Overall Green alert Flood
in Peru

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Tornado watch issued for Lincoln, several other areas in Southeast Nebraska


The weather service said strong to severe storms are expected after 6 p.m. mainly in southeast to far eastern Nebraska and southwest Iowa. The primary hazards will be large hail and damaging winds, with a tornado or two being possible as well. Floodwaters move toward the edge of U.S. 6 northeast of Ashland on Thursday.



Las ciudades en el Perú crecieron de manera desordenada y jamás fueron planificadas. Peor aún nuestra querida ciudad de Iquitos y todas las que tenemos en la región Loreto, simplemente crecieron con el calor de las invasiones que convirtieron en asentamientos humanos y pueblos jóvenes, y promovidas....

Ministra de Vivienda: "No existe suficiente stock de motobombas para atender las regiones que se encuentran en emergencia"


Hania Pérez de Cuellar , viajó a Piura para hacer entrega de 170 motobombas. En declaraciones a la prensa, la ministra de Estado reconoció que no existe la maquinaria suficiente para atender la emergencia provocada por las constantes lluvias en Perú. “No existe suficiente stock de motobombas a nivel....

Senamhi: ¿qué ríos alcanzaron umbral rojo tras fuertes lluvias y qué centros poblados podrían ser afectados?


Según las alertas del Servicio Nacional de Hidrología y Meteorología del Perú (Senamhi) son tres ríos que representan riesgo por desborde en la zona norte del país a consecuencia de las intensas lluvias y activación de quebradas para que tome acciones para salvaguardar la integridad y la vida de las personas.

Lluvias en Perú: ministra de Vivienda es cargada en una inundación por trabajadores


En Piura, un grupo de trabajadores cargaron a la ministra de Vivienda, Hania Pérez de Cuéllar para ayudarla a cruzar una calle inundada. El hecho se viralizó rápidamente en las redes sociales. Debido a la emergencia que se vive en el norte del país por las intensas lluvias, la titular de la cartera....

Meteo Cronaca Diretta: (Video) Perù, gravi alluvioni ed inondazioni investono la regione di Piura


Una violenta perturbazione si è abbattuta sulle regione del Piura in Perù, provocando inondazione gravi ed alluvioni diffuse. Si sono registrati allagamenti, frane ed un grave ingrossamento dei torrenti locali. Molte abitazioni sono state danneggiate dalla furia dell'acqua. Il VIDEO in alto.

Torrencial lluvia inundó viviendas, hospitales y avenidas en Piura y Sullana


Una imponente lluvia con rayos y truenos soportaron las provincias y distritos de la región Piura la noche del último miércoles, provocando la inundación de las principales vías, así como el colapso de viviendas y carreteras. Las lluvias fueron anunciadas por el Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (Senamhi).

Río Tumbes se desborda por intensas lluvias y aumenta riesgo de inundación en la ciudad


Las lluvias en Perú continúan dejando estragos en el norte del país. Esta mañana, el río Tumbes se desbordó, inundando 130 hectáreas de banano ubicadas en la ciudad, según informó Andina. Esto sucedió luego que el Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (Senamhi) emitiera una alerta....

Desastrólogos y futurólogos


Por: Moisés Panduro Coral. Éstas son algunas de las especialidades que nos faltan en el Perú. Debo aclarar que un desastrólogo no es un experto en remover escombros o un opinólogo de supervivencias, un jinete del apocalipsis derramando plagas sobre la humanidad, ni menos un pájaro de mal agüero anunciando calamidades.

Terremoto in Ecuador, macerie nella città di Machala


Il terremoto in Ecuador ha provocato anche l'affondamento del Museo marino di Puerto Bolívar, meta per gli appassionati dell'ambiente marino. Nelle teche erano custoditi 5mila… Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una....

Terremoto in Ecuador, edifici danneggiati e macerie nella città di Machala


Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter che ha provocato la morte di 14 persone in Ecuador ed una in Perù (una bambina di 4 anni), causando almeno 381 feriti, ha provocato… Agenzia Almeno 15 i morti di cuoi una in Perù SAN PAOLO , 19 MAR – Il terremoto di magnitudo 6,5 della scala Richter....

Sismo de magnitud 6.5 deja 14 muertos en Ecuador y Perú


E l temblor se registró a las 12:12 locales (17:12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos 140 km del puerto de Guayaquil, y a una profundidad de 44 km, informaron autoridades. La presidencia de Ecuador publicó en Twitter un reporte de 12 fallecidos, 11 en la provincia de El Oro y uno en la provincia de Azuay.

Sismo de magnitud 6.5 deja 13 muertos en Ecuador y Perú


Al menos trece muertos, varios heridos y daños en edificaciones dejó un sismo de magnitud 6.5 que sacudió el sur de Ecuador y alcanzó a su vecino Perú, según un balance oficial. E l temblor se registró a las 12H12 locales (17H12 GMT) y tuvo su epicentro en el municipio ecuatoriano de Balao, a unos....

Mototaxi cobra un sol para cruzar el huaico y se vuelve viral: “Perú, potencia mundial”


Debido a los huaicos e inundaciones provocados por las intensas lluvias en el país , cientos de personas deben encontrar la manera para movilizarse en las calles en medio del agua. Esto ha generado más de una anécdota que se ha vuelto viral en redes sociales como A continuación, te mostramos el....

Weather tracker: Cyclone Freddy leaves trail of devastation


Cyclone Freddy, which developed over the Indian Ocean more than a month ago, has dissipated this week, after making landfall a second time in southern Africa. The death toll had exceeded 300 across Madagascar , Mozambique, and Malawi by Thursday, with more than 700 people injured, 40 missing and 80,000 displaced.

The rains that affect Peru leave one dead and two missing


Floods and avalanches have caused considerable material damage The rains, avalanches and floods What have been presented in recent days in Peru? have left, so far, one dead, two missing and hundreds homeless in Lima and the north of the country, according to various official sources.



Escribe: Percy Vílchez Vela. En el diario que escribió sobre los 18 años que pasó en la floresta del Perú, el jesuita Manuel Uriarte consignó la admirable manera cómo los indígenas manejaban el medio circundante. Siglos de permanencia entre el bosque y las aguas les habían convertido en seres aptos....

11:25Ciclón Yaku: desborde del río Chilca inunda tramo de la Panamericana Sur en Cañete


La inundación de l a Panamericana Sur se debió al desborde del río Chilca registrada esta madrugada que atrapó a tres vehículos con pasajeros que fueron rescatados por los bomberos poniéndolos a salvo. De acuerdo con TV Perú, la carretera, que pasa por debajo del puente , está totalmente inundada....

How to use free satellite data to monitor natural disasters and environmental changes


If you want to track changes in the Amazon rainforest, see the full expanse of a hurricane or figure out where people need help after a disaster, it’s much easier to do with the view from a satellite orbiting a Traditionally, access to satellite data has been limited to researchers and....

How to use free satellite data to monitor natural disasters and environmental changes


Date: 2023-03-14 12:30 Author: Qiusheng Wu, Assistant Professor of Geography and Sustainability, University of Tennessee Original article: https://theconversation.com/how-to-use-free-satellite-data-to-monitor-natural-disasters-and-environmental-changes-198140 If you want to track changes in the....

“Es un héroe”: un niño salvó a un perro al cargarlo y cruzar una avenida inundada en Perú


Un nene se volvió viral por su valentía al tener un gran gesto con un animal, en el medio de una inundación por las fuertes lluevias que se registraron en Perú . Un cachorro se encontraba atrapado y el menor se atrevió a rescatarlo para llevarlo a una superficie y ponerlo a salvo.

Niño ayuda a perrito a cruzar inundación (VIDEO)


Un niño y un perrito protagonizaron un tierno momento, en que el pequeño logró ayudar al cachorro para cruzar la calle. Un clip se viralizó en redes sociales y muestra a un niño cargando a un perrito en medio de una calle inundada en Perú. Se puede observar al pequeño que toma al cachorro que quedó....

Hace 22 segundos Niño carga a perro para ayudarlo a cruzar avenida inundada; tierno video…


Ciudad de México.- Millones de internautas han reaccionado al valiente gesto que un pequeño tuvo con un cachorro que se encontraba atrapado en medio de una inundación provocada por las fuertes lluvias que se registraron en los días pasados en Perú. En el clip se puede apreciar como el menor se armó....

Niño carga a perro para ayudarlo a cruzar avenida inundada; tierno video se vuelve viral


Millones de internautas han reaccionado al valiente gesto que un pequeño tuvo con un cachorro que se encontraba atrapado en medio de una inundación provocada por las fuertes lluvias que se registraron en los días pasados en Perú. En el clip se puede apreciar como el menor se armó de valor para....

el Fenómeno del Niño Costero 2017


A poco de cumplirse cinco años desde que el Fenómeno del Niño Costero azotara sobre todo al norte del Perú, la tan mencionada Reconstrucción con Cambios, un programa del gobierno para reedificar y Aquel desastre del 2017 dejó 101 fallecidos, más de 140 mil damnificados y casi un millón de afectados....

Piuranos sorprenden con fiesta, a pesar de inundación por fuertes lluvias: "Novedosa pista de baile"


Las intensas lluvias ocasionadas por el Ciclón Yaku han generado grandes inundaciones en el norte del Perú . Ante esto, muchos ciudadanos han resultado afectados debido a que el agua ha ingresado en sus viviendas y ha dañado sus pertenencias. A pesar de ello, una familia piurana ignoró el fenómeno....

Piura: hospital Cayetano Heredia sufre inundación debido a las intensas lluvias | VIDEO


A raíz de las precipitaciones pluviales en la región Piura , personal médico del hospital Cayetano Heredia se vio obligado a evacuar a los pacientes de la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) a otras áreas, después que el nosocomio sufriera una Imágenes difundidas por TV Perú muestran algunas áreas....

Cuatro fallecidos en Perú a causa de las fuertes lluvias provocadas por el ciclón Yaku


Dos fueron los jóvenes que cayeron al cauce del río Huancabamba y que fueron hallados varias días después; el tercero el poblador de Locuto en Tambogrande que le cayó una pared debilitada por las lluvias. La cuarta fallecida es un a mujer de 50 años que fue arrastrada tras la activación de la quebrada Cerezo en la provincia Peruana de Sullana.

Cinco centros poblados en Amazonas en alerta roja por riesgo de inundación


Las intensas precipitaciones que se vienen registrando desde hace días en diferentes regiones del país mantienen en alerta a las autoridades por el incremento en el caudal de los ríos. El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (Senamhi) informó que el río Utcubamba en Amazonas aumentó su nivel ubicándose en el umbral rojo.

Alluvioni: 15 milioni di persone a rischio con i laghi glaciali


Uno studio pubblicato sulla rivista scientifica Nature Communications e firmato da un gruppo di ricerca internazionale guidato dall’ Università di New Castle nel Regno Unito punta il dito contro i laghi glaciali , e più nello specifico sulle possibili alluvioni innescate da questi bacini.

Las inundaciones por deshielo de glaciares amenazan a 15 millones de personas en todo el mundo


MADRID, 12 (SERVIMEDIA) Cerca de 15 millones de personas en todo el mundo corren el riesgo de sufrir los efectos de inundaciones causadas por lagos glaciares, más de la mitad de las cuales viven en solo cuatro países: India, Pakistán, Perú y China. Un equipo internacional de científicos dirigido por....

News Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods KSBY Staff 12:38 PM, Feb 11, 2023


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Perú es uno de los países más expuestos al peligro potencial de inundaciones por lagos glaciares


DICYT Quince millones de personas en todo el mundo corren el riesgo de inundaciones causadas por lagos glaciares, y solo cuatro países representan más de la mitad de los expuestos: India, Pakistán, China y Perú. Un equipo internacional de científicos dirigido por la Universidad de Newcastle (Reino....

Study: 15 million people worldwide live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 Million People Live Under Threat of Glacial Floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Threat of deadly glacial lake outbursts hang over 15 million people


It's a threat Americans and Europeans rarely think about, but 1 million people live within just 6 miles (10 kilometers) of potentially unstable glacial-fed lakes, the study calculated. One of the more devastating floods was in Peru in 1941 and it killed between 1,800 and 6,000 people.

Inundaciones por lagos glaciares: Perú y Bolivia son los más expuestos en la región


. Un reciente estudio de Nature Communications revela que con el calentamiento global este tipo de fenómenos son más frecuentes. Según el informe, a medida que la temperatura mundial aumenta los glaciares retroceden y el agua de deshielo acumulada en la parte delantera forma un lago que podría....

Threat of deadly glacial lake outbursts hang over 15 million people


It's a threat Americans and Europeans rarely think about, but 1 million people live within just 6 miles (10 kilometers) of potentially unstable glacial-fed lakes, the study calculated. One of the more devastating floods was in Peru in 1941 and it killed between 1,800 and 6,000 people.

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four countries: India, Pakistan, Peru and China, according to a study in Tuesday's Nature Communications. A second study, awaiting publication in a peer-reviewed journal, catalogs more than....

Millions of People Are at Risk of This Rare Climate Change Threat — Study


But glacial melt due to global warming isn’t just a problem for rising sea levels — it also poses an urgent threat to millions of people living near the icy masses. New research assesses for the first time the number of people worldwide who are at risk of flooding from glacial lakes. The findings were published Tuesday in the journal Nature.

An ‘inland tsunami’: 15 million people are at risk from catastrophic glacial lake outbursts, researchers find


“These glacial dams are no different to constructed dams,” Robinson told CNN. “If you take the Hoover Dam, for instance, you’ve got a massive lake behind it, but if you suddenly remove the Hoover Dam, that water has to go somewhere, and it’s going to come cascading down a valley in massive flood waves.

15 million people endangered by sudden glacial floods - study It’s the first to look at the climate, geography, population and vulnerability to assess where the most dangerous places are in the world.


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

15 million people live under threat of glacial floods, study says


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

15 million people live under threat of glacial floods, study says


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

15M people live under threat of glacial floods – study


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

15 million people live under threat of glacial floods, shows study


: As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

An 'inland tsunami': 15 million people are at risk from glacial lake outbursts


As temperatures get warmer and more pieces of the glacier melt away, the lake rises — and living downstream from one could be incredibly dangerous. If the lake rises too high or the surrounding land or ice gives way, the lake could burst, sending water and debris rushing down mountains.

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

New study finds 15 million people live under the threat of glacial floods


and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four countries: India,....

Study: 15M people live under threat of glacial floods


By Seth Borenstein | Associated Press. As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial....

Study: 15M people live under threat of glacial floods


By Seth Borenstein | Associated Press. As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial....

15 million people live under threat of glacial floods, study finds


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four countries: India, Pakistan, Peru and China, according to a study in Tuesday's Nature Communications. A second study, awaiting publication in a peer-reviewed journal, catalogs more than....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four countries: India, Pakistan, Peru and China, according to a study in Tuesday's Nature Communications. A second study, awaiting publication in a peer-reviewed journal, catalogs more than....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

15 million people around the world live under threat of glacial floods: study


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

15 million people live under threat of glacial floods, study finds


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

15 million people live under threat of glacial lake outburst floods, study finds More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four countries. By The Associated Press, 18m ago


It’s a threat Americans and Europeans rarely think about, but 1 million people live within just 6 miles of potentially unstable glacial-fed lakes, the study calculated. One of the more devastating floods was in Peru in 1941 and it killed between 1,800 and 6,000 people.

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers soften and pour huge quantities of water into close by lakes, 15 million individuals throughout the globe dwell below the specter of a sudden and lethal outburst flood, a brand new examine finds. Greater than half of these residing within the shadow of the catastrophe known as glacial....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


. A second study , awaiting publication in a peer-reviewed journal, catalogs more than 150 glacial flood outbursts in history and recent times. It’s a threat Americans and Europeans rarely think about, but 1 million people live within just 6 miles (10 kilometers) of potentially unstable glacial-fed lakes, the study calculated.

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


FILE - Tents are set up for climbers on the Khumbu Glacier, with Mount Khumbutse, center, and Khumbu Icefall, right, seen in background, at Everest Base Camp in Nepal on April 11, 2015. As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


It's a threat Americans and Europeans rarely think about, but 1 million people live within just 6 miles (10 kilometers) of potentially unstable glacial-fed lakes, the study calculated. One of the more devastating floods was in Peru in 1941 and it killed between 1,800 and 6,000 people.

Explained: Study Says 15 Million Wordlwide At Risk Of Glacial Floods, What Are These Floods?


Around 15 million people across the world are living under the threat of glacial floods, with Indians ranking high in the list, according to a study. More than half of these people are in just four countries: India, Pakistan, Peru, and China. The study is published in Nature Communications journal.

15 Million People Live Under Threat of Sudden, Deadly Flooding as More Glaciers Melt


A s glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Fifteen million people live under threat of glacial floods: study


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Millions live under threat of deadly floods as glaciers melt


A s glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

15 million people live under threat of glacial floods: Study


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

15 million people live under threat of glacial floods, finds study


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Blindspot: 0% Right15 sources As glaciers melt, sudden flood risks threaten 15 million people, study finds


As glaciers melt, sudden flood risks threaten 15 million people, study finds. People in China, India, Pakistan and Peru live in greatest danger of inland tsunamis from melting glacier, a study says; its lead researcher said climate change appears to have increased the risk. Glacier-melt flood disasters threaten 1 million people in China.

Perú y Bolivia están entre los países más expuestos a inundaciones por lagos glaciares, según estudio


Unos quince millones de personas en todo el mundo podrían estar amenazadas por desbordamientos repentinos de lagos glaciares, y las más expuestas son las poblaciones de las altas montañas de Asia (India, Pakistán y China) y los Andes (Perú y Bolivia). Más de la mitad de esos quince millones de....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


It's a threat Americans and Europeans rarely think about, but 1 million people live within just 6 miles (10 kilometers) of potentially unstable glacial-fed lakes, the study calculated. One of the more devastating floods was in Peru in 1941 and it killed between 1,800 and 6,000 people.

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


It's a threat Americans and Europeans rarely think about, but 1 million people live within just 6 miles (10 kilometers) of potentially unstable glacial-fed lakes, the study calculated. One of the more devastating floods was in Peru in 1941 and it killed between 1,800 and 6,000 people.

Study: 15 Million People Live Under Threat of Glacial Floods


FILE - Chunks of ice break off the Perito Moreno Glacier, in Lake Argentina, at Los Glaciares National Park, near El Calafate, in Argentina's Patagonia region, March 10, 2016. As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


It's a threat Americans and Europeans rarely think about, but 1 million people live within just 6 miles (10 kilometers) of potentially unstable glacial-fed lakes, the study calculated. One of the more devastating floods was in Peru in 1941 and it killed between 1,800 and 6,000 people.

Study: 15M live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

World News | Study: 15 Million People Live Under Threat of Glacial Floods


Washington, Feb 7 (AP) As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial …


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


FILE - Chunks of ice break off the Perito Moreno Glacier, in Lake Argentina, at Los Glaciares National Park, near El Calafate, in Argentina’s Patagonia region, March 10, 2016. As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial …


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial …


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Study: 15 million people live under threat of glacial floods


As glaciers melt and pour massive amounts of water into nearby lakes, 15 million people across the globe live under the threat of a sudden and deadly outburst flood, a new study finds. More than half of those living in the shadow of the disaster called glacial lake outburst floods are in just four....

Matthew Westoby/Springer Nature An 'inland tsunami': 15 million people are at risk from catastrophic glacial lake outbursts, researchers find


are at an alarming rate , and are leaving massive pools of water in their wake. The meltwater fills the depression left behind by the glacier, forming what’s known as a glacial lake. As temperatures get warmer and more pieces of the glacier melt away, the lake rises — and living downstream from one could be incredibly dangerous .

Lambayeque: conoce Zaña, la ciudad virreynal destruida por una inundación


En el departamento de Santiago de Miraflores de Zaña es la única ciudad con fundación española. Este acontecimiento histórico sucedió en el siglo XVI, específicamente el 29 de noviembre de 1523, por mandato del virrey y capitán de los Reinos del Perú, don Diego López de Zúñiga y Velazco.

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