M 6.2 in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands from 26 Jul 2013 21:33 UTC to 21:32

Media coverage of this event

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Morador diz que Cedae fez remendo em tubulação estourou. Companhia nega

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 20:55:00 +0200ogloboglobo (pt)

RIO - Há cerca de dois meses, a Cedae já havia feito um remendo no local em que uma adutora estourou, na manhã desta terça-feira, mat and o uma criança e destruindo várias casas em Campo Grande. A informação é de Jair Ferreira da Silva, de 60 anos, que mora a cem metros do local. Para ele, a morte de Isabela, de 3 anos, foi uma tragédia anunciada.

Basta cartello sui prezzi, rivoluzione nel mondo dei fertilizzanti

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:58:00 +0200euronews-it (it)

Benvenuta, concorrenza. È un terremoto quello che va in scena nell'industria mondiale dei fertilizzanti, la quale, presto, vedrà decisi ribassi nei…

Científicos prueban un material que evitaría las explosiones nucleares

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:45:00 +0200tiempo (es)

Сientíficos del MIT prueban un material de revestimiento de cerámica para proteger las barras de combustible de las centrales nucleares y evitar la liberación de hidrógeno explosivo en caso de accidente nuclear, informa el portal de noticias actualidad.rt.com.

Tsunami mata 150 personas en el Himalaya

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:32:00 +0200diariodigital-RD (es)

Miles de soldados participan en el operativo de rescate para poder ayudar a los sobrevivientes de las inundaciones en el estado de Uttarakh and , en el norte de la India. El portal BBC informa que Vijay Bahuguna, uno de las máximas autoridades del Estado, describió esta catástrofe como el "tsunami del Himalaya".

Une canalisation rompue sème l'eau trouble à Rio

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:30:00 +0200arcinfo (fr)

Un quartier de Rio a été ravagé par une inondation ce mardi matin. L'inondation est due à la rupture d'une canalisation. Le sinistre a fait un mort et plusieurs blessés. Une énorme canalisation d'eau s'est rompue mardi matin dans un quartier de Campo Gr and e, la zone ouest de Rio de Janeiro.

Wybuch elektrowni atomowej? Plotka wywołała panikę

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:12:00 +0200polskieradio (pl)

Kolejki po płyn Lugola, panika na portalach społecznościowych, ludzie szczelnie zamykający okna - takie reakcje w ciągu zaledwie kilku godzin wywołała plotka o wybuchu elektrowni atomowej na Wschodzie. We wtorek telefony w kieleckim Sanepidzie i w szpitalach nie przestają dzwonić.

VIDEO. Brésil : la rupture d'une canalisation provoque un "mini tsunami" à Rio de Janeiro

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 18:40:00 +0200alvinet (fr)

Une énorme canalisation d'eau s'est rompue mardi dans un quartier de Campo Gr and e, dans la zone ouest de Rio de Janeiro faisant des blessés. VIDEO.... Source : TF1 News - Articles similaires

VIDEO. Brésil : la rupture d'une canalisation provoque un "mini tsunami" à Rio de Janeiro

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:59:00 +0200TF1 (fr)

Une énorme canalisation d'eau s'est rompue mardi dans un quartier de Campo Gr and e, dans la zone ouest de Rio de Janeiro faisant des blessés.

Marmara'yı korkutan açıklama

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:04:00 +0200sabah (tr)

Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi (YTÜ) Doğa Bilimleri Araştırma Merkezi Başkanı Prof. Dr. Şükrü Ersoy, Gökçeada'da sabah saatlerinde meydana gelen depremle ilgili, "Meydana gelen deprem, beklenen bir durumdu.... Devamı için tıklayınız

Rio : une canalisation provoque un mini tsunami

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 16:42:00 +0200ledauphine (fr)

La rupture d'une canalisation d'eau s'est rompue, mardi à Rio de Janeiro (brésil), a provoqué un mini raz-de-marée dans les rues de la ville. L'inondation a détruit plusieurs maisons et tué une fillette de 3 ans.

Graves fuites d’eau contaminée à la centrale de Fukushima

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 16:36:00 +0200la-croix (fr)

Face à la gravité de la situation autour de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima, qui voit de nombreuses fuites d’eau radioactive s’écouler vers la mer, une enquête va être ouverte par l’autorité de régulation du secteur nucléaire du Japon.

Helikite balloons can hoist emergency LTE network after natural disaster

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:46:00 +0200engadget (en)

We know, we know, Google has the whole hot air balloon thing covered. But this idea is a bit different. It consists of a group of "helikites," or small load-bearing balloon-kite hybrids, which can quickly be launched to form a network of LTE or WLAN masts up to an altitude of 2.5 miles, providing data coverage following an earthquake or tsunami.

Une canalisation cause un mini tsunami à Rio

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:18:00 +020024heures (fr)

Un mini tsunami s'est formé dans la partie ouest de Rio au Brésil après la rupture d'une énorme canalisation.

Brésil: une énorme canalisation se rompt et crée un mini tsunami (vidéo)

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:18:00 +0200rtbf (fr)

Une énorme canalisation d'eau s'est rompue mardi dans un quartier de Campo Gr and e, dans la zone ouest de Rio de Janeiro, provoquant une sorte de mini tsunami qui a détruit des maisons et fait des blessés, ont indiqué les pompiers.

Produkcja hamuje, ale spada bezrobocie

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:17:00 +0200rzeczpospolita (pl)

Produkcja przemysłowa w Japonii spadła w czerwcu najmocniej od ponad dwóch lat, ale pozytywne dane z rynku pracy dają nadzieję, że prowzrostowa polityka premiera Shinzo Abe przynosi efekty, jednak na trwałe ożywienie trzeba poczekać.

Une canalisation cause un mini tsunami à Rio

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:17:00 +0200lematin-CH (fr)

Un mini tsunami s'est formé dans la partie ouest de Rio au Brésil après la rupture d'une énorme canalisation.

Une canalisation cause un mini tsunami à Rio

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:16:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Un mini tsunami s'est formé dans la partie ouest de Rio au Brésil après la rupture d'une énorme canalisation.

Une canalisation rompt et provoque un mini tsunami à Rio

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:10:00 +0200sudouest (fr)

VIDEOS - Plusieurs personnes sont blessées. L'eau a détruit des maisons. Une énorme canalisation d'eau s'est rompue ce mardi dans un quartier de Campo Gr and e, dans la zone ouest de Rio de Janeiro, provoquant une sorte de mini tsunami et faisant plusieurs blessés. Selon des images montrées à la télévision Globo news, une.

Tsunami nel Mediterraneo, adesso la scienza conferma che sono possibili: Italia a rischio?

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:58:00 +0200greenreport (it)

Non solo terremoti, ma anche tsunami. Adesso l’Italia sa che può essere necessario saper affrontare un pericolo in più, anche al sicuro all’interno di quella gr and e pozza salata che è il Mar Mediterraneo, così piccola in confronto agli oceani e alle gigantesche masse d’acqua che contengono.

La rupture d'une canalisation provoque un mini tsunami à Rio

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:39:00 +02007sur7 (fr)

Une énorme canalisation d'eau s'est rompue mardi dans un quartier de Campo Gr and e, dans la zone ouest de Rio de Janeiro, provoquant une ...

Industrial output suffers worst month since Great East Japan Earthquake

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:33:00 +0200japantimes (en)

Industrial production fell in June by the most since the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011 as automakers reduce output.

Gökçeada'da Tsunami Uyarısı Yapıldı

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:31:00 +0200sondakika (tr)

YTÜ Doğa Bilimleri Araştırma Merkezi Başkanı Prof. Dr. Ersoy, 'Hem Marmara'da hem de Saroz çevresinde tsunami meydana gelebilir, bu sürpriz olmaz' dedi.

Gospodarka Japonii. Produkcja hamuje, ale spada bezrobocie

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:31:00 +0200money (pl)

Produkcja przemysłowa w Japonii spadła w czerwcu najmocniej od ponad dwóch lat, ale pozytywne dane z rynku pracy dają nadzieję, że prowzrostowa polityka premiera Shinzo Abe przynosi efekty.

Brasile/ Si rompe enorme conduttura d'acqua, mini tsunami a Rio

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:31:00 +0200tmnews (it)

Rio de Janeiro, 30 lug. (TMNews) - Un'enorme conduttura d'acqua si è rotta questa mattina nel quartiere di campo Gr and e, nella zona ovest di Rio de Janeiro, provocando una sorta di mini tsunami. Alcune persone sono rimaste ferite, secondo quanto spiegato da fonti dei vigili del fuoco.

Rio: une rupture de canalisation provoque un mini-tsunami

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:31:00 +0200cyberpresse (fr)

Une énorme canalisation d'eau s'est rompue mardi dans un quartier de Campo Gr and e, dans la zone ouest de Rio de Janeiro, provoquant une sorte de mini tsunami qui a détruit des maisons et fait des blessés, ont indiqué les pompiers.

Brasile/ Si rompe enorme conduttura d'acqua, mini tsunami a Rio

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:24:00 +0200ilmondo (it)

Rio de Janeiro, 30 lug. Un'enorme conduttura d'acqua si è rotta questa mattina nel quartiere di campo Gr and e, nella zona ovest di Rio de Janeiro, provocando una sorta di mini tsunami. Alcune persone sono rimaste ferite, secondo quanto spiegato da fonti dei vigili del fuoco.

Giappone, crollano disoccupazione e produzione industriale. Tempo variabile per l'Abenomics

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:12:00 +0200ibtimes-it (it)

Arrivano segnali contrastanti dal Giappone: migliora il mercato del lavoro, ma l'industria segna il suo peggior calo dallo tsunami del 2011. Governo positivo sulla riuscita dell'Abenomics.

Japonia: produkcja hamuje, ale spada bezrobocie

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:03:00 +0200wnp (pl)

Produkcja przemysłowa w Japonii spadła w czerwcu najmocniej od ponad dwóch lat, ale pozytywne dane z rynku pracy dają nadzieję, że prowzrostowa polityka premiera Shinzo Abe przynosi efekty, jednak na trwałe ożywienie trzeba poczekać.

Produkcja w Japonii hamuje, ale spada bezrobocie

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 13:52:00 +0200onet-biz (pl)

Produkcja przemysłowa w Japonii spadła w czerwcu najmocniej od ponad dwóch lat, ale pozytywne dane z rynku pracy dają nadzieję, że prowzrostowa polityka premiera Shinzo Abe przynosi efekty, jednak na trwałe ożywienie trzeba poczekać.

Produkcja w Japonii hamuje, ale spada bezrobocie

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 13:32:00 +0200pap-h (pl)

30.07. Warszawa (PAP) - Produkcja przemysłowa w Japonii spadła w czerwcu najmocniej od ponad dwóch lat, ale pozytywne dane z rynku pracy dają nadzieję, że prowzrostowa polityka premiera Shinzo Abe przynosi efekty, jednak na trwałe ożywienie trzeba poczekać.

Chrysler Issues Recall On Several Vehicle Models

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 13:31:00 +0200ibtimes (en)

According to a statement released by Chrysler Group Wednesday via CNN, the defective microcontrollers, which are used to prevent neck injuries and move head restraints forward in the event of a rear-impact crash, have been proving faulty. The company reported it is unaware of any related injuries or accidents as a result of the error.

Produkcja hamuje, ale spada bezrobocie

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 13:22:00 +0200onet-biz (pl)

Produkcja przemysłowa w Japonii spadła w czerwcu najmocniej od ponad dwóch lat, ale pozytywne dane z rynku pracy dają nadzieję, że prowzrostowa polityka premiera Shinzo Abe przynosi efekty, jednak na trwałe ożywienie trzeba poczekać.

SWISS and Edelweiss Air help Japanese youngsters again

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 11:51:00 +0200nieuwsbank (en)

[ Dinsdag 30 juli 2013 | Swiss ] The SWISS Group is helping a second group of Japanese children who were affected by the 2011 tsunami disaster by flying them to Switzerl and

Fukushima: l'autorité nucléaire va enquêter sur l'eau contaminée

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 11:16:00 +0200france24 (fr)

L'autorité de régulation du secteur nucléaire du Japon va enquêter sur les causes de fuites d'eau contaminée dans les sous-sols de la centrale ravagée de Fukushima, en raison d'une situation plus grave qu'estimé initialement, a expliqué mardi un responsable de l'institution.

Fukushima Fallout Hits Farmers

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 10:46:00 +0200ipsnews (en)

Life for Yoshihiro Watanabe and his wife Mutsuko, mushroom and rice farmers from Fukushima, has changed drastically since the disastrous meltdowns in the Dai Ichi nuclear plant that was hit by a massive tsunami after a 9.0 strong earthquake struck on Mar. 11, 2011.

Feature: Osaka 'ecological village' could be harbinger of new lifestyle in Japan

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 08:33:00 +0200xinhuanet_en (en)

by Atsushi Ebihara. OSAKA, Japan , July 30 (Xinhua) -- More and more families are moving in to Japan's first "net zero-energy" neighborhood that officially opened this summer in the western Japanese prefecture of Osaka, ushering in a new era in an "ecological" living concept.

Enquête sur l’eau contaminée de Fukushima

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 07:45:00 +020024heures (fr)

Les fuites d'eau contaminée sous la centrale accidentée de Fukushima, bien plus graves qu'estimées d'abord, seront examinées de près par l'autorité nucléaire japonaise.

Enquête sur l’eau contaminée de Fukushima

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 07:43:00 +0200lematin-CH (fr)

Les fuites d'eau contaminée sous la centrale accidentée de Fukushima, bien plus graves qu'estimées d'abord, seront examinées de près par l'autorité nucléaire japonaise.

Enquête sur l’eau contaminée de Fukushima

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 07:43:00 +0200tdg (fr)

Les fuites d'eau contaminée sous la centrale accidentée de Fukushima, bien plus graves qu'estimées d'abord, seront examinées de près par l'autorité nucléaire japonaise.

Japan’s industrial output fell most since 2011 in June

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 06:56:00 +0200japantimes (en)

Japan's industrial production fell in June by the most since March 2011, when the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami struck, as automakers cut output ...

Tormenta tropical Flossie se acerca debilitada a Hawái

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 06:47:00 +0200tiempo (es)

Residentes y turistas de Hawái se preparaban este lunes para recibir la tormenta tropical Flossie, que aún debilitada desatará fuertes vientos, lluvias y oleaje en todas las islas del archipiélago, informaron autoridades. La mañana del lunes, Flossie registraba vientos sostenidos de 65 kilómetros....

Now a tropical depression, Flossie dumps rain, knocks out power as it rakes Hawaii

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 05:28:00 +0200msnbc (en)

Flossie, the storm bringing heavy rain and wind to the Hawaiian islands , was downgraded to a tropical depression on Monday night, the National Weather Service said.

UPDATE2: Japan's industrial output drops 3.3% in June

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 05:12:00 +0200kyodonews (en)

Japan's industrial production dropped a seasonally adjusted 3.3 percent in June from the previous month in the first decline in five months, due mainly to weaker output of automobiles and electronic parts, government data showed Tuesday. It was the sharpest fall since March 2011, when it plunged 16.

Extremely high tritium level found in water in pit at Fukushima plant

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 03:32:00 +0200palestinewater (en)

The of Japan ’s crippled nuclear plant said on Friday that it delayed acknowledging that the plant was leaking contaminated water into the sea because it did not want to worry the public until it was certain there was a problem. Earlier this week, Tokyo Electric Power Co.

Tourists to Fukushima Pref. rebound to 77% of pre-quake level

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 02:06:00 +0200kyodonews (en)

FUKUSHIMA, Japan - The number of tourists to Fukushima Prefecture rose 26.3 percent in 2012 from the previous year to 4...

Tormenta tropical Flossie se acerca debilitada a Hawái

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 00:28:00 +0200noticias-terra (es)

Residentes y turistas de Hawái se preparaban este lunes para recibir la tormenta tropical Flossie, que aún debilitada desatará fuertes vientos, lluvias y oleaje en todas las islas del archipiélago, informaron autoridades....

Colombia, un volcán en violenta y perenne erupción

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:41:00 +0200avn (es)

Sobre la tierra y bajo los mares del planeta hay miles de volcanes, unos, apagados para siempre o temporalmente, y otros con periódicas erupciones, causantes de gran destrucción y muerte, como la registrada en 1883 por el Krakatoa, en Indonesia que, aunada al tsunami que dio origen dejó un saldo fatal de más de 36.

Fukushima: un lac souterrain radioactif découvert près de la centrale nucléaire

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 18:11:00 +0200rian-fr (fr)

Un lac souterrain radioactif contenant plus de 5.000 tonnes d'eau contaminée a été découvert près de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima, frappée en mars 2011 par un tremblement de terre inédit, rapporte lundi l'opérateur TEPCO dans un communiqué.

El nivel de tritio cerca de Fukushima supera el límite legal 145 veces

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 15:29:00 +0200rian-sp (es)

La electricista japonesa Tepco, operadora de la averiada planta Fukushima-1, comunicó el domingo que la concentración del isótopo radiactivo tritio en el agua subterránea bajo la central nuclear supera el límite legal 145 veces.

Nelle faglie sottomarine dello stretto di Messina la risposta ai terremoti

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:51:00 +0200adnkronos (it)

Lo studio verrà presentato a Pisa a Geoitalia 2013 Nelle faglie sottomarine dello stretto di Messina la risposta ai terremoti (29/07/2013 - 13:57:54)Articoli correlatiLa Pac assicura 6 miliardi di euro all'anno, sette gli anni di programmazione

Japan’s love of Turkish hand-made carpets on rise

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:47:00 +0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

The export of h and -made Turkish carpets to Japan soared 38 percent in the first six month of the year

Nelle faglie sottomarine dello stretto di Messina la risposta ai terremoti

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:44:00 +0200libero-news (it)

Roma, 29 lug. (Adnkronos) - Verrà presentato a Pisa a Geoitalia 2013, convention internazionale organizzata dalla Federazione Italiana di Scienze della Terra dal 16 al 18 settembre prossimo, un progetto per lo studio delle faglie sottomarine attive nell'area dello stretto di Messina, al largo delle coste della Sicilia orientale e della Calabria.

Brit missing in Tokyo left, took cash?

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:43:00 +0200japantimes (en)

A British expat who vanished in May and was feared a victim of foul play may have left Japan with some of his company's cash ...

Nelle faglie sottomarine dello stretto di Messina la risposta ai terremoti

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:42:00 +0200247libero (it)

... un progetto per lo studio delle faglie sottomarine attive nell'area dello stretto di Messina, al largo delle coste della Sicilia orientale e della Calabria. Il progetto PRIN denominato ''Geodinamica ...

Nelle faglie sottomarine dello stretto di Messina la risposta ai terremoti

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:31:00 +0200panorama (it)

Il progetto PRIN denominato ''Geodinamica Attiva'' si propone di quantificare le deformazioni recenti e determinare gli elementi di pericolosità geologica lungo le coste dell'Italia meridionale

Los científicos prueban un material que evitaría las explosiones nucleares

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:22:00 +0200rt-es (es)

Сientíficos del MIT prueban un material de revestimiento de cerámica para proteger las barras de combustible de las centrales nucleares y evitar la liberación de hidrógeno explosivo en caso de accidente nuclear.

Terremoto pode ter liberado gás que contribui para aquecimento global

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 13:47:00 +0200g1-globo (pt)

Tremor de magnitude 8,1, de 1945, liberou gr and e quantidade de metano. Descoberta revela nova fonte natural de emissão de gases do efeito estufa.

¿Bajar precios o bajar gastos?

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:50:00 +0200elperiodico-GT (es)

En declaraciones a los medios de comunicación, el Presidente ha mostrado seguir profundamente preocupado por el incremento de precios, sobre todo en productos como los huevos, el pan, las tortillas, la electricidad, la carne y el gas propano sobre la economía familiar.

Tepco ist kein Kommunikationsunternehmen

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:29:00 +0200netzeitung (de)

· Die Betreibergesellschaft wollte bislang glauben machen, dass die Lage weitaus unproblematischer sei. Von Abflüssen radioaktiven Wassers aus dem havarierten Kernkraftwerkskomplex Fukushima will das Unternehmen nichts gewusst haben.

Tepco: Kommunikation ist etwas anderes

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:26:00 +0200faz (de)

Die Betreibergesellschaft wollte bislang glauben machen, dass die Lage weitaus unproblematischer sei. Von Abflüssen radioaktiven Wassers aus dem havarierten Kernkraftwerkskomplex Fukushima will das Unternehmen nichts gewusst haben.

Katastrophe für den Magen / Der Tsunami brachte in Japan Stress als Auslöser von Magengeschwüren in Erinnerung

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 08:38:00 +0200adhoc (de)

"BAIERBRUNN (OTS) - SEIT DAS BAKTERIUM HELICOBACTER PYLORI ..." 29.07.13 | 08:15 Uhr | 2 mal gelesen Katastrophe für den Magen / Der Tsunami brachte in Japan Stress als Auslöser von Magengeschwüren in Erinnerung Baierbrunn (ots) - Seit das Bakterium Helicobacter pylori als Verursacher von....

Katastrophe für den Magen / Der Tsunami brachte in Japan Stress als Auslöser von Magengeschwüren in Erinnerung

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 08:16:00 +0200presseportal (de)

Wort und Bild - Apo the ken Umschau: Baierbrunn (ots) - Seit das Bakterium Helicobacter pylori als Verursacher von Magengeschwüren bekannt ist, geriet die früher vermutete Ursache Stress fast in Vergessenheit. Die Folgen des Tsunami von 2011 in Japan bringen sie nun wieder in ...

Fukushima to dump radioactive water in Pacific

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 08:13:00 +0200palestinewater (en)

of Japan 's crippled nuclear plant said Friday that it delayed acknowledging that the plant was leaking contaminated water into the sea because it did not want to worry the public until it was certain there was a problem. Tokyo Electric Power Co. acknowledged for the first time this week that its....

Impartirán Curso-Taller “Preparación y Respuesta a Tsunamis”

Sun, 28 Jul 2013 21:58:00 +0200elcaribe (es)

El Centro de Estudios de Seguridad y Defensa (Cesede) de FUNGLODE organiza Curso-Taller “Preparación y Respuesta a Tsunamis” dirigida principalmente al sector hotelero y turístico del país. Con esta iniciativa, el Cesede busca que los participantes adquieran entre el 29 y el 31 de Julio,....

Earthquakes Burp Up Methane Bubbles

Sun, 28 Jul 2013 20:23:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

The long-suspected link between earthquakes and underwater methane bursts has finally been confirmed, reports a study published today (July 28) in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Quakes Thought to Help Release Methane From Seabed

Sun, 28 Jul 2013 19:36:00 +0200nytimes (en)

Seepage of methane, a greenhouse gas, in the Arabian Sea may be linked to a 1945 earthquake, a study suggests. The finding may affect global warming estimates.

Takashi Kuribayashi Gelar Pameran Ruang dan Batas

Sun, 28 Jul 2013 17:51:00 +0200bisnis (id)

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Takashi Kuribayashi, seniman asal Jepang, menggelar pameran tunggal di Selasar Sunaryo Art Space dengan memajang sejumlah karyanya yang dibuka untuk umum mulai hari ini, Minggu (28/7/2013).Pameran dengan tema Threshold | Ambang ini menampilkan persoalan ruang dan batas yang....

Three Ham Heroes do State proud

Sun, 28 Jul 2013 17:16:00 +0200thehindu (en)

If you thought Ham radio was about setting up and tuning complicated electronic gadgets and communicating to strangers over radio waves using esoteric codes for private recreation, the n think again...

5.4 magnitude quake jolts Russian Far East

Sun, 28 Jul 2013 13:35:00 +0200rt (en)

10:42 5.4 magnitude quake jolts Russian Far East. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 occurred Sunday afternoon in the Pacific Ocean off Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula, the Emergencies Ministry says. The epicenter was 33km below the ground. No casualties or destruction has yet been registered.

El terremoto de la censura herreña podría ser un ‘tsunami’ en La Palma

Sun, 28 Jul 2013 02:21:00 +0200diariodeavisos (es)

Los socialistas corren el riesgo de romper el partido si deciden sacar a CC del poder con el apoyo del PP; además de crear una tormenta política en Canarias

Vrei să te simţi formidabil în concediu? Încearcă parcurile de distracţii! Mallorca, de la 448 € de persoană! FOTO

Sun, 28 Jul 2013 01:43:00 +0200libertatea (ro)

Una din atracţiile pe care le recom and cu zâmbetul cât China oricui mă întreabă ceva de Tenerife este parcul Loro. O grădină zoologică ieşită din schemele clasice, pe care ne-am propus s-o bifăm, pentru că era pe lista de obiective de neratat, şi de unde n-am mai fi plecat dacă nu s-ar fi făcut ora închiderii.

Con Google Street View puedes visitar los "pueblos fantasmas" cercanos a Fukushima

Sun, 28 Jul 2013 01:36:00 +0200tiempo (es)

En Namie, una ciudad que llegó a tener 21.000 habitantes, no queda un alma. El tiempo se detuvo el 11 de marzo de 2011, el día de la catástrofe nuclear en la central. Namie fue evacuada por las radiaciones emitidas por la central de Fukushima Daiichi, devastada hace dos años por un tsunami....

El nivel de cesio radiactivo en el agua de un túnel subterráneo de Fukushima es similar al de 2011

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 21:08:00 +0200es-noticias (es)

La Compañía de Energía Eléctrica de Tokio (TEPCO) ha revelado este sábado que ha detectado 2.350 millones de becquerelios -- la medida de liberación de energía radiactiva-- de cesio por cada litro de agua de un túnel subterráneo de la central nuclear de Fukushima-1, aproximadamente el mismo nivel....

El nivel de cesio radiactivo en el agua de un túnel subterráneo de Fukushima es similar al de 2011

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 20:13:00 +0200telecinco (es)

La Compañía de Energía Eléctrica de Tokio (TEPCO) ha revelado este sábado que ha detectado 2.350 millones de becquerelios -- la medida de liberación de energía radiactiva-- de cesio por cada litro de agua de un túnel subterráneo de la central nuclear de Fukushima-1, aproximadamente el mismo nivel....

Nurse: Child abuse increasing in Japanese areas hit by 2011 quake

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 19:50:00 +0200upi (en)

TOKYO, July 27 (UPI) -- Child abuse is on the rise in areas of Japan devastated by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, welfare workers say.

Água contaminada em Fukushima tem nível de radioatividade semelhante ao registrado em 2011

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 18:25:00 +0200ne10 (pt)

A empresa Tokyo Electric Power (Tpco), que administra a Usina Nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi, no Nordeste do Japão, informou que a água contaminada que vazou para o Oceano Pacífico tem os mesmos níveis de radioatividade e, portanto, a mesma contaminação registrada na época do acidente nuclear.

Água contaminada em Fukushima tem nível de radioatividade semelhante ao registrado em 2011

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 18:02:00 +0200agenciabrasil (pt)

Renata Giraldi* Repórter da Agência Brasil Brasília A empresa Tokyo Electric Power (Tpco), que administra a Usina Nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi, no Nordeste do Japão, informou que a água contaminada que vazou para o Oceano Pacífico tem os mesmos níveis de radioatividade e, portanto, a mesma contaminação registrada na época do acidente nuclear.

Um refugiado a cada 4 segundos

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 17:51:00 +0200estadao (pt)

Catástrofe humanitária na Síria faz com que 6 mil pessoas deixem o país todos os dias

Incredible stories that should not be forgotten

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 16:51:00 +0200japantimes (en)

Foreign journalists charged with covering Japan's devastating March 2011 disasters faced an enormous challenge: sensitively expressing the human tragedy while accurately assessing the vast amount ...

Fukushima operator TEPCO knew radioactive water was leaking into Pacific a month before going public

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 16:05:00 +0200abc-au (en)

It has been revealed that the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant knew about leaks of radioactive groundwater into the ocean a month before it publicly disclosed the problem.

La terre se dérobe sous les pieds de l’homme fort de Kigali

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 14:25:00 +0200digitalcongo (fr)

Décidément, la roue ne tourne plus en faveur de celui qui s’était toujours fait passer pour le nombril de la terre. Paul Kagame, car c’est de lui qu’il s’agit, n’a plus le vent en poupe, bien au contraire. C’est cela le cours de l’histoire, surtout lorsqu’on sait que la terre s’est dérobée sous les pieds de l’homme fort de Kigali.

NGC to air one hour long documentary on the natural calamity in Uttarakhand

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 09:44:00 +0200indiantelevision (en)

National Geographic Channel is known for inspiring its viewers and satisfying the innate curiosity through its innovative shows that challenge what we know and how we perceive our world.

La photo de cet homme qui refuse de faire le salut nazi a fait le tour du monde

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 08:30:00 +0200tamtaminfo (fr)

La photo de cet homme, bras croisés, refusant de faire le salut nazi à Hambourg un jour de 1936, fait le tour du monde grâce à une page Facebook... japonaise. Voici son histoire.

Changement de donne

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 08:20:00 +0200lepotentiel (fr)

Written by LE POTENTIEL: Hits: 5. Décidément, la roue ne tourne plus en faveur de celui qui s’était toujours fait passer pour le nombril de la terre. Paul Kagame, car c’est de lui qu’il s’agit, n’a plus le vent en poupe, bien au contraire. C’est cela le cours de l’histoire, surtout lorsqu’on sait....

Strong earthquake strikes South Sandwich Islands region

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 07:17:00 +0200nst (en)

KUALA LUMPUR: A strong earthquake, measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale, struck the South S and wich Islands region in the south ern Atlantic Ocean at 5.33 am today, the Malaysian Meteorological Department reported.

El 8 de agosto será el simulacro de terremoto y tsunami en Antofagasta

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 06:36:00 +0200upi-es (es)

ANTOFAGASTA, Chile, jul. 26 (UPI) -- El intendente de la nortina región chilena de Antofagasta, Pablo Toloza, junto al director regional de Onemi Antofagasta, Mario León, encabezaron la ceremonia de lanzamiento del simulacro de terremoto y tsunami que se realizará el 8 de agosto, en el marco del ejercicio de la macrozona norte del país.

Kirk’s most exotic parish

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 04:29:00 +0200express (en)

THE Church of Scotl and is seeking a new minister for one of the most beautiful parishes in the world, in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo

Simulacro de terremoto y tsunami se realizará el próximo 8 de agosto

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 03:58:00 +0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

La iniciativa espera movilizar a 100 mil personas, aproximadamente, que viven y trabajan en el borde costero de Tocopilla, Mejillones, Antofagasta y Taltal.

Delay in Disclosing Leaks at Fukushima Is Criticized

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 01:33:00 +0200nytimes (en)

The lack of transparency by the operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company, in revealing that contaminated water from the site had been flowing into the ocean has renewed public frustration.

National › TEPCO says it was reluctant to worry public over toxic water leak

Sat, 27 Jul 2013 00:30:00 +0200japantoday (en)

The operator of Japan's crippled nuclear plant said Friday that it delayed acknowledging that the plant was leaking contaminated water into the sea because it did not want to worry the public until it was certain there was a problem. Earlier this week, Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) acknowledged....

Anger mounts at Fukushima plant operator over radiation leaks

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 19:30:00 +0200euronews-en (en)

Anger is growing at the operators of Fukushima, as an increasing number of reports indicate that Japan's crippled nuclear plant does not have…

Japan Fast Facts

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 19:20:00 +0200cnn (en)

(CNN) -- Here's a look at what you need to know about Japan, a country of isl and s located off the eastern coast of Asia. About Japan: Land area: 377,915 sq km. Population: 127,253,075 (July 2013 est.) Median age: 45.8 years (2013 est.) Capital: Tokyo. Ethnic groups: Japanese 98.5%, Koreans 0.5%, Chinese 0.

Lühr: "Gewaltige Mengen Schlamm!"

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 18:37:00 +0200deutschewelle-de (de)

Seit 2006 spuckt der indonesische Schlammvulkan Lusi Schlamm. Zahlreiche Dörfer sind seitdem versunken, über 30.000 Menschen mussten die Gegend verlassen. Schuld könnte ein Erdbeben sein - aber auch eine Gasbohrung.

Magnitude 5.0 earthquake recorded off B.C.'s west coast

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 18:12:00 +0200CBC (en)

Earthquakes Canada said no surge or tsunami was expected to reach shores after a small earthquake rattled the ocean off northwestern Vancouver Isl and early Friday morning.

‘This is an Honor for All of Us’

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 17:35:00 +0200irrawaddy (en)

An ethnic Kachin philanthropist takes home Asia’s version of the Nobel Prize, and chats with The Irrawaddy about what inspired her to give back.

Magnitude 5.1 earthquake recorded off west coast of Vancouver Island

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 16:22:00 +0200news-yahoo (en)

VANCOUVER - An earthquake has rattled the area off northwestern Vancouver Isl and .

NGO calls on Japan, U.S. to up humanitarian aid role

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 16:21:00 +0200japantimes (en)

A U.S.-based nongovernmental organization is calling on Japan and the United States to strengthen the security alliance by improving their humanitarian assistance capabilities in the ...

Fukushima Leak: TEPCO Delayed Informing Public Of Contaminated Water Leaking Into Sea

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 16:02:00 +0200huffingtonpost-Italia-en (en)

TOKYO -- The operator of Japan's crippled nuclear plant said Friday that it delayed acknowledging that the plant was leaking contaminated water into the sea because it did not want to worry the public until it was certain there was a problem. Tokyo Electric Power Co.

Nucleare: trovato il modo di evitare esplosioni di idrogeno come quelle di Fukushima?

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 15:31:00 +0200greenreport (it)

La tragedia nucleare di Fukushima Daiichi, innescata dal terremoto/tsunami dell’11 marzo 2011 e soprattutto da una serie incredibile di sottovalutazioni progettuali e tecniche e di errori umani, ha avuto il suo culmine con le esplosioni di idrogeno che si era accumulato nei reattori causato dal....

TEPCO agrees of leaking contaminated water into sea

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 15:22:00 +0200thehindu (en)

The operator of Japan’s crippled nuclear plant said on Friday that it delayed acknowledging that the plant was leaking contaminated water into the sea because it did not want to worry the public un...

Cutremuri în Cercul de Foc al Pacificului

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 14:40:00 +0200observatorulph (ro)

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,2 în largul Insulei Vanuatu, nu s-a dat şi o alertă de tsunami. ...

Fuego, agua y tierra: los malos espíritus de Fukushima Daiichi

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 14:32:00 +0200rtve (es)

La central está construida sobre un suelo de lutita permeable Bajo la central hay una falla que puede haberse reactivado por el terremoto El agua radiactiva se filtra al mar, provoc and o una situación preocupante Leer la noticia completa

Groundswell: Rebuilding lives, rebuilding Samoa

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 14:17:00 +0200samoaobserver (en)

“On the first anniversary of the tsunami, a team of surfers supported by three outrigging canoes paddled by current and retired NRL players, made the 7km journey across the iconic Sydney Harbour. Through sponsorship, the event raised A$12,000 (T$24,000) which provided the funding to return to Samoa”.

Seism cu magnitudinea 6,2 în Pacific, în largul insulei Vanuatu

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 12:43:00 +0200ziare-pe-net (ro)

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,2 s-a produs, vineri, în Pacific, în largul insulei Vanuatu, fără să fi declanșat o alertă de tsunami. Potrivit institutului geofizic american USGS, seismul a fost înregistrat la ora 07:07 GMT, 10:07, ora...

Gempa besar guncang Vanuatu, tidak ada peringatan tsunami

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 12:23:00 +0200radioaustralianews-id (id)

Gempa besar terjadi di lautan antara Kepulauan di Selatan Pasifik, Vanuatu. Geolog Australia memperkirakan gempa berkekuatan 5.7 Skala Richter, sementara Survey Geologi Amerika mengatakan gempa itu berkekuatan 6.2 Skala Richter.

Large earthquake off Vanuatu, no tsunami warning

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 11:31:00 +0200radioaustralianews (en)

A large earthquake has hit in the ocean between isl and s of the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu.

Himalaya 'tsunami' shows need for science in disaster plans

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 11:12:00 +0200trust (en)

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - As India’s nor the rn state of Uttarakh and recovers from mid-June’s devastating flash floods and residents wonder when their lives might return to normal, another question lingers: How can similar tragedies be prevented in a country already prone to natural....

6.2 quake hits off Vanuatu

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 11:11:00 +0200news_com_au (en)

A 6.2 magnitude earthquake has hit off Vanuatu, but it is not expected to cause any damage because of its depth.

Large earthquake strikes off Vanuatu, no tsunami warning

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 11:04:00 +0200radioaustralia (en)

A large earthquake has hit in the ocean between isl and s of the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu.

VIDEO: 3D globus v planetáriu ukáže výbuch sopky i posun tsunami

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 11:02:00 +0200idnes (cs)

Pohyb oblaků a vzdušných proudů, noční zář obydlených oblastí Země, tak, jak je vidět z kosmu, pohyb ničivé vlny tsunami nebo i výbuch sopky. To je jen zlomek toho, co ukáže návštěvníkům speciální 3D globus, jehož instalace se právě dokončuje v planetáriu plzeňského Science Centra Techmania.

Japan sees consumer prices rise

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:51:00 +0200bbc (en)

Japanese consumer prices rise for the first time in more than a year in June, a sign that policies aimed at ending deflation could be yielding results.

Sismo de 6,2 grados sacude las islas de Vanuatu

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:44:00 +0200diariocorreo (es)

Un terremoto de 6,2 grados de magnitud sacudió hoy las islas de la región de Vanuatu, en el Pacífico Sur, sin que las autoridades hayan informado de víctimas o declarado una alerta de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos indicó en el informe preliminar que el temblor se produjo a una profundidad de 135 kilómetros.

Tepco President Apologizes for Fukushima Leak Disclosure Delay

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:29:00 +0200bloomberg (en)

erred by not publicly airing its suspicions that radioactive groundwater at the Fukushima nuclear plant may be leaking into the ocean, the company’s president said. The utility known as Tepco suspected that the groundwater was seeping into the Pacific more than a month before it acknowledged that....

India: Himalaya 'tsunami' shows need for science in disaster plans

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:03:00 +0200reliefWeb (en)

Source: Reuters - AlertNet Country: India Author: Erin Berger LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - As India’s nor the rn state of Uttarakh and recovers from mid-June’s devastating flash floods and residents wonder when their lives might return to normal, another question lingers: How can similar....

Une nouvelle donne pour les Grands Lacs

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 07:58:00 +0200lepotentiel (fr)

Written by Rédaction Online: Hits: 3. Décidément, la roue ne tourne plus en faveur de celui qui s’était toujours fait passer pour le nombril de la terre. Paul Kagame, car c’est de lui qu’il s’agit, n’a plus le vent en poupe, bien au contraire. C’est cela le cours de l’histoire, surtout lorsqu’on....

Business-School-Chef sieht kostenlose Onlinekurse nicht als Gefahr für Hochschulen

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 07:41:00 +0200adhoc (de)

26.07.13 | 07:13 Uhr | 2 mal gelesen "KOSTENLOSE ONLINEKURSE FÜR JEDERMANN, WIE SIE DERZEIT VIELE ..." Business-School-Chef sieht kostenlose Onlinekurse nicht als Gefahr für Hochschulen Kostenlose Onlinekurse für jedermann, wie sie derzeit viele Hochschulen im Internet anbieten, werden so schnell....

Business-School-Chef sieht kostenlose Onlinekurse nicht als Gefahr für Hochschulen

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 07:23:00 +020024pr (de)

Kostenlose Onlinekurse für jedermann, wie sie derzeit viele Hochschulen im Internet anbieten, werden so schnell keine Konkurrenz für traditionelle Universitäten sein: Davon zumindest ist Sunil Kumar, Dekan der amerikanischen University of Chicago Booth School of Business überzeugt.

Awaria w Fukushimie. Wciąż nie jest bezpiecznie

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 07:15:00 +0200money (pl)

Usuwanie szkód spowodowanych przez awarię może być nawet pięć razy droższe niż zostało to początkowo oszacowane i zabudżetowane przez rząd.


Fri, 26 Jul 2013 05:32:00 +0200lanouvellerepublique (fr)

> 1944. Cette catastrophe ferroviaire est l'une des plus gr and es jamais survenues en Espagne. En 1944, une collision entre un train qui effectuait lui aussi la liaison entre Madrid et la Galice et une locomotive avait fait des centaines de morts. En 1972, 77 personnes avaient été tuées dans le déraillement d'un train qui reliait Cadix à Sévi.

Japanese women retake top spot for life expectancy

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 03:36:00 +0200thenews-pk (en)

TOKYO: Japan s women retook the ir place as the world s longest-lived last year, edging out Hong Kongers as their life expectancy bounced back from the

Noi vapori radioactivi

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 03:18:00 +0200telegrafonline (ro)

Sistemul de răcire al unui reactor al centralei avariate Fukushima s-a oprit temporar, ieri, în timp ce vaporii de abur erau vizibili deasupra unei alte clădiri afectate. Dispozitivul de răcire al reactorului 6, care nu a fost avariat de tsunami şi de exploziile ulterioare, s-a oprit temporar în jurul orei locale 10.

Archbishop thanks his wellwishers

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 01:33:00 +0200YorkshirePost (en)

THE Archbishop of York has thanked wellwishers for a “tsunami of love and prayers” which has helped him through his cancer ordeal after his surgeon revealed a tumour has successfully been removed. Dr John Sentamu released a statement yesterday in which he revealed that he had been given extremely....

National › Japanese women retake top spot for life expectancy

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 00:18:00 +0200japantoday (en)

Japan's women retook the ir place as the world's longest-lived last year, edging out Hong Kong women as their life expectancy bounced back from the dip caused by the 2011 tsunami, officials said Thursday. Health ministry data showed girls born in Japan in 2012 could expect on average to live to…

Inevitable liberar agua radiactiva al mar: autoridad nuclear japonesa

Fri, 26 Jul 2013 00:07:00 +0200vanguardia-MX (es)

“Es inevitable”, admitió Shunichi Tanaka, presidente de la autoridad nuclear, ante lo cual asociaciones de pescadores presentaron este jueves una protesta contra TEPCO por el líquido contaminado que desemboca en el océano Pacífico

Japan's gain as HK women lose four months of life

Thu, 25 Jul 2013 23:08:00 +0200scmp (en)

Hong Kong has lost its claim to having the world's longest-living women after their life expectancy fell slightly to 86.3 years in 2012 - from 86.7 years in 2011.

MLC : Thomas LUHAKA désavoué

Thu, 25 Jul 2013 23:02:00 +0200kongotimes (fr)

Ejecté de l'instance supérieure du parti, Jean Lucien Bussa lance, avec plus de dix députés, le Mouvement démocratique et rénovateur et désavoue Thomas Luhaka. Dans

Un nou incident a avut loc la centrala Fukushima

Thu, 25 Jul 2013 21:39:00 +0200crisana (ro)

Sistemul de răcire al unui reactor al centralei avariate Fukushima s-a oprit temporar ieri, în timp ce vaporii sunt în continuare vizibili deasupra unei alte clădiri afectate, a anunţat operatorul complexului atomic, citat de AFP.

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