Overall Green alert Drought for Myanmar-2022
in India, Myanmar

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La siccità sarà sempre più frequente nel clima futuro | Lo scenario


Il clima del futuro sarà caratterizzato sempre più spesso dalle cosiddette ondate di siccità lampo: fenomeni di minore durata, che però compaiono con poco preavviso e si sviluppano molto rapidamente, e possono dunque essere molto pericolosi. Lo indica lo studio pubblicato sulla rivista Science e....

Ondate di siccità sempre più frequenti nel clima futuro


Il clima del futuro sarà caratterizzato sempre più spesso dalle cosiddette ondate di siccità lampo: fenomeni di minore durata, che però compaiono con poco preavviso e si sviluppano molto rapidamente, e possono dunque essere molto pericolosi. Lo indica lo studio pubblicato sulla rivista Science e....

Ondate di siccità sempre più frequenti nel clima futuro


Il clima del futuro sarà caratterizzato sempre più spesso dalle cosiddette ondate di siccità lampo: fenomeni di minore durata, che però compaiono con poco preavviso e si sviluppano molto rapidamente, e possono dunque essere molto pericolosi. Lo indica lo studio pubblicato sulla rivista Science e....

Zim@43: Health sector stands test of time


Unsurprisingly, the World Health Organisation described the country as one that “places universal health coverage and health promotion at the centre of its policies to provide healthcare to all.” Up to the turn of the Millennium, Zimbabwe boasted a requisite yet sophisticated public health....

Keeping an eye on the weather in Thailand and Vietnam


PETALING JAYA: It is still too early to say if the scorching heat in Thailand and Vietnam will affect their rice exports to Malaysia, say agricultural experts. However, one said Malaysia should look to other source countries should the need arise. Universiti Putra Malaysia’s (UPM) Putra Business....

Il fondo “loss and damage” ancora non esiste (e l’ombra della Cop28 incombe)


La conferenza di Sharm el-Sheikh ha ribadito con fermezza un concetto essenziale: è giunto il momento di adattarsi a un’emergenza in parte impossibile da fermare, finanziando la ricostruzione e la sopravvivenza delle comunità che, inermi e senza strumenti per proteggersi, ne subiscono ingiustamente gli effetti.

Are storms getting more powerful and dangerous?


It started off innocuously, like any other tropical storm. But Cyclone Freddy, born off the northwest coast of Australia in early February, was anything but ordinary. It intensified, then headed west and crossed the Southern Indian Ocean, travelling more than 8,000km (4,971 miles) to reach Southeast Africa.

30.03.2023 India - Abrupt floods and drought-like situations in Assam disrupt farming practices The 2022 Assam floods, following record-breaking rains, were theworstthat the state has seen in the last decade. Soon-after, some districts faced a drought-like situation forcing farmers to work through disruptions in their cultivation schedule.


The 2022 Assam floods, following record-breaking rains, were the worst that the state has seen in the last decade. Soon-after, some districts faced a drought-like situation forcing farmers to work through disruptions in their cultivation schedule. A year on, in 2023, with Assam receiving excess rain....

30.03.2023 India - Abrupt floods and drought-like situations in Assam disrupt farming practices The 2022 Assam floods, following record-breaking rains, were theworstthat the state has seen in the last decade. Soon-after, some districts faced a drought-like situation forcing farmers to work through disruptions in their cultivation schedule.


The 2022 Assam floods, following record-breaking rains, were the worst that the state has seen in the last decade. Soon-after, some districts faced a drought-like situation forcing farmers to work through disruptions in their cultivation schedule. A year on, in 2023, with Assam receiving excess rain....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


Water is being overlooked in climate planning and funding, experts have said, despite half the world’s population facing acute water stress by 2030. At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York , the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. believe there needs to be a much stronger focus on water....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


Water is being overlooked in climate planning and funding, experts have said, despite half the world’s population facing acute water stress by 2030. At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


Water is being overlooked in climate planning and funding, experts have said, despite half the world’s population facing acute water stress by 2030. At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn Billions of people face water shortages by the end of the decade with floods, droughts and water-borne diseases becoming more frequent and intense.


Water is being overlooked in climate planning and funding, experts have said, despite half the world’s population facing acute water stress by 2030. At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


is being overlooked in climate planning and funding, experts have said, despite half the world’s population facing acute water stress by 2030. At the UN Water Conference in New York , the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Water missing from climate planning despite threat to billions, scientists warn


At the UN Water Conference in New York, the first since 1977, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “vampiric overuse” and pollution are draining the “precious lifeblood” while climate change is “wreaking havoc” on the natural water cycle. Scientists believe there needs to be a much stronger focus....

Combating Heat Waves and The Rise In Global Temperatures


India is currently facing the wrath of intense heat waves. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted temperatures rising above normal maximum temperatures from March 2023 to May 2023 in parts of northeast India, east and central India and some parts of northwest India.

Climate victims in B'desh blame rich countries for climate related disasters


By Mir Afroz Zaman Dhaka, Mar 23 (UNI) Climate victims at a public hearing in Bangladesh blamed the rich countries for their sorry state caused due to negative effects of climate change. Thousands of families affected by floods, droughts, epidemics and natural disasters, gathered in Char area of....

Experts urge authorities to prepare for the worst of climate disasters


Vegetables have become dearer of late. The price of groceries, including rice and wheat flour, has also increased exponentially. A prolonged dry spell for over five months affected the production of winter crops. And the subsequent rainfalls increased the risk of crops getting damaged ahead of harvesting.

Using Japanese technology to cope with global warming Nov. 4, 2019


A turbine for typhoon regions. The start-up firm Challenergy has developed a wind turbine that doesn't just withstand the impact of a typhoon -- it harnesses the storm's energy to produce electricity. The company is preparing to send one to the Philippines.

Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua: il ruolo delle aziende innovative per preservare la risorsa idrica


Il 2022 è stato caratterizzato da numerosi eventi meteorologici estremi in tutti i continenti, con tempeste, siccità e inondazioni gravi e devastanti . Le forti piogge monsoniche in Pakistan hanno causato inondazioni improvvise e frane, distruggendo 1,7 milioni di case, causando 32 milioni di sfollati, la morte di 1.

UPSC Key- March 21, 2023: Know about Famine and Drought, Groundwater Depletion and Free and Open Indo-Pacific


Syllabus: Preliminary Examination: Current events of national and international importance. Mains Examination: • General Studies I: Urbanization, their problems and their remedies. • General Studies II: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.

L’ultimo rapporto sul clima dell’ONU è un grido d’allarme: “Agire ora, non c’è più tempo”


Il 9 agosto del 2021 il Gruppo Intergovernativo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (IPCC) delle Nazioni Unite ha pubblicato il primo volume del Sesto Rapporto di Valutazione sull'impatto del riscaldamento globale , nel quale è stato confermato che è l' essere umano con le sue attività a catalizzare il cambiamento climatico .

Water, Vol. 15, Pages 1212: Integrated Flood Hazard Vulnerability Modeling of Neluwa (Sri Lanka) Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Geospatial Techniques


This research aimed to apply the geospatial techniques and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach to find vulnerable areas in terms of flooding in the Neluwa area, Sri Lanka. The study incorporated nine relevant criteria for the vulnerability classification under three sub-criteria; the built....

Cambiamenti climatici, Copernicus: il ghiaccio antartico si ritira


A Febbraio ha raggiunto il minimo storico. Questo è il secondo inverno più caldo registrato in Europa. Copernicus, il Servizio per il Cambiamento Climatico europeo, ha registrato una netta riduzione del ghiaccio marino antartico e, di conseguenza, il dato delle temperature di febbraio 2023 dimostra....

Le immagini satellitari mostrano il secondo inverno più caldo di sempre in Europa (e il ghiaccio marino antartico ai minimi storici)


Le temperature e la mancanza di pioggia Secondo i dati di Copernicus, il mese di febbraio 2023 è stato il quinto più caldo a livello globale, tanto che in gran parte dell’Europa sono state registrate temperature dell’aria superiori alla media , in particolare nel nord della Norvegia e della Svezia e nella regione delle Svalbard.

Clima: la Sicilia come Canada, Spagna e Turchia, tra i pochi angoli della Terra in cui Febbraio è stato freddo


Clima, il riepilogo del servizio Copernicus con tutti i dati di Febbraio 2023 in Europa e nel mondo. Poche anomalie fredde, la Sicilia tra le zone con temperature inferiori alla norma. nomalia della temperatura superficiale dell’aria per il mese di febbraio 2023 rispetto alla media di febbraio per il periodo compreso tra il 1991 e il 2020.

Gli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici saranno peggiori del previsto


fonte: NationalGeographic L’impatto e i costi di 1,5 °C di riscaldamento globale saranno maggiori del previsto, secondo l’ultima valutazione complessiva dell’Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) diffusa domenica a Incheon, nella Corea del Sud.

Pioggia acida e suoi effetti


La pioggia acida è un fenomeno naturale molto preoccupante, perché danneggia l'ambiente, mette in pericolo anche la vita umana e altri esseri viventi. Le piogge acide si verificano a causa del comportamento umano che utilizza molti materiali inquinanti nelle sue attività. L'atmosfera terrestre contiene naturalmente ossidi acidi.

Climate, community, cooperation: An Indian approach to adaptation in the Global South


The need to adapt to the now inevitable impacts of climate change is becoming increasingly urgent. However, there is still a long way to go in terms of strengthening resilience, reducing vulnerabilities and sensitivities, and unlocking the adaptive capacities of global interconnected systems.

Cambiamenti climatici minacciano le infrastrutture Indiane


Un rapporto pubblicato dalla Cross Dependency Initiative raccomanda maggiori investimenti in termini di adattamento e resilienza climatica. Oltre che dall'India, le prime 50 posizioni sono occupate perlopiù da regioni cinesi e Usa. Le iniziative di contrasto agli eventi estremi più di successo arrivano dal basso.

Insurance premiums expected to rise by at least 15% in 2023


PHILIPSBURG--The St. Maarten Insurance Association (SMIA) anticipates an increase in insurance premiums of fifteen per cent or more this year, SMIA President Robert de Vries said in a letter sent to The Daily Herald on Wednesday. According to the letter, this is due to recent global natural....

Insurance premiums expected to rise by at least 15% in 2023


PHILIPSBURG--The St. Maarten Insurance Association (SMIA) anticipates an increase in insurance premiums of fifteen per cent or more this year, SMIA President Robert de Vries said in a letter sent to The Daily Herald on Wednesday. According to the letter, this is due to recent global natural....

25 feb 2023, 16:06 Francesco Nucera Meteo. La Niña è agli sgoccioli, El Niño tornerà dopo tre anni. I possibili impatti


La Nina sta per terminare. El Niño è previsto subentrare dopo l'estate al fenomeno opposto de La Niña . Questo attuale episodio prolungato de La Niña è iniziato a settembre 2020 ma è atteso attenuarsi nelle prossime settimane. Secondo le previsioni, dopo la fase di neutralità, ci sarebbe il 66% di....

Cyclone Freddy: Intense weather hits Mzansi


As Tropical Cyclone Freddy hits Mozambique, halting on the border of Limpopo this weekend and probably causing heavy rainfall, it’s an important remInder that South Africa needs adequate community-based systems in place to respond to weather events, which are increasing in intensity.

A monumental waste: Crores spent on water-related works haven’t readied Jharkhand for droughts; here’s why


“A few decades ago, my fields produced so much paddy and maize that I would donate it. This year, the situation is so bad that my entire family is surviving on the monthly ration the government provides under the National Food Security Act,” says Surendra Korba, who owns a 16-hectare (ha) farm in Sarhua village of Jharkhand’s Palamu district.

Potential environmental impact from any lithium extraction in J&K worries youth in the region


Yukesh Thakur, an engineering student in Salal Kotli, said large-scale lithium extraction will lead to air pollution in the area. “We are living in a village surrounded by mountains, with the Chenab River flowing down. Compared to Reasi town, the temperature here does not exceed 27 degrees Celsius.

What does the return of El Nino mean for the planet – and you?


What happened during the last El Nino? The last major El Nino event occurred in 2016. It affected more than 60 million people, particularly in eastern and southern Africa, the Horn of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Asia-Pacific region. It disrupted crop production, imposed societal distress and resulted in peak energy consumption.

Aie: l’Asia consumerà metà dell’elettricità mondiale entro il 2025


K metro 0 – Parigi – Secondo una previsione pubblicata mercoledì 8 febbraio dall’Agenzia Internazionale dell’Energia (Aie), l’Asia utilizzerà per la prima volta la metà dell’elettricità mondiale disponibile entro il 2025. Gran parte dell’utilizzo di elettricità in Asia avverrà per la precisione in....

Govt expert calls for urgent climate planning and green energy transition in wake of worsening Indian weather


Gone are the days when deadly natural disasters felt like once-in-a-lifetime events. In just the recent past, thousands died in the recent Pakistan flooding , tens of thousands succumbed in last week's Turkey-Syria earthquake; and before the Earth had a chance to recover, we've already begun to....

Mappa temperature record 2022 dal Copernicus Climate Change Service


Il Copernicus Climate Change Service (*C3S) e la mappa temperature record registrate nell’anno appena chiuso. Il Copernicus Climate Change Service ha pubblicato i suoi Global Climate Highlights , che mostrano che il 2022 è stato un anno di estremi, con molti record di temperatura infranti e un....

Rinnovabili: entro 3 anni la fonte principale di elettricità


Secondo il nuovo Rapporto dell’Agenzia Internazionale dell’Energia (IEA), dedicato al mercato elettrico, nel mix globale di generazione di energia le rinnovabili dovrebbero aumentare nel 2025 al 35% dal 29% nel 2022 coprendo quasi tutta la crescita di elettricità.

Agenzia Internazionale Energia: nel 2025 rinnovabili al 35% nel mix elettrico globale


Le energie rinnovabili sono destinate a dominare la crescita dell’approvvigionamento elettrico mondiale nei prossimi tre anni. Insieme al nucleare, soddisferanno la stragrande maggioranza dell’aumento della domanda, passando dal 29% del 2022 al 35% del 2025 nel mix globale di generazione di energia,....

Iea: le energie low-carbon dovrebbero crescere dal 29% del 2022 al 35% nel 2025


” dell’International energy agency (Iea) «Le energie rinnovabili sono destinate a dominare la crescita dell’approvvigionamento elettrico mondiale nei prossimi tre anni poiché, insieme al nucleare, soddisferanno la stragrande maggioranza dell’aumento della domanda globale fino al 2025, rendendo....

Agenzia Internazionale Energia: nel 2025 rinnovabili al 35% nel mix elettrico globale


Le energie rinnovabili sono destinate a dominare la crescita dell’approvvigionamento elettrico mondiale nei prossimi tre anni. Insieme al nucleare, soddisferanno la stragrande maggioranza dell’aumento della domanda, passando dal 29% del 2022 al 35% del 2025 nel mix globale di generazione di energia,....

Iea: entro il 2025 rinnovabili al 35% nel mix elettrico mondiale


Le rinnovabili domin eranno la crescita del sistema elettrico mondiale nei prossimi tre anni e, insieme al nucleare (che avrà un ruolo più marginale, come si vede dal grafico sotto), soddisferanno la stragrande maggioranza dell’aumento della domanda energetica globale fino al 2025, rendendo....

Aie: fino al 2025 fonti a basse emissioni copriranno quasi tutta domanda elettrica


La crescita della domanda di elettricità a livello mondiale è rallentata solo leggermente nel 2022, nonostante la crisi energetica, e si prevede un’accelerazione negli anni a venire Nei prossimi tre anni le rinnovabili domineranno la crescita dell’offerta di energia elettrica a livello mondiale, in....

Iea: entro il 2025 rinnovabili al 35% nel mix elettrico mondiale -


Le rinnovabili domin eranno la crescita del sistema elettrico mondiale nei prossimi tre anni e, insieme al nucleare (che avrà un ruolo più marginale, come si vede dal grafico sotto), soddisferanno la stragrande maggioranza dell’aumento della domanda energetica globale fino al 2025, rendendo....

Aie: "Serve nuova elettricità? Il 90% non arriverà dai fossili"


Le energie rinnovabili sono destinate a dominare la crescita dell'approvvigionamento elettrico mondiale nei prossimi tre anni perché, assieme al nucleare, soddisferanno oltre il 90% dell'aumento della domanda globale fino al 2025, rendendo improbabili aumenti significativi delle emissioni di carbonio del settore energetico.

sostenibilità La biodiversità salverà le città del futuro: le buone pratiche da incentivare 03 Feb 2023 di Francesco Petracchini Condividi il post Condividi


A maggior ragione perché oggi le città di tutto il mondo stanno subendo sempre più gli effetti del cambiamento climatico che genera periodi di siccità, innalzamento del livello del mare, ondate di caldo, frane e forti tempeste; infatti si calcola che almeno 130 città portuali con più di un milione....

What’s the link between global heating and extreme weather?


Millions were left without power, trapped in their cars and stranded at airports as the country was plunged into a bone-chilling freeze. A polar vortex had brought cold air from the Arctic down to the US. But Americans aren’t the only ones battling extreme weather this holiday season.

More nations can be better prepared for drought as IWMI takes its space-based monitoring tool online


In response, , in collaboration with the Indian Council for Agricultural Research, Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and other partners, has launched its next-generation (SADMS) platform. This cloud-based, integrated drought-management portal makes available all the....

MIL-OSI Translation: Climate: La Niña could persist until March, prolonging drought and floods – WMO


MIL OSI Translation. Region: France and French Territories – Source: United Nations – in French 2. Headline: Climate: La Niña could persist into March, prolonging drought and flooding – WMO. November 30, 2022 Climate and environment. The La Niña phenomenon, normally associated with colder than usual....

Cop27, la Germania propone lo “Scudo globale” per i fenomeni meteo estremi


Uno “ Scudo globale contro i rischi climatici “, sostenuto dalle nazioni del G7, è stato presentato dalla Germania alla di Sharm el-Sheikh. Si tratta di uno strumento per ristorare le perdite umane e i danni materiali causati nei paesi poveri da siccità e inondazioni dovute al riscaldamento globale.

Lo nunca visto


Efectivamente, este verano ha hecho bastante calor . Y, al menos en España, ha llovido bastante menos de lo habitual. En radio, prensa y televisión nos han repetido mil veces que se ha tratado de algo nunca visto. Pero echando un vistazo superficial a los datos, nos encontramos con que llegar a esa conclusión quizá sea precipitado.

“Sfollati causa ambiente”: anche in Italia aumentano i migranti climatici


Tra gli effetti del cambiamento climatico c’è anche quello di provocare un aumento evidente di “migranti ambientali”. Sempre più gente abbandona la propria terra perché costretta dalle condizioni di vita messe a dura prova dalle mutate temperature e da eventi catastrofici come le carestie e la siccità.

Environment Agency warns UK floods still expected despite droughts


According to Ms Douglass, it will take a "lot more rainfall than we currently are receiving" for the UK to be out of drought next year. She added that we "could see some more impacts from flooding as a result of the drought" but this would depend on factors such as where rain falls and the volume.

Environment Agency warns UK floods still possible despite droughts


According to Ms Douglass, it will take a "lot more rainfall than we currently are receiving" for the UK to be out of drought next year. She added that we "could see some more impacts from flooding as a result of the drought" but this would depend on factors such as where rain falls and the volume.

MIL-OSI NGOs: The climate crisis is a health crisis ...


The summer monsoon rains in Pakistan can be a welcome break from the intense heat of spring, which this year saw record-shattering temperatures reach as high as 123 degrees in some areas. But this season the heavy rains were relentless. By the end of August, one-third of the country was under water.

IWMI’s New Agenda on Transformative Water Security for Building a Resilient Future


New Delhi, 3 November 2022: Water security is key to our collective future, yet many parts of the world today are deeply water-insecure. Extreme weather events have shown a sharp rise in Asia, with recent extreme flood events across Bangladesh, parts of India, and then Pakistan. Climate security is also deeply intertwined with water security.

Il ciclone colpisce il Bangladesh uccidendo nove persone e inondando le zone a bassa quota


Un ciclone si è abbattuto sulla costa del Bangladesh martedì, uccidendo almeno 9 persone, distruggendo case, sradicando alberi e interrompendo i collegamenti stradali, elettrici e di comunicazione, hanno detto i funzionari. Le evacuazioni di massa prima dell'arrivo del ciclone Sitrang sulla costa....

Climate data deficit must be addressed


Reliable and accurate data is instrumental for climate resilience as it helps the government make the best decisions. Experts made the observation at a two-day Hindu Kush-Himalaya Climate Regional conference that began in Dhaka on October 12. They stressed the need for improved collaboration among....

How Pakistan can prevent another flood disaster


As the flood waters receded across huge swathes of Pakistan in September, they revealed devastating losses. More than 1,500 people died, while 33 million suffered the loss of livestock, crops, homes and livelihoods. This tragedy has highlighted the desperate urgency of reinforcing climate defences, in Pakistan and elsewhere.

Since Paris deal, climate catastrophes mount


Such temperature anomalies are disproportionately affecting the poles of our planet. In October, scientists registered the lowest Arctic sea ice extent ever, and multiple studies have shown how the Greenland ice sheets are melting at unprecedented rates.

Regional Workshop on Assessing Drought Risks and Launch of SADMS


The event was organised by the SAARC Disaster Management Centre with support from the UN-SPIDER programme of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs and International Water Management Institute (IWMI), one of the 26 regional support offices of UN-SPIDER, and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

What is a monsoon? And is it the same as a hurricane? What you should know.


It may seem as if weather is becoming more extreme with each year. Every summer there are record high temperatures sweeping the nations, extreme droughts and severe thunderstorms. This carries over to the fall and winter with dangerous hurricanes and snow storms that at their worse leave people injured and dead.

Droughts, fires and floods lead to rise of the ‘cli-fi’ novel


From Balzac to Dickens and beyond, the best literature has been driven by the most pressing concerns of the society which gave birth to it - which may explain why, amid flood, fire and drought, authors are turning to for inspiration. The result is “cli-fi” - or climate fiction - which is seeing....

Bangladesi in fuga dalle campagne. Rotta su Dacca per la sopravvivenza


Dietro al bancone della scarna hall dell’albergo il portiere, un ragazzo sulla ventina, è in videochiamata. Si avvicina sorridendo e mostra lo schermo dove un signore dall’altra parte del mondo dice Forza Roma. Siamo a Sunamganj, nel nord del Bangladesh, e Ali, il giovane, spiega che suo zio vive....

Shelterbox responds to worst drought in east Africa for 40 years


More than a million people have had to leave their homes behind in search of food and now have nowhere to live. ShelterBox is preparing to help thousands of people facing the most prolonged drought East Africa has faced in 40 years. While the drought facing the UK grabs media headlines, the....

A dry Sravan, wet summer & a weird climate In whatever name we call the second of the 2-month...


In whatever name we call the second of the 2-month Bangla monsoon ---Sravan or Shaon, the rainy month stands for pure rains. Even two to three decades ago, the capital city of Dhaka, would wake up to a rain-sodden morning, with the residents' courtyards under knee-deep water, and cool breeze soothing the hot and humid rooms.

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