toll well over 2,000 warning that....

IOM deploys multiple mobile medical teams to the Herat earthquake zone

2023-10-09T13:26+0200khaama (en)

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has announced that it has dispatched three mobile medical teams to the earthquake-affected region of Zendejan District in Herat Province. The organization states that many families urgently need support after destroying their homes.

Terremoto a Herat, talebani: 'Più di 2.400 morti'

2023-10-09T13:25+0200asianews (it)

Kabul (AsiaNews/Agenzie) - È salito a più di 2.400 morti il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto che ha colpito l’ Afghanistan due giorni fa, hanno comunicato le autorità talebane, ma è difficile confermare il dato. Il portavoce del ministero per la gestione delle emergenze, Janan Sayeeq, ha riferito....

Vajont, duemila morti nella valle che non ebbe scampo. Mattarella ha ricordato le vittime

2023-10-09T13:25+0200genteditalia (it)

Quattro minuti. Quattro minuti sono il tempo che ebbero gli abitanti di Longarone e della valle del Piave per tentare di mettersi in salvo, quella notte del 1963 , prima che l'onda generata dalla frana del Toc nell'invaso del Vajont superasse la diga, radendo al suolo il paese.

Terremoto oggi Afghanistan, nuova scossa: magnitudo 4.9

2023-10-09T13:22+0200Quotidianodibari (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un altro terremoto di magnitudo 4.9 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale dopo la forte scossa di sabato con un bilancio che, secondo Kabul, parla di 2.053 morti e oltre 1.200 feriti. "E' stato abbastanza forte – ha detto un medico nell'area all'agenzia Dpa parlando della scossa di....

Terremoto oggi Afghanistan, nuova scossa: magnitudo 4.9

2023-10-09T13:17+0200quotidianodifoggia (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un altro terremoto di magnitudo 4.9 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale dopo la forte scossa di sabato con un bilancio che, secondo Kabul, parla di 2.053 morti e oltre 1.200 feriti. "E' stato abbastanza forte – ha detto un medico nell'area all'agenzia Dpa parlando della scossa di....

Over 2,000 Killed in Afghanistan Earthquake; Here's Why the Country Sees Frequent Earthquakes

2023-10-09T13:15+0200news18 (en)

The death toll from the Afghanistan earthquakes exceeded over 2,000 on Monday as more bodies continued to be pulled from demolished villages and buried in mass graves. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the densely populated area near Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks.

Türkiye sends aid to Afghanistan following deadly dısaster

2023-10-09T13:15+0200dailysabah (en)

The Ministry of Defense has initiated relief efforts in response to the devastating earthquake that struck Afghanistan , causing significant loss of life and widespread destruction. An aid plane, organized by the ministry, departed from Ankara on Monday, carrying essential survival materials and equipment needed to support the affected region.

Moderate mag. 4.7 earthquake - 48 km north of Herat, Afghanistan, on Monday, Oct 9, 2023 at 2:16 pm (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-09T13:12+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 643 km / 400 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Terremoto oggi Afghanistan, nuova scossa: magnitudo 4.9

2023-10-09T13:07+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un altro terremoto di magnitudo 4.9 ha colpito oggi l’ Afghanistan occidentale dopo la forte scossa di sabato con un bilancio che, secondo Kabul, parla di 2.053 morti e oltre 1.200 feriti. “E’ stato abbastanza forte – ha detto un medico nell’area all’agenzia Dpa parlando della scossa di....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T13:02+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T12:58+0200buffalonews (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Türkiye Sends Relief Goods To Earthquake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-09T12:57+0200haberler-en (en)

'We are extending our country's helping hand to Afghanistan ,' says Turkish National Defense Ministry. Türkiye dispatched relief goods for the victims of massive earthquakes in northwestern Afghanistan. "We are extending our country's helping hand to Afghanistan," the Turkish National Defense Ministry Monday said on X.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T12:57+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Lie on the floor and marvel at the new wonder in Tate’s Turbine Hall

2023-10-09T12:55+0200thetimes (en)

Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall is in full sail. The slope from the doors to the ticket desk has become the deck of a ship with a billowing canvas above it. The maker of the sail is the Ghanaian-born artist El Anatsui and his material isn’t waxed cotton but bottle tops and seals.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.0 de magnitud en Pica

2023-10-09T12:52+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 45.0 kilómetros al Sureste de la localidad, en -20.845 grados de latitud y -69.131 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 108.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue....

Searching For Survivors And The Dead As Afghan Quake Toll Continues To Rise

2023-10-09T12:51+0200rferl (en)

1 A man carries the lifeless body of his child, who was killed during an earthquake in the village of Sarbuland in Herat Province's Zindah Jan district on October 8. Aid workers have reached some quake-stricken areas of western Afghanistan and started distributing emergency food supplies to those....

Lie on the floor and marvel at the new wonder in Tate’s Turbine Hall

2023-10-09T12:51+0200thesundaytimes (en)

Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall is in full sail. The slope from the doors to the ticket desk has become the deck of a ship with a billowing canvas above it. The maker of the sail is the Ghanaian-born artist El Anatsui and his material isn’t waxed cotton but bottle tops and seals.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T12:47+0200missoulian (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T12:46+0200wacotrib (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Foro IA, el primer ‘think tank’ especializado en inteligencia artificial para las empresas

2023-10-09T12:44+0200computerworld-es (es)

La inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa ha logrado penetrar en las organizaciones consolidándose como una herramienta más para impulsar los objetivos de negocio. Desde su irrupción de la mano de ChatGPT, su popularidad no ha dejado de aumentar entre las empresas.

Dust and despair in Afghan village wiped out by quakes

2023-10-09T12:42+0200manilatimes (en)

KASHKAK, Afghanistan : The hardscrabble village of Kashkak, a collection of mud-brick homes perched on a dusty plateau in western Afghanistan, is now a pile of rubble. The village was flattened by a 6.3-magnitude quake, followed by a series of eight powerful aftershocks, that buried many of its inhabitants on Saturday morning.

Terremoto oggi Afghanistan, nuova scossa: magnitudo 4.9

2023-10-09T12:42+0200rete55 (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un altro terremoto di magnitudo 4.9 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale dopo la forte scossa di sabato con un bilancio che, secondo Kabul, parla di 2.053 morti e oltre 1.200 feriti. "E' stato abbastanza forte – ha detto un medico nell'area all'agenzia Dpa parlando della scossa di....

MIL-OSI Translation: An earthquake leaves at least 100 dead in Herat, Afghanistan

2023-10-09T12:40+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Nations – in Spanish 4. Headline: An earthquake leaves at least 100 dead in Herat, Afghanistan . A strong earthquake struck the Afghan city of Herat early Saturday, killing at least 100 people and triggering a flurry of rescue and assessment missions by UN agencies, partners and de facto authorities.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, un’ecatombe: oltre 2mila vittime e 9mila feriti

2023-10-09T12:40+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) Sono più di 2mila le persone che sono morte in Afghanistan il 7 ottobre a causa dei forti terremoti che hanno sconvolto il paese asiatico. oltre 9mila , invece, i feriti , secondo quanto riportato dall’amministrazione talebana a Kabul.

Terremoto oggi Afghanistan, nuova scossa: magnitudo 4.9

2023-10-09T12:40+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) Sabato il sisma di magnitudo 6.3 Un altro Terremoto di magnitudo 4.9 ha colpito oggi l’ Afghanistan occidentale dopo la forte scossa di sabato con un bilancio che, secondo Kabul, parla di 2.053 morti e oltre 1.200 feriti. “E’ stato abbastanza forte – ha detto un medico....

In Afghanistan continuano le ricerche dei sopravvissuti del terremoto

2023-10-09T12:40+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) Con l’arrivo dell’inverno, dare riparo ai sopravvissuti sarà una sfida per il governo guidato dai taliban, che ha rapporti conflittuali con le organizzazioni umanitarie internazionali. Leggi.

Disastro Vajont

2023-10-09T12:38+0200ilrestodelcarlino (it)

Disastro del Vajont, oggi è il giorno del ricordo. Mattarella alla commemorazione per i 60 anni della frana: “Rispettare l’ambiente è garanzia di vita” Il capo dello Stato ha dato avvio alla cerimonia al cimitero di Longarone (Belluno), dove sono sepolti 1.920 morti. Paolo Fresu ha accompagnato il coro dei 487 bambini.

PM saddened by devastating earthquake in Afghanistan, assures maximum support for affected people

2023-10-09T12:26+0200dunyanews (en)

ISLAMABAD, Oct 9 (APP):Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar on Monday expressed deep sorrow over the loss of precious lives and property in the devastating earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan . “Our hearts go out to the affected communities. We stand in solidarity with the Afghans during this difficult time.

Terremoto oggi Afghanistan, nuova scossa: magnitudo 4.9

2023-10-09T12:26+0200adnkronos (it)

Un altro terremoto di magnitudo 4.9 ha colpito oggi l' Afghanistan occidentale dopo la forte scossa di sabato con un bilancio che, secondo Kabul, parla di 2.053 morti e oltre 1.200 feriti. "E' stato abbastanza forte - ha detto un medico nell'area all'agenzia Dpa parlando della scossa di stamani - Le....

Afghanistan earthquake local rescue group "needs supplies and shelter"

2023-10-09T12:23+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-09T10:22:45.889Z. Highlights: Afghanistan earthquake local rescue group "needs supplies and shelter". [NHK] More than 7,2000 people have been killed so far by the interim government of the Taliban, an Islamist group at the helm in the country. Two magnitude 7.

Nationwide Collection of Aid Donations for Earthquake Victims Begins

2023-10-09T12:23+0200tolonews (en)

The process of collecting aid for the victims of the deadly Herat earthquake has started in various provinces of the country. These donations include medicine, cash, and blood for the injured. Residents of Kandahar, Zabul, Uruzgan, Helmand, Farah, Khost, Paktia, and Nimroz are asking businessmen in....

In photos: Thousands dead, homes destroyed in Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-09T12:23+0200WashingtonPost (en)

More than 2,400 people were killed and thousands more injured after an earthquake hit the surroundings of Herat, in northwest Afghanistan , government officials have estimated. Ebrahim Noroozi/AP Ebrahim Noroozi/AP The initial 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck Saturday morning and was followed by....

12:09 Fucecchio| Io non rischio, la Protezione civile informa in piazza Pertini a Fucecchio

2023-10-09T12:23+0200gonews (it)

Sabato 14 ottobre dalle 9 alle 18 anche Fucecchio partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi boschivi, l’appuntamento è in Piazza Pertini – Parcheggio Coop.

Se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.7 en la ciudad de Huasco

2023-10-09T12:21+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del temblor, según el CNS, fueron a -27.91 grados de latitud y -71.222 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Petit tsunami consécutif à un séisme superficiel de magnitude 5 dans les iles Izu (Japon)

2023-10-09T12:20+0200catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Les îles japonaises d’Izu et certaines parties de la côte pacifique près de Tokyo ont connu des vagues de tsunami allant jusqu’à 60 cm de hauteur déclenchées par un tremblement de terre M5.0 peu profond qui s’est produit à 20h26 UTC le 8 octobre 2023 (05h26 heure locale, 9 octobre).

'Io non rischio', il 14 e il 15 ottobre in 74 piazze della Toscana.Oltre 900 volontari

2023-10-09T12:12+0200met-provincia-fi (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Regione Toscana partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

Kazakhstan to Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Quake-Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-09T12:11+0200astanatimes (en)

ASTANA – Kazakhstan will provide humanitarian assistance to earthquake-hit Afghanistan , following the instructions of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the Prime Minister’s press service reported on Oct. 9. Kazakhstan will deliver food, tents, medicine, clothing and other essential items by air and rail in the near future.

Terremoto Afghanistan: si cercano ancora corpi tra le macerie, nuova scossa nell’Ovest

2023-10-09T12:08+0200meteoweb (it)

Nuova scossa di terremoto magnitudo 4.9 , in Afghanistan occidentale, un’altra replica della forte scossa di sabato scorso , con un bilancio che, secondo Kabul, è di 2.053 morti e oltre 1.200 feriti. “ E’ stato abbastanza forte. Le persone si sono rifugiate nei parchi, negli spazi aperti, nei....

Moderate mag. 4.9 earthquake - 189km SSW of Kabul , Afghanistan, on 2023-10-09 15:17:12 IST

2023-10-09T12:07+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 180 km / 112 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Taliban Officials Visit Villages Struck By Earthquake That Killed At Least 2,000 People

2023-10-09T12:06+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 6.3 quake hit western Afghanistan 's Herat province, killing at least 2,000 people and flattening entire villages. ......

Afghan, Iranian foreign ministers discuss Herat earthquake aftermath

2023-10-09T12:06+0200wn (en)

ISTANBUL, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 9th Oct, 2023) Afghan and Iranian foreign ministers on Monday held a phone call to discuss the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes that struck Afghanistan 's northwestern Herat province on Saturday.

Rescuers search for survivors days after deadly quakes hit Afghanistan

2023-10-09T12:05+0200cgtn (en)

Rescue workers on Monday scrambled to pull out survivors, and the dead, from beneath the rubble two days after the northwestern city of Herat and its surroundings were struck by the deadliest earthquakes to rattle Afghanistan in years. According to the China Earthquake Networks Center, two earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.

US leads moment of silence for Israeli victims at UN Human Rights Council

2023-10-09T12:04+0200timesofindia (en)

The United States led a moment of silence at the United Nations Human Rights Council to honor the lives lost in the recent Hamas attack on Israel. The US condemned the acts of terrorism and expressed solidarity with the people and government of Israel.

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T11:53+0200oxfordtimes (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Cancer du sein : la nécessité de consulter un psy

2023-10-09T11:51+0200elle-fr (fr)

METTRE DES MOTS SUR SA SOUFFRANCE. déclenche un tsunami émotionnel. Heureusement, on peut compter sur ses proches, mais ils ont leurs propres limites. Alors, un lieu où l’on exprime librement ses émotions est précieux. Ressentez-vous le besoin de consulter au moment du diagnostic ? Des traitements ? Écoutez votre voix intérieure.

Taliban Officials Visit Villages Struck By Earthquake That Killed At Least 2,000 People

2023-10-09T11:50+0200huffpostmaghreb (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , on Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T11:49+0200edp24 (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Factbox-UN, several nations pledge aid to Afghanistan after major earthquake 43m ago

2023-10-09T11:48+0200wkzo (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – The United Nations and several countries are lining up aid for Afghanistan after a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the northwest killed more than 2,000 people. Below are some facts about the pledges so far, as U.N. agencies try to assess the damage and casualties in Herat province in northwestern Afghanistan.

U.S. leads moment of silence for Israeli victims at UN Human Rights Council 57m ago

2023-10-09T11:48+0200wkzo (en)

GENEVA (Reuters) – The United States on Monday led a moment of silence at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva to commemorate the lives of people killed in the major Hamas attack on Israel. “The United States unequivocally condemns these heinous acts of terrorism,” Michele Taylor, U.S.

Factbox-UN, several nations pledge aid to Afghanistan after major earthquake ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The United Nations and several countries are lining up aid for Afghanistan after a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the n... 36m ago

2023-10-09T11:42+0200kelo (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – The United Nations and several countries are lining up aid for Afghanistan after a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the northwest killed more than 2,000 people. Below are some facts about the pledges so far, as U.N. agencies try to assess the damage and casualties in Herat province in northwestern Afghanistan.

Afghanistan Earthquake Appeal

2023-10-09T11:39+0200reliefWeb (en)

A deadly earthquake of 6.3 magnitude hit Afghanistan on Saturday 7 October 2023, taking the lives of 2,000 people so far and thousands more injured. The earthquake struck 40km northwest of the city of Herat in Afghanistan, where up to 3,000 families (10,000 individuals) and 12 villages near the city of Herat have been affected.

Taliban Officials Visit Villages Struck By Earthquake That Killed At Least 2,000 People

2023-10-09T11:35+0200huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , on Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Factbox-UN, several nations pledge aid to Afghanistan after major earthquake ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The United Nations and several countries are lining up aid for Afghanistan after a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the n... 27m ago

2023-10-09T11:32+0200wsau (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – The United Nations and several countries are lining up aid for Afghanistan after a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the northwest killed more than 2,000 people. Below are some facts about the pledges so far, as U.N. agencies try to assess the damage and casualties in Herat province in northwestern Afghanistan.

No Kazakh citizens were injured or killed during earthquake in Afghanistan - Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan

2023-10-09T11:32+0200akipress-en (en)

AKIPRESS.COM - There are no Kazakh citizens among those injured or killed as a result of the earthquake in western Afghanistan , official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aibek Smadiyarov said during a briefing on Monday, Vlast.kz reports.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T11:29+0200stripes (en)

ISLAMABAD — A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Aid group warns devastation from Afghanistan earthquake ‘worse than we imagined’

2023-10-09T11:27+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

International aid groups in Afghanistan are scrambling to send help to survivors of this weekend’s earthquake in the west of the country which left more than 2,000 people dead and many more injured in a war-ravaged nation already stricken by an economic crisis. The 6.

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T11:25+0200theargus (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Pakistan dispatches relief goods to earthquake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-09T11:24+0200aa-en (en)

KARACHI, Pakistan. Pakistan on Monday said it is dispatching the first consignment of relief goods for the victims of Saturday's massive earthquakes in northwestern Afghanistan . Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar said that Islamabad is immediately sending a medical team, field hospital, 50....

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T11:23+0200singaporestar (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat, where 13 villages have been "utterly destroyed," said....

Factbox-UN, several nations pledge aid to Afghanistan after major earthquake

2023-10-09T11:23+0200gazette (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The United Nations and several countries are lining up aid for Afghanistan after a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the northwest killed more than 2,000 people. Below are some facts about the pledges so far, as U.N. agencies try to assess the damage and casualties in Herat province in northwestern Afghanistan.

Japan's weather agency issues tsunami advisories

2023-10-09T11:23+0200singaporestar (en)

TOKYO, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued tsunami advisories on Monday for multiple locations following two earthquakes. Tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the prefectures of Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki and Kagoshima, said the JMA.

U.S. leads moment of silence for Israeli victims at UN Human Rights Council Reuters |Updated 30 minutes ago |1 min read GENEVA (Reuters) - The United States on Monday led a moment of silence at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva to commemorate the lives of people killed in the major Hamas attack on Israel.

2023-10-09T11:22+0200thechronicleherald (en)

GENEVA (Reuters) - The United States on Monday led a moment of silence at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva to commemorate the lives of people killed in the major Hamas attack on Israel. "The United States unequivocally condemns these heinous acts of terrorism," Michele Taylor, U.S.

Dust And Despair As Over 2,000 Killed In Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-09T11:22+0200ndtvnews (en)

Afghanistan : The hardscrabble village of Kashkak, a collection of mud-brick homes perched on a dusty plateau in western Afghanistan, is now a pile of rubble. The village was flattened by a magnitude 6.3 quake followed by a series of eight powerful aftershocks that buried many of its inhabitants Saturday morning.

U.S. leads moment of silence for Israeli victims at UN Human Rights Council

2023-10-09T11:22+0200thechronicleherald (en)

GENEVA (Reuters) - The United States on Monday led a moment of silence at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva to commemorate the lives of people killed in the major Hamas attack on Israel. "The United States unequivocally condemns these heinous acts of terrorism," Michele Taylor, U.S.

The tsunami of violence in Israel could engulf the Middle East

2023-10-09T11:21+0200independent-UK (en)

Gaza’s tsunami of violence has emboldened Israel’s enemies – and could engulf the Middle East Syrian troops massing on the border. Iran blamed for backing the invasion. The possibility of all-out war with Lebanon… Marc Almond on the bloody fall-out triggered by Hamas. A plume of smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike on Gaza City.

Rescue workers hurry to reach hundreds of Afghans buried under quake debris

2023-10-09T11:19+0200npr (en)

A powerful earthquake has killed more than 2,000 people in western Afghanistan . Rescue workers hurry to reach hundreds of Afghans buried under quake....

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T11:15+0200manilametro (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat, where 13 villages have been "utterly destroyed," said....

Japan's weather agency issues tsunami advisories

2023-10-09T11:15+0200manilametro (en)

TOKYO, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued tsunami advisories on Monday for multiple locations following two earthquakes. Tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the prefectures of Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki and Kagoshima, said the JMA.

Switzerland examines aid for earthquake zone in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T11:14+0200swissinfo (en)

The foreign ministry told the Keystone-SDA news agency on Sunday that the government’s Humanitarian Aid was following the situation closely and examining a possible response. The agency did not provide more detailed information. The foreign ministry reportedly had no knowledge of any Swiss citizens affected by the earthquake.

UN, several nations pledge aid to Afghanistan after major earthquake

2023-10-09T11:11+0200straitstimesSG (en)

ISLAMABAD - The United Nations and several countries are lining up aid for Afghanistan after a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the northwest killed more than 2,000 people. Below are some facts about the pledges so far, as U.N. agencies try to assess the damage and casualties in Herat province in northwestern Afghanistan.

U.S. leads moment of silence for Israeli victims at UN Human Rights Council

2023-10-09T11:11+0200straitstimesSG (en)

GENEVA - The United States on Monday led a moment of silence at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva to commemorate the lives of people killed in the major Hamas attack on Israel. "The United States unequivocally condemns these heinous acts of terrorism," Michele Taylor, U.S. Permanent Representative to the council, told the U.

Afghans continue to dig out the dead after quake kills over 2,000

2023-10-09T11:08+0200nikkei-en (en)

KABUL -- Noor Ahmad was busy Sunday digging out dead bodies after a powerful earthquake devastated Kushkak in a far-flung village in Herat province, Afghanistan . The 42-year-old says more than 375 people have been lost there, with more dead under rubble.

Factbox-UN, Several Nations Pledge Aid to Afghanistan After Major Earthquake

2023-10-09T11:07+0200usnews (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The United Nations and several countries are lining up aid for Afghanistan after a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the northwest killed more than 2,000 people. Below are some facts about the pledges so far, as U.N. agencies try to assess the damage and casualties in Herat province in northwestern Afghanistan.

Factbox-UN, several nations pledge aid to Afghanistan after major earthquake

2023-10-09T11:06+0200streetinsider (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The United Nations and several countries are lining up aid for Afghanistan after a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the northwest killed more than 2,000 people. Below are some facts about the pledges so far, as U.N. agencies try to assess the damage and casualties in Herat province in northwestern Afghanistan.

Factbox-ONU, diverse nazioni si impegnano a fornire aiuti all'Afghanistan dopo un grave terremoto

2023-10-09T11:06+0200marketscreener (it)

Di seguito sono riportati alcuni dati relativi agli impegni assunti finora, mentre le agenzie delle Nazioni Unite cercano di valutare i danni e le vittime nella provincia di Herat, nell' Afghanistan nord-occidentale. Il coordinatore umanitario delle Nazioni Unite ha approvato un'assegnazione di....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, si scava ancora tra le macerie

2023-10-09T11:05+0200ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) - Si continua a scavare tra le macerie, a mani nude e con pale, nel distretto di Zenda Jan, nell' Afghanistan occidentale nel disperato tentativo di ritrovare qualcuno in vita dopo il potente terremote che ha ucciso almeno 2.000 persone. Interi villaggi sono stati rasi al suolo dal sisma.

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n’est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T11:04+0200quotidien-lu (fr)

Le village pauvre de Kashkak, un ensemble d’habitations fragiles en terre séchée perchées sur un plateau poussiéreux de l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , n’est plus qu’un amas de débris, sous lesquels les habitants ont été ensevelis par le violent séisme de samedi.

World Reacts to Herat Earthquake

2023-10-09T11:03+0200tolonews (en)

The earthquake in Herat that reportedly left over 2,400 people dead and over 2,000 others injured has sparked widespread reactions inside Afghanistan as well as abroad. A magnitude 6.3 earthquake shocked Herat and its neighboring provinces on Saturday. This was followed by a series of aftershocks.

Factbox-UN, several nations pledge aid to Afghanistan after major earthquake

2023-10-09T11:01+02004-traders (en)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The United Nations and several countries are lining up aid for Afghanistan after a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the northwest killed more than 2,000 people. Below are some facts about the pledges so far, as U.N. agencies try to assess the damage and casualties in Herat province in northwestern Afghanistan.

Les recherches continuent après le séisme en Afghanistan, l'aide arrive lentement

2023-10-09T11:00+0200tv5 (fr)

Des villageois et volontaires sont mobilisés lundi pour aider à retrouver des survivants du puissant séisme qui a tué plus de 2.000 personnes dans l'Ouest de l' Afghanistan où l'aide commence lentement à arriver sur place. Des camions remplis de nourriture, d'eau et de couvertures ont atteint les....

U.S. Leads Moment of Silence for Israeli Victims at UN Human Rights Council

2023-10-09T10:58+0200usnews (en)

Overview of the European headquarters of the United Nations are seen on the first day of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland September 11, 2023. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse/File Photo Reuters GENEVA (Reuters) - The United States on Monday led a moment of silence at the United Nations Human....

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:48+0200wn (en)

A senior Taliban delegation is visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people and flattened entire villages ......

IRC deploys emergency response team to areas of Afghanistan impacted by 6.3 magnitude earthquake October 9, 2023

2023-10-09T10:47+0200rescue-uk (en)

Kabul, Afghanistan , October 9, 2023 — The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is deeply saddened by the devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck west of Herat on October 7. With hundreds of people confirmed to have lost their lives so far, the IRC has deployed emergency response teams to....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:42+0200lbc (en)

A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:42+0200thecomet (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....


2023-10-09T10:42+0200bernama (en)

"The number of casualties and affected households affected is expected to rise as remote areas are reached and assessments are completed," the OCHA said. The UN released US$5 million dollars in emergency aid on Sunday and announced an appeal for donations soon after assessing the needs.

Afghanistan earthquake leaves 2,000 people dead

2023-10-09T10:42+0200arkansasonline (en)

ISLAMABAD -- Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan on Sunday, in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses and locals waited for help digging people out.

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:38+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Bahrain offers condolences to Afghanistan over earthquake victims

2023-10-09T10:38+0200libyannewswire (en)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain expresseed sympathy and solidarity with Afghanistan over the devastating earthquake that struck the west of the country, which led to many casualties and injuries. Source: Bahrain News Agency.

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:38+0200salisburyjournal (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

La Chine propose une aide humanitaire à l’Afghanistan

2023-10-09T10:38+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Dimanche, la Chine a proposé à l’ Afghanistan de soutenir ses efforts de secours aux sinistrés à la suite d’un séisme de magnitude 6,2 survenu dans la province d’Herat dans l’Ouest du pays, qui a fait plus de 2000 victimes et près de 10 000 blessés. Les analystes chinois ont appelé la communauté....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:37+0200thenorthernecho (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

At least 2,000 killed in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-09T10:37+0200nbcnews (en)

Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by Saturday's powerful earthquake and aftershocks that killed at least 2,000 people. Oct. 9, 2023 Senate Majority Leader Schumer calls on China to support....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:36+0200eveningnews24 (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:36+0200eadt (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:36+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:36+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

In Photos: Aftermath Of Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-09T10:35+0200outlookindia (en)

Two powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan on Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. The search for victims after the quake in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province is underway. 1 13 Afghanistan Earthquake Photo: AP/Ebrahim Noroozi.

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:35+0200chesterfirst (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:34+0200southwalesargus (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:34+0200hertsad (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:34+0200dailyecho (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by …

2023-10-09T10:33+0200wowktv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Hundreds dead in powerful Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-09T10:33+0200thechronicle (en)

Hundreds of people are feared dead after a powerful earthquake hit western Afghanistan , near the Iranian border. The Taliban government initially said the death toll could be more than 2,000, but later clarified that this number included injured people as well. The 6.

12:29 Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T10:33+0200clicanoo (fr)

Kashkak a été entièrement anéanti par le séisme de magnitude 6,3 et les huit fortes répliques qui ont frappé la région faisant plus de 2.000 morts au total, selon les autorités afghanes. "Nous avons extrait des décombres plusieurs corps. Trois étaient des enfants en bas âge", raconte Amir Hussain,....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:32+0200thecourier (en)

A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:31+0200thetelegraphandargus (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:31+0200yorkpress (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:30+0200newsandstar (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:30+0200pressandjournal (en)

A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:30+0200impartialreporter (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:30+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:29+0200eveningtimes (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat and was followed by strong aftershocks in what was one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. Taliban-appointed deputy prime minister for economic affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar and his team will visit the....

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:29+0200eagletribune (en)

A senior Taliban delegation is visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people and flattened entire villages. Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat < and was followed by strong aftershocks.

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T10:27+0200irishexaminer (en)

A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T10:26+0200cambodiantimes (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat, where 13 villages have been "utterly destroyed," said....

Taliban chiefs visit Afghan villages hit by quake that killed at least 2,00010:25

2023-10-09T10:26+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:23+0200whig (en)

A senior Taliban delegation is visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people and flattened entire villages. Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat < and was followed by strong aftershocks.

Caretaker PM expresses deep grief over devastating earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T10:23+0200radio-pk (en)

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has expressed deep grief over the devastating earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan . In a tweet today, he expressed heartfelt sympathy for the communities affected by the disaster. The Prime Minister said Pakistan stands in solidarity with the Afghans during this difficult time.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:22+0200news-gazette (en)

A senior Taliban delegation is visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people and flattened entire villages. Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat < and was followed by strong aftershocks.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by …

2023-10-09T10:21+0200wearecentralpa (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:21+0200yakimaherald (en)

A senior Taliban delegation is visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people and flattened entire villages. Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a densely populated area in Herat < and was followed by strong aftershocks.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:20+0200ABCnews (en)

ISLAMABAD -- A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T10:20+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Le village pauvre de Kashkak, un ensemble d'habitations fragiles en terre séchée perchées sur un plateau poussiéreux de l'Ouest de l' Afghanistan , n'est plus qu'un amas de débris, sous lesquels les habitants ont été ensevelis par le violent séisme de samedi.

Death Toll Climbs to 2,000 after Deadliest Quake Jolts Afghanist

2023-10-09T10:19+0200timesnownews (en)

an, Rescue Ops Underway. On October 7, a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 struck western Afghanistan . Strong aftershocks were felt in the neighbouring Badghis and Farah provinces. This earthquake was the third largest in Afghanistan and was followed by multiple aftershocks.

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T10:17+0200tv5 (fr)

Le village pauvre de Kashkak, un ensemble d'habitations fragiles en terre séchée perchées sur un plateau poussiéreux de l'Ouest de l' Afghanistan , n'est plus qu'un amas de débris, sous lesquels les habitants ont été ensevelis par le violent séisme de samedi.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:15+0200devdiscourse (en)

A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday's magnitude 6.

PM saddened by devastating earthquake in Afghanistan, assures maximum support for affected people

2023-10-09T10:15+0200app-en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Oct 9 (APP):Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar on Monday expressed deep sorrow over the loss of precious lives and property in the devastating earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan . “Our hearts go out to the affected communities. We stand in solidarity with the Afghans during this difficult time.

Singapore Red Cross to give over $68k to support quake victims in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T10:15+0200straitstimesSG (en)

SINGAPORE – The Singapore Red Cross (SRC) has pledged US$50,000 (S$68,400) in humanitarian aid to support those affected by the It will also launch a public fundraising appeal for relief and recovery operations in the mountainous country in the coming week, SRC said on Monday. An earthquake of 6.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:12+0200qz (en)

Afghan people mourn for relatives killed in an earthquake at a burial site in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:10+0200wftv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:08+0200kob (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T10:08+0200lemauricien (fr)

Le village pauvre de Kashkak, un ensemble d'habitations fragiles en terre séchée perchées sur un plateau poussiéreux de l'Ouest de l' Afghanistan , n'est plus qu'un amas de débris, sous lesquels les habitants ont été ensevelis par le violent séisme de samedi.

Senior Taliban Officials Visit Villages Struck by Earthquake That Killed at Least 2,000 People

2023-10-09T10:07+0200usnews (en)

Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:05+0200independent-UK (en)

A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:04+0200actionnewsjax (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:03+0200wsoctv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A senior Taliban delegation was visiting western Afghanistan 's Herat province on Monday in the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people over the weekend and flattened entire villages, a statement said. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Afghanistan Earthquake: Taliban Forms Aid Committee for Victims, Toll Reaches 2,053

2023-10-09T10:02+0200news18 (en)

The Taliban-led government in Afghanistan on Monday said they formed a ministerial committee for rescue and urgent assistance with the earthquake victims. Afghan villagers and rescue teams were digging away in order to find survivors after a series of earthquakes rattled Afghanistan’s Herat on Saturday.

Séisme en Afghanistan : un bilan humain lourd après un violent tremblement de terre

2023-10-09T10:01+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Un séisme meurtrier a touché l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , samedi 7 octobre, faisant plus de 2 000 morts et plus de 1 000 blessés. C'est un miracle qui s'est produit à Hérat ( dimanche 8 octobre. Une petite fille est retrouvée ensevelie sous des gravats. Celle-ci est affaiblie. Les secours s'activent pour la sortir.

Senior Taliban officials visit villages struck by earthquake that killed at least 2,000 people

2023-10-09T10:00+0200apnews (en)

1 of 10 Afghan people carry the body of a relative killed in an earthquake to a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Powerful earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-09T09:58+0200smh (en)

Hospitals in Afghanistan are struggling to cope with an influx of patients following a powerful earthquake.

Antarctica Ozone Hole Grows To Three Times The Size Of Brazil

2023-10-09T09:57+0200ibtimes-uk (en)

The ozone hole over Antarctica has become as big as three times the size of Brazil, according to Copernicus, the European Union's Earth observation programme. The ESA claimed that the ozone hole reached approximately 10 million square miles (26 million square kilometres) in area on September 16,....

Race to find survivors after deadly quakes strike Afghanistan

2023-10-09T09:56+0200euronews-en (en)

Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses and locals waited for help without even shovels to dig people out.

Death toll exceeds 2,000 in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-09T09:55+0200globalsecurity (en)

Iran Press TV. Sunday, 08 October 2023 5:57 AM. The death toll from a series of earthquakes in Afghanistan that has hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan has passed two thousand. Afghanistan Disaster Management Authority's spokesperson Mullah Janan Saiq said on Sunday over 2,000 people died and....

Death toll of quakes soars to 2,053 in Afghanistan, officials call for assistance

2023-10-09T09:55+0200globalsecurity (en)

People's Daily Online. (Xinhua) 18:19, October 08, 2023. HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- The death toll of the earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, a spokesman for the national disaster authority, Mullah Janan Shaeq, said on Sunday.

Thousands Now Feared Dead After Quakes Strike Western Afghanistan

2023-10-09T09:55+0200globalsecurity (en)

By RFE/RL's Radio Azadi October 08, 2023. Rescue efforts continued October 8 in western Afghanistan a day after a series of powerful earthquakes left a wave of destruction and killed more than 2,000 people in what is being described as the worst such natural disaster in years in the quake-prone mountainous country.

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T09:55+0200globalsecurity (en)

People's Daily Online. (Xinhua) 08:34, October 09, 2023. HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat,....

Powerful earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-09T09:55+0200theage (en)

Hospitals in Afghanistan are struggling to cope with an influx of patients following a powerful earthquake.

Powerful earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-09T09:54+0200brisbanetimes (en)

Hospitals in Afghanistan are struggling to cope with an influx of patients following a powerful earthquake.

Tragedia del Vajont, la diga distrutta ed i 1910 morti di 60 anni fa, oggi Mattarella a Longarone

2023-10-09T09:51+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) oggi , 9 ottobre 2023, cade il sessantesimo anni versario della strage del Vajont , avvenuto il 9 ottobre 1963. Nonostante siano passati sessanta anni dal quel tragico evento, la commozione e il ricordo delle comunità travolte da un vero e proprio tsunami che, alzandosi per centinaia di metri superò la.

Earthquake: Rescuers Search For Survivors In Northern Afghanistan

2023-10-09T09:47+0200von (en)

Rescue workers on Monday scrambled to pull out survivors, and the dead, from beneath the rubble two days after the Northwestern city of Herat and its surroundings were struck by the deadliest earthquakes to rattle Afghanistan in years. Authorities said at least 2,400 people were killed and many more....

Séisme en AfghanistanUn village ravagé n’est plus que poussière et désespoir 0 0

2023-10-09T09:46+0200lematin-CH (fr)

Le village pauvre de Kashkak a été anéanti par le séisme de magnitude 6,3 et les huit fortes répliques qui ont frappé la région, faisant plus de 2000 morts, selon les autorités afghanes. «Nous avons extrait des décombres plusieurs corps. Trois étaient des enfants en bas âge», raconte Amir Hussain,....

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T09:42+0200franceantilles-martinique (fr)

Le village pauvre de Kashkak, un ensemble d'habitations fragiles en terre séchée perchées sur un plateau poussiéreux de l'Ouest de l' Afghanistan , n'est plus qu'un amas de débris, sous lesquels les habitants ont été ensevelis par le violent séisme de samedi.

Thousands killed in deadliest earthquake in Afghanistan for decades

2023-10-09T09:41+0200itv (en)

Afghans have been desperately digging through rubble with their bare hands and shovels to try and pull victims from the wreckage of powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit a densely populated area near Herat, Afghanistan , flattening entire villages and trapping both the living and dead under rubble.

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T09:41+0200franceantilles-guadeloupe (fr)

Le village pauvre de Kashkak, un ensemble d'habitations fragiles en terre séchée perchées sur un plateau poussiéreux de l'Ouest de l' Afghanistan , n'est plus qu'un amas de débris, sous lesquels les habitants ont été ensevelis par le violent séisme de samedi.

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T09:40+0200LePoint (fr)

"Nous avons extrait des décombres plusieurs corps. Trois étaient des enfants en bas âge", raconte Amir Hussain, un sauveteur bénévole âgé de 33 ans qui a passé la nuit à fouiller les ruines dans l'espoir de retrouver des survivants. "Ils venaient juste de rentrer de l'école. L'un est mort dans la rue, les deux autres dans leur maison", ajoute-t-il.

Thousands killed in deadliest earthquake in Afghanistan for decades

2023-10-09T09:37+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Afghans have been desperately digging through rubble with their bare hands and shovels to try and pull victims from the wreckage of powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit a densely populated area near Herat, Afghanistan , flattening entire villages and trapping both the living and dead under rubble.

Nearly 2,500 dead as earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-09T09:34+0200mimimefoinfos (en)

More than 2,400 people have been reported dead after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake hit Afghanistan on Saturday morning. The spokesman for the Ministry of Disasters, Janan Sayeeq told Reuters news agency on Sunday evening that the death toll had risen to 2,445, up from 2,053 that was earlier reporter.

Horrible Earthquake Destroys Afghanistan's Herat TEHRAN (FNA)- The horrific earthquake in Herat, Western Afghanistan, has left extensive human losses, and some villages in the province have been completely destroyed. [PHOTOS] 10/9/2023 11:02:23 AM MultiMedia

2023-10-09T09:34+0200farsnews (en)

Horrible Earthquake Destroys Afghanistan 's Herat. TEHRAN (FNA)- The horrific earthquake in Herat, Western Afghanistan, has left extensive human losses, and some villages in the province have been completely destroyed. [PHOTOS] 10/9/2023 11:02:23 AM http://fna.ir/3fcdnh.

Afghanistan Earthquake: Rescuers search for survivors, thousands injured

2023-10-09T09:34+0200HindustanTimes (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake and subsequent aftershocks in western Afghanistan have resulted in numerous casualties, with hundreds confirmed dead and at least 2,000 individuals injured. (AP) It was followed by strong aftershocks, including another one measuring 6.3 half an hour later, , according to the US Geological Survey.

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T09:33+0200centre-presse (fr)

Kashkak a été entièrement anéanti par le séisme de magnitude 6,3 et les huit fortes répliques qui ont frappé la région faisant plus de 2.000 morts au total, selon les autorités afghanes. « Nous avons extrait des décombres plusieurs corps. Trois étaient des enfants en bas âge », raconte Amir Hussain,....

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T09:33+0200la-croix (fr)

Le village pauvre de Kashkak, un ensemble d'habitations fragiles en terre séchée perchées sur un plateau poussiéreux de l'Ouest de l' Afghanistan , n'est plus qu'un amas de débris, sous lesquels les habitants ont été ensevelis par le violent séisme de samedi.

09:15 Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que …

2023-10-09T09:29+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Kashkak ( Afghanistan ) (AFP) - Le village pauvre de Kashkak, un ensemble d'habitations fragiles en terre séchée perchées sur un plateau poussiéreux de l'Ouest de l'Afghanistan, n'est plus qu'un amas de débris, sous lesquels les habitants ont été ensevelis par le violent séisme de samedi.

Tsunami advisories issued in Japan after 2 quakes

2023-10-09T09:28+0200indiaeducationdiary (en)

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) on Monday issued tsunami advisories for multiple locations after two earthquakes jolted the Izu Islands and Wakayama prefecture. According to the JMA, the tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki....

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T09:26+0200sciencesetavenir (fr)

Le village pauvre de Kashkak, un ensemble d'habitations fragiles en terre séchée perchées sur un plateau poussiéreux de l'Ouest de l' Afghanistan , n'est plus qu'un amas de débris, sous lesquels les habitants ont été ensevelis par le violent séisme de samedi.

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T09:25+0200lavocedinewyork (it)

(ANSA) Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell’arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquake shoots up to 2,000

2023-10-09T09:24+0200today-az (en)

09 October 2023 [09:00] - TODAY.AZ The death toll from Saturday's massive earthquake that hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan has shot up to 2,000 with nearly 10,000 injured as rescue workers scrambled to pull out an unknown number of people trapped under rubble, officials and local media reported.

Race to rescue victims from Afghan earthquake

2023-10-09T09:23+0200radio-pk (en)

In Afghanistan , Emergency teams are racing to rescue people from the rubble left by a powerful earthquake that struck Herat Province. More than 2500 people are feared dead and thousand others injured after the 6.3-magnitude quake flattened 1320 houses.

The Star » Race to rescue victims from Afghan earthquake

2023-10-09T09:21+0200kenyamoja (en)

Emergency teams in Afghanistan are racing to rescue people from the rubble left by a powerful earthquake that struck the west of the country. More than 1,000 people are feared dead after the 6.3-magnitude quake hit villages in Herat Province on Saturday.

Afghanistan : le bilan du séisme grimpe à plus de 2000 morts, les recherches continuent

2023-10-09T09:17+0200parismatch (fr)

L’ Afghanistan durement éprouvée. Plus de 2 000 personnes sont mortes dans le violent séisme qui a frappé l’ouest du pays, selon un dernier bilan rendu public ce dimanche 8 octobre par le gouvernement taliban. Plus de 1 300 habitations ont été détruites samedi par le séisme de magnitude 6,3, qui a....

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T09:17+0200challenges (fr)

Des habitants recherchent des corps dans les décombres de leurs maisons après un séisme, au village de Siah Ab dans la province de Herat en Afghanistan , le 8 octobre 2023. Le village pauvre de Kashkak, un ensemble d'habitations fragiles en terre séchée perchées sur un plateau poussiéreux de l'Ouest....

Un village afghan ravagé par le séisme n'est plus que poussière et désespoir

2023-10-09T09:16+0200laprovence (fr)

Kashkak a été entièrement anéanti par le séisme de magnitude 6,3 et les huit fortes répliques qui ont frappé la région faisant plus de 2.000 morts au total, selon les autorités afghanes. "Nous avons extrait des décombres plusieurs corps. Trois étaient des enfants en bas âge", raconte Amir Hussain,....

Moderate mag. 4.8 earthquake - 48 km north of Herat, Afghanistan, on Monday, Oct 9, 2023 at 11:24 am (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-09T09:14+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 625 km / 389 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Volunteers dig for survivors from Afghan earthquake

2023-10-09T09:11+0200RTERadio (en)

Afghan villagers and volunteers helped dig for survivors from a series of earthquakes that killed more than 2,000 people, as aid began trickling into the devastated region. Volunteers in trucks packed with food, tents and blankets flocked to hard-to-reach areas 30kms (19 miles) northwest of Herat city.

Japan lifts tsunami advisory; no significant damage reported

2023-10-09T09:05+0200bna-en (en)

Tokyo, Oct. 9 (BNA): Japan lifted a tsunami advisory for a wide stretch of coastal regions along the Pacific Ocean on Monday after issuing it to the two island areas south of Tokyo. The advisory was lifted at 0300 GMT Monday, more than five hours after it was announced for islands as far as about....

Catastrophic quake strikes western Afghanistan, Taliban report over 2,000 deaths 22 hours ago

2023-10-09T09:04+0200bne (en)

More than 2,000 people have lost their lives following a powerful earthquake in western Afghanistan , the Taliban announced on October 8. The earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 on the Richter scale, struck 25 miles (40 kilometres) west of the city of Herat in the west of Afghanistan on October 7.

ACB pledges 2m afs assistance to quake survivors

2023-10-09T09:00+0200pajhwok (en)

The Afghanistan Cricket Board (ACB) on Monday announced two million afghanis in aid to victims of a deadly earthquake in western Herat province . . . You need to subscribe to view the full article. Please or a new account.

Earthquake relief efforts are going slowly in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T08:57+0200ruetir (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the Herat province in northern Afghanistan on Saturday, causing extensive damage and killing hundreds of people, perhaps thousands according to some estimates released so far. Rescue operations began immediately, but are proceeding slowly: the affected areas are....

Japan extends tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T08:57+0200thenewdaily-au (en)

Japan has extended a tsunami advisory for more coastal regions along Pacific Ocean after issuing it to the two island areas south of Tokyo. The advisory is in effect as far south-west as the Amami Islands, about 1500 kilometres from the nation’s capital, and eastern parts of Chiba prefecture next to Tokyo as of Monday.

Allarme tsunami in Giappone, onde anomale sulle coste del sud: nessun ferito

2023-10-09T08:54+0200tag24 (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social Tragedia nella notte a Campolasta, in provincia di Bolzano. Un ragazzo di 19 anni è morto dopo essersi schiantato con la sua auto. Secondo le prime ricostruzioni, il guidatore ha perso il controllo del mezzo finendo contro il guardrail. L’incidente è avvenuto intorno alle 23.

Séisme en Afghanistan : le bilan s'alourdit à plus de 2 000 morts

2023-10-09T08:51+0200linfo (fr)

, samedi 7 octobre. La chaîne RTL précise que huit répliques relativement puissantes ont suivi la première secousse, provoquant une importante perte humaine. En effet, Zabihullah Mujahid , porte-parole du gouvernement taliban a précisé sur le réseau social X que " 2 053 martyrs sont morts dans 13 villages et 1 240 personnes ont été blessées ".

Séisme en Afghanistan : les recherches continuent pour trouver des survivants

2023-10-09T08:51+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Alors que plus de 2 000 personnes sont mortes dans le violent séisme qui a frappé l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , ce samedi, les secours tentent de s’organiser pour retrouver des survivants. Des Afghans nettoient les débris alors qu'ils recherchent les corps des victimes dans les décombres des maisons....

Gli ospedali di Herat in affanno dopo le violente scosse di terremoto

2023-10-09T08:51+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) È salito a duemilaquattrocento il bilancio dei morti a causa dei terremoti che hanno sconvolto l’ Afghanistan nella giornata di sabato. Secondo le Nazioni unite, «i partner e le autorità locali prevedono che il numero delle vittime aumenterà man mano che gli sforzi di ricerca e salvataggio continueranno.

Séisme en Afghanistan : des maisons effondrées « dès la première secousse » et plus de 2 000 morts

2023-10-09T08:42+0200humanite (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3, suivi par huit fortes répliques. La violence du tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , samedi 7 octobre, provoquant la mort de 2000 personnes et ravageant une dizaine de villages à 30 kilomètres au nord-ouest de la ville de Hérat, avec plus de 1 000 maisons détruites, est sans précédent.

Aid group warns devastation from Afghanistan earthquake ‘worse than we imagined’

2023-10-09T08:41+0200wn (en)

International aid groups in Afghanistan are scrambling to send help to survivors of this weekend’s earthquake in the west of the country which left more than 2,000 people dead and many more injured in a war-ravaged nation already stricken by an economic crisis. The 6.

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on October 9

2023-10-09T08:37+0200mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 09 (MNA) – Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Monday, October 9. Kayhan: 1000 Zionists killed , 2000 injured in Al-Aqsa Flood operation. Jomhuri-e Eslami: Zionist regime destroys dozens of mosques in Qaza. Jam-e Jam: Resistance's big operation in region.

In Afghanistan i soccorsi per il terremoto stanno andando a rilento

2023-10-09T08:37+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) Le zone colpite sono difficili da raggiungere, il sistema sanitario è inadeguato e manca l'attrezzatura.

Oggi sono trascorsi 60 anni dal giorno del disastro del Vajont

2023-10-09T08:37+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) 9 ottobre 1963, siamo alla diga di Vajont , nell’omonima valle al confine tra il Friuli Venezia Giulia e il Veneto. . Durante quella notte, alle 22:49, un’enorme frana si staccò dal monte Toc raggiungendo una velocità di 100 km/h.

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on October 9

2023-10-09T08:36+0200mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 09 (MNA) – Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Monday, October 9. Kayhan: 1000 Zionists killed , 2000 injured in Al-Aqsa Flood operation. Jomhuri-e Eslami: Zionist regime destroys dozens of mosques in Qaza. Jam-e Jam: Resistance's big operation in region.

Quelles nouvelles pistes pour soigner une migraine ?

2023-10-09T08:36+0200presseocean (fr)

Les migraineux ressentant les plus fortes douleurs sont longtemps restés sans solution antalgique suffisante. Or, au-delà de dix jours de traitement par mois, la maladie peut évoluer sur un mode chronique, caractérisée par des maux de tête quinze jours par mois avec au moins huit pics douloureux, ce....

Quelles nouvelles pistes pour soigner une migraine ?

2023-10-09T08:35+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Les migraineux ressentant les plus fortes douleurs sont longtemps restés sans solution antalgique suffisante. Or, au-delà de dix jours de traitement par mois, la maladie peut évoluer sur un mode chronique, caractérisée par des maux de tête quinze jours par mois avec au moins huit pics douloureux, ce....

Giappone: tsunami sulle zone del Sud per un sisma in mare

2023-10-09T08:35+0200interris (it)

Subito dopo di una serie di lievi scosse di terremoto al largo delle isole Izu, nel sud del Giappone, l’Agenzia meteorologica nazionale (Jma), ha emesso un allarme tsunami: onde di circa 60 centimetri hanno colpito l’isola di Hachijojima. Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago.

Dust and despair in Afghan village wiped out by quakes

2023-10-09T08:33+0200rfi-en (en)

The village was flattened by a magnitude 6.3 quake followed by a series of eight powerful aftershocks that buried many of its inhabitants Saturday morning. "We took out several dead bodies; three of them were little children," said Amir Hussain, a 33-year-old volunteer rescue worker who dug through the night in the hope of finding survivors.

Quelles nouvelles pistes pour soigner une migraine ?

2023-10-09T08:33+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Les migraineux ressentant les plus fortes douleurs sont longtemps restés sans solution antalgique suffisante. Or, au-delà de dix jours de traitement par mois, la maladie peut évoluer sur un mode chronique, caractérisée par des maux de tête quinze jours par mois avec au moins huit pics douloureux, ce....

Quelles nouvelles pistes pour soigner une migraine ?

2023-10-09T08:33+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Les migraineux ressentant les plus fortes douleurs sont longtemps restés sans solution antalgique suffisante. Or, au-delà de dix jours de traitement par mois, la maladie peut évoluer sur un mode chronique, caractérisée par des maux de tête quinze jours par mois avec au moins huit pics douloureux, ce....

Vajont, 60 anni fa la tragedia. La diga, l'onda, i morti, i soccorsi vicentini

2023-10-09T08:27+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

, il disastro del Vajont. Un'onda ciclopica provocata dalla frana del monte Toc nell'invaso idroelettrico che il 9 ottobre 1963 alle 22.39 travolse Longarone, Erto e Casso. Quante furono le vittime? Ufficialmente vennero annotate 1.910 vittime, 487 avevano da 0 a 15 anni . E fu per questo che quella tragedia fu ribattezzata «la strage dei bambini».

Giappone: l'allarme tsunami in zone costiere a causa di lievi e continue scosse di terremoto

2023-10-09T08:24+0200seguonews (it)

Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-09T08:17+0200fijitimes (en)

An Afghan man walks past a damaged house after the recent earthquake in Wor Kali village in the Barmal district of Paktika province, Afghanistan , June 25, 2022. REUTERS/Ali Khara/File Photo. New Delhi (Reuters) – Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured....

More than 2400,<> people died in the earthquake in Afghanistan, and the victims are in urgent need of help

2023-10-09T08:16+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-09T06:12:54.852Z. Highlights: At least six earthquakes occurred in western Afghanistan on the 7th, the highest of which was 6.6 magnitude. Almost all houses in the Zindajan district of Herat province were destroyed. OCHA allocated $9 million for disaster relief on the 500th; UNICEF....

Powerful 6.3-Magnitude Earthquake Claims Nearly 2,500 Lives in Afghanistan; More Than 9,200 People Injured less than an hour ago An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3, followed by eight strong aftershocks, jolted Afghanistan's Herat Province on Saturday.

2023-10-09T08:15+0200weather-en-IN (en)

The death toll from the massive 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan 's Herat and neighbouring provinces has increased to 2,445 as rescue officials are racing against time to rescue people from the debris, authorities said. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat, where 13....

Japan's Met Agency Issues Tsunami Warnings After Earthquakes Jolt Izu Islands, Wakayama Prefecture less than an hour ago According to the JMA, the tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures.

2023-10-09T08:15+0200weather-en-IN (en)

According to the JMA, the tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures, Xinhua news agency reported. The advisories, the lowest level in the country's three-tier tsunami warning system, advised people to stay away....

Afghanistan earthquake toll rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T08:13+0200wn (en)

Kabul, Oct 9 : The death toll from the massive 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan ’s Herat and neighboring....

Afghanistan earthquake Update : Race to rescue victims in Herat Province

2023-10-09T08:09+0200dailynews-lk (en)

Emergency teams in Afghanistan are racing to rescue people from the rubble left by a powerful earthquake that struck the west of the country. More than 1,000 people are feared dead after the 6.3-magnitude quake hit villages in Herat Province on Saturday.

Catastrophic quake strikes western Afghanistan, Taliban report over 2,000 deaths

2023-10-09T08:08+0200intellinews (en)

More than 2,000 people have lost their lives following a powerful earthquake in western Afghanistan , the Taliban announced on October 8. The earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 on the Richter scale, struck 25 miles (40 kilometres) west of the city of Herat in the west of Afghanistan on October 7.

Tsunami warnings lifted after 60-cm waves hit isles October 9, 2023 NEW

2023-10-09T08:06+0200ajw (en)

The Japan Meteorological Agency lifted all tsunami advisories for areas on the Pacific coast at noon on Oct. 9 but said sea level fluctuations may continue for about half a day. Tsunami observed by 9:30 a.m. included: 60 cm at Yaene on Hachijojima island; 50 cm at Kozushima Port on Kozushima island....

Aid group warns devastation from Afghanistan earthquake ‘worse than we imagined’

2023-10-09T08:05+0200cnn (en)

International aid groups in Afghanistan are scrambling to send help to survivors of this weekend’s earthquake in the west of the country which left more than 2,000 people dead and many more injured in a war-ravaged nation already stricken by an economic crisis. The 6.

La ciudad de Mina Collahuasi siente temblor de magnitud 3.0

2023-10-09T08:05+0200infobae (es)

La CNS informó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -21.144 grados de latitud y -69.02 grados de longitud, es decir, a 52.0 kilómetros al Suroeste de la localidad. Te puede interesar: Sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, sale il bilancio delle vittime: quasi 2500

2023-10-09T08:03+0200euronews-it (it)

I sopravvissuti al micidiale terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che sabato ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale hanno iniziato a seppellire i loro morti. Il bilancio delle vittime, che cresce di ora in ora, è di 2445 persone. È stato rivisto al ribasso il numero dei feriti, che rimane comunque di più di 2mila.

Race to rescue victims from Afghan earthquake

2023-10-09T08:01+0200thestarkenya (en)

Emergency teams in Afghanistan are racing to rescue people from the rubble left by a powerful earthquake that struck the west of the country. More than 1,000 people are feared dead after the 6.3-magnitude quake hit villages in Herat Province on Saturday.

US monitors Northwest Afghanistan earthquake impact, provides urgent aid

2023-10-09T08:00+0200wn (en)

On Sunday, Antony Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State, stated that his country is closely monitoring the earthquake’s impact in northwestern Afghanistan . He wrote on social media, “The United States is carefully tracking the impact of yesterday’s (Saturday) earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan.

Japan lifts tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T08:00+0200wn (en)

Tokyo: Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow quakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but it was later lifted after no damage was reported from the minor waves generated. Tsunami waves of 60 centimetres (24 inches) hit Hachijojima....

Temblor en Chile hoy, lunes 9 de octubre: reporte de magnitud del último sismo vía CSN

2023-10-09T07:58+0200ElComercio (es)

¿CUÁL ES LA DIFERENCIA ENTRE LA MAGNITUD Y LA INTENSIDAD DE UN SISMO? Son escalas para medir el tamaño o el impacto de un temblor. La escala de magnitud se obtiene de forma numérica a partir de registros obtenidos por sismógrafos y está relacionada con el tamaño y la energía liberada durante un temblor.

Tsunami advisories issued in Japan after 2 quakes

2023-10-09T07:55+0200thestatesman (en)

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) on Monday issued tsunami advisories for multiple locations after two earthquakes jolted the Izu Islands and Wakayama prefecture. According to the JMA, the tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki....

Japon: alertes au tsunami après deux tremblements de terre

2023-10-09T07:55+0200mapecology (fr)

Japon: alertes au tsunami après deux tremblements de terre Tokyo – L’Agence météorologique japonaise (JMA) a émis, lundi, des alertes au tsunami, à la suite de deux séismes qui ont frappé les îles d’Izu et la préfecture de Wakayama, au nord du pays.

Japan lifts tsunami advisory; no significant damage reported

2023-10-09T07:49+0200dunyanews (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) Japan has lifted a tsunami advisory for a wide stretch of coastal regions along Pacific Ocean on Monday after issuing it to the two island areas south of Tokyo. The advisory was lifted at 0300 GMT on Monday, more than five hours after it was announced for islands as far as about....

Japan lifts tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T07:40+0200manilatimes (en)

TOKYO: Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions on Monday morning following a series of shallow quakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean, but it was later lifted after no damage was reported from the minor waves generated. Tsunami waves of 60 centimeters (24 inches) hit....

Afghanistan earthquake toll rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T07:37+0200thestatesman (en)

The death toll from the massive 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan ’s Herat and neighboring provinces has increased to 2,445 as rescue officials are racing against time to rescue people from the debris, authorities said. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat, where 13....

Japan lifts tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T07:34+0200gulfnews (en)

Tokyo: Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow quakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but it was later lifted after no damage was reported from the minor waves generated. Some regions urged residents in coastal areas to evacuate....

Tsunami alert activated on Japan’s Pacific coast after earthquake – El Diario NY

2023-10-09T07:34+0200morningexpress (en)

Japan’s meteorological authorities activated a tsunami warning of up to one meter along the Pacific coast, including the Izu Islands south of Tokyo . This alert arises in response to an earthquake in the region, although at the moment no damage has been reported.

LIVE GIAPPONE 8 min Allarme tsunami in alcune zone costiere a sud dell'arcipelago

2023-10-09T07:32+0200tio (it)

TOKYO - Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di oggi a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquake shoots up to 2,000

2023-10-09T07:30+0200azernews (en)

The death toll from Saturday's massive earthquake that hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan has shot up to 2,000 with nearly 10,000 injured as rescue workers scrambled to pull out an unknown number of people trapped under rubble, officials and local media reported.

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T07:29+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 9 ottobre 2023) Le autorità Giappone si hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell' arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, ...

Death Toll Climbs to 2,445 in 6.3-Magnitude Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-09T07:24+0200indiaeducationdiary (en)

The death toll from the massive 6.3-magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan ’s Herat and neighboring provinces has increased to 2,445 as rescue officials are racing against time to rescue people from the debris.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan extends condolences to families of those killed by earthquake in western Afghanistan

2023-10-09T07:20+0200akipress-en (en)

AKIPRESS.COM - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan has extended its condolences to the families affected by the earthquake in western Afghanistan . The ministry also expresses its wishes for a speedy recovery for all those who have been impacted by this natural disaster.

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T07:18+0200virgilio (it)

Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse....

Estos son los prejuicios que definen al adulto mayor, una generación invisibilizada

2023-10-09T07:02+0200vanguardia-CO (es)

A pesar de representar más de un tercio de la población mundial y ser responsables por la mitad del consumo global, hoy en día siguen existiendo estereotipos erróneos asociados a los adultos mayores. Además: Qué es el “edadismo”, la discriminación por la edad, y a quién afecta El prejuicio etario,....

Nation » Powerful earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T06:52+0200kenyamoja (en)

The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply on Sunday to more than 2,000, the Taliban government said, as bodies continued to be pulled from demolished villages and buried in mass graves. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday's magnitude 6.

ScosseGiappone, allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago

2023-10-09T06:51+0200cdt (it)

Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Giappone, allarme tsunami in zone costiere a sud dell'arcipelago

2023-10-09T06:50+0200tgcom (it)

In Giappone, le autorità locali hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Japan lifts tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T06:38+0200timesofindia (en)

Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow quakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but it was later lifted after no damage was reported from the minor waves generated. Some regions urged residents in coastal areas to evacuate after the....

Death toll from earthquakes in Afghan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T06:32+0200uniindia (en)

Herat, Afghanistan , Oct 9 (UNI) The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat, where 13 villages have been "utterly destroyed," said Mawlawi....

Afghanistan earthquake: Race to rescue victims in Herat Province

2023-10-09T06:31+0200saudigazette (en)

KABUL — Emergency teams in Afghanistan are racing to rescue people from the rubble left by a powerful earthquake that struck the west of the country. More than 1,000 people are feared dead after the 6.3-magnitude quake hit villages in Herat Province on Saturday.

Powerful earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan World 22 min ago

2023-10-09T06:31+0200nation-ke (en)

The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply on Sunday to more than 2,000, the Taliban government said, as bodies continued to be pulled from demolished villages and buried in mass graves. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday's magnitude 6.

Japan-quake-tsunami lead

2023-10-09T06:31+0200nampa (en)

Japan lifts tsunami advisory for coastal areas ATTENTION - ADDS lifting of advisory /// Tokyo, Oct 9, 2023 (AFP) - Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow quakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but it was later lifted after no damage was reported from the minor waves generated.

Editorial: Sending Afghans back to an uncertain future defined by terror and turmoil seems unnecessarily cold

2023-10-09T06:29+0200dawn (en)

ON Saturday, as UN agencies pressed Islamabad to consider the risks of forcefully repatriating Afghan refugees, a major earthquake in western Afghanistan resulted in over 2,000 deaths , according to the Taliban government, with thousands left injured and homeless.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquake crosses 2,000

2023-10-09T06:28+0200dailytimesPK (en)

As many as 2,053 people have been killed as a result of violent earthquakes that struck Afghanistan late Saturday while 9,240 people have been injured, a government spokesperson confirmed to Reuters on Sunday. The death toll from the earthquakes, which was previously reported to be 120, is expected....

More than 2,000 people killed as earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-09T06:27+0200ecns (en)

Afghan residents clear debris from a damaged house after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district of Herat province, Afghanistan , Oct. 7, 2023. (Photo/Agencies) The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces had risen to 2,445.

Japan lifts tsunami advisory; no significant damage reported

2023-10-09T06:27+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Japan has lifted a tsunami advisory for a wide stretch of coastal regions along Pacific Ocean on Monday after issuing it to the two island areas south of Tokyo. The advisory was lifted at 0300 GMT Monday, more than five hours after it was announced for islands as far as about 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) south of the nation's capital.

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from Afghanistan earthquakes that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T06:21+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

An excavator removes mud from a collapsed house after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Qatar expresses solidarity with Afghan people

2023-10-09T06:19+0200famagusta-gazette (en)

Qatar has expressed its solidarity with the Afghan people amid devastating earthquakes in the country’s west. “Qatar stands with the victims of the earthquake and is fully prepared to provide necessary assistance for recovery,” the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Giappone, forti terremoti nelle Isole Izu: allarme tsunami a Sud dell’arcipelago

2023-10-09T06:19+0200meteoweb (it)

Le autorità del Giappone hanno diramato un allarme tsunami (successivamente rientrato) per alcune regioni costiere a Sud dell’arcipelago a causa di una serie di terremoti nell’area delle Isole Izu. Secondo l’Agenzia meteorologica nazionale (JMA), sono state registrate onde di circa 60 cm sull’isola....

Afghanistan : plus de 2.000 morts après un violent séisme de magnitude 6,3

2023-10-09T06:17+0200laminute (fr)

L’ Afghanistan a été touché ce samedi 7 octobre, par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3, provoquant la mort de plus 2.000 personnes, selon un dernier bilan. C’est une situation dramatique qui a frappé le pays d’Asie centrale. Ce samedi 7 octobre, l’Afghanistan a été touché par un séisme de....

Tsunami waves hit islands in Japan, advisory issued for coastal areas

2023-10-09T06:17+0200indiatoday (en)

Japan extended a tsunami advisory for more coastal regions along Pacific Ocean on Monday after issuing it to the two island areas south of Tokyo. The advisory is in effect as far southwest as the Amami Islands, about 1,542 kilometres from the nation's capital, and eastern parts of Chiba prefecture next to Tokyo as of 0130 GMT on Monday.

Exclusive: Footage shows aftermath of Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-09T06:14+0200cgtn (en)

A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. CMG visited the epicenter of the earthquake around 40 kilometers northwest of Herat and captured exclusive footage. The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring....

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T06:12+0200mb-com-ph (en)

TOKYO, Japan -- Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow earthquakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but there were no immediate reports of damage from the minor waves generated, seismologists said.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to nearly 2500,<>, thousands homeless

2023-10-09T06:02+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-09T04:02:41.630Z. Highlights: Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to nearly 2500, <>, thousands homeless. Thousands were left without food or shelter, in the strongest earthquakes in years in the mountainous earthquake-prone country. The U.S.

Japan lifts tsunami advisory, no significant damage reported

2023-10-09T06:02+0200chinadailyhk (en)

This general view shows traffic on the Trans-Tokyo Bay Expressway, in Kisarazu city in Chiba Prefecture on Aug 12, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP) TOKYO – Japan has lifted a tsunami advisory for a wide stretch of coastal regions along Pacific Ocean on Monday after issuing it to the two island areas south of Tokyo.

After Rutherglen, SNP and Tories' grip on power faces an existential threat

2023-10-09T05:57+0200TheScotsman (en)

Well, that has put the cat among the electoral pigeons. must have sent Anas Sarwar off to party conference in Liverpool with a spring in his step, confident his party’s darkest days in Scotland may be over. He will likely be greeted by widespread belief that, coupled with recent by-election success....

Afghanistan's deadliest earthquake death count crosses 2,400, Taliban revises injury report citing 'mistake'

2023-10-09T05:54+0200wn (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,400 on Monday,�....

Des preuves scientifiques soutiennent le rejet des eaux de Fukushima dans la mer

2023-10-09T05:54+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

par des scientifiques des universités de Portsmouth, Curtin et ANU affirme que Il est sécuritaire de déverser dans la mer l’eau contaminée provenant de l’accident nucléaire de Fukushima. Les experts ont évalué les effets potentiels sur la base de preuves scientifiques des rejets passés de....

UN appeals world support earth-hit people in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T05:53+0200radio-pk (en)

The United Nations has appealed international community to come together and support the people impacted by deadly earthquake in Afghanistan . Rescue workers are struggling to reach remote areas with communications down and many roads blocked after tremor. The United Nations and other organisations have begun to rush in emergency supplies.

Puerto Escondido registra sismo de magnitud 4.0

2023-10-09T05:51+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de 4.

Japan extends tsunami advisory for coastal areas Asia

2023-10-09T05:50+0200thenewdaily-au (en)

Japan has extended a tsunami advisory for more coastal regions along Pacific Ocean after issuing it to the two island areas south of Tokyo. The advisory is in effect as far southwest as the Amami Islands, about 1500km from the nation’s capital, and eastern parts of Chiba prefecture next to Tokyo as of Monday.

INTERNATIONAL EDITION: Israel Declares War on Hammas

2023-10-09T05:47+0200voanews (en)

Israel declares war on Hammas one day after surprise attack. More than 700 Israelis killed and dozens taken hostage; Israel retaliates attacking Hammas command centers. The UN Securuty Council met on Sunday evening, VOA was there. Plus, the latest from Afghanistan following a deadly earthquake.

Race to rescue victims from Afghan earthquake

2023-10-09T05:47+0200theghanareport (en)

More than 1,000 people are feared dead after the 6.3-magnitude quake hit villages in Herat Province on Saturday. With communications down and many roads blocked, rescue workers are struggling to reach remote areas. Hundreds have also been injured. The UN and other organisations have begun to rush in emergency supplies.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T05:47+0200thedailystarBD (en)

Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow earthquakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but there were no immediate reports of damage from the minor waves generated, seismologists said. Tsunami waves of 60 centimetres (24 inches) hit....

Sisma in Afghanistan. Oltre 2mila vittime

2023-10-09T05:45+0200quotidiano (it)

"Siamo tornati a casa e abbiamo visto che non era rimasto più nulla. Tutto si era trasformato in sabbia". Sono drammatici i racconti dei sopravvissuti al violento terremoto che ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat con un bilancio ancora provvisorio di oltre duemila morti e quasi 10.000 feriti. Una contabilità che si aggrava di ora di ora.

4.5 earthquake shakes Greater Victoria, Washington state coast on Sunday night

2023-10-09T05:45+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

U.S. Geological Survey's earthquake intensity map, based on community responses, for a 4.5 quake on Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023 at 7:21 p.m. about 65.3 kilometres southeast of Victoria. An earthquake measured at magnitude 4.5 was felt in Greater Victoria on Sunday night. People reported their buildings shaking slightly for a few seconds at 7:21 p.

4.5 earthquake shakes Greater Victoria, Washington state coast on Sunday night 0 10/8/2023 7:38:00 PM

2023-10-09T05:43+0200tricitynews (en)

U.S. Geological Survey's earthquake intensity map, based on community responses, for a 4.5 quake on Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023 at 7:21 p.m. about 65.3 kilometres southeast of Victoria. An earthquake measured at magnitude 4.5 was felt in Greater Victoria on Sunday night. People reported their buildings shaking slightly for a few seconds at 7:21 p.

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T05:42+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – TOKYO, 09 OTT – Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell’arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Japan lifts tsunami advisory; no significant damage reported

2023-10-09T05:38+0200devdiscourse (en)

Japan has lifted a tsunami advisory for a wide stretch of coastal regions along Pacific Ocean on Monday after issuing it to the two island areas south of Tokyo. The advisory was lifted at 0300 GMT Monday, more than five hours after it was announced for islands as far as about 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) south of the nation's capital.

Japan extends tsunami advisory for coastal areas along Pacific Ocean

2023-10-09T05:37+0200wn (en)

The advisory is in effect as far southwest as the Amami Islands, about 1,542 kilometres from the nation’s capital, and eastern parts of Chiba prefecture next to Tokyo as of 0130 GMT on Monday. Follow Us Japan extended a tsunami advisory for more coastal regions along....

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T05:37+0200wn (en)

Tokyo: Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow earthquakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but there were no immediate reports of damage from the minor waves generated, seismologists said.

03:31 Sismo en México: temblor de 4.2 de magnitud en Guerrero Negro

2023-10-09T05:36+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de 4.

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T05:30+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 09 OTT - Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T05:29+0200bssnews (en)

TOKYO, Oct 9, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow earthquakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but there were no immediate reports of damage from the minor waves generated, seismologists said.

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T05:29+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 09 OTT - Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Japan extends tsunami advisory for coastal areas along Pacific Ocean

2023-10-09T05:25+0200financialexpress (en)

Japan extended a tsunami advisory for more coastal regions along Pacific Ocean on Monday after issuing it to the two island areas south of Tokyo. The advisory is in effect as far southwest as the Amami Islands, about 1,542 kilometres from the nation’s capital, and eastern parts of Chiba prefecture next to Tokyo as of 0130 GMT on Monday.

Afghanistan: Flash Update #2 Earthquake in Herat Province, Afghanistan, 8 October 2023 (as of 22.00)

2023-10-09T05:24+0200unocha (en)

Highlights Humanitarian partners are ramping up response efforts following yesterday’s devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Herat Province, western Afghanistan . Search and rescue efforts are continuing, with rapid multi-sectoral assessment teams deployed to affected areas.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T05:24+0200gulfnews (en)

The US Geological Survey, however, reported a series of shallow quakes in the Izu islands, with the strongest a 5.4 magnitude tremor recorded at 5:17 am (2117 GMT Sunday) around 551 kilometres south of Shimoda. Image Credit: USGS. Tokyo: Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions....

Series of Shallow Temblors Strike Izu Islands, Japan Issues Tsunami Advisory

2023-10-09T05:23+0200news18 (en)

Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow earthquakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but there were no immediate reports of damage from the minor waves generated, seismologists said. Tsunami waves of 60 centimetres (24 inches) hit....

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T05:19+0200ansamed-it (it)

Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T05:18+0200globodiroma (it)

Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell’arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Powerful earthquake strikes Afghanistan October 8, 2023 CARE is deeply saddened by the devastating earthquake that struck the western province of Herat on Saturday, October 7, 2023. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake has caused widespread damage and loss of life.

2023-10-09T05:16+0200care (en)

ATLANTA, GA. (OCTOBER 8, 2023) – Reshma Azmi, CARE Deputy Country Director Statement on Devastating Earthquake. “CARE is deeply saddened by the devastating earthquake that struck the western province of Herat on Saturday, October 7, 2023. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake has caused widespread damage and loss of life.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T05:16+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

The Japan Meteorological Agency says tsunami waves of 60cm hit Hachijojima island following a series of shallow earthquakes on the Izu islands. – AFP pic, October 9, 2023. JAPAN issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early today following a series of shallow earthquakes on the Izu....

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T05:14+0200giornaletrentino (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 09 OTT - Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Pourquoi la star du cricket Rashid Khan ne remportera pas ses gains en Coupe du monde

2023-10-09T05:13+0200news-24 (fr)

La star afghane du cricket Rashid Khan a annoncé qu’il ferait don de tous ses frais de match de la Coupe du monde de cricket 2023 en Inde pour soutenir les victimes du tremblement de terre dans son pays d’origine. L’administration talibane affirme qu’au moins 2 445 personnes ont été tuées après deux....

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T05:11+0200ladige (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 09 OTT - Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T05:10+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 09 OTT - Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

¿Quiénes han sido los esposos de Ana María Orozco? La protagonista de “Betty, la fea” experimentó momentos de amor, desamor y polémicas por supuestas infidelidades

2023-10-09T05:09+0200eluniverso (es)

La actriz colombiana Ana María Orozco , recordada por su icónico papel como Betty en la exitosa telenovela “Betty, la fea” ha cautivado al público con su talento y carisma en la pantalla. Sin embargo, su vida sentimental también ha sido objeto de interés para muchos.

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T05:09+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - TOKYO, 09 OTT - Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T05:08+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

TOKYO, 09 OTT - Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Turned away

2023-10-09T05:07+0200dawn (en)

ON Saturday, as UN agencies pressed Islamabad to consider the risks of forcefully repatriating Afghan refugees, a major earthquake in western Afghanistan resulted in over 2,000 deaths, according to the Taliban government, with thousands left injured and homeless.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T05:05+0200tribuneonline (en)

Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow earthquakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but there were no immediate reports of damage from the minor waves generated, seismologists said. Tsunami waves of 60 centimeters (24 inches) hit....

Giappone: allarme tsunami in zone costiere sud arcipelago

2023-10-09T05:03+0200ansa (it)

Le autorità giapponesi hanno emesso un allarme tsunami in alcune regioni costiere a sud dell'arcipelago nella prima mattina di lunedì a seguito di una serie di lievi scosse telluriche nelle isole Izu, sebbene non siano stati segnalati danni dai movimenti immediati generati dal mare.

Japan extends tsunami advisory along Pacific Ocean

2023-10-09T04:58+0200chinadailyhk (en)

This general view shows traffic on the Trans-Tokyo Bay Expressway, in Kisarazu city in Chiba Prefecture on August 12, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP) TOKYO - Japan extended a tsunami advisory for more coastal regions along Pacific Ocean on Monday after issuing it to the two island areas south of Tokyo.

Reports of minor Seattle Earthquake sparks concern among residents

2023-10-09T04:57+0200kiro7 (en)

Felt an earthquake here at the office. Any reports out there? NWS Seattle (@NWSSeattle) October 9, 2023 The earthquake was recorded at a magnitude of 4.3, according to the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network. NEW: Mag:4.3 32.4 km N from Poulsbo, WA Depth:57km 2023/10/08 19:21 PDT Version:4 More info:....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll continues to rise

2023-10-09T04:54+0200wn (en)

Death toll rises as search continues for survivors following earthquake in Afghanistan . ......

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T04:45+0200manilatimes (en)

TOKYO: Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions on Monday following a series of shallow earthquakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean, but there were no immediate reports of damage from the minor waves generated, seismologists said.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T04:44+0200theonlinecitizen (en)

TOKYO, JAPAN — Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow earthquakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but there were no immediate reports of damage from the minor waves generated, seismologists said.

Activan alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en costas del Pacífico de Japón por un sismo

2023-10-09T04:41+0200noticierovenevision (es)

Las autoridades meteorológicas de Japón activaron este lunes la alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio, y en otros puntos de la costa del Pacífico, donde se produjo un sismo, y sin que se hayan registrado daños por el momento.

MIL-OSI China: Japan issues tsunami advisories

2023-10-09T04:36+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued tsunami advisories on Monday for multiple locations following two earthquakes. Tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the prefectures of Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki and Kagoshima, said the JMA.

Japan's weather agency issues tsunami advisories

2023-10-09T04:24+0200english-news-cn (en)

TOKYO, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued tsunami advisories on Monday for multiple locations following two earthquakes. Tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the prefectures of Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki and Kagoshima, said the JMA.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T04:24+0200channelnewsasia (en)

TOKYO: Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday (Oct 9) following a series of shallow earthquakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but there were no immediate reports of damage from the minor waves generated, seismologists said.

Alerta de tsunami en costas del Pacífico de Japón

2023-10-09T04:24+0200eluniversal-CO (es)

Un tsunami inferior a un metro de altura se produjo este lunes en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio, después de un sismo en el Pacífico que llevó a las autoridades niponas a emitir la alerta en varios puntos de la costa del país, sin que se hayan registrado daños.

Japan's weather agency issues tsunami advisories

2023-10-09T04:23+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

TOKYO, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued tsunami advisories on Monday for multiple locations following two earthquakes. Tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the prefectures of Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki and Kagoshima, said the JMA.

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T04:21+0200sinacom-en (en)

Reuters. A view of houses damaged by an earthquake in Herat province in Afghanistan October 8, 2023. The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in....

Por sismo, activan alerta de tsunami en costas del Pacífico de Japón

2023-10-09T04:20+0200xeu (es)

Un tsunami inferior a un metro de altura se produjo este lunes en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio, después de un sismo en el Pacífico que llevó a las autoridades niponas a emitir la alerta en varios puntos de la costa del país, sin que se hayan registrado daños.

Activan alerta de tsunami en las costas del Pacífico de Japón por un sismo

2023-10-09T04:20+0200n-com-do (es)

Un tsunami inferior a un metro de altura se produjo este lunes en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio , después de un sismo en el Pacífico que llevó a las autoridades niponas a emitir la alerta en varios puntos de la costa del país, sin que se hayan registrado daños.

Mapastepec registra sismo de 4.0 de magnitud

2023-10-09T04:20+0200infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el temblor tuvo un epicentro 30 km al norte de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas, con una profundidad de 152.3 km y fue percibido por los vecinos de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred)....

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas

2023-10-09T04:09+0200thesundaily (en)

TOKYO : Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following series of shallow earthquakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but there were no immediate reports of damage from the minor waves generated, seismologists said.

Rescuing with hope 30 hours after deadly quakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T04:05+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

A man stands in front of his house collapsed during several deadly earthquakes in the hardest-hit Zindajan district, west Afghanistan 's Herat province, Oct. 8, 2023. (Photo by Saifurahman Safi/Xinhua) Rescue efforts are underway for the deadly quakes in western Afghanistan claiming at least 2,445 lives.

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T04:01+0200chinadaily (en)

Rescue work is underway following earthquakes in Herat Province, Afghanistan , Oct 7, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua] HERAT, Afghanistan - The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night.

Japan extends tsunami advisory for coastal areas along Pacific Ocean

2023-10-09T04:01+0200devdiscourse (en)

Japan extended a tsunami advisory for more coastal regions along Pacific Ocean on Monday after issuing it to the two island areas south of Tokyo. The advisory is in effect as far southwest as the Amami Islands, about 1,542 kilometres from the nation's capital, and eastern parts of Chiba prefecture next to Tokyo as of 0130 GMT on Monday.

Afghan Ministry of Defense Assesses Damage After More than 2,000 killed in Double Earthquakes

2023-10-09T03:54+0200couriermail (en)

More than 2,000 people were killed in Afghanistan , after earthquakes struck the western province of Herat, government officials reported on October 8. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck on Saturday, October 7, followed by a 5.9 magnitude, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T03:53+0200chinadailyhk (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Oct 8, 2023. (PHOTO / AP) HERAT, AFGHANISTAN - The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night.

More than 2,000 killed as powerful earthquake flattens villages in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T03:52+0200wn (en)

Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in....

Japan issues tsunami advisory for Izu, Ogasawara Islands area

2023-10-09T03:52+0200wn (en)

TOKYO, Oct 9 (Reuters) - Japan issued a tsunami advisory for the Izu, Ogasawara island areas in the eastern part of the country on Monday. The tsunami already arrived in some island areas, which reported waves as high as 60 centimetres (24 inches), national broadcaster NHK said.


2023-10-09T03:51+0200nampa (en)

Japan issues tsunami advisory for coastal areas Tokyo, Oct 9, 2023 (AFP) - Japan issued a tsunami advisory for some coastal regions early Monday following a series of shallow earthquakes in the Izu islands in the Pacific Ocean but there were no immediate reports of damage from the minor waves generated, seismologists said.

Afghan Ministry of Defense Assesses Damage After More than 2,000 killed in Double Earthquakes

2023-10-09T03:49+0200qt (en)

More than 2,000 people were killed in Afghanistan , after earthquakes struck the western province of Herat, government officials reported on October 8. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck on Saturday, October 7, followed by a 5.9 magnitude, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Japan Issues Tsunami Advisory For Coastal Areas

2023-10-09T03:46+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/japan-issues-tsunami-advisory-for-coastal-areas-69534dad. Japan Issues Tsunami Advisory For Coastal Areas.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for Izu, Ogasawara Islands area

2023-10-09T03:36+0200japantoday (en)

Japan issued a tsunami advisory for the Izu, Ogasawara island areas in the eastern part of the country on Monday. The tsunami already arrived in some island areas, which reported waves as high as 60 centimeters, national broadcaster NHK said. The advisory followed an earthquake near Torishima Island at 5:25 a.

MIL-OSI China: Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T03:35+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

People affected by the earthquake rest outdoors in Herat Province, Afghanistan , Oct. 7, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua] The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan’s Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for Izu, Ogasawara Islands area

2023-10-09T03:35+0200AsiaOne (en)

TOKYO — Japan issued a tsunami advisory for the Izu, Ogasawara island areas in the eastern part of the country on Monday (Oct 9). The tsunami already arrived in some island areas, which reported waves as high as 60 centimetres, national broadcaster NHK said. The advisory followed an earthquake near Torishima Island at 5.

More than 2,000 killed as powerful earthquake flattens villages in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T03:32+0200independent-ie (en)

An Afghan man sits in a courtyard of a destroyed home after an earthquake in western Afghanistan yesterday. Photo: Omid Haqjoo. Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan yesterday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people.

Japan issues tsunami advisories

2023-10-09T03:32+0200china.org.cn (en)

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued tsunami advisories on Monday for multiple locations following two earthquakes. Tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the prefectures of Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki and Kagoshima, said the JMA.

Japan's weather agency issues tsunami advisories

2023-10-09T03:32+0200china.org.cn (en)

TOKYO, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued tsunami advisories on Monday for multiple locations following two earthquakes. Tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the prefectures of Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki and Kagoshima, said the JMA.

Japan's weather agency issues tsunami advisories

2023-10-09T03:32+0200wn (en)

TOKYO, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued tsunami advisories on Monday for multiple locations following two earthquakes. Tsunami could reach one meter in height in Izu Islands, Ogasawara Islands, and the prefectures of Kochi, Chiba, Miyazaki and Kagoshima, said the JMA.

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T03:29+0200english-news-cn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat, where 13 villages have been "utterly destroyed," said....

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T03:27+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat, where 13 villages have been "utterly destroyed," said....

Pakistan grieved over devastating quake in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T03:25+0200nation-pk (en)

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan yesterday expressed deep sadness and condolence over loss of precious lives and properties in devastating earthquake that hit Western regions of Afghanistan . “The government and people of Pakistan are deeply saddened by the devastating earthquake in Western regions of....

Pakistan grieved over devastating quake in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T03:23+0200nation (en)

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan yesterday expressed deep sadness and condolence over loss of precious lives and properties in devastating earthquake that hit Western regions of Afghanistan . “The government and people of Pakistan are deeply saddened by the devastating earthquake in Western regions of....

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake

2023-10-09T03:19+0200thenews-pk (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan : Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan, with the death toll of 120 expected to rise on Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Death toll from Afghan quakes rises to over 2,000

2023-10-09T03:19+0200thenews-pk (en)

HERAT/ISLAMABAD: The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply again on Sunday to more than 2,000, with nearly 10,000 injured, as rescue workers dug through razed villages for vanishing signs of life. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from Afghanistan earthquakes that killed at least 2,000

2023-10-09T03:17+0200whig (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

World Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445 The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. 21m

2023-10-09T03:16+0200shine (en)

The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan 's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat, where 13 villages have been "utterly destroyed," said Mawlawi Musa Ashari, Herat's provincial....

Activan alerta de tsunami en Japón tras sismo en las islas Izu

2023-10-09T03:12+0200notiulti (es)

Las autoridades meteorológicas de Japón activaron este domingo la alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio, y en otros puntos de la costa del Pacífico, donde se produjo un sismo, y sin que se hayan registrado daños por el momento.

Watch: Child pulled alive from debris after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-09T03:11+0200wn (en)

In a video shared online, the baby can be seen buried up to her neck in debris, struggling to catch her breath. ......

Death toll from ‘unprecedented’ Afghan quakes doubles to 2,000

2023-10-09T03:10+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Herat, Afghanistan -The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply on Sunday to more than 2,000, the Taliban government said, as bodies continued to be pulled from demolished villages and buried in mass graves. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll continues to rise

2023-10-09T03:10+0200theage (en)

Death toll rises as search continues for survivors following earthquake in Afghanistan .

China offers to support Afghanistan's disaster relief in light of its needs

2023-10-09T03:10+0200peopledaily (en)

Afghan residents clear debris from a damaged house after an earthquake occurred in Herat province in western Afghanistan on October 8, 2023. The quake has killed more than 2,000, according to official update. Photo: Xinhua. China on Sunday offered to support Afghanistan's disaster relief efforts after a magnitude-6.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll continues to rise

2023-10-09T03:07+0200smh (en)

Death toll rises as search continues for survivors following earthquake in Afghanistan .

Japan Issues Tsunami Advisory For Izu, Ogasawara Islands Area After Earthquake

2023-10-09T03:07+0200timesnownews (en)

Tokyo Japan issued a tsunami advisory for the Izu and Ogasawara island areas in the eastern part of the country on Monday. The tsunami already arrived in some island areas, which reported waves as high as 60 centimetres (24 inches), national broadcaster NHK said. The advisory followed an earthquake near Torishima Island at 5:25 a.

Activan alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en las costas del Pacífico de Japón por un sismo

2023-10-09T03:06+0200infobae (es)

Tokio, 9 oct (EFE).- Un tsunami inferior a un metro de altura se produjo este lunes en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio, después de un sismo en el Pacífico que llevó a las autoridades niponas a emitir la alerta en varios puntos de la costa del país, sin que se hayan registrado daños.

Activan alerta de tsunami en costas del Pacífico de Japón por un sismo

2023-10-09T03:06+0200elcomentario (es)

Un tsunami inferior a un metro de altura se produjo en las islas Izu , al sur de Tokio , después de un sismo en el Pacífico que llevó a las autoridades niponas a emitir la alerta en varios puntos de la costa del país, sin que se hayan registrado daños.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll continues to rise

2023-10-09T03:05+0200brisbanetimes (en)

Death toll rises as search continues for survivors following earthquake in Afghanistan .

Erdogan : « Une paix durable au Moyen-Orient n’est possible que par un règlement du conflit israélo-palestinien »

2023-10-09T03:05+0200iciabidjan (fr)

« Nous insistons sur le fait qu’il convient d’éviter toute mesure susceptible d’aggraver les tensions dans la région, d’entraîner de nouvelles effusions de sang », a martelé le président turc. « Une paix durable au Moyen-Orient n’est possible que par un règlement définitif du conflit....

Small tsunami seen on islands near Tokyo after nearby quake

2023-10-09T03:02+0200kyodonews (en)

Small tsunami were observed on some islands in the Izu chain near Tokyo and advisories were issued for Chiba and other prefectures on Monday morning following a nearby earthquake, the country's weather agency said, with no damage reported. Tsunami 60 centimeters in height were measured at Hachijo....

Activan alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en costas del Pacífico de Japón por un sismo

2023-10-09T03:01+0200caracol (es)

Las autoridades meteorológicas de Japón activaron este lunes la alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio, y en otros puntos de la costa del Pacífico, El sismo se produjo a las 5:25 hora local (20:25 GMT del domingo) en aguas próximas a la isla de Torishima, a poca....

China offers to support Afghanistan's disaster relief in light of its needs

2023-10-09T02:58+0200ecns (en)

China on Sunday offered to support Afghanistan 's disaster relief efforts after a magnitude-6.2 earthquake struck Herat province in western Afghanistan on Saturday, causing more than 2,000 fatalities and close to 10,000 injuries. Chinese analysts called on the international community to assist the....

IRCS sent humanitarian consignment to Afghanistan

2023-10-09T02:52+0200reliefWeb (en)

TEHRAN, 8 October 2023 (IRCS) - The Iranian Red Crescent (IRCS) has dispatched a valuable shipment of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan , following a 6.3 magnitude earthquake that occurred in the city of Herat. This relief shipment comprises various essential items such as tents, ground sheets, kitchen....

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T02:49+0200peopledaily (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat, where 13 villages have been "utterly destroyed," said....

Small tsunami reaches islands near Tokyo after nearby quake

2023-10-09T02:48+0200japantimes (en)

Small tsunami waves were observed on some islands in the Izu chain near Tokyo and advisories were issued for Chiba and other prefectures on Monday morning following a nearby earthquake, the country's weather agency said, with no damage reported. Tsunami 60 centimeters in height were measured at....

Death toll of earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,445

2023-10-09T02:41+0200china.org.cn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from earthquakes in western Afghanistan's Herat and neighboring provinces has risen to 2,445, Herat authorities said Sunday night. The most affected area is the Zanda Jan district in Herat, where 13 villages have been "utterly destroyed," said....

Activan alerta de tsunami en costas de Japón por un sismo

2023-10-09T02:33+0200unionradio (es)

TOKIO.- Las autoridades meteorológicas de Japón activaron este lunes la alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio, y en otros puntos de la costa del Pacífico, donde se produjo un sismo, y sin que se hayan registrado daños por el momento.

Activan alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en costas del Pacífico de Japón por un sismo

2023-10-09T02:30+0200eltiempo-VE (es)

Las autoridades meteorológicas de Japón activaron este lunes la alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio, y en otros puntos de la costa del Pacífico, donde se produjo un sismo, y sin que se hayan registrado daños por el momento.

14:48 08/10/2023 Séisme en Afghanistan: Guterres appelle la communauté internationale à soutenir les personnes touchées

2023-10-09T02:26+0200lexpressiondz (fr)

Le secrétaire général de l'ONU, Antonio Guterres, s'est dit profondément attristé par les pertes en vies humaines causées par le séisme qui a frappé samedi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , appelant la communauté internationale à s'unir en faveur des personnes touchées. M.

Activan alerta de tsunami en islas al sur de Tokio, Japón

2023-10-09T02:19+0200elsiglodetorreon (es)

Las autoridades meteorológicas de Japón activaron este lunes la alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio, y en otros puntos de la costa del Pacífico, donde se produjo un sismo, y sin que se hayan registrado daños por el momento.

OIC condoles Afghanistan over devastating earthquake

2023-10-09T02:16+0200bolnews (en)

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) expressed its condolences to Afghanistan for the loss of lives in the devastating earthquake. Secretary General Taha said that he stands with Afghanistan and its people during this difficult time. A powerful 6.

Above 2000 people die, 600 injured in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-09T02:16+0200bolnews (en)

A powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake in northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday claimed 2,000 lives and left 600 others injured. According to the US Geological Survey, the depth of the earthquake was recorded at 10 kilometers, while the epicenter of the earthquake was the Zinda Jan District of Herat Province in Afghanistan.

Tsunami alert of up to one meter activated in Japan

2023-10-09T02:15+0200efe (en)

Tokyo, Oct. 9 (EFE) – Japan’s meteorological authorities activated a tsunami warning of up to one meter (3.2 ft) early Monday in the Izu Islands, south of Tokyo, and in parts of the Pacific coast where an earthquake struck. No damages have been reported so far. The earthquake struck at 5:25 a.m.

Finland condoles at earthquake victims in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T02:12+0200dailyfinland-fi (en)

Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen on Sunday expressed condolence at the deaths of people in earthquakes in Afghanistan , said the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in a twitter post. “We are deeply saddened about the devastating earthquakes in Afghanistan killing and injuring hundreds of people and causing extensive damage.

Watch: Child pulled alive from quake rubble in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T02:11+0200Stuff (en)

Warning: This story may be upsetting for some readers. A baby girl has been pulled alive out of the rubble of a collapsed building after , killing at least 2000 people. In a video shared online and verified by The Associated Press, the baby can be seen buried up to her neck in debris, struggling to catch her breath.

Un terremoto catastrofico ha provocato oltre 2.000 morti in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T02:10+0200scienzenotizie (it)

L’ONU stima che circa 4.200 persone, appartenenti a circa 600 famiglie, siano state colpite dalle frane e dai crolli provocati da una serie di potenti terremoti. Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto registrato in Afghanistan questo sabato, seguito da una serie di potenti scosse di assestamento, è aumentato drasticamente a 2.

Death toll rises to more than 1,000 after powerful earthquakes strike western Afghanistan

2023-10-09T02:06+0200mycentraloregon (en)

ABC News. The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 1,023, with more than 1,600 injured, the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the World Health Organization said Sunday. A powerful magnitude-6.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for Izu, Ogasawara Islands area October 9, 2023 NEW

2023-10-09T01:57+0200ajw (en)

Japan issued a tsunami advisory for the Izu, Ogasawara island areas in the eastern part of the country on Monday. The tsunami is believed to have already arrived in the island areas, national broadcaster NHK said. The advisory followed an earthquake of unknown magnitude near Torishima Island at 5:25 a.

Iberdrola, Endesa y Repsol desatan un 'tsunami' de venta de renovables

2023-10-09T01:57+0200Expansion (es)

Ignacio Galán (Iberdrola), José Bogas (Endesa), Josu Jon Imaz (Repsol), Rafael Martín de Bustamante (Elecnor), David Ruiz de Andrés (Grenergy) y Jesús Martín Buezas (Capital Energy). Las grandes energéticas agitan el mercado con operaciones millonarias que se suman a las de Elecnor, BP, Ignis,....

Death toll of quakes soars to 2,053 in Afghanistan, officials call for assistance

2023-10-09T01:47+0200english-news-cn (en)

People affected by the earthquake rest outdoors in Herat Province, Afghanistan , Oct. 7, 2023. (Photo by Mashal/Xinhua) Afghan officials called on aid agencies to offer support to affected families in the country's western part, which was hit by earthquakes claiming at least 2,053 lives. HERAT, Afghanistan, Oct.

Death toll of quakes soars to 2,053 in Afghanistan, officials call for assistance

2023-10-09T01:46+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

People affected by the earthquake rest outdoors in Herat Province, Afghanistan , Oct. 7, 2023. (Photo by Mashal/Xinhua) Afghan officials called on aid agencies to offer support to affected families in the country's western part, which was hit by earthquakes claiming at least 2,053 lives. HERAT, Afghanistan, Oct.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for Izu, Ogasawara Islands area

2023-10-09T01:46+0200cgtn (en)

Japan issued a tsunami advisory for the Izu, Ogasawara Islands area in the eastern part of the country on Monday. The tsunami already arrived in some island areas, which reported waves as high as 60 centimeters, national broadcaster NHK said. The advisory followed an earthquake near Torishima Island at 5:25 a.

Activan alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en costas del Pacífico de Japón por un sismo

2023-10-09T01:38+020020minutos (es)

Las autoridades meteorológicas de Japón activaron este lunes la alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio, y en otros puntos de la costa del Pacífico, donde se produjo un sismo, y sin que se hayan registrado daños por el momento.

Activan alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en costas del Pacífico de Japón por un sismo

2023-10-09T01:32+0200infobae (es)

Tokio, 9 oct (EFE).- Las autoridades meteorológicas de Japón activaron este lunes la alerta de tsunami de hasta un metro en las islas Izu, al sur de Tokio, y en otros puntos de la costa del Pacífico, donde se produjo un sismo, y sin que se hayan registrado daños por el momento.

FM expresses solidarity with Afghanistan in wake of devastating earthquake

2023-10-09T01:29+0200dunyanews (en)

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani on Sunday expressed Pakistan’s solidarity with the government and people of Afghanistan in the wake of 6.3 magnitude powerful earthquake that jolted Herat province, causing over 2,000 deaths.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for Izu, Ogasawara Islands area

2023-10-09T01:20+0200reuters (en)

TOKYO, Oct 9 (Reuters) - Japan issued a tsunami advisory for the Izu, Ogasawara island areas in the eastern part of the country on Monday. The tsunami already arrived in some island areas, which reported waves as high as 60 centimetres (24 inches), national broadcaster NHK said. The advisory followed an earthquake near Torishima Island at 5:25 a.

“Las principales mafias de la migración somos nosotros al impedir que vengan de otro modo”

2023-10-09T01:19+0200diariodeavisos (es)

Una de la tarde en Canarias del domingo 30 de abril de 2006. Uno de los periodistas que más han hecho por la tolerancia hacia la migración, Nicolás Castellano (Cadena Ser), da una noticia a escala estatal de pocos segundos sobre el hallazgo, el día previo, por un pescador y en la isla de Barbados....

APTOPIX Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-09T01:18+0200hjnews (en)

Afghan women mourn for relatives killed in an earthquake at a burial site after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, western of Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Le bilan des triples séismes dans le nord-ouest de l’Afghanistan dépasse les 2 000

2023-10-09T01:18+0200laminute (fr)

Plus de 2 000 personnes sont mortes et des milliers d’autres ont été blessées dans les secousses les plus meurtrières depuis des années dans le nord-ouest de l’ Afghanistan , a annoncé dimanche l’administration talibane, alors que les secouristes se précipitaient pour sortir un nombre indéterminé de personnes coincées sous les décombres.

Con epicentro en el Maule, tuvo una magnitud 4,6.

2023-10-09T01:11+0200cooperativa (es)

Un sismo se percibió a las 22.26 de este sábado en la zona central de Chile , específicamente en las regiones de O'Higgins y Maule, movimiento que fue calificado de "menor intensidad" por el Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres (Senapred).

Fort séisme en Afghanistan, plus de 2 000 morts et 9 000 blessés

2023-10-09T01:09+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-10-08 11:43:00. Fort séisme en Afghanistan , plus de 2 000 morts et 9 000 blessés. Le bilan des morts s’élève à près de deux mille des puissants tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’ouest de l’Afghanistan ces dernières heures, à 35 kilomètres au nord-ouest d’Herat.

Axel Caniggia lanzó una carta a favor de su papá: "Todo es..." El mediático dio un volantazo en la relación con sus padres y finalmente se inclinó por estar a favor de Claudio Paul Caniggia.

2023-10-09T01:08+0200mdzol (es)

Sin dudas el clan Caniggia/Nannis es de las familias más mediáticas y polémicas de Argentina, más allá que la mayor parte de su vida echaron raíces en tierras europeas, principalmente en la codiciada y lujosa, Marbella. Cada dos por tres salen en las portadas de los medios por algún motivo y desde....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.5 en Socaire

2023-10-09T01:03+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrose ubicó a 159.0 kilómetros al Este de la ciudad, con coordenadas -66.456 grados de longitud y -23.041 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: La ciudad de Sierra Gorda. siente temblor de magnitud 2.6 Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente....

Death toll from 'unprecedented' Afghan quakes doubles to 2,000

2023-10-09T00:48+0200seychellesnewsagency (en)

) - The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply on Sunday to more than 2,000, the Taliban government said, as bodies continued to be pulled from demolished villages and buried in mass graves. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday's magnitude 6.

Japan issues tsunami advisory for Izu, Ogasawara Islands area

2023-10-09T00:43+0200straitstimesSG (en)

TOKYO - Japan issued a tsunami advisory for the Izu, Ogasawara island areas in the eastern part of the country on Monday. The tsunami is believed to have already arrived in the island areas, national broadcaster NHK said. The advisory followed an earthquake of unknown magnitude near Torishima Island at 5.

Death toll from 'unprecedented' Afghan quakes doubles to 2,000

2023-10-09T00:40+0200jordantimes (en)

Herat, Afghanistan — The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply on Sunday to more than 2,000, the Taliban government said, as bodies continued to be pulled from demolished villages and buried in mass graves. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday's magnitude 6.

Foreign Ministry extends condolences to families suffered from earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-09T00:39+0200today-az (en)

08 October 2023 [19:16] - TODAY.AZ Azerbaijan`s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the earthquake in Afghanistan , Azernews reports, citing the Ministry. “Deeply saddened by the news on devastating earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan that claimed hundreds of lives.

Secretary-General Deeply Saddened by Earthquake in Afghanistan, Extends Sincere Condolences to Families of Victims

2023-10-09T00:36+0200un-org (en)

The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General António Guterres: The Secretary-General is deeply saddened by the loss of life caused by the earthquake which struck near Herat City in western Afghanistan earlier today.

Death toll from ‘unprecedented’ Afghan quakes doubles to 2,000

2023-10-09T00:30+0200citizen (en)

The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply again on Sunday to more than 2,000, with nearly 10,000 injured, as rescue workers dug through razed villages for vanishing signs of life. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday’s magnitude 6.

MIL-OSI New Zealand: Disaster Relief – New humanitarian funding urgently needed after devastating earthquake in western Afghanistan causes ‘a crisis on top of a crisis’ – Save the Children

2023-10-09T00:25+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Save the Children Thousands of children are without homes after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake devastated large parts of Herat province in western Afghanistan . More than 2,000 people have been killed or injured and over 9,000 families have been severely affected. Save the Children is deploying emergency humanitarian assistance to support them.

Deadly Earthquake Strikes Afghanistan: Over 2000 Killed and Counting

2023-10-09T00:22+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-08 08:56:06. Kabul: The death toll from the earthquake in Afghanistan has crossed 2000. This was reported by news agency Reuters citing Taliban sources. It is reported that the number of injured will be around ten thousand. It is reported that the death toll will increase as the condition of many people is critical.

Basket/A2, non basta Smith, Forlì travolge Nardò

2023-10-09T00:22+0200trnews (it)

Nardò Basket cade rovinosamente sui legni del Bondi Arena di Ferrara dove gioca con Forlì, vista la squalifica del Palafiera di Forlì. La squadra di coach Gennaro Di Carlo perde anche la seconda gara del campionato di A2 di Basket, dopo aver perso con Udine all’esordio in casa.

UN has failed to resolve Israel-Palestine conflict: Dr Farooq

2023-10-09T00:21+0200risingkashmir (en)

Srinagar, Oct 08: Jammu and Kashmir National Conference President and Member of Parliament from Srinagar Dr Farooq Abdullah on Sunday expressed deep concern over the current escalation of tension and violence between Palestine and Israel, calling the key countries in the region to help deescalate the situation.

Updated: Taliban says 2,400 killed after earthquake ravages western Afghanistan

2023-10-09T00:17+0200spokesman (en)

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - One day after powerful earthquakes struck western Afghanistan , officials said Sunday that more than 2,400 people were killed and thousands injured, with the death toll likely to rise. “Many are still trapped,” said Haji Janan Saiq, a spokesman for the Taliban-run Ministry of Disaster Management who announced the toll.

Devastating Earthquakes in Western Afghanistan Claim Over 2,000 Lives

2023-10-09T00:13+0200srilankaguardian (en)

Abdul Wahid Rayan, the spokesperson at the Ministry of Information and Culture, disclosed that the death toll from the earthquake in Herat is even higher than initially reported. Approximately six villages have been reduced to rubble, with hundreds of civilians tragically buried beneath the debris.

Qatar extends condolences, support to Afghanistan's earthquake victims

2023-10-09T00:06+0200wn (en)

DOHA, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Qatar on Sunday expressed its solidarity with the Afghan people amid devastating earthquakes in the country's west. Qatar stands with the victims of the earthquake and is fully prepared to provide necessary assistance for....

Japan issues tsunami advisory for Izu, Ogasawara Islands area

2023-10-09T00:04+0200devdiscourse (en)

Country: Japan SHARE; Japan issued a tsunami advisory for the Izu, Ogasawara island areas in the eastern part of the country on Monday. The warning followed an earthquake near Torishima Island and the tsunami had an expected height of 1 metre (3 feet), according to national broadcaster NHK.

Qatar extends condolences, support to Afghanistan's earthquake victims

2023-10-09T00:03+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. DOHA, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Qatar on Sunday expressed its solidarity with the Afghan people amid devastating earthquakes in the country's west. "Qatar stands with the victims of the earthquake and is fully prepared to provide necessary assistance for recovery," the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Tsunami. Fort séisme alors que l'Asie honore la mémoire de ses morts

2023-10-08T23:43+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Les faits se sont produits cette fois au large de l'île indonésienne de Maluku (est). Dans l'immédiat, les sismologues de l'archipel n'ont cependant pas fait état de victimes ni de dégâts dans l'immédiat. Le tsunami de 2004 avait été déclenché par un séisme géant de magnitude 9,3.

Indonésie.Fort séisme

2023-10-08T23:43+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,7 est survenu hier au large de l'île indonésienne de Maluku (est). Profond et éloigné de la ville la plus proche, il n'aurait pas fait de dégâts, mais il est survenu le jour même où l'Indonésie, comme l'ensemble de l'Asie, célébrait le cinquième anniversaire du tsunami dévastateur de 2004.

Qatar extends condolences, support to Afghanistan's earthquake victims

2023-10-08T23:40+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

DOHA, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Qatar on Sunday expressed its solidarity with the Afghan people amid devastating earthquakes in the country's west. "Qatar stands with the victims of the earthquake and is fully prepared to provide necessary assistance for recovery," the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Qatar extends condolences, support to Afghanistan's earthquake victims

2023-10-08T23:39+0200english-news-cn (en)

DOHA, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Qatar on Sunday expressed its solidarity with the Afghan people amid devastating earthquakes in the country's west. "Qatar stands with the victims of the earthquake and is fully prepared to provide necessary assistance for recovery," the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Dr Farooq concerned over escalation of violence between Palestine, Israel

2023-10-08T23:33+0200greaterkashmir (en)

Srinagar, Oct 8 : National Conference President and Member of the Parliament from Srinagar Dr Farooq Abdullah on Sunday expressed deep concern over the current escalation of tension and violence between Palestine and Israel, calling the key countries in the region to help de-escalate the situation.

Afghanistan earthquake kills more than 2000,<>, concerns about whether aid will be distributed

2023-10-08T23:33+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-08T21:32:59.623Z. Highlights: Afghanistan was hit by two earthquakes of magnitude 7.6 with an epicenter in the western part of the country on the 3th. The interim government of the Taliban, which is at the helm there, says that 2,2053 people have died so far.

Afghanistan: CARE begins emergency response to support communities affected by powerful earthquake

2023-10-08T23:32+0200reliefWeb (en)

A powerful earthquake hit Afghanistan yesterday, 7 October, causing widespread destruction and devastating loss of lives. CARE Afghanistan Deputy Country Director Reshma Azmi described the impacts in the country as well as CARE's emergency response: “CARE is deeply saddened by the devastating....

People in quake-hit Afghanistan use shovels, bare hands to pull out victims

2023-10-08T23:15+0200aljazeera-en (en)

Volunteers and rescue workers in quake-hit Afghanistan say they are forced to use shovels and even their bare hands to look for victims and survivors. “There is no modern equipment nor trained search and rescue teams. This could result in a rise in casualties.

Le séisme en Afghanistan a fait plus de 2 000 morts

2023-10-08T23:00+0200jhm (fr)

CATASTROPHE. Plus de 2 000 personnes sont mortes dans le violent séisme qui a frappé l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , selon un dernier bilan rendu public dimanche par le gouvernement taliban, qui s’alourdit au fur et à mesure que les corps sont extraits des décombres de villages ravagés.

Earthquakes kill thousands in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T22:58+0200Stuff (en)

Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses and locals waited for help without even shovels to dig people out.

Le bilan du séisme en Afghanistan s’alourdit à 2.000 morts

2023-10-08T22:54+0200beninwebtv (fr)

Plus de 2.000 habitants de l’ Afghanistan ont été tués et plus de 9.000 autres blessés suite à un tremblement de terre dévastateur dans l’ouest du pays et à ses répliques. C’est ce qu’a rapporté l’agence Reuters, se référant au ministère de la Gestion des catastrophes du gouvernement intérimaire taliban.

Afghanistan. Numero vittime terremoto nella provincia di Herat sale a 2445. 10mila feriti

2023-10-08T22:49+0200agenpress (it)

AgenPress – Il bilancio delle vittime di una serie di terremoti nell’ Afghanistan occidentale è aumentato drasticamente superando le 2445 persone, secondo un portavoce dei talebani, mentre i soccorritori cercavano sopravvissuti tra le rovine dei villaggi rasi al suolo. “Oltre 10.000 sono ferite. Molte altre persone sono ancora sotto le macerie”.

Afghanistan: Support pledged for earthquake-affected residents of Herat

2023-10-08T22:43+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

In the midst of mounting challenges faced by the victims and survivors of the Herat earthquake, the United Nations (UN) and several countries worldwide have made commitments to provide assistance. The death toll from the earthquake continues to rise, compounding the difficulties faced by residents....

Pakistan extends unwavering support to Afghan earthquake victims: Nizamani

2023-10-08T22:43+0200khaama (en)

Image/Ubaidur Rehman Nizamani/Twitter. On Sunday, Ubaidur Rehman Nizamani, Head of Mission at the Pakistan Embassy in Afghanistan , announced on social media that he met with Lt. Gen Inam Haidaer Malik, Chairman of Pakistan’s NDMA. They discussed addressing the pressing humanitarian needs of earthquake-affected people in Afghanistan.

Powerful earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T22:42+0200reliefWeb (en)

ATLANTA, GA. (OCTOBER 8, 2023) Reshma Azmi, CARE Deputy Country Director Statement on Devastating Earthquake. “CARE is deeply saddened by the devastating earthquake that struck the western province of Herat on Saturday, October 7, 2023. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake has caused widespread damage and loss of life.

Qatar extends condolences, support to Afghanistan’s earthquake victims

2023-10-08T22:42+0200newsghana (en)

Qatar on Sunday expressed its solidarity with the Afghan people amid devastating earthquakes in the country’s west. “Qatar stands with the victims of the earthquake and is fully prepared to provide necessary assistance for recovery,” the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Afghanistan Earthquake: Rashid Khan To Donate CWC 2023 Match Fees To People Affected

2023-10-08T22:37+0200india (en)

Afghanistan Earthquake: Rashid Khan To Donate Cricket World Cup 2023 Match Fees To People Affected An earthquake of 6.3 magnitude hit the city of Herat in western Afghanistan on Saturday with more that 100 feared dead and approximately 1000 injured. Afghanistan spinner Rashid Khan showed a noble....

VIDEO: Destruction caused by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T22:37+0200mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 08 (MNA) – The footage shows the extent of destruction in Afghanistan after an earthquake hit the country’s northwestern parts. The death toll from a series of earthquakes in Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000 with over 9,000 others injured.

Afghanistan: Save the Children, 9000 famiglie gravemente colpite dal terremoto.

2023-10-08T22:37+0200politicamentecorretto (it)

Necessario stanziare subito fondi umanitari per gli aiuti alla popolazione colpita. Migliaia di bambini sono senza casa dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha devastato gran parte della provincia di Herat, nell’ Afghanistan occidentale. Più di 2.000 persone sono state uccise o ferite e oltre 9.000 famiglie sono state gravemente colpite.

VIDEO: Destruction caused by earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T22:36+0200mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 08 (MNA) – The footage shows the extent of destruction in Afghanistan after an earthquake hit the country’s northwestern parts. The death toll from a series of earthquakes in Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000 with over 9,000 others injured.

The most violent in two decades. Why was the Herat earthquake in Afghanistan devastating?

2023-10-08T22:33+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-08T20:32:36.808Z. Highlights: The death toll from the earthquake in Herat province has exceeded 2454,2500 people, and the numbers are likely to increase. The US Geological Center announced that the magnitude of the earthquake reached 6.3 on the Richter scale, and occurred at a depth of 10.6 kilometers.

Al menos 20 muertos por un sismo de magnitud 6,5 en las islas Molucas de Indonesia

2023-10-08T22:32+0200noticiasambientales (es)

El movimiento sísmico, con epicentro en el mar a 18,2 kilómetros de profundidad y a unos 37 kilómetros al noreste de la ciudad de Ambon, donde estaba la mayoría de los heridos y se produjeron más víctimas mortales , dañó decenas de edificios y carreteras y desplazó a unas 2.000 personas de sus casas, según el vocero de la BNPB, Agus Wibowo.

Iran sympathizes with Afghanistan over deadly quake

2023-10-08T22:26+0200tehrantimes (en)

TEHRAN – Iran has expressed solidarity with the Afghan people over a deadly earthquake that killed thousands of people. “Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has expressed regret over the death of a group of dear Afghan citizens in Saturday's earthquake in the city of Herat,” the Iranian foreign ministry said in a statement.

New Humanitarian Funding Urgently Needed After Devastating Earthquake In Western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T22:24+0200scoop-co-nz (en)

Save the Children is deploying emergency humanitarian assistance to support them. The agency is coordinating its response with partners, which will include cash distributions for families, baby hygiene and children’s wellbeing kits, and mental health support for children.

Afghanistan: Le bilan du tremblement de terre d'Herat s'alourdit à 2 445 morts

2023-10-08T22:24+0200aa-fr (fr)

Afghanistan . AA / Kaboul / Aladdin Mustafaoğlu. Le bilan des victimes du tremblement de terre qui a été suivi par plusieurs fortes répliques dans la province afghane d'Herat, s'est alourdi à 2 445 morts. Le mollah Janan Sayeq, porte-parole du ministère d'État chargé des catastrophes naturelles dans....

Pakistan deeply concerned by escalating hostility in Middle East: Jilani

2023-10-08T22:20+0200pakistantoday (en)

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani on Sunday said that Pakistan is deeply concerned by the escalating hostility in the Middle East and the loss of innocent lives. “Pakistan is deeply concerned by the escalating hostility in the Middle East and the loss of innocent lives.

Defense ministry sends in rescue teams to quake-hit

2023-10-08T22:14+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

Early Sunday, the full picture of the carnage began to emerge as videos posted to social media showed villages using their bare hands to dig survivors out of the rubble. Rescue teams have now arrived in some of the worst hit areas, which include Zinda Jan district, where most of the quakes were epicentered.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en Quillagua

2023-10-08T22:08+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -69.832 grados de longitud y -21.318 grados de latitud, de acuerdo con datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Chile: temblor de magnitud 2.9 en Punta Arenas Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Death toll rises to 2,000 in Afghanistan earthquake: Taliban officials

2023-10-08T22:04+0200dailynews-lk (en)

Taliban officials call for urgent help as rescuers try to save people trapped in debris in the wake of magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Herat province. The death toll from powerful earthquakes in western Afghanistan is estimated to be 2,000, a senior Taliban leader said, adding that the number might rise....

Afghanistan earthquake: Race to rescue victims in Herat Province

2023-10-08T22:01+0200theghanareport (en)

Emergency teams in Afghanistan are racing to rescue people from the rubble left by a powerful earthquake that struck the west of the country. Hundreds of people are feared dead after the 6.3-magnitude quake hit villages in Herat Province on Saturday. With communications down and many roads....

Afghanistan. L'ONU se mobilise pour les victimes du tremblement de terre

2023-10-08T21:54+0200news-un-fr (fr)

Selon les estimations des autorités afghanes , le bilan du séisme de magnitude 6,3 s'éleverait à 2000 morts et à des milliers de blessés. Le Bureau humanitaire des Nations Unies ( OCHA ), a signalé que des centaines maisons ont été détruites. Les zones les plus touchées se trouvent à environ 40 kilomètres de la ville de Herat.

Iran sympathizes with Afghanistan over deadly quake

2023-10-08T21:51+0200tehran_times (en)

TEHRAN – Iran has expressed solidarity with the Afghan people over a deadly earthquake that killed thousands of people. “Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has expressed regret over the death of a group of dear Afghan citizens in Saturday's earthquake in the city of Herat,” the Iranian foreign ministry said in a statement.

Secretary-General Deeply Saddened by Earthquake in Afghanistan, Extends Sincere Condolences to Families of Victims

2023-10-08T21:51+0200reliefWeb (en)

SG/SM/21982. The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General António Guterres: The Secretary-General is deeply saddened by the loss of life caused by the earthquake which struck near Herat City in western Afghanistan earlier today.

Afghanistan : un séisme de magnitude 6,3 fait plus de 2 000 morts

2023-10-08T21:48+0200francetvinfo (fr)

C’est un miracle à Herat ( Afghanistan ). Une petite fille a été complètement ensevelie sous la terre. Les secouristes sont parvenus à la localiser, et l’ont sortie, affaiblie mais vivante, des décombres. À l’extérieur, les habitants s’activent pour retrouver des survivants. Les bâtiments ont été intégralement détruits.

Oman to take part in tsunami simulation exercise on Oct 11

2023-10-08T21:40+0200muscatdaily (en)

Muscat – To test preparedness to respond to tsunamis generated by seismic and non-seismic (volcanic) events, Oman will participate in the Indian Ocean Wave 2023 (IOWave23) tsunami exercise on Wednesday. The exercise will simulate a magnitude 9.0 earthquake in the Makran trench in the northwest Indian Ocean at 06:00 UTC on October 11.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 colpisce l’Afghanistan: stimato in duemila morti il bilancio delle vittime

2023-10-08T21:38+0200ladiscussione (it)

È salito a duemila il bilancio delle vittime del forte terremoto, di magnitudo 6.3, che ha scosso l’ Afghanistan occidentale. Si tratta di uno dei terremoti più mortali che abbiano colpito il Paese negli ultimi due decenni. Circa sei villaggi sono stati distrutti e centinaia di civili sono rimasti sepolti sotto le macerie.

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T21:26+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

FILE - An aerial view of the outskirts of Herat, Afghanistan , Monday, June 5, 2023. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan's Herat province on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023, the country's national disaster authority said.

Verstappen gana la carrera del infierno

2023-10-08T21:23+0200marca (es)

Max Verstappen ha ganado un dramático GP de Qatar, por el calor y el esfuerzo al que los 40 grados ambiente han obligado a todos los pilotos. Se abrían la visera en la rectas una y otra vez para que les entrara el aire. Incluso Fernando Alonso hablaba por la radio de su asiento "ardiendo", mientras....

Qatar extends condolences, support to Afghanistan's earthquake victims

2023-10-08T21:09+0200china.org.cn (en)

DOHA, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Qatar on Sunday expressed its solidarity with the Afghan people amid devastating earthquakes in the country's west. "Qatar stands with the victims of the earthquake and is fully prepared to provide necessary assistance for recovery," the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Afghanistan Earthquake in Herat Province, Health Situation Report No. 2 8 October 2023

2023-10-08T21:00+0200reliefWeb (en)

SITUATION UPDATES. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the western region in Afghanistan on 7 October 2023, affecting Herat Province, followed by a series of aftershocks until the morning of 8 October 2023. The epicenter was located 30km northeast of Zindajan district, Herat Province.

Afghanistan: Flash Update #2 Earthquake in Herat Province, Afghanistan, 8 October 2023 (as of 22.00)

2023-10-08T21:00+0200reliefWeb (en)

Highlights Humanitarian partners are ramping up response efforts following yesterday’s devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Herat Province, western Afghanistan . Search and rescue efforts are continuing, with rapid multi-sectoral assessment teams deployed to affected areas.

Pakistan extends unwavering support to Afghan earthquake victims: Nizamani

2023-10-08T21:00+0200wn (en)

On Sunday, Ubaidur Rehman Nizamani, Head of Mission at the Pakistan Embassy in Afghanistan , announced on social media that he met with Lt. Gen Inam Haidaer Malik, Chairman of Pakistan’s NDMA. They discussed addressing the pressing humanitarian needs of earthquake-affected people in Afghanistan.

Powerful Earthquake Kills And Injures Thousands In Afghanistan.

2023-10-08T20:56+0200sunstkitts (en)

Aid groups and hospital officials provided a lower number of confirmed fatalities. The Afghan Red Crescent Society cautioned that it remained difficult to verify the full extent of the damage, with a spokesman for the aid group, Irfanullah Sharafzoi, putting the death toll at 400.

Over 2000 Dead in Afghanistan After Two Powerful Earthquakes Hit Herat Province

2023-10-08T20:47+0200qt (en)

More than 2000 people were killed in Afghanistan after two powerful earthquakes hit the western province of Herat, Reuters reported, citing government officials. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck on Saturday, October 7 at around noon local time, followed by a 5.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, a Herat i funerali delle vittime

2023-10-08T20:37+0200ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) A Herat i funerali delle vittime dei devastanti terremoti che hanno colpito l' Afghanistan provocando oltre 2mila morti. Il sisma di magnitudo 6.3 è stato seguito da forti scosse di assestamento. Sei villaggi sono stati distrutti e centinaia di civili sono rimasti sepolti sotto le macerie.

Afghanistan: Aid Efforts Rapidly Expand As Post-quake Death Toll Rises

2023-10-08T20:32+0200wn (en)

The death toll from the major earthquake that pummelled western soared to....

SismaTerremoto in Afghanistan, oltre duemila morti: «Non è rimasto nulla, solo sabbia»

2023-10-08T20:24+0200cdt (it)

Secondo funzionari governativi, più di 1'300 case sono state distrutte lungo la faglia che si sviluppa a 30 chilometri a nord-ovest di Herat. Nel villaggio di Sarboland, nel distretto di Zinda Jan, le case vicino all'epicentro del terremoto, che ha avuto una magnitudo 6.3, sono sventrate e gli oggetti personali sparsi un po' ovunque.

Feature: Rescuing with hope 30 hours after deadly quakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T20:22+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

ZANDA JAN, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Struggling on a long ride from Afghanistan's capital Kabul, trucks loaded with food and medicine aid, ambulances and excavators were heading toward the western Herat province, the epicenter of several deadly earthquakes leading to more than 2,000 deaths as of Sunday night.

Sismo de 4.4 de magnitud con epicentro en Michoacán

2023-10-08T20:20+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo en México: temblor de 4.

Death toll from Afghan quakes doubles to 2,000

2023-10-08T20:19+0200kuwaittimes (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan : The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply again on Sunday to more than 2,000, with nearly 10,000 injured, as rescue workers dug through razed villages for vanishing signs of life. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Erdogan : "Une paix durable au Moyen-Orient n'est possible que par un règlement du conflit israélo-palestinien"

2023-10-08T20:13+0200aa-fr (fr)

Istanbul. AA / Istanbul / Handan Kazanci. "Une paix durable au Moyen-Orient n'est possible que par un règlement définitif du conflit israélo-palestinien", a déclaré le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan, lors de la cérémonie d'ouverture de l'église orthodoxe syriaque Mor Ephrem à Yesilkoy, sur la rive européenne d'Istanbul.

Re: Magnitude 6.3 quakes hit western Afghanistan leaving trail of bodies

2023-10-08T20:10+0200middleeastmonitor (en)

Magnitude 6.3 quakes hit western Afghanistan leaving trail of bodies Western Afghanistan was struck yesterday by the deadliest earthquakes to hit the quake-prone region in recent years, with more than 2,000 people reported dead and over 9,000 injured. One of the tremors measured a magnitude of 6.3.

È boom di attacchi informatici in Italia, Urso: “Serve cultura del rischio digitale”

2023-10-08T20:09+0200tag24 (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social Clamoroso infortunio per Marco Bezzecchi. Nelle scorse ore, infatti, il pilota della Ducati si è fatto male al ranch di Tavullia di Valentino Rossi. Secondo quanto riportano i media specializzati, l’italiano avrebbe riportato la frattura della clavicola durante una....

Death toll from Afghan quakes doubles to 2,000

2023-10-08T20:03+0200thedailystarBD (en)

The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan yesterday rose sharply again to more than 2,000, with nearly 10,000 injured, as rescue workers dug through razed villages for vanishing signs of life. "Our people witnessed an unprecedented earthquake," said disaster management....

South Asia / Afghan quakes toll rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T20:03+0200newagebd (en)

Afghan residents sit at a damaged house after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan, district of Herat province, on October 7,2023. – AFP photo. The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply again on Sunday to more than 2,000, with nearly 10,000 injured, as....

Le séisme en Afghanistan a fait plus de 2.000 morts, les recherches continuent

2023-10-08T19:59+0200tv5 (fr)

Plus de 2.000 personnes sont mortes dans le violent séisme qui frappé l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon un dernier bilan rendu public dimanche par le gouvernement taliban, qui s'alourdit au fur et à mesure que les corps sont extrait des décombres de villages ravagés. Plus de 1.

Pakistan23 minutes ago FM expresses solidarity with Afghanistan in wake of devastating earthquake

2023-10-08T19:57+0200gnnhd (en)

Islamabad: Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani on Sunday expressed Pakistan’s solidarity with the government and people of Afghanistan in the wake of 6.3 magnitude powerful earthquake that jolted Herat province, causing over 2,000 deaths. On X, the foreign minister posted, “Our condolences....

Violent séisme en Afghanistan : plus de 2.000 morts et d’énormes dégâts

2023-10-08T19:55+0200lest-eclair (fr)

Plus de 2 000 personnes sont mortes dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan frappé par un violent séisme samedi, qui a provoqué d’énormes dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel communiqué ce dimanche. Le violent séisme qui a frappé l’ouest de l’Afghanistan samedi a causé la mort de plus de 2 000 personnes....

Afghanistan: dopo il terremoto bambini e famiglie a rischio

2023-10-08T19:55+0200agenpress (it)

AgenPress . Ieri mattina un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 e diverse forti scosse di assestamento hanno colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale nelle province di Herat, Badghis e Farah. Alcune delle aree più colpite si trovano a soli 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat.

Photos: Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T19:51+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan on Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses and locals....

Photos: Looking for the dead and wounded as Afghanistan quakes kill 2,000

2023-10-08T19:47+0200aljazeera-en (en)

Men are digging through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes – some of the deadliest to hit the impoverished South Asian country. Officials of the ruling Taliban on Sunday said at least....

October 8, 2023

2023-10-08T19:46+0200voanews (en)

1 An Indian Air Force fighter aircraft Sukhoi Su-30 fires flares during Air Force Day celebrations at Sangam, the holy confluence of river Ganga, Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati, in Prayagraj. 2 Afghans carry the body of a child after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province of western Afghanistan .

Feature: Rescuing with hope 30 hours after deadly quakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T19:46+0200english-news-cn (en)

ZANDA JAN, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Struggling on a long ride from Afghanistan's capital Kabul, trucks loaded with food and medicine aid, ambulances and excavators were heading toward the western Herat province, the epicenter of several deadly earthquakes leading to more than 2,000 deaths as of Sunday night.


2023-10-08T19:43+0200kassataya (fr)

Dieu sauve les femmes et hommes justes en Afghanistan où il y a eu hier un tremblement de terre de 6.4 sur l’échelle de richter. Plus de 2000 morts dans l’Ouest du pays. Un bilan qui risque de s’alourdir. Les talibans et autres obscurantistes disaient que les séismes sont la manifestation de la....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 3.0 en Mina Los Pelambres

2023-10-08T19:36+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -32.177 grados de latitud y -70.165 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

19:17 | ACTU Un séisme, une guerre, du kava et des frites dans notre récap' du week-end

2023-10-08T19:33+020020minutes (fr)

, encore. De la chaleur, beaucoup trop . On ne vous en voudra pas d’avoir déconnecté ce week-end alors que l’info, si elle nous passionne, peut faire faire des cauchemars . S’il est parfois difficile de garder un il sur l’actualité en ces dimanches ensoleillés, nous, on n’a pas coupé le son ni....

Terremoto nella provincia di Herat: oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T19:32+0200laregione (it)

Nel villaggio di Sarboland, nel distretto di Zinda Jan, le case vicino all'epicentro del terremoto, che ha avuto una magnitudo 6.3, sono sventrate e gli oggetti personali sparsi un po' ovunque. Le successive scosse di assestamento hanno poi assestato il colpo finale.

Afghanistan: Two Earthquakes With 6.3 Magnitude Kill 15, Injure 40 Others In Herat

2023-10-08T19:27+0200outlookindia (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Afghanistan Earthquake: Afghans Dig Flattened Villages By Hand For Survivors As Relief And Rescue Crawl Under Taliban Rule

2023-10-08T19:27+0200outlookindia (en)

In the absence of a coordinated national response and lack of international aid because of the Taliban rule, Afghans are digging the Earth in their flattened villages with bare hands to look for survivors. The Taliban regime has said that around 2,000 people have so far died in the 6.

Lyon. Handicap : comment annoncer le diagnostic ? Ces soignants apprennent à en parler

2023-10-08T19:27+0200leprogres (fr)

Difficile à entendre mais aussi parfois à dire. L’annonce du handicap d’un enfant en période périnatale entraîne souvent un choc immense pour les parents mais parfois aussi pour les soignants. L’association M21 a organisé un évènement le samedi 7 octobre pour permettre aux professionnels de la santé....

Bu 29 şehirde 7'den büyük deprem riski var! Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ercan, 81 ilde beklenen deprem büyüklüklerini tek tek açıkladı

2023-10-08T19:21+0200karar (en)

Türkiye'de yaşanabilecek en büyük depremleri il il sıralayan Prof. Dr. Övgün Ahmet Ercan, 29 ilde 7 ve üzeri büyüklüğünde deprem beklendiğini söyledi. Uzman isim, Türkiye'nin deprem bakımından en güvenli kentlerini de sıraladı. TÜRKİYE'DE İLLERE GÖRE YAŞANABİLECEK EN BÜYÜK DEPREMLER. 6.

¿Tú piensas en el Imperio romano? Duelos por la masculinidad clásica

2023-10-08T19:20+0200elperiodico (es)

El lado divertido del asunto es una muestra más de los usos virales, donde la necesidad de hacer comunidad nos empuja a compartir cualquier cosa, por banal que resulte. Pero, más allá de este divertimento, podemos aventurar algunas hipótesis que nos permiten leer el fenómeno como un síntoma contemporáneo ligado a la masculinidad y a sus duelos.

Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-08T19:19+0200dunyanews (en)

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in by mountains, has a long history of strong....

Feature: Rescuing with hope 30 hours after deadly quakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T19:08+0200china.org.cn (en)

ZANDA JAN, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Struggling on a long ride from Afghanistan's capital Kabul, trucks loaded with food and medicine aid, ambulances and excavators were heading toward the western Herat province, the epicenter of several deadly earthquakes leading to more than 2,000 deaths as of Sunday night.

Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.1 en la ciudad de Los Andes.

2023-10-08T19:07+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrofue a 33.0 kilómetros al Este de la localidad, con coordenadas -70.27 grados de longitud y -32.941 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de ....

Le bilan du tremblement de terre en Afghanistan atteint 2 000 – National

2023-10-08T19:04+0200news-24 (fr)

De puissants tremblements de terre ont tué au moins 2 000 personnes dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , a déclaré dimanche un porte-parole du gouvernement taliban. Il s’agit de l’un des tremblements de terre les plus meurtriers à avoir frappé le pays depuis deux décennies.

Death toll of quakes soars to 2,053 in Afghanistan, officials call for assistance

2023-10-08T19:01+0200sinacom-en (en)

The death toll of the earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, a spokesman for the national disaster authority, Mullah Janan Shaeq, said on Sunday. Addressing a press conference in Herat, the official noted that 9,240 others were injured and 1,340 houses were destroyed in the....

Death toll from 'unprecedented' Afghan quakes doubles to 2,000

2023-10-08T18:44+0200omanobserver-om (en)

HERAT: The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply again on Sunday to more than 2,000, with nearly 10,000 injured, as rescue workers dug through razed villages for vanishing signs of life. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday's magnitude 6.

Afghanistan earthquake: Death toll hits 2K as survivors search for victims in rubble

2023-10-08T18:44+0200fox35orlando (en)

Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit a densely populated area near Herat. It was followed by strong aftershocks. RELATED: Israeli tourists killed in Egypt, US embassy has security message for Americans traveling there A Taliban government spokesman on Sunday provided the toll that, if confirmed,....

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T18:42+0200antiguanews (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Ieri due forti scosse di terremoto hanno devastato l’Afghanistan

2023-10-08T18:39+0200ladigetto (it)

Afghanistan , prima un terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 e poi una da 6.4: almeno duemila morti e circa 10mila feriti. La crisi bellica in Israele e (forse) la rimozione del problema Afghanistan dalle nostre menti dopo l’abbandono militare del Mondo Occidentale hanno fatto passare inosservate due scosse di....

Temblor de magnitud 2.8 sorprende a la ciudad de Huasco

2023-10-08T18:39+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrose ubicó a 46.0 kilómetros al Suroeste de la ciudad, con coordenadas -71.48 grados de longitud y -28.807 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente....

Death Toll of Herat Earthquake Over 2,400: Official

2023-10-08T18:38+0200tolonews (en)

Janan Saiq, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Disaster Management, told TOLOnews that over 2,400 people have lost their lives and over 2,000 others have been injured in the earthquake in Herat. According to Saiq, most of the victims of the earthquake were in 13 villages of the Zinda Jan district of Herat.

FARAKHABAR- Devastating Earthquake in West of Afghanistan Discussed

2023-10-08T18:38+0200tolonews (en)

Nayeb Rafi village, in northern Zenda Jan district in Herat province, has the most losses from the earthquake, locals said, adding that the village was entirely destroyed and almost 80 percent of its residents were killed . Host Shams Amani discussed the topic with the following guests: - Mohammad....

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed 2,000 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T18:37+0200latimes (en)

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan on Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that have left at least 2,000 people dead. Entire villages were flattened , bodies were trapped under....

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan. ISLAMABAD (AP) — Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people.

2023-10-08T18:33+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses....

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan.

2023-10-08T18:32+0200news-gazette (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses....

WFP supports earthquake survivors in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T18:29+0200reliefWeb (en)

Teams at hand providing immediate emergency assistance. In the wake of the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck Herat province, western Afghanistan , on 7 October, the World Food Programme (WFP) is on the ground providing assistance to survivors. The authorities estimate the current death toll at....

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan.

2023-10-08T18:29+0200yakimaherald (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses....

NDMA to send relief goods to quake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-08T18:28+0200humnews-pk (en)

ISLAMABAD: The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has taken proactive measures to deliver relief supplies to earthquake-stricken Afghanistan . The relief package comprises essential items such as food, medicines, tents, and blankets, accompanied by dedicated search and rescue teams.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll tops 2,000 as rescuers use their hands to dig through rubble

2023-10-08T18:28+0200wn (en)

By Riazat Butt, The Associated Press ISLAMABAD — Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan , a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. The figures couldn’t be independently verified, but if ....

Death toll from ‘unprecedented’ Afghan quakes rises to more than 2,000

2023-10-08T18:24+0200muscatdaily (en)

Herat, Afghanistan – The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply again on Sunday to more than 2,000, with nearly 10,000 injured, as rescue workers dug through razed villages for vanishing signs of life. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Powerful Earthquake Strikes Western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T18:23+0200forbes (en)

UNICEF and partners are providing emergency supplies and services to children and families affected by a devastating earthquake in western Herat Province. Afghan children rest under a blanket beside damaged houses after an earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district, Herat Province on Oct.

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan.

2023-10-08T18:18+0200cp24 (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses....

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from earthquakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T18:17+0200timesofindia (en)

A powerful earthquake in western Afghanistan has killed at least 2,000 people and left entire villages flattened. Desperate rescue efforts are underway, with locals using their bare hands and shovels to dig through the rubble. The earthquake, which had a magnitude of 6.

Plus de 2000 morts dans le puissant séisme en Afghanistan

2023-10-08T18:14+0200laliberte (fr)

Plus de 2000 personnes ont péri dans un violent séisme qui a frappé samedi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , provoquant d'énormes dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel communiqué dimanche. Plus de 1300 habitations ont été détruites par le séisme de magnitude 6,3, qui a été suivi par huit fortes répliques....

Afghanistan Earthquakes Leave 2,000 Dead And Thousands Injured, Officials Say

2023-10-08T18:13+0200forbes (en)

Key Background. Afghanistan has seen a number of earthquakes in recent years, the deadliest of which was a 5.9-magnitude quake in June 2022 that struck parts of eastern Afghanistan, killed more than 1,000 people and injured more than 1,500 others. The most recent quake was a magnitude 6.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 2,000: Taliban officials

2023-10-08T18:12+0200island (en)

The death toll from the powerful earthquake in western Afghanistan is estimated to be 2,000, a senior Taliban leader said, adding that the number might rise further in one of the deadliest quakes to hit the country in two decades. Suhail Shaheen, the Taliban spokesperson based in Qatar, told Al....

Bahrain offers condolences to Afghanistan over earthquake victims

2023-10-08T18:08+0200bna-en (en)

Manama, Oct. 8 (BNA): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain expresseed sympathy and solidarity with Afghanistan over the devastating earthquake that struck the west of the country, which led to many casualties and injuries.


2023-10-08T18:05+0200ilroma (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

World News | Desperate People Dig out Dead and Injured from Quakes That Killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T18:03+0200latestly (en)

Islamabad, Oct 8 (AP) Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan on Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed....

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan.

2023-10-08T18:02+0200eagletribune (en)

Afghan men clear the debris after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Séisme en Afghanistan : « Priez pour nous et pour que tous ces morts aillent au paradis »

2023-10-08T18:02+0200la-croix (fr)

Les recherches sous les décombres sont toujours en cours, et le bilan provisoire est déjà terrifiant. Plus de 2 000 personnes, selon les autorités talibanes, seraient décédées après le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 qui a frappé la province de Herat dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , samedi aux alentours de 10 h 30 du matin.

Foreign Ministry extends condolences to families suffered from earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T17:58+0200azernews (en)

Azerbaijan`s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the earthquake in Afghanistan , Azernews reports, citing the Ministry. “Deeply saddened by the news on devastating earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan that claimed hundreds of lives.

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan.

2023-10-08T17:57+0200sun-sentinel (en)

By RIAZAT BUTT (Associated Press) ISLAMABAD (AP) — Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people.

Pakistan Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan About 2 minutes ago

2023-10-08T17:57+0200devdiscourse (en)

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan It was followed by strong aftershocks.A Taliban government spokesman on Sunday provided the toll that, if confirmed, would make it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan.

2023-10-08T17:55+0200gazette (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses....

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan.

2023-10-08T17:55+0200wsoctv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses....

Le Canada surveille l’Afghanistan après un séisme qui aurait fait plus de 2000 morts

2023-10-08T17:55+0200ledroit-CA (fr)

La ministre des Affaires étrangères du Canada, Mélanie Joly, a affirmé sur la plateforme X, que «le Canada est prêt à soutenir le peuple afghan» à la suite du séisme de magnitude 6,3 qui a frappé près d’Herat, la quatrième plus grande ville d’ Afghanistan .

Terremoto in Afghanistan: più di 2000 vittime e 12 paesi sgretolati nella provincia di Herat

2023-10-08T17:51+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Tre scosse sismiche hanno colpito in poche ore il territorio intorno alla città di Herat , in Afghanistan , che conta oltre tre milioni di abitanti. L’evento inizialmente non sembrava aver generato danni troppo seri e il numero di feriti era quasi nullo.

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan.

2023-10-08T17:50+0200wftv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses....

Desperate people dig out dead and injured from quakes that killed over 2,000 in Afghanistan.

2023-10-08T17:47+0200actionnewsjax (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Men dug through rubble with their bare hands and shovels in western Afghanistan Sunday in desperate attempts to pull victims from the wreckage left by powerful earthquakes that killed at least 2,000 people. Entire villages were flattened, bodies were trapped under collapsed houses....

MIL-OSI New Zealand: New humanitarian funding urgently needed after devastating earthquake in western Afghanistan causes ‘a crisis on top of a crisis’ –

2023-10-08T17:47+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Save The Children. Kabul, 8 October 2023- Thousands of children are without homes after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake devastated large parts of Herat province in western Afghanistan . More than 2,000 people have been killed or injured and over 9,000 families have been severely affected.

Le Canada surveille l’Afghanistan après un séisme qui aurait fait plus de 2000 morts

2023-10-08T17:45+0200lactualite (fr)

OTTAWA La ministre canadienne des Affaires étrangères offre son soutien à la population afghane après qu’un tremblement de terre dévastateur a secoué samedi l’ouest du pays asiatique. Mélanie Joly a affirmé sur la plateforme X, anciennement Twitter, que le Canada est prêt à soutenir le peuple afghan....

Bimba estratta viva dalle macerie dopo il terremoto: il video

2023-10-08T17:45+0200citynews (it)

Secondo Al Jazeera, sarebbe stata protetta dalla madre fino all'arrivo dei soccorritori Un violento terremoto, seguito da forti scosse di assestamento, ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale. L'epicentro è stato registrato a 40 km da Herat, città di circa 600mila abitanti, dove una bambina di qualche anno è stata estratta viva dalle macerie.

Bimba estratta viva dalle macerie dopo il terremoto: il video

2023-10-08T17:44+0200europa-today (it)

Secondo Al Jazeera, sarebbe stata protetta dalla madre fino all'arrivo dei soccorritori Un violento terremoto, seguito da forti scosse di assestamento, ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale. L'epicentro è stato registrato a 40 km da Herat, città di circa 600mila abitanti, dove una bambina di qualche anno è stata estratta viva dalle macerie.

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan. People are using bare hands to recover dead and injured

2023-10-08T17:43+0200nbcbayarea (en)

“Besides the 2,060 dead, 1,240 people are injured and 1,320 houses are completely destroyed,” said Rayan. At least a dozen teams have been scrambled to help with rescue efforts, including from the military and nonprofit organizations like the Red Crescent.

WFP Aids Afghanistan Earthquake Survivors

2023-10-08T17:38+0200miragenews (en)

WFP staff were on the ground in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake. Photo: WFP. In the wake of the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck Herat province, western Afghanistan , on 7 October, the World Food Programme (WFP) is on the ground providing assistance to survivors.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquake exceeds 2,500

2023-10-08T17:37+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. The death toll from Saturday's massive earthquake that hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan has exceeded 2,500, an official said on Sunday. “According to the officials of the Ministry of Disaster Management, the number of martyrs due to the earthquake in Herat has exceeded 2,500,” Khalid Zadran, a spokesman for Kabul police, said on X.

Caretaker FM expresses solidarity with Afghanistan in wake of devastating earthquake

2023-10-08T17:34+0200app-en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Oct 08 (APP): Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani on Sunday expressed Pakistan’s solidarity with the government and people of Afghanistan in the wake of 6.3 magnitude powerful earthquake that jolted Heart province of Afghanistan, causing over 2,000 deaths.

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan. People are using bare hands to recover dead and injured

2023-10-08T17:33+0200nbcnewyork (en)

“Besides the 2,060 dead, 1,240 people are injured and 1,320 houses are completely destroyed,” said Rayan. At least a dozen teams have been scrambled to help with rescue efforts, including from the military and nonprofit organizations like the Red Crescent.

Le Canada surveille l’Afghanistan après un séisme qui aurait fait plus de 2000 morts

2023-10-08T17:32+0200lesoleil-ca (fr)

La ministre des Affaires étrangères du Canada, Mélanie Joly, a affirmé sur la plateforme X, que «le Canada est prêt à soutenir le peuple afghan» à la suite du séisme de magnitude 6,3 qui a frappé près d’Herat, la quatrième plus grande ville d’ Afghanistan .

Lone survivor scours piles of rubble in search of family after Afghan quake

2023-10-08T17:31+0200efe (en)

Kabul, Oct 8 (EFE).- “Am I the only survivor,” a heart-wrenching cry echoes through the rubble after a devastating earthquake and aftershocks hit Afghanistan , leaving thousands dead and injured. The man with tears in his eyes was desperately searching for his entire family trapped beneath the....

Earthquake in Western Afghanistan (Statement by Foreign Minister KAMIKAWA Yoko)

2023-10-08T17:31+0200mofa-go-jp (en)

I am deeply saddened by the large number of deaths and the extensive damage that was caused by the earthquake in Herat prefecture in western Afghanistan that occurred on October 7, 2023. We offer our condolences regarding the loss of life and to the bereaved families. I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to the victims of the disaster.

‘2,053 people killed, wounded in Herat earthquake’

2023-10-08T17:25+0200pajhwok (en)

KABUL (Pajhwok): The State Ministry for Natural Disaster Management has apologized for publishing wrong facts and figures regarding the earthquake casualties in Western Herat province. Earlier, the state Ministry for Disaster Management said 2,053 people have been killed and 9,240 others injured in the natural disaster.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T17:25+0200citynews (it)

Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti e centinaia di civili sono rimasti sepolti sotto le macerie. L'epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T17:24+0200europa-today (it)

Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti e centinaia di civili sono rimasti sepolti sotto le macerie. L'epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan earthquake kills 2,000: The frequent tremors the country sees

2023-10-08T17:20+0200expressindia (en)

Powerful and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan , hemmed in by mountains, has a long history of strong earthquakes, many in the rugged Hindu Kush region bordering Pakistan.

Moderate mag. 4.7 earthquake - Afghanistan: 504km SE of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, on 2023-10-08 20:28:51 IST

2023-10-08T17:19+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 627 km / 390 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Afghanistan | Death toll in Saturday’s earthquakes rises to 2,400

2023-10-08T17:19+0200kiratas (en)

A spokesperson for the Taliban government presented the new death toll from Saturday’s earthquakes in the west of the country. ADVERTISING. It is one of the deadliest earthquakes to hit Afghanistan in twenty years. The death toll may rise as the search for survivors continues, as hundreds of people....

OIC Condoles With Afghanistan over Earthquake

2023-10-08T17:17+0200newsghana (en)

The Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), H.E. Hissein Brahim Taha, offered his sincere condolences to Afghanistan over the devastating earthquake that struck west of Herat on Saturday, 08 October 2023. The powerful earthquake reportedly killed over 100 people and wounded hundreds more.

IRC deploys emergency response team to areas of Afghanistan impacted by 6.3 magnitude earthquake

2023-10-08T17:12+0200reliefWeb (en)

**Kabul, Afghanistan , October 8, 2023 **The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is deeply saddened by the devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck west of Herat yesterday on October 7. With hundreds of people confirmed to have lost their lives so far, the IRC has deployed emergency response....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, migliaia di morti e feriti. I talebani: “Aiutateci”

2023-10-08T17:11+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Kabul – E’ di oltre 2mila morti e 9mila feriti il bilancio del potente Terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’ Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente.

Afghanistan, il governo: oltre 2.400 i morti per il terremoto

2023-10-08T17:11+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Leggi Anche terremoto , scossa di magnitudo 4.0 ai Campi Flegrei: avvertita anche a Napoli - Musumeci: 'Il rischio zero non esiste' Circa sei villaggi sono stati distrutti e centinaia di civili sono ...

Save the Children, 9.000 famiglie afghane colpite dal sisma

2023-10-08T17:11+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Migliaia di bambini sono senza casa dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha devastato gran parte della provincia di Herat, nell' Afghanistan occidentale. Più di 2.000 persone sono state uccise o ...

Le Canada prêt à soutenir les Afghans après un séisme dévastateur

2023-10-08T17:08+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Mélanie Joly a affirmé sur la plateforme X que « le Canada est prêt à soutenir le peuple afghan » à la suite du séisme de magnitude 6,3 qui a frappé près d’Herat, la quatrième plus grande ville d’ Afghanistan . Un courriel d’Affaires mondiales Canada indique qu’à sa connaissance aucun Canadien n’est....

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan. People are using bare hands to recover dead and injured

2023-10-08T17:07+0200torontosun (en)

He called for an “urgent injection” of money from the international community. Neighbouring Pakistan said it was in contact with Afghan authorities to get an assessment of the urgent needs. China’s ambassador to Afghanistan , Zhao Xing, said his government and the country’s charitable institutions were ready to provide all kinds of help.

Frédéric Beigbeder : "Houellebecq est le meilleur d’entre nous"

2023-10-08T17:03+0200lexpress (fr)

Il y a selon le ministère de la Culture quelque 55 000 écrivains français, c’est énorme ; et 281 auteurs dans le Dictionnaire amoureux des écrivains français d’aujourd’hui , c’est beaucoup… Romancier et journaliste littéraire, Frédéric Beigbeder a lu des milliers de pages depuis des années, aimé moult romanciers et éreinté autant.

Save the Children, 9.000 famiglie afghane colpite dal sisma

2023-10-08T17:02+0200virgilio (it)

Migliaia di bambini sono senza casa dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha devastato gran parte della provincia di Herat, nell' Afghanistan occidentale. Più di 2.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: più di 2mila morti, 10mila feriti, quasi 2mila case distrutte

2023-10-08T16:58+0200ticinolive (it)

Nuclei incendiari esplodono nel sangue, trascinato il mondo in un rischio che conta i suoi precedenti nelle due Guerre Mondiali. Dopo il conflitto tra Russia e Ucraina, si è riacceso ieri quello, violentissimo, tra la Palestina e Israele . Paradossalmente, proprio la Russia chiede il cessate il fuoco, seguita dall’Arabia Saudita.

Hope fading for survival of 180 missing in Indian flood

2023-10-08T16:55+0200turkishpress (en)

NEW DELHI. More than 180 people are still missing in the major floods that hit northern India on Sunday, when part of the Himalayan glacier burst, officials confirmed on Tuesday, adding that the death toll has now reached 28. A portion of Nanda Devi glacier, India’s second-highest mountain, broke....

Afghanistan earthquake: Race to rescue victims in Herat Province

2023-10-08T16:50+0200bbc (en)

The worst-affected communities consist of mud structures. "In the very first shake all the houses collapsed," Herat resident Bashir Ahmad, whose family lives in one of the villages, told AFP news agency. Villagers have used shovels and their hands to pull survivors from the rubble.

Child pulled alive from rubble after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T16:50+0200muscatinejournal (en)

Watch the moment a young child is pulled alive from under rubble after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan .

Le tremblement de terre en Afghanistan a fait plus de 2 000 morts, selon les talibans

2023-10-08T16:47+0200oxtero (fr)

Des hommes déblayent les débris après un tremblement de terre dans le district de Zindah Jan, province d’Herat. Photographie : Omid Haqjoo/AP. « Les survivants n’ont rien dans la région. Ils ont besoin de nourriture, de vêtements, de tentes et de médicaments. Le tremblement de terre a frappé des zones très isolées et pauvres.

Saratoga venues host variety of community events

2023-10-08T16:47+0200mercurynews (en)

Sacred Heart carnival. Sacred Heart Parish is hosting a carnival Oct. 13-15 at 13716 Saratoga Ave., with live musical entertainment each day, a community stage, food, amusement park rides and a raffle. Bands include Country Cougars, Blue House, the Megatones, Wandering Acoustics and Tsunami.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:46+0200charlotteobserver (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:46+0200tri-cityherald (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Frédéric Beigbeder : "Houellebecq est le meilleur d’entre nous"

2023-10-08T16:46+0200lexpansion-votreargent (fr)

Il y a selon le ministère de la Culture quelque 55 000 écrivains français, c’est énorme ; et 281 auteurs dans le Dictionnaire amoureux des écrivains français d’aujourd’hui , c’est beaucoup… Romancier et journaliste littéraire, Frédéric Beigbeder a lu des milliers de pages depuis des années, aimé moult romanciers et éreinté autant.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:45+0200star-telegram (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

China offers to support Afghanistan's disaster relief in light of its needs

2023-10-08T16:45+0200globaltimes (en)

Afghan residents clear debris from a damaged house after an earthquake occurred in Herat province in western Afghanistan on October 8, 2023. The quake has killed more than 2,000, according to official update. Photo: Xinhua China on Sunday offered to support Afghanistan's disaster relief efforts after a magnitude-6.

Over 2,000 killed, more injured in twin Afghan earthquakes

2023-10-08T16:43+0200singaporestar (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude quakes have struck western Herat Province, with over 2,000 dead and many more injured or displaced. Western Afghanistan has been shaken by two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes that struck within around 30 minutes of each other, leaving over 2,000 dead and many more injured, as well as damaging 600 homes.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:43+0200theolympian (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:42+0200idahostatesman (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:42+0200bnd (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:41+0200newsobserver (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:41+0200kansascity (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:41+0200myrtlebeachonline (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:41+0200heraldonline (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Save the Children, 9.000 famiglie afghane colpite dal sisma

2023-10-08T16:41+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 08 OTT – Migliaia di bambini sono senza casa dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha devastato gran parte della provincia di Herat, nell’ Afghanistan occidentale. Più di 2.000 persone sono state uccise o ferite e oltre 9.000 famiglie sono state gravemente colpite.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:40+0200islandpacket (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:40+0200fresnobee (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.0 en Ollagüe

2023-10-08T16:40+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -21.708 grados de latitud y -68.463 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un sismo,....

Powerfull earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:38+0200qt (en)

Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan , a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. The figures couldn't be independently verified. The magnitude-6.

Save the Children, 9.000 famiglie afghane colpite dal sisma

2023-10-08T16:38+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Migliaia di bambini sono senza casa dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha devastato gran parte della provincia di Herat, nell' Afghanistan occidentale. Più di 2.000 persone sono state uccise o ferite e oltre 9.000 famiglie sono state gravemente colpite.

Child pulled alive from rubble after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T16:37+0200lacrossetribune (en)

Watch the moment a young child is pulled alive from under rubble after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan .

Over 2,000 killed, more injured in twin Afghan earthquakes

2023-10-08T16:36+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude quakes have struck western Herat Province, with over 2,000 dead and many more injured or displaced. Western Afghanistan has been shaken by two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes that struck within around 30 minutes of each other, leaving over 2,000 dead and many more injured, as well as damaging 600 homes.

Over 2,000 killed, more injured in twin Afghan earthquakes

2023-10-08T16:34+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude quakes have struck western Herat Province, with over 2,000 dead and many more injured or displaced. Western Afghanistan has been shaken by two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes that struck within around 30 minutes of each other, leaving over 2,000 dead and many more injured, as well as damaging 600 homes.

Le bilan du séisme en Afghanistan atteint 2000 morts, selon les talibans À Herat, dimanche, des survivants étaient encore coincés sous des bâtiments effondrés.

2023-10-08T16:34+0200ledevoir (fr)

De puissants tremblements de terre ont tué au moins 2000 personnes dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , a annoncé dimanche un porte-parole du gouvernement taliban. Il s’agit de l’un des tremblements de terre les plus meurtriers au pays en vingt ans. Ces chiffres n’ont toutefois pas pu être vérifiés de manière indépendante.

Over 2,000 feared dead after powerful earthquakes hit Afghanistan Images shared by Afghan journalists showed at least one village reduced to rubble after a series of quakes flattened stone and mudbrick homes in the country's west.

2023-10-08T16:33+0200minnesota-publicradio (en)

Updated: Oct. 7, 2023 at 2:55 p.m. Two strong earthquakes have shaken parts of western Afghanistan — with up to 2,000 feared dead and many injured. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A Taliban government spokesman said Sunday that death toll from strong....

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan. People are using bare hands to recover dead and injured

2023-10-08T16:33+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

One video, shared online, shows people freeing a baby girl from a collapsed building after being buried up to her neck in debris. A hand is seen cradling the baby’s torso as rescuers ease the child out of the ground. Rescuers said it was the baby’s mother. It is not clear if the mother survived.

Save the Children, 9.000 famiglie afghane colpite dal sisma

2023-10-08T16:32+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Migliaia di bambini sono senza casa dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha devastato gran parte della provincia di Herat, nell' Afghanistan occidentale. Più di 2.000 persone sono state uccise o ferite e oltre 9.000 famiglie sono state gravemente colpite.

Over 2,000 killed, more injured in twin Afghan earthquakes

2023-10-08T16:30+0200myanmarnews (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude quakes have struck western Herat Province, with over 2,000 dead and many more injured or displaced. Western Afghanistan has been shaken by two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes that struck within around 30 minutes of each other, leaving over 2,000 dead and many more injured, as well as damaging 600 homes.

Save the Children, 9.000 famiglie afghane colpite dal sisma

2023-10-08T16:30+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

ROMA, 08 OTT - Migliaia di bambini sono senza casa dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha devastato gran parte della provincia di Herat, nell' Afghanistan occidentale. Più di 2.000 persone sono state uccise o ferite e oltre 9.000 famiglie sono state gravemente colpite.

Save the Children, 9.000 famiglie afghane colpite dal sisma

2023-10-08T16:30+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Migliaia di bambini sono senza casa dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha devastato gran parte della provincia di Herat, nell' Afghanistan occidentale. Più di 2.000 persone sono state uccise o ferite e oltre 9.000 famiglie sono state gravemente colpite.

Save the Children, 9.000 famiglie afghane colpite dal sisma

2023-10-08T16:29+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Migliaia di bambini sono senza casa dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha devastato gran parte della provincia di Herat, nell' Afghanistan occidentale. Più di 2.000 persone sono state uccise o ferite e oltre 9.000 famiglie sono state gravemente colpite.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, migliaia di morti e feriti. I talebani: “Aiutateci”

2023-10-08T16:28+0200ilfaroonline (it)

Kabul – E’ di oltre 2mila morti e 9mila feriti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’ Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat . Lo sostiene un portavoce dei talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquake shoots up to 2,000

2023-10-08T16:26+0200cumhuriyet (en)

The death toll from Saturday's massive earthquake that hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan has shot up to 2,000 with nearly 10,000 injured as rescue workers scrambled to pull out an unknown number of people trapped under rubble, officials and local media reported.

Frédéric Beigbeder : "Houellebecq est le meilleur d’entre nous"

2023-10-08T16:24+0200lexpansion (fr)

Il y a selon le ministère de la Culture quelque 55 000 écrivains français, c’est énorme ; et 281 auteurs dans le Dictionnaire amoureux des écrivains français d’aujourd’hui , c’est beaucoup… Romancier et journaliste littéraire, Frédéric Beigbeder a lu des milliers de pages depuis des années, aimé moult romanciers et éreinté autant.

Over 2,000 killed, more injured in twin Afghan earthquakes

2023-10-08T16:23+0200manilametro (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude quakes have struck western Herat Province, with over 2,000 dead and many more injured or displaced. Western Afghanistan has been shaken by two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes that struck within around 30 minutes of each other, leaving over 2,000 dead and many more injured, as well as damaging 600 homes.

Earthquakes, balloons and banana hair: the weekend’s best photos

2023-10-08T16:21+0200guardian (en)

Herat province, Afghanistan A boy holds his cat as he sits in the courtyard of his destroyed home after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said on Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Save the Children, 9.000 famiglie afghane colpite dal sisma

2023-10-08T16:21+0200ansa (it)

Migliaia di bambini sono senza casa dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha devastato gran parte della provincia di Herat, nell' Afghanistan occidentale. Più di 2.000 persone sono state uccise o ferite e oltre 9.000 famiglie sono state gravemente colpite.

Afghanistan earthquakes death toll spikes to 2,053

2023-10-08T16:20+0200oyeyeah (en)

Shadab Javed (@JShadab1) Previously, the death toll from the earthquakes, which was reported to be 120, is expected to rise as rescue operations are still underway in the affected areas. The deputy government spokesman Bilal Karimi said early Sunday “Unfortunately, the casualties are practically very high.

Over 2,000 killed, more injured in twin Afghan earthquakes

2023-10-08T16:18+0200longbeachstar (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude quakes have struck western Herat Province, with over 2,000 dead and many more injured or displaced. Western Afghanistan has been shaken by two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes that struck within around 30 minutes of each other, leaving over 2,000 dead and many more injured, as well as damaging 600 homes.

New humanitarian funding urgently needed after devastating earthquake in western Afghanistan causes ‘a crisis on top of a crisis’ -

2023-10-08T16:15+0200savethechildren (en)

Kabul, 8 October 2023- Thousands of children are without homes after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake devastated large parts of Herat province in western Afghanistan . More than 2,000 people have been killed or injured and over 9,000 families have been severely affected. Save the Children is deploying emergency humanitarian assistance to support them.

Oman expresses sympathy with Afghanistan

2023-10-08T16:13+0200muscatdaily (en)

Muscat – The Sultanate of Oman has expressed its sympathy with Afghanistan on the devastating earthquake that struck western Afghanistan yesterday. In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, Oman expressed its sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and the people of Afghanistan, wishing the injured a speedy recovery.

Egypt offers condolences over victims of Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T16:13+0200egypttoday (en)

CAIRO 8 October 2023: Egypt expressed its sincere condolences to Afghanistan over the victims of the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that struck the west of the country Saturday morning, killing more than 2,000 people and injuring 1,240. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid stressed....

Toll in Afghanistan earthquakes surpass 2,000

2023-10-08T16:11+0200abbtakk (en)

Kabul: As many as 2,053 people have been killed as a result of violent earthquakes that struck Afghanistan late Saturday while 9,240 people have been injured, a government spokesperson confirmed to Reuters on Sunday. The death toll from the earthquakes, which was previously reported to be 120, is....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.9 de magnitud en Constitución

2023-10-08T16:08+0200infobae (es)

La CNS reportó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -34.617 grados de latitud y -73.395 grados de longitud, es decir, a 120.0 kilómetros al Noroeste de la localidad. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información....

Child pulled alive from rubble after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T16:06+0200wcfcourier (en)

Watch the moment a young child is pulled alive from under rubble after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan .

Child pulled alive from rubble after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T16:03+0200omaha (en)

Watch the moment a young child is pulled alive from under rubble after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan .

Earthquake in Western Afghanistan (Statement by Foreign Minister KAMIKAWA Yoko)

2023-10-08T16:01+0200japan-foreign-office (en)

I am deeply saddened by the large number of deaths and the extensive damage that was caused by the earthquake in Herat prefecture in western Afghanistan that occurred on October 7, 2023. We offer our condolences regarding the loss of life and to the bereaved families. I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to the victims of the disaster.

Afghanistan, un padre tiene in braccio il suo bambino morto: non ha più lacrime

2023-10-08T15:58+0200rainews (it)

Tutt'intorno case distrutte e macerie, alcuni corpi coperti in attesa di sepoltura: sono le immagini strazianti di alcuni sopravvissuti alla tragedia come un uomo, presumibilmente il padre, che tiene in braccio il suo bambino morto, non riuscendo a versare una lacrima.

Child pulled alive from rubble after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T15:57+0200missoulian (en)

Watch the moment a young child is pulled alive from under rubble after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan .

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan. People are using bare hands to recover dead and injured

2023-10-08T15:57+0200missoulian (en)

One video, shared online, shows people freeing a baby girl from a collapsed building after being buried up to her neck in debris. A hand is seen cradling the baby’s torso as rescuers ease the child out of the ground. Rescuers said it was the baby’s mother. It is not clear if the mother survived.

Afghanistan : plus de 2 000 morts et 9 200 blessés après un séisme

2023-10-08T15:49+0200banouto (fr)

Des milliers de morts et de blessés en Afghanistan . Dans ce pays d’Asie du Sud, un puissant séisme est survenu, samedi 7 octobre 2023, faisant d’énormes dégâts humains et matériels. Selon qui cite le porte-parole du gouvernement, le bilan fait état de 2 050 morts et 9 240 blessés, ce dimanche 8 octobre 2023.

Child pulled alive from rubble after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T15:48+0200nwitimes (en)

Watch the moment a young child is pulled alive from under rubble after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan .

Child pulled alive from rubble after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T15:46+0200wacotrib (en)

Watch the moment a young child is pulled alive from under rubble after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan .

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan. People are using bare hands to recover dead and injured

2023-10-08T15:46+0200wacotrib (en)

One video, shared online, shows people freeing a baby girl from a collapsed building after being buried up to her neck in debris. A hand is seen cradling the baby’s torso as rescuers ease the child out of the ground. Rescuers said it was the baby’s mother. It is not clear if the mother survived.

Child pulled alive from rubble after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T15:46+0200fremonttribune (en)

Watch the moment a young child is pulled alive from under rubble after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan .

Death toll of quakes soars to 2,053 in Afghanistan, officials call for assistance

2023-10-08T15:45+0200famagusta-gazette (en)

The death toll of the earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, a spokesman for the national disaster authority, Mullah Janan Shaeq, said on Sunday. Addressing a press conference in Herat, the official noted that 9,240 others were injured and 1,340 houses were destroyed in the....

Child pulled alive from rubble after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T15:45+0200wn (en)

Watch the moment a young child is pulled alive from under rubble after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan . ......

Child pulled alive from rubble after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T15:44+0200buffalonews (en)

Watch the moment a young child is pulled alive from under rubble after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan .

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan. People are using bare hands to recover dead and injured

2023-10-08T15:44+0200buffalonews (en)

One video, shared online, shows people freeing a baby girl from a collapsed building after being buried up to her neck in debris. A hand is seen cradling the baby’s torso as rescuers ease the child out of the ground. Rescuers said it was the baby’s mother. It is not clear if the mother survived.

Child pulled alive from rubble after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T15:43+0200journalstar (en)

Watch the moment a young child is pulled alive from under rubble after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Afghanistan .

Azerbaijan expresses condolences to Afghanistan, following major earthquake

2023-10-08T15:42+0200trendnews-az (en)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 8 . Azerbaijan has expresses condolences to Afghanistan , the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote on its page on X, Trend reports. "Deeply saddened by the news on devastating earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan that claimed hundreds of lives. We express our condolences to families of those who lost their lives in this disaster.

Afghanistan earthquake kills over 2,000 people

2023-10-08T15:39+0200saudigazette (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan — The death toll from the earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply again Sunday, to more than 2,000, according to the Associated Press of Pakistan (APP). Saturday's magnitude 6.3 quake — followed by eight strong aftershocks — jolted hard-to-reach areas 30 kilometers....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.1 de magnitud en Tongoy

2023-10-08T15:39+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del sismo fue a 14.0 kilómetros al Suroeste de la localidad, en -30.354 grados de latitud y -71.581 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 40.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue....

Séisme en Afghanistan : Plus de 2000 morts

2023-10-08T15:33+0200menara (fr)

« 2.053 martyrs sont morts dans 13 villages. 1.240 personnes ont été blessées. 1.320 maisons ont été complètement détruites », a écrit un porte-parole du gouvernement sur X (anciennement Twitter), citant l’agence de gestion des catastrophes. Les Nations Unies ont lancé un appel à l’aide en faveur des populations touchées par le séisme.

Terremoto 6.3 in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti e 9mila feriti

2023-10-08T15:33+0200ildubbio (it)

Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Death toll from 'unprecedented' Afghan quakes doubles to 2,000

2023-10-08T15:28+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

An Afghan man sits in a courtyard of a destroyed home after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, October 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Fundraising for earthquake victims begins in Uruzgan

2023-10-08T15:25+0200pajhwok (en)

TRINKOT (Pajhwok): A fundraising drive for earthquake victims in western Afghanistan has been launched in Trinkot, the capital of central Uruzgan province, an official said . . . You need to subscribe to view the full article. Please or a new account.

Oman expresses sympathy with Afghanistan on devastating earthquake

2023-10-08T15:15+0200timesofoman (en)

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman has expressed its sympathy with Afghanistan on the devastating earthquake that struck western Afghanistan yesterday. In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, Oman expressed its sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and the people of Afghanistan, wishing the injured a speedy recovery.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T15:14+0200money-it (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l’ Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L’epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Oman expresses sympathy with Afghanistan on devastating earthquake

2023-10-08T15:13+0200omanobserver-om (en)

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman has expressed its sympathy with Afghanistan on the devastating earthquake that struck western Afghanistan yesterday (Saturday). In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, Oman expressed its sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and the....

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan. People are using bare hands to recover dead and injured

2023-10-08T15:13+0200whig (en)

Afghan men search for victims after an earthquake in Zenda Jan district in Herat province, of western Afghanistan , Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023. Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

As Afghan Earthquake Kills Over 2,000, A Look At Its History Of Quakes

2023-10-08T15:13+0200ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan hemmed in my mountains, has a long history of strong earthquakes, many in the rugged Hindu Kush region bordering Pakistan.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: oltre 2 mila morti e 9 mila feriti

2023-10-08T15:13+0200lindipendente (it)

Sono oltre 2 mila le vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha avuto luogo sabato in Afghanistan , con epicentro a 35 km a nord-ovest della città di Herat. A riportarlo è il ministero dei Disastri del Paese, che riferisce anche che sono oltre 9.200 i feriti e 1320 le case danneggiate o distrutte.

Over 2,000 feared dead after Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-08T15:12+0200arabpolitical (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia called for an immediate end to violence on Sunday amid deadly bombardment in Gaza, after the Indonesian-run hospital on the strip was damaged by an Israeli airstrike. The latest cycle of escalating violence between Palestinian group Hamas and Israeli forces broke out after the....

Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.5 en Calama

2023-10-08T15:11+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -22.495 grados de latitud y -68.845 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de Tras un temblor, checa tu hogar en....

New humanitarian funding urgently needed after devastating earthquake in western Afghanistan causes ‘a crisis on top of a crisis’ - Save the Children

2023-10-08T15:08+0200reliefWeb (en)

Kabul, 8 October 2023- Thousands of children are without homes after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake devastated large parts of Herat province in western Afghanistan . More than 2,000 people have been killed or injured and over 9,000 families have been severely affected. Save the Children is deploying emergency humanitarian assistance to support them.

Séisme en Afghanistan : plus de 2.000 morts

2023-10-08T15:08+0200leconomiste (fr)

Plus de 2.000 personnes ont péri dans le séisme qui a secoué samedi l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , selon un nouveau bilan officiel communiqué dimanche. "2.053 martyrs sont morts dans 13 villages. 1.240 personnes ont été blessées. 1.320 maisons ont été complètement détruites" , a écrit un porte-parole du....

Temblor de mediana intensidad sacudió a nuestro país

2023-10-08T15:08+020013-CL (es)

Durante la madrugada de este domingo, d informó sobre un temblor de magnitud 4.8 que sacudió al norte del país. Según lo que informaron, el sismo habría sido de magnitud 5.1, sin embargo, el Centro Sismológico Nacional indicó que la magnitud del sismo fue de 4.8, a 48 kilómetros al norte de Quillagua, en la región de Antofagasta.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 4.1 de magnitud en Constitución

2023-10-08T15:07+0200infobae (es)

La CNS informó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -34.799 grados de latitud y -73.611 grados de longitud, es decir, a 124.0 kilómetros al Noroeste de la localidad. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue....

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan. People are freeing the dead and injured with their hands A Taliban government spokesperson says the death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has jumped to more than 2,000.46 mins ago 2m read

2023-10-08T15:04+0200newsday-USA (en)

One video, shared online, shows people freeing a baby girl from a collapsed building after being buried up to her neck in debris. A hand is seen cradling the baby’s torso as rescuers ease the child out of the ground. Rescuers said it was the baby’s mother. It is not clear if the mother survived.

Séisme en Afghanistan : plus de 2.000 victimes et d’importantes destructions à Herat

2023-10-08T14:55+0200senegal7 (fr)

Un violent tremblement de terre a secoué la région d’Hérat, dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , faisant plus de 2.000 morts. La catastrophe s’est produite samedi dernier et les chiffres officiels, dévoilés dimanche par un porte-parole du gouvernement taliban, confirment la gravité de la situation.

Death toll from Afghan quakes rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T14:51+0200cgtn (en)

More than 2,000 people have been killed and over 9,000 injured as powerful earthquakes jolted Afghanistan 's Herat and other western provinces on October 7. Two earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted Afghanistan on Saturday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center. Apart from Herat, affected provinces also include Badghis and Farah.

Afghanistan, 2000 morti e interi villaggi distrutti dal sisma 6.3

2023-10-08T14:50+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Milano, 8 ott. (askanews) - Il bilancio delle vittime del forte terremoto che ha scosso l' Afghanistan occidentale è di almeno 2.000 morti. Lo ha riferito un portavoce talebano citato dalle agenzie internazionali. Un violento sisma di magnitudo 6.3 seguito da forti scosse di assestamento ha colpito sabato l'Afghanistan occidentale.

En Afghanistan, plus de 2 000 personnes sont mortes dans un violent séisme

2023-10-08T14:49+0200courrierinternational (fr)

Le bilan de séisme dont l’épicentre est situé à 30 kilomètres au nord-ouest de la ville de Hérat “reste incertain, les estimations variant considérablement”, “L’ONU a donné le 7 octobre un chiffre préliminaire de 320 morts” , les autorités locales ont quant à elles donné une estimation d’une centaine de victimes et de 500 blessés.

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T14:48+0200bna-en (en)

Islamabad, Oct. 8 (BNA): Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan , a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. The figures couldn’t be independently verified, but if correct, the toll would....

Jusqu’à 2 000 personnes pourraient être mortes lors du tremblement de terre en Afghanistan

2023-10-08T14:47+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Jusqu’à 2 000 personnes pourraient avoir été tuées lors du tremblement de terre de samedi en Afghanistan . L’ONU a initialement fait état de 320 morts, mais a déclaré plus tard que ce chiffre était encore en cours de vérification. Les autorités locales estiment qu’une centaine de personnes pourraient être mortes et 500 blessées.

Iran sends aid, rescuers to quake-hit Afghanistan

2023-10-08T14:46+0200tehrantimes (en)

TEHRAN – The Iranian Red Crescent Society dispatched a package of humanitarian aid and a team of rescue forces to Afghanistan which was hit by an earthquake on Saturday. “Ten teams including 50 rescue workers have been dispatched to Afghanistan,” IRNA quoted Babak Mahmoudi, the head of the IRCS rescue and relief organization, said.

Westeren Afghanistan Earthquake (7 October 2023, M 6.3)

2023-10-08T14:44+0200reliefWeb (en)

Screenshot(s) of the interactive content as of 8 10 2023. Screenshot 1 View the interactive content page This application provides geospatial information on ongoing satellite based-assessment related with the 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Western Afghanistan of the 07th of October 2023 (07:12 UTC)....

Over 2,000 killed after earthquakes shakes Afghanistan

2023-10-08T14:40+0200thehill (en)

More than 2,000 people were left dead after a pair of devastating earthquakes rattled Afghanistan on Saturday. A Taliban government spokesperson said Sunday that the death toll from the powerful earthquakes reached more than 2,000 making it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the nation, the Associated Press reported.

Afghanistan earthquake: Hundreds dead in powerful quake

2023-10-08T14:32+0200myjoyonline (en)

Hundreds of people are feared dead after a powerful earthquake hit western Afghanistan , near the Iranian border. The death toll is expected to rise as information comes in from rural areas, with one Taliban government department suggesting it could be more than 2,000. The 6.

World Death toll of quakes soars to 2,053 in Afghanistan, officials call for assistance The death toll of the earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, a spokesman for the national disaster authority, Mullah Janan Shaeq, said on Sunday. 7m

2023-10-08T14:32+0200shine (en)

The death toll of the earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, a spokesman for the national disaster authority, Mullah Janan Shaeq, said on Sunday. Addressing a press conference in Herat, the official noted that 9,240 others were injured and 1,340 houses were destroyed in the....

Locals search for survivors after Afghanistan earthquake deaths hit 2,000

2023-10-08T14:29+0200independent-UK (en)

of Afghanistan have been spotted searching for survivors among the rubble, after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake devastated at least 12 near on Saturday (7 October). More than 2,000 people have been confirmed dead, with thousands more injured and lost. While the country regularly experiences earthquakes,....

Over 2,000 feared dead after Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-08T14:24+0200arabnews (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia called for an immediate end to violence on Sunday amid deadly bombardment in Gaza, after the Indonesian-run hospital on the strip was damaged by an Israeli airstrike. The latest cycle of escalating violence between Palestinian group Hamas and Israeli forces broke out after the....

Latest Videos Thousands dead after earthquake in Afghanistan Close to 2000 people have died in Afghanistan following a powerful earthquake, according to the Taliban. They are telling us that the 6.3 magnitude quake struck Herat province. 12M ago 00:31

2023-10-08T14:21+0200cbslocal (en)

Thousands dead after earthquake in Afghanistan Close to 2000 people have died in Afghanistan following a powerful earthquake, according to the Taliban. They are telling us that the 6.3 magnitude quake struck Herat province.

Le bilan du séisme en Afghanistan atteint 2000 morts selon les talibans

2023-10-08T14:19+0200lesoleil-ca (fr)

Des Afghans recherchent des victimes après un tremblement de terre, dans la province d'Herat, à l'ouest de l' Afghanistan . (Omid Haqjoo/AP) De puissants tremblements de terre ont tué au moins 2000 personnes dans l’ouest de l’Afghanistan, a annoncé dimanche un porte-parole du gouvernement taliban.

Javier Ruiz da la cifra ruinosa que puede dejar el Mundial de España

2023-10-08T14:17+0200huffingtonpost-es-es (es)

Ha sido una de las grande noticias de la semana en nuestro país. La candidatura elegida por la , que lo hará en conjunto con Portugal y Marruecos y también con la presencial, aunque algo más testimonial de Argentina, Uruguay y Paraguay, países que acogerán un partido cada uno.

Rashid Khan donates tournament earnings to Afghanistan’s earthquake victims

2023-10-08T14:15+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post KABUL (Khaama Press): During the 2023 International Cup, Rashid Khan made a remarkable commitment that touched hearts worldwide. He pledged his entire earnings from the tournament to support the victims of the devastating earthquakes in the Western Provinces of Afghanistan .

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T14:12+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

One video, shared online, shows people freeing a baby girl from a collapsed building after being buried up to her neck in debris. A hand is seen cradling the baby’s torso as rescuers ease the child out of the ground. Rescuers said it was the baby’s mother. It is not clear if the mother survived.

Afghanistan : le bilan du séisme de magnitude 6,3 dépasse les 2 000 morts, des centaines d'habitations détruites

2023-10-08T14:12+0200midilibre (fr)

Le bilan du séisme qui a touché l’ Afghanistan samedi 7 octobre a été réévalué à plus de 2 000 morts et 9 000 blessés selon un bilan du gouvernement taliban communiqué ce dimanche 8 octobre. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 avait frappé l’ouest du pays la veille.

Over 2,000 dead following earthquakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T14:10+0200newstalk (en)

Over 2,000 people have died in Afghanistan following several earthquakes overnight, according to the Taliban. A 6.3 magnitude quake struck near the city of Herat in the west, followed by three strong aftershocks measuring 6.3, 5.9 and 5.5. The Ministry of Disasters said 2,053 people have been killed and a further 9,240 are injured.

Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti per il terremoto e 9mila feriti

2023-10-08T14:09+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicenro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan, 2000 morti e interi villaggi distrutti dal sisma 6.3

2023-10-08T14:09+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Il bilancio delle vittime del forte terremoto che ha scosso l' Afghanistan occidentale è di almeno 2.000 morti . Lo ha riferito un portavoce talebano citato dalle agenzie internazionali. Un violento ...

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T14:09+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante Terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T14:08+0200genteditalia (it)

Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu. Al momento i morti sono almeno 2.

Earthquake in Afghanistan: Hundreds killed in powerful earthquake

2023-10-08T14:05+0200highlandstoday (en)

Thousands of people were injured. In a country with inadequate medical facilities, hospitals are struggling to treat the injured. The UN and other organizations have begun to urgently deliver supplies. The quake struck about 40 km (25 miles) northwest of Herat at around 11:00 local time (06:30 GMT) on Saturday.

13:44 Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T14:02+0200affaritaliani (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti.L'epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T14:01+0200tiscali-it (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Plus de 2.000 morts dans un puissant séisme en Afghanistan

2023-10-08T13:59+0200sentv-info (fr)

SENTV : Plus de 2.000 personnes ont péri dans un violent séisme qui a frappé samedi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , provoquant d’énormes dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel communiqué dimanche. Le séisme de magnitude 6,3, qui a frappé samedi les régions situées à 30 kilomètres au nord-ouest de la ville de Hérat, a été suivi par huit fortes répliques.

Nikolla: I pray for thousands of lives lost after Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T13:57+0200ata-en (en)

TIRANA, October 8/ATA/ Speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla expressed.

Jakarta calls for end to violence as Israeli strikes hit Indonesian hospital in Gaza

2023-10-08T13:56+0200arabnews (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia called for an immediate end to violence on Sunday amid deadly bombardment in Gaza, after the Indonesian-run hospital on the strip was damaged by an Israeli airstrike. The latest cycle of escalating violence between Palestinian group Hamas and Israeli forces broke out after the....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T13:56+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T13:52+0200meteoweb (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) – Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l’ Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L’epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T13:52+0200strettoweb (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) – Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l’ Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L’epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T13:50+0200gazzettadimodena (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T13:49+0200laragione (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) – Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l’ Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L’epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T13:47+0200lanuovaferrara (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

11:46 Oaxaca registra temblor de 4.9 de magnitud

2023-10-08T13:47+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo en México: temblor de 4.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T13:45+0200corriereadriatico (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti

2023-10-08T13:45+0200gazzettadireggio (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicentro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan earthquake: Death toll crosses 2,000 as people free the dead and injured with their hands

2023-10-08T13:44+0200economictimes (en)

A hand is seen cradling the baby's torso as rescuers ease the child out of the ground. Rescuers said it was the baby's mother. It is not clear if the mother survived. Abdul Wahid Rayan, a spokesman at the Ministry of Information and Culture, said Sunday the death toll is higher than originally reported.

Meteo Cronaca Diretta VIDEO: Afghanistan, violenta scossa di Terremoto provoca oltre 2000 vittime

2023-10-08T13:44+0200ilmeteo (it)

Afghanistan , 8 ottobre 2023. E' una catastrofe il terremoto che ha colpito l'Afghanistan con una serie di scosse, due di magnitudo 6.3. Come riporta il sito ansa.it il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.

Rashid Khan donates tournament earnings to Afghanistan’s earthquake victims

2023-10-08T13:43+0200khaama (en)

During the 2023 International Cup, Rashid Khan made a remarkable commitment that touched hearts worldwide. He pledged his entire earnings from the tournament to support the victims of the devastating earthquakes in the Western Provinces of Afghanistan .

Afghanistan earthquake death toll tops more than 2,000, says govt spokesman

2023-10-08T13:42+0200wn (en)

The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply again Sunday to more than 2,000 as rescuers scrabbled for survivors among the ruins of razed villages. ......

Afghanistan, 2000 morti e interi villaggi distrutti dal sisma 6.3

2023-10-08T13:36+0200askanews (it)

Milano, 8 ott. (askanews) – Il bilancio delle vittime del forte terremoto che ha scosso l’ Afghanistan occidentale è di almeno 2.000 morti. Lo ha riferito un portavoce talebano citato dalle agenzie internazionali. Un violento sisma di magnitudo 6.3 seguito da forti scosse di assestamento ha colpito sabato l’Afghanistan occidentale.

Chile: temblor de magnitud 3.3 en Socaire

2023-10-08T13:36+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -24.092 grados de latitud y -68.18 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Afghanistan, 2000 morti e interi villaggi distrutti dal sisma 6.3

2023-10-08T13:35+0200tiscali-it (it)

Milano, 8 ott. (askanews) - Il bilancio delle vittime del forte terremoto che ha scosso l' Afghanistan occidentale è di almeno 2.000 morti. Lo ha riferito un portavoce talebano citato dalle agenzie internazionali.Un violento sisma di magnitudo 6.3 seguito da forti scosse di assestamento ha colpito sabato l'Afghanistan occidentale.

Deadly Earthquake Hits Afghanistan, See Heart-Wrenching Pictures

2023-10-08T13:32+0200india (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman was quoted as saying to news agency ANI on Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.

Entire Villages Razed as Death Toll Soars From Quakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T13:32+0200nytimes (en)

The death toll from two major earthquakes in northwestern Afghanistan rose to at least 813 people on Sunday, according to local authorities, making the dual shocks one of the deadliest natural disasters to hit the country in decades. The two earthquakes, both 6.

Afghanistan Earthquake in Herat Province - Health Situation Report No. 1, 7 October 2023 (Reporting period: from 11:00 to 21:00 on 7 October 2023)

2023-10-08T13:28+0200reliefWeb (en)

SITUATION OVERVIEW. On 7 October 2023, around 11:03 am local time, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck the western region of Afghanistan . The epicenter was located 30km northeast of Zinda Jan District, Herat Province, with a depth of 14km. 1 Zinda Jan District is situated in the central part of Herat....

Le nombre de morts du tremblement de terre en Afghanistan s’élève à 2 000

2023-10-08T13:28+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Un porte-parole du pouvoir, les talibans islamistes radicaux, l’ont confirmé dimanche à l’agence de presse allemande. Le nombre de blessés est extrêmement élevé, a ajouté Abdul Wahid Rajan du ministère de l’Information et de la Culture. Pendant ce temps, la recherche désespérée de survivants se poursuivait.

Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti per il terremoto e 9mila feriti

2023-10-08T13:28+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicenro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti per il terremoto e 9mila feriti

2023-10-08T13:27+0200strettoweb (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) – Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l’ Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L’epicenro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti per il terremoto e 9mila feriti

2023-10-08T13:26+0200affaritaliani (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti.L'epicenro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

'Allahu Akbar' Cries As Powerful Quake Jolts Afghanistan; Over 2,000 Lives Snuffed Out | Watch

2023-10-08T13:25+0200HindustanTimes (en)

A deadly earthquake jolted parts of Afghanistan , killing over 2,000 people and injuring more than 9,000. The death toll is expected to increase as rescue operations are still underway. Officials fear that hundreds of people are still trapped under collapsed buildings. The quake's epicenter was about 40 km northwest of the city of Herat.

Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti per il terremoto e 9mila feriti

2023-10-08T13:25+0200meteoweb (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) – Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l’ Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L’epicenro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

UAE expresses solidarity with Afghan people, offers condolences over earthquake victims

2023-10-08T13:23+0200khaleejtimes (en)

The earthquake occurred northwest of Herat resulting in more than 2,000 deaths The UAE has expressed its sincere condolences and solidarity with the Afghan people over the victims of the earthquake that occurred northwest of Herat, which resulted in In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, quasi 2mila morti

2023-10-08T13:23+0200oggitreviso (it)

AFGHANISTAN - E' di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

CEO de La Unión, Jesús Barranco, en primer podcast “Efeagro Punto de Encuentro” en directo

2023-10-08T13:23+0200efeagro (es)

El podcast “Efeagro Punto de Encuentro” ha inaugurado su realización en directo con Jesús Barranco, CEO de La Unión, primera comercializadora mundial de pepino, en una conversación en la que ha analizado el mercado hortofrutícola, la historia familiar de la compañía y sus proyectos de futuro.

Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti per il terremoto e 9mila feriti

2023-10-08T13:21+0200gazzettadimodena (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicenro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T13:19+0200wn (en)

quake survivors seek help to rebuild Emergency aid has been reaching survivors of last week's deadly earthquake in Afghanistan . (June 27) AP ISLAMABAD — Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises above 2000

2023-10-08T13:19+0200wn (en)

Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2000 people and injured more than 9000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone mountainous country. Amid the confusion, the death toll from Saturday's quakes spiked from 500 reported on....

Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti per il terremoto e 9mila feriti

2023-10-08T13:17+0200corriereadriatico (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) - Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l' Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L'epicenro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti per il terremoto e 9mila feriti

2023-10-08T13:15+0200laragione (it)

Kabul, 8 ott. (Adnkronos) – Più di 2mila persone sono morte e oltre 9mila ferite a causa del devastante terremoto che ha colpito ieri l’ Afghanistan . Secondo le autorità, sei villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. L’epicenro del sisma di magnitudo 6.

Séisme en Afghanistan : Plus de 2000 morts enregistrés, selon le gouvernement

2023-10-08T13:13+0200senego (fr)

L’ Afghanistan , plus précisément le village de Sarbuland, dans la province de Herat est frappé par un violent séisme occasionnant plusieurs morts. Ce, après le tremblement de terre en Turquie, le Maroc En effet, le séisme s’est produit, ce samedi 07 octobre 2023, l’Afghanistan.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: Ecatombe nella Provincia di Herat, oltre 2.000 morti

2023-10-08T13:13+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Alessandro Nunziati Il 7 ottobre, un Terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 ha scosso in modo devastante la Provincia occidentale di Herat in Afghanistan ,… L'articolo proviene da Quilink.

Terremoto Devastante in Afghanistan: Migliaia di Vittime e Danni Catastrofici

2023-10-08T13:13+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Roma - Quella che sembrava inizialmente una situazione sotto controllo si è rapidamente trasformata in una tragedia di proporzioni devastanti. Un Terremoto di magnitudo 6.4 ha colpito la zona occidentale dell' Afghanistan il sabato mattina alle 9:12 ora italiana, causando distruzioni su vasta scala.

Terremoto Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti e 9mila feriti. Talebani: «Chiediamo aiuto per i nostri fratelli»

2023-10-08T13:13+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Il Terremoto , avvenuto sabato a 40 chilometri a nord-ovest di Herat, ha avuto una magnitudo di 6,3. Sono seguite tre scosse di assestamento.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: Oltre 2.000 Morti e 10.000 Feriti, Case Distrutte

2023-10-08T13:13+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Roma - Il bilancio del violento Terremoto che ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha raggiunto cifre drammatiche, con Oltre 2.000 Morti e quasi 10.000 Feriti , secondo quanto dichiarato dalle autorità talebane di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu.

Cricketer pledges World Cup earnings to earthquake victims

2023-10-08T13:11+0200humnews-pk (en)

DUBAI: Afghanistan ’s renowned cricketer, Rashid Khan, has made a heartfelt pledge to donate all of his match fees from the ICC Men’s World Cup 2023 to support victims of the devastating earthquake that recently struck Afghanistan. Expressing his deep sadness over the earthquake’s impact, Rashid....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T13:10+0200news-herald (en)

ISLAMABAD — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed ....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T12:59+0200naharnet-ar (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of....

Le bilan du séisme en Afghanistan atteint 2000 morts selon les talibans

2023-10-08T12:56+0200lactualite (fr)

ISLAMABAD De puissants tremblements de terre ont tué au moins 2000 personnes dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , a annoncé dimanche un porte-parole du gouvernement taliban. Il s’agit de l’un des tremblements de terre les plus meurtriers au pays en vingt ans. Ces chiffres n’ont pas pu être vérifiés de manière indépendante.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T12:53+0200naharnet-en (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of....

Over 2,000 killed, more injured in twin Afghan earthquakes

2023-10-08T12:53+0200kenyastar (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude quakes have struck western Herat Province, with over 2,000 dead and many more injured or displaced. Western Afghanistan has been shaken by two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes that struck within around 30 minutes of each other, leaving over 2,000 dead and many more injured, as well as damaging 600 homes.

Afghanistan: Earthquake - Oct 2023

2023-10-08T12:53+0200humanitarianresponse (en)

On 7 October 2023 at around 11.00 local time, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck 40km west of Herat City in Herat Province, western Afghanistan . Several aftershocks have occurred since, with the initial quake felt in neighbouring Badghis and Farah provinces.

La ciudad de Talca siente sismo de magnitud 4.0

2023-10-08T12:50+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del temblor, según el CNS, fueron a -35.55 grados de latitud y -71.171 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un terremoto, revisa tu casa en....

Death toll from 'unprecedented' Afghan quakes doubles to 2,000

2023-10-08T12:48+0200urdupoint (en)

Herat, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Oct, 2023) The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western rose sharply again on Sunday to more than 2,000, with nearly 10,000 injured , as rescue workers dug through razed villages for vanishing signs of life. More than 1,300 homes were toppled when Saturday's magnitude 6.

Afghanistan Earthquakes Death Toll Mounts To 2,000

2023-10-08T12:47+0200thefridaytimes (en)

Violent earthquakes that shook Afghanistan late on Saturday have resulted in up to 2,053 fatalities and 9,240 injuries, a government spokesperson confirmed to Reuters on Sunday. As rescue efforts continue in the impacted areas, the 120 earthquake fatalities that were already recorded are certain to increase.

Death toll from 'unprecedented' Afghan quakes doubles to 2,000

2023-10-08T12:47+0200mb-com-ph (en)

TOPSHOT - Afghan residents clear debris from a damaged house after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on October 7,2023 (Photo by Mohsen KARIMI / AFP) HERAT, Afghanistan -- The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply again on....

Egypt offers condolences to Afghanistan over devastating earthquake victims

2023-10-08T12:41+0200EgyptianGazette (en)

Egypt has expressed its deepest condolences to Afghanistan over a devastating earthquake that hit the Asian country early on Saturday, killing around 2,000 people and injuring more than 500 others. Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid stressed the solidarity of Egypt with Afghanistan in this difficult time.

Afghanistan earthquake: Photos narrate horrific aftermath

2023-10-08T12:40+0200HindustanTimes (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). This was followed by four significant aftershocks with epicenters close to the region's largest city. The Taliban administration reported that more than 2,000 people....

Over 2,000 killed, more injured in twin Afghan earthquakes

2023-10-08T12:39+0200nigeriasun (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude quakes have struck western Herat Province, with over 2,000 dead and many more injured or displaced. Western Afghanistan has been shaken by two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes that struck within around 30 minutes of each other, leaving over 2,000 dead and many more injured, as well as damaging 600 homes.

Afghanistan, un devastante terremoto provoca oltre 2000 morti

2023-10-08T12:39+0200gazzetta (it)

Afganistan violento terremoto. La prima violenta scossa di terremoto si è verificata ieri a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan e secondo l'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha raggiunto una magnitudo di 6.2, l'epicentro è stato rintracciato a 40 km dalla città di Herat. Poco dopo se ne è verificata una seconda del 5.

3rd LD Writethru: Death toll of quakes soars to 2,053 in Afghanistan, officials call for assistance

2023-10-08T12:37+0200china.org.cn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- The death toll of the earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, a spokesman for the national disaster authority, Mullah Janan Shaeq, said on Sunday. Addressing a press conference in Herat, the official noted that 9,240 others were injured and 1,340....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 2,000: Taliban officials 16 minute ago - 0 - 47 The death toll from powerful earthquakes in western Afghanistan is estimated to be 2,000, a senior Taliban leader said, adding that the number might rise further in one of the deadliest quakes to hit the country in two decades.

2023-10-08T12:32+0200dailymirror (en)

The death toll from powerful earthquakes in western Afghanistan is estimated to be 2,000, a senior Taliban leader said, adding that the number might rise further in one of the deadliest quakes to hit the country in two decades. Suhail Shaheen, the Taliban spokesperson based in Qatar, told Al Jazeera....

PFC to participate in Asia Apparel Expo in Germany

2023-10-08T12:31+0200dunyanews (en)

"The Kherson region experienced another terrible night," Governor Oleksandr Prokudin said.(Reuters) - A dozen people were wounded, including a 27-year-old woman and her 9-month-old baby, in a Russian ... The Israeli military said on Sunday it fired artillery into Lebanon from where mortars were fired.

12:12 | SEISME Afghanistan, tremblement de terre meurtrier en images

2023-10-08T12:30+020020minutes (fr)

Plus de 2.000 personnes ont péri dans un violent séisme qui a frappé samedi l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , provoquant d’énormes dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel communiqué dimanche. Le séisme de magnitude 6,3, qui a secoué samedi les régions situées à 30 kilomètres au nord-ouest de la ville de Hérat, a été suivi par huit fortes répliques.

Séismes en Afghanistan: plus de 2000 morts, les opérations de sauvetage continuent

2023-10-08T12:30+0200rfi-fr (fr)

Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3, suivi par huit fortes répliques, est l’un des plus meurtriers qu'ait connu le pays en vingt ans. Ce dimanche, l’un des porte-paroles du gouvernement a déclaré que plus de 2 050 personnes étaient mortes dans 13 villages, 9 240 personnes blessées et que dix équipes de secours avaient atteint les lieux.

Death toll of quakes soars to 2,053 in Afghanistan, officials call for assistance

2023-10-08T12:28+0200peopledaily (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- The death toll of the earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, a spokesman for the national disaster authority, Mullah Janan Shaeq, said on Sunday. Addressing a press conference in Herat, the official noted that 9,240 others were injured and 1,340....

Iran Extends Condolences to Afghanistan over Fatal Quake

2023-10-08T12:28+0200farsnews (en)

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana'ani expressed sympathy with Afghanistan following the powerful earthquake that left more than 2,000 people dead. Kana’ani on Saturday offered his condolences to the Afghan people and caretaker government over the fatal earthquake in Herat province.

Hérault : et si un tsunami frappait Frontignan ? Alerte, secours, évacuations… un exercice de sécurité civile vendredi 13

2023-10-08T12:28+0200midilibre (fr)

Mené par la sécurité civile, l'exercice sera joué "en conditions réelles" et testera pour la première fois le dispositif FR-Alert. En février dernier, le littoral héraultais avait été le théâtre d'un exercice militaire inédit, Hemex-Orion. Cette semaine, c'est la réaction à une alerte tsunami qui va y être testée.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T12:27+0200wishtv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Death toll from series of Afghan earthquakes rises sharply to 2,053

2023-10-08T12:22+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Herat, Afghanistan —The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply again Sunday to more than 2,000 as rescuers scrabbled for survivors among the ruins of razed villages. Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake—followed by eight strong aftershocks—jolted hard-to-reach areas 30....

Se registra sismo de magnitud 3.0 en la ciudad de Los Andes.

2023-10-08T12:21+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del sismose registraron a -70.298 grados de longitud y -32.842 grados de latitud, según datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un terremoto, revisa tu hogar en....

UN: Earthquake Kills at Least 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T12:20+0200wn (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran.

Death toll of Afghan quakes soars to 2,053

2023-10-08T12:19+0200english-news-cn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- The death toll of several earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, spokesman for the national disaster authority Mullah Janan Shaeq said Sunday. Addressing a press conference in Herat, the official noted that 9,240 others were injured and 1,340....

Death toll of Afghan quakes soars to 2,053

2023-10-08T12:19+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- The death toll of several earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, spokesman for the national disaster authority Mullah Janan Shaeq said Sunday. Addressing a press conference in Herat, the official noted that 9,240 others were injured and 1,340....

Sisma Afghanistan: più di 2.000 morti, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T12:18+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) su Tg. La7.it - Terremoto Afghanistan : più di 2.000 morti , 10.000 feriti . I numeri dalle autorità per la gestione delle emergenze di Kabul. Per ora è un bilancio provvisorio. Il ...

Dozens killed and injured in powerful earthquake and aftershocks in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T12:12+0200cubasi (en)

ISLAMABAD — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Le bilan des tremblements de terre en Afghanistan s’élève à plus de 2 000

2023-10-08T12:10+0200news-24 (fr)

Le bilan des violents tremblements de terre dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , l’un des tremblements de terre les plus meurtriers ayant secoué le pays depuis deux décennies, a fait plus de 2 000 morts, a déclaré dimanche un porte-parole du gouvernement taliban.

Hundreds feared dead as Afghanistan earthquakes reduce Herat homes to rubble

2023-10-08T12:09+0200inews-co-uk (en)

Survivors described buildings collapsing around them and rescue workers worked through the night attempting to find people trapped under the rubble Afghan residents clear debris from a damaged house after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district of Herat province (Photo: MOHSEN....

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 2,000

2023-10-08T12:07+0200longbeachstar (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 2,000. The Taliban-led Ministry of Natural Disasters confirmed the death toll in a statement Sunday, saying more than 1,300 houses were completely destroyed in the quake.

Over 2,000 lives claimed by Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-08T12:07+0200vervetimes (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes in western Afghanistan , one of the deadliest earthquakes to shake the country in two decades, has risen to more than 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western....

Terremoto oggi M 1.5 Pozzallo (Ragusa)/ Ingv ultime notizie: gravi scosse M 6.3 Afghanistan e M 6 in Messico

2023-10-08T12:07+0200ilsussidiario (it)

SITUAZIONE TRANQUILLA PER LE SCOSSE DI TERREMOTO OGGI IN ITALIA. È uno scenario quasi “schizofrenico” quello che riguarda le oggi – domenica 8 ottobre 2023 – tra Italia ed estero: alla situazione molto tranquilla a livello sismico nel nostro Paese – fanno da contraltare ultime notizie pessime in arrivo da Afghanistan , Messico e Papua Nuova Guinea .

Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years Mayank Bhardwaj |Updated 9 minutes ago |2 min read (Corrects spelling of 'by' in paragraph 2) By Mayank Bhardwaj NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest .

2023-10-08T12:06+0200thechronicleherald (en)

(Corrects spelling of 'by' in paragraph 2) By Mayank Bhardwaj. NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country.

Pakistan saddened by loss of life in Afghan earthquake

2023-10-08T12:03+0200dunyanews (en)

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) Pakistan has expressed sadness over loss of precious lives in devastating earthquake that hit western Afghanistan on Saturday. A statement issued by the foreign office said the “government and the people of Pakistan are deeply saddened by the devastating earthquake in western....

Afghanistan earthquake leaves 2,000 dead, hundreds trapped and villages destroyed

2023-10-08T12:02+0200dailystar (en)

to hit Afghanistan in two decades has risen to more than 2,000 with hundreds of people still buried under debris. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake shook western Afghanistan, followed by strong aftershocks which killed dozens of people on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said.

KBC » Afghanistan earthquake: Hundreds feared dead in 6.3 quake

2023-10-08T12:02+0200kenyamoja (en)

Hundreds of people are feared dead after a powerful earthquake hit western Afghanistan , near the Iranian border. Some estimates put the death toll much higher. The 6.3 magnitude quake devastated at least 12 villages near the city of Herat on Saturday. There were powerful aftershocks.

Egypt Extends Condolences to Afghanistan over Victims of Devastating Earthquake

2023-10-08T12:02+0200sis (en)

The Spokesperson for Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, expressed the condolences of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the brotherly State and people of Afghanistan for the victims of the devastating earthquake that struck the west region of the country on Saturday morning,....

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 2,000

2023-10-08T12:02+0200srilankasource (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 2,000. The Taliban-led Ministry of Natural Disasters confirmed the death toll in a statement Sunday, saying more than 1,300 houses were completely destroyed in the quake.

China offers condolences to Afghanistan over deadly quake

2023-10-08T12:01+0200chinadailyhk (en)

afghan residents sit at a damaged house after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan, district of Herat province, on October 7,2023 (PHOTO / AFP) China mourns the victims and offers sympathies to the injured and the families who have lost loved ones, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement....

IRC deploys emergency response team to areas of Afghanistan impacted by 6.3 magnitude earthquake October 8, 2023

2023-10-08T11:59+0200rescue (en)

Kabul, Afghanistan , October 8, 2023 — The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is deeply saddened by the devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck west of Herat yesterday on October 7. With hundreds of people confirmed to have lost their lives so far, the IRC has deployed emergency response....

Death toll from Afghan earthquakes rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T11:58+0200newagebd (en)

Afghan residents sit at a damaged house after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan, district of Herat province, on October 7,2023. – AFP photo. The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply again on Sunday to over 2,000 as rescuers scrabbled for survivors among the ruins of razed villages.

Afghanistan: un violento terremoto uccide più di 2.000 persone

2023-10-08T11:58+0200periodicodaily (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito sabato l’ Afghanistan occidentale. È stato seguito da otto forti scosse di assestamento. Un violento terremoto ha colpito sabato l’Afghanistan occidentale. Il sisma ha causato danni ingenti e ucciso più di 2.000 persone, secondo un nuovo rapporto ufficiale pubblicato domenica.

Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-08T11:57+0200saltwire (en)

(Corrects spelling of 'by' in paragraph 2) By Mayank Bhardwaj. NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country.

Afghanistan, oltre 2.000 morti nel terremoto che ha colpito l'area di Herat, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T11:57+0200rainews (it)

Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti, di cui due scosse di magnitudo 6.3 che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana occidentale di Herat in Afghanistan , ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu.

Sisma Afghanistan: più di 2.000 morti, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T11:55+0200la7 (it)

Terremoto Afghanistan : più di 2.000 morti, 10.000 feriti. I numeri dalle autorità per la gestione delle emergenze di Kabul. Per ora è un bilancio provvisorio. Il nuovo sisma, con tutta la serie di violente scosse che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat , non ha risparmiato un'intera area a circa 40 chilometri da Herat.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, è una strage: “Più di 2 mila morti”

2023-10-08T11:52+0200interris (it)

Morte e devastazione, in Afghanistan , a seguito delle scosse sismiche che hanno colpito il Paese nelle ultime 24 ore. Più di mille case rase al suolo, con lo spettro di una crisi umanitaria. Afghanistan devastato. Il bilancio provvisorio della che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes climbs to more than 2,000

2023-10-08T11:51+0200foxnews (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, according to the country’s national disaster authority. However, Ministry of Information and Culture spokesman Abdul Wahid Rayan says per another source the death toll from the earthquake in Herat is higher than originally reported.

Pakistan vows all-out support for Afghanistan earthquake victims

2023-10-08T11:51+0200geo-tv (en)

Pakistan extends "complete solidarity" with quake victims. Govt in contact with Afghanistan for first-hand assessment of needs. FO deems loss of life and widespread damage to property "tragic". As Afghanistan's western regions suffered devastating loss in the wake of multiple earthquakes, Pakistan....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.2 en Huasco

2023-10-08T11:48+0200infobae (es)

La CNS informó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -28.57 grados de latitud y -71.36 grados de longitud, es decir, a 18.0 kilómetros al Suroeste de la localidad. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue....

Earthquakes in Afghanistan – death toll rises

2023-10-08T11:46+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-08T09:42:51.332Z. Highlights: magnitude 6.3 earthquake shook Herat province on Saturday. It was followed by five aftershocks, with magniuds 5.5, 4.7, 6. 3, 5.9 and 4.6. The epicenter of the quake is said to have struck 40 kilometers from the region's largest city, Herat.

Uomini e Donne, Jessica Guazzotti è diventata mamma: il dolce annuncio social

2023-10-08T11:43+0200tag24 (it)

L’ex corteggiatrice di Uomini e Donne Jessica Guazzotti ha partorito. Proprio a maggio di quest’anno, l’ex tentatrice aveva annunciato che sarebbe diventata mamma per la prima volta. L’ex corteggiatrice di Uomini e Donne Jessica Guazzotti è diventata mamma .

Terremoto Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti e 10mila feriti

2023-10-08T11:41+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Il terremoto che ha colpito la provincia di Herat in Afghanistan ha causato una enorme devastazione. Secondo le autorità talebane di Kabul, infatti, il bilancio provvisorio indica più di 2.000 morti e quasi 10.000 feriti. Oltre 1.300 abitazioni sono state completamente o parzialmente distrutte.

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 2,000

2023-10-08T11:40+0200kenyastar (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 2,000. The Taliban-led Ministry of Natural Disasters confirmed the death toll in a statement Sunday, saying more than 1,300 houses were completely destroyed in the quake.

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 2,000

2023-10-08T11:40+0200singaporestar (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 2,000. The Taliban-led Ministry of Natural Disasters confirmed the death toll in a statement Sunday, saying more than 1,300 houses were completely destroyed in the quake.

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 2,000

2023-10-08T11:38+0200nigeriasun (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 2,000. The Taliban-led Ministry of Natural Disasters confirmed the death toll in a statement Sunday, saying more than 1,300 houses were completely destroyed in the quake.

Afghanistan Earthquake: Over 2,000 killed; rescue and relief ops on | In 7 points

2023-10-08T11:36+0200wn (en)

Devastating earthquakes struck Afghanistan on Saturday, resulting in the loss of lives of over 2,000 people and more than 9,000 injuries, the....

Afghanistan earthquake has killed more than 2,000 people, Taliban says

2023-10-08T11:34+0200metro-uk (en)

Afghanistan , a mountainous region all too familiar with natural disasters, was struck by two earthquakes yesterday (Picture: Getty Images) Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes that tore through western Afghanistan on Saturday have killed at least 2,000 people, the said today.

President saddened over loss of lives, properties in earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T11:34+0200app-en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Oct 8 (APP):President Dr Arif Alvi on Sunday expressed deep sorrow over the loss of precious lives and properties in the devastating earthquake that hit Afghanistan ’s province of Herat on Saturday. In a statement issued by the President House, Arif Alvi called upon the international....

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 2,000

2023-10-08T11:32+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 2,000. The Taliban-led Ministry of Natural Disasters confirmed the death toll in a statement Sunday, saying more than 1,300 houses were completely destroyed in the quake.

More than 800 killed, 1,000 injured in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T11:30+0200efe (en)

Kabul, Oct 8 (EFE).- More than 800 people have been killed and more than 1,000 injured in the magnitude-6.3 earthquake and aftershocks that have rattled Afghanistan ’s western province of Herat, according to authorities on Sunday. People affected by an earthquake wait for relief in Herat, Afghanistan, 07 October 2023.

Around 2000 People Killed, 12 Villages Entirely Destroyed As Pow

2023-10-08T11:27+0200timesnownews (en)

erful Earthquakes Devastate Afghanistan . Multiple earthquakes have completely rattled Afghanistan leaving behind a trail of destruction. As per reports, the most powerful earthquake of 6.3 magnitude struck Afghanistan’s Herat province causing large scale devastation.

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 2,000

2023-10-08T11:22+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 2,000. The Taliban-led Ministry of Natural Disasters confirmed the death toll in a statement Sunday, saying more than 1,300 houses were completely destroyed in the quake.

Séisme en Afghanistan : Plus de 2 000 morts enregistrés

2023-10-08T11:22+0200xalimasn (fr)

XALIMANEWS -Après la Turquie et le Maroc, un séisme violent a secoué l’ Afghanistan , plus précisément le village de Sarbuland, dans la province de Herat, le samedi 7 octobre 2023. Le bilan du tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 qui a frappé l’ouest du pays s’est aggravé.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: più di 2.000 morti e quasi 10 mila feriti

2023-10-08T11:21+0200online-news (it)

Una violenta serie di terremoti ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat, causando una devastazione su vasta scala. Il bilancio provvisorio, riportato dalle autorità talebane di Kabul tramite l’autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, è estremamente grave, con più di 2.000 morti e quasi 10.000 feriti.

Terremoto, ecatombe in Afghanistan: bilancio tragico, crolli a raffica

2023-10-08T11:20+0200virgilio-notizie (it)

Il terremoto in Afghanistan ha causato un'ecatombe: oltre 2 mila morti e 10 mila feriti, crolli a raffica Bilancio drammatico in Afghanistan causato dal terremoto di magnitudo 6.3: oltre un migliaio di vittime. Pubblicato il: 08-10-2023 10:37. Ecatombe in Afghanistan . Il bilancio delle conseguenze del terremoto di magnitudo 6.

Ultime notizie/ Ultim’ora oggi 8 ottobre 2023: terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti e 10 mila feriti

2023-10-08T11:18+0200ilsussidiario (it)

Ultime notizie Afghanistan , il terremoto squarcia Herat: oltre 2mila morti e 10mila feriti. Mentre il Medio Oriente vive ore di fibrillazione per la guerra esplosa ieri tra Hamas e Israele, in Afghanistan si contano le vittime dell’ennesimo tragico terremoto avvenuto questa volta nell’area di Herat , ad ovest del Paese.

Three USK students join Taiwan's student exchange program

2023-10-08T11:18+0200antaranews-en (en)

Bogor, W Java (ANTARA) - Three students of Syiah Kuala University (USK) have successfully been selected to join the New Southbound Policy Youth Elite Exchange Program (Yeep) at Taiwan's National Quemoy University for five months. The students are Ahmad Zaki Marjan, Ziad Muhammad, and Aura Lativa,....

Pakistan extends condolences over loss of life in earthquake in Afghanistan Top Stories

2023-10-08T11:16+0200radio-pk (en)

Pakistan has expressed deep sadness and condolence over loss of precious lives and properties in devastating earthquake that hit Western regions of Afghanistan on Saturday. A statement issued by the foreign office spokesperson said the government and people of Pakistan are deeply saddened by the....

Cinque scosse di terremoto in Afghanistan provocano duemila morti

2023-10-08T11:15+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) duemila persone sono morte e migliaia sono rimaste ferite sabato a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 che ha provocato diverse frane nell’ Afghanistan occidentale. Leggi.

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T11:15+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti . Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul ...

Afghanistan: un violento terremoto uccide più di 2.000 persone

2023-10-08T11:15+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito sabato l’ Afghanistan occidentale. È stato seguito da otto forti scosse di assestamento. Un violento terremoto ha colpito sabato l’ Afghanistan occidentale. Il sisma ha causato danni ingenti e ucciso più di 2.000 persone , secondo un nuovo rapporto ufficiale pubblicato domenica.

Il terremoto in Afghanistan ha causato centinaia di morti

2023-10-08T11:15+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Molte aree nella parte occidentale del paese sono isolate e le ricerche tra le macerie proseguiranno per giorni.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti e 10mila feriti

2023-10-08T11:15+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Nella giornata di ieri, 7 ottobre 2023, una violenta serie di scosse di Terremoto ha colpito l’ Afghanistan , in particolare la provincia di Herat. Il bilancio provvisorio è pesantissimo: oltre 2.000 morti e circa 10.000 feriti .

. Death toll in Afghan quakes soars to 2,053

2023-10-08T11:13+0200chinadailyhk (en)

Afghan residents clear debris from a damaged house after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on Oct 7,2023 (PHOTO / AFP) HERAT, Afghanistan - The death toll of several earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, spokesman for the national disaster authority Mullah Janan Shaeq said Sunday.

Rashid Khan donates tournament earnings to Afghanistan’s earthquake victims

2023-10-08T11:13+0200wn (en)

During the 2023 International Cup, Rashid Khan made a remarkable commitment that touched hearts worldwide. He pledged his entire earnings from the tournament to support the victims of the devastating earthquakes in the Western Provinces of Afghanistan .

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 2,000

2023-10-08T11:13+0200myanmarnews (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 2,000. The Taliban-led Ministry of Natural Disasters confirmed the death toll in a statement Sunday, saying more than 1,300 houses were completely destroyed in the quake.

Violent séisme en Afghanistan : Plus de 2000 morts déplorés A La Une Après la Turquie, le Maroc,..., un violent séisme a secoué, ce samedi 07 octobre 2023, l'Afghanistan, plus précisément le village de Sarbuland, dans la province ...

2023-10-08T11:13+0200senenews (fr)

Après la Turquie, le Maroc,…, un violent séisme a secoué, ce samedi 07 octobre 2023, l’ Afghanistan , plus précisément le village de Sarbuland, dans la province de Herat. Le bilan du tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 qui frappé l’ouest du pays s’est alourdi. Selon les informations publiées, ce dimanche, par le gouvernement taliban, plus de 2.

Afghanistan earthquakes kill more than 2000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T11:11+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

A 6.3-magnitude earthquake, and a series of powerful aftershocks, hit western Afghanistan , destroying villages and leaving hundreds dead. Tremors could also be felt in neighboring Iran. The quakes destroyed several villages in Afghanistan's Herat province Image: MOHSEN KARIMI/AFP More than 2,000....

Forte terremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2.000 morti e 9.000 feriti

2023-10-08T11:10+0200affaritaliani (it)

E' di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

China offers condolences to Afghanistan over deadly earthquake

2023-10-08T11:09+0200chinadaily (en)

People are seen among ruins of dwellings after earthquakes in Herat Province, Afghanistan , Oct 7, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua] China mourns the victims and offers sympathies to the injured and the families who have lost loved ones, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Sunday after powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have caused heavy casualties.

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 2,000

2023-10-08T11:09+0200manilametro (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 2,000. The Taliban-led Ministry of Natural Disasters confirmed the death toll in a statement Sunday, saying more than 1,300 houses were completely destroyed in the quake.

Territorio devastatoTerremoto in Afghanistan, oltre 2mila morti e 10mila feriti per il sisma che ha colpito la provincia di Herat

2023-10-08T11:07+0200lacnews24 (it)

È di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. I l sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan: plus de 2.000 morts après un séisme de magnitude 6,3

2023-10-08T11:04+0200al-wihda (fr)

Plus de 2 000 personnes ont péri dans un violent séisme qui a frappé samedi 7 octobre 2023 l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , provoquant d'énormes dégâts, selon un nouveau bilan officiel communiqué dimanche par les autorités afghanes. Abdul Wahid Rayan, porte-parole du ministère de l'Information et de la....

Pakistan to extend 'all possible support' for Afghan earthquake victims: FO

2023-10-08T11:03+0200thenews-pk (en)

The Foreign Office Sunday said it will extend all possible support to the recovery efforts in the wake of the powerful earthquakes in the western regions of Afghanistan a day earlier. The FO, in a statement on Sunday, said it was in contact with Afghan authorities for a first-hand assessment of the urgent needs of those affected by the earthquake.

Over 2,000 dead feared after severe earthquake in Afghanistan – Caritas supports emergency aid with donations

2023-10-08T11:02+0200archyde (en)

Foreign Aid Secretary General Knapp: “Hundreds of people are injured, thousands of people are at risk of becoming homeless. We have to help as quickly as possible.” Vienna (OTS) The extent of the destruction caused by the earthquakes that occurred on Saturday morning in the western border region near Iran is not yet clear.

At Least 15 Killed as Earthquakes Strike Western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T11:00+0200vervetimes (en)

ISLAMABAD – Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Death toll from earthquakes that shook Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T11:00+0200nypost (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of....

No reports of Taiwanese victims following Afghanistan earthquake: Foreign ministry

2023-10-08T10:59+0200taiwannews (en)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) So far, there are no reports of Taiwanese nationals or residents affected by the earthquake that struck Afghanistan on Saturday (Oct. 7), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said in a on Sunday. The 6.3 magnitude quake hit the western city of Herat, killing more than 2,000 people and leaving thousands injured.

Afghanistan : un séisme fait plus de 2.000 morts

2023-10-08T10:57+0200RTLFrance (fr)

La région d'Hérat, à l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , a subi un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3, samedi 7 octobre. La première secousse a été suivie par huit répliques relativement puissantes. Selon un porte-parole du gouvernement taliban, il y aurait plus de 2.000 morts. "2.053 martyrs sont morts dans 13 villages.

Afghanistan: talebani, quasi 2 mila morti e oltre 9 mila feriti per il terremoto nell’Ovest del Paese

2023-10-08T10:56+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

È di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

UN: Earthquake Kills at Least 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T10:55+0200globalsecurity (en)

By Ayaz Gul October 07, 2023. The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran.

Hundreds Feared Dead In Powerful Earthquakes In Afghanistan's Herat Region

2023-10-08T10:55+0200globalsecurity (en)

By RFE/RL's Radio Azadi October 07, 2023. The death toll from a series of strong earthquakes in Afghanistan 's Herat region has soared to at least 320 people, with hundreds more injured, the United Nations said on October 7, as rescue crews continued to search for survivors through the ruins of the....

Earthquake kills at least 100 in Herat, Afghanistan

2023-10-08T10:55+0200globalsecurity (en)

7 October 2023 - A major earthquake struck Herat, Afghanistan early Saturday killing at least 100 people and triggering a spate of rescue and assessment missions by UN agencies, partners, and the de facto authorities. Initial assessments indicate that the 6.

Death toll of Afghan quakes soars to 2,053

2023-10-08T10:53+0200dailyfinland-fi (en)

The death toll of several earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, spokesman for the national disaster authority Mullah Janan Shaeq said Sunday, reported Xinhua. Addressing a press conference in Herat, the official noted that 9,240 others were injured and 1,340 houses were destroyed in....

Terremoto in Afghanistan. Già accertate 2.053 vittime

2023-10-08T10:53+0200farodiroma (it)

Sono già 2053 le vittime dei forti terremoti che ieri hanno sconvolto l’ Afghanistan provocando inoltre 9.240 feriti e 1.329 edifici distrutti, secondo quanto riportato dall’amministrazione talebana. Circa sei sarebbero i villaggi distrutti e centinaia i civili rimasti sepolti sotto le macerie, ha....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 3.2 en Pica

2023-10-08T10:53+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -20.806 grados de latitud y -69.119 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Afghanistan Earthquake: Death toll crosses 2000, several villages completely destroyed

2023-10-08T10:50+0200thestatesman (en)

Over 2000 people were killed and hundreds feared wounded after a massive 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Western Afghanistan ’s Herat, the Taliban government said on Sunday. At least a dozen villages in Zinda Jan and Ghoryan districts have been completely destroyed in one of the deadliest earthquake to hit Afghanistan in decades.

Earthquake in Afghanistan: over 2 thousand dead and 10 thousand injured

2023-10-08T10:49+0200ruetir (en)

Yesterday, 7 October 2023, a violent series of earthquakes hit Afghanistan , in particular the province of Herat. The provisional toll is very heavy: over 2,000 dead and around 10,000 injured. This was stated by the Taliban regime in Kabul through the emergency management authority, cited by Anadolu Agency.

Adaptation must be "front and centre" of climate agenda: UAE

2023-10-08T10:48+0200dunyanews (en)

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson urged an immediate end to hostilities to protect civilians.BEIJING (APP) China on Sunday expressed “deep concern” on the current escalation ... Saturday's magnitude 6.3 quake jolted hard-to-reach areas 30 kilometres northwest of Herat.

Afghanistan: talebani, quasi 2 mila morti e oltre 9 mila feriti per il terremoto nell’Ovest del Paese

2023-10-08T10:48+0200tribunatreviso (it)

È di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Séisme en Afghanistan – Plus de 2 000 morts et des milliers de maisons détruites alors que le pays est secoué par deux séismes de magnitude 6,3

2023-10-08T10:47+0200news-24 (fr)

Des centaines de civils ont été ensevelis sous les décombres Crédit : Tahir Ibn Manzoor. Le district de Zenda Jan, dans la province d’Herat, près de la frontière iranienne, aurait été le plus durement touché par la catastrophe. Un porte-parole du ministère des Catastrophes, le mollah Janan Sayeeq, a....

2nd LD: Death toll of Afghan quakes soars to 2,053

2023-10-08T10:46+0200china.org.cn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- The death toll of several earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, spokesman for the national disaster authority Mullah Janan Shaeq said Sunday. Addressing a press conference in Herat, the official noted that 9,240 others were injured and 1,340....

Afghanistan: talebani, quasi 2 mila morti e oltre 9 mila feriti per il terremoto nell’Ovest del Paese

2023-10-08T10:46+0200lasentinella (it)

È di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Il terremoto in Afghanistan ha causato centinaia di morti

2023-10-08T10:45+0200ilpost (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 di sabato mattina nella provincia di Herat, nella parte occidentale dell’ Afghanistan , ha causato danni ingenti e la morte di centinaia (o migliaia) di persone, secondo le diverse stime diffuse finora. La scossa principale seguita da alcuni terremoti meno energetici....

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T10:44+0200thecourier (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2,000, a Taliban spokesman said. The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving....

At least 15 dead in Afghanistan earthquakes, official says

2023-10-08T10:43+0200whatsnew2day (en)

KABUL – At least 15 people were killed and 40 were injured after multiple earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, a disaster management official told Reuters. The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.3, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS), with the earthquakes occurring 35 kilometers northwest of the city of Herat.

Death toll from Herat earthquake exceeds 2,000

2023-10-08T10:43+0200khaama (en)

Recent reports to Khaama Press News Agency confirm that the death toll from the powerful earthquake in Herat has reached 2,060 deaths with 900 injuries. Abdulwahid Ryan, the head of the Ministry of Information and Culture of Herat Province, spoke on Sunday that the latest figures for earthquake casualties in Herat are close to 3,000 people.

“Beautiful” non va in onda oggi 8 ottobre 2023, ecco perché e quando torna con la prossima puntata

2023-10-08T10:43+0200tag24 (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social Migranti a Lampedusa, un’altra notte di sbarchi. Ammonta a 327 il numero di persone arrivate sulle nostre coste durante la notte scorsa. Le barche provengono dalla Libia. Migranti a Lampedusa, un nuovo sbarco nella notte dalla Libia La scorsa notte c’è stato un nuovo....

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T10:41+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2,000, a Taliban spokesman said. The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving....

Inondations en Allemagne : ces images avant/après montrent l’ampleur des destructions

2023-10-08T10:41+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Coulées de boue, ponts effondrés, maisons détruites. Les images avant/après des graves inondations en Allemagne et en Belgique laissent imaginer l’ampleur des dégâts matériels... et humains. En Allemagne, le bilan provisoire est de 133 morts. Dans toute l’Europe, il s’élève à 153.

Intempéries : au moins 126 morts en Europe et encore des centaines de disparus

2023-10-08T10:41+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

La Belgique, avec au moins 23 morts selon un nouveau bilan ce vendredi midi, le Luxembourg et les Pays-Bas, où plusieurs quartiers de Maastricht ont dû être évacués, ont durement été touchés par les intempéries en Europe, qui ont à ce stade fait au moins 126 morts.

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T10:40+0200virgilio (it)

Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti.

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T10:39+0200globodiroma (it)

Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l’autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall’agenzia Anadolu. Al momento i morti sono almeno 2.

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti per il terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T10:39+0200globodiroma (it)

Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l’autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall’agenzia Anadolu. Al momento i morti sono almeno 2.

Tehran condoles Afghan nation over deadly earthquake

2023-10-08T10:37+0200mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 08 (MNA) – Condoling the death of a number of Afghan citizens as a result of the deadly earthquake, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani expressed his sympathy with the neighboring friendly, and Muslim nation of Afghanistan . Kan'ani also expressed his condolences to the....

Factbox-Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-08T10:37+0200whbl (en)

By Mayank Bhardwaj. NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in my mountains, has a long....

Death toll in triple quakes shake NW Afghanistan surpasses 2,000

2023-10-08T10:36+0200dailysabah (en)

More than 2,000 people died, and thousands of others were injured in the deadliest tremors in years in Afghanistan 's northwest, the Taliban administration said Sunday, as rescue workers scrambled to pull out an unknown number of people trapped under rubble.

Terremoto in Afghanistan - E' una catastrofe, ci sono migliaia di vittime. Foto e Video

2023-10-08T10:36+02003bmeteo (it)

Terremoto in Afghanistan , ci sono migliaia di morti. Purtroppo il bilancio del terremoto che nella giornata di sabato alle 9:12 ora italiana ha colpito la zona occidentale dell'Afghanistan è drammatico. In un primo momento si parlava di pochi danni e non gravi, poi la situazione è diventata tragicamente più chiara.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T10:34+0200pressandjournal (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2,000, a Taliban spokesman said. The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving....

Over 2,000 dead in western Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-08T10:33+0200almayadeen-en (en)

An aerial view of the outskirts of Herat, Afghanistan , Monday, June 5, 2023. ( AP. A spokesperson for the Taliban government announced on Sunday that the number of casualties resulting from powerful earthquakes in western Afghanistan has exceeded 2,000. This earthquake is among the deadliest to hit the country in the past 20 years.

Over 2,000 killed as earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-08T10:31+0200thecable (en)

At least 2,000 people have been killed and more than 9,000 injured after a powerful earthquake struck Afghanistan . According to Reuters, the death toll was given by Mullah Janan Sayeeq, a spokesperson for the ministry of disasters. Sayeeq said 2,053 people are now dead, 9,240 injured and 1,329 houses have been damaged or destroyed.

Factbox: Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-08T10:31+0200dunyanews (en)

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in by mountains, has a long history of strong....

At least 120 dead, around 1,000 injured following earthquakes in west Afghanistan

2023-10-08T10:31+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

Rescue work is underway following earthquakes in Herat Province, Afghanistan , Oct. 7, 2023. At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan's Herat and other western provinces, a local official from Herat told reporters.

2nd LD: Death toll of Afghan quakes soars to 2,053

2023-10-08T10:30+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- The death toll of several earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 2,053, spokesman for the national disaster authority Mullah Janan Shaeq said Sunday. Addressing a press conference in Herat, the official noted that 9,240....

Factbox-Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-08T10:29+0200wsau (en)

By Mayank Bhardwaj. NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in my mountains, has a long....

Factbox-Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years By Mayank Bhardwaj NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Talib... 44m ago

2023-10-08T10:28+0200kelo (en)

By Mayank Bhardwaj. NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in my mountains, has a long....

Tehran condoles Afghan nation over deadly earthquake

2023-10-08T10:25+0200mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 08 (MNA) – Condoling the death of a number of Afghan citizens as a result of the deadly earthquake, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani expressed his sympathy with the neighboring friendly, and Muslim nation of Afghanistan . Kan'ani also expressed his condolences to the....

Death toll of Afghan quakes rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T10:24+0200chinadailyhk (en)

Afghan children rest under a blanket beside damaged houses after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on October 7,2023. (PHOTO / AFP) HERAT - More than 2,000 people were killed and over 9,000 injured as powerful earthquakes jolted Afghanistan 's Herat and other....

Strong quakes in Afghanistan leaves over 2,000 dead: AP

2023-10-08T10:24+0200kyodonews (en)

Over 2,000 people died in western Afghanistan on Saturday following a series of earthquakes, some reaching a magnitude of 6.3, The Associated Press reported on Sunday, citing a Taliban government spokesman. The spokesman, Abdul Wahid Rayan, also reportedly said about six villages in hardest-hit....

Datome saluta il basket: “Ora mi dedicherò alle cose importanti della vita”

2023-10-08T10:24+0200tag24 (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social Vittoria non brillantissima per Jannik Sinner nel secondo turno dell’ATP Shangai 2023. L’italiano ha regolato in due set l’americano Marcos Giron sul centrale del Masters 1000 cinese con il punteggio di 7-6, 6-2. Sinner ha dovuto faticare più del dovuto nel primo parziale dopo aver commesso qualche errore di troppo.

taïwan.un séisme de 6,4 fait 96 blessés

2023-10-08T10:24+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4, suivi d'une vingtaine de répliques, a secoué, hier matin, le sud de Taïwan, faisant 96 blessés et provoquant panique, pannes d'électricité et arrêt des transports. Aucune alerte au tsunami n'a été déclenchée selon l'institut géophysique américain USGS qui a précisé que le....

UN rescue teams rush to quake-hit Herat; Guterres ‘saddened’ by lives lost

2023-10-08T10:23+0200app-en (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 08 (APP): United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Gute rres is “deeply saddened” by the heavy loss of life resulting from Saturday’s deadly earthquake that struck near Afghanistan ’s Herat City, his spokesman said, as UN agencies’ rescue and assessment mission swung into action.

Pakistan grieved over devastating earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T10:23+0200app-en (en)

ISLAMABAD, Oct 8 (APP):Pakistan on Sunday expressed deep sadness and condolence over loss of precious lives and properties in devastating earthquake that hit Western regions of Afghanistan on Saturday. “The Government and people of Pakistan are deeply saddened by the devastating earthquake in....

Several earthquakes in western Afghanistan cause more than 2,530 deaths and 9,240 injuries

2023-10-08T10:23+0200kiratas (en)

The number of deaths and injuries is expected to increase. Twelve villages in the Zinda Jan district, the epicenter of the tremors, have been completely destroyed. There are more than 2000 people evacuated. Afghan authorities have confirmed the deaths of more than 2,530 people and 9,240 injuries in the 6.

Afghanistan's Deadly Tremors: A Look Back at Three Decades of Quakes

2023-10-08T10:22+0200news18 (en)

Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in by mountains, has a long history of strong earthquakes, many in the rugged Hindu Kush region bordering Pakistan.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll crosses 2,000

2023-10-08T10:21+0200dailypakistan (en)

The death toll from the devastating earthquakes that struck Afghanistan late Saturday has surged to 2,053, with an additional 9,240 individuals reported injured, according to a government spokesperson. The initially reported death toll of 120 is expected to increase as ongoing rescue operations continue to unfold in the affected regions.

Afghanistan : un séisme de magnitude 6,3 provoque la mort de plus de 2.000 personnes

2023-10-08T10:20+0200cnews (fr)

L' Afghanistan a été touché ce samedi 7 octobre, par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3, provoquant la mort de plus 2.000 personnes selon un dernier bilan. C'est une situation dramatique au . Ce samedi 7 octobre, l'Afghanistan a été touché par un séisme de magnitude 6,3 près d'Hérat, la capitale culturelle du pays.

Afghanistan quakes kill more than 2000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T10:19+02004-traders (en)

STORY: Multiple quakes on Saturday (October 7) hit 20 miles (35 kilometers) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The tremors were the deadliest in years in the quake-prone country. Many areas of Afghanistan are inaccessible by road, and....

WORLD Over 2,000 killed in Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-08T10:19+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. class='cf'> A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks....

Le violent séisme qui a frappé l'Afghanistan a fait plus de 2000 morts

2023-10-08T10:19+0200TF1 (fr)

Plus de 2000 personnes ont péri dans un violent séisme qui a frappé l'ouest de l' Afghanistan , provoquant d'énormes dégâts, selon un bilan communiqué par le gouvernement ce dimanche 8 octobre, au lendemain de la catastrophe. De magnitude 6,3 sur l’échelle de Richter, le tremblement de terre a frappé....

Séisme en Afghanistan : plus de 2 000 morts et 9 000 blessés. Taliban : «Nous demandons de l’aide pour nos frères»

2023-10-08T10:19+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Plus de 2 000 personnes ont perdu la vie hier Afghanistan en raison des forts tremblements de terre qui ont secoué le pays. Cependant, plus de 9 000 personnes ont été blessées, selon les informations fournies par l’administration talibane. L’Institut géologique des États-Unis a déclaré que le....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T10:16+0200adaderana (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of....

Terremoto in Afghanistan. Scossa di magnitudo 6.3 nella provincia di Herat

2023-10-08T10:14+0200lecodelsud (it)

É salito a 120 il bilancio delle vittime della scossa di terremoto che ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale, al quale si aggiungono almeno mille feriti secondo le autorità locali. Nella giornata di sabato, l’ufficio sismologico statunitense ha registrato una prima scossa di magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan earthquakes kill over 2,000: A look at deadliest quakes in country

2023-10-08T10:13+0200HindustanTimes (en)

, hemmed in by mountains, has a long history of strong earthquakes, many in the rugged Hindu Kush region bordering Pakistan. Death tolls often rise when remote locations are hit, and decades of war have left infrastructure in a shambles, making relief and rescue operations difficult. BADAKHSHAN, 2023.

Factbox-Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-08T10:13+0200wkzo (en)

By Mayank Bhardwaj. NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in my mountains, has a long....

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T10:12+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu.

Terremoti Afghanistan, oltre 1.000 morti

2023-10-08T10:11+0200notizieinunclick (it)

“Oltre 1.000 morti”. Questo il bilancio del violento terremoto di magnitudo pari a 6.3 che ha colpito la regione afghana di Herat, nell’ovest del Paese. E’ quanto ha fatto sapere il portavoce del governo talebano. “Purtroppo il numero delle vittime è molto elevato”, ha detto. L’area è stata investita da una serie di scosse.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquake shoots up to 2,000

2023-10-08T10:10+0200wn (en)

ANKARA, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Oct, 2023) The death toll from Saturday's massive earthquake that hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan has shot up to 2,000 with nearly 10,000 injured as rescue workers scrambled to pull out an unknown number of people trapped under rubble,....

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T10:10+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 2,000: Taliban officials

2023-10-08T10:09+0200nna-en (en)

NNA - The death toll from powerful earthquakes in western Afghanistan is estimated to be 2,000, a senior Taliban leader said, adding that the number might rise further in one of the deadliest quakes to hit the country in two decades. Suhail Shaheen, the Taliban spokesperson based in Qatar, told Al....

Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-08T10:08+0200streetinsider (en)

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in by mountains, has a long history of strong....

Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-08T10:08+0200straitstimesSG (en)

NEW DELHI - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in my mountains, has a long history of strong earthquakes, many....

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T10:08+0200ladige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, sale a più di duemila il numero delle vittime

2023-10-08T10:08+0200tag24 (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social Dopo il violento attacco a Israele avvenuto nella mattinata di ieri, Guido Crosetto ha immediatamente voluto fare un punto interno per andare a tracciare la situazione e delineare quanto successo. L’ultimo bilancio parla di 250 morti e quasi 2 mila feriti, con Israele....

Afghanistan: talebani, quasi 2 mila morti e oltre 9 mila feriti per il terremoto nell’Ovest del Paese

2023-10-08T10:08+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

È di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T10:07+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: oltre 2 mila morti e 10 mila feriti

2023-10-08T10:07+0200leggo (it)

Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di in diventa di ora in ora sempre più drammatico. Superati i 2 mila e i 10 mila . Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu. Al momento i morti sono almeno 2.

Death toll of Afghan quakes rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T10:06+0200nepalnews (en)

More than 2,000 people were killed and over 9,000 injured as powerful earthquakes jolted Afghanistan 's Herat and other western provinces on Saturday, government sources said on Sunday. Two earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted Afghanistan on Saturday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center.

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T10:05+0200giornaletrentino (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu.

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T10:05+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu.

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 800

2023-10-08T10:04+0200longbeachstar (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 800. Afghan television on Sunday quoted the department of natural disasters in Herat province as saying more than 1,000 people were injured in the magnitude 6.

Deadly Afghanistan Earthquakes Over the Years

2023-10-08T10:03+0200usnews (en)

NEW DELHI (Reuters) -Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in by mountains, has a long history of strong....

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 800

2023-10-08T10:03+0200manilametro (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 800. Afghan television on Sunday quoted the department of natural disasters in Herat province as saying more than 1,000 people were injured in the magnitude 6.

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T10:02+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu.

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 800

2023-10-08T09:59+0200srilankasource (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 800. Afghan television on Sunday quoted the department of natural disasters in Herat province as saying more than 1,000 people were injured in the magnitude 6.

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T09:58+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu.

Earthquake devastates western Afghanistan, killing over 2,000

2023-10-08T09:56+0200WashingtonPost (en)

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — One day after powerful earthquakes struck western Afghanistan , officials said Sunday that more than 2,000 people were killed and around 10,000 injured, with the death toll certain to rise. “Many are still trapped,” said Haji Janan Saiq, a spokesman for the Taliban-run Ministry....

1st LD: Death toll of Afghan quakes rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T09:56+0200china.org.cn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- More than 2,000 people were killed and over 9,000 injured as powerful earthquakes jolted Afghanistan's Herat and other western provinces on Saturday, government sources said on Sunday. Two earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted Afghanistan on Saturday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T09:55+0200MaltaIndipendent (en)

he death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of....

Séisme de magnitude 6,5 au centre du Japon : un mort et 21 blessés

2023-10-08T09:55+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Un fort séisme a frappé le centre du Japon ce vendredi, faisant au moins un mort et 21 blessés, provoquant des glissements de terrain et interrompant temporairement la circulation de trains à grande vitesse. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,5 s’est produit à 14 h 42 (5 h 42 GMT) dans le....

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T09:52+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

ROMA, 08 OTT - Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu. Al momento i morti sono almeno 2.

Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti PER IL terremoto, 10.000 feriti

2023-10-08T09:52+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 08 OTT - Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 5.1 en Quillagua

2023-10-08T09:52+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrose ubicó a 52.0 kilómetros al Noroeste de la localidad, con coordenadas -69.842 grados de longitud y -21.293 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: La ciudad de Sierra Gorda. siente temblor de magnitud 2.6 Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información....

Taliban says more than 2,000 killed in earthquake

2023-10-08T09:49+0200RTERadio (en)

Children rest beside damaged houses after an earthquake in Sarbuland village. Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration has said. Amid the confusion, the death toll from yesterday's quakes spiked from 500 reported....

Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-08T09:48+02004-traders (en)

NEW DELHI, Oct 8 (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in my mountains, has a long history of strong....

Death Toll from Strong Afghanistan Earthquakes Rises to Over 2,000

2023-10-08T09:48+0200albaniannews (en)

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 2,000 people: Taliban officials

2023-10-08T09:47+0200theghanareport (en)

The death toll from powerful earthquakes in western Afghanistan is estimated to be 2,000 people, a senior Taliban leader has said, adding that the toll might further go up in one of the deadliest quakes to hit the country in two decades. Suhail Shaheen, the Taliban spokesperson based in Qatar, told....

Factbox-Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-08T09:46+0200streetinsider (en)

An Afghan man walks past a damaged house after the recent earthquake in Wor Kali village in the Barmal district of Paktika province, Afghanistan , June 25, 2022. REUTERS/Ali Khara/File Photo. By Mayank Bhardwaj. NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000....

World News Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T09:45+0200independent-ie (en)

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says. The 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck the Herat area of Afghanistan (Rodrigo Abd/AP/PA) The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2,000, a Taliban spokesman said.

2000 killed as 6.3 magnitude tremor hits Afghanistan

2023-10-08T09:44+0200rediff (en)

More than 2000 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded in a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan , Herat, according to news agencies. Local officials in Herat said that over 30 people have died and more than 600 others have been injured in several earthquakes in this province,....

FACTBOX-Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes over the years

2023-10-08T09:43+0200devdiscourse (en)

Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone country. Afghanistan, hemmed in my mountains, has a long history of strong earthquakes, many in the rugged Hindu Kush region bordering Pakistan.

Quelque 2.000 morts dans un puissant séisme en Afghanistan

2023-10-08T09:42+0200lecourrier (fr)

Le bilan du séisme qui a touché l’ Afghanistan samedi 7 octobre a été réévalué à près de 2.000 morts, selon un bilan du gouvernement taliban dimanche matin 8 octobre. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 frappé l’Ouest du pays.. Abdul Wahid Rayan, porte-parole du ministère de l’Information et de....

Terremoto Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti e 9mila feriti. Talebani: “Chiediamo aiuto per i nostri fratelli”

2023-10-08T09:42+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Sono più di 2000 le persone che ieri hanno perso la vita in Afghanistan a causa dei forti terremoti che hanno sconvolto il Paese. Oltre 9000, invece, i feriti, secondo quanto riportato dall’amministrazione talebana. Lo United States Geological Survey ha riferito che il terremoto iniziale avvenuto....

Ξεπερνούν τους 2.000 οι νεκροί από τον φονικό σεισμό στο Αφγανιστάν

2023-10-08T09:41+0200fortunegreece (en)

epa10906243 People affected by an earthquake wait for relief in Herat, Afghanistan , 07 October 2023. At least 15 people have lost their lives, and scores sustained injuries following a series of seven earthquakes ranging from 4.7 to 6.3 magnitudes that struck the western Afghan province of Herat on....

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquake shoots up to 2,000

2023-10-08T09:40+0200urdupoint (en)

ANKARA, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Oct, 2023) The death toll Saturday's massive earthquake that hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan has shot up to 2,000 with nearly 10,000 injured as rescue workers scrambled to pull out an unknown number of people trapped under rubble, officials and local reported.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T09:40+0200theargus (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 800

2023-10-08T09:40+0200kenyastar (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 800. Afghan television on Sunday quoted the department of natural disasters in Herat province as saying more than 1,000 people were injured in the magnitude 6.

Afghanistan earthquake toll crosses 2,000 More than 600 houses have been destroyed or partially damaged in at least 12 villages in Herat, according to the World Health Organization. Scroll Staff · 40 minutes ago

2023-10-08T09:39+0200scroll-in (en)

Afghanistan earthquake toll crosses 2,000 More than 600 houses have been destroyed or partially damaged in at least 12 villages in Herat, according to the World Health Organization. Afghan residents sit at a damaged house after an earthquake in Sarbuland village in Herat on October 7. | Mohsen Karimi/AFP.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, il governo: “Oltre duemila vittime”

2023-10-08T09:38+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) È Oltre duemila morti il bilancio, del tutto provvisorio, della serie di forti scosse di Terremoto , di cui due di magnitudo 6.3, che ieri hanno colpito la provincia occidentale di Herat, in Afghanistan . “Purtroppo le perdite sono molto elevate” ha dichiarato all’Afp il portavoce del governo talebano di Kabul.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti nella provincia di Herat

2023-10-08T09:38+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Il bilancio delle vittime causate dalla devastante serie di terremoti che ha colpito la provincia occidentale di Herat , in Afghanistan , è salito a oltre 2.000 morti . Questo dato, ancora provvisorio, è stato rivelato in seguito a due potenti scosse di magnitudo 6.3 che hanno sconvolto la regione ieri.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, quasi 2mila morti

2023-10-08T09:38+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.3 seguito da diverse scosse di assestamento. Completamente distrutti 12 villaggi E’ di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente Terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’ Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat.

Terremoto colpisce il Paese, il governo annuncia: “Più di 1.000 morti”

2023-10-08T09:38+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Un violento Terremoto ha colpito, nelle ultime ore, il Paese . Il governo ha lanciato l’allarme e dichiarato: “Ci sono più di 1.000 morti ” Una serie di scosse ha sconvolto il Paese nella giornata di ieri, sabato 7 ottobre. L’ Afghanistan è sotto shock per quanto accaduto.

In Afghanistan duemila morti per il terremoto: in centinaia sepolti sotto le macerie

2023-10-08T09:38+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Il numero delle vittime è salito vertiginosamente nel corso delle ore. Sono duemila le persone che hanno perso la vita a seguito del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che il 7 ottobre ha scosso l’ Afghanistan occidentale. Abdul Wahid Rayan, portavoce del ministero....

Terremoto in Afghanistan: oltre 2mila morti e 10mila feriti

2023-10-08T09:37+0200repubblica (it)

Il bilancio provvisorio della violenta serie di terremoti che ieri ha colpito la provincia afghana di Herat ha superato i 2.000 morti e sfiora i 10.000 feriti. Lo afferma il regime talebano di Kabul attraverso l'autorità per la gestione delle emergenze, citate dall'agenzia Anadolu . Al momento i morti sono almeno 2.

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 800

2023-10-08T09:35+0200singaporestar (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 800. Afghan television on Sunday quoted the department of natural disasters in Herat province as saying more than 1,000 people were injured in the magnitude 6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, due scosse vicino Herat: magnitudo 6.2 e 6.4. Terrore in strada

2023-10-08T09:35+0200corrieredellumbria (it)

Terremoto in Afghanistan . I sismografi dell'istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia hanno registrato, nella mattina di sabato 7 ottobre , una scossa di magnitudo 6.2 vicino a Herat , la più grande città della regione. Ma la paura della prima scossa non è bastata, perché poco dopo un'altra di magnitudo 6.

LIVE AFGHANISTAN 41 min Oltre 2000 i morti per il terremoto

2023-10-08T09:35+0200tio (it)

HERAT - È balzato a oltre duemila morti il bilancio, del tutto provvisorio, della serie di forti scosse di terremoto, di cui due di magnitudo 6.3, che ieri ha colpito la provincia occidentale di Herat, in Afghanistan . Lo fa sapere il governo talebano di Kabul.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes 'rises to more than 2000'

2023-10-08T09:33+0200dailyrecord (en)

It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. But Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman at the Ministry....

1st LD: Death toll of Afghan quakes rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T09:33+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- More than 2,000 people were killed and over 9,000 injured as powerful earthquakes jolted Afghanistan's Herat and other western provinces on Saturday, government sources said on Sunday. Two earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, il governo talebano: “Più di duemila morti, 12 villaggi distrutti”

2023-10-08T09:33+0200fanpage (it)

Leggi anche Alluvione in Libia, il racconto della testimone: “Impreparati, gente sommersa mentre era in spiaggia” Nella mattinata di ieri, sabato 7 ottobre, l' Afghanistan è stato colpito da una serie di eventi sismici, localizzati perlopiù nell'area occidentale di Herat, a circa 40 chilometri dalla città.

Afghanistan earthquakes kill more than 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T09:32+0200irishtimes (en)

Afghan residents sit at a damaged house after an earthquake in Herat province on October 7th, 2023. Photograph: MOHSEN KARIMI/AFP via Getty Images. Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the administration said on Sunday.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T09:31+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Islamabad: The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed ....

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 800

2023-10-08T09:31+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 800. Afghan television on Sunday quoted the department of natural disasters in Herat province as saying more than 1,000 people were injured in the magnitude 6.

Taliban says more than 2,000 killed in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T09:30+0200wn (en)

Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration has said. Amid the confusion, the death toll from yesterday's quakes spiked from 500 reported this morning by a Red Crescent spokesperson and 16 from Saturday night.

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 800

2023-10-08T09:28+0200nigeriasun (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 800. Afghan television on Sunday quoted the department of natural disasters in Herat province as saying more than 1,000 people were injured in the magnitude 6.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 500, Red Crescent says

2023-10-08T09:28+0200bna-en (en)

Kabul, Oct. 8 (BNA): Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said. Some people may be trapped under collapsed buildings, while the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs....

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquake shoots up to 2,000

2023-10-08T09:27+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA. The death toll from Saturday's massive earthquake that hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan has shot up to 2,000 with nearly 10,000 injured as rescue workers scrambled to pull out an unknown number of people trapped under rubble, officials and local media reported.

Herat earthquakes killed more than 2,000 people, Afghan Taliban say

2023-10-08T09:26+0200thenational (en)

Powerful earthquakes that struck western Afghanistan on Saturday have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday. The Taliban's death toll from the tremors that struck near the city of Herat is far higher than previously reported.

Massive earthquake in Afghanistan: more than 2,000 dead

2023-10-08T09:26+0200vikendi (en)

More than 2,000 people have died in Afghanistan after at least eight powerful earthquakes, according to government estimates. Abdul Wahid Rajan, a spokesman for the ruling fundamentalist Islamic Taliban, confirmed this on Sunday. He said that the number of injured people is very high. Meanwhile, the desperate search for survivors continued.

More than 2,000 dead in the earthquake in Afghanistan, according to the Taliban

2023-10-08T09:26+0200kiratas (en)

Afghanistan | The powerful earthquake followed by strong aftershocks that shook the west of the country has left more than 2,000 dead, according to a Taliban spokesman. There are thousands of injured and displaced, and towns completely destroyed. ADVERTISING.

Le bilan des séismes en Afghanistan s’élève à 2 000 morts

2023-10-08T09:22+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-10-08 08:43:05 ISLAMABAD (AP) — De violents tremblements de terre dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan ont tué 2 000 personnes, a déclaré dimanche un porte-parole des talibans afghans. Les Nations Unies avaient précédemment donné un bilan préliminaire de 320 morts, mais ont déclaré plus tard que ce chiffre était encore en cours de vérification.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, quasi 2mila morti

2023-10-08T09:22+0200Quotidianodibari (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 800

2023-10-08T09:19+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 800. Afghan television on Sunday quoted the department of natural disasters in Herat province as saying more than 1,000 people were injured in the magnitude 6.

Death toll from Afghan earthquakes rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T09:16+0200thesundaily (en)

ISLAMABAD : More than 2,000 people have died after several strong earthquakes rattled western Afghanistan on Saturday, a spokesman for the Taliban government told German news agency (dpa) on Sunday. “The number of wounded people is very high,“ Abdul Wahid Rayan, an official at the Ministry of Information and Culture, said.

Death toll from western Afghanistan earthquakes rises to over 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T09:15+0200timesofisrael (en)

ISLAMABAD — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, said a Taliban spokesman Sunday, in one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in....

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake

2023-10-08T09:14+0200iraqinews (en)

Herat – Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, quasi 2mila morti

2023-10-08T09:13+0200virgilio (it)

E' di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat.

Death toll in western Afghanistan earthquake exceeds 2,000 - agency

2023-10-08T09:12+0200itartass_en (en)

NEW YORK, October 8. /TASS/. The death toll in a devastating earthquake and aftershocks in the west of Afghanistan has exceeded 2,000, the Associated Press news agency reported on Sunday citing its source. According to the agency, "Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman at the Ministry of Information and....

Se percibe temblor de magnitud 3.9 en la ciudad de Huasco

2023-10-08T09:11+0200infobae (es)

La información actualizada del CNS señala que el temblor comenzó a las 03:45 horas (hora local) de este domingo 8 de octubre. Te puede interesar: La ciudad de Sierra Gorda. siente temblor de magnitud 2.6 Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un terremoto, revisa tu....

Death From Afghan Earthquake Tops 800

2023-10-08T09:10+0200myanmarnews (en)

Islamabad - Officials in Afghanistan say the death toll from a powerful earthquake that shook western parts of the country on Saturday has risen to more than 800. Afghan television on Sunday quoted the department of natural disasters in Herat province as saying more than 1,000 people were injured in the magnitude 6.

World News | Hezbollah Claims Responsibility for Mortar Fire at Israel from Lebanon

2023-10-08T09:10+0200latestly (en)

Tel Aviv [Israel], October 8 (ANI): Terrorist organisation Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the mortar fire that Lebanon launched at northern Israel earlier on Sunday, The Times of Israel reported. The terror outfit claimed that it attacked three Israeli military facilities in the contentious Mount Dov region.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, quasi 2mila morti

2023-10-08T09:09+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – E’ di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’ Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Over 2,000 dead after multiple earthquakes hit Afghanistan-Iran border region, Taliban says

2023-10-08T09:08+0200sbs (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2,060, a Taliban government spokesman says. The earthquakes and aftershocks were the deadliest to strike the country in two decades. Two powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquakes followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens....

More than 2,000 killed in earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T09:07+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Saturday's earthquakes were some of the deadliest to strike Afghanistan in decades. The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2,060, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T09:07+0200thechronicleherald (en)

KABUL (Reuters) -Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T09:06+0200thecomet (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Earthquake in Afghanistan: Authorities report more than 2000 dead

2023-10-08T09:05+0200tellerreport (en)

Enlarge image. People in Herat province rest outdoors after the quakes. Photo: Mashal / dpa. According to the ruling Taliban, at least 2053 people have been killed by several strong earthquakes in Afghanistan . This figure was reported by the Reuters news agency, citing the Ministry of Emergencies.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: oltre 2.000 morti, mille i feriti

2023-10-08T09:04+0200lavocedinewyork (it)

È salito a oltre 2.000 il bilancio delle vittime del forte terremoto che ha scosso l’ Afghanistan occidentale sabato. Ad annunciarlo è stato domenica un portavoce del governo talebano, in quello che è uno dei terremoti più letali che abbiano colpito il Paese in due decenni.

Afghanistan: Death toll in Herat earthquakes rises to at least 400

2023-10-08T09:02+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

The death toll in Herat’s twin earthquakes, followed by multiple aftershocks, has risen to at least 2,000, with more than 9,000 others sustaining injuries, Reuters reported on Sunday, quoting a Taliban spokesman. Amid the confusion, the death toll from Saturday’s quakes spiked from 500 reported on....

UN: Earthquake Kills at Least 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T09:02+0200manilametro (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T09:02+0200eveningnews24 (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Plus de 1000 morts dans le séisme de samedi en Afghanistan

2023-10-08T09:02+0200euronews-fr (fr)

Nouveau bilan en Afghanistan : plus de 1.000 personnes ont péri dans le violent séisme de magnitude 6,3 qui a frappé samedi la région d'Hérat, dans l'ouest du pays. L'épicentre du séisme a été localisé à 40 kilomètres au nord-ouest d'Hérat - ville considérée comme la capitale culturelle de....

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T09:01+0200chesterfirst (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

UN: Earthquake Kills at Least 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T09:01+0200longbeachstar (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

Earthquake death toll in Afghanistan rises to more than 2,000 – World Chronicle

2023-10-08T09:00+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-08 06:07:26. Kabul/Herat – After several strong earthquakes in Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the death toll has risen to more than 2,000, according to the latest authorities. The number of people who died is 2,053, the Taliban government’s disaster management ministry said on Sunday.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, quasi 2mila morti

2023-10-08T09:00+0200quotidianodifoggia (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Death toll from earthquake in western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T08:59+0200cgtn (en)

A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2,000, said a Taliban spokesman on Sunday, in one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

Death Toll From Strong Earthquakes That Shook Western Afghanistan Rises To Over 2,000

2023-10-08T08:59+0200khaosod (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:58+0200eadt (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Afghanistan Earthquakes: Death Toll Surpasses 2,000, Confirms Taliban

2023-10-08T08:58+0200india (en)

A magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by powerful aftershocks killed several people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The death toll resulting from the powerful earthquakes has now reached 2,060. Afghanistan Earthquakes: Death Toll Surpasses 2,000, Confirms Taliban.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T08:58+0200saltwire (en)

KABUL (Reuters) -Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Afghanistan earthquakes leave at least ‘2,000 dead’, says Taliban

2023-10-08T08:57+0200standard (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:57+0200thetelegraphandargus (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, quasi 2mila morti

2023-10-08T08:57+0200vivereancona (it)

1' di lettura Vivere Italia 08/10/2023 - (Adnkronos) - E' di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:56+0200impartialreporter (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:56+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Afghanistan earthquakes kill 2,053, Taliban says, as death toll spikes

2023-10-08T08:56+0200thedailystarBD (en)

Afghan residents clear debris from a damaged house after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on October 7,2023. Photo: AFP. Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban administration said on....

Afghanistan: talebani, quasi 2 mila morti e oltre 9 mila feriti per il terremoto nell’Ovest del Paese

2023-10-08T08:56+0200corrierealpi (it)

È di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan: talebani, quasi 2 mila morti e oltre 9 mila feriti per il terremoto nell’Ovest del Paese

2023-10-08T08:55+0200nuovavenezia (it)

È di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:53+0200salisburyjournal (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:53+0200edp24 (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.0 de magnitud en Concepción

2023-10-08T08:53+0200infobae (es)

La información hasta ahora obtenida del CNS señala que el sismo empezó a las 03:26 horas (hora local) de este domingo 8 de octubre. Te puede interesar: La ciudad de Sierra Gorda. siente temblor de magnitud 2.6 Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

A chain of earthquakes leaves at least 2,000 dead in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T08:52+0200kiratas (en)

The death toll from the 6.3 magnitude earthquake and consecutive aftershocks that shook western Afghanistan on Saturday rose to 2,053 this Sunday, while rescue teams continue rescue efforts. There are also more than 9,000 injured and more than a thousand houses destroyed, according to the balance sheet of the Ministry of Disaster Management.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:52+0200thenorthernecho (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:51+0200eveningtimes (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:51+0200hertsad (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:51+0200oxfordtimes (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

UN: Earthquake Kills at Least 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T08:51+0200myanmarnews (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:50+0200newsandstar (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Death toll from Afghan quakes rises to 'more than 2,000': government

2023-10-08T08:50+0200wn (en)

Islamabad: The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed ....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T08:49+0200mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 08 (MNA) – Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, AP reported citing the country's national disaster authority.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:49+0200southwalesargus (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:48+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Deadly Afghanistan earthquakes kill 2,053, Taliban say

2023-10-08T08:48+0200chinadailyhk (en)

Afghan children rest under a blanket beside damaged houses after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on October 7,2023. (PHOTO / AFP) KABUL - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 9,000, the Taliban....

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:47+0200dailyecho (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T08:47+0200newindianexpress (en)

ISLAMABAD: The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed ....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, quasi 2mila morti

2023-10-08T08:47+0200rete55 (it)

(Adnkronos) – E' di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:46+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:46+0200yorkpress (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Afghanistan: talebani, quasi 2 mila morti e oltre 9 mila feriti per il terremoto nell’Ovest del Paese

2023-10-08T08:46+0200mattinopadova (it)

È di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan: talebani, quasi 2 mila morti e oltre 9 mila feriti per il terremoto nell’Ovest del Paese

2023-10-08T08:45+0200lastampa (it)

È di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Fatalities in Afghanistan earthquakes crosses 2,000

2023-10-08T08:44+0200geo-tv (en)

A govt spokesman says they expect death toll 'to rise very high'. At least 1,328 houses were flattened from 6.3 magnitude earthquake. WHO says number of casualties expected to rise. As many as 2,053 people have been killed as a result of violent earthquakes that struck Afghanistan late Saturday....

In Afghanistan duemila morti per il terremoto: in centinaia sepolti sotto le macerie

2023-10-08T08:44+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Il numero delle vittime è salito vertiginosamente nel corso delle ore. Sono duemila le persone che hanno perso la vita a seguito del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che il 7 ottobre ha scosso l’ Afghanistan occidentale. Abdul Wahid Rayan , portavoce del ministero dell’Informazione e della Cultura del....

Violento terremoto in Afghanistan, quasi 2mila morti

2023-10-08T08:44+0200qds (it)

Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.3 seguito da diverse scosse di assestamento. Dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. E’ di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l’ Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat.

Afghanistan, tremblement de terre à l’ouest : près de 2 mille morts

2023-10-08T08:43+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-10-08 09:25:41 Le bilan du puissant tremblement de terre qui a frappé l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan ces dernières heures, à 35 kilomètres au nord-ouest d’Herat, s’élève à près de deux mille morts. C’est ce qu’affirme un porte-parole des talibans au pouvoir, expliquant que douze villages ont été complètement détruits.

UN: Earthquake Kills at Least 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T08:41+0200kenyastar (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: talebani, quasi 2 mila morti e oltre 9 mila feriti per il terremoto nell’Ovest del Paese

2023-10-08T08:40+0200ilpiccolo (it)

È di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:39+0200lbc (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2,000, a Taliban spokesman said. The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving....

Death toll from strong earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T08:39+0200japantoday (en)

The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of....

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2,000, a Taliban spokesman said.The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.A powerful magnitude-6.

2023-10-08T08:39+0200irishexaminer (en)

A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture. The United Nations (UN) gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

World Death toll from Afghanistan earthquakes rises to 2,000, Taliban says

2023-10-08T08:39+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

The updated figure makes it one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Herat, destroying six villages and leaving hundreds of civilians buried under debris, said Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T08:37+0200mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Oct. 08 (MNA) – Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, AP reported citing the country's national disaster authority.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises above 2000

2023-10-08T08:37+0200radionz (en)

Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2000 people and injured more than 9000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone mountainous country. Amid the confusion, the death toll from Saturday's quakes spiked from 500 reported on....

UN: Earthquake Kills at Least 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T08:35+0200singaporestar (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

More than 2,000 killed in earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T08:34+0200euronews-en (en)

Saturday's earthquakes were some of the deadliest to strike Afghanistan in decades. The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2,060, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens....

Afghanistan: plus de 1000 morts dans un puissant séisme

2023-10-08T08:33+0200arcinfo (fr)

Le violent séisme qui a frappé l’ Afghanistan samedi a causé la mort de plus de 1000 personnes. L’OMS s’attend à une augmentation du nombre de victimes. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3, suivi de quatre fortes répliques, a secoué l'ouest de l'Afghanistan. KEYSTONE/EPA/STRINGER.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises above 2000

2023-10-08T08:32+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed more than 2000 people and injured more than 9000, the Taliban administration said on Sunday, in the deadliest tremors in years in the quake-prone mountainous country. Amid the confusion, the death toll from Saturday's quakes spiked from 500 reported on....

UN: Earthquake Kills at Least 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T08:32+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

Un puissant séisme secoue la capitale du Vanuatu

2023-10-08T08:32+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,2 a secoué ce mardi Port Vila, la capitale de l’archipel du Vanuatu dans l’océan Pacifique, selon l’Institut de géophysique américain (USGS). « Wow, je n’en avais senti aucun comme ça depuis des années. J’ai encore le cœur au bord des lèvres », a tweeté le....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T08:28+0200wn (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.

Death toll from Afghan quakes rises to 'more than 1,000'

2023-10-08T08:28+0200channelnewsasia (en)

Afghan residents clear debris from a damaged house after a strong earthquake in Herat province (Photo: AFP/Mohsen KARIMI) Crowds of people stood in the streets of Herat, Afghanistan , in the moments after the first earthquake and aftershocks which continued for over an hour (Photo: AFP/-) Afghan....

Devastating Earthquake in Afghanistan Claims More Than 1,000 Lives

2023-10-08T08:27+0200vervetimes (en)

The death count from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply Sunday to more than 1,000 as rescuers scrabbled for survivors among the ruins of villages razed to the ground. Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake — followed by eight strong aftershocks — jolted hard-to-reach areas 30 km (19....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, quasi 2mila morti

2023-10-08T08:27+0200adnkronos (it)

E' di quasi duemila morti il bilancio del potente terremoto che ha colpito nelle scorse ore l' Afghanistan occidentale, 35 chilometri a nord ovest da Herat. Lo sostiene un portavoce dei Talebani al governo, spiegando che dodici villaggi sono stati completamente distrutti. Il sisma ha registrato una magnitudo 6.

UN: Earthquake Kills at Least 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T08:26+0200nigeriasun (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

2,053 dead, 9,240 injured in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T08:25+0200humnews-pk (en)

The death toll from the earthquake in Afghanistan has reached 2,053, while 9,240 people have been reported injured, foreign media reported. Media reports also said that 1,328 buildings were completely destroyed by the earthquake. Relief operations are ongoing in the affected areas, media reports added.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T08:25+0200yakimaherald (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.

UN: Earthquake Kills at Least 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T08:25+0200srilankasource (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

World News | Death Toll from Strong Earthquakes That Shook Western Afghanistan Rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T08:25+0200latestly (en)

Islamabad, Oct 8 (AP) The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said on Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.

Death toll from Afghan quakes rises to more than 2,000

2023-10-08T08:24+0200gulfnews (en)

Islamabad: The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. But Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman at the Ministry of Information and....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000 Left 32% Center 30% Right 38% Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday.

2023-10-08T08:24+0200ground-news (en)

Afghanistan earthquake has killed more than 1,000, Taliban say. Magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck near Herat on Saturday, with hundreds of houses reported destroyedThe death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply on Sunday to more than 1,000, according to a Taliban....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000 ISLAMABAD (AP) — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.

2023-10-08T08:23+0200timescolonist (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.

Powerful earthquake kills more than 100 people in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T08:21+0200theghanareport (en)

A powerful earthquake followed by strong aftershocks has killed more than 100 people in western Afghanistan , local officials said, as the United Nations warned that the death toll could rise as search and rescue efforts continue. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck 40km (24 miles) west of the city....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000 0 10/7/2023 11:04:25 PM

2023-10-08T08:21+0200tricitynews (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, il governo: "Oltre duemila vittime. Servono aiuti urgenti"

2023-10-08T08:20+0200rainews (it)

E' balzato ad oltre duemila morti il bilancio, del tutto provvisorio, della serie di forti scosse di terremoto, di cui due di magnitudo 6.3, che ieri hanno colpito la provincia occidentale di Herat, in Afghanistan . “Purtroppo le perdite sono molto elevate” ha dichiarato all'Afp il portavoce del governo talebano di Kabul.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T08:19+0200devdiscourse (en)

Its one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades.A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the countrys national disaster authority said.But Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman at the Ministry of....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T08:18+0200thehimalayantimes (en)

A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. Abdul Wahid Rayan, spokesman of the Ministry of Information and Culture, said the death toll from the earthquake in Herat is higher originally reported.

UN: Earthquake Kills at Least 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T08:18+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

Death toll in earthquakes in Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T08:18+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-08 05:43:05 ISLAMABAD (AP) — Strong earthquakes in western Afghanistan have killed 2,000 people, an Afghan Taliban spokesman said Sunday. The United Nations had earlier given a preliminary death toll of 320, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T08:15+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.

La Terra trema: terremoti in Afghanistan, Messico e Papua Nuova Guinea

2023-10-08T08:15+0200UnioneSarda (it)

Tre violenti terremoti si sono verificati nelle scorse ore – con scosse sopra magnitudo 6.0 – in tre distinte parti del pianeta: Afghanistan , Messico e Papua Nuova Guinea . Centinaia sono le vittime. In Afghanistan l’area colpita è quella della provincia occidentale di Herat . I morti, ha detto il governo talebano di Kabul, sono più di mille.

Afghanistan, il governo: oltre 2.000 i morti per il terremoto

2023-10-08T08:15+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 8 ottobre 2023) Leggi Anche terremoto , scossa di magnitudo 4.0 ai Campi Flegrei: avvertita anche a Napoli - Musumeci: 'Il rischio zero non esiste' Leggi Anche Campi Flegrei (Napoli), continuano le scosse di terremoto.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T08:14+0200eagletribune (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to over 2,000, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.

La tragedia Terremoto in Afghanistan, il bilancio sale a 2mila morti

2023-10-08T08:13+0200lanuovaferrara (it)

Islamabad. Sale a 2mila morti il bilancio dei potenti terremoti che hanno scosso l' Afghanistan occidentale. Lo ha riferito un portavoce dei talebani. Ieri un forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3, seguito da forti scosse di assestamento, ha causato decine di morti nella parte ovest del Paese, stando a....

La tragedia Terremoto in Afghanistan, il bilancio sale a 2mila morti

2023-10-08T08:13+0200gazzettadimodena (it)

Islamabad. Sale a 2mila morti il bilancio dei potenti terremoti che hanno scosso l' Afghanistan occidentale. Lo ha riferito un portavoce dei talebani. Ieri un forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3, seguito da forti scosse di assestamento, ha causato decine di morti nella parte ovest del Paese, stando a....

La tragedia Terremoto in Afghanistan, il bilancio sale a 2mila morti

2023-10-08T08:11+0200gazzettadireggio (it)

Islamabad. Sale a 2mila morti il bilancio dei potenti terremoti che hanno scosso l' Afghanistan occidentale. Lo ha riferito un portavoce dei talebani. Ieri un forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.3, seguito da forti scosse di assestamento, ha causato decine di morti nella parte ovest del Paese, stando a....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 500 – Red Crescent

2023-10-08T08:09+0200rappler (en)

The multiple quakes on October 7 hit 35 kilometers northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the US Geological Survey says. KABUL, Afghanistan – Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday, October 8.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T08:09+0200news-gazette (en)

A Taliban government spokesperson says the death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has jumped to more than 2,000. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. The United States Geological Survey re Death toll from strong earthquakes that....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'governo, oltre 1.000 i morti'

2023-10-08T08:09+0200ansamed-it (it)

E' balzato ad oltre mille morti il bilancio, del tutto provvisorio, della serie di forti scosse di terremoto, di cui due di magnitudo 6.3, che ieri ha colpito la provincia occidentale di Herat, in Afghanistan . Lo fa sapere il governo talebano di Kabul.

US to officially label Niger military seizure as coup, troops presence may affect

2023-10-08T08:08+0200wionews (en)

The US State Department is getting ready to officially designate the military seizure of power in Niger as a coup d'etat in the coming week, according to three US officials quoted by media outlets. This decision could have significant repercussions for US cooperation with Niger, a vital counter-terrorism partner in the West African region.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2000

2023-10-08T08:07+0200nzherald (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan ’s Herat province on Saturday. Photo / AP Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2000, said a Taliban spokesman, in one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.

VIDEO | Afghanistan earthquake death toll hits 1,000

2023-10-08T08:07+0200presstv-ir (en)

Afghan children rest under a blanket beside damaged houses after an earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan, district of Herat province, on October 7, 2023 (Photo by AFP) The death toll from a series of earthquakes in Afghanistan that has hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan has risen to one thousand, officials said.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T08:06+0200wn (en)

A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said ......

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquake rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T08:06+0200wn (en)

Namita Singh is a journalist based out of New Delhi, India covering Asia for The Independent. She has reported on various human rights issues from conflict-ridden regions of the country, including Manipur, Kashmir and Bastar. She specialises in longform interviews and feature writing, and has a keen....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T08:06+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2060, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed ....

Afghanistan quake death toll rises to 120

2023-10-08T08:06+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

Afghan residents clear debris from a damaged house after an earthquake in Zinda Jan district of Herat province on October 7. – AFP pic, October 8, 2023. THE death toll from an earthquake in western Afghanistan yesterday has risen to around 120 with 1,000 more injured, disaster relief authorities....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 'more than 1,000', says gov't spokesman

2023-10-08T08:06+0200france24-en (en)

Saturday's magnitude 6.3 quake -- followed by eight strong aftershocks -- jolted hard-to-reach areas 30 kilometres (19 miles) northwest of the provincial capital of Herat, toppling rural homes and sending panicked city dwellers surging into the streets.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T08:04+0200yakimaherald (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2060, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed ....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T08:02+0200startribune (en)

ISLAMABAD — The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2060, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed ....

Death toll from strong earthquakes in western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T08:01+0200mid-day (en)

The aftermath of powerful earthquakes that rattled western Afghanistan has brought grim news as the death toll rises to a staggering 2,000, marking one of the deadliest seismic events to strike the country in two decades. The initial temblor, measuring magnitude 6.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T08:01+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below. ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in....

Terremoti Afghanistan,oltre 1.000 morti

2023-10-08T08:01+0200rai-televideo (it)

08/10/2023 07:40 Terremoti Afghanistan ,oltre 1.000 morti 7.40 Terremoti Afghanistan,oltre 1.000 morti "Oltre 1.000 morti". Questo il bilancio del violento terremoto di magnitudo pa- ri a 6.3 che ha colpito la regione af- ghana di Herat, nell'ovest del Paese. E' quanto ha fatto sapere il portavoce del governo talebano.

Taliban: earthquake kills 2000 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T08:00+0200albawaba-en (en)

ALBAWABA - A Taliban spokesperson said Sunday that the death toll in the 6.3-magnitude earthquake has risen to 2000, the Associated Press Meanwhile, an Afghan Red Crescent spokesman reported that at least 500 people were killed due to the strong earthquake that struck the country.

SismaTerremoto in Afghanistan, i morti sono più di mille

2023-10-08T07:57+0200cdt (it)

È balzato ad oltre mille morti il bilancio, del tutto provvisorio, della serie di forti scosse di terremoto , di cui due di magnitudo 6.3, che ieri ha colpito la provincia occidentale di Herat, in Afghanistan . Lo fa sapere il governo talebano di Kabul.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to over 2,000

2023-10-08T07:56+0200tri-cityherald (en)

ISLAMABAD. The death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan has risen to 2060, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It's one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens....

At least 120 dead, around 1,000 injured following earthquakes in west Afghanistan

2023-10-08T07:56+0200english-news-cn (en)

Rescue work is underway following earthquakes in Herat Province, Afghanistan , Oct. 7, 2023. At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan's Herat and other western provinces, a local official from Herat told reporters.

Séisme en Afghanistan : près de 2 000 morts près d’Hérat selon les talibans, six villages détruits

2023-10-08T07:55+0200LeMonde (fr)

Des habitants sortent dans la rue à la suite d’un tremblement de terre qui a secoué la ville d’Hérat ( Afghanistan ), le 7 octobre 2023. MASHAL / XINHUA VIA MAXPPP. Le bilan du séisme qui a touché l’Afghanistan samedi 7 octobre a été réévalué à près de 2 000 morts, selon un bilan du gouvernement taliban dimanche matin.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T07:54+0200bostonglobe (en)

ISLAMABAD — Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, said a Taliban spokesman Sunday, in one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'governo, oltre 1.000 i morti'

2023-10-08T07:53+0200ansa (it)

E' balzato ad oltre mille morti il bilancio, del tutto provvisorio, della serie di forti scosse di terremoto, di cui due di magnitudo 6.3, che ieri ha colpito la provincia occidentale di Herat, in Afghanistan . Lo fa sapere il governo talebano di Kabul.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T07:52+0200thestandard-hk (en)

Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: sale ad oltre 1.000 il bilancio dei morti

2023-10-08T07:52+0200euronews-it (it)

Oltre 1.000 i morti provocati dal terremoto che questo sabato ha colpito l' Afghanistan . Le autorità talebane aggiornano i bilanci e l'ONU mette in guardia: "Centinaia le abitazioni crollate e cifre destinate a crescere" Di ormai più di 1.000 morti , secondo un portavoce delle autorità talebane , il....

Afganistan: Liczba ofiar trzęsienia ziemi przekroczyła 1000

2023-10-08T07:48+0200niezalezna (en)

"Niestety, liczba ofiar kataklizmu jest bardzo wysoka" - powiedział agencji AFP Bilal Karimi. ⯑Breaking: At least 100 dead after powerful earthquakes strike western Afghanistan ⯑⯑ 12 villages completely destroyed. May Allah mercy on us all. pic.twitter.

Tragico bilancio in Afghanistan, il terremoto ha raso al suolo i villaggi di Herat | FOTO e VIDEO

2023-10-08T07:48+0200meteoweb (it)

Continua ad aggravarsi il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto che ha scosso l’ Afghanistan occidentale, tra i più forti degli ultimi 2 decenni. E’ balzato ad oltre mille morti il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, della serie di forti scosse di terremoto , di cui 2 magnitudo 6.

Afghanistan earthquake has killed almost 2,000, Taliban say

2023-10-08T07:47+0200guardian (en)

Almost 2,000 people have been killed in powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan ’s west, a Taliban spokesman has said. A magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks struck in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said, initially saying dozens had died.

Afghanistan earthquake: Hundreds feared dead in 6.3 quake, many trapped und...

2023-10-08T07:47+0200economictimes (en)

The death toll from a series of earthquakes in remote western Afghanistan rose sharply Sunday to "more than 1,000", a government spokesman said. "Unfortunately, the casualties are practically very high... the death toll is more than one thousand people," Bilal Karimi told AFP of Saturday's magnitude 6.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000 ISLAMABAD (AP) — Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below. ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.

2023-10-08T07:47+0200timescolonist (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below. ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in....

Death toll from Afghan quakes rises to 'more than 1,000': government

2023-10-08T07:45+0200wn (en)

Herat, Afghanistan : Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan. The death toll from a series of earthquakes in remote western Afghanistan rose sharply Sunday to "more than 1,000", a government spokesman said.

Almost 2,000 dead after Afghanistan earthquakes, says Taliban

2023-10-08T07:44+0200skynews (en)

Almost 2.000 people have died after earthquakes in Afghanistan on Saturday, according to the Taliban. The figure is a significant jump from yesterday when the UN gave a preliminary figure of 320. The 6.3-magnitude quake hit the west of the country , according to the United States Geological Survey.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T07:44+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below. ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T07:43+0200thehindu (en)

, says Taliban spokesman. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

World News | Death Toll from Strong Earthquakes That Shook Western Afghanistan Rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T07:42+0200latestly (en)

Islamabad, Oct 8 (AP) Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. The update also said 465 houses had been reported destroyed and a further 135 were damaged. Also Read | Israel-Palestine War: At Least 230 Palestinians Killed in Israeli Retaliation Following Hamas Terror Attacks.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000 0 10/7/2023 10:25:25 PM

2023-10-08T07:42+0200tricitynews (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below. ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in....

Afghanistan: More than 320 people killed in Herat earthquake

2023-10-08T07:41+0200nepalnews (en)

More than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded in a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan , Herat, according to the United Nations. Local officials in Herat said that over 30 people have died and more than 600 others have been injured in several earthquakes in this province, reported the Pajhwok Afghan News.

2023-10-08T11:07:25+05:30 - World Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T07:41+0200Hindu (en)

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said.

Afghanistan earthquake: More than 100 dead, 500 injured — Officials

2023-10-08T07:39+0200tribuneonlineng (en)

A powerful earthquake followed by strong aftershocks has killed more than 100 people in western Afghanistan , local officials said, as the United Nations warned that the death toll could rise as search and rescue efforts continue. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck 40km (24 miles) west of the city....

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T07:39+0200startribune (en)

ISLAMABAD — Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, said a Taliban spokesman, in one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T07:35+0200whbl (en)

KABUL (Reuters) -Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Over 1,000 dead after series of earthquakes hit rural Afghanistan: Government

2023-10-08T07:35+0200khaleejtimes (en)

The death toll from a series of earthquakes in remote western Afghanistan rose sharply Sunday to "more than 1,000", a government spokesman said. "Unfortunately, the casualties are practically very high... the death toll is more than one thousand people," Bilal Karimi told AFP of Saturday's magnitude 6.

Red Crescent: Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500

2023-10-08T07:35+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said today. — AFP pic. KABUL, Oct 8 — Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said today.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T07:34+0200wftv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below. ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T07:34+0200wkzo (en)

KABUL (Reuters) -Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

07:17 | TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE Le bilan du violent séisme en Afghanistan monte à plus de 1.000 morts

2023-10-08T07:34+020020minutes (fr)

Des Afghans assis dans les ruines d'une maison détruite par un tremblement de terre, à Sarbuland en Afghanistan le 7 octobre 2023. — Mohsen KARIMI. de samedi en Afghanistan montrent l’ampleur de la tragédie. Plus de 1.000 personnes ont péri dans ce violent séisme de magnitude 6,3 qui a frappé samedi la région d’Hérat, dans l’ouest du pays.

Death toll from Afghan earthquakes rises to ‘more than 1,000’

2023-10-08T07:33+0200newagebd (en)

Afghan residents sit at a damaged house after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan, district of Herat province, on October 7,2023. – AFP photo. The death toll from a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan rose sharply on Sunday to more than 1,000 as rescuers scrabbled for survivors among the ruins of villages razed to the ground.

Afghanistan : un séisme de magnitude 6,3 provoque la mort de plus de 1.000 personnes

2023-10-08T07:31+0200cnews (fr)

L' Afghanistan a été touché, ce samedi 7 octobre, par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3. L'épicentre a été localisé à une quarantaine de kilomètres de la ville d'Hérat, la capitale culturelle du pays. Plus de 1.000 personnes ont perdu dans la vie dans ce séisme. C'est une situation dramatique au .

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T07:30+0200wsoctv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below. ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 500

2023-10-08T07:28+0200brecorder (en)

KABUL: Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T07:28+0200wsau (en)

KABUL (Reuters) -Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000

2023-10-08T07:27+0200actionnewsjax (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Death toll from strong earthquakes that shook western Afghanistan rises to 2,000, says Taliban spokesman. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below. ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T07:25+0200wn (en)

KABUL (Reuters) -Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. Read full story ......

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent KABUL (Reuters) -Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sha... 46m ago

2023-10-08T07:23+0200kelo (en)

KABUL (Reuters) -Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Afghan Earthquake Death Toll Surpasses 1,000, Says Taliban Spokesperson

2023-10-08T07:22+0200news18 (en)

An aerial view of the outskirts of Herat, Afghanistan , Monday, June 5, 2023. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan's Herat province on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023, the country's national disaster authority said. (AP File Photo) Afghanistan: Death toll surpasses 1,000 in devastating earthquake series.

Sismo de 2.7 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de La Ligua

2023-10-08T07:21+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del sismose registraron a -71.539 grados de longitud y -32.279 grados de latitud, de acuerdo con datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: La ciudad de Sierra Gorda. siente temblor de magnitud 2.6 Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de Tras un terremoto, revisa....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 500

2023-10-08T07:18+0200expressindia (en)

An aerial view of the outskirts of Herat, Afghanistan , Monday, June 5, 2023. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan's Herat province on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023, the country's national disaster authority said.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent Reuters |Updated 9 minutes ago |1 min read KABUL (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan killed 500 people, according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city .

2023-10-08T07:16+0200thechronicleherald (en)

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent. KABUL (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan killed 500 people, according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 500–Red Crescent

2023-10-08T07:15+0200inquirer (en)

KABUL Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Over 300 dead in Afghanistan earthquake, houses flattened, Taliban seek help

2023-10-08T07:13+0200indiatoday (en)

A powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

World News | A Ugandan Business Turns Banana Fiber into Sustainable Handicrafts

2023-10-08T07:10+0200latestly (en)

Mukona, Oct 8 (AP) A decapitated banana plant is almost useless, an inconvenience to the farmer who must then uproot it and lay its dismembered parts as mulch. But can such stems somehow be returned to life? Yes, according to a Ugandan company that's buying banana stems in a business that turns fiber into attractive handicrafts.

Afghan rescuers work through the night after quake kills more than 1,000

2023-10-08T07:09+0200timesofmalta (en)

Desperate rescuers worked through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll exceeding 1,000 as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday's magnitude 6.3 quake -- followed by eight strong aftershocks -- jolted areas 30....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T07:09+0200gazette (en)

KABUL (Reuters) -Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Red Crescent: Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500

2023-10-08T07:08+0200malaymail (en)

Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said today. — AFP pic. KABUL, Oct 8 — Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said today.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll rises to 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T07:06+0200devdiscourse (en)

Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake

2023-10-08T07:05+0200BangkokPost (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan : Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan, with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday's magnitude 6.

Afghanistan earthquake: Death toll climbs to 320 as several quakes of up to 6.3 magnitude ...

2023-10-08T07:04+0200wn (en)

A series of powerful earthquakes battered Afghanistan on Saturday killing and wounding hundreds. The strongest quake was recorded at 6.3 magnitude. Over 320 people died while around 600 others were left injured by the several quakes, according to the United Nations.

Earthquake kills at least 100 in Herat, Afghanistan

2023-10-08T07:04+0200globalissues (en)

from UN humanitarian office ( OCHA ), which reported that it destroyed 465 houses and damaged another 135. Mahal Wadakah was the worst affected village. Rescuers search collapsed buildings. Partners and local authorities anticipated the number of casualties to increase as search and rescue efforts....

La vuelta de Junts a la política (económica)

2023-10-08T07:04+0200elperiodico (es)

Una de las consecuencias de es el regreso de su partido, Junts, a la vida política cotidiana de la que se ha ido alejando en los últimos años con su negativa a negociar en el Congreso en la anterior legislatura, su salida del gobierno de la Generalitat y, posteriormente, de las diputaciones de....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500

2023-10-08T07:03+0200radionz (en)

People are seen among ruins of dwellings after earthquakes in Herat Province, Afghanistan , 7 October, 2023. Photo: MASHAL / XINHUA / AFP. Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesperson Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday.

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 3.0 en Canela Baja

2023-10-08T07:02+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del temblor se ubicó a 33.0 kilómetros al Suroeste de la ciudad, en -31.575 grados de latitud y -71.736 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 39.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: La ciudad de Sierra Gorda. siente temblor de magnitud 2.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500

2023-10-08T07:01+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

People are seen among ruins of dwellings after earthquakes in Herat Province, Afghanistan , 7 October, 2023. Photo: MASHAL / XINHUA / AFP. Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesperson Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T06:59+0200gazette (en)

KABUL (Reuters) -Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan have killed 500 people according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500

2023-10-08T06:59+0200deccanherald (en)

Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan killed 500 people, according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent KABUL (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan killed 500 people, according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city .

2023-10-08T06:57+0200saltwire (en)

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent. KABUL (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan killed 500 people, according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.

At least 1,000 dead and injured in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T06:56+0200nation-pk (en)

At least 1,000 people were killed and injured in a series of earthquakes that hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan on Saturday, officials said. Afghanistan Disaster Management Authority’s spokesman Mullah Janan Saiq said the death toll could further rise, adding that the tremors caused heavy damage in northwestern Herat and Badghis provinces.

World News | Avinash Gupta Elected President of Diaspora Organisation FIA for 2024

2023-10-08T06:56+0200latestly (en)

New York, Oct 8 (PTI) Avinash Gupta, a leading Indian-American physician, has been named president of the diaspora organisation Federation of Indian Associations of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut for the year 2024. The Federation of Indian Association (FIA) is one of the oldest and largest non-profit grass-root umbrella organisations.

At least 1,000 dead and injured in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-08T06:52+0200nation (en)

At least 1,000 people were killed and injured in a series of earthquakes that hit the northwestern part of Afghanistan on Saturday, officials said. Afghanistan Disaster Management Authority’s spokesman Mullah Janan Saiq said the death toll could further rise, adding that the tremors caused heavy damage in northwestern Herat and Badghis provinces.

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake

2023-10-08T06:50+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Afghanistan: More than 320 people killed in Herat earthquake

2023-10-08T06:49+0200dtnext (en)

KABUL: More than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded in a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan , Herat, according to the United Nations. Local officials in Herat said that over 30 people have died and more than 600 others have been injured in several earthquakes in this province, reported the Pajhwok Afghan News.

Rescuers work through the night after Afghan quake

2023-10-08T06:44+0200gulfnews (en)

Herat, Afghanistan : Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday's magnitude 6.

Afghanistan Earthquake Death Toll at 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T06:42+0200usnews (en)

KABUL (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan killed 500 people, according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Afghanistan earthquake: Death toll climbs to 320 as several quakes of up to 6.3 magnitude batter western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T06:42+0200dnaindia (en)

A series of powerful earthquakes battered Afghanistan on Saturday killing and wounding hundreds. The strongest quake was recorded at 6.3 magnitude. Over 320 people died while around 600 others were left injured by the several quakes, according to the United Nations.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T06:41+02004-traders (en)

KABUL, Oct 8 (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan killed 500 people, according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.

Afghanistan earthquakes leave at least 320 dead

2023-10-08T06:38+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Earthquakes in Afghanistan have left hundreds of people dead, according to the UN. Two 6.3-magnitude quakes hit the west of the country on Saturday, according to the United States Geological Survey. The UN gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified,....

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T06:37+0200devdiscourse (en)

Country: Afghanistan SHARE; Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan killed 500 people, according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.

Afghanistan earthquake death toll at 500 - Red Crescent

2023-10-08T06:37+0200streetinsider (en)

KABUL (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes in Afghanistan killed 500 people, according to the latest information, Red Crescent spokesman Erfanullah Sharafzoi said on Sunday. The multiple quakes on Saturday hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Breaking News LIVE: Advisories issued urging Indians in Palestine & Israel to “remain vigilant”

2023-10-08T06:35+0200financialexpress (en)

Latest news today (October 8): Presenting FE’s Breaking News today. We will keep you updated on all major news, views and much more throughout the day. Earthquake of magnitude 4.3 hits Andaman sea. An earthquake of magnitude 4.3 on the Richter scale hit the Andaman Sea in the early hours on October 8, the National Center for Seismology informed.

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake

2023-10-08T06:25+0200bssnews (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct 8, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan, with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday's magnitude 6.

World News | Pakistan: Hindu Girl Murdered After Gang Rape

2023-10-08T06:23+0200latestly (en)

Bahawalpur [Pakistan], October 8 (ANI): In yet another case of atrocity against minorities in Pakistan, a Hindu girl was allegedly gang-raped and murdered at Qasim Wala Bangla in the Cholistan desert, reported The News International. According to Derawer Police Station spokesman, three accused have been arrested.

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake

2023-10-08T06:21+0200wn (en)

Herat, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Oct, 2023) Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday's magnitude 6.

Afghan Rescuers Work Through The Night After Deadly Quake

2023-10-08T06:20+0200ibtimes (en)

Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday's magnitude 6.

La terre tremble, du Mexique à l’Afghanistan

2023-10-08T06:17+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

2023-10-07 20:25:55 AGI – La terre tremble dans différentes régions du globe. Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 a frappé ouest de l’ Afghanistan ce matin. C’est ce que rapporte l’United States Geological Survey, avec un épicentre proche de la plus grande ville de la région.

Afghanistan Earthquake: 320 Killed, Thousands Injured After Herat Earthquake

2023-10-08T06:16+0200timesnownews (en)

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Afghan city of Herat and killed 320 people. As per the United Nations, the death toll is expected to increase as the aftershocks triggered landslides and buildings to collapse. The Herat quake was followed by five aftershocks of magnitudes 5.5, 4.7, 6.3, 5.9 and 4.

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake

2023-10-08T06:15+0200english-alaraby (en)

Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday's magnitude 6.

Afghanistan: More than 320 people killed in Herat earthquake

2023-10-08T06:13+0200timesofoman (en)

Kabul : More than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded in a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan , Herat, according to the United Nations. Local officials in Herat said that over 30 people have died and more than 600 others have been injured in several earthquakes in this province, reported the Pajhwok Afghan News.

Afghanistan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake; death toll to 'rise very high'

2023-10-08T06:11+0200newindianexpress (en)

HERAT: Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday's magnitude 6.

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake 08 October 2023

2023-10-08T06:10+0200enca (en)

HERAT - Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday's magnitude 6.

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake

2023-10-08T06:09+0200heraldsun (en)

Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday's magnitude 6.

Afghanistan, Luxembourg et Formule 1 : les informations de la nuit

2023-10-08T06:09+0200courrierinternational (fr)

Tremblement de terre meurtrier en Afghanistan . Le bilan n’était pas encore clair samedi matin, l’ONU parlant de 320 morts, les autorités locales d’une centaine. Mais le séisme de 6,3 sur l’échelle de Richter et ses répliques qui ont frappé l’ouest du pays samedi ont été dévastateurs.

El auge de las minorías y la censura de la mano de los ‘sensitivity readers’

2023-10-08T06:05+0200lavanguardia (es)

Hubo un tiempo en el que las democracias iban de mayorías. Gobernara quien gobernara, el bipartidismo se ocupaba de todo, algunas veces por la derecha, otras por la izquierda. Las fuerzas políticas minoritarias rascaban lo que podían, pero rara vez eran decisivas en las decisiones de mayor envergadura nacional o en exteriores.

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake

2023-10-08T06:03+0200digitaljournal (en)

Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. Saturday’s magnitude 6.

Secours populaire : les Bretons aident un village indonésien

2023-10-08T06:03+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Martine Eliès, secrétaire générale de la fédération du Finistère du Secours populaire français, revient d'Indonésie. Six mois après le tsunami, elle est allée en mission, dans ce pays, du 16 au 25 juin. Déléguée pour la Bretagne avec Lydie Bouédec, sa collègue de la fédération des Côtes-d'Armor,....

Over 320 Killed, 12 Villages Entirely Destroyed In Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-08T06:01+0200wn (en)

More than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit western Afghanistan 's Herat, according to the United Nations. ......

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake

2023-10-08T06:01+0200thedailystarBD (en)

Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. As night fell in Sarboland village of Zinda Jan district, an AFP....

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake

2023-10-08T05:54+0200timesofindia (en)

Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan , with the death toll of 120 expected to rise Sunday as the extent of the disaster becomes clear. A spokesman for the national disaster authority said they expect the death toll "to rise very high".

Multiple quakes kill at least 16 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T05:48+0200arynews (en)

Multiple earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, killing at least 16 people and injuring scores, a health department official said. The quakes hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. The tremors caused panic in Herat, said resident Naseema.

At least 120 dead following earthquakes in west Afghanistan

2023-10-08T05:47+0200chinadaily (en)

Rescue work is underway following earthquakes in Herat Province, Afghanistan , Oct 7, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua] HERAT, Afghanistan - At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan's Herat and other western provinces, a local official from Herat told reporters.

‘Orange Alert’ puts to test policemen’s vehicle check skills

2023-10-08T05:44+0200timesofindia (en)

Coimbatore: To test the efficiency of police personnel to detect the people involved in crimes, the city police on Saturday evening conducted a mock drill named ‘ Orange Alert The mock drill that lasted for three hours from 5.30pm to 8.30pm saw two cops in plain clothes impersonating chain....

Moderate mag. 4.2 earthquake - 18 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan, on Sunday, Oct 8, 2023 at 7:17 am (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-08T05:38+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 639 km / 397 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Afghanistan: More than 320 people killed in Herat earthquake

2023-10-08T05:35+0200thestatesman (en)

In a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan , Herat more than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded, according to the United Nations. According to officials, twelve villages in Zinda Jan and Ghoryan districts have been completely destroyed.


2023-10-08T05:31+0200nampa (en)

Afghan rescuers work through the night after deadly quake By Mohsen KARIMI =(Picture+Video)= Herat, Afghanistan , Oct 8, 2023 (AFP) - Desperate rescuers scrabbled through the night searching for survivors of an earthquake that flattened homes in western Afghanistan, with the death toll of 120....

Afghan Rescuers Work Through The Night After Deadly Quake

2023-10-08T05:26+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/afghan-rescuers-work-through-the-night-after-deadly-quake-159ce405. Afghan Rescuers Work Through The Night After Deadly Quake.

Sobrevivientes de las inundaciones en Libia luchan contra secuelas psicológicas Global | 20:07 hrs.

2023-10-08T05:23+0200excelsior (es)

Los sobrevivientes de la inundación aún están en duelo por la perdida de amigos y familiares. Foto: AFP. Casi un mes después de las inundaciones en Derna, en el este de Libia, los sobrevivientes luchan por superar el impacto psicológico. Muchos de ellos estos abatidos por las pérdidas materiales y otros siguen sin noticias de sus seres queridos.

120 dead, around 1,000 injured following earthquakes in Afghan

2023-10-08T05:22+0200uniindia (en)

Herat, Oct 8 (UNI) At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan 's Herat and other western provinces, a local official from Herat told reporters. About 1,000 injured people have been taken to the hospital in the provincial capital Herat city, the....

World News | Jewish Diaspora Mourns Attack on Israel, but Carries on by Celebrating Holidays

2023-10-08T05:09+0200latestly (en)

New York, Oct 8 (AP) The Jewish diaspora awoke to horror Saturday in what was supposed to be among the most festive times on the Jewish holiday calendar. The attacks by the militant group Hamas came after the end of Sukkot, a weeklong celebration to commemorate the harvest season and the time Jews....

Afghanistan: More than 320 people killed in Herat earthquake

2023-10-08T05:09+0200HindustanTimes (en)

Local officials in Herat said that over 30 people have died and more than 600 others have been injured in several earthquakes in this province, reported the Pajhwok Afghan News. Earlier, Janan Saiq, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Disaster Management, said that at least 15 people in three....

120 dead, around 1,000 injured following earthquakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T05:04+0200dtnext (en)

KABUL: At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan 's Herat and other western provinces, a local official from Herat told reporters. About 1,000 injured people have been taken to the hospital in the provincial capital Herat city, the official....

Powerful earthquakes kill at least 100 in western Afghanistan, UN says

2023-10-08T05:00+0200wn (en)

A series of powerful earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday killing at least 100 people and wounding more than 500 others, according to the UN’s humanitarian office, as the nation reels from another natural disaster at a time of deep economic crisis. The 6.

World News | UK PM Sunak Calls for De-escalation of India-Canada Row in Call with Trudeau

2023-10-08T04:54+0200latestly (en)

London [UK], October 8 (ANI): UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called for de-escalation of the India-Canada row in a call with his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau. According to a Downing Street statement, Sunak spoke to Trudeau on Friday evening during which he was updated on the situation relating to Canadian diplomats in India.

Quakes kill 16 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T04:51+0200bdnews24 (en)

Multiple earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, killing at least 16 people and injuring scores, a health departmentofficial said. The quakes hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. The tremors caused panic in Herat, said resident Naseema.

Afghanistan quakes leave at least 120 dead, 1,000 injured

2023-10-08T04:51+0200chinadailyhk (en)

Afghan children rest under a blanket beside damaged houses after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on October 7,2023. (PHOTO / AFP) HERAT - At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan 's Herat and other....

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-08T04:47+0200bolnews (en)

A powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake has hit northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday. According to the US Geological Survey, the depth of the earthquake was recorded at 10 kilometers, while the epicenter of the earthquake was the Zinda Jan District of Herat Province in Afghanistan.

Triple Quake: Earthquakes Strike Mexico, Afghanistan, and Papua New Guinea

2023-10-08T04:47+0200bolnews (en)

In a remarkable series of seismic events, three strong earthquakes rattled regions across the world, causing widespread concern and sending residents scrambling for safety. The powerful earthquakes occurred in Mexico, Afghanistan , and Papua New Guinea, leaving communities on edge. Mexico Shaken by 6.

Afghanistan: More than 320 people killed in Herat earthquake

2023-10-08T04:41+0200kenyastar (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 8 (ANI): More than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded in a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan, Herat, according to the United Nations. Local officials in Herat said that over 30 people have died and more than 600 others have been injured....

Catastrophe naturelle : Après le tremblement de terre en Afghanistan : recherche de survivants

2023-10-08T04:41+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Plusieurs tremblements de terre sur une courte période ont été ressentis dans deux pays. Une première évaluation réalisée par l’ONU révèle peu à peu l’ampleur de la catastrophe. Les secouristes recherchent des survivants.

Afghanistan: Powerful earthquake, aftershocks kills more than 100 people. Top updates

2023-10-08T04:40+0200wn (en)

A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks has killed about hundreds of people in the western Afghanistan , the country's national disaster authority said as reported by Associated Press.The United States Geological Survey said the epicentre of the magnitude 6.

Sismo de mediana intensidad en las regiones de O'Higgins y Maule 07-10-2023 22:29 Región del Libertador General Bernardo..., Región del Maule,

2023-10-08T04:39+0200onemi (es)

Un sismo de mediana intensidad fue percibido a las 22:26 horas en las regiones de O’Higgins y Maule. Las intensidades en Escala de Mercalli son: No se reportan daños a personas, alteración a servicios básicos o infraestructura producto de este sismo. Centro Sismológico Nacional indica que la magnitud del sismo fue 4.

120 dead, around 1,000 injured following earthquakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T04:37+0200economictimes (en)

According to the China Earthquake Networks Centre, two earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted Afghanistan on Saturday, Xinhua news agency reported. Earlier, a statement from the country's National Disaster Management Authority said 15 people were dead and 40 were injured, but locals believe the number of casualties could be higher.

At least 120 dead, around 1,000 injured following earthquakes in west Afghanistan

2023-10-08T04:37+0200sinacom-en (en)

AFP. Afghan residents clear debris from a damaged house after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on October 7,2023. At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan 's Herat and other western provinces, a local official from Herat told reporters.

At least 120 killed and 1,000 injured from Earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T04:29+0200dailynews-lk (en)

The province’s disaster management chief Mosa Ashari told reporters: “So far more than 1,000 injured women, children, and elderly citizens have been included in our records, and about 120 people have lost their lives.” Early reports put the confirmed toll at 15, but this was always likely to rise....

Se registra sismo de mediana intensidad en Vichuquén: SHOA descartó riesgo de tsunami

2023-10-08T04:29+0200radioagricultura (es)

Durante esta jornada se vivió un sismo de mediana intensidad en la comuna de Vichuquén, Región del Maule , que también se sintió en la Región de O’Higgins. Desde el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (Shoa) descartaron posibilidad de tsunami producto del movimiento.

Over 100 Killed, 500 Injured In Afghanistan Earthquakes

2023-10-08T04:23+0200thefridaytimes (en)

An earthquake in the western Afghanistan province of Herat, followed by strong aftershocks, left at least 100 people dead and over 500 injured on Saturday. According to the United States Geological Survey, which tracks earthquakes worldwide, an earthquake, measuring 6.

Over 320 Killed, 12 Villages Entirely Destroyed In Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-08T04:23+0200ndtvnews (en)

Kabul: More than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit western Afghanistan 's Herat, according to the United Nations. Local officials in Herat said that over 30 people have died and more than 600 others have been injured in several earthquakes in this province, reported the Pajhwok Afghan News.

World News | Afghanistan: More Than 320 People Killed in Herat Earthquake

2023-10-08T04:23+0200latestly (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 8 (ANI): More than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded in a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan, Herat, according to the United Nations. Local officials in Herat said that over 30 people have died and more than 600 others have been injured....

Afghanistan: Powerful Earthquake, Aftershocks Kill Dozens and Injure Many More

2023-10-08T04:22+0200news18 (en)

A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Powerful quake, aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T04:22+0200business-standard (en)

A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Powerful earthquake kills more than 100 people in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T04:20+0200aljazeera-en (en)

A powerful earthquake followed by strong aftershocks has killed more than 100 people in western Afghanistan , local officials said, as the United Nations warned that the death toll could rise as search and rescue efforts continue. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck 40km (24 miles) west of the city....

Powerful earthquake, aftershocks kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T04:19+0200wn (en)

ISLAMABAD — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead but later said the figure was still being verified.

Afghanistan: Powerful earthquake, aftershocks kills more than 100 people

2023-10-08T04:15+0200livemint (en)

-The World Health Organization in Afghanistan said it dispatched 12 ambulance cars to Zenda Jan to evacuate casualties to hospitals. “As deaths & casualties from the earthquake continue to be reported, teams are in hospitals assisting treatment of wounded & assessing additional needs," the UN agency said on X.

Afghanistan: More than 320 people killed in Herat earthquake

2023-10-08T04:08+0200devdiscourse (en)

More than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded in a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan , Herat, according to the United Nations. Represenrtative Image. Image Credit: ANI Country: Afghanistan SHARE; More than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded in a 6.

Afghanistan: More than 320 people killed in Herat earthquake

2023-10-08T04:01+0200aninews (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 8 (ANI): More than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded in a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan , Herat, according to the United Nations. Local officials in Herat said that over 30 people have died and more than 600 others have been....

At least 120 dead, around 1,000 injured following earthquakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T03:54+0200china.org.cn (en)

People are seen among ruins of dwellings after earthquakes in Herat Province, Afghanistan , Oct. 7, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua] At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan's Herat and other western provinces, a local official from Herat told reporters.

6.3 magnitude earthquake kills 15, injures 40 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T03:53+0200devdiscourse (en)

As many as 15 people have been killed , and 40 injured in Saturday's earthquake in Afghanistan 's Herat, Khaama Press reported. As many as 15 people have been killed, and 40 injured in Saturday's earthquake in Afghanistan's Herat, Khaama Press reported. The Khaama Press is an online news service for Afghanistan.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T03:42+0200financialexpress (en)

A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Powerful earthquake, aftershocks kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T03:32+0200triblive (en)

ISLAMABAD A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead but later said the figure was still being verified.

Afghan authorities confirm over a hundred dead after earthquakes

2023-10-08T03:30+0200efe (en)

Kabul, Oct 7 (EFE). – Kabul, Oct 7 (EFE).- The authorities confirmed the death of at least 180 people and more than 600 injured as a result of the seven earthquakes of up to 6.3 degrees registered on Saturday in the district of Zinda Jan, in the western Afghan province of Herat.

World At least 120 dead, around 1,000 injured following earthquakes in west Afghanistan At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan's Herat and other western provinces, a local official from Herat told reporters. 4m

2023-10-08T03:19+0200shine (en)

At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan 's Herat and other western provinces, a local official from Herat told reporters. About 1,000 injured people have been taken to the hospital in the provincial capital Herat city, the official said,....

120 dead, around 1,000 injured following earthquakes in West Afghanistan

2023-10-08T03:19+0200thesundaily (en)

HERAT: At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan ’s Herat and other western provinces, Xinhua quoted a local official from Herat as telling reporters. About 1,000 injured people have been taken to the hospital in the provincial capital of Herat....


2023-10-08T03:16+0200bernama (en)

HERAT ( Afghanistan ), Oct 8 (Bernama-Xinhua) -- At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan's Herat and other western provinces, Xinhua quoted a local official from Herat as telling reporters. About 1,000 injured people have been taken to the....

Türkiye extends condolences for earthquake victims in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T03:14+0200aa-en (en)

ISTANBUL. Türkiye expressed condolences Saturday for those killed in earthquakes in Herat province western Afghanistan . It conveyed “sadness” for the more than 200 killed and over 1,000 injured in the magnitude 6.3 quake Friday in Herat province, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry.

At least 120 dead, around 1,000 injured following earthquakes in west Afghanistan

2023-10-08T03:14+0200china.org.cn (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- At least 120 people were killed and around 1,000 others injured as earthquakes shocked Afghanistan's Herat and other western provinces, a local official from Herat told reporters. About 1,000 injured people have been taken to the hospital in the provincial....

Dozens killed and injured in powerful earthquake and aftershocks in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T03:12+0200nbcnews (en)

ISLAMABAD — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T03:10+0200abc-au (en)

A magnitude-6.3 earthquake and strong aftershocks have killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan , the country's national disaster authority says. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure dozens in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T02:58+0200wn (en)

The Taliban government says a powerful earthquake with several strong aftershocks killed dozens in western Afghanistan ......

Dozens killed and injured in powerful earthquake and aftershocks in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T02:54+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

ISLAMABAD — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

6.3 quake kills 15 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T02:49+0200pakobserver (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday killing 15 and injuring dozens more, officials said, predicting the toll could rise after reports of landslides and victims trapped under collapsed buildings. The United States Geological Survey said the epicentre was 40 kilometres....

Sismo en México: temblor con epicentro en Chiapas

2023-10-08T02:34+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de 4.

World News | 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Kills 15, Injures 40 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T02:33+0200latestly (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 8 (ANI): As many as 15 people have been killed , and 40 injured in Saturday's earthquake in Afghanistan's Herat, Khaama Press reported. The Khaama Press is an online news service for Afghanistan. Also Read | Israel-Palestine War: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy....

Deux tremblements de terre de magnitude 6,3 font des dizaines de morts et de nombreux blessés dans l’ouest de l’Afghanistan

2023-10-08T02:32+0200news-24 (fr)

ISLAMABAD — Deux séismes de magnitude 6,3 ont tué samedi des dizaines de personnes dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , ont annoncé les autorités nationales chargées des catastrophes. Les Nations Unies ont donné un chiffre préliminaire de 320 morts, mais ont déclaré plus tard que ce chiffre était encore en cours de vérification.

Devastating Afghanistan Earthquake: Over 180 Dead, 500 Injured, and Collapsed Buildings

2023-10-08T02:30+0200archyde (en)

Devastating Afghanistan Earthquake: Over 180 Dead, 500 Injured, and Collapsed Buildings. 1696724882 #Afghanistan #earthquake #leaves #dead #injured #buildings #collapsed #Jiji #Press #News.

Afghanistan: Flash Update #1 Earthquake in Herat Province, Afghanistan, 7 October 2023 (as of 21.00)

2023-10-08T02:27+0200unocha (en)

Highlights. • On 7 October 2023 at around 11.00 local time, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck 40km west of Herat City in Herat Province, western Afghanistan . Several aftershocks have occurred since, with the initial quake felt in neighbouring Badghis and Farah provinces.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T02:17+0200eastbaytimes (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T02:15+0200wn (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T02:07+0200cp24 (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) - A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Afghanistan earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more

2023-10-08T02:00+0200scmp (en)

A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

While You Were Sleeping: 5 stories you might have missed, Oct 8

2023-10-08T01:48+0200straitstimesSG (en)

Israel vows ‘mighty vengeance’ after deadliest day for 50 years. Gunmen from the Palestinian group Hamas rampaged through Israeli towns on Saturday, killing more than 200 people and escaping with hostages in by far the deadliest day of violence in Israel since the Yom Kippur war 50 years ago.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:47+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

FILE - An aerial view of the outskirts of Herat, Afghanistan , Monday, June 5, 2023. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan's Herat province on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023, the country's national disaster authority said.

World News | Powerful Earthquake and Aftershocks Kill Dozens and Injure Many More in Western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:45+0200latestly (en)

Islamabad, Oct 8 (AP) A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:42+0200news-gazette (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Earthquake kills at least 100 in Herat, Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:42+0200un-news (en)

Initial assessments indicate that the 6.3 magnitude quake caused deaths across eight villages, with a further 500 people injured, according to the latest from UN humanitarian office ( OCHA ), which reported that it destroyed 465 houses and damaged another 135. Mahal Wadakah was the worst affected village.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:40+0200yakimaherald (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:38+0200devdiscourse (en)

A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the countrys national disaster authority said.The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. A powerful magnitude-6.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:33+0200eagletribune (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:26+0200startribune (en)

ISLAMABAD — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:25+0200wsoctv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Powerful earthquake and aftershocks kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:24+0200actionnewsjax (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake followed by strong aftershocks killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Earthquake kills at least 100 in Herat, Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:15+0200un-org (en)

Initial assessments indicate that the 6.3 magnitude quake caused deaths across eight villages, with a further 500 people injured, according to the latest from UN humanitarian office ( OCHA ), which reported that it destroyed 465 houses and damaged another 135. Mahal Wadakah was the worst affected village.

UN: Earthquake Kills 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:07+0200manilametro (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 3.1 en la ciudad de Taltal

2023-10-08T01:07+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 24.0 kilómetros al Noroeste de la localidad, en -25.272 grados de latitud y -70.666 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 55.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Temblor de 3.6 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Calama Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue....

MIL-OSI United Nations: Earthquake kills at least 100 in Herat, Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:06+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Nations MIL OSI. Initial assessments indicate that the 6.3 magnitude quake caused deaths across eight villages, with a further 500 people injured, according to the latest from UN humanitarian office ( OCHA ), which reported that it destroyed 465 houses and damaged another 135. Mahal Wadakah was the worst affected village.

More than 100 dead after severe earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:05+0200archyde (en)

In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the UN emergency relief office OCHA said on Saturday. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added. On Saturday morning, at least eight earthquakes shook the border region near Iran within a short period of time.

UN: Earthquake Kills 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T01:03+0200nigeriasun (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

UN: Earthquake Kills 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:59+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

16:58 At Least 15 Dead and 40 Injured in Afghanistan Earthquake

2023-10-08T00:58+0200news-am (en)

A series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan on Saturday resulted in at least 15 fatalities and 40 injuries, according to an official from the disaster management authority, as reported by Reuters. The US Geological Survey (USGS) recorded the earthquake's magnitude at 6.

Over 100 People dead And At Least 500 Injured In Afghanistan After Two 6.3 Magnitude Earthquakes

2023-10-08T00:56+0200oann (en)

Afghan residents clear debris from a damaged house after earthquake in Sarbuland village of Zendeh Jan district of Herat province on October 7,2023 (Photo by MOHSEN KARIMI/AFP via Getty Images) OAN’s 3:15 PM – Saturday, October 7, 2023. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes hit Afghanistan causing the death of dozens of people and injuring hundreds more.

Two 6.3-magnitude quakes kill dozens, injure more in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:52+0200inquirer (en)

A map on the USGS website indicates seven earthquakes in the area. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said. “All people are out of their homes,” Samadi said. “Houses, offices, and shops are all empty and there are fears of more earthquakes.

Oleada de críticas a Chaves por ver desde tarima llegada de migrantes exhaustos al Tapón de Darién

2023-10-08T00:42+0200cambiopolitico (es)

Foto La Prensa, Ciudad Panamá. Una oleada de críticas en redes generó la presencia del presidente Rodrigo Chaves en una tarima en el Tapón de Darién, frontera Panamá-Colombia, mientras observaba ayer viernes la llegada de decenas de migrantes exhaustos.

Ita discusses life, health and more all for Illawarra mental health service

2023-10-08T00:41+0200illawarramercury (en)

Ita Buttrose, whose never-ending list of accomplishments are as extensive as they are impressive, was the keynote speaker at the annual One Door Mental Health in the Workplace Corporate Lunch at Novotel Wollongong Northbeach. The 81-year-old kept the audience enraptured with a speech that touched....

Hundreds killed or injured in twin Afghan earthquakes

2023-10-08T00:40+0200kenyastar (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude quakes have struck western Herat Province, leaving up to 320 people dead and many more hurt or displaced. Western Afghanistan has been shaken by two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes that struck within about 30 minutes of each other, leaving hundreds of people dead or injured and destroying or damaging 600 homes.

UN: Earthquake Kills 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:40+0200kenyastar (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

UN: Earthquake Kills 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:39+0200srilankasource (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

UN: Earthquake Kills 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:39+0200longbeachstar (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

Cinque scosse di terremoto in Afghanistan provocano 120 morti

2023-10-08T00:39+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) Circa 120 persone sono morte e un migliaio sono rimaste ferite sabato a causa di un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 che ha provocato diverse frane nell’ Afghanistan occidentale. Leggi.

UN: Earthquake Kills 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:37+0200singaporestar (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

UN: Earthquake Kills 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:34+0200myanmarnews (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

Earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:31+0200woodtv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

UN: Earthquake Kills 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:21+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Islamabad - The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran. A strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.5 en Mina Collahuasi

2023-10-08T00:20+0200infobae (es)

La información hasta ahora obtenida del CNS señala que el temblor comenzó a las 15:13 horas (hora local) de este sábado 7 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de Tras un....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.0 de magnitud en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-10-08T00:20+0200infobae (es)

La información actualizada del CNS señala que el sismo inició a las 16:24 horas (hora local) de este sábado 7 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un temblor, checa....

Deadly earthquake kills at least 100 in Herat, Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:18+0200devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; A major earthquake struck Herat, Afghanistan early Saturday killing at least 100 people and triggering a spate of rescue and assessment missions by UN agencies, partners, and the de facto authorities. Initial assessments indicate that the 6.3 magnitude quake caused deaths across eight....

Hundreds killed or injured in twin Afghan earthquakes

2023-10-08T00:18+0200nigeriasun (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude quakes have struck western Herat Province, leaving up to 320 people dead and many more hurt or displaced. Western Afghanistan has been shaken by two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes that struck within about 30 minutes of each other, leaving hundreds of people dead or injured and destroying or damaging 600 homes.

Afghanistan earthquake: At least 120 killed and 1000 injured in 6.3 quake

2023-10-08T00:15+0200wn (en)

By Rachel Russell, BBC News Hundreds of people are feared dead and at least 1000 are injured after a powerful earthquake hit western Afghanistan , near the Iranian border. The 6.3 magnitude quake struck about 40 kilometres from the western city of Herat at around 11am local time on Saturday.

United Nations: At least 100 people were killed as a result of strong earthquakes that struck western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:13+0200ironbladeonline (en)

At least 100 people were killed and at least 500 others injured after powerful earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, the United Nations said. The US Geological Survey reported two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes, as well as several strong aftershocks, near the city of Herat. One of the aftershocks reached a magnitude of 5.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:12+0200illawarramercury (en)

More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations says. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the UN emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:12+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

At least 15 dead, dozens more injured after earthquakes in Afghanistan The Taliban say a strong earthquake with several aftershocks has killed at least 15 people and injured dozens of others in western Afghanistan. 6H ago

2023-10-08T00:11+0200cbslocal (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

UN: Earthquake Kills 100 in Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:10+0200voanews (en)

Islamabad — The United Nations said Saturday that a strong earthquake struck western Afghanistan , killing at least 100 people and injuring 500 others. The epicenter of the magnitude 6.3 quake was located near Zinda Jan, a district in the central part of the Afghan province of Herat, bordering Iran.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:07+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations says. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the UN emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

Powerful earthquakes kill over 100 in western Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:05+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people....

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle Afghanistan

2023-10-08T00:03+0200maitlandmercury (en)

More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations says. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the UN emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

Xinhua Asia-Pacific news summary at 1600 GMT, Oct. 7

2023-10-08T00:03+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. SYDNEY -- Local media in Papua New Guinea (PNG) reported on Saturday that a number of injured people have been sent to hospital after two 6.7-magnitude earthquakes jolted the eastern part of the cuontry. According to the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) of PNG,....

Two earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T23:59+02009news (en)

A map on the USGS website indicates seven earthquakes in the area. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said. "All people are out of their homes," Samadi said. "Houses, offices and shops are all empty and there are fears of more earthquakes.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle Afghanistan

2023-10-07T23:59+0200bordermail (en)

More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations says. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the UN emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

Two earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T23:55+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A map on the USGS website indicates seven earthquakes in the area. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said. "All people are out of their homes," Samadi said. "Houses, offices and shops are all empty and there are fears of more earthquakes.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle Afghanistan

2023-10-07T23:55+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations says. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the UN emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T23:54+0200heraldonline (en)

ISLAMABAD. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan47 mins ago 1m read

2023-10-07T23:52+0200newsday-USA (en)

ISLAMABAD — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T23:52+0200tri-cityherald (en)

ISLAMABAD. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T23:51+0200kansascity (en)

ISLAMABAD. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle Afghanistan

2023-10-07T23:49+0200newcastleherald (en)

More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations says. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the UN emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

Powerful earthquakes kill over 100 in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T23:49+0200globalnews (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people....

Around 120 killed in Afghanistan earthquake - officials

2023-10-07T23:33+0200wn (en)

The death toll from a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in western Afghanistan has risen to "about 120", disaster relief authorities said, with more than 1,000 others being treated for injuries. The United States Geological Survey said the epicentre was 40km northwest of the region's largest city Herat, and....

Un séisme de magnitude 6,7 frappe la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée

2023-10-07T23:22+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,7 a secoué samedi le nord-est de la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, a annoncé l’United States Geological Survey, perturbant les réseaux électriques et plongeant les communautés côtières dans l’obscurité. Le fort séisme a eu une profondeur de 53 kilomètres (33 miles) et a frappé....

6.3 magnitude earthquake kills 15, injures 40 in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T23:21+0200longbeachstar (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 8 (ANI): As many as 15 people have been killed , and 40 injured in Saturday's earthquake in Afghanistan's Herat, Khaama Press reported. The Khaama Press is an online news service for Afghanistan. The Taliban-appointed spokesperson for the Ministry of State for Disaster....

Un séisme M 6.3 secoue l’Afghanistan, 120 personnes tuées et des milliers de blessés

2023-10-07T23:14+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Djakarta. Un tremblement de terre d’une magnitude (M) de 6,3 a secoué Afghanistan . Au moins 120 personnes seraient mortes à la suite de ce tremblement de terre. Rapporté par l’AFP dimanche (8/10/2023), le Service géologique des États-Unis a déclaré que l’épicentre du tremblement de terre se....

Afghanistan: MSF is responding to Herat earthquakes

2023-10-07T23:04+0200reliefWeb (en)

Three hundred wounded people have been received at the MSF-supported Herat Regional Hospital. At around 11:10 a.m. local time on Saturday, October 7, a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck western Afghanistan , followed by three aftershocks. As of 7:00 p.m. local time, health authorities have confirmed 23....

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:59+0200idahostatesman (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations said on Saturday. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the U.N. emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:59+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:57+0200charlotteobserver (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations said on Saturday. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the U.N. emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:55+0200bnd (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations said on Saturday. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the U.N. emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:54+0200heraldonline (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations said on Saturday. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the U.N. emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:54+0200washtimes (en)

ISLAMABAD — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:54+0200newsobserver (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations said on Saturday. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the U.N. emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:53+0200tri-cityherald (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations said on Saturday. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the U.N. emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:53+0200kansascity (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations said on Saturday. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the U.N. emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:53+0200fresnobee (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations said on Saturday. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the U.N. emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:52+0200theolympian (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations said on Saturday. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the U.N. emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

More than 100 dead after earthquakes rattle western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:52+0200islandpacket (en)

ISLAMABAD — More than 100 people have been killed after several strong earthquakes shook Afghanistan 's border region near Iran, the United Nations said on Saturday. In addition, hundreds of houses were destroyed, the U.N. emergency agency OCHA said. According to unconfirmed reports, the number of deaths could be closer to 320, the statement added.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.2 de magnitud en Taltal

2023-10-07T22:52+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del temblor, según el CNS, fueron a -25.855 grados de latitud y -70.443 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de Tras un temblor,....

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:50+0200lbc (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people....

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,7 sacude Papúa Nueva Guinea

2023-10-07T22:49+0200notiulti (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,7 sacudió el sábado el noreste de Papúa Nueva Guinea, dijo el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, interrumpiendo las redes eléctricas y sumergiendo a las comunidades costeras en la oscuridad. El fuerte terremoto tuvo una profundidad de 53 kilómetros (33 millas) y se....

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:46+0200nagalandpost (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country’s national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

At least 100 dead in Afghanistan after powerful earthquakes, U.N. says

2023-10-07T22:44+0200WashingtonPost (en)

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — At least 100 people were killed in earthquakes in western Afghanistan on Saturday, according to the United Nations, as local officials worried that hundreds more could still be buried under the rubble. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the surroundings of the Afghan city of Herat....

Afghanistan Earthquakes Kill Nearly 200, Officials Say

2023-10-07T22:41+0200nytimes (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes killed nearly 200 people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, officials said, the second major quake to hit the country in less than two years. At least 180 people were killed and around 600 injured, according to the chief of the regional hospital in Herat Province, where the quake struck hardest.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:34+0200thecomet (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

CARNIVOROUS PLANTS: the definitive guide to taking care of them at home – News from Argentina

2023-10-07T22:33+0200esdelatino-com (en)

The carnivorous plants They are one of the most intriguing species in the plant kingdom. They are known for their ability to trap and digest insects and other small organisms for additional nutrients, as they often grow in nutrient-poor soil. Read also: They live in Argentina but cross to Brazil....

Two magnitude 6.3 earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:30+0200latimes (en)

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Two magnitude 6.3 earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

At least 15 dead, dozens more injured after earthquakes in Afghanistan The Taliban say a strong earthquake with several aftershocks has killed at least 15 people and injured dozens of others in western Afghanistan. 4H ago

2023-10-07T22:28+0200cbslocal (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Plantas carnívoras: las depredadoras de la naturaleza que podés cultivar en casa

2023-10-07T22:28+0200tn-ar (es)

Las plantas carnívoras son unas de las especies más intrigantes del reino vegetal. Son conocidas por su capacidad para atrapar y digerir insectos y otros pequeños organismos para obtener nutrientes adicionales, ya que a menudo crecen en suelos pobres en nutrientes.

Earthquake in Afghanistan claims 120 lives, as rescue operation continues

2023-10-07T22:26+0200geo-tv (en)

Epicentre was 40km northwest of Herat. Earthquake was followed by five aftershocks. People fled buildings as qukae hit at 11:00am. Authorities in Afghanistan said Saturday at least 120 people have lost their lives and over 1,000 have been injured after a powerful earthquake struck the western city of Herat.

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 2.5 en Mina Collahuasi

2023-10-07T22:26+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -21.027 grados de latitud y -68.616 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de Tras un terremoto,....

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 2.9 en la ciudad de Santiago

2023-10-07T22:26+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -33.33 grados de latitud y -70.766 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de ....

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:25+0200hertsad (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:23+0200theargus (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:23+0200yorkpress (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:22+0200eveningnews24 (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:22+0200impartialreporter (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:21+0200eveningtimes (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:20+0200newsandstar (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:20+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people....

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:20+0200salisburyjournal (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:19+0200edp24 (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:19+0200thetelegraphandargus (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:19+0200thenorthernecho (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:18+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:18+0200pressandjournal (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people....

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:17+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:17+0200thecourier (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people....

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:17+0200eadt (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

ComoLake2023, Meloni: “Lo tsunami tecnologico non travolga gli interessi nazionali”

2023-10-07T22:17+0200notizieinunclick (it)

“La t rasformazione digitale è tra le sfide più complesse che siamo chiamati ad affrontare. L’internet delle cose, l’intelligenza artificiale, gli algoritmi di autoapprendimento, la realtà immersiva del metaverso, stanno trasformando il mondo che ci circonda. E il nostro modo di relazionarci.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:15+0200irishexaminer (en)

Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks. Dozens of houses have been damaged.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:14+0200southwalesargus (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:13+0200oxfordtimes (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:13+0200dailyecho (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

At least 100 dead after powerful earthquakes strike western Afghanistan: UN

2023-10-07T22:13+0200mycentraloregon (en)

QASIM Mirzaie / 500px/Getty Images. (AFGHANISTAN) — At least 100 people are dead and at least 500 injured after powerful earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, the United Nations said. The United States Geological Survey reported two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes, as well as several strong aftershocks, near the city of Herat.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan22:10

2023-10-07T22:12+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan . An aerial view of the outskirts of Herat (Rodrigo Abd/AP) Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:12+0200chesterfirst (en)

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:07+0200charlotteobserver (en)

ISLAMABAD. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:04+0200islandpacket (en)

ISLAMABAD. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:04+0200bnd (en)

ISLAMABAD. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:03+0200independent-UK (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people....

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:03+0200newsobserver (en)

ISLAMABAD. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Sismo en México: temblor con epicentro en Guerrero

2023-10-07T22:03+0200infobae (es)

La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el temblor ocurrió este 7 de octubre a las 13:28 hora local (19:28 UTC), con un epicentro de 49 km al sureste de la ciudad del estado de Guerrero. Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de....

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:02+0200idahostatesman (en)

ISLAMABAD. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T22:00+0200theolympian (en)

ISLAMABAD. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Afghanistan: almeno 120 morti e 1.000 feriti per il terremoto

2023-10-07T21:56+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

Kabul, 7 ott. (Adnkronos) - Si teme che centinaia di persone siano morte e almeno 1.000 siano ferite dopo che un potente terremoto ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, vicino al confine iraniano. Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito a circa 40 km dalla città occidentale di Herat intorno alle 11 ora locale.

Afghanistan: almeno 120 morti e 1.000 feriti per il terremoto

2023-10-07T21:55+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) Kabul, 7 ott. (Adnkronos) - Si teme che centinaia di persone siano morte e almeno 1.000 siano ferite dopo che un potente terremoto ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, vicino al confine iraniano. Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito a circa 40 km dalla città occidentale di Herat intorno alle 11 ora locale.

Afghanistan: almeno 120 morti e 1.000 feriti per il terremoto

2023-10-07T21:45+0200meteoweb (it)

Kabul, 7 ott. (Adnkronos) – Si teme che centinaia di persone siano morte e almeno 1.000 siano ferite dopo che un potente terremoto ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale, vicino al confine iraniano. Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito a circa 40 km dalla città occidentale di Herat intorno alle 11 ora locale.

Terremoto, raffica di scosse nel mondo oltre 6.0: dall'Afghanistan al Messico a Papua Nuova Guinea. Cosa sta succedendo

2023-10-07T21:44+0200ilmattino (it)

Situazione drammatica a Herat. La situazione più drammatica si è registrata nelle province occidentali afghane, vicino ad Herat, epicentro di una serie di scosse ravvicinate molto forti che hanno toccato per due volte la magnitudo di 6.3 stando a quanto registrato dall'istituto geosismico statunitense Usgs.

Afghanistan: almeno 120 morti e 1.000 feriti per il terremoto

2023-10-07T21:41+0200strettoweb (it)

Kabul, 7 ott. (Adnkronos) – Si teme che centinaia di persone siano morte e almeno 1.000 siano ferite dopo che un potente terremoto ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale, vicino al confine iraniano. Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito a circa 40 km dalla città occidentale di Herat intorno alle 11 ora locale.

Powerful, deadly earthquakes strike Afghanistan

2023-10-07T21:40+0200ABCnews (en)

At least 100 people are dead and at least 500 injured after powerful earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, the United Nations said. The United States Geological Survey reported two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes, as well as several strong aftershocks, near the city of Herat. One of the aftershocks had a 5.

Afghanistan: almeno 120 morti e 1.000 feriti per il terremoto

2023-10-07T21:40+0200affaritaliani (it)

Kabul, 7 ott. (Adnkronos) - Si teme che centinaia di persone siano morte e almeno 1.000 siano ferite dopo che un potente terremoto ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, vicino al confine iraniano. Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito a circa 40 km dalla città occidentale di Herat intorno alle 11 ora locale.

Death toll climbs to 320 after twin earthquakes devastate Afghanistan

2023-10-07T21:39+0200metro-uk (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have devastated parts of Afghanistan (Picture: Getty; Shutterstock) Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Afghanistan: Earthquake in Herat Province - Health Situation Report, 7 October 2023 (Reporting period: from 11:00 to 21:00 on 7 October 2023)

2023-10-07T21:38+0200reliefWeb (en)

Situation Overview. On 7 October 2023, around 11:03 am local time, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck the western region of Afghanistan . The epicenter was located 30km northeast of Zinda Jan District, Herat Province, with a depth of 14km. 1 Zinda Jan District is situated in the central part of Herat....

Hundreds died and were wounded in Herat earthquakes

2023-10-07T21:35+0200pajhwok (en)

HERAT (Pajhwok) Local officials in Herat said that over 30 people have died and more than 600 others have been injured in several earthquakes in this province. Meanwhile, the UN has said that more than 320 people have been killed and hundreds feared wounded in the Herat earthquakes on Saturday.

Afghanistan: almeno 120 morti e 1.000 feriti per il terremoto

2023-10-07T21:35+0200corriereadriatico (it)

Kabul, 7 ott. (Adnkronos) - Si teme che centinaia di persone siano morte e almeno 1.000 siano ferite dopo che un potente terremoto ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, vicino al confine iraniano. Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito a circa 40 km dalla città occidentale di Herat intorno alle 11 ora locale.

6.3 magnitude earthquake kills 15, injures 40 in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T21:34+0200aninews (en)

], October 8 (ANI): As many as 15 people have been killed , and 40 injured in Saturday's earthquake in 's Herat, Khaama Press reported. The Khaama Press is an online news service for The Taliban-appointed spokesperson for the Ministry of State for Disaster Management, Mullah Jan Saigh on Saturday....

Afghanistan: almeno 120 morti e 1.000 feriti per il terremoto

2023-10-07T21:34+0200laragione (it)

Kabul, 7 ott. (Adnkronos) – Si teme che centinaia di persone siano morte e almeno 1.000 siano ferite dopo che un potente terremoto ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale, vicino al confine iraniano. Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito a circa 40 km dalla città occidentale di Herat intorno alle 11 ora locale.

Afghanistan: almeno 120 morti e 1.000 feriti per il terremoto

2023-10-07T21:31+0200gazzettadireggio (it)

Kabul, 7 ott. (Adnkronos) - Si teme che centinaia di persone siano morte e almeno 1.000 siano ferite dopo che un potente terremoto ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, vicino al confine iraniano. Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito a circa 40 km dalla città occidentale di Herat intorno alle 11 ora locale.

Afghanistan: almeno 120 morti e 1.000 feriti per il terremoto

2023-10-07T21:31+0200gazzettadimodena (it)

Kabul, 7 ott. (Adnkronos) - Si teme che centinaia di persone siano morte e almeno 1.000 siano ferite dopo che un potente terremoto ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, vicino al confine iraniano. Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito a circa 40 km dalla città occidentale di Herat intorno alle 11 ora locale.

Afghanistan: almeno 120 morti e 1.000 feriti per il terremoto

2023-10-07T21:31+0200lanuovaferrara (it)

Kabul, 7 ott. (Adnkronos) - Si teme che centinaia di persone siano morte e almeno 1.000 siano ferite dopo che un potente terremoto ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, vicino al confine iraniano. Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito a circa 40 km dalla città occidentale di Herat intorno alle 11 ora locale.

Devastating Earthquake Strikes Herat Province: Over 300 Dead in Afghanistan Tragedy

2023-10-07T21:11+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-07 17:20:47. Kabul – 320 people were reported killed in an earthquake in Herat province in western Afghanistan . Many people were injured. A magnitude 6.3 earthquake and aftershocks wreaked havoc in Afghanistan. The epicenter of the earthquake was 40 km away from the main city of Herat.

Hundreds feared dead after strong quakes hit Afghanistan

2023-10-07T21:10+0200thenewdaily-au (en)

Afghanistan ’s disaster management authority fears hundreds of people could be dead after several strong earthquakes shook the country’s border region near Iran. Seven villages in the hard-hit border province of Herat have been completely destroyed, a spokesman for Afghanistan’s National Disaster....

6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan kills 'about 120'

2023-10-07T21:06+0200wn (en)

Herat: The death toll from a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in western Afghanistan on Saturday has risen to "about 120", disaster relief authorities said, with more than 1,000 others being treated for injuries. The United States Geological Survey said the epicentre was 40 kilometres northwest of the....

Strong earthquakes in Afghanistan kill 'about 120'

2023-10-07T21:02+0200gulfnews (en)

Herat: The death toll from a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in western Afghanistan on Saturday has risen to "about 120", disaster relief authorities said, with more than 1,000 others being treated for injuries. "So far, more than 1,000 injured women, children, and old citizens have been included in our....

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan The World Health Organization in Afghanistan said it dispatched ambulance cars to Zenda Jan to evacuate casualties to hospitals.

2023-10-07T21:00+0200fox10tv (en)

Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. (MGN) ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said.

Terremoto del 6.3 in Afghanistan, oltre 120 vittime

2023-10-07T20:59+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) su Tg. La7.it - E' di circa 120 morti e oltre mille feriti il bilancio del Terremoto che ha colpito stamattina le regioni occidentali dell' Afghanistan . Una scossa di ...

MondoAfghanistan: oltre cento morti a causa del terremoto

2023-10-07T20:59+0200cdt (it)

La terra trema. Raffiche di forti terremoti, con scosse sopra i 6.0, sono state registrate in tre diverse aree del pianeta: Afghanistan , Messico e Papua Nuova Guinea, causando vittime, danni materiali e tanta paura. Tre violenti sismi a quasi un mese dalle devastanti scosse di terremoto di magnitudo....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'quasi 120 morti, mille feriti'

2023-10-07T20:59+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) Il bilancio delle vittime del Terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a "circa 120". Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1.000. "...

Afghanistan, violento terremoto, Onu: almeno 320 morti

2023-10-07T20:59+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) almeno 320 persone sono morte dopo che una serie di potenti terremoti hanno colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, ha affermato l'ONU. L'epicentro del terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 si trova a 40 chilometri a ...

Moderate mag. 4.9 earthquake - 69 km south of Herat, Afghanistan, on Saturday, Oct 7, 2023 at 11:02 pm (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-07T20:55+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 628 km / 390 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Multiple quakes kill at least 16 in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T20:50+0200devdiscourse (en)

In 2005, at least 73,000 people were killed by a 7.6 magnitude quake that struck neighbouring northern Pakistan. UNICEF said in a social media post that it was on the ground with U.N. colleagues to assess the full impact of Saturday's quakes. Multiple earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on....

Multiple quakes kill at least 16 in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T20:49+02004-traders (en)

KABUL, Oct 7 (Reuters) - Multiple earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, killing at least 16 people and injuring scores, a health department official said. The quakes hit 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, with one measuring 6.3 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Afghanistan : un séisme de magnitude 6,3 provoque la mort de près de 120 personnes

2023-10-07T20:47+0200laminute (fr)

L’ Afghanistan a été touché, ce samedi 7 octobre, par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3. L’épicentre a été localisé à une quarantaine de kilomètres de la ville d’Hérat, la capitale culturelle du pays. Près de 120 personnes ont perdu dans la vie dans ce séisme. C’est une situation dramatique au Moyen-Orient.

October events raise awareness about earthquake preparedness

2023-10-07T20:45+0200wn (en)

Posted 2023-10-07, The Roseburg News-Review Oregon is at risk for an earthquake threat from a 700-mile fault line located in the Pacific Ocean, which could cause a 9.0+ magnitude earthquake, which would cause 5-7 minutes of shaking, a tsunami and devastation along the coast.

Hundreds feared dead after quakes rattle Afghanistan

2023-10-07T20:42+0200bordermail (en)

A powerful earthquake that struck eastern Afghanistan in June 2022 killed at least 1000 people. (AP PHOTO) Afghanistan's disaster management authority fears hundreds of people could be dead after several strong earthquakes shook the country's border region near Iran.

Strong quake in west Afghanistan kills ‘about 120’

2023-10-07T20:42+0200wn (en)

The death toll from an earthquake in western Afghanistan on Saturday has risen to around 120 with 1,000 more injured, disaster relief authorities said, as desperate families dug into the night to free relatives trapped in the rubble. The United States Geological Survey said the epicentre of the magnitude 6.

Solar drier for crops, open sea cage fish farming inaugurated in Thoothukudi

2023-10-07T20:40+0200thehindu (en)

Chief General Manager of NABARD R. Sankar Narayanan inaugurated the solar drier at Sinnur near Vilaathikulam on Friday for rain-fed farmers cultivating chilli and other horticultural crops. The solar drier with 400 square feet area, costing ₹3.05 lakh, can be used for drying chilli quickly without getting polluted by dust and sand.

Sisma Una raffica di terremoti colpisce l'Afghanistan, diverse scosse anche in Messico e Papua Nuova Guinea

2023-10-07T20:37+0200ticinonews (it)

La terra trema. Raffiche di forti terremoto, con scosse sopra i 6.0, sono state registrate in tre diverse aree del pianeta: Afghanistan , Messico e Papua Nuova Guinea, causando vittime, danni materiali e tanta paura. Tre violenti sismi a quasi un mese dalle devastanti scosse di terremoto di magnitudo....

Afghanistan: Flash Update #1 Earthquake in Herat Province, Afghanistan, 7 October 2023 (as of 21.00)

2023-10-07T20:36+0200reliefWeb (en)

Highlights. • On 7 October 2023 at around 11.00 local time, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck 40km west of Herat City in Herat Province, western Afghanistan . Several aftershocks have occurred since, with the initial quake felt in neighbouring Badghis and Farah provinces.

MondoAfghanistan: quasi centoventi morti e mille feriti a causa del terremoto

2023-10-07T20:35+0200cdt (it)

Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a «circa 120». Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1000. «Finora, più di 1000 persone, fra donne, bambini e anziani sono rimaste ferite e circa 120 persone hanno....

La ciudad de Ollagüe registra temblor de magnitud 3.7

2023-10-07T20:35+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -21.605 grados de latitud y -68.548 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Hundreds feared dead after quakes rattle Afghanistan

2023-10-07T20:28+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

A powerful earthquake that struck eastern Afghanistan in June 2022 killed at least 1000 people. (AP PHOTO) Afghanistan's disaster management authority fears hundreds of people could be dead after several strong earthquakes shook the country's border region near Iran.

Sobrevivientes de las inundaciones en Libia luchan por superar las secuelas psicológicas

2023-10-07T20:28+0200tvn-2 (es)

Casi un mes después de las inundaciones en Derna, en el este de Libia, los sobrevivientes luchan por superar el impacto psicológico. Muchos de ellos estos abatidos por las pérdidas materiales y otros siguen sin noticias de sus seres queridos. Los aguaceros extremos de la tormenta Daniel provocaron....

LIVE AFGHANISTAN 19 min Raffica di terremoti in tre aree nel mondo: oltre 100 morti in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T20:27+0200tio (it)

KABUL - La terra trema. Raffiche di forti terremoto, con scosse sopra i 6.0, sono state registrate in tre diverse aree del pianeta: Afghanistan , Messico e Papua Nuova Guinea, causando vittime, danni materiali e tanta paura. Tre violenti sismi a quasi un mese dalle devastanti scosse di terremoto di....

Over 300 killed as two huge magnitude 6.3 earthquakes strike Afghanistan

2023-10-07T20:25+0200express (en)

Four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks as dozens of houses were destroyed following the devastating quakes. The United States Geological Survey reported the 6.3 magnitude tremblors, with an aftershock measuring a magnitude of 5.5.

Strong quake in west Afghanistan kills 'about 120'

2023-10-07T20:25+0200cgtn (en)

The death toll from a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in western Afghanistan on Saturday has risen to "about 120", disaster relief authorities said, with more than 1,000 others being treated for injuries. The United States Geological Survey said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the....

UN estimates 320 killed as quakes strike Afghanistan

2023-10-07T20:23+0200jamaica-gleaner (en)

(AP) Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed more than 320 people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the United Nations is reporting. The UN said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Dozens of people killed after powerful earthquakes hit Afghanistan, UN says

2023-10-07T20:20+0200observer (en)

The epicentre of the original magnitude 6.3 earthquake was 24.8 miles (40km) north-west of the region’s largest city, Herat. It was followed by an aftershock with a 5.5 magnitude, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported. Crowds of residents fled buildings in the city at about 11am as the quakes began, lasting for over an hour.

At least 1,000 dead and injured in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-07T20:19+0200aa-en (en)

"Three villages in Herat province were completely destroyed, hundreds of people are still trapped under the debris," Saiq told Anadolu over the phone. He added that it was difficult to find the exact number of casualties, but so far the figure of 1,000 was reported by local officials.

Earthquake in Herat Province: Hundreds Killed and Villages Destroyed

2023-10-07T20:19+0200archyde (en)

2023-10-07 17:15:17. Herat province Earthquake shakes Afghanistan – hundreds of deaths. An earthquake struck the Herat region of Afghanistan on Saturday morning. Hundreds of houses collapsed. Published7. October 2023, 7:15 p.m. People in a destroyed village… Social Media/ X. … are desperately looking for survivors.

Hundreds of people killed in earthquakes in western Afghanistan, says UN

2023-10-07T20:17+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Islamabad: Two magnitude 6.3 earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T20:13+0200nbc12 (en)

Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. (MGN) ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T20:12+0200kptv (en)

Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. (MGN) ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said.

Need for robust examination of nuclear energy options

2023-10-07T20:08+0200brisbanetimes (en)

The blood-red amoeba-like shapes of advancing heat moving towards NSW seem to confront us on television weather forecasts with increasing regularity. Earth just had the hottest September on record – and by a record-breaking margin, the World Meteorological Organisation has declared.

Need for robust examination of nuclear energy options

2023-10-07T20:07+0200theage (en)

The blood-red amoeba-like shapes of advancing heat moving towards NSW seem to confront us on television weather forecasts with increasing regularity. Earth just had the hottest September on record – and by a record-breaking margin, the World Meteorological Organisation has declared.

Cerca notizie per 'terremoto di oggi'

2023-10-07T20:03+0200verbanianotizie (it)

- 3 Novembre 2014 - 20:26 rischio idrogeologico Non ho letto tutti i commenti perche' sono pigro a quest'ora;sono solo le 19,30,solitamente mi sveglio e scrivo dopo le 24. di cevo non ho letto tutti i commenti ma mi sono arenato sul primo scoglio..quello di Kirlyenka che di ce che è esage rato....

Need for robust examination of nuclear energy options

2023-10-07T20:00+0200smh (en)

The blood-red amoeba-like shapes of advancing heat moving towards NSW seem to confront us on television weather forecasts with increasing regularity. Earth just had the hottest September on record – and by a record-breaking margin, the World Meteorological Organisation has declared.

1000 dead, wounded reported in two 6.3 magnitude quakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:59+0200pakistantoday (en)

ISLAMABAD: At least 1,000 dead and wounded in Afghanistan earthquake, according to disaster management authority spokesman. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes hit western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority told Anadolu News agency.

Earthquake in Afghanistan leaves at least 120 dead

2023-10-07T19:54+0200bullfrag (en)

“At the moment there are more than 1,000 injured women, children and elderly people in our records, and about 120 people have lost their lives,” Mosa Ashari, head of disaster management for Herat province, told AFP. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) indicated that the epicenter of the....

At least 120 dead after several earthquakes in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:54+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-07T17:53:03.631Z. Highlights: At least 120 dead after several earthquakes in western Afghanistan . Authorities fear hundreds of people have died as a result of seven earthquakes of up to 6.3 degrees. The first of all, the largest, occurred at 12:11 (+5:30 GMT) at a depth of 14 kilometers and 33 kilometers from the city of Zindah Khan.

Des centaines de morts après une série de tremblements de terre majeurs en Afghanistan, des villages en ruines

2023-10-07T19:53+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Au moins 320 personnes ont été tuées dans une série de tremblements de terre majeurs dans l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan . C’est ce que rapportent les Nations Unies. Les autorités afghanes évoquent un nombre bien inférieur (15), mais disent craindre des centaines de morts.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, ‘quasi 120 morti, mille feriti’

2023-10-07T19:53+0200globodiroma (it)

Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale è salito a “circa 120”. Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1.000. “Finora, più di 1.000 persone, fra donne, bambini e anziani sono rimasti feriti e circa 120 persone....

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15, injure nearly 40 in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:50+0200dnaindia (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Two 6.3-Magnitude Earthquakes Kill Dozens In Western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:50+0200huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

extends our thoughts to the people of Herat, @ Afghanistan who have been affected by the earthquake today. We have sent medicines & medical supplies to the hospitals to support treatment of those wounded. Our warehouse is ready to deploy for additional medicines as needed. pic.twitter.

Two 6.3-Magnitude Earthquakes Kill Dozens In Western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:47+0200huffpostmaghreb (en)

extends our thoughts to the people of Herat, @ Afghanistan who have been affected by the earthquake today. We have sent medicines & medical supplies to the hospitals to support treatment of those wounded. Our warehouse is ready to deploy for additional medicines as needed. pic.twitter.

«Bellingham ha nacido para marcar una época en el Madrid»

2023-10-07T19:47+0200abc-Andalucia (es)

Líder, con 24 puntos de 27 posibles, además de las dos victorias en Champions. Solo el borrón del derbi en estos dos primeros meses de temporada que ahora se toman un descanso por el parón internacional. Números e imagen impoluta del Real Madrid en este inicio de temporada en el que sobresale un....

Afghanistan quake toll up to 'about 120': official

2023-10-07T19:44+0200bssnews (en)

HERAT, Afghanistan , Oct 7, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - The death toll from a. magnitude 6.3 earthquake in western Afghanistan on Saturday has risen to "about 120", disaster relief authorities said, with more than 1,000 others being treated for injuries. "So far, more than 1,000 injured women, children, and old....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'quasi 120 morti, mille feriti'

2023-10-07T19:42+0200virgilio (it)

Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a "circa 120".

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:41+0200news-gazette (en)

The Taliban say a strong earthquake with several aftershocks has dozens in western Afghanistan . The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people < killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the U.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:36+0200torontosun (en)

“All people are out of their homes,” Samadi said. “Houses, offices and shops are all empty and there are fears of more earthquakes. My family and I were inside our home, I felt the quake.” His family began shouting and ran outside, afraid to return indoors.

Terremoto Afghanistan, il bilancio sale drammaticamente: “120 morti e oltre 1000 feriti” | FOTO

2023-10-07T19:36+0200meteoweb (it)

Le autorità hanno fornito un bilancio delle forti scosse di terremoto che hanno colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, provocando frane nelle zone montuose. Il bilancio delle vittime delle forti scosse di terremoto che hanno colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale, vicino ad Herat, è salito a “ circa 120 “.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'quasi 120 morti, mille feriti'

2023-10-07T19:35+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - HERAT, 07 OTT - Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a "circa 120". Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1.000. "Finora, più di 1.000 persone, fra donne, bambini e anziani sono rimasti feriti....

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:34+0200yakimaherald (en)

The Taliban say a strong earthquake with several aftershocks has dozens in western Afghanistan . The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people < killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the U.

Afghanistan earthquake toll up to 'about 120'

2023-10-07T19:30+0200timesofindia (en)

HERAT : The death toll from a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in western Afghanistan on Saturday has risen to "about 120", disaster relief authorities said, with more than 1,000 others being treated for injuries. "So far, more than 1,000 injured women, children, and old citizens have been included in our....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'quasi 120 morti, mille feriti'

2023-10-07T19:28+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - HERAT, 07 OTT - Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a "circa 120". Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1.000. "Finora, più di 1.000 persone, fra donne, bambini e anziani sono rimasti feriti....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'quasi 120 morti, mille feriti'

2023-10-07T19:27+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - HERAT, 07 OTT - Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a "circa 120". Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1.000. "Finora, più di 1.000 persone, fra donne, bambini e anziani sono rimasti feriti....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'quasi 120 morti, mille feriti'

2023-10-07T19:27+0200ladige (it)

(ANSA) - HERAT, 07 OTT - Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a "circa 120". Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1.000. "Finora, più di 1.000 persone, fra donne, bambini e anziani sono rimasti feriti....

Afghanistan, terremoto di magnitudo 6.3: almeno 320 morti e mille feriti

2023-10-07T19:27+0200corriere (it)

L'epicentro è stato localizzato circa 40 chilometri a nordovest dalla città di Herat ed è stato avvertito anche nelle province di Farah e Badghis, vicino al confine con il Turkmenistan. Dopo la prima scossa, è stato avvertito anche un nuovo sisma di magnitudo 5.5. Il bilancio provvisorio dei morti è salito a 320, rende noto l'Onu.

Terremoto del 6.3 in Afghanistan, oltre 120 vittime

2023-10-07T19:26+0200la7 (it)

E' di circa 120 morti e oltre mille feriti il bilancio del terremoto che ha colpito stamattina le regioni occidentali dell' Afghanistan . Una scossa di magnitudo 6,3 ha colpito a circa 40 km dalla città occidentale di Herat, vicino al confine con l'Iran, intorno alle 8,30 ora italiana.

Afghanistan : un séisme de magnitude 6,3 provoque la mort de près de 120 personnes

2023-10-07T19:25+0200cnews (fr)

L' Afghanistan a été touché, ce samedi 7 octobre, par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3. L'épicentre a été localisé à une quarantaine de kilomètres de la ville d'Hérat, la capitale culturelle du pays. Près de 120 personnes ont perdu dans la vie dans ce séisme. C'est une situation dramatique au .

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. Oct 7, 2023 9:58 AM Read more >

2023-10-07T19:23+0200timescolonist (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Afghanistan, violento terremoto, Onu: almeno 320 morti

2023-10-07T19:21+0200tiscali-it (it)

Roma, 7 ott. (askanews) - Almeno 320 persone sono morte dopo che una serie di potenti terremoti hanno colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale, ha affermato l'ONU.L'epicentro del terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 si trova a 40 chilometri a nord-ovest della città più grande della regione, Herat.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'quasi 120 morti, mille feriti'

2023-10-07T19:21+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - HERAT, 07 OTT - Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a "circa 120". Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1.000. "Finora, più di 1.000 persone, fra donne, bambini e anziani sono rimasti feriti....

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:20+0200eagletribune (en)

The Taliban say a strong earthquake with several aftershocks has dozens in western Afghanistan . The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people < killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the U.

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'quasi 120 morti, mille feriti'

2023-10-07T19:20+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - HERAT, 07 OTT - Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a "circa 120". Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1.000. "Finora, più di 1.000 persone, fra donne, bambini e anziani sono rimasti feriti....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'quasi 120 morti, mille feriti'

2023-10-07T19:20+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

HERAT, 07 OTT - Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a "circa 120". Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1.000. "Finora, più di 1.000 persone, fra donne, bambini e anziani sono rimasti feriti e circa....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'quasi 120 morti, mille feriti'

2023-10-07T19:19+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - HERAT, 07 OTT - Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a "circa 120". Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1.000. "Finora, più di 1.000 persone, fra donne, bambini e anziani sono rimasti feriti....

Terremoto in Afghanistan, 'quasi 120 morti, mille feriti'

2023-10-07T19:19+0200giornaletrentino (it)

(ANSA) - HERAT, 07 OTT - Il bilancio delle vittime del terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 che ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale è salito a "circa 120". Lo hanno reso noto le autorità, precisando che i feriti sono oltre 1.000. "Finora, più di 1.000 persone, fra donne, bambini e anziani sono rimasti feriti....

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:18+0200whig (en)

The Taliban say a strong earthquake with several aftershocks has dozens in western Afghanistan . The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people < killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the U.

Le bilan du séisme passe à « environ 120 » morts

2023-10-07T19:18+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

(Sdérot, Gaza et Jérusalem) Israël et la bande de Gaza sont en guerre après le déclenchement samedi au petit matin d’une offensive militaire surprise et spectaculaire du Hamas, qui a tiré des milliers de roquettes, infiltré des combattants en territoire israélien et capturé un nombre indéterminé d’Israéliens.

Hundreds of people killed in earthquakes in Afghanistan, says UN

2023-10-07T19:16+0200watoday (en)

Islamabad: Two magnitude 6.3 earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:14+0200devdiscourse (en)

Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks. Two 6.

Afghanistan, violento terremoto, Onu: almeno 320 morti

2023-10-07T19:14+0200askanews (it)

Roma, 7 ott. (askanews) – Almeno 320 persone sono morte dopo che una serie di potenti terremoti hanno colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale, ha affermato l’ONU. L’epicentro del terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 si trova a 40 chilometri a nord-ovest della città più grande della regione, Herat.

At least 15 dead, dozens more injured after earthquakes in Afghanistan Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority.Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the....

2023-10-07T19:13+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

Afghan special visa program still backlogged 2 years after U.S. withdrawal 02:59. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority.

Hundreds of people killed in earthquakes in western Afghanistan, says UN

2023-10-07T19:12+0200smh (en)

Islamabad: Two magnitude 6.3 earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Several killed, scores injured after 5 quakes hit Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:12+0200efe (en)

Kabul, Oct 7 (EFE).- At least 15 people have lost their lives, and scores sustained injuries following a series of seven earthquakes ranging from 4.7 to 6.3 magnitudes that struck the western Afghan province of Herat on Saturday, said officials and residents.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan 0 10/7/2023 9:58:09 AM

2023-10-07T19:11+0200tricitynews (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Hundreds of people killed in earthquakes in western Afghanistan, says UN

2023-10-07T19:11+0200theage (en)

Islamabad: Two magnitude 6.3 earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Hundreds of people killed in earthquakes in western Afghanistan, says UN

2023-10-07T19:11+0200brisbanetimes (en)

Islamabad: Two magnitude 6.3 earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country’s national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:08+0200startribune (en)

ISLAMABAD — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

Two 6.3-magnitude earthquakes kill dozens and injure many more in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:07+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed dozens of people in western Afghanistan on Saturday, the country's national disaster authority said. The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified.

15 killed as major earthquakes jolt Afghanistan

2023-10-07T19:03+0200gulfnews (en)

Kabul: Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.


2023-10-07T19:01+0200nampa (en)

URGENT Afghanistan quake toll up to 'about 120': official Herat, Afghanistan, Oct 7, 2023 (AFP) - The death toll from a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in western Afghanistan on Saturday has risen to "about 120", disaster relief authorities said, with more than 1,000 others being treated for injuries.

At least 15 killed after earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T18:57+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan this morning killing 15 and injuring dozens more, officials said, predicting the toll could rise after reports of landslides and victims trapped under collapsed buildings. The United States Geological Survey said the epicentre was 40km northwest of....

At least 15 dead, dozens more injured after earthquakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T18:57+0200wn (en)

The Taliban say a strong earthquake with several aftershocks has killed at least 15 people and injured dozens of others in western Afghanistan . ......

More than 300 people dead as Afghanistan hit by two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes

2023-10-07T18:54+0200itv (en)

The death toll from a pair of strong earthquakes in western Afghanistan has risen to 320, the United Nations has said. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes hit the Central Asian country on Saturday, with a number of buildings brought crashing down, leaving people trapped underneath the rubble.

Earthquake in Afghanistan – at least 320 dead

2023-10-07T18:44+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-07T16:43:14.324Z. Highlights: Earthquake in Afghanistan – at least 320 dead. At least 320 people have died after a powerful earthquake, according to the United Nations. The magnitude 6.3 earthquake shook Herat province on Saturday. It was followed by several aftershocks.

Death toll from strong earthquakes in western Afghanistan rises to 320, says UN

2023-10-07T18:39+0200ABCnews (en)

Death toll from strong earthquakes in western Afghanistan rises to 320, says UN. ISLAMABAD -- Death toll from strong earthquake s in western Afghanistan rises to 320, says UN.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T18:38+0200wral (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T18:37+0200startribune (en)

ISLAMABAD — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Afghanistan: Severe earthquake in the province of Herat

2023-10-07T18:34+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-07T16:32:29.456Z. Highlights: Afghanistan 's disaster management team fears hundreds of deaths after the strong earthquakes. Seven villages in the hard-hit border province of Herat have been completely destroyed, a spokesman for the national disaster control told the German Press Agency on Saturday.

At least 15 dead, dozens more injured after earthquakes in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T18:24+0200CBSnews (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Global Tremors: Three Earthquakes In Three Hours

2023-10-07T18:19+0200euroweeklynews (en)

Global Response And Support. On X (previously known as Twitter), the World Health Organisation (WHO) conveyed its sympathy. ‘WHO extends our thoughts to the people of Herat, Afghanistan who have been affected by the earthquake today,’ they shared. ‘We have sent medicines & medical supplies to the hospitals to support treatment of those wounded.

Afghanistan earthquake: At least 15 killed and 78 injured in 6.3 quake

2023-10-07T18:16+0200wn (en)

The 6.3 magnitude quake struck about 40km from the western city of Herat on Saturday morning. ......

Terremoto in Afghanistan: MSF supporta l’ospedale regionale di Herat

2023-10-07T18:13+0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) – sab 07 ottobre 2023 Care e cari, in seguito al terremoto di questa mattina nell’ Afghanistan occidentale, MSF ha allestito 5 tende mediche presso l’ospedale regionale di Herat per ospitare fino a 80 pazienti e ha evacuato in via precauzionale i bambini ricoverati nei reparti di degenza pediatrica.

World News Quick Take 2023-10-08 AFGHANISTANEarthquake kills oneA magnitude 6.3 earthquake yesterday hit the western part of the country, causing one death and dozens of injuries, officials said, predicting the toll could rise amid reports of landslides and building collapses.

2023-10-07T18:11+0200taipeitimes (en)

AFGHANISTAN. Earthquake kills one. A magnitude 6.3 earthquake yesterday hit the western part of the country, causing one death and dozens of injuries, officials said, predicting the toll could rise amid reports of landslides and building collapses. The US Geological Survey said the epicenter was....

Earthquake claims 15 Lives, Injures 78 in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T18:04+0200radionigeria (en)

The region is prone to earthquakes, particularly due to its proximity to the Hindu Kush mountain range, which lies near the junction of the Eurasian and Indian tectonic plates. At least 15 people have lost their lives, and 78 others have been injured after an earthquake struck Western Afghanistan .

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake kills 14 in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T18:02+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

People gather on the streets in Herat, away from tall buildings, after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan today. – AFP pic, October 7, 2023. A MAGNITUDE 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan today, killing 14 and injuring 78, an official said, with predictions the toll could rise....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.9 con epicentro en la ciudad de Vicuña

2023-10-07T17:56+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -29.941 grados de latitud y -70.837 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Earthquake today: Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill 15, injure nearly 40 in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T17:48+0200livemint (en)

Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks. Dozens of houses have been damaged. It said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (24.8 miles) northwest of Herat city. There was an aftershock with a 5.5 magnitude. A map on the USGS website indicates seven earthquakes in the area.

Two 6.3 Magnitude Earthquakes Kill At Least 15 in Western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T17:48+0200time (en)

ISLAMABAD — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

IBC Afghanistan Earthquake Response Flash Appeal, 7 October 2023

2023-10-07T17:47+0200reliefWeb (en)

SITUATION OVERVIEW. On October 7, 2023, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck near Herat, Afghanistan , resulting from thrust faulting at shallow depths near the western end of the Hindu Kush mountain range. Preceding this event, a similar magnitude 6.3 earthquake occurred approximately 30 minutes earlier.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T17:45+0200nbcnewyork (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T17:25+0200nbcbayarea (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

‘People Are Buried Under Rubble’: At Least 15 Dead, 40 Injured After Two 6.3 Magnitude Earthquakes Hit Afghanistan

2023-10-07T17:22+0200dailycaller (en)

Tragedy struck western Afghanistan on Saturday as a series of earthquakes rattled the region, resulting in at least 15 fatalities and an estimated 40 individuals injured, according to the Associated Press (AP). The two earthquakes were recorded as 6.3 magnitude by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the AP reported .

Terremoto in Afghanistan: almeno 15 persone uccise e altre 78 ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 6,3

2023-10-07T17:18+0200gexperience (it)

Almeno 15 persone sono state uccise e altre 78 ferite dopo che un terremoto ha colpito l’ Afghanistan occidentale, hanno detto i funzionari. L’US Geological Survey ha affermato che il terremoto di magnitudo 6,3 si è verificato a circa 40 chilometri dalla città occidentale di Herat, vicino al confine....

L'evento . Vajont, in 150 teatri la memoria corale della strage: Non accada mai più

2023-10-07T16:50+0200247libero (it)

Ore 22.39 del 9 ottobre 1963: 270 milioni di metri cubi di roccia precipitano nella diga del Vajont, sollevando verso il cielo cinquanta milioni di metri cubi d’acqua. L’apocalisse che nel buio della notte spazza via in pochi istanti interi paesi e duemila vite è uno tsunami di montagna, un’onda....

6.3 magnitude earthquake kills 15, injures 40 in Western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T16:45+0200khaama (en)

At least 15 people have been killed , and 40 others have been injured in Today’s earthquake in western Afghanistan , Herat province. Mullah Jan Saigh, the spokesperson for the Ministry of State for Disaster Management, said, “Unfortunately, today we had an earthquake in three provinces of the country: Herat, Farah, and Badghis.

La guerra de Sukot entierra las aspiraciones de pragmatismo de Hamás

2023-10-07T16:44+0200elpais (es)

Hace poco más de un año, Basem Naim, exministro palestino y responsable de las relaciones internacionales de Hamás, aseguraba a EL PAÍS en Gaza, donde los islamistas gobiernan de facto desde hace más de tres lustros, que la decisión de mantenerse al margen de una escalada bélica entre las Fuerzas....

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake hits western Afghanistan, aftershock follows

2023-10-07T16:42+0200wionews (en)

Epicentre and location. The epicentre of this seismic activity has been pinpointed 40 kilometres northwest of Herat city, a major urban centre in western Afghanistan . Also read | Who is Mahbouba Seraj? Afghan woman activist nominated for Nobel Peace Prize Recent earthquake activity in the region.

Marta Riesco pide ayuda a Irene Montero, Ayuso y la Policía Nacional: "Ya van dos denuncias en comisaría"

2023-10-07T16:37+0200FaroDeVigo (es)

no gana para sustos. Tras quedarse sin trabajo y sin novio, la reportera ha sufrido un nuevo revés del que ha dado cuenta a través de sus redes sociales, donde es muy activa. "Soy un cuadro", comentó Marta Riesco al hablar sobre lo que le había ocurrido. Marta Riesco pasó de tenerlo casi todo a no tener casi nada.

Two 6.3 Earthquakes kill at least 15 in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T16:32+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

ISLAMABAD — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Pair of earthquakes kill at least 15 in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T16:22+0200triblive (en)

ISLAMABAD Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country’s national disaster authority. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said.

Afghanistan struck by a series of deadly earthquakes killing at least 15 and injuring dozens

2023-10-07T16:14+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Multiple quakes hit western area of the war-torn country on Saturday, with the epicentre around 25 miles northwest of the city of Herat. The US Geological Survey (USGS) recorded two quakes of a magnitude of 6.3, followed by an aftershock with a 5.5 magnitude. killing at least 3,000 people.

1908: Terremoto a Messina e Reggio Calabria. Uno degli eventi più tragici nella storia italiana

2023-10-07T16:11+0200citynow (it)

Il 28 dicembre, un sisma di magnitudo 7.1 devastò Messina e Reggio Calabria . La stima delle vittime superò i 80 mila e rappresenta uno degli episodi più cupi nella storia d’ Italia . Alle 05:20:27 del 28 dicembre 1908 , una forte scossa di terra durò quasi 40 secondi, sconvolgendo Messina e Reggio Calabria .

Terremoti in Messico, Afghanistan e Papua Guinea

2023-10-07T16:00+0200lindipendente (it)

Questa mattina tre terremoti hanno colpito il Messico, l’ Afghanistan e la Papua Nuova Guinea. In Messico un terremoto di magnitudo 6.0 ha colpito la capitale Oaxaca alle ore 7:06 italiane, con epicentro nella cittadina di Matias Romero. Al momento non sono state segnalate perdite di vite umane, ma....

Afghanistan | At least 15 dead and 80 injured in seven earthquakes

2023-10-07T15:59+0200kiratas (en)

The Asian country recorded seven tremors of between 4.7 and up to 6.3 degrees in the province of Herat, five of them in one hour. ADVERTISING. At least 15 people died and at least 80 others were injured after seven earthquakes of between 4.7 and 6.3 degrees hit the province of Herat, in western Afghanistan , this Saturday.

Be on extra alert: Dutch scientist predicts another earthquake in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T15:58+0200humnews-pk (en)

WEB DESK: Frank Hoogerbeets, a Dutch scientist and seismologist affiliated with The Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGS) known for his past accurate predictions, has suggested the possibility of another significant earthquake occurring in Afghanistan . This concern arises following a series of three....

Afghanistan struck by a series of deadly earthquakes killing at least 15 and injuring dozens

2023-10-07T15:56+0200inews-co-uk (en)

Multiple quakes hit western area of the war-torn country on Saturday, with the epicentre around 25 miles northwest of the city of Herat. The US Geological Survey (USGS) recorded two quakes of a magnitude of 6.3, followed by an aftershock with a 5.5 magnitude. killing at least 3,000 people.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake kills 14 in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T15:54+0200radio-pk (en)

In Afghanistan , at least fourteen persons were dead and seventy eight injured when an earthquake of six point two magnitude jolted northwestern areas on Saturday. According to German Research Center for Geosciences, the earthquake was at a depth of ten kilometers.

'Io non rischio', il 14 e il 15 ottobre in 74 piazze della Toscana oltre 900 volontari

2023-10-07T15:51+0200247libero (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Regione Toscana partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

NODS rolls out activities for Disaster Risk Reduction Week

2023-10-07T15:28+0200antiguaobserver (en)

Several activities will be held next week leading up to the October 13 observance of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction under the theme “Fighting inequality for a resilient future”. According to information from the National Office of Disaster Services (NODS), the activities begin Sunday....

Agujero de la capa de ozono alcanza máximos históricos

2023-10-07T15:12+0200diarioeltiempo (es)

Las mediciones del satélite Copernicus Sentinel-5P revelaron que el agujero de la capa de ozono sobre la Antártida este 2023, es uno de los más grandes jamás registrados. El agujero, que los científicos llaman una “zona de agotamiento de la capa de ozono“, alcanzó un tamaño de 26 millones de kilómetros cuadrados el 16 de septiembre de 2023.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake kills 15 in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T15:11+0200wn (en)

Herat, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Oct, 2023) A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday killing 15 and injuring dozens more, officials said, predicting the toll could rise after reports of landslides and victims trapped under collapsed buildings.

At least 15 dead in Afghanistan earthquakes, officials says

2023-10-07T15:10+0200malaymail (en)

People gather on the streets in Herat on October 7, 2023. A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan October 7 morning, the United States Geological Survey said, followed by four large aftershocks with epicentres close to the region’s largest city. — Reuters pic.

Las excepciones de la nueva Ley de Bienestar Animal: estos son los animales excluidos de la normativa

2023-10-07T15:03+0200lasprovincias (es)

La nueva Ley de Bienestar Animal, que entró en vigor el pasado 29 de septiembre, trajo consigo un tsunami de medidas que todos aquellos que tengan, o quieran tener en un futuro cercano, mascota tratan todavía de descifrar. Así, algunas prohibiciones como dejar atado a un perro en una farola en la....

Afghanistan. Terremoto nell'ovest: decine di feriti e vittime

2023-10-07T15:01+0200euronews-it (it)

Paura e vittime in Afghanistan per un forte terremoto nell'ovest del Paese . Nella giornata di sabato, l'ufficio sismologico statunitense ha registrato una prima scossa di magnitudo 6.3, con epicentro a una quarantina di chilometri dalla città di Herat , poi seguita da un'altra scossa di assestamento, poco meno potente.

Lac himalayen : les raisons d’une vidange mortelle

2023-10-07T15:00+0200Liberation (fr)

Une déferlante de débris, de roches et de boue. Mercredi 4 octobre aux premières heures de l’aube, une lave torrentielle a réveillé la vallée habitée de Yumthang, aux confins du nord-est de l’Inde, dans un fracas tourbillonnant et meurtrier. La catastrophe a surgi des cimes de l’Himalaya, provoquée....

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:58+0200stripes (en)

ISLAMABAD — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country’s national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

Un séisme provoque la mort de quatorze personnes en Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:58+0200LeMonde (fr)

Des habitants sortent dans une rue à la suite d’un tremblement de terre qui a secoué la ville de Herat, en Afghanistan , le 7 octobre 2023. MASHAL/XINHUA / VIA MAXPPP. a provoqué la mort de quatorze personnes et en a blessé soixante-dix-huit autres, samedi 7 octobre, dans l’ouest de l’Afghanistan.

Iran to attend WHO regional committee meeting

2023-10-07T14:52+0200tehrantimes (en)

TEHRAN – A delegation led by Health Minister Bahram Einollahi is going to participate in the 70th session of the World Health Organization’s Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean. The event is planned to take place in Cairo, Egypt, from October 9 to 12, with the theme of ‘United for a healthier future’.

Ultime notizie. Ucraina, esplode auto segretario locale «Russia Unita» a Kherson. Terremoto 6.2 in Afghanistan, 14 morti

2023-10-07T14:50+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) L’ auto del capo della sezione locale del partito filo Putin “ Russia Unita ” è saltata in aria nella località Ucraina occupata di Nova Kakhovka, nell’oblast di Kherson . L’esercito russo ha bombardato il villaggio di Bilenke nella regione di Zaporizhzhia con bombe a grappolo, provocando un morto e due feriti.

Almeno 14 persone sono morte a causa di una serie di terremoti nell’Afghanistan occidentale

2023-10-07T14:49+0200ilpost (it)

Sabato intorno alle 11:00 ora locale (07:30 ora italiana) c’è stato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.3 in Afghanistan a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, che si trova nella parte occidentale del paese vicino al confine con l’Iran. La prima scossa è stata seguita da altre con magnitudo compresa tra 4.6 e 6.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake jolts western Afghanistan: USGS

2023-10-07T14:48+0200wn (en)

​The USGS said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, and was quickly followed by....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake kills 14 in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:48+0200wn (en)

The United States Geological Survey said the epicentre was 40kms northwest of the region’s largest city of Herat and was followed by seven aftershocks with magnitudes between 4.6 and 6.3 ......

L’ouest de l’Afghanistan frappé par une série de puissants tremblements de terre

2023-10-07T14:45+0200oxtero (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,3 a frappé l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , a annoncé l’Institut géologique des États-Unis, suivi de quatre répliques importantes dont les épicentres sont proches de la plus grande ville de la région. Au moins cinq puissants tremblements de terre ont frappé Herat, a déclaré un habitant Abdul Shakor Samadi.

Deux séismes d’une magnitude de 6,3 tuent au moins 15 personnes en Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:43+0200lactualite (fr)

ISLAMABAD Deux tremblements de terre d’une magnitude de 6,3 ont fait au moins 15 morts et près de 40 blessés dans la province de Herat en Afghanistan , samedi, selon Mohammad Abdullah Jan, porte-parole de l’autorité nationale de gestion des catastrophes du pays. M.

Afghanistan : un séisme de magnitude 6,3 provoque la mort de 14 personnes

2023-10-07T14:42+0200laminute (fr)

L’ Afghanistan a été touché, ce samedi 7 octobre, par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3. L’épicentre a été localisé à une quarantaine de kilomètres de la ville d’Hérat, la capitale culturelle du pays. Un premier bilan annonce la mort de 14 personnes, ainsi que 78 blessés. C’est une situation dramatique au Moyen-Orient.

Several Strong Earthquakes Shake Western Region of Country

2023-10-07T14:38+0200tolonews (en)

Residents witnessed successive earthquakes in the western region of the country today (Saturday, 15th Mezan). Janan Saiq, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Disaster Management, said that at least 15 people in three villages of the "Zinda Jan" district of Herat died in today's earthquake and nearly 40 others were injured.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake kills 15 in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:37+0200urdupoint (en)

hit western Afghanistan on Saturday killing 15 and injuring dozens more, officials said, predicting the toll could rise after reports of landslides and victims trapped under collapsed buildings. The United States Geological Survey said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the....

Terremoto 6.2 nell’ovest dell’Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T14:36+0200lopinionista (it)

ROMA – L’istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell’ovest dell’ Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l’Usgs, che ha avuto l’epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.5. Non si hanno ancora notizie dal posto.

Earthquake in Afghanistan: Two 6.3 Magnitude Earthquakes Kill at Least 15 and Injured Nearly 40 Others in Herat Province

2023-10-07T14:33+0200latestly (en)

Dozens of houses have been damaged. The United States Geological Survey reported the 6.3 magnitude tremblors. It said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (24.8 miles) northwest of Herat city. There was an aftershock with a 5.5 magnitude. Islamabad, October 7 : Two 6.

At least 15 dead, 40 injured in Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-07T14:32+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , the country's national disaster authority says. The strong earthquakes and several aftershocks were reported on Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan, disaster authority spokesman Mohammad Abdullah Jan said.

At least 14 people have died in a series of earthquakes in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:31+0200ruetir (en)

On Saturday around 11:00 local time (07:30 Italian time) there was a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan 40 kilometers from the city of Herat, which is located in the western part of the country near the border with Iran. The first shock was followed by others with magnitudes between 4.6 and 6.3 which affected the entire region.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:29+0200yakimaherald (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Terremoto - Violenta scossa in Afghanistan, la gente in strada perde l'equilibrio. Video

2023-10-07T14:25+02003bmeteo (it)

Terremoto in Afghanistan , il momento della scossa. Questa mattina alle ore 8:41 un violento terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 ha colpito la zona settentrionale dell'Afghanistan, il sisma non ha provocato danni rilevanti ed è stato seguito dopo circa un'ora alle 9:12 da una seconda scossa , più forte della prima di magnitudo 6.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan, according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country's national disaster authority.

2023-10-07T14:24+0200timescolonist (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country's national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:23+0200news-gazette (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:21+0200eagletribune (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority. Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan 0 10/7/2023 4:55:58 AM

2023-10-07T14:20+0200tricitynews (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country's national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:18+0200news-herald (en)

ISLAMABAD — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country’s national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

At least 15 dead, 40 injured in Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-07T14:17+0200newcastleherald (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , the country's national disaster authority says. The strong earthquakes and several aftershocks were reported on Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan, disaster authority spokesman Mohammad Abdullah Jan said.

11:33 Strong earthquake hits Iranian province of Razavi Khorasan

2023-10-07T14:17+0200news-am (en)

A strong earthquake occurred on Saturday morning in the city of Mashhad in the Iranian province of Razavi Khorasan, Mehr reports. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck in the northwest area of Herat, Afghanistan , at a depth of 7 km, and its tremors were experienced in the eastern cities of Iran's Khorasan Razavi province, including Mashhad.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:16+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country's national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

Afghanistan: almeno 15 morti dopo terremoto nell’ovest del Paese

2023-10-07T14:16+0200lapresse-it-italian (it)

Islamabad (Pakistan), 7 ott. (LaPresse/AP) – Due terremoti di magnitudo 6,3 hanno provocato la morte di almeno 15 persone e il ferimento di altre 40 nella provincia di Herat in Afghanistan . Lo ha reso noto Mohammad Abdullah Jan, portavoce dell’Autorità nazionale per i disastri del Paese.

Moderate mag. 4.3 earthquake - 28 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan, on Saturday, Oct 7, 2023 at 3:57 pm (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-07T14:15+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 642 km / 399 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:14+0200kob (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country’s national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:14+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country's national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

Two earthquakes kill at least 15 in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:14+0200euronews-en (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country's national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblers.

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:13+0200yakimaherald (en)

A strong earthquake with several aftershocks has been reported from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness. The United States Geological Survey says reported a pair of 6.3 magnitude earthquakes hit western Afghanistan Saturday.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:12+0200wftv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country's national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

At least 15 dead, 40 injured in Afghanistan earthquake -official

2023-10-07T14:12+0200devdiscourse (en)

Representative Image Image Credit: ANI Country: Afghanistan SHARE; At least 15 people were killed and 40 injured after earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, a disaster management official told Reuters. The figures are based on primary reports from the Zinda Jan district of Herat....

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:11+0200actionnewsjax (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country's national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

At least 15 dead, 40 injured in Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-07T14:11+0200illawarramercury (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , the country's national disaster authority says. The strong earthquakes and several aftershocks were reported on Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan, disaster authority spokesman Mohammad Abdullah Jan said.

Séisme en Afghanistan – quinze morts et 40 blessés après que le pays ait été secoué par un énorme séisme de magnitude 6,3

2023-10-07T14:11+0200news-24 (fr)

AU MOINS 15 personnes sont mortes et 40 sont blessées à la suite des tremblements de terre en Afghanistan . Deux séismes de magnitude 6,3 ont frappé samedi l’ouest de l’Afghanistan, selon l’United States Geological Survey. Au moins 40 personnes sont mortes dans les tremblements de terre Crédit : AFP.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:10+0200wsoctv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country's national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:09+0200whig (en)

A strong earthquake with several aftershocks has been reported from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness.

At least 15 dead, 40 injured in Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-07T14:09+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , the country's national disaster authority says. The strong earthquakes and several aftershocks were reported on Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan, disaster authority spokesman Mohammad Abdullah Jan said.

At least 15 dead, 40 injured in Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-07T14:08+0200bordermail (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , the country's national disaster authority says. The strong earthquakes and several aftershocks were reported on Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan, disaster authority spokesman Mohammad Abdullah Jan said.

At least 15 dead, 40 injured in Afghanistan earthquakes

2023-10-07T14:08+0200maitlandmercury (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , the country's national disaster authority says. The strong earthquakes and several aftershocks were reported on Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan, disaster authority spokesman Mohammad Abdullah Jan said.

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure nearly 40 others in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:07+0200theglobeandmail (en)

Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country’s national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

La ciudad de Pica percibe sismo de magnitud 2.6

2023-10-07T14:07+0200infobae (es)

La CNS señaló que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -20.427 grados de latitud y -69.059 grados de longitud, es decir, a 29.0 kilómetros al Este de la ciudad. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue....

At Least 15 Dead, 40 Injured in Afghanistan Earthquake, Official Says

2023-10-07T14:06+0200voanews (en)

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN — At least 15 people were killed and 40 injured after earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, a disaster management official told Reuters. The figures are based on primary reports from the Zinda Jan district of Herat province, said Mullah Jan Sayeq, spokesperson for Afghanistan's ministry of disaster management.

Sismo en México: temblor de 4.2 de magnitud en Unión Hidalgo

2023-10-07T14:04+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Sismo de 4.

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:03+0200eagletribune (en)

A strong earthquake with several aftershocks has been reported from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness. The United States Geological Survey says reported a pair of 6.3 magnitude earthquakes hit western Afghanistan Saturday.

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T14:02+0200dailyrecord (en)

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported a pair of 6.3 magnitude earthquakes hit the area. The epicentre was 24.8 miles north-west of the city of Herat and was followed by an aftershock with a 5.5 magnitude, the USGS reported. A map posted on the USGS website indicates seven earthquakes in the region, including a magnitude 5.

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:58+0200wftv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country's national disaster authority. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below.

Afghanistan : un séisme de magnitude 6,3 dans l’ouest du pays fait au moins 14 morts et 78 blessés

2023-10-07T13:58+0200midilibre (fr)

L' Afghanistan a été touché, ce samedi 7 octobre, par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3. L'épicentre a été localisé à une quarantaine de kilomètres de la ville d'Hérat, la capitale culturelle du pays. Un premier bilan annonce la mort de 14 personnes, ainsi que 78 blessés.

Afghanistan : un séisme de magnitude 6,3 provoque la mort de 14 personnes

2023-10-07T13:57+0200cnews (fr)

L' Afghanistan a été touché, ce samedi 7 octobre, par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3. L'épicentre a été localisé à une quarantaine de kilomètres de la ville d'Hérat, la capitale culturelle du pays. Un premier bilan annonce la mort de 14 personnes, ainsi que 78 blessés. C'est une situation dramatique au .

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported …

2023-10-07T13:57+0200wearecentralpa (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country’s national disaster authority. Jan said four villages in Zenda Jan district of Herat province suffered the brunt of the tremblors.

Terribile terremoto in Afghanistan, bilancio provvisorio: 14 morti e 78 feriti

2023-10-07T13:55+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) L’istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell’ovest dell’ Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l’Usgs, che ha avuto l’ epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat , è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.

A pair of 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure around 40 in western Afghanistan, authorities say

2023-10-07T13:54+0200ABCnews (en)

A pair of 6.3 magnitude earthquakes kill at least 15 and injure around 40 in western Afghanistan , authorities say. ISLAMABAD -- A pair of 6.3 magnitude earthquake s kill at least 15 and injure around 40 in western Afghanistan, authorities say.

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:52+0200fresnobee (en)

ISLAMABAD. Two 6.3 magnitude earthquakes have killed at least 15 and injured nearly 40 others in Herat province in Afghanistan , according to Mohammad Abdullah Jan, spokesman for the country's national disaster authority. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below.

SismaLa terra trema anche nell'ovest dell'Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:46+0200cdt (it)

L' Afghanistan occidentale, vicino ad Herat è stato sconvolto da una serie di scosse di terremoto ravvicinate molto forti che hanno toccato per due volte la magnitudo di 6.3. Stando alle autorità locali, il bilancio attuale delle vittime è di 14 morti e 78 feriti.

6.3 magnitude earthquake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:45+0200khaama (en)

On Saturday, a powerful earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale struck western Afghanistan . Following the initial earthquake, four subsequent aftershocks caused concern among the residents of Herat. In response, many people took to the streets as a precautionary measure.

Terribile terremoto in Afghanistan, bilancio provvisorio: 14 morti e 78 feriti

2023-10-07T13:43+0200GazzettaDelSud (it)

L’istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell’ovest dell’ Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l’Usgs, che ha avuto l’ epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat , è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.5.

Afghanistan earthquake: At least 14 killed and 78 injured in 6.3 quake

2023-10-07T13:40+0200bbc (en)

At least 14 people have been killed and 78 injured after an earthquake hit western Afghanistan , officials say. The US Geological Survey said the 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck about 40km from the western city of Herat, close to the border with Iran, at around 11:00 local time (06:30 GMT).

Magnitude 6.3 quake in west Afghanistan leaves multiple casualties 21min

2023-10-07T13:39+0200presstv-ir (en)

A strong 6.2 magnitude earthquake has hit western Afghanistan , leaving at least 15 people dead and scores injured, officials say. "These are the numbers that have been brought to the central hospital so far, but this is not the final figure," the public health director of Herat province Mohammad Taleb Shahid as quoted as saying Saturday.

Afghanistan. Un puissant séisme meurtrier frappe la région d'Hérat

2023-10-07T13:38+0200leprogres (fr)

Il est probable qu'il y ait un nombre important de victimes et que la catastrophe soit potentiellement étendue , indique l'institut. De précédents évènements ayant le même niveau d'alerte ont requis une réponse au niveau régional ou national . Du côté du gouvernement taliban, les responsables de la....

Ultime notizie. Ecuador: 6 detenuti uccisi, erano i killer di Villavicencio. Terremoto 6.2 in Afghanistan, 14 morti

2023-10-07T13:34+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) Israele ha dichiarato lo stato di emergenza di guerra. Hamas ha infatti affermato di aver lanciato contro Israele “5.000 razzi” nella fase di apertura della operazione che ha chiamato ’Alluvione al-Aqsa’. La Russia accusa gli ucraini per un attacco con droni con l’area Mosca come obiettivo.

14 morti e 78 feriti per il terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:34+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) Il terremoto che questa mattina ha colpito l' Afghanistan ha provocato 14 morti e 78 feriti . Lo riferiscono le autorità. . 7 ottobre 2023.

Western Afghanistan hit by series of powerful earthquakes

2023-10-07T13:33+0200guardian (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake has hit western Afghanistan , the United States Geological Survey said, followed by four large aftershocks with epicentres close to the region’s largest city. At least five powerful earthquakes struck Herat, resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said. The epicentre was 24.

15 dead, 40 injured in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-07T13:32+0200bdnews24 (en)

At least 15 people were killed and 40 injured after earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, a disaster management official told Reuters. The figures are based on primary reports from the Zinda Jan district of Herat province, said Mullah Jan Sayeq, spokesperson for Afghanistan's ministry of disaster management.

14 morti e 78 feriti per il terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:30+0200globodiroma (it)

Il terremoto che questa mattina ha colpito l’ Afghanistan ha provocato 14 morti e 78 feriti. Lo riferiscono le autorità. Riproduzione riservata © Copyright ANSA. Mondo. (ANSA) – ROMA, 30 NOV – I piani per una dura repressione degli uiguri in Cina sarebbero collegati ai più alti livelli della leadership.

Boletines Sismos Internacionales

2023-10-07T13:28+0200pcm (es)

Boletín. 7 de octubre de 2023 Aviso sísmico Internacional de USGS de magnitud mayor a 6.5 ML que puedan generar Tsunami en Litoral Peruano Esta publicación pertenece al....

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:24+0200wn (en)

A strong earthquake with several aftershocks was reported Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said. The United States Geological Survey reported a pair of 6.

Afghanistan-earthquake newseries

2023-10-07T13:22+0200nampa (en)

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake kills 14 in western Afghanistan By Mohsen Karimi =(Video+Picture)= ATTENTION - UPDATES with new death toll /// Herat, Afghanistan, Oct 7, 2023 (AFP) - A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday killing 14 and injuring 78, an official said, with....

Earthquake kills 14, injures 78 in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:20+0200punchng (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday killing 14 people and injuring 78, an official said, predicting the toll could rise amid reports of people buried under collapsed buildings. “These are the numbers that have been brought to the central hospital so far, but this is not....

14 morti e 78 feriti per il terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:20+0200altoadige (it)

Il Südtirol vuole dimenticare la sconfitta di Palermo e aspetta al Druso la rivelazione Catanzaro. Non ci saranno Casiraghi e Merkaj mentre Davi ha recuperato e torna disponibile. Le ultimissime sulla formazione. Alcuni passanti hanno notato il fumo dalla vicina pista ciclabile e hanno chiamato i....

La terra trema, dal Messico all'Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:20+0200agi (it)

AGI - La terra trema in diverse zone del Globo. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale questa mattina. È quanto fa sapere il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti, con l'epicentro vicino alla città più grande della regione. L'epicentro era a 40 chilometri (25 miglia) a....

La paura Terremoto devastante in Afghanistan: 6.3 gradi sulla scala Richter

2023-10-07T13:18+0200avvenire (it)

Una serie di forti scosse di terremoto hanno colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale. Lo riferisce l'afghana Tolo News, citando i dati dell'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) secondo cui le scosse sono state di magnitudo compresa tra 4.6 e fino a 6.3 sulla scala Richter.

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:17+0200whig (en)

A strong earthquake with several aftershocks has been reported from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness. The United States Geological Survey says reported a pair of 6.3 magnitude earthquakes hit western Afghanistan Saturday.

Afghanistan : un séisme de magnitude 6,3 fait 14 morts et 78 blessés

2023-10-07T13:17+0200sudouest (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 a frappé l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan le 7 octobre au matin suivi de quatre répliques importantes dont les épicentres se situent à proximité de la plus grande ville de la région. 14 morts et 78 blessés ont pour le moment été recensés. © Crédit photo : AFP.

Strong Earthquake and Several Aftershocks Reported in Western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:16+0200latestly (en)

World ⚡Strong Earthquake and Several Aftershocks Reported in Western Afghanistan . By PTI “All people are out of their homes," Samadi said. “Houses, offices and shops are all empty and there are fears of more earthquakes.” “Me and my family were inside our home, I felt the quake," Samadi said,....

Earthquake in Afghanistan: Strong Quake of Magnitude 6.3 and Several Aftershocks Reported in Herat Province

2023-10-07T13:16+0200latestly (en)

Islamabad, October 7: A strong earthquake with several aftershocks was reported Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said. The United States Geological Survey reported a pair of 6.

14 dead, 78 injured in Afghanistan earthquake

2023-10-07T13:14+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday killing 14 people and injuring 78, an official said, predicting the toll could rise amid reports of people buried under collapsed buildings. "These are the numbers that have been brought to the central hospital so far, but this is not....

14 morti e 78 feriti per il terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:14+0200giornaletrentino (it)

Jannik Sinner ha vinto il 'China Open', torneo Atp 500 a Pechino, battendo Daniil Medvedev, n.3 al mondo, col punteggio di 7-6, 7-6. L'azzurro ha ottenuto il suo primo successo in sette incontri con il russo e ha conquistato il suo nono titolo sul circuito Atp.

14 morti e 78 feriti per il terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:13+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - HERAT, 07 OTT - Il terremoto che questa mattina ha colpito l' Afghanistan ha provocato 14 morti e 78 feriti. Lo riferiscono le autorità. (ANSA).

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:09+0200ABCnews (en)

ISLAMABAD -- A strong earthquake with several aftershocks was reported Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said. The United States Geological Survey reported a pair of 6.

Strong Earthquake and Several Aftershocks Reported in Western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:06+0200usnews (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A strong earthquake with several aftershocks was reported Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness. The United States Geological Survey reported a pair of 6.3 magnitude earthquakes hit western Afghanistan Saturday. The epicenter was 40 kilometers (24.

Multiple earthquakes strike western Afghanistan - USGS Reuters |Updated 8 minutes ago |1 min read (Reuters) -Multiple earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, with the first and largest at a magnitude of 6.3, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. The subsequent quakes had magnitudes including 5.

2023-10-07T13:05+0200thechronicleherald (en)

Multiple earthquakes strike western Afghanistan - USGS. (Reuters) -Multiple earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, with the first and largest at a magnitude of 6.3, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. The subsequent quakes had magnitudes including 5.5, 4.7 and 5.9, the latter being 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat.

‘Walls cracked, collapsed’: Major Afghanistan quake, then 5 aftershocks. Videos

2023-10-07T13:04+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan causing one death and dozens of injuries, officials said. The death toll could rise amid reports of landslides and building collapses, they added as the United States Geological Survey said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the....

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T13:02+0200expressindia (en)

A map posted on the USGS website indicates seven earthquakes in the region, including a magnitude 5.9 earthquake 35 kilometers (21.7 miles) north-northwest of Herat, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake 33 kilometers (20.5 miles) north-northeast of Zindah Jan and another 6.

Earthquake in Afghanistan leaves at least 15 dead and 40 injured

2023-10-07T13:00+0200coastfm (en)

An earthquake in Afghanistan has left at least 15 people dead and dozens of others injured. A strong earthquake with several aftershocks were reported on Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan, an eyewitness told the Associated Press. The number of dead and injured was confirmed to Reuters news agency by a disaster management official.

Terremoto in Afghanistan: scosse potenti vicino a Herat

2023-10-07T13:00+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) Un Terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 ha scosso l’ Afghanistan occidentale nella mattinata di oggi. La notizia è stata diffusa dal Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti, che ha identificato l’epicentro vicino a Herat , la principale città della regione.

Earthquake Of Magnitude 6.3 Strikes Afghanistan, Leaving 14 Dead and 78 Injured

2023-10-07T12:58+0200timesnownews (en)

Western Afghanistan experienced a series of earthquakes on Saturday, with the initial and most significant registering at a magnitude of 6.3, according to data from the US Geological Survey (USGS). Western Afghanistan experienced a series of earthquakes on Saturday, with the initial and most significant registering at a magnitude of 6.

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported …

2023-10-07T12:58+0200wowktv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A strong earthquake with several aftershocks was reported Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said. The United States Geological Survey reported a pair of 6.

14 morti e 78 feriti per il terremoto in Afghanistan

2023-10-07T12:55+0200ladige (it)

(ANSA) - HERAT, 07 OTT - Il terremoto che questa mattina ha colpito l' Afghanistan ha provocato 14 morti e 78 feriti. Lo riferiscono le autorità. (ANSA).


2023-10-07T12:53+0200nampa (en)

URGENT 14 dead, 78 injured in Afghanistan earthquake: official Herat, Afghanistan, Oct 7, 2023 (AFP) - A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday killing 14 people and injuring 78, an official said, predicting the toll could rise amid reports of people buried under collapsed buildings.

Multiple earthquakes strike western Afghanistan - USGS

2023-10-07T12:52+0200saltwire (en)

(Reuters) -Multiple earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, with the first and largest at a magnitude of 6.3, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. The subsequent quakes had magnitudes including 5.5, 4.7 and 5.9, the latter being 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat. There were no immediate reports of damage or injury.

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T12:51+0200apnews (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A strong earthquake with several aftershocks was reported Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said. The United States Geological Survey reported a pair of 6.

Violentissimo terremoto in Papua Nuova Guinea: magnitudo 6.8

2023-10-07T12:51+0200virgilio-notizie (it)

Violento terremoto in Papua Nuova Guinea, magnitudo 6.8: verifiche sui danni in corso Dopo Messico e Afghanistan , altra scossa di terremoto registrata in Papua Nuova Guinea: magnitudo 6.8 della scala Richter. Pubblicato il: 07-10-2023 12:32. GIORNALISTA PROFESSIONISTA Laurea in Scienze della....

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T12:50+0200wsoctv (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A strong earthquake with several aftershocks was reported Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said. The United States Geological Survey reported a pair of 6.

Strong earthquake and several aftershocks reported in western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T12:50+0200actionnewsjax (en)

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A strong earthquake with several aftershocks was reported Saturday from Herat province in western Afghanistan , according to an eyewitness. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said. The United States Geological Survey reported a pair of 6.

14 Dead, 78 Injured In Afghanistan Earthquake: Official

2023-10-07T12:49+0200barrons (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday killing 14 people and injuring 78, an official said, predicting the toll could rise amid reports of people buried under collapsed buildings. "These are the numbers that have been brought to the central hospital so far, but this is not....

1 killed as 6.3-magnitude quake hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T12:46+0200english-alaraby (en)

The United States Geological Survey said that "hundreds of casualties were possible," following the 6.3 magnitude earthquake which struck the western Afghan city of Herat on Saturday. A magnitude 6.3 hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, followed by....

‘Io non rischio’, la manifestazione arriva all’Elba

2023-10-07T12:45+0200tenews (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Regione Toscana partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

Powerful earthquakes strike Papua New Guinea and Afghanistan

2023-10-07T12:35+0200cde-news (en)

Reading Time: < 1 minute. Oct 7 (Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 struck Papua New Guinea on Saturday, 56 km (39.15 miles) southeast of Madang town, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. It initially said the magnitude was 7 but revised it down. The quake was at a depth of 53.5 km, the USGS said.

Séisme en Afghanistan«Il est probable qu’il y ait un nombre important de victimes» 1 0

2023-10-07T12:35+0200lematin-CH (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,3 a secoué samedi matin l’ouest de l’ Afghanistan , suivi par quatre fortes répliques, a rapporté l’Institut de géophysique américain (USGS), sans que les conséquences du séisme ne soient encore évaluées. Son épicentre a été localisé à 40 kilomètres au nord-ouest....

SismaTerremoto di magnitudo 6.7 in Papua Nuova Guinea

2023-10-07T12:35+0200cdt (it)

Non solo Messico e Afghanistan . Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 ha colpito la regione orientale della Papua Nuova Guinea, ha dichiarato il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs). Le autorità non hanno segnalato vittime o danni materiali. Il terremoto ha avuto luogo a una profondità di 53....

La terra trema, serie di scosse di terremoto fino a 6.3 in Afghanistan: gente in strada ad Herat

2023-10-07T12:34+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

L’ Afghanistan occidentale , vicino ad Herat è stato sconvolto da una serie di scosse di terremoto ravvicinate molto forti che hanno toccato per due volte la magnitudo di 6.3. L’ istituto geosismico statunitense Usgs ha rilevato una prima oscillazione di 6.3, seguita da altre quattro di 5.5, 4.7, di nuovo 6.

La terra trema, serie di scosse di terremoto fino a 6.3 in Afghanistan: gente in strada ad Herat

2023-10-07T12:29+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) L’ Afghanistan occidentale, vicino ad Herat è stato sconvolto da una serie di scosse di terremoto ravvicinate molto forti che hanno toccato per due volte la magnitudo di 6.3. L’istituto geosismico statunitense Usgs ha rilevato una prima oscillazione di 6.3, seguita da altre quattro di 5.

Multiple Earthquakes Strike Afghanistan

2023-10-07T12:28+0200von (en)

Multiple earthquakes struck western Afghanistan , with the first and largest at a magnitude of 6.3, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. Report says the subsequent quakes had magnitudes including 5.5, 4.7, and 5.9, the latter being 35 km northwest of the city of Herat. There were no immediate reports of damage or injury.

World Multiple earthquakes strike western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T12:21+0200deccanherald (en)

The German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) earlier reported the initial earthquake at a magnitude of 6.2. Multiple earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, with the first and largest at a magnitude of 6.3, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. The subsequent quakes had magnitudes including 5.

Fedez, la lotta contro la malattia: “Chiara al mio fianco”

2023-10-07T12:20+0200tag24 (it)

Il noto rapper e cantante italiano, Federico Leonardo Lucia , meglio conosciuto come Fedez , ha condiviso per la prima volta la sua recente esperienza medica in un’intervista esclusiva al Corriere della Sera: il cantante è stato ricoverato dall’28 settembre presso l’ospedale Fatebenefratelli di....

Serie di terremoti di magnitudo 6.3 nel nord dell’Afghanistan

2023-10-07T12:19+0200interris (it)

L’ Afghanistan occidentale, vicino ad Herat è stato sconvolto da una serie di scosse di terremoto ravvicinate molto forti. La prima oscillazione di 6.3, seguita da altre quattro di 5.5, 4.7, di nuovo 6.3 e infine 5.9. Terremoto 6.3 nel nord dell’Afghanistan, L’istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.

ATP Shangai 2023: Sinner fatica nel primo set, poi abbatte Giron 7-6, 6-2

2023-10-07T12:16+0200tag24 (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social Samira Lui Grande Fratello. Nella casa del Grande Fratello stanno per nascere nuove simpatie. Dopo quella di Massimiliano Varrese per Heidi Baci, è spuntata quella di Samira Lui per Giuseppe Garibaldi. La ragazza, che si è dichiarata fidanzatissima, ha confidato di....

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-07T12:06+0200wam-en (en)

Sat 07-10-2023 14:02 PM Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan KABUL, 7th October, 2023 (WAM) -- A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan this morning, with no reports of casualties or damage so far. The US Geological Survey Centre said the epicentre was 40 kilometres....

Terremoto oggi M 2.6 a Piacenza/ Ingv ultime notizie, forti scosse in Afghanistan e Messico

2023-10-07T12:05+0200ilsussidiario (it)

Il bilancio delle scosse di terremoto avvenute oggi in Italia vede diversi episodi sismici di entità rilevante. Uno di magnitudo 2.6 sulla scala Richter, secondo i dati che arrivano dall’Istituto nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia ( INGV ), è stato registrato nella notte, alle ore 03:37, nei....

Roma, grande manifestazione Cgil “Insieme per la costituzione”

2023-10-07T12:03+0200tag24 (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social Violento terremoto in Afghanistan . Come riportato dal Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti, la parte occidentale del Paese è stata colpita da una scossa di magnitudo magnitudo 6.2. L’epicentro è stato calcolato a circa 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat.

Moderate mag. 4.9 earthquake - Northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 09:40 GMT

2023-10-07T12:02+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 646 km / 401 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Moderate mag. 4.8 earthquake - 32 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan, on Saturday, Oct 7, 2023 at 1:57 pm (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-07T12:02+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 640 km / 398 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake kills at least one in west Afghanistan

2023-10-07T12:00+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday causing one death and dozens of injuries, officials said, predicting the toll could rise amid reports of landslides and building collapses. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles)....

6.3-magnitude earthquake hits western Afghanistan: USGS

2023-10-07T12:00+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, followed by four large aftershocks with epicentres close to the region's largest city. The USGS said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, and was....

Afghanistan, terremoto di magnitudo 6.2: l’epicentro vicino alla città di Herat

2023-10-07T11:59+0200tag24 (it)

Segui Tag24 anche sui social Esordio positivo per l’Italia ai Mondiali di Beach Volley in corso in Messico. La nazionale italiana, rappresentata da cinque coppie in totale, ha raccolto tre vittorie perdendo soltanto in un caso. Beach Volley, i risultati delle coppie azzurre nella prima giornata del....

5.1-magnitude quake hits Nepal

2023-10-07T11:49+0200uniindia (en)

Kathmandu, Oct 7 (UNI) An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted Nepal at 0600 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 29.57 degrees north latitude and 81.27 degrees east longitude. UNI/XINUA AKS.

Trema la terra: registrato terremoto di magnitudo 6.2

2023-10-07T11:49+0200calabria7 (it)

Una scossa di terremoto si è verificata in Afghanistan . Il sisma nella mattinata di oggi, sabato 7 ottobre alle ore 7 e 12 minuti. La magnitudo è di 6.2 della scala Richter. A registrarlo è stato l‘istituto geosismico americano (Usgs), che ha comunicato le rilevazioni attraverso i suoi canali ufficiali.

‘Walls cracked, collapsed’: Major Afghanistan quake, then 5 aftershocks. Videos

2023-10-07T11:44+0200HindustanTimes (en)

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan causing one death and dozens of injuries, officials said. The death toll could rise amid reports of landslides and building collapses, they added as the United States Geological Survey said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the region's largest city of Herat.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes Afghanistan

2023-10-07T11:39+0200bdnews24 (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ earlier reported a separate earthquake of magnitude 6.2 in the region, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 a secoué l'ouest de l'Afghanistan samedi matin. Moyen-Orient Tremblement de terre dans l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-07T11:32+0200journaldequebec (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 a secoué l'ouest de l' Afghanistan samedi matin, a rapporté l'Institut de géophysique américain (USGS). Son épicentre a été localisé à 40 kilomètres au nord-ouest de la localité d'Hérat et le séisme a été suivi d'une réplique d'une magnitude de 5,5.

6.2-magnitude quake hits Afghan

2023-10-07T11:31+0200uniindia (en)

Kabul, Oct 7 (UNI) An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0641 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.77 degrees north latitude and 62.03 degrees east longitude.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 a secoué l'ouest de l'Afghanistan samedi matin. Moyen-Orient Tremblement de terre dans l'ouest de l'Afghanistan

2023-10-07T11:29+0200journaldemontreal (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 a secoué l'ouest de l' Afghanistan samedi matin, a rapporté l'Institut de géophysique américain (USGS). Son épicentre a été localisé à 40 kilomètres au nord-ouest de la localité d'Hérat et le séisme a été suivi d'une réplique d'une magnitude de 5,5.

6.1 magnitude earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-07T11:25+0200kenyastar (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 7 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolted Afghanistan on Saturday. According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the earthquake occurred at 12:11:02 pm today at a depth of 21 Km. The quake struck at latitude of 34.78 and Longitude of 61.81 at a depth of 21 Km in Afghanistan, the NCS said in a tweet.

Multiple earthquakes strike western Afghanistan - USGS

2023-10-07T11:24+02004-traders (en)

Oct 7 (Reuters) - Multiple earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, with the first and largest at a magnitude of 6.3, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. The subsequent quakes had magnitudes including 5.5, 4.7 and 5.9, the latter being 35 km (20 miles) northwest of the city of Herat.

Afghanistan, terremoto di 6.2 nel Nord-Ovest del Paese

2023-10-07T11:18+0200repubblica (it)

a cura della redazione Esteri L’epicentro del sisma è a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, la più grande della regione. Per ora non sono stati segnalati danni a persone o cose. Un di magnitudo 6,2 ha colpito l' Afghanistan nordoccidentale alle 08:41 di questa mattina. Lo ha dichiarato il Centro di ricerca tedesco per le geoscienze.

(TAP) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ...

2023-10-07T11:08+0200ATAP-en (en)

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ (TAP) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ earlier reported a separate earthquake of magnitude 6.2 in the region, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.

Temblor en Colombia: se percibió un sismo de magnitud 3.0 en Antioquia

2023-10-07T11:04+0200infobae (es)

La intensidad de tipo 6 implica un "daño leve" , en este rango algunas personas pueden llegar a perder el equilibrio; algunos objetos llegan a caerse y muchas edificaciones presentan daños leves. El nivel 7 se presenta cuando hay un "daño moderado" , es decir, los muebles pesados llegan a....

Terremoto Afghanistan, scossa di magnitudo 6.2 a Rab??-e Sang?-ye P?’?n, tutti i dettagli

2023-10-07T11:00+02003bmeteo (it)

Scossa di terremoto. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.2, si è verificata alle ore 11:25 (ore 08:55 in Italia) con epicentro nei pressi di Rab??-e Sang?-ye P?’?n, Afghanistan . La profondità stimata è stata di circa 10 Km . Potete monitorare tutte le scosse in Italia e le principali nel mondo....

Terremoto Afghanistan, scossa di magnitudo 6.2 a Zindah J?n, tutti i dettagli

2023-10-07T11:00+02003bmeteo (it)

Scossa di terremoto. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.2, si è verificata alle ore 11:58 (ore 09:28 in Italia) con epicentro nei pressi di Zindah J?n, Afghanistan . La profondità stimata è stata di circa 10.6 Km . Potete monitorare tutte le scosse in Italia e le principali nel mondo nella nostra....

SismaTerremoto di magnitudo 6.0 nel sud del Messico

2023-10-07T10:59+0200cdt (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.0 ha colpito lo stato di Oaxaca, nel sud del Messico, con epicentro nella cittadina di Matias Romero, secondo quanto afferma l'istituto sismologico messicano. Non si ha ancora notizia di vittime o di danni gravi. La scossa è stata avvertita anche nella capitale Città del....

6.1-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T10:57+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0712 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.62 degrees north latitude and 62.04 degrees east longitude.

Afghanistan: un séisme de magnitude 6,2 sécoue l’ouest du pays

2023-10-07T10:57+0200beninwebtv (fr)

L’ouest de l’ Afghanistan a été frappé par un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,2 ce samedi matin, provoquant des secousses ressenties dans la région. L’épicentre de cette secousse tellurique a été localisé près de la ville d’Hérat, suivi d’une réplique de magnitude 5,5. Les autorités locales sont en alerte et surveillent la situation.

Moderate mag. 4.6 earthquake - 44 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan, on Saturday, Oct 7, 2023 at 12:36 pm (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-07T10:56+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 651 km / 405 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

6.2 earthquake jolts western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T10:55+0200humnews-pk (en)

KABUL: A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, with the epicentre close to the region’s largest city. The USGS said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, and was followed by an aftershock with a magnitude of 5.

Moroccan Doctor Roams Mountains To Treat Earthquake Victims

2023-10-07T10:54+0200haberler-en (en)

Zouhair Lahna, known as the "Doctor of the Poor," has been roaming mountainous areas of Morocco to provide medical help to victims of a Sept. 8 earthquake. Lahna targets patients in remote villages with no means of reaching hospitals in the city. This is not Lahna's first volunteer experience.

6.1-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T10:53+0200english-news-cn (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0712 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.62 degrees north latitude and 62.04 degrees east longitude.

Trema la terra a 40 km da Herat: terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 | GAURDA

2023-10-07T10:45+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) Trema forte la terra in Afghanistan . Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 ha colpito la parte occidentale del Paese questa mattina. A diffondere la notizia è stato il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti, L'epicentro è stato individuato vicino a Herat , la più grande città della regione.

Terremoto 6.2 nell'ovest dell'Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T10:45+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 7 ottobre 2023) L'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un Terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell ovest dell Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord - est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l'Usgs, che ha avuto l'...

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-07T10:44+0200financialexpress (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. (File photo) An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ earlier reported a separate earthquake of magnitude 6.

Fortissima scosse di terremoto in Messico e Afghanistan: la situazione

2023-10-07T10:41+0200virgilio-notizie (it)

Una forte scossa di terremoto si è verificata in Messico , nello stato di Oaxaca. I sismografi hanno registrato un evento sismico di magnitudo 6.0 alle 7.06 di sabato 7 ottobre ora italiana, le 23 ora locale. L’epicentro è stato individuato nella cittadina di Matias Romero , nel Sud dello stato, a una profondità di 107 chilometri.

"Nous avons trop attendu" : ces nouvelles lois pour tenter de démoder la fast fashion

2023-10-07T10:41+0200moustique (fr)

C'est un tsunami de législations ”, a réagi la Confédération européenne de l’industrie de l’habillement (Euratex) au micro de Reuters. Dix ans après la catastrophe du Rana Plaza, cette usine de textile qui s’est effondrée au Bangladesh, coûtant la vie à plus de 1.

Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Jolts Western Afghanistan: USGS

2023-10-07T10:39+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/magnitude-6-3-earthquake-jolts-western-afghanistan-usgs-6c97fe49.

UPDATE 1-Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ

2023-10-07T10:36+0200devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ earlier reported a separate earthquake of magnitude 6.2 in the region, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

6.2 magnitude earthquake jolts large city in western Afghanistan; epicentre near city of Herat

2023-10-07T10:33+0200straitstimesSG (en)

KABUL – A 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said, with the epicentre close to the region’s largest city. The USGS said the epicentre was 40km north-west of the city of Herat, and was followed by an aftershock with a 5.5 magnitude on the Richter scale.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ

2023-10-07T10:32+0200whbl (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

5.6 Earthquake Strikes Northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-07T10:20+0200timesnownews (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. Afghanistan: An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.

Terremoto 6.2 nell'ovest dell'Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T10:19+0200virgilio (it)

L'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell'ovest dell' Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord - est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l'Usgs, che ha....

Terremoto 6.2 nell’ovest dell’Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T10:19+0200globodiroma (it)

L’istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell’ovest dell’ Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l’Usgs, che ha avuto l’epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.5. Non si hanno ancora notizie dal posto.

6.1 magnitude earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-07T10:17+0200dtnext (en)

KABUL: An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolted Afghanistan on Saturday. According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the earthquake occurred at 12:11:02 pm today at a depth of 21 Km. The quake struck at latitude of 34.78 and Longitude of 61.81 at a depth of 21 Km in Afghanistan, the NCS said in a tweet.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-07T10:16+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, with the epicentre close to the region's largest city.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ rev... 55m ago

2023-10-07T10:12+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

Terremoto 6.2 nell'ovest dell'Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T10:12+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 07 OTT - L'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell'ovest dell' Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l'Usgs, che ha avuto l'epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.

Terremoto 6.2 nell'ovest dell'Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T10:12+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 07 OTT - L'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell'ovest dell' Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l'Usgs, che ha avuto l'epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.

Very strong mag. 6.0 earthquake - 34 km north of Herat, Afghanistan, on Saturday, Oct 7, 2023 at 12:10 pm (GMT +4:30) - information

2023-10-07T10:11+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 636 km / 395 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Afghanistan: Earthquake of Magnitude 6.1 on Richter Scale Hits Fayzabad

2023-10-07T10:10+0200latestly (en)

Agency News ⚡ Afghanistan : Earthquake of Magnitude 6.1 on Richter Scale Hits Fayzabad. By ANI No reports of casualties have surfaced yet. Further details awaited. Earlier, on Tuesday, an earthquake of magnitude 4.7 on the Richter Scale hit Afghanistan's Fayzabad, the NCS said.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-07T10:09+0200radio-pk (en)

An earthquake of 6.2 magnitude struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday. According to German Research Center for Geosciences, the earthquake was at a depth of ten kilometers.

Terremoto 6.2 nell'ovest dell'Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T10:08+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 07 OTT - L'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell'ovest dell' Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l'Usgs, che ha avuto l'epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.

La conservación de la democracia

2023-10-07T10:08+0200yucatan (es)

Cuando una democracia muere, uno o varios son los actores encargados de su asesinato. No hay que buscar mucho. Son harto visibles. Ellos son los culpables de esa muerte. Mas hay también otros participantes, y son quienes, frente a la acción de aquél o aquéllos, muestran desinterés, indolencia, y dejan que los otros actúen hasta aniquilarla.

Terremoto 6.2 nell'ovest dell'Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T10:06+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 07 OTT - L'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell'ovest dell' Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l'Usgs, che ha avuto l'epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.

Terremoto 6.2 nell'ovest dell'Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T10:06+0200ladige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 07 OTT - L'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell'ovest dell' Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l'Usgs, che ha avuto l'epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.

Terremoto 6.2 nell'ovest dell'Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T10:05+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 07 OTT - L'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell'ovest dell' Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l'Usgs, che ha avuto l'epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.

Terremoto 6.2 nell'ovest dell'Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T10:04+0200giornaletrentino (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 07 OTT - L'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell'ovest dell' Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l'Usgs, che ha avuto l'epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.

GNN Videos35 minutes ago LIVE | Mayor Karachi Murtaza Wahab Media Talk | GNN

2023-10-07T10:03+0200gnnhd (en)

Kabul: The western part of Afghanistan was shaken by the earthquake whose magnitude 6.2 was recorded on the Richter scale. According to US Geological Survey, the epicenter of the earthquake was 40 kilometers northwest of the city of Herat, and 10 kilometers below the surface of the earth. The epicenter was in Herat province.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake jolts western Afghanistan: USGS

2023-10-07T10:02+0200arynews (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, with the epicentre close to the region’s largest city. The USGS said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, and was followed by an aftershock with a magnitude of 5.

Afghanistan-earthquake 2ndlead

2023-10-07T10:01+0200nampa (en)

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake jolts western Afghanistan : USGS Herat, Afghanistan, Oct 7, 2023 (AFP) - A magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, with the epicentre close to the region's largest city.

Terremoto 6.2 nell'ovest dell'Afghanistan, a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T10:00+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 07 OTT - L'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs) ha segnalato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.2 nell'ovest dell' Afghanistan , a 55 km a nord-est di Zindah Jan. La scossa principale, scrive l'Usgs, che ha avuto l'epicentro a 40 chilometri dalla città di Herat, è stata seguita da una seconda di magnitudo 5.

6.1-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T09:59+0200urdupoint (en)

HONG KONG, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Oct, 2023) An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 jolted northwestern at 0712 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.62 degrees north latitude and 62.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake jolts western Afghanistan: USGS

2023-10-07T09:58+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, with the epicentre close to the region’s largest city. The USGS said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, and was followed by an aftershock with a magnitude of 5.

6.1-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T09:58+0200wn (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-07T09:57+0200brecorder (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ Reuters |Updated 20 minutes ago |1 min read (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.

2023-10-07T09:57+0200thechronicleherald (en)

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ. (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.

BREAKING News: 3 Massive Earthquakes Jolt Afghanistan In 30 Minutes

2023-10-07T09:56+0200india (en)

BREAKING News: Massive Earthquake Of 6.2 Magnitude Jolts Afghanistan BREAKING News: Massive Earthquake Of 6.2 Magnitude Jolts Afghanistan Breaking News: Massive Fire Breaks Out At Goregaon Building in Mumbai, 30 People Rescued. New Delhi: Massive Earthquake Of 6.2 Magnitude Jolts Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 a 40 km da Herat

2023-10-07T09:56+0200rainews (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,2 ha colpito l' Afghanistan occidentale questa mattina. Diffonde la notizia il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti, con l'epicentro vicino a Herat, la più grande città della regione. Per la precisione a 40 chilometri (25 miglia) a nord-ovest di Herat, ed è stato seguito....

5.6 magnitude earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-07T09:54+0200deccanherald (en)

GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ rev... 33m ago

2023-10-07T09:52+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake jolts Afghanistan

2023-10-07T09:51+0200khaleejtimes (en)

The United States Geological Survey said it was followed by an aftershock with a magnitude of 5.5 on the Richter scale A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, with the epicentre close to the region's largest city.

Earthquake in Afghanistan: Quake of Magnitude 6.1 on Richter Scale Hits Northwestern Part of Country

2023-10-07T09:50+0200latestly (en)

Earthquake struck the western part of Afghanistan on Saturday at around 12:11 pm, the National Centre for Seismology said. Earthquake struck the western part of Afghanistan on Saturday at around 12:11 pm, the National Centre for Seismology said. A 6.1 magnitude earthquake was reported at 12:11 pm.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake jolts western Afghanistan; followed by aftershock

2023-10-07T09:49+0200HindustanTimes (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, with the epicentre close to the region's largest city. An AFP journalist in the city said residents and shopkeepers fled buildings when the quake hit around 11:00 am (local time).

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake strikes near Herat, Herat District, Afghanistan

2023-10-07T09:49+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 occurred in the morning on Saturday, October 7th, 2023, at 11:12 am local time near Herat, Herat District, Afghanistan , as reported by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ). According to preliminary data, the quake was located at a shallow depth of 10 km.

Very strong mag. 6.1 earthquake - 34 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan, on Saturday, Oct 7, 2023 at 11:42 am (GMT +4:30) - information

2023-10-07T09:49+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake strikes near Herat, Herat District, Afghanistan . An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 occurred in the morning on Saturday, October 7th, 2023, at 11:12 am local time near Herat, Herat District, Afghanistan, as reported by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ).

Moderate mag. 4.8 earthquake - 17 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan, on Saturday, Oct 7, 2023 at 11:40 am (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-07T09:49+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 653 km / 406 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-07T09:48+0200nna-en (en)

NNA - An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. The earthquake was at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.21 miles), it added.

World News | 6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Afghanistan

2023-10-07T09:47+0200latestly (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 7 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolted Afghanistan on Saturday. According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the earthquake occurred at 12:11:02 pm today at a depth of 21 Km. Also Read | Global Job Scam: Ongoing Job Fraud To Cause USD 100 Million in....

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ 30m ago

2023-10-07T09:47+0200wkzo (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

Terremoto in Afghanistan: scossa di magnitudo 6.2, l’epicentro a 40 chilometri da Herat

2023-10-07T09:44+0200fanpage (it)

Una scossa di terremoto si è verificata in Afghanistan . Il sisma nella mattinata di oggi, sabato 7 ottobre. La magnitudo è di 6.2. A registrarlo è stato l'istituto geosismico americano (Usgs), che ha comunicato le rilevazioni attraverso i suoi canali ufficiali.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake jolts western Afghanistan: USGS

2023-10-07T09:43+0200thesundaily (en)

HERAT : A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, with the epicentre close to the region's largest city. The USGS said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, and was followed by an aftershock with a magnitude of 5.

6.1-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T09:40+0200china.org.cn (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0712 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.62 degrees north latitude and 62.04 degrees east longitude.

Sismo en Colombia este 7 de octubre: magnitud y epicentro del último temblor

2023-10-07T09:36+0200infobae (es)

La intensidad de tipo 6 implica un "daño leve" , en este rango algunas personas pueden llegar a perder el equilibrio; algunos objetos llegan a caerse y muchas edificaciones presentan daños leves. El nivel 7 se presenta cuando hay un "daño moderado" , es decir, los muebles pesados llegan a....

6.1 magnitude earthquake hits Afghanistan

2023-10-07T09:34+0200aninews (en)

ANI | Updated: Oct 07, 2023 13:02 IST. Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 7 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 jolted on Saturday. According to the ), the earthquake occurred at 12:11:02 pm today at a depth of 21 Km. The quake struck at latitude of 34.78 and Longitude of 61.81 at a depth of 21 Km in , the said in a tweet.

Report: Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-07T09:33+0200malaymail (en)

GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). — Reuters pic. KABUL, Oct 7 — An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan today, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.

6.1-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T09:32+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. HONG KONG, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0712 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.62 degrees north latitude and 62.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake jolts western Afghanistan: USGS

2023-10-07T09:31+0200dawn (en)

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, with the epicentre close to the region’s largest city. The USGS said the epicentre was 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of the city of Herat, and was followed by an aftershock with a magnitude of 5.

6.2-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T09:30+0200english-news-cn (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0641 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.77 degrees north latitude and 62.03 degrees east longitude.

Fondi / Interessanti scoperte archeologiche durante gli scavi nell’antico sito di Pianara

2023-10-07T09:30+0200zazoom-it (it)

Non è una cura miracolosa. Ma è scienza - quella ad altissimi livelli. Una delle recenti scoperte più interessanti nella lotta ai tumori viene da uno studio che ha usato la luce laser - riuscendo però a farla andare molto più in profondità nei tessuti.

6.2-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T09:28+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0641 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.77 degrees north latitude and 62.03 degrees east longitude.

Significant magnitude 6.2 earthquake 40 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan

2023-10-07T09:26+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

The United States Geological Survey reported a magnitude 6.2 quake in Afghanistan near Herat, Herat District, only 19 minutes ago. The earthquake hit in the morning on Saturday, October 7th, 2023, at 10:41 am local time at a shallow depth of 10 km. The exact magnitude, epicenter, and depth of the....

Strong mag. 5.6 earthquake - Northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, Oct 7, 2023 at 11:19 am (GMT +4:30)

2023-10-07T09:26+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 649 km / 403 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Very strong mag. 6.2 earthquake - 43 km northwest of Herat, Afghanistan, on Saturday, Oct 7, 2023 at 11:11 am (GMT +4:30) - information

2023-10-07T09:26+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 643 km / 399 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Magnitude 6.2 Earthquake Jolts Western Afghanistan: USGS

2023-10-07T09:25+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/magnitude-6-2-earthquake-jolts-western-afghanistan-usgs-dc1d4565. A magnitude 6.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a .

2023-10-07T09:23+0200saltwire (en)

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ. (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.

6.2-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T09:22+0200urdupoint (en)

HONG KONG, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Oct, 2023) An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted northwestern at 0641 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.77 degrees north latitude and 62.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ

2023-10-07T09:20+02004-traders (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).


2023-10-07T09:20+0200nampa (en)

URGENT Magnitude 6.2 earthquake jolts western Afghanistan : USGS Herat, Afghanistan, Oct 7, 2023 (AFP) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit western Afghanistan on Saturday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, with the epicentre close to the region's largest city.

6.2-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T09:17+0200wn (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0641 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German....

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ

2023-10-07T09:16+0200devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. GFZ revised the magnitude down from an initial reading of 6.2 for the quake, which it said was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

6.2-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T09:15+0200china.org.cn (en)

HONG KONG, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0641 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.77 degrees north latitude and 62.03 degrees east longitude.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 hits western Afghanistan

2023-10-07T09:15+0200indiatoday (en)

A 6.1 magnitude earthquake hits western Afghanistan . Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 hits Afghanistan. This is a developing story. It will be updated.

Forte terremoto nel Nord/Ovest dell’Afghanistan | DATI e MAPPE

2023-10-07T09:13+0200meteoweb (it)

Un forte terremoto ha scosso il Nord/Ovest dell’ Afghanistan . L’INGV riporta un sisma magnitudo Mwp 6.2 alle 08:41 (11:41 ora locale) ad una profondità di 18 km. Non si hanno al momento notizie di danni a persone o cose.

Magnitude-6.1 earthquake strikes Afghanistan: EMSC

2023-10-07T09:04+0200cgtn (en)

A magnitude-6.1 earthquake struck Afghanistan on Saturday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said.

6.2 magnitude earthquake hits northwestern Afghanistan

2023-10-07T09:03+0200independent-UK (en)

Thank you for registering. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged in Please refresh your browser to be logged in. An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences said. The earthquake was at a depth of 10 km (6.

6.2-magnitude quake hits northwestern Afghanistan -- GFZ

2023-10-07T09:01+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. HONG KONG, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 jolted northwestern Afghanistan at 0641 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 34.77 degrees north latitude and 62.

Papamoa residents may have to cross SH2 on foot in event of tsunami

2023-10-07T09:01+0200tvnz (en)

Bay of Plenty Civil Defence has released new and simplified tsunami evacuation maps, but for Papamoa residents, there may be a catch to finding safety. If an offshore earthquake triggered a tsunami, 100,000 people across the Bay of Plenty would need to evacuate, but which areas might be hit — and how hard — were unclear in the old evacuation maps.

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes northwestern Afghanistan - GFZ

2023-10-07T08:56+0200devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 struck northwestern Afghanistan on Saturday, the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) said. The earthquake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), it added. Also Read: Pakistani raid on a militant hideout near Afghanistan leaves 3 militants dead, the....

La ciudad de Mina La Escondida. siente temblor de magnitud 4.1

2023-10-07T08:24+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del temblor, según el CNS, fueron a -25.391 grados de latitud y -68.447 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un terremoto, checa....

Sommes-nous entrés dans une ère de déconsommation ?

2023-10-07T08:15+0200lefigaro (fr)

L’Insee démontrait le mois dernier que près d'un ménage sur deux (47%) déclarait, en juin, avoir changé ses habitudes de consommation alimentaire depuis un an du fait de l'inflation. Un tsunami de déconsommation ». L’expression a été lâchée, à la fin du mois d’août, par le patron de Carrefour Alexandre Bompard sur le plateau de Franceinfo .

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.8 en Taltal

2023-10-07T08:08+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también detalló que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -25.508 grados de latitud y -70.745 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de ....

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.8 en San Pedro

2023-10-07T07:50+0200infobae (es)

La información hasta ahora obtenida del CNS señala que el temblor empezó a las 02:21 horas (hora local) de este sábado 7 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de fuentes....

Sismo hoy: se registró un temblor en el municipio de Mutatá en Antioquia

2023-10-07T07:38+0200infobae (es)

La intensidad de tipo 6 implica un "daño leve" , en este rango algunas personas pueden llegar a perder el equilibrio; algunos objetos llegan a caerse y muchas edificaciones presentan daños leves. El nivel 7 se presenta cuando hay un "daño moderado" , es decir, los muebles pesados llegan a....

Sismo de 6.0 de magnitud con epicentro en Matías Romero

2023-10-07T07:38+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. Te puede interesar: Se registra sismo de 4.

Higos ecológicos y aceite “de Dios”, el triunfo del emprendimiento femenino

2023-10-07T07:24+0200diariodelaltoaragon (es)

De una pequeña explotación de higos ecológicos en un pueblecito de Cáceres al oro líquido de Cataluña embotellado bajo la marca Priordei (Primero de Dios), en la tierra del Parque Natural de la Sierra de Montsant, en la comarca tarraconense del Priorat.

Como una ola

2023-10-07T07:13+0200eluniverso (es)

Hace poco, hablando sobre los cambios de actitud que adoptamos como respuesta a las distintas circunstancias que vivimos, me dijeron: “Somos como agua de mar o de río, nos podemos alejar un tiempo, pero siempre volveremos a nuestro cauce”, y no pude estar más de acuerdo.

Light mag. 4.0 earthquake - 85km W of Rohtak, Haryana, India, on 2023-10-07 10:24:13 IST

2023-10-07T07:12+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Kabul, Afghanistan (KBL/IU network) | Distance from quake: 903 km / 561 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Peor el pico que la amnistía

2023-10-07T06:17+0200lagacetadesalamanca (es)

Lo del pico de Rubiales fue gravísimo. Pero lo de la amnistía resulta que es una herramienta para la convivencia. Millones de españoles estarían dispuestos a tomar las calles en solidaridad con Jenni, pero lo de mañana es distinto: se manifestarán muchísimos, pero serán millones los que cambiarán de....

‘This was a charming village - we need to get these families out’ A new-build estate has been hit with a “tsunami” of anti-social behaviour – with yobs wielding catapults and riding quad bikes on paths.

2023-10-07T06:03+0200kentonline (en)

Ransley Field is a new build estate in High Halden, between Ashford and Tenterden. Neighbours say they are too scared to let their children play outside alone due to the worrying behaviour blighting the 43-home estate, off the A28. Police have also been called to reports of youths riding quad bikes on pavements and across gardens.

Gas: l'Arera lancia un salvagente all'ex Ilva di Taranto

2023-10-07T05:03+0200quotidianodipuglia (it)

di Taranto , che lo scorso 30 settembre ha terminato la proroga per la fornitura del gas da parte di Snam attraverso il servizio di default trasporto. La delibera. L’ Arera, in una delibera di carattere generale del 3 ottobre, ha previsto “che per i clienti finali direttamente allacciati alla rete....

Tapachula registra temblor de 4.1 de magnitud

2023-10-07T04:19+0200infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 74 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas, con una profundidad de 25.2 km y fue percibido por los habitantes de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred)....

Río Grande registra temblor de magnitud 4.1

2023-10-07T04:19+0200infobae (es)

El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 52 km al sur de dicha ciudad del estado de Oaxaca, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias....

Me alegro por ti

2023-10-07T03:05+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

Publicamos algo y esperamos los likes y comentarios para sentirnos el centro del universo durante un rato; hace sentir que nuestra vida tiene sentido, que no lo tiene. Llegamos acá sin saber por qué y solo nos queda jalar a diario hasta que llegue la muerte.

Antigua to Observe International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction with Week of Activities

2023-10-07T02:39+0200antiguanews (en)

Several activities will be held next week in observance of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction on October 13 to be held under the theme “Fighting inequality for a resilient future”. According to information from the National Office of Disaster Services (NODS), the activities begin Sunday....

Paz Padilla rompe su silencio y replica al exdirector de 'Sálvame' tras sus duras acusaciones

2023-10-07T00:46+0200lasprovincias (es)

El tsunami que provocó el final de 'Sálvame' tras 14 años en antena, sigue dejando «cadaveres» a su paso. Y es que la polémica levantada tras las declaraciones del exdirector del programa, David Valldeperas , no ha dejado indiferente a nadie. El periodista concedió una entrevista en 'Querido Hater'....

Les dégâts sont aussi psychologiques

2023-10-07T00:39+0200lexpressiondz (fr)

Insomnies à l'heure où la vague a frappé, repli sur soi, énurésies... Le fardeau psychologique est lourd à porter pour les rescapés des inondations dans l'est de la Libye, dont des milliers restent sans nouvelles de leurs proches. La nuit du 10 septembre, la tempête Daniel a frappé l'est du pays et notamment Derna, une ville de 100.

Agujero de la capa de ozono alcanza registros históricos y creció tres veces el tamaño de Brasil

2023-10-07T00:37+0200eluniversal (es)

Las mediciones del satélite Copernicus Sentinel-5P revelaron que el agujero de la capa de ozono sobre la Antártida este 2023, es uno de los más grandes nunca antes registrados. El agujero, que los científicos llaman una “zona de agotación de la capa de ozono”, alcanzó un tamaño de 26 millones de kilómetros cuadrados el 16 de septiembre de 2023.

«Con el mal tiempo de Suecia no quedaba otra que montar una banda»

2023-10-07T00:32+0200elcomercio-es (es)

The Baboon Show es una banda de Estocolmo, Suecia, especializada en ofrecer hiperenergéticos conciertos por todo el mundo. Sorprendieron en el pasado Tsunami Xixón y esta noche vuelven, a la Sala Acapulco (21 horas), para presentar 'God bless you all', su nuevo disco. -¿Más ...

Agujero de la capa de ozono alcanza máximos históricos, supera tres veces el tamaño de Brasil

2023-10-07T00:21+0200globovision (es)

Las mediciones del satélite Copernicus Sentinel-5P revelaron que el agujero de la capa de ozono sobre la Antártida este 2023, es uno de los más grandes jamás registrados. El agujero, que los científicos llaman una “zona de agotamiento de la capa de ozono“ , alcanzó un tamaño de 26 millones de kilómetros cuadrados el 16 de septiembre de 2023.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 2.9 en la ciudad de Illapel

2023-10-07T00:11+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del temblorse registraron a -71.413 grados de longitud y -31.608 grados de latitud, de acuerdo con datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Fukushima sake brewer warms shattered fishing community

2023-10-06T23:45+0200japantoday (en)

Daisuke Suzuki is helping by doing what he does best as life tentatively returns to normal for the devastated fishing communities of Japan's Fukushima region: making sake. The toji sake master and his family were lucky to escape with their lives when a huge earthquake and tsunami devastated the area....

Chile: temblor de magnitud 3.1 en Putre

2023-10-06T23:39+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 25.0 kilómetros al Noroeste de la localidad, en -17.989 grados de latitud y -69.65 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 134.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo....

L'éditorial de Issa GORAIEB Le prix tout juste

2023-10-06T23:04+0200lorientlejour (fr)

Jamais en vérité bombe à retardement n’aura mieux mérité son nom que cette énorme masse de migrants syriens venue se greffer, au fil des ans, sur l’organisme libanais. Car non seulement les effets pervers de ce phénomène ont immanquablement fini, à la longue, par apparaître au sein de la population,....

Chile: temblor de magnitud 3.2 en Putre

2023-10-06T22:30+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del temblorse registraron a -69.208 grados de longitud y -18.458 grados de latitud, de acuerdo con datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Sentinelese India

2023-10-06T22:07+0200survivalinternational (en)

Most of what is known about the Sentinelese has been gathered by viewing them from boats moored more than an arrows distance from the shore and a few brief periods where the Sentinelese allowed the authorities to get close enough to hand over some coconuts. Even what they call themselves is unknown.

Evidencia científica avala el vertido al mar de aguas de Fukushima

2023-10-06T21:38+0200diariodia (es)

MADRID, 6 Oct. (EUROPA PRESS) – Una investigación por científicos de las universidades de Portsmouth, Curtin y ANU defiende que es seguro verter al mar agua contaminada del accidente nuclear de Fukushima. Los expertos evaluaron cualquier efecto potencial basándose en la evidencia científica de....

Les FH Kids Clubs aident les enfants à s’épanouir après la catastrophe en Indonésie – Indonesia

2023-10-06T21:07+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Les FH Kids Clubs jouent un rôle crucial dans la reconstruction des vies des enfants touchés par la catastrophe en Indonésie. Après le violent séisme et le tsunami dévastateurs qui ont frappé le pays en 2018, ces clubs ont offert un espace sûr et réconfortant aux enfants traumatisés, leur permettant....

La receta empresaria frente al tsunami del dólar: cuidar la caja

2023-10-06T21:06+0200clarin (es)

“Pero este árbol nos tapa . Un vistazo a lo que está sucediendo nos hace prever un dólar oficial que duplique el actual en diciembre en medio de una demanda que comenzó a caerse a pedazos”, señalaron desde una automotriz . Una CEO que lidera en servicios soltó que este dólar revela el desorden económico y la alta imprudencia fiscal del gobierno.

Los Pumas: la elección de Cheika frente a Japón, ¿coherencia o harakiri?

2023-10-06T20:44+0200lagaceta (es)

La expresión "morir con las botas puestas" admite más de una interpretación: una lectura positiva haría referencia a la valentía de quien muere en el cumplimiento de su deber; por el contrario, la metáfora también podría graficar la necedad de alguien que prefiere aferrarse a su postura antes que....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.5 de magnitud

2023-10-06T19:55+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del sismose registraron a -67.256 grados de longitud y -19.532 grados de latitud, según datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un temblor, checa tu....

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.5 en Cuya

2023-10-06T19:55+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del temblorse registraron a -69.943 grados de longitud y -19.007 grados de latitud, según datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de Tras un sismo, revisa....

Rodolfo Sancho y Silvia Bronchalo: el detalle que confirma su mala relación

2023-10-06T19:47+0200abc-Andalucia (es)

Tras comprobar el impacto de la noticia e intentando que no le arrastrara el tsunami mediático, Rodolfo Sancho contrató a Balfagón&Chippirrás para que se encargaran de ejercer como portavoces. En un principio, Silvia Bronchalo también estaba representada por Carmen y Ramón a nivel mediático.

'Io non rischio', il 14 e il 15 ottobre in 74 piazze della Toscana. Oltre 900 volontari

2023-10-06T18:48+0200arezzonotizie-it (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Regione Toscana partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

Evidencia científica avala el vertido al mar de aguas de Fukushima

2023-10-06T18:43+0200cope (es)

Una investigación publicada en Science por científicos de las universidades de Portsmouth, Curtin y ANU defiende que es seguro verter al mar agua contaminada del accidente nuclear de Fukushima. Los expertos evaluaron cualquier efecto potencial basándose en la evidencia científica de emisiones....

L'impatto dell'Ia su impresa e difesa. Tajani e Cingolani a ComoLake

2023-10-06T18:42+0200247libero (it)

L’ascesa dell’Intelligenza artificiale è il tema di fondo della prima edizione di ComoLake, la conferenza sull’innovazione – subito ribattezzata la “Cernobbio digitale” – in corso sulla riva lariana. Giovedì la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni ha aperto i lavori parlando dell’Ia come di uno....

One year on, Creeslough to remember the 10

2023-10-06T18:40+0200donegallive (en)

At 3:17pm on October 7 last year, an explosion ripped through the Applegreen complex. Ten people, including three children, were killed . Rescue workers and volunteers worked through the night. A rescue operation became one of recovery as a grim reality took hold.

'Io non rischio', il 14 e il 15 ottobre in 74 piazze della Toscana. Oltre 900 volontari

2023-10-06T18:26+0200gonews (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Regione Toscana partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.5 en Alto del Carmen

2023-10-06T18:08+0200infobae (es)

La información hasta ahora obtenida del CNS señala que el temblor inició a las 12:24 horas (hora local) de este viernes 6 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes....

Children with ADHD in Cork and Kerry waiting 'more than two years' for assessment

2023-10-06T18:03+0200irishexaminer (en)

Up to 120 children with ADHD in Cork and Kerry have been waiting “more than two years” for assessment, as this month sees a new hub open in an effort to tackle these delays. Pressures on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Camhs), which treats ADHD as well as children in crisis with severe mental illness are contributing to the delays.

L’impatto dell’Ia su impresa e difesa. Tajani e Cingolani a ComoLake

2023-10-06T17:59+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 6 ottobre 2023) L’ascesa dell’Intelligenza artificiale è il tema di fondo della prima edizione di ComoLake , la conferenza sull’innovazione – subito ribattezzata la “Cernobbio digitale” – in corso sulla riva lariana. Giovedì la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni ha aperto i lavori....

L’impatto dell’Ia su impresa e difesa. Tajani e Cingolani a ComoLake

2023-10-06T17:36+0200formiche (it)

L’ascesa dell’Intelligenza artificiale è il tema di fondo della prima edizione di ComoLake, la conferenza sull’innovazione – subito ribattezzata la “Cernobbio digitale” – in corso sulla riva lariana. Giovedì la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni ha aperto i lavori parlando dell’Ia come di uno....

Evidencia científica avala el vertido al mar de aguas de Fukushima

2023-10-06T17:33+0200infobae (es)

Una investigación publicada en Science por científicos de las universidades de Portsmouth, Curtin y ANU defiende que es seguro verter al mar agua contaminada del accidente nuclear de Fukushima. Los expertos evaluaron cualquier efecto potencial basándose en la evidencia científica de emisiones....

¿Por qué Joe Biden endurece sus políticas frente a la migración ilegal?

2023-10-06T17:29+0200el-nacional (es)

La crisis que se vive en la frontera sur de Estados Unidos y su impacto en el ambiente político del país están provocando un endurecimiento de la administración de Joe Biden frente al tema migratorio. Eso es, al menos, lo que se desprende de sus dos anuncios de esta semana, orientados a reforzar los....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.5 con epicentro en Mina Collahuasi

2023-10-06T17:27+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentrose registraron a -68.971 grados de longitud y -21.217 grados de latitud, de acuerdo con datos del CNS. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Evidencia científica avala el vertido al mar de aguas de Fukushima

2023-10-06T17:22+0200notimerica (es)

por científicos de las universidades de Portsmouth, Curtin y ANU defiende que es seguro verter al mar agua contaminada del accidente nuclear de Fukushima. Los expertos evaluaron cualquier efecto potencial basándose en la evidencia científica de emisiones pasadas de radiactividad y cálculos de dosis....

'Io non rischio', il 14 e il 15 ottobre in 74 piazze della Toscana.Oltre 900 volontari

2023-10-06T17:20+0200toscana-notizie (it)

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre anche la Regione Toscana partecipa alle giornate nazionali della campagna “Io non rischio – Buone pratiche di protezione civile”. Per scoprire come ciascuno di noi può contribuire a ridurre rischi come terremoto, alluvione, maremoto, rischio vulcanico e incendi....

Evidencia científica avala el vertido al mar de aguas de Fukushima

2023-10-06T17:19+0200europapress (es)

por científicos de las universidades de Portsmouth, Curtin y ANU defiende que es seguro verter al mar agua contaminada del accidente nuclear de Fukushima. Los expertos evaluaron cualquier efecto potencial basándose en la evidencia científica de emisiones pasadas de radiactividad y cálculos de dosis....

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid orders third airlift of aid to Libya

2023-10-06T16:27+0200thenational (en)

, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, on Friday ordered 90 tonnes of aid be flown to flood-hit Libya. It is the third consignment of relief aid in the past three weeks to be sent from Dubai’s International Humanitarian City to Benghazi, Libya, as part of continuing efforts to support people affected by Storm Daniel.

Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.0 en la ciudad de Pozo Almonte

2023-10-06T16:09+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrofue a 41.0 kilómetros al Norte de la ciudad, con coordenadas -69.83 grados de longitud y -19.893 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información....

La fête de l’ascension au théâtre

2023-10-06T16:07+0200LePoint (fr)

Toujours plus haut. Le metteur en scène Jérémie Le Louët, 46 ans, a rejoint le club des accros à ce texte envoûtant juste avant le confinement. « La découverte de ce roman a été pour moi un choc. Ce livre m'est apparu d'une contemporanéité folle. Comme tous les grands classiques, il m'a semblé....

¿Está Biden endureciendo sus políticas frente a la migración ilegal?

2023-10-06T15:33+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

En otras palabras, pese a que diga lo contrario, es claro que la decisión de erigir barreras está asociada al flujo migratorio que se viene registrando. Tanto que el expresidente Trump se la cobró a Biden exigiendo excusas por oponerse a la construcción del muro. El anuncio en el caso de los venezolanos es muy similar.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.1 de magnitud

2023-10-06T15:10+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también detalló que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -21.647 grados de latitud y -68.405 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de ....

Chile: temblor de magnitud 2.5 en Mina Collahuasi

2023-10-06T15:10+0200infobae (es)

La información actualizada del CNS señala que el sismo empezó a las 09:34 horas (hora local) de este viernes 6 de octubre. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de Tras un temblor, checa....

Sismo de 6.6 grados en El Salvador

2023-10-06T15:08+0200noticiasambientales (es)

Un sismo de magnitud preliminar 6,6 sacudió a El Salvador según un reporte del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 27 kilómetros al sur-sureste de La Libertad y tuvo una profundidad de 65 kilómetros, según el reporte del USGS.

Moderate mag. 4.7 earthquake - 44km SE of Fayzabad, Afghanistan, on 2023-10-06 18:09:06 IST

2023-10-06T14:54+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Simiganj, Tajikistan (SIMI/II network) | Distance from quake: 264 km / 164 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Tg Mondo Hi-Tech, edizione del 6 ottobre 2023 DIGITALE, MELONI: AFFRONTARE TSUNAMI TECNOLOGICO PER NON ESSERNE TRAVOLTI La presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha aperto i lavori di ComoLake 2023, una tre giorni, dal 5 al 7 ottobre, dedicata all’innovazione.

2023-10-06T14:14+0200informazione (it)

DIGITALE, MELONI: AFFRONTARE TSUNAMI TECNOLOGICO PER NON ESSERNE TRAVOLTI La presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni , ha aperto i lavori di ComoLake 2023, una tre giorni, dal 5 al 7 ottobre, dedicata all’innovazione. Il primo ministro in un videomessaggio ha sottolineato che bisogna sfruttare “lo....

What purpose do silent letters serve? Shashi Tharoor weighs in

2023-10-06T14:09+0200khaleejtimes (en)

In my recent column on the absurdities of English spelling, I mentioned silent letters in passing, merely noting that the letter “l” is silent in English words like “could” and “should”, but pronounced clearly in “mould”. But there’s a lot more to the phenomenon, since it’s estimated that about 60 per cent of English words contain a silent letter.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en Ollagüe

2023-10-06T13:23+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también precisó que las coordenadas del epicentro del sismo se registraron a -21.818 grados de latitud y -68.606 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de ....

Fede D'Elía contó cómo fue que casi termina sepultado por un maremoto Federico D’Elía recordó cómo fue el día que por poco casi termina sepultado por un maremoto en Los Simuladores.

2023-10-06T12:58+0200mdzol (es)

Cuando falta cada vez menos para la vuelta de Los Simuladores , esta vez en el cine, Federico D’Elía hizo memoria y recordó algunas situaciones insólitas de las grabaciones, por ejemplo, cuando por poco casi termina sepultado por un maremoto. “Alejandro Fiore y Diego Peretti estaban grabando abajo del agua y de golpe vimos atrás una tromba marina.

«Pese a los cambios de la IA, seguiremos necesitando la emoción del directo»

2023-10-06T12:06+0200eldia (es)

El director territorial de Educación del Gobierno de Canarias , Adrián Delgado, abrió el miércoles el curso académico del Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Tenerife tras un brillante acto en el que, como no, predominó la música en directo. El centro acogerá este curso algo más de 900 alumnos y....

Japan's Izu Islands Hit By 6.3-Quake Prompting Tsunami Warnings

2023-10-06T12:03+0200natureworldnews (en)

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency , a tsunami warning was issued in the adjacent sea of the Torishima Island due to the powerful earthquake as experts had predicted that 1-meter waves would reach the area. Tsunami alerts. The agency said that although there may be slight sea-level changes....

Nuevo temblor en Colombia: el epicentro del sismo fue en el Tolima

2023-10-06T12:00+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

Es importante recordar que la alta actividad sísmica en el país se debe a que Colombia está ubicada en una zona donde diversas placas tectónicas convergen, experimenta sismos en gran parte de su territorio debido a esta interacción geológica. Temblor de 2.7 en la madrugada del 6 de octubre. A las 01:57 a.

6.0 magnitude earthquake hits Southeast of Honshu, Japan

2023-10-06T11:12+0200wn (en)

Tokyo: An earthquake of magnitude 6.0 on the Richter scale struck Southeast of Honshu in Japan on Friday, the National Centre for Seismology (NCS) reported. Japan reportedly issued a Tsunami advisory after a strong earthquake near Pacific islands. Also Read Canada evacuates diplomats from Delhi....

Terremoto fortissimo: scatta l'allarme tsunami

2023-10-06T10:39+0200247libero (it)

Pubblicato il 6 Ottobre, 2023. Negli ultimi tempi la terra sta tremando in tutto il mondo e anche in Italia fenomeni del genere sono sempre più frequenti. Uno dei terremoti più devastanti degli ultimi tempi si è verificato ad inizio novembre in Marocco , dove il bilancio è stato tragico: oltre 800....

Chile: se registra temblor de magnitud 2.7 en Mina Collahuasi

2023-10-06T10:34+0200infobae (es)

La coordenadas del epicentro del sismo, según el CNS, fueron a -21.224 grados de latitud y -68.743 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier temblor sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Intervento Rizzo

2023-10-06T10:22+0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) – ven 06 ottobre 2023 *Ex Ilva. Rizzo (Usb): “No al ricorso in Amministrazione Straordinaria per Acciaierie d’Italia: senza garanzie per il lavoro, sarebbe un disastro sociale”* “No al ricorso in Amministrazione Straordinaria per Acciaierie d’Italia.

GNN Videos2 hours ago Cipher Case Updates | Breaking News | GNN

2023-10-06T10:14+0200gnnhd (en)

Tokyo: A powerful 6.6-magnitude earthquake rattled the vicinity of Japan's eastern island of Torishima earlier today, leading to the issuance of a tsunami warning by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The seismic event occurred at 11 a.m. local time, with the earthquake's epicenter situated 10 kilometers beneath the Earth's surface.

Miguel Ángel Linares: “Aunque la IA cambie el paradigma de la música, seguiremos necesitando la emoción del directo”

2023-10-06T10:09+0200diariodeavisos (es)

El director territorial de Educación del Gobierno de Canarias, Adrián Delgado, abrió este miércoles el curso académico del Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Tenerife , tras un acto en el que, cómo no, predominó la música en directo. El centro acogerá este curso a algo más de 900 alumnos y más....

World4 minutes ago 6.6 magnitude earthquake strikes Japan's Torishima Island

2023-10-06T09:55+0200gnnhd (en)

Tokyo: A powerful 6.6-magnitude earthquake rattled the vicinity of Japan's eastern island of Torishima earlier today, leading to the issuance of a tsunami warning by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The seismic event occurred at 11 a.m. local time, with the earthquake's epicenter situated 10 kilometers beneath the Earth's surface.

Strong earthquake strikes Japan, Tsunami alert issued

2023-10-06T09:42+0200nna-en (en)

NNA - A strong earthquake of 6.6 magnitude struck Japan on October 5 morning. The earthquake hit near Torishima around 11 am. A Tsunami warning for Izu islands has also been issued. The advisory asked people to stay away from coasts and rivers. The Japanese Meteorological Agency has recorded the earthquake at 6.

‘BRS, BJP can’t stand Cong tsunami in T’

2023-10-06T09:24+0200timesofindia (en)

Hyderabad: TPCC chief A Revanth Reddy on Thursday alleged that BRS and BJP were in cahoots with each other to defeat Congress in the coming elections. Speaking at Gandhi Bhavan, Revanth said: “CM K Chandrasekhar Rao praised PM (Narendra) Modi more than any CM in the country. He supported the PM during demonetisation also.

Organizaciones ecologistas piden a Repsol que asuma la responsabilidad por vertidos de petróleo en Perú

2023-10-06T09:24+0200noticiasambientales (es)

Organizaciones ecologistas exigen que Repsol “asuma su responsabilidad y compense a la población local” tras los daños causados por el derrame de casi mil toneladas de petróleo el pasado 15 de enero, frente a las costas de Perú. Los hechos sucedieron durante la descarga de un buque petrolero en la....

Giorgia Meloni: “Dobbiamo affrontare lo tsunami tecnologico per non esserne travolti”

2023-10-06T09:13+0200ripartelitalia (it)

“La trasformazione digitale è tra le sfide più complesse che siamo chiamati ad affrontare. L’internet delle cose, l’ intelligenza artificiale , gli algoritmi di autoapprendimento, la realtà immersiva del metaverso stanno trasformando il mondo che ci circonda e il nostro modo di relazionarci.

ComoLake 2023, il saluto di Giorgia Meloni a Cernobbio

2023-10-06T09:10+0200quicomo (it)

ComoLake2023 - Next Generation Innovations è la tre giorni dedicata interamente al mondo digitale che in svolgimento a Cernobbio sino a domani 7 ottobre. Ieri a Cernobbio, capitale del digitale per tre giorni , in apertura dei lavori dell'evento voluto da Alessio Butti, sottosegretario alla....

Viera no pasa más de 15 días en el banquillo con Pimienta

2023-10-06T09:06+0200laprovincia (es)

«Llevamos seis partidos, el día de la Real (Sociedad) me parece que salió en el 80’, el día del Girona en el 95’ y...el otro día –en referencia al Granada–, hay que reconocerlo, los cambios de Jony y de Munir hay que reconocerlo, son porque estamos con un jugador menos y necesitamos gente que trabaje en defensa (.

Terremoto in Giappone, scatta l’allarme tsunami

2023-10-06T08:56+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 6 ottobre 2023) Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 6 è stata registrata in Giappone alle 11 ora locale (le 4 in Italia) al largo dell’arcipelago delle isole Izu ed è stato diramato un avviso di possibile tsunami . Lo riporta SkyTg24. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica....

Jeanbrun : "On va avoir un tsunami qui va submerger notre écolé"

2023-10-06T08:55+0200rmc-bfmtv (fr)

⯑ Vincent Jeanbrun, maire LR de L'Haÿ-les-Roses, dans le Face A Face sur RMC : "On dit 'pas de vague' sur l'absence des profs, sur le harcèlement scolaire, sur le séparatisme à l'école... A force, on va avoir un tsunami qui va submerger notre écolé.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.7 de magnitud en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-10-06T08:24+0200infobae (es)

El CNS también informó que las coordenadas del epicentro del temblor se registraron a -21.78 grados de latitud y -68.665 grados de longitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de ....

World News | European Union Parliament Condemns 'gender Apartheid Policy' of Taliban in Afghanistan

2023-10-06T08:02+0200latestly (en)

Kabul [ Afghanistan ], October 6 (ANI): The European Union Parliament passed a resolution, criticising the severe violation of human rights in Afghanistan and the "gender apartheid policy of the Taliban", reported Khaama Press. The EU noted that since the Taliban took control over Afghanistan, there....

¿Quieres un trabajo a distancia? Mala suerte, llegas tarde

2023-10-06T07:33+0200businessinsider-es (es)

El mes pasado, la startup de datos Cribl publicó una oferta de empleo para un analista de recursos humanos. El puesto no tenía nada especialmente llamativo. Ofrecía un salario de entre 55.000 y 70.000 dólares (o entre 52.000 y 66.000 euros aproximadamente), requería de 2 a 4 años de experiencia e....

'Broken in two': Libya flood survivors grapple with mental health

2023-10-06T07:15+0200timesofindia (en)

TRIPOLI: Nearly a month after floods hit Derna in eastern Libya, survivors are struggling to overcome the psychological toll , with many grieving the loss -- or still without news -- of loved ones. Extreme rainfall from hurricane-strength Storm Daniel caused two upstream dams to burst on September....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 2.8 en Socaire

2023-10-06T07:10+0200infobae (es)

El epicentro del sismo se ubicó a 113.0 kilómetros al Sureste de la ciudad, en -24.237 grados de latitud y -67.031 grados de longitu y tuvo una profundidad de 218.0 kilómetros. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier....

Sismo de magnitud 3.1 con epicentro en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-10-06T07:10+0200infobae (es)

La ubicación exacta del epicentrose ubicó a 74.0 kilómetros al Sureste de la localidad, con coordenadas -67.566 grados de longitud y -24.187 de grados de latitud. Te puede interesar: Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cobquecura Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue....

6.1-magnitude earthquake strikes Japan's Izu islands after tsunami warning

2023-10-06T06:46+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck Japan's Izu islands on Oct. 6, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was reportedly at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), EMSC said. Japan had issued a tsunami advisory on Oct 9 after an earthquake struck Thursday near its outlying....

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