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How soon before India's water wars begin?
India is facing one of its hottest summers in recorded history. The failure of winter rains and the raging of forest fires across the Himalayas has precipitated an already precarious situation. In March, India’s primary reservoirs hit their lowest levels in a decade —filled to just 25 per cent of....
MIL-OSI China: Heat waves have intensified in recent decades
China is experiencing more frequent and intense heat waves due to global warming, which are affecting broad regions across the country, according to a senior meteorologist. “With the intensification of global warming, high-temperature weather in China in recent years has been characterized by its....
Yesterday 12:24
Salajegheh made the remark on Monday as he hosted a delegation from the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST). The delegation was headed by Wan Gang, the president of the association, which is an organization of Chinese scientists and engineers.
Iran ready to boost environmental cooperation with China
TEHRAN, Jun. 17 (MNA) – Head of Iran’s Department of Environment Ali Salajegheh has said that his country is ready to cooperate with China on environmental issues as part of a 25-year comprehensive cooperation agreement between the two countries. Salajegheh made the remark on Monday as he hosted a....
Heat waves have intensified in recent decades
China is experiencing more frequent and intense heat waves due to global warming, which are affecting broad regions across the country, according to a senior meteorologist. "With the intensification of global warming, high-temperature weather in China in recent years has been characterized by its....
Artificial rain helps douse mountain fire in north China
TAIYUAN, June 16 (Xinhua) -- A mountain fire in north China's Shanxi Province has been put out as of Sunday noon, after four days of firefighting efforts aided by artificial rain, local authorities said Sunday. More than 2,200 firefighters, assisted by 63 excavators and 88 water tankers, were....
Devoted ranger not ready to hang up shoes
Li Zhaoma walks on one of his regular patrol routes at the Qilian Mountains National Nature Reserve in Gansu province. JIAO FANGNING/FOR China DAILY. Over the past 33 years, Li Zhaoma has worn out countless rubber shoes patrolling the forest around the Gucheng nature protection station.
TAIYUAN (China), June 16 (Bernama-Xinhua) -- A mountain fire in north China's Shanxi Province was extinguished by Sunday noon after four days of intense firefighting efforts, bolstered by artificial rain, local authorities reported. Over 2,200 firefighters, supported by 63 excavators and 88 water....
[Contribution] Korea offers solutions to combat desertification, drought
By Nam Sung-hyun. Minister of the Korea Forest Service. Desertification is happening all around the world. According to the "World Atlas of Desertification" released by the European Commission, desertification is underway in 75 percent of the Earth's land area, and a grim prospect looms, in which....
Why Red Pandas Are Endangered
Popular and distinctive, known for their kitten-like faces and ruddy coats, red pandas are endangered with their numbers decreasing. Not closely related to iconic giant pandas, red pandas are found only in isolated mountainous areas in the high forests of Asia. Around half of the population is found in the Eastern Himalayas alone.
China endures intensifying heatwaves amid global warming
People cool themselves near a fountain in Beijing, capital of China, June 9, 2024. (PHOTO / XINHUA) Amid global warming , China has witnessed more intensified and frequent scorching heat, affecting a broader range in recent years, a meteorological expert said recently.
Amid global warming, China has witnessed more intensified and frequent scorching heat, affecting a broader range in recent years, a meteorological expert said recently. "With the intensification of global warming, high-temperature weather in China in recent years is characterized by earlier onset,....
Otro golpe más de China: en 2023 superó a EEUU en ventas de coches
por sus coches, que ha desembocado en una avalancha de tasas arancelarias por parte de dos de las economías más potentes del mundo como son , la realidad es que la irrupción de las marcas del gigante asiático en el sector del automóvil ha sido más que intensa.
23:58 China's MA-60 weather modification aircraft embraces new variant
To verify performance, developmental flight tests and airworthiness compliance flight tests began in late April at an airport in the city of Suining, southwest China's Sichuan Province. The new MA-60 variant conducted eight flights to check various functions, such as controllability, stability, the....
Volo inaugurale per il prototipo cinese del sistema di trasporto commerciale senza pilota HH-100
Ieri un dimostratore del sistema di trasporto commerciale aereo senza pilota HH-100 della Cina ha completato con successo il suo primo volo inaugurale, come annunciato dalla Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). Il dimostratore ha effettuato il suo primo volo presso un aeroporto di....
Study links Air Pollution to 135 Million premature Deaths Worldwide
Air pollution, whether caused by humans or other sources such as forest fires, is linked to about 135 million premature deaths worldwide between 1980 and 2020, according to a University of Singapore study released today. The study is one of the most comprehensive to date on air quality and climate,....
Research is clear — as smog recedes, the oceans get hotter
Globally, there are now fewer anthropogenic aerosols in the air at any one time than for decades. Susanne Bauer, a climate modeler at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, says this “turning point of the aerosol era” occurred in the first decade of this century and seems set to continue as more countries seek to banish smog.
Particulate matter causes 135 million untimely deaths in 40 years
According to a brand new research, air air pollution brought about about 135 million untimely deaths worldwide between 1980 and 2020. Asia was the toughest hit, with greater than 98 million deaths, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore stated on Monday.
La naturaleza humana del desastre
Según reportes de prensa, Otis ha sido el huracán más fuerte y de más rápido fortalecimiento en la costa del Pacífico de México. Rompió récords regionales por la fuerza y velocidad de su intensificación , azolando al estado de Guerrero con marejadas ciclónicas, inundaciones y deslizamientos de tierra y severos daños a la infraestructura.
Colapsos localizados, deuda ecológica y políticas públicas
La era de los colapsos localizados ha comenzado, escribimos hace muy poco tiempo en este diario . No es ninguna buena noticia, aun si creo ineludible el punto de partida para poder pensar y abrir a otros horizontes de futuro. Por eso hoy quisiera volver sobre el colapso ecológico y sus rostros....
Migrantes 4-6-2024 El cambio climático se ha convertido es un factor en la migración
Redacción.- El cambio climático se ha convertido en uno de los factores que más inciden en la migración de las personas, ya que producen efectos y situaciones atípicas que afectan los lugares y las condiciones en las que viven grandes grupos de humanos.
Recuperar la naturaleza para asegurar el futuro
Si no hacemos nada ahora, la próxima generación no llegará a tiempo. El Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente tiene como lema este año “Nuestras tierras. Nuestro futuro. Somos la #GeneraciónRestauración”. Y es que todavía es posible restaurar parte de los suelos que hemos degradado, revitalizar las fuentes de agua y recuperar los bosques.
Un cráter gigante en Siberia revela el pasado de Rusia
NY Times.- A medida que el mundo se calienta, el permafrost se está descongelando en dos tercios de Rusia, amenazando ciudades y pueblos que se construyeron para albergar a mineros enviados a excavar un tesoro subterráneo de petróleo, gas, oro y diamantes.
Land, Vol. 13, Pages 782: Holocene Vegetation Dynamics Revealed by a High-Resolution Pollen Record from Lake Yangzonghai in Central Yunnan, SW China
Long-term regional vegetation dynamics is essential for the understanding of past land cover changes. High-resolution pollen analysis of a 1020 cm core from a large lake, Lake Yangzonghai (YZH), in central Yunnan, SW China, was conducted to reveal regional vegetation dynamics in the lake catchment over the past 13,400 years.
6 lugares abandonados del mundo absolutamente fasCinantes: de pueblos fantasma a lagos malditos, ¡conócelos!
1. Bodie, pueblo de California. Este pueblo fantasma del siglo XIX es digno de una película del Oeste. La fiebre del oro de California atrajo a un gran número de personas que se instalaron aquí para extraer el metal precioso de las minas, pero dos incendios y el derrumbamiento de una de ellas en los años 30 obligaron a los 10.
Diario Un cráter gigantesco en Siberia está desenterrando el pasado de Rusia. The New York Times | 06:00 A medida que el mundo se calienta, el permafrost se está descongelando en dos tercios de Rusia
A medida que el mundo se calienta, el permahielo se está descongelando en las dos terceras partes de Rusia, poniendo en peligro ciudades y poblaciones que fueron construidas para albergar a los mineros que eran enviados a excavar un tesoro en petróleo, oro y diamantes.
Diario Un cráter gigante en Siberia está vomitando el pasado de Rusia The New York Times | 11:06 A medida que el mundo se calienta, el permafrost se está descongelando en dos tercios de Rusia
A medida que el mundo se calienta, el permafrost se está descongelando en dos tercios de Rusia, amenazando ciudades y pueblos que se construyeron para albergar a mineros enviados a excavar un tesoro subterráneo de petróleo, gas, oro y diamantes. Incluso las carreteras se están doblando, agrietando y derrumbando, como en un terremoto a cámara lenta.
Sustainability, Vol. 16, Pages 4400: A Multi-Temporal Analysis on the Dynamics of the Impact of Land Use and Land Cover on NO2 and CO Emissions in Argentina for Sustainable Environmental Management
The variable distance to the routes influenced tree cover/herbaceous wetland and cropland/built-up, where it could be observed that CO increased as the distance to the main routes decreased ( Table 2 ). These results were expected in cropland/built-up coverage, where human activity was more intense [ 33 ].
Xizang Story: Hunter-turned-ranger keeps animals, ethnic tradition alive
by Xinhua writers Huang Yaoman, Lyu Qiuping. LHASA, May 21 (Xinhua) -- In a quaint cabin, various taxidermied wild animals hang from the ceiling, while primitive utensils like clay bowls and bamboo fishing cages are exhibited on a table. Pointing at the traditional costumes displayed on the wall,....
Eliane Brum, la periodista y activista brasileña que quiere "amazonizar" el mundo
Eliane Brum decidió que su vida cómoda en São Paulo no tenía sentido y se mudó a la Amazonia. Altamira , su nuevo hogar, lejos de ser un lugar idílico, era (y sigue siendo) el epicentro de la destrucción . Madereros, traficantes, garimpeiros (buscadores de oro) y usurpadores ilegales de tierra....
En 2017, tras Eliane Brum decidió que su vida cómoda en São Paulo no tenía sentido y se mudó a la Amazonia. Altamira , su nuevo hogar, lejos de ser un lugar idílico, era (y sigue siendo) el epicentro de la destrucción . Madereros, traficantes, garimpeiros (buscadores de oro) y usurpadores ilegales....
06:50 Eliane Brum, la periodista y activista brasileña que quiere "amazonizar" el mundo
05:50 Eliane Brum, la periodista y activista brasileña que quiere "amazonizar" el mundo
La Cina punta sui Dragoni dei mari: cosa possono fare i nuovi aerei anfibi
Si chiama AG600 Sea Dragon ed è il più grande aereo anfibio del mondo. È stato ideato dalla Cina , o meglio dalla Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) , per contrastare gli incendi ed essere usato a fronte di disastri naturali. Nei giorni scorsi il velivolo ha completato la verifica iniziale delle sue capacità in acqua.
Nuevo récord de desplazados internos por guerras y desastres en 2023, casi 76 millones
Largos conflictos y otros nuevos como los de y Gaza , unidos a desastres naturales, obligaron a decenas de millones de personas a dejar sus hogares en 2023 y batieron nuevamente el récord de desplazados internos en el mundo, hasta los 75,9 millones, según un informe publicado este martes.
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