M 5.8 in Wallis and Futuna on 29 Jun 2014 17:15 UTC

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 100
Articles about casualties: 1 (1%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

6.4 earthquake strikes Tonga – World – NZ Herald News

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 17:00:00 +0200planettonga (en)

A strong 6.4-magnitude quake struck off the Pacific nation of Tonga in the early hours of this morning, US seismologists said, but no tsunami warning was issued. via 6.4 earthquake strikes Tonga – World – NZ Herald News.

Terremotos en aguas de Wallis y Futuna y Tonga

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 13:25:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,7 se registró a la altura de las islas de Wallis y Futuna, en el sur del Pacífico, a primeras horas de este lunes, después de otro temblor en aguas de la isla de Tonga.

TSUNAMI în MAREA NEAGRĂ. O plajă a fost măturată

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 13:24:00 +0200dcnews (ro)

Un "tsunami" s-a format în Marea Neagră și a măturat o plajă din Odessa, Ucraina.

"Le capitaine Barril était dans un état de délire"

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 13:11:00 +0200nouvelobs (fr)

L'ex-numéro 2 du GIGN s'est rendu après s'être retranché chez lui, seul et armé. Son geste est dû à un "enchaînement malheureux" , raconte son avocate.

Magnitude 6.2 quake hits off Iwo Jima, Japan-USGS

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 12:47:00 +0200trust (en)

SINGAPORE, June 29 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit 84 miles (167 km) east-southeast of Iwo Jima in the Volcano Isl and s of Japan on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. Japanese radio NHK said there was no threat of a tsunami. USGS earlier reported the quake was of 6.4 magnitude.

TSUNAMI ÎN MAREA NEAGRĂ. Plaja, măturată de un VAL URIAŞ: 6 răniţi

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 12:36:00 +0200realitatea (ro)

Un "tsunami" s-a format în Marea Neagră. Un val de peste 2 metri înălţime a măturat o plajă din Odessa, Ucraina. Citește mai departe...

L'arrestation de Paul Barril, comment un malentendu a abouti à un « tsunami policier »

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 12:22:00 +0200LeMonde (fr)

Les policiers se sont rendus au domicile de l'ex-numéro 2 du GIGN, soupçonné de s'être barricadé avec des armes.

L'ex-numéro 2 du GIGN Paul Barril retranché chez lui : son avocate évoque "un enchaînement malheureux"

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 11:37:00 +0200france2 (fr)

"Suite à un ennui de santé, les pompiers ont été appelés. Ils ont constaté la présence d'armes, ce qui a déclenché une espèce de 'tsunami policier'", indique l'avocate.

L'ex-numéro 2 du GIGN Paul Barril retranché chez lui : son avocate évoque "un enchaînement malheureux"

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 11:07:00 +0200francetvinfo (fr)

"Suite à un ennui de santé, les pompiers ont été appelés. Ils ont constaté la présence d'armes, ce qui a déclenché une espèce de 'tsunami policier'", indique l'avocate.

L'ex-capitaine Paul Barril s'est rendu

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:42:00 +0200franceinfo (fr)

On le pensait retranché chez lui, à Antibes : il avait juste besoin de l'assistance des pompiers qui, à leur arrivée, ont pris peur en voyant son arsenal... Paul Barril souffre de la maladie de Parkinson.

Jídelní tsunami a hubená léta

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:49:00 +0200euro (cs)

Za rostoucí oblibou domácího vaření není zájem o vysokou kulinárii, nýbrž tíživá ekonomická situace

Marele Zid al Japoniei. Planul anti-tsunami de 6 miliarde de euro care transforma tara intr-o fortareata

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:36:00 +0200stirileprotv (ro)

Guvernul japonez vrea sa construiasca cateva sute de ziduri de beton de-alungul coastei estice pentru a proteja locuitorii din zona de tsunami.

Jídelní tsunami a hubená léta

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:34:00 +0200e15 (cs)

Za rostoucí oblibou domácího vaření není zájem o vysokou kulinárii, nýbrž tíživá ekonomická situace

Seism cu magnitudinea 7,1 în sudul Oceanului Atlantic

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 08:40:00 +0200stiri-financiare (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 7,1 s-a produs duminică, 29 iunie, în apropiere de insula Visokoi din arhipelagul S and wich de Sud (teritoriu britanic din sudul Oceanului Atlantic), informează Reuters și Xinhua, care citează Serviciile de geofizică ale SUA (USGS). Cutremurul a avut loc la ora 7.52 GMT, la o adâncime la aproape 15 km, într-o zonă [.

Seism cu magnitudinea 7,1 în sudul Oceanului Atlantic

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 08:27:00 +0200financiarul (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 7,1 s-a produs duminică, 29 iunie, în apropiere de insula Visokoi din arhipelagul S and wich de Sud (teritoriu britanic din sudul Oceanului Atlantic), informează Reuters și Xinhua, care citează Serviciile de geofizică ale SUA (USGS). Cutremurul a avut loc la ora 7.52 GMT, la o adâncime la aproape 15 km, într-o zonă [.

7.1-magnitude Quake Strikes Off South Atlantic Ocean; No Tsunami Alert Raised

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 08:05:00 +0200ibtimes-au (en)

A 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck off near the uninhabited isl and s of the South Sandwich Islands far off South America in the South Atlantic Ocean early Sunday, the US Geological Survey said.

Terremoto oggi Italia 30 Giugno 2014, ieri forti scosse registrate da Ingv nel Mondo

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 07:51:00 +0200247libero (it)

Alle 19:11, una scossa ha interessato l' Italia , colpendo il Mar di Sicilia con una magnitudo di 2.7 a 10 chilometri di profondità vicino l'isola di Malta. Forte stress sismico a livello globale, vi ...

Un terremoto de 6,7 grados sacude las aguas al norte de las Islas Tonga

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 06:32:00 +0200lainformacion (es)

Sídney (Australia), 30 jun (EFE).- Un terremoto de 6,7 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter se registró hoy en las aguas del Pacífico al norte del archipiélago de las islas Tonga sin que se haya informado de víctimas.

Magnitude 7.1 quake hits island near South America

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 04:48:00 +0200nation (en)

SINGAPORE/WASHINGTON : A magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit about 100 miles north-northwest of Visokoi Isl and in the South Sandwich Islands off South America, the US Geological Survey said. The quake’s depth was measured at 9.1 miles deep. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that based on historical....

Un terremoto de 6,7 grados sacude las aguas al norte de las Islas Tonga

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 04:43:00 +0200lahora (es)

Sídney (Australia) EFE Un terremoto de 6,7 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter se registró hoy en las aguas del Pacífico al norte del archipiélago de las islas Tonga sin que se haya informado de víctimas. Según el Servicio de Vigilancia Geológica de Estados Unidos (USGS), el....

Un terremoto de 6,7 grados sacude las aguas al norte de las Islas Tonga

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 04:32:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Sídney (Australia), 30 jun (EFE).- Un terremoto de 6,7 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Richter se registró hoy en las aguas del Pacífico al norte del archipiélago de las islas Tonga sin que se haya informado de víctimas.

Akkuyu’da 4.500 kişiye ev aylık 3 bin dolara iş imkanı

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 02:43:00 +0200stargazete (tr)

Akkuyu’nun hazırlanan son ÇED raporuna göre santral için 4.500 kişilik yaşam alanı inşa edilecek. Santralin inşaatında çalışanlara bin 500 dolar, işletme personelleri ise 3 bin dolar alacak.

Magnitude 5 earthquake shakes Ternate

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 02:39:00 +0200JakartaPost (en)

An earthquake measuring magnitude 5 on the Richter Scale jolted Ternate, the capital city of North Maluku province, on Sunday. Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency at Patimura station in Ambon, George Mahubessy, said the epicenter was 10 kilometers beneath the sea, about 125 km northwest of Ternate.

Brèves d'Australie et du Pacifique - lundi 30 juin 2014

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 02:12:00 +0200radioaustralianews-fr (fr)

Un Australien condamné à mort au Vietnam samedi. Pham Trung Dung, 37 ans, a été reconnu coupable de possession de drogues.

Spend time with your boss, its pays off

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:48:00 +0200theglobeandmail (en)

group. Linked In Employees who spend about six hours a week with their boss are 29 per cent more inspired, 30 per cent more engaged, 16 per cent more innovative, and 15 per cent more intrinsically motivated than employees who spend only one hour a week, research by the Leadership IQ consultancy shows.

Series of earthquakes strike off the South Pacific islands

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:34:00 +0200radioaustralia (en)

A series of earthquake rattled parts of the Pacific in the early hours, but tsunami warning was generated.

Series of earthquakes strike off the South Pacific islands

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:32:00 +0200radioaustralianews (en)

A series of earthquake rattled parts of the Pacific in the early hours, but tsunami warning was generated.

Quake strikes near remote south Atlantic islands

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:30:00 +0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

WASHINGTON: A powerful 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck in the far south Atlantic ocean in the inhospitable South S and wich Islands region, the US Geological Survey said yesterday. The USGS which monitors quakes worldwide initially said the quake was of magnitude 7.1, but later revised its strength downward.

Series of quakes strike off South Pacific islands: USGS

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:20:00 +0200focus-news-en (en)

Sydney. A strong 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck off the South Pacific isl and s of Wallis and Futuna in the early hours of Monday, following another powerful earthquake off Tonga, AFP reports. The latest quake hit at 5:15 am local time (1715 GMT Sunday) and occurred 205 kilometres (127 miles)....

Blackout fears generating solutions

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:03:00 +0200startribune (en)

The periodic blackouts in Cassina Tarsia’s Oceanside, Calif., neighborhood meant the 71-year-old couldn’t charge her cellphone or electric wheelchair. But outages aren’t a problem anymore. Since February, Tarsia’s garage has housed a suitcase-sized battery that stores power from her rooftop solar panels and the main electrical grid.

Series of quakes strike off South Pacific islands: USGS

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:53:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

June 30, 2014 6:11 AM SYDNEY (AFP) - A strong 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck off the South Pacific isl and s of Wallis and Futuna in the early hours of Monday, following another powerful earthquake off Tonga.

Series of quakes strike off South Pacific islands: USGS

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:52:00 +0200BangkokPost (en)

A strong 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck off the South Pacific isl and s of Wallis and Futuna in the early hours of Monday, following another powerful earthquake off Tonga.

Terremoto atinge Ilhas Sandwich do Sul

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:47:00 +0200band (pt)

Um poderoso terremoto de 6,9 graus na escala Richter sacudiu, neste domingo, o extremo sul do Oceano Atlântico, ao largo das ilhas S and wich do Sul, informou o USGS (Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos).

No damage or tsunami generated from two quakes today

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:36:00 +0200samoanews (en)

By Samoa News staff reporters@samoanews.com Two earthquakes occurred in the Samoa region today (Sunday in American Samoa), with the last one at just before 6:30a.m, according to federal officials, who also say no tsunami was generated. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says both quakes measured at 6.

Séisme au large de Wallis et Futuna

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:31:00 +0200lefigaro (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6.7 a frappé au large des îles de Wallis et Futuna dans le sud du Pacifique aux premières heures de lundi, juste après un autre séisme au large de l'île de Tonga. La secousse s'est produite à 5h15 (heure locale - 18h15 en France dimanche) à 205 km au sud-est de la capitale des....

Secousses sismiques au large de Wallis et Futuna et de Tonga

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:15:00 +0200lacapitale (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6.7 a frappé au large des îles de Wallis et Futuna dans le sud du Pacifique aux premières heures de lundi, juste après un autre séisme au large de l’île de Tonga. La secousse s’est produite à 05h15 (heure locale — 17h15 GMT dimanche) à 205 km au sud-est de la capitale des îles....

Japan's 'Great Wall' for tsunami protection questionable

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 23:17:00 +0200digitaljournal (en)

Today, in what's left of the village of Koizumi in Miyagi prefecture, home to 60% of the 19,000 people who died in the 2011 earthquake and resulting tsunami, all you will find is a barren wasteland. Weeds and grass litter an area where houses once stood.

Festejos por el triunfo de Colombia en el Mundial dejan 8 muertos

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 22:32:00 +0200eldiario-EC (es)

La celebración por el pase de Colombia a cuartos de final del Mundial de Brasil, tras su victoria por 2-0 ante Uruguay, se cobró el sábado la vida de ocho personas en Bogotá, según informó hoy el alcalde de esa capital, Gustavo Petro.

Magnitude 7. 2 earthquake strikes near Sandwich islands

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:34:00 +0200agoramagazine-en (en)

Washington - A strong earthquake with a provisional reading of magnitude 7.2 struck at sea on Sunday near Visikoi Isl and , in the South Sandwich Islands between the tip of South America and Antarctica. The epicentre was 152km from the island at a depth of 14.7km. No tsunami alert was issued though small rogue waves have reached nearby islands.

Terremoto Oggi, 29 Giugno 2014, forti scosse registrate da Ingv nel Mondo

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:18:00 +0200247libero (it)

Alle 19:11, una scossa ha interessato l' Italia , colpendo il Mar di Sicilia con una magnitudo di 2.7 a 10 chilometri di profondità vicino l'isola di Malta. Forte stress sismico a livello globale, vi ...

64magnitude quake strikes off Tonga

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:15:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

A strong 64magnitude quake struck off the Pacific nation of Tonga in the early hours of Monday US seismologists said but no tsunami warning was issued

Sismo de 7,2 sacude las Islas Sandwich

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 20:39:00 +0200laverdad-VE (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7,1 se registró este domingo a unos 160 kilómetros al norte-noroeste de la Isla Visokoi en el sur de las británicas Islas S and wich, situadas en el extremo sur del Océano Atlántico. Este movimiento telúrico no implica una alerta de tsunami en las costas de Chile

Un terremoto de 6,2 sacude las islas japonesas de Ogasawara

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 20:31:00 +0200eldiario-EC (es)

Un terremoto de 6,2 grados en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy la islas japonesas de Ogasawara (sur) sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que se haya informado hasta el momento de daños materiales o personales, informó la Agencia Meteorológica nipona.

Tsunami-proof 'Great Wall of Japan' divides villagers

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 19:34:00 +0200guardian (en)

Government wants to build 440 walls along coastline, but some residents believe a concrete fortress is not the answer When Masahito Abe looks out at the sea that killed 40 of his neighbours just over three years ago, he is certain of one thing: at some point, perhaps long after he is gone, the ocean....

Terremoto sacode ilhas japonesas de Ogasawara

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 17:05:00 +0200gazetadopovo (pt)

Tremor de 6,2 graus na escala Richter não ativou alerta de tsunami e não causou danos materiais ou pessoais

Terremoto de magnitude 7,1 atinge região próxima à ilha Visokoi

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 15:12:00 +0200extra (pt)

CINGAPURA (Reuters) - Um terremoto de magnitude 7,1 atingiu região próxima ao norte-noroeste da ilha Visokoi, ao sul das Ilhas S and wich do Sul, disse o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos. A profundidade medida do... Leia mais

Terremoto de 6,9 na escala Richter é registrado nas Ilhas Sandwich do Sul

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 14:22:00 +0200correiobraziliense (pt)

Apesar da magnitude do terremoto, o Centro de Alerta de Tsunami do Pacífico disse que não havia ameaça de tsunami Washington - Um poderoso terremoto de 6,9 graus na escala Richter sacudiu neste domingo (29/6) o extremo sul do Oceano Atlântico, ao largo das ilhas S and wich do Sul, informou o Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS).

Séisme de magnitude 6,9 dans l'Atlantique

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 14:09:00 +0200cyberpresse (fr)

Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,9 a eu lieu dimanche dans l'extrême sud de l'Océan atlantique près des îles S and wich du Sud, territoire britannique proche de l'Antarctique, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS).

Extinct undersea volcanoes behind tsunami quakes

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 13:58:00 +0200irishsun (en)

Tsunami earthquakes may be caused by extinct undersea volcanoes causing a "sticking point" between tectonic plates when one plate slides under another, says a new research. The findings have ...

Terremoto de 6,9 de magnitud cerca de las islas Sandwich del Sur

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 13:55:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Un potente terremoto de 6,9 de magnitud sacudió este domingo el extremo sur del océano Atlántico, cerca de las remotas e inhóspitas islas S and wich del Sur, informó el instituto geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Terremoto atinge as ilhas Sandwich do Sul, no extremo sul do Atlântico

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 13:42:00 +0200g1-globo (pt)

Tremor de 6,9 graus na escala Richter sacudiu extremo sul do oceano. Centro de alerta disse que não havia ameaça de tsunami.

Powerful quake strikes near remote south Atlantic islands

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 13:34:00 +0200economictimes (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck in the far south Atlantic ocean near the mostly uninhabited South S and wich Islands region.

Cutremur de 7,1 grade pe scara Richter în sudul Oceanului Atlantic. USGS: Nu există pericolul producerii unui tsunami distructiv

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 13:15:00 +0200jurnalul (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 7,1 s-a produs duminică în apropiere de insula Visokoi din arhipelagul S and wich de Sud (teritoriu britanic din sudul Oceanului Atlantic), informează Reuters şi Xinhua, care citează...

6.2 Earthquake Near Iwo Jima, Japan - USGS

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:57:00 +0200marinelink (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said Sunday in Japan's volcanic archipelago 84 miles east-southeast of Iwo Jima (167 km) of the earthquake, a magnitude of 6.

Séisme de magnitude 6,9 près des îles Sandwich du Sud, dans l'Atlantique

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:54:00 +0200romandie (fr)

Washington - Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,9 a eu lieu dimanche dans l'extrême sud de l'Océan atlantique près des îles S and wich du Sud, territoire britannique proche de l'Antarctique, a annoncé l'Institut américain de géophysique...

Terremoto de 6,2 sacode ilhas japonesas de Ogasawara

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:51:00 +0200folha (pt)

Um terremoto de 6,2 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste domingo (29) as ilhas japonesas de Ogasawara (ao sul do país) sem ativar o alerta de tsunami e sem que se tenha informado até o momento danos materiais ou pessoais, informou a Agência Meteorológica do Japão.

Magnitude of quake off south Atlantic islands revised to 6.9; tsunami threat 'does not exist'

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:45:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

June 29, 2014 6:17 PM WASHINGTON (AFP) - A powerful 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck in the far south Atlantic ocean in the inhospitable South S and wich Islands region, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said on Sunday.

71 quake strikes near south Atlantic islands

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:42:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

A powerful 71 magnitude earthquake struck in the far south Atlantic ocean near the mostly uninhabited South S and wich Islands region the US Geological Survey said Sunday

Magnitude 7.1 quake hits near Visokoi Island, off South America

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:37:00 +0200trust (en)

SINGAPORE, June 29 (Reuters) - A magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit about 100 miles north-northwest of Visokoi Isl and in the South Sandwich Islands off South America, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The quake's depth was measured at 9.1 miles deep. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that based on....

Magnitude 7.1 quake hits near Visokoi Island, off South America

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:36:00 +0200ynetnews (en)

. SINGAPORE - A magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit about 100 miles north-northwest of Visokoi Isl and in the South Sandwich Islands off South America, the US Geological Survey said. The quake's depth was measured at 9.1 miles deep. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that based on historical data the....

Charity wants our kids prepared for the worst

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:32:00 +0200news_com_au (en)

ALL schoolchildren would practise how to respond to bushfires, floods, earthquakes and other emergencies under a proposal for an annual national disaster preparedness day.

Powerful quake strikes near remote south Atlantic Islands

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:26:00 +0200thenewage (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck in the far south Atlantic ocean near the mostly uninhabited South S and wich Islands region, the US Geologica

Powerful Quake Strikes near Remote South Atlantic Islands

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:11:00 +0200naharnet-en (en)

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck in the far south Atlantic ocean near the mostly uninhabited South S and wich Islands region, the US Geological Survey said Sunday. The quake, which struck at 0752 GMT, had an epicenter 152 kilometers (94 miles) northwest of Visokoi Island, and 1,968....

Powerful quake strikes near remote south Atlantic islands

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:00:00 +0200focus-news-en (en)

Washington. A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck in the far south Atlantic ocean near the mostly uninhabited South S and wich Islands region, the US Geological Survey said Sunday, AFP reported. The quake, which struck at 0752 GMT, had an epicenter 152 kilometers (94 miles) northwest of Visokoi....

Seism puternic în sudul Oceanului Atlantic

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:51:00 +0200cotidianul (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7,1 s-a produs duminică în apropiere de insula Visokoi din arhipelagul S and wich de Sud (teritoriu britanic din sudul Oceanului Atlantic), informează Reuters și Xinhua, care citează Serviciile de geofizică ale SUA (USGS), potrivit Agerpres. Cutremurul a avut loc la ora 7.

Cutremur de 6,2 grade pe scara Richter în Japonia. Nu există ameninţare de tsunami

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:50:00 +0200indexstiri (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,2 s-a produs duminică la 167 km est-sud-est de insulele vulcanice Iwo Jima din Japonia, a anunţat Institutul american de geofizică, relatează Reuters, conform Citeste mai mult...

Atlantico: terremoto del 7.2 a sud delle isole Sandwich

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:48:00 +0200agi (it)

(AGI) - Washington, 29 giu. - Un forte sisma di magnitudo provvisoria 7,2 ha colpito le acque a largo dell'isola Visikoi (a sud dell'arcipelago delle S and wich) nell'estremo Atlantico meridionale, tra l'estrem,a punta del Sud America e l'Antartide. L'epicentro 'e stato individato a a 152 km dall'isola ad una profondita' piuttosto bassa, 14,7 km.

7.1 quake in South Sandwich Islands

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:37:00 +0200rt (en)

09:04 7.1 quake in South S and wich Islands. A 7.1 magnitude earthquake occurred some 160 kilometers to the northwest of the Visokoi Island, an uninhabited place in the Traversay Islands group of the South Sandwich Islands in the South Atlantic. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was no threat of a tsunami.

6.2 magnitude quake hits off the southern coast of Japan

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:37:00 +0200rt (en)

09:30 6.2 magnitude quake hits off the southern coast of Japan. A magnitude 6.2 earthquake has struck 167 kilometers southeast of Japan’s Iwo Jimo’s isl and s, reports the US Geological Survey. There have been no reports of damage and Japanese NHK radio said there is no threat of a tsunami.

Magnitude 7.1 quake hits near Visokoi Island, off South America

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:29:00 +0200gmanews (en)

SINGAPORE - A magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit about 100 miles north-northwest of Visokoi Isl and in the South Sandwich Islands off South America, the US Geological Survey said. The quake's depth was measured at 9.1 miles deep. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that based on historical data the....

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,2 în largul Japoniei. Nu a fost declanşată alerta de tsunami

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:22:00 +0200digi24 (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,2 s-a produs duminică în Oceanul Pacific, în largul coastelor Japoniei, transmite Institutul american de geofizică (USGS). Nu a fost declanşată alerta de tsunami.

Magnitude 7.1 quake hits near Visokoi Island off South America

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:14:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

June 29, 2014 4:26 PM SINGAPORE (REUTERS) - A magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit about 100 miles (161 kilometres) north-northwest of Visokoi Isl and in the South Sandwich Islands off South America, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Japan: 6.4 Magnitude Earthquake Felt East of Iwo Jima

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:03:00 +0200israelnationalnews (en)

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake was felt roughly 170 kilometers east of Iwo Jima, Japan. Japanese media correspondents reported that there is no threat of an imminent Tsunami.

Seism cu magnitudinea de 6,2 în Japonia

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:00:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,2 s-a produs, duminică, în largul insulelor vulcanice Iwo Jima din Japonia, anunță Institutul American de Geofizică. Presa locală a anunțat că nu există amenințare de tsunami. USGS a anunțat anterior că...

CUTREMUR cu magnitudinea de 6,2 în largul Japoniei

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:00:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Cutremurul a avut loc la ora locală 15.56 (8.56, ora României), la adâncimea de 43 de kilometri. Epicentrul seismului a fost în apropierea insulei nipone Iwo Jima, la peste 1.000 de kilometri sud-sud-est de Tokyo. Dacă ţi-a plăcut...

Seism cu magnitudinea 7,1 în sudul Oceanului Atlantic

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:57:00 +0200agerpres (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 7,1 s-a produs duminică în apropiere de insula Visokoi din arhipelagul S and wich de Sud (teritoriu britanic din sudul Oceanului Atlantic), informează Reuters și Xinhua, care citează Serviciile de geofizică ale SUA (USGS).

Earthquake measuring 7.1 hits near Visokoi Island, off South America

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:55:00 +0200timesofindia (en)

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that based on historical data the threat of a widespread destructive tsunami did not exist.

Forte scossa di terremoto al largo delle isole Sandwich, nell'Atlantico meridionale

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:53:00 +0200quotidiano (it)

Un forte sisma di magnitudo provvisoria 7,2 ha colpito le acque a largo dell’isola Visikoi (a sud dell’arcipelago delle S and wich) nell’estremo Atlantico meridionale

Magnitude 7.1 quake hits near Visokoi Island, off South America

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:50:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit about 100 miles north-northwest of Visokoi Isl and in the South Sandwich Islands off South America, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Magnitude 7.1 quake hits near Visokoi Island, off South America

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:45:00 +0200reuters (en)

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit about 100 miles north-northwest of Visokoi Isl and in the South Sandwich Islands off South America, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

CUTREMUR cu magnitudinea de 6,2 în largul Japoniei

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:44:00 +0200mediafax (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,2 a avut loc duminică în Oceanul Pacific, în largul coastelor Japoniei, fără însă a declanşa vreun tsunami, anunţă Institutul american de geofizică (USGS).

CUTREMUR cu magnitudinea 7,1 în sudul Oceanului Atlantic

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:44:00 +0200romaniatv (ro)

Un seism cu magnitudinea 7,1 s-a produs duminică în apropiere de insula Visokoi din arhipelagul S and wich de Sud (teritoriu britanic din sudul Oceanului Atlantic), informează Reuters şi Xinhua, care citează Serviciile de geofizică ale SUA (USGS). Citește mai departe...

Cutremur de 6,2 grade pe scara Richter în Japonia. Nu există ameninţare de tsunami

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:37:00 +0200jurnalul (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,2 s-a produs duminică la 167 km est-sud-est de insulele vulcanice Iwo Jima din Japonia, a anunţat Institutul american de geofizică, relatează Reuters, conform Agerpres.Potrivit...

Terremoto sacode ilhas japonesas de Ogasawara

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:37:00 +0200g1-globo (pt)

Tremor de 6,2 graus de magnitude não ativou alerta de tsunami. Ainda não informações sobre danos materiais ou vítimas.

M6.2 Quake Jolts Iwo Jima Island, Japan

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:37:00 +0200farsnews-en (en)

No tsunami warnings were issued immediately, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency, Xinhua reported. "The epicenter was initially determined at 24.6 degrees North latitude and 142.2 degrees East longitude, with a depth of 170 km," the agency said.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,2

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:04:00 +0200evz (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 6,2 s-a produs duminică la 167 km est-sud-est de insulele vulcanice Iwo Jima din Japonia, a anunțat Institutul american de geofizică /USGS/, relatează Reuters.

Un terremoto de 6,2 grados sacude las islas japonesas de Ogasawara

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:59:00 +0200lavanguardia (es)

Tokio (EFE).- Un terremoto de 6,2 grados en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy la islas japonesas de Ogasawara (sur) sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que se haya informado hasta el momento de daños materiales o personales, informó la Agencia Meteorológica...

When a massive tsunami hit Japan’s Tohoku region three years ago, and killed nearly 19,000 people,...

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:59:00 +0200koreatimes (en)

Japan tsunami survivors console relatives of Sewol ferry victims By Jung Min-ho When a massive tsunami hit Japan's Tohoku region three years ago, and killed nearly 19,000 people, many Japanese were devastated and people around the world sent their condolences.

M6.2 quake jolts Iwo Jima Island, Japan

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:50:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

TOKYO, June 29 (Xinhua) -- A 6.2-magnitude quake jolted near Iwo Jima Isl and , Japan at around 2:58 p.m. local time Sunday. No tsunami warnings were issued immediately, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. The epicenter was initially determined at 24.6 degrees north latitude and 142.2 degrees east longitude, with a depth of 170 km.

Magnitude 62 quake hits off Iwo Jimo Japan

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:37:00 +0200HindustanTimes (en)

A magnitude 62 earthquake hit 84 miles 167 km eastsoutheast of Iwo Jim in the Volcano Isl and s of Japan on Sunday thenbspUS Geological Survey said Japanese radio NHK said there was no threat of a tsunami

Magnitude 6.2 quake hits off Iwo Jimo, Japan-USGS

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:37:00 +0200trust (en)

SINGAPORE, June 29 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit 84 miles (167 km) east-southeast of Iwo Jim in the Volcano Isl and s of Japan on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. Japanese radio NHK said there was no threat of a tsunami. USGS earlier reported the quake was of 6.4 magnitude.

Un terremoto de 6,2 sacude las islas japonesas de Ogasawara

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:28:00 +0200lainformacion (es)

Tokio, 29 jun (EFE).- Un terremoto de 6,2 grados en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy la islas japonesas de Ogasawara (sur) sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que se haya informado hasta el momento de daños materiales o personales, informó la Agencia Meteorológica nipona.

Magnitude 6.2 quake hits off Iwo Jimo, Japan - USGS

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:20:00 +0200thestar-my (en)

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit 84 miles (167 km) east-southeast of Iwo Jim in the Volcano Isl and s of Japan on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Magnitude 6.2 quake hits off Iwo Jimo, Japan USGS

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:10:00 +0200gmanews (en)

SINGAPORE - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit 84 miles (167 km) east-southeast of Iwo Jim in the Volcano Isl and s of Japan on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said. Japanese radio NHK said there was no threat of a tsunami. USGS earlier reported the quake was of 6.4 magnitude.

Un terremoto de 6,2 sacude las islas japonesas de Ogasawara

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:08:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 29 jun (EFE).- Un terremoto de 6,2 grados en la escala abierta de Richter sacudió hoy la islas japonesas de Ogasawara (sur) sin activar la alerta de tsunami y sin que se haya informado hasta el momento de daños materiales o personales, informó la Agencia Meteorológica nipona.

Magnitude 6.2 quake hits off Iwo Jima, Japan: USGS

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 08:58:00 +0200straitstimesSG (en)

June 29, 2014 2:24 PM SINGAPORE (REUTERS) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit 167 km east-southeast of Iwo Jima in the Volcano Isl and s of Japan on Sunday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Magnitude 6.2 quake hits off Iwo Jimo, Japan: USGS

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 08:44:00 +0200reuters (en)

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit 84 miles (167 km) east-southeast of Iwo Jim in the Volcano Isl and s of Japan on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

La guerra delle "gabbine"

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 08:40:00 +0200livesicilia (it)

Il dibattito popolare tra i sostenitori delle spiagge libere e quelli dei lidi è risalente, e si riaffaccia a ogni inizio stagione in tutta l’Isola. Le ragioni di chi sostiene che il mare, o meglio il suo lido, é di tutti e quelle di chi preferisce qualche limite, e onere economico, in cambio di....

La guerra delle gabbine

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 08:28:00 +0200seranews (it)

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo la lettera di Barbara, una palermitana di 23 anni, che ha dovuto fronteggiare le richieste poco amichevoli di un posteggiatore abusivo al Foro Italico: Sono stufa di dover pagare il pizzo.

Vídeo: Los científicos no pueden explicar las causas de un ‘tsunami’ en Odesa

Sun, 29 Jun 2014 03:23:00 +0200nuevaya (es)

Se desconocen las causas de la ola de más de dos metros que azotó este viernes la costa de Odesa, una ciudad en el suroeste de Ucrania. Varios testigos dijeron haber oído un sonido sordo poco antes de la llegada de la ola, que causó seis heridos, incluyendo a cuatro niños.

Impact Of Undersea Volcanoes On Tectonic Plates Possibly Responsible For Tsunami Quakes

Sat, 28 Jun 2014 21:13:00 +0200irishsun (en)

earthquakes , a discovery which could lead to improved detection of these rare seismic events. Tsunami earthquakes typically occur at relatively shallow ocean depths and are typically of lower ...

La Generalitat habilita un plan de ayudas de más de 8 millones de euros para reactivar el sector audiovisual valenciano

Sat, 28 Jun 2014 18:25:00 +0200lainformacion (es)

La Generalitat ha anunciado este sábado un plan de ayudas de más de 8 millones de euros, para 2014 y 2015, que ha habilitado con el fin de reactivar el sector audiovisual valenciano. En concreto, para este año, las subvenciones ascenderán a 3,6 millones de euros, mientras que para el próximo ejercicio la previsión es de 5 millones de euros.

Oamenii de stiinta luati prin surprindere: Un tsunami s-a produs in Marea Neagra (galerie foto)

Sat, 28 Jun 2014 17:57:00 +0200roumanie-ro (ro)

Un tsunami de dimensiuni reduse s a produs vineri pe o plaja din orasul ucrainean Odesa.Intr o inregistrare video (...)

Impact of Fukushima groundwater bypass eludes Tepco

Sat, 28 Jun 2014 17:15:00 +0200japantimes (en)

Tokyo Electric can't figure out whether its new groundwater bypass operation is reducing the amount of radioactive water the plant churns out on a daily ...

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