M 4.5 in New Zealand on 03 May 2024 07:59 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 478
Articles about casualties: 2 (0.4%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Earthquake Survey Reveals Largest Tectonic Activities This Year; How Is the Strength of Tremors Measured?

2024-05-07T08:01+0200sciencetimes (en)

Hundreds of earthquakes occur worldwide every day. However, most are rarely felt since they are only of magnitude two or smaller. Only the notable ones, usually of magnitude six or higher, can damage populated areas. Earthquake Map. Recently, seismic experts have meticulously mapped out the most....

Terremoto Campi Flegrei, nuovo sciame sismico: la scossa più forte di 3.2. «Notte insonne, svegliati dai tremori»

2024-05-07T07:59+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 7 maggio 2024) Torna a tremare la terra nei Campi Flegrei dopo qualche giorno di tranquillità. Uno sciame sismico dalle ore 00,11 di sta Notte sta interessando la zona flegrea con 35 scosse finora registrate... Lo sciame sismico non da tregua ai Campi Flegrei .

Terremoto Campi Flegrei, nuovo sciame sismico: la scossa più forte di 3.2. «Notte insonne, svegliati dai tremori»

2024-05-07T07:58+0200IlGazzettino (it)

Uno sciame sismico dalle ore 00,11 di stanotte sta interessando la zona flegrea con 35 scosse finora registrate dall'Osservatorio Vesuviano. L’evento tellurico più significativo, che ha svegliato la gente, alle ore 3,47 avvertito anche nei quartieri napoletani di Fuorigrotta, Agnano, Soccavo, Pianura e Bagnoli di magnitudo 3.

Terremoto oggi ai Campi Flegrei, avvertito a Napoli, magnitudo 3.2

2024-05-07T07:50+0200zazoom-it (it)

Denial of Responsibility! Tutti i diritti sono riservati a fanpage© Terremoto oggi ai Campi Flegrei, avvertito a Napoli, magnitudo 3.2 (Di martedì 7 maggio 2024) Nuovo sciame sismico ai Campi Flegrei , scossa magnitudo 3.2 seguito da una nuova scossa all’alba. Da stanotte uno sciame sismico ha prodotto nei Campi Flegrei più di 100 scosse.

Terremoto oggi ai Campi Flegrei, avvertito a Napoli, magnitudo 3.2. Nuovo sciame sismico

2024-05-07T07:50+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 7 maggio 2024) Nuovo sciame sismico ai Campi Flegrei , scossa magnitudo 3.2 seguito da una nuova scossa all’alba. Nuovo sciame sismico ai Campi Flegrei , scossa magnitudo 3.2 seguito da una nuova scossa all’alba.Continua a leggere; Da stanotte uno sciame sismico ha prodotto nei Campi Flegrei più di 100 scosse.

Terremoto Campi Flegrei, nuovo sciame sismico: la scossa più forte di 3.2. «Notte insonne, svegliati dai tremori»

2024-05-07T07:24+0200corriereadriatico (it)

Torna a tremare la terra nei dopo qualche giorno di tranquillità. Uno sciame sismico dalle ore 00,11 di stanotte sta interessando la zona flegrea con 35 scosse finora registrate dall'Osservatorio Vesuviano. L’evento tellurico più significativo, che ha svegliato la gente, alle ore 3,47 avvertito....

Terremoto a Napoli oggi: nuovo sciame sismico a Pozzuoli

2024-05-07T07:16+0200ilmattino (it)

Torna a tremare la terra nei Campi Flegrei dopo qualche giorno di tranquillità. Uno sciame sismico dalle 00,11 di questa notte sta interessando la zona flegrea con 35 scosse finora registrate dall'Osservatorio Vesuviano. L’evento tellurico più significativo è stato avvertito alle 3,47 anche nei....

Terremoto Campi Flegrei, nuovo sciame sismico: la scossa più forte di 3.2. «Notte insonne, svegliati dai tremori»

2024-05-07T07:14+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Torna a tremare la terra nei dopo qualche giorno di tranquillità. Uno sciame sismico dalle ore 00,11 di stanotte sta interessando la zona flegrea con 35 scosse finora registrate dall'Osservatorio Vesuviano. L’evento tellurico più significativo, che ha svegliato la gente, alle ore 3,47 avvertito....

Puigdemont, si se atreve, lo tiene a huevo

2024-05-07T07:12+0200madridpress (es)

De primeras dadas, y allí, parece que le ha venido bien pues solo se habla de lo que ahora ha sacado, supongo que de su paseo entre los difuntos, eso de la máquina del fango y los bulos que le ha robado, era su mantra, al cataléptico Iglesias. Pero no sé yo si, a pesar de la abducción fanática....

Terremoto oggi ai Campi Flegrei, avvertito a Napoli, magnitudo 3.2

2024-05-07T07:05+0200fanpage (it)

La notte flegrea è stata agitata da una scossa di terremoto verificatasi poco prima delle 4 di oggi martedì 7 maggio. I sensori dell'Osservatorio Vesuviano hanno registrato un evento di magnitudo preliminare 3.2, localizzato sul bordo orientale della Solfatara. Poco prima delle 6 del mattino, nuova “botta” : scossa 2.

Addio tende, torna la scuola. Tredozio: dalle macerie del sisma alla speranza: "Felici, ma è il primo passo"

2024-05-07T07:04+0200ilrestodelcarlino (it)

Dopo il terremoto di settembre inaugurata una nuova struttura a moduli in metallo per gli 88 alunni di infanzia, elementari e medie. Vietina: "C’è ancora tanto da lavorare". C’era tutta Tredozio ieri mattina all’inaugurazione delle nuove scuole del paese dopo la ferita del terremoto del 18 settembre 2023 che rese inagibile lo storico istituto.

No está en Netflix, Prime Video o HBO, pero puedes ver gratis por tiempo limitado esta película de Naomi Watts

2024-05-07T06:49+0200que (es)

El cine más conmovedor y poderoso de Naomi Watts emerge en medio de las tragedias más impactantes. Su carrera alcanzó un punto álgido con «Lo imposible» (2012) de Juan Antonio Bayona, donde encarna a una madre que, junto a su familia, se ve envuelta en el caos desatado por un tsunami devastador en Tailandia.

ADL advierte sobre el aumento global del antisemitismo

2024-05-07T06:46+0200notiulti (es)

– Tras el cruel ataque de Hamás contra Israel el 7 de octubre, se produjo un tsunami de odio contra las comunidades judías de todo el mundo , dice el jefe de la ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt. La organización con sede en Nueva York publicó su informe anual el domingo.

Moderate mag. 5.0 earthquake - 129 km southeast of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 03:34 am (Universal Time time)

2024-05-07T05:42+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Jatiroto , a town with 50,000 inhabitants in Indonesia , in 113 km (70 mi) distance north of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. In the capital of , Jakarta, 539 km (335 mi) away from the....

Light mag. 3.9 earthquake - British Virgin Islands: 88 km N of Cruz Bay, U.S. Virgin Islands, on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 02:44 am (Universal Time time)

2024-05-07T05:24+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Mag. 6 or higher: 0.02 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 41.7 years) Mag. 5 or higher: 0.65 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 1.5 years) Mag. 4 or higher: 15.9 quakes per year; Mag. 3 or higher: 309 quakes per year (or 25.7 quakes per month) Mag. 2 or higher: 399 quakes per year (or 33.2 quakes per month) Mag.

Puigdemont, si se atreve, lo tiene a huevo

2024-05-07T05:13+0200diariopalentino (es)

La campaña catalana ha quedado anestesiada por la pantomima de Sánchez de hacer que se hacía el muerto para luego hacer como que resucitaba. De primeras dadas, y allí, parece que le ha venido bien pues solo se habla de lo que ahora ha sacado, supongo que de su paseo entre los difuntos, eso de la....

Puigdemont, si se atreve, lo tiene a huevo

2024-05-07T05:09+0200diariodeavila (es)

La campaña catalana ha quedado anestesiada por la pantomima de Sánchez de hacer que se hacía el muerto para luego hacer como que resucitaba. De primeras dadas, y allí, parece que le ha venido bien pues solo se habla de lo que ahora ha sacado, supongo que de su paseo entre los difuntos, eso de la....

Puigdemont, si se atreve, lo tiene a huevo

2024-05-07T05:05+0200eldiasoria (es)

La campaña catalana ha quedado anestesiada por la pantomima de Sánchez de hacer que se hacía el muerto para luego hacer como que resucitaba. De primeras dadas, y allí, parece que le ha venido bien pues solo se habla de lo que ahora ha sacado, supongo que de su paseo entre los difuntos, eso de la....

Light mag. 4.5 earthquake - 28 km east of Kainantu, Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea, on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 11:11 am (Port Moresby time)

2024-05-07T05:04+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Goroka , a town with 19,000 inhabitants in Papua New Guinea , in 82 km (51 mi) distance west of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer to the epicenter and might have experienced stronger shaking.

Puigdemont, si se atreve, lo tiene a huevo

2024-05-07T05:03+0200diariodeburgos (es)

La campaña catalana ha quedado anestesiada por la pantomima de Sánchez de hacer que se hacía el muerto para luego hacer como que resucitaba. De primeras dadas, y allí, parece que le ha venido bien pues solo se habla de lo que ahora ha sacado, supongo que de su paseo entre los difuntos, eso de la....

01:45 Sismo de magnitud 4.1 se registra en Chiapas

2024-05-07T03:52+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.1 se registró en las cercanías de Cd Hidalgo a las 19:15 hora del centro (1:15 UTC) del 6 de mayo, informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del temblor fue a 111 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Chiapas y tuvo una profundidad de 6.

Stretchy skin could give robots sensitivity of human touch

2024-05-07T03:28+0200knowridge (en)

A first-ever stretchy electronic skin could equip robots and other devices with the same softness and touch sensitivity as human skin, researchers report. The e-skin opens up new possibilities to perform tasks that require a great deal of precision and control of force and solves a major bottleneck in the emerging technology.

An earthquake was reported near the Charlotte area in North Carolina

2024-05-07T02:26+0200exbulletin (en)

Updated: 11:41 AM EST on May 6, 2024. New York this morning. Columbia University just announced that it is canceling its major commencement ceremony. This comes amid security concerns in the wake of the pro-Palestinian protests and counter-protests that have taken over the campus for weeks. NBC News reports.

Reportan sismo de 3.1 grados Richter en Copán

2024-05-07T01:13+0200proceso-HN (es)

Tegucigalpa – Un sismo de magnitud 3.1 en la escala Richter se registró este lunes en la comunidad de La Elencita Florido, Copán de Honduras, informó la Comisión Permanente de Contingencias (Copeco). El hecho ocurrió a 1 kilómetros de profundidad a las 1:36 de la tarde. El sismo con coordenadas 14.9° N, 89.

En Allemagne, la route périlleuse de l'électrification pour les salariés des sous-traitants automobiles

2024-05-07T00:52+0200autoactu (fr)

Fin 2027, l'équipementier automobile Continental délocalisera la production de son site de Gifhorn, dans le nord de l'Allemagne, vers la Croatie, la République tchèque et le Pays de Galles pour rester "compétitif". Pour les 800 salariés qui vont perdre leur poste, comme Emrullah Karaca , la course à la reconversion a commencé.

The funny songs of Peng Liyuan, the wife of the Chinese president

2024-05-07T00:07+0200thesaxon (en)

Chinese President Xi Jinping is on an official visit to France this Monday, May 6. He is accompanied by by his wife, popular singer Peng Liyuan. Chinese President Xi Jinping is on an official visit to France, Paris this Monday, May 6, and in Hautes-Pyrénées on May 7. His wife accompanies him on this trip.

Light mag. 4.2 earthquake - New Zealand on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 09:35 pm (Universal Time time)

2024-05-06T23:50+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Raoul, Kermadec Islands (RAO/IU network) | Distance from quake: 390 km / 243 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Il Napoli non cambia mai: nuova beffa nel recupero a Udine per gli azzurri

2024-05-06T23:33+0200napolitoday (it)

Mancano solo tre partite al termine di questa annata balorda. Ed è forse questa l'unica buona notizia per il Napoli, ma soprattutto per i suoi tifosi per porre fine a questo calvario. A Udine va in scena l'ennesima triste replica stagionale che si ripete nel copione: anche in Friuli gli azzurri si....

Volcanic activity worldwide 6 May 2024: Santiaguito volcano, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Ibu, Reventador, ...

2024-05-06T23:11+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

A strong earthquake swarm and increased inflation were detected in August 2015 and triggered authorities to raise the alert level, as volcanologists think that a larger eruption could follow. New s and updates on the events can be found on this page. Greece has a lot of earthquake activity, but most....

MIL-OSI New Zealand: Release: National won’t commit to full Nelson Hospital upgrade

2024-05-06T23:05+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: New Zealand Labour Party. The Government needs to be clear with the people of the Nelson Marlborough region about the changes it is considering for the Nelson Hospital rebuild, Labour health spokesperson Ayesha Verrall said. “After a period of work and research, Te Whatu Ora presented me....

Valle del Cauca registró un temblor de magnitud 3.0 este 6 de mayo Debido a su localización, Colombia es uno de los países en donde se presentan mayor cantidad de eventos sísmicos

2024-05-06T22:25+0200infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

Lake Tsunamis Pose Significant Growing Threat

2024-05-06T21:27+0200sciencedaily (en)

Triggered by landslides into small bodies of water, most of these tsunamis have occurred in remote locations so far, but geologist Bretwood Higman of Ground Truth Alaska said it may just be a matter of time before a tsunami swamps a more populated place like Portage Lake near Whittier, Alaska.

VIRAL: Boy clicks selfie with fish, throws phone in water

2024-05-06T21:10+0200arynews (en)

Social media users expressed a wide range of reactions after a video of a boy went viral showing him taking a selfie with a fish and throwing his phone in water instead of the fish. The video shared the innocent boy holding a fish while standing in what appeared to be a pond.

Lake tsunamis pose significant threat under warming climate

2024-05-06T20:29+0200phys (en)

Triggered by landslides into small bodies of water, most of these tsunamis have occurred in remote locations so far, but geologist Bretwood Higman of Ground Truth Alaska said it may just be a matter of time before a tsunami swamps a more populated place like Portage Lake near Whittier, Alaska.

El día que una delicada operación estadounidense rescató 19 kilos de urani de Chile y esquivó un desastre nuclear

2024-05-06T20:01+0200infobae (es)

(Desde Santiago, Chile) A fines de febrero de 2010, mientras Chile era arrasado por un terremoto 8,8 en la escala de Richter, un grupo de funcionarios del gobierno estadounidense llevó a cabo una operación ultra secreta para sacar del país 18 kilos de uranio , peligroso elemento radioactivo utilizado nada menos que para fabricar bombas atómicas.

La 'Ruta Enfermera' llega a Huelva con más de 30 talleres que "pueden salvar vidas"

2024-05-06T19:49+0200huelvainformacion (es)

Un tráiler con consejos sobre la salud, pruebas, actividades, más de 30 talleres y conocimiento sobre la Enfermería que "pueden salvar la vida" ha llegado este lunes a la plaza 12 de Octubre de Huelva donde permanecerá hasta el próximo miércoles, en la denominada 'Ruta Enfermera' .

Europe’s auto suppliers – and their workers – feel the pressure

2024-05-06T19:37+0200eceee (en)

(EurActiv, 6 May 2024) Emrullah Karaca has made brakes for the past 20 years, but he is now learning to assemble heat pumps instead, as the Continental factory where he works in northern Germany is slated to close. Production of the car component at the town of Gifhorn will end in 2027 and move to....

Here's when B.C. is set to test its emergency alert system

2024-05-06T19:27+0200barrie (en)

B.C. is conducting its semi-annual test of the Alert Ready system this week. The alert will be sent to cell phones and interrupt radio and television broadcasts on Wednesday at 10:55 a.m. "This test will assess the system’s readiness for an actual emergency and identify any required adjustments," a statement from the province says.

6 May 2024: Emrullah Karaca has made brakes for the past 20 years, but he is now learning to assemble heat pumps instead, as the Continental factory where he works in northern Germany is slated to close.

2024-05-06T19:20+0200misionverdad (en)

Europe’s auto suppliers – and their workers – feel the pressure. (EurActiv, 6 May 2024) Emrullah Karaca has made brakes for the past 20 years, but he is now learning to assemble heat pumps instead, as the Continental factory where he works in northern Germany is slated to close.

Terremoto del Friuli, 48 anni dall'Orcolat che uccise 990 persone. Poi la ricostruzione modello e la nascita della Protezione civile

2024-05-06T19:16+0200247libero (it)

Roma, 6 mag. (Adnkronos) - Denise Pipitone, nuovo giallo. Due cimici, collegate alla rete elettrica e funzionanti, ritrovate in casa durante alcuni lavori di manutenzione. E' la denuncia, via Facebook, di Piera Maggio, la mamma di Denise Pipitone, la bambina scomparsa a Mazara del Vallo nel 2004, che posta la foto delle microspie.

Terremoto Friuli, FI FVG: “da tragedia nacque un modello imitato in Europa”

2024-05-06T19:02+0200meteoweb (it)

Ci sono date che segnano in modo profondo, crudo e drammatico la storia di un territorio. Per il Friuli, il 6 maggio del 1976 è dolore, tragedia, disperazione. Eppure, è anche l’alba di una nuova era e la nascita di un modello imitato e ammirato in Italia e in Europa” .

La 'Ruta Enfermera' llega a Huelva con más de 30 talleres que «pueden salvar vidas»

2024-05-06T18:46+0200huelva24 (es)

Un tráiler con consejos sobre la salud, pruebas, actividades, más de 30 talleres y conocimiento sobre la Enfermería que «pueden salvar la vida» ha llegado este lunes a la plaza 12 de Octubre de Huelva hasta el próximo miércoles, en la denominada 'Ruta Enfermera'.

Sur Audible, 40 000 livres audio lus par des voix IA

2024-05-06T18:34+020001net (fr)

Les livres audio ont le vent en poupe, en témoigne Spotify qui en a fait un axe de développement majeur. Audible, le leader historique du marché, veut garder son avance et pour y parvenir, il faut multiplier les contenus disponibles… quitte à faire appel à des voix synthétiques.

La 'Ruta Enfermera' llega a Huelva con más de 30 talleres que "pueden salvar vidas"

2024-05-06T18:17+0200gentedigital (es)

HUELVA, 6 (EUROPA PRESS) Un tráiler con consejos sobre la salud, pruebas, actividades, más de 30 talleres y conocimiento sobre la Enfermería que "pueden salvar la vida" ha llegado este lunes a la plaza 12 de Octubre de Huelva hasta el próximo miércoles, en la denominada 'Ruta Enfermera'.

Lake Tsunamis Pose Significant Threat Under Warming Climate

2024-05-06T17:46+0200yubanet (en)

The names might not be familiar—Cowee Creek, Brabazon Range, Upper Pederson Lagoon—but they mark the sites of recent lake tsunamis, a phenomenon that is increasingly common in Alaska, British Columbia and other regions with mountain glaciers. Triggered by landslides into small bodies of water, most....

Más de 30 talleres “que pueden salvar vidas” en la plaza 12 de octubre

2024-05-06T17:41+0200huelvaya (es)

Un tráiler cargado de consejos sobre la salud, de pruebas, actividades, talleres y conocimiento sobre la Enfermería llega a Huelva hasta el próximo miércoles en la denominada ‘Ruta Enfermera’ . Es una propuesta que viene a la capital onubense de la mano del Consejo General y el La alcaldesa de....

Moderate mag. 4.4 earthquake - 13 km northeast of Montelibano, Cordoba, Colombia, on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 10:01 am (Bogota time)

2024-05-06T17:28+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Monteria , a city with more than 270,000 inhabitants in Colombia , in 93 km (58 mi) distance northwest of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. Many smaller towns and villages are located closer to....

Sismo hoy: se registró un temblor en el municipio de Buenavista en Córdoba El país latinoamericano tiene un largo historial de sismos devastadores que anteriormente han dejado un gran núnmero de muertos, heridos e incontables daños materiales

2024-05-06T17:23+0200infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

La Ruta Enfermera llega a Huelva con más de 30 talleres que

2024-05-06T17:19+0200andaluciainformacion (es)

Un tráiler cargado de consejos sobre la salud, de pruebas, actividades, talleres y conocimiento sobre la Enfermería ha hecho parada en Huelva, hasta el próximo miércoles, en la denominada Ruta Enfermera. Es una propuesta que viene a la capital onubense de la mano del Consejo General y el Colegio de Enfermería de Huelva.

A Mighty Meeting: Generative AI, Cybersecurity Connect at RSA

2024-05-06T17:18+02004-traders (en)

Cybersecurity experts at the RSA Conference this week will be on the hunt for ways to secure their operations in the era of generative AI. They'll find many of the latest tools use AI and accelerated computing . This intersection of security and AI is coming into focus with collaborations that....

Il Ponte sullo Stretto tra lavoro e imprenditoria: in consiglio il ruolo delle imprese messinesi Lun, 06/05/2024 - 17:11

2024-05-06T17:14+0200tempostretto (it)

MESSINA – Ponte e opportunità commerciali e imprenditoriali. Di fatto è stato questo il tema affrontato nella nuova seduta della commissione Ponte, a poche ore dal rinvio dell’approvazione del progetto esecutivo a fine anno. Il presidente Pippo Trischitta e il consiglio comunale hanno ospitato....

Stretchable e-skin could give robots human-level touch sensitivity

2024-05-06T17:10+0200phys (en)

"In the future, if we have more elderly than available caregivers, it's going to be a crisis worldwide," Lu said. "We need to find new ways to take care of people efficiently and also gently, and robots are an important piece of that puzzle." Beyond medicine, human-caring robots could be deployed in disasters.

Antisémitisme : "On assiste, depuis le 7 octobre, à un tsunami antisémite", affirme un membre du bureau exécutif du CRIF

2024-05-06T16:53+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Des assises de lutte contre l'antisémitisme ont été annoncées par le gouvernement, alors que les actes antisémites ont bondi en 2023 en France. "On assiste, depuis le 7 octobre, à un tsunami antisémite", affirme Philippe Meyer, membre du bureau exécutif du CRIF, (Conseil représentatif des....

Despite social media posts, scientists say there is no increase in earthquakes

2024-05-06T16:39+0200exbulletin (en)

Naoshi Hirata, a professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo who heads the central government's Earthquake Research Committee, was asked about this at a news conference in April. “If you look at the statistics, there is no indication that earthquakes are very frequent right now,” Hirata said.

Buildings, Vol. 14, Pages 1309: Evaluation of Ground Motion Damage Potential with Consideration of Compound Intensity Measures Using Principal Component Analysis and Canonical Correlation Analysis

2024-05-06T16:16+0200mdpi (en)

The primary motivation of this study is to develop a compound intensity measure (IM) to evaluate ground motion damage potential based on principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). To illustrate this, this study examines the correlation among intragroup IMs and....

Iconic Vancouver museum reopening after 18-month closure and 'monumental changes' 0 5/5/2024 10:49:00 AM

2024-05-06T15:57+0200tricitynews (en)

1 1 Bill Reid's "The Raven and the First Men" at UBC's Museum of Anthropology is one of the most famous pieces of art in Canada. Brendan Kergin/V.I.A. Advertisement Arguably Vancouver's most famous museum has been closed since But in just over a month the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) at UBC will be....

BBC Garden Rescue’s Charlie Dimmock on 'unfair' weight gain and ‘braless’ outrage BBC Garden Rescue's Charlie Dimmock has opened up about the "unfair" reaction to her...

2024-05-06T15:49+0200express (en)

Ground Force came to an end in 2005, but Charlie has continued to work on various prominent garden shows, including Garden Rescue, which is broadcast at 3.45pm every day on BBC One. Charlie previously opened up about her weight gain since she first broke onto the TV scene, saying that it was....

Loreto: 4.7 magnitude earthquake recorded in Alto Amazonas

2024-05-06T15:46+0200breakinglatest (en)

Peru is one of the Latin American countries where earthquakes are constantly recorded. (EFE) The National Seismological Center (Censis) of the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) recorded a magnitude 4.7 tremor this Sunday, May 5, with the epicenter in the city of Lagunas, in the province of Alto Amazonas in the department of Loreto.

Stasera su Real Time un nuovo episodio della soap turca

2024-05-06T15:42+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 6 maggio 2024) Stasera alle 21.30 su Real Time torna Hercai – Amore e vendetta con la quarta puntata. Una nuova tappa dell’amore contrastato tra Reyyan e Miran, in fuga dalla rabbia cieca di Nasuh, il nonno della ragazza. Il loro destino sembra segnato, ma la vita ha in serbo ancora qualche sorpresa.

Bruxelles chiude la procedura contro la Polonia per violazione dello stato di diritto

2024-05-06T15:42+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 6 maggio 2024) Il 6 maggio la Commissione europea ha annunciato la chiusura di una procedura per violazione dello stato di diritto lanciata contro la Polonia nel dicembre 2017, grazie alle misure adottate dal nuovo governo guidato da Donald Tusk. Leggi. Notizie su altre fonti: procedura contro.

Assalto eolico, scatta la corsa contro il tempo

2024-05-06T15:30+0200UnioneSarda (it)

Conto alla rovescia. Le agende delle multinazionali hanno inesorabilmente fatto partire il conto alla rovescia. Da Barcellona a Copenaghen, da New York a Pechino, ovunque è scattato il cinismo più insidioso, quello delle autorizzazioni da ottenere a tutti i costi, anche solo per rivendicare danni....

Chimichagua, Cesar, registró un sismo de magnitud 3.3 este 6 de mayo

2024-05-06T15:22+0200infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

Buildings, Vol. 14, Pages 1308: Investigation of the Causes of Soft-Storey and Weak-Storey Formations in Low- and Mid-Rise RC Buildings in Türkiye

2024-05-06T14:53+0200mdpi (en)

This study investigates the causes of soft-storey and weak-storey formations in low- and mid-rise RC (Reinforced Concrete) buildings in Türkiye. In the first phase of the study, 96 model buildings were designated for the examination of soft-storey irregularity when the ground floors are used for....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 4.0 de magnitud en Tocopilla

2024-05-06T14:50+0200infobae (es)

La ciudad chilena de Tocopilla fue el epicentro de un temblor de 4.0 de magnitud que se registró a las 08:36 horas (hora local) de este lunes 6 de mayo. El sismo se registró a 46.0 kilómetros de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 33.0 kilómetros, de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Latest USGS Report: Earthquakes in the US Today, Safety Tips and Seismic Zones

2024-05-06T14:35+0200archyde (en)

2024-05-06 09:40:00. USA experiences a variety of natural phenomena that, on some occasions, represent danger to the population, such as earthquakes. For this reason, the United States Geological Survey ) analyzes each of these telluric movements, collecting data in real time such as the exact....

Señor Presidente

2024-05-06T14:35+0200larazon-es (es)

Se que este humilde artículo resulta altamente improbable que llegue usted a leerlo, pero por si acaso me gustaría explicarle algunas cosas. Verá, en los años duros, por ejemplo en el cuartel de Inchaurrondo, cada año mataban a Guardias Civiles, tan es así que como me contó uno de ellos, al....

Midwives: Heroes on the front lines of the global climate crisis

2024-05-06T14:03+0200reliefWeb (en)

International Day of the Midwife, 5 May 2024. Statement from UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem. Right now, around the world, millions of lives are in the hands of midwives. Whether they are wading through flood waters to reach pregnant women or delivering babies amid the rubble of an....

Earthquake map showing the largest global tremors in 2024 so far

2024-05-06T13:48+0200exbulletin (en)

Stock photo showing a crack in the middle of the road after an earthquake. New sweek has charted the major earthquakes that have occurred around the world so far this year. Stock photo showing a crack in the middle of the road after an earthquake. Newsweek has charted the major earthquakes that have occurred around the world so far this year.

Strong mag. 5.5 earthquake - 437 km northwest of Provideniya, Chukotka, Russia, on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 11:11 pm (GMT +12)

2024-05-06T13:38+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Lorino , a town with 1,500 inhabitants in Russia , in 369 km (229 mi) distance southeast of the epicenter. People likely experienced very weak shaking there. The following table shows some of the places that might have been affected (or not) by the shaking.

Temblor en Estados Unidos HOY, 6 de mayo, EN VIVO: dónde y fue el epicentro y magnitud del último sismo, según el USGS

2024-05-06T13:11+0200larepublica-pe (es)

Entérate EN VIVO la magnitud del último sismo ocurrido HOY, en Estados Unidos . El país norteamericano se encuentra en el Cinturón del Pacífico y cuenta con la Falla de San Andrés , lo que lo hace propenso a sufrir eventos sísmicos. Con el fin de mantener la población informada, el Servicio....

Lake tsunamis pose significant threat under warming climate

2024-05-06T13:06+0200smartwatermagazine (en)

Cowee Creek, Brabazon Range, Upper Pederson Lagoon—they mark the sites of recent lake tsunamis, a phenomenon that is increasingly common in Alaska, British Columbia and other regions with mountain glaciers. Triggered by landslides into small bodies of water, most of these tsunamis have occurred in....

Insurance woes: 'We know that consumers are doing it tough'

2024-05-06T12:47+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

The Insurance Council is not surprised to learn people are letting home insurance policies lapse. Home insurance premiums have jumped by more than 30 percent in a year in parts of New Zealand, according to price monitoring data provided to Treasury last month.

Insurance woes: 'We know that consumers are doing it tough'

2024-05-06T12:42+0200radionz (en)

The Insurance Council is not surprised to learn people are letting home insurance policies lapse. Home insurance premiums have jumped by more than 30 percent in a year in parts of New Zealand, according to price monitoring data provided to Treasury last month.

MIL-OSI Russian Economy News: Frost and tsunami: Polytechnic students found solutions for working in extreme conditions

2024-05-06T12:42+0200global-foreignaffairs (en)

Source: Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University – Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University – Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University. At the end of April, the III Engineering Robotics Hackathon REcathon in the areas of “Transportation” and “Robot” was held in the Polytechnic Tower.

Dutch researcher sparks controversy again: Issues warning of new earthquake, reveals dates

2024-05-06T12:36+0200albawaba-en (en)

ALBAWABA Dutch seismologist Frank Hoogerbeets has issued a warning regarding potential earthquakes and tremors expected in the coming days, notably between May 8th and 10th. Using the "X" platform, Hoogerbeets stated that on May 7th, Mercury and Venus will be in a conjunction with Uranus on 7 May, right before New Moon.

MIL-OSI Russia: Frost and tsunami: Polytechnic students found solutions for working in extreme conditions

2024-05-06T12:36+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University – Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University – Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University. At the end of April, the III Engineering Robotics Hackathon REcathon in the areas of “Transportation” and “Robot” was held in the Polytechnic Tower.

Se registró un sismo de magnitud 4.2 en Amazonas

2024-05-06T12:36+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.2 ocurrió este lunes 6 de mayo en la ciudad de Sta. Maria De Nieva , en la provincia de Condorcanqui del departamento de Amazonas, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 05:11 (hora local) y se originó a 124 kilómetros al Norte de Sta.

Maui students reflect on Japan experience after educational trip

2024-05-06T12:28+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

COURTESY KAITO FUKUDA / ODYSSEY NATURE JAPAN. TOMODACHI Kibou for Maui students at the program’s opening reception in Higashimatsushima, Japan, are, top row, Mia Kosianowski, left, Jazmin Mathias, Sabrina Calma, Taika Swearingen, M Jee Abara and Zean Lagpacan; and in front, Ka‘ui Wright-Smith, left,....

Significant 5.5 quake hits near Hualien City, Hualien, Taiwan

2024-05-06T12:22+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

A magnitude 5.5 earthquake near Hualien City, Hualien, Taiwan, was reported only 10 minutes ago by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), considered one of the key international agencies that monitor seismic activity worldwide. The earthquake occurred at a shallow depth of 17.

Quarterly progress report on the response to the southeastern Türkiye earthquake | January – March 2024 – Türkiye

2024-05-06T12:20+0200exbulletin (en)

Boys 439,211. Girls 431,986. Major updates. In the first quarter of 2024, partners continued to complement government-led efforts to support affected populations with a range of humanitarian and recovery assistance, with a particular focus on people in temporary settlements, residents of highly affected districts, and refugees.

Earthquake Map Shows Biggest Global Tremors in 2024 So Far

2024-05-06T12:04+0200newsweek-USA (en)

Earthquakes occur several hundred times a day, every day, all over the globe. But most are only of a magnitude 2 or smaller, and rarely felt. It is only the notable earthquakes, usually of a magnitude 6 or higher, that become destructive to populated areas.

Significant 5.3 quake hits near Hualien City, Hualien, Taiwan

2024-05-06T12:03+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 5.3 occurred only 9 minutes ago 36 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) reported. The quake hit at a shallow depth of 10 km beneath the epicenter near Hualien City, Hualien, Taiwan, in the afternoon on Monday, May 6th, 2024, at 5:45 pm local time.

Strong mag. 5.5 earthquake - 34 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan, on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 09:52 am (Universal Time time)

2024-05-06T12:03+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

A magnitude 5.5 earthquake near Hualien City, Hualien, Taiwan, was reported only 10 minutes ago by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), considered one of the key international agencies that monitor seismic activity worldwide. The earthquake occurred at a shallow depth of 17.

Strong mag. 5.3 earthquake - Philippine Sea, 36 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan, on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 05:45 pm (Taipei time)

2024-05-06T12:03+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 5.3 occurred only 9 minutes ago 36 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) reported. The quake hit at a shallow depth of 10 km beneath the epicenter near Hualien City, Hualien, Taiwan, in the afternoon on Monday, May 6th, 2024, at 5:45 pm local time.

Light mag. 4.3 earthquake - New Zealand on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 09:31 pm (GMT -12)

2024-05-06T11:45+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Based on data from the past 14 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 101 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi): Mag. 7 or higher: 0.06 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 17.9 years) Mag. 6 or higher: 0.68 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 1.

Udinese-Napoli, ci srà un stop durante la gara per commemorare le vittime del terremoto

2024-05-06T11:35+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 6 maggio 2024) Udinese Napoli stop per la commemorazione del terremoto Nel corso della gara di stasera tra Napoli e Udinese , il club friulano ha annunciato che ci sarà … L'articolo proviene da ForzAzzurri.net. Nuova giornata di astensione dal lavoro di 24 ore che tocca il trasporto pubblico locale , da Milano a Roma.

Türki̇ye South-East Earthquake Response: Quarterly Progress Report | January - March 2024

2024-05-06T11:30+0200reliefWeb (en)

KEY UPDATES. In the first quarter of 2024, partners have continued to complement government-led efforts to support affected populations with a range of humanitarian and recovery assistance, with particular focus on people in temporary settlements, residents in highly impacted provinces and refugees.

Türkiye South-East Earthquake Response Quarterly Progress Report | January - March 2024

2024-05-06T11:30+0200reliefWeb (en)

Key Figures (as of April 2024) Overall People Targeted¹ 2,245,809. Focused Target² 624,025. Population in Formal Sites³ 437,061. Total People Reached 1,423,991. Men 152,914. Women 399,880. Boys 439,211. Girls 431,986. KEY UPDATES. In the first quarter of 2024, partners have continued....

The biggest private records leak in history

2024-05-06T11:29+0200archyde (en)

Cybersecurity researchers have warned that the recent leak of over 26 billion private records has been dubbed the biggest data leak in history. According to the report, this leak includes sensitive data of several websites including Twitter, Dropbox and LinkedIn.

NZ fashion industry looking to Govt to keep it viable 08:39 PM

2024-05-06T10:49+0200newshub (en)

For the first time, New Zealand's fashion and textiles industry has got together to figure out how much it's worth - and it's more than you might expect. An industry group says it pumped $7.8 billion into the economy last year - that's 1.9 percent of New Zealand 's GDP.

Toast to Recovery: Japan House London hosts Sake Masterclass to Raise Awareness for Earthquake-affected Noto Peninsula

2024-05-06T10:37+0200finanznachrichten-en (en)

LONDON, May 6, 2024 /PR New swire/ -- On Wednesday 22 May, Japan House London hosts a sake masterclass with Master of Wine Kenichi Ohashi, focussing on the brewing traditions of the Noto Peninsula. The event raises awareness for the area, badly affected by a major earthquake earlier this year.

Los incidentes antisemitas aumentaron en 2023 tras los ataques de Hamás, según un informe

2024-05-06T10:36+0200elobrero (es)

El estudio señala que tras los ataques de Hamás del pasado 7 de octubre hubo un incremento de actos antisemitas, aunque también señala que en los meses previos al estallido de la guerra en Gaza se registraron este tipo de incidentes en países con grandes minorías judías, incluidos Estados Unidos,....

Toast to Recovery: Japan House London hosts Sake Masterclass to Raise Awareness for Earthquake-affected Noto Peninsula

2024-05-06T10:35+0200lelezard (en)

On 1 January 2024 , when many Japanese families were celebrating New Year's Day, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula located in Ishikawa Prefecture in central Japan . The earthquake, followed by landslides, fires and a tsunami warning, took the lives of 245 people and left 1191 injured.

Feria del Libro: Una charla con Mariana Enríquez sobre los miedos y fantasmas que nos rodean ayer y hoy

2024-05-06T10:34+0200rionegro (es)

A las 17, puntual y con la sala llena, Enríquez sale al escenario junto al escritor y docente Juan Mattio, que será el encargado de entrevistarla, de guiarla hacia ese espacio oscuro en el que nacen las preguntas sobre la naturaleza del horror, en el que habitan los fantasmas, los personales, los de la historia, los más actuales, los reales.

Oltre i limiti, con la Lega del Filo d’Oro

2024-05-06T10:34+0200vita (it)

Sono trascorsi 60 anni da quando il 20 dicembre 1964 una tenace donna sordocieca, Sabina Santilli, un giovane sacerdote e molte altre persone di buona volontà diedero vita a un’organizzazione pensata come un “filo prezioso” capace di unire le persone sordocieche con il mondo esterno, portandole fuori dal buio e dall’isolamento .

Entretien avec Mariana Enríquez sur les peurs et les fantômes qui nous entourent hier et aujourd’hui

2024-05-06T10:30+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Entretien avec Mariana Enríquez sur les peurs et les fantômes qui nous entourent hier et aujourd’hui 2024-05-06 11:05:00. Les moustiques sont revenus. Il y a une odeur de répulsif. «Ils donnent le dernier coup», dit un homme qui se vaporise les chevilles, les poignets et les oreilles, pour faire fuir surtout les responsables de la Dengue.

Archaeology in the Holy Land finds evidence supporting Bible's historical records

2024-05-06T10:28+0200christiantoday (en)

The wall of Jerusalem as uncovered in the excavatio s of the Israel Antiquities Authority, with Dr. Joe Uziel, Dr. Filip Vukosavovich and Ortal Chalaf who exposed the wall. (Photo: Kobi Harati/City of David Foundation) New research in the Holy Land into the growth and construction of Jerusalem is....

Indonesia to relocate entire island population amid volcanic eruption threat

2024-05-06T10:14+0200HindustanTimes (en)

Ruang Island’s population of around 10,000 people is being moved to Bolaang Mongondow on the island of North Sulawesi about 40 kilometers away, Tempo newspaper reported, citing Minister of Public Works and Housing Basuki Hadimuljono. This was agreed upon following a Cabinet meeting with President Joko Widodo.

Mario Picazo sobre uno de los grandes retos de la humanidad: “Esperemos que no seamos tan tontos"

2024-05-06T10:14+0200cope (es)

La humanidad se enfrenta a grandes retos en un futuro a corto, medio y largo plazo. Te has llegado a plantear si habrá alimentos para todos cuando en el planeta Tierra el número de habitantes supere los 10.000 millones? Y, cómo y cuándo ganaremos la batalla al envejecimiento y a enfermedades como el....

Pour les salariés des sous-traitants automobiles, la route périlleuse de l'électrification

2024-05-06T10:05+0200la-croix (fr)

Fin 2027, l'équipementier automobile Continental délocalisera la production de son site de Gifhorn, dans le nord de l'Allemagne, vers la Croatie, la République tchèque et le Pays de Galles pour rester "compétitif". Pour les 800 salariés qui vont perdre leur poste, comme Emrullah Karaca, la course à la reconversion a commencé.

Pour les salariés des sous-traitants automobiles, la route périlleuse de l'électrification

2024-05-06T09:55+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Dans quelques mois, Emrullah Karaca sera prêt à assembler des pompes à chaleur. Un métier nouveau pour ce mécano allemand qui fabrique des freins de voiture depuis plus de vingt ans mais dont l'usine est vouée à fermer. Fin 2027, l'équipementier automobile Continental délocalisera la production de....

Despite social media posts, scientists say no rise in quakes May 6, 2024

2024-05-06T09:53+0200ajw (en)

Every time an earthquake occurs in Japan, social media sites are filled with posts saying things like: “There have been many earthquakes lately, haven’t there?” Scientists who actually know about such things say statistics show no recent increase in quake frequency.

Pour les salariés des sous-traitants automobiles, la route périlleuse de l'électrification

2024-05-06T09:45+0200france24 (fr)

Fin 2027, l'équipementier automobile Continental délocalisera la production de son site de Gifhorn, dans le nord de l'Allemagne, vers la Croatie, la République tchèque et le Pays de Galles pour rester "compétitif". Pour les 800 salariés qui vont perdre leur poste, comme Emrullah Karaca, la course à la reconversion a commencé.

“Errori nelle bollette, dov’è finito lo sportello utenti di Talete?”

2024-05-06T09:45+0200tusciaweb (it)

Montalto di Castro – Riceviamo e pubblichiamo – Dopo uno tsunami di lamentele sulla prima bolletta inviata da Talete spa che ha sommerso la maggioranza Socciarelli arriva con notevole ritardo un segnale dall’amministrazione. Un segnale assolutamente insoddisfacente che dimostra ancora una volta l’inadeguatezza dei nostri governanti.

Guerra, vacanze e italiani nei guai

2024-05-06T09:44+0200247libero (it)

Ludovica Russo, 34 anni, infermiera di Belluno, da una settimana è bloccata in Yemen, sull'isola di Socotra. Con lei altri trenta turisti italiani. Voli cancellati a causa della guerra civile. Roberta Merlin, intervistandola per il "Corriere del Veneto", le ricorda: «Lo Yemen è una meta sconsigliata a causa del conflitto in corso…».

Pesaro, adesso l’incubo è realtà. La Vuelle è retrocessa in serie A2

2024-05-06T09:44+0200ilrestodelcarlino (it)

Umana. 91. Carpegna Prosciutto. 79. UMANA : Spissu, Heidegger, Casarin 12, De Nicolao 5, Kabengele 10, Parks 17, Brooks ne, Simms 21, Wiltjer 11, Vanin ne, Tucker 10, Tessitori 5. All. Spahija. CARPEGNA PROSCIUTTO PESARO: McDuffie 21, Bluiett 19, Visconti 3, Wright-Foreman 20, Ford 2, Tambone 2,....

Pour les salariés des sous-traitants automobiles, la route périlleuse de l'électrification

2024-05-06T09:39+0200challenges (fr)

Fin 2027, l'équipementier automobile Continental délocalisera la production de son site de Gifhorn, dans le nord de l'Allemagne, vers la Croatie, la République tchèque et le Pays de Galles pour rester "compétitif". Pour les 800 salariés qui vont perdre leur poste, comme Emrullah Karaca, la course à la reconversion a commencé.

Pour les salariés des sous-traitants automobiles, la route périlleuse de l’électrification

2024-05-06T09:37+0200larepubliquedespyrenees (fr)

Pour les 800 salariés qui vont perdre leur poste, comme Emrullah Karaca, la course à la reconversion a commencé. Il fait partie des milliers de travailleurs de la sous-traitance automobile, secteur phare de l'industrie allemande, frappés par un tsunami de plans sociaux ces derniers mois.

Pour les salariés des sous-traitants automobiles, la route périlleuse de l'électrification

2024-05-06T09:29+0200actu-orange (fr)

Dans quelques mois, Emrullah Karaca sera prêt à assembler des pompes à chaleur. Un métier nouveau pour ce mécano allemand qui fabrique des freins de voiture depuis plus de vingt ans mais dont l'usine est vouée à fermer. Fin 2027, l'équipementier automobile Continental délocalisera la production de....

National Won’t Commit To Full Nelson Hospital Upgrade

2024-05-06T09:27+0200scoop-co-nz (en)

Monday, 6 May 2024, 7:22 pm Press Release: New Zealand Labour Party The Government needs to be clear with the people of the Nelson Marlborough region about the changes it is considering for the Nelson Hospital rebuild, Labour health spokesperson Ayesha Verrall said.

Advierten que aumenta el antisemitismo a nivel global

2024-05-06T09:04+0200eldia-AR (es)

La Liga Antidifamación advirtió que “el futuro de la vida judía en Occidente” está amenazado, detallando un fuerte aumento del antisemitismo desde el inicio del conflicto de Israel con el grupo islamista palestino Hamás, en octubre pasado. El informe anual de la ADL, principal grupo de defensa de....

Milan, Conceicao ci prova: vede Villas-Boas per liberarsi dal Porto

2024-05-06T08:58+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 6 maggio 2024) Sergio Conceicao vedrà André Villas Boas , Presidente del Porto , per chiudere con i 'Dragões': sarà lui il nuovo allenatore del Milan ? Il punto. Notizie su altre fonti: conceicao villas-boas. Panchina Milan Sergio Conceicao in conferenza stampa ha parlato di un....

Light mag. 4.8 earthquake - 148 km southeast of Iquique, Iquique, Tarapaca, Chile, on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 06:30 am (Universal Time time)

2024-05-06T08:51+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Pica , a town with 9,300 inhabitants in Chile , in 58 km (36 mi) distance northwest of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer to the epicenter and might have experienced stronger shaking.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 4.9 en Mina Collahuasi

2024-05-06T08:50+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sacudió las calles de la ciudad de Mina Collahuasi , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 02:30 horas (hora local) de este lunes 6 de mayo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), la actividad sísmica tuvo una magnitud de 4.9 y una profundidad de 128.

La scatola nera di una stagione biancorossa

2024-05-06T08:04+0200varesenoi (it)

C’è qualcosa di ben più interessante del commentare la vittoria - bella, per amor del cielo, ma ininfluente - di Pistoia: è commentare un’intera stagione. È proprio quello che abbiamo fatto: ecco la scatola nera della stagione biancorossa. Che non è iniziata a ottobre 2023, bensì a maggio 2023: se....

Norte de Santander registró un sismo de magnitud 3.1 este 6 de mayo El Servicio Geológico Colombiano es el encargado de monitorear y analizar la actividad sísmica en el país; también evalúa posibles amenazas a causa de estos movimientos

2024-05-06T07:51+0200infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

Ryan García da positivo en prueba antidopaje

2024-05-06T07:13+0200midiario (es)

CORPRENSA El mundo del boxeo queda atónito ante la noticia de que Ryan García habría dado positivo en pruebas antidopaje antes de su enfrentamiento con Devin Haney, dejando su reputación en entredicho. El mundo del boxeo se ha visto envuelto en una tormenta de controversia tras revelarse que el....

Train fare plans to be adjusted again: ministry 2024-05-06 Taiwan Railway Corp (TRC) is to develop a new pricing scheme that would differ from ones reported by the media previously, to be announced in the second half of the year, Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communications Allen Hu (胡湘麟) said on Monday.

2024-05-06T07:12+0200taipeitimes (en)

Taiwan Railway Corp (TRC) is to develop a new pricing scheme that would differ from ones reported by the media previously, to be announced in the second half of the year, Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communications Allen Hu (胡湘麟) said on Monday.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en Veracruz

2024-05-06T06:04+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor se registró en Minatitlán a las 21:18 hora del centro (3:18 UTC) este 5 de mayo, con una magnitud de 4.1 y una profundidad de 10 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 35 km al sureste de la ciudad, en el estado de Veracruz.

6.0-magnitude earthquake hits off eastern Indonesia

2024-05-06T05:54+0200uniindia (en)

Jakarta, May 6 (UNI) A 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's eastern Maluku province on Monday morning without triggering giant waves, the country's meteorology and geophysics agency said. The agency had initially reported the magnitude as 6.1 before revising it. The undersea earthquake occurred at 01:33 a.

Strong Earthquake Jolts Maluku's Seram until Papua: BMKG

2024-05-06T05:35+0200tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta A powerful earthquake measuring 6 on the Richter scale struck East Seram, Maluku in the early hours of Monday, May 6. The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) recorded several aftershocks as of this morning, with the strongest recorded being 5.8 magnitudes.

F1: “Hamilton will not be punished because he is not Spanish”

2024-05-06T05:27+0200hungary-postsen (en)

Fernando Alonso’s fate was sealed in Saturday’s Formula 1 Miami Grand Prix sprint race at the first corner, after he collided with Lewis Hamilton and Lance Stroll after the start, and as a result of the chain reaction, Lando Norris was also eliminated in addition to the Canadian.

6.0-magnitude earthquake hits off eastern Indonesia

2024-05-06T05:16+0200english-news-cn (en)

JAKARTA, May 6 (Xinhua) -- A 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's eastern Maluku province on Monday morning without triggering giant waves, the country's meteorology and geophysics agency said. The agency had initially reported the magnitude as 6.1 before revising it. The undersea earthquake occurred at 01:33 a.

6.0-magnitude earthquake hits off eastern Indonesia

2024-05-06T05:14+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

JAKARTA, May 6 (Xinhua) -- A 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's eastern Maluku province on Monday morning without triggering giant waves, the country's meteorology and geophysics agency said. The agency had initially reported the magnitude as 6.1 before revising it. The undersea earthquake occurred at 01:33 a.

IIT-M start-up Mindgrove Technologies launches first indigenously designed microcontroller chip

2024-05-06T04:33+0200thehindubusinessline (en)

For the first time, a microprocessor chip designed, owned, and marketed from India is set to be out in the open market and will soon power smart electronic devices. Incubated at IIT-Madras’ Pravartak Technologies Foundation, chip design start-up Mindgrove Technologies has received shipment of its first system-on-chip – Secure IOT – from Taiwan.

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 4.4 de magnitud

2024-05-06T04:22+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN) informó sobre un temblor de 4.4 de magnitud con epicentro a 20.0 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de Ovalle. Información preliminar señala que la actividad sísmica comenzó a las 21:58 horas (hora local) de este domingo 5 de mayo y tuvo una profundidad de 17.0 kilómetros.

Dreaded 'insolvency tsunami' arrives, construction and hospitality hit hard

2024-05-06T03:40+02009news (en)

A feared "insolvency tsunami" has well and truly hit Australia, according to one of the world's largest credit agencies, and construction and hospitality businesses are at risk of folding faster than most. Insolvencies have reached their highest levels since 2015, Equifax said, up 41 per cent from the same time last year and a massive 145.

Moderate mag. 3.9 earthquake - 71 km northwest of New Aksu, Xinjiang, China, on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 04:57 am (Urumqi time)

2024-05-06T03:27+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: Wushi - Xinjiang Uygur, China (WUS/G network) | Distance from quake: 41 km / 25 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Moving Loads In PNG

2024-05-06T03:01+0200nationaltribune (en)

Perth local Aircraftman Finlay Austin deployed on the latest rotation of the Defence Pacific Air Program to Papua New Guinea as part of the mobile air load team. Currently posted to 25 Squadron, Aircraftman Austin worked alongside personnel from 35 Squadron on the C-27J Spartan providing airlift support to PNG.

Moving Loads In PNG

2024-05-06T02:59+0200miragenews (en)

Perth local Aircraftman Finlay Austin deployed on the latest rotation of the Defence Pacific Air Program to Papua New Guinea as part of the mobile air load team. Currently posted to 25 Squadron, Aircraftman Austin worked alongside personnel from 35 Squadron on the C-27J Spartan providing airlift support to PNG.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.1 en Oaxaca

2024-05-06T02:48+0200infobae (es)

Matías Romero fue el epicentro de un temblor de 4.1 de magnitud que sorprendió este 5 de mayo a los pobladores del estado de Oaxaca a las 16:21 hora del centro (22:21 UTC). El sismo se registró 36 km al noreste de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 128.8 km, de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

6.0-magnitude earthquake hits off eastern Indonesia

2024-05-06T02:36+0200china.org.cn (en)

JAKARTA, May 6 (Xinhua) -- A 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's eastern Maluku province on Monday morning without triggering giant waves, the country's meteorology and geophysics agency said. The agency had initially reported the magnitude as 6.1 before revising it. The undersea earthquake occurred at 01:33 a.

ADL Warns Of Global Surge In Anti-Semitism

2024-05-06T02:32+0200ibtimes (en)

The Anti-Defamation League on Sunday warned that "the future of Jewish life in the West" was under threat, detailing a sharp rise in anti-Semitism since the start of the war between Hamas militants and Israel. The annual report from the ADL, the leading Jewish advocacy group, said anti-Semitic....

Anti-Jewish incidents soared after October 7 attack, says study

2024-05-06T01:08+0200thetimes (en)

Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7 and the ensuing war have provoked a “tsunami of hate” against Jewish communities worldwide, according to a study. The Annual Antisemitism Worldwide report said that the number of antisemitic incidents in western countries last year increased by dozens of percentage points compared with 2022.

Anti-Jewish incidents soared after October 7 attack, says study

2024-05-06T01:04+0200thesundaytimes (en)

Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7 and the ensuing war have provoked a “tsunami of hate” against Jewish communities worldwide, according to a study. The Annual Antisemitism Worldwide report said that the number of antisemitic incidents in western countries last year increased by dozens of percentage points compared with 2022.

Una organización judía advirtió sobre el aumento global del antisemitismo

2024-05-06T01:03+0200pagina12 (es)

La Liga Antidifamación advirtió que "el futuro de la vida judía en Occidente" está amenazado, y, según precisó, el fuerte aumento del antisemitismo tiene como correlato el inicio del , en octubre pasado. El informe anual de la ADL, principal grupo de defensa de los derechos de los judíos fundado....

Castelluccio di Norcia is preparing for rebirth: the first “application” has launched – IlFaroOnline

2024-05-06T01:00+0200ruetir (en)

Norcia – Per Castelluccio di Norcia Saturday 4 May was an important day in terms of post-earthquake reconstruction. In fact, the delivery of the work on the first application took place during a ceremony organized by the Castelluccio Agricultural Community, in the presence of the authorities,....

New Zealand

2024-05-05T23:56+0200watoday (en)

The Tasman Glacier is a river of ice and snow pushing its way down between the soaring peaks of New Zealand’s Southern Alps. by Jim Darby. On behalf of a nation of espresso-sipping extremists, Silversea’s Silver Muse is doing god’s work in the caffeinating department. by Anthony Dennis.

Evergreen orders six boxships in China

2024-05-05T23:53+0200splash247 (en)

The first boxship orders from a global liner since the middle of January have filtered in. MB Shipbrokers, formerly Maersk Broker, is reporting Taiwan’s Evergreen has placed an order for six 2,400 teu ships at Huangpu Wenchong for an estimated $53m per unit. The ships will start delivering from the second half of 2026.

New Zealand

2024-05-05T23:46+0200theage (en)

The Tasman Glacier is a river of ice and snow pushing its way down between the soaring peaks of New Zealand’s Southern Alps. by Jim Darby. On behalf of a nation of espresso-sipping extremists, Silversea’s Silver Muse is doing god’s work in the caffeinating department. by Anthony Dennis.

How Long Will Americans Make Dinner and Europeans Wash the Dishes?

2024-05-05T23:44+0200watchingamerica (en)

The Russian invasion of Ukraine shocked Europe, but the real earthquake will come with a potential Trump victory. With the war in Ukraine, will Europeans continue to be from Venus? And will Americans continue to be from Mars? Well, right. I’m stealing these metaphors from Robert Kagan, perhaps the....

Moderate mag. 4.3 earthquake - 61 km north of Dalandzadgad, Ömnögovĭ, Mongolia, on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 04:49 am (Ulaanbaatar time)

2024-05-05T23:20+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Dalandzadgad , a town with 15,000 inhabitants in Mongolia , in 61 km (38 mi) distance south of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. In the capital of , Ulaanbaatar, 462 km (287 mi) away from the epicenter, the earthquake could not be felt.

22:54REAL MADRID El Atleti no felicita al Madrid

2024-05-05T22:58+0200as (es)

El silbato de Javier Iglesias Villanueva no marcó el alirón, pero sí el festejo. El Real Madrid superó con claridad, que no sin sufrimiento, al Cádiz. Courtois fue un muro ante Chris Ramos y después, maremoto. Brahim fue el brazo ejecutor, con golazo y asistencia a Bellingham, y la cabalgada de....

Sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en Oaxaca

2024-05-05T22:48+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

La spaventosa profezia di Baba Vanga per il 2024 si è avverata

2024-05-05T22:02+0200quotidianodiragusa (it)

“La profezia spaventosa di Baba Vanga per il 2024 si è avverata, come riporta il Mirror, causando grande inquietudine tra gli inglesi”. Secondo quanto riportato dal Mirror, una delle profezie di Baba Vanga per il 2024 si è concretizzata. La veggente bulgara, scomparsa quasi 30 anni fa, avrebbe....

En el mundo hay más antisemitas que nunca: "Es un tsunami de odio contra los judíos"

2024-05-05T21:35+0200larazon-es (es)

El mundo es ahora más antisemita que nunca, al menos desde que se miden las agresiones contra esta comunidad. Así lo pone de manifiesto el Informe Anual sobre Antisemitismo Mundial, publicado este domingo por la Universidad de Tel Aviv (TAU) y la Liga Antidifamación (ADL).

La Regione dà il benvenuto al nuovo Arcivescovo di Udine

2024-05-05T20:49+0200ansa (it)

"La Regione porge il suo benvenuto in una terra che la accoglie con grande piacere fiduciosa di poterle offrire il proprio impegno e certa di trovare una guida". È in sintesi il messaggio di benvenuto che l'assessore regionale alla Salute Riccardo Riccardi ha rivolto, su delega del presidente della....

Light mag. 4.9 earthquake - Papua New Guinea: New Britain Region, P.n.g., on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 06:19 pm (Universal Time time)

2024-05-05T20:41+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Kokopo , a town with 26,000 inhabitants in Papua New Guinea , in 117 km (73 mi) distance north of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. In the capital of , Portus Moresbiensis, 717 km (445 mi) away....

El futuro de la vida judía en Occidente está amenazado, advierte organización judía

2024-05-05T20:27+0200esdelatino-com (es)

NUEVA YORK La Liga Antidifamación advirtió el domingo que «el futuro de la vida judía en Occidente» estaba amenazado, detallando un fuerte aumento del antisemitismo desde el inicio del conflicto de Israel con el grupo islamista palestino Hamas en octubre pasado.

'Uno tsunami di odio antiebraico'. Nel rapporto dell'Anti - Defamation League il forte aumento degli episodi di odio

2024-05-05T20:21+0200247libero (it)

"Uno tsunami di odio antiebraico". L'Anti-Defamation League - la maggiore organizzazione internazionale per l'antidiffamazione ebraica fondata nel 1913 a New York - lancia assieme all'Università di Tel Aviv l'allarme sul boom di casi di antisemitismo nel mondo, Italia inclusa, nell'anno appena trascorso.

Tsunami di antisemitismo nel mondo, anche in Italia: “Peggiore ondata dalla fine della Seconda guerra mondiale"

2024-05-05T20:15+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

«Uno tsunami di odio antiebraico». L'Anti-Defamation League - la maggiore organizzazione internazionale per l'antidiffamazione ebraica fondata nel 1913 a New York - lancia assieme all'Università di Tel Aviv l'allarme sul boom di casi di antisemitismo nel mondo, Italia inclusa, nell'anno appena trascorso.

GUERRA CONTRA HAMÁS "El futuro de la vida judía en Occidente" está amenazado, advierte organización judía

2024-05-05T20:07+0200diariolasamericas (es)

.- La Liga Antidifamación advirtió el domingo que "el futuro de la vida judía en Occidente " estaba amenazado, detallando un fuerte aumento del antisemitismo desde el inicio del conflicto de Israel con el grupo islamista palestino El informe anual de la ADL, principal grupo de defensa de los....

Tsunami di antisemitismo nel mondo, anche in Italia: "Peggiore ondata dalla fine della Seconda guerra mondiale'

2024-05-05T19:59+0200247libero (it)

«Uno tsunami di odio antiebraico». L'Anti-Defamation League - la maggiore organizzazione internazionale per l'antidiffamazione ebraica fondata nel 1913 a New York - lancia assieme all'Università di Tel Aviv l'allarme sul boom di casi di antisemitismo nel mondo, Italia inclusa, nell'anno appena trascorso.

Rajuk, DSCC silent about risky Shantinagar market

2024-05-05T19:54+0200newagebd (en)

Crisscrossed electric wires hang over the haphazardly constructed Shantinagar Super Market that sprawls allegedly without proper approval. The photo is taken on Sunday. | — New Age photo. The Rajdhani Unnyan Kartipakkha and the Dhaka South City Corporation have yet to take any measures in response....

Estero "Uno tsunami di antisemitismo nel mondo"

2024-05-05T19:54+0200ticinonews (it)

L'Anti-Defamation League (Adl) - la maggiore organizzazione internazionale per l'antidiffamazione ebraica fondata nel 1913 a New York - lancia assieme all'Università di Tel Aviv l'allarme sul boom di casi di antisemitismo nel mondo , nell'anno appena trascorso.

"Uno tsunami di odio antiebraico". Nel rapporto dell'Anti-Defamation League il boom degli episodi di odio

2024-05-05T19:38+0200huffingtonpost-Italia (it)

"Uno tsunami di odio antiebraico". L'Anti-Defamation League - la maggiore organizzazione internazionale per l'antidiffamazione ebraica fondata nel 1913 a New York - lancia assieme all'Università di Tel Aviv l'allarme sul boom di casi di antisemitismo nel mondo, Italia inclusa, nell'anno appena trascorso.

Tsunami di antisemitismo nel mondo, anche in Italia: “Peggiore ondata dalla fine della Seconda guerra mondiale"

2024-05-05T19:08+0200lasentinella (it)

«Uno tsunami di odio antiebraico». L'Anti-Defamation League - la maggiore organizzazione internazionale per l'antidiffamazione ebraica fondata nel 1913 a New York - lancia assieme all'Università di Tel Aviv l'allarme sul boom di casi di antisemitismo nel mondo, Italia inclusa, nell'anno appena trascorso.

Ci sono alcuni romanzi in uscita a maggio da non perdere

2024-05-05T19:04+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 5 maggio 2024) Tante opere prime, graditi ritorni, qualche curiosa riscoperta: si può riassumere in questo modo la girandola di nuove uscite editoriali in libreria che entrerà nel vivo martedì 7 maggio . Quattro in tutto i romanzi d'esordio che sembrano più promettenti, a partire dal più atteso, Tre notti di.

Tsunami di antisemitismo nel mondo, anche in Italia: “La peggiore ondata di episodi dalla fine della Seconda guerra mondiale"

2024-05-05T18:52+0200lastampa (it)

«Uno tsunami di odio antiebraico». L'Anti-Defamation League - la maggiore organizzazione internazionale per l'antidiffamazione ebraica fondata nel 1913 a New York - lancia assieme all'Università di Tel Aviv l'allarme sul boom di casi di antisemitismo nel mondo, Italia inclusa, nell'anno appena trascorso.

Organización judía ADL advierte sobre el aumento global del antisemitismo

2024-05-05T18:39+0200diariolibre (es)

La Liga Antidifamación advirtió que el futuro de la vida judía en Occidente estaba amenazado, detallando un fuerte aumento del antisemitismo ( AFP. La Liga Antidifamación advirtió este domingo que "el futuro de la vida judía en Occidente" estaba amenazado, detallando un fuerte aumento del....

Magnitude 5.9 earthquake strikes near Lae, Morobe, Papua New Guinea

2024-05-05T18:00+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency reported a magnitude 5.9 quake in Papua New Guinea near Lae, Morobe, only 8 minutes ago. The earthquake hit early morning on Monday, May 6th, 2024, at 1:40 am local time at an intermediate depth of 136 km.

Moderate mag. 5.9 earthquake - Papua New Guinea Region on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 01:40 am (Port Moresby time)

2024-05-05T18:00+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency reported a magnitude 5.9 quake in Papua New Guinea near Lae, Morobe, only 8 minutes ago. The earthquake hit early morning on Monday, May 6th, 2024, at 1:40 am local time at an intermediate depth of 136 km.

"Les vannes, j’arrête" : Léa Salamé revient dans "Quelle époque" sur sa polémique à propos d’Artus et l’alcool

2024-05-05T17:31+0200ladepeche (fr)

Ce serait une simple "vanne [] mal interprétée". L’animatrice de "Quelle Époque" est revenue samedi soir sur ses propos tenus la semaine passée face à l’humoriste Artus, sur son arrêt de l’alcool et de la cigarette. "Vous êtes devenu chiant", lui avait-elle rétorqué. Une "plaisanterie" qui a déclenché un "tsunami" de réactions selon elle.

¿Adónde vamos después de esto?

2024-05-05T17:29+0200notiulti (es)

Jacarta. Jefe de la Agencia Nacional de Gestión de Desastres ( BNPB ) El teniente general Suharyanto visitó el lugar de evacuación de los residentes afectados. Erupción del volcán espacial que se encuentra en la isla de Siau, Regencia de las Islas Siau Tagulandang Biaro (Sitaro). La isla Siau está al norte del volcán Ruang.

Le nombre d'actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T17:28+0200Europe1 (fr)

Depuis le début de la guerre entre Israël et le Hamas, la Ligue antidiffamation s'est alarmée dimanche du "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023. ""Le rapport de cette année est incroyablement alarmant, avec des niveaux d'actes antisémites documentés sans précédent", alerte le rapport.

Sismo en México: temblor magnitud 4.1 en Tonalá

2024-05-05T17:04+0200infobae (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) informó sobre un sismo de magnitud 4.1 generado este 5 de mayo cerca de Tonalá , que ocurrió a las 8:22 horario local (14:22 UTC). Información preliminar señala que el temblor tuvo un epicentro 136 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas, con una profundidad de 16.

Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets, selon un rapport mondial Selon la Ligue antidiffamation, "si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le rideau tombera sur la possibilité de mener une vie juive en Occident".

2024-05-05T16:46+0200francetvinfo (fr)

à lire aussi Antisémitisme : 86% des Français juifs craignent davantage d'être victimes d'agressions antisémites depuis le 7 octobre Le rapport annuel de l'ADL, principal groupe de défense des droits des juifs, souligne que les incidents antisémites avaient augmenté avant que la guerre n'éclate le 7....

ADL warns of global surge in anti-Semitism

2024-05-05T16:27+0200rawstory (en)

New York (AFP) – The Anti-Defamation League on Sunday warned that "the future of Jewish life in the West" was under threat, detailing a sharp rise in anti-Semitism since the start of the war between Hamas militants and Israel. The annual report from the ADL, the leading Jewish advocacy group, said....

New ground cracks cause panic among Libyans… and fears of earthquakes

2024-05-05T16:07+0200ruetir (en)

The new ground cracks were discovered in the Bir Ajaj “Qutis” area, located 70 kilometers southwest of Tripoli. The agricultural police patrols recorded data about these cracks, one of which extends 800 meters in length, with depths varying between approximately one and three metres.

Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T15:38+0200WortLuxembourg-fr (fr)

Dans son rapport annuel mondial, la Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du «niveau sans précédent» d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023. Une recrudescence enregistrée notamment dans le contexte de la guerre entre Israël et le Hamas La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée....

«Les vannes, j’arrête !» : Léa Salamé revient dans «Quelle époque» sur la polémique née de sa remarque à Artus

2024-05-05T15:06+0200lefigaro (fr)

La présentatrice avait alors demandé à l’intéressé, qui s’avouait angoissé de nature, «C'est quoi votre petit truc en plus pour vous blinder contre les angoisses?» «Je fais plein de petits trucs en plus, et ça va beaucoup mieux. J'ai arrêté de boire, j'ai arrêté de fumer...

Javier Prieto: “El arte salva a personas”

2024-05-05T14:48+0200andaluciainformacion (es)

Javier Prieto ganó hace unos días el Premio Talía de la Academia Española de Artes Escénicas a la mejor música. Es el reconocimiento al trabajo hecho desde Andalucía con ‘Mar, o de cómo sobrevivir a un tsunami’, una obra que ha sacado adelante junto a Rebeca Pérez y Ana Donoso, y que habla de lo que....

ADL warns of global surge in anti-Semitism

2024-05-05T14:43+0200terradaily (en)

New York, May 5 (AFP) May 05, 2024 The Anti-Defamation League on Sunday warned that "the future of Jewish life in the West" was under threat, detailing a sharp rise in anti-Semitism since the start of the war between Hamas militants and Israel. The annual report from the ADL, the leading Jewish....

Le nombre d’actes antisémites dans le monde a atteint un « niveau sans précédent », selon un rapport

2024-05-05T14:43+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Le niveau d’ actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023 dans le monde est « sans précédent », s’est alarmée ce dimanche 5 mai 2024 la Ligue Anti-Defamation ( ADL ), principal groupe de défense des droits des juifs, après la publication de son rapport annuel.

Le nombre d’actes antisémites dans le monde a atteint un « niveau sans précédent », selon un rapport

2024-05-05T14:40+0200presseocean (fr)

Le niveau d’ actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023 dans le monde est « sans précédent », s’est alarmée la Ligue Anti-Defamation ( ADL ), principal groupe de défense des droits des juifs, dimanche après la publication de son rapport annuel. Rédigée conjointement avec l’Université de Tel-Aviv, cette....

Le nombre d’actes antisémites dans le monde a atteint un « niveau sans précédent », selon un rapport

2024-05-05T14:37+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Le niveau d’ actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023 dans le monde est « sans précédent », s’est alarmée la Ligue Anti-Defamation ( ADL ), principal groupe de défense des droits des juifs, dimanche après la publication de son rapport annuel. Rédigée conjointement avec l’Université de Tel-Aviv, cette....

Le nombre d’actes antisémites dans le monde a atteint un « niveau sans précédent », selon un rapport

2024-05-05T14:37+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Le niveau d’ actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023 dans le monde est « sans précédent », s’est alarmée la Ligue Anti-Defamation ( ADL ), principal groupe de défense des droits des juifs, dimanche après la publication de son rapport annuel. Rédigée conjointement avec l’Université de Tel-Aviv, cette....

ADL warns of global surge in anti-Semitism

2024-05-05T14:32+0200al-monitor (en)

The Anti-Defamation League on Sunday warned that "the future of Jewish life in the West" was under threat, detailing a sharp rise in anti-Semitism since the start of the war between Hamas militants and Israel. The annual report from the ADL, the leading Jewish advocacy group, said anti-Semitic....

Indonesia, il vulcano Ruang mette in fuga 12mila persone

2024-05-05T14:19+0200tiscali-it (it)

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Ruang e le autorita' emettono il piu' alto livello di allerta e ordinano a migliaia di persone di evacuare a causa della minaccia di uno tsunami causato dai detriti che scivolano in mare. L'agenzia vulcanologica del Paese aveva avvertito che la minaccia del vulcano non....

Javier Prieto: “El arte salva a las personas”

2024-05-05T14:17+0200vivajerez (es)

Javier Prieto ganó hace unos días el Premio Talía de la Academia Española de Artes Escénicas a la mejor música. Es el reconocimiento al trabajo hecho desde Andalucía con ‘Mar, o de cómo sobrevivir a un tsunami’, una obra que ha sacado adelante junto a Rebeca Pérez y Ana Donoso, y que habla de lo que....

Indonesia, il vulcano Ruang mette in fuga 12mila persone

2024-05-05T14:14+0200mattinopadova (it)

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Ruang e le autorita' emettono il piu' alto livello di allerta e ordinano a migliaia di persone di evacuare a causa della minaccia di uno tsunami causato dai detriti che scivolano in mare. L'agenzia vulcanologica del Paese aveva avvertito che la minaccia del vulcano non....

Indonesia, il vulcano Ruang mette in fuga 12mila persone

2024-05-05T14:12+0200tribunatreviso (it)

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Ruang e le autorita' emettono il piu' alto livello di allerta e ordinano a migliaia di persone di evacuare a causa della minaccia di uno tsunami causato dai detriti che scivolano in mare. L'agenzia vulcanologica del Paese aveva avvertito che la minaccia del vulcano non....

Indonesia, il vulcano Ruang mette in fuga 12mila persone

2024-05-05T14:12+0200nuovavenezia (it)

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Ruang e le autorita' emettono il piu' alto livello di allerta e ordinano a migliaia di persone di evacuare a causa della minaccia di uno tsunami causato dai detriti che scivolano in mare. L'agenzia vulcanologica del Paese aveva avvertito che la minaccia del vulcano non....

Indonesia, il vulcano Ruang mette in fuga 12mila persone

2024-05-05T14:12+0200ilpiccolo (it)

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Ruang e le autorita' emettono il piu' alto livello di allerta e ordinano a migliaia di persone di evacuare a causa della minaccia di uno tsunami causato dai detriti che scivolano in mare. L'agenzia vulcanologica del Paese aveva avvertito che la minaccia del vulcano non....

Temblores HOY 5 de mayo en Colombia y el mundo: zonas afectadas

2024-05-05T14:09+0200caracol (es)

En Colombia y el mundo tiembla todos los días. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los temblores que se presentan a diario son de bajas magnitudes , asunto por el que usualmente no son notados por los ciudadanos. Temblores de este 5 de mayo. En Los Santos - Santander, Colombia, se sintió un sismo a las 05:23 Hora Local de magnitud 2.

Indonesia, il vulcano Ruang mette in fuga 12mila persone

2024-05-05T14:09+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

In Indonesia erutta il vulcano Ruang e le autorita' emettono il piu' alto livello di allerta e ordinano a migliaia di persone di evacuare a causa della minaccia di uno tsunami causato dai detriti che scivolano in mare. L'agenzia vulcanologica del Paese aveva avvertito che la minaccia del vulcano non....

ADL warns of global surge in anti-Semitism

2024-05-05T13:58+0200digitaljournal (en)

The Anti-Defamation League on Sunday warned that “the future of Jewish life in the West” was under threat, detailing a sharp rise in anti-Semitism since the start of the war between Hamas militants and Israel. The annual report from the ADL, the leading Jewish advocacy group, said anti-Semitic....

Anxiety! The earth’s crust may split into two parts

2024-05-05T13:55+0200d1softballnews (en)

Scientific research has found that A new geological fault could split the Earth in two at tectonic plates . While this doesn’t literally mean the planet is splitting in two, it could cause a significant rift in the tectonic plates separating Asia. The Earth is in constant motion due to the activity occurring in the lithosphere.

ADL warns of global surge in anti-Semitism

2024-05-05T13:28+0200rfi-en (en)

The annual report from the ADL, the leading Jewish advocacy group, said anti-Semitic incidents had been increasing before the war erupted in October, but that the conflict had fueled "a fire that was already out of control." Jointly written with Tel Aviv University, the report said anti-Semitic....

ADL warns of global surge in anti-Semitism

2024-05-05T13:20+0200france24-en (en)

The annual report from the ADL, the leading Jewish advocacy group, said anti-Semitic incidents had been increasing before the war erupted in October, but that the conflict had fueled "a fire that was already out of control." Jointly written with Tel Aviv University, the report said anti-Semitic....

Interoperabilidad ideológica: de Saigón a Kiev y la lección olvidada de Scipio Aemilianus, por Luis Eduardo Martínez

2024-05-05T13:18+0200lapatilla (es)

‘El comunismo es un virus, no tiene vida propia, no produce energía propia, no crece por sí solo, el comunismo es un virus que persiste destruyendo la vida de su huésped’ El 30 de abril de 1975, las fuerzas del Viet-Con, junto a tropas del Ejército Popular de Vietnam (fuerzas de Vietnam del norte,....

ADL Warns Of Global Surge In Anti-Semitism

2024-05-05T13:04+0200barrons (en)

The Anti-Defamation League on Sunday warned that "the future of Jewish life in the West" was under threat, detailing a sharp rise in anti-Semitism since the start of the war between Hamas militants and Israel. The annual report from the ADL, the leading Jewish advocacy group, said anti-Semitic....

StatistiquesLe nombre d’actes antisémites atteint des sommets 7 1

2024-05-05T12:45+0200lematin-CH (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s’est alarmée dimanche du «niveau sans précédent» d’actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un «incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle», dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que «si la tendance actuelle se poursuit,....

« Un tsunami de haine » : le nombre d’actes antisémites n’a jamais été aussi élevé

2024-05-05T12:42+0200lunion (fr)

Au point que « si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le rideau tombera sur la possibilité de mener une vie juive en Occident : porter une étoile de David, fréquenter des synagogues et des centres communautaires, envoyer les enfants dans des écoles juives, fréquenter un club juif sur le campus ou de....

«Un tsunami de haine» : le nombre d’acte antisémites n’a jamais été aussi élevé

2024-05-05T12:37+0200lest-eclair (fr)

Au point que « si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le rideau tombera sur la possibilité de mener une vie juive en Occident : porter une étoile de David, fréquenter des synagogues et des centres communautaires, envoyer les enfants dans des écoles juives, fréquenter un club juif sur le campus ou de....

¡Por favor, exprópieme!

2024-05-05T12:37+0200elperiodico (es)

Uno puede pensar que eso del Urbanismo es una cosa para unos pocos. Para los políticos. Para los que dan pelotazos urbanísticos. Incluso pueden pensar que solo sirve para poner trabas a la gente que quiere hacer cosas. Pero nos afecta a todosy mucho. Un gravísimo problema que todos los ayuntamientos....

Le nombre d’actes antisémites a atteint un "niveau sans précédent" depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale, selon un rapport

2024-05-05T12:30+0200rtbf (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du " niveau sans précédent " d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un " incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle ", dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que " si la tendance actuelle se....

Le nombre d’actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T12:14+0200quotidien-lu (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s’est alarmée dimanche du « niveau sans précédent » d’actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un « incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle », dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que « si la tendance actuelle se....

"Incroyablement alarmant": Les actes antisémites atteignent un "niveau sans précédent" selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T12:13+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 55 min La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un "incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle", dans son rapport annuel mondial.

Société Le nombre d'actes antisémites a un "niveau sans précédent", alerte un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T11:56+0200lechorepublicain (fr)

Si les actes antisémites avaient déjà augmenté avant le 7 octobre 2023, l'attaque du Hamas contre Israël et le début de la guerre à Gaza ont contribué à ce qu'un "tsunami de haine" se déverse contre les personnes juives. La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche 5 mai dans son rapport....

Loreto: se registra sismo de magnitud 4.7 en Alto Amazonas

2024-05-05T11:54+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un temblor de magnitud 4.7 este domingo 5 de mayo con epicentro en la ciudad de Lagunas, en la provincia de Alto Amazonas del departamento de Loreto. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el....

Lima: se registra sismo de magnitud 4.6 en Callao

2024-05-05T11:50+0200infobae (es)

El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas....

« Un niveau sans précédent » : le nombre d’actes antisémites a atteint des sommets selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T11:39+0200nordeclair (fr)

Au point que « si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le rideau tombera sur la possibilité de mener une vie juive en Occident : porter une étoile de David, fréquenter des synagogues et des centres communautaires, envoyer les enfants dans des écoles juives, fréquenter un club juif sur le campus ou de....

Le nombre d'actes antisémites a un "niveau sans précédent", alerte un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T11:38+0200lepopulaire (fr)

Si les actes antisémites avaient déjà augmenté avant le 7 octobre 2023, l'attaque du Hamas contre Israël et le début de la guerre à Gaza ont contribué à ce qu'un "tsunami de haine" se déverse contre les personnes juives. La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche 5 mai dans son rapport....

M5.5 earthquake strikes New Britain region, Papua New Guinea: EMSC

2024-05-05T11:34+0200cgtn (en)

A magnitude-5.5 earthquake hit New Britain region, Papua New Guinea on Sunday, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC).

Carrera Cup Italy | Misano: how qualifying mixed up the cards for race 2

2024-05-05T11:32+0200ruetir (en)

After yesterday's furious battle in the night-time race 1, the first round of the Porsche Carrera Cup Italia awaits a “high noon” in Misano in race 2: at 12.00 (live on Dazn and www.carreracupitalia.it) the race starts which will complete a weekend so far entirely characterized by Ten Voorde, albeit with some nice surprises.

Trema ancora la terra nel Reggino, scossa di terremoto avvertita a Cittanova

2024-05-05T11:31+0200ilreggino (it)

Nuova scossa di terremoto nel Reggino . Il sisma, di magnitudo 2.6 della scala Richter, è stato registrato nella notte dall’istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia nella Piana di Gioia Tauro a 16 chilometri di profondità ed epicentro a quattro chilometri dai comuni di Cittanova e di Molochio.

« Un niveau sans précédent » : le nombre d’actes antisémites a atteint des sommets selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T11:31+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Au point que « si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le rideau tombera sur la possibilité de mener une vie juive en Occident : porter une étoile de David, fréquenter des synagogues et des centres communautaires, envoyer les enfants dans des écoles juives, fréquenter un club juif sur le campus ou de....

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacudió las aguas de Micronesia, en el Pacífico

2024-05-05T11:29+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

El sismo ocurrió a 10 kilómetros de profundidad bajo el lecho marino , según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) -que vigila la actividad sísmica en todo el mundo-, ya 143 kilómetros al noroeste de Fais, con más de 200 habitantes, ya 370 al este de Colonia, en la isla de Yap, a las 15:44 hora local (5:44 GMT).

Le nombre d'actes antisémites a un "niveau sans précédent", alerte un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T11:22+0200lamontagne (fr)

Si les actes antisémites avaient déjà augmenté avant le 7 octobre 2023, l'attaque du Hamas contre Israël et le début de la guerre à Gaza ont contribué à ce qu'un "tsunami de haine" se déverse contre les personnes juives. La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche 5 mai dans son rapport....

Moderate yet deep earthquake of magnitude 5.4 just reported 110 km northeast of Lae, Papua New Guinea

2024-05-05T11:21+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 5.4 occurred early evening on Sunday, May 5th, 2024, at 6:57 pm local time near Lae, Morobe, Papua New Guinea, as reported by Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency. According to preliminary data, the quake was located at an intermediate depth of 104 km.

Moderate mag. 5.4 earthquake - 110 km northeast of Lae, Morobe, Papua New Guinea, on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 06:57 pm (GMT +10)

2024-05-05T11:21+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 5.4 occurred early evening on Sunday, May 5th, 2024, at 6:57 pm local time near Lae, Morobe, Papua New Guinea, as reported by Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency. According to preliminary data, the quake was located at an intermediate depth of 104 km.

Japan and Nepal share many things in common: Japan's Foreign Minister Kamikawa Yoko

2024-05-05T11:15+0200nepalnews (en)

Japan and Nepal have many things in common. One of them is that 70 to 80% of its land area is covered with mountains and hills. Considering Japan's history of constantly facing natural threats due to its steep terrain, I can fully understand, as a Japanese, how difficult a challenge it is to....

Un "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites a été enregistrés en 2023

2024-05-05T11:14+0200levif (fr)

La Ligue anti-diffamation (ADL) s’est alarmée dimanche du « niveau sans précédent » d’actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un « incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle », dans son rapport annuel mondial.

leer más Los incidentes antisemitas aumentaron en 2023 tras los ataques de Hamás, según un informe

2024-05-05T11:06+0200swissinfo-spa (es)

Jerusalén, 5 may (EFE).- El Informe Anual sobre Antisemitismo Mundial, publicado este domingo por la Universidad de Tel Aviv (TAU) y la Liga Antidifamación (ADL), revela que en 2023 se produjo un aumento de decenas de puntos porcentuales en el número de incidentes antisemitas en los países occidentales, en comparación con 2022.

Le nombre d'actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T11:02+0200rtl-BE (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un "incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle", dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que "si la tendance actuelle se poursuit,....

Société. Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T11:01+0200estrepublicain (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du niveau sans précédent d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le....

Antisemitic Incidents in the West Saw Massive Spike in 2023, Report Finds

2024-05-05T11:00+0200haaretz (en)

A joint report by the Anti-Defamation League and Tel Aviv University found that 'The world has seen the worst wave of antisemitic incidents since the end of WW2,' and that, in the aftermath of October 7, 'a tsunami of hate' was unleashed upon Jews around the world.

Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets en 2023, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:57+0200laprovence (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un "incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle" , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que "si la tendance actuelle se poursuit,....

Le nombre d'actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:51+0200la-croix (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation s'est alarmée du "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, dans son rapport annuel mondial JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP/Archives. La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la....

Le nombre d’actes antisémites atteint un « niveau sans précédent », selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:50+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Dans son rapport annuel mondial, la Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s’alarme du « niveau sans précédent » d’actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023. Selon ce groupe de défense des droits des juifs, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimente un « incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle » .

Le nombre d’actes antisémites a atteint « un niveau sans précédent » en 2023

2024-05-05T10:48+0200sudinfo (fr)

En ce moment Le nombre d’actes antisémites a atteint « un niveau sans précédent » en 2023 La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s’est alarmée dimanche du « niveau sans précédent » d’actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un « incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle », dans son rapport annuel mondial.

Société. Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:46+0200lalsace (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du niveau sans précédent d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le....

Société. Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:44+0200dna-france (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du niveau sans précédent d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le....

« Un tsunami de haine » : le nombre d’actes antisémites dans le monde atteint un « niveau sans précédent »

2024-05-05T10:43+0200sudouest (fr)

, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le rideau tombera sur la possibilité de mener une vie juive en Occident : porter une étoile de David, fréquenter des....

Société. Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:42+0200LeBien (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du niveau sans précédent d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le....

Strong mag. 5.3 earthquake - 132 mi southeast of Unalaska, Aleutians West, Alaska, United States, on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 08:27 am (Universal Time time)

2024-05-05T10:40+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Akutan , a town with 1,000 inhabitants in the United States , in 179 km (111 mi) distance northwest of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. The following table shows some of the places that might have been affected (or not) by the shaking.

Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:40+0200lejsl (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du niveau sans précédent d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le....

Perú: se registró un sismo de magnitud 4.1 en Ica

2024-05-05T10:37+0200infobae (es)

Qué es el Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico. Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los movimientos telúricos más fuertes del mundo.

Société. Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:35+0200ledauphine (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du niveau sans précédent d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le....

Société. Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:35+0200leprogres (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du niveau sans précédent d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le....

Le nombre d'actes antisémites a atteint un «niveau sans précédent» en 2023, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:34+0200lefigaro (fr)

alimentant un «incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle» , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que «si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le rideau tombera sur la possibilité de mener une vie juive en Occident : porter une étoile de David, fréquenter des synagogues et des centres....

Société. Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:33+0200republicain-lorrain (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du niveau sans précédent d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le....

11:27 Rapport Le nombre d'actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:32+0200lorientlejour (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un "incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle", dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que "si la tendance actuelle se poursuit,....

Société. Le nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:32+0200vosgesmatin (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du niveau sans précédent d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle , dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le....

Selon un rapport mondialLe nombre d'actes antisémites atteint des sommets 0 0

2024-05-05T10:32+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du «niveau sans précédent» d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un «incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle», dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que «si la tendance actuelle se poursuit,....

Le nombre d'actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:24+0200challenges (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un "incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle", dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que "si la tendance actuelle se poursuit,....

Le nombre d'actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:22+0200lemauricien (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un "incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle", dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que "si la tendance actuelle se poursuit,....

Le nombre d’actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:22+0200larepubliquedespyrenees (fr)

Au point que "si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le rideau tombera sur la possibilité de mener une vie juive en Occident: porter une étoile de David, fréquenter des synagogues et des centres communautaires, envoyer les enfants dans des écoles juives, fréquenter un club juif sur le campus ou de....

Los incidentes antisemitas aumentaron en 2023 tras los ataques de Hamás, según un informe

2024-05-05T10:19+0200infobae (es)

Jerusalén, 5 may (EFE).- El Informe Anual sobre Antisemitismo Mundial, publicado este domingo por la Universidad de Tel Aviv (TAU) y la Liga Antidifamación (ADL), revela que en 2023 se produjo un aumento de decenas de puntos porcentuales en el número de incidentes antisemitas en los países occidentales, en comparación con 2022.

Le nombre d'actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:18+0200actu-orange (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un "incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle", dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que "si la tendance actuelle se poursuit,....

Le nombre d'actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:17+0200tv5 (fr)

La Ligue antidiffamation (ADL) s'est alarmée dimanche du "niveau sans précédent" d'actes antisémites enregistrés en 2023, la guerre entre le Hamas et Israël alimentant un "incendie qui était déjà hors de contrôle", dans son rapport annuel mondial. Au point que "si la tendance actuelle se poursuit,....

La vita riflessa nei colori in caleidoscopiche emozioni visive

2024-05-05T10:17+0200laguida-it (it)

Ivana Ceresa è nata a Cuneo nel 1963 e ha frequentato il Liceo Artistico Ego Bianchi di Cuneo, diplomandosi presso l’Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti di Torino, sezione decorazione, prima con Francesco Castrati e Nino Aimone, poi con Hsiao Chin. Ha collaborato con il Comune di Torino (Teatro per....

Le nombre d'actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:16+0200france24 (fr)

Au point que "si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le rideau tombera sur la possibilité de mener une vie juive en Occident: porter une étoile de David, fréquenter des synagogues et des centres communautaires, envoyer les enfants dans des écoles juives, fréquenter un club juif sur le campus ou de....

Le nombre d'actes antisémites à des sommets, selon un rapport mondial

2024-05-05T10:14+0200laprovence (fr)

Au point que "si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, le rideau tombera sur la possibilité de mener une vie juive en Occident: porter une étoile de David, fréquenter des synagogues et des centres communautaires, envoyer les enfants dans des écoles juives, fréquenter un club juif sur le campus ou de....

Lake Tsunamis Identified as Growing Climate Hazard

2024-05-05T10:12+0200terradaily (en)

Recent instances of lake tsunamis in Alaska and British Columbia underscore a rising threat linked to climate change. These events, often initiated by landslides into small lakes, have predominantly occurred in isolated areas. However, geologist Bretwood Higman of Ground Truth Alaska warns that....

07:45 Oaxaca registra temblor de magnitud 4.0

2024-05-05T09:50+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 4.0 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 2.6 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Pinotepa Nacional a las 1:12 hora del centro (7:12 UTC) este 5 de mayo. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 25 km al este de dicha población del estado de Oaxaca, de acuerdo....

What the local elections disaster means for Rishi Sunak, the General Election and future of Tories

2024-05-05T09:12+0200themirror (en)

As Rishi Sunak strode into a warehouse in Teesside on Friday afternoon, he tried to put on a brave face. In front of a crowd of Tory supporters carrying placards, he admitted the local election results were “disappointing”. But he insisted at the General Election voters "are going to stick with us".

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacude las aguas de Micronesia, en el Pacífico

2024-05-05T09:08+0200infobae (es)

Bangkok, 5 may (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacudió este domingo las aguas de los Estados Federados de Micronesia, en el océano Pacífico, sin que las autoridades informaran inicialmente de víctimas o daños, ni se emitiera una alerta por tsunami.

leer más Un terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacude las aguas de Micronesia, en el Pacífico

2024-05-05T09:02+0200swissinfo-spa (es)

Bangkok, 5 may (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacudió este domingo las aguas de los Estados Federados de Micronesia, en el océano Pacífico, sin que las autoridades informaran inicialmente de víctimas o daños, ni se emitiera una alerta por tsunami.

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacude las aguas de Micronesia, en el Pacífico

2024-05-05T09:01+0200diario26 (es)

Bangkok, 5 may (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,6 sacudió este domingo las aguas de los Estados Federados de Micronesia, en el océano Pacífico, sin que las autoridades informaran inicialmente de víctimas o daños, ni se emitiera una alerta por tsunami.

Light mag. 4.8 earthquake - New Zealand on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 06:15 am (Universal Time time)

2024-05-05T08:41+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Based on data from the past 14 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 141 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi): Mag. 7 or higher: 0.06 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 15.6 years) Mag. 6 or higher: 0.82 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 1.

Séisme en Charente-Maritime : le préfet Brice Blondel se dit prêt à faire « une bonne pub » aux assureurs qui ne joueraient pas le jeu

2024-05-05T08:29+0200sudouest (fr)

S. amedi 4 mai, le préfet de la Charente-Maritime, Brice Blondel, avait invité les sinistrés du séisme du 16 juin 2023 à un nouveau point d’étape, à Ferrières, afin de leur exposer la mobilisation prochaine pour leur venir en aide. Une centaine de personnes était présente pour débattre avec les....

Pasco registró un temblor de magnitud 4.2

2024-05-05T08:22+0200infobae (es)

El Anillo de Fuego: qué es y dónde se localiza. Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los movimientos telúricos más fuertes del mundo.

Colombia: se registró un temblor de magnitud 3.5 en Huila

2024-05-05T08:22+0200infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

Muere Carola Miró, mujer de Quim Torra, a los 58 años

2024-05-05T07:26+0200elnacional-cat (es)

Carola Miró y Bedós esposa del 131.º presidente de la Generalitat, Quim Torra, ha muerto este sábado a los 58 años después de una larga enfermedad. Miró estaba hospitalizada en el Institut d'Assistència Sanitària de Girona, donde ha fallecido después de un tiempo en estado grave.

Philippines : Un séisme offshore de magnitude 5,7 se produit dans le golfe de Leyte vers 18 h 16 le 3 mai.

2024-05-05T07:09+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 5,7 s’est produit dans le golfe de Leyte vers 18 h 16 le 3 mai. L’épicentre était à environ 28 km (17 miles) au sud-sud-ouest de Balangiga, dans la province orientale de Samar. La secousse s’est produite à une profondeur d’environ 39 km (24 miles), et des....

Se registró un sismo de magnitud 4.7 en Cusco

2024-05-05T06:52+0200infobae (es)

Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los temblores más fuertes del mundo. El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está integrado por la....

Huanuco, Leoncio Prado, registra un sismo de magnitud 4

2024-05-05T06:36+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un temblor de magnitud 4 este sábado 4 de mayo con epicentro en la ciudad de Aucayacu, en la provincia de Leoncio Prado del departamento de Huanuco. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el....

Sismo de magnitud 4.2 con epicentro en Guerrero El sismo sucedió a las 21:24 horas, a una distancia de 37 km de Petatlán y tuvo una profundidad de 38.1 km

2024-05-05T06:04+0200infobae (es)

Petatlán fue el epicentro de un sismo de 4.2 de magnitud que sorprendió este 4 de mayo a los pobladores del estado de Guerrero a las 21:24 hora del centro (3:24 UTC). El temblor ocurrió 37 km al sureste de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 38.1 km, de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Callao: Reportan sismo de magnitud 3.8 en la noche del sábado 4 de mayo

2024-05-05T05:51+0200infobae (es)

La noche del sábado 4 de mayo, el Instituto Geofísico del Perú reportó un sismo de magnitud 3.8 . De acuerdo con la entidad especializada, el epicentro del movimiento telúrico fue a 46 kilómetros al oeste de la Provincia Constitucional del Callao y la profundidad 52 kilómetros.

Minor mag. 3.9 earthquake - New Zealand on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 03:11 pm (GMT +12)

2024-05-05T05:19+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

The more agencies report about the same quake and post similar data, the more confidence you can have in the data. It takes normally up to a few hours until earthquake parameters are calculated with near-optimum precision. Seismic station: Raoul, Kermadec Islands (RAO/IU network) | Distance from....

Dalle tragedie si può uscire più forti e sicuri

2024-05-05T05:14+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 5 maggio 2024) Norcia (Perugia), 5 maggio 2024 – C’è un presente e un domani. Castelluccio di Norcia ha un futuro: ha messo le radici oggi per far risplendere nuovamente il borgo. Dalle tragedie può nascere speranza solo se l’esperienza e le nuove tecnologie vengono messe a frutto.

Sismo de magnitud 4.2 sacude Oaxaca: México, tierra de temblores

2024-05-05T04:44+0200laverdadnoticias (es)

México, zona de alta sismicidad. México se encuentra ubicado en una zona de alta sismicidad, lo que lo hace propenso a este tipo de eventos. De hecho, el país ha sido testigo de terremotos devastadores a lo largo de su historia, como el de 1985 con magnitud 8.2 y el de 2017 con magnitud 7.1. El sismo más fuerte de la historia de México.

Dalle tragedie si può uscire più forti e sicuri

2024-05-05T04:43+0200LaNazione (it)

Norcia (Perugia), 5 maggio 2024 – C’è un presente e un domani. Castelluccio di Norcia ha un futuro: ha messo le radici oggi per far risplendere nuovamente il borgo. Dalle tragedie può nascere speranza solo se l’esperienza e le nuove tecnologie vengono messe a frutto. Il rischio concreto è che i borghi continuino a spopolarsi perdendo abitanti.

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.2 con epicentro en Oaxaca

2024-05-05T04:21+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.2 y con una profundidad de 9.2 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Pinotepa Nacional a las 13:42 hora del centro (19:42 UTC) este 4 de mayo. El episodio tuvo como epicentro 90 km al suroeste de dicha localidad del estado de Oaxaca, de acuerdo....

Ensayaban a todo volúmen en un departamento y la reacción de un vecino los dejó sin palabras: "Abrí la ventana"

2024-05-05T04:13+0200cronica (es)

Un grupo de jóvenes, miembros de una banda, experimentaron un momento memorable mientras disfrutaban de un ensayo cuando fueron interrumpidos por un vecino de otro edificio con un pedido peculiar . Tras compartirlo en TikTok , la situación generó un tsunami de reacciones.

Midwives save lives amid climate crisis

2024-05-05T03:39+0200trinidadexpress (en)

RIGHT now, around the world, millions of lives are in the hands of midwives. Whether they are wading through floodwaters to reach pregnant women or delivering babies amid the rubble of an earthquake, midwives are the unsung heroes of community health services. Thanks to midwives, births are safer.

Sismo hoy: se registró un temblor en el municipio de Albania en Santander

2024-05-05T03:18+0200infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

Corfu Celebrates Holy Saturday With ‘Botides’ Tradition

2024-05-05T02:58+0200greekreporter (en)

The tradition of Botides is held in Corfu. Credit: Bett Wikimedia Commons. Thousands of locals and tourists gathered on Saturday in Spianada Square on the Greek island of Corfu to watch the spectacular tradition called “botides”. On Holy Saturday Corfiots who have decorated their windows with red....

[UPDATE] Eruption of a space volcano: BNPB chief inspects evacuation sites for residents of Siau Island

2024-05-05T02:39+0200exbulletin (en)

What concerns us, sir. When this eruption is over, where do we want to go home, sir? “Because all the roofs of our houses are damaged and can no longer be occupied,” explains a resident. Hearing this, the head of BNPB then responded that the government, through BNPB, would continue to help the communities affected by the disaster.

Un equipo de geólogos predice cuándo desaparecerá el Estrecho de Gibraltar

2024-05-05T02:03+0200europasur (es)

El Estrecho de Gibraltar tiene fecha de caducidad. Llegará un día en que África y Europa vuelvan a unirse y el Atlántico y el Mediterráneo se cierren. El camino de Algeciras a Ceuta, o Tarifa a Tánger, podrá recorrerse a pie. No será, en términos geológicos, dentro de mucho tiempo: ahora va poco a....

PM: Govt can cope with hike

2024-05-05T01:45+0200thestar-my (en)

Investments will offset increased cost from civil servants’ salary. IPOH: The government can cope with the increased cost from the salary hike for civil servants, says Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The Prime Minister said the “billions” of investment from multiple international companies into the country would help with the increased cost.

Moderate earthquake of magnitude 4.4 reported 22 km southeast of Palmerston North, New Zealand

2024-05-05T01:20+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

A shallow magnitude 4.4 earthquake was reported in the morning near Palmerston North, Palmerston North City, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand. According to New Zealand 's Earthquake Commission and Geological Survey (GeoNet), the quake hit on Sunday, May 5th, 2024, at 10:24 am local time at a shallow depth of 21.

Mild earthquake reported in Kuhi, 35km off Nagpur

2024-05-05T01:16+0200timesofindia (en)

Nagpur: Nearly 24 hours later, another mild earthquake measuring 2.4 magnitude on Richter Scale occurred at Malni village near Kuhi , 35 kms off Nagpur, around 2.30pm on Saturday. The earthquake occurred 5 km depth and was not felt by anyone. No immediate cause of the earthquake has been mentioned by the officials.

Moderate mag. 4.4 earthquake - 22 km southeast of Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand, on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 10:24 am (Auckland time)

2024-05-05T00:37+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Palmerston North , a town with 76,000 inhabitants in New Zealand , in 22 km (14 mi) distance northwest of the epicenter. People likely experienced light shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer....

Côte d’Ivoire, la filière cacao face à “la gestion opaque” du Conseil café-cacao

2024-05-04T23:49+0200iciabidjan (fr)

Dans un courrier disponible mais très peu partagé, probablement parce qu’il était destiné au président de l’Assemblée nationale, Pascal Affi N’guessan dézingue les patrons de la filière ivoirienne du cacao, le fameux Conseil café-cacao, en exposant l’incompétence et la mauvaise gouvernance dont ses....

Indonesia's volcano eruptions force thousands to evacuate

2024-05-04T23:00+0200dailyfinland-fi (en)

Thousands of people have been evacuated after Mount Ruang on the northern side of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi erupted intensely since last month. The multiple eruptions of Ruang have forced the country's disaster mitigation agency BNPB to urge more than 12,000 people to evacuate.

Carta de un lector: "Soy pesimista ante una depuración profunda de la Administración del Estado y del aparato judicial"

2024-05-04T22:49+0200elperiodico (es)

Ahora, Pedro Sánchez se indigna -y con razón- por las calumnias e infundios vertidos hacia una persona próxima. Sin embargo, han sucedido casos parecidos o mucho peores: el acoso derechista a Pablo Iglesias, el vergonzoso caso Altsasu, el espionaje de Pegasus o la persecución sufrida por....

Carrera Cup Italia | Misano: Ten Voorde su Masters in gara 1

2024-05-04T22:42+0200ruetir (en)

In Misano no surprises but an exciting race and duel with an infernal pace: Larry Ten Voorde is the first winner of the Porsche Carrera Cup Italia season ahead of an indomitable Keagan Masters and an increasingly solid certainty represented by Francesco Braschi.

Descubrimiento Científico: Las Causas Detrás de las Olas Gigantes Reveladas

2024-05-04T22:33+0200laverdadnoticias (es)

Con la tecnología más avanzada y una valiente expedición en uno de los mares más tormentosos del planeta, un grupo de científicos australianos ha descubierto las causas detrás de la formación de las olas rebeldes. Estas, también conocidas como olas gigantes , han sido parte del folklore marino....

Moderate mag. 5.1 earthquake - New Zealand on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 08:14 am (GMT +12)

2024-05-04T22:32+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Based on data from the past 14 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 64 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi): Mag. 7 or higher: 0.03 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 31.3 years) Mag. 6 or higher: 0.3 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 3.

Light mag. 4.6 earthquake - Solomon Sea, 94 km east of Lae, Morobe, Papua New Guinea, on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 04:42 am (Port Moresby time)

2024-05-04T21:50+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Lae , a town with 76,000 inhabitants in Papua New Guinea , in 94 km (58 mi) distance west of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. In the capital of , Portus Moresbiensis, 301 km (187 mi) away from....

Moderate mag. 4.5 earthquake - 60 km northeast of Rumphi, Northern, Malawi, on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 08:05 pm (Blantyre time)

2024-05-04T21:50+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Mzuzu , a city with more than 180,000 inhabitants in Malawi , in 98 km (61 mi) distance south of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. Many smaller towns and villages are located closer to the epicenter and might have experienced stronger shaking.

Nazaret Sosa Medina y Onán Medina Pérez ganan en la VIII Fuerteventura Bestial Race

2024-05-04T21:20+0200laprovincia (es)

Un millar de participantes, entre profesionales y amateur, hombres y mujeres, mayores y jóvenes…, y hasta miembros del equipo olímpico de Suecia y Dinamarca se preparaban a las 09:00 horas de la mañana para disfrutar de una experiencia irrepetible en la octava edición de un evento de referencia en Canarias.

Light mag. 4.1 earthquake - 204 km northeast of Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 06:48 pm (Universal Time time)

2024-05-04T21:08+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Mag. 7 or higher: 0.06 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 17.9 years) Mag. 6 or higher: 0.48 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 2.1 years) Mag. 5 or higher: 10 quakes per year; Mag. 4 or higher: 96 quakes per year (or 8 quakes per month) Mag. 3 or higher: 229 quakes per year (or 19.1 quakes per month) Mag.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 4.0 de magnitud

2024-05-04T20:52+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 4.0 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 209.0 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Socaire. El episodio tuvo como epicentro la coordenadas -66.858 grados de longitud y -23.236 grados de latitud, es decir a 112.0 kilómetros al Este de dicha población, de acuerdo con el Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN).

Light mag. 4.0 earthquake - Jujuy, Argentina, on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 06:40 pm (Universal Time time)

2024-05-04T20:47+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA (AF01/C1 network) | Distance from quake: 139 km / 86 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

È ufficiale, terremoto improvviso in Formula 1: cambia tutto - SportItalia.it

2024-05-04T20:36+0200informazione (it)

In questi giorni la F1 Commission avrà il compito di decidere su due importanti novità legate alla F1. Dopo l’approvazione sulla nuova telecamera… La Formula 1 è in continua innovazione, anche se alcuni sistemi, come quelli dell’assegnazione dei punti, non… Nuovo punteggio in vista del Mondiale di Formula Uno 2025? Per ora tutto rimane immutato.

Indonesian authorities evacuate thousands of people eruption of Mount Ruang

2024-05-04T19:50+0200sabanews-en (en)

[04/May/2024] JAKARTA May 04. 2024 (Saba) - Indonesian authorities have evacuated thousands of people due to the eruption of Mount Ruang volcano, north of Jakarta. China's official Xinhua news agency quoted the Geological Disaster Mitigation Agency as saying on Tuesday that more than 3,000 people on....

The holy church of Agios Georgios in Mindilogli is celebrating – 2024-05-04 17:31:10

2024-05-04T19:31+0200archyde (en)

On Easter Monday, our Holy Church celebrates the Holy Memory of the Holy Great Martyr George the Trophy Bearer and Miracle Worker. The parish of Agios Georgios Midiloglio, Patras, which has the extraordinary blessing of owning part of the relics of Agios Georgios, will celebrate this great feast according to the following program.

Gp Miami, gara Sprint, Verstappen piglia tutto

2024-05-04T18:49+0200formulapassion (it)

Dopo il dominio nelle libere e nelle prove, Verstappen si prende senza problemi anche la gara Sprint. La sua marcia sembra inarrestabile e intoccabile. Lo tsunami di Horner, quello di New ey e i dissidi interni non lo toccano: Max vola alto su tutto. Quasi incredibile. Il copione è sempre lo stesso.

Côte d’Ivoire, la filière cacao face à “la gestion opaque” du Conseil café-cacao

2024-05-04T18:17+0200connectionivoirienne (fr)

Dans un courrier disponible mais très peu partagé, probablement parce qu’il était destiné au président de l’Assemblée nationale, Pascal Affi N’guessan dézingue les patrons de la filière ivoirienne du cacao, le fameux Conseil café-cacao, en exposant l’incompétence et la mauvaise gouvernance dont ses....

Magnitude 5.8 quake shakes Leyte; 2 injured

2024-05-04T18:13+0200philstar (en)

TACLOBAN CITY, Philippines Two persons were injured when a 5.8-magnitude earthquake jolted parts of Leyte on Friday night. Citing a report of the Dulag Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO), the Office of Civil Defense said a 26-year-old pregnant woman fainted and fell....

"La pieza de caza mayor es Puigdemont, y yo simplemente un instrumento para llegar a él"

2024-05-04T18:01+0200es-ara-cat (es)

Barcelona El periodista Jesús Rodríguez es uno de los investigados en el caso Tsunami Democrático por el juez Manuel García-Castellón, aunque él oficialmente no ha recibido todavía ninguna comunicación que así lo certifique. La falta de confianza en esta operación policial le ha llevado a exiliarse en Ginebra, Suiza.

Título de propiedad GRATIS: ¿Cuánto tiempo demora Cofopri en entregarlo?

2024-05-04T17:38+0200infobae (es)

Cofopri ) se encuentra en constante campaña para formalizar las viviendas de miles de peruanos. Con “ Lote empadronado, para el título anhelado ”, la entidad seguirá visitando predios en mayo, para corroborar los documentos de familias que busquen acceder a este beneficio.

Ronny Adolof/AFP/Getty Images

2024-05-04T15:09+0200cnn (en)

The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday. About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the province of....

A Fontecchio 'Passeggiata patrimoniale' guidata dagli abitanti

2024-05-04T15:00+0200ansa (it)

Non delle classiche guide turistiche, bensì gli stessi abitanti, vecchi e nuovi, con i loro ricordi, impressioni, desideri accompagneranno i visitatori nel cuore del paese medievale tra vicoli, archi e piazzette in una 'passeggiata patrimoniale', gratuita e aperta a tutti, nel cuore di Fontecchio....

Politike “Të kemi sharë, por…”/ Rama nga Vora ‘thumbon’ opozitën: Më kanë mësyrë demokratët e socializuar

2024-05-04T14:51+0200sot (en)

Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting with those he described as "democrats converted into socialists" in Vorë. Through a video message published on his account on the social network 'Facebook', Rama is seen conversing with them and writes: "VORA e democrats t socializum".

Joaquín Torres demanda a los jefes de su marido: agrava su crisis con Raúl Prieto

2024-05-04T14:49+0200larazon-es (es)

está viviendo una de las temporadas más convulsas de su vida. A la muerte de su madre, lo que le ha sumido en la más profunda de las tristezas, se le sumó el atropello que sufrió y que le mantuvo mucho tiempo en el hospital . Las complicaciones de salud se han ido amontonando hasta tener que ser preciso numerosas intervenciones en quirófano.

Light mag. 4.3 earthquake - Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 11:18 pm (GMT +12)

2024-05-04T14:48+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

4 May 11:23 UTC First to report: GEONET (NZ) after 5 minutes. 4 May 11:27 : Magnitude recalculated from 1.8 to 3.9. Hypocenter depth recalculated from 56.6 to 353.1 km (from 35 to 219 mi). Epicenter location corrected by 595 km (370 mi) towards N. 4 May 11:28 : Magnitude recalculated from 3.9 to 3.2.

Reportage "Une ville fantôme" : quatre mois après le séisme du Nouvel an au Japon, le site touristique Wakura Onsen s'est vidé de ses habitants Après le séisme et le tsunami qui ont ravagé les côtes, les habitants de cette station thermale renommée restent démunis face à une reconstruction au point mort.

2024-05-04T14:26+0200francetvinfo (fr)

à lire aussi REPORTAGE. "C’est la première fois qu’on vit ça" : après le séisme du Nouvel An au Japon, des quartiers entiers ravagés pour des années D’habitude début mai, Wakura Onsen regorge de familles japonaises en vacances. Cette année, personne. "Wakura Onsen, c’était réputé.

Météo : le commerce « plein air » et les jardineries vont-ils se planter ?

2024-05-04T14:10+0200jhm (fr)

Avec la météo calamiteuse d’avril, ils sont dans les starting-blocks, impatients de véritablement lancer leur saison : jardineries mais aussi commerçants de mobilier de plein air scrutent le ciel depuis la mi-avril à la recherche du soleil. Serres et réserves de magasins sont au bord de la saturation.


2024-05-04T14:08+0200peru21 (es)

Diez años, una dolorosa y angustiada experiencia con su cuerpo. Desorientación. ¿Será que el sexo en el DNI es contradictorio con la identidad que siente se ha ido gestando y que se estrella contra las manifestaciones, anticipadas o en camino, de la pubertad? Disforia de género.

Ghribi “Dialogo, cooperazione e rispetto per successo relazioni Euromed”

2024-05-04T13:34+0200italianotizie24 (it)

Il suo obiettivo principale è fare di Tunisi un centro per le industrie e destinare i suoi prodotti al resto dei mercati africani e del Medio Oriente. Nato in una modesta famiglia tunisina con nove fratelli e sorelle, ha imparato il commercio internazionale dal padre, un uomo d’affari di Sfax.

Link, share, follow: The world’s newest data-gatherers are sharks, storks, seals

2024-05-04T12:33+0200HindustanTimes (en)

And soon the world had moved on, to more finely tuned instruments that began to unlock secrets behind some of Earth’s most powerful forces, from magnetism and earthquakes to storm systems and tides. Now, as we seek new kinds of information in a rapidly changing world, science is circling all the way back to bio-monitoring.

Roundup: Indonesia's volcano eruptions force thousands to evacuate

2024-05-04T12:27+0200china.org.cn (en)

by Dames Alexander Sinaga. JAKARTA, May 4 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of people have been evacuated after Mount Ruang on the northern side of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi erupted intensely since last month. The multiple eruptions of Ruang have forced the country's disaster mitigation agency BNPB to urge more than 12,000 people to evacuate.

K-Culture Escapes: Viaggiando attraverso i K-Drama e oltre

2024-05-04T12:26+0200agrigentooggi (it)

Una rubrica leggera per un momento di evasione dalla pesante routine quotidiana, dedicata alla cultura coreana e al fenomeno dell’Onda Coreana. Rubrica (a cura di Kculturevibes) K-DRAMA & BEYOND: RECENSIONI, CONSIGLI E CURIOSITÀ SULLA CULTURA COREANA Una Rubrica leggera, per un momento di evasione....

Roundup: Indonesia's volcano eruptions force thousands to evacuate

2024-05-04T12:16+0200english-news-cn (en)

by Dames Alexander Sinaga. JAKARTA, May 4 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of people have been evacuated after Mount Ruang on the northern side of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi erupted intensely since last month. The multiple eruptions of Ruang have forced the country's disaster mitigation agency BNPB to urge more than 12,000 people to evacuate.

Roundup: Indonesia's volcano eruptions force thousands to evacuate

2024-05-04T12:12+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

by Dames Alexander Sinaga. JAKARTA, May 4 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of people have been evacuated after Mount Ruang on the northern side of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi erupted intensely since last month. The multiple eruptions of Ruang have forced the country's disaster mitigation agency BNPB to urge more than 12,000 people to evacuate.

El Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez llena de oro a una empresa separatista

2024-05-04T11:29+0200elcatalan (es)

Pedro Sánchez siempre ha tenido muy claro que los separatistas son los socios que lo mantendrán en el poder. Y no ha escatimado esfuerzos en tenerlos bien contentos. Indultos, ley de amnistía y lo que haga falta para seguir en la Moncloa. ’ informan que el ejecutivo de Sánchez desde el 2020 ha....

Light mag. 4.6 earthquake - 37 km northwest of Puno, Puno, Peru, on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 03:29 am (Lima time)

2024-05-04T10:56+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Seismic station: La Paz, Bolivia (LPAZ/GT network) | Distance from quake: 244 km / 151 mi | Show on map Station Info Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 4.2 con epicentro en Puno

2024-05-04T10:50+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un temblor de magnitud 4.2 este sábado 4 de mayo con epicentro en la ciudad de Juliaca, en la provincia de San Roman del departamento de Puno. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el movimiento....

Grapevine: Re’ut remembers

2024-05-04T10:47+0200jpost (en)

SOME PEOPLE are worried about whether future generations will commemorate the Holocaust . Parents of students at Jerusalem’s Re’ut School know that on this particular score, they have nothing to worry about. Through the Gidonim project, in conjunction with the Society for the Advancement of....

Oaxaca registra temblor de magnitud 4.1

2024-05-04T10:21+0200infobae (es)

Los habitantes de la ciudad de Salina Cruz vivieron un temblor que alcanzó una magnitud de 4.1 y tuvo una profundidad de 52.4 kilómetros. La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el temblor sucedió este 4 de mayo a las 1:37 hora del centro (7:37 UTC), con un....

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-04T10:18+0200chinadailyhk (en)

An eruption from Mount Ruang volcano is seen from Tagulandang island in Sitaro, North Sulawesi, on April 30, 2024. (PHOTO / AFP) JAKARTA - The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about....

Swell waves likely to hit several coastal areas over the weekend, says INCOIS: What are these waves?

2024-05-04T10:10+0200expressindia (en)

The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) on Friday (May 3) forecasted that high sea waves, also known as swell waves, might hit the coastal areas of Goa, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands between Saturday (May 4) and Sunday (May 5).

Sismo en México: temblor magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en Salina Cruz

2024-05-04T10:06+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 4.1 de magnitud se registró en las cercanías de Salina Cruz a las 1:17 hora del centro (7:17 UTC) del 4 de mayo, de acuerdo con el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del temblor fue a 86 km al sureste de la ciudad del estado de Oaxaca y tuvo una profundidad de 33.

Los colegios más cercanos a la ría de Huelva se preparan ante un posible tsunami

2024-05-04T09:54+0200andaluciainformacion (es)

No se sabe cuándo, pero lo que sí está claro es que el gran terremoto de 1755 volverá a repetirse, y con él, la gran ola puede adentrarse en la ciudad de Huelva. Partiendo de esa premisa, de la mano del Ayuntamiento de Huelva y la ONG Bomberos Unidos Sin Fronteras (BUSF) nació el Plan Tsunami Huelva....

08:15 Las arenas en las playas canarias

2024-05-04T09:20+0200laprovincia (es)

El crecimiento económico mundial con un mercado altamente globalizado, exige mejoras continuas de las comunicaciones. Ese condicionante lleva consigo la construcción y mantenimiento de todas las infraestructuras de transporte, ya sean carreteras y autopista como puertos y aeropuertos.

Antonio Maíllo: "Xa a etapa dos hiperliderazgos desapareceu"

2024-05-04T09:02+0200galego-laopinioncoruna (es)

Recolleu xa o 40% dos avais: por que cre que tantos confiaron en Antonio Maillo? Creo que a xente non se imaxinaba que eu ía presentarme e o que percibín é que, a pesar das dificultades nas que nos atopamos, valórase que se está disposto a loitar por este proxecto, que alguén se molle.

Indonesia desmiente que la isla de Tagulandang se vaya a hundir debido a la erupción del volcán Ruang

2024-05-04T08:55+0200infobae (es)

El Gobierno de Indonesia ha desmentido este sábado que la isla de Tagulandang, en el distrito de las islas Sitaro, en la provincia indonesia de Célebes Septentrional, se vaya a hundir debido a la erupción del volcán Ruang, y ha pedido "calma" a los ciudadanos.

Indonesia desmiente que la isla de Tagulandang se vaya a hundir debido a la erupción del volcán Ruang

2024-05-04T08:41+0200lanacion-AR (es)

MADRID, 4 May. 2024 (Europa Press) - El Gobierno de Indonesia ha desmentido este sábado que la isla de Tagulandang, en el distrito de las islas Sitaro, en la provincia indonesia de Célebes Septentrional, se vaya a hundir debido a la erupción del volcán Ruang, y ha pedido "calma" a los ciudadanos.

Indonesia desmiente que la isla de Tagulandang se vaya a hundir debido a la erupción del volcán Ruang

2024-05-04T08:38+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 4 (EUROPA PRESS) El Gobierno de Indonesia ha desmentido este sábado que la isla de Tagulandang, en el distrito de las islas Sitaro, en la provincia indonesia de Célebes Septentrional, se vaya a hundir debido a la erupción del volcán Ruang, y ha pedido "calma" a los ciudadanos.

Indonesia desmiente que la isla de Tagulandang se vaya a hundir debido a la erupción del volcán Ruang

2024-05-04T08:31+0200noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 4 (EUROPA PRESS) El Gobierno de Indonesia ha desmentido este sábado que la isla de Tagulandang, en el distrito de las islas Sitaro, en la provincia indonesia de Célebes Septentrional, se vaya a hundir debido a la erupción del volcán Ruang, y ha pedido «calma» a los ciudadanos.

Indonesia.- Indonesia desmiente que la isla de Tagulandang se vaya a hundir debido a la erupción del volcán Ruang

2024-05-04T08:30+0200notimerica (es)

01 May 2024, Indonesia, Sitaro: A view of Ruang volcano eruption in Tagulandang village, Sitaro regency, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. (best quality available) Photo: Sijori Images/Sijori Images via ZUMA Press/dpa - Sijori Images/Sijori Images via / DPA. MADRID, 4 May.

Indonesia to relocate 10,000 people after Ruang eruptions

2024-05-04T08:28+0200tnp-sg (en)

JAKARTA – The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on May 3. About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the province....

Se registra sismo de magnitud 4.1 en S Pedro Pochutla

2024-05-04T08:04+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 4.1 de magnitud fue registrado en las cercanías de S Pedro Pochutla a las 23:33 hora del centro (5:33 UTC) del 3 de mayo, según el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del temblor fue a 46 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Oaxaca y tuvo una profundidad de 18.

Light mag. 4.1 earthquake - New Zealand on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 05:09 pm (GMT +12)

2024-05-04T07:25+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Based on data from the past 14 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 130 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi): Mag. 8 or higher: 0.02 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 62.5 years) Mag. 7 or higher: 0.07 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 13.

L'Occident officiel au secours du fascisme israélien

2024-05-04T07:22+0200lequotidien-oran (fr)

L'appui moral et politique qu'apporte l'Occident officiel à l'Etat fasciste d'Israël se résume en quelques mots : « Israël est victime de l'acte terroriste de Hamas » du 7 octobre 2023 où 1.163 Israéliens ont été tués ; l'Etat d'Israël a le droit de se défendre, quitte à bombarder des milliers de....

Ancient Ruins Confirm Biblical Account of Jerusalem Wall; Renowned Structure Could Have Been Built Earlier After a Great Tectonic Activity

2024-05-04T07:15+0200sciencetimes (en)

Archeological discoveries have repeatedly confirmed the historical accounts mentioned in the Bible, particularly from the Old Testament. Once again, a scientific breakthrough has supported claims from the Holy Book with radiocarbon dating. Vindicating a Biblical Account.

Loreto: reportan sismo de magnitud 5.2

2024-05-04T07:03+0200infobae (es)

El Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) reportó que el temblor tuvo una profundidad de 34 km y se localizó al suroeste de la Provincia Constitucional del Callao. Aunque no se registraron heridos, se reportaron algunos daños materiales menores. En la Costa Verde , específicamente en el Parque....

"Ya la etapa de los hiperliderazgos ha desaparecido"

2024-05-04T07:03+0200elcorreoweb (es)

Horas previas a las declaraciones, Maíllo, que fue en su tiempo uno de los mejores oradores del Parlamento de Andalucía , se afana en explicar su proyecto, que pasa por la confluencia con otras formaciones de izquierda pero con el protagonismo que se ha usurpado, según se lee de sus palabras, a IU....

Près de 10.000 Indonésiens relogés à l'écart du volcan Ruang

2024-05-04T06:35+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 05h19 L'Indonésie va déplacer environ 10.000 habitants de l'île volcanique de Ruang par crainte de nouvelles éruptions après plusieurs survenues dans les dernières semaines. Une éruption avait eu lieu au début du mois d'avril. Les 800 personnes vivant sur la montagne avaient....

Mayo,03 2024 a las 10:13 pm Saprissa femenino cae y se aleja de la Liga

2024-05-04T06:35+0200diarioextra (es)

Deportes Saprissa femenino cae y se aleja de la Liga Pierde de visita contra Dimas Escazú. El equipo Dimas Escazú derrota 2-1 a Saprissa femenino en juego de la jornada 7 y baja a las moradas a la tercera casilla, adueñándose de la segunda. La fecha continúa hoy y mañana. Dimas Escazú-Saprissa 2-1. Sábado 4 de mayo.

Il futuro dell’ex Umberto I: "Poliambulatorio entro giugno. Nuova Rsa attiva a fine 2024"

2024-05-04T06:34+0200ilrestodelcarlino (it)

"Il Poliambulatorio all’ex Umberto I attivo entro giugno e la nuova Rsa in servizio prima della fine del 2024". Sono queste le promesse, al netto degli inciampi procedurali purtroppo all’ordine del giorno, che si sente di fare il Direttore dell’Ast 2 di Ancona, Giovanni Stroppa.

"Pas assez de structures d'accueil" : la protection animale face aux magouilles et aux défaillances

2024-05-04T06:18+0200marianne (fr)

Trop d’animaux abandonnés ou maltraités et pas assez de moyens : confrontés à ce problème, les défenseurs de nos amies les bêtes risquent de voir apparaître des acteurs peu scrupuleux. Exemple à l’Action protection animale. D’abord une bordée d’insultes.

5.1-magnitude quake hits Solomon Islands: GFZ

2024-05-04T06:15+0200english-news-cn (en)

NEW YORK, May 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted Solomon Islands at 22:47:39 GMT on Friday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 162.1 km, was initially determined to be at 5.46 degrees south latitude and 154.33 degrees east longitude.

5.1-magnitude quake hits WNW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea: USGS

2024-05-04T06:13+0200uniindia (en)

New York, May 4 (UNI) An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted 153 km WNW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea, at 22:47:40 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 170.0 km, was initially determined to be at 5.64 degrees south latitude and 154.27 degrees east longitude.

5.1-magnitude quake hits Solomon Islands: GFZ

2024-05-04T06:09+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

NEW YORK, May 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted Solomon Islands at 22:47:39 GMT on Friday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 162.1 km, was initially determined to be at 5.46 degrees south latitude and 154.33 degrees east longitude.

5.3-magnitude quake hits Vanuatu Islands -- GFZ

2024-05-04T06:05+0200uniindia (en)

Hong Kong, May 4 (UNI) An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 hit Vanuatu Islands at 0317 GMT on Saturday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 174.4 km, was initially determined to be at 14.63 degrees south latitude and 167.18 degrees east longitude. UNI/XINHUA ARN.

Indonesia to permanently shift 10,000 people after eruptions

2024-05-04T05:42+0200radionz (en)

The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday. About 9800 people live on Ruang island, in the province of....

Indonesia to permanently shift 10,000 people after eruptions

2024-05-04T05:41+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday. About 9800 people live on Ruang island, in the province of....

5.1-magnitude quake hits 153 km WNW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea: USGS

2024-05-04T05:28+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

NEW YORK, May 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted 153 km WNW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea, at 22:47:40 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 170.0 km, was initially determined to be at 5.64 degrees south latitude and 154.27 degrees east longitude.

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-04T05:28+0200thenews-pk (en)

JAKARTA: The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday. About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the....

Palimpsests of history: New ways of seeing, learning, giving

2024-05-04T05:26+0200kathmandupost (en)

Over the 33 years that the Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust (KVPT) has been working on the ground, it has restored more than 87 monuments and temples, some 36 after the 2015 earthquake. The Trust has many long-term donors, institutional and across countries and embassies, but domestic donors, the truest stakeholders, are fewer and far between.

5.1-magnitude quake hits 153 km WNW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea: USGS

2024-05-04T05:25+0200english-news-cn (en)

NEW YORK, May 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted 153 km WNW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea, at 22:47:40 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 170.0 km, was initially determined to be at 5.64 degrees south latitude and 154.27 degrees east longitude.

Indonesia to permanently relocate nearly 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-04T05:00+0200AsiaOne (en)

JAKARTA — The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on May 3. About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the province....

Archipelago Government to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang eruptions

2024-05-04T04:57+0200JakartaPost (en)

About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the province of North Sulawesi, but in recent weeks all residents have been forced to evacuate after the mountain has continued to spew incandescent lava and columns of ash kilometres into the sky. Authorities this week raised the alert status of the....

Archipelago Govt to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-04T04:57+0200JakartaPost (en)

About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the province of North Sulawesi, but in recent weeks all residents have been forced to evacuate after the mountain has continued to spew incandescent lava and columns of ash kilometers into the sky. Authorities this week raised the alert status of the....

Indonesia to Permanently Relocate 10,000 People after Ruang Volcano Eruptions

2024-05-04T04:02+0200tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta - The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in the future, a minister said on Friday, May 3.

Puerto Escondido registra temblor de magnitud 4.1

2024-05-04T03:19+0200infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales, como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Oaxaca registra sismo de magnitud 4.0 Debido a su ubicación geográfica, México está continuamente expuesto a sufrir este tipo de eventos sísmicos

2024-05-04T03:05+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 4.0 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 144.1 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes de la ciudad de Matías Romero a las 18:26 hora del centro (0:26 UTC) este 3 de mayo. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 72 km al noreste de dicha localidad del estado de Oaxaca, de acuerdo....

Home explosion kills one and forces neighborhood evacuation

2024-05-04T02:04+0200metro-uk (en)

A New Jersey home on a quiet cul-de-sac exploded into pieces on Thursday evening (Picture: CBS News) An explosion obliterated a house and killed one person, injured another and forced an evacuation of an entire neighborhood. The home on Continental Court near Leonardine Avenue in the South River....

5.1-magnitude quake hits Solomon Islands: GFZ

2024-05-04T01:52+0200wn (en)

NEW YORK, May 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.

5.1-magnitude quake hits 153 km WNW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea: USGS

2024-05-04T01:52+0200wn (en)

NEW YORK, May 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.

Massachusetts college students call on Congress to intervene, address ‘tsunami of antisemitism’

2024-05-04T01:52+0200wn (en)

Jewish students from seven colleges and universities across Massachusetts are....

Indonesia to relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-04T01:50+0200abc-au (en)

In short: Almost 10,000 Indonesians will be permanently relocated after the Ruang volcano erupted again this week. They will remain in North Sulawesi but live in "simple but permanent homes" in the Bolaang Mongondow area, according to a government minister.

5.1-magnitude quake hits 153 km WNW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea: USGS

2024-05-04T01:36+0200china.org.cn (en)

NEW YORK, May 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted 153 km WNW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea, at 22:47:40 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 170.0 km, was initially determined to be at 5.64 degrees south latitude and 154.27 degrees east longitude.

5.1-magnitude quake hits Solomon Islands: GFZ

2024-05-04T01:25+0200china.org.cn (en)

NEW YORK, May 3 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.1 jolted Solomon Islands at 22:47:39 GMT on Friday, the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said. The epicenter, with a depth of 162.1 km, was initially determined to be at 5.46 degrees south latitude and 154.33 degrees east longitude.

Moderate mag. 5.1 earthquake - 161 km northwest of Arawa, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 09:47 am (GMT +11)

2024-05-04T01:11+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Based on data from the past 14 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 29.7 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi): Mag. 8 or higher: 0.02 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 62.5 years) Mag. 7 or higher: 0.08 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 12.

Massachusetts college students call on Congress to intervene, address ‘tsunami of antisemitism’

2024-05-04T01:05+0200bostonherald (en)

Jewish students from seven colleges and universities across Massachusetts are urging Congressional intervention to address the “tsunami of antisemitism” threatening their safety on campus. , a group of students from more than 50 universities, sent a letter to Speaker Mike Johnson and Minority....

Indonesia to permanently relocate nearly 10,000 after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-04T00:47+0200freemalaysiatoday (en)

About 9,800 people were forced to evacuate Ruang Island as the mountain spewed lava and ash into the sky in recent weeks. (Indonesian National Search and Rescue Agency/AP pic) JAKARTA: The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions....

US PTO taking up artificial intelligence’s patent noise problem

2024-05-04T00:40+0200massdevice (en)

Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have generated a tsunami of popular dystopian musings, but the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) has its own concerns about AI’s impact on intellectual property. PTO recently announced that it is looking for feedback on the use of AI to produce....

Stretchable E-Skin Could Give Robots Human-Level Touch Sensitivity

2024-05-04T00:28+0200eurasiareview (en)

The new stretchable e-skin, developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin, solves a major bottleneck in the emerging technology. Existing e-skin technology loses sensing accuracy as the material stretches, but that is not the case with this new version.

Lake Tsunamis Pose Significant Threat Under Warming Climate

2024-05-04T00:28+0200eurasiareview (en)

Triggered by landslides into small bodies of water, most of these tsunamis have occurred in remote locations so far, but geologist Bretwood Higman of Ground Truth Alaska said it may just be a matter of time before a tsunami swamps a more populated place like Portage Lake near Whittier, Alaska.

Carrera Cup Italy | Misano: everything in a tenth in free practice!

2024-05-03T23:05+0200ruetir (en)

After the foreign domination in yesterday's test, the Italian comeback came on Friday evening in Misano which inaugurated the first round of the Porsche Carrera Cup Italia with an hour of free practice whose gaps already say a lot about what they have in store the 31 protagonists of the Italian....

Sismo de magnitud 4.1 se registra en Guerrero

2024-05-03T22:35+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.1 se registró en las cercanías de Arcelia a las 14:03 hora del centro (20:03 UTC) del 3 de mayo, según el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del sismo fue a 6 km al oeste de la ciudad del estado de Guerrero y tuvo una profundidad de 54.

New revolutionary technology wants to give robots human-like skin

2024-05-03T22:08+0200albawaba-en (en)

ALBAWABA - Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin have created a first-of-its-kind flexible, electronic skin with nearly the same qualities as human skin, opening up new opportunities for robots to accomplish activities that need a high degree of accuracy and control of pressure.

Se registró un temblor de magnitud 4.2 en Ucayali

2024-05-03T21:48+0200infobae (es)

El Anillo de Fuego: qué es y dónde se localiza. Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los movimientos telúricos más fuertes del mundo.

Lake Tsunamis Pose Significant Threat Under Warming Climate

2024-05-03T21:45+0200enn (en)

The names might not be familiar—Cowee Creek, Brabazon Range, Upper Pederson Lagoon—but they mark the sites of recent lake tsunamis, a phenomenon that is increasingly common in Alaska, British Columbia and other regions with mountain glaciers. The names might not be familiar—Cowee Creek, Brabazon....

Experto advierte que los tsunamis de lagos son "un peligro emergente" debido al cambio climático

2024-05-03T21:32+0200biobiochile (es)

Los tsunamis de lagos son poco frecuentes y han ocurrido mayormente en lugares remotos del mundo, en especial en zonas donde se ubican glaciares , pero ahora, con el cambio climático y el calentamiento de la Tierra, son “un peligro emergente”, dicen los expertos.

Monique Wittig, portrait d’une féministe radicale

2024-05-03T21:19+0200philomag (fr)

Le 26 août 1970, Monique Wittig (1935-2003) avance avec neuf autre femmes sur les Champs-Élysées. En soutien à la manifestation du Women’s Liberation Movement qui a lieu le jour même à New York, aux États-Unis, elles posent une gerbe de fleurs au pied de l’Arc de Triomphe.

Indonesia: capturan imágenes del volcán Ruang arrojando cenizas tras su erupción

2024-05-03T21:05+0200ambito (es)

Ahora, difundieron las imágenes que lograron ser capturadas en el momento en que el humo se eleva desde el volcán . Según la agencia de estudio vulcanológico de Indonesia (PVMBG), el monte entró en erupción tres veces , lo que provocó el lanzamiento de lava y cenizas a varios kilómetros de altura. Informate más.

Stretchy ‘skin’ could give robots sensitivity of human touch

2024-05-03T20:45+0200futurity (en)

The e-skin opens up new possibilities to perform tasks that require a great deal of precision and control of force and solves a major bottleneck in the emerging technology. Existing e-skin technology loses sensing accuracy as the material stretches, but that is not the case with this new version.

Côte d’Ivoire, la filière cacao face à la gestion opaque du clan Ouattara

2024-05-03T19:52+0200mondafrique (fr)

Dans un courrier disponible mais très peu partagé, probablement parce qu’il était destiné au président de l’Assemblée nationale, Pascal Affi N’guessan dézingue les patrons de la filière ivoirienne du cacao, le fameux Conseil café-cacao, en exposant l’incompétence et la mauvaise gouvernance dont ses....

Ercolano, piazza Carlo di Borbone restituita alla città: tra i finanziatori dei lavori anche un mecenate Usa

2024-05-03T19:49+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 3 maggio 2024) Sarà aperta alla città , lunedì 6 maggio, a partire dalle 9,45, piazza Carlo di Borbone ad Ercolano . L’area di 5mila metri quadri affaccia sul Parco Archeologico, proprio sopra al foro dell’antica Herculaneum. Saranno presenti il presidente della Regione Campania,....

Indonesia: impactantes imágenes de la columna de cenizas generadas por el volcán Ruang

2024-05-03T19:27+0200diario26 (es)

de Indonesia volvió a entrar en erupción, generando que más de 12.000 personas evacuadas como consecuencia de la enorme columna de cenizas que alcanzó los 5.000 metros de altura . Este jueves se dieron a conocer una serie de imágenes en las que se puede ver como el humo se eleva desde el volcán.

Dos policías agredidos en el caso Tsunami piden al Gobierno una indemnización y que se les reconozca como víctimas

2024-05-03T19:16+020020minutos (es)

Dos agentes de la Policía Nacional que resultaron heridos en Barcelona durante las protestas contra la sentencia del procés en octubre de 2019 han pedido al Gobierno que se les reconozca como víctimas del terrorismo y se les conceda la pertinente indemnización.

Magnitude 5.8 quake jolts Leyte

2024-05-03T19:11+0200pna (en)

Quake epicenter ( Image from Phivolcs Facebook page) MANILA – A magnitude 5.8 earthquake jolted Leyte on Friday night, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) reported. In its earthquake bulletin No. 2, Phivolcs said the tectonic quake struck 36 km. northeast of the municipality of Abuyog at 6:16 p.

Los tsunamis en lagos representan una importante amenaza debido al calentamiento del clima

2024-05-03T19:05+0200vistaalmar (es)

Son provocados por deslizamientos de tierra en pequeñas masas de agua. Cowee Creek, Brabazon Range, Upper Pederson Lagoon: marcan los sitios de recientes tsunamis en lagos , un fenómeno que es cada vez más común en Alaska, Columbia Británica y otras regiones con glaciares de montaña.

Indonesia to relocate 10,000 people after volcanic eruptions

2024-05-03T19:03+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

JAKARTA >> The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday. About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the....

Scientists find ruins that can confirm the truth of the Bible

2024-05-03T18:55+0200obozrevatel (en)

Until now, it was believed that a section of the wall in the very center of Jerusalem was built by Hezekiah, king of Judah. His reign spanned the 7th and 8th centuries BC. He had seen his neighbor to the north, the kingdom of Israel, destroyed by the Assyrian Empire.

J’ai volé la coupe à la maison, dit Hrubec après son prochain titre

2024-05-03T18:55+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Qu’avez-vous réussi après la finale ? Je n’ai pas beaucoup dormi, c’était orageux. Nous sommes restés au stade jusqu’à quatre heures et demie du matin, familles et amis sont venus au vestiaire, heureusement c’est grand. Le champagne était répandu partout, bu, fait la fête. Je suis content que personne n’ait été blessé.

Colombia: se registró un sismo de magnitud 3.1 en Bolívar

2024-05-03T18:54+0200infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

La ciudad de Alto Hospicio registra sismo de magnitud 4.1

2024-05-03T18:54+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo temblor sacudió a la ciudad chilena de Alto Hospicio , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 12:26 horas (hora local) de este viernes 3 de mayo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico fue de 4.1 de magnitud y una profundidad de 30.

FOTO Com. stampa Nasce Absoluta Niche Perfumery: due giovani professionisti si dedicano alla profumeria artistica e scommettono nel centro storico di Macerata

2024-05-03T18:36+0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) - Roma, 3 Maggio 2024 (AGENPARL) – ven 03 maggio 2024 > Gentilissimi, vi inoltro una breve nota sull’apertura di una nuova > attività da parte di Piera Briganti, figlia del colonnello Gino Briganti, > ex comandante della Compagnia Carabinieri di Camerino e vice comandante > della Legione....

Spotlight on Lorca

2024-05-03T18:23+0200euroweeklynews (en)

Lorca is famed for its imposing castle, exquisite Baroque architecture, and vibrant Semana Santa processions, which have been recognised as an international tourist attraction. Often referred to as ‘the city of a hundred shields’ due to its extensive heritage, Lorca’s historic centre and castle....

Earthquake Maps Overpredict Shaking Intensity, Study Finds

2024-05-03T18:15+0200miragenews (en)

A new study by Northwestern University researchers and coworkers explains a puzzling problem with maps of future earthquake shaking used to design earthquake-resistant buildings. Although seismologists have been making these maps for about 50 years, they know very little about how well they actually....

Toward Robots With Human-Level Touch Sensitivity

2024-05-03T18:01+0200sciencedaily (en)

The new stretchable e-skin, developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin, solves a major bottleneck in the emerging technology. Existing e-skin technology loses sensing accuracy as the material stretches, but that is not the case with this new version.

Com. stampa Nasce Absoluta Niche Perfumery: due giovani professionisti si dedicano alla profumeria artistica e scommettono nel centro storico di Macerata

2024-05-03T17:33+0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) - Roma, 3 Maggio 2024 (AGENPARL) – ven 03 maggio 2024 Gentilissimi, vi inoltro una breve nota sull’apertura di una nuova attività da parte di Piera Briganti, figlia del colonnello Gino Briganti, ex comandante della Compagnia Carabinieri di Camerino e vice comandante della Legione....

Terremoto de magnitud 5.7 sacude Filipinas

2024-05-03T17:31+0200noticierovenevision (es)

Un de magnitud 5,7 ha sacudido este viernes las aguas al este de la región central de Filipinas , sin que las autoridades hayan informado de momento sobre posibles daños o declararan alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de EEUU , que registra la actividad sísmica en todo el mundo, ha situado el....

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-03T17:29+0200dunyanews (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday.

Arriva l'Art Bonus per Amatrice, nuove risorse per far rinascere la cultura

2024-05-03T16:45+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 3 maggio 2024) Parte l'aiuto del territorio di Amatrice devastato dal terremoto del 2016, anche per la valorizzazione cultura le. Firmato dal ministro Sangiuliano il protocollo per il primo "Art Bonus " di oltre 6 milioni e mezzo di euro. Notizie su altre fonti: amatrice arriva.

IGP registró un sismo de magnitud 4.2 en Tumbes, Tumbes

2024-05-03T16:41+0200infobae (es)

El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está integrado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas y bajar....

Light mag. 4.0 earthquake - 17 km north of Nyaungdon, Ayeyarwady, Myanmar, on Friday, May 3, 2024, at 08:46 pm (Yangon time)

2024-05-03T16:40+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

User-reports for this quake (5) The first report about ground shaking reached us after only 3 minutes, before other agencies reported it. So far, we have received 5 reports for this quake from . The quake was reported to have been felt in up to approx. 60 km (37 mi) distance , with isolated cases to have felt the quake even 69 km (43 mi) away.

Arriva l'Art Bonus per Amatrice, nuove risorse per far rinascere la cultura

2024-05-03T16:36+0200ilgiornale (it)

Amatrice (Rieti) rinasce anche culturalmente dopo il terribile sisma del 2016. Il ministro Gennaro Sangiuliano ha firmato un protocollo d'intesa per l’assunzione di personale specializzato - architetti, storici dell'arte e restauratori - per favorire la ricostruzione dei siti culturali e architettonici rimasti gravemente danneggiati dal terremoto.

Aragonès apunta al exdirector del CNI Félix Sanz Roldán por el espionaje con Pegasus

2024-05-03T16:36+0200elperiodico (es)

El presidente de la Generalitat, Pere Aragonès , ha advertido de que archivar la imputación de la exdirectora del CNI Paz Esteban por su supuesto espionaje con Pegasus sería "prematuro" y le supondría una "desprotección absoluta" y ha apuntado también como posible responsable penal a su antecesor, Félix Sanz Roldán .

Dos policías piden al Gobierno indemnización como víctimas de terrorismo en el caso Tsunami

2024-05-03T16:27+0200elperiodico (es)

Dos agentes de la Policía Naciona l que resultaron heridos en Barcelona durante las protestas contra la sentencia del procés en octubre de 2019 han pedido al Gobierno que se les reconozca como víctimas del terrorismo y se les conceda la pertinente indemnización .

One Dead, One Injured In Deadly New Jersey Home Explosion

2024-05-03T16:24+0200outlookindia (en)

One person was killed and another seriously injured in a devastating house explosion in South River, New Jersey. The explosion, which occurred without warning, levelled the home and caused widespread damage to neighbouring properties. A devastating house explosion in South River, New Jersey, on....

What Is A Lake Tsunami?

2024-05-03T15:52+0200wn (en)

Thought tsunamis only happened in the ocean? Think again. Turns out lake tsunamis are a thing too, and they can be just as devastating – here’s everything you need to know about them. Advertisement What is a lake tsunami? As you may well have guessed, a lake tsunami is a tsunami that occurs in a lake.

New 'e-skin' mimics human skin, may enhance robots, UT researchers say

2024-05-03T15:51+0200statesman (en)

Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin have developed the first stretchy, electronic skin with many of the same characteristics as human skin. Here's what we know. University of Texas develops 'e-skin' technology. The researchers have committed to creating a .

Treat people displaced by Mt Ruang eruptions well: Widodo to officials

2024-05-03T15:49+0200antaranews-en (en)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo has directed government officials to treat all residents displaced by Mount Ruang's eruptions humanely and ensure that none of those seeking refuge feel abandoned, Coordinating Human Development and Culture Minister Muhadjir Effendy informed. "Mr.

IFRC: Urgent need to rethink humanitarian approach in Afghanistan

2024-05-03T15:33+0200reliefWeb (en)

Kabul/Kuala Lumpur/Doha/Geneva, 3 May 2024 The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is gravely deteriorating, and a new approach is urgently needed. Without a radical rethink of approaches to humanitarian aid, the root causes of the crisis cannot be tackled sustainably. Time and funding are running out.

Marine Commandant says new amphib readiness memo will ‘outlast’ him, CNO

2024-05-03T15:28+0200breakingdefense (en)

The Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship USS Arlington (LPD 24), and Landing Craft, Air Cushions 86, 85 and 02 attached to Assault Craft Unit 4 (ACU 4) sail in formation Aug. 14, 2021. (U.S.

Solidarity campaign with Cuba advances in Chile

2024-05-03T15:28+0200cubasi (en)

Chilean graduates from the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) and the Gladys Marín Foundation organized a new solidarity campaign with Cuba to raise funds. “With this initiative, we want to be reciprocal with a people that helped many Chileans at different times in history,” doctor Ariel Ramírez, from the ELAM-Chile NGO, told Prensa Latina.

3-May-2024 Stretchable e-skin could give robots human-level touch sensitivity University of Texas at Austin Peer-Reviewed Publication A first-ever stretchy electronic skin could equip robots and other devices with the same softness and touch sensitivity as human skin, opening up new possibilities to....

2024-05-03T15:15+0200eurekalert (en)

Credit: The University of Texas at Austin. A first-ever stretchy electronic skin could equip robots and other devices with the same softness and touch sensitivity as human skin, opening up new possibilities to perform tasks that require a great deal of precision and control of force.

Midwives: Heroes on the front lines of the global climate crisis

2024-05-03T15:13+0200economist-na (en)

By Dr. Natalia Kanem UNFPA Executive Director. Right now, around the world, millions of lives are in the hands of midwives. Whether they are wading through flood waters to reach pregnant women or delivering babies amid the rubble of an earthquake, midwives are the unsung heroes of community health services.

Un terremoto de magnitud 5.7 sacude Filipinas

2024-05-03T15:12+0200elaragueno (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5.7 sacudió este viernes las aguas al este de la región central de Filipinas, sin que las autoridades informaran de momento sobre posibles daños o declararan alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica en todo el mundo, situó....

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-03T15:09+0200bna-en (en)

Jakarta, May. 3 (BNA): The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday.

Billion Tree Tsunami Plus project to kick off in KP

2024-05-03T14:59+0200nation (en)

The proposal for the initiation of the 'Billion Tree Tsunami Plus' project in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province has been put forward. This project aims to plant over one billion trees within a span of five years across the province. Building the previous Billion Tree Tsunami and 10 Billion Tree....

Terremoto oggi Campi Flegrei M 1.9/ Scandone, vulcanologo: “Tema che il magma stia per uscire”

2024-05-03T14:58+0200ilsussidiario (it)

Una nuova scossa di terremoto si è verificata oggi ai Campi Flegrei. Così come riferito come al solito dall’Ingv, l’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia, attraverso il proprio sito online, l’evento ha avuto una magnitudo di 1.9 gradi sulla scala Richter ed è stato localizzato nel cuore....

Billion Tree Tsunami Plus project to kick off in KP

2024-05-03T14:56+0200nation-pk (en)

The proposal for the initiation of the 'Billion Tree Tsunami Plus' project in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province has been put forward. This project aims to plant over one billion trees within a span of five years across the province. Building the previous Billion Tree Tsunami and 10 Billion Tree....

Aragonès apunta al exdirector del CNI Félix Sánz Roldán por el espionaje con Pegasus

2024-05-03T14:56+0200infobae (es)

Barcelona, 3 may (EFE).- El presidente de la Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, ha advertido de que archivar la imputación de la exdirectora del CNI Paz Esteban por su supuesto espionaje con Pegasus sería "prematuro" y le supondría una "desprotección absoluta" y ha apuntado también como posible responsable penal a su antecesor, Félix Sanz Roldán.

Dos policías piden al Gobierno indemnización como víctimas de terrorismo en caso Tsunami

2024-05-03T14:56+0200infobae (es)

Barcelona, 3 may (EFE).- Dos agentes de la Policía Nacional que resultaron heridos en Barcelona durante las protestas contra la sentencia del procés en octubre de 2019 han pedido al Gobierno que se les reconozca como víctimas del terrorismo y se les conceda la pertinente indemnización.

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-03T14:53+0200malaymail (en)

JAKARTA, May 3 — The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said today. About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the....

COLUMN: Preparedness Grants are Key to Resilience

2024-05-03T14:48+0200hstoday (en)

Dan is a strategic communicator. He is a writer. His expertise is born from experience, to include his role at the Pentagon upon the attacks of 9/11; as lead spokesperson for the National Guard in Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina where he represented 54 states and territories; responding to the....

Allerta tsunami lacustri in Alaska a causa del cambiamento climatico

2024-05-03T14:45+0200meteoweb (it)

I nomi potrebbero non essere familiari – Cowee Creek Brabazon Range Upper Pederson Lagoon – ma indicano i siti di recenti tsunami lacustri, un fenomeno sempre più comune in Alaska, nella Columbia Britannica e in altre regioni con ghiacciai di montagna.

This biometric dog collar could help in predicting earthquakes

2024-05-03T14:43+0200wn (en)

A new smart collar could help prove whether or not dogs can sense earthquakes before humans do. When an earthquake is about to hit, reports show that dogs and other animals can exhibit a behavior change. A new collar seeks to study and capitalize on that instinct.

Govt to permanently relocate 301 families living near Mount Ruang

2024-05-03T14:39+0200antaranews-en (en)

File - A motorbike rider passes near a house damaged by the eruption of Mount Ruang in Tagulandang, Sitaro Islands District, North Sulawesi, on May 2, 2024. (ANTARA FOTO/Andri Saputra/tom) Jakarta (ANTARA) - The government has decided to permanently relocate 301 families living near Mount Ruang in....

Jokowi chairs meeting on relocation of Mt Ruang eruption survivors

2024-05-03T14:39+0200antaranews-en (en)

Indonesia's President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) chaired a limited meeting with several cabinet members on Friday (May 3, 2024) to discuss a plan to relocate the Mount Ruang eruption-affected residents to a new settlement area in North Sulawesi. ANTARA/Mentari Dwi Gayati.

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-03T14:18+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post JAKARTA (Reuters): The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday.

Sismo Terremoto en Filipinas de magnitud 5,7 sacude las islas: riesgo de tsunami MDZ Mundo El fuerte sismo se sintió hoy en toda la isla y las islas vecinas. Su epicentro se ubica en las profundidades del mar. Aún no hay recuento de daños y hay atención por si se forma un tsunami.

2024-05-03T14:05+0200mdzol (es)

El fuerte sismo se sintió hoy en toda la isla y las islas vecinas. Su epicentro se ubica en las profundidades del mar. Aún no hay recuento de daños y hay atención por si se forma un tsunami. Un terremoto de magnitud 5,7 sacudió este viernes las aguas al este de la región central de Filipinas , sin....

Dos policías «perjudicados» en 'Tsunami' piden ser indemnizados como víctimas de terrorismo

2024-05-03T13:52+0200theobjective (es)

Dos policías nacionales que figuran como «perjudicados» en la causa de ‘ Tsunami Democràtic ‘ que se investiga en la Audiencia Nacional han pedido al Estado que les indemnice como víctimas de terrorismo. Así consta en un escrito, al que ha tenido acceso Europa Press, que la Subdirección General de....

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,7 sacude las aguas al este de Filipinas

2024-05-03T13:51+0200infobae (es)

Bangkok, 3 may (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,7 sacudió este viernes las aguas al este de la región central de Filipinas, sin que las autoridades informaran de momento sobre posibles daños o declararan alerta de tsunami. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica....

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-03T13:33+0200business-times (en)

The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday (May 3). About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the....

Dos policías en la causa de 'Tsunami' piden una indemnizacion como víctimas de terrorismo

2024-05-03T13:31+0200niusdiario (es)

Así consta en un escrito, al que ha tenido acceso Europa Press, que la Subdirección General de Ayudas a Víctimas del Terrorismo del Ministerio del Interior ha remitido al Juzgado Central de Instrucción Número 6 en el que explica que para tramitar dichas peticiones de indemnización y dar respuesta a....

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-03T13:26+0200zawya-palestine (en)

The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday. About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the province of....

Dos policías "perjudicados" en la causa de 'Tsunami' piden al Estado que les indemnice como víctimas de terrorismo

2024-05-03T13:26+0200infobae (es)

Dos policías nacionales que figuran como "perjudicados" en la causa de 'Tsunami Democràtic' que se investiga en la Audiencia Nacional han pedido al Estado que les indemnice como víctimas de terrorismo. Así consta en un escrito, al que ha tenido acceso Europa Press, que la Subdirección General de....

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-03T13:21+0200straitstimesSG (en)

JAKARTA - The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday. About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the....

Volcano to permanently displace 10,000 people

2024-05-03T13:10+0200BangkokPost (en)

A man carries his belongings as he walks past a damaged house affected by the eruption of Mount Ruang volcano in Laingpatehi village in Sitaro Islands Regency, North Sulawesi province, Indonesia on Friday. (Photo: Reuters) JAKARTA - The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000....

Dos policías "perjudicados" en la causa de 'Tsunami' piden al Estado que les indemnice como víctimas de terrorismo

2024-05-03T13:10+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 3 (EUROPA PRESS) Dos policías nacionales que figuran como "perjudicados" en la causa de 'Tsunami Democràtic' que se investiga en la Audiencia Nacional han pedido al Estado que les indemnice como víctimas de terrorismo. Así consta en un escrito, al que ha tenido acceso Europa Press, que la....

"-Seguro que está pensando en otra -Pedro, Pedro, Pe...": locura con el meme del mapache (que en origen tenía otra música)

2024-05-03T13:05+0200Publico-ES (es)

Música de Raffaella Carrà a ritmo four to the floor , un mapache bailón dando vueltas en círculo como si fuera la galleta de un disco de vinilo y un estribillo que dice "Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, Pe…" La siempre misteriosa mezcla que convierte algo en viral ha salido así esta vez y estos son los....

Dos policías heridos en Urquinaona piden ser indemnizados como víctimas del terrorismo por el caso Tsunami

2024-05-03T13:05+0200abc-Andalucia (es)

Dos agentes de la Policía Nacional , que resultaron heridos en la plaza Urquinaona el 18 de octubre de 2019, durante los disturbios contra la sentencia del 'procés', han solicitado ser indemnizados como víctimas del terrorismo en el marco del caso Tsunami , en el que están personados como acusación .

Indonesia to Permanently Relocate 10,000 People After Ruang Volcano Eruptions

2024-05-03T13:00+0200usnews (en)

Reuters. A person carries his belongings as he walks past a damaged house affected by the eruption of Mount Ruang volcano in Laingpatehi village, Sitaro Islands Regency, North Sulawesi province, Indonesia, May 3, 2024. REUTERS/Chermanto Tjaombah JAKARTA (Reuters) - The Indonesian government will....

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions Reuters |Updated 4 minutes ago |2 min read JAKARTA (Reuters) - The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns....

2024-05-03T13:00+0200thechronicleherald (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday.

Dos policías heridos en Urquinaona piden ser indemnizados como víctimas del terrorismo por el caso Tsunami

2024-05-03T13:00+0200sevilla-abc (es)

Dos agentes de la Policía Nacional, que resultaron heridos en la plaza Urquiona el 18 de octubre de 2019, durante los disturbios contra la sentencia del 'procés', han solicitado ser indemnizados como víctimas del terrorismo en el marco del caso Tsunami, en el que están personados como acusación.

Dos policías "perjudicados" en la causa de 'Tsunami' piden al Estado que les indemnice como víctimas de terrorismo

2024-05-03T12:57+0200europapress (es)

MADRID, 3 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - Dos policías nacionales que figuran como "perjudicados" en la causa de 'Tsunami Democràtic' que se investiga en la Audiencia Nacional han pedido al Estado que les indemnice como víctimas de terrorismo. Así consta en un escrito, al que ha tenido acceso Europa Press,....

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-03T12:54+0200saltwire (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday.

Alaska Lakes Warning Over Rare Hazard's 'Surprising' Rise

2024-05-03T12:49+0200newsweek-USA (en)

Alaska lakes are experiencing a surprising rise in a rare hazard, now it is becoming more common as climate change worsens. Lake tsunamis occur when landslides fall in small areas of water. Although this usually only happens in remote areas, they are becoming more frequent in areas with mountain glaciers, such as Alaska and British Columbia.

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-03T12:45+02004-traders (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - The Indonesian government will permanently relocate almost 10,000 residents after a series of explosive eruptions of the Ruang volcano has raised concerns about the dangers of residing on the island in future, a minister said on Friday.

Indonesia to permanently relocate 10,000 people after Ruang volcano eruptions

2024-05-03T12:43+0200devdiscourse (en)

About 9,800 people live on Ruang island, in the province of North Sulawesi, but in recent weeks all residents have been forced to evacuate after the mountain has continued to spew incandescent lava and columns of ash kilometres into the sky. Authorities this week raised the alert status of the....

FUJIFILM Italia: il supporto alla mostra “Ricordi Appesi”

2024-05-03T12:35+0200dietrolanotizia (it)

Marco Paolini con Patrizia Laquidara con "Boomers", il 18 luglio a Villa Arconati. Sono le prime date di questo spettacolo narrativo, accompagnato musicalmente, è... FUJIFILM Italia è lieta di annunciare il supporto alla mostra “Ricordi Appesi” che racchiude un racconto fotografico, stampato su....

La película de un extremo rescate (basada en hechos reales) de Naomi Watts que puedes ver ahora gratis 'online'

2024-05-03T12:25+0200elconfidencial (es)

Lo mismo sucede con su personaje en Tormenta infinita , un drama angustioso que relata la experiencia vivida por una alpinista que estuvo a punto de perder la vida en uno de sus viajes de trekking por las montañas de New Hampshire, en Estados Unidos. La película se estrenó en 2022 y es una de las....

El tsunami de LIBERTAD sigue avanzando por Venezuela con María Corina Machado (Fotos y Videos)

2024-05-03T11:59+0200lapatilla (es)

La líder opositora de Venezuela María Corina Machado pidió este jueves a quienes confían en ella votar en las presidenciales del próximo 28 de julio por el candidato de la Plataforma Unitaria Democrática (PUD) -principal coalición antichavista-, el exembajador Edmundo González Urrutia.

Les habitants craignent pour leur sécurité suite à l’éruption du volcan Ruang – Archipel

2024-05-03T11:53+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

ntelmus Paulus, 67 ans, est désespéré après le éruption Mardi, le volcan Ruang a rendu sa maison sur l’île de Tagulandang inhabitable et a incité les autorités à plus de 12 000 personnes. La maison au toit de zinc d’Antelmus, à environ 7 km (4,35 miles) du volcan de 725 mètres (2 378,61 pieds) de....

BMKG stresses Great Sumatran Fault to not trigger tsunami

2024-05-03T11:49+0200antaranews-en (en)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) emphasized that the Great Sumatran fault stretching across the island's mainland does not trigger a tsunami. Head of the BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center Daryono, in his statement here, Friday, responded to the....

Significant magnitude 5.1 quake hits 56 km northwest of Manapouri, New Zealand early evening

2024-05-03T10:24+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

A moderately shallow magnitude 5.1 earthquake was reported early evening near Manapouri, Southland District, Southland, New Zealand. According to New Zealand 's Earthquake Commission and Geological Survey (GeoNet), the quake hit on Friday, May 3rd, 2024, at 7:59 pm local time at a moderately shallow depth of 48.

Light mag. 4.6 earthquake - 44 km west of Te Anau, Southland, New Zealand, on Friday, May 3, 2024, at 07:59 am (Universal Time time)

2024-05-03T10:04+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Te Anau , a town with 2,900 inhabitants in New Zealand , in 40 km (25 mi) distance east of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer to the epicenter and might have experienced stronger shaking.

Sismo de magnitud 4.2 con epicentro en Oaxaca

2024-05-03T09:33+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.2 fue registrado en las cercanías de Salina Cruz a las 0:55 hora del centro (6:55 UTC) del 3 de mayo, de acuerdo con el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del temblor fue a 155 km al sureste de la ciudad del estado de Oaxaca y tuvo una profundidad de 15.

Billion Tree Tsunami Plus project to kick off in KP

2024-05-03T09:11+0200dunyanews (en)

PESHAWAR (Dunya New s) - The proposal for the initiation of the 'Billion Tree Tsunami Plus' project in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province has been put forward. This project aims to plant over one billion trees within a span of five years across the province.

Which areas of France are most at risk from earthquakes?

2024-05-03T08:58+0200connexionfrance (en)

Reader Question: Which areas of France have had the strongest earthquakes in the past? Which are most at risk? It is important to identify what we mean by ‘France’ as France’s overseas departments and territories in the Caribbean and the Pacific are more prone to seismic activity than mainland France and have recorded many earthquakes.

Earthquake of 4.2 magnitude jolts Balochistan

2024-05-03T08:53+0200nation (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.2 jolted Khuzdar district of Balochistan on Friday. The quake’s epicenter was near Turbat, with a depth of 12 kilometers. However, no loss of life or damage to property was reported from any part of Balochistan so far. People came out of their houses in fear by reciting Kalma-e-Tayyaba.

Earthquake of 4.2 magnitude jolts Balochistan

2024-05-03T08:51+0200nation-pk (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.2 jolted Khuzdar district of Balochistan on Friday. The quake’s epicenter was near Turbat, with a depth of 12 kilometers. However, no loss of life or damage to property was reported from any part of Balochistan so far. People came out of their houses in fear by reciting Kalma-e-Tayyaba.

Earthquake of 4.2 magnitude jolts Balochistan

2024-05-03T08:35+0200arynews (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.2 jolted Khuzdar district of Balochistan on Friday, ARY New s reported. The quake’s epicenter was near Turbat, with a depth of 12 kilometers. However, no loss of life or damage to property was reported from any part of Balochistan so far. People came out of their houses in fear by reciting Kalma-e-Tayyaba.

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.1 en Visviri

2024-05-03T08:24+0200infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sorprendió a los pobladores de la ciudad de Visviri , cuando la tierra empezó a moverse a las 01:54 horas (hora local) de este viernes 3 de mayo. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 4.1 y una profundidad de 147.

06:17 IGP registró un sismo de magnitud 4 en Padre Abad, Ucayali

2024-05-03T08:22+0200infobae (es)

Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los movimientos telúricos más fuertes del mundo. El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico....

Local info magazine in quake-hit Noto region set for revival

2024-05-03T08:20+0200japantimes (en)

Kanazawa, Ishikawa Pref. – A quarterly magazine that had informed readers about the unknown attractions of the Noto Peninsula in central Japan for over 13 years is set for revival this month, after being halted following a powerful earthquake that struck four months ago.

SantéPour voir un médecin plus vite, ils choisissent le Luxembourg 0 10 9

2024-05-03T08:20+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

«Ce matin j'ai reçu une dame qui travaille en France et n'a même pas de caisse de maladie au Luxembourg. Pourquoi vient-elle ici? À cause des délais. Là-bas on me parle parfois de quatre à cinq mois pour un rendez-vous». Président de la Société luxembourgeoise d'ORL (oto-rhino-laryngologie), le Dr....

Light mag. 4.1 earthquake - New Zealand on Friday, May 3, 2024, at 06:00 pm (GMT +12)

2024-05-03T08:13+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Based on data from the past 54 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 46 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi): Mag. 5 or higher: 0.38 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 2.6 years) Mag. 4 or higher: 35.9 quakes per year (or 3 quakes per month) Mag.

05:46 Oaxaca registra sismo de magnitud 4.0

2024-05-03T07:50+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.0 y con una profundidad de 99.6 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Unión Hidalgo a las 23:20 hora del centro (5:20 UTC) este 2 de mayo. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 25 km al noreste de dicha ciudad del estado de Oaxaca, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Venture capitalist aims to 'capture tsunami' with RM1b for M'sian start-ups 29 m ago ⋅ 4

2024-05-03T07:45+0200malaysiakini-en (en)

Lai Pin Yong, the co-founder and chairperson of Blue Chip Venture Capital, plans to invest in more than 10 start-ups related to the semiconductor industry, with the aim of advancing Malaysia in this sector. “It is important now to capture this tsunami and it should stop in Malaysia, not elsewhere.

B.C. cellphones, radio, TV to shriek in alert testing next week The test will take place Wednesday, May 8 at 10:55 a.m. PST. May 2, 2024 11:30 AM Read more >

2024-05-03T07:40+0200timescolonist (en)

Many British Columbians will receive an emergency alert test on Wednesday. Be prepared for blaring alarms on cellphones, televisions and radios next Wednesday. The alert testing is taking place at 10:55 a.m. Pacific time on May 8 as part of Emergency Preparedness Week.

Interoperabilidad ideológica: de Saigón a Kiev y la lección olvidada de Scipio Aemilianus

2024-05-03T07:07+0200laestrella (es)

Siempre me ha sorprendido que cuando las causas de la izquierda agitan a las masas en un país u otro, sus organizadores son una cornucopia de joyas del desorden internacional. En Vietnam, el Viet Con atrajo a combatientes de Albania, Rumania, Corea del norte, Cuba, Suecia, China y la URSS, entre otras nacionalidades.

07:00 Las memorias de Javier Lambán

2024-05-03T07:04+0200elperiodicodearagon (es)

acaba de publicar Una emoción política: Memorias de un servicio a Aragón y España . Una biografía que desde el año 1983 en que es elegido concejal del Ayuntamiento de Ejea (su pueblo) hasta mayo de 2023 en que tiene que abandonar la Presidencia de Aragón por el tsunami electoral del 28-M, supone una....

Phaistos: The Palatial Mountain Fortress of Crete

2024-05-03T07:02+0200greekreporter (en)

/Wikipedia Commons. The magnificent archaeological site of Phaistos where an imposing palace stood overlooking the Mediterranean for thousands of years is perhaps not as well known as the palace of Knossos, but it was a focal point in the long and illustrious history of Crete.

Stretchable E-Skin Could Give Robots Human-Level Touch Sensitivity

2024-05-03T06:49+0200news-utexas (en)

AUSTIN, Texas — A first-ever stretchy electronic skin could equip robots and other devices with the same softness and touch sensitivity as human skin, opening up new possibilities to perform tasks that require a great deal of precision and control of force.

Ruang Volcano Eruption; Govt Continues Evacuation Efforts for Over 9,000 Residents

2024-05-03T05:30+0200tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta The government continues the evacuation efforts for 9,083 residents on Tagulandang Island within a 7-kilometer radius of the eruption center of Ruang Volcano , Sitaro Regency, North Sulawesi. As of yesterday, Thursday, May 2, 2024, as many as 3,364 locals had been evacuated from Tagulandang Island.

A Successful Ejisu By-Election

2024-05-03T05:27+0200modernghana (en)

The Ejisu by-election is now history. The constituents were called upon last Tuesday to find a replacement for John Kumah, who died in very shocking circumstances. Lawyer Kwabena Boateng, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) candidate emerged victorious after Kwabena Aduomi, a member of Alan’s Butterfly....

Light mag. 4.0 earthquake - New Zealand on Friday, May 3, 2024, at 03:05 am (Universal Time time)

2024-05-03T05:19+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

The more agencies report about the same quake and post similar data, the more confidence you can have in the data. It takes normally up to a few hours until earthquake parameters are calculated with near-optimum precision. Seismic station: Folaha (Nukuhetulu) (TNG1/YC network) | Distance from....

Nepal: HRRP Bulletin (30 April 2024)

2024-05-03T04:42+0200reliefWeb (en)

KEY HIGHLIGHTS. I. “Disaster Affected Private Housing Retrofitting, Reconstruction and Resettlement Tranche Disbursement Procedure 2081” approved with amendment. II. Fire incidents increases across the nation; wreak havoc in various districts. III. Consultation Workshop on Green Building Guideline of Nepal.

Weak mag. 3.9 earthquake - 63 km northwest of Matias Romero Avendaño, Oaxaca, Mexico, on Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 04:06 pm (Mexico City time)

2024-05-03T04:42+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is San José de las Flores , a town with 1,000 inhabitants in Mexico , in 2.3 km (1.4 mi) distance north of the epicenter. People likely experienced very weak shaking there. In the capital of , Mexico, 457 km (284 mi) away from the epicenter, the earthquake could not be felt.

Predicen que el mes de mayo será de potentes terremotos

2024-05-03T04:08+0200laprensa-HN (es)

”No va pasar nada con ese sismo en México, solo será puro susto, simplemente será un aviso para volver a ver el cielo y saber que Dios y la virgen María dominan completamente el pueblo azteca”, mencionó; También predijo que desde Asia será el terremoto más grande que se registre en la historia con 9.

Warming Climate Heightens Threat of Lake Tsunamis

2024-05-03T02:33+0200miragenews (en)

The names might not be familiarCowee Creek, Brabazon Range, Upper Pederson Lagoonbut they mark the sites of recent lake tsunamis, a phenomenon that is increasingly common in Alaska, British Columbia and other regions with mountain glaciers. Triggered by landslides into small bodies of water, most of....

2-May-2024 Lake tsunamis pose significant threat under warming climate Seismological Society of America Reports and Proceedings The names might not be familiar—Cowee Creek, Brabazon Range, Upper Pederson Lagoon—but they mark the sites of recent lake tsunamis, a phenomenon that is increasingly common....

2024-05-03T02:30+0200eurekalert (en)

Credit: Bretwood Higman. The names might not be familiarCowee Creek, Brabazon Range, Upper Pederson Lagoonbut they mark the sites of recent lake tsunamis, a phenomenon that is increasingly common in Alaska, British Columbia and other regions with mountain glaciers.

Light mag. 4.8 earthquake - New Zealand on Friday, May 3, 2024, at 11:37 am (GMT +12)

2024-05-03T01:54+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Based on data from the past 14 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 145 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi): Mag. 6 or higher: 0.44 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 2.3 years) Mag. 5 or higher: 16.5 quakes per year; Mag.

Une vidéo dramatique montre le volcan indonésien du mont Ruang en éruption alors que des éclairs remplissent des nuages de gaz chauds et de débris

2024-05-03T01:29+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Une éruption volcanique en Indonésie oblige des centaines de personnes à évacuer. 00:41 Le volcan se trouve sur la petite île de Ruang, qui fait partie de la chaîne des îles Sitaro. L’agence géologique indonésienne a exhorté les gens à rester à au moins 6 kilomètres du cratère du volcan.

There was no tsunami warning VIDEO – 2024-05-02 22:57:42

2024-05-03T01:00+0200archyde (en)

An earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale struck Japan’s Bonin Islands, according to a statement from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) issued on Saturday. The quake was reportedly at a depth of 503 kilometers (312.7 miles), according to the USGS.

A mysterious, super-intelligent AI appeared online and then disappeared

2024-05-02T23:33+0200hungary-postsen (en)

According to some opinions, this could have been the “stealth” trial operation of OpenAI’s new model. Last weekend, the artificial intelligence community experienced exciting hours: a mysterious new AI model suddenly appeared at the LMSYS Chatbot Arena, reports Ars Technica.

Evacuan ciudadanos tras erupción del volcán Ruang en Indonesia

2024-05-02T23:17+0200crhoy (es)

El volcán Ruang en Indonesia volvió a erupcionar, por lo que las autoridades han emitido órdenes de evacuación de los ciudadanos después de que se expulsara ceniza, lava y gases volcánicos. Se espera que más de 12 mil personas abandonen la isla tras la erupción.

Do earthquake hazard maps really predict future building damage?

2024-05-02T22:52+0200digitaljournal (en)

The best way to reduce deaths in future earthquakes in vulnerable areas is generally presented as constructing buildings that can withstand them. However, because earthquake-resistant construction is expensive, communities need to balance its costs with other societal needs.

Colombia: se registró un sismo de magnitud 3.2 en Cundinamarca

2024-05-02T22:20+0200infobae (es)

En Colombia la intensidad de los sismos se mide con la Escala Macrosísmica Europea (EMS-98), la cual parte de la intensidad 2, descrita como "apenas sentido" por muy pocas personas en reposo; el nivel 3 es catalogado como "sentido levemente" , en donde puede haber balanceo de algunos objetos.

MIL-OSI United Nations: Statement from UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on the International Day of the Midwife 2024

2024-05-02T21:53+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Midwives: Heroes on the front lines of the global climate crisis. Right now, around the world, millions of lives are in the hands of midwives. Whether they are wading through flood waters to reach pregnant women or delivering babies amid the rubble of an earthquake , midwives are the unsung heroes of community health services.

Stretchable E-Skin May Provide Robots with Human-Like Touch

2024-05-02T21:48+0200miragenews (en)

A first-ever stretchy electronic skin could equip robots and other devices with the same softness and touch sensitivity as human skin, opening up new possibilities to perform tasks that require a great deal of precision and control of force. The new stretchable e-skin, developed by researchers at....

B.C. cellphones, radio, TV to shriek in alert testing next week 0 5/2/2024 11:30:00 AM By: Valerie Leung The test will take place Wednesday, May 8 at 10:55 a.m. PST. More >

2024-05-02T20:37+0200tricitynews (en)

Many British Columbians will receive an emergency alert test on Wednesday. Be prepared for blaring alarms on cellphones, televisions and radios next Wednesday. The alert testing is taking place at 10:55 a.m. Pacific time on May 8 as part of Emergency Preparedness Week.

Domingo de baile en la plaza del Ensanche para las personas mayores

2024-05-02T20:35+0200DiarioVasco (es)

El Ayuntamiento sigue apostando por ofrecer alternativas de ocio a las personas mayores y este domingo, a partir de las 18.00 horas en la plaza del Ensanche, habrá una actividad de baile para el disfrute del colectivo de más de 60 años. La música de la cita estará a cargo de la orquesta Tsunami y....

Panchina Milan, perché scegliere De Zerbi? Modulo, mentalità e…

2024-05-02T19:34+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 2 maggio 2024) Fra i vari profili accostati al Milan c'è anche quello di Roberto De Zerbi : andiamo dunque ad analizzare i suoi pro e i suoi contro. Il Milan vuole rafforzare il proprio centrocampo e noi vogliamo consigliare un giocatore ai rossoneri: si tratta di Morten Frendrup Julen....

Mourners gather for funeral of late New Jersey Congressman Donald Payne, Jr.

2024-05-02T19:20+0200abc7ny (en)

NEWARK, New Jersey (WABC) -- A funeral was held Thursday for the in Newark. Hundreds of mourners attended the service at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, including Congressional leaders like House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Erupción volcánica provoca cierre de aeropuertos en Indonesia

2024-05-02T19:14+0200eleconomista-mx (es)

La erupción de un remoto volcán en Indonesia provocó el cierre de siete aeropuertos debido a la nube de ceniza que llegó hasta Malasia y forzó la evacuación de miles de personas por temor a un tsunami, dijeron el miércoles las autoridades.

10 'Soñar a lo bajini': el vídeo-documental de la Copa del Athletic que te emocionará y te hará creer en los milagros

2024-05-02T19:11+0200elcorreodigital (es)

Esa esencia, ese carácter intrínseco que define al club rojiblanco, es lo que engrandece aún más una hazaña de este calibre como es haber ganado la Copa 40 años después. Las imágenes de la espectacular fiesta vivida con la gabarra dieron la vuelta al mundo y se publicaron en los medios internacionales más prestigiosos.

La corniche dakaroise accaparée par des riches : Voilà ce que disait Dr Ahmed Khalifa Niasse le 20/06/2020 à Macky Sall

2024-05-02T18:58+0200lactuacho (fr)

C’est grave, Président ! On nous a caché la mer. C’est vrai, comme le dit l’adage arabe, l’erreur d’un génie se multiplie par mille. Si votre entourage, en plus de vous cacher la réalité, vous cache vos erreurs deviennent la résultante d’un jeu de cache-cache. Promenez vous du coté du terrain que vous avez possédé aux Almadies.

Tsunami émotionnel : pourquoi certains petits désagréments du quotidien nous semblent insurmontables ?

2024-05-02T18:48+0200elle-fr (fr)

Le tsunami émotionnel illustre bien le déluge qui nous submerge quand un petit problème du quotidien ou une mésaventure passagère vient perturber nos plans. A fleur de peau, on peut alors se sentir désabusé, triste, démoralisé ou fondre en larmes. Mais comment expliquer ce phénomène « goutte de trop....

Terremoto Taiwan: nuova scossa al largo della costa orientale

2024-05-02T18:35+0200meteoweb (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 5.1 si è verificato oggi al largo della costa orientale di Taiwan , a 44 chilometri dalla contea di Taitung. Lo riferisce l’Amministrazione meteorologica centrale, precisando che l’epicentro del sisma è stato rilevato ad una profondità di 11,7 chilometri.

VIDEO: La espectacular imagen de rayos volcánicos en la erupción del Monte Ruang en Indonesia

2024-05-02T18:05+0200lanacion-CL (es)

El remoto volcán Monte Ruang de Indonesia entró en erupción varias veces el martes, emitiendo el nivel más alto de alerta y ordenando la evacuación de miles de personas ante la amenaza de un tsunami por el deslizamiento de escombros al mar.

Tsunami Market al Porto Antico con mercatino vintage e vendita al chilo

2024-05-02T17:40+0200genovatoday (it)

Sabato 4 e domenica 5 maggio in piazza delle Feste, al Porto Antico di Genova, arriva Tsunami Market con abbigliamento vintage selezionato per tutti gli amanti del genere. L'evento, organizzato da Papillon Vintage Store, prevede l'allestimento di salotti vintage e un'area market di 2000 mq per....

Chitral Struggle With Climate Change Impact, Seeks Assistance

2024-05-02T17:25+0200thefridaytimes (en)

"I was sleeping when I heard a loud crash and found myself trapped inside the rubble of our home," recalls Arisha, who was stuck when the roof of her wood and mud house collapsed as heavy rains lashed Chitral and much of the country in April. "I was stuck and couldn't move.

S3-compatible object storage: ecco come smettere di pagare spese di trasferimento, cancellazione e ridondanza una volta per tutte Sponsored Pubblicato 2 May 24 Cubbit rivoluziona il cloud storage eliminando costi extra e garantendo sicurezza e sovranità dei dati attraverso una rete geo-distribuita e compatibile con S3.

2024-05-02T17:15+0200techradar-sv (it)

L’inflazione arriva anche nel cloud storage. Inflazione di costi e persino di dati: ogni giorno, produciamo tre quintilioni di byte, un vero e proprio tsunami digitale che consuma l'1% dell'energia mondiale una quantità sufficiente per alimentare nazioni intere.

S3-compatible object storage: ecco come smettere di pagare spese di trasferimento, cancellazione e ridondanza una volta per tutte Sponsored Pubblicato 2 May 24 Cubbit rivoluziona il cloud storage eliminando costi extra e garantendo sicurezza e sovranità dei dati attraverso una rete geo-distribuita e compatibile con S3.

2024-05-02T17:03+0200techradar (it)

L’inflazione arriva anche nel cloud storage. Inflazione di costi e persino di dati: ogni giorno, produciamo tre quintilioni di byte, un vero e proprio tsunami digitale che consuma l'1% dell'energia mondiale una quantità sufficiente per alimentare nazioni intere.

A 2.6 magnitude earthquake hits parts of New Jersey, Pennsylvania – Fox 29

2024-05-02T16:47+0200exbulletin (en)

May started off with a bang for people in parts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania after a minor 2.

Apurimac enregistre un séisme de magnitude 4,8

2024-05-02T16:37+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Le Centre National Sismologique (Censis) de l’Institut Géophysique du Pérou (IGP) a enregistré une secousse de magnitude 4,8 ce mercredi 1er mai, avec l’épicentre dans la ville d’Abancay, dans la province d’Abancay dans le département d’Apurimac. Selon un rapport du Réseau Sismique National, le....

Bangkok Post – Des milliers de personnes évacuées après la dernière éruption indonésienne

2024-05-02T16:27+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Bangkok Post – Des milliers de personnes évacuées après la dernière éruption indonésienne Le volcan Ruang devient de plus en plus actif, laissant les insulaires se demander s’ils pourront revenir. PUBLIÉ : 2 mai 2024 à 20:52. Le mont Ruang crache des cendres volcaniques comme on le voit depuis....

"Piazza Novecento", viaggio alla scoperta delle agorà friulane (e non solo)

2024-05-02T16:18+0200udinetoday (it)

Luoghi di incontro. Punti di partenza. Mete di ritrovo. Testimoni silenziose del tempo che passa. Della vita che scorre. Le piazze sono silenti custodi della storia e, a partire da maggio, anche le protagoniste di un nuovo progetto firmato dell’associazione culturale Bottega Errante, con l’idea di....

Nuovo sciame sismico nei Campi Flegrei, 15 scosse nella notte tra il 1 e 2 maggio

2024-05-02T16:18+0200internapoli (it)

Negli ultimi tempi si sta verificando un’intensificazione del fenomeno bradisismico nei Campi Flegrei . Il sollevamento del suolo è passato da una media di 1 centimetro al mese a 2,5 centimetri in soli 21 giorni. Gli esperti rassicurano che, nonostante l’aumento della deformazione del suolo, al....

Tremors felt in Karachi’s Malir district

2024-05-02T16:07+0200arynews (en)

KARACHI: Tremors were felt in the Malir district of Karachi on Thursday evening as the magnitude of the earthquake was recorded at 2.3 on the Richter scale, ARY New s reported. The National Seismic Monitoring Centre (NSMC) confirmed that tremors were felt in Malir, Kathore and Gadap Town.

World News | India 'watchful' of Chinese Vessel Docked in Maldives: MEA

2024-05-02T15:56+0200latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], May 2 (ANI): India is "watchful" of the presence of a Chinese vessel in the Maldives and taking "appropriate measures" to safeguard its national and economic security, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said on Thursday. "As these developments are concerned especially in our neighbourhood and beyond.

World News | 3 Indians in Myanmar Contacted Govt for Repatriation, One is Back: MEA

2024-05-02T14:56+0200latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], May 2 (ANI): In the case of Indian nationals who were duped with job offers in Myanmar, External Affairs Ministry on Thursday said that three Indians had contacted for repatriation and one has already been brought back. During the weekly media briefing, MEA spokesperson Randhir....

World News | 'Shaksgam Valley is Part of India': MEA on Chinese Activities Near Siachen Glacier

2024-05-02T14:39+0200latestly (en)

New Delhi [India], May 2 (ANI): Highlighting Chinese activities near Siachen Glacier, Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal on Thursday reaffirmed that Shaksgam Valley is a part of India, adding that India has registered protests against China over illegal attempts to alter facts at the Shaksgam Valley.

World News | Emirati Creative Women Present a New Formulation of Creative Arts at the Abu Dhabi Book Fair

2024-05-02T14:24+0200latestly (en)

Dubai [UAE], May 2 (ANI/WAM): The Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2024 will host a group of young Emirati talents who present artistic works that focus on thinking in unconventional, creative ways, and have received a remarkable response from an audience thirsty for a new formulation of the creative arts.

I residenti temono per la sicurezza a causa dell'eruzione del vulcano Ruang in Indonesia

2024-05-02T14:18+0200marketscreener (it)

Antelmus Paulus, 67 anni, è disperato dopo che l'eruzione di martedì del vulcano Ruang in Indonesia ha reso inabitabile la sua casa sull'isola di Tagulandang e ha spinto le autorità ad evacuare più di 12.000 persone. La casa con tetto di zinco di Antelmus, a circa 7 km (4,35 miglia) dal vulcano alto....

World News | Japan Says a Collision During a Nighttime Drill Caused the Deadly April Crash of 2 Navy Helicopters

2024-05-02T14:11+0200latestly (en)

Tokyo, May 2 (AP) Japanese investigators have determined that a collision during a nighttime drill caused the deadly crash last month of two Japanese navy SH-60K Seahawk helicopters, the country's defence minister said Thursday. That is according to preliminary flight data analysis, said Defense....

Indonesia volcano eruptions force thousands to evacuate as airlines cancel flights

2024-05-02T13:59+0200saudigazette (en)

JAKARTA — Renewed eruptions from a remote Indonesian volcano have triggered fresh evacuation orders and sparked flight cancellations and airport closures this week with smoke, lava and volcanic gasses spewing out of the fiery mountain. Mount Ruang, a 725-meter (2,400-foot) volcano on Ruang Island,....

The dog ate Japan’s plan to phase out coal power

2024-05-02T13:56+0200business-times (en)

Previously, the G7’s statements have only made vague gestures towards a “predominantly decarbonised power sector by 2035”, placing no hard deadlines on a coal phaseout. As cheaper renewables (and, in the US, gas) have driven more and more soot from the power mix, ambitions have risen.

Cupra apre le porte al nuovo Piano di Protezione Civile. Presentazione in Sala Consiliare

2024-05-02T13:23+0200rivieraoggi (it)

CUPRA MARITTIMA – Un piano di protezione civile è l’insieme delle procedure operative di intervento per fronteggiare una qualsiasi calamità attesa in un determinato territorio. Recepisce il programma di previsione e prevenzione, ed è lo strumento che consente alle autorità di predisporre e....

La grande frattura tra gli ebrei americani – Appello al Popolo

2024-05-02T13:07+0200lapadania (it)

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato originariamente dal New York Times . Ringraziamo l’autore e la direzione del giornale per avere autorizzato la traduzione, curata da Giovanni Pillonca. Negli ultimi dieci anni circa, un tremore ideologico ha scombussolato la vita degli ebrei americani. Dal 7 ottobre è diventato un terremoto.

It shakes again in Taiwan: It is the third earthquake with a magnitude greater than 6 in less than a week

2024-05-02T12:58+0200yourweather (en)

A strong earthquake shook Taiwan in the early hours of Saturday, it is the fifth of magnitude greater than 6 since the earthquake of 3 April, but in decades. The earthquake occurred in the early hours of Saturday and reached a magnitude of 6.1, it is the second strongest in less than a week. 02/05/2024 11:00 4 min.

L'effetto Adrian Newey sulla Formula 1 di domani

2024-05-02T12:54+0200247libero (it)

La decisione di Adrian New ey di lasciare la Red Bull dopo 19 anni potrebbe avere un effetto tsunami su tutta la Formula 1. Sulla squadra che lascia, su quella con cui firmerà naturalmente, ma anche sul resto del mondo. In una Formula 1 dove gli one man show non funzionano più come una volta, Adrian....

Statale 350 di Folgaria: nuova chiusura per il maltempo

2024-05-02T12:42+0200lavocedelnordest (it)

Ragioni di sicurezza impongono una nuova chiusura della strada statale 350 tra Folgaria e il Veneto, oggetto negli ultimi mesi di ripetuti crolli della sovrastante parete rocciosa con conseguenti importanti interventi di ripristino Trento – Il Servizio Gestione strade della Provincia informa....

Noto woman committed to protecting Japan’s dolphins after quake

2024-05-02T11:42+0200japantimes (en)

Noto Island in the city of Nanao, Ishikawa Prefecture, is believed to be home to the world's northernmost population of southern bottlenose dolphins. Satomi Sakashita, 62, who runs a cafe on the island that offers dolphin-watching, has dedicated many years to their conservation.

Taiwan approves $878 million for quake relief

2024-05-02T11:36+0200inquirer (en)

This photo taken by Taiwan’s Central New s Agency (CNA) on April 3, 2024, shows a barricade erected around debris in the compound of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei after a major earthquake hit Taiwan’s east. A major 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit Taiwan’s east on the morning of April 3,....

Indonesia’s Mount Ruang eruptions unlikely to trigger tsunami, but caution still needed: Experts

2024-05-02T10:51+0200channelnewsasia (en)

JAKARTA: The latest eruptions from Indonesia’s Mount Ruang volcano have led authorities to issue a tsunami warning to those living near the remote island, though experts have cast doubts whether such an event could occur due to the type of volcanic activities that have happened thus far.

Indonesia volcano eruptions force thousands to evacuate as airlines cancel flights 19 minute ago - 0 - 73 Renewed eruptions from a remote Indonesian volcano have triggered fresh evacuation orders and sparked flight cancellations and airport closures this week with smoke, lava and volcanic gasses spewing out of the fiery mountain.

2024-05-02T10:48+0200dailymirror (en)

CNN - Renewed eruptions from a remote Indonesian volcano have triggered fresh evacuation orders and sparked flight cancellations and airport closures this week with smoke, lava and volcanic gasses spewing out of the fiery mountain. Mount Ruang, a 725-meter (2,400-foot) volcano on Ruang Island, North....

Enhancing Safety: Improving Seismic Risk Assessments

2024-05-02T10:29+0200miragenews (en)

CERN is located in a particularly complex geological setting, which also happens to be prone to earthquakes. Seismic events of a certain magnitude have the potential to inflict substantial damage or lead to equipment failure, which naturally poses a risk to both personnel and assets.

Indonesia volcano eruptions force thousands to evacuate as airlines cancel flights

2024-05-02T10:19+0200egyptindependent (en)

Mount Ruang, a 725-meter (2,400-foot) volcano on Ruang Island, North Sulawesi, has been erupting in spectacular fashion on and off since mid-April , posing a growing threat to those living nearby and to air traffic in the region. The volcano erupted three times on Tuesday, sending lava and ash....

A Genève, un «Requiem» de Verdi d’effroi et de larmes au Victoria Hall

2024-05-02T10:08+0200letemps (fr)

Un Dies irae de cette fulgurance, un tel cataclysme musical déferlant dans le Victoria Hall, on ne se souvient pas en avoir entendu de mémoire de Genevoise. Mercredi soir, Myung-Whun Chung, l’Orchestre de la Suisse romande (OSR) et le chœur de l’Accademia di Santa Cecilia de Rome ont poussé la....

Strong mag. 5.1 earthquake - 100 km southeast of Wewak, East Sepik, Papua New Guinea, on Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 05:06 pm (Port Moresby time)

2024-05-02T09:27+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Nearby places The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Wewak , a town with 18,000 inhabitants in Papua New Guinea , in 100 km (62 mi) distance northwest of the epicenter. People likely experienced weak shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer to the....

Antara Photo/Reuters

2024-05-02T09:07+0200cnn (en)

Renewed eruptions from a remote Indonesian volcano have triggered fresh evacuation orders and sparked flight cancellations and airport closures this week with smoke, lava and volcanic gasses spewing out of the fiery mountain. Mount Ruang, a 725-meter (2,400-foot) volcano on Ruang Island, North....

Japan: Migrants leave following earthquake as employers fail to inform them when operations will resume

2024-05-02T08:53+0200business-humanrights (en)

“Quake-hit Japan businesses at risk of losing many foreign interns” … The Noto Peninsula, battered by a strong earthquake on New Year's Day, is bracing for another blow as many of the foreign technical interns that it has relied on to support its industries contemplate leaving due to a lack of support.

Govt focused on making it easier and affordable to build homes

2024-05-02T08:44+0200devdiscourse (en)

“The coalition Government is focused on making it easier and cheaper to build homes so we can rebuild the economy and get Kiwis into homes faster,” Mr Penk says. The Government is making it easier for minor changes to be made to a building consent so building a home is easier and more affordable,....

Human amplification of secondary earthquake hazards through environmental modifications

2024-05-02T08:17+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Anthropogenic climate change and modification of landscapes — such as deforestation, sediment movement, irrigation and sea-level rise — can destabilize natural systems and amplify hazards from earthquake-triggered landslides, liquefaction, tsunami and coastal flooding.

More information

For a full list of available products related to this event, please refer to the GDACS Resources page.