M 6.6 in Philippines from 23 Apr 2019 05:37 UTC to 05:37

The list of all calculations completed triggered by the system and users referred to event
M6.4 in Philippines, on 23 Apr 2019 05:37 UTC

realtime6 m6.51011.8125.320
realtime9 m6.28211.89125.20
realtime9 m6.28211.89125.20
realtime9 m6.686.311.867125.1630
realtime12 m6.58011.88125.170
realtime12 m6.58011.88125.170
realtime12 m6.68611.9125.20
realtime12 m6.510011.75125.240
realtime12 m6.510011.75125.240
realtime17 m6.58411.76125.240
realtime20 m6.370.1711.8273125.18910
realtime1 h 6.45411.8458125.18690
realtime2.3 h 6.58411.76125.240

Tsunami affected locations

Initial conditions