Overall Green alert Drought for Somalia-2023
in Somalia

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 369
Articles about casualties: 7 (1.9%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

La Somalia ha un anno di tempo per eliminare i militanti di al Shabaab - Presidente

2023-11-21T16:23+0100marketscreener (it)

La Somalia ha un anno di tempo per espellere il gruppo militante di Al Shabaab, legato ad Al Qaeda, dal Paese, ha dichiarato martedì il Presidente Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, mentre la scadenza per la partenza dei restanti peacekeeper dell'Unione Africana si profila per il prossimo dicembre.

Catastróficas inundaciones dejan rastro de 50 muertos en Somalia

2023-11-21T15:59+0100prensa-latina (es)

Mogadiscio, 21 nov (Prensa Latina) Las inundaciones repentinas provocadas por los torrenciales aguaceros que hace días azotan países del Cuerno de África han matado 50 personas en Somalia , dijeron hoy medios en esta capital. Los desbordamientos lanzaron a los caminos a 700 mil personas desplazada....

Climate change could intensify the conflict over basic resources in certain countries | Life

2023-11-21T11:03+0100bullfrag (en)

These are the countries in the world that will face the most problems in obtaining basic resources due to climate change. Climate change will not only cause events like hurricanes , floods or forest fires are much more common in the future, but the increase in high temperatures and sea level will....

Oxfam East Africa Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

2023-11-21T10:42+0100resoilfoundation (it)

La peggiore siccità degli ultimi 40 anni. Gli autori hanno esaminato l’andamento delle precipitazioni nel 2021 e 2022 in un’area che include il sud dell’Etiopia, la Somalia meridionale e il Kenya orientale e che ha sperimentato “la peggiore siccità degli ultimi 40 anni”.

Siccità: l’Europa sconta quattro effetti inattesi

2023-11-21T10:42+0100resoilfoundation (it)

Il Vecchio Continente è alle prese con la peggiore siccità degli ultimi cinque secoli. Tra raccolti in crisi, trasporti in affanno, carenze di produzione elettrica e storia che riaffiora, il World Economic Forum fotografa alcune conseguenze insolite di un fenomeno che minaccia il futuro del suolo e del Pianeta.

Deforestazione, clima e siccità: la Somalia prova a invertire la rotta

2023-11-21T10:42+0100resoilfoundation (it)

In Somalia il traffico illegale di carbone di legna ha favorito deforestazione e siccità. Un’iniziativa dell’Onu punta ora a ripristinare i terreni degradati. Ma la crisi alimentare resta una minaccia. di Matteo Cavallito. La Somalia prova a contrastare la deforestazione con il sostegno dell’Onu.

World Children’s Day 5 crises affecting child health worldwide Learn more

2023-11-21T04:31+0100rescue (en)

Every year on November 20, World Children's Day is celebrated to commemorate the adoption of the 1959 Declaration on the Rights of the Child . This international agreement recognized numerous rights for children, including access to quality education, protection, good nutrition and healthcare.

"Dopo più di un mese di conflitto, siamo arrivati a quasi [...]

2023-11-20T22:22+0100triestecafe (it)

“OGNI BAMBINO HA IL DIRITTO DI CRESCERE SANO E IN CONDIZIONI DI SICUREZZA, DI SFRUTTARE IL SUO POTENZIALE, DI ESSERE ASCOLTATO E PRESO SUL SERIO” Così stabiliva 34 anni fa, il 20 Novembre 1989, l'assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite, che approvò la convenzione ONU sui diritti dell'infanzia e....

Maltempo in Kenya, il bilancio delle vittime si aggrava

2023-11-20T17:49+0100informazione (it)

Mombasa è la seconda città più grande del Kenya ed è capoluogo dell'omonima contea. Si trova su un'isola separata dal continente solo da due piccoli fiumi. Ha un importante porto e un aeroporto internazionale, ed è un luogo di passaggio quasi obbligato per…) Il Corno d’Africa è colpito da violente e diffuse inondazioni, aggravate da El Niño .

Somalia president co-hosts global food summit with PM Sunak in London

2023-11-20T15:57+0100garoweonline (en)

LONDON, UK - President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud co-hosts a global food security summit with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, state media reports, just at the time Somalia is grappling with flush floods after long dry spells that have caused massive loss of lives.

KNOMAD Policy Brief 20: Working toward durable local integration solutions for drought-displaced people (November 20, 2023)

2023-11-20T14:49+0100reliefWeb (en)

This policy brief investigates possible solutions for internally displaced persons in Ethiopia after the 2017 drought, with a specific emphasis on local integration initiatives that support people’s livelihoods. In the Horn of Africa, the challenges faced by pastoralist communities include droughts,....

Al via a Londra il vertice globale sulla sicurezza alimentare

2023-11-20T12:51+0100agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) - ROMA, 20 Novembre 2023 - “Possiamo rimettere in carreggiata gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile, liberare un mondo dalla fame zero e trasformare milioni di vite per gli anni a venire”, afferma Rishi Sunak. Il vertice globale sulla sicurezza alimentare è iniziato martedì nella capitale....

As leaders meet in London to discuss the deepening global food security crisis, aid groups call for urgent and scaled up assistance for communities in East and Central Africa

2023-11-20T07:43+0100reliefWeb (en)

Nairobi, 20 November 2023 With close to 90 million people across East and Central Africa facing unprecedented levels of hunger, the Interagency Working Group for East and Central Africa (the IAWG) today called on donors and governments to urgently scale up assistance for communities in need and....

Kenya’s rail operator halts cargo services to Mombasa port after floods

2023-11-19T20:06+0100hellenicshippingnews (en)

Flooding and landslides in Kenya’s coastal region have halted rail cargo services to and from the port city of Mombasa, the state-owned rail operator said on Saturday. Heavy rains linked to the El Nino phenomenon, followed by flash floods, have submerged towns across East Africa, leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless.

Un fenómeno que ocurre "cada cien años" provoca fuertes inundaciones en Etiopía, Kenia y Somalia

2023-11-19T16:15+0100larazon-es (es)

Las inundaciones en la época de lluvias suponen una suerte de día de la marmota para las naciones del Cuerno de África. Inevitable (excepto en los años de sequía), las nubes se desploman sobre Kenia, Somalia y Etiopía entre octubre y diciembre, empachando a la tierra del líquido que hace las veces de milagro, las veces de maldición imparable.

Kenya's rail operator halts cargo services to Mombasa port after floods

2023-11-19T12:29+0100cgtn (en)

Flooding and landslides in Kenya's coastal region have halted rail cargo services to and from the port city of Mombasa, the state-owned rail operator said on Saturday. Heavy rains linked to the El Nino phenomenon, followed by flash floods, have submerged towns across East Africa, leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless.

Alluvioni sulla costa, aumentano i morti :: MalindiKenya.net

2023-11-19T08:21+0100informazione (it)

Mombasa è la seconda città più grande del Kenya ed è capoluogo dell'omonima contea. Si trova su un'isola separata dal continente solo da due piccoli fiumi. Ha un importante porto e un aeroporto internazionale, ed è un luogo di passaggio quasi obbligato per…) Il Kenya è ormai da giorni nella morsa del maltempo.

Meteo Cronaca Diretta VIDEO: KENYA, alluvione lampo manda sott'acqua interi quartieri di Mombasa Mombasa è la seconda città più grande del Kenya ed è capoluogo dell'omonima contea. Si trova su un'isola separata dal continente solo da due piccoli fiumi.

2023-11-18T23:36+0100informazione (it)

Mombasa è la seconda città più grande del Kenya ed è capoluogo dell'omonima contea. Si trova su un'isola separata dal continente solo da due piccoli fiumi. Ha un importante porto e un aeroporto internazionale, ed è un luogo di passaggio quasi obbligato per il turismo nelle zone costiere del Paese.

Meteo Cronaca Diretta VIDEO: KENYA, alluvione lampo manda sott'acqua interi quartieri di Mombasa

2023-11-18T23:36+0100informazione (it)

Il Kenya è ormai da giorni nella morsa del maltempo. Niente drammi, se non fosse per la povera gente che vive ancora in condizioni per cui il peggio significa trovarsi senza nemmeno un… Mombasa è la seconda città più grande del Kenya ed è capoluogo dell'omonima contea. Si trova su un'isola separata dal continente solo da due piccoli fiumi.

Kenya's rail operator halts cargo services to Mombasa port after floods

2023-11-18T17:39+0100devdiscourse (en)

Flooding and landslides in Kenya's coastal region have halted rail cargo services to and from the port city of Mombasa, the state-owned rail operator said on Saturday. Heavy rains linked to the El Nino phenomenon, followed by flash floods, have submerged towns across East Africa, leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless.

Gravi indondazioni nel Corno D’Africa: El Niño tra le cause

2023-11-18T13:23+0100iconaclima (it)

Il Corno d’Africa è colpito da violente e diffuse inondazioni, aggravate da El Niño. Almeno 700.000 persone sono state sfollate. L’immagine Sentinel-2in copertina mostra le aree inondate vicino a Garissa, in Kenya. Colpite anche Etiopia e Somalia . Le piogge arrivano un anno dopo che diversi settori....

Gravi inondazioni colpiscono decine di migliaia di sfollati nel Corno d’Africa

2023-11-18T09:45+0100politicamentecorretto (it)

Nella regione somala dell’Etiopia, le autorità stimano che più di 20 persone siano morte, mentre oltre mezzo milione di persone sono state colpite dalle improvvise inondazioni. Circa 40.000 famiglie, quindi circa 240.000 persone, comprese quelle in cerca di sicurezza dal conflitto in corso in....

África.- ACNUR lamenta los miles de desplazamientos por las inundaciones en el Cuerno de África y pide "apoyo urgente"

2023-11-18T07:20+0100notimerica (es)

Archivo - May 14, 2021, Nairobi, Kenya: General view of housing structures washed away by the flooded river Mutuine..Residents of Kibera Slums living close by Mutuine River were left homeless after the heavy floods that occurred on May 13th, Thursday nigh - Europa Press/Contacto/Donwilson Odhiambo - Archivo.

Corno d'Africa, più di 100 morti per le alluvioni

2023-11-18T00:55+0100ilgiornaledellaprotezionecivile (it)

Alla base delle piogge estreme ci sarebbe il fenomeno climatico del Niño che riscalda le acque dell'oceano Pacifico producendo temibili conseguenze. Sale il bilancio delle persone morte a causa delle alluvioni che hanno colpito nell'ultimo mese la zona del Corno d'Africa.

UN official: Climate shocks to intensify from El Niño

2023-11-17T22:39+0100EastAfrican (en)

Read: War-prone nations hit hardest by climate change Then there is Tanzania, where the discussion was around refugees streaming in from DRC and Burundi. From Maputo travelling up north to Cabo Delgado, one cannot help but notice the desolate landscapes and the movement of populations with their....

Hundreds dead after 'once in a century' flood hits Horn of Africa

2023-11-17T18:35+0100itv (en)

People cross the swollen River Tana, in Kenya, after flooding in the Horn of Africa region. Credit: AP. At least 130 people have died across the Horn of Africa region after heavy rains triggered what has been described as a once in a century flood event.

Baardheere Receives Critical Humanitarian Aid from SoDMA

2023-11-17T17:04+0100africanewswire (en)

BAARDHEERE – The Somali National Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) has delivered six tons of humanitarian aid to Baardheere, a district in the Gedo region heavily impacted by the Jubba River floods. According to Somali National News Agency, the aid, including food, water, medicine, and other....

Gravi inondazioni colpiscono decine di migliaia di sfollati nel Corno d’Africa

2023-11-17T15:53+0100agenpress (it)

AgenPress . Migliaia di famiglie sfollate, tra loro i rifugiati, in Etiopia, Kenya e Somalia , sono di nuovo costrette a spostarsi per sfuggire alle gravi inondazioni causate dalle forti piogge in corso nella regione. Dall’inizio di novembre, in Somalia sono state registrate più di 795.000 persone sfollate.

Extreme fluctuations between drought, flooding devastating millions of lives, research reveals

2023-11-17T15:08+0100FanaBroadcasting (en)

Addis Ababa, November 17, 2023 (FBC) – Millions of people around the world living in poverty have been experiencing a ‘climate hazard flip’ since the turn of the century, an exclusive new research finding sent to FBC from WaterAid reveals. This comes at a pivotal moment, as world leaders prepare to meet in Dubai for COP28, it was emphasized.

Il Rio Negro in Brasile è a secco mentre il Corno d’Africa è sott’acqua, le immagini satellitari sono impressionanti

2023-11-17T14:32+0100greenme (it)

Il Rio Negro è il più grande affluente di sinistra del Rio delle Amazzoni, con una lunghezza di circa 3.700 km. Si snoda tra Brasile, Colombia e Venezuela ed è una delle meraviglie naturali del Sud America. Ma la siccità sta cambiando letteralmente il paesaggio Il sta provocando una siccità senza....

SoDMA delivers six tons of aid to flood-hit Bardere

2023-11-17T13:36+0100radiodalsan (en)

The Somali National Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) has successfully delivered six tons of crucial humanitarian aid to Bardere, a district in the Gedo region. Bardere, one of the areas hardest hit by the floods, has been grappling with the aftermath of the disaster, which has left its population in dire need of assistance.

In Italia come in Etiopia la siccità è raddoppiata negli ultimi vent'anni

2023-11-17T12:54+0100ilgiornaledellaprotezionecivile (it)

Secondo una ricerca, i recenti periodi di siccità in Lombardia rispecchiano ciò che sta succedendo in Etiopia: una terra una volta soggetta a intense precipitazioni, ora si trova a vivere periodi di siccità estrema sempre più frequenti. Le situazioni di siccità estrema in Nord Italia sono....


2023-11-17T10:31+0100lecceoggi (it)

IL CLIMA IN ITALIA È SEMPRE PIÙ SIMILE A QUELLO DELL’ETIOPIA E DEL CORNO D’AFRICA. A sostenerlo uno studio britannico che ha analizzato le tendenze dei due Paesi. La ricerca mostra che il numero di periodi di siccità intensa vissuti in entrambe le aree è più che raddoppiato dal 2000.

Standing for Climate Justice: Urgent Support Needed for Baidoa's Resilient Community

2023-11-17T10:24+0100reliefWeb (en)

I cannot find words strong enough to express the emotions I felt during my recent visit to Baidoa. Together with a mission team led by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia , Salah Ahmed Jama comprising of SODMA, UN OCHA, WHO, IOM and national and international humanitarian....

Floods: at least 111 dead and 700,000 displaced in the Horn of Africa - NGO

2023-11-16T18:07+0100en-africanews (en)

At least 111 people, including 16 children, have died and 700,000 have been displaced by floods caused in recent weeks by torrential rains in the Horn of Africa, the NGO Save the Children announced on Thursday. The El Niño climatic phenomenon is amplifying the rainy season in the region, affecting Somalia , Ethiopia and Kenya in particular.

Save the Children: «100 morti per inondazioni nel Corno d'Africa»

2023-11-16T17:33+0100UnioneSarda (it)

Sono più di 100 i morti – e tra questi 16 bambini – a causa delle violente inondazioni che hanno colpito il Corno d’Africa. Il bilancio, nel quale sono stati inseriti anche 700mila sfollati, viene fornito da Save the Children. Nel dettaglio, circa 46 persone sono morte in Kenya, 32 in Somalia e....

Ascienden a 41 los muertos por las inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-16T17:18+0100somosfan (es)

Las recientes inundaciones en Somalia provocadas por lluvias torrenciales han causado 41 muertos, lo que supone un aumento frente a las 31 defunciones reportadas el pasado domingo por las autoridades locales, informó hoy la Oficina de la ONU para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA).

Ascienden a 41 los muertos por las inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-16T16:42+0100n-com-do (es)

Las recientes inundaciones en Somalia provocadas por lluvias torrenciales han causado 41 muertos , lo que supone un aumento frente a las 31 defunciones reportadas el pasado domingo por las autoridades locales, informó hoy la Oficina de la ONU para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA).

“We left because of the climate, not the conflict”: The reality of displacement in Somalia

2023-11-16T16:16+0100reliefWeb (en)

By Claes Holmberg Published 16 November. The heat is scorching. The dust hangs heavy in the air in this small settlement in Baidoa, Somalia . A donkey cart slowly passes by, bringing yet another family who have been forced to flee their home due to the drought.

Lluvias 16-11-2023 Ascienden a 41 los muertos por las inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-16T15:49+0100noticiassin (es)

Mogadiscio.- Las recientes inundaciones en Somalia provocadas por lluvias torrenciales han causado 41 muertos, lo que supone un aumento frente a las 31 defunciones reportadas el pasado domingo por las autoridades locales, informó hoy la Oficina de la ONU para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA).

Ascienden a 41 los muertos por las inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-16T15:37+0100infobae (es)

Mogadiscio, 16 nov (EFE).- Las recientes inundaciones en Somalia provocadas por lluvias torrenciales han causado 41 muertos, lo que supone un aumento frente a las 31 defunciones reportadas el pasado domingo por las autoridades locales, informó hoy la Oficina de la ONU para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA).

Ascienden a 41 los muertos por las inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-16T15:30+0100elnuevodiario-DO (es)

La OCHA precisó que 1,7 millones de personas se han visto afectadas por el desastre natural, de los que 649.000 son desplazados forzados a abandonar sus hogares. Fuente externa. EL NUEVO DIARIO, MOGADISCIO.- Las recientes inundaciones en Somalia provocadas por lluvias torrenciales han causado 41....

La Somalia va verso la quinta stagione consecutiva di siccità e carenza di cibo

2023-11-16T12:55+0100lifegate (it)

1,2 miliardi di dollari per fornire assistenza vitale a 8,5 milioni di persone in Somalia fino alla fine del 2023. Tuttavia, finora la risposta non è stata quella sperata: sono arrivati solo il 30 per cento dei fondi necessari. Nei primi 7 mesi del 2023, l’agenzia Onu è riuscita a fornire assistenza....

Scientists warn of ’dangerous future’ if global emissions aren’t cut (Nouvelle fenêtre)

2023-11-15T17:31+0100radio-canada (en)

This aerial view shows makeshift structures of people displaced by drought at the Ladan internally displaced people camp in Dolow, Somalia , last May. A new report from The Lancet says severe droughts like the one in Somalia are likely to put more of the world's population at risk by 2050.

Cambiamenti climatici L'Onu: «Inondazioni dopo la siccità, la Somalia è alla fame»

2023-11-15T11:53+0100avvenire (it)

Gli estremi climatici manterranno la fame in Somalia a livelli record , è l'allarme del Programma Alimentare Mondiale (Pam) dell'Onu. Inondazioni rovinose attraversano il Paese, devastando comunità già fortemente insicure dal punto di vista alimentare e che ancora faticano a riprendersi dalla siccità più lunga mai registrata nel Paese.

Il clima in Italia è sempre più simile a quello dell'Etiopia e del Corno d’Africa

2023-11-15T11:32+0100leccesette (it)

Un clima sempre più simile all'Etiopia e al Corno d'Africa in generale caratterizzato da una siccità estrema che ha colpito di recente il Nord Italia che è raddoppiata negli ultimi due decenni, creando un clima che rispecchia sempre più quello dell’Etiopia e del Corno d’Africa.

Il clima in Italia è sempre più simile a quello dell’Etiopia e del Corno d’Africa

2023-11-15T09:42+0100ilmetropolitano-it (it)

A sostenerlo uno studio britannico che ha analizzato le tendenze dei due Paesi. La ricerca mostra che il numero di periodi di siccità intensa vissuti in entrambe le aree è più che raddoppiato dal 2000. Un clima sempre più simile all’Etiopia e al Corno d’Africa in generale caratterizzato da una....

Climate change, floods leave 25 percent of Somalia's population in terrible hunger

2023-11-15T09:26+0100menafn (en)

) The World Food Program issued a dire warning on Tuesday, projecting that a significant portion of Somalia 's population, around a quarter, will grapple with "crisis hunger or worse" this year. The root causes of this impending humanitarian crisis are attributed to the dual impact of drought and floods fueled by climate change.

Il clima in Italia è sempre più simile a quello dell'Etiopia e del Corno d'Africa

2023-11-14T22:02+0100seguonews (it)

Un clima sempre più simile all'Etiopia e al Corno d'Africa in generale caratterizzato da una siccità estrema che ha colpito di recente il Nord Italia che è raddoppiata negli ultimi due decenni, creando un clima che rispecchia sempre più quello dell'Etiopia e del Corno d'Africa.

LIVE CRISI CLIMATICA 2 min L'Italia ha un clima sempre più simile a quello dell'Etiopia

2023-11-14T20:03+0100tio (it)

ROMA / ADDIS ABEBA - Un clima sempre più simile all'Etiopia e al Corno d'Africa in generale. È quello che viene registrato in Italia, che negli ultimi anni ha dovuto far fronte a siccità estreme e alluvioni sempre più frequenti. A mostrare questa similitudine è uno studio britannico condotto....

WFP Somalia – anticipatory action and integrated climate risk. Updated September 2023

2023-11-14T17:48+0100EC (en)

You will be directed to the EU Login website where you can login/register as a user. Once connected, your credentials (First name, last name, username, email) will be registered in Knowledge4policy as part of your profile, which will allow you to get involved in all Knowledge4policy communities ( is available).

Colpito da inondazioni e siccità, un quarto della popolazione somala rischia una fame 'a livello di crisi' - PAM

2023-11-14T16:08+0100marketscreener (it)

Si prevede che quest'anno un quarto della popolazione somala dovrà affrontare una "fame di livello di crisi o peggio" a causa della siccità e delle inondazioni causate dal cambiamento climatico, ha dichiarato martedì il Programma Alimentare Mondiale (PAM).

Il clima dell’Italia si africanizza: in Nord Italia è sempre più simile a quello dell’Etiopia

2023-11-14T14:00+0100ohga (it)

Nel nord del Belpaese la siccità è raddoppiata nel corso degli ultimi vent’anni ed è venuta a crearsi una situazione climatica che rispecchia sempre più quello dell’Etiopia e del Corno d’Africa. Ad affermarlo uno studio condotto da WaterAid e dalle Università di Cardiff e Bristol.

World News in Brief: Water crisis for children, hunger in East Africa, new Yazidi memorial

2023-11-14T11:28+0100globalsecurity (en)

13 November 2023 - Some 739 million children worldwide - or one in three - already live in areas exposed to high or very high water scarcity, with climate change threatening to push that alarming figure higher, according to a new UNICEF report. The double burden of dwindling availability - and....

Drought: in Northern Italy the climate of Ethiopia. The studio – Icona News

2023-11-14T11:24+0100ruetir (en)

The extreme drought that recently hit the Northern Italy has doubled in the last two decades, creating a climate which increasingly reflects that of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. This was revealed by a new study conducted by WaterAid and the universities of Cardiff and Bristol.

Siccità: nel Nord Italia il clima dell’Etiopia. Lo studio

2023-11-14T11:03+0100iconaclima (it)

La siccità estrema che ha colpito di recente il Nord Italia è raddoppiata negli ultimi due decenni, creando un clima che rispecchia sempre più quello dell’Etiopia e del Corno d’Africa. Lo rivela un nuovo studio condotto da WaterAid e dalle università di Cardiff e Bristol.

Extreme drought in northern Italy has doubled over the past two decades

2023-11-14T10:35+0100politiko (en)

, creating a climate that increasingly mirrors that of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, Analysis of satellite images and data by scientists reveals how global warming is creating erratic extremes. Analysis of climate data released by WaterAid and Cardiff and Bristol Universities reveals that under....

Floods Kill At Least 10 in Arusha

2023-11-14T08:02+0100allafrica (en)

Arusha ARUSHA: AT least 10 people have been killed in floods caused by the torrential rains that have ravaged several parts of Arusha region. The seven-hour deluge that pounded on the region for the better part of the weekend is said to have left more than 90 households displaced.

Extreme drought in northern Italy mirrors climate in Ethiopia

2023-11-14T07:48+0100observer (en)

Extreme drought in northern Italy has doubled over the past two decades, creating a climate that increasingly mirrors that of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, research shows. Analysis of satellite imagery and data by scientists reveals how global heating is creating a “whiplash effect”, creating erratic extremes.

Extreme drought in northern Italy mirrors climate in Ethiopia

2023-11-14T06:13+0100guardian (en)

Extreme drought in northern Italy has doubled over the past two decades, creating a climate that increasingly mirrors that of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, research shows. Analysis of satellite imagery and data by scientists reveals how global heating is creating a “whiplash effect”, creating erratic extremes.

World News in Brief: Water crisis for children, hunger in East Africa, new Yazidi memorial

2023-11-14T02:17+0100un-sustainabledevelopment (en)

The double burden of dwindling availability - and inadequate water for drinking and sanitation services - is compounding the challenge, putting children at even greater risk. The Climate Changed Child – released ahead of the COP28 UN climate change summit later this month in Dubai - throws a spotlight on the threat facing vulnerable children.

Somalia reporta 31 muertos por intensas lluvias e inundaciones

2023-11-13T23:45+0100sipse (es)

(Foto: AP) El gobierno de Somalia anunció el domingo que el número de personas fallecidas a causa de las intensas lluvias e inundaciones provocadas por el fenómeno meteorológico 'El Niño' ha aumentado a 31. El ministro de Información somalí, Daud Aweis, declaró que además de este balance de....

World News in Brief: Water crisis for children, hunger in East Africa, new Yazidi memorial

2023-11-13T20:42+0100globalissues (en)

It provides an analysis of the impacts of three tiers of water security - water scarcity, water vulnerability, and what’s termed “water stress” (where demand outstrips surface and groundwater supply) It also outlines the myriad ways in which children bear the brunt of the impacts of the climate....

In Kenya una giornata di festa per piantare un milione di alberi

2023-11-13T19:05+0100dire (it)

In Kenya una giornata di festa per piantare un milione di alberi il governo del Kenya vuole piantare 15 miliardi di alberi entro il 2032 come impegno per la riforestazione. ROMA – Una giornata di festa per piantare cento milioni di alberi : accade oggi in Kenya, dove il governo si ripromette di....

Kenya. Una giornata di festa per piantare 100 mln di alberi iniziativa rimboschimento contro siccità, proprio come Etiopia

2023-11-13T19:01+0100ilmetropolitano-it (it)

(Dire) Roma, 13 Nov. – Una giornata di festa per piantare cento milioni di alberi: accade oggi in Kenya, dove il governo si ripromette di mantenere gli impegni di lotta ai cambiamenti climatici contribuendo alla riforestazione con l’aggiunta entro il 2032 di 15 miliardi di nuove chiome. foto di GNS.

In Kenya una giornata di festa per piantare un milione di alberi

2023-11-13T18:59+0100vivereancona (it)

1' di lettura Vivere Italia 13/11/2023 - ROMA - Una giornata di festa per piantare cento milioni di alberi: accade oggi in Kenya, dove il governo si ripromette di mantenere gli impegni di lotta ai cambiamenti climatici contribuendo alla riforestazione con l'aggiunta entro il 2032 di 15 miliardi di nuove chiome.

World News in Brief: Water crisis for children, hunger in East Africa, new Yazidi memorial

2023-11-13T18:25+0100un-news (en)

The double burden of dwindling availability - and inadequate water for drinking and sanitation services - is compounding the challenge, putting children at even greater risk. The Climate Changed Child – released ahead of the COP28 UN climate change summit later this month in Dubai - throws a spotlight on the threat facing vulnerable children.

World News in Brief: Water crisis for children, hunger in East Africa, new Yazidi memorial

2023-11-13T18:21+0100un-org (en)

The double burden of dwindling availability - and inadequate water for drinking and sanitation services - is compounding the challenge, putting children at even greater risk. The Climate Changed Child – released ahead of the COP28 UN climate change summit later this month in Dubai - throws a spotlight on the threat facing vulnerable children.

Somalia floods kill over 30, displacing 1.6 million people

2023-11-13T16:03+0100africafeeds (en)

Elvis Adjetey is an experienced African journalist who has worked with top media brands in Ghana where he is based. At least 31 people have been confirmed dead from latest floods in Somalia . Several people have also been injured with an estimated number of 1.6 million people being affected.

Somalia: Feds to launch Social Welfare System and Unified Social Registry

2023-11-13T02:38+0100somalidispatch (en)

MOGADISHU (SD) -Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia , Hamza Abdi Barre, has unveiled the Social Welfare System of the Unified Social Registry, aimed at reducing poverty and ensuring food security, addressing issues such as droughts, floods, and famines.

Suben a 31 los muertos por las devastados inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-12T19:03+0100enespanol24 (es)

Enespanol24.com Las devastadoras inundaciones en Somalia causadas por las lluvias torrenciales, que han afectado a más de un millón de personas según Naciones Unidas, han dejado ya 31 muertos, informó hoy el Gobierno de este país del Cuerno de África. El ministro somalí de Información, Cultura y....

Suben a 31 los muertos por las inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-12T15:26+0100elnuevodiario-DO (es)

EL NUEVO DIARIO, MOGADISCIO.- Las devastadoras inundaciones en Somalia causadas por las lluvias torrenciales, que han afectado a más de un millón de personas según Naciones Unidas, han dejado ya 31 muertos, informó hoy el Gobierno de este país del Cuerno de África.

Suben a 31 los muertos por las devastados inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-12T12:32+0100infobae (es)

Mogadiscio, 12 nov (EFE).- Las devastadoras inundaciones en Somalia causadas por las lluvias torrenciales, que han afectado a más de un millón de personas según Naciones Unidas, han dejado ya 31 muertos, informó hoy el Gobierno de este país del Cuerno de África.

Devastating Floods Disrupt Lives and Exacerbate Needs in Somalia

2023-11-12T06:27+0100reliefWeb (en)

SOMALIA. Population: 16.8 million People in Need: 7.7 million. OUR IMPACT. People Helped Last Year: 490,238 Our Team: 85 employees Program Start: 1992. El Nino fuels a climate disaster: historic, deadly floods in Somalia have displaced hundreds of thousands of people.


2023-11-11T18:59+0100radiodalsan (en)

The British Embassy in Mogadishu has awarded a bilateral grant of £4 million to Action Against Hunger Somalia . The grant, which has a six-month duration, will be essential in helping nearly a million vulnerable Somalis in South Central Somalia who are affected negatively by El Niño by providing....

El Nino impact on food security: $160 million needed urgently to support 4.8 million people at risk, says FAO

2023-11-11T06:29+0100downtoearth (en)

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has launched a plan to reduce the projected impacts of climate phenomenon El Nino on agricultural livelihoods and food security of the most at-risk and vulnerable populations. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recently....

El Niño es un fenómeno predecible

2023-11-11T05:03+0100listin (es)

A medida que nos acercamos al invierno, hay una buena noticia para las personas que tiemblan al pensar en el frío y viven en el hemisferio norte: es probable que las temperaturas sean más cálidas. Pueden agradecérselo al patrón meteorológico cíclico conocido como El Niño. Pero para otras partes del planeta, el pronóstico no es agradable.

Más de un millón de personas afectadas por las inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-11T04:01+0100somosfan (es)

Las inundaciones en Somalia causadas por las lluvias torrenciales desde principios de octubre han afectado a más de 1,17 millones de personas, incluyendo cerca de 335.000 desplazados, informó hoy la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA).

Afectadas más de un millón de personas por las inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-10T23:00+0100elcomentario (es)

Las inundaciones en Somalia causadas por las lluvias torrenciales desde principios de octubre han afectado a más de 1.17 millones de personas, incluyendo cerca de 335 mil desplazados, informó hoy la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios ( OCHA.

Somalia floods: UN warns of 'once-in-a-century event'

2023-11-10T18:50+0100bbc (en)

More than 1.6 million people in Somalia could be affected by the recent unusually heavy seasonal rains, the United Nations has warned. Authorities say at least 29 people have been killed and more than 300,000 displaced, with more rain to come. Somalia and neighbouring countries in East Africa have been hit by heavy rains since early October.

Más de un millón de personas afectadas por las inundaciones en Somalia Por El Aragüeño Las inundaciones en Somalia causadas por las lluvias torrenciales desde principios de octubre han afectado a más de 1,17 millones de personas, incluyendo cerca de 335.000 desplazados, informó hoy la Oficina de...

2023-11-10T18:14+0100elaragueno (es)

Las inundaciones en Somalia causadas por las lluvias torrenciales desde principios de octubre han afectado a más de 1,17 millones de personas, incluyendo cerca de 335.000 desplazados, informó hoy la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA).

(VIDEO) Más de un millón de personas afectadas por las inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-10T15:32+0100elnuevodiario-DO (es)

EL NUEVO DIARIO, MOGADISCIO.- Las inundaciones en Somalia causadas por las lluvias torrenciales desde principios de octubre han afectado a más de 1,17 millones de personas, incluyendo cerca de 335.000 desplazados, informó hoy la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA).

Más de un millón de personas afectadas por las inundaciones en Somalia

2023-11-10T14:49+0100infobae (es)

Mogadiscio, 10 nov (EFE).- Las inundaciones en Somalia causadas por las lluvias torrenciales desde principios de octubre han afectado a más de 1,17 millones de personas, incluyendo cerca de 335.000 desplazados, informó hoy la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA).

Fao: evitare che El Niño aggravi la fame nel mondo

2023-11-10T10:52+0100greenreport (it)

aggiornato per ridurre gli impatti sui mezzi di sussistenza agricoli e la sicurezza alimentare delle popolazioni più a rischio e vulnerabili. Il mondo entra in questo ciclo di El Niño con un record di 258 milioni di persone che soffriranno la fame acuta nel 2022 e solo il 20% dei fondi totali....

El Nino conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024

2023-11-10T07:38+0100thehindu (en)

weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. "Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El Nino, with anomalies....

Report states that Horn of Africa drought was made possible by global warming.

2023-11-10T06:21+0100whatsnew2day (en)

The devastating drought ravaging the Horn of Africa could not have happened without global warming, according to a new report released Thursday by an international team of climate scientists. “Human-induced climate change has made agricultural droughts in the Horn of Africa nearly 100 times more....

Zim battles climate change shocks — report

2023-11-10T04:10+0100newsday (en)

It assessed threats related to food insecurity, water risk, natural disasters, and demographic pressure. “IEP’s hotspot analysis compares the countries and areas facing at least one severe threat with the Positive Peace Index (PPI). A hotspot country is defined as one that is ranked in the bottom 30....

El Niño conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 - US forecaster

2023-11-09T19:33+0100gmanews (en)

El Niño weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. "Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El Niño, with....

Somalia Faces Devastating Floods

2023-11-09T18:47+0100en-africanews (en)

In Somalia , floods caused by torrential rains have killed at least 29 people and displaced more than 300,000 in East Africa, the head of Somalia's disaster management agency said on Tuesday. The El Niño phenomenon has intensified the rainy season in the Horn of Africa, resulting in equally....

El Nino conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 - US forecaster (Reuters) - El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weath... 2h ago

2023-11-09T18:39+0100whbl (en)

(Reuters) – El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. “Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El Nino,....

El Nino conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 - US forecaster (Reuters) - El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weath... 2h ago

2023-11-09T18:18+0100wsau (en)

(Reuters) – El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. “Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El Nino,....

El Niño could trigger food crisis for 20 million in southern Africa

2023-11-09T17:49+0100efe (en)

Nairobi, Nov 9 (EFE).- The El Niño meteorological phenomenon, leading to severe drought in southern Africa, is expected to trigger a severe food crisis for 20 million people in this region, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) said. “More than 20 million people across Southern Africa....

El Nino conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 - US forecaster (Reuters) - El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance... 1h ago

2023-11-09T17:40+0100wkzo (en)

(Reuters) – El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. “Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El Nino,....

El Nino conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 - US forecaster

2023-11-09T17:03+01004-traders (en)

(Reuters) - El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. "Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El....

El Nino conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024: US forecaster

2023-11-09T16:13+0100straitstimesSG (en)

El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. "Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El Nino, with....

El Nino conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 - US forecaster

2023-11-09T16:01+0100gazette (en)

(Reuters) - El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. "Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El Nino,....

El Nino conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 - US forecaster Reuters |Updated 11 minutes ago |1 min read (Reuters) - El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday.

2023-11-09T15:54+0100thechronicleherald (en)

(Reuters) - El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. "Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El Nino,....

El Nino Conditions to Continue Through Northern Hemisphere Spring 2024 - US Forecaster

2023-11-09T15:51+0100usnews (en)

(Reuters) - El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. "Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El....

El Nino conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 - US forecaster

2023-11-09T15:47+0100saltwire (en)

(Reuters) - El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. "Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El Nino,....

El Nino conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 - US forecaster

2023-11-09T15:41+0100streetinsider (en)

(Reuters) - El Nino weather conditions will continue through the Northern Hemisphere during April-June 2024 with a 62% chance, a U.S. government weather forecaster said on Thursday. "Above-average sea surface temperatures (SST) across the equatorial Pacific Ocean were indicative of a strong El Nino,....

Climate change, a human rights issue

2023-11-07T23:03+0100herald (en)

A s we prepare and build towards the Conference of Parties (COP28) to be held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from November 30 to December 12, it is important to locate the climate change discourse an existential threat, a security threat and a human rights issue with respect to current and....

Cronaca mondo. Catastrofiche alluvioni su Kenya e Somalia dopo l'estrema siccità

2023-11-07T17:12+01003bmeteo (it)

inondazioni tra Kenya e Somalia . La situazione umanitaria è critica su parte dell'Africa orientale per via delle i nondazioni che hanno provocato decine di morti, distrutto centinaia di abitazioni e costretto ad evacuare centinaia di migliaia di persone.

El Nino Drives Hunger Around the World

2023-11-07T01:30+0100reliefWeb (en)

Winter is comingbut this year’s winter might look a little different than what we’re used to. Meteorologists across the United States are predicting less snow, warmer days, and erratic storms. But ski season isn’t the only thing at risk. El Ninoa recurring phenomenon of higher-than-average sea....

Farmers seek solutions amid climate change crisis

2023-11-07T00:34+0100chinadaily (en)

Cattle are used to pull a cart carrying water at Kasioni village, Makindu, in September. XIE SONGXIN/CHINA DAILY. Smart agricultural techniques reap rich dividends in Kenya. Richard Ngunga, a retired teacher born and raised in a Kenyan village, has fond memories of his childhood.

La OCHA alerta de que hay más de 113.000 personas desplazadas en Somalia por las lluvias e inundaciones

2023-11-06T18:37+0100notimerica (es)

Archivo - MOGADISHU, Nov. 4, 2020 -- A vehicle wades through a flooded road in Mogadishu, capital of Somalia , Nov. 2, 2020. Heavy rains in Mogadishu have caused serious havoc on local residents and destroyed tarmac roads. - Europa Press/Contacto/Hassan Bashi - Archivo. MADRID, 6 Nov.

Thousands trapped by Somalia floods - UN

2023-11-06T16:24+0100en-africanews (en)

Thousands of people are trapped in flooded areas following heavy rains in Somalia 's Jubbaland state, the UN's humanitarian agency says. The heavy rains that started last month have elevated the water levels on the Juba river, causing flooding in riverine areas of the state, the Office for the....

Kenya: 15 dead in floods caused by torrential rains

2023-11-06T14:38+0100en-africanews (en)

At least 15 people have died in Kenya in floods caused by the torrential rains that have hit East Africa, cutting off roads, washing away dozens of houses and killing livestock, the Kenyan Red Cross announced on Monday. "As of yesterday (Sunday), 15,264 households have been affected, with 15....

Somalia floods: Fourteen killed and thousands trapped in their homes

2023-11-06T13:10+0100bbc (en)

The flooding began last month due to the rising water levels in the Juba and Shabelle rivers which caused them to overflow. Bridges and roads have been destroyed by the downpours, making it difficult to reach affected households. A number of toilets are overflowing into residential areas, raising the risks of water-borne diseases.

The Star » Thousands trapped in Somalia flash floods – UN

2023-11-06T10:59+0100kenyamoja (en)

Thousands of people are trapped in flooded areas following heavy rains in Somalia 's Jubbaland state, the UN's humanitarian agency says. The heavy rains that started last month have elevated the water levels on the Juba river, causing flooding in riverine areas of the state, the Office for the....

Thousands trapped in Somalia flash floods – UN

2023-11-06T10:31+0100theghanareport (en)

Thousands of people are trapped in flooded areas following heavy rains in Somalia ’s Jubbaland state, the UN’s humanitarian agency says. The heavy rains that started last month have elevated the water levels on Juba river, causing flooding in riverine areas of the state, the Office for the....

Thousands trapped in Somalia flash floods – UN

2023-11-06T09:44+0100thestarkenya (en)

Thousands of people are trapped in flooded areas following heavy rains in Somalia 's Jubbaland state, the UN's humanitarian agency says. The heavy rains that started last month have elevated the water levels on the Juba river, causing flooding in riverine areas of the state, the Office for the....

Thousands trapped in Somalia flash floods - UN

2023-11-06T08:52+0100clubofmozambique (en)

Thousands of people are trapped in flooded areas following heavy rains in Somalia ’s Jubbaland state, the UN’s humanitarian agency says. The heavy rains that started last month have elevated the water levels on the Juba river, causing flooding in riverine areas of the state, the Office for the....

Deputy PM urges Somalis to support flood victims

2023-11-06T06:03+0100somalidispatch (en)

MOGADISHU (SD)-The Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia , Salah Ahmed Jama, paid a visit today to the Central Emergency Response Office of the National Drought Management Authority, where he was welcomed by officials from the organization.

114 milioni di persone in fuga nel mondo

2023-11-03T15:34+0100cinformi (it)

03/11/2023 Rapporto Mid-Year Trends pubblicato dall’Agenzia ONU per i rifugiati. A fine settembre 2023, il numero di persone in fuga da guerre, persecuzioni, violenze e violazioni di diritti umani nel mondo ha con tutta probabilità superato i 114 milioni. Lo afferma l’UNHCR, Agenzia ONU per i rifugiati.

Farmers seek solutions amid climate change

2023-11-03T15:04+0100chinadaily (en)

As the devastating impact of climate change is all too apparent, farmers in Makindu, Makueni County, Kenya, are resorting to climate smart agriculture to put enough food on their table and to improve their lives. The area, which had tall evergreen trees, large herds of healthy livestock and the....

East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region: UNHCR Drought Situation Response Update #14 - September 2023

2023-11-03T09:33+0100reliefWeb (en)

Situation Overview. The ongoing impacts of the catastrophic drought suffered by the Horn of Africa continue to severely affect millions of refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and their host communities in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia . Across the region, climate impacts continue to....

The World Is Burning More Heat-waves, more food insecurity, more migration

2023-11-02T21:56+0100wsimag (en)

Record high temperatures are gripping much of the globe and more hot weather are to come. This implies more drought, more food insecurity, more famine and more massive human displacements. In fact, extremely high May and June temperatures have broken records in parts of Europe, the Middle East,....

Oltre 114 milioni le persone costrette a fuggire a causa dei conflitti Secondo il Rapporto Mid-Year Trends dell’Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati, le ostilità ambientali e gli scontri armati restano la principale causa di fuga

2023-10-31T14:08+0100integrazionemigranti (it)

Secondo il Rapporto Mid-Year Trends dell’Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati, le ostilità ambientali e gli scontri armati restano la principale causa di fuga. L’UNHCR, Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati, ha pubblicato il 25 ottobre il rapporto , che analizza per i primi sei mesi dell’anno i dati delle persone costrette a lasciare il proprio Paese.

Africa: gli eventi meteo estremi hanno ucciso 15mila persone solo nel 2023

2023-10-27T18:00+0200iconaclima (it)

Il 2023 si appresta a diventare l’ anno più caldo della storia , battendo anche il 2016. La combinazione tra riscaldamento globale e il fenomeno meteorologico El Niño hanno causato ondate di caldo interminabili in diverse zone del Pianeta ed eventi meteo estremi.

UNHCR. In aumento il numero di persone costrette a fuggire a causa dei conflitti

2023-10-26T17:41+0200notiziegeopolitiche (it)

Unhcr – L’UNHCR, Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati, oggi ha reso noto oggi che, a fine settembre, il numero di persone in fuga da guerre, persecuzioni, violenze e violazioni di diritti umani nel mondo, ha con tutta probabilità, superato i 114 milioni. Secondo il rapporto Mid-Year Trends pubblicato....

Nel mondo ci sono più di 114 milioni di profughi e sfollati

2023-10-26T09:59+0200greenreport (it)

UNHCR: gli sfollamenti forzati continuano ad aumentare con l’intensificarsi dei conflitti. [26 Ottobre 2023] Secondo il dell’’United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), che analizza gli sfollamenti forzati durante i primi 6 mesi di quest’anno «E’ probabile che alla fine di settembre il....

Migranti: Unhcr, in aumento il numero di persone costrette a fuggire a causa di guerre e violenze. Sono 114 milioni (+4 milioni in tre mesi)

2023-10-25T16:56+0200avveniredicalabria (it)

A fine settembre 2023 si stima che le persone costrette a fuggire nel mondo a causa di guerre e violenze siano 114 milioni. È il dato diffuso oggi dall’Unhcr, Agenzia Onu per i rifugiati. Secondo il rapporto Mid-Year Trends pubblicato dall’Unhcr, che analizza per i primi sei mesi dell’anno i dati....

Migranti: Unhcr, in aumento il numero di persone costrette a fuggire a causa di guerre e violenze. Sono 114 milioni (+4 milioni in tre mesi)

2023-10-25T16:33+0200agensir (it)

(foto: UNHCR) A fine settembre 2023 si stima che le persone costrette a fuggire nel mondo a causa di guerre e violenze siano 114 milioni. È il dato diffuso oggi dall’Unhcr, Agenzia Onu per i rifugiati. Secondo il rapporto Mid-Year Trends pubblicato dall’Unhcr, che analizza per i primi sei mesi....

UNHCR: in aumento il numero di persone costrette a fuggire a causa dei conflitti

2023-10-25T16:17+0200agenpress (it)

AgenPress . L’UNHCR, Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati, oggi ha reso noto oggi che, a fine settembre, il numero di persone in fuga da guerre, persecuzioni, violenze e violazioni di diritti umani nel mondo, ha con tutta probabilità, superato i 114 milioni. Secondo il rapporto Mid-Year Trends pubblicato....

Il datoRecord mondiale di sfollati, superati i 114 milioni

2023-10-25T15:34+0200cdt (it)

«Il numero di sfollati a causa di guerre, persecuzioni, violenze e violazioni dei diritti umani a livello globale avrà probabilmente superato i 114 milioni alla fine di settembre», si legge in un un comunicato dell'Unhcr, l'agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati.

New research: turning our weather into hell has a terrifying price

2023-10-24T17:52+0200hungary-postsen (en)

According to a recent report the global climate crisis has caused $391 million in damage per day over the past two decades. According to a study published in the journal Nature Communications, extreme weather events linked to climate change, for example.


2023-10-24T16:18+0200nelcuore (it)

La crisi climatica ha un prezzo: 391 milioni di dollari al giorno. Più o meno 4.265 euro al secondo. Uno studio pubblicato sulla rivista Nature Communications ha dimostrato che gli eventi estremi attribuibili al cambiamento climatico hanno comportato costi in media di oltre 143 miliardi di dollari all’anno dal 2000 al 2019.

Clima, Unicef: “Oltre 43 milioni di bambini sfollati in 6 anni”

2023-10-24T15:07+0200avanti (it)

Secondo una nuova analisi dell’UNICEF, pubblicata di recente, i disastri legati al clima hanno causato 43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati interni in 44 Paesi in un periodo di sei anni, ovvero circa 20.000 bambini sfollati al giorno. Una situazione assolutamente catastrofica.

The climate crisis has a price — and it's $391 million a day

2023-10-24T04:43+0200cnbc (en)

Damage from the global climate crisis has amounted to $391 million per day over the past two decades, a report showed. Wildfires, heatwaves, droughts and other extreme events attributable to climate change have incurred costs averaging over a hundred billion per year from 2000 to 2019, a recent....

SODMA Convenes Meeting on El Niño Threat, Urges Precautions

2023-10-22T14:54+0200africanewswire (en)

MOGADISHU, Somalia – The National Disaster Management Agency (SODMA) held a one-day meeting on Saturday, October 21, 2023, with international organizations and non-governmental agencies. The focus was to discuss the potential impact of the El Niño phenomenon on Somalia. According to News Releases by Somali National News Agency, Chaired by Dr.

PRIO Blogs Tuesday, 16 May 2023 What’s Next in Climate Security Studies? Exploiting Synergies between Practice and Research The increase in global temperatures by over 1 degree Celsius since pre-industrial times is already having broad and significant impacts.

2023-10-18T16:38+0200prio (en)

What’s Next in Climate Security Studies? Exploiting Synergies between Practice and Research. Posted May 16, 2023 by & filed under Environment The increase in global temperatures by over 1 degree Celsius since pre-industrial times is already having broad and significant impacts.

Unresolved Conflicts Continue to Drive Africa’s Food Crisis

2023-10-18T00:30+0200africacenter (en)

Conflict and economic collapse have driven about 20.3 million Sudanese (over 43 percent of the country’s population) into high levels of acute food insecurity, between July and September 2023. Of those, almost 6.3 million people (13 percent of the population) are experiencing IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) levels of food insecurity.

Siccità: WFP, Corno d’Africa sull’orlo di una crisi umanitaria per fame, 20 milioni a rischio

2023-10-16T13:54+0200onuitalia (it)

NAIROBI, 20 APRILE – Il Corno d’Africa è sull’orlo di una catastrofe umanitaria venti milioni di persone rischiano di morire di fame quest’anno poiché le ritardate piogge peggiorano la terribile siccità in Kenya, Somalia ed Etiopia . Lo dicono le Nazioni Unite secondo cui l’estrema siccità durata....

After a historic drought, Somalia now braces for El Niño rains: At least a million people at high risk of flooding

2023-10-16T10:01+0200reliefWeb (en)

Sunday 8 October 2023 --- After a brutal and historic drought in 2022, Somalia now braces for the El Niño rains. Forecasts warn that the El Niño rains, expected to start in October and last until October would trigger severe flooding in southern and central Somalia.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier calls for donations for Welthungerhilfe

2023-10-15T20:47+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-15T18:45:03.868Z. Highlights: Frank-Walter Steinmeier calls for donations for Welthungerhilfe. The global crises are slowing down the fight against hunger. This makes it all the more important to support people who do not have enough food available. Steinmeier's address is scheduled to be broadcast on Sunday evening on ARD (19:55 p.

Steinmeier calls for donations for Welthungerhilfe

2023-10-15T15:57+0200tellerreport (en)

2023-10-15T13:55:00.879Z. Highlights: Steinmeier calls for donations for Welthungerhilfe. The global crises are slowing down the fight against hunger. This makes it all the more important to support people who do not have enough food available, says Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Disasters displaced some 43m children

2023-10-15T13:37+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

Weather-related disasters forcibly displaced a staggering 43.1 million children across 44 countries over the past six years, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said. That figure translates into an alarming average of 20,000 children uprooted every day. The findings are contained in UNICEF’s latest....


2023-10-14T01:49+0200welfarenetwork (it)

Dodici scrittori emergenti e altrettanti racconti, molti dei quali hanno per tema proprio la siccità e i danni prodotti dal cambiamento climatico, e che diventeranno, questa primavera, un libro antologia pubblicato da DeA Planeta Libri. È l’esito del concorso letterario The Source, promosso da....

La crisis climática deja un coste de 16 millones de dólares por hora en los últimos 20 años

2023-10-13T21:33+0200Publico-ES (es)

Una publicación de 'Nature' calcula por primera vez los daños económicos globales generados por desastres ambientales vinculados al calentamiento del planeta en los últimos 20 años. La mayoría de las pérdidas son provocadas por tormentas. La mayoría de informes y estadísticas oficiales .

MIL-OSI Translation: War crimes in Gaza and Israel, water and climate change, humanitarian aid… Thursday’s news

2023-10-13T13:15+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Nations – in Spanish 4. Headline: War crimes in Gaza and Israel, water and climate change, humanitarian aid… Thursday’s news Attacks on civilians by Hamas and Israel constitute war crimes, say independent experts. Indiscriminate attacks on civilians by Hamas and the Israeli army....

Climate Change Forces Millions of Children to Become Refugees

2023-10-12T02:07+0200kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found in KOMPAS/AGUS SUSANTO. Cloudy skies surround the Hong Kong International Airport on Tuesday (10/10/2023). On Sunday (8/10/2023) night, flights to and from the airport....

Global warming has cost £13m an hour, researchers find

2023-10-10T19:29+0200eandt-theiet (en)

New Zealand researchers have measured the economic costs of extreme weather events linked to climate change. Their research has found that these occurrences have caused at least $2.8tn (£2.3tn) in damage over the past 20 years, The Guardian has reported.

16 milioni di dollari ogni ora: questo è il costo di crisi climatica ed eventi meteo estremi

2023-10-10T12:24+0200iconaclima (it)

La crisi climatica e gli eventi meteo estremi, la cui frequenza ed intensità aumenta a causa del riscaldamento globale, negli ultimi 2 decenni sono costati 16 milioni di dollari ogni ora . Ad arrivare a questa conclusione è stato uno pubblicato su Nature Communications e realizzato da due....

16 million dollars every hour: this is the cost of the climate crisis and extreme weather events – Icona News

2023-10-10T12:19+0200ruetir (en)

The climate crisis and extreme weather events, the frequency and intensity of which is increasing due to global warming, have cost 16 million dollars every hour . This conclusion was reached by a study published in Nature Communications and created by two researchers from the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.

Del estrés postraumático a la ansiedad: cómo los efectos del cambio climático afectan a nuestra salud mental

2023-10-10T11:05+0200maldita (es)

Entre 2030 y 2050 el cambio climático causará unas 250.000 muertes al año, debido a la malnutrición, el paludismo, la diarrea y el estrés calórico, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud . El calentamiento global, además de tener un impacto significativo en la salud física, puede deteriorar nuestra salud mental .

Africa: Weather-Related Disasters Displace 43.1 Million Children in Six Years, Unicef Reports

2023-10-10T09:01+0200allafrica (en)

Weather-related disasters forcibly displaced a staggering 43.1 million children across 44 countries over the past six years, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) said on Friday. That figure translates to an alarming average of 20,000 children uprooted every day.

Quanto ci costa la crisi del clima? 16 milioni di dollari l'ora, come minimo

2023-10-10T05:15+0200rainews (it)

L'emergenza climatica dovuta al riscaldamento globale è un fatto. Ora qualcuno si è preso anche la briga di calcolare scientificamente i costi monetari che ne derivano: i danni causati dalle condizioni meteorologiche estreme sono costati 16 milioni di dollari ogni ora negli ultimi 20 anni . Ma forse molto di più.

Clima, eventi estremi costati 16 milioni di dollari l’ora in 20 anni: lo studio

2023-10-10T03:03+0200meteoweb (it)

Gli eventi climatici estremi sono costati 16 milioni di dollari all’ora negli ultimi 20 anni. Lo afferma uno studio pubblicato sulla rivista scientifica Nature Communications, il primo a calcolare una cifra a livello globale dei danni economici a persone e proprietà. Da una prima stima sul 2022, i costi dovuti al ammontano a 280 miliardi di euro.

Extreme weather events have killed more than 60,000 people in 21st century, study finds Just under two-thirds of the climate change-attributed damages are connected to storms, while 16% resulted from heatwaves Mon, 09 Oct, 2023

2023-10-10T02:01+0200irishexaminer (en)

The year with the lowest costs attributed to climate change is 2001 at around €22.75bn, while the year with the highest climate-attributed costs is 2008 at around €588.6bn, the study found. "The years in which costs reach high peaks — notably 2003, 2008, and 2010 — are predominantly because of high mortality events.

Quanto ci costa la crisi climatica: l’esorbitante cifra per ogni ora di eventi meteo estremi

2023-10-10T00:02+0200fanpage (it)

Gli eventi meteo estremi indotti dal cambiamento climatico causato dall’uomo hanno conseguenze che si ripercuotono sul mondo naturale e su diversi aspetti della nostra vita, inclusi quelli economici. In questi termini, secondo una nuova stima, il costo globale dei danni dovuti a condizioni meteo....

Clima: eventi estremi costati 16 milioni di dollari l'ora in 20 anni

2023-10-09T17:54+0200advfn (it)

Nature Communication: in 2022 stimati 280 miliardi di danni. (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus) - Milano, 09 ott - Gli eventi climatici estremi sono costati 16 milioni di dollari all'ora negli ultimi 20 anni. Lo afferma uno studio pubblicato sulla rivista scientifica Nature Communications, il primo a....

Unicef: sono 43,1 milioni i bambini sfollati per la crisi climatica

2023-10-09T13:41+0200aise (it)

GINEVRA\ aise\ - I disastri legati al clima hanno causato 43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati interni in 44 Paesi in un periodo di sei anni, ovvero circa 20.000 bambini sfollati al giorno. È quanto emerge da “Children Displaced in a Changing Climate” , la prima analisi globale del numero di bambini....

Climate crisis has displaced 43 million children in six years

2023-10-09T06:05+0200kpl (en)

(KPL/Prensa Latina) The climate crisis has forcibly displaced 43.1 million children in 44 countries over the last six years, according to estimates by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The figure is equivalent to the displacement of an average of 20,000 children a day, the UN agency said....

Climate crisis has displaced 43 million children in six years

2023-10-08T07:02+0200plenglish (en)

The figure is equivalent to the displacement of an average of 20,000 children a day, the UN agency said in its report Displaced Children in a Changing Climate, the first global analysis of child displacement caused by floods, storms, droughts and wildfires.

UNICEF: Around 43 million children displaced by climate change

2023-10-08T04:30+0200humnews-pk (en)

WEB DESK: A United Nations report released on Friday reveals that more than 43 million children have been displaced due to extreme weather events linked to climate change between 2016 and 2021. According to DW , The report, compiled by United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF),....

9.7 million Filipino kids displaced by disasters – Unicef

2023-10-07T23:42+0200inquirer (en)

The Unicef report was the first global analysis of the number of children driven away from their homes between 2016 and 2021 due to floods, storms, droughts, and wildfires, and looks at projections for the next 30 years. Based on the analysis, there were 43.

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events

2023-10-07T22:41+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations (UN) report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report....

Millones de niños son desplazados por fenómenos climáticos extremos

2023-10-07T18:39+0200elperiodicodemexico (es)

ANIRUDDHA GHOSAL y CAMILLE FASSETT | Los Angeles Times. Tormentas, inundaciones, incendios forestales y otros fenómenos climáticos extremos provocaron poco más de 43 millones de desplazamientos que involucraron a niños entre 2016 y 2021, de acuerdo con un informe de las Naciones Unidas.

Over 43mn kids displaced by floods, storms, droughts, wildfires between 2016-2021

2023-10-07T07:45+0200dtnext (en)

GENEVA: The Unicef has revealed that more than 43 million children have been displaced from their homes by floods, storms, droughts and wildfires over the six years between 2016 and 2021. According to the new Unicef report, titled Children Displaced in a Changing Climate, the figure works out to....

Over 43 million children displaced by floods, storms, droughts, wildfires between 2016-2021

2023-10-07T06:51+0200businessinsider-in (en)

According to the new Unicef report, titled Children Displaced in a Changing Climate , the figure works out to 20,000 children displaced every single day due to extreme weather fueled by climate change. According to the analysis, China and the Philippines are among the countries that recorded the....

MIL-OSI Translation: Nobel Peace Prize, climate change and children, premature babies… Friday’s news

2023-10-07T06:43+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Nations – in Spanish 4. Headline: Nobel Peace Prize, climate change and children, premature babies… Friday’s news. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has called for the release of Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi, today awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Extreme weather displaced 43m children in past six years: UNICEF

2023-10-07T04:37+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Weather-related disasters forcibly displaced a staggering 43.1 million children in 44 countries over six years or approximately 20,000 child displacements a day – according to a new UNICEF analysis. ‘Children Displaced in a Changing Climate’ is the first global analysis of the number of children....

From Risk to Recovery in Somalia

2023-10-07T02:51+0200reliefWeb (en)

SOMALIA Population: 16.8 million; People in Need: 7.7 million. OUR IMPACT People Helped Last Year: 490,238; Our Team: 85 employees; Program Start: 1992. Three-Year-Old Abdullahi’s Fight Against Malnutrition Amid Prolonged Drought. Somalia is facing one of its worst humanitarian crises in decades.

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T23:32+0200startribune (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Observed changes in wet days and dry spells over the IGAD region of eastern Africa

2023-10-06T19:55+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Changes in wet and dry patterns have an impact on rain-fed agriculture, crop productivity, and food security in Eastern Africa. The purpose of this research is to look into the changes in wet days and dry periods within the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region.

Floods, storms and fires displaced 20,000 children every day over past six years, UNICEF report finds

2023-10-06T19:00+0200saudigazette (en)

NEW YORK — More than 43 million children have been driven from their homes by floods, storms, droughts and wildfires over the six years between 2016 and 2021, according to new data from UNICEF. That works out to 20,000 children displaced every single day due to extreme weather fueled by climate change.

Cambiamenti climatici: Unicef, “43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati interni in 44 Paesi in 6 anni, circa 20.000 al giorno”

2023-10-06T17:53+0200difesapopolo (it)

, la prima analisi globale del numero di bambini costretti ad abbandonare le proprie case tra il 2016 e il 2021 a causa di inondazioni, tempeste, siccità e incendi, ed esamina le proiezioni per i prossimi 30 anni. “Le inondazioni e le tempeste hanno causato 40,9 milioni – ovvero il 95% – degli....

43M Children Displaced By Floods, Storms, Droughts, Wildfires Since 2016

2023-10-06T17:24+0200forbes (en)

A joint report by UNICEF and the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center brings into sharper focus one of the harshest impacts of climate change: child displacement. UNICEF cited the new data as further evidence that more must be done to protect children from the risks and safeguard their futures.

Millones de niños han sido desplazados por eventos climáticos: UNICEF

2023-10-06T16:52+0200voanoticias (es)

Tormentas, inundaciones, incendios y otros fenómenos meteorológicos extremos provocaron más de 43 millones de desplazamientos de niños entre 2016 y 2021, según un informe de Naciones Unidas. Más de 113 millones de desplazamientos de niños ocurrirán en las próximas tres décadas, estimó el informe de....

Extreme weather events expected to displace millions of children: UNICEF

2023-10-06T16:44+0200fresnobee (en)

Extreme weather events could displace millions of children over the next three decades, according to a new report from the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). The analysis found that 43.1 million child displacements over the last six years, or 20,000 child displacements per day, were linked to weather-related disasters.

Extreme weather events expected to displace millions of children: UNICEF

2023-10-06T16:43+0200idahostatesman (en)

Extreme weather events could displace millions of children over the next three decades, according to a new report from the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). The analysis found that 43.1 million child displacements over the last six years, or 20,000 child displacements per day, were linked to weather-related disasters.

Extreme weather events expected to displace millions of children: UNICEF

2023-10-06T16:39+0200myrtlebeachonline (en)

Extreme weather events could displace millions of children over the next three decades, according to a new report from the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). The analysis found that 43.1 million child displacements over the last six years, or 20,000 child displacements per day, were linked to weather-related disasters.

Extreme weather events expected to displace millions of children: UNICEF

2023-10-06T16:38+0200bnd (en)

Extreme weather events could displace millions of children over the next three decades, according to a new report from the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). The analysis found that 43.1 million child displacements over the last six years, or 20,000 child displacements per day, were linked to weather-related disasters.

Extreme weather events expected to displace millions of children: UNICEF

2023-10-06T16:36+0200islandpacket (en)

Extreme weather events could displace millions of children over the next three decades, according to a new report from the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). The analysis found that 43.1 million child displacements over the last six years, or 20,000 child displacements per day, were linked to weather-related disasters.

Extreme weather events expected to displace millions of children: UNICEF

2023-10-06T16:36+0200charlotteobserver (en)

Extreme weather events could displace millions of children over the next three decades, according to a new report from the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). The analysis found that 43.1 million child displacements over the last six years, or 20,000 child displacements per day, were linked to weather-related disasters.

Weather-related disasters caused 20,000 child displacements a day between 2016 to '21: UNICEF

2023-10-06T16:23+0200newindianexpress (en)

NEW YORK: Weather-related disasters caused 20,000 child displacements a day, reveals a new UNICEF analysis. Children Displaced in a Changing Climate is the first global analysis of the number of children driven from their homes between 2016 and 2021 due to floods, storms, droughts and wildfires, and looks at projections for the next 30 years.

Standard » Weather disasters displaced 43 million children in 6 years, UNICEF says

2023-10-06T16:08+0200kenyamoja (en)

The miseries of long, drawn-out disasters like droughts are often underreported. Children had to leave their homes at least 1.3 million times because of drought in the years covered by the report more than half of them in Somalia but this is likely an undercount, the report said.

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events

2023-10-06T16:05+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of Children Displaced Due To Extreme Weather. Climate Change Will Make It Worse

2023-10-06T16:03+0200time (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

UNICEF: Millones de niños son desplazados por fenómenos climáticos extremos

2023-10-06T15:03+0200latimes (es)

Tormentas, inundaciones, incendios forestales y otros fenómenos climáticos extremos provocaron poco más de 43 millones de desplazamientos que involucraron a niños entre 2016 y 2021, de acuerdo con un informe de las Naciones Unidas. En las próximas tres décadas habrá más de 113 millones de....

Unicef: nel mondo 43,1mln di bambini sfollati a causa del cambiamento climatico

2023-10-06T15:02+0200247libero (it)

Siccità, tempeste, alluvioni e incendi tra il 2016 e il 2021 hanno causato lo sfollamento di 43,1 milioni di bambini in tutto mondo. È quanto emerge dal rapporto “Children Displaced in a Change Climate” realizzato dal Fondo delle Nazioni Unite per l’infanzia (Unicef). “È l’equivalente di circa 20.000 bambini sfollati al giorno.

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events

2023-10-06T14:48+0200euronews-en (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Unicef: nel mondo 43,1mln di bambini sfollati a causa del cambiamento climatico

2023-10-06T14:40+0200ladiscussione (it)

Siccità, tempeste, alluvioni e incendi tra il 2016 e il 2021 hanno causato lo sfollamento di 43,1 milioni di bambini in tutto mondo. È quanto emerge dal rapporto “Children Displaced in s Change Climate” realizzato dal Fondo delle Nazioni Unite per l’infanzia (Unicef). “È l’equivalente di circa 20.000 bambini sfollati al giorno.

Weather-related disasters displace 43.1 million children in six years, UNICEF reports

2023-10-06T14:38+0200un-sustainabledevelopment (en)

That figure translates to an alarming average of 20,000 children uprooted every day. The findings are contained in UNICEF ’s latest report, Children Displaced in a Changing Climate, the first ever global analysis of child displacements caused by floods, storms, droughts and wildfires. It also projects future trends for the next three decades.

Ventimila bambini al giorno costretti a fuggire per colpa del clima (e di chi nega l'emergenza)

2023-10-06T13:47+0200huffingtonpost-Italia (it)

30 ottobre 2022. Nel sud delle Filippine, la famiglia Baraguir si trova in un centro di evacuazione dopo essere stata sfollata dalla propria casa a causa della grave tempesta tropicale Nalgae. Sono una delle 30 famiglie ospitate in questo centro di evacuazione. 21 settembre 2022.

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T12:13+0200sunstar (en)

STORMS, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the Unicef report released....

Weather Disasters Displaced 43 Million Children in 6 Years, UNICEF Says

2023-10-06T11:58+0200voanews (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

UNICEF: Extreme weather events displace millions of children

2023-10-06T11:57+0200infomigrants (en)

Extreme weather events — among them floods, droughts, storms and wildfires — associated with the climate crisis led to over 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. At the current rate of climate change, more than 100 million children....

Cambiamenti climatici: Unicef, “43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati interni in 44 Paesi in 6 anni, circa 20.000 al giorno”

2023-10-06T11:56+0200agensir (it)

“I disastri legati al clima hanno causato 43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati interni in 44 Paesi in un periodo di sei anni, ovvero circa 20.000 bambini sfollati al giorno”. Lo denuncia oggi l’Unicef, nel rapporto “Children Displaced in a Changing Climate” , la prima analisi globale del numero di....

Cambiamenti climatici: Unicef, “43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati interni in 44 Paesi in 6 anni, circa 20.000 al giorno”

2023-10-06T11:56+0200avveniredicalabria (it)

“I disastri legati al clima hanno causato 43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati interni in 44 Paesi in un periodo di sei anni, ovvero circa 20.000 bambini sfollati al giorno”. Lo denuncia oggi l’Unicef, nel rapporto “Children Displaced in a Changing Climate” , la prima analisi globale del numero di....

UN: Millions of children in Asia displaced by weather-related events

2023-10-06T11:40+0200rfa (en)

More than 43 million children were internally displaced over six years due to climate change-exacerbated, weather-related disasters, with China, India and the Philippines leading the chart in absolute numbers, a U.N. agency said in a new report. “While the link between climate change and....

Weather-related disasters displace 43.1 million children in six years, UNICEF reports

2023-10-06T10:24+0200bna-en (en)

New York, Oct. 6 (BNA): Weather-related disasters forcibly displaced a staggering 43.1 million children across 44 countries over the past six years, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Friday. That figure translates to an alarming average of 20,000 children uprooted every day.

Unicef alerta que 20.000 menores son desplazados cada día por el cambio climático

2023-10-06T09:42+0200burgosconecta (es)

Del Caribe a Asia y de África a América del Norte, los desastres naturales dibujan una gran mancha en el mapa del mundo con las huellas de los niños que tienen que abandonar sus hogares y comunidades debido a los incendios, las sequías o las inundaciones.

Weather-related disasters displace 43.1 million children in six years, UNICEF reports

2023-10-06T09:37+0200globalissues (en)

That figure translates to an alarming average of 20,000 children uprooted every day. The findings are contained in UNICEF ’s latest report, Children Displaced in a Changing Climate, the first ever global analysis of child displacements caused by floods, storms, droughts and wildfires. It also projects future trends for the next three decades.

Weather-related disasters displace 43.1 million children in six years, UNICEF reports

2023-10-06T09:07+0200devdiscourse (en)

SHARE; Weather-related disasters forcibly displaced a staggering 43.1 million children across 44 countries over the past six years, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) said on Friday. That figure translates to an alarming average of 20,000 children uprooted every day.

Unicef alerta que 20.000 menores son desplazados cada día por el cambio climático

2023-10-06T08:37+0200laverdad (es)

Del Caribe a Asia y de África a América del Norte, los desastres naturales dibujan una gran mancha en el mapa del mundo con las huellas de los niños que tienen que abandonar sus hogares y comunidades debido a los incendios, las sequías o las inundaciones.

Unicef: “La crisi climatica ha causato 43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati”

2023-10-06T08:26+0200interris (it)

I dati del rapporto di Unicef “Children Displaced in a Changing Climate” parla di oltre 43 milioni di bambini e minori sfollati a causa dei cambiamenti climatici: siccità, incendi, cicloni e inondazioni. Clima: Unicef, crisi ha causato 43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati.

Extreme weather displaced 43 mln children in past six years, UNICEF reports

2023-10-06T08:14+0200app-en (en)

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 06 (APP): Weather-related disasters forcibly displaced a staggering 43.1 million children in 44 countries over six years ­ or approximately 20,000 child displacements a day – according to a new UNICEF analysis. ‘Children Displaced in a Changing Climate’ is the first global....

Millones de niños son desplazados por fenómenos climáticos extremos

2023-10-06T07:57+0200esdelatino-com (es)

Tormentas, inundaciones, incendios forestales y otros fenómenos meteorológicos extremos provocaron poco más de 43 millones de desplazamientos de niños entre 2016 y 2021, según un informe de las Naciones Unidas. En las próximas tres décadas habrá más de 113 millones de desplazamientos de menores,....

Millions of children displaced due to extreme weather events

2023-10-06T07:52+0200cgtn (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million children being displaced between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated a UNICEF report released on Friday,....

Unicef "La crisi climatica ha causato 43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati"

2023-10-06T07:38+0200ticinonews (it)

I disastri legati al clima hanno causato 43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati interni in 44 paesi del mondo in un periodo di sei anni, ovvero circa 20'000 al giorno. La siccità ha causato più di 1,3 milioni di bambini sfollati interni, gli incendi invece 810mila.

Unicef alerta que 20.000 menores son desplazados cada día por el cambio climático

2023-10-06T07:15+0200leonoticias (es)

Del Caribe a Asia y de África a América del Norte, los desastres naturales dibujan una gran mancha en el mapa del mundo con las huellas de los niños que tienen que abandonar sus hogares y comunidades debido a los incendios, las sequías o las inundaciones.

UNICEF: Millones de niños son desplazados por fenómenos climáticos extremos

2023-10-06T07:14+0200sandiegouniontribune (es)

Tormentas, inundaciones, incendios forestales y otros fenómenos climáticos extremos provocaron poco más de 43 millones de desplazamientos que involucraron a niños entre 2016 y 2021, de acuerdo con un informe de las Naciones Unidas. En las próximas tres décadas habrá más de 113 millones de....

Unicef alerta que 20.000 menores son desplazados cada día por el cambio climático

2023-10-06T07:13+0200elcomercio-es (es)

Del Caribe a Asia y de África a América del Norte, los desastres naturales dibujan una gran mancha en el mapa del mundo con las huellas de los niños que tienen que abandonar sus hogares y comunidades debido a los incendios, las sequías o las inundaciones.

Unicef alerta que 20.000 menores son desplazados cada día por el cambio climático

2023-10-06T07:12+0200DiarioVasco (es)

Del Caribe a Asia y de África a América del Norte, los desastres naturales dibujan una gran mancha en el mapa del mundo con las huellas de los niños que tienen que abandonar sus hogares y comunidades debido a los incendios, las sequías o las inundaciones.

Weather-related disasters displace 43.1 million children in six years, UNICEF reports

2023-10-06T07:07+0200un-org (en)

That figure translates to an alarming average of 20,000 children uprooted every day. The findings are contained in UNICEF ’s latest report, Children Displaced in a Changing Climate, the first ever global analysis of child displacements caused by floods, storms, droughts and wildfires. It also projects future trends for the next three decades.

Unicef alerta que 20.000 menores son desplazados cada día por el cambio climático

2023-10-06T07:04+0200diarioSur (es)

Del Caribe a Asia y de África a América del Norte, los desastres naturales dibujan una gran mancha en el mapa del mundo con las huellas de los niños que tienen que abandonar sus hogares y comunidades debido a los incendios, las sequías o las inundaciones.

Unicef alerta que 20.000 menores son desplazados cada día por el cambio climático

2023-10-06T07:04+0200abc-Andalucia (es)

Del Caribe a Asia y de África a América del Norte, los desastres naturales dibujan una gran mancha en el mapa del mundo con las huellas de los niños que tienen que abandonar sus hogares y comunidades debido a los incendios, las sequías o las inundaciones.

UNICEF: Extreme weather events displace millions of children

2023-10-06T06:51+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Extreme weather events — among them floods, droughts, storms and wildfires — associated with the climate crisis led to over 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. At the current rate of climate change, more than 100 million children....

Eventi meteo estremi, UNICEF: 43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati

2023-10-06T06:38+0200meteoweb (it)

Gli eventi meteo estremi hanno causato 43,1 milioni di bambini sfollati interni in 44 Paesi del mondo in un periodo di 6 anni, ovvero circa 20mila al giorno. La siccità ha causato più di 1,3 milioni di bambini sfollati interni, gli incendi invece 810mila.

Millions of children displaced due to extreme weather events

2023-10-06T06:07+0200japantoday (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of children displaced due to extreme weather events

2023-10-06T05:55+0200inquirer (en)

READ: Climate crisis exposes millions of children to dangers of frequent heatwave The miseries of long, drawn-out disasters like droughts are often underreported. Children had to leave their homes at least 1.3 million times because of drought in the years covered by the report more than half of them....

Up to 20,000 children displaced every day by storms, floods and wildfires, UNICEF says

2023-10-06T05:17+0200skynews (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth's atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, according to the research.

Up to 20,000 children displaced every day by storms, floods and wildfires, UNICEF says

2023-10-06T05:15+0200coastfm (en)

Storms, floods and wildfires led to more than 43 million displacements of children between 2016 and 2021, UNICEF has said. The UN agency also warned that 100 million more children could be displaced by extreme weather over the next 30 years. Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent....

Weather-related disasters displace 43.1 million children in six years, UNICEF reports Weather-related disasters forcibly displaced a staggering 43.1 million children across 44 countries over the past six years, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Friday.

2023-10-06T05:12+0200un-news (en)

That figure translates to an alarming average of 20,000 children uprooted every day. The findings are contained in UNICEF ’s latest report, Children Displaced in a Changing Climate, the first ever global analysis of child displacements caused by floods, storms, droughts and wildfires. It also projects future trends for the next three decades.

UNICEF: 43.1M Children Displaced by Weather Disasters in 6 Years

2023-10-06T05:07+0200miragenews (en)

That figure translates to an alarming average of 20,000 children uprooted every day. The findings are contained in UNICEF 's latest report, Children Displaced in a Changing Climate, the first ever global analysis of child displacements caused by floods, storms, droughts and wildfires. It also projects future trends for the next three decades.

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme …

2023-10-06T04:52+0200wearecentralpa (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T02:40+0200wtva (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Climate Change Exacerbates Displacement of Millions of Children from Extreme Weather Events

2023-10-06T02:37+0200vervetimes (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T02:36+0200news-gazette (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T02:33+0200yakimaherald (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme …

2023-10-06T02:23+0200wowktv (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T02:23+0200ABCnews (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T02:19+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T02:15+0200independent-UK (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T02:13+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

The worst drought in more than 50 years scorched the once-fertile pastures the family relied on, leaving them barren. So, bundling only a few clothes and some utensils into sacks, they moved to a camp in the capital Mogadishu, where Ibrahim, who dreams of being a doctor, is now going to school for the first time.

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T02:13+0200apnews (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of Children Are Displaced Due to Extreme Weather Events. Climate Change Will Make It Worse

2023-10-06T02:13+0200usnews (en)

Meera Devi, left, accompanies her daughter Arima, 7, to her school as they walk on the flood plain of Yamuna River, in New Delhi, India, Friday, Sept. 29, 2023. Their family was among those displaced by the recent floods in the Indian capital's Yamuna River.

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T02:13+0200kob (en)

The miseries of long, drawn-out disasters like droughts are often underreported. Children had to leave their homes at least 1.3 million times because of drought in the years covered by the report — more than half of them in Somalia — but this is likely an undercount, the report said.

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T02:12+0200wftv (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse

2023-10-06T02:12+0200wsoctv (en)

Storms, floods, fires and other extreme weather events led to more than 43 million displacements involving children between 2016 and 2021, according to a United Nations report. More than 113 million displacements of children will occur in the next three decades, estimated the UNICEF report released....

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:31+0200theargus (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:31+0200dailyecho (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:23+0200eveningtimes (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:22+0200salisburyjournal (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:21+0200eveningnews24 (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:21+0200dunmowbroadcast (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:20+0200thecomet (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:20+0200eadt (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:17+0200greatyarmouthmercury (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:17+0200yourlocalguardian (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:17+0200edp24 (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:16+0200impartialreporter (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:16+0200thetelegraphandargus (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:16+0200hertsad (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:16+0200southwalesargus (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:15+0200thenorthernecho (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:12+0200thecourier (en)

Storms, floods and wildfires caused over 43 million displacements of children between 2016 and 2021 and threaten to displace 100 million more children over the next 30 years, Unicef has said. Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the....

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:12+0200yorkpress (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:11+0200chesterfirst (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:11+0200pressandjournal (en)

Storms, floods and wildfires caused over 43 million displacements of children between 2016 and 2021 and threaten to displace 100 million more children over the next 30 years, Unicef has said. Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the....

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:11+0200oxfordtimes (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:10+0200newsandstar (en)

Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up, uprooted up to 20,000 children a day in 44 countries over the six-year period, with 95% of those from floods, the UN agency said.

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:08+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

Storms, floods and wildfires caused over 43 million displacements of children between 2016 and 2021 and threaten to displace 100 million more children over the next 30 years, Unicef has said. Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the....

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef01:01

2023-10-06T01:07+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Storms, floods and wildfires caused over 43 million displacements of children between 2016 and 2021 and threaten to displace 100 million more children over the next 30 years, Unicef has said. Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the....

Up to 20,000 children displaced daily by storms, floods and wildfires – Unicef

2023-10-06T01:04+0200independent-UK (en)

Storms, floods and wildfires caused over 43 million displacements of children between 2016 and 2021 and threaten to displace 100 million more children over the next 30 years, Unicef has said. Weather-related disasters, which are becoming more violent and frequent as greenhouse gases cause the....

Global Resilience Forum kicks off today in Dubai

2023-10-05T20:45+0200wam-en (en)

– The inaugural edition of the Global Resilience Forum took place today at Hilton Al Habtoor City in Dubai, with more than 150 VIP delegates, 500 attendees, and 35 speakers from around the world coming together to discuss the necessary requirements to bolster climate change resilience.

Testimoni Annalena Tonelli, vent'anni dopo la sua fede parla ancora

2023-10-04T22:23+0200avvenire (it)

«Andiamo da Annalena!». Sono passati più di cinquant’anni da quando Annalena Tonelli metteva piede per la prima volta in Africa. Ed esattamente venti dalla sua uccisione il 5 ottobre 2003 a Borama in Somaliland. Eppure, le tracce lasciate da questa laica missionaria originaria di Forlì - donna....

Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Somalia (2021)

2023-10-04T18:06+0200sipri (en)

Somalia is highly susceptible to the effects of climate change and extreme weather. Without anticipatory preventive approaches, these factors are likely to exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and reduce the people’s livelihood options, which in turn may have negative impacts for stability and security in Somalia.

Trócaire thanks people of Co Kildare for helping to support more than 1.5 million people in 23 countries

2023-10-03T11:27+0200leinsterleader (en)

Trόcaire has thanked the people of Co Kildare for their donations which helped support 1.58 million people in 23 countries in 2022/23, according to its Annual Report. Caoimhe de Barra, Trόcaire CEO, said the past year was dominated by hunger in the Horn of Africa, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and....

Another Year For the Record Books: A Recap of the Main Extreme Weather Events in Summer 2023

2023-10-03T04:24+0200earth-org (en)

also experienced shocking temperatures this summer. In Xinjiang, a province in northwest China, temperature reached 52.2C. The capital Beijing also experienced temperatures past 40C for several weeks, and in mid-July saw its second highest temperature ever recorded since 1961.

News Trócaire thanks donors in Midlands for supporting 1.5 million people 34 minutes ago

2023-10-02T22:46+0200westmeathindependent (en)

Trócaire has thanked the people of Offaly and Westmeath for helping to support more than 1.5 million people in 23 countries. Caoimhe de Barra, Trόcaire CEO, said the past year was dominated by hunger in the Horn of Africa, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a global cost-of-living crisis that is....

News Trócaire thanks donors in Midlands for supporting 1.5 million people 14 minutes ago

2023-10-02T22:26+0200offalyindependent (en)

Trócaire has thanked the people of Offaly and Westmeath for helping to support more than 1.5 million people in 23 countries. Caoimhe de Barra, Trόcaire CEO, said the past year was dominated by hunger in the Horn of Africa, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a global cost-of-living crisis that is....

Leitrim people supported more than 1.5 million people through Trócaire donations

2023-10-02T21:26+0200leitrimobserver (en)

Trόcaire is an agency of the Irish Catholic Church that supports people living in poverty, conflict and injustice with long-term programmes in 15 countries worldwide. Caoimhe de Barra, Trόcaire CEO, said the past year was dominated by hunger in the Horn of Africa, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and....

Trócaire thanks people of Kilkenny for helping to support more than 1.5 million people

2023-10-02T20:15+0200kilkennypeople (en)

Trόcaire thanked the people of Kilkenny for their donations which helped support 1.58 million people in 23 countries in 2022/23, according to its Annual Report published today. Caoimhe de Barra, Trόcaire CEO, said the past year was dominated by hunger in the Horn of Africa, the Russian invasion of....

News Trócaire thanks people of Mayo for helping to support over 1.5 million people in 23 countries 19 minutes ago

2023-10-02T16:29+0200con-telegraph (en)

Trόcaire has thanked the people of Mayo for donations which helped support 1.58 million people in 23 countries in 2022/23, according to its annual report published today. Caoimhe de Barra, Trόcaire CEO, said the past year was dominated by hunger in the Horn of Africa, the Russian invasion of Ukraine....

Tragedy of baby who can't even cry - and who hasn't been able to smile in months

2023-09-30T22:39+0200themirror (en)

But wartorn Somalia – responsible for a tiny fraction of global emissions – appears to be bearing the brunt of climate change. And, as the world burns, this fragile nation’s children are on the frontline. Somalia has battled three major droughts in the past 12 years. This year’s wet season saw above average rain in March and April.

WHO warns of increase in cholera cases worldwide

2023-09-30T15:11+0200d1softballnews (en)

In 2022, 472,697 cases were recorded, which is more than the previous year, when 223,370 were recorded. WHO (World Health Organization) has issued an alert this week for an increase in cholera cases around the world. After the entity, in 2022, there are more registered cases than those reported in 2021 – 472,697 against 223,370.

New analysis confirms world seeing an upsurge of cholera

2023-09-26T18:18+0200mlo-online (en)

Comprehensive cholera statistics for 2022, published by the World Health Organization (WHO), shed light on the scale and extent of the ongoing cholera upsurge. While data for cholera remain inadequate, cases reported to WHO in 2022 were more than double those in 2021.

Health warning over Victorian disease outbreak - and it spreads through food and water

2023-09-26T10:26+0200themirror (en)

Cholera cases reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) more than doubled last year compared to 2021, figures have shown. While data for the disease remains inadequate, the agency found there are currently 24 countries reporting active outbreaks , suggesting that cases are continuing to rise.

WHO appeals for $160m to respond to cholera in Nigeria , 6 other countries

2023-09-25T18:00+0200ngdailynews (en)

The World Health Organisation, WHO, has appealed for 160.4 million dollars to respond to cholera through the global strategic preparedness, readiness and response plan in seven countries. The UN world health boby is a statement on Monday said that 16.6 million dollars has been released from the WHO....

Oms: “Nel 2022 raddoppiati i casi di colera, quasi mezzo milione”

2023-09-25T16:21+0200interris (it)

E’ allarme colera in un quarto dei Paesi del Mondo. Il 2022 è stato caratterizzato da un’accelerazione della pandemia, con un raddoppio del numero di casi segnalati e un aumento del numero di Paesi coinvolti, passati da 35 a 44, pari al 25% in più. Oms: “Nel 2022 raddoppiati i casi di colera, quasi....

Report Oms sul colera: nel 2022 il doppio dei casi del 2021. E nel 2023 il trend sta proseguendo. Appello per fondi e sostegno

2023-09-25T11:33+0200quotidianosanita (it)

Sette paesi Afghanistan, Camerun, Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Malawi, Nigeria, Somalia , Repubblica araba siriana hanno segnalato ciascuno oltre 10.000 casi fra sospetti e confermati, rileva l'autorità sanitaria internazionale. 25 SET Pubblicati dall’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (OMS)....

WHO appeals for $160m to respond to cholera in Nigeria , 6 other countries

2023-09-25T10:48+0200dailynigerian (en)

The World Health Organisation, WHO, has appealed for 160.4 million dollars to respond to cholera through the global strategic preparedness, readiness and response plan in seven countries. The UN world health boby is a statement on Monday said that 16.6 million dollars has been released from the WHO....

WHO appeals for $160m to respond to cholera in 7 countries

2023-09-25T09:30+0200sundiatapost (en)

ABUJA- The World Health Organisation (WHO) has appealed for 160.4 million dollars to respond to cholera through the global strategic preparedness, readiness and response plan in seven countries. The UN world health boby is a statement on Monday said that 16.

Global Cholera Outbreak: Alarming Statistics and Urgent Response Measures

2023-09-25T01:26+0200archyde (en)

2023-09-23 13:00:00. Amal Allam wrote Saturday, September 23, 2023 04:00 PM. Comprehensive cholera statistics for 2022, published by the World Health Organization today, highlight the scale and extent of the ongoing cholera outbreak. While data on cholera remains insufficient, cases reported to WHO in 2022 were more than double those recorded.

Cholera Cases More Than Doubled Last Year, 24 Countries Currently Facing Active Outbreaks

2023-09-23T17:53+0200thehealthsite (en)

Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Not only were there more cholera outbreaks in 2022, but the outbreaks were larger, compared to 2021. The World Health Organization (WHO) has published comprehensive cholera statistics for 2022, highlighting the scale and extent of the ongoing cholera upsurge.

Conflicts in Greater Karamoja worsen food insecurity

2023-09-22T22:38+0200newbusinessethiopia (en)

Armed conflicts in cross-border areas in the Greater Karamoja Cluster that encompasses the south-western parts of Ethiopia, north-western Kenya, the south-eastern parts of South Sudan and north-eastern Uganda, has worsen the lives of millions of people already suffering from acute food insecurity, new report says.

WHO warns of a resurgence of cholera in the world

2023-09-22T21:59+0200plenglish (en)

Body: According to complete statistics published this Friday by the WHO, the cases reported last year were more than double that of 2021. A total of 46 countries reported cases, which represents a 25 percent increase compared to the 35 nations that reported infestations in 2021, showing that not only were there more outbreaks, but they were larger.

New analysis confirms world seeing an upsurge of cholera

2023-09-22T18:57+0200reliefWeb (en)

Geneva, Switzerland -- Comprehensive cholera statistics for 2022 , published by WHO today, shed light on the scale and extent of the ongoing cholera upsurge. While data for cholera remain inadequate, cases reported to WHO in 2022 were more than double those in 2021.

News release: New analysis confirms world seeing an upsurge of cholera

2023-09-22T18:27+0200agenparl (en)

22 September 2023 News release New analysis confirms world seeing an upsurge of cholera [https://www.who.int/news/item/22-09-2023-new-analysis-confirms-world-seeing-an-upsurge-of-cholera] 22 September 2023 Geneva, Switzerland — Comprehensive cholera statistics for 2022 [https://iris.who.

Africa Grapples with Devastating Climate Change Impacts

2023-09-22T17:10+0200radionigeria (en)

Villagers attempt to put out a wildfire, in Achallam village, in the mountainous Kabylie region of Tizi Ouzou, east of Algiers, Algeria August 11, 2021. Picture taken August 11, 2021. REUTERS/Abdelaziz Boumzar; The earthquake, which struck below villages in the High Atlas mountains south of....

New analysis confirms world seeing an upsurge of cholera

2023-09-22T16:21+0200nationaltribune (en)

Comprehensive cholera statistics for 2022 , published by WHO today, shed light on the scale and extent of the ongoing cholera upsurge. While data for cholera remain inadequate, cases reported to WHO in 2022 were more than double those in 2021. Forty-four countries reported cases, a 25% increase from the 35 countries that reported cases in 2021.

World Experiences Cholera Upsurge, New Analysis Confirms

2023-09-22T16:19+0200miragenews (en)

Comprehensive cholera statistics for 2022 , published by WHO today, shed light on the scale and extent of the ongoing cholera upsurge. While data for cholera remain inadequate, cases reported to WHO in 2022 were more than double those in 2021. Forty-four countries reported cases, a 25% increase from the 35 countries that reported cases in 2021.

Flood-Induced Displacement Risk Assessment in the Horn of Africa and the Pacific

2023-09-21T22:27+0200cimafoundation (en)

In 2022, CIMA Research Foundation started collaborating with the International Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), dedicated to studying the risk of forced displacement of people due to natural hazards in the Horn of Africa area and some island states in the Pacific Ocean.

Somalia: Save the Children, il 43% dei bambini sotto i cinque anni – 1,5 milioni – soffrirà di malnutrizione acuta entro il 2024.

2023-09-19T17:07+0200politicamentecorretto (it)

Nel Paese, più di un quarto della popolazione – 4,3 milioni di persone – entro dicembre di quest’anno, dovrà affrontare livelli di crisi di fame. L’Organizzazione chiede alla comunità internazionale di agire per porre fine alla fame sia in Somalia che nel Corno d’Africa, affrontandone le cause....

Somalia: Save the Children, il 43% dei bambini sotto i cinque anni – 1,5 milioni – soffrirà di malnutrizione acuta entro il 2024

2023-09-19T13:49+0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) – mar 19 settembre 2023 Se non leggi correttamente questo messaggio, clicca qui Comunicato stampa 19 settembre 2023 Somalia : Save the Children, il 43% dei bambini sotto i cinque anni – 1,5 milioni – soffrirà di malnutrizione acuta entro il 2024.

Stakeholders discuss El-Nino disaster preparedness and response in Mogadishu.

2023-09-16T14:39+0200africanewswire (en)

A meeting was held at the central office of the National Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) in Mogadishu, where various stakeholders discussed the potential impact and mitigation measures of the El-Nino disaster, which is expected to hit some parts of the country with severe storms and droughts.

Nigerians still not adequately sensitized about climate change – Expert laments

2023-09-15T17:21+0200radionigeria (en)

In February 2023, the Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) predicted that 178 Local Government Areas in 32 states of the federation and the FCT would fall within the Highly Probable Flood Risk Areas. The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet), in its Seasonal Climate Prediction, alerted....

L'Europa è rimasta senza grano, ci mancano 300 mila tonnellate

2023-09-13T09:28+0200veritaeaffari (it)

Il grano in Europa. La siccità farà crollare la produzione di cereali nell’Unione europea e rischia di provocare un deficit di approvvigionamento di 100 mila tonnellate di mais e orzo e di 200 mila tonnellate di grano. Un deficit che sarà difficile colmare ricorrendo ai mercati extraeuropei, visto che anche nel resto del mondo la produzione calerà.

Findings from the Mass MUAC Screening (MMS) Conducted in Buloburto, 03 September 2023

2023-09-12T14:16+0200reliefWeb (en)

Background. The Nutrition Situation in Buloburte district : According to the IPC analysis carried out after the Deyr 2023 season, the nutritional situation in Buloburte District is alarming. The Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate is estimated at 22.3%, which is above the emergency threshold of 15%.

La pediatra di Laives in missione in Etiopia

2023-09-12T13:43+0200altoadige (it)

Laives. Lucia Pappalardo - pediatra di 53 anni attiva nel distretto di Laives, Bronzolo e Vadena - con esperienze di lavoro in paesi del Terzo Mondo per l’associazione Medici dell’Alto Adige per il Terzo Mondo e per Child care worldwide è tornata in Etiopia.

Somalia Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR) Mid-Year Bulletin, January - June 2023

2023-09-10T22:40+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments Between January and July, children and their families were affected by large displacement as result of conflict and natural disasters. With families already struggling to cope with the impact of prolonged drought together heavy flash rains resulted massive flooding which resulted loss of....

"El silencio de las escuelas cerradas". Por Irene Ortega, coordinadora del Área de Ciudadanía en la ONG Entreculturas

2023-09-10T12:07+0200europapress (es)

MADRID, 10 Sep. (EUROPA PRESS) - "Voy al colegio hundida por el peso de los vecinos muertos". Encuentro este verso nada más abrir el informe 'Escuelas en crisis. Cómo proteger el derecho a la educación en situaciones de emergencia'. Lo peor del genocidio es el silencio, dice el poema, el silencio de las escuelas cerradas.

Nearly all world’s population exposed to global warming over June-Sept – study

2023-09-09T00:45+0200inquirer (en)

FILE PHOTO: Dhicis Guray, an internally displaced Somali man looks at the carcass of his dead livestock following severe droughts near Dollow, Gedo Region, Somalia May 26, 2022. Picture taken May 26, 2022. REUTERS/Feisal Omar/File Photo. SINGAPORE — Nearly all of the world’s population experienced....

Africa: crisi climatica, il continente soffre in modo sproporzionato

2023-09-08T11:58+0200africaeaffari (it)

Il continente africano, responsabile solo di una piccola parte delle emissioni globali di gas serra, soffre in modo sproporzionato dei cambiamenti climatici. Lo rivela il rapporto Stato del clima in Africa 2022 dell’Organizzazione Meteorologica Mondiale (Omm), che mette in guardia dall’aumento delle....

Child malnutrition Meet the IRC doctors fighting against malnutrition in Somalia Learn more

2023-09-07T21:46+0200rescue (en)

Dr. Abdullahi, senior medical officer, has witnessed a sharp rise in malnutrition cases, especially among children, due to the severe and prolonged drought in the country. Severe acute malnutrition leads to thinness, weakness, and lethargy in children. They experience near-constant diarrhea, muscle atrophy and weakened immune systems.

ATTUALITà Clima al collasso, arriva l’allarme che terrorizza il mondo

2023-09-07T10:08+0200quifinanza (it)

Clima al collasso, arriva l’allarme che terrorizza il mondo Dopo un 2023 terribile dal punto di vista del maltempo e delle ondati di calore, Onu e Omm dipingono lo scenario climatico dei prossimi mesi e fanno un bilancio. Con pessime notizie 7 Settembre 2023 08:53 Alla fine la conferma degli....

La crisi climatica costa 30 miliardi all’Africa orientale, ma dai Paesi ricchi solo il 5% degli aiuti

2023-09-07T09:45+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 7 settembre 2023) di Francesco Petrelli* Il prezzo che l’Africa sta pagando per l’impatto della crisi climatica è sempre più alto e potrebbe raggiungere dimensioni catastrofiche nei Paesi più colpiti che fanno tutti parte della Regione dell’Africa orientale : Etiopia, Kenya, Somalia e Sudan.

La crisi climatica costa 30 miliardi all’Africa orientale, ma dai Paesi ricchi solo il 5% degli aiuti

2023-09-07T09:28+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

di Francesco Petrelli* Il prezzo che l’Africa sta pagando per l’impatto della crisi climatica è sempre più alto e potrebbe raggiungere dimensioni catastrofiche nei Paesi più colpiti che fanno tutti parte della Regione dell’Africa Orientale: Etiopia, Kenya, Somalia e Sudan. Eppure il mondo ricco continua a girarsi dall’altra parte.

L’UNHCR si impegna ad agire per il clima in Africa per proteggere le popolazioni sfollate e favorirne la resilienza

2023-09-06T20:16+0200politicamentecorretto (it)

A Dadaab hanno potuto constatare l’impatto del cambiamento climatico sui rifugiati e sulle comunità ospitanti. Il Kenya continua a essere uno tra i Paesi in Africa che ospita il maggior numero di rifugiati ed è fortemente colpito dalle crisi che coinvolgono la regione. Il Paese ospita più di 630.

(CR) Pianeta Migranti. Non possiamo ospitare tutti gli africani

2023-09-06T15:02+0200welfarenetwork (it)

E’ un luogo comune, sostenuto anche dai social e dai media ma smentito da rapporti attendibili. Il 96% dei rifugiati africani rimane in Africa. Secondo un recente rapporto dell’Africa Center for Strategic Studies (centro studi con sede a Washington), il 96% dei rifugiati che lascia il proprio paese d’origine rimane in Africa.

Corno d’Africa: Unhcr, “siccità catastrofica impatta su vita di milioni di sfollati”. “Azione per il clima centrale per protezione popolazioni vulnerabili del continente”

2023-09-06T10:28+0200agensir (it)

L’Unhcr ribadisce l’impegno nell’azione per il clima come “elemento centrale della sua missione per affrontare i motivi che spingono le persone alla fuga e per fornire protezione alle popolazioni vulnerabili in Africa”. L’assistente alto commissario per le operazioni Unhcr, Raouf Mazou, e il....

Corno d’Africa: Unhcr, “siccità catastrofica impatta su vita di milioni di sfollati”. “Azione per il clima centrale per protezione popolazioni vulnerabili del continente”

2023-09-06T10:18+0200avveniredicalabria (it)

L’Unhcr ribadisce l’impegno nell’azione per il clima come “elemento centrale della sua missione per affrontare i motivi che spingono le persone alla fuga e per fornire protezione alle popolazioni vulnerabili in Africa”. L’assistente alto commissario per le operazioni Unhcr, Raouf Mazou, e il....


2023-09-06T09:07+0200bernama (en)

NAIROBI, Sept 6 (Bernama-Xinhua) -- The UN refugee agency on Tuesday committed to climate action in Africa as part of efforts to address displacement and provide protection to vulnerable populations in Africa. UNHCR's Assistant High Commissioner for Operations Raouf Mazou said the UN refugee....

L’UNHCR si impegna ad agire per il clima in Africa per proteggere le popolazioni sfollate e favorirne la resilienza

2023-09-05T19:31+0200notiziegeopolitiche (it)

Unhcr. L’UNHCR, l’Agenzia dell’ONU per i Rifugiati, ribadisce il suo impegno nell’azione per il clima come elemento centrale della sua missione per affrontare i motivi che spingono le persone alla fuga e fornire protezione alle popolazioni vulnerabili in Africa.

Children in 48 African countries at high risk from climate change

2023-09-05T19:14+0200plenglish (en)

African infants were classified as being at ‘high’ or ‘extremely high’ risk of suffering from the consequences of global warming, warned the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) report. The analysis by the specialized UN agency assessed countries based on children’s exposure to climate and environmental crises such as cyclones and heat waves.

Per la crisi climatica 7,4 mln di persone sfollate in Africa sub-sahariana nell’ultimo anno

2023-09-05T13:53+0200greenreport (it)

È iniziato in Kenya il primo vertice sul clima in Africa Per la crisi climatica 7,4 mln di persone sfollate in Africa sub-sahariana nell’ultimo anno. Save the children: «Molti bambini si aggrappano alla sopravvivenza passando da un evento meteorologico estremo all'altro, incerti se le piogge fuori....

Unicef: i bambini del 98% dei paesi africani ad alto rischio di impatto dei cambiamenti climatici

2023-09-04T15:52+0200iconaclima (it)

Secondo un rapporto dell’UNICEF denominato “Time to Act: Time to Act: African children in the climate change spotlight” i bambini africani sono maggiormente rischio di impatto dei cambiamenti climatici, ma sono tristemente trascurati dai principali flussi di finanziamento per il clima necessari per....

Clima: Save the Children, quasi due milioni di bambini sfollati nell’Africa subsahariana a causa di inondazioni e siccità nel 2022

2023-09-04T12:03+0200avveniredicalabria (it)

In base all’analisi dei dati dell’Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, alla fine del 2022 almeno 1,85 milioni di bambini dell’Africa subsahariana erano sfollati all’interno dei loro Paesi a causa di shock climatici, rispetto al milione di bambini sfollati per ragioni simili nel 2021.

Clima: Save the Children, quasi due milioni di bambini sfollati nell’Africa subsahariana a causa di inondazioni e siccità nel 2022

2023-09-04T11:32+0200agensir (it)

In base all’analisi dei dati dell’Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, alla fine del 2022 almeno 1,85 milioni di bambini dell’Africa subsahariana erano sfollati all’interno dei loro Paesi a causa di shock climatici, rispetto al milione di bambini sfollati per ragioni simili nel 2021.

East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region: UNHCR Drought Situation Response Update #12 - July 2023

2023-09-04T10:02+0200reliefWeb (en)

Situation Overview. The Horn of Africa region continues to face a severe humanitarian crisis, with millions of people in need of assistance due to a combination of factors including drought, flooding, conflict, economic crisis and inability to access basic needs.

The Star » Kenyan children most at risk of poverty, climate change

2023-09-03T22:55+0200kenyamoja (en)

At least 67 per cent of children in Kenya are affected, followed by Ethiopia (66 per cent) and Somalia (45 per cent), Save the Children said, as African leaders meet today in Nairobi to discuss mitigating the climate crisis. The figures come from Save the Children’s report, ‘Born into the climate....

Kenyan children most at risk of poverty, climate change calamities

2023-09-03T22:02+0200thestarkenya (en)

At least 67 per cent of children in Kenya are affected, followed by Ethiopia (66 per cent) and Somalia (45 per cent), Save the Children said, as African leaders meet today in Nairobi to discuss mitigating the climate crisis. The figures come from Save the Children’s report, ‘Born into the climate....

African Children Exposed To Environmental Shocks Making Them High Risk To Climate Change

2023-09-03T15:11+0200natureworldnews (en)

Children in 48 out of 49 African countries assessed were found to be at high or extremely high risk of the impacts of climate change, based on their exposure and vulnerability to cyclones, heatwaves, and other climate and environmental shocks, as well as access to essential services.

Blindspot:Only 14% Right9 sources African children exceptionally vulnerable to climate change, UN says

2023-09-02T04:25+0200ground-news (en)

Children in Africa are disproportionately affected by and are neglected by climate funding, according to the United Nations. UNICEF states that children in 48 out of 49 assessed countries are at high risk, with those in Nigeria, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Chad, Central African Republic, and Somalia being most vulnerable.

Senza futuro: il 98% dei bambini africani sta già vivendo sulla sua pelle le conseguenze devastanti della crisi climatica

2023-09-01T16:25+0200greenme (it)

Così i cambiamenti climatici - di cui siamo responsabili - stanno rubando l'ultimo briciolo di infanzia (e dignità) ai bambini dei Paesi africani. Anno dopo anno, devono fare sempre più i conti con minacce come la siccità e le alluvioni. Si tratta di un dramma di proporzioni gigantesche, eppure i....

Climate monitoring upgrades urgently needed in Africa

2023-09-01T13:48+0200scidev-sub-saharan-africa (en)

[NAIROBI] Damage and deaths caused by climate-related disasters across Africa will balloon if the continent’s so-called “hydromet” infrastructure for monitoring weather and water and is not urgently upgraded, scientists warn. Hydrological and meteorological, or hydromet, hazards—including weather, ....

Regional Caucus Promotes Climate Policy Formulation

2023-09-01T13:33+0200africanewswire (en)

The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) is working towards enhancing capacity for its 15 member countries in their climate responsiveness in policy formulation and implementation. According to experts, Climate change remains a major challenge....

Promoting climate responsiveness in Agriculture policy formulation

2023-09-01T13:19+0200kenyanews (en)

The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) is working towards enhancing capacity for its 15-member countries for climate responsiveness in policy formulation and implementation. According to experts, climate change remains a major challenge to....

Regional caucus Promotes climate policy formulation

2023-08-31T21:28+0200kenyanews (en)

The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) is working towards enhancing capacity for its 15 member countries in their climate responsiveness in policy formulation and implementation. According to experts, Climate change remains a major challenge....

Climate Change Might Increase Conflict Deaths By 8.5% In 2060

2023-08-31T18:20+0200natureworldnews (en)

Climate change is seen to contribute in the increase of conflict deaths in the years to come. According to the International Monetary Fund, conflict deaths could rise by 8.5 percent by 2060. Graver threats in fragile states. For one, climate change poses grave threats to countries across Africa ,....

Dopo 3 anni di siccità, nel Corno d’Africa si prevedono piogge superiori alla media

2023-08-31T13:42+0200iconaclima (it)

La siccità nel Corno d’Africa , durata tre lunghissimi anni, sta finalmente per terminare. Per la prossima stagione delle piogge , che va da ottobre e dicembre, si prevedono infatti precipitazioni superiori alla media . Naturalmente il risvolto della medaglia, nonostante la notizia sia da....

Egitto. Ripresi i negoziati con Etiopia e Sudan per la gestione della grande diga Gerd

2023-08-30T21:03+0200notiziegeopolitiche (it)

di Alberto Galvi – Egitto, Etiopia e Sudan hanno ripreso i negoziati sulla controversa diga Gerd, dal valore di 4,6 miliardi di dollari, che l’Etiopia sta costruendo sul Nilo Azzurro. La ripresa dei colloqui è arrivata dopo che il mese scorso il presidente egiziano Abdel Fattah al-Sisi e il primo....

El monitoreo climático en África debe mejorar YA

2023-08-30T08:22+0200ecoticias (es)

Los científicos advierten que los daños y las muertes causados ​​por desastres relacionados con el clima en toda África aumentarán si la infraestructura llamada «hidrometeorológica» del continente para monitorear el clima y el agua no se actualiza con urgencia.

Egitto Sudan Etiopia: una questione di acqua o di guerra

2023-08-29T21:58+0200girodivite (it)

Sono iniziate il 27 agosto 2023 al Cairo gli incontri tra Etiopia, Egitto e Sudan sulla spartizione delle acque del Nilo e le condizioni di funzionamento della diga etiopica “Rinascita”. I contatti sul tema sono stati fermi per 3 anni, per il rifiuto di Addis Abeba di siglare un accordo che limiti....

Climate monitoring upgrades urgently needed in Africa

2023-08-29T08:55+0200scidev (en)

[NAIROBI] Damage and deaths caused by climate-related disasters across Africa will balloon if the continent’s so-called “hydromet” infrastructure for monitoring weather and water and is not urgently upgraded, scientists warn. Hydrological and meteorological, or hydromet, hazards—including weather, ....

Un dramma di immigrati in un’Italia insensibile | Gli accordi con Tunisia e Libia non hanno cambiato la situazione nel Mediterraneo

2023-08-29T00:40+0200flaminiaedintorni (it)

Da Roma. Un dramma sui migranti disperati che cercano di raggiungere l’Europa Sia via mare che via terra, cercate di dare alle loro famiglie un po’ di speranza e una vita migliore, Non c’è fine a tutto ciò . Finora quest’anno sono arrivati ​​in Italia via mare 107.530 migranti, più del doppio del numero di arrivi dell’anno scorso (52.

El Niño likely to bring heavy rain to Horn of Africa – ICPAC

2023-08-28T23:50+0200plenglish (en)

Nairobi, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) After enduring years of devastating droughts, East African countries could be drowned from October to December by El Niño-derived biblical downpours, according to the International Center for Prediction and Applications (ICPAC).

Climate monitoring upgrades urgently needed in Africa

2023-08-28T14:47+0200alphagalileo (en)

[NAIROBI] Damage and deaths caused by climate-related disasters across Africa will balloon if the continent’s so-called “hydromet” infrastructure for monitoring weather and water and is not urgently upgraded, scientists warn. Hydrological and meteorological, or hydromet, hazards—including weather,....

Pezzati (Oxfam): “Il rapporto tra crisi idrica e cambiamenti climatici”

2023-08-26T00:36+0200interris (it)

Nei prossimi anni e decenni aree sempre più vaste e spesso poverissime del Pianeta saranno colpite da una sempre maggiore carenza d’acqua. Una crisi idrica di portata epocale che diverrà sempre di più conseguenza diretta della crisi climatica, poiché causata in gran parte dal riscaldamento globale....

La Somalia si prepara ad affrontare l'impatto de El Niño

2023-08-23T17:05+0200rivistanatura (it)

L’estate in corso ha visto l’influenza sul clima globale di El Niño , che dal Pacifico si fa sentire in tutto il mondo, caratterizzata dalla diminuzione dei venti di superficie che normalmente soffiano da nord lungo la costa occidentale del Pacifico, rallentando la risalita di acque più fredde e profonde.

El Niño porterà forti piogge nel Grande Corno d’Africa

2023-08-23T08:19+0200greenreport (it)

L’IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) ha annunciato che «Le previsioni climatiche da ottobre a dicembre 2023 mostrano alte probabilità di condizioni più umide del solito nella maggior parte del Grande Corno d’Africa. In particolare, c’è una probabilità eccezionalmente alta (>80%)....

Climate change could intensify the conflict over basic resources in certain countries | Life

2023-08-22T02:01+0200bullfrag (en)

These are the countries in the world that will face the most problems in obtaining basic resources due to climate change. Climate change will not only cause events like hurricanes , floods or forest fires are much more common in the future, but the increase in high temperatures and sea level will....

25 countries face extreme water crisis, situation expected to worsen

2023-08-18T11:00+0200ibtimes-uk (en)

Somalia and its neighbours in the Horn of Africa including Ethiopia and Kenya have been suffering the worst drought in four decades. Hassan Ali ELMI/AFP. A report published by the World Resources Institute (WRI) on Tuesday claimed that as many as 25 countries are facing an unparalleled water....

Etiopía a favor de cooperación internacional ante desafíos climáticos

2023-08-17T13:06+0200prensa-latina (es)

Durante su intervención en la decimonovena sesión de la Conferencia Ministerial Africana sobre el Medio Ambiente (Amcen), Mekonnen recordó que la degradación de la tierra, la sequía, las inundaciones y la desertificación en África son consecuencias de ese cambio.

Empowering Resilience Amidst Climate Crisis in Ethiopia

2023-08-15T17:02+0200reliefWeb (en)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, August 15, 2023 Ethiopia finds itself grappling with heightened levels of insecurity, as internal tensions create a complex web of challenges for the nation's stability. Additionally, in the wake of devastating floods caused by increasingly severe climate change impacts, the....

Empowering Resilience Amidst Climate Crisis in Ethiopia August 15, 2023

2023-08-15T17:01+0200rescue (en)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, August 15, 2023 — Ethiopia finds itself grappling with heightened levels of insecurity, as internal tensions create a complex web of challenges for the nation's stability. Additionally, in the wake of devastating floods caused by increasingly severe climate change impacts, the....

Empowering Resilience Amidst Climate Crisis in Ethiopia

2023-08-15T15:00+0200africa-newsroom (en)

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, August 15, 2023/APO Group/ -- Ethiopia finds itself grappling with heightened levels of insecurity, as internal tensions create a complex web of challenges for the nation's stability. Additionally, in the wake of devastating floods caused by increasingly severe climate change....

Climate, Vol. 11, Pages 171: Generation Z Worries, Suffers and Acts against Climate Crisis—The Potential of Sensing Children’s and Young People’s Eco-Anxiety: A Critical Analysis Based on an Integrative Review

2023-08-14T07:47+0200mdpi (en)

The adverse and severe impacts of climate-induced natural hazards, which are expected to be aggravated by climate change, are forming a wider outline of the environmental crisis, being a source of negative emotions for human societies. Children and young people, in particular, are one of the most vulnerable social groups to this distress.

Somalia, 1 milione di sfollati interni in tempi record

2023-08-11T00:54+0200paeseitaliapress (it)

È una grande tragedia assistere all’impatto sulle persone più vulnerabili della Somalia . Sono tra i meno responsabili del conflitto e della crisi climatica, ma sono tra i più colpiti. Un mix pericoloso di conflitti, grave siccità e devastanti inondazioni ha costretto più di 1 milione di persone in....

Ethiopia and Egypt weigh future of Nile and nationhood

2023-08-07T14:57+0200english-alaraby (en)

in under four months. East Africa’s two largest nations have quarrelled vigorously over claims to the river since Ethiopia launched the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in 2011, and a breakthrough agreement will define the futures of both countries.

Water, Vol. 15, Pages 2775: Drought Hazard Analysis in the Jilin Province Based on a Three-Dimensional Copula Method

2023-07-31T13:48+0200mdpi (en)

Drought is one of the largest and most destructive natural disasters globally, accounting for 45% of all deaths since 1970. Ninety percent of deaths occur in developing countries. Drought has also become an important factor impeding China’s economic development because of national circumstances, the....

crisi climatica

2023-07-30T10:56+0200luce-lanazione (it)

Undicimila disastri climatici negli ultimi 20 anni. Oltre 475mila persone uccise , e in Italia, solo nel 2022, sono stati 310 gli eventi meteorologici estremi, il 55% in più in un anno, con un bilancio di almeno 29 morti. Temperature infuocate, cicloni, allagamenti, frane, incendi.

East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region: UNHCR Drought Situation Response Update #11 - June 2023

2023-07-28T11:20+0200reliefWeb (en)

Situation Overview. The Horn of Africa continues to face a severe humanitarian crisis, with millions of people in need of assistance due to a combination of factors including drought, flooding, conflict, economic crisis and inability to access basic needs.

Ethiopia Crisis Response Overview (June 2023)

2023-07-28T10:46+0200reliefWeb (en)

CONTEXT. The deteriorating humanitarian situation in recent years has led to increased humanitarian needs across Ethiopia, with over 20 million people internally displaced persons (IDPs), returning IDPs, crisis-affected communities, returning migrants, and their home communities among them needing....

ScienceDaily: Climate change predictions advancing to enhance proactive response in climate science

2023-07-23T17:39+0200vervetimes (en)

Science is beginning to catch up with and even get ahead of climate change. In a commentary for the journal Earth’s Future , UC Santa Barbara climate scientist Chris Funk and co-authors assert that predicting the droughts that cause severe food insecurity in the Eastern Horn of Africa (Kenya,....

Climate science is catching up to climate change with predictions that could improve proactive response — ScienceDaily

2023-07-23T17:31+0200todayheadline (en)

Science is beginning to catch up with and even get ahead of climate change. In a commentary for the journal Earth’s Future , UC Santa Barbara climate scientist Chris Funk and co-authors assert that predicting the droughts that cause severe food insecurity in the Eastern Horn of Africa (Kenya,....

Early warning systems are increasingly accurate in predicting climate extremes

2023-07-23T16:03+0200earth (en)

and the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Center , it has been possible to monitor and predict such climatic extremes, and provide early warnings of their agricultural impact in order to support humanitarian and resilience interventions in some of the world’s most insecure countries.

Climate Science Catching Up to Climate Change?

2023-07-23T15:18+0200sciencedaily (en)

Science is beginning to catch up with and even get ahead of climate change. In a commentary for the journal Earth's Future , UC Santa Barbara climate scientist Chris Funk and co-authors assert that predicting the droughts that cause severe food insecurity in the Eastern Horn of Africa (Kenya,....

Climate Science Is Catching Up To Climate Change With Predictions That Could Improve Proactive Response

2023-07-23T00:46+0200eurasiareview (en)

Science is beginning to catch up with and even get ahead of climate change. In a commentary for the journal Earth’s Future , UC Santa Barbara climate scientist Chris Funk and co-authors assert that predicting the droughts that cause severe food insecurity in the Eastern Horn of Africa (Kenya,....

Famine in the forecast: UC Santa Barbara scientists work to predict droughts to fight future food shortages

2023-07-22T00:00+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

This article originally appeared in UCSB’s ‘ In Africa, climate change impacts are experienced as extreme events like drought and floods. Through the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (which leverages expertise from USG science agencies, universities, and the private sector) and the IGAD Climate....

Famine in the Forecast: UC Santa Barbara Scientists Work to Predict Droughts to Fight Future Food Shortages

2023-07-21T23:01+0200independent (en)

This article originally appeared in UCSB’s ‘ In Africa, climate change impacts are experienced as extreme events like drought and floods. Through the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (which leverages expertise from USG science agencies, universities, and the private sector) and the IGAD Climate....

Climate science is catching up to climate change with predictions that could improve proactive response

2023-07-20T21:53+0200phys (en)

In Africa, climate change impacts are experienced as extreme events like drought and floods. Through the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (which leverages expertise from USG science agencies, universities, and the private sector) and the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Center, it has....

20-Jul-2023 Climate science is catching up to climate change with predictions that could improve proactive response University of California - Santa Barbara Peer-Reviewed Publication In Africa, climate change impacts are experienced as extreme events like drought and floods.

2023-07-20T20:55+0200eurekalert (en)

In Africa, climate change impacts are experienced as extreme events like drought and floods. Through the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (which leverages expertise from USG science agencies, universities, and the private sector) and the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Center , it has....

Climate Science Advances Predictions for Proactive Response

2023-07-20T20:49+0200miragenews (en)

In Africa, climate change impacts are experienced as extreme events like drought and floods. Through the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (which leverages expertise from USG science agencies, universities, and the private sector) and the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Center , it has....

UN: 23.4m people face acute food insecurity in Horn of Africa

2023-07-17T14:59+0200chinadailyhk (en)

People displaced by drought react as Cindy McCain (not seen), World Food Programme executive director, visits to assess drought conditions at the Ladan internally displaced people camp in Dolow, Somalia on May 1, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP) NAIROBI / ADDIS ABABA - Prolonged drought in the Horn of Africa has left 23.

Abhijit Banerjee, Nobel de Economía: "No existe una avalancha de inmigrantes"

2023-07-02T05:02+0200heraldo (es)

-El primer Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU es erradicar la pobreza extrema en el mundo para 2030. ¿Se va a conseguir? -¿Lo conseguirán todos los países? No. ¿Llegará a la mayoría de los pobres del mundo? Sí. Hay una gran incertidumbre por dos asuntos fundamentalmente.

Storia e civiltà L’allevamento dei cammelli in Somalia è a rischio: “Se il cammello sta bene, anche noi stiamo bene”

2023-06-13T09:52+0200nationalgeographic-it (it)

Jaamac conosce per nome tutti i suoi cammelli: quelli disubbidienti che hanno bisogno di una campana di legno legata attorno al collo o i maschi gelosi che bisogna impastoiare per impedirgli di lottare. Il pastore aggiunge, inoltre, che i somali sono così vicini a questi animali, così impegnati a....

Somalia, 400 mila persone sfollate per inondazioni

2023-05-31T18:28+0200difesapopolo (it)

"Nel settembre dello scorso anno parlavamo dell'impatto devastante che la siccità in Somalia stava avendo su bambini e famiglie. La Somalia aveva attraversato cinque stagioni consecutive di mancate piogge e stava affrontando la sesta. La dichiarazione di carestia, che era stata prevista l'anno....

In Somalia 400mila sfollati per le inondazioni

2023-05-31T16:58+0200romasette (it)

In Somalia e negli altri Paesi della regione è alto il rischio di una nuova «catastrofe umanitaria». L’allarme arriva dal rappresentante Unicef Wafaa Saeed: «Nel settembre dello scorso anno – ricorda – parlavamo dell’impatto devastante che la siccità in Somalia stava avendo su bambini e famiglie.

Allarme Unicef sul clima: in Somalia 400.000 persone sfollate a causa delle inondazioni

2023-05-31T14:00+0200aise (it)

NEW YORK\ aise\ - “Nel settembre dello scorso anno parlavamo dell'impatto devastante che la siccità in Somalia stava avendo su bambini e famiglie. La Somalia aveva attraversato cinque stagioni consecutive di mancate piogge e stava affrontando la sesta.

Somalia, 400 mila persone sfollate per inondazioni

2023-05-31T13:28+0200redattoresociale (it)

ROMA - "Nel settembre dello scorso anno parlavamo dell'impatto devastante che la siccità in Somalia stava avendo su bambini e famiglie. La Somalia aveva attraversato cinque stagioni consecutive di mancate piogge e stava affrontando la sesta. La dichiarazione di carestia, che era stata prevista....

Dopo una siccità lunga 5 anni, in Somalia sono costrette a sfollare 400mila persone a causa delle inondazioni

2023-05-31T12:54+0200greenme (it)

“La Somalia e gli altri Paesi della regione sono ad un passo da un'altra catastrofe umana”, così dice Wafaa Saeed, la Rappresentante dell’UNICEF in Somalia. Qui, dopo la peggiore siccità degli ultimi quattro decenni, con 1 milione e mezzo di bambini che affronta una malnutrizione acuta, le intense....

In Somalia 400.000 persone sfollate a causa delle inondazioni

2023-05-31T11:14+0200aplazio (it)

AgenPress . “Nel settembre dello scorso anno parlavamo dell’impatto devastante che la siccità in Somalia stava avendo su bambini e famiglie. La Somalia aveva attraversato cinque stagioni consecutive di mancate piogge e stava affrontando la sesta. La dichiarazione di carestia, che era stata prevista....

In Somalia 400.000 persone sfollate a causa delle inondazioni

2023-05-31T10:54+0200agenpress (it)

AgenPress . “Nel settembre dello scorso anno parlavamo dell’impatto devastante che la siccità in Somalia stava avendo su bambini e famiglie. La Somalia aveva attraversato cinque stagioni consecutive di mancate piogge e stava affrontando la sesta. La dichiarazione di carestia, che era stata prevista....

Inondazioni dopo la siccità: 400mila sfollati in Somalia

2023-05-31T10:20+0200meteoweb (it)

Nel settembre dello scorso anno parlavamo dell’impatto devastante che la siccità in Somalia stava avendo su bambini e famiglie. La Somalia aveva attraversato cinque stagioni consecutive di mancate piogge e stava affrontando la sesta. La dichiarazione di carestia, che era stata prevista l’anno scorso....

Somalia: dopo anni di siccità 400.000 persone sfollate a causa delle inondazioni

2023-05-31T10:13+0200greenreport (it)

Nel settembre dello scorso anno parlavamo dell’impatto devastante che la siccità in Somalia stava avendo su bambini e famiglie. La Somalia aveva attraversato cinque stagioni consecutive di mancate piogge e stava affrontando la sesta. La dichiarazione di carestia, che era stata prevista l’anno scorso....

CAOS SOMALIA/ "3,8 milioni di sfollati quasi prigionieri di uno Stato fallito"

2023-05-30T06:17+0200ilsussidiario (it)

I dati dell’Unhcr, l’organismo dell’Onu che si occupa dei rifugiati, dicono che dall’inizio di gennaio fino al 10 maggio più di un milione di persone in Somalia si sono dovute spostare dai luoghi di residenza in altre zone del loro Paese. La guerra che imperversa da tempo, ma anche le forti....

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