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The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.
The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.
6.1 Magnitude Quake Rattles Indonesia’s Sumatra
A powerful 6.1-magnitude quake struck Indonesia's Sumatra Sunday, U.S. seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The undersea tremor struck at a depth of 75 kilometers (47 miles), 111 kilometers south of the city of Sibolga, in North Sumatra province, the U.
Registrado un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 frente a las costas de Sumatra
MADRID, 8 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 en la escala Richter ha sacudido este domingo Indonesia, según ha informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), que ha indicado que el epicentro se ha ubicado a unos 81 kilómetros al sur-suroeste de Padangsidempuan, en la isla de Sumatra.
6.1-magnitude quake rattles Indonesia's Sumatra: USGS
PADANG, Indonesia: A powerful 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia's Sumatra on Sunday (Nov 8), US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The undersea tremor struck at a depth of 75 kilometres, 111 kilometres south of....
Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 sacude la costa de Indonesia
Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 se ha registrado este domingo frente a las costas de Indonesia, informa el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). Los temblores han tenido lugar a las 09:34 GMT. El epicentro se localizó 81 kilómetros al sudoeste de la ciudad Padang Sidempuan, situada en la parte....
Powerful quake strikes off North Sumatra, Indonesia, no tsunami alert ensues
JAKARTA, Nov. 8 (Xinhua)-- A powerful quake strikes off North Sumatra, Indonesia on Sunday afternoon, but no tsunami alert ensued from it. SINA English is the English-language destination for news and information about China. Find general information on life, culture and travel in China through our....
6.1 Magnitude Quake Rattles Indonesia's Sumatra
A powerful 6.1-magnitude quake struck Indonesia's Sumatra on Sunday, U.S. seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The undersea tremor struck at a depth of 75 kilometers (47 miles), 111 kilometers south of the city of Sibolga, in North Sumatra province, the U.
Forte terremoto tra la Calabria e la Sicilia, magnitudo 3.5 e 2.0
(Di domenica 8 novembre 2015) Continua a tremare la terra ed altre due scosse di terremoto sono state registrate nel meridione. La zona colpita è stata quella del mar Ionio Meridionale, ma fortunatamente non ci sarebbero danni a cose o persone, anche perché l'epicentro è avvenuto in mare.
Un terremoto de 6,1 grados sacude la isla de Sumatra, en Indonesia
Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 grados sacudió hoy la isla de Sumatra, en el oeste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades declarasen una alerta de tsunami o informado de víctimas. El hipocentro del seísmo se encuentra a 75 kilómetros de profundidad y la ciudad importante más próxima es Padangsidempuan,....
Bangkok, 8 nov.- Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 grados sacudió hoy la isla de Sumatra, en el oeste de Indonesia, sin que las autoridades declarasen una alerta de tsunami o informado de víctimas. El hipocentro del seísmo se encuentra a 75 kilómetros de profundidad y la ciudad importante más próxima es....
Un terremoto de 6,1 grados sacude la isla de Sumatra, en ...
Buenos Aires/Santiago de Chile (dpa) - Großfahndung in den Anden: Polizisten in Argentinien und Chile suchen in der Grenzregion beider Länder Südamerikas nach dem flüchtigen mexikanischen Drogenboss Joaquín «El Chapo» Guzmán
. Zuvor hatte es Gerüchte gegeben, dass der mächtige Kartellchef in der Andenregion Zuflucht gesucht habe. Schwerbewaffnete Polizisten durchsuchten am Samstag am Ortseingang der argentinischen Ortschaft La Angostura alle Autos, wie die Zeitung «Clarín» berichtete. Auch am Grenzübergang Cardenal Samoré wurde demnach verstärkt kontrolliert.
Earthquake of 6.1 magnitude strikes south of Sibolga, Indonesia: USGS
(Reuters) - An earthquake measuring 6.1 magnitude struck 107 km south of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake was 75.1 km (46.66 miles) deep. (Reporting by Himani Sarkar, editing by William Hardy) Natural Phenomena; Nature & Environment.
JAKARTA, Nov. 8 (Xinhua)-- A powerful quake strikes off North Sumatra, Indonesia on Sunday afternoon, but no tsunami alert ensued from it.
. An earthquake measuring 6.1 magnitude struck 107 km south of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake was 75.1 km (46.66 miles) deep. (Reporting by Himani Sarkar, editing by William Hardy) ....
Earthquake of 6.1 magnitude strikes south of Sibolga, Indonesia - USGS
(Reuters) - An earthquake measuring 6.1 magnitude struck 107 km south of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake was 75.1 km (46.66 miles) deep. (Reporting by Himani Sarkar, editing by William Hardy) ....
REUTERS: An earthquake measuring 6.1 magnitude struck 107 km south of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake was 75.1 km (46.66 miles) deep. (Reporting by Himani Sarkar, editing by William Hardy) ....
Earthquake of 6.1 magnitude strikes south of Sibolga, Indonesia
. An earthquake measuring 6.1 magnitude struck 107 km south of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said. The quake was 75.1 km (46.66 miles) deep.
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