Overall Green alert Flood
in Italy

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 232
Articles about casualties: 64 (27.6%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day


Social media analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Articles after 30 Apr 2023

Alluvione: il centro medico depredato da tutti i macchinari

2023-05-29T10:29+0200politicamentecorretto (it)

Romagna: gli sciacalli non fermano la solidarietà Alluvione: il centro medico depredato da tutti i macchinari si riattrezza e riapre con esami gratis per gli alluvionati Da oggi fino a fine giugno al centro Astrea di Cerba Healthcare Italia di Faenza Nella settimana della tragica alluvione il....

start vaccines against infectious diseases

2023-05-28T10:47+0200breakinglatest (en)

It will still take days, at least a week to dry up and reclaim the water in the towns affected by the flood in Emilia Romagna. In addition to water, there is now the problem of disposing of the accumulated mud and the health emergency risk that the flood has brought with it.

Google Flood Hub arriva in Italia

2023-05-27T06:09+0200notizieinunclick (it)

Google Flood Hub è una piattaforma tecnologica di Google basata sull’intelligenza artificiale che permette di elaborare modelli previsionali relativi alle inondazioni fluviali consentendo di desumere dove si verificheranno e quando. Il sistema è capace di valutare le aree di tutto il mondo, con una....

Heavy rains turn streets into rivers on Spain's Mediterranean coast MADRID (Reuters) - Torrential rains on Thursday that followed a prolonged drought turned streets into rivers that swept away cars and nearly some pede... 48m ago

2023-05-26T12:40+0200whbl (en)

MADRID (Reuters) – Torrential rains on Thursday that followed a prolonged drought turned streets into rivers that swept away cars and nearly some pedestrians in towns along Spain’s Mediterranean coast. In Molina de Segura in the southeastern region of Murcia, social media footage showed a boy being....

Heavy rains turn streets into rivers on Spain's Mediterranean coast MADRID (Reuters) - Torrential rains on Thursday that followed a prolonged drought turned streets into rivers that swept away cars and nearly some pede... 22m ago

2023-05-26T12:16+0200wsau (en)

MADRID (Reuters) – Torrential rains on Thursday that followed a prolonged drought turned streets into rivers that swept away cars and nearly some pedestrians in towns along Spain’s Mediterranean coast. In Molina de Segura in the southeastern region of Murcia, social media footage showed a boy being....

Heavy rains turn streets into rivers on Spain's Mediterranean coast MADRID (Reuters) - Torrential rains on Thursday that followed a prolonged drought turned streets into rivers that swept away cars and nearly some pede... 16m ago

2023-05-26T12:05+0200kelo (en)

MADRID (Reuters) – Torrential rains on Thursday that followed a prolonged drought turned streets into rivers that swept away cars and nearly some pedestrians in towns along Spain’s Mediterranean coast. In Molina de Segura in the southeastern region of Murcia, social media footage showed a boy being....

Heavy rains turn streets into rivers on Spain's Mediterranean coast Reuters |Updated 8 minutes ago |2 min read MADRID (Reuters) - Torrential rains on Thursday that followed a prolonged drought turned streets into rivers that swept away cars and nearly some pedestrians in towns along Spain's Mediterranean coast.

2023-05-26T12:03+0200thechronicleherald (en)

MADRID (Reuters) - Torrential rains on Thursday that followed a prolonged drought turned streets into rivers that swept away cars and nearly some pedestrians in towns along Spain's Mediterranean coast. In Molina de Segura in the southeastern region of Murcia, social media footage showed a boy being....

Google ha un sito che prevede le alluvioni e può salvare vite. Ma in Italia è ancora acerbo

2023-05-26T11:22+0200corriere (it)

L'intelligenza artificiale non può aiutarci a evitare eventi catastrofici ma almeno può dare una mano a salvare vite . Ci crede in particolare Google che ora ha aperto anche all'Italia Flood Hub , la sua piattaforma dedicata alle alluvioni. Anche in Italia.

Fiume Tevere, non accadeva da anni: l’ultima conferma degli studiosi preoccupa

2023-05-26T10:50+0200nanopress (it)

Fiume Tevere, ciò che è successo preoccupa tutti, soprattutto gli studiosi. Una cosa del genere non si verificava da anni. Ecco cosa è accaduto. Il Fiume Tevere preoccupa gli studiosi – Nanopress.it. Uno dei fiumi più famosi e belli d’Italia, il Tevere , si ritrova ad essere il protagonista di un fenomeno che non si vedeva da anni .


2023-05-25T16:12+0200agrapress (it)

“mentre inevitabilmente l’attenzione si concentrava sulla tragedia alluvionale di romagna, in italia si e’ sfiorata l’emergenza idrogeologica in altre zone, evitata solo per casualita’, diverse condizioni geomorfologiche o grazie ad un territorio meno stressato: a dirlo e’ il report settimanale dell’osservatorio anbi sulle risorse idriche”.

Anbi: diverse Regioni italiane hanno sfiorato l'emergenza idrogeologica

2023-05-25T16:05+0200247libero (it)

Secondo il report settimanale dell’Osservatorio Anbi sulle Risorse Idriche, in Italia si è sfiorata l’emergenza idrogeologica in diverse aree della Penisola, evitata solo per casualità, a causa delle diverse condizioni geomorfologiche e grazie ad un territorio meno stressato.

Anbi: diverse Regioni italiane hanno sfiorato l’emergenza idrogeologica

2023-05-25T15:37+0200ladiscussione (it)

Secondo il report settimanale dell’Osservatorio Anbi sulle Risorse Idriche, in Italia si è sfiorata l’emergenza idrogeologica in diverse aree della Penisola, evitata solo per casualità, a causa delle diverse condizioni geomorfologiche e grazie ad un territorio meno stressato.

Flood Hub, il tool AI che prevede le alluvioni, deve espandersi in Italia

2023-05-25T14:06+0200giornalettismo (it)

Considerata la recente alluvione che ha coinvolto Emilia-Romagna e Marche , creando danni per miliardi di euro e causando la morte di 15 persone (bilancio ancora in corso di aggiornamento), risulta imperativo sfruttare tutti gli strumenti a nostra disposizione per prevedere fenomeni come questo.

Alluvione, ANBI: "Il futuro dell'Italia alla mercé dei cambiamenti climatici" Alluvione in Emilia-Romagna, ANBI: i gravi rischi idrologici corsi in altre zone del Paese Secondo il report settimanale dell’ Osservatorio ANBI sulle Risorse Idriche , con l'alluvione in E...

2023-05-25T13:36+0200affaritaliani (it)

Alluvione in Emilia-Romagna, ANBI: i gravi rischi idrologici corsi in altre zone del Paese. Secondo il report settimanale dell’ Osservatorio ANBI sulle Risorse Idriche , con l'alluvione in Emilia-Romagna si è sfiorata l’emergenza idrogeologica in altre zone, evitata solo per casualità, diverse....

L’Emilia Romagna è devastata ma si è sfiorata la tragedia anche in altre regioni. Per l’Anbi l’emergenza idrogeologica è una questione nazionale

2023-05-25T13:22+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 25 maggio 2023) L’Emilia Romagna è devastata ma si è sfiorata la tragedia in tutta l’Italia. Si può riassumere così l’ultimo report settimanale dell’Osservatorio Anbi sulle Risorse Idriche. Secondo il rapporto mentre l’attenzione si concentrava – giustamente – sulla tragedia alluvionale....

L’Emilia Romagna è devastata ma si è sfiorata la tragedia anche in altre regioni. Per l’Anbi l’emergenza idrogeologica è una questione nazionale

2023-05-25T12:36+0200lanotiziagiornale (it)

L’Emilia Romagna è devastata ma si è sfiorata la tragedia in tutta l’Italia. Si può riassumere così l’ultimo report settimanale dell’Osservatorio Anbi sulle Risorse Idriche. Secondo il rapporto mentre l’attenzione si concentrava – giustamente – sulla tragedia alluvionale in Emilia Romagna, in Italia....

Maltempo. In Emilia Romagna la tragedia, ma tante le zone ad alto rischio secondo ANBI

2023-05-25T12:12+0200agricultura (it)

ROMA – Mentre inevitabilmente l’attenzione si concentrava sulla tragedia alluvionale di Romagna, in Italia si è sfiorata l’emergenza idrogeologica in altre zone, evitata solo per casualità, diverse condizioni geomorfologiche o grazie ad un territorio meno stressato: a dirlo è il report settimanale dell’Osservatorio sulle Risorse Idriche.

Rischio alluvioni, non solo Emilia: ecco le altre regioni che hanno sfiorato l'emergenza

2023-05-25T10:52+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

Mentre inevitabilmente l'attenzione si concentrava sulla tragedia alluvionale di Romagna, in Italia si è sfiorata l'emergenza idrogeologica in altre zone, evitata solo per casualità, diverse condizioni geomorfologiche o grazie ad un territorio meno stressato: a dirlo è il report settimanale dell'Osservatorio Anbi sulle Risorse Idriche.

Anbi: Non solo alluvione in Romagna. Ecco le emergenze sfiorate in altre zone d’Italia

2023-05-25T10:42+0200agricolae (it)

Mentre inevitabilmente l’attenzione si concentrava sulla tragedia alluvionale di Romagna, in Italia si è sfiorata l’emergenza idrogeologica in altre zone, evitata solo per casualità, diverse condizioni geomorfologiche o grazie ad un territorio meno stressato: a dirlo è il report settimanale dell’ Osservatorio ANBI sulle Risorse Idriche.

Prevedere le alluvioni? Ci prova Google anche in Italia

2023-05-25T10:36+0200nanopress (it)

Prevedere le alluvioni con le previsioni di Google: le stesse, infatti, sono in grado di anticipare eventi di inondazione in ben 80 nazioni con un margine di preavviso di sette giorni. In Italia, il servizio copre specificamente alcune sezioni chiave dei fiumi più importanti, garantendo così una maggiore sicurezza.


2023-05-25T10:28+0200agenparl (it)


Non solo alluvione in Romagna, ecco le emergenze sfiorate in altre zone d’Italia

2023-05-25T10:18+0200meteoweb (it)

Mentre inevitabilmente l’attenzione si concentrava sulla tragedia alluvionale di Romagna , in Italia si è sfiorata l’ emergenza idrogeologica in altre zone, evitata solo per casualità, diverse condizioni geomorfologiche o grazie ad un territorio meno stressato “: a dirlo è il report settimanale....

Bad weather: infection risk: ‘Beware of contaminated water’ – Health

2023-05-24T20:15+0200breakinglatest (en)

The flood waters may be contaminated by wastewater from sewage systems or from chemicals and from agricultural or industrial waste with possible impacts on health . This was reported by the Municipality of Ravenna, quoting a document from the Ausl Romagna, on the potential dangers and rules of....

Come funziona Food Hub la piattaforma di previsione delle inondazioni fluviali

2023-05-24T16:34+0200infodata (it)

Anche l’Italia un nuovo strumento per proteggersi dalle inondazioni: si tratta di FloodHub (research.google) , la piattaforma di Google, basata sull’intelligenza artificiale, che visualizza le previsioni delle inondazioni fluviali, indicando quando e dove si verificheranno, in aree di tutto il....

ANBI, idrovore da tutta Italia per prosciugare il territorio in Emilia-Romagna Alluvione in Emilia-Romagna, ANBI: idrovore da tutte le zone di Italia per prosciugare il territorio Sono oltre un centinaio le pompe idrovore arrivate da tutta Italia insieme a mezzi operativi ...

2023-05-24T13:38+0200affaritaliani (it)

Alluvione in Emilia-Romagna, ANBI: idrovore da tutte le zone di Italia per prosciugare il territorio. Sono oltre un centinaio le pompe idrovore arrivate da tutta Italia insieme a mezzi operativi e personale, manovrate dai Consorzi di bonifica unitamente alla Protezione Civile per contribuire, sotto....

Come funziona Food Hub la piattaforma di previsione delle inondazioni fluviali

2023-05-24T13:36+0200scuola24 (it)

Anche l’Italia un nuovo strumento per proteggersi dalle inondazioni: si tratta di FloodHub (research.google) , la piattaforma di Google, basata sull’intelligenza artificiale, che visualizza le previsioni delle inondazioni fluviali, indicando quando e dove si verificheranno, in aree di tutto il....

La Regione riconosce l'eccezionale impegno dei Consorzi di bonifica

2023-05-24T12:16+0200247libero (it)

Sono oltre un centinaio le pompe idrovore, arrivate anche da altre zone d’Italia insieme a mezzi operativi e personale, manovrate dai Consorzi di bonifica unitamente alla Protezione Civile per contribuire, sotto il coordinamento degli enti preposti, al contenimento ed al prosciugamento della....

Connessioni - Gli investimenti in Italia per la salvaguardia del territorio e l'alluvione in Emilia Romagna

2023-05-24T12:04+0200247libero (it)

Visualizza la trascrizione automatica Nascondi la trascrizione automatica. Parte con connessioni spunti per una economia della conoscenza c'è in collegamento dal professor Fabio Pammolli economista Sender Comit gli investimenti investe New e direttore del comitato scientifico della Fondazione c'è....

La Regione riconosce l’eccezionale impegno dei Consorzi di bonifica

2023-05-24T11:57+0200reggio2000 (it)

Sono oltre un centinaio le pompe idrovore, arrivate anche da altre zone d’Italia insieme a mezzi operativi e personale, manovrate dai Consorzi di bonifica unitamente alla Protezione Civile per contribuire, sotto il coordinamento degli enti preposti, al contenimento ed al prosciugamento della....

La Regione riconosce l’eccezionale impegno dei Consorzi di bonifica

2023-05-24T11:54+0200sassuolo2000 (it)

Sono oltre un centinaio le pompe idrovore, arrivate anche da altre zone d’Italia insieme a mezzi operativi e personale, manovrate dai Consorzi di bonifica unitamente alla Protezione Civile per contribuire, sotto il coordinamento degli enti preposti, al contenimento ed al prosciugamento della....

audio 24 Mag Connessioni - Gli investimenti in Italia per la salvaguardia del territorio e l'alluvione in...

2023-05-24T11:30+0200radioradicale (it)

Visualizza la trascrizione automatica Nascondi la trascrizione automatica. Parte con connessioni spunti per una economia della conoscenza c'è in collegamento dal professor Fabio Pammolli economista Sender Comit gli investimenti investe New e direttore del comitato scientifico della Fondazione c'è....

Anbi: Idrovore dei Consorzi di bonifica di tutta Italia per prosciugare la Romagna

2023-05-24T11:28+0200agricolae (it)

Sono oltre un centinaio le pompe idrovore, arrivate anche da altre zone d’Italia insieme a mezzi operativi e personale, manovrate dai Consorzi di bonifica unitamente alla Protezione Civile per contribuire, sotto il coordinamento degli enti preposti, al contenimento ed al prosciugamento della....

Assicurazione eventi atmosferici auto: come funziona

2023-05-24T00:58+0200sicurauto (it)

Quasi quotidianamente i media ci mostrano immagini di disastri naturali avvenuti in numerose zone d’Italia a causa di alluvioni (come quello recentissimo in Emilia-Romagna ), smottamenti, inondazioni, straripamenti, valanghe e quant’altro. Sono eventi che causano danni ingentissimi non soltanto alle infrastrutture ma anche alle persone e alle cose.

MIL-OSI China: Italian PM tours flooded areas in north, promises support

2023-05-23T16:11+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: China State Council Information Office. Photo taken on May 19, 2023 shows a road damaged in a landslide in Bologna, Emilia-Romagna region, Italy . (Photo by Gianni Schicchi/Xinhua) Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has returned early from the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Hiroshima to....

Italian PM tours flooded areas in north, promises support

2023-05-23T15:06+0200china.org.cn (en)

Photo taken on May 19, 2023 shows a road damaged in a landslide in Bologna, Emilia-Romagna region, Italy . (Photo by Gianni Schicchi/Xinhua) Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has returned early from the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Hiroshima to visit Italy's flood-ravaged region of....

Allagamenti e alluvioni, gli alert di Google disponibili anche in Italia

2023-05-23T14:34+0200247libero (it)

Google ha deciso di ampliare a un totale di 80 Paesi del mondo l’operatività di Flood Hub, la sua piattaforma per il monitoraggio dei corsi d’acqua e degli allagamenti (in inglese, flood significa piena del fiume) che potrebbero provocare a causa di alluvioni o precipitazioni comunque intense.

Flood Hub: il servizio di Google che aiuta a prevenire le inondazioni è disponibile anche in Italia

2023-05-23T11:33+0200techprincess (it)

I disastri naturali, tra questi le inondazioni, aumentano di frequenza e intensità a causa del cambiamento climatico: una minaccia alla sicurezza e al sostentamento delle persone. Si stima che ogni anno le alluvioni colpiscano più di 250 milioni di persone in tutto il mondo, causando circa 10 miliardi di dollari di danni economici.

L’Emilia-Romagna è in ginocchio. Il Governo offre solo cento milioni

2023-05-23T11:02+0200lanotiziagiornale (it)

Dalla sospensione di mutui, tributi e bollette, agli ammortizzatori sociali per gli agricoltori. Sono queste le proposte su cui lavora la maggioranza in vista del Consiglio dei ministri che si terrà oggi e che dovrà dare una prima risposta all’ Oggi il Consiglio dei ministri varerà un primo....

Prevedere le alluvioni con l'IA, Flood Hub di Google c'è anche in Italia ma con una copertura limitata

2023-05-23T10:55+0200247libero (it)

23/05/2023 10:40 0 Google riesce a prevedere le alluvioni in 80 Paesi 7 giorni prima che si manifestino. L’Italia è coperta, ma solo in certi punti di alcuni fiumi importanti. Google sta espandendo la capacità di prevedere le alluvioni di Flood Hub ad altri 60 Paesi in Africa, nella regione....

Prevedere le alluvioni con l'IA, Flood Hub di Google c’è anche in Italia ma con una copertura limitata

2023-05-23T10:54+0200dday (it)

23/05/2023 10:40 0 Google riesce a prevedere le alluvioni in 80 Paesi 7 giorni prima che si manifestino. L’Italia è coperta, ma solo in certi punti di alcuni fiumi importanti. Google sta espandendo la capacità di prevedere le alluvioni di Flood Hub ad altri 60 Paesi in Africa, nella regione....

Allagamenti e alluvioni, gli alert di Google disponibili anche in Italia

2023-05-23T09:46+0200gazzettadimantova (it)

Google ha deciso di ampliare a un totale di 80 Paesi del mondo l’operatività di Flood Hub, la sua piattaforma per il monitoraggio dei corsi d’acqua e degli allagamenti (in inglese, flood significa piena del fiume) che potrebbero provocare a causa di alluvioni o precipitazioni comunque intense.

Allagamenti e alluvioni, gli alert di Google disponibili anche in Italia

2023-05-23T09:41+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Google ha deciso di ampliare a un totale di 80 Paesi del mondo l’operatività di Flood Hub, la sua piattaforma per il monitoraggio dei corsi d’acqua e degli allagamenti (in inglese, flood significa piena del fiume) che potrebbero provocare a causa di alluvioni o precipitazioni comunque intense.

Allagamenti e alluvioni, gli alert di Google disponibili anche in Italia

2023-05-23T09:40+0200corrierealpi (it)

Google ha deciso di ampliare a un totale di 80 Paesi del mondo l’operatività di Flood Hub, la sua piattaforma per il monitoraggio dei corsi d’acqua e degli allagamenti (in inglese, flood significa piena del fiume) che potrebbero provocare a causa di alluvioni o precipitazioni comunque intense.

Anche in Italia il sistema di Google per prevedere inondazioni

2023-05-23T09:35+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 23 MAG - Anche l'Italia ha da oggi un nuovo strumento per proteggersi dalle inondazioni: si tratta di Flood Hub, la piattaforma di Google, basata sull'intelligenza artificiale, che visualizza le previsioni delle inondazioni fluviali, indicando quando e dove si verificheranno, in aree....

AI L'IA di Google per le previsioni delle inondazioni

2023-05-23T08:16+0200punto-informatico (it)

L'Italia è tra i paesi che stanno per ricevere l'accesso al Flood Hub di Google, dove sono raccolte le previsioni dell'IA sulle inondazioni. Quanto accaduto nei giorni scorsi in Emilia-Romagna ha riportato in auge la discussione a proposito della gestione, soprattutto preventiva, di fenomeni come....

Allagamenti e alluvioni, gli alert di Google disponibili anche in Italia

2023-05-23T07:58+0200lasentinella (it)

Google ha deciso di ampliare a un totale di 80 Paesi del mondo l’operatività di Flood Hub, la sua piattaforma per il monitoraggio dei corsi d’acqua e degli allagamenti (in inglese, flood significa piena del fiume) che potrebbero provocare a causa di alluvioni o precipitazioni comunque intense.

Allagamenti e alluvioni, gli alert di Google disponibili anche in Italia

2023-05-23T07:51+0200nuovavenezia (it)

Google ha deciso di ampliare a un totale di 80 Paesi del mondo l’operatività di Flood Hub, la sua piattaforma per il monitoraggio dei corsi d’acqua e degli allagamenti (in inglese, flood significa piena del fiume) che potrebbero provocare a causa di alluvioni o precipitazioni comunque intense.

Allagamenti e alluvioni, gli alert di Google disponibili anche in Italia

2023-05-23T07:48+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Google ha deciso di ampliare a un totale di 80 Paesi del mondo l’operatività di Flood Hub, la sua piattaforma per il monitoraggio dei corsi d’acqua e degli allagamenti (in inglese, flood significa piena del fiume) che potrebbero provocare a causa di alluvioni o precipitazioni comunque intense.

Allagamenti e alluvioni, gli alert di Google disponibili anche in Italia

2023-05-23T07:47+0200ilpiccolo (it)

Google ha deciso di ampliare a un totale di 80 Paesi del mondo l’operatività di Flood Hub, la sua piattaforma per il monitoraggio dei corsi d’acqua e degli allagamenti (in inglese, flood significa piena del fiume) che potrebbero provocare a causa di alluvioni o precipitazioni comunque intense.

Allagamenti e alluvioni, gli alert di Google disponibili anche in Italia

2023-05-23T07:44+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

Google ha deciso di ampliare a un totale di 80 Paesi del mondo l’operatività di Flood Hub, la sua piattaforma per il monitoraggio dei corsi d’acqua e degli allagamenti (in inglese, flood significa piena del fiume) che potrebbero provocare a causa di alluvioni o precipitazioni comunque intense.

Allagamenti e alluvioni, gli alert di Google disponibili anche in Italia

2023-05-23T07:41+0200repubblica (it)

Google ha deciso di ampliare a un totale di 80 Paesi del mondo l’operatività di Flood Hub, la sua piattaforma per il monitoraggio dei corsi d’acqua e degli allagamenti (in inglese, flood significa piena del fiume) che potrebbero provocare a causa di alluvioni o precipitazioni comunque intense.

Italian PM tours flooded areas in north Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has returned early from the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Hiroshima to visit Italy's flood-ravaged region of Emilia-Romagna as details from what is being called the worst floods to hit Italy in a century began to be calculated, reported Xinhua.

2023-05-23T03:38+0200dailyfinland-fi (en)

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has returned early from the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Hiroshima to visit Italy 's flood-ravaged region of Emilia-Romagna as details from what is being called the worst floods to hit Italy in a century began to be calculated, reported Xinhua..

Italian PM tours flooded areas in north, promises support

2023-05-23T02:35+0200english-news-cn (en)

Photo taken on May 19, 2023 shows a road damaged in a landslide in Bologna, Emilia-Romagna region, Italy . (Photo by Gianni Schicchi/Xinhua) Coldiretti estimated that the damage to the agricultural sector alone was worth 1.5 billion euros (1.6 billion U.S. dollars).

Italian PM tours flooded areas in north, promises support

2023-05-23T00:52+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

Photo taken on May 19, 2023 shows a road damaged in a landslide in Bologna, Emilia-Romagna region, Italy . (Photo by Gianni Schicchi/Xinhua) Coldiretti estimated that the damage to the agricultural sector alone was worth 1.5 billion euros (1.6 billion U.S. dollars).

Italy asked for help, the Slovenian convoy is already on its way

2023-05-23T00:31+0200slovenia-postsen (en)

PK. 22 May 2023, 11.09. Updated: May 22, 2023, 11:21 a.m. More than 36,000 people have already had to leave their homes due to severe floods in the northeastern Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, the authorities announced. Rising waters swallowed even more houses, and new landslides isolated villages, according to the latest information from Italy .

Faenza, gara di solidarietà per aiutare il panificio artigianale 'O Fiore Mio

2023-05-22T23:58+0200repubblica (it)

Alle desolanti immagini della Romagna invasa da acqua e fango, si aggiunge la ferita inferta a uno dei migliori panifici artigianali d’Italia, il forno laboratorio ‘O Fiore Mio di Faenza, completamente sommerso dalle acque del fiume Lamone uscite dagli argini durante l’emergenza alluvione di metà....

22.05.2023 Italy - Floods claim lives and cause enormous damage to farms "We've lost a colleague, an acquaintance, a friend. The loss of life is the worst result of the catastrophe that struck Cesena and the regions of Emilia-Romagna and De Marche [in Italy] on May 16," Matteo Evangelisti, Biondi Giulio's manager, told FreshPlaza on Wednesday.

2023-05-22T20:12+0200agroinsurance-en (en)

"We've lost a colleague, an acquaintance, a friend. The loss of life is the worst result of the catastrophe that struck Cesena and the regions of Emilia-Romagna and De Marche [in Italy ] on May 16," Matteo Evangelisti, Biondi Giulio's manager, told FreshPlaza on Wednesday.

Anche in Italia il sistema di Google per prevedere inondazioni

2023-05-22T20:05+0200meteoweb (it)

Anche l’Italia ha da oggi un nuovo strumento per proteggersi dalle inondazioni: si tratta di Flood Hub , la piattaforma di Google, basata sull’intelligenza artificiale, che visualizza le previsioni delle inondazioni fluviali, indicando quando e dove si verificheranno, in aree di tutto il mondo, con....

22.05.2023 Italy - Floods claim lives and cause enormous damage to farms "We've lost a colleague, an acquaintance, a friend. The loss of life is the worst result of the catastrophe that struck Cesena and the regions of Emilia-Romagna and De Marche [in Italy] on May 16," Matteo Evangelisti, Biondi Giulio's manager, told FreshPlaza on Wednesday.

2023-05-22T19:55+0200agroinsurance (en)

"We've lost a colleague, an acquaintance, a friend. The loss of life is the worst result of the catastrophe that struck Cesena and the regions of Emilia-Romagna and De Marche [in Italy ] on May 16," Matteo Evangelisti, Biondi Giulio's manager, told FreshPlaza on Wednesday.

Fruit harvest faces ruin after floods hit Italy’s Emilia-Romagna

2023-05-22T15:02+0200financialpost (en)

Article content. “We are on our knees,” Sergio Tardani, a representative for Coldiretti in the region, told Reuters. He estimated that the damage would total some 1.5 billion euros ($1.65 billion). A Coldiretti spokesperson said the floodwater could rot the roots of almost 15 million fruit trees, killing them.

Saline di Cervia sommerse per l’alluvione in Emilia: “tornate a comprare il nostro sale, aiutateci”

2023-05-22T13:08+0200meteoweb (it)

La riserva naturale Salina di Cervia è un’area naturale protetta situata nel comune di Cervia, in provincia di Ravenna ed è la più piccola e più a nord salina d’Italia. E’ stata definita riserva naturale di popolamento animale con un Decreto ministeriale del 1979 , l’importanza storica di Cervia è....

Faenza, gara di solidarietà per aiutare il panificio artigianale 'O Fiore Mio

2023-05-22T10:38+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Alle desolanti immagini della Romagna invasa da acqua e fango, si aggiunge la ferita inferta a uno dei migliori panifici artigianali d’Italia, il forno laboratorio ‘O Fiore Mio di Faenza, completamente sommerso dalle acque del fiume Lamone uscite dagli argini durante l’emergenza alluvione di metà....

Faenza, gara di solidarietà per aiutare il panificio artigianale 'O Fiore Mio

2023-05-22T10:27+0200gazzettadimantova (it)

Alle desolanti immagini della Romagna invasa da acqua e fango, si aggiunge la ferita inferta a uno dei migliori panifici artigianali d’Italia, il forno laboratorio ‘O Fiore Mio di Faenza, completamente sommerso dalle acque del fiume Lamone uscite dagli argini durante l’emergenza alluvione di metà....

Faenza, gara di solidarietà per aiutare il panificio artigianale 'O Fiore Mio

2023-05-22T10:26+0200corrierealpi (it)

Alle desolanti immagini della Romagna invasa da acqua e fango, si aggiunge la ferita inferta a uno dei migliori panifici artigianali d’Italia, il forno laboratorio ‘O Fiore Mio di Faenza, completamente sommerso dalle acque del fiume Lamone uscite dagli argini durante l’emergenza alluvione di metà....

Faenza, gara di solidarietà per aiutare il panificio artigianale 'O Fiore Mio

2023-05-22T10:14+0200lasentinella (it)

Alle desolanti immagini della Romagna invasa da acqua e fango, si aggiunge la ferita inferta a uno dei migliori panifici artigianali d’Italia, il forno laboratorio ‘O Fiore Mio di Faenza, completamente sommerso dalle acque del fiume Lamone uscite dagli argini durante l’emergenza alluvione di metà....

Faenza, gara di solidarietà per aiutare il panificio artigianale 'O Fiore Mio

2023-05-22T10:12+0200ilpiccolo (it)

Alle desolanti immagini della Romagna invasa da acqua e fango, si aggiunge la ferita inferta a uno dei migliori panifici artigianali d’Italia, il forno laboratorio ‘O Fiore Mio di Faenza, completamente sommerso dalle acque del fiume Lamone uscite dagli argini durante l’emergenza alluvione di metà....

Faenza, gara di solidarietà per aiutare il panificio artigianale 'O Fiore Mio

2023-05-22T10:11+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

Alle desolanti immagini della Romagna invasa da acqua e fango, si aggiunge la ferita inferta a uno dei migliori panifici artigianali d’Italia, il forno laboratorio ‘O Fiore Mio di Faenza, completamente sommerso dalle acque del fiume Lamone uscite dagli argini durante l’emergenza alluvione di metà....

Flood, huge damage to crops and 50,000 places at risk

2023-05-22T10:09+0200breakinglatest (en)

Flood, extensive damage to crops and 50,000 jobs at risk. (Teleborsa) – On her return from the G7 in Hiroshima, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni visited the places plagued by bad weather in Emilia-Romagna taking to the streets among the people and ensuring that “the government is there” .

Faenza, gara di solidarietà per aiutare il panificio artigianale 'O Fiore Mio

2023-05-22T10:08+0200nuovavenezia (it)

Alle desolanti immagini della Romagna invasa da acqua e fango, si aggiunge la ferita inferta a uno dei migliori panifici artigianali d’Italia, il forno laboratorio ‘O Fiore Mio di Faenza, completamente sommerso dalle acque del fiume Lamone uscite dagli argini durante l’emergenza alluvione di metà....

Faenza, gara di solidarietà per aiutare il panificio artigianale 'O Fiore Mio

2023-05-22T10:05+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Alle desolanti immagini della Romagna invasa da acqua e fango, si aggiunge la ferita inferta a uno dei migliori panifici artigianali d’Italia, il forno laboratorio ‘O Fiore Mio di Faenza, completamente sommerso dalle acque del fiume Lamone uscite dagli argini durante l’emergenza alluvione di metà....

Altre alluvioni: dopo 3 anni di siccità estrema la Somalia sommersa dalle esondazioni dei fiumi

2023-05-22T09:17+0200greenreport (it)

L’Africa australe ancora in piena emergenza umanitaria dopo i cicloni e le tempeste di gennaio - marzo Altre alluvioni: dopo 3 anni di siccità estrema la Somalia sommersa dalle esondazioni dei fiumi. La situazione avrebbe potuto essere peggio senza gli interbenti preventivi finanziati da Fao, Italia, Gran Bretagna e Banca mondiale.

Italy begins cleanup after catastrophic floods

2023-05-22T07:19+0200euractiv-en (en)

Standing outside her home under moody skies in Ronta, a hamlet in the Forlì-Cesena area of Emilia-Romagna, Ivana Casadei considers herself one of the lucky ones. “The water only came as far as our garden,” said the 61-year-old. “But my neighbours’ home was destroyed, so they are now staying with us....

Italy's deadly floods latest example of climate change's extremes

2023-05-22T07:16+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

ROME, Italy (AP) — The floods that sent rivers of mud tearing through towns in Italy's north-east are another drenching dose of climate change's all-or-nothing weather extremes, something that has been happening around the globe, scientists say. The coastal region of Emilia-Romagna was struck twice,....

“A fifth less in all of Italy”

2023-05-22T06:25+0200breakinglatest (en)

Less fruit on the counter throughout Italy , resulting in higher prices for pears, apples, plums and kiwis, among others. Among the consequences of the flood that hit Emilia-Romagna there are also the repercussions for the country’s agri-food chain: over 5 thousand farms operate on the flooded land, one of the most important districts in Italy.

Italy's deadly floods: How can water be so powerful?

2023-05-22T06:10+0200nationalheraldindia (en)

Within minutes, catastrophic floodwaters in Italy toppled entire houses, swept away cars as if they were matchboxes and turned basements into death traps. Time and again, nature demonstrates its overwhelming force — and we find ourselves at its mercy. But how is water so powerful? Michael Dietze of....

Drone video shows major mudslide in Italy as death toll continues to rise from torrential flooding

2023-05-21T20:52+0200foxweather (en)

The Rocca Estense castle surrounded by flood water in Lugo, in Ravenna province, northern Italy , on Thursday, May 18, 2023. (Michele Lapini/Bloomberg) An aerial view shows a flooded pig farm and surrounding fields in the town of Lugo on May 18, 2023, after heavy rains caused flooding across Italy's northern Emilia Romagna region.

More than 10,000 displaced by floods in Italy return home

2023-05-21T19:11+0200efe (en)

Rome, May 21 (EFE).- More than 10,000 people displaced in recent days by floods in the northern Italian region of Emilia-Romagna have been able to return to their homes, while the work of cleaning and control of landslides continued Sunday. The latest report puts the number of displaced people at....

Due giorni di pioggia giustificano l’alluvione in Emilia Romagna? Storia del grande invaso di Ridracoli /MATTINALE 924

2023-05-21T09:43+0200inuovivespri (it)

Noi non abbiamo mai creduto alla grande siccità nel Nord Italia. Il 23 Aprile scorso abbiamo pubblicato un’intervista a Mario Pagliaro che ha demolito, con la forza dei numeri, la siccità nordista raccontata dalla televisione. Dopo la siccità che non c’era è arrivata l’alluvione che invece c’è, provocata da due soli giorni di pioggia.

Emilia flood. Schlein-Bonaccini, a disaster waiting to happen. The missing works

2023-05-21T01:34+0200breakinglatest (en)

In Veneto, with double the rain, nothing happened. Crumbled roads, mass landslides, flooded cities, collapsed ridges. Interview with Paolo Zanca, connoisseur of the Emilia Romagna administrative machinery: “Those who know the mechanisms of the Region know that there is something wrong here”. “You can’t ignore it.

Italy's Deadly Floods Just Latest Example Of Climate Change's All-Or-Nothing Weather Extremes

2023-05-20T23:05+0200huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

The coastal region of Emilia-Romagna was struck twice, first by heavy rain two weeks ago on drought-parched ground that could not absorb it, causing rivers to overflow overnight, followed by this week’s deluge that killed 14 and caused damages estimated in the billions of euros.

Italy’s Emilia-Romagna governor says earthquake ‘lessons’ to help flood recovery

2023-05-20T22:20+0200fijitimes (en)

MILAN (Reuters) – Italy ’s Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 2012 earthquake, its governor said Friday, as the death toll from the disaster rose to 14. “If there is a lesson we learned from the earthquake, it is....

Floods displace more than 36,000 residents in northeast Italy

2023-05-20T21:51+0200aljazeera-en (en)

More than 36,000 people have been forced from their homes by deadly floods in northeast Italy , regional officials have said, as rising waters swallowed more houses and new landslides isolated hamlets. Fourteen people were killed this week after streets in the cities and towns of the Emilia-Romagna region were transformed into rivers.

Floods displace more than 36,000 residents in northeast Italy

2023-05-20T21:45+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

More than 36,000 people have been forced from their homes by deadly floods in northeast Italy , regional officials have said, as rising waters swallowed more houses and new landslides isolated hamlets. Fourteen people were killed this week after streets in the cities and towns of the Emilia-Romagna region were transformed into rivers.

Flood in Emilia-Romagna: red alert. The premier tomorrow in the region, 36 thousand displaced – breaking latest news

2023-05-20T18:37+0200breakinglatest (en)

The rain returns to Emilia-Romagna, already badly affected by bad weather in recent days and the emergency does not stop: there are still vast areas under water, landslides are bringing the Apennines to their knees and for today and tomorrow the red alert is confirmed. Precipitation could cause river levels to rise again.

Le conseguenze socio - economiche del cambiamento climatico per l'Italia

2023-05-20T07:57+0200247libero (it)

L’estrema fragilità dell’Italia è confermata anche da un’analisi compiuta per gli investitori dalla società XCI (The Cross Dependency Initiative) sulle regioni dell’Unione europea maggiormente esposte agli eventi meteorologici estremi e al cambiamento climatico da qui al 2050.

Le conseguenze socio-economiche del cambiamento climatico per l’Italia

2023-05-20T07:45+0200startmag (it)

L’estrema fragilità dell’Italia è confermata anche da un’analisi compiuta per gli investitori dalla società XCI (The Cross Dependency Initiative) sulle regioni dell’Unione europea maggiormente esposte agli eventi meteorologici estremi e al cambiamento climatico da qui al 2050.

Floods: Floods wreak havoc in Italy, 8 people died, thousands homeless

2023-05-20T00:48+0200weeklyblitz (en)

Italy Floods: Storm and rain have caused havoc in Italy’s northern Emilia Romagna region. Due to the rain, there has been flood here. So far 8 people have lost their lives due to this natural disaster, while thousands of people have become homeless. To avoid the flood, people have started taking shelter on the roofs of the houses.

Italy's Emilia-Romagna governor says earthquake 'lessons' to help flood recovery

2023-05-19T23:44+0200channelnewsasia (en)

MILAN: Italy 's Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 2012 earthquake, its governor said on Friday (May 19), as the death toll from the disaster rose to 14. "If there is a lesson we learned from the earthquake, it is....

Italy's Emilia-Romagna governor says earthquake 'lessons' to help flood recovery MILAN (Reuters) - Italy's Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 20... 2h ago

2023-05-19T22:23+0200whbl (en)

MILAN (Reuters) – Italy ’s Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 2012 earthquake, its governor said Friday, as the death toll from the disaster rose to 14. “If there is a lesson we learned from the earthquake, it is....

Italy's Emilia-Romagna governor says earthquake 'lessons' to help flood recovery MILAN (Reuters) - Italy's Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 20... 1h ago

2023-05-19T21:48+0200kelo (en)

MILAN (Reuters) – Italy ’s Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 2012 earthquake, its governor said Friday, as the death toll from the disaster rose to 14. “If there is a lesson we learned from the earthquake, it is....

Italy's Emilia-Romagna governor says earthquake 'lessons' to help flood recovery MILAN (Reuters) - Italy's Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 20... 1h ago

2023-05-19T21:25+0200wsau (en)

MILAN (Reuters) – Italy ’s Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 2012 earthquake, its governor said Friday, as the death toll from the disaster rose to 14. “If there is a lesson we learned from the earthquake, it is....

Italy cleans up following deadly floods

2023-05-19T21:24+0200CBC (en)

Italy 's Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 2012 earthquake, its governor said Friday, as the death toll from the disaster rose to 14. "If there is a lesson we learned from the earthquake, it is that any emergency....

Italy's Emilia-Romagna governor says earthquake 'lessons' to help flood recovery MILAN (Reuters) - Italy's Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from le... 55m ago

2023-05-19T21:15+0200wkzo (en)

MILAN (Reuters) – Italy ’s Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 2012 earthquake, its governor said Friday, as the death toll from the disaster rose to 14. “If there is a lesson we learned from the earthquake, it is....

Italy's Emilia-Romagna Governor Says Earthquake 'Lessons' to Help Flood Recovery

2023-05-19T20:24+0200usnews (en)

MILAN (Reuters) - Italy 's Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 2012 earthquake, its governor said Friday, as the death toll from the disaster rose to 14. "If there is a lesson we learned from the earthquake, it is....

Italy's Emilia-Romagna governor says earthquake 'lessons' to help flood recovery

2023-05-19T20:23+0200reuters (en)

MILAN, May 19 (Reuters) - Italy 's Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 2012 earthquake, its governor said Friday, as the death toll from the disaster rose to 14. "If there is a lesson we learned from the earthquake,....

Italy's Emilia-Romagna governor says earthquake 'lessons' to help flood recovery

2023-05-19T20:20+02004-traders (en)

MILAN (Reuters) - Italy 's Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 2012 earthquake, its governor said Friday, as the death toll from the disaster rose to 14. "If there is a lesson we learned from the earthquake, it is....

Italy's Emilia-Romagna governor says earthquake 'lessons' to help flood recovery

2023-05-19T20:19+0200streetinsider (en)

Get instant alerts when news breaks on your stocks. Claim your 1-week free trial to StreetInsider Premium MILAN (Reuters) - Italy 's Emilia Romagna region will recover from the devastating floods that hit this week by taking from lessons learned from the 2012 earthquake, its governor said Friday, as the death toll from the disaster rose to 14.

Italy's deadly floods: How can water be so powerful?

2023-05-19T17:59+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

But other factors also come into play, including erosion. Degraded surfaces that might appear stable can easily be swept away by fast-moving water. At the German Research Center for Geosciences Potsdam, researchers are studying exactly how water mobilizes sediments, how flood waves travel and how....

Italy flood death toll rises to 14

2023-05-19T17:55+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

Rescue workers search for people still cut off by flood waters in Italy 's Emilia Romagna region. – Facebook pic, May 19, 2023. THE toll from floods that have devastated the Emilia Romagna region in Italy rose to 14 today, amid calls for the government to revive an abandoned project to mitigate the impact of natural disasters.

Italy's deadly floods: How can water be so powerful?

2023-05-19T17:15+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

But other factors also come into play, including erosion. Degraded surfaces that might appear stable can easily be swept away by fast-moving water. At the German Research Center for Geosciences Potsdam, researchers are studying exactly how water mobilizes sediments, how flood waves travel and how....

Flooding: The power of water

2023-05-19T16:26+0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

Within minutes, the catastrophic floodwaters in Italy toppled entire houses, swept away cars as if they were matchboxes and turned basements into death traps. Time and again, nature demonstrates its overwhelming force — and we find ourselves at its mercy.

How does a peaceful body of water become a raging torrent that sweeps up or swallows everything in is path?

2023-05-19T16:04+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Within minutes, the catastrophic floodwaters in Italy toppled entire houses, swept away cars as if they were matchboxes and turned basements into death traps. Time and again, nature demonstrates its overwhelming force — and we find ourselves at its mercy.

News24.com | WATCH | Italy flood death toll rises to 14

2023-05-19T15:41+0200news24 (en)

14 people are now confirmed dead after devastating floods hit Italy 's Emilia Romagna region this week. The latest victim to be found was a man recovered from a flooded house in Faenza. 10 000 people have been evacuated from their homes. The toll from floods that have devastated the Emilia Romagna....

Springsteen concert sign that 'life goes on' - Piantedosi

2023-05-19T14:31+0200ansamed (en)

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 19 - The decision to confirm the concert by Bruce Springsteen in the Emilia Romagna city of Ferrara on Thursday evening despite the flooding and landslide emergency in other parts of the region was a signal that "life goes on", Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said on Friday.

Floods in Italy kill 14, country's 'orchard' devastated

2023-05-19T14:30+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-05-19T12:28:41.764Z. Highlights: The death toll from the floods rises to 14 in Emilia-Romagna, a rich region considered "the orchard of Italy " The material and agricultural damage is also of a rare intensity, signs, according to signs. The government will put on the agenda of the council of....

13 dead, afflicted towns and destroyed crops. Heavy toll due to floods in northern Italy

2023-05-19T11:39+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-05-19T09:38:29.297Z. Highlights: Floods that killed several people in Italy 's northern Emilia-Romagna caused billions of euros worth of damage. Torrential rains devastated the region with up to 300 landslides, 23 overflowing rivers, about 400 damaged roads and 42 flooded municipalities.

Italy flood deaths rise to 13 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-19T11:36+0200terradaily (en)

The death toll from floods that have devastated northeastern Italy rose to 13 on Thursday, according to media reports, driving thousands from their homes and destroying crops in an area known as the country's orchard. Rescue workers have been searching for anyone trapped by floodwaters in the Emilia Romagna region.

Italy flood deaths rise to 13 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-19T10:52+0200sbc-sc (en)

The death toll from floods that have devastated northeastern Italy rose to 13 on Thursday, according to media reports, driving thousands from their homes and destroying crops in an area known as the country’s orchard. Rescue workers have been searching for anyone trapped by floodwaters in the Emilia Romagna region.

Italy floods destroy homes, farms; 13 killed so far, 10,000 displaced

2023-05-19T10:25+0200indiatoday (en)

: At least 13 people have died and thousands of others were displaced after a devastating flood wreaked havoc in Italy ’s northern Emilia-Romagna region. The devastating flood caused damage worth billions of euros' and hit agriculture particularly hard, the regional governor was quoted by Reuters as saying.

Bad weather in Emilia-Romagna, Veneto saved from detention basins but in Emilia-Romagna one out of two doesn’t work

2023-05-19T10:12+0200breakinglatest (en)

The devastation of Emilia Romagna comes from 300mm of rain in just over 24 hours recorded in the areas most affected by the wave of bad weather in recent days: from rainfall intense that created the biggest emergency since the 2012 earthquake; another earthquake, as defined by the president of the Bonaccini Region.

Ciudades bajo agua en el noreste de Italia: inundaciones sin precedentes dejan al menos 13 muertos

2023-05-19T09:03+0200ElPaisUY (es)

En las provincias de Forlí, Ravena, Cesena, Ravena hay localidades enteras bajo el agua, una situación que puede empeorar en próximas horas, ya que el nivel de casi todos los ríos sigue estando por encima del umbral de emergencia. La alcaldesa de Rávena, Michele De Pascale , indicó ayer jueves que....

Italy flood deaths rise to 13 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-19T08:16+0200seychellesnewsagency (en)

) - The death toll from floods that have devastated northeastern Italy rose to 13 on Thursday, according to media reports, driving thousands from their homes and destroying crops in an area known as the country's orchard. Rescue workers have been searching for anyone trapped by floodwaters in the Emilia Romagna region.

Italy flood deaths rise to 13 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-19T05:32+0200ibtimes-uk (en)

Volunteer firefighters ride their dinghy across a street flooded by the river Savio in the Ponte Vecchio district of Cesena, central eastern Italy , on May 17, 2023 AFP News. The death toll from floods that have devastated northeastern Italy rose to 13 on Thursday, according to media reports, driving....

La preocupante situación de los españoles afectados por las inundaciones en Italia: "Mis amigos se duchan en nuestra casa"

2023-05-19T05:17+020020minutos (es)

Las zonas más afectadas por las inundaciones que iniciaron el pasado miércoles son las provincias de Ravena, Cesena y Forlí. En esta última precisamente es donde vive María Álvarez, una joven española afectada directamente por las inundaciones que en conversación con 20minutos ha explicado su....

Italy flood deaths rise to 11 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-19T05:15+0200dailytimesPK (en)

The death toll from floods that devastated an area of northeastern Italy rose to 11 Thursday after the bodies of two more people were found, authorities told AFP. The grim discovery came as rescue workers searched for anyone still trapped by floodwaters in the Emilia Romagna region, after downpours devastated homes and farms.

Italy flood deaths rise to 13 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-19T02:29+0200mb-com-ph (en)

An aerial view shows farmers gathering pigs to transport them away from their flooded enclosure at a pig farm in the town of Lugo on May 18, 2023, after heavy rains caused flooding across Italy 's northern Emilia Romagna region (Andreas SOLARO / AFP) LUGO, Italy -- The death toll from floods that....

Italy flood deaths rise to 13 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-19T00:49+0200straitstimesSG (en)

LUGO - The death toll from floods that have devastated north-eastern Italy rose to 13 on Thursday, according to media reports, driving thousands from their homes and destroying crops in an area known as the country’s orchard. Rescue workers have been searching for anyone trapped by floodwaters in the Emilia Romagna region.

Italy flood deaths rise to 11 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-18T23:01+0200jordantimes (en)

LUGO, Italy — The death toll from floods that devastated an area of northeastern Italy rose to 11 on Thursday after the bodies of two more people were found, authorities told AFP. The grim discovery came as rescue workers searched for anyone still trapped by floodwaters in the Emilia Romagna region, after downpours devastated homes and farms.

Italy flood deaths rise to 13 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-18T22:27+0200channelnewsasia (en)

LUGO: The death toll from floods that have devastated northeastern Italy rose to 13 on Thursday (May 19), according to media reports, driving thousands from their homes and destroying crops in an area known as the country's orchard. Rescue workers have been searching for anyone trapped by floodwaters in the Emilia Romagna region.

Death toll mounts in Italy’s worst flooding for 100 years

2023-05-18T22:17+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

, including the A1, after a landslide in Sasso Marconi on Thursday afternoon, and trains were cancelled or disrupted. Among the dead were an elderly couple trapped inside their home in Cava, a hamlet in the province of Forlì-Cesena. “We heard their cries for help,” a neighbour told Il Messaggero newspaper.

Death toll mounts in Italy’s worst flooding for 100 years

2023-05-18T22:06+0200irishexaminer (en)

, including the A1, after a landslide in Sasso Marconi on Thursday afternoon, and trains were cancelled or disrupted. Among the dead were an elderly couple trapped inside their home in Cava, a hamlet in the province of Forlì-Cesena. “We heard their cries for help,” a neighbour told Il Messaggero newspaper.

Italy flood deaths rise to 13 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-18T22:02+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

The death toll from floods that have devastated northeastern Italy rose to 13 on Thursday, according to media reports, driving thousands from their homes and destroying crops in an area known as the country’s orchard. Rescue workers have been searching for anyone trapped by floodwaters in the Emilia Romagna region.

Italy flood deaths rise to 13 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-18T21:53+0200digitaljournal (en)

The death toll from floods that have devastated northeastern Italy rose to 13 on Thursday, according to media reports, driving thousands from their homes and destroying crops in an area known as the country’s orchard. Rescue workers have been searching for anyone trapped by floodwaters in the Emilia Romagna region.

Italy Flood Deaths Rise To 13 As Thousands Wait To Come Home

2023-05-18T21:38+0200ibtimes (en)

Volunteer firefighters ride their dinghy across a street flooded by the river Savio in the Ponte Vecchio district of Cesena, central eastern Italy , on May 17, 2023 AFP. The death toll from floods that have devastated northeastern Italy rose to 13 on Thursday, according to media reports, driving....

At least 13 dead as Italy experiences worst flooding in a century

2023-05-18T19:09+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

May 18 (UPI) -- At least 13 people have died in Italy as of Thursday as the country faces its worst flooding in a century. The floods have overtaken 41 cities and towns and have left approximately 20,000 without homes killing more than a dozen people, with the death toll largely including elderly people from the northern Emilia-Romagna region.

World News At least 13 dead as Italy experiences worst flooding in a century

2023-05-18T19:06+0200upi-es (en)

May 18 (UPI) -- At least 13 people have died in Italy as of Thursday as the country faces its worst flooding in a century. The floods have overtaken 41 cities and towns and have left approximately 20,000 without homes killing more than a dozen people, with the death toll largely including elderly people from the northern Emilia-Romagna region.

At least 13 dead as Italy experiences worst flooding in a century

2023-05-18T19:04+0200upi (en)

May 18 (UPI) -- At least 13 people have died in Italy as of Thursday as the country faces its worst flooding in a century. The floods have overtaken 41 cities and towns and have left approximately 20,000 without homes killing more than a dozen people, with the death toll largely including elderly people from the northern Emilia-Romagna region.

Los equipos trabajan para rescatar a las personas atrapadas por las inundaciones en el norte de Italia – The Irish Times

2023-05-18T18:56+0200notiulti (es)

Las personas mayores y discapacitadas quedaron atrapadas en sus hogares mientras los rescatistas trabajaban bajo la lluvia torrencial durante toda la noche para salvar a las personas en la inundación más catastrófica que ha afectado a Italia en 100 años.

Italy flood deaths rise to 11 as thousands wait to come home

2023-05-18T18:36+0200enca (en)

Volunteer firefighters ride their dinghy across a street flooded by the river Savio in the Ponte Vecchio district of Cesena, central eastern Italy , on May 17, 2023. ROME - The death toll from floods that devastated an area of northeastern Italy rose to 11 Thursday after the bodies of two more people were found, authorities told AFP.

La torrenciales lluvias golpean varias regiones de Italia, miles de personas han sido afectadas.

2023-05-18T17:55+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

La catástrofe, debida al cambio climático y a un proceso de “tropicalización” de Italia, según aseguró en una conferencia de prensa en esta capital el ministro Nello Musumeci, jefe de la Protección Civil, provocó, además, la cancelación del Gran Premio de Fórmula 1 de Imola, previsto para este domingo justamente en la zona afectada.

High waters levels flood some areas of Croatia

2023-05-18T17:51+0200glashrvatske (en)

Flooding continues to cause difficulties in several areas of the country. In Sisak, a temporary embankment along the Sava River broke, and services on the ground are repairing the situation. A high wave of water has passed through Karlovac, water levels are dropping for the Kupa River and the Korana River, which reached a record 852 centimeters.

Sigue el mal tiempo en Emilia Romaña; van 9 muertos y más de 20 mil evacuados

2023-05-18T17:09+0200elcomentario (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales , que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña , en el noreste de Italia , donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20 mil evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

2. Las consecuencias de las graves inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T16:57+0200diaridetarragona (es)

Las inundaciones en Emilia Romaña han causado daños «por varios miles de millones de euros» , aseguró el presidente de esta región del noreste de Italia, Stefano Bonaccini, que calculó que en 36 horas ha caído la lluvia de seis meses. «Los 30 millones asignados por el Gobierno son bienvenidos y....

Inundaciones causadas por lluvias torrenciales dejan nueve muertos y más de 20 mil evacuados en el noreste de Italia

2023-05-18T16:37+0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones , continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña , en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos nueve muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados , así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Sigue el mal tiempo en Emilia Romaña donde se cuentan 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados Roma.- La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en… Internacionales 18 de mayo de 2023

2023-05-18T16:35+0200latribuna (es)

Roma.- La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Sigue el mal tiempo en Italia donde sube a...

2023-05-18T16:20+0200zocalo (es)

Roma. – La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20 mil evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas....

Sigue el mal tiempo en Emilia Romaña donde sube a 9 el número de muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados

2023-05-18T15:58+0200huelvainformacion (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales , que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados , así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Sigue el mal tiempo en Emilia Romaña donde sube a 9 el número de muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados

2023-05-18T15:56+0200diariodesevilla (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales , que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados , así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Sigue el mal tiempo en Emilia Romaña donde sube a 9 el número de muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados

2023-05-18T15:54+0200granadahoy (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales , que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados , así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Sigue el mal tiempo en Emilia Romaña donde sube a 9 el número de muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados

2023-05-18T15:52+0200europasur (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales , que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados , así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Sigue el mal tiempo en Emilia Romaña donde sube a 9 el número de muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados

2023-05-18T15:52+0200eldiadecordoba (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales , que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados , así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Sigue el mal tiempo en Emilia Romaña donde sube a 9 el número de muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados

2023-05-18T15:51+0200diariodejerez (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales , que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados , así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Cifran en miles de millones los daños tras las inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T15:44+0200diariodejerez (es)

Las inundaciones en Emilia Romaña han causado daños "por varios miles de millones de euros", aseguró el presidente de esta región del noreste de Italia, Stefano Bonaccini, que calculó que en 36 horas ha caído la lluvia de seis meses. "Los 30 millones asignados por el Gobierno son bienvenidos y....

Cifran en miles de millones los daños tras las inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T15:44+0200europasur (es)

Las inundaciones en Emilia Romaña han causado daños "por varios miles de millones de euros", aseguró el presidente de esta región del noreste de Italia, Stefano Bonaccini, que calculó que en 36 horas ha caído la lluvia de seis meses. "Los 30 millones asignados por el Gobierno son bienvenidos y....

Cifran en miles de millones los daños tras las inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T15:44+0200huelvainformacion (es)

Las inundaciones en Emilia Romaña han causado daños "por varios miles de millones de euros", aseguró el presidente de esta región del noreste de Italia, Stefano Bonaccini, que calculó que en 36 horas ha caído la lluvia de seis meses. "Los 30 millones asignados por el Gobierno son bienvenidos y....

In Italia dal 2011 al 2019 morte 365 mamme su 4,4 milioni di bimbi nati. In Sicilia rischio triplo rispetto alla Toscana

2023-05-18T15:42+0200247libero (it)

In Italia, dal 2011 al 2019, sono morte 365 mamme su 4,4 milioni di bimbi nati. Le morti sono avvenute durante il parto o nei 42 giorni successivi. Nello stesso periodo, 2011-2019,la mortalità materna media in Sicilia è stata di 13,1 decessi ogni 100 mila nati vivi, pari a circa tre volte e mezzo rispetto a quella registrata in Toscana (3,6).

Cifran en miles de millones los daños tras las inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T15:40+0200granadahoy (es)

Las inundaciones en Emilia Romaña han causado daños "por varios miles de millones de euros", aseguró el presidente de esta región del noreste de Italia, Stefano Bonaccini, que calculó que en 36 horas ha caído la lluvia de seis meses. "Los 30 millones asignados por el Gobierno son bienvenidos y....

Cifran en miles de millones los daños tras las inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T15:38+0200eldiadecordoba (es)

Las inundaciones en Emilia Romaña han causado daños "por varios miles de millones de euros", aseguró el presidente de esta región del noreste de Italia, Stefano Bonaccini, que calculó que en 36 horas ha caído la lluvia de seis meses. "Los 30 millones asignados por el Gobierno son bienvenidos y....

Cifran en miles de millones los daños tras las inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T15:36+0200diariodesevilla (es)

Las inundaciones en Emilia Romaña han causado daños "por varios miles de millones de euros", aseguró el presidente de esta región del noreste de Italia, Stefano Bonaccini, que calculó que en 36 horas ha caído la lluvia de seis meses. "Los 30 millones asignados por el Gobierno son bienvenidos y....

Sigue el mal tiempo en Emilia Romaña donde sube a 9 el número de muertos y más de 20,000 evacuados

2023-05-18T14:40+0200laestrella (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20,000 evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Nine dead in floods in Italy | Info

2023-05-18T14:04+0200breakinglatest (en)

The floods that killed nine people in the north of Italy will cost the country several billion euros, and the agricultural sector was the worst hit after arable land was flooded, the governor of the Emilia-Romagna region, Stefano Bonacini, said today. According to the Koldireti agricultural....

Italia continúa en alerta roja tras las inundaciones, con daños de "miles de millones"

2023-05-18T13:46+0200rtve-alacarta (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde 9 personas han muerto y más de 20.000 han sido evacuadas. También se han producido enormes destrozos que han afectado a las....

Inundaciones en Italia: – Nueve muertos

2023-05-18T13:37+0200notiulti (es)

Lo peor es en la región de Emilia Romaña, donde las fuertes lluvias han provocado inundaciones en los ríos y barrios y zonas agrícolas bajo el agua. A pesar de que lo peor de la lluvia ha disminuido, el nivel del agua en los ríos continúa aumentando. Miles de residentes han sido evacuados, escribe AFP, reproducido por el diario italiano.

Impresionantes imágenes aéreas de las riadas en Emilia Romaña (Italia) que dejan ya 9 muertos

2023-05-18T12:53+0200cadenaser (es)

Roma. Las inundaciones en Emilia Romaña han causado daños "por varios miles de millones de euros", según el presidente de esta región del noreste de Italia, Stefano Bonaccini, quien calcula que en 36 horas ha caído la lluvia de seis meses. “Los 30 millones asignados por el Gobierno son bienvenidos y....

Italia decretará el estado de catástrofe por las inundaciones en el noroeste, que dejan 9 muertos

2023-05-18T12:33+0200elconfidencial (es)

Italia decretará el estado de catástrofe por las inundaciones, que dejan al menos 9 muertos Después de las graves inundaciones del miércoles en las provincias de Forlí, Ravena, Cesena y Ravena, que han dejado localidades enteras bajo el agua se teme por los próximas horas.

Nueve muertos en las inundaciones en Emilia Romaña: en 36 horas cayó la lluvia de seis meses

2023-05-18T11:45+0200elimparcial (es)

Las graves inundaciones causadas por las fuertes lluvias que azotan la región de Emilia Romaña , en el noreste de Italia, y que han causado al menos nueve muertos y varios desaparecidos, se han generado por una situación "que nunca se había dado desde la posguerra".

Al menos nueve muertos y 20.000 evacuados por las inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T11:29+0200vozpopuli (es)

Durante la noche se registraron nuevas inundaciones en la zona de Rávena y continuaron las evacuaciones de los habitantes en pueblos como Castel Bolognese, Villanova di Ravenna, Filetto y Roncalceci, debido al riesgo de inundación causado por el desbordamiento del río Lamone.

El presidente de Emilia Romaña cifra en miles de millones los daños tras las inundaciones

2023-05-18T11:17+0200infobae (es)

Roma, 18 may. Las inundaciones en Emilia Romaña han causado daños "por varios miles de millones de euros", aseguró el presidente de esta región del noreste de Italia, Stefano Bonaccini, que calculó que en 36 horas ha caído la lluvia de seis meses. “Los 30 millones asignados por el Gobierno son....

Maltempo, autodromo di Imola invaso da acqua e fango Il fiume Santerno ha esondato ricoprendo di acqua e fango anche l’autodromo ‘Enzo e Dino Ferrari’. Il Gran Premio di Formula 1, in programma questo fine settimana sul circuito romagnolo, è stato annullato a causa delle alluvioni che hanno colpito la regione.

2023-05-18T11:14+0200informazione (it)

Il fiume Santerno ha esondato ricoprendo di acqua e fango anche l’autodromo ‘Enzo e Dino Ferrari’. Il Gran Premio di Formula 1, in programma questo fine settimana sul circuito romagnolo, è stato annullato a causa delle alluvioni che hanno colpito la regione. Il Gran premio di Formula 1 che era in programma questo fine settimana è stato annullato.

Visitar enlace de 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados en Italia

2023-05-18T10:41+0200telemadrid (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones , continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña , en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados , así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Alerta roja en el noreste de Italia: al menos nueve personas muertas y más de 20.000 evacuadas

2023-05-18T10:25+0200elmercuriodigital (es)

Vista aérea de las inundaciones en el puente Motta, Emilia Romaña. EFE/EPA/Max Cavallary. Roma, 18 may (EFE).- La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.

Las lluvias torrenciales en Emilia Romaña dejan nueve muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados

2023-05-18T10:22+0200ondacero (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Alluvione Emilia, Pichetto: "Dichiareremo lo stato di calamità"

2023-05-18T10:09+0200vivereancona (it)

2' di lettura Vivere Italia 18/05/2023 - (Adnkronos) - Nel Cdm di martedì sull'emergenza maltempo, "verrà dichiarato lo stato di calamità" per le zone colpite dall'alluvione in Emilia-Romagna "e si risponderà ai primi interventi. Sono già stati annunciati il blocco dei mutui e delle riscossioni tributarie".

Alerta roja y nueve muertos por las inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T09:59+0200latribunadealbacete (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia-Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Alerta roja y nueve muertos por las inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T09:58+0200diariopalentino (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia-Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Alerta roja y nueve muertos por las inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T09:55+0200diariodeavila (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia-Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Sigue el mal tiempo en Emilia Romaña donde se cuentan 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados

2023-05-18T09:53+0200infobae (es)

Roma, 18 may. La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las....

Alerta roja y nueve muertos por las inundaciones en Italia

2023-05-18T09:46+0200diariodeburgos (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia-Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Alerta roja en Emilia Romaña: 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados

2023-05-18T09:27+0200efe-agencia (es)

Roma, 18 may (EFE).- La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a....

Italia sigue en alerta roja: Ya son 9 muertos y 20.000 evacuados por las fuertes lluvias que arrasan la Emilia Romaña

2023-05-18T09:26+020020minutos (es)

La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña , en el noreste de Italia , donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las líneas eléctricas, telefónicas y a la viabilidad en la zona.

Sigue el mal tiempo en Emilia Romaña donde sube a nueve el número de muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados

2023-05-18T09:20+0200infobae (es)

Roma, 18 may. La alerta roja debido al mal tiempo por las lluvias torrenciales, que han provocado graves inundaciones, continúa en la región de Emilia Romaña, en el noreste de Italia, donde se cuentan al menos 9 muertos y más de 20.000 evacuados, así como enormes destrozos que han afectado a las....

Dos días de intensas lluvias provocan 9 muertos y más de 13 000 evacuados en el centro-norte de Italia

2023-05-18T04:52+0200cubadebate (es)

La región italiana de Emilia-Romaña se ha visto azotada por una fuerte ola de mal tiempo. Las incesantes lluvias torrenciales han provocado el desbordamiento de ríos y arroyos y han causado por el momento la muerte de ocho personas. En particular, se han visto afectadas las provincias de Forlì-Cesena y Rávena.

Inundaciones en Italia se cobraron la vida de nueve personas

2023-05-18T04:06+0200notiulti (es)

El ministro de Protección Civil de Italia, Nello Musumeci, dijo que algunas áreas recibieron la mitad de la precipitación anual promedio en solo 36 horas, lo que provocó que los ríos se desbordaran e inundaran las tierras de cultivo. El Gran Premio de Fórmula 1 de Imola se canceló para aliviar la....

Inundaciones en Italia: al menos ocho muertos y miles de evacuados por temporal de lluvias

2023-05-17T22:44+0200notiulti (es)

4 minutos Al menos ocho personas han muerto, varias han desaparecido y alrededor de 13.000 han tenido que ser evacuadas por el temporal de lluvias que ha dejado graves inundaciones en la zona norte de Italia, especialmente en las regiones de Emilia Romaña y en Marca.

Las fuertes lluvias dejan al menos ocho muertos en Italia

2023-05-17T19:58+0200larazon-es (es)

Al menos ocho personas han muerto y varias permanecen desaparecidas tras las inundaciones registradas la pasada madrugada en la región de Emilia-Romaña , en el noreste de Italia, como consecuencia de las intensas lluvias que han caído en el país en los últimos días.

Five dead as heavy rains in northern Italy burst riverbanks, flood towns

2023-05-17T19:05+0200wral (en)

Days of heavy rain stretched across a broad swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia. Italian Civil Protection Minister Nello Musemeci said five people were confirmed killed by flooding that....

Maltempo: il Codacons presenta un esposto in Procura: «Indagate per inondazione e omissione di atti»

2023-05-17T18:11+0200anconatoday (it)

ANCONA- Maltempo nelle Marche, il Codacons ha presentato un esposto alla Procura della Repubblica di Ancona in cui chiama in causa responsabilità di istituzioni ed enti locali. Da anni si denuncia l'assenza di un piano di prevenzione dei dissesti idrogeologici in Italia, il mancato o cattivo....

Torrential rains in drought-stricken northern Italy kill 8, cancel Formula One race

2023-05-17T16:49+0200latimes (en)

The vice president of Emilia-Romagna, Irene Priolo, said eight people were killed and others unaccounted for in flooding that forced the evacuation of more than 10,000 people. Italian Civil Protection Minister Nello Musumeci called for a new nationwide hydraulic engineering plan to adapt to the....

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T16:19+0200theargus (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

Inundaciones en Emilia Romaña: vídeos de la situación dramática. El mal tiempo continúa

2023-05-17T16:17+0200tiempo-es (es)

Inundaciones en Emilia Romaña: vídeos de la situación dramática. El mal tiempo continúa. Inundaciones en Emilia Romaña, Italia, la situación es dramática: hay víctimas y desaparecidos. Mientras tanto, continúa el mal tiempo, fuertes lluvias para las próximas horas y alerta roja. Meteored Italia 17/05/2023 15:15 4 min.

Dramatic videos as flooding devastates Emilia-Romagna in Italy

2023-05-17T15:59+0200yourweather (en)

17/05/2023 11:54 3 min. The month of May continues to bring severe weather in Italy . After long months of drought , very heavy rains are currently causing serious flooding in Emilia-Romagna, a region that had already been hit by the flooding of rivers at the beginning of the month. The situation in the last few days has been dramatic.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:33+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:30+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:30+0200eadt (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:29+0200chesterfirst (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:27+0200edp24 (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:26+0200dailyecho (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

Italy: Heavy rains kill 6, Formula One Grand Prix cancelled

2023-05-17T15:26+0200livemint (en)

The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews that were already stretched thin in responding to the emergency. Days of rainstorms stretched across a broad swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where....

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:24+0200eveningnews24 (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:24+0200yorkpress (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:23+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:22+0200newsandstar (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:22+0200southwalesargus (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:19+0200oxfordtimes (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:18+0200eveningtimes (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:18+0200impartialreporter (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:18+0200hertsad (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

World At least six dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T15:17+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least six people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. The heavy rains and floods also forced Formula One to cancel this weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix to not overtax emergency crews already stretched thin in responding to the emergency.

‘Catastrophic’ Floods in Italy Leave 8 Dead and Thousands Homeless

2023-05-17T14:48+0200nytimes (en)

Widespread flooding in the northern Italian region of Emilia-Romagna killed at least eight people and forced another 5,000 to abandon their homes, officials said on Wednesday as rescue efforts continued to assist those stuck on the upper stories of buildings.

Exceptional rains in drought-struck northern Italy kill 5, cancel Formula One Grand Prix

2023-05-17T14:40+0200financialpost (en)

Article content. Days of rainstorms stretched across a broad swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia. Italian Civil Protection Minister Nello Musemeci said that five people were killed in....

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T14:01+0200theargus (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:28+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:23+0200oxfordtimes (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:22+0200southwalesargus (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:21+0200eveningnews24 (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:20+0200chesterfirst (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:20+0200eveningtimes (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:18+0200hertsad (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:18+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:18+0200eadt (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:17+0200dailyecho (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:17+0200yorkpress (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:17+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:14+0200impartialreporter (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:14+0200newsandstar (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

At least five dead as heavy rains in Italy burst riverbanks and flood towns

2023-05-17T13:12+0200edp24 (en)

The warning from officials comes after flooding killed at least five people, forced the evacuation of 5,000 and suspended some train services. Days of heavy rain stretched across a swath of northern Italy and the Balkans, where “apocalyptic” floods, landslides and evacuations were also reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia.

ECOSHOCK – Come cambiare il destino dell’Italia al centro della crisi climatica

2023-05-17T08:31+0200periodicodaily (it)

L’Italia e l’intera area del Mediterraneo hanno già superato la soglia di guardia dell’aumento del riscaldamento globale: 1,5 gradi al di sopra dei livelli preindustriali. E le gravi conseguenze di questo cambiamento climatico si sono già innescate. È un conto alla rovescia: una corsa contro il tempo per mettere in sicurezza il Paese.

Inundaciones en Italia – Situación dramática en varios lugares

2023-05-17T00:13+0200notiulti (es)

En las últimas 48 horas, han caído hasta 150 milímetros de lluvia en las regiones del norte de Italia de Emilia-Romagna y Marche. La situación más dramática se encuentra en la ciudad de Cesena en Emilia-Romagna, donde el río Savio se ha desbordado, escribe Imágenes de la ciudad muestran grandes masas de agua inundando la ciudad italiana.

Incoming storms: red alert in E. Romagna

2023-05-16T19:05+0200breakinglatest (en)

Severe bad weather in Italy . After the inconveniences on Monday in Sicily, the worst situation in these hours concerns Emilia Romagna which issued the red alert for water and hydrogeological criticalities also for the whole day tomorrow”, and Marche . Hundreds of people evacuated, cars stuck in underpasses, rivers in flood.

20th-Century Natural Disasters

2023-05-16T11:22+0200latimes (en)

A list of the 20th Century’s most deadly natural disasters: Estimated Deaths. - 3.7 million--flood of Yellow River in China, 1931. - 655,000--earthquake in Tangshan, China, 1976. - 500,000--cyclone, tidal wave in Bangladesh, 1970. - 200,000--floods in China, 1939. - 180,000--earthquake, landslides in Gansu, China, 1920.

Sustainability, Vol. 15, Pages 8022: A Seismic Fragility Assessment Method for Urban Function Spatial Units: A Case Study of Xuzhou City

2023-05-15T12:02+0200mdpi (en)

Cities that experience earthquake disasters face a lot of uncertainties and unsustainability resulting from the fragility of their infrastructure, which should be considered in engineering. This study proposes a seismic fragility assessment framework for urban functional spatial units in order to....

Bad weather today, landslides and closed schools. From Palermo to Ravenna, it’s a red alert – breaking latest news

2023-05-15T02:51+0200breakinglatest (en)

Hardships and critical situations due to bad weather in various parts of Italy . And the forecasts for tomorrow, May 15, and for the next few days, do not bode well. In Ravenna, for example, the Rescue Coordination Center was convened in the prefecture, with all the mayors, the Region, Arpae,....

Dissesto idrogeologico, le zone a rischio in Italia e le cause della fragilità del territorio

2023-05-09T16:28+0200fanpage (it)

Il rapporto inoltre evidenzia che "su un totale di oltre 14 milioni di edifici, quelli ubicati in aree a pericolosità da frana elevata e molto elevata superano i 565mila (3,9%), mentre poco più di 1,5milioni (10,7%) ricadono in aree inondabili nello scenario medio. Gli aggregati strutturali a rischio frane oltrepassano invece i 740 mila (4%).

Italy must learn to cope with drought-inducing weather: minister

2023-05-09T06:26+0200thelocal-it (en)

After heavy rain following another spell of drought resulted in deadly flooding in northern Italy last week, Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida said Italy must adapt its infrastructure to cope with the changing climate - but said CO2-reduction measures would be too damaging to Italian industry.

Il grande cuore dei volontari In novanta da tutta Italia al lavoro nelle case allagate "In marcia per la normalità"

2023-05-07T06:34+0200ilrestodelcarlino (it)

di Marco Principini. È un lento ma graduale ritorno alla normalità quello al quale si avvia la Bassa imolese, colpita a inizio settimana da una pesante ondata di maltempo. Ieri mattina, come annunciato alla vigilia, sono iniziate le attività di pulizia delle case allagate nelle zone teatro dell’inondazione del Sillaro.

Precipitazioni, argini e suolo: ecco perché c'è un rapporto diretto tra siccità e alluvioni

2023-05-05T19:00+0200247libero (it)

Qualcuno potrebbe chiedersi come mai dopo che ci hanno parlato dell’ emergenza siccità in Italia, mostrandoci continuamente , ora si parla anche di alluvione in Emilia Romagna tra il 2 e il 3 maggio, in special modo nelle province di Bologna e Ravenna.

Hit by multiple crises, tens of thousands of Somalis flock to refugee camps in Kenya

2023-05-04T15:42+0200wfp (en)

Somali refugee Jamilla Hassan at Kenya's Dadaab refugee camp. She hopes some of her children can now go to school. Photo: WFP/Martin Karimi. Jamilla Hassan’s family once lived off rich farmland in the Lower Juba region of south-west Somalia. But a severe drought from five poor rainy seasons left....

Hit by multiple crises, tens of thousands of Somalis flock to refugee camps in Kenya

2023-05-04T14:59+0200garoweonline (en)

Jamilla Hassan’s family once lived off rich farmland in the Lower Juba region of southwest Somalia. But a severe drought from five poor rainy seasons left them staring at empty grain stores and dusty fields littered with carcasses of livestock, once their source of meat and milk.

Kenya: Hit By Multiple Crises, Tens of Thousands of Somalis Flock to Refugee Camps in Kenya

2023-05-04T14:43+0200allafrica (en)

WFP and other humanitarian agencies struggle to assist an influx of refugees reeling from conflict, climate and high prices. Jamilla Hassan's family once lived off rich farmland in the Lower Juba region of south-west Somalia. But a severe drought from five poor rainy seasons left them staring at....

Hit by multiple crises, tens of thousands of Somalis flock to refugee camps in Kenya

2023-05-04T12:44+0200reliefWeb (en)

WFP and other humanitarian agencies struggle to assist an influx of refugees reeling from conflict, climate and high prices. 4 May 2023, Martin Karimi. Jamilla Hassan’s family once lived off rich farmland in the Lower Juba region of south-west Somalia.

Tens of Thousands of Somalis Flock to Kenyan Refugee Camps Amid Crises

2023-05-04T12:01+0200miragenews (en)

The climate factor. While heavy rains have finally arrived in Somalia and other countries in the Horn of Africa, the damage has been done. The region’s worst drought in more than four decades has killed millions of livestock and tens of thousands of people – and left an estimated 22 million others facing severe hunger.

Intesa Sanpaolo, Up2Stars: al via la seconda edizione del programma dedicato alle startup innovative

2023-05-03T17:53+0200firstonline (it)

Intesa Sanpaolo ha lanciato la seconda edizione di Up2Stars , il programma dedicato alla valorizzazione e alla crescita delle startup innovative in Italia, in collaborazione con Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center. La nuova edizione vedrà l’ ampliamento delle partnership e del network di....

Now Europeans Learn What Climate Extremes Are All About — Global Issues

2023-04-26T04:34+0200todayheadline (en)

Put simply, the reported climate extremes in Europe are not the consequence of the Ukraine war, and they were already there many years earlier to when it started in February 2022. Anyway, European citizens now hear the devastating impacts of climate extremes in their own rich continent, which is one....

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