M 4.6 in Argentina on 18 Jun 2024 18:46 UTC

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Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

[beta] Media disaster_tweets analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Moderate mag. 4.4 earthquake - Chile-Argentina Border Region on Thursday, Jun 20, 2024, at 04:47 pm (Salta time)

2024-06-20T22:00+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Based on data from the past 14 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 953 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi): Mag. 6 or higher: 0.18 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 5.6 years) Mag. 5 or higher: 3.4 quakes per year; Mag.

Moderate mag. 4.1 earthquake - 13 km northwest of Ciudad de San Juan, Capital, San Juan, Argentina, on Thursday, Jun 20, 2024, at 11:03 am (GMT -3)

2024-06-20T16:17+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Ciudad de San Juan , a city with more than 450,000 inhabitants in Argentina , in 12.6 km (8 mi) distance southeast of the epicenter. People likely experienced very weak shaking there.

Plenaria Cgie/ Tajani alla plenaria: ben tornati a casa

2024-06-19T19:39+0200aise (it)

ROMA\ aise\ - “Ben tornati a casa”. Così il Vice Ministro del Consiglio e Ministro degli esteri Antonio Tajani , presidente del Cgie, ha aperto la seconda plenaria della consiliatura dl Consiglio generale degli italiani all’estero . Ribadito il cordoglio per la scomparsa di Michele Schiavone , di....

Moderate mag. 4.9 earthquake - 58 km north of Hualfin, Belen, Catamarca, Argentina, on Wednesday, Jun 19, 2024, at 10:57 am (Catamarca time)

2024-06-19T16:19+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Hualfin , a town with 2,300 inhabitants in Argentina , in 58 km (36 mi) distance south of the epicenter. People likely experienced very weak shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer to the epicenter and might have experienced stronger shaking.

Il mistero dell’aereo scomparso dieci anni fa è a una svolta? Il segnale sonoro che cambia tutto

2024-06-19T12:56+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Il mistero del volo MH370 della Malaysia Airlines scomparso dieci anni fa , potrebbe essere presto risolto. Alcuni ricercatori britannici hanno trovato un segnale sonoro , captato sul fondo dell ‘Oceano Indiano , che potrebbe condurli all’aereo. Gli idrofoni , ovvero i microfoni subacquei, avrebbero....

Sturdy earthquake shakes Ecuador’s Amazon area

2024-06-19T07:28+0200archyde (en)

A powerful earthquake of magnitude 4.38 on the open Richter scale occurred this Tuesday within the , positioned within the Amazon area of Ecuador. To date, no casualties or property harm have been reported. The report from the Geophysical Institute signifies that the earthquake occurred at 12:11 native time (17:11 GMT) at 2.

Light mag. 3.9 earthquake - Jujuy, Argentina, on Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024, at 06:46 pm (Universal Time time)

2024-06-18T21:08+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Based on data from the past 14 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 1,100 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi): Mag. 6 or higher: 0.29 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 3.5 years) Mag. 5 or higher: 3.8 quakes per year; Mag.

MH370 flight mystery could finally be solved by newly detected signal

2024-06-18T10:54+0200express (en)

The aircraft, which had 239 people on board, is believed to have run out of fuel and crashed into the Indian Ocean after it went off course from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 2014. Despite extensive searches of an area of over 46,000 square miles, no trace of the plane’s location has been found, other than 18 washed-up fragments.

Aereo sparito nel nulla con 239 persone, segnale sonoro potrebbe svelare l’enigma del volo MH370

2024-06-18T09:22+0200fanpage (it)

A oltre dieci anni dalla scomparsa nel nulla del volo MH370 della Malaysian Airlines con 239 persone a bordo, una nuova speranza per i familiari degli scomparsi arriva da un gruppo di ricercatori inglesi e indirettamente da un segnale sonoro captato sul fondo dell’Oceano Indiano.

FOTO/ Rogo nella notte nel salernitano: tre auto completamente distrutte

2024-06-18T08:44+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 18 giugno 2024) Tempo di lettura: < 1 minutoIncendio questa notte poco dopo le 3:00 a Filetta di San Cipriano Picentino (Sa). Ad allertare i Vigili del Fuoco gli abitanti di via Parlamento che hanno visto tre auto parcheggiate avvolte dalle fiamme.

The six-second signal that could solve the mystery of flight MH370

2024-06-17T21:28+0200telegraph (en)

What is known is that a 200-ton aircraft crashing at a speed of 200 metres a second releases the kinetic energy equivalent to a small earthquake. This would be large enough to be recorded by hydrophones thousands of miles away. There are two hydroacoustic stations able to detect such a signal.

More information

For a full list of available products related to this event, please refer to the GDACS Resources page.