normal #FL_Red_n highlight #FL_Red_h normal #FL_Orange_n highlight #FL_Orange_h normal #FL_Green_n highlight #FL_Green_h normal #VO_Red_n highlight #VO_Red_h normal #VO_Orange_n highlight #VO_Orange_h normal #VO_Green_n highlight #VO_Green_h normal #VO_White_n highlight #VO_White_h normal #EQ_Red_n highlight #EQ_Red_h normal #EQ_Orange_n highlight #EQ_Orange_h normal #EQ_Green_n highlight #EQ_Green_h normal #TC_Red_n highlight #TC_Red_h normal #TC_Orange_n highlight #TC_Orange_h normal #TC_Green_n highlight #TC_Green_h The Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System provides near real-time alerts about natural disasters around the world and tools to facilitate response coordination, including news, maps and V. OSOCC. GDACS is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the United Nations. Global Disaster Alert and Coordination system %FolderList% Last Updated