M 6.8 in Philippines from 27 Jul 2022 00:43 UTC to 00:43

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 900
Articles about casualties: 139 (15.4%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

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El tsunami Rosalía revoluciona el Portitxol

2022-07-31T00:38+0200DiarioDeMallorca (es)

El tsunami llamado Rosalía tocó tierra en el Portitxol ayer a media tarde, cuando la cantante que mañana actúa en Mallorca comenzó a bailar acompañada por un grupo de chicos mientras los cámaras la grababan para su nuevo videoclip, Despechá . La presencia en Palma de la artista española famosa....

Ancash: se registró sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Santa

2022-07-30T23:52+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.7 se registró este sábado 30 de julio en la ciudad de Chimbote , en la provincia de Santa del departamento de Ancash, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 15:52:37 (hora local) y se originó....

Folk displaced by earthquake hit 33,000; injured at 320

2022-07-30T23:43+0200inquirer (en)

LACKING THE BASICS Residents affected by the July 27 earthquake in Bangued, Abra, wait in line for their water supply in this photo taken on Friday. —REUTERS. MANILA, Philippines — The number of families or individuals affected by the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit northern Luzon on Wednesday....

El pez remo, entre la superstición y la realidad: ¿es cierto que anticipa catástrofes?

2022-07-30T21:46+0200pagina12 (es)

es una especie que vive en las profundidades del océano y que, según una leyenda japonesa, aparece en las costas para anticipar fenómenos naturales, como terremotos otsunamis . La antigua creencia se reavivó a mediados de julio cuando, 24 horas después de que apareciera un ejemplar de más de cinco....

Saeed Naqvi | Walk the talk on ‘atma nirbharta’: Need new culture on foreign ‘news’

2022-07-30T21:05+0200asianage (en)

Isn’t it a shame that champions of “atma nirbharta” (self-sufficiency) still depend on the old imperial information order for all foreign news, including from our immediate neighbourhood? Here’s a story that underscores my lament. Among my many Sri Lanka memories is 2004’s Boxing Day, the day after Christmas.

Sismo de 4.4 de magnitud con epicentro en Salina Cruz, Oaxaca

2022-07-30T21:05+0200infobae (es)

La ciudad de Salina Cruz experimentó un temblor que alcanzó los 4.4 de magnitud y tuvo una profundidad de 17 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el sismo sucedió hoy a las 13:26 hora local (18:26 UTC), con un epicentro de 109 km al sureste de la ciudad del estado de Oaxaca.

Se registra un temblor de magnitud 4.0 en Mapastepec

2022-07-30T19:34+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.0 y con una profundidad de 108 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad de Mapastepec a las 12:04 hora local (17:04 UTC) de hoy. El episodio tuvo como epicentro 14 km al sur de dicha población del estado de Chiapas, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Chinese Navy News: China building ‘disposable’ nuclear reactor for torpedoes, will bring nuclear tsunami into enemy territory

2022-07-30T19:02+0200morningexpress (en)

Beijing: China is building a disposable nuclear reactor in the South China Sea, embroiled with the US. The reactor will be fitted with a long-range torpedo. Through these torpedoes, the Chinese Navy can bring a nuclear tsunami under the sea. A research team affiliated with the Chinese Defense....

SSS, GSIS calamity loans to be activated in Abra to aid quake victims

2022-07-30T18:47+0200digitpatrox (en)

MANILA, Philippines — The Social Safety System (SSS) on Saturday stated it is going to activate its calamity help package deal for members and pensioners in Abra province and different areas in northern Philippines which have been badly hit by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake final Wednesday.

Go renews call for passage of disaster resilience bills

2022-07-30T18:38+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Sen. Bong Go has renewed his call for the passage of his twin measures establishing the Department of Disaster Resilience and requiring the construction of mandatory evacuation centers. He made the appeal in the wake of the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit Northern Luzon.

P1.3 billion needed to repair quake-hit schools

2022-07-30T18:38+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Nearly P1.3 billion is needed to repair more than 1,000 classrooms affected by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck Northern Luzon on Wednesday, according to the Department of Education (DepEd). Up to 422 classrooms were destroyed while 636 others were damaged due to the quake, latest data showed.

Perú: se registró un sismo de magnitud 4.2 en Tacna

2022-07-30T17:51+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.2 aconteció este sábado 30 de julio en la ciudad de Calana, en la provincia de Tacna, del departamento de Tacna, de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) Según los reportes obtenidos a través de la Red....

Japan PM says plan to release Fukushima water coming soon

2022-07-30T17:05+0200qnewshub (en)

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Wednesday that his government is working on the final details of a plan to release massive amounts of radioactive water being stored at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant, a decision that has been delayed by protests.

News Marcos renews ROTC revival pitch after Luzon quake

2022-07-30T14:04+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA - President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Saturday renewed his push to revive the mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program in schools, saying the Filipino youth need to learn disaster-preparedness skills in light of the recent magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted parts of Northern Luzon earlier this week.

Sobre la antigua torre campanario de San Pedro

2022-07-30T13:54+0200huelvaya (es)

(Firma: Miguel Ángel de la Cruz Gómez . Auxiliar de Arqueología y Patrimonio) Lo que sabemos de la formidable torre de San Pedro hasta hoy, es de algunas de sus publicaciones que describen que la torre es de planta cuadrangular, y se compone de un cuerpo inferior, con molduras barrocas que enmarcan....

SSS, GSIS calamity loans to be activated in Abra to aid quake…

2022-07-30T13:05+0200samacharcentral (en)

MANILA, Philippines — The Social Security System (SSS) on Saturday said it will activate its calamity assistance package for members and pensioners in Abra province and other areas in northern Philippines which were badly hit by the last Wednesday. “The calamity assistance package will consist of....

SSS, GSIS calamity loans to be activated in Abra to aid quake victims

2022-07-30T12:48+0200inquirer (en)

The state-run pension fund for private-sector workers and retirees, the SSS did not say how much it had set aside for this calamity assistance, which will be made available in areas declared under a state of calamity. Due to the extensive damage in the province, Abra had been placed under a state of calamity.

LIST: Areas in CAR, Region 1 where tourism activities are allowed, prohibited after north Luzon quake

2022-07-30T12:31+0200philstar (en)

DOT earlier said two churches, declared National Cultural Treasures by the National Museum of the Philippines were reported to be affected by the tremor while several heritage and ancestral houses also sustained notable damage due to the earthquake. Below is a rundown of areas which tourists can and....

Moderate magnitude 4.3 earthquake 8 km west of Carigara, Philippines

2022-07-30T11:53+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

A magnitude 4.3 earthquake near Carigara, Leyte, Eastern Visayas, Philippines , was reported only 29 minutes ago by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), considered one of the key international agencies that monitor seismic activity worldwide.

Jinggoy Estrada wants ‘multipurpose’ gyms as disaster evacuation centers

2022-07-30T11:28+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — Senator Jinggoy Estrada has filed a bill seeking to build multipurpose halls or gyms in all cities and municipalities nationwide that will also serve as evacuation centers during disasters. In a statement on Saturday, Estrada said the filing of Senate Bill No. 465 is most timely following the magnitude 7.

DOLE ready to help workers displaced by quake find jobs

2022-07-30T11:04+0200sunstar (en)

ASIDE from emergency employment, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) is ready to find more permanent jobs for workers displaced by the powerful quake that hit Northern Luzon on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. In a statement, Labor Secretary Bienvenido Laguesma said they stand ready to help....

Manila archdiocese to hold 2nd collection for quake victims

2022-07-30T11:04+0200sunstar (en)

ASIDE from continuous prayer, the Archdiocese of Manila is holding second collections this weekend for the victims of the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit Northern Luzon regions on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. In a statement, Manila Archdiocese Chancellor Fr. Isidro Marinay announced the holding of second collection in all Sunday Masses this weekend.

Tonalá, Chiapas, registra temblor de 4.1 de magnitud

2022-07-30T10:05+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.1 y con una profundidad de 145 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los habitantes de la ciudad de Tonalá a las 2:24 hora local (7:24 UTC) de hoy. El episodio tuvo como epicentro 37 km al noreste de dicha población del estado de Chiapas, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Abra earthquake affects 62,024 families, injures 320 – NDRRMC

2022-07-30T09:18+0200inquirer (en)

SACRED BUT SCARRED A portion of an old Catholic church in Tayum, Abra province, one of its treasured heritage sites, is reduced to this following Wednesday’s magnitude 7 earthquake. —Reuters. MANILA, Philippines — The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (NDRRMC) on Saturday reported that the magnitude 7.

Jordan expresses condolences to Philippines over victims of earthquake

2022-07-30T08:38+0200ammonnews-en (en)

Ammon News - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates expressed condolences to the government and people of Philippines over the victims of an earthquake that hit northern areas there, killing a number of innocent people and causing considerable damage.

Quake-affected individuals up to 200K -- NDRRMC

2022-07-30T08:23+0200manilatimes (en)

In this photo taken on July 27, 2022, residents rest at a temporary shelter set up on a basketball court in Bangued, in the province of Abra after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines . STR / AFP. OVER 200,000 individuals or more than 60,000 families have been affected by the magnitude 7.

Éditorial: Cancer: un tsunami nous attend

2022-07-30T08:13+0200tdg (fr)

Face au cancer, l’espoir est aujourd’hui autorisé. Ces dernières années, grâce à une meilleure compréhension de la biologie, les progrès de la médecine ont été spectaculaires. Les médecins disposent aujourd’hui d’un arsenal de près de 400 traitements pour lutter contre la maladie. La prise en charge des patients s’est affinée.

Magnitude 4 earthquake hits Ilocos Sur

2022-07-30T07:49+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — A magnitude 4.0 earthquake shook Ilocos Sur on Saturday afternoon, said the Philippine Institute of Seismology and Volcanology (Phivolcs). According to Phivolcs, the epicenter of the quake was located 2 kilometers northeast of Magsingal, Ilocos Sur. Phivolcs also tagged the quake as an aftershock of the magnitude 7.

Sismo de magnitud 3.6 sacude a Casma, Ancash

2022-07-30T07:48+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.6 ocurrió este sábado 30 de julio en la ciudad de Casma , en la provincia de Casma del departamento de Ancash, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 00:14:36 (hora local) y se originó a 37....

DOE: Electric coops sustain P5.18 million in damage from North Luzon quake

2022-07-30T07:38+0200gmanews (en)

Electric cooperatives (ECs) sustained more than P5 million worth of damage to their facilities due to the magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted Northern Luzon on July 27, the Department of Energy (DOE) said Saturday. Citing a report from the National Electrification Administration (NEA), the DOE said....

Alerta de tsunami

2022-07-30T06:58+0200larepublica-pe (es)

Las autoridades marítimas señalaron que el fuerte movimiento telúrico reportado durante la noche del 29 de julio no pondría en riesgo las costas peruanas. La peculiar escena compartida en TiKTok ocurrió cuando una fila de vehículos evacuaba las zonas costeras debido a la erupción del volcán en Tonga.

Temblor de magnitud 4.1 en Lima no genera alerta de tsunami, confirmó Dirección de Hidrografía

2022-07-30T06:55+0200larepublica-pe (es)

Las autoridades marítimas señalaron que el fuerte movimiento telúrico reportado durante la noche del 29 de julio no pondría en riesgo las costas peruanas. Sismo en Lima no generaría tsunami en litoral limeño. Foto: Twitter DHN Luego que en la noche de este viernes 29 de julio se reportara un temblor de sismo de magnitud 4.

Jordan Expresses Condolences To Philippines Over Victims Of Earthquake

2022-07-30T04:33+0200menafn (en)

- Jordan News Agency) Amman, July 29 (Petra) -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates expressed condolences to the government and people of Philippines over the victims of an earthquake that hit northern areas there, killing a number of innocent people and causing considerable damage.

Japan provides emergency relief for northern Luzon

2022-07-30T04:29+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - The Japanese government is providing emergency supplies to support Manila's response efforts after the magnitude 7 earthquake that devastated northern Luzon this week. The donation, to be coursed through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), includes 100 camping tents, 500....

Japan provides emergency relief for Northern Luzon

2022-07-30T04:29+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - The Japanese government is providing emergency supplies to support Manila's response efforts after the magnitude 7 earthquake that devastated Northern Luzon this week. The donation, to be coursed through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), includes 100 camping tents, 500....

Phivolcs records over 1,300 aftershocks after Abra earthquake

2022-07-30T04:27+0200digitpatrox (en)

A wall of a home was smashed by the highly effective tremor that hit Abra on July 27. Picture by Daniza Fernandez. MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) on Saturday mentioned that it has already recorded 1,375 aftershocks because the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit the province of Abra.

Phivolcs records over 1,300 aftershocks after Abra earthquake

2022-07-30T04:11+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) on Saturday said that it has already recorded 1,375 aftershocks since the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit the province of Abra. Of the total aftershocks, Phivolcs said 387 were plotted as of 7:00 a.m.

Rum Don Papa premia le opere studenti NABA, per salvaguardia dell’isola di Negros (Filippine)

2022-07-30T02:58+0200mister-x (it)

L’isola filippina di Mindanao è stata colpita da una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.3. Il sisma è stato regi; Gli studenti non conoscono o poco sanno della tragica storia di Annalisa Durante, dell'impegno quotidiano contro la cri; (Teleborsa) - La Corte dei conti ha approvato il....

Japan to provide emergency relief aid to quake-hit areas in Northern Luzon

2022-07-30T02:56+0200gmanews (en)

The government of Japan will provide emergency relief goods to help affected areas following the magnitude 7 earthquake in Northern Luzon, the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines said. The embassy said emergency relief goods such as generators, portable jerry cans, tents, sleeping pads, and plastic....

DPWH orders structural integrity check on all private, gov’t-owned buildings

2022-07-30T02:52+0200mb-com-ph (en)

The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has ordered all building engineers and municipal engineers across the country to conduct structural integrity assessment of all private and government-owned buildings following the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit the country on Wednesday, July 27.

Deforestation: Hell in Pakistan | By Nuzair Ahmed Jamro

2022-07-30T01:36+0200pakobserver (en)

IT is true that the trees are a source of life, not only with regard to natural ecosystem, but also for the survival of the human beings. Trees create an ecosystem to provide habitat and food for birds and other animals. Moreover, these also provide many benefits to us, every day.

Un tremblement de terre fait 10 morts aux Philippines

2022-07-30T01:08+0200rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Dix personnes ont trouvé la mort dans un violent séisme qui a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , ont annoncé vendredi les services de secours. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi matin la province d'Abra, dans le nord.

Green belt to protect Poovar from rampant sea erosion

2022-07-29T23:54+0200timesofindia (en)

Thiruvananthapuram: To protect the coastline from acute sea erosion, the Kerala State Biodiversity Board ( KSBB ) is experimenting a green initiative by planting screw pines, locally knows as ‘kaitha’, along the shorelines. Poovar has been selected for the first phase of the project by considering....

Nation4 mins ago Army lends hand to quake-hit areas

2022-07-29T22:04+0200tribuneonline (en)

The Philippine Army (PA) on Friday said it has deployed nearly 200 military troops and reservists to facilitate the provision of immediate assistance and augment relief operations to the earthquake-affected families in Abra. The Army disclosed that servicemen and reservists are working round the....

Un tremblement de terre fait 10 morts aux Philippines Dix personnes ont trouvé la mort dans un violent séisme qui a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines, ont annoncé vendredi les services de secours. Article il y a 17 m.

2022-07-29T20:39+0200skynet (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi matin la province d'Abra, dans le nord. Ce puissant séisme a détruit des bâtiments et déclenché des glissements de terrain, faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là.

6- Jordan expresses condolences to Philippines over victims of earthquake

2022-07-29T20:34+0200petra-en (en)

Amman, July 29 (Petra) -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates expressed condolences to the government and people of Philippines over the victims of an earthquake that hit northern areas there, killing a number of innocent people and causing considerable damage.

Arequipa, Caylloma, registra un sismo de magnitud 4

2022-07-29T20:04+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4 aconteció este viernes 29 de julio en la ciudad de Cabanaconde, en la provincia de Caylloma, del departamento de Arequipa, de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) Según los reportes obtenidos a....

MIL-OSI Translation: Philippines: more than 15,000 displaced after the earthquake in the province of...

2022-07-29T19:37+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

MIL OSI Translation. Region: France and French Territories – Source: United Nations – in French 2. Headline: Philippines : more than 15,000 displaced after the earthquake in the province of Abra (OCHA) More than 15,000 people have been displaced after the earthquake which occurred on Wednesday in the....

Suona la sirena, allarme a Stromboli, ma è solo un test

2022-07-29T19:19+0200blogsicilia (it)

Lunedì prossimo saranno effettuati dalla protezione civile regionale test operativi del sistema di allarme delle sirene per la segnalazione di maremoto e per l’attività esplosiva parossistica del vulcano Stromboli. La simulazione inizierà alle 10 e terminerà alle 13.

Philippines : plus 15.000 déplacés après le séisme dans la province d’Abra (OCHA)

2022-07-29T18:36+0200news-un-fr (fr)

« Le ministère de la protection sociale et du développement a indiqué qu’environ 15.300 personnes sont actuellement déplacées », a indiqué le Bureau de coordination des affaires humanitaires de l’ONU ( OCHA ), dans son dernier rapport de situation. Les personnes déplacées se trouvent dans 43 centres....

Se registra un temblor de magnitud 4.1 en Las Choapas

2022-07-29T18:21+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.1 y con una profundidad de 155 kilómetros alertó a los habitantes de la ciudad de Las Choapas a las 10:52 hora local (15:52 UTC) de hoy. El episodio tuvo como epicentro 59 km al suroeste de dicha población del estado de Veracruz, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Czech Republic

2022-07-29T17:11+0200un-spider (en)

From 10 to 14 November UNOOSA has been involved in the ninth meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) held in Prague, Czech Republic. ICG's ninth conference has been organized by the European Commission and the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and was directed....

Philippines: Abra Earthquake – Flash Update #2 (As of July 29, 2022, 3pm local time) – Philippines

2022-07-29T15:58+0200exbulletin (en)

The government has launched a full response with provincial/local authorities leading the relief effort while the national government works to increase local capacity. On a visit to Abra Province on July 28, the Philippine president tasked response agencies with meeting urgent needs for shelter, food and water.

Filippine: terremoto nel nord del Paese, sale a 10 il bilancio delle vittime

2022-07-29T15:27+0200agenzianova (it)

Manila , 29 lug 15:21 - (Agenzia Nova) - È salito a dieci il bilancio delle vittime causate dal terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 che ha colpito il nord delle Filippine il 27 luglio. Lo riporta la piattaforma di notizie "Channel News Asia", ricordando che l'epicentro è stato rilevato ad una profondità di dieci chilometri nell'Isola di Luzon.

Chinese embassy readies P10-M worth of quake relief assistance

2022-07-29T15:16+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - The Chinese Embassy in Manila is donating PHP10 million worth of relief goods to areas affected by the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit Northern Luzon on July 27. The first batch of relief goods worth PHP3.6 million had been prepared by the Chinese Enterprises Philippines Association, according to an Embassy statement on Friday.

Difendersi da terremoti e tsunami, a Stromboli arriva un sistema di allarme

2022-07-29T15:13+0200247libero (it)

Nell’ambito delle attività connesse al sistema sperimentale di allertamento rapido per esplosioni parossistiche e maremoti generati da attività vulcaniche di Stromboli, la presidenza del Consiglio - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile si è impegnata con l’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

10 now dead in Abra earthquake, says NDRRMC

2022-07-29T15:09+0200inquirer (en)

A wall of a house was smashed by the powerful tremor that hit Abra on July 27, 2022. Photo by Daniza Fernandez. MANILA, Philippines — The total number of fatalities in the strong magnitude 7.0 Abra earthquake has risen to 10, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said on Friday.

Difendersi da terremoti e tsunami, a Stromboli arriva un sistema di allarme

2022-07-29T14:35+0200gds-it (it)

Nell’ambito delle attività connesse al sistema sperimentale di allertamento rapido per esplosioni parossistiche e maremoti generati da attività vulcaniche di Stromboli, la presidenza del Consiglio - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile si è impegnata con l’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Philippines - Earthquake - update ( GDACS, NDRRMC, PHIVOLCS, PAGASA) (ECHO Daily Flash of 29 July 2022)

2022-07-29T14:21+0200reliefWeb (en)

The number of the casualties has increased following the 7.0 M earthquake which occurred on 27 July in Abra province (northern Philippines ). On 29 July, a series of aftershocks of magnitude up to 3.7 M have been reported over the affected area. According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and....

Desastres. Los 5 terremotos más grandes de la historia

2022-07-29T14:04+0200larazon-es (es)

Según el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos , “un terremoto es un término que se usa para describir tanto el deslizamiento repentino de una falla como la sacudida del suelo resultante y la energía sísmica radiada causada por el deslizamiento, o por la actividad volcánica o magmática, u otros cambios repentinos de tensión en la tierra.

Comandante Lara, en 'Herrera en COPE': “Estoy sufriendo un tsunami de cariño”

2022-07-29T13:46+0200cope (es)

A Luis le enamoraba la forma de narrar los partidos de Gaspar Rosety, y es que los niños en los 90 querían ser como Rivaldo, como Figo o como Ronaldo, pero Luis no. Su ídolo era aquel periodista que narraba con pasión los goles. En 1995, Luis fue al estadio Chapín en Jerez, y se encontró con Gaspar. Su cara era un poema.

Two-step movement of tsunami boulders unveiled by modified viscous remanent magnetization and radiocarbon dating

2022-07-29T13:17+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Massive boulders in landslide and tsunami deposits are prominent geomorphic features in various landscapes. Tracking their movement history is important for reconstructing past geologic dynamics; however, the reworking movements of massive boulders remain unresolved. The boulder field on the Ishigaki Island was formed by repeated tsunamis.

Timing and causes of forest fire at the K–Pg boundary

2022-07-29T12:35+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

We report K–Pg-age deposits in Baja California, Mexico, consisting of terrestrial and shallow-marine materials re-sedimented onto the continental slope, including corals, gastropods, bivalves, shocked quartz grains, an andesitic tuff with a SHRIMP U–Pb age (66.12 ± 0.65 Ma) indistinguishable from that of the K–Pg boundary, and charred tree trunks.

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 3.9 con epicentro en Arequipa

2022-07-29T12:21+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.9 ocurrió este viernes 29 de julio en la ciudad de Pinchollo, en la provincia de Caylloma, del departamento de Arequipa, de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) Según los reportes obtenidos a través....

Philippine officials reveal number of people affected by earthquake

2022-07-29T12:12+0200itartass_en (en)

BANGKOK, July 29. /TASS/. More than 79,200 people were affected by Wednesday's earthquake in the Philippines , and among them six people were killed , according to a report released on Friday by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council.

Quattro potenti scosse di terremoto: ecco dove

2022-07-29T11:43+0200zoom24 (it)

Cinque potenti scosse di terremoto in appena 12 ore. Tremano diversi continenti da est ad ovest del pianeta. Nel cuore delle Filippine si è verificato un sisma di magnitudo 7, con epicentro nell’area settentrionale del Paese. La scossa è stata avvertita alle 2.43 di questa notte. Doppia scossa di terremoto di 6.

Manila parishes to hold second collection for quake victims

2022-07-29T11:26+0200mb-com-ph (en)

Parishes under the Archdiocese of Manila will conduct a second collection in all Masses this Sunday, July 31, for the victims of the recent earthquake. “In solidarity with the earthquake victims, let us offer our prayers for them and let’s have second collection this coming Sunday in all Masses....

1132 aftershocks recorded so far after Abra earthquake

2022-07-29T11:03+0200inquirer (en)

SACRED BUT SCARRED A portion of an old Catholic church in Tayum, Abra province, one of its treasured heritage sites, is reduced to this following Wednesday’s magnitude 7 earthquake. —Reuters. MANILA, Philippines — The number of aftershocks following the magnitude 7.

Headline Marcos: Maximize assets to aid quake victims Citing the need for quick emergency response for earthquake victims in Northern Luzon, President Bongbong Marcos on 28 July directed...

2022-07-29T10:55+0200tribuneonline (en)

Citing the need for quick emergency response for earthquake victims in Northern Luzon, President Bongbong Marcos on 28 July directed national government agencies to closely coordinate with local government units (LGU). “I will repeat it, national government agencies, everything you will do, please....

Over 1,000 aftershocks recorded after major quake in Abra

2022-07-29T10:50+0200sunstar (en)

THE Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) has recorded a total of 1,071 aftershocks following the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit the province of Abra. Of the 1,071, Phivolcs said 270 were plotted while 26 were felt. The aftershocks have a magnitude ranging from 1.5 to 5.

Philippines Airlifts Aid to Areas Cut off Since Earthquake - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2022-07-29T10:39+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, ' Philippines airlifts aid to areas cut off since earthquake ...' Philippines airlifts aid to areas cut off since earthquake Reuters (@Reuters) July 29, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social media world, including Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Philippines: Abra Earthquake - Flash Update No. 2 (As of 29 July 2022, 3.m. local time)

2022-07-29T10:37+0200reliefWeb (en)

Situation Overview. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck the mountainous province of Abra at 8.43 a.m. local time on 27 July, triggering landslides and the collapse of structures. The tectonic earthquake’s epicenter was located in the town of Tayum, Abra (17.64N, 120.

Philippines: Abra 7.0 Earthquake Snapshot (As of 29 July 2022)

2022-07-29T10:15+0200reliefWeb (en)

Attachments On 27 July at 8.43am, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake wiith depth of 17 kilometers struck the mountainous province of Abra. The earthquake caused landslides and damage to houses and infrastructures. The tectonic earthquake’s epicenter was located in the town of Tayum, Abra with the tremor....

International orgs send help to Abra earthquake victims

2022-07-29T10:01+0200gmanews (en)

Some foreign and international organizations delivered assistance to the victims of the magnitude 7 earthquake, the Civil Defense - Cordillera said Friday. These include the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United Nation’s International Organization for Migration (IOM),....

Most visited tourist spots in Ilocos Sur closed following quake

2022-07-29T09:08+0200sunstar (en)

THE Department of Tourism (DOT) said some of the most visited tourist sites in the province of Ilocos Sur have been closed to visitors due to the damage they have incurred from the earthquake. The DOT said the Bantay Bell Tower, Bantay Church/Saint Augustine of Hippo Parish Church, and Archdiocesan....

Le Filippine trasportano in aereo gli aiuti alle aree tagliate fuori dal terremoto

2022-07-29T09:03+0200marketscreener (it)

Le autorità filippine venerdì hanno trasportato in aereo i rifornimenti ai distretti che sono stati isolati da quando un potente terremoto ha colpito l'isola principale di Luzon questa settimana, mentre i residenti imploravano cibo e ripari temporanei.

Al menos 4 muertos y decenas de heridos debido a un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en Filipinas

2022-07-29T09:00+0200es-noticias (es)

Un terremoto de 7,1 de magnitud sacude Filipinas. Al menos cuatro personas han muerto y decenas han resultado heridas debido al seísmo. La población huía despavorida de los edificios tras un temblor que ha causado numerosos daños en una treintena de carreteras, en puentes y en más de 150 edificios, también históricos.

All dams in earthquake-hit areas ‘holding strong’ — NDRRMC

2022-07-29T07:44+0200inquirer (en)

The Ambuklao Dam in Benguet province is one of the clean sources of energy in the country. —EV ESPIRITU. MANILA, Philippines — All dams in areas affected by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit Abra and other parts of Luzon are “holding strong,” the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported Friday.

Most-visited tourist spots in Ilocos Sur closed following earthquake

2022-07-29T07:25+0200sunstar (en)

THE Department of Tourism (DOT) said that some of the most-visited tourist sites in the province of Ilocos Sur have been closed to visitors due to the damages it incurred from the earthquake. The DOT said the Bantay Bell Tower, Bantay Church/Saint Augustine of Hippo Parish Church, Archdiocesan....

Over 1,000 aftershocks recorded in Abra – Phivolcs

2022-07-29T06:10+0200manilatimes (en)

This handout photo taken and released on July 27, 2022 by the Mountain Province Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office shows boulders and a damaged vehicle (C) blocking a road following a landslide along Halsema Highway in the municipality of Bontoc, Mountain Province, after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines .

Death in earthquake: Experts say it’s not just the tremor

2022-07-29T05:39+0200exbulletin (en)

Read: List: Deadly earthquakes in the Philippines . However, studies have shown that ground vibrations during earthquakes are rarely the direct cause of death or injury. Most earthquake-related deaths and injuries result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects due to ground shaking.

Housing department to give shelter to quake victims

2022-07-29T05:23+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

Residents stay at a makeshift shelter after spending the night outside their home in Bangued, Abra Thursday. Residents were advised to stay outside their homes due to aftershocks following a 7.0 magnitude earthquake on July 27. Jonathan Cellona, ABS-CBN News.

Death toll in Abra quake rises to 6

2022-07-29T04:35+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The death toll from the strong earthquake that hit northern Luzon has risen to six, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council reported Friday. Of the fatalities, five were confirmed and one was up for validation. NDRRMC also confirmed 116 injuries, with 20 still for validation.

Quake-damaged historical sites to be repaired

2022-07-29T04:16+0200manilatimes (en)

THE National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) will help repair historic sites and structures in Abra and other parts of the Ilocos Region that were damaged by the 7.0-magnitude earthquake. Dr. Rene R. Escalante, NHCP chairman, said most of the structures are national historical....

¿Cuál fue el terremoto de mayor magnitud registrado en toda la historia?

2022-07-29T04:11+0200larepublica-pe (es)

El 22 de mayo de 1960, a las 3.11 p. m., un ruido ronco y estremecedor irrumpió la tranquilidad de los vecinos de la ciudad de Valdivia, al sur de Chile. En tan solo pocos segundos, un pequeño sismo pasó a convertirse en el terremoto de mayor magnitud registrado en toda la historia Según los datos....

Los ríos se están calentando, al igual que las plantas nucleares

2022-07-29T03:24+0200futuroverde (es)

A medida que el río Ródano serpentea por el sur de Francia hacia el mar Mediterráneo, su agua fría se introduce en calderas, se succiona a través de tuberías como refrigerante y se desvía para la agricultura. Entre sus mayores clientes se encuentra un batallón de reactores nucleares.

Abra earthquake fatalities rise to 6 — NDRRMC

2022-07-29T03:23+0200inquirer (en)

SAFETY FIRST Some residents of Barangay Namarabar in Peñarrubia town, Abra province, prepare to sleep at a makeshift outdoor shelter to be safe from the aftershocks from Wednesday’s powerful earthquake. The government’s earthquake monitor recorded more than 800 aftershocks as of Thursday afternoon, including some as strong as magnitude 5.

Cebu City Disaster Council to send survey team to Ilocos Sur

2022-07-29T03:18+0200inquirer (en)

CEBU CITY, Philippines –The Cebu City Disaster Council will soon send a survey team to local government units (LGUs) in Luzon that were affected by the on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. Lawyer Gerry Carillo, the Cebu City Disaster Council chairperson, in a statement, said they are currently coordinating....

Over 1,000 aftershocks reported after Abra earthquake, says Phivolcs

2022-07-29T02:45+0200inquirer (en)

SACRED BUT SCARRED A portion of an old Catholic church in Tayum, Abra province, one of its treasured heritage sites, is reduced to this following Wednesday’s magnitude 7 earthquake. —Reuters. MANILA, Philippines — Over 1,000 aftershocks were reported after the strong magnitude 7.

Pasco: se registró sismo de magnitud 4.8 en Oxapampa

2022-07-29T02:21+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.8 ocurrió este jueves 28 de julio en la ciudad de Puerto Bermudez , en la provincia de Oxapampa del departamento de Pasco, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 19:07:35 (hora local) y se....

Abra Province, the earthquake-stricken area of the Philippines, declared a state of disaster, the president went to inspect – Teller Report

2022-07-29T01:47+0200breakinglatest (en)

Agency, Manila, July 28 (Xinhua) According to local media reports, on July 28, the earthquake-stricken Abra Province in the Philippines declared a state of disaster. The bureau camp hosted a briefing on the impact of the earthquake. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck Abra Province on the 27th,....

Tsunami could kill 149,000 in Hokkaido in worst-case quake scenario

2022-07-29T01:20+0200japantoday (en)

Damage estimates released Thursday by the Hokkaido government show tsunami could kill 149,000 people in the event a major earthquake hits off Japan's northernmost main island, surpassing a central government prediction by around 12,000. But the report also said deaths could be significantly reduced....

2022 Extreme Weather Insurance Claims Near $200m

2022-07-29T00:59+0200scoop-co-nz (en)

Today’s new data is that final claims for late March’s floods total $119.6 million (this was preliminarily reported at $79.6 million) and preliminary data for storms across the motu in mid-June total $15.5 million. This brings the running total for the year to $198 million.

MIL-OSI New Zealand: Insurance Sector – 2022 extreme weather insurance claims near $200m

2022-07-29T00:54+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

New claims data released today by the Insurance Council of New Zealand Te Kāhui Inihua o Aotearoa (ICNZ) shows total insurance payments back to communities for extreme weather events closing in on $200 million for the year to the end of June. Last year set a new annual record for such payments at $324 million.

Philippines earthquake: 7.0-magnitude quake strikes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-28T22:55+0200digitpatrox (en)

MANILA, Philippines — A powerful earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring not less than one particular person, damaging buildings and prompting many individuals within the capital to run outside. The 7 magnitude quake was centered round Abra province in a mountainous space,....

“Ormai è Tsunami” tra Adriano Celentano e Pregliasco vola di tutto: il retroscena fuori onda

2022-07-28T22:31+0200yeslife (it)

Accade l’inaspettato dopo l’acceso confronto tra Adriano Celentano e il virologo Fabrizio Pregliasco. Poi il retroscena: l’artista prende le difese di una terza ospite. Non c’è più dialogo “, lo sottolinea aspramente uno degli spettatori dopo l’intervento inatteso del cantautore milanese Adriano....

Perú: se registró un sismo de magnitud 4.7 en Arequipa

2022-07-28T21:54+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.7 ocurrió este jueves 28 de julio en la ciudad de Quilca , en la provincia de Camana del departamento de Arequipa, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 14:34:43 (hora local) y se originó a....

Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Filippine, il terremoto del 7 richter fa crollare pezzi della Bantay Bell Tower

2022-07-28T21:28+0200ilmeteo (it)

MANILA, 28 LUG - E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

Nation8 mins ago Quake underscores need for disaster resilience

2022-07-28T21:11+0200tribuneonline (en)

Several lawmakers pressed on Thursday the immediate passage of a law establishing a Department of Disaster Resilience (DDR) as Filipinos in northern Luzon grappled with the effects of a magnitude 7 earthquake Wednesday morning. As envisioned in a number of bills filed in the previous Congress and in....

Dos potentes temblores sacuden al norte: ¿Presagio del gran terremoto que se espera para el Norte Grande?

2022-07-28T20:56+0200LaTercera (es)

Chile está localizado en la zona más sísmica del mundo , el temido cinturón de fuego del Pacífico, en la subducción de la placa de Nazca bajo la placa Sudamericana. Además, tiene el terremoto más poderoso y destructivo del que tenga registro la humanidad, ocurrido el 22 de mayo de 1960 en Valdivia,....

Marcos nixes creation of disaster resilience department

2022-07-28T20:19+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Thursday poured cold water on a legislative push to create a Department of Disaster Resilience, saying such a body should be under the Office of the President. At a briefing in Abra, the epicenter of Wednesday’s powerful earthquake, the President said the government....

Filipinas | Al menos 4 muertos y 130 heridos tras un terremoto de 7,1 de magnitud

2022-07-28T19:51+0200misionesonline (es)

(Reuters)- Al menos cuatro personas muertas y más de 130 heridas es el balance provisional tras el terremoto en Filipinas de 7,1 de magnitud que ayer sacudió la isla de Luzón, en el norte del archipiélago. Los sismólogos han registrado cerca de 800 réplicas durante las horas posteriores al temblor.

Strong Quake Kills 5, Injures Dozens in Northern Philippines

2022-07-28T19:23+0200claimsjournal (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

Headline5 mins ago Maximize assets to aid quake victims: PBBM

2022-07-28T19:05+0200tribuneonline (en)

Citing the need for quick emergency response for earthquake victims in Northern Luzon, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Thursday directed national government agencies to closely coordinate with local government units (LGU). “I will repeat it, national government agencies, everything you....

Headline28 mins ago Romualdez vows rehab funding The Bantay Bell Tower in Bantay, Ilocos Sur almost collapsed in an event recorded on video that has since gone viral.

2022-07-28T18:54+0200tribuneonline (en)

Following the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit northern Luzon on Wednesday, House Speaker Martin Romualdez pledged to allocate funds for the rehabilitation and restoration of the Ilocos Region’s public infrastructure. Romualdez made the vow in response to Senator Imee Marcos’ request to allocate....

July 29, 2022, 12:35 am

2022-07-28T18:48+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

A new department or a more powerful agency attached under the Office of the President that responds swiftly to disasters and calamities will be a long time coming. The Philippines needs such an agency – it is the world’s second nation most vulnerable to climate change and disasters.

‘A devastating earthquake’

2022-07-28T18:46+0200marianasvariety (en)

(Office of the Governor) — Gov. Ralph DLG Torres on Thursday issued the following statement on the Philippines ’ recent 7.0 magnitude earthquake: “On behalf of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, I extend my deepest and heartfelt condolences to the family, friends, and loved ones of....

DepEd: 35 schools damaged by quake

2022-07-28T18:35+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The Department of Education (DepEd) will need an initial P228.5 million to reconstruct and rehabilitate public schools affected by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit Northern Luzon on Wednesday. Initial rapid assessment by DepEd’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Management....

28 July 2022 - Strong Earthquake in Near Coast of Northern Chile at 12.15 pm

2022-07-28T18:03+0200met-my (en)

JABATAN METEOROLOGI MALAYSIA KEMENTERIAN ALAM SEKITAR DAN AIR JALAN SULTAN Telefon : 603-7967 8000 46667 PETALING JAYA Faksimili : 603-7957 8052 SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN E-mel : seismo@met.gov.my MALAYSIA Laman Web : www.met.gov.my JMM/POCGN(O)/BK-23B Ruj. Kami: JMM.APL15/756/22/07 Jld.

Philippine president Marcos Jr. visits quake-hit area as residents shelter outside

2022-07-28T18:01+0200wn (en)

BANGUED, Philippines : Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos promised on Thursday to help rebuild homes damaged by a powerful earthquake on the island of Luzon, as terrified residents camped out in parks and on sidewalks after hundreds of aftershocks rattled the area. The 7.

Paper Batteries Balance Energy Efficiency with Sustainability

2022-07-28T18:01+0200discovermagazine (en)

The United Nations estimates that people discard 50 million tons of electronics each year. The “ tsunami of e-waste ,” according to the World Health Organization director-general, leaches toxic chemicals like lead and mercury, which can degrade environments and harm humans.

Filippine, i danni dopo il sisma nel nord del paese: il bilancio sale a 50 morti e 150 feriti Centinaia di edifici danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province. È di almeno cinque morti e 150 feriti il bilancio del terremoto....

2022-07-28T17:51+0200informazione (it)

Centinaia di edifici danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province. È di almeno cinque morti e 150 feriti il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7 che mercoledì mattina ha colpito il nord delle Filippine.

Inclement weather, poverty compound woes of some Abra earthquake victims

2022-07-28T17:48+0200inquirer (en)

ABRA, Philippines — Following the strong magnitude 7.0 earthquake that jolted Abra and many parts of Luzon, some displaced residents are starting to struggle with the inclement weather and lack of basic necessities while sheltered in makeshift tents. “Napakahirap po kasi po wala po kaming matuluyan lalo na po ngayong umuulan.

Luzon earthquake damaged 3,494 houses, 51 buildings – DILG

2022-07-28T17:39+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — The magnitude 7.0 earthquake that jolted Abra and other parts of Luzon on Wednesday damaged 3,494 houses and 51 buildings damaged, according to the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG). Citing its initial assessment, the DILG on Thursday said the powerful....

PBBM dispatches air assets to assist isolated quake survivors

2022-07-28T17:01+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Thursday assured President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. that it has available air assets that could be used for airlift operations to reach isolated areas affected by the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit Northern Luzon on Wednesday.

Presentata la settimana della sicurezza, Basile: “Educhiamo e formiamo sui rischi”

2022-07-28T16:28+0200messinatoday (it)

Sono 15 le esercitazioni di Protezione civile previste dal 10 al 15 ottobre. L’assessore Massimiliano Minutoli: “L’obiettivo è l’informazione alla popolazione, in particolare sul rischio sismico e maremoto” Un appuntamento periodico che anche quest’anno coinvolgerà gran parte della cittadinanza. È la settimana della Sicurezza “MESSINA RISK SIS.

Homecoming, family reunion: Ilokano president visits earthquake-hit Abra

2022-07-28T16:19+0200rappler (en)

BANGUED, Abra – July 27 was a night of little rest and barely any sleep for most residents of Bangued town in Abra and nearby Vigan in Ilocos Sur. That morning, their towns shook, houses creaked, soda bottles crashed to the floor, and old buildings – emblems of a glorious past that this part of the....

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 4.6 con epicentro en Ancash

2022-07-28T15:58+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.6 se registró este jueves 28 de julio en la ciudad de Huarmey , en la provincia de Huarmey del departamento de Ancash, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 08:41:00 (hora local) y se originó....

Terremoto nelle Filippine, la violenta scossa ripresa dalle telecamere di sicurezza di un negozio di alimentari Le riprese delle telecamere a circuito chiuso di un negozio di alimentari a Benguet mostrano gli scaffali che tremano e le merci cadere per terra durante il terremoto Le immagini a....

2022-07-28T15:53+0200informazione (it)

Le riprese delle telecamere a circuito chiuso di un negozio di alimentari a Benguet mostrano gli scaffali che tremano e le merci cadere per terra durante il terremoto. Le immagini a circuito chiuso mostrano gli scaffali tremare e la caduta degli oggetti durante il sisma.

Sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Salina Cruz, Oaxaca

2022-07-28T15:10+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.0 fue registrado en las cercanías de Salina Cruz a las 2:12 hora local (7:12 UTC) de hoy, según el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del temblor fue a 53 km al sureste de la ciudad del estado de Oaxaca y tuvo una profundidad de 39 km.

5 dead, 64 hurt as quake hits Philippines

2022-07-28T15:05+0200omanobserver-om (en)

VIGAN: A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the northern Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday killing at least five people, damaging buildings and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. At least 64 people were injured and 173 buildings damaged, officials said, many in Abra province, just 11 km from the epicentre of the quake.

Tonga travel advice

2022-07-28T14:44+0200gov-uk (en)

The effects of the Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha’apai volcanic eruption and tsunami on 15 January continues to impact a number of Tongan islands. The outer islands’ telecommunications infrastructure was damaged and will take some time to restore. You should continue to follow the advice of the Tongan authorities.

UN supports damage assessment after earthquake in the Philippines

2022-07-28T14:42+0200plenglish (en)

Deputy spokesman for the UN Secretary General, Farhan Haq, told the media different groups have already been deployed to the areas affected by the recent 7.0 magnitude tremor. Local disaster response teams are also working on the ground conducting search, rescue and debris removal operations, the spokesperson said.

Philippines - Earthquake, update (GDACS, USGS, NDRRMC, PAGASA) (ECHO Daily Flash of 28 July 2022)

2022-07-28T14:33+0200reliefWeb (en)

After a strong earthquake of 7.0M at a depth of 10 km occurred on 27 July in the area of Abra province (Cordillera administrative region, northern Luzon, northern Philippines ) the number of casualties has increased and more damage was reported across the affected area.

4 killed, 60 injured in earthquake in Philippines

2022-07-28T14:29+0200dailyfinland-fi (en)

A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday morning killed at least four people and injured some 60 others, Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos said. In a report to Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Abalos said that two....

Reírse de uno mismo es la caraba

2022-07-28T14:19+0200periodistadigital (es)

REÍRSE DE UNO MISMO ES LA CARABA. A MÍ NO ME JOROBA ESA JOROBA. “Amémonos en el arte como los místicos se aman en Dios, y que todo palidezca frente a ese gran amor”. Gustave Flaubert. A Otramotro y a quien firma estas líneas abajo, su amigo Metomentodo, heterónimos ambos de Ángel, nos gusta reírnos....

Abra businesses likely to reopen by Friday, says DTI

2022-07-28T13:51+0200samacharcentral (en)

ABRA, Philippines — Business establishments here that were forced to close shop on Wednesday due to the magnitude -7 earthquake are expected to resume operations by Friday at the latest, according to the provincial Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

Abra under state of calamity after Luzon earthquake

2022-07-28T13:48+0200rappler (en)

The move will allow the Abra provincial government to use its calamity reserve fund for faster aid delivery to affected residents. MANILA, Philippines – The province of Abra was placed under a state of calamity in the wake of a that struck Wednesday, July 27. Resolution No.

Rappler Recap: Gov’t plan to restore heritage buildings damaged by earthquake

2022-07-28T13:48+0200rappler (en)

The government's cultural and heritage agencies hold a press conference on steps they are taking to address earthquake damage to historic churches and houses. MANILA, Philippines – Rappler senior reporter Pia Ranada summarizes a press conference on how the government will address the recent Luzon....

Business News | 'TOHOKU' Photography Expo Comes to Chennai

2022-07-28T13:44+0200latestly (en)

Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], July 28 (ANI/NewsVoir): 'TOHOKU-Through the Eyes of Japanese Photographers', jointly organized by the Japan Foundation and The Velammal International School (TVIS), which is part of Velammal Knowledge Park (VKP), was inaugurated recently (on July 27, 2022) at Laburnum and Indigo Galleries, Cholamandal Artists' Village.

Abra declares state of calamity due to earthquake damage

2022-07-28T13:39+0200philstar (en)

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines Abra province, perhaps the hardest hit among northern provinces by the magnitude-7 earthquake on Wednesday morning, has declared a state of calamity. Tayum, Abra was the epicenter of Wednesday's jolt that affected most provinces in the Northern Philippines and that was felt as far as Metro Manila.

'TOHOKU' Photography Expo comes to Chennai

2022-07-28T13:25+0200aninews (en)

(TVIS), which is part of Velammal Knowledge Park (VKP), was inaugurated recently (on July 27, 2022) at Laburnum and Indigo Galleries, Cholamandal Artists' Village. The exhibition was opened by Kenji Miyata, Deputy Consul General, Consulate of Japan, Chennai. Dr Leslie D.

Abra businesses likely to reopen by Friday, says DTI

2022-07-28T13:10+0200inquirer (en)

ABRA, Philippines — Business establishments here that were forced to close shop on Wednesday due to the magnitude -7 earthquake are expected to resume operations by Friday at the latest, according to the provincial Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

Tracking precipitation planetwide

2022-07-28T13:06+0200news-uci (en)

UC Irvine engineering professor Soroosh Sorooshian spent the holiday break closely monitoring the heavy rains – not just at home but half a world away. Unlike local forecasters, he and his colleagues aim to help whole nations grapple with deluges. “Some climate modellers predicted drought for....

From grain to gasoline: a brief world history of rationing

2022-07-28T13:04+0200financialpost (en)

Article content. 1914-18 – Many combatant nations of World War One suffered food shortages as a result of the conflict, naval blockades and hoarding. German food controls were infamously accompanied by unappetising ersatz foods, such as “K-Brot,” a bread substitute made from ingredients such as dried potatoes and straw.

Catholic Church launches aid appeal for quake victims

2022-07-28T12:25+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - The Catholic Church in the country on Thursday appealed for aid for the victims of the magnitude 7 earthquake that struck parts of Luzon on Wednesday. The Caritas Philippines launched the "Alay Kapwa para sa Northern Luzon" fund drive which aims to support efforts in addressing the immediate needs of earthquake victims.

Power plants in quake-hit areas now online

2022-07-28T12:25+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - Major power plants in Mountain Province and Benguet that went on outage on Wednesday due to the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit the northern parts of Luzon were connected back to the grid Thursday morning, the Department of Energy (DOE) said in a statement. "As of 11 a.m.

Forte terremoto in Cile: scossa di magnitudo 6.2

2022-07-28T11:53+0200247libero (it)

Dopo quello ancora più violento del 16 luglio a Quellon nella notte ancora un forte terremoto in Cile: scossa di magnitudo 6.2 nell'area di Tocopilla Un forte terremoto si è verificato in Cile con una violenta scossa di magnitudo 6.2 : l’evento sismico si è verificato sulla costa a nord di Tocopilla....

Philippines earthquake leaves trail of destruction and at least four people dead

2022-07-28T11:44+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

An earthquake has struck the Philippines , setting off landslides, damaging buildings, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. In Manila, hospital patients had to be evacuated and people rushed outside as the 7-magnitude quake hit the northern part of the country.

DOE: Power restored to 11 electric cooperatives affected by Abra quake

2022-07-28T11:38+0200gmanews (en)

The 11 electric cooperatives that experienced power interruptions due to the magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted Northern Luzon on Wednesday have restored their services, the Department of Energy (DOE) said Thursday. Citing a report from the National Electrification Administration (NEA), the DOE said....

Ex-bosses of Fukushima plant operator appeal US$98 bil verdict

2022-07-28T11:24+0200freemalaysiatoday (en)

Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown was the world’s worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl. (AFP pic) TOKYO: Former executives from the operator of the devastated Fukushima nuclear plant have appealed a US$98 billion damages verdict against them, with the plaintiffs in the case also appealing the decision.

Pictured: Houses collapse and cars narrowly miss falling boulders as Philippines hit by earthquake

2022-07-28T11:08+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

A 7.0-magnitude earthquake killed at least three people in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, toppling buildings, and shaking high-rise towers more than 300 kilometres (185 miles) away in the capital Manila. The shallow but powerful quake struck the mountainous and lightly populated province of....

At least 4 dead, dozens injured after 7.0 magnitude earthquake rips through Philippines USA TODAY

2022-07-28T11:08+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

At least 4 dead, dozens injured after 7.0 magnitude earthquake rips through Philippines . At least four people are dead and dozens are injured after a major 7.0 magnitude earthquake ruptured the Philippines.

NTC to telcos: Speed up restoration of services in quake-hit areas

2022-07-28T11:06+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) has ordered all public telecommunication firms to fast-track the repair and restoration of its services in areas affected by the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that jolted Abra and other parts of Luzon on Wednesday.

Philippines quake kills 4, injures 131

2022-07-28T11:01+0200uniindia (en)

Manila, July 28 (UNI) The number of injured people from an earthquake in the Philippines grew to 131 while four people were dead, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said on Thursday. The majority of the injured are in the 26-60 age group. About 1,200 people have been evacuated and 567 people have found themselves displaced.

Fukushima nuclear plant executives appeal against $138 billion verdict for nuclear disaster

2022-07-28T11:01+0200abc-au (en)

Former executives from the operator of the devastated Fukushima nuclear plant have appealed against a $138 billion damages verdict handed down against them, with the plaintiffs in the case also appealing the decision. Key points: The court ordered four ex-bosses of TEPCO to pay 13 trillion yen; The....

53 health facilities damaged by Abra earthquake – DOH

2022-07-28T10:47+0200inquirer (en)

The medical staff and patients at the Abra Provincial Hospital rushed outside as a 7.3-magnitude earthquake hit the province on Wednesday morning. The quake damaged the hospital. (Photos from Facebook page of Abra Vice Gov. Jocelyn Bernos) MANILA, Philippines — A total of 53 health facilities were reported to have been damaged by the magnitude 7.

At Imee's suggestion, Marcos Jr. switches stance on new disaster department

2022-07-28T10:37+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines National and local officials got a peek into Marcos family dynamics during a situation briefing on Thursday after the magnitude-7 earthquake that hit the province as President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. changed his tune on the creation of a Department of Disaster Resilience following suggestions from elder sister Sen.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T10:35+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 28 LUG - E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

‘Kami naman maniningil’: Abra town mayor asks Marcos for fire trucks, ambulances

2022-07-28T10:33+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – La Paz, Abra Mayor Joseph Bernos has one wish he wants to get from Ferdinand Marcos Jr. after his town delivered votes for the President during the 2022 elections: new fire trucks and ambulances that they could use for disaster response. Abra made the appeal during Marcos’ visit to earthquake-hit Abra on Thursday, July 28.

Les habitants campent dans la crainte de nouveaux tremblements de terre dans le nord des Philippines

2022-07-28T10:31+0200news-24 (fr)

Une voiture est enterrée sous les débris d’une vieille maison en ruine dans la ville de Vigan, dans la province d’Ilocos Sur, au nord de Manille, le 27 juillet 2022, après qu’un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,0 a frappé le nord des Philippines . Après qu’un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1....

Buildings damaged, cars crushed: Powerful earthquake leaves behind a trail of destruction in Philippines | Pics

2022-07-28T10:29+0200indiatoday (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. The powerful quake rippled across the mountainous area,....

Earthquake hits during on-air newscast in Philippines

2022-07-28T10:27+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

The live newscast was interrupted by the earthquake felt in Metro Manila and other parts of the Philippines . A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon.

Petites et moyennes entreprises : « La sobriété énergétique ne nous effraie pas »

2022-07-28T10:06+0200euractiv-fr (fr)

Inflation, recrutement, sobriété énergétique, grands groupes… Alors que la rentrée s’annonce économiquement difficile, le « patron des PME » François Asselin a répondu aux questions d’EURACTIV. François Asselin est président de la Confédération des petites et moyennes entreprises (CPME) depuis 2015.

Caritas PH deploys emergency teams to quake hit areas

2022-07-28T09:47+0200mb-com-ph (en)

Caritas Philippines is currently assessing the situation in areas affected by the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit Luzon, Wednesday. The humanitarian organization deployed emergency teams “to further assess the damaged communities, and see how the Catholic Church can best respond to the most urgent needs.

14 SRR teams deployed in quake-hit areas --AFP

2022-07-28T09:25+0200gmanews (en)

Armed Forces of the Philippines Facebook photos. At least 14 search, rescue, and retrieval (SRR) teams were deployed to affected areas following the magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted Abra in Northern Luzon, the Armed Forces of the Philippines said on Thursday.

Pablo Iglesias se agarra a la última tabla de salvación antes del gran tsunami: volver a la Complutense

2022-07-28T09:22+0200periodistadigital (es)

EL PODEMITA OPTA A DOS PLAZAS DE PROFESOR ASOCIADO Pablo Iglesias se agarra a la última tabla de salvación antes del gran tsunami: volver a la Complutense. En dos años ha pasado de tener casi todo el poder a tener que mendigar dos puestos menos en la vida docente universitaria. E stá claro que la cosa pinta regulera para Pablo Iglesias.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7 nelle Filippine: interi edifici crollati e vittime

2022-07-28T09:21+0200news-yahoo-it (it)

di magnitudo 7 ha colpito le Filippine a Luzon la mattina di mercoledì 27 luglio. Secondo le prime notizie, la scossa ha cusato danni ingenti con interi edifici crollati e anche vittime. L’ Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano ha comunicato che il terremoto è stato....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 nelle Filippine, migliaia di persone in strada

2022-07-28T09:21+0200news-yahoo-it (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 ha colpito l'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs l’ipocentro di trovava a 20 km di profondità con epicentro nella regione di Cordillera.

Tsunami could kill 149,000 in Hokkaido in worst-case quake scenario

2022-07-28T09:16+0200kyodonews (en)

Damage estimates released Thursday by the Hokkaido government show tsunami could kill 149,000 people in the event a major earthquake hits off Japan's northernmost main island, surpassing a central government prediction by around 12,000. But the report also said deaths could be significantly reduced....

Watch: Centuries old historical buildings damaged in magnitude 7 earthquake in the Philippines 3 minutes ago

2022-07-28T09:15+0200scroll-in (en)

Breaking: Damage reported at the Bantay Watchtower in Vigan, Philippines , following magnitude 7.3 earthquake. pic.twitter.com/owNaF5E1sf PM Breaking News (@PMBreakingNews) July 27, 2022 Parts of St.Catherine of Alexandria Church at Poblacion Tayum Abra was destroyed by recent earthquake in the Philippines pic.

Philippines: des centaines de répliques après un violent séisme

2022-07-28T09:11+0200lexpress (fr)

Au moins cinq personnes ont été tuées et plus de 150 blessées par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 qui a frappé mercredi matin la province d'Abra (nord). Ce puissant séisme a détruit des bâtiments et déclenché des glissements de terrain, faisant même trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là.

Ex-Fukushima operator bosses appeal massive damages verdict

2022-07-28T09:11+0200spacewar (en)

Tokyo, July 28 (AFP) Jul 28, 2022 Former executives from the operator of the devastated Fukushima nuclear plant have appealed a $98 billion damages verdict against them, with the plaintiffs in the case also appealing the decision. Local media reported the duelling appeals, filed Wednesday, with a....

National New estimates show earthquake and tsunamis could kill up to 149,000 in Hokkaido

2022-07-28T08:59+0200japantimes (en)

Sorry, but your browser needs Javascript to use this site. If you're not sure how to activate it, please refer to this site: https://www.enable-javascript.com/ The city of Kushiro in Hokkaido has released a simulated image showing the height of tsunami, projected onto an image from Google Earth and....

Séisme en Haïti: La terre continue de trembler, l’état…

2022-07-28T08:55+0200matinlibre (fr)

Haïti, déjà touchée pas un violent séisme hier samedi, connaît d’incessantes répliques. Un nouveau drame qui survient dans un contexte difficile alors que le pays est exsangue et les secours compliqués à mettre en place. Le Premier ministre a déclaré l’état d’urgence.

Dying in an earthquake: Experts say it’s not just the tremor

2022-07-28T08:51+0200inquirer (en)

READ: LIST: Killer earthquakes in the Philippines Studies have shown, however, that ground vibrations during earthquakes are rarely the direct cause of deaths or injuries. Most earthquake-related mortality and injuries result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects caused by the shaking of the ground.

Terremoto 7.0 nelle Filippine: sale il bilancio di vittime e feriti a Luzon

2022-07-28T08:47+0200interris (it)

E’ salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l’isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l’elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

After almost 800 earthquake aftershocks, Philippine residents are scared to sleep indoors

2022-07-28T08:43+0200wn (en)

Photo: In this handout photo provided by the Bureau of Fire Protection, rescuers try to pull out a trapped resident from under a collapsed structure after a strong earthquake struck La Trinidad, Benguet province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022.

Earthquake hits Philippines: What happened, where, and what next

2022-07-28T08:29+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

At least four people were killed , while more than 200 aftershocks followed the quake that took place in the northern Philippine island of Luzon. A strong earthquake has struck the northern Philippines , killing at least four people, toppling buildings and causing panic among residents. Here is what we know.

EXPLAINER: Is it possible to predict earthquakes?

2022-07-28T08:17+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Immediately after the destruction and deaths caused by the magnitude 7 earthquake that struck the province of Abra and was felt in other parts of Luzon on Wednesday, July 27, Filipinos started to look for tips on how to properly prepare for an earthquake and mitigate its effects.

After almost 800 earthquake aftershocks, Philippine residents are scared to sleep indoors

2022-07-28T08:14+0200palestinewater (en)

Photo: In this handout photo provided by the Bureau of Fire Protection, rescuers try to pull out a trapped resident from under a collapsed structure after a strong earthquake struck La Trinidad, Benguet province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022.

Magnitude 7 earthquake hits Philippines – video world News

2022-07-28T08:12+0200exbulletin (en)

A strong earthquake hit the Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least two people and injuring dozens. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the northern province of Ibra. The earthquake destroyed homes and churches across the country and caused landslides in some areas.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T08:12+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 28 luglio 2022) E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte Terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o ... : Violento #terremoto nelle #Filippine, sisma di magnitudo 7 - : E' salito....

AFP deploys 14 rescue teams to quake-hit areas

2022-07-28T07:59+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Thursday announced that it has deployed 14 search, rescue, and retrieval (SRR) teams to areas severely affected by the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit Abra and other parts of northern Luzon on Wednesday.

Powerful earthquake strikes Philippines

2022-07-28T07:35+0200zawya-palestine (en)

A general view of damage caused following an earthquake in Vigan, Philippines July 27, 2022. Public Information Service-Bureau of Fire Protection/Handout via REUTERS. Emergency crew conduct rescue operations outside a building that collapsed during the earthquake, in La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines July 27, 2022.

Violento terremoto nelle Filippine: almeno 5 morti e 150 feriti, crolli, frane e centinaia di repliche | FOTO

2022-07-28T07:26+0200meteoweb (it)

Il terremoto ha distrutto edifici e provocato frane, oltre 800 le repliche. E' di almeno 5 morti e 150 feriti il bilancio del terremoto magnitudo 7 che ieri ha colpito il Nord delle Filippine . Sono state oltre 800 le repliche del potente sisma che hanno costretto i residenti a dormire all'aperto. La scossa ha distrutto edifici e provocato frane.

SismaFilippine: sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti il bilancio del terremoto

2022-07-28T07:23+0200cdt (it)

Sisma Filippine: sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti il bilancio del terremoto. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province. È salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte....

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150...

2022-07-28T07:17+0200virgilio-Ispra (it)

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon.

Romualdez vows budgetary support for heritage sites' restoration after Abra quake

2022-07-28T07:07+0200gmanews (en)

Speaker Martin Romualdez on Thursday vowed budgetary support for the restoration and structural strengthening of heritage sites in the Ilocos Region following Wednesday's magnitude 7 earthquake. Romualdez made the commitment after Senator Imee Marcos, during a briefing with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Filippine: centinaia di scosse di assestamento dopo il terremoto di ieri

2022-07-28T07:06+0200agenzianova (it)

Manila, 28 lug 07:02 - (Agenzia Nova) - Le Filippine settentrionali sono state colpite da centinaia di scosse di assestamento di varia intensità, dopo il violento terremoto che si è verificato nel Paese ieri, 27 luglio. Il sisma di magnitudo 7,1 ha colpito l'Isola di Luzon ieri mattina.

Temblor sacudió el norte del país

2022-07-28T06:47+0200cooperativa (es)

Un sismo se percibió a las 0.15 horas de este jueves en las regiones de Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta y Atacama , en el norte del país, el que fue calificado de "mediana intensidad" por la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia (Onemi). El primer informe del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN),....

Luzon earthquake: Student fell from building in Baguio

2022-07-28T06:28+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA Three people were injured in Baguio City, including a student who fell from the second floor of a building, during the 7-magnitude earthquake that struck northern Luzon on Wednesday. The student fell off while trying to use the fire exit during the strong tremor.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T06:23+0200globodiroma (it)

(ANSA) – MANILA, 28 LUG – E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

Séisme aux Philippines. Au moins 5 morts, plus de 150 blessés, et des centaines de répliques

2022-07-28T06:12+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Depuis le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 du mercredi 27 juillet, des centaines de répliques ont été ressenties dans le nord des Philippines . Les autorités dénombrent au moins 5 morts et plus de 150 blessés. Des centaines de répliques au violent séisme de mercred i ont secoué dans la nuit le....

Séisme aux Philippines. Au moins 5 morts, plus de 150 blessés, et des centaines de répliques

2022-07-28T06:11+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Depuis le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 du mercredi 27 juillet, des centaines de répliques ont été ressenties dans le nord des Philippines . Les autorités dénombrent au moins 5 morts et plus de 150 blessés. Des centaines de répliques au violent séisme de mercred i ont secoué dans la nuit le....

Séisme aux Philippines. Au moins 5 morts, plus de 150 blessés, et des centaines de répliques

2022-07-28T06:10+0200presseocean (fr)

Depuis le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 du mercredi 27 juillet, des centaines de répliques ont été ressenties dans le nord des Philippines . Les autorités dénombrent au moins 5 morts et plus de 150 blessés. Des centaines de répliques au violent séisme de mercred i ont secoué dans la nuit le....

Séisme aux Philippines. Au moins 5 morts, plus de 150 blessés, et des centaines de répliques

2022-07-28T06:10+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Depuis le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 du mercredi 27 juillet, des centaines de répliques ont été ressenties dans le nord des Philippines . Les autorités dénombrent au moins 5 morts et plus de 150 blessés. Des centaines de répliques au violent séisme de mercred i ont secoué dans la nuit le....

Japan offers assistance to PH after powerful earthquake

2022-07-28T06:02+0200inquirer (en)

This handout photo taken and released on July 27, 2022 by the Mountain Province Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office shows a damaged vehicle caused by a landslide along Halsema Highway in the municipality of Bontoc, Mountain Province, after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines .

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T05:52+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 28 LUG - E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

Magnitude 7 earthquake leaves P33.8-B in damage to infrastructure

2022-07-28T05:51+0200inquirer (en)

HIGH IMPACT The 7-magnitude earthquake that struck Abra on Wednesday damaged more than 50 buildings and over 1,000 houses, like this one in the provincial capital of Bangued, and left at least four people dead. The tremor cracked the façade of the Vigan Cathedral (upper left) and more than half a....

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T05:50+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – MANILA, 28 LUG – E’ salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l’isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l’elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T05:47+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 28 LUG - E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T05:38+0200ladige (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 28 LUG - E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

Society Taiwan offers help with earthquake rescue efforts in Philippines TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan is offering to help with rescue efforts afte...

2022-07-28T05:36+0200taiwannews (en)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) Taiwan is offering to help with rescue efforts after a massive earthquake struck the northern Philippines on Wednesday (July 27). At 8:43 a.m. that morning, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck at a shallow depth of 10 km in the province of Abra on the northern island of Luzon, according to the U.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T05:35+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 28 LUG - E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

Un fort séisme frappe le Nord des Philippines

2022-07-28T05:34+0200lecourrier (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08h43 heure locale (00h43 GMT), à une profondeur relativement faible de 10 km dans la province montagneuse d'Abra, sur la principale île de l'archipel philippin, celle de Luzon.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T05:33+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

MANILA, 28 LUG - E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T05:33+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 28 LUG - E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T05:30+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno-en (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 28 LUG - E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T05:29+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 28 LUG - E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

PH commission offers help in rehabilitating quake-damaged historical sites in Abra

2022-07-28T05:28+0200manilatimes (en)

THE National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) expressed its commitment to help rehabilitate historic sites and structures in Abra and other parts of the Ilocos Region that were damaged during Wednesday's 7.0 magnitude earthquake. Dr. Rene R.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, bilancio sale a 5 morti e 150 feriti

2022-07-28T05:28+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - MANILA, 28 LUG - E' salito ad almeno cinque morti e oltre 150 feriti il bilancio del forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito ieri l'isola filippina di Luzon. Centinaia di edifici sono stati danneggiati o distrutti, le strade sono state bloccate da frane e l'elettricità è stata interrotta in diverse province.

After Abra quake, Dep’t. of Disaster Resilience creation gets House support

2022-07-28T05:05+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — The passage of bills creating the Department of Disaster Resilience is also being pushed in the House of Representatives, with lawmakers stressing that the strong magnitude 7 earthquake in Abra proved the need to have such an agency. Davao City 1st District Rep.

Pedofili e criminali sessuali nei campi di rifugiati: Ucraina, l'ultimo orrore

2022-07-28T04:46+0200libero-news (it)

Il flusso infinito di milioni di persone sconvolte, disorientate e in fuga dalla guerra senza un posto dove andare, nella mente di qualcuno somiglia al suono dei gettoni sputati fuori da una slot machine. Carne fresca per provare a saziare i desideri più abietti o per rimpolpare le fila di schiavi per le organizzazioni criminali.

Abra earthquake injures 131, says NDRRMC

2022-07-28T04:45+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (NDRRMC) on Thursday said the number of injuries reported following a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit Abra on Wednesday is now at 131. Meanwhile, four people were verified to have been killed by the earthquake, according to NDRRMC’s latest disaster primer.

What was the most stressful events found on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale with a lcm of 100

2022-07-28T04:39+0200frojeostern (en)

Which major life event on the social readjustment rating scale has the highest number? The event of highest rank was death of spouse (with a mean value score of 100), relative to marriage, with a mean value score of 50, and, for example, death of close friend, which scored 37.

¿Los peces remo anuncian terremotos?

2022-07-28T04:37+0200uniradioinforma (es)

EL UNIVERSAL ).- Los peces remo anuncian terremotos? Según un estudio publicado en Forbes en 2019, los que llegan a la costa en las playas del Pacífico probablemente no sean una advertencia de un terremoto inminente. De acuerdo con el folclore japonés, cuando el "Mensajero del Palacio del Dios del....

Nearly 13K people in Cordillera affected by Abra quake — NDRRMC

2022-07-28T04:34+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines The shallow and powerful earthquake that struck northern Luzon has affected nearly 13,000 people, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council reported Thursday. In its 6 a.m. report, the NDRRMC said a total of 12,945 individuals or 3,456 families in the Cordillera....

WATCH: Marcos visits earthquake-hit Northern Luzon

2022-07-28T04:03+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. visits Northern Luzon on Thursday, July 28, after a magnitude 7 earthquake jolted Abra and surrounding provinces. The earthquake’s epicenter was in Abra, with initial reports indicating heavy damage to structures.

Four dead in 7.0-magnitude earthquake that hit northern Philippines, impact felt in Manila

2022-07-28T03:58+0200flipboard (en)

MANILA, Philippines – A magnitude 7 earthquake hit Luzon on Wednesday, July 27, causing the collapse of multiple structures, triggering massive … Donald Trump, a man who should not be allowed to step foot in the District of Columbia ever again, unfortunately returned on Tuesday, and he came bearing....

35 schools damaged by Abra earthquake; over 8K others affected — DepEd

2022-07-28T03:40+0200inquirer (en)

Bolbolo National High School was not exempted from the damage wrought by the powerful magnitude 7 earthquake the struck Abra province and which was felt in most parts of northern Luzon, leaving severe infrastructure damage such as collapsed ceilings, broken florescent lamps and television and cracked walls.

PLDT, Smart offer free call stations in Abra, other quake-hit areas

2022-07-28T03:35+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA - PLDT Inc and its wireless unit Smart Communications said a free call station has been installed in quake-hit Abra and Vigan to assist residents in their communication needs. More free call stations in some areas in Ilocos Sur, Benguet and other affected communities have been made available on Thursday, the telco said in a statement.

808 aftershocks recorded so far after Abra earthquake

2022-07-28T03:33+0200inquirer (en)

HIGH IMPACT The 7-magnitude earthquake that struck Abra on Wednesday damaged more than 50 buildings and over 1,000 houses, like this one in the provincial capital of Bangued, and left at least four people dead. —PHOTOS COURTESY OF MARK ANICAS AND ALEX BERNAL; AFP. MANILA, Philippines — The number of aftershocks following the magnitude 7.

Joven accidentado en buggy de Carlos Martínez se encuentra en delicado estado de salud

2022-07-28T03:27+0200diariolibre (es)

Un joven se debate entre la vida y la muerte en un centro hospitalario de Puerto Plata tras sufrir un accidente en un buggy, propiedad del pelotero Carlos Martínez (el Tsunami). El hecho ocurrió el pasado domingo en la comunidad Vuelta Larga del municipio de Imbert.

En estado delicado joven accidentado en buggy propiedad de pelotero Carlos Martínez

2022-07-28T03:21+0200diariolibre (es)

Un joven se debate entre la vida y la muerte en un centro hospitalario de Puerto Plata tras sufrir un accidente en un buggy, propiedad del pelotero Carlos Martínez (el Tsunami). El hecho ocurrió el pasado domingo en la comunidad Vuelta Larga del municipio de Imbert.

Four dead in Philippine earthquake

2022-07-28T02:56+0200thenews-pk (en)

MANILA: A 7.0-magnitude earthquake killed at least four people in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, toppling buildings, and shaking high-rise towers more than 300-km away in the capital Manila. The shallow but powerful quake struck the mountainous and lightly populated province of Abra on the....

I residenti si accampano nel timore di altre scosse nel nord delle Filippine

2022-07-28T02:52+0200marketscreener (it)

I residenti impauriti della provincia filippina di Abra hanno trascorso la notte dormendo all'aperto, dopo che un potente terremoto ha colpito l'isola settentrionale di Luzon, uccidendo quattro persone e ferendone oltre 130. Alcune persone nella zona hanno detto giovedì di essere troppo spaventate....

Philippines, M7.0 Earthquake in Abra (Cordillera Administrative Region) (27 Jul 2022)

2022-07-28T02:46+0200reliefWeb (en)

Abra, Philippines . Event Date : Wed, 27 Jul 2022. AHADID : AHA-EQ-2022-000798-PHL | GLIDE Number : Impact Update Date : Wed, 27 Jul 2022 07:43:00. AFFECTED AREA/S. Abra, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Pangasinan. DESCRIPTION. On 27 Jul 2022 at 8:43 AM, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake jolted the municipality of Tayum (Abra) (17.

La gran ola

2022-07-28T01:58+0200huelvainformacion (es)

Un estudio sobre los restos romanos del Patio de Banderas, ha concluido que la Hispalis del siglo III sufrió un maremoto, entre el 197 y el 225 d. C., cuya violencia destruyó los almacenes del puerto. Fue un maremoto como aquel, fruto del seísmo que destruyó Lisboa, azotó Cádiz y dañó Sevilla el 1....

Terremoto nelle Filippine, crolla una torre del 1500 Le autorità locali di Abra hanno riferito alla CNN che oltre 520 edifici avrebbero riportato danni lievi, mentre una trentina hanno avuto conseguenze gravi Terremoto magnitudo 7 nelle Filippine. Alle 8.43 ora locale (le 2.43 italiane), un terremoto ha colpito l’isola di Luzon, nelle Filippine.

2022-07-28T01:49+0200informazione (it)

Le autorità locali di Abra hanno riferito alla CNN che oltre 520 edifici avrebbero riportato danni lievi, mentre una trentina hanno avuto conseguenze gravi. Terremoto magnitudo 7 nelle Filippine . Alle 8.43 ora locale (le 2.43 italiane), un terremoto ha colpito l’isola di Luzon , nelle Filippine.

4 killed, 60 injured in 7-magnitude earthquake in northern Philippines

2022-07-28T01:30+0200wn (en)

WORLD 4 killed , 60 injured in 7-magnitude earthquake in northern Philippines " data-media=""> 27/07/2022 04:48 PM MANILA, July 27 (Bernama) -- A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday morning killed at least four....

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-28T01:15+0200timesfreepress (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

Violent séisme de magnitude 7,1

2022-07-28T01:06+0200lexpressiondz (fr)

Le nord des Philippines a été secoué par un violent séisme, hier, a annoncé l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS). La secousse a été enregistrée à 08h43 locales (00h43 GMT) dans la province montagneuse d’Abra, sur l’île principale de Luzon, selon l’USGS.

Les Philippines du nord frappées par un puissant séisme, 5 morts

2022-07-28T00:40+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 heure locale (00H43 GMT), à une profondeur relativement faible de 10 km dans la province montagneuse d'Abra, sur la principale île de l'archipel philippin, celle de Luzon.

Les Philippines du nord frappées par un puissant séisme, 5 morts

2022-07-28T00:25+0200la1ere (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 heure locale (00H43 GMT), à une profondeur relativement faible de 10 km dans la province montagneuse d'Abra, sur la principale île de l'archipel philippin, celle de Luzon.

No significant damage on train lines, airports

2022-07-27T23:49+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — Operations of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) 1, LRT 2, Metro Rail Transit 3 and Philippine National Railways were briefly suspended following Monday morning’s earthquake but were resumed before noon. On the LRT 2 line, “superficial” cracks were found in the structures of four....

Daily Noon Briefing Highlights: Democratic Republic of the Congo, The Philippines, Pakistan

2022-07-27T23:24+0200unocha (en)

A Public school that welcomes more than 2,200 people displaced by the recent violence in Jomba, in the territory of Rutshuru. Photo credit: OCHA/Endurance Lum Nji. Daily Noon Briefing Highlights – 27 July 2022. Democratic Republic of the Congo. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, our....

Taiwan offers assistance after strong earthquake hits Philippines

2022-07-27T23:13+0200focustaiwan (en)

Taipei, July 27 (CNA) Taiwan is willing to help with rescue efforts after a powerful earthquake hit the northern Philippine island of Luzon Wednesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said that day. The 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck the province of Abra, about 436 kilometers north of the....

Sismo de magnitud 6.2 sorprende a habitantes de Calama, Chile

2022-07-27T23:07+0200televisa (es)

El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos informó que el movimiento telúrico se registró a unos 56 kilómetros al noreste de Calama, más de mil 500 kilómetros al norte de Santiago Por su parte, el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA) dijo que las características del sismo no reúnen....

5 disasters that are more likely to impact you than winning the lottery

2022-07-27T22:47+0200nypost (en)

A building destroyed by a tornado in Forada, Minnesota on May 31, 2022. NOAA/Handout via REUTERS. Americans are no strangers to mega lottery jackpots that have everyone from time to time scouring their pockets for a dollar or two to play and try to become the next millionaire.

Le nord des Philippines frappé par un séisme de magnitude 7

2022-07-27T22:41+0200charentelibre (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins cinq morts, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. La secousse a été enregistrée à 8h43 locales, à une profondeur....

Fuerte sismo de 6,2 grados encendió las alarmas en la Región de Antofagasta

2022-07-27T21:42+0200lacuarta (es)

Un fuerte sismo se produjo durante la tarde de este miércoles en la región de Antofagasta, así lo reveló el Centro Sismológico Nacional de la Universidad de Chile. Según la información preliminar, el temblor se registró a las 14: 58 horas y tuvo una intensidad de 6,2 grados en la escala de Richter.

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T21:40+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

Reportan sismo grado 6,2 en la ciudad de Calama: SHOA descarta tsunami para las costas de Chile

2022-07-27T21:37+0200elmostrado (es)

Desde el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (SHOA) precisaron que el movimiento telúrico no reúne las condiciones necesarias para provocar un tsunami en las costas de Chile. [EN DESARROLLO] El Centro Sismológico Nacional informó que durante esta jornada se registró un sismo grado....

Sismo de 6,2 remece a tres regiones del norte del país

2022-07-27T21:31+0200publimetro (es)

(Agencia Uno/Archivo) Un movimiento telúrico de mediana intensidad se percibió este miércoles a las 14:58 horas en el norte del país, el cual se sintió en las regiones de Tarapacá, Antofagasta y Atacama. El Centro Sismológico Nacional indica que la magnitud del sismo fue 6.2, localizado a 32 Kms al Noreste de Calama.

Earthquakes hit inside and outside Myanmar

2022-07-27T21:27+0200gnlm (en)

A 3.7 magnitude earthquake with its epicentre inside Myanmar about four miles east-northeast of Kyaukpyu, latitude 19.44°N, longitude 93.61°E. The depth of the earthquake was 17 kilometres, about 65 miles southeast of the Sittway Seismological Observatory, which occurred at 05 hours, 00 minute, 44 seconds MST on 27 July 2022.

At least 5 dead after strong earthquake hits northern Philippines

2022-07-27T21:18+0200tvnz (en)

A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Thursday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. A damaged truck lies beside boulders after it fell along a....

Earthquake in the Philippines

2022-07-27T21:12+0200disasterscharter (en)

A 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred on 27 July in the Philippines . The epicentre of the earthquake was in Tayum, Abra on the island of Northern Luzon. Four people have been reported dead. Many buildings suffered damaged from the earthquake.

Tremblement de terre dans le nord des Philippines: l'intensité du choc entre 6,8 et 7,1 sur l'échelle de Richter

2022-07-27T20:46+0200fratmat (fr)

Plusieurs médias internationaux se sont fait écho du séisme qui a frappé le 27 juillet 2022, le nord des Philippines . L'intensité du choc diffère selon les médias qui ont des correspondants dans la zone. Rfi a indiqué que le tremblement de terre était de magnitude 6,8 sur l'échelle de Richter, quand....

Philippines is hit by an intense 7.1 earthquake

2022-07-27T20:18+0200thesouthafrican (en)

PHILIPPINES EXPERIENCE EARTHQUAKE. The earthquake’s magnitude indicates that it was an event of high intensity. Not only did it affect Luzon but the capital city of Manila felt aftershocks, more than 300km away. In terms of fatalities, four people are dead and an estimated 60 people are injured.

Philippine Earthquake 2022: Where was the Philippine Earthquake?

2022-07-27T20:09+0200worldakkam (en)

A magnitude 7 earthquake struck the northern part of the Philippines on Wednesday, causing a landslide and damaging buildings. detail : The quake struck northern Luzon, the most populous island in the country, at 8:43 am local time. what happened? At least five people were killed , mainly in collapsed structures, and dozens more were injured.

Séisme au nord des Philippines : l’ONU prête à appuyer les efforts de secours du gouvernement

2022-07-27T19:34+0200news-un-fr (fr)

Le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’enfance ( UNICEF ) et ses partenaires évaluent déjà les besoins immédiats des communautés touchées et se tiennent prêts à soutenir l’intervention d’urgence menée par le gouvernement. Des fournitures d’urgence prépositionnées sont en attente pour soutenir les efforts gouvernementaux.

Taiwan provides aid after a strong earthquake hits the Philippines

2022-07-27T19:21+0200worldakkam (en)

Taipei, July 27 (CNA) Taiwan is ready to support relief efforts after a major earthquake on Luzon Island in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Foreign Ministry (MOFA) said that day. The ministry said in a statement that a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck Abra, about 436 kilometers north of....

NHCP to help rehabilitate damaged historic sites in earthquake-hit areas

2022-07-27T19:20+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — The National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) will help rehabilitate historic sites and structures damaged by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Lagangilang town in Abra. “The NHCP, in collaboration with the local government units and cultural property owners,....

A Powerful Earthquake Has Struck the Philippines Killing Several People. The 7.1 Magnitude ... - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2022-07-27T19:09+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'A powerful earthquake has struck the Philippines killing several people. The 7.1 magnitude quake struck the island of Luzon, damaging buildings and sending strong tremors through the capital Manila ...' A powerful earthquake has struck the Philippines killing several people.

Strong Quake Shakes Northern Philippines, Damages Buildings

2022-07-27T19:07+0200khaosodenglish (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum,....

5 museums in earthquake-hit areas temporarily closed

2022-07-27T19:02+0200digitpatrox (en)

The Ilocos Regional Museum Complex in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur is one of five museums temporarily closed while their personnel are conducting an assessment of the effects of the Abra earthquake on their buildings. (Photo from the Facebook page of National Museum Ilocos) MANILA, Philippines — Five museums affected by the magnitude 7.

Violento terremoto di magnitudo 7 nelle Filippine, cinque morti e decine di feriti

2022-07-27T19:01+0200greenme (it)

Un violento terremoto si è abbattuto oggi nelle Filippine provocando almeno cinque morti e decine di feriti. Nella giornata di oggi un potente terremoto ha colpito le Filippine. Il sisma, di magnitudo 7, è stato registrato nella provincia di Abra, sull’isola di Luzun. L’epicentro è stato individuato a Lagangilang, a circa 300 chilometri da Manila.

Terremoto nelle Filippine: danni e vittime

2022-07-27T18:54+0200gazzettadimodena (it)

Sono almeno 4 le vittime e 60 i feriti del terremoto che ha colpito le Filippine settentrionali, innescando frane, provocando il crollo di case ed edifici e danneggiando strade e ponti. La scossa è stata avvertita anche nell'area di Manila, costringendo a disporre l'evacuazione dei grattacieli.

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T18:50+0200marianasvariety (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines in Wednesday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

Historic sites in Ilocos region damaged in earthquake

2022-07-27T18:43+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

Watch more News on iWantTFC Several historic sites in the Philippines ' Ilocos region were badly damaged by Wednesday's earthquake. Local officials fear the expected arrival of bad weather could spell trouble for residents living in low-lying areas.

Philippines earthquake kills four and injures dozens - The Washington Post

2022-07-27T18:39+0200google-top-stories (en)

MANILA — A major earthquake struck the northern Philippines on Wednesday morning, killing at least four, injuring dozens, and damaging more than a hundred buildings across the region. The 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck the province of Abra at 8:43 a.m. local time, according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

5 museums in earthquake-hit areas temporarily closed

2022-07-27T18:38+0200inquirer (en)

The Ilocos Regional Museum Complex in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur is one of five museums temporarily closed while their personnel are conducting an assessment of the effects of the Abra earthquake on their buildings. (Photo from the Facebook page of National Museum Ilocos) MANILA, Philippines — Five museums affected by the magnitude 7.

Terremoto nelle Filippine: danni e vittime

2022-07-27T18:35+0200iltirreno (it)

Sono almeno 4 le vittime e 60 i feriti del terremoto che ha colpito le Filippine settentrionali, innescando frane, provocando il crollo di case ed edifici e danneggiando strade e ponti. La scossa è stata avvertita anche nell'area di Manila, costringendo a disporre l'evacuazione dei grattacieli.

Headline26 mins ago Power plants operating normally despite tremor All generation plants remained under normal operations despite the 7.0 magnitude earthquake on Wednesday morning that hit Northern Luzon, impact of which was felt in Metro...

2022-07-27T18:31+0200tribuneonline (en)

All generation plants remained under normal operations despite the 7.0 magnitude earthquake on Wednesday morning that hit Northern Luzon, impact of which was felt in Metro Manila. In an advisory, the Department of Energy (DoE) said all power generation plants operated normally except for HEDCOR....

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T18:25+0200proceso-HN (es)

Manila .- Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Viral Tweets Explain How Mangroves Protect Land From Disaster

2022-07-27T18:16+0200ndtvnews (en)

Mangroves play a very important role in maintaining the ecological balance of our planet. Many climatologists have stressed on the need to protect mangroves. In a set of tweets, Indian Forest Office (IFS) Parween Kaswan has explained why mangroves are important and why there is a need to protect them.

Powerful earthquake hits northern Philippines (video)

2022-07-27T18:14+0200extra-cw (en)

This handout photo taken from the Facebook page of La Trinidad Municipal Police Station shows a rescue team moving the body of a construction worker at the site of a collapsed building in La Trinidad, in the province of Benguet on July 27, 2022, after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines .

Philippines: Abra Earthquake - Flash Update No. 1 (As of 27 July 2022, 9 p.m. local time)

2022-07-27T18:11+0200reliefWeb (en)

Situation Overview. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck the mountainous province of Abra at 8.43 a.m. local time on 27 July, triggering landslides and the collapse of structures. The tectonic earthquake’s epicenter was located in the town of Tayum, Abra (17.64N, 120.

[SÃISME] Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T18:05+0200ipreunion (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales (00H43 GMT), à une profondeur de 10 km dans la province d'Abra, sur l'île principale de Luzon. Dans la ville de Dolores, située tout près de l'épicentre, des habitants terrifiés ont couru hors de....

Temblor en México: sismo en Cintalapa, Chiapas

2022-07-27T18:05+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 4.0 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 157 kilómetros alertó a los habitantes de la ciudad de Cintalapa a las 10:23 hora local (15:23 UTC) de hoy. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 21 km al sureste de dicha localidad del estado de Chiapas, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Strong earthquake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T17:59+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Philippines

2022-07-27T17:56+0200qrius (en)

The earthquake lasted 30 seconds or more. I thought my house would fall,” said Singson. “Now, we are trying to reach people…. Right now there are aftershocks so we are outside our home,” he added. The quake was also felt strongly in Manila and the city’s metro rail systems had been halted at rush hour after the quake, the transport ministry said.

DOT to help LGUs gauge earthquake damage to cultural sites

2022-07-27T17:54+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Tourism directed its regional offices on Wednesday to help local government units (LGUs) assess the damage caused by the magnitude 7 Abra earthquake on cultural and heritage sites. In a statement, Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco said she had ordered the....

Estos son los cinco terremotos más fuertes de la historia

2022-07-27T17:49+0200telegrafo (es)

Los terremotos son fenómenos naturales que se producen al moverse las placas tectónicas de la Tierra y que pueden tener distintos grados de magnitud que, por lo general, se mide en la escala de Richter. A continuación te presentamos el top cinco de terremotos más fuertes que se han registrado en la historia de la humanidad.

Terremoto en Filipinas deja al menos 4 muertos, 16 heridos, causa "grandes olas" y evacuaciones

2022-07-27T17:46+0200biobiochile (es)

El movimiento, de 7,3, ocurrió a 17 kilómetros de profundidad, pero según Estados Unidos fue a 10. Aunque al cierre de esta edición no hubo ni hay alerta de tsunami, el sismo produjo una serie de "grandes olas" que causaron temor en la población. Un terremoto de magnitud 7,3 sacudió la noche del....

Philippines earthquake: At least 5 dead, dozens injured after landslides triggered

2022-07-27T17:39+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The seven-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area....

Strong earthquake kills at least 5 people in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T17:39+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area of....

Magnitude-7.1 earthquake hits Philippines’ most populous island

2022-07-27T17:35+0200digitpatrox (en)

A powerful earthquake struck the Philippines ’ largest and most populous island on Wednesday, prompting evacuations, triggering landslides and damaging historic vacationer spots. The magnitude-7.1 (revised from 7) tremor hit at a depth of 10km and was recorded at 8.43am Manila time.

Puissant séisme de magnitude 7 dans le Nord des Philippines : 5 morts

2022-07-27T17:35+0200catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins 5 morts et 60 blessés, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 nel nord del Paese

2022-07-27T17:34+0200informazione (it)

Tutti gli articoli su Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo....

Un fort séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T17:33+0200tv5 (fr)

Un fort séisme, de magnitude 7, a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , provoquant la mort d'au moins cinq personnes, semant la panique dans la population et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse....

UNICEF stands ready to reach children affected by Philippines earthquake

2022-07-27T17:32+0200miragenews (en)

UNICEF is concerned about the situation of children and families affected by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Northern Philippines at 8:43 am local time. UNICEF and partners are assessing the immediate needs of affected communities and stand ready to support the Government-led emergency response.

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T17:26+0200diario-expreso (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles 27 de julio de 2022 el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

UNICEF stands ready to reach children affected by the Philippines earthquake

2022-07-27T17:25+0200unicef (en)

MANILA, 27 July 2022 – UNICEF is concerned about the situation of children and families affected by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Northern Philippines at 8:43 am local time. UNICEF and partners are assessing the immediate needs of affected communities and stand ready to support the Government-led emergency response.

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T17:24+0200syracuse (en)

Manila, Philippines — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

Registran terremoto de magnitud 7,3 en Filipinas

2022-07-27T17:23+0200vtv (es)

El Instituto de Vulcanología y Sismología de Filipinas (Phivolcs) informó sobre un terremoto de magnitud 7,3 que se registró en el país, con epicentro en la provincia de Abra, en la isla de Lu, el movimiento telúrico se produjo a las 08H43 (hora local) del miércoles y tuvo una profundidad de 25 kilómetros.

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T17:21+0200naharnet-en (en)

A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The 7-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area of....

Strong earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T17:14+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

Watch more News on iWantTFC Northern Luzon was rattled by a deadly earthquake days after the 32nd anniversary of a monster tremor that devastated the area and killed more than 2,400 people. Wednesday's magnitude 7.0 quake was centered in Abra province and damaged centuries-old heritage structures.

GLOBALink | Strong earthquake jolts northern Philippines

2022-07-27T17:14+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday killed at least two and injured some 30 others, government officials said. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) confirmed the death of one person in Benguet province in the northern Philippines.

Major structures in Ilocos Norte declared 'safe' except for 1

2022-07-27T17:14+0200manilametro (en)

LAOAG CITY - All major structures and buildings in Ilocos Norte have been declared "safe" with the exception of one, following a magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted Northern Luzon on Wednesday morning. Luciano Domingo Jr., head of the Provincial Engineering Office, said an initial damage assessment....

NHCP commits to restoring historical sites damaged by quake

2022-07-27T17:14+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - The National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) is committed to rehabilitating and restoring historical sites and structures damaged by the strong earthquake that hit Northern Luzon and Metro Manila on Wednesday. In a statement issued on Wednesday, NHCP chairman Rene Escalante....

Japan, Australia, int'l orgs ready to aid PH quake victims

2022-07-27T17:14+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - Japan, Australia, and other international organizations are on standby to provide assistance to the victims of the magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted Abra and several areas in Luzon on Wednesday. The Japanese Embassy in Manila said Tokyo, like in previous disasters, is committed to providing timely assistance to the country.

Un fort séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T17:12+0200laprovence (fr)

Manille - Un fort séisme, de magnitude 7, a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , provoquant la mort d'au moins cinq personnes, semant la panique dans la population et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS),....

Quake triggers landslides and cuts power in Philippines

2022-07-27T17:11+0200businessday (en)

A magnitude-7 earthquake struck the largest and most populous Philippines island on Wednesday, prompting evacuation of people, triggering landslides and damaging historic tourist spots. The tremor was recorded at 8.43am local time, and originated in Abra province on the main Luzon island’s northern....

Un fort séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T17:11+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Un fort séisme, de magnitude 7, a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , provoquant la mort d'au moins cinq personnes, semant la panique dans la population et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la....

Philippines : un violent séisme fait au moins cinq morts et plusieurs blessés

2022-07-27T17:10+0200cnews (fr)

C’est au nord des Philippines qu’est survenu un violent tremblement de terre mercredi 27 juillet. Le séisme de magnitude 7 a tué cinq personnes. Un tremblement de terre qui aura fait d’immenses dégâts matériels et humains. Mercredi 27 juillet un séisme a frappé le nord des Philippines .

27 lug 2022, 16:46 Carlo Migliore Terremoto, violenta scossa di magnitudo 7.1 nelle Filippine, vittime e ingenti danni. Il video

2022-07-27T17:06+02003bmeteo (it)

Terremoto, violenta scossa di magnitudo 7.1 nelle Filippine, vittime e ingenti danni. Il video. Violento terremoto colpisce l'isola di Luzon nelle Filippine, vittime e gravi danni. Violento terremoto scuote le Filippine, ci sono vittime e gravi danni. Un violento terremoto valutato di 7.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, ingenti danni a Vigan City

2022-07-27T17:01+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) A Vigan City , un sito patrimonio mondiale dell'Unesco nella provincia di Ilocos Sur nelle Filippine , strutture secolari costruite durante il periodo coloniale spagnolo sono state danneggiate e ... Le prime notizie dall'epicentro ad Abra e nelle province vicine....

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T16:59+0200naharnet-ar (en)

A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The 7-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area of....

Un fort séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T16:57+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Selon l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 8 h 43 heure locale (20 h 43 lundi, HAE), à une profondeur relativement faible de 10 km dans la province montagneuse d’Abra, sur la principale île de l’archipel philippin, celle de Luzon.

At Least 5 Dead After 7.0-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Philippines: 'Thought the Ground Would Open Up'

2022-07-27T16:37+0200people-com (en)

In this handout photo provided by the Bureau of Fire Protection, rescuers try to pull out a trapped resident from under a collapsed structure after a strong earthquake struck La Trinidad, Benguet province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022.

Philippines earthquake: At least 5 dead, dozens injured after landslides triggered 49 mins

2022-07-27T16:31+0200cknw (en)

A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The seven-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area....

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte...

2022-07-27T16:29+0200elcarabobeno (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Philippines earthquake: At least 5 dead, dozens injured…

2022-07-27T16:27+0200vervetimes (en)

A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The seven-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area....

El 'milagro' del maremoto de Cádiz será Bien de Interés Cultural: "Forma parte del barrio"

2022-07-27T16:23+0200lavozdelsur (es)

El 1 de noviembre de 1755, un maremoto inundó gran parte de la ciudad de Cádiz y su provincia. Su origen procedía del terremoto ocurrido en Lisboa, a más de 550 kilómetros, que provocó el fuerte movimiento de la mar gaditana. Las aguas entraron con fuerza por la viñera calle La Palma y cuentan los....

Terremoto nelle Filippine: Unicef, “stiamo valutando i bisogni di bambini e famiglie nelle zone colpite”

2022-07-27T16:22+0200agensir (it)

Unicef sta valutando i bisogni immediati per verificare la situazione dei bambini e delle famiglie colpiti dal terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito le Filippine settentrionali alle 8:43 ora locale. Sono pronti a supportare la risposta di emergenza guidata dal governo.

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T16:20+0200challenges (fr)

Des secouristes mènent des opérations de sauvetage à l'extérieur d'un bâtiment qui s'est effondré lors du tremblement de terre, à La Trinidad, Benguet, aux Philippines . Un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,1 s'est produit mercredi dans le nord des Philippines.

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T16:14+0200laestrella (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Vigan's heritage sites temporarily closed after damages from quake

2022-07-27T16:08+0200gmanews (en)

Once bursting with tourists and locals, the historic sites in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur now appears deserted after it was temporarily shut down due to damages sustained from Wednesday's magnitude 7 earthquake. According to a report by Tere Sundayon on"24 Oras," the Vigan Cathedral and the Bell Tower in....

Sirens Go Off as Government Building Evacuated Due to Earthquake in Philippines

2022-07-27T16:05+0200news_com_au (en)

Employees and officials at the Philippines ’ Department of Social Welfare and Development were evacuated from the head office as a magnitude 7.0 earthquake was felt in Quezon City on July 27, the department said. Footage posted to Facebook shows people leaving the building, some with their hands over their heads, as sirens ring out.

Fatalities Reported After Large Earthquake Strikes Philippines

2022-07-27T16:05+0200news_com_au (en)

At least four people were killed and 60 injured in landslides after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck the Philippines , the country’s Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos told local media on July 27. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology reported that at 08:43 AM Philippine Standard Time a major earthquake struck North-Western Luzon.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, ingenti danni a Vigan City

2022-07-27T16:05+0200tiscali-it (it)

A Vigan City, un sito patrimonio mondiale dell'Unesco nella provincia di Ilocos Sur nelle Filippine, strutture secolari costruite durante il periodo coloniale spagnolo sono state danneggiate e distrutte dalla forte scossa sismica durante un terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 che ha ucciso almeno quattro persone nelle Filippine settentrionali.

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T15:59+0200dominicanoshoy (es)

El sismo, que fue elevado desde la magnitud inicial de 7,1 para 7,3 y a una profundidad de 17 kilómetros por las autoridades filipinas. Manila. – Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de....

Filippine: preoccupazione dell’Unicef per i bambini colpiti dal terremoto

2022-07-27T15:58+0200aise (it)

GINEVRA\ aise\ - L’ UNICEF è preoccupato per la situazione dei bambini e delle famiglie colpiti dal terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito le Filippine settentrionali alle 8:43 ora locale. L’UNICEF e i suoi partner stanno valutando i bisogni immediati delle comunità colpite e sono pronti a supportare la risposta di emergenza guidata dal Governo.

Today's best photos: from an earthquake in the Philippines to a bridge opening in Croatia

2022-07-27T15:56+0200thenational (en)

'The National' picks the most striking images from around the world. A vehicle tries to dodge falling boulders during an earthquake in Bauko, the Philippines . AP.

Al menos cuatro muertos y 60 heridos dejó terremoto de magnitud 7,0 en Filipinas Por El Aragüeño Al menos cuatro personas murieron y 60 resultaron heridas a causa de un terremoto de magnitud 7,0 que sacudió Filipinas el miércoles, dijo el secretario del Interior de la nación, Benjamin Abalos...

2022-07-27T15:54+0200elaragueno (es)

Al menos cuatro personas murieron y 60 resultaron heridas a causa de un terremoto de magnitud 7,0 que sacudió Filipinas el miércoles, dijo el secretario del Interior de la nación, Benjamin Abalos Jr., en una conferencia de prensa. El terremoto se registró en el norte de Luzón, la isla más poblada....

Filippine, un terremoto di magnitudo 7 ha fatto vittime e feriti

2022-07-27T15:52+0200editorialedomani (it)

L’isola di Luzon, all’estremità settentrionale dell'arcipelago delle Filippine, è stata colpita da un forte terremoto che è stato avvertito anche a chilometri di distanza, nella capitale Manila. Si contano 5 morti e 60 feriti. Sospesi molti servizi ed evacuate le case. Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 7 ha colpito le Filippine settentrionali.

Philippines earthquake: At least 5 dead, dozens injured after landslides triggered

2022-07-27T15:49+0200globalnews (en)

A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The seven-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area....

Strong earthquake shakes the Philippines

2022-07-27T15:42+0200bnonews (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 was recorded Wednesday morning in the northern Philippines , according to data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Shaking was felt as far away as Manila. According to the USGS, the earthquake had its epicenter 7 miles (11 kilometers) from Dolores, in the Luzon....

Disastroso terremoto di magnitudo 7: almeno 5 morti e numerosi feriti nelle Filippine – VIDEO

2022-07-27T15:40+0200itacanotizie (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo Mwp 7.0 si è registrato alle 2,43 (UTC +02:00) ora italiana (ora locale, 8.43) nelle Filippine . Il bilancio, in fase di aggiornamento, è già tragico: sarebbero almeno 5 i morti accertati e circa 60 i feriti registrati in seguito al violento sisma.

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T15:25+0200ecuavisa (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles 27 de julio el noroeste de la isla de Luzón , donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

4 killed, 60 injured in 7-magnitude earthquake in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T15:24+0200manilametro (en)

Manila [ Philippines ], July 27 (ANI/Xinhua): A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday morning killed at least four people and injured some 60 others, Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos said.

Disastroso terremoto di magnitudo 7: almeno 5 morti e numerosi feriti nelle Filippine – VIDEO

2022-07-27T15:24+0200qds (it)

L’epicentro sembra essere stato vicino alla parte settentrionale di Luzon , la più grande e popolosa isola dell’arcipelago delle Filippine, a una profondità di circa 10 chilometri. La scossa è stata sentita anche a Manila , la capitale. Disastroso terremoto di magnitudo 7 nelle Filippine.

Terrified photographer thought this would be last photo he ever took

2022-07-27T15:15+02009news (en)

In a chilling near-death experience, Filipino photojournalist Harley Palangchao and companions were traveling downhill in two vans in Mountain Province when they suddenly heard thunder-like thuds and saw an avalanche of boulders as big as cars raining down just ahead of them from a towering mountain.

Filipinos in UAE worry for families, friends

2022-07-27T15:15+0200gulfnews (en)

“Despite several messages on the phone, I have yet to receive a response from my father and I am so worried. However, many of my friends in Abu Dhabi, from the same province have set up a relay support group. We are all in touch with each other and exchanging whatever relevant information filtering out the affected areas.

Fuerte terremoto en el norte de Filipinas ...

2022-07-27T15:13+0200zocalo (es)

Manila.- Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Terremoto magnitudo 7 nelle Filippine: crolli e vittime

2022-07-27T15:09+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. ... : Violento #terremoto nelle #Filippine, sisma di magnitudo 7 - : #Terremoto nelle #Filippine, colpita la parte....

At least five killed and dozens injured as building collapse in major quake

2022-07-27T15:07+0200irishtimes (en)

A strong earthquake has set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines , killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital Manila, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The 7-magnitude quake was centred in a mountainous area of....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,3 en Filipinas deja al menos cuatro muertos y 60 heridos

2022-07-27T15:07+0200rtve-alacarta (es)

Al menos cuatro personas han muerto y 60 han resultado heridas por un de magnitud 7,3 en la escala Richter que ha sido registrado este miércoles en el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, la isla más poblada del país y donde se encuentra la capital, Manila. El ministro de Interior filipino, Benhur Abalos,....

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T14:57+0200news-herald (en)

By JIM GOMEZ and AARON FAVILA. MANILA, Philippines — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T14:57+0200torontosun (en)

In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The 7-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area of Abra province, said Renato Solidum, the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, who described the midmorning shaking as a major earthquake.

“El sismo fue muy fuerte”: Terremoto de 7,1 grados de magnitud afectó a Filipinas

2022-07-27T14:57+0200lanacion-CL (es)

El sismo de poca profundidad tuvo su epicentro en la provincia de Abra, en la isla principal de Luzon, a las 8:43 hora local. Al menos cuatro personas murieron y 60 resultaron heridas a causa del sismo. Deslizamiento de tierra durante un terremoto en Bauko, Filipinas, el 27 de julio.

Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7 nel Nord: sentita fino a Manila

2022-07-27T14:51+0200UnioneSarda (it)

Violenta scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 alle ore 8:43 locali (le 2:43 in Italia) nel Nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Le immagini pubblicate sui social mostrano persone che fuggono dalla Bantay Bell Tower a Vigan, sulla costa dell'isola, mentre alcune parti della struttura del campanile crollano, e strade danneggiate.

Link to Massive 7.0 Earthquake Hits The Philippines

2022-07-27T14:49+0200dailycaller (en)

A massive 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck the Philippines on Wednesday, followed by a series of large aftershocks. The quake hit in the northwestern region of the island of Luzon at a shallow depth of about 10 kilometers, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Suben a cuatro muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T14:45+0200elnuevodiario-DO (es)

EL NUEVO DIARIO, MANILA.- Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

At least four dead in Philippines earthquake

2022-07-27T14:39+0200thetimes (en)

A strong earthquake has killed at least four people and toppled buildings in the northern Philippines . The 7.0 magnitude quake hit the sparsely populated mountainous province of Abra on Luzon, the main island, at 8.43am local time, according to Renato Solidum, head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

280 aftershocks reported after Abra earthquake

2022-07-27T14:37+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — There were 280 aftershocks reported after the magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Abra on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) reported. In an advisory, Phivolcs said of the total number of recorded aftershocks, 57 were plotted or recorded, while 13 were felt.

At least four dead in Philippines earthquake

2022-07-27T14:35+0200thesundaytimes (en)

A strong earthquake has killed at least four people and toppled buildings in the northern Philippines . The 7.0 magnitude quake hit the sparsely populated mountainous province of Abra on Luzon, the main island, at 8.43am local time, according to Renato Solidum, head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

Terremoto Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7: almeno 4 morti e 100 feriti

2022-07-27T14:33+0200mister-x (it)

Sono almeno 4 le vittime del potente terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) il nord delle Filippine, seminando il panico nel Paese e facendo tremare gli edifici fino alla capitale Manila, a 300 km di distanza dall’epicentro. Epicentro a Luzon Secondo l’Istituto sismologico statunitense (USGS), il […].

Normal operations, no major damage in 8 ports after earthquake – PPA

2022-07-27T14:25+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — Several ports under the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) suffered no major structural damage after a magnitude 7 earthquake shook Abra on Wednesday morning, said the agency. All eight ports — Port Management Offices in Northern Luzon, National Capital Region (NCR) South Harbor,....

Se elevan a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T14:14+0200panamaamerica (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

A Powerful 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Kills at Least Four in the Philippines, Russia Further ... - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2022-07-27T14:13+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake kills at least four in the Philippines , Russia further cuts gas flows to Europe in an escalation of an energy stand-off between Moscow and the EU, and more. Here are 5⃣ stories you need to know today' A powerful 7.

07:02 Videos: al menos 4 muertos deja el terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T14:09+0200elcomercio-EC (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió el miércoles, 27 de julio de 2022, el noroeste de la isla de Luzón , donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T14:08+0200hjnews (en)

Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides and damaged....

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T14:05+0200elsiglo-PA (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

TIMELINE: Most destructive earthquakes to hit the Philippines since 1990

2022-07-27T14:04+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – On Wednesday morning, July 27, a magnitude 7 earthquake struck Abra province, with tremors felt across the country’s capital and Northern Luzon. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) initially measured this tectonic quake at magnitude 7.3, but later lowered it to 7.

Philippines - Earthquake (DG ECHO, GDACS, USGS, PHIVOLCS, DSWD DROMIC, PAGASA, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 27 July 2022)

2022-07-27T14:01+0200reliefWeb (en)

A magnitude 7,0 earthquake hit northern Philippines at 08:43hr (UTC +8) 27 July 2022, severely affecting the provinces of Abra, Benguet, Ilocos Sur, Pangasinan, Mountain Province, Nueva Vizcaya. The epicenter was at 17km depth of focus resulting in a shallow earthquake of intensity 7 (very....

At least 5 dead after 7.0 magnitude earthquake hits northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:59+0200newindianexpress (en)

In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The 7-magnitude quake was centred in a mountainous area of Abra province, said Renato Solidum, the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, who described the midmorning shaking as a major earthquake.

FILIPPINE 8 min Terremoto nelle Filippine, il numero delle vittime sale a 4 Più di cento i feriti. Danneggiati anche diversi edifici, molti dei quali appartenenti al periodo coloniale

2022-07-27T13:47+0200tio (it)

MANILA - Sono almeno 4 le vittime del potente terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito stamane il nord delle Filippine, seminando il panico nel Paese e facendo tremare gli edifici fino alla capitale Manila, a 300 chilometri di distanza dall'epicentro. A causa del terremoto, più di 100 persone sono....

Terremoto en Filipinas deja muertos, heridos y grandes destrozos

2022-07-27T13:46+0200teleamazonas (es)

Las autoridades elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto en Filipinas, que el noroeste de la isla de Luzón. Otras 16 personas han resultado heridas. El ministro de Interior filipino, Benhur Abalos, informó en rueda de prensa, concedida al lado del presidente del país, Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Philippine Official Surveys Damage in Bangued After Earthquake

2022-07-27T13:44+0200couriermail (en)

At least four people were reported killed after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake impacted 218 towns in 15 provinces in the Philippines , on July 27, according to ABS-CBN News, citing the interior secretary. Footage posted to Facebook shows Social Welfare and Development Secretary Erwin Tulfo surveying....

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines 0 7/27/2022 4:16:56 AM

2022-07-27T13:44+0200tricitynews (en)

Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides and damaged....

Philippine Official Surveys Damage in Bangued After Earthquake

2022-07-27T13:43+0200news_com_au (en)

At least four people were reported killed after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake impacted 218 towns in 15 provinces in the Philippines , on July 27, according to ABS-CBN News, citing the interior secretary. Footage posted to Facebook shows Social Welfare and Development Secretary Erwin Tulfo surveying....

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T13:43+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins quatre morts, semant la panique parmi les habitants et secouant des immeubles jusqu’à la capitale Manille, distante de 300 km. • Lisez aussi : 55 travailleurs philippins et bangladais découverts en esclavage sur un chantier en Belgique.

Le tremblement de terre aux Philippines fait quatre morts et des dizaines de blessés

2022-07-27T13:43+0200news-24 (fr)

Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,3 a frappé la province d’Abra à 08h43 heure locale, selon l’Institut philippin de volcanologie et de sismologie. Le United States Geological Survey a répertorié la magnitude du tremblement de terre à 7 et sa profondeur à 10 kilomètres (six miles).

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:41+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides and damaged....

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. Jul 27, 2022 4:16 AM Read more >

2022-07-27T13:41+0200timescolonist (en)

Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides and damaged....

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines 0

2022-07-27T13:40+0200kitchenertoday (en)

Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides and damaged....

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:38+0200news-gazette (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

Teachers" group urges DepEd to suspend in-school activities in quake-hit areas

2022-07-27T13:35+0200gmanews (en)

A group of education workers on Wednesday called on the Department of Education (DepEd) to suspend all in-school activities in areas affected by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck Abra and was felt in several parts of Luzon. In a statement, Alliance of Concerned Teachers chairperson Vladimer....

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T13:35+0200eldia-do (es)

Manila.- Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

4 killed, 60 injured in 7-magnitude earthquake in Philippines

2022-07-27T13:33+0200digitpatrox (en)

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) mentioned a 7-magnitude earthquake rattled Abra province within the northern Philippines at 8:43 a.m. native time (0043 GMT). The institute mentioned the epicenter is situated at Tayum city, with a depth of 17 km.

PHILIPPINES-3RD LD QUAKE - Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines (Eds: Updating toll.)

2022-07-27T13:32+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / PTI. Manila, Jul 27 (AP) A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least five people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

Philippines earthquake leaves trail of destruction and at least four people dead

2022-07-27T13:30+0200coastfm (en)

An earthquake has struck the Philippines , setting off landslides, damaging buildings, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. In Manila, hospital patients had to be evacuated and people rushed outside as the 7-magnitude quake hit the northern part of the country.

Strong earthquake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:25+0200washtimes (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines in Wednesday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

'I thought the ground would open up': At least four people dead in Philippines earthquake

2022-07-27T13:24+0200skynews (en)

It was centred in the mountainous area of the Abra province, according to the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Renato Solidum, who described it as a major earthquake. "The ground shook like I was on a swing, and the lights suddenly went out.

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:22+0200wftv (en)

APTOPIX Philippines Earthquake Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small....

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:21+0200startribune (en)

The 7-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area of Abra province, said Renato Solidum, the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, who described the midmorning shaking as a major earthquake. "The ground shook like I was on a swing and the lights suddenly went out.

Four Killed, 60 Injured As Magnitude 7 Earthquake Hits the Philippines less than an hour ago An updated report changed the earthquake's epicentre to Tayum town.

2022-07-27T13:21+0200weather-en-IN (en)

The strong earthquake triggered landslides and damaged buildings, killing at least four people and injuring 60 people, the interior minister said on Wednesday. The Institute first reported the magnitude as 7.3, and the epicentre was Lagangilang town. An updated report changed the epicentre to Tayum town.

Strong Quake Kills 4, Injures Dozens in Northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:20+0200thenationalherald (en)

MANILA, Philippines — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines in Wednesday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

San Roque Dam in San Manuel under close monitoring after earthquake

2022-07-27T13:20+0200mb-com-ph (en)

SAN MANUEL, Pangasinan – One of the structures now being closely monitored after a devastating earthquake hit Abra is the San Roque Dam, the largest hydro installation in South East Asia and third largest in entire Asia. An official of the San Roque Power Corporation said they are indeed monitoring....

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:20+0200wsoctv (en)

APTOPIX Philippines Earthquake Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small....

World News | 4 Killed, 60 Injured in 7-magnitude Earthquake in Northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:20+0200latestly (en)

Manila [ Philippines ], July 27 (ANI/Xinhua): A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday morning killed at least four people and injured some 60 others, Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos said.

Are Filipinos prepared for the Big One?

2022-07-27T13:19+0200inquirer (en)

[This is a report published by INQUIRER.net in May 2011. We are reposting it as a reminder of the need for vigilance and preparedness in light of the 7.3 quake in Abra that was felt in other places on Wednesday (July 27, 2022).] MANILA, Philippines —About 34,000 people dead instantly and 24,000 dead or dying in the rubble.

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:18+0200fresnobee (en)

Residents stay at a park after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported.

13:10 Un violent tremblement de terre frappe les Philippines et tue …

2022-07-27T13:18+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé ce mercredi 27 juillet le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins quatre morts, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. A Vigan, des éléments de la Tour de la cloche de Bantay se....

Marcos says in office when M7.0 quake struck

2022-07-27T13:17+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

This was how President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. described Wednesday's magnitude-7 earthquake that struck Lagangilang, Abra and was also felt in different parts of Luzon, including Metro Manila. Speaking to reporters hours after the tremor, Marcos said he was working in his office when he felt being swayed.

NHCP to help restore historic sites hit by Luzon quake

2022-07-27T13:17+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA The National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) on Wednesday said it will be working on the restoration and rebuilding of some historic sites, churches, and structures that were damaged in the powerful Luzon earthquake. In a statement, NHCP said it will be joining a meeting with....

Philippines earthquake leaves trail of destruction and at least four people dead

2022-07-27T13:17+0200heart (en)

In Manila, hospital patients had to be evacuated and people rushed outside as the 7-magnitude quake hit the northern part of the country. It was centred in the mountainous area of the Abra province, according to the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Renato Solidum, who described it as a major earthquake.

Strong quake kills 5, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:17+0200actionnewsjax (en)

APTOPIX Philippines Earthquake Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small....

FA convoca a autoridades de la educación por plagio en documento de reforma educativa

2022-07-27T13:17+0200elobservador (es)

El texto se titula "Propuestas para el Diseño Curricular de la formación de grado de los Educadores” , y según la oposición contiene partes que fueron plagiadas del programa del Ministerio de Educación argentino, Conectar Igualdad. Víctor Pizzichillo, presidente del CFE, dijo en primera instancia a....

Strong earthquake hits Philippines, killing at least 4

2022-07-27T13:16+0200parstoday-en (en)

At least four people were killed in a powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck the northern Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday causing dozens of landslides and severely damaging buildings, officials said. According to reports, the earthquake was registered at 8:43 am local time in the....

Pictured: Houses collapse and cars narrowly miss falling boulders as Philippines hit by earthquake

2022-07-27T13:14+0200telegraph (en)

A 7.0-magnitude earthquake killed at least three people in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, toppling buildings, and shaking high-rise towers more than 300 kilometres (185 miles) away in the capital Manila. The shallow but powerful quake struck the mountainous and lightly populated province of....

‘Nature’s own disaster manager’: Viral tweets explain how mangroves protect land from cyclones

2022-07-27T13:09+0200expressindia (en)

Indian Forest Service officer Parveen Kaswan on Tuesday shared a video of a scientific model that demonstrated how mangroves simmer down the large waves caused by cyclones or other disturbances in the ocean and protect the land from their direct impact. While sharing the video, Kaswan explained, “Mangroves are natures own disaster manager.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.3 nelle Filippine: almeno 4 i morti e danni ingenti - VIDEO

2022-07-27T13:08+0200la7 (it)

"A causa della magnitudo del sisma, stiamo parlando di un grande terremoto e potremmo aspettarci danni significativi", ha dichiarato il ministro degli interni Abalos durante una conferenza stampa tenuta insieme con il Presidente Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Quattro le vittime riportate fino ad ora: due....

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:06+0200wsvn (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines in Wednesday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 nel nord del Paese: almeno 4 morti e 60 feriti

2022-07-27T13:06+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Un forte terremoto ha colpito il nord delle Filippine , provocando almeno quattro morti , 40 feriti e danni a diversi edifici. Decine le persone che si sono riversate in strada anche nella capitale Manila. Il sisma è stato di magnitudo 7, stima ribassata rispetto a quella di 7.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, danni e crepe sulle strade nel villaggio di Palao

2022-07-27T13:06+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Le persone si radunano sulla strada danneggiata della citta' colpita da una forte e violenta scossa di Terremoto nelle Filippine . I residenti, spaventati, si riuniscono all'esterno degli edifici in ...

IN PHOTOS: Luzon earthquake leaves trail of damaged buildings, evacuations

2022-07-27T13:04+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – A magnitude 7 earthquake hit Luzon on Wednesday, July 27, causing the collapse of multiple structures, triggering massive landslides along the nothern region and evacuations in communities. The earthquake was initially pegged at magnitude 7.3, and had struck at 8:43 am, with the epicenter located in the province of Abra.

Estos son los secretos para convertirse en CEO del Año en el ámbito de la Formación

2022-07-27T13:04+0200andaluciainformacion (es)

Todos somos conscientes de que el momento actual que viven las empresas y las personas que se encargan de gestionarlas -cambios repentinos, falta de respuestas inmediatas, volatilidad y en definitiva incertidumbre- requiere de mucha capacidad de adaptación y flexibilidad.

Four dead, dozens injured in major quake in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T13:00+0200benarnews (en)

A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday morning, killing at least four people and injuring dozens, disaster relief officials said. Local media have reported widespread damage to homes and infrastructures due to the quake, which also made people panic,....

Newly-weds Hidilyn Diaz, Julius Naranjo evacuate hotel after earthquake

2022-07-27T12:59+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Newly-wed couple Olympic gold medalist Hidilyn Diaz and Julius Naranjo were forced to evacuate their hotel room after the country was hit by a magnitude 7 earthquake on Wednesday. The morning after their wedding , Diaz and Naranjo were found outside the Baguio Country Club due....

UK Defense Ministry offers independent inquiry into handling of SAS killing claims

2022-07-27T12:58+0200arabnews (en)

MANILA: A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines in Wednesday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The 7-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous....

4 killed, 60 injured in 7-magnitude earthquake in Philippines

2022-07-27T12:56+0200aninews (en)

Manila [ Philippines ], July 27 (ANI/Xinhua): A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday morning killed at least four people and injured some 60 others, Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos said.

4 dead, dozens hurt after earthquake

2022-07-27T12:55+0200wkrn (en)

A strong earthquake in the Philippines has killed at least four people and left dozens injured.

Airport operations in quake-hit areas remain normal -- CAAP

2022-07-27T12:51+0200gmanews (en)

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) said Wednesday that airports in areas affected by the magnitude 7 earthquake in Northern Luzon reported no damage to their facilities. In a statement, CAAP said Northern Luzon airports in Area 1Laoag, Vigan, Lingayen, Rosales, and San Fernando....

Terremoto nelle Filippine, la forte scossa fa crollare pezzi della Bantay Bell Tower

2022-07-27T12:51+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Terremoto nelle Filippine, la forte scossa fa crollare pezzi della Bantay Bell Tower Fuggi fuggi durante il sisma di magnitudo 7.

Séisme aux Philippines: un séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe la province d’Abra, Manille a été choquée

2022-07-27T12:47+0200algeriemondeinfos (fr)

Le tremblement de terre a frappé le nord de l’île de Luzon, l’île la plus peuplée du pays, à 8h43 heure locale (20h43 HE), selon l’US Geological Survey. L’agence a déterminé que le tremblement de terre était de 7,1, avant de l’abaisser à 7,0. L’épicentre se trouvait à environ 13 kilomètres (8 miles)....

SismaTerremoto nelle Filippine: almeno 4 morti e oltre 100 feriti

2022-07-27T12:41+0200cdt (it)

Sono almeno 4 le vittime del potente terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito stamane il nord delle Filippine, seminando il panico nel Paese e facendo tremare gli edifici fino alla capitale Manila, a 300 km di distanza dall'epicentro. Secondo l'Istituto sismologico statunitense (USGS), il sisma è....

Terremoto nelle Filippine, almeno 4 i morti

2022-07-27T12:40+0200laregione (it)

Sono almeno 4 le vittime del potente terremoto di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito stamane il nord delle Filippine, seminando il panico nel Paese e facendo tremare gli edifici fino alla capitale Manila, a 300 km di distanza dall’epicentro. Secondo l’Istituto sismologico statunitense (Usgs), il sisma è stato registrato alle 8.

Matías Romero, Oaxaca, registra temblor de 4.0 de magnitud

2022-07-27T12:37+0200infobae (es)

Matías Romero fue el epicentro de un sismo de 4.0 de magnitud que sorprendió hoy a los pobladores del estado de Oaxaca a las 5:09 en hora local (10:09 UTC). El temblor se registró 33 km al noreste de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 121 km , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Marcos pushes for passage of disaster resilience bill

2022-07-27T12:33+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. expressed support for a bill creating a disaster resilience department hours after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake devastated the province of Abra and other parts of Luzon. Marcos said the country needs to enhance its capability to mitigate disasters because of the risks posed by climate change.

Filippine: terremoto, Cina promette assistenza e verifica sicurezza dei suoi cittadini

2022-07-27T12:32+0200agenzianova (it)

Pechino , 27 lug 12:29 - (Agenzia Nova) - La Cina fornirà assistenza alle Filippine dopo il sisma di magnitudo 7.1 che ha colpito oggi il Paese. Lo ha annunciato in conferenza stampa il portavoce del ministero degli Esteri, Zhao Lijian, aggiungendo che Pechino segue attentamente gli sviluppi e sta....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 nel nord del Paese: almeno 4 morti e 60 feriti

2022-07-27T12:30+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Un forte terremoto ha colpito il nord delle Filippine , provocando almeno quattro morti, 40 feriti e danni a diversi edifici. Decine le persone che si sono riversate in strada anche nella capitale Manila . Il sisma è stato di magnitudo 7 , stima ribassata rispetto a quella di 7.

Powerful earthquake shakes reporter’s home during live TV broadcast in Philippines

2022-07-27T12:28+0200independent-UK (en)

A powerful 7.0-magnitude struck the Philippines on Wednesday (27 July), interrupting a live news broadcast. “I’m feeling the earthquake, I live in a condo and it’s shaking now,” a presenter said on the ANC news network, keeping her cool before throwing to a break.

Un tremblement de terre aux Philippines fait au moins 4 morts et des dizaines de blessés

2022-07-27T12:23+0200news-24 (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 dans la région nord des Philippines tôt mercredi matin a fait au moins quatre morts et des dizaines de blessés. Le tremblement de terre a créé de petits glissements de terrain et endommagé des bâtiments. Le tremblement de terre était centré dans la région....

Ex-TEPCO execs appeal $95 bil. damages ruling over Fukushima crisis

2022-07-27T12:20+02004-traders (en)

Four former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. on Wednesday appealed a court ruling that ordered them to pay the utility some 13 trillion yen $95 billion ) in damages for failing to prevent the tsunami-induced 2011 crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, their lawyer said.

DBM: Calamity funds available for Luzon earthquake response, rehab

2022-07-27T12:20+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines —Billions of pesos in calamity funds can be tapped for the needs of victims and rehabilitate areas flattened by Wednesday’s (July 27) 7-magnitude earthquake, especially in northern Philippines, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) said. “The Marcos administration is ready with its budget for disaster relief.

Earthquake in the Philippines kills at least 4, injures dozens

2022-07-27T12:20+0200foxnews (en)

A 7-magnitude earthquake in the northern region of the Philippines early Wednesday morning has left at least four people dead and dozens more injured. The earthquake created small landslides and damaged buildings. The quake was centered in the mountainous area of the Abra province, according to the....

Earthquake in the Philippines kills at least 4, injures dozens

2022-07-27T12:18+0200foxbusiness (en)

A 7-magnitude earthquake in the northern region of the Philippines early Wednesday morning has left at least four people dead and dozens more injured. The earthquake created small landslides and damaged buildings. The quake was centered in the mountainous area of the Abra province, according to the....

Un violent séisme frappe les Philippines

2022-07-27T12:17+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Selon l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 8 h 43 locales (0 h 43 GMT), à une profondeur relativement faible de 10 km dans la province montagneuse d’Abra, sur l’île principale de Luzon. Le séisme a fait plus d’une centaine de blessés dans la région et a endommagé....

Aux Philippines, un lourd séisme fait plusieurs morts et au moins une centaine de blessés

2022-07-27T12:13+0200Liberation (fr)

Des millions de Philippins ont été réveillés ce mercredi matin par une violente secousse, semant la panique parmi les habitants. A 8 h 43 (heure locale), selon l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS), un séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé le nord de l’archipel, faisant trembler des immeubles jusque....

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T12:11+0200vervetimes (en)

Marcos Jr. told a news conference he was in his office at the riverside Malacanang presidential palace complex when the chandeliers began swaying and making clanking sounds. “It was very strong,” he said of the ground shaking. In a chilling near-death experience, Filipino photojournalist Harley....

A 7-magnitude #earthquake That Rattled the Main Luzon Island in the #Philippines Morning ... - Latest Tweet by IANS India

2022-07-27T12:10+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by IANS India states, 'A 7-magnitude #earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the # Philippines morning killed at least four people and injured some 60 others, Interior and Local Government Secretary #BenhurAbalos said. ...' A 7-magnitude #earthquake that rattled the main....

Terremoto nelle Filippine: morti e feriti

2022-07-27T12:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Sono almeno 4 i morti e 60 i feriti del Terremoto che ha colpito le Filippine settentrionali e che ha provocato il crollo di case ed edifici. Il sisma ha colpito circa 15 città e ha causato gravi danni ad almeno 179 edifici, 29 strade e tre ponti.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, la forte scossa fa crollare pezzi della Bantay Bell Tower

2022-07-27T12:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Un potente Terremoto di magnitudo 7 ha colpito le Filippine nelle immagini si vedono diverse persone fuggire mentre la forte scossa ha fatto crollare pezzi della Bantay Bell Tower a Vigan. NO USE ...

Terremoto nelle Filippine di magnitudo 7: il bilancio dei danni e dei feriti

2022-07-27T12:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) nelle Filippine , nella notte italiana, c'è stata una forte scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7, è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell' isola filippina di Luzon . ...

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.3 nelle Filippine: almeno 4 i morti e danni ingenti

2022-07-27T12:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) "A causa della magnitudo del sisma, stiamo parlando di un grande Terremoto e potremmo aspettarci danni significativi", ha dichiarato il ministro degli interni Abalos durante una conferenza stampa ... : Violento #terremoto nelle #Filippine, sisma di magnitudo 7 - : RT....

Terremoto nelle Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7 sull’isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T12:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) ROMA – Terremoto nelle Filippine oggi 27 luglio 2022. Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell’isola filippina di Luzon . Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv)....

Puissant séisme dans le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T12:05+0200euronews-fr (fr)

Plusieurs heures après le séisme, les secours sont à l'oeuvre Tous droits réservés AP/AP Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins trois morts, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là.

Terremoto nelle Filippine, danni e crepe sulle strade nel villaggio di Palao

2022-07-27T12:04+0200tiscali-it (it)

Le persone si radunano sulla strada danneggiata della citta' colpita da una forte e violenta scossa di terremoto nelle Filippine. I residenti, spaventati, si riuniscono all'esterno degli edifici in una strada danneggiata nel villaggio di Palao, nella provincia di Bangued, dopo che un terremoto di....

Suben a 4 los muertos tras terremoto en norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T12:01+0200unionradio (es)

MANILA.- Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Terremoto nelle Filippine di magnitudo 7: il bilancio dei danni e dei feriti

2022-07-27T11:57+0200247libero (it)

"Il terreno ha tremato come se fosse su un'altalena", ha raccontato ad Associated Press Michael Brillantes, funzionario della sicurezza della cittadina di Lagangilang, vicino all'epicentro. Terremoto nelle Filippine 27 Luglio 2022 - 11.30 Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e....

Un séisme de magnitude 7 fait au moins quatre morts aux Philippines

2022-07-27T11:56+0200letemps (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins quatre morts, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 nell’isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T11:56+0200ilvaloreitaliano (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell’isola di Luzon, la più popolosa delle Filippine e dove è situata la capitale Manila. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia italiano e del servizio di....

Terremoto nelle Filippine, la forte scossa fa crollare pezzi della Bantay Bell Tower

2022-07-27T11:56+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

IL VIDEO Terremoto nelle Filippine, la forte scossa fa crollare pezzi della Bantay Bell Tower. Fuggi fuggi durante il sisma di magnitudo 7.

Photos: Powerful earthquake strikes Philippines

2022-07-27T11:53+0200aljazeera-en (en)

A powerful magnitude 7 earthquake has struck the northern Philippine island of Luzon, killing four people , damaging buildings and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. Two people were killed in Benguet province, one in Abra province, and one more in another province, Interior Secretary Benjamin Abalos told a news conference.

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T11:53+0200nypost (en)

An earthquake left several people dead and dozens injured in the northern Philippines on Wednesday. AP Photo/Harley Palangchao. MANILA, Philippines — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens.

Museums in northern Luzon closed after earthquake

2022-07-27T11:49+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA -- Some of the museums in northern Luzon have been closed following the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Abra province on Wednesday. In a statement, the National Museum of the Philippines said the Ilocos Regional Museum in Vigan, Ilocos Sur; Cagayan Valley Regional Museum in Peñablanca,....

Philippines : Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 fait au moins trois morts

2022-07-27T11:49+0200lindependant (fr)

Un violent tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi 27 juillet le nord des Philippines . Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 8h43, heure locale (soit 2h43 à Paris), à une profondeur de 10 km dans la province d'Abra , sur l'île principale de Luzon.

Bongbong Marcos to push for passage of bill creating Dep’t. of Disaster Resilience

2022-07-27T11:47+0200inquirer (en)

(I don’t want to say it but it seems that this will happen more often. Not the earthquake but the extreme weather disturbances.) Marcos said that there needs to have a “specialist agency” in terms of responding to the dangers presented by climate change, stressing that the Philippines is a “disaster-prone” country.

No damage reported, flights affected in NAIA after earthquake – MIAA

2022-07-27T11:47+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) on Wednesday said that no damage was encountered in the airport facilities of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) after a Magnitude 7 earthquake struck Abra and was felt throughout Luzon.

Significant magnitude 5.1 quake hits 123 km southeast of San Mariano, Philippines in the afternoon

2022-07-27T11:47+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Philippines was shaken near San Mariano, Isabela, Cagayan Valley, by an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 only 17 minutes ago, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) reported. The quake hit at a shallow depth of 20 km beneath the epicenter near San Mariano, Isabela, Cagayan....

Terremoto nelle Filippine, la forte scossa fa crollare pezzi della Bantay Bell Tower

2022-07-27T11:43+0200tiscali-it (it)

Un potente terremoto di magnitudo 7 ha colpito le Filippine. Nelle immagini si vedono diverse persone fuggire mentre la forte scossa ha fatto crollare pezzi della Bantay Bell Tower a Vigan.NO USE AFTER: AUGUST 5, 2022 00:00:00 GMT+08:00 NO USE FROM 10 DAYS AFTER PUBLICATION.

DepEd urged to suspend all-in school activities in earthquake-hit areas

2022-07-27T11:42+0200inquirer (en)

A heritage structure in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur is damaged by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Luzon on Wednesday morning (July 27). PHOTO COURTESY OF ARLENE GAJETON. MANILA, Philippines — The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) is urging the Department of Education (DepEd) to suspend all....

Earthquake in the Philippines kills at least 4, injures dozens

2022-07-27T11:41+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A 7-magnitude earthquake in the northern region of the Philippines early Wednesday morning has left at least four people dead and dozens more injured. The earthquake created small landslides and damaged buildings. The quake was centered in the mountainous area of the Abra province, according to the....

Terremoto nelle Filippine: morti e feriti

2022-07-27T11:41+0200ilgiornale (it)

Sono almeno 4 i morti e 60 i feriti del terremoto che ha colpito le Filippine settentrionali e che ha provocato il crollo di case ed edifici. Il sisma ha colpito circa 15 città e ha causato gravi danni ad almeno 179 edifici, 29 strade e tre ponti. Sono almeno quattro i morti e sessanta i feriti del....

Philippines: Powerful earthquake strikes northern Luzon

2022-07-27T11:40+0200gulfnews (en)

A historic belfry, built during Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines , has been damaged following a powerful earthquake in the country's northern region today. The Bantay Belfry was partially destroyed after the magnitude 7 quake shook Vigan City in Ilocos Sur province on Wednesday, July 27.

13:13 Massive earthquake hits Philippines, killing at least 4 people

2022-07-27T11:36+0200news-am (en)

A massive earthquake triggered landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least 4 people and injuring dozens, AP reported. In the capital of the Philippines, Manila, hospital patients were evacuated, and frightened people ran out into the street.

Abra lawmaker’s plea to Bongbong Marcos: Help us

2022-07-27T11:34+0200inquirer (en)

In Tubo, Abra, the Poblacion-Sakkawwa-Wayangan is not passable to 4-wheel vehicles due to a landslide following the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit the province on Wednesday morning, July 27, 2022. Source: MDRRMC Tubo. MANILA, Philippines — Abra’s lone district Rep. Ching Bernos on Wednesday appealed to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Un terremoto de 7,3 registrado en Filipinas provoca la muerte de al menos cuatro personas

2022-07-27T11:29+0200eitb-eus (es)

EITB MEDIA. Una fuerte sacudida con epicentro a 17 kilómetros de profundidad registrada en Filipinas ha afectado a numerosos edificios así como a varias carreteras y puentes. El terremoto también ha provocado olas, aunque de momento se descarta la posibilidad de un tsunami.

Marcos supports passage of Department of Disaster Resilience bill

2022-07-27T11:27+0200mb-com-ph (en)

Recognizing that calamities like the 7-magnitude earthquake will likely happen again, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. is pushing for the passage of a measure that will create the Department of Disaster Resilience. Hours after the strong quake jolted Luzon, the President expressed his....

4 dead, 60 injured following Abra quake

2022-07-27T11:26+0200sunstar (en)

(UPDATED) DEPARTMENT of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos Jr. said four individuals were killed , while 60 others were wounded following the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit the province of Abra Wednesday morning, July 27, 2022. In his report to President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T11:24+0200samacharcentral (en)

A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines in Wednesday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The 7-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area of....

Filippine, oggi terremoto magnitudo 7, morti e feriti

2022-07-27T11:23+0200oggitreviso (it)

FILIPPINE - Quattro morti e 60 feriti In un terremoto di magnitudo 7 della scala Richter che oggi ha colpito il nord delle Filippine. Il sisma ha innescato frane, provocando il crollo di case ed edifici e danneggiando strade e ponti. La scossa è stata avvertita anche nell'area di Manila, costringendo a disporre l'evacuazione dei grattacieli.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 colpisce il Nord: "Sembrava che la terra si aprisse". Ci sono morti e feriti

2022-07-27T11:21+0200247libero (it)

MANILA. Sono almeno 4 le vittime e 60 i feriti del terremoto che ha colpito le Filippine settentrionali, innescando frane, provocando il crollo di case ed edifici e danneggiando strade e ponti. La scossa è stata avvertita anche nell'area di Manila, costringendo a disporre l'evacuazione dei grattacieli.

4 killed, 60 injured in 7-magnitude earthquake in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T11:15+0200thesundaily (en)

MANILA : A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday morning killed at least four people and injured some 60 others, reported Xinhua , quoting Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos. In a report to Philippine President Ferdinand....

Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7 nel Nord: sentita fino a Manila

2022-07-27T11:12+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Violenta scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 alle ore 8:43 locali (le 2:43 in Italia) nel Nord est dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Le immagini pubblicate sui social mostrano persone che fuggono dalla ... : Violento #terremoto nelle #Filippine, sisma di magnitudo 7 - : RT....

Filippine: potente terremoto, almeno 4 morti

2022-07-27T11:12+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) potente terremoto nelle Filippine . Secondo i primi dati, ci sarebbero almeno 4 morti e 60 feriti. Numerosi edifici sono rimasti danneggiati e alcuni sono crollati. potente terremoto nelle Filippine : cos’è successo? Un potente terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 ha colpito l’isola di Luzon, nelle Filippine settentrionali.

NDRRMC: 2 dead, 16 injured in earthquake-hit Abra

2022-07-27T11:11+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — Two people have died while 16 were injured after a strong 7.0 earthquake struck Abra, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said on Wednesday. NDRRMC media liaison Eleasha Mariano said there were two reported deaths from the Cordillera....

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.3 nel nord delle Filippine provoca 4 vittime

2022-07-27T11:10+0200247libero (it)

AGI - Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.3 ha colpito il nord delle Filippine . Lo rende noto il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti. Il sisma si è verificato nella provincia di Abra, sull'isola principale di Luzon, a una profondità di 40 km (25 miglia). E le vittime sono almeno 4, 16 le persone ferite .

Earthquake hits Philippines: What happened, where, and what next

2022-07-27T11:09+0200aljazeera-en (en)

At least four people were killed , while more than 200 aftershocks followed the quake that took place in the northern Philippine island of Luzon. A strong earthquake has struck the northern Philippines , killing at least four people, toppling buildings and causing panic among residents. Here is what we know.

Philippines earthquake: UAE embassy issues advisory

2022-07-27T11:07+0200gulfnews (en)

Dubai: The UAE Embassy in Manila has confirmed that all UAE citizens in Ilocos, which has been hit by an earthquake this morning, are safe, the foreign ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. The UAE Embassy also urged citizens to register via the Twajudi service offered by the Ministry of....

Seísmo. Un fuerte terremoto de 7,3 grados deja cuatro muertos en Filipinas

2022-07-27T11:07+0200larazon-es (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón , donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otros 16 personas han resultado heridas.

7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T11:06+0200urdupoint (en)

MANILA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Jul, 2022 ) APP):An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m.

Marcos backs creation of Department of Disaster Resilience

2022-07-27T11:05+0200gmanews (en)

President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. said Wednesday that he is supportive of a proposed measure that would create the Department on Disaster Resilience, following the strong earthquake that hit northern Luzon this morning. Asked if he would push for the passage of the measure, Marcos replied, "Yes.

4 killed, 60 injured in 7-magnitude earthquake in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T11:03+0200ecns (en)

A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday morning killed at least four people and injured some 60 others, Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos said. In a report to Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Abalos said that two....

Strong Quake Kills 4, Injures Dozens in Northern Philippines

2022-07-27T11:03+0200aawsat (en)

A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines in Wednesday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors. The 7-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area of....

Phivolcs rules out tsunami threat

2022-07-27T11:02+0200manilatimes (en)

THE Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) ruled out the possibility of a destructive tsunami hitting areas in Northern Luzon that were shaken by the powerful quake on Wednesday morning. "There is no tsunami threat to the Philippines from this earthquake.

Four killed, dozens injured in Philippines powerful quake

2022-07-27T11:01+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Manila: At least four people were killed and dozens injured as a result of the powerful magnitude earthquake that struck northern Philippines Wednesday morning. A magnitude 7.1 quake hit northeast of Langilang, Abra, on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology reported.

Go, Poe renew calls for Dept. of Disaster Risk Resilience after Abra earthquake

2022-07-27T10:56+0200inquirer (en)

(I won’t stop fighting for this bill because the life of every Filipino is most important. Let’s not wait for other casualties or tragedies to happen). For her part, Poe emphasized the need for the government to manifest its presence “through a swift, coordinated response in providing for their immediate needs,” especially in times of calamities.

Abra earthquake should be a lesson to prepare – Cebu official

2022-07-27T10:52+0200inquirer (en)

MANDAUE CITY, Philippines — A Cebu official believes that the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit Abra and other parts of Luzon on Wednesday morning, July 27, should be a lesson to prepare. “Experience will always be the best teacher,” said Provincial Board Member Glenn Soco, chairman of the committee....

GLOBALink | Strong earthquake jolts northern Philippines

2022-07-27T10:48+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday killed at least two and injured some 30 others, government officials said. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) confirmed the death of one person in Benguet province in the northern Philippines.

Prayers pour in after powerful earthquake hit PH

2022-07-27T10:48+0200inquirer (en)

Victims of the powerful earthquake that struck Abra have arrived at the Abra Provincial Hospital (APH) for treatment. The province continued to experience aftershocks. (⯑: Michelle Ortaleza via PIA Abra Facebook) MANILA, Philippines — Prayers from around the world poured in for the Philippines....

Al menos dos muertos y decenas de heridos debido a un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en Filipinas

2022-07-27T10:48+0200diariodia (es)

Un terremoto de 7,1 de magnitud sacude Filipinas. Al menos cuatro personas han muerto y decenas han resultado heridas debido al seísmo. La población huía despavorida de los edificios tras un temblor que ha causado numerosos daños en una treintena de carreteras, en puentes y en más de 150 edificios, también históricos.

Strong quake hits Philippines, killing at least 45min

2022-07-27T10:46+0200presstv-ir (en)

At least four people were killed in a powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck the northern Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday causing dozens of landslides and severely damaging buildings, officials said. The earthquake was registered at 8:43 am local time in the mountainous province of....

6th LD Writethru: 4 killed, 60 injured in 7-magnitude earthquake in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T10:46+0200china.org.cn (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday morning killed at least four people and injured some 60 others, Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos said. In a report to Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez....

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T10:45+0200diariodejerez (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón , donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T10:44+0200huelvainformacion (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón , donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T10:44+0200andaluciainformacion (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T10:44+0200europasur (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón , donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T10:43+0200granadahoy (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón , donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

4 killed, 60 injured in 7-magnitude earthquake in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T10:42+0200peopledaily (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday morning killed at least four people and injured some 60 others, Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos said. In a report to Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez....

UNICEF stands ready to reach children affected by the Philippines earthquake

2022-07-27T10:40+0200publicnow (en)

27/07/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 27/07/2022 08:37 UNICEF stands ready to reach children affected by the Philippines earthquake.

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T10:40+0200diariodesevilla (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón , donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T10:39+0200eldiadecordoba (es)

Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón , donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Powerful 7.1 Earthquake Strikes Philippines; at Least 4 Dead - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2022-07-27T10:38+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'Powerful 7.1 earthquake strikes Philippines ; at least 4 dead ...' Powerful 7.1 earthquake strikes Philippines; at least 4 dead Reuters (@Reuters) July 27, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social media world, including Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Terremoto in Puglia oggi, 27 luglio 2022, scossa M 2.2 sulla costa barlettana - Dati Ingv

2022-07-27T10:38+0200247libero (it)

Terremoto in Puglia oggi, 27 luglio 2022, scossa M 2.2 sulla costa barlettana. L’ Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia ha registrato una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 2.2 in Puglia alle ore 4:19 di oggi, mercoledì 27 luglio 2022. Epicentro sulla costa barlettana, ipocentro a 10 chilometri di profondità.

Power restoration in quake-hit areas ongoing: DOE

2022-07-27T10:36+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - The Department of Energy (DOE) said power restoration efforts are ongoing in the northern part of Luzon that was affected by the 7.3 magnitude earthquake Wednesday morning. In a statement, DOE Secretary Raphael Lotilla said the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) is....

No affected flights, damage to airports due to magnitude 7 quake

2022-07-27T10:36+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - Authorities said Wednesday no damage was reported at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), as well as other airports in the country due to the magnitude 7 earthquake that shook Abra. "There are no affected flights. There are also no reported damage on runways, taxiways, and....

AFP deploys teams, assets to aid quake-hit areas: DND

2022-07-27T10:36+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - Department of National Defense (DND) officer-in-charge Undersecretary Jose Faustino Jr. said the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has been instructed to mobilize all of its assets to assist communities that were severely hit by the magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted Lagangilang, Abra and other parts of Luzon on Wednesday morning.

Powerful 7.1 earthquake strikes north Philippines

2022-07-27T10:36+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA, 27th July, 2022 (WAM) -- A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila, Reuters reported.

Work in gov't offices, classes in La Union suspended due to quake

2022-07-27T10:36+0200manilametro (en)

SAN FERNANDO CITY, La Union - Governor Raphaelle Veronica Ortega-David suspended work in government offices and classes in schools on Wednesday following the magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted Lagangilang, Abra, and other parts of Luzon. In Executive Order No.

Over 200 aftershocks recorded from Abra earthquake

2022-07-27T10:36+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA - A total of 227 aftershocks have already been recorded as a result of the magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted Abra on Wednesday. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said five of these aftershocks were felt, while 12 were plotted or located. Phivolcs Director Renato Solidum Jr.

La Union governor suspends work, classes after temblor

2022-07-27T10:35+0200mb-com-ph (en)

SAN FERNANDO CITY, La Union (PNA) – Gov. Raphaelle Veronica Ortega-David suspended work in government offices and classes in schools following the magnitude 7 earthquake Wednesday, July 27. In Executive Order No. 10, David said the suspension exempts those who are performing frontline essential response services in the provincial government.

Un violent séisme frappe le Nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T10:34+0200lecourrier (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08h43 locales (00h43 GMT), à une profondeur relativement faible de 10 km dans la province montagneuse d'Abra, sur l'île principale de Luzon. L'USGS a révisé la magnitude à 7, contre 7,1 auparavant.

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T10:32+0200hjnews (en)

Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides and damaged....

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildingsA strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a....

2022-07-27T10:28+0200ground-news (en)

A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum, the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

4 killed, 60 injured in 7-magnitude earthquake in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T10:28+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday morning killed at least four people and injured some 60 others, Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos said. In a report to Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez....

Death toll in Philippines quake rises to 4, with 60 injured

2022-07-27T10:26+0200wn (en)

A strong earthquake in northern Philippines has killed four people and injured 60, the interior minister said on Wednesday. Two people died in Benguet province, one in Abra province, and one more in another province, Interior Secretary Benjamin Abalos told a televised news conference.

Philippines earthquake strikes north island, killing at least 2, injuring dozens

2022-07-27T10:26+0200wn (en)

A strong earthquake left at least two people dead and injured dozens in the....

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T10:26+0200wn (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines in Wednesday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. In the capital, hospital patients were evacuated and terrified people rushed outdoors.

Strong earthquake of 7.1 magnitude kills 4, dozen injured in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T10:25+0200livemint (en)

The quake struck about 11 km (six miles) southeast of the town of Dolores at a shallow depth of 10 km (6 miles), according to U.S. Geological Survey data. The quake’s strength was lowered from the initial 7.3 magnitude after further analysis. The quake was set off by movement in a local fault at a....

PHILIPPINES EARTHQUAKE - At least 4 killed in M7.0 Philippines earthquake

2022-07-27T10:24+0200efe (en)

At least four people have been killed and many historic buildings have been damaged after a magnitude-7.0 earthquake struck Abra province in the northwest Philippines island of Luzon on Wednesday, authorities reported. Two fatalities were in Benguet province, one in Abra, and one in Mountain....

Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7 nel Nord: sentita fino a Manila

2022-07-27T10:24+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Roma, 27 lug. (askanews) - Violenta scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 alle ore 8:43 locali (le 2:43 in Italia) nel Nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Le immagini pubblicate sui social mostrano persone che fuggono dalla Bantay Bell Tower a Vigan, sulla costra dell'isola, mentre alcune parti....

Terremoto nelle Filippine, dopo la scossa l’acqua esce dalla piscina Il sisma, di magnitudo 7, ha avuto epicentro nella provincia di Abra. (LaPresse) Un forte terremoto ha colpito il nord delle Filippine, provocando almeno 2 morti e 26 feriti e danneggiando diversi edifici: molte persone si sono riversate in strada anche nella capitale Manila.

2022-07-27T10:23+0200informazione (it)

Il sisma, di magnitudo 7, ha avuto epicentro nella provincia di Abra. (LaPresse) Un forte terremoto ha colpito il nord delle Filippine, provocando almeno 2 morti e 26 feriti e danneggiando diversi edifici: molte persone si sono riversate in strada anche nella capitale Manila. Danni e vittime nel nord dell'arcipelago.

Scary Scenes: Aftermath of Luzon Island's Strong Earthquake

2022-07-27T10:22+0200albawaba-en (en)

A car is buried under debris from a ruined old house in Vigan city, Ilocos Sur province north of Manila on July 27, 2022, after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines . (Photo by Ricardo Raguini / AFP) A strong earthquake was felt in the northern Philippines this morning, resulting....

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T10:22+0200whig (en)

A building is damaged after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported.

Puissant séisme de magnitude 7 dans le Nord des Philippines : 4 morts

2022-07-27T10:22+0200catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins 4 morts et 60 blessés, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là.

Filippine: potente terremoto, almeno 4 morti

2022-07-27T10:22+0200periodicodaily (it)

Potente terremoto nelle Filippine. Secondo i primi dati, ci sarebbero almeno 4 morti e 60 feriti. Numerosi edifici sono rimasti danneggiati e alcuni sono crollati. Potente terremoto nelle Filippine: cos’è successo? Un potente terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 ha colpito l’isola di Luzon, nelle Filippine settentrionali.

Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7 nel Nord: sentita fino a Manila

2022-07-27T10:21+0200askanews (it)

Roma, 27 lug. (askanews) – Violenta scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 alle ore 8:43 locali (le 2:43 in Italia) nel Nordest dell’isola filippina di Luzon. Le immagini pubblicate sui social mostrano persone che fuggono dalla Bantay Bell Tower a Vigan, sulla costra dell’isola, mentre alcune parti....

Imee Marcos says Abra earthquake shows need for new gov’t body for disasters

2022-07-27T10:20+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — After a magnitude 7 earthquake struck Luzon, Senator Imee Marcos on Wednesday, underscored the need for the creation of a government body that will respond to emergencies caused by disasters. Marcos likened the proposal to the US government’s Federal Emergency Management Agency....

TERREMOTO Il forte sisma che ha colpito le Filippine

2022-07-27T10:19+0200timgate (it)

Vittime e diversi danni, epicentro registrato a Luzon Una violenta scossa di terremoto ha colpito le Filippine . Il sisma di magnitudo 7.1 è stato registrato alle 8.43 ora locale (quando in Italia erano quasi le 3 di notte), causando vittime, feriti e diversi danni soprattutto nel nord-est....

Terremoto Filippine: sisma di magnitudo 7, si contano morti e feriti

2022-07-27T10:18+0200nanopress (it)

Terremoto Filippine, isola Luzon: morti e feriti a causa del sisma di magnitudo 7 che ha colpito la parte settentrionale del paese. Terremoto Filippine – Nanopress.it. Decine di persone sono rimaste ferite e almeno due sono morte dopo che un terremoto di magnitudo 7,0, che ha colpito le Filippine....

cuatro muertos, al menos 16 heridos y daños en edificios históricos

2022-07-27T10:16+0200esdelatino-com (es)

un poderoso terremoto de magnitud 7.1 sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, al norte de Filipinas, y provocó la muerte de cuatro personas además de al menos 16 heridos y daños en numerosos edificios históricos de la región. El ministro del Interior de Filipinas, Benhur Abalos,....

Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7 nel Nord: sentita fino a Manila

2022-07-27T10:16+0200tiscali-it (it)

Roma, 27 lug. (askanews) - Violenta scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 alle ore 8:43 locali (le 2:43 in Italia) nel Nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon.Le immagini pubblicate sui social mostrano persone che fuggono dalla Bantay Bell Tower a Vigan, sulla costra dell'isola, mentre alcune parti della....

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines 0 7/27/2022 12:53:14 AM

2022-07-27T10:12+0200tricitynews (en)

A damaged truck lies beside boulders after it fell along a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides....

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T10:11+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

A damaged truck lies beside boulders after it fell along a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides....

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines 0

2022-07-27T10:09+0200kitchenertoday (en)

A damaged truck lies beside boulders after it fell along a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides....

Five killed as earthquake hits Philippines

2022-07-27T10:09+0200dawn (en)

MANILA: At least five people were killed when buildings collapsed near Manila after a powerful earthquake set skyscrapers swaying and drove terrified locals into the street. Rescuers in one area were using heavy equipment and their bare hands to hunt for survivors in the rubble left by the strongest....

Tsunami warning in Philippines, region after 7.9-magnitude earthquake

2022-07-27T10:09+0200dawn (en)

Seismic waves – File photo. MANILA: An earthquake of 7.9 magnitude struck off the Philippines on Friday and a tsunami warning has been issued for the region, the US Geological Survey and the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. The quake was centred off the east coast, 146 km off the town of Guiuan....

Tremendo terremoto, morti e feriti nelle Filippine

2022-07-27T10:09+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Una scossa terrificante. Solo uno spavento per alcuni, purtroppo un evento letale per altri. Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 della scala Richter ha colpito le Filippine alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia), provocando finora un bilancio disastroso di 2 morti e 26 persone ferite.

Terribile terremoto di magnitudo 7.0: edifici e strade danneggiati

2022-07-27T10:09+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) È tornata a tremare la terra. Una Terribile scossa di terremoto ha colpito il nord delle Filippine. Lo rende noto il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti. Il sisma di magnitudo 7.1 si è verificato nella provincia di Abra, sull’isola principale di Luzon, a una profondità di 40 km (25 miglia).

Terremoto nelle Filippine di magnitudo 7, un morto e diversi feriti nell'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T10:09+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Terremoto nell e Filippine . Una scossa di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell' isola di Luzon . Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e ... : Violento #terremoto nelle #Filippine, sisma di magnitudo 7 - : 3.

SC suspends work in several courts after magnitude 7 quake

2022-07-27T10:07+0200gmanews (en)

The Supreme Court has suspended work in several courts following the magnitude 7 earthquake that struck Abra and was felt in Metro Manila and nearby provinces. In a tweet, the high court announced on Wednesday that work was suspended in the branches and offices of the Malabon Regional Trial Court.

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T10:06+0200startribune (en)

The 7-magnitude quake was centered in a mountainous area of Abra province, said Renato Solidum, the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, who described the midmorning shaking as a major earthquake. "The ground shook like I was on a swing and the lights suddenly went out.

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake set off landslides and damaged buildings in the northern Philippines in Wednesday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens. Jul 27, 2022 12:53 AM Read more >

2022-07-27T10:06+0200timescolonist (en)

A damaged truck lies beside boulders after it fell along a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides....

Latest10 seconds ago China ‘ready to extend helping hand’ to Phl after magnitude 7 quake Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian on Wednesday, 27 July said China is willing to assist after the magnitude...

2022-07-27T10:05+0200tribuneonline (en)

Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian on Wednesday, 27 July said China is willing to assist after the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit Northern Luzon. In an ambush interview, Ambassador Huang said they will have to assess the damage that the earthquake has brought first before they send help.

Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T10:04+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins trois morts, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été....

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T10:04+0200rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé le nord des Philippines mercredi, a annoncé l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS). La secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales (02H43 HB) dans la province montagneuse d'Abra, sur l'île principale de Luzon, selon l'USGS.

Un puissant séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T10:00+0200news-24 (fr)

Les Philippines ont été frappées mercredi par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1. Quatre personnes ont été tuées et 60 blessées. Le tremblement de terre a été le plus fort enregistré aux Philippines depuis des années. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi le nord des....

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:59+0200wftv (en)

APTOPIX Philippines Earthquake Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small....

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:59+0200wsoctv (en)

APTOPIX Philippines Earthquake Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small....

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:58+0200idahostatesman (en)

Residents stay at a park after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported.

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:57+0200actionnewsjax (en)

APTOPIX Philippines Earthquake Boulders fall as a vehicle negotiates a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small....

Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T09:56+0200levif (en)

A police line is placed on a ruined old house in Vigan city, Ilocos Sur province north of Manila on July 27, 2022, after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines . (Photo by Ricardo Raguini / AFP) / The erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by Ricardo Raguini has....

Strong quake kills 4, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:56+0200theolympian (en)

Residents stay at a park after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported.

Death roll rises after powerful earthquake strikes northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:51+0200trtworld (en)

In Bangued, the provincial capital of Abra, which felt the full force of the quake, a 23-year-old woman was killed after a wall fell on her, police said. (AP) At least four people have been killed and more than 60 others injured after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines .

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7.0: vittime e feriti

2022-07-27T09:51+0200euronews-it (it)

Un forte terremoto ha scosso questa mattina (le 08:43 ora locale, le 02:43 in Italia) le Filippine settentrionali, provocando danni e costringendo i residenti di Manila, la capitale, a uscire dalle loro abitazioni e a riversarsi in strada. Il terremoto di magnitudo 7,0 si è concentrato intorno alla....

Suben a cuatro los muertos tras un terremoto en el norte de Filipinas

2022-07-27T09:49+0200infobae (es)

Manila , 27 jul. Las autoridades de Filipinas elevaron a al menos cuatro el número de muertos tras un fuerte terremoto que sacudió este miércoles el noroeste de la isla de Luzón, donde se encuentra la capital, mientras que por lo menos otras 16 personas han resultado heridas.

Strong quake kills at least 2, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:45+0200wn (en)

MANILA: A strong earthquake left at least two people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides and damaged buildings and churches and prompted terrified crowds and hospital patients in the capital to rush outdoors.

Powerful earthquake hits northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:45+0200wn (en)

A 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, shattering windows of buildings at the epicentre and shaking high-rise towers more than 300 kilometres (185 miles) away in the capital Manila. ......

Faustino orders rapid damage assessment; deployment of rescue teams in quake-hit areas

2022-07-27T09:45+0200mb-com-ph (en)

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) instructed regional DRRM offices in Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), Ilocos (Region 1), Cagayan Valley (Region 2), Central Luzon (Region 3), and National Capital Region (NCR) to conduct rapid damage assessment in areas....

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake kills four people in the Philippines

2022-07-27T09:44+0200digitpatrox (en)

A 25-year-old man was killed by falling particles because the 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit (Image: EPA) A devastating earthquake within the Philippines has killed no less than 4 individuals and has injured 60. The highly effective 7.1 magnitude quake struck the northern island of Luzon,sending sturdy tremors by the capital, Manila.

Death roll rises after powerful earthquake strikes northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:42+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

In Bangued, the provincial capital of Abra, which felt the full force of the quake, a 23-year-old woman was killed after a wall fell on her, police said. (AP) At least four people have been killed and more than 60 others injured after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines .

Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T09:42+0200quotidien-lu (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins trois morts, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été....

Philippines : un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 frappe le nord de l'île et fait au moins trois morts

2022-07-27T09:42+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi 27 juillet une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines . Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08 heures 43, heure locale (2 heures 43, à Paris), à une profondeur de 10 km dans la province d'Abra, sur l'île principale de Luzon.

Filippine, scossa magnitudo 7

2022-07-27T09:42+0200ticinonews (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale nel nordest dell’isola filippina di Luzon. Al momento non risultano vittime. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs,....

L’Assemblée nationale vote le paquet «pouvoir d’achat», l’Hérault brûle, les Philippines tremblent... L’actu de ce mercredi matin

2022-07-27T09:41+0200Liberation (fr)

L’actu. Après des discussions acharnées, les députés votent le paquet «pouvoir d’achat». Au bout de quatre jours de débats nourris et souvent houleux , l’Assemblée nationale a adopté tard dans la nuit le second volet des mesures en soutien au pouvoir d’achat, avant son examen au Sénat dans les prochains jours.

Philippines, 7.1 magnitude earthquake hits the North: “It seemed that the earth was opening up”. There are dead and wounded

2022-07-27T09:33+0200breakinglatest (en)

MANILA. A strong earthquake struck the north of the Philippines , causing at least two deaths and over twenty injuries and damaging several buildings: many people also poured into the streets in the capital Manila. The earthquake was of magnitude 7, an estimate lower than that of 7.

Comelec suspends work in regional offices after Luzon earthquake

2022-07-27T09:32+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — The Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Wednesday suspended work in its field offices affected by the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit Abra. Acting Comelec spokesperson Rex Laudiangco also reported that no Comelec field offices, specifically in the affected Ilocos Region,....

Strong earthquake kills at least 2 and injures dozens in the northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:31+0200flipboard (en)

MANILA, Philippines — A strong earthquake left at least two people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides and damaged buildings and churches and prompted terrified crowds and hospital patients in the capital to rush outdoors.

SismaTerremoto di magnitudo 7 nelle Filippine

2022-07-27T09:31+0200cdt (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Al momento non risultano vittime. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs,....

Bongbong Marcos after Abra earthquake: ‘Everything that can be done has been done’

2022-07-27T09:28+0200inquirer (en)

Scenes following a landslide along Halsema Highway in Mountain province after a magnitude 7 earthquake this morning, July 27. | PHOTO: Mountain Province DRRM Office. MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said Wednesday that “everything that can be done has been done”....

Filippine, violento terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 sull'isola di Luzon: un morto e 5 feriti

2022-07-27T09:25+0200ilgiorno (it)

Manila (Filippine), 27 luglio 2022 - Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 ha colpito il Nord delle Filippine . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs), che monitora l'attività sismica in tutto il mondo, ha comunicato che l'epicentro si trova a 10 chilometri di profondità e ha localizzato il sisma a....

7-Magnitude Earthquake Kills 2, Injures Dozens in Philippines

2022-07-27T09:24+0200wn (en)

A strong earthquake left at least two people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides and damaged buildings and churches and prompted terrified crowds and hospital patients in the capital to rush outdoors.

Powerful 7.1 earthquake strikes Philippines; at least four dead, over 60 injured

2022-07-27T09:24+0200wn (en)

Manila: A strong earthquake in northern Philippines has killed four people and injured 60, the interior minister said on Wednesday. Two people died in Benguet province, one in Abra province, and one more in another province, Interior Secretary Benjamin Abalos told a televised news conference.

A strong earthquake shook the northern parts of the Philippines

2022-07-27T09:21+0200slobodenpecat-en (en)

A strong earthquake with an intensity of 7,1 degrees on the Richter scale shook the Philippine province of Abra, north of the capital Manila. Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. ordered the immediate dispatch of rescue teams and aid to the province. He is expected to leave for the quake-hit area soon.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe les Philippines

2022-07-27T09:21+0200aa-fr (fr)

Abra. AA / Abra. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 sur l'échelle de Richter a frappé la région d'Abra dans le nord des Philippines , provoquant des glissements de terrain et endommageant les infrastructures. L'agence de presse officielle PNA a rapporté, citant l'Institut philippin de....

Philippines : un violent séisme fait un mort et plusieurs blessés

2022-07-27T09:19+0200cnews (fr)

C’est au nord des Philippines qu’est survenu un violent tremblement de terre mercredi 27 juillet. Le séisme de magnitude 7 a tué un ouvrier de 25 ans. Un tremblement de terre qui aura fait d’immenses dégâts matériels et humains. Mercredi 27 juillet un séisme a frappé le nord des Philippines .

Massive earthquake hits northern Philippines, killing at least two and causing extensive damage

2022-07-27T09:16+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

The United States Geological Survey reported a magnitude 3.8 quake in the United States near Carlsbad, Eddy County, New Mexico, only 17 minutes ago. The earthquake hit early morning on Wednesday, July 27th, 2022, at 1:30 am local time at a very shallow depth of 3.1 miles.

No tsunami alert raised after Luzon earthquake

2022-07-27T09:15+0200rappler (en)

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) says they did not issue a tsunami alert because the earthquake happened inland and cannot cause tsunamis. Claim: A tsunami alert was issued following the magnitude 7.3 earthquake that Abra. Rating: FALSE.

Filippine, oggi terremoto magnitudo 7: un morto

2022-07-27T09:14+0200it-geosnews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un uomo di 25 anni è morto e almeno altre cinque persone sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 7 della scala Richter che oggi ha colpito... L'articolo Filippine, oggi terremoto magnitudo 7: un morto sembra essere il primo su OglioPoNews.

7.0-magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines, impact felt in Manila - CNN

2022-07-27T09:12+0200google-top-stories (en)

The quake struck in northern Luzon, the country's most populous island, at 8:43 a.m. local time (8:43 p.m. ET), according to USGS. The agency originally designated the quake 7.1-magnitude, before downgrading it to 7.0. Its epicenter was about 13 kilometers (8 miles) southeast of the small town of....

FILIPPINE 10 min Terremoto di magnitudo 7 nelle Filippine Particolarmente colpita l'isola di Luzon. La scossa ha causato la morte di almeno un uomo

2022-07-27T09:12+0200tio (it)

MANILA - Una forte scossa di magnitudo 7.0 ha colpito questa notte le Filippine, in particolare l'isola di Luzon. Stando ai media locali almeno una persona avrebbe perso la vita, raggiunta da alcuni detriti. Numerosi edifici e strade risultano danneggiati, e si contano diversi feriti.

No need yet to declare state of nat’l emergency after magnitude 7 earthquake — Bongbong Marcos

2022-07-27T09:10+0200inquirer (en)

Scenes following a landslide along Halsema Highway in Mountain province after a magnitude 7 earthquake this morning, July 27. (PHOTO: Mountain Province DRRM Office) MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said there is no need as of yet to declare a state of national emergency following the magnitude 7.

Earthquake Jolts Northern Philippines Causing Widespread Damage

2022-07-27T09:08+0200outlookindia (en)

A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. 1 7 Philippines Earthquake Photo: AP. A damaged building lies on its side after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines.

Capital FM » Powerful earthquake hits northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:07+0200kenyamoja (en)

Manila (AFP), Jul 27 – A 7.0-magnitude earthquake killed at least three people in the northern Philippines Wednesday, toppling buildings, and shaking high-rise towers more than 300 kilometres (185 miles) away in the capital Manila. The shallow but powerful quake struck the mountainous and lightly....

Río Grande, Oaxaca, registra temblor de magnitud 4.0

2022-07-27T09:07+0200infobae (es)

Río Grande fue el epicentro de un sismo de 4.0 de magnitud que sorprendió hoy a los pobladores del estado de Oaxaca a las 1:44 en hora local (6:44 UTC). El temblor sucedió 21 km al norte de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 10 km , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

2 killed, dozens injured in strong earthquake rattling N. Philippines

2022-07-27T09:06+0200wn (en)

A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday killed at least two and injured some 30 others, government officials said. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) confirmed the death of one person in Benguet province in the northern Philippines.

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:06+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

July 27 (UPI) -- A strong 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck northern Philippines on Wednesday morning, inflicting damage to buildings and infrastructure and forcing trains to stop more than 200 miles away in Manila. The tectonic temblor hit the municipality of Tayum in the northern province of Abra at 8:43 a.

Strong quake kills 2, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:06+0200mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Jul. 27 (MNA) – A strong earthquake struck the northern Philippines on Wednesday morning, killing at least one person, shaking buildings and causing some structures to collapse, officials said. The 7.0 magnitude quake struck at 8:43 a.m. at a depth of 10 kilometers, or six miles, according....

Death toll in Philippines quake rises to 4, with 60 injured MANILA (Reuters) - A strong earthquake in northern Philippines has killed four people and injured 60, the interior minister said on Wednesday. Two peo... 24m ago

2022-07-27T09:04+0200kelo (en)

MANILA (Reuters) – A strong earthquake in northern Philippines has killed four people and injured 60, the interior minister said on Wednesday. Two people died in Benguet province, one in Abra province, and one more in another province, Interior Secretary Benjamin Abalos told a televised news conference.

PHILIPPINES-LD QUAKE - Strong quake kills 2, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:03+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / PTI. Manila ( Philippines ), Jul 27 (AP) A strong earthquake left at least two people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides and damaged buildings and churches and prompted terrified crowds and hospital patients in the capital to rush outdoors.

Powerful earthquake hits northern Philippines

2022-07-27T09:02+0200capitalfm (en)

Manila (AFP), Jul 27 – A 7.0-magnitude earthquake killed at least three people in the northern Philippines Wednesday, toppling buildings, and shaking high-rise towers more than 300 kilometres (185 miles) away in the capital Manila. The shallow but powerful quake struck the mountainous and lightly....

UP Baguio suspends work, classes after magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck parts of Luzon

2022-07-27T09:01+0200mb-com-ph (en)

The University of the Philippines Baguio (UPB) on Wednesday, July 27, announced a suspension of work and classes on its campus after a magnitude 7 earthquake struck parts of Luzon. In a Facebook post by UPB, it advised everyone who is on campus to keep in mind the following reminders: •All office doors and windows are secured and locked.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull’isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T09:01+0200lopinionista (it)

ROMA – Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell’isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 colpisce il Nord: “Sembrava che la terra si aprisse”. Ci sono morti e feriti

2022-07-27T09:00+0200corrierealpi (it)

MANILA. Un forte terremoto ha colpito il nord delle Filippine, provocando almeno due morti e oltre venti feriti e danneggiando diversi edifici: molte persone si sono riversate in strada anche nella capitale Manila. Il sisma è stato di magnitudo 7, stima ribassata rispetto a quella di 7.

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits northern Philippines

2022-07-27T08:58+0200upi (en)

July 27 (UPI) -- A strong 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck northern Philippines on Wednesday morning, inflicting damage to buildings and infrastructure and forcing trains to stop more than 200 miles away in Manila. The tectonic temblor hit the municipality of Tayum in the northern province of Abra at 8:43 a.

Photos, Videos Show Damage of 7.0-Magnitude Earthquake In Philippines

2022-07-27T08:57+0200ibtimes (en)

KEY POINTS A 7.0-magnitude hit the Philippines Wednesday morning, toppling buildings and cracking roads; At least two people were killed in the aftermath of the quake; Authorities are monitoring the situation on the ground. A magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit the Philippines shortly before 8:45 a.m.

2 killed, dozens injured in strong earthquake rattling northern Philippines

2022-07-27T08:53+0200thestatesman (en)

A 7-magnitude earthquake that shook the Philippines ’ main island of Luzon on Wednesday left at least two people dead and about 30 others injured. One person has been reported dead in Benguet province in the northern Philippines, according to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC).

Philippines : un séisme de magnitude 7 provoque des glissements de terrain et de nombreux dégâts

2022-07-27T08:53+0200leparisien (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé ce mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort. Il a touché l’île de Luçon, la plus grande de l’archipel, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, située à 300 km plus au sud.

Nations offer prayers, aid to Philippines after quake

2022-07-27T08:52+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

A damaged car is seen amid rubble along Gov. A Reyes St. in Vigan City following a magnitude 7 earthquake on Wednesday. Photo courtesy of Kervin King. MANILA At least 3 countries offered prayers and assistance to the Philippines after a powerful earthquake rattled parts of Luzon , killing at least one person and damaging buildings.

UNICEF stands ready to reach children affected by the Philippines earthquake

2022-07-27T08:52+0200reliefWeb (en)

MANILA, 27 July 2022UNICEF is concerned about the situation of children and families affected by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Northern Philippines at 8:43 am local time. UNICEF and partners are assessing the immediate needs of affected communities and stand ready to support the Government-led emergency response.

newsinfo Death toll from magnitude 7.0 earthquake rises to four, says DILG

2022-07-27T08:50+0200inquirer (en)

Scenes following a landslide along Halsema Highway in Mountain Province after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit Langilang town in Abra on the morning of July 27, 2022.| PHOTO: Mountain Province DRRM Office. MANILA, Philippines — The death toll from the 7.

Death Toll in Philippines Quake Rises to 4, With 60 Injured

2022-07-27T08:47+0200usnews (en)

Crowds of people stand on the side of the road, following an earthquake in Baguio City, Philippines July 27, 2022 in this screen grab obtained from social media video. Clarence Bantog/via REUTERS Reuters MANILA (Reuters) - A strong earthquake in northern Philippines has killed four people and injured 60, the interior minister said on Wednesday.

China assures PH of assistance in disaster relief, others offer 'prayers'

2022-07-27T08:44+0200manilatimes (en)

CHINESE Ambassador to Manila Huang Xilian said his government is ready to help the Philippines in its disaster relief operations on areas badly damaged by the 7 magnitude earthquake that shook parts of Luzon Monday morning. Huang turned to Twitter to extend China's offer of support to the Filipinos affected by the earthquake.

2 killed, dozens injured in strong earthquake rattling N. Philippines

2022-07-27T08:44+0200china.org.cn (en)

A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday killed at least two and injured some 30 others, government officials said. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) confirmed the death of one person in Benguet province in the northern Philippines.

Why are mangroves important? IFS officer shares video to explain the reason

2022-07-27T08:44+0200indiatoday (en)

From a very young age, we have been taught about our ecosystem and how it is our responsibility to maintain a balance and protect it. In Indian Forest Service officer Parveen Kaswan’s latest post, he attempts to explain the reason why mangroves are important.

Terremoto nelle Filippine di magnitudo 7, un morto e diversi feriti nell'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T08:41+0200leggo (it)

nelle . Una scossa di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a....

Filippine, violento terremoto di magnitudo 7.1 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T08:40+0200informazione (it)

Tutti gli articoli su Filippine, violento terremoto....

Magnitude 7 na lindol yumanig sa Abra; 1 tao, napaulat na namatay

2022-07-27T08:37+0200gmanews (en)

Napaulat na isang construction worker ang namatay sa La Trinidad, Benguet. Ayon sa Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), ang lindol, na unang napaulat na nasa magnitude 7.3, ay naganap 8:43 a.m. at ang episentro nito ay natagpuan 17.64°N, 120.63°E - 003 km N 45° W ng bayan ng Tayum.

7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T08:35+0200azertag (en)

Baku, July 27, AZERTAC An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said, according to Xinhua. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 colpisce il Nord: “Sembrava che la terra si aprisse”. Almeno un morto

2022-07-27T08:29+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

MANILA. Un forte terremoto ha colpito il nord delle Filippine, provocando almeno un morto e danneggiando diversi edifici: molte persone si sono riversate in strada anche nella capitale Manila. Il sisma è stato di magnitudo 7, stima ribassata rispetto a quella di 7.

Ilocos heritage sites, main roads damaged by quake

2022-07-27T08:26+0200sunstar (en)

SENATOR Imee Marcos said Wednesday, July 27, 2022, that various heritage tourist sites and main roads in Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur were damaged following the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit the province of Abra. "Mga antique bell towers ng Bantay [Ilocos Sur] at Laoag nasira, pati Sarrat (at iba pa).

Terremoto Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7. Danni a edifici e strade a Dolores e a Bangued

2022-07-27T08:25+0200newsonline (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon . Le prime notizie Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e ... ...

2 killed, dozens injured in strong earthquake rattling northern Philippines

2022-07-27T08:24+0200famagusta-gazette (en)

A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday killed at least two and injured some 30 others, government officials said. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) confirmed the death of one person in Benguet province in the northern Philippines.

Strong quake kills 2, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T08:24+0200wn (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake left at least two people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides and damaged buildings and churches and prompted terrified crowds and hospital patients in the capital to rush outdoors.

Powerful 7.1 earthquake strikes Philippines; at least one dead

2022-07-27T08:24+0200wn (en)

Manila: A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday killing at least one person and damaging buildings in the northern Abra province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. A 25-year-old man was killed by falling debris, said Abra Vice....

Terremoto Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7. Danni a edifici e strade a Dolores e a Bangued

2022-07-27T08:24+0200247libero (it)

Le prime notizie sul terremoto avvenuto nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Alcuni danni a edifici e strade sono stati segnalati a Dolores e Bangued. di Redazione Blitz Pubblicato il 27 Luglio 2022 - 07:59 Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le....

2 killed, dozens injured in strong earthquake rattling northern Philippines

2022-07-27T08:23+0200ecns (en)

A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday killed at least two and injured some 30 others, government officials said. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) confirmed the death of one person in Benguet province in the northern Philippines.

27 July 2022 - Strong Earthquake in Luzon, Filipina at 8.43 am

2022-07-27T08:22+0200met-my (en)

JABATAN METEOROLOGI MALAYSIA KEMENTERIAN ALAM SEKITAR DAN AIR JALAN SULTAN Telefon : 603-7967 8000 46667 PETALING JAYA Faksimili : 603-7957 8052 SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN E-mel : seismo@met.gov.my MALAYSIA Laman Web : www.met.gov.my JMM/POCGN(O)/BK-23B Ruj. Kami: JMM.APL15/756/22/07 Jld.

China vows to help quake-hit areas

2022-07-27T08:22+0200gmanews (en)

China has vowed to extend assistance to the Philippines following the magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted parts of Luzon on Wednesday. “On behalf of the Chinese Embassy, I would like to extend my thoughts and prayers to the Philippine government and the Filipino people affected by this morning's....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 nel nord delle Filippine

2022-07-27T08:22+0200laregione (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 ha colpito stamane una regione montuosa delle Filippine settentrionali, uccidendo almeno una persona e causando il panico tra i residenti. Ha danneggiato monumenti storici e fatto tremare edifici fino a Manila. Secondo l’Istituto sismologico statunitense (Usgs), la scossa è stata registrata alle 8.

Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T08:21+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été....

AP News Summary at 1:34 a.m. EDT

2022-07-27T08:20+0200wcfcourier (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan’s minister for gender equality called the country’s dangerously low births and plunging population a national crisis and blamed “indifference and ignorance” in the male-dominated Japanese parliament. In an interview with The Associated Press, Seiko Noda couched the steadily....

Video | Panic in the Philippines due to a magnitude 7…

2022-07-27T08:18+0200thesaxon (en)

At least one person has died this Wednesday after a magnitude 7 earthquake .0 on the Richter scale which has shaken several towns in the north of the Philippines , including Manila -the capital–, also causing landslides and damage to buildings. There are numerous images that circulate on the networks.

Earthquake hits Philippines’ Luzon island, rattling Manila

2022-07-27T08:17+0200newtimes-RW (en)

An earthquake has hit the northern Philippines , shattering windows at its epicentre and causing high-rise towers to shake more than 400km (249 miles) away in the capital Manila. The quake, which struck the mountainous and lightly populated province of Abra on the main island of Luzon at 8:43am....

enero 23, 2021 Dos fuerte temblores sacuden Chile; alerta enviada por error causa pánico en la población

2022-07-27T08:17+0200lanetaneta (es)

Santiago de Chile – Dos temblores de 7 y 5.9 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter sacudieron este sábado la Antártida y el centro de Chile respectivamente y con apenas 30 minutos de diferencia, y las autoridades chilenas pidieron evacuar las zonas costeras del continente helado por riesgo de tsnunami.

What we know so far: Luzon earthquake on July 27

2022-07-27T08:16+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – A magnitude 7 earthquake struck the island of Luzon in the morning of Wednesday, July 27. Here’s what we know so far. Characteristics. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) initially pegged the earthquake’s magnitude at 7.3, and reported that it had occurred at 8:43 am.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 secoue les Philippines

2022-07-27T08:16+0200la-croix (fr)

« J’étais encore dans mon lit mais j’ai senti les secousses de ce tremblement de terre pourtant loin de Manille », raconte Luisa Tapina, professeur d’histoire dans une école secondaire du nord de la capitale. De fait, un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi 26 juillet une région....

Nazionali Oggi alle 07:43 Filippine, oggi terremoto magnitudo 7: un morto

2022-07-27T08:16+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un uomo di 25 anni è morto e almeno altre cinque persone sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 7 della scala Richter che oggi ha colpito il nord delle Filippine. La vittima, secondo quanto riportato dalle autorità locali, era un operaio edile di 25 anni, rimasto bloccato in....

Terremoto magnitudo 7 nelle Filippine, un morto e diversi feriti nell'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T08:15+0200ilmattino (it)

. Una scossa di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto ipocentro a circa....

Philippines Earthquake

2022-07-27T08:13+0200trinidadexpress (en)

A damaged truck lies beside boulders after it fell along a road during an earthquake in Bauko, Mountain Province, Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake left some people dead and injured dozens in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, where the temblor set off small landslides....

OVP taps satellite offices to help quake victims

2022-07-27T08:12+0200mb-com-ph (en)

The Office of the Vice President (OVP) will begin assessing the extent of damages brought by the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that hit the northern Philippines on Wednesday, July 27, saying that its six satellite offices will become “channels” to expedite the distribution of aid to the affected areas.

Powerful 7.1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits The Northern Philippines

2022-07-27T08:12+0200chiangraitimes (en)

(CTN News) – The US Geological Survey said a 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, causing strong tremors throughout the capital Manila. at a shallow depth of 10 km (6 miles), causing no immediate damage or injuries.

A 7-magnitude #earthquake That Rattled the Main Luzon Island in the #Philippines Killed at ... - Latest Tweet by IANS India

2022-07-27T08:11+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by IANS India states, 'A 7-magnitude #earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the # Philippines killed at least two and injured some 30 others.' A 7-magnitude #earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the #Philippines killed at least two and injured some 30 others.

. 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines

2022-07-27T08:10+0200chinadailyhk (en)

Rubble from a damaged church is seen after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on July 27, 2022. (RAPHIEL ALZATE / AP) MANILA - A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital....

Terremoto magnitudo 7 nelle Filippine, un morto e diversi feriti nell'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T08:10+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Un uomo di 25 anni è morto e almeno altre cinque persone sono rimaste ferite nel terremoto di magnitudo 7 della scala Richter che ha colpito il nord delle Filippine. La vittima, secondo quanto riportato dalle autorità locali, era un operaio edile di 25 anni, rimasto bloccato in un edificio in costruzione crollato al momento del sisma.

Terremoto oggi Barletta M 2.2/ Ingv ultime notizie, violenta scossa nelle Filippine

2022-07-27T08:10+0200ilsussidiario (it)

E’ mercoledì 27 luglio 2022 e anche oggi andiamo a fare il punto su quali siano state le registrate in Italia. Secondo quanto segnalato dall’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia, noto anche come Ingv , nelle scorse ore è avvenuto un evento tellurico lungo la costa barlettana, in provincia di Barletta (Puglia) .

Filippine, scossa di terremoto di 7.1 gradi Richter

2022-07-27T08:08+0200informazione (it)

Tutti gli articoli su Filippine, scossa di terremoto....

AP News Summary at 1:34 a.m. EDT

2022-07-27T08:07+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

TOKYO (AP) — Japan’s minister for gender equality called the country’s dangerously low births and plunging population a national crisis and blamed “indifference and ignorance” in the male-dominated Japanese parliament. In an interview with The Associated Press, Seiko Noda couched the steadily....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 colpisce il Nord: “Sembrava che la terra si aprisse”. Almeno un morto

2022-07-27T08:06+0200lasentinella (it)

MANILA. Un forte terremoto ha colpito il nord delle Filippine, provocando almeno un morto e danneggiando diversi edifici: molte persone si sono riversate in strada anche nella capitale Manila. Il sisma è stato di magnitudo 7, stima ribassata rispetto a quella di 7.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 colpisce il Nord: “Sembrava che la terra si aprisse”. Almeno un morto

2022-07-27T08:03+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

MANILA. Un forte terremoto ha colpito il nord delle Filippine, provocando almeno un morto e danneggiando diversi edifici: molte persone si sono riversate in strada anche nella capitale Manila. Il sisma è stato di magnitudo 7, stima ribassata rispetto a quella di 7.

Philippines : le pays frappé par un violent séisme, au moins un mort

2022-07-27T08:02+0200nordeclair (fr)

Selon l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales (00H43 GMT), à une profondeur relativement faible de 10 km dans la province montagneuse d’Abra, sur l’île principale de Luzon. L’USGS a révisé la magnitude à 7, contre 7,1 auparavant.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 colpisce il Nord: “Sembrava che la terra si aprisse”. Almeno un morto

2022-07-27T08:02+0200nuovavenezia (it)

MANILA. Un forte terremoto ha colpito il nord delle Filippine, provocando almeno un morto e danneggiando diversi edifici: molte persone si sono riversate in strada anche nella capitale Manila. Il sisma è stato di magnitudo 7, stima ribassata rispetto a quella di 7.

Terremoto en Filipinas: un terremoto de magnitud 7.1 golpea la provincia de Abra, Manila se conmocionó

2022-07-27T08:02+0200eldemocrata (es)

El sismo se produjo al norte de la isla de Luzón, la isla más poblada del país, a las 8:43 a. m. hora local (8:43 p. m. ET), según el Servicio Geológico de EE. UU. La agencia determinó que el sismo fue de 7,1, antes de reducirlo a 7,0. El epicentro se ubicó a unos 13 kilómetros (8 millas) al sureste....

Terremoti, scossa magnitudo 7 su isola Luzon (Filippine)

2022-07-27T08:01+0200zazoom-it (it)

Terremoti | scossa magnitudo 7 su isola Luzon Filippine Danni a edifici e strade a Dolores e a Bangued, dove alcune persone si sono recate in ospedale con lievi ... Terremoti, scossa magnitudo 7 su isola Luzon (Filippine) (Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Danni a edifici e strade a Dolores e a Bangued,....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T08:01+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell' isola filippina di Luzon . Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e ... : RT @CNostro: Terremoto M 7.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7 nelle Filippine : la cattedrale danneggiata dal sisma – Il video

2022-07-27T08:01+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell’isola filippina di Luzon. Il sisma si è verificato nella provincia di Abra a una profondità di 40 km (25 miglia), ed è stato avvertito anche nella capitale Manila.

Ultime Notizie – Filippine, oggi terremoto magnitudo 7: un morto

2022-07-27T08:01+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) Un uomo di 25 anni è morto e almeno altre cinque persone sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 7 della scala Richter che oggi ha colpito il nord delle Filippine . La vittima, secondo quanto riportato dalle autorità locali, era un operaio edile di 25 anni,....

Filippine, oggi terremoto magnitudo 7: un morto

2022-07-27T08:01+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 27 luglio 2022) (Adnkronos) – Un uomo di 25 anni è morto e almeno altre cinque persone sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 7 della scala Richter che oggi ha colpito il nord delle Filippine . La vittima, secondo quanto riportato dalle autorità locali, era un operaio edile....

LIVESTREAM: Marcos holds press briefing on Luzon earthquake

2022-07-27T08:00+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – Following a magnitude 7 earthquake that was felt in many parts of Luzon, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is set to hold a press briefing on Wednesday, July 27. The earthquake’s epicenter was in Abra, with initial reports indicating heavy damage to structures.

Terremoto Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7. Danni a edifici e strade a Dolores e a Bangued

2022-07-27T07:59+0200blitzquotidiano (it)

Le prime notizie sul terremoto avvenuto nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Alcuni danni a edifici e strade sono stati segnalati a Dolores e Bangued. di Redazione Blitz Pubblicato il 27 Luglio 2022 - 07:59 Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 colpisce il Nord: “Sembrava che la terra si aprisse”. Almeno un morto

2022-07-27T07:59+0200lastampa (it)

MANILA. Un forte terremoto ha colpito il nord delle Filippine, provocando almeno un morto e danneggiando diversi edifici: molte persone si sono riversate in strada anche nella capitale Manila. Il sisma è stato di magnitudo 7, stima ribassata rispetto a quella di 7.

Strong quake kills 2, injures dozens in northern Philippines

2022-07-27T07:56+0200TorontoStar (en)

This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distribution to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about permissions/licensing, please go to: www.TorontoStarReprints.com A damaged car is seen along a road after a strong....

Video Philippines : le pays frappé par un violent séisme, au moins un mort

2022-07-27T07:55+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Philippines : le pays frappé par un violent séisme, au moins un mort Selon l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales (00H43 GMT), à une profondeur relativement faible de 10 km dans la province montagneuse d’Abra, sur l’île principale de Luzon. L’USGS a révisé la magnitude à 7, contre 7,1 auparavant.

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.3 ha colpito mercoledì mattina il nord delle Filippine. Per il momento, non si segnalano vittime

2022-07-27T07:54+0200euronews-it (it)

Terremoto nelle Filippine. Diritti d'autore AP/AP Un forte terremoto ha scosso questa mattina le Filippine settentrionali, provocando danni e costringendo i residenti di Manila, la capitale, a uscire dalle loro abitazioni e a riversarsi in strada. Secondo fonti ufficiali, non risultano al momento vittime.

Magnitude-7 earthquake hits Philippines’ most populous island

2022-07-27T07:51+0200digitpatrox (en)

A magnitude-7 earthquake struck the Philippines ’ largest and most populous island on Wednesday, prompting evacuations, triggering landslides and damaging historic vacationer spots. The tremor hit at a depth of 10km and was recorded at 8.43am Manila time.

Terremoto Filippine, terribile scossa di magnitudo 7 a Luzon: interi edifici crollati e vittime

2022-07-27T07:50+0200fanpage (it)

Una terribile scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 ha colpito le Filippine mercoledì mattina, la notte in Italia, facendo ingenti danni e purtroppo anche vittime . Secondo i dati comunicati dall'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano, il terremoto è stato registrato alle 8:43....

Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:49+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé ce mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull’Isola Luzon

2022-07-27T07:49+0200ilmetropolitano-it (it)

07.00 – Una fortissima scossa di terremoto è stata registrata nell’arcipelago delle Filippine, nel quadrante del Sud Est asiatico, esattamente nella zona dell’ . Il terremoto ha avuto ipocentro a circa 20 km di profondità ed epicentro nella regione di Cordillera in base a quelli che sono i rilievi dell’USGS USA e dell’INGV italiano.

Filippine, oggi terremoto magnitudo 7: un morto

2022-07-27T07:49+0200adnkronos (it)

Un uomo di 25 anni è morto e almeno altre cinque persone sono rimaste ferite in un terremoto di magnitudo 7 della scala Richter che oggi ha colpito il nord delle Filippine. La vittima, secondo quanto riportato dalle autorità locali, era un operaio edile di 25 anni, rimasto bloccato in un edificio in costruzione crollato al momento del sisma.

Un forte terremoto scuote le Filippine Una scossa di magnitudo 7 registrata nel nordest dell'isola di Luzon. Danni a edifici e strade. Non risultano vittime

2022-07-27T07:49+0200rsi-ch (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (INGV) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense USGS, il sisma ha avuto....

NDRRMC dismisses tsunami threat in parts of Northern Luzon after quake

2022-07-27T07:49+0200manilatimes (en)

THE National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) debunks the possibility of a tsunami occurring in parts of Northern Luzon after a 7.0-magnitude quake hit the province of Abra early Wednesday. The NDRRMC identified these provinces as Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte, la Union and Pangasinan.

Violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 dans le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:48+0200WortLuxembourg-fr (fr)

(AFP) - Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants, endommageant des monuments historiques et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille.

2 killed, dozens injured in strong earthquake rattling Philippines

2022-07-27T07:47+0200chinadaily (en)

This handout video grab photo taken from the facebook page courtesy of CJ Ericson Garcia shows a resident walking past a crack on a road pavement in the town of Bangued, Abra province, Manila on July 27, 2022, after an earthquake hit the northern Philippines .

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 fait plusieurs blessés dans le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:47+0200normandie (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi 27 juillet 2022 une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Le tremblement de terre enregistré mercredi 27 juillet 2022 est le plus....

2 killed, dozens injured in strong earthquake rattling northern Philippines

2022-07-27T07:42+0200wn (en)

A house is seen tilting on its side after an earthquake in Abra Province, the Philippines , July 27, 2022. An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.

5th LD Writethru: 2 killed, dozens injured in strong earthquake rattling northern Philippines

2022-07-27T07:42+0200wn (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday killed at least two and injured some 30 others, government officials said. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) confirmed the death of one person in....

08:39 Tremblement de terre Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:40+0200lorientlejour (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée....

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:39+0200lunion (fr)

de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 8h43 locales à....

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:35+0200lest-eclair (fr)

de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 8h43 locales à....

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 ha colpito il nord delle Filippine

2022-07-27T07:32+0200agi (it)

AGI - Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 ha colpito il nord delle Filippine . Lo rende noto il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti. Il sisma si è verificato nella provincia di Abra, sull'isola principale di Luzon, a una profondità di 40 km (25 miglia). Il terremoto è stato avvertito fortemente nella....

Un violent séisme frappe les Philippines: “On s’est mis à crier et on s’est précipités dehors”

2022-07-27T07:31+02007sur7 (fr)

Les Philippines sont régulièrement frappées par des séismes en raison de leur position sur la “Ceinture de feu”, un arc d’activité sismique intense qui entoure l’océan Pacifique en passant par le Japon et l’Asie du Sud-est. Le tremblement de terre de mercredi est le plus puissant dans le pays depuis des années.

Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:30+0200lefigaro (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi 27 juillet le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été....

Philippines : au moins un mort dans un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7

2022-07-27T07:30+0200TF1 (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé le nord des Philippines ce mercredi, selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS). La secousse a été enregistrée à 08h43, heure locale (02h43, heure de Paris), dans la province montagneuse d'Abra, sur l'île principale de Luzon, selon l'USGS.

Catastrophe naturelle. Au moins un mort dans un violent séisme dans le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:27+0200vosgesmatin (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé ce mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été....

Catastrophe naturelleUn violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines L’Institut sismologique américain a annoncé qu’un séisme de magnitude 7,1 sur l’échelle de Richter avait frappé les Philippines mercredi matin. 0 1 0

2022-07-27T07:27+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08 h 43....

5th LD Writethru: 2 killed, dozens injured in strong earthquake rattling northern Philippines

2022-07-27T07:26+0200china.org.cn (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday killed at least two and injured some 30 others, government officials said. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) confirmed the death of one person in Benguet province in the northern Philippines.

2 killed, dozens injured in strong earthquake rattling northern Philippines

2022-07-27T07:24+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- A 7-magnitude earthquake that rattled the main Luzon island in the Philippines on Wednesday killed at least two and injured some 30 others, government officials said. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) confirmed the death of one person in Benguet province in the northern Philippines.

Abra earthquake caused power interruptions in several areas --DOE

2022-07-27T07:22+0200gmanews (en)

The magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted Abra caused power outages in several areas in Northern Luzon, the Department of Energy (DOE) said Wednesday. In its situation report, the DOE said that all power generation plants are on normal operation, except for the Hedcor hydroelectric power plants, namely the Ferdinand L.

7.1 earthquake hits north Philippines

2022-07-27T07:21+0200wn (en)

Manila, July 27: An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 jolted near Dolores in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake, which struck at 00:43 GMT, was initially determined to be at 17.5978 ......

Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:20+0200notretemps (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée....

Powerful 7.1 earthquake strikes north Philippines, rattles Manila

2022-07-27T07:19+0200newsincyprus (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. There were no immediate reports of serious injuries or....

Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:15+0200tv5 (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée....

Catastrophe naturelle. Au moins un mort dans un violent séisme dans le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:14+0200lalsace (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé ce mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été....

Catastrophe naturelle. Au moins un mort dans un violent séisme dans le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:11+0200republicain-lorrain (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée....

Powerful 7.1 earthquake strikes north Philippines

2022-07-27T07:08+0200wam-en (en)

MANILA, 27th July, 2022 (WAM) -- A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila, Reuters reported.

P200M ready for LGUs hit hard by magnitude 7 quake --NDRRMC

2022-07-27T07:07+0200gmanews (en)

Department of National Defense (DND) Officer-in-Charge Senior Undersecretary Jose Faustino Jr. leads the meeting of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council regarding the magnitude 7 earthquake that struck Abra on Wednesday, July 27, 2022.

7.3-Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Northern Philippines

2022-07-27T07:07+0200wn (en)

(MENAFN - Trend News Agency) An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology ... ......

Catastrophe naturelle. Au moins un mort dans un violent séisme dans le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:06+0200LeBien (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée....

Catastrophe naturelle. Au moins un mort dans un violent séisme dans le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:05+0200estrepublicain (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée....

Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:04+0200laprovence (fr)

Manille - Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été....

Catastrophe naturelle. Au moins un mort dans un violent séisme dans le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:04+0200ledauphine (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée....

Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:02+0200corsematin (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la... Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines, faisant au moins un mort, semant....

Catastrophe naturelle. Au moins un mort dans un violent séisme dans le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:02+0200leprogres (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi le nord des Philippines , faisant au moins un mort, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille, à 300 km de là. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée....

France-Monde Un violent séisme frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T07:00+0200lamanchelibre (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales (00H43 GMT), à une profondeur relativement faible de 10 km dans la province montagneuse d'Abra, sur l'île principale de Luzon. L'USGS a révisé la magnitude à 7, contre 7,1 auparavant.

1 reported dead following Abra earthquake

2022-07-27T06:57+0200sunstar (en)

ONE person was reported dead in the Cordillera Administrative Region due to the effects of the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit the province of Abra Wednesday morning, July 27, 2022, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said.

7.1-magnitude earthquake hits northern Philippines: USGS

2022-07-27T06:57+0200brecorder (en)

MANILA: A 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, with residents in the capital Manila reporting their buildings shaking. The shallow quake struck Abra province on the main island of Luzon at 8:43 am (0043 GMT) and the local seismological agency warned damage was expected.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T06:50+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

MANILA, Philippines : A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum, the....

Strong earthquake shakes Philippines, damaging buildings

2022-07-27T06:46+0200nzherald (en)

Employees of the Department of Human Settlements and Development evacuate their building after an earthquake in Quezon City. Photo / AP A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines , injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T06:43+0200palestinewater (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum,....

NDRRMC: One fatality reported after Abra quake, damage assessments ongoing

2022-07-27T06:41+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines One fatality, a construction worker who got trapped under fallen debris in La Trinidad, Benguet, has been reported as casualty in the wake of the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Abra earlier Wednesday morning. Per the latest updates by the National Disaster Risk Reduction....

M7.0 quake jolts northern Philippines, 1 dead 9 minutes ago | KYODO NEWS

2022-07-27T06:39+0200kyodonews (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 jolted the northern part of the Philippines ' Luzon Island in the country's north on Wednesday morning, the United States Geological Survey said, leaving one person dead. The country's disaster risk reduction and management officials said there was damage to....

7.0-magnitude earthquake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T06:39+0200abc7ny (en)

MANILA, Philippines -- A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum, the....

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T06:37+0200rtbf (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé le nord des Philippines mercredi, a annoncé l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS). La secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales (02H43 HB) dans la province montagneuse d'Abra, sur l'île principale de Luzon, selon l'USGS. Le tremblement de terre était très fort.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T06:37+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 LUG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico....

CBCP official asks for prayers for quake victims

2022-07-27T06:34+0200mb-com-ph (en)

An official of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has asked for prayers for those affected by the magnitude 7 earthquake. Fr. Jerome Secillano, CBCP Public Affairs Committee executive secretary, also asked for “collective action” to help those adversely affected by the earthquake.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 enregistré aux Philippines

2022-07-27T06:34+0200linfo (fr)

Panique. L’ Institut sismologique américain (USGS) indique que la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales (00H43 GMT), à une profondeur de 10 kilomètres dans la province d’ Abra , sur l’île principale de Luzon . À Dolores , ville à proximité de l’épicentre, les habitants ont été pris de panique.

Terremoti, scossa magnitudo 7 su isola Luzon (Filippine)

2022-07-27T06:33+0200tgcom (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs, il sisma ha avuto....

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T06:31+0200hjnews (en)

A damaged car is seen along a road after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull’isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T06:28+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 27 LUG – Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell’isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell’Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T06:28+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno-en (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 LUG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico....

The #Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology Revised Down to 7 the Magnitude ... - Latest Tweet by IANS India

2022-07-27T06:27+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by IANS India states, 'The #Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology revised down to 7 the magnitude and relocated the epicentre of the #earthquake that rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines .' The #Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology revised....

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T06:27+0200notretemps (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants, endommageant des monuments historiques et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T06:25+0200globodiroma (it)

(ANSA) – ROMA, 27 LUG – Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T06:25+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 LUG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico....

7.3 Earthquake shakes Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T06:24+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Employees of the Department of Human Settlements and Development evacuate their building after an earthquake in Quezon City, Philippines , on July 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Gerard Carreon) MANILA, Philippines—A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person,....

Philippine earthquake revised down to 7 magnitude, no immediate reports of casualties

2022-07-27T06:22+0200wn (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology revised down to 7 the magnitude and relocated the epicenter of the earthquake that rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday. The institute first reported the magnitude as 7.3, and the epicenter was Lagangilang town.

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T06:22+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants, endommageant des monuments historiques et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la....

Registran terremoto de magnitud 7,3 en Filipinas

2022-07-27T06:22+0200entornointeligente (es)

El Phivolcs indicó que el terremoto se produjo a las 08H43 (hora local) del miércoles y tuvo una profundidad de 25 kilómetros. El Instituto de Vulcanología y Sismología de Filipinas (Phivolcs) informó sobre un terremoto de magnitud 7,3 que se registró en el país, con epicentro en la provincia de Abra, en la isla de Luzón.

3rd LD Writethru: 7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T06:21+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m. local time (0043 GMT), hit at a depth of 25 km, about 2 km northeast of Lagangilang town.

2nd LD: 7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T06:21+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m. local time (0043 GMT), hit at a depth of 25 km, about 2 km northeast of Lagangilang town.

1st LD: 7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T06:21+0200manilametro (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m.

Se registra un temblor con epicentro en Cd Hidalgo, Chiapas

2022-07-27T06:21+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor fue registrado en Cd Hidalgo a las 22:47 hora local (3:47 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.1 y una profundidad de 83 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 15 km al noroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas.

Japón decide abrir cueste lo que cueste el área prohibida de Fukushima once años después de la catástrofe

2022-07-27T06:21+0200infolibre (es)

A pesar de las continuas preocupaciones y temores, para antes de junio de 2023 estará ya levantada la prohibición de vivir en las localidades más cercanas al lugar del accidente y se animará gradualmente a la gente a volver; El 11 de marzo de 2011, el 'Gran Terremoto de Tohoku' sacudió el noreste de....

Aux Philippines, un séisme de magnitude 7,1 sème la panique

2022-07-27T06:19+0200LeMonde (fr)

Un bâtiment endommagé à Bangued, dans la province d’Abra, à la suite du violent séisme ayant touché les Philippines , mercredi 27 juillet. AP. Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi 27 juillet une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines, semant la panique parmi les habitants,....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T06:17+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 LUG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico....

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T06:16+0200tv5 (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants, endommageant des monuments historiques et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la....

At least 1 dead in Benguet after Luzon earthquake

2022-07-27T06:15+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported one fatality in the La Trinidad, Benguet, following the strong earthquake in Abra that was felt in several parts of Luzon on Wednesday morning, July 27. The NDRRMC said the victim died due to fallen debris.

Powerful earthquake strikes the northern Philippines

2022-07-27T06:15+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

MANILA, the Philippines — A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. A hospital in Abra province was evacuated after.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T06:11+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

ROMA, 27 LUG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico statunitense Usgs,....

Walang banta ng tsunami matapos ang M7.0 na lindol sa Abra

2022-07-27T06:11+0200inquirer (en)

Phivolcs photo. Tiniyak ng Phivolcs na walang banta ng tsunami sa Pilipinas matapos tumama ang magnitude 7.0 na lindol sa Tayum, Abra Miyerkules ng umaga. Sinabi ng ahensya na yumanig ang malakas na lindol sa nasabing lugar dakong 8:43 ng umaga. May lalim ang lindol na 17 kilometers.

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes Dolores in Philippines, strongly felt in ManilaMagnitude 7.1 earthquake recorded Wednesday morning in the northern Philippines. Shaking was felt as far away as Manila. Preliminary reports indicate there is damage, although no casualties have been confirmed. A tsunami risk has been ruled out.

2022-07-27T06:09+0200ground-news (en)

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake recorded Wednesday morning in the northern Philippines . Shaking was felt as far away as Manila. Preliminary reports indicate there is damage, although no casualties have been confirmed. A tsunami risk has been ruled out. The Philippines typically experiences a large number of earthquakes, some of them very strong.

Church assesses damage in quake-hit areas

2022-07-27T06:09+0200manilatimes (en)

THE Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia and Caritas Philippines ordered on Wednesday the assessment of the damage caused by the earthquake in the Ilocos region. Archbishop Marlo Peralta said based on the initial report, several churches were damaged in the archdiocese due to the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck the province earlier in the day.

Asia Pacific Magnitude 7.1 earthquake hits northern Philippines; strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T06:07+0200japantimes (en)

MANILA – A powerful magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through Manila. A hospital in Abra province was evacuated after the building....

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T06:06+0200la-croix (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants, endommageant des monuments historiques et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la....

Violento terremoto nelle Filippine: paura, danni e crolli sull'isola di Luzon, scossa avvertita anche a Manila

2022-07-27T06:06+0200meteoweb (it)

| FOTO e VIDEO Una scossa di terremoto è stata registrata nel Nord/Est dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Un violento terremoto magnitudo 7 ha colpito le Filippine alle 08:43 ora locale (le 02:43 ora italiana). L'epicentro è stato rilevato sull'isola di Luzon , ad una profondità di 20 km (dati INGV).

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T06:05+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 LUG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico....

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T06:05+0200ladige (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 LUG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico....

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T06:04+0200LePoint (fr)

U n violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants, endommageant des monuments historiques et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la....

Powerful 7.1 earthquake strikes Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T06:01+0200wn (en)

Manila: A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and causing landslides in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila.

7.3 Earthquake Shakes Philippines, Felt in Capital

2022-07-27T06:01+0200wn (en)

MANILA, Philippines —A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T06:01+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 LUG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico....

Marcos to visit earthquake-hit Abra once he gets ‘all-clear’ signal

2022-07-27T06:00+0200rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is keen on visiting earthquake-hit Abra province as soon as it is determined to be safe for him to fly, Press Secretary Trixie Cruz-Angeles said in a briefing on Wednesday, July 27. A magnitude 7 earthquake hit the island of Luzon Wednesday morning, with the epicenter in Abra.

Filippine, terremoto di magnitudo 7 sull'isola di Luzon

2022-07-27T06:00+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 LUG - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'isola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) italiano e del servizio di monitoraggio geologico....

agosto 26, 2019 Rusia está navegando un & # 039; Chernobyl flotante & # 039; En el ártico

2022-07-27T05:59+0200lanetaneta (es)

El Akademik Lomonosov transporta dos reactores nucleares de 35 megavatios a la costa ártica de Rusia. La central eléctrica reemplazará a la central nuclear de Bilibino en Chukotka, en el extremo este de Rusia. Los ambientalistas dicen que la planta de energía flotante es un riesgo inherente para la región del Ártico.

Phivolcs classifies Abra quake as ‘major earthquake’; aftershocks to last for months

2022-07-27T05:58+0200inquirer (en)

Poblacion-Sakkawwa-Wayangan is not passable to 4-wheel drive due to landslide following the magnitude 7.3 earthquake that hit Luzon this morning, July 27, 2022. (Source: MDRRMC Tubo) MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) classified as a “major....

Bongbong Marcos urges Filipinos to ‘unite, rise from the challenge’ after powerful Luzon quake

2022-07-27T05:58+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. urged Filipinos to unite and hurdle the challenges brought by the powerful earthquake that jolted parts of Luzon on Wednesday. Marcos Jr. urged Filipinos to stay alert, adding that the government is ensuring that quick response and assistance are extended to the victims.

Philippine earthquake revised down to 7 magnitude, no immediate reports of casualties

2022-07-27T05:58+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology revised down to 7 the magnitude and relocated the epicenter of the earthquake that rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday. The institute first reported the magnitude as 7.3, and the epicenter was Lagangilang town.

7.1-magnitude earthquake hits northern Philippines

2022-07-27T05:55+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

Employees of a private office gather outside their building in Manila on July 27, 2022, after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines . – AFP pic, July 27, 2022. A 7.1-MAGNITUDE earthquake hit the northern Philippines today the US Geological Survey said, shattering windows of....

Séisme. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T05:55+0200maville (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales....

Magnitude 7 quake destroyed Ilocos bell towers, heritage homes -- Imee Marcos

2022-07-27T05:54+0200gmanews (en)

Senator Imee Marcos said several heritage sites and main roads in Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur were destroyed after a on Wednesday morning. "Mga antique bell towers ng Bantay [Ilocos Sur] at Laoag nasira, pati Sarrat [at iba pa]. Heritage houses sira, iba natumba," Marcos, former Ilocos Norte governor, said in a text message to reporters.

Le nord des Philippines secoué par un séisme de magnitude 7,1

2022-07-27T05:51+0200france24 (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 8 h 43....

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T05:48+0200laprovence (fr)

Manille - Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants, endommageant des monuments historiques et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille.

7.0 magnitude earthquake! Houses in the epicentre of the Philippines were severely damaged, and the power supply has been interrupted!Some historical buildings in the ancient city of Vigan were damaged | Daily Economic News

2022-07-27T05:47+0200breakinglatest (en)

7.0 magnitude earthquake! Houses in the epicentre of the Philippines were severely damaged, and the power supply has been interrupted!Some historical buildings in the ancient city of Vigan were damaged | Daily Economic News. According to the official determination of the China Seismological Network: at 08:43 on July 27, a magnitude 7.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:43+0200stripes (en)

A damaged car is seen along a road after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported.

Séisme: un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T05:42+0200lexpress-MU (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé ce mercredi 27 juillet, une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à....

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T05:41+0200corsematin (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants, endommageant des monuments historiques et faisant trembler... Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des....

Magnitude 7.3 Earthquake Strikes Northern Philippines; Tremors Felt in Capital Manila

2022-07-27T05:40+0200ibtimes-sg (en)

A magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck the northern Philippines on Wednesday morning. The tremor was reported in Luzon, one of the country's most populous islands. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said damage and aftershocks may be expected.

Philippines: 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern island of Luzon

2022-07-27T05:39+0200wn (en)

USGS says the earthquake occurred at a shallow depth of 10km...

Powerful 7.1 earthquake strikes north Philippines, rattles Manila

2022-07-27T05:39+0200wn (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. There were no immediate reports of serious injuries or....

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:39+0200wn (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum,....

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines, strongly felt in Manila Reuters |Updated 6 minutes ago |2 min read MANILA (Reuters) - A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, with strong tremors felt in many areas including in the capital Manila.

2022-07-27T05:37+0200thechronicleherald (en)

MANILA (Reuters) - A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, with strong tremors felt in many areas including in the capital Manila. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake which occured at a shallow depth of 10 km (6 miles).

Powerful 7.1 quake hits Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:37+0200gulfnews (en)

Residents evacuate their building after a 7.1 magnitude earthquake, some 300 kilometers away, was felt in Manila on July 27, 2022. Image Credit: AFP. Manila: A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, badly damaging a....

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits Abra; felt in Metro Manila

2022-07-27T05:35+0200philstar (en)

According to Phivolcs, the quake was recorded three kilometers west northwest of Tayum town at 8:43 a.m. That quake had a depth of 17 km. Phivolcs said instrumental intensities were recorded in the following areas: Intensity VII (Destructive): Vigan City; Intensity V (Strong): Laoag City, Ilocos....

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:35+0200news-gazette (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum,....

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:34+0200thegardenisland (en)

MANILA, Philippines A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum, the head....

Sismo de magnitud 3.8 se siente en General Sanchez Cerro, Moquegua

2022-07-27T05:31+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.8 aconteció este martes 26 de julio en la ciudad de Omate, en la provincia de General Sanchez Cerro, del departamento de Moquegua, de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) Según los reportes....

7.3 Earthquake Shakes Philippines, Felt in Capital

2022-07-27T05:27+0200theepochtimes (en)

MANILA, —A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum, the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T05:25+0200tv5 (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales....

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes damage, people flee buildings

2022-07-27T05:22+0200business-standard (en)

shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area and several aftershocks have followed, the....

7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T05:21+0200trendnews-az (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said, reports citing The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m. local time (0043 GMT), hit at a depth of 25 km, about 2....

Flash Update #1 – M7.3 Earthquake in Abra (Cordillera Administrative Region), Philippines (27 Jul 2022)

2022-07-27T05:21+0200reliefWeb (en)

OVERVIEW: According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology ( PHIVOLCS-DOST ), an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 at a depth of 25 km occurred at 0743 UTC+7, 11 km East-Southeast of Dolores, Philippines . ANALYSIS: preliminary analysis indicates that this is a very strong....

No tsunami threat to PH following M7 quake: Phivolcs

2022-07-27T05:20+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) on Wednesday assured the public that there is no threat of a tsunami anywhere in the country following the powerful magnitude 7 earthquake that hit Abra and other parts of Luzon. ADVISORY: NO TSUNAMI THREAT TO THE PHILIPPINES Tsunami Information No.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T05:20+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales....

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T05:20+0200clicanoo (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43....

Northern Philippines struck by 7.3-magnitude earthquake

2022-07-27T05:18+0200wn (en)

MANILA, Philippines — A 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck the northern Philippines including the capital region on Wednesday, the country's volcanology agency said. The epicenter was the town of Lagangilang in Abra ......

Pictures: Philippines shaken by 7.1 earthquake

2022-07-27T05:18+0200wn (en)

1 of 4 This handout video grab photo courtesy of CJ Ericson Garcia shows a resident walking past a crack on a road pavement in the town of Bangued, Abra province, north of Manila Manila on July 27, 2022, after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines .

7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles N. Philippines

2022-07-27T05:18+0200wn (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m. local time (0043 GMT), hit at a depth of 25 km, about 2 km....

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:18+0200whig (en)

A damaged car is seen along a road after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported.

Powerful earthquake strikes the northern Philippines

2022-07-27T05:16+0200nbcnews (en)

MANILA, the Philippines — A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila.

No tsunami threat from 7.0-magnitude Abra quake — Phivolcs

2022-07-27T05:15+0200mb-com-ph (en)

There is no tsunami threat to the Philippines following a 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Abra province on Wednesday, July 27, said the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs). Phivolcs said the earthquake that struck at around 8:43 a.m. has originated 3 kilometers (km) northwest of Tayum, Abra.

Northern Philippines struck by 7.3-magnitude earthquake

2022-07-27T05:15+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MANILA, Philippines — A 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck the northern Philippines including the capital region on Wednesday, the country's volcanology agency said. The epicenter was the town of Lagangilang in Abra province, about 208 miles north of Manila, according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:14+0200apnews (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum,....

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings 0

2022-07-27T05:14+0200kitchenertoday (en)

Employees of the Department of Human Settlements and Development evacuate their building after an earthquake in Quezon City, Philippines on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T05:14+0200lemauricien (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales....

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:13+0200metro-us (en)

Posted on July 26, 2022 A damaged car is seen along a road after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital.

A Magnitude-7 Earthquake Struck the Philippines' Largest and Most Populous Island ... - Latest Tweet by Bloomberg

2022-07-27T05:13+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Bloomberg states, 'A magnitude-7 earthquake struck the Philippines ’ largest and most populous island Wednesday. The earthquake is considered a “major” one, and “can be devastating,” CNN Philippines quoted the institute’s director Renato Solidum as saying....

7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines, says USGS

2022-07-27T05:12+0200independent-UK (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, damaging a hospital and buildings and sending strong tremors through the capital, The US Geological Survey said the earthquake’s epicentre was about 11km east-southeast of the town of Dolores and occurred at a shallow depth of 10km.

Philippines-earthquake newseries

2022-07-27T05:12+0200nampa (en)

Powerful earthquake hits northern Philippines By Mikhail FLORES =(Video+Graphic+Picture+Animated Graphics)= ATTENTION - ADDS details /// Manila, July 27, 2022 (AFP) - A 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, shattering windows of buildings at....

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings 0 7/26/2022 7:58:49 PM

2022-07-27T05:12+0200tricitynews (en)

Employees of the Department of Human Settlements and Development evacuate their building after an earthquake in Quezon City, Philippines on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital.

Bongbong Marcos to visit Abra once ‘all clear’ signal is given — Palace

2022-07-27T05:12+0200inquirer (en)

The medical staff and patients at the Abra Provincial Hospital rushed outside as a 7.3-magnitude earthquake hit the province on Wednesday morning. The quake damaged the hospital. (Photos from Facebook page of Abra Vice Gov. Jocelyn Bernos) MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:11+0200fresnobee (en)

Residents stay at a park after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported.

Northern Philippines struck by 7.3-magnitude earthquake

2022-07-27T05:11+0200fresnobee (en)

MANILA, Philippines — A 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck the northern Philippines including the capital region on Wednesday, the country's volcanology agency said. The epicenter was the town of Lagangilang in Abra province, about 208 miles north of Manila, according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:10+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

Employees of the Department of Human Settlements and Development evacuate their building after an earthquake in Quezon City, Philippines on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:10+0200clickondetroit (en)

MANILA – A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum, the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

CAAP: Boarding briefly halted at Tuguegarao Airport due to quake

2022-07-27T05:10+0200gmanews (en)

A flight departing the Tuguegarao Airport in Cagayan province was briefly halted due to the magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted Abra on Wednesday morning. In a status report as of 8:43 a.m., the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) said passengers of Cebu Pacific flight 5J505 “were....

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. Jul 26, 2022 7:58 PM Read more >

2022-07-27T05:10+0200timescolonist (en)

Employees of the Department of Human Settlements and Development evacuate their building after an earthquake in Quezon City, Philippines on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital.

7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T05:09+0200peopledaily (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m. local time (0043 GMT), hit at a depth of 25 km, about 2 km northeast of Lagangilang town.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:09+0200wsoctv (en)

Philippines Earthquake A damaged car is seen along a road after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:09+0200independent-UK (en)

A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum, the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:09+0200news4jax (en)

MANILA – A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum, the head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

Intensity II earthquake felt in Muntinlupa

2022-07-27T05:08+0200mb-com-ph (en)

The magnitude 7 earthquake (initially put at 7.3 magnitude) that hit Abra at 8:43 a.m. on July 27 was felt in Muntinlupa and sent people out of buildings. According to the Muntinlupa City Department of Disaster Resilience and Management, the earthquake registered Intensity II at 8:46 a.m.

International news brief: 7.1 magnitude earthquake hits Philippines; Trump hints at 2024 presidential bid

2022-07-27T05:08+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Washington, July 27: A 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines Wednesday, shattering windows of buildings at the epicentre and shaking high-rise towers more than 300 kilometres (185 miles) away in the capital Manila. While former US President Donald Trump gave a strong hint he might run for president again in a speech on Tuesday.

Earthquake Of 7.3 Magnitude Hits North Philippines, Causes Some Damage

2022-07-27T05:07+0200outlookindia (en)

A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area and several aftershocks....

7.3 Earthquake Hits North Philippines, Causes Some Damage

2022-07-27T05:07+0200latestly (en)

Agency News ⚡7.3 Earthquake Hits North Philippines , Causes Some Damage. By PTI The quake was set off by movement in a local fault at a depth of 25 kilometers (15 miles), the institute said, adding it expected damage and more aftershocks. Officials said the strong shaking caused cracks in buildings and houses.

Pictures: Philippines shaken by 7.1 earthquake

2022-07-27T05:06+0200gulfnews (en)

This handout video grab photo courtesy of CJ Ericson Garcia shows a resident walking past a crack on a road pavement in the town of Bangued, Abra province, north of Manila Manila on July 27, 2022, after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines . Image Credit: AFP.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:06+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

MANILA, Philippines >> A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, injuring at least one person, damaging buildings and prompting many people in the capital to run outdoors. The 7 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area, said Renato Solidum, the....

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:05+0200wftv (en)

Philippines Earthquake A damaged car is seen along a road after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital.

05:00 Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T05:05+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Manille (AFP) - Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée....

Noticia de El terremoto que cambió la historia de la humanidad

2022-07-27T05:05+0200elconfidencial (es)

Es el 1 de noviembre de 1755, sobre las 9:30 de una mañana en la que todo parece corriente. Hasta que deja de serlo. Las gaviotas comienzan a girar en círculos y chillar y se desencadena la tragedia: el terremoto más devastador de Por supuesto, lo primero que pensó la gente fue que Dios los estaba castigando.

Strong quake shakes northern Philippines, damages buildings

2022-07-27T05:04+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Philippines Earthquake A damaged car is seen along a road after a strong quake hit Bangued, Abra province, northern Philippines on Wednesday July 27, 2022. A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital.

7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles N. Philippines

2022-07-27T05:02+0200china.org.cn (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m. local time (0043 GMT), hit at a depth of 25 km, about 2 km northeast of Lagangilang town.

NGCP: Luzon grid 'intact' after magnitude 7 quake

2022-07-27T05:02+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

Luzon grid 'intact' after magnitude 7 quake, NGCP assures public. MANILA Power transmission in Luzon is normal despite the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit Abra province, the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines said Wednesday. "The Luzon Grid remains intact, but we monitored a rise in....

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines

2022-07-27T04:59+0200JakartaPost (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. A hospital in Abra province was evacuated after the building....

Magnitude 7.3 earthquake hits North Philippines, causes some damage

2022-07-27T04:59+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. A hospital in Abra province was evacuated after the building....

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines, strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T04:58+0200jpost (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. A hospital in Abra province was evacuated after the building....

Bongbong Marcos orders deployment of rescue, relief teams after powerful Luzon quake

2022-07-27T04:58+0200inquirer (en)

Some portions of the Vigan Cathedral in Ilocos Sur province were damaged following a 7.0-magnitude earthquake on Wednesday morning. (Photos courtesy of Maricor Caniedo) MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has ordered the immediate deployment of rescue and relief teams following the powerful magnitude 7.

Earthquake damages structures, bridges in Abra town — initial reports

2022-07-27T04:58+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — Several structures and bridges reportedly collapsed in the town of Lagangilang in Abra, after a 7.3 magnitude earthquake jolted the province, said initial reports shared by Abra Vice Governor Joy Bernos. “May mga bridge lang na nag-collapse pero passable pa naman hanggang ngayon.

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some damage

2022-07-27T04:57+0200wn (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous....

7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T04:55+0200bernama (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Bernama) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, reported Xinhua, quoting the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m.

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines, strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T04:55+0200koreatimes (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. A hospital in Abra province was evacuated after the building....

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T04:54+0200lepetitjournal (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales....

Powerful quake shakes northern Philippines

2022-07-27T04:53+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake has struck the Philippine island of Luzon, the US Geological Survey (USGS) says, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital Manila. A hospital in Abra province was evacuated after the building....

Magnitude 7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some damage 5 minutes ago

2022-07-27T04:50+0200theglobeandmail (en)

A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centred around Abra province in a mountainous area and several aftershocks....

Phivolcs: No tsunami threat after magnitude 7 quake

2022-07-27T04:49+0200digitpatrox (en)

One lane is just satisfactory alongside Abra-Ilocos Sur Nationwide Street because it was badly broken by the sturdy earthquake. The general public is suggested to chorus from pointless transversing as aftershocks are nonetheless being s killed . (⯑ San Quintin DRRMO) MANILA, Philippines — There....

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T04:49+0200laprovence (fr)

Manille - Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à....

Séisme. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T04:48+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé ce mercredi 27 juillet 2022 une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région....

A powerful earthquake that struck the northern part of the Philippines, felt in the capital

2022-07-27T04:47+0200worldakkam (en)

According to the Ministry of Transport, the earthquake was also felt strongly in Manila, and the city’s subway stopped during rush hours after the earthquake. (TRTWorld) According to the US Geological Survey, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck the northern part of the Philippines , shattering windows....

Powerful earthquake strikes the northern Philippines

2022-07-27T04:47+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MANILA, the Philippines — A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila.

Large earthquake hits Philippines’s Luzon island, rattling Manila

2022-07-27T04:47+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Earthquake hits Philippines ’ Luzon island, rattling Manila Shallow quake was measured at above 7 magnitude and shattered windows at the epicentre in northern Abra province. The quake was felt hundreds of kilometres away in Manila where residents were evacuated from buildings [Jam Sta Rosa/AFP] An....

Séisme. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T04:47+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé ce mercredi 27 juillet 2022 une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région....

Filippine: terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 nel nord del Paese

2022-07-27T04:47+0200agenzianova (it)

Manila, 27 lug 04:42 - (Agenzia Nova) - Un violento terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 ha colpito le Filippine alle 8.43 di questa mattina, ora locale. Lo riferiscono i media locali, secondo cui l'epicentro della scossa è stato rilevato nell'Isola di Luzon, ad una profondità di 10 chilometri. La scossa è stata avvertita anche a Manila.

Séisme. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T04:46+0200presseocean (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé ce mercredi 27 juillet 2022 une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région....

Séisme. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T04:45+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé ce mercredi 27 juillet 2022 une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région....

Phivolcs: No tsunami threat after magnitude 7 quake

2022-07-27T04:44+0200inquirer (en)

One lane is only passable along Abra-Ilocos Sur National Road as it was badly damaged by the strong earthquake. The public is advised to refrain from unnecessary transversing as aftershocks are still being experienced. (⯑ San Quintin DRRMO) MANILA, Philippines — There is no tsunami threat following the powerful 7.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T04:44+0200lexpress (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales (00H43 GMT), à une profondeur de 10 km dans la province d'Abra, sur l'île principale de Luzon. Dans la ville de Dolores, située tout près de l'épicentre, des habitants terrifiés ont couru hors de chez eux....

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some damage

2022-07-27T04:42+0200timesofindia (en)

MANILA: A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area and several....

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines

2022-07-27T04:42+0200chinadailyhk (en)

MANILA - A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. A hospital in Abra province was evacuated after the....

No tsunami threat, PHIVOLCS assures after magnitude 7 quake

2022-07-27T04:41+0200gmanews (en)

There is no threat of a tsunami to the Philippines following the magnitude 7 earthquake that hit Abra on Wednesday morning, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) assured. "Wala po tsunami 'yan, wala pong tsunami," PHIVOLCS chief Renato Solidum told Super Radyo dzBB. KG, GMA News.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T04:41+0200corsematin (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les... Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines, semant la panique parmi les....

PHILIPPINES-QUAKE - 7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some damage

2022-07-27T04:40+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / PTI. Manila, Jul 27 (AP) A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra....

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T04:39+0200notretemps (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales....

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines, semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille.

2022-07-27T04:36+0200tendanceouest (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales (00H43 GMT), à une profondeur de 10 km dans la province d'Abra, sur l'île principale de Luzon. Dans la ville de Dolores, située tout près de l'épicentre, des habitants terrifiés ont couru hors de chez eux....

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T04:33+0200challenges (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé mercredi une région montagneuse du nord des Philippines , semant la panique parmi les habitants et faisant trembler les immeubles jusque dans la capitale Manille. Dans la ville de Dolores, située tout près de l'épicentre, des habitants terrifiés ont couru....

France-Monde Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T04:31+0200lamanchelibre (fr)

Selon l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS), la secousse a été enregistrée à 08H43 locales (00H43 GMT), à une profondeur de 10 km dans la province d'Abra, sur l'île principale de Luzon. Dans la ville de Dolores, située tout près de l'épicentre, des habitants terrifiés ont couru hors de chez eux....

Damage to households, establishments reported after Abra quake

2022-07-27T04:30+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines (Updated 10:13 a.m.) The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council has received "preliminary information" on the damage caused by the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Abra. "As of this time the local DRRM officers are on the scene to assess the impact of the earthquake.

7.3-magnitude earthquake hits Abra; felt in Metro Manila

2022-07-27T04:30+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines (Update 9:44 a.m.) A magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit Abra province Wednesday morning, and was felt in Metro Manila and nearby provinces. JUST IN: Earthquake felt across Metro Manila. Details to follow with Phivolcs updates. Did you feel it? Respond with your location. Philstar.

7.3 earthquake shakes northern Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T04:28+0200taiwannews (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province, a mountainous area in the north, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.

Large earthquake hits Philippines’s Luzon island, rattling Manila

2022-07-27T04:28+0200aljazeera-en (en)

An earthquake has hit the northern Philippines , shattering windows at its epicentre and causing high-rise towers to shake more than 300km (185 miles) away in the capital Manila. The quake, which struck the mountainous province of Abra on the main island of Luzon at 8:43am local time (00:43 GMT), was measured at a preliminary magnitude of 7.

3rd LD Writethru: 7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T04:28+0200china.org.cn (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m. local time (0043 GMT), hit at a depth of 25 km, about 2 km northeast of Lagangilang town.

7.1 magnitude earthquake hits northern Philippines

2022-07-27T04:26+0200indiatoday (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, badly damaging a hospital and buildings in a northern province and sending strong tremors through the capital, Manila. A hospital in Abra province was evacuated after the....

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines, strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T04:25+0200geo-tv (en)

USGS says the earthquake's epicentre was about 11 km. The earthquake lasted 30 seconds or more. The senate building in the capital was also evacuated. MANILA: A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S.

Power transmission services normal despite earthquake -- NGCP

2022-07-27T04:25+0200gmanews (en)

The National Grid Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP) said Wednesday its services remain up and running despite the strong earthquake which jolted Abra and felt in Metro Manila and nearby provinces. According to PHIVOLCS, the magnitude 7.0 quake occurred at 8:43 a.m. and was located at 17.63N, 120.74E - 002 km N 20 east of Lagangilang in Abra.

Philippines: Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes, strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T04:17+0200khaleejtimes (en)

It occurred at a shallow depth of 10 km A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, with strong tremors felt in many areas including in the capital Manila. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake....

Philippines earthquake: Magnitude 7.3 quake shakes Philippines, tremors felt across Manila

2022-07-27T04:17+0200wn (en)

Philippines earthquake: A powerful earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter Scale rattled the northern Philippines Wednesday morning.

2nd LD: 7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T04:17+0200wn (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m.

7.3 earthquake shakes northern Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T04:17+0200wn (en)

A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. ......

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some …

2022-07-27T04:17+0200cbs17 (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous....

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some damage MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.

2022-07-27T04:16+0200timescolonist (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous....

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines, strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T04:16+0200gazette (en)

MANILA (Reuters) - A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, with strong tremors felt in many areas including in the capital Manila. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake which occured at a shallow depth of 10 km (6 miles).

04:03 | PLANETE Les Philippines frappées par un séisme de magnitude 7,1

2022-07-27T04:14+020020minutes (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé le nord des Philippines mercredi, a annoncé l'Institut sismologique américain (USGS). La secousse a été enregistrée à 08h43 locales (2h43, heure de Paris) dans la province montagneuse d'Abra, sur l'île principale de Luzon, selon l'USGS.

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines, strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T04:13+0200channelnewsasia (en)

MANILA : A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday (Jul 27), the US Geological Survey said, with strong tremors felt in many areas including in the capital Manila. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake which occurred at a shallow depth of 10km.

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some damage

2022-07-27T04:12+0200startribune (en)

The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous area and several aftershocks have followed, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The quake was set off by movement in a local fault at a depth of 25 kilometers (15 miles), the institute said, adding it expected damage and more aftershocks.

Powerful earthquake strikes northern Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T04:12+0200trtworld (en)

The quake was also felt strongly in Manila and the city's metro rail systems had been halted at rush hour after the quake, the transport ministry said. (TRTWorld) A 7.1-magnitude earthquake has hit the northern Philippines , the US Geological Survey said, shattering windows of buildings at the....

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some …

2022-07-27T04:12+0200wowktv (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous....

Powerful 7.1 earthquake strikes Philippines

2022-07-27T04:11+0200gulfnews (en)

Manila: A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, with strong tremors felt in many areas including in the capital Manila.

Powerful earthquake strikes northern Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T04:11+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

The quake was also felt strongly in Manila and the city's metro rail systems had been halted at rush hour after the quake, the transport ministry said. (TRTWorld) A 7.1-magnitude earthquake has hit the northern Philippines , the US Geological Survey said, shattering windows of buildings at the....

7.1-magnitude earthquake hits northern Philippines

2022-07-27T04:11+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MANILA (REUTERS) - A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday (July 27), the US Geological Survey said, with strong tremors felt in many areas including in the capital Manila. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake which occurred at a shallow depth of 10km.

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some damage

2022-07-27T04:10+0200kitchenertoday (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous....

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some damage

2022-07-27T04:10+0200wsoctv (en)

July 26, 2022 at 10:00 pm EDT MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some damage 0 7/26/2022 7:01:18 PM

2022-07-27T04:10+0200tricitynews (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous....

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some damage

2022-07-27T04:10+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province in a mountainous....

Powerful Earthquake Of 7.1 Magnitude Strikes Philippines, Jolt Strongly Felt In Manila

2022-07-27T04:10+0200india (en)

Philippines Earthquake: A powerful earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter Scale rattled the northern Philippines on Wednesday morning. The tremors were felt across the capital city Manila. Also Read - IRCTC Update, July 27: Indian Railways Cancels More Than 120 Trains Today.

7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T04:09+0200ecns (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m. local time (0043 GMT), hit at a depth of 25 km, about 2 km northeast of Lagangilang town on the main island of Luzon.

2nd LD: 7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T04:08+0200china.org.cn (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in the northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m. local time (0043 GMT), hit at a depth of 25 km, about 2 km northeast of Lagangilang town.

Séisme aux Philippines : un séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord de Luzon

2022-07-27T04:08+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Le tremblement de terre a frappé le nord de Luzon, l’île la plus peuplée du pays, à 8h43 heure locale (20h43 HE), selon l’USGS. Son épicentre était à environ 13 kilomètres (8 miles) au sud-est de la petite ville de Dolores, avec une profondeur de 10 kilomètres (6,2 miles), selon l’USGS.

7.3 earthquake hits north Philippines, causes some damage

2022-07-27T04:07+0200actionnewsjax (en)

July 26, 2022 at 10:00 pm EDT MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines on Wednesday, causing some damage and prompting people to flee buildings in the capital. Officials said no casualties were immediately reported. The 7.


2022-07-27T04:07+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

(Manille) Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé le nord des Philippines mercredi, a annoncé l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS). La secousse a été enregistrée à 8 h 43 (0 h 43 GMT) dans la province montagneuse d’Abra, sur l’île principale de Luzon, selon l’USGS.

BREAKING Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes Philippines and sends tremors across country

2022-07-27T04:01+0200dailystar (en)

See our Privacy Notice The Philippines has been struck by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake, with a number of towns and cities in the northern part of the country reporting shaking.

7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes Philippines

2022-07-27T04:01+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-07-27T01:11:20.280Z. Seismologists recorded an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 in the Philippines . This was reported by the US Geological Survey (USGS). It is noted that the epicenter of the disaster was located 11 km southeast of the city of the municipality of Dolores. The source lay at a depth of 10 km.

Strong earthquake in the Philippines

2022-07-27T04:01+0200tellerreport (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 has struck the northern Philippines early Wednesday morning, local time. The shallow but powerful quake hit the mountainous province of Abra on the main island of Luzon, according to the US Geological Survey. According to congressman Eric Singson, it was a strong tremor that was felt.

Les Philippines sont secouées par un tremblement de terre « massif » de magnitude 7,1

2022-07-27T04:00+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Par Danyal Hussain pour Daily Mail Australie. Publié : 21h10 HAE, le 26 juillet 2022 Actualisé: 21h53 HAE, le 26 juillet 2022. Les Philippines ont été secouées par un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1. Le séisme a été enregistré près de Luzon à une profondeur de 40 km, a annoncé mercredi le Centre sismologique méditerranéen européen.

An Earthquake with a Magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter Scale Hit 14 Km SE of Dolores, ... - Latest Tweet by ANI

2022-07-27T03:59+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by ANI states, 'An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter Scale hit 14 km SE of Dolores, Philippines , at 06:13am today: USGS ' An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter Scale hit 14 km SE of Dolores, Philippines, at 06:13am today: USGS (United States....

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes Dolores in Philippines, strongly felt in Manila (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness s... 45m ago

2022-07-27T03:57+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness said it was strongly felt in the country’s capital Manila. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), USGS added. USGS said the earthquake’s epicentre was about 11 km east-southeast of Dolores.

Powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Philippines, strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T03:57+0200expressindia (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippine island of Luzon on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, with strong tremors felt in many areas including in the capital Manila. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake which occured at a shallow depth of 10 km.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T03:56+0200journaldemontreal (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé le nord des Philippines mercredi, a annoncé l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS). • À lire aussi: • À lire aussi: Une fusillade fait trois morts dans une université des Philippines La secousse a été enregistrée à 8 h 43 locales (0 h 43 GMT) dans la....

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes Dolores in Philippines, strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T03:55+0200wn (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness said it was strongly felt in the country's capital Manila. Read full story ......

1st LD: 7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T03:55+0200wn (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.

1st LD: 7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T03:53+0200china.org.cn (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m.

URGENT Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T03:53+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,1 a eu lieu mercredi près de Dolores, dans le nord des Philippines , a rapporté l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS). Le séisme, qui s'est produit à 00H43 GMT, a été initialement localisé à 17,5978 degrés de latitude Nord et 120,8093 degrés de longitude Est, avec une profondeur de 10km.

PhilippinesUn tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord du pays L’Institut sismologique américain a annoncé qu’un séisme de magnitude 7,1 sur l’échelle de Richter avait frappé les Philippines mercredi matin. 1 0

2022-07-27T03:51+0200lematin-CH (fr)

Un violent séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé le nord des Philippines mercredi, a annoncé l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS). La secousse a été enregistrée à 08 h 43 locales (00 h 43 GMT) dans la province montagneuse d’Abra, sur l’île principale de Luzon, selon l’USGS.

7.3 earthquake shakes northern Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T03:48+0200whig (en)

A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province, a mountainous area in the < north, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.

7.3 earthquake shakes northern Philippines, felt …

2022-07-27T03:47+0200wowktv (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province, a mountainous area in the north, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.

Northern Philippines jolted by 7.3-magnitude earthquake

2022-07-27T03:46+0200uniindia (en)

Manila, July 27 (Xinhua) An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m.

Strong earthquake hits northern Philippines

2022-07-27T03:46+0200printveela (en)

MANILA — A massive earthquake hit the northern Philippines Wednesday morning, a government institute said. The 7.3 magnitude quake hit at 8:43 am at a depth of 10 kilometers or six miles, said Renato W. Solidum, head of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

Terremoto Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7.1 a Lagangilang,...

2022-07-27T03:46+02003bmeteo (it)

Terremoto Filippine, scossa di magnitudo 7.1 a Lagangilang, tutti i dettagli. Scossa di terremoto a Lagangilang, Filippine. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.1, si è verificata alle ore 08:58 (ore 02:58 in Italia) con epicentro nei pressi di Lagangilang, Filippine. La profondità stimata è stata di circa 10 Km .

7.3 earthquake shakes northern Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T03:45+0200TorontoStar (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province, a mountainous area in the north, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.

Terremoto de magnitud 7.1 golpea el norte de Filipinas Global | 20:31 hrs.

2022-07-27T03:41+0200excelsior (es)

El sismo registrado en Filipinas puso sentirse en varias ciudades. Foto: Captura de pantalla. Un terremoto de 7.1 de magnitud sacudió este miércoles el norte de Filipinas , dijo el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), mientras residentes de la capital Manila reportaron que los edificios se remecieron.

newsinfo Gov’t employees evacuate as quake hits parts of PH

2022-07-27T03:40+0200inquirer (en)

Palace employees leave the New Executive Building inside the Malacanang compound in Manila due to the earthquake. ⯑: Contributed photos. MANILA, Philippines — Government employees had to leave their offices Wednesday morning after an earthquake hit parts of the country.

7.0-magnitude earthquake jolts Philippines: CENC

2022-07-27T03:40+0200china.org.cn (en)

BEIJING, July 27 (Xinhua) -- A 7.0-magnitude earthquake jolted the Philippines at 8:43 a.m. Wednesday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). The epicenter was monitored at 17.70 degrees north latitude and 120.55 degrees east longitude, with a depth of 10 km, the CENC said. Enditem.

7.3 earthquake shakes northern Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T03:39+0200wsoctv (en)

July 26, 2022 at 9:28 pm EDT MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province, a mountainous....

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes Dolores in Philippines, strongly felt in Manila (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness s... 26m ago

2022-07-27T03:39+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness said it was strongly felt in the country’s capital Manila. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), USGS added. USGS said the earthquake’s epicentre was about 11 km east-southeast of Dolores.

7.3 earthquake shakes northern Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T03:39+0200sfgate (en)

Gary S. Chapman / Getty Images Gary S Chapman/Getty Images. MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. The 7.

Philippines: Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord du pays

2022-07-27T03:39+0200tdg (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé le nord des Philippines mercredi, a annoncé l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS) qui l’avait estimé initialement à 6,8. Des habitants de la capitale Manille ont signalé que des bâtiments tremblaient. Le tremblement de terre, peu profond, s’est produit dans la....

7.3 Earthquake Shakes Northern Philippines, Felt in Capital

2022-07-27T03:38+0200usnews (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province, a mountainous area in the north, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.

7.3 earthquake shakes northern Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T03:38+0200ABCnews (en)

MANILA, Philippines -- A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province, a mountainous area in the north, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.

7.3 earthquake shakes northern Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T03:37+0200startribune (en)

Purchase: Order Reprint MANILA, Philippines — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province, a mountainous area in....

MRT, LRT operations suspended after strong Luzon quake

2022-07-27T03:35+0200inquirer (en)

MANILA, Philippines — A magnitude 7.3 earthquake that jolted parts of Luzon prompted the suspension of operations of the Manila Metro Rail Transit System 3 (MRT-3) and Light Rail Transit System Lines 1 and 2 (LRT-1 and 2) on Wednesday morning. “At 8:44 a.m. today, [an] earthquake was felt along the MRT-3 mainline.

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes Dolores in Philippines, strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T03:35+0200gazette (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness said it was strongly felt in the country's capital Manila. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), USGS added. USGS said the earthquake's epicentre was about 11 km east-southeast of Dolores.

7.3-magnitude earthquake rattles northern Philippines

2022-07-27T03:34+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MANILA, July 27 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 rattled Abra province in northern Philippines on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. The institute said the quake, which occurred at 8:43 a.m.

Philippines: Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord du pays

2022-07-27T03:34+020024heures (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,1 a frappé le nord des Philippines mercredi, a annoncé l’Institut sismologique américain (USGS) qui l’avait estimé initialement à 6,8. Des habitants de la capitale Manille ont signalé que des bâtiments tremblaient. Le tremblement de terre, peu profond, s’est produit dans la....

Strong Quake Hits Northern Philippines

2022-07-27T03:33+0200nytimes (en)

MANILA — A strong earthquake struck the northern Philippines on Wednesday morning, a government institute said. The 7.3 magnitude quake struck at a depth of 10 kilometers, or six miles, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said. There were no immediate reports of damage. This is a developing story.

7.3 earthquake shakes northern Philippines, felt in capital

2022-07-27T03:33+0200actionnewsjax (en)

July 26, 2022 at 9:28 pm EDT MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province, a mountainous....

7.3 earthquake shakes northern Philippines, felt …

2022-07-27T03:33+0200cbs17 (en)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A strong earthquake shook the northern Philippines including the crowded capital region Wednesday morning. There were no immediate reports of major damage or casualties. The 7.3 magnitude quake was centered around Abra province, a mountainous area in the north, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes Dolores in Philippines, strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T03:32+0200moneycontrol (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness said it was strongly felt in the country's capital Manila. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), USGS added. Copyright © e-Eighteen.com Ltd. All rights reserved.

AFP - Philippines-earthquake lead

2022-07-27T03:31+0200nampa (en)

7.1-magnitude earthquake hits northern Philippines : USGS Manila, July 27, 2022 (AFP) - A huge earthquake hit the northern Philippines Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, shattering windows of buildings at the epicentre and shaking high-rise towers more than 300 kilometres (185 miles) away in the capital Manila.

Philippines earthquake: Strong 7.1 magnitude quake sends tremors all across the region

2022-07-27T03:31+0200themirror (en)

The Philippines has reported a powerful earthquake in the early hours of Wednesday morning, sending tremors across a number of towns and cities in its northern regions. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you.

7.0-magnitude earthquake jolts Philippines: CENC

2022-07-27T03:28+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

BEIJING, July 27 (Xinhua) -- A 7.0-magnitude earthquake jolted the Philippines at 8:43 a.m. Wednesday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC). The epicenter was monitored at 17.70 degrees north latitude and 120.55 degrees east longitude, with a depth of 10 km, the CENC said.

BREAKING: A Magnitude-7 Earthquake Strikes the Philippines' Largest and Most Populous ... - Latest Tweet by Bloomberg

2022-07-27T03:28+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Bloomberg states, 'BREAKING: A magnitude-7 earthquake strikes the Philippines ’ largest and most populous island Luzon, prompting evacuations ...' BREAKING: A magnitude-7 earthquake strikes the Philippines’ largest and most populous island Luzon, prompting evacuations Bloomberg....

febrero 13, 2021 Sismo de magnitud 7.1 sacude el área de Fukushima, Japón | Video

2022-07-27T03:28+0200lanetaneta (es)

De acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, no se ha declarado la alerta de tsunami. Un terremoto de magnitud 7.1 se registró cerca de la costa japonesa de Fukushima este sábado a las 11:08 hora local, sin que de momento se haya declarado la alerta de tsunami, informa el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Filippine, sisma 7 su isola Luzon

2022-07-27T03:27+0200rai-televideo (it)

27/07/2022 03:14 Filippine, sisma 7 su isola Luzon 3.14 Filippine, sisma 7 su isola Luzon Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'i- sola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica evulcanologia....

Filippine, isola Luzon sisma forza 7

2022-07-27T03:27+0200rai-televideo (it)

27/07/2022 03:14 Filippine, isola Luzon sisma forza 7 3.14 Filippine, isola Luzon sisma forza 7 Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7 è stata registrata alle 8:43 ora locale (le 2:43 in Italia) nel nordest dell'i- sola filippina di Luzon. Secondo i dati dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica....

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes Dolores in Philippines, strongly felt in Manila Reuters |Updated 3 minutes ago |1 min read (Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness said it was strongly felt in the country's capital Manila.

2022-07-27T03:26+0200thechronicleherald (en)

(Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness said it was strongly felt in the country's capital Manila. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), USGS added. USGS said the earthquake's epicentre was about 11 km east-southeast of Dolores.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe le nord des Philippines

2022-07-27T03:26+0200bfmtv (fr)

L'Institut sismologique américain (USGC) annonce ce mercredi qu'un séisme de 7,1 a frappé le nord des Philippines . Des habitants de la capitale Manille ont signalé que des bâtiments tremblaient. Le tremblement de terre, peu profond, s'est produit dans la province d'Abra sur l'île principale de....

Very strong earthquake of magnitude 7.1 just reported 45 km east of Vigan, Philippines

2022-07-27T03:25+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 occurred only 20 minutes ago 45 km east of Vigan, Philippines , the United States Geological Survey reported. The quake hit at a shallow depth of 10 km beneath the epicenter near Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Ilocos, Philippines, in the morning on Wednesday, July 27th, 2022, at 8:43 am local time.

Philippines, 7.2 Richter earthquake. No tsunami warning

2022-07-27T03:22+0200breakinglatest (en)

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake was recorded at 8:43 local time (2:43 in Italy) in the northeast of the Philippine island of Luzon. According to data from the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Ingv) and the US geological monitoring service Usgs, the earthquake had a hypocenter at....


2022-07-27T03:21+0200nampa (en)

URGENT 7.1-magnitude earthquake hits northern Philippines : USGS ATTENTION - UPDATES magnitude /// Manila, July 27, 2022 (AFP) - A 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northern Philippines Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said, with residents in the capital Manila reporting their buildings shaking.

7.1-magnitude Earthquake Hits Northern Philippines: USGS

2022-07-27T03:20+0200barrons (en)

This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit http://www.djreprints.com. https://www.barrons.com/news/7-1-magnitude-earthquake-hits-northern-philippines-usgs-01658884506. UPDATES magnitude. A 7.

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes Dolores in Philippines, strongly felt in Manila (Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness said it was strongly felt in the country's capital Manila. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6 .

2022-07-27T03:19+0200saltwire (en)

(Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness said it was strongly felt in the country's capital Manila. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), USGS added. USGS said the earthquake's epicentre was about 11 km east-southeast of Dolores.

Magnitude 7.1 earthquake strikes Dolores in Philippines, strongly felt in Manila

2022-07-27T03:15+0200reuters (en)

July 27 (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness said it was strongly felt in the country's capital Manila. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), USGS added.

Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake Strikes Dolores in Philippines, Strongly Felt in Manila

2022-07-27T03:13+0200usnews (en)

(Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck near Dolores in Philippines on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, while a Reuters witness said it was strongly felt in the country's capital Manila. The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), USGS added. USGS said the earthquake's epicentre was about 11 km east-southeast of Dolores.

Filippine, scossa dii terremoto di 7.2 gradi Richter. Nessun allarme tsunami

2022-07-27T03:13+0200repubblica (it)

Una forte scossa di terremoto è stata avvertita nelle Filippine. La magnitudo registrata è di 7.2 gradi Richter. Nonostante l'intensità del sisma, non è stato diramato l'allarme tsunami.

Major magnitude 6.8 earthquake - Near Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley, Philippines, on Wednesday, Jul 27, 2022 at 8:43 am (GMT +8) - information

2022-07-27T03:00+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

San jose city nueva ecija (202.4 km S of epicenter) [ Map / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 20-30 s Its very strong earth quake... I felt like im a drunk person if you didnt hold anything you will fall if your standing it seems intensity 5 since ive been experiencing intensity 2 before Cabagan, Isabela (109.

Indonesia: La isla de Lombok sufrió el tercer terremoto en 11 días

2022-07-27T01:33+0200noticiasambientales (es)

La isla de Lombok en Indonesia sufrió el tercer terremoto en 11 días y la cifra total de muertos ya es de al menos 300, según comunicaron las autoridades. Esta vez fue de magnitud 5,9 y sacudió el noroeste del lugar, que es una zona turística, aunque sin potencial para causar un tsunami.

Local, state, and US authorities line up against possible plan for releasing treated radioactive waste from Pilgrim plant into Cape Cod Bay

2022-07-27T00:52+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

But at a heated public meeting Monday evening at Plymouth Town Hall, Holtec declined to rule out the possibility of discharging waste water into the bay. The company has said that the concerns about the potential dangers to public health and the marine environment are overblown and that the water....

Cintalapa, Chiapas, registra sismo de magnitud 4.2

2022-07-27T00:50+0200infobae (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) informó sobre un sismo de magnitud 4.2 cerca de Cintalapa que ocurrió a las 17:15 horas en el horario local (22:15 UTC). Información preliminar señala que el temblor tuvo un epicentro 14 km al noroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas, con una profundidad....

Temblor en México: sismo con epicentro en Cd Altamirano, Guerrero

2022-07-26T22:07+0200infobae (es)

Cd Altamirano fue el epicentro de un temblor de 4.3 de magnitud que sorprendió hoy a los pobladores del estado de Guerrero a las 14:31 en hora local (19:31 UTC). El sismo se registró 31 km al sur de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 52 km , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Celebrarán en Guadalajara el encuentro ‘Tsunami 2’

2022-07-26T21:11+0200informador (es)

Tras los buenos resultados de su primer encuentro presencial en agosto de 2021, cuyas sedes fueron el Ex Convento del Carmen, el Laboratorio Sensorial y el Teatro Degollado, Colectiva Tsunami, que surgió hace dos años como iniciativa para realizar actividades con perspectiva de género en el ámbito....

Las evidencias de un desconocido tsunami que asoló las costas de Chile en 1737

2022-07-26T20:39+0200lacuarta (es)

Un gran terremoto ocurrido en la costa del centro-sur de Chile en 1737 podría haber provocado un tsunami considerable que no aparecía en los registros históricos, según una nueva investigación publicada en la revista ‘Nature, Communications Earth & Environment’.

Terremoto di magnitudo 5,5 scuote San Gabriel, Ecuador

2022-07-26T19:16+0200agenparl (it)

(AGENPARL) – Roma, 26 luglio 2022 – Un terremoto di magnitudo 5,5 si è verificato oggi cinque chilometri a sud-ovest della città di San Gabriel in Ecuador, secondo l’US Geological Survey. L’agenzia ha aggiunto che il terremoto è avvenuto a una profondità di dieci chilometri.

Perché l’oceano è salato? Perché i più grandi specchi d’acqua del mondo hanno così tanto sale..

2022-07-26T12:34+0200notizieglobali (it)

Ingoiare accidentalmente un sorso di acqua salata durante un tuffo sott’acqua o un’onda anomala è l’unica cosa spiacevole dell’oceano. Alcuni pesci, squali, tartarughe e persino pinguini usano il sale dell’acqua dell’oceano per berlo. Perché l’oceano è salato? Il sale dell’oceano proviene da due fonti.

Heat wave arrives, 30-plus temperatures until weekend Environment Canada says to expect daytime high temperatures of 31 to 35 C inland and 25 to 29 C near the water. Jul 26, 2022 3:20 AM Read more >

2022-07-26T11:29+0200timescolonist (en)

Spray stations and air-conditioned community centres are at the ready as Vancouver Island braces for a heat wave. Environment Canada has put warnings in place for most of B.C. , including Greater Victoria, the Southern Gulf Islands, and inland and eastern Vancouver Island, as a “strong ridge of high....

Japón aprueba verter agua radiactiva de Fukushima en el océano Pacífico

2022-07-26T10:29+0200ecoavant (es)

La Comisión Regulatoria para la Energía Atómica de Japón ha aprobado el pasado viernes un plan para verter en el océano Pacífico el agua procedente de la central nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi casi once años después del desastre provocado por un fuerte terremoto y un tsunami en la zona. 1,3 millones de toneladas de agua radiactiva.

Mangroves, world's unique ecosystems, declining at alarming level

2022-07-26T08:59+0200aa-en (en)

ANKARA The crucial roles of mangroves and threats to these unique ecosystems are taking the global spotlight Tuesday on the occasion of the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, or World Mangrove Day. The international day, which has been celebrated on July 26 annually....

Temblor en México: sismo en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-07-26T08:37+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo fue registrado en Coalcomán a las 1:07 hora local (6:07 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.0 y una profundidad de 9 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 65 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Michoacán.

Mangroves, World's Unique Ecosystems, Declining At Alarming Level

2022-07-26T08:20+0200haberler-en (en)

The crucial roles of mangroves and threats to these unique ecosystems are taking the global spotlight Tuesday on the occasion of the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, or World Mangrove Day. The international day, which has been celebrated on July 26 annually since....

marzo 9, 2021 10 años de Fukushima: golpe a la reputación de una energía en retroceso

2022-07-26T07:42+0200lanetaneta (es)

Japón era uno de los mejores escaparates de la energía nuclear en el mundo. Era una democracia consolidada y un gigante tecnológico en el que casi el 30% de su electricidad provenía de sus centrales nucleares cuando hace diez años se produjo el accidente en la planta de Fukushima Daiichi.

Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.2 en Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua

2022-07-26T06:51+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 4.2 de magnitud fue registrado en las cercanías de Cuauhtémoc a las 22:57 hora local (3:57 UTC) de hoy, de acuerdo con el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del sismo fue a 86 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Chihuahua y tuvo una profundidad de 38 km.

TÜRKIYE Kandilli Observatory on watch for 10 years

2022-07-26T06:24+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

Kandilli Observatory on watch for 10 years ISTANBUL - Demirören News Agency The units of Istanbul’s and Earthquake Research Institute have been making observations to detect a possible earthquake and measure the risk of a tsunami in and around Türkiye since 2012.

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 3.9 con epicentro en Piura

2022-07-26T03:51+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.9 ocurrió este lunes 25 de julio en la ciudad de Sullana , en la provincia de Sullana del departamento de Piura, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 20:37:48 (hora local) y se originó a 51....

Sismo de magnitud 3.7 con epicentro en Sihuas, Ancash

2022-07-26T03:20+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.7 ocurrió este lunes 25 de julio en la ciudad de Sihuas, en la provincia de Sihuas, del departamento de Ancash, de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) Según los reportes obtenidos a través de la Red....

7 Fascinating Facts About Mangroves You Need to Know About

2022-07-26T03:15+0200earth-org (en)

On July 26, we celebrate the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem. This day marks the importance of mangrove ecosystems in mitigating the climate crisis and promoting solutions for sustainable conservation. Mangroves populations have been diminishing every year due to....

Shockwave caused by Tonga underwater eruption may help scientists predict future tsunami

2022-07-26T02:48+0200alphagalileo (en)

Using data from the eruption of the underwater volcano near Tonga in 2022, a research group at Nagoya University in Japan has used disturbances in the earth’s upper atmosphere to track the airwaves that cause tsunami. Their findings may lead to speedier predictions of these giant waves.

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