M 5.1 in Costa Rica on 10 Dec 2013 17:28 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 92
Articles about casualties: 3 (3.3%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day

Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

[beta] Media disaster_tweets analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Cave holds stunning tsunami clues

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 03:17:00 +0100bbc-news (en)

A cave on the northwestern coast of Sumatra holds a remarkable record of big tsunamis in the Indian Ocean stretching back thousands of years.

Cave holds stunning tsunami clues

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 03:15:00 +0100bbc (en)

A cave on the northwestern coast of Sumatra holds a remarkable record of big tsunamis in the Indian Ocean stretching back thousands of years.

La fuga radioactiva de Fukushima puede matar en 20 minutos

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 02:42:00 +0100lavozdelsandinismo (es)

Las emisiones alcanzan un nivel récord de 15 y 25 sieverts por hora La empresa administradora de los reactores de Fukushima, Tepco, informó que ha aumentado de forma drástica el nivel de cesio radiactivo en la bahía donde se encuentra la central accidentada durante el terremoto y tsunami de 2011.

Enormous earthquakes 'unrecorded’

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 02:17:00 +0100bbc-news (en)

The Earth could have been struck by many more huge earthquakes in its recent history than was previously thought, scientists say.

Enormous earthquakes 'unrecorded’

Thu, 12 Dec 2013 02:11:00 +0100bbc (en)

The Earth could have been struck by many more huge earthquakes in its recent history than was previously thought, scientists say.

Justin Bieber brings cheer to typhoon-hit Philippines

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 22:44:00 +0100abc-au (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to and played basketball with young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon after flying into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort.

Agonizing wait for the missing in Philippines

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 21:13:00 +0100kuwaittimes (en)

TACLOBAN: In the grieving, grey wastelands that were once bustling towns on tropical Philippine islands, thousands of typhoon survivors are enduring an agonizing wait of hope and denial for news of loved ones. Nearly 1,800 people are officially listed as missing after Super Typhoon Haiyan swept....

Van Rysselberghe acusa a Bachelet de "mentir" sobre el 27/F durante debate de Anatel

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 20:23:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

La senadora electa de la UDI dijo que "quienes vivimos en Concepción no nos gusta que nos mientan, nosotros sabemos que los militares no salieron a la calle al día siguiente".

FAO pide reparación sostenible de los “enormes” daños en acuicultura filipina

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 19:11:00 +0100latribuna (es)

Roma, 11 dic (EFE).- La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) advirtió hoy de los “enormes” daños causados por el tifón Haiyan en la pesca y la acuicultura de Filipinas y pidió una recuperación “rápida y sostenible” del sector, cuyas pérdidas económicas aún son “cuantificadas”.

Bachelet y Matthei se enfrentan en último debate presidencial en Chile

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 19:07:00 +0100laestrella (es)

Las candidatas presidenciales chilenas se enfrentaron anoche en el último debate previo al balotaje del 15 de diciembre. Con mayor diálogo entre las candidatas y con preguntas directas, la opositora Michelle Bachelet y la oficialista Evelyn Matthei hicieron su última presentación antes del cierre de....

Urge FAO a ayudar a pescadores filipinos afectados por tifón

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 18:33:00 +0100uniradioinforma (es)

Los pescadores filipinos se enfrentan a "enormes" daños en los sectores pesquero y acuícola en las regiones afectadas por el tifón Haiyan, advirtió hoy la FAO, que pidió acciones "inmediatas" para apoyarlos.

UN seeks more typhoon aid

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 17:54:00 +0100bworldcom (en)

THE RED CROSS warned against aid dependency in the Philippines as the United Nations (UN) yesterday urged donors to double their assistance to millions of victims of the country’s deadliest-ever typhoon.

The Red Cross warned against aid dependency in the Philippines Tuesday as the United Nations urged donors to double their assistance to millions of victims of the...

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 17:52:00 +0100manilastandardtoday (en)

The Red Cross warned against aid dependency in the Philippines Tuesday as the United Nations urged donors to double their assistance to millions of victims of the country’s deadliest-ever typhoon. The secretary general of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Bekele....

Gobierno se hará parte de querella en contra de mujer que escupió al Presidente Piñera

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 17:38:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Pese a que el Ejecutivo había desistido de involucrarse en la causa, la vocera de La Moneda, Cecilia Pérez, explicó que ahora buscarán "fortalecer" la apelación del Ministerio Público.

Menschen, 12. Dezember

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 17:26:00 +0100Salzburger (de)

Geburten: Todesfälle: GEBURTSTAGE. www.salzburg.com/trauer Maria Linsinger beging gestern, Mittwoch, ihren 102. Geburtstag im Seniorenheim Pfarrwerfen. Stefanie Weikl aus der Stadt Salzburg feierte kürzlich ihren 100. Geburtstag. Hofrat Dipl.-Ing. Josef Strohmer, Leiter i. R.

Forscher finden “zeitlose” Galaxie

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 16:58:00 +0100netzeitung (de)

Eine Galaxie, an der die Zeit scheinbar vorübergegangen ist, haben spanische und amerikanische Astrophysiker identifiziert. Gemessen an seinem Lichtspektrum, hat das Objekt vor mehr als 10 Milliarden Jahren in rascher Folge Sterne ...

TEPCO to pave Fukushima Daiichi site with asphalt to lower radiation

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 16:24:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

TOKYO - The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex said Wednesday it will start covering...

FAO calls for sustainable rebuilding of livelihoods after typhoon Haiyan

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 16:19:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

ROME, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) -- The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on Wednesday called for prompt and sustainable action to help rebuild livelihoods for Philippine fishermen, who are facing serious damage of fisheries and aquaculture caused by typhoon Haiyan.

Rotary Gala Cocktail Show 2013

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 16:05:00 +0100caribseek (en)

E Gala show ta consisti di den dos (2) parti, prome parti un show spektakular di “Curacao Cocktail Show” un produkshon bou di guia di Corine Djaoen. Ta un revue show di diferente baile i kanto ku trahenan extravagante i choreografia di nivel international. Presenta pa hobennan talentoso di Korsou bou di guia profesional.

Acht Jahre Haft für Vergewaltigung von Freundin

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 15:09:00 +0100Salzburger (de)

Ein 37-jähriger Gastwirt, der am 3. März 2012 in seiner Wohnung in Wien-Alsergrund seine Lebensgefährtin vergewaltigt und ihr schwere Verletzungen zugefügt hatte, ist am Mittwoch i...


Wed, 11 Dec 2013 13:44:00 +0100rt (en)

Over two years after an earthquake and tsunami devastated areas in and around the Japanese city of Fukushima, many residents have been left to live in impromptu residential camps with no hope of returning to their previous ways of life. Comments (2) Sort by: Highest rating Oldest first Newest first....

La FAO pide la reparación sostenible de los "enormes" daños en la acuicultura filipina

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 12:39:00 +0100lainformacion (es)

Roma, 11 dic (EFE).- La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) advirtió hoy de los "enormes" daños causados por el tifón Haiyan en la pesca y la acuicultura de Filipinas y pidió una recuperación "rápida y sostenible" del sector, cuyas pérdidas económicas aún son "cuantificadas".

FAO pide reparación sostenible de los "enormes" daños en acuicultura filipina

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 12:19:00 +0100unionradio (es)

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) advirtió hoy de los "enormes" daños causados por el tifón Haiyan en la pesca y la acuicultura de Filipinas y pidió una recuperación "rápida y sostenible" del sector, cuyas pérdidas económicas aún son "cuantificadas".

Emplazamientos de Matthei a Bachelet marcaron último debate antes del balotaje

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 12:01:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

La gran novedad del último debate televisivo transmitido por Anatel antes del balotaje del 15 de diciembre fue la incorporación de espacios para que las candidatas se interpelaran directamente. Esto fue aprovechado por la candidata de la Alianza que interrogó a su contendora por el terremoto y....

La FAO pide la reparación sostenible de los "enormes" daños en la acuicultura filipina

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 11:59:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Roma, 11 dic (EFE).- La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) advirtió hoy de los "enormes" daños causados por el tifón Haiyan en la pesca y la acuicultura de Filipinas y pidió una recuperación "rápida y sostenible" del sector, cuyas pérdidas económicas aún son "cuantificadas".

Philippine fishing sector faces immense damage after storm

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 11:21:00 +0100trust (en)

Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation. 11 December 2013, Manila/Rome Philippine fishers face immense damage to the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in regions affected by Typhoon Haiyan, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization said today,....


Wed, 11 Dec 2013 11:12:00 +0100rt (en)

Over two years after an earthquake and tsunami devastated areas in and around the Japanese city of Fukushima, many residents have been left to live in impromptu residential camps with no hope of returning to their previous ways of life. Comments (1) Sort by: Highest rating Oldest first Newest first....

Philippines: Philippine fishers and fish farmers facing immense damage to sector

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 10:57:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization Country: Philippines FAO calls for prompt and sustainable rebuilding of livelihoods in regions affected by Typhoon Haiyan 11 December 2013, Manila/Rome – Philippine fishers face immense damage to the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in regions affected by....

Danni colossali al settore della pesca e dell’acquacoltura delle Filippine

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 10:42:00 +0100fao-it (it)

11 dicembre 2013, Manila/Roma - I settori della pesca e dell'acquacoltura delle Filippine hanno subito danni devastanti nelle zone toccate dal tifone Haiyan, ha affermato oggi la FAO, cha ha lanciato un appello per un'azione rapida e sostenibile per la ricostruzione dei mezzi di sussistenza delle popolazioni colpite.

Michelle Bachelet - Favoritin für zweite Präsidentschaft in Chile

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 10:32:00 +0100Salzburger (de)

Michelle Bachelet ist die erste und bisher einzige Frau, die an die Staatsspitze Chiles gewählt wurde. Die sozialistische Politikerin tritt am Sonntag (15.12.) in der Stichwahl um ...

Dégâts colossaux au secteur de la pêche et de l’aquaculture des Philippines

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 10:24:00 +0100fao-fr (fr)

11 décembre 2013, Manille/Rome – Les pêcheurs philippins sont confrontés à d'énormes dégâts causés aux secteurs des pêches et de l'aquaculture dans les régions victimes du typhon, a déclaré la FAO aujourd'hui, invitant à reconstruire au plus vite les moyens d'existence.

La pesca y la acuicultura en Filipinas deben hacer frente a enormes daños

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 10:06:00 +0100fao-es (es)

11 de diciembre de 2013, Manila/Roma – Los pescadores filipinos se enfrentan a enormes daños en los sectores pesquero y acuícola en las regiones afectadas por el tifón Haiyan, según advirtió hoy la FAO al hacer un llamamiento a favor de acciones inmediatas y sostenibles para ayudar a reconstruir los medios de vida de los afectados.

Philippine fishers and fish farmers facing immense damage to sector

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 09:39:00 +0100fao-en (en)

11 December 2013, Manila/Rome – Philippine fishers face immense damage to the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in regions affected by Typhoon Haiyan, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization said today, calling for prompt and sustainable actions to help rebuild livelihoods.

Japan Says Visitors to Top Record 10 Million This Year on Yen

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 09:35:00 +0100bloomberg (en)

said visitors are set to top 10 million this year for the first time as a weaker yen lowers costs for travelers from abroad. The nation will probably welcome its 10 millionth visitor of the year in the middle of this month, Shigeto Kubo, head of the , told reporters in Tokyo today. The previous annual record was in 2010.

Otra vez al agua

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 07:28:00 +0100juventudrebelde (es)

Pinar el Río, Isla de la Juventud y Matanzas tienen más de medio cuerpo superando el umbral de la primera parte del torneo. Definir el orden sí sería cosa de adivinos

Naval Base Guam to Conduct Tsunami Exercise THURSDAY; Expect Increased Activity as a Result

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 06:41:00 +0100pnc (en)

SANTA RITA, Guam (Dec. 3, 2013) – Naval Base Guam (NBG) will conduct a tsunami exercise on the installation Dec. 12. The exercise will allow NBG and its tenant commands to exercise command and control capabilities in response to such a natural disaster and satisfy internal reporting and training requirements.

Charity | Danke für Ihre Spende

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 06:37:00 +0100freitag (de)

Der Wirbelsturm Haiyan schwemmt jede Menge Geld in die Kassen. Vor allem für Hilfsorganisationen

Inédita interpelación entre candidatas marca último debate entre Matthei y Bachelet

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 06:18:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Las candidatas presidenciales tuvieron la oportunidad de hacerse preguntas directas en tres ocasiones. Los temas que más incomodidad procaron fueron el aborto terapéutico, el Transantiago, 27-F y la Asamblea Constituyente.

Tsunami : la 2e vague

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 05:12:00 +0100lalsace (fr)

Lors du conseil municipal d’octobre, Brigitte Klinkert avait qualifié de « tsunami » l’inondation qui a touché le musée Unterlinden quelques jours ...

Los principales duelos entre Matthei y Bachelet en debate Anatel

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 05:12:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

El Transantiago enfrentó principalmente a ambas candidatas, las cuales tuvieron 24 minutos para interpelarse.

Debate Anatel: Bachelet y Matthei cierran encuentro marcado por las diferencias e interpelaciones

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 05:12:00 +0100LaTercera (es)

Las dos postulantes se enfrentaron en torno a Transantiago, temas valóricos, educación, reformas constitucionales y tributarias y 27/F, como temas centrales. Matthei cerró su intervención apelando a la clase media y los creyentes, en tanto que Bachelet resaltó su eslogan de construir "un Chile de todos".

'Dependence' a worry as UN seeks more post-Yolanda aid

Wed, 11 Dec 2013 04:55:00 +0100gmanews (en)

The Red Cross warned against aid dependency in the Philippines Tuesday as the United Nations urged donors to double their assistance to millions of victims of the country's deadliest-ever typhoon. The secretary general of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Bekele....

Justin Bieber brings cheer to typhoon-hit Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 23:03:00 +0100abc-au (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to and played basketball with young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon after flying into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort.

UConn Doctor Helps In Philippines Following Typhoon Haiyan

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 22:58:00 +0100antiguanews (en)

FARMINGTON As international aid descended on the hardest hit areas of the Philippines last month following Typhoon Haiyan, so did Dr. Robert Fuller at times by helicopter. Fuller, a 49-year-old West Hartford resident and chief of emergency medicine at the University of Connecticut Health Center ,....

TEPCO to make official decision on closing 2 Fukushima reactors next week

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 22:07:00 +0100kyodonews (en)

TOKYO - Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant crippled by the devast...

'Dependence' a worry as UN seeks more Philippines typhoon aid

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 21:22:00 +0100BangkokPost (en)

The Red Cross warned against aid dependency in the Philippines Tuesday as the United Nations urged donors to double their assistance to millions of victims of the country's deadliest-ever typhoon.

POP megastar Justin Bieber sang to and played basketball with the young survivors of the Philippines’ deadliest typhoon Tuesday after he flew into the...

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 17:31:00 +0100manilastandardtoday (en)

Bieber flew unannounced to Tacloban just over a month after it was devastated by super typhoon Haiyan and sang Christmas carols to children at a heavily damaged local school amid tight security, witnesses said. “He sang ‘Holy Night’ for the children,” said Kate Donovan, a spokeswoman for the United....

Pop star Bieber brings cheer in typhoon-hit Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 17:11:00 +0100arabnews (en)

Tue, 2013-12-10 15:22 TACLOBAN, Philippines: Pop megastar Justin Bieber hugged, sang to, danced and played with young survivors of the Philippines’ deadliest typhoon Tuesday, bringing cheer to the disaster zone amid an...

Masako promete trabajar para salir de la depresión

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 16:51:00 +0100elpais-latinoamerica (es)

La princesa ha limitado sus apariciones públicas y compromisos oficiales desde que en 2003. Un equipo médico valora muy positiva su evolución aunque advierte de lo delicada de su situación

Alla ricerca dei sopravvissuti al terremoto con tsunami di Mestre

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 16:40:00 +0100nuovavenezia (it)

Si chiama Modex Falck 2013 ed è la più grande esercitazione europea per addestrare le squadre di protezioni civile del Vecchio Continente a lavorare insieme Guarda la fotogalleria

Justin Bieber sings carols to typhoon survivors

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 15:47:00 +0100manilatimes (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to young survivors of the Philippines’ deadliest typhoon on Tuesday after he flew into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort. Bieber flew unannounced to Tacloban City just over a month after it … Read more »

Five myths about helping out the Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 15:20:00 +0100japantimes (en)

Among common misconceptions about assistance to victims of communities shattered by storms or earthquakes are that locals wait for the international community to come save ...

Adım attığı her yere felaket götüren adam!

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 15:02:00 +0100stargazete (tr)

İngiltere'de yaşayan Mark Weingard kimilerine göre dünyanın en şanslı, kimilerine göre ise en şanssız adamı.

Justin Bieber brings cheer to typhoon-hit Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 14:27:00 +0100abc-au (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to and played basketball with young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon after flying into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort.

Bieber brings cheer in Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 14:14:00 +0100sbs (en)

Justin Bieber has played basketball and taken photos with victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan when he visited the Philippines.

Taifun spült Spenden für das Oberhausener Friedensdorf weg

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 14:08:00 +0100derwesten (de)

Die Naturkatastrophe, die in Form eines Taifuns über die Philippinen hereinbrach, kommt auch beim Friedensdorf in Oberhausen an. Der Verein, der sich um kranke und verletzte Kinder aus aller Welt kümmert, registriert einen Rückgang an Spenden.

Justin Bieber brings cheer to typhoon-hit Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 13:56:00 +0100radioaustralianews (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to and played basketball with young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon after flying into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort.

Justin Bieber brings cheer to typhoon-hit Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 13:41:00 +0100radioaustralia (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to and played basketball with young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon after flying into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort.

Gallery: Suffolk Scouts begin preparations for World Scout Jamboree in Japan

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 13:32:00 +0100eadt (en)

A group of 36 Scouts picked to attend an international jamboree in Japan have been putting in some initial training and preparation for the event.

Naturkatastrophen: Warum im Nordpazifik neue Seebeben drohen

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 13:27:00 +0100AbendBlatt (de)

Das Seebeben in Japan im Jahr 2011 gilt als eines der stärksten seit Menschengedenken: Geologen haben herausgefunden, warum auch künftig Gefahr droht. Ursache ist ein "Schmiermittel" in der Störungszone.

Naturkatastrophen: Warum im Nordpazifik neue Seebeben drohen

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 13:12:00 +0100BerlinMorgenpost (de)

Das Seebeben in Japan im Jahr 2011 gilt als eines der stärksten seit Menschengedenken: Geologen haben herausgefunden, warum auch künftig Gefahr droht. Ursache ist ein "Schmiermittel" in der Störungszone.

Naturkatastrophen: Warum im Nordpazifik neue Seebeben drohen

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 13:08:00 +0100Welt (de)

Das Seebeben in Japan im Jahr 2011 gilt als eines der stärksten seit Menschengedenken: Geologen haben herausgefunden, warum auch künftig Gefahr droht. Ursache ist ein "Schmiermittel" in der Störungszone.

Spurensuche: Schlüpfriges Sediment begünstigte Seebeben von Japan

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 12:44:00 +0100spiegel (de)

2011 wurde Japan vom schwersten Erdbeben in seiner Geschichte getroffen, ein Tsunami verwüstete riesige Landstriche, viele Tausende Menschen starben. Forscher drangen nun zum Epizentrum des Bebens vor. Sie stießen nicht nur auf die dünnste Plattengrenze der Erde.

Banjir tidak lagi kritikal, kata menteri

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 12:26:00 +0100malaysiakini-ms (ms)

Mangsa banjir di empat buah negeri telah melepasi tahap kritikal dan kini mereka dalam proses pulang ke rumah masing-masing, Kata Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia Datuk Seri Ahmad ShaberyCheek.

Entertainment › Bieber brings cheer in typhoon-hit Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 12:18:00 +0100japantoday (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber hugged, sang to, and played basketball with young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon Tuesday as he visited the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort. Bieber flew unannounced to the central city of Tacloban just over a month after it was....

Bieber brings cheer in Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 12:06:00 +0100BangkokPost (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber hugged, sang to, danced and played with young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon Tuesday, bringing cheer to the disaster zone amid an international relief effort.

Bieber brings cheer to typhoon-hit Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 11:55:00 +0100radioaustralianews (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to and played basketball with young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon after flying into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort.

Bieber brings cheer to typhoon-hit Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 11:36:00 +0100radioaustralia (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to and played basketball with young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon after flying into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort.

Bieber sings to Yolanda survivors

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 11:12:00 +0100manilatimes (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to young survivors of the Philippines’ deadliest typhoon on Tuesday after he flew into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort. Bieber flew unannounced to the central city of Tacloban just over a … Read more »

Justin Bieber brings cheer in typhoon-hit Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 10:50:00 +0100afp-english (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to and played basketball with young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon Tuesday after he flew into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort. Bieber flew unannounced to the central city of Tacloban just over a month after it was devastated....

Terremoto de magnitude 4,6 ocorre ao largo da costa de Kamchatka

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 10:43:00 +0100ruvr-pt (pt)

Um terremoto de magnitude 4,6 ocorreu esta terça-feira no mar de Bering, ao largo da costa leste de Kamchatka, relata a filial de Kamchatka do Serviço de Geofísica da Academia de Ciências da Rússia.

Erdbeben der Stärke 4,6 vor Kamtschatka-Halbinsel

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 10:12:00 +0100ruvr-de (de)

Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 4,6 hat sich am Dienstag im Beringmeer vor der Ostküste der Halbinsel Kamtschatka ereignet, teilt die Filiale des Geophysischen Dienstes der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften auf Kamtschatka mit. Das Epizentrum des Erdbebens war 28 Kilometer entfernt vom Kap Kronozki.

Agonising wait for 1,800 missing in Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 10:09:00 +0100emirates247 (en)

In the grieving, grey wastelands that were once bustling towns on tropical Philippine islands, thousands of typhoon survivors are enduring an agonising wait of hope and denial for news of loved ones. Nearly 1,800 people are officially listed as missing after Super Typhoon Haiyan swept across the....

UN probes typhoon aid fears

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 10:07:00 +0100heraldscotland (en)

THE UN is investigating reports aid has yet to reach remote parts of the Philippines, a month after a devastating typhoon.

Terremoto sacude la costa de Kamchatka

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 10:01:00 +0100ruvr-es (es)

El martes, en el mar de Béring, en la costa este de Kamchatka, se produjo un terremoto de magnitud 4,6, informa la filial del Servicio geofísico de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia.

Pop star Bieber brings cheer in typhoon-hit Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 09:50:00 +0100hurriyetdailynews (en)

Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon

Pop star Bieber brings cheer in typhoon-hit Philippines

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 09:34:00 +0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

MANILA: Pop megastar Justin Bieber sang to young survivors of the Philippines' deadliest typhoon Tuesday after he flew into the disaster zone to boost an international relief effort. Bieber flew unannounced to the central city of Tacloban just over a month after it was devastated by Super Typhoon....

Analysis: How to get aid to remote Philippine typhoon survivors

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 09:13:00 +0100irinnews (en)

MANILA, 9 December 2013 (IRIN) - Efforts are intensifying to improve access to much needed humanitarian assistance to remote Philippine islands, one month after the category 5 Super Typhoon Haiyan (local name Yolanda) barrelled into the archipelago. The typhoon made landfall six times, battering the....

Agonising wait for the missing in Philippine wastelands

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 08:33:00 +0100BangkokPost (en)

In the grieving, grey wastelands that were once bustling towns on tropical Philippine islands, thousands of typhoon survivors are enduring an agonising wait of hope and denial for news of loved ones.

Brothers orphaned in tsunami raise funds for other parentless youngsters by selling flip flops

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 07:40:00 +0100sundaymirror (en)

Rob and Paul Forkan's parents died in the Boxing Day 2004 disaster in Sri Lanka as the family travelled around south-east Asia

Brothers orphaned in tsunami raise funds for other parentless youngsters by selling flip flops

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 07:34:00 +0100themirror (en)

Rob and Paul Forkan's parents died in the Boxing Day 2004 disaster in Sri Lanka as the family travelled around south-east Asia

Naval Base to Conduct Tsunami Exercise Thursday, Dec. 12

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 07:09:00 +0100pnc (en)

Guam - The Guam Homeland Security Office of Civil Defense has announced that Naval Base Guam will be conducting a tsunami exercise on Thursday, December 12. NBG's exercise will begin at 8 am and will last until 1 pm. They are advising residents in surrounding areas not to be alarmed if they hear or....

Agonizing wait for the missing in post-Yolanda wastelands

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 07:04:00 +0100gmanews (en)

TACLOBAN In the grieving, gray wastelands that were once bustling towns on tropical Philippine islands, thousands of typhoon survivors are enduring an agonizing wait of hope and denial for news of loved ones. Nearly 1,800 people are officially listed as missing after Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan)....

U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy visits Nagasaki - city hit by World War II atomic bomb that killed 70,000

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 07:01:00 +0100dailymail (en)

The daughter of U.S. President John F. Kennedy toured Nagasaki's Atomic Bomb Museum on Tuesday and met with some atomic bomb survivors.

Un sismo de magnitud 5,3 sacude la isla de Sumatra

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 06:50:00 +0100rt-es (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5,3 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este martes la isla indonesia de Sumatra. El epicentro del terremoto se ubicó a una profundidad de 31,8 kilómetros en las aguas costeras de la isla, según informa el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés).

U.S. Envoy Caroline Kennedy Visits Nagasaki

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 06:41:00 +0100naharnet-en (en)

U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy has visited the Japanese city of Nagasaki, site of the Aug. 9, 1945, Ame rica n atomic bomb attack that killed 70,000 people and helped prompt Japan's surrender in World War II. The daughter of U.S. President John F. Kennedy toured Nagasaki's Atomic Bomb Museum on Tuesday and met with some atomic bomb survivors.

Philippines: Agonising wait for the missing in Philippine wastelands

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 06:07:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Source: Agence France-Presse Country: Philippines 12/10/2013 03:48 GMT by Karl MALAKUNAS TACLOBAN, December 10, 2013 (AFP) - In the grieving, grey wastelands that were once bustling towns on tropical Philippine islands, thousands of typhoon survivors are enduring an agonising wait of hope and denial for news of loved ones.

Philvolcs estimates 7 to 8-meter high tsunami in Dagupan if Manila Trench moves

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 05:03:00 +0100manilatimes (en)

An 8.5 magnitude earthquake emanating from the Manila Trench could generate from 7 to 8-meter high tsunami in Dagupan City. This was estimated by Dr. Leonila Bautista, an official of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs), who was … Read more »

U.S. ambassador to Japan visits Nagasaki

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 04:46:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

TOKYO, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy on Tuesday made first visit since she took office to Nagasaki, a city hit by a U.S. atomic bomb on Aug. 9, 1945, local media reported. After visiting the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, Kennedy said she was deeply moved and would like....

US envoy Caroline Kennedy visits Nagasaki

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 04:40:00 +0100nzherald (en)

TOKYO (AP) U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy has visited the Japanese city of Nagasaki, site of the Aug. 9, 1945, Ame rica n atomic bomb attack that killed 70,000 people and helped prompt Japan's surrender in World War II.The daughter...

Investigan muerte de abogado ligado a Renovación Nacional

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 01:06:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Se trata de Cristián Espinosa Lynch, quien entre otros cargos se desempeñó como jefe de gabinete del presidente del partido entre 2003 y 2004.

Analysis: How to get aid to remote Philippine typhoon survivors

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 00:04:00 +0100globalsecurity (en)

A number of remote Philippine islands are still cut off from sufficient aid, electricity and water nearly one month after the category 5 Super Typhoon Haiyan (local name Yolanda) barrelled into the archipelago. The typhoon made landfall six times, battering the central islands and leaving a path of....

Brian Williams is only network anchor in S. Africa

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 23:57:00 +0100miamiherald (en)

NBC's Brian Williams is anchoring his nightly newscast from South Af rica early this week, covering the world's mourning for Nelson Mandela, but he won't have some of his usual company.

UN probing alleged non-delivery of typhoon aid

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 20:23:00 +0100abs-cbnnews (en)

The United Nations is investigating reports that aid has yet to reach remote parts of the Philippines a month after the onslaught of Super Typhoon Yolanda, the UN humanitarian chief said yesterday.

Federal Flood Maps Left New York City Unprepared for Sandy, and FEMA Knew It

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 19:59:00 +0100scientificamerican (en)

But the maps drawn up by the Federal Emergency Management Agency were wrong. And government officials knew it. According to documents and interviews, state, local and federal officials had been aware for years that the crucial maps of flood risks were inaccurate; some feared they understated the dangers in New York City's low-lying areas.

Philippines: Analysis: How to get aid to remote Philippine typhoon survivors

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 19:52:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Source: IRIN Country: Philippines Some remote areas still inaccessible Largest foreign military assistance of any disaster Philippine Air Force plays key role 1,400 tons relief goods dispatched thus far MANILA, 9 December 2013 (IRIN) - A number of remote Philippine islands are still cut off from....

Investigan muerte de abogado ligado a Renovación Nacional

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 19:45:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

Se trata de Cristián Espinosa Lynch, quien entre otros cargos se desempeñó como coordinador nacional del "Grupo de Jóvenes Profesionales de RN" y jefe de gabinete del presidente del partido.

La arcilla, responsable de la catástrofe del tsunami de Japón de 2011

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 18:12:00 +0100idealJaen (es)

Japón, 11 de marzo. Son más de las dos y media tarde, hora local. En el mar, a 130 kilómetros de Sendai, frente a la costa de Honshu, la tierra se mueve. “El terremoto de la costa del Pacífico”, bautizado así por la Agencia Meteorológica de Japón, causa una catástrofe en el país asiático: el....

La arcilla, responsable de la catástrofe del tsunami de Japón de 2011

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 18:05:00 +0100idealAlmeria (es)

Japón, 11 de marzo. Son más de las dos y media tarde, hora local. En el mar, a 130 kilómetros de Sendai, frente a la costa de Honshu, la tierra se mueve. “El terremoto de la costa del Pacífico”, bautizado así por la Agencia Meteorológica de Japón, causa una catástrofe en el país asiático: el....

UK media report relief goods sold for profit THE British newspaper The Daily Mail reported over the weekend that pilfered relief goods meant for the survivors of...

Mon, 09 Dec 2013 17:30:00 +0100manilastandardtoday (en)

UK media report relief goods sold for profit THE British newspaper The Daily Mail reported over the weekend that pilfered relief goods meant for the survivors of super typhoon Yolanda have found their way in stores in upscale neighborhoods of Metro Manila, causing an uproar among some international relief funding agencies.

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