Overall Green alert Drought for Chad-2024
in Chad

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 396
Articles about casualties: 3 (0.8%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

I bacini idrici del Lazio sono ai minimi storici e nel centro sud scatta l’allarme: “A rischio l’agricoltura”

2024-07-26T12:32+0200romatoday (it)

L'osservatorio ANBI sulle risorse idriche ha tratteggiato il quadro del centro sud. Nel Lazio modeste piogge non hanno migliorato l'apporto d'acqua ai principali bacini Lo stivale è diviso a metà. Il nord è sferzato da temporali all’origine di allagamenti ed altri problemi idrogeologici.

Caldo estremo, in Marocco 21 morti in un giorno. L'allarme dell'Onu: serve azione globale per contrastarlo

2024-07-26T12:23+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Ventuno persone sono morte nelle ultime 24 ore in una cittadina del Marocco centrale, a causa di una nuova ondata di caldo che ha colpito il Paese, vittima, per il sesto anno consecutivo, di siccità. Lo ha annunciato il ministero della Salute marocchino.

Less productive yet more stable

2024-07-26T04:36+0200peer (en)

Global Change Biology , this can certainly have economic consequences for the farmers affected. Grassland is one of the most important and most widespread ecosystems on earth. Such open landscapes with grasses and herbs not only cover more than one quarter of the entire land surface but also store....

Allarme Siccità: Sud Italia Senza Acqua per l’Agricoltura entro Tre Settimane

2024-07-26T02:31+0200online-news (it)

L’Associazione Nazionale dei Consorzi di Bacino (Anbi) ha lanciato un allarme riguardo alla grave situazione delle risorse idriche nel Centrosud Italia. Secondo il bollettino settimanale dell’Anbi, tra tre settimane non ci sarà più acqua per l’agricoltura in regioni come Puglia, Abruzzo e Sicilia, con invasi quasi vuoti.

La ONU alerta a España: las últimas olas de calor están siendo hasta 3ºC más cálidas que en los años 90

2024-07-26T01:18+0200elespanol (es)

La tregua de temperaturas que ha dejado a España al margen de los récords mundiales llegó a su fin con el arranque de la canícula , el periodo de mediados de julio a agosto que tiende a ser el más cálido del año. La misma semana en la que el planeta ha alcanzado un pico histórico de calor -los....

Marocco, oltre 20 morti in un giorno per l'ondata di caldo

2024-07-26T00:47+0200tgcom (it)

Ventuno persone sono morte in 24 ore in una cittadina del Marocco centrale, a causa di una nuova ondata di caldo che ha colpito il Paese, vittima, per il sesto anno consecutivo, di siccità. Lo ha annunciato il ministero della Salute. La Direzion generale della meteorologia aveva annunciato una forte....

Agricoltura a secco, il Centro Sud è agli sgoccioli

2024-07-26T00:33+0200informazione (it)

Le cifre dell'Anbi. Che tracciano un quadro catastrofico ROMA- “Tre settimane ancora e non ci sarà più acqua per l’agricoltura nel Centrosud”. E’ l’allarme che… "Tre settimane ancora e non ci sarà più acqua per l'agricoltura nel Centrosud". E' l'allarme che lancia l'Anbi, l'associazione dei....

Clima, Anbi: è allarme siccità, entro tre settimane il Centro Sud non avrà più acqua per l'agricoltura

2024-07-26T00:12+0200primapaginanews (it)

In soli due giorni, tra il 21 ed il 22 Luglio scorsi, in Italia ci sono stati 54 eventi meteorologici estremi tra grandinate anomale, nubifragi, trombe d'aria e raffiche di vento, che hanno provocato la caduta di alberi e danni alle abitazioni. Le piogge più violente hanno colpito le Marche ed il....

Emergenza idrica nel sud Italia, Confagricoltura sui dati ANBI: rischi per agricoltura e turismo

2024-07-25T19:53+0200agrigiornale (it)

Le importanti rilevazioni del report dell’Osservatorio ANBI (Associazione Nazionale dei Consorzi di gestione e Tutela del territorio e delle Acque Irrigue) sulle Risorse Idriche evidenziano una situazione allarmante in diverse zone del Centro-Sud Italia e delle isole, con cali della portata dei....

A year of drought, storms and floods across East Africa

2024-07-25T19:33+0200hiiraanweyn (en)

Thursday July 25, 2024 By Freddie Clayton. After an unprecedented year of extreme weather, El Niño has come to an end. For millions in East Africa, however, the future remains uncertain. Between 2021 and early 2023, Somalia suffered through the longest-recorded drought in its history.


2024-07-25T19:25+0200unmultimedia-en (en)

22 JULY 2024, SURKHROD, DISTRICT OF NANGARHAR PROVINCE. 1. Various shots, man pointing to his devastated farmland from floods 2. Various shots, damaged house 3. Various shots, man showing the damaged floods have caused to his land and house 4. Med shot, man walking in his damaged house 5.

Caldo estremo in Marocco, oltre 20 morti. Temperature fino a 54 gradi…

2024-07-25T19:22+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 25 luglio 2024) Un’ondata di Caldo estremo ha colpito il Marocco , causando la morte di almeno 21 persone nella città centrale di Beni Mellal in un periodo di 24 ore. Il ministero della Sanità ha annunciato che l’evento è stato particolarmente devastante per persone affette da malattie....

Ola de calor en Marruecos deja 21 muertos en 24 horas Global | 09:39 hrs.

2024-07-25T17:53+0200excelsior (es)

Al menos 21 personas murieron en 24 horas en una ciudad del centro de Marruecos por una nueva ola de calor que golpeó este país del norte de África , que enfrenta un sexto año consecutivo de sequía, anunciaron este jueves las autoridades de Salud. Te recomendamos: Taiwán, en alerta máxima por el....

In Marocco oltre 20 morti in un giorno per l'ondata di caldo

2024-07-25T17:37+0200ansabrasil (it)

(ANSAmed) - RABAT, 25 LUG - Ventuno persone sono morte in 24 ore in una cittadina del Marocco centrale a causa di una nuova ondata di caldo che ha colpito il Paese, vittima del sesto anno consecutivo di siccità. Lo ha annunciato il Ministero della Salute.

In Marocco oltre 20 morti in un giorno per l'ondata di caldo

2024-07-25T17:36+0200ansamed-it (it)

(ANSAmed) - RABAT, 25 LUG - Ventuno persone sono morte in 24 ore in una cittadina del Marocco centrale a causa di una nuova ondata di caldo che ha colpito il Paese, vittima del sesto anno consecutivo di siccità. Lo ha annunciato il Ministero della Salute.

In Marocco oltre 20 morti in un giorno per l'ondata di caldo

2024-07-25T17:35+0200ansa-english (it)

(ANSAmed) - RABAT, 25 LUG - Ventuno persone sono morte in 24 ore in una cittadina del Marocco centrale a causa di una nuova ondata di caldo che ha colpito il Paese, vittima del sesto anno consecutivo di siccità. Lo ha annunciato il Ministero della Salute.

In Marocco oltre 20 morti in un giorno per l'ondata di caldo

2024-07-25T17:31+0200ansa-Europa (it)

(ANSAmed) - RABAT, 25 LUG - Ventuno persone sono morte in 24 ore in una cittadina del Marocco centrale a causa di una nuova ondata di caldo che ha colpito il Paese, vittima del sesto anno consecutivo di siccità. Lo ha annunciato il Ministero della Salute.

Emergenza siccità al Centrosud, acqua razionata e stop alle irrigazioni in Sicilia Coldiretti: «Presto scaffali vuoti». Agricoltori chiedono lo stato di calamità

2024-07-25T17:20+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Non va meglio nel Centro Italia dove i nubifragi e le grandinate di questi giorni non hanno alleviato la siccità, a dimostrazione che questi fenomeni estremi non influiscono sulla ricarica dei corpi idrici. Lo spiega l'associazione dei consorzi di bacino, l'Anbi, nel suo bollettino settimanale sulla situazione delle risorse idriche in Italia.

Clima, Anbi: è allarme siccità, entro tre settimane il Centro Sud non avrà più acqua per l'agricoltura

2024-07-25T17:18+0200247libero (it)

In soli due giorni, tra il 21 ed il 22 Luglio scorsi, in Italia ci sono stati 54 eventi meteorologici estremi tra grandinate anomale, nubifragi, trombe d'aria e raffiche di vento, che hanno provocato la caduta di alberi e danni alle abitazioni. Le piogge più violente hanno colpito le Marche ed il....

Allarme siccità al Centro Sud: “Fra tre settimane niente acqua per i campi”. Santanché contro il NYT: “Inaridisce anche il turismo”

2024-07-25T17:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 25 luglio 2024) Roma, 25 luglio 2024 – Italia una volta di più divisa in due: al Centro -Sud non ci sarà più acqua per irrigare i campi fra tre settimane , mentre nel Nord Italia laghi e fiumi sono al di sopra delle portate medie. La drammatica fotografica è scattata dall'Anbi,....

LIVE MAROCCO 8 min Ondata di caldo estrema, 20 morti in un giorno

2024-07-25T16:53+0200tio (it)

RABAT - Ventuno persone sono morte in 24 ore in una cittadina del Marocco centrale, a causa di una nuova ondata di caldo che ha colpito il Paese, vittima del sesto anno consecutivo di siccità. Lo ha annunciato il Ministero della Salute. La Direzione Generale della Meteorologia (DGM) aveva....

La siccità strangola il Sud: 'Fra 3 settimane mancherà l'acqua nei campi della Puglia. In Sicilia è compromessa la semina nel Gelese'

2024-07-25T16:25+0200247libero (it)

La pianura foggiana ? “È reale il rischio di vederla inaridita , così come ampie porzioni di territorio salentino”. La provincia di Gela ? “Non potrà ricevere alcun genere d’irrigazione”. Con la conseguenza di vedere compromessa la campagna di semina e produzione . La siccità strangola il Sud , ma anche il Centro Italia se la passa malissimo.

Emergenza idrica nel Sud Italia, Confagricoltura sui dati ANBI: Rischi per agricoltura e turismo

2024-07-25T16:16+0200agricolae (it)

Le importanti rilevazioni del report dell’Osservatorio ANBI (Associazione Nazionale dei Consorzi di gestione e Tutela del territorio e delle Acque Irrigue) sulle Risorse Idriche evidenziano una situazione allarmante in diverse zone del Centro-Sud Italia e delle isole, con cali della portata dei....

Centro Sud senz'acqua, l'allarme: tra 3 settimane l'agricoltura sarà a secco in tre Regioni

2024-07-25T16:14+0200tiscali-it (it)

Fra tre settimane nel Centrosud non ci sarà più acqua per l'agricoltura. Ne è sicura l'Anbi che usa toni drammatici per descrivere la situaizone di Regioni come Puglia Sicilia e Abruzzo . Ma per l' associazione dei consorzi di bacino , non sono le uniche regioni ad avere problemi.

Allarme siccità al Centro Sud: “Fra tre settimane niente acqua per i campi”. Santanché contro il NYT: “Inaridisce anche il turismo”

2024-07-25T16:01+0200quotidiano (it)

Roma, 25 luglio 2024 – Italia una volta di più divisa in due: al Centro-Sud non ci sarà più acqua per irrigare i campi fra tre settimane , mentre nel Nord Italia laghi e fiumi sono al di sopra delle portate medie. La drammatica fotografica è scattata dall' Anbi , l'associazione dei consorzi di....

Climate drivers of Pinus ponderosa tree development on volcanic tephra deposits in the Southwestern USA: Insights from radial increment and wood density variations

2024-07-25T15:58+0200sciencedirect-dendrochronologia (en)

Introduction Global climate change, marked by rising temperatures and increased drought severity, has significantly altered tree growth and survival patterns worldwide (Schurman et al., 2019, Kannenberg et al., 2020). However, tree responses to climate change exhibit considerable variation....

UK Farming and Land Use: Addressing the Climate and Ecological Emergencies while Supporting Farmers

2024-07-25T15:33+0200farmpep (en)

This report provides 15 answers to questions around sustainable farming and land use: When deciding how to optimise the use of each piece of land, we need to consider the impacts on climate, nature, food production and livelihoods – locally, across the UK and globally.

La siccità strangola il Sud: “Fra 3 settimane mancherà l’acqua nei campi della Puglia. In Sicilia è compromessa la semina nel Gelese”

2024-07-25T15:25+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

La pianura foggiana ? “È reale il rischio di vederla inaridita , così come ampie porzioni di territorio salentino”. La provincia di Gela ? “Non potrà ricevere alcun genere d’irrigazione”. Con la conseguenza di vedere compromessa la campagna di semina e produzione . La siccità strangola il Sud , ma anche il Centro Italia se la passa malissimo.

Atmosphere, Vol. 15, Pages 888: Drought Dynamics and Drought Hazard Assessment in Southwest Bulgaria

2024-07-25T15:18+0200mdpi (en)

Awareness of the potential threat posed by drought necessitates the implementation of appropriate procedures to enable effective and systematic actions aimed at mitigating, or at least partially limiting, the impacts of drought events. This paper seeks to analyze the spatial and temporal changes of....

Extreme heat is breaking global records: Why this isn’t ‘just summer,’ and what climate change has to do with it Mathew Barlow, UMass Lowell and Jeffrey Basara, UMass Lowell

2024-07-25T15:08+0200theconversation-us (en)

Disclosure statement. Mathew Barlow has received funding from the NOAA Modeling, Analysis, Predictions and Projections Program to study heatwaves. Jeffrey Basara has received funding from the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation to study flash drought and extreme temperatures.


2024-07-25T14:35+0200corriereortofrutticolo (it)

Le importanti rilevazioni del report dell’ Osservatorio ANBI (Associazione Nazionale dei Consorzi di Gestione e Tutela del Territorio e delle Acque Irrigue) sulle Risorse idriche evidenziano una situazione allarmante in diverse zone del Centro-Sud Italia e delle isole, con cali della portata dei....

Durante 2024, México se ha visto sometido a sequía prolongada y olas de calor durante varios años

2024-07-25T13:35+0200tiempo-es (es)

Comparación de sequías en México: 2011 vs. 2024: (arriba) Mapa del Monitor de Sequía de América del Norte en México para el 30 de junio de 2011 y el 31 de mayo de 2024, que muestra las ubicaciones y la gravedad de la sequía. En ambos años, gran parte de México estuvo al menos "anormalmente seco"....

Siccità, in tre settimane il Centro-Sud senza acqua per l’agricoltura: l’allarme dell’Anbi

2024-07-25T13:32+0200lanotiziagiornale (it)

Da una parte eventi meteorologici estremi come grandinate, nubifragi e trombe d’aria. Dall’altra la siccità che mette in ginocchio il Centro e il Sud Italia. Il report dell’ Osservatorio Anbi sulle risorse idriche evidenzia questi due aspetti. Il primo va ad analizzare due soli giorni, il 21 e il 22....

Frente común contra la sequía extrema

2024-07-25T13:05+0200valenciafruits (es)

Valencia Fruits. Redacción. La ‘Situación del secano extremo en España’ congregó a representantes de los gobiernos de la Región de Murcia, Comunitat Valenciana, Aragón, Andalucía, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha, así como a representantes de las organizaciones agrarias COAG, ASAJA, UPA y de Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España.

Forests, Vol. 15, Pages 1301: Predicting Potential Suitable Areas of Dendrocalamus brandisii under Global Climate Change

2024-07-25T11:21+0200mdpi (en)

Climate change restricts and alters the distribution range of plant species. Predicting potential distribution and population dynamics is crucial to understanding species’ geographical distribution characteristics to harness their economic and ecological benefits.

Siccità, “tra 3 settimane niente più acqua per l’agricoltura del Centro/Sud”

2024-07-25T09:34+0200meteoweb (it)

In soli due giorni, tra il 21 ed il 22 Luglio scorsi, in Italia ci sono stati 54 eventi meteorologici estremi tra grandinate anomale, nubifragi, trombe d’aria e raffiche di vento, che hanno provocato la caduta di alberi e danni alle abitazioni. Le piogge più violente hanno colpito le Marche ed il....

Adiós a estas playas de Cataluña: un informe de Greenpeace revela que podrían dejar de existir en 2040

2024-07-25T09:13+0200cronicaglobal (es)

ya ha visto que los riesgos del cambio climático no son una leyenda urbana ni ninguna conspiración de la Agenda 2030 . Desde que se tienen registros nunca había llovido tan poco en la comunidad autónoma . Eso ha hecho que a principios de años, la Generalitat decretara el , restringiendo el uso de agua.

MIL-OSI Global: Extreme heat is breaking global records: Why this isn’t ‘just summer,’ and what climate change has to do with it

2024-07-25T00:23+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Mathew Barlow, Professor of Climate Science, UMass Lowell. Visitors walk past a sign reading ‘Stop: Extreme Heat Danger’ in Death Valley National Park during a heat wave on July 7, 2024. A month into summer 2024, the vast majority of the U.S. population had already experienced at least one....

Investing in Community Resilience: Proven Strategies and Actions to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts in Ghana

2024-07-24T21:18+0200newsghana (en)

It is no secret that Africa is currently bearing the brunt of climate change impact despite its minimal contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions that have been the main driver of the global warming phenomena that accelerates climate change. The effects of global warming, have manifested....

Japan supports WHO’s work to improve health services and emergency response

2024-07-24T19:58+0200reliefWeb (en)

Japan supports WHO’s work to improve health services and emergency response. 24 July 2024. The Government of Japan’s support to WHO has enabled the Western Pacific Region and other countries across the globe to carry out much-needed health emergencies responses and to provide essential health services to vulnerable populations.

Cinco CCAA, entre ellas Castilla-La Mancha, piden a Planas que se convoque la mesa de la sequía

2024-07-24T18:50+0200lanzadigital (es)

Los gobiernos autonómicos de Murcia, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha han pedido este miércoles al ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Luis Planas, que convoque la mesa de la sequía para acordar medidas concretas y “urgentes” contra la sequía y los efectos....

CCAA, cooperativas y agricultores piden a Planas que convoque la Mesa de la Sequía

2024-07-24T17:19+0200clm24 (es)

Los gobiernos autonómicos de Murcia, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha han pedido este miércoles al ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Luis Planas, que convoque la mesa de la sequía para acordar medidas concretas y "urgentes" contra la sequía y los efectos....

Cinco comunidades, entre ellas la Región, mandan otra carta a Planas reclamando que se convoque la mesa de la sequía

2024-07-24T15:36+0200laopiniondemurcia (es)

Los gobiernos autonómicos de Murcia, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha han pedido este miércoles al ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Luis Planas , que convoque la mesa de la sequía para acordar medidas concretas y "urgentes" contra la sequía y los efectos....

5 comunidades autónomas mandan otra carta a Planas reclamando que se convoque la mesa de la sequía

2024-07-24T15:03+0200iagua (es)

Los gobiernos autonómicos de Murcia, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha han pedido este miércoles al ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Luis Planas, que convoque la mesa de la sequía para acordar medidas concretas y «urgentes» contra la sequía y los efectos....

Cinco CCAA, entre ellas Castilla-La Mancha, mandan otra carta a Planas reclamando que se convoque la mesa de la sequía

2024-07-24T14:34+0200dclm (es)

Los gobiernos autonómicos de Murcia, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha han pedido este miércoles al ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Luis Planas, que convoque la mesa de la sequía para acordar medidas concretas y "urgentes" contra la sequía y los efectos....

Cinco CCAA, entre ellas Castilla-La Mancha, mandan otra carta a Planas reclamando que se convoque la mesa de la sequía

2024-07-24T13:54+0200europapress (es)

Murcia, Andalucía, Valencia, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha piden medidas "urgentes" acompañadas de asociaciones agrarias MADRID, 24 Jul. (EUROPA PRESS) - Los gobiernos autonómicos de Murcia, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha han pedido este miércoles al ministro de....

Economía.- Cinco comunidades autónomas mandan otra carta a Planas reclamando que se convoque la mesa de la sequía

2024-07-24T13:53+0200bolsamania (es)

Los gobiernos autonómicos de Murcia, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha han pedido este miércoles al ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Luis Planas, que convoque la mesa de la sequía para acordar medidas concretas y "urgentes" contra la sequía y los efectos....

Cinco CCAA, entre ellas Castilla-La Mancha, mandan otra carta a Planas reclamando que se convoque la mesa de la sequía

2024-07-24T13:53+0200infobae (es)

Los gobiernos autonómicos de Murcia, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha han pedido este miércoles al ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Luis Planas, que convoque la mesa de la sequía para acordar medidas concretas y "urgentes" contra la sequía y los efectos....

‘Flash droughts’ coming on faster, global study shows

2024-07-24T13:52+0200qnewshub (en)

Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Texas Tech University found that although the number of flash droughts has remained stable during the past two decades, more of them are coming on faster. Globally, the flash droughts that come on the fastest....

Cinco CCAA, entre ellas Castilla-La Mancha, mandan otra carta a Planas reclamando que se ...

2024-07-24T13:47+0200gentedigital (es)

Murcia, Andalucía, Valencia, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha piden medidas "urgentes" acompañadas de asociaciones agrarias MADRID/TOLEDO, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) Los gobiernos autonómicos de Murcia, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha han pedido este miércoles al ministro de....

Las comunidades de la sequía reclaman al Ministerio un plan a largo plazo para salvar al secano

2024-07-24T13:44+0200laverdad (es)

Las comunidades autónomas de España donde la sequía ha provocado más estragos durante los últimos años en los cultivos de secano han enviado una carta al ministro de Agricultura, Luis Planas , donde demandan un plan a largo plazo con actuaciones que recojan «medidas concretas» que permitan la supervivencia de este arbolado.

Cinco CCAA, entre ellas Castilla-La Mancha, mandan otra carta a Planas reclamando que se convoque la mesa de la sequía

2024-07-24T13:40+0200lacerca (es)

Los gobiernos autonómicos de Murcia, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha han pedido este miércoles al ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Luis Planas, que convoque la mesa de la sequía para acordar medidas concretas y “urgentes” contra la sequía y los efectos....

Cinco CCAA, entre ellas Castilla-La Mancha, mandan otra carta a Planas reclamando que se convoque la mesa de la sequía

2024-07-24T13:29+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

Murcia, Andalucía, Valencia, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha piden medidas "urgentes" acompañadas de asociaciones agrarias MADRID, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) Los gobiernos autonómicos de Murcia, Andalucía, Comunidad Valenciana, La Rioja y Castilla-La Mancha han pedido este miércoles al ministro de Agricultura,....

July 21 was world’s hottest ever recorded day

2024-07-24T09:47+0200independent-UK (en)

Sunday was the hottest day ever recorded globally, according to preliminary data from the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. The global average surface air temperature on Sunday reached 17.09 degrees Celsius (62.76 degrees Fahrenheit), this is slightly higher than the previous record set last July of 17.

After losing crops to drought, Sicily fears losing tourism, too

2024-07-24T08:49+0200deccanherald (en)

Leonforte, Sicily: As tourists savored icy granitas under hibiscus trees and swam in the cool Mediterranean Sea, in the farmlands of southern Sicily , among hillsides so scorched they resembled desert dunes, a farmer watched recently as his cows headed to the slaughterhouse.

Mediterranean Drought Forces a Hard Choice: Who Gets the Water?

2024-07-24T06:08+0200nytimes (en)

As tourists savored icy granitas under hibiscus trees and swam in the cool Mediterranean Sea, in the farmlands of Southern Sicily, among hillsides so scorched they resembled desert dunes, a farmer watched recently as his cows headed to the slaughterhouse. After months of drought, he didn’t have any water or food to give them.

Cambodia: Weekly Wet Season Situation Report in the Lower Mekong River Basin - 16 - 22 July 2024

2024-07-24T04:23+0200humanitarianresponse (en)

Key Messages. Key messages for this weekly report are presented below. Rainfall monitoring and forecast In the period of 16 22 July 2024, light to heavy rainfall has been observed over the LMB. Especially, heavy to very heavy rainfall has been observed over the LMB including Nong Khai, Muong Mai,....

Weekly Wet Season Situation Report in the Lower Mekong River Basin - 16 - 22 July 2024

2024-07-24T03:55+0200reliefWeb (en)

Key Messages. Key messages for this weekly report are presented below. Rainfall monitoring and forecast In the period of 16 22 July 2024, light to heavy rainfall has been observed over the LMB. Especially, heavy to very heavy rainfall has been observed over the LMB including Nong Khai, Muong Mai,....

Consorzio di Bonifica Ovest: crisi idrica nel Fucino

2024-07-23T20:06+0200ilgiornale24 (it)

Il Fucino, un vasto altopiano situato nella regione dell'Abruzzo, è noto per la sua fertile pianura agricola, rappresentando uno dei principali poli produttivi del Centro Italia. Tuttavia, negli ultimi anni, questa area sta affrontando una crisi idrica senza precedenti, accompagnata da periodi....

MIL-OSI USA: Vasquez Secures Major Investments for Water Infrastructure Projects Across New Mexico

2024-07-23T17:27+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On July 22, 2024, U.S. Representative Gabe Vasquez (N.M.-02) voted to pass the bipartisan Water Resources Development Act, which included his priorities to fund water infrastructure projects throughout New Mexico. Vasquez also authored $50 million increases in funding available....

UNICEF Uganda Humanitarian Situation Report No. 3: January to June 2024

2024-07-23T17:06+0200humanitarianresponse (en)

Highlights Uganda faces humanitarian challenges, including disease outbreaks, high refugee numbers, climate shocks (floods, droughts), food insecurity, and high malnutrition rates. An estimated 112,270 cases of children aged 6-59 months and 8,980 pregnant and breasting women across the Karamoja sub....

Food crisis is a comprehensive emergency: World Vision

2024-07-23T16:26+0200publiceyenews (en)

LINEO MABEKEBEKE. MASERU – Lesotho is grappling with an unprecedented food crisis that threatens the very fabric of its society. In response, World Vision Lesotho has launched a multifaceted and urgent intervention aimed not only at addressing immediate needs but also at building long-term resilience among the affected communities.

Il piano di Lollobrigida per combattere la siccità in Sicilia “Interventi strutturali, controllo delle perdite e basta ritardi”

2024-07-23T14:58+0200blogsicilia (it)

Interventi per recuperare l’acqua e controllo sulle perdite lungo le condotte idriche . È il piano illustrato a Siracusa dal ministro dell’Agricoltura, , per provare a combattere la sete d’acqua in Sicilia, in particolare nella zona centro occidentale dell’isola dove gli invasi si stanno prosciugando.

Il piano di Lollobrigida per combattere la siccità in Sicilia “Interventi strutturali, controllo delle perdite e basta ritardi”

2024-07-23T14:53+0200mondopalermo (it)

> Interventi per recuperare l’acqua e controllo sulle perdite lungo le condotte idriche. È il piano illustrato a Siracusa dal ministro dell’Agricoltura, Francesco Lollobrigida, per provare a combattere la sete d’acqua in Sicilia, in particolare nella zona centro occidentale dell’isola dove gli invasi si stanno prosciugando.

UNICEF Uganda Humanitarian Situation Report No. 3: January to June 2024

2024-07-23T14:04+0200reliefWeb (en)

Highlights Uganda faces humanitarian challenges, including disease outbreaks, high refugee numbers, climate shocks (floods, droughts), food insecurity, and high malnutrition rates. An estimated 112,270 cases of children aged 6-59 months and 8,980 pregnant and breasting women across the Karamoja sub....

Low-intensity grassland is better able to withstand the consequences of climate change

2024-07-23T13:51+0200phys (en)

by German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig Most important features of the design and the treatment structure of the experiment. Based on a split-plot design, the main plots reflect the two climate scenarios (ambient climate and future climate).

El Niño and climate change impacts slam Latin America and Caribbean in 2023

2024-07-23T13:40+0200ethicalmarketingnews (en)

Temperature: The 2023 mean temperature was the highest on record, 0.82 °C above the 1991–2020 average and 1.39 °C above the 1961–1990 baseline. Mexico experienced the fastest rate of warming in the region, about 0.3 °C per decade, from 1991–2023. Rainfall: The transition from La Niña to El Niño by....

La costa española en riesgo: perdiendo playas en diez años

2024-07-23T12:50+0200elmercuriodigital (es)

Greenpeace presenta hoy un informe que repasa los principales riesgos en cada comunidad autónoma del litoral: destruir la costa es exponer a millones de residentes La subida del nivel del mar, el aumento de la temperatura marina, la intensificación de los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos y la....

ICC organises ‘Live Viewing of Union Budget 2024-25’

2024-07-23T11:52+0200businessnewsthisweek (en)

Kolkata, 23rd July 2024: Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) organised Live Viewing of Union Budget 2024-25 to discuss the standpoints of the chamber. The session witnessed valuable insights from Ameya Prabhu, President, ICC (virtually); Brij Bhushan Agarwal, Vice President, ICC & Vice Chairman and MD,....

Informe: 8.000 km de costa española sin playas en 10 años

2024-07-23T10:59+0200ecoticias (es)

, donde realiza una radiografía del estado de los más de 8.000 km de costa española ante las amenazas que vienen Riesgos en el litoral español No hay región costera española que no esté expuesta a riesgos por exceso de urbanización e infraestructuras, contaminación, la construcción de barreras....

China seeking hi-tech solutions to disaster relief challenges

2024-07-23T10:07+0200scmp (en)

China is stepping up its use of technology such as satellites and radar in disaster relief work as extreme weather events become more frequent. Lessons have been learned from the rescue efforts of the devastating 2008 earthquake in Sichuan in 2008 that killed more than 69,000 people and wounded more....

Crisi idrica nel Fucino, Consorzio di Bonifica Ovest: “Emergenza e possibili soluzioni per l’agricoltura”

2024-07-23T09:35+0200terremarsicane (it)

AVEZZANO – Il Fucino, un vasto altopiano situato nella regione dell’Abruzzo, è noto per la sua fertile pianura agricola, rappresentando uno dei principali poli produttivi del Centro Italia. Tuttavia, negli ultimi anni, questa area sta affrontando una crisi idrica senza precedenti, accompagnata da....

Tula infiernos ambientales de México 1era parte El municipio del Edomex se ha convertido en un foco de contaminación por el cual transitan y se tratan parte de las aguas negras de la CDMX, en la planta de Atotonilco 21:51 hrs.

2024-07-23T06:06+0200excelsior (es)

Tula, uno de los infiernos ambientales de México, 1era. Parte. Cada vez que vas al baño en la Ciudad de México y le jalas al sanitario, una avalancha de desechos orgánicos y aguas negras descarga en el Valle del Mezquital , justo donde nace el río Tula.

Grasslands Can Survive Climate Change Better

2024-07-23T01:22+0200sciencedaily (en)

Grassland is one of the most important and most widespread ecosystems on earth. Such open landscapes with grasses and herbs not only cover more than one quarter of the entire land surface but also store at least one third of the terrestrial carbon, are crucial for food production, and can be extremely species-rich in a relatively small area.

Rain, clouds and humidity predicted through Sunday in Austin weather

2024-07-22T18:13+0200statesman (en)

Rainy days are forecasted through Sunday as Austin will be hit with weather patterns ranging from light showers to heavy downpours throughout the week. The National Weather Service predicts that temperatures will remain below average throughout the next five days, with highs staying at or below 90 degrees.

Met Office issues Spain holiday alert as 46C heatwave hits

2024-07-22T17:03+0200plymouthherald (en)

And it added that Morocco would get even hotter with the temperature getting up to 46C. Greece is also sweltering in the heatwave, with temperatures getting up above 40C and sudden lightning storms started fires. This week thousands of families have headed off to Europe as the UK summer school holidays got under way.

Met Office issues Spain holiday alert as 46C heatwave hits

2024-07-22T16:04+0200bristolpost (en)

And it added that Morocco would get even hotter with the temperature getting up to 46C. Greece is also sweltering in the heatwave, with temperatures getting up above 40C and sudden lightning storms started fires. This week thousands of families have headed off to Europe as the UK summer school holidays got under way.

Less Productive Yet More Stable

2024-07-22T15:25+0200miragenews (en)

Low-intensity grassland is better able to withstand the consequences of climate change. Based on a media release of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Climate change will have a considerable influence on the biodiversity and productivity of meadows and pastures.

We should move towards impact-based forecasts

2024-07-22T04:57+0200kathmandupost (en)

Scores of people have been killed in landslides, floods and other monsoon-induced disasters within a month of the monsoon entering Nepal in the second week of June. The Post ’s Thira Lal Bhusal asks Jagadishwor Karmacharya, director general of the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, what the....

COMMENT: Solar power at health institutions the way to go

2024-07-22T00:40+0200chronicle (en)

Health institutions along with security installations are special zones; a matter of life and death. They give life and sustain it. They are the essence for the defence of the country, its interests and people. As such, no resource must be spared in ensuring that they deliver the services for which they exist.

Desastres climáticos en América Latina: un año de récords según la Organización Meteorológica Mundial

2024-07-21T18:06+0200cubahora (es)

La Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) afirmó que, debido al fenómeno natural El Niño y el calentamiento global provocado por la actividad humana, Latinoamérica y el Caribe alcanzaron un número récord de desastres climáticos durante 2023. Los dichos de la organización ocurren en medio de las....

Ondata di calore africano in arrivo: l'Italia si prepara

2024-07-21T18:06+0200informazione (it)

L'Italia si prepara ad affrontare una nuova ondata di calore africano. Dopo una breve pausa dovuta a una perturbazione, le temperature sono destinate a salire drasticamente, raggiungendo "valori estremi". Già da giovedì, l'anticiclone tornerà a rafforzarsi sul Mediterraneo centrale e sull'Italia, portando una stabilizzazione del tempo.

Tropical songbirds stop breeding to survive drought

2024-07-21T12:31+0200qnewshub (en)

Songbirds in tropical rainforests curtail their reproduction to help them survive droughts, according to a study Monday. Species with longer lifespans were better able to cope with this environmental volatility than previously thought, researchers found.

VIDEO | La diga più grande del centro Italia con risorse idriche inutilizzate: il caso Montedoglio

2024-07-21T11:28+0200arezzonotizie-it (it)

Il caso Montedoglio, il bisogno di affrontare strutturalmente il cambiamento climatico e la crisi irrigua, il progetto del distretto della Valdichiana che vede arrivare i primi finanziamenti. Sono molti i temi sul tavolo del Consorzio di bonifica 2 Alto Valdarno e che la presidente Serena Stefani ha....

2024-07-21T11:00:00+05:30 - Agri Business Climate resilience in agriculture: Strategies for future-proofing farmlands

2024-07-21T07:43+0200thehindubusinessline (en)

Agriculture, which sustains over 8 billion people worldwide, is increasingly threatened by climate change, and this could reduce global crop yields by 2050, just as the world population approaches nearly 10 billion. Additionally, extreme weather events such as droughts and floods are becoming more....

Bajhang farmers, students learning to cope with climate challenge

2024-07-21T04:38+0200kathmandupost (en)

Lalita Bohora of Dhalaun in Saipal rural municipality has been doing a junior technical assistant course in agriculture for a year and a half at Jalpa Secondary School. Bohora is learning how to plant crops, control pests, and other modern farming practices.

L’acqua a Messina? Oggi meno di ieri e più di domani. E Il sindaco scopre che in città ci sono poche autobotti

2024-07-20T15:36+0200lecodelsud (it)

A Messina non si parli più di crisi idrica ma di vero e propri stato di siccità. L’acqua nelle case, se prima arrivava ( già in emergenza) per 4/5 ore al giorno in gran parte della città, via via, in questi giorni, va riducendosi sempre più. Oggi, sabato, in zona centro è stata erogata per una sola ora.

Afghanistan: Unhcr, per le alluvioni almeno 40 morti, oltre 340 feriti e molti sfollati. "Necessaria assistenza umanitaria urgente alle ...

2024-07-20T09:22+0200247libero (it)

“I temporali di lunedì e le forti inondazioni nelle regioni centrali e orientali” dell’Afghanistan “hanno causato almeno 40 morti, oltre 340 feriti e molti altri sfollati. Strade, ponti, case ed edifici pubblici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti. Queste cifre sono destinate ad aumentare man mano....

Afghanistan: Unhcr, per le alluvioni almeno 40 morti, oltre 340 feriti e molti sfollati. “Necessaria assistenza umanitaria urgente alle comunità colpite”

2024-07-20T09:03+0200agensir (it)

“I temporali di lunedì e le forti inondazioni nelle regioni centrali e orientali” dell’Afghanistan “hanno causato almeno 40 morti, oltre 340 feriti e molti altri sfollati. Strade, ponti, case ed edifici pubblici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti. Queste cifre sono destinate ad aumentare man mano....

Climate change threatens age-old Mauritania date harvest

2024-07-20T08:38+0200modernghana (en)

Wandering atop a small sand dune in central Mauritania, Aliene Haimoud gazed despondently at the yellowing date palms before him -- the trees are dying if they are not already dead. The advance of the desert is striking in the oasis village of Azougui, some 450 kilometres (280 miles) northeast of Nouakchott, the West African state's capital.

Spain in urgent 'risk to life' warning as hottest day for 74 years predicted

2024-07-19T16:41+0200getsurrey (en)

Aemet said it had issued a ‘significant danger’ alert and warned people to take precautions, as thousands of Brits were set to head off as schools break up for the summer holidays. Spain has had its first official heatwave of the year, with temperatures hitting as high as 43C on Saturday, while....

Climate Change's Toll On Global Agriculture: A Looming Crisis

2024-07-19T15:32+0200forbes (en)

FASANO, ITALY - APRIL 10, 2019: File photo of a worker pruning an olive tree at the Piana degli Oliveti in Fasano, Italy. (Photo by Marco Di Lauro/Getty Images) Getty Images. Climate change is wreaking havoc on agriculture worldwide, posing a significant threat to the global food supply.

Spain in urgent 'risk to life' warning as hottest day for 74 years predicted

2024-07-19T15:00+0200coventrytelegraph (en)

Aemet said it had issued a ‘significant danger’ alert and warned people to take precautions, as thousands of Brits were set to head off as schools break up for the summer holidays. Spain has had its first official heatwave of the year, with temperatures hitting as high as 43C on Saturday, while....

Spain in urgent 'risk to life' warning as hottest day for 74 years predicted

2024-07-19T13:58+0200bristolpost (en)

Aemet said it had issued a ‘significant danger’ alert and warned people to take precautions, as thousands of Brits were set to head off as schools break up for the summer holidays. Spain has had its first official heatwave of the year, with temperatures hitting as high as 43C on Saturday, while....

Spain in urgent 'risk to life' warning as hottest day for 74 years predicted

2024-07-19T13:52+0200icWales (en)

Spain today issued a major heatwave warning with potential risk to life as temperatures were set to soar to the highest for 74 years. According to state weather agency Aemet, the mercury could reach record highs of 44C on Saturday, which is going to be the hottest day of the year so far and potentially since records began back in 1950.

Flood-hit communities in Afghanistan need urgent humanitarian support

2024-07-19T13:49+0200reliefWeb (en)

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Babar Baloch to whom quoted text may be attributed at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is supporting humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan after Monday’s rainstorms and heavy flooding in....

Climate change threatens age-old Mauritania date harvest

2024-07-19T07:49+0200tuko (en)

CHECK OUT: Learn at Your Own Pace! Our Flexible Online Course allows you to fit copywriting skills development around your busy schedule. Enroll Now! Wandering atop a small sand dune in central Mauritania, Aliene Haimoud gazed despondently at the yellowing date palms before him –- the trees are dying if they are not already dead.

Climate change threatens age-old Mauritania date harvest

2024-07-19T07:45+0200hausa-legit-ng (en)

PAY ATTENTION: Follow our WhatsApp channel to never miss out on the news that matters to you! Wandering atop a small sand dune in central Mauritania, Aliene Haimoud gazed despondently at the yellowing date palms before him –- the trees are dying if they are not already dead.

I risultati in un agrumeto Tecniche per la gestione di acque ad alta concentrazione salina

2024-07-19T07:21+0200freshplaza-it (it)

Tecniche per la gestione di acque ad alta concentrazione salina La carenza idrica sta mettendo a dura prova molte aziende agricole del Centro-Sud Italia. Nell'assetata ricerca di soluzioni, alcune tecniche agronomiche consentono di somministrare anche acque di scarsa qualità, ad esempio con....

Esto fue lo que pasó en el mundo durante La Niña más intensa y destructora de los últimos 60 años

2024-07-19T00:03+0200LaTercera (es)

Un reporte del Banco de la República de Colombia data que “la ola invernal asociada con el fenómeno La Niña 2010-2011 ha sido catalogada como uno de los peores desastres naturales en la historia de Colombia”. “Provocó considerables pérdidas civiles y económicas”, resalta el documento.

Spain heats up under first heatwave of the year as southern Europe swelters

2024-07-18T18:14+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Spain sweated under its first official heatwave of the year, with temperatures expected to reach 40C in a large swathe of the country on Thursday, while Italy, Greece and other areas of southern Europe also struggled to stay cool. After a relatively bearable spring compared with record heat in 2023....

Spain heats up under first heatwave of the year as southern Europe swelters17:35

2024-07-18T17:39+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Spain sweated under its first official heatwave of the year, with temperatures expected to reach 40C in a large swathe of the country on Thursday, while Italy, Greece and other areas of southern Europe also struggled to stay cool. After a relatively bearable spring compared with record heat in 2023....

Spain heats up under first heatwave of the year as southern Europe swelters

2024-07-18T17:38+0200irishexaminer (en)

Spain sweated under its first official heatwave of the year, with temperatures expected to reach 40C in a large swathe of the country on Thursday, while Italy, Greece and other areas of southern Europe also struggled to stay cool. After a relatively bearable spring compared with record heat in 2023....

‘Situation is getting worse and worse’: UN warns climate change escalates vulnerability of refugee communities

2024-07-18T17:32+0200aa-en (en)

GENEVA. Extreme weather events and climate change are increasing the vulnerability of refugees and displaced communities, making their lives more difficult, according to a UN spokesperson. In an interview with Anadolu, Olga Sarrado, the spokesperson for the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR),....

Spain heats up under 1st heatwave of the year as Southern Europe swelters

2024-07-18T16:51+0200independent-UK (en)

Spain sweated under its first official heatwave of the year with temperatures expected to reach 40 degrees Celcius (104 Fahrenheit) in a large swathe of the country on Thursday, while and other areas of southern Europe also struggled to stay cool. After a relatively bearable spring compared to....

Hottest regions revealed as Spain hit by first official heatwave of the year

2024-07-18T16:42+0200independent-UK (en)

sweated under its first official heatwave of the year with temperatures expected to reach 40 degrees Celcius (104 Fahrenheit) in a large swathe of the country on Thursday. It comes as Italy, Greece and other areas of southern Europe also struggled to stay cool.

Spain heats up under 1st heatwave of the year as Southern Europe swelters

2024-07-18T16:03+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Spain sweated under its first official heatwave of the year with temperatures expected to reach 40 degrees Celcius (104 Fahrenheit) in a large swathe of the country on Thursday, while Italy, Greece and other areas of southern Europe also struggled to stay cool.

Spain heats up under 1st heatwave of the year as Southern Europe swelters

2024-07-18T13:59+0200startribune (en)

BARCELONA, Spain — Spain sweated under its first official heatwave of the year with temperatures expected to reach 40 degrees Celcius (104 Fahrenheit) in a large swathe of the country on Thursday, while Italy, Greece and other areas of southern Europe also struggled to stay cool.

Rischio incendi a causa di siccità e alte temperature, che mettono in pericolo il territorio

2024-07-18T11:57+0200greenplanner (it)

Roghi di sterpaglie, incendi in aree agricole e zone boschive: la stagione estiva – per quanto abbia diviso in due il Paese – inizia a mettere pressione a chi deve proteggere i territori dagli incendi, con le regioni del centro-sud d’Italia in allarme. E anche nel nord del Mondo – Alaska, Canada e Russia – la situazione è critica.

More heavy rain and heat on horizon

2024-07-18T05:07+0200ecns (en)

China's top observatory renewed alerts for rainstorms and high temperatures on Wednesday, forecasting heavy downpours and scorching heat across the country this week. The National Meteorological Center issued an orange alert for rainstorms and a yellow alert for high temperatures.

More heavy rain and heat on horizon

2024-07-18T03:42+0200chinadaily (en)

China's top observatory renewed alerts for rainstorms and high temperatures on Wednesday, forecasting heavy downpours and scorching heat across the country this week. The National Meteorological Center issued an orange alert for rainstorms and a yellow alert for high temperatures.

Story Applications Mediterranean Sea hit by marine heatwave 22/09/2022 6615 views 57 likes Read

2024-07-18T03:23+0200esa (en)

Marine heatwaves are extreme rises in ocean temperature over an extended period of time. Their magnitude and frequency have harmful impacts on marine ecosystems, threaten marine biodiversity and negatively impact fisheries, aquaculture and tourism industries.

Climate change takes toll on internally displaced women in Pakistan

2024-07-17T16:55+0200globalvoicesonline (en)

Her journey to the camp was horrific, but the everyday difficulty she endures reveals a far more serious issue: A lack of women's health resources and maternity care among women displaced as a result of climate change. Similarly, when Geetha (name changed) felt the first tremors of labour, she realized she wasn't prepared.

Govt to overhaul nationwide weather monitoring infra for accurate forecasts

2024-07-17T13:38+0200business-standard (en)

The Union Ministry of Earth Sciences is exploring plans to overhaul the country’s climate-tracking infrastructure to improve weather prediction and climate management, ministry’s secretary M Ravichandran told Mint. He said the ministry is also gearing up to develop capabilities for modifying weather patterns.

El valor agregado del azúcar a la industria de alimentos baja 21.6 % en el 2023

2024-07-17T05:10+0200diariolibre (es)

El valor agregado del azúcar a la industria alimentaria dominicana se contrajo un 21.6 % en el 2023, siendo la caída más fuerte que ha tenido el rubro dentro de esta actividad en los últimos nueve años, y disminuyendo su desempeño dentro de la economía del país.

Weekly Wet Season Situation Report in the Lower Mekong River Basin - 09 - 15 July 2024

2024-07-17T03:19+0200reliefWeb (en)

Key Messages. Key messages for this weekly report are presented below. Rainfall monitoring and forecast In the period of 09 15 July 2024, light to heavy rainfall has been observed over the LMB. Especially, due to the impact from the low pressure, heavy to very heavy rainfall has been observed over....

Environment Subscribers only After a year of world records, heatwaves and floods continue to rage across the planet

2024-07-17T02:37+0200LeMonde-en (en)

Across all continents, the planet is burning, suffocating, drying out or, at the same time, drowning. For weeks, if not months, climate disasters have been unfolding and intensifying, striking all countries, sometimes concurrently, so much so that each day brings its own share of disasters.

In focus Early Warnings for All

2024-07-17T01:33+0200wmo (en)

With human-induced climate change leading to more extreme weather and climate conditions, the need for effective multi-hazard early warning systems is more crucial than ever. Systems that warn people of impending storms, floods or droughts and support action are not a luxury but cost-effective tools....

Siccità, la parte centrale della Calabria a secco: ipotesi acqua secondo turni

2024-07-16T19:53+0200GazzettaDelSud (it)

Un piano di emergenza che prevede anche la turnazione dell’erogazione dell’acqua per zone omogenee, allo scopo di garantire l’erogazione a tutti i comuni della Calabria centrale. E’ quello che si appresta ad elaborare la Sorical, società di gestione del servizio idrico calabrese, per tentare di....

Siccità, Calabria centrale a secco: si ipotizza piano d'emergenza ed erogazione a turni

2024-07-16T19:18+0200lanuovacalabria (it)

16 luglio 2024 19:10. Un piano di emergenza che prevede anche la turnazione dell’erogazione dell’acqua per zone omogenee, allo scopo di garantire l’erogazione a tutti i comuni della Calabria centrale. E’ quello che si appresta ad elaborare la Sorical, società di gestione del servizio idrico....

Piogge record nel cuore della Cina: emergenza in Henan | VIDEO

2024-07-16T16:45+0200meteoweb (it)

La provincia di Henan , provincia della Cina Centrale nella valle del Fiume Giallo, è stata colpita da un’eccezionale ondata di piogge torrenziali , con città come Nanyang Zhoukou e Xuchang sommerse da precipitazioni record . Il Servizio Meteorologico di Henan ha emesso un’allerta arancione per....

Cina: scarico delle piene dalla diga delle Tre gole (2)

2024-07-16T13:51+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 16 luglio 2024) Zigui, 16 lug – (Xinhua) – L’acqua sgorga dalla diga delle Tre gole , attraverso nove delle sue paratoie di scarico delle piene , per risparmiare capacita’ per le piene in arrivo dal corso superiore del fiume Yangtze, nella provincia cinese centrale di Hubei, il 15 luglio 2024 (Xin) Agenzia Xinhua.

West and Central Africa: Flooding Situation Overview - as of 15 July 2024

2024-07-16T12:23+0200reliefWeb (en)

FLOODING SITUATION OVERVIEW. In West and Central Africa, the effects of climate change encompass both slow-onset phenomena, such as rising temperatures, droughts and soil degradation, as well as sudden-onset events, such as recurring floods, with far-reaching impacts on people’s well-being.

La Grecia ha finito l'acqua (ma non per le piscine e i campi da golf)

2024-07-16T06:06+0200europa-today (it)

L'ultimo bollettino meteo mette in guardia da una nuova ondata di calore, che potrebbe portare nei prossimi giorni le temperature massime fino a 43 gradi. Ma già in queste ore nella Macedonia centrale, in Tessaglia e nel Peloponneso il termometro ha sfondato la soglia dei 40 gradi.

La Grecia ha finito l'acqua (ma non per le piscine e i campi da golf)

2024-07-16T06:05+0200citynews (it)

L'ultimo bollettino meteo mette in guardia da una nuova ondata di calore, che potrebbe portare nei prossimi giorni le temperature massime fino a 43 gradi. Ma già in queste ore nella Macedonia centrale, in Tessaglia e nel Peloponneso il termometro ha sfondato la soglia dei 40 gradi.

Torrential rain to hit Henan, Shandong in flood season

2024-07-16T02:59+0200ecns (en)

China's top meteorological authority has forecast that heavy torrential downpours are anticipated to affect areas in Central China's Henan Province and East China's Shandong Province over the next few days. The authority warned of increasing pressure on flood control systems and reminded the public....

Torrential rain to hit Henan, Shandong in flood season

2024-07-15T16:45+0200globaltimes (en)

A local resident in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan Province, struggles to ride through a flooded street on July 8, 2024. The Henan provincial meteorological bureau announced the launch of a Level IV emergency response to a major meteorological disaster (heavy rain).

Las regiones de América Latina más y menos habitables según la IA

2024-07-15T15:11+0200elextremosur (es)

Por Damian R Natalichio Para identificar las regiones de América Latina más favorables para vivir con vistas a los próximos 200 años, se deben considerar varios factores críticos. Estos incluyen acceso a recursos vitales como agua y tierra fértil, estabilidad climática, baja vulnerabilidad a....

Desestiman gobiernos del Triángulo Norte migración por cambio climático

2024-07-15T13:28+0200jornada (es)

En los últimos ocho años, casi un tercio de la superficie de Centroamérica, conocida como el Corredor Seco, ha sufrido periodos de intensas sequías, así como lluvias torrenciales e inundaciones que han propiciado el desplazamiento forzado de sus habitantes, de lo que no hay un registro oficial....

Gareth Southgate: ¿Cómo desaprovechar a una generación histórica?

2024-07-15T11:17+0200sport-es (es)

Inglaterra quedó primera en el Grupo C . Pero tiene algo de trampa. Los de Southgate sumaron cinco puntos fruto de un solo triunfo. Únicamente fueron capaces de marcar dos tantos. Con la colaboración de Dinamarca Eslovenia y Serbia , se apuntaron el dudoso honor de confeccionar uno de los grupos menos emocionantes de toda la Eurocopa .

Australian Homes Are Cold in Winter, but They Shouldn’t Be

2024-07-15T09:06+0200theepochtimes (en)

Go online, and you'll find many social media posts complaining about Australia’s cold houses in the winter. And it’s not just a trivial gripe either. The World Health Organisation reported that 81 percent of Australian houses have temperatures below the optimum 16 to 18 degrees Celsius (64 Fahrenheit) minimum.

Getting ready for the worst: EU helps vulnerable communities with disaster preparedness in South-East Mauritania

2024-07-15T08:31+0200reliefWeb (en)

Situated between the Maghreb and the Sahel, Mauritania faces significant challenges due to climate change, with more than 200,000 hectares of pastureland lost annually to natural disasters. In 2023, more than 844,000 people required humanitarian aid due to displacement, severe weather, and food crises.

Getting ready for the worst: EU helps vulnerable communities with disaster preparedness in South-East Mauritania

2024-07-15T07:53+0200EC (en)

Situated between the Maghreb and the Sahel, Mauritania faces significant challenges due to climate change, with more than 200,000 hectares of pastureland lost annually to natural disasters. In 2023, more than 844,000 people required humanitarian aid due to displacement, severe weather, and food crises.

31 rivers exceed warning levels as China enters key flood season

2024-07-15T03:14+0200ecns (en)

As China is about to enter the critical flood control period between late July and early August at a time when river flooding caused by prolonged rain is expected to ravage parts of the country more intensely and more frequently, China's Ministry of Water Resources is preparing to implement working....

Paseo Orégano: Un bosque urbano que comenzó en un basurero

2024-07-15T01:44+0200correodelcaroni (es)

A las 10:00 de la mañana de un sábado cualquiera, te puede sorprender un “duende” en el Jardín de los Abuelos, un lugar de contemplación y recreación, que ocupa una de las 4,5 hectáreas del Bosque Urbano Santos Kartaya, en el Paseo Orégano, municipio San Diego.

Brazil’s Manaus port applies low water surcharge anticipating drought season

2024-07-14T23:22+0200hellenicshippingnews (en)

Companies operating at Brazil’s inland Manaus port, located on the Rio Negro in Amazonas state, have stablished a low water surcharge amid arrangements to deal with what could be the worst drought in the region in 10 years. In a letter addressed to customers, carrier MSC established a surcharge of $5,000/container starting Aug.

CWA to recalibrate drought-related systems 2024-07-15 IMPROVED MONITORING: Armed with data from previous droughts, the CWA aims to provide water management and agricultural agencies with better drought warnings The Central Weather Administration (CWA) said it is recalibrating its drought monitoring....

2024-07-14T18:06+0200taipeitimes (en)

The Central Weather Administration (CWA) said it is recalibrating its drought monitoring and early warning system to provide better early warnings to water management and agricultural agencies, after looking at data from three significant droughts Taiwan has experienced since 2000.

31 rivers exceed warning levels as China enters key flood season

2024-07-14T17:01+0200globaltimes (en)

Staff members monitor the flood water at a hydrological station in Funan County of Fuyang, east China's Anhui Province, July 14, 2024. Measures including monitoring the flood water, inspecting embankment and ensuring flood-control materials have been taken by the authorities of Funan County of....

Paseo Orégano: Un bosque urbano que comenzó en un basurero

2024-07-14T03:52+0200elcarabobeno (es)

Cuesta imaginarse que en 2017 el Jardin de los Abuelos, el sendero hacia el Mirador y el bosque de galería llamado Refugio Celestial, era un basurero al aire libre en una zona verde de la avenida 179B, de donde se sacó una tonelada de basura y escombros.

L'Italia dei giorni roventi, tre morti per il caldo: arriva l’anticiclone africano, temperature a 40 gradi

2024-07-13T20:52+0200GazzettaDelSud (it)

Non ci sono buone notizie per chi soffre il caldo: le temperature , già insopportabili nelle ore centrali della giornata, cresceranno ancora e resteranno molto alte fino a fine luglio, ma è dalla prossima settimana che saranno battuti diversi record. Ne sono sicuri i meteorologi che analizzano....

L'Italia dei giorni roventi, tre morti per il caldo

2024-07-13T18:51+0200ansa (it)

Non ci sono buone notizie per chi soffre il caldo: le temperature, già insopportabili nelle ore centrali della giornata, cresceranno ancora e resteranno molto alte fino a fine luglio, ma è dalla prossima settimana che saranno battuti diversi record. Ne sono sicuri i meteorologi che analizzano....

La IA establece las regiones de América Latina más y menos habitables para las próximas décadas

2024-07-13T17:05+0200ecoportal (es)

Para identificar las regiones de América Latina más favorables para vivir con vistas a los próximos 200 años, se deben considerar varios factores críticos. Estos incluyen acceso a recursos vitales como agua y tierra fértil, estabilidad climática, baja vulnerabilidad a desastres naturales, y....

estate da incubo

2024-07-13T09:48+0200ilgiorno (it)

Rischio temporali di ordinaria criticità in Lombardia nella bassa pianura centro-occidentale, alta pianura orientale, pianura centrale, Media-bassa Valtellina, Valcamonica, Laghi e Prealpi orientali, Appennino pavese, Orobie bergamasche, Bassa pianura occidentale, Alta Valtellina, Nodo Idraulico di Milano.

Sicilia agoniza ante la peor sequía de su historia

2024-07-13T02:48+0200elperiodicodemexico (es)

Joan Mas Autonell. Petrosino (Sicilia, Italia), 12 jul (EFE).- "Si el clima sigue así no sé cuánto resistiremos", se lamenta Giovanni Impiccichè junto a sus ovejas entre los pastos secos de Sicilia. Esta isla del sur de Italia, la más poblada y grande del Mediterráneo, no logra salir de una sequía....

Sicilia agoniza ante la peor sequía de su historia

2024-07-12T21:33+0200somosfan (es)

“Si el clima sigue así no sé cuánto resistiremos”, se lamenta Giovanni Impiccichè junto a sus ovejas entre los pastos secos de Sicilia. Esta isla del sur de Italia, la más poblada y grande del Mediterráneo, no logra salir de una sequía extrema que hace agonizar la agricultura y la ganadería, claves en su economía.

Sicilia agoniza ante la peor sequía de su historia

2024-07-12T21:06+0200elobrero (es)

Estos años, la crisis climática y el calentamiento global han dado un golpe especialmente duro a Sicilia, en estado de emergencia ante la sequedad y las lluvias casi inexistentes del último año, lo que pone a empresarios al límite de sus capacidades. "Por la noche, uno se despierta y se pregunta:....

Joint Pilot Initiative Aims to Strengthen Resilience to Climate Change in Six Sahelian States

2024-07-12T19:35+0200reliefWeb (en)

Bamako, 12 July The International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the Government of Mali and Belgian Embassy in Mali officially unveiled a regional initiative to support the development and implementation of data-based policies and programmes on migration and climate change in Mali and five other Sahelian countries.

Joint Pilot Initiative Aims to Strengthen Resilience to Climate Change in Six Sahelian States

2024-07-12T17:35+0200iom (en)

Bamako, 12 July – The International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the Government of Mali and Belgian Embassy in Mali officially unveiled a regional initiative to support the development and implementation of data-based policies and programmes on migration and climate change in Mali and five other Sahelian countries.

Sahelian States Launch Joint Pilot for Climate Resilience

2024-07-12T16:42+0200miragenews (en)

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the Government of Mali and Belgian Embassy in Mali officially unveiled a regional initiative to support the development and implementation of data-based policies and programmes on migration and climate change in Mali and five other Sahelian countries.

Sicilia se enfrenta a la peor sequía de su historia: "Si no hay alternativa y tengo que ser un migrante con 50 años, lo seré"

2024-07-12T14:43+0200elindependiente (es)

Estamos abocados al fracaso. La crisis climática es la crisis definitoria de nuestro tiempo, una amenaza global que barre con todo lo que tiene por delante. Estamos hartos de verlo. El calentamiento global derrite los glaciares, seca el hábitat de los animales que luchan por sobrevivir en un mundo que está herido.

DL Agricoltura. Cannata (FdI): comparto ritorna centrale

2024-07-12T14:14+0200ilmetropolitano-it (it)

(DIRE) Roma, 12 Lug. – “Con l’approvazione del Dl Agricoltura questo Esecutivo da’ finalmente respiro a un settore da troppo tempo privo di sostegno adeguato. In particolare, con il G7 agricoltura che si terrà nell’isola di Ortigia il mondo agricolo e della pesca in tutte le sue sfaccettature....

Sicilia agoniza ante la peor sequía de su historia

2024-07-12T14:03+0200lamarea (es)

Petrosino (Sicilia, Italia) — «Si el clima sigue así no sé cuánto resistiremos», se lamenta Giovanni Impiccichè junto a sus ovejas entre los pastos secos de Sicilia. Esta isla del sur de Italia, la más poblada y grande del Mediterráneo, no logra salir de una sequía extrema que hace agonizar la agricultura y la ganadería , claves en su economía.

PAGASA raises La Niña Alert, cites 70% chance as early as August

2024-07-12T12:48+0200rappler (en)

If La Niña begins in August, September, or October, it could persist until the first quarter of 2025. MANILA, Philippines – There is now a 70% chance of La Niña occurring in the August-October period, prompting the weather bureau to raise its warning status from La Niña Watch to La Niña Alert.

Ola de calor Sicilia agoniza ante la peor sequía de su historia y una potente ola de calor MDZ Mundo "Por la noche, uno se despierta y se pregunta: '¿cómo haré mañana?'", dice un habitante de la isla, que vive, sobre todo de la agricultura y la ganadería. La sequía extrema lleva todo al límite.

2024-07-12T12:27+0200mdzol (es)

"Si el clima sigue así no sé cuánto resistiremos", se lamenta Giovanni Impiccichè junto a sus ovejas entre los pastos secos de Sicilia que soporta Esta isla del sur de Italia , la más poblada y grande del Mediterráneo, no logra salir de una sequía extrema que hace agonizar la agricultura y la ganadería , claves en su economía.

Climate change is intensifying sand and dust storms in Asia

2024-07-12T12:26+0200eco-business (en)

More than half (56 per cent) of this increase was attributed to climate change, and 40 per cent to anthropogenic land cover changes. Natural cycle variability accounted for only 4 per cent of this change. While SDS may not pose a direct threat to national or regional security, they can undermine....

Sicilia agoniza ante la peor sequía de su historia

2024-07-12T12:06+0200efeagro (es)

Estos años, la crisis climática y el calentamiento global han dado un golpe especialmente duro a Sicilia, en estado de emergencia ante la sequedad y las lluvias casi inexistentes del último año, lo que pone a empresarios al límite de sus capacidades. "Por la noche, uno se despierta y se pregunta:....


2024-07-12T11:47+0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) - Roma, 12 Luglio 2024 (AGENPARL) – ven 12 luglio 2024 DL AGRICOLTURA. CANNATA (FDI), COMPARTO CHE RITORNA CENTRALE “Con l’approvazione del Dl Agricoltura questo Esecutivo da’ finalmente respiro a un settore da troppo tempo privo di sostegno adeguato.

Climate, Vol. 12, Pages 102: Auto-Machine-Learning Models for Standardized Precipitation Index Prediction in North–Central Mexico

2024-07-12T11:03+0200mdpi (en)

Certain impacts of climate change could potentially be linked to alterations in rainfall patterns, including shifts in rainfall intensity or drought occurrences. Hence, predicting droughts can provide valuable assistance in mitigating the detrimental consequences associated with water scarcity,....

leer más Sicilia agoniza ante la peor sequía de su historia

2024-07-12T11:03+0200swissinfo-spa (es)

Joan Mas Autonell. Petrosino (Sicilia, Italia), 12 jul (EFE).- “Si el clima sigue así no sé cuánto resistiremos”, se lamenta Giovanni Impiccichè junto a sus ovejas entre los pastos secos de Sicilia. Esta isla del sur de Italia, la más poblada y grande del Mediterráneo, no logra salir de una sequía....

Sicilia agoniza ante la peor sequía de su historia

2024-07-12T10:47+0200infobae (es)

Joan Mas Autonell. Petrosino (Sicilia, Italia), 12 jul (EFE).- "Si el clima sigue así no sé cuánto resistiremos", se lamenta Giovanni Impiccichè junto a sus ovejas entre los pastos secos de Sicilia. Esta isla del sur de Italia, la más poblada y grande del Mediterráneo, no logra salir de una sequía....

Sandstorms: What are they, and why are they more frequent?

2024-07-12T10:41+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Like tsunamis in the sky, sandstorms produce dense clouds of dust and particles that bury everything below. Even a small brush with a sandstorm is unpleasant, causing eyes and skin to itch and making breathing more difficult. Inhaling too many sand and dust particles can even be life-threatening.

Sandstorms: What are they and do they matter?

2024-07-12T09:51+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Like tsunamis in the sky, sandstorms produce dense clouds of dust and particles that bury everything below. Even a small brush with a sandstorm is unpleasant, causing eyes and skin to itch and making breathing more difficult. Inhaling too many sand and dust particles can even be life-threatening.

Sand storms are getting worse: UN dedicates next decade to action

2024-07-12T07:08+0200euronews-en (en)

Sand and dust storms are well known as extreme weather events. They threaten health and economies from central Africa to Europe and all the way to northern China. Now, the UN General Assembly is taking action. They have declared 2025 to 2034 as the official United Nations Decade on Combating Sand....

Cada año llegan 2.000 millones de toneladas de polvo a la atmósfera

2024-07-12T03:19+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 12 (SERVIMEDIA) La atmósfera recibe cada año alrededor de 2.000 millones de toneladas de polvo en suspensión, un proceso que oscurece cielos y daña la calidad del aire en regiones que pueden estar a miles de kilómetros de distancia y mayormente se debe a causas naturales, aunque también....

Cada año llegan dos mil millones de toneladas de polvo a la atmósfera

2024-07-12T02:39+0200noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 12 (SERVIMEDIA) La atmósfera recibe cada año alrededor de 2.000 millones de toneladas de polvo en suspensión, un proceso que oscurece cielos y daña la calidad del aire en regiones que pueden estar a miles de kilómetros de distancia y mayormente se debe a causas naturales, aunque también....

The ICPD and Climate Action - Navigating Megatrends: The ICPD Programme of Action for a Sustainable Future

2024-07-11T22:42+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments Since the ICPD in 1994, what was then referred to as “climate change” has evolved into today’s “climate crisis”, and is now recognized as the existential threat of our time. Recent increases in global warming are unprecedented in human history, causing the melting of polar ice caps, a....

Scientists unearth more clues about mystery American civilization that vanished 600 years ago

2024-07-11T20:16+0200dailymail (en)

'It's possible that they weren't really feeling the impacts of the drought,' said archeologist Dr Caitlin Rankin with the US Bureau of Land Management, who worked with the Washington University in St Louis on the new soil analysis. The technique involved hunting for traces of differing versions, or....

UN declares 2025 to 2034 decade to combat sand and dust storms

2024-07-11T15:18+0200naharnet-ar (en)

The U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday declared 2025 to 2034 the United Nations Decade on Combating Sand and Dust Storms — extreme weather events that are increasing and threatening health and economies from central Africa to northern China. Uganda's U.N.

UN calls for fight against dust and sand storms

2024-07-11T13:32+0200en-africanews (en)

The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday proclaimed 2025-2034 as the United Nations Decade to Combat Sand and Dust Storms, extreme weather events that are increasing and threatening health and economies from central Africa to northern China. Ugandan Ambassador to the UN Godfrey Kwoba , who....

GARANTITO IGP. I "meglio" bianchi del 2023 - Alta fedeltà

2024-07-11T10:29+0200247libero (it)

di CARLO MACCHI Siamo quasi a metà luglio: chi non ha ancora assaggiato un bianco italico del 2023? Noi però ne abbiamo assaggiati centinaia… È questo il momento giusto per dare qualche dritta su cosa ci possiamo aspettare dai bianchi del 2023, annata funestata nel centro e sud Italia dalla....

UN declares 2025 to 2034 the decade to combat increasing sand and dust storms from Africa to China

2024-07-11T09:48+0200arabtimes (en)

Delivery riders cross a pedestrian bridge over an expressway during a dust and sandstorm in the central business district of Beijing on April 25, 2023. (AP) UNITED NATIONS, July 11, (AP): The UN General Assembly on Wednesday declared 2025 to 2034 the United Nations Decade on Combating Sand and Dust....

2025- 2034 to be decade to combat sand storms from Africa to China: UN

2024-07-11T04:07+0200business-standard (en)

The UN General Assembly on Wednesday declared 2025 to 2034 the United Nations Decade on Combating Sand and Dust Storms extreme weather events that are increasing and threatening health and economies from central Africa to northern China. Uganda's UN Ambassador Godfrey Kwoba, who introduced the....

UN Declares 2025 To 2034 The Decade To Combat Increasing Sand And Dust Storms From Africa To China

2024-07-11T01:42+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) AP. UNITED NATIONS: The U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday declared 2025 to 2034 the United Nations Decade on Combating Sand and Dust Storms - extreme weather events that are increasing and threatening health and economies from central Africa to northern China. Uganda's U.N.

Scottish Catholic aid worker says Zambia’s latest food crisis is ‘different from previous ones’

2024-07-10T22:26+0200deleciousfood (en)

LEICESTER, United Kingdom – A Scottish aid worker says panic reigns in Zambia as the southern African country suffers its worst food crisis in decades. Zambia has been hit by a series of frequent and deadly droughts, floods and heatwaves, which the United Nations says have caused the driest farming....

UN declares 2025 to 2034 the decade to combat increasing sand and dust storms from Africa to China

2024-07-10T22:23+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

UNITED NATIONS: The U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday declared 2025 to 2034 the United Nations Decade on Combating Sand and Dust Storms - extreme weather events that are increasing and threatening health and economies from central Africa to northern China. Uganda's U.N.

UN declares 2025 to 2034 the decade to combat increasing sand and dust storms from Africa to China

2024-07-10T22:02+0200independent-UK (en)

The U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday declared 2025 to 2034 the United Nations Decade on Combating Sand and Dust Storms — extreme weather events that are increasing and threatening health and economies from central to northern 's U.N. Ambassador Godfrey Kwoba, who introduced the resolution on behalf of the Group of 77, a powerful U.

UN declares 2025 to 2034 the decade to combat increasing sand and dust storms from Africa to China

2024-07-10T21:35+0200startribune (en)

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday declared 2025 to 2034 the United Nations Decade on Combating Sand and Dust Storms — extreme weather events that are increasing and threatening health and economies from central Africa to northern China. Uganda's U.N.

UN declares 2025 to 2034 the decade to combat increasing sand and dust storms from Africa to China

2024-07-10T21:34+0200kob (en)

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday declared 2025 to 2034 the United Nations Decade on Combating Sand and Dust Storms — extreme weather events that are increasing and threatening health and economies from central Africa to Uganda’s U.N.

UN Declares 2025 to 2034 the Decade to Combat Increasing Sand and Dust Storms From Africa to China

2024-07-10T21:32+0200usnews (en)

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday declared 2025 to 2034 the United Nations Decade on Combating Sand and Dust Storms — extreme weather events that are increasing and threatening health and economies from central Africa to Uganda's U.N.

Clima. Giugno 2024, fresco e piovoso al Nord, caldo al Sud. I dati ISAC CNR

2024-07-10T20:16+02003bmeteo (it)

giugno 2024, piogge al Nord, caldo invece al Centro Sud. La sensazione che giugno 2024 sia stato un mese 'fresco' risulta essere vera da Firenze verso il settore di Nord ovest, zone dove si sono verificate temperature anche sotto la media tipica del periodo. Questo è in linea con l'Europa occidentale che mostra valori termici sotto media.

Piano da 1,6 miliardi contro crisi idrica Canale di Panama

2024-07-10T19:15+0200ansa (it)

In seguito alla dichiarazione di incostituzionalità da parte della Corte Suprema locale di una legge del 2006 che limitava l'estensione dello spartiacque del Canale di Panama, è stato riattivato nel Paese centroamericano il progetto per la creazione del bacino idrico del Río Indio.

12 de julio: Día Internacional de la Lucha contra las Tormentas de Arena y Polvo 2024

2024-07-10T18:14+0200ecoavant (es)

Desde el año pasado cada 12 de julio se celebra el Día Internacional de la Lucha contra las Tormentas de Arena y Polvo 2024 con la finalidad de informar sobre los riesgos de estos fenómenos meteorológicos, así como fomentar su prevención y mitigar sus efectos.

MIL-OSI Global: Extreme heat waves broiling the US in 2024 aren’t normal: How climate change is heating up weather around the world

2024-07-10T14:23+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Mathew Barlow, Professor of Climate Science, UMass Lowell. Visitors walk past a sign reading ‘Stop: Extreme Heat Danger’ in Death Valley National Park during a heat wave on July 7, 2024. Less than a month into summer 2024, the vast majority of the U.S. population has already experienced an extreme heat wave.

ACP to start work on new reservoir, as more rain eases Panama Canal draught

2024-07-10T14:09+0200theloadstar (en)

Water levels at the Panama Canal returning to normal faster than anticipated means the permissible draught for vessels can be increased again, from tomorrow. Above-average rainfall in recent months has meant that, following the 26 June revision of the limit to 14.

JMSE, Vol. 12, Pages 1162: Understanding Salinity Intrusion and Residence Times in a Small-Scale Bar-Built Estuary under Drought Scenarios: The Maipo River Estuary, Central Chile

2024-07-10T12:08+0200mdpi (en)

The Maipo River estuary is a low-inflow bar-built estuary that includes a protected wetland, which harbors a rich ecosystem. The estuary and wetland have been threatened by a persistent drought for more than a decade, which has resulted in greater salinity intrusion and increased residence times.

La Tunisia muore di sete e si riduce a bere acqua contaminata

2024-07-10T09:41+0200triestecafe (it)

Davanti a una piccola moschea, un manipolo di donne sfida il sole cocente dell'estate per mettersi in fila davanti a un tubo per l'irrigazione, una delle poche fonti d'acqua rimaste nel loro villaggio nella Tunisia centrale. Dopo aver allineato le taniche in una catena, attendono la loro consegna:....

Integrating Nutrition Surveillance into Routine Health Services in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia

2024-07-10T09:17+0200reliefWeb (en)

In Amhara region, Ethiopia, where communities have long battled the harsh impacts of drought and disease outbreaks, a transformative initiative has taken root. It began with a coalition of global health partnersWorld Health Organization, European Commission Humanitarian Aid, the United States Agency....

Siciliacque interviene sull’acquedotto Ancipa, manutenzione programmata per eliminare perdite d’acqua

2024-07-10T08:20+0200blogsicilia (it)

L’intervento di riparazione su un tratto del grande acquedotto, che dall’Ancipa porta l’acqua nel centro Sicilia, previsto per oggi 10 luglio dalla partecipata regionale Siciliacque, rientra all’interno di un Piano di manutenzione programmata per eliminare alcune delle perdite di acqua lungo la rete.

Waging War For Land And Soil

2024-07-10T07:16+0200miragenews (en)

The soil of the continental temperate zone. It's no secret that Ukraine has a wealth of fertile farmland and that the southern and eastern parts of the country in particular are rich in rare earths, ores and other metals. But few people are aware of how these are distributed within the country and....

Los pozos mineros asturianos buscan una segunda vida usando el agua de las minas para generar energía limpia

2024-07-10T06:07+0200ileon (es)

Con miles de kilómetros de galerías subterráneas y la práctica totalidad de la actividad minera extinguida, los pozos asturianos buscan ahora su sitio en el nuevo entramado económico de hoy en día. Hay actividades que ya se han puesto en marcha, como convertir los pozos en espacios turísticos o la....

Los pozos mineros asturianos buscan una segunda vida usando el agua de las minas para generar energía limpia

2024-07-10T06:05+0200eldiario-es (es)

Con miles de kilómetros de galerías subterráneas y la práctica totalidad de la actividad minera extinguida, los pozos asturianos buscan ahora su sitio en el nuevo entramado económico de hoy en día. Hay actividades que ya se han puesto en marcha, como convertir los pozos en espacios turísticos o la....

APO AFRICA Integrating Nutrition Surveillance into Routine Health Services in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia

2024-07-10T06:01+0200venturesafrica (en)

In Amhara region, Ethiopia, where communities have long battled the harsh impacts of drought and disease outbreaks, a transformative initiative has taken root. It began with a coalition of global health partnersWorld Health Organization, European Commission Humanitarian Aid, the United States Agency....

High Atlas Foundation Contributes to Recovery After Morocco Earthquake

2024-07-09T20:32+0200exbulletin (en)

Written by Yosef Ben Meir. Joseph Ben Meir. Marrakech, Morocco – In the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck central Morocco in September 2023, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) has remained steadfast in its commitment to supporting affected communities through water, sanitation and....

Integrating Nutrition Surveillance into Routine Health Services in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia

2024-07-09T19:56+0200AdomOnlineGhana (en)

In Amhara region, Ethiopia, where communities have long battled the harsh impacts of drought and disease outbreaks, a transformative initiative has taken root. It began with a coalition of global health partners—World Health Organization, European Commission Humanitarian Aid, the United States....

What will the climate of our cities be like in 60 years? A new map from the University of Maryland provides the answer, with forecasts up to 2080 | Lega Nerd

2024-07-09T15:29+0200ruetir (en)

As extreme storms, floods, fires, droughts, cold and heat waves become more frequent and intense, more than half of the planet’s population is expected to move into new climate zones by the end of the century. To help understand these changes, a new interactive map called The Future Urban Climates....

MIL-OSI Global: Extreme heat waves broiling the planet in 2024 aren’t normal: How climate change is heating up weather around the world

2024-07-09T15:16+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

– By Mathew Barlow, Professor of Climate Science, UMass Lowell. Visitors walk past a sign reading ‘Stop: Extreme Heat Danger’ in Death Valley National Park during a heat wave on July 7, 2024. Less than a month into summer 2024, the vast majority of the U.S. population has already experienced an extreme heat wave.

Extreme heat waves broiling the planet in 2024 aren’t normal: How climate change is heating up weather around the world Mathew Barlow, UMass Lowell and Jeffrey Basara, UMass Lowell

2024-07-09T14:38+0200theconversation-us (en)

Disclosure statement. Mathew Barlow has received funding from the NOAA Modeling, Analysis, Predictions and Projections Program to study heatwaves. Jeffrey Basara has received funding from the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation to study flash drought and extreme temperatures.

Junio Bate Récord de Calor Mundial ¿Qué Pasará Este Verano?

2024-07-09T14:37+0200d-cuba (es)

El cambio climático y las consecuencias de la contaminación ambiental cada vez se hacen más innegables en nuestro planeta. La generación de gases por la quema de carbón y petróleo que generan el efecto invernadero han elevado la temperatura del planeta, cada vez a grados más altos, produciendo....

June sizzles to 13th straight monthly heat record

2024-07-09T14:23+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Earth's more than year-long streak of record-shattering hot months kept on simmering through June, according to the European climate service Copernicus. There's hope that the planet will soon see an end to the record-setting part of the heat streak, but not the climate chaos that has come with it, scientists said.

Fame e siccità, oltre 31 milioni di persone a rischio malnutrizione in Corno d’Africa. L’appello dell’Unhcr su TPI: “Aiutateci a salvare migliaia di bambini: 200mila solo in Etiopia”

2024-07-09T12:41+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 9 luglio 2024) Fame e siccità oltre 31 milioni di persone a rischio malnutrizione in Corno d’Africa . Unhcr lancia la campagna “Torniamo a sentire” Hadji Al Nour Sar ha 30 anni e sei figli, viene da El Geneina, nel Sudan sud-occidentale, da dove è dovuta fuggire in Ciad a causa della....

Fame e siccità, oltre 31 milioni di persone a rischio malnutrizione in Corno d’Africa. L’appello dell’Unhcr su TPI: “Aiutateci a salvare 200mila bambini”

2024-07-09T11:59+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 9 luglio 2024) Fame e siccità oltre 31 milioni di persone sono a rischio malnutrizione in Corno d’Africa Hadji Al Nour Sar ha 30 anni e sei figli, viene da El Geneina, nel Sudan sud-occidentale, da dove è dovuta fuggire in Ciad a causa della Fame e delle violenze provocate dalla guerra....

Climate Change Driving Forests To Smaller And Younger Trees

2024-07-09T11:45+0200qnewshub (en)

Our planet’s forests are adapting to global warming, as one would expect. But their trees are getting shorter and younger. And that’s going to continue for a long time. Burned forest are a natural phenomenon, and can recover if conditions are normal. But conditions are not normal anymore.

Luglio sopra i 40 gradi, arriva il caldo estremo anche in Italia

2024-07-09T11:14+0200lifegate (it)

Il famigerato anticiclone africano in arrivo direttamente dal deserto del Sahara, sul fronte meteo, porterà tutta l’Italia a godere di condizioni stabili, con cieli sereni e assenza di precipitazioni, il che contribuirà ad alzare le temperature che sfioreranno i 40C in molte aree del centro-sud, con....

Africa: IOM Report Says 7.9 Million People Internally Displaced in 2023

2024-07-09T07:16+0200allafrica (en)

According to a report published by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 7.9 million people in West and Central Africa (WCA), were internally displaced due to conflict and violence in 2023. The IOM made this disclosure during a presentation at a plenary session of the ongoing First....

Prince George residents urged to be mindful of water usage amid moderate drought

2024-07-09T04:53+0200nbc12 (en)

PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY, Va. (WWBT) - Dry, hot weather has pushed Central Virginia into a moderate drought, leaving certain areas on alert until more rain begins to fall. According to 12 On Your Side’s Meteorologist Ros Runner, weeks of high temperatures and no rain pushed the area into the dry season.

Thousands in Pakistan treated for heat stroke last month as June breaks global record

2024-07-09T02:32+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Earth’s more than year-long streak of record-shattering hot months kept on simmering through June, according to the European climate service Copernicus. There’s hope that the planet will soon see an end to the record-setting part of the heat streak, but not the climate chaos that has come with it, scientists said.

Swimming toward safety: Endangered Tennessee fish gains critical habitat protection

2024-07-08T22:24+0200wlos (en)

GRUNDY COUNTY, Tenn. — The federal government now plans to provide a critical habitat for an endangered green fish in central Tennessee. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Survey on Monday proposed to protect critical habitat for the endangered Barrens topminnow. The proposal includes 1.5 acres of spring pools and 11.

IOM Report Says 7.9 Million People Internally Displaced in 2023

2024-07-08T20:08+0200foroyaa (en)

By: Kebba AF Touray According to a report published by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 7.9 million people in West and Central Africa (WCA), were internally displaced due to conflict and violence in 2023. The IOM made this disclosure during a presentation at a plenary session of....

Intensa ondata di caldo al via: punte oltre i 38-40 gradi e molta afa

2024-07-08T13:47+0200iconaclima (it)

Torna protagonista sull’Italia e sull’Europa centro-orientale l’anticiclone nord-africano. Al Sud e sulle Isole prenderà così il via la quarta ondata di caldo dell’estate e i termometri potranno superare i 35 gradi, con punte anche superiori addirittura di 41-42 gradi nelle aree interne peninsulari e sulle Isole e di 36-38°C in Emilia-Romagna.

June sizzles to 13th straight monthly heat record. String may end soon, but dangerous heat won’t

2024-07-08T13:42+0200apanews-en (en)

Earth’s more than year-long streak of record-shattering hot months kept on simmering through June, according to the European climate service Copernicus. There’s hope that the planet will soon see an end to the record-setting part of the heat streak, but not the climate chaos that has come with it, scientists said.

June sizzled to a 13th straight monthly heat record, but July might break string

2024-07-08T13:34+0200minnesota-publicradio (en)

That 1.5 degree temperature mark is important because that's the warming limit nearly all the countries in the world agreed upon in the 2015 Paris climate agreement , though Julien and other meteorologists have said the threshold won't be crossed until there's long-term duration of the extended heat — as much as 20 or 30 years.

'Why are they hiding him?': Morning Joe points to bad news for Trump

2024-07-08T12:59+0200rawstory (en)

Texas’ most populous cities lost roughly 88 billion gallons of water last year because of aging water infrastructure and extreme heat, costing them millions of dollars and straining the state’s water supply, according to self-reported water loss audits.

Silbando en la loma Medrano Hace 2 minutos Pues nada, que acá en la Región Norte nos quedamos con las ganas de que nos diera una buena bañad

2024-07-08T12:02+0200zocalo (es)

PUES NADA , que acá en la Región Norte nos quedamos con las ganas de que nos diera una buena bañada la tormenta “Beryl” que por alguna razón—¿cuál?—nos sacó la vuelta, cambió de trayectoria y nos dejó como dicen en los ranchos “silbando en la loma”… sin nada de precipitaciones pluviales, de esas que tanto nos urgen.

June Sizzles to 13th Straight Monthly Heat Record. String May End Soon, but Dangerous Heat Won't

2024-07-08T11:35+0200aawsat (en)

Earth's more than year-long streak of record-shattering hot months kept on simmering through June, according to the European climate service Copernicus. There's hope that the planet will soon see an end to the record-setting part of the heat streak, but not the climate chaos that has come with it, scientists said.

¿Qué quiere el agua?

2024-07-08T09:57+0200iagua (es)

No tenemos una buena relación con el agua. No la tratamos bien y estamos generando numerosos problemas debido a cómo la sobreexplotamos y la contaminamos, y también por la manera a la que nos enfrentamos a ella cuando se manifiesta en forma de fenómenos extremos como las sequías e inundaciones,....

Hottest June adds to 13-month streak of record-breaking temperatures

2024-07-08T09:18+0200euronews-en (en)

June 2024 was the warmest June ever, marking the 13th straight month of record-breaking temperatures, according to the European climate service Copernicus. It also marked the 12th month in a row that the world was 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial times.

June sizzles to 13th straight monthly heat record. String may end soon, but dangerous heat won’t

2024-07-08T09:06+0200kathimerini-en (en)

There’s hope that the planet will soon see an end to the record-setting part of the heat streak, but not the climate chaos that has come with it, scientists said. The global temperature in June was record warm for the 13th straight month and it marked the 12th straight month that the world was 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.

June warmest on record; every month since July 2023 breached 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T08:51+0200businessinsider-in (en)

With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

June Warmest On Record Every Month Since July 2023 Breached 1.5 Deg C Threshold

2024-07-08T08:45+0200menafn (en)

- Kashmir Observer) New Delhi- With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

June sizzled to a 13th straight monthly heat record, but July might break string

2024-07-08T08:33+0200npr (en)

Earth's more than year-long streak of record-shattering hot months kept on simmering through June, according to the European climate service Copernicus. There's hope that the planet will soon see an end to the record-setting part of the heat streak, but not the climate chaos that has come with it, scientists said.

June warmest on record; every month since July 2023 breached 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T08:14+0200dtnext (en)

NEW DELHI: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

India Records Warmest June Since 1901, Says Weather Office

2024-07-08T07:42+0200ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

June sizzles to 13th straight monthly heat record. String may end soon, but dangerous heat won't

2024-07-08T07:26+0200MaltaIndipendent (en)

Earth's more than year-long streak of record-shattering hot months kept on simmering through June, according to the European climate service Copernicus. There's hope that the planet will soon see an end to the record-setting part of the heat streak, but not the climate chaos that has come with it, scientists said.

Sudan’s food crisis deepens as conflict intensifies

2024-07-08T06:31+0200Ifpriupdate (en)

After 14 months of escalating internal conflict, Sudan is now confronting its most severe food security crisis on record. The latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report , released June 27, reveals a grim picture: More than half the population is facing acute food insecurity,....

Extreme Weather Poses Risks for Chinese Crops, Power Over Summer

2024-07-08T05:45+0200financialpost (en)

Temperatures were above-normal in June and will exceed average levels by even more this month, the National Climate Centre said in a briefing late last week. Different parts of the country are being simultaneously hit by floods, droughts and tropical storms, threatening to spur food inflation if output of wheat, soybeans, rice and corn is affected.

Environment June 2024 hottest on record as world continues to breach 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T05:18+0200deccanherald (en)

New Delhi: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

June Sizzles to 13th Straight Monthly Heat Record. String May End Soon, but Dangerous Heat Won't

2024-07-08T04:22+0200usnews (en)

The globe for June 2024 averaged 62 degrees Fahrenheit (16.66 degrees Celsius), which is 1.2 degrees (0.67 Celsius) above the 30-year average for the month, according to Copernicus. It broke the record for hottest June, set a year earlier, by a quarter of a degree (0.

Erosión regresiva que amenaza a hidroeléctrica Coca Codo Sinclair ha avanzado 1,2 km en 18 días

2024-07-07T20:34+0200eluniverso (es)

Adicionalmente, el terreno por el que actualmente recorre la erosión es de tipo fluvio lacustre que tiene una roca que es fácil de cortar. Así, el trabajo del río va a ser mucho más fácil en estos días. En todo caso, las crecidas que se registran al momento son más débiles. Por ejemplo, el 5 de julio se registró un caudal de 243,9 m3/s.

Tragedia de Cumanacoa evoca desastres recientes por fuertes lluvias y falta de planificación

2024-07-07T17:02+0200cronica-uno (es)

En Venezuela cualquier lluvia superior a los 30 ml por metro cuadrado genera siniestros , asegura Valdemar Andrade, ingeniero y especialista en hidrometeorología de la UCV. Caracas. Cinco horas de lluvia continua provocaron el desborde de las aguas del río Manzanares en Cumanacoa , un pueblo a una hora de Cumaná, capital del estado Sucre.

Novedades sobre la crisis climática en Sudamérica y el Mundo

2024-07-07T15:28+0200ecoportal (es)

Es importante recordar que la crisis climática es una amenaza compleja que afecta a todos los países de diferentes maneras. Los gobiernos, las empresas y la sociedad civil deben trabajar juntos para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y adaptarse a los impactos del cambio climático que ya se están sintiendo.

B.C.’s drought: Water will keep flowing in capital region thanks to planning 0 7/7/2024 5:22:00 AM By: Pedro Arrais Though this summer is expected to be one of the driest since 1896, the CRD is confident water supply won’t be affected — in part because of a decision made 20-plus years ago. More >

2024-07-07T13:27+0200tricitynews (en)

This story is part of a series exploring the wide-ranging impacts of persistent drought conditions and climate change seen across the province in recent years. Behind steel gates and fences topped with barbed wire in a remote area northwest of Victoria lies an unspoiled parcel of land with a....

B.C.’s drought: Water will keep flowing in capital region thanks to planning 7/7/2024 5:22:00 AM

2024-07-07T13:24+0200timescolonist (en)

This story is part of a series exploring the wide-ranging impacts of persistent drought conditions and climate change seen across the province in recent years. Behind steel gates and fences topped with barbed wire in a remote area northwest of Victoria lies an unspoiled parcel of land with a....

Gastro cases hit 20-year high as parasite spreads disease to toddlers

2024-07-07T02:03+0200watoday (en)

Australia is in the grips of a gastro outbreak with four times more cases of cryptosporidiosis, a parasitical gastrointestinal disease, so far this year than in all of 2023. There have been 11,747 cryptosporidiosis cases in 2024 compared with 3716 in 2023. A quarter of all cases are in children under four.

China’s 2023 Annual Temperature Hit A New High With Serious Floods And Droughts

2024-07-07T00:23+0200eurasiareview (en)

The current report provides a summary of the main climate features and high-impact weather and climate events in China in 2023. “The overall climate condition in 2023 over China was worse than normal, presenting a warm–dry climate with the highest annual mean temperature and second-highest number of....

Xi pide labores de rescate y asistencia totales tras ruptura de dique en centro de China

2024-07-06T01:51+0200elpais-cr (es)

Beijing, 6 jul (Xinhua) — El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, pidió labores de rescate y asistencia totales para salvaguardar la vida y las propiedades del pueblo después de la ruptura de un dique en el lago Dongting en la provincia central china de Hunan ocurrida el viernes por la tarde.

Presas del Cutzamala registran muy leve recuperación tras lluvias

2024-07-05T22:33+0200milenio (es)

Debido a los fenómenos meteorológicos que han impactado en el país, provocando intensas lluvias en la última semana, las presas del marcan una leve recuperación ; entre el lunes y jueves, pasaron del 26.9 al 27.2 por ciento de llenado. Al corte del lunes, las tres principales presas almacenaban 210.

Climate change affecting flooding, tea cultivation in Assam

2024-07-05T17:25+0200asianews-en (en)

Floods are a normal occurrence in the north-eastern Indian state, but the greater volatility and intensity of rainfall has become a problem for farmers. Tea production, a sector that employs a large chunk of the population, has been particularly affected.

Europa meridionale e ondate di calore, esperti preoccupati

2024-07-05T17:21+0200donnamoderna (it)

Nel mese di giugno l’Europa meridionale si è trovata ad affrontare temperature record causate dell’aria calda in arrivo dal Nord Africa. Le ondate di calore a Cipro e in Grecia hanno causato la morte di numerose persone, mentre la Turchia è alle prese con incendi boschivi e temperature che hanno superato i 40 C.

Climate change affecting flooding, tea cultivation in Assam

2024-07-05T17:18+0200asianews (en)

Floods are a normal occurrence in the north-eastern Indian state, but the greater volatility and intensity of rainfall has become a problem for farmers. Tea production, a sector that employs a large chunk of the population, has been particularly affected.

Top 10 temas ecológicos que más preocupan a los hispanoamericanos por región

2024-07-05T16:38+0200ecoportal (es)

Los temas relacionados con la ecología que más le interesan a las personas de habla hispana varían según la región y el contexto específico, pero en general, podemos destacar algunos temas recurrentes: Cambio climático: Es una de las mayores preocupaciones a nivel global y en la región hispanohablante.

Más de 1,5 millones de damnificados en China por inundaciones

2024-07-05T15:17+0200eldeber (es)

Las autoridades chinas han intensificado las medidas de emergencia en respuesta a las graves inundaciones que han asolado la provincia central de Jiangxi y que han dejado 1,56 millones de damnificados hasta la noche del jueves, informaron este viernes (05.07.2024) las autoridades de China.

Más de 1,5 millones de damnificados en China por inundaciones

2024-07-05T14:36+0200teletica (es)

Las autoridades chinas han intensificado las medidas de emergencia en respuesta a las graves inundaciones que han asolado la provincia central de Jiangxi y que han dejado 1,56 millones de damnificados hasta la noche del jueves, informaron este viernes las autoridades de China.

To protect the planet’s rangelands, give pastoralists a boost, UN report says

2024-07-05T11:47+0200mongabay (en)

When it comes to conservation, forests and oceans are the big attention grabbers. But rangelands, which cover 54% of the planet’s terrestrial surface, are no less important for nature and wildlife. With ecosystems as varied as deserts, grasslands, semiarid shrublands and savannas, a third of global biodiversity hotspots fall within rangelands.

China: más de 1,5 millones de damnificados por inundaciones

2024-07-05T08:09+0200elperiodicodemexico (es)

(DW) - Las inundaciones provocaron el colapso de viviendas y dejaron más de 160,000 hectáreas de terreno agrícola afectadas. Las autoridades chinas han intensificado las medidas de emergencia en respuesta a las graves inundaciones que han asolado la provincia central de Jiangxi y que han dejado 1,56....

leer más Más de 1,5 millones de damnificados por inundaciones en el centro de China

2024-07-05T05:04+0200swissinfo-spa (es)

Pekín, 5 jul (EFE).- Las autoridades chinas han intensificado las medidas de emergencia en respuesta a las graves inundaciones que han asolado la provincia central de Jiangxi y que han dejado 1,56 millones de damnificados hasta la noche local del jueves.

China: más de 1,5 millones de damnificados por inundaciones

2024-07-05T04:59+0200deutschewelle-es (es)

Las autoridades chinas han intensificado las medidas de emergencia en respuesta a las graves inundaciones que han asolado la provincia central de Jiangxi y que han dejado 1,56 millones de damnificados hasta la noche del jueves, informaron este viernes (05.07.

Más de 1,5 millones de damnificados por inundaciones en el centro de China

2024-07-05T04:56+0200elnuevodiario-DO (es)

EL NUEVO DIARIO, PEKÍN. – Las autoridades chinas han intensificado las medidas de emergencia en respuesta a las graves inundaciones que han asolado la provincia central de Jiangxi y que han dejado 1,56 millones de damnificados hasta la noche local del jueves.

Más de 1.5 millones de damnificados por inundaciones en el centro de China

2024-07-05T04:47+0200diariolibre (es)

Las autoridades chinas han intensificado las medidas de emergencia en respuesta a las graves inundaciones que han asolado la provincia central de Jiangxi y que han dejado 1.56 millones de damnificados hasta la noche local del jueves. Los departamentos de inundaciones y alivio de la sequía de Jiangxi....

Más de 1,5 millones de damnificados por inundaciones en el centro de China

2024-07-05T04:19+0200infobae (es)

Pekín, 5 jul (EFE).- Las autoridades chinas han intensificado las medidas de emergencia en respuesta a las graves inundaciones que han asolado la provincia central de Jiangxi y que han dejado 1,56 millones de damnificados hasta la noche local del jueves.

N. Korea underscores swift, accurate weather forecasts for agriculture during monsoon season

2024-07-05T02:11+0200yonhap (en)

SEOUL, July 5 (Yonhap) -- North Korea on Friday stressed the need for swift and accurate weather forecasts, as heavy rain likely to fall during the summer monsoon season could seriously affect the country's agriculture. The Rodong Sinmun, the North's main newspaper, reported that having accurate....

Cambio climático, hambre y emigración: el sufrimiento de los niños en CA

2024-07-04T22:46+0200tiempo (es)

Redacción. Menos alimentos debido a la sequía, riesgo más frecuente de inundaciones cuando llueve y emigración de los padres son las graves consecuencias que sufren los niños del Corredor Seco de Centroamérica a causa del Miles de niños apenas pueden comer una o dos veces al día.

China's 2023 annual temperature hit a new high with serious floods and droughts

2024-07-04T12:44+0200smartwatermagazine (en)

Climate is a major factor affecting economic and social outcomes. In China, the country's National Climate Center releases an annual climate report that comprehensively covers China's achievements and progress that year in climate monitoring and impact assessment.

¿Cuánto ya llovió en Yucatán antes de “Beryl”? ¿Y en Mérida?

2024-07-04T12:40+0200yucatan (es)

Imágenes de Zoom Earth, arriba muestra la zona donde llovía por el huracán "Beryl" al pasar al sur de Jamaica; abajo, la imagen satelital del meteoro A las preguntas de cuánto ya llovió en Yucatán antes de “Beryl” y en Mérida, la responde que este huracán llegará a Yucatán cuando el estado registra....

Peligran estos patrimonios históricos: un famoso meteorólogo avisa de lo que está por llegar

2024-07-04T10:44+0200elperiodico (es)

Por qué confiar en El Periódico Por qué confiar en El Periódico El cambio climático, con sus efectos cada vez más intensos, no solo amenaza la biodiversidad y los ecosistemas, sino que también pone en riesgo el patrimonio histórico de España, un legado invaluable que atestigua la rica historia y....

Climate surprises: Amazonia and the lessons of Brazil’s catastrophic flood in Rio Grande do Sul (commentary)

2024-07-04T06:31+0200mongabay (en)

and here ). These surprises are to be expected because the real-world climate is much more complex than the models, and because the real climate includes chaotic nonlinear processes. Surprises will become more frequent with ongoing global warming, and elements of the catastrophic 2024 flooding in Rio Grande do Sul appear to be an example.

Weekly Wet Season Situation Report in the Lower Mekong River Basin - 25 June - 01 July 2024

2024-07-04T02:42+0200reliefWeb (en)

Key Messages. Key messages for this weekly report are presented below. Rainfall monitoring and forecast In the period of 25 June - 01 July 2024, there has been light to heavy rainfall has been observed over the LMB. Especially, during 29 June 01 July, heavy and very heavy rainfall has been observed....

Así se vería la estatua de Chaac en vez de la de Poseidón en Yucatán, según la IA

2024-07-04T01:23+0200laverdadnoticias (es)

El Huracán Beryl , actualmente clasificado como categoría 4, continúa su trayectoria hacia la península de Yucatán . Según el Sistema Meteorológico Nacional ( SMN ), el ciclón se encuentra a mil 125 kilómetros de Quintana Roo. Las autoridades han establecido zonas de vigilancia y se espera que desde....

Over 66 mln people food insecure in Greater Horn of Africa: report

2024-07-03T22:34+0200english-news-cn (en)

NAIROBI, July 3 (Xinhua) -- Some 66.7 million people in the Greater Horn of Africa region are highly food insecure, according to a new report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) released on Wednesday. Out of the total, 39.

Over 66 mln people food insecure in Greater Horn of Africa: report

2024-07-03T22:33+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

NAIROBI, July 3 (Xinhua) -- Some 66.7 million people in the Greater Horn of Africa region are highly food insecure, according to a new report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) released on Wednesday. Out of the total, 39.

Así luciría la estatua de Poseidón en Yucatán si la cambiaran por la del dios maya Chaac, según la Inteligencia Artificial

2024-07-03T21:09+0200infobae (es)

El Huracán Beryl continúa en categoría 4 y aunque el Sistema Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) informó que el ciclón aún se encuentra a mil 125 km de Quintana Roo, ya se establecieron zonas de vigilancia y también se prevé que desde el jueves las bandas nubosas ocasiones fuertes lluvias y viento en la península de Yucatán.

Alertan que "La Niña" llegaría a Latinoamérica con eventos climáticos extremos

2024-07-03T15:38+0200lagaceta (es)

En un evento de la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), los expertos coincidieron en la previsión de una temporada de huracanes más activa de lo normal en Centroamérica y el Caribe, y la posibilidad de que el fenómeno de "La Niña" repita un escenario de sequías históricas en el sur del....

Against Backdrop Of Rising Health Risks From Heat, Biden Proposes New Regulations

2024-07-03T14:40+0200forbes (en)

NEW YORK: A man tries to cool himself with a bottle of water during a heat wave in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) Getty Images. President Biden proposed a new rule Tuesday, July 3rd, to address excessive heat in the workplace. The first-of-its-kind measure would protect an estimated 36 million U.

Keep Fighting the Good Fight Against Climate Change

2024-07-03T11:55+0200allafrica (en)

Ethiopia is putting forth its utmost effort to address climate change, mitigate the adverse consequences of climatic variability, and contribute its share to green growth and the green economy. Mainly, by initiating and implementing various policies and strategies, such as the Climate Resilient....

They affirm that La Niña will arrive in Latin America more active than normal and with high climate variability – News from Argentina

2024-07-03T03:35+0200esdelatino-com (en)

The World Meteorological Organization estimates the certain possibility that the climate phenomenon will repeat a scenario of historical droughts such as those recorded between 2020 and 2023 in the southern region of the American continent. Latin America and the caribbean prepare for the arrival of....

20:42 Quién es Chaac, la deidad maya que los yucatecos temen enojar con la estatua de Poseidón

2024-07-02T22:44+0200infobae (es)

Meses atrás fue colocada una estatua de Poseidón en el Puerto Progreso del estado de Yucatán; sin embargo, en los últimos días, algunos ciudadanos se han organizado en redes sociales para retirarla debido a los huracanes y constantes lluvias que se ha presentado en el territorio.

Both rainy and dry days more extreme as planet heats

2024-07-02T19:53+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

The saying that it "never rains but it pours" will become truer in much of New Zealand as the planet heats, a new study has found. Wet days will be even wetter and the driest group of days even drier across much of New Zealand - even in places where average rainfall over the course of a year is expected to stay about the same.

Both rainy and dry days more extreme as planet heats

2024-07-02T19:44+0200radionz (en)

The saying that it "never rains but it pours" will become truer in much of New Zealand as the planet heats, a new study has found. Wet days will be even wetter and the driest group of days even drier across much of New Zealand - even in places where average rainfall over the course of a year is expected to stay about the same.


2024-07-02T17:50+0200informatorenavale (it)

Entra nel vivo la campagna estiva contro il pericolo degli incendi. Complice la siccità e l’aumento delle temperature, soprattutto le regioni del centro-sud d’Italia si stanno già trovando a fronteggiare un aumento dei roghi di sterpaglie, aree agricole e zone boschive.

Coca Codo Sinclair se vuelve a paralizar y se anuncia compra de energía a Colombia para evitar apagones

2024-07-02T17:28+0200lahora (es)

Los problemas de sedimentos siguen paralizando continuamente las operaciones de la hidroeléctrica Coca Codo Sinclair, que genera hasta el 25% de la electricidad que consume Ecuador. Este 2 de julio se volvieron a cerrar las compuertas de la hidroeléctrica y se recurrirá a la importación de energía desde Colombia.

How is climate change affecting workers in Latin America?

2024-07-02T14:28+0200chinadialogue (en)

Among the many effects that climate change is already having in Latin America, its impact on workers’ health is one that has received comparatively less attention. Rising temperatures directly and indirectly affect human health, which can result in an unhealthy workforce and productivity losses.

Siccità, in Umbria trend in peggioramento: «Azioni emergenziali non bastano più»

2024-07-02T14:10+0200umbria24 (it)

Una criticità media con trend in peggioramento. In estrema sintesi è questo il quadro emerso dall’ultimo Rapporto sulla situazione idrica in Umbria, discusso la settimana scorsa nel corso della riunione dell’Autorità di bacino distrettuale dell’Appennino centrale.

Incendi, entra nel vivo la campagna contro i roghi boschivi

2024-07-02T12:41+0200quibrescia (it)

Montichiari. Entra nel vivo la campagna estiva contro il pericolo degli incendi. Complice la siccità e l’aumento delle temperature, soprattutto le regioni del centro-sud d’Italia si stanno già trovando a fronteggiare un aumento dei roghi di sterpaglie, aree agricole e zone boschive.

University of São Paulo: Brazil Braces for Dry and Hot Winter, Meteorologists Warn

2024-07-02T12:32+0200indiaeducationdiary (en)

After the hottest May ever recorded on the planet, Brazil is entering its winter. However, the feeling will be of a mild summer, as the disproportionate heat for the period is expected to continue. In addition, the drought, which despite being common for this season of the year in the region below....

Incendi: entra nel vivo la campagna estiva contro i roghi boschivi

2024-07-02T12:03+0200business24tv (it)

Entra nel vivo la campagna estiva contro il pericolo degli incendi. Complice la siccità e l’aumento delle temperature, soprattutto le regioni del centro-sud d’Italia si stanno già trovando a fronteggiare un aumento dei roghi di sterpaglie, aree agricole e zone boschive.

Incendi: entra nel vivo la campagna estiva contro i roghi boschivi

2024-07-02T10:14+0200meteoweb (it)

Entra nel vivo la campagna estiva contro il pericolo degli incendi . Complice la siccità e l’aumento delle temperature, soprattutto le regioni del Centro/Sud d’Italia si stanno già trovando a fronteggiare un aumento dei roghi di sterpaglie, aree agricole e zone boschive.

Boosting Food Security and Ecosystems through Regenerative Agriculture

2024-07-02T08:57+0200reliefWeb (en)

Introduction. Soil quality is vital for food security as it directly affects agricultural productivity and food availability. Regenerative agriculture effectively produces food while maintaining or enhancing soil health and revitalizing ecosystems. This approach focuses on rehabilitating a farm’s....

Siccità al sud, bombe d'acqua al nord; questo pazzo meteo ci costano miliardi di euro

2024-07-02T07:17+0200247libero (it)

L'Italia mai come in questi mesi è stata divisa dal tempo balordo tra chi è senza acqua e chi ne ha troppa L’Italia è spaccata in due al momento. Allarme rosso per siccità al Centro Sud e laghi e fiumi invece sopra la media al Nord. A subirne i danni è innanzitutto l’agricoltura. Un esempio? In Puglia il 50% dell’olio è compromesso.

Siccità al sud, bombe d'acqua al nord; questo pazzo meteo ci costano miliardi di euro

2024-07-02T06:37+0200panorama (it)

L'Italia mai come in questi mesi è stata divisa dal tempo balordo tra chi è senza acqua e chi ne ha troppa L’Italia è spaccata in due al momento. Allarme rosso per siccità al Centro Sud e laghi e fiumi invece sopra la media al Nord. A subirne i danni è innanzitutto l’agricoltura. Un esempio? In Puglia il 50% dell’olio è compromesso.

Role of Pacific Ocean climate in regulating runoff in the source areas of water transfer projects on the Pacific Rim

2024-07-02T03:34+0200nature-npjclimatsci (en)

As a result of global warming, the hydroclimate in the Pacific Rim has changed dramatically. Under future drought conditions in the Hanjiang River, the probabilities of at least one of the southwestern United States and Central Chile also experiencing droughts have risen compared to the historical period.

De la energía nuclear al gas argelino

2024-07-02T00:36+0200larazon-es (es)

Tribuna De la energía nuclear al gas argelino El resultado, no hay duda de ello, es que se fía la futura producción de electricidad a los combustibles fósiles por un periodo indeterminado. Las siete centrales nucleares tienen los días contados. El Gobierno ha reafirmado la voluntad de cerrarlas, todas, en once años.

Desastres naturales en Latinoamérica: ¿Cuáles son los países con más eventos?

2024-07-02T00:21+0200saludiario (es)

Los países con más desastres naturales en Latinoamérica. Uno de los inconvenientes de Latinoamérica es que se trata de una región con alto riesgo a los desastres naturales. Ahora lo importante es conocer los países más afectados y lo que se puede hacer para disminuir riesgos y daños.

Ministerio de Energía trabaja en contratación de 437 megavatios de generación nueva

2024-07-01T22:54+0200eluniverso (es)

Ante esto, el ministro de Energía, Roberto Luque, explicó la situación eléctrica actual. Hasta el momento se han activado 200 megavatios (MW) solo con mantenimientos y aparte se está por contratar 437 MW de generación nueva. El contrato de nueva generación contempla un barco generador de 110 MW....

China is struck by floods and drought—at the same time

2024-07-01T20:59+0200economist (en)

I N QUESHAN COUNTY , on the plains of central China, fields that are usually green with maize plants are brown and dusty. It has barely rained for two months and village wells are running dry. “We depend on the Emperor of Heaven to make a living,” says Yang Ning, a grizzled 67-year-old farmer, referring to a deity who controls the weather.

Así se ve el ojo del monstruoso huracán Beryl; su paso será devastador | VIDEO

2024-07-01T19:45+0200elmanana-mx (es)

El huracán Beryl evolucionó tan sólo en unas horas de categoría 2 a 4 , es un fenómeno monstruoso, con una furia impresionante y que es monitoreado por autoridades de los países en el Caribe, Centroamérica, México y Estados Unidos . A través de un video captaron el ojo y es algo que preocupa , pues su paso, sin duda será devastador.

Zilker Caretaker's Cottage housed three families from 1930s to 1970s

2024-07-01T16:26+0200statesman (en)

," an American-Statesman series about city parks and a predecessor to the current "Austin Answered," was a report about three families who raised their children in the Zilker Caretaker's Cottage, a sweet house located just downstream from Barton Springs Pool.

Las huellas de Eta e Iota acechan a la comunidad de Campur

2024-07-01T13:13+0200prensalibre (es)

Al momento, la región del sur ha sido la más afectada, pero las fuertes precipitaciones eventualmente alcanzarán a Alta Verapaz, en donde se asienta Campur. Por otro lado, la Oficina Nacional de Administración Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA, en inglés) de Estados Unidos, pronosticó para el 2024 una....

Gale, heat, flood … what should we do with a nature angered?

2024-07-01T11:23+0200cgtn (en)

Editor's note: Downpours in China, heat waves in India, wildfires in America ... the world is again facing the anger of nature. As extreme weather becomes more and more prevalent, what should we do? Take a look at our interview with Amanda Leland, the executive director of the Environmental Defense Fund.


2024-07-01T10:19+0200247libero (it)

Nel corso di questo fine settimana le nostre regioni centro meridionali sono state raggiunte da una nuova ed intensa avvezione di aria molto calda dovuta alla rimonta di un promontorio anticiclonico in quota di matrice nord africana, innescato da una goccia fredda presente in area iberico marocchina.

Las tormentas caídas durante el fin de semana en el centro de Europa se cobran la vida de al menos cinco personas

2024-06-30T15:49+0200rtve-alacarta (es)

Las fuertes tormentas caídas durante el fin de semana en el centro de Europa se han cobrado la vida de al menos cinco personas, tres en Francia y dos en Suiza. En Francia, tres personas han muerto tras caer un árbol sobre su vehículo cuando circulaba por una carretera comarcal cerca de la localidad de Brienne le Chateau, en el departamento de Aube.

Seven killed in Kyrgyz mud slides

2024-06-30T15:47+0200adaderana (en)

Five children and two adults have died in mudslides in Kyrgyzstan, a mountainous Central Asian country on the front line of climate change, the government said Saturday. “Seven people died in the Nookat district” of southern Kyrgyzstan,” said the Ministry of Emergency Situations, adding that five of the dead were minors born between 2008 and 2016.

Seven people including children killed in Kyrgyz mud slides

2024-06-30T00:58+0200inquirer (en)

A view of a mud slide in the Sierra Leone capital Freetown on August 15, 2017. (File photo by Saidu BAH / AFP) Five children and two adults have died in mudslides in Kyrgyzstan, a mountainous Central Asian country on the front line of climate change, the government said Saturday.

Seven people killed including children in Kyrgyz mud slides

2024-06-29T21:09+0200terradaily (en)

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, June 29 (AFP) Jun 29, 2024 Five children and two adults have died in mudslides in Kyrgyzstan, a mountainous Central Asian country on the front line of climate change, the government said Saturday. "Seven people died in the Nookat district" of southern Kyrgyzstan," said the....

Forest Fires in Europe: A Growing Challenge

2024-06-29T17:14+0200eustafor (en)

Forest Fires are not what they used to be Forest fires have always been a natural element in European ecosystems, playing their role in shaping landscapes, renewing habitats, and fostering biodiversity. However, in recent decades, the frequency and intensity of forest fires in countries like Spain,....

"Food Estate", Learning to China

2024-06-29T00:14+0200kompas-id (en)

Some time ago, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut B. Pandjaitan stated that Indonesia will engage in technological cooperation for rice cultivation with China. This cooperation plan has been agreed upon at the 4th RI-China High-Level Dialogue and Cooperation Mechanism in Labuan Bajo, NTT, April 19 2024.

Half of world's lakes are less resilient to disturbance than they used to be

2024-06-28T13:53+0200phys (en)

Both people and climate can gradually shift lakes away from their natural, healthy state. Warmer temperatures can increase evaporation, decreased precipitation can lower lake levels , and persistent pollution can chip away at the lake ecosystem's health.

Half of world's lakes are less resilient to disturbance than they used to be

2024-06-28T13:05+0200smartwatermagazine (en)

Nearly half of the world’s large lakes have lost resilience, or the ability to bounce back after an abrupt disturbance, in recent decades, according to the of long-term changes in lake resilience . Lakes in eastern North America and northern Europe have been hit the hardest, and dense populations....

UNFPA Ethiopia Humanitarian Response Situation Report - May 2024

2024-06-28T11:09+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments Ethiopia continues to grapple with multiple humanitarian crises stemming from climate change, disease outbreaks, and conflict and violence across several regions, further exacerbated by elevated commodity and food prices leading to food insecurity and high rates of malnutrition.

Il Lago di Pergusa sta scomparendo: l’allarme lanciato da Italia Nostra

2024-06-28T10:33+0200newsicilia (it)

ENNA – La grave siccità e la disattenzione degli enti pubblici stanno determinando la scomparsa del Lago di Pergusa . A denunciarlo è il presidente regionale di Italia Nostra Leandro Janni , che ha anche inviato una foto di ciò che rimane di una delle più belle riserve della Sicilia centrale.

Allarme Italia Nostra, il lago di Pergusa sta scomparendo

2024-06-28T09:48+0200ansa (it)

"La grave siccità e la disattenzione degli enti pubblici stanno determinando la scomparsa del lago di Pergusa". A denunciarlo è il presidente regionale di Italia Nostra Leandro Janni che ha anche inviato una foto di quello che è rimasto di una delle più belle riserve della Sicilia centrale.

Catalogue of drought events in peninsular Spanish along 1916–2020 period

2024-06-28T09:17+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Of particular interest is the seasonality aspect. It’s worth highlighting that a significant majority of the drought events initiated in winter (33%), spring (30%), or autumn (30%). In contrast, only a small fraction of events commenced in the summer (7%). Similarly, a large proportion (85%) of the events also ended in these same seasons.

Detallistas denunciaron especulación con azúcar

2024-06-28T06:11+0200eldia-do (es)

Santo Domingo .-La Federación Nacional de Comerciantes Detallistas de Provisiones (Fenacodep) solicitó a los ingenios que le sean asignados 1,500 sacos de azúcar semanales debido a la especulación de precio que se está produciendo con el producto, por no llegar al comercio organizado.

Drought conditions worsen in central Indiana

2024-06-27T22:45+0200wishtv (en)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — As the latest drought monitor update is released this Thursday, central Indiana and much of the Midwest face increasingly severe drought conditions. Despite recent rains, the report, which only records rainfall up to Tuesday afternoon, does not reflect any precipitation that occurred late Tuesday or Wednesday.

Catalogue of drought events in peninsular Spanish along 1916–2020 period

2024-06-27T18:02+0200nature-sdata (en)

Of particular interest is the seasonality aspect. It’s worth highlighting that a significant majority of the drought events initiated in winter (33%), spring (30%), or autumn (30%). In contrast, only a small fraction of events commenced in the summer (7%). Similarly, a large proportion (85%) of the events also ended in these same seasons.

UN warns of humanitarian risk due to lack of funding

2024-06-27T16:58+0200plenglish (en)

According to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, in the first six months of the year, barely 18 percent of the 48.7 billion dollars, needed to help people worldwide, was accounted for. The Global Humanitarian Outlook Mid-2024 update warned that the consequences are particularly....

Maltempo, arriva la tregua sul Centro e Nord Italia

2024-06-27T15:15+0200tgcom (it)

Ancora strascichi di maltempo, nubifragio a Forlì e danni ad Ascoli Piceno, ma poi arriva l'afa: nuova ondata di caldo in Italia. In arrivo uno "sbalzo termico estremo. Siccità in Sicilia. Il maltempo violento e continuo, da domenica su nord e parte del centro, si allontana verso la Croazia....

WWF Sicilia Centrale. Animali feriti e uccelli caduti dal nido: per i volontari è emergenza

2024-06-27T15:13+0200ilfattonisseno (it)

L’Associazione ambientalista stigmatizza la mancata istituzione di un apposito Centro provinciale, così come previsto dalla legge regionale sulla fauna n. 33 del 1997, e chiede l’intervento del Presidente della Regione Schifani. Rapaci feriti, uccelli caduti dal nido ancora inabili al volo, Ricci....

27 giu 2024, 14:20 Carlo Migliore Meteo - Grave siccità in Sicilia, scomparsa anche l'oasi naturalistica del lago di Pergusa. Video

2024-06-27T14:54+02003bmeteo (it)

Il lago di Pergusa in Sicilia è ufficialmente scomparso (foto twitter di @pastorinisz) Gran parte della Sicilia centro orientale è in gravi condizioni di siccità assieme a parte della Calabria meridionale soprattutto ionica. Queste sono le uniche due zone della Penisola che non hanno beneficiato....

ItaliaAddio Pergusa: in Sicilia il funerale a un lago piccolo ma importante

2024-06-27T13:56+0200cdt (it)

Addio lago di Pergusa. Il piccolo ma importante specchio d’acqua che ha reso famosa l’omonima località nell’Ennese si è ormai prosciugato. Da sempre un punto di sosta centrale per le migrazioni degli uccelli tra il Sudafrica e il Nord Europa, nelle scorse ore si è ridotto ai minimi storici,....

Jokowi increases pumping to overcome possible long drought

2024-06-27T09:36+0200exbulletin (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta President Joko Widodo or Jokowi directly observe the implementation of pumping assistance for rice field irrigation and agriculture ( pumping ) in Bapeang Village, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan, Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

Indonesia braces for food crisis amid heatwave in dry season

2024-06-27T08:46+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

by Nurul Fitri Ramadhani. JAKARTA, June 27 (Xinhua) -- Indonesian President Joko Widodo has warned that the country will face heatwaves and drought over the next four months, potentially leading to a food crisis. "The BMKG has estimated that the heatwave and dry season will occur from July to October, bringing a high possibility of drought.

Indonesia braces for food crisis amid heatwave in dry season

2024-06-27T08:45+0200english-news-cn (en)

by Nurul Fitri Ramadhani. JAKARTA, June 27 (Xinhua) -- Indonesian President Joko Widodo has warned that the country will face heatwaves and drought over the next four months, potentially leading to a food crisis. "The BMKG has estimated that the heatwave and dry season will occur from July to October, bringing a high possibility of drought.

MIL-OSI USA: Lofgren-Requested Water Resources Development Provisions Totaling $63M for CA-18 Advance in T&I Committee

2024-06-26T22:24+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

“Proper water infrastructure – that prevents contamination and allows for clean drinking water – is a basic need in communities. As our country faces the effects of extreme heat, prolonged droughts and more severe storms, it is vital to make investments that improve resiliency and expand our water supply,” said Lofgren.

Importance of Holistic Stormwater Management in Safeguarding Europe’s Water Reserves

2024-06-26T18:03+0200waternewseurope (en)

Photo: Pipelife International GmbH. According to the latest U.N. report , 2 billion people or 26% of the world’s population lack access to safe drinking water. Recent data from World Resources Institute reveal an even more alarming view: roughly 4 billion people are exposed to water stress at least one month per year.

President Jokowi inspects agricultural pumping system in Central Kalimantan

2024-06-26T16:31+0200exbulletin (en)

Sampit, Central Kalimantan (ANTARA) – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Wednesday paid a working visit to Kotawaringin Timur District, Central Kalimantan Province, to inspect the pumping installation program implemented in the area. “Almost all countries are affected by heat waves and long droughts.

President Jokowi inspects agricultural pumping system in C Kalimantan

2024-06-26T14:16+0200antaranews-en (en)

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) checked the pumping program implementation in Kotawaringin Timur District, Central Kalimantan Province, on June 26, 2024. (ANTARA/Devita Maulina). Sampit, Central Kalimantan (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) made a working visit to Kotawaringin Timur District,....

President seeking to increase pump aid for farmlands

2024-06-26T14:16+0200antaranews-en (en)

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reviews the implementation of water pumping in agricultural land in Bapeang village, East Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan, on Wednesday (June 26, 2024). (ANTARA/HO-Sekretariat Presiden) Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked the Ministry of....


2024-06-26T14:05+0200lecceoggi (it)

SANTA CESAREA TERME: CARABINIERI E FORESTALI INDIVIDUANO E DENUNCIANO UN INCENDIARIO. APPICCATO IL FUOCO DA UN MURETTO, POI ESTESO PER 2 ETTARI Nel pomeriggio di ieri, grazie ad una tempestiva segnalazione di un cittadino, che aveva avvistato una colonna di fumo in fase di espansione, la Centrale....

Tens of Thousands of Pumps Distributed to Anticipate Rice Field Droughts

2024-06-26T13:24+0200kompas-id (en)

BPMI SEKRETARIAT PRESIDEN/KRIS. President Joko Widodo inspected the water being pumped through pumps in the agricultural area of Bapeang Village, Kotawaringin Timur Regency, Central Kalimantan Province, on Wednesday (June 26, 2024). JAKARTA, KOMPAS — The government continues to distribute 20,000....

Click to view "Half the World's Lakes Have Lost Their "Resilience""

2024-06-26T11:47+0200technologynetworks (en)

Nearly half of the world’s large lakes have lost resilience, or the ability to bounce back after an abrupt disturbance, in recent decades, according to the first global assessment of long-term changes in lake resilience. Lakes in eastern North America and northern Europe have been hit the hardest,....

L’Italia è divisa tra siccità e maltempo. Nel nostro Paese il 75% dei nubifragi dell’intera Europa

2024-06-26T10:49+0200winenews (it)

Nelle ultime 48 ore si sono abbattuti sul nord e sul centro Italia 51 nubifragi, pari al 75% di quelli registrati in tutta l’Unione Europea. Emerge da un’analisi Coldiretti, su dati Eswd (European Severe Weather Database), per l’allerta arancione per il maltempo in Emilia Romagna e gialla in altre 9 regioni, con i fiumi sorvegliati speciali.

Soybeans, corn fall as investors digest US heat, flood impact

2024-06-26T05:27+0200zawya-palestine (en)

CHICAGO: Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) soybean and corn futures fell on Tuesday as traders assessed the impact of flooding and heat on crops in the central U.S. Meanwhile, wheat fell under pressure from an advancing U.S. harvest and rain relief finally arriving in wheat producing areas of Russia and the Black Sea, analysts said.

Avances en el reciclaje y cuidado del agua

2024-06-26T05:22+0200losandes (es)

Resulta altamente beneficioso para la sociedad que especialistas de centros de estudios universitarios y organismos vinculados a la administración del agua se reúnan en encuentros y reflejen las posibilidades de tutelar mejor el recurso y proteger las condiciones del medio ambiente, siempre tan amenazado y propenso a degradaciones.

Half Of World’s Lakes Are Less Resilient To Disturbance Than They Used To Be

2024-06-26T02:31+0200eurasiareview (en)

Both people and climate can gradually shift lakes away from their natural, healthy state. Warmer temperatures can increase evaporation, decreased precipitation can lower lake levels, and persistent pollution can chip away at the lake ecosystem’s health.

Kids Are Particularly Vulnerable to Extreme Weather. What Are We Doing About It? A growing body of research shows the hazards of climate change on children’s public health. Many countries’ climate adaptation plans don’t take that into account, experts say. By Kiley Price

2024-06-26T02:25+0200insideclimatenews (en)

It’s not unusual for pediatricians to prescribe a healthy dose of sunshine and outdoor time to their growing patients. A wide body of research extolls the benefits of getting outside for kids—from improving motor skills to lowering obesity risk. However, as climate change accelerates, this recommendation comes with a growing number of caveats.

Soia, mais in calo mentre gli investitori valutano l'impatto del caldo e delle inondazioni negli Stati Uniti

2024-06-26T02:02+0200marketscreener (it)

I futures della soia e del mais del Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) sono scesi martedì, mentre gli operatori valutavano l'impatto delle inondazioni e del caldo sui raccolti negli Stati Uniti centrali. Nel frattempo, il grano è sceso sotto la pressione dell'avanzamento del raccolto statunitense e delle....

Soybeans, corn fall as investors digest US heat, flood impact

2024-06-26T02:01+02004-traders (en)

CHICAGO, June 25 (Reuters) - Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) soybean and corn futures fell on Tuesday as traders assessed the impact of flooding and heat on crops in the central U.S. Meanwhile, wheat fell under pressure from an advancing U.S. harvest and rain relief finally arriving in wheat producing areas of Russia and the Black Sea, analysts said.

25-Jun-2024 Half of world’s lakes are less resilient to disturbance than they used to be American Geophysical Union Peer-Reviewed Publication Nearly half of the world’s large lakes have lost resilience, or the ability to bounce back after an abrupt disturbance, in recent decades, according to the....

2024-06-25T22:43+0200eurekalert (en)

(UTC+8 hours) WASHINGTON Nearly half of the world’s large lakes have lost resilience, or the ability to bounce back after an abrupt disturbance, in recent decades, according to the first global assessment of long-term changes in lake resilience. Lakes in eastern North America and northern Europe....

Half of Global Lakes Lose Disturbance Resilience

2024-06-25T21:43+0200miragenews (en)

Both people and climate can gradually shift lakes away from their natural, healthy state. Warmer temperatures can increase evaporation, decreased precipitation can lower lake levels, and persistent pollution can chip away at the lake ecosystem's health.

I semi di soia scivolano mentre il mercato valuta l'impatto del caldo e delle inondazioni negli Stati Uniti

2024-06-25T19:33+0200marketscreener (it)

I futures della soia e del mais del Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) sono diminuiti martedì, mentre gli operatori valutavano l'impatto delle inondazioni e del caldo sulle colture negli Stati Uniti centrali. Nel frattempo, il grano è sceso sotto la pressione dell'avanzamento del raccolto statunitense e....

Isola D’Elba trova la soluzione alla possibile siccità a causa del cambiamento climatico

2024-06-25T18:00+0200ohga (it)

L’Isola d’Elba punta alla desalinizzazione del Mar Mediterraneo. La tecnologia è quella dell’Osmosi inversa e garantirà 2.5 milioni di metri cubi d’acqua ogni anno. In questo modo sarà l’impianto di desalinizzazione più grande del Centro Italia. Da maggio 2023 a fine giugno 2024 quante volte....

Coldiretti: nelle ultime 48 ore 51 nubifragi sul Nord Italia

2024-06-25T15:39+0200bresciaoggi (it)

Nelle ultime 48 ore si sono abbattuti sul Nord e sul centro Italia 51 nubifragi, pari ai 3/4 di quelli registrati in tutta l'Unione europea . E' quanto emerge da un' analisi Coldiretti su dati Eswd (European Severe Weather Database) in occasione dell'allerta arancione per il maltempo in Emilia....

Maltempo: nelle ultime 48 ore in Italia 51 nubifragi, i 3/4 di tutta Europa

2024-06-25T15:36+0200radiosubasio (it)

Nelle ultime 48 ore si sono abbattuti sul Nord e sul centro Italia 51 nubifragi , pari ai 3/4 di quelli registrati in tutta l’Unione Europea. Emerge da un’analisi Coldiretti su dati Eswd in occasione dell’ allerta arancione per il maltempo in Emilia Romagna e gialla in altre nove regioni, con i fiumi sorvegliati speciali.

Coldiretti: maltempo su Nord e Centro, 51 nubifragi in 48 ore

2024-06-25T15:30+0200radiostudio90italia (it)

Il Sud invece è nella morsa della siccità, danni a tutte colture. Roma, 25 giu. (askanews) Nelle ultime 48 ore si sono abbattuti sul Nord e sul centro Italia 51 nubifragi, pari ai 3/4 di quelli registrati in tutta l’Unione Europea. E’ quanto emerge da una analisi Coldiretti su dati Eswd in occasione....

Nelle ultime 48 ore in Italia 51 nubifragi, pari ai 3/4 di tutta Europa

2024-06-25T15:15+0200sassuolo2000 (it)

Nelle ultime 48 ore si sono abbattuti sul Nord e sul centro Italia 51 nubifragi, pari ai 3/4 di quelli registrati in tutta l’Unione Europea. E’ quanto emerge da una analisi Coldiretti su dati Eswd in occasione dell’allerta arancione per il maltempo in Emilia Romagna e gialla in altre nove regioni, con i fiumi sorvegliati speciali.

Nelle ultime 48 ore in Italia 51 nubifragi, pari ai 3/4 di tutta Europa

2024-06-25T15:15+0200reggio2000 (it)

Nelle ultime 48 ore si sono abbattuti sul Nord e sul centro Italia 51 nubifragi, pari ai 3/4 di quelli registrati in tutta l’Unione Europea. E’ quanto emerge da una analisi Coldiretti su dati Eswd in occasione dell’allerta arancione per il maltempo in Emilia Romagna e gialla in altre nove regioni, con i fiumi sorvegliati speciali.

Coldiretti, nelle ultime 48 ore 51 nubifragi in Italia

2024-06-25T14:31+0200lospiffero (it)

Nelle ultime 48 ore si sono abbattuti sul Nord e sul centro Italia 51 nubifragi, pari ai 3/4 di quelli registrati in tutta l'Unione europea. E' quanto emerge da un' analisi Coldiretti su dati Eswd in occasione dell'allerta arancione per il maltempo in Emilia Romagna e gialla in altre nove regioni, "con i fiumi sorvegliati speciali".

Coldiretti: maltempo su Nord e Centro, 51 nubifragi in 48 ore

2024-06-25T14:29+0200askanews (it)

Roma, 25 giu. (askanews) – Nelle ultime 48 ore si sono abbattuti sul Nord e sul centro Italia 51 nubifragi, pari ai 3/4 di quelli registrati in tutta l’Unione Europea. E’ quanto emerge da una analisi Coldiretti su dati Eswd in occasione dell’allerta arancione per il maltempo in Emilia Romagna e....

Maltempo: Coldiretti, nelle ultime 48 ore in italia 51 nubifragi, i 3/4 di tutta Europa

2024-06-25T14:15+0200agricolae (it)

Nelle ultime 48 ore si sono abbattuti sul Nord e sul centro Italia 51 nubifragi, pari ai 3/4 di quelli registrati in tutta l’Unione Europea. E’ quanto emerge da una analisi Coldiretti su dati Eswd in occasione dell’allerta arancione per il maltempo in Emilia Romagna e gialla in altre nove regioni, con i fiumi sorvegliati speciali.

Insicurezza idraulica, l’Italia divisa in due. La conferenza Anbi sul cambiamento climatico. VIDEOINTERVISTE

2024-06-25T13:47+0200agricolae (it)

Come sta evolvendo il clima sull’Italia? Dopo due anni caratterizzati da un drammatica siccità sui territori del Nord, l’inizio dell’estate 2024 si segnala per una crescente e grave aridità sulle regioni centro-meridionali della Penisola, con numerose aree addirittura a rischio desertificazione.

Maltempo: nelle ultime 48 ore “in Italia 51 nubifragi”

2024-06-25T13:09+0200meteoweb (it)

Nelle ultime 48 ore si sono abbattuti sul Nord e sul centro Italia 51 nubifragi, pari ai tre quarti di quelli registrati in tutta l’Unione Europea “: è quanto emerge da una analisi Coldiretti su dati Eswd in occasione dell’allerta arancione per il maltempo in Emilia Romagna e gialla in altre nove regioni, con i fiumi sorvegliati speciali.


2024-06-25T12:59+0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) - Roma, 25 Giugno 2024 (AGENPARL) – mar 25 giugno 2024 25 giugno 2024 MALTEMPO: COLDIRETTI, NELLE ULTIME 48 ORE IN ITALIA 51 NUBIFRAGI, I 3/4 DI TUTTA EUROPA Nelle ultime 48 ore si sono abbattuti sul Nord e sul centro Italia 51 nubifragi, pari ai 3/4 di quelli registrati in tutta l’Unione Europea.

Murcia y Andalucía solicitarán una reunión urgente a Planas para tratar la problemática del cultivo de secano

2024-06-24T18:52+0200larazon-es (es)

La consejera de Agua, Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca, Sara Rubira , ha anunciado este lunes que, junto al Gobierno andaluz, reclamarán una reunión urgente al ministro de Agricultura, Luis Planas , para buscar soluciones que ayuden a paliar los efectos de la sequía en el cultivo de secano, que ha....

Murcia y Andalucía piden una reunión a Planas para tratar la problemática del cultivo de secano

2024-06-24T15:10+0200que (es)

La consejera de Agricultura de Murcia, Sara Rubira, ha anunciado que, junto al Gobierno andaluz, reclamarán una reunión urgente al ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Luis Planas, para buscar soluciones que ayuden a paliar los efectos de la sequía en el cultivo de secano , que ha perdido....

Economía.- Murcia y Andalucía solicitarán una reunión urgente a Planas para tratar la problemática del cultivo de secano

2024-06-24T15:03+0200bolsamania (es)

La consejera de Agricultura de Murcia, Sara Rubira, ha anunciado este lunes que, junto al Gobierno andaluz, reclamarán una reunión urgente al ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Luis Planas, para buscar soluciones que ayuden a paliar los efectos de la sequía en el cultivo de secano, que....

Murcia y Andalucía solicitarán una reunión urgente a Planas para tratar la problemática del cultivo de secano

2024-06-24T14:28+0200infobae (es)

La consejera de Agricultura de Murcia, Sara Rubira, ha anunciado este lunes que, junto al Gobierno andaluz, reclamarán una reunión urgente al ministro de Agricultura, Luis Planas, para buscar soluciones que ayuden a paliar los efectos de la sequía en el cultivo de secano, que ha perdido 289 millones....

Murcia y Andalucía solicitarán una reunión urgente a Planas para tratar la problemática del ...

2024-06-24T14:21+0200gentedigital (es)

Llaman a las demás comunidades autónomas afectadas por la problemática a unirse en un "frente común" MADRID, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) La consejera de Agua, Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca, Sara Rubira, ha anunciado este lunes que, junto al Gobierno andaluz, reclamarán una reunión urgente al ministro de....

Murcia y Andalucía solicitarán una reunión urgente a Planas para tratar la problemática del cultivo de secano

2024-06-24T14:07+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

Llaman a las demás comunidades autónomas afectadas por la problemática a unirse en un "frente común" MADRID, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) La consejera de Agricultura de Murcia, Sara Rubira, ha anunciado este lunes que, junto al Gobierno andaluz, reclamarán una reunión urgente al ministro de Agricultura, Luis....

Zambia: a rischio 52 mila bambini sotto i 5 anni a causa della malnutrizione

2024-06-24T13:44+0200agenpress (it)

I dati, ricavati da una recente indagine SMART commissionata dalla Commissione nazionale per l’alimentazione e la nutrizione e sostenuta dall’UNICEF, giungono mentre lo Zambia è alle prese con una prolungata siccità. I bambini delle province occidentali, meridionali, centrali e nord-occidentali – 4....

Por qué expertos están preocupados por la temporada ciclones en el Golfo de México

2024-06-24T08:16+0200milenio (es)

Los ciclones no llegan solos "Esta temporada parece extraordinaria en varios sentidos", dijo Rick Spinrad , oceanógrafo de la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica estadounidense (NOAA, por sus siglas en inglés) a finales de mayo. Esto puede tener diversas consecuencias, pues aunque no todo....

El Salvador El Salvador, lluvias dejan 19 muertos, entre ellos 6 menores Hasta ahora, cerca de 3,800 personas han sido evacuadas debido a las precipitaciones que azotan El Salvador desde la semana pasada. Las tormentas también han dejado al menos 19 muertos y dos desaparecidos

2024-06-23T17:25+0200lasillarota (es)

El Salvador enfrenta una grave situación debido a las fuertes lluvias que han provocado derrumbes e inundaciones, por lo que el país se encuentra en estado de emergencia nacional, con las precipitaciones afectando principalmente la costa y las zonas rurales.

Cambio climático provoca escasez de agua en Latinoamérica Por: José Rolando Sarmiento Rosales Honduras nuestro país, siendo el territorio de mayor cantidad de cuencas hidrográficas en el istmo centroamericano, desde hace varias décadas… 23 de jun. de 2024

2024-06-23T08:12+0200latribuna (es)

Por: José Rolando Sarmiento Rosales. Honduras nuestro país, siendo el territorio de mayor cantidad de cuencas hidrográficas en el istmo centroamericano, desde hace varias décadas comenzó a sufrir escasez de agua para surtir la demanda del vital líquido a sus habitantes, tanto del área urbana como....

Lluvias causan situaciones dramáticas, por daños en El Salvador

2024-06-23T05:11+0200lahora-GT (es)

Los derrumbes e inundaciones son las principales amenazas que están enfrentando los salvadoreños por las fuertes lluvias, en un país que se encuentra en estado de emergencia nacional a raíz de unas precipitaciones que afectan principalmente a la costa y las zonas rurales del país.

Los efectos de las lluvias en El Salvador: pasar la noche en una barca ante los derrumbes

2024-06-22T23:04+0200efe-agencia (es)

San Salvador (EFE).- Una familia salvadoreña pasó la noche en una barca después de que el colapso de un dique de tierra destruyera su casa y las fuertes lluvias amenazaran con más derrumbes, sumándose a las más de 3.800 personas que han tenido que ser evacuadas por las precipitaciones que azotan El....

Los efectos de las lluvias en El Salvador: pasar la noche en una barca ante los derrumbes

2024-06-22T20:09+0200100noticias (es)

Una familia salvadoreña pasó la noche en una barca después de que el colapso de un dique de tierra destruyera su casa y las fuertes lluvias amenazaran con más derrumbes, sumándose a las más de 3.800 personas que han tenido que ser evacuadas por las precipitaciones que azotan El Salvador desde la....

"Si no es el desbordamiento del río, es un bordo": familia salvadoreña pasa la noche en una barca luego que la lluvia destruyera su casa

2024-06-22T18:30+0200laprensagrafica (es)

Una familia salvadoreña pasó la noche en una barca después de que el colapso de un dique de tierra destruyera su casa y las amenazaran con más derrumbes , sumándose a las más de 3,800 personas que han tenido que ser evacuadas por las precipitaciones que azotan El Salvador desde la semana pasada y....

leer más Los efectos de las lluvias en El Salvador: pasar la noche en una barca ante los derrumbes

2024-06-22T18:06+0200swissinfo-spa (es)

San Salvador, 22 jun (EFE).- Una familia salvadoreña pasó la noche en una barca después de que el colapso de un dique de tierra destruyera su casa y las fuertes lluvias amenazaran con más derrumbes, sumándose a las más de 3.800 personas que han tenido que ser evacuadas por las precipitaciones que....

Los efectos de las lluvias en El Salvador: pasar la noche en una barca ante los derrumbes

2024-06-22T17:48+0200infobae (es)

San Salvador, 22 jun (EFE).- Una familia salvadoreña pasó la noche en una barca después de que el colapso de un dique de tierra destruyera su casa y las fuertes lluvias amenazaran con más derrumbes, sumándose a las más de 3.800 personas que han tenido que ser evacuadas por las precipitaciones que....

‘Múltiples desastres en un solo día’: la brutal semana de incendios e inundaciones en Nuevo México | Nuevo Mexico

2024-06-22T15:30+0200esdelatino-com (es)

I Ha sido una semana desgarradora de incendios e inundaciones en Nuevo México. Apenas unos días después de que un par de incendios de rápida propagación arrasaran paisajes afectados por la sequía y afectaran a las comunidades, una tormenta tropical se arremolinaba hacia el norte, desatando aguaceros....

Rinaldo Melucci invita i comuni della provincia di Taranto ad una gestione lungimirante dell'acqua

2024-06-21T19:05+0200pugliapress (it)

La configurazione meteorologica presente sul Meridione d’Italia, e sulla Puglia, non potrebbe essere più sciagurata. L’anticiclone africano tiene lontane tutte le perturbazioni che stanno periodicamente interessando le regioni del centro-nord, portando certo in alcuni casi anche forti disagi, ma quantomeno tenendo a basa la siccità.

La recuperación del sistema de energía en Ecuador sigue avanzando gradualmente

2024-06-21T17:30+0200larepublica-co (es)

Semáforos, ascensores, refrigeración y aires acondicionados dejaron de funcionar el pasado 19 de junio en Ecuador. Los pasajeros del metro tuvieron que salir de los vagones y caminar hasta las estaciones por el túnel subterráneo sin iluminación. Todo Ecuador se quedó sin electricidad durante horas....

Scienza Cambiamenti climatici: qual è il vero legame con i fenomeni meteorologici estremi?

2024-06-21T15:37+0200nationalgeographic-it (it)

Un decennio fa, gli scienziati si dicevano abbastanza sicuri che un determinato uragano, un'ondata di calore, un'inondazione, una siccità o un incendio fossero più gravi a causa del cambiamento climatico, ma raramente riuscivano a individuarne l’esatta entità.

08:30 - Siccità, Vincenzi (Anbi): Situazione peggiore dell’anno scorso

2024-06-21T08:48+0200geagency (it)

“Quanto si registra in Sicilia, e che progressivamente sta risalendo dal Meridione all’Italia centrale, ha caratteristiche peggiori delle scorse, grandi siccità del Nord, mai era successo di dover abbattere i capi animali negli allevamenti per l’impossibilità di alimentarli e dissetarli”.

Estado de los embalses en Catalunya: la Baells supera el 50% por primera vez en dos años

2024-06-20T14:55+0200elnacional-cat (es)

El mes de junio sigue llevando lluvias y las reservas de los embalses de Catalunya continúan aumentando cada día. Si hace una semana, se hacía evidente el crecimiento que había experimentado el pantano de Sau , considerado el icono de la sequía extrema que ha sufrido el país durante los últimos tres....


2024-06-20T13:48+0200elimparcial (es)

En 1978 había en España 700.000 funcionarios públicos. En el año presente, caminamos francamente, si se suman los enchufados en el delirio de las empresas públicas, hacia la meta ya no tan lejana de los 4.000.000 millones. Por lo pronto, el Gobierno sanchista ha anunciado la convocatoria de empleo público por encima de las 40.

El gran apagón nacional, explicado

2024-06-20T08:21+0200gk (es)

sin interrupción por varias semanas , y hubo algunas excepciones como en el día del Padre y el día de la consulta y referéndum popular del presidente Daniel Noboa. Luego, a mediados de mayo pararon, y el 7 de junio el ministro Luque dijo que no había riesgo de cortes programados Esa certeza, sin....

Crisi idrica nell’Agrigentino, Cabina di regia convocata domani alle 15 a Palazzo d’Orléans

2024-06-19T19:07+0200newsicilia (it)

AGRIGENTO – La crisi idrica nel territorio dei Comuni del Libero consorzio di Agrigento sarà il tema centrale della riunione della Cabina di regia per l’emergenza idrica , convocata con urgenza per domani , giovedì 20 giugno, alle 15, a Palazzo d’Orléans dal presidente della Regione, Renato Schifani.

Lucha contra la desertificación

2024-06-19T15:16+0200diariouno (es)

Casi el 18 % de la superficie terrestre del país, 1,69 millones de kilómetros cuadrados, se clasifica como desertificada. Entre los 12 principales desiertos se encuentran el Taklamakán, el Gurbantunggut, el Badain Jaran, el Tengger, el Kumtag, el de la cuenca de Qaidam, el Kubuqi, el Ulan Buh y las....

10:00 Los efectos del cambio climático en Aragón: peligra la salud de casi el 30% del suelo

2024-06-19T10:08+0200elperiodicodearagon (es)

La salud del suelo está en peligro en buena parte de Aragón. El avance del cambio climático amenaza con acelerar los procesos de desertificación en la comunidad, donde casi un 30% del territorio sufre ya un estado de erosión alto o muy alto, según estimaciones del Ministerio de Transición Ecológica.

La contratación de generación eléctrica adicional para enfrentar la crisis eléctrica podría tomar tres meses más

2024-06-18T18:41+0200lahora (es)

Tanto si llueve mucho como si llueve poco, los ecuatorianos se están enfrentando a un sistema eléctrico frágil, con muchos problemas estructurales, y con la amenaza constante de apagones. Se necesita contratar energía adicional, pero demorará al menos 3 meses más.

leer más Sicilia pide el estado de excepcionalidad para afrontar una sequía que hunde el campo

2024-06-18T17:03+0200swissinfo-spa (es)

Roma, 18 jun (EFE).- El Gobierno regional de Sicilia, en el sur de Italia, anunció este martes que debido a la fuerte sequía entregará ayudas económicas para que los ganaderos sicilianos alimenten a sus animales, además de pedir al Ejecutivo de Italia y la Unión Europea (UE) que reconozcan las “circunstancias excepcionales” que atraviesa la isla.

Sicilia pide el estado de excepcionalidad para afrontar una sequía que hunde el campo

2024-06-18T16:37+0200infobae (es)

Roma, 18 jun (EFE).- El Gobierno regional de Sicilia, en el sur de Italia, anunció este martes que debido a la fuerte sequía entregará ayudas económicas para que los ganaderos sicilianos alimenten a sus animales, además de pedir al Ejecutivo de Italia y la Unión Europea (UE) que reconozcan las "circunstancias excepcionales" que atraviesa la isla.

Italtel, inaugurata la nuova sede a Palermo in via Marchese di Villabianca

2024-06-18T13:32+0200mondopalermo (it)

.“E’ positivo che Italtel abbia la sua nuova sede in una zona centrale di Palermo e che oggi la nuova struttura sia stata inaugurata alla presenza di tutte le istituzioni, locali e regionali. Adesso però aspettiamo di vedere i fatti ovvero di conoscere il piano industriale che il colosso italiano....

Guterres pide que se deje de "vandalizar" la Tierra y se ayude al planeta a prosperar

2024-06-18T10:24+0200elmercuriodigital (es)

Mientras casi el 40% de la tierra del planeta se degrada y cada segundo se pierden más hectáreas, los gobiernos, las empresas y las comunidades deben impulsar la acción para revertir el daño y proteger la Tierra, dijo el Secretario General de la ONU en un enérgico mensaje con motivo del Día Mundial....

Un problema complejo que exige soluciones urgentes: sequía en México

2024-06-18T08:35+0200milenio (es)

¿Quieres leer MILENIO sin límites? Subscríbete a Milenio y descarga la edición impresa, suplementos y hemeroteca DESCUBRE NUESTROS PLANES Un problema complejo que exige soluciones urgentes: sequía en México El Día Mundial de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía, conmemorado el 17 de junio,....

El Secretario General pide que se deje de "vandalizar" la Tierra y se ayude al planeta a prosperar Cada segundo se degradan unos cuatro campos de fútbol de tierra sana, advierte António Guterres en el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía, al tiempo que hace un llamamiento a....

2024-06-18T00:24+0200news-un-es (es)

Mientras casi el 40% de la tierra del planeta se degrada y cada segundo se pierden más hectáreas, los gobiernos, las empresas y las comunidades deben impulsar la acción para revertir el daño y proteger la Tierra, dijo el Secretario General de la ONU en un enérgico mensaje con motivo del Día Mundial....

La sequía, un desafío productivo y logístico global en ascenso

2024-06-17T21:49+0200infobae (es)

Establecido por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas (AGNU) en 1994, cada 17 de junio se conmemora esta fecha con el objetivo de fomentar la conciencia pública sobre la desertificación, la degradación del suelo y los efectos de la sequía , cuyo lema este año es: De acuerdo con información....

La restauración de tierras degradadas es clave para la lucha contra la desertificación y la sequía que…

2024-06-17T19:44+0200iucn (es)

La restauración de tierras degradadas es clave para la lucha contra la desertificación y la sequía que se estima afecta hasta un 40% de la superficie terrestre Cumplir los compromisos mundiales de restaurar 1.000 millones de hectáreas de tierras degradadas para 2030 forma parte del llamado....

Cina: allerta gialla per alte temperature (2)

2024-06-17T17:56+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 17 giugno 2024) Zhengzhou, 17 giu – (Xinhua) – Un operaio mangia un’anguria per rinfrescarsi dal caldo in un cantiere edile a Zhengzhou, nella provincia centrale cinese di Henan, il 17 giugno 2024. Oggi pomeriggio il Centro meteorologico nazionale cinese ha continuato a emettere un’....

Llamado mundial para la gestión sostenible de la tierra

2024-06-17T16:56+0200opciones (es)

Organizado a través del Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo en Bonn, agentes de todo el mundo se reúnen bajo el lema Unidos por la tierra: nuestro legado. Nuestro futuro. Este año coincide con el aniversario 30 de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas de Lucha contra la....

Llamado mundial para la gestión sostenible de la tierra

2024-06-17T16:26+0200elpais-cr (es)

Berlín, 17 jun (Prensa Latina) Movilizar a todas las generaciones para apoyar la gestión sostenible de la tierra es el tema central del Día de la Desertificación y la Sequía que se celebra hoy en medio del esfuerzo mundial para combatir ese flagelo. Organizado a través del Ministerio Federal de....

Llamado mundial para la gestión sostenible de la tierra

2024-06-17T14:17+0200radiohc (es)

La Habana, 17 jun (RHC) Movilizar a todas las generaciones para apoyar la gestión sostenible de la tierra es el tema central del Día de la Desertificación y la Sequía que se celebra hoy en medio del esfuerzo mundial para combatir ese flagelo. Organizado a través del Ministerio Federal de Cooperación....

Llamado mundial para la gestión sostenible de la tierra

2024-06-17T13:15+0200prensa-latina (es)

Organizado a través del Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo en Bonn, agentes de todo el mundo se reúnen bajo el lema «Unidos por la tierra: nuestro legado. Nuestro futuro». Este año coincide con el aniversario 30 de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas de Lucha contra la....

Grano, “la Turchia chiude le frontiere al frumento straniero ma ne esporta una marea: +800 per cento” Coldiretti Puglia

2024-06-17T11:31+0200zazoom-it (it)

River Plate-Belgrano de Cordoba (sabato 18 maggio 2024 ore 23:00): formazioni ufficiali, quote, pronostici - Nelle due precedenti occasioni il Millionario ha superato facilmente per 3-0 il Central Cordoba nel match d’esordio del torneo e martedì scorso ha sconfitto 2-0 il Libertad Asuncion centrando....

Cuáles son los desafíos que enfrenta Argentina y América Latina ante el aumento de las sequías

2024-06-17T07:02+0200infobae (es)

El 2023 no solo fue el año más caliente registrado hasta el momento, también marcó un récord en lo que respecta a las sequías . La reducción en las precipitaciones, las temperaturas superiores a la media y las olas de calor recurrentes, hicieron que estos eventos se repitieran en varios países de la región.

Allerta Meteo USA: arriva una grande ondata di caldo

2024-06-16T18:30+0200meteoweb (it)

Più di ottanta milioni di americani vivono in un’area degli Stati Uniti finita nella zona rossa del caldo e che domani porterà un nuovo innalzamento delle temperature, intorno ai +40°C . E’ quanto ha segnalato il National Weather Service, il servizio meteorologico nazionale, che prevede un’ondata di....

Temperature sui 40 gradi, stato d'allerta per 80 milioni di americani

2024-06-16T18:11+0200agi (it)

AGI - Più di ottanta milioni di americani vivono in un'area degli Stati Uniti finita nella zona rossa del caldo e che domani portera' un nuovo innalzamento delle temperature, intorno ai 40 gradi. E' quanto ha segnalato il National Weather Service, il servizio meteorologico nazionale, che prevede....

Mundo Chile: miles de damnificados y 1 muerto por intensas lluvias Se trata del peor sistema frontal de precipitaciones en décadas, en una región del país sudamericano que estaba azotada por una sequía de varios años. Miles...

2024-06-14T20:59+0200elnacional-py (es)

Se trata del peor sistema frontal de precipitaciones en décadas, en una región del país sudamericano que estaba azotada por una sequía de varios años. Miles de personas se han visto afectadas por las intensas lluvias torrenciales que azotan desde el martes la región central de Chile, y que desde la madrugada de este jueves (13.

Grande surplus di piogge, rischio siccità scongiurato anche al Centro Italia: invasi ai massimi | DATI

2024-06-14T17:29+0200meteoweb (it)

nell’estate 2024 in Liguria e Toscana . La fotografia uscita dalla riunione dell’Osservatorio permanente sugli utilizzi idrici, convocata da Gaia Checcucci , segretario generale dell’Autorità di bacino Distrettuale dell’Appennino Settentrionale, offre un colpo d’occhio confortante , soprattutto per....

La siccità sta risalendo lo Stivale, dopo il Mezzogiorno ora tocca all’Italia centrale

2024-06-14T14:02+0200greenreport (it)

A segnalarlo è il nuovo aggiornamento dell’Osservatorio Anbi sulle risorse idriche, che documenta come – dopo un inverno con poca neve sull’Appennino e una primavera povera di pioggia – i sintomi di questo grave trend siano evidenti soprattutto in Abruzzo.

Reconocen que el arroz ha subido, pero no un 60%

2024-06-14T06:10+0200elcaribe (es)

Representantes del sector comercio indicaron ayer que se trata de una desinformación la noticia de que el precio del arroz aumentó un 60% este último mes, y aseguran que las alzas producidas oscilan entre 30% y 34%. Iván García, presidente de la Federación Dominicana de Comerciantes y Andrés Cosma,....

Frente frío se mueve hacia Argentina tras causar un muerto, caos y miles de damnificados en Chile

2024-06-14T01:18+0200acento (es)

Decenas de miles de personas quedaron damnificadas por las intensas lluvias en la región central de Chile, donde han causado desalojos por inundación, interrupciones del suministro de electricidad y problemas de tránsito, además de obligar a suspender las clases en los colegios y universidades.

Estos son los efectos de "La Niña", que podría afectar a México en verano

2024-06-13T22:00+0200informador-mx (es)

Este jueves, la Oficina Nacional de Administración Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA por sus siglas en inglés) de Estados Unidos declaró la muerte del fenómeno "El Niño" , el cual calienta partes del Pacífico central. Este fenómeno, que aumenta las temperaturas mundiales, ya no está, mientras los....

Inspirados en Fidel seguiremos trabajando por el cuidado de la biodiversidad y el medio ambiente

2024-06-13T21:31+0200radiorebelde (es)

Las Tunas, Cuba. – La Miembro del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y Viceprimer Ministra de la República de Cuba, Inés María Chapman Waugh, destacó en Las Tunas que inspirados en Fidel seguiremos trabajando en el cuidado de la Biodiversidad y el Medio Ambiente, tras presidir el Acto....

Chile: miles de damnificados y 1 muerto por intensas lluvias

2024-06-13T20:46+0200eluniversal (es)

Caracas.- Miles de personas se han visto afectadas por las intensas lluvias torrenciales que azotan desde el martes la región central de Chile, y que desde la madrugada de este jueves (13.06.2024) golpean también a Santiago de Chile, la capital del país, donde ya han causado desalojos por....

Chile: miles de damnificados y 1 muerto por intensas lluvias

2024-06-13T18:54+0200deutschewelle-es (es)

Miles de personas se han visto afectadas por las intensas lluvias torrenciales que azotan desde el martes la región central de Chile , y que desde la madrugada de este jueves (13.06.2024) golpean también a Santiago de Chile, la capital del país, donde ya han causado desalojos por inundación,....

António Guterres (Secretario General) con motivo del Día Mundial de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía 2024

2024-06-13T02:05+0200unmultimedia-en (es)

Vídeo mensaje de António Guterres, Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, con motivo del Día Mundial de Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía 2024 (17 Junio). "La seguridad, la prosperidad y la salud de miles de millones de personas dependen de la prosperidad de las tierras que sustentan....

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