The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.
The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.
How India Is Aiding Typhoon-Hit Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam; Drought-Hit Namibia
New Delhi: India has sent a second tranche of relief supplies to Myanmar under its Operation Sadbhav, which was launched two days ago to help Southeast Asian countries deal with Typhoon Yagi. Massive floods have wreaked destruction in various parts of Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam after Typhoon Yagi,....
India Sends Humanitarian Aid To Drought-Struck Namibia
- IANS) New Delhi, Sep 17 (IANS) India on Tuesday dispatched a consignment of 1,000 metric tonnes of rice to Namibia as humanitarian aid to address the food security needs of the drought-stricken African nation. This initiative aligns with India''s commitment to supporting the Global South.
One month after Koukou floods, dire humanitarian situation remains
Thousands of people displaced by the floods in Koukou Angarana, in Sila province, eastern Chad , are still living in makeshift shelters without reliable access to clean water, food, or sufficient health facilities a month later. Water levels continue to fluctuate, and although the fear of another flood is decreasing, needs are only rising.
APO AFRICA One month after Koukou floods, dire humanitarian situation remains
One month after Koukou floods, dire humanitarian situation remains Thousands of people displaced by the floods in Koukou Angarana, in Sila province, eastern Chad , are still living in makeshift shelters without reliable access to clean water, food, or sufficient health facilities a month later.
GENEVA, Switzerland, September 16, 2024/APO Group/ -- Thousands of people displaced by the floods in Koukou Angarana, in Sila province, eastern Chad , are still living in makeshift shelters without reliable access to clean water, food, or sufficient health facilities a month later.
Food and humanitarian response lacking one month after floods in Koukou, eastern Chad
Chad, 11 September 2024 The situation in Koukou Angarana, in Sila province, Chad, and its surroundings remains critical after the devastating floods on 9 August. The floods have displaced thousands of people, destroyed homes and left health centres unable to function.
Floods hit millions in West and Central Africa
Parts of Central and West Africa have seen heavy flooding over an unusually intense rainy season, unleashing a humanitarian crisis in which hundreds have been killed and hundreds of thousands displaced. The summer of 2024 was the hottest ever recorded on Earth, and record after record has tumbled over the past year.
Parts of Central and West Africa have seen heavy flooding over an unusually intense rainy season, unleashing a humanitarian crisis in which hundreds have been killed and hundreds of thousands displaced. The summer of 2024 was the hottest ever recorded on Earth and record after record has tumbled over the past year.
Paris, Sept 10 (AFP) Sep 10, 2024 Parts of Central and West Africa have seen heavy flooding over an unusually intense rainy season, unleashing a humanitarian crisis in which hundreds have been killed and hundreds of thousands displaced. The summer of 2024 was the hottest ever recorded on Earth and record after record has tumbled over the past year.
Niger hosts international conference on climate change in West Africa
Niger Hosts International Conference On Climate Change In West Africa. BAMAKO, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th Sep, 2024) An international conference on climate change in West began on Tuesday in Niamey , capital of the West African country of The three-day conference comes amid....
Nel 2024 nel mondo è raddoppiata la fame catastrofica. Gaza e Sudan i più colpiti
(GRFC) 2024 e si basa sui dati disponibili alla fine di agosto, evidenziando i cambiamenti negli elevati livelli di insicurezza alimentare acuta e malnutrizione acuta rispetto al picco del 2023. La Striscia di Gaza (Palestina) resta la crisi alimentare più grave nella storia del GRFC, Con tutti i....
Caldo estremo, 2024 anno senza precedenti
In base a quanto affermato al Guardian da Maximiliano Herrera , storico del clima, da inizio anno anno le stazioni di monitoraggio dall’Artico al Pacifico meridionale hanno registrato quasi 150 record mensili di caldo estremo a livello nazionale Un numero senza precedenti che, secondo Herrera va al....
Chad | Floods - Simplified Early Action Protocol (sEAP No: sEAP2023CD01)
RISK ANALYSIS AND SELECTION OF EARLY ACTIONS. Priority risks and their impacts. Chad remains exposed to the effects of climate change according to analyses of the Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI). On the other hand, the analysis carried out by Verisk Maplecroft (a monitoring and advisory....
Chad: Chad Seeks Assistance to Deal With Floods As Neighboring Cameroon Pleads for Help With Drought
Yaounde, Cameroon Officials in Chad are asking for international assistance to save thousands of people from persistent flooding, while officials in neighboring Cameroon are seeking help to cope with the opposite problem - severe drought. Officials say floods for the past three days have forced....
Africa Occidentale e centrale: Onu lancia allarme piogge e inondazioni
di: Celine Camoin | 16 Agosto 2024. Più di 700.000 persone sono già state colpite quest’anno dalle inondazioni nell’Africa occidentale e centrale, che hanno causato la morte di 72 persone per annegamento e il ferimento di altre 699. È il bilancio reso noto ieri da un’agenzia delle Nazioni Unite,....
Chad seeks assistance to deal with floods as neighboring Cameroon pleads for help with drought
Yaounde, Cameroon — Officials in Chad are asking for international assistance to save thousands of people from persistent flooding, while officials in neighboring Cameroon are seeking help to cope with the opposite problem – severe drought. Officials say floods for the past three days have forced....
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