M 4.7 in Peru on 04 Nov 2015 10:48 UTC

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Un sismo de magnitud 6,8 sacudió dos zonas de Chile


AFP / Santiago Un sismo de magnitud 6,8 sacudió ayer en la madrugada el norte y centro de Chile, informaron la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (Onemi) y el Instituto Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), sin reportar víctimas ni daños mayores, según las autoridades locales.

Caso piscina, tsunami in Asm


PANDINO Assume i contorni di uno ‘tsunami’ il caso del centro natatorio ‘Blu Pandino’ che, nei giorni scorsi, aveva portato alla rimozione dall’incarico del direttore del centro natatorio Beatrice Bealli, destinato ad altre mansioni all’interno dell’Azienda speciale multiservizi.

World's highest glaciers, in Peruvian Andes, may disappear within 40 years


In the process, it is likely to deliver water shortages and catastrophic floods to towns in the Peruvian Andes. More than 2,500 glaciers slice through the mountain peaks of Peru. Around 660 of them lie in the country's highest mountain range, the UNESCO listed Cordillera Blanca.

'Soon they will be gone': World's highest glaciers under threat


It's the world's highest tropical glacial field and scientists predict it will be gone within 40 years. In the process, it is likely to deliver water shortages and catastrophic floods to towns in the Peruvian Andes. More than 2,500 glaciers slice through the mountain peaks of Peru.

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