M 4.5 in Taiwan on 17 May 2024 03:49 UTC

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[beta] Media disaster_tweets analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Terremoto a Napoli, Eav sospende servizio ferroviario

2024-05-20T22:59+0200zazoom-it (it)

Il più grande produttore di chip al mondo ha sospeso le attività dopo il violentissimo Terremoto che ha colpito Taiwan dove è stata registrata una scossa di magnitudo 7,4, la più forte degli ultimi 25 anni. La Tsmc ( Taiwan Semiconductor ... TERREMOTO - Sospesi i servizi ferroviari a Napoli per....

Trema la terra in Italia: scossa violenta, famiglie in strada per la paura

2024-05-20T20:44+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 20 maggio 2024) Una violenta scossa di terremoto che è stata sentita chiaramente dalla popolazione, quella che ha colpito l’area di Napoli proprio in questi minuti. Con tanti utenti che in rete hanno raccontato la paura vissuta di fronte al sisma, con gente scesa in strada a Pozzuoli per paura che potessero crollare gli edifici.

Earthquake Of Magnitude 4 Hits Ladakh

2024-05-20T19:07+0200menafn (en)

- Kashmir Observer) Leh/Jammu- A magnitude-4 earthquake struck the Union territory of Ladakh on Monday, officials said. They said there were no immediate reports of any casualty or damage. ADVERTISEMENT. According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the earthquake occurred at a depth of 10 kilometres in Leh at 5.

La bimba muore durante il parto, condannati medico e ostetrica

2024-05-20T17:18+0200zazoom-it (it)

Per l'incredibile errore ora il Tribunale civile di Catania ha condannato la clinica privata del capoluogo etneo al pagamento di oltre 21mila euro di risarcimento del danno alla donna.Continua a leggere; Per mesi e mesi dopo avere parto rito ha avuto dolori addominali, fino alla terribile scoperta: i medici avevano dimenticato una garza operatoria.

Lai Ching-te et Xiao Meiqin 520 : les moments forts de la cérémonie d’inauguration[Diffusion en direct]Politique Agence centrale de presse CNA |

2024-05-20T06:57+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Le président Lai Ching-te (au milieu) et le vice-président Hsiao Meiqin (au milieu à droite) ont prêté serment dans la matinée du 20. Eux et la présidente sortante Tsai Ing-wen (au milieu à gauche) se sont rendus sur la scène de célébration de l’investiture pour saluer et saluer le président sortant.

520 Discours inaugural 3 Axe principal exposé !Lai Ching-te exprimera sa bonne volonté et appellera les deux rives du détroit de Taiwan à rechercher la paix et la prospérité commune. Lai Ching-te prend ses fonctions de président |

2024-05-20T01:08+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Président élu et vice-président élu Lai Qingde , Xiao Meiqin prêtera serment demain matin, et le monde extérieur prête une attention particulière au discours d’inauguration du 520. Il est entendu que Lai Ching-te prononcera un discours inaugural sur le thème « Construire un Taiwan démocratique,....

Moderate mag. 4.2 earthquake - 41 km northeast of Tainan City, Taiwan, on Sunday, May 19, 2024, at 08:35 pm (Universal Time time)

2024-05-19T22:49+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Kaohsiung City , a city of 1.5 million people in Taiwan , in 72 km (45 mi) distance south of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer to the epicenter and might have experienced stronger shaking.

Les prix des mémoires Dram et Flash Nand grimpent plus vite que prévu

2024-05-17T17:31+0200vipress (fr)

TrendForce revoit à la hausse ses estimations concernant la montée des prix des mémoires Dram et Flash Nand pour le deuxième trimestre. Le séisme qui a eu lieu début avril à Taïwan n’y est pas étranger. Les dernières prévisions du cabinet d’analyse TrendForce concernant les mémoires indiquent que....

Come affrontare una catastrofe: nel Novarese maxi esercitazione del Centro di ricerca in Medicina dei disastri

2024-05-17T06:05+0200lastampa (it)

bellinzago. Un’auto ribaltata e un’altra distrutta alla rotonda della statale di Bellinzago Novarese, con 9 persone incastrate tra lamiere e abitacoli. Di fianco, una grande autocisterna carica d’olio: a bordo una ragazza ferita, bloccata nel lato passeggero e terrorizzata per la scossa di terremoto appena avvenuta.

A 3.8 magnitude earthquake has been reported in a surprising US state

2024-05-17T05:49+0200exbulletin (en)

A 3.8-magnitude earthquake struck Tennessee on Thursday (May 16), according to the US Geological Survey. It was reported that the natural disaster was centered in Ridgely in the western region of the state at a depth of 7.3 kilometers (about 4.5 miles).

Tremor in Ica: 5 tremors of magnitudes between 4 and 5 have been recorded

2024-05-17T02:31+0200breakinglatest (en)

The epicenter of the earthquakes was recorded in entrance of Paracas Bay – Credit: Composition Infobae Perú. Five earthquakes of magnitudes between 4 and 5 have been reported throughout the evening of Wednesday, May 15, and the early morning of May 16.

U.S. aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan leaves Japan after 9-year mission

2024-05-16T15:52+0200kyodonews (en)

The U.S. Navy's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan left the Yokosuka naval base near Tokyo on Thursday after completing a nearly nine-year tour of duty amid rising tensions over provocations by China and North Korea. It will be replaced by another Nimitz-class vessel, the George....

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