Overall Green alert Drought for South-West Australia-2023
in Australia

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 1719
Articles about casualties: 26 (1.5%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

El Niño: 90% of events will be extreme if climate change is not stopped

2024-07-15T11:53+0200yourweather (en)

published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters extreme El Niño events can become the new normal . That's right. We already know that the planet is on its way to warming 2.9 ºC above pre-industrial levels by 2100 if current trends in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue, according to a....

Australian Homes Are Cold in Winter, but They Shouldn’t Be

2024-07-15T09:06+0200theepochtimes (en)

Go online, and you'll find many social media posts complaining about Australia ’s cold houses in the winter. And it’s not just a trivial gripe either. The World Health Organisation reported that 81 percent of Australian houses have temperatures below the optimum 16 to 18 degrees Celsius (64 Fahrenheit) minimum.

Meteo. Raro evento di Stratwarming nell'emisfero sud, possibili impatti in Australia

2024-07-12T15:39+02003bmeteo (it)

antartide, è atteso un improvviso riscaldamento della stratosfera. Un raro evento di riscaldamento stratosferico improvviso (Stratwarming) sta iniziando a verificarsi sopra l'Antartide e potrebbe influenzare il clima dell' Australia nelle prossime settimane.

Cada año llegan 2.000 millones de toneladas de polvo a la atmósfera

2024-07-12T03:19+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 12 (SERVIMEDIA) La atmósfera recibe cada año alrededor de 2.000 millones de toneladas de polvo en suspensión, un proceso que oscurece cielos y daña la calidad del aire en regiones que pueden estar a miles de kilómetros de distancia y mayormente se debe a causas naturales, aunque también....

Cada año llegan dos mil millones de toneladas de polvo a la atmósfera

2024-07-12T02:39+0200noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 12 (SERVIMEDIA) La atmósfera recibe cada año alrededor de 2.000 millones de toneladas de polvo en suspensión, un proceso que oscurece cielos y daña la calidad del aire en regiones que pueden estar a miles de kilómetros de distancia y mayormente se debe a causas naturales, aunque también....

Crisi climatica In America latina manca l'acqua. Come non era mai successo prima di Daniele Mastrogiacomo

2024-07-11T13:57+0200espressorepubblica (it)

Il bacino di Chuza , quello che garantisce il 70 per cento dell’approvvigionamento idrico alla capitale della Colombia, è ridotto al 17 per cento del suo livello normale. È il più basso dal 1984. Il presidente Gustavo Petro ha scritto su X una verità amara: «È solo l’inizio, per i prossimi 30 anni dobbiamo abituarci a cambiare le nostre vite».

Foresta pluviale di super alberi discendenti dal supercontinente perduto Gondwana in fase di creazione in Australia

2024-07-10T20:41+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 10 luglio 2024) Australia : Protezione della Foresta pluviale e del suo patrimonio In Australia , una “banca dei semi vivente” è in fase di costruzione per salvaguardare i restanti frammenti della Foresta pluviale continentale dai cambiamenti climatici.

Indigenous Earth observations can advance water quality monitoring

2024-07-10T20:27+0200earthobservations (en)

Indigenous Earth observations can advance water quality monitoring. Indigenous Peoples were among the first to notice and understand complex changes in the environment around them. Today, their knowledge can provide valuable insights for addressing challenges like changes in Earth’s water systems.

12 de julio: Día Internacional de la Lucha contra las Tormentas de Arena y Polvo 2024

2024-07-10T18:14+0200ecoavant (es)

Desde el año pasado cada 12 de julio se celebra el Día Internacional de la Lucha contra las Tormentas de Arena y Polvo 2024 con la finalidad de informar sobre los riesgos de estos fenómenos meteorológicos, así como fomentar su prevención y mitigar sus efectos.

Edison e Webuild: alleanza industriale per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T13:54+0200pv-magazine-it (it)

Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico , infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta collaborazione, per....

Francia la Nazione vinicola migliore al mondo, seguono Italia e Spagna: il rapporto France AgriMer

2024-07-10T13:21+0200winenews (it)

Francia al primo posto, Italia seconda e terzo gradino del podio per la Spagna: è la classifica delle nazioni vinicole più competitive al mondo nel 2023 stilata dall’agenzia francese France AgriMer, che fa capo al Ministero dell’Agricoltura, attraverso l’analisi di AgrexConsulting.

Edison e Webuild siglano accordo per sviluppo impianti pompaggio idroelettrico

2024-07-10T13:14+0200247libero (it)

(Teleborsa) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico , infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Edison e Webuild insieme per sviluppo del settore idroelettrico in Italia

2024-07-10T12:29+0200esgnews (it)

hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico , infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta collaborazione, per la definizione e....

Edison: firmato accordo con Webuild per lo sviluppo di pompaggi idroelettrici

2024-07-10T12:18+0200affaritaliani (it)

Edison e Webuild realizzeranno pompaggi idroelettrici per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. Edison e Webuild , leader globale nella progettazione e realizzazione di grandi infrastrutture complesse, hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo di progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico nel Sud Italia.

Edison e Webuild siglano accordo per sviluppo impianti pompaggio idroelettrico

2024-07-10T12:10+0200finanza-lastampa (it)

Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico , infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta collaborazione , per....

Edison e Webuild siglano accordo per sviluppo impianti pompaggio idroelettrico

2024-07-10T12:08+0200repubblica (it)

(Teleborsa) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico , infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Edison e Webuild siglano accordo per sviluppo impianti pompaggio idroelettrico

2024-07-10T12:04+0200teleborsa (it)

(Teleborsa) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico , infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T11:31+0200quotidianodifoggia (it)

(Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Idroelettrico: accordo Edison-Webuild per sviluppare progetti di pompaggio in Italia

2024-07-10T11:29+0200industriaitaliana (it)

La filiera italiana dell’idroelettrico svolge un ruolo estremamente strategico sia in termini di autonomia energetica sia in termini di indotto e sviluppo economico. Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture....

Nazionali Oggi alle 10:05 Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T11:15+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T11:12+0200padovanews (it)

Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta collaborazione, per....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T11:05+0200vglobale-it (it)

Tempo di lettura: 4 minuti. (Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale.

Gelso: perché ricominciare a coltivare questo albero anti-inquinamento, pianta medicinale antica e dimenticata, dai golosi frutti

2024-07-10T10:56+0200greenme (it)

Ci sono circa 68 specie del genere Morus, a cui appartiene il gelso. La maggior parte di queste specie si trova in Asia, specialmente in Cina (24 specie) e Giappone (19 specie), mentre il genere è scarsamente rappresentato in Africa, Europa e Vicino Oriente, e non è presente in Australia .

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:53+0200vivere-it (it)

(Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:49+0200viverecivitanova (it)

(Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo...

2024-07-10T10:48+0200vivereancona (it)

(Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:43+0200Quotidianodibari (it)

(Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:37+0200okmugello (it)

Le due iniziative, oltre alla realizzazione di nuovi invasi e di importanti opere di ingegneria completamente sotterranee per assicurare la maggiore compatibilità con il territorio, prevedono l’utilizzo di invasi esistenti, sui quali dovranno essere attuati interventi volti a ripristinare la piena....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:32+0200ilfattonisseno (it)

(Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:24+0200rete55 (it)

(Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:23+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:20+0200tiscali-it (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:19+0200meridiananotizie (it)

(Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:16+0200ecoseven (it)

(Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:14+0200palermomania (it)

(Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Idroelettrico, accordo Edison-Webuild nei pompaggi

2024-07-10T10:11+0200milanofinanza (it)

I due gruppi svilupperanno progetti di accumulo idroelettrico nel Sud Italia di titolarità di Foro Buonaparte. Si punta a realizzare almeno 500 Mw di pompaggi al 2030 e far crescere la filiera italiana dell’idroelettrico per incrementare l’autonomia energetica e lo sviluppo economico del Paese.

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:10+0200adnkronos (it)

Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta collaborazione, per....

Energia, alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:10+0200periodicodaily (it)

(Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una stretta....

Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:09+0200247libero (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:05+0200lanuovaferrara (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:04+0200strettoweb (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all?accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:04+0200laragione (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

09:54 Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:02+0200affaritaliani (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:01+0200gazzettadireggio (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T10:01+0200meteoweb (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) – Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all?accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T09:59+0200gazzettadimodena (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Webuild ed Edison svilupperanno pompaggi idroelettrici

2024-07-10T09:58+0200marketscreener (it)

(Alliance News) - Edison Spa e Webuild Spa hanno comnicato mercoledì di aver sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale.

Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T09:58+0200iltirreno (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T09:57+0200corriereadriatico (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Energia: alleanza industriale Edison Webuild per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T09:55+0200lasvolta (it)

Milano, 10 lug. (Adnkronos) - Edison e Webuild hanno sottoscritto un accordo programmatico per lo sviluppo dei progetti di pompaggio idroelettrico, infrastrutture altamente strategiche per la transizione ecologica e la sicurezza energetica nazionale. In base all’accordo, Edison e Webuild avviano una....

Edison e Webuild: alleanza industriale per lo sviluppo dei pompaggi idroelettrici in Italia

2024-07-10T09:46+0200marketscreener (it)

I due gruppi si impegnano a sviluppare in modo congiunto i progetti di accumulo idroelettrico nel Sud Italia di titolarità di Edison. Obiettivo: realizzare almeno 500 MW di pompaggi al 2030 e far crescere la filiera italiana dell'idroelettrico per incrementare l'autonomia energetica e lo sviluppo economico del Paese.

That’s not mayonnaise! A man is left disgusted when a white blob falls off his burger and starts MOVING. A doctor reveals what it really is.

2024-07-09T11:13+0200whatsnew2day (en)

A New Zealand man was left stunned when he went to take a bite of his burger and noticed something white falling out of the bun. The Auckland man simply assumed it was a ‘blob of mayonnaise’, but then it started moving. The bone-white blob was rubbery and about half the size of a pinky finger, sliding across the charger of her cell phone.

SIWW2024 Hosts The Largest Global Gathering Of The Urban Water Community, Reflecting Significant Growth In Southeast Asia's Municipal And Industrial Markets

2024-07-09T10:49+0200menafn (en)

space; 51% of exhibiting companies from overseas, catering to 35% of overseas trade visitors, mostly from ASEAN countries SINGAPORE - Media OutReach Newswire - 9 July 2024 - Into its 10th edition this year, the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) 2024 was held from 18 to 22 June at the Sands Expo & Convention Centre.

business SIWW2024 hosts the largest global gathering of the urban water community, reflecting significant growth in Southeast Asia’s municipal and industrial markets

2024-07-09T10:06+0200AsiaOne (en)

- 9 July 2024 - Into its 10 th edition this year, the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) 2024 was held from 18 to 22 June at the Sands Expo & Convention Centre. The biennial event – one of the largest in the world – ended with record attendance.

SIWW2024 hosts the largest global gathering of the urban water community, reflecting significant growth in Southeast Asia’s municipal and industrial markets Jul. 9, 2024 15:45

2024-07-09T10:03+0200taiwannews (en)

- 9 July 2024 - Into its 10 th edition this year, the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) 2024 was held from 18 to 22 June at the Sands Expo & Convention Centre. The biennial event – one of the largest in the world – ended with record attendance.

SIWW2024 hosts the largest global gathering of the urban water community, reflecting significant growth in Southeast Asia’s municipal and industrial markets

2024-07-09T09:59+0200thailand-business-news (en)

– 9 July 2024 – Into its 10 th edition this year, the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) 2024 was held from 18 to 22 June at the Sands Expo & Convention Centre. The biennial event – one of the largest in the world – ended with record attendance.

L’Australia impone il divieto di abbracciare i Koala nei parchi faunistici: ecco perché

2024-07-08T16:23+0200ohga (it)

Stop al turismo becero per abbracciare gli animali . Questa è stata la decisione intrapresa dalle istituzioni governative in Australia e soprattutto il divieto riguarda tutte le persone, ospiti e non, che sono desiderosi di abbracciare i koala dei parchi faunistici.

Conservation Agriculture sows its seeds at FAO

2024-07-08T14:23+0200europeanscientist (en)

At a time when European farmers have just staged protests against the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy which, according to them, prevents them from earning a living, at a time when food scarcity is making a comeback in Europe, when famines are reappearing in under-industrialized....

Nuove piante ornamentali per il mercato del Mediterraneo grazie alla Scuola superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa

2024-07-08T10:33+02009colonne-it (it)

Johannesburg - Nuove specie vegetali ornamentali, commestibili e ricche di micronutrienti, originarie dell’ Australia e del Sudafrica, si preparano al debutto sul mercato italiano e dei paesi del Mediterraneo, grazie al contributo della ricerca scientifica condotta all’Istituto di Produzioni Vegetali della Scuola superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa.

El Mundial más largo llega al ecuador: ¿por qué es el mejor campeonato de la última década?

2024-07-08T10:26+0200elMundo (es)

Desde 2014, año de inicio de la Era Híbrida, la Fórmula 1 no vivía un momento tan intenso sobre el asfalto. Tras la disputa del GP de Gran Bretaña, que acaba de marcar el ecuador del calendario, basta con un vistazo a la tabla para entender el paso adelante del Mundial 2024.

Australia is suffering from the largest parasite outbreak in more than 20 years and a group of people are falling ill at an alarming rate

2024-07-08T09:02+0200whatsnew2day (en)

is battling its biggest gastrointestinal outbreak in more than 20 years, with an alarming number of young children falling ill. Cases of cryptosporidiosis, a parasitic gastrointestinal disease, have skyrocketed, with the number of people falling ill four times higher than in the entire year of 2023.

Australia is hit by its largest parasitic outbreak in more than 20 years - and the one group that's getting sick at an alarming rate

2024-07-08T08:02+0200dailymail (en)

Australia is fighting through its largest gastro outbreak in more than 20 years with an alarming number of toddlers falling ill. Cases of cryptosporidiosis, a parasitical gastrointestinal disease, have soared with four times as many people falling ill than in all of 2023. Children under the age of four account for a quarter of the cases recorded.

Viviamo nell'epoca dei grandi incendi: colpa della siccità e dell'uomo

2024-07-07T23:40+0200247libero (it)

Gli scienziati sono sempre più convinti che stiamo vivendo nell’èra dei grossi incendi e la colpa è del cambiamento climatico. Quella che finora era una semplice sensazione empirica, ora è anche una teoria scientifica, basata sulla raccolta di dati e sull’osservazione delle immagini satellitari.

“Southern Australia is freezing. How can it be so cold in a warming climate?”

2024-07-07T19:51+0200wattsupwiththat (en)

Southern Australia is freezing. How can it be so cold in a warming climate? Published: July 5, 2024 2.34pm AEST Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, The University of Melbourne. People living in southern Australia won’t have failed to notice how cold it is. Frosty nights and chilly days have been the weather for many of us since the start of July.

Viviamo nell’epoca dei grandi incendi: colpa della siccità e dell’uomo

2024-07-07T19:44+0200editorialedomani (it)

Gli scienziati sono sempre più convinti che stiamo vivendo nell’èra dei grossi incendi e la colpa è del cambiamento climatico. Quella che finora era una semplice sensazione empirica, ora è anche una teoria scientifica, basata sulla raccolta di dati e sull’osservazione delle immagini satellitari.

Fallout from Australia’s Huge Wildfires Is Choking Rivers

2024-07-07T14:33+0200qnewshub (en)

collaboration. Walking through the Bogandyera Nature Reserve, Luke Pearce, a fisheries manager for the Australia n state of New South Wales, gestured down a steep hillside and described the scene three days after a wildfire roared through the area on January 11.

Temporal crop diversity stabilizes agricultural production

2024-07-07T12:52+0200qnewshub (en)

Securing food supplies around the globe is a major challenge facing humanity, especially in light of the predicted increase in the world’s population to almost ten billion people by 2050 and the effects of climate change. Greater crop diversity in agriculture is seen as a stabilizing factor for food security.

Report: Climate change damaging more World Heritage sites

2024-07-07T02:42+0200qnewshub (en)

Climate change is increasingly damaging the U.N.’s most cherished heritage sites, a leading conservation agency warned Wednesday, reporting that Australia ’s Great Barrier Reef and dozens of other natural wonders are facing severe threats. Climate change that has lead to shrinking glaciers,....

Gastro cases hit 20-year high as parasite spreads disease to toddlers

2024-07-07T02:03+0200watoday (en)

Australia is in the grips of a gastro outbreak with four times more cases of cryptosporidiosis, a parasitical gastrointestinal disease, so far this year than in all of 2023. There have been 11,747 cryptosporidiosis cases in 2024 compared with 3716 in 2023. A quarter of all cases are in children under four.

Árboles centenarios de la India crecen donde antes florecían los cítricos y ofrecen energía renovable

2024-07-06T23:24+0200esdelatino-com (es)

Mientras gran parte de la otrora famosa industria de cítricos del Estado del Sol prácticamente se ha secado en las últimas dos décadas debido a dos enfermedades mortales, el enverdecimiento y el cancro de los cítricos, algunos agricultores están recurriendo al árbol pongamia, un árbol resistente al....

Sophie Johnson

2024-07-06T22:07+0200abc-au (en)

/ by Sophie Johnson Instant coffee could become even more expensive as Vietnamese producers fear farming land in the country could be halved by 2050 due to climate change. / by Sophie Johnson Koto musician Takako Haggarty works with a special school in Brisbane, to teach disabled students to play....

Gastro cases hit 20 year high as parasite spreads disease to toddlers

2024-07-06T21:08+0200brisbanetimes (en)

Australia is in the grips of a gastro outbreak with four times more cases of cryptosporidiosis, a parasitical gastrointestinal disease, so far this year than in all of 2023. There have been 11,747 cryptosporidiosis cases in 2024 compared with 3716 in 2023. A quarter of all cases are in children under four.

Gastro cases hit 20 year high as parasite spreads disease to toddlers

2024-07-06T21:08+0200smh (en)

Australia is in the grips of a gastro outbreak with four times more cases of cryptosporidiosis, a parasitical gastrointestinal disease, so far this year than in all of 2023. There have been 11,747 cryptosporidiosis cases in 2024 compared with 3716 in 2023. A quarter of all cases are in children under four.

Gastro cases hit 20 year high as parasite spreads disease to toddlers

2024-07-06T21:01+0200theage (en)

Australia is in the grips of a gastro outbreak with four times more cases of cryptosporidiosis, a parasitical gastrointestinal disease, so far this year than in all of 2023. There have been 11,747 cryptosporidiosis cases in 2024 compared with 3716 in 2023. A quarter of all cases are in children under four.

Los árboles de Pongamia crecen donde antes florecían los cítricos y ofrecen energía renovable y proteínas.

2024-07-06T10:20+0200esdelatino-com (es)

Un árbol antiguo de la India ahora está prosperando en arboledas donde alguna vez florecieron árboles de cítricos en Florida, y podría ayudar a proporcionar a la nación energía renovable. Mientras gran parte de la otrora famosa industria de cítricos del Estado del Sol prácticamente se ha secado en....

Australia, vietato abbracciare i koala nello storico santuario

2024-07-05T23:23+0200repubblica (it)

Anche grazie alle ricerche scientifiche e agli studi sull'animale iconico dell' Australia ci si è però resi sempre più conto, nel tempo, di come per animali notturni e solitari, che dormono per la maggior parte del giorno e seguono ritmi lenti, anche un semplice abbraccio poteva essere una forte fonte di stress.

Australia, vietato abbracciare i koala nello storico santuario

2024-07-05T20:39+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Anche grazie alle ricerche scientifiche e agli studi sull'animale iconico dell' Australia ci si è però resi sempre più conto, nel tempo, di come per animali notturni e solitari, che dormono per la maggior parte del giorno e seguono ritmi lenti, anche un semplice abbraccio poteva essere una forte fonte di stress.

Australia, vietato abbracciare i koala nello storico santuario

2024-07-05T16:01+0200repubblica-green-and-blue (it)

Anche grazie alle ricerche scientifiche e agli studi sull'animale iconico dell' Australia ci si è però resi sempre più conto, nel tempo, di come per animali notturni e solitari, che dormono per la maggior parte del giorno e seguono ritmi lenti, anche un semplice abbraccio poteva essere una forte fonte di stress.

Australia, vietato abbracciare i koala nello storico santuario

2024-07-05T15:45+0200lasentinella (it)

Anche grazie alle ricerche scientifiche e agli studi sull'animale iconico dell' Australia ci si è però resi sempre più conto, nel tempo, di come per animali notturni e solitari, che dormono per la maggior parte del giorno e seguono ritmi lenti, anche un semplice abbraccio poteva essere una forte fonte di stress.

Australia, vietato abbracciare i koala nello storico santuario

2024-07-05T15:45+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Anche grazie alle ricerche scientifiche e agli studi sull'animale iconico dell' Australia ci si è però resi sempre più conto, nel tempo, di come per animali notturni e solitari, che dormono per la maggior parte del giorno e seguono ritmi lenti, anche un semplice abbraccio poteva essere una forte fonte di stress.

Vivaismo Italiano più sostenibile: la Sant'Anna individua nuove specie ornamentali

2024-07-05T12:49+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 5 luglio 2024) Pisa, 4 luglio 2024 - nuove specie vegetali ornamentali , commestibili e ricche di micronutrienti, originarie dell’ Australia e del Sudafrica, si preparano al debutto sul mercato Italiano e dei paesi del Mediterraneo, grazie al contributo della ricerca scientifica condotta....

Vivaismo Italiano più sostenibile: la Sant'Anna individua nuove specie ornamentali

2024-07-05T12:22+0200LaNazione (it)

Pisa, 4 luglio 2024 - Nuove specie vegetali ornamentali, commestibili e ricche di micronutrienti, originarie dell’ Australia e del Sudafrica, si preparano al debutto sul mercato italiano e dei paesi del Mediterraneo, grazie al contributo della ricerca scientifica condotta all’Istituto di Produzioni Vegetali della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa .

Vivaismo italiano più sostenibile: nuove specie individuate dalla Scuola Sant’Anna

2024-07-04T13:03+0200LaNazione (it)

I primi risultati del progetto NATIVASA, finanziato dal Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, presentati al convegno della Società di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana dai docenti Antonio Ferrante e Anna Mensuali. Pisa, 4 luglio 2024 – Nuove specie vegetali ornamentali, commestibili e ricche di....

Sostenibilità: la ricerca della Scuola Sant'Anna per aiutare il vivaismo italiano

2024-07-04T12:59+0200pisatoday (it)

Nuove specie vegetali ornamentali, commestibili e ricche di micronutrienti, originarie dell’ Australia e del Sudafrica, si preparano al debutto sul mercato italiano e dei paesi del Mediterraneo, grazie al contributo della ricerca scientifica condotta all’Istituto di Produzioni Vegetali della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa.

04 Luglio 2024 11:02

2024-07-04T11:10+0200gonews (it)

Nuove specie vegetali ornamentali, commestibili e ricche di micronutrienti, originarie dell’ Australia e del Sudafrica, si preparano al debutto sul mercato italiano e dei paesi del Mediterraneo, grazie al contributo della ricerca scientifica condotta all’Istituto di Produzioni Vegetali della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa.

Università: vivaismo Italiano più sostenibile con nuove specie ornamentali australiane e sudafricane individuate per il mercato del Mediterraneo da docenti dell’Istituto di Produzioni Vegetali del Sant’Anna di Pisa. I primi risultati presentati a Padova

2024-07-04T10:59+0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) - Roma, 4 Luglio 2024 (AGENPARL) – gio 04 luglio 2024 [cid:image001.png@01DACD56.A57B3E50] In prospettiva colture più redditizie e che dimostrano maggiore resistenza alla siccità, per affrontare la competizione internazionale Vivaismo Italiano più sostenibile: nuove specie ornamentali....

The alarming disease that is wreaking havoc in Australia (and you’ve probably never heard of it)

2024-07-04T09:10+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Scientists and conservationists have warned that a little-known but deadly disease is destroying trees and causing massive damage to ’s ecosystem. Ginger bark disease, which occurs in drought-stressed gum trees, is devastating Tasmania’s forests and has also affected Western Large tracts of forest....

Tuvalu Should Deal with Climate Refugee Concerns

2024-07-03T12:39+0200moderndiplomacy (en)

This Atoll nation must seek solutions regarding which mechanisms can be utilized to address the issue of climate refugees resulting from climate change looming over the Pacific island nations. Climate change has brought about a phenomenon known as “climate refugees”.

Ya es oficial, el ciclón tropical Freddy es el ciclón tropical de mayor duración jamás registrado, con 36 días

2024-07-03T12:34+0200tiempo-es (es)

03/07/2024 11:30 4 min. Freddy atravesó la cuenca del océano Índico , partiendo de las costas del noroeste de Australia y llegó al sur de África, en febrero y marzo de 2023. Provocó importantes pérdidas humanas y económicas en los países más afectados. El ciclón tropical más longevo: Freddy.

Funding to improve water security in Far North Queensland

2024-07-03T04:22+0200nationaltribune (en)

More water security is coming to Douglas Shire Council as the Australia n and Queensland governments fund a second water supply intake on the Mossman River. The $16.4 million intake is supported by $5 million each from the Albanese and Miles governments, helping Douglas Shire Council deliver this important water infrastructure project.

Far North Queensland Receives Funding Boost for Water Security

2024-07-03T04:21+0200miragenews (en)

More water security is coming to Douglas Shire Council as the Australia n and Queensland governments fund a second water supply intake on the Mossman River. The $16.4 million intake is supported by $5 million each from the Albanese and Miles governments, helping Douglas Shire Council deliver this important water infrastructure project.

Labor delivers funding to improve water security for Douglas Shire Council

2024-07-03T01:35+0200nationaltribune (en)

$10 million funding secured for key water security project from the Albanese and Miles Labor governments; Will fund a new water intake on the Mossman River to better manage severe weather events; Forms an important part of Douglas Shire Council’s Water Security Strategy.

Labor Funds Boost for Douglas Shire Water Security

2024-07-03T01:33+0200miragenews (en)

$10 million funding secured for key water security project from the Albanese and Miles Labor governments; Will fund a new water intake on the Mossman River to better manage severe weather events; Forms an important part of Douglas Shire Council's Water Security Strategy.

Safeguarding our environment

2024-07-02T17:25+0200tribuneonline (en)

The perils of climate change are evident. The past few weeks have easily been the most prolonged heat we have experienced ever. And this will likely get worse as the world marches on at an accelerated pace to break records of greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, Climate.gov had declared 2023 the warmest year for the world since 1850.

Ciclón tropical Freddy el de mayor duración con 36 días

2024-07-02T14:41+0200prensa-latina (es)

Freddy atravesó la cuenca del océano Índico, partiendo de las costas del noroeste de Australia y llegó al sur de África, en febrero y marzo de 2023 y provocó importantes pérdidas humanas y económicas en los países más afectados. Un comité internacional de expertos de la OMM que trabaja bajo los....

Siembra "Single Skip": su importancia en ambientes semiáridos

2024-07-02T12:30+0200eldiariodelapampa (es)

La siembra bajo la modalidad "single skip" es una práctica que ha ganado popularidad en regiones semiáridas debido a sus diversas ventajas agronómicas y económicas. Esta técnica consiste en alternar hileras de cultivo con hileras sin sembrar, permitiendo un mayor aprovechamiento del agua y los nutrientes del suelo.

Prospettive animali

2024-07-02T11:10+0200scuola24 (it)

Allargare le prospettive umane al regno animale, vegetale, minerale, il micromondo degli oggetti e del pulviscolo. Intuire l’invisibile, passando dalle porte regali – come le definiva Pavel Florenskij – che sole connettono visibile e invisibile. È da qualche tempo che la letteratura ha incominciato....

El ciclón tropical Freddy es el ciclón tropical de mayor duración jamás registrado, con 36 días

2024-07-02T10:37+0200iagua (es)

Un comité internacional de expertos de la OMM que trabaja bajo los auspicios del Archivo de Fenómenos Meteorológicos y Climáticos Extremos llevó a cabo un análisis detallado y una verificación de la distancia y la duración. El comité de evaluación reconoció que la duración del ciclón tropical Freddy....

La ONU certifica que Freddy, con 36 días de duración, se convirtió en el ciclón tropical más duradero jamás registrado

2024-07-02T05:05+0200noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 01 (SERVIMEDIA) La Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), agencia de la ONU especializada en el tiempo, el clima y el agua, certificó este martes que Freddy es el ciclón tropical más duradero jamás registrado, con 36 días. Freddy atravesó la cuenca del océano Índico en febrero y marzo de....

El ciclón tropical Freddy es el ciclón tropical de mayor duración jamás registrado, con 36 días: omm

2024-07-02T02:40+0200reliefWeb (es)

Attachments La Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) ha declarado que el ciclón tropical Freddy es el ciclón tropical de mayor duración jamás registrado, con 36 días. Freddy atravesó la cuenca del océano Índico, partiendo de las costas del noroeste de Australia y llegó al sur de África, en febrero y marzo de 2023.

La ONU certifica que Freddy, con 36 días, fue el ciclón tropical más duradero jamás registrado

2024-07-02T00:19+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 01 (SERVIMEDIA) La Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), agencia de la ONU especializada en el tiempo, el clima y el agua, certificó este martes que Freddy es el ciclón tropical más duradero jamás registrado, con 36 días. Freddy atravesó la cuenca del océano Índico en febrero y marzo de....

A giugno non si era mai formato un uragano forte come Beryl

2024-07-01T16:45+0200247libero (it)

Nelle prime ore di lunedì un uragano chiamato Beryl ha raggiunto la zona del mar dei Caraibi in cui si trovano le Isole Sopravento Meridionali, di cui fanno parte gli stati di Grenada di Saint Vincent e Grenadine. Finora non ci sono notizie di danni, ma di Beryl si è già molto discusso tra i....

A giugno non si era mai formato un uragano forte come Beryl

2024-07-01T16:40+0200ilpost (it)

Nelle prime ore di lunedì un uragano chiamato Beryl ha raggiunto la zona del mar dei Caraibi in cui si trovano le Isole Sopravento Meridionali, di cui fanno parte gli stati di Grenada di Saint Vincent e Grenadine. Finora non ci sono notizie di danni, ma di Beryl si è già molto discusso tra i....

Water, Vol. 16, Pages 1873: Hydrological Drought Risk Assessment and Its Spatial Transmission Based on the Three-Dimensional Copula Function in the Yellow River Basin

2024-06-29T12:18+0200mdpi (en)

Droughts can be separated into the following types: meteorological drought, hydrological drought, agricultural drought and socioeconomic drought. Among them, meteorological drought is often considered to be the primary type and is generally characterized by insufficient precipitation [ 4 ].

Some of us don’t have high-quality drinking water, and it’s putting public health at risk. How do we deliver universal access?

2024-06-29T07:01+0200HindustanTimes (en)

The report, National Water Reform 2024, is the result of an inquiry requested by the federal government. It found Australia n governments must reform many of the ways water is managed to ensure the current and future wellbeing of our communities, environment and economy.


2024-06-28T19:03+0200nelcuore (it)

A Barcellona è nata un’alleanza di 15 regioni dal clima mediterraneo per combattere il riscaldamento globale, che vede capofila la Catalogna e la California e alla quale partecipa anche l’Emilia Romagna, segnala l’assessorato catalano per l’Azione climatica, ripreso dai media iberici.

Vino: l’Italia supera la Spagna: restiamo secondi al mondo per competitività vitivinicola (nonostante la siccità)

2024-06-28T18:00+0200greenme (it)

Nel futuro si prospetta una sfida a tre tra Francia, Italia e Spagna, mentre i Paesi del Nuovo Mondo, come Stati Uniti, Australia e Cile, continueranno a lottare per guadagnare posizioni L’Italia ha superato la Spagna e si è posizionata al secondo posto nella classifica mondiale della competitività....

Alleanza planetaria di 15 regioni contro riscaldamento climatico

2024-06-28T13:51+0200ansabrasil (it)

MADRID - A Barcellona è nata un'alleanza planetaria fra 15 regioni dal clima mediterraneo per combattere il riscaldamento globale, che vede come capofila la Catalogna e la Bassa California e alla quale partecipa anche l'Emilia Romagna, segnala l'assessorato catalano per l'Azione climatica, ripreso dai media iberici.

Alleanza planetaria di 15 regioni contro riscaldamento climatico

2024-06-28T13:51+0200ansa-english (it)

MADRID - A Barcellona è nata un'alleanza planetaria fra 15 regioni dal clima mediterraneo per combattere il riscaldamento globale, che vede come capofila la Catalogna e la Bassa California e alla quale partecipa anche l'Emilia Romagna, segnala l'assessorato catalano per l'Azione climatica, ripreso dai media iberici.

Alleanza planetaria di 15 regioni contro riscaldamento climatico

2024-06-28T13:41+0200ansamed-it (it)

(ANSAmed) - MADRID, 28 GIU - A Barcellona è nata un'alleanza planetaria fra 15 regioni dal clima mediterraneo per combattere il riscaldamento globale, che vede come capifila la Catalogna e la Bassa California e alla quale partecipa anche l'Emilia Romagna, segnala l'assessorato catalano per l'Azione climatica, ripreso dai media iberici.

Alleanza planetaria di 15 regioni contro il riscaldamento climatico

2024-06-28T13:41+0200ansamed-it (it)

MADRID - A Barcellona è nata un'alleanza planetaria fra 15 regioni dal clima mediterraneo per combattere il riscaldamento globale, che vede come capofila la Catalogna e la Bassa California e alla quale partecipa anche l'Emilia Romagna, segnala l'assessorato catalano per l'Azione climatica, ripreso dai media iberici.

Alleanza planetaria di 15 regioni contro riscaldamento climatico

2024-06-28T13:41+0200ansa-Europa (it)

MADRID - A Barcellona è nata un'alleanza planetaria fra 15 regioni dal clima mediterraneo per combattere il riscaldamento globale, che vede come capofila la Catalogna e la Bassa California e alla quale partecipa anche l'Emilia Romagna, segnala l'assessorato catalano per l'Azione climatica, ripreso dai media iberici.

Alleanza 15 regioni dal clima mediterraneo contro riscaldamento

2024-06-28T11:36+0200ansa (it)

A Barcellona è nata un'alleanza di 15 regioni dal clima mediterraneo per combattere il riscaldamento globale, che vede capofila la Catalogna e la California e alla quale partecipa anche l'Emilia Romagna, segnala l'assessorato catalano per l'Azione climatica, ripreso dai media iberici.

Cloud seeding, l’inseminazione delle nuvole: cos’è e come funziona

2024-06-28T11:27+0200wisesociety (it)

Cos’è il cloud seeding e come funziona Abbiamo citato il termine cloud seeding , ma cosa significa ? Si tratta di una tecnica che prevede l’ inseminazione delle nuvole per indurre la precipitazione , iniettando particelle di sale o ioduro d’argento nelle nuvole, tramite aerei, razzi o dispositivi di diffusione a terra.

MIL-Evening Report: Some of us don’t have high-quality drinking water, and it’s putting public health at risk. How do we deliver universal access?

2024-06-28T08:52+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

A new Productivity Commission report has urged Australia n governments to commit to providing universal access to safe and reliable drinking water, warning that public health depends on it. The report, National Water Reform 2024 , is the result of an inquiry requested by the federal government.

Some of us don’t have high-quality drinking water, and it’s putting public health at risk. How do we deliver universal access?

2024-06-28T08:31+0200johansen (en)

Date: 2024-06-28 06:29 Author: Stuart Khan, Professor and Head of School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney Original article: https://theconversation.com/some-of-us-dont-have-high-quality-drinking-water-and-its-putting-public-health-at-risk-how-do-we-deliver-universal-access-233462 A new....

Some of us don’t have high-quality drinking water, and it’s putting public health at risk. How do we deliver universal access?

2024-06-28T07:50+0200nationaltribune (en)

The report, National Water Reform 2024 , is the result of an inquiry requested by the federal government. It found Australia n governments must reform many of the ways water is managed to ensure the current and future wellbeing of our communities, environment and economy.

MDBA Needs To Break Silence On Irrigation Impacts

2024-06-28T00:09+0200nationaltribune (en)

Social and economic factors continue to be neglected in communications from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and its associated advisory bodies. NSW Irrigators’ Council CEO Claire Miller said the latest communique from the MDBA’s Advisory Committee on Social, Economic and Environmental Sciences....

MDBA Needs To Break Silence On Irrigation Impacts

2024-06-28T00:07+0200miragenews (en)

Social and economic factors continue to be neglected in communications from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and its associated advisory bodies. NSW Irrigators' Council CEO Claire Miller said the latest communique from the MDBA's Advisory Committee on Social, Economic and Environmental Sciences....

Il grano brucia, la produzione crolla del 20%. L’allarme di Coldiretti

2024-06-27T17:33+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 27 giugno 2024) Dicono quelli che stanno al governo (non tutti ma molti) che quest’anno il freschino che sentono sotto casa sbugiardi gli allarmi sulla crisi climatica e che la loro priorità sia di difendere le produzioni italiane. La siccità sta brucia ndo un campo su cinque provocando....

Fuochi e fiamme senza frontiere

2024-06-27T00:11+0200ilmanifesto (it)

Mentre l’Europa si prepara alla stagione degli incendi e Milano ospiterà a settembre una conferenza internazionale su monitoraggio e prevenzione, la Grecia già sperimenta la difficoltà di spegnere le fiamme alimentate dai forti venti. Brasile: le pianure del Pantanal bruciano – e con le scimmie e i....

Kids Are Particularly Vulnerable to Extreme Weather. What Are We Doing About It? A growing body of research shows the hazards of climate change on children’s public health. Many countries’ climate adaptation plans don’t take that into account, experts say. By Kiley Price

2024-06-26T02:25+0200insideclimatenews (en)

It’s not unusual for pediatricians to prescribe a healthy dose of sunshine and outdoor time to their growing patients. A wide body of research extolls the benefits of getting outside for kids—from improving motor skills to lowering obesity risk. However, as climate change accelerates, this recommendation comes with a growing number of caveats.

From Black Sea to US Midwest, Extreme Weather Threatens Crop Output

2024-06-25T19:50+0200thedailyscoop (en)

Forecast dryness in the Black Sea region's breadbasket is likely to stunt sunflower and corn yields, while heavy rain in the U.S. after near-record temperatures threatens to take a toll on crops, squeezing world supplies and pushing prices higher. "The weather forecast for the Black Sea region is a....

Dal Mar Nero al Midwest statunitense le condizioni meteorologiche estreme minacciano la produzione agricola

2024-06-25T14:01+0200euractiv-it (it)

La siccità prevista nella regione del Mar Nero rischia di arrestare i raccolti di girasole e mais, mentre le forti piogge negli Stati Uniti dopo temperature quasi record minacciano di incidere negativamente sui raccolti, comprimendo le forniture mondiali e spingendo i prezzi al rialzo.

China dials down coal output to focus on structural reform

2024-06-25T12:18+0200hellenicshippingnews (en)

China’s coal production has slowed slightly, after rapid growth in the last two years, as the energy supply situation has become more comfortable, allowing the government to focus on long-term structural changes. China’s mines produced 1,858 million tonnes of coal in the first five months of 2024,....

From Black Sea to US Midwest, extreme weather threatens crop output

2024-06-25T12:18+0200hellenicshippingnews (en)

Forecast dryness in the Black Sea region’s breadbasket is likely to stunt sunflower and corn yields, while heavy rain in the United States after near-record temperatures threaten to take a toll on crops, hitting world supplies and pushing prices higher.

Hot, dry weather forecast for Russia, Ukraine in coming months

2024-06-25T09:59+0200thepigsite (en)

Forecast dryness in the Black Sea region's breadbasket is likely to stunt sunflower and corn yields, while heavy rain in the US after near-record temperatures threatens to take a toll on crops, squeezing world supplies and pushing prices higher, "The weather forecast for the Black Sea region is a....

From Black Sea to US Midwest, extreme weather threatens crop output

2024-06-25T07:38+0200euractiv-en (en)

Forecast dryness in the Black Sea region’s breadbasket is likely to stunt sunflower and corn yields, while heavy rain in the US after near-record temperatures threatens to take a toll on crops, squeezing world supplies and pushing prices higher. “The weather forecast for the Black Sea region is a....

Il grano sale dai minimi di due mesi, mentre gli operatori guardano ai piani di importazione dell'India

2024-06-25T07:28+0200marketscreener (it)

I futures sul grano di Chicago sono saliti martedì, grazie alla stima di un raccolto basso per il principale esportatore Russia e all'indicazione che l'India potrebbe presto iniziare ad importare grano, che hanno contribuito a sollevare i prezzi dai minimi di due mesi.

Jesús Retana Vivanco: Aguas con el agua

2024-06-24T08:38+0200yucatan (es)

Aguas con el agua. Es incréible que con solo darle vuelta a una llave salga agua, pero hay lugares en el mundo como Somalia, Etiopía, Kenia, India, Australia así como muchos pueblos en México de la zona de Oaxaca, la Tarahumara, Guerrero, la Huasteca Potosina y Chiapas, por nombrar algunos, que no pueden darse ese lujo.

Dal Mar Nero al Midwest degli Stati Uniti, il clima estremo minaccia la produzione dei raccolti

2024-06-24T07:22+0200marketscreener (it)

La siccità prevista nel granaio della regione del Mar Nero rischia di bloccare i raccolti di girasole e di mais, mentre le forti piogge negli Stati Uniti, dopo temperature quasi record, minacciano di far sentire il loro peso sui raccolti, colpendo le forniture mondiali e spingendo i prezzi verso l'alto.

Breakfast staple under threat as disease causes global shortage

2024-06-23T02:56+0200watoday (en)

A breakfast staple is under threat as disease and drought in Brazil leads to a global shortage of oranges and price hikes. Major supermarkets say their suppliers are meeting demand for orange juice, but Australia n consumers have been warned to expect shortages and price hikes.

How drought and disease in Brazil threaten Sunday brunch

2024-06-22T22:04+0200theage (en)

A breakfast staple is under threat as disease and drought in Brazil leads to a global shortage of oranges and price hikes. Major supermarkets say their suppliers are meeting demand for orange juice, but Australia n consumers have been warned to expect shortages and price hikes.

How drought and disease in Brazil threaten Sunday brunch

2024-06-22T21:06+0200smh (en)

A breakfast staple is under threat as disease and drought in Brazil leads to a global shortage of oranges and price hikes. Major supermarkets say their suppliers are meeting demand for orange juice, but Australia n consumers have been warned to expect shortages and price hikes.


2024-06-21T14:03+0200corriereortofrutticolo (it)

Anche quest’anno i partner di Protagonisti dell’Ortofrutta Italiana Fruitimprese, Confagricoltura, CSO Italy, Italia Ortofrutta Unione Nazionale e Fedagromercati -hanno collaborato con la redazione del Corriere Ortofrutticolo, nell’individuare alcuni imprenditori per la speciale “Selezione Under 35:....

AEMO sounds alarm as unplanned gas outage collides with winter coal snap, drought

2024-06-21T04:57+0200reneweconomy (en)

The Australia n Energy Market Operator has issued a snap warning of potential gas shortfalls on the east coast, after increased demand and troubles at a major Victorian gas processing plant have combined to limit ready supply of the fossil fuel. In an East Coast Gas System Risk or Threat Notice....

China's Shift: Coal Decline Amid Renewable Surge

2024-06-21T04:05+0200devdiscourse (en)

China's coal production has slowed slightly, after rapid growth in the last two years, as the energy supply situation has become more comfortable, allowing the government to focus on long-term structural changes. China's mines produced 1,858 million tonnes of coal in the first five months of 2024,....

8 persone su 10 vorrebbero che i loro governi facessero di più contro la crisi climatica

2024-06-20T16:32+0200ilpost (it)

Il Programma delle Nazioni Unite per lo sviluppo (UNDP) ha pubblicato i risultati del Peoples’ Climate Vote 2024, il più grande sondaggio mai condotto dall’ONU sul tema del cambiamento climatico: sono state intervistate più di 75mila persone provenienti da 77 paesi che parlano 87 lingue diverse.

China's Coal Production Slows Amid Structural Changes

2024-06-20T11:55+0200devdiscourse (en)

China's coal production has experienced a slight slowdown due to a more comfortable energy supply situation, allowing for long-term structural adjustments. Domestic production declined by 3% in early 2024, replaced in part by imports. The government plans future transitions towards renewables and a coal reserve system for emergency use.

La Cina riduce la produzione di carbone per concentrarsi sulla riforma strutturale: Kemp

2024-06-20T11:50+0200marketscreener (it)

La produzione di carbone in Cina è leggermente rallentata, dopo la rapida crescita degli ultimi due anni, in quanto la situazione dell'approvvigionamento energetico è diventata più tranquilla, consentendo al governo di concentrarsi sui cambiamenti strutturali a lungo termine. Le miniere cinesi hanno prodotto 1.

China dials down coal output to focus on structural reform: Kemp

2024-06-20T11:49+02004-traders (en)

LONDON, June 20 (Reuters) - China's coal production has slowed slightly, after rapid growth in the last two years, as the energy supply situation has become more comfortable, allowing the government to focus on long-term structural changes. China's mines produced 1,858 million tonnes of coal in the....

Of ice and fire: what sea salt in Antarctic snowfall reveals about bushfires worse than the Black Summer

2024-06-20T09:08+0200polarjournal (en)

Australia has a long history of bushfires. The 2019-2020 Black Summer was the worst in recorded history. But was that the worst it could get? Our new research has reconstructed the past 2,000 years of southeast Australia’s bushfire weather, drawing on evidence of past climates laid down in changing patterns in deep ice in East Antarctica.

Identifying clusters of precipitation for the Brazilian Legal Amazon based on magnitude of trends and its correlation with sea surface temperature

2024-06-19T12:43+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Droughts in the Amazon region during 2005, 2010, and 2015–16 have been linked to elevated sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the Atlantic Ocean. The relationship between SSTs and Amazon droughts involves complex interactions between oceanic and atmospheric processes.

Drought – Jokowi visits Karanganyar rice field water pumping station

2024-06-19T12:19+0200exbulletin (en)

Karanganyar, Central Java (ANTARA) – President Joko Widodo on Wednesday visited Sangiran hamlet, Krendowahono village in Gondangrejo subdistrict, Karanganyar, Central Java, to observe a water pumping station that irrigates local rice fields prone to water shortage during the dry season. season.

Jokowi visits Karanganyar's rice field water pumping station

2024-06-19T10:31+0200antaranews-en (en)

President Joko Widodo on Wednesday (June 19, 2024) visited Sangiran Hamlet of Krendowahono Village in Gondangrejo Sub-district, Karanganyar District, Central Java, to observe a water pumping station that irrigates local rice fields vulnerable to water scarcity during the dry season.

El Niño e la Niña, ecco come cambiano clima e temperature: le differenze

2024-06-19T10:14+0200ohga (it)

I due fenomeni atmosferici riescono a modificare le temperature globali e gli effetti sono diametralmente opposti. Il Niño riscalda gli oceani e provoca violenti uragani o perturbazioni in America. Siccità in Asia meridionale. In Europa invece prevalgono pioggia, neve, freddo al Nord, caldo e siccità al Sud.

Agroalimentare: nel 2023 cresce l’export dei distretti | L’analisi

2024-06-19T08:54+0200ripartelitalia (it)

Bilancio positivo nel 2023 per le esportazioni dei distretti agro-alimentari italiani , che chiudono con quasi 27 miliardi di vendite sui mercati esteri e un progresso del 4,5%, corrispondente a quasi 1,2 miliardi in più rispetto all’anno precedente. Il risultato è in linea con quello registrato dal....

World Vision

2024-06-17T10:55+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

está respondiendo en Bangladesh a la fuerte tormenta ciclónica Remal, que tocó tierra en la costa suroeste de Bangladesh ayer. El equipo ha activado medidas de preparación para emergencias, incluyendo la apertura de refugios anticiclónicos, el preposicionamiento de suministros de socorro y la....

17 de junio de 2024

2024-06-17T00:07+0200ecoticias (es)

Hoy 17 de junio es el Día Internacional de la lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía 2024 , una jornada que invita a la reflexión acerca de este gravísimo problema que nos afecta. En esta oportunidad el tema es ‘Unidos por la tierra: Nuestro legado y nuestro futuro’.

Oranges just the latest food hit by climate change. They won’t be the last

2024-06-16T14:53+0200scmp (en)

The global citrus crop has always been volatile, buffeted by floods, droughts and hurricanes. For instance, Florida’s citrus economy, which used to be the world’s largest, has been falling for two decades, from about 240 million boxes of oranges to just 17 million now.

Clima, via il Nino, arriva la Nina, farà meno caldo? Chi dice si, chi dice no, opinioni di meteorologi a confronto.

2024-06-16T10:40+0200247libero (it)

Clima, ccome sarà l’estate? L’interrogativo scatta dalle notizie contradditorie che arrivano da una struttura dell’Onu e da una del Governo Usa, che per un profano sono di difficile lettura. Tutto dipende dal cambio in corso fra due elementi che incidono sul clima della Terra, el Nino e la Nina.

Explainer: Impact of heat waves on food production

2024-06-15T08:15+0200financialexpress (en)

The global weather body has stated there is an 80% chance that global mean near-surface temperature will exceed 1.5°C above the 1850-1900 average levels for at least one year between 2024 and 2028. There is a 47% chance that the five-year mean will exceed this threshold.

Cos’è El Niño, il fenomeno che influenza il clima

2024-06-14T21:36+0200wisesociety (it)

Come si sviluppa El Niño Cerchiamo di spiegare come si verifica questo fenomeno in modo comprensibile, anche a costo di qualche semplificazione. Cosa succede di norma? Sull’Oceano Pacifico soffiano in modo costante dei venti freschi e umidi , su entrambi gli emisferi verso l’equatore: da nord-est....

L’agrivoltaico funziona, in queste fattorie la produzione di lana è aumentata

2024-06-14T17:27+0200greenme (it)

Tony Inder e Tom Warren hanno greggi in Australia e riferiscono che la sua produzione di lana è aumentata con l’installazione di un parco agrivoltaico. Testimonianze importanti che dimostrano come le preoccupazioni legate a questa innovazione energetica siano spesso infondate.

Meteo, in arrivo La Niña: ecco quando e come colpirà in Italia

2024-06-14T09:13+0200lastampa (it)

Secondo gli esperti dell'Organizzazione Meteorologica Mondiale delle Nazioni Unite il riscaldamento dell'oceano Pacifico di El Niño, che ha contribuito a un picco delle temperature globali, passerà in modo graduale alla fase di raffreddamento opposta, con l'arrivo del fenomeno conosciuto come La Niña.

Meteo, in arrivo La Niña: ecco quando e come colpirà in Italia

2024-06-14T09:09+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Secondo gli esperti dell'Organizzazione Meteorologica Mondiale delle Nazioni Unite il riscaldamento dell'oceano Pacifico di El Niño, che ha contribuito a un picco delle temperature globali, passerà in modo graduale alla fase di raffreddamento opposta, con l'arrivo del fenomeno conosciuto come La Niña.

Meteo, in arrivo La Niña: ecco quando e come colpirà in Italia

2024-06-14T09:06+0200lasentinella (it)

Secondo gli esperti dell'Organizzazione Meteorologica Mondiale delle Nazioni Unite il riscaldamento dell'oceano Pacifico di El Niño, che ha contribuito a un picco delle temperature globali, passerà in modo graduale alla fase di raffreddamento opposta, con l'arrivo del fenomeno conosciuto come La Niña.

Of ice and fire: what sea salt in Antarctic snowfall reveals about bushfires worse than the Black Summer

2024-06-13T12:33+0200johansen (en)

Date: 2024-06-13 10:31 Author: Danielle Udy, Research associate in Climatology, University of Tasmania Original article: https://theconversation.com/of-ice-and-fire-what-sea-salt-in-antarctic-snowfall-reveals-about-bushfires-worse-than-the-black-summer-230982 Australia has a long history of bushfires.

MIL-Evening Report: Of ice and fire: what sea salt in Antarctic snowfall reveals about bushfires worse than the Black Summer

2024-06-13T12:07+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Our previous research on droughts – a key ingredient for extreme bushfire seasons – showed our roughly 120 years of rainfall observations does not fully cover the range of drought conditions which have occurred in the past 1,000 years. This is supported by recent palaeoclimate work reconstructing....

Of Ice And Fire: What Sea Salt In Antarctic Snowfall Reveals About Bushfi...

2024-06-13T11:24+0200menafn (en)

- The Conversation) Australia has a long history of bushfires. The 2019-2020 Black Summer was the worst in recorded history. But was that the worst it could get? Our new research has reconstructed the past 2,000 years of southeast Australia's bushfire weather, drawing on evidence of past climates....

Of ice and fire: what sea salt in Antarctic snowfall reveals about bushfires worse than the Black Summer

2024-06-13T11:09+0200nationaltribune (en)

Climate change is bringing more frequent and more severe bushfire weather. This trend is to continue into the future. But quantifying the impacts of climate change on bushfire weather over the southeast Australia n regions hardest hit by the Black Summer bushfires is difficult.

MIL-OSI Australia: Kempsey’s 56 new bridges secure a safer future for the shire

2024-06-13T07:52+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Australia n Ministers 1. More than half of the timber bridges in Kempsey Shire have been replaced by stronger, safer concrete bridges in a little under three years through an ambitious Council project supported by the NSW and Australian governments.

La fiducia degli agricoltori australiani cala dopo la mancanza di pioggia in alcune regioni, secondo il sondaggio

2024-06-12T08:37+0200marketscreener (it)

L'aumento dei costi degli input e il clima secco in alcune zone dell' Australia durante la stagione di semina delle colture invernali hanno ridotto i livelli di fiducia degli agricoltori, secondo un sondaggio trimestrale di Rabobank pubblicato mercoledì. L'Australia è uno dei maggiori trasportatori di prodotti agricoli al mondo.

Intensifying Tropical Storms Threaten Seabirds, New Research Shows Thousands of birds on an Australian island died where they sat when they were overwhelmed by Tropical Cyclone Ilsa in 2023, many of them buried alive in sand and mud. By Bob Berwyn

2024-06-11T12:37+0200insideclimatenews (en)

More intense and frequent tropical cyclones and hurricanes are threatening some seabird populations more than previously thought, scientists said this week as they released a new study showing how a 2023 tropical cyclone wiped out 80 to 90 percent of the populations of three species of birds on Bedout Island off Western Australia ’s Pilbara Coast.

Let's double down on resilience

2024-06-10T03:29+0200BangkokPost (en)

This year has already seen a cascade of extreme weather events -- from devastating floods in Pakistan, to scorching heatwaves in the Sahel and West Africa -- leaving an indelible mark on many parts of the world. The increasing number of lives (now already in the tens of millions) affected by extreme....

Senate report pulls feds down to earth on food security

2024-06-07T11:36+0200nationalobserver (en)

Healthy soil is essential to food production. In addition to being a major carbon sink, good soil can help regulate the climate and prevent floods. It is also important for key ecological processes such as nutrient cycling and water purification. However, unlike Australia and other countries, Canada....

Mandorlo: come coltivare l’albero che fiorisce per primo in primavera per avere mandorle gratis a fine estate

2024-06-07T09:33+0200greenme (it)

Il mandorlo, conosciuto con il nome scientifico di Prunus amygdalus , è un albero da frutto appartenente alla famiglia delle Rosacee , la stessa, tra gli altri, del L’albero di mandorlo, caducifoglie e latifoglie, può raggiungere un’altezza di 5-10 metri, con una chioma ampia e ramificata, possiede....

Estate 2024, come sarà? Ecco le previsioni e cosa aspettarsi dal meteo in Italia

2024-06-07T08:32+0200trend-online (it)

Ecco alcune previsioni su come sarà l’estate 2024 in Italia. Caldo torrido o piogge torrenziali? L’estate è la stagione preferita da molti italiani perché caratterizzata da clima decisamente più caldo, giornate più lunghe e la luce del sole che resta alta nel cielo fino a tarda sera.

Beetaloo Basin approval risks water, health and cultural heritage

2024-06-07T06:59+0200nationaltribune (en)

The Climate and Health Alliance roundly condemns the decision by the Northern Territory Government to approve Tamboran’s latest Environmental Management Plan to enable fracking of gas in the Beetaloo Basin. CAHA CEO Michelle Isles said the Tamboran gas and fracking plan would impact the water....

Il grano si avvia verso il più grande calo settimanale da settembre

2024-06-07T06:38+0200marketscreener (it)

I futures sul grano di Chicago sono scesi venerdì e si sono diretti verso il più grande calo settimanale da settembre, poiché le prospettive positive dei raccolti negli Stati Uniti e in Australia hanno in parte compensato i tagli alla produzione russa che hanno spinto i prezzi ai massimi di 10 mesi la scorsa settimana.

Is the world running out of water supplies? These cities have acute drinking water crises.

2024-06-06T19:21+0200economictimes (en)

by the end of this month. Mexico City is neither the first nor the last city to be facing this challenge in the world. Experts have warned that with increasing temperatures in the world as part of a challenge termed global warming , the supply of water and its direction could drastically change,....

‘Weather anomalies’ likely to trigger countrywide floods: NDMA

2024-06-06T08:59+0200dawn (en)

ISLAMABAD: The National Disaster Management Authority has predicted above-normal rainfall during the monsoon season, which is likely to trigger floods in Punjab’s rivers, and flash floods in the northern part of the country due to as many as four expected Glof (glacial lake outburst flow) events.

Sinograin in Cina espanderà le scorte di grano mentre le forniture globali diminuiscono

2024-06-05T12:28+0200marketscreener (it)

La Cina espanderà le sue scorte di grano aumentando gli acquisti da parte dei produttori nazionali, mentre il primo produttore e consumatore mondiale del cereale di base cerca di garantire l'approvvigionamento in seguito ai recenti danni causati dal clima alla produzione globale.

Naturgy construye su mayor planta fotovoltaica en España

2024-06-05T10:03+0200esdiario (es)

Hoy es el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, y toca volver a recordar y concienciar sobre la importancia de nuestro entorno natural y alentar a su cuidado y restauración para las generaciones futuras. Este año, bajo el lema “ Nuestras tierras. Nuestro futuro.

Time To Reset Groundwater Agenda

2024-06-05T03:38+0200nationaltribune (en)

Land restoration, desertification and drought resilient is the theme of this year’s World Environment Day (5 June 2024) – with rising world populations and climate change increasing the risks. Groundwater supplies between one-fifth and one-third of Australia ’s water consumption.

Time To Reset Groundwater Agenda

2024-06-05T03:36+0200miragenews (en)

Land restoration, desertification and drought resilient is the theme of this year's World Environment Day (5 June 2024) - with rising world populations and climate change increasing the risks. Groundwater supplies between one-fifth and one-third of Australia 's water consumption.

Allarme meteo per l'arrivo della Niña, ecco cosa dobbiamo aspettarci

2024-06-04T20:37+0200247libero (it)

Che cos’è la Niña? A differenza dei el Niño, la Niña è un fenomeno metereologico che porta alla diminuzione della temperatura superficiale del mare. Rispetto al Niño quindi - che ha portato a temperature record oltre a condizioni metereologiche estreme in tutto il mondo nel 2023 - il 2024 sarà attraversato dal fenomeno opposto.

Allarme meteo per l’arrivo della Niña, ecco cosa dobbiamo aspettarci

2024-06-04T19:28+0200money-it (it)

Che cos’è la Niña? A differenza dei el Niño, la Niña è un fenomeno metereologico che porta alla diminuzione della temperatura superficiale del mare. Rispetto al Niño quindi - che ha portato a temperature record oltre a condizioni metereologiche estreme in tutto il mondo nel 2023 - il 2024 sarà attraversato dal fenomeno opposto.

Perché abbiamo bisogno di clausole specchio: il caso del riso

2024-06-04T17:38+0200agrigiornale (it)

In un nuovo rapporto, Slow Food Italia chiede all’Unione europea di porre fine ai doppi standard applicati al cibo importato e di utilizzare le cosiddette clausole specchio per garantire che il cibo extraeuropeo sia almeno conforme agli standard stabiliti per quello prodotto in Ue.

MIL-OSI Submissions: Universities – Australian groundwater supplies face hotter, drier future as population rises – Flinders

2024-06-04T13:49+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Flinders University Land restoration, desertification and drought resilient is the theme of this year’s World Environment Day (5 June 2024) – with rising world populations and climate change increasing the risks. Groundwater supplies between one-fifth and one-third of Australia ’s water consumption.

MIL-OSI USA: NSF, NEH and partner funding agencies from seven countries announce the winners of the Canada-led 2023 International Joint Initiative for Research on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation competition

2024-06-03T17:34+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Today, the U.S. National Science Foundation and the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) joined partner funding agencies from Brazil, Canada, Germany, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland and the United Kingdom in announcing the awardees for the 2023 International Joint Initiative for Research on....

2023 Climate Change Research Winners Announced by Global Funders

2024-06-03T17:27+0200miragenews (en)

Today, the U.S. National Science Foundation and the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) joined partner funding agencies from Brazil, Canada, Germany, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland and the United Kingdom in announcing the awardees for the 2023 International Joint Initiative for Research on....

LODI Un premio internazionale per l’ingegnere Lucia Cattani

2024-06-03T16:36+0200ilcittadino (it)

La ricercatrice, che lavora in Svizzera, presso la Seas, e insegna all’università di Pavia, ha inventato con il suo gruppo, una macchina che trasforma l’aria in acqua. «Bisogna immaginare - ha detto - che l’aria è come una spugna ricca di vapore acqueo. Strizzandola si ricava l’acqua».

El experto de UNIR advierte que estamos utilizando recursos de agua en exceso y propone un pacto nacional

2024-06-02T12:20+0200noticiasde (es)

LOGROÑO, 2 (EUROPA PRESS) Hay que plantear la gestión del agua como «los ingresos y gastos de una empresa», con la intención de «obtener el mejor rendimiento de los recursos» de los que se disponen, especialmente en el sector agrícola. Unos recursos que, en el caso por ejemplo de los acuíferos, uno....

Experto UNIR alerta de que "gastamos" recursos de agua "por encima de las posibilidades" y plantea un pacto nacional

2024-06-02T12:08+0200europapress (es)

LOGROÑO, 2 Jun. (EUROPA PRESS) - Hay que plantear la gestión del agua como "los ingresos y gastos de una empresa", con la intención de "obtener el mejor rendimiento de los recursos" de los que se disponen, especialmente en el sector agrícola . Unos recursos que, en el caso por ejemplo de los....

Experto UNIR alerta de que "gastamos" recursos de agua "por encima de las ...

2024-06-02T12:04+0200gentedigital (es)

LOGROÑO, 2 (EUROPA PRESS) Hay que plantear la gestión del agua como "los ingresos y gastos de una empresa", con la intención de "obtener el mejor rendimiento de los recursos" de los que se disponen, especialmente en el sector agrícola. Unos recursos que, en el caso por ejemplo de los acuíferos, uno....

From injuries to infectious diseases, what are the health risks in the aftermath of PNG’s landslide?

2024-06-01T16:23+0200todayheadline (en)

, in the country’s highlands. More than 7,800 people have been affected by the landslide, including more than 3,300 children. This could mean they’ve been displaced from their homes or are lacking access to basic necessities. The exact death toll is still unknown, and estimates have varied, but the figure could be as many as 2,000 or more .

Tracking Fiordland's top predators: Scientists tag broadnose sevengill sharks to monitor climate change impacts 14 minutes ago

2024-06-01T09:10+0200newshub (en)

"There was a lot of excitement and a lot of anxiety around this, as it was the first trip to do this work, but we had such a great team on the boat," said project leader Alice Rogers from Victoria University. Rogers is a lecturer in fisheries science at Victoria University, but twice a year you'll....

Perché abbiamo bisogno di clausole specchio: il caso del riso

2024-05-31T12:08+0200slowfood-it (it)

In un nuovo rapporto, Slow Food Italia chiede all’Unione europea di porre fine ai doppi standard applicati al cibo importato e di utilizzare le cosiddette clausole specchio per garantire che il cibo extraeuropeo sia almeno conforme agli standard stabiliti per quello prodotto in Ue.

A Beginner’s Guide to Rainwater Harvesting

2024-05-31T09:37+0200treehugger (en)

Rainwater harvesting is the practice of collecting and storing rain for reuse, rather than letting the water run off and be absorbed into the ground or channeled into drains, streams, or rivers. It is one of the easiest ways to conserve water at home while also lowering your bills.

MIL-Evening Report: From injuries to infectious diseases, what are the health risks in the aftermath of PNG’s landslide?

2024-05-31T08:41+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Meru Sheel, Associate Professor and Epidemiologist, Infectious Diseases, Immunisation and Emergencies Group, Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney. It’s a week since Papua New Guinea (PNG) experienced a massive , in the country’s highlands.

From injuries to infectious diseases, what are the health risks in the aftermath of PNG’s landslide?

2024-05-31T08:37+0200johansen (en)

Date: 2024-05-31 06:30 Author: Rss error reading . Original article: https://theconversation.com/from-injuries-to-infectious-diseases-what-are-the-health-risks-in-the-aftermath-of-pngs-landslide-231163 , in the country’s highlands. More than 7,800 people have been affected by the landslide, including more than 3,300 children.

Esto es lo bueno de los incendios forestales (si se controlan)

2024-05-31T01:13+0200tiempo-mx (es)

En entrevista para y puentelibre.mx , el doctor en Ciencias Forestales, investigador nacional SNI Nivel I de Conahcyt, de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas y Forestales de la UACH, abordó los impactos pero también beneficios alrededor de los incendios forestales, mencionando la importancia de la magnitud.

Communities Drive the Designation of Pyu Lake as Myanmar’s Newest Ramsar Site

2024-05-30T07:58+0200iucn (en)

“The designation of Pyu Lake as a Ramsar site and Flyway Network site can help to highlight the value of wetlands for biodiversity and livelihood security in Myanmar,” Dr Thiri Dae We Aung , Director, Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association (BANCA), highlighted.

MIL-OSI Australia: Four grassroots projects set to keep Canberra’s suburbs cool through summer

2024-05-30T05:39+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Released 30/05/2024. The ACT Government has today announced four recipients of the Nature in the City: Cooling Your Suburb grants, each receiving a share of $150,000 for projects that protect against climate change. Minister for the Environment, Parks and Land Management, Rebecca Vassarotti, said....

La desaparición silenciosa de los pastizales amenaza el clima, la alimentación y el bienestar de miles de millones de personas, alerta la CNULD

2024-05-30T02:10+0200reliefWeb (es)

Los pastizales cubren el 54% de las tierras del mundo; hasta el 50% están degradados, poniendo en peligro una sexta parte del suministro de alimentos de la humanidad y un tercio de las reservas de carbono del planeta. El informe de la CNULD marca el camino para restaurar y gestionar mejor los pastizales e insta a proteger el pastoreo.

Climate Change Department Admits Difficulty in Measuring Emissions Impact

2024-05-29T06:37+0200theepochtimes (en)

The ANAO also said the Department’s monitoring of climate and energy-related work progress did not indicate the contribution of measures towards emissions reduction targets. In response, Kath Rowley, the head of the emissions reduction division, said her Department had “a range of ways” to track....

Martes, 28 de mayo de 2024 (08:00 GMT)

2024-05-28T10:09+0200diario26 (es)

Sánchez garantiza que reconocer a Palestina "no va contra nadie" y menos contra Israel. Madrid(EFE).- El presidente del Gobierno español, Pedro Sánchez, garantizó que la decisión de su Ejecutivo de reconocer este martes el Estado de Palestina "no va contra nadie" y "menos contra Israel", un país....

Martes, 28 de mayo de 2024 (08:00 GMT)

2024-05-28T10:08+0200infobae (es)

Madrid(EFE).- El presidente del Gobierno español, Pedro Sánchez, garantizó que la decisión de su Ejecutivo de reconocer este martes el Estado de Palestina "no va contra nadie" y "menos contra Israel", un país amigo de España con el que pretende mantener las mejores relaciones, pero si es un "rechazo....

Las hormigas de fuego están invadiendo el sur de Italia y no son buenas noticias, los científicos explican por qué

2024-05-26T20:15+0200tiempo-es (es)

La hormiga de fuego es una especie invasora, particularmente resistente y agresiva, que también representa una amenaza para la biodiversidad en Europa. 26/05/2024 20:00 5 min. La hormiga de fuego se ha instalado en la isla de Sicilia , en el sur de , lo que rápidamente puso en alerta a los....

El Niño sta per terminare: cosa significa?

2024-05-26T10:31+0200green (it)

El Niño sta per terminare: ad annunciarlo erano stati, già il 16 aprile, i due Uffici meteorologici dell’ Australia e dell’India, i quali avevano sancito come conclusa la fase caratterizzata dal fenomeno . La quale come ben sappiamo ha conseguenze enormi sulle condizioni meteorologiche di buona parte del pianeta.

How our dry continent keeps up with Australia's thirst for this billion-dollar nut

2024-05-25T22:20+0200abc-au (en)

It might be in a flat white, in a lunch box or post-gym protein shake, you don't need to look far to see that Australia ns are seemingly nuts about almonds. Per person, per capita, we have one of the highest consumption rates in the world, with each of us consuming just over a kilo each year.

Mountain frog breeding and release program leaps ahead with federal funding

2024-05-24T02:22+0200nationaltribune (en)

A $500,000 grant will boost a Southern Cross University project to breed and reintroduce a rare Gondwanan rainforest frog back into its natural habitat. The endangered Mountain frog (Philoria kundagungan) faces extinction from climate change and introduced species, particularly pigs, in its....

Federal Funding Boosts Mountain Frog Breeding Program

2024-05-24T02:21+0200miragenews (en)

A $500,000 grant will boost a Southern Cross University project to breed and reintroduce a rare Gondwanan rainforest frog back into its natural habitat. The endangered Mountain frog (Philoria kundagungan) faces extinction from climate change and introduced species, particularly pigs, in its....

Madre Natura e la sua furia: i 10 fenomeni meteorologici più estremi di sempre

2024-05-23T17:04+0200meteoweb (it)

in tutta la sua potenza. Uragani dirompenti, tornado devastanti, inondazioni catastrofiche e ondate di caldo soffocanti: questi sono solo alcuni esempi di eventi che possono mettere a repentaglio la vita e la sicurezza delle persone. Ma quali sono stati i fenomeni meteorologici più estremi di sempre? Uragano Wilma (2005): Un mostro di categoria 5.


2024-05-23T08:03+0200247libero (it)

Negli ultimi anni si sono moltiplicati i progetti ufficiali e gli esperimenti di geoingegneria marina, che vanno dall’aumento dell’alcalinità degli oceani, all’affondamento delle alghe e della biomassa e all’upwelling artificiale, fino alla schiaritura delle nuvole marine e all’aumento dell’albedo della superficie oceanica.

New Machine Can Suck Water Out Of Air–Could Work On Caribbean Solar Power.

2024-05-22T14:57+0200sunstkitts (en)

A device that absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water was officially launched in Australia Wednesday. New technologies for producing water are always good news in the Caribbean. Caribbean islands are in a water crisis , and their governments have warned that Within the past five years,....

Australian researchers unveil device that harvests water from the air

2024-05-22T13:37+0200singaporestar (en)

SYDNEY - A device that absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water was officially launched in Australia Wednesday. Researchers say the so-called Hydro Harvester, capable of producing up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, could be "lifesaving during drought or emergencies." The device absorbs water from the atmosphere.

Australian researchers unveil device that harvests water from the air

2024-05-22T13:29+0200myanmarnews (en)

SYDNEY - A device that absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water was officially launched in Australia Wednesday. Researchers say the so-called Hydro Harvester, capable of producing up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, could be "lifesaving during drought or emergencies." The device absorbs water from the atmosphere.

Australian researchers unveil device that harvests water from the air

2024-05-22T13:28+0200cambodiantimes (en)

SYDNEY - A device that absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water was officially launched in Australia Wednesday. Researchers say the so-called Hydro Harvester, capable of producing up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, could be "lifesaving during drought or emergencies." The device absorbs water from the atmosphere.

Australian researchers unveil device that harvests water from the air

2024-05-22T13:24+0200longbeachstar (en)

SYDNEY - A device that absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water was officially launched in Australia Wednesday. Researchers say the so-called Hydro Harvester, capable of producing up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, could be "lifesaving during drought or emergencies." The device absorbs water from the atmosphere.

Australian researchers unveil device that harvests water from the air

2024-05-22T13:15+0200nigeriasun (en)

SYDNEY - A device that absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water was officially launched in Australia Wednesday. Researchers say the so-called Hydro Harvester, capable of producing up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, could be "lifesaving during drought or emergencies." The device absorbs water from the atmosphere.

Australian researchers unveil device that harvests water from the air

2024-05-22T13:13+0200manilametro (en)

SYDNEY - A device that absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water was officially launched in Australia Wednesday. Researchers say the so-called Hydro Harvester, capable of producing up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, could be "lifesaving during drought or emergencies." The device absorbs water from the atmosphere.

Australian researchers unveil device that harvests water from the air

2024-05-22T13:11+0200srilankasource (en)

SYDNEY - A device that absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water was officially launched in Australia Wednesday. Researchers say the so-called Hydro Harvester, capable of producing up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, could be "lifesaving during drought or emergencies." The device absorbs water from the atmosphere.

Australian researchers unveil device that harvests water from the air

2024-05-22T13:07+0200northernirelandnews (en)

SYDNEY - A device that absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water was officially launched in Australia Wednesday. Researchers say the so-called Hydro Harvester, capable of producing up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, could be "lifesaving during drought or emergencies." The device absorbs water from the atmosphere.

Water, Vol. 16, Pages 1473: Developing Regional Hydrological Drought Risk Models through Ordinary and Principal Component Regression Using Low-Flow Indexes in Susurluk Basin, Turkey

2024-05-22T12:27+0200mdpi (en)

The concept of using minimum d -day low flows in the low-flow analysis was first proposed by [ 7 ]. Generally, 7-day low flows are preferred for drought and water resource management because they give better results. There are also studies related to low-flow analysis, such as [ ]. Ref.

Australian researchers unveil device that harvests water from the air

2024-05-22T11:31+0200voanews (en)

SYDNEY — A device that absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water was officially launched in Australia Wednesday. Researchers say the so-called Hydro Harvester, capable of producing up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, could be “lifesaving during drought or emergencies.” The device absorbs water from the atmosphere.

Il mondo è un acquapelago: il convengno internazionale arriva in Friuli

2024-05-22T07:47+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

C’è chi ha coniato una nuova parola: acquapelago. Chi in Amazzonia studia la siccità, un ossimoro nelle foreste pluviali. Chi su Venezia e su-gli ambienti lagunari veneti e friulani ha intrecciato ricerca ed esplorazione, aprendo originali prospettive. Chi del Tagliamento ha fatto un caso di studio europeo.

Meteo. La tendenza per l'estate 2024, analisi dei modelli stagionali

2024-05-21T21:56+02003bmeteo (it)

tendenza estate 2024. MULTISYSTEM EUROPA. Circolazione attesa (SNAO+). Temperature. L'insieme dei modelli stagionali di Copernicus multisystem prevede un'estate più calda del normale sull'Europa meridionale. In particolare il modello simula una probabilità tra il 70% e il 100% che tra il Sud Italia,....

Video: Impactante tormenta de polvo azotó Kansas y Oklahoma, en Estados Unidos

2024-05-21T00:08+0200vanguardia-CO (es)

Vientos fuertes : Los vientos fuertes, como los producidos por frentes fríos, tormentas eléctricas o sistemas de baja presión, son esenciales para levantar las partículas de polvo del suelo. Sequía : La falta de lluvia seca el suelo, haciéndolo más susceptible a ser levantado por el viento.

Airborne technology brings new hope to map shallow aquifers in Earth's most arid deserts

2024-05-20T13:35+0200smartwatermagazine (en)

Water shortages are expanding across the Earth. This is particularly acute in desert areas of the Middle East that are subject to both drought and extreme conditions such as flooding. As a result of these uncertainties, there is an increasing reliance on shallow aquifers to mitigate these shortages.

La siccità minaccia la produzione di colza in Australia, il grano è visto in ripresa

2024-05-20T09:20+0200marketscreener (it)

Il clima secco nell'ovest e nel sud dell' Australia minaccia di ridurre i raccolti, con una probabile diminuzione della produzione di colza quest'anno, ma si prevede che le abbondanti precipitazioni negli Stati orientali aumenteranno la produzione complessiva di grano del Paese, hanno detto gli analisti.

Being an older adult in times of climate change

2024-05-19T14:43+0200ecoportal (en)

Being an older adult in a world warming due to climate change is riskier: heat-related deaths are on the rise. Heat waves killed more than 150.000 people between 1990 and 2019, according to the first global map linking deaths and high temperatures. Three other new articles also highlight the greater....

Farmers welcome more choice in new vehicle market

2024-05-17T03:55+0200nationaltribune (en)

Farmers for Climate Action has welcomed the greater choice of vehicles farmers will soon have, after vehicle pollution standards, applying to new vehicles only, passed the Australia n Parliament. Farmers for Climate Action, which represents more than 8200 farmers across Australia, had long called for....

Farmers Cheer Increased Options in New Vehicle Market

2024-05-17T03:49+0200miragenews (en)

Farmers for Climate Action has welcomed the greater choice of vehicles farmers will soon have, after vehicle pollution standards, applying to new vehicles only, passed the Australia n Parliament. Farmers for Climate Action, which represents more than 8200 farmers across Australia, had long called for....

16-May-2024 Airborne technology developed at USC brings new hope to map shallow aquifers in Earth’s most arid deserts University of Southern California Peer-Reviewed Publication The new technique will map the top of the aquifer, called the “water table,” spanning areas as large as hundreds of....

2024-05-16T23:09+0200eurekalert (en)

Water shortages are expanding across the Earth. This is particularly acute in desert areas of the Middle East that are subject to both drought and extreme conditions such as flooding. As a result of these uncertainties, there is an increasing reliance on shallow aquifers to mitigate these shortages.

USC's Airborne Tech Maps Shallow Aquifers in Arid Deserts

2024-05-16T23:08+0200miragenews (en)

Water shortages are expanding across the Earth. This is particularly acute in desert areas of the Middle East that are subject to both drought and extreme conditions such as flooding. As a result of these uncertainties, there is an increasing reliance on shallow aquifers to mitigate these shortages.

Un estudio publicado en PLOS Medicine lo confirma: el cambio climático se ceba con las personas mayores

2024-05-16T21:20+0200ecoticias (es)

Un equipo de la Universidad de Monash ( Australia ) ha llevado a cabo el primer mapa mundial de la mortalidad relacionada con las olas de calor durante tres décadas , de 1990 a 2019. Los expertos han descubierto que estos ciclos provocaron más de 153.000 muertes adicionales por el cambio climático, casi la mitad de ellas en Asia.

Envejecer en un mundo que se calienta: aumentan las muertes asociadas al calor

2024-05-15T22:52+0200noticiasncc (es)

L as olas de calor son uno de los efectos más evidentes del cambio climático. Estos periodos (siempre superiores a tres días) en el que las temperaturas máximas y mínimas se encuentran por encima de los valores climatológicamente normales para esa época del año afectan negativamente a la salud.

El efecto mariposa de la destrucción mundial de los bosques

2024-05-15T06:19+0200aimdigital (es)

Todos los campos de fútbol no miden lo mismo, aunque su superficie mínima y máxima es regulada por la Fifa, como corresponde al Vaticano de esa religión universal. El área de juego para un partido internacional debe medir entonces un equivalente a 6.400 metros cuadrados, eso es algo más de media hectárea.

Farmers get $625 million to prepare for climate change and drought

2024-05-14T13:27+0200smartcompany (en)

Australia n farmers are on the frontline of climate change, with increasingly intense weather events and natural disasters making a normally challenging industry even more challenging. Summarising support measures for small business in tonight’s federal budget speech, the Treasurer said the....

¿Qué impide que El Niño se quede para siempre?

2024-05-14T09:39+0200esdelatino-com (es)

Hace unas semanas, la Oficina Australia na de Meteorología declaró que el Océano Pacífico ya no se encuentra en un estado de El Niño y ha vuelto a su estado “neutral”. Los científicos estadounidenses de la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica han sido más vacilantes, pero estiman que hay un....

La Niña torna a settembre, Giulio Betti del Cnr: “Avremo meno piogge al Nord e più al Sud Italia”

2024-05-13T16:50+0200ohga (it)

Non si tratta di un evento da definire come eccezionale, però solitamente ci si aspetta un periodo neutro e di transizione , invece al Niño , che possiamo dire quasi completamente esaurito , intorno a fine agosto – inizio settembre, si passerà direttamente al fenomeno opposto.

Analisi Dall'ombrello solare alle nuvole seminate: le super tecnologie per il clima Davide Re

2024-05-13T06:54+0200avvenire (it)

Il mutamento climatico che sta attualmente interessando la Terra, con le gravi conseguenze sotto gli occhi di tutti, si era già manifestato più volte in passato. La temperatura del nostro Pianeta dipende essenzialmente dal Sole, ovvero dalla sua attività, capace di riscaldare o lasciare raffreddare la Terra.

Come prevedere il tempo con le cipolle: le origini dell’antica tradizione contadina e come interpretare gli spicchi

2024-05-12T21:48+0200greenme (it)

La lettura degli spicchi di cipolla è una tradizione che affonda le radici nella cultura contadina, diffusa sia in Italia che in altre parti del mondo. Scopriamo le sue affascinanti origini e come funziona Chi l’avrebbe mai detto che le cipolle fossero uno strumento di divinazione.

Japan weather bureau says 90% chance of El Nino ending by May

2024-05-10T15:00+0200chinadailyhk (en)

A student drinks water while studying outside the classroom during a heatwave at a primary school in Banda Aceh on May 7, 2024. (PHOTO / AFP) TOKYO - Japan's weather bureau said on Friday there was a 90 percent chance that the phenomenon will dissipate by the end of May, while there was a 60....

From El Nino to La Nina: Weather whiplash threatens global food security

2024-05-10T12:44+0200indiatoday (en)

In Short These weather patterns have the power to spawn wildfires; It could be posing significant threats to crops such as wheat, soy, and corn; Transition to La Nina could leave populations and crops in Latin America with little time to recover. With the world reeling under intense heatwave as....

Hot Weather and the Footprint of Global Warming in the Last Decade

2024-05-10T05:45+0200kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/FERGANATA INDRA RIATMOKO. A satay vendor protects his head with a cloth during the scorching heat in Kraton District, Yogyakarta (4/5/2024). The temperature in Yogyakarta during the day over the past few days has been around 32 degrees Celsius. According to BMKG, the hot temperature is caused by the apparent movement of the sun.

Panoramica dell'offerta globale in vista delle nuove prospettive 2024-25 dell'USDA -Braun

2024-05-10T03:03+0200marketscreener (it)

Il Dipartimento dell'Agricoltura degli Stati Uniti pubblicherà venerdì le sue prime previsioni ufficiali per la prossima campagna 2024-25, e sia il contesto di prezzi più bassi che i recenti eventi meteorologici potrebbero causare un cambiamento nelle dinamiche tra i principali esportatori nei prossimi mesi.

Secretary Mayorkas Delivers Remarks at Inaugural World Fire Congress Closing Ceremony

2024-05-10T01:08+0200dhs-gov (en)

Secretary Mayorkas delivered the following remarks at the closing, charter signing ceremony of the inaugural World Fire Congress in Washington, DC. Good evening. The poet John Saxe once wrote that, if the mythical Greek figure Prometheus “was worthy of the wrath of heaven for kindling the first fire....

El Nino to end by June, La Nina seen in second half of 2024, says U.S. forecaster

2024-05-09T17:23+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – The El Nino weather pattern should fade out by June but could be replaced by the La Nina phenomenon by the second half of the year, a U.S. government forecaster said on Thursday. There is a 49% chance that the La Nina weather pattern may develop during the June to August period, rising....

El Nino to end by June, La Nina seen in second half of 2024, says U.S. forecaster (Reuters) - The El Nino weather pattern should fade out by June but could be replaced by the La Nina phenomenon by the second half of the year, a U.S. government forecaster said on Thursday. There is a 49% chance that the La Nina weather pattern ma.

2024-05-09T17:22+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – The El Nino weather pattern should fade out by June but could be replaced by the La Nina phenomenon by the second half of the year, a U.S. government forecaster said on Thursday. There is a 49% chance that the La Nina weather pattern may develop during the June to August period, rising....

El Nino to end by June, La Nina seen in second half of 2024, says U.S. forecaster

2024-05-09T17:21+0200whbl (en)

(Reuters) – The El Nino weather pattern should fade out by June but could be replaced by the La Nina phenomenon by the second half of the year, a U.S. government forecaster said on Thursday. There is a 49% chance that the La Nina weather pattern may develop during the June to August period, rising....

El Nino to end by June, La Nina seen in second half of 2024, says U.S. forecaster

2024-05-09T17:20+0200wkzo (en)

(Reuters) – The El Nino weather pattern should fade out by June but could be replaced by the La Nina phenomenon by the second half of the year, a U.S. government forecaster said on Thursday. There is a 49% chance that the La Nina weather pattern may develop during the June to August period, rising....

What's behind the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya

2024-05-09T17:16+0200observer-ug (en)

The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. Over 200 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

El Nino to end by June, La Nina seen in second half of 2024, says US forecaster

2024-05-09T17:06+0200bdnews24 (en)

The El Nino weather pattern should fade out by June but could be replaced by the La Nina phenomenon by the second half of the year, a US government forecaster said on Thursday. There is a 49% chance that the La Nina weather pattern may develop during the June to August period, rising to 69% in....

El Nino to end by June, La Nina seen in second half of 2024, says U.S. forecaster

2024-05-09T16:18+0200devdiscourse (en)

But heavier rains in parts of the Americas boosted farm output prospects in Argentina and the southern U.S. Plains. CONTEXT The full weather pattern involving El Nino, La Nina and a neutral phase typically lasts between two to seven years. Experts have warned that Latin American nations must be on....

More people in countries with low human development index suffer from climate-related disasters

2024-05-09T07:52+0200downtoearth (en)

April 24, 2024. Countries with Human Development Index (HDI) lower than 0.78, had a higher impact, the findings showed. Likewise, the increasing number of the population impacted by climate-related disasters in countries with very high human development was statistically and significantly lower than....

Ordinary weather is now extraordinary, as Sydney braces for more rain

2024-05-09T07:27+0200brisbanetimes (en)

2023 was the hottest year in history globally, and the equal-eighth hottest in Australia , accompanied by a marine heatwave that has persisted into 2024. Weather across the continent has ranged from an extreme wet season in northern Queensland with metres of rain to forests drying out and dying in Western Australia.

Ordinary weather is now extraordinary, as Sydney braces for more rain

2024-05-09T07:27+0200smh (en)

2023 was the hottest year in history globally, and the equal-eighth hottest in Australia , accompanied by a marine heatwave that has persisted into 2024. Weather across the continent has ranged from an extreme wet season in northern Queensland with metres of rain to forests drying out and dying in Western Australia.

Ordinary weather is now extraordinary, as Sydney braces for more rain

2024-05-09T07:24+0200theage (en)

2023 was the hottest year in history globally, and the equal-eighth hottest in Australia , accompanied by a marine heatwave that has persisted into 2024. Weather across the continent has ranged from an extreme wet season in northern Queensland with metres of rain to forests drying out and dying in Western Australia.

Ordinary weather is now extraordinary, as Sydney braces for more rain

2024-05-09T07:23+0200watoday (en)

2023 was the hottest year in history globally, and the equal-eighth hottest in Australia , accompanied by a marine heatwave that has persisted into 2024. Weather across the continent has ranged from an extreme wet season in northern Queensland with metres of rain to forests drying out and dying in Western Australia.

World Continues to Swelter as April 2024 Blazes Past Heat Records

2024-05-09T06:11+0200sciencealert (en)

April marked another "remarkable" month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU's climate monitor published on Wednesday. The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Nino weather phenomenon that....

Heat is coming for our crops. We have to make them ready

2024-05-08T22:42+0200johansen (en)

Australia ’s vital agriculture sector will be hit hard by steadily rising global temperatures. Our climate is already prone to droughts and floods. Climate change is expected to supercharge this, causing sudden flash droughts, changing rainfall patterns and intense flooding rains.

World sweltered as April smashed global heat records

2024-05-08T21:28+0200kuwaittimes (en)

PARIS: April marked another “remarkable” month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU’s climate monitor published on Wednesday. The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Nino weather phenomenon that....

World sweltered as April smashed global heat records

2024-05-08T18:24+0200manilatimes (en)

PARIS – April marked another "remarkable" month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU's climate monitor published on Wednesday. The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Niño weather phenomenon that....

Global temperature records tumble after April heat grills world

2024-05-08T14:51+0200dailysabah (en)

The month of April set another record for global air and sea surface temperature averages, the latest EU's climate monitor report confirmed Wednesday. The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Nino weather phenomenon that contributes to increased heat, said the....

World sweltered as April smashed global heat records: Guess how hot?

2024-05-08T13:49+0200thesouthafrican (en)

The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Nino weather phenomenon that contributes to increased heat, said the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, pointing to human-caused climate change for exacerbating the extremes. Record heat.

Global temperature streak continues with hottest April on record, says EU's climate monitor

2024-05-08T11:17+0200thejournal (en)

SINCE JUNE LAST year, every month has been the warmest such period on record. And April marked yet another “remarkable” month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU’s climate monitor published today.

2 hours ago15:31, 8 May 2024

2024-05-08T11:15+0200hongkongfp (en)

By Linda Givetash. April marked another “remarkable” month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU’s climate monitor published on Wednesday. A man sweats while walking on the streets in Hong Kong. File photo: Kyle Lam/HKFP.

April 2024 Warmest Ever, Says European Climate Agency As Temperature Records Topple

2024-05-08T10:38+0200news18 (en)

The world experienced the warmest April ever, with record heat, rain, and flooding crippling normal life in many countries, according to new data released on Wednesday. It was also the eleventh consecutive month of record-high temperatures, a result of the combined effect of now weakening El Nino....

World sweltered as April smashed global heat records

2024-05-08T10:20+0200energy-economictimes (en)

to limit global warming. The anomaly does not mean the Paris target has been missed, which is calculated over a period of decades. But it does signal "how remarkable the global temperature conditions we are currently experience are", Copernicus climatologist Julien Nicolas told AFP.

World sweltered as April smashed heat records

2024-05-08T08:43+0200omanobserver-om (en)

Paris - April marked another "remarkable" month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU's climate monitor published on Wednesday. The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Nino weather phenomenon that....

World sweltered as April smashed global heat records

2024-05-08T08:39+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Paris, France—April marked another “remarkable” month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU’s climate monitor published on Wednesday. The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Niño weather....

World sweltered as April smashed global heat records

2024-05-08T06:49+0200thedailystarBD (en)

April marked another "remarkable" month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU's climate monitor published on Wednesday. The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Nino weather phenomenon that....

April 2024 warmest ever due to record heat: European climate agency

2024-05-08T05:17+0200indiatoday (en)

The world experienced the warmest April ever, with record heat, rain, and flooding crippling normal life in many countries, according to new data released on Wednesday. It was also the 11th consecutive month of record-high temperatures, a result of the combined effect of now weakening El Nino and....

World sweltered as April smashed global heat records

2024-05-08T05:13+0200bssnews (en)

PARIS, May 8, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - April marked another "remarkable" month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU's climate monitor published on Wednesday. The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Nino....

April 2024 Hottest On Record As Global Heat Rises, Say Scientists

2024-05-08T05:02+0200ndtvnews (en)

Paris: April marked another "remarkable" month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU's climate monitor published on Wednesday. The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Nino weather phenomenon that....

World sweltered as April smashed global heat records

2024-05-08T04:46+0200inquirer (en)

Last month was the second warmest April ever recorded in Europe, as was March and the entire winter period. Diverging extremes. Swathes of Asia from India to Vietnam have been struck by scorching heat waves in recent weeks, while southern Brazil has suffered deadly flooding.

World sweltered as April smashed global heat records

2024-05-08T04:40+0200terradaily (en)

Paris, May 8 (AFP) May 08, 2024 April marked another "remarkable" month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU's climate monitor published on Wednesday. The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Nino....

World sweltered as April smashed global heat records

2024-05-08T04:25+0200gmanews (en)

April marked another "remarkable" month of record-breaking global air and sea surface temperature averages, according to a new report by the EU's climate monitor published on Wednesday. The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Nino weather phenomenon that....

Global temperature streak continues with record heat in April

2024-05-08T04:22+0200france24-en (en)

The abnormally warm conditions came despite the continued weakening of the El Nino weather phenomenon that contributes to increased heat, said the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service, pointing to human-caused climate change for exacerbating the extremes.

April 2024 warmest ever, says European climate agency as temperature records topple

2024-05-08T04:08+0200HindustanTimes (en)

The average temperature of 15.03 degrees Celsius in April was 1.58 degrees Celsius higher than the month's average for 1850-1900, the designated pre-industrial reference period. It was 0.67 degrees Celsius above the 1991-2020 average for April and 0.14 degrees Celsius above the previous high set in April 2016.

India April 2024: Exceptionally Warm Temperatures Break Records, Reports European Climate Agency About a minute ago

2024-05-08T04:02+0200devdiscourse (en)

April 2024: Exceptionally Warm Temperatures Break Records, Reports European Climate Agency April 2024 was the warmest ever, with record heat, rain, and flooding worldwide due to El Niño and climate change. The global average temperature was 1.58°C above pre-industrial levels, and the past 12 months....

Piogge e alluvioni in Brasile, quali sono le cause del peggior disastro climatico della storia del Paese

2024-05-07T12:28+0200ohga (it)

Non esiste un precedente di quanto accaduto in Brasile sabato 5 maggio . Un violento maltempo, con forti raffiche di vento, precipitazioni intense hanno colpito oltre 32 località dello Stato (molte di queste risultano ancora isolate) e provocato l' esondazione del fiume Guaiba . La sua piena di 5.

Australian PM boosts funding for drought resilience programs

2024-05-07T09:54+0200uniindia (en)

Canberra, May 7 (UNI) Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced half a billion Australian dollars in funding to help farmers and regional communities better prepare for future droughts. Albanese and Murray Watt, minister for agriculture, fisheries and forestry and for emergency management, on Tuesday committed 519.

5.2-magnitude quake hits South of Java, Indonesia - GFZ

2024-05-07T09:47+0200uniindia (en)

Hong Kong, May 7 (UNI) An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.2 hit south of Java, Indonesia at 0334 GMT on Tuesday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 10.0 km, was initially determined to be at 9.10 degrees south latitude and 110.85 degrees east longitude.

Australian PM Boosts Funding For Drought Resilience Programs

2024-05-07T09:09+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Canberra, May 7 (IANS) Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Tuesday announced half a billion Australian dollars in funding to help farmers and regional communities better prepare for future droughts. Albanese and Murray Watt, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and for Emergency Management, have committed 519.

Australian PM boosts funding for drought resilience programs

2024-05-07T07:43+0200wn (en)

CANBERRA, May 7 (Xinhua) -- Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced half a billion Australian dollars in funding to help farmers and regional communities better prepare for future droughts. Albanese and Murray Watt, minister for agriculture, fisheries and forestry and for emergency....

Australian PM boosts funding for drought resilience programs

2024-05-07T07:39+0200china.org.cn (en)

CANBERRA, May 7 (Xinhua) -- Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced half a billion Australian dollars in funding to help farmers and regional communities better prepare for future droughts. Albanese and Murray Watt, minister for agriculture, fisheries and forestry and for emergency management, on Tuesday committed 519.

Australian PM boosts funding for drought resilience programs

2024-05-07T07:12+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

CANBERRA, May 7 (Xinhua) -- Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced half a billion Australian dollars in funding to help farmers and regional communities better prepare for future droughts. Albanese and Murray Watt, minister for agriculture, fisheries and forestry and for emergency management, on Tuesday committed 519.

Australian PM boosts funding for drought resilience programs

2024-05-07T07:11+0200english-news-cn (en)

CANBERRA, May 7 (Xinhua) -- Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced half a billion Australian dollars in funding to help farmers and regional communities better prepare for future droughts. Albanese and Murray Watt, minister for agriculture, fisheries and forestry and for emergency management, on Tuesday committed 519.

Farmers welcome funding boost for drought preparedness

2024-05-07T03:11+0200nationaltribune (en)

Farmers for Climate Action, an organisation representing more than 8000 farmer members across Australia has welcomed today’s announcement on drought initiatives. “It is a big step forward for the Future Drought Fund to acknowledge the reality that climate change is driving more frequent and severe....

Farmers Hail Funding Increase for Drought Readiness

2024-05-07T03:10+0200miragenews (en)

Farmers for Climate Action, an organisation representing more than 8000 farmer members across Australia has welcomed today's announcement on drought initiatives. "It is a big step forward for the Future Drought Fund to acknowledge the reality that climate change is driving more frequent and severe....

Plan to help farmers prepare for drought

2024-05-06T14:59+0200news_com_au (en)

The federal government will invest $519.1m into the Future Drought Fund in a bid to increase climate resilience and assist farmers and regional communities to prepare for the next drought. Anthony Albanese will on Tuesday announce the government will provide what it says is “record” funding for the....

Il futuro delle banane tra sostenibilità e malattie al forum della FAO

2024-05-06T14:21+0200ilfattoalimentare (it)

Il settore delle banane deve diventare più sostenibile, la distribuzione dei profitti lungo la filiera e di trovare una soluzione alle principali malattie che interessano le piantagioni. Sono alcuni dei temi al centro della conferenza del World Banana Forum , organizzata dalla FAO il 12 e il 13....

Vino: 2023 annata nera con la produzione più bassa degli ultimi 60 anni

2024-05-05T16:37+0200greenme (it)

Ci siamo lasciati alle spalle un anno complesso anche per la produzione di vino, la più bassa degli ultimi 60 anni a livello mondiale Produrre vino è una sfida continua fatta di tradizione ma anche innovazione, traguardi, rischi e imprevisti. Se il terreno è tra i principali elementi a dare....

What's behind the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya

2024-05-04T11:39+0200northernirelandnews (en)

NAIROBI, Kenya - The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

What's behind the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya

2024-05-04T11:36+0200cambodiantimes (en)

NAIROBI, Kenya - The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

What's behind the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya

2024-05-04T11:09+0200manilametro (en)

NAIROBI, Kenya - The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

What's behind the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya

2024-05-04T11:06+0200srilankasource (en)

NAIROBI, Kenya - The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

What's behind the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya

2024-05-04T11:06+0200nigeriasun (en)

NAIROBI, Kenya - The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

What's behind the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya

2024-05-04T10:54+0200longbeachstar (en)

NAIROBI, Kenya - The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

What's behind the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya

2024-05-04T10:53+0200singaporestar (en)

NAIROBI, Kenya - The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

What's behind the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya

2024-05-04T10:42+0200myanmarnews (en)

NAIROBI, Kenya - The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

What's behind the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya

2024-05-04T09:37+0200voanews (en)

NAIROBI, Kenya — The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

La vendemmia nell’Emisfero Sud: poca quantità ma prezzi in rialzo e buona qualità. Argentina al top

2024-05-03T16:24+0200winenews (it)

Mentre in Europa mancano alcuni mesi al momento della vendemmia, ma in Italia le prime preoccupazioni a causa del maltempo sono già state sollevate, dall’altra parte del mondo, nell’emisfero australe, è invece già tempo dei primi bilanci. E così, in attesa dei dati ufficiali, i segnali che arrivano....

What does the future Indian Ocean look like?

2024-05-03T09:33+0200thestatesman (en)

A study led by Roxy Mathew Koll of the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, delves into the evolving climate of the Indian Ocean and its future projections. Understanding these changes is crucial for climate mitigation and adaptation efforts, essential for safeguarding our collective future.

East Africa floods: UN chief extends condolences, says UN ready to offer additional assistance

2024-05-03T07:46+0200en-africanews (en)

Footage of impassible roads continue to come from Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania among other countries in East Africa. Speaking from New York Thursday (May 2nd), a spokesperson for the United Nations' chief, Antonio Guterres, reiterated the UN's readiness to provide additional support to national authorities.

Un maggio più fresco potrebbe salvare il raccolto di grano russo dopo un aprile da record -Braun

2024-05-03T03:12+0200marketscreener (it)

All'inizio di questa settimana, i prezzi globali del grano si sono ritirati dai massimi plurimensili, poiché il raccolto arido della Russia era finalmente destinato a ricevere un po' di pioggia, ma queste piogge sono state piuttosto scarse e le previsioni sono di nuovo secche, minacciando di frenare il raccolto dei principali esportatori.

The Philippines bans some genetically modified foods

2024-05-02T15:27+0200economist (en)

G reenpeace described it as a “monumental win”. Lauro Diego, a rice-farmer in the Philippines, sees it as a “triumph” against “genetic erosion”. But advocates of genetically modified ( GM ) foods say the decision could be disastrous for poor Filipinos.

What's causing the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya?

2024-05-02T14:25+0200naharnet-ar (en)

The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

Vegetation Greening Shows Resilience Despite Climate Extremes for 2023

2024-05-01T16:43+0200environmentalleader (en)

In 2023, the Earth’s vegetation displayed remarkable resilience in the face of escalating climate anomalies, according to a comprehensive study published in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment by Academician Piao Shilong and his team from the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences at Peking University.

El cambio climático está haciendo inviables muchas zonas vinícolas en el mundo, el aviso de unos científicos

2024-05-01T16:40+0200tiempo-es (es)

El cambio climático pone en riesgo esta industria en todo el mundo, modificando las características de esta preciada bebida y alternando el mapa de las zonas en las que se produce. 01/05/2024 16:00 10 min. La crisis climática actual afecta todos los ámbitos de la sociedad moderna .

Dajla: V Congreso Internacional sobre Economía del Desierto

2024-05-01T14:30+0200atalayar-es (es)

La ciudad de Dajla , en el sur de Marruecos, acogió la V edición del Congreso Internacional sobre Economía del Desierto, que tuvo lugar los días 18 y 19 de abril de 2024, bajo el tema: “La Investigación Científica al Servicio del Desarrollo Económico del Desierto, el Sáhara y las Zonas Rurales Alejadas”.

Global wine production down 9.6% as extreme climatic conditions ‘severely impact’ vineyards

2024-05-01T12:41+0200foodnavigator (en)

In 2023, global wine production is estimated at 237 mhl, marking a significant decrease of nearly 25 mhl (-9.6%) compared to 2022. It also marks a sharp decline on previous years: where production levels over the last four years had been consistent with the 20-year average.

Get Ready for Record Heat in 2024

2024-05-01T12:07+0200kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/RONY ARIYANTO NUGROHO. The cloudy sky in the Manggarai area of Jakarta is seen before a heavy rain on Wednesday (17/4/2024). The extreme shift of weather from scorching heat to rain still frequently occurs in the Jabodetabek area. This extreme weather transition condition needs to be....

What's causing the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya?

2024-05-01T12:00+0200en-africanews (en)

The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

What's causing the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya?

2024-05-01T11:18+0200inquirer (en)

The “long rains” season is when most of the country’s average annual rainfall occurs. It’s often characterized by torrential rains, and sometimes goes up to June. In its forecast for this year’s “long rains” season, the Kenya Meteorological Department predicted above-average rainfall in many parts of the country, with occasional storms in some.

What’s causing the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya?

2024-05-01T06:46+0200apanews-en (en)

WHY IS THE RAIN SO INTENSE THIS TIME? The frequency, patterns and intensity of rainfall in Kenya are influenced by naturally occurring climate systems like the Indian Ocean Dipole. The Indian Ocean Dipole is a swinging of sea surface temperatures that makes the western Indian Ocean warmer than....

What's causing the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya?

2024-05-01T04:09+0200triblive (en)

NAIROBI, Kenya The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

Letters: Could a united Ireland be the obvious solution to migration row with UK?

2024-05-01T03:36+0200independent-ie (en)

Mr Sunak’s assertion that the influx of migrants to Ireland is proof of the effectiveness of his threats of deportation is not just insensitive, it is fundamentally flawed and flies in the face of decent neighbourliness. While it is undeniable that a fair and robust immigration system is necessary,....

What's causing the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya?

2024-05-01T02:11+0200ctvnews (en)

NAIROBI, Kenya - The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

What’s behind Kenya’s intense flooding as death toll climbs

2024-04-30T22:41+0200globalnews (en)

that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with at least 91 missing, according to the latest government figures. In the most tragic single event, at least 48 people were killed on....

What's causing the catastrophic rainfall in Kenya?

2024-04-30T21:24+0200thehimalayantimes (en)

At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with more than 91 missing, according to the latest government figures. In the most tragic single event, at least 48 people were killed on Monday after water blew through a blocked river tunnel under a railway bridge in southwestern Kenya, causing a flash flood.

Unprecedented Rainfall Ravages Kenya, Causing Catastrophic Floods and Devastation

2024-04-30T19:12+0200devdiscourse (en)

Its become difficult to predict long-term weather in Kenya in recent years, as the onset and duration of dry and wet seasons increasingly change.The Kenya Meteorological Department expects the long rains season to continue into June.In its latest seven-day weather forecast, which it released on....

World News | What's Causing the Catastrophic Rainfall in Kenya?

2024-04-30T19:04+0200latestly (en)

Nairobi, Apr 30 (AP) The torrential rains and deadly floods that have hit Kenya since March have been some of the most catastrophic in the country in recent years. At least 169 people have died due to the heavy rains, with more than 91 missing, according to the latest government figures.

La storia di Brisbane la prima capitale Australiana a sperimentare la siccità già nel 2007

2024-04-30T18:35+0200ohga (it)

Hai presente quelle immagini dei terreni spaccati, che mostrano la carenza d’acqua e l’arrivo della siccità? Ecco, possiamo dire che questo tipo di immagine o scatto sia diventato un po’ simbolo della crisi climatica e allora perché non risalire a uno di questi primi scatti di una terra spaccata e....

Tesla si sta trasformando

2024-04-30T16:31+0200agenparl (it)

Le azioni Tesla rappresentano uno degli strumenti di formazione più efficaci per “investitori consapevoli” che io conosca. Se un investitore riesce a investire in Tesla nonostante la sua folle volatilità, il parere sfavorevole della maggior parte dei cosiddetti “esperti del settore”, le eccentricità....

EU Policy. More than 70% of key resources imperilled by climate - report

2024-04-30T16:13+0200euronews-en (en)

More than 70% of copper, cobalt and lithium, key critical raw materials needed for the clean energy transition driven by the EU, are at risk of facing supply disruption due to climate change, according to a new analysis. Countries leading cobalt and lithium production — Australia , Chile, the....

Hay destined for desperate King Island farmers, delayed in Victoria

2024-04-30T04:37+0200abc-au (en)

In short: A Victorian council says it can't allow donated hay to be freighted out of its port to King Island; The hay sits in Swan Hill. The nearest port is Apollo Bay. Farmers on King Island say they needed it yesterday. What's next? The "Need for Feed" says the next port is further away and will add $70,000 to the delivery cost.

Australia mining at risk from climate change-fueled drought and heat

2024-04-30T04:12+0200nikkei-en (en)

SYDNEY -- Climate change poses a "serious and growing" threat to the production of essential commodities around the globe, with critical mineral and vital metals mined in Australia facing increased exposure to high temperatures and droughts, according to a PwC report.

Farmers call for better reporting on coal mine methane

2024-04-30T04:04+0200nationaltribune (en)

Farmers for Climate Action, representing more than 8200 farmers across Australia , is concerned at credible reports that coal mine methane is being underreported by up to 50 per cent. CEO Natalie Collard said the farmers who grow our food need accurate reporting on coal pollution.

Estirpazione vigneti, sì del governo. I timori di Uiv e Federvini

2024-04-29T12:19+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Una misura, quella dell’estirpazione, già in atto in Francia (a Bordeaux), di cui si dibatte in altre parti del mondo (in California e Australia , ad esempio) e di cui si sta discutendo anche in Italia, sia fra produttori sia al livello di governo, come ha confermato a Il Gusto il ministro....

Estirpazione vigneti, sì del governo. I timori di Uiv e Federvini

2024-04-29T10:35+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Una misura, quella dell’estirpazione, già in atto in Francia (a Bordeaux), di cui si dibatte in altre parti del mondo (in California e Australia , ad esempio) e di cui si sta discutendo anche in Italia, sia fra produttori sia al livello di governo, come ha confermato a Il Gusto il ministro....

11:02 Global wine production reaches lowest level in 62 years

2024-04-29T09:16+0200news-am (en)

Fires, droughts, and several other conditions typically associated with global climate change have contributed considerably to global wine production in 2023 being the worst in 62 years, industry officials said. The 2023 global grape and wine industry report, published by the France-based....

Estirpazione vigneti, sì del governo. I timori di Uiv e Federvini

2024-04-29T08:45+0200lasentinella (it)

Una misura, quella dell’estirpazione, già in atto in Francia (a Bordeaux), di cui si dibatte in altre parti del mondo (in California e Australia , ad esempio) e di cui si sta discutendo anche in Italia, sia fra produttori sia al livello di governo, come ha confermato a Il Gusto il ministro....

They warn that mosquito-borne diseases will spread around the world and become more common.

2024-04-29T07:33+0200d1softballnews (en)

Geographic range of vector-borne diseases, especially Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. has expanded rapidly over the past 80 years, and now more than half the world’s population is at risk from outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases caused by global warming and urbanization....

Satellite Monitoring Highlights Soil Sealing Challenges in the Mediterranean

2024-04-28T10:01+0200spacedaily (en)

Soil sealing is an increasing concern, particularly in urban settings, leading to significant environmental impacts such as flooding, erosion, and biodiversity loss. An ESA-funded initiative, the Ulysses project, is now providing critical insights into soil sealing, aiming to mitigate soil degradation across the Mediterranean.

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-28T09:03+0200menafn (en)

- AFP) World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to....

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-28T07:06+0200thelocal (en)

"Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 percent drops.

Report: Global wine production worst in 62 years due to 'extreme climate events'

2024-04-27T22:06+0200upi (en)

April 27 (UPI) -- Fires, droughts and other conditions commonly associated with a changing global climate greatly contributed to making the world's 2023 wine production the worst in 62 years, industry officials have reported. A "State of the World Vine and Wine Sector in 2023" report released....

Explainer: What’s El Niño and how does it interact with climate change?

2024-04-27T17:39+0200EastAfrican (en)

El Niño is a phenomenon distinct from our human-driven climate crisis, said Richard Allan, a climate scientist at the University of Reading, but its impacts will be all the more intense in a warmer atmosphere. What impacts have El Niño and climate change had? The effects of the El Niño depend on the....

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-27T05:54+0200thelocal-it (en)

"Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 percent drops.

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-27T03:55+0200malaymail (en)

“Extreme environmental conditions” including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 per cent drops.

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-27T02:04+0200thelocal-fr (en)

"Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 percent drops.

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-27T00:43+0200thelocal-es (en)

"Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 percent drops.

Worst wine year worldwide since the 1960s – News

2024-04-26T14:03+0200breakinglatest (en)

According to the International Organization for Vine and Wine (OIV), “extreme environmental conditions” such as droughts, fires and other climate-related problems are mainly responsible for the largest decline in the last six decades. In Switzerland, wine production was slightly higher in 2023, with....

Worst year in wine production since the 1960s – News

2024-04-26T11:52+0200breakinglatest (en)

According to the International Organization for Vine and Wine (OIV), “extreme environmental conditions” such as droughts, fires and other climate-related problems are mainly responsible for the largest decline in the last six decades. In Switzerland, the total volume in 2023 was slightly more than one hectoliter Wine produced than last year.

'Extreme' Climate Blamed For World's Worst Wine Harvest In 62 Years

2024-04-26T09:17+0200ibtimes (en)

World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for....

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-26T03:52+0200philstar (en)

PARIS, France World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly....

‘Extreme’ climate blamed for world’s worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-26T01:06+0200business-times (en)

WORLD wine production dropped 10 per cent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of “extreme” climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said on Thursday. “Extreme environmental conditions” including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame....

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-26T00:11+0200japantoday (en)

World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for....

Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-26T00:09+0200europesun (en)

Paris, France - World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of 'extreme' climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. 'Extreme environmental conditions' including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were....

Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T23:28+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Paris, France - World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of 'extreme' climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. 'Extreme environmental conditions' including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were....

Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T23:27+0200irishsun (en)

Paris, France - World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of 'extreme' climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. 'Extreme environmental conditions' including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were....

Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T23:13+0200myanmarnews (en)

Paris, France - World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of 'extreme' climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. 'Extreme environmental conditions' including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were....

Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T23:08+0200longbeachstar (en)

Paris, France - World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of 'extreme' climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. 'Extreme environmental conditions' including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were....

Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T23:05+0200srilankasource (en)

Paris, France - World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of 'extreme' climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. 'Extreme environmental conditions' including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were....

Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T22:58+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Paris, France - World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of 'extreme' climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. 'Extreme environmental conditions' including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were....

Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T22:50+0200nigeriasun (en)

Paris, France - World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of 'extreme' climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. 'Extreme environmental conditions' including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were....

Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T22:45+0200manilametro (en)

Paris, France - World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of 'extreme' climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. 'Extreme environmental conditions' including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were....

Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T22:43+0200singaporestar (en)

Paris, France - World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of 'extreme' climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. 'Extreme environmental conditions' including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were....

‘Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T22:32+0200voanews (en)

Paris, France — World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were....

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T21:30+0200terradaily (en)

Paris, April 25 (AFP) Apr 25, 2024 World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with....

Worst wine harvest in 62 years due to 'extreme' climate

2024-04-25T21:19+0200RTERadio (en)

'Extreme environmental conditions' including droughts and fires were mostly to blame for the drastic fall (file image) World wine production dropped 10% last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said.

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T20:43+0200france24-en (en)

"Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 percent drops.

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T20:40+0200rfi-en (en)

"Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 percent drops.

‘Extreme’ climate blamed for world’s worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T20:31+0200digitaljournal (en)

World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of “extreme” climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. “Extreme environmental conditions” including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for....

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T20:25+0200hausa-legit-ng (en)

wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the....

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-25T20:23+0200tuko (en)

World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for....

El Niño and La Niña

2024-04-25T12:11+0200thedailystarBD (en)

Powerful winds, known as "trade winds", sweep across the equator, from east to west along the Pacific Ocean. The winds take the warm surface water along with them in the same direction, away from South America and towards Australia and Asia. The transition layer of the ocean between this surface....

Emergenza virus dengue e malaria, l’allarme degli infettivologi: “E’ colpa del cambiamento climatico”

2024-04-25T11:00+0200internapoli (it)

“In un mondo sempre più caldo e popolato, le infezioni trasmesse dalle zanzare stanno diventando malattie globali”, presenti anche in parti del pianeta che prima d’ora registravano al massimo casi di importazione. “Se le emissioni di carbonio e la crescita della popolazione continueranno ad....

Mosquito-borne diseases spreading in Europe due to climate change, says expert

2024-04-25T08:41+0200irishtimes (en)

, an expert has said. The insects spread illnesses such as malaria and dengue fever, the prevalences of which have hugely increased over the past 80 years as global heating has given them the warmer, more humid conditions they thrive in. Prof Rachel Lowe who leads the global health resilience group....

Mosquito-borne diseases spreading in Europe due to climate crisis, says expert

2024-04-25T08:35+0200observer (en)

Mosquito-borne diseases are spreading across the globe, and particularly in Europe , due to climate breakdown, an expert has said. The insects spread illnesses such as malaria and dengue fever, the prevalences of which have hugely increased over the past 80 years as global heating has given them the warmer, more humid conditions they thrive in.

Satellite Monitoring Highlights Soil Sealing Challenges in the Mediterranean

2024-04-25T07:29+0200terradaily (en)

Soil sealing is an increasing concern, particularly in urban settings, leading to significant environmental impacts such as flooding, erosion, and biodiversity loss. An ESA-funded initiative, the Ulysses project, is now providing critical insights into soil sealing, aiming to mitigate soil degradation across the Mediterranean.

Mosquito-borne diseases spreading in Europe due to climate crisis, says expert

2024-04-25T06:07+0200guardian (en)

Mosquito-borne diseases are spreading across the globe, and particularly in Europe , due to climate breakdown, an expert has said. The insects spread illnesses such as malaria and dengue fever, the prevalences of which have hugely increased over the past 80 years as global heating has given them the warmer, more humid conditions they thrive in.

Grasslands 101: Everything You Need to Know

2024-04-24T08:19+0200ecowatch (en)

Plants grow in the marsh of a rewetted portion of the Sernitzmoor peatland near Greiffenberg, Germany on May 31, 2023. Peatland marshes are highly efficient carbon sinks. Sean Gallup / Getty Images. Not only do grasslands sequester a third of the planet’s carbon deep in their root systems and soil,....

California to recycle wastewater for drinking under plans to address frequent extreme droughts

2024-04-24T04:37+0200channelnewsasia (en)

SAN JOSE, California: Drought-prone California has approved plans to allow treated wastewater to be used as part of drinking water supply. It is part of broader conservation efforts , as America’s most populous state has been struggling to secure reliable sources of drinking water amid in recent years.

Unveiling River Secrets In Murray-Darling Mysteries By Anne Jensen

2024-04-23T12:09+0200menafn (en)

- EIN Presswire) Book Cover. The Author Anne Jensen TOMAH, WISCONSIN, UNITED STATES, April 23, 2024 /EINPresswire / -- Delving into the heart of Australia 's iconic Murray and Darling Rivers, author Anne Jensen unveils the secrets of nature's resilience in her book, "Murray-Darling Mysteries:....

World News | India Among Asian Countries Hit by Heatwave in 2003: UN Report

2024-04-23T10:06+0200latestly (en)

Geneva (Switzerland)/ Bangkok (Thailand), April 23 (ANI): Asia was among the world's most disaster-hit region from weather, climate and water hazards in 2023, the United Nations said on Tuesday, with floods and storms the chief cause of casualties. Floods and storms caused the highest number of....

Tiny freshwater Snowy Mountains fish faces extinction, environmentalists say

2024-04-23T02:22+0200guardian (en)

It is listed as critically endangered , but environment campaigners and scientists say there have been no further surveys, and officials have not drawn up a recovery plan to try to save it. It has prompted six organisations to write to the federal environment minister, Tanya Plibersek, and her....

Specie aliene, invasive o dannose. Il nuovo numero di CREAfuturo: Piante Aliene, alberi forestali, risorsa o minaccia?

2024-04-22T15:44+0200agricolae (it)

L'ultimo numero di CREAFuturo è dedicato agli Alieni che, declinati in agricoltura comprendono tutti i micro e macro organismi (insetti, nematodi, acari, virus, funghi e batteri) estranei al nostro ambiente, al nostro mondo agricolo (proprio come alieni extraterrestri), contrari e avversi al nostro....

Trovati scheletri di 5500 anni fa: quello che emerge è agghiacciante

2024-04-22T08:25+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 22 aprile 2024) Degli scavi archeologici hanno riportato alla luce scheletri di migliaia di anni fa, ma il retroscena che si nasconde dietro è inquietante L’archeologia è un mondo sorprendente, in cui le scoperte sono all’ordine del giorno. Alcune di queste sono utili per approfondire la....

Clima, l'Europa è già sopra il tetto dei 2 gradi in più (e si vede)

2024-04-22T07:12+0200247libero (it)

Decine di persone si accalcano per riuscire a prendere acqua potabile da un enorme pozzo nel villaggio di Natwarghad nello stato occidentale indiano del Gujarat Il superamento dei 7 miliardi di persone per gli abitanti della Terra è un traguardo globale che rappresenta allo stesso tempo un'opportunità e una sfida per l'intero pianeta.

Ecologia Clima, Europa già sopra i 2 °C in più (e si vede)

2024-04-22T06:48+0200focus-it (it)

Decine di persone si accalcano per riuscire a prendere acqua potabile da un enorme pozzo nel villaggio di Natwarghad nello stato occidentale indiano del Gujarat Il superamento dei 7 miliardi di persone per gli abitanti della Terra è un traguardo globale che rappresenta allo stesso tempo un'opportunità e una sfida per l'intero pianeta.

Clouds on Demand: The Rain-Seeding Technology May Disturb the Nature!

2024-04-22T06:02+0200pamirtimes (en)

Karim Khan Saka. The concept of “clouds on demand” sounds like a solution straight out of science fiction, promising the ability to summon rain whenever and wherever needed. However, while rain-seeding technology holds potential benefits for addressing water scarcity and droughts, its widespread....

Rain, rain go away 22 days ago

2024-04-22T02:43+0200bne (en)

The hotter the world gets, the more water the air can hold and the more it will rain. Last year’s disaster season saw catastrophic floods around the world caused by record levels of rainfall. After putting in the hottest year on record, this year is going to be worse, with sea temperatures already....

Sustainability, Vol. 16, Pages 3461: Advancing Spatial Drought Forecasts by Integrating an Improved Outlier Robust Extreme Learning Machine with Gridded Data: A Case Study of the Lower Mainland Basin, British Columbia, Canada

2024-04-21T09:48+0200mdpi (en)

Dikshit et al. [ 12 ] conducted a study targeting drought prediction in New South Wales, Australia . They employed the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) due to its comprehensive calculation, which considers temperature and rainfall, improving drought prediction.

Life becomes misery, economic activity sags amid soaring heat

2024-04-20T20:05+0200thefinancialexpress (en)

Scorching summer heat, amid an agonising absence of rainfall, makes life a misery and wreaks havoc on crops and livestock. Overall economic activity suffered a sag and squeezed daily earners' income as the highest temperature in Bangladesh fired up to a torrid 42.6 degrees Celsius Saturday, meteorologists said.

Addio a El Niño, arriva La Niña: “il Sud America deve prepararsi”

2024-04-19T12:55+0200meteoweb (it)

Secondo alcuni esperti riuniti in un panel organizzato dalla FAO, le nazioni dell’ America Latina devono essere in massima allerta mentre il fenomeno meteorologico noto come El Niño si trasforma rapidamente in La Niña , lasciando alle popolazioni e ai raccolti poco tempo per riprendersi.

One of Australia's richest poetry competitions is calling for entries: The $10,000 Cloncurry Prize is OPEN!

2024-04-19T01:56+0200streetinsider (en)

Attention poets and wordsmiths from all over Australia : The Cloncurry Prize Poetry Competition is calling for entries, and it’s one mighty prize - $10,000 for the winning poem, making it one of the richest in the land.  “There are few that don’t recognise the names Dorothea Mackellar, Banjo....

Cambio climático: desierto inundado y afloramientos en el mar

2024-04-18T21:27+0200cambio16 (es)

Apenas ha transcurrido una cuarta parte del año y los fenómenos atípicos del clima se siguen presentando. El cambio climático luce indetenible mientras los dirigentes debaten que medidas tomar. Incluso en países como los Emiratos Árabes Unidos están recibiendo su dosis de realidad.

Le cattive notizie sulla produzione olivicola e le buone notizie sul mercato italiano dell'olio di oliva

2024-04-18T16:51+0200teatronaturale (it)

I cambiamenti climatici, ma anche la concorrenza internazionale e la competizione sui prezzi, i dazi che non facilitano l’armonizzazione dei mercati e la necessità di migliorare la visibilità e la riconoscibilità dell’olio di oliva sui diversi mercati.

What is cloud seeding and is it to blame for the freak Dubai flooding?

2024-04-18T14:20+0200independent-UK (en)

It was first discovered in the 1940s and has been used in around 50 countries, including the United States, China, Australia , Thailand and Russia. In the UAE, small government-operated planes fly through clouds burning special salt flares that encourage small rain droplets to stick together.

Nepal’s migrant workers eye overseas jobs as climate threats loom

2024-04-18T13:48+0200chinadialogue (en)

In November, Prem Nepali was on the same plane as delegates headed to Dubai for COP28. But while they shared an aircraft, their reasons to be in Dubai were entirely different. The dignitaries were travelling to negotiate climate change mitigation with world leaders, whereas Prem was leaving his home because the climate has already changed too much.

Los animales marinos de Australia serán víctimas invisibles de los incendios forestales

2024-04-18T07:32+0200vistaalmar (es)

La ceniza y el limo ahogarán los ecosistemas submarinos. A medida que los incendios forestales arrasan las tierras y los bosques de Australia , y hasta ahora matan a unos mil millones de animales terrestres , los investigadores temen que las especies marinas y de agua dulce se conviertan en víctimas invisibles.

The desert nation of UAE records its most rain ever, flooding highways and Dubai's airport

2024-04-18T05:21+0200wboc (en)

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The United Arab Emirates attempted to dry out Wednesday from the heaviest rain the desert nation has ever recorded — a deluge that flooded out Dubai International Airport and disrupted flights through the world's busiest airfield for international travel.

The desert nation of UAE records its most rain ever, flooding highways and Dubai's airport

2024-04-18T04:35+0200news-gazette (en)

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The United Arab Emirates attempted to dry out Wednesday from the heaviest rain the desert nation has ever recorded — a deluge that flooded out Dubai International Airport and disrupted flights through the world's busiest airfield for international travel.

Rain, rain go away 20 days ago

2024-04-17T00:44+0200bne (en)

The hotter the world gets, the more water the air can hold and the more it will rain. Last year’s disaster season saw catastrophic floods around the world caused by record levels of rainfall. After putting in the hottest year on record, this year is going to be the worst, with sea temperatures....

El Nino Ends, La Nina Expected To Bring Relief: Australia's Met Department

2024-04-16T20:02+0200menafn (en)

- Live Mint) "El Niño, which began in June 2023, resulting in insufficient rainfall in India, and leading to water scarcity in some regions, besides droughts and prolonged dry periods across Asia, has concluded. Australia 's Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) said on Tuesday that the El Niño–Southern....

Recensione della 24esima Biennale di Sydney

2024-04-16T18:56+0200artribune (it)

Non è facile comprendere l’ Australia , così come questa Biennale di Sydney . Il Paese è grande quanto l’Europa (che vanta 700 milioni di abitanti) ma è abitato da soli 26 milioni di individui addensati lungo le sue coste con alle spalle aree di deserto (in aumento) pari a sette volte la superficie italiana.

Non solo vino, a Veronafiere anche Sol ed Xcellent Beers

2024-04-16T13:35+0200veronasera (it)

In concomitanza con Vinitaly, Veronafiere ha acceso ieri, 15 aprile, i riflettori su altri eventi fieristici sulle eccellenze della tavola. Sono state inaugurate la 28esima edizione di Sol, l'esposizione dedicata agli oli di oliva, e la rassegna Xcellent Beers dedicata al comparto della birra artigianale.

Water Theft Laws And Penalties In The Murray-Darling Basin Are A Dog's Breakfast. Here's How We Can Fix Them

2024-04-16T13:24+0200menafn (en)

- The Conversation) Water is one of Australia 's most valuable commodities. Rights to take water from our nation's largest river system, the Murray-Darling Basin, are worth almost A$100 billion. These rights can be bought and sold or leased, with trade exceeding A$2 billion a year .

La fine di El Niño ci darà un'estate meno calda? Se non succede abbiamo un problema

2024-04-16T13:13+0200repubblica (it)

Ora però la maggior parte degli scienziati concorda su una netta fase di indebolimento, dopo il picco raggiunto a dicembre e gennaio, e nelle prossime settimane si entrerà in una fase neutra. Poi, a partire da agosto circa, dovrebbe subentrare La Niña e ci si attende un generale abbassamento dellle....

La fine di El Niño ci darà un'estate meno calda? Se non succede abbiamo un problema

2024-04-16T12:52+0200repubblica-green-and-blue (it)

Ora però la maggior parte degli scienziati concorda su una netta fase di indebolimento, dopo il picco raggiunto a dicembre e gennaio, e nelle prossime settimane si entrerà in una fase neutra. Poi, a partire da agosto circa, dovrebbe subentrare La Niña e ci si attende un generale abbassamento dellle....

La fine di El Niño ci darà un'estate meno calda? Se non succede abbiamo un problema

2024-04-16T12:48+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Ora però la maggior parte degli scienziati concorda su una netta fase di indebolimento, dopo il picco raggiunto a dicembre e gennaio, e nelle prossime settimane si entrerà in una fase neutra. Poi, a partire da agosto circa, dovrebbe subentrare La Niña e ci si attende un generale abbassamento dellle....

La fine di El Niño ci darà un'estate meno calda? Se non succede abbiamo un problema

2024-04-16T12:45+0200lasentinella (it)

Ora però la maggior parte degli scienziati concorda su una netta fase di indebolimento, dopo il picco raggiunto a dicembre e gennaio, e nelle prossime settimane si entrerà in una fase neutra. Poi, a partire da agosto circa, dovrebbe subentrare La Niña e ci si attende un generale abbassamento dellle....

La fine di El Niño ci darà un'estate meno calda? Se non succede abbiamo un problema

2024-04-16T12:40+0200lastampa (it)

Ora però la maggior parte degli scienziati concorda su una netta fase di indebolimento, dopo il picco raggiunto a dicembre e gennaio, e nelle prossime settimane si entrerà in una fase neutra. Poi, a partire da agosto circa, dovrebbe subentrare La Niña e ci si attende un generale abbassamento dellle....

MIL-Evening Report: Water theft laws and penalties in the Murray-Darling Basin are a dog’s breakfast. Here’s how we can fix them

2024-04-16T12:39+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Adam James Loch, Associate Professor, University of Adelaide. Water is one of Australia ’s most valuable commodities. Rights to take water from our nation’s largest river system, the Murray-Darling Basin, are worth almost A$100 billion. These rights can be bought and sold or leased, with trade exceeding A$2 billion a year .

Water theft laws and penalties in the Murray-Darling Basin are a dog’s breakfast. Here’s how we can fix them

2024-04-16T11:30+0200johansen (en)

Date: 2024-04-16 09:29 Author: Adam James Loch, Associate Professor, University of Adelaide Original article: https://theconversation.com/water-theft-laws-and-penalties-in-the-murray-darling-basin-are-a-dogs-breakfast-heres-how-we-can-fix-them-227862 Water is one of Australia ’s most valuable commodities.

Water theft laws and penalties in the Murray-Darling Basin are a dog’s breakfast. Here’s how we can fix them

2024-04-16T11:28+0200nationaltribune (en)

Water is one of Australia ’s most valuable commodities. Rights to take water from our nation’s largest river system, the Murray-Darling Basin, are worth almost A$100 billion. These rights can be bought and sold or leased, with trade exceeding A$2 billion a year .

Pothos, come farlo arrampicare: trucchi infallibili

2024-04-16T10:20+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 16 aprile 2024) Se amate le piante da interno ma non avete il pollice verde, nessuna paura: alcune varietà tropicali sono davvero molto resistenti e possono sopportare persino periodi non troppo lunghi di siccità, l’ideale per chi è smemorato e non sempre si ricorda di bagnare i vasi.

Hollow Knight Silksong: rating del gioco anche in Australia

2024-04-16T10:20+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 16 aprile 2024) Non solo Corea: anche la “terra down under” analizza i contenuti di Hollow Knight Silksong , e oggi spunta il rating del gioco dall’ Australia Il canto della seta si sente anche dall’Oceania, nello specifico dall’ Australia : a porre fine alla siccità di informazioni su....

Cosa non perdere alla Biennale di Sydney

2024-04-16T10:11+0200247libero (it)

Non è facile comprendere l’ Australia , così come questa Biennale di Sydney . Il Paese è grande quanto l’Europa (che vanta 700 milioni di abitanti) ma è abitato da soli 26 milioni di individui addensati lungo le sue coste con alle spalle aree di deserto (in aumento) pari a sette volte la superficie italiana.

Le nuove sfide dell’extravergine italiano: l’accordo con la Spagna, i prezzi, i dazi, la mancanza di manodopera e i giovani

2024-04-15T16:30+0200cronachedigusto (it)

I cambiamenti climatici, ma anche la concorrenza internazionale e la competizione sui prezzi, i dazi che non facilitano l’armonizzazione dei mercati e la necessità di migliorare la visibilità e la riconoscibilità dell’olio di oliva sui diversi mercati.

Four Wild Ways to Save the Koala (That Just Might Work)

2024-04-15T06:07+0200nytimes (en)

It was spring in Queensland, Australia , a season when many wild animals find themselves in trouble, and the Currumbin Wildlife Hospital was a blur of fur and feathers. A groggy black swan emerged from the X-ray room, head swaying on its long neck. A flying fox wore a tiny anesthetic mask. An injured rainbow lorikeet squawked in its cage.

Almanacco di oggi, domenica 14 aprile: quella grandine da Guinness dei primati, un male sempre più inevitabile

2024-04-14T10:42+0200repubblica (it)

Accadde oggi. «C’è la grandine, le frane, la siccità, la malaria, e c’è lo Stato. Sono dei mali inevitabili, ci sono sempre stati e ci saranno sempre», scrive Carlo Levi in Cristo si è fermato a Eboli . I chicchi che piovono dal cielo sono i responsabili del peggior disastro naturale — in termini assicurativi — della storia dell’ Australia .

Almanacco di oggi, domenica 14 aprile: quella grandine da Guinness dei primati, un male sempre più inevitabile

2024-04-14T07:59+0200247libero (it)

Accadde oggi. «C’è la grandine, le frane, la siccità, la malaria, e c’è lo Stato. Sono dei mali inevitabili, ci sono sempre stati e ci saranno sempre», scrive Carlo Levi in Cristo si è fermato a Eboli . I chicchi che piovono dal cielo sono i responsabili del peggior disastro naturale — in termini assicurativi — della storia dell’ Australia .

Honoring Earth Month – Why Saving Old Grape Vines Is So Important

2024-04-12T13:03+0200forbes (en)

HIstoric Vineyard in Lodi, California - the 120 year old LIzzie James Vineyard Caparoso. You have probably heard of saving the redwood trees or old growth forests, but not many people have heard of preserving old grape vines. However, there are now a growing number of wine professionals that are....

Sopoaga scolds Australia and fossil fuel industry

2024-04-12T04:03+0200pina (en)

A former Tuvalu Prime Minister scolded the Australia n Government and its fossil fuel industry at a recent climate integrity summit in Canberra. Enele Sopoaga, Tuvalu’s Prime Minister from 2013-2019, was keynote speaker at the Canberra conference last month.

Drought Resilience Planning For Western Riverina

2024-04-12T03:28+0200nationaltribune (en)

The Australia n Government and NSW Government have awarded Griffith City, Leeton Shire, Murrumbidgee and Narrandera Shire Council with $560,000 to deliver and implement a Regional Drought Resilience Plan through the Future Drought Fund. The four councils have formed the Western Riverina Consortium,....

Drought Resilience Planning For Western Riverina

2024-04-12T03:27+0200miragenews (en)

The Australia n Government and NSW Government have awarded Griffith City, Leeton Shire, Murrumbidgee and Narrandera Shire Council with $560,000 to deliver and implement a Regional Drought Resilience Plan through the Future Drought Fund. The four councils have formed the Western Riverina Consortium,....

World Vision

2024-04-11T11:47+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

Según un informe de World Vision, los precios han seguido subiendo en los países más pobres, especialmente en los afectados por conflictos, fenómenos climáticos y desplazamientos forzosos. El análisis a partir de septiembre de 2023 muestra que una cesta de alimentos que costaría 1,5 horas de trabajo....

La crisis climática le cuesta más de 80.000 millones de euros a Alemania

2024-04-11T00:48+0200noticiasambientales (es)

La crisis climática le costó a Alemania más de 80.000 millones de euros (81.060 millones de dólares), en daños causados por el clima extremo , según un estudio elaborado por la consultora suiza Prognos por encargo del Ministerio de Economía y Protección del Clima.

Il mese di marzo 2024 è il 10° mese consecutivo più caldo mai registrato | L’analisi

2024-04-10T10:08+0200ripartelitalia (it)

Marzo 2024 è stato più caldo a livello globale rispetto a qualsiasi altro marzo mai registrato, con una temperatura media dell’aria superficiale di 14,14 gradi Celsius, 0,73 gradi al di sopra della media del periodo 1991-2020 per marzo e 0,10 gradi oltre il precedente massimo stabilito a marzo 2016.

Migliaia di anguille sono state trovate morte in Nuova Zalanda

2024-04-09T19:07+0200tecnoandroid (it)

Purtroppo questo fenomeno non si è verificato solo una volta perché c’è stato un altro massacro di anguille adulte in un altro fiume . Precisamente si è verificato dall’altra parte del paese a solo un mese da questa parte . Ancora non si sanno le motivazioni legate alla morte della specie elvers, ma....

I futures CBOT sul grano e sulla soia sono in calo in vista dei rapporti governativi e dei dati sui raccolti.

2024-04-09T19:00+0200marketscreener (it)

* Il grano è frenato dalla valutazione dei raccolti statunitensi, che sono stabili. * Le possibilità di un miglioramento del clima nei campi limitano i prezzi dei cereali. * Stime sul grano russo superiori alle aspettative. * Gli investitori aggiustano le posizioni prima dei dati sui raccolti e sull'economia.

March 2024 warmest ever, 12-month average temperature reaches new record

2024-04-09T18:24+0200expressindia (en)

“The global average temperature for the past 12 months (April 2023-March 2024) is the highest recorded, at 0.70 degrees Celsius above the 1991-2020 average and 1.58 degrees Celsius above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average,” the climate agency said. C3S said the global average temperature breached the 1.

March 2024 warmest ever, 12-month average temperature reaches new record

2024-04-09T15:50+0200devdiscourse (en)

The world experienced the warmest March ever due to a combined effect of El Nino and human-caused climate change, making it the 10th consecutive month since June last year to set a new temperature record, the European Union's climate agency said on Tuesday. The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said the average temperature of 14.

March 2024 Warmest Ever, 12-Month Average Temperature Reaches New Record

2024-04-09T15:36+0200ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: The world experienced the warmest March ever due to a combined effect of El Nino conditions and human caused climate change, making it the 10th consecutive month since June last year to set a new temperature record, the European Union's climate agency said today.

Andrew Bolt brands professor a ‘hypocrite’ after being accused of spreading climate ‘misinformation’

2024-04-09T13:33+0200qt (en)

Andrew Bolt has branded Professor Nicholas Talley a “hypocrite” after the gastroenterologist called out Sky News Australia over comments on global warming. Almost two years ago, the professor tweeted out an article from The Guardian and claimed Sky News Australia is a “global hub for climate misinformation”.

March 2024 Warmest Ever, 12-month Average Temperature Reaches New Record

2024-04-09T12:42+0200latestly (en)

New Delhi, April 9: The world experienced the warmest March ever due to a combined effect of El Nino conditions and human caused climate change, making it the 10th consecutive month since June last year to set a new temperature record, the European Union's climate agency said on Tuesday.

March 2024 warmest ever, 12-month average temperature reaches new record

2024-04-09T12:26+0200HindustanTimes (en)

It was 0.73 degrees Celsius above the 1991-2020 average for March and 0.10 degrees Celsius above the previous high set in March 2016. "The global average temperature for the past 12 months is the highest recorded, at 0.70 degrees Celsius above the 1991-2020 average and 1.

Flash Droughts Are Becoming More Common In Australia. What's Causing Them?

2024-04-09T05:01+0200wn (en)

(MENAFN - The Conversation) Flash droughts strike suddenly and intensify rapidly. Often the affected areas are in drought after just weeks or a couple of months of well-below-average rainfall. They ... ......

Flash droughts are becoming more common in Australia. What’s causing them?

2024-04-09T03:42+0200johansen (en)

Date: 2024-04-09 01:29 Author: Rss error reading . Original article: https://theconversation.com/flash-droughts-are-becoming-more-common-in-australia-whats-causing-them-227052 strike suddenly and intensify rapidly. Often the affected areas are in drought after just weeks or a couple of months of well-below-average rainfall.

MIL-Evening Report: Flash droughts are becoming more common in Australia. What’s causing them?

2024-04-09T03:38+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

strike suddenly and intensify rapidly. Often the affected areas are in drought after just weeks or a couple of months of well-below-average rainfall. They happen worldwide and are becoming more common , including in Australia , due to global warming. Flash droughts can occur anywhere and at any time of the year.

Flash droughts are becoming more common in Australia. What’s causing them?

2024-04-09T03:11+0200nationaltribune (en)

Flash droughts can occur anywhere and at any time of the year. Last year, a flash drought hit the Upper Hunter region of New South Wales, roughly 300 kilometres north-west of Sydney. These sudden droughts can have devastating economic, social and environmental impacts.

Cambiamenti climatici: il 90% delle nostre zone vinicole potrebbe sparire entro la fine del secolo

2024-04-08T18:32+0200iconaclima (it)

Foto di Matthias Böckel da Pixabay. “In questa recensione discutiamo le conseguenze dei cambiamenti di temperatura, precipitazioni, umidità, radiazioni e CO2 sulla produzione globale di vino ed esploriamo le strategie di adattamento . Le attuali regioni vinicole si trovano principalmente alle medie....

Climate, Vol. 12, Pages 49: Machine Learning Identification of Attributes and Predictors for a Flash Drought in Eastern Australia

2024-04-08T16:52+0200mdpi (en)

Flash droughts (FDs) are natural disasters that strike suddenly and intensify quickly. They occur almost anywhere, anytime of the year, and can have severe socio-economic, health and environmental impacts. This study focuses on a recent FD that began in the cool season of the Upper Hunter region of....

Dopo lo studio di Nature sui cambiamenti climatici arrivano le prime rassicurazioni: “Tranquilli fino alla fine del secolo”

2024-04-08T11:38+0200cronachedigusto (it)

La mappa dell’evoluzione dei vigneti nel mondo a causa del cambiamento climatico, pubblicata da Nature, ha allarmato e non poco il mondo del vino. Lo studio mostra come solo in Italia sia a rischio scomparsa il 90% delle zone vocate alla produzione di vino in pianura e nelle zone costiere Dalla Francia arrivano, però, le prime rassicurazioni .

¡Fuego en la montaña!

2024-04-08T05:05+0200diariolibre (es)

Arde Valle Nuevo , el parque Juan Pérez Rancier y su altiplano, el maravilloso conjunto de montañas y valles que conforman uno de los dos "grandes conglomerados de la Cordillera Central", como lo clasificó el historiador Frank Moya Pons. Otra vez reciben el embate de un fuego forestal devastador.

Desperate Nations May Unilaterally Begin Hacking The Global Climate

2024-04-07T15:56+0200sciencealert (en)

The historic Paris climate agreement started a mantra from developing countries: " 1.5 to stay alive ." It refers to the international aim to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) compared with preindustrial times. But the world will likely pass that threshold within a....

Scientists Reveal What a Future 'Mega-Drought' in Australia Would Look Like

2024-04-06T12:56+0200sciencealert (en)

Droughts can have dramatic effects in Australia – decimating agriculture, threatening water resources and devastating the environment. Much of Australia is drought-prone, and the risk is expected to increase as global warming continues. That's why it's important for Australia to be prepared for droughts, particularly those lasting multiple years.

Climate engineering carries serious national security risks — countries facing extreme heat may try it anyway, and the world needs to be prepared

2024-04-06T07:20+0200downtoearth (en)

The historic Paris climate agreement started a mantra from developing countries: “ 1.5 to stay alive .” It refers to the international aim to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) compared with preindustrial times. But the world will lgeikely pass that threshold within a....

Climate engineering carries serious national security risks

2024-04-05T22:34+0200finance-commerce (en)

The historic Paris climate agreement started a mantra from developing countries: “1.5 to stay alive.” It refers to the international aim to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) compared with preindustrial times. But the world will likely pass that threshold within a decade,....

Megadroughts Could Hit Australia and Last for Over 20 Years, Resulting in Future Rainfall Declines [Study]

2024-04-05T17:38+0200natureworldnews (en)

Megadroughts are defined as extremely long-lasting drought events covering a large area that can last for years or even decades. In human history, previously recorded megadroughts have caused widespread ecological, environmental, and societal impacts. Amid extreme dry conditions and warmer....

Vegetation greenness in 2023

2024-04-05T05:55+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

2023 global vegetation greenness was the third highest observed in satellite records, following 2020 and 2021. While the greening trend continued into 2023, shorter-term variability modulates the long-term greening pace. Multiple extreme climatic events, in tandem with an El Niño event, markedly....

Australia should prepare for 20-year megadroughts as the climate crisis worsens, study finds

2024-04-05T03:26+0200guardian (en)

Australia should prepare for “megadroughts” that last more than 20 years and will worsen due to human-induced global heating, new research has found. Megadroughts are exceptionally severe periods of below average rainfall that last decades. Climate modelling by the Australian National University,....

The global climate engineering race has begun. But there are more questions than answers

2024-04-05T00:24+0200fastcompany (en)

The massive problem of climate change. To understand what climate engineering might look like in the future, let’s first talk about why a country might want to try it. Since the industrial revolution, humans have put about 1.74 trillion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, largely by burning fossil fuels.

Mandorle, le stime internazionali

2024-04-04T19:40+0200myfruit (it)

Il report dell’ INC su Nutfruit Magazine , il maggiore organo di diffusione dei dati sulla frutta a guscio a livello internazionale, a marzo ha presentato gli aggiustamenti delle stime produttive per la campagna 2024. Ecco il punto sulle mandorle dai principali paesi produttori. Stati Uniti.

Climate Engineering Carries Serious National Security Risks − Countries Facing Extreme Heat May Try It Anyway, And The World Needs To Be Prepared

2024-04-04T19:05+0200menafn (en)

- The Conversation) The historic Paris climate agreement started a mantra from developing countries:“1.5 to stay alive .” It refers to the international aim to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) compared with preindustrial times.

Vino e cambiamento climatico: fino al 70% delle regioni vinicole fuorigioco

2024-04-04T18:54+0200green (it)

Chi avrebbe mai potuto prevedere che sarebbe arrivato il momento in cui gli inglesi, al di là della Manica, avrebbero sfidato italiani e francesi sulla produzione del vino ? Il rapporto complesso tra vino e cambiamento climatico fa sembrare questa situazione sempre più probabile.

Corsa inarrestabile: cacao e caffè ancora in rally

2024-04-04T18:13+0200business24tv (it)

I prezzi del cacao e del caffè continuano a salire e, come l’oro, ad infrangere record sempre più alti. Aspettative alte sulla domanda e soprattutto condizioni climatiche avverse per la coltivazione, hanno portato i contratti a rivedere nuovamente i massimi storici. In particolare il cacao, sempre più vicino alla soglia stabile dei 10.

Climate engineering carries serious national security risks − countries facing extreme heat may try it anyway, and the world needs to be prepared

2024-04-04T15:39+0200johansen (en)

Date: 2024-04-04 13:29 Author: Ben Kravitz, Assistant Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Indiana University Original article: https://theconversation.com/climate-engineering-carries-serious-national-security-risks-countries-facing-extreme-heat-may-try-it-anyway-and-the-world-needs-to-be-pre....

MIL-OSI Global: Climate engineering carries serious national security risks − countries facing extreme heat may try it anyway, and the world needs to be prepared

2024-04-04T15:20+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

The historic Paris climate agreement started a mantra from developing countries: “ 1.5 to stay alive .” It refers to the international aim to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) compared with preindustrial times. But the world will likely pass that threshold within a....

Climate engineering carries serious national security risks − countries facing extreme heat may try it anyway, and the world needs to be prepared

2024-04-04T15:09+0200sfgate (en)

(THE CONVERSATION) The historic Paris climate agreement started a mantra from developing countries: “ 1.5 to stay alive .” It refers to the international aim to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) compared with preindustrial times.

Climate engineering carries serious national security risks − countries facing extreme heat may try it anyway, and the world needs to be prepared Ben Kravitz, Indiana University and Tyler Felgenhauer, Duke University

2024-04-04T14:57+0200theconversation-us (en)

Disclosure statement. Ben Kravitz receives funding relevant to this work from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Science Foundation. Tyler Felgenhauer receives funding relevant to this work from the National Science Foundation and from Resources for the Future.

Australia on track for unprecedented decades-long megadroughts, finds modeling study

2024-04-04T09:58+0200phys (en)

The researchers' bleak findings are before factoring in human impact on the climate since the Industrial Revolution. The ANU-led team also found that 20th century droughts in southwestern and eastern Australia , including the Murray-Darling Basin, were longer on average compared to pre-industrial times.

Migliaia di cavalli uccisi da cecchini in elicottero: "Lo facciamo per proteggere l'ambiente"

2024-04-04T07:05+0200citynews (it)

Uccidere cavalli selvaggi. A colpi d'arma da fuoco. Esplosi da cecchini in elicottero. Non è un b-movie d'azione, bensì quanto sta per succedere al parco nazionale Kosciuszko, in Australia . Il programma, congelato da circa 20 anni, mira a ridurre la popolazione di cavalli selvatici o "brumbies" che abitano la zona fino a quota 3.

Migliaia di cavalli uccisi da cecchini in elicottero: "Lo facciamo per proteggere l'ambiente"

2024-04-04T07:01+0200europa-today (it)

Uccidere cavalli selvaggi. A colpi d'arma da fuoco. Esplosi da cecchini in elicottero. Non è un b-movie d'azione, bensì quanto sta per succedere al parco nazionale Kosciuszko, in Australia . Il programma, congelato da circa 20 anni, mira a ridurre la popolazione di cavalli selvatici o "brumbies" che abitano la zona fino a quota 3.

Australia could soon face a 20-year-long ‘mega-drought’ that sends food prices through the roof

2024-04-04T06:15+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Megadroughts lasting more than two decades and more severe than any recent experience could soon hit Australia , according to new climate models. Droughts are exceptionally severe, long-lasting and widespread and can last decades or even centuries, say researchers from the Australian National....

Australia could soon face a 20-year-long 'mega-drought' that sends food prices through the roof

2024-04-04T02:55+0200dailymail (en)

Mega-droughts that last more than two decades and are more severe than anything in recent experience could soon hit Australia , according to fresh climate modelling. The droughts are exceptionally severe, long-lasting and widespread and can last decades or even centuries, researchers at the....

The climate revolution - problems in all corners of the planet

2024-04-03T23:21+0200bursa (en)

Climate change, with all its array of problems, is making its presence felt in all corners of this world. New information on this topic appears weekly. Germany recorded its warmest March since records began in 1881, according to preliminary data published by the German Weather Service (DWD).

Anche il vino cambia con il cambiamento climatico

2024-04-03T19:55+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Van Leeuwen e colleghi hanno scelto le pagine di Nature Reviews Earth & Environment per lanciare l'ennesimo appello sul precario futuro dell'industria vinicola sotto scacco dei cambiamenti climatici. Questo nuovo lavoro punta non solo a riassumere i possibili scenari che ci attendono con l'aumento....

Intense fire season in Mexico is part of a worldwide trend

2024-04-03T18:06+0200earth (en)

Today’s Image of the Day from NASA Earth Observatory features smoke streaming from a fire near the border of Oaxaca and Chiapas in southern Mexico. “As Mexico entered peak fire season in March 2024, dry and warm conditions helped fuel the flames of more than 100 active blazes across the country,” said NASA.

Anche il vino cambia con il cambiamento climatico

2024-04-03T15:26+0200repubblica-green-and-blue (it)

Van Leeuwen e colleghi hanno scelto le pagine di Nature Reviews Earth & Environment per lanciare l'ennesimo appello sul precario futuro dell'industria vinicola sotto scacco dei cambiamenti climatici. Questo nuovo lavoro punta non solo a riassumere i possibili scenari che ci attendono con l'aumento....

Anche il vino cambia con il cambiamento climatico

2024-04-03T15:08+0200lasentinella (it)

Van Leeuwen e colleghi hanno scelto le pagine di Nature Reviews Earth & Environment per lanciare l'ennesimo appello sul precario futuro dell'industria vinicola sotto scacco dei cambiamenti climatici. Questo nuovo lavoro punta non solo a riassumere i possibili scenari che ci attendono con l'aumento....

Anche il vino cambia con il cambiamento climatico

2024-04-03T15:03+0200lastampa (it)

Van Leeuwen e colleghi hanno scelto le pagine di Nature Reviews Earth & Environment per lanciare l'ennesimo appello sul precario futuro dell'industria vinicola sotto scacco dei cambiamenti climatici. Questo nuovo lavoro punta non solo a riassumere i possibili scenari che ci attendono con l'aumento....

Contro la siccità, consigli per raccogliere l’acqua piovana

2024-04-03T14:56+0200repubblica (it)

Se sapessimo che dal cielo sta per piovere oro, ci daremmo da fare per coprire di secchi i nostri tetti. Eppure nei Paesi industrializzati snobbiamo la raccolta e il riuso dell’acqua piovana, che si avvia a essere l’oro blu del futuro. Oggi nei Paesi poveri, e in aree siccitose di Paesi ricchi come....

L’Australia sta andando verso mega-siccità che dureranno 20 anni

2024-04-03T14:48+0200greenreport (it)

Secondo lo studio “Potential for historically unprecedented Australia n droughts from natural variability and climate change”, pubblicato su Hydrology and Earth System Sciences da un team di ricercatori guidato dell’Australian National University (ANU) e dall’ARC Center of Excellence for Climate....

Australia on track for unprecedented decades-long megadroughts, finds modeling study

2024-04-03T12:29+0200smartwatermagazine (en)

ANU is a world-leading university in Australia ’s capital. Excellence is embedded in our approach to research and education. Australia could soon see megadroughts that last for more than 20 years , according to new modeling from The Australian National University (ANU) and the ARC Center of Excellence for Climate Extremes.

Australia may need to brace for megadroughts lasting over 20 years

2024-04-03T12:17+0200openaccessgovernment (en)

According to research from the Australia n National University (ANU) and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, Australia faces the alarming threat of megadroughts that last more than two decades. The study by Dr Georgy Falster from the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences shows What are....

Scorched Earth: Australia on Track for Unprecedented, 20-Year-Long Megadroughts

2024-04-03T12:06+0200scitechdaily (en)

New modeling predicts Australia may experience megadroughts lasting 20 years or more, exacerbated by climate change, posing severe risks to the environment and agriculture. Australia could soon see megadroughts that last for more than 20 years, according to new modeling from The Australian National....

Xi Jinping Explains “Without Switching Shoulders” Meme in Xinhua Report

2024-04-03T10:29+0200chinadigitaltimes (en)

Explaining a meme often takes the wind out of a joke’s sails. Not so in this case. A recent Xi Jinping quote published by Xinhua, China’s official state news agency, has breathed new life into a long-running meme mocking the General Secretary’s braggadocio.

Scientists warn Australians to prepare for megadroughts that last more than 20 years

2024-04-03T08:12+0200abc-au (en)

In short: New research shows megadroughts lasting up to 20 years or more have occurred in Australia in the past and could happen again. Climate change could make these future droughts more severe and longer-lasting. What's next? Farmers are advised to put plans in place ahead of drought to reduce the impacts.

Australia on track for decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-03T07:30+0200thenewdaily-au (en)

Megadroughts that last more than two decades and are more severe than anything in recent experience could soon hit Australia , according to fresh climate modelling. The droughts are exceptionally severe, long-lasting and widespread and can last decades or even centuries, researchers at the Australian....

Australian on track for decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-03T06:03+0200maitlandmercury (en)

Megadroughts that last more than two decades and are more severe than anything in recent experience could soon hit Australia , according to fresh climate modelling. The ANU-led team found 20th century droughts in south-western and eastern Australia were longer on average compared to those in pre-industrial times.

Australian on track for decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-03T06:02+0200westernadvocate (en)

Megadroughts that last more than two decades and are more severe than anything in recent experience could soon hit Australia , according to fresh climate modelling. The ANU-led team found 20th century droughts in south-western and eastern Australia were longer on average compared to those in pre-industrial times.

Australian on track for decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-03T05:58+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

Megadroughts that last more than two decades and are more severe than anything in recent experience could soon hit Australia , according to fresh climate modelling. The ANU-led team found 20th century droughts in south-western and eastern Australia were longer on average compared to those in pre-industrial times.

Australian on track for decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-03T05:56+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

Megadroughts that last more than two decades and are more severe than anything in recent experience could soon hit Australia , according to fresh climate modelling. The ANU-led team found 20th century droughts in south-western and eastern Australia were longer on average compared to those in pre-industrial times.

Australian on track for decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-03T05:53+0200newcastleherald (en)

Megadroughts that last more than two decades and are more severe than anything in recent experience could soon hit Australia , according to fresh climate modelling. The ANU-led team found 20th century droughts in south-western and eastern Australia were longer on average compared to those in pre-industrial times.

Australia on track for unprecedented, decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-03T04:32+0200sciencedaily (en)

The researchers' bleak findings are before factoring in human impact on the climate since the Industrial Revolution. The ANU-led team also found that 20th century droughts in southwestern and eastern Australia , including the Murray-Darling Basin, were longer on average compared to pre-industrial times.

A 20-Year 'Mega-Drought' In Australia? Research Suggests It's Happened Before And We Should Expect It Again #20-Year #'Mega-Drought' #Australia? #Research #Suggests #It's #Happened #Expect #Food #Flowers #Storm #Climate #Change #Earthquake

2024-04-03T01:22+0200menafn (en)

- The Conversation) Droughts can have dramatic effects in Australia – decimating agriculture, threatening water resources and devastating the environment. Much of Australia is drought-prone, and the risk is expected to increase as global warming continues.

Australia on track for unprecedented, decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-03T00:40+0200nationaltribune (en)

Australia could soon see megadroughts that last for more than 20 years, according to new modelling from The Australian National University (ANU) and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes. The researchers’ bleak findings are before factoring in human impact on the climate since the Industrial Revolution.

Australia Braces for Record-Setting, Decades-Long Megadroughts

2024-04-03T00:40+0200miragenews (en)

Australia could soon see megadroughts that last for more than 20 years, according to new modelling from The Australian National University (ANU) and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes. The researchers' bleak findings are before factoring in human impact on the climate since the Industrial Revolution.

Australia’s Soil Shifts from Carbon Sink Emissions to Source Amidst Warming Trends

2024-04-02T23:51+0200natureworldnews (en)

Imagine a continent known for its vast Outback plains and vibrant ecosystems. Now, picture this: the very ground beneath your feet transforming from a natural carbon absorber into a potential emitter. This isn't science fiction; it's the alarming prediction facing Australia 's soil health due to a warming climate.

Scientific modelling shows Australian megadroughts will worsen

2024-04-02T22:31+0200themandarin (en)

Modelling by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes has forecast a bleak and worrying outlook for the future droughts Australia that will endure. The study, published on Tuesday, warns of “exceptionally severe, long-lasting and widespread” megadroughts spanning more than 20 years, and with exacerbated impact due to climate change.

MIL-Evening Report: A 20-year ‘mega-drought’ in Australia? Research suggests it’s happened before – and we should expect it again

2024-04-02T21:53+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Georgina Falster, Postdoctoral Fellow, Australia n National University. Droughts can have dramatic effects in Australia – decimating agriculture, threatening water resources and devastating the environment. Much of Australia is drought-prone, and the risk is expected to increase as global warming continues.

A 20-year ‘mega-drought’ in Australia? Research suggests it’s happened before – and we should expect it again

2024-04-02T21:39+0200johansen (en)

Date: 2024-04-02 19:29 Author: Georgina Falster, Postdoctoral Fellow, Australia n National University Original article: https://theconversation.com/a-20-year-mega-drought-in-australia-research-suggests-its-happened-before-and-we-should-expect-it-again-223356 Droughts can have dramatic effects in....

A 20-year ‘mega-drought’ in Australia? Research suggests it’s happened before – and we should expect it again

2024-04-02T21:17+0200nationaltribune (en)

comes in. We examined computer simulations of Earth’s climate over the past 1,150 years. Worryingly, we found that given enough time, natural variability in Australia n rainfall can produce “mega-droughts” lasting 20 years or more. If we add in human-caused climate change, it suggests future droughts will be far worse than we imagined.

Una mappa per capire come il cambiamento climatico impatterà sulle regioni vinicole del mondo

2024-04-02T16:37+0200themapreport (it)

dal titolo Climate change impacts and adaptations of wine production, recentemente pubblicato su Nature Reviews Earth and Environment da un gruppo di ricercatori di Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE), Bordeaux Sciences Agro, CNRS, Université....

Australia could see decades-long ‘megadroughts’, scientists warn

2024-04-02T14:40+0200independent-UK (en)

could face “megadroughts” lasting for more than 20 years in the future, a new study has warned. The latest study painted a worrying picture of future droughts in Australia that researchers say could be far worse than anything in recent experience. Megadroughts are exceptionally severe,....

L’Australia è sulla buona strada per una mega-siccità che dureranno 20 anni

2024-04-02T13:12+0200meteoweb (it)

L’ Australia potrebbe presto sperimentare periodi di mega-siccità che dureranno per più di 20 anni. Sono i risultati di un nuovo studio dell’Australian National University (ANU) e dell’ARC Center of Excellence for Climate Extremes. Le sconfortanti scoperte dei ricercatori tengono conto dell’impatto....

L'Australia è sulla buona strada per una mega-siccità

2024-04-02T12:43+0200agi (it)

AGI - L' Australia potrebbe presto sperimentare periodi di mega-siccità che dureranno per più di 20 anni. Sono i risultati di un nuovo studio dell'Australian National University (ANU) e dell'ARC Center of Excellence for Climate Extremes. Le sconfortanti scoperte dei ricercatori tengono conto dell....

Study warns Australia of potential decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-02T12:32+0200menafn (en)

) A recent study conducted by researchers from the Australia n National University (ANU) has raised alarm about the potential emergence of megadroughts lasting for decades in Australia. Utilizing multiple climate models to analyze historical drought patterns in Australia from the years 850 to 2000,....

Research warns Australia faces decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-02T12:22+0200cgtn (en)

Australia could soon face megadroughts that last for decades, a research warns. In the study, researchers from the Australian National University (ANU) used multiple climate models to simulate droughts that occurred in Australia between the years 850 and 2000 to determine how they might change in the future.

Research warns Australia facing decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-02T10:45+0200azertag (en)

Baku, April 2, AZERTAC Australia could soon face megadroughts that last for decades, a research has warned, according to Xinhua. In a new study, researchers from the Australian National University (ANU) used multiple climate models to simulate droughts that occurred in Australia between the years....

Research warns Australia facing decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-02T09:16+0200english-news-cn (en)

CANBERRA, April 2 (Xinhua) -- Australia could soon face megadroughts that last for decades, a research has warned. In a new study, researchers from the Australian National University (ANU) used multiple climate models to simulate droughts that occurred in Australia between the years 850 and 2000 to determine how they might change in the future.

Research warns Australia facing decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-02T09:12+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

CANBERRA, April 2 (Xinhua) -- Australia could soon face megadroughts that last for decades, a research has warned. In a new study, researchers from the Australian National University (ANU) used multiple climate models to simulate droughts that occurred in Australia between the years 850 and 2000 to determine how they might change in the future.

Research warns Australia facing decades-long megadroughts

2024-04-02T08:17+0200china.org.cn (en)

CANBERRA, April 2 (Xinhua) -- Australia could soon face megadroughts that last for decades, a research has warned. In a new study, researchers from the Australian National University (ANU) used multiple climate models to simulate droughts that occurred in Australia between the years 850 and 2000 to determine how they might change in the future.

1-Apr-2024 Australia on track for unprecedented, decades-long megadroughts Australian National University Peer-Reviewed Publication Australia could soon see megadroughts that last for more than 20 years, according to new modelling from The Australian National University (ANU) and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes.

2024-04-02T01:33+0200eurekalert (en)

Australia could soon see megadroughts that last for more than 20 years, according to new modelling from The Australian National University (ANU) and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes. The researchers’ bleak findings are before factoring in human impact on the climate since the Industrial Revolution.

Australia Braces for Decades-Long Megadroughts Unseen Before

2024-04-02T01:26+0200miragenews (en)

Australia could soon see megadroughts that last for more than 20 years, according to new modelling from The Australian National University (ANU) and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes. The researchers' bleak findings are before factoring in human impact on the climate since the Industrial Revolution.

Cheaper Bills And Healthy Water Supply For Melbourne

2024-04-01T02:29+0200miragenews (en)

Following four consecutive years of above-average rainfall, Melbourne's water supply for the year ahead remains secure - with water storage levels currently at a healthy 91 per cent. Following independent technical advice from Melbourne Water - based on storage levels, projected weather patterns,....

Cheaper Bills And Healthy Water Supply For Melbourne

2024-04-01T02:28+0200nationaltribune (en)

Following four consecutive years of above-average rainfall, Melbourne’s water supply for the year ahead remains secure – with water storage levels currently at a healthy 91 per cent. Following independent technical advice from Melbourne Water – based on storage levels, projected weather patterns,....

Vino: i Paesi vinti e vincitori con i cambiamenti climatici

2024-04-01T02:22+0200regionieambiente (it)

Basandosi sulla propria esperienza e su un’analisi approfondita della letteratura scientifica di oltre 250 pubblicazioni negli ultimi 20 anni, un gruppo di ricercatori di varie università e istituti di Francia ha definito una mappa globale degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici sulla produzione del....

La mappa di come il cambiamento climatico sta cambiando le regioni vinicole

2024-03-29T12:55+0100greenreport (it)

Con +2° C, il 90% delle aree vitivinicole costiere e pianeggianti di Spagna, Italia, Grecia e California non produrrà più vino di qualità economicamente sostenibile. [29 Marzo 2024] Lo “Climate change impacts and adaptations of wine production”, pubblicato su Nature Reviews Earth and Environment da....

AUSTRALIA Anche l’ornitorinco invecchia

2024-03-29T09:25+0100rivistanatura (it)

Era il lontano novembre del 2000 quando Geoff Williams , biologo dell’ Australia n Platypus Conservancy , durante un censimento, trovò un ornitorinco maschio Ornithorhynchus anatinus ) di soli 12 mesi. Ben 24 anni dopo certamente non si aspettava di rivedere il buffo e bizzarro animale.

Designing water markets for climate change adaptation

2024-03-29T04:14+0100nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Markets that manage groundwater may remedy existing external costs from groundwater extraction and serve as a tool to mitigate the costs of climate change. In the absence of well-defined property rights, groundwater users do not internalize the costs their behaviour imposes on others.

El biólogo que lleva 30 años estudiando Doñana: "Era inevitable que la UNESCO se planteara meter el parque en la lista negra"

2024-03-29T00:40+0100elindependiente (es)

28 años son muchos. Y si no que se lo digan al biólogo Javier Bustamante, que lleva desde 1996 estudiando uno de los mayores tesoros de España: el Parque Nacional de Doñana. Tristemente, en los últimos años el lugar ha sido noticia por su pésimo estado de conservación, que llevó incluso a algunas voces a poner en duda su viabilidad a largo plazo.

Puede bajar producción de vino en zonas de Europa y mejorar en otras

2024-03-28T18:32+0100lagazzettadf (es)

Londres, 27 mar (Prensa Latina) Las uvas para elaborar vino son sensibles a las altas temperaturas, condiciones que aumentarán en el futuro y afectarán la producción de la bebida en el sur de Europa, pero beneficiaría a otras latitudes trascendió hoy. Según un estudio publicado en la revista Nature....

Cambiamento climatico: a fine secolo a rischio oltre il 70% delle zone di produzione del vino

2024-03-28T12:11+0100winenews (it)

Che il cambiamento climatico stia impattando sempre di più, ogni anno, anche sulla viticoltura e sulla produzione di vino, è un dato di fatto. E numerosi sono gli studi che prevedono che anche le aree dove in un prossimo futuro di produrrà vino, cambieranno, e saranno diverse da quelle di oggi:....

La crisi del clima minaccia di far scomparire il vostro vino preferito

2024-03-28T06:58+0100247libero (it)

le caratteristiche dei singoli vini stanno cambiando. Secondo un nuovo studio , nel caso in cui il mondo superasse i 2 gradi di riscaldamento rispetto all'età preindustriale (la soglia fissata dall'accordo di Parigi sul clima ) fino al 70% delle regioni vinicole rischia di non essere più idoneo alla produzione di vino.

Vino, la crisi del clima minaccia di farlo scomparire

2024-03-28T06:55+0100wired-it (it)

le caratteristiche dei singoli vini stanno cambiando. Secondo un nuovo studio , nel caso in cui il mondo superasse i 2 gradi di riscaldamento rispetto all'età preindustriale (la soglia fissata dall'accordo di Parigi sul clima ) fino al 70% delle regioni vinicole rischia di non essere più idoneo alla produzione di vino.

Rain, rain go away

2024-03-28T00:25+0100intellinews (en)

The hotter the world gets, the more water the air can hold and the more it will rain. Last year’s disaster season saw catastrophic floods around the world caused by record levels of rainfall. After putting in the hottest year on record, this year is going to be the worst, with sea temperatures....

Albanese Govt. Rolls Out New National Water Agreement

2024-03-27T23:19+0100miragenews (en)

The Albanese Labor Government is today announcing the Government will deliver an updated National Water Initiative to better prepare Australia for drought. The agreement between all Australian governments, originally signed 20 years ago, helped drive sustainable water management practices across the....

Albanese Government to deliver new National Water Agreement

2024-03-27T23:19+0100nationaltribune (en)

The Albanese Labor Government is today announcing the Government will deliver an updated National Water Initiative to better prepare Australia for drought. The agreement between all Australian governments, originally signed 20 years ago, helped drive sustainable water management practices across the....

Better climate science, greater First Nations participation flagged in national water policy overhaul

2024-03-27T21:02+0100abc-au (en)

In short: Public consolation is open on the direction of Australia 's overarching water policy, the National Water Initiative. Australia's existing water policies are unfit for the challenges posed by climate change, according to the Productivity Commission.

El cambio climático hará que el suelo de Australia emita CO2 y empeore las cosas

2024-03-27T16:53+0100ecoportal (es)

Investigaciones recientes advierten que el cambio climático podría convertir el suelo de Australia , actualmente un sumidero de carbono, en una fuente emisora de CO2. Esto se debe a la interacción entre el aumento de la temperatura y la sequía, que afecta la descomposición de la materia orgánica en el suelo.

Producción de vino puede bajar en zonas de Europa y mejorar en otras

2024-03-27T16:48+0100prensa-latina (es)

Según un estudio publicado en la revista Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, aproximadamente el 90 por ciento de regiones costeras y baja altitud del sur de Europa ya no podrán producir buen vino en condiciones sostenibles a fin de siglo si el calentamiento global supera los dos grados Celsius (°C).

Problemas para producir buen vino en el sur de Europa a fin de siglo

2024-03-27T13:28+0100portaldelcampo (es)

Un 90% de regiones costeras y baja altitud del sur de Europa y California ya no podrán producir buen vino en condiciones sostenibles a fin de siglo si el calentamiento global supera los +2°C. Sin embargo, otras regiones podrían beneficiarse: el potencial de crecimiento podría aumentar en áreas como....

Apocalíptico panorama en regiones de Europa y California: adiós al buen vino

2024-03-27T12:09+0100mdzol (es)

Son las principales conclusiones de una nueva investigación científica sobre las tendencias futuras en las regiones vitivinícolas actuales y en desarrollo de todo el mundo para adaptar la producción de vino al cambio climático, realizado por un equipo de investigación francés, liderado por el INRAE....

No more chardonnay or sauvignon blanc! Warming temperatures mean wine lovers will have to get used to less common plonk such as grenache and monastrell

2024-03-27T11:50+0100whatsnew2day (en)

Wine lovers have received disappointing news ahead of summer, as they are warned that they may have to say goodbye to chardonnay and sauvignon blanc and welcome less common plonk such as grenache and monastrell. With global temperatures rising, wine drinkers will have to make do with rarer grape....

No more chardonnay or sauvignon blanc! Warming temperatures mean wine lovers will have to get used to less common plonk such as grenache and monastrell

2024-03-27T10:23+0100dailymail (en)

Hotter growing-season temperatures are making it harder for growers to achieve balance in the fruit—and, therefore, in the finished wine. But global warming is set to generate severe droughts and heatwaves that could leave a staggering 70 per cent of wine-growing regions across the planet unsuitable - if global temperatures rise by more than 2C.

Future uncorked: Scientists forecast challenges — and opportunities — for wine industry

2024-03-27T00:32+0100courthousenews (en)

(CN) — To uncork a bottle of wine is to pour out a glass of history. Wine not only embodies where its grapes were grown but when and how. In a review paper published in Nature on Tuesday, a team of European researchers untangle a variety of challenges and opportunities for viticulturists around the....

Problemas para producir buen vino en el sur de Europa a fin de siglo

2024-03-26T21:46+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Sin embargo, otras regiones podrían beneficiarse: el potencial de crecimiento podría aumentar en áreas como el norte de Francia y Columbia Británica (Canadá), y el aumento de las temperaturas podría resultar en el desarrollo de nuevas regiones productoras en países tan lejanos como Dinamarca.

How Australia can avoid climate disaster

2024-03-26T20:19+0100heraldsun (en)

TheSeize the Decade report was released on Wednesday and explains what must be done in the next six years to reduce climate pollution and stop the worst effects of climate change before they eventuate. It’s the culmination of 12 months of hard work from Climate Council scientists, analysts,....

Problemas para producir buen vino en el sur de Europa a fin de siglo

2024-03-26T18:52+0100infobae (es)

Un 90% de regiones costeras y baja altitud del sur de Europa y California ya no podrán producir buen vino en condiciones sostenibles a fin de siglo si el calentamiento global supera los +2°C. Sin embargo, otras regiones podrían beneficiarse: el potencial de crecimiento podría aumentar en áreas como....

Problemas para producir buen vino en el sur de Europa a fin de siglo

2024-03-26T18:27+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 26 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un 90% de regiones costeras y baja altitud del sur de Europa y California ya no podrán producir buen vino en condiciones sostenibles a fin de siglo si el calentamiento global supera los +2°C. Sin embargo, otras regiones podrían beneficiarse: el potencial de....

Problemas para producir buen vino en el sur de Europa a fin de siglo

2024-03-26T18:25+0100europapress (es)

MADRID, 26 Mar. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un 90% de regiones costeras y baja altitud del sur de Europa y California ya no podrán producir buen vino en condiciones sostenibles a fin de siglo si el calentamiento global supera los +2°C. Sin embargo, otras regiones podrían beneficiarse: el potencial de....

Enjoy Your Favorite Wine Before Climate Change Destroys It

2024-03-26T17:56+0100wired (en)

Unless you’ve got a cellar stockpiled to last you the rest of your life, climate change is probably coming for your favorite wine . Temperature fluctuations during the growing season create the flavors, alcohol content, and even color of your preferred fermented grape juice—producing a beautiful ballet in a bottle.

How Australia can avoid climate disaster

2024-03-26T14:36+0100qt (en)

TheSeize the Decade report was released on Wednesday and explains what must be done in the next six years to reduce climate pollution and stop the worst effects of climate change before they eventuate. It’s the culmination of 12 months of hard work from Climate Council scientists, analysts,....

How Australia can avoid climate disaster

2024-03-26T14:07+0100news_com_au (en)

TheSeize the Decade report was released on Wednesday and explains what must be done in the next six years to reduce climate pollution and stop the worst effects of climate change before they eventuate. It’s the culmination of 12 months of hard work from Climate Council scientists, analysts,....

Can Biden Celebrate Energy Records Achieved In U.S., Both Fossil And Renewables

2024-03-25T21:42+0100forbes (en)

An oil pumpjack is seen near a field of wind turbines in 2023 in Nolan, Texas. Getty Images. Joe Manchin is the senior senator from West Virginia, in office since 2010. He created a stir when he opposed the IRA bill, when his support was needed to pass it. The bill was in limbo for several months.

SB19's Pablo leads Earth Hour in Manila

2024-03-25T06:36+0100philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines SB19 leader Pablo, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippine's new Earth Hour Music Ambassador, led the annual switch-off event in Manila City last weekend. “Pablo, for us, represents the passion and resilience of Filipinos, and we want these qualities to be front and center....

Extreme weather expected in coming months

2024-03-23T08:53+0100pna (en)

GLOBAL WARMING . Experts said ocean temperatures posted new dangerous levels and this is expected to result in extreme weather conditions. Average sea surface temperature reached a new high of 21.09 degrees Celsius in end-February 2024 and experts traced this to the impact of El Niño over the Pacific Ocean last year.

Climate change takes a hidden toll on California water supplies

2024-03-23T06:01+0100courthousenews (en)

(CN) — California's notorious droughts are a major concern for farming communities and water policymakers, but a new study emphasizes that it's not just precipitation rates taking a toll on the agricultural water balance: Crop water demand is exacting an "invisible water surcharge" that explains....

Gli esseri umani moderni seguirono un “corridoio blu” fuori dall’Africa meno di 100.000 anni fa

2024-03-22T22:55+0100scienzenotizie (it)

Secondo un nuovo studio, l’aridità causata dall’eruzione del supervulcano Toba in Indonesia costrinse i nostri antenati a spostarsi di stagno in stagno in cerca di pesci di cui nutrirsi. Gli esseri umani moderni si sono dispersi più volte fuori dall’Africa, ma la migrazione più recente e diffusa,....

Chile apuesta por la gestión local del agua ante la disyuntiva de convertirse en el país más afectado por la sequía en el continente

2024-03-22T17:40+0100americaeconomia (es)

La obra ampliará la oferta de agua de la zona en 1.200 litros por segundo, tal como fue prometido por el presidente Boric en enero pasado. Y es que el agua está en el centro de las preocupaciones del país sudamericano desde hace más de una década, cuando inició una persistente temporada de sequía en....

Earth Hour 2024: Zimbabwe joins world to mark efforts in support of global environmental action

2024-03-22T14:03+0100herald (en)

EARTH Hour, one of the world’s largest grassroots movements for the environment, will once again inspire individuals, businesses and organisations in over 190 countries and territories including Zimbabwe to renew their commitment to the planet. More than 500 people will today march from Belgravia....

21 March 2024 Diving into Spain's water crisis: new ClientEarth report

2024-03-22T08:38+0100clientearth (en)

This World Water Day, ClientEarth releases a new report uncovering flaws in Spain's river basin management plans. The report reveals that more than half of Spain's water bodies are not in good condition due to ongoing challenges. With climate change on the horizon, these problems are only expected....

El fuego arde a sus anchas en la España vaciada

2024-03-22T05:41+0100elpais (es)

El fuego ha sido parte esencial de nuestra historia desde hace miles de años. Charles Darwin consideró que su control ha sido una de las mayores hazañas de la humanidad. Su uso ha sustentado el desarrollo de las tecnologías modernas, desde la cerámica hasta el trabajo de metales y la industria nuclear.

Rising Ocean Temperatures: Intense Hurricanes, Extreme Weather Expected In Coming Months

2024-03-21T14:16+0100haberler-en (en)

As ocean temperatures hit new dangerous peaks, experts are warning the unprecedented levels of accumulated heat will trigger intense chain reactions, including deadly hurricanes and cyclones, over the coming months. Recent reports have shown that oceans worldwide are now at their warmest ever.

Rising ocean temperatures: Intense hurricanes, extreme weather expected in coming months

2024-03-21T14:09+0100aa-en (en)

- There are increased chances of ‘medicanes,’ like deadly Storm Daniels last year, in exceptionally warm Mediterranean region, according to climate scientist Joel Hirschi - Concern now much higher as global surface air and sea surface temperatures are ‘unprecedented, both in terms of deviation from....

MIL-OSI Australia: First platypus translocation in NSW results in breeding success

2024-03-21T07:38+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: New South Wales Premiere. The female was captured during a survey to assess the health of the translocated platypuses and confirm potential offspring. Over 3 nights, researchers from UNSW Sydney, Taronga Conservation Society Australia and WWF Australia, with the support of NSW National Parks....

WaterAid Australia sheds light on the real cost of water this World Water Day

2024-03-21T00:55+0100nationaltribune (en)

Ahead of World Water Day on Friday March 22, WaterAid Australia is asking, can you imagine life without clean water to drink? For more than 700 million people globally, this is a daily reality. Every person needs a sustainable supply of clean water: for drinking, washing, cooking and cleaning. It’s a human right.

NSW's First Platypus Translocation Yields Breeding Triumph

2024-03-21T00:53+0100miragenews (en)

Scientists and researchers have discovered a juvenile platypus in the Royal National Park, less than a year after 10 platypuses were returned to the park where they had been locally extinct for more than 50 years. The female was captured during a survey to assess the health of the translocated platypuses and confirm potential offspring.

WaterAid Reveals True Cost of Water on World Water Day

2024-03-21T00:53+0100miragenews (en)

Ahead of World Water Day on Friday March 22, WaterAid Australia is asking, can you imagine life without clean water to drink? For more than 700 million people globally, this is a daily reality. Every person needs a sustainable supply of clean water: for drinking, washing, cooking and cleaning. It's a human right.

First platypus translocation in NSW results in breeding success

2024-03-20T22:39+0100nationaltribune (en)

Scientists and researchers have discovered a juvenile platypus in the Royal National Park, less than a year after 10 platypuses were returned to the park where they had been locally extinct for more than 50 years. The female was captured during a survey to assess the health of the translocated platypuses and confirm potential offspring.

NSW's First Platypus Translocation Yields Breeding Success

2024-03-20T22:37+0100miragenews (en)

Scientists and researchers have discovered a juvenile platypus in the Royal National Park, less than a year after 10 platypuses were returned to the park where they had been locally extinct for more than 50 years. The female was captured during a survey to assess the health of the translocated platypuses and confirm potential offspring.

UN weather agency issues ’red alert’ on climate change after record heat, ice-melt increases in 2023

2024-03-20T01:14+0100torontosun (en)

“Earth’s issuing a distress call,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said. “The latest State of the Global Climate report shows a planet on the brink. Fossil fuel pollution is sending climate chaos off the charts.” Omar Baddour, WMO’s chief of climate monitoring, said the year after an El Nino....

SB19’s Pablo tapped as WWF-PH 2024 Earth Hour Music Ambassador

2024-03-19T10:42+0100inquirer (en)

“Pablo, for us, represents the passion and resilience of Filipinos, and we want these qualities to be front and center for the annual Earth Hour celebration, which will be the 16th anniversary in the Philippines,” said Earth Hour Philippines National Director Angela Consuelo Ibay.

Chances of a Weather-Roiling La Niña This Year Are Now Above 80%

2024-03-19T07:52+0100claimsjournal (en)

The odds of a weather-roiling La Niña in the coming months are rising, elevating the risk of an unusually active Atlantic hurricane season. The chances of La Niña, a cooling of the equatorial Pacific, rose to 82% for August, September and October, the US Climate Prediction Center said. Last month there was a 74% chance.

Second stage of Pacific leaders for Advancing Climate, H…

2024-03-19T05:38+0100sprep (en)

18 March 2024, Apia Samoa - The second stage of a fellowship which exists to develop leadership potential and stimulate lasting change in Pacific communities and beyond, by empowering a global network of talented individuals through high-quality education experiences, is underway in Samoa.

Rainfall variability increased with warming in northern Queensland, Australia, over the past 280 years

2024-03-18T12:04+0100nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Floods and droughts are hydrological extremes that impact ecosystems, agriculture, and human well-being. These extremes are expected to intensify in a warmer world, although many regions lack the observations needed to place current trends in the context of long-term variability.

Three billion people will live in uninhabitable zones by 2070

2024-03-18T07:39+0100intellinews (en)

It's predicted that 3bn people will live in zones that have been made uninhabitable (black areas) by 2070, say scientists. A third of the world's population could live in a climate similar to the Sahara in just 50 years, according to a recent study published in PNAS in 2020. That means 3.

Investigating disaster resilience in Australian agriculture

2024-03-18T07:26+0100nationaltribune (en)

Research is currently underway at CQU University into the strategies that primary producers use to rebuild and recover after disasters such as floods, fires, droughts and disease outbreaks. This research aims to explore disaster resilience in Australia n agriculture and draw on the agricultural sector’s experience with resilience.

Three billion people will live in uninhabitable zones by 2070 9 minutes ago

2024-03-18T06:56+0100bne (en)

It's predicted that 3bn people will live in zones that have been made uninhabitable (black areas) by 2070, say scientists. A third of the world's population could live in a climate similar to the Sahara in just 50 years, according to a recent study published in PNAS in 2020. That means 3.

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-18T04:16+0100thenews-pk (en)

SYDNEY: Residents in parts of Australia ’s Northern Territory and Queensland state were urged on Sunday to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in coming days. Megan, a category two cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts up to 155 kph , was expected to....

Australia’s north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T11:32+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post SYDNEY (Reuters): Residents in parts of Australia ’s Northern Territory and Queensland state were urged on Sunday to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in coming days. Megan, a category two cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts....

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T09:58+0100GulfDailyNews (en)

SYDNEY - Residents in parts of Australia 's Northern Territory and Queensland state were urged on Sunday to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in coming days. Megan, a category two cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts up to 155 kph (96 mph), was....

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T09:24+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Mar. 17 (BNA): Residents in parts of Australia 's Northern Territory and Queensland state were urged on Sunday to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in coming days. Megan, a category two cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts up to 155 kph (96....

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T05:26+0100chinadailyhk (en)

A frame grab from handout video footage released on December 20, 2023 by the Queensland Police Service shows emergency services personnel boarding an Australia n Defence Force Chinook helicopter to assist with evacuations of residents from Queensland communities cut off by floodwaters after recent heavy rainfall caused major flash flooding.

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T05:16+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) Residents in parts of Australia 's Northern Territory and Queensland state were urged on Sunday to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in coming days. Megan, a category two cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts up to 155 kph (96 mph),....

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T04:20+0100AsiaOne (en)

SYDNEY - Residents in parts of Australia 's Northern Territory and Queensland were urged on March 17 to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in the coming days. Megan, a Category 2 cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts up to 155kmh, was expected to....

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T03:38+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

Residents in parts of Australia 's Northern Territory and Queensland state were urged on Sunday to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in coming days. Megan, a category two cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts up to 155 kilometres per hour was....

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T03:36+0100radionz (en)

Residents in parts of Australia 's Northern Territory and Queensland state were urged on Sunday to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in coming days. Megan, a category two cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts up to 155 kilometres per hour was....

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T03:21+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in parts of Australia 's Northern Territory and Queensland state were urged on Sunday to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in coming days. Megan, a category two cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts up to 155 kph (96....

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T03:08+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Residents in parts of Australia 's Northern Territory and Queensland state were urged on Sunday to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in coming days. Megan, a category two cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts up to 155 kph (96 mph), was....

Australia's North Braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T03:04+0100usnews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in parts of Australia 's Northern Territory and Queensland state were urged on Sunday to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in coming days. Megan, a category two cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts up to 155 kph (96....

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T02:54+0100streetinsider (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in parts of Australia 's Northern Territory and Queensland state were urged on Sunday to prepare for a tropical cyclone that is forecast to make landfall in coming days. Megan, a category two cyclone sitting in the Gulf of Carpentaria with wind gusts up to 155 kph (96....

Australia's north braces for Tropical Cyclone Megan

2024-03-17T02:43+0100devdiscourse (en)

Gales with damaging wind gusts of 110 kph were already sweeping remote Groote Eylandt, off Northern Territory's Arnhem Land, about 653 km east of territory capital Darwin, the forecaster said. It was likely Megan would intensify to category three later on Sunday, the weather forecaster said, urging....

Hidden giants: how the UK’s 500,000 redwoods put California in the shade

2024-03-16T15:09+0100guardian (en)

T hree redwoods tower over Wakehurst’s Elizabethan mansion like skyscrapers. Yet at 40 metres (131ft) high, these are almost saplings – not even 150 years old and less than half the height of the Statue of Liberty. “At the moment they’re some of the tallest trees in the UK and they are starting to poke above the forest canopy.

Supply chains face weather’s wrath in 2024

2024-03-15T20:06+0100freightwaves (en)

By Bart De Muynck The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates. Global supply chains have faced many disruptions the past few years, and weather has been a huge part of those. In 2021 we had the Texas freeze, causing the worst unplanned blackout in U.

Chances of a weather-roiling La Niña this year are now above 80%

2024-03-15T19:56+0100dailybreeze (en)

By Brian K. Sullivan. The odds of a weather-roiling La Niña in the coming months are rising, elevating the risk of an unusually active Atlantic hurricane season. The chances of La Niña, a cooling of the equatorial Pacific, rose to 82% for August, September and October, the US Climate Prediction Center said.

Chances of a weather-roiling La Niña this year are now above 80%

2024-03-15T19:55+0100whittierdailynews (en)

By Brian K. Sullivan. The odds of a weather-roiling La Niña in the coming months are rising, elevating the risk of an unusually active Atlantic hurricane season. The chances of La Niña, a cooling of the equatorial Pacific, rose to 82% for August, September and October, the US Climate Prediction Center said.

Chances of a weather-roiling La Niña this year are now above 80%

2024-03-15T19:53+0100dailynews (en)

By Brian K. Sullivan. The odds of a weather-roiling La Niña in the coming months are rising, elevating the risk of an unusually active Atlantic hurricane season. The chances of La Niña, a cooling of the equatorial Pacific, rose to 82% for August, September and October, the US Climate Prediction Center said.

Chances of a weather-roiling La Niña this year are now above 80%

2024-03-15T18:56+0100eastbaytimes (en)

Brian K. Sullivan | Bloomberg. The odds of a weather-roiling La Niña in the coming months are rising, elevating the risk of an unusually active Atlantic hurricane season. The chances of La Niña, a cooling of the equatorial Pacific, rose to 82% for August, September and October, the US Climate Prediction Center said.

Chances of a weather-roiling La Niña this year are now above 80%

2024-03-15T18:54+0100mercurynews (en)

Brian K. Sullivan | Bloomberg. The odds of a weather-roiling La Niña in the coming months are rising, elevating the risk of an unusually active Atlantic hurricane season. The chances of La Niña, a cooling of the equatorial Pacific, rose to 82% for August, September and October, the US Climate Prediction Center said.

Scherzi di natura: i laghi più pazzi del mondo

2024-03-15T09:24+0100247libero (it)

LAGUNA COLORATA, Bolivia - Lo scenario offerto da questo lago, situato sulla catena delle Ande, è quasi "marziano": le sue acque raggiungono diverse colorazioni, dal rosa pallido all'arancione intenso, a causa della concentrazione di sali, sedimenti rossi e alla pigmentazione di alcuni microorganismi.

Maxi mirtillo, nuova varietà da Guinness

2024-03-15T01:50+0100italiaoggi (it)

Nei banchi dei supermercati li vediamo sempre più spesso, ma anche nelle campagne italiane, dal Piemonte alla Sicilia, i mirtilli stanno facendo capolino nella produzione ortofrutticola nazionale. Ma questi piccoli frutti sono protagonisti di un vero e proprio boom a livello internazionale, tanto....

Chances of a weather-roiling La Niña this year are now above 80%

2024-03-14T15:21+0100moneyweb (en)

The odds of a weather-roiling La Niña in the coming months are rising, elevating the risk of an unusually active Atlantic hurricane season. The chances of La Niña, a cooling of the equatorial Pacific, rose to 82% for August, September and October, the US Climate Prediction Center said. Last month there was a 74% chance.

How technology is helping grain farmers adapt to effects of extreme weather

2024-03-13T20:18+0100CBC (en)

British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Odermatt, who is also the president of the B.C. Grain Growers Association, has been working with his father since 2012 to farm about 2,000 acres of land in the Peace region of B.

13.03.2024 Canada - Technology helps grain farmers confront weather woes British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year.Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has....

2024-03-13T18:26+0100agroinsurance-en (en)

British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has been working with his father since 2012 to farm about 2,000 acres of land in the Peace region of B.

13.03.2024 Canada - Technology helps grain farmers confront weather woes British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year.Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has....

2024-03-13T16:53+0100agroinsurance (en)

British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has been working with his father since 2012 to farm about 2,000 acres of land in the Peace region of B.

Bitter Harvest: Tech helping B.C. grain farmers confront weather woes

2024-03-13T15:59+0100crestonvalleyadvance (en)

British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt, shown in a handout photo, says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has been working with his father since 2012 to....

Amazzonia, imperversano i megaincendi: a febbraio emissioni di carbonio pari a quelle che la Svizzera emette in un anno

2024-03-13T14:40+0100iconaclima (it)

L’Amazzonia brucia a un ritmo allarmante . Le piogge, che in questo periodo dell’anno dovrebbero inzuppare la foresta pluviale, continuano a scarseggiare rendendo le condizioni del terreno ideali per i cosiddetti megaincendi , ovvero gli incendi che bruciano più di 100.

'Old MacDonald went broke': Technology helps grain farmers confront weather woes

2024-03-13T13:27+0100barrie (en)

British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has been working with his father since 2012 to farm about 2,000 acres of land in the Peace region of B.

'Old MacDonald went broke': Technology helps grain farmers confront weather woes

2024-03-13T12:45+0100ctvnews (en)

British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has been working with his father since 2012 to farm about 2,000 acres of land in the Peace region of B.

Climate change, weather impacting Canada’s farmers

2024-03-13T12:36+0100vervetimes (en)

British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has been working with his father since 2012 to farm about 2,000 acres of land in the Peace region of B.

Technology helps grain farmers confront weather woes

2024-03-13T11:50+0100bnnbloomberg (en)

British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has been working with his father since 2012 to farm about 2,000 acres of land in the Peace region of B.

'Old MacDonald went broke': Technology helps grain farmers confront weather woes 0 3/13/2024 1:00:00 AM

2024-03-13T09:28+0100tricitynews (en)

British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has been working with his father since 2012 to farm about 2,000 acres of land in the Peace region of B.

'Old MacDonald went broke': Technology helps grain farmers confront weather woes British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Mar 13, 2024 1:00 AM Read more >

2024-03-13T09:27+0100timescolonist (en)

British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has been working with his father since 2012 to farm about 2,000 acres of land in the Peace region of B.

'Old MacDonald went broke': Technology helps grain farmers confront weather woes

2024-03-13T09:25+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

British Columbia grain farmer Malcolm Odermatt says all he can do is pray for rain this spring after repeated droughts sabotaged his harvest last year. Odermatt, who is also the president of the BC Grain Growers Association, has been working with his father since 2012 to farm about 2,000 acres of land in the Peace region of B.

Meteo primavera ed estate 2024: scenario emisferico, panoramica generale

2024-03-13T07:46+01003bmeteo (it)

primavera 2024: anomalie geopotenziale fonte copernicus. La primavera 2024 mostra nella circolazione emisferica ancora una impronta de El N iñ o special modo in avvio di stagione. Sul settore euro atlantico lo scenario evidenzia anticicloni alti di latitudine, grosso modo tra Islanda e Groenlandia,....

Le piogge solleveranno il raccolto di cotone australiano ad almeno 4,5 milioni di balle, dice il gruppo industriale

2024-03-13T06:25+0100marketscreener (it)

Cotton Australia ha alzato mercoledì le sue stime per la produzione australiana di quest'anno ad "almeno" 4,5 milioni di balle, dopo che le piogge diffuse hanno aumentato i raccolti. Le piogge inaspettatamente abbondanti in tutta l'Australia orientale e meridionale negli ultimi mesi hanno....

Lo Sri Lanka rischia la crisi idrica

2024-03-12T11:15+0100asianews (it)

Colombo (AsiaNews) - Nello Sri Lanka cresce il rischio di una crisi idrica a causa del clima secco sperimentato nelle ultime settimane. Se da una parte la popolazione ha iniziato a consumare più acqua su consiglio dei funzionari della sanità, il National Water Supply and Drainage Board ha esortato a....

Ecco cosa minaccia la coltivazione delle banane di tutto il mondo

2024-03-11T16:55+0100interris (it)

Un fungo minaccia la coltivazione delle banane nel mondo. Un fungo minaccia la coltivazione delle banane. Il Fusarium Tropical 4 (Tr4) , è un patogeno del suolo che sta invadendo le piantagioni di banane nel sud-est asiatico e in Pakistan e, più recentemente, in Giordania, Mozambico e Australia .

Banane: Fao, minacciate a livello globale da un fungo

2024-03-11T14:00+0100marketscreener (it)

ROMA (awp/ats/ans) - Un fungo minaccia la coltivazione delle banane: è l'allarme della Fao. Il Fusarium Tropical 4 (Tr4) è un patogeno del suolo che sta invadendo le piantagioni di banane nel sud-est asiatico e in Pakistan e, più recentemente, in Giordania, Mozambico e Australia .

MONDO 7 min Le banane sono a rischio

2024-03-11T13:58+0100tio (it)

ROMA - Un fungo minaccia la coltivazione delle banane: è l'allarme della Fao. Il Fusarium Tropical 4 (Tr4) è un patogeno del suolo che sta invadendo le piantagioni di banane nel sud-est asiatico e in Pakistan e, più recentemente, in Giordania, Mozambico e Australia .

Un fungo minaccia la coltivazione delle banane nel mondo

2024-03-11T12:17+0100altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 MAR - Un fungo minaccia la coltivazione delle banane. Il Fusarium Tropical 4 (Tr4)), è un patogeno del suolo che sta invadendo le piantagioni di banane nel sud-est asiatico e in Pakistan e, più recentemente, in Giordania, Mozambico e Australia .

Un fungo minaccia la coltivazione delle banane nel mondo

2024-03-11T12:12+0100ansa (it)

Un fungo minaccia la coltivazione delle banane. Il Fusarium Tropical 4 (Tr4)), è un patogeno del suolo che sta invadendo le piantagioni di banane nel sud-est asiatico e in Pakistan e, più recentemente, in Giordania, Mozambico e Australia . Si tratta di un rischio crescente per l'industria in quanto....

El Niño alimenterà caldo record ed eventi estremi tra marzo e maggio su tutta la Terra

2024-03-10T10:34+0100fanpage (it)

Il fenomeno meteorologico El Niño del 2023-24 si è rivelato uno dei cinque più forti mai registrati dall’inizio delle rilevazioni e, secondo gli esperti, avrà conseguenze e impatto significativo almeno fino a maggio con caldo record su quasi tutte le zone terrestri con possibili eventi meteo estremi.

Australia's southeast sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2024-03-10T09:16+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Mar. 9 (BNA): Large swaths of Australia on Saturday sweated through severe heatwave conditions that lifted bushfire risk in the country's southeast. The nation's weather forecaster on Saturday had heatwave alerts in place for South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, the Australian Capital....

Australia's southeast sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2024-03-09T10:51+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Saturday sweated through severe heatwave conditions that lifted bushfire risk in the country's southeast. The nation's weather forecaster on Saturday had heatwave alerts in place for South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, the Australian Capital....

Australia's southeast sweats in early autumn heatwave

2024-03-09T04:11+0100japantoday (en)

Large swaths of Australia on Saturday sweated through severe heatwave conditions that lifted bushfire risk in the country's southeast. The nation's weather forecaster on Saturday had heatwave alerts in place for South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and....

Australia's southeast sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2024-03-09T03:03+0100malaymail (en)

SYDNEY, March 9 ― Large swaths of Australia today sweated through severe heatwave conditions that lifted bushfire risk in the country's southeast. The nation's weather forecaster today had heatwave alerts in place for South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and....

Australia's southeast sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2024-03-09T01:16+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Large swaths of Australia on Saturday sweated through severe heatwave conditions that lifted bushfire risk in the country's southeast. The nation's weather forecaster on Saturday had heatwave alerts in place for South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory....

Australia's southeast sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Saturday sweated through severe heatwave conditions that lifted bushfire risk in the country's southeast. The nation's weather forecaster on Saturday had heatwave alerts in place for South .

2024-03-09T01:14+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Saturday sweated through severe heatwave conditions that lifted bushfire risk in the country's southeast. The nation's weather forecaster on Saturday had heatwave alerts in place for South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, the Australian Capital....

Australia's southeast sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk Reuters |Updated 9 minutes ago |1 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Saturday sweated through severe heatwave conditions that lifted bushfire risk in the country's southeast. The nation's weather forecaster on Saturday had heatwave alerts in place for South .

2024-03-09T01:11+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Saturday sweated through severe heatwave conditions that lifted bushfire risk in the country's southeast. The nation's weather forecaster on Saturday had heatwave alerts in place for South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, the Australian Capital....

Australia's Southeast Sweats in Heatwave, Lifting Bushfire Risk

2024-03-09T01:10+0100usnews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Saturday sweated through severe heatwave conditions that lifted bushfire risk in the country's southeast. The nation's weather forecaster on Saturday had heatwave alerts in place for South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, the Australian Capital....

Australia's southeast sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2024-03-09T01:02+0100streetinsider (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Saturday sweated through severe heatwave conditions that lifted bushfire risk in the country's southeast. The nation's weather forecaster on Saturday had heatwave alerts in place for South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, the Australian Capital....

Australia's southeast sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2024-03-09T00:56+0100devdiscourse (en)

The nation's weather forecaster on Saturday had heatwave alerts in place for South Australia , New South Wales, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and Victoria, warning temperatures in some regions could go above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). In Victoria's capital Melbourne, a maximum temperature of 39 C (102.

What is the El Niño-La Niña?

2024-03-08T16:48+0100envirotech-online (en)

In the evolving narrative of climate science and technological innovation, the phenomena of El Niño and La Niña stand out as pivotal characters, influencing global weather patterns in profound ways. These climatic anomalies, oscillating over the Pacific Ocean, weave a complex tale of atmospheric....

Sea surface temperatures at all-time high after record warm February: EU

2024-03-08T15:30+0100hellenicshippingnews (en)

Last month was the warmest February on record globally, with sea surface temperatures also at unprecedented levels, the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service said March 6. February was the ninth month in a row that was the warmest on record for the respective month of the year, with the global average temperature for the past 12 months some 1.

GREEN Febbraio 2024 il più caldo di sempre, con 1,77° in più superato il nono record consecutivo

2024-03-07T16:30+0100quifinanza (it)

Sta per concludersi un inverno anomalo , tra i più caldi mai registrati . Il record come mese più caldo di sempre lo vince febbraio . Il servizio europeo di monitoraggio climatico Copernicus ha sottolineato, nella pubblicazione del dato, che quello di febbraio 2024 è il nono mese consecutivo in cui si registra un massimo storico.

Forecasting, Vol. 6, Pages 187-203: A Composite Tool for Forecasting El Niño: The Case of the 2023–2024 Event

2024-03-07T13:03+0100mdpi (en)

Remotely sensed data play a crucial role in monitoring the El Niño/La Niña Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which is an oceanic-atmospheric phenomenon occurring quasi-periodically with several impacts worldwide, such as specific biological and global climate responses.

Climate change: High February temperatures smash global weather records as planet heats up

2024-03-07T09:44+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Last month was 1.77C warmer than in pre-industrial times, before humans began burning fossil fuels on a massive scale and pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere – way over the 1.5C target warming limit set out in the Paris Agreement. The global average temperature for the past 12 months is the highest on record too, at 0.

2024-03-07T13:13:33+05:30 - World February 2024 warmest on record with average temperature 1.77 degree Celsius above pre-industrial period: European Union climate agency

2024-03-07T08:48+0100Hindu (en)

The world, last month, experienced the warmest February on record, with the average temperature being 1.77 degrees Celsius more than the February average for 1850-1900, the designated pre-industrial reference period, the European Union's climate agency said on March 7.

February 2024 warmest on record with average temperature 1.77 degree Celsius above pre-industrial period: European Union climate agency

2024-03-07T08:47+0100thehindu (en)

The world, last month, experienced the warmest February on record, with the average temperature being 1.77 degrees Celsius more than the February average for 1850-1900, the designated pre-industrial reference period, the European Union's climate agency said on March 7.

High February temperatures smash global weather records

2024-03-07T06:14+0100TheScotsman (en)

Last month was 1.77C warmer than in pre-industrial times, before humans began burning fossil fuels on a massive scale and pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere – way over the 1.5C target warming limit set out in the Paris Agreement. The global average temperature for the past 12 months is the highest on record too, at 0.

Feb hottest on record with avg temp 1.77 deg C above pre-industrial period

2024-03-07T05:57+0100business-standard (en)

The world last month experienced the warmest February on record, with the average temperature being 1.77 degrees Celsius more than the February average for 1850-1900, the designated pre-industrial reference period, the European Union's climate agency said on Thursday.

Agriculture Climate 8 March 2024 Why soil matters

2024-03-07T05:45+0100clientearth (en)

Soil is at the bottom of the food chain, yet it is the cornerstone of life on earth. It is critical for terrestrial life: acting as a water filter, nutrient giver, and habitat for billions of organisms that make up a diverse ecosystem. When it’s healthy, it supplies humans with antibiotics that....

Feb 2024 warmest on record with avg temp 1.77 deg C above pre-industrial period: EU climate agency

2024-03-07T05:07+0100HindustanTimes (en)

A permanent breach of the 1.5-degree Celsius limit specified in the Paris Agreement, however, refers to long-term warming over many years. According to climate scientists, countries need to limit the global average temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial period to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Feb 2024 warmest on record with avg temp 1.77 deg C above pre-industrial period: EU climate agency

2024-03-07T05:04+0100devdiscourse (en)

The world last month experienced the warmest February on record, with the average temperature being 1.77 degrees Celsius more than the February average for 1850-1900, the designated pre-industrial reference period, the European Union's climate agency said on Thursday.

La Nina

2024-03-06T22:09+01009news (en)

A sprawling metropolis of nearly 22 million people is facing a severe water crisis and the dire threat of "day zero". Australia recorded its eighth warmest year on record last year, according to new data from the Bureau of Meteorology. It's predicted all cereal and coarse grain production,....


2024-03-06T21:54+0100guidasicilia (it)


Scoperta la causa dei super-incendi australiani

2024-03-06T20:05+0100meteoweb (it)

Svelata la causa che ha portato a condizioni estreme di siccità nel sud-est dell’ Australia tra il 2017 e il 2019 , con la conseguente ondata di incendi boschivi senza precedenti della “ Black Summer ” nel 2019 e nel 2020. Basandosi su una varietà di osservazioni e modelli, Anjana Devanand....

West Gate climate protest: Extinction Rebellion activist Joseph Zammit apologizes after woman forced to give birth on road: ‘I hate it happening to my wife’

2024-03-06T06:28+0100whatsnew2day (en)

A climate activist has publicly apologized to a new mother after his selfish actions forced her to give birth to her second child on the side of a busy highway in a major traffic jam. Climate change protesters paralyzed traffic on Melbourne’s West Gate Bridge during the morning rush hour on Tuesday.

March-May temperatures above normal due to El Niño – UN

2024-03-06T04:22+0100pina (en)

The warming El Niño weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations has said, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now until May. Though El Niño is now gradually weakening, its impact will continue over the coming....

Above-Normal Temperatures For March-May Due To El Nino: UN

2024-03-06T04:22+0100menafn (en)

- Nam News Network) GENEVA, March 6 (NNN-AGENCIES) - The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May.

Megafires are here to stay — and blaming only climate change won’t help

2024-03-06T01:39+0100nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

In February, megafires ripped through the Chilean central coastal hills, killing at least 132 people, injuring hundreds and destroying 7,000 homes. At the time of writing, more than 300 people remain missing. These wildfires are not a one-off calamity.

I’ll be dead before the worst of it, but I’m fearful for those who won’t

2024-03-05T19:11+0100watoday (en)

I keep reading psychologists warning that talking about how terrible climate change will be is counterproductive. Rather than causing the deniers to see the error of their ways, it just makes them close their minds to further argument. So this column isn’t for them.

I’ll be dead before the worst of it, but I’m fearful for those who won’t

2024-03-05T19:03+0100smh (en)

I keep reading psychologists warning that talking about how terrible climate change will be is counterproductive. Rather than causing the deniers to see the error of their ways, it just makes them close their minds to further argument. So this column isn’t for them.

I’ll be dead before the worst of it, but I’m fearful for those who won’t

2024-03-05T19:03+0100theage (en)

I keep reading psychologists warning that talking about how terrible climate change will be is counterproductive. Rather than causing the deniers to see the error of their ways, it just makes them close their minds to further argument. So this column isn’t for them.

Megafires are here to stay — and blaming only climate change won’t help

2024-03-05T18:55+0100nature (en)

In February, megafires ripped through the Chilean central coastal hills, killing at least 132 people, injuring hundreds and destroying 7,000 homes. At the time of writing, more than 300 people remain missing. These wildfires are not a one-off calamity.

Megafires are here to stay — and blaming only climate change won’t help

2024-03-05T18:23+0100nature-current (en)

In February, megafires ripped through the Chilean central coastal hills, killing at least 132 people, injuring hundreds and destroying 7,000 homes. At the time of writing, more than 300 people remain missing. These wildfires are not a one-off calamity.

Above-normal temperatures for March-May due to El Niño—UN

2024-03-05T17:22+0100manilastandard-ph (en)

It can also cause severe droughts over Australia , Indonesia, parts of southern Asia, Central America and northern South America. Geneva, Switzerland—The warming El Niño weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said Tuesday, predicting....

Above-normal temperatures forecast for March-May 2024-03-06 The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the UN said yesterday, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May.

2024-03-05T17:10+0100taipeitimes (en)

The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the UN said yesterday, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May. Although El Nino is now gradually weakening, its impact will continue over the coming months....

El Niño likely to keep driving up temperatures until May, WMO says

2024-03-05T16:22+0100euronews-en (en)

El Niño is starting to dial down - but it’s not over yet, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) says. The weather phenomenon that has worsened heatwaves, droughts and heavy rain since last June peaked as one of the five strongest on record in December.

Above-normal temperatures for March-May due to El Nino: UN

2024-03-05T14:12+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post NEW YORK (AFP): The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said Tuesday, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May.

Asia & Pacific Above-normal temperatures for March-May due to El Nino: UN

2024-03-05T09:14+0100JakartaPost (en)

Though El Nino is now gradually weakening, its impact will continue over the coming months by fuelling the heat trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases, the UN's World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said. Therefore "above normal temperatures are predicted over almost all land areas between....

Farà caldo fino a maggio, e non è solo colpa del Nino

2024-03-05T09:14+0100agi (it)

AGI - Le temperature anomale che si stanno registrando sono da attribuire a El Nino. Lo afferma uno studio delle Nazioni Unite, secondo cui si continueranno ad avere picchi di caldo fino a maggio. Sebbene El Nino si stia gradualmente indebolendo, il suo impatto continuerà nei prossimi mesi....

March-May temperatures above normal due to El Niño - UN

2024-03-05T09:05+0100RTERadio (en)

Pedal boats are seen on dry soil at the Sau water reservoir in Catalonia, which declared a state of emergency last month as water reservoir levels dropped below 16% capacity. The warming El Niño weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United....

Above-normal temperatures for March-May due to El Niño — UN

2024-03-05T08:37+0100philstar (en)

GENEVA, Switzerland The warming El Niño weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said Tuesday, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May. Though El Niño is now gradually weakening, its impact will....

Above-normal temperatures for March-May due to El Nino: UN

2024-03-05T08:36+0100bssnews (en)

GENEVA, March 5, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said Tuesday, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May. Though El Nino is now gradually weakening, its....

March-May To Experience Above Normal Temperatures Due To El Nino: UN Weather Agency

2024-03-05T08:28+0100ndtvnews (en)

Geneva: The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said Tuesday, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May. Though El Nino is now gradually weakening, its impact will continue over....

Above-normal temperatures for March-May due to El Nino: UN

2024-03-05T08:15+0100omanobserver-om (en)

Geneva - The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said Tuesday, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May. Though El Nino is now gradually weakening, its impact will continue over....

Caldo anomalo fino a maggio, “non solo colpa di El Niño”

2024-03-05T08:14+0100meteoweb (it)

Il fenomeno meteorologico El Niño che ha raggiunto il picco a dicembre è stato uno dei 5 più intensi mai registrati, ha dichiarato oggi l’ Organizzazione Meteorologica Mondiale dell’ONU, prevedendo che produrrà temperature superiori alla media da ora fino a maggio.

Above-normal Temperatures For March-May Due To El Nino: UN

2024-03-05T08:09+0100barrons (en)

The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said Tuesday, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May. Though El Nino is now gradually weakening, its impact will continue over the coming....

Above-normal temperatures expected from March to May due to El Nino

2024-03-05T08:06+0100khaleejtimes (en)

The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said Tuesday, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May. Though El Nino is now gradually weakening, its impact will continue over the coming....

Above-normal temperatures for March to May due to El Nino: UN

2024-03-05T08:01+0100straitstimesSG (en)

GENEVA - The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said on March 5, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May. Though El Nino is now gradually weakening, its impact will continue....

Above-normal temperatures for March-May due to El Nino - WMO

2024-03-05T07:46+0100gmanews (en)

The warming El Niño weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said Tuesday, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May. Though El Niño is now gradually weakening, its impact will continue over the coming....

Above-normal temperatures for March-May due to El Nino: UN

2024-03-05T07:44+0100terradaily (en)

Geneva, March 5 (AFP) Mar 05, 2024 The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said Tuesday, predicting that it would produce above-normal temperatures from now to May. Though El Nino is now gradually weakening, its....

Above-normal temperatures for March-May due to El Nino: UN

2024-03-05T07:37+0100hurriyetdailynews (en)

UNITED NATIONS The warming El Nino weather phenomenon that peaked in December was one of the five strongest ever recorded, the United Nations said Tuesday, predicting that it would produce above-normal class='cf'> Though El Nino is now gradually weakening, its impact will continue over the coming....

Identification of reliable locations for wind power generation through a global analysis of wind droughts

2024-03-05T01:09+0100nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

We find that the American Midwest, Northeastern Canada, Australia , the Sahara, Argentina, parts of Central Asia and Southern Africa, Northern Russia, and Central and Northwestern Europe have relatively high power densities, mostly in the range of 250 to 500 W m −2 .

West Gate Bridge protest: Extinction Rebellion protesters cause traffic chaos on Melbourne motorway

2024-03-04T23:23+0100whatsnew2day (en)

By Kylie Stevens for Daily Mail Australia . Published: 16:42 EST, March 4, 2024 Updated: 17:21 EST, March 4, 2024. Climate activists blocked three lanes of traffic on one of Melbourne’s busiest highways, causing a commute nightmare. Members of Extinction Rebellion abruptly brought rush hour traffic....

Cioccolato, prezzo del cacao alle stelle anche a causa del Niño

2024-03-04T16:20+0100iconaclima (it)

Il prezzo del cioccolato (cacao) a febbraio è aumentato fino a raggiungere il massimo storico di 6500 dollari a tonnellata sulle borse di New York e Londra . I principali paesi produttori del settore sono Ghana, Costa d’Avorio, Camerun e Nigeria, che rappresentano il 75% del approvvigionamenti.

Farmers urged to travel the world and see what’s possible

2024-03-03T21:57+0100nationaltribune (en)

Monday, March 4, 2024. Farmers and agriculture industry professionals are invited to grasp a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as Nuffield Australia opens applications for 2025 scholarships today. Successful applicants receive $40,000 to fund 15 weeks of study overseas, across 18 months.

Farmers Encouraged to Globetrot for New Possibilities

2024-03-03T21:54+0100miragenews (en)

Monday, March 4, 2024. Farmers and agriculture industry professionals are invited to grasp a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as Nuffield Australia opens applications for 2025 scholarships today. Successful applicants receive $40,000 to fund 15 weeks of study overseas, across 18 months.

El Niño event may push Earth towards its hottest year ever

2024-03-02T23:52+0100earth (en)

Earth is on the verge of experiencing its hottest year yet. Our planet is currently experiencing the El Niño event of 2023-24, which is causing a rise in global temperatures. Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences predict a staggering 90% chance of record-breaking heat during this event.

Daily Top News: PETA Calls Out Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce for Zoo Visit, Washington’s Senate Passes Bill to Ban Octopus Farming, Climate Change is Causing Animal Sanctuaries to Relocate, and More!

2024-03-01T16:16+0100onegreenplanet (en)

Every day, One Green Planet brings you today’s top news. For those who don’t have a lot of time to look through the news each day, this will be a great resource and an easy way to catch up! Here you’ll find different categories of news and links to each article published! Enjoy! 1.

Sta bruciando nel silenzio il Sud dell’Australia: le immagini dei satelliti sono impressionanti. Evacuate oltre 30mila persone

2024-03-01T13:48+0100greenme (it)

L' Australia meridionale è nella morsa del fuoco. Spaventosi incendi hanno costretto decine di migliaia di persone a lasciare le loro abitazioni, mentre i pompieri lavorano senza sosta. La devastazione provocata dalle fiamme è visibile anche dai satelliti... Nello Stato australiano di Victoria sembra di essere all’inferno.

Coltivare un albero di mimosa

2024-02-29T18:40+0100habitante (it)

per il proprio giardino di casa o in vaso può essere un’attività stimolante. Inoltre, il mese di marzo è il periodo di massimo splendore. Con qualche accorgimento ottenere fiori belli e rigogliosi, senza l’utilizzo dei fitofarmaci non è molto difficile. Coltivare un albero di mimosa: cosa sapere.

Ecologia Los Angeles si trasforma in una “città spugna”

2024-02-29T15:00+0100focus-it (it)

Decine di persone si accalcano per riuscire a prendere acqua potabile da un enorme pozzo nel villaggio di Natwarghad nello stato occidentale indiano del Gujarat Il superamento dei 7 miliardi di persone per gli abitanti della Terra è un traguardo globale che rappresenta allo stesso tempo un'opportunità e una sfida per l'intero pianeta.

Los Angeles si sta trasformando in una "città spugna" (ed è un bene)

2024-02-29T14:16+0100247libero (it)

Decine di persone si accalcano per riuscire a prendere acqua potabile da un enorme pozzo nel villaggio di Natwarghad nello stato occidentale indiano del Gujarat Il superamento dei 7 miliardi di persone per gli abitanti della Terra è un traguardo globale che rappresenta allo stesso tempo un'opportunità e una sfida per l'intero pianeta.

Chile en llamas: ¿Tragedia natural o alerta climática?

2024-02-29T13:45+0100gestion (es)

Por: Sandor Lukacs de Pereny. Profesor del MBA y de los Programas en Sostenibilidad de ESAN. La devastación en la región de Valparaíso tras los incendios forestales ha dejado una huella imborrable, con al menos 131 muertos, cientos de desaparecidos y más de 1600 personas sin hogar.

Dalle spugne marine preoccupanti indizi sul riscaldamento globale

2024-02-29T09:27+0100donnamoderna (it)

Il riscaldamento globale potrebbe essere iniziato prima di quanto si pensasse in precedenza e sta progredendo molto più rapidamente. È la conclusione alla quale sono giunti alcuni scienziati che hanno analizzato una manciata di spugne secolari provenienti dalle profondità del Mar dei Caraibi.

After intense predictions, what happened to El Niño?

2024-02-27T20:36+0100nationaltribune (en)

A scientist from UNSW Sydney explains why the current El Niño cycle hasn’t behaved quite as we expected it to. After many predictions, on September 19 the Australia n Bureau of Meteorology formally announced an El Niño for the summer of 2023/2024, several months after it had been declared by other international meteorological agencies.

L’emisfero australe perde più risorse idriche di quello boreale. Ed è solo la punta di un iceberg

2024-02-27T14:13+0100ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Buone notizie per i boreali, pessime per gli australi. Uno studio recente indica come l’emisfero australe sia non solo più vulnerabile ai cambiamenti climatici, ma perda anche più risorse idriche rispetto all’emisfero settentrionale. Non si tratta di una differenza trascurabile: è una voragine enorme.

26.02.2024 Australia - Ex-Tropical Cyclone Lincoln has 'moderate impact' on Gascoyne, but some fruit growers face severe damage Authorities are celebrating a "best case scenario" as ex-Tropical Cyclone Lincoln crossed the West Australian coast with a "moderate impact", but some fruit growers are dealing with severe damage.

2024-02-27T00:05+0100agroinsurance-en (en)

Authorities are celebrating a "best case scenario" as ex-Tropical Cyclone Lincoln crossed the West Australia n coast with a "moderate impact", but some fruit growers are dealing with severe damage. The system hit the Gascoyne town of Carnarvon north of Perth on Saturday night, bringing 78 millimetres....

26.02.2024 Australia - Ex-Tropical Cyclone Lincoln has 'moderate impact' on Gascoyne, but some fruit growers face severe damage Authorities are celebrating a "best case scenario" as ex-Tropical Cyclone Lincoln crossed the West Australian coast with a "moderate impact", but some fruit growers are dealing with severe damage.

2024-02-26T23:55+0100agroinsurance (en)

Authorities are celebrating a "best case scenario" as ex-Tropical Cyclone Lincoln crossed the West Australia n coast with a "moderate impact", but some fruit growers are dealing with severe damage. The system hit the Gascoyne town of Carnarvon north of Perth on Saturday night, bringing 78 millimetres....

Climate Readiness: A Pressing Issue for Low-Income Communities in Fast-Growing Areas Such as Western Sydney

2024-02-26T23:04+0100natureworldnews (en)

Climate change is not a distant threat, but a present reality for many people around the world. Extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, floods, droughts, and storms, are becoming more frequent and intense, posing serious challenges to human health, livelihoods, and well-being. However, not everyone is equally affected by these impacts.

These 3 climate disasters will have the greatest impact on human health by 2050

2024-02-26T12:56+0100ruetir (en)

Climate change is emerging as a major global threat to public health and the world economy. A recent report from the World Economic Forum highlights the significant impact that extreme weather events will have on global health over the next two decades.

Farmers' strike in Madrid, live | A hundred tractors and thousands of protesters plan to occupy the center of Madrid

2024-02-26T11:13+0100tellerreport (en)

2024-02-26T08:03:10.780Z. Highlights: Farmers' strike in Madrid, live | A hundred tractors and thousands of protesters plan to occupy the center of Madrid. Today's mobilization culminates a calendar of more than 40 events that have dotted the Spanish geography in recent weeks.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead

2024-02-26T04:10+0100thenews-pk (en)

This picture taken on December 31, 2019 shows a firefighter hosing down trees and flying embers in an effort to secure nearby houses from bushfires near the town of Nowra in the Australia n state of New South Wales. — AFP/File SYDNEY: Days-long bushfires in Australia’s Victoria state have razed....

Australian Govt Pioneers in Maximising Net-zero Opportunities

2024-02-26T00:06+0100miragenews (en)

The Albanese Government is taking action so that the Australia n Public Service (APS) can responsibly navigate a decarbonised future. The Climate Risk and Opportunity Management Program will support staff across all agencies and departments to seize the opportunities of our transition to net zero,....

Australian Government to lead on maximising net-zero opportunities

2024-02-26T00:02+0100nationaltribune (en)

The Albanese Government is taking action so that the Australia n Public Service (APS) can responsibly navigate a decarbonised future. The Climate Risk and Opportunity Management Program will support staff across all agencies and departments to seize the opportunities of our transition to net zero,....

Australia PM pledges support as wildfires destroy homes

2024-02-25T19:39+0100businessday (en)

Sydney — Australia ’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state after a days-long wildfire emergency razed homes and damaged businesses. Authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week.

Australia PM pledges support as wildfires destroy homes

2024-02-25T19:24+0100businesslive (en)

Sydney — Australia ’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state after a days-long wildfire emergency razed homes and damaged businesses. Authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week.

VIDEO: Big fires in Australia, houses are also burning

2024-02-25T18:33+0100slobodenpecat-en (en)

More Australia n towns threatened by massive bushfire. An uncontrollable wildfire in Victoria state, Australia, prompted the evacuation of residents in several communities on Thursday. Authorities issued emergency warnings for the fire burning near the town of Ballarat, in the… pic.twitter.

Australia PM pledges ‘whatever support’ needed as wild fires destroy many homes

2024-02-25T12:18+0100bworldcom (en)

SMOKE from bushfires rises north of Beaufort, near Ballarat in Victoria, Australia , Feb. 24, 2024. — AAP IMAGE/DAVID CROSLING/POOL/VIA REUTERS. SYDNEY — Australia’s Prime Minister (PM) Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long....

Australia PM pledges 'whatever support' needed as wildfires destroy homes

2024-02-25T10:47+0100channelnewsasia (en)

SYDNEY: Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday (Feb 25) to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that has razed homes after authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week.

Australia PM vows support as wildfires destroy homes

2024-02-25T09:18+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Feb. 25 (BNA): Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that has razed homes after authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week.

Australia PM pledges 'whatever support' needed as wild fires destroy homes

2024-02-25T09:03+0100GulfDailyNews (en)

SYDNEY - Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that has razed homes after authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week.

Australia PM pledges ‘whatever support’ needed as wild fires destroy homes

2024-02-25T09:02+0100malaymail (en)

SYDNEY, Feb 25 — Australia ’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged today to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that has razed homes after authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week.

Australia PM pledges 'whatever support' needed as wild fires destroy homes

2024-02-25T08:36+0100bdnews24 (en)

Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that has razed homes after authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week. "We will provide whatever support is requested....

Australia PM pledges ‘whatever support’ needed as wildfires destroy homes

2024-02-25T07:34+0100rappler (en)

'It's a reminder of the need for us to be vigilant for us to continue to work and act on the threat that is climate change,' Australia n Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says. SYDNEY, Australia – Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday, February 25, to provide whatever support....

Australia PM pledges ‘whatever support’ needed as wild fires destroy homes

2024-02-25T07:22+0100brecorder (en)

SYDNEY: Australia ’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that has razed homes after authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week.

Australia PM pledges whatever support needed as wildfires destroy homes

2024-02-25T07:14+0100japantoday (en)

Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that has razed homes after authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week. "We will provide whatever support is requested....

Australia PM pledges ‘whatever support’ needed as wildfires destroy homes

2024-02-25T06:54+0100freemalaysiatoday (en)

Australia ’s prime minister Anthony Albanese said the fires are a reminder to act against the threat of climate change. (AP pic) SYDNEY: Australia’s prime minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that....

Aussie PM pledges support as wildfires destroy homes

2024-02-25T06:05+0100chinadailyhk (en)

This frame grab from video footage taken and provided by Australia n Broadcast Corporation (ABC) on Dec 21, 2023 via AFPTV shows firefighters in the suburb of Parkerville, east of Perth, attempting to put out a bushfire. (PHOTO / ABC / AFP) SYDNEY - Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged....

Australia PM pledges 'whatever support' needed as wild fires destroy homes

2024-02-25T05:45+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that has razed homes after authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead SYDNEY (Reuters) - Days-long bushfires in Australia's Victoria state have razed homes, authorities said on Sunday, warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier Jac.

2024-02-25T05:43+0100kelo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Days-long bushfires in Australia ’s Victoria state have razed homes, authorities said on Sunday, warning “extreme” heat could fan the wildfires later this week. “That is very sobering news for those families,” Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead

2024-02-25T05:40+0100radionz (en)

Days-long bushfires in Australia 's Victoria state have razed homes, authorities said on Sunday, warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead

2024-02-25T05:38+0100wkzo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Days-long bushfires in Australia ’s Victoria state have razed homes, authorities said on Sunday, warning “extreme” heat could fan the wildfires later this week. “That is very sobering news for those families,” Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead

2024-02-25T05:36+0100whbl (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Days-long bushfires in Australia ’s Victoria state have razed homes, authorities said on Sunday, warning “extreme” heat could fan the wildfires later this week. “That is very sobering news for those families,” Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

Australia PM pledges 'whatever support' needed as wild fires destroy homes Reuters |Updated 1 minutes ago |2 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) -Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that....

2024-02-25T05:35+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that has razed homes after authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead SYDNEY (Reuters) - Days-long bushfires in Australia's Victoria state have razed homes, authorities said on Sunday, warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier Jac.

2024-02-25T05:30+0100wsau (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Days-long bushfires in Australia ’s Victoria state have razed homes, authorities said on Sunday, warning “extreme” heat could fan the wildfires later this week. “That is very sobering news for those families,” Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead

2024-02-25T05:28+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

Days-long bushfires in Australia 's Victoria state have razed homes, authorities said on Sunday, warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

Australia PM pledges 'whatever support' needed as wild fires destroy homes

2024-02-25T05:24+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that has razed homes after authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead

2024-02-25T04:57+0100deccanherald (en)

Sydney: Days-long bushfires in Australia 's Victoria state have razed home, authorities said on Sunday, warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

World News | Emissions from Households' Water Use Are on a Par with Aviation. The Big Cuts and Savings They Can Make Are Being Neglected

2024-02-25T04:49+0100latestly (en)

Melbourne, Feb 25 (The Conversation) Why is there such a big gap between people, industries and government agreeing we need urgent action on climate change, and actually starting? Scope 3 emissions are a great example. These are greenhouse gas emissions that organisations can influence, but don't directly control.

Emissions from households’ water use are on a par with aviation. The big cuts and savings they can make are being neglected

2024-02-25T04:46+0100devdiscourse (en)

Melbourne, Feb 25 (The Conversation) Why is there such a big gap between people, industries and government agreeing we need urgent action on climate change, and actually starting? Scope 3 emissions are a great example. These are greenhouse gas emissions that organisations can influence, but don't directly control.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead

2024-02-25T04:28+0100AsiaOne (en)

SYDNEY - Days-long bushfires in Australia 's Victoria state have razed homes, authorities said on Sunday (Feb 25), warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

Australia PM pledges 'whatever support' needed as wild fires destroy homes

2024-02-25T04:23+0100devdiscourse (en)

Australia 's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pledged on Sunday to provide whatever support was needed to assist Victoria state in a days-long wildfire emergency that has razed homes after authorities warned extreme heat could fan the blazes this week. "We will provide whatever support is requested....

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead Reuters |Updated 8 minutes ago |1 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) - Days-long bushfires in Australia's Victoria state have razed home, authorities said on Sunday, warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier .

2024-02-25T04:22+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Days-long bushfires in Australia 's Victoria state have razed home, authorities said on Sunday, warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, ‘extreme’ heat ahead

2024-02-25T04:20+0100inquirer (en)

In this photo released by the Western Australia Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and received by AFP on November 23, 2023, shows firefighters watching a bushfire burn north of the city of Perth. AFP FILE PHOTO. SYDNEY Days-long bushfires in Australia’s Victoria state have razed....

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead SYDNEY (Reuters) - Days-long bushfires in Australia's Victoria state have razed home, authorities said on Sunday, warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier .

2024-02-25T03:40+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Days-long bushfires in Australia 's Victoria state have razed home, authorities said on Sunday, warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead

2024-02-25T03:36+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Days-long bushfires in Australia 's Victoria state have razed homes, authorities said on Sunday, warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead

2024-02-25T03:25+0100streetinsider (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Days-long bushfires in Australia 's Victoria state have razed homes, authorities said on Sunday, warning "extreme" heat could fan the wildfires later this week. "That is very sobering news for those families," Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan told reporters, saying six homes had been confirmed destroyed.

Australian homes destroyed in bushfires, 'extreme' heat ahead

2024-02-25T03:21+0100devdiscourse (en)

Australia is in the grips of an El Nino weather pattern, which is typically associated with extreme phenomena such as wildfires, cyclones and droughts. More than 15 bushfires were burning in Victoria on Sunday, with the most serious blaze, ranked at the second highest danger rating, near several....

Australian authorities urge hundreds to flee uncontained bushfire

2024-02-24T15:36+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state raged out of control on Saturday, with authorities issuing a fresh evacuation alert at the highest danger rating for hundreds of residents in the state's west. The emergency warning followed the downgrading on Saturday of another bushfire,....

(TAP) - A bushfire in Australia's Victoria state raged out of control on Saturday, with authorities issuing a fresh evacuation alert at the highest...

2024-02-24T14:34+0100ATAP-en (en)

Australia n authorities urge hundreds to flee uncontained bushfire (TAP) - A bushfire in Australia's Victoria state raged out of control on Saturday, with authorities issuing a fresh evacuation alert at the highest danger rating for hundreds of residents in the state's west.

Australian towns on high brushfire alert

2024-02-24T13:32+0100BangkokPost (en)

A Country Fire Authority team carries out a controlled burn west of Corryong in Victoria state of Australia on Jan 7, 2020. (File Photo State Control Centre Media/News Corp Australia via Reuters) SYDNEY - A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia’s Victoria state that has destroyed properties....

Australia urges hundreds to flee uncontained bushfire

2024-02-24T11:09+0100chinadailyhk (en)

A supplied image shows smoke from a bushfire near the town of Beaufort, west of Ballarat, Australia 's Victoria state, Feb 22, 2024. (PHOTO / BEAUFORT PARK CAFE VIA REUTERS) SYDNEY - A bushfire in Australia's Victoria state raged out of control on Saturday, with authorities issuing a fresh evacuation....

Australian authorities urge hundreds to flee uncontained bushfire

2024-02-24T10:42+0100GulfDailyNews (en)

SYDNEY - A bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state raged out of control on Saturday, with authorities issuing a fresh evacuation alert at the highest danger rating for hundreds of residents in the state's west. The emergency warning followed the downgrading on Saturday of another bushfire, sparked....

Australian authorities urge hundreds to flee uncontained bushfire

2024-02-24T09:06+0100thestandard-hk (en)

A bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state raged out of control on Saturday, with authorities issuing a fresh evacuation alert at the highest danger rating for hundreds of residents in the state's west. The emergency warning followed the downgrading on Saturday of another bushfire, sparked earlier....

Australian authorities urge hundreds to flee uncontained bushfire

2024-02-24T08:18+0100malaymail (en)

SYDNEY, Feb 24 — A bushfire in Australia ’s Victoria state raged out of control today, with authorities issuing a fresh evacuation alert at the highest danger rating for hundreds of residents in the state’s west. The emergency warning followed the downgrading today of another bushfire, sparked....

Australian authorities urge hundreds to flee uncontained bushfire

2024-02-24T07:19+0100channelnewsasia (en)

SYDNEY: A bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state raged out of control on Saturday (Feb 24), with authorities issuing a fresh evacuation alert at the highest danger rating for hundreds of residents in the state's west. The emergency warning followed the downgrading on Saturday of another bushfire ,....

Australian authorities urge hundreds to flee uncontained bushfire

2024-02-24T06:41+0100zawya-palestine (en)

SYDNEY - A bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state raged out of control on Saturday, with authorities issuing a fresh evacuation alert at the highest danger rating for hundreds of residents in the state's west. The emergency warning followed the downgrading on Saturday of another bushfire, sparked....

Australian authorities urge hundreds to flee uncontained bushfire

2024-02-24T06:27+0100cnbc (en)

A bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state raged out of control on Saturday, with authorities issuing a fresh evacuation alert at the highest danger rating for hundreds of residents in the state's west. The emergency warning followed the downgrading on Saturday of another bushfire, sparked earlier....

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns

2024-02-24T06:24+0100AsiaOne (en)

SYDNEY - A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday (Feb 24) for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday....

Australian authorities urge hundreds to flee uncontained bushfire

2024-02-24T06:12+0100devdiscourse (en)

The Australia n Broadcasting Corp reported on Saturday that three homes and several outbuildings had been destroyed this week in Victoria's bushfire emergency. Around 1,000 firefighters supported by more than 50 aircraft have battled the fires since they started.

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns

2024-02-24T05:14+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday....

'Leave immediately... before conditions become too dangerous'

2024-02-24T01:52+0100radionz (en)

A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday prompted more than 2000....

'Leave immediately... before conditions become too dangerous'

2024-02-24T01:51+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday prompted more than 2000....

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns

2024-02-24T01:21+0100humnews-pk (en)

SYDNEY: A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia ’s Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday prompted more....

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns

2024-02-24T01:02+0100wsau (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia ’s Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday....

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns SYDNEY (Reuters) - A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia's Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued .

2024-02-24T01:00+0100kelo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia ’s Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday....

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns

2024-02-24T00:59+0100wkzo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia ’s Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday....

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns

2024-02-24T00:58+0100whbl (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia ’s Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday....

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns Reuters |Updated 7 minutes ago |2 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) - A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia's Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns.

2024-02-24T00:35+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday....

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns

2024-02-24T00:30+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday prompted more....

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns SYDNEY (Reuters) - A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia's Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday .

2024-02-24T00:25+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday....

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns

2024-02-24T00:18+0100streetinsider (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A massive out-of-control bushfire in Australia 's Victoria state that has destroyed properties and killed livestock prompted fresh evacuation alerts on Saturday for several rural towns. Emergency authorities early Saturday issued new warnings for the blaze, which on Thursday....

Fresh warnings issued for bushfire-threatened Australian towns

2024-02-24T00:12+0100devdiscourse (en)

The highest danger was for small rural communities of Bayindeen, Chute, Elmhurst and Mount Lonarch, the agency said. Jason Heffernan, chief officer of Victoria state fire department, said on Friday that early reports indicated losses of sheds and livestock in the blaze, with one home confirmed destroyed.

Emissions From Households' Water Use Are On A Par With Aviation. The Big Cuts And Savings They Can Make Are Being Neglected #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews

2024-02-22T21:25+0100menafn (en)

- The Conversation) Why is there such a big gap between people, industries and government agreeing we need urgent action on climate change, and actually starting? Scope 3 emissions are a great example. These are greenhouse gas emissions that organisations can influence, but don't directly control.

Household Water Use Emissions Rival Aviation, Savings Ignored

2024-02-22T20:25+0100miragenews (en)

has identified the benefits of tackling these emissions in Australia 's urban water sector. If we consider the energy we use to heat water, water costs us far more than we think. It's an issue of cost of living as well as water supply and energy infrastructure.

Peter Button finds House of Lords report "a missed opportunity for UK horticulture"

2024-02-22T16:40+0100verticalfarmdaily (en)

According to Peter Button (former head of international plant variety rights organization UPOV), last November's House of Lords report into the challenges facing the horticulture sector and the Government's recent response is "a missed opportunity to strengthen research and access to essential....

Opinion: Natural infrastructure is a solution in the face of drought It’s a dry topic, but drought is top of mind for many Albertans. This winter has seen unseasonably warm temperatures and a lack of snowfall, which could mean an even drier summer than that of 2023.

2024-02-22T14:26+0100calgaryherald (en)

The Alberta government has struck a drought command team and announced the largest-ever water negotiations among users and licence-holders. However, another piece of the drought-busting puzzle needs more attention — natural infrastructure. Natural infrastructure allows us to work with nature to help meet infrastructure needs.

¿Quiere apadrinar un bosque en Ibiza?

2024-02-22T06:04+0100diariodeibiza (es)

Esta densidad de pino no es natural . No hay ningún herbívoro que la regule y entonces se convierte en un polvorín . La Administración no hace clareos y los propietarios de los terrenos tampoco», comenta. El problema es la sobreabundancia de pino blanco Pinus halepensis ), procedente del Líbano y....

Australia iron ore, LNG ports clear ships amid cyclone warning

2024-02-22T05:41+0100naturalgaseurope (en)

SYDNEY, Feb 22 (Reuters) Ex-tropical cyclone Lincoln is expected to intensify back to cyclonic strengths on Thursday night hitting Australia 's northwest, the country's weather bureau said, as ports across the region began clearing ships from the site. The Port of Dampier, which mostly ships iron ore from Rio Tinto RIO.

Australia iron ore, LNG ports clear ships amid cyclone warning

2024-02-22T00:00+0100devdiscourse (en)

Ex-tropical cyclone Lincoln is expected to intensify back to cyclonic strengths on Thursday night hitting Australia 's northwest, the country's weather bureau said, as ports across the region began clearing ships from the site. Ex-tropical cyclone Lincoln is expected to intensify back to cyclonic....

Australia iron ore, LNG ports clear ships amid cyclone warning

2024-02-22T00:00+01004-traders (en)

SYDNEY, Feb 22 (Reuters) - Ex-tropical cyclone Lincoln is expected to intensify back to cyclonic strengths on Thursday night hitting Australia 's northwest, the country's weather bureau said, as ports across the region began clearing ships from the site.

Hard To Kill: Here's Why Eucalypts Are Survival Experts

2024-02-21T21:44+0100menafn (en)

- The Conversation) They can recover from fire. Grow back from a bare stump. Shrug aside bark loss that would kill a lesser tree. Endure drought and floods. Eucalypts are not interested in dying. They're survivors. The world's 800-plus species are almost all found in Australia , a continent with old, degraded soils and frequent fires and droughts.

Vermentino Is A Fresh White Wine For A Hotter World

2024-02-21T21:36+0100forbes (en)

ITALY - CIRCA 2003: Vineyards in Gallura in the Tempio Pausania area, Sardinia, Italy. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images) De Agostini via Getty Images. Vermentino has been going from strength to strength over the last few decades. From relative obscurity, it is now the star white grape of Italy’s....

MIL-Evening Report: Hard to kill: here’s why eucalypts are survival experts

2024-02-21T21:25+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Gregory Moore, Senior Research Associate, School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, The University of Melbourne. They can recover from fire. Grow back from a bare stump. Shrug aside bark loss that would kill a lesser tree. Endure drought and floods. Eucalypts are not interested in dying. They’re survivors.

Hard to kill: here’s why eucalypts are survival experts

2024-02-21T20:39+0100johansen (en)

They can recover from fire. Grow back from a bare stump. Shrug aside bark loss that would kill a lesser tree. Endure drought and floods. Eucalypts are not interested in dying. They’re survivors. The world’s 800-plus species are almost all found in Australia , a continent with old, degraded soils and frequent fires and droughts.

Climate Change In South China Sea Can Impact Global Weather

2024-02-21T20:38+0100asianscientist (en)

Asian Scientist Magazine (Feb. 22, 2023) — Climate change in the South China Sea and its surrounding areas could have “profound impacts” on both local and global climate patterns, a new study has found. The South China Sea, located in the eastern part of Southeast Asia, is a partially enclosed sea....

Hard to kill: here’s why eucalypts are survival experts

2024-02-21T20:24+0100nationaltribune (en)

Eucalypts are not interested in dying. They’re survivors. The world’s 800-plus species are almost all found in Australia , a continent with old, degraded soils and frequent fires and droughts. In the fossil record, they first appear about 34 million years ago.

Eucalypts' Survival Expertise: Hard-To-Kill Tree Explained

2024-02-21T20:18+0100miragenews (en)

Eucalypts are not interested in dying. They're survivors. The world's 800-plus species are almost all found in Australia , a continent with old, degraded soils and frequent fires and droughts. In the fossil record, they first appear about 34 million years ago.

La quinta base cinese in Antartide è un laboratorio strategico

2024-02-21T18:58+0100lastampa (it)

La via della seta è cosparsa di ghiaccio e neve, specialmente da quando, questo mese, la Cina ha aperto la sua quinta stazione di ricerca in Antartide. Gli esperti avvertono che l'espansione delle attività della Cina in Antartide potrebbe portare ad una maggiore presenza strategica di Pechino nel....

La quinta base cinese in Antartide è un laboratorio strategico

2024-02-21T15:40+0100laprovinciapavese (it)

La via della seta è cosparsa di ghiaccio e neve, specialmente da quando, questo mese, la Cina ha aperto la sua quinta stazione di ricerca in Antartide. Gli esperti avvertono che l'espansione delle attività della Cina in Antartide potrebbe portare ad una maggiore presenza strategica di Pechino nel....

La quinta base cinese in Antartide è un laboratorio strategico

2024-02-21T15:39+0100lasentinella (it)

La via della seta è cosparsa di ghiaccio e neve, specialmente da quando, questo mese, la Cina ha aperto la sua quinta stazione di ricerca in Antartide. Gli esperti avvertono che l'espansione delle attività della Cina in Antartide potrebbe portare ad una maggiore presenza strategica di Pechino nel....

La quinta base cinese in Antartide è un laboratorio strategico

2024-02-21T15:36+0100repubblica-green-and-blue (it)

La via della seta è cosparsa di ghiaccio e neve, specialmente da quando, questo mese, la Cina ha aperto la sua quinta stazione di ricerca in Antartide. Gli esperti avvertono che l'espansione delle attività della Cina in Antartide potrebbe portare ad una maggiore presenza strategica di Pechino nel....

Scoperto l’ornitorinco selvatico più vecchio del mondo: ha 24 anni

2024-02-21T10:22+0100greenreport (it)

Quando nel novembre 2000 Geoff Williams trovò e taggò un ornitorinco maschio ( Ornithorhynchus anatinus ) di un anno durante un censimento, probabilmente non si aspettava di rivedere l’animale. Ma a 24 anni di distanza Williams fa parte del team di ricercatori guidato da Melody Serena di Australia n....

Why are farmers back for the ‘Delhi Chalo’ march?

2024-02-21T05:56+0100downtoearth (en)

After a gap of about three years, farmers are back for the ‘Delhi Chalo’ march. Their protest began on Tuesday, February 13, 2024. The Down To Earth (DTE) team travelled with these farmers from the outskirts of Fatehgarh Sahib in Punjab till the Shambhu border, 40 kilometres away.

Climate Change Worsens Western Sydney’s Urban Heat Island

2024-02-21T04:39+0100climateadaptationplatform (en)

Climate change is creating longer and more intense summers, worsening heatwaves, and droughts in Australia . The year 2023 is on track to becoming Australia’s hottest year yet. A data analysis, “Impact of Accelerated Climate Change on Maximum Temperature Differences between Western and Coastal....

AUSTRALIA: Siccità Record, la migrazione dei granchi rossi è in ritardo; il VIDEO stupisce gli esperti

2024-02-21T00:40+0100ilmeteo (it)

Articolo del 20/02/2024 ore 23:30 di Redazione In Australia la migrazione dei granchi rossi che di solito avviene tra ottobre e novembre si è verificata solo ora, a causa della grave siccità che ha colpito Christmas Island. "Gli ultimi 6-9 mesi sono stati eccezionalmente secchi e per la prima volta....

La migrazione dei granchi rossi tarda per la siccità: è la prima volta

2024-02-19T13:29+0100repubblica-green-and-blue (it)

In Australia la migrazione dei granchi rossi che di solito avviene tra ottobre e novembre si è verificata solo ora, a causa della grave siccità che ha colpito Christmas Island. "Gli ultimi 6-9 mesi sono stati eccezionalmente secchi e per la prima volta i granchi, che di solito si spostano tra....

La migrazione dei granchi rossi tarda per la siccità. Non era mai accaduto prima

2024-02-19T13:23+0100repubblica (it)

In Australia la migrazione dei granchi rossi che di solito avviene tra ottobre e novembre si è verificata solo ora, a causa della grave siccità che ha colpito Christmas Island. "Gli ultimi 6-9 mesi sono stati eccezionalmente secchi e per la prima volta i granchi, che di solito si spostano tra....

Climate experts warn Brits of El Nino heatwave return and 'cold flip' that looms

2024-02-19T11:33+0100themirror (en)

A climate expert has warned Brits planning holidays that a vast global weather system partly responsible for last summer's scorching hot temperatures has begun shutting down earlier than expected. Dubbed El Niño , the intense, record-breaking and sometimes deadly temperatures that hit Europe last....

Time to name silent killer: heatwaves

2024-02-19T00:42+0100nationaltribune (en)

AS WESTERN AUSTRALIA reels from record-breaking heat, the Climate Council is calling for heatwaves to be named, similar to how we name tropical cyclones, as a way of helping avoid more deaths. This move, already trialled in Europe, could increase awareness of the serious health and safety risks posed by heatwaves.

More women at 'cradle of oil' climate talks and beyond

2024-02-18T00:42+0100westernadvocate (en)

A heady mix of misogyny and fossil fuels confronts those preparing to make the trek to the next international climate summit, and it carries lessons for Australia . Some call it the historic cradle of oil, and recent years have ushered in a gas boom as parts of Europe look beyond pariah Russia for supplies.

More women at 'cradle of oil' climate talks and beyond

2024-02-17T23:41+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

A heady mix of misogyny and fossil fuels confronts those preparing to make the trek to the next international climate summit, and it carries lessons for Australia . Some call it the historic cradle of oil, and recent years have ushered in a gas boom as parts of Europe look beyond pariah Russia for supplies.

More women at 'cradle of oil' climate talks and beyond

2024-02-17T23:27+0100newcastleherald (en)

A heady mix of misogyny and fossil fuels confronts those preparing to make the trek to the next international climate summit, and it carries lessons for Australia . Some call it the historic cradle of oil, and recent years have ushered in a gas boom as parts of Europe look beyond pariah Russia for supplies.

Sexism stalling efforts to fight climate crisis: COP29 watcher

2024-02-17T23:25+0100thenewdaily-au (en)

A heady mix of misogyny and fossil fuels confronts those preparing to make the trek to the next international climate summit, and it carries lessons for Australia . The host of this year’s COP29 climate summit is Azerbaijan, a former Soviet outpost and home to one of the world’s largest gas fields and many depleted oil wells.

More women at 'cradle of oil' climate talks and beyond

2024-02-17T23:24+0100illawarramercury (en)

A heady mix of misogyny and fossil fuels confronts those preparing to make the trek to the next international climate summit, and it carries lessons for Australia . Some call it the historic cradle of oil, and recent years have ushered in a gas boom as parts of Europe look beyond pariah Russia for supplies.

More women at 'cradle of oil' climate talks and beyond

2024-02-17T22:37+0100maitlandmercury (en)

A heady mix of misogyny and fossil fuels confronts those preparing to make the trek to the next international climate summit, and it carries lessons for Australia . Some call it the historic cradle of oil, and recent years have ushered in a gas boom as parts of Europe look beyond pariah Russia for supplies.

More women at 'cradle of oil' climate talks and beyond

2024-02-17T22:14+0100bordermail (en)

A heady mix of misogyny and fossil fuels confronts those preparing to make the trek to the next international climate summit, and it carries lessons for Australia . Some call it the historic cradle of oil, and recent years have ushered in a gas boom as parts of Europe look beyond pariah Russia for supplies.

Los cinco factores que llevaron a los incendios forestales en Chile

2024-02-17T14:44+0100diarioelpueblo (es)

VALPARAISO (Diálogo Chino/Fermín Koop) – Es la mayor tragedia que vivió el país después de un terremoto en 2010, impulsada por una combinación de factores, desde un clima extremo a falta de planificación urbana. Múltiples incendios forestales afectaron el centro y el sur de Chile en las últimas....

Quantum Technology: Revolutionizing Space Exploration and Beyond

2024-02-16T18:22+0100idstch (en)

In the vast expanse of space, the next frontier in exploration and innovation awaits. Humanity’s journey beyond Earth’s borders is being fueled by groundbreaking advancements in science and technology, and at the heart of this new space revolution lies quantum technology.

Quali sono le migliori piante grasse da appartamento: come curarle e di cosa hanno bisogno

2024-02-16T12:57+0100ohga (it)

Aloe vera Originaria delle zone aride dell' Africa , questa pianta è conosciuta fin dall'antichità per le sue numerose proprietà benefiche. Ha un fusto corto e ramificato, foglie carnose, lanceolate e di colore verde brillante, con bordi seghettati e la parte interna delle foglie contiene un gel....

Eventi meteorologici estremi in arrivo: accadranno da Settembre 2024

2024-02-16T06:23+0100247libero (it)

Il clima del nostro pianeta è soggetto a cambiamenti imprevedibili che possono avere un impatto significativo sulle nostre vite e sul nostro ambiente. Ma questo lo sappiamo già. Quello che non sappiamo è che, negli ultimi tempi, i segnali provenienti dal National Weather Service (NWS) degli Stati....

L’ornitorinco selvatico più anziano del mondo può insegnarci come salvare la specie

2024-02-15T17:52+0100greenme (it)

In Australia , un team di ricercatori ha studiato l'ornitorinco selvatico più vecchio del mondo per aiutare i suoi simili in natura. Nel Paese, la specie è minacciata di estinzione. Comprendere di più su questo esemplare da record significa valutare nuove strategie di conservazione Di mammiferi....

UNICEF Pakistan Humanitarian Situation Report -- End-of-Year 2023

2024-02-15T06:42+0100humanitarianresponse (en)

Reporting Period: January to December 2023. Highlights In 2023, the floods response continued to address the ongoing humanitarian needs which impacted 33 million individuals and displaced 8 million people. Through UNICEF support, 542,842 children with severe acute malnutrition (302,834 girls and....

New Study Points to More Climate Extremes

2024-02-15T03:53+0100sciencedaily (en)

As temperature records tumble, and the threat of bushfires and dry conditions looms large, an international study by Flinders University and Argentinian researchers renews the urgency of calls to make more concerted efforts to prepare for climate extremes in South Australia .

UNICEF Pakistan Humanitarian Situation Report -- End-of-Year 2023

2024-02-14T23:27+0100reliefWeb (en)

Reporting Period: January to December 2023. Highlights In 2023, the floods response continued to address the ongoing humanitarian needs which impacted 33 million individuals and displaced 8 million people. Through UNICEF support, 542,842 children with severe acute malnutrition (302,834 girls and....

Study Suggests Climate Change May Impact Babies’ Birthweight for Gestational Age

2024-02-14T09:06+0100indiaeducationdiary (en)

Climate change could pose a big risk to Australia ns’ reproductive health with a new, large-scale Curtin University study revealing a possible link between extreme bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and babies’ birthweights for gestational age. Researchers from the Curtin School of Population....

State-of-the-art Platypus Rescue HQ opens in Dubbo

2024-02-14T08:05+0100miragenews (en)

The world's largest purpose-built platypus conservation centre, Platypus Rescue HQ, has been opened at Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo on Wiradjuri Country, providing a world-class refuge for wild platypus. The state-of-the-art centre can house up to 65 platypus during severe environmental events such as droughts, bushfires and floods.

State-of-the-art Platypus Rescue HQ opens in Dubbo

2024-02-14T08:03+0100nationaltribune (en)

The world’s largest purpose-built platypus conservation centre, Platypus Rescue HQ, has been opened at Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo on Wiradjuri Country, providing a world-class refuge for wild platypus. The state-of-the-art centre can house up to 65 platypus during severe environmental events such as droughts, bushfires and floods.

UNSW Scientists Collaborate to Establish New Rescue Center for Threatened Platypuses

2024-02-14T07:46+0100indiaeducationdiary (en)

The refuge in NSW’s central west will help protect the unique species from escalating threats posed by droughts. UNSW Sydney’s Platypus Conservation Initiative has joined forces with the NSW Government and Taronga Conservation Society Australia to open a new conservation facility for platypuses in regional NSW.

More extreme weather on horizon

2024-02-14T05:58+0100nationaltribune (en)

As temperature records tumble, and the threat of bushfires and dry conditions looms large, an international study by Flinders University and Argentinian researchers renews the urgency of calls to make more concerted efforts to prepare for climate extremes in South Australia . Professor Patrick Hesp.

Gennaio da record: è stato il più caldo mai registrato | L’analisi

2024-02-13T09:43+0100ripartelitalia (it)

Gennaio 2024 è stato il gennaio più caldo mai registrato a livello globale, con una temperatura media dell’aria superficiale di 13,14 gradi Celsius, 0,70 gradi al di sopra della media del mese di gennaio tra il 1991 e il 2020 e 0,12 gradi al di sopra della temperatura del precedente gennaio più caldo, quello del 2020.

How 2023'S Record Heat Worsened Droughts, Floods And Bushfires Around The World

2024-02-11T15:07+0100menafn (en)

- Kashmir Observer) Canberra- 2023 was a year of record-breaking heat, devastating storms and floods, deepening droughts and raging wildfires. These events showed how climate change is affecting the global water cycle and our livelihoods. ADVERTISEMENT.


2024-02-10T22:38+0100guidasicilia (it)


Ocean sponges suggest Earth has warmed longer, more than thought; some scientists dubious

2024-02-10T22:11+0100japantoday (en)

A handful of centuries-old sponges from deep in the Caribbean are causing some scientists to think human-caused climate change began sooner and has heated the world more than they thought. They calculate that the world has already gone past the internationally approved target of limiting global warming to 1.

Spanish influencer criticises Britons for standards of cleanliness after being told to ‘lower her expectations’ when she moved to the UK

2024-02-10T09:02+0100whatsnew2day (en)

And people were quick to comment, pointing out that it’s a habit from the days when houses “only had a sink.” “I’m Scottish, but we use the sink so we can throw things down the sink without all the water spilling out of the sink,” she said. Another added that it makes rinsing easier.

Fires in Chile, Ghana Make Breathing Dangerous: Weather Watch

2024-02-09T15:44+0100financialpost (en)

“These smoke events are becoming more common due to climate change, which contributes to the increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires,” Dolphin Hammes said. “Factors such as rising temperatures, prolonged droughts, stronger El Niños, and changes in precipitation patterns create conditions conducive to wildfires.

Copernicus: Nel 2024, il pianeta ha vissuto il gennaio più caldo mai registrato

2024-02-09T09:30+0100greencity-it (it)

Il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate Change Service - C3S) ha pubblicato il bollettino climatico mensile che riporta i cambiamenti registrati globalmente nella temperatura superficiale dell'aria , nella copertura del ghiaccio marino e nelle variabili idrologiche .

Deserti e luoghi estremi: i posti più caldi della terra

2024-02-09T09:27+0100247libero (it)

DESERTO DASHT-E LUT, Iran Il deserto del Lut si trova sull'altopiano dell'Iran sudorientale ed è per dimensione il venticinquesimo deserto più grande del mondo. È il luogo in cui è stato toccato uno dei picchi più estremi di calore mai registrati sulla terra: detiene ancora il primato della....

Spanish influencer criticises Britons for standards of cleanliness after being told to 'lower her expectations' when she moved to the UK

2024-02-08T13:59+0100dailymail (en)

And people were quick to comment with some noting it is a habit from days where homes 'only had one sink'. 'I am Scottish, but we used the basin so we can tip things down the sink without running away the full sink of water,' she said. Another added it makes rinsing things easier.

Copernicus: il gennaio 2024 è stato il più caldo mai registrato

2024-02-08T12:41+0100greenreport (it)

Secondo l’ultimo bollettino climatico mensile pubblicato dal Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). implementato dall’European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) per conto della Commissione europea, «Il mese di gennaio 2024 è stato il gennaio più caldo mai registrato a livello....

Water, Vol. 16, Pages 535: Low-Flow Identification in Flood Frequency Analysis: A Case Study for Eastern Australia

2024-02-08T11:42+0100mdpi (en)

Regression analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship between the number of censoring data points in the AM flood series and catchment characteristics such as base-flow index (BFI) (volume factor and peak factor), mean annual rainfall (MAR), and the catchment shape factor (SF). For this, only South Australia n (SA) stations are used.

Clima, altro record negativo: gennaio 2024 è stato il più caldo mai registrato

2024-02-08T11:33+0100ecodallecitta (it)

Gennaio 2024 è stato il più caldo mai registrato a livello globale , con una temperatura media di 13-14 °C, circa 0,70 gradi più alta di quella del periodo 1991-2020. Lo ha annunciato il Servizio di monitoraggio dei cambiamenti climatici Copernicus, attuato dal Centro europeo per le previsioni meteorologiche.

Notizie green Riscaldamento globale: gennaio 2024 segna un nuovo record,

2024-02-08T07:44+0100euronews-it (it)

Il gennaio 2024 è stato il gennaio più caldo al mondo dall'inizio delle registrazioni, con una temperatura media dell'aria superficiale di 13,14 gradi Celsius. Lo ha annunciato il Servizio di monitoraggio dei cambiamenti climatici Copernicus, attuato dal Centro europeo per le previsioni....

Drought resilience plans to be rolled out across the regions

2024-02-08T03:06+0100nationaltribune (en)

$900,000 for drought resilience plans to support communities impacted by dry seasons; Cook Government working to help build resilient regions. The Cook and Albanese Labor Governments are providing $900,000 to implement drought resilience plans across regional Western Australia to help communities prepare for and manage the impacts of dry seasons.

Heart of Pacific climate mobility adaption, not relocation

2024-02-07T07:42+0100pina (en)

By Richard Musgrove. Pacific islanders have been on the move for 50,000 years, as explorers, as settlers and as traders. But now that cultural phenomenon has an existential edge, particularly for those on vulnerable, low-lying islands, as the insidious effects of climate change manifest – heat....

Incendi in Cile: coloro che cercano di risorgere dalle ceneri | Il bilancio finale ammonta a 122 morti e più di un centinaio di dispersi

2024-02-06T16:05+0100flaminiaedintorni (it)

Migliaia di persone cercano di risorgere dalle ceneri sulle colline di Viña del Mar, nella regione di Valparaíso, nel Cile centrale, colpite da un incendio boschivo. Il più mortale del ventunesimo secolo con il conteggio aggiornato questo lunedì a 122 morti e più di un centinaio di dispersi.

Ocean sponges suggest Earth has warmed longer, more than thought

2024-02-06T15:41+0100naharnet-ar (en)

A handful of centuries-old sponges from deep in the Caribbean are causing some scientists to think human-caused climate change began sooner and has heated the world more than they thought. They calculate that the world has already gone past the internationally approved target of limiting global warming to 1.

Do these ancient sea sponges prove we are already at 1.8°C of warming?

2024-02-06T12:33+0100euronews-en (en)

The researchers calculate that the world has already gone past the internationally approved target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C since pre-industrial times, hitting 1.7°C as of 2020. They analysed six of the long-lived sponges - simple animals that filter water - for growth records that....

MIL-OSI New Zealand: University Research – New warning: South Australia needs to gear up for more climate extremes – Flinders Uni

2024-02-06T11:22+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Flinders university. As temperature records tumble, and the threat of bushfires and dry conditions looms large, an international study by Flinders University and Argentinian researchers renews the urgency of calls to make more concerted efforts to prepare for climate extremes in South Australia .

MIL-OSI Submissions: University Research – New warning: South Australia needs to gear up for more climate extremes – Flinders Uni

2024-02-06T11:20+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Flinders university. As temperature records tumble, and the threat of bushfires and dry conditions looms large, an international study by Flinders University and Argentinian researchers renews the urgency of calls to make more concerted efforts to prepare for climate extremes in South Australia .

What to know about Chile's voracious wildfires

2024-02-06T11:09+0100spacewar (en)

Coming in the middle of a fierce heatwave, Chile's forest fires engulfed communities with a destructive speed that has stunned the nation. This is what you need to know about the country's deadliest wildfires in recent history: - Why did fire spread so quickly? - Summer is in full swing in Chile and....

Quali sono stati gli incendi più gravi di questo secolo

2024-02-06T10:03+0100247libero (it)

Gli incendi che da quattro giorni stanno bruciando più di 107 chilometri quadrati di terreno e migliaia di case nella regione di Valparaíso , nel Cile centrale, sono già fra i più gravi in termini di numero di morti fra quelli avvenuti nel mondo nel Ventunesimo secolo, oltre che i più gravi di sempre nel paese sudamericano.

Quali sono stati gli incendi più gravi di questo secolo

2024-02-06T09:53+0100ilpost (it)

Gli incendi che da quattro giorni stanno bruciando più di 107 chilometri quadrati di terreno e migliaia di case nella regione di Valparaíso , nel Cile centrale, sono già fra i più gravi in termini di numero di morti fra quelli avvenuti nel mondo nel Ventunesimo secolo, oltre che i più gravi di sempre nel paese sudamericano.

Can sponges tell whether the planet has warmed more than we thought?

2024-02-06T08:49+0100cgtn (en)

A handful of centuries-old sponges from deep in the Caribbean are causing some scientists to think human-caused climate change began sooner and has heated the world more than they thought. They calculate that the world has already gone past the internationally approved target of limiting global warming to 1.

When millets rescued Vadnagar from long period of droughts

2024-02-06T03:59+0100timesofindia (en)

Archaeological evidence reveals that 2,000 years ago, the diet of Vadnagar residents included rice, pulses, fibre crops, barley, and millets. Over time, the proportion of rice increased to 85%, but during the Sultanate and Mughal reigns, there was a shift to millets, which made up 98% of the grains.

How Does Climate Change Play a Role in Deadly Forest Fires like the one in Chile?

2024-02-06T03:27+0100kompas-id (en)

AFP/JAVIER TORRES. Officials are trying to extinguish a fire in Puren, Araucania, Chile on Saturday (4/2/2023) local time. The fire has claimed at least 23 lives. Extreme heat waves and droughts have hit several South American countries, causing forest and land fires.

ex-ante Chile registra incendio forestal con mayor número de muertos a nivel mundial en los últimos 15 años

2024-02-05T21:10+0100t13 (es)

La tragedia más grande que antecede a la que comenzó el viernes pasado en el país ocurrió en 2009 en Australia , a partir de una sequía sin precedentes, una ola de calor extrema y fuertes vientos, que dejaron un saldo de 173 muertes. El número de víctimas fatales que hasta ahora se registran en....

World News | Ocean Sponges Suggest Earth Has Warmed Longer, More Than Thought; Some Scientists Dubious

2024-02-05T20:41+0100latestly (en)

Washington, Feb 5 (AP) A handful of centuries-old sponges from deep in the Caribbean are causing some scientists to think human-caused climate change began sooner and has heated the world more than they thought. They calculate that the world has already gone past the internationally approved target of limiting global warming to 1.

Grupo Modelo lanza la cerveza Acapulco para ayudar a los negocios afectados por Otis

2024-02-05T20:32+0100thefoodtech (es)

Con el objetivo de ayudar a los negocios afectados por el paso del huracán Otis en Acapulco en octubre de 2023, Grupo Modelo lanza una edición especial de la cerveza Acapulco. La compañía realizó una inversión de 24 millones de pesos para apoyar a microempresarios del ramo de abarrotes quienes....

Ocean Sponges Suggest Earth Has Warmed Longer, More Than Thought; Some Scientists Dubious

2024-02-05T19:25+0100usnews (en)

Uncredited. This undated image provided by Amos Winter shows a sponge from the Caribbean. This sponge, a simple animal that filters water, and a handful of other centuries-old sponges are causing some scientists to think human-caused climate change began sooner and has heated the world more than they thought.

Ocean sponges suggest Earth has warmed longer, more than thought; some scientists dubious

2024-02-05T19:20+0100phys (en)

They calculate that the world has already gone past the internationally approved target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times, hitting 1.7 degrees (3.1 degrees Fahrenheit) as of 2020. They analyzed six of the long-lived sponges—simple....

Ocean sponges suggest Earth has warmed longer, more than thought; some scientists dubious

2024-02-05T19:17+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

A handful of centuries-old sponges from deep in the Caribbean are causing some scientists to think human-caused climate change began sooner and has heated the world more than they thought. They calculate that the world has already gone past the internationally approved target of limiting global warming to 1.

Ocean sponges suggest Earth has warmed longer, more than thought; some scientists dubious

2024-02-05T19:13+0100krmg (en)

A handful of centuries-old sponges from deep in the Caribbean are causing some scientists to think human-caused climate change began sooner and has heated the world more than they thought. They calculate that the world has already gone past the internationally approved target of limiting global warming to 1.

How do we fight wildfires as temperatures rise?

2024-02-05T12:16+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

Fire has burnt through forests for hundreds of millions of years, but now unprecedented , partly due to climate change. Declining rainfall and longer droughts are making forests so dry that localized lightening can spark a small fire that transforms into an inferno before firefighters can limit the damage.

Wildlife Come si comportano gli animali selvatici durante gli incendi?

2024-02-05T10:03+0100nationalgeographic-it (it)

Il 2020 è stato uno degli anni più delicati per la California: gli incendi hanno imperversato in tutto lo Stato che ha affrontato una stagione da record a causa della combinazione distruttiva dell’ondata di caldo e dei venti forti. Le fiamme hanno bruciato più di 810.000 ettari di terra e distrutto oltre 3.

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated 'extreme'

2024-02-05T03:58+0100thenews-pk (en)

SYDNEY: Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern. The nation’s weather forecaster had heatwave alerts in place for Australia’s most populous state, New South....

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated ‘extreme’

2024-02-04T14:09+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post SYDNEY (Reuters) : Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern. The nation’s weather forecaster had heatwave alerts in place for....

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated 'extreme'

2024-02-04T11:21+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern. The nation's weather forecaster had heatwave alerts in place for Australia's most populous state,....

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated 'extreme'

2024-02-04T08:39+0100chinadailyhk (en)

People sun bathe at Sydney's Bondi beach as temperatures in excess of 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) are expected to hit parts of eastern Australia , Dec 9, 2023. (PHOTO / AP) SYDNEY - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated....

Sarà "l'anno senza inverno" per Viterbo. Anche la Tuscia fa i conti con il cambiamento climatico

2024-02-04T07:55+0100247libero (it)

VITERBO Temperature diurne intorno ai 15 gradi, assenza da più di un mese di precipitazioni piovose e se si vuole osservare un po' di neve bisogna voltarsi verso le Alpi, gli Appennini fino ai 2000 metri mostrano solo prati ingialliti. Una stagione fredda mai iniziata, e se, come le previsioni a....

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated 'extreme'

2024-02-04T07:48+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Feb. 4 (BNA): Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern. The nation's weather forecaster had heatwave alerts in place for Australia's most populous....

Australia sweats through heatwave; bushfire risk rated 'extreme'

2024-02-04T06:26+0100japantoday (en)

Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern. The nation's weather forecaster had heatwave alerts in place for Australia's most populous state, New South Wales,....

Australia sweats through heat wave, bushfire risk rated 'extreme'

2024-02-04T05:09+0100cgtn (en)

Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heat wave as authorities warned of an elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Niño weather pattern. The nation's weather forecaster had heat wave alerts in place for Australia's most populous state, New South....

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated 'extreme'

2024-02-04T04:31+0100AsiaOne (en)

AsiaOne has launched EarthOne , a new section dedicated to environmental issues — because we love the planet and we believe science. Find articles like this SYDNEY - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday (Feb 4) sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already....

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated ‘extreme’

2024-02-04T03:44+0100rappler (en)

Hot and dry conditions combined with gusty winds prompt the forecaster to issue 'extreme fire danger' warnings for parts of Victoria and South Australia states. SYDNEY, Australia – Large swaths of Australia on Sunday, February 4, sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated....

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated ‘extreme’

2024-02-04T03:13+0100inquirer (en)

SYDNEY Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern. The nation’s weather forecaster had heatwave alerts in place for Australia’s most populous state, New South....

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated 'extreme'

2024-02-04T03:05+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern. The nation's weather forecaster had heatwave alerts in place for Australia's most populous state, New South....

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated 'extreme' Reuters |Updated 5 minutes ago |1 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern.

2024-02-04T02:39+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern. The nation's weather forecaster had heatwave alerts in place for Australia's most populous state,....

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated 'extreme'

2024-02-04T02:36+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern. The nation's weather forecaster had heatwave alerts in place for Australia's most populous state,....

Australia Sweats Through Heatwave, Bushfire Risk Rated 'Extreme'

2024-02-04T02:35+0100usnews (en)

Reuters. New South Wales Rural Fire Service firefighter Elisabeth Goh monitors a hazard reduction burn in Sydney, Australia , September 10, 2023. REUTERS/Cordelia Hsu/File Photo SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated....

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated 'extreme'

2024-02-04T02:33+0100streetinsider (en)

A view shows a depleted pool of water in a field near Bombala, New South Wales, Australia , November 19, 2023. REUTERS/Peter Hobson/File Photo. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern.

Australia sweats through heatwave, bushfire risk rated 'extreme'

2024-02-04T02:19+0100devdiscourse (en)

Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweltered through a heatwave as authorities warned of elevated bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season during an El Nino weather pattern. Sunday's hot weather - the latest in a string of heatwaves to scorch Australia - comes after the country's east was hit last month by damaging floods.

El Niño e le conseguenze sul clima: cosa ci aspetta nel 2024?

2024-02-02T12:14+0100donnamoderna (it)

El Niño , il fenomeno climatico responsabile dell’anomalo riscaldamento delle acque superficiali nel sud dell’oceano Pacifico, Ma attenzione, perché il 2024 potrebbe essere ancora più rovente , avverte il segretario generale dell’Organizzazione Meteorologica Mondiale (OMM), Petteri Taalas : “Gli....

El trienio más seco de la historia pone a Cataluña al límite: "O llueve en marzo o lo vamos a pasar mal"

2024-02-02T02:42+0100elespanol (es)

Cataluña ha declarado la emergencia debido a la peor sequía de su historia. Las nuevas restricciones para combatir la falta de agua en la comunidad entran en vigor este viernes, afectando a seis millones de personas de las áreas de Barcelona y Girona. Unas medidas que llegan después de tres años aciagos en lo relacionado con las precipitaciones.

Researchers study rate and effects of drought-pluvial volatility

2024-02-01T15:56+0100hydroreview (en)

Over the past two decades, 3 billion people have been affected by water-related natural disasters such as droughts and floods. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency of these hazards, with some prognosticators estimating there will be upwards of $3.7 trillion in water-related damage over the next 30 years in the U.

Cuando Bruselas le vio las orejas al campo: ¿qué hay detrás de las protestas en Europa?

2024-02-01T15:51+0100huffingtonpost-es-es (es)

Más allá de las imágenes impactantes que dejan las protestas, la pregunta es cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí. ¿Qué reclaman, por qué ahora y hasta que punto se ha movido Bruselas? Estas son las claves para comprender que este conflicto ya llevaba tiempo sembrado y ahora solo se recoge lo cosechado.

Mysterious exploding star and more — January’s best science images

2024-01-31T17:14+0100nature-current (en)

Ready for the close-up . Capturing this microscopic cross section of marram grass ( Ammophila arenaria ) stems was a challenge for photographer Gerhard Vlcek, who won the Micro category of the Close-up Photographer of the Year contest with this colourful shot (see below for a selection of other winning entries).

Mysterious exploding star and more — January’s best science images NEWS | 31 JAN 2024

2024-01-31T16:43+0100nature (en)

Ready for the close-up . Capturing this microscopic cross section of marram grass ( Ammophila arenaria ) stems was a challenge for photographer Gerhard Vlcek, who won the Micro category of the Close-up Photographer of the Year contest with this colourful shot (see below for a selection of other winning entries).

Un altro fiume contaminato da litri di acido: l’incidente ambientale in Brasile lascia 600.000 persone senza acqua

2024-01-31T13:51+0100ohga (it)

Un grave incidente ambientale ha colpito la città di Joinville , nello Stato di Santa Catarina, in Brasile . Un camion carico di acido solfonico si è ribaltato in un burrone, riversando la sostanza tossica in un ruscello che sfocia nel fiume Cubatão. Il fiume Cubatão è una delle principali fonti di....

Argentina: inaugurato export grano in CinaLa campagna 2023/24 dovrebbe riportare un incremento del 23% di produzione

2024-01-30T18:05+0100efanews (it)

Nuovo importante passo avanti per le esportazioni argentine. L'Amministrazione Generale delle Dogane della Repubblica Popolare Cinese (Gacc) ha incluso le aziende argentine autorizzate ad esportare grano nel Sistema di registrazione online della quarantena degli stabilimenti autorizzati ad esportare....

Jaime Lillo, del Consejo Oleícola: “Falta aceite de oliva y el reto es que el cultivo se adapte al cambio climático”

2024-01-30T05:32+0100elpais (es)

El cambio climático está complicando que el aceite de oliva , que se está pagando como un producto de lujo, alcance de nuevo un precio razonable. El calentamiento “va más rápido de lo que esperábamos” y eso impacta en un cultivo, el olivar, acostumbrado a condiciones duras, señala Jaime Lillo, de 49....

Singapore can help Laos realise its potential, says Vivian as the 2 nations mark 50 years of diplomatic ties

2024-01-27T15:07+0100straitstimesSG (en)

VIENTIANE – Laos has enormous economic potential despite its fiscal difficulties and will thrive if the right infrastructure and policy frameworks are in place, said Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan during his official visit to the country.

La Dop Economy del vino italiano vale 11,3 miliardi di euro (ma con ancora tante sfide da vincere)

2024-01-26T19:55+0100winenews (it)

Una “forza” che unisce filiera e tradizione, storia e qualità, tecnica e visione, raggiungendo quota 20 miliardi di euro di valore, grazie, anche, all’appoggio della finanza che si sta dimostrando vicina ad un settore che garantisce occupazione, prestigio, futuro ma anche orgoglio. Tutto questo è la Dop Economy, tema chiave a “Wine & Siena” n.

Thousands of Australians without power in tropical cyclone aftermath

2024-01-26T11:23+0100cgtn (en)

Tens of thousands of people in Australia 's Queensland state were without power on Friday after a tropical cyclone hit overnight, bringing damaging winds and heavy rains. Tropical cyclone Kirrily, a category two system, made landfall late on Thursday along the coast bordering the Great Barrier Reef....

Thousands of Australians without power in tropical cyclone aftermath

2024-01-26T10:32+0100in-cyprus (en)

Tens of thousands of people in Australia ’s Queensland state were without power on Friday after a tropical cyclone hit overnight, bringing damaging winds and heavy rains. Tropical cyclone Kirrily, a category two system, made landfall late on Thursday along the coast bordering the Great Barrier Reef....

Asti Docg, imbottigliato si ferma a 90 milioni. Barbero: “Stiamo pensando alla versione rosè dello spumante”

2024-01-26T10:06+0100cronachedigusto (it)

Vendemmia, produzione, export: l’ Asti Docg archivia un 2023 complicato per i vini italiani e in chiaroscuro anche per la denominazione piemontese regina delle bollicine aromatiche. Lo rileva il consorzio Asti con un focus sui fondamentali della Docg e i piani futuri, a partire dal progetto in versione rosè del proprio Spumante.

Thousands of Australians without power in tropical cyclone aftermath

2024-01-26T08:17+0100chinadailyhk (en)

In this image made from video provided by AubC, waves hit a coastline in Bowen, Australia , Jan 25, 2024. (PHOTO / AUBC VIA AP) SYDNEY - Tens of thousands of people in Australia's Queensland state were without power on Friday after a tropical cyclone hit overnight, bringing damaging winds and heavy rains.

Thousands of Australians without power in tropical cyclone aftermath

2024-01-26T08:10+0100AsiaOne (en)

AsiaOne has launched EarthOne , a new section dedicated to environmental issues — because we love the planet and we believe science. Find articles like this SYDNEY - Tens of thousands of people in Australia 's Queensland state were without power on Friday (Jan 26) after a tropical cyclone hit overnight, bringing damaging winds and heavy rains.

Thousands of Australians without power in tropical cyclone aftermath

2024-01-26T07:55+0100deccanherald (en)

Sydney: Tens of thousands of people in Australia 's Queensland state were without power on Friday after a tropical cyclone hit overnight, bringing damaging winds and heavy rains. Tropical cyclone Kirrily, a category two system, made landfall late on Thursday along the coast bordering the Great....

Thousands of Australians without power in tropical cyclone aftermath

2024-01-26T06:16+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people in Australia 's Queensland state were without power on Friday after a tropical cyclone hit overnight, bringing damaging winds and heavy rains. Tropical cyclone Kirrily, a category two system, made landfall late on Thursday along the coast bordering the....

Thousands of Australians without power in tropical cyclone aftermath

2024-01-26T04:51+0100thechronicleherald (en)

STORY: Tropical cyclone Kirrily, a category two system, made landfall late on Thursday along coast bordering the Great Barrier Reef near the tourist town of Townsville, before being downgraded to a tropical low on Friday. Queensland's premiere Steven Miles told reporters Kirrily affected the state's....

Thousands of Australians without power in tropical cyclone aftermath

2024-01-26T04:26+0100saltwire (en)

STORY: Tropical cyclone Kirrily, a category two system, made landfall late on Thursday along coast bordering the Great Barrier Reef near the tourist town of Townsville, before being downgraded to a tropical low on Friday. Queensland's premiere Steven Miles told reporters Kirrily affected the state's....

Thousands of Australians without power in tropical cyclone aftermath

2024-01-26T04:23+0100streetinsider (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) -Tens of thousands of people in Australia 's Queensland state were without power on Friday after a tropical cyclone hit overnight, bringing damaging winds and heavy rains. Tropical cyclone Kirrily, a category two system, made landfall late on Thursday along the coast bordering the....

Il ranuncolo, come far fiorire i "botton d'oro"

2024-01-26T03:47+0100lasentinella (it)

Elegante e dai colori vivaci, il ranuncolo è una pianta erbacea originaria dell'Asia, dell' Australia , dell'America del Nord e delle zone più fredde; comprende quasi 600 specie, ma la più conosciuta è quella dai toni gialli. Il suo nome significa "piccola rana", in riferimento alle zone paludose dove....

Il ranuncolo, come far fiorire i "botton d'oro"

2024-01-26T03:38+0100lastampa (it)

Elegante e dai colori vivaci, il ranuncolo è una pianta erbacea originaria dell'Asia, dell' Australia , dell'America del Nord e delle zone più fredde; comprende quasi 600 specie, ma la più conosciuta è quella dai toni gialli. Il suo nome significa "piccola rana", in riferimento alle zone paludose dove....

Il ranuncolo, come far fiorire i "botton d'oro"

2024-01-26T03:37+0100repubblica-green-and-blue (it)

Elegante e dai colori vivaci, il ranuncolo è una pianta erbacea originaria dell'Asia, dell' Australia , dell'America del Nord e delle zone più fredde; comprende quasi 600 specie, ma la più conosciuta è quella dai toni gialli. Il suo nome significa "piccola rana", in riferimento alle zone paludose dove....

Thousands of Australians without power in tropical cyclone aftermath

2024-01-26T02:31+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Tens of thousands of people in Australia ’s Queensland state were without power on Jan 26 after a tropical cyclone hit overnight, bringing damaging winds and heavy rains. made landfall late on Jan 25 along the coast bordering the Great Barrier Reef near the tourist town of Townsville, before being downgraded to a tropical low on Jan 26.

Paper provides a clearer picture of severe hydro hazards

2024-01-26T00:57+0100sciencedaily (en)

An increasing area of interest to researchers is the frequency of compound drought and pluvial flooding (caused by quick, heavy rainfall or sustained rainfall beyond the norm), which is when both occur in succession in the same area within a year of each other. Historically, this level of coincidence has been under-examined.

An ancient system that could bring water to dry areas

2024-01-25T23:01+0100herald (en)

Some of Africa’s dry areas face serious water shortages due to minimal rainfall. An ancient system of drawing water from aquifers, the “qanat system,” could help. Gaathier Mahed, an environmental scientist and expert on the management of groundwater, has studied the feasibility of these systems.

Consorzio Asti Docg: imbottigliato 2023 a 90 milioni, in linea con media decennale (-0,9%)

2024-01-25T18:39+0100agrigiornale (it)

Vendemmia, produzione, export: l’Asti Docg archivia un 2023 complicato per i vini italiani e in chiaroscuro anche per la denominazione piemontese regina delle bollicine aromatiche. Lo rileva il consorzio Asti con un focus sui fondamentali della Docg e i piani futuri, a partire dal progetto in versione rosè del proprio Spumante.

Sai quali sono le varietà di mele più diffuse? Ecco le 10 che trovi anche al supermercato e le loro proprietà

2024-01-25T15:40+0100ohga (it)

Annurca È considerata la "regina delle mele". Tipica soprattutto della Campania , alla mela annurca è stato riconosciuto nel 2006 il marchio Igp (Indicazione Geografica Protetta). Si tratta di una varietà pregiata e molto apprezzata per la sua polpa succosa e croccante, dolce ma allo stesso tempo gradevolmente acidula.

New research provides a clearer picture of severe hydro hazards

2024-01-25T14:53+0100smartwatermagazine (en)

The University of Arkansas boasts a tradition unique among the nation's universities: Senior Walk, consisting of more than three miles of sidewalks crisscrossing campus that are engraved with the names of more than 175,000 graduates. Over the last two decades an estimated three billion people have....

Sai quali sono le varietà di mele più diffuse?

2024-01-25T13:24+0100ohga (it)

Si fa presto a dire mela . Questo frutto prelibato non dovrebbe mai mancare nella tua dieta, dal momento che garantisce numerosi benefici al tuo organismo. Devi sapere che al mondo esistono più di 7 mila varietà di mele (molto spesso sono prodotti di incroci tra diversi tipi).

Vino (Consorzio Asti Docg): imbottigliato 2023 a 90 mln, in linea con media decennale (-0,9%)

2024-01-25T13:21+0100agricolae (it)

Vendemmia, produzione, export: l’Asti Docg archivia un 2023 complicato per i vini italiani e in chiaroscuro anche per la denominazione piemontese regina delle bollicine aromatiche. Lo rileva il consorzio Asti con un focus sui fondamentali della Docg e i piani futuri, a partire dal progetto in versione rosè del proprio Spumante.

Asti Docg, imbottigliato 2023 nella media. Moscato in calo, ma arriva il rosé

2024-01-25T13:19+0100italiaatavola (it)

I n attesa dell’approvazione da parte del Comitato Vini dell’ Asti Rosé - progetto in itinere che deve affrontare il duplice step fondamentale, di ordine burocratico e tecnico-produttivo per cui è già stata avviata una sperimentazione, come riferisce il presidente Lorenzo Barbero - il Consorzio Asti....

Verso l’Asti spumante rosè. Il consorzio studia la versione rosata all’Asti Spumante

2024-01-25T13:01+0100foodaffairs (it)

IMBOTTIGLIATO 2023. L’Asti Docg saluta il 2023 superando quota 90 milioni di bottiglie prodotte (-11,8% sul 2022), con l’imbottigliato di Asti Spumante che sfiora il tetto di 61 milioni di pezzi mentre il Moscato d’Asti si ferma appena sotto i 30 milioni (29,3).

Consorzio dell'Asti: prove tecniche e amministrative per l'Asti spumante rosé

2024-01-25T12:53+0100247libero (it)

IMBOTTIGLIATO 2023. L’Asti Docg saluta il 2023 superando quota 90 milioni di bottiglie prodotte (-11,8% sul 2022), con l’imbottigliato di Asti Spumante che sfiora il tetto di 61 milioni di pezzi mentre il Moscato d’Asti si ferma appena sotto i 30 milioni (29,3).

Research Sheds Light on Extreme Water-Related Hazards

2024-01-24T17:45+0100miragenews (en)

Over the last two decades an estimated three billion people have been affected by water-related natural disasters such as droughts and floods. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency of these hydro hazards, with some prognosticators estimating there will be upwards of $3.

Incendios forestales en Chile y la urgencia de una mejor planificación

2024-01-24T14:29+0100portaldelcampo (es)

Las condiciones propicias para la ocurrencia de un incendio y la escasa responsabilidad humana en actividades al aire libre han generado un escenario pesimista que pone en peligro la sobrevivencia de nuestros bosques y plantaciones. Aquí es donde la mejor herramienta que surge es la prevención, lo....

Tropical cyclone expected to lash Australia's Queensland from Thursday

2024-01-24T09:07+0100thetimes-za (en)

Some tourist towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef and other places in northeastern Queensland state are bracing for a potential tropical cyclone which is expected to make landfall on Thursday, the day before the Australia Day long weekend. Authorities advised residents to stock enough....

Tropical cyclone expected to lash Australia’s Queensland from Jan 25

2024-01-24T08:48+0100AsiaOne (en)

AsiaOne has launched EarthOne , a new section dedicated to environmental issues — because we love the planet and we believe science. Find articles like this SYDNEY - Some tourist towns along Australia ’s Great Barrier Reef and other places in north-eastern Queensland state are bracing themselves for....

Tropical cyclone expected to lash Australia's Queensland from Jan 25

2024-01-24T06:59+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Some tourist towns along Australia ’s Great Barrier Reef and other places in northeastern Queensland state are bracing for a potential tropical cyclone which is expected to make landfall on Jan 25, the day before the Australia Day long weekend.

Tropical cyclone expected to lash Australia's Queensland from Thursday Reuters |Updated 18 minutes ago |2 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) - Some tourist towns along Australia's Great Barrier Reef and other places in northeastern Queensland state are bracing for a potential tropical cyclone which is....

2024-01-24T06:14+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Some tourist towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef and other places in northeastern Queensland state are bracing for a potential tropical cyclone which is expected to make landfall on Thursday, the day before the Australia Day long weekend.

Tropical cyclone expected to lash Australia's Queensland from Thursday SYDNEY (Reuters) - Some tourist towns along Australia's Great Barrier Reef and other places in northeastern Queensland state are bracing for a potential tropical cyclone which is expected to make landfall on Thursday, the day before the Australia .

2024-01-24T05:56+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Some tourist towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef and other places in northeastern Queensland state are bracing for a potential tropical cyclone which is expected to make landfall on Thursday, the day before the Australia Day long weekend.

Tropical Cyclone Expected to Lash Australia's Queensland From Thursday

2024-01-24T05:53+0100usnews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Some tourist towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef and other places in northeastern Queensland state are bracing for a potential tropical cyclone which is expected to make landfall on Thursday, the day before the Australia Day long weekend.

Tropical cyclone expected to lash Australia's Queensland from Thursday

2024-01-24T05:52+0100streetinsider (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Some tourist towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef and other places in northeastern Queensland state are bracing for a potential tropical cyclone which is expected to make landfall on Thursday, the day before the Australia Day long weekend.

Tropical cyclone expected to lash Australia's Queensland from Thursday

2024-01-24T05:50+0100devdiscourse (en)

Destructive wind gusts of up to 120 km (75 miles) per hour are forecast for some tourist towns along the Great Barrier Reef with storm warnings stretching for around 900 km (559 miles). The weather system has been downgraded to a category 2 cyclone, three rungs below the most dangerous wind-speed....

Australia Added Record Number of Wildlife to List of Threatened Species in 2023

2024-01-23T09:26+0100earth-org (en)

A total of 2,212 ecological communities, plants, and animal species are now threatened with extinction in Australia , owing to climate change and government-backed climate destruction, according to a new report published Monday. 2023 was another harsh year for Australia’s wildlife, with dozens of new....

Australia sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk amid El Nino

2024-01-22T00:30+0100pakobserver (en)

Large swaths of Australia sweltered again on Sun-day through a widening heatwave, which the na-tional weather forecaster said raised the bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season as the country endures an El Nino weather pattern. “Extreme” heatwave alerts, the highest danger rating, were in....

Australia sweats in heatwave lifting bushfire risk, amid El Nino

2024-01-21T22:07+0100fijitimes (en)

FILE PHOTO: New South Wales Rural Fire Service firetruck is seen at a hazard reduction burn site in Sydney, Australia , September 10, 2023. REUTERS/Cordelia Hsu/File Photo. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Large swaths of Australia sweltered on Sunday in a heatwave, the nation’s weather forecaster said, raising....

Australia sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk amid El Nino

2024-01-21T12:31+0100cde-news (en)

SYDNEY, Jan 21 (Reuters) – Large swaths of Australia sweltered again on Sunday through a widening heatwave, which the national weather forecaster said raised the bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season as the country endures an El Nino weather pattern.

Australia sweats in heatwave raising bushfire risk amid El Niño

2024-01-21T10:41+0100bworldcom (en)

An officer looks out during the flight to Omeo, Victoria, Australia , to evacuate local civilian residents Jan. 4, 2020. — CORPORAL NICOLE DORRETT/AUSTRALIAN DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS. SYDNEY — Large swaths of Australia sweltered on Sunday in a heatwave, the nation’s weather....

Australia sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk amid El Nino

2024-01-21T09:58+0100tribune (en)

SYDNEY: Large swaths of Australia sweltered again on Sunday through a widening heatwave, which the national weather forecaster said raised the bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season as the country endures an El Nino weather pattern. "Extreme" heatwave alerts, the highest danger rating,....

Meteo. El Niño raggiunge il picco, torna La Niña in estate?

2024-01-21T09:57+01003bmeteo (it)

Verso La Nina in estate? Secondo le ultime indicazioni El Niño è previsto indebolirsi nel corso della primavera dopo aver raggiunto il suo apice a metà gennaio. Tuttavia continuerà ad essere un fattore importante nei prossimi mesi a livello globale . Il calore sprigionato da El Niño incide sulle....

Australia sweats as heatwave lifts bushfire risk amid El Nino

2024-01-21T09:41+0100freemalaysiatoday (en)

Parts of New South Wales’s capital Sydney are forecast to reach 40°C today. (AP pic) SYDNEY: Large swathes of Australia sweltered again today through a widening heatwave, which the national weather forecaster said raised the bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season as the country endures an El Nino weather pattern.

Australia sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk amid El Nino

2024-01-21T09:39+0100thestandard-hk (en)

Large swathes of Australia sweltered again on Sunday through a widening heatwave, which the national weather forecaster said raised the bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season as the country endures an El Nino weather pattern. "Extreme" heatwave alerts, the highest danger rating, were in....

Australia sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2024-01-21T09:21+0100bdnews24 (en)

Large swaths of Australia sweltered again on Sunday through a widening heatwave, which the national weather forecaster said raised the bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season as the country endures an El Nino weather pattern. "Extreme" heatwave alerts, the highest danger rating, were in....

Australia swelters in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2024-01-21T09:08+0100japantoday (en)

Large swaths of Australia sweltered again on Sunday through a widening heatwave, which the national weather forecaster said raised the bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season as the country endures an El Nino weather pattern. "Extreme" heatwave alerts, the highest danger rating, were in....

Australia sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk amid El Nino

2024-01-21T08:49+0100chinadailyhk (en)

In this photo released by the Western Australia Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and received by AFP on Nov 23, 2023, shows firefighters watching a bushfire burn north of the city of Perth. (HANDOUT / WESTERN AUSTRALIA DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES VIA AFP) SYDNEY - Large....

Australia sweats in heatwave, lifting bushfire risk amid El Nino

2024-01-21T08:33+0100brecorder (en)

SYDNEY: Large swaths of Australia sweltered again on Sunday through a widening heatwave, which the national weather forecaster said raised the bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season as the country endures an El Nino weather pattern. “Extreme” heatwave alerts, the highest danger rating,....

Australia sweats in heatwave lifting bushfire risk, amid El Nino

2024-01-21T07:11+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Jan. 21 (BNA): Large swaths of Australia sweltered on Sunday in a heatwave, the nation's weather forecaster said, raising bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season amid an El Nino weather pattern. Heatwave alerts at "extreme" level, the highest danger rating, were in place for a....

Australia sweats in heatwave lifting bushfire risk, amid El Nino

2024-01-21T05:43+0100arynews (en)

SYDNEY: Large swaths of Australia sweltered on Sunday in a heatwave, the nation’s weather forecaster said, raising bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season amid an El Nino weather pattern. Heatwave alerts at “extreme” level, the highest danger rating, were in place for a second day for....

Australia sweats in heatwave lifting bushfire risk, amid El Niño

2024-01-21T04:30+0100inquirer (en)

SYDNEY Large swaths of Australia sweltered on Sunday in a heatwave, the nation’s weather forecaster said, raising bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season amid an El Niño weather pattern. Heatwave alerts at “extreme” level, the highest danger rating, were in place for a second day for parts....

Australia sweats in heatwave lifting bushfire risk, amid El Nino

2024-01-21T04:25+0100AsiaOne (en)

AsiaOne has launched EarthOne , a new section dedicated to environmental issues — because we love the planet and we believe science. Find articles like this SYDNEY - Large swathes of Australia sweltered in a heatwave on Jan 21, the nation's weather forecaster said, raising a bushfire risk in an....

Australia sweats in heatwave raising bushfire risk, amid El Niño

2024-01-21T03:19+0100rappler (en)

Weather forecaster cautions that in Western Australia , the nation's largest state, the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne areas could hit high 40°C on Sunday. SYDNEY, Australia – Large swaths of Australia sweltered on Sunday, January 21, in a heatwave, the nation’s weather forecaster said, raising....

Western Australia on ‘extreme’ heatwave alert, raising bushfire risk

2024-01-21T02:44+0100malaymail (en)

SYDNEY, Jan 21 — Parts of Western Australia today were set to swelter through an “extreme” heatwave, raising the risk of bushfires in the vast state, the nation’s weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology today had an “extreme heatwave warning” in place for the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne....

Australia sweats in heatwave raising bushfire risk, amid El Nino

2024-01-21T02:26+0100channelnewsasia (en)

SYDNEY: Large swaths of Australia sweltered on Sunday (Jan 21) in a heatwave, the nation's weather forecaster said, raising bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season amid an El Nino weather pattern. Heatwave alerts at "extreme" level, the highest danger rating, were in place for a second day....

Australia sweats in heatwave, with parts of Sydney set to hit 40 deg C

2024-01-21T01:50+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Large swaths of Australia sweltered in a heatwave on Jan 21, the nation's weather forecaster said, raising bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season amid an El Nino weather pattern. Heatwave alerts at “extreme” level, the highest danger rating, were in place for a second day for....

Western Australia in ‘extreme’ heat wave, raising bush fire risk

2024-01-21T01:45+0100pakobserver (en)

Parts of Western Australia were gripped on Satur-day by an “extreme” heat-wave, raising the risk of bush fires in the vast state, the nation’s weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology had an “extreme heat-wave warning” in place on Saturday for the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne areas of....

Australia sweats in heatwave lifting bushfire risk, amid El Nino

2024-01-21T01:37+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia sweltered on Sunday in a heatwave, the nation's weather forecaster said, raising bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season amid an El Nino weather pattern. Heatwave alerts at "extreme" level, the highest danger rating, were in place for a second....

Australia Sweats in Heatwave Lifting Bushfire Risk, Amid El Nino

2024-01-21T01:25+0100usnews (en)

Reuters. FILE PHOTO: New South Wales Rural Fire Service firetruck is seen at a hazard reduction burn site in Sydney, Australia , September 10, 2023. REUTERS/Cordelia Hsu/File Photo SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia sweltered on Sunday in a heatwave, the nation's weather forecaster said,....

Australia sweats in heatwave lifting bushfire risk, amid El Nino

2024-01-21T01:17+0100streetinsider (en)

FILE PHOTO: New South Wales Rural Fire Service firetruck is seen at a hazard reduction burn site in Sydney, Australia , September 10, 2023. REUTERS/Cordelia Hsu/File Photo. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia sweltered on Sunday in a heatwave, the nation's weather forecaster said, raising....

Australia sweats in heatwave lifting bushfire risk, amid El Nino

2024-01-21T01:10+0100devdiscourse (en)

On the east coast, parts of New South Wales' capital Sydney were forecast on Sunday to reach 40 C, almost 10 degrees above the average January maximum. The hot, dry conditions raised the risk of bushfires in some areas, the weather forecaster said, as Australia endures an El Nino weather event,....

Western Australia in ‘extreme’ heat wave, raising bush fire risk

2024-01-20T16:51+0100humnews-pk (en)

SYDNEY: Parts of Western Australia were gripped on Saturday by an “extreme” heat-wave, raising the risk of bush fires in the vast state, the nation’s weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology had an “extreme heat-wave warning” in place on Saturday for the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne areas....

Baobab: le proprietà e i benefici di una polvere preziosa

2024-01-20T15:38+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 20 gennaio 2024) Originario dell’ Australia e dell’Africa, il Baobab può rivelarsi un prezioso alleato per la salute, anche se sei a dieta. È un albero appartenente alla famiglia delle Malvacee e al genere Adansonia, che comprende otto specie diverse.

January 20, 2024 Western Australia in 'extreme' heat wave, raising bush fire risk

2024-01-20T13:57+010092newshd (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Parts of Western Australia were gripped on Saturday by an 'extreme' heat-wave, raising the risk of bush fires in the vast state, the nation's weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology had an 'extreme heat-wave warning' in place on Saturday for the remote Pilbara and....

Extreme heat wave in Western Australia raises bush fire risk

2024-01-20T12:07+0100cgtn (en)

Parts of Western Australia were gripped on Saturday by an extreme heat wave, raising the risk of bush fires in the vast state, the nation's weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology had an "extreme heat wave warning" in place on Saturday for the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne areas of....

Western Australia in 'extreme' heat wave, raising bush fire risk

2024-01-20T11:32+0100tribune (en)

SYDNEY: Parts of Western Australia were gripped on Saturday by an "extreme" heat-wave, raising the risk of bush fires in the vast state, the nation's weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology had an "extreme heat-wave warning" in place on Saturday for the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne areas....

Western Australia in 'extreme' heat wave, raising bush fire risk

2024-01-20T09:51+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Jan. 20 (BNA): Parts of Western Australia were gripped on Saturday by an "extreme" heat-wave, raising the risk of bush fires in the vast state, the nation's weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology had an "extreme heat-wave warning" in place on Saturday for the remote Pilbara and....

Western Australia in ‘extreme’ heat wave, raising bush fire risk

2024-01-20T09:23+0100in-cyprus (en)

Parts of Western Australia were gripped on Saturday by an “extreme” heat-wave, raising the risk of bush fires in the vast state, the nation’s weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology had an “extreme heat-wave warning” in place on Saturday for the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne areas of....

Western Australia in 'extreme' heat wave, raising bush fire risk

2024-01-20T08:49+0100dtnext (en)

SYDNEY: Parts of Western Australia were gripped on Saturday by an “extreme” heat-wave, raising the risk of bush fires in the vast state, the nation’s weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology had an “extreme heat-wave warning” in place on Saturday for the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne areas....

‘Extreme’ heatwave grips W. Australia, raises risk of bushfires

2024-01-20T08:37+0100freemalaysiatoday (en)

A temperature of 42.7°C was recorded in the Pilbara mining town of Paraburdoo at 11am local time today. (AP pic) SYDNEY: Parts of Western Australia were gripped today by an “extreme” heatwave, raising the risk of bushfires in the vast state, the nation’s weather forecaster said.

Extreme Heat Wave Grips Parts of Western Australia, Bushfire Risks Rise

2024-01-20T07:47+0100news18 (en)

Parts of Western Australia were gripped on Saturday by an “extreme” heat-wave, raising the risk of bush fires in the vast state, the nation’s weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology had an “extreme heat-wave warning” in place on Saturday for the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne areas of....

Investigación identifica causas de incendios forestales en el centro sur de Chile

2024-01-20T06:43+0100eldemocrata (es)

Un equipo dirigido por la Universidad Estatal de Montana ha descubierto varias razones por las que persisten los incendios forestales en el centro-sur de Chile. Combinado con la baja humedad, los fuertes vientos y las temperaturas extremas (algunos de los mismos factores que contribuyen a los....

Western Australia in 'extreme' heat wave, raising bush fire risk

2024-01-20T06:07+0100malaymail (en)

SYDNEY, Jan 20 ― Parts of Western Australia were gripped today by an “extreme” heat-wave, raising the risk of bush fires in the vast state, the nation's weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology had an “extreme heat-wave warning” in place today for the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne areas of....

Western Australia on 'extreme' heatwave alert, raising bushfire risk

2024-01-20T05:44+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Parts of Western Australia on Saturday were set to swelter through an "extreme" heatwave, raising the risk of bushfires in the vast state, the nation's weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology on Saturday had an "extreme heatwave warning" in place for the remote Pilbara....

Western Australia in 'extreme' heat wave, raising bush fire risk

2024-01-20T05:02+0100devdiscourse (en)

Parts of Western Australia were gripped on Saturday by an "extreme" heat-wave, raising the risk of bush fires in the vast state, the nation's weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology had an "extreme heat-wave warning" in place on Saturday for the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne areas of....

Is the Philippines prepared for El Niño?

2024-01-20T04:36+0100rappler (en)

is ongoing. El Niño has been underway since July 2023 . In its latest advisory, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) reminded the public that a strong El Niño would likely persist until February, and that global climate models predict it would continue until May.

Western Australia on 'extreme' heatwave alert, raising bushfire risk

2024-01-20T04:02+0100AsiaOne (en)

SYDNEY — Parts of Western Australia on Saturday (Jan 20) were set to swelter through an "extreme" heatwave, raising the risk of bushfires in the vast state, the nation's weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology on Saturday had an "extreme heatwave warning" in place for the remote Pilbara....

Western Australia on 'extreme' heatwave alert, raising bushfire risk

2024-01-20T02:24+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Parts of Western Australia on Saturday were set to swelter through an "extreme" heatwave, raising the risk of bushfires in the vast state, the nation's weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology on Saturday had an "extreme heatwave warning" in place for the remote Pilbara and....

Western Australia on 'extreme' heatwave alert, raising bushfire risk

2024-01-20T02:23+0100channelnewsasia (en)

SYDNEY: Parts of Western Australia on Saturday (Jan 20) were set to swelter through an "extreme" heatwave, raising the risk of bushfires in the vast state, the nation's weather forecaster said. The Bureau of Meteorology on Saturday had an "extreme heatwave warning" in place for the remote Pilbara....

Western Australia on 'extreme' heatwave alert, raising bushfire risk

2024-01-20T01:30+0100devdiscourse (en)

The Bureau of Meteorology on Saturday had an "extreme heatwave warning" in place for the remote Pilbara and Gascoyne areas of Australia 's largest state, warning temperatures there could hit high forties degrees Celsius on the weekend. In the Pilbara mining town of Paraburdoo, about 1,500 km (932....

China Meteorological Administration releases "Top Ten Domestic and International Weather and Climate Events in 2023"

2024-01-19T04:09+0100tellerreport (en)

2024-01-19T03:06:14.150Z. Highlights: China Meteorological Administration releases "Top Ten Domestic and International Weather and Climate Events in 2023" China will have obvious warm and dry climate characteristics, with frequent and severe extreme weather events, creating many record-breaking events.

Il numbat, un marsupiale diurno australiano, lotta per sopravvivere al caldo estremo

2024-01-18T18:53+0100ohga (it)

L' Australia è un continente ricco di biodiversità, e tra le sue creature più curiose e affascinanti c'è il numbat , un marsupiale noto anche come formichiere fasciato (nome scientifico: Myrmecobius fasciatus ). Questo piccolo animale, lungo circa 40 cm, è endemico dell'Australia Occidentale e si nutre quasi esclusivamente di termiti.

ENSO: The oscillating atmosphere and ocean

2024-01-18T07:07+0100irishtimes (en)

The weather of 2023 was certainly interesting, with broken records in Ireland and around the world. Newspaper articles attributed the cause of the heatwaves, droughts, floods and fires to the climate pattern known as El Niño. Less restrained reports claimed that this year’s weather would be even more anomalous.

Climate change in South China Sea will impact global weather: experts

2024-01-17T20:22+0100benarnews (en)

The impact of climate change in the South China Sea and its surrounding areas on the local and global weather system could be “profound,” new scientific research has found. The “unique characteristics” of climate change in the South China Sea and surrounding area (SCSSA) – such as the Pacific and....

Climate change in South China Sea will have global weather impact: experts

2024-01-17T12:23+0100rfa (en)

The impact of climate change in the South China Sea and its surrounding areas on the local and global weather system could be “profound,” new scientific research has found. The “unique characteristics” of climate change in the South China Sea and surrounding area (SCSSA) – such as the Indo-Pacific....

Tony Catanoso, l’Indiana Pipps di Reggio Calabria volato nel porto di Tremestieri: 82 anni di storia incredibile | INTERVISTA

2024-01-16T18:53+0100strettoweb (it)

Cos’è successo precisamente in quel momento? Non appena mi sono reso conto che ero in acqua e che il mezzo stava affondando, ho visto che il finestrino era aperto e in quel finestrino aperto ho intravisto una via d’uscita. Mentre il furgone affondava a un metro e mezzo di profondità ho preso la decisione: o esco, o muoio.

Geopolitica e ambiente assediano i mari del commercio

2024-01-16T09:08+0100notizieinunclick (it)

Navi che girano l’Africa per accedere al Mediterraneo, altre approderanno nel porto panamense di Balboa, per trasferire i container sui treni. L’economia mondiale, dipendente dai canali marittimi, vive una crisi di insicurezza, esistenziale. Conflitti e cambiamento climatico continuano a rallentare....

Science News | Climate Change Threatens Global Forest Carbon Sequestration: Study

2024-01-16T08:36+0100latestly (en)

Washington DC [US], January 16 (ANI): A new analysis of U.S. Forest Service data shows that climate change is changing forests differently across the country. With increasing temperatures, intensifying droughts, wildfires, and disease outbreaks wreaking havoc on trees, researchers warn that forests....

Changes in precipitation in moderate or very high emissions scenario to impact 3-5 billion people: Study

2024-01-16T07:01+0100downtoearth (en)

The potential impact of climate change on global precipitation patterns can have far-reaching consequences on human populations, a new study showed. Around 266.52 million people, equivalent to 3.3 per cent of the world’s population, are expected to experience drier conditions, while a staggering 2.76 billion individuals, accounting for 34.

Intense short-term drought is harder on grasslands than previously thought

2024-01-15T22:19+0100ualberta (en)

An experimentally imposed year-long drought on grasslands and shrublands in Africa, Asia, Australia , Europe, North America and South America resulted in a 60 per cent greater loss in plant growth under the extreme conditions, compared with more common historical drought patterns.

Il gruppo danese Maersk modifica le sue strategie per l’attraversamento del Canale di Panama

2024-01-15T08:15+0100lamiafinanza (it)

(Twenty-foot Equivalent Units). Il Canale di Panama. Com’è noto, una grave siccità ha portato a restrizioni sulla profondità dell’acqua e sul peso delle navi che attraversano il Canale di Panama e a ulteriori supplementi di costo per container. Dopo gli annunci degli scorsi mesi fatti dall’Autorità....

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire

2024-01-15T03:03+0100dawn (en)

SYDNEY: Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia ’s capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire’s path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of Gingin and nearby....

2023 is hottest year on record, signalling urgent need for climate action

2024-01-14T19:24+0100khmertimes (en)

The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5ºC, European Union climate monitors said on Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire

2024-01-14T11:57+0100bdnews24 (en)

Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia 's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of Gingin and nearby....

Global Leaders’ Fail in Upholding Human Rights

2024-01-14T10:54+0100indianf (en)

In the tumultuous year of 2023, marked by unprecedented challenges, global leaders have fallen short in safeguarding human rights, as revealed by Human Rights Watch in its comprehensive clash to turmoil in Ukraine , Myanmar, Ethiopia, and the Sahel, underscored 2023 as a year fraught with suffering.

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire

2024-01-14T10:37+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY, (Reuters) - Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia 's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of....

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire

2024-01-14T09:10+0100chinadailyhk (en)

A fire rages in bushland near the West Australia n city of Wannaroo, north of Perth in the early hours of Nov 23, 2023. (PHOTO / DFES VIA AP) SYDNEY - Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia 's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee.

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire

2024-01-14T08:56+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Jan. 14 (BNA): Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia 's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires....

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire

2024-01-14T07:48+0100malaymail (en)

SYDNEY, Jan 14 — Hundreds of firefighters today battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia ’s capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire’s path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of Gingin....

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire

2024-01-14T07:45+0100radionz (en)

Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia 's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of Gingin and nearby....

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire

2024-01-14T07:38+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia 's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of Gingin and nearby....

Hundreds of firefighters battle wildfire in Western Australia

2024-01-14T07:08+0100straitstimesSG (en)

PERTH - Hundreds of firefighters battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia ’s capital Perth on Jan 14, prompting the authorities to urge residents in the fire’s path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of Gingin and nearby....

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire

2024-01-14T06:27+0100zawya-palestine (en)

Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia 's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of Gingin and nearby....

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire Reuters |Updated 4 minutes ago |2 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) - Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in .

2024-01-14T06:14+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia 's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of....

Hundreds of Firefighters Battle Western Australia Wildfire

2024-01-14T06:09+0100usnews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia 's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of....

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire SYDNEY (Reuters) - Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in .

2024-01-14T06:06+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia 's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of....

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire

2024-01-14T06:00+0100streetinsider (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Hundreds of firefighters on Sunday battled an out-of-control bushfire near Western Australia 's capital Perth, prompting authorities to urge residents in the fire's path to flee. More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of....

Hundreds of firefighters battle Western Australia wildfire

2024-01-14T05:55+0100devdiscourse (en)

More than 25 bushfires were burning on Sunday in the vast state, with residents in the rural shires of Gingin and nearby Chittering, about 60 kms (37 miles) north of Perth, at risk from the fast-moving blaze, according to fire authorities. A high-risk bushfire season is underway in Australia due to....

Strange weather: Last year’s climate assessment makes for grim reading

2024-01-13T20:30+0100digitaljournal (en)

Powerful waves driven by Cyclone Freddy crashed into the shoreline near the village of Sainte-Anne, on the French overseas island of La Reunion - Copyright AFP/File Charism SAYAT. Record heat in 2023 together with worsened global droughts, floods and wildfires characterized a worsening climate situation.

How 2023's record heat worsened droughts, floods and bushfires

2024-01-13T18:43+0100tvnz (en)

Analysis: Global warming is profoundly changing the water cycle, writes Albert Van Dijk for The Conversation. 2023 was a year of record-breaking heat, devastating storms and floods, deepening droughts and raging wildfires. These events showed how climate change is affecting the global water cycle and our livelihoods.

Western Australia residents urged to flee as wildfire rages

2024-01-13T14:58+0100radionigeria (en)

Australia grapples with most severe bushfires in recorded History “ Photo: AAP. Residents in Western Australia are facing urgent evacuation calls as a raging bushfire spirals out of control near the state’s capital, Perth, exacerbated by soaring temperatures.

Residents in Western Australia urged to flee as wildfire rages

2024-01-13T11:16+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Jan. 13 (BNA): Residents in the state of Western Australia were urged to evacuate their homes on Saturday, as a bushfire burned out of control near the state's capital Perth, amid soaring temperatures. More than 40 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Australia's largest state, with....

Residents in W. Australia urged to evacuate homes amid raging bushfire

2024-01-13T10:37+0100freemalaysiatoday (en)

More than 40 bushfires were burning today in Western Australia , with residents in the Shire of Chittering at risk from the uncontained blaze. (DFES/AP pic) SYDNEY: Residents in the state of Western Australia were urged to evacuate their homes today, as a bushfire burned out of control near the state’s capital Perth, amid soaring temperatures.

2023 Was Warmest Year On Record, 2024 Is Likely To Be Worse With A Possible Breach Of 1.5°C Threshold – A Key Climate Report Explained

2024-01-13T09:55+0100outlookindia (en)

Nearly 35 years after global warming became increasingly prominent in the international public debate, Planet Earth experienced its warmest calendar year on record in 2023, based on recorded data dating back to 1850. Last year was the year when many climate records tumbled, and for the worse.

Forest Fires Hit Western Australia, Residents Asked to Evacuate

2024-01-13T09:05+0100kompas-id (en)

DFES VIA AP. Firefighters are currently observing a swath of burning grass in Wannaroo, northern Perth on Thursday (23/11/2023). SYDNEY, SATURDAY - The western region of the Australia n continent is struggling with hot weather. Land fires occurred again.

Residents in Western Australia urged to flee as wildfire rages

2024-01-13T08:45+0100cde-news (en)

SYDNEY, Jan 13 (Reuters) – Residents in the state of Western Australia were urged to evacuate their homes on Saturday, as a bushfire burned out of control near the state’s capital Perth, amid soaring temperatures. More than 40 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Australia’s largest state, with....

Residents in Western Australia urged to flee as wildfire rages

2024-01-13T08:17+0100chinadailyhk (en)

In this photo released by the Western Australia Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and received by AFP on Nov 23, 2023, shows firefighters watching a bushfire burn north of the city of Perth. (HANDOUT / WESTERN AUSTRALIA DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES VIA AFP) SYDNEY -....

Residents in Western Australia urged to flee as wildfire rages

2024-01-13T07:25+0100zawya-palestine (en)

SYDNEY - Residents in the state of Western Australia were urged to evacuate their homes on Saturday, as a bushfire burned out of control near the state's capital Perth, amid soaring temperatures. More than 40 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Australia's largest state, with residents in the....

Residents in Western Australia urged to flee as wildfire rages

2024-01-13T05:52+0100malaymail (en)

More than 40 bushfires were burning today in Australia ’s largest state, with residents in the shire of Chittering, about 60 kilometres (37 miles) north of Perth, at risk from the uncontained blaze, according to fire authorities.— AFP file pic/Ten News/Australian Broadcast Corporation (ABC) SYDNEY,....

Residents in Western Australia urged to flee as wildfire rages

2024-01-13T05:35+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in the state of Western Australia were urged to evacuate their homes on Saturday, as a bushfire burned out of control near the state's capital Perth, amid soaring temperatures. More than 40 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Australia's largest state, with residents....

Residents in Western Australia Urged to Flee as Wildfire Rages

2024-01-13T05:19+0100usnews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in the state of Western Australia were urged to evacuate their homes on Saturday, as a bushfire burned out of control near the state's capital Perth, amid soaring temperatures. More than 40 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Australia's largest state, with residents....

Residents in Western Australia urged to flee as wildfire rages

2024-01-13T05:18+0100gazette (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in the state of Western Australia were urged to evacuate their homes on Saturday, as a bushfire burned out of control near the state's capital Perth, amid soaring temperatures. More than 40 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Australia's largest state, with residents....

Residents in Western Australia urged to flee as wildfire rages

2024-01-13T05:08+0100streetinsider (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in the state of Western Australia were urged to evacuate their homes on Saturday, as a bushfire burned out of control near the state's capital Perth, amid soaring temperatures. More than 40 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Australia's largest state, with residents....

Residents in Western Australia urged to flee as wildfire rages

2024-01-13T05:06+01004-traders (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in the state of Western Australia were urged to evacuate their homes on Saturday, as a bushfire burned out of control near the state's capital Perth, amid soaring temperatures. More than 40 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Australia's largest state, with residents....

Residents in Western Australia urged to flee as wildfire rages

2024-01-13T05:03+0100devdiscourse (en)

More than 40 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Australia 's largest state, with residents in the shire of Chittering, about 60 kilometres (37 miles) north of Perth, at risk from the uncontained blaze, according to fire authorities. Australia is in the grips of a high-risk bushfire season after....

Il canale di Panama è asciutto e la Maersk deve fare un "ponte terrestre"

2024-01-13T03:56+0100rainews (it)

A causa del basso livello dell'acqua presente nel canale di Panama, la Maersk - una delle più grandi compagnie di trasporto marittimo al mondo - ha annunciato che sarà costretta a realizzare un “ponte terrestre” per trasportare le merci dall'altra parte dell'istmo.

Driest year on record for parts of WA's Gascoyne region, as pastoralists face dire drought conditions

2024-01-12T22:32+0100abc-au (en)

Pastoralists in Western Australia 's remote Gascoyne region say they are in the midst of one of the worst droughts they have ever experienced. At Challa Station, 600 kilometres north-east of Perth, Ashley and Debbie Dowden have been forced to start bottle feeding calves for the first time.

Global water monitor: caldo record del 2023, peggiorati incendi, siccità e inondazioni

2024-01-12T14:33+0100greenreport (it)

”, pubblicato dal Global Water Monitor Consortium, «Il caldo record in tutto il mondo ha avuto un impatto profondo sul ciclo globale dell’acqua nel 2023, contribuendo a forti tempeste, inondazioni, grandi siccità e incendi boschivi». Per realizzare il rapporto, il team di ricerca del Global Water....

Il caldo record fa aumentare siccità, alluvioni e incendi

2024-01-12T07:09+0100247libero (it)

AGI - Il caldo record registrato in tutto il mondo ha avuto un impatto profondo sul ciclo globale dell’acqua nel 2023 , contribuendo a gravi tempeste, inondazioni, uragani e incendi . Lo dimostra una nuova ricerca dell’ Australia n National University, i cui risultati sono illustrati in un nuovo studio pubblicato dal Global Water Monitor Consortium.

Over 77 countries saw highest average temperature in 2023 in close to 5 decades: Report

2024-01-12T06:26+0100downtoearth (en)

More than 77 countries experienced the highest average annual temperature in 45 years, according to the 2023 report. Record-high average temperatures were observed across all seasons, the report noted. “2023 was the hottest year on record and this also affected the water cycle in various ways, from....

How 2023’s record heat worsened droughts, floods and bushfires around the world

2024-01-12T06:26+0100downtoearth (en)

2023 was a year of record-breaking heat, devastating storms and floods, deepening droughts and raging wildfires. These events showed how climate change is affecting the global water cycle and our livelihoods. Our international team of researchers today released a report, the Global Water Monitor ,....

2023 Hottest Recorded Year As Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-12T05:27+0100menafn (en)

- Jordan Times) PARIS - The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5oC, EU climate monitors said on Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

Jamie Hannaford...

2024-01-12T02:05+0100menafn (en)

- The Conversation) Principal Hydrologist, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Profile Articles Activity. I lead the Hydrological Status and Reporting Group at CEH, which comprises scientists working on hydrological data management, hydrological monitoring and seasonal forecasting, analysis of past....

Il caldo record fa aumentare siccità, alluvioni e incendi

2024-01-12T01:38+0100agi (it)

AGI - Il caldo record registrato in tutto il mondo ha avuto un impatto profondo sul ciclo globale dell’acqua nel 2023 , contribuendo a gravi tempeste, inondazioni, uragani e incendi . Lo dimostra una nuova ricerca dell’ Australia n National University, i cui risultati sono illustrati in un nuovo studio pubblicato dal Global Water Monitor Consortium.

Record heat in 2023 worsened global droughts, floods and wildfires

2024-01-11T19:33+0100sciencedaily (en)

The findings are outlined in a new report released today by the Global Water Monitor Consortium and led by ANU researchers. Lead author Professor Albert van Dijk, from ANU, said the report underscores the consequences of persistent fossil fuel burning on natural disasters, water resources, biodiversity and food security.

Maersk modifica i suoi servizi per aggirare il Canale di Panama colpito dalla siccità

2024-01-11T16:55+0100ilnautilus (it)

(Foto courtesy APC) Maersk ha annunciato l’intenzione di modificare uno dei suoi servizi attraverso il Canale di Panama implementando un cosiddetto ‘ponte di terra’ attraverso Panama tra le restrizioni di transito causate dalla carenza d’acqua in corso. Copenaghen .

How 2023’s record heat worsened droughts, floods and bushfires around the world

2024-01-11T15:13+0100newindianexpress (en)

2023 was a year of record-breaking heat, devastating storms and floods, deepening droughts and raging wildfires. These events showed how climate change is affecting the global water cycle and our livelihoods. Our international team of researchers today released a report, the Global Water Monitor ,....

Record heat in 2023 worsened global droughts, floods and wildfires

2024-01-11T14:06+0100smartwatermagazine (en)

ANU is a world-leading university in Australia ’s capital. Excellence is embedded in our approach to research and education. Record heat across the world profoundly impacted the global water cycle in 2023, contributing to severe storms, floods, megadroughts and bushfires, new research from The Australian National University (ANU) shows.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-11T11:09+0100manilatimes (en)

PARIS: Last year was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday (Wednesday in Manila). Climate change intensified heat waves, droughts and wildfires across the planet and pushed the global thermometer 1.

Clima: 2023 l’anno più caldo mai registrato

2024-01-11T09:22+0100regionieambiente (it)

Il Rapporto 2023 Global Climate Highlights del Servizio UE per il cambiamento del clima (C3S) conferma che l’anno appena trascorso è stato l’anno più caldo da quando esistono le rilevazioni delle temperature, arrivando vicinissimo al limite di 1,5 °C stabilito dall’Accordo di Parigi (1,48 °C....

2023 was a record hot year, scientists expect more of the same in 2024

2024-01-11T08:29+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Some leading scientists have been shocked at the latest climate change data which show 2023 was the warmest year on record, and probably the hottest in the past 100,000 years. The end of the year resulted in a burst of data from various climate research bodies. Overnight the EU’s Copernicus Programme that 2023 was, on average, 1.

How 2023's Record Heat Worsened Droughts, Floods And Bushfires Globally

2024-01-11T07:52+0100ndtvnews (en)

Canberra, Australia : 2023 was a year of record-breaking heat, devastating storms and floods, deepening droughts and raging wildfires. These events showed how climate change is affecting the global water cycle and our livelihoods. Our international team of researchers today released a report, the....

World News | How 2023's Record Heat Worsened Droughts, Floods and Bushfires Around the World

2024-01-11T05:47+0100latestly (en)

Canberra, Jan 11 (The Conversation) 2023 was a year of record-breaking heat, devastating storms and floods, deepening droughts and raging wildfires. These events showed how climate change is affecting the global water cycle and our livelihoods. Our international team of researchers today released a....

How 2023’s record heat worsened droughts, floods and bushfires around the world

2024-01-11T05:45+0100devdiscourse (en)

But this happened against a backdrop of increasing sea surface temperatures due to global warming.Rising sea surface and air temperatures have been intensifying the strength and rainfall intensity of monsoons, cyclones and other storm systems.We saw this happen close to home.

Record heat driving severe storms, droughts, fires - study

2024-01-11T03:20+0100mb-com-ph (en)

CANBERRA, Australia -- Record-high global temperatures in 2023 exacerbated droughts, floods and wildfires, an Australian-led international research has found. Unprecedented floodings have been seen in countries around the world following incessant rains and other weather conditions.

Record Heat In 2023 Worsened Global Droughts, Floods And Wildfires

2024-01-11T00:30+0100eurasiareview (en)

The findings are outlined in a new report released by the Global Water Monitor Consortium and led by ANU researchers. Lead author Professor Albert Van Dijk, from ANU, said the report underscores the consequences of persistent fossil fuel burning on natural disasters, water resources, biodiversity and food security.

Record heat fueled unexpected and deadly storms in 2023

2024-01-10T20:49+0100earth (en)

The record heat of 2023 severely disrupted the global water cycle, contributing to extreme weather events such as severe storms, floods, megadroughts and bushfires, according to a study from (ANU). The research is outlined in a new report released today by the Global Water Monitor Consortium and led by ANU researchers.

How 2023’s record heat worsened droughts, floods and bushfires around the world

2024-01-10T20:47+0100johansen (en)

Date: 2024-01-10 19:30 Author: Rss error reading . Original article: https://theconversation.com/how-2023s-record-heat-worsened-droughts-floods-and-bushfires-around-the-world-220836 2023 was a year of record-breaking heat, devastating storms and floods, deepening droughts and raging wildfires.

MIL-Evening Report: How 2023’s record heat worsened droughts, floods and bushfires around the world

2024-01-10T20:38+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Albert Van Dijk, Professor, Water and Landscape Dynamics, Fenner School of Environment & Society, Australia n National University. 2023 was a year of record-breaking heat, devastating storms and floods, deepening droughts and raging wildfires. These events showed how climate change is affecting the global water cycle and our livelihoods.

Record 2023 Heat Amplifies Global Droughts, Floods, Bushfires

2024-01-10T20:30+0100miragenews (en)

Our international team of researchers today released a report, the Global Water Monitor , documenting the impact of the record heat in 2023 on the water cycle. We used data from thousands of ground stations and satellites to provide real-time information on various environmental parameters.

How 2023’s record heat worsened droughts, floods and bushfires around the world

2024-01-10T20:28+0100nationaltribune (en)

Our international team of researchers today released a report, the Global Water Monitor , documenting the impact of the record heat in 2023 on the water cycle. We used data from thousands of ground stations and satellites to provide real-time information on various environmental parameters.

2023 Record Heat Intensified Global Droughts, Floods, Wildfires

2024-01-10T20:11+0100miragenews (en)

Record heat across the world profoundly impacted the global water cycle in 2023, contributing to severe storms, floods, megadroughts and bushfires, new research from The Australia n National University (ANU) shows. The findings are outlined in a new report released today by the Global Water Monitor Consortium and led by ANU researchers.

10-Jan-2024 Record heat in 2023 worsened global droughts, floods and wildfires Australian National University Reports and Proceedings Record heat across the world profoundly impacted the global water cycle in 2023, contributing to severe storms, floods, megadroughts and bushfires, new research from The Australian National University (ANU) shows.

2024-01-10T20:03+0100eurekalert (en)

Credit: Credit: Lannon Harley/ANU. Record heat across the world profoundly impacted the global water cycle in 2023, contributing to severe storms, floods, megadroughts and bushfires, new research from The Australia n National University (ANU) shows. The findings are outlined in a new report released....

Clima, dal caldo record del 2023 impatto profondo sul ciclo globale dell’acqua: lo studio

2024-01-10T20:01+0100meteoweb (it)

Il caldo record registrato nel mondo nel 2023 ha avuto un impatto profondo sul ciclo globale dell’acqua , contribuendo a gravi tempeste, inondazioni, uragani e incendi. Lo dimostra una nuova ricerca dell’ Australia n National University, i cui risultati sono stati pubblicati dal Global Water Monitor Consortium.

Climate change brings weather events

2024-01-10T19:56+0100canberratimes (en)

While there will be no shortage of climate change sceptics claiming Australia 's latest national flood emergency proves scientists got it wrong they're mistaken. It has long been known that global warming, which boosts atmospheric moisture, would increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.

I semi di soia scendono tra i dubbi sulla domanda e le prospettive del raccolto brasiliano

2024-01-10T18:37+0100marketscreener (it)

I futures della soia di Chicago sono scesi mercoledì, perdendo i guadagni della sessione precedente, con le previsioni di maggiori piogge in Brasile questa settimana che potrebbero migliorare ulteriormente il raccolto di semi oleosi in fase di maturazione, oltre alle crescenti preoccupazioni sulla domanda.

Record heat fuelling 'freak' natural disasters: study

2024-01-10T18:06+0100canberratimes (en)

The water cycle once taught to children through catchy songs and colourful cartoons, has profoundly changed and now fuels some of the world's worst natural disasters, a study has found. A record for the hottest year was set in 2023 as heatwaves swept across the globe, shattering previous highs and....

Record heat fuelling 'freak' natural disasters: study

2024-01-10T17:49+0100westernadvocate (en)

The water cycle once taught to children through catchy songs and colourful cartoons, has profoundly changed and now fuels some of the world's worst natural disasters, a study has found. The Global Water Monitor Report, led by researchers from the Australia n National University, has found these....

Jamie Hannaford

2024-01-10T17:44+0100theconversation-uk (en)

I lead the Hydrological Status and Reporting Group at CEH, which comprises scientists working on hydrological data management, hydrological monitoring and seasonal forecasting, analysis of past hydrological change and appraisal of future climate change impacts.

Record heat fuelling 'freak' natural disasters: study

2024-01-10T17:40+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

The water cycle once taught to children through catchy songs and colourful cartoons, has profoundly changed and now fuels some of the world's worst natural disasters, a study has found. A record for the hottest year was set in 2023 as heatwaves swept across the globe, shattering previous highs and....

Copernicus: il 2023 l'anno più caldo mai registrato

2024-01-10T14:10+0100greencity-it (it)

Le temperature globali hanno raggiunto livelli eccezionalmente elevati nel 2023. Il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate Change Service - C3S) implementato dal centro europeo per le previsioni meteorologiche a medio termine per conto della Commissione europea con....

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-10T13:58+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post NEW YORK (AFP): The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-10T08:41+0100seychellesnewsagency (en)

) - The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 The Warmest Year in at Least 100,000 Years

2024-01-10T07:22+0100kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found in KOMPAS/ADRYAN YOGA PARAMADWYA. The sound of motor vehicles filled the area of Serpong Utara, South Tangerang, Banten, on Wednesday (27/12/2023) during drizzling rain.

Copernicus: "Il 2023 è l'anno più caldo mai registrato"

2024-01-10T07:06+0100247libero (it)

ROMA – Il 2023 è l’anno più caldo mai registrato, con una temperatura globale vicina al limite di 1.5 gradi in più deciso alla COP21 di Parigi del 2015 come limite entro quale far rimanere la ‘febbre’ del Pianeta . Lo segnala Copernicus , il servizio di osservazione satellitare e da stazioni su terra e mare dell’Unione europea.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-10T06:04+0100philstar (en)

PARIS, France The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

Warming World Nears Critical 1.5C Limit In 2023: Monitor

2024-01-10T05:46+0100menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) AFP. Paris: The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears 1.5 C limit

2024-01-10T05:22+0100eyewitness-news (en)

PARIS, France - The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts, and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-10T03:45+0100thenews-pk (en)

PARIS: The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth´s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said on Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year As Earth Nears Key Limit: EU Scientists

2024-01-10T03:26+0100menafn (en)

PARIS, Jan 10 (NNN-AGENCIES) - The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

Europe Warming world nears critical 1.5C limit in 2023: EU monitor

2024-01-10T03:22+0100JakartaPost (en)

Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.48 C above the preindustrial benchmark, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported. "It is also the first year with all days over one degree warmer than the pre-industrial....

I semi di soia diminuiscono per il miglioramento delle prospettive del raccolto brasiliano; il grano cala

2024-01-10T03:21+0100marketscreener (it)

I futures della soia di Chicago sono scesi mercoledì, perdendo i guadagni della sessione precedente, con le previsioni di ulteriori piogge in Brasile questa settimana che probabilmente miglioreranno ulteriormente il raccolto di semi oleosi in fase di maturazione. Il grano e il mais hanno perso terreno.

Warming world nears critical 1.5C limit in 2023: monitor

2024-01-10T02:08+0100citizen (en)

intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.48 C above the preindustrial benchmark, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported. ALSO READ: Climate crisis escalates: 2024 expected to be hotter than 2023 “It is also the first year with....

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-10T01:39+0100phys (en)

Climate change intensified heat waves , droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.48 C above the preindustrial benchmark, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported. "It is also the first year with all days over one degree warmer than the pre-industrial....

2023 is officially the hottest year on record, global temperatures close in on warming limit: Report

2024-01-10T01:38+0100abc7ny (en)

A year featuring extreme events across the globe is now officially Earth's hottest year on record, according to Copernicus, Europe's climate change service. 2023 has been confirmed as the hottest year on record surpassing 2016, the previous hottest year, by a large margin, according to a new climate report released by Copernicus on Tuesday.

Copernicus: “Il 2023 è l’anno più caldo mai registrato”

2024-01-10T01:08+0100genteditalia (it)

ROMA – Il 2023 è l’anno più caldo mai registrato, con una temperatura globale vicina al limite di 1.5 gradi in più deciso alla COP21 di Parigi del 2015 come limite entro quale far rimanere la ‘febbre’ del Pianeta . Lo segnala Copernicus , il servizio di osservazione satellitare e da stazioni su terra e mare dell’Unione europea.

Warming world nears critical 1.5C limit in 2023: monitor

2024-01-10T00:17+0100terradaily (en)

The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year as Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T23:52+0100kenyastar (en)

PARIS - The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year as Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T23:52+0100srilankasource (en)

PARIS - The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year as Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T23:42+0100myanmarnews (en)

PARIS - The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year as Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T23:41+0100cambodiantimes (en)

PARIS - The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Was Hottest Year Ever As Earth Nears 1.5C Limit

2024-01-09T23:40+0100ticotimes (en)

The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year as Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T23:38+0100northernirelandnews (en)

PARIS - The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year as Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T23:33+0100manilametro (en)

PARIS - The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T23:24+0100jordantimes (en)

PARIS — The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5oC, EU climate monitors said on Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year as Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T23:14+0100singaporestar (en)

PARIS - The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year as Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T23:14+0100nigeriasun (en)

PARIS - The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year as Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T23:13+0100longbeachstar (en)

PARIS - The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet and pushed the global thermometer 1.

Gennaio 9, 2024Gennaio 9, 2024

2024-01-09T22:52+0100ambientenonsolo (it)

Le temperature globali hanno raggiunto livelli eccezionalmente elevati nel 2023. Il Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implementato dal Centro europeo per le previsioni meteorologiche a medio termine per conto della Commissione europea, ha monitorato diversi indicatori climatici chiave durante....

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T22:05+0100timesofmalta (en)

The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial benchmark, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T21:29+0100guampdn (en)

The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T20:45+0100arynews (en)

The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest year on record

2024-01-09T20:42+0100kuwaittimes (en)

PARIS: The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit 09 January 2024

2024-01-09T20:38+0100enca (en)

The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T20:35+0100couriermail (en)

Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.48 C above the preindustrial benchmark, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported. "It is also the first year with all days over one degree warmer than the pre-industrial....

Copernicus: “Il 2023 è l’anno più caldo mai registrato”

2024-01-09T20:29+0100iltabloid (it)

Il 2023 è l’anno più caldo mai registrato, con una temperatura globale vicina al limite di 1.5 gradi in più deciso alla COP21 di Parigi del 2015 come limite entro quale far rimanere la ‘febbre’ del Pianeta. Lo segnala Copernicus, il servizio di osservazione satellitare e da stazioni su terra e mare dell’Unione europea.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year As Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T19:29+0100channelstv (en)

The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T19:12+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

PARIS, France -- The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T19:10+0100omanobserver-om (en)

Paris: The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said on Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T18:45+0100bssnews (en)

PARIS, Jan 9, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023, anno più caldo mai registrato. Parola di Copernicus

2024-01-09T18:24+0100247libero (it)

Il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus: 2023 più caldo in assoluto dal 1850. Quasi 1,5 gradi in più rispetto al periodo preindustriale. Le temperature globali hanno raggiunto livelli eccezionalmente elevati nel 2023. A dirlo è il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus....

2023, anno più caldo mai registrato. Parola di Copernicus

2024-01-09T18:23+0100ambienteambienti (it)

Il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus: 2023 più caldo in assoluto dal 1850. Quasi 1,5 gradi in più rispetto al periodo preindustriale. Le temperature globali hanno raggiunto livelli eccezionalmente elevati nel 2023. A dirlo è il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus....

Warming world nears critical 1.5C limit in 2023

2024-01-09T18:16+0100newagebd (en)

A photograph taken on Monday shows an aerial view of Leeds Castle covered in snow in Maidstone, Kent, southern England. — AFP photo. The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said on Tuesday.

Il 2023 è stato l’anno più caldo: siamo a un soffio dalla soglia di 1.5°C

2024-01-09T18:08+0100iconaclima (it)

Tra i dati più significativi e allarmanti c’è il fatto che, per la prima volta nella storia, ogni giorno dell’anno ha superato di almeno 1°C i livelli preindustriali , con quasi il 50% dei giorni che ha superato di oltre 1.5°C tali valori. Aumento giornaliero della temperatura dell’aria in....

2023 Hottest Recorded Year as Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T17:24+0100voanews (en)

PARIS — The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T17:09+0100malaymail (en)

Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.48 C above the preindustrial benchmark, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported. “It is also the first year with all days over one degree warmer than the pre-industrial....

Il 2023 l'anno più caldo mai registrato: aumenta il rischi di malattie

2024-01-09T17:09+0100GazzettaDelSud (it)

Le temperature globali hanno raggiunto livelli eccezionalmente elevati nel 2023. Il servizio Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) , implementato dal Centro europeo per le previsioni meteorologiche a medio termine per conto della Commissione europea con i finanziamenti dell’UE, ha monitorato....

Copernicus: il 2023 sarà l'anno più caldo mai registrato, con una temperatura globale vicina al limite di 1.5°C

2024-01-09T16:52+0100lescienze (it)

Nel 2023 la temperatura media globale è stata di 14.98°C, 0.17°C in più rispetto al precedente valore annuale più alto del 2016. Il 2023 è stato più caldo di 0.60°C rispetto alla media del periodo compreso tra il 1991 e il 2020 e di 1.48°C rispetto al livello preindustriale del 1850-1900.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T16:33+0100digitaljournal (en)

The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T16:24+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.48 C above the preindustrial benchmark, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported. "It is also the first year with all days over one degree warmer than the pre-industrial....

Copernicus report: 2023 is officially the hottest year on record as global temperatures close in on warming limit

2024-01-09T16:16+0100mycentraloregon (en)

SimpleImages/Getty Images. (NEW YORK) — A year featuring extreme events across the globe is now officially Earth’s hottest year on record, according to Copernicus, Europe’s climate change service. 2023 has been confirmed as the hottest year on record surpassing 2016, the previous hottest year, by a....

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T16:01+0100heraldsun (en)

Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.48 C above the preindustrial benchmark, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported. "It is also the first year with all days over one degree warmer than the pre-industrial....

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T16:00+0100tribuneonline (en)

The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Hottest Recorded Year As Earth Nears Key Limit

2024-01-09T15:57+0100ibtimes (en)

The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T15:55+0100rfi-en (en)

Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.48 C above the preindustrial benchmark, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported. "It is also the first year with all days over one degree warmer than the pre-industrial....

2023 hottest recorded year as Earth nears key limit

2024-01-09T15:48+0100france24-en (en)

Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.48 C above the preindustrial benchmark, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported. "It is also the first year with all days over one degree warmer than the pre-industrial....

Clima, 2023 da record: anno più caldo di sempre, gas serra a livelli più alti. Sfiorati +1,5°C

2024-01-09T15:42+0100geagency (it)

Era previsto, ora è stato confermato: il 2023, segnato da un lungo elenco di disastri climatici senza precedenti, è stato l’anno più caldo della storia, sfiorando per la prima volta il limite di 1,5°C di riscaldamento globale fissato dall’accordo di Parigi.

Copernicus: “Il 2023 è l’anno più caldo mai registrato”

2024-01-09T15:37+0100dire (it)

ROMA – Il 2023 è l’anno più caldo mai registrato, con una temperatura globale vicina al limite di 1.5 gradi in più deciso alla COP21 di Parigi del 2015 come limite entro quale far rimanere la ‘febbre’ del Pianeta . Lo segnala Copernicus , il servizio di osservazione satellitare e da stazioni su terra e mare dell’Unione europea.

Warming world nears critical 1.5C limit in 2023: monitor

2024-01-09T15:19+0100mg (en)

The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said on Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

Clima, il 2023 è stato l'anno più caldo mai registrato

2024-01-09T15:17+0100energiaoltre (it)

Secondo il servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus, lo scorso anno si è confermato come l’anno solare più caldo mai registrato nei dati di temperatura globale registrati a partire dal 1850 Le temperature globali hanno raggiunto livelli eccezionalmente elevati nel 2023.

2023 was hottest-ever year, temperatures exceeded those in 'last 100,000 years': EU body

2024-01-09T15:04+0100wionews (en)

With this, it has been observed that Earth's surface almost crossed 1.5 degree Celsius level above those in pre-industrial times. The 1.5C level is an internationally agreed critical level within which, it is essential to contain Global Warming. Watch | Climate change: Impact on South Asia in 2023.

2023 hottest year on record- EU climate monitor

2024-01-09T15:00+0100punchng (en)

The year 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius. The EU climate monitors said this on Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

Environment 2023 was the Earth's hottest year on record

2024-01-09T14:59+0100LeMonde-en (en)

View of a fire in Cerrado (savanna) in Barreiras, western of the Bahia state, Brazil, taken on October 1, 2023. NELSON ALMEIDA / AFP. The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5° Celsius, EU climate monitors said on Tuesday, January 9.

Warming world nears critical 1.5C limit in 2023: EU climate monitors

2024-01-09T14:51+0100urdupoint (en)

The year of 2023 was the hottest on record with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degree celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. PARIS, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 9th Jan, 2024) The year of 2023 was the hottest on record with the....

Il 2023 è stato l'anno più caldo mai registrato

2024-01-09T14:34+0100agi (it)

AGI - Le temperature globali hanno raggiunto livelli eccezionalmente elevati nel 2023 . Il servizio Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implementato dal Centro europeo per le previsioni meteorologiche a medio termine per conto della Commissione europea con i finanziamenti dell'Ue, ha monitorato....

Il 2023 è stato l'anno più caldo mai registrato

2024-01-09T14:19+0100247libero (it)

AGI - Le temperature globali hanno raggiunto livelli eccezionalmente elevati nel 2023 . Il servizio Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implementato dal Centro europeo per le previsioni meteorologiche a medio termine per conto della Commissione europea con i finanziamenti dell'Ue, ha monitorato....

Warming world nears critical 1.5C limit in 2023: monitor

2024-01-09T14:06+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Paris: The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 Was Hottest Year On Record, Warming World Nears Critical 1.5 Degrees Celsius limit: Monitor

2024-01-09T13:57+0100news18 (en)

Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.48 C above the preindustrial benchmark, the Copernicus Climate Change Service reported Follow us: The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth’s surface....

2023 was hottest year on record; critical 1.5C limit nearly breached: EU climate monitors

2024-01-09T13:54+0100vervetimes (en)

The climate monitors from the EU reported that 2023 was the hottest year on record, with the Earth’s surface temperature nearly reaching the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius. Climate change led to an increase in heatwaves, droughts, and wildfires across the globe, resulting in the global thermometer rising 1.

Warming world nears critical 1.5C limit in 2023: monitor

2024-01-09T13:45+0100bssnews (en)

PARIS, Jan 9, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

Il 2023 oltre ogni limite. La temperatura è salita di un grado e mezzo

2024-01-09T13:42+0100huffingtonpost-Italia (it)

Il 2023 è l’anno più caldo mai registrato, con una temperatura globale vicina al limite di 1,5 gradi. Copernicus ha pubblicato il sunto dei dodici mesi che ci siamo messi alle spalle, segnati da eventi estremi e da El Niño, e conferma che il 2023 è stato un anno bollente.

2023 hottest year on record as Earth nears critical 1.5C limit: monitor

2024-01-09T13:34+0100gmanews (en)

PARIS, France - The year of 2023 was the hottest on record, with the increase in Earth's surface temperature nearly crossing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, EU climate monitors said Tuesday. Climate change intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.

2023 was the hottest year: we are just a breath away from the 1.5°C threshold – ruetir

2024-01-09T13:30+0100ruetir (en)

Among the most significant and alarming data is the fact that, for the first time in history, every day of the year exceeded pre-industrial levels by at least 1°C, with almost 50% of days exceeding pre-industrial levels by more than 1.5 °C these values.

Warming world nears critical 1.5C limit in 2023: EU climate monitors

2024-01-09T13:26+0100economictimes (en)

intensified heatwaves, droughts and wildfires across the planet, and pushed the global thermometer 1.48 C above the preindustrial benchmark, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported. "It is also the first year with all days over one degree warmer than the pre-industrial period," said....

2023 is officially the hottest year on record, beating 2016 record: Copernicus report

2024-01-09T13:03+0100ABCnews (en)

service. 2023 has been confirmed as the hottest year on record surpassing 2016, the previous hottest year, by a large margin, according to a new climate report released by Copernicus on Tuesday. The data for this record goes back to 1850. The global average temperature for 2023 was 14.98 degrees Celsius (58.

United States Climate change might be impacting babies' birthweight for gestational age: Study About an hour ago

2024-01-09T12:45+0100devdiscourse (en)

Climate change might be impacting babies' birthweight for gestational age: Study Climate change may pose a significant risk to Australia ns' reproductive health, according to a new, large-scale Curtin University study that found a possible association between high bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and newborns' gestational age birthweight.

Climate change might be impacting babies' birthweight for gestational age: Study

2024-01-09T12:07+0100manilametro (en)

Washington DC [US], January 9 (ANI): Climate change may pose a significant risk to Australia ns' reproductive health, according to a new, large-scale Curtin University study that found a possible association between high bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and newborns' gestational age birthweight.

Climate change might be impacting babies' birthweight for gestational age: Study

2024-01-09T11:48+0100singaporestar (en)

Washington DC [US], January 9 (ANI): Climate change may pose a significant risk to Australia ns' reproductive health, according to a new, large-scale Curtin University study that found a possible association between high bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and newborns' gestational age birthweight.

Climate change might be impacting babies' birthweight for gestational age: Study

2024-01-09T11:48+0100longbeachstar (en)

Washington DC [US], January 9 (ANI): Climate change may pose a significant risk to Australia ns' reproductive health, according to a new, large-scale Curtin University study that found a possible association between high bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and newborns' gestational age birthweight.

Science News | Climate Change Might Be Impacting Babies' Birthweight for Gestational Age: Study

2024-01-09T11:18+0100latestly (en)

Washington DC [US], January 9 (ANI): Climate change may pose a significant risk to Australia ns' reproductive health, according to a new, large-scale Curtin University study that found a possible association between high bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and newborns' gestational age birthweight.

Climate change might be impacting babies' birthweight: Study

2024-01-09T10:50+0100aninews (en)

Washington DC [US], January 9 (ANI): Climate change may pose a significant risk to Australia ns' reproductive health, according to a new, large-scale Curtin University study that found a possible association between high bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and ' gestational age birthweight.

Climate change could be impacting babies' birthweight for gestational age

2024-01-08T19:41+0100sciencedaily (en)

Researchers from the Curtin School of Population Health examined more than 385,000 pregnancies in Western Australia between 2000 and 2015, from 12 weeks prior to conception until birth. These pregnancies included 9.8% and 9.9% of children born too small and large for gestational age, respectively.

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weights

2024-01-08T17:50+0100westernadvocate (en)

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weight after scientists found a potential link to extreme weather exposure during pregnancy. A study examined more than 385,000 pregnancies in Western Australia between 2000 and 2015, from 12 weeks before conception until birth.

Click to view "Climate Change May Be Affecting Babies Birthweights"

2024-01-08T17:50+0100technologynetworks (en)

Climate change could pose a big risk to Australia ns’ reproductive health with a new, large-scale Curtin University study revealing a possible link between extreme bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and babies’ birthweights for gestational age. Researchers from the Curtin School of Population....

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weights

2024-01-08T17:44+0100maitlandmercury (en)

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weight after scientists found a potential link to extreme weather exposure during pregnancy. Researchers at the Curtin School of Population Health say global warming could pose a big risk to Australia ns' reproductive health.

Hundreds evacuated and dozens rescued as devastating floods rip through Australian holiday hotspot

2024-01-08T17:17+0100independent-UK (en)

The Australia n Bureau of Meteorology warned the flood-hit area, which is popular with holidaymakers, could face another 100mm of rain during fresh thunderstorms. Authorities have so far rescued 38 people from the rising floodwaters and nearly 1,000 calls have been made for help, Victoria State of Emergency Services said.

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weights

2024-01-08T11:58+0100illawarramercury (en)

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weight after scientists found a potential link to extreme weather exposure during pregnancy. Researchers at the Curtin School of Population Health say global warming could pose a big risk to Australia ns' reproductive health.

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weights

2024-01-08T11:55+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weight after scientists found a potential link to extreme weather exposure during pregnancy. Researchers at the Curtin School of Population Health say global warming could pose a big risk to Australia ns' reproductive health.

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weights

2024-01-08T11:21+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weight after scientists found a potential link to extreme weather exposure during pregnancy. Researchers at the Curtin School of Population Health say global warming could pose a big risk to Australia ns' reproductive health.

Climate change could be affecting birth weights

2024-01-08T10:22+0100thenewdaily-au (en)

Climate change could be affecting babies’ birth weight after scientists found a potential link to extreme weather exposure during pregnancy. Researchers at the Curtin School of Population Health say global warming could pose a big risk to Australia ns’ reproductive health.

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weights

2024-01-08T08:45+0100bordermail (en)

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weight after scientists found a potential link to extreme weather exposure during pregnancy. Researchers at the Curtin School of Population Health say global warming could pose a big risk to Australia ns' reproductive health.

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weights

2024-01-08T08:34+0100newcastleherald (en)

Climate change could be impacting babies' birth weight after scientists found a potential link to extreme weather exposure during pregnancy. Researchers at the Curtin School of Population Health say global warming could pose a big risk to Australia ns' reproductive health.

Climate change could be impacting babies’ birthweight for gestational age

2024-01-08T06:01+0100nationaltribune (en)

Climate change could pose a big risk to Australia ns’ reproductive health with a new, large-scale Curtin University study revealing a possible link between extreme bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and babies’ birthweights for gestational age. Researchers from the Curtin School of Population....

Climate Change Linked to Lower Birthweights, Study Finds

2024-01-08T05:57+0100miragenews (en)

Climate change could pose a big risk to Australia ns' reproductive health with a new, large-scale Curtin University study revealing a possible link between extreme bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and babies' birthweights for gestational age. Researchers from the Curtin School of Population....

El Niño and eye health: ophthalmic manifestations of changes in climate

2024-01-04T19:11+0100nature-eye (en)

Higher temperatures and increased levels of rainfall can produce favorable conditions for mosquitoes, which are disease-carrying vectors. Warmer climates also lead to an extended disease transmission season while also increasing the biting behaviour of mosquitoes, further increasing the risks of these disease-carrying vectors [ 9 ].

SICUREZZA ALIMENTARE I cibi più colpiti dai cambiamenti climatici nel 2023

2024-01-03T15:59+0100rivistanatura (it)

I cambiamenti climatici pongono nuove sfide alla sicurezza alimentare nel mondo . Le modificazioni a lungo termine della temperatura, dell’umidità, delle precipitazioni e della frequenza di eventi meteorologici estremi stanno già influenzando le pratiche agricole , la produzione dei campi e la qualità nutrizionale delle colture.

Veganism has a problem Animal farming pollutes, but plant-based foods cause issues too

2024-01-03T12:50+0100wsimag (en)

A growing number of people are conscious of their impact on the planet and want to reduce it. Polling shows more people than ever before, especially among younger generations, are aware of their carbon footprint and harbour a desire to make a difference in their lifestyle choices to help protect the environment.

Gli alimenti che rischiamo di perdere con la crisi del clima

2024-01-02T17:24+0100247libero (it)

Inoltre, spostando le colture in aree più fresche – e quindi lontano dall'equatore – le si allontana dalle regioni in cui vivono la maggior parte delle persone che praticano l'agricoltura di sussistenza. "Ci sarà sicuramente una sproporzione tra i paesi più ricchi che ottengono climi più favorevoli....

Clima, gli alimenti che rischiamo di perdere

2024-01-02T16:45+0100wired-it (it)

Inoltre, spostando le colture in aree più fresche – e quindi lontano dall'equatore – le si allontana dalle regioni in cui vivono la maggior parte delle persone che praticano l'agricoltura di sussistenza. "Ci sarà sicuramente una sproporzione tra i paesi più ricchi che ottengono climi più favorevoli....

Wageningen World More room for fire

2024-01-02T09:45+0100wageningenur (en)

Disaster strikes more and more often. The eucalyptus forests of Australia , the Canadian taiga, the heathland in Brabant. Even the Siberian tundra is burning, bleaching and smouldering. All this is putting more and more CO2 into the air worsening the greenhouse effect and giving us even hotter and drier summers, causing even more fires.

La alarmante predicción de Mhoni Vidente para 2024 que se volvió viral tras el fuerte terremoto en Japón

2024-01-01T21:10+0100lanacion-AR (es)

y un tsunami de alrededor de un metro de altura golpeó partes de la costa en las horas posteriores al movimiento, sin que se reportaran daños de consideración hasta el momento; pero con el suceso, los usuarios de las redes sociales retomaron una alarmante predicción de la famosa astróloga Mhoni....

La Organización Meteorológica Mundial reconoce un nuevo récord de temperatura en el Ártico de 38 °C

2024-01-01T09:22+0100noticiasambientales (es)

La Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) ha reconocido como nuevo récord de temperatura en el Ártico el valor de 38 °C registrado en la localidad rusa de Verkhoyansk el 20 de junio de 2020. La temperatura, más propia del Mediterráneo que del Ártico , se midió en una estación de observación....

Here Are The Foods Hit Hardest By Climate Change In 2023

2024-01-01T04:59+0100forbes (en)

Grapes and Wine. The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) estimates that in 2023, global wine production was at its lowest in more than 30 years— with a reduction in grape yields by approximately 7% over 2022. Droughts and wildfires caused a 20% drop in production in Chile, the largest....

Asia & Pacific Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-31T10:49+0100JakartaPost (en)

Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius, while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east. The heatwave follows a wild weather system that battered....

How El Niño impacted us and what it means for 2024

2023-12-31T09:17+0100iol (en)

Reflecting on the El Niño weather phenomenon as we approach the year's end, we take a comprehensive examination of how the El Niño weather phenomenon unfolded this year and what we can expect next year. According to the South Africa Weather Service (Saws), the country has been in an El Niño state.

2024, el año en el que 'El Niño' se saldrá de la tabla: del invierno cálido a las DANAs más potentes

2023-12-31T02:22+0100elespanol (es)

Se trata del calentamiento anómalo de las aguas en el Pacífico a la altura del Ecuador, un hecho al que los pescadores peruanos dieron el nombre de 'El Niño' porque tendía a coincidir con la Navidad. El Niño es la fase caliente del ENSO El Niño-Southern Oscillation ).

2023, l’anno orribile del clima

2023-12-31T01:04+0100lastampa (it)

È difficile trovare, fra le argomentazioni che vengono portate un tanto al chilo contro le ragioni dell’ecologia e dell’ambiente, una più stolta di quella di chi nega che ci siano oggi problemi differenti da quelli che l’umanità ha sempre fronteggiato.

Perché a causa del Niño e del cambiamento climatico il 2024 potrebbe essere l’anno più caldo di sempre

2023-12-30T06:58+0100fanpage (it)

Il 2023 è stato l' anno più caldo della storia , o almeno il più caldo almeno da quando sono iniziate le misurazioni della temperatura media globale, nel 1881. Ma come sarà il 2024? Per effetto del Niño, fenomeno climatico periodico che provoca un forte riscaldamento delle acque superficiali....

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-30T03:59+0100thenews-pk (en)

SYDNEY: Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year’s holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country’s east.

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-29T18:59+0100bdnews24 (en)

Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius, while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east. The heatwave follows a wild weather system that battered....

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-29T12:59+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Dec. 29 (BNA): Australia is bracing for an intense heat wave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east.

China’s Fireworks Ban Sparks Fiery Debate Ahead of Lunar New Year

2023-12-29T10:43+0100aawsat (en)

Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east. The heatwave follows a wild weather system that....

Australia braces for thunderstorms, heatwave on holiday weekend

2023-12-29T10:05+0100chinadailyhk (en)

Published:14:25, December 29, 2023 Updated:17:03, December 29, 2023 By Reuters. A fallen tree lays across a camping trailer near the Gold Coast, Australia , Dec 26, 2023. (PHOTO / AAP IMAGE VIA AP) SYDNEY - Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's....

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on holiday weekend

2023-12-29T07:31+0100chinadailyhk (en)

A fallen tree lays across a camping trailer near the Gold Coast, Australia , Dec 26, 2023. (PHOTO / AAP IMAGE VIA AP) SYDNEY - Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius....

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-29T07:05+0100AsiaOne (en)

SYDNEY - Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east.

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year weekend

2023-12-29T06:17+0100inquirer (en)

A woman holds up an umbrella at the Sydney Opera House during cloudy and rainy weather conditions in Sydney, Australia , April 20, 2023. REUTERS FILE PHOTO. SYDNEY Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year’s holiday weekend with temperatures forecast....

Australia braces for 45-degree temperatures, thunderstorms for New Year weekend

2023-12-29T05:13+0100japantoday (en)

Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius, while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east. The heatwave follows a wild weather system that battered....

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-29T04:59+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east.

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-29T04:26+0100channelnewsasia (en)

SYDNEY: Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius, while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east. The heatwave follows a wild weather system that....

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend By Renju Jose SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with tem... 1h ago

2023-12-29T04:26+0100kelo (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year’s holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country’s east.

Australia braces for heatwave with temperatures forecast to touch 45C 2 minutes ago

2023-12-29T04:19+0100newshub (en)

Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east. The heatwave follows a wild weather system that....

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-29T04:11+0100wsau (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year’s holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country’s east.

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-29T04:08+0100wkzo (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year’s holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country’s east.

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend By Renju Jose SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with tem... 1h ago

2023-12-29T04:06+0100whbl (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year’s holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country’s east.

Australia prepares for 45C heatwave

2023-12-29T03:55+0100radionz (en)

Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius, while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east. The heatwave follows a wild weather system that battered....

Australia prepares for 45C heatwave

2023-12-29T03:52+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius, while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east. The heatwave follows a wild weather system that battered....

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year’s holiday weekend

2023-12-29T03:46+0100malaymail (en)

SYDNEY, Dec 29 — Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year’s holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country’s east.

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-29T02:54+0100saltwire (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east.

Australia Braces for Heatwave, Thunderstorms on New Year's Holiday Weekend

2023-12-29T02:49+0100usnews (en)

FILE PHOTO: A woman holds up an umbrella at the Sydney Opera House during cloudy and rainy weather conditions in Sydney, Australia , April 20, 2023. REUTERS/Jaimi Joy/FILE PHOTO Reuters SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's....

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-29T02:44+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east.

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-29T02:42+0100streetinsider (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east.

Australia braces for heatwave, thunderstorms on New Year's holiday weekend

2023-12-29T02:37+0100devdiscourse (en)

Australia is bracing for an intense heatwave across its north and west during the New Year's holiday weekend with temperatures forecast to touch more than 45 degrees Celsius (113°F), while severe thunderstorms were expected to hit the country's east. The heatwave follows a wild weather system that....

’Ecology on steroids’: how Australia’s First Nations managed Australia’s ecosystems

2023-12-28T22:46+0100johansen (en)

Date: 2023-12-28 21:29 Author: Rss error reading . Original article: https://theconversation.com/ecology-on-steroids-how-australias-first-nations-managed-australias-ecosystems-214854 First Nations people please be advised this article speaks of racially discriminating moments in history, including the distress and death of First Nations people.

MIL-Evening Report: ‘Ecology on steroids’: how Australia’s First Nations managed Australia’s ecosystems

2023-12-28T21:55+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Penny van Oosterzee, Adjunct Associate Professor James Cook University and University Fellow Charles Darwin University, James Cook University. Shutterstock. First Nations people please be advised this article speaks of racially discriminating moments in history, including the distress and death of First Nations people.

2024 could be hotter after record-breaking cold wave in winter 2023

2023-12-28T03:08+0100peopledaily (en)

After multiple Chinese cities in December witnessed the strongest cold wave for that month since 1961, climate scientists said that since 2024 is the second year of El Nino, it is likely to not only be hotter, but also see more frequent and more powerful extreme weather events.

Australia storm death toll rises to 9

2023-12-27T18:11+0100efe (en)

Sydney, Australia , Dec 27 (EFE).- The death toll due to severe storms that battered eastern Australia over the Christmas holidays rose to nine, officials said on Wednesday. Police in the northeastern state of Queensland, one of the worst hit states, reported the death of a nine-year-old girl who....

Australia: East country is hit by storm,10 children killed

2023-12-27T14:44+0100bolnews (en)

, particularly in Queensland. Tragically, at least 10 individuals, including a nine-year-old girl, lost their lives. The storm caused widespread damage, with many areas still grappling with power outages. The impact extended to Victoria and New South Wales, where flooding and destructive winds took a toll.

Australia: Child of 10 killed after severe storms hit east of country

2023-12-27T14:41+0100newsbeezer (en)

“It’s the first time a concrete utility pole has been destroyed by a storm, so that’s pretty significant. This is unprecedented,” said Queensland Premier Steven Miles. Residents in parts of New South Wales and South Australia were shocked to find hailstones the size of golf balls on their lawns over the summer.

2024 could be hotter after record-breaking cold wave in winter 2023

2023-12-27T13:26+0100globaltimes (en)

A snow plow clears snow from the roads in Yantai, East China's Shandong Province, on December 21, 2023. Photo: IC The World Meteorological Organization announced in November that 2023 would be the hottest year on record in human history. Then multiple Chinese cities in December witnessed the strongest cold wave for that month since 1961.

Australia Storms Kill at Least 9 and Cause Power Outages

2023-12-27T13:21+0100nytimes (en)

At least nine people were found dead in Australia after storms and floods in the eastern part of the country caused power outages and damaged infrastructure over the Christmas holiday period, the authorities said. The extreme weather this week has mainly affected people in the eastern states of Queensland and Victoria.

Wildfires: a devastating 2023

2023-12-27T10:56+0100tellerreport (en)

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: JESSE LARRIVIERE / SOCIETE DE PROTECTION DES FORÊTS / AFP 10:41 a.m., December 27, 2023 While 2023 will be the hottest year on record, according to the European Climate Monitoring Service, wildfires have destroyed nearly 400 million hectares, killed more than 250 people and released 6.

At least nine killed after severe storms batter Australia

2023-12-27T10:43+0100mehr (en)

TEHRAN, Dec. 27 (MNA) – At least nine people have been killed after severe storms battered Australia ’s eastern states over the Christmas holidays, police said. Police and rescue services in the states of Victoria and Queensland confirmed the deaths of eight people, the youngest a nine-year-old girl....

At least nine killed after severe storms batter Australia

2023-12-27T10:37+0100mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Dec. 27 (MNA) – At least nine people have been killed after severe storms battered Australia ’s eastern states over the Christmas holidays, police said. Police and rescue services in the states of Victoria and Queensland confirmed the deaths of eight people, the youngest a nine-year-old girl....

Girl, 9, among 10 people killed as storms batter eastern Australia

2023-12-27T09:39+0100standard (en)

More than 90,000 homes remained without power on Wednesday, after wild weather lashed the states of Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, bringing large hailstones and torrential rains. Two women, aged 40 and 46, were also found dead near the town of Gympie,....

Nine Dead As Severe Weather Batters Eastern Australia

2023-12-27T09:13+0100von (en)

At least nine people have been killed after severe storms battered Australia ’s Eastern States over the Christmas holidays, bringing down trees and power lines and leaving tens of thousands of households without power. Police and rescue services in the States of Victoria and Queensland confirmed the....

Severe thunderstorms batters Australia, ten dead and thousands without power

2023-12-27T08:52+0100cyprus-mail (en)

Two were killed by falling trees. The storm took down a concrete power line, which was “pretty significant and unprecedented”, Queensland Premier Steven Miles said during a media briefing. Miles said the damage from Cyclone Jasper, which hit the state earlier this month, and the latest thunderstorms could be in “the billions.

At least nine killed after severe storms batter eastern Australia

2023-12-27T08:19+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post SYDNEY : At least nine people have been killed after severe storms battered Australia ’s eastern states over the Christmas holidays, bringing down trees and power lines and leaving tens of thousands of households without power. Police and rescue services in the states of....

In Australia sono morte nove persone a causa di forti temporali

2023-12-27T08:02+0100ilpost (it)

Nove persone sono morte in Australia a causa dei forti temporali avvenuti nell’est del paese il 25 e 26 dicembre. Forte pioggia, vento e grandine si sono abbattuti Negli stati di Victoria, Nuovo Galles del Sud e Queensland ci sono state forti piogge, grandinate e molto vento, che hanno fatto saltare i tetti di molti edifici e cadere molti alberi.

At least eight killed after severe storms batter eastern Australia | Floods News

2023-12-27T07:42+0100todayheadline (en)

At least eight people have been killed with one still missing after severe storms battered Australia ’s eastern states over the Christmas holidays, bringing down trees and power lines and leaving tens of thousands of households without power. Police and rescue services in the states of Victoria and....

At least eight killed after severe storms batter eastern Australia

2023-12-27T04:09+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least eight people have been killed with one still missing after severe storms battered Australia ’s eastern states over the Christmas holidays, bringing down trees and power lines and leaving tens of thousands of households without power. Police and rescue services in the states of Victoria and....

At least eight killed after severe storms batter eastern Australia

2023-12-27T03:48+0100aljazeera-en (en)

At least eight people have been killed with one still missing after severe storms battered Australia ’s eastern states over the Christmas holidays, bringing down trees and power lines and leaving tens of thousands of households without power. Police and rescue services in the states of Victoria and....

Caitlin can’t imagine her allergies getting worse. Climate change means they probably will

2023-12-27T00:06+0100whatsnew2day (en)

“It means you have more of the year where you have to monitor and be aware of all those conditions, you have a poorer quality of life, and you have more of the year where each exposure makes you feel more and more allergic.” Cailtin Ross takes eight different types of medications on a regular basis.

Caitlin can't imagine her allergies getting any worse. Climate change means they probably will

2023-12-26T23:31+0100abc-au (en)

Ms Ross has occasionally suffered anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can be potentially fatal. In the past she could occasionally have inhaler medication expire before she finished it, but now Ms Ross is beholden to eight different medications she must take regularly, some with long-term side effects.

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-25T07:28+0100stabroeknews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Large parts of Australia on Sunday sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state. The nation’s weather forecaster on Sunday issued heatwave alerts for the western state, the....

Mystic Baba Vanga's predictions she got right - and what 2024 has in store

2023-12-25T06:20+0100westbriton (en)

Real name Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, she died in 1996 aged 84, but her predictions continue to ring eerily true even after her death. The Bulgarian clairvoyant was said to have gained her power during a terrible storm, when she lost her eyesight aged 12, Whatever happened, Baba has predicted many world events with scary accuracy over the years.

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave

2023-12-24T19:42+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large parts of Australia on Sunday sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heatwave alerts for the western state, the....

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T15:28+0100GulfDailyNews (en)

Large parts of Australia on Sunday sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heatwave alerts for the western state, the neighbouring Northern....

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T12:33+0100channelnewsasia (en)

SYDNEY: Large swaths of Australia on Sunday (Dec 24) sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heatwave alerts for the state and neighbouring Northern....

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T11:08+0100deccanherald (en)

Sydney: Large parts of Australia on Sunday sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heatwave alerts for the western state, the neighbouring Northern....

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave

2023-12-24T09:45+0100freemalaysiatoday (en)

Australia ’s weather forecaster today issued heatwave alerts, warning that some regions in the country could hit around 45 °Celsius. (AP pic) SYDNEY: Large parts of Australia today sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state.

“Exceptional heat” ignites Australia in a worrying summer season

2023-12-24T09:33+0100ruetir (en)

On Sunday, the Meteorological Authority issued heat wave warnings in the state of Western Australia , the neighboring Northern Territory, and the state of Queensland in the east, warning that temperatures in some areas could reach about 45 degrees Celsius.

Large Parts of Australia Endure Heat Wave, Raising Bushfire Risk

2023-12-24T09:07+0100singaporestar (en)

SYDNEY - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighboring Northern....

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T08:56+0100thestandard-hk (en)

Large parts of Australia on Sunday sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state. The nation’s weather forecaster on Sunday issued heatwave alerts for the western state, the neighboring Northern Territory....

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T08:55+0100in-cyprus (en)

Large parts of Australia on Sunday sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state. The nation’s weather forecaster on Sunday issued heatwave alerts for the western state, the neighbouring Northern....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T08:47+0100cde-news (en)

SYDNEY, Dec 24 (Reuters) – Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state. The nation’s weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and....

Large Parts of Australia Endure Heat Wave, Raising Bushfire Risk

2023-12-24T08:28+0100manilametro (en)

SYDNEY - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighboring Northern....

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T08:07+0100malaymail (en)

This frame grab from video footage taken and provided by Australia n Broadcast Corporation (ABC) on December 21, 2023 via AFPTV shows firefighters in the suburb of Parkerville, east of Perth, attempting to put out a bushfire. — AFP pic/Ten News/Australian Broadcast Corporation (ABC) SYDNEY, Dec 24 —....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T07:58+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Dec. 24 (BNA): Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring....

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave, lifting bushfire risk Reuters |Updated 15 minutes ago |2 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) -Large parts of Australia on Sunday sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state.

2023-12-24T07:53+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) -Large parts of Australia on Sunday sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heatwave alerts for the western state, the neighbouring....

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T07:52+0100bdnews24 (en)

Large parts of Australia on Sunday sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heatwave alerts for the western state, the neighbouring Northern....

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T07:52+0100chinadailyhk (en)

This frame grab from video footage taken and provided by Australia n Broadcast Corporation (ABC) on December 21, 2023 via AFPTV shows firefighters in the suburb of Parkerville, east of Perth, attempting to put out a bushfire. (PHOTO / ABC / AFP) SYDNEY - Large parts of Australia on Sunday sweated....

Large Parts of Australia Endure Heat Wave, Raising Bushfire Risk

2023-12-24T07:46+0100voanews (en)

SYDNEY — Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighboring Northern....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T06:56+0100zawya-palestine (en)

Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring Northern Territory,....

'Our hearts ache for reconciliation': Christian leaders share messages of peace for the new year

2023-12-24T05:47+0100abc-au (en)

Loading... There's no denying it hasn't been an easy year for many Australia ns. Christian leaders have struck a more sombre tone in their 2023 Christmas messages, as they reflect on conflicts abroad and offer their sympathies to those who are struggling with rising costs.

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T04:34+0100thesundaily (en)

SYDNEY : Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state. The nation’s weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring Northern....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T03:58+0100reuters (en)

SYDNEY, Dec 24 (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T02:48+0100wsau (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state. The nation’s weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring....

Australia’s Heat Wave Causes Bushfire Risk in Some Areas

2023-12-24T02:46+0100vervetimes (en)

SYDNEY, Australia – Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state. The nation’s weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighboring....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many part... 1h ago

2023-12-24T02:39+0100kelo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state. The nation’s weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T02:37+0100wkzo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state. The nation’s weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T02:33+0100whbl (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state. The nation’s weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring....

Large parts of Australia endure heatwave, bushfire risk

2023-12-24T02:17+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Large swaths of Australia on Dec 24 sweated through heatwave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country’s vast Western Australia state. The nation’s weather forecaster on Dec 24 issued heatwave alerts for the state and neighbouring Northern....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk Reuters |Updated 16 minutes ago |1 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state.

2023-12-24T02:11+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T02:07+0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY : Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring Northern....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday .

2023-12-24T01:54+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring....

Large Parts of Australia Endure Heat Wave, Lifting Bushfire Risk

2023-12-24T01:43+0100usnews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T01:36+0100streetinsider (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large swaths of Australia on Sunday sweated through heat wave conditions as authorities warned of a high bushfire risk in many parts of the country's vast Western Australia state. The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring....

Large parts of Australia endure heat wave, lifting bushfire risk

2023-12-24T01:32+0100devdiscourse (en)

The nation's weather forecaster on Sunday issued heat wave alerts for the state and neighbouring Northern Territory, warning temperatures in some regions could hit around 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit). In Perth, the capital of Western Australia , the nation's largest state, a maximum....

Weathering the weather a must

2023-12-22T23:17+0100chronicle (en)

Stephen Mpofu, Perspective. THE global village weather conditions have gone berserk at the behest of God’s irresponsible two-legged creatures: us, human beings who now also face the brunt of their actions. Yes, you guessed right: this Saturday’s discourse is about global warming with thousands of....

Tempeste di sabbia, problema sottovalutato in crescita: 25% causato dall’uomo

2023-12-21T11:35+0100renewablematter (it)

Nelle diverse aree mondiali sono conosciute con molti nomi: scirocco, haboob, polvere gialla, tempeste bianche o Harmattan. Tutti termini che indicano le tempeste di sabbia e polvere (note a livello tecnico con l’acronimo di SDS, Sand and Dust Storms ). Un fenomeno naturale e stagionale certamente non nuovo.

Surge in extreme forest fires fuels global emissions

2023-12-21T03:25+0100nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

A fire in Canada in 2023. The country experienced its worst wildfires on record, contributing to record carbon dioxide emissions. Credit: Chine Nouvelle/SIPA/Shutterstock. Global forest fires emitted 33.9 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) between 2001 and 2022, according to a report by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Surge in extreme forest fires fuels global emissions

2023-12-21T01:28+0100nature-current (en)

A fire in Canada in 2023. The country experienced its worst wildfires on record, contributing to record carbon dioxide emissions. Credit: Chine Nouvelle/SIPA/Shutterstock. Global forest fires emitted 33.9 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) between 2001 and 2022, according to a report by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Surge in extreme forest fires fuels global emissions NEWS | 20 DEC 2023

2023-12-21T01:07+0100nature (en)

A fire in Canada in 2023. The country experienced its worst wildfires on record, contributing to record carbon dioxide emissions. Credit: Chine Nouvelle/SIPA/Shutterstock. Global forest fires emitted 33.9 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) between 2001 and 2022, according to a report by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Emissions and evasions in the battle against climate change

2023-12-20T19:52+0100phys (en)

and 2 , respectively. This heatmap was created using the ggplot2 v3.4.1 in the R programming language v4.1.3, further details about the dataset are in the “Data and method” section. CIF_Action Climate Innovation Fund, EU_ENV European Union Environment, IPCC_CH Intergovernmental Panel on Climate....

Migranti climatici: le storie di chi deve lasciare la propria casa

2023-12-20T14:02+0100euronews-it (it)

Tornare a Tuvalu "mi tiene con i piedi per terra", dice Kalita Titi Homasi, che studia in Nuova Zelanda, "mi rinfresca la mente, mi riempie di energia". Non c'è posto come casa, ma Tuvalu, il Paese d'origine di Titi, rischia di diventare inabitabile entro il 2050 a causa dell'innalzamento del livello del mare.

WA Unveils Strategy to Boost Community Disaster Resilience

2023-12-20T04:17+0100miragenews (en)

Community Disaster Resilience Strategy to help communities improve their preparedness and build resilience before, during and after a disaster; The strategy is to be incorporated into short, medium, and long-term planning; Coincides with round five of National Disaster Risk Reduction grant program.

Major flooding in northern Australia, Many people manage to isolate

2023-12-19T20:01+0100bolnews (en)

Severe weather, triggered by ex-tropical cyclone Jasper, has unleashed a year’s worth of rainfall in parts of Queensland, Australia . This extreme weather has led to record-level river swelling, causing widespread flooding, cutting off roads and power, and necessitating evacuations. Unfortunately, one person is reported missing.

Flood damage sparks call for road funding shake-up

2023-12-19T17:50+0100westernadvocate (en)

Regional roads need to be upgraded, maintained better and have funding refocused to help the nation deal with natural disasters such as major flooding. The committee's final report made 26 recommendations, which included better consultation with local councils on priorities for road upgrades.

Global Water Loss Happens Almost Entirely in the Southern Hemisphere

2023-12-19T16:18+0100eos (en)

“We are seeing exactly what the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] reports predicted,” said Tércio Ambrizzi , a meteorologist at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, who did not take part in the study. Because it has less landmass, the Southern Hemisphere ends up being more vulnerable....

Queensland floods: Towns isolated as supplies dwindle and rain eases

2023-12-19T09:17+0100saudigazette (en)

SYDNEY — Major flooding in northern Australia has begun to ease but many towns remain isolated in crocodile-infested waters as supplies dwindle. Extreme weather driven by ex-tropical cyclone Jasper has dumped a year's worth of rain on parts of Queensland.

Queensland floods: Towns isolated as supplies dwindle and rain eases

2023-12-19T01:38+0100bbc (en)

Former mayor Desmond Tayley told the Australia n Broadcasting Corporation he had "grave concerns" for the elderly and people with disabilities in the small community. With no electricity and supplies almost gone, "desperate" locals had been traversing floodwaters where large crocodiles had been seen, he said.

Progress, cop-outs in COP28

2023-12-18T21:41+0100inquirer (en)

This year has been the warmest that planet Earth has seen in the last 125,000 years, scientists tell us. Its harmful impacts are felt worldwide, through melting glaciers in the North and South Poles and mountain ice caps (and the havoc caused by the resulting waters); devastating wildfires in the....

Cyclone brings floods and crocodile sightings in Australia’s northeast

2023-12-18T18:31+0100nbcnews (en)

SYDNEY — Floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former Tropical Cyclone Jasper cut off several towns popular with tourists in Australia ’s northeast along the Great Barrier Reef on Monday, with a crocodile being captured from a storm drain. Jasper dumped months’ worth of rain in the far north of....

Canada to pilot options for national emergency response agency in 2024: Sajjan

2023-12-18T18:05+0100montrealgazette (en)

But it’s not yet clear exactly what that will look like, he said. “Yes, I believe that we will have something that’s going to be at the federal level of a response force,” Sajjan said. “I can’t give you the answer just yet because it’s important for us to really work at the ground level to get a better understanding what those needs are.

Cyclone brings floods, crocodile sightings in Australia’s northeast

2023-12-18T13:51+0100expressindia (en)

All flights from Cairns airport were cancelled or postponed, with social media images showing planes partially submerged on the tarmac. A road split in half along the Palmerston Highway in far north Queensland, Australia following heavy rain and flooding from ex-tropical cyclone Jasper.

Cyclone brings floods and crocodiles in Australia’s northeast

2023-12-18T13:30+0100businessday (en)

SYDNEY — Floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former tropical cyclone Jasper cut off several towns popular with tourists in Australia ’s northeast along the Great Barrier Reef on Monday, with a crocodile being captured from a storm drain. Jasper dumped the equivalent of months of rain in the....

Cyclone brings floods and crocodiles in Australia’s northeast

2023-12-18T13:30+0100businesslive (en)

SYDNEY — Floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former tropical cyclone Jasper cut off several towns popular with tourists in Australia ’s northeast along the Great Barrier Reef on Monday, with a crocodile being captured from a storm drain. Jasper dumped the equivalent of months of rain in the....

Cyclone brings floods, crocodile sightings in Australia's northeast

2023-12-18T12:53+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former Tropical Cyclone Jasper cut off several towns popular with tourists in Australia 's northeast along the Great Barrier Reef on Monday, with a crocodile being captured from a storm drain.

Floods cut off cyclone-hit Australia tourist towns along Great Barrier Reef

2023-12-18T10:31+0100thestandard-hk (en)

Heavy rain from a coastal trough linked to ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper on Monday cut off several tourist towns in Australia 's northeast along the Great Barrier Reef, forcing evacuations as some residents fled to rooftops to escape fast-rising rivers. Jasper lashed the far north regions of Queensland....

More than 300 evacuated after flooding in Australia

2023-12-18T09:42+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

More than 300 people have been rescued after floodwaters in northern Australia , with dozens of residents clinging to roofs, officials said. Heavy rain linked to ex-tropical cyclone Jasper lashed northern regions of Queensland state, bringing months of rain within a few hours over the weekend, official data showed.

More than 300 evacuated after flooding hits towns along Australia's Great Barrier Reef

2023-12-18T09:29+0100coastfm (en)

More than 300 people have been rescued after floodwaters in northern Australia , with dozens of residents clinging to roofs, officials said. Heavy rain linked to ex-tropical cyclone Jasper lashed northern regions of Queensland state, bringing months of rain within a few hours over the weekend, official data showed.

Cyclone Brings Floods, Crocodile Sightings in Australia's Northeast 18 Dec, 2023 09:13

2023-12-18T09:24+0100chronicle-lu (en)

Emergency service personnel evacuate people in north Queensland after ex-tropical cyclone Jasper; Credit: AAP Image/Supplied by QFES via REUTERS. SYDNEY (Reuters) - On Monday 18 December 2023, floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former Tropical Cyclone Jasper cut off several towns popular....

More than 300 evacuated after flooding hits towns along Australia's Great Barrier Reef

2023-12-18T09:19+0100heart (en)

Heavy rain linked to ex-tropical cyclone Jasper lashed northern regions of Queensland state, bringing months of rain within a few hours over the weekend, official data showed. The state, home to more than 150,000 people, received around 600mm (24in) of rain over 40 hours through early Monday....

Cyclone brings floods, cut-off tourist towns, crocodile sightings in Australia’s northeast

2023-12-18T09:17+0100irishtimes (en)

Floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former Tropical Cyclone Jasper cut off several towns popular with tourists in Australia ’s northeast along the Great Barrier Reef on Monday, with a crocodile being captured from a storm drain. Jasper dumped months' worth of rain in the far north of....

More than 300 evacuated after flooding in Australia

2023-12-18T09:05+0100skynews (en)

More than 300 people have been rescued after floodwaters in northern Australia , with dozens of residents clinging to roofs, officials said. Heavy rain linked to ex-tropical cyclone Jasper lashed northern regions of Queensland state, bringing months of rain within a few hours over the weekend, official data showed.

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-18T08:17+0100fijitimes (en)

FILE PHOTO: A satellite image taken by the Bureau of Meteorology on the morning of Wednesday, shows Tropical Cyclone Jasper as it approaches the Queensland coast, Australia December 13, 2023. AAP Image/Supplied by Bureau of Meteorology via REUTERS/File Photo.

Hundreds evacuated as floods hit northeastern Australia

2023-12-18T08:12+0100RTERadio (en)

Cyclone brings floods, crocodile sightings in Australia 's northeast. People prepare to return to their homes by boat in Cairns. Floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former Tropical Cyclone Jasper have cut off several towns popular with tourists in Australia's northeast along the Great....

Cyclone brings floods, crocodile sightings in Australia's northeast

2023-12-18T07:45+0100zawya-palestine (en)

Floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former Tropical Cyclone Jasper cut off several towns popular with tourists in Australia 's northeast along the Great Barrier Reef on Monday, with a crocodile being captured from a storm drain. Jasper dumped months' worth of rain in the far north of....

Cyclone brings floods, crocodile sightings in Australia’s northeast

2023-12-18T07:43+0100brecorder (en)

SYDNEY: Floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former Tropical Cyclone Jasper cut off several towns popular with tourists in Australia ’s northeast along the Great Barrier Reef on Monday, with a crocodile being captured from a storm drain. Jasper dumped months’ worth of rain in the far north of....

Cyclone brings floods, crocodile sightings in Australia's northeast

2023-12-18T07:32+0100chinadailyhk (en)

A car inundated with water near the Barron River in Cairns, Australia , Dec 16, 2023.(PHOTO / AP) SYDNEY - Floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former Tropical Cyclone Jasper cut off several towns popular with tourists in Australia's northeast along the Great Barrier Reef on Monday, with a crocodile being captured from a storm drain.

Cyclone brings floods, crocodile sightings in Australia's northeast

2023-12-18T07:15+0100todayonline (en)

A supplied image obtained on Monday, December 18, 2023, shows State Emergency Service personnel evacuating people from flood waters in far north Queensland, Australia following heavy rain and flooding from ex-tropical cyclone Jasper. AAP Image/Supplied by QFES via REUTERS An aerial view shows....

Experts urge government to dump Woodside project

2023-12-18T07:09+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

Dozens of scientists have urged state and federal environment ministers to reject Woodside Energy's plan to expand a gas plant amid fears it could have severe environmental and economic impacts. In an open letter, more than 50 experts called on Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and West....

Experts urge government to dump Woodside project

2023-12-18T07:05+0100westernadvocate (en)

Dozens of scientists have urged state and federal environment ministers to reject Woodside Energy's plan to expand a gas plant amid fears it could have severe environmental and economic impacts. Former Australia n of the Year Professor Fiona Stanley is among those calling for the project in WA's....

Experts urge government to dump Woodside project

2023-12-18T07:00+0100maitlandmercury (en)

Dozens of scientists have urged state and federal environment ministers to reject Woodside Energy's plan to expand a gas plant amid fears it could have severe environmental and economic impacts. In an open letter, more than 50 experts called on Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and West....

Experts urge government to dump Woodside project

2023-12-18T06:58+0100newcastleherald (en)

Dozens of scientists have urged state and federal environment ministers to reject Woodside Energy's plan to expand a gas plant amid fears it could have severe environmental and economic impacts. In an open letter, more than 50 experts called on Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and West....

Experts urge government to dump Woodside project

2023-12-18T06:56+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

Dozens of scientists have urged state and federal environment ministers to reject Woodside Energy's plan to expand a gas plant amid fears it could have severe environmental and economic impacts. In an open letter, more than 50 experts called on Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and West....

Cyclone brings floods, crocodile sightings in Australia's northeast

2023-12-18T06:54+0100devdiscourse (en)

Floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former Tropical Cyclone Jasper cut off several towns popular with tourists in Australia 's northeast along the Great Barrier Reef on Monday, with a crocodile being captured from a storm drain. Floods caused by heavy rain in the wake of former Tropical....

Experts urge government to dump Woodside project

2023-12-18T06:47+0100illawarramercury (en)

Dozens of scientists have urged state and federal environment ministers to reject Woodside Energy's plan to expand a gas plant amid fears it could have severe environmental and economic impacts. In an open letter, more than 50 experts called on Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and West....

Floods have wreaked havoc in North Queensland. It's a frightening glimpse of what's to come

2023-12-18T06:19+0100sbs (en)

, there is growing global concern about the rise of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and heatwaves. The atmosphere and oceans are warming due to increasing emissions of greenhouse gases, largely caused by burning fossil fuels. This has led to a greater risk of extreme rainfall and....

Floods cut off cyclone-hit Aussie towns along Great Barrier Reef

2023-12-18T05:23+0100chinadailyhk (en)

Published:12:20, December 18, 2023 Updated:12:21, December 18, 2023 By Reuters. A car inundated with water near the Barron River in Cairns, Australia , Dec 16, 2023.(PHOTO / AP) SYDNEY - Heavy rain from a coastal trough linked to ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper on Monday cut off several tourist towns in....

Floods cut off cyclone-hit Australian tourist towns along Great Barrier Reef

2023-12-18T05:12+0100japantoday (en)

Heavy rain from a coastal trough linked to ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper on Monday cut off several tourist towns in Australia 's northeast along the Great Barrier Reef, forcing evacuations as some residents fled to rooftops to escape fast-rising rivers. Jasper lashed the far north regions of Queensland....

MIL-Evening Report: North Queensland’s record-breaking floods are a frightening portent of what’s to come under climate change

2023-12-18T04:35+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Steve Turton, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Geography, CQUniversity Australia . Unprecedented rain brought by Tropical Cyclone Jasper has triggered widespread flooding in far north Queensland, forcing thousands of people to evacuate. Cairns airport is closed , roads are extensively damaged....

Floods cut off cyclone-hit Australia tourist towns along Great Barrier Reef

2023-12-18T04:29+0100deccanherald (en)

Jasper lashed the far north regions of Queensland state last week leaving a trail of destruction before getting downgraded to a tropical low, bringing months' worth of rain within a few hours over the weekend, official data showed. Sydney: Heavy rain from a coastal trough linked to ex-Tropical....

Floods cut off cyclone-hit Australia tourist towns along Great Barrier Reef

2023-12-18T03:03+0100AsiaOne (en)

AsiaOne has launched EarthOne , a new section dedicated to environmental issues — because we love the planet and we believe science. Find articles like this SYDNEY — Heavy rain from a coastal trough linked to ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper on Monday (Dec 18) cut off several tourist towns in Australia 's....

Floods cut off cyclone-hit Australia tourist towns along Great Barrier Reef By Renju Jose SYDNEY (Reuters) -Heavy rain from a coastal trough linked to ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper on Monday cut off several tourist towns in Austr... 3h ago

2023-12-18T02:55+0100whbl (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) -Heavy rain from a coastal trough linked to ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper on Monday cut off several tourist towns in Australia ’s northeast along the Great Barrier Reef, forcing evacuations as some residents fled to rooftops to escape fast-rising rivers.

NSW regions plan for drought

2023-12-18T02:54+0100nationaltribune (en)

Acting Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the Hon Madeleine King MP. Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Regional NSW, the Hon Tara Moriarty MLC. Regional communities in New South Wales are joining forces to better prepare for soaring temperatures and dry conditions thanks to a....

Floods cut off cyclone-hit Australia tourist towns along Great Barrier Reef By Renju Jose SYDNEY (Reuters) -Heavy rain from a coastal trough linked to ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper on Monday cut off several tourist towns in Austr... 3h ago

2023-12-18T02:54+0100wsau (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) -Heavy rain from a coastal trough linked to ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper on Monday cut off several tourist towns in Australia ’s northeast along the Great Barrier Reef, forcing evacuations as some residents fled to rooftops to escape fast-rising rivers.

NSW regions plan for drought

2023-12-18T02:53+0100miragenews (en)

Acting Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the Hon Madeleine King MP. Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Regional NSW, the Hon Tara Moriarty MLC. Regional communities in New South Wales are joining forces to better prepare for soaring temperatures and dry conditions thanks to a....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T15:35+0100tribune (en)

SYDNEY: Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of around 170,000 people....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T13:22+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Australia n authorities on Dec 17 urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of some 170,000 people....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T12:21+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post SYDNEY (Reuters): Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T10:09+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Dec. 17 (BNA): Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of around....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T08:50+0100channelnewsasia (en)

SYDNEY: Australia n authorities on Sunday (Dec 17) urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of around 170,000....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T08:30+0100in-cyprus (en)

Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of around 170,000 people located....

Australia asks thousands of people to move to upper grounds amid major floods

2023-12-17T08:00+0100firstpost (en)

Authorities in Australia advised thousands of residents in the state of North Queensland to relocate to higher ground on Sunday due to the risk of flooding from heavy downpours. Major flooding, according to Queensland authorities, was occurring in some suburbs of Cairns, a popular tourist....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T07:46+0100arynews (en)

SYDNEY: Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of around 170,000 people....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T07:30+0100brecorder (en)

SYDNEY: Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of around 170,000 people....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T07:17+0100thetimes-za (en)

Queensland authorities said major flooding was under way in some suburbs of Cairns, around 1,700km north of state capital Brisbane. Stock photo. Image: 123RF/thvideo. Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains.

Thousands urged to move to higher ground as northeast Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T06:47+0100japantoday (en)

Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of around 170,000 people.

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T06:47+0100BangkokPost (en)

SYDNEY: Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of around 170,000 people....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T06:47+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of around 170,000....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T06:06+0100thestandard-hk (en)

Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of around 170,000 people located....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T05:41+0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY : Australia n authorities on Sunday urged thousands of people in north Queensland state to move to higher ground because of the danger of flooding from torrential rains. Queensland authorities said major flooding was underway in some suburbs of Cairns, a tourist hub of around 170,000 people....

Thousands urged to higher ground as Australia battles floods

2023-12-17T05:22+0100devdiscourse (en)

Residents should move to higher ground now," Queensland Fire and Emergency Services said on its website in one of several emergency alerts for parts of north Queensland. The flooding came with heavy rain from ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper, which hit the region this week, leaving tens of thousands without power and forcing evacuations.

Australia swelters through heat wave

2023-12-16T18:44+0100bdnews24 (en)

Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. In New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, more than 50 fires were burning on Saturday and a total fire ban was in place....

Canada Examines Options for National Emergency Response Agency: Says Sajjan – National

2023-12-16T13:34+0100vervetimes (en)

In a recent interview, Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan discussed the need for a new national emergency response agency that would consist of regional response teams that Ottawa can call upon in the event of a disaster. According to him, these teams have been identified as necessary....

13:55 16/12/2023 Australia swelters through heat wave

2023-12-16T11:41+0100panorama-am-en (en)

Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states, reported. In New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, more than 50 fires were burning on Saturday and a total fire ban was....

Australia swelters through heat wave as firefighters battle bushfires

2023-12-16T10:46+0100ammonnews-en (en)

Ammon News - Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. In New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, more than 50 fires were burning on Saturday and a total fire ban....

Australia swelters through heat wave as firefighters battle bushfires

2023-12-16T07:28+0100gazette (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) -Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. In New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, more than 50 fires were burning on Saturday and a total fire....

Australia swelters through heat wave as firefighters battle bushfires

2023-12-16T06:55+0100cde-news (en)

SYDNEY, Dec 16 (Reuters) – Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation’s weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. In New South Wales, Australia’s most populous state, more than 50 fires were burning on Saturday and a....

Australia swelters through heat wave as firefighters battle bushfires

2023-12-16T06:06+0100radionz (en)

Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. In New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, more than 50 fires were burning on Saturday and a total fire ban was in place....

Australia swelters through heat wave as firefighters battle bushfires

2023-12-16T06:05+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. In New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, more than 50 fires were burning on Saturday and a total fire ban was in place....

Australia swelters through heat wave as firefighters battle bushfires Reuters |Updated 20 minutes ago |2 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) -Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states.

2023-12-16T05:40+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) -Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. In New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, more than 50 fires were burning on Saturday and a total fire....

Australia swelters through heat wave as firefighters battle bushfires

2023-12-16T05:28+0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY :Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. In New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, more than 50 fires were burning on Saturday and a total fire ban was in....

Australia swelters through heat wave as firefighters battle bushfires

2023-12-16T05:22+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. In New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, more than 50 fires were burning on Saturday and a total fire....

Australia swelters through heat wave as firefighters battle bushfires

2023-12-16T05:14+0100malaymail (en)

SYDNEY, Dec 16 — Large parts of Australia today sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation’s weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. In New South Wales, Australia’s most populous state, more than 50 fires were burning today and a total fire ban was in....

Australia swelters through heat wave as firefighters battle bushfires

2023-12-16T05:06+0100devdiscourse (en)

The agency said on social media platform X that more than 700 firefighters and incident management personnel were working statewide to fight blazes amid "widespread high and extreme fire danger". Heat wave alerts and fire warnings were also in place for parts of Western Australia and the Northern....

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger

2023-12-16T04:58+0100AsiaOne (en)

AsiaOne has launched EarthOne , a new section dedicated to environmental issues — because we love the planet and we believe science. Find articles like this SYDNEY- Large parts of Australia on Saturday (Dec 16) sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states.

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger

2023-12-16T03:01+0100japantimes (en)

SYDNEY – Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory, the Bureau of Meteorology said on its website.

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger

2023-12-16T02:34+0100whbl (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation’s weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern....

Australia swelters through heatwave amid ‘extreme’ fire danger

2023-12-16T02:18+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Large parts of Australia on Dec 16 sweltered under heatwave conditions that prompted the nation’s weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heatwave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory, the Bureau of Meteorology said on its website.

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bu... 1h ago

2023-12-16T01:51+0100kelo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation’s weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern....

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger

2023-12-16T01:51+0100wkzo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation’s weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern....

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger

2023-12-16T01:44+0100wsau (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation’s weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern....

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger

2023-12-16T01:22+0100gazette (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern....

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger

2023-12-16T01:14+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern....

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger

2023-12-16T01:08+0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY : Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory, the Bureau of Meteorology said on its website.

Australia Swelters Through Heat Wave Amid 'Extreme' Fire Danger

2023-12-16T01:03+0100usnews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern....

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger Reuters |Updated 2 minutes ago |2 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western .

2023-12-16T00:56+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern....

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger

2023-12-16T00:53+01004-traders (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern....

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger

2023-12-16T00:53+0100streetinsider (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Large parts of Australia on Saturday sweltered under heat wave conditions that prompted the nation's weather forecaster to issue bush fire warnings in several states. Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern....

Australia swelters through heat wave amid 'extreme' fire danger

2023-12-16T00:44+0100devdiscourse (en)

Heat wave alerts were in place for parts of Western Australia , New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory, the Bureau of Meteorology said on its website. The hot weather lifts the risk of bush fires in an already high-risk bush fire season amid an El Nino weather event, which is....

Canada’s national emergency response program could see changes in 2024

2023-12-15T17:38+0100crestonvalleyadvance (en)

The federal government needs a national emergency response agency but hasn’t yet decided exactly what it will look like, Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan said. Small spot fires continued to flare up alongside Northwest Territories highways leading into Hay River, Fort Smith and Yellowknife, Friday, Sept.

Canada to pilot options for national emergency response agency in 2024: Sajjan A new national emergency response agency may consist of regional response teams that Ottawa can call into action when disaster strikes, Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan said in a recent interview. It… 6h ago

2023-12-15T16:30+0100citynews-ca (en)

A new national emergency response agency may consist of regional response teams that Ottawa can call into action when disaster strikes, Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan said in a recent interview. It is clear some kind of federal co-ordination agency is required, Sajjan said, speaking....

Canada considering options for national emergency response agency: Sajjan – National | Globalnews.ca

2023-12-15T13:43+0100whatsnew2day (en)

A new national emergency response agency could consist of regional response teams that Ottawa can call into action when a disaster strikes, Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan said in a recent interview. It’s clear some kind of federal coordinating agency is needed, said Sajjan, speaking....

Canada to pilot options for national emergency response agency in 2024, Sajjan says

2023-12-15T13:10+0100theglobeandmail (en)

A new national emergency response agency may consist of regional response teams that Ottawa can call into action when disaster strikes, Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan said in a recent interview. It is clear some kind of federal co-ordination agency is required, Sajjan said, speaking....

Canada to pilot options for national emergency response agency in 2024: Sajjan

2023-12-15T12:25+0100citynews-ca (en)

OTTAWA — A new national emergency response agency may consist of regional response teams that Ottawa can call into action when disaster strikes, Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan said in a recent interview. It is clear some kind of federal co-ordination agency is required, Sajjan said,....

Canada to pilot options for national emergency response agency in 2024: Sajjan

2023-12-15T12:19+0100cp24 (en)

A new national emergency response agency may consist of regional response teams that Ottawa can call into action when disaster strikes, Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan said in a recent interview. It is clear some kind of federal co-ordination agency is required, Sajjan said, speaking....

Canada to pilot options for national emergency response agency in 2024: Sajjan 12/15/2023 1:00:00 AM

2023-12-15T10:31+0100timescolonist (en)

OTTAWA — A new national emergency response agency may consist of regional response teams that Ottawa can call into action when disaster strikes, Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan said in a recent interview. It is clear some kind of federal co-ordination agency is required, Sajjan said,....

Canada to pilot options for national emergency response agency in 2024: Sajjan

2023-12-15T10:30+0100princegeorgecitizen (en)

OTTAWA — A new national emergency response agency may consist of regional response teams that Ottawa can call into action when disaster strikes, Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan said in a recent interview. It is clear some kind of federal co-ordination agency is required, Sajjan said,....

Canada to pilot options for national emergency response agency in 2024: Sajjan 0 12/15/2023 1:00:00 AM

2023-12-15T10:26+0100tricitynews (en)

OTTAWA — A new national emergency response agency may consist of regional response teams that Ottawa can call into action when disaster strikes, Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan said in a recent interview. It is clear some kind of federal co-ordination agency is required, Sajjan said,....

How Madagascar Is Confronting Climate Change

2023-12-15T09:56+0100archdaily (en)

on Common Edge. Madagascar is an island nation off the southeast coast of Africa that, despite its lush vegetation and unique flora and fauna, grapples with formidable environmental challenges, from rising sea levels to the excessive exploitation of natural resources .

Queensland Sets Ambitious 75% Emissions Target for 2035

2023-12-15T07:58+0100miragenews (en)

Queensland Government set to introduce legislation to lock in a new emissions reduction target of 75% below 2005 levels by 2035. The new target will create certainty for industry and bridge the gap between regional Queensland and the city; The new target will support industry growth, attract greater....

75 by 2035: Queensland powers ahead with new emissions target

2023-12-15T07:58+0100nationaltribune (en)

Queensland Government set to introduce legislation to lock in a new emissions reduction target of 75% below 2005 levels by 2035. The new target will create certainty for industry and bridge the gap between regional Queensland and the city; The new target will support industry growth, attract greater....

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper

2023-12-14T10:50+0100chinadailyhk (en)

This image made from video show uprooted trees in Cairns, Australia , Dec 13, 2023. (PHOTO / AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION VIA AP) SYDNEY - Residents of tourist towns in Australia's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting....

Rainwater Harvesting Market Size to Surpass US$ 2,275 Million by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.3%

2023-12-14T07:29+0100einnews (en)

The increasing emphasis on eco-friendly practices, favorable government regulations and incentives encouraging water conservation. BROOKLYN, NY, UNITED STATES, December 13, 2023 / EINPresswire.com / -- The latest report published by IMARC Group, titled “Rainwater Harvesting Market: Global Industry....

Rainwater Harvesting Market Size To Surpass US$ 2,275 Million By 2032, Exhibiting A CAGR Of 4.3%

2023-12-14T07:25+0100menafn (en)

- EIN Presswire) Rainwater Harvesting Market. The increasing emphasis on eco-friendly practices, favorable government regulations and incentives encouraging water conservation. BROOKLYN, NY, UNITED STATES, December 13, 2023 /EINPresswire / -- The latest report published by IMARC Group,....

Australia tourist towns brace for flash floods as Cyclone Jasper tears through

2023-12-14T06:11+0100HindustanTimes (en)

Jasper pummelled the far north regions of Queensland state, home to several resorts along the world-famous Great Barrier Reef, after making landfall on Wednesday as a Category 2 storm, three rungs below the most dangerous wind speed level. Stay tuned with breaking news on HT Channel on Facebook.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper

2023-12-14T04:13+0100AsiaOne (en)

AsiaOne has launched EarthOne , a new section dedicated to environmental issues — because we love the planet and we believe science. Find articles like this SYDNEY — Residents of tourist towns in Australia 's northeast on Thursday (Dec 14) braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore....

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper By Renju Jose SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents of tourist towns in Australia's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasp... 1h ago

2023-12-14T02:57+0100wsau (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Residents of tourist towns in Australia ’s northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper By Renju Jose SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents of tourist towns in Australia's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasp... 1h ago

2023-12-14T02:43+0100kelo (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Residents of tourist towns in Australia ’s northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper By Renju Jose SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents of tourist towns in Australia's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding af... 1h ago

2023-12-14T02:36+0100wkzo (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Residents of tourist towns in Australia ’s northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper

2023-12-14T02:10+0100whbl (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Residents of tourist towns in Australia ’s northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper

2023-12-14T01:16+0100gazette (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents of tourist towns in Australia 's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper

2023-12-14T01:15+0100thechronicleherald (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents of tourist towns in Australia 's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia Tourist Towns Brace for Floods in Aftermath of Cyclone Jasper

2023-12-14T01:13+0100usnews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents of tourist towns in Australia 's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper

2023-12-14T01:13+0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY : Residents of tourist towns in Australia 's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper

2023-12-14T01:11+0100malaymail (en)

SYDNEY, Dec 14 — Residents of tourist towns in Australia ’s northeast today braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper By Renju Jose SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents of tourist towns in Australia's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and .

2023-12-14T01:07+0100saltwire (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents of tourist towns in Australia 's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper

2023-12-14T01:04+01004-traders (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents of tourist towns in Australia 's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper

2023-12-14T01:02+0100streetinsider (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents of tourist towns in Australia 's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures.

Australia tourist towns brace for floods in aftermath of cyclone Jasper

2023-12-14T00:55+0100devdiscourse (en)

Residents of tourist towns in Australia 's northeast on Thursday braced for flash flooding after Tropical Cyclone Jasper tore through the region, uprooting trees, leaving tens of thousands without power, and forcing evacuations and road closures. Jasper pummelled the far north regions of Queensland....

Incendi, quasi un quarto delle emissioni globali del 2023 causato dai roghi in Canada

2023-12-13T15:11+0100iconaclima (it)

Quasi un quarto delle emissioni di carbonio globali da incendi nel 2023 sono state causate dai devastanti incendi boschivi che hanno colpito il Canada nel corso degli ultimi mesi. A darne notizia è il Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), che ha monitorato le emissioni di gas serra....

Australian Resort Towns Along Great Barrier Reef Brace for Cyclone

2023-12-13T15:07+0100tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Sydney - Thousands of people in coastal towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef are without power and sheltering within their homes as the epicenter of a tropical cyclone nears Queensland on Wednesday afternoon, December 13. Tropical Cyclone Jasper was slowly making landfall around the....

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T09:56+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Dec. 13 (BNA): Thousands of people in coastal towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef are without power and sheltering within their homes as the epicentre of a tropical cyclone nears Queensland on Wednesday afternoon. Tropical Cyclone Jasper was slowly making landfall around the town of....

El Niño increases risks of compound meteorological disasters

2023-12-13T09:40+0100cgtn (en)

The type of El Niño event occurring this time is known as the Eastern Pacific (EP) El Niño, which is generally stronger than other types of El Niño events. Statistics show that from 1981 to 2020, there have been a total of 12 El Niño events, including three super-strong events, all of which were EP El Niño.

Savana: caratteristiche e dove si trova

2023-12-13T09:02+0100greenstyle (it)

Se dovessi pensare a un’ immagine della savana , probabilmente ti verrebbero in mente vaste aree di terra dorata, tramonti arancioni e splendidi profili di giraffe ed elefanti. In realtà, le caratteristiche della savana possono variare significativamente a seconda della Regione geografica.

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T07:16+0100zawya-palestine (en)

Tourist towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland state coast on Wednesday afternoon as first winds cut power and authorities warned the weather could worsen when the storm hits land. Tropical Cyclone Jasper was roughly 130 km (81 miles) northeast of Cairns at 11 a.

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T06:01+0100whbl (en)

By Lewis Jackson. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Tourist towns along Australia ’s Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland state coast on Wednesday afternoon as first winds cut power and authorities warned the weather could worsen when the storm hits land.

Aussie resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T05:44+0100chinadailyhk (en)

This image made from video show uprooted trees in Cairns, Australia , Dec 13, 2023. (PHOTO / AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION VIA AP) SYDNEY - Tourist towns along Australia's Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland state coast on Wednesday afternoon as first....

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone By Lewis Jackson SYDNEY (Reuters) - Tourist towns along Australia's Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland st... 53m ago

2023-12-13T05:44+0100kelo (en)

By Lewis Jackson. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Tourist towns along Australia ’s Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland state coast on Wednesday afternoon as first winds cut power and authorities warned the weather could worsen when the storm hits land.

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T05:27+0100wsau (en)

By Lewis Jackson. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Tourist towns along Australia ’s Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland state coast on Wednesday afternoon as first winds cut power and authorities warned the weather could worsen when the storm hits land.

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T05:22+0100wkzo (en)

By Lewis Jackson. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Tourist towns along Australia ’s Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland state coast on Wednesday afternoon as first winds cut power and authorities warned the weather could worsen when the storm hits land.

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T05:21+0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY : Tourist towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland state coast on Wednesday afternoon as first winds cut power and authorities warned the weather could worsen when the storm hits land. Tropical Cyclone Jasper was roughly 130 km (81 miles) northeast of Cairns at 11 a.

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T05:14+0100AsiaOne (en)

SYDNEY — Tourist towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland state coast on Wednesday afternoon (Dec 13) as first winds cut power and authorities warned the weather could worsen when the storm hits land.

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T05:13+0100reuters (en)

A satellite image taken by the Bureau of Meteorology on the morning of Wednesday, shows Tropical Cyclone Jasper as it approaches the Queensland coast, Australia December 13, 2023. AAP Image/Supplied by Bureau of Meteorology via REUTERS SYDNEY, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Tourist towns along Australia's....

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T05:05+0100saltwire (en)

A satellite image taken by the Bureau of Meteorology on the morning of Wednesday, shows Tropical Cyclone Jasper as it approaches the Queensland coast, Australia December 13, 2023. AAP Image/Supplied by Bureau of Meteorology via REUTERS. By Lewis Jackson.

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone Lewis Jackson |Updated 4 minutes ago |2 min read By Lewis Jackson SYDNEY (Reuters) - Tourist towns along Australia's Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland state coast on Wednesday afternoon....

2023-12-13T05:03+0100thechronicleherald (en)

A satellite image taken by the Bureau of Meteorology on the morning of Wednesday, shows Tropical Cyclone Jasper as it approaches the Queensland coast, Australia December 13, 2023. AAP Image/Supplied by Bureau of Meteorology via REUTERS. By Lewis Jackson.

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T05:02+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Tourist towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland state coast on Wednesday afternoon as first winds cut power and authorities warned the weather could worsen when the storm hits land. Tropical Cyclone Jasper was roughly 130 km (81 miles) northeast of Cairns at 11 a.

Australian Resort Towns Along Great Barrier Reef Brace for Cyclone

2023-12-13T04:58+0100usnews (en)

A satellite image taken by the Bureau of Meteorology on the morning of Wednesday, shows Tropical Cyclone Jasper as it approaches the Queensland coast, Australia December 13, 2023. AAP Image/Supplied by Bureau of Meteorology via REUTERS Reuters SYDNEY (Reuters) - Tourist towns along Australia's....

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T04:53+0100streetinsider (en)

A satellite image taken by the Bureau of Meteorology on the morning of Wednesday, shows Tropical Cyclone Jasper as it approaches the Queensland coast, Australia December 13, 2023. AAP Image/Supplied by Bureau of Meteorology via REUTERS. By Lewis Jackson.

Australian resort towns along Great Barrier Reef brace for cyclone

2023-12-13T04:40+0100devdiscourse (en)

Tourist towns along Australia 's Great Barrier Reef are bracing for a tropical cyclone set to hit the Queensland state coast on Wednesday afternoon as first winds cut power and authorities warned the weather could worsen when the storm hits land. Tropical Cyclone Jasper was roughly 130 km (81 miles) northeast of Cairns at 11 a.

These innovations may reduce pollution and CO2 emissions in the future

2023-12-13T01:54+0100malaymail (en)

It's precisely this point that the researchers are working on optimising. They have developed a device whose energy output would almost match that of a solar panel, at 200 watts per square metre. These panels have only just been developed, and are therefore not yet on the market.

2023, un anno di intensa attività degli incendi nel mondo: devastanti i casi di Canada e Grecia | DATI

2023-12-12T19:14+0100meteoweb (it)

Emissioni di carbonio stimate totali annuali da incendi dal 2003 al 2023 (fino al 10 dicembre 2023). Fonte: CAMS Nord America. Nel 2023, il Canada ha registrato un livello estremamente elevato di incendi boschivi. A partire dall’inizio di maggio, quando si sono sviluppati numerosi grandi incendi in....

'Get ready': Tropical cyclone moves towards Australia 06:42 AM

2023-12-12T18:53+0100newshub (en)

Residents in Australia 's northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall on Wednesday, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews. Jasper, located about 250km off the far north coast of Queensland....

Gli incendi in Canada hanno generato emissioni da record

2023-12-12T16:41+0100canaleenergia (it)

Luglio e agosto sono stati mesi difficili anche per la regione mediterranea dell’Europa e, in particolare, per la Grecia e la Spagna. Emissioni globali totali annue di carbonio stimate derivanti da incendi boschivi dal 2003 al 2023. Fonte: CAMS/GFASv1.2.

Nel 2023 il Canada ha prodotto il 23% delle emissioni globali di carbonio da incendi boschivi

2023-12-12T15:24+0100greenreport (it)

Diversi mega-incendi boschivi avvenuti nel 2023, come quelli in Canada, in Grecia e in altre regioni del mondo, hanno avuto un impatto sull’atmosfera, sulla qualità dell’aria e sulle comunità che si trovavano nelle loro vicinanze. Il Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) ha monitorato le....

Cairns airport to shut down on Tuesday night as Australia braces for Cyclone Jasper

2023-12-12T07:51+0100HindustanTimes (en)

Jasper, located about 250 kilometres (186 miles) off the far north coast of Queensland state in the Coral Sea, is forecast to intensify to a category 2 storm, packing wind gusts of up to 140 km per hour, the Bureau of Meteorology said. Stay tuned with breaking news on HT Channel on Facebook.

Cyclone to bring heavy rain, strong winds for Australia

2023-12-12T06:56+0100chinadailyhk (en)

This photo dated April 14, 2023 by West Australia 's Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) shows a damaged building in the aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Ilsa near the town of Pardoo. (PHOTO / AFP) SYDNEY — Residents in Australia's northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging....

Cyclone Jasper set to bring heavy rain, strong winds for Australia's northeast

2023-12-12T05:48+0100AsiaOne (en)

SYDNEY — Residents in Australia 's northeast on Tuesday (Dec 12) braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall in the next 24 hours, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews.

Cyclone Jasper set to bring heavy rain, strong winds for Australia's northeast

2023-12-12T05:35+0100whbl (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Residents in Australia ’s northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall in the next 24 hours, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews.

Cyclone Jasper set to bring heavy rain, strong winds for Australia's northeast

2023-12-12T05:28+0100wsau (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Residents in Australia ’s northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall in the next 24 hours, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews.

Cyclone Jasper set to bring heavy rain, strong winds for Australia's northeast

2023-12-12T05:17+0100wkzo (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Residents in Australia ’s northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall in the next 24 hours, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews.

Cyclone Jasper set to bring heavy rain, strong winds for Australia's northeast

2023-12-12T05:04+0100saltwire (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in Australia 's northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall in the next 24 hours, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews.

Cyclone Jasper set to bring heavy rain, strong winds for Australia's northeast By Renju Jose SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in Australia's northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, ... 17m ago

2023-12-12T04:57+0100kelo (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) – Residents in Australia ’s northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall in the next 24 hours, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews.

Cyclone Jasper Set to Bring Heavy Rain, Strong Winds for Australia's Northeast

2023-12-12T04:54+0100usnews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in Australia 's northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall in the next 24 hours, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews.

Cyclone Jasper set to bring heavy rain, strong winds for Australia's northeast

2023-12-12T04:52+0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY : Residents in Australia 's northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall in the next 24 hours, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews. Jasper, located about 250 kilometres (186 miles)....

Cyclone Jasper set to bring heavy rain, strong winds for Australia's northeast Renju Jose |Updated 3 minutes ago |2 min read By Renju Jose SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in Australia's northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall....

2023-12-12T04:44+0100thechronicleherald (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in Australia 's northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall in the next 24 hours, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews.

Cyclone Jasper set to bring heavy rain, strong winds for Australia's northeast

2023-12-12T04:42+0100streetinsider (en)

By Renju Jose. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Residents in Australia 's northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall in the next 24 hours, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews.

Cyclone Jasper set to bring heavy rain, strong winds for Australia's northeast

2023-12-12T04:34+0100devdiscourse (en)

Residents in Australia 's northeast on Tuesday braced for heavy rain and damaging winds from tropical cyclone Jasper, expected to make landfall in the next 24 hours, as authorities set up evacuation centres and deployed more emergency crews. Jasper, located about 250 kilometres (186 miles) off the....

Planned migration can beat climate displacement and labor shortages

2023-12-11T13:21+0100cgtn (en)

Climate change is already causing monumental damage to the planet with the displacement of people a huge concern. Sea level rises will affect coastal communities, particularly in many low-lying islands found in the Pacific, as well as reducing freshwater availability on those islands.

Ways to Deal With Disaster Season Without the Trillion-Dollar Price Tag

2023-12-11T08:13+0100wn (en)

Commentary It’s now officially summer in Australia , which is also, semi-officially, the season of fire, droughts, cyclones (hurricanes), and floods. So queue the summer litanies demanding the federal government do more to limit....

Australia: Temperatures in Sydney climb to nearly 40C as authorities issue bushfire warnings

2023-12-10T15:44+0100heart (en)

10 December 2023, 12:50 | Updated: 10 December 2023, 14:22 Australia 's southeast sweated through extreme heat on Saturday, with temperatures hitting nearly 40C (104F) in Sydney. One weather station in the city - the capital of New South Wales - recorded temperatures of 38.9C (102F) on Saturday, according to forecaster data.

Australia: Temperatures in Sydney climb to nearly 40C as authorities issue bushfire warnings

2023-12-10T15:40+0100coastfm (en)

Australia 's southeast sweated through extreme heat on Saturday, with temperatures hitting nearly 40C (104F) in Sydney. One weather station in the city - the capital of New South Wales - recorded temperatures of 38.9C (102F) on Saturday, according to forecaster data. However, that was still some way short of December's record of 42.

Temperatures in Sydney climb to nearly 40C as authorities issue bushfire warnings

2023-12-10T15:29+0100skynews (en)

Australia 's southeast sweated through extreme heat on Saturday, with temperatures hitting nearly 40C (104F) in Sydney. One weather station in the city - the capital of New South Wales - recorded temperatures of 38.9C (102F) on Saturday, according to forecaster data.

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-10T10:30+0100bna-en (en)

Sydney, Dec. 10 (BNA): Australia 's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, Australia's most populous city,....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-09T17:07+0100fijitimes (en)

FILE PHOTO: New South Wales Rural Fire Service firetruck is seen at a hazard reduction burn site in Sydney, Australia , September 10, 2023. REUTERS/Cordelia Hsu/File Photo. SYDNEY (Reuters) -Australia’s southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led....

Australia Swelters Through Heatwave as Bushfire Risk Grows 09 Dec, 2023 09:51

2023-12-09T09:54+0100chronicle-lu (en)

New South Wales Rural Fire Service firetruck is seen at a hazard reduction burn site in Sydney, Australia , 10 September 2023; Credit: Reuters/Cordelia Hsu/File Photo. SYDNEY (Reuters) - On Saturday 9 December 2023, Australia's southeast sweated through a heatwave that raised the risk of bushfires....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-09T09:39+0100bdnews24 (en)

Australia 's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, Australia's most populous city, of 40 degrees Celsius....

Australia Swelters Through Heat Wave as Bushfire Risk Grows

2023-12-09T08:08+0100singaporestar (en)

sydney, australia - Southeast Australia sweated on Saturday through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a Saturday maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's....

Australia Swelters Through Heat Wave as Bushfire Risk Grows

2023-12-09T08:05+0100manilametro (en)

sydney, australia - Southeast Australia sweated on Saturday through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a Saturday maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's....

Australia Swelters Through Heat Wave as Bushfire Risk Grows

2023-12-09T07:25+0100northernirelandnews (en)

sydney, australia - Southeast Australia sweated on Saturday through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a Saturday maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's....

Asia & Pacific Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-09T07:24+0100JakartaPost (en)

Australia 's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, Australia's most populous city, of 40 degrees Celsius,....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-09T06:28+0100chinadailyhk (en)

Published:13:21, December 09, 2023 Updated:13:22, December 09, 2023 By Reuters. In this photo released by the Western Australia Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and received by AFP on Nov 23, 2023, shows firefighters watching a bushfire burn north of the city of Perth.

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-09T06:00+0100AsiaOne (en)

AsiaOne has launched EarthOne , a new section dedicated to environmental issues — because we love the planet and we believe science. Find articles like this SYDNEY - Australia 's southeast on Saturday (Dec 9 ) sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state.

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-09T05:19+0100dunyanews (en)

SYDNEY, Dec 9 (Reuters) - Australia 's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, Australia's most populous....

Australia Swelters Through Heat Wave as Bushfire Risk Grows

2023-12-09T04:22+0100voanews (en)

sydney, australia — Southeast Australia sweated on Saturday through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a Saturday maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk

2023-12-09T03:23+0100whbl (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australia ’s southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation’s weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia’s most....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-09T03:20+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia 's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's most....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows Reuters |Updated 13 minutes ago |2 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) -Australia's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum .

2023-12-09T03:15+0100thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia 's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's most....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-09T02:44+0100rappler (en)

New South Wales fire authorities say that a total fire ban is in place for large swaths of the state, including Sydney, given 'very hot, dry and windy conditions' forecast. SYDNEY, Australia – Australia’s southeast on Saturday, December 9, sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-09T02:29+0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY : Australia 's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's most populous state....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-09T02:28+0100malaymail (en)

SYDNEY, Dec 9 ― Australia 's southeast today sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's most populous....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk grows

2023-12-09T02:06+0100devdiscourse (en)

Australia 's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's most populous state New....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk

2023-12-09T01:52+0100wsau (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australia ’s southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation’s weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia’s most....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk increases

2023-12-09T01:30+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SYDNEY - Australia 's south-east on Dec 9 sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's most populous state....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk

2023-12-09T01:27+0100wkzo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australia ’s southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation’s weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia’s most....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk

2023-12-09T01:13+0100todayonline (en)

SYDNEY : Australia 's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's most populous state....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in... 34m ago

2023-12-09T01:10+0100kelo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australia ’s southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation’s weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia’s most....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk

2023-12-09T01:10+0100saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia 's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led authorities to ban fires in large parts of New South Wales state. The nation's weather forecaster predicted a maximum temperature in Sydney, the capital of Australia's most....

Australia Swelters Through Heat Wave as Bushfire Risk

2023-12-09T01:09+0100usnews (en)

FILE PHOTO: New South Wales Rural Fire Service firetruck is seen at a hazard reduction burn site in Sydney, Australia , September 10, 2023. REUTERS/Cordelia Hsu/File Photo Reuters SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk

2023-12-09T00:57+0100streetinsider (en)

FILE PHOTO: New South Wales Rural Fire Service firetruck is seen at a hazard reduction burn site in Sydney, Australia , September 10, 2023. REUTERS/Cordelia Hsu/File Photo. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia's southeast on Saturday sweated through a heat wave that raised the risk of bushfires and led....

Australia swelters through heat wave as bushfire risk

2023-12-09T00:31+0100devdiscourse (en)

New South Wales fire authorities said on social media platform X that a total fire ban was in place for large swaths of the state, including Sydney, given "very hot, dry and windy conditions" forecast. There were more than 50 grass and bushfires burning across New South Wales on Saturday morning, according to the state's rural fire service.

Universal survival for God’s creation

2023-12-08T23:10+0100chronicle (en)

Stephen Mpofu, Perspective. UNLESS something really gargantuan — such as the miraculous movement of God’s hand — to take control over our village, the global village — earth — Zimbabweans, among other poor nations, must tighten their belts still further to survive worse, if not the worst to come....

Climate Change, El Nino Drive Hottest June On Record

2023-12-08T22:28+0100menafn (en)

- Jordan Times) PARIS - The world saw its hottest June on record last month, the EU's climate monitoring service said on Thursday, as climate change and the El Nino weather pattern looked likely to drive another scorching northern summer. The announcement from the EU monitor Copernicus marked the....

Southern Hemisphere westerly winds likely to intensify as climate warms

2023-12-08T16:05+0100qnewshub (en)

Polar climate scientists have created the most high-resolution past record of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds. The results, published this week (9 December) in the journal Communications Earth and Environment , describe how the winds are likely to intensify and migrate poleward as the climate warms.

Spring 2023: Meteorologists warn high temperatures and low rainfall will increase risk of bushfires

2023-12-07T23:26+0100whatsnew2day (en)

location.” “Fire is a regular part of the Australia n landscape in the spring. “Wherever you live, work or travel, now is the time to plan and prepare. Understand your risk, know where you will get your information, and talk to your family about what you will be doing.

La amenaza inminente: cómo el cambio climático impacta la agricultura global

2023-12-07T22:56+0100semana (es)

Productores locales cosechando en Usme, Bogotá. Según datos de Greenpeace, la agricultura campesina, familiar y comunitaria juega un papel fundamental en el abastecimiento alimentario de la población global: en Colombia se estima que este tipo de producción provee un 70 % de los alimentos que se....

Record-Breaking Heat Engulfs Australia in 2023

2023-12-07T21:36+0100miragenews (en)

2023 WILL BE the hottest year on record, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service , with the official declaration made weeks before the year's end. The broken record comes as a heatwave scorches large swathes of the country, threatening to push temperatures into the 40℃s in Sydney.


2023-12-07T20:12+0100nationaltribune (en)

2023 WILL BE the hottest year on record, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service , with the official declaration made weeks before the year’s end. The broken record comes as a heatwave scorches large swathes of the country, threatening to push temperatures into the 40℃s in Sydney.

Cómo amenaza el cambio climático a la agricultura

2023-12-07T13:04+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Del Cuerno de África a Argentina, la sequía y las olas de calor hacen sufrir a seres humanos, animales y plantas, pues el cambio climático pone en peligro la productividad agrícola de todo el planeta, incluso en las zonas templadas, antaño ajenas a su impacto. - Todos los continentes afectados - Ningún continente está a salvo.

Ciclone Tropicale Jasper verso l’Australia

2023-12-07T12:30+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 7 dicembre 2023) In queste ore a nord-est del l’ Australia è presente il Ciclone Tropicale Jasper , formatasi nel Mar dei Coralli, cui si appresta a diventare di Categoria 3 ... Altre News in Rete: Vengono considerati sette rischi climatici fisici, tra cui caldo estremo, stress idrico,....

La sequía global: una crisis silenciosa que amenaza la vida y la economía

2023-12-06T19:00+0100noticiasambientales (es)

En la reciente COP28 , la Convención de las Naciones Unidas de Lucha contra la Desertificación (CNULD) presentó un informe revelador sobre la sequía global , destacando una “emergencia sin precedentes a escala planetaria”. La sequía, un fenómeno silencioso pero devastador, se ha convertido en una....

Copernicus: il 2023 sarà l'anno più caldo mai registrato

2023-12-06T11:19+0100greencity-it (it)

Il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate Change Service - C3S) ha pubblicato il bollettino climatico mensile che riporta i cambiamenti registrati globalmente nella temperatura superficiale dell'aria , nella copertura del ghiaccio marino e nelle variabili idrologiche .

Osservazione satelliti Copernicus: 2023 l’autunno più caldo di sempre

2023-12-06T11:17+0100geosmartmagazine (it)

Copernicus: novembre 2023 – Continua l’anno straordinario, con l’autunno boreale più caldo. Il 2023 sarà l’anno più caldo mai registrato. Gli highlights delle temperature, le attuali situazioni idrogeologiche e idrologiche. 2023: l’autunno più caldo di sempre. Il 2023 si appresta a diventare l’anno più caldo mai registrato.

Riscaldamento globale inarrestabile: il 2023 si conferma l’anno più caldo mai registrato

2023-12-06T11:13+0100ecodallecitta (it)

Con buona pace di chi pensa ancora che l’accenno di inverno europeo significhi che la crisi climatica sia un’esagerazione mediatica, il riscaldamento globale continua ad aumentare inarrestabile , con medie da record. Nel corso del 2023, da gennaio a novembre, la temperatura media della Terra è stata la più alta mai registrata: 1.

Australia: siccità e competizione estera mettono in crisi l'agricolturaPrevisto un decremento del volume d'affari pari a 16 A$ mld nel biennio 2023-24

2023-12-05T16:03+0100efanews (it)

Nel biennio 2023-24, l'agricoltura australiana prenderà una china discendente. Due i fattori principali del calo: l'aumento dell'offerta agricola globale e la siccità, che non risparmia nemmeno l'emisfero australe. Il direttore esecutivo ad interim dell' Australia n Bureau of Agricultural and Resource....

Lo studio La disinformazione corre sul Web: «Si punta alla mobilizzazione violenta»

2023-12-05T08:18+0100avvenire (it)

«Il mondo si sta raffreddando». È solo uno dei bizzarri proclami che circolano nel web a insinuare l’idea che il riscaldamento globale è una bufala. Fenomeno di stampo negazionista arricchito da speculazioni complottiste secondo cui, per esempio, gli appelli a cambiare lo stile di vita per renderlo....

Il grano scivola dopo che il Canada e l'Australia hanno aumentato le previsioni di produzione

2023-12-05T06:43+0100marketscreener (it)

I futures sul grano di Chicago si sono ritirati martedì dopo che i principali esportatori, Canada e Australia , hanno aggiornato le loro previsioni di produzione, aumentando le prospettive dell'offerta globale. Le statistiche del Canada. ha alzato le sue stime.

Il grano cala dopo che l'acquisto cinese spinge i prezzi ai massimi da agosto

2023-12-05T06:03+0100marketscreener (it)

I futures sul grano di Chicago sono scesi martedì dopo essere saliti ai massimi da agosto nella sessione precedente, quando il governo degli Stati Uniti ha confermato la più grande vendita privata di grano alla Cina da anni. I semi di soia sono saliti dopo essere scesi nelle ultime sessioni, grazie....

Proyecto busca el rescate de plantas nativas para detener degradación sostenida de los suelo

2023-12-05T04:41+0100elmostrado (es)

Un importante aporte natural para disminuir la erosión del suelo agrícola de la localidad de Quilitapia en la comuna de Combarbalá, se concretó mediante el funcionamiento de un vivero de plantas endémicas y nativas, creado en la Escuela Pedro de Valdivia. Durante muchos años habitantes de Quilitapia se dedicaron a la producción agrícola y caprina.

Australia’s Comprehensive Water Management System is Being Pressured by Rising Carbon Emissions

2023-12-04T23:52+0100climatescorecard (en)

Rating B (Moderately Effective) In Australia , water usage and availability have changed significantly over the last decade due to climate change as well as human patterns of water use. These two factors have resulted in shifts in rainfall patterns, temperature extremes, and community tension around....

La sequía global: una crisis silenciosa que amenaza la vida y la economía Más

2023-12-04T20:32+0100portalambiental (es)

En la reciente COP28, la Convención de las Naciones Unidas de Lucha contra la Desertificación (CNULD) presentó un informe revelador sobre la sequía a nivel mundial, destacando una " emergencia sin precedentes a escala planetaria" La sequía, un fenómeno silencioso pero devastador, se ha convertido en....

Historic new partnership for climate action in the Mediterranean paves the way for global climate action

2023-12-04T18:14+0100deleciousfood (en)

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, December 4, 2023 /CSRwire/ – Fourteen government leaders representing regions from Africa, Australia , Europe and North and South America signed a declaration of commitment to establish the Mediterranean Climate Action Partnership (MCAP).

We're in an El Nino - so why has Australia been so wet?

2023-12-04T08:38+0100singaporestar (en)

After three La Nina summers many of us would have been expecting much hotter and drier conditions this spring and summer after the arrival of El Nino. Instead, in many parts of eastern Australia it's rained and rained over the last few weeks. El Nino hasn't gone away. It's expected to continue into 2024 .

We're in an El Nino - so why has Australia been so wet?

2023-12-04T08:09+0100cambodiantimes (en)

After three La Nina summers many of us would have been expecting much hotter and drier conditions this spring and summer after the arrival of El Nino. Instead, in many parts of eastern Australia it's rained and rained over the last few weeks. El Nino hasn't gone away. It's expected to continue into 2024 .

We're in an El Nino - so why has Australia been so wet?

2023-12-04T07:55+0100northernirelandnews (en)

After three La Nina summers many of us would have been expecting much hotter and drier conditions this spring and summer after the arrival of El Nino. Instead, in many parts of eastern Australia it's rained and rained over the last few weeks. El Nino hasn't gone away. It's expected to continue into 2024 .

We're in an El Nino - so why has Australia been so wet?

2023-12-04T07:49+0100manilametro (en)

After three La Nina summers many of us would have been expecting much hotter and drier conditions this spring and summer after the arrival of El Nino. Instead, in many parts of eastern Australia it's rained and rained over the last few weeks. El Nino hasn't gone away. It's expected to continue into 2024 .

We're in an El Nino - so why has Australia been so wet?

2023-12-04T07:40+0100singaporenews (en)

After three La Nina summers many of us would have been expecting much hotter and drier conditions this spring and summer after the arrival of El Nino. Instead, in many parts of eastern Australia it's rained and rained over the last few weeks. El Nino hasn't gone away. It's expected to continue into 2024 .

We’re in an El Niño – so why has Australia been so wet?

2023-12-04T07:36+0100johansen (en)

After three La Niña summers many of us would have been expecting much hotter and drier conditions this spring and summer after the arrival of El Niño. Instead, in many parts of eastern Australia it’s rained and rained over the last few weeks. El Niño hasn’t gone away. It’s expected to continue into 2024 .

MIL-Evening Report: We’re in an El Niño – so why has Australia been so wet?

2023-12-04T07:08+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Andrew King, Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, The University of Melbourne. Shutterstock. After three La Niña summers many of us would have been expecting much hotter and drier conditions this spring and summer after the arrival of El Niño. Instead, in many parts of eastern Australia it’s rained and rained over the last few weeks.

El Niño Conditions: Why is Australia Experiencing Heavy Rainfall?

2023-12-04T06:56+0100miragenews (en)

El Niño hasn't gone away. It's expected to continue into 2024 . Why the rain? Because even with an El Niño, eastern Australia can still experience significant rain events. Despite the recent rain, Australia's summer is much more likely than normal to be a hot one.

We’re in an El Niño – so why has Australia been so wet?

2023-12-04T06:56+0100nationaltribune (en)

El Niño hasn’t gone away. It’s expected to continue into 2024 . Why the rain? Because even with an El Niño, eastern Australia can still experience significant rain events. Despite the recent rain, Australia’s summer is much more likely than normal to be a hot one.

Get to know the El Nino, La Nina, and IOD gangs that cause rice commotion

2023-12-01T17:22+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/M PASCHALIA JUDITH J. The riverbed that runs underneath the Pasanggrahan Bridge on Terisi-Cikedung Road, Indramayu, West Java, appeared dry on Monday (13/11/2023). On the side of the river, there are dry rice fields that appear unirrigated as well.

Mystic Baba Vanga's 2024 predictions and the ones she got right

2023-12-01T15:30+0100plymouthherald (en)

Real name Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, she died in 1996 aged 84, but her predictions continue to ring eerily true even after her death. The Bulgarian clairvoyant was said to have gained her power during a terrible storm, when she lost her eyesight aged 12, Whatever happened, Baba has predicted many world events with scary accuracy over the years.

Mystic Baba Vanga's 2024 predictions and the ones she got right

2023-12-01T15:18+0100westbriton (en)

Real name Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, she died in 1996 aged 84, but her predictions continue to ring eerily true even after her death. The Bulgarian clairvoyant was said to have gained her power during a terrible storm, when she lost her eyesight aged 12, Whatever happened, Baba has predicted many world events with scary accuracy over the years.

Fondo per i danni irreparabili: primo passo per la giustizia climatica?

2023-12-01T15:01+0100vita (it)

Mia Mottley la carismatica premier di Barbados, leader dei Paesi più vulnerabili che chiedono un nuovo sistema di finanza climatica , ha appreso la notizia durante le celebrazioni per i 57 anni dell’Indipendenza dell’isola caraibica. «Questo passo per un mondo più giusto può aiutare finalmente....

Predictions mystic Baba Vanga got right as 2024 claims revealed

2023-12-01T14:42+0100cambridge-news (en)

Real name Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, she died in 1996 aged 84, but her predictions continue to ring eerily true even after her death. The Bulgarian clairvoyant was said to have gained her power during a terrible storm, when she lost her eyesight aged 12, Whatever happened, Baba has predicted many world events with scary accuracy over the years.

Mystic Baba Vanga's 2024 predictions and the ones she got right

2023-12-01T14:20+0100nottinghampost (en)

Real name Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, she died in 1996 aged 84, but her predictions continue to ring eerily true even after her death. The Bulgarian clairvoyant was said to have gained her power during a terrible storm, when she lost her eyesight aged 12, Whatever happened, Baba has predicted many world events with scary accuracy over the years.

Predictions mystic Baba Vanga got right as 2024 claims revealed

2023-12-01T14:16+0100icWales (en)

Real name Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, she died in 1996 aged 84, but her predictions continue to ring eerily true even after her death. The Bulgarian clairvoyant was said to have gained her power during a terrible storm, when she lost her eyesight aged 12, Whatever happened, Baba has predicted many world events with scary accuracy over the years.

Ministra del Medio Ambiente por COP28: “La transición energética y la electrificación necesita de cobre y de litio y Chile tiene un rol importante que

2023-12-01T13:41+0100adnradio (es)

Pero dijo en ADN Hoy este viernes la ministra de Medio Ambiente, Maisa Rojas, que “va a estar el canciller, voy yo, van alcaldes, Gobernadores, parlamentarios. El equipo negociador de Chile está compuesto por Cancillería, Medio Ambiente, Energía, Hacienda, Agricultura y Ciencias. Hay una muy buena delegación”.

'Cacophony of broken records' as 2023 set to be hottest year

2023-11-30T12:12+0100thenational (en)

July was likely the hottest month on land in the last 120,000 years, the World Meteorological Organisation has said, amid a series of temperature records this year. said it is now "virtually certain" that 2023 will be the hottest year on record, in the latest of from scientists.

Extreme heat is destroying lives and livelihood, warn scientists as leaders gather for Cop28

2023-11-30T12:04+0100standard (en)

was joining Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, US climate tzar John Kerry, Rishi Sunak, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and other world leaders at the Cop28 gathering in Dubai which was expected to be the biggest Cop ever with 70,000 attendees. There were hopes that some progress could be made on....

‘Deafening cacophony of broken records’ as 2023 set to be hottest year on record

2023-11-30T11:42+0100impartialreporter (en)

April through to October saw record high monthly temperatures in the oceans while July was probably the hottest month on land in the last 120,000 years, scientists believe. Extreme flooding from Cyclone Daniel killed thousands of people in Libya, wildfires in Canada burnt 18.

‘Deafening cacophony of broken records’ as 2023 set to be hottest year on record

2023-11-30T11:42+0100standard (en)

It is virtually certain that 2023 will be the hottest year on record after “a deafening cacophony of broken records”, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has said. April through to October saw record high monthly temperatures in the oceans while July was probably the hottest month on land in the last 120,000 years, scientists believe.

‘Deafening cacophony of broken records’ as 2023 set to be hottest year on record

2023-11-30T11:42+0100thecourier (en)

It is virtually certain that 2023 will be the hottest year on record after “a deafening cacophony of broken records”, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has said. April through to October saw record high monthly temperatures in the oceans while July was probably the hottest month on land in the last 120,000 years, scientists believe.

‘Deafening cacophony of broken records’ as 2023 set to be hottest year on record

2023-11-30T11:39+0100pressandjournal (en)

It is virtually certain that 2023 will be the hottest year on record after “a deafening cacophony of broken records”, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has said. April through to October saw record high monthly temperatures in the oceans while July was probably the hottest month on land in the last 120,000 years, scientists believe.

‘Deafening cacophony of broken records’ as 2023 set to be hottest year on record

2023-11-30T11:38+0100theargus (en)

April through to October saw record high monthly temperatures in the oceans while July was probably the hottest month on land in the last 120,000 years, scientists believe. Extreme flooding from Cyclone Daniel killed thousands of people in Libya, wildfires in Canada burnt 18.

‘Deafening cacophony of broken records’ as 2023 set to be hottest year on record

2023-11-30T11:38+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

It is virtually certain that 2023 will be the hottest year on record after “a deafening cacophony of broken records”, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has said. April through to October saw record high monthly temperatures in the oceans while July was probably the hottest month on land in the last 120,000 years, scientists believe.

‘Deafening cacophony of broken records’ as 2023 set to be hottest year on record

2023-11-30T11:33+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

It is virtually certain that 2023 will be the hottest year on record after “a deafening cacophony of broken records”, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has said. April through to October saw record high monthly temperatures in the oceans while July was probably the hottest month on land in the last 120,000 years, scientists believe.

‘Deafening cacophony of broken records’ as 2023 set to be hottest year on record

2023-11-30T11:32+0100independent-UK (en)

It is virtually certain that 2023 will be the hottest year on record after “a deafening cacophony of broken records”, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has said. April through to October saw record high monthly temperatures in the oceans while July was probably the hottest month on land in the last 120,000 years, scientists believe.

Angelica De Vito: "Prepariamoci, anche noi potremmo diventare migranti climatici"

2023-11-30T11:05+0100lastampa (it)

Le migrazioni di chi fugge dal clima stanno già avvenendo, non sono lontane. Pensiamo alle isole del Pacifico, al Bangladesh o il Pakistan, ma anche a chi in Italia si sposta da zone costiere a quelle più interne per sfuggire dall'erosione. Si tratta di un tema enorme, che unisce ambiente e diritti, e che alla Cop28 dovrà essere affrontato".

Angelica De Vito: "Prepariamoci, anche noi potremmo diventare migranti climatici"

2023-11-30T06:46+0100repubblica-green-and-blue (it)

Le migrazioni di chi fugge dal clima stanno già avvenendo, non sono lontane. Pensiamo alle isole del Pacifico, al Bangladesh o il Pakistan, ma anche a chi in Italia si sposta da zone costiere a quelle più interne per sfuggire dall'erosione. Si tratta di un tema enorme, che unisce ambiente e diritti, e che alla Cop28 dovrà essere affrontato".

Angelica De Vito: "Prepariamoci, anche noi potremmo diventare migranti climatici"

2023-11-30T06:44+0100laprovinciapavese (it)

Le migrazioni di chi fugge dal clima stanno già avvenendo, non sono lontane. Pensiamo alle isole del Pacifico, al Bangladesh o il Pakistan, ma anche a chi in Italia si sposta da zone costiere a quelle più interne per sfuggire dall'erosione. Si tratta di un tema enorme, che unisce ambiente e diritti, e che alla Cop28 dovrà essere affrontato".

Las 10 formas peligrosas en que la crisis climática afecta a la naturaleza

2023-11-30T06:04+0100infobae (es)

En Portugal, que también ha sufrido incendios forestales extremadamente destructivos en los últimos años, se han cultivado grandes plantaciones de eucaliptos inflamables y de rápido crecimiento para abastecer a la importante industria de celulosa del país.

Emission-free power supply not possible with current technology, says agriculture industry

2023-11-29T21:33+0100deleciousfood (en)

Zero-emission farming is not yet a reality, farmers and scientists say, while food systems are expected to be in the spotlight at this year’s global climate summit. Key points: Food systems will be at the center of concerns at the COP28 global climate conference for the first time; Agriculture is....

Il grano di Chicago sale grazie alla copertura delle posizioni corte, la soia è quasi invariata

2023-11-29T19:31+0100marketscreener (it)

I futures sul grano di Chicago sono saliti dell'1% mercoledì, estendendo i guadagni della sessione precedente, grazie alla copertura delle posizioni corte da parte degli operatori in vista della fine del mese e del primo giorno di preavviso per il contratto spot di dicembre.

COP28 in roaring flames

2023-11-29T18:03+0100tribuneonlineng (en)

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has again issued an Emissions Gap Report that underscores the fact that the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the linchpin of the Paris Agreement is not leading away from the climate precipice, but is rather increasing the speed to a catastrophic plunge.

I prezzi degli ovini e dei bovini australiani crollano quando El Nino brucia i pascoli

2023-11-29T06:07+0100marketscreener (it)

La metà della quantità tipica di pioggia è caduta quest'anno nell'azienda agricola di Angus Hobson, nel sud-est dell' Australia . Ciò significa che ha meno erba e dovrà vendere fino a un terzo dei suoi bovini e delle sue pecore per assicurarsi che il resto abbia abbastanza da mangiare. Venderà in un mercato che è crollato.

Stagno si tinge di rosa: allarme per l’ecosistema alle Hawaii

2023-11-28T22:17+0100leganerd (it)

Sembra una curiosità della natura, in parte è così, ma non è di certo una bella notizia dal punto vista ambientale . Pare le causa di tale colorazione sia dovuta alla forte siccità che ha colpito la zona negli ultimi mesi. Gli appassionati di romanzi rosa o delle commedie romantiche potrebbero....

RACGP Supports Climate Change Harms Duty of Care Bill

2023-11-28T20:17+0100miragenews (en)

Australia 's largest representative body for GPs has thrown its support behind a duty of care bill requiring the Federal Government to protect young people from climate change harms in decision-making. It comes in the lead up to the first-ever Health Day at the COP28 UN Climate Conference, on Sunday....

Clima, a Dubai 200 Paesi in cerca di un accordo

2023-11-28T18:44+0100vita (it)

Al summit sul clima negli Emirati Arabi Uniti, dal 30 novembre al 12 dicembre, quasi duecento Stati dovranno trovare la strada su due punti fondamentali: decarbonizzazione e aiuti agli Stati più vulnerabili. La sfida è riuscire a comporre il variegato mosaico di richieste e proposte, mentre i....

Top 1% rich in developed countries emit more CO2 than the richest 10% in India, Brazil & other developing countries: CEEW

2023-11-28T13:15+0100economictimes (en)

The study, released ahead of COP28 (Conference of Parties), says the affluent, especially in developed nations, have played a substantial role in increasing global carbon emissions. Rising CO2 emissions worldwide are responsible for increasing climate impacts, such as droughts, floods, cyclones, wildfires, and other extreme events.

When is a dangerous El Niño coming?

2023-11-28T00:56+0100research-in-germany (en)

Fortunately, this “Christ Child” does not come back every year: at irregular intervals, a momentous weather phenomenon called El Niño (Spanish for “Christ Child”) occurs in the Pacific. The warm surface water initially driven by the trade winds towards the coasts of Indonesia and eastern Australia ....

Review article shows key role of Brazil in research on sugarcane for bioenergy

2023-11-27T23:15+0100phys (en)

The number of articles on the subject averaged about five per year between 1999 and 2006, but had reached 327 by 2021. Brazil has twice as many articles on sugar cane as the United States, which ranks first in the world for scientific publications in general.

La stampa estera celebra la Coppa Davis dell’Italia. E in Australia: “Prosegue la siccità”

2023-11-27T21:25+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 27 novembre 2023) Un’impresa che resterà sicuramente impressa nella storia di questo 2023, ma in generale nella storia dello sport italiano. L’Italia ieri ha conquistato a Malaga la Coppa Davis , guidata da uno Jannik Sinner devastante che ha chiuso i conti contro Alex De Minaur, relegando l’ Australia al secondo posto.

Brazil Leads in Sugarcane Bioenergy Research, Review Reveals

2023-11-27T20:12+0100miragenews (en)

in BioEnergy Research. The number of articles on the subject averaged about five per year between 1999 and 2006 but had reached 327 by 2021. Brazil has twice as many articles on sugarcane as the United States, which ranks first in the world for scientific publications in general.

A method for the early prediction of El Niño events with high hazard potential

2023-11-27T20:05+0100phys (en)

At irregular intervals, a momentous weather phenomenon called El Niño (Spanish for "Christ Child") occurs in the Pacific. The warm surface water initially driven by the trade winds towards the coasts of Indonesia and eastern Australia then sloshes back eastwards, which can have devastating consequences.

Baba Vanga's predictions that came true and psychic's chilling claims for 2024

2023-11-27T17:14+0100dailyrecord (en)

Baba, whose real name is Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova , passed away in 1996 aged 84, and supposedly predicted events such as 9/11 and even her own death. However, her predictions have continued to cause concern all these years later. Originally from Bulgaria, the clairvoyant believed she gained her....

Tempeste di sabbia e polvere: cosa sono e come affrontarle

2023-11-27T15:48+0100greenstyle (it)

Le tempeste di sabbia e polvere sono una manifestazione atmosferica senz’altro inquietante e affascinante , e sebbene possano far pensare a luoghi lontani e desertici, in realtà possono coinvolgere anche il nostro Paese. Ma in che modo? E quali potrebbero essere le conseguenze di una tempesta di....

Every Baba Vanga prediction that came true as her chilling claims for 2024 are revealed

2023-11-27T13:14+0100themirror (en)

We're heading towards the end of 2023, which means blind mystic Baba Vanga, who allegedly predicted 9/11 and even her own death, has revealed some brand new - and equally terrifying - predictions for 2024. Baba Vanga, whose real name is Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, sadly died at the age of 84 in....

When is a dangerous El Niño coming?

2023-11-27T12:23+0100idw-online (en)

Physicists from Giessen and Potsdam develop a method for the early prediction of El Niño events with high hazard potential. Fortunately, this “Christ Child” does not come back every year: at irregular intervals, a momentous weather phenomenon called El Niño (Spanish for “Christ Child”) occurs in the Pacific.

Nasa, la macchina del tempo del clima mostra come è cambiato il nostro Pianeta

2023-11-27T07:02+0100rainews (it)

Il video mostra una serie di grafici forniti dalla Nasa . Nel primo è raffigurata la distribuzione globale e la variazione della concentrazione di anidride carbonica osservata dall'ecoscandaglio a infrarossi atmosferici Airs della Nasa in 20 anni. I dati mostrano un continuo aumento dell'anidride....

I semi di soia salgono grazie ai problemi del raccolto brasiliano, il grano è in rialzo

2023-11-27T06:02+0100marketscreener (it)

I futures sulla soia di Chicago sono saliti lunedì, grazie alle previsioni di una minore produzione nel Brasile, il maggiore esportatore mondiale, in seguito al clima caldo e secco, che ha sostenuto i prezzi. Il grano è salito, recuperando parte delle perdite della scorsa sessione, mentre il mais ha guadagnato terreno.

Woodside's Burrup Hub Gas Project Emissions Shock: Greenpeace

2023-11-26T23:10+0100miragenews (en)

New analysis released today has revealed that Woodside's Burrup Hub is Australia 's biggest climate threat, belching out 6.1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions over its proposed 50-year lifetime. The new data from Greenpeace shows that the predicted emissions from Woodside's Burrup Hub are....

New emissions data exposes shocking scale of Woodside’s Burrup Hub gas project

2023-11-26T23:07+0100nationaltribune (en)

New analysis released today has revealed that Woodside’s Burrup Hub is Australia ’s biggest climate threat, belching out 6.1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions over its proposed 50-year lifetime. The new data from Greenpeace shows that the predicted emissions from Woodside’s Burrup Hub are....

Environmental groups call for more after terrible UN report on global warming

2023-11-26T13:07+0100whatsnew2day (en)

Live. Environmental groups say Australia cannot afford to lose another decade to climate policy paralysis following the publication of the latest United Nations inquiry into global warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has found that Australia and other developed countries must achieve net zero emissions years sooner than promised.

Emergency Hotline: Who to call during crisis

2023-11-25T17:27+0100radionigeria (en)

The dry season brings diverse challenges worldwide. The Sahel drought is an example of how prolonged dry spells and droughts devastate agriculture in Africa, while Australia faces scorching heatwaves and bushfires, like the catastrophic Black Saturday fires.

A global daily evapotranspiration deficit index dataset for quantifying drought severity from 1979 to 2022

2023-11-25T11:50+0100nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

In summary, the above validation efforts indicate the high consistency in the temporal evolutions and spatial patterns between the DEDI dataset and the reference drought indices. The DEDI dataset can well capture local and regional dry and wet variations and is able to provide reliable information for drought monitoring and detection.

A global daily evapotranspiration deficit index dataset for quantifying drought severity from 1979 to 2022

2023-11-24T19:54+0100nature-sdata (en)

In summary, the above validation efforts indicate the high consistency in the temporal evolutions and spatial patterns between the DEDI dataset and the reference drought indices. The DEDI dataset can well capture local and regional dry and wet variations and is able to provide reliable information for drought monitoring and detection.

Quella volta in cui il Mondiale Superbike fece tappa in Sicilia

2023-11-24T16:43+0100247libero (it)

Dopo l’uscita di Imola dal calendario del WSBK, ipotesi pensata già in origine dell’accordo per il solo 2023, per la seconda tappa italiana del mondiale Superbike 2024 ci si aspettava che la scelta ricadesse su Vallelunga. Il tracciato intitolato a Piero Taruffi era già stato teatro del campionato....

Calor y sequía, Medio Oriente puede ayudar en la producción de alimentos

2023-11-23T20:35+0100ecoportal (es)

La experiencia de Oriente Medio frente al calor y sequía podría ser útil y beneficiosa en todo el mundo, dijo Ali Abusabaa, director general del Centro Internacional de Investigación Agrícola en Zonas Secas (ICARDA) y director regional del CGIAR para Asia Central, Occidental y Norte de África.

Incendi nel 2022: il 2° anno peggiore in UE

2023-11-23T16:43+0100regionieambiente (it)

Nel 2022, un territorio grande quanto la Corsica è stato bruciato da incendi nell’UE, secondo l’ultimo rapporto del JRC sugli incendi nella regione paneuropea, e solo grazie alle misure di prevenzione e alle operazioni rafforzate di preparazione e lotta antincendio dei servizi di gestione degli incendi è stato contenuto il numero delle vittime.

Climate Change Southern Hemisphere Braces for Record-Breaking Heat

2023-11-23T14:10+0100scientificamerican (en)

The southern hemisphere is facing a summer of extremes, say scientists, as climate change amplifies the effects of natural climate variability. This comes in the wake of a summer in the northern hemisphere that saw extreme heatwaves across Europe, China and North America, setting new records for....

Cheap but invasive: Are beavers the key to Ireland’s flooding woes?

2023-11-23T06:10+0100irishtimes (en)

If I told you there was a solution to the issues of flooding, drought, water quality, biodiversity loss and even fires that required no major infrastructure, lengthy planning permissions or costly technology, minimal maintenance and was cheap and easy to implement, you would surely want to know more.

Our New High-Resolution Climate Models Are A Breakthrough In Understanding Australia's Future

2023-11-23T03:25+0100menafn (en)

- The Conversation) Australia 's climate, already marked by extremes with bushfires, heatwaves, storms and coastal flooding , is only set to worsen with the growing effects of climate change . Disasters like the Black Summer bushfires of 2019–20 and the 2022 eastern Australian floods are likely to become more frequent and intense .

Our new high-resolution climate models are a breakthrough in understanding Australia’s future

2023-11-23T02:46+0100johansen (en)

Date: 2023-11-23 01:31 Author: Ralph Trancoso, Adjunct Associate Professor in Climate Change, The University of Queensland Original article: https://theconversation.com/our-new-high-resolution-climate-models-are-a-breakthrough-in-understanding-australias-future-216739 If carbon emissions continue....

MIL-Evening Report: Our new high-resolution climate models are a breakthrough in understanding Australia’s future

2023-11-23T02:37+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

If carbon emissions continue at the current rate, climate change may make Australia unbearable for future generations . It’s a confronting outlook, and we need better tools to understand future impacts so we can adapt to them. In our new research, published in the journal Earth’s Future , we have....

Our new high-resolution climate models are a breakthrough in understanding Australia’s future

2023-11-23T02:22+0100nationaltribune (en)

In our new research, published in the journal Earth’s Future , we have “downscaled” the latest global climate models to a 10-kilometre resolution across Australia . Having such a high resolution significantly enhances current global projections, with great improvements in projecting temperature,....

The year 2022 was the second-worst year for wildfires in the EU

2023-11-22T13:21+0100cde-ual (en)

It’s a third year in a row that unprecedented wildfire events cause large environmental and economic damage in the EU and, often, tragic loss of life. While most of the fires (96%) are caused by human actions, they are aggravated by increased fire danger conditions driven by climate change.

Population growth and lack of dams leaves Australians ‘sitting ducks’ in droughts

2023-11-22T09:56+0100qt (en)

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says Australia is a “sitting duck” if we continue to bring immigrants in and don’t build dams for potential future drought and water shortages. “We’re okay right now for drinking water after a few years of great rain,” Mr Bolt said. “But that can change very fast.

Wildfires in the EU: 2022 was the second-worst year, a warning from a changing climate

2023-11-22T06:30+0100EC (en)

Prevention measures and the enhanced preparedness and firefighting operations of the fire management services, contained the number of casualties in 2022. @ Arjen Kraaijeveld. It’s a third year in a row that unprecedented wildfire events cause large environmental and economic damage in the EU and, often, tragic loss of life.

Tempeste di sabbia in crescita. Il 25% è legato all’uomo

2023-11-22T01:21+0100resoilfoundation (it)

E le più recenti statistiche pubblicate tramite il nuovo dashboard dei dati dell’Unccd mostrano che il mondo ora perde quasi 1 milione di chilometri quadrati di terra sana e produttiva ogni anno. Circa 4,2 milioni chilometri quadrati tra il 2015 e il 2019, più o meno l’area combinata di cinque....

La siccità lampo sta diventando la nuova normalità

2023-11-21T10:42+0100resoilfoundation (it)

In sei decenni i fenomeni improvvisi di siccità sono aumentati nel 74% delle regioni del Pianeta, sostiene uno studio cinese. Il cambiamento climatico resta il principale fattore critico. di Matteo Cavallito. La siccità lampo, ovvero il fenomeno della carenza idrica improvvisa , starebbe diventando....

Ya hay aproximadamente 400 zonas muertas en el planeta

2023-11-21T03:52+0100noticiasambientales (es)

La zona muerta en el Golfo de México es una de las peores en el planeta y este año podría alcanzar y hasta superar los 22,000 kilómetros cuadrados, lo que sería la peor marca registrada hasta la fecha. “Salvo que haya un cambio drástico en la temperatura (y las condiciones climáticas), gran parte....

Preparing For Wildfire Risks Due to El Nino and Climate Change

2023-11-21T03:30+0100climateadaptationplatform (en)

The summer season in the Northern Hemisphere has seen some extreme events, including record-breaking wildfires in Canada, large fires across Eastern Russia, and, in Northern Greece, the EU’s largest ever recorded wildfire. Wildfires in the Northern Hemisphere usually coincide with the hottest and....

Le tempeste di sabbia e polvere: un fenomeno in aumento

2023-11-20T21:54+0100scienzenotizie (it)

Una tempesta di polvere che causa il caos a Gilbert, Arizona, nel luglio 2012. (Joseph Plotz / NWS / NOAA) Le tempeste di sabbia e polvere sono diventate sempre più comuni in molte parti del mondo, secondo gli ufficiali delle Nazioni Unite. Mentre queste tempeste sono un fenomeno naturale....

Record-breaking heat set to hit southern hemisphere as summer begins

2023-11-20T15:53+0100nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

A similar combination of weather patterns in 2019-2020 resulted in Australia 's devastating 'black summer' bushfires. Credit: Carla Gottgens/Bloomberg via Getty. The southern hemisphere is facing a summer of extremes, say scientists, as climate change amplifies the effects of natural climate variability.

SDS storms fed by sand and dust equal in weight to 350 Great Pyramids of Giza, says UNCCD

2023-11-20T11:08+0100intellinews (en)

Sand and dust storms (SDS) are an underappreciated problem now “dramatically” more frequent in various places around the world, according to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The five countries of Central Asia, as well as Mongolia, Iran, Iraq and even Turkey—where SDS are not yet....

SDS storms fed by sand and dust equal in weight to 350 Great Pyramids of Giza, says UNCCD 13 hours ago

2023-11-20T10:47+0100bne (en)

Sand and dust storms (SDS) are an underappreciated problem now “dramatically” more frequent in various places around the world, according to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The five countries of Central Asia, as well as Mongolia, Iran, Iraq and even Turkey—where SDS are not yet....

El Niño: We’re in hot water

2023-11-20T02:27+0100qz (en)

That force is El Niño, the naturally occurring climate pattern that is characterized by warm surface waters in the central and eastern Pacific O cean. During an El Niño, trade winds weaken and warm water is pushed east toward the west coasts of the Americas, .

Record-breaking summer set to hit southern hemisphere

2023-11-20T01:32+0100nature (en)

A similar combination of weather patterns in 2019-2020 resulted in Australia 's devastating 'black summer' bushfires. Credit: Carla Gottgens/Bloomberg via Getty. The southern hemisphere is facing a summer of extremes, say scientists, as climate change amplifies the effects of natural climate variability.

Musulmani per gli incendi in Australia: non solo preghiere

2023-11-20T01:21+0100dailymuslim (it)

Sul Daily Mail è apparsa questa notizia: “Gli eroi che si adoperano per i nostri vigili: ringraziamo tutti i musulmani australiani.” Da qualche tempo che in tutti i centri musulmani del mondo si fanno preghiere che siano d’aiuto a chi combatte giorno per giorno contro i grossi incendi e per aiutare moralmente le persone che ne sono vittime.

Record-breaking summer set to hit southern hemisphere

2023-11-19T23:51+0100nature-current (en)

A similar combination of weather patterns in 2019-2020 resulted in Australia 's devastating 'black summer' bushfires. Credit: Carla Gottgens/Bloomberg via Getty. The southern hemisphere is facing a summer of extremes, say scientists, as climate change amplifies the effects of natural climate variability.

Climate change is coming for your beloved wine18 minutes ago

2023-11-19T16:37+01009news (en)

According to the International Organisation for Vine and Wine, an industry group, global wine production is set to fall to its lowest level since 1961 this year, hit by soaring temperatures and extraordinary flooding. Fuelling that decline are expected drops of 12 and 14 per cent in output in Italy....

'Bloodbath.' Extreme weather and falling demand are pushing wineries into the red

2023-11-19T12:04+0100erienewsnow (en)

According to the International Organisation for Vine and Wine (OIV), an industry group, global wine production is set to fall to its lowest level since 1961 this year, hit by soaring temperatures and extraordinary flooding. Fueling that decline are expected drops of 12% and 14% in output in Italy....

El Niño, un rischio per l’ambiente e la salute

2023-11-18T22:48+0100societaerischio (it)

Nessun fenomeno naturale, ad eccezione dei moti della terra che determinano le stagioni, influisce tanto profondamente sul clima terrestre come El Niño e la sua controparte, La Niña . Questo è il punto di partenza da cui inizia la ricerca Health and the El Niño Southern Oscillation (Enso) della....

Nick Moir’s 30 years on the climate change frontline

2023-11-18T19:40+0100watoday (en)

Thirty years is a long time and for the majority of that time the Herald’s chief photographer Nick Moir has been stalking some of the world’s most dangerous weather events, racing to the frontline to capture the chaos. He’s been on the ground for countless bushfires, floods, and droughts as well as chasing tornados in the US.

Nick Moir’s 30 years on the climate change frontline

2023-11-18T19:38+0100theage (en)

Thirty years is a long time and for the majority of that time the Herald’s chief photographer Nick Moir has been stalking some of the world’s most dangerous weather events, racing to the frontline to capture the chaos. He’s been on the ground for countless bushfires, floods, and droughts as well as chasing tornados in the US.

Nick Moir’s 30 years on the climate change frontline

2023-11-18T19:37+0100smh (en)

Thirty years is a long time and for the majority of that time the Herald’s chief photographer Nick Moir has been stalking some of the world’s most dangerous weather events, racing to the frontline to capture the chaos. He’s been on the ground for countless bushfires, floods, and droughts as well as chasing tornados in the US.

Nick Moir’s 30 years on the climate change frontline

2023-11-18T19:37+0100brisbanetimes (en)

Thirty years is a long time and for the majority of that time the Herald’s chief photographer Nick Moir has been stalking some of the world’s most dangerous weather events, racing to the frontline to capture the chaos. He’s been on the ground for countless bushfires, floods, and droughts as well as chasing tornados in the US.

How climate change impacts precipitation, drought, and flooding discussed in the Fear and Wonder podcast

2023-11-18T17:03+0100whatsnew2day (en)

“The wet gets wetter and the dry gets drier”. That is one of the core messages of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). about the impact of climate change on the Earth’s water cycle. It’s the subject of the latest episode of Fear & Wonder, a new podcast....

Video Shows People Crossing Street By Rope To Escape Devastating Flood

2023-11-18T14:58+0100dailycaller (en)

The adverse weather condition is caused by the El Nino and the Indian Ocean dipole, Reuters noted. The Indian Ocean dipole is a relatively less familiar climatic pattern, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) stated . Unusually warm sea surface conditions in the western tropical....

Frequency of sand and dust storms on the rise, warns United Nations

2023-11-17T18:44+0100mg (en)

(SAMRC) in a 2022 article on dust storms in South Africa , which was published in the journal Quest. At the time of the 2014 dust storm, Eurostat, Europe’s meteorological satellite agency, noted how dust storms are rare events in South Africa and that one which travelled more than 800km across the country was even more uncommon.

La peggiore vendemmia da decenni: produzione mondiale di vino in calo

2023-11-17T17:05+0100teatronaturale (it)

Sulla base delle informazioni raccolte dall'OIV su ventinove Paesi, che rappresentano il 94% della produzione globale nel 2022, la produzione mondiale di vino (esclusi i succhi e i mosti) nel 2023 è stimata tra 241,7 e 246,6 milioni di ettolitri (mhl), con una stima intermedia di 244,1 mhl.

Cma Cgm rinnova la flotta ro-pax della Méridionale

2023-11-16T10:12+0100trasportoeuropa (it)

DP World affronta un ciberattacco in Australia Per tre giorni i terminal container di DP World nei porti australiani di Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane e Fremantle sono tate impedite da un attacco informatico. Le attività sono riprese il 13 novembre. Principio d’incendio nelle batterie della ro-ro Eco....

Renewables and farmers: Is this golden opportunity about to slip through our fingers?

2023-11-16T06:13+0100reneweconomy (en)

In the heart of regional communities, opposition is growing against the proliferation of transmission, solar and wind projects. The stakes are high, and as the debate intensifies, the golden opportunities for Australia n farmers seem to be slipping through their fingers.

"One Of Nature's Most Intimidating Spectacles" Is Set To Become A Lot More Common

2023-11-15T19:15+0100iflscience (en)

Sand and dust storms – described by UN officials as “one of nature's most intimidating spectacles” – have become dramatically more common in many world regions. While these colossal forces of nature are a seasonal natural phenomenon, up to 25 percent of them can now be attributed to human-driven....

Evidence of global impacts of individual extreme forest fires

2023-11-15T12:43+0100innovations-report (en)

The radiative effects of smoke from individual extreme forest fires can apparently lead to global impacts that influence the energy balance of the atmosphere and thus the global climate in a complex way. This is the conclusion drawn by a team from the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research....

Hidden danger of living in Western Sydney

2023-11-15T06:18+0100qt (en)

“Under a high emissions scenario, Western Sydney could experience up to 46 days of extreme heat annually by 2090,” recent research by the Australia Institute found. “This is a five-fold increase from the historical average of just under nine days of extreme heat per annum.

Hidden danger of living in Western Sydney

2023-11-15T06:17+0100news_com_au (en)

“Under a high emissions scenario, Western Sydney could experience up to 46 days of extreme heat annually by 2090,” recent research by the Australia Institute found. “This is a five-fold increase from the historical average of just under nine days of extreme heat per annum.

Hidden danger of living in Western Sydney

2023-11-15T06:02+0100heraldsun (en)

“Under a high emissions scenario, Western Sydney could experience up to 46 days of extreme heat annually by 2090,” recent research by the Australia Institute found. “This is a five-fold increase from the historical average of just under nine days of extreme heat per annum.

Italy's extreme drought mirrors climate in Ethiopia as climate change creates 'whiplash' of extremes

2023-11-14T11:29+0100heart (en)

Analysis of satellite imagery and climate data by WaterAid in partnership with the universities of Cardiff and Bristol shows commmunities are being exposed to extremes they are not equipped to deal with. Climate change will not create the same hazards across the world despite globally warming....


2023-11-14T11:11+0100piemontepress (it)

Ultima settimana per visitare World Press Photo, la mostra che ieri, domenica 12 novembre, ha toccato il record di 1200 visitatori in un giorno. Superate le 20mila presenze dall'apertura, l'edizione 2023 sarà aperta fino a domenica 19 novembre da lunedì a giovedì 10-20; venerdì e sabato 10-21; domenica 10-20.

Ultima settimana per World Press Photo a Torino. Mercoledì la conferenza

2023-11-14T10:19+0100torinotoday (it)

Ultima settimana per visitare World Press Photo, la mostra che ieri, domenica 12 novembre, ha toccato il record di 1200 visitatori in un giorno. Superate le 20mila presenze dall’apertura, l’edizione 2023 sarà aperta fino a domenica 19 novembre da lunedì a giovedì 10-20; venerdì e sabato 10-21; domenica 10-20.

Materie prime alimentari, prezzi in calo ad agosto

2023-11-14T09:58+0100mangimiealimenti (it)

Il rapporto di settembre dell’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l’Alimentazione e l’Agricoltura (FAO) riferisce che i prezzi internazionali delle materie prime alimentari hanno registrato un calo ad agosto , con l’eccezione del riso e dello zucchero.

Sorpresa: dopo 42 anni rispunta lo scinco estinto

2023-11-14T09:49+0100greenreport (it)

All’inizio di quest’anno, gli scienziati del Queensland Museum e della James Cook University (JCU) sono stati incaricati di ritrovare l’elusivo Scinco striato delle praterie di Lione, ricerche che fanno pate del Resilient Landscapes Hub del National Environmental Science Program del governo....

Vino, crolla la produzione: la Francia supera l’Italia

2023-11-14T07:24+0100repubblica (it)

Dalla relazione dell’ Oiv sulla produzione di vino 2023, pubblicata il 7 novembre 2023, emerge che su ventinove Paesi, che rappresentano il 94% della produzione globale, la produzione di vino (esclusi succhi e mosti) nel 2023 è stimata tra 241,7 e 246,6 mhl , con una stima intermedia di 244,1 mhl,....

Big Zero Carbon Ambition, Bigger Fossil Energy Production

2023-11-14T00:46+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/PRIYOMBODO. Barges loaded with coal pass through the Mahakam River in Samarinda, East Kalimantan on Monday (8/3/2021). According to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia's coal production as of March 8, 2021 reached 93.42 million tons, equivalent to 16.

Webuild numero uno mondiale nella classifica ENR per il settore acqua

2023-11-13T19:07+0100vocedimantova (it)

MILANO (ITALPRESS) – Webuild di nuovo numero uno al mondo nel segmento acqua, al vertice della classifica dei più grandi contractor internazionali redatta da ENR, la più autorevole rivista statunitense del settore, superando i grandi conglomerati cinesi di stato, grazie a competitività e tecnologia garantite insieme alla filiera produttiva.

Uno stagno nelle Hawaii si è colorato di rosa, ma non è una buona notizia per l’ecosistema locale

2023-11-13T16:46+0100ohga (it)

C'è uno stagno in un'isola delle Hawaii che ormai da giorni si è colorato di un rosa brillante . Stiamo parlando del Kealia Pond National Refuge, una delle poche paludi salmastre costiere dell'isola di Maui , ma quello che sta accadendo alle sue acque, per quanto spettacolare, non è affatto una buona notizia per l'ambiente.

DP World affronta un ciberattacco in Australia

2023-11-13T14:11+0100trasportoeuropa (it)

Principio d’incendio nelle batterie della ro-ro Eco Catania Nel primo pomeriggio dell’11 novembre 2023 i Vigili del Fuoco di Venezia sono intervenuti sulla ro-ro Eco Catania per spegnere un principio d’incendio scaturito nel locale delle batterie. Admiral Mars apre rotta feeder tra Venezia e....

Evidence of global impacts of individual extreme forest fires.

2023-11-13T13:30+0100idw-online (en)

Leipzig. The radiative effects of smoke from individual extreme forest fires can apparently lead to global impacts that influence the energy balance of the atmosphere and thus the global climate in a complex way. This is the conclusion drawn by a team from the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric....

Australia has more native bird species than almost anywhere else. What led to this explosion of diversity?

2023-11-12T21:11+0100johansen (en)

Date: 2023-11-12 19:29 Author: Stephen Garnett, Professor of Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods, Charles Darwin University Original article: https://theconversation.com/australia-has-more-native-bird-species-than-almost-anywhere-else-what-led-to-this-explosion-of-diversity-215809 When you....

MIL-Evening Report: Australia has more native bird species than almost anywhere else. What led to this explosion of diversity?

2023-11-12T20:26+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Stephen Garnett, Professor of Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods, Charles Darwin University. An Opalton grasswren. Barry Baker. When you went out today, did you see any birds? A galah perhaps, or a crow? If you did, there’s a decent chance the bird you saw lives nowhere but Australia .

Per il cambiamento climatico a rischio il vino italiano, cosa potrebbe sparire dalle tavole

2023-11-12T10:14+0100quifinanza (it)

) avverte che se le temperature medie dovessero aumentare di 2 gradi centigradi entro il 2050, ben il 56% delle attuali regioni vitivinicole globali potrebbe scomparire. Se, invece, il riscaldamento raggiungesse i 4 gradi entro il 2100, questa percentuale salirebbe all’85% .

Per il cambiamento climatico a rischio il vino italiano, cosa potrebbe sparire dalle tavole

2023-11-12T10:11+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 12 novembre 2023) L’aumento delle temperature, la siccità e gli eventi climatici estremi hanno innescato una trasformazione non indifferente nell’industria vinicola a livello globale. Allo stesso tempo, questi fattori stanno anche aprendo nuove opportunità inaspettate per la....

I video di un leone scappato dal circo per le strade di Ladispoli, vicino a Roma

2023-11-11T22:15+0100ilpost (it)

Dalla fine di ottobre le acque dello stagno di Kealia, che si trova in una riserva naturale sull’isola di Maui, alle Hawaii, sono diventate di un colore rosa acceso, probabilmente a causa della siccità. Bret Wolfe, responsabile della riserva, inizialmente sospettava che il particolare colore assunto....

Climate change, alluvioni e inondazioni. Gli effetti sulla mortalità a lungo termine

2023-11-11T18:45+0100247libero (it)

BMJ 2023;383:e075081 Il clima cambia, e gli episodi di inondazioni stanno già aumentando e sono destinati ad aumentare sempre di più, con effetti significativi sulla mortalità che vanno ben al di là delle conseguenze dirette dell’alluvione, cioè dei decessi per annegamenti o crolli.

Heat, drought and wildfires: climate anomalies of two oceans may cause trouble in 2024

2023-11-11T13:44+0100obozrevatel (en)

The combination of a strong El Niño in the Pacific Ocean and a strong temperature shift in the Indian Ocean could exacerbate heat and drought in Australia and Southeast Asia, thus leading to flooding in East Africa. Forecasts predicting the potential for a "historically strong" event raise concerns about the consequences around the world in 2024.

El Niño es un fenómeno predecible

2023-11-11T05:03+0100listin (es)

A medida que nos acercamos al invierno, hay una buena noticia para las personas que tiemblan al pensar en el frío y viven en el hemisferio norte: es probable que las temperaturas sean más cálidas. Pueden agradecérselo al patrón meteorológico cíclico conocido como El Niño. Pero para otras partes del planeta, el pronóstico no es agradable.

Cities like Seattle and San Diego could face multiple ’10-year flood events’ this winter due to El Niño

2023-11-11T02:26+0100vervetimes (en)

A strong El Niño could cause more floods across cities along the western coasts of the Americas this year, swamping roads and inundating buildings, a NASA analysis warns. This year’s El Niño — a warming of surface temperatures from the Central to East Pacific Ocean — could unleash up to five....


2023-11-10T20:38+0100guidasicilia (it)


Il riscaldamento globale esacerba gli effetti del Niño: eventi estremi fino ad aprile 2024

2023-11-10T15:15+0100lanuovaecologia (it)

Secondo il nuovo aggiornamento della World meteorological organization ci saranno precipitazioni più intense e periodi di siccità più lunghi. La National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) e la World Meteorological Organization (WMO) concordano sul fatto che El Niño potrebbe raggiungere....

Climate influence on compound solar and wind droughts in Australia

2023-11-10T13:19+0100nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Solar photovoltaic and wind power are central to Australia ’s renewable energy future, implying an energy sector vulnerable to weather and climate variability. Alignment of weather systems and the influence of large-scale climate modes of variability risks widespread reductions in solar and wind resources, and could induce grid-wide impacts.

Climate influence on compound solar and wind droughts in Australia

2023-11-10T10:54+0100nature-npjclimatsci (en)

Solar photovoltaic and wind power are central to Australia ’s renewable energy future, implying an energy sector vulnerable to weather and climate variability. Alignment of weather systems and the influence of large-scale climate modes of variability risks widespread reductions in solar and wind resources, and could induce grid-wide impacts.

Annata magra per il vino, produzione ai minimi da 60 anni

2023-11-09T15:21+0100veritaeaffari (it)

Il 2023 non sarà un anno brillante per il vino , a causa delle condizioni meteo avverse, che hanno portato la produzione ai minimi degli ultimi 60 anni . Lo ha annunciato Giorgio Delgrosso , responsabile dell’ ufficio studi dell’OIV – Organizzaizone Internaizionale della Vite e del vino, nella....

Clima, El Niño durerà almeno fino all’aprile 2024: picco atteso tra novembre e gennaio

2023-11-09T14:50+0100meteoweb (it)

Si prevede che l’evento El Niño in corso durerà almeno fino all’ aprile 2024, influenzando i pattern meteorologici e contribuendo a un ulteriore picco delle temperature sia sulla terraferma che nell’oceano, secondo un nuovo aggiornamento dell’ Organizzazione Meteorologica Mondiale (WMO).

Mint Explainer: Why cloud seeding is easy to propose but hard to implement

2023-11-09T14:17+0100livemint (en)

Cloud seeding to produce artificial rain is not new. It was first used by the late Vincent Joseph Schaefer, an American chemist and meteorologist, in November 1947, when he flew over Mount Greylock in Massachusetts in a plane and successfully seeded clouds with pellets of dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) to produce the first artificial snowstorm.

Produzione globale di vino: nel 2023 il minimo storico da 62 anni

2023-11-09T13:22+0100federvini (it)

Dalla relazione dell'Oiv sulla produzione di vino 2023, pubblicata il 7 novembre 2023, si evince che, dalla base delle informazioni raccolte su ventinove Paesi, che rappresentano il 94% della produzione globale nel 2022, la produzione mondiale di vino (esclusi succhi e mosti) nel 2023 è stimata tra....

Global wine production falls to six decades low

2023-11-09T12:01+0100asiantrader (en)

Poor weather around the world is likely to cause global wine production to drop to a six-decade low this year. According to International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) says that wine production around the world is likely to be about 7 per cent lower in 2023 than last year. Such a yield would be the worst since 1961.

dal mondo Tornado di fuoco impossibile a spegnersi: le immagini incredibili

2023-11-09T10:37+0100la7 (it)

Australia in fiamme per la siccità, appare anche un "tornado di fuoco" impossibile da spegnere. Il video dell'incredibile fenomeno naturale Un video condiviso sui social media mostra un " tornado di fuoco " che si è abbattuto su Tennant Creek nei Territori del Nord dell'Australia.

Chinese-led study suggests extreme weather is helping invaders replace native animals globally

2023-11-09T06:31+0100scmp (en)

A rare ecological spectacle in southwest China’s Yunnan province as hundreds of millions of butterflies emerge from chrysalises. Scientists in China and the United States say evidence suggests that as climate change fuels extreme weather events, invasive species will pose even greater risks to biodiversity.

Global wine production projected to be at its lowest level in nearly 60 years due to extreme weather

2023-11-09T02:21+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-09T01:21:08.465Z. Highlights: Global wine production is expected to fall to its lowest level in nearly 60 years. This is due to the effects of extreme weather and drought in many countries. The International Grape and Wine Organization has released a report on the state of the world's wine production.

L’Italia perde il primato sul vino dopo 9 anni: chi l’ha superata

2023-11-08T23:54+0100quifinanza (it)

L’Italia viene scalzata dalla Francia dal trono dell’industria del vino dopo nove anni consecutivi in vetta alla produzione mondiale. È l’effetto del cambiamento climatico che con piogge torrenziali, gelate premature e malattie delle piante hanno compromesso la resa dei vigneti e rovinato parte del raccolto di quest’anno.

L'Italia perde il primato sul vino dopo 9 anni: chi l'ha superata

2023-11-08T23:22+0100247libero (it)

L’Italia viene scalzata dalla Francia dal trono dell’industria del vino dopo nove anni consecutivi in vetta alla produzione mondiale. È l’effetto del cambiamento climatico che con piogge torrenziali, gelate premature e malattie delle piante hanno compromesso la resa dei vigneti e rovinato parte del raccolto di quest’anno.

È ormai “praticamente certo” che il 2023 sarà l’anno più caldo mai registrato finora

2023-11-08T20:18+0100lifegate (it)

Le temperature registrate finora anticipano che il 2023 sarà l’anno più caldo mai registrato prima, superando il 2016. Secondo il Copernicus climate change service, l’anno in corso ha registrato un riscaldamento record di 1,43°C rispetto ai livelli preindustriali e si prevede che le temperature rimarranno elevate anche nei prossimi mesi.

Copernicus: 2023 anno più caldo mai registrato

2023-11-08T19:28+0100ambienteambienti (it)

A ottobre 2023 anomalie di temperatura eccezionali. La temperatura globale è stata la seconda più alta dopo settembre 2023. Diminuito pericolosamente il ghiaccio marino. Piogge superiori alla media in gran parte d’Europa. Il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate....

Copernicus: 2023 anno più caldo mai registrato

2023-11-08T17:40+0100247libero (it)

A ottobre 2023 anomalie di temperatura eccezionali. La temperatura globale è stata la seconda più alta dopo settembre 2023. Diminuito pericolosamente il ghiaccio marino. Piogge superiori alla media in gran parte d’Europa. Il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate....

Copernicus conferma che il 2023 sarà l’anno più caldo mai registrato

2023-11-08T16:09+0100ecodallecitta (it)

È “praticamente certo” che il 2023 sarà l’anno più caldo degli ultimi 125.000 anni. A dirlo sono gli scienziati europei di Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) nell’ultimo report , dopo aver constatato che l’ottobre scorso è stato il mese più caldo mai registrato in quel periodo.

Copernicus: a ottobre anomalie di temperatura eccezionali

2023-11-08T15:21+0100greenreport (it)

Secondo l’ultimo bollettino mensile del Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), «Il mese di ottobre 2023 è stato il più caldo mai registrato a livello globale, con una temperatura media dell’aria in superficie di 15.30° C, 0.85° C al di sopra della media di ottobre del periodo compreso tra il 199 e il 2020 e 0.

Clima: eccezionali anomalie temperatura a ottobre, 2023 anno dei record (Copernicus)

2023-11-08T13:20+0100advfn (it)

MILANO (MF-NW)--Il servizio Copernicus Climate Change (C3S), implementato dal Centro europeo per le previsioni meteorologiche a medio termine per conto della Commissione europea con i finanziamenti dell'Ue, pubblica regolarmente bollettini climatici mensili che riportano i cambiamenti osservati....

Climate change 'worsened drought' in Syria, Iraq and Iran

2023-11-08T12:58+0100thenational (en)

Human-induced climate change has worsened an “exceptional” three-year drought which has spanned areas of Syria, Iraq and Iran, a new study says. Since 2020, a region encompassing the Euphrates and Tigris rivers , as well as Iran, has experienced unusually low rainfall and persistent heat, which have....

Novembre 8, 2023Novembre 7, 2023

2023-11-08T12:33+0100ambientenonsolo (it)

Il Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implementato dal Centro europeo per le previsioni meteorologiche a medio termine per conto della Commissione europea con finanziamenti dell’UE, pubblica regolarmente bollettini climatici mensili che riportano i cambiamenti osservati nelle temperature....

Cambiamento climatico. Per effetti del clima è crollata la produzione mondiale di vino

2023-11-08T12:17+0100247libero (it)

Per quest'anno l'Italia ha perso la sua posizione di maggior produttore di vino al mondo, sorpassata dalla Francia che torna così al podio della classifica per la prima volta in 9 anni. Sono stime dell' che segnala come la produzione mondiale di vino sia scesa al livello più basso dal 1961 : si....

Maltempo, a ottobre piogge record in quasi tutta Europa

2023-11-08T12:06+0100oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Nel mese di ottobre 2023 le precipitazioni sono state superiori alla media in gran parte dell’Europa: la tempesta Babet ha colpito l’Europa settentrionale, mentre la tempesta Aline ha colpito il Portogallo e la Spagna, portando forti precipitazioni e inondazioni.

Maltempo, a ottobre piogge record in quasi tutta Europa

2023-11-08T12:03+0100Quotidianodibari (it)

(Adnkronos) – Nel mese di ottobre 2023 le precipitazioni sono state superiori alla media in gran parte dell'Europa: la tempesta Babet ha colpito l'Europa settentrionale, mentre la tempesta Aline ha colpito il Portogallo e la Spagna, portando forti precipitazioni e inondazioni.

World wine production is the lowest since 1961

2023-11-08T11:45+0100slobodenpecat-en (en)

Bad weather around the world is likely to cause global wine production to fall to a six-decade low this year. The International Organization of Wine and Wine (OIV) says world wine production is likely to be about 7 percent lower in 2023 than last year. Such a culture would be the worst since 1961.

Maltempo, a ottobre piogge record in quasi tutta Europa

2023-11-08T11:45+0100rete55 (it)

(Adnkronos) – Nel mese di ottobre 2023 le precipitazioni sono state superiori alla media in gran parte dell'Europa: la tempesta Babet ha colpito l'Europa settentrionale, mentre la tempesta Aline ha colpito il Portogallo e la Spagna, portando forti precipitazioni e inondazioni.

Clima: ondata di caldo anche a ottobre, verso un 2023 record

2023-11-08T11:43+0100247libero (it)

Temperature record e bollino rosso sulla cartina meteo di Copernicus. I dati messi insieme dal programma europeo satellitare che registra le temperature di aria e acqua e molto altro, fanno impressione, anche se a ben rifletterci, ricordando l'estate bollente appena trascorsa, non è una sorpresa. 5 mesi consecutivi di temperature record.

Meteo. Picco de El Niño atteso tra dicembre e gennaio, ultimi sviluppi

2023-11-08T11:42+01003bmeteo (it)

Verso il picco de El Nino. Verso il picco de El Ni ñ o che, secondo gli ultimi aggiornamenti, sarà raggiunto tra dicembre e gennaio quando è atteso un picco di +2,1°C di anomalia lungo il Pacifico centrale secondo un evento forte. Le forti raffiche di vento occidentali in transito su Pacifico,....

Maltempo, a ottobre piogge record in quasi tutta Europa

2023-11-08T11:35+0100adnkronos (it)

Nel mese di ottobre 2023 le precipitazioni sono state superiori alla media in gran parte dell'Europa : la tempesta Babet ha colpito l'Europa settentrionale, mentre la tempesta Aline ha colpito il Portogallo e la Spagna, portando forti precipitazioni e inondazioni.

Cambiamento climatico Per effetti del clima è crollata la produzione mondiale di vino

2023-11-08T11:35+0100avvenire (it)

Per quest'anno l'Italia ha perso la sua posizione di maggior produttore di vino al mondo, sorpassata dalla Francia che torna così al podio della classifica per la prima volta in 9 anni. Sono stime dell' che segnala come la produzione mondiale di vino sia scesa al livello più basso dal 1961 : si....

Clima: ondata di caldo anche a ottobre, verso un 2023 record

2023-11-08T11:31+0100la7 (it)

Temperature record e bollino rosso sulla cartina meteo di Copernicus. I dati messi insieme dal programma europeo satellitare che registra le temperature di aria e acqua e molto altro, fanno impressione, anche se a ben rifletterci, ricordando l'estate bollente appena trascorsa, non è una sorpresa. 5 mesi consecutivi di temperature record.

La produzione globale di vino è diminuita – Commercio e Giustizia

2023-11-08T11:31+0100flaminiaedintorni (it)

Secondo l’International Wine Organization, i record del 2023 saranno i più bassi degli ultimi 60 anni. IL Organizzazione Internazionale della Vigna e del Vino (OIV) Martedì si prevede che si vedrà la produzione globale di vino per l’anno Un calo del 7% rispetto al 2022 e il livello più basso in sessant’anni a causa delle condizioni climatiche.

Ottobre è stato il più caldo mai registrato sulla Terra e il 2023 si avvia ad essere l’anno più caldo mai registrato

2023-11-08T11:10+0100greenme (it)

Il mese di ottobre 2023 ha registrato anomalie di temperatura eccezionali, battendo i quattro mesi precedenti in cui i record di temperatura globale erano già stati ampiamente superati. Possiamo dire quasi con certezza che il 2023 sarà l'anno più caldo mai registrato, attualmente di circa 1.43°C sopra le temperature medie dell'era preindustriale.

Clima impazzito a ottobre, il 2023 sarà l’anno più caldo di sempre

2023-11-08T11:08+0100oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Clima impazzito a ottobre scorso. Anomalie eccezionali nelle temperature di ottobre stanno portando a far diventare il 2023 l’anno più caldo di sempre. A rilevarlo è stato il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate Change Service – C3S) implementato dal....

Clima impazzito a ottobre, il 2023 sarà l’anno più caldo di sempre

2023-11-08T11:05+0100quotidianodifoggia (it)

(Adnkronos) – Clima impazzito a ottobre scorso. Anomalie eccezionali nelle temperature di ottobre stanno portando a far diventare il 2023 l'anno più caldo di sempre. A rilevarlo è stato il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate Change Service – C3S) implementato dal....

Clima impazzito a ottobre, il 2023 sarà l’anno più caldo di sempre

2023-11-08T11:02+0100Quotidianodibari (it)

(Adnkronos) – Clima impazzito a ottobre scorso. Anomalie eccezionali nelle temperature di ottobre stanno portando a far diventare il 2023 l'anno più caldo di sempre. A rilevarlo è stato il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate Change Service – C3S) implementato dal....

La produzione mondiale di vino scende ai minimi storici

2023-11-08T11:00+0100dissapore (it)

Brutte, brutte notizie: a quanto pare prossimamente ci sarà meno vino nel mondo, la produzione è arrivata ai minimi storici Un brutto periodo si prospetta per gli amanti del vino: la produzione mondiale del vino è in calo , anzi, è arrivata ai minimi storici .

Clima impazzito a ottobre, il 2023 sarà l'anno più caldo di sempre

2023-11-08T10:51+0100247libero (it)

Clima impazzito a ottobre scorso. Anomalie eccezionali nelle temperature di ottobre stanno portando a far diventare il 2023 l'anno più caldo di sempre . A rilevarlo è stato il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate Change Service - C3S) implementato dal centro....

Ottobre 2023 il più caldo di sempre, l’allarme dell’osservatorio Copernicus: “Si va verso un anno record”

2023-11-08T10:48+0100ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Piogge intense e in alcuni casi alluvioni non hanno scalfito l’ennesimo record delle temperature. Quello di quest’anno è stato il mese di ottobre più caldo mai registrato al mondo, proseguendo una successione di record mensili iniziata a giugno. L’osservatorio europeo sui cambiamenti climatici....

Clima impazzito a ottobre, il 2023 sarà l’anno più caldo di sempre

2023-11-08T10:40+0100rete55 (it)

(Adnkronos) – Clima impazzito a ottobre scorso. Anomalie eccezionali nelle temperature di ottobre stanno portando a far diventare il 2023 l'anno più caldo di sempre. A rilevarlo è stato il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate Change Service – C3S) implementato dal....

El Nino to last until April 2024, pushing record temperatures

2023-11-08T10:39+0100chinadailyhk (en)

A file photo taken on Jan 12, 2021 shows a field of wheat being harvested on a farm near Inverleigh, some 100kms west of Melbourne. (PHOTO / AFP) GENEVA/CANBERRA - The ongoing El Nino weather pattern is set to last until at least April 2024, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on....

Clima impazzito a ottobre, il 2023 sarà l’anno più caldo di sempre

2023-11-08T10:28+0100cinquecolonne (it)

(Adnkronos) – Clima impazzito a ottobre scorso. Anomalie eccezionali nelle temperature di ottobre stanno portando a far diventare il 2023 l'anno più caldo di sempre. A rilevarlo è stato il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate Change Service – C3S) implementato dal....

Clima impazzito a ottobre, il 2023 sarà l'anno più caldo di sempre

2023-11-08T10:24+0100adnkronos (it)

Clima impazzito a ottobre scorso. Anomalie eccezionali nelle temperature di ottobre stanno portando a far diventare il 2023 l'anno più caldo di sempre . A rilevarlo è stato il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus (Copernicus Climate Change Service - C3S) implementato dal centro....

Copernicus: ottobre 2023 è stato il più caldo mai registrato a livello globale

2023-11-08T09:58+0100greencity-it (it)

Il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico di Copernicus ha pubblicato il bollettino climatico mensile che riporta i cambiamenti registrati globalmente nella temperatura superficiale dell'aria , nella copertura del ghiaccio marino e nelle variabili idrologiche.

Vino, il 2023 annata magra: produzione ai minimi da 60 anni

2023-11-08T09:46+0100repubblica (it)

(Teleborsa) - Il 2023 non sarà un anno brillante per il vino , a causa delle condizioni meteo avverse, che hanno portato la produzione ai minimi degli ultimi 60 anni . Lo ha annunciato Giorgio Delgrosso , responsabile dell' ufficio studi dell'OIV - Organizzaizone Internaizionale della Vite e del....

Vino, il 2023 annata magra: produzione ai minimi da 60 anni

2023-11-08T09:43+0100finanza-lastampa (it)

Il 2023 non sarà un anno brillante per il vino , a causa delle condizioni meteo avverse, che hanno portato la produzione ai minimi degli ultimi 60 anni . Lo ha annunciato Giorgio Delgrosso , responsabile dell' ufficio studi dell'OIV - Organizzaizone Internaizionale della Vite e del vino, nella....

October was the hottest month on record

2023-11-08T09:40+0100kiratas (en)

October 2023 is the warmest ever measured in the world. The fifth consecutive monthly temperature record was set, according to the Copernicus satellite system. The year 2023 is so far 1.43°C warmer than the pre-industrial era, and will almost certainly set the annual record. ADVERTISING.

Vino, il 2023 annata magra: produzione ai minimi da 60 anni

2023-11-08T09:38+0100teleborsa (it)

(Teleborsa) - Il 2023 non sarà un anno brillante per il vino , a causa delle condizioni meteo avverse, che hanno portato la produzione ai minimi degli ultimi 60 anni . Lo ha annunciato Giorgio Delgrosso , responsabile dell' ufficio studi dell'OIV - Organizzaizone Internaizionale della Vite e del....

2023 l’anno più caldo con temperature record

2023-11-08T07:23+0100geosmartmagazine (it)

Quest’anno ci sono state anomalie eccezionali della temperatura; il 2023 sarà con ogni probabilità l’anno più caldo mai registrato con temperature record. Nell’immagine di apertura le anomalie globali delle temperature medie dell’aria in superficie rispetto al periodo 1991-2020 per ciascun ottobre dal 1940 al 2023.

The Star » Global wine production falls to 62-year low in 2023

2023-11-08T06:47+0100kenyamoja (en)

Poor weather around the world is likely to cause global wine production to drop to a six-decade low this year. The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) says that wine production around the world is likely to be about 7% lower in 2023 than last year. Such a yield would be the worst since 1961.

Global wine production falls to 62-year low in 2023

2023-11-08T06:38+0100thestarkenya (en)

Poor weather around the world is likely to cause global wine production to drop to a six-decade low this year. The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) says that wine production around the world is likely to be about 7% lower in 2023 than last year. Such a yield would be the worst since 1961.

Hottest October globally marks fifth record-shattering month

2023-11-08T06:37+0100sinacom-en (en)

Reuters. Fire is seen in the distance from the Tenterfield CBD, in Tenterfield, Australia , on October 31, 2023. Last month was the hottest October on record globally, Europe's climate monitor said on Wednesday, as months of exceptional heat likely to make 2023 the warmest year in history.

Clima: ottobre 2023 il più caldo mai registrato nel mondo, precipitazioni sopra la media in gran parte d’Europa

2023-11-08T04:01+0100meteoweb (it)

Il mese di ottobre 2023 è stato l’ottobre più caldo mai registrato a livello globale, con una temperatura media dell’aria superficiale di +15,30°C 0,85°C al di sopra della media del periodo 1991-2020 per ottobre e 0,40°C al di sopra del precedente ottobre più caldo, nel 2019.

El Niño-Southern Oscillation Predictability Issues: 'Maritime Continent' Deforestation to Blame

2023-11-08T03:06+0100natureworldnews (en)

The Maritime Continent (MC) is the region between the Indian and Pacific Oceans that includes the archipelagos of Indonesia, Borneo, New Guinea, the Philippine Islands, and the Malay Peninsula. It is home to some of the world's most diverse and rich ecosystems, as well as millions of people who depend on them for their livelihoods.

I prezzi del grano diminuiscono sulla spinta delle prospettive di approvvigionamento degli Stati Uniti

2023-11-07T22:29+0100marketscreener (it)

I futures sul grano degli Stati Uniti sono scesi martedì, mentre i mercati hanno reagito alle condizioni del raccolto migliori del previsto, mentre i futures sulla soia sono saliti ai massimi di due mesi grazie alle condizioni meteorologiche avverse in Brasile, prima di arretrare.

Vendemmia 2023: l’Italia il Paese che ha perso più vino sul 2022, ma il crollo è nell’Emisfero Sud

2023-11-07T19:42+0100winenews (it)

In valori assoluti, l’Italia è il Paese che ha perso più ettolitri di vino prodotto nel 2023 sul 2022: -5,9 milioni, con il Belpaese seguito da Spagna (-5), Australia (-3,1), Argentina (-2,6) e Cile (-2,5), con la perdita, nei tre Paesi dell’Emisfero Sud che, ovviamente, incide molto più che in quelli dell’Emisfero Nord.

Il grano crolla per le migliori prospettive di approvvigionamento degli Stati Uniti, i semi di soia salgono

2023-11-07T19:02+0100marketscreener (it)

I futures sul grano degli Stati Uniti sono scesi martedì, mentre i mercati hanno reagito alle condizioni del raccolto migliori del previsto, mentre i futures sulla soia sono saliti ai massimi di due mesi grazie alle condizioni meteorologiche avverse in Brasile.

Global wine production falls to 62-year low in 2023

2023-11-07T18:53+0100bbc (en)

The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) says that wine production around the world is likely to be about 7% lower in 2023 than last year. The OIV attributes the low levels of production to bad weather, including frost, heavy rainfall and drought.

Vino, la produzione mondiale crolla nel 2023. Coldiretti Cuneo: "Tutelare i vigneti dai cambiamenti climatici"

2023-11-07T17:16+0100cuneodice (it)

La produzione mondiale di vino è crollata nel 2023 a 244,1 milioni di ettolitri segnando il record negativo degli ultimi 60 anni per effetto dall’andamento climatico avverso che ha tagliato i raccolti nei diversi continenti. È quanto emerge dall’analisi di Coldiretti Cuneo sulla base dei dati....

France overtakes Italy and once again becomes the world's leading wine producer

2023-11-07T16:41+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-11-07T15:40:58.357Z. Highlights: France overtakes Italy and once again becomes the world's leading wine producer. The International Organisation of Vine and Wine reported a significant drop in the number of wines on Tuesday. Between early frosts, torrential rains, mildew and droughts, global....

Oiv: nel 2023 produzione vinicola più bassa degli ultimi 60 anni

2023-11-07T16:14+0100askanews (it)

Roma, 7 nov. (askanews) – Il 2023 sarà ricordato come l’anno con la più bassa produzione vinicola degli ultimi 60 anni, complici le condizioni meteo avverse pressocchè ovunque: secondo le anticipazioni sui volumi della vendemmia nel mondo rese note oggi dall’Oiv, l’Organizzazione internazionale....

Vino: -7% produzione globale a livello piu' basso da 1961, Francia si conferma in testa

2023-11-07T15:59+0100advfn (it)

Dati Oiv, in Italia calo del 12% (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus) - Milano, 07 nov - La produzione mondiale di vino quest'anno è scesa del 7%, raggiungendo il livello più basso dal 1961, secondo una stima dell'Organizzazione Internazionale della Vigna e del Vino (Oiv).

NSW households urged to reduce water use before state dips into drought

2023-11-07T15:41+0100guardian (en)

New South Wales residents have been urged to introduce water-saving measures before a looming drought causes major water storages to drop. It comes as data from Sydney Water revealed that households in Sydney’s richest suburbs use up to three times more water than the citywide average, and up to....

Copernicus: una stagione degli incendi contrastante nei tropici meridionali

2023-11-07T15:01+0100greencity-it (it)

Il Servizio di Monitoraggio dell’Atmosfera di Copernicus (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service - CAMS) ha monitorato gli incendi stagionali intorno ai tropici dell'emisfero meridionale dall'inizio del mese di agosto, osservando la variabilità delle emissioni di incendi tra i diversi Paesi.

Climate change e inondazioni. Gli effetti sulla mortalità a lungo termine sono più di quanto si immagina

2023-11-07T14:26+0100infodata (it)

BMJ 2023;383:e075081 Il clima cambia, e gli episodi di inondazioni stanno già aumentando e sono destinati ad aumentare sempre di più, con effetti significativi sulla mortalità che vanno ben al di là delle conseguenze dirette dell’alluvione, cioè dei decessi per annegamenti o crolli.

Il grano cala per il miglioramento del raccolto statunitense, la soia diminuisce dopo un rally

2023-11-07T06:04+0100marketscreener (it)

I futures sul grano di Chicago sono scesi per la prima volta in cinque sessioni martedì, con il miglioramento delle condizioni del raccolto invernale statunitense che ha aumentato la pressione sui prezzi. I semi di soia sono scesi, dopo essere saliti ai massimi di otto settimane nella sessione....

Incendi boschivi in Australia, Sud America e Indonesia: stagione contrastante nei tropici meridionali

2023-11-06T12:59+0100meteoweb (it)

Il Servizio di Monitoraggio dell’Atmosfera di Copernicus (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service – CAMS) ha monitorato gli incendi stagionali intorno ai tropici dell’emisfero meridionale dall’inizio del mese di agosto, osservando la variabilità delle emissioni di incendi tra i diversi Paesi.

11:48Ue, Copernicus: incendi boschivi in Australia, America meridionale e Indonesia favoriti da El Nino

2023-11-06T11:57+0100energiaoltre (it)

Il Servizio di Monitoraggio dell’Atmosfera di Copernicus (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service – CAMS) ha monitorato gli incendi stagionali intorno ai tropici dell’emisfero meridionale dall’inizio del mese di agosto, osservando la variabilità delle emissioni di incendi tra i diversi Paesi.

Los 8 cultivos del futuro

2023-11-06T11:43+0100huffingtonpost-es-es (es)

La revista National Geographic ha recogido en un ranking los cultivos emergentes a tener en cuenta. Lo ha hecho basándose en el informe Los 50 alimentos del futuro , presentado por Knorr y WWF, y desarrollado en colaboración con Adam Drewnowski, director del Centro de Salud Pública y Nutrición de la Universidad de Washington.

L’emisfero sud sta diventando più secco

2023-11-06T07:40+0100greenreport (it)

Uno studio rivela una tendenza al ribasso nella disponibilità globale di acqua. [6 Novembre 2023] La disponibilità globale di acqua è di fondamentale importanza per le risorse idriche per il sostentamento umano e lo sviluppo socioeconomico. Negli ultimi 20 anni, la disponibilità globale di acqua ha....


2023-11-06T02:31+0100guidasicilia (it)


Il vino ligure? Sold out per Natale

2023-11-05T09:49+0100ilsecoloxix (it)

Imperia – La siccità del 2022 rischia di togliere i vini “doc” del Ponente ligure dalle tavole del Natale e dalle cassette regalo da mettere sotto l’albero. Sono soprattutto le cantine dell'imperiese, dove lo scorso anno si è fatta sentire di più la scarsità di piogge , a dichiarare il “sold out”, già da metà estate.

Indian Ocean Dipole weather event that helped cause Black Summer bushfires rapidly forming near Australia

2023-11-05T08:05+0100whatsnew2day (en)

The last positive IOD occurred in 2019 and was a major cause of the Black Summer bushfires. The fires burned from June 2019 to May 2020 due to a combination of weather, exceptionally dry conditions and a lack of moisture in the ground. The worst of the fires occurred between December 2019 and January 2020.

Siete zonas críticas por cambios de sequía a inundación en el mundo

2023-11-03T22:19+0100noticiasambientales (es)

Una nueva investigación muestra que los cambios bruscos desde sequías severas hasta lluvias intensas se están volviendo más comunes con el cambio climático en muchas partes del mundo, dando lugar a zonas críticas. La conclusión del estudio es que los circuitos de retroalimentación de la propia tierra probablemente contribuyan a esta tendencia.

In Salute. Dengue: diminuire i casi utilizzando un batterio

2023-11-03T07:35+0100ilbolive (it)

Quella stretta relazione tra zanzara Aedes aegypti e dengue. La zanzara Aedes aegypti è il principale vettore per la trasmissione dei virus dengue, Zika, chikungunya e febbre gialla. Originaria dell’Africa, si è ormai diffusa nelle regioni tropicali e subtropicali di tutto il mondo: alla sua....

Aerial footage show bushfires in Australia's Queensland

2023-11-02T11:40+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

Watch more on iWantTFC Aerial footage showed fires continuing to burn on Wednesday (November 1) through Australia 's Queensland state. Helicopters were seen dropping water onto the fire front as smoke plumes billowed across the charred landscape in the state’s Granite Belt region.

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-11-02T09:26+0100elperiodicoextremadura (es)

En la última década, aspectos como la movilidad sostenible, el desarrollo de nuevas energías renovables y las pequeñas acciones cotidianas que realiza cada individuo, se han vuelto fundamentales para frenar la contaminación atmosférica y sumar en esta importante lucha contra el cambio climático.

Los ocho cultivos que marcarán el futuro, según National Geographic

2023-11-02T09:20+0100sevilla-abc (es)

¿Cuáles son los alimentos del futuro? ¿Seguirá siendo, en unas décadas, el arroz el más consumido a nivel mundial? ¿Se mantendrá igual el ‘mapa’ de los cultivos o habrá cambios sustancias en las próximas décadas? La prestigiosa revista National Geographic ha recogido en un ránking cuáles son los....

El Nino Persists, Drought Still Strikes

2023-11-02T05:45+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/AGUS SUSANTO. Empty rice grains caused by water shortage in Karangsetia Village, Karangbahagia District, Bekasi Regency, West Java, on Tuesday (17/10/2023). Farmers from two villages, namely Karangsetia and Karanganyar, shouted and traumatized as they had planted rice two or three times and ended up with harvest failure.

Il grano guadagna mentre gli esplosivi aumentano l'incertezza sulle forniture del Mar Nero

2023-11-02T05:02+0100marketscreener (it)

I futures sul grano di Chicago sono saliti giovedì, dopo che la Russia ha presumibilmente lanciato degli esplosivi in una rotta di trasporto del grano nel Mar Nero e i commercianti hanno guardato ai raccolti colpiti da un clima secco in Argentina e Australia , che probabilmente faranno aumentare l'offerta.

El Niño’s Rain Games: A Global Hunger Crisis?

2023-11-01T18:57+0100scitechdaily (en)

Anticipated Effects of Current El Niño Event. This year’s El Niño event, which is forecast to continue gaining strength through the end of 2023 before it dissipates by mid-2024, is expected to contribute to high levels of food insecurity in certain regions.

© Viktor Bondar | Dreamstime.com AU: Innovation Grants awarded to water savvy agriculture ideas A new Grower Group Alliance (GGA) led program has awarded small grants of over $22,000 split between three Western Australian farmers committed to improving water use and efficiency.

2023-11-01T14:50+0100hortidaily (en)

A new Grower Group Alliance (GGA) led program has awarded small grants of over $22,000 split between three Western Australia n farmers committed to improving water use and efficiency. The ‘Emerge Program’ (the program) initiative is funded and co-designed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial....

Innovation Grants awarded to water savvy agriculture ideas

2023-11-01T05:49+0100nationaltribune (en)

A new Grower Group Alliance (GGA) led program has awarded small grants of over $22,000 split between three Western Australia n farmers committed to improving water use and efficiency. The ‘Emerge Program’ (the Program) initiative is funded and co-designed by CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, through its Drought Resilience Mission.

Water-Savvy Agriculture Innovations Win Grants

2023-11-01T05:48+0100miragenews (en)

A new Grower Group Alliance (GGA) led program has awarded small grants of over $22,000 split between three Western Australia n farmers committed to improving water use and efficiency. The 'Emerge Program' (the Program) initiative is funded and co-designed by CSIRO, Australia's national science agency, through its Drought Resilience Mission.

Queensland’s fires are not easing at night. That’s a bad sign for the summer ahead

2023-11-01T05:44+0100johansen (en)

Date: 2023-11-01 04:30 Author: Calum Cunningham, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Tasmania Original article: https://theconversation.com/queenslands-fires-are-not-easing-at-night-thats-a-bad-sign-for-the-summer-ahead-216732 This week, dozens of fires have burned across Queensland.

MIL-Evening Report: Queensland’s fires are not easing at night. That’s a bad sign for the summer ahead

2023-11-01T05:42+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Calum Cunningham, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Tasmania. This week, dozens of fires have burned across Queensland. More homes have burned in the state than during the 2019–2020 Black Summer – , compared to 49. The question many are asking is – are these fires normal? Our....

Queensland’s fires are not easing at night. That’s a bad sign for the summer ahead

2023-11-01T05:28+0100nationaltribune (en)

The question many are asking is – are these fires normal? Our analysis shows these fires are weird in at least two ways. First, many more than usual are burning through the night. This is anomalous, as nighttime usually brings lower temperatures and more moisture in the air, slowing or quelling fires.

Middle East know-how can help feed drier, hotter world

2023-10-31T19:38+0100scidev (en)

The Middle East’s expertise in handling heat could be of benefit worldwide , writes Aly Abousabaa, director general of the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas ( ICARDA) and CGIAR’s regional director for Central and West Asia and North Africa.

Australian government ignoring impact of buybacks

2023-10-31T14:32+0100freshplaza-nl (en)

NSW Farmers says it’s clear the Federal Government will use water buybacks as a devastating sledgehammer to complete the Basin Plan. The Productivity Commission’s Murray Darling Basin Plan Implementation Review backed further water buybacks, but downplayed the impact on farm production, food security and economic performance.

Il grano cala, ma rimane in pista per il primo guadagno mensile da luglio

2023-10-31T05:40+0100marketscreener (it)

I futures sul grano di Chicago sono scesi martedì a causa dell'attenuazione delle preoccupazioni sull'offerta, ma i prezzi sono ancora diretti verso il primo aumento mensile da luglio, dopo che le condizioni di siccità hanno danneggiato i raccolti in Argentina e Australia , sollevando la prospettiva di un mercato più rigido.

La Cina fa incetta di grano australiano e francese, mentre i danni al raccolto stimolano la corsa agli acquisti

2023-10-31T05:02+0100marketscreener (it)

La Cina si appresta ad importare volumi record di grano quest'anno, dicono le fonti commerciali, con i danni causati dalla pioggia al suo raccolto e le preoccupazioni per il clima secco nei Paesi esportatori, che alimentano la voglia di Pechino di acquistare mentre i prezzi sono bassi.

Government ignoring impact of buybacks

2023-10-31T02:06+0100miragenews (en)

NSW Farmers says it's clear the Federal Government will use water buybacks as a devastating sledgehammer to complete the Basin Plan. The Productivity Commission's Murray Darling Basin Plan Implementation Review backed further water buybacks, but downplayed the impact on farm production, food security and economic performance.

Government ignoring impact of buybacks

2023-10-31T02:06+0100nationaltribune (en)

NSW Farmers says it’s clear the Federal Government will use water buybacks as a devastating sledgehammer to complete the Basin Plan. The Productivity Commission’s Murray Darling Basin Plan Implementation Review backed further water buybacks, but downplayed the impact on farm production, food security and economic performance.

Murray-Darling Basin plan: government should expand voluntary buybacks, Productivity Commission finds

2023-10-30T15:10+0100guardian (en)

The federal government should step up efforts to recover water in the Murray-Darling Basin , including expanding voluntary buybacks and doing more to hold state governments to account, the Productivity Commission has said in a major report. Originally agreed in 2012, the plan aimed to recover 2,750....

Franco Traverso, l'imprenditore poliedrico: «Così ora produco acqua dall'energia solare»

2023-10-30T09:16+0100IlGazzettino (it)

CARMIGNANO DI BRENTA - La storia è quella di Franco Traverso , figlio di contadini dell'alta Padovana, campi di pianura sulla destra del fiume Brenta. A Carmignano una volta si coltivavano riso e tabacco. Adesso le fabbriche si addensano in una zona industriale che s'allarga, il Novecento aveva....

Grants to prepare for drought

2023-10-30T01:54+0100timberbiz (en)

Applications are open for grants of up to $20,000 or $50,000 for events and initiatives to strengthen communities and capability for drought preparedness. The grants are one of five program elements that are part of the Future Drought Fund’s Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought....

Thousands urged to evacuate after bush fires in Australia

2023-10-29T21:27+0100pakobserver (en)

Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia ’s Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890 kilometres north of....

Grevillea: caratteristiche e coltivazione

2023-10-29T15:55+0100greenstyle (it)

La grevillea è una pianta originaria dell' Australia che può raggiungere altezze anche fino ai 9 metri. I suoi fiori, che ricordano l'aspetto di un ragno, sono ricoperti da lunghi steli colorati, che attirano gli uccelli impollinatori. La coltivazione della Grevillea richiede terreni ben drenati e in....

Volcanic Eruptions in Tropical Regions Disrupt the Global Climate Cycle

2023-10-29T07:11+0100kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found in KOMPAS/AHMAD ARIF. The Caldera of Mount Anak Krakatau has emerged above the surface of the earth once again on Sunday (1/13/2019).

Thousands urged to evacuate after bushfires in Australia

2023-10-29T03:03+0100dawn (en)

SYDNEY: Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia ’s Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890 kilometres north....

Residents in rural Australia urged to evacuate as bushfires rage

2023-10-28T09:30+0200zawya-palestine (en)

SYDNEY - Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia 's Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890 kilometres (550....

Residents in rural Australia urged to evacuate as bushfires rage SYDNEY (Reuters) - Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia's Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at l... 1h ago

2023-10-28T07:38+0200kelo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia ’s Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890....

Residents in rural Australia urged to evacuate as bushfires rage

2023-10-28T07:15+0200wkzo (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia ’s Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890....

Residents in rural Australia urged to evacuate as bushfires rage

2023-10-28T07:14+0200whbl (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia ’s Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890....

Residents in rural Australia urged to evacuate as bushfires rage

2023-10-28T07:07+0200wsau (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) – Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia ’s Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890....

Residents in rural Australia urged to evacuate as bushfires rage

2023-10-28T06:55+0200AsiaOne (en)

New South Wales Rural Fire Service firefighter Elisabeth Goh monitors a hazard reduction burn in Sydney, Australia , on Sept 10, 2023. AsiaOne has launched EarthOne , a new section dedicated to environmental issues — because we love the planet and we believe science.

Residents in rural Australia urged to evacuate as bushfires rage Reuters |Updated 13 minutes ago |2 min read SYDNEY (Reuters) - Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia's Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns.

2023-10-28T06:49+0200thechronicleherald (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia 's Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890....

Residents in rural Australia urged to evacuate as bushfires rage SYDNEY (Reuters) - Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia's Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday .

2023-10-28T06:25+0200saltwire (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia 's Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890....

Residents in rural Australia urged to evacuate as bushfires rage

2023-10-28T06:17+0200streetinsider (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia 's Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890....

Residents in Rural Australia Urged to Evacuate as Bushfires Rage

2023-10-28T06:15+0200usnews (en)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia 's Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890....

World’s GP bodies call on international leaders to act urgently on climate emergency

2023-10-28T03:03+0200nationaltribune (en)

The world’s leading GP and health bodies representing three million health professionals worldwide are urging international leaders to safeguard the health of global populations from the climate crisis in an open letter, to be launched on day three of the WONCA World Conference in Sydney.

Global GP Bodies Urge Leaders for Urgent Climate Action

2023-10-28T02:56+0200miragenews (en)

The world's leading GP and health bodies representing three million health professionals worldwide are urging international leaders to safeguard the health of global populations from the climate crisis in an open letter, to be launched on day three of the WONCA World Conference in Sydney.

Severe drought destroys pre-glacial eucalyptus trees

2023-10-27T21:04+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Scientists from South Australia have documented the catastrophic decline in a stand of red bark in the Clare Valley, a tree species that survived in the area 40,000 years ago but is now endangered by climate change. Two extreme droughts caused by climate change since 2000 have been blamed for the....

Sustainability, Vol. 15, Pages 15374: Analysis of Potential Evapotranspiration in Heilongjiang Province

2023-10-27T15:02+0200mdpi (en)

As the global temperature has been increasing, an intriguing phenomenon has emerged wherein the potential evapotranspiration (PET) in many areas does not show a clear positive correlation with the temperature. Instead, PET is decreasing in various areas, giving rise to the “evaporation paradox”. This phenomenon also occurs in Heilongjiang province.

Il mais è destinato a subire il maggior calo settimanale da due mesi e mezzo a questa parte, a causa della pressione sul raccolto statunitense.

2023-10-27T06:18+0200marketscreener (it)

Il mais di Chicago è scivolato venerdì e si è avviato verso il più grande calo settimanale dall'inizio di agosto, mentre i semi di soia si sono avviati verso la peggiore settimana da un mese a questa parte, con entrambi i mercati sotto pressione per il rapido avanzamento del raccolto statunitense.

Ferrero ha perso decine di milioni di dollari provando a far crescere le nocciole in Australia

2023-10-26T18:29+0200dissapore (it)

Non è andato proprio benissimo il progetto del Gruppo Ferrero in Australia : il tentativo di coltivare qui le nocciole a Riverina, nel Nuovo Galles del Sud, si rivelato alquanto infruttuoso. E pensare che era da dieci anni che l’azienda di dolci italiana ci stava provando.

The number of refugees in the world hits a new high

2023-10-26T09:47+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Between January and June, 1.6 million people around the world applied for asylum, the highest in a half year to date. The agency estimates that an additional 4 million people have been displaced between June and September, without including the estimated 1.

Scientists attribute this year’s worsened wildfire conditions in Quebec to climate change

2023-10-25T22:22+0200whatsnew2day (en)

The World Weather Attribution initiative, a UK-based group that estimates the contribution of climate change to individual weather events, found that our changing climate made the weather conditions that led to bushfires twice as likely. The study focused on Quebec, which experienced an....

L’allarme dell’ONU sull’ambiente: il mondo è vicino ad un punto di non ritorno

2023-10-25T15:06+0200energiaoltre (it)

Secondo l’Istituto per l’Ambiente e la Sicurezza Umana dell’Università dell’ONU il cambiamento climatico e l’uso eccessivo delle risorse hanno messo il mondo sull’orlo di 6 punti critici interconnessi che “potrebbero innescare cambiamenti improvvisi nei nostri sistemi di sostegno alla vita” Il mondo....

Killing kangaroos to save them from starvation in Australia

2023-10-25T13:15+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Specialists indicated that killing kangaroos and sending them to consume their meat or to benefit from their skin is a way to spare them severe suffering and to control their numbers. Millions of Australia n kangaroos may die of starvation unless the current huge increase in their numbers is....

New grants to help build resilient regional communities

2023-10-24T23:03+0200nationaltribune (en)

Applications are now open for grants of up to $20,000 or $50,000 for events and initiatives to strengthen communities and capability for drought preparedness. The grants are one of 5 program elements that are part of the Future Drought Fund’s Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought....

New grants to help build resilient regional communities

2023-10-24T23:01+0200miragenews (en)

Applications are now open for grants of up to $20,000 or $50,000 for events and initiatives to strengthen communities and capability for drought preparedness. The grants are one of 5 program elements that are part of the Future Drought Fund's Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought....

Antarctica may be changing after 14 million years

2023-10-24T15:13+0200thenewdaily-au (en)

Using satellites and radar technology, a team of researchers mapped an area unseen for millions of years, but as ice melts due to global warming, there is a significant chance this will change. Beneath the ice, the researchers found a pre-glacial landscape consisting of a network of valleys,....

Coastal reservoirs more practical than traditional water dams for Sabah, say engineers

2023-10-24T13:14+0200thestar-my (en)

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah should consider coastal reservoirs instead of the traditional dams to meet future water needs, say engineers. International Water Association (IWA) members Datuk Dr Amarjit Singh and Lim Sin Poh said that coastal dams would be a two-pronged approach towards resolving not only....

B.C. State of Emergency Extended as Northeast Wildfires Threatened by Incoming Winds – Breaking:

2023-10-24T08:22+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Emergency Management Minister Bowinn Ma says British Columbia is extending the state of emergency due to ongoing bushfires that have devastated parts of the province. Ma announced the two-week extension in a provincial update on droughts and wildfires on Thursday.

Sequía colapsa al campo mexicano; Chihuahua, el estado más afectado 05:38 hrs.

2023-10-23T11:01+0200excelsior (es)

La escasez de agua en el país ha impactado al campo mexicano. Hasta septiembre pasado, la Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (Sader) reportó 502 mil 550 hectáreas de cultivos siniestrados, principalmente por estiaje. A la par, productores y campesinos solicitaron apoyo ante la sequía prolongada, la cual, el mes pasado, llegó a 74.

Understanding El Niño A recurrent weather phenomenon

2023-10-23T09:28+0200wsimag (en)

The El Niño weather phenomenon has been observed as becoming more intense over the past decades. Its impacts are even exacerbated by global warming. The 2015-2016 El Niño has substantially influenced weather patterns across the globe. Its impacts already include massive wildfires in Indonesia,....

Lo studio

2023-10-23T09:02+0200tribunatreviso (it)

Se la temperatura del pianeta salirà ancora di 1°C rispetto ai livelli attuali, miliardi di persone nel mondo si troveranno a vivere in aree che, almeno per una parte dell'anno, sperimenteranno condizioni di calore e umidità al limite della sopravvivenza umana.

(MI) CARONTE: TORNA ‘Capirci un tubo’

2023-10-23T06:05+0200welfarenetwork (it)

, il podcast PER CAPIRE LA CRISI CLIMATICA E IL SURRISCALDAMENTO GLOBALE. 10 nuove puntate per raccontare, attraverso gli occhi della scienza, il presente e il futuro del nostro pianeta. Realizzato da Gruppo CAP, è disponibile dal 17 luglio, gratuitamente sulle principali piattaforme di podcasting.

Grano invariato, le piogge in Australia e Argentina limitano il potenziale di rialzo

2023-10-23T06:01+0200marketscreener (it)

Il grano di Chicago è rimasto sostanzialmente invariato lunedì, dopo essere salito ai massimi da oltre un mese la scorsa settimana, grazie alle piogge in Australia e Argentina, produttori chiave dell'emisfero meridionale, che hanno aumentato le prospettive di approvvigionamento.

Lo studio

2023-10-23T03:16+0200corrierealpi (it)

Se la temperatura del pianeta salirà ancora di 1°C rispetto ai livelli attuali, miliardi di persone nel mondo si troveranno a vivere in aree che, almeno per una parte dell'anno, sperimenteranno condizioni di calore e umidità al limite della sopravvivenza umana.

Lo studio

2023-10-23T03:05+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Se la temperatura del pianeta salirà ancora di 1°C rispetto ai livelli attuali, miliardi di persone nel mondo si troveranno a vivere in aree che, almeno per una parte dell'anno, sperimenteranno condizioni di calore e umidità al limite della sopravvivenza umana.

Riscaldamento globale, ecco quali regioni del pianeta diventeranno inospitali

2023-10-23T02:35+0200247libero (it)

Se la temperatura del pianeta salirà ancora di 1°C rispetto ai livelli attuali, miliardi di persone nel mondo si troveranno a vivere in aree che, almeno per una parte dell'anno, sperimenteranno condizioni di calore e umidità al limite della sopravvivenza umana.

Riscaldamento globale, ecco quali regioni del pianeta diventeranno inospitali

2023-10-23T01:25+0200lasentinella (it)

Se la temperatura del pianeta salirà ancora di 1°C rispetto ai livelli attuali, miliardi di persone nel mondo si troveranno a vivere in aree che, almeno per una parte dell'anno, sperimenteranno condizioni di calore e umidità al limite della sopravvivenza umana.

Riscaldamento globale, ecco quali regioni del pianeta diventeranno inospitali

2023-10-23T01:24+0200ilpiccolo (it)

Se la temperatura del pianeta salirà ancora di 1°C rispetto ai livelli attuali, miliardi di persone nel mondo si troveranno a vivere in aree che, almeno per una parte dell'anno, sperimenteranno condizioni di calore e umidità al limite della sopravvivenza umana.

Riscaldamento globale, ecco quali regioni del pianeta diventeranno inospitali

2023-10-23T01:17+0200mattinopadova (it)

Se la temperatura del pianeta salirà ancora di 1°C rispetto ai livelli attuali, miliardi di persone nel mondo si troveranno a vivere in aree che, almeno per una parte dell'anno, sperimenteranno condizioni di calore e umidità al limite della sopravvivenza umana.

Riscaldamento globale, ecco quali regioni del pianeta diventeranno inospitali

2023-10-23T01:13+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Se la temperatura del pianeta salirà ancora di 1°C rispetto ai livelli attuali, miliardi di persone nel mondo si troveranno a vivere in aree che, almeno per una parte dell'anno, sperimenteranno condizioni di calore e umidità al limite della sopravvivenza umana.

Riscaldamento globale, ecco quali regioni del pianeta diventeranno inospitali

2023-10-23T01:13+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

Se la temperatura del pianeta salirà ancora di 1°C rispetto ai livelli attuali, miliardi di persone nel mondo si troveranno a vivere in aree che, almeno per una parte dell'anno, sperimenteranno condizioni di calore e umidità al limite della sopravvivenza umana.

Riscaldamento globale, ecco quali regioni del pianeta diventeranno inospitali

2023-10-23T01:11+0200nuovavenezia (it)

Se la temperatura del pianeta salirà ancora di 1°C rispetto ai livelli attuali, miliardi di persone nel mondo si troveranno a vivere in aree che, almeno per una parte dell'anno, sperimenteranno condizioni di calore e umidità al limite della sopravvivenza umana.

Riscaldamento globale, ecco quali regioni del pianeta diventeranno inospitali

2023-10-23T01:10+0200repubblica-green-and-blue (it)

Se la temperatura del pianeta salirà ancora di 1°C rispetto ai livelli attuali, miliardi di persone nel mondo si troveranno a vivere in aree che, almeno per una parte dell'anno, sperimenteranno condizioni di calore e umidità al limite della sopravvivenza umana.

Record Australian beef prices reported in 2022

2023-10-22T16:03+0200farmersjournal (en)

Meat and Livestock Australia released its 'state of the industry' report for 2022 this week and it captures the industry at the peak of the rebuilding cycle when prices were at record highs and outputs at a 38-year low for cattle slaughter. Last year was a high point for Australian beef and sheep prices, driven by scarcity of supply.

The dams are full for now—but Sydney will need new water supplies as rainfall becomes less reliable

2023-10-20T19:28+0200phys (en)

Are we better placed now, after three wet La Niña years? Yes and no. Take Sydney as an example. After the big wet, Greater Sydney's dams are around 90% full , holding more than four times the volume we use in a year. But hot, dry weather can drain them surprisingly rapidly through increased demand,....

8 Countries Worst Affected By Climate Change

2023-10-20T14:13+0200timesnownews (en)

Countries Most Affected By Climate Change. Climate change is one of the most important global issues of our generation and some countries suffer the weight of these changes more severely than others. Here are eight countries that have been especially heavily struck by the effects of climate change. Bangladesh.

Consultation now open for future drought funding

2023-10-20T05:14+0200miragenews (en)

Public consultation is now open to help inform the next 4 years of investment under the Future Drought Fund (FDF). The FDF is the Australia n Government's key investment to build drought resilience and provides $100 million each year to help farmers and regional communities prepare for the impacts of drought.

The dams are full for now – but Sydney will need new water supplies as rainfall becomes less reliable

2023-10-19T21:40+0200johansen (en)

Date: 2023-10-19 19:30 Author: Stuart Khan, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney Original article: https://theconversation.com/the-dams-are-full-for-now-but-sydney-will-need-new-water-supplies-as-rainfall-becomes-less-reliable-214071 When Australia last went into El Niño, we....

MIL-Evening Report: The dams are full for now – but Sydney will need new water supplies as rainfall becomes less reliable

2023-10-19T21:26+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Stuart Khan, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney. Shutterstock. When Australia last went into El Niño, we had water supply issues in Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne. Are we better placed now, after three wet La Niña years? Yes and no. Take Sydney as an example.

Sydney Needs New Water Sources as Rainfall Decreases

2023-10-19T21:09+0200miragenews (en)

Are we better placed now, after three wet La Niña years? Yes and no. Take Sydney as an example. After the big wet, Greater Sydney's dams are around 90% full , holding more than four times the volume we use in a year. But hot, dry weather can drain them surprisingly rapidly through increased demand,....

The dams are full for now – but Sydney will need new water supplies as rainfall becomes less reliable

2023-10-19T21:09+0200nationaltribune (en)

Are we better placed now, after three wet La Niña years? Yes and no. Take Sydney as an example. After the big wet, Greater Sydney’s dams are around 90% full , holding more than four times the volume we use in a year. But hot, dry weather can drain them surprisingly rapidly through increased demand,....

Frutta secca: verso un aumento dei prezzi

2023-10-18T18:55+0200myfruit (it)

“Dopo la campagna 2022/23 caratterizzata da prezzi bassi, per il comparto della frutta secca si apre una stagione decisamente più volatile e di sostegno alle quotazioni” . Questo, in estrema sintesi, il trend emerso nel corso del convegno Commodity agricole 2024 – Volatilità, previsioni, strategie organizzato da Unione Italiana Food e Areté.

What happens when extreme weather hits several places at once?

2023-10-18T16:35+0200livemint (en)

Between J 10th and July 16th, more than 100m Americans were warned by their government of “potentially deadly" temperatures. Swathes of Asia and Europe are broiling. China’s temperature record was shattered; people sought relief from the heat in bomb shelters.

Severe drought grips the Amazon rainforest: The impact, cause and grim future

2023-10-18T16:24+0200expressindia (en)

The latest calamity is another addition to the long list of causes that are accelerating the destruction of the Amazon — it covers nearly seven million square kilometres, or about the area of Australia , and stores more than 150 billion metric tonnes of carbon.

Environment groups welcome progress of Water Bill with support of independent regional MPs

2023-10-18T05:01+0200nationaltribune (en)

Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Leading environmental organisations from Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland have welcomed the progress of the Water Amendment (Restoring our Rivers) Bill through the House of Representatives today, saying it gives our rivers a chance of restoration after years of delay tactics.

Environment Groups, Regional MPs Advance Water Bill

2023-10-18T04:57+0200miragenews (en)

Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Leading environmental organisations from Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland have welcomed the progress of the Water Amendment (Restoring our Rivers) Bill through the House of Representatives today, saying it gives our rivers a chance of restoration after years of delay tactics.

Incendi, situazione sempre più drammatica in Australia: 70 roghi nella zona di Sydney, un morto

2023-10-17T10:05+0200meteoweb (it)

Centinaia di vigili del fuoco stanno lottando contro quasi 70 incendi boschivi nello stato australiano del Nuovo Galles del Sud , con diverse case in pericolo e una vittima confermata. La polizia ha trovato il corpo di un 56enne dopo che un rogo ha devastato una vasta area nell’insediamento rurale di Temagog , 340 km a Nord di Sydney.

High-quality genomes of pearl millet generated could help in developing a superior breed

2023-10-17T09:43+0200devdiscourse (en)

Researchers have generated enhanced genome sequences of the pearl millet variety, which they say has paved the way for developing a more climate-resilient and nutritionally enhanced breed of the crop. The enhanced sequences arms the researchers with new levels of accuracy regarding the intricacies....

Australia joins international partnership for drought

2023-10-17T02:17+0200miragenews (en)

Australia 's farmers will get the chance to share their stories and learn from other countries to build global drought resilience and preparedness, through a new international partnership. Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Murray Watt announced today that Australia has joined the International Drought Resilience Alliance (IDRA).

Climate-induced largescale browning in Chilean Mediterranean forest

2023-10-16T17:41+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

To investigate signs of large or abrupt ecosystem change in response to droughts, we analysed trends in forest productivity over the past 21 years across the approximately 118,000 km 2 of the world’s five MTEs (Mediterranean Basin, South Africa, southwest Australia , California and central Chile).

How Hop Nerds Are Saving Your Favorite Beer From Climate Change

2023-10-16T15:03+0200wired (en)

Whether you love lagers or extra-bitter IPAs, you love alpha acids and just don’t know it. These are the compounds in hops that impart that bitter taste, which can be subtle or intense, depending on the cultivar. For centuries, farmers who produce hops for traditional European beer....

Public Health Situation Analysis: El Niño (October-December 2023)

2023-10-16T14:35+0200reliefWeb (en)

Executive Summary. The current El Niño event was first declared in June 2023. Since the first El Niño Public Health Situation Analysis published in July 2023, evolving climate forecasts have warranted an update to this document. The past three months have already demonstrated that several of the....

Climate catastrophe produced instantaneous evolutionary change

2023-10-15T14:13+0200terradaily (en)

With species the world over on the move due to climate change, a unique experiment in the wake of 2017's Hurricane Harvey has revealed a way that species can instantly evolve when they move in response to a climate catastrophe. "With the profound and rapid changes we're seeing with the environment,....

Prezzi del carbone metallurgico possono rimanere sopra i 300dlr/tonnellata nel quarto trimestre -- Market Talk

2023-10-12T09:36+0200advfn (it)

Articolo originale pubblicato su Dow Jones English Newswire, traduzione a cura della redazione Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor. (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus) - Milano, 12 ott - L'offerta limitata dall' Australia ha portato il carbone metallurgico spot a 360 dollari la tonnellata, ma questo prezzo resisterà?....

La crisis climática altera el ciclo de los insectos y provoca el arraigo del dengue y el paludismo en España

2023-10-10T17:41+0200Publico-ES (es)

"Se prevé que los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos aumenten debido al cambio climático, lo que podría suponer una carga adicional de morbilidad y mortalidad", ya que "se espera que la frecuencia y la gravedad de las sequías empeoren en grandes regiones".

El Niño se intensifica: alertan de una “cascada de crisis climáticas” en el mundo en 2024

2023-10-04T20:17+0200tiempo-es (es)

Un reciente estudio advierte que El Niño en proceso causará estragos en la temperatura de la superficie global y desencadenará varias crisis climáticas, tanto en los océanos como en la tierra. Para 2024, es probable que las anomalías cálidas abarquen continentes enteros debido al fenómeno de El Niño.

Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental

2023-10-04T09:28+0200elperiodico (es)

En la última década, aspectos como la movilidad sostenible, el desarrollo de nuevas energías renovables y las pequeñas acciones cotidianas que realiza cada individuo, se han vuelto fundamentales para frenar la contaminación atmosférica y sumar en esta importante lucha contra el cambio climático.

Bolivia: Bombardearán nubes para combatir la sequía

2023-10-03T17:47+0200agroavances (es)

“Se realizará la técnica del bombardeo de nubes para poder generar lluvias y poder aumentar el nivel de los embalses naturales o artificiales y también para aumentar el nivel de los ríos (…). La fecha del inicio del bombardeo va ser el 15 de octubre”, informó Juan Carlos Calvimontes, viceministro de Defensa Civil.

'Bombardearán nubes' para combatir la sequía

2023-10-03T01:09+0200eldeber (es)

“Se realizará la técnica del bombardeo de nubes para poder generar lluvias y poder aumentar el nivel de los embalses naturales o artificiales y también para aumentar el nivel de los ríos (…) . La fecha del inicio del bombardeo va ser el 15 de octubre ”, informó Juan Carlos Calvimontes, viceministro de Defensa Civil.

08:43 Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-10-02T16:52+0200laprovincia (es)

En la última década, aspectos como la movilidad sostenible, el desarrollo de nuevas energías renovables y las pequeñas acciones cotidianas que realiza cada individuo, se han vuelto fundamentales para frenar la contaminación atmosférica y sumar en esta importante lucha contra el cambio climático.

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-26T09:49+0200laprovincia (es)

En la última década, aspectos como la movilidad sostenible, el desarrollo de nuevas energías renovables y las pequeñas acciones cotidianas que realiza cada individuo, se han vuelto fundamentales para frenar la contaminación atmosférica y sumar en esta importante lucha contra el cambio climático.

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-26T09:25+0200FaroDeVigo (es)

En la última década, aspectos como la movilidad sostenible, el desarrollo de nuevas energías renovables y las pequeñas acciones cotidianas que realiza cada individuo, se han vuelto fundamentales para frenar la contaminación atmosférica y sumar en esta importante lucha contra el cambio climático.

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-26T06:09+0200laopiniondemurcia (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T16:31+0200epe (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

15:53 Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T16:02+0200elperiodicodearagon (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T16:01+0200diariodeibiza (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T16:00+0200sport-es (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T15:59+0200diarioCordoba (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T15:56+0200laopinioncoruna (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T15:56+0200elperiodico (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

15:53 Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T15:53+0200elperiodicoextremadura (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T10:45+0200superdeporte (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T10:38+0200DiarioDeMallorca (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

09:35 Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T10:36+0200eldia (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-25T10:16+0200laopiniondezamora (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

¿Qué bosques tienen más riesgo de morir por sequía?

2023-09-20T17:35+0200ambientum (es)

Un estudio liderado por el , en el que participa la , advierte cuáles son los bosques con mayor riesgo de morir debido a la . El objetivo principal de este estudio ha consistido en el desarrollo de unos mapas mundiales para determinar qué bosques tienen más riesgo de morir por culpa de la falta de agua.

Australia en alerta por una apocalíptica plaga de ratones

2023-09-20T06:15+0200noticiasambientales (es)

Australia se encuentra viviendo una plaga de ratones de proporciones apocalípticas que podría extenderse hasta por dos años si no se toman medidas urgentes y extremas para exterminar millones de roedores que plagan las granjas del país. Así lo sostiene una asociación de agricultores llamada NSW....

10:43 Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-19T10:50+0200laopiniondemalaga (es)

Hoy, 26 de septiembre se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Ambiental , y nos proponemos ser proactivos, positivos y divulgativos. Es un día de celebración internacional al que se suman la mayoría de los gobiernos de los países del mundo, miles de empresas, las ONG y millones de particulares que....

¿Cómo está la cosecha de granos en el mundo? … pues depende del cultivo y la zona

2023-09-11T14:45+0200agrodigital (es)

A finales de agosto, las condiciones de la cosecha de grano son muy desiguales según se trate de trigo, maíz, arroz o soja y de la zona, de acuerdo con AMIS. Con carácter general, en el caso del trigo, en el hemisferio norte, la cosecha de trigo de invierno y primavera está terminando en condiciones mixtas con sequía en varias zonas.

Fue sequía, ahora será inundación

2023-09-03T11:12+0200elobservador (es)

Nuestros vecinos, Venus, Marte son bolas de mineral inerte donde las diferencias de temperatura son enormes. En un tiempo en el que la imaginación volaba alto a partir de la fantasía de HG Wells que anunció una invasión marciana. La famosa transmisión radial que causó conmoción tenía sus raíces de....

Una mítica serpiente gigante ayuda a crear conciencia medioambiental en Malaui

2023-09-03T05:38+0200elpais (es)

En marzo de este año, Mary Phiri, de 40 años, se encontraba en su casa de Chilobwe, en el sur de Malaui, cuando oyó un inconfundible estampido en la lejanía. El estruendo fue adquiriendo intensidad hasta que, instantes después, una avalancha de barro y rocas se precipitó sobre la cercana montaña de Soche , arrasando todo a su paso.

Primer fotógrafo de vida silvestre del año…

2023-09-03T00:06+0200notiulti (es)

Se revelan las nominaciones al premio Fotógrafo de Vida Silvestre del Año; Entre ellas se encuentran tomas raras de un monstruo fantasmal de las profundidades marinas y un tigre en Ucrania. Desde un monstruo marino fantasmal hasta una zarigüeya astuta, las tomas contendientes para la edición de este año han sido desvelados.

Pequeños gestos con un gran impacto: cuidando la salud de nuestro planeta

2023-09-01T11:39+0200laopiniondemalaga (es)

El valor de los gestos diarios. Suena el despertador con el último hit del verano y vamos directos a los 10 minutos de ducha necesarios para espabilarnos. Por el camino encendemos la cafetera, la tostadora y la tele. On. On. On. Mientras desayunamos, respondemos los emails más urgentes y....

El ciclo que va de la sequía a la inundación

2023-08-31T05:04+0200lavozdegalicia (es)

Una nueva investigación muestra que los cambios bruscos desde sequías severas hasta lluvias intensas se están volviendo más comunes con el en muchas partes del mundo. La conclusión del estudio es que los circuitos de retroalimentación contribuyen a esta tendencia.

Siete puntos críticos en el mundo por cambios de sequía a inundación

2023-08-31T02:02+0200ecoavant (es)

La investigación analizó cuatro décadas de datos meteorológicos e hidrológicos a nivel global y encontró siete puntos críticos regionales en todo el mundo donde la tendencia estaba empeorando: el este de América del Norte, Europa, el este de Asia, el sudeste asiático, el sur de Australia , el sur de África y el sur de Sudamerica.

Siete puntos críticos en el mundo por cambios de sequía a inundación

2023-08-30T21:55+0200elnuevosiglo (es)

Una nueva investigación muestra que los cambios bruscos desde sequías severas hasta lluvias intensas se están volviendo más comunes con el cambio climático en muchas partes del mundo. La conclusión del estudio es que los circuitos de retroalimentación de la propia tierra probablemente contribuyan a esta tendencia.

Siete zonas críticas por cambios de sequía a inundación en el mundo

2023-08-30T12:37+0200diariodia (es)

MADRID, 30 Ago. (EUROPA PRESS) – Una nueva investigación muestra que los cambios bruscos desde sequías severas hasta lluvias intensas se están volviendo más comunes con el cambio climático en muchas partes del mundo. La conclusión del estudio es que los circuitos de retroalimentación de la propia tierra probablemente contribuyan a esta tendencia.

Existen siete puntos críticos en el mundo afectados por cambios de sequía a inundación

2023-08-30T11:56+0200iagua (es)

Una nueva investigación muestra que los cambios bruscos, desde sequías severas hasta lluvias intensas, se están volviendo más comunes con el cambio climático en muchas partes del mundo. La conclusión del estudio es que los circuitos de retroalimentación de la propia tierra probablemente contribuyan a esta tendencia.

Siete puntos críticos en el mundo por cambios de sequía a inundación

2023-08-30T11:05+0200notimerica (es)

MADRID, 30 Ago. (EUROPA PRESS) - Una nueva investigación muestra que los cambios bruscos desde sequías severas hasta lluvias intensas se están volviendo más comunes con el cambio climático en muchas partes del mundo. La conclusión del estudio es que los circuitos de retroalimentación de la propia tierra probablemente contribuyan a esta tendencia.

Siete puntos críticos en el mundo por cambios de sequía a inundación

2023-08-30T11:05+0200infobae (es)

Una nueva investigación muestra que los cambios bruscos desde sequías severas hasta lluvias intensas se están volviendo más comunes con el cambio climático en muchas partes del mundo. La conclusión del estudio es que los circuitos de retroalimentación de la propia tierra probablemente contribuyan a esta tendencia.

Siete puntos críticos en el mundo por cambios de sequía a inundación

2023-08-30T11:02+0200europapress (es)

MADRID, 30 Ago. (EUROPA PRESS) - Una nueva investigación muestra que los cambios bruscos desde sequías severas hasta lluvias intensas se están volviendo más comunes con el cambio climático en muchas partes del mundo. La conclusión del estudio es que los circuitos de retroalimentación de la propia tierra probablemente contribuyan a esta tendencia.

Cambio climático y negligencia: posibles factores que contribuyeron a los incendios forestales de Ha

2023-08-19T14:06+0200animalpolitico (es)

Casas destruidas por las llamas, vehículos incinerados, y largos fragmentos de vegetación carbonizada son algunas de las fotografías que han dado la vuelta al mundo luego de los fuertes incendios forestales que azotaron la región de Lahaina , una ciudad en la isla de Maui y sobre los cuales el....

Entradas de Yamel Villabrille

2023-08-01T17:21+0200eldia-do (es)

KIEV, Ucrania.- Rusia atacó anoche las regiones del sur de Ucrania de Odesa y Mikoláyiv con un total de 19 misiles de crucero dirigidos contra “puertos, muelles, viviendas y empresas”, informó hoy la Fuerza Aérea ucraniana. Se trata de la tercera noche consecutiva en la que Rusia ataca instalaciones....

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