Global Flood Detection System - Version 2

An experimental system to detect and map in near-real time major river floods based on daily passive microwave satellite observations. The purpose is to identify and measure floods with potential humanitarian consequences after they occur.

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Global Flood Detection System – Data


Satellite observations are processed as soon as they are available at JRC. Lag times vary for different satellites from around 3 hours (AMSR2) to around 24 hours (GPM). GFDS has processed all data for TRMM, AMSR-E, AMSR2 and GPM, covering a time period from December 1997 to now.

Observations are converted in raster products on a daily basis and with global coverage, effectively providing water surface metrics with daily frequency for any location in the world.


Folder name




Merged daily and 4-day average datasets

1997-current, updated every 3h

Best dataset for operational applications. Highest sampling rate, global coverage. May have artifacts due to multi-sensor integration. Some known spatial calibration issues exist among sensors (1/2 pixel systematic shift).


Single sensor daily and 4-day average datasets

1997-current, updated every 3h

Best dataset for scientific studies. Lower sampling rate, not always global coverage. No noise from multi-sensor integration. Some known spatial calibration issues exist among sensors (1/2 pixel systematic shift).


Data from Global Precipitation Mission

Updated every 3h



Data from Tropical Rainfall Monitoring Mission

No longer updated



Data from AMSR2

Updated every 3h



Data from AMSR-E

No longer updated



For more technical information, please refer to the Technical Note on GFDS Data Products.