Overall Orange alert Drought for Southeast Asia-2024
in Bhutan, China, India, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 304
Articles about casualties: 24 (7.9%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day


Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Forests, Vol. 15, Pages 1301: Predicting Potential Suitable Areas of Dendrocalamus brandisii under Global Climate Change

2024-07-25T11:21+0200mdpi (en)

Climate change restricts and alters the distribution range of plant species. Predicting potential distribution and population dynamics is crucial to understanding species’ geographical distribution characteristics to harness their economic and ecological benefits.

Climate change imperils drought-stricken Morocco’s cereal farmers and its food supply

2024-07-25T00:18+0200courthousenews (en)

KENITRA, Morocco (AP) — Golden fields of wheat no longer produce the bounty they once did in Morocco. A six-year drought has imperiled the country's entire agriculture sector, including farmers who grow cereals and grains used to feed humans and livestock.

Climate change imperils drought-stricken Morocco's cereal farmers and its food supply

2024-07-24T13:15+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Golden fields of wheat no longer produce the bounty they once did in Morocco. A six-year drought has imperiled the country's entire agriculture sector, including farmers who grow cereals and grains used to feed humans and livestock. The North African nation projects this year's harvest will be....

Climate change imperils drought-stricken Morocco’s cereal farmers and its food supply

2024-07-24T10:29+0200apanews-en (en)

KENITRA, Morocco (AP) — Golden fields of wheat no longer produce the bounty they once did in Morocco. A has imperiled the country’s entire agriculture sector, including farmers who grow cereals and grains used to feed humans and livestock. The North African nation projects this year’s harvest will....

Climate change threatens drought-hit Moroccan grain farmers and their food supply

2024-07-24T00:57+0200deleciousfood (en)

KENITRA, Morocco (AP) — Morocco’s golden wheat fields are no longer producing the same amount of wheat they once did. A six-year drought is endangering the country’s entire agricultural sector, including farmers who grow cereals and grains to feed humans and livestock.

Climate change imperils drought-stricken Morocco’s cereal farmers and its food supply

2024-07-23T19:06+0200clickondetroit (en)

KENITRA – Golden fields of wheat no longer produce the bounty they once did in Morocco. A six-year drought has imperiled the country's entire agriculture sector, including farmers who grow cereals and grains used to feed humans and livestock. The North African nation projects this year's harvest....

Climate change imperils drought-stricken Morocco’s cereal farmers and its food supply

2024-07-23T19:03+0200news4jax (en)

KENITRA – Golden fields of wheat no longer produce the bounty they once did in Morocco. A six-year drought has imperiled the country's entire agriculture sector, including farmers who grow cereals and grains used to feed humans and livestock. The North African nation projects this year's harvest....

Climate change imperils drought-stricken Morocco’s cereal farmers and its food supply

2024-07-23T18:56+0200wral (en)

KENITRA, Morocco (AP) — Golden fields of wheat no longer produce the bounty they once did in Morocco. A six-year drought has imperiled the country's entire agriculture sector, including farmers who grow cereals and grains used to feed humans and livestock.

Climate change imperils drought-stricken Morocco's cereal farmers and its food supply

2024-07-23T18:50+0200startribune (en)

KENITRA, Morocco — Golden fields of wheat no longer produce the bounty they once did in Morocco. A six-year drought has imperiled the country's entire agriculture sector, including farmers who grow cereals and grains used to feed humans and livestock. The North African nation projects this year's....

Climate change imperils drought-stricken Morocco’s cereal farmers and its food supply

2024-07-23T18:49+0200apnews (en)

KENITRA, Morocco (AP) — Golden fields of wheat no longer produce the bounty they once did in Morocco. A has imperiled the country’s entire agriculture sector, including farmers who grow cereals and grains used to feed humans and livestock. The North African nation projects this year’s harvest will....

Climate change imperils drought-stricken Morocco’s cereal farmers and its food supply

2024-07-23T18:49+0200ABCnews (en)

KENITRA, Morocco -- Golden fields of wheat no longer produce the bounty they once did in Morocco. A six-year drought has imperiled the country's entire agriculture sector, including farmers who grow cereals and grains used to feed humans and livestock.

Climate change imperils drought-stricken Morocco’s cereal farmers and its food supply

2024-07-23T18:47+0200independent-UK (en)

Golden fields of wheat no longer produce the bounty they once did in Morocco. A six-year drought has imperiled the country's entire agriculture sector, including farmers who grow cereals and grains used to feed humans and livestock. The North African nation projects this year's harvest will be....

La bellezza nascosta delle piante che alimentano il mondo Osservate al microscopio, una serie di colture comuni ci ispirano tecniche per rendere l’agricoltura più sostenibile.

2024-07-22T08:52+0200nationalgeographic-it (it)

Gli amanti della pizza sicuramente apprezzano il bocciolo del fiore della varietà di olivo Arbequina , nella foto ingrandito di 80 volte, che ci regala le squisite olive nere tanto popolari nei ristoranti. Gli alberi di olivo sono piante perenni, capaci di stoccare il carbonio a lungo termine.

‘Situation is getting worse and worse’: UN warns climate change escalates vulnerability of refugee communities

2024-07-18T17:32+0200aa-en (en)

GENEVA. Extreme weather events and climate change are increasing the vulnerability of refugees and displaced communities, making their lives more difficult, according to a UN spokesperson. In an interview with Anadolu, Olga Sarrado, the spokesperson for the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR),....

World Vision

2024-07-17T12:00+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

está respondiendo en Bangladesh a la fuerte tormenta ciclónica Remal, que tocó tierra en la costa suroeste de Bangladesh ayer. El equipo ha activado medidas de preparación para emergencias, incluyendo la apertura de refugios anticiclónicos, el preposicionamiento de suministros de socorro y la....

Environment Subscribers only After a year of world records, heatwaves and floods continue to rage across the planet

2024-07-17T02:37+0200LeMonde-en (en)

Across all continents, the planet is burning, suffocating, drying out or, at the same time, drowning. For weeks, if not months, climate disasters have been unfolding and intensifying, striking all countries, sometimes concurrently, so much so that each day brings its own share of disasters.

The Green Energy Revolution Can Be Sabotaged and Delayed, But It Cannot Be Stopped

2024-07-14T13:35+0200commondreams (en)

The renewable energy transformation is accelerating — no matter how hard the fossil fuel industry and its supporters push back. It’s about time. I’m just one of many who’ve spent decades warning about the consequences of burning massive amounts of dirty fuels.

Climate change is intensifying sand and dust storms in Asia

2024-07-12T12:26+0200eco-business (en)

More than half (56 per cent) of this increase was attributed to climate change, and 40 per cent to anthropogenic land cover changes. Natural cycle variability accounted for only 4 per cent of this change. While SDS may not pose a direct threat to national or regional security, they can undermine....

The energy transformation is unstoppable

2024-07-11T22:33+0200rabble (en)

Of course, we must do much more if we want to avoid worsening the climate change impacts we’re already seeing: heat domes and other extreme weather events, floods, droughts, wildfires, migrant crises, species extinctions, water shortages, rising sea levels and more — not to mention pollution-related health problems.

From mangoes to poultry, heatwave aftermath leaves Bangladesh food security in jeopardy

2024-07-11T12:11+0200eco-business (en)

Extreme heat in Bangladesh on the back of frequent cyclones, droughts and floods is pushing the country further into a food security crisis . The intense heat, which peaked at a record 43.8°C in Jashore on April 30, caused widespread damage to agricultural sectors.

June warmest on record; every month since July 2023 breached 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T08:51+0200businessinsider-in (en)

With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

June Warmest On Record Every Month Since July 2023 Breached 1.5 Deg C Threshold

2024-07-08T08:45+0200menafn (en)

- Kashmir Observer) New Delhi- With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

June warmest on record; every month since July 2023 breached 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T08:14+0200dtnext (en)

NEW DELHI: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

India Records Warmest June Since 1901, Says Weather Office

2024-07-08T07:42+0200ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

Environment June 2024 hottest on record as world continues to breach 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T05:18+0200deccanherald (en)

New Delhi: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

Novedades sobre la crisis climática en Sudamérica y el Mundo

2024-07-07T15:28+0200ecoportal (es)

Es importante recordar que la crisis climática es una amenaza compleja que afecta a todos los países de diferentes maneras. Los gobiernos, las empresas y la sociedad civil deben trabajar juntos para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y adaptarse a los impactos del cambio climático que ya se están sintiendo.

Sophie Johnson

2024-07-06T22:07+0200abc-au (en)

/ by Sophie Johnson Instant coffee could become even more expensive as Vietnam ese producers fear farming land in the country could be halved by 2050 due to climate change. / by Sophie Johnson Koto musician Takako Haggarty works with a special school in Brisbane, to teach disabled students to play....

Adapt or die: Bangladesh joins the race to climate-proof cities

2024-07-05T11:23+0200eceee (en)

(The Guardian, 3 Jul 2024) Bangladesh's congested capital Dhaka joins the ranks of South Asian cities drawing up plans to prepare for a hotter, wetter future. Lashed by torrential rains and scorched by brutal heatwaves , Dhaka's workers - from rickshaw drivers to those working in clothes factories -....

India, Bangladesh prepare to renew Ganga treaty

2024-07-04T23:25+0200HindustanTimes (en)

The Ganga is one of 54 rivers shared by India and Bangladesh and long-standing differences over the sharing of its waters were resolved with the signing of the Ganga Waters Treaty in December 1996 by then Indian premier HD Deve Gowda and his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina.

From mangoes to poultry, heatwave aftermath leaves Bangladesh food security in jeopardy

2024-07-04T18:39+0200chinadialogue (en)

Extreme heat in Bangladesh on the back of frequent cyclones, droughts and floods is pushing the country further into a food security crisis . The intense heat, which peaked at a record 43.8°C in Jashore on April 30, caused widespread damage to agricultural sectors.

L’allarmate impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulle comunità di rifugiati

2024-07-01T11:45+0200greenreport (it)

Secondo l’ United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), « Eventi climatici estremi e disastri naturali devastanti stanno sconvolgendo molte comunità di rifugiati e di sfollati in tutto il mondo, aggravando la loro condizione e, in alcuni casi, costringendoli a ripartire da zero».

UNHCR: allarme impatto cambiamenti climatici sulle comunità di rifugiati

2024-06-29T09:40+0200politicamentecorretto (it)

I rifugiati hanno raccontato ai team di UNHCR come sono sfuggiti alla morte, hanno perso i loro insediamenti, le loro case, i loro beni e persino le loro attività. Nella periferia della capitale dello Stato, Porto Alegre, una madre rifugiata ha raccontato che il suo insediamento informale è stato....

Impatto cambiamenti climatici sulle comunità di rifugiati, l’allarme di UNHCR

2024-06-28T16:54+0200insalutenews (it)

Roma, 28 giugno 2024 – Eventi climatici estremi e disastri naturali devastanti stanno sconvolgendo molte comunità di rifugiati e di sfollati in tutto il mondo, aggravando la loro condizione e, in alcuni casi, costringendoli a ripartire da zero. È quanto rileva l’UNHCR, l’Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati,....

UNHCR: “allarme impatto cambiamenti climatici sulle comunità di rifugiati”

2024-06-28T16:44+0200meteoweb (it)

Eventi climatici estremi e disastri naturali devastanti stanno sconvolgendo molte comunità di rifugiati e di sfollati in tutto il mondo, aggravando la loro condizione e, in alcuni casi, costringendoli a ripartire da zero. È quanto rileva l’ UNHCR , l’Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati, dopo che una serie....

L’impatto del caldo estremo sui bambini, fra ondate di calore e crisi climatica

2024-06-28T11:45+0200helpconsumatori (it)

In questi giorni, l’Italia è stata colpita da un’ondata di calore che ha coinvolto molti altri Paesi in tutto il mondo. Questa situazione mette in evidenza come la crisi climatica sia un’emergenza globale che non possiamo più ignorare. Il caldo estremo, infatti, ha un impatto devastante sulla salute....

Erratic Monsoons in India: Farmers Struggle to Adapt Due to Climate Change

2024-06-24T13:11+0200natureworldnews (en)

A report raised concerns about the impacts of climate change in India , which has caused erratic monsoons that significantly affect over 120 million farmers. In a recent Nature World News interview with experts about the impacts of extreme weather events, climate change can unleash frequent storms, droughts, wildfires, and heat waves.

Development Alternatives and ICIMOD forge long-term partnership to build climate-resilient Hindu Kush Himalaya

2024-06-23T08:18+0200reliefWeb (en)

New Delhi, India / Kathmandu, Nepal 21 June 2024. The impacts of climate change are increasingly being felt across the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region, with more frequent and extreme heatwaves, floods, droughts and landslides, while changes in snowfall, permafrost and glacier loss continue at an alarming rate.

MIL-OSI NGOs: In ten worst-hit countries, increasing floods and drought have forced people to flee 8 million times last year – over twice that of a decade ago

2024-06-21T20:51+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Hunger nearly tripled in five of these countries over the same period Water-related disasters forced people to flee from their homes nearly eight million separate times in 10 of the world’s worst-hit countries last year, with many having to move multiple times – a 120% increase compared to a decade ago, said Oxfam today.

Giornata mondiale rifugiati, Oxfam: “Nei 10 Paesi più colpiti da inondazioni e siccità, sfollati più che raddoppiati”

2024-06-20T17:35+0200difesapopolo (it)

“Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall’alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell’ultimo decennio . Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire 8 milioni di volte dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo”.

Cambiamenti climatici, l’allarme di Oxfam: “Quasi otto milioni di sfollati, +120% dal 2013”. E i più colpiti sono i Paesi con meno emissioni

2024-06-20T16:07+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 20 giugno 2024) Nei dieci Paesi al mondo più colpiti dall’alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità, il numero di sfollati climatici è più che raddoppiato nell’ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023, centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire otto milioni di volte dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Prepararsi ai disastri

2024-06-20T14:50+0200internazionale (it)

◆ Entro il 2050 gli eventi estremi provocati dal cambiamento climatico, come alluvioni, innalzamento del livello del mare, uragani, ondate di caldo e siccità, potrebbero colpire circa 143 milioni di persone nel sud del mondo. Molte potrebbero essere costrette a lasciare le proprie case e a trasferirsi in città o all’estero.

Oxfam: “Gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità sono raddoppiati”

2024-06-20T14:13+0200interris (it)

Oxfam, attraverso una nuova analisi diffusa oggi, ha sottolineato che, negli ultimi dieci anni, il numero di sfollati a causa di inondazioni e siccità, è più che raddoppiato. La conseguenza principale, soprattutto nei Paesi più poveri, è la perdita dei mezzi di sussistenza primaria. L’allarme.

Oxfam: raddoppiato numero sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T13:27+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 20 giugno 2024) Roma, 20 giu. (askanews) – Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall’alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell’ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state....

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T13:22+0200nuovavenezia (it)

ROMA, 20 GIU - Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:54+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 20 GIU – Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall’alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell’ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:50+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 20 GIU - Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam: raddoppiato numero sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:49+0200ildenaro (it)

Roma, 20 giu. (askanews) – Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall’alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell’ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire 8 milioni di volte dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:46+0200ansamed-it (it)

Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:45+0200ilpiccolo (it)

ROMA, 20 GIU - Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:44+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 20 GIU - Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:43+0200ilgiornaledivicenza (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 20 GIU - Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:40+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

ROMA, 20 GIU - Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Mondo Giornata mondiale rifugiati, Oxfam: “Nei 10 Paesi più colpiti da inondazioni e siccità, sfollati più che raddoppiati”

2024-06-20T12:40+0200redattoresociale (it)

“Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall’alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell’ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire 8 milioni di volte dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo”.

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:38+0200mattinopadova (it)

ROMA, 20 GIU - Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:38+0200gazzettadimantova (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 20 GIU - Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:36+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

ROMA, 20 GIU - Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam, raddoppiati gli sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T12:35+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 20 GIU - Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam: raddoppiato numero sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T11:32+0200tiscali-it (it)

Roma, 20 giu. (askanews) - Nei 10 dei Paesi più colpiti al mondo dall'alternarsi di inondazioni e siccità sempre più frequenti e devastanti, il numero di sfollati è più che raddoppiato nell'ultimo decennio. Solo nel 2023 centinaia di migliaia di persone sono state costrette a fuggire 8 milioni di volte dalle proprie case per mettersi in salvo.

Oxfam: raddoppiato numero sfollati per inondazioni e siccità

2024-06-20T11:30+0200askanews (it)

É l’allarme lanciato oggi da Oxfam, con una nuova analisi diffusa in occasione della Giornata mondiale del rifugiato. Gli Stati più colpiti l’anno scorso sono stati Somalia, Cina, Filippine, Pakistan, Kenya, Etiopia, India , Brasile, Bangladesh e Malesia, con una crescita esponenziale del numero di....

Burning Margalla

2024-06-20T02:17+0200nation (en)

Countries in South and Southeast Asia faced severe heat waves in 2024. The Margalla Hills are a hill range within the Margalla Hills National Park on the northern edge of Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan, just south of Haripur District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. They are part of the Himalayan foothills.

Burning Margalla

2024-06-20T02:11+0200nation-pk (en)

Countries in South and Southeast Asia faced severe heat waves in 2024. The Margalla Hills are a hill range within the Margalla Hills National Park on the northern edge of Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan, just south of Haripur District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. They are part of the Himalayan foothills.

Il clima colpisce l'agricoltura: vino e frutta falcidiati

2024-06-18T17:30+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 18 giugno 2024) Non dà tregua il clima all’ agricoltura italiana, una costante che ormai si ripete negli anni. Mentre in queste ore dal Sud e dalle Isole arriva l'allarme di allevatori e agricoltori attanagliati dalla siccità, l’ultimo report dell’Istat tira le somme del 2023, annata....

'Wake-up call': Low Himalayas snowfall threatens water security, warns study

2024-06-17T15:15+0200geo-tv (en)

A recent study has warned that the Himalayan snowmelt, which provides about a quarter of the water for 12 major river basins in the region, is at risk due to unusually low snowfall in 2024, AFP reported. "This is a wake-up call for researchers, policymakers, and downstream communities," said Sher....

World Vision

2024-06-17T10:55+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

está respondiendo en Bangladesh a la fuerte tormenta ciclónica Remal, que tocó tierra en la costa suroeste de Bangladesh ayer. El equipo ha activado medidas de preparación para emergencias, incluyendo la apertura de refugios anticiclónicos, el preposicionamiento de suministros de socorro y la....

Explainer: Impact of heat waves on food production

2024-06-15T08:15+0200financialexpress (en)

The global weather body has stated there is an 80% chance that global mean near-surface temperature will exceed 1.5°C above the 1850-1900 average levels for at least one year between 2024 and 2028. There is a 47% chance that the five-year mean will exceed this threshold.

In pictures: India records ‘longest' heatwave, Delhi faces water crisis

2024-06-14T09:06+0200nbcnewyork (en)

India's capital Delhi is facing a severe water crisis as the country undergoes its "longest spell" of recorded heatwave. Delhi's Water Minister Atishi warned Thursday the city is facing a water shortage of 50 million gallons daily due to a lack of raw water supply from the Yamuna river and other sources, the Economic Times reported.

Gli esportatori di cereali russi vedono un potenziale di crescita in India e Cina

2024-06-11T10:36+0200marketscreener (it)

Gli esportatori russi di cereali vedono il potenziale per aumentare le forniture di legumi e cereali all'India e alla Cina, pur continuando a concentrarsi sui loro mercati tradizionali in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa, ha dichiarato martedì il Ministero dell'Agricoltura.

Rising heatwaves, floods causing increase in snakebites across Southasia

2024-06-09T13:33+0200urdupoint (en)

journalists Al Jabber Malik from Pakistan and Diwash Gahatraj explored the link between climate change and the growing incidents of snakebites as part of a cross-border reporting workshop organized by the US-based East-West Center. The duo’s joint research and interaction with the affected....

Caritas Internationalis in Cox's Bazar calls on the world to do more for the Rohingya

2024-06-08T18:09+0200asianews-en (en)

Dhaka (AsiaNews) The Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis, Alistair Dutton recently visited the Rohingya camps in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, where he expressed gratitude to the Government of Bangladesh and the local Church for what their work over the years.

Caritas Internationalis in Cox's Bazar calls on the world to do more for the Rohingya

2024-06-08T16:07+0200asianews (en)

Dhaka (AsiaNews) The Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis, Alistair Dutton recently visited the Rohingya camps in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, where he expressed gratitude to the Government of Bangladesh and the local Church for what their work over the years.

Caritas Internationalis a Cox's Bazar: 'Il mondo faccia di più per i Rohingya'

2024-06-08T13:42+0200asianews (it)

Dhaka (AsiaNews) Gratitudine al governo di Dhaka e alla Chiesa locale per quanto da anni stanno facendo. Ma anche una forte denuncia di come la comunità internazionale li stia lasciando soli di fronte al dramma dei profughi Rohingya. È il messaggio che il segretario generale di Caritas....

A future without farmland?

2024-06-07T12:26+0200thedailystarBD (en)

We are alarmed that around 270 square kilometres of land in the country—roughly the size of Dhaka city—is losing fertility every year, posing a serious threat to the nation's food security. A recent study by the Soil Resource Development Institute (SRDI) found that 76.

Understanding Climate Change

2024-06-06T22:45+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Climate change has rapidly become one of the most pressing issues of our time. Manifesting through prolonged rains, temperature extremes, unprecedented glacier melt, warming oceans, droughts, storms, and rising sea levels, it has wrought havoc on human life in countless ways.

Attitudes towards water in India

2024-06-06T08:40+0200orfonline (en)

The water debate in India has increasingly become a contested and inchoate space. Disputes are extant between India and its riparians, among its internal provinces and competitive claims on water usage abound from different sectors namely, industries, farmers and household consumers.

World Environment Day 2024: Generation Restoration initiative takes action for our land and future

2024-06-05T15:33+0200longbeachstar (en)

Dhaka [Bangladesh], June 5 (ANI): World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, after it was established at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, it is the largest global platform for public outreach to raise awareness....

World Environment Day 2024: Generation Restoration initiative takes action for our land and future

2024-06-05T15:29+0200manilametro (en)

Dhaka [Bangladesh], June 5 (ANI): World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, after it was established at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, it is the largest global platform for public outreach to raise awareness....

World Environment Day 2024: Generation Restoration initiative takes action for our land and future

2024-06-05T15:20+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Dhaka [Bangladesh], June 5 (ANI): World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, after it was established at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, it is the largest global platform for public outreach to raise awareness....

World Environment Day 2024: Generation Restoration initiative takes action for our land and future

2024-06-05T15:17+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Dhaka [Bangladesh], June 5 (ANI): World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, after it was established at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, it is the largest global platform for public outreach to raise awareness....

World Environment Day 2024: Generation Restoration initiative takes action for our land and future

2024-06-05T15:13+0200nigeriasun (en)

Dhaka [Bangladesh], June 5 (ANI): World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, after it was established at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, it is the largest global platform for public outreach to raise awareness....

World Environment Day 2024: Generation Restoration initiative takes action for our land and future

2024-06-05T15:10+0200srilankasource (en)

Dhaka [Bangladesh], June 5 (ANI): World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, after it was established at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, it is the largest global platform for public outreach to raise awareness....

World Environment Day 2024: Generation Restoration initiative takes action for our land and future

2024-06-05T15:02+0200singaporestar (en)

Dhaka [Bangladesh], June 5 (ANI): World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, after it was established at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, it is the largest global platform for public outreach to raise awareness....

The environment is in peril. Act now.

2024-06-05T15:00+0200thedailystarBD (en)

We recently travelled to a couple of villages in Satkhira and Patuakhali, and stayed there for a few days during a heatwave. The electricity frequently went out, leaving us without fans or air conditioning. The stillness of the air made it unbearable, and almost everyone became tired and sick.

World Environment Day 2024: Generation Restoration initiative takes action for our land and future

2024-06-05T14:53+0200myanmarnews (en)

Dhaka [Bangladesh], June 5 (ANI): World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, after it was established at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, it is the largest global platform for public outreach to raise awareness....

World Environment Day 2024: Generation Restoration initiative takes action for our land and future

2024-06-05T14:41+0200thecambodianews (en)

Dhaka [Bangladesh], June 5 (ANI): World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, after it was established at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, it is the largest global platform for public outreach to raise awareness....

Dhaka, desertificazione e siccità : le priorità nella Giornata mondiale dell'ambiente

2024-06-05T14:15+0200asianews (it)

Dhaka (AsiaNews) - Ripristino del suolo, desertificazione e resilienza alla siccità. Sono i temi al centro della Giornata mondiale dell’ambiente che si celebra oggi e che, in Bangladesh, riveste un carattere di urgenza per le molte criticità legate all’ecosistema naturale, in particolare “la desertificazione e la siccità”.

World Environment Day 2024

2024-06-05T12:56+0200aninews (en)

Dhaka [Bangladesh], June 5 (ANI): World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, after it was established at the on the in 1972. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme , it is the largest global platform for public outreach to raise awareness and taking action on urgent....

Brescia, progetto “Donne, salute e cultura in cucina”: chiusa la seconda edizione

2024-06-05T10:52+0200quibrescia (it)

Brescia. Realizzato con il contributo dell’Assessorato ai Servizi Sociali del Comune di Brescia, la seconda edizione del progetto “Donne, salute e cultura in cucina” nasce da una proposta elaborata dalla dietista Alessandra Zanini e presentata assieme alla Casa del Quartiere e al Porto delle Culture di via Milano 59.

World Environment Day 2024 / Environment in Peril: Act Now

2024-06-05T08:52+0200thedailystarBD (en)

We recently traveled to a couple of villages in Satkhira and Patuakhali, and stayed there for a few days during a heatwave. The electricity frequently went out, leaving us without fans or air conditioning. The stillness of the air made it unbearable, and almost everyone became tired and sick.

U.N. official highlights how better preparation has shrunk disaster deaths despite worsening climate

2024-06-05T00:05+0200japantoday (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

Better preparedness is saving lives in climate disasters, new UN chief says

2024-06-04T19:40+0200csmonitor (en)

A top United Nations official says even though climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods, and droughts more intense, more frequent, and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally. That’s because of better warning, planning, and resilience.

28 donne di 12 diverse etnie: un successo la seconda edizione di "Donne, salute e cultura in cucina"

2024-06-04T17:40+0200primabrescia (it)

La seconda edizione del progetto ha visto la partecipazione di 28 donne di 12 etnie diverse. Sono questi i numeri del progetto giunto alla seconda edizione dal titolo "Donne, salute e cultura in cucina" realizzato con il contributo dell’Assessorato ai Servizi Sociali del Comune di Brescia, nato da....

It’s time we acted

2024-06-03T19:18+0200newagebd (en)

| IFEX/Reuters/Andrew Biraj. WE RECENTLY travelled to villages in Satkhira and Patuakhali and stayed there for a few days during a heatwave. The electricity frequently went out, leaving us without fans or air conditioning. The stillness of the air made it unbearable, and almost everyone became tired and sick.

MIL-OSI USA: NSF, NEH and partner funding agencies from seven countries announce the winners of the Canada-led 2023 International Joint Initiative for Research on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation competition

2024-06-03T17:34+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Today, the U.S. National Science Foundation and the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) joined partner funding agencies from Brazil, Canada, Germany, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland and the United Kingdom in announcing the awardees for the 2023 International Joint Initiative for Research on....

2023 Climate Change Research Winners Announced by Global Funders

2024-06-03T17:27+0200miragenews (en)

Today, the U.S. National Science Foundation and the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) joined partner funding agencies from Brazil, Canada, Germany, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland and the United Kingdom in announcing the awardees for the 2023 International Joint Initiative for Research on....

UN official says better preparation has shrunk deaths despite worsening climate

2024-06-03T12:41+0200naharnet-ar (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN official highlights how better preparation has shrunk disaster deaths despite worsening climate

2024-06-03T05:35+0200sunstar (en)

AS CLIMATE change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

Solving energy 'grid lock' is the hidden answer to soaring demand

2024-06-03T05:08+0200thenational (en)

And yet there is no global grid. Some parts of the world – North America, Europe – are heavily interconnected. Elsewhere, links across national borders or even within large countries are limited or non-existent. Japan, bizarrely, has two grids operating on different frequencies for its eastern and western parts, with very limited interconnection.

UN official highlights how better preparation has shrunk disaster deaths despite worsening climate

2024-06-03T02:56+0200macaudailytimes (en)

A s climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

China's flood season starts 'stronger, earlier than usual' in southern regions

2024-06-02T18:14+0200globaltimes (en)

Residents drive in a heavy rain in Guangzhou, South China 's Guangdong Province on June 1, 2024. Photo: VCG China entered its general flood season on Saturday, with the flooding in the southern region already in full swing, according to the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR), while an expert told the....

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T09:10+0200northernirelandnews (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T08:42+0200longbeachstar (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T08:36+0200thecambodianews (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T08:31+0200irishsun (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T08:30+0200manilametro (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T08:27+0200myanmarnews (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T08:26+0200cambodiantimes (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T08:20+0200srilankasource (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T08:18+0200europesun (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T08:18+0200nigeriasun (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T08:16+0200singaporestar (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN credits better preparation for fewer disaster deaths

2024-06-02T05:24+0200voanews (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

News UN official highlights how better preparation has shrunk disaster deaths Associated Press 4:19 PM, Jun 01, 2024

2024-06-02T01:53+0200ksby (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

U.N. official display how better preparation has shrunk disaster deaths despite worsening climate

2024-06-01T22:54+0200washtimes (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

U.N. official highlights how better preparation has shrunk disaster deaths despite worsening climate

2024-06-01T18:53+0200latimes (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN official highlights how better preparation has shrunk disaster deaths despite worsening climate

2024-06-01T13:43+0200mb-com-ph (en)

FILE - A polling official enjoys a cooling spray of water under intense heat at a distribution venue for Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) and other election material on the eve of the fifth phase of polling in the six-week-long national election in Lucknow, India , Sunday, May 19, 2024.

UN official highlights how better preparation has shrunk disaster deaths despite worsening climate

2024-06-01T13:32+0200kob (en)

As climate change makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said.

UN official highlights how better preparation has shrunk disaster deaths despite worsening climate

2024-06-01T08:10+0200apnews (en)

makes disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts more intense, more frequent and striking more places, fewer people are dying from those catastrophes globally because of better warning, planning and resilience, a top United Nations official said. The world hasn’t really noticed how the type of....

A Water Crisis Is on the Horizon. The World Must Take Action

2024-05-31T16:52+0200iai-it (en)

The Angkor. The Mayans. The Indus Valley. A common element played a crucial role in the rise and fall of these ancient civilisations: water. Their ability to control, manage, and utilise water, through intricate networks of reservoirs, canals and storage facilities, allowed them to build thriving societies.

A Water Crisis Is on the Horizon. The World Must Take Action

2024-05-31T13:58+0200iai-en (en)

The Angkor. The Mayans. The Indus Valley. A common element played a crucial role in the rise and fall of these ancient civilisations: water. Their ability to control, manage, and utilise water, through intricate networks of reservoirs, canals and storage facilities, allowed them to build thriving societies.

Atmosphere, Vol. 15, Pages 667: Assessment of Satellite Products in Estimating Tropical Cyclone Remote Precipitation over the Yangtze River Delta Region

2024-05-31T11:50+0200mdpi (en)

The generation of a TRP event is complex and typically occurs in regions located more than one thousand kilometers away from the typhoon center. The rainfall may be neglected or underestimated due to the long distance away from the typhoon center, leading to considerable uncertainty in the TRP prediction associated with typhoons.

ASIA/BANGLADESH - Costi umani altissimi dopo il devastante ciclone Remal

2024-05-31T11:47+0200247libero (it)

Dacca (Agenzia Fides) - "Il costo umano è altissimo, vi sono ostacoli ai trasporti e ritardi nell'assistenza medica. Oltre 700 donne incinte nel distretto di Patuakhali lottano per raggiungere i servizi essenziali di assistenza sanitaria materna. Il ciclone Remal ha devastato il Bangladesh,....

Global Cloud Seeding Industry Research 2024-2029: Increasing Investments in R&D, Growing Integration of Remote Sensing and Weather Modeling, Expansion into New Markets – ResearchAndMarkets.com

2024-05-31T11:01+0200oilnow (en)

DUBLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering. The global Cloud Seeding market value stood at US$135.17 million in 2023 and is expected to reach US$192.73 million by 2029. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.95% over the projected period of 2024-2029.

A Beginner’s Guide to Rainwater Harvesting

2024-05-31T09:37+0200treehugger (en)

Rainwater harvesting is the practice of collecting and storing rain for reuse, rather than letting the water run off and be absorbed into the ground or channeled into drains, streams, or rivers. It is one of the easiest ways to conserve water at home while also lowering your bills.

Global Cloud Seeding Industry Research 2024-2029: Increasing Investments in R&D, Growing Integration of Remote Sensing and Weather Modeling, Expansion into New Markets - ResearchAndMarkets.com

2024-05-31T00:32+0200lelezard (en)

The report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The global Cloud Seeding market value stood at US$135.17 million in 2023 and is expected to reach US$192.73 million by 2029. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.95% over the projected period of 2024-2029.

Récords de temperaturas: Por qué la agencia meteorológica de la ONU tiene un registro oficial y cómo se validan las cifras

2024-05-30T20:19+0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

El posible "error" del instrumento de medición que registró una temperatura récord en Nueva Delhi , confirma el enfoque prudente y sistemático de la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) a la hora de certificar las observaciones de fenómenos climáticos extremos.

L'80% della popolazione mondiale è esposta a ondate di calore per almeno un mese all'anno

2024-05-30T13:18+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

In un anno, quasi l'80% di tutte le persone sulla Terra ha sperimentato almeno un mese di caldo estremo . Le ondate di calore dettate dalla crisi del clima continuano a sconvolgere le esistenze di miliardi di vite con impatti diretti su salute, agricoltura ed economie.

L'80% della popolazione mondiale è esposta a ondate di calore per almeno un mese all'anno

2024-05-30T13:09+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

In un anno, quasi l'80% di tutte le persone sulla Terra ha sperimentato almeno un mese di caldo estremo . Le ondate di calore dettate dalla crisi del clima continuano a sconvolgere le esistenze di miliardi di vite con impatti diretti su salute, agricoltura ed economie.

L'80% della popolazione mondiale è esposta a ondate di calore per almeno un mese all'anno

2024-05-30T10:51+0200repubblica-green-and-blue (it)

In un anno, quasi l'80% di tutte le persone sulla Terra ha sperimentato almeno un mese di caldo estremo . Le ondate di calore dettate dalla crisi del clima continuano a sconvolgere le esistenze di miliardi di vite con impatti diretti su salute, agricoltura ed economie.

L'80% della popolazione mondiale è esposta a ondate di calore per almeno un mese all'anno

2024-05-30T10:41+0200lastampa (it)

In un anno, quasi l'80% di tutte le persone sulla Terra ha sperimentato almeno un mese di caldo estremo . Le ondate di calore dettate dalla crisi del clima continuano a sconvolgere le esistenze di miliardi di vite con impatti diretti su salute, agricoltura ed economie.

L'80% della popolazione mondiale è esposta a ondate di calore per almeno un mese all'anno

2024-05-30T10:36+0200lasentinella (it)

In un anno, quasi l'80% di tutte le persone sulla Terra ha sperimentato almeno un mese di caldo estremo . Le ondate di calore dettate dalla crisi del clima continuano a sconvolgere le esistenze di miliardi di vite con impatti diretti su salute, agricoltura ed economie.

La desaparición silenciosa de los pastizales amenaza el clima, la alimentación y el bienestar de miles de millones de personas, alerta la CNULD

2024-05-30T02:10+0200reliefWeb (es)

Los pastizales cubren el 54% de las tierras del mundo; hasta el 50% están degradados, poniendo en peligro una sexta parte del suministro de alimentos de la humanidad y un tercio de las reservas de carbono del planeta. El informe de la CNULD marca el camino para restaurar y gestionar mejor los pastizales e insta a proteger el pastoreo.

Tanzania's dams: flood risk depends on how they're planned and operated

2024-05-29T16:58+0200nigeriasun (en)

The 20th century also saw the dominance of an ideology trumpeting the power of these dams - and their electricity - to transform Tanzania's economy into an industrialised society. The long-planned Stiegler's Gorge Dam, in particular, which was recently renamed the Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project , captured these development dreams.

En Bolivia, la industria del hierro se abre paso en los humedales del Pantanal

2024-05-29T15:41+0200erbol (es)

LA REGIÓN. En pleno Pantanal boliviano se encuentra uno de los yacimientos de hierro más grandes del mundo: el Mutún . Un sistema de colinas de entre 200 y 800 metros sobre el nivel del mar, cuya superficie alcanza 75 kilómetros cuadrados de área mineralizada.

Global Cloud Seeding Industry Research 2024-2029 Featuring Mettech, Modclima, RHS, Ice Crystal Engineering, And Snowy Hydro Among Others

2024-05-29T13:45+0200menafn (en)

s's offering. The global Cloud Seeding market value stood at US$135.17 million in 2023 and is expected to reach US$192.73 million by 2029. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.95% over the projected period of 2024-2029. The global Cloud Seeding market is fragmented, with an increasing....

Global Cloud Seeding Industry Research 2024-2029 Featuring Mettech, ModClima, RHS, Ice Crystal Engineering, and Snowy Hydro Among Others

2024-05-29T13:22+0200globenewswire (en)

report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The global Cloud Seeding market value stood at US$135.17 million in 2023 and is expected to reach US$192.73 million by 2029. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.95% over the projected period of 2024-2029.

Indian capital records highest-ever temperature of 49.9 Celsius

2024-05-29T09:29+0200inquirer (en)

NEW DELHI Temperatures in India ’s capital have soared to a record-high 49.9 degrees Celsius (121.8 Fahrenheit) as authorities warn of water shortages in the sprawling mega-city. The India Meteorological Department (IMD), which reported “severe heat-wave conditions”, recorded the temperatures on....

Report Shows Asia is Warming Faster Than Global Average

2024-05-29T02:24+0200climateadaptationplatform (en)

In April and May this year, south and southeast Asia were hit by brutal heatwave conditions, which have already claimed dozens of lives, closed schools, destroyed crops, and affected produce. Experts labelled the ongoing heatwave in the region as the “most extreme event” in climate history (Zargar, 2024).

¿Cómo funciona una barcaza de generación termoeléctrica?

2024-05-28T19:25+0200lahora (es)

A corto plazo, la contratación de generación termoeléctrica adicional, a través de barcazas o soluciones en tierra, aparece como una de las pocas opciones viables para evitar nuevos apagones a finales de 2024 e inicios de 2025. Medidas más estructurales se deben comenzar a efectuar a la par; pero sus efectos tomarán más tiempo.

Towards a cloud war?

2024-05-28T13:36+0200futuribles-en (en)

What if tomorrow, in a world of dwindling water resources, the technique of cloud seeding triggered a war between two countries? What if, tomorrow, an accumulation of silver iodide in the soil (linked to seeding) were to cause an erosion of biodiversity and new health scandals? And what if tomorrow....

Ondata di caldo anomalo in Pakistan: temperature oltre i 52 gradi

2024-05-28T12:10+0200euronews-it (it)

Da un mese l'Asia meridionale è alle prese con temperature estremamente elevate, in parte anche a causa di El Niño, un fenomeno climatico che provoca un forte innalzamento della temperatura delle acque superficiali dell'Oceano Pacifico. Lo sbalzo di temperatura causato da El Niño porta siccità ma....

28 mag 2024, 11:51 Carlo Migliore Meteo - E' stata l'Asia la zona del Pianeta più colpita dai disastri legati al cambiamento climatico nel 2023

2024-05-28T12:07+02003bmeteo (it)

L'asia è la regione del mondo più penalizzata dagli eventi meteo legati al cambiamento climatico. Settantanove catastrofi hanno colpito oltre 9 milioni di persone uccidendone oltre 2000 . E' questo in breve il tragico bilancio di un anno, il 2023 , caratterizzato da eventi meteorologici estremi condizionati dal cambiamento climatico.

Sudden and severe storm leaves millions of people powerless in India and Bangladesh

2024-05-28T11:44+0200thejournal (en)

MILLIONS OF PEOPLE in southern Bangladesh and eastern India have been left without power after a major tropical storm. Tropical storm Remal has flooded dozens of coastal villages, destroying more than 35,000 homes and damaging 115,000 in Bangladesh. The storm, which is now weakening, was one of the....

Martes, 28 de mayo de 2024 (08:00 GMT)

2024-05-28T10:09+0200diario26 (es)

Sánchez garantiza que reconocer a Palestina "no va contra nadie" y menos contra Israel. Madrid(EFE).- El presidente del Gobierno español, Pedro Sánchez, garantizó que la decisión de su Ejecutivo de reconocer este martes el Estado de Palestina "no va contra nadie" y "menos contra Israel", un país....

Martes, 28 de mayo de 2024 (08:00 GMT)

2024-05-28T10:08+0200infobae (es)

Madrid(EFE).- El presidente del Gobierno español, Pedro Sánchez, garantizó que la decisión de su Ejecutivo de reconocer este martes el Estado de Palestina "no va contra nadie" y "menos contra Israel", un país amigo de España con el que pretende mantener las mejores relaciones, pero si es un "rechazo....

President’s insights well received by intl experts

2024-05-27T18:19+0200fuelsandlubes (en)

BALI, Indonesia, May 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — A news report from chinadaily.com.cn: An English-language publication highlighting President Xi Jinping's insights into water governance has been well received by international experts, who noted its potential in offering solutions to countries grappling with a water crisis exacerbated by climate change.

President's insights well received by intl experts

2024-05-27T12:34+0200AsiaOne (en)

The experts shared their observations during the eight-day 10th World Water Forum, which concluded on Saturday in Bali, Indonesia . The event featured the launch on Tuesday of the book Water Governance in China : Perspectives of Xi Jinping. One of the key parts of the book is an innovative philosophy on water governance that Xi proposed in 201 4.

Is climate change behind all extreme weather events?

2024-05-27T12:25+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Floods and heat waves across Africa, deluges in southern Brazil, drought in the Amazon and extreme heat across Asia, including India : The news has been full of alarming weather disaster stories this year, and for good reason. So far, 2024 has been a particularly bad for extreme weather , according....

President's insights well received by intl experts May. 27, 2024 17:36

2024-05-27T12:11+0200taiwannews (en)

BALI, Indonesia May 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report from chinadaily.com.cn: An English-language publication highlighting President Xi Jinping's insights into water governance has been well received by international experts, who noted its potential in offering solutions to countries grappling with a water crisis exacerbated by climate change.

President's insights well received by intl experts

2024-05-27T12:06+0200thailand-business-news (en)

The experts shared their observations during the eight-day 10th World Water Forum, which concluded on Saturday in Bali, Indonesia . The event featured the launch on Tuesday of the book Water Governance in China : Perspectives of Xi Jinping. One of the key parts of the book is an innovative philosophy on water governance that Xi proposed in 201 4.

President's insights well received by intl experts

2024-05-27T11:41+0200lelezard (en)

The experts shared their observations during the eight-day 10th World Water Forum, which concluded on Saturday in Bali, Indonesia . The event featured the launch on Tuesday of the book Water Governance in China : Perspectives of Xi Jinping. One of the key parts of the book is an innovative philosophy on water governance that Xi proposed in 201 4.

President's ideas well received by international experts

2024-05-27T07:08+0200exbulletin (en)

Photo taken on September 2, 2023 shows the Datengxia water resources management facility in southwest China . [Photo/Xinhua] An English-language publication highlighting President Xi Jinping's ideas on water governance was welcomed by international experts, who noted its potential to offer solutions....

President's insights well received by intl experts

2024-05-27T05:47+0200chinadaily (en)

Photo taken on Sept 2, 2023 shows the Datengxia water resources management facility in Southwest China . [Photo/Xinhua] An English-language publication highlighting President Xi Jinping's insights into water governance has been well received by international experts, who noted its potential in....

President's insights well received by intl experts

2024-05-27T05:32+0200peopledaily (en)

Photo taken on Sept 2, 2023 shows the Datengxia water resources management facility in Southwest China . [Photo/Xinhua] An English-language publication highlighting President Xi Jinping's insights into water governance has been well received by international experts, who noted its potential in....

President's insights well received by intl experts

2024-05-27T02:45+0200ecns (en)

An English-language publication highlighting President Xi Jinping's insights into water governance has been well received by international experts, who noted its potential in offering solutions to countries grappling with a water crisis exacerbated by climate change.

CDC’s flood response boosted with vehicles, boats

2024-05-26T10:54+0200guyanachronicle (en)

GUYANA is highly vulnerable to natural and man-made disasters such as floods, high winds, and droughts. To address these challenges, the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) was established under the Office of the Prime Minister to lead, coordinate, and support Disaster Risk Management.

How our dry continent keeps up with Australia's thirst for this billion-dollar nut

2024-05-25T22:20+0200abc-au (en)

It might be in a flat white, in a lunch box or post-gym protein shake, you don't need to look far to see that Australians are seemingly nuts about almonds. Per person, per capita, we have one of the highest consumption rates in the world, with each of us consuming just over a kilo each year.

Water, Vol. 16, Pages 1502: Monitoring of Extreme Drought in the Yangtze River Basin in 2022 Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data

2024-05-24T11:23+0200mdpi (en)

In recent years, scholars have carried out a series of research studies on drought monitoring by GRACE. Chen et al. [ 10 ], based on GRACE data earlier, found that there was a basin-wide drought in the Amazon basin in 2005. Feng et al. [ 11 ] further used GRACE to monitor the 2009 flood and 2010 drought in the Amazon basin.

“Para muchas personas no hubo escapatoria”: así fue el desastre natural que arrasó con más de 150 mil vidas

2024-05-23T21:25+0200adnradio (es)

A la hora de hablar de desastres naturales que resultaron significativamente existe más de algún ejemplo digno de análisis, claro que uno de los principales ocurrió en 1931 en China . Resulta ser que en dicho año el país asiático fue víctima de una serie de inundaciones que hasta hoy están marcadas....

Poderosos microbios: los microorganismos del suelo luchan contra la desertificación

2024-05-23T19:51+0200noticiasdelatierra (es)

que avance el cambio climático , lo que pone de relieve cómo la desertificación puede convertirse en un problema cada vez más preocupante. Estos factores ambientales se ven exacerbados aún más por la interferencia humana en el mundo natural, como la deforestación para obtener leña y el desmonte de....

Madre Natura e la sua furia: i 10 fenomeni meteorologici più estremi di sempre

2024-05-23T17:04+0200meteoweb (it)

in tutta la sua potenza. Uragani dirompenti, tornado devastanti, inondazioni catastrofiche e ondate di caldo soffocanti: questi sono solo alcuni esempi di eventi che possono mettere a repentaglio la vita e la sicurezza delle persone. Ma quali sono stati i fenomeni meteorologici più estremi di sempre? Uragano Wilma (2005): Un mostro di categoria 5.

AHA Centre, MRC partner to enhance disaster monitoring and response in ASEAN

2024-05-23T03:20+0200reliefWeb (en)

Jakarta, Indonesia, 22 May 2024 The Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat and the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre) have agreed to deepen their engagement that will bridge the gap between disaster monitoring and response across Southeast Asia.

Este es el sorprendente método para "sembrar nubes" y provocar la lluvia

2024-05-22T17:39+0200larazon-es (es)

Los refranes representan el conocimiento popular adquirido a través de la experiencia vital de generaciones y generaciones y, a pesar de que suelen apoyarse en metáforas, a veces la realidad es tan increíble que supera a la ficción cuando ocurren sucesos que parecen de fantasía.

Disastri naturali nel mondo: cosa è cambiato in un secolo?

2024-05-22T12:02+0200cinquecolonne (it)

Scritto da Serena Bonvisio I disastri naturali nel mondo fanno oggi un numero di vittime altamente inferiore a un secolo fa. Cos'è cambiato in cento anni? I disastri naturali nel mondo fanno oggi un numero di vittime altamente inferiore a un secolo fa . Per fare un piccolo esempio, nel 1970 un ciclone che colpì il Bangladesh causò 300.

Solar and wind energy output underpin record year for renewables

2024-05-22T07:57+0200esi-africa (en)

Renewable energy generated a record 30% of global electricity in 2023, driven by growth in solar and wind. Think-tank Ember, in its Global Electricity Review 2024 – says with record construction of solar and wind projects in 2023, “a new era of falling fossil generation is imminent.

Tensiones en el flujo logístico entre China y Sudamérica

2024-05-21T17:36+0200infobae (es)

El Mar Rojo , una de las principales arterias comerciales del mundo, ha sido durante mucho tiempo escenario de actividades piratas que amenazan la seguridad de las rutas marítimas y aumentan los costos logísticos . A pesar de los esfuerzos de las fuerzas internacionales para contener esta amenaza,....

UN report says half of world’s pastures degraded by overuse, climate change

2024-05-21T15:46+0200rappler (en)

A United Nations body warns that a sixth of the world's food supplies are at risk from the deterioration of the world's rangelands, which include savannas, wetlands, and deserts, as well as grassland. SINGAPORE – Half the world’s natural pasture land has been degraded by overexploitation and the....

Half of World's Natural Pastures Degraded: UN Report Warns of Food Supply Risks

2024-05-21T13:20+0200devdiscourse (en)

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) reports that half of the world's natural pasture land is degraded due to overexploitation and climate change, threatening food supplies and livelihoods. The report calls for land restoration and traditional herding practices to address these challenges.

1st LD-Writethru: Across China: China's MA-60 weather modification aircraft embraces new variant

2024-05-21T11:15+0200china.org.cn (en)

by Xinhua writer Hu Tao. BEIJING, May 21 (Xinhua) -- A new variant of China 's MA-60 weather modification aircraft has been developed to better serve meteorological missions, according to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). The A-configuration variant of the MA-60 weather modification....

Across China: China's MA-60 weather modification aircraft embraces new variant

2024-05-21T11:02+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

by Xinhua writer Hu Tao. BEIJING, May 21 (Xinhua) -- A new variant of China 's MA-60 weather modification aircraft has been developed to better serve meteorological missions, according to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). The A-configuration variant of the MA-60 weather modification....

Across China: China's MA-60 weather modification aircraft embraces new variant

2024-05-21T11:00+0200english-news-cn (en)

by Xinhua writer Hu Tao. BEIJING, May 21 (Xinhua) -- A new variant of China 's MA-60 weather modification aircraft has been developed to better serve meteorological missions, according to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). The A-configuration variant of the MA-60 weather modification....

Pepe da 200 al kg, caldo secca le piante

2024-05-21T01:36+0200italiaoggi (it)

In Cambogia, la produzione del pregiato pepe di Kampot, il re del pepe, è a rischio per il caldo torrido dovuto al cambiamento climatico. Conosciuto anche come il caviale del pepe per via del suo prezzo (può arrivare fino a 200 euro al chilo), i cambiamenti climatici stanno impattando su questa produzione di nicchia, piccola e super specializzata.

¿Qué pasó el 21 de mayo de 2024 en el mundo?

2024-05-20T22:05+0200diario-expreso (es)

Una severa ola de calor asfixia a los habitantes de Nueva Delhi y regiones colindantes con temperaturas que superaron los 47 grados en las últimas 24 horas, provocando una alerta roja de las autoridades que pide máxima precaución para los próximos días.

Anthropogenic and atmospheric variability intensifies flash drought episodes in South Asia

2024-05-20T17:49+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

The JRP of the FD events is calculated based on the event’s severity and duration within a bivariate copula framework (Fig. 3 a, b). The JRP of FD events for the spring-summer and summer seasons are calculated individually to study the potential influence of transitional seasons on the FD severity and duration.

Atmosphere, Vol. 15, Pages 615: Analysis of the Multi-Dimensional Characteristics of City Weather Forecast Page Views and the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Meteorological Disaster Warnings in China

2024-05-20T08:04+0200mdpi (en)

Effective early warning and preventive measures are essential in dealing with the impact of meteorological disasters, in addition to emergency response and post disaster reconstruction when disasters occur [ 7 ]. Given the immense significance of weather forecasting and meteorological warnings, it....

Experts urge proactive solutions for Cambodia’ canal impacts on Mekong Delta

2024-05-20T06:32+0200vietnamnet-vn-en (en)

Localities in the Mekong River basin sub-region need to prepare proactive scenarios and solutions to address the reduction in water resources and other impacts once Cambodia 's Funan Techo canal project is built, experts have said. The Funan Techo canal project, approved by the Cambodian Cabinet in....

Experts urge proactive solutions for Cambodia’ canal impacts on Mekong Delta

2024-05-20T05:02+0200vietnamnews (en)

BẾN TRE – Localities in the Mekong River basin sub-region need to prepare proactive scenarios and solutions to address the reduction in water resources and other impacts once Cambodia 's Funan Techo canal project is built, experts have said. The Funan Techo canal project, approved by the Cambodian....

Risk assessment of land subsidence based on GIS in the Yongqiao area, Suzhou City, China

2024-05-18T13:31+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Suggestions for prevention and control of land subsidence risk. In recent years, Suzhou City has acknowledged the escalating importance of land Subsidence resulting from groundwater extraction. Over the period from 2016 to 2021, the city has proactively decommissioned more than 515 self-owned wells.

Heatwaves, droughts threaten rice yields

2024-05-17T20:01+0200newagebd (en)

Bangladesh faces immense challenges in keeping up its rice production amid frequent heatwaves and droughts in the absence of heat-tolerant rice varieties and the low yield of unpopular drought-tolerant varieties that the country has. Over the years, the state-owned Bangladesh Rice Research Institute....

2024-05-17T18:37:40+05:30 - Environment 85% Indians say climate change affecting them: Survey

2024-05-17T15:20+0200Hindu (en)

Eighty-five per cent of people surveyed in India say they are already experiencing the effects of climate change, and more than a third of them have either already moved or considered moving because of extreme weather events such as severe heat, droughts and floods.

"85% of Indians Feel the Heat: Climate Change Impact Revealed in Survey"

2024-05-17T15:19+0200devdiscourse (en)

Eighty-five per cent of India ns report experiencing climate change effects, with over a third considering relocation due to extreme weather. Ninety-one per cent are concerned about global warming according to a Yale-CVoter survey. Severe heat waves and floods have impacted health, agriculture, and energy.

85% Indians say climate change affecting them: Survey

2024-05-17T15:12+0200thehindu (en)

Eighty-five per cent of people surveyed in India say they are already experiencing the effects of climate change, and more than a third of them have either already moved or considered moving because of extreme weather events such as severe heat, droughts and floods.

85 Pc Indians Say Climate Change Affecting Them: Survey

2024-05-17T15:05+0200outlookindia (en)

Eighty-five per cent of people surveyed in India say they are already experiencing the effects of climate change, and more than a third of them have either already moved or considered moving because of extreme weather events such as severe heat, droughts and floods.

Climate Change Fuels Extreme Weather Events: Lessons from Global Floods

2024-05-17T13:58+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Floods have ravaged communities across the globe, from Kenya to Dubai, underscoring the devastating impact of extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change. While not all floods can be directly attributed to global warming, they occur against a backdrop of record-breaking temperatures and....

The world faces a shortage of minerals needed for the energy transition

2024-05-17T13:22+0200erienewsnow (en)

London (CNN) — The world is facing a shortage of the minerals needed to make the electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels, and other clean energy technologies essential to ending its reliance on fossil fuels. The Paris-based International Energy Agency said in a report published Friday that....

The world faces a shortage of minerals needed for the energy transition

2024-05-17T13:08+0200cnn (en)

The world is facing a shortage of the minerals needed to make the electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels, and other clean energy technologies essential to ending its reliance on fossil fuels. The Paris-based International Energy Agency said in a report published Friday that steep drops in....

Why are Bangladesh’s Sundarbans catching fire? Reduced water inflow, increasing dry areas may be the cause

2024-05-17T08:05+0200downtoearth (en)

A fire erupted in Bangladesh’s Sundarbans in the first week of May, which took almost four days to extinguish. A week later, nearby residents began demanding the mangroves be protected through a robust management system. The Sundarbans, the region’s natural shield, protected these villagers from....

La produzione di alluminio in Cina ad aprile cresce grazie all'aumento dei prezzi

2024-05-17T05:08+0200marketscreener (it)

La produzione di alluminio primario in Cina nel mese di aprile è aumentata del 7,2% rispetto ad un anno prima, secondo i dati ufficiali di venerdì, alimentata dall'aumento dei prezzi del metallo leggero in Cina e nel mondo. Il più grande produttore di alluminio al mondo ha sfornato 3,58 milioni di....

Intense Heatwaves Make April 2024 the Hottest on Record

2024-05-17T03:37+0200climateadaptationplatform (en)

Millions across South and Southeast Asia grappled with weekslong heat waves in April that continued until May. The suffocating high temperatures closed hundreds of schools in the Philippines , as the heat index reached 42°C. In Thailand , temperatures have broken record nonstop for 13 months, and....

New way of measuring may class more people as obese

2024-05-17T03:36+0200chinadaily (en)

People walk in the street on Capri Island, Italy, April 18, 2024. [Photo/Agencies] A new way of measurement proposed by researchers in Italy could see millions more middle-aged people finding themselves classed as obese. A study of 4,800 adults aged 40-80 led by the University of Tor Vergata in Rome....

Chinese delegation tours Kingdom to promote ‘Fish and Rice’ corridor

2024-05-17T00:50+0200khmertimes (en)

Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) recently hosted a week-long research delegation of Chinese agricultural specialists on a cross-country tour to both promote and initiate rice-fish and rice-shrimp integrated farming systems within Cambodia n provinces.

China improves livability of cities in extreme weather

2024-05-16T06:43+0200cgtn (en)

China is ramping up efforts to improve the livability of urban areas subject to severe weather. A report showed that to improve the livability of cities that experience extreme weather, China awarded 26 more cities the title of "National Forest City" in 2022 and built 3,520 "small parks" across the country.

Forests, Water, and Livelihoods in the Lesser Himalaya

2024-05-15T17:08+0200eos (en)

, 2023]. A substantial trend of (mostly younger) people migrating from rural upland areas to seek potentially more lucrative or stable employment in regional semiurban and urban centers (e.g., Dehradun and Haridwar in India and Pokhara and Kathmandu in Nepal), as well as farther abroad (e.g.

El efecto mariposa de la destrucción mundial de los bosques

2024-05-15T06:19+0200aimdigital (es)

Todos los campos de fútbol no miden lo mismo, aunque su superficie mínima y máxima es regulada por la Fifa, como corresponde al Vaticano de esa religión universal. El área de juego para un partido internacional debe medir entonces un equivalente a 6.400 metros cuadrados, eso es algo más de media hectárea.

Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, Pages 1735: Comparison between Satellite Derived Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, NDVI and kNDVI in Detecting Water Stress for Dense Vegetation across Southern China

2024-05-14T12:37+0200mdpi (en)

In the context of global climate change and the increase in drought frequency, monitoring and accurately assessing the impact of hydrological process limitations on vegetation growth is of paramount importance. Our study undertakes a comprehensive evaluation of the efficacy of satellite remote....

Mekong Delta faces freshwater shortage

2024-05-13T08:40+0200vietnamnet-vn-en (en)

Low river flows and saltwater intrusion are predicted to continue to weigh heavily on the Mekong Delta region. Local authorities and people are warned to take proactive approaches to ensure water security for socio-economic activities. Dams along the Mekong River are reducing and endangering the....

Experts visit Cambodia to promote rice-fish farming

2024-05-13T04:05+0200chinadaily (en)

An agricultural expert from Shanghai Ocean University helps farmers grow fish and rice in Cambodia in April. [Photo provided to China Daily] With the aim of promoting rice-fish and rice-shrimp farming in Cambodia, a research team from Shanghai Ocean University wrapped up an investigative and....

More and faster: Electricity from clean sources climbs to 30%

2024-05-12T08:36+0200jamaica-gleaner (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources ones that don’t emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane according to a report published on Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Daño ambiental en selva de Darién: el impacto no medido de la migración

2024-05-11T17:30+0200expedientepublico (es)

* El llamado “tapón de Darién” es una selva virgen que en los últimos tres años fue atravesado por unos 900 mil migrantes. ** La 9ª Conferencia de Seguridad Hemisférica (HSC) en del 9 y 10 de mayo, analizó la conmoción socioambiental que produce la migración por la selva del Darién. Eric Lemus / Expediente Público.

Nearly 127million people in China brace for ‘once a century’ floods as biblical downpours trigger landslides and deluge cities – with terrified residents trapped in their homes as emergency crews launch rescue missions

2024-05-11T02:20+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Landslides in southern China injured at least six people and trapped others, state media reported Sunday, as a region with nearly 127 million people braced for severe flooding “seen about once a year.” century”. Torrential rains in large areas of Guangdong province since Thursday have overflowed....

IJMS, Vol. 25, Pages 5199: Surviving a Double-Edged Sword: Response of Horticultural Crops to Multiple Abiotic Stressors

2024-05-10T11:09+0200mdpi (en)

Extreme climatic events lead to drastic changes in agroclimatic conditions and, in the process, negatively impact the yield of horticultural crops [ 1 ]. These climatic changes exert abiotic stresses with severe yield penalties and could inflict severe food shortages [ 2 ].

Wales starts to farm walnuts using wool and seashells as climate warms

2024-05-10T06:03+0200dailypost-co-uk (en)

Martyn Williams and Alison Harwood aim to start small, planting just 20 walnut trees alongside a similar number of sweet chestnuts. To help the orchard establish, they aim to use mulches such as wool and even shells from their local beach. As the climate warms, nut farming has become more....

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T10:31+0200europesun (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources - ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane - according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T09:14+0200longbeachstar (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources - ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane - according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T09:02+0200manilametro (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources - ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane - according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T09:02+0200irishsun (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources - ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane - according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T08:59+0200singaporestar (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources - ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane - according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T08:48+0200srilankasource (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources - ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane - according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T08:30+0200myanmarnews (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources - ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane - according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T08:28+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources - ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane - according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T08:21+0200thecambodianews (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources - ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane - according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T08:21+0200nigeriasun (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources - ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane - according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T08:15+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources - ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane - according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Earth Today | ‘Our land, our future’

2024-05-09T08:10+0200jamaica-gleaner (en)

WORLD ENVIRONMENT Day nears and with it a focus on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience, with the theme ‘Our Land, Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration’. Celebrations for the observance take place on June 5, with this year’s host, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the United....

More people in countries with low human development index suffer from climate-related disasters

2024-05-09T07:52+0200downtoearth (en)

April 24, 2024. Countries with Human Development Index (HDI) lower than 0.78, had a higher impact, the findings showed. Likewise, the increasing number of the population impacted by climate-related disasters in countries with very high human development was statistically and significantly lower than....

Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-09T06:55+0200voanews (en)

Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources — ones that don't emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane — according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

More and faster: Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

2024-05-08T19:54+0200montrealgazette (en)

Of the types of clean energy generated last year, hydroelectric dams produced the most. That’s the same as in most years. Yet droughts in India , China , North America and Mexico meant hydropower hit a five-year low. Research shows climate change is causing droughts to develop more quickly and be more severe.

China establishes national database on natural disaster risk

2024-05-08T15:05+0200chinadaily (en)

China has established a comprehensive database on natural disaster risks across the country, with industry-specific databases in ten sectors set up, a senior disaster response official said on Wednesday. Zheng Guoguang, director of the Office of the State Council's Leading Group for the First....

Türkiye outpaces world average as renewables provide 42% of power

2024-05-08T14:51+0200dailysabah (en)

Renewables generated a third of global electricity for the first time ever in 2023, propelled by strong growth in solar and wind power, putting a global target to triple clean energy capacity by 2030 within sight, a report by a think tank said on Wednesday.

April 2024 was hottest on record, marking 11 months of new highs

2024-05-08T13:15+0200independent-UK (en)

The streak of record global temperatures has continued for the 11th month in a row, with , scientists have said. Last month was globally hotter than any previous April in records dating back to 1940, and 1.58 degrees Celsius warmer than the estimated average for pre-industrial levels.

Opinion Subscribers only Women, the first victims of global warming

2024-05-08T10:47+0200LeMonde-en (en)

Subscribers only A devastating heatwave is hitting South and Southeast Asia. In Nepal, the authorities are worried about forest fires increasing in "unimaginable proportion." In India , where election campaigning has been disrupted by high temperatures, Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari suffered a stroke during an election rally.

RES contribution to the global energy mix exceeds 30% for the first time

2024-05-08T10:23+0200naftemporiki (en)

Global solar and wind energy installations have been on the rise in recent years as efforts for the so-called “green transition” are in full swing. Thus, for the first time, the contribution of renewable sources to the production of electricity, in the global energy mix, exceeded the level of 30%,....

12pc of migrants who died while crossing the Mediterranean were Bangladeshis: IOM

2024-05-08T07:10+0200thedailystarBD (en)

In her speech, she highlighted that in Bangladesh, factors like climate change, demographic shifts, and global labour demands make up a complex migration landscape. This often leads to migration via irregular pathways and there are countless examples of how irregular migration can make people more vulnerable.

Floods misery reminder of climate's role in supercharging rain

2024-05-08T06:37+0200bssnews (en)

PARIS, May 8, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - Floods have been tearing a path of destruction across the globe, hammering Kenya, submerging Dubai, and forcing hundreds of thousands of people from Russia to China , Brazil and Somalia from their homes. Though not all directly attributed to global warming, they are....

Floods misery reminder of climate's role in supercharging rain

2024-05-08T05:43+0200terradaily (en)

Paris, May 8 (AFP) May 08, 2024 Floods have been tearing a path of destruction across the globe, hammering Kenya, submerging Dubai, and forcing hundreds of thousands of people from Russia to China , Brazil and Somalia from their homes. Though not all directly attributed to global warming, they are....

More and Faster: Electricity from Clean Sources Reaches 30% of Global Total

2024-05-08T04:16+0200thenationalherald (en)

NEW YORK – Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources — ones that don’t emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane — according to a report published Wednesday by Ember, a think tank based in London.

Cambodia to host ASEAN disaster management drills in 2025

2024-05-08T00:52+0200khmertimes (en)

Soth Kim Kolmony, spokesman for the NCDM, said yesterday, “Cambodia has prepared a total of 324 troops from the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Interior, and other relevant authorities, but we do not know the forces from the other countries who will participate”.

10 mete nel mondo considerate «sopravvalutate» dai turisti

2024-05-07T06:46+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 7 maggio 2024) Da Times Square alla Guinness Storehouse, ecco le destinazioni recensite come «deludenti» dai visitatori. Brasilia, 3 maggio 2024 - Inondazioni e siccità. Dal Brasile all’Africa alla Cina gli eventi meteo estremi , dicono gli esperti, sono sempre più influenzati da El Nino e dal cambiamento climatico.

La guerra, l'incontro con Macron e il tour in Europa: cosa c'è dietro la missione di Xi

2024-05-06T13:39+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 6 maggio 2024) Prende il via la visita ufficiale di Xi Jinping in Francia. Accolto dal padrone di casa Macron e da Ursula von der Leyen, il presidente cinese ha ribadito la necessità di un coordinamento stretto fra Cina e Unione Europea. Dopo essere stato il leader europeo ad aver....

Fare e disfare la realtà: l’Africa emergente

2024-05-04T10:50+0200vglobale-it (it)

Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti. L’Africa, come dimensioni è seconda solo all’Asia. Il continente nero ha una superficie che supera Stati Uniti, Cina e India messi assieme. È l’area più diversificata del pianeta per il numero di entità etniche e linguistiche (duemila).

Extreme climate hit Japan, elsewhere in Asia hard in 2023: U.N

2024-05-04T09:19+0200japantoday (en)

Asia, including Japan, is warming faster than the global average, as the trend has nearly doubled since the 1961-1990 period and many countries in the region observed their hottest year on record in 2023, according to a U.N. weather agency. The annual mean near-surface temperature over Asia last....

Extreme climate hits Japan, elsewhere in Asia hard in 2023: U.N

2024-05-04T07:10+0200kyodonews (en)

Asia, including Japan, is warming faster than the global average, as the trend has nearly doubled since the 1961-1990 period and many countries in the region observed their hottest year on record in 2023, according to a U.N. weather agency. The annual mean near-surface temperature over Asia last....

Atmosphere, Vol. 15, Pages 566: Irrigation Schedule Optimization for Wheat and Sunflower Intercropping under Water Supply Restrictions in Inner Mongolia, China

2024-05-03T08:29+0200mdpi (en)

The ISAREG model, as proposed by Zhang et al., was used in the present work to determine irrigation schedules [ 37 ]. The ISAREG model is a potent modeling tool that uses precise data inputs such as soil qualities, meteorological variables, and crop attributes.

Capital FM » Satellite to measure Earth’s precipitation: China Daily

2024-05-03T08:04+0200kenyamoja (en)

BEIJING, China , May 3 — The Fengyun-3G, a satellite measuring precipitation on Earth, officially began operational services on Wednesday after being launched last April, China Meteorological Administration said. As China’s first low-orbit precipitation measurement satellite, FY-3G can monitor....

Satellite to measure Earth’s precipitation: China Daily

2024-05-03T07:36+0200capitalfm (en)

BEIJING, China , May 3 — The Fengyun-3G, a satellite measuring precipitation on Earth, officially began operational services on Wednesday after being launched last April, China Meteorological Administration said. As China’s first low-orbit precipitation measurement satellite, FY-3G can monitor....

Satellite to measure Earth's precipitation

2024-05-03T01:45+0200chinadaily (en)

The Fengyun-3G, a satellite measuring precipitation on Earth, officially began operational services on Wednesday after being launched last April, China Meteorological Administration said. As China's first low-orbit precipitation measurement satellite, FY-3G can monitor hazardous weather and provide three-dimensional precipitation information.

Grocery deliveries expand market presence in Kingdom

2024-05-03T01:03+0200khmertimes (en)

Egrocery has been riding on the government’s push for digitisation as it takes on new challenges and new markets. With Cambodia ’s grocery delivery market projected to hit the $140.9 million mark this year, as per figures from market research website Statista.com, the future of the industry is poised for unprecedented growth.

Footage shows Ukranian city in ruins Highway collapse kills 36 in China

2024-05-02T10:58+0200arkansasonline (en)

Footage shows Ukrainian city in ruins. KYIV, Ukraine -- Months of relentless Russian artillery pounding have devastated a strategic city in eastern Ukraine, new drone footage obtained by The Associated Press shows, with barely a building left intact, homes and municipal offices charred and a town....

Tobacco prices to rise in Andhra after crop failure in Brazil, Indonesia

2024-05-02T08:13+0200business-standard (en)

Tobacco farmers in Andhra Pradesh are set to benefit after crop yields in Brazil, Zimbabwe and Indonesia declined due to droughts and untimely rainfall. Auction prices in Andhra have surged to near-record levels and are expected to rise further in the coming weeks.

Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, Pages 1625: Drought Risk Assessment of Winter Wheat at Different Growth Stages in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Based on Nonstationary Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index and Crop Coefficient

2024-05-02T08:02+0200mdpi (en)

Soil moisture plays a crucial role in determining the yield of winter wheat. The Huang-Huai-Hai (HHH) Plain is the main growing area of winter wheat in China , and frequent occurrence of drought seriously restricts regional agricultural development. Hence, a daily-scale Non-stationary Standardized....

News Asia4 hours ago Highway Collapse in Guangdong China Killing 24 People

2024-05-02T07:11+0200chiangraitimes (en)

A stretch of a mountainside highway collapsed in China ’s Guangdong province, killing 24 people, after days of heavy rain. A 17.9m (58 feet) stretch of the Meilong expressway collapsed around 02:10 local time (19:10 BST) on Wednesday, injuring thirty others. Authorities have yet to reveal the reason of the tragedy.

What is the role of hydropower in a world facing increasing drought?

2024-05-02T04:33+0200expressindia (en)

A drought fueled by the El Nino weather phenomenon has reduced reservoir water levels in hydropower plants, which both countries rely on for most of their electricity. This has led Ecuador to declare a state of emergency and institute power cuts. In neighboring Colombia, water has been rationed in....

World News | Heavy Rains in Brazil's South Kill at Least 8 People, Leave 21 Missing, Civil Defense Says

2024-05-01T18:54+0200latestly (en)

Rio De Janeiro, May 1 (AP) Heavy rains in Brazil's southern Rio Grande do Sul state have killed at least eight people and left 21 missing since Monday, the country's civil defense said on Wednesday. An additional 11 people were injured and more than 1,400 were forced to leave their homes due to damage caused by the storms, the civil defense added.

Dajla: V Congreso Internacional sobre Economía del Desierto

2024-05-01T14:30+0200atalayar-es (es)

La ciudad de Dajla , en el sur de Marruecos, acogió la V edición del Congreso Internacional sobre Economía del Desierto, que tuvo lugar los días 18 y 19 de abril de 2024, bajo el tema: “La Investigación Científica al Servicio del Desarrollo Económico del Desierto, el Sáhara y las Zonas Rurales Alejadas”.

Global wine production down 9.6% as extreme climatic conditions ‘severely impact’ vineyards

2024-05-01T12:41+0200foodnavigator (en)

In 2023, global wine production is estimated at 237 mhl, marking a significant decrease of nearly 25 mhl (-9.6%) compared to 2022. It also marks a sharp decline on previous years: where production levels over the last four years had been consistent with the 20-year average.

Get Ready for Record Heat in 2024

2024-05-01T12:07+0200kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/RONY ARIYANTO NUGROHO. The cloudy sky in the Manggarai area of Jakarta is seen before a heavy rain on Wednesday (17/4/2024). The extreme shift of weather from scorching heat to rain still frequently occurs in the Jabodetabek area. This extreme weather transition condition needs to be....

El Niño exit leaves a lasting impact on Southeast Asia's agricultural systems, stressing the need for preventive measures

2024-05-01T11:28+0200agris-fao (en)

01/05/2024 Bangkok. As El Niño, a recurring climate pattern in the Pacific Ocean, bids farewell, its lingering effects are leaving a significant mark on agriculture across Southeast Asia. A new brief by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Scaling Anticipatory Action....

Buildings, Vol. 14, Pages 1274: Resilience-Vulnerability Balance and Obstacle Factor Analysis in Urban Flooding: A Case Study in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau

2024-05-01T08:42+0200mdpi (en)

Under the combined influence of climate change and urban development, the risk of urban flooding caused by extreme weather events has increased significantly, making assessing flood vulnerability and resilience increasingly crucial for urban flood management.

Scaling Anticipatory Action across Southeast Asia (April 2024)

2024-05-01T06:35+0200reliefWeb (en)

El Niño exit leaves a lasting impact on Southeast Asia's agricultural systems, stressing the need for preventive measures. 01/05/2024 Bangkok As El Niño, a recurring climate pattern in the Pacific Ocean, bids farewell, its lingering effects are leaving a significant mark on agriculture across Southeast Asia.

Letters: Could a united Ireland be the obvious solution to migration row with UK?

2024-05-01T03:36+0200independent-ie (en)

Mr Sunak’s assertion that the influx of migrants to Ireland is proof of the effectiveness of his threats of deportation is not just insensitive, it is fundamentally flawed and flies in the face of decent neighbourliness. While it is undeniable that a fair and robust immigration system is necessary,....

Pitting hydropower against weather extremes?

2024-05-01T02:50+0200dtnext (en)

Holly Young. Reliable, cheap and low carbon since coming into use over a hundred years ago, hydropower has become a vital clean energy source, today providing more electricity than all other renewables combined. But recent power shortages in Ecuador and Colombia have highlighted its vulnerability in the face of climate change.

Agrivoltaics Market Expected to Reach $9.3 Billion by 2031 - Allied Market Research

2024-04-30T15:21+0200openpr (en)

The agrivoltaics industry has been gaining traction in the last few years. Increased pressure to produce more food while decreasing available farmlands and increasing primary energy demand leading to rising solar farms have caused conflict on land usage.

Collaborative efforts by Gardin and Bayer Crop Science Improving water use efficiency in pepper cultivation

2024-04-30T14:51+0200hortidaily (en)

Fig 1 - Worst seasonal water scarcity conditions for European countries in 2019, measured by the water exploitation index plus (WEI+) The increases in frequency of hot and dry summers have led to tension building up between farmers and local authorities, in some cases leading to unprecedented....

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

2024-04-30T14:10+0200ilo (en)

BANGKOK, Thailand (ILO News) – Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers in the Asia and the Pacific region. From blistering heatwaves to dangerously poor air quality, workers bear the brunt of its effects, frequently finding themselves with no choice but to....

Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente 2024: ya se preparan las campañas contra la desertificación y la resiliencia a la sequía

2024-04-30T09:31+0200ecoticias (es)

De la mano del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) y celebrado cada 5 de junio desde 1973 , el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente es sin duda alguna la plataforma más grande para la divulgación y concienciación para con el El país anfitrión este año del Día Mundial del Medio....

Can hydropower can hold its own against weather extremes?

2024-04-30T08:56+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

than all other renewables combined. But recent power shortages in Ecuador and Colombia have highlighted its vulnerability in the face of climate change. A drought fueled by the El Nino weather phenomenon has reduced reservoir water levels in hydropower plants, which both countries rely on for most of their electricity.

Jamaica Fights Drought By Trucking Water To Farms.

2024-04-29T16:45+0200sunstkitts (en)

The Jamaican government has bought two new water trucks which will be used to carry water to remote farms in times of drought, it was announced by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining. The Shacman F3000 trucks are made in China and have a maximum speed of 90 mph.

Sustainability, Vol. 16, Pages 3715: The Impact of Individual Capabilities on Ecosystem Services and Farmers’ Well-Being: A Case Study of the Loess Plateau, China

2024-04-29T12:01+0200mdpi (en)

Exploring the impact of individual capabilities on ecosystem services and farmers’ well-being is conducive to discovering the complex relationship between ESs and human well-being, and has clear practical value for the sustainable management and improvement of farmers’ well-being in ecologically fragile areas in China .

11:02 Global wine production reaches lowest level in 62 years

2024-04-29T09:16+0200news-am (en)

Fires, droughts, and several other conditions typically associated with global climate change have contributed considerably to global wine production in 2023 being the worst in 62 years, industry officials said. The 2023 global grape and wine industry report, published by the France-based....

ILO holds Seminar on social protection responsive to climate change in China

2024-04-29T09:16+0200devdiscourse (en)

Houngbo attended the ALC, held in Baghdad from 27 April to 4 May, as part of his first official visit to Iraq, where he is scheduled to meet Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid, and national employer and worker representatives. The International Labour Office (ILO) and the Ministry of Human....

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

2024-04-29T01:03+0200khmertimes (en)

Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, ILO Assistant Director General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change.

Blocchi di grandine grandi come palloni sono caduti nella regione cinese del Guangxi

2024-04-28T17:17+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 28 aprile 2024) Tutta la Cina meridionale è interessata da una settimana da una forte ondata di maltempo, con inondazioni, grandi nate record e decine di migliaia di persone evacuate. Notizie su altre fonti: blocchi grandine. blocchi di grandine grandi come palloni sono caduti nella....

Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, Pages 1564: Investigating the Response of Vegetation to Flash Droughts by Using Cross-Spectral Analysis and an Evapotranspiration-Based Drought Index

2024-04-28T11:19+0200mdpi (en)

Flash droughts tend to cause severe damage to agriculture due to their characteristics of sudden onset and rapid intensification. Early detection of the response of vegetation to flash droughts is of utmost importance in mitigating the effects of flash droughts, as it can provide a scientific basis for establishing an early warning system.

¿Por qué Asia es el continente más azotado por los desastres 'naturales'? Expertos de la OMM responden

2024-04-28T09:21+0200tiempo-es (es)

Víctimas, pérdidas económicas, daños ambientales: Asia fue la región del mundo más afectada por los desastres climáticos en 2023. ¿Cómo explicarlo? ¿Cómo podemos prevenir mejor estos riesgos climáticos y 'naturales'? En 2023 se registraron en Asia 79 desastres asociados a riesgos hidrometeorológicos.

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-28T09:03+0200menafn (en)

- AFP) World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to....

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-28T07:06+0200thelocal (en)

"Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 percent drops.

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

2024-04-28T04:18+0200phnompenhpost (en)

Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark this year’s April 28 World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change. Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers in the Asia and the Pacific region.

Report: Global wine production worst in 62 years due to 'extreme climate events'

2024-04-27T22:06+0200upi (en)

April 27 (UPI) -- Fires, droughts and other conditions commonly associated with a changing global climate greatly contributed to making the world's 2023 wine production the worst in 62 years, industry officials have reported. A "State of the World Vine and Wine Sector in 2023" report released....

La Mongolia: un Paese affascinante tra storia e natura incontaminata

2024-04-27T12:40+0200meteoweb (it)

La Mongolia , situata nell’Asia centrale come un gioiello tra Russia e Cina, è un paese che conquista con la sua vastità, la sua storia millenaria e la sua natura incontaminata. Le immense steppe, che si estendono a perdita d’occhio come un mare verdeggiante, ospitano greggi di animali al pascolo e regalano panorami mozzafiato.

Sábado, 27 de abril de 2024 (08:00 GMT)

2024-04-27T10:05+0200infobae (es)

Quito (EFE).- Colombia cortó totalmente la interconexión eléctrica con Ecuador en medio de una crítica situación energética para ambos países por la sequía de sus embalses, que en territorio ecuatoriano ha llevado desde hace dos semanas a apagones programados de hasta trece horas al día.

leer más Sábado, 27 de abril de 2024 (08:00 GMT)

2024-04-27T10:02+0200swissinfo-spa (es)

ISRAEL PALESTINA Hamás recibe la nueva propuesta de tregua de Israel y asegura que la estudiará Jerusalén (EFE).- El grupo palestino Hamás confirmó este sábado en un breve comunicado que ya ha recibido la propuesta de tregua para el intercambio de rehenes israelíes por presos palestinos por parte de Israel y que la estudiará.

Sábado, 27 de abril de 2024 (08:00 GMT)

2024-04-27T10:00+0200diario26 (es)

Colombia corta interconexión eléctrica con Ecuador, que pide reconectar "lo antes posible" Quito (EFE).- Colombia cortó totalmente la interconexión eléctrica con Ecuador en medio de una crítica situación energética para ambos países por la sequía de sus embalses, que en territorio ecuatoriano ha....

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-27T05:54+0200thelocal-it (en)

"Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 percent drops.

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-27T03:55+0200malaymail (en)

“Extreme environmental conditions” including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 per cent drops.

Airlines should stand test of extreme weather

2024-04-27T03:35+0200chinadaily (en)

LI MIN/CHINA DAILY. A day before my flight to Guangzhou, Guangdong province, on April 20, China Southern Airlines sent me a text message, saying the flight had been canceled, and automatically rebooked me on the same flight on April 22. Since I had to attend to some important business in Guangzhou....

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-27T02:04+0200thelocal-fr (en)

"Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 percent drops.

Climate change blamed for worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-27T00:57+0200euronews-en (en)

Global wine production reached a historic low in 2023 and climate change could be to blame, a new report has revealed. The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) says the drink hit its lowest level since 1962. This intergovernmental organisation has 50 member states, representing 75 per cent of the world’s vineyard area.

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-27T00:43+0200thelocal-es (en)

"Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for the drastic fall, said the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) that covers nearly 50 wine producing countries. Australia and Italy suffered the worst, with 26 and 23 percent drops.

Hydropower: can it hold up against climate change?

2024-04-26T14:42+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

than all other renewables combined. But recent power shortages in Ecuador and Colombia have highlighted its vulnerability in the face of climate change. A drought fuelled by the El Nino weather phenomenon has reduced reservoir water levels in hydropower plants, which both countries rely on for most of their electricity.

Pope Francis: Climate Change Deniers Are ‘Stupid’

2024-04-26T14:34+0200breitbart-com (en)

ROME — Pope Francis told CBS News this week that climate change deniers are “stupid” even in the face of compelling evidence of a climate emergency. “Some people are stupid ( necios ), and stupid even if you show them research, they don’t believe it,” the pontiff told CBS Evening News anchor Norah....

Worst wine year worldwide since the 1960s – News

2024-04-26T14:03+0200breakinglatest (en)

According to the International Organization for Vine and Wine (OIV), “extreme environmental conditions” such as droughts, fires and other climate-related problems are mainly responsible for the largest decline in the last six decades. In Switzerland, wine production was slightly higher in 2023, with....

Worst year in wine production since the 1960s – News

2024-04-26T11:52+0200breakinglatest (en)

According to the International Organization for Vine and Wine (OIV), “extreme environmental conditions” such as droughts, fires and other climate-related problems are mainly responsible for the largest decline in the last six decades. In Switzerland, the total volume in 2023 was slightly more than one hectoliter Wine produced than last year.

How a changing El Niño will impact the Eastern Hemisphere

2024-04-26T10:51+0200envirotech-online (en)

The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a climate phenomenon known for its significant influence on global weather patterns, including the distribution of rainfall and temperature. Its effects are particularly pronounced in the Eastern Hemisphere, notably in Asia and the Western Pacific region.

'Extreme' Climate Blamed For World's Worst Wine Harvest In 62 Years

2024-04-26T09:17+0200ibtimes (en)

World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame for....

Asia was most impacted by extreme weather and climate in 2023, UN report shows

2024-04-26T05:53+0200nbcnewyork (en)

More than 9 million people were affected as floods and storms hit the region, leading to over 2,000 causalities. Meanwhile, a trend of increased heat waves in the region continued. Floods and storms caused the most damage, while trends of ice melt and heat waves continued to accelerate, according to the report.

Climate change blamed for heavy rain in the south

2024-04-26T04:53+0200peopledaily (en)

Due to the combined influence of global warming and the El Nino phenomenon, the precipitation in South China has exceeded twice the usual amount so far this month, meteorological experts said, while cautioning about the increased risk of flooding and geological disasters in some areas affected by the recent heavy rainfall.

Express View on Asia Climate Report: Why a hotter world is more dangerous for India

2024-04-26T04:12+0200expressindia (en)

The number of people impacted by “disaster” events in Asia in 2023 was lower than that in 2022. That’s the only mitigating finding of the World Meteorological Organisation’s State of the Climate Asia report for the last year — the hottest since global temperature records began to be recorded.

'Extreme' climate blamed for world's worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-26T03:52+0200philstar (en)

PARIS, France World wine production dropped 10 percent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of "extreme" climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said Thursday. "Extreme environmental conditions" including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly....

MIL-OSI China: Climate change blamed for heavy rain in the south

2024-04-26T03:48+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Firefighters work at Jiangwan Town of Shaoguan City, south China ’s Guangdong Province, April 22, 2024. Four people were killed and 10 others remain missing after continuous heavy rainfall hit many parts of south China’s Guangdong Province in recent days, local authorities said Monday.

Climate change blamed for heavy rain in the south

2024-04-26T03:06+0200china.org.cn (en)

Firefighters work at Jiangwan Town of Shaoguan City, south China 's Guangdong Province, April 22, 2024. Four people were killed and 10 others remain missing after continuous heavy rainfall hit many parts of south China's Guangdong Province in recent days, local authorities said Monday.

Climate change blamed for heavy rain in the south

2024-04-26T02:55+0200ecns (en)

Due to the combined influence of global warming and the El Nino phenomenon, the precipitation in South China has exceeded twice the usual amount so far this month, meteorological experts said, while cautioning about the increased risk of flooding and geological disasters in some areas affected by the recent heavy rainfall.

Climate change blamed for heavy rain in the south

2024-04-26T01:19+0200chinadaily (en)

Workers carry a mattress from a hotel room on Wednesday after torrential rains flooded some areas in Qingyuan, Guangdong province. HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP. Due to the combined influence of global warming and the El Nino phenomenon, the precipitation in South China has exceeded twice the usual amount so....

‘Extreme’ climate blamed for world’s worst wine harvest in 62 years

2024-04-26T01:06+0200business-times (en)

WORLD wine production dropped 10 per cent last year, the biggest fall in more than six decades, because of “extreme” climate changes, the body that monitors the trade said on Thursday. “Extreme environmental conditions” including droughts, fires and other problems with climate were mostly to blame....

Ensuring safety and health at work

2024-04-26T00:44+0200BangkokPost (en)

Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers in the Asia-Pacific region. From blistering heatwaves to dangerously poor air quality, workers bear the brunt of its effects, frequently finding themselves with no choice but to continue working without adequate protection or recourse, even if conditions are hazardous.

La crisis energética también responde a años de corrupción institucionalizada

2024-04-25T12:45+0200ecuavisa (es)

En Ecuador se viven cortes de luz de aproximadamente seis horas diarias, aunque en la semana anterior los racionamientos llegaron incluso hasta 13, es decir, más de la mitad del día. Las razones ya se han explicado: sequía en los embalses de las hidroeléctricas, falta de mantenimiento del parque....

L’Asia è il continente più colpito dalla crisi del clima: oggi migliaia di sfollati e vittime in Cina

2024-04-24T15:04+0200lasvolta (it)

Cani che si rifugiano su barche improvvisate, auto trascinate dalla corrente e strade trasformate in fiumi in piena. Le immagini sono quelle che abbiamo imparato a conoscere: forti piogge e alluvioni estreme, come è caratteristico della crisi del clima, che all’improvviso travolgono tutto.

OMM: "El cambio climático y los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos golpean Asia con fuerza"

2024-04-24T10:37+0200elmercuriodigital (es)

En 2023, Asia se mantuvo como la región del mundo más afectada por los desastres debidos a peligros meteorológicos, climáticos e hidrológicos. Según un nuevo informe de la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), crecidas y tormentas causaron la mayor cantidad de víctimas y pérdidas económicas....

Cambodia: Weekly Dry Season Situation Report in the Lower Mekong River Basin - 09 – 15 April 2024

2024-04-18T12:35+0200humanitarianresponse (en)

Key Messages. Key messages for this weekly report are presented below. Rainfall monitoring and forecast In the period of 09 15 April 2024, there has been light to moderate rainfall in some areas in the Northern part of Lao PDR, Northwestern part of Thailand , and the 3S area; the remaining areas in....

Weekly Dry Season Situation Report in the Lower Mekong River Basin - 09 – 15 April 2024

2024-04-18T08:07+0200reliefWeb (en)

Key Messages. Key messages for this weekly report are presented below. Rainfall monitoring and forecast In the period of 09 15 April 2024, there has been light to moderate rainfall in some areas in the Northern part of Lao PDR, Northwestern part of Thailand , and the 3S area; the remaining areas in....

Cambodia: Weekly Dry Season Situation Report in the Lower Mekong River Basin - 02 – 08 April 2024

2024-04-10T14:59+0200humanitarianresponse (en)

Key Messages. Key messages for this weekly report are presented below. Rainfall monitoring and forecast In the period of 02 08 April 2024, the light to moderate rainfall has been only observed in the central part of the LMB including southern part of Lao PDR, easter part of Thailand , northern part of Cambodia and 3S basins.

UN General Assembly declares access to clean and healthy environment a universal human right

2024-04-10T08:35+0200un-org (en)

“Today is a historic moment, but simply affirming our right to a healthy environment is not enough. The General Assembly resolution is very clear: States must implement their international commitments and scale up their efforts to realize it. We will all suffer much worse effects from environmental....

Weekly Dry Season Situation Report in the Lower Mekong River Basin - 02 – 08 April 2024

2024-04-10T03:59+0200reliefWeb (en)

Key Messages. Key messages for this weekly report are presented below. Rainfall monitoring and forecast In the period of 02 08 April 2024, the light to moderate rainfall has been only observed in the central part of the LMB including southern part of Lao PDR, easter part of Thailand , northern part of Cambodia and 3S basins.

08.04.2024 Vietnam - Heatwave threatens farmers' livelihoods, worsens challenges for Mekong A heatwave in Vietnam is worsening environmental conditions in the Mekong Delta region, and farmers and gig workers have told VOA the heat is causing grueling working conditions and cutting crop yields.

2024-04-08T11:28+0200agroinsurance-en (en)

A heatwave in Vietnam is worsening environmental conditions in the Mekong Delta region, and farmers and gig workers have told VOA the heat is causing grueling working conditions and cutting crop yields. The heatwave is fueled by the El Nino weather pattern causing hotter and drier conditions in Vietnam.

08.04.2024 Vietnam - Heatwave threatens farmers' livelihoods, worsens challenges for Mekong A heatwave in Vietnam is worsening environmental conditions in the Mekong Delta region, and farmers and gig workers have told VOA the heat is causing grueling working conditions and cutting crop yields.

2024-04-08T10:44+0200agroinsurance (en)

A heatwave in Vietnam is worsening environmental conditions in the Mekong Delta region, and farmers and gig workers have told VOA the heat is causing grueling working conditions and cutting crop yields. The heatwave is fueled by the El Nino weather pattern causing hotter and drier conditions in Vietnam.

Vietnam heatwave threatens farmers' livelihoods, worsens challenges for Mekong

2024-04-05T14:46+0200voanews (en)

Ho Chi Minh City — A heatwave in Vietnam is worsening environmental conditions in the Mekong Delta region, and farmers and gig workers have told VOA the heat is causing grueling working conditions and cutting crop yields. The heatwave is fueled by the El Nino weather pattern causing hotter and drier conditions in Vietnam.

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