Overall Green alert Drought for Southeastern Mediterranean-2024
in Libya

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All headlines on this Alert

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Japan supports WHO’s work to improve health services and emergency response

2024-07-24T19:58+0200reliefWeb (en)

Japan supports WHO’s work to improve health services and emergency response. 24 July 2024. The Government of Japan’s support to WHO has enabled the Western Pacific Region and other countries across the globe to carry out much-needed health emergencies responses and to provide essential health services to vulnerable populations.

Amico, latte: dai rituali di bellezza antichi ai beauty brand di oggi

2024-07-20T07:46+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 20 luglio 2024) Tutti sanno che Cleopatra era solita riempire la sua vasca da bagno con latte d’asina, per poi immergersi e mantenere la sua pelle morbida e idratata. Parliamo di moltissimi anni fa, eppure oggi potremmo dire che la Regina d’Egitto aveva perfettamente compreso il....

Freshwater Aquifer Discovered in Sicily Could Alleviate Drought in Morocco

2024-07-20T00:24+0200moroccoworldnews (en)

Marrakech - Researchers from the University of Malta, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), and the University of Rome have made a groundbreaking discovery beneath the southeastern coast of Sicily. The massive freshwater aquifer could potentially alleviate droughts in Morocco....

Inflation in Morocco falls by half a point in the second quarter

2024-07-13T09:48+0200atalayar (en)

Morocco's low inflation is largely due to the country's economic structure, which is based on a steadily growing manufacturing economy. Inflation has been relatively low in recent years, with a consumer price index (CPI) of 0.7% in the second quarter of 2024 according to the High Planning Commission (HCP).

June warmest on record; every month since July 2023 breached 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T08:51+0200businessinsider-in (en)

With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

June Warmest On Record Every Month Since July 2023 Breached 1.5 Deg C Threshold

2024-07-08T08:45+0200menafn (en)

- Kashmir Observer) New Delhi- With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

June warmest on record; every month since July 2023 breached 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T08:14+0200dtnext (en)

NEW DELHI: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

India Records Warmest June Since 1901, Says Weather Office

2024-07-08T07:42+0200ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

Environment June 2024 hottest on record as world continues to breach 1.5 deg C threshold

2024-07-08T05:18+0200deccanherald (en)

New Delhi: With millions of people across five continents experiencing scorching heat last month, the European Union's (EU) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), confirmed on Monday that June was the warmest on record. It also marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.

Unprecedented Hajj heat: Mercury spikes 2.5 degree Celsius above previous records

2024-06-30T04:38+0200HindustanTimes (en)

Though there have been incidents of stampedes in the past that led to the death of pilgrims, this year, climate scientists said that the Hajj and the Saudi Arabia region faced its worst and deadliest heat crisis in history aggravated by climate change.

India and Kenya forge alliance to expand Africa’s space capabilities in response to climate crisis

2024-06-27T07:53+0200downtoearth (en)

India has expressed interest in exploring areas of partnership and seeking avenues of collaboration with Kenya in developing and expanding Africa’s space capabilities for predicting and monitoring extreme weather events. Speaking at the Kenya Space Expo & Conference in Nairobi, the Indian High....

No Time To Wait For Godot!

2024-06-22T21:41+0200cameroon-tribune (en)

You do not need to be an expert to notice the devastation caused by climate change . Neither do you have to travel far to understand the impact of climate change. Unpredictable seasons and the resultant consequences on crop planting and yields. Recurrent downpours, floods, erosion, droughts, rising....

Giornata del rifugiato. Formazione, esami e un contratto in Italia: orafi, cantieri e IT trovano personale con i “corridoi lavorativi” dell’Unhcr

2024-06-20T13:27+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 20 giugno 2024) In 30 arriveranno dall’Uganda per lavorare in aziende dell’IT tra Milano, Napoli e Torino. Dove altri 20 sono attesi dall’Egitto e dalla Giordania per essere impiegati nel settore dell’oreficeria. Tra i 50 e gli 80, invece, troveranno posto nella cantieri stica.

Sustainability Climate change is a global problem. UB students went abroad for solutions

2024-06-19T01:14+0200buffalo (en)

Hours after Jonathan Navarro-Ramos arrived in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a historic storm brought down more than a year’s worth of rainfall in a single day and essentially shut down large parts of the desert nation. His timing couldn’t have been better.

A Drought May Have Caused the Bronze Age Collapse

2024-06-18T03:03+0200greekreporter (en)

Lion’s Gate, Mycenae. The Mycenaean Civilization was destroyed during the Bronze Age Collapse. Credit: Andreas Trepte/CC-BY-SA-2.5. Archaeologists and historians have long debated the cause of the “Bronze Age Collapse,” or the period when multiple, distinct ancient civilizations all collapsed one after the other around 3,200 years ago.

After the “record” in Aswan… Why does the temperature in Egypt reach amazing levels?

2024-06-10T15:17+0200ruetir (en)

According to the Egyptian Meteorological Authority, the temperature in Aswan reached 49.6 degrees Celsius in the shade last Thursday, topping the highest temperatures ever recorded in the world on this day. She attributed the reason for the recent rise in temperatures to Egypt being affected by very....

Is the world running out of water supplies? These cities have acute drinking water crises.

2024-06-06T19:21+0200economictimes (en)

by the end of this month. Mexico City is neither the first nor the last city to be facing this challenge in the world. Experts have warned that with increasing temperatures in the world as part of a challenge termed global warming , the supply of water and its direction could drastically change,....

World Environment Day: Drought resilience must be enhanced

2024-06-05T13:16+0200esi-africa (en)

The importance of restoring land, combating desertification and tackling droughts are the focus areas marking today’s World Environment Day. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1973, World Environment Day is the largest international event focused on the environment, coordinated by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

Egitto: agricoltura verticale e idroponica in netta crescitaSi prevede che il mercato di questo settore possa salire di oltre 14 mld dollari in sei anni

2024-06-03T18:44+0200efanews (it)

In Egitto, l'urbanizzazione sottrae spazio alle coltivazioni, mentre, al netto delle piene del Nilo, l'agricoltura deve da sempre fare i conti con aridità e siccità. I terreni arabili, difatti, coprono appena il 5% dell'intero Paese. Le prospettive, tuttavia, non sono poi così fosche.

Poland carrot production witnesses downward trend due to water woes

2024-06-03T14:36+0200freshplaza-nl (en)

Poland ranks as the third-largest carrot producer in the European Union, trailing behind Germany and France. However, recent years have witnessed a downward trend in its carrot production, largely attributed to water shortages. The correlation between significant production declines and drought....

Risolto il mistero delle piramidi: ecco come furono costruite

2024-05-31T19:09+0200donnamoderna (it)

Gli scienziati ritengono di aver risolto il mistero di come 31 piramidi, tra cui il famoso complesso di Giza , siano state costruite in Egitto più di 4mila anni fa . Lo rivelano le immagini satellitari e le analisi dei sedimenti condotte da un team di ricercatori egiziani, australiani e americani ,....

Patate in crisi: danni da clima e concorrenza egiziana

2024-05-31T17:08+0200myfruit (it)

Patate italiane sotto attacco degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e dell’ invasione di prodotto estero , con le importazioni che nel 2024 sono cresciute del 18% e quelle dall’Egitto che sono addirittura triplicate nei primi due mesi rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente.

Coldiretti, patate italiane soffrono clima e +18% importazioni

2024-05-30T12:17+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 30 MAG - Patate italiane sotto attacco degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e dell'invasione di prodotto estero, con le importazioni che nel 2024 sono cresciute del 18% e quelle dall'Egitto che sono addirittura triplicate nei primi due mesi rispetto allo stesso periodo dell'anno precedente.

Coldiretti, patate italiane soffrono clima e +18% importazioni

2024-05-30T12:05+0200ansa (it)

Patate italiane sotto attacco degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e dell'invasione di prodotto estero, con le importazioni che nel 2024 sono cresciute del 18% e quelle dall'Egitto che sono addirittura triplicate nei primi due mesi rispetto allo stesso periodo dell'anno precedente.


2024-05-30T11:37+0200corriereortofrutticolo (it)

Patate italiane sotto attacco degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatic i e dell ’invasione di prodotto estero , con le importazioni che nel 2024 sono cresciute del 18% e quelle dall’Egitto che sono addirittura triplicate nei primi due mesi rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente.

Fao: Coldiretti, patate italiane tra danni da clima e invasione dall’estero

2024-05-30T11:35+0200agricolae (it)

Patate italiane sotto attacco degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e dell’invasione di prodotto estero, con le importazioni che nel 2024 sono cresciute del 18% e quelle dall’Egitto che sono addirittura triplicate nei primi due mesi rispetto allo stesso periodo dell'anno precedente.

Patate causa dei cambiamenti climatici secondo FAO. Coldiretti, nel 2024 +18% di prodotto dall’estero

2024-05-30T11:34+0200agricultura (it)

ROMA – Patate italiane sotto attacco degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e dell’invasione di prodotto estero, con le importazioni che nel 2024 sono cresciute del 18% e quelle dall’Egitto che sono addirittura triplicate nei primi due mesi rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente.

Coldiretti: sempre meno patate italiane, import +39% in 2023

2024-05-30T11:26+0200askanews (it)

Roma, 30 mag. (askanews) – Patate italiane sotto attacco degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e dell’invasione di prodotto estero, con le importazioni che nel 2024 sono cresciute del 18% e quelle dall’Egitto che sono addirittura triplicate nei primi due mesi rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente.

Coldiretti: “patate italiane sotto attacco tra clima e invasione di prodotto estero”

2024-05-30T11:17+0200meteoweb (it)

Patate italiane sotto attacco degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e dell’invasione di prodotto estero, con le importazioni che nel 2024 sono cresciute del 18% e quelle dall’Egitto che sono addirittura triplicate nei primi due mesi rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente “: è quanto....


2024-05-30T11:05+0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) - Roma, 30 Maggio 2024 (AGENPARL) – gio 30 maggio 2024 30 maggio 2024 FAO: COLDIRETTI, PATATE ITALIANE TRA DANNI DA CLIMA E INVASIONE DALL’ESTERO Triplicati gli arrivi dall’Egitto, al mercato di Campagna Amica incontro con l’Organizzazione delle Nazioni unite per l’alimentazione e....

Children sweat for perfume and chocolate

2024-05-28T12:52+0200kompas-id (en)

DIAN DEWI PURNAMASARI. L'Oreal outlet at an exhibition in Singapore in July 2023. The company is accused of using child labor in its production chain. Body fragrance perfume. Delicious chocolate melts in the mouth. Even though they are different, there are similarities in some of these objects: the use of in the production chain.

Communities.SpringerNature.com: On the Shortcomings of Modelling Downstream Water Budget Deficit Under Nile Upstream Damming

2024-05-25T18:21+0200dehai (en)

The Nile River is a unique hydro-ecological system and an indispensable water resource for riparian basin countries. Population growth, changes in precipitation patterns, and increased damming present extreme challenges in managing the basin's primary water resource.

Oltre 30 piramidi furono realizzate lungo un ramo estinto del Nilo

2024-05-20T22:01+0200scienzenotizie (it)

A rivelarlo è una serie immagini satellitari e l’analisi dei sedimenti. Erano ben 31 le piramidi che nell’antico Egitto, comprese quelle di Giza, sarebbero state originariamente realizzate lungo un braccio ormai prosciugato del fiume Nilo lungo 64 chilometri.

University of North Carolina: piramidi di Giza costruite lungo un fiume estinto

2024-05-20T18:36+0200lavocedinewyork (it)

Un team di ricercatori americani ed egiziani, guidati da Eman Ghoneim della University of North Carolina Wilmington, ha scoperto che ben 31 piramidi, comprese quelle del famoso complesso di Giza, in Egitto, erano state costruite, con molta probabilità, lungo un antichissimo braccio del Nilo ormai estinto.

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:39+0200FaroDeVigo (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:39+0200laopiniondezamora (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:38+0200laprovincia (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:38+0200eldia (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:37+0200DiarioDeMallorca (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:37+0200superdeporte (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:36+0200elperiodicoextremadura (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:36+0200elperiodico (es)

Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción de las antiguas pirámides de Egipto, incluyendo el famoso complejo de Giza. Según un estudio publicado en la revista Nature, las pirámides fueron construidas junto a un ramal perdido del Nilo que ahora está enterrado bajo el desierto y las tierras de cultivo.

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:36+0200diarioCordoba (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:35+0200laopinioncoruna (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:34+0200laopiniondemurcia (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:34+0200epe (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:33+0200elperiodicodearagon (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Las pirámides de Egipto estuvieron una vez sobre Nilo

2024-05-20T10:33+0200laopiniondemalaga (es)

Más de 30 pirámides egipcias, incluidas las de Giza, fueron construidas en un brazo ahora seco del Nilo. Esto podría explicar por qué las estructuras se encuentran en la actualidad en una estrecha e inhóspita franja de desierto. Los científicos han propuesto una nueva teoría sobre la construcción....

Finalmente sappiamo come furono costruite le piramidi

2024-05-19T16:24+0200scienzenotizie (it)

I ricercatori hanno suggerito che un ramo “perduto da tempo” del Nilo in Egitto potrebbe spiegare la costruzione delle antiche piramidi. In uno studio pubblicato sulla rivista Communications Earth & Environment , un team internazionale riferisce di aver identificato segmenti di un’importante sezione....

Finalmente sappiamo come vennero costruite le piramidi: rivelato segreto dell’Antico Egitto

2024-05-19T10:29+0200controcopertina (it)

Nel 2017, un importante documento ha fatto luce su uno dei più grandi misteri dell’antico Egitto: la costruzione delle maestose piramidi. Un papiro, scoperto nel porto di Wadi Al-Jarf, ha rivelato che i massicci blocchi di pietra calcarea e granito utilizzati per edificare la Grande Piramide di Giza....

Dalle piramidi d’Egitto nuove scoperte: il Nilo passava da lì prima di essere interrato

2024-05-19T09:52+0200blitzquotidiano (it)

segreta sotto la Grande piramide. La prima novità. Gli scienziati hanno scoperto un ramo sepolto da tempo del fiume Nilo che un tempo scorreva lungo più di 30 piramidi in Egitto, risolvendo potenzialmente il mistero di come gli antichi egizi trasportavano i massicci blocchi di pietra per costruire i monumenti.

18 Maggio 2024 - 15:05 - Trovato un fiume (estinto) di fianco alle piramidi d’Egitto: ecco perchè scioglie il mistero

2024-05-18T15:55+0200dire (it)

BOLOGNA – Il mistero della costruzione delle piramidi (per cui sono stati scomodati anche gli alieni) ora è un po’ meno mistero. Perchè gli studiosi hanno scoperto che molto vicino alla striscia di piramidi costruite nell’Antico Egitto scorreva, un tempo, un ramo del Nilo (il ramo Ahramat) che ora non esiste più.

egitto egitto Svelato il mistero delle piramidi sono nate grazie ad un fiume scomparso Il mistero delle piramidi è legato ad un ramo del fiume Nilo che poi si sarebbe prosciugato nel tempo

2024-05-18T14:33+0200metronews (it)

Svelato il mistero delle piramidi egiziane. Gli scienziati dell’ Università del North Carolina sono convinti di aver trovato una spiegazione sulle modalità di realizzazione di queste imponenti costruzioni, sorte più di 4.000 anni fa. Utilizzando immagini satellitari radar, mappe storiche, indagini....

“Le piramidi di Cheope furono costruite con l'aiuto di un fiume”/ Studio: “Prove di un affluente del Nilo”

2024-05-18T13:42+0200ilsussidiario (it)

Secondo un nuovo interessante studio riguardante le piramidi d’Egitto , gli stessi edifici sarebbero stati realizzati grazie all’aiuto di un ramo del fiume Nilo che oggi non esiste più. Si tratta di un lavoro alquanto interessante quello citato dal Corriere della Sera in quanto andrebbe a rispondere....

Le piramidi egizie costruite lungo un ramo estinto del Nilo

2024-05-18T13:39+0200ansa (it)

Ben 31 piramidi dell'antico Egitto, comprese quelle del celebre complesso di Giza, potrebbero essere state originariamente costruite lungo un braccio ormai estinto del Nilo lungo 64 chilometri, che migliaia di anni fa sarebbe servito come autostrada per trasportare i materiali da costruzione.

Piramidi, ecco come furono costruite: scoperto un ramo perduto del Nilo. Le immagini satellitari

2024-05-18T10:53+0200corriereadriatico (it)

Ben 31 piramidi dell'antico Egitto, comprese quelle del celebre complesso di Giza, potrebbero essere state originariamente costruite lungo un braccio ormai estinto del Nilo lungo 64 chilometri, che migliaia di anni fa sarebbe servito come autostrada per trasportare i materiali da costruzione.

Piramidi, ecco come furono costruite: scoperto un ramo perduto del Nilo. Le immagini satellitari

2024-05-18T10:45+0200ilmattino (it)

Ben 31 piramidi dell'antico Egitto , comprese quelle del celebre complesso di Giza, potrebbero essere state originariamente costruite lungo un braccio ormai estinto del Nilo lungo 64 chilometri, che migliaia di anni fa sarebbe servito come autostrada per trasportare i materiali da costruzione.

Piramidi, ecco come furono costruite: scoperto un ramo perduto del Nilo. Le immagini satellitari

2024-05-18T10:28+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Ben 31 piramidi dell'antico Egitto , comprese quelle del celebre complesso di Giza, potrebbero essere state originariamente costruite lungo un braccio ormai estinto del Nilo lungo 64 chilometri, che migliaia di anni fa sarebbe servito come autostrada per trasportare i materiali da costruzione.

High-Water Levels in Lake Victoria May Also Affect White Nile in Sudan

2024-05-17T20:17+0200allafrica (en)

Kampala Uganda has warned of an alarming increase in the water level of Lake Victoria. Ugandan Minister of Water and Environment Sam Cheptoris told reporters earlier this week that the water level of Lake Victoria has risen to its highest level. This may lead to floods in South Sudan and Sudan.

Svelato uno dei misteri dietro la costruzione delle piramidi

2024-05-17T13:31+0200dday (it)

Un tassello dietro il mistero della costruzione delle piramidi dell'antico Egitto è stato risolto grazie ad una campagna di indagini radar via satellite e sul posto. Ricercatori dell'University of North Carolina Wilmington hanno infatti scoperto un imponente ramo del Nilo che anticamente scorreva in....

Finalmente sappiamo come furono costruite le piramidi: svelato mistero dell’Antico Egitto

2024-05-17T12:10+0200fanpage (it)

Nel 2017 fu reso pubblico un documento importantissimo che fece luce sulla costruzione delle maestose piramidi dell' antico Egitto . Un papiro rinvenuto dagli archeologi nel porto di Wadi Al-Jarf , rivelò infatti che i giganteschi blocchi di pietra calcarea e granito utilizzati per realizzare....

Antiche Piramidi dell’Egitto: Mistero del Ramo Perduto del Nilo

2024-05-17T05:05+0200scienzenotizie (it)

Il complesso delle piramidi di Giza in Egitto, che include la Grande Piramide e la Grande Sfinge, visto da un aereo. (Dario Morandotti/Unsplash) Decine di antiche piramidi dell’Egitto si ergono in una striscia remota di deserto arido, lontana dalle rive del moderno fiume Nilo.

El brazo perdido del Nilo ayudaría a resolver el misterio de las pirámides

2024-05-17T01:20+0200cnnMexico (es)

(CNN) -- La Gran Pirámide de Egipto y otros monumentos antiguos de Guiza se encuentran en una franja de tierra aislada al borde del desierto del Sahara. La inhóspita ubicación ha desconcertado durante mucho tiempo a los arqueólogos, algunos de los cuales habían encontrado evidencia de que el río....

El brazo perdido del Nilo recientemente mapeado podría ayudar a resolver el antiguo misterio de las pirámides

2024-05-17T01:18+0200cnnespanol (es)

(CNN) -- La Gran Pirámide de Egipto y otros monumentos antiguos de Guiza se encuentran en una franja de tierra aislada al borde del desierto del Sahara. La inhóspita ubicación ha desconcertado durante mucho tiempo a los arqueólogos, algunos de los cuales habían encontrado evidencia de que el río....

Promote rainwater harvesting for sustainable agriculture, livelihoods BY Judyanne Wanjiku 56 min ago - 3 min read

2024-04-25T23:56+0200businessdailyafrica (en)

The common adage, make hay while the sun shines is an apt advice we should heed even as we endure the long rains season currently underway. In Kenya, the stark contrast between flooding in the rainy season and famine during droughts highlights our urgent need for better water management.

Experts Predict Food Crisis In Nigeria, Other Countries

2024-04-22T16:40+0200naijanews (en)

Experts have forecasted a food crisis in West African nations and the Sahel region, except countries in the region changed their food production system. The representative of AGRHYMET, Dr Abdou Ali , who spoke on Monday, warned that the countries might experience a between June and October 2024, which could affect up to 50 million persons.

World cannot turn its back on Sudan and its neighbours any longer

2024-04-20T20:39+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

Amitabh Behar. At Renk in South Sudan, 40km (25 miles) south of the border with Sudan, I met a young boy – Miyok, orphaned by the brutality of the Sudan conflict. Miyok is one of at least 600,000 refugees who have fled to South Sudan since the start of the conflict a year ago. He now lives with his aunt in one of the two transit centres.

The world cannot turn its back on Sudan and its neighbours any longer

2024-04-18T14:26+0200aljazeera-en (en)

As international donors met earlier this week in Paris, Miyok’s story resonated deeply. His dream represents not only his personal aspirations but also embodies the collective hope of a nation striving for a better future. A future that continues to remain uncertain, however.

22 mins ago 0:25

2024-04-18T00:03+0200tvnz (en)

The desert nation of the United Arab Emirates attempted to dry out today from the heaviest rain ever recorded there after a deluge flooded out Dubai International Airport, disrupting flights through the world's busiest airfield for international travel.

Scripps News Storm dumps more than a year's worth of rain across Dubai in 24 hours AP via Scripps News 8:52 AM, Apr 17, 2024

2024-04-17T17:19+0200koaa (en)

The desert nation of the United Arab Emirates attempted to dry out Wednesday from the heaviest rain ever recorded there after a deluge flooded out Dubai International Airport, disrupting flights through the world's busiest airfield for international travel.

Scripps News Storm dumps more than a year's worth of rain across Dubai in 24 hours AP via Scripps News 10:52 AM, Apr 17, 2024

2024-04-17T17:18+0200wkbw (en)

The desert nation of the United Arab Emirates attempted to dry out Wednesday from the heaviest rain ever recorded there after a deluge flooded out Dubai International Airport, disrupting flights through the world's busiest airfield for international travel.

Scripps News Storm dumps more than a year's worth of rain across Dubai in 24 hours AP via Scripps News 7:52 AM, Apr 17, 2024

2024-04-17T17:16+0200ksby (en)

The desert nation of the United Arab Emirates attempted to dry out Wednesday from the heaviest rain ever recorded there after a deluge flooded out Dubai International Airport, disrupting flights through the world's busiest airfield for international travel.

Scripps News Storm dumps more than a year's worth of rain across Dubai in 24 hours AP via Scripps News 9:52 AM, Apr 17, 2024

2024-04-17T17:04+0200kxxv (en)

The desert nation of the United Arab Emirates attempted to dry out Wednesday from the heaviest rain ever recorded there after a deluge flooded out Dubai International Airport, disrupting flights through the world's busiest airfield for international travel.

Scripps News Storm dumps more than a year's worth of rain across Dubai in 24 hours AP via Scripps News 10:52 AM, Apr 17, 2024

2024-04-17T17:00+0200abcactionnews (en)

The desert nation of the United Arab Emirates attempted to dry out Wednesday from the heaviest rain ever recorded there after a deluge flooded out Dubai International Airport, disrupting flights through the world's busiest airfield for international travel.

Passover 2024 and Earth Day

2024-04-15T23:44+0200timesofisrael (en)

This year, the start of Passover and the annual Earth Day occur on April 22nd. Hence, this is an excellent time to consider environmental messages related to Passover and the events and concepts associated with the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt: 1.

Terrestrial water storage in 2023

2024-04-05T05:55+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Negative TWS anomalies encompassed much of North America in 2023 (Fig. 1b ). In particular, severe droughts were observed over western and central Canada owing to low snowfall (especially in southern British Columbia), causing TWS anomalies exceeding –20 cm relative to 2002–2023.

S&P Global Says Panama Canal’s Drought Dilemma Threatens Supply Chains

2024-04-04T19:23+0200esgnews-com (en)

Start every business day with our analyses of the most pressing developments affecting markets today, alongside a curated selection of our latest and most important insights on the global economy. Panama Canal’s Drought Dilemma Threatens Supply Chains.

Marcos Román (Asociafruit): “Egipto es la mayor amenaza que tiene la agricultura europea”

2024-04-03T11:37+0200valenciafruits (es)

La fuerte irrupción de Egipto, la falta de agua, el descenso en el consumo de la patata y que este ali mento no esté contemplado en la PAC no son razones suficientes para que Marcos Román, presidente del Sector de la Patata de Asociafruit, deje de ser optimista con el futuro del sector de la patata en los próximos años.

Brazil’S Machinery Exports, Imports Down

2024-03-28T19:49+0100menafn (en)

- Brazil-Arab News Agency (ANBA)) São Paulo – Brazil's machinery and equipment exports were down in February and the first two months of the year, the Brazilian Association of the Machinery and Equipment Industry (ABIMAQ) reported on Wednesday (27). Revenue from the industry's domestic consumption, imports and exports reached BRL 19.

SOS on world meteorological day

2024-03-25T02:33+0100pakobserver (en)

THE latest World Meteorological Organisation’s (WMO) State of the Climate 2023 report reads like a dystopian thriller – but smashed records of GHG levels, ocean heat, and glacial melt are anything but fiction. According to the report, 2023 is the hottest year on record. The global average near-surface temperature soared to a staggering 1.

76 percent of Africa’s energy could come from renewable sources by 2040

2024-03-23T23:24+0100sundaymail-zw (en)

Christiane Zarfl and Rebecca Peters. OVER half of Africa’s people — about 600 million — lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity. The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels.

76% of Africa’s energy could come from renewable sources by 2040: here’s how

2024-03-20T06:19+0100downtoearth (en)

Over half of Africa’s people about 600 million lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity . The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable energy....

76% of Africa’s energy could come from renewable sources by 2040: here’s how

2024-03-20T05:25+0100thetimes-za (en)

More than half of Africa’s people — about 600-million — lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity. The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We — a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable....

76% of Africa’s energy could come from renewable sources by 2040: here’s how

2024-03-20T01:49+0100greenbuildingafrica (en)

The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We – a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable energy scientific modelling – set out to find the answer by building the Renewable Power Plant Database Africa , the first on the continent.

Climate change ‘speeding up,’ UN warns as Canada braces for early wildfires

2024-03-19T16:12+0100globalnews (en)

season. UN Secretary-General António Guterres made those comments Tuesday in reaction to a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) report that found 2023 broke every single climate indicator record the organization has. “Sirens are blaring across all major indicators. … Some records aren’t just chart-topping, they’re chart-busting,” he said.

Africa has enough renewable energy sources to power its people

2024-03-19T10:22+0100esi-africa (en)

Over half of Africa’s people – about 600 million – lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity. The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We – a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable....

Africa: 76% of Africa's Energy Could Come From Renewable Sources By 2040 - Here's How

2024-03-19T05:46+0100allafrica (en)

Over half of Africa's people - about 600 million - lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity . The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We - a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable....

76% of Africa's energy could come from renewable sources by 2040: here's how

2024-03-18T17:40+0100nigeriasun (en)

Over half of Africa's people - about 600 million - lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity . The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We - a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable....

76% of Africa’s energy could come from renewable sources by 2040: here’s how

2024-03-18T15:31+0100johansen (en)

Over half of Africa’s people – about 600 million – lack access to even the bare minimum of electricity . The tough question to answer is how access can be extended without adding to global warming by relying on fossil fuels. We – a team from Rwanda and Germany who work in the field of renewable....

Rich world must follow China’s lead and support Africa’s green revolution

2024-03-16T09:51+0100scmp (en)

China was applauded by African officials during the UNEA-6 summit for its role in Africa’s transition towards green mobility. As Kenya’s special climate envoy Ali Mohamed said: “We seek partnership to help achieve our e-mobility aspirations, and China has come on board as a crucial partner.

Una tavoletta di 3.300 anni descrive un’invasione catastrofica in Turchia

2024-03-12T17:40+0100scienzenotizie (it)

L’Impero Ittita, che resistette agli Assiri e rivaleggiò con l’Antico Egitto durante il Nuovo Regno, fu invaso da varie direzioni due secoli prima di crollare nel XII secolo a.C. C. Una tavoletta di argilla di 3.300 anni fa, rinvenuta nel 2023 nella Turchia centrale, descrive una disastrosa....

Speak up on climate change – Women urged

2024-03-12T12:02+0100theghanareport (en)

The National Coordinator for Gender Action in Climate Change for Equality and Sustainability (GACCES), Portia Adu-Mensah, has encouraged women to speak up about issues of climate change that negatively impact their lives. She explained that this was critical because women were the direct victims of....

Hunger facing 40 million people across Middle East this Ramadan, says UN

2024-03-11T18:02+0100thenational (en)

But in the past year, prices had begun to stabilise after food-producing regions ramped up harvests, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, which recorded a drop in its food price index through 2023. “Despite global food prices easing in recent months, domestic food inflation in....

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

2024-03-07T10:20+0100africa-newsroom (en)

Administrator Power and Special Envoy Lamamra also discussed the grave humanitarian situation and the imperative to accelerate the flow of humanitarian assistance to the people of Sudan. The below is attributable to Spokesperson Jessica Jennings:‎ On March 5, Administrator Samantha Power met UN....


2024-03-06T11:34+0100corriereortofrutticolo (it)

Per l’ export ortofrutticolo egiziano nel mercato europeo è stato un 2023 molto positivo . Secondo EastFruit i volumi delle esportazioni sono quasi raddoppiate, superando per la prima volta in assoluto il mezzo milione di tonnellate. Arance in testa, segue l’uva.

More than half of the world’s great lakes are drying up

2024-03-05T10:50+0100bullfrag (en)

More than half of the world’s major lakes and reservoirs are drying up. A new study based on satellite images, verified that 53% of these water surfaces have been decreasing significantly since 1992. And yes, it’s partly our fault. From the Caspian Sea, located between Europe and Asia, to Lake Titicaca in South America.

How Climate Change Risks Increase at a National Scale as the Level of Global Warming Increases

2024-02-29T20:55+0100enn (en)

A major research programme led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) has quantified how climate change risks to human and natural systems increase at a national scale as the level of global warming increases. A major research programme led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) has quantified how....

Drought in India's farmlands to reduce by 21% if 1.5 degree global warming threshold is met: Study

2024-02-29T15:36+0100newindianexpress (en)

A new study shows India’s agricultural land exposure to drought would reduce by 21% if the global warming threshold of 1.5 ºC above pre-industrial temperatures is met. Moreover, it will reduce economic damage due to riverine flooding and population exposure to drought.

UEA studies climate change risks as global warming increases

2024-02-29T13:18+0100theengineer (en)

A research programme led by the University of East Anglia (UAE) has quantified how climate change risks increase at a national scale as the level of global warming increases. A collection of eight studies, focusing on Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana and India, has shown that the risks of....

El Gobierno valenciano dispara las inspecciones en almacenes un 375% ante la avalancha de naranja egipcia

2024-02-20T17:48+0100freshplaza (es)

El conseller de Agricultura, José Luis Aguirre, ha expresado su preocupación en Les Corts por el incremento de las importaciones europeas de naranjas egipcias. En enero, de las 51.000 toneladas de naranjas importadas por la UE, 45.000 procedían de Egipto, un aumento del 104% respecto al año....

El Gobierno valenciano dispara las inspecciones en almacenes ante la avalancha de naranja egipcia

2024-02-19T23:08+0100larazon-es (es)

El conseller de Agricultura, José Luis Aguirre , ha alertado esta mañana en Les Corts del aumento de las importaciones europeas de naranjas egipcias : en enero, de las 51.000 toneladas importadas, 45.000 procedían de Egipto, un 104 % más que un año antes, debido a la bajada de producción aquí, el....

Water Lily

2024-02-10T06:25+0100forestry (en)

Cultural Significance. Water lilies have been significant symbols in various cultures throughout history. In ancient Egypt, they symbolized rebirth and regeneration, particularly the blue lotus native to the Nile, which was associated with the sun’s cycle and life and death.

UPSC Essentials | Daily subject-wise quiz — Environment, Geography, Science and Technology (Week 42)

2024-01-24T14:28+0100expressindia (en)

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? (a) 1 only. (b) 2 only. (c) Both 1 and 2. (d) Neither 1 nor 2 QUESTION 3. With reference to the Rooster drones, consider the following statements: 1. These drones can be operated by a single controller. 2. The source code of the software used in these drones is indigenous.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

2024-01-23T21:14+0100africa-newsroom (en)

A three-year partnership with the EU in the southern African nation of Eswatini is improving food security through cash assistance, climate-smart farming and epidemic prevention. In the Lubombo region of Eswatini, near the town of Big Bend, 39-year-old Bongani Masuku looks over at his field of maize.

Egypt to establish 8 more groundwater stations in South Sudan

2024-01-16T20:57+0100libyannewswire (en)

Egypt has started the process of establishing eight groundwater drinking water stations in South Sudan, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hani Sewilam announced on Monday. The eight groundwater stations include three stations in Lobonok and five in Jonglei.

Egypt to establish 8 more groundwater stations in South Sudan

2024-01-15T11:47+0100sis (en)

Egypt has started the process of establishing eight groundwater drinking water stations in South Sudan, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hani Sewilam announced on Monday. The eight groundwater stations include three stations in Lobonok and five in Jonglei.

Global Leaders’ Fail in Upholding Human Rights

2024-01-14T10:54+0100indianf (en)

In the tumultuous year of 2023, marked by unprecedented challenges, global leaders have fallen short in safeguarding human rights, as revealed by Human Rights Watch in its comprehensive clash to turmoil in Ukraine , Myanmar, Ethiopia, and the Sahel, underscored 2023 as a year fraught with suffering.

Clima, siccità e scirocco tagliano prezzi carciofi (-60%). Invasione dall’estero, soprattutto dall’Egitto

2024-01-13T12:14+0100pnquotidiano (it)

BRINDISI La siccità e i venti di scirocco con alti tassi di umidità hanno tagliato la produzione di carciofi del 60%, con il pregiato violetto di Brindisi che scarseggia, mentre i prezzi dopo le festività natalizie sono crollati a 20 centesimi a capolino per lo stop dei consumi di ortaggi che non....


2024-01-10T10:51+0100puglialive (it)

Invasione di carciofi dall’estero, soprattutto dall’Egitto. La siccità e i venti di scirocco con alti tassi di umidità hanno tagliato la produzione di carciofi del 60%, con il pregiato violetto di Brindisi che scarseggia, mentre i prezzi dopo le festività natalizie sono crollati a 20 centesimi a....

How did humans get to the brink of crashing climate?

2024-01-09T13:40+0100apnews (en)

into the atmosphere. For hundreds of years, people have shaped the world around them for their benefit: They drained lakes to protect infrastructure, wealth and people. They dug up billions of tons of coal, and then oil and gas, to fuel empires and economies.

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