M 6.2 in Guam on 06 Jul 2020 18:16 UTC

The list of all calculations completed triggered by the system and users referred to event
M6.2 in Guam, on 06 Jul 2020 18:16 UTC

realtime7 m6.31012140.330
realtime19 m6.212.4112.0532140.24510
realtime27 m6.31011.95140.230
realtime1.7 h 6.212.4112.0532140.2451strike=77.04 dip=85.31 rake=2.480
realtime1.7 h 6.212.4112.0532140.2451strike=167.24 dip=87.52 rake=175.310
realtime21.6 h 6.21012.065140.23040
realtime21.6 h 6.21012.065140.2304strike=77.04 dip=85.31 rake=2.480
realtime21.6 h 6.21012.065140.2304strike=167.24 dip=87.52 rake=175.310

Tsunami affected locations

Initial conditions