M 4.5 in Japan on 23 Jun 2013 10:20 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 37
Articles about casualties: 5 (13.5%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Were India's floods caused by reckless human greed? | Kavitha Rao

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 13:44:00 +0200guardian (en)

Cataclysmic floods in the northern state of Uttarakhand are reminder India must act to save its fragile mountains Natural disasters often follow a predictable path in India. A flood or an earthquake happens every few years, the government blames the vagaries of nature, the right sympathetic noises....

Stranded in Uttarakhand 50000 trapped by flooding and landslides after Himalayan tsunami hits India

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 13:24:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Indian troops and rescue workers are battling to help 50,000 people still trapped in the Himalayan foothills after massive monsoons triggered devastating flooding and landslides. The Indian media has reported that up to 14,000 could still be unaccounted for and that the death toll of the "Himalayan tsunami" of around 150 people could .

Tongan Broadcaster looking for money to print tsunami book.

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 11:00:00 +0200rnzi (en)

Posted at 08:08 on 24 June, 2013 UTC. The Tongan Broadcasting Commission is looking for donors to help it print 9 thousand copies of a book about the impact of the 2009 earthquake and tsunami on the people of Nuiatoputapu. The book, Niuatoputapu Tsunami, documents the experiences of survivors of....

Terremoto, i soldi da soli non bastano

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 09:43:00 +0200247libero (it)

Il caso tsunami confrontato con i terremoti di Emilia-Romagna e Abruzzo , pone l'interrogativo sulla bontà dei sostegni economici provenienti soprattutto da istituzioni lontane dal cittadino come ...

Neue Bruchzone: Der Atlantik verschwindet

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 08:49:00 +0200spiegel (de)

Das Schicksal des Atlantiks scheint besiegelt: Südwestlich von Portugal haben Geoforscher eine lange Bruchzone entdeckt, die den Meeresboden verschluckt. In ferner Zukunft dürfte der Ozean verschwunden sein, Amerika und Europa wären vereint.

At least 5,000 killed in flood in N. India: official

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 08:17:00 +0200china (en)

NEW DELHI, June 23 (Xinhua) -- At least 5,000 people have been killed by flash flood in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand last week, said a government official on Sunday. "At least 5,000 people must have been killed in the deluge that inflicted heavy damage on vast tracts of land especially....

Supermoon Sunday: Amazing photographs from around the world after this year's biggest moon hit its peak

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 08:06:00 +0200dailymail (en)

This much-anticipated supermoon hit its peak at 4:32am this morning, but the biggest, brightest moon of the year should still be visible until Tuesday.

GLAMOURPrada riscopre il fascino dei fiori esotici

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 07:53:00 +0200ilgiornale (it)

C'è la donnina con l'ukulele, una serie di fiori che vanno dall'hibiscus alla datura passando per il thiarè e un tramonto da brivido sulla barriera corallina. Su questi stereotipi esotici che da sempre ricorrono nell'abbigliamento estivo, Prada costruisce una collezione di struggente bellezza.

Un terremoto de 4,5 sacude Chile

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 07:37:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,5 ha sacudido este lunes la costa oeste de Chile, informa el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). El epicentro del sismo se localizó a 27 kilómetros de profundidad y a una distancia de 137 kilómetros al noroeste de la ciudad de Iquique.

Chennaiites mobilise for flood victims

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 07:02:00 +0200thehindu (en)

On Monday, nearly 80 cartons containing torches, bed sheets, winter clothes, candles, rice, pulses, feeding bottles, medicines, umbrellas and sanitary napkins will be sent from Chennai to New Delhi, and subsequently, Uttarakhand where they will bring succour to stranded refugees.

At least 5,000 killed in flood in N. India: official

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 05:48:00 +0200nepalnews (en)

. At least 5,000 people have been killed by flash flood in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand last week, said a government official on Sunday. "At least 5,000 people must have been killed in the deluge that inflicted heavy damage on vast tracts of land especially in Kedarnath valley," disaster management minister Yashpal Arya told the media.

Police appeal for info about damaged tsunami warning signs

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 00:55:00 +0200samoanews (en)

By Fili Sagapolutele fili@samoanews.com The local Department of Homeland Security is again urging the community to not damage, destroy or uproot the federally funded ‘tsunami warning zone’ signs posted along the roads throughout the territory, which alert villages along shoreline areas that are considered tsunami zones.

Flood of grief sweeps the survivors of Uttarakhand

Mon, 24 Jun 2013 00:37:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

He saw 14 members of his family, including his parents and sisters, washed away in the Uttarakhand flash flood.

Japan nuclear safety upgrades dazzle, mask industry woes

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 23:49:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

By Aaron Sheldrick and Kentaro Hamada TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan 's nuclear utilities face shareholders this week promising restarts of idled plants as soon as next month after costly safety upgrades, plans that look wildly optimistic given they are yet to secure either regulatory or local approval.

Japan nuclear safety upgrades dazzle, mask industry woes

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 23:43:00 +0200reuters (en)

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan 's nuclear utilities face shareholders this week promising restarts of idled plants as soon as next month after costly safety upgrades, plans that look wildly optimistic given they are yet to secure either regulatory or local approval.

At least 5,000 killed in N. India flood

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 23:41:00 +0200chinadaily (en)

At least 5,000 people have been killed by flash flood in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand last week, said a government official on Sunday.

Death toll expected to reach 5,000 in India monsoon flood

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 22:17:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

The ravage caused by monsoon tragedy in the state of Uttarakhand, India, could worsen with the death toll expected to cross 5,000.

Residents adrift as sea washes away houses in Alappuzha

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 21:35:00 +0200thehindu (en)

The sea holds no mystery for Mini, a resident of Kattoor beach in Alappuzha. Nor does sea erosion, to which she is accustomed to for the past more than two decades of her life. But with unab...

At least 5,000 killed in flood in N. India: official

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 21:28:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

NEW DELHI, June 23 (Xinhua) -- At least 5,000 people have been killed by flash flood in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand last week, said a government official on Sunday. "At least 5,000 people must have been killed in the deluge that inflicted heavy damage on vast tracts of land especially....

Many PPP projects under disaster risk shadow: UN

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:49:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

A United Nations (UN) report has warned India that it is at greater risk by opting for public private partnership mode of investment for raising its public infrastructure where the government has less control over its executing private partners and the latter has little interest in long term safety of the projects.

'Himalayan tsunami' toll rising

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:27:00 +0200nzherald (en)

Soldiers in the north of India were battling against time to reach thousands of stranded pilgrims and tourists before the onset of further rains and landslides.As officials said the death toll from the "Himalayan tsunami" could...

Japaner helfen deutschen Flutopfern

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:01:00 +0200Tagespiegel (de)

Mitarbeiter der japanischen Botschaft wollen sich mit einem Arbeitseinsatz in Halle für die Solidarität nach dem verheerenden Tsunami 2011 bedanken. Beim Preißnitz-Haus finden sie das toll.

Pilgerfahrt in den Tod

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:01:00 +0200Tagespiegel (de)

Der Monsun in Indien ist zwei Wochen früher gekommen – und hat das Gebirge ins Rutschen gebracht.

ANALYSIS: Acer needs to change its strategy, analysts say

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:55:00 +0200taipeitimes (en)

In a post-PC era in which mobile devices appear to have become more popular than traditional computers, companies in the technology industry have worked hard to develop new strategies, but Acer Inc (宏碁) appears nostalgic, rather than decisive, analysts say.

La terra non dà tregua: nuova scossa di terremoto fra Lucca e Massa

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:17:00 +0200ibtimes-it (it)

Nel pomeriggio di domenica una nuova scossa, avvertita fino a Milano, ha provocato paura nella popolazione, ma nessun nuovo danno a persone e cose.

India Floods: Death Toll Will Top 1,000, Says Chief Minister

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:07:00 +0200ibtimes-uk (en)

Rescue efforts hampered by heavy fog following 'Himalayan tsunami' of flood waters.

India Floods: Death Toll Will Top 1,000, Says Chief Minister

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:06:00 +0200ibtimes-au (en)

Rescue efforts hampered by heavy fog following 'Himalayan tsunami' of flood waters.

Abe Spurs Day Traders as Japan Stock Volatility Hits 2-Year High

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 17:36:00 +0200bloomberg (en)

Sitting before a cluster of computer screens in an apartment with the drapes shut, it took Naoki Murakami seconds to make $3,500 betting $1 million that Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501) shares would fall a fraction of a percent. The 34-year-old day trader first sold 50,000 shares at 558 yen ($5.

Enam Titik EWS Tsunami Akan Dipasang di Pantai Kulonprogo

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 16:54:00 +0200suaramerdeka (id)

KULONPROGO, suaramerdeka.com Enam titik di sepanjang pantai selatan Kulonprogo akan dipasang alat peringatan dini atau early warning system (EWS) ...

Japão e Brasil retomarão negociações sobre energia nuclear

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 14:29:00 +0200ne10 (pt)

O primeiro-ministro japonęs, Shinzo Abe, e a presidente do Brasil, Dilma Rousseff, retomarăo na próxima semana em Tóquio as negociaçőes sobre a cooperaçăo nuclear civil, informou a agęncia de notícias nipônica Kyodo. As negociaçőes visam um acordo que permita ŕs empresas japonesas vender a....

Miles siguen varados por el “tsunami en el Himalaya” provocado por las lluvias

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 11:55:00 +0200LaRepublica (es)

AP. Las fuerzas armadas de la India trabajaban para evacuar a decenas de miles de personas que continúan varadas en el norte de la India, donde casi 600 personas han muerto por inundaciones y derrubios ocasionados por lluvias monzónicas. Dado que se pronostican fuertes lluvias para el próximo ...

JAPON / UNESCO: Japon: le Mont Fuji au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 11:23:00 +0200rfi-fr (fr)

Au Japon, le Mont Fuji, mondialement connu pour son cône volcanique souvent couronné de neige et considéré comme fondamental pour la culture japonaise, a été inscrit samedi 22 juin au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco. Le Mont Fuji est l’un des emblèmes de l’identité du Japon. REUTERS

Martin Amis:«Finché sei vivo non sai quanto vali»

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 11:17:00 +0200corriere (it)

Londra, 11 giugno, ore 15. Martin Amis fa capolino da una porta secondaria. Bianca, come i muri di certe vecchie case a Notting Hill , dove lo scrittore inglese ha fissato l’intervista con «la Lettura», in un’abitazione di amici. Amis ha un maglione scuro, il volto rubro, i capelli grigi e gli....

Temple inspired the smartphone?

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 11:01:00 +0200cnn (en)

The Toji Pagoda in Kyoto may look like an 1,200-year-old relic but it has also played its part in developing some of the most advanced smartphone technology.

The Last Parade of the African Deity

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 01:49:00 +0200vanguardngr (en)

(At the African Command Headquarters of the Combat Regiment …. Enter the top Brass, Officers and men; The GSO, Col. Tongue Cutter, Biko Harum, Major Olakankita Olakampo, Major 419 Utueke, Brigadier One Leg Atamuna, the Prince from Igalla Land) The post The Last Parade of the African Deity appeared first on Vanguard News .

Super Luna brillará esta madrugada en Honduras

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 01:03:00 +0200elheraldo (es)

La madrugada de este 23 de junio 2013 habrá luna llena, pero también es la noche del año en que la luna estará más cerca de la Tierra, causando el fenómeno llamado Súper Luna, por lo que se verá más brillante y grande. Y es que la órbita de la Luna es elíptica, es decir que hay momentos en que esta más alejada y otros, más cerca de la Tierra.

¿Listos para disfrutar de la SuperLuna?

Sun, 23 Jun 2013 00:17:00 +0200elheraldo (es)

Este 23 de Junio 2013 habrá luna llena, pero también es el día del año en que la luna estará más cerca de la tierra causando el fenómeno llamado SuperLuna por lo que se verá más brillante y grande. Y es que la órbita de La luna es elíptica, es decir que hay momentos en que esta más alejada y otros....

Himalayan tsunami: Survivors all praise for Army

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 22:28:00 +0200economictimes (en)

Having several brushes with death, survivors of the Himalayan Tsunami which left a trail of destruction in Uttarakhand were all praise for Army.

Il maltempo fa strage in India

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 20:01:00 +0200euronews-it (it)

Oltre 30.000 le persone bloccate dalle inondazioni. I maggiori problemi nello Stato settentrionale di Uttarakhand dopo lo tsunami seguito all'arrivo…

Le procès de l’arrogance

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 18:47:00 +0200lexpress-MU (fr)

Les journalistes ont pris la mouche et leur colère a entraîné celle de leurs lecteurs et auditeurs. Tout le monde s’offusque désormais des paroles de l’honorable Anil Bachoo, qui a jugé que les journalistes ne sont que des « zanimo » et des « malades mentaux ».

Happiness: Abenomics falls short

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 17:38:00 +0200japantimes (en)

What makes people happy? The global trend toward quantifying happiness certainly got a big boost from Bhutan, the tiny Himalayan kingdom that has championed and ...

România şi Bulgaria discută construirea unei hidrocentrale pe Dunăre

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 15:52:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

România şi Bulgaria discută construirea unei hidrocentrale pe Dunăre, a declarat, pentru Agerpres, premierul Victor Ponta după întâlnirea avută sâmbătă, la Sofia, cu omologul său bulgar Plamen Oreşarski. Întrebat care ar fi proiectul...

Maltempo: India, ancora 30.000 persone bloccate

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 15:32:00 +0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - NEW DELHI, 22 GIU - Sono circa 30.000 le persone ancora bloccate oggi nello Stato settentrionale indiano di Uttarakhand dopo lo tsunami ...

Tsunami ta awenochi den Club Hips

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 15:26:00 +020024ora-aw (pap)

Diasabra 22 di Juni Club Hips: Tsunami! Bin schucha, canta, y baila ribe e hitsnan nobo di Tsunami! Diasabra awor den Club Hipsz! Jega trempan pa e Half Price Bar di 10-11pm! Entrada ta Afl. 10 prome cu 11or. Pa mesa VIP, please jama: 594-7008.

Maltempo: India, 30.000 persone bloccate

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 14:43:00 +0200ecodibergamo (it)

(ANSA) - NEW DELHI, 22 GIU - Sono circa 30.000 le persone ancora bloccate oggi nello Stato settentrionale indiano di Uttarakhand dopo lo tsunami seguito all'arrivo del monsone che ha causato straripamenti di fiumi, inondazioni, valanghe e crolli generalizzati.

Maltempo: India, 30.000 persone bloccate

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 14:40:00 +0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - NEW DELHI, 22 GIU - Sono circa 30.000 le persone ancora bloccate oggi nello Stato settentrionale indiano di Uttarakhand dopo lo tsunami seguito all'arrivo del monsone che ha causato straripamenti di fiumi, inondazioni, valanghe e crolli generalizzati.


Sat, 22 Jun 2013 14:22:00 +0200247libero (it)

Un evento sismico di magnitudo 4.6 nel canale d'Otranto, è stato avvertito in Puglia tra i comuni di Otranto, Maglie e Gallipoli. L'epicentro è stato riscontrato a Valona, in Albania. La scossa è stata avvertita in tutta la regione causando panico tra gli abitanti ma non si ...

Newswatch: Earthquake near Molokai felt on Kauai, more

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 14:20:00 +0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

Earthquake near Molokai felt on Kauai • Roadwork to clog traffic at Ward Avenue • Kauai will stop taking used oil from residents

Controversy as Iceland resumes fin whale hunt

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 11:25:00 +0200icenews (en)

Iceland is set to spark controversy after it resumed its commercial whale hunt. On Monday, the Icelandic media reported that two fishing vessels left Icelandic shores en route to catch the country’s seasonal quota of 154 whales. An international website that monitors the movements of ships showed....

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