Overall Green alert Drought for Nigeria-2024
in Cameroon, Nigeria

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Articles about casualties: 1 (1.1%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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DR Congo: Weekly Regional Cholera Bulletin: June 2024 (Data reported: as of 31 May 2024)

2024-07-13T14:15+0200humanitarianresponse (en)

Attachments The cholera outbreak in the WHO African Region in 2024 has affected 14 countries (Burundi, Cameroon , Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria , South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe).

Weekly Regional Cholera Bulletin: June 2024 (Data reported: as of 31 May 2024)

2024-07-13T12:58+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments The cholera outbreak in the WHO African Region in 2024 has affected 14 countries (Burundi, Cameroon , Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria , South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe).

Così l’Africa usa il modello della Protezione civile italiana negli eventi climatici estremi

2024-07-09T20:15+0200editorialedomani (it)

Nel 2022 il segretario generale delle Nazioni unite António Guterres lanciava la campagna “Early Warning for All”, il piano globale per dotare ogni paese del mondo di un sistema di allerta per eventi climatici estremi entro il 2027. «Essere avvisati in tempo salva vite umane», aveva detto Guterres.

Africa: IOM Report Says 7.9 Million People Internally Displaced in 2023

2024-07-09T07:16+0200allafrica (en)

According to a report published by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 7.9 million people in West and Central Africa (WCA), were internally displaced due to conflict and violence in 2023. The IOM made this disclosure during a presentation at a plenary session of the ongoing First....

IOM Report Says 7.9 Million People Internally Displaced in 2023

2024-07-08T20:08+0200foroyaa (en)

By: Kebba AF Touray According to a report published by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 7.9 million people in West and Central Africa (WCA), were internally displaced due to conflict and violence in 2023. The IOM made this disclosure during a presentation at a plenary session of....

June warmest on record; every month since July 2023 breached 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T08:51+0200businessinsider-in (en)

With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

June Warmest On Record Every Month Since July 2023 Breached 1.5 Deg C Threshold

2024-07-08T08:45+0200menafn (en)

- Kashmir Observer) New Delhi- With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

June warmest on record; every month since July 2023 breached 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T08:14+0200dtnext (en)

NEW DELHI: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

India Records Warmest June Since 1901, Says Weather Office

2024-07-08T07:42+0200ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

Environment June 2024 hottest on record as world continues to breach 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T05:18+0200deccanherald (en)

New Delhi: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

The Looming Food Crisis

2024-07-04T10:13+0200leadership (en)

The anxiety among the populace that Nigeria is facing a food crisis is palpable. The controversy over the issue of food insecurity in the country has been simmering; recent events only brought it starkly into public focus. With the nefarious activities of terrorists and bandits in states like Benue,....

Katsina, Mercy Corps Pledge 10m Trees to Combat Rising Desertification

2024-07-01T12:16+0200thisdayonline (en)

Francis Sardauna in Katsina The Katsina State Government, in collaboration with Mercy Corps, has announced plans to commence planting of 10 million trees in the next three years to tackle the rising desertification and climate change in the state. The state Commissioner for Environment, Musa Adamu,....

UN warns of humanitarian risk due to lack of funding

2024-06-27T16:58+0200plenglish (en)

According to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, in the first six months of the year, barely 18 percent of the 48.7 billion dollars, needed to help people worldwide, was accounted for. The Global Humanitarian Outlook Mid-2024 update warned that the consequences are particularly....

DR Congo: Weekly Regional Cholera Bulletin: May 2024 (Data reported: as of 30 April 2024)

2024-06-27T14:40+0200humanitarianresponse (en)

Attachments In 2024, the cholera outbreak in the WHO African Region in 2024 has affected 14 countries (Burundi, Cameroon , Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria , South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe).

Weekly Regional Cholera Bulletin: May 2024 (Data reported: as of 30 April 2024)

2024-06-27T13:31+0200reliefWeb (en)

In 2024, the cholera outbreak in the WHO African Region in 2024 has affected 14 countries (Burundi, Cameroon , Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria , South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe).

India and Kenya forge alliance to expand Africa’s space capabilities in response to climate crisis

2024-06-27T07:53+0200downtoearth (en)

India has expressed interest in exploring areas of partnership and seeking avenues of collaboration with Kenya in developing and expanding Africa’s space capabilities for predicting and monitoring extreme weather events. Speaking at the Kenya Space Expo & Conference in Nairobi, the Indian High....

With the support of Google.org, the International Rescue Committee and GiveDirectly scale Artificial Intelligence for Climate Resilience June 24, 2024

2024-06-24T15:52+0200rescue (en)

June 24, 2024 — The International Rescue Committee (IRC) and GiveDirectly are announcing a $4.6 million grant from Google.org to leverage technology to help deliver aid and cash support to 7,500 people ahead of climate related floods in Nigeria . This program will leverage artificial intelligence....

Resolving the herdsmen issue in Nigeria

2024-06-22T23:20+0200thenationonlineng (en)

The issue of Fulani herdsmen grazing has been a long-standing and contentious one in many parts of Africa, especially in countries like Nigeria , Ghana, and Kenya. Fulani herdsmen, also known as Fulbe or Peul, are a pastoralist ethnic group who rely on cattle rearing for their livelihood.

Cholera: WHO Announces Over 1,900 Deaths, 195,000 Cases Globally

2024-06-21T16:08+0200channelstv (en)

The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed a cumulative death of 194, 897 deaths and 1,932 cases globally as a result of a cholera outbreak. A statement by the health organisation’s Eastern Mediterranean Region said the outbreaks were recorded from the 1st of January, 2024 to the 26th of May, 2024.

Power infra needs climate resilience

2024-06-21T02:38+0200financialexpress (en)

Recently, I experienced the ineffectiveness of air conditioning and refrigerators in Kolkata. At 40°C with relative humidity of 50-55%, I felt very uneasy. Google said “feels like temperature is 48°C”. The cooling devices were unable to pump out the heat adequately, as the ambient temperature and....

8 persone su 10 vorrebbero che i loro governi facessero di più contro la crisi climatica

2024-06-20T16:32+0200ilpost (it)

Il Programma delle Nazioni Unite per lo sviluppo (UNDP) ha pubblicato i risultati del Peoples’ Climate Vote 2024, il più grande sondaggio mai condotto dall’ONU sul tema del cambiamento climatico: sono state intervistate più di 75mila persone provenienti da 77 paesi che parlano 87 lingue diverse.

Addressing Nigeria’s food crises with holistic approach

2024-06-19T04:44+0200tribuneonlineng (en)

Juwonlo Dahunsi. The current food crises in Nigeria and many other countries of the world have been attributed to several causes. Top of the causes are global and national economic crises, tumbling currency, insecurity, the Russia-Ukraine war, and climate change. As of March 2024, the food inflation rate in Nigeria increased by 40.

Casa Birba: molto più di un tetto per le donne migranti

2024-06-17T12:38+0200vita (it)

A giugno 2022, il Global Trends Report stimava una presenza in Europa di circa 13,6 milioni di rifugiati e richiedenti asilo, provenienti soprattutto da Medio Oriente e Africa. In Italia, molti migranti sono accolti nel Sistema di accoglienza e integrazione — Sai, cohousing e case di accoglienza....

El impacto de la desertificación y la sequía en la economía del planeta

2024-06-17T10:33+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

La desertificación y la sequía son fenómenos ambientales que, lejos de ser meros cambios en el paisaje, constituyen una grave amenaza para la economía global. Afectan fundamentalmente a la agricultura, pero su impacto se extiende a otros sectores como el turismo y la gestión de recursos naturales,....

Desertificazione: smettere di vandalizzare la Terra e aiutare il pianeta a prosperare

2024-06-17T08:15+0200greenreport (it)

Nel suo preoccupato messaggio per il World Day to Combat Desertification and Drough t che si celebra il 17 giugno, il segretario generale dell’Onu António Guterres ha sottolineato che «La sicurezza, la prosperità e la salute di miliardi di persone dipendono da territori fiorenti che sostengono vite,....


2024-06-16T03:48+0200thisdayonline (en)

This year’s World Environmental Day focus on restoring land, combating desertification, and enhancing resilience to drought holds particular significance for our nation, where these challenges are not just environmental issues but pivotal to our survival, economy, and heritage.

Opening of the National Situation Room in Tanzania for the AMHEWAS Network

2024-06-15T01:32+0200cimafoundation (en)

The first National Situation Room of the AMHEWAS network aims to provide coordinated and collaborative access to Early Warning Systems across the entire African continent. The Emergency Operation and Communication Center (EOCC) Situation Room, inaugurated today in Dodoma, serves as the connection....

UNICEF Urges Youth Action on Climate Change in Nigeria’s Lake Chad Region

2024-06-12T15:16+0200sunnewsonline (en)

SPOTLIGHTS UNICEF stresses the importance of youth engagement in climate action; Children in the Lake Chad region are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts; Borno State is taking steps to combat climate change, including tree planting and legal reviews; The Borno State Climate Action....

Sahel: l’Italia solidale in aiuto del Mali

2024-06-12T00:52+0200interris (it)

Cooperazione italiana in soccorso al Sahel. Sono quasi 33 milioni le persone, tra cui molte donne e bambini, che hanno bisogno di protezione e assistenza salvavita nel Sahel , la regione subsahariana dell’ Africa . A lanciare l’allarme è l’Uffico per la coordinazione degli affari umanitari dell’Onu.

IFRC allocates $1m to support climate change actions in Ghana

2024-06-11T10:17+0200ghanaiantimes (en)

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has allocat­ed $1 million to support locally-led climate change actions in Ghana over a period of five years. The project, which spans from 2022-2027, is to be undertaken in col­laboration with the Ghana Red Cross Society (....

Trinity varsity advocates natural environment restoration

2024-06-11T04:48+0200punchng (en)

Scholars at the 2024 World Environment Day conference organised by Trinity University, Lagos, said governments and businesses have a leading role to play in reversing the damage humanity has done to the earth. The 2024 World Environment Day, was titled ‘Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resistance.

Lagos Govt to Address Land Degradation

2024-06-09T08:08+0200concise (en)

The Commissioner for the Environment and Water Resources Mr. Tokunbo Wahab stated this at the grand finale of the 2024 World Environment Day Celebration held on Saturday at Adeyemi-Bero Auditorium, Alausa, Ikeja, saying that Lagos State is not immune to natural challenges of being a megacity with growing population and rapid urbanization.

Lagos State seeks proactive measures against land degradation

2024-06-09T05:46+0200von (en)

The lagos State Government has urged residents to take proactive measures to address land degradation and enhance resilience to drought. The Commissioner for the Environment and Water Resources, Mr Tokunbo Wahab, said this at the grand finale of the 2024 World Environment Day Celebration on Saturday in Lagos state.

On World Environmental Day, President Tinubu Calls for Win Win Transition to Prosperous and Clean Economy Future

2024-06-08T07:40+0200nta-ng (en)

On the special occasion of World Environment Day marked every June 5, President Bola Tinubu calls for earnest effort and action by citizens, stakeholders, institutions, and development partners to safeguard the environment and ensure a win-win transition to a prosperous and clean economy future for all.

Preallarme FAO-WFP sull’insicurezza alimentare acuta. Prospettive da giugno a ottobre 2024

2024-06-07T22:14+0200lamiafinanza (it)

Questi gli altri Paesi/territori che richiedono l’attenzione più urgente: Ciad, Repubblica Democratica del Congo (province orientali), Myanmar, Repubblica Araba di Siria e Yemen. Nell’edizione 2023 dello stesso report c’erano Repubblica Centrafricana, Libano, Mozambico.

World Environment Day: Experts harp on ways to restore land, halt desertification

2024-06-07T14:51+0200tribuneonlineng (en)

In a clarion call for environmental action, experts in environmental sustainability have highlighted the imperative of land restoration and ways to halt desertification and combat drought. The event was held on Wednesday during the 2024 Environmental Week, organised by the Nigeria n Institution of....

Nigeria ranks 2nd worst on children’s climate risk globally - UNICEF

2024-06-07T05:44+0200dailytrust (en)

Nigeria ranks 2nd worst on children’s climate risk globally – UNICEF. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has revealed that the Nigeria Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC, 2023) report indicates that Nigeria ranks as the The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has revealed....

Rapporto Hunger Hotspots sulla geografia della fame: l’insicurezza alimentare acuta è destinata ad aumentare in ampiezza e gravità in diciotto “punti caldi” (C. Marino)

2024-06-06T22:25+0200farodiroma (it)

Mentre nelle cancellerie del mondo si parla di guerra, un nuovo rapporto delle Nazioni Unite (Hunger Hotspots – FAO-WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity) ha rivelato oggi che l’insicurezza alimentare acuta è destinata ad aumentare in ampiezza e gravità in diciotto “punti caldi” della fame.

Tinubu calls for win-win transition to clean economy future

2024-06-06T14:17+0200tvcnews (en)

President Bola Tinubu has called for earnest effort and action by citizens, stakeholders, institutions, and development partners to safeguard the environment and ensure a win-win transition to a prosperous and clean economy future for all. The World Environment Day, established by the United Nations....

Nigeria: Addressing Nigeria's Rising Climate Risks

2024-06-06T13:17+0200allafrica (en)

Chiemelie Ezeobi writes that with the burgeoning threat of climate change globally, exacerbated by several man-made factors, there is an urgent need to address these risks in Nigeria . Droughts, desertification, rising sea levels, fluctuating rainfall, higher temperatures, flooding, land degradation,....

World Environmental Day:NGO, firm begins one million trees campaign in Lagos

2024-06-06T12:15+0200sunnewsonline (en)

… collaborates to end desertification,drought resilience. By Bianca Iboma-Emefu. A Non Governmental Organization, One Million Trees Initiative, LG Electronics Nigeria , SMP Media Group,GSR 360 Ltd, CPower Solutions, OPRA have collaborated on tree planting one million trees in Lagos.

Mozambique: UN agencies add country to list of world's hunger hotspots

2024-06-06T09:02+0200clubofmozambique (en)

Mozambique is among the countries added to the list of the world’s hunger hotspots in a report released on Wednesday by United Nations agencies, which point to violence and armed conflict as the main causes of acute global food insecurity. According to the report “ ” by the UN Food and Agriculture....

World Environment Day - Tinubu Calls for 'Win-Win' Transition to Clean Economy

2024-06-06T07:44+0200allafrica (en)

President Bola Tinubu has called for earnest effort and action by citizens, stakeholders, institutions, and development partners to safeguard the environment and ensure a win-win transition to a prosperous and clean economic future for all. This is contained in his message to mark the World Environment Day.

World Environment Day: HEDA advocates role for traditional institutions

2024-06-06T07:35+0200guardian-ng (en)

• As HOMEF seeks state of emergency. In commemoration of World Environmental Day, Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA Resource Centre) has called on Federal Government for a constitutional amendment to create roles and resources for traditional institutions in protecting forests, combating desertification, and preventing droughts.

Tinubu Tasks Citizens, Stakeholders, Development Partners, to Safeguard Environment

2024-06-06T07:10+0200allafrica (en)

President Bola Tinubu, on the occasion of the World Environment Day marked annually on June 5, on Wednesday, called for earnest effort and action by citizens, stakeholders, institutions and development partners to safeguard the environment and ensure a win-win transition to a prosperous and clean economic future for all.

Nigeria: Tinubu Seeks Stakeholders' Partnership for Transition to Clean Economy

2024-06-06T07:04+0200allafrica (en)

President Bola Tinubu has called for earnest effort and action by citizens, stakeholders, institutions, and development partners to safeguard the environment and ensure a win-win transition to a prosperous and clean economy future for all. President Tinubu stated this in his message to mark the 2024....

World Environment Day, Tinubu Seeks Transition to Clean Economy Future

2024-06-05T20:48+0200concise (en)

President Bola Tinubu has called for earnest effort and action by citizens, stakeholders, institutions, and development partners to safeguard the environment and ensure a win-win transition to a prosperous and clean economic future for all. President Tinubu made the call on the special occasion of....

Environment Day: President Tinubu Seeks Action To Protect Ecosystems

2024-06-05T18:53+0200von (en)

Nigeria’s President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu has called for a more proactive approach to protect the land and ecosystem through afforestation, water conservation, and the cessation of indiscriminate felling of trees. The President made the call in a statement issued by his Special Adviser on Media and....

Tinubu Tasks Citizens, Stakeholders, Development Partners, to Safeguard Environment

2024-06-05T18:31+0200thisdayonline (en)

* Canvasses win-win transition to prosperous and clean economy future * Says healing the world must start with healing the land and its people Deji Elumoye in Abuja President Bola Tinubu, on the occasion of the World Environment Day marked annually on June 5, on Wednesday, called for earnest effort....

World Environment Day: Tinubu harps on transition to clean economy future

2024-06-05T17:39+0200tribuneonlineng (en)

President Bola Tinubu has called for earnest effort and action by citizens, stakeholders, institutions, and development partners to safeguard the environment and ensure a win-win transition to a prosperous and clean economy for all. He made the call on the occasion of World Environment Day, marked on June 5.

World Environment Day: Tinubu rallies stakeholders for sustainable ecosystem

2024-06-05T17:37+0200dailypost (en)

President Bola Tinubu has called for earnest efforts and action by citizens, stakeholders, institutions, and development partners to safeguard the environment and ensure a win-win transition to a prosperous and clean economic future for all. He stated this on the occasion of the World Environment Day marked every June 5.

Addressing Nigeria’s Rising Climate Risks

2024-06-05T02:37+0200thisdayonline (en)

Chiemelie Ezeobi writes that with the burgeoning threat of climate change globally, exacerbated by several man-made factors, there is an urgent need to address these risks in Nigeria Droughts, desertification, rising sea levels, fluctuating rainfall, higher temperatures, flooding, land degradation,....

Potential of Cities in Tackling Climate Change Still Largely Untapped, UN Says

2024-06-05T00:37+0200earth-org (en)

Only 27% of national policy plans to tackle climate change have a strong focus on urban priorities, despite the potential of cities to help achieve climate targets. National policy plans to drive sustainability and emissions reduction must put greater emphasis on urban priorities and climate action....

Ecoansia. Le possibili conseguenze del cambiamento climatico sulla salute mentale

2024-06-03T17:11+0200difesapopolo (it)

Ogni anno, per sei anni consecutivi, Wamaitha ha sperato che i suoi campi in Kenya prosperassero. Tuttavia, ogni anno ha visto la siccità seccare i raccolti, solo per poi vederli spazzati via dalle inondazioni. Questo ciclo di ottimismo e perdita, causato dagli effetti del cambiamento climatico, l’ha lasciata in uno stato di ansia costante.

The Unprecedented Impact Of El Niño In Nigeria

2024-05-29T14:27+0200leadership (en)

El Niño, a complex climate phenomenon characterized by the periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, has profound implications for global weather patterns. Its impacts in Nigeria are particularly notable, influencing weather conditions,....

L'UNICEF alla Giornata per i Bambini incontra Papa Francesco: appello per la pace e la protezione dei bambini

2024-05-27T16:32+0200aise (it)

ROMA\ aise\ - La Direttrice generale dell'UNICEF, Catherine Russell , ha fatto visita in questi giorni a Roma, dove ha incontrato Papa Francesco e si è unita a migliaia di bambini in occasione della prima " giornata per i bambini " organizzata dal Vaticano per contribuire a incoraggiare un'azione....

UNICEF Chief meets with Pope Francis to advocate for millions of children

2024-05-27T10:28+0200devdiscourse (en)

On Saturday, Russell joined Pope Francis and tens of thousands of children from across the globe, including those from war-torn regions, at Rome’s Olympic Stadium. UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell concluded a three-day visit to Rome, where she met with Pope Francis and participated in....

Unicef e Papa Francesco: appello per la pace e protezione dei bambini

2024-05-27T07:08+0200termolionline (it)

La Direttrice generale dell'UNICEF Catherine Russell ha concluso ieri una visita di tre giorni a Roma, dove ha incontrato Papa Francesco e si è unita a migliaia di bambini in occasione della prima "giornata per i bambini" organizzata dal Vaticano per contribuire a incoraggiare un'azione globale a....

Press release 26 May 2024 UNICEF Chief Catherine Russell meets Pope Francis in a call for peace and protection of children affected by poverty, conflict and climate crises Visit the page

2024-05-27T01:54+0200unicef (en)

ROME/NEW YORK, 26 May 2024 – UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell today ended a three-day visit to Rome where she met with Pope Francis and joined thousands of children at the Vatican’s first children’s day event to help galvanize global action for the millions of children affected by poverty, conflict, and climate crises.

UNICEF Chief Catherine Russell meets Pope Francis in a call for peace and protection of children affected by poverty, conflict and climate crises

2024-05-26T21:56+0200reliefWeb (en)

ROME/NEW YORK, 26 May 2024 UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell today ended a three-day visit to Rome where she met with Pope Francis and joined thousands of children at the Vatican’s first children’s day event to help galvanize global action for the millions of children affected by poverty, conflict, and climate crises.

La direttrice dell’Unicef Catherine Russell ha incontrato oggi Papa Francesco

2024-05-26T20:11+0200newtuscia (it)

NewTuscia – ROMA – La Direttrice generale dell’UNICEF Catherine Russell ha concluso oggi una visita di tre giorni a Roma, dove ha incontrato Papa Francesco e si è unita a migliaia di bambini in occasione della prima “giornata per i bambini” organizzata dal Vaticano per contribuire a incoraggiare....

Direttrice UNICEF incontra Papa Francesco

2024-05-26T19:55+0200agenpress (it)

AgenPress . La Direttrice generale dell’UNICEF Catherine Russell ha concluso oggi una visita di tre giorni a Roma, dove ha incontrato Papa Francesco e si è unita a migliaia di bambini in occasione della prima “giornata per i bambini” organizzata dal Vaticano per contribuire a incoraggiare un’azione....

La Direttrice dell’UNICEF Catherine Russell incontra Papa Francesco: appello per la pace e la protezione dei bambini colpiti da povertà, conflitti e crisi climatiche

2024-05-26T19:48+0200puglialive (it)

FOTO: © UNICEF/UNI581002/Cagnoli La Direttrice generale dell’UNICEF Catherine Russell ha concluso oggi una visita di tre giorni a Roma, dove ha incontrato Papa Francesco e si è unita a migliaia di bambini in occasione della prima “giornata per i bambini” organizzata dal Vaticano per contribuire a....

‘Weather whiplash’ cycles of floods & droughts imperil Nigerian farming

2024-05-15T20:16+0200mongabay (en)

Farmers in Nigeria — and other regions, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa — are suffering huge losses due to extreme weather shifts in quick succession, a phenomenon that researchers refer to as “weather whiplash.” Research shows a connection between poverty and weather whiplash, and farmers in....

De la mano del IICA, 'suelos vivos' llega a África

2024-05-13T00:05+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

Con esta se busca restaurar tierras degradadas, rehabilitar suelos ácidos, aumentar la productividad agrícola y mejorar la resiliencia climática en los sistemas agroalimentarios de tres agroecoregiones: la zona de la Sabana Guinea que incluye a Ghana, Nigeria , Malí y Burkina Faso ; las tierras altas....

More people in countries with low human development index suffer from climate-related disasters

2024-05-09T07:52+0200downtoearth (en)

April 24, 2024. Countries with Human Development Index (HDI) lower than 0.78, had a higher impact, the findings showed. Likewise, the increasing number of the population impacted by climate-related disasters in countries with very high human development was statistically and significantly lower than....

Assessing Africa’s Collaborative Efforts Towards Tackling Climate Change

2024-05-08T14:56+0200thebridgenewsng (en)

By Gabriel Agbeja, News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Experts have observed that Africa is the most vulnerable continent to climate change impacts under all climate scenarios above 1.5 degrees Celsius. The UN Environment Programme says Africa has contributed negligibly to the changing climate, with just about two to three percent of global emissions.

Nigeria Crisis Response Plan 2024-2025

2024-05-08T12:03+0200reliefWeb (en)

IOM Vision. IOM aims to support the transition towards comprehensive, evidence-based, longer-term solutions for displacement in close collaboration with the Federal Government of Nigeria , partners, communities, and populations on the move, to deliver life-saving assistance while improving the....

Africa And The Americas Solidify Partnership To Restore Soils, Under Initiative Led By AGRA And IICA

2024-05-06T19:15+0200menafn (en)

- PR Newswire) SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, May 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- (IICA) – The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) launched the "Living Soils" initiative, which, based on its successful implementation in the Americas,....

Africa and the Americas solidify partnership to restore soils, under initiative led by AGRA and IICA

2024-05-06T18:31+0200lelezard (en)

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica May 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- (IICA) ? The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) launched the "Living Soils" initiative, which, based on its successful implementation in the Americas, will seek to....

Why I prostrated to greet IBD Dende – Teni

2024-05-04T19:27+0200thenationonlineng (en)

Afrobeats singer Teniola Apata, popularly known as Teni has explained the reasons for prostrating to greet popular businessman and socialite, Ibrahim Egungbohun Dende , aka IBD Dende, on a plane recently. Following Teni’s action, netizens criticised her for also sharing the video prostrating to greet IBD Dende.

Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa Annual Report 2023

2024-05-02T21:32+0200reliefWeb (en)

Humanitarian Context and Allocations. The Sahel region, with a population of 109 million, faced significant humanitarian challenges in 2023. Around 34.5 million, including 45 per cent women, 57 per cent children, and 12 per cent persons with disabilities, required assistance and protection.

See the $36 billion Great Green Wall in Africa that's an attempt to hold back desertification

2024-04-30T19:04+0200insider-com (en)

Side-by-side images of the Ferlo region of Senegal in 1994 and 2011 show land degradation over nearly 20 years. G. Gray Tappan/US Geological Survey. West African forests once covered over 50,000 square miles. Since 1975, deforestation , mainly from agricultural expansion, reduced the size to about....

Columna de Moisés Naím: Su casa y el clima

2024-04-29T13:08+0200LaTercera (es)

Por Moisés Naím , analista venezolano del Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Los propietarios de terrenos, casas, departamentos y otros edificios residenciales enfrentarán una pérdida que podría alcanzar los 25 billones de dólares -es decir, 25 millones de millones- a nivel mundial.

Biotechnology key to address food insecurity in Nigeria — Don

2024-04-26T11:21+0200tribuneonlineng (en)

The Vice Chancellor, University of Maiduguri, Prof. Aliyu Shugaba, has said biotechnology is the only way to ensure food security in the current economic meltdown in the country. Shugaba stated this while delivering a lecture at the 36th International Conference of Biotechnology Society of Nigeria , in Maiduguri on Thursday.

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T20:25+0200hausa-legit-ng (en)

wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the....

In a World of Plenty, Children are dying of Hunger

2024-04-25T17:47+0200sarajevotimes (en)

Food insecurity worsened globally in 2023, with nearly 282 million people in need of urgent assistance due to conflict, particularly in Gaza and Sudan, but also as a result of extreme weather events and economic shocks, warned 16 United Nations (UN) agencies and humanitarian organizations yesterday.

Actions to combat climate threats in Nigeria

2024-04-25T03:38+0200punchng (en)

There is no doubt that the globe presently feels the accelerated impacts of climate change. Gradually, but steadily, shifting weather patterns, rising sea levels, ubiquitous flooding emergencies, and other extreme weather events, are evidence of a rapidly changing climate and an urgent need for solutions.

Climate Disasters: NiMet Canvasses Reliable Seasonal Forecast For Africa

2024-04-23T01:24+0200thebridgenewsng (en)

The Nigeria n Meteorological Agency (NiMet), has canvassed for reliable seasonal forecasts for the African sib-regions to mitigate impact of climate change. Prof. Charles Anosike, Director General /Chief Executive Officer of NiMet made the call on Monday in Abuja at the opening of a four-day regional climate outlook forum.

Experts Predict Food Crisis In Nigeria, Other Countries

2024-04-22T16:40+0200naijanews (en)

Experts have forecasted a food crisis in West African nations and the Sahel region, except countries in the region changed their food production system. The representative of AGRHYMET, Dr Abdou Ali , who spoke on Monday, warned that the countries might experience a between June and October 2024, which could affect up to 50 million persons.

Progressi contro il cambiamento climatico: cosa significa il doodle di Google

2024-04-22T13:52+0200gazzetta (it)

Come da tradizione, Google ha deciso di festeggiare con uno speciale doodle visibile in home page. Una suggestiva animazione che porta gli utenti in giro per il mondo, mostrando i luoghi dove le comunità e i governi si battono per proteggere la bellezza del pianeta, la biodiversità e le risorse naturali.

Siccità, ANBI: crescono le preoccupazioni per i laghi del Centro Sud Italia

2024-04-19T03:12+0200affaritaliani (it)

Osservatorio ANBI sulle Risorse Idriche: l’Aprile " più caldo della storia " minaccia i laghi del Centro Sud Italia. Mentre lungo la Penisola le colonnine di mercurio, ma anche le colture e la salute umana, “impazziscono” per i repentini sbalzi di temperatura, correnti caldissime di origine....

West Africa's deadly heat wave driven by climate change, scientists say

2024-04-19T00:05+0200CBC (en)

In late March and early April, as Ramadan was coming to a close, a powerful heat wave descended on West Africa. A new report says it would not have occurred without human-caused climate change. The day and nighttime temperature soared above 40 C in many countries between March 31 and April 4.

Climate change makes life harder: in South Africa it's likely to bring heatwaves, water stress and gender-based violence

2024-04-18T16:44+0200nigeriasun (en)

The Conversation 18 Apr 2024, 17:33 GMT+10 South Africa is feeling the impacts of global warming. Heat is frequent and more intense. Human-induced climate change made the severe 2015-2017 drought three to six times more likely. But climate change also doubled the likelihood of the heavy rain that....

Puglia e Basilicata vanno verso la grande sete. Il report di ANBI parla di grave siccità per le due regioni a cui si somma la Sicilia

2024-04-18T13:36+0200agricultura (it)

ROMA – Mentre lungo la Penisola le colonnine di mercurio, ma anche le colture e la salute umana, “impazziscono” per i repentini sbalzi di temperatura, correnti caldissime di origine sub-sahariane (da Sud Sudan, Ciad, Nigeria e Burkina Faso) sono annunciate sulle coste libiche, spingendo la....

17.04.2024 Nigeria - Smallholder farmers need timely weather information to avert losses The Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Senator Abubakar Kyari, has harped on the need to avail Nigerian farmers, especially smallholder farmers, timely weather information so that they can know when to plant and when to harvest.

2024-04-17T13:48+0200agroinsurance (en)

The Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Senator Abubakar Kyari, has harped on the need to avail Nigeria n farmers, especially smallholder farmers, timely weather information so that they can know when to plant and when to harvest. The Minister, who was speaking of the Agricultural Production....

17.04.2024 Nigeria - Smallholder farmers need timely weather information to avert losses The Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Senator Abubakar Kyari, has harped on the need to avail Nigerian farmers, especially smallholder farmers, timely weather information so that they can know when to plant and when to harvest.

2024-04-17T13:39+0200agroinsurance-en (en)

The Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Senator Abubakar Kyari, has harped on the need to avail Nigeria n farmers, especially smallholder farmers, timely weather information so that they can know when to plant and when to harvest. The Minister, who was speaking of the Agricultural Production....

Smallholder farmers need timely weather information to avert losses — Agric Minister

2024-04-16T21:09+0200tribuneonlineng (en)

The Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Senator Abubakar Kyari, has harped on the need to avail Nigeria n farmers, especially smallholder farmers, timely weather information so that they can know when to plant and when to harvest. The Minister, who was speaking of the Agricultural Production....

Reptiles in South Africa are under threat - but there's good news too

2024-04-15T11:27+0200nigeriasun (en)

The Conversation 15 Apr 2024, 12:11 GMT+10 Media reports about the biodiversity crisis and what researchers have argued qualifies as a tend to focus on the big ecological effects . Melting ice sheets, severe weather events, droughts, habitat loss and wildfires dominate headlines.

179m Nigerians in dire straits, lack access to potable water nationwide

2024-04-10T06:30+0200guardian-ng (en)

• 117,000 die yearly from sanitation-related diseases • Cost of digging boreholes ranges between N700,000 and N4m • Lack of comprehensive water programme, management cost Nigeria N7b yearly. The perennial lack of legislation and a national action plan on efficient water resources has deprived more....

Reprieve for PWDs as NEMA donates relief items

2024-04-10T04:33+0200guardian-ng (en)

National Emergency Management Agency, (NEMA), has donated relief items to community of Persons with Disabilities, (PWDs), who suffered recent fire disaster in Karonmajiji, Federal Capital Territory, (FCT), Abuja, Donating the item, Director General, NEMA, Zubaida Umar, said the support became....

The growing reality of climate refugees Health 22 min ago

2024-04-08T04:53+0200nation-ke (en)

Droughts, floods and storms are becoming more frequent and intense. These extreme weather events can devastate entire regions, destroying homes, crops and infrastructure. The recent heavy rains in Lagos, Nigeria , which flooded over 150 households in two days and forced evacuation, are a stark reminder of this threat.

The growing reality of climate refugees

2024-04-08T04:43+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Droughts, floods and storms are becoming more frequent and intense. These extreme weather events can devastate entire regions, destroying homes, crops and infrastructure. The recent heavy rains in Lagos, Nigeria , which flooded over 150 households in two days and forced evacuation, are a stark reminder of this threat.

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