M 5.8 in Indonesia on 12 Jun 2024 17:01 UTC

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Moderate mag. 4.9 earthquake - Indian Ocean, 138 km southwest of Nusa Barung Island, East Java, Indonesia, on Sunday, Jun 16, 2024, at 08:09 pm (GMT +7)


Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Dampit , a town with 23,000 inhabitants in Indonesia , in 153 km (95 mi) distance north of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. In the capital of , Jakarta, 757 km (470 mi) away from the epicenter, the earthquake could not be felt.

Moderate mag. 4.1 earthquake - 135 km south of Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia, on Sunday, Jun 16, 2024, at 01:20 pm (Universal Time time)


Mag. 6 or higher: 0.05 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 20.8 years) Mag. 5 or higher: 1.5 quakes per year; Mag. 4 or higher: 25.2 quakes per year; Mag. 3 or higher: 76 quakes per year (or 6.4 quakes per month) Mag. 2 or higher: 82 quakes per year (or 6.8 quakes per month) The area where this quake occurred has a high level of seismic activity .

Terremoto Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo stimata 5.0 a Naha, tutti i dettagli


Scossa di terremoto. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo stimata attorno a 5.0, si è verificata alle ore 01:00 (ore 13:49 in Italia) con epicentro nei pressi di Naha, Indonesia. La profondità stimata è stata di circa 15 Km . Potete monitorare tutte le scosse in Italia e le principali nel mondo....

Moderate mag. 4.8 earthquake - Indonesia on Sunday, Jun 16, 2024, at 11:49 am (Universal Time time)


Based on data from the past 14 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 218 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi): Mag. 7 or higher: 0.02 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 62.5 years) Mag. 6 or higher: 0.37 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 2.

Light mag. 3.9 earthquake - Flores Sea, 17 km northeast of Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, on Sunday, Jun 16, 2024, at 06:27 pm (Makassar time)


Seismic station: Kappang, Sulawesi, Indonesia (KAPI/II network) | Distance from quake: 373 km / 232 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Seismic-like event, possible earthquake, reported few minutes ago near Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia


We are receiving unverified early reports of ground shaking possibly caused by seismic activity in or near Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia on 16 Jun 2024 (GMT) at approximately 09:44 GMT. There are no details yet on the magnitude or depth of this possible quake.

Moderate mag. 4.0 earthquake - 237 km southeast of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on Sunday, Jun 16, 2024, at 07:35 am (Universal Time time)


Based on data from the past 54 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 36.1 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi): Mag. 6 or higher: 0.03 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 31.3 years) Mag. 5 or higher: 0.82 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 1.

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