Overall Orange alert Drought for Zambezi Basin-2024
in Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 129
Articles about casualties: 3 (2.3%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Zambia, l’inflazione sale ancora: prezzi al consumo a giugno a +15,2%. Pesa la siccità

2024-06-27T12:29+0200business24tv (it)

L’inflazione nello Zambia tocca il livello più alto degli ultimi 29 mesi, mentre la nazione dell’Africa meridionale continua a combattere gli effetti di una siccità indotta da El Niño, la peggiore in quasi sessant’anni. Il periodo di siccità ha fatto appassire i raccolti e ridotto l’approvvigionamento energetico.

India and Kenya forge alliance to expand Africa’s space capabilities in response to climate crisis

2024-06-27T07:53+0200downtoearth (en)

India has expressed interest in exploring areas of partnership and seeking avenues of collaboration with Kenya in developing and expanding Africa’s space capabilities for predicting and monitoring extreme weather events. Speaking at the Kenya Space Expo & Conference in Nairobi, the Indian High....

Afirman que Angola prioriza programa de lucha contra sequía

2024-06-17T13:20+0200prensa-latina (es)

La funcionaria aseguró que el Ejecutivo, a través del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, desarrolla diversas líneas de trabajo para combatir este fenómeno, además de que otras carteras aportan a este propósito. Al respecto, la vicepresidenta del país, Esperança da Costa, en la conferencia internacional....

FAO pledges US$10 million for SADC to support 13 million people affected by drought and floods

2024-06-12T17:01+0200economist-na (en)

According to the SADC El Nino Appeal, an estimated 60 million people in Southern Africa are food insecure. Across the southern half of the region, many areas experienced significant crop water deficits resulting in reduced crop production while Malawi , Namibia , Zambia and Zimbabwe have declared states of national disaster due to the drought.

Repatriated Angolan Children Face Precarious Conditions

2024-06-11T21:04+0200reliefWeb (en)

Senior Researcher, Africa Division. Namibia n authorities are repatriating Angola ns, including dozens of childrenmany unaccompaniedwho were found begging or selling wooden artifacts in Namibia’s cities and towns. Many of the children are from Angola’s southern Cunene, Huila, and Namibe provinces,....

Repatriated Angolan Children Face Precarious Conditions

2024-06-11T09:08+0200wn (en)

Namibian authorities are repatriating Angola ns, including dozens of children—many unaccompanied—who were found begging or selling wooden artifacts in Namibia ’s cities and towns. Many of the children are from Angola’s southern Cunene, Huila, and Namibe provinces, where the worst drought in four....

Angola: Repatriated Angolan Children Face Precarious Conditions

2024-06-11T06:53+0200allafrica (en)

Returnees from Namibia Need Adequate Services. Namibian authorities are repatriating Angola ns, including dozens of children--many unaccompanied--who were found begging or selling wooden artifacts in Namibia's cities and towns. Many of the children are from Angola's southern Cunene, Huila, and Namibe....

Repatriated Angolan Children Face Precarious Conditions

2024-06-11T01:21+0200hrw-malays (en)

Children collecting water in Cunene province, Oncocua, Angola , July 14, 2018. © 2018 Eric Lafforgue/Art In All Of Us/Corbis via Getty Images. Namibian authorities are repatriating Angolans, including dozens of children—many unaccompanied—who were found begging or selling wooden artifacts in Namibia ’s cities and towns.

Repatriated Angolan Children Face Precarious Conditions

2024-06-11T00:31+0200HumanRightsWatch (en)

Children collecting water in Cunene province, Oncocua, Angola , July 14, 2018. © 2018 Eric Lafforgue/Art In All Of Us/Corbis via Getty Images. Namibian authorities are repatriating Angolans, including dozens of children—many unaccompanied—who were found begging or selling wooden artifacts in Namibia ’s cities and towns.

FAO releases US$10m to support vulnerable people in SADC region

2024-06-08T00:20+0200herald (en)

THE Food and Agriculture Organisation has released US$10 million to support the most vulnerable people in the SADC region through anticipatory action and response. The SADC region faces a humanitarian crisis because of the ongoing El Niño induced drought and floods that are negatively impacting the....

¿Qué pasó el 5 de junio de 2024 en el mundo?

2024-06-06T17:25+0200diario-expreso (es)

Según la información, Castillo, que comenzó su carrera delictiva hace 18 años, está al mando de este grupo conformado por 250 miembros , y que, según las autoridades, es responsable de extorsiones, más de 150 asesinatos y actividades de narcotráfico en los departamentos de Magdalena, Cesar y Guajira.

Africa Drought Threat Intensifies, Causing Rise in Elephant Death Tolls Since 2023

2024-05-31T22:16+0200natureworldnews (en)

Drought has impacted Africa for years, aggravating humanitarian crises like widespread displacements and malnutrition due to food insecurity that affects millions of people. While the said natural disaster is notoriously known for destroying communities, it also has devastating impacts on wild animals.

Zambia, l’inflazione aumenta: +14,7% per i prezzi al consumo a maggio su anno

2024-05-30T13:03+0200business24tv (it)

Il tasso di inflazione annuale dello Zambia ha accelerato ulteriormente a maggio, alimentato dalla debolezza valutaria e dagli effetti di una siccità indotta da El Niño, la peggiore in almeno quattro decenni. In particolare il dato, misurato dall’indice dei prezzi al consumo, ha visto un aumento del....

El Niño mette in ginocchio l’Etiopia: Medici con l'Africa Cuamm attiva cliniche mobili

2024-05-27T19:26+0200aise (it)

PADOVA\ aise\ - La secca più lunga degli ultimi quarant’anni, poi le piogge torrenziali, mettono in ginocchio il secondo paese più popoloso del continente africano, l’Etiopia . Nelle regioni meridionali, eventi alluvionali recenti hanno colpito e costretto decine di migliaia di persone ad....

Warming climate intensifies flash droughts worldwide

2024-05-25T17:50+0200thehindu (en)

Sudden, severe dry spells known as flash droughts are rising in intensity around the world, with a notable exception in mountainous Central Asia, where flash drought extent is shrinking, according to new research. Heat and changes to precipitation patterns caused by a warming climate are driving these trends, the study found.

Etiopia: Medici con l'Africa Cuamm, 'El Niño mette in ginocchio il Sud del Paese, aumentano i casi di malnutrizione e cresce il rischio ...

2024-05-24T22:09+0200247libero (it)

(Foto Medici con l'Africa Cuamm) “La secca più lunga degli ultimi quarant’anni, poi le piogge torrenziali mettono in ginocchio il secondo Paese più popoloso del continente africano, l’Etiopia. Nelle regioni meridionali, eventi alluvionali recenti hanno colpito e costretto decine di migliaia di....

Etiopia: Medici con l’Africa Cuamm, “El Niño mette in ginocchio il Sud del Paese, aumentano i casi di malnutrizione e cresce il rischio epidemie”

2024-05-24T19:28+0200agensir (it)

(Foto Medici con l'Africa Cuamm) “La secca più lunga degli ultimi quarant’anni, poi le piogge torrenziali mettono in ginocchio il secondo Paese più popoloso del continente africano, l’Etiopia. Nelle regioni meridionali, eventi alluvionali recenti hanno colpito e costretto decine di migliaia di....

El Niño mette in ginocchio il sud dell’Etiopia tra le cliniche mobili del Cuamm. Aumentano i casi di malnutrizione e cresce il rischio di epidemie

2024-05-24T15:25+0200difesapopolo (it)

La secca più lunga degli ultimi quarant’anni, poi le piogge torrenziali, mettono in ginocchio il secondo paese più popoloso del continente africano, l’Etiopia. N elle regioni meridionali, eventi alluvionali recenti hanno colpito e costretto decine di migliaia di persone ad abbandonare la propria casa, con grave rischio per la sopravvivenza.

Etiopia. CUAMM: esondano Omo e Turkana, migliaia gli sfollati

2024-05-24T13:39+0200ilmetropolitano-it (it)

L’Ong denuncia le conseguenze del fenomeno climatico El Nino. (DIRE) Roma, 24 Mag. – La secca più lunga degli ultimi 40 anni, poi le piogge torrenziali, mettono in ginocchio il secondo paese più popoloso del continente africano, l’Etiopia. Nelle regioni meridionali, eventi alluvionali recenti hanno....

'Let's Sharpen Long Term Strategies Against Droughts'

2024-05-22T19:24+0200allafrica (en)

Wallace Ruzvidzo The SADC region will scale-up the implementation of bold actions to mitigate the effects of climate change-induced disasters, to ensure its people are cushioned from the adverse effects of droughts, President Mnangagwa has said. He said the region will build robust adaptation....

Severe Flash Droughts Intensify Globally Due to Warming Climate

2024-05-22T18:39+0200natureworldnews (en)

The latest report warns of the potential impacts of an increasingly warming climate, which could intensify flash droughts globally and harm communities and food security. Read here. Researchers raised concerns about the effects of a warming climate on global drought problems. The report warned that it could lead to intensifying flash droughts.

SADC summit launches appeal for action to tackle humanitarian crisis

2024-05-22T01:04+0200informante (en)

Staff Reporter. THE President of Angola and SADC chairman, João Lourenço, has said that there is an urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis facing the region as a result of recurring droughts and tropical cyclones. Speaking during an emergency SADC summit in Luanda on Monday, Lourenço....

SADC needs US$5.5 billion to assist El Niño victims

2024-05-21T20:40+0200windhoek-observer (en)

Niël Terblanché. The current chairperson of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), President João Lourenço of Angola , launched a regional humanitarian appeal of at least US$5.5 billion aimed at supporting more than 61 million people affected by the El Niño-induced droughts and floods across the region.

‘Let’s sharpen long term strategies against droughts’

2024-05-21T00:38+0200herald (en)

The SADC region will scale-up the implementation of bold actions to mitigate the effects of climate change-induced disasters, to ensure its people are cushioned from the adverse effects of droughts, President Mnangagwa has said. He said the region will build robust adaptation measures coupled with....

‘Let’s sharpen long term strategies against droughts’

2024-05-21T00:33+0200chronicle (en)

Wallace Ruzvidzo, Harare Bureau. The Sadc region will scale-up the implementation of bold actions to mitigate the effects of climate change-induced disasters, to ensure its people are cushioned from the adverse effects of the ensuing drought, President Mnangagwa has said.

Sadc PF meets over food security

2024-05-20T02:14+0200herald (en)

The SADC PF Standing Committee on Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (FANR) opened its meeting here yesterday, in preparation for the 55th Plenary Assembly Session of the SADC PF that will take place in Angola from July 1 to 7. The meeting underway here, which is running under the theme:....

Sadc launches humanitarian appeal

2024-05-18T11:32+0200zimbabwesituation (en)

In Southern Africa, El Niño weather patterns are associated with low rainfall and drought. The current drought has affected crops and livestock leading to the disruption of lives and livelihoods for an estimated 58 million people in the region. According to a statement by the SADC Secretariat,....

Sadc launches humanitarian appeal

2024-05-18T00:32+0200herald (en)

HEADS of State and Government of member states of the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) will meet on Monday next week to discuss the humanitarian situation in the region caused by the current El Niño-induced drought. In Southern Africa, El Niño weather patterns are associated with low rainfall and drought.

Southern African Development Community launches humanitarian appeal

2024-05-18T00:07+0200chronicle (en)

Harare Bureau. HEADS of State and Government of member states of the Southern African Development Community will meet on Monday next week to discuss the humanitarian situation in the region caused by the current El Niño-induced drought. In southern Africa, El Niño weather patterns are associated with low rainfall and drought.

More people in countries with low human development index suffer from climate-related disasters

2024-05-09T07:52+0200downtoearth (en)

April 24, 2024. Countries with Human Development Index (HDI) lower than 0.78, had a higher impact, the findings showed. Likewise, the increasing number of the population impacted by climate-related disasters in countries with very high human development was statistically and significantly lower than....

Meteo. La siccità estrema in Sud Africa mette a rischio la sicurezza alimentare

2024-05-06T06:46+02003bmeteo (it)

siccità. Da ottobre 2023 a marzo 2024 una forte siccità si è diffusa nel Sud Africa, coinvolgendo nazioni come Angola , Zambia , Zimbabwe e Namibia , insieme al bacino dello Zambesi e il sud del Madagascar. Le temperature eccezionalmente alte, risalenti al 1960, hanno esacerbato la situazione, portando....

La NASA alerta: varios países del sur de África están amenazados por una sequía histórica y duradera

2024-05-04T10:02+0200tiempo-es (es)

La intensa sequía combinada con los efectos de El Niño amenazan a millones de personas en el sur de África. Una situación que podría no mejorar en varios meses. La falta de agua lleva muchos meses causando importantes pérdidas de cosechas y ganado en el sur de África. 04/05/2024 07:30 5 min.

Giovane specializzanda lucchese in Sierra Leone con Medici con l’Africa Cuamm

2024-05-02T09:46+0200luccaindiretta (it)

È in partenza per la Sierra Leone Sara Perelli , giovane specializzanda in medicina d’urgenza a Pisa. Originaria di Lucca , 32 anni, dal 4 maggio trascorrerà sei mesi all’ospedale di Freetown, capitale del paese, grazie al progetto Jpo ( Junior Project Officer ) di Medici con l’Africa Cuamm che....


2024-04-29T08:51+0200times-co-sz (en)

The country is still shocked by the recent leaks. Government has tried to play down the leaks and gave assurance that the leaks revealed that oversight institutions in the country are working well. This, however, is not good enough as the leaks have created a negative perception about our country.

Stuck in the mud and facing death in the blistering heat: Entire herds of endangered hippos are left stranded and unable to move in drying-up ponds as drought ravages Botswana

2024-04-26T18:07+0200dailymail (en)

Herds of endangered hippos are facing death in the blistering heat of Botswana , left stranded and unable to move in drying ponds as drought ravages the southern African country. Harrowing views show clusters of animals boxed together in the mud as they desperately try to cool off and avoid sunburn,....

Southern African drought primarily driven by El Nino, massive blow to food security, health: Study

2024-04-26T07:58+0200downtoearth (en)

February was the driest month since 1981 for most of Zimbabwe , Zambia and parts of Botswana and Angola , according to official reports. It was among the top three driest months for most of Malawi and Mozambique . Three southern African nations Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe declared drought as a national disaster between February and April, 2024.

Mapping Global Flash Drought Trends for Disaster Preparedness

2024-04-25T18:07+0200lelezard (en)

WASHINGTON April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Flash droughts (FDs), characterized by sudden and severe dry spells, are emerging as formidable challenges to global water and food security, complicating disaster preparedness efforts. With their rapid onset and lasting impact, understanding the mechanisms....

Mapping Global Flash Drought Trends for Disaster Preparedness

2024-04-25T18:01+0200streetinsider (en)

WASHINGTON April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Flash droughts (FDs), characterized by sudden and severe dry spells, are emerging as formidable challenges to global water and food security, complicating disaster preparedness efforts. With their rapid onset and lasting impact, understanding the mechanisms....

Southern African scientists call for urgent action as drought bites

2024-04-25T10:33+0200researchprofessionalnews (en)

Crop failures and livestock deaths reported as extreme El Niño summer extends into April. Researchers and agricultural policy experts in southern Africa have said that governments, donors and international actors must immediately take steps to “save lives and avoid further catastrophes” as one of....

Southern African scientists call for urgent action as drought bites

2024-04-25T10:29+0200researchresearch (en)

Crop failures and livestock deaths reported as extreme El Niño summer extends into April. Researchers and agricultural policy experts in southern Africa have said that governments, donors and international actors must immediately take steps to “save lives and avoid further catastrophes” as one of....

Fao: per cambiamenti climatici carenza mais in Africa meridionale

2024-04-24T11:36+0200askanews (it)

Roma, 24 apr. (askanews) – Le prospettive della produzione cerealicola nell’Africa meridionale sono peggiorate drasticamente dallo scorso febbraio e il previsto calo della produzione di mais intensificherà l’insicurezza alimentare delle famiglie, spingerà al rialzo i prezzi interni e stimolerà un....

Dying crops, food and water shortages — drought affects millions in southern Africa

2024-04-24T10:38+0200namibian (en)

Severe drought in southern Africa, exacerbated by El Niño, has led to extreme food insecurity and water shortages for millions. A recent study attributed the drought primarily to this weather pattern, rather than human-induced climate change. The southern African region is experiencing one of its....

Drought in Southern Africa — Officially NOT Climate Change

2024-04-21T20:55+0200wattsupwiththat (en)

News Brief by Kip Hansen — 21 April 2024. Southern Africa has had very low precipitation over the last few months – which is the end of their summer. November through March, are the rainy season bringing 75% of the precipitation for the year, but even then, compared to elsewhere, they are dry-ish.

Drought worsens crisis in Southern Africa

2024-04-19T11:40+0200EC (en)

From October 2023 to March 2024, rising temperatures and a severe lack of precipitation have intensified and expanded progressively across Angola , Zambia , Zimbabwe and Namibia , as well as most of Zambezi basin and southern Madagascar. Record-high temperatures dating back to 1960 have been exacerbating the situation.

Africa australe: l’aumento di colera è favorito dalla crisi climatica

2024-04-17T07:07+0200lasvolta (it)

, infatti, ben tredici Paesi dell’area regione stanno lottando contro una delle peggiori epidemie di colera che abbiano colpito la regione negli ultimi anni, e dal 2022 si calcola che circa 200.000 persone siano state infettate in Africa meridionale a causa di una serie di epidemie di colera che hanno causato più di 4.

Southern Africa drought: Impacts on maize production

2024-04-10T20:04+0200Ifpriupdate (en)

Parts of Southern Africa have been experiencing a severe drought since late 2023, fueled in large part by the ongoing El Niño Southern Oscillation. Falling harvests have led to disaster declarations in Malawi , Zambia , and Zimbabwe and affected countries across the region.

Africa Subsahariana: la salute materna e neonatale è un’emergenza

2024-04-10T00:23+0200interris (it)

, che attraverso il programma “Prima le mamme e i bambini. 1.000 di questi giorni” , è impegnato a realizzare, su base distrettuale e regionale, un intervento di salute riproduttiva , in particolare garantendo l’accesso all’assistenza qualificata al parto e alle emergenze ostetriche per ridurre la....

Global Weather Hazards Summary April 05 - 11, 2024

2024-04-04T22:55+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments Droughts persist in southern Africa while flooding continues in most parts of eastern Africa. Africa Weather Hazards The flooding situation in the Sudd wetlands in South Sudan has worsened. Due to a delayed start to the rainy season, insufficient rainfall, and extended dry spells,....

L’Africa meridionale è in ginocchio per siccità: Malawi, Zambia e Zimbabwe dichiarano lo stato di calamità

2024-04-03T10:35+0200greenme (it)

Il Malawi è sull’orlo della carestia a causa di El Niño che sta dimezzando i raccolti e seminando morte e distruzione per via della siccità che sta colpendo l’Africa meridionale La dichiarazione dello stato di calamità per la siccità da parte del Malawi rappresenta un grido d’allarme sulla....

SADC struggles with historic drought

2024-04-02T22:54+0200windhoek-observer (en)

Niël Terblanché. Across the Southern African Development Community (SADC), countries are facing an unprecedented drought crisis, marking some of the lowest rainfall levels in over four decades. recent rains in parts, the late January and February season brought severe dry conditions, leaving Namibia ....

El Nino-related drought threatens millions with hunger in southern Africa

2024-04-02T16:34+0200coastfm (en)

Zimbabwe is on the brink of declaring a national disaster as a deepening drought leaves millions facing hunger. A huge area across the Zambia , Zimbabwe and Botswana border has just endured its driest February in decades, according to the United Nations' World Food Programme, devastating harvests of some crops.

El Nino-related drought threatens millions with hunger in southern Africa

2024-04-02T16:11+0200heart (en)

Zimbabwe is on the brink of declaring a national disaster as a deepening drought leaves millions facing hunger. A huge area across the Zambia , Zimbabwe and Botswana border has just endured its driest February in decades, according to the United Nations' World Food Programme, devastating harvests of some crops.

More green hydrogen insight on way as Southern African scientists head to Germany

2024-03-28T12:31+0100miningweekly (en)

The symposium for the participating countries, such as Angola , Botswana , Democratic Republic of Congo , Eswatini, Malawi , Mauritius, Mozambique , Namibia , South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe , accentuated green hydrogen practice, fast-advancing pilot plants and far-reaching skills development to support Southern Africa’s green hydrogen thrust.

More green hydrogen insight on way as Southern African scientists head to Germany

2024-03-28T12:24+0100engineeringnews (en)

The symposium for the participating countries such as Angola , Botswana , Democratic Republic of Congo , Eswatini, Malawi , Mauritius, Mozambique , Namibia , South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe , accentuated green hydrogen practice, fast-advancing pilot plants and far-reaching skills development to support Southern Africa’s green hydrogen thrust.

El Niño, il Malawi segue lo Zambia e dichiara lo stato di disastro per la siccità

2024-03-24T18:15+0100meteoweb (it)

Il Malawi , nazione dell’Africa meridionale, ha dichiarato lo stato di disastro a causa della siccità in 23 dei suoi 28 distretti e il Presidente afferma che ha urgentemente bisogno di più di 200 milioni di dollari in assistenza umanitaria, meno di un mese dopo che anche il vicino Zambia ha lanciato un appello per chiedere aiuto.

76 percent of Africa’s energy could come from renewable sources by 2040

2024-03-23T23:24+0100sundaymail-zw (en)

Christiane Zarfl and Rebecca Peters. OVER half of Africa’s people — about 600 million — lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity. The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels.

76% of Africa’s energy could come from renewable sources by 2040: here’s how

2024-03-20T06:19+0100downtoearth (en)

Over half of Africa’s people about 600 million lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity . The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable energy....

76% of Africa’s energy could come from renewable sources by 2040: here’s how

2024-03-20T05:25+0100thetimes-za (en)

More than half of Africa’s people — about 600-million — lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity. The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We — a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable....

76% of Africa’s energy could come from renewable sources by 2040: here’s how

2024-03-20T01:49+0100greenbuildingafrica (en)

The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We – a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable energy scientific modelling – set out to find the answer by building the Renewable Power Plant Database Africa , the first on the continent.

Climate change exacerbates humanitarian crises

2024-03-19T16:00+0100reliefWeb (en)

El Niño Drives Climate Variability. The ENSO cycle causes abnormal warming (El Niño) and cooling (La Niña) of ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific, triggering far-reaching climatic disruptions. While ENSO is naturally occurring, some research suggests climate change could influence the intensity and frequency of El Niño events.

Africa has enough renewable energy sources to power its people

2024-03-19T10:22+0100esi-africa (en)

Over half of Africa’s people – about 600 million – lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity. The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We – a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable....

Africa: 76% of Africa's Energy Could Come From Renewable Sources By 2040 - Here's How

2024-03-19T05:46+0100allafrica (en)

Over half of Africa's people - about 600 million - lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity . The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We - a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable....

76% of Africa's energy could come from renewable sources by 2040: here's how

2024-03-18T17:40+0100nigeriasun (en)

Over half of Africa's people - about 600 million - lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity . The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We - a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable....

76% of Africa’s energy could come from renewable sources by 2040: here’s how

2024-03-18T15:31+0100johansen (en)

Over half of Africa’s people – about 600 million – lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity . The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We – a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable....

09:05 La sabiduría ancestral de las mujeres reduce el impacto climático

2024-03-15T11:09+0100eldia (es)

Casi el 74% del territorio de nuestro país es susceptible a la desertificación por razones climáticas. Según datos del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, la reserva hídrica española se encuentra al 52,9% de su capacidad a febrero de este año, si bien la cuenca....

La sabiduría ancestral de las mujeres reduce el impacto climático

2024-03-14T10:44+0100diarioCordoba (es)

Casi el 74% del territorio de nuestro país es susceptible a la desertificación por razones climáticas. Según datos del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, la reserva hídrica española se encuentra al 52,9% de su capacidad a febrero de este año, si bien la cuenca....

La sabiduría ancestral de las mujeres reduce el impacto climático

2024-03-14T10:38+0100FaroDeVigo (es)

Casi el 74% del territorio de nuestro país es susceptible a la desertificación por razones climáticas. Según datos del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, la reserva hídrica española se encuentra al 52,9% de su capacidad a febrero de este año, si bien la cuenca....

La sabiduría ancestral de las mujeres reduce el impacto climático

2024-03-14T10:37+0100epe (es)

Casi el 74% del territorio de nuestro país es susceptible a la desertificación por razones climáticas. Según datos del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, la reserva hídrica española se encuentra al 52,9% de su capacidad a febrero de este año, si bien la cuenca....

La sabiduría ancestral de las mujeres reduce el impacto climático

2024-03-14T10:35+0100laprovincia (es)

Casi el 74% del territorio de nuestro país es susceptible a la desertificación por razones climáticas. Según datos del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, la reserva hídrica española se encuentra al 52,9% de su capacidad a febrero de este año, si bien la cuenca....

La sabiduría ancestral de las mujeres reduce el impacto climático

2024-03-14T10:35+0100elperiodico (es)

Casi el 74% del territorio de nuestro país es susceptible a la desertificación por razones climáticas. Según datos del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, la reserva hídrica española se encuentra al 52,9% de su capacidad a febrero de este año, si bien la cuenca....

La sabiduría ancestral de las mujeres reduce el impacto climático

2024-03-14T10:33+0100superdeporte (es)

Casi el 74% del territorio de nuestro país es susceptible a la desertificación por razones climáticas. Según datos del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, la reserva hídrica española se encuentra al 52,9% de su capacidad a febrero de este año, si bien la cuenca....

Southern Africa: El Niño, Positive Indian Ocean Dipole Forecast and Humanitarian Impact (February 2024)

2024-03-13T09:55+0100reliefWeb (en)

OVERVIEW. El Niño brings high temperatures and below-average rainfall to Southern Africa from November to April, significantly affecting agriculture and leading to water scarcity, food shortages, and disease outbreaks. A record mid-season dry spell of over 30 days has affected vast parts of the....

Climate change is hitting women, rural poor harder, study says

2024-03-06T07:31+0100straitstimesSG (en)

ROME - Extreme heat is making some of the world’s poorest women poorer. That is the stark conclusion of a report, released on March 5, by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, based on weather and income data in 24 low- and middle-income countries.

Mozambico: Save the Children, sono oltre 61.000 i bambini costretti ad abbandonare le proprie case

2024-03-05T18:02+0100politicamentecorretto (it)

sono fuggiti da una nuova ondata di violenze nelle province dell’area di Cabo Delgado, in Mozambico. Come afferma oggi Save the Children, l’Organizzazione internazionale che da oltre 100 anni lotta per salvare le bambine e i bambini e garantire loro un futuro , è il numero più alto di minori....

Mozambico:Save the Children,sono oltre 61mila i bambini costretti ad abbandonare le proprie case nelle province di Cabo Delgado a causa di nuovi attacchi.Il più grande sfollamento degli ultimi 18 mesi

2024-03-05T17:28+0100agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) – mar 05 marzo 2024 Se non leggi correttamente questo messaggio, clicca qui Comunicato stampa 05 marzo 2024 Mozambico: Save the Children, sono oltre 61.000 i bambini costretti ad abbandonare le proprie case nelle province di Cabo Delgado a causa di nuovi attacchi.

Nepal’s migrant workers eye overseas jobs as climate threats loom

2024-02-28T08:33+0100eco-business (en)

In November, Prem Nepali was on the same plane as delegates headed to Dubai for COP28. But while they shared an aircraft, their reasons to be in Dubai were entirely different. The dignitaries were travelling to negotiate climate change mitigation with world leaders, whereas Prem was leaving his home because the climate has already changed too much.

Mozambique: 2023 Year Review - Food Security Cluster Bulletin (February 2024)

2024-02-20T09:57+0100reliefWeb (en)

HRP 2023 (Conflict in the northern Region) The conflict in Northern Mozambique , particularly in Cabo Delgado, has undergone significant shifts and challenges, impacting the region's stability and food security. In 2023, the government, with international support, reclaimed control over northeastern....

Descargue el libro: Para no olvidar. Memorias desde el recuerdo

2024-02-17T15:28+0100cubadebate (es)

SINOPSIS : En este nuevo libro de Feraudy, se refleja su convicción sobre el papel de ciertos seres humanos simbólicos, por razones disímiles. Estas evocaciones que nos entrega, cada una vestida con una singular talla invisible, hecha a la medida de los atractivos ropajes que selecciona su sensible y tesonera memoria.

Cholera outbreak warning as 40,000 cases reported in 17 countries in just one month

2024-02-14T16:12+0100chroniclelive (en)

See our Privacy Notice Error: Model returned no result."WHO classified the global resurgence of cholera as a grade 3 emergency in January 2023, its highest internal level for emergencies. Based on the number of outbreaks and their geographic expansion, alongside the shortage of vaccines and other....

Tropical disease threatens UK holiday hotspots as health warning issued - check full list

2024-02-14T13:34+0100themirror (en)

Numbers of a tropical disease which causes misery and possibly death are continuing to rise as tens of thousands of cases were reported last month. Cholera is contracted from a bacterium generally transmitted through contaminated food or water. The illness causes diarrhoea and vomiting and can be especially dangerous for young children.

Africa PORTS & SHIPS maritime news 11-12 February 2024

2024-02-11T20:12+0100africaports-za (en)

WHARF TALK: LPG, VLGC tanker SUNNY BRIGHT The Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGC), tanker Sunny Bright, underway. Picture: Shipspotting Pictures by ‘Dockrat’ Story by Jay Gates. And still they come. The problem for all gas carrier owners, or gas end users, is that the largest....

Cholera outbreaks in African countries worsened by floods: UN

2024-02-10T16:05+0100cgtn (en)

Africa is witnessing a surge in cholera infections, notably in its east and south, and floods caused by the heavy rainfall are making the situation worse, particularly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), according to the United Nations. "Children in the DRC are facing the worst floods in....

Mozambique: Italy to grant 2.1 million dollars for food security

2024-02-08T07:35+0100clubofmozambique (en)

The Italian government pledged on Tuesday to grant two million Euros (2.1 million US dollars, at the current exchange rate) to the World Food Programme (WFP) to support farmers of the central provinces of Mozambique , in the context of climate resilience. The provinces in question are Tete, Manica and Sofala.

MIL-OSI United Nations: Italy helps WFP boost farmers resilience in Mozambique

2024-02-08T03:23+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

MAPUTO – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomes a contribution of €2 million from the Government of Italy that will help tackle climate change-induced vulnerabilities and strengthen food and nutritional security for up to 10,000 people including smallholder farmers, youth and women....

World News in Brief: Unprecedented cholera spike in Africa, Julian Assange extradition update, locusts compound Sudan crisis

2024-02-07T16:19+0100manilatimes (en)

Zambia and Zimbabwe have been worst hit, but Mozambique , Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia and Nigeria are also in the grip of "active outbreaks", with a high risk of further spread, Dr. Braka said. Preventable and treatable. "We will continue to see records being broken as....

Africa: Cholera Cases Surging in Africa, Says WHO

2024-02-07T13:06+0100allafrica (en)

) said on Tuesday. Dr. Fiona Braka from WHO 's regional office in Brazzaville, Congo, said that eastern and southern Africa have been particularly badly affected. In just the first four weeks of the year, 10 African countries reported more than 26,000 cases and 700 deaths, which is nearly double the number reported last year over the same period.

World News in Brief: Unprecedented cholera spike in Africa, Julian Assange extradition update, locusts compound Sudan crisis

2024-02-07T05:39+0100un-sustainabledevelopment (en)

In just the first four weeks of the year, 10 African countries reported more than 26,000 cases and 700 deaths, which is nearly double the number reported last year over the same period. Zambia and Zimbabwe have been worst hit, but Mozambique , Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia....

APO AFRICA Italy helps World Food Programme (WFP) boost farmers resilience in Mozambique

2024-02-07T05:27+0100venturesafrica (en)

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomes a contribution of €2 million from the Government of Italy that will help tackle climate change-induced vulnerabilities and strengthen food and nutritional security for up to 10,000 people including smallholder farmers, youth and women from....

Africa sees surge in Cholera outbreaks

2024-02-07T04:12+0100uniindia (en)

Cape Town, Feb 6 (UNI) Over 26,000 cholera infections and 700 deaths were registered in 10 African countries in January this year alone, and the risk of further spread of the disease remains high, Fiona Braka, spokeswoman for the World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for Africa, said on Tuesday.

World News in Brief: Unprecedented cholera spike in Africa, Julian Assange extradition update, locusts compound Sudan crisis

2024-02-07T01:53+0100globalissues (en)

In just the first four weeks of the year, 10 African countries reported more than 26,000 cases and 700 deaths, which is nearly double the number reported last year over the same period. Zambia and Zimbabwe have been worst hit, but Mozambique , Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia....

World News in Brief: Unprecedented cholera spike in Africa, Julian Assange extradition update, locusts compound Sudan crisis

2024-02-07T00:50+0100un-org (en)

In just the first four weeks of the year, 10 African countries reported more than 26,000 cases and 700 deaths, which is nearly double the number reported last year over the same period. Zambia and Zimbabwe have been worst hit, but Mozambique , Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia....

MIL-OSI United Nations: World News in Brief: Unprecedented cholera spike in Africa, Julian Assange extradition update, locusts compound Sudan crisis

2024-02-06T23:50+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Nations. Dr. Fiona Braka from WHO ’s regional office in Brazzaville, Congo, said that eastern and southern Africa have been particularly badly affected. In just the first four weeks of the year, 10 African countries reported more than 26,000 cases and 700 deaths, which is nearly....

World News in Brief: Unprecedented cholera spike in Africa, Julian Assange extradition update, locusts compound Sudan crisis

2024-02-06T23:47+0100un-news (en)

In just the first four weeks of the year, 10 African countries reported more than 26,000 cases and 700 deaths, which is nearly double the number reported last year over the same period. Zambia and Zimbabwe have been worst hit, but Mozambique , Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia,....

Global World News in Brief: Unprecedented cholera spike in Africa, Julian Assange extradition update, locusts compound Sudan crisis About 3 minutes ago

2024-02-06T23:40+0100devdiscourse (en)

World News in Brief: Unprecedented cholera spike in Africa, Julian Assange extradition update, locusts compound Sudan crisis SHARE; Cholera cases are surging globally and there's been an unprecedented spike in Africa, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday. Dr.

Cholera Surge in Africa, Assange Extradition Updates, Sudan Locust Crisis

2024-02-06T23:40+0100miragenews (en)

In just the first four weeks of the year, 10 African countries reported more than 26,000 cases and 700 deaths, which is nearly double the number reported last year over the same period. Zambia and Zimbabwe have been worst hit, but Mozambique , Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia,....

Italy Helps World Food Programme (WFP) Boost Farmers Resilience In Mozambique

2024-02-06T22:05+0100menafn (en)

- African Press Organization) Download logo The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomes a contribution of €2 million from the Government of Italy that will help tackle climate change-induced vulnerabilities and strengthen food and nutritional security for up to 10,000 people including....

Da Italia 2 milioni di euro a sostegno dell’agricoltura in Mozambico

2024-02-06T20:47+0100onuitalia (it)

MAPUTO, 6 FEBBRAIO – L’agenzia ONU World Food Programme (WFP) ha ricevuto un contributo di 2 milioni di euro dal governo italiano per affrontare le vulnerabilità causate dai cambiamenti climatici nonché a rafforzare la sicurezza alimentare e nutrizionale fino a un massimo di 10.

Italy helps WFP boost farmers resilience in Mozambique

2024-02-06T17:21+0100wfp (en)

The contribution, which was allocated through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) comes at a critical time as the climate crisis intensifies, with extreme weather events such as cyclones, floods and droughts, occurring more frequently and intensely.

Italy helps WFP boost farmers resilience in Mozambique

2024-02-06T17:16+0100reliefWeb (en)

MAPUTO The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomes a contribution of €2 million from the Government of Italy that will help tackle climate change-induced vulnerabilities and strengthen food and nutritional security for up to 10,000 people including smallholder farmers, youth and women....

Sugar price cap brews a storm in Tanzania

2024-02-05T17:20+0100ghanaweb (en)

The government has started implementing various health interventions in airports, dry ports and border crossings to curtail the cholera outbreak in the country. This comes after an alarming increase in the cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe being “very serious.

Tanzania initiates health measures at border points to contain the cholera outbreak

2024-02-05T17:20+0100ghanaweb (en)

The government has started implementing various health interventions in airports, dry ports and border crossings to curtail the cholera outbreak in the country. This comes after an alarming increase in the cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe being “very serious.

News | 04/02/2024 Understanding the influence of climate change on weather extremes and their societal impact

2024-02-05T13:22+0100deltares (en)

The intensity and frequency of weather extremes are increasing due to climate change. Records are being broken and society is increasingly feeling the impact of a warmer world. However, human-induced warming increases the chances of experiencing not only single extreme weather events but also....

PRIME Tanzania initiates health measures at border points to curtail rising cholera outbreak National 32 min ago

2024-02-05T04:33+0100theCitizen (en)

“So far, we are conducting various interventions in Songwe, Tunduma Kagera, Simiyu, Mwanza and Mtwara to identify the potential of cholera (case definition),” he said. According to him, the government has set aside some isolation centres in some of the aforementioned regions and has also....

‘La sed’, cuando la patria es allí donde llueve

2024-01-31T05:43+0100elpais (es)

Género de opinión que describe, elogia o censura, en todo o en parte, una obra cultural o de entretenimiento. Siempre debe escribirla un experto en la materia ‘La sed’, cuando la patria es allí donde llueve Virginia Mendoza dedica a la falta de agua un ameno ensayo, que conecta los recursos de su....

Storm Damage Connection: Residences Hit by Storms Linked to Higher Malaria Prevalence in Mozambique, Study Finds

2024-01-30T09:22+0100indiaeducationdiary (en)

Though malaria has been eliminated in several countries, the mosquito-borne disease remains a major public health concern in sub-Saharan Africa. Mozambique has the fourth-highest prevalence of malaria in the region and is vulnerable due to a range of factors including inadequate healthcare....

Mozambique: US environment agency recognises Maputo's commitment

2024-01-24T11:14+0100clubofmozambique (en)

The administrator of the US government’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Michael S. Regan, recognised on Tuesday Mozambique ’s commitment to environmental preservation, which is why the institution is going to study support for the country. “We’re going to pursue that.

UN concerned by spread of cholera to 10 African countries

2024-01-21T07:01+0100newzimbabwe (en)

The U.N.’s Children’s Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe “very serious.” Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said about 200,000 cases....

Africa: UN Concerned By Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-19T11:12+0100allafrica (en)

Harare, Zimbabwe The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe "very serious." Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said....

UN Concerned by Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-18T14:50+0100voazimbabwe (en)

Columbus Mavhunga. HARARE, ZIMBABWE — The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe "very serious." Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and....

Cholera Spreading Across Africa

2024-01-18T12:11+0100iafrica (en)

The U.N.’s Children’s Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe “very serious.” Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said about 200,000 cases....

UN Concerned by Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-17T19:57+0100northernirelandnews (en)

Harare, Zimbabwe - The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe 'very serious.' Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said....

UN Concerned by Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-17T19:57+0100manilametro (en)

Harare, Zimbabwe - The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe 'very serious.' Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said....

UN Concerned by Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-17T19:50+0100srilankasource (en)

Harare, Zimbabwe - The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe 'very serious.' Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said....

UN Concerned by Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-17T19:40+0100myanmarnews (en)

Harare, Zimbabwe - The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe 'very serious.' Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said....

UN Concerned by Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-17T19:38+0100longbeachstar (en)

Harare, Zimbabwe - The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe 'very serious.' Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said....

UN Concerned by Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-17T19:31+0100nigeriasun (en)

Harare, Zimbabwe - The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe 'very serious.' Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said....

UN Concerned by Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-17T19:29+0100cambodiantimes (en)

Harare, Zimbabwe - The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe 'very serious.' Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said....

UN Concerned by Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-17T19:23+0100kenyastar (en)

Harare, Zimbabwe - The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe 'very serious.' Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said....

UN Concerned by Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-17T19:13+0100singaporestar (en)

Harare, Zimbabwe - The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe 'very serious.' Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said....

Storm damage to residences linked to higher malaria prevalence in Mozambique 8 minutes ago

2024-01-17T18:53+0100medicalxpress (en)

Though malaria has been eliminated in several countries, the mosquito-borne disease remains a major public health concern in sub-Saharan Africa. Mozambique has the fourth-highest prevalence of malaria in the region and is vulnerable due to a range of factors, including inadequate health care....

Mozambique's Malaria Surge Tied to Storm-Damaged Homes

2024-01-17T16:41+0100miragenews (en)

Though malaria has been eliminated in several countries, the mosquito-borne disease remains a major public health concern in sub-Saharan Africa. Mozambique has the fourth-highest prevalence of malaria in the region and is vulnerable due to a range of factors including inadequate healthcare....

UN Concerned by Spread of Cholera to 10 African Countries

2024-01-17T16:37+0100voanews (en)

Harare, Zimbabwe — The U.N.'s Children's Fund expressed alarm this week about a cholera outbreak in Africa that has spread to at least 10 countries, with the situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe "very serious." Dr. Paul Ngwakum, the regional health adviser for UNICEF in East and Southern Africa, said....

Strange weather: Last year’s climate assessment makes for grim reading

2024-01-13T20:30+0100digitaljournal (en)

Powerful waves driven by Cyclone Freddy crashed into the shoreline near the village of Sainte-Anne, on the French overseas island of La Reunion - Copyright AFP/File Charism SAYAT. Record heat in 2023 together with worsened global droughts, floods and wildfires characterized a worsening climate situation.

Record heat in 2023 worsened global droughts, floods and wildfires

2024-01-11T19:33+0100sciencedaily (en)

The findings are outlined in a new report released today by the Global Water Monitor Consortium and led by ANU researchers. Lead author Professor Albert van Dijk, from ANU, said the report underscores the consequences of persistent fossil fuel burning on natural disasters, water resources, biodiversity and food security.

Record heat in 2023 worsened global droughts, floods and wildfires

2024-01-11T14:06+0100smartwatermagazine (en)

ANU is a world-leading university in Australia’s capital. Excellence is embedded in our approach to research and education. Record heat across the world profoundly impacted the global water cycle in 2023, contributing to severe storms, floods, megadroughts and bushfires, new research from The Australian National University (ANU) shows.

Record Heat In 2023 Worsened Global Droughts, Floods And Wildfires

2024-01-11T00:30+0100eurasiareview (en)

The findings are outlined in a new report released by the Global Water Monitor Consortium and led by ANU researchers. Lead author Professor Albert Van Dijk, from ANU, said the report underscores the consequences of persistent fossil fuel burning on natural disasters, water resources, biodiversity and food security.

Record heat fueled unexpected and deadly storms in 2023

2024-01-10T20:49+0100earth (en)

The record heat of 2023 severely disrupted the global water cycle, contributing to extreme weather events such as severe storms, floods, megadroughts and bushfires, according to a study from (ANU). The research is outlined in a new report released today by the Global Water Monitor Consortium and led by ANU researchers.

2023 Record Heat Intensified Global Droughts, Floods, Wildfires

2024-01-10T20:11+0100miragenews (en)

Record heat across the world profoundly impacted the global water cycle in 2023, contributing to severe storms, floods, megadroughts and bushfires, new research from The Australian National University (ANU) shows. The findings are outlined in a new report released today by the Global Water Monitor Consortium and led by ANU researchers.

10-Jan-2024 Record heat in 2023 worsened global droughts, floods and wildfires Australian National University Reports and Proceedings Record heat across the world profoundly impacted the global water cycle in 2023, contributing to severe storms, floods, megadroughts and bushfires, new research from The Australian National University (ANU) shows.

2024-01-10T20:03+0100eurekalert (en)

Credit: Credit: Lannon Harley/ANU. Record heat across the world profoundly impacted the global water cycle in 2023, contributing to severe storms, floods, megadroughts and bushfires, new research from The Australian National University (ANU) shows. The findings are outlined in a new report released....

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