Forest Fire (8834 ha) in Myanmar 22 Mar 2023

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Articles after 21 Mar 2023

Work-from-home order issued as Thai city tops world pollution table

2023-04-07T18:03+0200newagebd (en)

Smoke from forest fires and farmers burning crop stubble has blanketed Thailand's Chiang Mai in recent weeks. --AFP file photo. Thailand’s Chiang Mai was ranked the world’s most polluted city on Friday, with authorities urging people to work from home to avoid the hazardous air.

Work-from-home order issued as Thai city tops world pollution table

2023-04-07T15:38+0200terradaily (en)

Thailand's Chiang Mai was ranked the world's most polluted city on Friday, with authorities urging people to work from home to avoid the hazardous air. Smoke from forest fires and farmers burning crop stubble has blanketed the popular tourist destination in recent weeks.

Work-from-home order issued as Thai city tops world pollution table

2023-04-07T12:57+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Smoke from forest fires and farmers burning crop stubble has blanketed the popular tourist destination in recent weeks Thailand's Chiang Mai was ranked the world's most polluted city on Friday, with authorities urging people to work from home to avoid the hazardous air.

Work-from-home order issued as Thai city tops world pollution table

2023-04-07T12:02+0200timesofmalta (en)

Thailand's Chiang Mai was ranked the world's most polluted city on Friday, with authorities urging people to work from home to avoid the hazardous air. Smoke from forest fires and farmers burning crop stubble has blanketed the popular tourist destination in recent weeks.

Work-from-home order issued as Thai city tops world pollution table

2023-04-07T11:57+0200channelnewsasia (en)

CHIANG MAI: Thailand's Chiang Mai was ranked the world's most polluted city on Friday (Apr 7), with authorities urging people to work from home to avoid the hazardous air. Smoke from forest fires and farmers burning crop stubble has blanketed the popular tourist destination in recent weeks.

Work-from-home order issued as Thai city tops world pollution table

2023-04-07T11:56+0200tribuneonline (en)

Thailand’s Chiang Mai was ranked the world’s most polluted city on Friday, with authorities urging people to work from home to avoid the hazardous air. Smoke from forest fires and farmers burning crop stubble has blanketed the popular tourist destination in recent weeks.

07/04/2023 Work-from-home order issued as Thai city tops world pollution table

2023-04-07T11:45+0200rfi-en (en)

Smoke from forest fires and farmers burning crop stubble has blanketed the popular tourist destination in recent weeks. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha held video talks with the leaders of neighbouring Myanmar and Laos to discuss the problem, which affects large areas of southeast Asia every year.

Work-from-home order issued as Thai city tops world pollution table

2023-04-07T11:44+0200enca (en)

CHIANG MAI - Thailand's Chiang Mai was ranked the world's most polluted city on Friday, with authorities urging people to work from home to avoid the hazardous air. Smoke from forest fires and farmers burning crop stubble has blanketed the popular tourist destination in recent weeks.

Work-from-home order issued as Thai city tops world pollution table

2023-04-07T11:37+0200sinchew (en)

CHIANG MAI: Thailand’s Chiang Mai was ranked the world’s most polluted city on Friday, with authorities urging people to work from home to avoid the hazardous air. Smoke from forest fires and farmers burning crop stubble has blanketed the popular tourist destination in recent weeks.

Work-from-home order issued as Thai city tops world pollution table

2023-04-07T11:36+0200urdupoint (en)

Chiang Mai, Thailand, April 7 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Apr, 2023 ) :Thailand's was ranked the world 's most polluted city on Friday, with authorities urging people to work home to avoid the hazardous air. Smoke from forest fires and farmers burning crop stubble has blanketed the popular tourist destination in recent weeks.

Chiang Mai governor asks employers to allow staff to work from home

2023-04-07T07:58+0200thaipbs (en)

As air pollution from PM2.5 dust and forest fire smoke in Chiang Mai has exceeded the safety level, with the problem likely to get worse, Governor Nirat Pongsitthavorn sought cooperation from both the private and public sectors yesterday, by allowing their staff to work from home today (Friday).

Myanmar, il dramma senza fine di un Paese, che è il secondo al mondo più colpito da disastri climatici: un terzo della popolazione vive di aiuti

2023-04-06T17:38+0200repubblica (it)

BERGAMO - Temperature estreme, cicloni, allagamenti, frane, incendi. E quindi morte, fame e mancanza d’acqua, povertà, epidemie e migrazioni. Il Myanmar è il secondo Paese al mondo più soggetto a eventi meteorologici estremi legati ai cambiamenti climatici, mentre gli effetti di questi ultimi si....

Myanmar, i volti di chi vive gli effetti della crisi climatica

2023-04-06T15:21+0200luce-lanazione (it)

Undicimila disastri climatici negli ultimi 20 anni. Oltre 475mila persone uccise , e in Italia, solo nel 2022, sono stati 310 gli eventi meteorologici estremi, il 55% in più in un anno, con un bilancio di almeno 29 morti. Temperature infuocate, cicloni, allagamenti, frane, incendi.

Il Myanmar a Bergamo con la mostra “Semi di speranza”: l’emergenza climatica per Cesvi

2023-04-02T20:26+0200bergamonews (it)

La mostra non racconta un problema “lontano”, ma un allarme che riguarda tutto il pianeta. “Negli ultimi anni anche il nostro lato del mondo ha sofferto gli effetti reali dell’emergenza climatica: i fiumi si sono prosciugati, i ghiacciai si sono sciolti, gli incendi hanno distrutto boschi e campi,....

Thailand’s extreme air pollution: ’I feel sorry for my daughter’ 17 minute ago - 0 - 0 For the past few weeks, Thommamoon Khowasat has painstakingly explained to his four year-old daughter that the yellow cloud they see outside their window - which has tickled her imagination - is actually a danger to her health.

2023-04-02T10:43+0200dailymirror (en)

For the past few weeks, Thommamoon Khowasat has painstakingly explained to his four year-old daughter that the yellow cloud they see outside their window - which has tickled her imagination - is actually a danger to her health. It's a scare that has gripped northern Thailand where millions of people are currently finding it harder to breathe.

Thailand Raises Haze Concerns With Neighboring Countries

2023-04-01T20:29+0200khaosodenglish (en)

The worst PM2.5 levels in northern Thailand have been affecting an increasing number of people. The Thai government is now being pressed to bring this issue up for discussion with neighboring countries. Kanchana Patarachok, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, stated on April 1, that Deputy....

Dramma climatico in Myanmar, a Bergamo la mostra “Semi di speranza”

2023-04-01T10:42+0200askanews (it)

Roma, 1 apr. (askanews) – Temperature estreme, cicloni, allagamenti, frane, incendi. E quindi morte, fame e mancanza d’acqua, povertà, epidemie e migrazioni. Il Myanmar è il secondo Paese al mondo più soggetto a eventi meteorologici estremi legati ai cambiamenti climatici, mentre gli effetti di....

News2 hours ago People in Fear Northern Thailand’s Extreme PM2.5 Air Pollution Fear has gripped northern Thailand, where millions of people are struggling to breathe due to lethal PM2.5 air pollution. Widespread...

2023-03-31T23:07+0200chiangraitimes (en)

Fear has gripped northern Thailand, where millions of people are struggling to breathe due to lethal PM2.5 air pollution. Widespread farm burning and forest fires have produced even thicker smog than usual, choking communities and exposing them to respiratory disease.

Forest fires degrade air quality in north Thailand 2023-04-01 Forest fires in northern Thailand are threatening to worsen the country’s air pollution, which has sent nearly 2 million people to hospitals with respiratory illnesses since the beginning of the year.

2023-03-31T18:08+0200taipeitimes (en)

Forest fires in northern Thailand are threatening to worsen the country’s air pollution, which has sent nearly 2 million people to hospitals with respiratory illnesses since the beginning of the year. Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha on Thursday ordered urgent steps to put out forest fires in....

Dramma senza fine in Myanmar: 2° Paese al mondo più colpito da disastri climatici

2023-03-31T16:42+0200corrierequotidiano (it)

Temperature estreme, cicloni, allagamenti, frane, incendi. E quindi morte, fame e mancanza d’acqua, povertà, epidemie e migrazioni. Il Myanmar è il secondo Paese al mondo più soggetto a eventi meteorologici estremi legati ai cambiamenti climatici , mentre gli effetti di questi ultimi si sommano alle....

Dramma senza fine in Myanmar: 2° Paese al mondo più colpito...

2023-03-31T16:35+0200politicamentecorretto (it)

sostenute 4,6 mln persone in 20 anni” La mostra ‘SEMI DI SPERANZA’ a Bergamo: le fotografie di Gianfranco Ferraro raccontano la quotidianità degli abitanti della Dry Zone, la vasta area al centro del Myanmar dove vive circa un quarto della popolazione. Bergamo, 31 marzo . Temperature estreme, cicloni, allagamenti, frane, incendi.

“Semi di speranza. Voci e volti dal Myanmar”: il dramma senza fine del Myanmar in mostra a Bergamo con CESVI e AICS

2023-03-31T16:19+0200aise (it)

BERGAMO\ aise\ - Temperature estreme, cicloni, allagamenti, frane, incendi; e quindi morte, fame e mancanza d’acqua, povertà, epidemie e migrazioni. Il Myanmar è il secondo Paese al mondo più soggetto a eventi meteorologici estremi legati ai cambiamenti climatici , mentre gli effetti di questi....

Myanmar, secondo Paese al mondo più colpito dai cambiamenti climatici Cesvi: "Un terzo della popolazione del Paese ha bisogno di aiuti umanitari, sostenute 4,6 mln persone in 20 anni". Temperature estreme, cicloni, allagamenti, frane, incendi. L’impatto del cambiamento climatico sull’ambiente e....

2023-03-31T16:13+0200informazione (it)

Cesvi: "Un terzo della popolazione del Paese ha bisogno di aiuti umanitari, sostenute 4,6 mln persone in 20 anni". Temperature estreme, cicloni, allagamenti, frane, incendi. L’impatto del cambiamento climatico sull’ambiente e sulla popolazione del Myanmar è raccontato dalla mostra fotografica ‘SEMI DI SPERANZA.

Myanmar, una mostra a Bergamo racconta la crisi climatica

2023-03-31T15:40+0200redattoresociale (it)

ROMA - 'L'impatto del cambiamento climatico sull'ambiente e sulla popolazione del Myanmar ' è il tema raccontato dalla mostra fotografica ' Semi di speranza. Voci e volti dal Myanmar ' di Gianfranco Ferraro, con la curatela di Sandro Iovine, organizzata dalla ong Cesvi e inaugurata venerdì 31 marzo e....

Myanmar: 2° Paese più colpito da disastri climatici

2023-03-31T14:54+0200logosnews (it)

Temperature estreme, cicloni, allagamenti, frane, incendi. E quindi morte, fame e mancanza d’acqua, povertà, epidemie e migrazioni. Il Myanmar è il secondo Paese al mondo più soggetto a eventi meteorologici estremi legati ai cambiamenti climatici, mentre gli effetti di questi ultimi si sommano alle....

Yellow Clouds of Doom: How Thailand’s forest fires have made millions sick

2023-03-31T13:55+0200firstpost (en)

Air quality has worsened in Thailand, sending millions to hospitals with respiratory issues this year alone. Raging forest fires and large-scale farm burning have contributed to air pollution, with the condition particularly bad this year. Forest fires are an annual problem for Thailand between....

Bergamo, una mostra fotografica racconta la crisi climatica in Myanmar

2023-03-31T13:14+0200vita (it)

" di Gianfranco Ferraro , con la curatela di Sandro Iovine, inaugurata venerdì 31 marzo e visitabile sino al 1 maggio al Palazzo Ex Ateneo, in piazza Giuliano, a Bergamo. L’esposizione rientra nel calendario delle iniziative Bergamo-Brescia Capitale italiana della cultura e ha ottenuto il patrocinio....

Permalink to: Dramma Myanmar, 2° Paese al mondo più colpito da disastri climatici

2023-03-31T12:51+0200askanews (it)

Roma, 31 mar. (askanews) – Temperature estreme, cicloni, allagamenti, frane, incendi. E quindi morte, fame e mancanza d’acqua, povertà, epidemie e migrazioni. Il Myanmar è il secondo Paese al mondo più soggetto a eventi meteorologici estremi legati ai cambiamenti climatici, mentre gli effetti di....

Thai Forest Fires Worsen Pollution That’s Left Two Million Ill

2023-03-31T04:22+0200bnnbloomberg (en)

(Bloomberg) -- Raging forest fires in northern Thailand are threatening to worsen the country’s air pollution, which has sent nearly two million people to hospitals with respiratory illnesses since the beginning of the year. Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-Ocha on Thursday ordered urgent steps to put....

Thailand forest fires worsen pollution that has left two million ill

2023-03-31T03:54+0200straitstimesSG (en)

BANGKOK – Raging forest fires in northern Thailand are threatening to worsen the country’s air pollution, which has sent nearly two million people to hospitals with respiratory illnesses since the beginning of the year. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on Thursday ordered urgent steps to put out....

Raging wildfire engulfs mountains in northeast Thailand

2023-03-30T05:40+0200phuketgazette (en)

No evacuation orders were made yesterday despite the nearest communities living 400 – 500 metres away from the uncontrollable fire. Netizens pointed out that there are many makeshift construction worker camps near Khao Laem mountain. The military will convene at 8am today to plan how to prevent the fire from reaching communities, said the governor.

Thai PM instructs officials to accelerate anti-haze operations

2023-03-29T10:05+0200pattayamail (en)

The government has instructed relevant agencies to escalate their forest fire responses in an attempt to mitigate the air pollution crisis. The government has instructed relevant agencies to escalate their forest fire responses in an attempt to mitigate the air pollution crisis.

Curfews considered in harsher measures to control forest and farm fires

2023-03-27T15:48+0200thaipbs (en)

The Thai government may resort to harsher measures, including curfews in some areas, to deal with the lighting of forest fires and burning of farm waste, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Varawut Silpa-archa warned today (Monday), as air pollution in northern and north-eastern provinces increases.

Toxic Dust Reaches 542 mcg/m3 as Forest Fires Persist in Chiang Rai’s Mae Sai Area

2023-03-27T07:32+0200archyde (en)

Forest fires are still burning in several areas of Chiang Rai, particularly Mae Sai, causing toxic dust levels to rise to 542 micrograms/m3. The governor of Chiang Rai has ordered areas to create moisture in the air to mitigate the effects of smog and fine dust.

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